NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
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Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
Technical Report
June 2020
Model of Operation-and-Maintenance
Costs for Photovoltaic System
Andy Walker,
Eric Lockhart,
Jal Desai,
Kristen Ardani,
Geoff Klise,
Olga Lavrova,
Tom Tansy,
Jessie Deot,
Bob Fox,
and Anil Pochiraju
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sandia National Laboratories
SunSpec Alliance
NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL) at
Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
15013 Denver West Parkway
Golden, CO 80401
303-275-3000 •
June 2020
Model of Operation-and-Maintenance
Costs for Photovoltaic Systems
Andy Walker,
Eric Lockhart,
Jal Desai,
Kristen Ardani,
Geoff Klise,
Olga Lavrova,
Tom Tansy,
Jessie Deot,
Bob Fox,
and Anil Pochiraju
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Sandia National Laboratories
SunSpec Alliance
Suggested Citation
Walker, Andy, Eric Lockhart, Jal Desai, Kristen Ardani, Geoff Klise, Olga Lavrova,
Tom Tansy, Jessie Deot, Bob Fox, and Anil Pochiraju. 2020. Model of Operation-and-
Maintenance Costs for Photovoltaic Systems. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy
Laboratory. NREL/TP-5C00-74840.
This work was authored in part by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for
Sustainable Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308.
Funding provided by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
under Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) Agreement Number 32315. The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S. Government.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
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Cover Photos by Dennis Schroeder: (clockwise, left to right) NREL 51934, NREL 45897, NREL 42160, NREL 45891, NREL 48097,
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NREL prints on paper that contains recycled content.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technology
Office (SETO) under Agreement #32315, “Best Practices for Installation, Operation and
Maintenance of Photovoltaics and Storage Systems,” October 2016-September 2018. The
program manager is Ammar Qusaibaty, and previously was Christine Nichols. Hilary Hatch-
Copeland and Katie Wensuc of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) edited this
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List of Acronyms
α Shape factor of Weibull distribution indicating how spread out the
probability of failure is over the years, obtained from heuristic failure data.
AD Anderson Darling
β Scale factor of Weibull distribution indicating over which years of the
analysis period the bulk of the failure distribution lies, obtained from
heuristic failure data.
d financial annual discount rate (%/year)
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
g annual degradation rate (%/year) in system energy delivery
i financial annual inflation rate (%/year)
k an index referring to the number of the term in a polynomial expansion
kW kilowatt, direct current (DC) unless specified alternating current (AC)
kWh kilowatt hour
LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LCOE levelized cost of energy
MW megawatt
N number of a certain type of component (for example N = 10 inverters, N =
500 combiner boxes, or N = 50,000 PV modules)
n/N Fraction of total number of a specific type of component covered by
reserve account in order to achieve desired probability that reserve account
will be sufficient in a given year.
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
O&M operation and maintenance
P Probability that a component will not fail in any given year, specific to
that year only, according to the statistical distribution of component
PV photovoltaic
PVROM PV Reliability Operations and Maintenance database
Q probability that a component will fail in a year, Q=1-P
desired probability (or percentage) that the reserve account will be
sufficient to pay for required replacements in that year
SETO Solar Energy Technologies Office
SNL Sandia National Laboratories
T duration of the analysis period
WACC weighted-average cost of capital
Y year of the analysis period (Year 1, Year 2, and so on)
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Executive Summary
This report presents a method for calculating costs associated with the operation and
maintenance (O&M) of photovoltaic (PV) systems. The report compiles details regarding the
cost and frequency of multiple O&M services to estimate annual O&M costs ($/year) for each
year of an analysis period, the net present value ($) of life cycle costs accumulated over the
analysis period, and the reserve account amount ($) that might be required to fund unexpected
repairs. The reserve account includes parts inventory and is important for providing a source of
funds to make repairs quickly and avoid lost production. This method allows a detailed selection
of services to perform based on system size, market served (e.g., residential, commercial, or
utility), type and configuration of system components (e.g., micro-, string, or central inverter),
and site and environmental conditions (e.g., pollen, bird populations) which is an improvement
over simple per unit valuations of O&M costs ($/kW/year). This model also distinguishes costs
that vary from year to year and increase at different rates over time as modeled by heuristic
failure distributions (e.g., Weibull or Lognormal distribution) based on actuarial data for many of
the services. This cost model was created with input from the PV O&M Working Group of
researchers and industry, sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy
Technologies Office (SETO) 2016-2018. The PV O&M Cost model was developed initially as a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and subsequently published as an on-line application by Sunspec
Alliance at (Contact the NREL authors for the spreadsheet version). AP
Suite stands for Asset Performance Suite and includes both the PV O&M Cost Model and Open
System Performance and Reliability Clearinghouse (oSPARC), which logs system performance.
