The Qualitative Report The Qualitative Report
Volume 12 Number 2 Article 7
Sampling Designs in Qualitative Research: Making the Sampling Sampling Designs in Qualitative Research: Making the Sampling
Process More Public Process More Public
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
Sam Houston State University
Nancy L. Leech
University of Colorado
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Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Leech, N. L. (2007). Sampling Designs in Qualitative Research: Making the
Sampling Process More Public.
The Qualitative Report
(2), 238-254.
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Sampling Designs in Qualitative Research: Making the Sampling Process More Sampling Designs in Qualitative Research: Making the Sampling Process More
Public Public
Abstract Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to provide a typology of sampling designs for qualitative researchers. We
introduce the following sampling strategies: (a) parallel sampling designs, which represent a body of
sampling strategies that facilitate credible comparisons of two or more different subgroups that are
extracted from the same levels of study; (b) nested sampling designs, which are sampling strategies that
facilitate credible comparisons of two or more members of the same subgroup, wherein one or more
members of the subgroup represent a sub-sample of the full sample; and (c) multilevel sampling designs,
which represent sampling strategies that facilitate credible comparisons of two or more subgroups that
are extracted from different levels of study.
Keywords Keywords
Qualitative Research, Sampling Designs, Random Sampling, Purposive Sampling, and Sample Size
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This article is available in The Qualitative Report:
The Qualitative Report Volume 12 Number 2 June 2007 238-254
Sampling Designs in Qualitative Research: Making the
Sampling Process More Public
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas
Nancy L. Leech
University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, Colorado
The purpose of this paper is to provide a typology of sampling designs for
qualitative researchers. We introduce the following sampling strategies:
(a) parallel sampling designs, which represent a body of sampling
strategies that facilitate credible comparisons of two or more different
subgroups that are extracted from the same levels of study; (b) nested
sampling designs, which are sampling strategies that facilitate credible
comparisons of two or more members of the same subgroup, wherein one
or more members of the subgroup represent a sub-sample of the full
sample; and (c) multilevel sampling designs, which represent sampling
strategies that facilitate credible comparisons of two or more subgroups
that are extracted from different levels of study. Key Words: Qualitative
Research, Sampling Designs, Random Sampling, Purposive Sampling, and
Sample Size
Setting the Scene
According to Denzin and Lincoln (2005), qualitative researchers must confront
three crises; representation, legitimation, and praxis. The crisis of representation refers to
the difficulty for qualitative researchers in adequately capturing lived experiences. As
noted by Denzin and Lincoln,
Such experience, it is argued, is created in the social text written by the
researcher. This is the representational crisis. It confronts the inescapable
problem of representation, but does so within a framework that makes the
direct link between experience and text problematic. (p. 19)
Further, according to Denzin and Lincoln (2005), the crisis of representation asks
whether qualitative researchers can use text to represent authentically the experience of
the “Other (p. 21). The crisis of legitimation refers to “a serious rethinking of such terms
as validity, generalizability, and reliability, terms already retheorized in postpositivist…,
constructivist-naturalistic…, feminist…, interpretive…, poststructural…, and
critical…discourses (Denzin & Lincoln, p. 19) [italics in original].
Finally, the crisis of
praxis leads qualitative researchers to ask, “how are qualitative studies to be evaluated in
the contemporary, poststructural moment?” (Denzin & Lincoln, pp. 19-20).
239 The Qualitative Report June 2007
The crises of representation, legitimation, and praxis threaten qualitative
researchers’ ability to extract meaning from their data. As noted by Onwuegbuzie and
Leech (2004a),
In particular, lack of representation means that the evaluator has not
adequately captured the data. Lack of legitimation means that the extent to
which the data have been captured has not been adequately assessed, or
that any such assessment has not provided support for legitimation. Thus,
the significance of findings in qualitative research is affected by these
crises. (p. 778)
In an attempt to address these crises and to prevent “the naturalistic approach…
[from being] tarred with the brush of ‘sloppy research’” (Guba, 1981, p. 90), in recent
years, there has been increased focus on rigor in qualitative research, where rigor is
defined as the goal of making “data and explanatory schemes as public and replicable as
possible” (Denzin, 1978, p. 7). More specifically, recent attempts have been made to
make the research process more public (cf. Anfara, Brown, & Mangione, 2002). In
particular, qualitative methodologists have provided frameworks for making qualitative
data analyses more explicit (Anfara et al.; Constas, 1992), so that qualitative studies
promote “openness on the grounds of refutability and freedom from bias” (Anfara et al.,
p. 28).
