Prepared by International Student and Scholar Services, The Catholic University of America
Edited by International Student Service at American University. April 2005
Working with an Immigration Attorney
At some point it may be necessary for you to seek the assistance of an immigration
attorney. As with all professions, there are many qualified, competent immigration
attorneys, and there are some that are not very good. Unfortunately, there is no reliable
directory to assist you in determining which ones are great and which are not. This
handout is intended only to provide you with some general tips in deciding which
attorney is right for you and to give guidance in working with the attorney and his or her
Do your Homework
Gather all your immigration documents. Gather any documents relating to your
education, accomplishments, marriages, divorces, birth of children, any arrests or
convictions, etc.
Know what your goals are and do some basic research. For example, if you need an
attorney to assist you in obtaining a waiver of a J-1 two year home residency
requirement, then find out some basic information about the J-1 waiver process so you
can better evaluate the basic knowledge of the attorney you choose to retain to assist you
with this matter. Does the attorney seem to know how to initiate the process? Does he or
she know what needs to be filed in order to obtain the immigration benefit desired? If
you are seeking to have an H-1B processed and the attorney does not know that Form I-
129 is used for this, do not retain him or her. Do not think, however, that you need to be
experts. Immigration law can be very complex and a little bit of knowledge is a
dangerous thing. There is a lot of information out there, but not all of it is accurate.
Be honest in your dealings with the attorney who needs to have a clear, accurate picture
of your situation. If you’ve worked without permission, neglected to file tax forms, been
arrested even for silly things the lawyer needs to know this as it may affect your
immigration options. Your discussions with the attorney and his or her staff are
The Initial Consultation and the Consultation Fee
The first step in hiring an attorney is the setting up an initial consultation. Consultations
can be in person at the attorney’s office or over the telephone. Prior to the consultation,
you will be asked to complete an initial intake form and send copies of current
immigration documents. To make the most of your consultation, you should get these
documents to the attorney prior to the consultation so they can be reviewed and analyzed
ahead of time. Consultations may range anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
The attorney should be able to provide you with a preliminary analysis of your case and a
plan for achieving your goals. They may not be able to provide this immediately
particularly if some specific research is required. If an attorney informs you that he or
This handout is intended to provide general information only and is not intended to serve as legal advice.
It should not be relied upon as a substitution for immigration advice from qualified immigration
she must do some preliminary research, do not assume that they are not up to the task of
representing you, particularly if your case is unusual or complicated or if there have
recently been changes in regulations.
Many attorneys do charge for the initial consultation. This is not unusual. It does take an
attorney time to read your documentation and to provide a legal analysis. Time spent on
your case in these initial stages is time not spent working on cases for other clients.
Some attorneys will deduct the price of the consultation from their legal fees if you
decide to retain them for your case within a certain period of time.
Expertise and Staffing
It is important that you find the right attorney for your needs. Attorneys, like physicians,
specialize in certain areas of law immigration, tax, criminal, contracts, etc. Since many
areas of U.S. law are very complex, most attorneys do not practice in all areas of law and
gain an expertise in one or two. Immigration law is an area of administrative law that
lends itself easily to considerable sub-specialization some attorneys specialize in asylum,
some in family based immigration, employment, etc. It is important to choose an
attorney with expertise with your type of case. For example, physicians needing a waiver
of a J-1 two year home residency requirement should seek attorneys who have
successfully filed such cases. Determining expertise can be a tricky thing.
Unfortunately, there are no guaranteed methods for doing a background check on an
attorney. Many immigration attorneys are members of the American Immigration
Lawyers Association. Determining whether your attorney is a member of AILA can be a
starting point. Please remember, though, that any attorney can become a member of this
association even those that are not very skilled in immigration law. Look at the
attorney’s website for any information about your type of case. Talk to any friends who
have used an immigration attorney for a similar case. Finally, it is all right to ask the
attorney or his or her staff about the firm’s experience. You might actually want to ask
about this before setting up and paying for an initial consultation. A good immigration
attorney will refer you to another attorney if he or she lacks the relevant experience.
Once you’ve established that the attorney has experience with your type of case, you
need to know who will actually be working on your case and whether you can you easily
reach these individuals. In many law firms the bulk of the work may be done by
paralegals and legal assistants. This is not necessarily a bad thing, if they are well
trained, organized and responsible. Can you meet or talk to these individuals ahead of
time to establish a rapport? Large firms have the advantage of resources if your
attorney is on vacation, someone else on staff will work the case until his or her return.
Small firms have the advantage of more personalized service where the attorney is more
likely to know the status of your case. Solo practitioners generally make arrangements
with colleagues for them to cover the cases when they are away.
This handout is intended to provide general information only and is not intended to serve as legal advice.
It should not be relied upon as a substitution for immigration advice from qualified immigration
Immigration law is a form of federal law that can be practiced to some extent anywhere
in the U.S. Indeed, many attorneys have what is known as a national practice. An
attorney in Washington, D.C. can file cases for clients in California and vice versa. You
are able to choose attorneys from almost anywhere in the U.S. Most of your
communications will occur via email or the telephone and fax machine anyway rather
than through in-person meetings.