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................1
2 Background ................................................................................................................................3
3 Failure Probability Density Function for Each Component ......................................................4
3.1 Heuristic Data to Inform Failure Probability Distributions ...............................................5
5 Net Present Value and Related Cost Indicators .......................................................................12
6 Reserve Account ......................................................................................................................14
6.1 Example of Reserve Account Calculation (10 Components) ..........................................16
7 Implementations of This PV O&M Cost Model ......................................................................19
7.1 Pilot Implementation in Spreadsheet Program ................................................................19
7.2 Online Version of PV O&M Cost Model ........................................................................21
8 Conclusion ...............................................................................................................................24
References ......................................................................................................................................25
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List of Figures
Figure 1. Example calculation of failure distribution parameters from raw event data (failure and
repair data) ....................................................................................................................6
Figure 2. Flowchart for calculation of annual cost ($/year) for each service and year of analysis
period ..........................................................................................................................10
Figure 3. Illustration of how annual cash flows are calculated considering an example of
replacement costing $10,000. a) $10,000 O&M cost would be escalated according to
inflation; b) the replacement cost is multiplied by the failure probability to provide
the cash flows modified by failure probability distribution; c) each year’s cash flow
is modified by logic related to warranty and analysis periods; and d) each year of
future cost is discounted to present value and summed for net present value. ...........11
Figure 4. Chart of probability that reserve account will be sufficient as a function of fraction of
total number of component in reserve, and for different values of failure probability
Figure 5. Flowchart for calculation of reserve account associated with each service and each year
of the analysis period ..................................................................................................18
Figure 6. Partial list of inputs for spreadsheet deployment of PV O&M cost model, with an
example of a 10-MW ground-mounted PV system ....................................................20
Figure 7. Example report from PV O&M cost model for 1-MW ground-mounted system ..........21
Figure 8. Beginning of data input sheets for online version of PV O&M cost model, available at ....................................................................................................22
Figure 9. Sample report from online version of PV O&M cost model, showing annual O&M
costs, net present value, and reserve account amount for each year of the analysis
period, and key indicators such as $/kW/year and $/kWh delivered. .........................23
List of Tables
Table 1. Example of the Weibull Shape, α, and Scale, β, Factors for Selected Service Measures ............... 7
Table 2. Inputs and Outputs of “Reserve Account” Calculation ...................................................16
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1 Introduction
This report describes both mathematical derivation and the resulting software for a model to
estimate operation and maintenance (O&M) costs related to photovoltaic (PV) systems. The cost
model estimates annual cost by adding up many services assigned or calculated for each year.
The PV O&M cost model assumptions and modeled cost drivers represent dependencies on
system size and type, site and environmental conditions, and age. Also, a detailed cost model
allows investigation of how costs change over a very long performance period.
O&M services in the cost model correlate to the PV O&M services described in Appendix B and
Appendix C of Best Practices for Operations and Maintenance of Photovoltaic and Energy
Storage Systems; 3rd Edition (see, prepared by a
group of industry professionals convened by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), SunSpec Alliance, and Roger Hill, and sponsored
by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO). This
SETO effort also includes the collection of actuarial data (failure and repair data) by the SNL PV
Reliability Operations and Maintenance (PVROM) database (Klise et al. 2018) to inform how
often corrective services are performed.
This report describes the form of the model, but values assigned to the cost of each measure
(labor rates and material costs) or values for economic parameters such as inflation rates should
be provided by the user. The default labor and materials costs appearing in the model reflect the
best judgment of the working group members that contributed information but should be
considered placeholder values that the user should inspect and adjust. The model’s form and
parameters concentrates on three estimates related to the cost of delivering a PV O&M program:
annual O&M costs (annual cash flow associated with O&M), net present value of life cycle
costs, and reserve account for timely repair of unplanned failures.
1. Annual O&M Costs: Costs for administrative or preventive maintenance are scheduled
on regular intervals. These costs are escalated according to an inflation rate to the year in which
they occur. Costs for corrective maintenance are the replacement cost of the component
multiplied by the probability that a failure will occur in that year. The resulting schedule of
annual costs is in nominal dollars of the year that they occur, not real dollars referenced to the
current year. The probability that a component will fail in any given year is calculated by a
Weibull, log-normal, or other distribution, informed, ideally, by actuarial data. Warranties affect
whether a failure will result in hardware costs, labor costs, or both, if the year is within the
warranty period. This provides an annual cost ($/year) for each year of an analysis period.
2. Net Present Value of Life Cycle Costs: The future years’ cash flows calculated are then
discounted to their present value according to a discount rate. The discount rate is the owner’s
time value of money. For federal agencies, this discount rate is published annually by the
Applied Economics Office (Rushing et al. 2017) and is based on Treasury bill rates for an
equivalent term (e.g., 20 years). Net present value is useful for evaluating an overall financial
prospectus and for calculating the impact of O&M on levelized cost of energy (LCOE). Each PV
project might entail a weighted-average cost of capital (WACC) that blends the cost of debt and
return on equity to calculate a net present value. The discount rate may be the WACC or might
be a more general benchmark that the WACC is compared to, such as the corporate bond rate for
a similar term.
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3. Reserve Account: The Weibull distribution of how failures are distributed over time
leads to a good estimate of life cycle cost, but the method spreads the costs over the years and
shows a rather uniform average cost per year—when, in fact, an expensive repair can occur all at
once rather than distributed over multiple years Several years of low O&M cost can be followed
by a year of high cost. Financiers and operators want to know “maximum exposure”—in other
words, what dollar amount of a reserve account or line of credit should an operator keep to cover
higher-than-average annual costs? Reserve account is calculated for each year of the analysis
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2 Background
Costs to operate and maintain PV systems have been reported in terms of average annual cost on
a per-unit basis, in units PV array capacity (direct current) of $/kW/year (Castillo-Ramírez et al.
