Application InstructionsApplication InstructionsApplication InstructionsApplication Instructions
What sets USC Gould School of Law students apart from their peers at other institutions? Extraordinary academic credentials
and a rich diversity of background and experience in a law school with a small student body. USC Gould is a small law school
on a large and vibrant campus, and the environment is both collaborative and supportive.
Each year, USC Gould receives many more applications than we have spaces in the entering class. With approximately 200
seats to fill in the entering class, admission is highly selective. Our priority application deadline is February 1, 2017, but we
will continue to accept applications through April 1, 2017. Early applications receive priority review and scholarship
consideration (although not necessarily a final decision). We strongly encourage you to submit your application by the
February 1, 2017 priority deadline.
To be eligible to apply, you must have received OR plan to receive a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college
or university before enrolling at USC Gould. We base our admission decisions on academic record, LSAT score, personal
statement, résumé, letters of recommendation, and other information in your application file.
USC Gould has a long tradition of striving to provide equal opportunity, and is firmly committed to a policy against
discrimination based on ethnicity, national origin, disability, race, religion, political beliefs, gender, sexual orientation or
gender identity, or age.
Our Admissions CommitteeOur Admissions CommitteeOur Admissions CommitteeOur Admissions Committee
The Admissions and Financial Aid Committee is comprised of members of the faculty, the associate dean, the director of
admissions, and an elected student representative. Members of the Committee read each application in the applicant pool
thoroughly and considers each application on an individual basis. Committee members pay close attention to the "soft"
factors, factors other than LSAT score(s) and undergraduate grade point average. All files are read at least twice.
Academic RequirementsAcademic RequirementsAcademic RequirementsAcademic Requirements
In reviewing application files, the Committee focuses on college grades, academic major, selection of courses, and significant
scholarly achievements. Although USC Gould does not require specific college courses for admission, we look favorably on
students who have selected intellectually challenging courses of study.
Whatever your discipline, we urge you to concentrate on developing strong writing and analytic skills. Courses that require
intensive research projects and active participation in classroom dialogue will also be helpful in preparing you to study law.
Your Personal StatementYour Personal StatementYour Personal StatementYour Personal Statement
Of the qualitative or "soft" factors of the application, the personal statement is of critical importance to the admissions
committee. This is your primary opportunity to discuss who you are beyond the quantifiable components of your application.
While there is no prompt and we encourage you to approach the personal statement with an open-mind, we are particularly
interested in how your background (academic and otherwise) has led to your decision to study law. Please note, the personal
statement is not the place to repeat items on your résumé.
The personal statement should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced, and at least 12 point font. The Admissions Committee values
carefully crafted essays that are clear, concise, and compelling. The personal statement is a writing sample and you should
pay particular attention to the details of your composition. The statement must be electronically attached.
You are required to submit a résumé to illustrate your chronological work history. Indicate hours per week for each activity
where applicable. Please limit your résumé to no more than two pages, but one is preferred.
Letters of RecommendationLetters of RecommendationLetters of RecommendationLetters of Recommendation
We require two letters of recommendation to complete your application. The most influential letters of recommendation focus
on your academic potential. They are written by people who know you well and will evaluate your academic performance.
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Although recommendations not pertaining to academic abilities are helpful, academic recommendations carry the most
weight with the Admissions Committee. If you have been out of college for a number of years, then a letter from an employer
would be appropriate. As this is an academic environment, we encourage employers to discuss the candidate's written and
oral communication skills, leadership skills, and potential for the study of law. We will accept a maximum of THREE letters of
Contribution to DiversityContribution to DiversityContribution to DiversityContribution to Diversity
USC Gould's admissions process is guided by the view that a student body that reflects the broad and rich diversity of our
society provides a superior educational environment for all law students. The primary goal of our admissions process is to
enroll students who demonstrate outstanding academic and professional promise and whose background and experience will
enrich USC Gould's educational environment or enhance the diversity of our student body and the legal profession.
