June 2022 1
Taraval Station Newsletter
May 16, 2022 - May 29, 2022
Hello Community Members and Merchants,
Happy Pride Month! This month will be full of celebraons
such as; school graduaons, Pride Month fesvies, the
possibility of another Golden State Warriors championship
celebraon, Juneteenth, and Father's Day to name a
few. Please remember to celebrate responsibly by not
drinking and driving. Always designate a sober driver. As
always, Ocers will be working diligently to keep the City
safe. Please remember to immediately report any suspi-
cious acvity.
Best regards,
- Compared to the same date last year, 2021; as of 05/29/22
we are currently down, 18% in assaults, and 28% in home
and commercial burglaries. However, we are up 6% in mo-
tor vehicle the, 4% in robberies and up 18% auto burgla-
Info taken from hps://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/stay-
If you are reporng a crime in progress, dial 9-1-1(415-553-
8090 on cell phones) to report res, medical emergencies or
any emergency related to public safety. To report a non-
emergency incident (a crime that has already occurred and
the suspects are gone) please call the SFPD non-emergency
phone number at 415-553-0123 or you can go online to le
certain reports at hps://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/get-
- Taraval Staon
Captain Eric Vintero
Commanding Ocer
Taraval Staon
Next Community
Captain Eric Vintero
Thursday, June 16, 2022
6:00 PM
Virtual (via Zoom)
Thank you for subscribing
to our Newsleer.
Please follow us on:
Website: hp://
Inside this issue:
1 - Newsleer
2 - Crime Trends - Whats Happening
3 - Taraval Staon Community Meeng
4 - Are You Prepared when there is a disaster?
5 - OMI Events for May
6 - San Francisco Resource Card
7 - Crime Prevenon Tips for Burglary and Robbery
8 - Crime Denions
9 - Previous Weeks Notable Incidents
13 - Crime Maps (May 16, 2022 - May 29, 2022)
16 - Domesc Violence and Elder Abuse Referral
17 - SF Safe Camera Program / Register your Camera
with the District Aorneys Oce
18 - Prevenng Garage Door Break Ins
20 - Package The Prevenon Guide
21 - Police Commendaons / Complaints / Whistle-
blower program
22 - Bias-Free Policing / Not On My Watch
23 - Police Commission Disciplinary Acons Report
24 - Requesng Police Report Copy
25 - Community Boards
26 - Denion of Suspicious Acvity & Community
27 - What To Do During an Emergency
28 - Make the Right Call SF
29 - Community Surveys
30 - Resource Phone List
June 2022 2
Crime Trends - Whats Happening
The San Francisco Police Department's Financial Crimes Unit is tasked with the invesgaon of nancial
crimes including but not limited to: access card fraud, Bunco cases, check fraud, counterfeit currency, coun-
terfeit trademark, embezzlement, false nancial statements, forgery, identy the, internet fraud, elder -
nancial abuse, non-return of rental property, real estate and notary fraud, and the by false pretense or de-
Financial crimes include phone scams, counterfeit money, identy the, and embezzlement. Scammers
oen target the elderly, low-income people, and business owners. In some cases, scammers have posed as
IRS, courts, or ulity representaves to cheat vicms out of their money. Members of San Franciscos Chi-
nese community have also been targeted by con arsts promising relief from a curse or illness in exchange
for cash. In all of these cases, the SFPD is here to help.
If you believe you have been the vicm of a nancial crime: File a report online, call 1-415-701-2311 or go to
your nearest police staon
For more informaon visit: Financial Crimes | San Francisco Police Department
Useful Links:
Federal Trade Commission (External Website)
FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (External Website)
Identy The Informaonal Flyer (PDF)
-On 5/20/22, Ocers from Taraval Staon, Central Staon, and Southern Staon conducted an auto burgla-
ry abatement operaon that was led by the Taraval Staons plain clothes Sergeant. During the operaon,
the ocers were noed by dispatch that a black coupe vehicle was comming auto burglaries in the
Northern Police District. The ocers conducted a search of the area and located a vehicle matching the de-
scripon that was broadcasted by dispatch and followed the vehicle while conducng surveillance. Shortly
aerwards, the passenger of the vehicle was observed shaering the window to a vicms vehicle and steal-
ing property that was inside. An aempt to use a spike strip was unsuccessful and the vehicle traveled to-
wards the Bayview Police District and the ocers observed random items being thrown out of the vehicles
window before passenger exited the vehicle and entered a nearby building. The driver then parked, exited
the vehicle and was arrested without further incident. A search located property belonging to mulple vic-
ms. The suspect was charged for vehicle burglary and possession of stolen property.