2017; Brehaut 2016; EPRI and Sandia 2015; Barbose et al. 2017; GTM Research 2017; IRENA
2018; NREL 2018b; NREL 2018a; NREL; NREL/Sandia/SunSpec Alliance SuNLaMP, and PV
O&M Working Group 2016; Shimura et al. 2016). O&M costs, on average, have been lowering
over the years. For example, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) reports O&M
costs for utility-scale systems are down from an average of $30/kW/year in 2011 to an average of
$15/kW/year in 2015, rebounding slightly to an average of $18/kW/year in 2017 (Bollinger
2017). In a more recent survey by LBNL (Wiser 2020) respondents divulged project-life
assumptions increasing from an average of 21.5 years in 2007 to 32.5 years in 2019 and
levelized, total lifetime operating expenses (O&M, security, insurance, asset management)
declining from an average of $35/kW/yr in 2007 to an average of $17/kW/yr in 2019 (Wiser
But a wide range is present in these reported costs within each year. For example, across 13
sources, the range in average total operating expense in 2019 is broad, from $13 to $25/kW/yr
(Wiser 2020); in a previous report the O&M costs for 2015 ranged from a minimum of
$12/kW/year to a maximum of $30/kW/year (Bollinger 2017). Much of the variation in these
per-kW costs is caused by differences in system scale (kW or MW); system configuration (roof
or ground, tracking or fixed, central or string inverters); climate (temperature, snow); and site
(urban or remote, dusty or unpolluted), making such averages unsuitable for estimating cost for
any individual system. Further, costs to maintain a system change as the system ages (due to
inflation, increasing failure rates, and expiring warranties), which is not informed by these
Most PV plants have only been operational for a short amount of time—some 90% of PV plants
globally have become commercially operable in the past 7 years, a relatively short period
compared to their 20+ year expected lifetime. The inadequacy of these heuristic data to estimate
cost for a particular project highlights the importance of a bottom-up model for estimating future
O&M costs of PV systems. Also, many of these references exclude administrative costs, such as
property taxes, insurance, land royalties, and other administrative costs.
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3 Failure Probability Density Function for Each
Many administrative costs, such as insurance payments, occur each year. Preventive maintenance
costs are incurred according to a specified fixed interval that stipulates a service will be
performed every 5 years, for example. But each of the corrective maintenance services depends
on a failure pattern. The probability that a component will fail in the year under consideration
(Q) is calculated according to a probability density function, where year is the only variable. The
form of the failure probability density function for a component depends on the failure pattern of
a component best represented by the distribution and mathematical constraints on evaluation of
the distribution. One type of failure is not considered to affect another type of failure; each line
item in the cost model is independent of the other line items. So in the current method,
covariance is not addressed and is recommended as the topic of future investigation The method
and software can accommodate any of five descriptions of the failure pattern: fixed-interval
distribution, log-normal distribution, Weibull distribution, exponential distribution, and a
combination of fixed interval and Weibull distributions, to model a “bathtub” distribution shape.
A brief description and example failures for each distribution are provided below.
Fixed Interval: A measure is preformed, and the resulting cost occurs according to a
defined interval, such as every month, every year, or once every 5 years. For example, an
O&M cost estimate for a 5-MW ground-mounted system includes an annual insurance
premium of $9,200 and a cost of $4,500 every 5 years for infrared inspection.
Exponential: A component that fails following an exponential probability density
function has a failure rate independent of previous or past years, and the curve has an
exponential shape as the accumulated probability of failure approaches 1.0. This
exponential shape typically occurs in what is called the useful life period after the early
wear-out period. Examples include broken cover glass or inverter failures due to
electronic components.
Log-Normal: Failure occurs primarily because components wear out. A mathematical
constraint is that the standard deviation of the lifetime must be less than half the mean
lifetime. Examples include ultraviolet degradation of plastic parts and corrosion of metal
Weibull: Failure occurs primarily because one of two or more subcomponents wears out.
Or failure is caused primarily by wear-out, but the standard deviation of the lifetime is so
large as to preclude the use of the log-normal distribution. For example, an inverter may
fail because of moisture that accumulates as a result of failed seals or overheating.
Bathtub-Shaped Distribution: Manufacturing-related failures may be represented by a
single probability in the first year and the remaining probability of wear-out failure in
subsequent years with a Weibull or normal distribution. For example, PV modules not
manufactured to specifications may fail in the first year, and, if not, later failures may
occur because of wear-out.
The choice of which distribution function to use is described in Section 3.1. Default values in the
PV O&M cost model use the two-parameter Weibull distribution, due to the Weibull’s flexibility
in matching a wide range of data. The equation for the Weibull probability density function is
presented in Equation 1 (Green and Bourne 1972):
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Equation 1
Where α = the “shape factor” of the distribution, indicating how spread out the probability of
failure is over the years, and β = the “scale factor” of the distribution, indicating over which
years of the analysis period the bulk of the failure distribution lies. Q is the probability that a
component will fail in the year under consideration. The parameters α and β are obtained from
heuristic failure data. In this PV O&M Cost Model, these are provided by the PVROM database
of failure and reliability data maintained by SNL. Measures for failure of PV modules, DC
combiner, several inverter components, and transformers are informed by the PVROM data,
while others are default values based on the authors’ judgments with input and review by the
aforementioned PV O&M Working Group (Table 1). Best practice would be for a company to
use its own collected actuarial data for a user’s specific system and conditions, and to share these
data to advance the art and science of estimating PV O&M costs.
3.1 Heuristic Data to Inform Failure Probability Distributions
The actuarial data used to inform the probability distributions for many of the components
(default values) were contributed by industry and compiled and summarized by SNL under this
SETO-funded effort. SNL processed data from 244 systems, built 2013-2017, totaling over 600
MW of capacity (from the PVROM data). The PVROM data include 25 models of PV modules
and 29 models of inverters, covering multiple equipment types and different geographic
locations (Klise et al. 2018). Weibull failure distributions are listed in the Klise et al. (2018)
report for PV modules, DC combiner, several inverter components, AC switchgear, transformer,
grid interconnection, recloser, data-acquisition system, and programmable logic controller.
