A Guide to Application
Provisional Licences
(Non-restaurant Food Licences)
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
1. With effect from 13.11.98, the licensing authority may, if such applications are made, issue
Provisional L
icences in respect of the above types of food business to prem
ises which have
met all essent
ial health, ventilation, building and fire services requirements for th
e issue of
provisional licences i
mposed by all the departments c
oncerned. This enables applicants to
mmence their business on a provisional basis following certification of comp
liance of
essential r
equirements, pending the issue of full licenc
2. Application for a provisional licence is entirely optional. If one opts for a provisional
licence, he sh
ould submit the application at the same time as he ap
plies for a full licence.
Application for a provisional licence without applying for a full licence will not be
considered by the licensing authority.
3. The licensing procedures of application for provisional licences are same as those of
application for full licences
except that after the issue of the letter of requirement
s, the
applicant is required to report compliance by submission of certifications by authorised
4. The licensing authority will issue a provisional licence if :-
(a) there is no objection i
n principle to the application for a full licence.
(b) the applic
ant has been issued with a list of essential licensing requirements, i.e.
requirements of building & health, fire services and ventilations, for the issue of a
provisional licence; and
(c) upon receipt of the report of com
pliance with the provisional licensing requirements from
the applicant enclosing relevant certificat
ions by professionals in prescribed form
s, the
licensing authority is satisfied that all essential requirements have been met.
Notes :
1. Sa
mple of the “report of compliance” form is at Appendix A.
2. Samples of the prescribed forms for certification by professionals are at Appendices B to
(Forms required depend on types of licence applied)
5. The following professional persons are recognised by the licensing authority for the
purpose of certification for the issue of provisional licences :-
Building & Health Requirements
(a) authorised persons or registered structural engineers registered under the Buildings
Ordinance in respect of hea
lth and building safety requirem
Fire Services Requirements
(b) fire service installation contractors registered under the Fire Services Ordinance in
respect of fire
service installations and equipm
ent; and
Ventilation Requirements
(c) ventilation contractors registered under the Buildings Ordinance in respect of
ventilating systems. A list of the authorised persons and registered structural engineers,
fire service installation contractors and ventilation contractors is kept at the respective
Licensing Offices for reference.
Validity & Renewal
6. A provisional licence shall be valid for six months. The licensing authority may in
exceptional circumstances renew, before it expires, a provisional licence for only
a further
period not exceeding six
months, if it is satisfied that the non-comp
liance with the outstanding
ments for the issue of a full licence is due to factors beyond the reasonable control of
the licensee,
his contractors and his agents.
Examples of such circumstances are :-
(a) the processing of the full licence application being hindered
by a cause which is not
attributable to the act, default or om
ission of
the licensee, his contractors and his agents;
the occurrence of such events as labour strikes, curfews and natural disasters.
7. Applicants who intend to apply for renewal of a provisional licence should submit an
application three weeks before the expiry of the licence with evidence to show
that the failure
to comply with the full licence requirements is due to above-mentioned circumstances.
8. A provisional licence is not transferable except with the consent of the licensing authority.
The existing policies and guidelines governing the transfer of full licences will apply to
application for the transfer of provisional licences.
Licence Fee
9. The licence fee for the issue and renewal of a provisional licence shall be 50% of the fee
for a full licence. Nevertheless, if a full licence is issued during the validity period of
licence, refund of part of the fee paid in respect of the provisional licence will be
made on a pro-rata basis.
10. Premises issued with a provisional licence will be subject to the same licence conditions,
selective inspection system and licence suspension/cancellation policies operating under the
existing full licensing system
11. The licensing staff of the departments concerned will follow up on the letters of
ments for the issue of a full licence in accordance with their norm
al departmental
licensing procedures.
