This chapter applies to Section I
of the PTCB exam, Assisting the
Pharmacist in Serving Patients.
Chapter 1
Learning Outcomes
After completing this chapter, the technician should
be able to:
Defi ne the terms
medication order and prescription, and
list the common means by which they are received by the
Defi ne commonly used pharmacy terms and abbrevia-
tions used in medication orders and prescriptions.
List the required elements on a prescription or
medication order.
Defi ne National Drug Code (NDC) numbers and put
into proper order for transmittal.
Verify correct Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
Describe the steps required for proper prescription and
medication order processing.
Describe when a patient signature is required at the
point of sale.
Describe how prescriptions are transferred between
Explain good compounding practices and aseptic
Give examples of drugs with Risk Evaluation and
Mitigation Strategy (REMS).
List and describe the equipment used in both sterile
and nonsterile compounding.
Describe the process utilized to prepare cytotoxic and
hazardous drugs.
Defi ne laminar airfl ow workbenches (LAFW) and
biological safety cabinets (BSC).
Describe the types of questions that may be answered by a
pharmacy technician.
List common references found in many pharmacies and
what information might be found in each.
Medication Orders and
Prescriptions Defi ned
Typically, the term medication order refers to a written
request on a physician’s order form or a transcribed ver-
bal or telephone order in an inpatient setting. This order
becomes part of the patient’s medical record. The term
prescription refers to a medication order on a prescrip-
tion blank to be fi lled in an outpatient or ambulatory
care setting. The two serve essentially the same pur-
pose. They both represent a means of communication
for the prescriber to give instruction to the dispenser of
the medication or to those who will be administering the
Pharmacy Terms and Abbreviations
Pharmacy personnel use a number of terms in their work.
An understanding of these terms helps a technician to be
effi cient and capable.
Some of these terms defi ne classifi cations of drugs.
For example, technicians must be able to differentiate
between generic and brand name drugs. A generic name
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
legibility is poor. These three abbreviations have been in-
cluded in the chapter because they are still widely used.
Receiving and Processing Medication
Orders in a Hospital
Medication orders come to the hospital pharmacy in vari-
ous ways. They can be delivered to the pharmacy or one
of its satellites in person or via some mechanical method,
such as fax transmission or a pneumatic tube system.
Orders may also be telephoned to the pharmacy by either
the prescriber or an intermediary, such as a nurse. There
are some legal restrictions on who may telephone in an
order or a prescription, and who may receive that infor-
mation in the pharmacy—particularly when controlled
substances are involved.
Ideally, every medication order should contain the
following elements:
Patient name, hospital identifi cation number, and
room/bed location
Generic drug name (using generic drug names is
recommended, and many institutions have policies
to this effect)
Brand drug name (if a specifi c product is required)
Route of administration (with some orders, the site
of administration should also be included)
Dosage form
Frequency and duration of administration (if
duration is pertinent—may be open-ended)
Rate and time of administration, if applicable
Indication for use of the medication
Other instructions for the person administering the
medication, such as whether it should be given with
food or on an empty stomach
Prescriber’s name/signature and credentials (some
hospitals require a printed name, physician number,
or pager number in addition to the signature to
assist with identifi cation)
Signature and credentials of person writing the
order if other than prescriber
Date and time of the order
When a new order is received, the fi rst step is to ensure
that the order is clear and complete. If information is
missing—for example, the room number for the patient—
the technician may be able to clarify the order without phar-
macist intervention. Some clarifi cations, however, should
describes a unique chemical entity and can be applied to
that entity regardless of its manufacturer. A brand name
is trademarked by a manufacturer to identify its particu-
lar “brand” of that chemical entity. For example, Ancef
is a brand name product of the generic entity cefazolin.
Another pair of terms used to categorize drugs is leg-
end and over-the-counter. A legend drug, also called a
prescription drug, is one that may not be dispensed to the
public except on the order of a physician or other licensed
prescriber. The term comes from the federal legend that ap-
pears on the packaging: “Federal law prohibits dispensing
this medication without a prescription.” Over-the-counter
medications may be sold to the public without a prescrip-
tion as long as they are properly labeled for home use.
One last term, formulary, is used in slightly different
ways in institutional and retail settings. A formulary is a
listing of approved drugs available for use. In a hospital,
it refers to the drugs that are stocked by the pharmacy and
approved for use in the facility. In the retail setting, the
term is generally applied to an approved drug list associ-
ated with a particular benefi t plan.
Pharmacy abbreviations are commonly used as a kind
of shorthand in prescriptions and medication orders to con-
vey information about directions for use. The abbreviations
are then “translated” on the prescription label. Appendix A
lists many commonly used pharmacy abbreviations.
The abbreviations for time and frequency of medi-
cation administration come from Latin phrases. Other
commonly used abbreviations include those for routes of
administration and those that designate units of measure.
Lowercase Roman numerals are often used to denote a
quantity, such as a number of tablets (i = one; ii = two).
(See Chapter 14 of Manual for Pharmacy Technicians
for a review of Roman numerals.)
Another subset of abbreviations is called x-substitu-
tions and includes the well-known and widely recognized
Rx symbol, meaning prescription. Other common x-
substitutions are dx for diagnosis and sx for symptoms.
Abbreviations in medical records and in prescrip-
tions are thought to be contributing factors in some medi-
cal errors. One important example is the use of the letter
U to abbreviate units. Because a U might be misread as
a zero if sloppily written—and could therefore result in
a tenfold dosing error—the Institute for Safe Medication
Practices recommends that it never be used as an abbre-
viation in prescriptions or medication orders; the word
units should always be written out in its entirety. Other
abbreviations that some consider unsafe are q., qid, and
qod, which may be indistinguishable from each other if
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Assisting the Pharmacist
Medication history (current and discontinued
medications; medications from a previous
admission in some instances)
Special considerations (eg, foreign language,
Clinical comments (eg, therapeutic monitoring,
counseling notes)
3. Enter the drug. Selecting the correct drug product
requires a working knowledge of both brand names
and generic names (although most computer systems
can search for either name) and a sensible approach
to interpreting orders when abbreviations are used.
When in doubt about a drug name or an abbrevia-
tion, however, it is always better to clarify the order
with the prescriber or the person who wrote the
order. Patient safety must be protected, and it is
dangerous to make assumptions when interpreting
orders. Most pharmacies take special precautions to
ensure accurate interpretation of prescriptions and
medication orders involving look-alike and sound-
alike drugs. With most pharmacy computer systems,
drug products can be reviewed by scrolling through
an alphabetical listing of the brand or generic names
or by entering a code or mnemonic that is associated
with the product name in the computer. Many com-
puter systems alert the operator if he or she attempts
to enter medications that interact with current orders,
confl ict with the patient’s drug allergies, represent
therapeutic duplications, or are nonformulary drugs.
Many systems also check the dosage range and alert
the pharmacist or technician if he or she enters a
dose that exceeds the recommended dose for that
patient. Although these alert systems help prevent
errors, they are not always signifi cant given the
patient’s unique situation. Therefore, the technician
must consult the pharmacist when the alert is posted.
Besides just choosing the “correct drug,” as has been
outlined in this section, some other related choices
are included in this step. For example, if an intrave-
nous (IV) medication is being entered, it might be
necessary to choose the correct diluent into which
the drug is to be mixed. Another decision involved in
choosing the correct drug is the choice of the pack-
age type and size—bulk or unit dose, 15 gram tube
or 30 gram tube, 100 ml bottle or 150 ml bottle.
4. Verify the dose to ensure that the correct amount
has been entered.
5. Enter the administration schedule. In institutions,
standard medication administration times are
involve the pharmacist. (See the discussion of which ques-
tions can be handled by a technician later in this chapter.)
Once orders are deemed clear and complete, they
must be prioritized so that the most urgent orders are
lled rst. Prioritizing orders means comparing the ur-
gency of new orders with the urgency of all the orders
requiring attention. This ensures that those orders needed
the most will be processed fi rst. Technicians can priori-
tize orders by evaluating the route, time of administra-
tion, type of drug, intended use of the drug, and patient-
specifi c circumstances.
A number of steps are involved in processing an or-
der in the computer. First, the patient must be positively
identifi ed to avoid dispensing medication for the wrong
patient; many institutions are now using bar code tech-
nology and electronic charting to facilitate accuracy. Sec-
ond, the order is typically compared with the patient’s
existing medication profi le, or a new profi le is created for
the patient. Then, the technician takes a number of order
entry steps to update the patient’s medication profi le.
The following step-by-step process outlines a fairly
typical medication order entry process. Systems vary
somewhat, however, and this is simply an example of
what the process fl ow might look like.
1. Enter the patient’s name or medical record number
and verify them to ensure that the correct patient
record has been chosen.
2. Compare the order with the patient profi le in detail to
look for duplications, other possible problems, or to
create the patient profi le. Check for general appropri-
ateness of the order; it should make sense in regard
to patient profi le information, such as the patient’s
age, allergies, and drugs currently being taken. The
following information is appropriately found in the
hospital pharmacy’s patient profi le, although system
capabilities may limit access to some components:
Patient name and identifi cation number
Date of birth, or age
Height and weight
Certain lab values, such as creatinine clearance
Admitting and secondary diagnoses (including
pregnancy and lactation status)
Name of parent or guardian, if applicable
Room and bed number
Names of admitting and consulting physicians
Medication allergies; latex allergy; pertinent
food allergies
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
information, such as date of birth, address, or phone
number should be obtained to confi rm the patient’s iden-
tity. If the patient is bringing a prescription to you for the
rst time, he or she needs to be registered by obtaining
the following information:
Correct spelling of name
Address and phone number(s)
Insurance information from patient’s insurance card
Date of birth
Any drug allergies
Other prescriptions or over-the-counter (OTC)
medications the patient takes regularly
Signifi cant health conditions
Prescriptions may be received directly from the
patient or from the prescriber by telephone, fax, or
electronic transmission.
Many pharmacies also accept refi ll requests over the
Internet through a pharmacy Web page.
Obtaining payer information is an important step in
receiving a prescription in the outpatient setting. This in-
formation is used for a number of purposes, including
establishing the primary payer for the prescription, the
patient’s portion of the reimbursement (copay), and in
some instances the drug formulary.