June 2022 3
SFPD Taraval Station Community Meeting
Thursday, June 16, 2022, 6:00 PM
1. Captain’s Report
a. 21
Century Policing Pillar Training & Education
b. Crime Statistics
c. District Issues
2. Partner Updates
a. Supervisor’s Office
b. Police Commission
c. Department of Police Accountability (DPA)
d. District Attorney’s Community Liaison
e. City Attorney’s Office
3. District Station Upcoming Events
4. Public Comments & Questions
The Next Community Meeting: (Thursday, July 21, 2022, 6:00 PM)
June 2022 4
June 2022 5
June 2022 6
June 2022 7
June 2022 8
Crime Denions
Robbery The taking or aempng to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person
or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by pung the vicm in fear
Assault An assault is an unlawful aempt, coupled with the present ability, to commit a violent injury on
another person.
Baery - (Misdemeanor baery) is any willful and unlawful touching of another. (Felony baery) is the use of
force or violence upon the person of another that causes serious bodily injury.
*Assault is when a person swings their arm and baery is when that arm makes contact with another
Aggravated Assault An unlawful aack by one person upon another for the purpose of inicng severe or
aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault usually is accompanied by the use of a weapon or by means like-
ly to produce death or great bodily harm.
Burglary The intent upon entry into a property to commit grand the, pey the, or any felony.
Grand The Grand the is the commied when the value of the money, labor, or property taken exceeds
Pey The The where the value of the property taken is less than $950.
June 2022 9
Previous Week Notable Incidents
*** Not all crimes are reported in the daily report, addresses shown are the Unit Blockwhere the incident took place.
Daily Crime Report :: Mon May 16, 2022
Assault – The – Case# 220318952
9:38 am
400 Arballo Dr
Ofcers responded to a report of an assault. The victim reported that she had been engaged in a verbal argument with a
known suspect before the suspect punched the victims face. A second, unknown, suspect then hit the victims head with a
wine bottle. Both suspects then left after taking some of the victims property from the room.
Daily Crime Report :: Tue – May 17, 2022
Indecent Exposure – Case# 220322298
1:25 pm
2600 Ocean Ave
Ocers were in the area, for a separate incident, when a vicm approached them and reported that the suspect had exposed him-
self and made inappropriate acts in public. The suspect was located, idened and cited.
Assault – Case# 220323014
5:09 pm
Mt Vernon Ave & Williar Ave
Ocers responded to a report of an assault. The vicm reported that he had been walking when a vehicle suddenly stopped nearby
and two suspects exited the vehicle. The two suspects then hit the vicm with bats and punched him before running back to their
vehicle and eeing the area.
Daily Crime Report :: Wed – May 18, 2022
Robbery – Case# 220326262
9:41 pm
2300 Noriega St
Ocers responded to a report of a shopliing incident that turned into robbery. The vicms, store employees, reported that the
suspect had been observed in the self-checkout line before walking into the elevator without paying for any of the items. The vicms
aempted to take photos of the suspect and the suspect responded by throwing store items at them and spat on them. The suspect
then exited at the rooop parking area, entered their vehicle and ed the area.
Daily Crime Report :: Thu – May 19, 2022
No notable incidents for this day. For more informaon, Go to hp://www.taraval.org/?p=20471
June 2022 10
Previous Week Notable Incidents (Cont.)