Examples of select measures are also provided in Table 1. Based on the owner-provided data,
inverter component failure modes with the greatest number of incidents observed over a 2.5-year
period include: fan fault/failure, transistor failure, coolant flow/sensor faults, low voltage ride
through, cycling faults, over voltage (DC side), common mode fault (DC side), and grid faults.
These data represent fault codes that were first seen by the inverter, and the fault codes can be
issues with the inverter, or near the combiner, strings, or modules, due to voltage or current
issues that the inverter can detect when, for example, a string is disconnected. Preventive
maintenance for inverters is also a key area of focus.
The methodology of identifying the right probability distribution function that fits the data is
based on statistically validating failure probability distributions with time series data on
component failures, based on goodness-of-fit tests (such as the chi-square test or Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test) to check the validity of the assumed underlying failure distribution (Mood et al.
1974) and confidence intervals on variables, such as the mean lifetime of a component. This is
known as the Reliability Performance Model and is described in Klise (2017) and previously in
the user’s manual for the System Advisor Model, found at: Often,
processing the data to enable these calculations is a significant effort. Once the data has been
processed and associated Time to Failure (TTF) and Time to Repair (TTR) values are calculated,
goodness-of-fit data are applied to different distributions to determine which best represents the
data. Typically, Weibull, log-normal, and exponential distributions are tried with the data. The
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most important statistics from the fitting process include the Anderson Darling (AD)-value (see and P-value to
determine statistical significance of the different distribution fits (an example is shown Figure 1).
The determining factor is primarily a distribution that results in a low AD-value and high P-
value, as shown graphically in Figure 1. Typically, for data used in this analysis, the Weibull is
the best fit—due to its flexibility. For example, a Weibull with a shape factor (beta) of 1 is the
same as an exponential distribution having a constant failure rate.
Figure 1. Example calculation of failure distribution parameters from raw event data (failure and
repair data) for Inverter Fan Failure (all are 95% confidence level, Klise
Table 1 shows a failure distribution function Weibull shape, α, and scale, β, factors for selected
service measures from Klise et al. (2017). Depending on the number of records available, failure
statistics can also be derived using a survival analysis approach.
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Table 1. Example of the Weibull Shape, α, and Scale, β, Factors for Selected Service Measures
Service Item Weibull Shape Factor, α Weibull Scale Factor, β Time Unit
PV Module 0.28 5E12 Day
Combiner Box 0.51 1.2E6 Day
Inverter Fan 0.760. 3.64 Year
Inverter IGBT 1.35 1.61 Year
AC Disconnect 0.35 11,000 Day
Transformer 0.88 7100 Day
Data Acquisition 12.3 30338 Hour
Source: Klise et al. 2017
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4 Annual Cash Flow
The PV O&M Working Group developed a list of O&M services (NREL 2018) that became the
basis of the measures in the cost model. Each measure is described with a name; which
categories of service it falls into; the type of labor needed to perform the service; equipment and
materials costs; and the frequency that the preventative measure’s service is performed or the
constants of the probability distribution that determine the probability of that corrective measure
occurring in a year.
A pilot implementation of the method was prepared by SunSpec Alliance and NREL as a
spreadsheet, reviewed by Working Group members, and is available as supplementary material
to this paper. (Please see the PDF; click on the paper clip icon to open the attachments and
download the supplemental Excel spreadsheet.) The online deployment of the PV O&M cost
model version 1 is available at In the software implementation, the
user may edit each service or add new services. The user can manually delete services that are
not applicable or can use program logic and a higher level of inputs describing a system to
determine which services are applicable to a system. Each service has the following parameters:
Description is text describing the service;
Service type is the type of O&M activity: cleaning, emergency response, inspection,
management, preventive maintenance, testing, and repair/corrective maintenance;
Component type refers to AC wiring, asset management, cleaning/vegetation removal,
DC wiring, documents, electrical, inverter, mechanical, meter, monitoring, PV array, PV
module, roof, tracker, or transformer;
User-defined category allows the user to sort services according to categories defined by
the user;
Applicability is logic (“if” statements) that determines whether the service is included in
a cost model or not. For example, services related to a tracking mechanism would not be
applicable to a fixed-tilt system. Inputs that may trigger the applicability of a measure
o Mounting Location: Rooftop or ground mount
o Tracking: Fixed tilt, one-axis tracking, or two-axis tracking
o Rooftop Rack Type: Ballasted, attached, or both ballasted and attached
o PV Sector: All, residential, commercial, or utility. For example, periodic
inspections are not applicable to the residential sector, and services related to
regulatory compliance are applicable only to the utility sector.
o Environmental Conditions: Snow, humidity, heat, pollen, high wind, hail, and salt
air (marine location); Diesel soot; industrial emissions; and bird populations are
inputs that may affect applicability of measures depending on the logic
programmed for each measure. For example, pollen or bird populations would
make additional cleaning applicable with the logic programmed as default with
those measures.
o Inverter Types: String inverter, central inverter, micro-inverter, or DC optimizers.