Reviewing a prescription for clarity and completeness
is similar in the outpatient and the inpatient setting. The
following prescription elements are typically present:
Patient name
Patient home address
Date the prescription was written
Drug name—either generic or brand
Drug strength and dose to be administered
Directions for use, including route of administra-
tion, frequency, and, as applicable, duration of use
(some durations are open-ended)
Quantity to be dispensed
Number of refi lls to be allowed
Substitution authority or refusal
Signature and credentials of the prescriber, and
DEA number, if required
Reason for use, or indication (not generally required)
In an ambulatory practice, some special clarity and
completeness issues must be considered. Receiving a
prescription includes determining whether the prescrip-
tion will be fi lled with generic or brand-name drugs. In
many states when a prescriber uses “Dispense as Written”
or DAW on a prescription blank, the brand name must be
generally set. These schedules are usually based
on therapeutic issues or nursing effi ciency or are
designed to coordinate services, such as labora-
tory blood draws or therapy schedules. Standard
administration schedules and protocols are usually
agreed upon by pharmacy, nursing, and the hospi-
tal’s medical staff. Many pharmacies have a written
document, such as a policy, that staff can refer to
when the appropriate administration time is unclear.
6. Enter any comments in the clinical comments
eld. The prescriber’s directions for proper use
of the medications must be conveyed clearly and
accurately. Additional instructions for the caregiver
are often entered into the pharmacy information
system for presentation on one of the many docu-
ments printed from the profi le (or for the nurses’
use in an electronic system) or simply as additional
information for the pharmacists’ use at a later time.
These special instructions might include storage
information, such as the need to refrigerate, or spe-
cial instructions, such as for chemotherapy drugs.
Another example would be physician-specifi ed
parameters for use, such as, “hold if systolic BP less
than 100 mm Hg,” or “repeat in one hour if ineffec-
tive.” These types of instructions would typically be
displayed on the medication administration record
(MAR) and also on the medication label.
7. Verify the prescriber name.
8. Fill and label the medication. Once the computer
entry has been completed and labeling materials
generated, the medication order must be fi lled with
the correct quantity of the correct drug. During this
step, the technician should carefully review the
label against the order and the product to be used
to make sure the correct product has been chosen.
This is the fi nal opportunity for the pharmacy to
catch an error before dispensing to a patient care
area. The medication order is then fi lled and left
for the pharmacist to check. With few exceptions,
this pharmacist check is legally required before
dispensing any drug to a patient care area.
Receiving and Processing Prescriptions
in an Outpatient Pharmacy
When welcoming a patient to the pharmacy, it is impor-
tant to fi rst identify him or her. If the patient has been
to your pharmacy before, another piece of identifying
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Assisting the Pharmacist
Prioritization of prescription processing in the outpa-
tient pharmacy is generally an issue of customer service
rather than patient care.
Prescription processing includes many of the same
steps as medication order processing in the inpatient
Identifying the patient: It is important to make sure
that prescriptions are fi lled for and dispensed to the
correct patient. Proper attention needs to be paid to
similar or identical names to make sure the medica-
tion is profi led on the right patient profi le. Another
important concern for the outpatient staff at this
stage is to ensure that there is no forgery and that
the individuals obtaining controlled substances are
lawfully entitled to do so.
Creating, maintaining, and reviewing patient pro-
les: A number of pieces of information are typical-
ly collected in the patient profi le—some according
to law (which varies from state to state) and some
for effi ciency and convenience purposes for both the
pharmacy and the patient. These pieces of informa-
tion include the following:
Patient’s name and identifi cation number
Age or date of birth
Home address and telephone number
Principle diagnoses of patient
Primary health care providers for patient
Third-party payer(s) and other billing
Over-the-counter medications and herbal
supplements used by the patient
Prescription and refi ll history of the patient
Patient preferences (eg, child-resistant
packaging waiver, preference for receiving
prescriptions by mail)
Once the patient’s profi le is located or created and
the existing information is verifi ed, selecting the appro-
priate drug product is the next step in the order entry
process. Most outpatient computer systems, like inpa-
tient systems, allow drug product choice by typing in
a mnemonic or by accessing an alphabetical listing of
some sort. These are the typical prescription processing
1. Enter the patient’s medical record number or name
and verify them. This safety step ensures that the
drug is dispensed to the correct patient.
dispensed. The technician must know the requirements
of their state.
Pop Quiz!
If a prescription were ordered 1
tab qid, ac and hs, how would
you write the label?
Assessing Order Authenticity
Screening prescriptions for potential forgeries, particularly
those for controlled substances, is part of routine prescrip-
tion processing. The technician should screen prescriptions
for anything that looks unusual, such as a dispense quantity
in excess of normal quantities or an unusual or unrecogniz-
able signature. Any suspicious prescription should be dis-
creetly presented to the pharmacist for further evaluation.
Prescription forgeries often take one of two forms:
(1) erasure or overwriting of the strength or dispensing
quantity of the drug (eg, changing a 3 to an 8), and (2)
theft of preprinted prescription pads that may result in
legitimate-looking prescriptions.
One thing a technician can do to help prevent pre-
scription forgery is determine if a DEA number on a
controlled substance prescription is valid. A valid DEA
number consists of two letters and seven numbers, such
as “BB 1 1 9 7 9 6 7.” If the holder of the DEA number is
a registrant, such as a physician or pharmacy, the fi rst let-
ter is an “A” or “B.” If the holder of the DEA number is a
mid-level practitioner, such as a qualifi ed nurse practitio-
ner, the fi rst letter is an “M.” The second letter is related
to the registrant’s name. In the case of a physician, it is
the fi rst letter of his or her last name.
The seven numbers are also used to determine a
legitimate DEA number. The odd group—the 1st, 3rd,
and 5th numbers in the sequence, and the even group—
the 2nd, 4th, and 6th numbers—are added in the follow-
ing manner so that the sum relates to the 7th number:
BB 1 1 9 7 9 6 7
Odd Group 1 + 9 + 9 = 19
Even Group 1 + 7 + 6 =14
Sum of odd (19) and 2 × even group (14 × 2)
= 19 + 28 = 47
The last digit of this odd/even group sum is the same as
the last digit of the DEA number.
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
a drug–drug or drug–allergy interaction
message should alert the pharmacist to the
Nonformulary/Not Covered:
Many third-party
payers have formularies (lists of covered drugs).
This message indicates that the drug is not
covered, and payment will not be made for that
drug. A technician who receives this message
should alert the pharmacist.
5. Fill and label the prescription. The following com-
ponents must generally appear on a prescription
label, whether typed or computer-generated (may
vary by state):
Patient’s name
Date the prescription is being fi lled (or refi lled)
Prescriber’s name
Sequential prescription number
Name of the drug (including manufacturer if
lled generically)
Quantity to be dispensed
Directions for use
Number of refi lls remaining (or associated refi ll
Labeling includes more than just the actual pre-
scription label. The inpatient section of this chapter
noted that labeling for inpatient use is often abbrevi-
ated or in a form of shorthand. For home use, however,
this practice is not acceptable. Beyond the prescription
label itself, auxiliary information is often included in
the form of special labels affi xed to the container or
drug information leafl ets for patients to read at home.
Instructions for home use must include the following at
a minimum:
Administration directions (eg, “Take,” “Insert,
Number of units constituting one dose and the
dosage form (eg, 2 tablets)
Route of administration (eg, “by mouth,
How frequently or at what time (eg, “twice
daily,” “daily at 9 a.m.”)
Length of time to continue, if applicable (eg,
“for 10 days,” “until fi nished”)
Indication of purpose, if applicable (eg, “for
pain,” “for blood pressure”)
At the time of dispensing, the pharmacist or technician
must be sure the patient fully understands how to use the
medication. This is also an appropriate time to consider
2. Enter or verify existing third-party billing informa-
tion to ensure correct billing and copayment.
3. Compare the order with the patient profi le in detail
to identify duplications or other concerns.
4. Enter the prescription. A variety of information
must be entered into the computer at this point, and
systems vary as to the order in which it is entered.
The following are required elements:
Physician’s name
Directions for use, including special comments
Fill quantity
Initials of the pharmacist checking the
Number of refi lls authorized
At the time of computer processing, an error mes-
sage may interrupt transmission of the prescription to the
third-party payer. The following are some common error
messages and their meanings:
Refi ll Too Soon:
This message deals with refi ll
prescriptions and the elapsed time between
lling prescriptions. Typically, third parties
allow patients to receive a 30-day supply of
medications. If the patient attempts to refi ll a
prescription within a signifi cantly shorter period
(eg, 15 days after the last prescription), the
prescription cannot be processed without prior
approval from the third-party payer.
Missing/Invalid Patient ID:
This or a similar
message indicates that the patient who is
entered into the pharmacy computer does not
appear to be enrolled in the insurance program.
On receiving this message, the technician
should examine the patient information entered
for mistakes. Perhaps the name was misspelled,
identifi cation number mistyped, or other
required information left out. Because many in-
surance plans use a Pharmacy Benefi t Manager
(PBM) to manage their pharmacy services, the
prescription may need to be processed under
the name of the PBM instead of the name of the
third-party payer.
Drug–Drug or Drug–Allergy Interaction:
Most pharmacy software will screen the pa-
tient profi le for drug and allergy information.
If interactions are detected, the program will
alert the user. Some software will not only
identify an interaction but also indicate its
potential severity. A technician who receives
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Assisting the Pharmacist
receives a message that the claim has been rejected,
resolving these third party issues becomes a time-
consuming part of the prescription process.
Collecting Payment and Patient
Technicians are usually involved in point-of-sale (POS)
transactions, which involve checking out patients and col-
lecting payment when prescription orders are complete.
1. Verify the patient’s name and other identifying
information to ensure the medication is being given
to the correct patient.
2. Legal requirements regarding patient counseling
must be met; offer to have the pharmacist visit with
the patient if they would like counseling.
3. New patients must be given a copy of the phar-
macy’s patient privacy policy in compliance with
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) regulations.
4. The patients’ signature is required when they receive
the HIPAA information and by some states if they
refuse counseling and by some third party payers
when they take possession of the prescription.
