PokerKit: A Comprehensive Python Library for
Fine-Grained Multi-Variant Poker Game Simulations
Juho Kim
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Abstract—PokerKit is an open-source Python library designed
to overcome the restrictions of existing poker game simulation
and hand evaluation tools, which typically support only a handful
of poker variants and lack flexibility in game state control. In
contrast, PokerKit significantly expands this scope by supporting
an extensive array of poker variants and it provides a flexible
architecture for users to define their custom games. This paper
details the design and implementation of PokerKit, including its
intuitive programmatic API, multi-variant game support, and a
unified hand evaluation suite across different hand types. The
flexibility of PokerKit allows for applications in diverse areas,
such as poker AI development, tool creation, and online poker
casino implementation. PokerKit’s reliability has been established
through static type checking, extensive doctests, and unit tests,
achieving 99% code coverage. The introduction of PokerKit
represents a significant contribution to the field of computer
poker, fostering future research and advanced AI development
for a wide variety of poker games. The source code is available
at https://github.com/uoftcprg/pokerkit
Index Terms—Board games, Card games, Games of chance,
Game design, Multi-agent systems, Poker, Rule based systems,
Scripting, Strategy games
OKER, a game that intertwines strategy and chance,
has emerged as an exciting and challenging domain
for artificial intelligence (AI) research, primarily due to its
inherent nature of imperfect information. Pioneering AI agents
such as Deepstack and Pluribus have leveraged poker, more
specifically Texas hold ’em, as a benchmark for evaluating
their algorithms [1], [2]. Nonetheless, poker is not a monolithic
game but a collection of numerous variants, each introducing
its unique set of complexities. This vast diversity underscores
the inherent challenge of developing a comprehensive poker
game logic system. This is particularly true in the open-source
space, where solutions are often confined to supporting a
limited set of poker variants [3], [4].
In the open-source space, there exist numerous poker li-
braries. Some specialize in providing a simulated poker en-
vironment, but their focus tends to be on heads-up (2-player)
no-limit Texas Hold’em [3], [4]. However, the vast majority of
these libraries concentrate purely on hand evaluation and lack
the extensive game logic needed for poker game simulations
[5], [6].
To address this gap in the open-source space of computer
poker, we developed PokerKit, a comprehensive Python li-
brary. It accommodates a multitude of poker variants, includ-
ing but not limited to Texas hold ’em, Omaha hold ’em, seven
card stud, razz, and deuce-to-seven triple draw. Moreover,
PokerKit provides a programmatic interface that allows users
to define their own variants and customize game parameters
such as betting structures, high/low-split options, antes, blinds,
and straddles.
This paper explores the development of PokerKit, delving
into its features and capabilities, its rigorous testing and
validation processes, and its existing and potential applica-
tions. Through this comprehensive examination, we aim to
underscore PokerKit’s unique contribution to the field of
computational poker.
The functionalities of PokerKit primarily fall into two
categories: game simulations and hand evaluations. Game
simulations encompass creating an environment where poker
games can be played out programmatically, simulating real-
world scenarios with high fidelity. On the other hand, hand
evaluations are concerned with determining the strength of
particular poker hands. In this section, we explore notable
contributions in these areas, discussing their limitations and
illustrating how PokerKit improves upon these existing solu-
A. Game Simulation
Poker game logic has been developed for use in numerous
online gaming platforms such as PokerStars, GGPoker, and
888Poker. While these implementations effectively serve their
intended purposes, they are proprietary and usually support
only a select few variants. Among these, PokerStars distin-
guishes itself by offering a broader range of game options [7]–
[9]. Table I provides an overview of the selections of games
offered by these platforms.
PokerKit, in contrast, supports all major poker variants
played on these platforms and much more, at any deck type,
betting structure, limit, and optional high/low-split. This wide
selection that surpasses the state-of-the-art online poker plat-
forms further illustrates the comprehensive nature of PokerKit.
