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EDUC AFF AGRMT 020608_ rev09232020
University of Phoenix, Inc.
4025 S. Riverpoint Parkway
Phoenix, AZ 85040-1908
This Affiliation Agreement made and entered by and between The University of Phoenix, Inc., an Arizona
for-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as the “UNIVERSITY” and Wayne County Public Schools, an
entity domiciled in the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as the SCHOOL.”
The purpose of this Agreement is to provide education experiences for selected UNIVERSITY
students, hereinafter STUDENTS, which take place at the SCHOOL and in which the SCHOOL
will participate.
1. The UNIVERSITY will offer educational programs accredited by appropriate organizations;
and will determine standards of education, hours of instruction, learning experiences,
administration, matriculation, promotion, and graduation.
2. The UNIVERSITY will keep all records and reports on STUDENT experiences in
accordance with UNIVERSITY policy and regulatory requirements.
3. The UNIVERSITY will plan with the SCHOOL, in advance, its schedule of STUDENT
assignments to the designated areas, including dates and numbers of STUDENTS.
4. The UNIVERSITY agrees to inform STUDENTS that STUDENTS shall be responsible for
following the rules and regulations of the SCHOOL, including recognition of the
confidential nature of information regarding pupils and their records.
5. The UNIVERSITY will provide to the SCHOOL a copy of course objectives for the learning
experience. The SCHOOL, together with the UNIVERSITY, will make arrangements for
evaluating the learning experience.
6. The UNIVERSITY will assign a Faculty/Site Supervisor who will collaborate with the
SCHOOL’S Cooperating Teacher. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “Cooperating
Teacher shall be defined as the district educator who has been assigned to supervise the
7. STUDENTS shall not be considered as employees or agents of the UNIVERSITY.
8. To help defray costs associated with the placement of STUDENTS at the SCHOOL, the
UNIVERSITY shall pay compensation in accordance with Exhibit A, attached hereto and
incorporated herein, upon completion of STUDENT’S assignment at the SCHOOL, or at
such other time as the parties agree.
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9. As required by N.C.G.S 115C-332.1, and prior to the beginning of any assignment under
this Agreement, the UNIVERSITY shall conduct a review of the North Carolina State Sex
Offender and Public Protection Registration Program, and the National Sex Offender
Registry. The UNIVERSITY shall prohibit any faculty or STUDENT listed on any of these
registries from being assigned to, or present at, SCHOOL facilities or property in any
1. The SCHOOL shall maintain sole responsibility for the instruction, education and welfare
of its pupils. SCHOOL shall be responsible for providing adequate staffing necessary to
maintain the highest level of quality education for its pupils.
2. The SCHOOL agrees that STUDENTS assigned to it for counseling, administration,
teaching, and/or observation experiences are under the supervision, control, and
responsibility of the SCHOOL.
3. The SCHOOL shall retain the right, in its sole discretion, to request the removal of any
individual from any area of the SCHOOL premises. STUDENTS shall be instructed by the
UNIVERSITY to promptly and without protest leave an area whenever they are requested
to do so by an authorized SCHOOL representative.
4. The SCHOOL shall provide qualified Cooperating Teachers for STUDENTS. Cooperating
Teachers will be resource persons for STUDENTS and UNIVERSITY faculty while at the
SCHOOL. Cooperating Teachers selected by SCHOOL will: a) assist in orienting
STUDENTS to the SCHOOL, the classroom, and the pupils; b) explain all SCHOOL and
district policies, rules, and regulations to STUDENTS; c) provide prompt and substantive
feedback to STUDENTS regarding all performance activities and interactions with
SCHOOL personnel, pupils, and parents; d) complete evaluations of STUDENTS'
progress and submit them to the University Faculty/Site Supervisor, after reviewing them
with the applicable STUDENT; e) immediately inform the University Faculty/Site
Supervisor of any concerns regarding a STUDENT; f) establish a time to meet and discuss
with STUDENTS their activities, impressions, reflections, and suggestions for goals and
areas of improvement; g) (For student teaching) supervise STUDENTS on a daily. Under
no circumstance can a STUDENT, even if he/she is certified, serve as the substitute of
record during the student teaching experience.