You may be regarded as potentially contributing to student diversity if your background or experience would not ordinarily be
well represented in the student body or the legal profession. Examples include (but are not limited to) students who:
Have struggled against prejudice, economic disadvantage, family or personal adversity, or other social hardships
(perhaps as a result of disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation).
Have lived in a foreign country or who spoke a language other than English at home.
Have unusual career goals, employment history (perhaps military or law enforcement experience), or educational
background (including graduate study).
Demonstrate unusual extracurricular achievement (including school or community service).
If you believe your background or experience can contribute to USC Gould's goal of diversity and educational enrichment--
and if you would like this factor considered in the admissions process--please include detailed written information about your
background or experience in your application (providing such information is voluntary). There is an optional diversity
statement in the Attachments section of the application and should be limited to 2-3 pages, double-spaced, and at least 12
point font.
The Admissions Committee does not grant interviews to candidates as part of the admissions process.
Admission Decisions and TimelinesAdmission Decisions and TimelinesAdmission Decisions and TimelinesAdmission Decisions and Timelines
Applications that are complete by February 1, 2017 receive priority review both for admission and scholarships. However, we
will accept applications through April 1, 2017. This means that applicants who have not taken the LSAT until the February
2017 administration ARE eligible to apply. All applicant files are reviewed administratively by the Dean of Admissions or a
member of the admissions staff once before they are complete. A portion of the applicant pool is admitted and denied by the
Dean of Admissions based on admissions criteria set forth by the Admissions and Financial Aid Committee. A small number
of files are reviewed by the Admissions and Financial Aid Committee who make advisory admissions decisions. Candidates
who are placed on a waiting list are encouraged to submit letters of continued interest periodically. In addition, they may
update their file with new information, which they believe may support an offer of admission. Decision notifications typically
begin mid-December and conclude around May 15, 2017. All decisions are final and no appeals process exists.
Requirements for EnrollmentRequirements for EnrollmentRequirements for EnrollmentRequirements for Enrollment
If you are admitted to USC Gould, you are required to pay two non-refundable $500.00 tuition deposits by specified deadlines
(typically May 1 and July 1). The enrollment instructions included with your admission packet will provide deadlines
and instructions.
Prior to enrollment in August, you must submit your official transcript, verifying your receipt of a bachelor's degree from an
accredited college or university to the law school Registrar.
Acceptance Deferral PolicyAcceptance Deferral PolicyAcceptance Deferral PolicyAcceptance Deferral Policy
USC Gould grants deferrals for up to one year (except for applicants who are participating in Teach for America who may
receive up to two years). Candidates must agree to submit the required tuition seat deposit(s), withdraw all applications from
other law schools (including waiting lists), and agree not to submit new applications during the next admission cycle.
Deferrals are granted on a case-by-case basis and generally only where circumstances not present at the time of application
submission have since arisen.
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Bar Admission Character ConsiderationsBar Admission Character ConsiderationsBar Admission Character ConsiderationsBar Admission Character Considerations
In addition to a bar examination, there are character, fitness, and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every U.S.
jurisdiction. Applicants are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend to seek
admission by contacting the jurisdiction directly. Addresses for all relevant agencies are available through the National
Conference of Bar Examiners. USC Gould requires applicants for admission to fully disclose responses to the following
Have you ever been dropped, suspended, warned, placed on academic or disciplinary probation, disciplined, expelled, or
requested or advised to resign from any post-secondary school, college, university, professional school, or law school?
Have you ever been arrested or otherwise charged formally or informally with a violation of the law? (You should not
provide information about any criminal proceedings which you believe to have been sealed or expunged).
Are any charges pending against you?
Have you ever been or are you currently registered at another law school?
