State of the Practice
of Computer Security
Incident Response
Teams (CSIRTs)
Georgia Killcrece
Klaus-Peter Kossakowski
Robin Ruefle
Mark Zajicek
October 2003
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
State of the Practice
of Computer Security Incident
Response Teams (CSIRTs)
Georgia Killcrece
Klaus-Peter Kossakowski
Robin Ruefle
Mark Zajicek
October 2003
Networked Systems Survivability Program
Unlimited distribution subject to the copyright.
This report was prepared for the
SEI Joint Program Office
5 Eglin Street
Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2116
The ideas and findings in this report should not be construed as an official DoD position. It is published in the interest of
scientific and technical information exchange.
Christos Scondras
Chief of Programs, XPK
This work is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense. The Software Engineering Institute is a
federally funded research and development center sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Copyright 2003 Carnegie Mellon University.
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CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 i
Table of Contents
Who is the CERT CSIRT Development Team and What Do They Do? ................ix
Preface ....................................................................................................................xi
1 Introduction .....................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose of the Document..........................................................................3
1.2 Scope of the Document.............................................................................3
1.3 Intended Audience.....................................................................................4
1.4 Use of this Document ................................................................................5
1.5 Document Structure...................................................................................6
1.6 About the Survey.......................................................................................6
1.7 About the Literature Search.......................................................................8
2 Computer Security Incident Response Teams............................................11
2.1 What is a CSIRT?....................................................................................11
2.2 Types of CSIRTs......................................................................................14
2.3 History and Development of CSIRT Capabilities......................................17
2.3.1 The Early Beginnings...................................................................17
2.3.2 The Creation of FIRST.................................................................20
2.3.3 Europe Becomes Involved ...........................................................21
2.3.4 Initiatives in the Asia Pacific Region.............................................27
2.3.5 Initiatives in Latin America ...........................................................30
2.3.6 Developments in Canada.............................................................32
2.3.7 Developments in the United States..............................................33
2.3.8 Other Initiatives in CSIRT Development and Evolution ................34
2.3.9 Today’s Activities.........................................................................35
3 Current State of the Practice of CSIRTs.......................................................37
3.1 Number and Type of CSIRTs Today.........................................................37
3.1.1 The Growth of FIRST Teams.......................................................38
3.1.2 Growth in European CSIRTs........................................................39
ii CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
3.1.3 Total Registered CSIRTs............................................................. 40
3.1.4 CSIRT Growth by General Category ........................................... 42
3.1.5 Other Trends............................................................................... 46
3.1.6 The Spread of CSIRTs ................................................................ 47
3.2 CSIRT Organizational Structure .............................................................. 49
3.2.1 Constituency................................................................................ 49
3.2.2 Mission........................................................................................ 51
3.2.3 Organizational Placement of the CSIRT...................................... 51
3.2.4 CSIRT Authority .......................................................................... 53
3.3 Funding and Costs.................................................................................. 54
3.3.1 Funding Strategies ...................................................................... 55
3.3.2 Budgets....................................................................................... 56
3.3.3 Staff Costs................................................................................... 57
3.3.4 The Cost of an Incident ............................................................... 58
3.3.5 Making a Case to Management................................................... 62
3.4 Services.................................................................................................. 65
3.5 Staffing.................................................................................................... 71
3.5.1 Staff Size..................................................................................... 71
3.5.2 Staff Positions ............................................................................. 72
3.5.3 Staff Skills ................................................................................... 76
3.5.4 Staff Burnout ............................................................................... 78
3.6 Training and Certification ........................................................................ 79
3.7 Processes............................................................................................... 81
3.7.1 Defining Computer Security Incidents and Other Incident
Response Terminology................................................................ 82
3.7.2 Having a Plan.............................................................................. 84
3.7.3 Incident Handling Process or Methodology.................................. 87
3.7.4 Receiving Incident Data............................................................... 88
3.7.5 Recording and Tracking CSIRT Data .......................................... 89
3.7.6 Categorizing and Prioritizing Incident Reports............................. 95
3.7.7 Incident Response Processes ..................................................... 98
3.7.8 Computer Forensics Activities ................................................... 100
3.7.9 Answering the CSIRT Hotline.................................................... 102
3.7.10 Hours of Operation.................................................................... 102
3.7.11 Types of Incidents ..................................................................... 103
3.7.12 Number of Incidents .................................................................. 104
3.7.13 Secure Communications Mechanisms Used.............................. 105
3.7.14 Coordination and Information Sharing ....................................... 105
3.7.15 Documenting Policies and Procedures...................................... 108
3.8 Changes in Intruder Attacks and Tools.................................................. 109
3.8.1 Impact on Incident Response .................................................... 112
3.9 Legal Issues and Cyber Crime Laws......................................................114
3.9.1 International Cyber Crime Laws................................................. 115
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 iii
3.9.2 United States Cyber Crime Laws ...............................................118
3.10 Current Projects ....................................................................................118
3.10.1 Coordination and Collaboration..................................................119
3.10.2 Standards for Sharing or Collecting Information.........................122
3.10.3 Incident Data Collection.............................................................124
3.10.4 Tools..........................................................................................127
3.10.5 Research ...................................................................................128
3.11 Current Problems ..................................................................................128
3.12 Resources.............................................................................................130
3.12.1 Case Study Examples................................................................130
3.12.2 Sample Templates, Checklists, Process Guides, Flowcharts.....130
4 Summary......................................................................................................133
5 Future Work .................................................................................................137
6 Closing Remarks.........................................................................................139
Appendix A CSIRT Organizational Survey......................................................141
Appendix B: Comparison of Incident Response Steps and Processes..........151
Appendix C: Training Sources for CSIRTs .......................................................157
Appendix D: Cyber Crime Law Resources.......................................................165
Appendix E: Sample Incident Reporting Forms and Flowcharts....................179
Index .......................................................................................................259
iv CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
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List of Figures
Figure 1: Multi-Layered Infrastructure Defense ......................................................1
Figure 2: Demographics of CSIRT Survey Participants ..........................................7
Figure 3: Timeline of Internet Worm Attack and Creation of CERT/CC.................19
Figure 4: Growth of FIRST Teams since 1990......................................................39
Figure 5: Growth in Registered Teams by Geographic Distribution.......................41
Figure 6: Growth by Year of Total Number of Registered CSIRTs.........................42
Figure 7: Sector Distribution of Registered CSIRTs by Geographic Area..............43
Figure 8: Differentiation of Trends in North America and Europe..........................45
Figure 9: Organizational Sector Representation for 2000–2002 CERT/CC
CSIRT Classes......................................................................................46
Figure 10: Example of Team Sponsorship and Propagation of CSIRTs ..................48
Figure 11: Constituencies of Survey Participants ...................................................50
Figure 12: Budget Ranges for CSIRT Organizational Survey Participants..............57
Figure 13: The Incident Life Cycle..........................................................................87
Figure 14: Attack Sophistication Versus Required Intruder Knowledge ................ 110
vi CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
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List of Tables
Table 1: CSIRT Acronyms and Names................................................................13
Table 2: CSIRT Organizational Models...............................................................15
Table 3: List of Founding FIRST Members..........................................................21
Table 4: Total Registered European CSIRTs.......................................................40
Table 5: Geographical Distribution of Registered CSIRTs ...................................41
Table 6: North American and European CSIRTs by Subcategory........................44
Table 7: CSIRT Funding Strategies.....................................................................55
Table 8: Example of Calculating Incident Costs ..................................................60
Table 9: CSIRT Services by Category.................................................................66
Table 10: Features of a CSIRT Tracking System ..................................................91
Table 11: Incident Reporting Forms......................................................................92
Table 12: Methods of Categorizing and Prioritizing Incident Reports and Activity..95
Table 13: Severity Levels of the National Hurricane Preparedness Center ...........97
Table 14: Challenges Faced by CSIRTs..............................................................129
viii CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 ix
Who is the CERT CSIRT Development
Team and What Do They Do?
The CERT CSIRT Development Team helps organizations build their own computer security
incident response teams (CSIRTs) and also helps existing teams enhance their effectiveness.
The team is an outgrowth of the work and products developed in the CERT Coordination
Center (CERT/CC). Our focus is to assist new and existing teams in understanding best prac-
tices and recommendations for performing incident handling and related CSIRT services. The
guidance provided is based on the history and experiences of the CERT/CC, along with
knowledge gained from our extensive collaborations with other teams.
To help organizations, we
develop and teach courses related to CSIRTs
work with teams to
develop strategies to plan and implement CSIRTs
develop best practices for operating CSIRTs
adopt CSIRT policies and standard operating procedures
collaborate with teams to develop documents, templates, and checklists to assist in the
incident handling process
license courses to organizations and train their trainers to deliver the materials
For more information, please contact
x CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 xi
Since the Internet Worm incident in 1988 triggered the creation of the CERT Coordination
Center (CERT/CC), we have seen continued growth in the establishment of CSIRTs. Al-
though these types of organizations may have different names, they all have an equivalent
goal: to be a focal point for preventing, receiving, and responding to computer security inci-
As we have worked with organizations to help them create or expand their incident response
capability, we have found that there are certain questions that we are repeatedly asked, in-
How many staff members do I need?
How much will it cost?
What services should I provide?
Where should the CSIRT be located in our organizational structure?
What are other organizations similar to mine doing?
Our answer to these questions is an honest but usually unsatisfactory “it depends…” It de-
pends on the sector in which the CSIRT is located, it depends on the constituency that is be-
ing served and supported, it depends on the CSIRT’s mission and scope, it depends on the
expertise of the CSIRT staff, it depends on the available funding, and it depends on the meas-
ures and approaches already taken for risk and security management in the organization.
Much of the information available today relating to CSIRT structures and costs is anecdotal
in nature. Few people that we know of have taken a systematic look at the structure and ser-
vices of CSIRTs. We wanted to begin to gather empirical data to help us determine if there
truly were any standard answers to the above questions. We knew that the answers were still
going to include an “it depends…” but we also felt that by collecting this information for ex-
isting CSIRTs, we might begin to see some trends we did not expect. We were also interested
in seeing if there were common answers to these questions based on the type of CSIRT an
organization implemented. As a final goal, we wanted to validate what we thought were the
answers to the questions being asked by comparing our findings with existing theories and
assumptions. In all, the work we’ve done on this project will help us better understand the
state of existing CSIRT practices and allow us to provide better guidance for new teams and
for existing teams seeking to improve their operations.
xii CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
This document provides a view of the current state of the CSIRT practice as we see it. We
recognize that as teams form, mature, and expand their services and capabilities, and as the
Internet and intruder threats evolve that CSIRTs practices will also evolve. However, we be-
lieve this document is a useful representation of information available at this time. We hope
that this will provide guidance to those of you who are establishing CSIRTs or looking to
benchmark your existing CSIRT. Certainly it will be available as a basis for any further dis-
cussion or research on these topics.
This document will also provide a general reference for teams, with links and information on
CSIRT processes, articles and white papers, training materials, and legal issues. Please note
that all information mentioned here is for information purposes only. Inclusion in this report
does not constitute an endorsement by the CERT/CC.
The material in this report is based on the information we have collected through our own
experiences, discussions with and observations of other CSIRTs, research and review of ex-
isting publications and literature related to CSIRTs and incident response, and the results of a
pilot survey of some existing teams. We want to continue to learn, so if you have comments
on this document, or if you want to share your opinions or suggest additions to this docu-
ment, please contact us. We regularly attend FIRST conferences and teach CSIRT courses,
and can be contacted in person or reached as a group by sending email to
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 xiii
We would like to express our deep appreciation to our colleagues in the incident handling
community who either reviewed this document or provided information for inclusion in this
Andreas Bunten, DFN-CERT
Andrew Cormack, UKERNA
John Green, JANET-CERT
Cristine Hoepers, NBSO/Brazilian CERT
Yurie Ito, JPCERT Coordination Center
Juan Carlos Guel Lopéz, UNAM-CERT
Rob McMillan, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Liliana Velásquez Solha, CAIS/RNP, Brazilian Research Network
Moira West-Brown, former team lead for the CERT/CC incident handling team and the
CERT CSIRT Development Team
They gave us insight, recommendations and suggestions; provided information and resources
we would not otherwise have had access to; and generally helped to make this a better docu-
ment. Thank you all very, very much.
We want to thank every organization that completed our pilot survey. Without the representa-
tives from these CSIRTs taking time to complete the survey, we would not have had the ini-
tial data presented here. For reasons of confidentiality, we cannot list their names here, but
they know who they are and again, we thank you most deeply.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the following people for their contributions, sup-
port, and assistance in the production of this document.
Barbara Laswell – who never wavered in providing her support, encouragement, and
guidance as we set about our research and analysis, and who provided us the time and re-
sources to undertake this work.
Moira West-Brown, Don Stikvoort, and Klaus-Peter Kossakowski – for initially writing the
first edition of the Handbook for CSIRTs [West-Brown 03], stimulating our thoughts and in-
spiring us to take the next steps in our CSIRT development work.
xiv CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Katherine Fithen for her continued support of our CSIRT development activities and for
being an excellent resource, advisor, and friend.
Pamela Curtis – for her dedication and perseverance in guiding us through the technical
report process, editing our multitude of changes, and helping give the document one voice.
Stephanie Rogers – for researching legal issues as they apply to incident response and
providing us with links to relevant legal resources.
Sheila Rosenthal and Terry Ireland – our library staff, for their incredible researching
skills, assistance, and support.
David Biber – our graphics artist, who helped us with the graphics in this publication and
helped with the production of the example documents included in Appendix E.
Diane Bradley and Pam Williams – who help us daily to synthesize, review, and organize
information and whose support helps us to continue to be effective in the work we do.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 xv
Keeping organizational information assets secure in todays interconnected computing envi-
ronment is a challenge that becomes more difficult with each new “e” product and each new
intruder tool. There is no one solution for securing information assets; instead a multi-layered
security strategy is required. One of the layers that many organizations are including in their
strategy today is a computer security incident response team, or CSIRT. This report provides
an objective study of the state of the practice of incident response, based on information
about how CSIRTs around the world are operating. It covers CSIRT services, projects, proc-
esses, structures, and literature, as well as training, legal, and operational issues. The report
can serve as a resource both to new teams that are setting up their operations and to existing
CSIRTs that are interested in benchmarking their operations.
xvi CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 1
1 Introduction
Keeping organizational information assets secure in todays interconnected computing envi-
ronment is a true challenge that becomes more difficult with each new “e” product and each
new intruder tool. Most organizations realize that there is no one solution for securing sys-
tems and data; instead a multi-layered security strategy is required.
host local
Figure 1: Multi-Layered Infrastructure Defense
One of the layers that many organizations are including in their strategy today is the creation
of a computer security incident response team, or CSIRT.
Motivators driving the establishment of CSIRTs today include
a general increase in the number and type of organizations being affected by computer
security incidents
a more focused awareness by organizations on the need for security policies and practices
as part of their overall risk-management strategies
new laws and regulations that affect how organizations are required to protect informa-
tion assets
the realization that systems and network administrators alone cannot protect organiza-
tional systems and assets
2 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Although CSIRTs have been in existence since 1988, the development of CSIRTs and the in-
cident response field is still in its infancy. It has not yet become a standardized field of prac-
tice but it is rapidly moving to a more standardized discipline. Many organizations are look-
ing to formalize their incident response methodologies, processes, and organizational
As organizations move to establish dedicated
or ad hoc
CSIRTs they are actively looking
for guidance to see what has worked for other similar organizations. They want to know how
many staff a CSIRT in a similar sector has, how they operate their incident response service,
or what tools they use to record and track incident reports.
Currently there are no standard answers to these questions. CSIRTs can take many forms and
have different requirements, responsibilities, functions, and structures.
We have seen CSIRTs
whose staff only review intrusion detection logs, while other CSIRT staff recover and rebuild
systems, provide security awareness training, analyze artifacts
, publish alerts and advisories,
and perform security audits and consulting.
This report is a start at collecting information about CSIRTs across a very broad canvas of
The information for this report was gathered through
our collective experiences in working with CSIRTs in the incident response work we
have done over the years, the collaborations we have had, and the courses that we teach
a literature search and review of related articles, books, and other documents concerning
incident response, including existing or pending laws, legislation, and regulations that
will have an impact on incident response work
a pilot survey of CSIRT organizational structures. This survey was distributed to course
attendees at the 14th Annual Computer Security Incident Handling Conference (FIRST)
Conference in Hawaii in 2002 and to various other CSIRTs. Appendix A contains a copy
of the pilot survey form.
A formalized team is a capability where identified staff have been given the responsibility for both
reactive and proactive CSIRT work.
An ad hoc team is a team called together to handle an incident as it occurs. It is more reactive in
The different types of CSIRT organizational models are described in the SEI handbook CMU/SEI-
2003-HB-001, Organizational Models for CSIRTs, which will be published in the fall of 2003.
Artifacts are basically the remnants of an intruder attack or activity. For example, malicious code
or toolkits found on a compromised system would be considered artifacts.
If you are interesting in adding to the general knowledge of CSIRTs by filling out a survey, you
can request a copy via email from [email protected].
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 3
conducting follow-up discussions with CSIRTs who completed the survey and stated that
they would participate in follow-up work
collaborating with team members and other experts in the CSIRT environment to gather
information on current processes, projects, and response trends
researching and reviewing existing CSIRT-related, computer security-related, and inci-
dent response-related web sites and corresponding articles and white papers at those sites
1.1 Purpose of the Document
The purpose of this report is to provide an objective study of the state of the practice of
CSIRTs and to present this information in a manner that will be beneficial for the CSIRT
community. The report attempts to synthesize information about how those in the CSIRT
field are operating their teams, and then provide this information as a resource to both new
teams that are setting up their operations and existing CSIRTs that are interested in bench-
marking their operations.
The report will also serve as a reference for CSIRTs, as it will provide a consolidated re-
source of information on CSIRT projects; literature; training, legal, and operational issues;
and sample CSIRT processes and structures.
The information collected will also be used as the basis for identifying areas for further re-
search and best practice development.
1.2 Scope of the Document
This document is a summary of the findings of the research done through the State of the
Practice project. The State of the Practice project was conducted by the CERT CSIRT Devel-
opment Team. The purpose of the State of the Practice project is to gain a better understand-
ing of the CSIRT structures, functions, and services. Currently, much of the information
available about CSIRTs is anecdotal. Our goal is to collect and analyze more empirical data
to provide better insight into various CSIRT organizational structures and best practices.
This document is not an attempt to give a comprehensive review of all CSIRTs, CSIRT activi-
ties and projects, or CSIRT literature, training, or related legal issues. It is, however, an at-
tempt to provide a general overview of these areas and issues. (In this dynamic environment,
it is difficult to keep information up to date.) The findings and information presented here are
4 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
based on a sampling of CSIRTs done via survey; our own research, interviews, and observa-
; and input and observations from others in the field.
This document provides information about CSIRTs at a particular point in time—June 2002
through August 2003. Although some of the information is time constrained, the resulting
information can still provide useful insights for organizations planning to create or expand an
incident response capability or formal CSIRT.
The focus of the document is the collection of data to understand how CSIRTs are structured
and how they operate and to determine if there are any trends particular to a certain type of
CSIRT or CSIRT sector.
This document does not try to make any recommendations for best practices or processes in
day-to-day CSIRT activities. It is simply synthesizing and presenting the information gath-
This document also does not include a review or discussion of broader security standards
such as those from the International Standards Organization (ISO) or British Standards (BS).
1.3 Intended Audience
The primary audience for this document includes the general CSIRT community who may
want a better understanding of the structure and functions of existing teams. It will also bene-
fit those individuals and organizations looking to join the CSIRT community. It is specifically
targeted at those managers and individuals who are involved in the process of creating and
operating a CSIRT or managing incident activity. This may include
Organizational Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Security Officers (CSOs), and
Information Systems Security Officers (ISSOs)
project leaders and members charged with creating a team
CSIRT managers
CSIRT staff
IT managers
As well as being a useful reference for higher management levels and all CSIRT staff, this
document can also be of use to other individuals who interact with CSIRTs and would benefit
from an understanding of CSIRT organizational issues. This may include members of the
All contributions were provided voluntarily.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 5
CSIRT constituency
law enforcement community
systems and network administrator community
CSIRT parent organization or other departments within the parent organization such as
media or public relations
human resources
audits and risk management
investigations and crisis management
1.4 Use of this Document
This document was developed for use as both a stand-alone document and as a companion
document to two other reports from the Software Engineering Institute:
Handbook for CSIRTs, CMU/SEI-2003-HB-002 [West-Brown 03]
Organizational Models for CSIRTs, CMU/SEI-2003-HB-001
As a stand-alone document, this report can be used as an information reference by anyone
interested in CSIRT activities. The document also provides information on
the evolution and development of teams
the types and numbers of teams existing today
preliminary statistics on the types of CSIRT structures and processes gathered through
the pilot survey
current articles, publications, and training that may be of interest to anyone involved in
incident response activities
some current projects that teams may want to join or review
resources that teams may want to use or review
current challenges and issues that are being addressed by the CSIRT community
This document can be used in conjunction with the other two reports mentioned above to
provide guidance for teams on the options for organizing and operating a CSIRT. It can be
used at the early stage of CSIRT development to provide ideas for organizational structures
and service offerings. It can also be used to help gather management buy-in and support and,
after support has been gathered, to strategically plan and develop a team. Looking at what
existing teams are doing can provide ideas for other teams and help existing teams plan their
Organizational Models for CSIRTs will be published in the fall of 2003.
6 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
future growth. It can also be used to provide justification to management for requesting cer-
tain resources, funding, and support.
Each team will have its own circumstances, mission, and goals. These three reports provide
information on alternatives and options for team operations and organization. None of the
reports demand that you follow a particular course of operations.
Use the Handbook for CSIRTs [West-Brown 03] for specific in-depth informational guidance
for issues relating to the establishment and operation of a CSIRT. Use Organizational Models
for CSIRTs to understand the specific issues to be addressed when determining the model for
your CSIRT. Use the State of the Practice report for examples of what other teams are doing
and as an information resource and overview of CSIRT processes, structures, and resources.
1.5 Document Structure
The remainder of this document is organized as follows:
Section 2 Overview of what a CSIRT is and why it is beneficial; description of
the types of CSIRTs and the history of CSIRTs
Section 3 Overview of the state of the practice of CSIRTs
Section 4 Summary of the state of the practice of CSIRTs and what is still miss-
ing; discussion of any noteworthy special topics resulting from the
Section 5 Discussion of future work that can be done based on this report
Section 6 Where to get more help, where to read more, where to continue
Appendix A CSIRT Organizational Survey
Appendix B Comparison of incident response steps and processes
Appendix C Training resources for CSIRTs
Appendix D Cyber law resources
Appendix E Sample incident reporting forms, templates, and flowcharts
1.6 About the Survey
The CERT CSIRT Development Team worked with other members of the CMU community
to construct a pilot survey to collect information about the current organizational processes
and structures of CSIRTs. The survey was distributed during June through August 2002. The
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 7
survey was an informal method of collecting information (no scientific sampling was done).
The number of surveys collected did not constitute a statistical sample, so the results cannot
be reviewed in such a light. However, the results did provide some interesting data that is
shared in this report. The CERT CSIRT Development Team plans to continue to collect data
through the use of an improved survey over the next few years.
Results from the 29 surveys collected as of the writing of the report have been incorporated
into various sections of this report. The contents of the survey can be viewed in Appendix A.
The pilot survey was completed by a broad spectrum of CSIRTs across many countries and
sectors. The majority of the CSIRTs participating in the survey were from the United States
(38%) and Europe (34%). Other geographic areas represented were South America and the
Asia Pacific region. The total number of countries that participated in the survey was 12.
There were a few teams who stated that they were a global organization rather than represent-
ing one country.
Demographics of CSIRT Survey Participants
Law Enforcement
Banking and
and Information
Figure 2: Demographics of CSIRT Survey Participants
The majority of the CSIRTs were from the military (28%) and education (21%) sectors. Other
sectors represented were communication and information (14%), non-profit (14%), banking
and finance (7%), law enforcement (3%), public administration (3%), and other commercial
organizations (10%).
8 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
The participating CSIRTs also represented teams that had been in operation for over two
years (62%) and those who were just starting
(21%). The modal
years of operation for the
CSIRTs participating were four to six years (34%). The rest fell into the one to two year range
(28%) and the seven to eight year range (17%).
Only 17% of the participating CSIRTs stated that their CSIRT was located across multiple
countries. The number of countries that these CSIRTs were distributed across ranged from 2
to 103. The CSIRT located in 103 countries was in the banking and finance sector.
1.7 About the Literature Search
In 1988, when the CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) was established, there was not
much information available that described incident response or incident handling in detail.
The good news today is that there is a growing body of literature that is available and that can
be easily found using your favorite web search engine. (For example, at the time we were
writing this document, a search on incident response provided about 15,000 links—some
were duplicates, others were pointers to bookstores, sites, articles, and other references on
this topic.) The more challenging task is sifting through all this data to find information that
meets your specific requirements for incident handling operations and building a CSIRT ca-
In our literature review for this state of the practice, we examined books, white papers, arti-
cles, guidelines, procedures, and other similar information and research available on the web
and in print.
Our examination of the literature identified a few broad-based observations that will be of
interest to new or existing CSIRTs to further increase their overall knowledge and under-
standing of incident handling, team responsibilities, team composition, and policy and proce-
dure issues:
There is a growing base of anecdotal and case study information appearing in print about
not only the formation and organization of CSIRTs, but also on the general types of ac-
tivities these teams undertake and how they perform them.
More information is available about the management and costs related to building and
operating incident response teams.
In operation for less than one year.
Modal in this case means the most frequently reported.
In talking to other corporate CSIRTs, it was often the case that those that support multinational
corporations have distributed teams in each country where their branch offices are located.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 9
There are some common functions suggested for incident response activities within a
CSIRT—even if these functions are “grouped” somewhat differently across the literature.
There are many similarities in CSIRT processes; however, within the day-to-day opera-
tions of a CSIRT, the way in which these processes are implemented and the depth and
breadth of the services that are provided may be very different.
Many of the resources we reviewed provided various levels of detail on approaches for han-
dling incidents. A number of them also provided information about
defining incident response and other terminology
developing an incident response plan
identifying issues and steps in forming a computer security incident response team
defining mission, goals, operations, and responsibilities
identifying services and level of support
determining the constituency base
documenting policies and procedures
tracking and tracing incidents
performing computer forensic analysis
Many of the resources also include
general trends in incident handling and intruder attacks
example case studies and other CSIRT stories
sample templates, checklists, process guides, or flowcharts related to incident handling
Where appropriate, these resources and any trends, commonalities, or processes extracted
from them were included in this document.
10 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 11
2 Computer Security Incident Response
2.1 What is a CSIRT?
Computer networks have revolutionized the way business is done, but they have also intro-
duced substantial risk. Changes in society’s use of technology have provided new opportuni-
ties for intrusions. Changes in organizational data protection requirements, local and national
laws, and institutional regulations have made it imperative to address security concerns at an
enterprise level. Even the best information security infrastructure cannot guarantee that intru-
sions or other malicious acts will not happen. When computer security incidents occur, it is
critical for an organization to have an effective way to respond. The speed with which an or-
ganization can recognize, analyze, and respond to an incident will limit the damage and lower
the cost of recovery.
A CSIRT is a service organization that is responsible for receiving, reviewing, and respond-
ing to computer security incident reports and activity. Its services are usually performed for a
defined constituency that could be a parent entity such as a corporation, government, or edu-
cational organization; a region or country; a research network; or a paid client.
Part of a CSIRT’s function can be compared in concept to a fire department. When a fire oc-
curs, the fire department is called into action. They go to the scene, review the damage, ana-
lyze the fire pattern, and determine the course of action to take. They then contain the fire and
extinguish it. This is similar to the reactive functions of a CSIRT. A CSIRT will receive re-
quests for assistance and reports of threats, attack, scans, misuse of resources, or unauthor-
ized access to data and information assets. They will analyze the report and determine what
they think is happening and the course of action to take to mitigate the situation and resolve
the problem.
Just as a fire department can be proactive by providing fire-prevention training, instructing
families in the best manner to safely exit a burning building, and promoting the installation of
smoke alarms and the purchase of fire escape ladders, a CSIRT may also perform a proactive
12 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
role. This may include providing security awareness training, security consulting, configura-
tion maintenance, and producing technical documents and advisories.