12. Enquiries can be made by telephone, in writing or in person to the following offices:-
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Hong Kong and Islands
Assistant Secretary (Other Licences),
Hong Kong and Islands Licensing Office,
8th floor, Lockhart Road Municipal Services Building,
225 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel. no.: 2879 5720
Fax: 2507 2964
E-mail address: [email protected]ov.hk
Assistant Secretary (Other Licences),
Kowloon Licensing Office,
4th floor, Pei Ho Street Municipal Services Building,
333 Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
Tel. No.: 2729 1298
Fax: 2789 0107
E-mail address: kln_lo@fehd.gov.hk
New Territories
Assistant Secretary (Other Licences),
New Territories Licensing Office,
4th floor, Tai Po Complex, No.8 Heung Sze Wui Street, Tai Po, New Territories.
Tel. No.: 3183 9225
Fax: 2606 3350
E-mail address: nt_lo@fehd.gov.hk
Restaurant Licensing Resource Centre
Health Inspector (Resource Centre/Provisional Licence)
Restaurant Licensing Resource Centre,
4th floor, Pei Ho Street Municipal Services Building,
333 Ki Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
Tel. No.: 2958 0694
Fax: 2708 9761
E-mail address: enquir[email protected]
Fire Services Department
Hong Kong Regional Office
M/F, Sheung Wan Fire Station,
2 Western Fire Services Street,
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Tel: 2549 8104
Fax: 2559 3461
e-mail: lchfpro2@hkfsd.gov.hk
Kowloon West Sub-Regional Office
6/F, East Wing, Tsim Sha Tsui Fire Station,
333 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Tel: 2302 5339
Fax: 2302 5314
e-mail: lckfpro@hkfsd.gov.hk
New Territories Regional Office
Unit 1809-1810, 18/F, Skyline
Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road,
Kowloon Bay
Tel: 3423 9328
Fax: 2443 1411
e-mail: [email protected]ov.hk
Kowloon East Sub-Regional Office
Unit 1809-1810, 18/F, Skyline
Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road,
Kowloon Bay
Tel: 3423 9332
Fax: 2722 5256
Ventilation Division
3/F, Fire Services Department Kwai
Chung Office Building,
No. 86 Hing Shing Road,
Kwai Chung, New Territories
Tel: 2718 7567
Fax: 2382 2495
Buildings Department
Licensing Unit,
Buildings Department Headquarters, North Tower,
West Kowloon Government Offices,
11 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon.
Tel: 2626 1616 (Handled by “1823”)
Fax: 3184 7956
FEHB 89 (9/2016)
To : Assistant Secretary,
Hong Kong & Islands/Kowloon/New Territories* Licensing Office,
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Name of applicant/authorized representative*:
(English) (Mr./Ms.*)
Address of premises :
Tel. no.: Fax no.:
With reference to my application for a Provisional
_______________________________________ Licence in respect of the above-mentioned
premises dated (dd/mm/yyyy), I wish to confirm that I have
complied with all licensing requirements contained in your letter referenced
_____________________ dated ________________ (dd/mm/yyyy) and the Director of Fire
Services’ letter referenced ________________________ dated __________________
(dd/mm/yyyy) and enclose herewith the following certificates of compliance :
(a) Certificate of Compliance A (Health Requirements)
*(b) Certificate of Compliance B (Building Safety Requirements)
*(c) Certificate of Compliance C (Fire Services Requirements)
*(d) Certificate of Compliance D (Ventilation Requirements) together with three
copies of ventilating system layout plans, drawn as nearly as possible to
scale, showing the final layout of the ventilating system installed in the
*(e) Certificate of Compliance UBW-1 (Free of Unauthorized Building Works
I understand that all matters covered by the enclosed certificates are subject to
verification by the Licensing Authority.
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Signature of applicant/
authorized representative*
* Please delete where appropriate.
Appendix A
I, ( ),
(Surname) (Other names) (Name in Chinese)
holder of Hong Kong Identity Card number ( ), being the authorized person/
structural engineer* registered under Section 3 of the Buildings Ordinance (Chapter 123) do hereby
certify and declare as follows :
In respect of the premises known as
(Shopsign in English)
( ), situated at
(Shopsign in Chinese) (Address of premises)
and being under application for a Provisional Licence
by ( ),
(Name of applicant in English) (Name of applicant in Chinese)
all health requirements listed as Category A requirements in the Letter of Requirements
addressed to the abovenamed applicant dated (dd/mm/yyyy) have
been fully complied with. I have personally verified such compliance by inspection of the
subject premises on . I have read the said Letter of
(Date of inspection) (dd/mm/yyyy)
Requirements and understand the contents thereof. I also understand that all matters covered
y this Certificate will be subject to further verification by the Licensing Authority and that if I
wilfully or negligently give false or misleading information in this Certificate, I shall render
myself to be liable to legal and/or other penalties.