If the answer to any of the questions is in the affirmative, then a full written explanation must accompany the application. You
will be prompted to include your statement within the application, or if you need additional space, you may include your
statement via the Attachments section. If the conduct in question is related to discipline taken by a post-secondary school,
college, university, professional school, or law school, then in addition to your explanatory statement, we must receive a
separate explanatory statement from the institution's dean or authorized school official, providing information about the
incident. Any applicable statement or letter must be sent to the law school directly from the institution, and not emailed, faxed,
or included in the application. Candor is extremely important and appreciated by the Admissions Committee.
We recommend you familiarize yourself with the rules governing admission to the bar in the states where you intend to
practice. You can obtain information about bar requirements by writing to the appropriate state board of bar examiners.
Ongoing Duty to DiscloseOngoing Duty to DiscloseOngoing Duty to DiscloseOngoing Duty to Disclose
All candidates for admission have an ongoing duty to disclose material changes to their application especially as they relate
to conduct matters (criminal or disciplinary) to the Dean of Admissions prior to enrollment. Candidates agree that providing
inaccurate or misleading information on the admission application, or omitting information will be cause for an investigation of
misconduct in the admissions process, rescission of any offer of admission, or for discipline, dismissal, or revocation of
degree if discovered at a later date.
Application Fee WaiversApplication Fee WaiversApplication Fee WaiversApplication Fee Waivers
USC Gould School of Law will be offering fee waivers to ALL applicants through February 1, 2017. Please apply early to
enjoy the benefit of an automatic application fee waiver. In the past, USC Gould has offered several types of application fee
waivers. These included merit-based fee waivers, hardship/need-based fee waivers, Teach for America fee waivers, and
waivers to USC undergraduates. Applicants who fall into any of these categories will receive the automatic fee waiver granted
through February 1, 2017, however, if you apply following this priority deadline, fee waivers will NOT be granted.
Beginning February 2, 2017, the non-refundable application fee is $75.00. Refunds will not be granted for applicants who fail
to follow the application instructions.
Our Nondiscrimination PolicyOur Nondiscrimination PolicyOur Nondiscrimination PolicyOur Nondiscrimination Policy
USC Gould is firmly committed to a policy against discrimination based upon ethnicity, national origin, disability, race, religion,
political beliefs, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, or age.
If you have questions about the admissions process, please call the Office of Admissions at 213.740.2523 or send an e-mail
message to [email protected].
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Application TypeApplication TypeApplication TypeApplication Type
Are you a first time applicant or a re-applicant to the USC Gould School of Law?
____ 1st time applicant
____ Re-applicant
If a re-applicant, for what year did you previously apply for the fall semester?
What was your final admissions decision?
____ Admitted
____ Denied
____ Withdrawn Before Decision
First name
Middle name
Last name
Previous (other) name
Preferred first name
Date of birth
Place of birth: City
Place of birth: Country
Place of birth: State/Province
LSAC account number
Contact InformationContact InformationContact InformationContact Information
Current AddressCurrent AddressCurrent AddressCurrent Address
Street address--line 1
Street address--line 2
Street address--line 3
Zip/postal code
Current mailing address good until date
Day phone
Evening phone
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Contact Information continuedContact Information continuedContact Information continuedContact Information continued
Permanent AddressPermanent AddressPermanent AddressPermanent Address
Street address--line 1
Street address--line 2
Street address--line 3
Zip/postal code
Permanent mailing address good until date
Day phone
Evening phone
Other Contact InformationOther Contact InformationOther Contact InformationOther Contact Information
Primary e-mail address
Secondary e-mail address
Permanent e-mail address
Mobile phone
University of Southern California, Gould School of Law can send text messages to my mobile phone.
____ Yes
____ No
____ Non-Resident Alien
____ US Citizen
____ US Permanent Resident
Country of citizenship
Visa type
Visa/SEVIS number
Permanent resident number
Permanent city
Permanent state/province
Permanent country
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Demographics continuedDemographics continuedDemographics continuedDemographics continued
Are you Hispanic or Latino?
____ Yes
____ No
If you selected 'Yes' to the above question, select an ethnicity.
