Change in Key Personnel Request
The guidance in this document is to help grantees navigate the following situations:
The Project Director/Principal Investigator (PI) or key personnel on an approved
award is absent for more than three months; or
The Project Director/Principal Investigator or key personnel is going to reduce their
time on the awarded project by 25 percent or more; or
Authorized Signing Official is changing.
Notifying FFAR of Personnel Changes
Grantees should notify us about changes in key personnel as soon as possible by submit a
request in a letter on official grantee letterhead that includes the following information:
Current Principal Investigator or Project Director, Project Title, and Grant ID
New PI or key personnel and their contact information (address, phone, email)
Description of the new PI or key personnel’s expertise and suitability for the
approved project
New PI or key personnel’s level of effort on the project
Date of the prosed Change
Explanation of the impact of the change on the project and steps for mitigating
anticipated risk(s) to the project because of the change
Two signatures Authorized Signing Official and current Project Investigator/Director
Required Documentation
The request must also include the following documentation:
Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume of proposed key personnel
Current and Pending Support of proposed PI
Grantees must submit the requests letter and required documents through our
Management System.
Sample Change in Key Personnel Request
Click here to enter a date.
Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research
Grants Management Department
Click or tap here to enter Name of Grants Management Director
401 9
Street, NW, Ste. 630
Washington, DC 20004
Click or tap here to enter Grant ID
Request Change in Key Personnel
Dear Director of Grants Management:
This letter is to request prior approval for a change in the key personnel for the Notice of
Award listed above.
Click here to enter text.
A copy of the curriculum vitae (CV) or resume and current and pending support for Click
here to enter text. is attached for review.
If you have any questions regarding this request, please feel free to contact Click here to
enter text.
/s/ ____________________
Principal Investigator / Project Director
/s/ ____________________
Authorized Signing Official
Curriculum Vitae/Resume
Proposed Key Personnel’s Current and Pending Support