Replacement of the entire inverter applies to string and micro-inverters, whereas
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for central inverters, components are replaced instead (data acquisition, control,
drivers, transistor matrix, inductive components, and capacitors).
o Covered by Warranty: Materials; covered by warranty: Labor; warranty or service
package type: If a service occurs within a warranty period, or is covered within a
service package, the cost of the hardware, the labor, or both is reduced by the
warranty coverage. Notice, then, that this cost model does not cover the total cost
of O&M, just the cost to the system owner after warranty coverage has reduced
the total cost. This logic is implemented with “ifstatements that compare a given
year to the year that a warranty expires.
o Applicable Unit: The unit multiplied by per-unit costs to estimate the cost of a
service. For example, the applicable unit for fuse replacement would be number
of fuses, while the applicable unit for cleaning would be square meters of PV
array surface. The applicable unit for grounds maintenance would be acres of
ground area.
o Labor Hours per Unit: Number of hours of labor required to perform the service.
o Service Provider: Administrator, cleaner, designer, inspector, inverter specialist,
journeyman electrician, master electrician, mechanic, network/IT, pest control,
PV module/array specialist, roofing, structural engineer, mower/trimmer, or
utilities locator. Each service provider has an hourly rate in the cost model. The
user may add or edit service providers and hourly rates.
o Material/Other Cost per Unit: Costs of replacement parts and other materials such
as water, detergent, or paint required to complete the service.
o Comments and Reference: Any comment notes to, or by, the user plus, a reference
for where information about the service came from.
The model allows customization of all variables to suit system configuration, job time estimates,
failure rates, and local costs.
Administrative and preventive maintenance measures are on defined schedule intervals (for
example, once per year), whereas corrective-maintenance measures are scheduled according to a
failure distribution curve (default of Weibull distribution) for each measure.
The flowchart of Figure 2 is used for the calculation of annual cash flow. Program logic
compares the year under consideration with the warranty period to determine whether the
warranty is in effect. Indicators of whether the warranty covers materials, labor, or both, are used
to adjust the cost of services that occur in the warranty period. Initial cost of labor and materials
is escalated to the year under consideration according to the specified inflation rate. The number
of hours specified for a service is multiplied by the labor rate of the service provider to estimate
labor cost. The estimated cost of a service is multiplied by the calculated probability of that
service occurring in the year under consideration, and for the net present value the annual costs
are discounted according to the discount rate, d, as illustrated in Figure 3. The logic is repeated
for each service in the cost model and is repeated for each year in the analysis period to estimate
annual cash flow from year to year. These annual costs are useful for budgeting for PV O&M
services, and when discounted to their present value can inform life cycle cost decisions, which
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is the topic of Section 4. Also, annual cost calculated in this way does not estimate the maximum
exposure to unplanned cost, which is the topic of the reserve account discussion of Section 6.
Figure 2. Flowchart for calculation of annual cost ($/year) for each service and year of analysis
Source: Deot et. al. 2017
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Figure 3. Illustration of how annual cash flows are calculated considering an example of
replacement costing $10,000. a) $10,000 O&M cost would be escalated according to inflation; b)
the replacement cost is multiplied by the failure probability to provide the cash flows modified by
failure probability distribution; c) each year’s cash flow is modified by logic related to warranty
and analysis periods; and d) each year of future cost is discounted to present value and summed
for net present value.
Source: Andy Walker, NREL
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5 Net Present Value and Related Cost Indicators
This calculation of annual cost based on failure distribution serves as a basis for estimating net
present value of O&M expenditures. Net present value is useful in a life cycle cost analysis (for a
feasibility study) or to estimate cost indicators and metrics, such as cents/kilowatt hours (kWh)
delivered or levelized $/kW/year.
Net Present Value O&M Costs (Project Life):
The net present value of the O&M costs represents the annual costs each year inflated to the year
that they occur according to an inflation rate, i, then discounted to their present value according
to the discount rate, d, and summed over the years of the analysis period. Net present value
O&M cost ($) is useful for informing life cycle cost decisions, such as choosing among
alternatives. For example, an inverter might have a lower initial cost but a larger annual O&M
cost than an alternative, and a life cycle cost analysis would be required to compare the two.
Annualized Life Cycle Cost of O&M Costs ($/Year):
The annualized life cycle cost of O&M costs ($/year) is calculated as the net present value
divided by a present-worth factor calculated from the inflation and discount rate. So even though
the cost varies considerably from year to year based on scheduled measures and failure
distributions, this provides the annual value levelized over all the years of the analysis period.
This requires some explanation because of the two estimates that put cost on an annual basis.
The annual O&M cost ($/year) is the schedule of costs in each year of an analysis period,
including variations from year-to-year caused by warranties and failure probabilities. These costs
are discounted according to the discount rate and summed to calculate net present value. Now
that net present value is divided by a present-worth factor (calculated from inflation rate,
discount rate, and analysis period) to get annualized life cycle cost of O&M cost. Annualized life
cycle cost of O&M cost is a smoothed-out, levelized version of annual O&M cost, and is
presented in Equation 2.
Equation 2
 &  =
   & 
1 +
)(1 (
(1 + )
(1 + )
i = Inflation Rate per year
d = Discount Rate per year
T = duration of the analysis period (years)
Annualized Unit O&M Costs ($/kW/Year):
The annualized unit O&M costs ($/kW/year) represents the annualized O&M costs divided by
the plant size (kW) and the rated DC nameplate capacity of the plant, as in Equation 3.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Equation 3
  &  =
 & 
 ( )
Net Present Value (Project Life) per Watt:
The net present value per watt of rated capacity (DC) is the net present value divided by the rated
plant size (W DC), as in Equation 4.
Equation 4
Net Present Value (Project Life) per Watt =
   & 
 ( )
Levelized O&M Cost per kWh Delivered ($/kWh):
The levelized O&M cost per kWh delivered ($/kWh) represents the net present value O&M costs
divided by the net present value of the energy delivery, which is the energy delivery for each
year reduced by a specified degradation rate (default value = 0.5% per year), then discounted to
present value according to the discount rate and summed over all years of the analysis period, as
in Equation 5.