On the open-source front, libraries such as poker-holdem-
engine and PyPokerEngine have made strides but have consid-
erable limitations. They are limited in the number of variants
they support and offer less intuitive interfaces. Some rely on
networking, while others necessitate the usage of callbacks
that return an action based on the game state [3], [4]. This
arXiv:2308.07327v6 [cs.AI] 3 Sep 2024
Variants PokerKit PokerStars GGPoker 888Poker
Texas hold ’em yes yes yes yes
Short-deck hold ’em yes yes yes no
Omaha yes yes yes yes
Omaha HL8 yes yes no yes
5-Card Omaha HL8 yes yes no no
7-card stud yes yes no no
7-card stud HL8 yes yes no no
7-card stud HLR yes no no no
Razz yes yes no no
A-to-5 triple draw yes no no no
2-to-7 triple draw yes yes no no
Badugi yes yes no no
Badacey yes no no no
Badeucey yes no no no
2-to-7 single draw yes yes no no
5-card draw yes yes no no
Hands PokerKit Deuces Treys
Standard (Texas hold ’em, etc.) yes yes yes
Eight-or-better yes no no
Short-deck hold ’em yes no no
Regular (Razz, etc.) yes no no
Badugi yes no no
Kuhn poker yes no no
methodology makes it impossible to carry out fine-grained
control over game states, such as bet collection after each
street, mandatory card turn-over to prevent chip dumping dur-
ing all-ins, showdown order, choice of mucking the best hand
(and vice versa), and killing losing hands post-showdown.
Comparatively, the Python chess engine, python-chess, of-
fers an exemplary model. It allows users to interact program-
matically with games through function calls [11]. PokerKit
emulates this style by providing an intuitive programmatic API
to verify, query, and apply various operations.
B. Hand Evaluation
While it is not the primary focus of the library, PokerKit
also provides facilities for evaluating poker hands. These tools
support a greater number of hand types than those offered
by alternative open-source libraries such as Deuces and Treys
[5], [6], as shown in Table II. Just like variants for game
simulation, the end user may extend the existing framework
to add their own hand type for their custom variants.
A. Game Simulation
Each poker variant often introduces unique game rules and
hand types not seen in other variants [10]. The versatility
of PokerKit allows for the customization of poker variants,
allowing users to define their own unique games, adapt an
existing variant, or implement a variant not currently supported
by PokerKit out of the box. This flexibility is achieved
without compromising the robustness of the implementation,
backed by extensive unit tests and doctests to ensure error-
free operations. Naturally, common variants come pre-defined
in the PokerKit package, so, for most use cases, users will not
have to define their own variants. An example of user-defined
variant is shown in Figure 1.
PokerKit stands out with its ability to cater to an assortment
of use cases, offering varying degrees of control over the game
state. For instance, in use cases for poker AI agent develop-
ment, where the agents’ focus lies primarily in action selection
during betting rounds, minute details such as showdown order,
posting blinds, posting antes, and bet collection may not be
pertinent. On the other hand, an online poker casino requires
granular control over each game aspect. These include dealing
hole cards one by one, burning cards, deciding to muck or
show during the showdown (even when unnecessary), killing
hands after the showdown, pushing chips to the winner’s stack,
and even the winner collecting the chips into their stack.
PokerKit rises to this challenge, providing users with varying
levels of automation tailored to their specific needs.
1) The First Televised Million-dollar All-in Pot: To demon-
strate PokerKit, The first televised million-dollar all-in pot in
poker history, played between professional poker players Tom
Dwan and Phil Ivey, is recreated in Figure 2 [12]. Note that,
for the sake of conciseness in the following examples, opera-
tions like ante/blind posting, bet collection, showdown, hand
killing, chip pushing, and chip pulling were configured to be
automated. However, users have the option to manually invoke
these operations by disabling the corresponding automation.
B. Hand Evaluation
Beyond its use of providing a simulated poker environment,
PokerKit serves as a valuable resource for evaluating poker
hands. The hand evaluation component in PokerKit offers a
high-level Pythonic programmatic interface for hand evalu-
ation, as demonstrated in Figure 3. It supports the largest
selection of hand types in any mainstream open-source poker
library, and can easily be extended to support custom hand
types. This makes it an invaluable tool for users interested in
studying the statistical properties of poker, regardless of their
interest in game simulations.