A majority of CSIRTs started as “response-oriented” organizations, but have since developed
into organizations that work proactively to defend and protect the critical assets of organiza-
tions and the Internet community in general. This proactive work can also include influencing
policy, and coordinating workshops and information exchanges. It also includes analyzing
intruder trends and patterns to create a better understanding of the changing environment so
that corresponding prevention, mitigation, and response strategies can be developed and dis-
When utilized to its fullest extent, however, a CSIRT is more than an incident response capa-
bility. The goals of a CSIRT must be based on the business goals of the constituent or parent
organizations. Protecting critical assets is key to the success of both an organization and its
CSIRT. The goal of a CSIRT, in this context, is to minimize and control the damage, provide
effective response and recovery, and work to prevent future events from happening. In this
role the CSIRT collects incident information, security weaknesses, and software and system
vulnerabilities in the organizational infrastructure or within a constituency.
In a commercial, military, educational, or government setting, the CSIRT becomes a focal
point for business intelligence within the organization and a primary source of authentic risk
data. This information can provide an important data feed into operational risk modeling. The
CSIRT can be seen as a key element in loss minimization and risk mitigation. In this same
manner, the CSIRT’s role as a central repository allows it to gather an enterprise-wide picture
of security issues as it relates across the organization. This also allows the CSIRT to link to-
gether events that may not have been seen to be related when looked at individually.
A CSIRT can be on-site and able to conduct a rapid response to contain a computer security
incident and recover from it. CSIRTs may also have familiarity with the compromised sys-
tems and therefore be more readily able to coordinate the recovery and propose mitigation
and response strategies. Their relationships with other CSIRTs and security organizations can
facilitate the sharing of response strategies and early alerts to potential problems.
CSIRTs can work with other areas of the organization to ensure new systems are developed
and deployed with security in mind and in conformance with any site security policies. They
can help identify vulnerable areas of the organization and in some cases perform vulnerability
assessments and incident detection services. In their coordination function, they can be a cen-
tral point that pulls together information and analysis from the physical security sector, the IT
For a description of these various services see the CSIRT Services list at
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 13
group, the risk and audits group, and the management group. This coordination can extend
even outside the organization to include collaboration with other teams and law enforcement
agencies. CSIRTs can act as a point of contact for coordinating with other legal and security
agencies or for contacting victim and source sites involved in intruder activity.
CSIRTs are not all structured in the same manner; they do not all perform the same function
or even have the same name. Every CSIRT is different, and these differences may include the
mission, goals, and objectives
provided services
definitions and terminology
Table 1 lists some of the many different types of acronyms and names for CSIRTs. Although
the names are different, all teams perform incident handling. These acronyms and names are
just equivalent ways of referring to an incident handling team.
Table 1: CSIRT Acronyms and Names
CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team
CSIRC Computer Security Incident Response Capability
CIRC Computer Incident Response Capability
CIRT Computer Incident Response Team
IHT Incident Handling Team
IRC Incident Response Center or Incident Response Capability
IRT Incident Response Team
SERT Security Emergency Response Team
SIRT Security Incident Response Team
Although we commonly see teams referred to as “incident response teams” the term “incident
response” only relates to one aspect of the work that a CSIRT does. The CERT CSIRT De-
velopment Team uses instead the term “incident handling” to describe the much broader ac-
tivities that many CSIRTs perform in their day-to-day operations. Incident handling includes
three functions: incident reporting, incident analysis, and incident response.
Incident reporting involves receiving and reviewing incident reports and alerts.
Incident analysis is the attempt to determine what has happened, what impact, threat or
damage has resulted, and what recovery or mitigation steps should be followed.
14 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Incident response is the actions taken to resolve or mitigate an incident, coordinate and
disseminate information, and implement follow-up strategies to stop the incident from
happening again.
We have also begun to see others in the CSIRT community use the term “incident handling”
rather than “incident response” to describe the broader realm of CSIRT activities.
It is important to realize that incident handling is not just the application of technology to
resolve computer security events. It is the development of a plan of action. It is the estab-
lishment of repeatable processes and methodologies for
notification and communication
collaboration and coordination
incident analysis and response
2.2 Types of CSIRTs
CSIRTs come in all shapes and sizes and serve diverse constituencies. Some CSIRTs, such as
the Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (JPCERT/CC), support
an entire country. Other CSIRTS may provide support to a particular university such as Ox-
ford, a commercial organization such as Boeing or SUN Microsystems, or a particular do-
main or IP range such as the Telia CERT Coordination Centre (TeliaCERTCC). There are also
corporate teams and organizations that provide CSIRT services to clients for a fee, such as
IBM Managed Security Services (IBM-MSS) or the debis Computer Emergency Response
Team (dCERT).
CSIRTs can be categorized in many ways. One general way is to look at the main purpose,
function, or services of the CSIRT, as shown in the following examples:
Internal CSIRTs provide incident handling services to their parent organization, which
could be a bank, a university, or a federal agency.
Coordination centers coordinate and facilitate the handling of incidents across various
CSIRTs, or for a particular country, state, research network, or other such entity. Usually
coordination centers will have a broad scope and a diverse constituency.
Analysis centers focus on synthesizing data from various sources to determine trends and
patterns in incident activity. This information can then be used to help predict future ac-
tivity or provide early warning when current activity matches a set of previously deter-
mined characteristics.
Vendor teams located in software or hardware companies and handle reports concerning
vulnerabilities in their products. They analyze the vulnerabilities, develop patches or
workarounds, and disseminate this information to their clientele or to the broader public.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 15
They work with other CSIRTs, security experts, and researchers to track and respond to
these vulnerabilities.
Incident response providers provide incident handling services as a product to other or-
ganizations. They are sometimes referred to as managed security service providers
CSIRTs can also be categorized by how they are structured. The CERT CSIRT Development
Team divides these categories into the organizational models shown in Table 2.
Table 2: CSIRT Organizational Models
Model Description
Security Team In this model, no group or section of the organization has been given
the formal responsibility for all incident handling activities per se.
Available personnel at the local or division level handle security
events on an ad hoc, isolated basis as part of their overall responsibili-
ties or job assignments. Usually these personnel are in the IT depart-
ment and work on general security tasks for the infrastructure of the
Internal Distributed CSIRT A distributed team is scattered across organizational and geographic
locations. There is a manager who oversees and coordinates activities
that affect the distributed team. Across the organization, individuals
are identified as the appropriate points of contact for particular func-
tional areas or divisions based on their experience and expertise with
various operating-system platforms, technologies, and applications. A
distributed team can be devoted 100% to CSIRT work or team mem-
bers may only perform CSIRT work part of the time and perform
other work the rest of the time.
Internal Centralized CSIRT A centralized team is a team located in one physical or geographical
location that has responsibilities for the entire organization or con-
stituency. This is often a local or internal team at a small company or
government department. In most cases, all team members are dedi-
cated 100% to CSIRT work.
Internal Combined
Distributed and Centralized
This model represents a combination of the distributed CSIRT and
the centralized CSIRT. It maximizes the use of existing staff in stra-
tegic locations throughout the organization, with the centrally located
coordinating capabilities of a dedicated team, to provide a broader
understanding of the security threats and activity affecting the con-
stituency. The centralized team usually does CSIRT work 100% of
the time. The distributed team could be dedicated or part time.
16 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Model Description
Coordinating CSIRT Often centralized, a coordinating CSIRT is located in one physical or
geographical location. In this model the CSIRT coordinates and fa-
cilitates the handling of incidents across a variety of organizations.
The CSIRT can be a coordinating entity for individual subsidiaries of
a corporation, multiple branches of a military organization, branch
campuses in an educational organization, institutions in a research
network or specific domain or for a particular country or state. Coor-
dinating CSIRTs usually have a broader scope and a more diverse
More information about these organizational models and structures can be found in Organ-
izational Models for CSIRTs.
In the pilot survey, we combined the above functional and organizational categories to create
the following list:
security team (called an ad hoc team)s
distributed dedicated team
distributed part-time team
centralized team
coordination center
analysis center
managed security service provider
We then asked the participating teams to identify what category best described their CSIRT
structure. See Section 3.2.3, “Organizational Placement of the CSIRT,” for the survey results
of their responses.
CSIRTs can also be categorized by the sector in which they are located or in which their con-
stituency is located. The sectors can be consolidated into a few general categories: govern-
ment, research and education, national, commercial, and other.
The following list breaks the above categories into more detail. These were the sectors used
in the CSIRT Organizational Survey. See Figure 2, “Demographics of CSIRT Survey Partici-
pants,” for the results of the pilot survey.
information and communication
electric power
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 17
oil and gas
water supply
government law enforcement services
government fire and rescue services
government and public administration
banking and finance
public health services
professional services
other commercial organization
other non-profit organization
2.3 History and Development of CSIRT Capabilities
Ideas about creating teams of people to handle computer security incidents and emergencies
were published and discussed long before the arrival of the Internet Worm (Morris Worm) in
1988. Most ideas proposed that such teams would be used to augment existing security man-
agement groups to protect host systems and network services. Due to lack of awareness, no
funding was made available to implement these types of computer emergency response
2.3.1 The Early Beginnings
The major impetus for the creation of the first CSIRT was the release of the Morris Worm in
November, 1988. This worm, written by a 23-year-old college student, propagated itself from
computer to computer through the exploitation of various vulnerabilities. There is consensus
in the historical documentation about this event that there were approximately 60,000 to
80,000 hosts on the Internet (then called the ARPANET) at the time and that approximately
10% of all hosts were infected by the Morris Worm. The main problem, however, was that
many of the systems that were infected were email relays and servers that were part of the
Internet backbone. Many sites also removed their systems from the network so as not to be
infected. The result was that many of the Internet’s communication pathways were inopera-
For an in-depth description of the Morris Worm, see J. Reynolds , RFC 1135, The Helminthiasis of
the Internet. Available online at <
18 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
After the worm had been successfully contained, the National Computer Security Center (part
of the National Security Agency), initiated a series of meetings to discuss how to prevent and
respond to such occurrences in the future. On November 8, 1988, a postmortem meeting was
organized by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to review and dis-
cuss the lessons learned from the worm activity and related response. These were some of the
observations made:
Participating staff at various major universities and computer centers were able to do a
successful analysis of the worm and resulting activity while the incident was happening,
even though not every detail of the worm attack and propagation was fully analyzed at
that time. It was also determined that some important aspects of the worm propagation
were not immediately recognized by some sites, resulting in more systems being infected.
In review, it could be seen that many sites were doing duplicate work in trying to analyze
the worm, and this time would have been better spent if they had collaborated. It was de-
termined that if all involved would have been able to communicate and compare their re-
sults, the complete analysis would have been available much earlier, leading to both a
quicker containment of the worm and earlier recovery or protection of systems.
The corrective measures derived from the analysis could have prevented further infec-
tions. Because there was not a communication means available, distribution of the meas-
ures to all who needed the information was not possible and many sites did not get the in-
formation in a timely manner.
The damage recovery was painful but straightforward, as long as the affected organiza-
tion had trusted backups available. But because the complete corrective measures could
not be distributed to all involved, many sites saw their recovered hosts become re-
It was concluded that the most problematic part of the response effort was the missing com-
munication mechanisms. With many sites disconnecting from the network to contain the
worm activity and repair and recover their systems, and with much of the Internet mail ser-
vice inoperative due to the servers and relays being infected, there was not a quick and viable
way to get notification out to the Internet community on how to protect their systems from
the activity or respond if they were infected. Overall, the basic problem was that there was
not a formal method of coordination to handle such a computer security attack and the related
analysis and response.
In recognition of this problem, DARPA announced its intention to fund the development of a
coordination center for Internet security incidents. DARPA chose the Software Engineering
as the new center’s home. DARPA charged the SEI
with establishing a capability
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is a Federally Funded Research and Development Cen-
ter. For more information see <
SEI is a service mark of Carnegie Mellon University.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 19
to quickly and effectively coordinate communication among experts during security emer-
gencies in order to prevent future incidents. The new center was also charged with building
awareness of security issues across the Internet community. A pilot research program was
originally funded. The center was named the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT).
Eventually CERT became a service mark for Carnegie Mellon University and the name was
changed to the CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC).
The CERT/CC opened its doors in December 1988 and began to receive phone calls starting
the first day. The initial staffing was comprised of personnel from other programs within the
SEI who answered the CERT/CC hotline and passed the calls to staff identified to handle in-
cident reports. This initial transitional staff spent part of their time doing CERT/CC work un-
til a full-time staff was in place. The initial staffing level was four technical staff with a man-
Figure 3: Timeline of Internet Worm Attack and Creation of CERT/CC
The goal and plan resulting from the DARPA postmortem and pilot project was never to have
just one organization as the mechanism for the needed coordination. It was recognized that a
single CSIRT would not be able to handle the differing needs of the constituencies or the re-
sulting workload. Other agencies and constituencies were encouraged to create and sustain
their own teams.
In the next year other organizations, such as the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), the Na-
tional Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the U.S. National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology (NIST), and the U.S. military, established their own teams similar to
the CERT/CC but focused on their own constituencies.
20 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
2.3.2 The Creation of FIRST
In August 1989 an invitational workshop was organized by the CERT/CC to discuss not only
what was learned during the first year of operation but also what the next steps were in coor-
dinating relationships between the teams.
This became the first event drawing practitioners
from the field and the start of the annual conferences that are now organized by the Forum of
Incident Response and Security Teams.
In October 1989 another worm attacked the Internet, which now consisted of approximately
170,000 hosts. This worm, called WANK, exploited vulnerabilities in systems connected to
the Digital Equipment Corporations proprietary network, DECNET. Three teams coordi-
nated their activities to provide the response to this worm: the Department of Energy’s Com-
puter Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC), the NASA Space Physics Analysis Network, and
the CERT/CC. Various warnings were released from both CIAC and CERT/CC that were
helpful to the Internet community, even though many administrators did not heed the warn-
ings and were infected by a variant of the WANK worm called OILZ released two weeks
After this example of successful collaboration between teams, more discussions ensued on
how to set up a response team network. During a 1990 workshop by NIST and CERT/CC, a
panel session presented and discussed the ideas for such a network. The session, titled “De-
veloping the Response Team Network,” included the following presentations:
Dennis D. Steinauer (NIST, USA), “The Response Center Network : Developing It and
Making It Work”
Richard D. Pethia (CERT/CC, USA), “Developing the Response Team Network
Ronald H. Hysert (Canadian System Security Centre), “Developing the Computer Secu-
rity Incident Response Network: A Canadian Perspective”
Christopher C. Harvey (SPAN, France), “The Development of Response Teams in
From these and other discussions, goals for future collaboration were established. These
goals were to share information among CSIRTs and, if needed, to aid one another during in-
cidents and network-wide attacks. The CSIRT community is still pursuing these goals today.
Teams working in various collaborations are looking for the most effective way to establish a
coordination network.
Today FIRST conferences are international forums for CSIRTs and security teams involved in
incident handling. To read more about them see <
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 21
After the workshop, further discussion brought 11 founding members (including one from
France) together in November 1990 to establish a forum for CSIRTs and security teams,
which is now the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST). At this time, the
Internet had approximately 340,000 hosts.
Table 3: List of Founding FIRST Members
Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team (AFCERT)
CERT Coordination Center
Defense Communication Agency/Defense Data Network
Department of the Army Response Team
Department of Energy’s Computer Incident Advisory Capability
(CIAC), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA Ames Research Center Computer Network Security Response
NASA Space Physics Analysis Network (SPAN CERT)
Naval Computer Incident Response Team (NAVCIRT)
National Institute of Standards and Technology Computer Security
Resource and Response Center (CSRC)
FIRST is primarily a network of registered members, either CSIRTs or security teams. The
members work together voluntarily and concentrate on the prevention of incidents, sharing of
information, sharing of vulnerability and artifact analysis, and coordination of response ac-
tivities, where appropriate, when an incident occurs.
Each year FIRST has continued to grow, and as of September 2003, 151 organizations are
participating members. More information about FIRST can be found on their web site at
2.3.3 Europe Becomes Involved
While the idea of CSIRTs had a growing number of supporters in the U.S in 1991 and 1992,
other areas were still to a large degree without their own CSIRTs. The first European CSIRT
was established in France in the Space Physics Analysis Network (SPAN). This network was
traditionally part of the NASA networks and therefore the need for a team was recognized
much earlier, particularly after the WANK and OILZ worm attacks.
22 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Up until this point, only one or two European security experts had attended the annual CSIRT
conference, which at that time was still being organized and hosted by the CERT/CC.
began to change in 1992, particularly in the European research networks. As the number of
hosts on the various European networks began to climb past 10,000, there was more need for
computer and network security. As more incidents took place, those with an understanding of
the CSIRT concept began to look for ways to work together. In 1992 a working group organ-
ized by the Association of European Research Networks reviewed the situation. There was
agreement that CSIRT efforts in each national research network would bring a real benefit. It
was expected that each European team would cooperate with the others by sharing responsi-
bilities for communicating new vulnerabilities and security developments when they affected
all teams, but that each particular team would concentrate on its own constituent community.
This concept, to concentrate on one particular constituency but collaborate with other CSIRTs
and security experts, is one of the key unchanged principles of the CSIRT community today.
As a result of the European working group, various national research networks started their
own projects to establish CSIRTs for their organizational constituencies. As was common in
this arena, teams were established along different guidelines and offered different services
based on the needs of the community. Examples of two different types of teams that were
established within the European research community are CERT-NL and DFN-CERT.
The SURFnet Computer Security Incident Response Team (CERT-NL) was established
by SURFnet, the Dutch research network, as a decentralized team. The team was staffed
with two members of SURFnet working in cooperation with experienced specialists from
other universities in the research network that could help provide broader expertise and
also help provide coverage outside of their normal working hours. Since this was created
as an internal project within SURFnet, there was not much of a delay in getting the team
up and running. The CERT-NL team became active in 1992.
The Computer Emergency Response Team for the German Research Network DFN
(DFN-CERT) was established as a centralized team. The team was located at a university
that was a member of the network. Therefore, from a viewpoint of other universities, the
work was handled by “external” staff (to their organization) but from another “internal”
organization (of the whole network). No coverage was provided outside of normal work-
ing hours. As this was an external project, a call for tender process
was necessary,
which resulted in a delay in establishing the team. DFN-CERT became active on the first
working day of 1993.
The first five conferences were sponsored and hosted by CERT/CC. Since 1994; a different or-
ganization has sponsored and hosted the conference each year. See
For more information on SURFnet see <>.
A call for tender is a call for proposals, in which people or organizations are asked to provide a bid
for performing some type of work.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 23
The early European teams followed the CERT/CC model in structure and services. They per-
formed incident handling mainly by providing guidance; disseminating alerts, warnings, and
advisories; and performing security awareness building. They did not provide on-site support.
Another idea that resulted from work by the European working group was having a central-
ized European team to coordinate the efforts of the other teams. To determine if this would
work, a one-year research project was initiated in mid-1993 by the RARE (Réseaux Associés
pour la Recherche Européene) CERT Task Force. The final report at the end of 1994 did in-
deed support the notion that providing incident response in Europe would best be achieved
via a top-down approach. Based on the assumption that not all European research networks
would have money to fund their own active teams (which was true and is still true today), the
recommendation was made that a strong European team modeled after the CERT/CC should
be established.
The fact that such a centralized team would require funding and would also be seen as com-
petition to the established European teams made this recommendation unpopular, and the re-
port had no immediate impact or influence. In looking back, it might be said that Europe was
perhaps lucky to have not replaced the successful bottom-up or grass-roots approach to estab-
lishing incident response capabilities with a top-down political structure.
This is because
any centrally established European CSIRT coordination center would be very remote to the
users and sites in the various participating countries. Differences in not only the language but
legal issues and cultural differences would make it difficult to have one centralized CSIRT
that could adequately keep in touch with and understand the needs of the different European
constituencies. To be a successful and effective team, a CSIRT must stay in contact with its
constituency. This is always easier if the team is relatively near to the constituency from the
During this time (early to mid 1990s), there was still the question of how to structure the in-
terrelationships between the existing European teams and also how to structure these rela-
tionships and communications with CSIRTs in other areas, such as Canada and the United
States, or with teams like the newly established Australian Computer Emergency Response
Team (AusCERT).
Late in 1993, the first meeting of European CSIRTs was initiated by staff members of CERT-
NL and DFN-CERT. The belief was that communication would ultimately lead to better co-
operation. This meeting is noteworthy, as this was the first CSIRT meeting outside the U.S. In
1994 and 1995 two more meetings were held, bringing more and more teams together. A
template for collecting information about CSIRTs was developed that could be shared with
This might be a similar problem for teams that are being established in other geographic areas.
AusCERT was the first CSIRT established in the Asia Pacific region. It was created in 1993.
24 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
the other teams. Again, the community of European research networks supported this idea of
a centralized European CSIRT and funding was established for a task force to develop a
roadmap for the future of CSIRTs in Europe. Development of EuroCERT
task force “CERTs in Europe” final report recognized not only the need for
the establishment of more local teams situated near to the constituency experiencing the at-
tacks and incidents, but also the need for some type of coordination to improve the overall
interaction between teams [Ferriera 96]. This was seen as a way to provide a higher level of
support in Europe for incident handling activities than could be provided with one team act-
ing alone. This approach led to a three-year period in which various projects were suggested,
prepared, and drafted, finally culminating in a proposal for a European coordination center.
This project was started later in 1997 and continued through 1999 as EuroCERT [Kossa-
kowski 96].
There were various problems with this project, as some CSIRTs saw EuroCERT as competing
with their own activities and thought that the agreements already in place between teams
were efficient enough to not need facilitation or support by another organization or level of
hierarchy. The failure of EuroCERT did not prove that coordination of CSIRTs could not be
done; it showed rather that any coordination needed to be different from that which already
existed. It needed to add value to the overall processes already in place and it needed to pro-
vide functions that were not possible under the existing individual CSIRT agreements. These
problems are not inherent to European CSIRTs and organizations; similar problems have been
seen in the development of CSIRT coordination efforts in various organizations, whether in
an educational, governmental, or commercial setting. The resulting lesson learned is an im-
portant one that other inter-organizational CSIRT coordination efforts should keep in mind as
they work to develop collaboration and coordination mechanisms in their own area or region.
Problems that still needed to be addressed regarding coordination between European CSIRTs
included the following:
The existence of so many teams made it increasingly impractical to maintain relations of
the same quality with all other teams.
It was highly unlikely that CSIRTs from one country would understand the differences
between CSIRTs in another. It would be much more convenient to provide one common
point of contact rather than, for example, having a French team need to decide which
German team to notify or coordinate with.
TERENA is the Trans-European Research and Networking Association. More information can be
found at <
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 25
These are still the same considerations behind all of today’s efforts to improve the overall
CSIRT infrastructure, both inside and outside of Europe. The Development of the CSIRT Task Force
As the EuroCERT pilot was coming to an end in late 1999, TERENA, as a long-time sup-
porter of European CSIRT activities, called for a meeting to discuss the impact this would
have to the overall CSIRT activities in Europe. While all goals that EuroCERT should have
achieved by its operation were revisited, all participants agreed to approach the very same
goals differently.
Instead of having a full-fledged service supported by members, useful activities were to
be addressed by working groups of volunteers.
Instead of having a central body coordinating the various teams, the ability of the indi-
vidual teams should be strengthened and supported by providing mechanisms to
integrate new teams
build up trust by knowing and understanding the services other teams provide
Instead of having a central body arranging meetings among European teams, a facilitator
would arrange such meetings.
The outcome of this volunteer approach was very successful. TERENA volunteered to serve
as a facilitator and arrange meetings for the participating European CSIRTs three times a
year. This was the start of the TF-CSIRT (CSIRT Task Force).
The goals of this group and
its meeting minutes and project teams can be found at
Successful outcomes of this voluntary group approach to projects include
The Incident Object Description and Exchange Format (IODEF) project. This project
involved the development of a data model and specifications for exchanging incident data
between CSIRTs using Extensible Markup Language (XML).
This project was com-
pleted and has now been transferred to the Incident Handling (INCH) Working Group of
the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
The Training of Network Security Incident Teams Staff (TRANSITS) project. This is a
project that collected presentations and materials for CSIRT training. Various individuals
from different European teams then created the final version of a set of training materials
In TERENA, a task force is the formal mechanism by which support is provided.
See <> for more information about the
See <> for more information about the project.
26 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
into a course for new incident handling staff. This training is supported by the European
Union so that new CSIRT team members can attend the training for a nominal fee.
Another benefit of this group is the opportunity for members of various teams to meet each
other face-to-face at meetings throughout the year. Operational phone calls and data ex-
changes are easier when people get to know one another. The TF-CSIRT has been successful
in providing this type of forum for many of the European CSIRTs and has offered real oppor-
tunities for collaboration and coordination, as can be seen by the projects mentioned previ-
ously. Another significant achievement of the group has been the successful expansion of its
activities beyond the original research networks by attracting commercial and government
teams as participants as well.
Another successful outcome of this new approach to CSIRT collaboration was the Trusted
Introducer or TI. This group took over the job of maintaining a directory of European
CSIRTs. Along with the directory, the TI provides an accreditation service. Directories main-
tained previous to the TI (1995-1997 by DFN-CERT, 1998-1999 by EuroCERT) of European
CSIRTs really meant work in terms of infrastructure and maintenance. The TI was able to
provide this supported infrastructure.
The first step towards the TI service was an analysis undertaken in early 2000. The analysis
was commissioned by TERENA (another facilitation to get things started) and in its own
The aim of this report is to describe TI: an objective process meant to be applied
to teams within the above defined scope [CSIRTs], that will enable teams new to
the CSIRT community to move to a level where other teams will find it relatively
easy to share information with them and work with them on incidents (in other
words: to trust them) - and that will enable teams (also the already established
ones) to stay on that level. To ensure the process’s objectivity TI will be fully
based on objective statements that can be verified [Kossakowski 00].
A large point of discussion between teams was whether a form of certification rather than
accreditation should be done as part of the TI work. Most teams felt unsure whether certifica-
tion was really necessary and many thought that the issues involved were not well understood
at the time. Concentrating on achievable goals, it was decided to go along with an accredita-
tion framework.
Based on very positive feedback on the report, the teams decided to implement the TI ap-
proach. After a call for tender, the TI service started on September 1, 2000, with initial fund-
See <> for more information about the project.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 27
ing from TERENA, switching to funding by membership fees of accredited teams after the
first year of operation.
So while many people had expected much more from the EuroCERT project, the lack of a
common understanding of what a “Coordination Center” would provide and how such a cen-
ter would be different from any other CSIRT brought the project to an end. But the knowl-
edge gained from this project resulted in a new concept for collaboration of CSIRTs. This
concept focused on smaller and much more understandable and manageable goals and in-
volved a format of volunteers from different teams, providing their insights, expertise, and
time. In the end it enabled a much better support for European CSIRTs than was expected to
be reached by the end of 1999. Trends in European Teams Today
Many of the first European CSIRTs were developed to provide incident handling for aca-
demic research networks. Today, we see a growth in not only commercial CSIRTs in Europe
but also the development of government CSIRTs such as GOVCERT.NL,
the national gov-
ernment CSIRT for the Netherlands.
2.3.4 Initiatives in the Asia Pacific Region
Although there were security teams established on an informal basis in the Asia Pacific re-
gion in the early 1990s, the first recognized CSIRT there was AusCERT. AusCERT was es-
tablished in 1993 under its original name the Security Emergency Response Team (SERT).
Initial funding and support was provided through a collaboration of three Australian universi-
ties: Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, and The University of Queen-
sland. Over time SERT evolved into AusCERT, the Australian Computer Emergency Re-
sponse Team [Smith 94]. Its funding is now provided through membership subscription fees
and some government funding [AusCERT 03]. In 1999 Australia was selected to host the
FIRST conference to bring attention to the emerging growth of teams in the Asia Pacific re-
More CSIRTs in the Asia Pacific region were formed in 1996 and 1997. Some teams started
out as voluntary organizations and then later were given government funding to be national
teams. The Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center-Korea (CERTCC-
KR), the Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (JPCERT/CC)
and the Singapore Computer Emergency Response Team (SingCERT) are examples of teams
that received government funding and were early innovators in CSIRT development in the
Asia Pacific. All became FIRST members.
For more information see <>.
28 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
These early teams have become leaders in the Asia Pacific region, helping teams within their
constituency and country get started and supporting incident response efforts not only in their
country but globally. They have also been highly instrumental in the creation of various
working groups for Asia Pacific CSIRTs. Creation of the Asia Pacific Security Incident Response Coordi-
nation Working Group
There was a great interest by the Asia Pacific teams in the regional meetings of the European
teams, and they started similar activities to look at approaches for coordinating CSIRT col-
laboration and data sharing for the teams in that area. This resulted in the formation of the
Asia Pacific Security Incident Response Coordination (APSIRC) Working Group in 1997.
This working group was formed as an outgrowth of work by the Asia Pacific Networking
Group (APNG)
[Ito 03].