In contrast, scant discussion has taken place vis-à-vis sampling in qualitative
research. Indeed, using the keywords “qualitative research” and “sampling,” as well as
“qualitative research” and “sample size,” a review of the most prominent academic
literature databases (e.g., ERIC, PsycINFO) yielded only seven published journal articles
(i.e., Crowley, 1994; Curtis, Gesler, Smith, & Washburn, 2000; Jones, 2002; Merriam,
1995; Onwuegbuzie & Leech, 2004b, 2005b; Sandelowski, 1995) that discussed the issue
of sampling and/or sample size in qualitative research. Additionally, Onwuegbuzie and
Leech (2005a), Collins, Onwuegbuzie, and Jiao (2006, 2007), and Teddlie and Yu (2007)
have added to the body of literature in this area. All of these articles have focused on the
issue of sample size and/or sampling schemes. Although these concepts are extremely
important in interpretivist research, none of these articles provide a superordinate concept
of sampling designs. For the purposes of the present essay, we distinguish between
sampling schemes and sampling designs. We define sampling schemes as specific
techniques that are utilized to select units (e.g., people, groups, subgroups, situations,
events). In contrast, as do Onwuegbuzie and Collins (2007), we define sampling designs
as representing the framework within which the sampling occurs, comprising the number
and types of sampling schemes and the sample size.
With this in mind, the purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for
developing sampling designs in qualitative research. In particular, we provide a typology
of sampling designs for qualitative researchers. Using this typology, we introduce the
following sampling strategies of inquiry: (a) parallel sampling designs, which represent a
body of sampling strategies that facilitate credible comparisons of two or more different
subgroups (e.g., girls vs. boys) that are extracted from the same levels of study (e.g.,
third-grade students); (b) nested sampling designs, which are sampling strategies that
facilitate credible comparisons of two or more members of the same subgroup, wherein
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 240
one or more members of the subgroup represent a sub-sample (e.g., key informants) of
the full sample; and (c) multilevel sampling designs, which represent sampling strategies
that facilitate credible comparisons of two or more subgroups that are extracted from
different levels of study (e.g., students vs. teachers). We show how such designs, because
they facilitate comparisons, are consistent with Turner’s (1980) notion that all
explanation is essentially comparative and takes the form of translation of metaphors
(i.e., literal translation or idiomatic translation; Barnwell, 1980). Also, we link sampling
designs to various qualitative data analysis techniques (e.g., within-case analyses, cross-
case analyses). We contend that our sampling framework arises from a desire to construct
more adequate interpretive explanations, as well as to follow the lead of Constas (1992),
who surmised that “since we are committed to opening the private lives of participants to
the public, it is ironic that our methods of data collection and analysis often remain
private and unavailable for public inspection” (p. 254).
Sampling Schemes
In quantitative research, generally, only one type of statistical generalization is
pertinent, namely generalizing findings from the sample to the underlying population. In
contrast, in interpreting their data, qualitative researchers typically tend to make one of
the following types of generalizations: (a) statistical generalizations, (b) analytic
generalizations, and (c) case-to-case transfer (Curtis et al., 2000; Firestone, 1993;
Kennedy, 1979; Miles & Huberman, 1994). As illustrated in Figure 1, in qualitative
research, the authors believe that there are two types of statistical generalizations;
external statistical generalizations and internal statistical generalizations. External
statistical generalization, which is identical to the traditional notion of statistical
generalization in quantitative research, involves making generalizations or inferences on
data extracted from a representative statistical sample to the population from which the
sample was drawn. In contrast, internal statistical generalization involves making
generalizations or inferences on data extracted from one or more representative or elite
participants to the sample from which the participant(s) was drawn. Analytic
generalizations are “applied to wider theory on the basis of how selected cases ‘fit’ with
general constructs” (Curtis et al., p. 1002). Finally, case-to-case transfer involves making
generalizations from one case to another (similar) case (Firestone; Kennedy).