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Signature of authorized person/registered
structural engineer*
Registration number :
Expiry date of registration : (dd/mm/yyyy)
Registered address :
Name of company/partnership firm* :
(if authorized person/registered structural engineer* is an
employee/director/partner* of a company/partnership firm*)
Company chop
* Please delete where appropriate.
FEHB 90 (
Appendix B
FEHB 91 (6/2021) 1
I, ( ),
(Surname in English) (Other names in English)
(Name in Chinese)
being the Authorised Person/Registered Structural Engineer* registered under section 3 of the
Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123) do hereby certify:
In respect of the premises known as
(Shop sign in English)
( ), and situated at
(Shop sign in Chinese)
(Address of premises)
and being under application for a Provisional Licence
by ( ),
(Name of applicant in English)
(Name of applicant in Chinese)
all Category B building safety requirements listed in the Letter of Requirements
addressed to the abovenamed applicant dated (dd/mm/yyyy)
(Note 1)
have been fully complied with. or
all building safety requirements listed in the Memorandum issued by the Buildings
Department (BD)/Independent Checking Unit (ICU)* and copied to the abovenamed
applicant dated (dd/mm/yyyy)
(Note 2)
(file ref.: _______________)
have been fully complied with.
I personally inspected the premises on ______________________ (dd/mm/yyyy) for the
(Date of inspection)
purpose of making the certification, and have read the said Letter of Requirements and/or
Memorandum issued by the BD/ICU* and understood the contents thereof.
That the address of the premises and the description of the minor works in the following
submission records are correct for the subject premises and all the minor works items required
under the aforesaid building safety requirements have been covered. Copies of the following
submission records for the aforesaid minor works items are attached herewith:
Notice of Commencement of Class I and/or Class II* Minor Works (MW01 and/or
MW03*) together with record photos.
Notice of Commencement of Additional Class I and/or Class II* Minor Works (MW11
and/or MW12*) together with record photos.
Certificate of Completion of Class I and/or Class II* Minor Works (MW02 and/or
MW04*) together with record photos.
Notice and Certificate of Completion of Class III Minor Works (MW05) together with
record photos.
Submission of Supplementary Documents or Information of Minor Works (MW33).
Note 1:
Date of the Letter of Requirements issued by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, whichever is
the latest, should be stated.
Note 2:
Date of the Memorandum issued by the BD/ICU, whichever is the latest, should be stated.
Please delete where appropriate.
Please tick the appropriate box(es).
Appendix C
FEHB 91 (6/2021) 2
I understand that matters covered by this Certificate will be subject to further verification by the
Licensing Authority. If I provide information that is false or misleading in a material particular or
furnish the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, an authorised officer or a public officer with
information knowing that it is false or misleading in a material particular in this Certificate, I shall
render myself liable to disciplinary action under section 7 of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123)
and/or other legal penalties.
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Signature and full name
of Authorised Person/
Registered Structural Engineer*
Certificate of registration No.
Date of expiry of registration
: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Correspondence address:
Contact telephone number:
Contact fax numbers:
Contact email address:
Name of company/partnership firm*:
(if Authorised Person/Registered Structural Engineer* is an employee/director/partner* of a
company/partnership firm*)
Company Chop
In accordance with the registration record.
Please delete where appropriate.