A. Game Simulation
PokerKit’s poker simulations are architected around the
concept of states, encapsulating all the vital information about
the current game through its member variables.
- Cards in deck.
- Community cards.
- Mucked cards.
- Burned cards.
- Bets
- Stacks
- Hole cards
- Pots (main + side)
from pokerkit import (
Automation as A,
state = State(
# Automations,
Deck.KUHN_POKER, # Deck
(KuhnPokerHand,), # Hand types
# Streets
False, # Card burning
(False,), # Hole dealings
0, # Board dealings
False, # Draw cards?
Opening.POSITION, # Opener
1, # Min bet
# Max number of completions,
# bets, or raises
# Betting structure
True, # Uniform antes?
2, # Antes
2, # Blinds or straddles
0, # Bring-in
2, # Starting stacks
2, # Number of players
Fig. 1. An initialization of a Kuhn poker game as a user-defined variant.
Note that split-pot games can be created by specifying multiple hand types:
one high and one low.
from pokerkit import (
Automation as A,
state = NoLimitTexasHoldem.create_state(
# Automations
True, # Uniform antes?
500, # Antes
(1000, 2000), # Blinds or straddles
2000, # Min-bet
# Starting stacks
(1125600, 2000000, 553500),
3, # Number of players
# Pre-flop
state.deal_hole("Ac2d") # Ivey
# Antonius (hole cards unknown)
state.deal_hole("7h6h") # Dwan
# Dwan
# Ivey
state.fold() # Antonius
state.check_or_call() # Dwan
# Flop
# Ivey
state.check_or_call() # Dwan
# Turn
# Ivey
# Dwan
# Ivey
state.check_or_call() # Dwan
# River
# Final stacks: 572100, 1997500, 1109500
Fig. 2. An example game simulation. Note that the game was created as a
pre-defined variant.
from pokerkit import (
h0 = OmahaHoldemHand.from_game(
"6c7c8c9c", # Hole cards
"8s9sTc", # Board cards
h1 = OmahaHoldemHand("6c7c8s9sTc")
print(h0 == h1) # True
Fig. 3. An example hand evaluation.
- And more...
PokerKit structures the game flow into distinct phases, each
supporting a different set of operations. The flowchart of
phases is shown in Figure 4. Depending on the game state,
each phase may be skipped. For instance, if the user has
specified no antes, the ante posting phase will be omitted.
Likewise, if no bets were placed during the betting phase,
the bet collection phase will be bypassed. A phase transition
occurs upon the completion of a phase. This transition is
internally managed by the game framework, facilitating a
seamless game flow to the end user.
During each phase of PokerKit’s game simulation, the
user can invoke various methods to execute operations. Each
operation belongs to a specific phase and can only be enacted
when the corresponding phase is active.
1) Ante Posting: During the ante posting phase, each player
has the option to execute an ante-posting operation. The
parameters supplied to the state during its creation may dictate
no antes, uniform antes, or non-uniform antes, such as big
blind antes. If no player is due to post an ante, this phase is
2) Bet Collection: The collection of bets on the table
occurs after any phase that allows players to bet. If any bet
is present, the bet collection operation must be performed
before proceeding to the subsequent phase. This phase only
occurs after ante posting or betting. When no bets are pending
collection, this phase is skipped.
3) Blind or Straddle Posting: Forced bets like blinds or
straddles must be posted before the start of the first street.
PokerKit accommodates a variety of blind or straddle config-
urations, ranging from small and big blinds, to button blinds,
or even no blind at all. If the state is configured to exclude
any forced bets, this phase is skipped.
4) Dealing: The dealing phase precedes a betting phase.
During this phase, the user can deal board or hole cards,
contingent upon the state’s configuration. Options to burn
a card or discard and draw cards are also available when
applicable. This phase is bypassed if only one player remains
in the hand.
5) Betting: During betting, players can execute actions such
as folding, checking, calling, posting a bring-in, completing,
betting, or raising. During state creation, the user must specify
Fig. 4. The flowchart of phases in PokerKit.
how to select the first player to act and the betting limits. This
phase is bypassed if all players are all-in or if only one player
remains in the hand.