Daily Crime Report :: Fri – May 20, 2022
Auto Burglary – Possession of Stolen Property Case# 220330984
7:05 pm
Central Police District
Ocers from Taraval Staon, Central Staon, and Southern Staon conducted an auto burglary abatement operaon that was led
by the Taraval Staons plain clothes Sergeant. During the operaon, the ocers were noed by dispatch that a black coupe vehi-
cle was comming auto burglaries in the Northern Police District. The ocers conducted a search of the area and located a vehicle
matching the descripon that was broadcasted by dispatch and followed the vehicle while conducng surveillance. Shortly aer-
wards, the passenger of the vehicle was observed shaering the window to a vicms vehicle and stealing property that was inside.
An aempt to use a spike strip was unsuccessful and the vehicle traveled towards the Bayview Police District and the ocers ob-
served random items being thrown out of the vehicles window before passenger exited the vehicle and entered a nearby building.
The driver then parked, exited the vehicle and was arrested without further incident. A search located property belonging to mul-
ple vicms. The suspect was charged for vehicle burglary and possession of stolen property.
Trespassing – Case# 220329222
2:12 am
1900 12th Ave
Ocers responded to a report of a trespasser. The vicm reported that they had heard a noise from the area of their gate and ob-
served the suspect, via security camera, enter the vicms backyard. The vicm turned on the backyard lights and the suspect imme-
diately le the area.
Daily Crime Report :: Sat – May 21, 2022
Baery – Case# 220333477
8:30 pm
3200 20th Ave
The victim entered Taraval Station to report a battery. The victim reported that they had been engaged in an argument with
two suspects while playing basketball at the gym. During the argument, one of the suspects punched the victim.
Daily Crime Report :: Sun May 22, 2022
No notable incidents for this day. For more informaon, Go to hp://www.taraval.org/?p=20477
Daily Crime Report :: Mon – May 23, 2022
No notable incidents for this day. For more informaon, Go to hp://www.taraval.org/?p=20485
Daily Crime Report :: Tue – May 24, 2022
No notable incidents for this day. For more informaon, Go to hp://www.taraval.org/?p=20489
June 2022 11
Previous Week Notable Incidents (Cont.)
Daily Crime Report :: Wed – May 25, 2022
Violaon of Restraining Order Case# 220341470
9:00 am
1400 38th Ave
Ofcers responded to a report of a suspect who was violating a restraining order. The victim, who had obtained a restraining
order against the suspect, reported that the suspect was observed walking over and pouring something suspicious on to the
victims property. The victim stated that suspect had been acting unstable, mentally. Responding ofcers located the suspect,
conrmed the restraining order and arrested the suspect.
Daily Crime Report :: Thu – May 26, 2022
No notable incidents for this day. For more informaon, Go to hp://www.taraval.org/?p=20494
Daily Crime Report :: Fri – May 27, 2022
Transportaon of Marijuana Case# 220346232
5:01 am
2300 46th Ave
Ocer responded to a report from a witness who observed a truck with the back doors opened and with items on the oor. Re-
sponding ocers inspected the truck and discovered mulple bags lled with, what appeared to be, culvated marijuana. The mari-
juana was booked as evidence.
Trac Violaon No Drivers License Case# 220348216
10:25 pm
Winston Dr & 20th Ave
Ocers were conducng speed enforcement with LIDAR and observed a vehicle traveling at 61 mph in a posted 35 mph zone. The
ocers conducted a trac stop and a computer check on the driver revealed he had never been issued a drivers license. The driver
was cited.
Daily Crime Report :: Sat – May 28, 2022
Robbery – Case# 220349690
4:33 pm
1200 Great Hwy
Ocers responded to a report of a robbery. The vicm reported that the known suspect began yelling out gibberish before stealing
the vicms pizza and eang it. The suspect then slapped the vicm.
Robbery – Case# 220350158
8:13 pm
Brotherhood Way & Arch St
Ocers responded to a report of a robbery. The vicm reported that three suspects had followed and aacked him. The vicm stat-
ed that one of the suspects had a gun and stole money from the vicm. However, the vicm was intoxicated and could not provide
the ocers with an exact account of the incident or further details.