Qualitative researchers typically do not make external statistical generalizations
because their goal usually is not to make inferences about the underlying population, but
to attempt to obtain insights into particular educational, social, and familial processes and
practices that exist within a specific location and context (Connolly, 1998). Moreover,
interpretivists study phenomena in their natural settings and strive to make sense of, or to
interpret, phenomena with respect to the meanings people bring (Denzin & Lincoln,
2005). However, the other three types of generalizations (i.e., internal statistical
generalizations, analytic generalizations, and case-to-case transfers) are very common in
qualitative research, with analytic generalizations being the most popular. More
specifically, qualitative researchers “generalize words and observations… to the
population of words/observations (i.e., the “truth space”) representing the underlying
context” (Onwuegbuzie, 2003, p. 400). As noted by Williamson Shafer and Serlin (2005),
241 The Qualitative Report June 2007
The observations in any qualitative study are necessarily a subset of all
other things that might have been observed using a particular set of tools
and techniques in a particular setting. From this subset of all possible
observations, a further subset is extracted to form the basis of qualitative
inferences, since no qualitative analysis accounts for all of the
observational data in equal measure. (p. 20)
Figure 1. Types of generalization in qualitative research.
Type of Generalization
Therefore, sampling is an essential step in the qualitative research process. As such,
choice of sampling scheme is an important consideration that all qualitative researchers
should make. Encouragingly, qualitative researchers have many sampling schemes from
which to choose. Indeed, extending the work of Patton (1990) and Miles and Huberman
(1994), Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2004b) identified 24 sampling schemes that are
available to researchers including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
researchers. All of these sampling schemes can be classified as representing either
random sampling (i.e., probabilistic sampling) schemes or non-random sampling (i.e.,
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 242
non-probabilistic sampling) schemes. Each of these sampling schemes is presented by
sampling type (i.e., random vs. nonrandom sampling scheme) in Onwuegbuzie and
Collins (2007). Although relatively rare, if the objective of the study is to generalize
qualitative findings from the sample to the population, then the researcher should attempt
to select a sample that is representative. Given a large enough sample, of all sampling
schemes, random sampling offers the best chance for a researcher to obtain a
representative sample. Thus, if external statistical generalization is the goal, which
typically is not the case, then qualitative researchers should consider selecting one of the
five random sampling schemes (i.e., simple random sampling, stratified random
sampling, cluster random sampling, systematic random sampling, and multi-stage random
Conversely, if the goal is not to generalize to a population but to obtain insights
into a phenomenon, individuals, or events, as is most often the case in interpretivist
studies, then the qualitative researcher purposefully selects individuals, groups, and
settings for this phase that increases understanding of phenomena. In this situation, the
researcher should select one of the 19 purposive sampling schemes.
Sample Size
Even though qualitative investigations typically involve the use of small samples,
choice of sample size still is an important consideration because it determines the extent
to which the researcher can make each of the four types of generalizations (Onwuegbuzie
& Leech, 2005b). As noted by Sandelowski (1995), “a common misconception about
sampling in qualitative research is that numbers are unimportant in ensuring the adequacy
of a sampling strategy” (p. 179). Nevertheless, some methodologists have provided
guidelines for selecting samples in qualitative studies based on the research design (e.g.,
case study, ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory) or research method (e.g.,
focus group). These recommendations are presented in Onwuegbuzie and Collins (2007).
In general, sample sizes in qualitative research should not be too large that it is difficult
to extract thick, rich data. At the same time, as noted by Sandelowski, the sample should
not be too small that it is difficult to achieve data saturation (Flick, 1998; Morse, 1995),
theoretical saturation (Strauss & Corbin, 1990), or informational redundancy (Lincoln &
Guba, 1985).
Qualitative Sampling Designs
Most research questions in qualitative studies lead to one of two classes of
analyses; within-case analyses or cross-case analyses. As delineated by Miles and
Huberman (1994), within-case analyses involve analyzing, interpreting, and legitimizing
data that help to explain “phenomena in a bounded context that make up a single ‘case’—
whether that case is an individual in a setting, a small group, or a larger unit such as a
department, organization, or community” (p. 90). In fact, within-case analyses are
appropriate in samples with more than one case, providing that the researcher’s goal is
not to compare the cases. As such, when a within-case analysis represents the method of
choice, the researcher’s sampling design involves selection of both the sample size and
sampling scheme.