The development of the APSIRC Working Group (APSIRC WG) was spearheaded by
CERTCC-KR, SingCERT, and JPCERT/CC. The main function and services of the working
group was to provide points of contact for the various member teams and to also provide re-
sources and assistance for newly forming teams in the area [Ito 03]. Most of the initial team
members were national teams such as the CSIRTs for Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and Korea. Creation of Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team
In 2003 the APSIRC WG was transitioned into a new group, the Asia Pacific Computer
Emergency Response Team (APCERT). The APCERT has both a steering committee and a
secretariat to provide organizational support and direction. Its initiatives and goals involve
developing a regional and operational framework for not only the sharing of information and
incident data between members of APCERT but also the coordination of incident response
efforts. APCERT is also looking into projects concerning accreditation of members, methods
for collecting membership fees, and methods for developing and delivering training for new
and existing teams [Ito 03].
APCERT full members as of August 2003 include [Ito 03]
AusCERT - Australian Computer Emergency Response Team, Australia
BKIS - Bach Khoa Internetwork Security Center, Vietnam
CCERT - CERNET Computer Emergency Response Team, Republic of China
CERTCC-KR - Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center-Korea, Korea
CNCERT/CC - China Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center, Re-
public of China
See <> for more information on the Asia Pacific Networking Group.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 29
HKCERT/CC - Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center,
Hong Kong, China
IDCERT - Indonesia Computer Emergency Response Team, Indonesia
JPCERT/CC - Japan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center, Japan
MyCERT - Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team, Malaysia
PH-CERT - Philippine Computer Emergency Response Teams, Philippines
SecurityMap.Net CERT - Securitymap Networks Computer Emergency Response Center,
SingCERT - Singapore Computer Emergency Response Team, Singapore
ThaiCERT - Thai Computer Emergency Response Team), Thailand
TWCERT - Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center, Chinese
TW-CIRC - Taiwan Computer Incident Response Coordination Center, Chinese Taipei
Currently APCERT jointly sponsors a conference once a year with APRICOT (Asia Pacific
Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies) and holds steering committee
conference calls three times a year and face-to-face meetings twice a year [Ito 03]. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Initiatives
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC
) is an inter-governmental organization de-
voted to the promotion of economic cooperation and development. APEC member organiza-
tions, called “member economies,” include Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile,
People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malay-
sia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Chinese
Taipei, Thailand, the United States, and Viet Nam. The majority of the work done in APEC is
done through working groups [APEC 03].
One group, the APEC Telecommunications and Information (APECTEL) Working Group
focuses on connectivity, telecommunication infrastructures, and other opportunities for col-
laboration, cooperation, and technology transfer [APECTELWG 04]. This group has also un-
dertaken initiatives related to e-security. One initiative is to foster the development and train-
ing of CSIRTs throughout the member economies, including the funding of a project to
provide research, consulting, and training relating to the establishment and operation of
CSIRTs in APEC economies. The initial developing economies scheduled to receive the train-
ing are Chile, Peru, Mexico, and the Russian Federation. The final outcome of the project
will not only include a set of workshops and course materials delivered to the participants but
also a set of guidelines that member economies can use to help establish teams.
See <> for more information on APEC.
30 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
2.3.5 Initiatives in Latin America
Since the late 1990s and early 2000s, more CSIRTs have been developed in Latin America.
Although many teams exist, currently only five teams are FIRST members [FIRST 03]:
APSIRT – AT&T Latin America - Peru Security Incident Response Team.
According to
its FIRST Team member information, APSIRT’s constituency is “customers of AT&T
Latin America - Peru Internet access services.”
CAIS – Brazilian Research Network CSIRT.
According to its FIRST Team member in-
formation, CAIS/RNP’s constituency is “Brazilian academics and research institutions.
It has been a FIRST member since September, 2001.
CLCERT – Chilean Computer Emergency Response Team.
According to its FIRST
Team member information, CLCERT’s constituency is “users and organizations operat-
ing under the .cl domain and users and organizations of computer systems operating in
NBSO – NIC BR Security Office - Brazilian Computer Emergency Response Team.
According to its FIRST Team member information, NBSO’s constituency is “Brazil -
Internet .br domain and IP addresses assigned to Brazil.”
UNAM-CERT – the CSIRT for the National Autonomous University of Mexico. UNAM-
CERT has been a FIRST member since 2001.
A previous CSIRT that was established in Mexico as an initiative from the Instituto Tec-
nológico y de Estudios Superiores (ITESM) was Mx-CERT, the Mexican Computer Emer-
gency Response Team. This CSIRT was a member of FIRST and hosted the initial FIRST
conference held in Latin America, in 1998 in Monterrey, Mexico [FIRST 03]. Mx-CERT is
no longer operational.
Many more CSIRTs exist in Latin America besides those that are FIRST members. It is diffi-
cult to know the total number, as there is currently no method of identifying and verifying
teams. There are various initiatives in different organizations to begin to collect security con-
tact and CSIRT information for Latin American countries. There is no formal regional initia-
tive in Latin America as there is in Europe or the Asia Pacific, such as the TF-CISRT, eC-
SIRT, and APCERT initiatives. However, in many Latin American countries, established
CSIRTs have efforts underway to help other teams get started. Other Latin American gov-
For more information on APSIRT, see <>.
For more information on CAIS/RNP, see <>.
For more information on CLCERT, see <>.
For more information on NBSO, see <>.
For more information on UNAM-CERT, see <>.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 31
ernments are also looking into creating an incident handling capacity. For example, ArCERT
is the CSIRT for Argentinian government institutions.
In discussions with other CSIRTs in Latin America, it was found that many of the CSIRTs
already established or those being formed are mostly for government organizations, non-
profit organizations, research institutes or universities, and telecommunications organiza-
tions. Early Development of CSIRT Capabilities in Latin America
Both Mexico and Brazil seem to be the earlier leaders in CSIRT initiatives. The early devel-
opment of these teams gives an indication of how teams are being created in Latin America.
CSIRT Development in Mexico
After an incident in 1993 in which a supercomputer facility in Mexico was compromised, the
idea to build a small team dedicated to helping system administrators with security problems
was implemented. Initially two academic institutions, ITESM and the National Autonomus
University of Mexico, were working on computer security initiatives. In the later part of the
1990s the first CSIRT was developed, the previously mentioned Mx-CERT from the ITESM.
In 2000 UNAM-CERT was proposed at the National Autonomus University of Mexico. It
was created and became a FIRST team member in 2001. Since that time UNAM-CERT has
been the point of contact with academic, government, and commercial organizations regard-
ing incident response initiatives. UNAM-CERT also has a major initiative underway to foster
and develop CSIRTs within Mexico and to help bring computer security and incident han-
dling into the computer curriculum in Mexican universities.
CSIRT Development in Brazil
The development of CSIRT Capabilities in Brazil started in August 1996, when the Brazilian
Internet Steering Committee
released the document “Towards the Creation of a Security
Coordination Center in the Brazilian Internet.”
As a result of the discussions about this
document, in June 1997
the NIC BR Security Office (NBSO)
was created to support the
Internet in Brazil. It currently works as the focal point for coordinating response to incidents
related to Brazilian Internet-connected networks. In August 1997
CAIS (the Brazilian Re-
search Network CSIRT
) was created. Also in 1997 the CERT-RS was created, whose con-
For more information on ArCERT, see <>.
The information on CSIRT capabilities in Mexico was contributed by UNAM-CERT.
<>, available in Portuguese
<>, available in Portuguese
<>, available in Portuguese.
32 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
stituency is the research network at Rio Grande do Sul state. Since then several other teams
have started their operations in Brazil.
Currently there are more than 20 teams established, mainly in the commercial and academic
areas. Most are either security teams that perform incident response or are internal centralized
Another example of the growth in CSIRTS in Brazil can be seen on a web site that lists some
other Brazilian CSIRTs.
Besides the already mentioned NBSO and CAIS/RNP CSIRTs, other
teams listed include those for the Brazilian Federal Police and other CSIRTs for various univer-
sities and research institutions and telecommunication institutions. This list gives an indication
of the types of non-FIRST member teams that are being created in Latin America.
2.3.6 Developments in Canada
Canada has seen an interest in and development of CSIRTs across its various sectors: com-
mercial, military, government, and education. Currently there are four registered teams from
Canada that are members of FIRST [FIRST 03]:
BMO ISIRT – Bank of Montreal InfoSec Incident Response Team. According to its
FIRST Team member information, BMO ISIRT’s constituency is “The Bank of Mont-
CdnCIRCC – Canadian Computer Incident Response Coordination Centre.
to its FIRST Team member information, CdnCIRCC’s constituency includes “sectors
comprising the critical infrastructure of Canada—energy and utilities, communications,
services (health, financial and food), transportation (all modes), safety (nuclear safety,
search and rescue, and emergency services), government (government-wide critical op-
DND CIRT – Department of National Defence CIRT, whose constituency is the Depart-
ment of National Defence in Canada.
EWA-Canada/CanCERT – EWA-Canada/Canadian Computer Emergency Response
According to its FIRST Team member information, EWAs constituency is “Ca-
nadian government, business and academic organizations.”
This list gives a good idea of the types of Canadian organizations that are implementing
CSIRTs: financial institutions and other commercial organizations, military and police or-
The information about Brazilian CSIRTs was contributed by NBSO.
The list can be found at <>.
For more information on CdnCIRCC, see <>.
For more information on CanCERT, see <>.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 33
ganizations, and government organizations. The 2003 FIRST conference was held in Ottawa,
the Canadian capital.
Many different CSIRT initiatives at various levels of government in Canada are being im-
plemented. Work is going on at the country, province, territory, and city level. Some provin-
cial government CSIRTs have been operating for a few years, while others are in the process
of standing up their team.
The focal point of incident handling at the country level is the Office of Critical Infrastructure
Protection and Emergency Preparedness) (OCIPEP). OCIPEP is a civilian organization oper-
ating in the Canadian government’s Department of National Defence. OCIPEP works under
the concept of partnerships. Its web site states that “protecting critical infrastructure and re-
sponding to emergencies is a shared responsibility in Canada, requiring the full cooperation
and effort of Government of Canada departments and agencies, provinces and territories,
municipalities and the private sector” [OCIPEP 03].
“OCIPEP’s Infrastructure Protection Coordination Centre monitors physical and cyber threats
(24 hours a day/7 days per week) and serves as a central point of contact for threat and inci-
dent information. Related information is currently received from and sent to the Government
of Canada, provincial and territorial governments, and the private sector” [OCIPEP 03].
2.3.7 Developments in the United States
Many different types of CSIRTs have also been developing over the years in the United
States. As can be seen in the next section, there are currently over 70 U.S. teams that are
FIRST members. These teams come from many sectors, including military, government, edu-
cation, critical-infrastructures, financial, ISP, non-profit, and commercial organizations.
There are many, many more U.S. teams that are not FIRST members. Some of the areas
where we see the biggest growth in CSIRTs have been commercial and critical infrastructure
organizations. Most branches of the U.S. military have their own CSIRTs. Many federal
agencies also have their own teams or are in the process of creating them.
One of the newest areas where we see interest and initiatives in creating CSIRTs is at the state
government level. State governments are receiving mounting pressure to meet their compli-
ance requirements with various laws and regulations regarding data privacy and cyber secu-
rity. In 2003 a report by Zeichner Risk Analytics concluded that the majority of states have
not met these requirements and regulations. The report also called for states to work together
to come up with a nationwide process for implementing and developing cyber-security laws
and policies [Zeichner 03].
34 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
In September 2003, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in conjunction with
Carnegie Mellon University, announced the formation of the United States Computer Emer-
gency Response Team (US-CERT). The main goals of the US-CERT will be to work with
public and private sectors to
improve warning of and response to incidents
increase coordination of response information
reduce vulnerabilities
enhance prevention and protection efforts [US-CERT 03]
“The US-CERT will begin as a partnership between the National Cyber Security Division
(NCSD) within DHS and Carnegie Mellon’s CERT/CC. The US-CERT will grow to include
other partnerships with private-sector security vendors and domestic and international or-
ganizations. These groups will work together to coordinate national and international efforts
to prevent cyber attacks, protect systems, and respond to the effects of cyber attacks across
the Internet”
[SEI 03].
2.3.8 Other Initiatives in CSIRT Development and Evolution
In 1995 a working group on Guidelines and Recommendations for Incident Processing (GRIP)
was formed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Its purpose was to develop guide-
lines for providing consistent information about CSIRTs to those internal and external to a
team’s constituency.
The GRIP Working Group published RFC 2350, “Expectations for Com-
puter Security Incident Response Teams as Best Current Practice” [Brownlee 98]. This Request
for Comment (RFC) documented recommendations for what teams should publish about them-
selves and explained why this information would be useful for users of a CSIRT.
As intruders make more use of home users’ computer systems, CSIRTs today are struggling
to figure out ways to interact with this type of constituency. Some interesting public outreach
projects and services are currently offered by the CERTCC-KR.
The initiatives include
providing free anti-virus software and vaccine programs to elementary and secondary
education organizations
operating a 24x7 phone number for anyone to call and report computer security incidents
and receive assistance in resolving them. This initiative is known as the Cyber 118 Op-
For more information on US-CERT, see <>.
The GRIP Working Group was disbanded when its work was completed. Its initial charter can be
read at <
For more information on CERTCC-KR, see <>.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 35
providing a test lab for information security products. This lab is available for free to in-
These initiatives show the diversity of CSIRT services.
2.3.9 Todays Activities
Today there are many more CSIRTs in operation and many different projects underway to
facilitate coordination and information sharing between teams and to standardize terminology
and processes in CSIRT operations. Some of the issues being discussed at the time of the
publishing of this report in 2003 still reflect the original goals and objectives of early discus-
sions, namely, to create an effective way to coordinate information sharing, analysis, and re-
sponse between teams. Teams today are still investigating the tools required for this type of
coordination and also what organizational structures will work best. Many areas are talking
about creating regional coordination mechanisms to focus on particular geographic areas.
How these regional mechanisms will then coordinate has yet to be determined. Other areas of
discussion and activity include finding ways to standardize work and information exchange
between CSIRTs, the impact of changing laws and regulations on CSIRT activities and organ-
izational protection strategies, and the difficulty in finding, training, and retaining qualified
incident handling staff. These activities, as well as information about how CSIRTs are cur-
rently operating, are discussed in the next section, “Current State of the Practice of CSIRTs.”
36 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 37
3 Current State of the Practice of CSIRTs
This section takes a look at the information gathered through our research efforts. It pulls to-
gether information from our survey, literature search, interviews, and research. The main fo-
cus is to provide a picture of the current CSIRT community and how teams go about their
work. We will discuss the organizational structure and processes of teams, the problems in
determining the actual number of teams, the types of services being offered by teams, the
type of training available for teams, the types of projects being implemented by teams, and
the major impacts on teams, such as changes in intruder trends and laws.
Topics include the following:
the number and types of CSIRTs today, including some background on the change in
number and type of CSIRT in the past few years
the organizational structures of CSIRTs, including constituency and mission, location,
hours of operation, authority, and reporting structures
types of CSIRT funding and the costs of operating a CSIRT
the types of services offered by different types of teams
the skill sets and staff positions needed on a team, along with a review of available train-
how CSIRTs receive, record, track, categorize, and prioritize incident data
with whom CSIRTs coordinate response activities and share data
current influences on CSIRT operations that can potentially affect the creation and opera-
tion of CSIRTs
changes in the nature and type of intruder threat and the impact this has had on the day-
to-day operations of CSIRTs
an overview of some of the recent projects undertaken by or beneficial to the CSIRT
3.1 Number and Type of CSIRTs Today
It is difficult to determine exactly how many CSIRTs are in existence today. Some of the rea-
sons for this difficulty are as follows:
38 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
There is not one entity for registering the existence of a CSIRT, so one must look at vari-
ous lists or registrations to try to pull this information together.
There is not one clearinghouse or other place to validate the existence of a team.
Not all teams are publicized, since many internal teams do not want to tell anyone of
their existence.
Not all teams are formalized entities (ad hoc teams, for example, aren’t called CSIRTs
even though they perform CSIRT work), so it is difficult to determine how to include
them in a list of CSIRTs.
There is no mechanism to reach all CSIRTs and gather input.
There are no standard requirements to determine if a group is a CSIRT or not.
Because of these issues we do not have a comprehensive list of CSIRTs and can only estimate
the total number of teams. We will take a look at existing lists or registrations of CSIRTs that
are available and will review the change in number and types of CSIRTs on them. Based on
those changes, we can make some predictions concerning general changes in the CSIRT
community. The main lists we have access to are
First Team Members List
Directory of European CSIRTS
Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team members list
Teams belonging to these lists have gone through some review or accreditation process be-
fore being accepted into the related organization. Because of this, we will refer to the teams
on these lists as “registered” teams, as they are recognized as established teams.
3.1.1 The Growth of FIRST Teams
Since 1991, through a steady influx of new teams, FIRST has grown today to include 151
members. Figure 4 shows this increase, as well as the geographical breakdown of FIRST
teams between Asia and the Pacific, Europe, North America (Canada and the United States),
and Latin America.
As of August 2003 there were no FIRST members from Africa.
Please note that FIRST team data is only through August 2003.
We only consider the teams that are still active as of August 2003. As previously stated, in 1990
eleven teams started the international network, but only five of them are still active.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 39
FIRST Members by year
Number of FIRST Teams
Latin America
North America
Figure 4: Growth of FIRST Teams since 1990
As of August 2003, the actual number of FIRST teams, broken down by region, was
Asia/Pacific: 13
Latin America (South America, Central America, and Mexico): 5
Europe: 51
North America (Canada and the United States): 82
As can be seen in the chart above, North America has had a continuing increase in the num-
ber of teams over the years. Beginning in 2000, there was a sharper increase in the number of
European teams. Most Asia/Pacific teams joined FIRST in or after 1997-1998.The majority
of the Latin American teams joined FIRST beginning in 2001.
3.1.2 Growth in European CSIRTs
Another set of teams for which we have good statistical data is the European teams. This is
because the Trusted Introducer has created a directory of all known European teams,
whether they are FIRST members, Trusted Introducer members, or not in either group. This
does not mean that every team in Europe has been identified; there are probably many local
teams that have not publicly announced themselves.
40 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Table 4 combines the total number of European teams who are FIRST members with non-
FIRST members identified in the European CSIRT directory. This information is collected
through August of 2003.
Table 4: Total Registered European CSIRTs
Year European
Total for
2000 31 22
2001 41 28
2002 48 28
2003 51 33
Looking at the numbers, it is clear that the number of non-FIRST teams in Europe is still
considerable, approximately one third of the total registered European teams. It also seems a
fairly stable number over the past few years. The larger growth in European FIRST teams
indicates that it is attractive to become a FIRST member once a team is established.
3.1.3 Total Registered CSIRTs
As previously discussed, registered CSIRTs are considered those who have gone through
some accreditation process and registered with FIRST, APCERT, or the Trusted Introducer.
Table 5 and Figure 5, which list the total registered teams broken down by geographic region
from 1990 through August 2003, show that the biggest growth in CSIRT development and
team establishment has been in Europe and North America (Canada and the United States).
This is not surprising, as the initial CSIRTs were all in the U.S., with Europe being the next
area to establish teams.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 41
Table 5: Geographical Distribution of Registered CSIRTs
1990 5 0 0 0 5
1991 7 0 0 0 7
1992 11 3 0 0 14
1993 15 6 1 0 22
1994 18 9 1 0 28
1995 23 14 1 0 38
1996 30 17 1 0 48
1997 35 19 1 0 55
1998 39 24 4 0 67
1999 43 30 6 0 79
2000 49 53 7 0 109
2001 58 70 9 3 140
2002 66 76 12 4 158
2003 82 84 17 5 188
Growth in Registered Teams
Number of Teams
North America
Latin America
Figure 5: Growth in Registered Teams by Geographic Distribution
42 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
In looking at the growth of teams each year, it can also be seen that the most significant
growth has occurred in the last four years, as the total number of registered teams doubled
from 79 in 1999 to 158 in 2002.
Growth in Total Number of Registered Teams
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Number of Teams
Figure 6: Growth by Year of Total Number of Registered CSIRTs
3.1.4 CSIRT Growth by General Category
Figure 7 lists the regional distribution of the registered teams and shows their growth in five
general sectors. The five general sector categories are government, research, commercial,
national, and other. A “national” team claims a whole nation or country as its constituency
and has sufficient proof to show that the team is indeed regarded by that country as a CSIRT
for that constituency. Some national teams are government funded. Others are an outgrowth
of a research network that has expanded from handling incidents for just that network to han-
dling them for a whole country.
We applied these categories to the teams ourselves and therefore might have made a mistake in
assignment, but the trend information is still correct. This analysis was done to look only at gen-
eral trends.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 43
Distribution of Teams By General Category
North America Europe Asia/Pacific Latin America Total
Figure 7: Sector Distribution of Registered CSIRTs by Geographic Area
Figure 7 shows some interesting but not unexpected trends:
In North America (Canada and the United States) we see a majority of commercial teams
and a lower number of research-oriented teams.
In Europe, the relationship between commercial and research teams is just the opposite.
This is a historic trend, as nearly all European countries have national research networks
and these organizations have been the early adopters since 1992. Over the years these re-
search-oriented CSIRTs were responsible for raising the awareness of ISPs and other
commercial organizations, which then established their own teams.
In the Asia Pacific region, the majority of the “registered” teams are national teams, most
or all of them funded by the corresponding national government.
In Latin America the low number of teams precludes identifying any clear emerging
trends, although we see evidence of research, commercial, and national teams in exis-
tence. We expect that this diversity will continue.
In Table 6 we categorize the large number of teams in North America and Europe by more
detailed sectors.
44 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Table 6: North American and European CSIRTs by Subcategory
Banking and Finance 8 4
Managed Security Service Provider
15 8
Commercial 12 5
Vendor 10 1
ISP 3 13
National 0 2
Research Network 1 28
Research Organization 2 2
University 12 9
Military 5 2
Government 8 8
Health 2 1
Individuals 4 1
Total 82 84
The following observations can be made about this data:
Not surprisingly, most vendor teams are located in the U.S., or at least that is where their
development group and product security teams are located.
While many more managed security service providers and commercial companies have a
team in North America, most of the ISP teams are in Europe.
As previously stated, Europe is characterized by the many national research network
teams, but it is interesting that a similar number of universities in North America and
Europe have their own teams established.
These are sometimes called “managed service providers.”
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 45
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Commercial / North America
Commercial / Europe
Reseach / North America
Reseach / Europe
Figure 8: Differentiation of Trends in North America and Europe
Figure 8 shows the following trends:
The growth rate of research-oriented teams in Europe is decreasing. This is because many
of the research networks and large universities already have their own teams and the
smaller universities do not seem to have the need to create such a team. The growth that
did occur was due to the remaining larger universities establishing teams when they real-
ized the need.
The growth rate of commercial teams in Europe has begun to exceed that of research
teams in Europe, while the number of research teams and commercial teams has steadily
increased in North America. The number of commercial teams in North America is still
four times that of the number of research teams.
It appears from the data available for registered teams that the increase in the number of
teams in North America is primarily due to the growth of commercial teams, while the
increase in the number of teams in Europe was initially due to the establishment of re-
search network teams and is now primarily due to the growth of commercial teams.
Keep in mind that the numbers for North America are based on the registered teams and that the
real numbers might be higher by 40 to 50 percent. Since we assume that the increase would be
equally proportional for each category and subcategory, our further conclusion seems to be in
keeping with these trends, but should be taken with some caution.
46 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
3.1.5 Other Trends
Other trends we have observed include the growth of teams in particular sectors. The
CERT/CC has seen over the past few years a marked increase in the number of teams from
banking and finance, insurance, law enforcement, and critical infrastructures such as power
and energy, transportation, and information and communications. There has also been an in-
creased interest in creating CSIRTs for federal government agencies, U.S. state governments,
and national teams for countries in all areas of the world. Figure 9 shows the breakdown by
sector of organizations that have attended CERT/CC CSIRT courses from 2000-2002.
In the past seven years we have seen another trend as incident response services have become
offered, along with a range of security services, by consulting or managed security service
providers (MSSP). As more and more organizations require such support, they now have a
choice of creating their own team or hiring a team with the skills and experience to do the
job. Table 6 shows that as of August 2002, there were approximately 23 MSSP CSIRTs that
were either members of FIRST or the European CSIRTs Directory. The first registered MSSP
CSIRTs were in 1996. Since that time one or two have been added every year, with a large
increase in 2001.
% Organizational Sector Representation for 2000-2002 CSIRT
Law Enforcement
Information and
Energy Critical
Finance and
Figure 9: Organizational Sector Representation for 2000–2002 CERT/CC CSIRT
Another good example of the large number of teams that exist but are not registered comes
from work that is done by CERTCC-KR. This team works with a group of 200+ established
CSIRTs in Korea through an initiative called “CONCERT.” These teams come from universi-
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 47
ties, ISPs, security companies, and other public and private organizations. These types of
public-private coordination efforts are becoming popular in various countries around the
3.1.6 The Spread of CSIRTs
Most descriptions about how CSIRTs are formed come from anecdotal information based on
our experience and the experiences of other teams. Here are some observations concerning
how new teams are supported and the changes we have seen in how this support has been
provided. Support from Existing Teams
The history of CSIRTs, while only covering 15 years, has shown that existing teams provide a
tremendous amount of support to new teams as they are being established. This support in-
volves sharing of policies and procedures, provision of training, and sponsorship for mem-
bership in organizations such as FIRST. An example of this support and how it has helped
promote the establishment of more teams can be seen in Figure 10. This figure shows the in-
teractions between various types of teams that sponsored another team, and how this trend
carries on as those teams in turn sponsor other teams. Although team names are not men-
tioned, the figure is based on actual data, and is an illustration of how FIRST sponsorship has
48 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Figure 10: Example of Team Sponsorship and Propagation of CSIRTs
Newly forming teams have benefited from site visits to established team sites; reviewing
other teams’ web sites, incident reporting forms, and guidelines; and networking at confer-
ences such as the annual FIRST conference or meetings such as those regularly held by the
TF-CSIRT. Many teams are quite willing to receive visitors and share their experiences in
establishing their own team. They are also generally very supportive. In addition, many exist-
ing teams still consider it important for their day-to-day function to meet other teams, as any
interaction with those teams will be easier once they have established contact. Such meetings
help teams gain a better understanding of each other and establish a means of communica-
As mentioned in Section 1.7, “About the Literature Search,” many teams have also made ar-
ticles and publications available about their process for establishing their team. These docu-
ments help new teams have an idea of a process to follow and also help teams avoid pitfalls
and be aware of issues that will need to be addressed. Prior to 1998—the year the first edition
of the CERT/CC Handbook for CSIRTs [West-Brown 03] was published—no comprehensive
document was available for interested organizations to learn about the challenges and tasks
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 49
associated with establishing a CSIRT.
Today there are many articles and books available to
help teams get established and sustain and improve their operations. Movement of Personnel
Over the years we have seen a growing demand for personnel with skills in establishing and
managing a CSIRT. We have also seen a shift of personnel as those with that experience
move on to new teams or to consulting services that specialize in CSIRT setup. Movement of
personnel between teams is another way to spread incident handling knowledge. In addition,
experienced teams and key personnel have started to deliver training and tutorials on estab-
lishing and managing a team and on incident handling and forensic analysis.
As the need for more staff trained in security issues and incident response has become appar-
ent, more post-secondary education institutions have established programs in information
assurance and computer security. This has provided a needed supply of people who are
trained to understand and handle incidents. This is discussed in more depth in Section 3.6,
“Training and Certification.”
3.2 CSIRT Organizational Structure
Organizational structure refers to how a CSIRT is set up or organized to do business. This
includes who the CSIRT is providing service for, along with what goals, objectives, and func-
tions the CSIRT has. It also includes the CSIRTs place in the organization, which includes
who the CSIRT reports to in the management hierarchy and what department or group the
CSIRT is located in. It can also include what authority the CSIRT has. To gather information
on the state of the practice of CSIRTs concerning these organizational issues, we asked vari-
ous CSIRTs to tell us this information by participating in the pilot CSIRT Organizational Sur-
vey, which is discussed in Section 1.6, “About the Survey.”
3.2.1 Constituency
Within the incident response community, the constituency generally refers to the individuals
or organizations that are served by the CSIRT. These constituent members share some type of
specific characteristics (network, sector, location, agency, etc.) and are identified as employ-
ees, customers, subscribers, clients, or even information consumers. The constituency itself
can be a number of different entities, such as single departments within an organization, a
university, a company, government or military agency, national or international corporations,
Certainly there were already papers that highlighted specific issues, but there was no single docu-
ment that covered the whole breadth of information related to creating and operating a new team.
Available training is described in Section 3.6 and in Appendix C.
50 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
service providers, or nation states [West-Brown 03]. Whomever it serves, the CSIRT must
clearly identify the constituency to ensure that they are providing services to appropriate in-
The majority (86%) of the CSIRTs participating in the CSIRT Organizational Survey stated
that they did have an identified constituency. Some of the new and developing teams stated
that they were still in the process of identifying their constituency.
