Nursing Student Handbook
Redlands Community College Nursing Program
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Table of Contents
Student Forms
Oath of Confidentiality……………………………………………………………………………………….4
Release of Information.........................................................................................................................……5
Agreement for Simulation Lab……………………………………………………………………………….6
Authorization for Photography and Recording of Simulation Sessions………….…………………………..7
Hepatitis B Vaccination Waiver………………………………………………………………………...……8
Handbook Content
Welcome from the Department Head of Nursing and Allied Health ...................................................... …..….9
Accreditation and Approval. .....................................................................................................................…….10
Nursing Mission Statement and Philosophy ............................................................................................ .……12
Nursing Program Outcomes…………………………………………………………………………………..13
Nursing End Program Student Learning Outcomes ................................................................................ …….13
Two Year Nursing A.A.S. Degree Plan.. ....................................................................................... .....….15
Academic Integrity ................................................................................................................................ ……..16
Notice of Nondiscrimination Statement ................................................................................................ ….…..17
Student Code of Conduct ....................................................................................................................... ……...17
Professional Behavior ............................................................................................................................ ……...21
Electronic Communication….. .............................................................................................................. ……...23
Blackboard ............................................................................................................................................. ……...23
Email ………………………………………………………………………………………………...23
Phone ............................................................................................................................................................ ………
Computer Lab Guidelines…………………………………………………...………………………...............25
Learning Resource Center (LRC)…………………………………………………………..…………………25
Recommendation Letters ....................................................................................................................... ……...25
Clinical Requirements ........................................................................................................................... …….. 25
Criminal History Background Checks................................................................................................... ……...26
Clinical Guidelines ................................................................................................................................ ……...27
Lab/Simulation Guidelines .................................................................................................................... ……...28
Skills Performance Checklist ....................................................................................................................... ………
Community Clinical. ..............................................................................................................................……...28
Dress Code .............................................................................................................................................……..29
Evaluation Methods/Grading ...................................................................................................................……30
Exams ........................................................................................................................................................... ………
Student Nursing Association ....................................................................................................................……32
Instructions for Completion of the NCLEX-RN/LPN Single State Application ..............................................33
Instructions for Completion of the NCLEX-RN/LPN Multistate Licensure Application……………………34
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Nursing Policies Section.......................................................................................................................…...35
Policy 1.0 Admission Requirements for Generic Nursing Students……………………………………………36
Policy 1.02 Admission Requirements for Transfer Students…………………………………………………..38
Policy 1.03 LPN-RN Direct Articulation…………………………………………………………………...…..40
Policy 2.0 Physical Requirements to Provide Patient Care…………………………………………………….42
Policy 2.01 Student Clinical Requirements……………………………………………………………………..45
Policy 2.02 Standard Precaution Policy………………………………………………………..….……………46
Policy 3.0 Clinical……………………………………………………………………….……………….……47
Policy 3.01 Tardy to Clinical…………………………………………………………………...……….…….47
Policy 3.02 Make-up Clinical…………………………………………………………………..………….….47
Policy 3.03 Lab/Simulation Attendance……………………………………………………..………….…….48
Policy 3.04 Learning Activities………………………………………………………………………….……48
Policy 3.05 Tardy to Class………………………………………………………………………………….…48
Policy 3.06 Classroom Attendance……………………………………………………………………………48
Policy 3.07 Nursing Student Examination Expectation Policy……………………………………………….50
Policy 4.0 Technology, Electronic Device Use and Social Networking………………………..…….……….51
Policy 5.0 Progression …………………………………………………………………………………….….52
Policy 5.01 Student Contract Procedure………………………………………………………………….……53
Policy 6.0 Readmission and Retention ………………………………………………………..……………..54
Policy 6.01 Student Dismissal………………………………………………………………………………..55
Policy 7.0 Graduation …………………………………………………………………………………….….56
Policy 8.0 Confidentiality…………………………………………………………………………………….56
Policy 8.01 HIPPA……………………………………………………………………………..….…………57
Policy 9.0 Grievance………………………………………………………………...…….…………………57
Policy 10.0 Sexual Harassment………………………………………………………….…………………..58
Policy 11.0 Inclement Weather………………………………………………………….……….….……….58
Policy 12.0 Drug Testing Policy……………………………………………….………………….…………59
Policy 13.0 Student Reference Request and form…………………………………………………………….61
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Oath of Confidentiality
STUDENT ID:__________________________
I,________________________________, understand that any patient/family information to
which I have access, either through records, direct client contact, or caregiver/student
conferences, is privileged and shall be held in strict confidence.
I will ensure the privacy of all information by documenting only on appropriate procedural
forms which will be kept secure according to agency policy. When such information is included
in written assignments, I will ensure that the information is written in such a way as to prevent
any connection with specific patients/families.
I further agree to abide by all policies and procedures of the agency to which I am assigned,
with utmost concern for the privacy, security, and well-being of the patients/families I am
privileged to visit.
I understand that the Redlands Community College Nursing Student Handbook is available to
me in Blackboard. I understand that I have the responsibility to read and adhere to the policies
contained in this handbook and any updated policies posted on the Redlands Community
College Nursing Program web page and attached as an addendum in course syllabi.
_________________________________________ _________________
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Release of Information
STUDENT NAME: __________________________________
This form is an authorization to release the student's clinical requirement information to
healthcare clinical facilities with which Redlands Community College Nursing program has a
clinical contract or agreement. This release will be in effect until the student's last clinical date
in the Nurse Science Program.
The information release includes:
Immunization records
TB skin test or chest X-ray results
Date of Basic Life Support/Healthcare Provider course
Background Check, criminal and sex offender reports, results of Urine Drug Screen
You will be notified if you are denied participation in the clinical rotation by the healthcare
facility due to content in the information release.
Clinical facility contract settlement:
"In the event such authorization and release are not given by the student, the student shall be
disqualified from participation at the clinical facility. The results of the clinical requirement
information must be satisfactory to the healthcare clinical facility."
I hereby authorize Redlands Community College Nursing Program to release the information
above to the healthcare facilities for clinical rotations.
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Agreement for Simulation Lab
As a patron of the Simulation Lab, I understand the significance of confidentiality with respect
to information concerning simulated patients and fellow students. I will uphold the
requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and any
other federal or state laws regarding confidentiality. I agree to report any violations of
confidentiality that I become aware of to my facilitator or instructor.
I agree to adhere to the following guidelines:
All patient information is confidential and any inappropriate viewing, discussion or disclosure
of this information is a violation of Redlands Community College Nursing Program policy.
This information is privileged and confidential regardless of format: electronic, written,
overheard or observed.
I may view, use, disclose, or copy information only as it relates to the performance of my
educational duties. Any inappropriate viewing, discussion, or disclosure of this information is a
violation of policy and may be a violation of HIPAA.
No food or drinks are allowed in the simulation lab.
The simulation lab is a learning environment. All scenarios, regardless of their outcome, should
be treated in a professional manner. Professional behavior and respect is expected toward the
patient in the scenario, students and faculty. Situations simulated in the lab are to be used as a
learning tool and not to be used for humiliation of fellow students.
The simulation mannequins are to be used with respect and be treated as if they were live
Always support the head when moving or turning the simulator mannequin.
No written material, electronic material or parts of the mannequin are to be removed from the
No hospital supplies (medications, needles, linens, etc.) are to be removed from the lab.
Do not manipulate, or remove any cords or connections from any of the equipment or the
simulator mannequin unless instructed to do so by the simulation lab specialist (i.e. IV lines,
Pens, markers, and other permanent writing instruments are NOT allowed in the simulation lab
except where designated (i.e. whiteboard dry erase marker). Please leave these things with your
belongings. These items will permanently stain the skin of the simulator mannequin. Pencils
are used for documentation purposes but are not to be used directly on the simulator.
Nothing other than the supplied lubrication spray is to be used to lubricate equipment.
Complete/review any preparation materials that your instructor has provided prior to the start of
the simulation.
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I have read the above listed expectations and agree to follow them at all times when using the
simulator mannequin. Non-adherence to these expectations may constitute dismissal from the
Simulation Lab.
Authorization for Photography and Recording of Simulation Sessions
I, ______________________________hereby grant to Redlands Community College and
its legal representatives and assignees, the irrevocable and unrestricted rights to photograph
and record clinical labs and simulation sessions throughout my enrollment in the college and to
use the photographs or recordings in the review and evaluation of the performance of the
clinical groups and individuals. In addition, I give permission for use of this recording in the
education of current and future faculty and staff on the implementation of labs and simulation
in clinical education, with the understanding that these recordings will not be used for
presentations outside Redlands Community College without the express consent of the
participants. I hereby release Redlands Community College and its legal representatives and
assignees from all claims and liability relating to the use of these photographs and recordings.
SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________
PRINTED NAME: ______________________________________________________
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Hepatitis B Vaccination Waiver
Student Full Name: _______________________________________________________________
Street Address: ___________________________________________________________________
(City) (State) (Zip Code)
Telephone: __________________________________ Date of Birth: _____/ ______/ __________
The student name above is scheduled to receive the Hepatitis B vaccine or titer on the following dates:
Dose: ________________________
Dose: ________________________
Dose: ________________________
Titer: ___________________________
Print Name of healthcare provider: ___________________________________________________
Signature of healthcare provider: _____________________________________________________
Student Signature: _________________________________________________________________
Voluntary Declination or Medical Reasoning
I understand that due to my exposure to blood or other potentially infections exposure to blood or other
infectious materials that I may be at risk for acquiring hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. I understand
that, if required for the clinical setting, I must receive a vaccination at that time or I may be unable to
attend clinical rotations and successfully progress in the nursing program. I decline the Hepatitis B
vaccine at this time. Understand that by declining the vaccine, I may continue to be at risk and it may
hinder my progression in the program.
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________________
If the declination for the HBV vaccine is due to medical reasons, list them below along with the
healthcare provider’s signature:
Print Name of healthcare provider: _______________________________________________________
Signature of healthcare provider: _________________________________________________________
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Welcome from the Department Head of Nursing and Allied Health
Welcome to Redlands Community College Nursing Program!
We are committed to providing the highest quality and affordable nursing education to a diverse
undergraduate student population. The associate degree program focuses on quality
improvement and multidisciplinary collaboration based on current evidence to practice safe
patient-centered care. The recently revised nursing program offers an innovative program
reflective of the current needs and trends within the healthcare community.
We are a community-orientated program with a low faculty-to-student ratio that gives us the
ability to help meet students’ needs more efficiently. In addition to a low faculty-to-student ratio,
the nursing program continues to collaborate with our academic partners to expand student
resources and support for student retention. The nursing program’s clinical partnerships include
a combination of rural and urban sites within the Oklahoma City area that enhances the student’s
ability to secure employment prior to program completion.
This handbook is an important document for all students to read and keep as a reference during
their academic years. It describes the current policies and procedures of Redlands Community
College Associate Degree Nursing Program. If a policy must change during the academic year,
students will be notified electronically and updated annually to reflect the most current policies
and procedures.
If you have questions or concerns about these policies and procedures, please feel free to contact
the nursing program at 405.422.6224.
Thank you for your interest in Redlands Community College Nursing Program!
