Personal Statement Scholarship Essay Example
Provide a Personal Statement to the Scholarship Committee
My two passions in life drew me to X College. While some of my fellow high school classmates
looked for a campus close to home, others chose the freedom of being far away. Some looked for
specific programs of study like pharmacy or law enforcement. Others just followed their friends.
I, however, chose X because it is the only school in New X where a student can play in a jazz
band and also fly airplanes, the two overwhelming passions of my life.
I have been playing the trumpet since I was seven years old. My uncle had an old horn, which he
let me fool around with when I was a child. I still have that trumpet and have learned to play it
pretty well. X’s Jazz program and classes are both strong academically and allow students to
perform with other musicians. I plan to continue following this passion here at X as a minor and
then as a life-long hobby.
My other passion, Aviation, is what I want to major in at X and then find work in that field. I
want to fly but I also want to understand the business and management areas of Aviation. One
day, I hope to manage airport operations at one of New X’s major airports. Only X College could
offer me the chance to fly an airplane, learn about airport operations, and at the same time make
music with my trumpet.
I believe that I would be a worthy recipient of a X Scholarship. I did well in high school and
after one year at X, I have completed 29 credits and have a 3.47 G.P.A. I belong to the flying
club and perform with X Jazz ensemble. Also, with the help of one of my music professors, I
have organized a group of student musicians and we go to nursing homes in Queens to perform
old favorite jazz numbers for the senior residents. Seeing the smiles and clapping and singing
along by people who are my grandmother’s age makes me feel that I am really helping those
people to have a better quality of life.
I am a student who is proud to be at X and will continue to contribute to the quality of student
life. I plan to be a leader in the flying club and the jazz ensemble and eventually in student
government, where one of my main goals would be to increase the number of paid internships
for students. I myself plan to intern at Kennedy airport or with one of the airlines such as Jet
Blue. When the managers there see how hard I work, how focused I am, and how well educated I
have become, they will not only want me to continue working with them, they will also want
more interns and full-time workers who study at or have graduated from X College.
Original Source: CUNY – York
Disclaimer: These essays are provided to assist writing, not to be copied
How Will Winning this Scholarship Help You Attain your Goals Essay Sample
How Will This Scholarship Help Me Attain My Career
My goal is to attain a career where I can use my specialized information technology skills
combined with strong business background to help organization implement information
technologies to achieve their technology and business goals.
I am very passionate about information technology and how it can be successfully implemented
and managed to help organizations become more efficient and effective. The information
systems managers' position requires a strong understanding of both technical and business
practices to excel. I am currently pursuing a MBA degree with concentration on Information
Systems to acquire a broad range of essential business know ledges. I am also engaging in some
self-online learning courses outside the classroom and participating in couple of certificate
programs to keep up with the cutting-edge information technology. Although I am very
committed to undertaking professional trainings to fulfill my goals, the expensive cost of some
online courses and certification programs had hold me back from taking them.
This scholarship will certainly strengthen my opportunity to take multiple Information
Technology online courses and certification programs which I was not able to pay for due to my
financial burden. The scholarship can help me further my professional training and certification
goals that I have set for myself and will in turn help me start a true career in information
system/technology management. This Scholarship can also be used to assist me pay for my
courses this coming spring. Overall, this scholarship will help me accomplish my current goal,
move on to the next and eventfully become a successful professional in the information
system/technology management field.
I believe my education and experience fits nicely with the scholarship requirements, and I am
certain that this scholarship will make a significant contribution to my continuing education.
Original Source: Essay Forum
Disclaimer: These essays are provided to assist writing, not to be copied