The types of constituencies identified by the survey participants are shown in Figure 11.
Organizational Survey Participants Constituencies
parent or host
IP range or
clients and
university and
Figure 11: Constituencies of Survey Participants
As would be expected, the educational sector CSIRTs identified their parent research network
or university as their constituency. The military CSIRTs identified other areas of the military
or specific military departments, and the information and communication CSIRTs identified
their customers or supported IP ranges and domains as their constituency. The non-profit
CSIRTs identified the public or their host organization as their constituency.
It should be pointed out that a CSIRT does not just interact with its constituency. A CSIRT
may also communicate with other CSIRT teams and security experts, individuals outside of
the CSIRT who are reporting problems, representatives from law enforcement, or vendors.
Many CSIRTs, if time permits and if their policies allow, will try to help those outside of their
constituency when reporting problems. But the constituency is the formal group that the
CSIRT provides service for according to its mission.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 51
3.2.2 Mission
Because of the wide variety of CSIRTs and the diverse constituencies they serve, there is no
one standard mission that all teams proclaim. The majority of the CSIRTs participating in our
survey stated that they have an identified mission statement and included that statement or an
approximation. Most mission statements included references to
protecting and maintaining the security of constituent systems
managing and coordinating incident response activities
minimizing damage in the event of a security incident
educating the constituency on security issues and best practices
Many teams define their mission on their main web page and in literature describing their
services. Mission statements can easily be found for a large number of national and coordi-
nating CSIRTs. It is more difficult to find mission statements for MSSP CSIRTs, as their web
pages are devoted to the types of services that clients can purchase.
An example of a national CSIRT mission can be seen on SingCERT’s “About SingCERT
page [SingCERT 03]:
One Point of Trusted Contact
Facilitate Security Threats Resolution
Increase National Competency in IT Security”
The roles and responsibilities of the team, the mission and goals that it has, and how the team
will operate must be identified and refined as the CSIRT is being planned and developed.
One thing we have also learned is that teams evolve over time. Effective CSIRTs must be
able to adapt to changes in funding, mission, constituency, management, or staffing. This has
happened to a number of teams, including the CERT/CC, AusCERT, and DFN-CERT, to
mention a few.
3.2.3 Organizational Placement of the CSIRT
There is no clear standard or consistent placement or location of a CSIRT within the organ-
izational reporting structure of a host or parent organization. Current teams are positioned
across a wide range of departments, including the information technology (IT) department,
security department, and even the audit or compliance department. A CSIRT can also be its
own department not located within any other area. It is difficult to determine where a team is
located in the organization without looking at an organization chart or asking the team. For
MSSP CSIRTs, you may be able to find the division the service is located in by looking at
52 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
their web pages. This may also be true for university or research networks. But for local and
commercial teams, that information is not usually available.
There is also no standard manager to which a CSIRT reports. The title of the manager often
relates to the department in which the CSIRT is located and the title that department’s man-
ager has been given, such as “Head of Network Services” or “Director of Telecommunica-
tions.” Depending on who you talk to in the CSIRT community, you will get a variety of an-
swers to the question “To whom should a CSIRT report?” Some will say they should report to
the CIO, others to the CSO, and others to the head of audit or the compliance divisions.
To find out more information, we asked in our survey where CSIRTs were organizationally
located and to whom they reported. Participants in the CSIRT Organizational Survey cited the
IT department 41% of the time as their location in the hierarchical structure of their parent or
host organization.
The next most frequently cited location (24%) was for CSIRTs that are
separate groups outside of any existing department.
Looking at the survey data for the sector in which a CSIRT is located and its organizational
placement, the following trends can be observed:
The majority of the military CSIRTs were located within the IT department.
Almost all participating educational sector CSIRTs were located in the IT department of
the parent university or research network.
There were no other correlations based on sector. To Whom the CSIRT Reports
The survey data also showed no clear or consistent reporting structure for CSIRTs.
38% of the participating CSIRTs stated that they report to someone other than the CIO,
IT manager, CSIRT manager, or security manager. Most of the teams identified an organ-
izational department or manager to whom the team reports.
31% stated that they report to the CIO.
The only correlation between the sector and the reporting structure was in the banking
and finance sector, where all participating teams reported to the CIO. Across the other
sectors, the teams reported to various other managers.
In an informal survey of 14 CSIRTs done by the CERT CSIRT Development Team in 2000, the
majority of the teams also identified this location as the department in which the CSIRT was posi-
See page 16 for a list of all sectors used in the survey.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 53 Organizational Model
The various organizational models for CSIRTs are described in Section 2.2, “Types of
CSIRTs.” The last part of that section details the categories used in the survey.
The largest number of participating CSIRTS (34%) identified the centralized CSIRT model as
their current organizational model.
This type of team is situated in one location and usually
performs CSIRT work 100% of the time. The rest of the teams were fairly evenly distributed
across the following categories: ad hoc team (13%), coordination center (13%), combined
team (17%) and distributed part-time team (21%).
The only correlation between sector and team model in the survey data was in the informa-
tion and communication sector, where most participating CSIRTs identified themselves as
having some type of distributed team, whether it was ad hoc, dedicated distributed, or com-
bined. There was no other correlation in the data collected between what sector the CSIRT
was located in and what type of CSIRT model the team had.
3.2.4 CSIRT Authority
“Authority” describes the control that the CSIRT has over its own actions and the actions of
its constituents related to computer security and incident response. Authority is the basic rela-
tionship the CSIRT has to the organization it serves.
According to the Handbook for CSIRTs, there are three levels of authority or relationships
that a CSIRT can have with its constituency [West-Brown 03]:
Full authority: The CSIRT can make decisions, without management approval, to direct
response and recovery actions. For example, a CSIRT with full authority would be able to
tell a system administrator to disconnect a system from the network during an intruder at-
Shared authority: The CSIRT participates in the decision process regarding what actions
to take during a computer security incident, but can only influence, not make, the deci-
No authority: The CSIRT cannot make any decisions or take any actions on its own. The
CSIRT can only act as an advisor to an organization, providing suggestions, mitigation
strategies, or recommendations. The CSIRT cannot enforce any actions. For example, the
CERT/CC is a CSIRT that has no authority over its constituency, which is the Internet
See Table 2 for descriptions of team models.
54 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
A CSIRT, due to its position, may also be able to exert pressure on the constituent to take a
specific action. An ISP, for example, may be able to force its constituents to take a specific
action or face discontinuation of Internet services [West-Brown 03].
When CSIRT organizations first began to form, most of them had “no authority.” These were
mostly national CSIRTs, university or research CSIRTs, and coordinating CSIRTs. Over time
as more commercial and local teams were established, these types of teams required more
authority to perform their work. We see today that many commercial, educational, and mili-
tary teams have full or shared authority over their constituency systems.
The most frequent type of authority cited by the CSIRTs participating in the survey was full
authority (34%); this crossed the various sectors and categories of CSIRTs. Others identified
that they had no authority (24%) or shared authority (24%).
The only correlation with sector and CSIRT authority was that all participating non-profit
CSIRTs stated that they had no authority. No correlations were identified between the CSIRT
model and the assigned CSIRT authority.
3.3 Funding and Costs
One question we have been asked quite frequently is “How much does it cost to start and op-
erate a CSIRT?” Unfortunately, the answer is not easy; there is no one figure that can be
given for what a CSIRT will cost to set up and operate. There is also not much literature on
this topic, and what is available is generally anecdotal rather than quantitative in nature.
The costs for setting up a team depend on the circumstances and environment in which the
team is established. An internal team that is distributed may not need additional salary or
equipment costs while a new team being set up in its own department will incur many more
costs. CSIRT costs will include not only start-up costs (software, computing equipment, capi-
tal furniture expenditures, supplies, Internet domain registration fees, facilities costs, phones,
fax machines) but also personnel costs (salaries and benefits). Once the CSIRT is operational,
there will be continuing sustainment costs, both for operational expenditures (ongoing facili-
ties maintenance, support of equipment, upgrades, supplies, travel) and personnel costs
(raises, professional development and training).
In this section we look at the ways CSIRTs are funded today and the types of budgets they
have, and then discuss issues in determining the cost of incidents.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 55
3.3.1 Funding Strategies
Several strategies exist for funding a CSIRT. They are listed in Table 7.
Table 7: CSIRT Funding Strategies
Strategy Description Example
time-based subscription fees for
delivery of a range of services
AusCERT has a membership sub-
scription [AusCERT 03]
contract services
or fee-based
payment for services as delivered CanCERT provides for-fee services,
MyCERT, at one time had for-fee
services [CanCERT 03, MyCERT 03]
a government department funds the
FedCIRC is sponsored by the U.S.
academic or
research sponsor-
a university or research network funds
CERT-NL is sponsored by the
SURFnet research networks [CERT-
NL 03]
parent organiza-
tion funding
a parent organization establishes and
funds the CSIRT
local teams such as those created by
Siemens or MCI WorldCom [FIRST
group of organizations, government
entities, universities, etc. pool funding
a combination of
the above
for example, funding is provided
through government funding and
private contract
CERT/CC is funded by government
and private sponsorship
CSIRTs are most often funded by a parent organization, whether it is a university, commercial
organization, military organization, or government entity.
This was supported from the data collected in the CSIRT Organizational Survey, where 55%
of the participating teams identified their funding as coming from their parent organization
and 45% said their funding came from the government. Only a few of the CSIRTs’ funding
came from more than one category. Only a small number of CSIRTs indicated that they
charged fees for their services (10%). We of course would expect that MSSP CSIRTs would
be one type of team that charged fees for their services. However, there are other teams that
also charge. Some teams provide a set of public services and then a higher level of service
can be acquired through some form of contracted services. CanCERT, for example, is an
MSSP that has a set of public services and has additional services that can be purchased. The
public services include international coordination and limited incident response [CanCERT
03]. The client services include alerts and advisories, help desk, and informational resources.
56 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Malaysia Computer Emergency Response Team (MyCERT) is not an MSSP but at one time it
offered some services for free and additional or special services for a fee
[MyCERT 03].
One of the biggest problems faced by CSIRTs is the ability to obtain and maintain funding. In
the book Incident Response, Kenneth van Wyk and Richard Forno point out that it can be
very difficult to get sufficient funding for the team because “information security, in general,
plays a supporting role…security functions are not revenue-generators, they are revenue con-
sumers.” As a result, many organizations are challenged to find ways to make a business case
for funding. The authors also suggests being “aggressive, assertive, and confident” in present-
ing a funding case to management. CSIRTs might also consider diverse mechanisms to obtain
funding—levying a tax on business units or charging a fee for services [van Wyk 01]. An-
other idea to save costs is to start with an ad hoc team, one that is pulled together to handle an
incident. The composition of the ad hoc team comes from other parts of the organization.
Staff that perform job functions related to IT maintenance and security are also assigned inci-
dent response tasks. For such a model to work successfully, however, just making staff as-
signments isn’t enough to have a good response capability; staff, management, and the con-
stituency need to understand that incident response takes priority over other tasks. If this is
not handled correctly it will cost the organization more by having an inadequate and possibly
incomplete response.
3.3.2 Budgets
CSIRT budgets are as diverse as the types of teams. Factors influencing budget costs include
the type of industry sector the CSIRT is in (which can influence salary costs), the number of
services to be offered, and the assistance provided by other areas of the organization (which
could cut down on the amount of staff and resources needed).
Survey participants were asked to identify what budget range most closely fit their CSIRT
budget (including salary costs). The categories used were as follows:
Under $50,000 USD
Between $50,000 and $100,000 USD
Between $100,000 and $500,000 USD
Between $500,000 and $1,000,000 USD
Between $1,000,000 and $2,500,000 USD
Between $2,500,000 and $5,000,000 USD
Above $5,000,000 USD
According to their current web site, MyCERT no longer offers these special services. This infor-
mation came from their web site in 2002.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 57
Figure 12 shows the breakdown of budgets indicated by the survey participants.
CSIRT Budget Ranges
Between $100,000
and $500,000
Between $500,000
and $1,000,000
$1,000,000 and
$2,500,000 and
$5,000,000 and
Under $50,000
Between $50,000
and $100,000
Figure 12: Budget Ranges for CSIRT Organizational Survey Participants
The 7% that said their budgets were above $5,000,000 were all military CSIRTs. The major-
ity of the remaining CSIRTs identified their budgets as ranging between $500,000 and
$1,000,000 (25%) and between $100,000 and $500,000 (25%). Therefore, 50% of the par-
ticipating CSIRTs indicated that their budgets were between $100,000 and $1,000,000. Edu-
cational and non-profit CSIRTs, as expected, had the lowest budgets. No other trends by sec-
tor were seen.
3.3.3 Staff Costs
In the Internet Security Systems (ISS) white paper “Computer Security Incident Response
Planning,” the amount quoted for security administrators and consultant salary costs (ob-
tained from a January 2001 SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security [SANS] Security Alert)
ranged from approximately $60,000–$80,000 per year. This figure applies to those who per-
form system and network administration. The ISS report also quoted a Gartner estimate that a
dedicated two-person incident response team will cost $251,000 in the first year for capital
expenditures, with $324,000 per year for salaries, benefits, and training. Additionally, Gart-
ners numbers for external investigation and other forensics services were in the $100,000
range, for providing specialized skills in the collection and analysis of incident information.
External staff undertaking this type of work will generally need more specialized training in
Internet Security Systems. “Computer Security Incident Response Planning, Preparing for the
Inevitable.” Atlanta, GA, 2001.
58 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
data collection, the use of analysis tools and techniques, and knowledge in handling such in-
formation to ensure that any potential evidence will be admissible in a court of law. ISS also
mentions that it may be difficult (and costly) to hire and retain a cadre of such expert staff
even for larger companies; while for smaller organizations the costs would be prohibitive.
3.3.4 The Cost of an Incident
In trying to determine the cost of a team, many organizations try to first determine how much
an incident or threat will cost to compare this with the cost of mitigating the incident. To do
this, organizations must find a way to quantify the cost of an incident. Incident Cost Analysis and Modeling Project (ICAMP)
Two studies that were done to determine a process for quantifying the costs of incidents are
the “Incident Cost Analysis and Modeling Project (ICAMP) I” [Rezmierski 98] and “Incident
Cost Analysis and Modeling Project (ICAMP) II” [Rezmierski 00], which sought to provide a
way to measure loss to universities from incidents in computing environments. The 1998
study calculated costs for 30 incidents at a little over $1 million and provided an estimate of
the actual costs for particular IT incidents. It includes sample incident types and templates
that can be used by others to calculate incident costs.
The ICAMP II study was designed to provide more information about incident data. This
second study gathered information related to incidents and their costs and chose to divide the
incidents into two broad types of activities. The first was categorized as “Service Interrup-
tions” and included incidents separated into the following:
compromised access
hacker attacks
insertion of harmful code
denial of service
The second type of activity included in the data collection was “copyright violations” and
they included distribution of illegal software (e.g., MP3 and “warez”). Based on these catego-
ries (service interrupts and copyright violations), the study revealed that the average cost for
15 incidents included in the study was just over $59,000.
A further breakdown resulted in the following costs based on type of incident:
a compromise: $1,800
harmful code: $980
denial of service: $22,350
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 59
hacker attacks: $2,100
copyright violations: $340
The authors point out in the second study that the focus was on specific types of incidents
that participating schools believed were on the rise. They also stated that they used the “most
conservative figures for calculating costs in all cases” [Rezmierski 00].
Another result of the ICAMP studies confirms an observation that the CERT CSIRT Devel-
opment Team has made: there is a lack of robust database tools to collect, track, and assess
the amount of time spent handling and resolving incidents. The ICAMP studies also pointed
out that in the university environment there is insufficient staffing to be able to identify the
types of incidents that are occurring.
In 1998, David Dittrich used the ICAMP I incident cost model to calculate the costs associ-
ated with a large-scale incident affecting multiple hosts at the University of Washington. In a
SecurityFocus article, Dittrich says “fair and accurate damage estimates can be produced, and
with very little work, provided that those doing the work are disciplined and diligent in keep-
ing track of time, at the time of incident response. Unfortunately, this is where the system
often breaks down…The need for diligence in collecting time data for every security incident
response calls for policies and procedures to be set at the institutional level, and enforced as a
regular part of incident handling, in order to have meaningful figures on institutional losses
due to security incidents” [Dittrich 02].
He went on to provide information about tracking and calculating these costs:
The fact is, it is rather simple to estimate damage due to security incidents if you
know a few simple facts about the personnel who are responding to, or are af-
fected by, the incident. Such information can be ascertained by answering the
following questions:
Who worked on responding to or investigating the incident?
How many hours did each of them spend?
How many people were prevented from working because of the incident?
How much productive time did each of them lose?
How much do you pay each of those people to work for you?
How much overhead do you pay (insurance, sick leave, etc.) for your em-
Once you know these facts (and they are all pretty easy to determine), it takes
simple mathematics to come up with a pretty accurate damage estimate [Dittrich
60 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Dittrich goes on to say that a big challenge is getting people to keep track of the time they
spend on handling incidents (whether that is writing detailed notes in a log book, using time
management tools, or other approaches for capturing effort). Dittrich provided an example of
how the ICAMP model could be used for tracking a set of incidents.
Table 8: Example of Calculating Incident Costs
Total ($)
-15% ($)
+15% ($)
Investigator 37 33.65
Administrator* 3 33.65
Benefits at 28% of salary
*Expected time for system reinstallation
It should be pointed out that the examples above focus on direct costs, but in calculating the
total cost of an incident there are many intangible and indirect costs that can be included in
the calculation of the cost of an incident. Some of these intangible and indirect costs include
loss of reputation; loss of productivity; increase in insurance premiums; and cost of new se-
curity measures, software, and configurations. Putting a dollar figure on some of these costs
may be difficult, but should be achievable with input from financial and auditing staff. Other Incident Cost Examples
The JANET-CERT team has set up a web page called “Case Studies: The Costs of Incidents.”
One example they list is a web defacement incident that cost an estimated 6000 pounds ster-
ling. The case study breaks the costs down into staff costs and overall business costs. These
costs given did not include any impact on the site’s reputation that resulted from the incident.
The defacement occurred at a university that taught computer security, but the site said they
did not have any way to calculate these types of costs or to determine if this affected any stu-
dent’s decision to attend the school [JANET-CERT 03].
The 2003 Computer Security Institute/Federal Bureau of Investigation (CSI/FBI) Computer
Crime and Security Survey indicated that 75% of the survey respondents said they suffered
financial losses as a result of computer crimes; however, less than half (47%) were able to
When calculating the costs of salary or personnel in the U.S., institutions that pay some form of
benefits for their employees will add that benefit cost into their total calculation. So in this exam-
ple whatever salary cost of a person was attributed to the incident, added to it was a benefit cost
that was calculated by taking the amount of the salary dedicated to the time spent handling the in-
cident and then multiplying that by .28 (28%).
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 61
quantify the losses. Respondents who did quantify the losses reported a total of $202M, down
56% from the $455M reported in the 2002 survey. The 2003 CSI/FBI survey reported the
highest amount of (dollar) losses were caused by theft of proprietary information and denial-
of-service attacks (total annual losses were about $70.2B and $65.6B, respectively). Virus
reports amounted to approximately $27.4B [Richardson 03].
Another survey, the Information Security Breaches Survey 2002 from the United Kingdoms
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), was conducted between November 2001 and mid-
January 2002. This survey reported that the costs associated with resolving computer security
incidents, as reported from participants in the survey, ranged from a lower limit of less than
(66% reporting) to an upper limit amounting to more than  (4% reporting).
The average (mean) cost of a serious incident was reported as approximately
The 2002 Australian/Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu/NSW survey was based on 95 responses from
public and private sector organizations (from a total of about 500). Their survey sought re-
sponses on the following categories of incident activity:
theft/breach of proprietary or confidential information
unauthorized privileged access
financial fraud
telecommunications fraud
sabotage of data or networks
denial-of-service attacks
degradation of network performance associated with heavy scanning
telecom eavesdropping
virus/worm/Trojan horse infection
laptop theft
system penetration by outsider
unauthorized access to information by insider
insider abuse of internet access or email
Although not explicitly identified, the scanning referenced in this survey seems to indicate exter-
nal scanning against a respondent’s system(s) based on statements in the survey suggesting that
even if organizations have no vulnerabilities to exploit remotely, they still “experienced financial
losses due to network degradation associated with hacker scanning tools” [Australia 02].
62 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
insider abuse of internal computer resources [Australia 02]
The Australian Computer Crime & Security Survey for 2003 asked for feedback on these
same categories of attacks. The 2003 survey was submitted to 350 public companies in Aus-
tralia, with responses from 214. The survey results for the annual cost of computer crime for
2003 totaled more than $11.8 million,
double the $5.7 million reported in the previous
year’s survey [Australia 03]. The 2002 survey pointed out that some of the respondents costs
reflected only the cost of investigation and recovery. Other losses, such as lost business op-
portunities, degradation of network performance, and cost of misuse, to mention a few, were
difficult to quantify.
Simone Kaplan, in a CSO Online article “Criteria for Determining the Cost of a Breach,”
provides a list that can be used to identify costs associated with a computer security incident
[Kaplan 02]:
system downtime
people downtime
hardware and software costs
consulting fees
money (salaries/benefits)
cost of information
cost of lost business
legal costs
cost to company reputation
The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)
Incident Response Database is an example of an incident tracking system designed to help
capture the costs of incidents. It is a web-based system that can be downloaded for free from
[CERIAS 03].
3.3.5 Making a Case to Management
Whatever the form of the CSIRT capability, much of the literature (see, for example, Mandia,
West-Brown, and SANS) makes the point that, to be successful, the team must have senior
Note that the total responding for 2002 was 75 (80%), whereas for 2003 it was 126 (58%).
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 63
management support (sometimes called “buy-in”), as illustrated by the quotations included
“Our experience shows that, without management approval and support, creat-
ing an effective incident response capability can be extremely difficult and prob-
-- CERT CSIRT Development Team, 2002
“Management and user buy-in are critical to the success [of the team]”
-- Schultz and Shumway [Schultz 02]
“Until you have management buy-in, you’ll find it hard to get time, money, and
political support for your incident handling activities.”
--SANS Computer Security Incident Handling
Step-by-Step [SANS 03]
“Any policies, procedures, or incident response teams existing without top-level
support usually fail.”
– Mandia and Prosise [Mandia 01]
“Without proper support from management…an effective CSIRC is not possi-
-- Wack [Wack 91]
What was true 10 years ago still applies today in the incident response area. There have been
a number of situations where a response team was set up as a direct result of activity that oc-
curred. The CERT/CC, for example, was established in November of 1988 as a direct result
of the Morris Worm.
In 1992, a surge in the number of reported incidents that were being
launched from Australia (to overseas sites) resulted in a combined effort from the Queensland
University of Technology, Griffith University, and The University of Queensland to seek fed-
eral funding to establish an Australian response team. “Although the proposal was rejected by
the government, the organizations had such strong convictions that this was needed that they
decided to build the capability anyway and looked for ways to fund the activity from their
own budgets” [Smith 94, p. 44]. In building their plan, AusCERT (then called SERT) sought
guidance and assistance from existing response teams to help them understand what was
needed and how to coordinate efforts with other response teams [Smith 94].
64 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Making the case to management to gather support for building a CSIRT will involve several
steps. The need to identify and collect data for both the direct and indirect cost of incidents
will be helpful in this regard. Such costs will include, as mentioned before, staff time spent
on recovery and on implementing any lessons learned, system downtime, loss of productivity,
loss of critical service, any loss of revenue from services and operations that are unavailable,
repair costs, value of compromised information, loss of reputation, or an increase in insur-
ance premiums. Other data to gather will include the risks to the organization’s information
security assets.
Matched against these costs and risks will be the benefits that the CSIRT can provide, includ-
ing reduction in recovery costs due to more streamlined response processes and better com-
munication channels; the ability to gather and evaluate new threats to the organizations op-
eration; and the ability to provide an enterprise-wide view of not only the security
weaknesses but the related response efforts and their implementation. The CSIRT, in essence,
becomes one of the providers of business intelligence to the organization.
The CSIRT will also show that it will be able to reduce incident activity and the damage re-
sulting from those incidents that do occur. The CSIRT will need to put a cost on the “loss”
avoided and the risk minimized by the work a CSIRT performs. It’s generally accepted that a
CSIRT will show a business benefit in the long term, when successfully implemented,
whether in business efficiency, reduced customer complaints, or enhanced reputation of the
parent organization. These types of issues and success stories are needed as part of the overall
business case to management. The organization’s business continuity plans and risk models,
if in place, should be able to be used to support the case for a CSIRT.
In the article by Sarah Scalet entitled “Risk: A Whole New Game,” she mentions the in-
creased interest in insurance companies who are offering cyber insurance and the move to-
wards creating actuarial models that map security practices to financial losses (versus guesses
at loss figures). Scalet mentions that courts are beginning to apply dollar figures to losses
from security breaches as well and that this could have an impact on companies being asked
to meet a certain standard of due care [Scalet 02].
The emergence of such legal precedents and standards will be another impetus to organiza-
tions to develop incident handling capabilities. These capabilities are beginning to become
requirements in various laws and regulations. For example, in the U.S., the Gramm-Leach-
Bliley Act of 1999 (GLBA, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999)
requires financial institutions to not only have customer privacy policies and an information
security program, but also a response capability. The European Data Protection regulations
require all data controllers to have appropriate technical and procedural means to protect the
data they hold. The establishment of a CSIRT or a response capability can be seen as one in-
dicator of a company actively engaging in due care or providing the required procedural re-
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 65
One methodology for understanding the information and security needs of an organization is
the Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE)
OCTAVE is a risk-based strategic assessment and planning technique for security. OCTAVE
is self-directed, meaning that people from an organization assume responsibility for setting
the organization’s security strategy. Risks to critical assets are used to prioritize areas of im-
provement and set the security strategy for the organization. The results of such a process can
be used to help make a case to management concerning security and response requirements
[Alberts 02].
Most in the CSIRT community will agree that to make a case to management you must put
issues in terms of management’s concerns and language. Risk and damage must be translated
into dollars and cents for the organization. This means showing how the CSIRT will help in-
crease productivity, increase cost savings, comply with regulations protect the companys
reputation, decrease the threats against company assets, or even enable departments to score
well on an audit.
3.4 Services
Each CSIRT is different and provides services based on the mission, purpose, and constitu-
ency of the team. Some of the services offered relate directly to incident handling, a core ser-
vice of a CSIRT. Other services, such as security training or audits, only relate indirectly to
incident handling, while serving broader organizational security needs. Some services may be
provided by other parts of the organization, such as an IT, training, or audit department, in-
stead of the CSIRT, or may even be outsourced. The actual assignment of tasks and responsi-
bilities depends on the structure of the CSIRT’s parent or host organization.
These services and a variety of others have been defined in the List of CSIRT Services jointly
published by the CERT/CC and the TI service and included in Organizational Models for
CSIRTs. That report and the corresponding list groups CSIRT services into three categories:
Reactive services. These services are triggered by an event or request, such as a report of
a compromised host, wide-spreading malicious code, or something that was identified by
an intrusion detection or network logging system. Reactive services are the core compo-
nent of incident handling work.
Proactive services. These services provide assistance and information to help prepare,
protect, and secure constituent systems in anticipation of future attacks, problems, or
events. Performance of these services will directly reduce the number of incidents in the
future. These services are ongoing, rather than being triggered by a direct event or re-
OCTAVE is a service mark of Carnegie Mellon University.
For information on OCTAVE publications, see <>.
66 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Security quality management services. These services augment existing and already
well-established services that are independent of incident handling and traditionally have
been performed by other areas of an organization such as the IT, audit, or training de-
partment. If the CSIRT performs or assists with these services, the CSIRT’s point of view
and expertise can provide insight to help improve the overall security of the organization
and identify risks, threats, and system weaknesses. These services are generally proactive
in nature but contribute indirectly, rather than directly, to a reduction in the number of in-
Table 9 provides a high level overview of the various CSIRT services within each of the
above categories as outlined in Organizational Models for CSIRTs and the corresponding
CSIRT Services List. The services listed in Table 9 are defined and explained in detail in the
CSIRT Services list available at
Table 9: CSIRT Services by Category
As illustrated in Table 9, there are many different types of services that a CSIRT can provide.
In reviewing the service offerings from different CSIRTs, it can be seen that there is not one
set combination of functions or services that a CSIRT provides. However, to be considered a
CSIRT, a team must provide some form of incident handling service.
Incident handling includes three functions: receiving incident reports, performing incident
analysis, and performing incident response. These translate into four basic services: incident
analysis, incident response on-site, incident response support, and incident response coordi-
nation. The various types of “incident response” services indicate the wide variety of “re-
sponses” different types of CSIRTs choose to provide. Some teams actually perform repair
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 67
and recovery operations (incident response on-site). Others provide technical advice and rec-
ommendations through phone, email, and documentation (incident response support). And
others facilitate the exchange of incident data, response and mitigation strategies (incident
response coordination). Incident Analysis is not only the technical analysis of the incident
report but also includes sub-services such as forensics evidence gathering and tracking and
tracing intruders. These two functions are sub-services because not all CSIRTs perform these
types of analysis.