____Central American ____Cuban ____Mexican
____Mexican American ____Other Hispanic ____Other Hispanic/Latino
____South American
What is your race? Select one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander AustralianAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander AustralianAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander AustralianAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australian
____Aboriginal/Torres Strait Isl. Australian
American Indian or Alaska NativeAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAmerican Indian or Alaska Native
____Alaskan Native ____American Indian ____American Indian/Alaskan
____Bangladeshi ____Chinese ____Chinese American
____East Indian ____Filipino ____Filipino American
____Indian ____Japanese ____Japanese American
____Korean ____Korean American ____Other Asian
____Pakistani ____South Asian ____Thai
____Vietnamese ____Vietnamese American
Black or African AmericanBlack or African AmericanBlack or African AmericanBlack or African American
____Black/African American
Canadian AboriginalCanadian AboriginalCanadian AboriginalCanadian Aboriginal
____Canadian Aboriginal
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
____Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Puerto RicanPuerto RicanPuerto RicanPuerto Rican
____Puerto Rican
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Demographics continuedDemographics continuedDemographics continuedDemographics continued
____ Decline to respond
Tribal AffiliationTribal AffiliationTribal AffiliationTribal Affiliation
Tribal affiliation or village name
Enrollment number (enrolled members only)
Have you served or are you now serving on full-time, active US military duty?
____ Yes
____ No
Date of entrance (month/year)
Date of discharge (month/year)
Expected military reserve or National Guard status during law school
Discharge type
Have you ever been separated from any branch of the US armed forces under less than honorable conditions?
____ Yes
____ No
If you have been separated from any branch of the US armed forces under less than honorable conditions, explain the
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Standardized TestingStandardized TestingStandardized TestingStandardized Testing
Test Date Test Score
Conduct InformationConduct InformationConduct InformationConduct Information
In addition to a bar examination, there are character, fitness, and other qualifications for admission to the bar in every U.S.
jurisdiction. Applicants are encouraged to determine the requirements for any jurisdiction in which they intend to seek
admission by contacting the jurisdiction.
If you answer "yes" to any of the following questions, you are required to submit an explanatory statement below. If you need
additional space, please submit your explanatory statement via the Attachments section of the electronic application and
indicate that in the box below.
Have you ever been dropped, suspended, warned, placed on academic or disciplinary probation, disciplined, expelled, or
requested or advised to resign from any post-secondary school, college, university, professional school, or law school?
____ Yes
____ No
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Conduct Information continuedConduct Information continuedConduct Information continuedConduct Information continued
You are required to submit an explanation below summarizing the facts, discipline, and outcome of the situation(s). If you
need additional space for your statement, please upload your explanation in the Attachments section and indicate so here.
Additionally you are required to submit a separate explanatory statement from the institution's dean or an authorized school
official, providing information about the incident. (This letter must be sent to the Admissions Office directly from the institution,
and not from you via email, fax, or as an attachment included in the application).
Have you ever been arrested or otherwise charged formally or informally with a violation of the law? (You should not provide
information about any criminal proceeding which you believe to have been sealed or expunged).
____ Yes
____ No
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Conduct Information continuedConduct Information continuedConduct Information continuedConduct Information continued
You are required to submit an explanation below summarizing the facts and the conclusions of the court and the final
disposition. Merely citing the penal code section is not sufficient. If you need additional space, please upload your explanation
in the Attachments section and indicate so here.
Are there any charges pending against you?
____ Yes
____ No
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Conduct Information continuedConduct Information continuedConduct Information continuedConduct Information continued
You are required to submit an explanation below providing information about the incident. If you need additional space,
please upload your explanation in the Attachments section and indicate so here.
Have you ever been or are you currently registered at another law school?
____ Yes
____ No
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Conduct Information continuedConduct Information continuedConduct Information continuedConduct Information continued
You are required to submit an explanation below. If you need additional space, please upload your explanation in the
Attachments section and indicate so here. Additionally, you are required to submit a letter of standing from your previous law
school explaining the circumstances of your prior matriculation. (This letter must be sent to the Admissions Office directly
from the institution, and not from you via email, fax, or as an attachment included in the application).