243 The Qualitative Report June 2007
On the other hand, as noted by Yin (2003), selecting multiple cases represents
replication logic. That is, additional participants are chosen for study because they are
expected to yield similar data or different but predictable findings (Schwandt, 2001).
Stake (2000) referred to these designs as collective case studies. According to Stake,
collective case studies involve the
study [of] a number of cases in order to investigate a phenomenon,
population, or general condition….[who] are chosen because it is believed
that understanding them will lead to better understanding, perhaps better
theorizing, about a still larger collection of cases. (p. 437)
Thus, when qualitative research designs involving multiple cases are used, a major goal
of the researcher is to compare and contrast the selected cases. In such instances, a cross-
case analysis is a natural choice. A cross-case analysis involves analyzing data across the
cases (Schwandt). Moreover, it represents a thematic analysis across cases (Creswell,
Because collective case studies typically necessitate researchers to choose their
cases (Stake, 2000), being able to investigate thoroughly and understand the phenomenon
of interest depends heavily on appropriate selection of each case (Patton, 1990; Stake;
Vaughan, 1992; Yin, 2003). In fact, in collective case studies, “nothing is more important
than making a proper selection of cases” (Stake, p. 446). Unfortunately, little or no
guidance is provided in the literature as to how to select cases in collective case studies.
Thus, in what follows, we introduce a typology of sampling designs that qualitative
researchers might find useful when selecting participants in multiple-case studies.
typology centers on the relationship of the selected cases to each other. These
relationships either can be parallel, nested, or multilevel leading to parallel sampling
designs, nested sampling designs, and multilevel sampling designs, respectively. Each of
these classes of qualitative sampling designs is discussed in the following sections.
Parallel Sampling Designs
Parallel sampling designs represent a body of sampling strategies that facilitate
credible comparisons of two or more cases. These designs can involve comparing each
case to all others in the sample (i.e., pairwise sampling designs) or it can involve
comparing subgroups of cases (i.e., subgroup sampling designs). Choice of these
sampling designs stem from the research question(s) and the research design (e.g., case
study, ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory).
Pairwise sampling designs traditionally have been the most common types of
qualitative sampling designs. These sampling designs are called “pairwise” because all
the selected cases are treated as a set and their “voice” is compared to all other cases one
at a time in order to understand better the underlying phenomenon, assuming that the
collective voices generated by the set of cases lead to data saturation. In situations where
theoretical saturation is reached, analyzing these sets of voices can lead to the generation
of theory.
1 For the purposes of this article, multiple-case studies refer to any studies that result in more than one case
being selected (e.g., collective case study, ethnography, phenomenology, grounded
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 244
Pairwise sampling designs can arise from any of the 24 sampling schemes. For
example, the set of cases can be selected such that they represent homogeneous cases, or
they can be selected to yield maximum variation. In fact, regardless of choice of sampling
scheme, each case is compared to all other cases; thus, pairwise comparisons can then be
Pairwise sampling designs lead to an array of data analysis techniques. For
instance, analysts can use traditional procedures such as the method of constant
comparison, keywords-in-context, word count, classical content analysis, domain
analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, or discourse analysis.
In addition to
these traditional analytical methods, qualitative researchers can use cross-case analytical
techniques such as the following: partially ordered meta matrix, conceptually ordered
displays, case-ordered descriptive meta-matrix, case-ordered effects matrix, case-ordered
predictor-variable matrix, and causal networks.
In contrast to pairwise sampling designs, subgroup sampling designs involve the
comparison of different subgroups (e.g., girls vs. boys) that are extracted from the same
levels of study (e.g., third-grade students). Indeed, comparing subgroups with respect to
their voices is equivalent to what quantitative researchers call disaggregating data. As
noted by Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2004a), comparing the voices of various subgroups in
a set of cases prevents readers from incorrectly assuming that the researchers’ findings
are invariant across all subgroups inherent in their studies. Unfortunately, the practice of
disaggregating data is underutilized by interpretivists, even though such practice is more
in line with the tenet in qualitative research (than with quantitative research) of not
ignoring the uniqueness and complexities of subgroups by mechanically and
systematically aggregating data. Disturbingly, not examining the extent to which the
voice should be disaggregated can lead to certain research subgroups being marginalized.