In talking with and observing various teams, it can be seen that most teams perform incident
handling in some form. What that incident response work is varies from team to team. Some
teams spend their day reviewing intrusion detection system (IDS) logs. When they see an
alert or abnormal network traffic their response is to pass that alert on to another part of the
organization to handle. Other teams may spend their day watching IDS logs but when an alert
goes off, they send someone to analyze and investigate and determine the response. Still other
teams may do no IDS monitoring and instead staff a help desk to receive and handle security
incident reports. When they receive reports they may go to the affected machine to perform
diagnostic procedures and forensic analysis to determine what is wrong and capture any nec-
essary evidence. Other teams that coordinate incident response activities may rarely analyze a
system, but instead make sure information about ongoing threats and attacks are published to
the constituency, so the constituency can take the appropriate steps to protect themselves.
As we reviewed the literature, we found that the descriptions and identification of the range
of services a CSIRT can provide is very similar, although these are discussed at various levels
depending on the focus of the publication (e.g., management perspective versus technical). It
should also be noted that often different authors refer to these services with slightly different
To find out what types of services current teams are offering, we asked participants in the
CSIRT Organizational Survey
to indicate which services they currently provide. The most
frequently reported service was, of course, incident handling (97%). Those who said they did
not perform incident handling were military coordination centers. The next most frequently
offered services were
publish advisories or alerts (72%)
perform security policy development (72%)
As the new CSIRT Services document was not complete when the survey was created, the list of
services on the survey was only a subset of the new services list.
In creating the pilot survey we did not distinguish between writing advisories or forwarding advi-
sories written by others. We included both in this service. In any future surveys we may choose to
make a distinction.
68 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
perform artifact analysis (66%)
perform virus handling (66%)
provide and answer a hotline (62%)
monitor IDS (62%)
produce technical documents (62%)
do training or security awareness (59%)
perform some type of technology watch or monitoring service (55%)
perform forensic evidence collection (55%)
track and trace intruders (52%)
pursue legal investigations (44%)
The least offered services were
penetration testing (17%)
security configuration administration (24%)
The other least offered services were
vulnerability handling (41%)
vulnerability assessments (28%)
vulnerability scanning (31%)
doing security product development (34%)
monitoring network and system logs (38%)
Profiling of the teams by organizational location and services provided the following re-
When the CSIRT is its own department, only 14% perform penetration testing or vulner-
ability assessments. Less than half perform forensic evidence collection, tracking and
tracing intruders, and legal investigations.
When the CSIRT is located within the IT department, 100% perform incident handling
and IDS monitoring. 92% produced advisories and 83% perform artifact analysis, virus
handling, and security policy development.
When the CSIRT is located within the security team, 75% perform forensic evidence col-
lection, pursue legal investigations, and provide a hotline service and a technical watch
service. 25% perform penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, vulnerability assess-
Any services not mentioned were only listed by a small number of the teams.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 69
ments, or training. None perform security configuration administration, IDS monitoring,
or system and network monitoring.
Profiling of the teams by sector and services provided the following results:
Banking and finance: CSIRTs: 100% perform incident handling, artifact analysis, virus
handling, IDS monitoring, technical document development, security policy develop-
ment, forensic evidence collection, tracking and tracing of intruders, and legal investiga-
Education: CSIRTs: 100% perform incident handling and IDS monitoring; 83% perform
artifact analysis, virus handling, advisory production, security policy development, train-
ing, and forensic evidence collection.
Information and communication: CSIRTs: 100% perform incident handling and forensics
analysis; 75% perform a technology watch service, produce advisories, perform security
policy development, track and trace intruders, and pursue legal investigations.
Military CSIRTs: 88% perform incident handling, 75% produce advisories and perform
virus handling, and 63% provide a hotline service. None of the military teams participat-
ing in the survey provide penetration testing and only 22% perform vulnerability scan-
ning, assessments, or forensic evidence collection.
Other commercial CSIRTs: 100% perform incident handling, virus handling, network and
system monitoring, technology watch, security policy development, and security product
development and produce advisories.
Non-profit CSIRTs: 66% provide training, technical document development, advisory
publication, and a hotline service. None perform penetration testing, vulnerability scan-
ning, security configuration administration, or legal investigations.
Profiling of the teams by CSIRT model and services produced the following results:
Ad hoc teams: 100% perform incident handling; 75% perform virus handling. None per-
form penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, vulnerability assessments, or security
configuration administration. Only 25% perform a technology watch service or monitor
IDS. This seems fitting with the nature of such teams not to be involved in proactive or
security quality management services.
Coordination centers: 100% perform incident handling, technology watch services, advi-
sory production, technical document production, security policy development, and track-
ing and tracing intruders. This seems to fit with the focus on coordination and being pro-
Centralized CSIRTs: 90% perform incident handling; 80% perform advisory production
and virus handling. Only 10% perform penetration testing.
Combined teams: 100% perform incident handling and artifact analysis; 80% perform
security policy development.
70 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Distributed dedicated CSIRTs: 100% perform incident handling, security policy devel-
opment, and forensic evidence collection; 66% provide a hotline service and an advisory
publication service, produce technical documents, provide training, track and trace in-
truders, and perform vulnerability assessments. None perform penetration testing and se-
curity configuration administration.
Distributed part-time CSIRTs: 100% provide incident handling, IDS monitoring, and se-
curity policy development; 75% monitor systems and networks, produce advisories, and
publish technical documents.
Other general trends:
All (100%) of those who stated that they perform penetration testing also stated that they
perform vulnerability scanning services.
80% of the teams performing penetration testing identified themselves as a centralized,
dedicated, or combined team.
No military, banking and finance, or non-profit CSIRT participating in the survey per-
forms penetration testing.
Of those teams performing legal investigations, 92% also perform forensic evidence col-
lection and 85% also perform both tracking and tracing and artifact analysis.
All of those teams who stated that they provide a vulnerability assessment service also
perform forensic evidence collection and security policy development.
86% of those who provide vulnerability assessments also produce advisories.
The largest number of those doing artifact analysis work are located in a centralized or
combined team (32%).
94% of the teams performing tracking and tracing also perform artifact analysis.
90% of the teams performing security product development services also provide train-
ing, publish advisories, and perform security policy development. The majority of those
who performed security product development services were centralized teams, combined
teams, or centralized coordination centers. Only 25% of the ad hoc teams perform secu-
rity product development services.
Of the teams performing security configurations, all were either located in the IT depart-
ment or the CSIRT was its own department. 86% of those performing this service were a
combined or centralized team. 86% of those performing this service also monitored IDS.
None of the ad hoc teams perform security configurations or IDS monitoring.
It should be pointed out that this was the trend we saw in the responses to the CSIRT survey. In
talking with other teams who did not complete the survey, we have seen teams who performed
scanning but not penetration testing.
This could mean that a different part of their organization performs this type of activity.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 71
3.5 Staffing
The majority of documents we reviewed stress the importance of identifying staff (or a team)
that is responsible for handling computer security incidents. This staff may be full time and
devoted to incident handling tasks, or it may be ad hoc and pulled together only when an in-
cident occurs.
3.5.1 Staff Size
A question we frequently hear is “How big should my team be?” This is not an easy question
to answer, because it depends on a lot of factors. Most people involved in incident handling
agree that one person is not enough, but there is no standard number concerning how many
staff members are needed. This depends on the expertise of the staff, the incident workload,
and the type of services offered. It also depends on what work related to incident handling
and computer security is provided by other parts of the parent or host organization.
Depending on the level of service provided, the size of the team may need to have a mini-
mum number of staff. For example, for a 24x7 service like the hotline, you can begin to esti-
mate how many staff you might need to provide this service. If you have three shifts, you will
need at least four to six people to provide a basic hotline service: three to cover the shifts and
a backup for each to cover sick time and vacations. Depending on the number of calls that
come in, one person for each shift may not be enough. So you may need another three staff
members. However, if the hotline staff also performs other tasks, such as technical monitor-
ing, triage, or incident analysis, then even that number of staff may not be enough.
There was one European CSIRT that was staffed with just one person who spent just 20% of
his time handling incident reports—for a whole country. While by today’s standards this
would seem an unlikely model, at that time this “team of one” provided a valuable service to
other CSIRTs in the community by acting as a facilitator to distribute incident reports to the
appropriate entities.
In looking at the data gathered in the CSIRT Organizational Survey and through our literature
review, no specific staffing trends or best practice staffing levels were seen. The survey data
showed that
31% of participating CSIRTs stated that they had 1–5 full-time staff.
31% stated that they had 6–10 dedicated full-time CSIRT staff.
21% stated that they had over 10 staff.
Only one stated that they had over 100 staff and that was a combined military team.
Even some ad hoc and distributed part-time teams stated that they had some staff devoted
to incident handling on a full-time basis.
72 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Not surprisingly, in the majority of cases the teams with the larger staffs had a larger budget.
An important question we did not ask in the survey was the size of the constituency and net-
works supported by each team. This may have provided more useful information to gauge the
team size effectiveness. In any future surveys we will ask that question.
Across the board, most CSIRT sectors and models had both full-time and part-time staff.
38% of the participating CSIRTs stated that they had 1 to 5 part-time staff working on the
17% said they had 6 to 11 part-time staff working on the team.
One team said that they had 100 part-time staff distributed across various sites.
As would be expected, almost all distributed teams, ad hoc teams, and combined teams
had part-time staff. However, a few combined teams had only full-time staff. And the ma-
jority of the ad hoc and distributed part-time teams had only part-time staff.
48% of those with part-time staff said that the staff involved provided the equivalent of
work done by 1 to 3 full-time staff.
Smith, in his article “Forming an Incident Response Team,” says that the AusCERT team rec-
ognized early that the size of a team would have an effect on the overall capabilities of the
team. He discusses some approaches for seeking expertise from outside sources and the need
for developing trusted contacts. Smith also pointed out that one of the “common attributes
between existing CSIRTs [is] that they are under-funded, under-staffed, and overworked.” He
also suggested that one full-time technical person could comfortably handle one new incident
per day (with a maximum of 20 incidents in some type of active state) [Smith 94]. Those,
however, were statistics for the AusCERT operation almost 10 years ago. Such statistics may
no longer be valid in todays CSIRT environment. The larger numbers of incidents that are
being reported today and the sophistication of attacks may mean that an incident handler can-
not handle that many incidents at a time. Our survey did not research the number of incidents
that can be handled by CSIRT staff, so we have no statistics for comparison today. However,
this type of information is being collected as part of the initiative in Europe, so in
the future we may have some statistics on how long it takes CSIRT staff to handle particular
types of incidents.
3.5.2 Staff Positions
Although there is not a standard number of staff for a team, there are some standard, agreed-
upon positions that a team might consider. These are described in this section. In addition,
Section 4.5 of the Handbook for CSIRTs provides additional details concerning staffing issues
[West-Brown 03].
For more information on, see <>.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 73
Most of the documents we reviewed described various approaches for constructing or orga-
nizing a team, and regardless of the CSIRT model chosen, there were a few roles that all con-
sistently identified as needed:
team lead (or manager, coordinator, principal investigator, senior technical lead)
The manager, team lead, or coordinator role has the overall responsibility for managing
the team and overseeing the handling of incident activities. This person can allocate or
request additional resources when needed, and may have budgetary control and authority
to take actions within the boundaries of certain predefined conditions (e.g., may be em-
powered to schedule overtime, have systems disconnected from a network, purchase
software or hardware, etc.).
technical staff (incident handlers, vulnerability or artifact analysts)
The technical staff provides the primary support for incident handling, as well as support-
ing other CSIRT services
that may be provided and for which they have the expertise.
Staff can be full-time CSIRT members or may be adjunct members who are approved to
work with the CSIRT as needed. These part-time staff may be from other departments or
sections of the parent organization or constituency or they may be external security ex-
perts who have a working agreement with the CSIRT.
first responders
This can include those who handle the first report of an incident, whether they are help
desk personnel, CSIRT hotline staff, or some other type of staff.
These may be computer security experts, platform specialists, or network administrators
who are brought in to provide guidance and advice during an incident, but are not full
time members of a team.
other professional or administrative support staff
The professional support category could include staff from IT, human resources, legal,
corporate security, disaster recovery, or public relations departments. It may also include
media specialists, criminal investigative staff, and other management contacts that can
assist the CSIRT. The other administrative category includes administrative and secretar-
ial staff support (either full-time or part-time staff) who may be called upon to assist dur-
ing heightened periods of increased incident activity, major events, or other times (holi-
days, new school semester terms, fiscal/calendar year roll-overs, etc.).
We have also noticed through discussion with other CSIRTs that many teams implement the
concept of a core team and an extended team as their model for CSIRT operations. The core
team usually consists of first responders and incident and vulnerability analysts. The ex-
See the CSIRT Services list at <>.
74 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
tended team is formed by temporarily adding on other professionals or specialists depending
on the type of activity and type of response and analysis required.
The list that follows provides a more detailed sample of the types of staffing and tasks related
to positions that might be part of a core and extended CSIRT. A review of the CSIRT litera-
ture and discussions with other teams about their organizational structure show that these are
common types of positions in CSIRTs. It should be pointed out, however, that not all teams
would have all these positions. CSIRT staffing will depend not only on the main mission of a
team, but also on the funding and expertise available in the parent organization. It will also
depend on what services and capabilities are provided by other parts of the parent organiza-
tion or constituency.
A core team might include
manager or team lead
provides strategic direction
enables and facilitates work of team members
supervises team
represents CSIRT to management and others
interviews and hires new team members
assistant managers, supervisors, or group leaders
provides day-to-day operational guidance for team
supports strategic direction of assigned functional area
supports the team lead as needed
provides direction and mentoring to team members
assigns tasks and duties
participates in interviews with new team members
handles management tasks in team lead’s absence
hotline, help desk, or triage staff (can also be referred to as first responders)
handle main CSIRT telephone(s) for incident or security reports
provide initial assistance, depending on skills
undertake initial data entry and the sorting and prioritizing of incoming information
incident handlers
undertake incident analysis, tracking, recording, and response
coordinate the reactive and proactive guidance that will be provided to the constitu-
ency (develop material such as documentation, checklists, best practices, and guide-
disseminate information
interact with the CSIRT team, external experts, and others (such as sites, media, law
enforcement, and legal personnel) as appropriate, by assignment from team lead or
other management staff
undertake technology-watch activities if assigned
develop appropriate training materials (for CSIRT staff and/or the constituency)
mentor new CSIRT staff as assigned
monitor intrusion detection systems, if this service is part of the CSIRT activities
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 75
perform penetration testing, if this service is part of the CSIRT activities
vulnerability handlers
analyze, test, track, and record vulnerability reports and vulnerability artifacts
determine exposure of constituency or parent organizational sites
research or develop patches and fixes as part of the vulnerability response effort
interact with the constituency, the CSIRT, software application developers, external
experts (CERT/CC, FedCIRC, vendors) and others (media, law enforcement, or legal
personnel) as required
disseminate information on vulnerabilities and corresponding fixes, patches, or
Professional staff that may be asked to work as part of an extended CSIRT include
platform specialists who assist in analysis and response efforts by providing expertise in
supported technologies or operating systems (e.g., UNIX, Windows, mainframes, appli-
cations, databases). They may also perform incident handling, vulnerability handling, or
infrastructure tasks if needed.
network or system administrators to administer CSIRT equipment and peripheral devices
and maintain the infrastructure for CSIRT services. This could include deploying and
maintaining secure servers, secure email, an incident tracking system and data repository,
and any other internal systems required by the CSIRT.
web developers to maintain any CSIRT internal or external web site. The web developers
would also work in conjunction with CSIRT staff to create new content and correspond-
ing designs for any team web site.
trainers to develop and deliver curriculum for teaching not only new incident handlers in
the CSIRT, but also perhaps to teach constituency members. They may also develop and
provide security awareness training to the constituency and any parent organization.
technical writers to assist and facilitate the CSIRT in the development of publications
such as advisories, best practices, or other technical documents
representatives from the legal department to help develop and review any non-disclosure
agreements, outsourcing contracts, or service level agreements. They may also provide
guidance regarding liability issues related to ongoing incidents and advise the CSIRT re-
garding any laws or regulations with which the organization and the team must comply.
representatives from human resources to develop policies and procedures for removing
internal employees found engaging in unauthorized or illegal computer activity. They
may also help implement security training within the constituency and help develop job
descriptions and interview processes for finding and hiring CSIRT staff.
representatives from public or media relations who work with the CSIRT to handle any
media inquiries and help develop information disclosure policies and practices
existing security groups, including physical security, that will work with the CSIRT to
exchange information about computer incidents and possibly share responsibility for re-
solving issues involving computer or data theft
76 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
audit and risk management specialists who help the CSIRT develop threat metrics and
risk assessments for constituency systems
law enforcement liaisons or investigators involved in evidence collection, forensic analy-
sis, and any resulting prosecution or court cases
Support staff is usually required to help CSIRT members as needed by performing adminis-
trative services.
3.5.3 Staff Skills
Finding and retaining skilled CSIRT staff is not an easy task. Many teams have relayed how
they have had open positions for long periods of time before finding someone who had the
right skill set and personality to work in their CSIRT.
Many of the authors of various incident handling books and articles discuss the types of skills
required for CSIRT staff [Schultz 02, Smith 94, van Wyk 01, West-Brown 03]. Most agree
that not only is it important for staff in the CSIRT to have the technical depth and breadth of
experience to handle incidents, it is equally important (sometimes even more so) to have
“people” skills as well.
It is obvious in many of the publications reviewed that CSIRT members are viewed as pro-
viding a “customer service” role. Van Wyk and Forno state that it is paramount that every
team member have a positive, customer service-oriented attitude and that care be taken in
hiring the right staff [van Wyk 01]. For many CSIRTs, a large portion of the interaction with
others occurs through oral communication (telephone conversations, presentations) or the
written word (email, documents, reports, alerts, advisories, etc.), so it is imperative that
CSIRT staff be able to carry out these communications clearly and concisely, be able to de-
scribe activity accurately, and provide information to their constituency or others that is easy
to understand. CSIRT staff may also be dealing with constituency members under great stress
because of the current damage resulting from any incident activity, so they must be able to
relate to the situation and often even calm people down to be able to obtain the needed infor-
mation to handle the incident. This is another reason why personal skills are so important.
Trustworthiness is paramount to the success of a CSIRT. This is one of the key lessons
learned that is discussed in CERT/CC incident handling courses. Other authors agree that
CSIRT members must be trustworthy [Kossakowski 94a, Schultz 02, Smith 94, West-Brown
03]. The words and actions of each member of the team can affect the reputation and con-
stituent perceptions of the team.
Smith says that in his opinion the attributes that any CSIRT staff member should have are (in
order of priority)
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 77
operating system administration experience
programming experience
communication skills
security experience [Smith 94]
Schultz provides a summary of the types of skills typically required in the CSIRT, including
the need for strong management experience to lead the team and ensure that it is meeting its
mission and the need for technical staff with proficiency in different applications, systems,
and networks found in the teams constituency. He also lists other equally important traits
such as people, teamwork and communications skills, all of which contribute to effective in-
teractions between the team and its constituency [Schultz 02].
In addition to identifying the right skills for the CSIRT staff, Oppenheimer et al. suggest that
some security precautions be implemented during the hiring process to screen resumes for
“red flags.” Employers should perform reference and background checks, require new em-
ployees to sign appropriate non-disclosure agreements or acceptable use documents, and pro-
vide security awareness training as part of new-employee orientation [Oppenheimer 97].
Smith also discusses the importance of paying careful attention to hiring regulations with re-
gard to advertising, interviewing, and screening applicants. He raises the issues that manage-
ment will need to determine if hired staff will be required to complete non-disclosure agree-
ments and if they will need security clearances to perform their work (depending on the
sensitivity of the constituencys information) [Smith 94].
Another issue that CSIRT managers must take into consideration concerns any CSIRT staff
members who will provide expert testimony in any judicial proceedings. If a teams services
include forensics evidence collection, then the team members may be required to act as ex-
pert witnesses in court. This may require specialized skills and training for the analyst. Also,
any staff member undertaking such tasks must be willing and able to stand up in court and
provide the testimony.
Having well-defined job descriptions that include a list of the roles and responsibilities for
each of the CSIRT positions along with the necessary skills, experience, educational back-
ground and/or certifications and clearances required can be a helpful tool in identifying and
hiring the right staff.
78 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
As the field of incident handling and CSIRT functions is still relatively new, in many cases,
managers who are seeking trained staff will turn to the more traditional system administrator
position descriptions and skills. For example, SAGE,
the international organization for pro-
fessional system administrators, provides information about various job descriptions that
might be useful to organizations seeking to staff a CSIRT.
The core job descriptions cover
the range of novice to senior-level system administrator, listing the required background and
desirable skills for these positions.
More information on CSIRT required skills can be found in the CSIRT Basic Skills document
on the CERT/CC web site at
3.5.4 Staff Burnout
Because of the amount of detailed work done by incident handlers and the increasing work
loads, many of the authors of the books and articles reviewed in the literature identified staff
as a problem for CSIRTs.
Most encourage managers of teams to foster an environment where professional development
of staff is given a high priority. As the technology improves and evolves, the CSIRT staff
must have opportunities to improve their skills and experiences. This may mean providing a
particular percentage of staff time for professional development. This professional develop-
ment could include working in other areas of the team or parent organization or attending
conferences and training in an effort to stay current with necessary incident handling skills.
A number of the authors identify the need to provide opportunities for the CSIRT staff to “ro-
tate” or take on other roles to avoid incident response burnout [Smith 94, van Wyk 02, Wack
91, West-Brown 03]. They recommend seeking ways to invigorate or energize staff by allow-
ing them to spend a portion of their time (or some other dedicated timeframe) working on
new projects, investigating new technologies, writing, participating in workshops or training
sessions, developing software tools that may be of use to the team or constituency, or per-
forming other research that will take them away from day-to-day incident handling activities.
The Handbook for CSIRTs suggests that only 80% of staff time should be devoted to incident
response activity [West Brown 03]. Van Wyk and Forno suggest that “incident response pro-
SAGE is a Special Technical Group (STG) of the USENIX Association. For more information
about SAGE, see <
The SAGE short topics booklet series includes one booklet focused on job descriptions, edited by
T. Darmohray. A brief overview of the booklet is available at
Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines burnout as “exhaustion of physical or emo-
tional strength.”
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 79
fessionals be utilized only 55–65 percent with the rest of the time available for training” [van
Wyk 01].
Schultz also discusses the problem of burnout and management’s responsibility to identify
techniques and approaches to provide incident response staff with opportunities to do other
types of work [Schultz 02, p. 90]. Smith suggests that staff should rotate through high-stress
positions and have opportunities to work on other activities that are less stressful (although,
of course, they should be available if emergency situations necessitate pulling them back into
incident handling activities) [Smith 94].
3.6 Training and Certification
As more and more CSIRTs were created during the 1990s, a common issue that many teams
(and individuals) faced was the general lack of training resources for incident handling. Al-
though training was widely available for various technical skills
that an incident handler
may need (e.g., system and network administration), few training providers taught how to
secure those hosts and networks, let alone how to apply this knowledge to the arena of inci-
dent handling activities—receiving incident reports, analyzing the incident, sharing relevant
information with others, and providing an effective response.
The CERT Coordination Center was one of the first organizations to provide training courses
specifically designed for CSIRT managers and technical staff. Originally developed for the
U.S. Army, these courses are now offered to the public, and have been attended by hundreds
of CSIRT members from around the world.
Today, there are a number of sources that provide some level of training in incident response
and incident handling activities, as well as more training sources in special focus areas such
as computer forensics. Many organizations offer “hands-on” courses, as well as online or
webcast courses or seminars that can be attended without having to incur travel expenses.
Training in the general fields of information security and information assurance is quite
abundant. Many colleges and universities are now offering courses and curriculums in infor-
mation security or assurance, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. In the United
States, since 1999 the National Security Agency has designated 50 universities as Centers of
Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, part of an outreach program to
See the CERT/CC document at <>, which lists the
basic skills, both technical and non-technical (e.g., personal and communication skills), that the
CERT/CC has found essential for providing effective incident response.
80 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
promote “higher education in information assurance” and produce “a growing number of pro-
fessionals with IA expertise in various disciplines.”
A relatively new development in incident handling training is the certification of CSIRT inci-
dent handling staff or teams. In 2000, the SANS Institute
began offering individual certifi-
cations for Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)
Certified Incident Handler
And in 2003, the CERT Coordination Center began offering the CERT-Certified
Computer Security Incident Handler certification.
The U.S. Department of Defense has mandated that all Computer Network Defense Service
Providers (CNDSP) be certified and accredited in order to continue providing security ser-
vices to their subscribers. The CNDSP certification and accreditation process is means by
which providers can become certified according to the guidelines identified in DoD Directive
8530.1 “Computer Network Defense” and DoD Instruction 8530.2 “Support to Computer
Network Defense.”
The Certification and Accreditation process is an evaluation of the pro-
tect, detect, respond, and sustain capabilities of the CND service provider, as well as an
evaluation of the ability of the provider to deliver these services to its subscribers.
Previous to these more specialized incident handling certifications, more generalized certifi-
cations in the field of information security have been available to individuals. The most rec-
ognized is the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP),
through “(ISC)
” the International Information Systems Security Certifications Consortium,
The CISSP Certification examination covers a working knowledge of ten domains of
information security that comprise the Common Body of Knowledge (CMK).
Some of the
other types of information security certifications that are recognized are listed in Appendix C.
In reviewing the results of the CSIRT Organizational Survey, there was no standard type of
certification or degree required for incident handling staff by the teams participating in the
Policy documents are available to .mil sites via links on <> or
>; access requires a DoD PKI Certificate.
<>. The ten domains of the CBK are Security
Management Practices; Security Architecture and Models; Access Control Systems & Methodol-
ogy; Application Development Security; Operations Security; Physical Security; Cryptography;
Telecommunications, Network, & Internet Security; Business Continuity Planning; and Law, In-
vestigations, & Ethics.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 81
survey. Ten percent required a bachelor’s degree, 6% required the CISSP certification, 6%
required Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA)
certifications, and 3% re-
quired GIAC GCIH certification.
Along with external training, many teams have their own internal training to teach CSIRT
staff the specifics of their particular services. Fifty-five percent of the participating CSIRTs
stated that they had a formal training program for the CSIRT staff.
Appendix C lists some current sources for CSIRT training. In addition to the URLs listed in
this appendix, a search on the World Wide Web can provide an ever-growing menu of other
sites and organizations that now offer some level of incident handling training. In assessing
any training providers, it is important to try to determine whether the type of training being
offered meets the needs of the team and individual members of the team.
3.7 Processes
In this section we look at how CSIRTs go about receiving, categorizing, tracking, and re-
sponding to computer security incidents. Information was gathered through the CSIRT Or-
ganizational Survey, literature search, our own experiences, and discussions with other teams.
We will begin with a look at the definition of computer security incidents and other incident
response terminology. Next we will look at what is involved in creating an incident response
plan. We will move on from there to discuss various CSIRT operational processes such as
receiving incident data
recording and tracking CSIRT data
categorizing and prioritizing incident reports
performing incident response
answering the hotline
performing forensic analysis
coordinating and sharing information
We will also discuss defining the hours of operation.
82 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
3.7.1 Defining Computer Security Incidents and Other Inci-
dent Response Terminology
One of the problems facing the CSIRT community today is the lack of a standard taxonomy
or a standard set of definitions for describing incident response activities and events. This has
caused much confusion when trying to exchange data between teams or with sites. In particu-
lar, the actual definition of the term “incident” varies from team to team. For example, defini-
tions for “incident” in the literature reviewed included the following:
The CSIRT FAQ defines an incident as “any real or suspected adverse event in relation to
the security of computer systems or computer networks.” Another definition is “the act of
violating an explicit or implied security policy” [CSIRT 02].
Allen, in The CERT Guide to System and Network Security Practices, describes an inci-
dent as “a collection of data representing one or more related attacks. In addition, a set of
steps are described that are comprised of a series of practices used to respond to inci-
dents, e.g., analyze, communicate, collect, and protect. These are followed with practices
to contain, eliminate, return systems to operations, and improve the process” [Allen 99].
A draft version of The State of Vermont’s incident reporting procedures for their CSIRT
defines an incident as “any irregular or adverse event, which can be electronic, physical,
or social that occurs on any part of the State’s infrastructure” [Vermont 01].