It is recommended that you get a local immigration attorney if your case involves
appearances before local immigration judges or the local CIS district office. In these
cases, local attorneys know the personalities and procedures of the local immigration
office better than someone across the country. If your case involves filings at the
regional service center or dealings with consulates, then it doesn’t matter where your
attorney’s office is.
A word of caution about choosing an attorney: scrutinize any attorney closely. All
communities have attorneys who are not very good who can unintentionally do more
harm than good. Bad attorneys come from all backgrounds even from your home
country. Take the time to find a good attorney. It’s important that you are comfortable
with the lawyer. But be careful in your choices.
Pricing: Attorney Fees
Another important factor in choosing an attorney is his or her pricing structure. The
temptation is often to seek the least expensive attorney possible. While your bank
account may appreciate this strategy, it could prove to be short-sighted if this is the main
factor in choosing your attorney. Attorneys fees vary greatly. Some outstanding
attorneys are costly, some are not. Some really, really bad attorneys are very
inexpensive, some are expensive. You cannot rely on cost in determining who you will
There are two primary methods of pricing: an hourly rate or a flat fee. Occasionally, a
mixed pricing structure may be proposed by the attorney. It is important that you
understand how you will be charged for work on your case.
Hourly Fees: Many attorneys charge by the hour, charging you for the time they
and their staff spend working on your case. If your case is very
simple and does not require much time, this may be appealing to
you. However, if your case is labor intensive the hourly fees will
add up quickly. You will pay not just for the time the attorney
spends working on the case, but also for the time each paralegal
and legal assistant works the case as well, including time when
they are discussing your case amongst themselves and all the time
you spend on the phone with them. Some lawyers charge different
rate for their time as opposed to the time of their support staff.
Flat Fee: Many attorneys use a flat fee for fairly “routine” cases such as H-
1B, Labor Certification, etc. In this pricing model, you and the
This handout is intended to provide general information only and is not intended to serve as legal advice.
It should not be relied upon as a substitution for immigration advice from qualified immigration
attorney agree on the price ahead of time, regardless of how long
the case may take to work. In this model, it is to the advantage of
the attorney to work your case as efficiently as possible. If
unexpected complications arise that change the nature of your case,
it may be necessary to re-negotiate the contract.
Combination: With some complicated cases, an attorney may not be able to
assess a flat fee up front as it may not be certain how much work is
involved in the case. The attorney may suggest that the case be
handled on an hourly basis. Since some cases can result in
significant number of billable hours, you may wish to explore the
possibility of converting the case to a flat fee after the legal fees
have reached a certain figure. This would serve to limit the
expense from your end and deter the firm from running up your
fees. However, if your case involves considerable amount of court
time and preparation, this may not be an option.
If your attorney charged an initial consultation fee, does the amount of the fee get
“discounted” or deducted from the total legal fees if you decide to retain the firm?
Other Costs: Filing Fees, Copies, etc.
In addition to the legal fees, it is important to understand what other costs you may be
expected to pay. Ask about these costs up front as they may add significantly to the cost
of your case:
Photocopies: How much does the firm charge for copies? Since you should
receive copies of all documents filed with the government, the per-
page cost, if any, could quickly add up, particularly if the type of
petition or application files involves considerable supporting
documentation. Are there separate charges for getting a copy of
your file after the case is closed?
Filing fees: Are you responsible for paying any government filing fees? How
much are they? When must they be paid?
Etc: Does your case require documents to be translated? Do your
credentials need to be evaluated? Are DNA tests needed to
establish relationships for family-based immigration? If so, who
pays them and when are these costs payable?
The Retainer
After the initial consultation, the attorneys should send you a retainer agreement to sign.
This agreement formalizes your relationship with the attorney, establishing the scope of
the case what is the case an H-1B, a J-1 waiver, a case for permanent residency?
What are legal fees will be charged? What are the costs you will pay and, importantly,
This handout is intended to provide general information only and is not intended to serve as legal advice.
It should not be relied upon as a substitution for immigration advice from qualified immigration
when are you expected to pay? Read this carefully. Understand the terms of the
representation agreement.
Working with the Attorney and staff
Remember that you are responsible for your immigration status. Keep track of your
expiration dates and deadlines. A good lawyer will also track these things, but they are
human and can sometimes overlook an important date.
The attorney and his or her staff work for you. They should provide you with updates on
the status of your case in a timely manner. If you do not hear from them for an extended
period of time, follow up with them. Ask about the status of your case. Document your
attempts to reach them. However, do not harass them. Calling them ten times in twenty
minutes and getting angry at not getting an immediate answer to your question is not
helpful. Do not shout and curse at the attorney and/or any person working on your case.
Treat them as professionally and courteously as you want to be treated.
They should provide you with copies of everything that is filed on your behalf with the
government. You should receive copies of receipt notices, approval notices, etc. If you
do not receive them, you should insist on it.
You should never let an attorney retain your original passport. This belongs to you and
your government.