That is, misrepresentation occurs when the commitment to generalize across the
collection of cases is so dominant that the researcher’s focus is unduly drawn away from
aspects that are important for understanding each subgroup. Interestingly, many of the
current qualitative software (e.g., NVIVO; version 7.0; QSR International Pty Ltd., 2006)
make it easier for researchers to compare subgroups electronically than by hand. In fact,
these software programs allow data stored in Excel files that contain demographic
information to be imported for the purpose of facilitating the comparison of various
subgroups. As is the case for pairwise sampling designs, when subgroup sampling is the
design of choice, researchers can use traditional procedures (e.g., the method of constant
comparison, componential analysis) and/or cross-case analyses (e.g., partially ordered
meta matrix, case-ordered effects matrix, causal networks).
Although, technically, each subgroup can contain one case, comparing subgroups
consisting of one case, when one or more of the subgroups contain an atypical case, poses
a threat to what Maxwell (1996) referred to as “internal generalization” (p. 97),
2 For reviews of traditional qualitative data analysis procedures, see Leech and Onwuegbuzie (in press) and
Ryan and Bernard (2000).
3 For a review of these and other cross-case analyses, see Miles and Huberman, (1994).
4 It should be noted that what Maxwell (1996) terms “internal generalization” is not the same as what we
term “internal statistical generalization.” Internal generalization refers to whether conclusions drawn from
the particular participants, settings, and times studied are representative of the case as a whole. In contrast
internal statistical generalization denotes the extent to which the subsample members used, such as elite
members and key informants, provide data that are representative of the other sample members.
245 The Qualitative Report June 2007
refers to whether conclusions drawn from the particular participants, settings, and times
examined are representative of the case as a whole. For example, if an analyst compared
the voice of a typical case to that of an atypical case that was extracted using sampling
schemes such as extreme case sampling and intensity sampling, then any differences
extracted might not justify the researcher making internal statistical generalizations,
analytical generalizations, or case-to-case transfers.
Similarly, comparing subgroups
containing two cases might be problematic because it might be difficult to reach
information redundancy or data saturation with two cases if at least one of the cases is
atypical. Therefore, we recommend that when comparing subgroups, at least three cases
per subgroup should be selected. Further, the more subgroups that are compared, the
larger the sample size should be. For example, a comparison of three elementary grade
level subgroups (e.g., Grade 1 vs. Grade 2 vs. Grade 3) likely would necessitate a sample
size of at least 9 cases (i.e., 3 subgroups x 3), whereas a comparison of four racial
subgroups (e.g., African American vs. White vs. Hispanic vs. Native American) likely
would call for a sample size of at least 12 cases (i.e., 3 subgroups x 4). The following six
sampling schemes are best suited to subgroup sampling designs: maximum variation,
homogenous sampling, critical case sampling, theory-based sampling, typical case
sampling, and stratified purposeful sampling.
In addition, researchers can compare subgroups based on more than one attribute.
For example, a qualitative researcher could stratify the sample by gender and by racial
subgroup and then compare each gender x racial subgroup combination. For instance,
four racial subgroups of interest would yield eight cells (i.e., 2 genders x 4 racial
subgroups), which likely would necessitate a sample size of at least 24 participants (i.e., 8
cells x 3 cases per cell); a sample size that might be too large to obtain thick, rich
description from each case, thereby preventing “the detailed reporting of social or
cultural events that focuses on the ‘webs of significance’ (Geertz, 1973) evident in the
lives of the people being studied” (Noblit & Hare, 1988, p. 12). This gender x racial
subgroup sampling design example is displayed in Table 1.
Thus, as can be seen from Table 3, the more attributes that are used to stratify
subgroups, the larger the sample size needs to be. Also, the more subgroups (within an
attribute) the researcher wants to compare, the larger the sample should be. Using the
table in Onwuegbuzie and Collins (2007), we suggest that researchers avoid comparing
more than 4 subgroups for phenomenological studies (cf. Creswell, 1998), and more than
between 7 (using Creswell’s 2002 criteria) and 10 (using Creswell’s 1998 criteria)
subgroups for grounded theory studies. Also, the number of attributes stratified likely
should not exceed two for phenomenological studies and five in grounded theory studies.