In a joint survey from AusCERT, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, and the New South Wales
Police in May 2002, a computer security incident is defined as “an attack against a com-
puter or network, either real or perceived” and “any type of computer network attack,
computer-related crime, and the misuse or abuse of network resources or access” [Aus-
CERT 02].
The SANS Incident Handling Step-by-Step guide defines an incident as “an adverse event
in an information system and/or network, or the threat of the occurrence of such an
event” [SANS 03].
The Department of the Navy incident response guidebook uses the same definition as
SANS [Navy 96].
Van Wyk and Forno describe an incident (in its most basic terms) as “a situation in which
an entitys information is at risk,” without explicitly saying whether it is an event or an
attack [van Wyk 01].
Mandia defines incidents as “events that interrupt normal operating procedure and pre-
cipitate some level of crisis” [Mandia 01].
Howard describes an incident as “a group of attacks that can be distinguished from other
incidents because of the distinctiveness of the attackers and the degree of similarity of
sites, techniques, and timing.” He also defines computer security as “preventing attackers
from achieving objectives through unauthorized access or unauthorized use of computers
and networks” [Howard 97].
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 83
Schultz defines incidents as “adverse events that threaten security in computing systems
and networks.” In addition, events are described as “any observable thing that happens in
a computer and/or network” [Schultz 02].
As far back as 1991, Wack described “computer security incident” in a NIST document
on establishing a response team as “any adverse event whereby some aspect of computer
security could be threatened” [Wack 91].
In RFC 2828, “Internet Glossary,” Shirey defines a security incident as a security-
relevant system event in which the systems security policy is disobeyed or otherwise
breached [Shirey 00].
These varieties of definitions also mean that comparing incident statistics across teams is dif-
ficult and often meaningless.
Although there are many definitions of the term “incidents,” some similarities exist. In most
of the literature reviewed, the definition of “incident” related to some type of unauthorized
activity against a computer or network that results in a violation of a security policy. Whether
it is an action, an event, a situation, or collection of data relating to an attack, all generally
agree that the CSIRT should identify the threat and then take the appropriate action, based on
guidance defined in the teams policies and procedures. This is generally referred to as inci-
dent response.
Definitions for incident response include the following:
Van Wyk describes the goal of incident response as being “to minimize the impact of an
incident to a company and allow it to get back to work as quickly as possible.” Incident
response, according to van Wyk, is the discipline of handling situations in a manner that
is cost effective, business-like, efficient, repeatable, and predictable. It involves preven-
tion, planning, detection, analysis, containment, investigation, eradication, and a post-
mortem [van Wyk 01].
Mandia also describes incident response as a framework for a formalized process to re-
spond to incidents. The methodology includes pre-incident preparation, detection, initial
response, response strategy formulation, forensic backups, investigation, implementation
of security measures, monitoring, recovery, reporting, and follow-up [Mandia 01].
Additionally, these actions, events, or situations are generally handled by some group of indi-
viduals who follow established incident response processes, whether they be staff from an IT
department, an ad hoc team of security staff called upon as needed, or a more formalized and
dedicated CSIRT staff. All authors reviewed in the literature search agree that to effect the
response, a plan is needed.
84 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 Security Incident Taxonomy
Developing a taxonomy is a complicated endeavor, so much so that the new Incident Han-
dling Working Group (INCH WG of IETF)
choose not to address that issue in their work on
developing a format and methodology for exchanging incident data. Instead they have created
a format that identifies various fields such as incident, vulnerability, or artifact. Each team
using this format can place in those fields information according to their own definition of
each term.
In 1997 a doctoral dissertation was done by John Howard called “An Analysis of Security
Incidents on the Internet 1989–1995” [Howard 97]. One of the outcomes of this dissertation
was the development of a taxonomy for the classification of Internet attacks and incidents.
This document is still referenced in today’s CSIRT community.
The eCSIRT project also is using a taxonomy that was based on one developed by staff in
3.7.2 Having a Plan
In February 2002 CIO published a report on “Cyberthreat Response and Reporting Guide-
lines” [CIO 02] that was jointly sanctioned by the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service. This re-
port suggests that the better prepared an organization is to respond to security events, the bet-
ter chance it has to minimize the damage.
This is one of the main functions of a CSIRT, to be prepared to effectively handle incidents
when they occur and to help prevent incidents from happening. Whether the team is formal-
ized or ad hoc, many of the authors reviewed in our literature search [Allen 01, Duffy 01,
SANS 03, Schultz 02, Symantec 01, van Wyk 01, West-Brown 03] agree that the team should
have a plan for handling incidents and should back up the plan with documented policies and
procedures. This is a concept also widely embraced by the CSIRT community.
This incident response plan identifies the mission and goals of the team; the team roles and
responsibilities; the services provided; and policies, procedures, processes, and guidelines
related to incident handling. The incident response plan is not only for the CSIRT staff mem-
bers (in their role as incident handlers), but also for the constituency that they serve, so those
individuals are knowledgeable about what to report, how to report it, and to whom it should
be reported. The plan should also provide some notion of the expected level of service that
will be provided. RFC 2350, “Expectations for Computer Security Incident Response”
[Brownlee 98], is a best practice document created by the IETF GRIP working group that
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 85
documents the type of information a CSIRT should make public to its constituents and exter-
nal contacts.
Anyone who is familiar with handling computer security events knows that incidents come in
all shapes and sizes. Some are quite straightforward, easy to understand and mitigate. Others
can be quite serious and very complex, or can affect many hundreds of systems and require
coordination to respond to effectively.
A white paper published by Internet Security Systems, “Security Architecture and Incident
Management for E-Business,” written by M. S. Sokol, with contributions from D. A. Curry,
describes a set of best practices to reduce the risk of attacks and discusses a process for inci-
dent management. They reference the British Standard (BS) 7799
which was the forerunner
of ISO 17799
(also referred to as BS EN ISO17799) a well-known set of best practice stan-
dards for implementing information security in organizations. Sokol and Curry write “Inci-
dent management responsibilities and procedures should be established to ensure a quick,
effective, and orderly response to security incidents” [Sokol 00].
Having a plan in place will enable sites or organizations to not only quickly identify unau-
thorized activity occurring on their systems or networks, but will also facilitate responding to
such events. This can eliminate or mitigate any potential risks that might be faced (loss of
reputation, trust, or financial status, or even loss of life).
Even if you cannot define a robust plan, having some basic guidelines will help. The State of
Vermont has a set of incident handling procedures that are used as a guideline until their
CSIRT can enhance and update their existing document. This 10-page document includes
sections on setting the scope (e.g., having a plan to approach handling incidents), areas of
responsibility, and general and specific procedures. Their guidelines also include an incident
response checklist that can be used [Vermont 01]. Another set of guidelines used by Nebraska
similarly has procedures for reporting security breaches. It outlines their procedure for what
type of activity to report and how that information should be reported. A copy of these guide-
lines can be seen in Appendix E [Nebraska 02].
Most of the authors in our literature search agreed on common areas that an organization
should consider implementing when planning a response capability, including
establishing a centralized method or point of contact (POC) for reporting incidents
identifying the goals, functions, and responsibilities of the team
For more information on BS7700, see <>.
For more information on ISO 17799, see <>.
86 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
identifying the staff and necessary expertise and training required
identifying and defining the proactive and reactive services to be provided by the team
providing guidance for reporting and handling incident reports
providing security awareness and incident response training for CSIRT staff and constitu-
establishing and encouraging well-defined incident handling and security policies and
procedures for the CSIRT and for the constituency
sharing lessons learned with others
establishing a method for evaluating how effective the CSIRT has been
establishing a method for coordination between the CSIRT and internal and external par-
All of these issues and areas define the basic framework of the CSIRT.
In addition, many of these authors provide a set of processes or steps that are used in incident
response activities. Selections of these processes from several authors are highlighted in Ap-
pendix B. Each process is outlined from each of the books or articles reviewed.
In reviewing the materials in the appendix, it can be seen that the basic steps for incident
management and response are very similar across the authors. They basically break down
into some form of
The “prepare” or “protect” functions refer to proactive mechanisms to have in place to effec-
tively respond to an incident. This includes having incident reporting guidelines available to
the constituency and defined incident handling procedures for CSIRT staff. It also involves
the implementation of security best practices to protect systems. These best practices can in-
clude applying appropriate security configurations for software and hardware; keeping up to
date with patches and operating system upgrades; monitoring system and network activity;
disabling unneeded services; enabling maximum auditing; installing internal and external
defenses such as firewalls, routers, and intrusion detection systems; and raising user aware-
ness regarding computer security issues.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 87
In the CSIRT community, we often say “Reuse, with appropriate attribution, is good.” Being
able to learn from the actions and experiences of other response teams can be very effective
in helping a team to develop their own plans. For example, in building a team for the German
Research Network back in 1993, Kossakowski pointed out that they were able to gain a lot of
knowledge about what they needed to launch their CSIRT from talking to other teams [Kos-
sakowski 94b]. He also pointed out that it can be challenging to prepare a successful plan for
a CSIRT, especially if starting from scratch. One of the lessons learned was that talking with
other teams, reviewing information that is available on CSIRTs in general, and where possi-
ble and appropriate, visiting other CSIRTs, will go a long way towards helping you to build
an effective plan for your own CSIRT [Kossakowski 94a].
3.7.3 Incident Handling Process or Methodology
As mentioned in the previous section, many authors provide a set of processes, steps, or
methodologies that are recommended for handling incident activity, threats, and intruder at-
Some teams have very formalized processes with flowcharts and checklists that team mem-
bers must follow to handle an incident. Other teams handle this process in a more ad hoc
fashion. For example, the representation for the incident life cycle referenced in Section 3.4.1
of the Handbook for CSIRTs shows a visual representation for how a report moves through
the incident handling cycle [West-Brown 03].
Figure 13: The Incident Life Cycle
Initial Analysis and
Data Collection
tion and
Perform Tec
88 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Other flow diagrams and charts have also been referenced in the literature [Kruse 02, Steele
02]. These are included in Appendix E of this document and referenced in Section 3.12.2,
“Sample Templates, Checklists, Process Guides and Flowcharts.”
An incident handler may not initially be able to determine whether an incident has actually
occurred, and there is some amount of “discovery” that must happen to confirm or verify
whether the report is valid or not. Once confirmation is obtained, the response provided will
depend on the range and level of services the CSIRT provides to the constituency. The re-
sponse might range from an acknowledgement of the report and pointers to resources to help
the reporter of the incident, to on-site support by the CSIRT to undertake remedial actions to
resolve the incident.
Once an incident has been handled (depending on the type or severity), teams might conduct
a postmortem to discuss what occurred, how the CSIRT processes were or were not followed,
identify any missing steps or other issues in the process that need to be revised or refined;
and subsequently, update the CSIRT procedures and processes as necessary. The incident re-
view can also provide an opportunity for the CSIRT to discuss with their constituency what
security weaknesses or procedural problems led to the incident occurring and how to fix these
problems to prevent future occurrences. A more detailed look at this process is discussed in
Sections 3.7.4 through 3.7.7.
3.7.4 Receiving Incident Data
Most CSIRTs today have some identified mechanism for receiving reports, alerts, or requests.
These usually include an email alias for the CSIRT where reports can be emailed. Others
have a hotline or help desk that can be called, while others have an online or paper-based
form that can be filled out to report an incident.
Other teams receive alerts and reports automatically through IDS, network monitoring pro-
grams, or other network sensors.
The CSIRT Organizational Survey asked participants what mechanism they used to receive
incident reports. The results showed that the majority received reports and requests via elec-
tronic mail. The breakdown was
93% of the participants receive reports via email
79% receive reports via phone
69% receive reports via IDS
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 89
surprisingly, 41% receive walk-in reports
only 17% receive reports via paper incident reporting forms
38% have an incident reporting form (IRF) on their web site
The following trends by sector: were identified:
Banking and finance CSIRTs: 100% receive reports via phone, email, paper IRF, and
Education CSIRTs: 100% receive reports via email and IDS; 83% receive reports via
phone. 0% of the education CSIRTs stated that they used a paper or web IRF.
Communication and Information CSIRTs: 100% receive reports via phone and email;
75% receive them via web IRF, IDS, and walk-ins.
Other Commercial CSIRTs: Similar to the banking and finance CSIRTs, 100% receive
reports via phone, email and IDS.
Non-Profit CSIRTs: 100% receive reports via email; 66% receive them also by phone.
The following trends by CSIRT model were identified:
Ad hoc teams: 75% receive reports via email and none have a paper or web IRF.
Coordination centers: 100% receive reports via email and phone and none had a web IRF.
Centralized CSIRTs: 90% receive reports via email; 80% also received them via phone.
Combined teams: 100% receive reports via email and IDS; 75% receive them via phone
and a web IRF.
Distributed teams: 100% receive reports via phone and email; 86% receive them via IDS.
Breaking that down by the type of distributed team, 100% of the distributed dedicated
teams receive reports via phone and email and 100% of the distributed part-time teams
receive reports via phone, email, and IDS.
3.7.5 Recording and Tracking CSIRT Data
Tracking and recording of information in a logical and methodical way can be a challenge for
newly forming teams because they may not know what they need to collect and the way in
which that information might need to be accessed, used, and archived.
In 1991, Garfinkel and Spafford provided two succinct rules to follow when responding to
incidents. These still hold true more than a decade later:
A “walk-in” report is when a person physically comes to the CSIRT and reports a problem ver-
90 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Rule #1: Don’t Panic!
Rule #2: Document! [Garfinkel 91]
There are myriad reasons to track and record information:
maintaining an archive of the types of incidents a CSIRT handles over the course of a
identifying and compiling trends and statistics
keeping detailed information that will be admissible in a court of law (should criminal
investigation of an incident be pursued)
managing incident workload across staff
providing reports on the status of an incident or incident report
identifying work tasks that must be completed for an incident
handing over an incident to another staff member for completion
identifying large-scale incidents that might not be apparent when reviewing individual
incident reports
correlating incident activity across the enterprise
Depending on the mission and goals of a team, these reasons will vary; however, there are
some common bits of data that will be useful to collect no matter what the end goal.
Each CSIRT needs to decide what data should be recorded and tracked. This will help to en-
sure that the team is providing effective response services, is meeting any management and
funding requirements, and may also help to determine needed staffing levels.
Many teams recommend starting a log immediately to begin capturing critical information
about a reported activity. Keeping accurate information about the date and time, what has
occurred, who has been contacted, and what actions have been taken or need to be taken all
need to be included in such a chronological log [Mandia 01, p. 31]. This is most important
during times when incident activity is increasing and team members are handling multiple
events or incidents. In the early 1990s, for example, it was not uncommon for the CERT/CC
incident handling staff to be managing anywhere from 20-25 “active” open incidents concur-
rently. This collection of assigned incidents could include activity such as
newly received reports
on-going interactions with previously reported incidents
contacting/interacting with other identified sites related to previously reported incidents
closed incidents that had been reopened because additional activity reports were received
other types of requests for information
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 91
Attempting to manage (or remember) the specific details for any one of these incidents could
be a challenge; when incidents involve hundreds (or thousands) of hosts or sites, remember-
ing what happened, who was contacted, and the current status can be very difficult. Whatever
techniques are used for recording and tracking CSIRT data, it is worthwhile to identify in the
requirements design that all data can be easily searched, incident reports can be handed off to
other staff members (e.g., reassign the responsibility for handling a specific report), and that
current summaries of the workload and distribution across CSIRT staff can be determined.
Another consideration in determining what type of system to use for tracking and recording
CSIRT data is whether it can effectively incorporate processes for capturing and storing data
from other sources, such as telephone calls, facsimile, other types of correspondence, en-
crypted information, binary files, and other types of files.
Some of the features that a CSIRT might require in recording and tracking data are included
in Table 10.
Table 10: Features of a CSIRT Tracking System
Ability to: Support for: Fields to capture:
modify initial categorization
of reports
access and read all related
respond to requests via email
assign actions and redistribute
to others as needed
search, sort, cross-reference,
and correlate hosts, IP ad-
dresses, attack types, dates,
and names
generate reports and/or statis-
tics as required
review and/or reassign work-
load of an incident handler
open/close/reopen reports
access library of standard
trigger automatic reminders
of incidents that need atten-
standardized incident data
representation (IODEF for
encrypting and decrypting
documenting chain of cus-
tody as part of investigation
or law enforcement activity
contact information
time zone for any times
reported or logs sent
system information
resolution and mitigation
recommended steps
staff interviewed during
incident resolution
follow-up actions
cost of incident
amount of time to re-
(More fields are discussed
in section
92 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 Data Fields
Many CSIRTs have developed an incident reporting form to capture the type of information
that helps them to identify the “who, what, when, where, and how” of some activity that is
being reported.
A variety of incident reporting forms (or templates) have been developed by different organi-
zations and a few examples are referenced in Table 11. Examples of these forms have been
included in Appendix E. Some CSIRTs may make their incident reporting forms available for
public download and use by anyone wishing to report an incident to them. Other internal
may place their forms on intranets or include them as part of procedures or guidelines
for reporting.
Table 11: Sample Incident Reporting Forms and Flowcharts
Name/Organization Source
CIO Magazine
U.S. Secret Service
van Wyk & Forno
Incident Response, O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.
ISBN 0-596-00130-4
Kruse & Heiser
Computer Forensics-Incident Response Essentials, ISBN 0-201-70719-5
Looking at these incident reporting forms, and others that are available or accessible from the
Internet, we can see a standard set of data fields used to collect critical incident information:
contact information of the individual(s) reporting and/or contact information for other
sites involved in the activity
email address
phone (direct dial, mobile/cellular, fax)
organization reporting incident
organization that is the victim of the incident
time of incident and corresponding time zone
By “internal teams” we mean CSIRTs who only serve their internal organization or a specific
group or department in their organization and who have no external appearance outside their or-
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 93
time of report and corresponding time zone
time of discovery of incident and corresponding time zone
description of problem or report (summary, technical details)
type of system(s) involved or affected (owner, mission)
IP address(es) of involved hosts (source and destination of attacks or scans)
operating system (versions, patch level, applications installed) of hosts involved
actions taken (planned), mitigation strategies, resolution
involvement of law enforcement
In addition to the list above there are often check boxes for identifying
the specific type of activity (probe, scan, break-in, virus, denial of service, etc.) that is
being reported
whether the activity is currently ongoing or has stopped (i.e., was discovered after the
questions to gauge the scope of the incident, extent of the damage, severity of the threat,
and cost of the incident
the time zone and/or geographic location of system(s) involved (especially helpful when
tracking or handling widespread incidents that span multiple time zones and affect many
any other sites or organizations that may have been notified
Each CSIRT will need to determine the information that is most appropriate to collect and
record, depending on their mission and goals, the needs of the constituency they are support-
ing, and/or any regulatory requirements that may be imposed—and having tools to support
the management of this information is a critical need for an effective CSIRT. Most teams
need to customize existing products to meet their functionality requirements.
Teams also need to identify how long they retain information about their incident reports.
Some teams will keep information for short periods of time (months), while others may keep
information for several years.
Different types of teams for different sectors may have vari-
ous legal requirements that impact how long they can retain information.
Although currently there are no widely accepted standards used by the CSIRT community to
record and track CSIRT data, there is ongoing work in the IETF to develop standard data
The CERT/CC has kept an archive of all incident reports handled since the team was established
in 1988.
94 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
formats for exchanging incident data between teams. For example, the IODEF defines a
common data format for describing and exchanging incident information [Arvidsson 01].
IODEF has been designed to be compatible with the Intrusion Detection Message Exchange
Format (IDMEF) developed for sharing intrusion detection data between intrusion detection
systems [Curry 03]. More about this project can be found in Section of this report. Mechanisms for Recording and Tracking Incident Information
Information can be captured and logged in a variety of ways: on paper or in a logbook, in a
database or help desk system, or even in text files.
When participants were queried in the CSIRT Organizational Survey about how information
was collected, they responded as follows:
76% of the teams stated that they used a database to record and track incident data
28% use both a database and a paper log
10% use only a paper log
45% said they used a customized database
28% said that they used an off-the-shelf product
There was no particular database product used consistently by the CSIRTs. Products men-
tioned included
Remedy HelpDesk and Action Request System
Microsoft Access
Lotus Notes
A number of teams find they must build customized environments to collect, record, and
store CSIRT information because some of the tools do not have the features needed or do not
meet the functionality required by the CSIRT.
One example of some of the work that is currently being done to create a customized incident
handling tracking system is the development of Request Tracker for Incident Response
JANET-CERT is currently funding a project that has led to the development of
RTIR, which is a customized version of an earlier general-purpose tracking system called
For more information, see <>.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 95
Request Tracker.
JANET-CERT worked in collaboration with the software vendor, who did
the actual programming.
DFN-CERT is also working on a project that has been funded by the German federal CSIRT,
CERT-BUND, that involves researching requirements for a CSIRT incident tracking system.
The prototype developed by DFN-CERT is based on RT and its extension for incident re-
sponse, RTIR. The prototype is web-based and is called “Vorfallsbearbeitungssystem,” or
VBS for short. The VBS extends RT/RTIR by adding specific workflows via roles and data
fields specific to incident handling.
Staff from both projects are collaborating and continue to work with the software vendor to
extend the requirements for an incident response specific tracking system. They are also
looking for other teams who are interested in developing other extensions to this software.
Some other examples of incident tracking systems that are being developed and used for in-
cident tracking within the CSIRT community include
the CERIAS Incident Response Database, which has specific fields for capturing incident
the University of Chicago Network Security Center (NSC) Freeman Incident Tracking
System (FITS)
3.7.6 Categorizing and Prioritizing Incident Reports
There is no clear consensus on the best way to categorize and prioritize incident reports and
activity. A variety of ways to identify and prioritize reports have been used by different or-
ganizations and discussed by various authors. A few of these are summarized in Table 12.
Table 12: Methods of Categorizing and Prioritizing Incident Reports and Activity
Level/Priority Type of Incident/Activity
[Kruse 02]
Highest e-commerce, authentication/billing server, law enforcement subpoenas
High DNS/email/web server, router
Medium External attacks, successful internal attacks
Also from Best Practical Software, see <>.
This information was provided by DFN-CERT.
For more information about these projects, contact JANET-CERT or DFN-CERT.
For more information see <>.
For more information, see <>.
96 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Level/Priority Type of Incident/Activity
Low Network switch, news, chat, or shell server
[Schultz 02]
Level 1 Low impact (affects one location; e.g., virus incident)
Level 2 Local event with major impact on operations (compromise of a privileged
account, theft of critical equipment)
Level 3 Minor impact event affecting two or more locations (e.g., non-destructive
virus; email spamming)
Level 4 High-impact event affecting many sites (intrusion on critical global applica-
Internet Security Systems. “Computer Security Incident Response Planning, Preparing for the Inevi-
table.” Atlanta, GA, 2001.
Severity 1 Low-level probes/scans on internal systems; known virus (easily handled by
AV software)
Severity 2 Probes/scans on external systems; potential threats identified
Severity 3 Significant probes/scans; penetration of denial of service (DoS) attacks at-
tempted without impact on operations; widespread known virus attacks
(easily handled by AV software); isolated instances of new viruses
Severity 4 Penetration or DoS attacks with limited impact on operations; widespread
new computer virus attacks (not handled by AV software); risk of negative
financial/public relations impact
Severity 5 Successful penetration or DoS attacks with significant impact on operations;
signification risk of negative financial/public relations impact
[Schultz 90]
Priority 1 Human life, human safety
Priority 2 Protect classified/sensitive data
Priority 3 Protect other data (proprietary, scientific, managerial, etc.)
Priority 4 Prevent damage to systems (loss/alteration of files, damage to disk drives)
Priority 5 Minimize disruption of computing resources
[Schiffman 01]
Rather than priorities, this methodology rates in terms of attack complexity
and technical ability of attacker(s)
Low script kiddie” attacks, well understood, no innovation
Moderate Attack uses publicly known/available attack method, additional modifica-
tion (e.g., forgery, different attack behaviors)
Hard Clever and reasonably skilled attacker; exploit may/may not be publicly
known; attacker writes own code
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 97
Level/Priority Type of Incident/Activity
Devilish Attacks indicate domain expertise; extremely skilled, innovative, able to
cover tracks, can leave covert re-entry channels; difficult to catch by aver-
age system and network administrator
[McGlashan 01]
Priority 1 Preservation of non-critical systems
Priority 2 Continuity of complete service
Priority 3 Preservation of critical systems, proprietary* strategic information
Priority 4 Classified or (legally) sensitive data
Priority 5 Life and health
For an interesting comparison, here are the hurricane severity levels developed by the Na-
tional Hurricane Preparedness Center:
Table 13: Severity Levels of the National Hurricane Preparedness Center
Level Description
CAT 1 Winds of 74 to 95 miles per hour
CAT 2 Winds of 96 to 110 miles per hour
CAT 3 Winds of 111 to 130 miles per hour
CAT 4 Winds of 131 to 155 miles per hour
CAT 5 Winds greater than 155 miles per hour
Some other levels include
AusCERT – Priority 1-5 (lowest is non-critical systems; highest equals life and death)
[AusCERT 01]
The ISS paper on “Computer Security Incident Response Planning,” discusses levels of
severity from 1-5 (severity 1 being a low-impact incident and 5 being “significant)”
Most authors believe that something as simple as establishing or assigning rankings such as
Category 1, 2, or 3 or High, Medium, or Low will assist in prioritizing incident reports. Over
time these may need to be expanded to meet the requirements or needs of the CSIRT and
constituency being served. At one of our CSIRT development courses, one attendee discussed
their categories for intruder activity and response. They used colors as indicators for the level
of “threat” associated with an incident or other activity being handled by the team: red (high
Internet Security Systems. “Computer Security Incident Response Planning, Preparing for the
Inevitable.” Atlanta, GA, 2001.
98 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
priority), yellow (cautionary alert, has potential to escalate), green (everything normal).
These alert banners would be strategically located in the CSIRT offices as visual reminders of
current activity levels. The yellow alert was also used to let part-time members of the CSIRT
know that they may get called in if the priority went higher.
Because there are not consistent severity scales across CSIRTs, one of the more unfortunate
problems that can occur is that scales can be contradictory. In some cases the priority scales
used have just the exact opposite level of severity compared to some of the others. While a
selected priority setting works very well within an organizational constituency, it could lead
to confusion in those cases where incidents affect multiple sites beyond a single constituency
base. If a clear understanding of the relative priorities or criticality is not understood by all,
the response actions taken may seriously (and detrimentally) affect the ultimate resolution of
the activity.
In looking at the lifetime of an incident, it must be recognized that the priority of the incident
may change as new information comes to light. The priority of a specific type of incident
might also change over time as changes in mission and services occur.
3.7.7 Incident Response Processes
CSIRT response strategies vary as much as CSIRTs themselves do. The response that a
CSIRT provides is based on its mission, services, and service levels. Response options can
providing guidance and solutions via phone or email
going to the site or affected machine and helping repair and recover the systems
analysis of logs, files, or other artifacts
assistance in legal investigations and prosecution
capturing and documenting evidence from affected computers
development and dissemination of patches, fixes, workarounds, advisories, alerts, or
technical documentation
notification to sites involved in the activity (both victim and source sites)
none (forward to others to handle)
Once an incident report has been received and reviewed, the response provided will depend
on the CSIRT’s mission, purpose, expertise, and policies and procedures. For example, a state
law enforcement CSIRTs mission may be to pursue legal investigations; when they receive a
CERT CSIRT Development Team personal communication, 2002.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 99
report, they begin an investigation to collect evidence for prosecution, and they are not re-
sponsible for helping to repair the affected systems. However, an internal CSIRT in a com-
mercial company or an MSSP incident response provider, after analyzing an incident report,
may go to the site of the affected systems and physically perform the recovery operations to
collect forensic evidence and also repair the affected systems.
In the CSIRT Organizational Survey, we were interested in seeing the level of involvement
that CSIRTs had in the recovery and repair operations. We asked not only how CSIRTs af-
fected their response but also who in the organization actually performed the repair and re-
covery operations.
The majority of the CSIRTs reported that the type of response they provide is either advice
via phone and email (74%) or the development and distribution of technical documents and
alerts (59%). Only 41% say they actually perform the recovery and repair of affected sys-
tems. And only 21% pass reports on to others to handle.
Trends by sector include
All of the banking and finance, information and communication, other commercial, and
83% of the education CSIRTs stated that they provide guidance via phone and email as
their primary method of response.
None of the CSIRTs in the banking and finance, education, or information and communi-
cation sectors stated that they passed on incident reports.
75% of the non-profit CSIRTs said that they provide response via phone and email guid-
ance or by passing on the incident. No non-profit stated that they repaired or recovered
the affected systems.
Trends by CSIRT model include
None of the ad hoc teams stated that they passed on incidents.
Coordination centers: 100% said that they provide advice via phone and email and by
publishing advisory. None stated that they passed on incidents.