FEHB 91 (6/2021) 3
Collection of Personal Data in Connection with
Application for Food Business and Other Trade Licences or
Application for Alteration to the Approved Plan of Licensed Premises
(In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance)
Statement of Purpose
1. Purposes of Collection
The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Food and Environmental Hygiene
Department (FEHD) for:
(a) activities relating to applications for the issue of food business and other trade licences/permits
made to the FEHD;
(b) activities relating to applications for alteration to the approved plan of licensed premises made to
the District Environmental Hygiene Office/Licensing Section of the FEHD; and
(c) facilitating communication among the staff of the FEHD, other government departments and you
concerning compliance with the laws and regulations applicable to the food business and other
The provision of personal data by means of this form is voluntary. However, if you do not provide
sufficient information, the FEHD may not be able to process your application.
2. Class of Transferees
The personal data which you have provided by means of this form may be disclosed to other government
departments, bureaux, organisations or any persons for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above.
3. Access to Personal Data
You have the right of access and correction with respect to the personal data as provided under Personal
Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Request for personal data access and correction should be addressed to
FEHD. FEHD has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request.
4. Enquiries
Enquiries concerning the licence application, including the personal data collected by means of this form,
should be addressed to the officer in charge of the respective Licensing Offices of the Department:
Hong Kong & Islands
Assistant Secretary, Licensing Office
Hong Kong & Islands Licensing Office,
8/F, Lockhart Road Municipal Services Building,
225 Hennessy Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel. No.: 2879 5712
Assistant Secretary, Licensing Office
Kowloon Licensing Office,
4/F, Pei Ho Street Municipal Services Building,
333 Ki Lung Street,
Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
Tel. No.: 2729 1293
New Territories
Assistant Secretary, Licensing Office
New Territories Licensing Office,
4/F, Tai Po Complex, 8 Heung Sze Wui Street,
Tai Po, New Territories
Tel. No.: 3183 9234
FEHB 92 (6/2014)
Part 1
I/We*, (a) ( ) (HKID No.: ),
(Surname) (Other Names) (Name in Chinese)
(b) ( ) (HKID No.: ),
(Surname) (Other Names) (Name in Chinese)
and (c) ( ) (HKID No.: ),
(Surname) (Other Names) (Name in Chinese)
being the fire service installation contractor(s) registered under Regulation 3 of the Fire Service
(Installation Contractors) Regulations (Cap. 95A) and I,
( ),
(Surname) (Other Names) (Name in Chinese)
holder of Hong Kong Identity Card number , being the
authorised person/structural engineer* registered under Section 3 of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap.
123), both do hereby certify and declare as follows :
In respect of the premises known as
(Shopsign in English)
( ), situated at
(Shopsign in Chinese) (Address of Premises)
and being
under application for a Provisional Licence
by ( ),
(Name of Applicant in English) (Name of Applicant in Chinese)
all fire safety requirements listed as Category C requirements in the Letter of Requirements
addressed to the abovenamed applicant by the Director of Fire Services (D of FS) dated
_ (dd/mm/yyyy) have been fully complied with. We
have personally verified such compliance by inspection of the subject premises on
_ (dd/mm/yyyy) and (dd/mm/yyyy) respectively.
(Date of Inspection by Fire
Service Installation Contractor)
(Date of Inspection by Authorised
Person/Registered Structural Engineer*)
We have read the said fire safety requirements and understand the contents thereof. We
also understand that all matters covered by this Certificate will be subject to further verification
by the Licensing Authority and the Fire Services Department (FSD) and that if we wilfully or
negligently give false or misleading information in this Certificate, we shall render ourselves
liable to legal action and/or other penalties.
Certificate(s) of Fire Service Installations and Equipment (FS 251) is/are enclosed.
Fire Service Installation (FSI) Plans (FSI/314A), FSI Plans for Prescribed Commercial
Buildings (FSI/314B), FSI Plans for Composite Buildings/Domestic Buildings (FSI/314C)
is/are enclosed.
Please delete where appropriate.