In order to make subgroup comparisons, cases within each subgroup should be
compared to determine whether one case can be represented in terms of the other cases.
That is, qualitative researchers first should examine whether meanings of one case can be
reciprocally translated (i.e., literal translation or idiomatic translation; Barnwell, 1980)
into the meanings of another case. As noted by Noblit and Hare (1988), translations have
5 However, it should be noted that similarities found when comparing heterogeneous cases via subgroup
sampling designs could help to develop theory by facilitating a negative case analysis, which is the process
of expanding and revising one’s interpretation until all outliers have been explained (Creswell, 2007; Ely,
Anzul, Friedman, Garner, & Steinmetz, 1991; Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Maxwell, 1992, 1996, 2005; Miles &
Huberman, 1994).
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 246
utility because they “protect the particular, respect holism, and enable comparison” (p.
28). These translations should represent, in a reduced mode, the complexity of the lived
experiences of all cases that belong to a particular subgroup. In fact, we contend that
making within-subgroup comparisons should be interpretive rather than aggregative, such
that they will lead to the construction of adequate interpretive explanations.
Table 1
Example of Gender x Racial Subgroup Sampling Design
Hispanic Native
n 3
n  3
n  3
n  3
n  12
n  3
n  3
n  3
n  3
n  12
n  6
n  6
n  6
N  6
N  24
This is called a 2 x 4 Subgroup Sampling Design
Nested Sampling Designs
Nested sampling designs represent sampling strategies that facilitate credible
comparisons of two or more members of the same subgroup, wherein one or more
members of the subgroup represent a sub-sample of the full sample. The goal of this sub-
sampling is to obtain a sub-sample of cases from which further data can be extracted (cf.
Figure 2). This sub-sampling often takes the form of theoretical sampling, which involves
the sampling of additional people, incidents, events, activities, documents, and the like in
order to develop emergent themes; to assess the adequacy, relevance, and meaningfulness
of themes; to refine ideas; and to identify conceptual boundaries (Charmaz, 2000). As
noted by Charmaz, “the aim of [theoretical sampling] is to refine ideas, not to increase
the size of the original sample” (p. 519). Because theoretical sampling is the hallmark of
grounded theory designs (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), nested sampling designs are
particularly pertinent for grounded theorists.
247 The Qualitative Report June 2007
Figure 2. The flow of nested sampling designs.
Full Sample
Nested Sample
Sub-sample 1
Sub-sample 2
Sub-sample X
Generation of theory and/or improved
understanding of phenomenon
Nested sampling designs are most commonly used to select key informants.
fact, key informants, who are selected from the overall set of research participants, often
generate a significant part of the researcher’s data. Moreover, the voices of key
informants often help the researcher to attain data saturation, theoretical saturation,
and/or informational redundancy. Findings from key informants are generalized to the
other non-informant sample members. That is, the voices of the key informants are used
to make both internal statistical generalizations and analytical generalizations. The extent
to which it is justified to generalize the key informants’ voices to the other study
participants primarily depends on how representative these voices are. Consequently,
qualitative researchers must make careful decisions about their choices of key informants.
Failure to make optimal sampling decisions could culminate in what some researchers
refer to as key informant bias (Maxwell, 1996, 2005). Unfortunately, key informant bias
is a common feature in qualitative studies because of the unrepresentativeness of key
informants (Hannerz, 1992; Maxwell, 1995, 1996; Pelto & Pelto, 1975; Poggie, 1972).
Some researchers recommend that key informants be selected via “systematic sampling”
(Maxwell, 1996, p. 73). We believe that one way of systematically selecting key
informants is by utilizing one of the four major random sampling designs (i.e., simple
random sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster random sampling, systematic
random sampling). Thus, we believe that on some occasions, random sampling might be
appropriate for nested sampling designs. In addition to random sampling schemes, the
following seven purposive sampling schemes presented by Onwuegbuzie and Collins
(2007) are most appropriate for nested sampling designs: maximum variation, critical
6 Nested sampling designs also are useful for conducting member checks on a sub-sample of the study
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 248
case sampling, theory-based sampling, typical case sampling, random purposeful
sampling, multi-stage purposeful random sampling, and multi-stage purposeful sampling.