June 2022 12
Previous Week Notable Incidents (Cont.)
Daily Crime Report :: Sun May 29, 2022
Warrant Arrest Possession of a Firearm Case# 220352320
7:39 pm
3100 Qunitara St
Ofcers responded to a report of a suspect with a gun. The victims reported that the suspect had pointed the gun at the vic-
tims. While speaking with the victims, the suspect exited the building and was detained without incident. A computer check
revealed a warrantless search condition as well as an arrest warrant. A search of the area located a gun. The suspect was ar-
Daily Crime Reports
Do you want to know what happens daily in the District?
Read more at http://www.taraval.org/?cat=14
June 2022 13
Auto Burglaries
05/16/22 05/29/22
If the dots does not add up to the number, there may be mulple incidents with the same address.
*Note: The map accurately reects the informaon available at the me of preparaon. Numbers may or
may not change as more informaon becomes available. Producon date 05/31/22 - 1355 hrs
June 2022 14
Commercial and Residenal Burglaries
05/16/22 05/29/22
If the dots does not add up to the number, there may be mulple incidents with the same address.
*Note: The map accurately reects the informaon available at the me of preparaon. Numbers may or
may not change as more informaon becomes available. Producon date 05/31/22 - 1355 hrs
June 2022 15
05/16/22 05/29/22
If the dots does not add up to the number, there may be mulple incidents with the same address.
*Note: The map accurately reects the informaon available at the me of preparaon. Numbers may or
may not change as more informaon becomes available. Producon date 05/31/22 - 1355 hrs
June 2022 16
Domestic Violence
Domesc violence and abuse involve people in a relaonship, whether theyre married, living together, dang, separated, LGBTQ+ or straight. Domesc violence
and abuse can include psychological mistreatment such as name-calling or insults, stalking and harassing behavior, isolang a partner in the home, withholding
money or outright assault.
-Remember: Domesc violence is never okay. It is not your fault and help is available.
If you are the victim of domestic violence, call:
9-1-1 in an emergency
1-415-553-0123 for SFPD non-emergency support
2-1-1 for a mullingual directory of community services
1-877-503-1850 for La Casa de las Madres, a 24-hour crisis support group that works closely with the SFPD
1-800-799-7233 for the Naonal Domesc Violence Hotline
You can also talk to your doctor. Most healthcare providers are trained to report domesc abuse and oer help to the vicms. Be aware that they are also required
by law to report such crimes.
San Francisco police are here to help
The SFPD Special Vicms Unit (SVU) is located at 850 Bryant Street, h oor, and is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, 1-415-553-9225. We in-
vesgate all felony arrest cases involving domesc abuse against minors and adults and bring cases to the District Aorneys oce for prosecuon.
We also invesgate cases in which arrests have not been made. If you are a vicm in a case in which there has been no arrest, we will call to advise you on your
next steps and what services may be available. Please remember to nofy us if you do not want us to leave a message.
The SFPD works closely with La Casa de las Madres. La Casa oers crisis response and support services including counseling and shelter to domesc violence vic-
Under CA Family Code § 6228, incident reports requested by a vicm or their representave for the alleged crimes of domesc violence, sexual assault, stalking,
human tracking, and abuse of an elder or dependent adult are entled to receive copies within ve working days of the request, unless good cause for delay
exists. If good cause exists, reports shall be released no later than ten working days aer request is made. Contact SFPDs Crime Informaon Services Unit (CISU)
at 1-415-575-7232 for assistance.
More resources:
A list of shelters, hotlines, & programs in San Francisco
Domestic violence information from the San Francisco Department of Health
Elder Abuse
Elder abuse can take many forms. It can include physical abuse, emoonal abuse, neglect, abandonment, sexual abuse or nancial abuse. The abusers may be the
eldersfamily members or caregivers.