Transferring Prescriptions
The laws regarding the transfer of prescriptions between
pharmacies vary among states and among different class-
es of drugs. However, the pharmacist is always ultimately
responsible for the information transferred. The transfer
of a prescription to another pharmacy is usually initiated
by a phone call from the pharmacy needing a transferred
prescription. A technician may pull the original prescrip-
tion from fi les or pull up the data on the computer, but the
actual transfer of information is usually the responsibility
of the pharmacist.
The same is true for prescriptions being transferred
into the pharmacy. In this case, the process begins when
a patient requests to transfer the prescription from an-
other location. At that point, the technician must obtain
from the patient as much information as possible about
the prescription. At a minimum, the pharmacist needs
the patient’s name and the name of the pharmacy cur-
rently holding the prescription. If a patient brings in an
old container, it may be useful to troubleshoot the label.
For example, if the label indicates that there are no re-
lls, the physician will have to be called to authorize the
refi ll.
language barriers, such as illiteracy or a primary language
other than English.
NDC Numbers
NDC numbers are identifi cation numbers used by drug
manufacturers to identify their product. Each number
is specifi c for a specifi c product. NDC numbers are
used for verifying the correct drug has been used to
ll the prescription and for remittance to third party
First group of numbers: represent the manufacturer.
All products made by a specifi c manufacturer will
have the same fi rst number.
Second group of numbers: represent the specifi c
Third group of numbers: represent the package size.
In most cases, NDC numbers must be transmitted to
a third party in a 5-4-2 confi guration, even though the
manufacturers do not always present them to us in that
confi guration. If we do not bill the NDC # correctly, the
third party company’s computer cannot read it correctly,
and this could result in an error in payments, or no pay-
ment at all.
NDC Format Corrected to 5-4-2 Format
0536-3922-01 00536-3922-01
59930-1500-8 59930-1500-08
38245-196-72 38245-0196-72
The NDC format is very specifi c, so placement of the
zeros to create a 5-4-2 format is also very specifi c. The
zero is always placed at the beginning of the incorrect
group of numbers.
Pop Quiz!
What does the fi rst letter of the
DEA number signify?
Communication with Third Party Payers
Most claims for third party payers are handled by phar-
macy benefi ts managers (see Chapter 3 of the Pharmacy
Technician Certifi cation Review) but if the pharmacy
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in 1997, the Food and Drug Administration Moderniza-
tion Act (FDAMA) was passed. This legislation clearly
defi ned the roles of both compounding pharmacies and
the FDA. In the summer of 2002, however, the legisla-
tion was declared unconstitutional because of advertis-
ing restrictions. Nonetheless, the guidelines of the 1997
FDAMA still offer a structure for compounding pharma-
cists to follow until future legislation addresses the issue.
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP 27) offers
guidelines for compounding. The following chapters of
the USP 27 review specifi c areas of compounding:
Chapter 795 Pharmaceutical Compounding—
Nonsterile Preparations
Chapter 797 Pharmaceutical Compounding—Sterile
Chapter 1075 Good Compounding Practices
The following are key areas of compounding:
1. Responsibility of the compounder
2. Compounding environment
3. Stability of compounded preparations
4. Ingredient selection
5. Compounded preparations
6. Compounding processes
7. Compounding records and documents
8. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) fi le
9. Quality control
10. Patient counseling
Pop Quiz!
NDC numbers are always
transmitted in what format?
Responsibility of the Compounder
The compounder is responsible for all aspects of the com-
pounding process, including, but not limited to, appropri-
ately trained personnel and the key areas of Chapter 795
that follow. Special training is required for all personnel
who prepare sterile products.
Compounding Environment
The compounding area should have adequate space for
equipment and support materials. Controlled tempera-
ture and lighting are needed for chemicals and fi nished
Handling Restricted Use Medications
There are certain medications that can only be prescribed
and dispensed in a community or ambulatory care phar-
macy under specifi c conditions due to special precautions
regarding their use. The FDA requires a Risk Evaluation
and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) when it determines
that a strategy is necessary to ensure the benefi ts of using
the drug outweigh the potential risks. Examples of drugs
with REMS include: alosetron (Lotronex©), clozapine
(Clozaril©, Fazaclo©), isotretinoin (Accutane©, Amnest-
eem©, Claravis©, Sotret©), thalidomide (Thalomid©),
and dofetilide (Tikosyn©).
The FDA has designated other drugs that are required
to be dispensed with Medication Guides. A Medication
Guide is patient information approved by the FDA to
help patients avoid serious adverse events, inform them
about known serious side effects, and provide directions
for use to promote adherence to the treatment. These are
available for specifi c drugs or classes of drugs and must
be dispensed with the prescription.
Common examples
dispensed in community and ambulatory care pharmacies
include nonsteroidal anti-infl ammatory drugs (NSAID)
and antidepressants.
Investigational Drugs
Investigational Drug services may be a form of services
seen in a hospital or specialty pharmacy service. Before
a study is approved to be conducted, a study protocol is
developed, reviewed, and approved by the Institutional
Review Board of the facility. In order to carry out a suc-
cessful drug study there are specifi c requirements and
procedures that must be followed. These include:
proper storage
record keeping
inventory control
labeling of all investigational drugs
Good Compounding Practices
Chemicals for compounding are approved by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA); however, the practice of
compounding is controlled by the individual state boards
of pharmacy. Certain aspects of compounding and the role
of the FDA were not clearly defi ned in federal law until,
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Assisting the Pharmacist
list is a sample of areas to consider in the compounding
Evaluation of the appropriateness of the prescription
Calculations of the amount of ingredients
Identifi cation of equipment needed to properly com-
pound the prescription
Proper hand cleaning and gowning
Evaluation of the fi nal medication for weight varia-
tion, proper mixing, and consistency
Proper notations in the compounding log
Appropriate labeling of the fi nal medication
Properly clean and store all equipment
Compounding Records and Documents
USP Chapter 795 requires pharmacies to maintain a for-
mulation record (also known as the master formula)
and a compounding record for each compounded prep-
aration. The goal of record-keeping is to allow another
compounder to reproduce the same formulation at a later
date. Two parts of the records and documentation are
the formula, or formulation record, and the batch log, or
compounding record.
The formulation record is a fi le of compounded prep-
arations, much like a recipe. It would include chemicals
in the formula, equipment needed to prepare the formula,
and mixing instructions for preparing the formula.
The compounding record is the log (or record) of
an actual batch being prepared. It would include manu-
facturers and lot numbers of chemicals used, the date of
preparation, an internal identifi cation number (common-
ly called lot number), a beyond-use date, and any other
pertinent information regarding the preparation.
Quality Control
Quality control is a fi nal check on the preparation to en-
sure safety and quality of the preparation. The compounder
should evaluate the fi nished preparation both physically and
by reviewing the compounding procedure to be certain the
preparation is accurate. Discrepancies should be noted and
evaluated to determine if the preparation is acceptable.
Patient Counseling
With any prescription, the patient should be counseled on
the correct use of the medication. Compounded medica-
tions are often different in method of use or the type of
dispensing container used, so special care should be tak-
en to be certain the patient understands the proper use of
the medication.
medications. The area must be kept clean for sanitary
reasons and to prevent cross contamination. A sink with
hot and cold running water is essential for handwashing
and cleaning of equipment.
Stability of Compounded Preparations
Stability is defi ned in USP-NF as “the extent to which
a preparation retains, within specifi ed limits, and
throughout its period of storage and use, the same prop-
erties and characteristics that are possessed at the time of
Primary packaging of the fi nished medication is of
utmost importance. The choice of container is guided by
the physical and chemical characteristics of the fi nished
medication. Considerations such as light sensitivity and
the medication binding to the container are examples of
concern in maximizing stability.
Beyond-use labeling should be included on all medi-
cations (expiration dates apply to manufactured products).
Examples of considerations for determining beyond-use
dates include whether the medication is aqueous or non-
aqueous, expiration date of the ingredients used, storage
temperature, references documenting the stability of the
nished medication, and the USP.
Ingredient Selection
Sources of ingredients vary widely. USP or National
Formulary (NF) chemicals are the preferred source of
chemicals for compounding. Other sources may be used,
but the compounder has a responsibility to be certain the
chemical meets purity and safety standards. Manufac-
tured medications are another acceptable source of in-
gredients. It would be inappropriate to use any chemical
withdrawn from use by the FDA.
Compounded Preparations
Preparations should contain at least 90%, but not more
than 110%, of the labeled active ingredient, unless more
restrictive laws apply. Compounding guidelines in USP-
NF specifi cally address the following drug forms:
Capsules, powders, lozenges, and tablets
Emulsions, solutions, and suspensions
Creams, topical gels, ointments, and pastes
Compounding Processes
The goal of the compounding process is to “minimize
error and maximize the prescriber’s intent.” The following
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Equipment Used in Nonsterile
Compounding requires specialized equipment to obtain
the best quality medications. An electronic balance is
commonly used for speed and accuracy of measurement
(see Figure 1-1). Graduates (ie, glass or plastic cylinders
and conicals) are used to measure the volume of liquid
ingredients (Figure 1-2). It is recommended to use the
smallest graduate that will hold the volume to be mea-
sured. In addition, it is important to measure the volume
of liquid accurately by placing the graduate on a stable
surface (ie, counter top of work area) and read the mea-
surement at the bottom of the meniscus.
An ointment slab (also called a “pill tile”) is a square
glass tile that is used for preparing and mixing creams
and ointments. Similarly, many facilities use ointment
paper (eg, pads of 12” × 12” disposable parchment pa-
per) instead of an ointment slab because of convenience
in reducing clean-up time (Figure 1-3).
Mortars and pestles are used to crush, grind, and blend
various ingredients. The mortar is a deep bowl, and the
pestle is a club-shaped tool that when stamped or pound-
ed vertically into the well of the mortar causes the con-
tents of the mortar to become pulverized (see Figure1-4).
Mixing is usually achieved by moving the pestle in a
circular motion in the mortar. Mortars are available in a
variety of materials and sizes. Glass, porcelain, ceramic,
and Wedgwood™ are commonly used. Wedgwood™ of-
fers a rough surface to allow grinding and reduction of
particle size but is very diffi cult to clean and thus prevent
cross contamination of preparations. Glass and porcelain
offer smooth, easily cleaned surfaces.