Whatever sampling scheme is used to select a nested sampling design, it is important that
the researcher strive to obtain representativeness via intracultural diversity (Sankoff,
Nested samples can be selected at any stage of the qualitative research process.
For example, these samples can be chosen prior to the study using any of the 11 sampling
schemes (i.e., four random and seven purposive). Otherwise, nested samples can be
chosen during the study on one or more occasions in order to collect, to interpret, or to
verify data. Therefore, nested sampling designs can be used whether the overall research
is systematic (i.e., uses rigorous, pre-set procedures), emerging (i.e., allows a theory to
emerge from the data instead of using specific, pre-set categories), or constructivist (i.e.,
focuses on the views, attitudes, beliefs, values, feelings, philosophies, and assumptions of
individuals rather than concentrating on facts and describing behavior). Further, the
nested samples can be chosen using attributes that were known prior to the study (e.g.,
demographics). Conversely, these sub-samples can be selected using data that are
collected during the study. In particular, nested samples can be chosen using qualitative
data or quantitative data. With respect to the former, for example, after interviewing
survivors of breast cancer regarding their experiences while having treatment, the
researcher could select key informants for a second round of interviewing those
participants whose experiences during treatment were extreme (i.e., extreme case
sampling), intense (i.e., intensity sampling), or typical (i.e., typical sampling).
Alternatively, the researcher could have selected their nested samples using quantitative
data. For instance, the researcher could have administered a scale that measures attitudes
towards breast cancer treatment and then select several cases with the lowest and high
attitude scores for the second round of interviews. When quantitative data are used to
select nested designs, then the overall study changes from qualitative research to mixed
methods research—specifically a sequential mixed methods design (cf. Tashakkori &
Teddlie, 1998, 2003).
For the same reasons as given when discussing parallel sampling designs, in
general, qualitative researchers should avoid selecting sub-samples with less than three
participants. In fact, assuming the goal is for the key informants to be representative of
the study participants as a whole, the larger the sample, the larger the nested sample
should be. Also, as is the case for parallel sampling designs, nested samples can be
selected using more than one attribute. When comparing nested samples, researchers can
use traditional procedures and/or cross-case analyses. Regardless of the analyses used, in
making such comparisons, the researcher should examine whether meanings of one case
can be reciprocally translated into other cases.
Multilevel Sampling Designs
Finally, multilevel sampling designs represent sampling strategies that facilitate
credible comparisons of two or more subgroups that are extracted from different levels of
study. For example, a qualitative researcher might be interested in comparing the
7 Onwuegbuzie and Teddlie (2003) refer to designs that use quantitative data to generate qualitative data as
sequential (mixed) quantitative-qualitative analyses—specifically, quantitative
extreme case analyses.
249 The Qualitative Report June 2007
perceptions of students regarding standardized tests to those of their teacher(s). Clearly,
the student and teacher samples represent some form of hierarchy. Because of this
hierarchy, the sampling schemes and sample sizes used for the lower-level and upper-
level samples/sub-samples typically are not uniform. For example, because students
represent the lower-level sample/sub-sample and their teacher(s) represents the upper-
level, it is not uncommon for the voices of several students to be compared with the voice
of one teacher. Further, whereas the student participants (i.e., lower level sample/sub-
sample) might be selected using any of the 24 sampling schemes, the teacher likely
would be selected either via convenient sampling (e.g., if the students’ teacher(s) is
selected), critical case sampling, politically important case sampling, or criterion
sampling, or by using one of the four random sampling techniques, in situations where
the researcher has a pool of teachers from which to select the upper level sample/sub-
Although it is possible for qualitative researchers to select lower-level and upper
level samples/sub-samples that are independent (e.g., students from one school and
teacher(s) from another school in the same or another school district), the lower-level and
upper level samples/sub-samples usually are very much related to each other. Moreover,
these samples/sub-samples tend to be conditionally related. That is, once one level is
selected (e.g., students), then the other is automatically selected (e.g., students’
teacher(s)). However, whatever the relationship is between the multilevel samples, when
comparing the samples/sub-samples, the researcher should examine whether meaning
extracted from one sample/sub-sample can be reciprocally translated into the meanings of
the other sample(s)/sub-sample(s). Because of the hierarchical structure of the
samples/sub-samples, hierarchical qualitative analyses could be considered, such as those
described by Onwuegbuzie (2003) that include the extraction of “meta-themes,” which
represent themes at a higher level of abstraction than the original emergent themes.