Warning signs of elder abuse
Depression or confusion
Unexplained bruises, burns, or scars
Weight loss for no apparent reason
Signs of trauma, such as rocking back and forth
Agitated, violent or seems withdrawn
Disheveled, with unwashed hair or dirty clothes
Bed sores or other preventable condions
Recent or sudden nancial loss
If you are an elder who is being mistreated or you know an elder showing signs of abuse, call:
9-1-1 in an emergency
2-1-1 for a mullingual directory of Bay Area community services
1-415-553-0123 for SFPD non-emergency support
1-800-971-0016 for the Friendship Line at the Institute on Aging
San Francisco police are here to help
The SFPD SVU invesgates all felony arrest cases involving abuse and neglect involving someone 65 years or older or a dependent adult between the ages of 18 and
64. We also review non-arrest and misdemeanor cases and send them to the District Aorney if warranted. SVU is located at 850 Bryant Street, h oor, and is
open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, 1-415-553-9225.
For more information on elder abuse:
The Naonal Instute on Aging provides extensive informaon on elder abuse;
The Eldercare Locator, reachable by phone at 1-800-677-1116, oers support programs for elders in your community.
June 2022 17
Through the SF SAFE City Camera Program, we address public safety needs and help reduce crime through collaboration.
By partnering with community stakeholders, such as local merchant associations, businesses, and community residents from San Franciscos high
trafficked neighborhoods, commercial corridors, and our City government, we identify specific needs, install public safety cameras and create, devel-
op, and implement safety plans with a meaningful community-led and community-driven process.
Through this program, SF SAFE targets high-risk and high-traffic city blocks comprising about 20-30 businesses or residential areas for the installa-
tion of high definition security cameras and surveillance technology. Typically, a coverage area of about 18-24 camera views per corridor is provided.
Camera installation projects for commercial corridors take about 12 weeks from start to finish and encompass outreach, assessment, mapping and
system installation. We work with technology vendors as the technology solutions and data privacy provider for this program, accountable to the most
stringent level of self-imposed policy standards.
In addition to the security cameras acting as a visible crime deterrent, the footage is an extraordinary tool in assisting businesses and community
members in the investigation of criminal activity if/when any occur. This program levels the playing field, holding all involved accountable, creating an
equitable and true evidence chain for investigators and public defenders alike, as an innovative alternative policing tool empowering communities to
take ownership over their own public safety needs.
To learn more about the SF SAFE City Camera Program, email sfsafecity[email protected].
Register Your Camera
The San Francisco District Aorneys Oce invites you to register your security camera be-
low. The goal of the program is to deter crime and promote public safety through collabora-
on between the San Francisco District Aorneys Oce and the communies we serve.
Please complete and submit all elds below, and carefully review the Policy & Terms of Use.
Register Your Camera San Francisco District Aorney (sfdistrictaorney.org)
June 2022 18
June 2022 19
June 2022 20
With the Covid-19 restrictions lifting in phases and many of us are
starting to venture out again, here are some Package Theft Prevention
Guide from SFSafe to help prevent your packages from being stolen.
June 2022 21
Police Commendaon
Everyone appreciates a compliment! There are several ways you can oer a compliment to our ocers and civilian workers for a
job well done:
You can email the Captain of the staon in your neighborhood. For Taraval Staon, Email eric.vintero@sfgov.org
You can contact the departments Community Engagement Division, at: sfpdcommunityrela[email protected].
You can also write to or email Chief William Sco: SFPDChief@sfgov.org
San Francisco Police Headquarters, Chief's Oce
1245 3rd Street, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94158
Police Complaint
The San Francisco Police Department is commied to ensuring that all of our ocers and civilian sta provide unbiased, quality
service to our Citys diverse communies. Toward that goal, the SFPD and the City of San Francisco provide several ways to le a
The Department of Police Accountability is charged with imparally invesgang complaints against SFPD ocers and making poli-
cy recommendaons regarding police pracces. You can also call the DPA at 1-415-241-7711 (the TTY line is 1-415-241-7770)
or visit the Department of Police Accountability website to le a complaint at hps://sfgov.org/dpa/.
The DPA is located at 1 South Van Ness Ave., 8th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103.
You may also contact a department supervisor at any SFPD police staon. Each staon is open 24 hours a day. SFPD personnel are
required to receive complaints courteously and to assist you with ling them.