Ointment mills are commonly found in compound-
ing pharmacies. Most have three rollers with small,
adjustable spaces between the rollers (see Figure 1-5).
When preparations pass through the rollers, particle size
is reduced.
Parenteral Drug Administration
Medications can be administered to patients in numer-
ous ways. Medications not given to patients by mouth
(enterally) are referred to as parenterally administered.
Parenteral administrations can include intravenous (IV),
intramuscular (IM), and subcutaneous (SQ), or below the
skin. IV solutions are commonly administered to patients
as a means of replacing body fl uids and as a vehicle for
Figure 1–1. Electronic balance.
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Assisting the Pharmacist
take medications orally. Direct administration of IV med-
ications into the blood also provides a predictable rate of
administration. Certainly, IV medications have disadvan-
tages, such as the risk of infection, the pain of the injec-
tion, and the immediate effect of the administration in the
introducing drugs into the body. Medications are not ben-
efi cial to the patient until they reach the blood and are
distributed to the body. IV medications are introduced
directly into the blood and therefore have the most rapid
onset of action. IV medications, therefore, have many
benefi ts over oral medications, which have to be absorbed
from the gastrointestinal tract, or IM medications, which
have to be absorbed through the muscle mass. IV medi-
cations can be given to patients who are unconscious, un-
cooperative, nauseated, vomiting, or otherwise unable to
Figure 1–2. Graduated conicals and cylinders.
Figure 1–4. Mortar and pestle.
Figure 1–3. Ointment slab.
Figure 1–5. Ointment mill.
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
around the catheter site. If the patient has a condi-
tion that results in prolonged bleeding time, extra
care and caution should be used, especially when
removing the catheter.
Allergic reaction
—When a patient has an allergic
reaction to a substance given parenterally, the reac-
tion is usually more severe than if the same sub-
stance were given by another route (eg, by mouth,
topically, or rectally). One reason for this is that
substances given parenterally cannot be retrieved
like substances given by other routes. For example,
substances administered topically can easily be
washed off, those given orally can be retrieved by
inducing vomiting or by pumping the stomach, and
those given rectally can be fl ushed out using an en-
ema. When a drug that has caused allergic reactions
in a large number of patients is given intravenously,
the patient should be monitored closely. If the likeli-
hood of an allergic reaction is especially high, a test
dose (a small amount of the drug) may be given to
see how the patient reacts.
—Some drugs are incompatible
with other drugs, containers, or solutions. If an
incompatibility exists, the drug may precipitate, be
inactivated, or adhere to the container. These unde-
sirable outcomes may be diffi cult to detect with the
naked eye. A visual inspection of the fi nal product
should always be performed to observe any cloudi-
ness, coring, or signs of irregularity. Solutions with
known or detectable incompatibilities should not be
administered to patients.
—Extravasation occurs when the IV
catheter punctures and exits the vein under the skin,
causing drugs to infuse or infi ltrate into the tissue.
Extravasation may happen when the catheter is
being inserted or after it is in place if the extrem-
ity with the IV catheter is moved or fl exed too
much. Using a stiff-arm board to prevent excessive
movement near the catheter site may help maintain
regular fl ow and prevent extravasation and infi ltra-
tion. Extravasation and infi ltration can be painful
and usually requires that the IV be restarted. Some
drugs, such as certain chemotherapy agents, may
cause severe tissue damage if they infi ltrate the tis-
sue. While there are medications to alleviate some
of the effects of extravasation and hot and cold
compresses to arrest progression, in some cases
this tissue damage can be so severe that it requires
surgery or even loss of the limb.
event of an error. Some medications are not suitable for
IV administration because of their stability or absorptive
Special training is required for personnel who pre-
pare and administer sterile IV solutions. The process
of preparing IV products using preset steps to ensure
a sterile fi nal product is known as aseptic technique.
Basic aseptic technique should be used when handling
parenteral dosage forms, as well as irrigations and oph-
thalmics (see Chapter 12 of the Manual for Pharmacy
Technicians, Medication Dosage Forms and Routes of
Risks of IV Therapy
IV therapy offers a rapid, direct means of administering
many life-saving drugs and fl uids. A high percentage of
IV therapy is administered without any problems, but
there are some risks:
—Infections can result if a product con-
taminated with bacteria is infused into a patient.
Because the IV bypasses the body’s normal barrier
system, bacteria reach the bloodstream directly.
Bacteria can be introduced into products during
preparation, administration, production, and through
improper storage. The rate of infection or sepsis due
to contaminated infusions has steadily decreased
since health care practitioners and product manufac-
turers have implemented training and quality assur-
ance programs. Despite these efforts, human touch
contamination continues to be the most common
source of IV-related contamination.
Air embolus
—The incidence of an air embolus is
low because many solutions are administered using
infusion pumps equipped with an alarm, called an
air-in-line alarm, that sounds when air is in the
IV line. Solutions infused by gravity do not need
alarms because the infusion automatically stops
when there is no more fl uid for gravity to push
through the IV line. Even when a bag runs dry, large
amounts of air are not infused. In adults, 150 or
200 ml of air given quickly through an IV can result
in harm. Infants and pediatric patients are adversely
affected by a much lower amount of air. Filters are
available on some IV sets, and they also stop air
bubbles and add another measure of safety.
—IV therapy may cause bleeding. When
the IV catheter is removed, bleeding may occur
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Assisting the Pharmacist
Development and maintenance of a sterile com-
pounding area complete with sterilized equipment
and supplies
Development and maintenance of the skills needed
to properly use an LAFW
Aseptic Technique
Aseptic technique is a means of manipulating sterile
products without contaminating them. Proper use of an
LAFW and strict aseptic technique are the most important
factors in preventing the contamination of sterile prod-
ucts. Thorough training in the proper use of the LAFW
and strict aseptic technique, followed by the development
of conscientious work habits, is of utmost importance to
any sterile products program.
Sterile Compounding Area,
the Clean Room
Sterile parenteral solutions must be free of living micro-
organisms and relatively free of particles and pyrogens.
Room air typically contains thousands of suspended
particles per cubic foot, most of which are too small to
be seen with the naked eye. These suspended particles
include contaminants such as dust, pollen, smoke, and
bacteria. Reducing the number of particles in the air im-
proves the environment in which sterile products are pre-
pared and can be done by following several practices.
A sterile compounding area’s counters, work surfac-
es, and fl oors should be cleaned daily while walls, ceil-
ings, and storage shelving should be cleaned monthly
at a minimum. Segregated compounding areas must be
separate from normal pharmacy operations, nonessen-
tial equipment, and other materials that produce parti-
cles. For example, the introduction of cardboard into the
clean environment should be avoided. Traffi c ow into
a clean area should be minimized. Floors should be dis-
infected periodically, and trash should be removed fre-
quently. Trashcans should be taken outside the IV room
before pulling the trash from the container. This will
minimize the creation of particulate matter and the risk
of spills in the clean room. More sophisticated aspects of
clean room design include special fi ltration or treatment
systems for incoming air, ultraviolet irradiation, air-lock
entry portals, sticky mats to remove particulates from
shoes, and positive room air pressure to reduce con-
taminant entry from adjacent rooms or hallways. Clean
rooms are often adjoined by a room, called an anteroom,
that is used for nonaseptic activities related to the clean
Particulate matter
—Particulate matter refers to
unwanted particles present in parenteral products.
Some examples of particulate matter are micro-
scopic glass fragments, hair, lint or cotton fi bers,
cardboard fragments, undissolved drug particles,
and fragments of rubber stoppers, known as cores.
Particulate matter that is injected into the blood-
stream can cause adverse effects. Improvements in
the manufacturing processes have greatly reduced
the presence of particulates in commercially avail-
able products. Care must be taken in the pharmacy
so that particulate matter is not introduced into
products. All products should be visually inspected
for particulate matter before dispensing. Some
institutions may use inline fi lters to help minimize
the amount of particulate that reaches the patient.
—Pyrogens, the by-products or remnants
of bacteria, can cause reactions (eg, fever and chills)
if injected in large enough amounts. Because a py-
rogen can be present even after a solution has been
sterilized, great care must be taken to ensure that
these substances are not present.
—Phlebitis, or irritation of the vein, may
be caused by the IV catheter, the drug being ad-
ministered (because of its chemical properties or
its concentration), the location of the IV site, a fast
rate of administration, or the presence of particulate
matter. The patient usually feels pain or discomfort,
often severe, along the path of the vein. Red streak-
ing may also occur. If phlebitis is caused by a par-
ticular drug, further diluting the drug, then giving it
more slowly, or giving it via an IV catheter placed
in a vein with a higher, faster-moving volume of
blood may be helpful.
Aseptic Preparation of
Parenteral Products
As the use of parenteral therapy continues to expand, the
need for well-controlled admixture preparation has also
grown. Recognizing this need, many pharmacy depart-
ments have devoted increased resources to programs that
ensure the aseptic preparation of sterile products. The fol-
lowing are the main elements on which these programs
Development and maintenance of good aseptic tech-
nique in the personnel who prepare and administer
sterile products
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
prefi lter, which is similar to a furnace fi lter, removes only
gross contaminants and should be cleaned or replaced
regularly. The prefi ltered air is then pressurized to en-
sure that a consistent distribution of airfl ow is presented
to the fi nal fi ltering apparatus. The fi nal lter constitutes
the entire back portion of the hood’s work area. This
high effi ciency particulate air, or HEPA, fi lter removes
99.97% of particles that are 0.3 micron or larger, thereby
eliminating airborne microorganisms, which are usually
0.5 microns or larger.
Vertical LAFW
Laminar fl ow workbenches with a vertical fl ow of fi ltered
air are also available. In vertical LAFW, HEPA-fi ltered
air emerges from the top and passes downward through
the work area (see Figure 1-6). Because exposure to some
antineoplastic (anticancer) drugs may be harmful, these
drugs are usually prepared in vertical LAFW to minimize
the risk of exposure to airborne drug particulates. The
types of vertical laminar airfl ow hoods (LAH) used for
the preparation of antineoplastics contain airfl ow within
the hood and are referred to as biological safety cabinets
The critical principle of using LAFW is that noth-
ing must interrupt the fl ow of air between the HEPA fi l-
ter and the sterile object. The space between the HEPA
lter and the sterile object is known as the critical area.