Jalelah Abdul-Raheem, PhD, RN, CNE
Department Head of Nursing and Allied Health
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Accreditation and Approval
The Redlands Community College nursing program is approved by the Oklahoma Board of
Nursing. Graduates of this state-approved program are eligible to apply to write the National
Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for registered nurses. Applicants for Oklahoma
licensure must meet all state and federal requirements to hold an Oklahoma license to practice
nursing. In addition to completing a state-approved nursing education program that meets
educational requirements and successfully passing the licensure examination, requirements
include submission of an application for licensure, a criminal history records search, and
evidence of citizenship or qualified alien status [59 O.S. §§567.5 & 567.6]. To be granted a
license, an applicant must have the legal right to be in the United States (United States Code
Chapter 8, Section 1621). In addition, Oklahoma law only allows a license to be issued to U.S.
citizens, U.S. nationals, and legal permanent resident aliens. Other qualified aliens may be issued
a temporary license that is valid until the expiration of their visa status, or if there is no
expiration date, for one year. Applicants who are qualified aliens must present to the Board
office, in person, valid documentary evidence of:
1. A valid, unexpired immigrant or nonimmigrant visa status for admission into the United
2. A pending or approved application for asylum in the United States;
3. Admission into the United States in refugee status;
4. A pending or approved application for temporary protected status in the United States;
5. Approved deferred action status; or
6. A pending application for adjustment of status to legal permanent resident status or
conditional resident status.
The Board has the authority to deny a license, recognition or certificate; issue a license,
recognition or certificate with conditions and/or an administrative penalty; or to issue and
otherwise discipline a license, recognition or certificate to an individual with a history of
criminal background, disciplinary action on any professional or occupational license or
certification, or judicial declaration of mental incompetence [59 O.S. §567.8]. These cases are
considered on an individual basis at the time application for licensure is made. Potential
applicants to state-approved education programs, with a criminal history, may obtain a
determination of eligibility for licensure or certification from the Oklahoma Board of Nursing for
a fee. The determination of eligibility for licensure petition can be accessed at
Oklahoma Board of Nursing (OBN)
Board of Nursing, P. O. Box 52926
Oklahoma City 73152
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The associate nursing program at Redlands Community College at the main
campus of Redlands Community College located in El Reno, Oklahoma is
accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of
Commissioners for the associate nursing program is Continuing Accreditation.
The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association
230 N. Lasalle St., Suite 7-500
Chicago, OK 60604
Redlands Community College nursing program of study is approved by the
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and the Oklahoma State
Accrediting Agency.
National League for Nursing Oklahoma League for Nursing
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Nursing Mission Statement and Philosophy
The faculty of Redlands Community College has a commitment to
provide the highest quality, affordable nursing education to a
diverse, undergraduate student population. Redlands Community
College Nursing Program fully subscribes to the College Mission.
In addition, our mission is to prepare nurses at an associate degree
level in a setting that focuses on quality improvement and
multidisciplinary collaboration that result in evidence-based
practice and safe, patient-centered care. The nursing program
offers an innovative program that reflects the needs and current
trends in the healthcare community. We are committed to creating
and educating excellence-minded nurses who are passionate and
driven to improve healthcare disparities worldwide.
Redlands Community College nursing faculty operates in the belief
that each person should be:
treated with dignity and respect and afforded equal opportunity to
acquire a complete educational experience.
given an opportunity to discover and develop their special
aptitudes and insights.
provided an opportunity to equip themselves for a fulfilling life
and responsible citizenship in a world characterized by change.
Redlands Community College Nursing Program is committed to
the development of nurse leaders. We value integrity, diversity,
collaboration and quality improvement. We seek to transform the
mindset of future nurses to put them at the forefront of innovation,
professionalism and compassionate care in the healthcare
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Nursing Program Outcomes
Redlands Community College Nursing Program will graduate cohorts who:
1. Maintain 80% or greater for all first-time test-takers; or 80% or greater
for all first-time test-takers and repeaters; or at or above the
national/territorial mean based on the nursing program type.
2. Obtain employment at an annual rate of 85% or higher within eight
months of graduation.
3. Achieve all course objectives in cognitive, psychomotor and affective
domain throughout the program.
End of Program Student Learning Outcomes with Definitions
1. Professional Behaviors:
The Redlands Nursing Graduate demonstrates leadership and commitment to the
profession of nursing through personal and professional responsibility. This
includes accountability for her/his professional, legal and ethical practice in a
variety of healthcare settings.
2. Communication:
The Redlands Nursing Graduate will utilize therapeutic communication to
demonstrate caring, respect, compassion and cultural awareness.
3. Assessment:
The Redlands Nursing Graduate gathers and documents information from
multiple sources to establish a foundation for the provision of holistic nursing
4. Clinical Decision Making:
The Redlands Nursing Graduate utilizes knowledge from sciences, humanities
and nursing to develop critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and problem
solving skills in making clinical decisions.
5. Caring Interventions:
The Redlands Nursing Graduate will exhibit caring behaviors through cultural
awareness, nurturing, compassion, acceptance, respect and instilling hope and
trust in order to promote individualized holistic care. The Redlands Nursing
graduate will identify, perform, and document accurate, competent, and safe
nursing care.
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6. Teaching and Learning:
The Redlands Nursing Graduate will utilize concepts of teaching and learning to
facilitate informed decision making, and support self-care activities through
evaluation and modification of the plan of care. The Redlands Nursing Graduate
will understand the value of lifelong learning.
7. Safety:
The Redlands Nursing Graduate will identify, perform, and document accurate,
competent, and safe nursing care.
8. Collaboration:
The Redlands Nursing Graduate will participate in the team approach to holistic,
client centered care across healthcare settings.
9. Managing Care:
The Redlands Graduate will utilize available resources to plan, organize and
direct the healthcare team to assist the clients’ transition within the healthcare
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Two-Year Nursing Plan
All nursing courses must be taken in sequential order)
Course Name
General Chemistry I w/ Lab
General Chemistry with Lab
4 or 5
First Semester (Fall)
Course No.
Course Name
College Success
Nursing I
Anatomy w/ Lab
English Composition I
Elements of Psychology
Second Semester (Spring)
Course No.
Course Name
Nursing II
Physiology w/ Lab
English Composition II
Third Semester (Fall)
Course No.
Course Name
Nursing III
Introduction to Microbiology w/ Lab
U.S. Government
Fourth Semester (Spring)
Course No.
Course Name
Nursing IV
Nursing Capstone
1483 or 1493
US History to 1877, or US History, 1877 to
Program Total
64 or 65
Students applying through the LPN-RN course track must have General Chemistry w/ Lab, Anatomy w/ Lab, English Composition I,
and Elements of Psychology completed prior to beginning program.
** 4 hour Chemistry with lab approval required See Nursing Program Director
***College Success for LPN-RN course track approval required -- See Nursing Program Director
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Academic Integrity
Redlands students are expected to conduct themselves according to the highest
academic standards and to complete coursework in an honest and ethical manner.
Plagiarism and/or cheating will not be tolerated and students may receive an “F”
for the course and be suspended or expelled from the college for repeated
Generally, plagiarism is the use of another’s work – including ideas, opinions,
data, illustrative material or media – without properly attributing and citing the
source. Plagiarism also includes:
Using too much of one source, even if properly credited
Re-using work submitted for another class
Copying from the Internet
Having someone else write a paper or assignment for you
Writing a paper or assignment for someone else
Cheating is any attempt to gain undeserved academic credit for oneself or another,
Copying from another student’s test, quiz, assignment or lab work
Allowing another student to copy your work
Using an electronic device to access or share information during a test
or quiz
Obtaining or providing copies of tests or quizzes (or test/quiz
questions) beforehand
Tampering with experimental data or creating data for experiments not
Coercing someone else to complete an assignment or take a test or
quiz for you (or doing any of the above for someone else)
The following items are also covered under the Academic Dishonest Policy and
could be subject to suspension or expulsion:
Falsifying college records, forms or other documents
Attempting to bribe faculty or staff to alter a grade
Tampering with or destroying the work of others
Accessing computer systems or files without authorization
Sharing of Redlands Enterprise Network credentials with others
For a first offense: If a professor determines that a student has cheated or
plagiarized, the faculty may record a grade of “0” for that assignment.
Additionally, the faculty member may require the student to re-do the assignment
or recommend other appropriate action. The faculty member shall report the
violation to the appropriate department head.
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For a second offense: The professor will notify the student, the department head
and the Nursing Program Administrator of the violation in writing and record a
grade of “F” for the course. The student will not be allowed to re-do the
assignment or re-enroll in the course until the following term.
The department head may not change a grade issued by a professor unless:
The Grade Appeal process results in a decision favorable to the student.
The professor is no longer employed by Redlands Community College.
The professor is unable to make the grade change but provides written
Notice of Nondiscrimination Statement
Redlands Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, or status as a veteran, in any of its
educational programs, activities, policies, practices, or procedures, including, but
is not limited to, admissions, employment, eligibility for financial aid, and
educational services, in accordance with Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the
Civil Rights Act of 1991, and other federal laws and regulations.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the
College's nondiscrimination policies:
Compliance Officer
Redlands Community College
1300 S. Country Club Road
El Reno, OK 73036
Link for more information:
Student Code of Conduct
The Nursing Program of Redlands Community College subscribes to and abides by the College
Student Conduct Code Policy. In the campus policy, all references to College property or College
campus include extended College campuses such as clinical facilities for Nursing Students.
Redlands Community College (Redlands) provides opportunities for continuous academic growth
for its employees and students in support of all aspects of the Institution’s mission. In our continued
efforts to promote a quality educational experience, self-discipline is an important element in
providing that quality educational experience and it is an essential part of the higher learning
experience. It is important that all individuals in that educational experience understand the
importance of the concepts of fairness and equity that applies to our students, our faculty, our staff
and guests on our campus. This policy is set forth so that students will be informed in advance that
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actions and behavior which fail to demonstrate good self-discipline can result in sanctions being
imposed by Redlands.
The provisions in our Student Conduct Code regarding student self-discipline and conduct are
specifically designed to help students understand the institution’s expectations regarding
acceptable conduct and to provide a means for ensuring the security of, and a positive educational
atmosphere for the members of the Redlands’ community. This conduct code is designed to
primarily be educational and positive in manner.
Student - Any person who has been admitted to Redlands Community College and has been
assigned a Redlands Student ID number.
Active Student - A student who is enrolled in a credit course or noncredit class in the current
semester or is enrolled in a future semester.
Inactive Student - Any person possessing a Redlands ID number but not meeting the criteria of an
active student.
In instances when a student does not demonstrate adequate understanding of the needs and rights
of the Redlands community, Redlands is committed to helping the student in understanding the
need for corrective action. Redlands will first attempt to aid the student in finding ways to
positively align future conduct in a manner conducive to the purpose and functions of Redlands.
In cases of repeated violations of the Student Conduct Code, students will be referred to the Chief
Academic Officer who will consider the student’s disciplinary history and may impose punitive
disciplinary sanctions. Students are expected to observe all national, state and local laws and
Redlands rules, policies and procedures and to respect the rights and privileges of others.
This policy applies to all students on campus, as well as those participating in official off-campus
Redlands activities, classes, programs or events.
Student Conduct Code - Procedure
Academic Misconduct: Cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, alteration of academic
materials, falsifying records of any kind or other academic misbehavior, as set forth in Redlands
Policy 605, Academic Integrity.
Actions Not Committed on Redlands Property - may also be subject to Redlands disciplinary
action in cases where a clear and distinct interest of Redlands is involved or affected. Sanctions
will be applied only in response to actions which adversely affect the Redlands community’s
pursuit of its educational objectives, violate or show disregard for the rights of others, or damage
property. This includes, but is not limited to, offenses related to the security and welfare of persons
and/or property.
