Annual ADFSL Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law
Textbooks for Computer Forensic Courses: A Preliminary Study Textbooks for Computer Forensic Courses: A Preliminary Study
Jigang Liu
Department of Information and Computer Sciences, Metropolitan State University, St. Paul, Minnesota
Larry Gottschalk
Department of Information and Computer Sciences, Metropolitan State University, St. Paul, Minnesota
Kuodi Jian
Department of Information and Computer Sciences, Metropolitan State University, St. Paul, Minnesota
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Liu, Jigang; Gottschalk, Larry; and Jian, Kuodi, "Textbooks for Computer Forensic Courses: A Preliminary
Study" (2007).
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Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2007
Textbooks for Computer Forensic Courses: A Preliminary Study
Jigang Liu,
Larry Gottschalk,
Kuodi Jian
Department of Information and Computer Sciences
Metropolitan State University
St. Paul, Minnesota USA
As computer forensics develops into one of the fastest-growing areas in the computer related fields,
many universities and colleges are offering or are planning to offer a course in computer forensics.
When instructors begin to develop a new course in the area, one of critical questions they would ask is
what textbook should be used. To better answer the question, we conducted a study in which we tried
to find which textbooks are being used in computer forensic courses. We believe that the results and
analysis of our study will help instructors in choosing adequate textbooks for their new course in
computer forensics.
With a loss of more than hundred millions dollars due to computer related crimes [3], the prosecution
of criminal activities in cyberspace has become a critical issue. As a result, the demand for the
professionals with the expertise in collecting, identifying, reconstructing, preserving, analyzing, and
presenting digital evidence in a court of law has been increasing radically. In addition, as stated in [2]
the number of incoming freshmen in computer science dropped significantly between 2000 and 2004
by an alarming 60%, the authors suggest recenter or revamp computer science programs through
updating the curriculum. According to their recommendation, computer forensics is one of the
innovative themes in freshman-sophomore courses.
In responding to this demand and also re-energizing the computer science education, many universities
and colleges have recently begun or are planning to offer a curriculum or a course in computer
forensics as predicted by the authors of [11] and surveyed by the authors of [5]. The experience from
the curriculum design for an undergraduate program were introduced in [6, 7] and for a graduate
program was discussed in [8]. The issues on course development were presented in [9,10]. To know
how to design labs one can find some suggestions in [4, 9].Although designing a course in computer
forensics is a primary task, choosing an adequate textbook also plays a significant role in developing
and then teaching the course.
In this paper, we will first present the method used in the study and then illustrate the results found
over the Internet. The analysis and discussion over the finding is provided next. Finally, the conclusion
of the study is given.
Although computer forensics is a new area of study, there are more than 50 books published on the
topic. To find one or two books suitable for a computer forensics course is not an easy task due to
many concerns, such as the topics covered in the book, the background of the instructor, the
prerequisites for taking the course, and the availability of hardware and software.
In order to setup a solid foundation for the analysis of the selection of a textbook for a computer
Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2007
forensics course, we decided to collect information from two ends. One is to gather information on all
the books on computer forensics so that a pool of the books is available for the selection. The other is
to examine all the online syllabi on computer forensics so that the current selections of the textbooks
are available for the analysis.
Two sources were mainly used to collect computer forensics books. One is
) and the other is ( Both websites have a
sound collection of computer forensic books while has more updated information. In
addition to the titles of the books, other information has been recorded as well, such as when it was
published, if a CD is included, and the cost. To help us to look up the data, we have created an E-Card,
as shown in Figure 1, for each book we found.
Figure 1 E-Card for Recording a Computer Forensic Textbook
To locate all the computer forensic course syllabi that are available over the Internet is a bit time
consuming. The search is based on the google search engine with the key words “computer forensic
course syllabus.” Based on the syllabi found over the Internet we can uncover what textbooks have
been used and then determine which has the most adoption (?, the “most adoption” phrase is
confusing). As for a computer forensic book, we have also created an E-Card for each syllabus we
found, as shown in Figure 2. Through a CF-course E-Card, we can obtain all the information we need,
such as the category of the institution, research institution vs. teaching institution vs. two-year
colleges; the department which offers the course, computer science vs. management information
systems vs. or criminal justice; the textbook or textbooks used, a single textbook vs. multiple
textbooks; the type of the course, a lecture-based course vs. an online course vs. an independent study
course vs. a hands-on course; and the level of the course, graduate-level vs. senior-level vs. junior-
level vs. sophomore-level vs. freshmen-level, etc.
Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2007
Figure 2: E-Card for Recording a Computer Forensics Course Syllabus
Through the two resources mentioned previously, we located 75 books that relates to computer
forensics. The google search on computer forensic course syllabus returned 792 hits on Sept. 20, 2006.
By checking each of the hits, we found 53 course syllabi among 41 institutions. Out of 53 syllabi, 23
different books have been chosen as the textbooks. Table 1 indicates the categories of institutions
which offer at least one course in computer forensics. Table 2 shows how the courses offered through
various departments. The distribution among the levels of the courses is presented in Table 3. Table 4
provides the three most frequently used textbooks. The way in which the three most popular books are
distributed among the 53 syllabi is given in Table 5.
