Bond No.
(Surety), are held and firmly bound unto the Board of County Commissioners of Washington
County, Maryland (Board), in the amount of Dollars ($ ) in lawful money of the
United States of America, to be paid to the Board, its successors or assigns, to which payment the
Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly
and severally, firmly by these presents.
The Principal has requested that the following described stormwater management facility
(SWM Facility) enter the maintenance period required by the Stormwater Management Ordinance
for Washington County, Maryland (Ordinance) and has agreed to provide the aforementioned
security for said purposes:
Subdivision Name/Section or Phase:
Recorded Plat No.:
Name, Number or Location of Stormwater Management Facility:
Construction of the SWM Facility has been completed and the Surety guarantees the
maintenance and repair of the SWM Facility in accordance with the terms of the Ordinance and
the construction plans approved by the Director of Engineering of Washington County, dated
In addition to the obligations in the Ordinance and the Plans, the Surety guarantees that the
SWM Facility shall for a minimum period of two (2) years from the date of execution of this Bond
be maintained and repaired such that it remains the same or better condition as it existed on the
date that the SWM Facility received as-built approval from the Director of Permits and
Inspections/Code Official of Washington County.
NOW THEREFORE, the condition of the obligations evidenced by this Bond (Bond No.
) is such that, if the Principal faithfully performs all of the obligations of the Principal
relating to the maintenance and repair of the SWM Facility as indicated in the Ordinance, the
Plans, and herein, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the Board from all costs and
damages which the Board may suffer by reason of maintenance or repair of the SWM Facility,
then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect.
Bond No.
The parties agree:
1. That the Surety guarantees the maintenance and repair of the SWM Facility in
accordance with the terms of the Ordinance and the Plans for a minimum period of two (2) years
from the date of execution of this Bond. During said period, the Surety guarantees that the SWM
Facility shall be maintained and repaired such that it remains in the same or better condition as it
existed on the date that the SWM Facility received as-built approval from Director of Permits and
Inspections/Code Official of Washington County. If, as determined by the Director of Permits and
Inspections/Code Official of Washington County, the SWM Facility is maintained and repaired
such that it remains in the same or better condition as it existed on the date that the SWM Facility
received as-built approval, then this Bond may be released upon approval of the Director of Permits
and Inspections/Code Official of Washington County.
2. If as determined by the Director of Permits and Inspections/Code Official of
Washington County, the SWM Facility is not maintained or repaired to the same condition as it
existed on the date that the SWM Facility received as-built approval, then the obligations of this
Bond shall not be released until such time as any and all outstanding maintenance or repair
requirements are fulfilled by the Principal or the Surety to the satisfaction of the Director of Permits
and Inspections/Code Official.
3. In the event of any default or violation of the Ordinance, Plans or this Bond on the
part of the Principal, a written statement of the particular facts showing the date and nature of such
default shall be provided to the Principal and the Surety by registered mail. If the Principal shall
fail to cure the default or violation and the Board executes its right to claim or recovery, the Surety
shall have the right and opportunity to assume the remainder of the Principal’s obligations and at
its option to perform or sublet the same. Otherwise, the Board shall be permitted to provide
maintenance and repair of the SWM Facility and may claim recovery against the Principal and/or
4. No suit or action may be maintained in relation to this Bond unless it shall have
been instituted within three (3) years from the date that this Bond is released.
5. The Recitals are hereby incorporated as substantive provisions of this Stormwater
Management Bond.
WITNESS our hands and seals this _____ day of _______________, 20___.
Bond No.
Printed Name
Printed Name
Developer (if not owner):
Phone No.:
FOR ENTITIES (i.e. corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies)
(Entity Name)
(Printed Name and Title)
Developer (if not owner):
Phone No.:
Bond No.
Surety Company
Issuing Agency Contact Name and Title:
Company Name:
Phone No.:
Approved & Accepted by:
Director of Permits &
Inspections/Code Official
Approved as to form legal
County Attorney
Approved & Accepted by:
Real Property Administrator