Attempts and Complicity: Attempting to or encouraging others to commit acts prohibited by
this code. Apathy in the presence of prohibited conduct may constitute a violation of this policy.
Classroom Disruption: Engaging in behavior that a reasonable person would view as substantial
or repeated interference with the instructor’s ability to teach the class or the ability of other students
to benefit from the instruction.
Discrimination: Redlands Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or status as a
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veteran in any of its educational programs, activities, policies, practices or procedures, including,
but not limited to, admissions, employment, eligibility for financial aid and educational services,
as set forth in Redlands Policy 510 Nondiscrimination and Complaints.
Disorderly Conduct: Disorderly behavior, indecent actions or breaching the peace on College
property, or at College-sponsored activities.
Disruption or Obstruction: Disrupting or obstructing normal College or College-sponsored
Drugs and Alcohol: Any violation of the Redlands Drug and Alcohol Policy as set forth in
Redlands Policy 505 Drug-Free Schools and Communities, Redlands Policy 519 Marijuana,
Redlands Policy 514 Alcoholic Beverages, or the administrative procedures implementing those
Failure to Comply: Failing to comply with the lawful directions of any College employee acting
within the scope of their official duties.
False Reporting: Knowingly making a false report of a bomb, active shooter, fire or other
emergency, including the filing of knowingly false police reports.
False Representation(s): Knowingly making false representation(s) to the College in any form,
written or verbal. Submission of false information or withholding information at the time of
admission or readmission may make an individual ineligible at Redlands.
Fire Safety: Engaging in misuse or unauthorized use of fire extinguishers, fire sprinkling systems
and other safety equipment or warning devices, and failure to evacuate when a fire alarm is
Forgery or Unauthorized Use: Forging or using without authorization College documents,
records, financial aid documents, computers, electronic mail, telephones, identification or College
Failing or Refusing to Pay on demand by a Redlands official the amount of any dishonored check
given to Redlands or any Redlands-sponsored organization for purposes including but not limited
to event participation, or failing to make satisfactory settlement of any Redlands indebtedness.
Harassment and Bullying: Unwelcome conduct that is sufficiently severe and pervasive that it
alters the conditions of education or employment and creates an environment that a reasonable
person would find intimidating or humiliating. These circumstances could include the frequency
of the conduct, its severity, and whether it is threatening or humiliating. Simple teasing, offhanded
comments and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) do not amount to abusive conduct.
Hazing: Engaging in any action or activity that causes or is likely to cause physical or mental
discomfort or distress that may demean, degrade, or disgrace any person, regardless of location,
intent or consent of participants, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or
as a condition for continued membership in a group or organization. Apathy in the presence of
hazing is not a neutral act; it is a violation of this rule as set forth in Redlands Policy 503 Title IX
and Sexual Misconduct.
Information Technology Usage: Violations of the terms of Redlands Policy 507 Acceptable Use
of Redlands Enterprise Network, and the acceptable use policy for OneNet, the official
telecommunications and information network for education and government, illegal or
unauthorized use of computer hardware, software, equipment or devices, either Redlands
owned/leased or privately owned, used on or off Redlands property.
Littering of Redlands property
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Libel: Any false and malicious written or printed statement, or any sign, picture, or effigy, tending
to expose a person to public ridicule, hatred, or contempt or to injure a person’s reputation in any
Physical Violence: Engaging in physical violence of any nature against any person, on or off
campus. This includes fighting, assaulting, battering, using a knife, gun, or other weapon,
physically abusing, restraining or transporting someone against his/her will, or acting in a manner
that threatens or endangers the physical health or safety of any person or causes reasonable
apprehension of such harm as set forth in Redlands Policy 503 Title IX and Sexual Misconduct,
Policy 510 Nondiscrimination and Complaints and Policy 516 Weapons, Firearms, Ammunition,
Fireworks, Explosives, and Dangerous Chemicals.
Property Damage: Defacing, damaging or destroying property belonging to the College or other
individuals or groups on College property.
Refusal to Exhibit Appropriate Identification to Redlands officials, faculty, staff or security
personnel when requested to do so.
Refusal to Properly Display a current Redlands parking decal on vehicles.
Retaliation: Taking any adverse action against a person who, acting in good faith, brings a
complaint forward or against an individual who has participated in an investigation or conduct
process, as set forth in Redlands Policy 503 Title IX and Sexual Misconduct.
Sexual Harassment: Making unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other
verbal or physical contact or communication of a sexual nature, as set forth in Redlands Policy
503 Title IX and Sexual Misconduct.
Sexual Misconduct: Engaging in non-consensual contact of a sexual nature. Sexual misconduct
may vary in its severity and consists of a range of behavior or attempted behavior, as set forth in
Redlands Policy 503 Title IX and Sexual Misconduct and Redlands Policy 504 Sexual Assault.
Slander: The utterance in the presence of another person of a false statement or statements,
damaging to a third person’s character or reputation.
Solicitation Through the Distribution of any type of publicity, printed materials, handbills or
advertisements without prior approval. Provided, solicitation shall be permitted on campus by
registered student organizations which occurs in conjunction with regular student activities and
campus events with the approval of appropriate Redlands officials.
Stalking: Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a
reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others, or to suffer substantial
emotional distress.
Theft: Possessing property that is known or should have been known to be stolen, taking property
without the consent of the owner, even with the intent to return the property, or obtaining property
by false pretenses.
Theft, Vandalism, Intentional Misuse, destruction, damage, mutilation or defacement of
property of Redlands, property of other students, or members of the Redlands community.
Use of Tobacco Products: Using tobacco in any form or using electronic cigarettes (vaping) in
or on campus, or at any campus sponsored events, is strictly prohibited, as set forth in Redlands
Policy 513 Tobacco Free Campus.
Unauthorized Entry: Entering into, or using without proper authorization, any College building,
facility, vehicle, equipment room, area or College-approved housing. This includes unauthorized
possession or use of College keys, computers, lock combinations or other special access codes or
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Violations of the Law: Any violation of federal, state or local law while on Redlands premises
or while engaged in any Redlands sponsored activity.
Weapons: Possession or use of firearms, weapons, ammunition, fireworks, dangerous chemicals
and explosives, except where explicitly permitted on College and College campuses by Oklahoma
law or by the College President. (Provided, that this section shall not be construed to prohibit
students who are certified law enforcement officers subject to emergency call to possess firearms
authorized by law, on school premises.) The term “weapons” as used in this provision, is intended
to describe anything used or designed to be used to injure another person and encompasses any
type of device that is used as an instrument of defensive or offensive combat as set forth in
Redlands Policy 516 Weapons, Firearms, Ammunition, Fireworks, Explosives, and Dangerous
Treatment of Violations of the Student Conduct Code
Violations of the Student Conduct Code by any Active Student will result in disciplinary actions
in accordance with this policy.
Violations of the Student Conduct Code by any Inactive Student may result in penalties including
but not limited to a 6-month “Notice to Leave” from the Redlands campus and the placement of a
disciplinary hold on the student account preventing enrollment in any credit or non-credit courses
for the duration of the Notice to Leave. For the hold to be removed from the student’s account, a
meeting must occur between the Inactive Student and the Student Conduct Council. Based upon
an individualized assessment of the circumstances, additional conditions on enrollment may be
In cases of repeated violations of the Student Conduct Code, the Investigating Officer may
consider the student’s disciplinary history and impose increasing punitive disciplinary sanctions;
provided, no prior disciplinary history is required to impose sanctions appropriate to the severity
of the violations(s).
Professional Behavior
A. Professional behavior, which is a key factor in maintaining academic
good standing, refers not only to conduct in the classroom but also in
the clinical setting and at all other events where the student is
representing the Redlands Community College Nursing Program.
B. The American Nurses Association (ANA) identifies Standards of
Professional Performance in the Standards of Clinical Nursing
Practice; these reflect the priorities and values of the nursing
profession. In the ANA Code of Ethics, the following statements can
be found, “The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with
compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness
of every individual….” and “This standard of conduct precludes any
and all prejudicial actions, any form of harassment or threatening
behavior, or disregard for the effect of one’s actions on others” (pp.4
& 9). In observance of these standards the Division of Nursing has
added the following guidelines:
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1. Students must comply with the dress code identified in the student
handbook at all times.
2. Students must adhere to assigned starting and dismissal times for class and
clinical rotations, unless prior arrangements have been made or an emergency
situation arises.
3. Students must demonstrate safe practice behaviors while caring for clients in the
clinical setting.
4. Students must demonstrate respect/compassion for faculty, clients, families, other
health care providers and their fellow students. The student is expected to
contribute to solutions and create a positive climate in the classroom and clinical
5. Students must demonstrate honesty in the classroom and clinical
area. Honesty in the classroom is discussed under Academic
6. Students must demonstrate appropriate conduct in all classroom
and clinical situations.
7. Students must comply with and maintain HIPPA standards of
confidentiality with regard to clients, families, institutions, faculty,
and fellow students.
8. Electronic devices must be converted to a soundless mode during
any Redlands Community College classroom educational
9. During every testing time, students should leave everything in
vehicle except the vehicle key and a pencil.
10. Communication is vital in terms of students in all matters related to
their attendance and performance in class. Students must assume
responsibility for this communication.
11. Electronic devices are allowed in class for the purpose of taking
notes, reading on line text books or other faculty directed class
activities only.
12. Students must comply with and maintain HIPPA standards of
confidentiality with regard to all health records (clinical facility,
patient, and Redlands Community College Program).
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Electronic Communication
The Internet offers many opportunities for communication between students and faculty. The
following tips will help you communicate effectively in Canvas and Outlook Email.
A. All nursing program courses are web-enhanced.
B. A Canvas tutorial is also available on
C. Computers are available to students in the nursing computer lab and other
computer labs on campus.
D. If a student is having technical problems with Canvas, do not call the
instructor. Contact Redlands IT Department at or (405) 422-1288.
E. Check Canvas several times daily and prior to class. Instructors use
Canvas to post announcements, updates and information pertinent to
theory and/or clinical.
F. Information or questions intended for clinical instructors should be sent
via Canvas course email unless otherwise specified. Instructors will
respond to email Monday through Friday during business hours.
G. “Discussions” on Canvas are public to the entire class and all instructors.
“Mail” is sent to individuals.
H. To submit an assignment via Canvas:
1. View the link below:
a. How Do I Submit an Online Assignment?
2. For each submission, title the email with a brief description and your
name (e.g. Drug Card Suzy Student).
3. Retain all digital copies of files sent. Sometimes resubmission may be
4. Do not include other business in emails with your assignments.
Include a descriptive subject in the subject line of original and return messages.
Sign your name to your email message - we may not recognize your email address - the
more clever or cryptic it is - the less likely we will know who you are!
Check for email messages several times weekly. Full-time faculty members attempt
to reply to email messages on their office days. You can expect to hear back from us
by our next office day.
Use student email addresses and instructor email addresses for course business only!
Do not send virus warnings, jokes, anecdotes, solicitations or other personal business
unless given explicit permission to do so.
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Please do not include instructors or other students in your email contact groups. We
would like to avoid receiving email from everyone else in your groups or email not
related to the course.
We assume that the email address supplied to you by Redlands Community College
is private and may send information regarding your course performance to this
address. Please keep this in mind if you choose to forward your mail to an address to
which another individual has access.