Have any of your close relatives (parents, grandparents, siblings) attended USC Gould School of Law?
____ Yes
____ No
If you have a relative who has attended USC Gould School of Law, please give us information about them.
First (given) name
Middle name/initial
Last (family) name
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Family continuedFamily continuedFamily continuedFamily continued
Relationship to applicant
What dates did they attend the university?
Degree awarded
Do you have another relative who has attended USC Gould School of Law?
____ Yes
____ No
First (given) name
Middle name/initial
Last (family) name
Relationship to applicant
What dates did they attend the university?
Degree awarded
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List ALL educational institutions attended.
Institution type ____ High School ____ Undergraduate ____ Graduate ____ Law ____ Other Post Graduate
Institution name
Country Start date
State/Province End date
City Degree
GPA Date degree granted
Institution type ____ High School ____ Undergraduate ____ Graduate ____ Law ____ Other Post Graduate
Institution name
Country Start date
State/Province End date
City Degree
GPA Date degree granted
Institution type ____ High School ____ Undergraduate ____ Graduate ____ Law ____ Other Post Graduate
Institution name
Country Start date
State/Province End date
City Degree
GPA Date degree granted
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Education continuedEducation continuedEducation continuedEducation continued
Institution type ____ High School ____ Undergraduate ____ Graduate ____ Law ____ Other Post Graduate
Institution name
Country Start date
State/Province End date
City Degree
GPA Date degree granted
Has your education in college, university, or professional school been interrupted for one term or more for any reason?
____ Yes
____ No
If your education was interrupted, explain the circumstances.
Additional InformationAdditional InformationAdditional InformationAdditional Information
Please select all areas of law that interest you:
Do you believe you were raised in an economically disadvantaged household?
____ Yes
____ No
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Additional Information continuedAdditional Information continuedAdditional Information continuedAdditional Information continued
If you answered YES to the above question, please explain.
Are you the first in your immediate family to attend college? (Immediate family refers to either parents or siblings)
____ Yes
____ No
Are you a participant in/graduate of the California State Bar Community College Pathway to Law School (CCPLS) Initiative
____ Yes
____ No
Please list the name of your community college:
If your community college provided you with a certificate of completion of the CCPLS program and you’d like to share a copy
with the Admissions Committee, please upload it as the Pathways Certificate (in PDF format) in the Attachments section.
Including this certificate is optional. Will you include a certificate of completion?
____ Yes
____ No
Do you believe your LSAT score accurately represents your past performance or future promise?
____ Yes
____ No
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Additional Information continuedAdditional Information continuedAdditional Information continuedAdditional Information continued
If you answered NO to the above question, please explain.
Do you believe your college transcript accurately represents your past performance or future promise?
____ Yes
____ No
If you answered NO to the above question, please explain.
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Additional Information continuedAdditional Information continuedAdditional Information continuedAdditional Information continued
An applicant who believes that his or her background or experience can contribute to USC Gould's goal of diversity and
educational enrichment—and who wishes to have this considered in the admissions process—should provide written detailed
information about his or her background or experience as part of the application. Providing such information is voluntary.
USC Gould is firmly committed to a policy against discrimination based upon ethnicity, national origin, disability, race, religion,
political beliefs, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, or age. The primary goal of the admissions process is to enroll
students who demonstrate outstanding academic and professional promise and whose background and experience will
enhance the diversity of the student body or the profession, or will enrich USC Gould's educational environment. USC
Gould's admissions process is guided by the view that a student body that reflects the broad and rich diversity of our society
provides a superior educational environment for all law students.