The introduction of a foreign object between a sterile
object and the HEPA fi lter increases wind turbulence
in the critical area and the possibility that contaminants
from the foreign object may be carried onto the ster-
ile work surface and thereby contaminate an injection
port, needle, or syringe. To maintain sterility, nothing
should pass behind a sterile object in a horizontal LAH
or above a sterile object in a vertical LAFW.
Materials placed within the LAFW disturb the pat-
terned fl ow of air blowing from the HEPA fi lter. The zone
of turbulence created behind an object could potentially
extend outside the hood, pulling or allowing contaminat-
ed room air into the aseptic working area. When laminar
airfl ow is moving on all sides of an object, the zone of
turbulence extends approximately three times the diame-
ter of that object. When laminar airfl ow is not accessible
to an object on all sides (for example, when placed ad-
jacent to a vertical wall), the zone of turbulence may ex-
tend six times the diameter of the object. Working with
objects at least 6 inches from the sides and front edge of
the hood, without blocking air vents is therefore advis-
able to maintain unobstructed airfl ow between the HEPA
room operation, such as order processing, gowning, and
stock storage.
Sterile products should be prepared in Class 100 en-
vironments, which means environments containing no
more than 100 particles per cubic foot that are 0.5 micron
or larger in size. LAFWs are frequently used to achieve a
Class 100 environment.
Laminar Airfl ow Workbenches
The underlying principle of laminar airfl ow workbenches
(LAFW) is that twice-fi ltered laminar layers of aseptic air
continuously sweep the work area inside the hood to prevent
the entry of contaminated room air. There are two common
types of LAFW: horizontal fl ow and vertical fl ow.
Horizontal LAFW
LAFW that sweep fi ltered air from the back of the hood
to the front are called horizontal LAFW (see Figure1-6).
Horizontal fl ow workbenches use an electrical blower
to draw contaminated room air through a prefi lter. The
Figure 1–6. Horizontal and vertical laminar airfl ow
workbench with the basic components labeled.
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Assisting the Pharmacist
Jewelry should not be worn on the hands or wrists
when working in the LAFW because it may intro-
duce bacteria or particles into the clean work area.
Actions such as talking and coughing should be
directed away from the LAFW working area, and
unnecessary motion within the hood should be
avoided to minimize the turbulence of airfl ow.
Smoking, eating, and drinking are prohibited in the
aseptic environment.
All aseptic manipulations should be performed at
least 6 inches within the hood to prevent poten-
tial contamination caused by the closeness of the
worker’s body and backwash contamination result-
ing from turbulent air patterns developing where
LAFW air meets room air.
LAFWs should be tested by qualifi ed personnel
every 6 months, whenever the hood is moved, or if
lter damage is suspected. Specifi c tests are used to
certify airfl ow velocity and HEPA fi lter integrity.
Although the LAFW provides an aseptic environ-
ment, safe for the manipulation of sterile products, strict
aseptic technique must be used in conjunction with prop-
er hood operation. The use of the LAFW alone, without
the observance of aseptic technique, cannot ensure prod-
uct sterility.
Personal Attire
The fi rst component of good aseptic technique is proper
personal attire. Compounding personnel should remove
personal outer garments, all cosmetics, and all hand,
wrist, and other visible jewelry or piercings before en-
tering the ante room or segregated compounding area.
Clean room attire should include dedicated shoes or
shoe covers, head and facial hair covers, and face masks/
eye shields applied in this order to help reduce particu-
late or bacterial contamination. After hand washing as
described below, clean garments, which are relatively
particulate free, should be worn when preparing sterile
products. Clean room attire will depend on institutional
policies and often are related to the type of product be-
ing prepared. Many facilities provide clean scrub suits or
gowns for this purpose. Scrub suits should not be worn
home to ensure that no contaminants are transported
home and that the process of cleaning the clothing does
not introduce lint onto the low-lint clothing. In addition,
suits should be covered up when leaving the pharmacy
to minimize the contamination from areas such as the
lter and sterile objects. The hands should be positioned
so that airfl ow in the critical area between the HEPA fi lter
and sterile objects is not blocked.
The following are general principles for operating
LAFWs properly:
An LAFW should be positioned away from excess
traffi c, doors, air vents, or anything that could pro-
duce air currents capable of introducing contami-
nants into the hood.
If an LAFW is turned off, nonfi ltered, nonsterile air
will occupy the LAFW work area. Therefore, when
it is turned back on, it should be allowed to run for
15 to 30 minutes before it is used (manufacturer rec-
ommendations should be consulted for each hood).
This time allows the LAFW to blow the nonsterile
air out of the LAFW work area. Then the LAFW
can be cleaned for use.
Before using the LAFW, all its interior working
surfaces should be cleaned with 70% isopropyl
alcohol or another appropriate disinfecting agent
and a clean, lint-free cloth. Cleaning should be
performed from the HEPA fi lter in a side-to-side
motion beginning in the rear of the hood and mov-
ing toward the front (in a horizontal LAFW) so
contaminants are moved out of the hood. The hood
should be cleaned often throughout the compound-
ing period and when the work surface becomes
dirty. Some materials are not soluble in alcohol
and may initially require the use of water to be
removed. After the water is applied, the surface
should be cleaned with alcohol. Plexiglas sides,
found on some types of LAFWs, should be cleaned
with warm, soapy water rather than alcohol. Spray
bottles of alcohol should not be used in the LAFW,
and because they do not allow for the physical
action of cleaning the hood, they can damage the
HEPA fi lter, and they do not ensure that alcohol
is applied to all areas of the surface to be cleaned.
Alcohol should be allowed to dry to increase its ef-
fectiveness as a disinfectant.
Nothing should be permitted to come in contact
with the HEPA fi lter. This includes cleaning solu-
tion, aspirate from syringes, or glass from ampules.
Ampules should not be opened directly toward the
Only objects essential to product preparation should
be placed in the LAFW. Paper, pens, labels, or trays
should not be placed in the hood.
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
Pop Quiz!
Work inside an LAFW must be
done at least how many inches
from the sides?
Touching sterile products while compounding is the most
common source of contamination of pharmacy-prepared
sterile products. Because the fi ngers harbor countless
bacterial contaminants, proper hand washing is extreme-
ly important. Every entry into a sterile product should
include scrubbing your hands, nails, wrists, and forearms
to elbows thoroughly for at least 30 seconds with a brush,
warm water, and appropriate bactericidal soap before per-
forming aseptic manipulations. Dry hands completely,
using either lint-free disposable towels or an electronic
hand dryer.
After appropriate hand washing is complete and attire is
put on, antiseptic hand cleansing should be performed
using a waterless, alcohol-based surgical hand scrub just
prior to the last item worn before compounding begins,
sterile gloves. Sterile gloves are only sterile until they
touch something unsterile or until they are torn and al-
low bacteria from the hands to enter the work area. For
example, if it becomes necessary to scratch or touch the
face while wearing gloves, they will need to be changed.
For these reasons, always wash your bare hands thor-
oughly as noted above, before unwrapping and putting
on the gloves. Occasionally, workers develop allergies
to latex as a result of repeated use of latex gloves. As a
result, many institutions have now turned to using only
non-latex gloves.
Equipment and Supplies
Another important factor in aseptic preparation of sterile
products is the correct use of appropriate sterile equip-
ment and supplies, including syringes and needles.
Syringes are made of either glass or plastic. Most drugs
are more stable in glass, so glass syringes are most often
used when medication is to be stored in the syringe for an
extended period. Some medications may react with the
plastics in the syringe, which would alter the potency or
stability of the fi nal product. Disposable plastic syringes
are most frequently used in preparing sterile products be-
cause they are cheaper, durable, and are in contact with
substances only for a short time. This minimizes the po-
tential for incompatibility with the plastic itself.
Syringes are composed of a barrel and plunger (see
Figure 1-7). The plunger, which fi ts inside the barrel, has a
at disk or lip at one end and a rubber piston at the other.
The top collar of the barrel prevents the syringe from slip-
ping during manipulation; the tip is where the needle at-
taches. To maintain sterility of the product, the syringe tip
or the plunger should not be touched. Many syringes have a
locking mechanism at the tip, such as the Luer-lock, which
secures the needle within a threaded ring. Some syringes,
such as slip-tip syringes, do not have a locking mechanism.
In this case, friction holds the needle on the syringe.
Syringes are available in numerous sizes, ranging from
0.5 to 60 milliliters (ml). Calibration marks on syringes
represent different increments of capacity, depending on
the size of the syringe. Usually, the larger the syringe ca-
pacity, the larger the interval between calibration lines. For
example, each line on a 10 ml syringes represents 0.2 ml,
but on a 30 ml syringe, each line represents 1 ml.
To maximize accuracy, the smallest syringe that
can hold a desired amount of solution should be used.
Syringes are accurate to one-half of the smallest incre-
ment marking on the barrel. For example, a 10 ml syringe
with 0.2 ml markings is accurate to 0.1 ml and can be
used to measure 3.1 ml accurately. A 30 ml syringe with
1 ml markings, however, is only accurate to 0.5 ml and
should not be used to measure a volume of 3.1 ml. Ide-
ally, the volume of solution should only take up one-half
to two-thirds of the syringe capacity. This avoids inad-
vertent touch contamination when the syringe plunger is
pulled all the way back.
Figure 1–7. A syringe with the basic components
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Assisting the Pharmacist
the syringe and is often color-coded to correspond to a
specifi c gauge. The tip of the needle shaft is slanted to
form a point. The slant is called the bevel, and the point is
called the bevel tip. The opposite end of the slant is called
the bevel heel.
Needles are sent from the manufacturer individually
packaged in paper or plastic overwraps with a protective
cover over the needle shaft. This guarantees the sterility
as long as the package remains intact. Damaged pack-
ages should be discarded.
No part of the needle itself should be touched.
Needles should be manipulated by their overwrap and
protective covers only. The protective cover should be
left in place until the needle or syringe is ready to be
used. A needle shaft is usually metal and is lubricated
with a sterile silicone coating so latex vial tops can be
penetrated smoothly and easily. For this reason, needles
should never be swabbed with alcohol.