6) Showdown: During the showdown, players reveal or
muck their hands in accordance with the showdown order.
The first to show is typically the last aggressor in the final
street. If no one bet, the player who was the first to act in
the final betting round must show first. Players can opt to
show a losing hand or muck a winning hand, even though
this is often disadvantageous. When dealing with all-in pots,
players are obligated to show their hands in order to prevent
chip-dumping [10]. If this is the case, or if only one player
remains in the pot, the showdown phase is bypassed.
7) Hand Killing: The dealer is responsible for “killing, or
discarding, hands that cannot win any portion of the pot. If no
hand should be killed, this phase is bypassed.
8) Chips Pushing: The dealer is charged with pushing the
chips to the winners. In poker games, the pot size is always
non-zero due to the mandatory presence of antes, forced bets,
or bring-ins (as enforced by PokerKit). Thus, this phase is
always carried out.
Phases Operations
Ante posting Ante posting
Bet collection Bet collection
Blind or straddle posting Blind or straddle posting
Card burning
Hole dealing
Board Dealing
Standing pat or discarding
Checking or calling
Bring-in posting
Completion, betting, or raising to
Showdown Hole cards showing or mucking
Hand killing Hand killing
Chips pushing Chips pushing
Chips pulling Chips pulling
Phases Automatable
Ante posting Yes
Bet collection Yes
Blind or straddle posting Yes
Card burning Yes
Hole dealing Yes
Board Dealing Yes
Standing pat or discarding No
Folding No
Checking or calling No
Bring-in posting No
Completion, betting, or raising to No
Hole cards showing or mucking Yes
Hand killing Yes
Chips pushing Yes
Chips pulling Yes
9) Chips Pulling: Players may incorporate the chips they’ve
won back into their stack. In poker, at least one player is
guaranteed to win the pot. Consequently, this phase is never
The operations in PokerKit for each phase and their au-
tomatabilities are summarized in Table III and IV. Each
operation is coupled with two associated methods: a verifi-
cation method and an action query, as seen in Figure 5. The
verification method validates if a move can be executed within
the rules, considering the current game state and the variant
in play. It raises an error if any discrepancy is detected. Users
can directly invoke this or use a corresponding action query
method (with optional arguments), which simply checks if the
verification method triggers an error and returns a boolean
value indicating the validity of the action. The method that
performs the operation initially runs the verification method,
executing the operation only if no errors are raised. If the
verification fails, the state remains unchanged.
PokerKit’s philosophy is that it should focus on maintaining
the game state and enforcing rules. Error handling is left to
the user, who may need to handle errors differently depending
on the application. Assertions are used sparingly throughout
the library for sanity checks. On runtime, users may choose
to disable them for optimization purposes without impacting
the library’s functionalities.
def verify_operation(self, ...):
if is_inoperable:
raise ValueError("...")
def can_operate(self, ...):
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def operate(self, ...):
Fig. 5. The method triplets of an example operation.
The game variant is defined through several attributes,
which are as follows:
- Deck: Most variants use a 52-card deck.
- Hand types: Most variants have one, but high/low-split
games have two.
- Streets: Each specifies whether to burn a card, deal
the board, deal the players, draw cards, the opener, the
minimum bet, and the maximum number of bets or raises.
- Betting structure: Betting limits such as no-limit, pot-
limit, or fixed-limit.
This flexibility in the definition gives PokerKit the ability
to describe not only every variant specified in the 2023 World
Series of Poker Tournament Rules [10] but also esoteric
variants, ranging from Greek hold ’em, Kuhn poker, 6-card
Omaha, Rhode Island hold ’em, and countless more.
In addition to the parameters related to the variants, users
can supply additional values, namely automations, antes (uni-
form antes or non-uniform antes such as big blind antes),
blinds/straddles, bring-ins, and starting stacks.
B. Hand Evaluation
Hand evaluation is another vital aspect of PokerKit. The
library generates a lookup table for each hand type. The hands
are generated in the order or reverse order of strength and
assigned indices, which are used to compare hands. High-level
interfaces allow users to construct hands by passing in the
necessary cards and using standard comparison operators to
compare the hand strengths. It’s worth noting that “strength”
in poker hands does not necessarily mean “low” or “high”
hands [13]. Each hand type in PokerKit handles this distinction
internally, making it transparent to the end user.