In comparing cases, whether via parallel sampling designs, nested sampling
designs, or multilevel sampling designs, it is essential that qualitative researchers do not
sacrifice “thick description” (Geertz, 1973) for comparative description by focusing only
on comparing a limited number of attributes, feelings, experiences, thoughts, opinions,
events, activities, experiences, and/or processes. In other words, in an effort to make
comparisons, the uniqueness and complexity of each case should not be trivialized
(Stake, 2000). Moreover, these comparisons should be emergent, interactive, and flexible.
Regardless of the sampling design, qualitative researchers should not select their cases
merely for purpose of comparison. Rather, each case should be chosen because of her/his
own intrinsic and unique value (Stake). Thus, in qualitative studies involving multiple
cases, qualitative researchers must strike a fine balance between obtaining thick
description from each case and obtaining comparative description from each comparison.
Qualitative researchers contend that context affects the meaning of events.
Because context often varies for different subgroups, comparing subgroups is a technique
that has the potential of helping researchers to maximize their understanding of
phenomena. Therefore, this paper has provided a framework for making comparisons in
qualitative research by introducing a typology of sampling designs for qualitative
researchers. Inherent in this framework is a typology of sampling schemes and guidelines
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 250
for selecting sample sizes. We believe that the greatest appeal of this framework is that it
can help researchers to identify an optimal sampling design for their qualitative studies.
In particular, our framework can be used to inform sampling decisions made by the
researcher such as selecting a sampling scheme (e.g., random vs. purposive), selecting an
appropriate sample size, and selecting an appropriate sampling strategy (i.e., parallel,
nested, and/or multilevel) that enable appropriate generalizations (i.e., external statistical,
internal statistical, analytical, face-to-face transfer) to be made relative to the study’s
design. Using our framework also provides a means for making these decisions explicit
and promotes interpretive consistency between the interpretations made in qualitative
studies and the sampling design used, as well as the other components that characterize
the formulation (i.e., goal, objective, purpose, rationale, and research question), planning
(i.e., research design), and implementation (i.e., data collection, analysis, legitimation,
and interpretation) stages of the qualitative research process. Thus, we hope that
researchers from the social and behavioral sciences and beyond consider using our
sampling design framework so that they can design qualitative inquiries in ways that
address the challenges of representation, legitimation, and praxis.
Some interpretivists might reject our typology because they believe that
comparing subgroups represents a shift to the quantitative paradigm (e.g., analysis of
variance). However, rather than representing a paradigm shift, we contend that our
typology represents an elaboration of existing understanding about sampling cases and
analyzing data. Thus, we hope that other qualitative research methodologists build on the
typology provided in this article and/or develop other typologies that help bring
qualitative researchers closer to “verstehen”.
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Author Note
Anthony Onwuegbuzie, Ph.D., is professor in the Department of Educational
Leadership and Counseling at Sam Houston State University. He teaches courses in
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie and Nancy L. Leech 254
doctoral-level qualitative research, quantitative research, and mixed
methods. His research topics primarily involve disadvantaged and under-served
populations such as minorities, children living in war zones, students with special
needs, and juvenile delinquents. Also, he writes extensively on qualitative,
quantitative, and mixed methodological topics.
Dr. Nancy L. Leech is an assistant professor at the University of Colorado
at Denver and Health Sciences Center. Dr. Leech is currently teaching master's-
and Ph.D.-level courses in research, statistics, and measurement. Her areas
of research include promoting new developments and better understandings in
applied methodology.
Correspondence should be addressed to Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Department of
Educational Leadership and Counseling, Box 2119, Sam Houston State University,
Huntsville, Texas, 77341-2119; Email: [email protected]
Copyright 2007: Anthony Onwuegbuzie, Nancy L. Leech, and Nova Southeastern
Article Citation
Onwuegbuzie, A., & Leech, N. L. (2007). Sampling designs in qualitative research:
Making the sampling process more public. The Qualitative Report, 12(2), 238-
254. Retrieved [Insert date], from