Faculty will utilize the email address listed for you in the Blackboard class list.
Please keep in mind that if you have forwarded your Outlook email address to
another email address and reply from that address, your message may be detected as
spam. Faculty will only respond to messages from your Redlands outlook email or
email via Blackboard.
A contact number for your clinical instructor will be offered to you prior to the first day
of clinical. The instructor will indicate preference for phone call or text message and
provide guidelines for use. It is your responsibility to record that number so that you may
contact your clinical instructor regarding clinical obligations. Do not share this number
with other students.
Text messages are best used for immediate communication. If your communication need
is not immediate, send an email message instead. Then you'll have documentation that a
message was left.
During the semester, instructors are not responsible for working on campus evenings or
weekends, except in unusual circumstances. Therefore, we may not check email or
voicemail messages until the next office day.
Instructors are not available during college holidays, spring and fall breaks, summer, and
between the spring and fall semesters and may not respond to telephone or email
messages during those times.
Communication (See also Policy 4.0 Technology,
Electronic Device Use and Social Networking)
Personal phone messages will NOT be received through the nursing office. The only
exception is a true emergency which occurs while a student is in an on-campus nursing
class. Redlands Community College phone is 405.262.2552. For emergencies during
clinical, the student’s designated contact person should be kept informed of the clinical
instructor’s phone numbers.
Students should communicate directly with instructors regarding personal issues that may
affect attendance and/or performance.
Students may contact instructors by office phone or school email. Students may contact
instructors by phone number indicated by individual instructor.
Office hours for nursing faculty will be communicated to students on a semester-by-
semester basis. Students are encouraged to make appointments to discuss specific issues.
All nursing professors including the Department Head are available to meet with students
by appointment.
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Computer Lab Guidelines
The Nursing Computer Laboratory is located in the OE building. The
computer lab is used for testing or class experiences for all Allied Health
No food or drink is allowed in the computer lab. (Headphones must be
used with instructor permission if program has audio.) Students may not
add programs to the hard drive, bring games to play or alter/copy existing
Any computer lab problems should be reported to the Redlands
Technology Support, on-campus extension 1288, if off-campus or by cell
phone, 405.422.1288.
Learning Resource Center (LRC)
The Learning Resources Center is available to students for many activities
Access to articles listed as suggested resources for further
information on specified subjects
Online access to nursing journal database for evidence-based
practice summaries
Assistance with textbooks and online professional healthcare sites
Academic Center for Enhancement (ACE) located on the 2nd floor
of the LRC with additional learning aids, tutoring and testing site
Open access computers during LRC open hours and Information
Common Computer assistance.
Recommendation Letters
Submit written requests for recommendation letters to professors, clinical instructors or the
nursing office several days before needed. Submit your request by email or in a written memo.
Please, allow minimum of three (3) business days from when you submit request to receive your
Clinical Requirements
The following documents are required of all students to submit to Nursing Office:
1. OSBI background check (student submits on application to the program)
2. Annual TB skin test
3. Annual Safety exam with score of 85% (administered in class prior to attending clinical)
4. Annual Flu immunization as required by clinical facilities
5. Current American Heart Association Health Care Provider CPR certification which does
not expire during an academic fall/spring semester
6. Federal background check
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7. Urine drug screen
8. Physical examination with satisfactory results
9. Hepatitis B immunization series or waiver
10. Varicella immunization series or Titer results
11. MMR immunization series or Titer results
12. Tdap within 10 years
13. COVID-19 vaccination
Criminal History Background Checks
Background checks on each student are required by clinical sites to protect patients and the
general public. Contracts with all clinical sites require you to have background checks
performed. Redlands Community College Division of Nursing reserves the right to require repeat
background checks if needed. Per clinical contracts, Redlands Community College will allow
dissemination of self-disclosure information, background check results, and conviction records to
clinical training sites, whether in or outside the state of Oklahoma as deemed necessary by the
school. An OSBI and federal background check must be completed before beginning clinical.
Conviction/criminal history records are reviewed as they relate to the content and nature
of the curriculum and the safety and security of patients and the public.
In addition, please be aware that the clinical sites reserve the right to refuse placement of any
student. If the student is unable to meet the clinical requirements, it will result in the student not
being allowed to progress in the program.
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Clinical Guidelines
Preplanning will be required, as an assignment, and each student is expected to
attend report, listen attentively and begin to establish professional rapport with
healthcare personnel in attendance.
No use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes or vapor products is allowed during
clinical, lab or simulation experiences.
No student is authorized to leave the facility without obtaining permission from
the assigned faculty and/or preceptor.
Students are allowed a total of one hour for break during a nine (9) hour clinical.
However, patient care responsibilities must always be considered first.
Notify all staff associated with the client(s) (i.e. RN, LPN, NA, PCA) of what
level of care you will be providing (i.e. total patient care except medications,
total patient care with medications and IVs).
Clinical documentation will be completed electronically using Redlands
Community College Google Forms and can be completed in the clinical setting.
If internet access is not available while in the clinical setting, use paper clinical
forms and complete electronically after internet access is established after the
clinical day.
Notify your instructor and assigned nurse immediately if a mistake is made.
Review the drug book or hospital drug reference for the basic information for
each medication you will administer prior to giving. Specifically note side
effects, drug interactions and nursing interventions. Be prepared to discuss these
with your instructor.
Before leaving the client care area, a report must be given to the assigned nurse
and it is the student’s responsibility to complete all required clinical assignments.
It is the student’s responsibility to notify instructors of pregnancy or change in
health status as soon as known. A physician release form is required prior to
attending clinical.
Students may use an iPad, tablet, or computer in the clinical setting for electronic documentation,
per facility guidelines and Policy 4.0 (Technology, Electronic Device Use and Social
Networking. Cell phones are not permitted in client care areas within the clinical setting.
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Lab/Simulation Guidelines
Supplies will be provided to students using the lab. Students may request additional
supplies for practice from nursing faculty.
Students are required to report any incidents that occur in the lab to an instructor
immediately. The student and instructor must complete a facility Clinical Incident Report
prior to leaving the clinical facility.
The student is responsible for informing faculty prior to all learning experiences of a
known latex sensitivity/allergy.
Skills Performance Checklist
A Skills Performance Checklist will be maintained by each student throughout all of the
nursing courses at Redlands Community College. This checklist will serve as
documentation that all skills have been completed satisfactorily. Students are required to
keep this form during enrollment in nursing program.
The student is responsible for ensuring skills demonstrated in lab are signed by the
Skills may not be performed in the clinical setting if the skill has not been documented as
checked off by faculty. Skills marked with an asterisk (*) must also be checked off by an
instructor in the clinical setting before performing the skills independently.
Community Clinical
Students are required to participate in community clinical at one of the approved
community clinics during each semester designated in the course syllabus.
Inability to complete the assigned number of community clinical hours will be treated the
same as a clinical absence (see Attendance Policy 3.0).
In the case of extenuating circumstances requiring an absence, the student must notify the
community clinic and the course professor as soon as possible.
Students must wear Redlands uniforms, bring photo identification and student supplies
(stethoscope, pen light, etc.) to the clinic.
To document attendance, the clinic representative must sign the “Community Clinic
Participation Formfound in course syllabi. The participation form must be submitted
after the community clinic experience to the assigned professor. Students will be required
to submit a reflective Community Clinic Journal following the clinical experience.
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Dress Code
Redlands Community College uniforms are to be worn at clinical, simulation, and any
other activities or school functions designated by the faculty.
The uniform should be clean, in good condition, fit appropriately and include:
o Burgundy scrub top
o Burgundy scrub pants or skirt no shorter than 2 inches above knee
o White lab jacket
o Socks
o Closed toe, closed back shoes (avoid bright colored shoes)
o Optional- You may purchase a short or long sleeve solid color shirt to be worn
underneath uniform top.
The Redlands Community College nursing patch must be visible at all times on the left
sleeve of the burgundy scrub top and Redlands Community College nursing patch on left
sleeve of white lab jacket.
a. NOTE: Students are not allowed to wear any jackets or coats on top of the
uniforms. Only a lab coat with a patch or shirt underneath the uniform is
The Redlands Community College nursing photo nametag must be worn with badge clip
(no lanyards d/t safety and infection control) at clinical/lab/simulation experiences.
Nametags must be clean and free of clutter (e.g. jewelry, pins, and stickers) and must be
visible and worn above the waist line (between the head and heart).
Socks (required with scrubs) and shoes must be clean without tears or stains and must
completely cover the foot and heel. No open toed shoes, open backs, or shoes that contain
open holes (Crocs). Keep in mind to wear shoes that provide a safe and secure footing.
A watch with a second hand, bandage scissors, penlight, black pen, and stethoscope are
required at clinical, skills labs and simulation experience.
Make-up must be used in moderation to create a natural appearance.
Hair must be clean, neat, away from face, and off neck collar, maintained in a manner
that a sterile field will not be contaminated. All hair must be in a natural hair color.
Students have the option to wear a hair covering for religious reasons or head covering in
compliance with the facility dress code.
Sideburns, beards, or mustaches must be clean, neat, well-groomed. Facial hair should be
groomed appropriately for mask wearing and fittings as necessary.
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Jewelry is best not worn at all for hygienic purposes. If worn, jewelry should include one
small ring on one finger only (consider risk of cross contamination, frequent hand
washing and possible injury to patients) and a pair of small stud earrings worn in the
earlobe. No multiple ear piercing jewelry. No other visible body piercing jewelry is
allowed including tongue rings or studs.
Tattoos should be non-visible. Visible tattoos must be completely covered with clothing,
make-up, or Band-Aid at all times during clinical, skills lab and simulation experiences
when wearing Redlands Community College Nursing uniform.
In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control recommendations for direct patient
care nails should be clean, neat and trimmed with length not to extend greater than ¼ inch
beyond the level of the fingertip. Only clear polish is allowed. If polish is worn, it cannot
be chipped, cracked or peeling. Nail ornaments/enhancements, artificial fingernails,
acrylic extenders, gel, and shellac are never to be worn to clinical, skills lab and
simulation experiences.
Undergarments should be worn in a non-visible manner.
No scented perfume, cologne, shaving lotion, lotions or fragrances may be used. Student
must be clean and free of offensive odors. Overall cleanliness and personal hygiene
practices are required.
Wear Redlands Community College nursing uniform any time on agency premises for
planning and clinical activities.
Evaluation Methods/Grading
Nursing courses are divided into theory and laboratory/clinical components. A
satisfactory standard of performance must be maintained in both components of each
nursing course. If a student has unsatisfactory performance in either theory or
laboratory/clinical, a passing grade will not be assigned to either component.
Students are encouraged to maintain personal records of grades on all assignments.
In order to question any grade assigned, the student must make an appointment with the
instructor who assigned the grade.
Information about an individual’s grades will not be provided to anyone by phone or
discussed among other students.
Course grades are communicated in ways to protect student confidentiality.
Due dates of assignments are noted in the course syllabus. They may also be on the
calendar, noted during class and/or posted on Blackboard. All assignments must be
turned in.
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10% per calendar day will be deducted from the grade if work is turned in late. No
assignments will be accepted seven (7) calendar days after the due date without prior
Assignments are to be completed on an individual basis unless otherwise specified.
There may be pop quizzes given over the course of the semester.
Final grades will be rounded using 0.5% or higher rounded up and 0.4% or lower
rounded down.
All unit exams will be given on the date noted in the course calendar.