Equation 5
Net Present Value (Project Life) per kWh
   & 
  (
(1 )
(1 + )
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
6 Reserve Account
Annual O&M cost is useful for budget planning, and net present value is useful to inform life
cycle cost decisions; however, financiers and system operators also need to know the maximum
exposure, which is the amount that should be secured in a line of credit or reserve fund to cover
the worst-case scenario of O&M costs. The amount of money that might be needed in a given
year is the value of the reserve account. Reserve account amounts are not added together year to
year, because such a sum of maximum exposure amounts would be meaningless.
The need to plan a reserve account is exemplified by a 924-kW carport system in San Diego that
was down for 2 years because the funds to replace a failed inverter had to be obtained through a
long budget request process. A reserve account, which could be in the form of a line of credit,
would have been available to replace the inverter immediately and avoid the 2 years of lost
Calculation of the reserve account is derived using Newton’s Binomial Theorem and expands a
binomial failure probability associated with each component type to calculate the probability that
different numbers of a component type will fail. Each term of the binomial expansion represents
the probability that a certain number of a component type will fail. Thus, calculation of the
required reserve account in the year under consideration depends not only on the probability and
cost of replacements but also on the desired probability that the calculated reserve account will
be sufficient.
Begin with a very simple example of this method to set the stage for the general derivation.
Consider a PV system with two string inverters (N = 2), each with a replacement cost of $10,000
were it replaced in Year 20, and each inverter’s behavior is described by a Weibull failure
distribution with a mean failure interval of β=20 years and a shape factor of α=5.0. In Year 20,
this failure distribution would predict a probability of failure of Q = 0.092 (9.2%). P is the
probability that a component will not fail P = (1-Q), and, thus, the probability of nonfailure is P =
0.908 (90.8%). The probability that we will have to replace neither of the two inverters is then
= P^N = (0.908) ^2 = 0.824. So, we get an 82.4% chance that the reserve account would be
sufficient even with no funds in the reserve account (none will be needed in Year 20).
The probability that we will have to replace either of the two inverters is P
+ P
+ P
0.824 + (0.908*0.092) + (0.092*0.908) = 0.991. So, there is a 99.1% chance that $10,000 in the
reserve account would be sufficient for Year 20. If we have enough in reserve to replace both
inverters (the reserve account = $20,000), then the probability that the reserve account is
sufficient is P
+ P
+ P
+ Q
= 0.991 + (0.092*.092) = 1.00.
Certainty that the reserve account will be sufficient is a business decision involving the fees and
costs of a line of credit; lost revenue of extended downtime should reserves be insufficient to
make timely repairs; and contractual obligations regarding availability and performance. One
working group member, representing a bank, thought that 40% of capital expenditures would be
an appropriate reserve account amount. The method presented here suggests that the amount
could be much smaller, especially if the certainty that the reserve account is sufficient is relaxed.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
We generalize this approach to a very large number of components, N, where n/N is the fraction
of the total number of components funded in the reserve account; R is the desired probability that
the reserve account will be sufficient; and Q is the probability of failure in each year of the
analysis period according to the failure distribution. This is done for each measure (PV module
replacement, inverter replacement, and so on) and added up to calculate the total amount in the
reserve account for each year of the analysis period.
P and Q are defined such that (P + Q) = 1. The polynomial (P + Q)^N is thus also equal to unity.
(P + Q)
= 1
(P + Q)
= P
+ NP
Q + N(N-1)P
/2! +….+ Q
Or in Equation 6 as summation notation:
Equation 6
! !
The powers of P in Equation 6 start at N and decrease by 1 in each term until they reach 0. The
first term in the binomial expansion is P^N, the probability that none of the components of that
type will fail in the year under consideration. The second term is the probability that one will
fail, and the others will not fail. The powers of Q start at 0 and increase by 1 until they reach N.
The final term Q^N is the probability that all of the components of that type will fail. In
summation notation, k is an index referring to the sequence of terms, and since there are N + 1
terms in the expansion, k starts at zero, rather than 1.
This polynomial is expanded, and each term examined, to evaluate the probability that each
number of components might fail in a year, and thus must be covered with funds for the
replacement in the reserve account. The polynomial expansion can be accomplished with any
number of terms (any number of components, N). The above must be calculated for each type of
component. The above also must be evaluated for each year of the analysis period, because the
probability of failure Q changes with each year according to the Weibull failure distribution for
each type of component. The number of replacement components to be funded in the reserve
account thus calculated is multiplied by the cost of replacing each component escalated to the
year, according to the inflation rate.
Toward the end of a project’s contractual life, it might no longer make sense to carry a reserve
account or replace larger pieces of equipment. For example, it seems unlikely that an owner
would replace a central inverter in Year 19 of a 20-year contract. The return on that investment
may be negative. Here, the reserve account amount is based only on probability of failure and is
high in the final years. Thus, the methodology described here does not account for that decision
to not fund repairs or replacements in the final years of the analysis period.
To explore the dependence of the reserve account amount on different failure probabilities, Q,
and different probabilities that the reserve account will be sufficient, R, the equations for reserve
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
account for 10 components (N = 10 and 11 terms in expansion) are presented in Section 5.1, and
the results are plotted in Figure 4. Adding more to N would add more points to these curves but
not change the position of the curves, so the trends can be viewed generally if we interpret 1/N as
10% of the total number of components, 2/10 as 20%, and so on, up to 10/10 as 100% of the
components. Note that the last calculated probability is equal to unity. It is understood that if we
have enough funds in the reserve account to cover n/N = 10/10, or 100% of the component
replacements, we can be certain (probability = 1.0) that the reserve account will be sufficient.