The Whistleblower Program
The Whistleblower Program responds to specic allegaons of administrave wrongdoing by city employees
and those who do business with the city. View SFPDs Rights and Responsibilies under California Whistle-
blower Laws. > hps://nyurl.com/snqb9uv
June 2022 22
A guiding principle of the San Francisco Police Department is its commit-
ment to treang all people with dignity, fairness, and respect. It is crucial
for our members to carry out their dues in a manner free from bias and
eliminate any percepon of policing that appears biased. Biased policing is
unsafe, unjust, and ineecve. It also alienates the public, fosters distrust of
police, and undermines legimate law enforcement eorts.
The SFPD is dedicated to ensuring our ocers and professional sta provide
unbiased, quality service to the diverse communies we work for. Our goal
is to provide fair and posive interacons between San Francisco ocers
and the people we are proud to serve.
Not on My Watch Campaign hps://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/news/
June 2022 23
Police Commission Disciplinary Acons "Veronese"
Quarterly Disciplinary Review Board report is located at:
Published Reports
Informaon to the community on Use of Force, Early Intervenon System, FDRB Reports, Reports on lAD and Police Commission
Sustained Complaints and Sworn Demographics and General informaon regarding the invesgaon of Ocer Involved Shoongs,
including the Quarterly Update on Ocer Involved Shoong Invesgaons located at:
June 2022 24
Request a Police Incident Report Copy
The San Francisco Police Department is concerned for your health and safety, especially during
the COVID-19 pandemic. We have closed our in person request window at Police Headquarters
(1245 3rd Street) to adhere to social distancing recommendations and to minimize exposure to
the coronavirus. Please note copies of Police Incident Reports ARE NOT available from Police
Stations. Obtaining a copy of your report is FREE. See options below to request a police re-
June 2022 25
June 2022 26
Denion of Suspicious Acvity
Suspicious acvity is any observed behavior that could indicate a crime-related incident has been commied, or about to be commied. Unusual items or situa-
ons: A vehicle is parked in an odd locaon, a package/luggage is unaended, a window/door is open that is usually closed, or other out-of-the-ordinary situaons
Examples of Suspicious Acvity:
An individual peering into vehicles, to try, and locate any valuables le unaended.
An individual trying door handles to vehicles, and/or residences to gain access to the vehicle and/ or residence.
An individual checking front doors of residences to locate any unaended packages or individuals following delivery trucks to see where the truck is
dropping o packages.
Please dial 911 to report crimes in progress, suspicious acvity or for life threatening emergencies. If it is not an emergency, dial (415) 553-0123.
Denion of Community Policing
Community policing, or community-oriented policing, is a strategy of policing that focuses on police building es and working closely with
members of the communies.
Homeless Outreach and Outreach to Drug Users:
Taraval Staon has two ocers that coordinate with city agencies to provide outreach and assistance to rehabilitate those who are
dependent on illegal drugs and outreach to homeless individuals to connect them with resources and support.
Foot Patrols:
Taraval Staon has 3 foot beat locaons. These ocers are assigned to Irving St, West Portal Ave and Ocean Ave.
Monthly Police Community Relaons Meengs:
Monthly community meeng are currently on hold due to the current situaon, we will update everyone with the date and locaon
of our next meeng. Stay tune for more info.
Email Updates:
Taraval Staon will send out newsleer updates to residents in the District that alerts residents of crime trends, upcoming community
events, crime prevenon ps, and informaon on how to contact ocers at the District Staon.
June 2022 27
June 2022 28
Make the Right Call SF
Make the right call. Keep 9-1-1 available for emergencies.
Police, Fire & Medical
Available 24/7
Is there a danger to life, property or the environment?
Is there a crime in progress?
Is someone having a medical emergency and needs immediate assistance?
Is there a re?
If you answered YES to any of these quesons, immediately call 9-1-1.
City Services & Informaon
Available 24/7
Police reports for crimes not in progress such as:
-Auto Burglaries
-Pey The
Report gra, potholes, abandoned vehicles, or blocked driveways.