5. The SCHOOL shall provide to UNIVERSITY and STUDENTS the policies and procedures
and other relevant materials to allow STUDENTS to function appropriately within the
6. STUDENTS assigned to the SCHOOL shall follow the SCHOOL'S protocols for health and
safety. The SCHOOL will provide necessary emergency medical services to STUDENTS.
7. The SCHOOL shall permit STUDENTS access to the library facilities/curriculum
laboratories available to their personnel. STUDENTS may not remove materials from the
SCHOOL without appropriate approval.
8. The SCHOOL shall keep confidential and shall not disclose to any person or entity (a)
STUDENT applications; (b) STUDENT health records or reports; and/or (c) any STUDENT
records as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g,
concerning any STUDENT participating in the education experiences provided by
SCHOOL, unless such disclosure is authorized by the FERPA or its regulations. SCHOOL
shall adopt and enforce policies and procedures necessary to protect the confidentiality of
STUDENT records as defined herein.
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9. STUDENTS shall not be considered employees or agents of the SCHOOL.
1. To the extent allowed by law, each party (the “Indemnifying Party”) shall indemnify, hold
harmless, and, at the request of the other party, defend the other party (the “Indemnified
Party”) from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs, and expenses
including reasonable attorney’s fees, established by judgment or alternative resolution
award, arising from (a) any material breach of any provision of this Agreement or (b) the
negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of obligations hereunder by the
Indemnifying Party or any employee, agent, or other representative of the Indemnifying
2. UNIVERSITY and SCHOOL shall provide prompt notification to one another and, to the
extent allowed by law, shall reasonably cooperate with one another in the defense of, any
lawsuits, claims, or threatened claims that pertain to services provided pursuant to this
1. UNIVERSITY shall maintain, as a minimum, Commercial General Liability Insurance
written on an occurrence basis with insurance companies acceptable to the other party for
limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate, as
assurance of its accountability for any such losses, claims, liabilities, or expenses.
2. Upon written request, UNIVERSITY shall provide SCHOOL with a certificate evidencing
such insurance coverage.
3. Insurance required by UNIVERSITY to be maintained hereunder may be provided under:
(a) an individual policy; (b) a blanket policy or policies which may include other liabilities,
properties and locations of UNIVERSITY or its affiliates; (c) a plan of self-insurance,
provided that UNIVERSITY or any guarantor of UNIVERSITY’S obligations under this
Agreement maintains, during the period of such self-insurance, a net worth of at least Fifty
Million Dollars ($50,000,000); or (d) a combination of any of the foregoing insurance
1. Each party to this Agreement represents and warrants that (i) it has the full power and
authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated
hereby applicable to it; and (ii) it has taken all action necessary to authorize the execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement, and this Agreement has been duly executed
and delivered to such party.
1. Neither the SCHOOL nor the UNIVERSITY will discriminate against any person because
of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, nor discriminate against any STUDENT or
student applicant with a disability pursuant to law as set forth in the Americans with
Disabilities Act.
2. Both parties acknowledge that they are bound by the provisions of the Family Educational
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Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) and all other relevant statutes governing STUDENT
records, both UNIVERSITY STUDENT records and SCHOOL pupil records.
3. This Agreement is not intended and shall not be construed to create the relationship of
agent, servant, employee, partnership, joint venture or association between the
UNIVERSITY and the SCHOOL and their employees, STUDENTS, or agents, but rather is
an Agreement by and among two independent contractors. Each STUDENT is placed with
the SCHOOL in order to receive educational experience as part of the academic
curriculum; duties performed by a STUDENT are not performed as an employee of the
SCHOOL but rather in fulfillment of the academic requirements of the educational
experience and are performed under direct supervision by SCHOOL personnel. Neither
the SCHOOL nor the UNIVERSITY is required to provide workers’ compensation
coverage for the STUDENTS participating in the educational experience. UNIVERSITY
acknowledges that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to confer any right upon
the UNIVERSITY or UNIVERSITY personnel to participate in, control, or direct operations
at the SCHOOL.