In the lookup process, cards are converted into unique
integers that represent their ranks. Each rank corresponds to a
unique prime number and the converted integers are multiplied
together. The suitedness of the cards is then checked. Using
the product and the suitedness, the library looks for the
matching hand entries which are then used to compare hands.
Hand types Lookups Table size
Standard high
Standard 7462
Standard low
Greek hold ’em
Omaha hold ’em
Eight-or-better low
Eight-or-better 112
Omaha eight-or-better low
Short-deck hold ’em Short-deck hold ’em 1404
Regular low Regular 7462
Badugi Badugi 1092
Kuhn poker Kuhn poker 3
Speed (# games/s) 847.31
This perfect hashing approach was originally employed in the
Deuces hand evaluation library and is also used by Treys [5],
The benchmarks in this section were conducted using a
computer equipped with a 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-1255U
processor and 16 GB of RAM, utilizing Python version 3.11.5.
Note that the specific values reported here reflect the perfor-
mance under this particular hardware and software setup and
may vary on different systems.
A. Game Simulation
The general performance of the game simulation component
of PokerKit has been evaluated by digitalizing all 83 televised
hands from the final table of the 2023 World Series of
Poker (WSOP) $50,000 Poker Players Championship, shown
in Table VI. The selection of this particular tournament was
motivated by its varying number of players (as the finalists
were eliminated), and its rotation through nine different diverse
variants of poker [14].
B. Hand Evaluation
The hand evaluation facilities in PokerKit sacrifice slight
speed to provide an intuitive high-level interface. As a result,
PokerKit’s hand evaluation suite is slower than open-source
Python hand evaluation libraries such as Treys as shown in
Table VII [6]. Note that the Deuces library, another popular
alternative, is not benchmarked as it lacks Python 3 support
and Treys is a fork of Deuces that supports Python 3 [5], [6].
For the benchmarking process, we iterated through all
possible Texas hold ’em hands in both PokerKit and Treys.
The speeds are reported as the number of hands evaluated per
PokerKit Treys
Speed (# hands/s) 1016740.7 3230966.4
Ensuring robustness and error-free operation has been a
top priority throughout PokerKit’s development. To validate
its functionality, a variety of rigorous testing methods were
employed, spanning from extensive doctests to unit tests, and
recreating renowned poker hands and games.
A. Static Type Checking
While Python is a dynamically typed language, it also
provides an option to write type annotations in the code
[15]. Mypy, a static type checker for Python, is utilized to
scrutinize the PokerKit project [16]. All the code in PokerKit
successfully passes the Mypy static type checking with the
“--strict” flag.
B. Doctests
Docstrings serve a dual purpose of providing not only
documentation and sample usage but also tests [17]. Most
classes and methods within the library are accompanied by
example usages in doctests that illustrate their functionality.
Furthermore, these doctests offer insight into potential sce-
narios where errors are raised, helping users understand the
library’s expected behavior under various circumstances.
C. Unit Tests
Unit tests are employed to test broader functionalities that
do not fall into normal usage patterns. For example, some
of the unit tests evaluate all possible hand for each lookup
and validates the hands by comparing them against the results
from other poker hand evaluation libraries. For efficiency, this
is achieved by obtaining an MD5 checksum of the large text
string of ordered hands generated by the lookup tables in
PokerKit and other open-source libraries.
One of the methods of validating PokerKit has been the
recreation of various famous poker hands and games. This
includes all 83 televised hands from the final table of the
2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP) $50,000 Poker Players
Championship which features poker games of nine different
variants [14]. The library was tested for consistency, ensuring
that pot values after each street and resulting stacks after the
hand is over accurately match the real outcomes.
Additional unit tests were implemented to rigorously scru-
tinize PokerKit’s behavior under unusual circumstances like
scenarios involving extremely low starting stacks that often
fall below the blinds or antes.
Together, the doctests and unit tests cover 99% of the
PokerKit codebase, ensuring a comprehensive examination.