The fraction n/N so determined is then multiplied by the actual number of components N to
determine the number of components for which the reserve account must have funding to cover
6.1 Example of Reserve Account Calculation (10 Components)
In this example, we consider 10 components, each with a replacement cost of $1,000 in a given
year. The result of the Weibull failure probability is Q = 0.05 probability of failure in this given
year. The desired probability that the reserve account will be sufficient is R = 0.999 (99.9%
certainty). These values are listed in Table 2. The Q value is used in generation of an
interpolation table, and then the R value is used to interpolate the value of n/N = 0.303. The
resulting dollar amount to keep in the reserve account to cover failure of this component in the
given year is (0.303)*(10)*($1,000), or $3,030, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Inputs and Outputs of Reserve Account Calculation
N = Number of a type of Component 10
= Replacement of cost of each component $1,000
Q = Probability that type of component will fail in a
given year (varies by Weibull distribution) 0.05
R = Desired probability that reserve account will be
sufficient 0.999
Required n/N = required fraction of total number of a
specific type of component covered by reserve
account in order to achieve desired probability that
reserve account will be sufficient in a given year 0.303
C reserve account = amount in reserve account for
this type of component in a given year $3,030
For practical problems, only Q-values less than 0.1, and R-values greater than 0.9 are of interest,
but higher Q-values and the complete range of R-values are shown to illustrate how the function
behaves over the entire domain. Referring to the chart of Figure 4, if a component has a 4%
probability of failure in a year (Q = 0.04, marked by round dots in Figure 4), and there is enough
in the reserve account or inventory of spare parts to replace 10% of the total number of that
component in the system (n/N = 0.1), then there is a 94% chance that amount would be sufficient
in reserve to cover failures.
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Figure 4. Chart of probability that reserve account will be sufficient as a function of fraction of
total number of component in reserve, and for different values of failure probability
Source: Andy Walker, NREL
Figure 5 is used for the calculation of the reserve account. The value obtained from the flowchart
is compared with the annual cash flow for that service and for the same year of analysis, and the
maximum amount is chosen as the annual reserve account. The logic is repeated for each service
in the cost model and is repeated for each year in the analysis period to calculate reserve account.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
R = probability that reserve account will be sufficient to cover
replacements of a type of component
n/N = fraction of total number of a component covered by reserve account
Q = Probability
that each
component will
fail in a given
year, from failure
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Figure 5. Flowchart for calculation of reserve account associated with each service and each year
of the analysis period
Source: Deot et al. 2017
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7 Implementations of This PV O&M Cost Model
7.1 Pilot Implementation in Spreadsheet Program
The SunSpec Alliance and NREL staff prepared a spreadsheet implementation of the method so
PV O&M Working Group members could review the approach and calculations and recommend
default numbers for the frequency and cost of O&M services. The resulting spreadsheet model is
included with the publication of this paper as supplementary material.
Figure 6 lists key inputs on an input tab of a spreadsheet program to pilot the method for a 10-
MW ground-mounted PV system. The list of inputs includes general inputs, such as economic
parameters; system inputs, describing size and type of components in the system; and
environmental parameters, such as snow or bird populations, which would trigger the
applicability of measures associated with snow removal for site access and cleaning of bird
droppings. The details associated with each measure, such as labor category, hours of labor to
perform the measure, and cost of materials and supplies (not shown in Figure 6), should also be
considered as equally important inputs that the user is expected to review and modify.
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Figure 6. Partial list of inputs for spreadsheet deployment of PV O&M cost model, with an example
of a 10-MW ground-mounted PV system
Source: Andy Walker, NREL
Figure 7 shows results from the prototype spreadsheet calculation. Results include annual cost
for each year of the analysis period, life cycle cost, and key cost indicators, such as O&M costs
per kW of installed capacity or per kWh of energy delivered. Results also include the amount of
money that should be kept in a reserve account or line of credit, or spare parts inventory, to
provide the desired level of certainty that the reserve account will be sufficient to cover
unplanned costs for each year of the analysis period.
For the example considered (a 10-MW ground-mounted system with 10 inverters), annual costs
vary from less than $100,000/year early in the analysis period to almost $400,000 late in the
analysis period, with an annualized value of $143,581/year or $14.36/kW/year. The net present
value is $2,044,656, or $0.013/kWh per unit of delivered energy. Assuming a desired probability
General Inputs
Analysis Period (Project Life)
25 years (40 max)
Discount Rate
% per annum
Inflation Rate
% per annum
Desired Confidence that Reserve Covers Cost
Working Hours/year 2,080
System Inputs
Name of System
10 MW Ground Mount Tracking
Denver, CO
System Size (kWp DC) 10,000.0
System Size (Wp DC) 10,000,000.0
Energy Yield Year 1 (kWh/kWp/year) 1,400.0
System Installed Cost $25,600,000
Module Efficiency 16.0%
Module Power (W STC) 305
Array Area (m2)
Number of Modules
Module Type/ Degradation Multi-crystal Silicon:0.64%/year
Degradation Rate per year 0.0064
Modules per String 14
Number of Strings
Strings per Combiner Box 15
Number of Combiner Boxes 157
Combiner boxes per DC disconnect
Number of DC Disconnects 157
Inverter Type Central Inverter
Inverter Replacement Cost/ Wp $0.190
Number of Inverters
Inverter Capacity (kWp) 2,000.0
Number of Transformers 5.0
Inverter Warranty (years) 10.0
PV Module Product Warranty (years) 20.0
Other equipment (EPC) Warranty (years)
Purchased monitoring contract (years)
1.0 Enter '0' if not applicable
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
of 92%, the amount to keep in reserve varies from less than $100,000 early in the analysis period
to a maximum of $800,840 in Year 21. The detailed services can be sorted by service type (type
of labor), by component type, as shown in Figure 7, or in different ways as desired by the user.