4. In the event the performance of the Agreement by either Party becomes impossible due to
circumstances beyond the control of the Parties, including Force Majeure (as is hereinafter
defined), the time for such performance by either Party or acceptance of services will be
equitably adjusted by allowing additional time for performance or acceptance of services
equal to any periods of Force Majeure or such performance will be excused. “Force
Majeure” shall mean any delays caused by acts of God, riot, war, terrorism, inclement
weather, labor strikes, material shortages and other causes beyond the reasonable control
of either party.
5. The SCHOOL and its employees shall not be entitled to compensation from the
UNIVERSITY for services or actions of benefit to the UNIVERSITY which are part of or
related to the educational program, however, as a professional courtesy, the Cooperating
Teacher may be entitled to payment of the reasonable and customary honorarium or,
alternatively, may at some campuses have the opportunity to enroll in a UNIVERSITY
course upon completion of the supervisory assignment.
6. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement as to the rights and obligations of the
parties hereto and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and
undertaking of the parties pertaining to the referenced subject matter.
7. Amendments to this Agreement may be made at any time, provided, however, that any
amendments, modifications or alterations shall be made only in writing and shall become
effective only upon the written approval of both the UNIVERSITY and the SCHOOL.
Further, this Agreement may not be assigned by either party without prior written approval
of the other party.
8. No waiver or breach of any term or provision of this Agreement shall be construed to be,
nor shall be, a waiver of any other breach of this Agreement. No waiver shall be binding
unless in writing signed by the party waiving the breach.
9. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be held void, voidable, or
unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and
effect in accordance with its terms disregarding such unenforceable or invalid provision.
10. This Agreement is not intended to create any rights or interests for any other person or
entity other than the SCHOOL or the UNIVERSITY.
11. This Agreement will be governed by conflicts of laws principles.
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1. This Agreement shall become effective on date of last signature and shall remain in
effect until terminated by either party in accordance with this section. Either party may
terminate this Agreement without cause by giving ninety (90) days prior written notice to
the other party of its intention to terminate. Notwithstanding any such termination, all
STUDENTS already enrolled in and participating in education experiences at SCHOOL at
the time of the notice of termination shall be given a period of time not to exceed six (6)
months from the date of the notice of termination during which to complete their education
experiences at SCHOOL. This Agreement is subject to annual approval by
the Wayne County Board of Education.
2. Any notice given under this Agreement may be given by personal delivery, overnight air
express, or certified United States mail, return receipt requested. Notice shall be deemed
to be given either (a) upon actual receipt, if notice is by personal delivery or by overnight
air express; or (b) five (5) business days after mailing, if the notice is by United States
mail, return receipt requested. Notice under this Agreement shall be given in writing to the
parties at the addresses stated below, or to such other persons or places as either party
may from time to time designate by written notice to the other party.
If to the UNIVERSITY: University of Phoenix
College of Education
4025 S. Riverpoint Parkway
Mail Stop CF-K612
Phoenix, AZ 85040
With a copy to: University of Phoenix
Apollo Legal Services
4025 S. Riverpoint Parkway
Mail Stop: AA-F102
Phoenix, AZ 85040
If to the SCHOOL: Wayne County Public Schools
2001 E. Royall Ave.
Goldsboro, NC 27534
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first subscribed
Signature Signature
Pamela Roggeman
Name Name (Print or Type)
Dean, College of Education
Title Title
Phone Fax Phone Fax
E-mail address E-mail address
Date Date
Dec 11, 2020
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In accordance with Section II, paragraph 8, UNIVERSITY shall compensate the following upon completion
of the STUDENT’s assignment:
Cooperating Teacher $500.00/per student teaching assignment
Faculty/Site Supervisor (if any) $500.00/per student teaching assignment