Please tick the appropriate box
Appendix D
FEHB 92 (6/2014)
(a) Signature of the fire service installation contractor or its authorised representative if the fire
service installation contractor is a company/partnership firm*:
Company Chop Signature
Registration Number (Name and HKID No.
of the authorised representative)
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
(b) Signature of the fire service installation contractor or its authorised representative if the fire
service installation contractor is a company/partnership firm*:
Company Chop Signature
Registration Number (Name and HKID No.
of the authorised representative)
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
(c) Signature of the fire service installation contractor or its authorised representative if the fire
service installation contractor is a company/partnership firm*:
Company Chop Signature
Registration Number (Name and HKID No.
of the authorised representative)
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
(d) Signature of authorised person/registered structural engineer or its authorised representative
if authorised person/registered structural engineer* is an employee/director/partner* of a
company/partnership firm*:
Company Chop Signature
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) (Name and HKID No.
of the authorised representative)
Registration number:
Expiry date of registration :
Registered address :
Name of company/partnership firm* :
* Please delete where appropriate.
FEHB 92 (6/2014)
Part 2 -
For food business licence application only (to be completed by the applicant)
I hereby declare that there are no polyurethane (PU) foam filled mattresses and upholstered
furniture in the subject premises.
For PU Foam Filled Mattresses and Upholstered Furniture Used in the Subject
(1) I declare that the PU foam filled mattresses and upholstered furniture (“the said
furniture”) used in the subject premises do conform to the standards as stipulated in the
fire safety requirements issued to me by D of FS
dated (dd/mm/yyyy);
(2) I warrant that there are relevant invoice(s) and test certificate(s) of the said furniture to
prove that the said furniture do conform to the standards as stipulated in the fire safety
requirements issued by D of FS;
(3) If the relevant invoice(s) and test certificate(s) of the said furniture cannot be produced
during the FSD’s verification inspection, I shall produce the relevant delivery note(s)
of the said furniture to FSD as an interim measure and undertake to produce the
relevant invoice(s) and test certificate(s) to FSD for verification within 8 weeks from
the date of the verification inspection; and
(4) I acknowledge that the Licensing Authority shall have the right and absolute discretion
to refuse to grant a Provisional Licence to me or cancel the Provisional Licence issued
to me at any time if I fail to produce the relevant delivery note(s), invoice(s) or test
certificate(s) as and when required.
I understand and acknowledge that the Licensing Authority and FSD shall have the right to
investigate and verify any information, delivery note(s), invoice(s) or test certificate(s) provided
and produced pursuant to this Certificate of Compliance and that I shall be subject to sanctions
including but not limited to the refusal of the grant of a Provisional Licence or immediate
cancellation of the Provisional Licence if I provide any information or produce any delivery
note(s), invoices(s) and test certificate(s) which may be false or misleading.
Signature of applicant:
( )
Name of applicant (Name in Chinese) Signature/Company Chop
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) (Certificate of Incorporation No./
HKID No. of the applicant)
Please tick the appropriate box.
# The delivery note must contain a list of the concerned PU foam filled mattresses and upholstered furniture with details of types, quantity and
I, ( ),
(Surname) (Other names) (Name in Chinese)
holder of Hong Kong Identity Card number ( ),
eing the registered
specialist contractor (ventilation works category) under Section 8A of the Buildings Ordinance
(Chapter 123) do hereby certify and declare as follows :
In respect of the premises known as
(Shopsign in English)
( ), situated at
(Shopsign in Chinese) (Address of premises)
being under application for a Provisional Licence
by ( ),
(Name of applicant in English) (Name of applicant in Chinese)
all ventilation requirements listed as Category D requirements in the Letter of Requirements
addressed to the abovenamed applicant dated have been fully complied with.
I have personally inspected the subject premises and verified the compliance of the
requirements against the ventilating system layout plan (drawing
no. ), 3 copies attached,
on . I have read the said Letter of Requirements and
(Date of inspection) (dd/mm/yyyy)
understand the contents thereof. I also understand that all matters covered by this
Certificate will be subject to further verification by the Licensing Authority and that if I
willfully or negligently give false or misleading information in this Certificate, I shall
render myself to be liable to legal and/or other penalties.
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Name in BLOCK letters and authorized signature
of registered specialist contractor
(ventilation works category)
Registered address :
Name of company/partnership firm* :
(if the ventilation contractor is a company/partnership*)
Contact telephone no. (Contractor):
Contact telephone no. (Applicant):
Company chop
* Please delete where appropriate.
FEHB 93 (9/2013)
Appendix E