Table 1 Distribution over Institution Categories (N=53)
Category # of course Percentage
Research Institution 19 36
Teaching Institution 31 58
Two-year College 3 6
Table 2 Distribution over Departments (N=53)
Department # of course Percentage
Computer Science 32 60
Criminal Justice 3 6
Business 10 19
Other (Interdisciplinary) 8 15
Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2007
Table 3 Distribution over Level of courses (N=53)
Academic Level # of course Percentage
Graduate 16 31
Junior or Senior 28 54
Freshmen or Sophomore 9 18
Table 4 Three most chosen textbooks
Title Author(s) Year
Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigation Phillips, A. et al. 2005
Computer Forensics: Incident Response
Kruse, W. and Heiser, J. 2001
Incident Response: Computer Forensics Prosise, C. and Mandia, K. 2003
Table 5 Distribution over three popular books (N=53)
Book # of course Percentage
Phillips and et. al. 14 26
Kruse and Heiser 8 15
Prosise and Mandia 5 9
Based on the search result provided above, we found there has not been a dominate textbook chosen
by a majority of the institutions. Although the Phillips’s book has the highest rate of adoption, only
one in four schools selected this book.
Teaching institutions have been taking the lead in offering courses in computer forensics. Research
institutions also represent a good percentage in offering the course. In terms of departments, computer
science has led the crowd. But the study might not be 100 percent accurate because many criminal
justice departments might not post the syllabi on the Internet. The low percentage attributed to two-
year colleges might also be caused by this reason.
More than 80 percent of the courses have been offered at junior or above level, which indicates the
subject needs a higher prerequisite than many other courses. More than 30 percent of the courses have
been offered as a graduate level course, which indicates that there is a fair number of people who
believe the course should be offered at a graduate level.
The major components of the courses we found are lectures, labs, case studies, and guest speakers.
Most of courses were offered by a single instructor but some of them were team-taught. Some
universities hired adjunct faculty to teach the skill-based and experience-concentrated components
while the full-time faculty covered subjects that are more theory and foundation related. A detailed
discussion on the design and construction of computer forensics courses will be presented in a future
In this paper, we did a primary survey over the available websites provided by the instructors. We
appreciate their generosity in sharing their teaching materials with everyone so that this study could be
conducted. We realize that a few of schools did not make their teaching materials available on the
Internet or removed their teaching materials from the Internet after the classes were over.
We concurred with the opinion presented in [1] that “analogies should not be applied too rigidly or
rigorously.” The new program needs the room and time to be further developed and the
standardization will prevent it from being fully and healthily developed. “Most importantly, for the
Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2007
analogy to gain some validity, the next logical step is to look for evidence of concomitant speciation
toward security, assurance and forensics concerns in colleges of business and to digital concerns in
criminal justice.”
Computer forensics is a growing field and that requires more attention and more coordination to keep
it healthy and growing. It is normal for a young field to not have a dominated textbook. As more
studies are conducted and more experience is gathered, a consensus on the textbook as well as the
topics in a course will be eventually reached.
[1] Cooper, P., “Speciation in the Computer Sciences: Digital Forensics as an Emerging Academic
Discipline,” Information Security Curriculum Development Conference ’05, Sept. 23-24, 2005,
Kennesaw, GA.
[2] Denning, P. and McGettrick, A., “Recentering Computer Science,” Communication of the ACM,
Nov. 2005, Vol. 48, No. 11, pp15-19
[3] Dixon, P. “An Overview of Computer Forensics,” IEEE Potentials, Dec. 2005, pp7-10
[4] Francia, G., “Digital Forensics Laboratory Projects,” Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges,
Volume 21 Issue 5, May 2006, Information Security Curriculum Development Conference ’05,
Sept. 23-24, 2005, Kennesaw, GA
[5] Gottschalk, L., Liu, J., Dathan, B. Fitzgerald, S. and Stein, M., “Computer Forensics Programs in
Higher Education: A Preliminary Study,” proceedings of the 36
ACM/SIGCSE Technical
Symposium on Computer Science Education, Feb. 23-27, 2005, St. Louis, MO
[6] Kessler, G. C. and Schirling, M. E., “The Design of an Undergraduate Degree Program in
Computer and Digital Forensics,” Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, Vol. 1(3), 2006
[7] Liu, J. “Developing an Innovative Baccalaureate Program in Computer Forensics,” proceedings
of the 36
ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Oct. 28 – 31, 2006, San Diego, CA
[8] McGuire, T. and Murff, K., “Issues in the Development of a Digital Forensics Curriculum,”
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 22, Issue 2 (December 2006), pp 274-280
[9] Troell, L. Pan, Y. and Stackpole, B., “Forensic Course Development,” Proceedings of the 4
Conference on Information Technology Curriculum (CITC4 ’03), Oct. 16-18, 2003, Lafayette, IN
[10] Troell, L. Pan, Y. and Stackpole, B., “Forensic Course Development: One Year Later”
Proceedings of the 5
Conference on Information Technology Curriculum (CITC5 ’04), Oct. 28-
30, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah
[11] Yasinsac, A. and et. al., “Computer Forensics Education,” IEEE Security and Privacy, July-
August, 2003, pp15-23
Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 2007