Combined teams: 100% stated that they provide response via phone and email guidance,
while none passed on incidents.
Distributed dedicated teams: 100% provide response by phone and email guidance; 66%
also repair the systems themselves.
Distributed part-time CSIRTs: 75% said they provide response via phone and email and
by repairing and recovering systems themselves.
It makes sense that distributed teams would be involved in the actual recovery and repair of
systems, as they are most likely located on-site, in comparison to centralized or coordinating
teams who are not on-site and who provide more guidance and support functions. In the same
100 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
way, the combined and coordination centers seem to rely more on coordination of response
and mitigation strategies. The centralized teams had no particular set of response options
across the participating teams; they provide response across all categories of response op-
tions. Who Rebuilds Systems?
When asked explicitly who rebuilds and recovers any affected systems, the participating
CSIRTs provided the following information:
59% of participants stated that the IT department, not the CSIRT, recovers and rebuilds
affected systems.
All of the CSIRTs in the commercial sector said that the IT department recovers and re-
builds systems.
Most of the other sectors stated that both the IT and CSIRT did recovery and rebuilding.
All of the teams identified as distributed dedicated teams said that only the IT department
recovered and rebuilt systems. All other types had either IT or CSIRT or both. No matter
where the CSIRT reported—to the IT department or security department, or if the CSIRT was
its own department—there was no consistent answer to who recovered and repaired the sys-
tems; it was IT, CSIRT, or both.
3.7.8 Computer Forensics Activities
One area of incident analysis and response that is receiving a lot of attention is computer fo-
rensics or forensic evidence collection. More teams are learning this analysis technique and
more tools are becoming widely available.
There is also growth in reference materials and training available concerning forensics. Many
of the authors in the literature refer to investigating computer security incidents (events, at-
tacks, other unauthorized activity) as “computer forensics” [Caloyannides 01, Kruse 02] or
“cyber forensics” [Marcella 02].
In 2002 Information Security magazine conducted a review of selected books on the topic of
forensics and highlighted what was covered in each.
This magazine also devoted much of
their April 2002 issue to articles on computer forensics and a few case studies [Kessler 02].
Schultz devotes two chapters to an overview of forensics, describing approaches for several
types of searches that can be performed, what to look for, how to conduct the investigation,
For a summary, see <>.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 101
and some of the tools that are used (SafeBack,
The Coroner’s Toolkit
[Schultz 02].
A large portion of Mandias Incident Response is devoted to forensics analyses (“Putting on
the Gloves”). This publication includes very specific and detailed descriptions for investiga-
tive guidelines (conducting initial assessments to developing response strategies), handling
evidence, trap and trace guidance, and surveillance techniques. The book also has sections
that focus on specific platforms (Windows NT/2000, UNIX), other specific attacks, and how
to investigate incident activity [Mandia 01].
The SANS Incident Handling Step-by-Step guide also highlights the importance of under-
standing and identifying every piece of evidence [SANS 03].
There are other books that focus solely on the issues of computer forensics [Caloyannides 01,
Kruse 02, Marcella 02]. Caloyannides focuses on providing information to law enforcement
professionals who need technical and procedural training to conduct forensic examinations
that will be admissible in court or for business professionals who want to ensure their infor-
mation is not stolen by anyone. It can also be used by the average reader to further their un-
derstanding of technical issues related to computer forensics.
Kruse has organized his publication to provide an introductory course in computer forensics.
He suggests that the book can be used as a handbook. It covers evidence collection, tools, and
utilities that can be used in the process of investigating incident activity. It also provides
guidance on investigating activity involving Windows and UNIX computers.
Van Wyk [van Wyk 01] provides an overview of the “tools of the trade” that CSIRT incident
handlers might need to support their investigation of incident activity. He describes not only
the investigative tools used (network security monitoring tools) but also other communica-
tions “tools” that may be needed during response activity. These tools may include wireless
or cellular access and other hardware/software needs, such as CD drives, tape drives, and
other removable media.
There seems to be no standard group in an organization that provides forensic analysis. We
have seen a wide variety of staff members perform this task. We have seen companies that
train their CSIRT staff to perform this type of work. We have also seen organizations that out-
source this capability, others that turn it over to law enforcement agencies, and others, par-
ticularly government agencies, that turn it over to their investigative units.
102 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Whoever does this work must not only be trained in the technology but must also understand
search and seizure and privacy rights laws, along with other relevant laws. Collecting evi-
dence that may be used in court has legal and personnel issues as well. Anyone who does this
kind of work must be prepared to stand up in court as an expert witness.
3.7.9 Answering the CSIRT Hotline
Not all teams manage or operate a help desk or hotline.
Some teams use an existing IT help
desk phone system to report incidents and then pass the incidents on to the CSIRT. In re-
sponse to the surveys questions about who staffs the CSIRT hotline and what hours the hot-
line operates, participants answered as follows:
66% said that the CSIRT staff manned the hotline or help desk during business hours.
34% said that the CSIRT answered the hotline after business hours.
Others who answered after business hours were the IT staff (10%) and a message center
83% of the education CSIRTs, 75% of the information and communication CSIRTs, and
50% of the military CSIRTs stated that the CSIRT staff answered the hotline during busi-
ness hours.
3.7.10 Hours of Operation
Depending on the type and number of staff in the CSIRT, there can be different types and
hours of operation. Many who do not have full-time staff on site after hours still may be able
to provide support through alternative approaches, such as the use of cell phones, pagers, or
third-party answering services.
The CSIRTs participating in the survey had varying hours of operation:
59% have standard business hours, starting at 0700, 0800, or 0900 and ending by 1700 or
Only 24% have 24x7x365 hours of operation.
A common complaint in the CSIRT community is that many teams do not provide after hours
support, therefore, it is not always apparent who to contact in an emergency.
A hotline is a method for reporting computer security incidents to a CSIRT via a particular tele-
phone number.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 103
3.7.11 Types of Incidents
There does not seem to be a standard type of incident that is most frequently handled by
CSIRTs. This was surprising, as we expected to see almost all teams handling virus and DoS
attacks. In fact, for the 2003 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey, these types of
incidents were in the top five types of incidents reported [Richardson 03].
The types of incidents most frequently handled by survey respondents were, not surprisingly,
probes and scans. Fifty-one percent of the participating CSIRTs said that they dealt with these
incidents most frequently. The next most frequent types of incidents handled were viruses,
worms, and Trojan horses (38%).
Sixty-six percent of the participating teams reported that they did not handle theft of data,
unauthorized access to data, user compromises, and DoS events frequently.
Looking at the data based on the sector in which the CSIRT is located revealed the following:
Educational CSIRTs primarily dealt with viruses, misuses of resources, and probes and
Non-profit teams stated that the majority of the incidents they handled were viruses or
probes and scans.
Other types of incidents mentioned that had not been itemized in the survey list were
spamming (10%) and harassment (3%).
In the Information Security Breaches Survey 2002, a thousand telephone interviews were
conducted with various information security professionals from different sectors in the
United Kingdom (UK). Supplementing these interviews were face-to-face interviews and
web-based “polls.” An Executive Summary (and pointer to the full technical report) of the
survey results are available from Potter [Potter 02]. Sectors included in the survey were fi-
nance, telecommunications, technology, travel/leisure/entertainment, utilities/energy/mining,
manufacturing, retail/distribution, property/construction, govern-
ment/health/education/volunteer services, and professional/other services. Fifty-two percent
of the participants were in IT management functions.
The following categories of security incidents suffered by UK businesses during the time-
frame covered in the survey included the following categories of incident activity:
virus infections
unauthorized access to confidential data
systems failure or data corruption
hacking attacks on web sites
104 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
staff misuse of company system
fraud or theft using computer systems
deletion of files
Seventy-seven percent of the UK businesses reported security incidents caused by premedi-
tated or malicious intent. Virus incidents were listed as the worst incidents (33%). The survey
also indicated an increase in the percentage of attacks from external sources (66%) [Potter
The survey also indicated that the UK businesses were most focused on resuming normal
business operations (73%), followed by preventing similar incidents (68%), and preventing
damage to the organization’s reputation (61%). Reporting to law enforcement tended to be
the least important concern to UK businesses (41%).
The 2003 Australian Computer Crime and Security Survey reported that 80% of computer
attacks were virus-related, followed by insider abuse of Internet access/email/computer sys-
tem resources (62%) [Australia 02].
3.7.12 Number of Incidents
The number of incidents handled varies greatly by team. Some handle one incident a day,
some handle hundreds. Of the teams participating in the survey, most handle less than 10 in-
cidents per day:
38% handle 1–3 incidents per day
18% handle 4–8 per day
18% handle more than 15 per day
The participating teams reported the following regarding incidents handled per year:
10% handle under 50 incidents per year
24% handle 100–500 incidents per year; 14% handle 600–1,000 incidents per year
10% handle over 8,000 incidents per year (these were all military, research network, or
non-profit CSIRTs)
All of the banking and finance CSIRTs handle over 450 incidents per year.
Education CSIRTs, on the average, handle between 1,000 and 4,000 incidents per year.
One of the non-profit CSIRTs handles over 8,000 incidents per year.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 105
3.7.13 Secure Communications Mechanisms Used
CSIRTs must protect confidential and sensitive data at all times. This often means that a se-
cure method of communication must be established when this data needs to be collected from
another source or shared with other appropriate entities.
There are a variety of secure communications mechanisms used by CSIRTs. These can in-
public key cryptography
secure faxes and phones
secure intranets or extranets
The majority of the teams participating in the survey stated that they used Pretty Good Pri-
vacy (PGP) for secure communications (75%). This could be influenced by the fact that many
of the participating teams were FIRST members and FIRST requires use of PGP. Other re-
ported information included the following:
All of the participating banking and finance teams use PGP and digital certificates.
All of the education, information and communication, and other commercial CSIRTs use
63% of the military CSIRTs use secure intranets or extranets.
66% of the participating non-profit CSIRTs use PGP.
All of the combined teams use PGP.
80% of the centralized dedicated teams use PGP.
75% of the distributed part-time teams use PGP and digital certificates to communicate
The distributed dedicated teams use the most number of tools, with 66% using PGP, digi-
tal certificates, secure phones, and secure intranets and extranets.
3.7.14 Coordination and Information Sharing
With the global interconnectedness of the Internet, it is likely that a team will need to coordi-
nate with other external entities at some point. How those interactions occur, with whom, and
at what level, will depend on a number of factors (guidance or direction from the parent or-
ganization, potential for investigations to occur, the mission and goals of the team, and the
services provided). In most cases, the CSIRT is a third-party to the activity—generally they
are not the victim or the perpetrator. However, they can be the liaison between affected sites
in their constituency and other CSIRTs, external sites, law enforcement, or the media.
106 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Effective teams will have a plan in place for how such coordination and interaction occurs so
that when an event happens, the team is positioned to quickly and efficiently orchestrate such
activities. This could include having pre-determined contacts set up (names, phone numbers,
email addresses, encryption keys) and/or tools to support disseminating information (tools to
extract relevant log information, mailing lists and mail merge tools to automate contacting
sites, automated tools to look up contact information from whois servers, etc.). There may be
pre-arranged non-disclosure agreements that are signed between the CSIRT and other exter-
nal contacts (for example, trusted experts who might assist in incident or vulnerability analy-
Identifying the appropriate level of detail for what data is shared with others might be worked
out or negotiated prior to an event, but it has also been the case that such arrangements may
need to be made as an incident is unfolding and the incident is being analyzed. To the extent
that it is possible to determine beforehand who the team will share information with, how to
contact them, at what level of detail data is provided, and the method for dissemination or
access to that data, the more the CSIRT will be able to undertake such information sharing
efficiently and effectively. Some level of trust will also have to be discussed and agreed to.
This will involve what will be done with shared information, how confidential information
will be exchanged, and also with whom this information will be shared.
Van Wyk discusses pulling together the key players and having a Crisis Action Meeting to
determine appropriate actions for coordination and communication with others [van Wyk 01].
Part of such activity will determine what needs to be done allowing the team to then prioritize
those actions. Schultz also provides suggestions for establishing relationships with external
entities similar to those mentioned above [Schultz 02].
Depending on the CSIRT constituency and parent or host organization, who the CSIRT shares
information and data with and who a CSIRT coordinates response with can vary. We asked
the CSIRTs who participated in the survey with whom they coordinated their response and
with whom they shared data. Their responses are discussed in the following two sections. With Whom Does the CSIRT Coordinate Activities?
CSIRTs coordinate response activities with internal departments and externally with other
CSIRTs, law enforcement agencies, and security experts. Of the CSIRTs that participated in
the survey,
66% coordinate their response activities with their CIO, IT and telecommunications de-
partments, or law enforcement
58% coordinate with other CSIRTs
41% coordinate with their legal department
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 107
Other areas not included on the survey list that were mentioned as coordination partners in-
clude government organizations, investigators, CEOs, and system owners.
Looking at this information by sector,
All of the participating banking and finance CSIRTs coordinate with their CIO, physical
security department, law enforcement and investigators.
All of the information and communication CSIRTs coordinate their response activities
with their CIO, legal department, and public relations department. 75% of the informa-
tion and communication CSIRTs also stated that they coordinated with law enforcement
and other CSIRTs.
All of the other commercial CSIRTs coordinate with business managers, the legal de-
partment, the public relations department, and other CSIRTs.
There were no specific trends for educational, military, or non-profit CSIRTs.
Looking at this information by CSIRT model,
75% of the ad hoc teams coordinate with other CSIRTs.
100% of the coordination centers coordinate with their CIO and law enforcement.
83% of the centralized teams coordinate with law enforcement. 60% coordinate with
their CIO. 50% stated that they coordinate with the CERT/CC. 50% also coordinate with
other CSIRTs and security experts.
80% of the combined teams coordinate with law enforcement, while 60% coordinate with
their CIO and their legal department.
100% of the distributed dedicated teams coordinate with their CIO and public relations
department. 66% coordinate with law enforcement, other CSIRTs, and with their legal
75% of the distributed part-time teams coordinate with other CSIRTs; 50% coordinate
with their CIO, business managers, human resources department, physical security, legal
department, public relations department, and law enforcement. With Whom Does the CSIRT Share Information?
The majority of CSIRTs share information with the CIO (66%), the IT and telecommunica-
tions departments (58%), law enforcement (58%), and other CSIRTs (55%). Others that were
mentioned and not included in the original survey list of options were investigators. An inter-
esting question to ask in future surveys would be what type of information is shared.
Looking at this information by CSIRT sector,
100% of the banking and finance CSIRTs share information with their CIO, their audit
department, law enforcement, and their IT and telecommunications departments.
108 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
83% of the education CSIRTs share information with their CIO; 66% share information
with business mangers, their IT and telecommunications department, and their legal de-
75% of the information and communication CSIRTs share information with their CIO,
other CSIRTs, and law enforcement.
63% of military CSIRTs share information with other military organizations, their IT and
telecommunications department, and their CIO.
100% of other commercial CSIRTs share information with their CIO and with other
75% of the participating non-profit CSIRTs share information with law enforcement and
other CSIRTs.
Looking at this information by CSIRT model,
100% of identified coordination centers share information with the CIO, law enforce-
ment, and the IT and telecommunications departments.
70% of the centralized CSIRTs share information with their CIO and IT and telecommu-
nications departments; 80% share information with law enforcement.
80% of the combined teams share information with other CSIRTs and law enforcement.
100% of the distributed dedicated teams share information with the CIO; 75% share in-
formation with business managers, IT and telecommunications departments, and law en-
75% of distributed part-time teams share information with other CSIRTs and the IT and
telecommunications departments; 50% share information with the CIO, business manag-
ers, and the human resources department.
3.7.15 Documenting Policies and Procedures
Documenting policies and procedures is one of the most important activities a CSIRT must
undertake to be successful over the long term. Oppenheimer et al., in a booklet for system
administrators published by SAGE, state that “security policies are among the most crucial
elements of a security infrastructure.” They go on to discuss key elements to consider in the
policy design and implementation phase:
How specific should the policy be?
How much control should the policy enforce?
What is the appropriate security policy structure? [Oppenheimer 97]
While these questions relate to system administration and security policies, they are still valid
key elements in the design of policies and, modified slightly to focus on incident response
issues, can apply equally well in the CSIRT environment.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 109
Mandia captures it very nicely: “Words that go together: Sonny and Cher, Donnie and Marie,
and Policies and Procedures. You cannot talk about one without the other” [Mandia 01]. In
the CERT CSIRT Development Team training courses, we define CSIRT policies as “what
you want to do” and CSIRT procedures as “the step-by-step instructions for how you do it.”
In the absence of well-defined policies and procedures, incident handling staff (and your con-
stituency for that matter) will make up their own rules and guidelines. The lack of these
documents can be detrimental to the success of the CSIRT.
The Handbook for CSIRTs provides an overview of policy attributes, listing management en-
dorsement, clarity, need, usability, implementation, and enforcement [West-Brown 03]. In-
cluded in the description of each of these attributes are tips or sample statements to help the
reader in developing such policies. Some of the typical policy content features are also identi-
fied, along with suggestions about how these might be defined in the policy.
In a recent InfoSecurity News magazine devoted to computer forensics articles, Rothke dis-
cusses having an incident response staff and comprehensive policies and procedures, and
states, “If there are no policies and procedures in place, there is no way to ascertain that
things are being done properly” [Rothke 02].
Symantec’s white paper on planning for incident response discusses the need to establish
policies and procedures. “Without policies and procedures, employees have no understanding
about what is and is not acceptable” [Symantec 02].
3.8 Changes in Intruder Attacks and Tools
As time goes by, the types of computer security incidents and attacks, along with methods,
tools, and techniques used by intruders, continue to evolve. During the 1980s, intruders pri-
marily exploited passwords and known vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to com-
puter systems. Later, intruders moved on to exploit protocol flaws, examine source code for
new security flaws, install network sniffer programs, use IP source address spoofing in at-
tacks, and conduct widespread, automated scanning of the Internet to identify additional tar-
gets. In each of these progressions, the more knowledgeable intruders have transferred their
“expertise” to novices by creating easy-to-use exploitation scripts and increasingly sophisti-
cated toolkits, while taking advantage of the currently available technologies.
Figure 14 demonstrates how the required intruder knowledge (curved line) has decreased
over time in comparison to the increase in the sophistication of attacks and intruder tools
(straight line). Today intruders with little knowledge can execute sophisticated attacks with
the click of a button, as the intruder tools have combined and automated tools for finding and
exploiting vulnerable systems.
110 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Figure 14: Attack Sophistication Versus Required Intruder Knowledge
In 2002, the CERT/CC published a short paper, “Overview of Attack Trends” [CERT 02b],
which highlighted these major trends:
automation and speed of attack tools
The level of automation of attack tools continues to increase. Today’s scanning tools use
more advanced scanning patterns to maximize impact and speed. Some tools exploit
identified vulnerabilities as part of the scanning activity, and others may self-initiate a
new attack on those compromised systems, increasing the speed of propagation. Distrib-
uted attack tools have enabled attackers to manage and coordinate large numbers of de-
ployed attack tools distributed across the Internet. These distributed attack tools can not
only launch DoS attacks more efficiently, but also scan for other potential victims and
compromise vulnerable systems, while taking advantage of readily available public
communications protocols (such as Internet Relay Chat and instant messaging) to coordi-
nate their functions.
increasing sophistication of attack tools
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 111
Attack tools are more difficult to detect and discover, due to the anti-forensic nature, dy-
namic behavior, and modularity of these tools. Attack tool developers use techniques to
hide the nature of their attack. Some tools can vary the patterns and behaviors at random,
through predefined decision paths, or through direct intruder management. And the
modularity of some tools can allow polymorphic tools to self-evolve, as well as tools that
can run on multiple operating system platforms.
faster discovery of vulnerabilities
The number of newly discovered vulnerabilities reported to the CERT/CC continues to
double each year, making it more difficult for administrators to keep up to date with
increasing permeability of firewalls
Although firewalls are often relied upon to provide primary protection from intruders,
technologies and protocols are being designed to bypass typical firewall configurations.
Some of this also arises from increased demands for off-site access and more complex
protocols being allowed through the firewall.
increasingly asymmetric threat
A single attacker can relatively easily employ a large number of distributed systems to
launch devastating attacks against a single victim. Each Internet systems exposure to at-
tack depends on the state of security of the rest of the systems attached to the global
increasing threat from infrastructure attacks
Attacks that affect key components of the Internet can broadly affect organizations and
users who have increasing dependency on the Internet. Distributed DoS attacks, worms
and viruses, attacks on the Internet Domain Name System (DNS)), and attacks against
routers are among the infrastructure attacks that have the potential to disrupt day-to-day
business. The impacts of these infrastructure attacks are denial of service, compromise of
sensitive information, misinformation, and having time and resources diverted from other
These trends still hold true at the date of the publishing of this report. One trend that has ac-
tually continued to increase, creating a major impact on CSIRTs and their related constituen-
cies, is the speed of attacks. With worms such as Slammer and Blaster, and mass email
spreading viruses like Sobig.F, the time to respond to an incident has become drastically re-
duced. Because of this, CSIRTS and their constituencies need to be more prepared to take
actions that previously might not have been acceptable, such as blocking certain types of traf-
fic or shutting down certain services to stop the spread of activity. Some of the actions taken
may cause undesirable affects. For example, when the Slammer worm hit in January 2003,
many sites had to block SQL traffic, causing an impact on legitimate services running on
non-infected systems, as part of a way to stop the worm from spreading. In cases such as
these, CSIRT and IT staff have to take quick action; there may not be time for discussion with
112 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
service managers or customers. Such emergency situations need to be addressed in any re-
sponse plans and in any authority given to the CSIRT.
The speed with which such malicious attacks spread have reinforced the need for a good in-
cident response plan to be in place, including established channels of communication, identi-
fied response staff, notification lists, and established recovery policies and procedures. In-
volvement of the CSIRT in the configuration of the constituency infrastructure is also
important, as the only response is often to stop the incident from happening at your site, by
ensuring your site is not vulnerable or has good perimeter defenses and host configurations.
Other trends previously noted by the CERT/CC have warned of attacks against Windows-
based targets, especially in DoS attacks,
as well as attackers increasingly targeting home
users’ systems because of their wide availability, high bandwidth, and relative lack of secu-
rity. The CERT/CC has created a section on their web site for home users,
containing a
number of articles, as well as a document titled “Home Network Security.”
These trends outlined by the CERT/CC indicate that organizations relying on the Internet face
significant challenges to ensure that their networks operate safely and that their systems con-
tinue to provide critical services even in the face of attack.
3.8.1 Impact on Incident Response
The growing threats caused by intruder attack trends have affected the way in which CSIRT
staff must respond. The sheer number of attacks that are detected and reported continues to
rise, with many CSIRTs typically seeing a doubling (or more) in the rate of new incident re-
ports with each passing year. Annual incident statistics posted by the CERT/CC
and the
CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Surveys
are frequently cited as examples of the
growing rate of incident reports.
“Trends in Denial of Service Attack Technology”
“Home Network Security” <>
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 113
Figure 15: CERT/CC statistics on Incidents Reported from 1994 to 2002
In addition to the ever-increasing volume of incident reports, the rate at which new vulner-
abilities are discovered also continues to increase.
Figure 16: CERT/CC Statistics on Vulnerabilities Reported from 1995 to 2002
114 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
As the volume of incident and vulnerability reports continue to rise,
and the automation
and speed of many attack tools continue to increase, CSIRT and information security staff
members now have less time to react to new threats. For example, where the 1999 Melissa
virus propagated around the Internet within days, the 2000 Love Letter worm circulated the
globe in one day, the 2001 Code Red and Nimda worms reached global saturation in less than
18 hours, and the 2003 SQL/Slammer Worm reached saturation on vulnerable servers within
in 10-18 minutes. Every passing minute of unprotected exposure or delayed response against
an attack increases the likelihood that that attack may succeed or have some detrimental ef-
fects against the vulnerable target. The rapid spread of attacks points to the fact that reactive
activities alone cannot sustain CSIRT work. CSIRTs must work with organizations to proac-
tively protect systems and resources.
3.9 Legal Issues and Cyber Crime Laws
Although the analysis of computer security incidents often focuses on the technical issues of
an incident (primarily the “what” and the “how”), there may be occasions when a CSIRT
might need to become involved in the investigative process (the “who” and the “why”), or at
least work closely with those who have such an investigative role. If there is any intention to
report an incident to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, it will be important for
CSIRT members to understand the legal issues involved and to have some familiarity with
the relevant laws in the affected jurisdiction.
Generally, computer crimes include traditional crimes (such as theft and fraud) that are com-
mitted with the use of computers, and cyber crimes that are committed against computers
(viruses, denial of service attacks). In addition to statutory laws that have been enacted by
legislatures, there are also common laws or case laws that are the result of court decisions and
judicial opinions. While the statutory computer crime laws continue their slow growth and
evolution, new case laws are also developing on an ongoing basis.
It is important for CSIRT members to also be familiar with any privacy laws that provide pro-
tection to others, in order to avoid the possible suppression of any improperly gathered evi-
dence that is intended to be presented in a court of law, as well as to avoid potential criminal
or civil liability. (In many jurisdictions, for example, laws may prohibit the unlawful inter-
ception of, or access to, transmitted and stored data and communications; this may also in-
clude prohibiting access to that data by system administrators or incident handlers if certain
conditions are not met.)
See < and>.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 115
Furthermore, CSIRT members must be familiar with any laws or regulations that may affect
their incident response and coordination efforts, such as requirements to notify others in the
event of a security breach. (For example, a 2003 law in the state of California requires any-
one who “conducts business” with any California resident to disclose any breach of security
of a system involving the unauthorized acquisition of the residents unencrypted personal in-
) Several specific laws and regulations will be mentioned in the next sections.
In recent years, guidelines and standards for obtaining and handling computer evidence have
been developed by a number of sources. For example, the International Organization on
Computer Evidence (IOCE)
developed a short set of principles for standardizing the recov-
ery of computer-based evidence.
In the United States, the Department of Justice has pub-
lished detailed manuals for “Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evi-
dence in Criminal Investigations”
and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) guide
“Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders.
The U.S. Secret Service and the International Association of Chiefs of Police
have pub-
lished “Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence.
And the Internet Society has pub-
lished a Best Current Practice (BCP 55/RFC 3227) on “Guidelines for Evidence Collection
and Archiving.”
As applicable laws may be varied and numerous, and the interpretation of some laws might
not be obvious or straightforward, it is highly recommended to seek the guidance of knowl-
edgeable legal counsel, as well as management, in determining the response to a computer
security incident. Such legal guidance should be incorporated into all incident response poli-
cies and procedures. Because of this, it is often recommended that a team should look to es-
tablish a working relationship with local law enforcement and with their own legal counsel.
3.9.1 International Cyber Crime Laws
It is still the case that many nations do not yet have effective laws to address computer
crimes. But recent efforts by a number of different countries and organizations are setting the
stage for the harmonization of substantive and procedural laws among multiple nations, and
California Civil Code Section 1798.82 <>
116 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
enabling better cooperation and assistance between nations during the course of computer
crime investigations involving systems in different jurisdictions.
On the international front, the Council of Europe
worked for over four years to draft a
Convention on Cybercrime (ETS no. 185),
which was adopted by the Committee of Minis-
ters of the Council of Europe and opened for signatures in 2001. Although this Convention
has not yet entered into force as of this writing (it is still awaiting ratification in 2003), this is
the first international treaty focused on computer crimes. The chapters in the Convention on
Cybercrime include measures to be taken at the national level (by each party acceding to the
treaty) on both substantive criminal law (defining certain criminal offenses, to allow national
laws to be harmonized) and procedural law (defining investigation and criminal prosecution
methods appropriate to a computer environment and enabling national criminal procedures to
be brought more closely into line with each other). The criminal offenses defined in the Con-
vention include
offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and sys-
tems (illegal access; illegal interception; data interference; system interference; and mis-
use of devices)
computer-related offences (computer-related forgery; and computer-related fraud)
content-related offences (offences related to child pornography)
offences related to infringements of copyright and related rights
The CoE Convention on Cybercrime also addresses principles relating to international coop-
eration and mutual assistance (including setting up a 24x7 point of contact for facilitating
investigations of computer crimes). In 2003, the first Additional Protocol to the Convention
on Cybercrime (ETS no. 189)
was opened for signatures, which would extend the Cyber-
crime Convention’s scope to also criminalize acts of a racist or xenophobic nature committed
through computer systems.
The European Union (EU
) has also taken steps to fight high-tech crime and illegal content
on the Internet.
In 1999, the EU adopted a four-year funding program, the Safer Internet
Action Plan, or IAP (Decision No. 276/1999/EC
) “on promoting safer use of the Internet
by combating illegal and harmful content on global networks”; an amendment (Decision No.