Unit, Final, and Standardized testing exams will be administered online. Student are
required to make sure they make arrangements and have the appropriate technology for
accurate testing.
Students are responsible for downloading the Kaplan Lockdown Browsers to personal
devices if used for online testing.
During the time of testing and test review the student should bring only vehicle key and
pencil into testing room. Instructors will provide all material that is required.
Each student will use his/her Redlands student ID number. Be sure the number is correct
on both sides of the Scantron used for testing on paper.
If the student is unable to take the exam on the assigned date, he or she must notify the
instructor as soon as possible prior to the exam.
Failure to notify instructor prior to the exam may result in a grade of “0.
In case of a missed exam, faculty may require documented evidence.
Exams will begin and end on time. Any late student will be required to complete the
exam within the originally allotted time.
o All unit exams’ time limit is 1 hour and 30 minutes
o Comprehensive final exams’ time limit is 2 hours.
Faculty have seven (7) calendar days to post exam scores and reserve the right to delay
the posting of test results until all students have tested.
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All students are required to complete the assigned standardized exams for each course
and complete required remediation to earn a passing grade. All remediation must be
complete within 1 week of exam date.
Student Nursing Association
The Redlands Community College Student Nursing Association (Redlands, SNA) is an
affiliate organization with the Oklahoma Student Nursing Association (OSNA) and the
National Student Nursing Association (NSNA).
All students admitted to the Redlands Community College Nursing Program are members
of the Redlands SNA, and membership is included in fees.
The major purposes of the Redlands SNA are:
1. To assume responsibility for contributing to nursing education at Redlands in order to
provide for the highest quality healthcare
2. To provide community service programs representative of fundamental and current
professional interests and concerns.
3. To aid in the development of the whole person, his/her responsibility for the
healthcare of people in all walks of life.
4. Promote communication with faculty regarding student concerns.
Benefits of membership in Redlands SNA and NSNA include but limited to:
1. Programs to aid your professional growth such as leadership and communication
2. Group and individual activities to promote personal growth.
3. Subscription to Imprint from the NSNA
4. Opportunities to assist a strong and student-oriented nursing program.
5. Visibility as a leader within the college and community.
6. Reduced registration fees at OSNA Convention.
7. Health insurance coverage at reasonable rates.
Nursing students are required to maintain liability insurance coverage while enrolled in
all nursing major courses which involve clinical experiences. The fee for insurance is
charged to the student by Redlands Community College.
Nursing students are strongly encouraged to carry individual health insurance. Any
illness or injury incurred by students (either on or away from the premises of the college
or clinical agency) is the responsibility of the student. In case of illness or injury during
clinical experience, emergency or minor treatment may be provided. Any expenses of
such treatment, including movement and hospitalization, are the responsibility of the
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Instructions for Completion of NCLEX RN/LPN
Go to
Click on Forms/Applications (left side of page)
Scroll to NCLEX, click on Instructions for NCLEX or
AUA Certification Candidates with History of
Arrests/Convictions/Prior Disciplinary Actions
Go to
Click on Forms/Applications (left side of page)
Scroll to NCLEX, click on Instructions for completion of the
Licensure by Examination (RN and LPN) Application
Go to
Program Code for Redlands Community College in El Reno, OK for the RN-ADN
program is US24409100
Program Code for the LPN Equivalence Exam is 24997
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Instructions for MULTISTATE Licensure by Examination
Go to
Click on Forms/Applications (left side of page)
Scroll to NCLEX, click on Instructions for completion of the
Multistate Licensure by Examination (RN and LPN)
APPLICATION FEE - $150.00 Use this application if you:
Are applying to take the NCLEX; and
Are NOT licensed at the same level in another state, U.S. territory, or country; and
Were educated in a nursing program approved by a member board jurisdiction in the
United States or U.S. territory; and
Wish to apply for a multistate license; and
Declare Oklahoma as your primary state of residence (see the section titled Declaration
of Primary State of Residence in the application instructions for details); and
Have NOT previously held a license (at the same level) in Oklahoma.
In addition to completing the application form, you will need to complete an NCLEX
registration, which may be completed on the NCLEX website:
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Department of Nursing Policies
Student Handbook 2022-2023
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Admission Requirements for Generic Nursing Students
1. In addition to the admission requirements for Redlands Community College, the
applicant must submit to the Nursing Department office:
a. All college transcripts (photocopy acceptable) or a high school transcript (photocopy
acceptable) or equivalent if applicant has less than 12 college hours
b. Proof of a “C” or higher grade in CHEM 1315: General Chemistry with lab, or
equivalent course as determined by Nursing Program Director
c. An overall passing score for the TEAS Nursing Admission test of 70% or higher with
a minimum TEAS Reading subscale score of 68% must be taken within one year of
the application deadline.
d. A retention/graduation Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 or higher on academic
work completed
e. Current (within 3 months) original Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations (OSBI)
background check
f. Completed the online application to the Nursing Program in addition to the online
application to Redlands Community College
2. Application materials must be completed and submitted to the Nursing Department by the
deadline published on the Redlands Community College website.
3. Applicants who are accepted into the Nursing Program and who do not enroll in the
semester for which they are accepted must reapply.
4. Applicants who are accepted into the Nursing Program will be required to provide
evidence of a current (within one month) negative urine drug screen and an extended
national background check.
5. A student with a non-negative Urine Drug Screen (UDS), or who refuses to provide a
UDS, or who has a background check showing a felony arrest will not be admitted or will
be administratively withdrawn from the Nursing Program.
See the Oklahoma Nurse Practice Act Rule Chapter 10: Licensure of Practical and
Registered Nurses for criminal offenses that may result in the inability to apply for
licensure or result in denial for admission into the program.
Students have the option to complete the Petition for Initial Determination of
Eligibility for Licensure or Certification through the Oklahoma Board of Nursing to
determine your eligibility for licensure. You will be responsible for submitting all
required supporting documentation, complete the federal background check, and pay
the $95.00 fee for the Initial Determination form which can be accessed at:
6. Following acceptance into the Nursing Program, student then must submit:
1. Rubella, Rubeola and Mumps (MMR) immunity
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a. Must have 2 MMR vaccinations or positive titers.
2. Varicella immunity
a. Must have 2 Varicella vaccinations or positive titers.
3. Absence of active TB
a. Current TB skin test or current IGRA (within the past 12 months)
i. First-time testers must have two separate screens at least 1 week
apart and no farther than 30 days.
ii. If you have a history of a positive reaction, the following is
1. Documentation of previous positive reactor
2. Negative x-ray report within the last 60 days from the
application deadline
3. A negative review of symptoms documented by the
“Cleared for Public Contact” memo from the health
department. (This expires one year from the signed date)
iii. A negative screen expires one year within the date of
placement/blood draw. Documentation must be renewed annually.
1. If your previous test was negative greater than 365 days,
you must complete a two-step screening at renewal.
4. Hepatitis B vaccination, a positive titer, or signed waiver
5. Tdap vaccination within the last 10 years
6. Flu vaccine
• Students admitted in the spring semester must submit proof by the application
deadline of December 1.
• Students admitted in the fall semester will be required to obtain the vaccine by
October 25 in order to progress in the program and complete clinical rotations.
7. COVID-19 vaccination
• Students must be fully vaccinated (received 2 doses) for COVID-19.
8. BLS CPR Certification Healthcare Provider
a. CPR from American Heart Association (AHA) is required
9. Current (within 3 months) OSBI background check
10. Enrollment completion on current clinical management website
11. Negative Urine Drug Screen (UDS) report from laboratory designated by Nursing
7. Redlands Community College fully subscribes to all principles and requirements of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and ADA 1990 for qualified handicapped individuals. It is
important to note that in order to successfully progress through the nursing curriculum
and function as a practicing nurse upon graduation, an individual must be able to perform
physical activities as identified in Redlands Community College Physical Requirements
to Provide Patient Care Policy 2.0.
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Admission Requirements for Transfer Students
Policy 1.02
Qualified applicants will be admitted based on space availability.
In addition to the admission requirements for Redlands Community College, the
applicant must submit to the Nursing Department office:
a. All college transcripts (photocopy acceptable) or a high school transcript
(photocopy acceptable) or equivalent if applicant has less than 12 college hours
b. Proof of a “C” or higher grade in CHEM 1315: General Chemistry with lab, or
equivalent course as determined by Nursing Program Director
c. An overall passing score for the TEAS Nursing Admission test of 70% or higher
with a minimum TEAS subscale score of 68% must be taken within one year of
the application deadline
d. A retention/graduation Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 or higher on academic
work completed
e. Current (within 3 months) Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations (OSBI)
background check
f. Completed the online application to the Nursing Program in addition to the online
application to Redlands Community College
3. All college credits from other institutions will be evaluated on an individual basis to
determine their possible application to the nursing degree requirements of Redlands
Community College.
4. A minimum grade of “C” is required in all courses necessary for the Associate of Applied
Science, Nursing degree.
5. A student with a non-negative Urine Drug Screen (UDS), or who refuses to provide a
UDS, or who has a background check showing a felony arrest will not be admitted or will
be administratively withdrawn from the Nursing Program.
See the Oklahoma Nurse Practice Act Rule Chapter 10: Licensure of Practical and
Registered Nurses for criminal offenses that may result in the inability to apply
for licensure or result in denial for admission into the program.
Students have the option to complete the Petition for Initial Determination of
Eligibility for Licensure or Certification through the Oklahoma Board of Nursing
to determine your eligibility for licensure. You will be responsible for submitting
all required supporting documentation, complete the federal background check,
and pay the $95.00 fee for the Initial Determination form which can be accessed
6. Following acceptance into the Nursing Program, student then must submit:
1. Rubella, Rubeola and Mumps (MMR) immunity
a. Must have 2 MMR vaccinations or positive titers.
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2. Varicella immunity
a. Must have 2 Varicella vaccinations or positive titers.
3. Absence of active TB
a. Current TB skin test or current IGRA (within the past 12 months)
i. First-time testers must have two separate screens at least 1 week
apart and no farther than 30 days.
ii. If you have a history of a positive reaction, the following is
1. Documentation of previous positive reactor
2. Negative x-ray report within the last 60 days from the
application deadline
3. A negative review of symptoms documented by the
“Cleared for Public Contact” memo from the health
department. (This expires one year from the signed date)
iii. A negative screen expires one year within the date of
placement/blood draw. Documentation must be renewed annually.
1. If your previous test was negative greater than 365 days,
you must complete a two-step screening at renewal.
4. Hepatitis B vaccination, a positive titer, or signed waiver
5. Tdap vaccination within the last 10 years
6. Flu vaccine
• Students admitted in the spring semester must submit proof by the application
deadline of December 1.
• Students admitted in the fall semester will be required to obtain the vaccine by
October 25 in order to progress in the program and complete clinical rotations.
7. COVID-19 vaccination
• Students must be fully vaccinated (received 2 doses) for COVID-19.
8. BLS CPR Certification Healthcare Provider
a. CPR from American Heart Association (AHA) is required
9. Current (within 3 months) OSBI background check
10. Enrollment completion on current clinical management website
11. Negative Urine Drug Screen (UDS) report from laboratory designated by Nursing
7. Redlands Community College fully subscribes to all principles and requirements of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and ADA 1990 for qualified handicapped individuals. It is
important to note that in order to successfully progress through the nursing curriculum and
function as a practicing nurse upon graduation, an individual must be able to perform
physical activities as identified in Redlands Community College Physical Requirements to
Provide Patient Care Policy 2.0.