Garbage and recycling services
Street and park maintenance
Property Tax Payments
Birth Cercates
Marriage Licenses
Business Registraon
Police Non-Emergency Assistance
Available 24/7
Noise complaints
Civil standby
Wellness checks
June 2022 29
Community Surveys
The San Francisco Police Department is commied to excellence in law enforcement and is dedicated to the people, tradions
and diversity of our City. Our mission is to provide service with understanding, response with compassion, performance with in-
tegrity and law enforcement with vision.
As part of our ongoing outreach to engage with the community and measure our success, the Department has created a commu-
nity survey link to obtain valuable community feedback for our community events and programs, which will assist the Department
in the development of our strategies to meet the needs of the community. If you have recently aended or parcipated in an
event or program hosted by the Department (such as Coee with a Cop, Naonal Night Out, ALERT program, Youth Summer pro-
gram, Community Academy or Town Hall Meeng), and have feedback regarding the event or program you aended, please take
some me to ll out our community survey.
The Department has also developed a Foot Beat/Bike Patrol survey to gather valuable community feedback on the eecveness
of the Foot Beat/Bicycle Patrol, as it relates to community policing and crime strategies and an Implicit Bias survey to measure
progress in the Department's commitment to imparal policing and procedural jusce. Please take the me to ll out the Foot
Beat/Bicycle and Implicit Bias surveys. If you have already lled out a survey, thank you! Your response will help SFPD beer serve
our City and connue to support our community through Safety with Respect.
Community Surveys | San Francisco Police Department
San Francisco Police Department Community Events Survey
San Francisco Police Department Foot and Bike Patrol Survey
San Francisco Police Department Implicit Bias
June 2022 30
Cell Phone 911: 911 / 553-8090
Non-Emergency: 553-0123
Customer Service Center: 311
SFPD 24 hour Anonymous Tip Line: 575-4444
Chinese Tip Line: 558-5588
Text a Tip: Tip411 (847411)
Blessing Scam Tipline: 553-9219
Gra Abatement: 311 or report online Services | SF311
Taraval Staon: 759-3100
Captain Eric Vintero: 759-3103 - [email protected]
Patrol Lieutenants: 759-3102
(Day Watch) Lt. Juarez & Lt. Pengel. (Night Watch) Lt. Lozada & Lt. Parry
Taraval Administraon & Community Sgt.: 759-3120 – Sgt. Lynn Pomao Lynn.Poma[email protected]
Crime Data / Subpoena Ocer / Social Media: 759-3125 Ofc. Benny Lew [email protected]
Taraval Permits/ Code Abatement: 759-3123 Ofc. Fred Kwan [email protected]
Deputy City Aorney, Neighborhood and Resident Safety Division: 554-4250 Bri Stroman
Neighborhood Deputy District Aorney: TBD
Website: www.taraval.org / Taraval Staon E-mail: SFPDTaravalStaon@sfgov.org
To Reserve Our Community Room E-mail: t[email protected]
Dept. of Parking & Trac: 553-1943
DPW Dispatch 695-2020
S.A.F.E. 553-1984
We, the members of the San
Francisco Police Department, are committed to excellence in law enforcement and are
dedicated to the people, traditions and diversity of our City. In order to protect life and
property, prevent crime and reduce the fear of crime, we will provide service with under-
standing, response with compassion, performance with integrity and law enforcement
with vision.
Dispose of Unwanted and Expired Medicaon at Taraval Staon
There is a secured bin at Taraval Staon where you can dispose of
unwanted and expired medicaon at any me of the day or night.
The bin will accept any type of prescripon and o the shelf medi-
When disposing the medicaon, please leave it in the original
container with your personal informaon crossed
out or removed. You can also place the medicaon
into a clear plasc zip top baggies. Contact the
front desk ocer and inform them that you want
your medicaon dispose of. The ocer will assist
you. Please note that once an item that had been
disposed of inside the bin, we cannot retrieve it. So
make sure your ring, cell phone or anything of
value is not accidentally disposed of.