Some needles are designed for special purposes and
therefore have unique characteristics. For example, nee-
dles designed for batch fi lling have built-in vents (vent-
ed needles) to avoid the need to release pressure that
might form in the vial. Another example is needles with
built-in fi lters, meant to be used with products requiring
ltering, such as drugs removed from a glass ampule.
Drug Additive Containers
Injectable medication additives may be supplied in an
ampule, vial, or prefi lled syringe. Each requires a differ-
ent technique to withdraw medication and place it in the
nal dosage form.
When measuring with a syringe, the fi nal edge (clos-
est to the tip of the syringe) of the plunger piston, which
comes in contact with the syringe barrel, should be lined
up with the calibration mark on the barrel that corre-
sponds to the volume desired (see Figure 1-8).
Syringes are sent from the manufacturer assembled
and individually packaged in paper overwraps or plastic
covers. The sterility of the contents is guaranteed as long
as the outer package remains intact. Therefore, packages
should be inspected, and any that are damaged should be
discarded. The syringe package should be opened within
the LAH to maintain sterility. The wrapper should be
peeled apart, not ripped or torn. To minimize particulate
contamination, discarded packaging or unopened syring-
es should not be placed on the LAFW work surface.
Syringes may come from the manufacturer with a
needle attached or with a protective cover over the sy-
ringe tip. The syringe tip protector should be left in place
until it is time to attach the needle. For attaching nee-
dles to Luer-lock-type syringes, a quarter turn is usually
suffi cient to secure the needle to the syringe.
Like syringes, needles are commercially available in
many sizes. Sizes are described by two numbers: gauge
and length. The gauge of the needle corresponds to the
diameter of its bore, which is the diameter of the inside
of the shaft. The larger the gauge, the smaller the needle
bore. For example, the smallest needles have a gauge of
27, whereas the largest needles have a gauge of 13. The
length of a needle shaft is measured in inches and usually
ranges from 3/8 to 3 1/2 inches.
The components of a simple needle are the shaft and
the hub (see Figure 1-9). The hub attaches the needle to
Figure 1–8. A close-up of a syringe showing how to
measure 1.5 ml. Note that the fi nal edge of the plunger
piston is used to make the measurement.
Figure 1–9. A needle with the basic components
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To open an ampule, the head must be broken from
the body of the ampule. To make the break properly, the
ampule neck is cleansed with an alcohol swab and the
swab should be left in place. This swab can prevent ac-
cidental cuts to the fi ngers as well as shattering of glass
particles and aerosolized drug.
Automated Compounding Sterile Product
Filling Equipment
Although hospitals and regulatory agencies have strict
guidelines that must be followed, including rigorous
training and competencies, the technical complexity of
sterile product preparation lends itself to inconsistency
among employees. Additionally, compounded sterile
products create potentially challenging situations for
pharmacists to verify product preparation accuracy. Au-
tomation can eliminate sources of preparation errors in-
herent to human factors; this technology ensures proper
handling, and accurate and sterile preparation of the IV
Pop Quiz!
What kind of needle is used to
withdraw liquid from an ampule?
Once an IV admixture or other sterile product is com-
pounded, it should be properly labeled with the following
1. Patient name, identifi cation number, and room
number (if applicable)
2. Bottle or bag sequence number, when appropriate
3. Name and amount of drug(s) added
4. Name and volume of admixture solution
5. Approximate fi nal total volume of the admixture,
when applicable
6. Prescribed fl ow rate (in milliliters per hour)
7. Date and time of scheduled administration
8. Date and time of preparation
9. Expiration date
10. Initials of person who prepared and person who
checked the IV admixture
11. Auxiliary labeling—supplemental instructions and
Medication vials are glass or plastic containers with a rub-
ber stopper secured to the top, usually by an aluminum
cover. Vials differ from ampules in that they are used to
hold both powders and liquids. The rubber stopper is usu-
ally protected by a fl ip-top plastic cap or aluminum cover.
Protective covers do not guarantee sterility of the rub-
ber stopper. Therefore, before the stopper is penetrated,
it must be swabbed with 70% isopropyl alcohol and al-
lowed to dry. The correct swabbing technique is to make
several fi rm strokes in the same direction over the rubber
closure, always using a clean swab.
Vials are closed-system containers, because air or
uid cannot pass freely in or out of them. In most cases,
air pressure inside the vial is similar to that of room air.
In order to prevent the formation of a vacuum inside the
vial (less pressure inside the vial than room air), the pres-
sure should be normalized by fi rst injecting a volume of
air equal to the volume of fl uid that is going to be with-
drawn, into the vial. This step should not be done with
drugs that produce gas when they are reconstituted, such
as ceftazidime, or with cytotoxic medications.
Ampules are composed entirely of glass and, once bro-
ken (ie, opened), become open-system containers (Figure
1-10). Because air or fl uid may now pass freely in and out
of the container (no vacuum effect), it is not necessary to
replace the volume of fl uid to be withdrawn with air.
Figure 1–10. An ampule with the basic components.
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Assisting the Pharmacist
or heavily contaminated. If only one pair is worn, tuck
the glove under or over the gown cuff so that the skin is
not exposed.
Biological Safety Cabinets
One of the most important pieces of equipment for han-
dling hazardous drugs safely is the Biological Safety
Cabinet (BSC). A BSC is a type of vertical LAFW that
is designed to protect workers from exposure as well as to
help maintain product sterility during preparation. BSCs
must meet standards set by the National Sanitation Foun-
dation (NSF Standard 49). Do not use horizontal LAFWs
to prepare hazardous drugs. BSCs must be operated con-
tinuously, 24 hours per day, and they should be inspected
and certifi ed by qualifi ed personnel every 6 months.
Preparing Hazardous Drugs
Before technicians handle a cytotoxic or other hazardous
drug, they must demonstrate proper manipulative tech-
nique and use of protective equipment and materials.
Drug Information
Pharmacy technicians are challenged with drug informa-
tion questions frequently throughout the workday and are
called upon to become knowledgeable about the handling,
availability, and uses of medications. A basic knowledge
of the resources available will make the technician more
resourceful and better able to assist the pharmacist with
certain drug information requests. Pharmacy reference
books and electronic media (including the Internet) that
are available in all practice settings often hold answers
to typical day-to-day practice-related questions. Before
responding to a drug information question, technicians
must clearly differentiate questions that fall within their
scope of practice from those that must be answered only
by a pharmacist.
Technicians should identify themselves as pharmacy
technicians so the person asking the question will know the
type of information that may appropriately be conveyed.
If there is any doubt about the nature of the question, the
technician should defer the question to the pharmacist. It
is important for the technician to learn who the person ini-
tiating the request is and to obtain the necessary contact
information (phone, fax, pager, etc.) in case the person
needs to be called back. The search for and response to
drug information requests will be different depending on
who is requesting the information. Knowing information
Many labels also now contain a bar code that con-
tains information regarding the medication, the patient,
and the anticipated administration. These are generated
by the pharmacy computer to reduce the frequency of
medication administration errors. Each product should
also include an expiration date, beyond which it should
not be used.
Preparation and Handling of
Cytotoxic and Hazardous Drugs
Some medications can be hazardous to those who touch or
inhale them. Because hazardous drugs initially involved
drugs used to treat cancer, the terms antineoplastic and
chemotherapeutic were used to describe them.
Preparation of these agents requires special proce-
dures for labeling, storage, and transport. Use of protec-
tive clothing, BSCs, and special handling of spills and
waste are also important. Special techniques related to
the actual administration of these products to patients
are not covered here. Additional information is available
from ASHP in the form of a Technical Assistance Bulletin
on Handling of Cytotoxic and Hazardous Drugs.
Protective Apparel
There is no substitute for good technique, but protective
apparel is another fundamental element in protecting per-
sonnel who handle or prepare hazardous drugs.
Most procedures require the use of disposable cover-
alls or a solid front gown. These garments should be made
of low-permeability, lint-free fabric. They must have long
sleeves and tight-fi tting elastic or knit cuffs. They should
not be worn outside the work area and should be changed
immediately if contaminated. Shoe and hair covers may
also be required, depending on the institution’s policies.
Wearing gloves is essential when working with haz-
ardous drugs. Wash hands thoroughly before putting on
the gloves and after removing them. Use good quality,
disposable, powder-free latex gloves, such as surgical
latex. These gloves are preferred because of their fi t,
elasticity, and tactile sensation. If only powdered gloves
are available, wash powder off before beginning to work.
Non-latex gloves are also available for those with an al-
lergy to latex. If two pairs are needed, tuck one pair under
the cuffs of the gown and place the second pair over the
cuff. If an outer glove becomes contaminated, change it
immediately. Change both the inner and the outer gloves
immediately if the outer glove becomes torn, punctured,
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result in miscommunication and delivery of inaccurate in-
formation. Both scenarios could be potentially harmful to
the patient. Examples of questions that require a pharma-
cist’s interpretation and that should not be answered by a
technician are provided in Table 1-2.
Conducting the Search: Choosing the
Right References
The key to answering questions quickly and accurately is
knowing where the necessary information is likely to be
found. The fi rst step is to consult tertiary references, then
secondary references, and fi nally primary references.
Tertiary references are general references that present
documented information in a condensed and compact for-
mat. They include textbooks; compendia (eg, American
Hospital Formulary Service, Drug Information (AHFS
DI), Drug Facts and Comparisons); computerized sys-
tems such as Micromedex
Clinical Information System;
review articles; and much of the information found on
the Internet. Tertiary references are easy to use, conve-
nient, readily accessible, concise, and compact. Disad-
vantages of tertiary references are that information may
not be timely, the information could contain errors, and
tertiary references may not offer enough information on
a specifi c topic because of space restrictions.
about the requestor, their training, and their knowledge of
the subject will have an impact on what the fi nal response
will be and how it will be given. Obtaining background
information will help to determine what the needs of the
requestor are and will make the search for information
more effi cient. Background information is especially im-
portant to determine if the question pertains to a specifi c
patient or if it is a question that requires interpretation,
and therefore the expertise of a pharmacist. The urgency
of the request and the extent of the information needed
should also be determined so an appropriate amount of
time is allotted to answer the request. Classifying the type
of request helps to narrow the search and makes the search
process more effi cient. Table 1-1 lists common types of
questions that technicians may get, with examples of
each. Technicians should not interpret a patient-specifi c
question or provide information that may require profes-
sional judgment. A simply stated question can actually be
a complex patient-specifi c situation. The pharmacist has
to fi nd out more about the patient’s specifi c problems and
apply clinical judgment to answer the question appropri-
ately. Many times, the person requesting the information
may indirectly be asking for a pharmacist’s point of view
or interpretation of a situation, and may thus require an in-
depth analysis and recommendation from the pharmacist.