8. All transfer students must compete 15 hours in residency at Redlands Community College in
order to earn a degree.
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LPN-RN Direct Articulation
Policy 1.03
1. Qualified applicants will be admitted based on space availability.
2. Admission by LPN-RN direct articulation will be evaluated based on LPN transcript
analysis. Applicants with a “C” grade in previous medical-surgical courses will be
required to take all Redlands Community College Nursing Program medical-surgical
coursework. Applicants with a “B” or higher grade in previous medical-surgical courses
MAY be given credit for beginning medical-surgical Nursing Program coursework.
Decision of admission committee will apply in all applicant transcript analysis.
3. In order to qualify for admission by LPN-RN direct articulation, the applicant must
submit to the Nursing Department office:
a. All college transcripts (photocopy acceptable) or a high school transcript
(photocopy acceptable) or equivalent if applicant has less than 12 college hours
b. LPN transcript showing graduation date and grades earned
c. Proof of a “C” or higher grade in CHEM 1315: General Chemistry with lab, or
equivalent course as determined by Nursing Program Director
d. Proof of current unencumbered Oklahoma LPN license
e. An overall passing score for the TEAS Nursing Admission test of 70% or higher
with a minimum TEAS Reading subscale score of 68% must be taken within one
year of the application deadline
f. A retention/graduation Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 or higher on academic
work completed
g. Current (within 3 months) Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations (OSBI)
background check
h. Completed the online application to the Nursing Program in addition to the online
application to Redlands Community College
4. Applicant must have completed all prerequisite courses on the two-year degree
advisement plan that all students in the cohort have completed up to the nursing course
the LPN-RN direct articulation qualifies to enter.
5. Upon satisfactory completion of the above criteria, credit will be recorded with a grade of
“pass” and filed with the Office of the Registrar for transcription. Credit earned through
direct articulation will be placed on the official transcript only after successful
completion of one semester of nursing coursework in the Redlands Community College
Nursing Program.
6. All college credits from other institutions will be evaluated on an individual basis to
determine their possible application to the nursing degree requirements of Redlands
Community College.
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7. A minimum grade of “C” is required in all courses necessary for the Associate of Applied
Science, Nursing degree.
7. Following acceptance into the Nursing Program, student then must submit:
1. Rubella, Rubeola and Mumps (MMR) immunity
a. Must have 2 MMR vaccinations or positive titers.
2. Varicella immunity
a. Must have 2 Varicella vaccinations or positive titers.
3. Absence of active TB
a. Current TB skin test or current IGRA (within the past 12 months)
i. First-time testers must have two separate screens at least 1 week apart and
no farther than 30 days.
ii. If you have a history of a positive reaction, the following is required:
1. Documentation of previous positive reactor
2. Negative x-ray report within the last 60 days from the application
3. A negative review of symptoms documented by the “Cleared for
Public Contact” memo from the health department. (This expires
one year from the signed date)
iii. A negative screen expires one year within the date of placement/blood
draw. Documentation must be renewed annually.
1. If your previous test was negative greater than 365 days, you must
complete a two-step screening at renewal.
4. Hepatitis B vaccination, a positive titer, or signed waiver
5. Tdap vaccination within the last 10 years
6. Flu vaccine
• Students admitted in the spring semester must submit proof by the application
deadline of December 1.
• Students admitted in the fall semester will be required to obtain the vaccine by
October 25 in order to progress in the program and complete clinical rotations.
7. COVID-19 vaccination
• Students must be fully vaccinated (received 2 doses) for COVID-19.
8. BLS CPR Certification Healthcare Provider
a. CPR from American Heart Association (AHA) is required
9. Current (within 3 months) OSBI background check
10. Enrollment completion on current clinical management website
11. Negative Urine Drug Screen (UDS) report from laboratory designated by Nursing
8. A student with a non-negative Urine Drug Screen (UDS), or who refuses to provide a
UDS, or who has a background check showing a felony arrest will not be admitted or will
be administratively withdrawn from the Nursing Program.
See the Oklahoma Nurse Practice Act Rule Chapter 10: Licensure of Practical and
Registered Nurses for criminal offenses that may result in the inability to apply
for licensure or result in denial for admission into the program.
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Students have the option to complete the Petition for Initial Determination of
Eligibility for Licensure or Certification through the Oklahoma Board of Nursing
to determine your eligibility for licensure. You will be responsible for submitting
all required supporting documentation, complete the federal background check,
and pay the $95.00 fee for the Initial Determination form which can be accessed
9. Redlands Community College fully subscribes to all principles and requirements of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and ADA 1990 for qualified handicapped individuals. It is
important to note that in order to successfully progress through the nursing curriculum
and function as a practicing nurse upon graduation, an individual must be able to perform
physical activities as identified in Redlands Community College Physical Requirements
to Provide Patient Care Policy 2.0
10. All transfer students must compete 15 hours in residency at Redlands Community
College in order to earn a degree.
Physical Requireme
nts to Provide Patient Care
Policy 2.0
In order to successfully progress through the nursing curriculum and function as a practicing nurse
upon graduation, students admitted to the Nursing Program must be able to demonstrate, with or
without reasonable accommodations, the following:
1. Visual acuity, such as is needed in the accurate preparation and administration of
medications, and for the observation necessary for client assessment and nursing care.
2. Auditory perception to receive verbal communication from clients and members of the
health team (even if wearing a mask) and to assess health needs of people through the use
of monitoring devices such as stethoscopes, intravenous infusion pumps, cardiac monitors,
fire alarms, etc.
3. Gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills required
in meeting client healthcare needs safely and the physical strength to assist in moving and
turning patients. These include, but are not limited to, manipulation of and moving
equipment and performance of CPR.
4. Intellectual function; cognitive, psychological and emotional stability to plan, implement
and provide safe care for clients.
5. Physical strength to assist in lifting and/or positioning patients and/or medical equipment.
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6. Redlands Community College fully subscribes to all principles and requirements of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 for qualified
handicapped individuals.
7. Any student experiencing a change in health status (surgical procedure, pregnancy, delivery,
disabling illness, etc.) will be required to submit a completed FORM: Release to Return to
Clinical Activity completed by a Health Care Provider (HCP). This form documents any
restrictions/accommodations that the student requires in order to meet the physical
requirements to attend and participate in clinical experiences.
8. The FORM: Release to Return to Clinical Activity is available in this handbook and/or from
the Nursing Office.
9. An individual denied admission or continuance in the program due to the inability to perform
certain activities has the right to appeal any decision made. A complete copy of the
Grievance Procedure may be obtained from the office of the Executive Dean of Student
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Students in the Nursing Program at Redlands Community College are required to participate in
provision of direct patient care in clinical facilities as well as perform clinical skills in a nursing
laboratory. Any student experiencing a change in health status (i.e. surgical procedure,
pregnancy, delivery, immunosuppression, or disabling illness, etc.) is required to provide
documentation from a Health Care Provider (HCP) which states that the student is able to meet
the physical requirements to attend and participate in clinical experiences. These requirements
1. Visual acuity, such as is needed in the accurate preparation and administration of
medications, and for the observation necessary for client assessment and nursing care.
2. Auditory perception to receive verbal communication from clients and members of the
health team and to assess health needs of people through the use of monitoring devices
such as stethoscopes, intravenous infusion pumps, cardiac monitors, fire alarms, etc.
3. Gross and fine motor coordination to respond promptly and to implement the skills
required in meeting client health care needs safely. These include, but are not limited to,
manipulation of equipment and performance of CPR.
4. Intellectual function; cognitive, psychological and emotional stability to plan, implement
and provide safe care for clients.
5. Physical strength to assist in lifting and/or positioning patients and/or medical
This is to verify that _________________________________has been under my care for
I have determined that this student may return to participation in clinical experiences which
require the physical abilities as outlined above requirements 1-5
with no restrictions
with the following restrictions: ___________________________________________
HEALTH CARE PROVIDER SIGNATURE:_________________________________DATE_____________________
PRINTED NAME:______________________________________________________________________________
CONTACT INFORMATION: _____________________________________________________________________
As a student, I understand that limitations may prevent me from successfully completing the clinical requirements.
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________ DATE: ___________________
Redlands Community College
1300 S. Country Club Drive
El Reno, Oklahoma 73036-5304
Fax (405)422-1215
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Student Clinical Requirements
Policy 2.01
1. Students are notified prior to the start of the first semester of classes of their eligibility of
admission to the Redlands Community College Nursing Program. Required orientation
date is identified in the acceptance letter and will be held for a full day during the week
prior to the start of the semester.
2. All students admitted to the Nursing Program must complete a national background
check through a company identified by the Nursing Program.
a. The results of that national background check must come directly to the Nursing
b. If all clinical sites can not approve a student with an arrest for participation in
clinical rotation, the student will not be eligible for admission, or continuation, in
the Nursing Program.
3. All students being admitted to the Nursing Program are required to submit results of a
Urine Drug Screen (UDS) by a lab designated by the Nursing Program. The UDS results
will come directly to the Nursing Program.
4. Any student receiving a non-negative UDS will be offered the opportunity to be retested,
at the student’s own expense, if requested. The student must utilize a lab designated by
the Nursing Program with the results coming directly to the Nursing Program.
5. UDS of any student admitted to the Nursing Program may be requested, whenever
chemical impairment is suspected.
6. Should evidence of a non-negative UDS be presented to the Nursing Program faculty or
Department Head that was not solicited by the Nursing Program, the student may be
dismissed from the program immediately.
7. Should evidence of a criminal background be presented to the Nursing Program faculty
or Department Head that was not solicited by the Nursing Program, the student may be
dismissed from the program immediately.
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Standard Precautions Policy
Policy 2.02
Redlands Community College Nursing Program believes students and faculty deserve to
be protected from all foreseeable hazards in the care of patients/clients. Efforts are
consistently made to ensure the best information concerning the growing threat of
infectious disease is provided to students.
1. Standard precautions will be used consistently for ALL patients/clients, regardless of
2. Nursing students will routinely use appropriate barrier precautions to prevent skin and
mucous membrane exposure when in contact with blood or other body fluids of any
patient is anticipated.
3. Standard precautions are to include the following procedures:
a. Gloves will be worn for touching blood and body fluids, mucous membranes,
or non-intact skin of all patients, for handling items or surfaces soiled with
blood or body fluids, and for performing venipuncture and other vascular
access procedures
b. Gloves will be changed after contact with each patient/client
c. Masks and protective eyewear or face shields will be worn during procedures
that are likely to generate droplets or sprays of blood or body fluids to provide
protection for mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes
d. Gowns or aprons will be worn as necessary to prevent contamination of
clothing and protect the skin form blood and body fluid exposure
e. Hands and other skin surfaces will be washed immediately and thoroughly if
contaminated with blood or other body fluids
f. Students should take precautions to prevent injuries caused by needles,
scalpels, and other sharp instruments or devices during disposal of used
needles; and when handling sharp instruments after procedures. To prevent
needle-stick injuries, needles will not be recapped, purposely bent or broken
by hand. After use, disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades, and other
sharp items will be placed in puncture resistant biohazard containers for
g. To minimize direct contact transmission; CPR mouth shields, resuscitations
bags, or other ventilation devices will be available for use in areas in which
the need for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is predictable
4. Nursing students with special health problems may be exempted from providing care
to patients/clients with suspected or diagnosed communicable disease. Student must
2.0) identifying specific limitations regarding patient/client care during clinical.