Figure 7. Example report from PV O&M cost model for 1-MW ground-mounted system
Source: Andy Walker, NREL
7.2 Online Version of PV O&M Cost Model
Software designers and programmers at SunSpec Alliance produced an online version of the PV
O&M cost model available at (one will need to register themselves to get
access to the online PV cost model).AP Suite stands for Asset Performance Suite and includes
both the PV O&M Cost Model and oSPARC, which logs system performance. This suite enables
the cost model of a PV system to be linked to the archived performance of that same system.
Figure 8 lists some inputs for the online version of the PV O&M cost model. The list of inputs is
the same as the precursor spreadsheet version, but inputs can be grouped by owner, portfolio, and
PV system, and the program allows for the storage of multiple cost models for an individual PV
system so scenarios can be compared.
System Name
10 MW Ground Mount Tracking
Annualized O&M Costs ($/year)
Annualized Unit O&M Costs ($/kW/year)
Maximum Reserve Account
Net Present Value O&M Costs (project life)
Net Present Value (project life) per Wp
NPV Annual O&M Cost per kWh
Service Avg. Cost/Yr NPV (Life) % of Total
NPV (Life) % of Total
Administrator $37,670 $410,243 20% AC wiring $2,417 $22,231 1%
Cleaner $24,995 $272,240 14% Asset Management $34,329 $373,857 19%
Inverter specialist $70,106 $537,709 27% Cleaning/Veg $41,410 $451,019 22%
Inspector $27,192 $290,057 14% DC wiring $15,239 $122,850 6%
Journeyman electrician $17,459 $110,866 6% Documents $3,286 $35,784 2%
PV module/array Specialist $11,582 $88,132 4% Electrical $1,331 $14,244 1%
Network/IT $205 $1,971 0% Inverter $70,478 $541,019 27%
Master electrician $6,986 $51,098 3% Mechanical $6,020 $57,227 3%
Mechanic $6,877 $52,600 3% Meter $19 $205 0%
Designer $0 $0 0% Monitoring $72 $783 0%
Pest control $1,676 $18,250 1% PV Array $12,530 $135,733 7%
Roofing $0 $0 0% PV module $13,439 $72,798 4%
Structural engineer $11 $74 0% Roof $0 $0 0%
Mower/Trimmer $16,424 $178,884 9% Tracker $13,898 $135,763 7%
Utilities locator $6 $44 0% Transformer $6,722 $48,654 2%
Total $221,189 $2,012,169 100% (blank) $0 $0 0%
Total $221,189 $2,012,169 100%
Lifetime NPV by Component Type
Lifetime NPV by Service Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940
Annual Cash Flow
Annual Cash Flow
Reserve Account
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Figure 8. Beginning of data input sheets for online version of PV O&M cost model, available at
Reports generated by the online version of the PV O&M cost model are, as with the spreadsheet
version described previously, annual O&M cost, net present value of PV O&M costs, and
reserve account amount for each year. As with the spreadsheet version, key indicators, such as
$/kW/year and $/kWh delivered, are also presented. The detailed results can be sorted by
category (Administrative, Operations, Preventive, and Corrective), by service type (electrician,
cleaner, and so on), and by component type (PV modules, inverters, and so on). Figure 9 shows a
screen capture of the Report screen showing results for the 10-MW ground-mounted system that
we are considering for an example.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
Figure 9. Sample report from online version of PV O&M cost model, showing annual O&M costs,
net present value, and reserve account amount for each year of the analysis period, and key
indicators such as $/kW/year and $/kWh delivered.
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
8 Conclusion
In this report, we present a method to calculate annual O&M costs, net present value of life cycle
costs, and reserve account amount for O&M of PV systems. Annual O&M cost is useful for
planning O&M budgets, net present value is useful in evaluating the financial prospectus of
potential project options and alternatives, and reserve account amount is useful for planning
required reserves that should be set up through financial mechanisms, such as line of credit, so
that repairs may be funded and accomplished quickly. In addition, the method and resulting
software calculate key indicators that use economic calculations to levelize these costs into a
standard per-kW, per-year basis ($/kW/year) or a per-kWh delivered basis ($/kWh). Results are
sorted to provide totals by category, type, and configuration of system equipment, and type of
service provider. This detail is useful for identifying areas of high cost that should be the focus of
efforts to reduce cost. The approach is general and can accommodate systems of different size,
application (residential, commercial, utility), and under different environmental conditions.
We have concentrated on developing the methods, calculations, and analytic framework, and the
method has been programmed into an online implementation available at
The online implementation of the PV O&M cost model software is populated mainly with
default values for labor and materials costs. While these default values reflect the considerable
experience of the members of the PV O&M Working Group that provided and reviewed them,
the intention is that default values would be replaced by actual cost experience of program users.
Recommendations for future work include an encouragement for system and fleet operators to
share their actuarial data on operations and maintenance in order to advance the accuracy and
utility of cost estimating tools. Feedback from actual costs should be carefully curated to refine
future PV O&M cost estimates. A covariance analysis is recommended rather than single
variable regression in order to represent inter-dependencies between the O&M cost model line-
items (eg serial defects, cascading failures)
This report is available at no cost from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at
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