An applicant will be regarded as potentially contributing to student diversity if his or her background or experience would not
ordinarily be well-represented in the student body or the profession. Examples of applicants' backgrounds or experiences,
which may be considered for diversity purposes, include (but are not limited to) the following: an applicant who has struggled
against prejudice, economic disadvantage, family or personal adversity, or other social hardships (perhaps as a result of
disability, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation); an applicant who has lived in
a foreign country or who spoke a language other than English at home; an applicant who possesses unusual career goals,
employment history (perhaps military or law enforcement experience), or educational background (including graduate study);
or an applicant who demonstrates unusual extracurricular achievement (including school or community service).
If you believe the above applies to your situation, please indicate whether you will submit a diversity statement (via the
Attachments section) with your application.
____ Yes
____ No
Financial InformationFinancial InformationFinancial InformationFinancial Information
All admitted students will be considered for merit scholarships shortly following admission. Merit scholarships do not require
an additional application or statement.
USC Gould has two special application-based scholarship opportunities available, each requires you to complete a separate
statement for application to each program. These scholarships are optional, but they do require that you submit an additional
statement as application to the scholarship. Although each of these scholarships may have thematic elements, they both
maintain the same stringent academic requirements as our general merit based scholarships. Applicants not meeting the
general criteria for merit-based scholarships, will not be considered for these scholarship opportunities. Your application must
be submitted and complete no later than the priority deadline of February 1, 2017 for consideration for these two special
application-based scholarships. Please indicate the program(s) to which you will apply:
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Financial Information continuedFinancial Information continuedFinancial Information continuedFinancial Information continued
Frank Rothman Scholars Program
The program honors the late Frank Rothman '51, one of the nation's most respected sports and entertainment lawyers.
The benefits of being a Rothman Scholar are quite extraordinary:
Full-tuition scholarship guaranteed for 3 years (estimated at $180,000)
$2,000 stipend each year for 3 years
Paid 1L summer fellowship at one of the top law firms in the world - Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom in Los
One Frank Rothman Scholar is selected each year. Selection criteria include strong academic indicators (LSAT and
undergraduate cumulative gpa) combined with a specific interest in the areas of law to which Frank Rothman dedicated his
life. Frank Rothman was known for his influence in the halls of corporate America as well as his spirit of always doing the very
best he was capable of. Past recipients successfully conveyed the ideals of Frank Rothman via accomplishments such as
running a successful business, inventing useful devices, engaging in cutting edge medical research, and publishing books
and articles. Many have gone on to become successful corporate lawyers, business entrepreneurs, and judicial clerks. To
learn more about the Rothman Scholars Program, please visit
Will you submit a statement as application for the Frank Rothman Scholars Program?
____ Yes
____ No
Public Interest Scholars Program
This program honors the commitment of both USC Gould and our students dedicated to working and serving the public
The benefits of being a Public Interest Scholar include:
Special public interest merit based scholarship
Access to public interest certificate mentor opportunities
Guaranteed public interest based summer employment after 1L year
Guaranteed summer grant for 1L summer employment
Opportunity to serve as a future mentor to subsequent groups of Public Interest Scholars
Public Interest Scholars are selected on the basis of merit and demonstrated commitment to public interest work. Selection
criteria include strong academic indicators (LSAT score and undergraduate cumulative gpa) and significant achievements in
the fields of public interest or government service. The committee will give priority to applicants with a history of full-time non-
profit or public interest focused work.
Will you submit a statement as application for the Public Interest Scholars Program?
____ Yes
____ No
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By submitting this application electronically, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct, and that
all information on this form and submitted as part of this application is authentic, true, and complete to the best of my
knowledge. If any of this information changes, particularly with regard to Conduct Information, prior to my fall 2017
enrollment, I will inform USC Gould School of Law immediately, and will update my application accordingly. I understand and
agree that any inaccurate or misleading information, or omission will be cause for an investigation of misconduct in the
admissions process; rescission of any offer of admission; or for discipline, dismissal, or revocation of degree if discovered at
a later date. I acknowledge that, prior to enrollment, I will be required to provide official documentation that verifies my receipt
of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
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