5. Students and faculty will abide by clinical agency/facility policy.
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Clinical Policies
Policy 3.0: Clinical
1. 100% clinical attendance required. If a student is absent, the student must notify the
appropriate clinical instructor prior to clinical.
2. If a student anticipates that they may be late, they must notify their clinical instructor
3. In the event a student reports for clinical, laboratory or simulation unprepared, the
student will not be allowed to provide care, will be sent home, and counted as absent.
4. Any missed clinical requires a make-up clinical arranged between the student and the
nursing faculty.
5. Any student who has been absent due to illness, surgery, pregnancy or delivery, or
injury must present, upon return, a FORM: Release to Return to Clinical Activity.
The instructor reserves the right to make the final decision of allowing the student to
class, clinical or laboratory utilizing the criteria of patient safety.
6. All students must be enrolled and maintain enrollment in the clinical management
website designated by the Nursing Program. Failure to enroll will lead to inability to
be present at clinical which will result in clinical failure.
7. Failure to complete required clinical hours will result in failure of the course.
Policy 3.01: Tardy to Clinical
Students who arrive at clinical after the scheduled time, without the clinical instructor’s
permission, may be subject to dismissal from the clinical site and will be required to make up the
Students are responsible for reliable transportation needed to get to clinical in a timely manner
and are advised to leave in an adequate amount of time to get to clinical on time despite
unexpected transportation issues.
Failure to attend clinical due to transportation issues may result in not being allowed to make up
the clinical day.
Policy 3.02: Make Up Clinical
Students who need to make up a clinical should schedule the makeup with a full-time nursing
faculty teaching the course.
Students are allowed a maximum of one make up clinical per course. Students must provide
documentation of an illness (self or child), family death, or any other extenuating circumstance
approved by faculty in order to schedule a clinical make up.
Make up clinicals must completed the day assigned by faculty. Failure to complete the assigned
make up clinical day may not be rescheduled and may result in failure of the clinical portion of
the course.
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Policy 3.03: Lab/Simulation Attendance
1. Attendance in lab and simulation is required and a part of the course credit hours.
2. Students are to arrive on time for lab and simulation experiences.
3. Students may not enter simulation late, but must wait to enter during the first break.
4. If extenuating circumstances causes a student to miss a lab or simulation, the student
must notify the professor prior to the scheduled time.
5. A lab absence will require a student to schedule a makeup as soon as possible with their
professor. A student is not allowed to perform the skill during their clinical experience
until they have demonstrated skill competency in the campus nursing lab.
Policy 3.04: Learning Activities
1. Students are expected to attend all learning activities.
2. Absence from class does not relieve the student of the responsibility for work required in
the course during the absence.
3. Failure to be present at the exam date and time, without prior permission, is not tolerated.
Before returning to class, the student will be required to meet with the professor to
discuss whether a makeup is allowed, terms of the makeup, if a lowered grade will be
assigned if makeup is allowed or if the student will receive a “0.
4. Classes may be cancelled if extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise.
Announcements are made and emails are sent per college emergency alert system if
campus is closed and all classes are cancelled. If individual professors cancel a class a
general announcement is made.
Policy 3.05: Tardy to Class
Students are expected to arrive to class on time. Class will start and end at posted times.
Classroom door may be locked by professor. If door is locked, any tardy student will need to
wait until a break to enter classroom.
Policy 3.06: Classroom Attendance
A. Attendance in theory (on-campus class) is expected and is considered essential to achieve
maximum learning.
1. Attendance at 90% of classes with excused absences may result 1% added to
your overall grade.
2. Four unexcused absences may results in a decrease of 1% of your overall theory
3. If the student misses greater than 25% of classes may result in a decrease of 2%
of your overall grade.
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B. Students will be required to meet with the faculty to develop and implement a learning
contract after two unexcused absences.
C. Students are expected to arrive on time for theory. See Policy 3.05: Tardy to Class.
1. Three tardies to class equals one unexcused absence.
D. Faculty may require a medical provider note or other documentation to excuse an
E. Students are not allowed to attend class with a pending COVID test result and must
notify faculty when the test is completed to make arrangement until the test result is
F. Attendance will be considered if attending via ZOOM if approved by faculty and is
related to a COVID circumstance.
G. ZOOM recordings will be provided for students who are unable to attend class based on
COVID matters at faculty discretion.
NOTE: Addition or deduction of percentage points to overall grade may vary and will be up to
faculty discretion based on student situation.
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Policy 3.07: Nursing Student Examination Expectation Policy
Nursing Student Examination Expectation Policy
Students will be required to uphold the following expectations prior to and while taking the
Students will be required to remove items such as ball caps and smart watches and any
other electronic device or article of clothing that may impact testing based on faculty
Students are required to enter into the classroom, computer lab, or testing center with a
pencil and keys to their vehicle.
o Cell phones can be placed in student lockers or left in their vehicle. If testing in
the Academic Center for Enhancement (ACE) center on campus, belongings are
stored according to their guidelines.
o If the examination includes math questions, the faculty will administer paper and
calculators prior to examination administration.
Students are not allowed to bring any food or drinks into the examination area. This
includes containers such as water bottles or coffee mugs.
Students who use their cell phones, make inappropriate gestures to other students, speak to
other students, or refuse to comply with any of the requirements above will not be allowed to
take the examination. If any violations occur while taking the exam, you may be dismissed and
given a 0 for that exam attempt.
The examination may be taken via pencil and paper or online.
If taken via pencil and paper, students are required to reference the Nursing Student
Examination Expectation Policy in the Nursing Student Handbook and the Policies and
Procedures section of the course. Students who sign the Nursing Student Handbook
acknowledgement form are confirming awareness of this policy.
If taken online, students are required to read the first question of the examination which
will include this policy. Students are then required to respond to the acknowledgement
statement to validate understanding of this policy. This will be in addition to the
acknowledgement signed within the Nursing Student Handbook.
After the examination is complete, the student must submit the sheet of paper and
calculator given by the instructor with their name prior to exiting the room. Instructors will not
discuss the examination questions until all students have had an opportunity to take the exam.
Students who take the examination on a different date from the schedule date may be given an
alternate examination. Students are expected to arrive to the examination 15 minutes early.
Those who arrive after the examination may be dismissed and subject to consequences such as
earning a 0 on the exam at faculty discretion.
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Technology, Electronic Device Use and Social Networking
Policy 4.0
With the advent of electronic devices, a large amount of nursing, healthcare and
productivity software has been developed. Studies have shown that students who use
electronic devices in the clinical setting are more successful and are not as anxious about
the experiences. The use of electronic devices in the clinical setting provides the student
with up-to-date information, which is readily available. Therefore, the student may use
an electronic device as a resource during clinical experiences as per facility policy.
Compliance must be ensured with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act
(HIPPA). Students using electronic devices and/or audio devices in the classroom
are required to abide by the same guidelines. Students must request permission and
receive approval from faculty to record lectures using an electronic and/or audio
Social networking has allowed people across the world to have unprecedented access to
immediate updates on another person's location, situation and commentary. However, this
open access can also put the individual at a personal risk. People can be stalked;
employers can search potential candidates, and people may unintentionally violate
privacy rules.
1. Clinical information received via technology should be de-identified client
information prior to submitting any clinical paperwork.
2. Refrain from posting any commentary about clinical situations,
clients/patients, or any information listed above in any social networking
venue, regardless of privacy settings.
3. Remove/do not record the following data:
a. Client/Patient Name
b. Any contact numbers
c. Social Security number
d. Medical record number
e. Health plan beneficiary number
f. Vehicle identifiers and serial number
g. Device identifiers and serial numbers
h. Universal resource locators (URL’s)
i. Internet protocol (IP) address numbers
j. Biometric identifiers, including finger and voice prints
k. Audio or video recordings
l. Any other unique identifying number, characteristic, code, etc.
Violation of this policy would be considered a privacy violation and subject
to disciplinary action, including dismissal from the Nursing Program.
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Policy 5.0
1. All courses in the Redlands Community College Associate in Applied Science,
Nursing degree plan require a “C” or higher grade in order to earn the degree.
2. For each nursing course, a “C” grade is defined as 77%.
3. Nursing students, once admitted to the Nursing Program, must maintain a
graduation/retention GPA of 2.0 or higher.
4. Nursing courses are divided into theory and laboratory/clinical components. A
satisfactory standard of performance must be maintained in both components of each
nursing course. If a student has unsatisfactory performance in either theory or
laboratory/clinical, a passing grade will not be assigned to either component.
5. Nursing courses are offered in sequence. Successful completion of a previous
nursing course is required to progress to next nursing course in sequence.
6. A generic nursing student must successfully complete the NURS major area courses
required for the Associate of Applied Science, Nursing, within a 3-year period. The
period of time begins with the first enrollment in NURS 1116 Nursing I.
7. A transfer student or an LPN-RN articulation student must complete the NURS major
area courses required for the Associate of Applied Science, Nursing, within a 2-year
period. The period of time begins with the first enrollment in NURS major course.
8. Interruption of normal progression will occur when the student:
a. Does not achieve a grade of “C” or better in any course necessary for the
Associate of Applied Science, Nursing degree.
a. Courses must be complete with a “C” or better in the sequence
outlined in the program of study.
b. Requests permission to delay progression for a period not to exceed two
(2) semesters.
c. Does not maintain a graduation/retention GPA of 2.0 or better.
d. Submits a non-negative UDS.
e. Has a criminal arrest or conviction that makes the student ineligible to
participate in patient/client clinical nursing care.
f. A student has been placed on contract by a nursing faculty and does not
comply with all required activities in the contract within the timeframe
g. Does not complete or update immunization or compliance requirements
necessary to attend clinical rotations.
h. Violation of any patient/client safety requirements.
9. A student who has a first time interruption of progression in a NURS course, and has
not repeated a NURS course, has not violated any patient/client safety requirements,
is/has not been on a contract, meets the GPA progression requirements, and will
graduate within the three- or two-year time limit (depending upon admission route)
will not be required to reapply for permission to re-enroll. The student will need to
submit a written or emailed request to the Nursing Program Director, which is dated,
signed, and states which course student is requesting re-enrollment.
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10. A student who wishes to enroll in the Nursing Program curriculum courses out of the
required sequence is required to meet with the Nursing Dean for consideration.
11. Re-admission to the Nursing Program through any avenue will not be considered if
the student leaves the program due to a second unsuccessful completion of any NURS
course or due to dismissal from the program for any reason.
Student Contract Procedure
Policy 5.01
1. Any full- or part-time nursing faculty member may initiate a contract with a nursing
student after discussion with the faculty teaching team and the Nursing Program
Director when a student fails to meet requirements of a nursing course.
2. A contract must be in writing and must itemize student work or student performance
to be evaluated and a time frame must be specified.
3. Contracts can be continued into the next semester or until the student graduates with
notification and copies given to the next course(s) teaching team, along with the
4. Serious violations involving patient/client safety are not eligible for contract
consideration and will result in dismissal from the program with no consideration for
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Readmission and Retention
Policy 6.0
A student who withdraws or fails any nursing major course is required to request
readmission in writing. Readmission will be given consideration one time only.
Readmission must occur within one year of failure or withdrawal. The entire program
must be completed within three (3) years whether the student voluntarily withdraws or
fails any nursing course.
2. Students who are requesting readmission must submit an email to and stating that
they would like to be considered for readmission to the next available course within 1
week after failure or withdrawal of the course.
a. Students should include the following in their email requests:
i. Name of the course and semester they have failed or withdrawn from.
ii. Name of the course and semester they would like to return.