In conclusion, through the diligent application of static type
checking, doctests, unit tests, and recreations of real-life hands,
PokerKit has undergone thorough testing and validation. This
rigorous approach guarantees that the library can dependably
handle a wide array of poker game scenarios, solidifying
its position as an invaluable resource for researchers and
developers in the field.
Thanks to its flexible architecture and fine-grained control,
PokerKit is adaptable to a wide array of tasks. It proves
to be an effective tool in various applications, ranging from
AI development and poker tool creation to serving as the
backbone of online poker platforms. This section explores
key use cases where PokerKit has demonstrated its invaluable
A. AI Development
The continuous action space and the imperfect information
nature inherent to poker present a compelling challenge for AI.
Most of the breakthroughs in Poker AI agents were limited
to Texas hold ’em variants [1], [2]. PokerKit’s capacity to
support a comprehensive set of poker variants, coupled with its
robust and error-free nature, makes it an ideal framework for
developing, testing, and benchmarking poker AI models that
can generalize beyond Texas hold’em. Its design, which allows
for the automation of irrelevant operations, facilitates the
simulation of numerous game scenarios needed for effective
AI training and evaluation. Furthermore, its benchmarked
speed is adequate for various AI applications.
One popular domain of computer poker is the development
of poker solvers. Generally, solvers like PIOSolver begin with
a game tree construction, which is then followed by the
more computationally intensive Nash equilibrium calculation
[18]. PokerKit can be leveraged during this initial game tree
construction while the Nash equilibrium calculation can be
carried out in more performant languages such as C or C++.
It’s worth noting that during the game tree construction, the
sequence of possible actions is independent of the cards dealt.
This intrinsic characteristic provides ample opportunities for
developers to implement optimizations and reduce the runtime
by orders of magnitude.
B. Poker Tool Development
PokerKit lays a solid foundation for the development of
various poker tools, including hand equity calculators and
poker training software. With its extensive support for most
major poker variants, developers are empowered to create
tools that cater to a broad spectrum of poker games. Further,
PokerKit’s efficient hand evaluation capability and its intuitive
programmatic API enable the development of user-friendly,
performance-optimized tools.
C. Online Poker Platform Development
The application of PokerKit extends beyond research and
tool development; it’s equally effective in creating online poker
platforms. Its capacity to simulate the intricate changes of the
poker table makes it ideal for the smooth gameplay experience
demanded in online poker rooms.
In summary, whether it’s developing sophisticated AI mod-
els, creating intuitive poker tools, or providing a reliable basis
for online poker platforms, PokerKit’s versatile capabilities
make it well-suited to a wide array of applications in the poker
This paper presents PokerKit, a versatile and efficient
Python library for poker game simulation and hand evaluation.
By providing support for various major poker variants, Pok-
erKit ensures a comprehensive and accurate implementation
of poker game logic and hand evaluation mechanisms.
A key strength of PokerKit is its intuitive design, which
allows for both manual and automatic control over game states,
facilitating its application in diverse contexts. The library’s
built-in unit tests and doctests ensure the robustness of its
implementation, while its use in real-world projects provides
a testimony of its reliability.
Despite PokerKit’s extensive functionality, there are still
exciting prospects for future work in the world of computer
poker. Notably, the absence of a standardized interface for
Poker AI, similar to the Universal Chess Interface, presents an
opportunity for development. While the PIOSolver team has
created a Universal Poker Interface, it does not adequately
represent the broad scope of poker or poker AI due to its
specialized commands and parameters for its Nash equilibrium
solving algorithm and its two-player limitation [18]. A stan-
dardized interface catering to a variety of AI methodologies
could substantially enhance the efficiency and interoperability
of poker AI development.
In conclusion, PokerKit presents a valuable contribution
to the field of computer poker, offering a comprehensive
and efficient toolkit for poker game simulation and hand
evaluation. Future work, including the creation of a universal
poker AI interface, holds the promise of further enriching the
We acknowledge the use of ChatGPT, based on GPT-4,
an AI language model, in order to enhance the readability
of the paper by correcting grammar, polishing language, and
improving clarity throughout all sections of the paper [19].
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