Attempting to interpret or answer such a question could
Table 1–1. Classifi cations of Drug Information Questions
Question Classifi cation Examples
General Drug Information What is the brand name of warfarin?
Do Naprosyn and Aleve contain the same active ingredient?
Who manufactures Enbrel?
Is Prilosec available as a generic? Is it a prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) product?
Availability and Cost What dosage forms of Imitrex are available in your pharmacy?
Is Zoloft available as a liquid? If so, what size and concentration is available?
What are the prices of Adalat CC and Procardia XL?
How long is the shortage of albumin expected to last?
Storage and Stability Should Lovenox be stored in the refrigerator?
How long is a fl u shot stable after it is drawn up in a syringe?
Calculations How many milliliters are in an ounce?
Preparation How should ampicillin be reconstituted?
Pharmacy Law In what controlled substance schedule is zolpidem (Ambien)?
Can Tiazac be substituted for Cardizem CD (is it AB rated)?
How many times can a prescription be transferred from one store to another?
Miscellaneous Where can I fi nd the phone number for Sanofi Aventis?
When will the patent for Lipitor expire?
Where can I get more Lovenox teaching kits?
Where can I fi nd the Vaccine Information Sheet for the infl uenza vaccine?
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Assisting the Pharmacist
should consult as many resources as possible and com-
pare information among resources.
Common References
Technicians should familiarize themselves with the refer-
ences in their practice settings to determine which sourc-
es best fi t their needs. Using a systematic approach when
faced with a drug information question will aid in un-
derstanding the nature of the request, obtaining pertinent
background information, and answering the question.
Numerous resources are available to assist with answer-
ing drug information requests. Becoming familiar with
common resources will make the search process more
effi cient. It is critical for pharmacy technicians to be able
to differentiate between basic drug information questions
that they can answer and questions that require clinical
Secondary references include indexing systems such
as Medline that provide a list of journal articles on the
topic that is being researched. Secondary systems are
used when new or very up-to-date information is re-
quired or when no information can be found in tertiary
Primary references are original research articles pub-
lished in scientifi c journals, such as the American Jour-
nal of Health-System Pharmacy (AJHP) or the Journal of
the American Pharmacists Association (JAPhA).
Other resources include pharmaceutical manufactur-
ers and specialized drug and poison information centers.
If the information cannot be found in a tertiary ref-
erence, then the technician should consult a pharmacist,
who may advise an alternative search strategy or consult
a secondary reference. If time permits, the technician
Table 1–2. Drug Information Questions Appropriate for Pharmacists
Classifi cation Examples Rationale
Identifi cation and
What is paracetamol and what is its U.S.
Although it is appropriate for a technician to obtain technical
information about availability (eg, anticipated length/reasons
for a shortage), questions that require clinical knowledge,
such as therapeutic alternatives, must be answered by a
Allergies Which narcotic is safe to use in a patient
with a codeine allergy?
For allergy questions, the pharmacist must obtain more patient-
specifi c information, such as a description of the allergy and the
condition being treated. Clinical judgment is required.
Dosing and
What is the usual dose of propranolol?
How long should ciprofl oxacin be given for
a urinary tract infection?
What is the best way to give gentamicin IV?
Answers to dosing and administration questions depend on
many factors, especially the indication for use and patient-
specifi c information (eg, age, weight, and kidney and liver
Compatibility Is Primaxin compatible with dopamine? More information is needed (eg, doses, concentrations, fl uids,
and type of IV lines), and a pharmacist must interpret informa-
tion found in a reference and apply it to the situation.
Drug Interactions Is it OK to take aspirin with warfarin? Drug interaction questions are complex and require patient-
specifi c information and interpretation by a pharmacist in
order to apply the signifi cance of a potential interaction to a
specifi c patient.
Side Effects What are the side effects of Lexapro?
Can Celebrex cause renal failure?
Package inserts and textbooks provide lists of side effects that
are often diffi cult to interpret and convey. Also, a pharmacist
must interpret whether the request is being made because an
adverse event is suspected with one or more medications.
Pregnancy and
Is albuterol safe to use in pregnancy?
Can I get a fl u shot if I am breastfeeding?
Pregnancy and lactation questions are complicated because
more information is needed about the patient, the stage of
pregnancy, and/or age of the infant. A pharmacist must inter-
pret the fi ndings and apply them to the specifi c situation.
Therapeutic Use Has clonidine been used to treat opiate
The use of drugs for non-FDA approved uses often requires
evaluation and interpretation of the literature and clinical
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
volume (Approved Drug Products and Legal Require-
ments) provides information on laws affecting pharmacy
The Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR, published by
Thomson Medical Economics) contains manufacturers’
package inserts. A package insert is a manufacturer’s
product information sheet that provides general drug
information, such as how the drug works, indications,
adverse effects, drug interactions, dosage forms, stabil-
ity, and dosing information. The PDR is not comprehen-
sive and contains information only on select brand name
drugs. The information is written by the manufacturer
and approved by the FDA. It contains only information
about FDA-approved uses of the drug and does not pro-
vide information comparing that drug with similar medi-
cations. Therefore, using the PDR to compare products is
not as straightforward as using other reference books.
judgment, and therefore should be answered by a phar-
macist. The references described in the next few sections
are summarized in Table 1-3 with examples of the types
of information one might fi nd in each.
General Drug Information
Drug Facts and Comparisons (a part of Wolters Kluwers
Health) is easy to use and available in regularly updated
print and electronic versions. It is a comprehensive gen-
eral drug information reference that provides complete
drug monographs. It is organized by therapeutic class
(eg, antihistamines, topicals) and includes tables that al-
low quick comparisons of drugs within the same class.
United States Pharmacopeia Drug Information (US-
PDI, published by Thomson) is a three-volume set that
provides medication information for health care profes-
sionals (Volume I) and patients (Volume II). The third
Table 1–3. Common Drug Information Requests and Reference Sources
Type of Information Needed References Likely to Have the Information
Product Availability
dosage form product strength brand and generic name
manufacturer indication
Facts & Comparisons Drug Information Handbook Internet PDR
Micromedex Clinical Pharmacology RedBook (not indication)
USPDI Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Product Identifi cation
dosage form product strength brand and generic name
manufacturer colored photographs of tablets/capsules
Facts & Comparisons PDR Clinical Pharmacology USPDI Micromedex
Drug Uses
FDA-approved indications other uses of the agent
AHFS Clinical Pharmacology Facts & Comparisons Drug Information
Handbook PDR (FDA-approved indications only) Micromedex USPDI
Drug Monographs
general drug information pharmacology indications and
uses drug interactions admixture information doses adverse
effects drug interactions
AHFS Clinical Pharmacology Facts & Comparisons Drug Information
Handbook Micromedex PDR USPDI
Injectable Drug Compatibility/Stability Information
drug diluent and solution compatibilities drug compatibility
conditions for handling and storing products (ie, glass vs.
plastic container, protection from light, fi lters, refrigeration,
expiration, etc.)
AHFS King’s Guide Trissel’s Handbook on Injectable Drugs Package
inserts PDR Micromedex
Preparation AHFS King’s Guide Trissel’s Handbook on Injectable Drugs
Micromedex Package inserts PDR
Calculations Drug Information Handbook Micromedex
Hazardous Chemicals and Drugs
specifi es hazards of the chemicals or drugs used at the
worksite guidelines for their safe use recommendations to
treat or clean up an exposure
Material Safety Data Sheets Micromedex
Pharmacy Law
Generic substitution (bioequivalence) Federal regulations
regarding handling and dispensing
USPDI Volume III Orange Book
Patient Information Clinical Pharmacology Facts & Comparisons Internet Lexi-Comp
MedlinePlus Micromedex Patient package inserts, Medication
Guides USPDI Volume I
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Assisting the Pharmacist
drug information, poison information, foreign drug infor-
mation, tablet and capsule identifi cation, disease and trau-
ma information, herbal information, stability information,
compatibility information, pregnancy information, patient
information, and more.
Specialty References
Red Book (published by Medical Economics) contains
up-to-date product information and prices for prescription
drugs, over-the-counter products, and medical supplies. It
contains NDC numbers for all products, available pack-
aging, and therapeutic equivalence ratings (according to
the FDAs Orange Book). It has a comprehensive listing
of manufacturers, wholesalers, and third-party admin-
istrator directories. There are sections with other useful
practical information, such as lists of sugar-, lactose-,
galactose-, and alcohol-free products; sulfi te-containing
products; medications that should not be crushed; and
color photographs of many prescription and over-the-
counter products.
Compatibility and Stability
Trissel’s Handbook on Injectable Drugs (published
by American Society of Health-System Pharmacists,
ASHP) is a textbook often used in hospital and home
health care pharmacies. It focuses solely on injectable
medications. Information includes data on the solubility,
compatibility, and stability of many different medica-
tions. Specifi cally, this handbook is useful to determine
when two medications may be safely mixed together in
an IV bag, a syringe, or at a Y-site on an administration
set. This reference also addresses special handling re-
quirements of certain agents (glass vs. plastic contain-
ers, light restrictions, fi lters, refrigeration requirements,
expiration, etc.).
King Guide to Parenteral Admixtures (published
by King Guide Publications, Inc.) is another reference
that is useful for compatibility and stability of injectable
Extended Stability of Parenteral Drugs
Extended Stability of Parenteral Drugs (published by
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, ASHP)
contains stability data of injectable drugs that extends be-
yond 24 hours. The reference is intended for use by alter-
nate site infusion practices, such as home infusion.
