Escalation Call Procedure
DATE 10/12/2009
Target Audience
All Xbox Escalation Agents
This Job Aid will be discussing what the process is for an escalation call, how to set the UNC for
the Service Request and how to schedule a Call Back.
The Escalation Call Process
a. Tier 2 Agent receives a call from the Tier 1 Agent.
b. Customer’s issue is reviewed by the Tier 2 Agent to determine if the case requires
additional troubleshooting or an Escalation.
c. Tier 2 Agent yanks the Service Request to the appropriate Tier 2 Mailbox and takes
over the call interaction to discuss the succeeding actions that will be taken to resolve
the customer’s issue, which includes escalating the case to the appropriate Support
Group (e.g. Tier 3, SCV, etc.).
d. Customer’s expectations will be set for the Resolution Timeframe, based on the
information indicated in the VKB Article used to escalate the case (e.g. VKB Article
931798 states that Microsoft T3 will try to unlock the customer’s account within three or
four working days, once the customer verifies that their account has been updated,
e. Tier 2 Agent creates a Child Service Request (when applicable) according to the
instructions indicated in the VKB Article used to address the customer’s issue using
Microsoft’s Standard Documentation Template for Escalation and UNC Coding (when
f. Child Service Request (if created) is transferred to the appropriate Escalation Mailbox
(e.g. Fax, Tier 3, etc.) and saves the ticket in OPEN Status.
g. Tier 2 Agent documents the following information in the Parent Service Request and
informs the customer that an Initial Callback will be made within 3-5 Business Days to
provide updates on the case that will be escalated (NOTE: This procedure DOES NOT
APPLY for Fax Escalations):
Customer’s Name:
Preferred Contact Number:
Preferred Callback Timeframe:
Customer’s Timezone:
Contact Email Address:
h. Tier 2 Agent schedules the Initial Callback in the Parent Service Request, according
to the customer’s Preferred Contact Information within the 3-5 Business Days
Timeframe – and puts the PREFERRED CONTACT SUMMARY in the Callback Notes
(NOTE: This procedure DOES NOT APPLY for Fax Escalations).
i. Parent Service Request is coded to the appropriate Universal Naming Convention
(UNC) then saved in OPEN Status to initiate Case Monitoring.
j. Tier 2 Agent provides customer with a Brief Summary of the Action Taken during the
Support Interaction and gives the Parent Service Request Number as reference,
before ending the Call Interaction.
Setting the UNC Code in Service Requests
XBox Tier 2 Support Agents are expected to code Service Requests according to the
appropriate UNC to ensure that ALL Escalated Customer Issues are properly managed in the
Tier 2 Bins. Shown below is the list of UNC Codes that will help Tier 2 Agents in setting Service
Requests, with Active Escalation, either for Case Monitoring or Callback:
Standard UNC Coding Format
Prefix: Timezone|CCID EN\AOC\Identifier\Escalation TypeIssue Description/Fax
Document Required
Contact Needed: EST|NCO Que EN\AOC\CCS\Tier 3Account Unlock Request
Escalation Type” Codes
Tier 3 Escalation - Tier 3
SCV Escalation - SCV Bug #
Fax Escalation - Fax Pending (DOES NOT REQUIRE an Initial Callback)
Supervisor Request Calls - ATTN TL/TM Escalation TL/TM’s Name
UNC “Prefix” Codes
ICB - Callback Set for Initial Customer Contact
(NOTE: This code does not apply for Fax Escalations)
CSR - Case is Pending Resolution
(NOTE: This code does not apply for Fax Escalations)
Contact Needed - Resolution/Update is Available and Requires Customer Contact
CB# - Number of Callback Attempts Made to Deliver the Resolution to the Customer.
Done - Ticket is CLOSED as Resolution was Delivered to the Customer via Successful
Failed - Ticket is CLOSED due to Unsuccessful Callback Attempts (Callback Model).
UNC “Indentifier” Codes
Non-Repair - This is to indicate that the Escalation has an Active Repair Order
(for Hardware-Related Issues ONLY).
CCS - Means that the customer contacted support to follow up on an Active
CCF - Indicates that the call was received from a CCF Agent (if applicable).
Scheduling Callbacks
The following procedure is set to ensure consistency in Setting Up Callbacks for Escalated
Cases on Parent Service Requests (NOTE: This procedure DOES NOT APPLY for Fax
a. Ensure that a Child Service Request is created and saved OPEN to the appropriate Tier
3 Mailbox (if applicable). No Child Service Request is required for SCV Escalations
b. Code the (Parent) Service Request’s Subject Line to the appropriate UNC Format
c. Schedule a Callback by clicking on the Schedule Callback icon or by using the CAP
shortcut key, Ctrl+Shift+S
d. Set the Callback Date according to the expectations given to the customer
e. Set the Start and End Time according to the customer’s Preferred Callback Timeframe
f. Set the Timezone according to the customer’s location
g. Set the Country according to the customer’s location
h. Indicate the customer’s Primary Contact Phone Number in the Phone Number field
i. Indicate the customer’s Preferred Contact Information in the Notes field
j. Make sure that the Parent Service Request is set to the appropriate Tier 2 Mailbox
k. Save the Parent Service Request in OPEN Status
IMPORTANT: Callbacks should be scheduled ONLY on Parent Service Requests that are
saved in the Tier 2 Mailbox, with a 4-Hour Timeframe (e.g. 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, 5:00 PM
to 9:00 PM, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, 11: 00 AM to 3:00 PM etc.) between 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
(Eastern Time). Also note that Callbacks SHOULD NOT BE SET on Fax Escalations.
When is it Effective
Code: C@LLB@CK