3. In addition to submitting an emailed request, students must complete an application
online, choose Readmission, and submit no earlier than 3 months prior to the application
deadline for that semester.
a. Fall readmissions have the option to apply no earlier than January 1
and no later
than March 15.
b. Spring readmissions have the option to apply earlier than August 1
and no later
than December 1
4. Students are required to submit updated compliance information with your application
that may include the following:
a. Absence of active TB
b. Flu vaccine
i. Students admitted in the spring semester must submit proof by the
application deadline of December 1.
ii. Students admitted in the fall semester will be required to obtain the
vaccine by October 25 in order to progress in the program and complete
clinical rotations.
c. COVID-19 vaccination
i. Students must be fully vaccinated (received 2 doses) for COVID—19.
d. BLS CPR Certification Healthcare Provider
5. The Admissions Committee or representative will review all application submitted
requesting readmission and may request an interview with the student. Students must
submit an email and online readmission application to be considered.
6. The number of students to be readmitted is determined based on readmission criteria and
space available. Students will be notified about admission status at the earliest possible
date prior to the beginning of the semester for which the individual is requesting.
7. Students MUST pass theory AND clinical courses in the same semester. BOTH courses
must be retaken in event of readmission.
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8. All students in the Nursing Program must maintain a “C” in all required support courses
and a 77% in ALL nursing courses.
Student Dismissal
Policy 6.01
1. Enrollment in the Nursing Program may be discontinued and denied re-admission to the
Nursing Program for any of the following:
a. Academic dishonesty including (but not limited to) plagiarism, cheating on exams
or assignments, attempting to access instructor materials, electronic or otherwise.
b. Unauthorized possession of examinations
c. Falsification of client and/or agency records
d. Illegal possession, sale or distribution of drugs
e. Illegal possession of weapons
f. Theft
g. Dishonesty in any clinical situation which may or may not result in care that is
less than acceptable to Nursing Faculty
h. Charges and/or conviction of felony or any violent offense
i. Failure or refusal to cooperate with mandatory drug testing
j. Violation of the Redlands Community College Student Handbook policies or
procedures or the Redlands Community College Catalog
k. Failure to comply with the terms of a student contract or a student counseling
l. Failure in a nursing course
m. Submission of a non-negative Urine Drug Screen result
n. A criminal conviction during the Nursing Program that makes the student
ineligible to participate in patient/client nursing care. Positive results of a student
criminal background check will be submitted to clinical agencies for clinical
facility determination regarding the student’s clinical attendance ability.
o. At any point minimal physical qualifications and/or annual requirements are not
met, the student may be withdrawn from the course.
p. Non-compliance with any policy contained in the Redlands Community College
Student Handbook, the Redlands Community College Nursing Student Handbook
or the Redlands Community College Catalog
q. Any other conduct incompatible with professional behavior
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Policy 7.0
Students must meet the basic college requirements for graduation (see Redlands
Community College Catalog) and all the course requirements for the nursing degree.
The last 15 nursing major hours must be completed at Redlands Community College.
Prior to enrollment in the final semester of nursing, a student must request a degree audit
from the Office of the Registrar to ensure all degree requirements are being met.
Students in their final semester of nursing coursework are required to complete the
Redlands Community College Graduation Request Form.
Policy 8.0
Client records in clinical settings are confidential as required by federal and state law and by
professional ethics. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each student in the Redlands Community
College Nursing Program to maintain complete and total confidentiality in regard to all client
information that is collected, analyzed, filed or stored at Redlands Community College in
student’s assignments, or in any clinical agencies to which students may be assigned. (See
Technology, Electronic Device Use and Social Networking Policy 4.0)
Each and every person, professional and nonprofessional, who obtains information from a client
or a client’s record that is receiving medical, dental or related health services is engaged in a
privileged communication. Privileged communication belongs to the client and cannot be waived
by anyone else. Oklahoma statutory law has expanded the common law scope of confidential
communication to include consultation or communication with health care professionals on a
need-to-know basis.
In general, no client records or information therein, should be released or discussed without the
written consent of the client or by valid court order.
1. However, in most cases, client information may be shared appropriately on a need-to-
know basis with the professionals rendering healthcare in a clinical facility without a
written consent.
2. No printed material concerning clients should be removed from the clinical
3. Client data stored in computer electronic health record systems in clinical facilities
and Redlands Community College, available through printouts and networks, is
confidential. Access is protected by responsible usage of passwords and user IDs.
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Passwords and user IDs are confidential and should not be shared with anyone,
including peers, supervisors or instructors. In addition, computers should not be left
unattended without first signing off, especially if client information is on the screen.
It is important to remember that each user is responsible for protecting the integrity
and the security of all confidential data in all the electronic health record systems,
and that all entries are the responsibility of the individual identified by the password.
4. Information is a valuable asset to be shared appropriately when necessary and to be
protected at all other times. Access to client records should be limited to those who
have a need-to-know as necessitated by the performance of required job duties.
5. Any incident of failure to maintain confidentiality with client information will be
carefully reviewed by administrative staff and faculty and will result in disciplinary
6. No assignments or other documentation containing any information regarding a
patient, family, faculty member, clinical facility or student will be saved or left on
any open access desktop or hard-drive.
Policy 8.01
Redlands Community College nursing program requires all students to appropriately
safeguard the protected health information of patients, in accordance with applicable
provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA).
Students may use and disclose protected health information solely for educational
purposes; using appropriate safeguards to prevent use of disclosure of the information
other than for educational purposes.
Policy 9.0
Grievances/Complaints - Statement of Policy
A student of Redlands Community College who feels that he or she has been treated unfairly by
an administrator, faculty member, instructor or other staff member may raise the issue through a
grievance, provided there is no other College procedure which is available to address the issue.
Issues addressed in other procedures, such as grade appeals, appeals of disciplinary action,
complaints of discrimination and complaints of sexual harassment must be pursued in
accordance with those procedures.
1. Informal Resolution
The student must seek informal resolution of the matter before filing a formal
grievance. The student shall first raise the issue with the individual whose action
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is grieved. If the grievance is not resolved, the student shall raise the issue with
that individual’s immediate supervisor. The individual whose action is grieved
shall be given the opportunity to respond to and participate in the informal
resolution process. Absent resolution at this level, the student may then seek
formal resolution of the grievance.
2. Formal Resolution
Before filing a formal grievance, a student must first seek informal resolution of
the grievance. If an informal solution is not reached, a student may file a formal
grievance by following the procedures published in the Procedures section of the
Policies and Procedures Manual, as outlined in the Statement of Procedure in the
Redlands Community College Catalog
Sexual Harassment
Policy 10.0
Offenses prohibited under the Redlands Community College Policy 503.1:1 include, but are not
limited to sexual harassment, sex discrimination (including sexual orientation discrimination and
gender identity or gender expression discrimination), non-consensual sexual intercourse (or
attempts to commit same), non-consensual sexual contact (or attempts to commit same), sexual
coercion, domestic/dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation, and any attempts to
commit same.
1. See Redlands Community College Catalog Policy-Sexual Harassment for definition and
examples under section 503.2:1.
2. Students who are victims of or witnesses to sexual harassment are advised to report
incidences to the Title IX office. ( or 405.422.1274)
3. All reports are anonymous and can be sent to or 405.422.1274
4. Faculty are required to report any complaints or incidence of sexual harassment to the
Title IX office.
Inclement Weather
Policy 11.0
In case of inclement weather where road conditions are hazardous, Redlands Community
College classes of may be canceled. Cancellations will be announced via the college
Emergency Notification System, on the major television stations (ABC, NBC, CBS),
radio stations, the College’s social media sites and at
If the college cancels classes, nursing classes and labs/clinical/simulations will also be
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No student is expected to attend class or lab/clinical/simulation if hazardous road
conditions exist in his or her area. However, the student must notify the instructor at prior
to the class or lab/clinical/simulation experience.
Drug Testing Policy
Policy 12.0
Drug testing is also required for all students. Each student must have a random drug test prior to
the first clinical assignment. The fee for the drug test will be paid by Redlands Community
College. Additional random drug tests may be performed as necessary. Any break in continuous
enrollment will require an additional random drug test. Failure of the drug test, (a non-
negative UDS report) as confirmed by the designated laboratory report, will require the
student to withdraw from the course. Students may apply for readmission based on the
application procedure for the nursing program, but readmission is not guaranteed. Failure of a
second drug test will result in dismissal from the program with no opportunity for readmission to
any of the Allied Health Professions Division’s programs. Any break in continuous enrollment
will require an additional random drug test. AUAs and LPNs with positive drug screen results
must be reported to the Oklahoma Board of Nursing.
Student Reference Request and Form
Policy 13.0
Any student who needs a letter of reference or letter of recommendation from nursing faculty
will need to complete a Reference Request Form, included below, and submit it to and copy the faculty member who is being asked to complete
the letter.
Reference requests can be submitted via email or in person. The copy of the reference request
will be placed the student file and will remain confidential. Student must allow faculty at least
48 hours, excluding weekend hours and holidays, to review requested submitted.
Students can request forms for the following reasons:
1. To validate good standing in the program
a. In order for the Director to validate good standing, the student must be currently
passing the course enrolled, consistently met outcomes, and/or displayed minimal
behaviors concerns outlined by documentation such as such contracts.
2. To verify the start date of the program and any readmission dates (if applicable).
3. To verify current enrollment in a nursing course along with the course name, course
number, and/or course description.
4. To verify the estimated date of graduation or completion of the program.
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5. To outline behaviors, performance, and/or faculty perceptions of ability to effectively
perform in the position of reference for employment, the perceived ability to effectively
complete a program such as graduate program, and/or to validate and describe criteria
that has been consistent with eligible criteria for scholarship selection.
Any criteria outlined in the “Other” option will be evaluated on an individual basis per faculty to
determine what needs to be completed, if approved. Faulty have the ability to approve or deny
any letter of reference or letter of recommendation request submitted. Faculty will respond to all
requests regardless if approved or denied with 7 business days.
Student requests may be denied for the following reasons:
1. Student failed to include full name on record at the college (First and Last).
2. Student failed to properly sign the form.
3. Insufficient details provided to complete the request.
4. Faculty inability to speak positively on behalf your performance or other criteria
evaluated in the program.
NOTE: Faculty completion of a reference request is optional and faculty have the ability to
decline the request at any time.
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Reference Request Form
I, ______ (STUDENT NAME) _______, would like to request a reference letter and/or letter of
recommendation for one of the following reasons:
_____ Validation of good standing
_____ Verification of dates in the nursing program
_____ Verification of enrollment in a course
_____ Estimated date of graduation
_____ Letter of reference for an employer, school, or scholarship
_____ Other: _________________________________________
Complete the following details to accompany your request:
1. Name of person(s) requested to complete reference
a. Name: ___________________________________________________
b. Title: ____________________________________________________
c. Email address: _____________________________________________
2. Method of Collection (select one of the following)
a. _____ Pick up in person
b. _____ Mail to person or facility indicated below
Address: ____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________
3. Indicate the number of copies needed
a. _______ of copy (ies)
4. Provide a time frame or due date for request to be completed or sent to the party referenced
above (select one of the following)
a. _______Due date
b. _______ days/weeks/month
c. _______ Open time frame
5. Provide any additional details need to complete your request.
a. _____________________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________