American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Infor-
mation (AHFS DI, published by the American Society of
Health-System Pharmacists, ASHP) is a detailed, com-
prehensive, general drug information reference. This
textbook provides complete drug monographs that are or-
ganized by therapeutic class (eg, anti-infectives, cardio-
vascular). It provides detailed information about the use
of a drug, its side effects, dosing considerations, and so
on, and its coverage is not limited to FDA-approved uses
of medications. It is especially useful for preparation and
administration instructions for injectable products.
Lexi-Comp’s Drug Information Handbook and Drug
Information Handbook for the Allied Health Profession-
al (published by Lexi-Comp) are handbooks containing
general drug information monographs. They are widely
used because they are quick, convenient, and easy to use.
The Drug Information Handbook is alphabetically orga-
nized in dictionary format according to generic name.
The Drug Information Handbook for the Allied Health
Professional is not as comprehensive as the Drug Infor-
mation Handbook, but it may be appealing to technicians
because it allows quick access to basic data on the most
frequently used medications. Both publications contain
extensive appendixes with helpful charts, abbreviations,
measurements, and conversions.
Mosby’s Drug Consult (published by Elsevier
Science) is a comprehensive general drug information
reference. It provides complete drug monographs that
are organized alphabetically by generic drug names. This
textbook is more comprehensive than the PDR. A key
feature is its indexing system, which allows identifi ca-
tion of all drugs within a therapeutic class, schedules of
controlled substances, pregnancy categories, and so on.
American Drug Index (published by Facts and
Comparisons) is an alphabetical listing of drugs with
brief information on each agent, including drug name
(generic, brand, chemical name), manufacturer, dosage
form, strength and packaging information, and gen-
eral uses (eg, general anesthetic, narcotic, antitussive).
It also contains pharmaceutical manufacturers’ phone
numbers and addresses, weight and measuring conver-
sions, and a list of drugs that should not be crushed.
Its extensive cross-indexing is useful to quickly identify
a brand or generic product or determine product avail-
ability information.
Healthcare Series is a comprehen-
sive reference system that is accessed electronically via
CD-ROM, Internet, or personal digital assistant (PDA).
Depending on the subscription, it contains comprehensive
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
Miscellaneous References
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are information
sheets provided by manufacturers for chemicals or drugs
that may be hazardous in the workplace. The primary
purpose of the MSDS is to provide information about the
specifi c hazards of the chemicals or drugs (ie, to describe
acute and chronic health effects), guidelines for their safe
use, and recommendations to treat an exposure or clean
up a spill.
Drug Information and Poison
Control Centers
Formal Drug Information Centers are another source of
drug information. The centers throughout the country
vary in the types of services they provide, but most cen-
ters provide drug information for health-care profession-
als, assist with formulary management, and train phar-
macy students, residents, and pharmacists. Some centers
provide drug information for consumers as well.
The Internet
The technician must take care to ensure that the infor-
mation is current and up-to-date, and that it is accurate
and from a reputable source. Generally, Web sites that are
sponsored by the government, pharmacy and medical or-
ganizations, and medical centers are the most reputable.
Table 1-4 lists useful Web sites for drug information and
a brief description of what each site contains.
Pop Quiz!
Give an example of a
comprehensive tertiary reference.
USP Pharmacist’s Pharmacopeia (published by U.S.
Pharmacopeia) is a reference that includes the offi cial
standards and procedures to ensure the strength, quality
and purity of sterile and non-sterile compounded prepara-
tions. The individual drug monographs contain informa-
tion on compounding, packaging, labeling, and storage
of pharmaceuticals. The reference also includes informa-
tion on veterinary compounding and food ingredients,
colorings, preservatives, and fl avorings. It is a useful re-
source for pharmacy compounding because it provides
information on legal requirements and laws that apply to
compounding practices, as well as articles on the basics
of compounding.
Trissel’s Stability of Compounded Formulations
(published by the American Pharmacists Association,
APhA) summarizes formulation and stability studies that
are published for compounded formulations. Its drug
monographs provide guidance for preparing the products
as well as expiration dating, proper storage, and repack-
Herbal Medications and Dietary
Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database (published
by Therapeutic Research Faculty) is a commonly used
reference for natural medicines, including herbals and di-
etary supplements. Individual monographs list the name
of the product, its common and scientifi c names, uses,
safety, effectiveness, dosage and interactions with drugs,
foods, labs, or diseases/conditions. It is available in both
print and electronic forms.
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Assisting the Pharmacist
Table 1–4. Useful Web Sites for Obtaining Drug Information
Web site Address Description
Food and Drug
Administration Home page for the FDA; contains numerous
useful links for both consumers and health-care
FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and
Research (CDER) Contains links for consumers and health-care
professionals regarding drug information, such
as new drug approvals, drug shortages, safety
information, and generic drug bioequivalence
(Orange Book).
Contains information about FDA-approved
drugs. Users can fi nd package labeling informa-
tion, generic drug products for brand name
products, patient information (including
Medication Guides), and review the approval
history of drugs.
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) Home page for the CDC; contains information
about diseases, health topics, vaccines, traveler’s
health, bioterrorism, etc.
CDC Vaccine Information Statements
Link to Vaccine Information Statements that
explain the benefi ts and risks of vaccines.
National Institutes for Health (NIH) Home page for the NIH; contains information
about health topics, clinical trials, and the various
divisions of the NIH.
National Library of Medicine / Medline/
PubMed and MedlinePlus Home page for the U.S. National Library of
Medicine. Links to Medline Plus (health infor-
mation for consumers) and Medline/PubMed
(references and abstracts from biomedical
American Society of Health-System
Pharmacists (ASHP) Home page for ASHP; contains news related to
health-system pharmacy and many helpful links
for pharmacy professionals.
ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center Up-to-date information on current drug short-
ages, including which products are affected and
why, the anticipated time to resolution, and
ASHP Consumer Drug Information Reputable Web site for patient medication
American Pharmacists Association
(APhA) Home page for APhA; contains news related to
pharmacy and many helpful links for pharmacy
Institute for Safe Medication Practices
(ISMP) Homepage for the ISMP; contains medication
error alerts, a section for reporting, products
available for purchase, and medication error
prevention strategies.
Virtual Library Pharmacy Contains links to pharmacy associations, phar-
maceutical manufacturers, governmental sites,
hospitals, journals and books, and more.
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
Self-Assessment Questions
1. Abbreviations are generally considered to be
unsafe and should therefore never be used in
a. True
b. False
2. The fi rst step in receiving either a prescription or
a medication order is to verify that all necessary
information is present, although this information
may vary depending on the pharmacy site
(outpatient versus inpatient).
a. True
b. False
3. The abbreviation for “before meals” is
a. a.a.
b. hs
c. pc
d. ac
4. Which piece of information is critical in an
ambulatory pharmacy environment when fi lling
a prescription, but is often not known by the
pharmacy in a hospital?
a. patient’s allergies
b. name of the ordered drug
c. dose of the ordered drug
d. patient’s insurance information
e. name of the doctor
5. Every state’s laws regarding prescription transfer
are the same.
a. True
b. False
6. The fi rst set of numbers in an NDC number
a. the package size
b. the specifi c product
c. the manufacturer
d. the schedule of the controlled substance
7. At the Point of Sale the patient’s signature is
a. when they receive the HIPAA information
b. when they receive a Patient Information Sheet
c. by some third Party Companies when the
patient receives the prescription
d. in some states when they refuse counseling
e. all the above
f. a, c, and d only
8. Examples of drugs with REMS include clozapine,
thalidomide, and
a. isotretinoin and dofetilide
b. isotretinoin and sildenafi l
c. alosetron and methadone
d. sildenafi l and tadalafi l
9. Parenteral administration refers to drugs
a. given by mouth
b. administered only intravenously
c. administered intravenously and intramuscularly
d. given only subcutaneously
10. Which of the following is a possible risk
associated with IV therapy?
a. infection
b. bleeding
c. air embolus
d. incompatibilities
e. all of the above
11. Which of the following is false regarding the use
of a Laminar Airfl ow Workbench (LAFW)?
a. Hoods should be allowed to run for 15–30
minutes before use if they are not left on
b. All compounding should be done at least
3 inches from the front edge of the hood.
c. Only essential objects should be taken into the
d. Jewelry should not be worn on the hands or
wrists when working in the hood.
e. Actions such as talking or coughing should be
directed from the LAFW work area.
12. Clean room attire should include
a. shoe covers
b. head covers
c. facial hair covers
d. face mask
e. sterile gloves
f. all the above
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Assisting the Pharmacist
Self-Assessment Questions
17. Which reference has the best information about
IV compatibility?
a. American Drug Index
b. PDR
c. Drug Facts and Comparisons
d. Package inserts
e. Handbook on Injectable Drugs
18. Drug Facts and Comparisons is considered a(n)
a. tertiary general drug reference
b. primary general drug reference
c. specialty drug reference that includes only
FDA approved drugs
19. The valid DEA number for Dr. Terry L Jones
would be
a. AT 4326915
b. AJ 2178944
c. AT 2178946
d. AJ 432910
20. The NDC number for a product on the package
label is 0536-3922-01. Which NDC number listed
below would be in the proper form for this drug
for remittance to a third party payer?
a. 0536-3922-01
b. 05363992201
c. 00536-3922-01
d. 05360-3922-01
13. Vials differ from ampoules in that they are used to
hold both liquids and powders.
a. True
b. False
14. A ____ is the most important piece of equipment
for handling and preparing hazardous drugs
b. BSC
c. latex gloves
d. automated compounder
15. Which reference is important in describing good
compounding practices for technicians?
a. Lexi-Comp’s Drug Information Handbook for
the Allied Health Professional
b. Micromedex
c. Package inserts
d. PDR
e. USP 27
16. Which question can a pharmacy technician
a. When will the shortage of methylprednisolone
be over?
b. How much acetaminophen should I give my
2 month old infant?
c. Can propranolol make me dizzy?
d. Does simvastatin interact with grapefruit juice?
e. What should I substitute for morphine if my
patient is allergic?
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Pharmacy Technician Certifi cation Review and Practice Exam
Self-Assessment Answers
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. b
6. c
7. f
8. a
9. c
10. e
11. b
12. f
13. a
14. b
15. e
16. a
17. e
18. a
19. b
20. c
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