<>. The European Union’s three primary decision-making bodies are the Euro-
pean Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and the European Commission. See The
European Union at a glance <
>, and Institutions of the European
Union <
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 117
) was adopted in 2003, calling for a two-year extension of the IAP (through
2004) and adapting its scope and implementation. The European Commission also adopted a
proposal for a Council Framework Decision on attacks against information systems,
sistent with the CoE Convention on Cybercrime, to approximate criminal law for illegal ac-
cess to and interference with information systems, and to ensure the greatest possible police
and judicial cooperation in the area of criminal offences related to attacks against information
systems. This proposal for a decision was amended and approved by the European Parlia-
ment, and is now (as of this writing) waiting final decision and signature to be enacted. The
European Commission’s Information Society Directorate-General has also commissioned and
funded a CSIRT Handbook of Legislative Procedures,
to assist European CSIRTs with a
guide that “matches technical descriptions of incidents to the legal framework of the country
in question and details procedures for working with law enforcement to respond to inci-
This handbook was published in paper form in September 2003.
The “Group of 8” (G8) major industrial democracies
has held summits, meetings, and
workshops and has proposed recommendations for the fight against high-tech and Internet-
based crimes, which may influence the standardization of other laws in the future. The G8
Lyon Group
(formerly the Senior Experts Group on Transnational Organized Crime) has
worked on technical as well as legal issues (judicial cooperation, law enforcement projects,
high-tech crime) to fight transnational organized crime, including the establishment of a net-
work of 24-hour points of contact in many countries around the world.
Recent G8 meetings
have focused on safety and confidence in cyber space, and on combating high-tech crime.
In 2000, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted the “United Nations Conven-
tion Against Transnational Organized Crime”
to promote cooperation to prevent and com-
bat transnational organized crime more effectively. Although not specifically focused on cy-
ber crimes, the articles in the Convention will apply to high-tech criminal investigations, by
providing the legal framework to harmonize different legal systems and to overcome tradi-
tional problems associated with international cooperation and mutual assistance.
< Handbook-v24.pdf>. “Handbook of Legislative Procedures
of Computer and Network Misuse in EU Countries for assisting Computer Security Incident Re-
sponse Teams (CSIRTs)”
The handbook can be obtained from RAND Europe at the following address: RAND Europe - Lei-
den, Newtonweg 1, 2333 CP Leiden, The Netherlands. Tel. +31 71 524 5151; Fax +31 71 524 5191.
<>. The G8 countries consist of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, plus representatives from the European Union.
118 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
3.9.2 United States Cyber Crime Laws
In the United States, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. 1030
) has been one of
the primary legal instruments for fighting computer intrusions. In addition to the offenses
outlined in Section 1030, dealing with unauthorized access to computers, other sections of
Title 18 of the United States Code describe other federal offences related to activity in con-
nection with access devices, destruction and denial of service, and unlawful access to trans-
mitted or stored communications. The U.S. Department of Justice, Computer Crime and In-
tellectual Property Section (CCIPS), has created a web site to provide information about
computer crime and intellectual property crime laws, policies, cases, and other documents.
(See list of laws and URLs in Appendix D.)
At the state level, individual states have also created their own legislation addressing com-
puter crime activity within their jurisdictions. Most state laws are available online, and a
number of sites that provide links to state computer crime laws are included in Appendix D.
In addition to the above federal and state statutory laws, some industries or sectors may also
be subject to additional federal regulations or special requirements that relate to information
security, data protection, and privacy issues in their particular industry or sector. For example,
in the United States, health insurance and health care providers and the financial services in-
dustry (including banks and insurance companies) are required to protect consumer data and
establish safeguards to protect the privacy and disclosure of nonpublic personal information,
as outlined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) (HIPAA)
and the
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act,
respectively. And U.S. federal government agencies are respon-
sible for ensuring the information security of their systems, including performing annual in-
dependent evaluations, as outlined by the Federal Information Security Management Act
(part of the E-Government Act of 2002).
Under FISMA, all U.S. federal agencies are also
required to establish an incident response capability and procedures for detecting, reporting,
and responding to security incidents.
3.10 Current Projects
Throughout the CSIRT and computer security community many interesting projects are being
organized that may be of benefit to other CSIRTs. This benefit may range from the introduc-
Search the United States Code for a specific section at <>.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 119
tion of knowledge resources, tools, or standards that may help a CSIRTs day-to-day opera-
tions to organizational projects that try to facilitate coordination and collaboration between
The projects below have been grouped into the following categories: Coordination and Col-
laboration, Standards, Incident Data Collection, Tools, Information Resources, and Re-
It is a selection of known projects as of September 2003. This is not a comprehen-
sive list; if you have suggestions for inclusions please send them to
Note that these projects are mentioned here for information purposes only. Inclusion in this
report does not constitute an endorsement by the CERT/CC.
3.10.1 Coordination and Collaboration
There has been considerable discussion in the CSIRT community about efforts to establish
communication and coordination mechanisms between CSIRTs in various geographical re-
gions that have a need to work together due to their close proximity or shared issues. Meth-
ods being investigated include establishing operational incident coordination mechanisms
and establishing forms or formats for exchanging incident data.
Reviewing and following these types of projects can provide CSIRTs with a resource for
keeping up to date on trends, issues, and tools that are discussed. These projects can also pro-
vide ideas for other teams that plan to perform similar activities. CSIRT Task Force for European CSIRTs
As discussed in Section 2.3.3, this task force sponsored by TERENA helps coordinate inci-
dent response and prevention in the European Community. The TF meets three times a year,
provides a mailing list, and is involved in numerous ongoing projects such as the Clearing-
house for Incident Handling Tools and the development of IODEF. The TF works to facilitate
collaboration and information exchange between European CSIRTs. The web site for the TF-
CSIRT includes meeting minutes and copies of various presentations and CSIRT overviews
presented at the meetings [TERENA 03].
For more information see:
Some projects may actually fall in more than one category, but are discussed in just one for ease of
120 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 Trusted Introducer for CSIRTs in Europe
As discussed in Section 2.3.3, this service was originally sponsored by TERENA to create a
method for the validation and introduction of CSIRTs into the European CSIRT community.
Besides providing a directory of all known CSIRTs in Europe, the Trusted Introducer (TI)
provides an accreditation framework. CSIRTs that meet a set of requirements are designated
as accredited teams. These criteria include publishing their contact information and crypto-
graphic keys and key policies. Teams must also agree to support the TI process that ensures
that the information available about a team is updated at regular intervals. Part of the infor-
mation from accredited teams is published, while more internal information about policies is
restricted to the community of accredited teams. When accredited status is achieved, teams
can participate in additional services such as closed mailing lists and information exchange
The TI process has been in operation since September 2000 and is supervised by a TI Review
Board elected from the accredited teams [TI 03].
For more information see: – The European CSIRT Network is a project funded under the European Information Societies Technology pro-
gram and started July 1, 2002.
The project focuses on the deployment of techniques to help
meet the needs of existing teams for cooperating and exchanging incident-related data. The
project will also look at methods for CSIRTs to collect shared data for statistical and knowl-
edge-base purposes. The project states that it will serve the following goals [eCSIRT 03]:
Establish a standardized and unambiguous exchange of incident-related information be-
tween the CSIRTs involved.
Establish the collection of standardized and unambiguous incident statistics to serve the
CSIRTs involved and, in a generalized fashion, serve the information needs of a wider
Establish the collection of standardized and unambiguous incident-related data, followed
by intelligent generation of warnings and emergency alerts based on that integrated data-
set, to serve the CSIRTs involved.
While there is the recognized need for more European CSIRTs, this project does not address the
need for additional CSIRTs in particular, although its results will affect any CSIRT, whether exist-
ing or new, as the techniques that will be brought to fruition in the project will be shared with the
rest of the European CSIRT community.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 121
The project will first attempt to establish a “standardized and unambiguous” language for
data exchange. The project will use and build on IODEF and IDMEF work done by the IETF
and TF-CSIRT. aims at employing IODEF, IDMEF, and other relevant techniques
in an operational setting between European national research network CSIRTs involving two
commercial companies active in the CSIRT market.
The technical work is organized as follows:
preparation phase (“defining a common language”)
usage phase (“using the common language between partners”)
clearinghouse function (“gathering incident statistics from partners using the common
alert function (“gathering incident data from partners to derive early warnings and emer-
gency alerts from, and spread these to partners securely”)
More can be read at: European Information Security Prevention Programme
According to its web site, “The European Information Security Promotion Programme
(EISPP) is a project co-funded by the European Community under the Fifth Framework Pro-
gramme. The EISPP project aims to develop a European framework, not only to share secu-
rity knowledge but also to define the content and ways of disseminating security information
to SMEs.
By providing European SMEs with the necessary IT security services, they will
be encouraged to develop their trust and usage of e-commerce, leading to increased and better
opportunities for new business….The project, started in June 2002 with an expected duration
of 18 months, is run by a consortium of private sector organisations comprising CERTs,
ISP/ASPs, and security professional organisations” [EISPP 03].
One of the objectives of the program is to “Set up a network of expertise among the European
CERTs that will allow them to share and enhance their own preventative material and to
‘open’ it to the other CERTs and organisations involved in prevention” [EISPP 03].
For more information please see:
“SME” stands for “small and medium enterprises.”
122 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT)
As discussed in Section 2.3.4, this coordination initiative was established to encourage and
support cooperation between CSIRTs in the Asia Pacific region. The mission of the APCERT
is to maintain a trusted contact network of computer security experts in the Asia Pacific re-
gion to improve the regions awareness and competency in relation to computer security inci-
For more information please see:
3.10.2 Standards for Sharing or Collecting Information
As mentioned earlier, there are no standard mechanisms adopted by all teams to share infor-
mation, collect incident data, or develop CSIRT publications. There is much discussion today
that some standards for performing these tasks would simplify the sharing of information and
the synthesis of this information into a picture of overall incident activity around the globe.
A variety of standards for collecting and sharing data and information are currently being
presented for review and comment in the CSIRT community. CSIRTs will want to follow
these developments and the evolution of standards to determine if they are of benefit to their
team. The standards may be able to be adopted as they are or adapted to fit the information
exchange needs of the CSIRT. They can also be used to help determine fields and formats for
incident tracking systems or be incorporated into other incident handling tools and products.
Teams can actively participate in the standards work by serving on working groups, review-
ing and commenting on standards, or testing them in their environment. Some of the current
standards work going on is described below. IETF Incident Handling Working Group (INCH WG)
This working group was established to create a standard that will support a representation of
common data needed in incident handling. The WG plans to do this by creating a data model
that can be used for the exchange of incident or vulnerability data and information. The
INCH WG will build on the work started by the IODEF
project in the TERENA TF-CSIRT
community. This project looked for a structured method of exchanging data between CSIRTs
using XML.
IODEF is the Incident Object Definition and Exchange Format. More information on this project
can be found at <
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 123
According to the INCH WG Charter and Scope, “The purpose of the Incident Handling
Working Group is to define data formats for communication between
a CSIRT and its constituency (e.g., users, customers, trusted reporters) which reports sys-
tem misuse;
a CSIRT and parties involved in an incident investigation (e.g., law enforcement, attack-
ing site); and
collaborating CSIRTs sharing information” [INCH 02].
Deliverables and outputs from the working group include:
“A document describing the high-level functional requirements of a data format for col-
laboration between CSIRTs and parties involved when handling computer security inci-
A specification of the extensible, incident data language that describes the data formats
that satisfy the requirements.
Guidelines for implementing the WG data format (Output #2 of the WG).
A set of sample incident reports and their associate representation in the incident data
language” [INCH 02].
For more information see: IETF Intrusion Detection Working Group (IDWG)
According to the charter of this working group, “The purpose of the Intrusion Detection
Working Group is to define data formats and exchange procedures for sharing information of
interest to intrusion detection and response systems, and to management systems which may
need to interact with them” [IDMEF 02].
The IDMEF data model and XML data definition document can be read at:
For more information see: Common Advisory Interchange Format (CAIF)
The purpose of this project is to design a standardized structure and format for creating and
exchanging security advisories [CAIF 02]. A subscriber mailing list and a description of the
CAIF requirements are available from the project’s web site.
124 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
For more information see: Guidelines for Evidence Collection and Archiving (RFC 3227,
Best Practice)
This RFC provides high-level guidelines for collecting and archiving data related to an intru-
sion. It presents best practice recommendations for determining volatility of data, deciding
what to collect, performing the collection, and determining how to store and document the
data. It also brings up topics to consider concerning privacy and legal issues when collecting
intrusion data.
For more information see: Australian Standard for Managing IT Evidence (HB-171-2003)
This standard “provides guidance on the management of electronic records that may be used
as evidence in judicial or administrative proceedings, whether as a plaintiff, defendant, or
witness.” It specifically deals with litigation in Australia, but is based on general best prac-
tices in forensic evidence collection and IT security [HB171].
For more information see: Expectations for Computer Security Incident Response (RFC
2350, Best Practice)
One of the older best practice documents that involved CSIRTs was the “Expectations for
Computer Security Incident Response” RFC. This document provides guidance on the type of
information that should be published to a CSIRTs constituency and to other CSIRTs. It dis-
cusses defining the CSIRT’s mission, charter, constituency, services, policies, and procedures.
For more information see:
3.10.3 Incident Data Collection
New teams are always looking for tools to not only help them collect incident data but also to
compare how their incident activity compares with other sites and organizations. During an
incident, a team will often need to determine if what they are seeing is limited to their sys-
tems or is more widespread. Various organizations have been developing tools or mecha-
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 125
nisms for collecting, correlating, and synthesizing incident data. Some of these projects and
tools are described below. AirCERT
The AirCERT (Automated Incident Reporting) is a development project by the CERT/CC to
automate the reporting of incident data in a manner so that data can easily be summarized and
queried to provide a view of network activity. It involves the placement of Internet-based se-
curity event sensors on the networks of various organizations attached to the Internet. These
sensors will log locally selected information on detected security events and anomalies to
both a local database and a central database located at the CERT/CC. The local organization
can decide what, if any, data is passed to the CERT/CC and can sanitize the data as desired.
The CERT/CC has developed a prototype of this system using open source and low-cost
components. The current prototype is based on collecting data using Snort, an open source
IDS. Future prototypes will look at collecting data from other IDS, including off-the-shelf
The following components are available for download and use:
Snort XML plug-in
Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID). ACID is a PHP-based analysis engine
for searching and processing a database of security events generated by various IDSes,
firewalls, and network monitoring tools.
For more information see: CERT/CC Current Activity
The CERT/CC Current Activity web page is a regularly updated summary of the most fre-
quent, high-impact types of security incidents currently being reported to the CERT/CC. Any
security incidents can be reported to the CERT/CC via their incident reporting form located at
or via email to
CERT/CC also summarizes the scanning activity that is currently being reported to it. This
information can be viewed at
Anyone submitting logs and data should ensure that the information has been appropriately
sanitized or is submitted in a secure manner.
For more information see:
126 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 Distributed Intrusion Detection System ( is an organization that facilitates information collection by providing a method
for submitting firewall logs into a database where the information can be tracked and queried.
The identities of destination IPs and hosts are protected and information is not shared with
third parties. allows this information to be summarized to produce various re-
ports and summaries, such as the
top 10 offending IPs or hosts
top 10 most probed ports
lists of ports that sites might want to block
Participants can register or can submit logs anonymously. Logs are submitted using pre-
written programs available from the site, by using third party programs that are
configured to submit logs to, or by using programs participants have written
themselves. They can also be submitted via a web interface at the site or via email. is sponsored by the SANS Institute [DShield 03].
Anyone submitting logs and data should ensure that the information has been appropriately
sanitized or is submitted in a secure manner.
For more information see: is another organization sponsored by the SANS Institute. Their purpose, accord-
ing to their web site, is to monitor the current threats to the Internet. This is done through the
collection of intrusion detection and firewall data from volunteers around the globe. Instruc-
tions for participating are given at the site. Participants receive special client software to use
to submit data. There is an analyst on duty who monitors the data for anomalies and threats.
Other resources available are a mailing list and a “Handlers Diary” that analyzes the current
data collected and provides security resources and technical tips [Incidents 03].
Anyone submitting logs and data should ensure that the information has been appropriately
sanitized or is submitted in a secure manner.
For more information see:
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 127
3.10.4 Tools
There are really very few tools that have been specifically created for incident response and
incident handling except for some of the products mentioned in the incident data collection
section above and customized tools created by CSIRTs themselves.
Many of the tools that are used by CSIRTs are also tools used by system and network admin-
istrators. Various organizations have created tool archives that provide access to or review of
security and incident response tools. One of those projects is described below. Clearinghouse for Incident Handling Tools (CHIHT)
Through the TERENA TF-CSIRT, a project and site has been established to serve as a clear-
inghouse for incident handling tools. The tools listed are based on the experience and usage
of various European CSIRTs. The tools are listed for other teams to review and not as rec-
ommendations for use. The tools are categorized in the following manner [CHIHT 03]:
evidence gathering tools
examining media
examining systems and processes
evidence investigation tools
analyzing evidence
checking identities and contacts
system recovery tools
CSIRT procedures
incident tracking and reporting
incident archives
remote access tools
remote network access
secure dial-up access
secure tunnels
proactive tools
network auditing
host auditing
security management
network monitoring and traffic analysis
network intrusion detection
For more information see:
128 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
3.10.5 Research
CSIRTs and security experts are always looking to understand the intruder community better
to help teams and sites proactively protect their systems, networks, and critical assets. With
the computer security and incident response discipline still being relatively new, there are
different research projects currently in progress related to learning more about securing net-
works and systems and also about effective incident handling. The following is one project in
progress. The Honeynet Project
The Honeynet Project is a non-profit research group composed of volunteers from the secu-
rity field who are interested in researching tools, techniques, and activities of the intruder
community through the use of a Honeynet [Honeynet 03].
A Honeynet is essentially a network of systems deployed in a controlled environment that can
be watched and monitored for attacks and intruder activity. By watching attacks and probes
against the system or by monitoring how the system is compromised and used to attack oth-
ers, the system owners can learn about the techniques and tools used by the intruder commu-
nity. This information can then be used to improve the knowledge and understanding of other
computer security professionals.
The Honeynet Project is now in the third of four phases. The first phase provided a proof of
concept and provided the opportunity to capture and study attacks. The second phase was to
improve the methodology for the implementation, infrastructure, and deployment of a
Honeynet. The third phase, starting in 2003, is to develop a bootable CD that will allow par-
ticipants to easily deploy a standardized Honeynet. The fourth phase will be to develop a sys-
tem to automatically collect and synthesize data from the various Honeynet research projects.
The main purposes of the project are to raise awareness, teach and inform, and do research.
For more information see:
3.11 Current Problems
Problems and challenges faced by CSIRTs that are commonly mentioned in classes, confer-
ences, or other discussion venues include
lack of funding
lack of management support
lack of trained incident handling staff
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 129
lack of clearly defined mission and authority
lack of coordination mechanisms
These issues were echoed by those participating in the CSIRT Organizational Survey when
asked about what are the biggest challenges facing their CSIRT. There was not one specific
challenge that was consistently listed or more frequently listed by the participating teams.
There was also not one particular type of challenge seen more by CSIRTs in any one sector or
any category or type of CSIRT. Survey results related to challenges faced by CSIRTs are
shown in Table 14.
Table 14: Challenges Faced by CSIRTs
rapid growth of incident volume and workloads (including massive virus and worm
needing more budget and/or resources 14%
getting and retaining good staff 14%
management’s and business managers’ attitude about security, and the difficulty in
convincing them of the need for secure practices and response procedures
issues relating to the coordination and collaboration between units, CSIRTs, and
getting more projects and work as they got better at their job was a challenge since
the workload kept growing
collection and dissemination of information and follow-up from sites 7%
defining the role or authority of the CSIRT 7%
Other challenges cited included
under-reporting and covering up of incidents by customers
skill and knowledge at customer sites
difficulty in prioritizing who gets what assistance
difficulty in telling administrators what to do
space issues
setting up the CSIRT
130 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
3.12 Resources
3.12.1 Case Study Examples
Many of the books listed in our bibliography contain case studies. Some of the information
provided by the authors is based on their own incident handling experiences or comes from
discussions with victims who have reported or suffered computer security incidents.
In Hackers Challenge, [Schiffman 01] the author devotes the entire book to analyzing 20
case study “war stories” that test a reader’s incident response skills by providing a description
of pertinent information relating to the case study. The book contains the solutions to each
scenario, providing detailed descriptions of the analyses performed, excerpts of logs and
screen captures, and suggestions on response/mitigation strategies.
Other books referenced in this report [Mandia 01, Schultz 02, van Wyk 01] also include ex-
ample scenarios or case study reports, some containing examples of packet-level captures.
Mandia devotes several chapters to specific investigative processes including forensics, track-
ing and tracing, network surveillance techniques, and response suggestions for platform-
specific/application-specific analysis of attacks. Threaded throughout are anecdotes, tips and
suggestions, and resources for additional information.
Many of the publications reviewed provide an overview of various tools that have been used
in incident handling, including how they operate and what information is obtained by their
use; some references include screen captures of the tools as well, illustrating what they look
It’s also worth noting that some of the books published several years ago [Frisch 95,
Garfinkel 91] (books that are probably still on some incident handlers’ bookshelves) discuss
techniques for investigating incidents or breaches and provide guidance on examining sys-
tems—even though they weren’t discussed in terms of “forensics” investigations. Some of
these techniques are still in use today in reviewing and analyzing data on systems.
3.12.2 Sample Templates, Checklists, Process Guides,
One of the benefits of seeing more information become available to the CSIRT community is
the development of a variety of different templates, checklists, guidelines, and flowcharts that
are available for review. Having access to such resources can help a new CSIRT in its plan-
ning and implementation, providing opportunities to leverage other work that has been suc-
cessfully implemented as a best practice in parts of the CSIRT community. These types of
resources can also provide a way for existing teams to benchmark their procedures and forms
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 131
against what others are doing. Appendix E contains copies of some incident reporting forms,
which are included with the permission of the author or owner of the material.
As we reviewed the literature, we found that there are similarities in some of the forms and
documents that have been developed. For example, as might be expected, the flowcharts il-
lustrated in Mandia [Mandia 01, p. 18] and Nebraska [Nebraska 02] have many similar com-
ponents, including pre-incident preparation, detection, and decision points for determining
the next steps in the process (such as confirming an incident, formulating a response strategy,
notifying and/or coordinating with contacts, documenting, and restoring operations). In addi-
tion, steps for investigative activities (forensics duplication, network monitoring, etc.) are
steps included in the flow diagrams. Other forms and documents contain similarities in the
type of information that is collected—what we refer to as the “critical information” that is
needed regarding an event that has been reported to the CSIRT. This includes relevant contact
information, hostnames, IP addresses, OS versions/patch levels, chronology documenting the
activity, and actions for response and follow up.
In Section 3.7.2, “Having a Plan,” we referred to the fact that many of the documents we re-
viewed in the literature search included a variety of different incident response processes or
steps. For example, there are copies (or online versions of) incident reporting forms included
in a number of publications [DHS 03, FCC 01, Kruse 02, Navy 96, Nebraska 02, SANS 03,
USSS 01]. A variety of incident reporting and response flowcharts are referenced [Mandia 01,
Kruse 02, Nebraska 02, Steele 02] and process guides or checklists available [Allen 01,
Swanson 02, Vermont 01].
Descriptions of an incident response process or methodology
are included in several sources [Allen 01, SANS 03, Schultz 02, Symantec 01, West-Brown
03]. More detailed guidance on response procedures
can be found in some [Allen 01, Man-
dia, 01, SANS 03, Schiffman 01].
While the CERT Guide to System and Network Security Practices [Allen 01] and the NIST Con-
tingency Planning Guide for Information Technology Systems [Swanson 02] are targeted at system
and network administrators or other IT professionals, the processes and practices are applicable in
many areas of CSIRT work and may be worth reviewing.
Response procedures are the specific steps recommended for protecting systems, detecting and
responding to intrusions, and returning systems to normal operations.
132 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 133
4 Summary
Our examination of the literature identified a few broad-based observations that will be of
interest to new and existing CSIRTs. This information can be used to further increase their
overall knowledge and understanding of incident handling, team responsibilities, team com-
position, techniques and procedures, and policy issues.
There is a growing base of anecdotal and case study information appearing in print about
not only the formation and organization of CSIRTs, but also the general types of activities
these teams undertake and how they perform them.
More information is available about the management and costs related to building and
operating incident response teams.
There are some common functional processes for performing incident handling activities
in a CSIRT. Even if these processes are grouped somewhat differently in the articles and
publications discussed in this technical report, the basic processes revolve around the fol-
lowing tasks: prepare/protect, detect, respond, improve. See Section 3.7.7 for more de-
tailed information.
There are many similarities in CSIRT processes; however, in the day-to-day operations of
a CSIRT, the way in which these processes are implemented and the depth and breadth of
the services that are provided may be very different.
Based on (a) our collective experience, (b) the reviewed literature, web sites, and CSIRT pro-
ject information, and (c) the collected survey data, we see the current state of the practice for
CSIRTs as follows:
All evidence points to a large growth in the number of incident response teams over the
past four to five years. This growth has primarily taken place in the commercial sector.
Growth in education and government teams has also continued. Others seeking to create
CSIRTs include organizations in critical infrastructures such as the finance/banking and
power/energy sectors. Globally we are seeing more interest in implementing CSIRTs, es-
pecially national and local government teams.:
The reasons for the growth in teams include (a) the increase in the number of security
incidents and the recognition of a need for a planned response, (b) new legal require-
ments, and (c) the current view that computer security must be proactive to be successful;
being reactive is no longer sufficient.
Incident handling and incident response teams are still relatively new areas in computer
security, and incident response is still an immature field. Because of this there are few
134 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
standards for incident handling methodologies or processes that are widely adopted, al-
though there are many projects currently in progress that are attempting to gain accep-
tance and establish some standard mechanisms.
Because of the newness of this field there is also no consistent structure or set of services
for a CSIRT. The nature of incident response makes it imperative that a team match the
goals and objectives of its constituency or parent organization. This means the services
offered and the structure of the CSIRT must be set up to support those being served. The
majority of teams do, however, offer some form of incident handling, development of se-
curity policies, and development of alerts and advisories.
There is no commonly used taxonomy for incident response and computer security ter-
minology. This can cause confusion when teams share data that has the same classifica-
tion name, but which may represent different things.
Employees who are trained and experienced in incident response techniques and prac-
tices are difficult to find.
No established education path for CSIRT professionals exists as of today. Many incident
handling activities have evolved out of traditional system, network, and security admini-
stration. Various training courses, as well as mentoring by experienced CSIRT members,
is what is currently available today to help educate incident handling staff. There are also
certification programs, but none has been adopted as a standard.
There is a lack of publicly available sample templates for policies and procedures for use
in the day-to-day operations of a CSIRT.
Few tools such as tailored help desks or trouble ticket solutions addressing the specific
needs of CSIRTs—authenticity and confidentiality, as well as workflows—are readily
It has also been observed that CSIRT best practices do not currently exist in the following
standards for interfaces—a teams location within the organization, with whom they in-
teract (internally and externally), what is reported, how that occurs, etc.
data management—how teams manage, access, archive, and share their CSIRT data
professional standards—the formal or official specification for what a CSIRT comprises
and the staff who perform the work
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 135
In the CSIRT community as a whole, there is general agreement that standards are needed
and that some minimal support is needed for automating incident tracking, response, and
There are various projects and discussions currently under way that address many of these
issues. Critical and relevant discussions include
incident data exchange: how to develop and utilize a common and easy-to-use mecha-
nism to allow sharing of data between teams and synthesis of collected data
trusted introducers: what type of mechanisms are needed to help identify and verify teams
operational coordination: what types of mechanisms for incident handling coordination
between various geographic areas and groups of CSIRTs in order to quickly control and
contain incident activity, share expertise, analysis, and data, and then effect a coordinated
formalization of procedures and formats: what types of standards are appropriate and can
be applied to teams. Various standards are currently being sought by the community in all
areas, from common incident tracking systems to advisory preparation and data collec-
tion and exchange.
requirements for establishing a CSIRT capability: Teams are looking for methods to
evaluate their effectiveness. They want to baseline their operations and services against a
set of basic requirements and best practices.
vulnerability disclosure: How, when, and to what extent to disclose vulnerability infor-
mation has been a highly volatile topic in the incident response and computer security
community. Various discussions are underway to determine if there can be any agreed-
upon standards or processes in this area.
certification and training: What types of training and certification should a member of an in-
cident handling team should be required to have? Many teams are struggling with these issues
today, along with the fact that just finding skilled incident handlers is not an easy task.
As previously mentioned throughout this report, each of the above depends on a variety of
factors, such as the mission or role of the CSIRT and its constituency, along with its organiza-
tional structure, funding, and staffing. Because of this, it may not be possible to set standards
that every CSIRT would be able to follow. In a general sense, however, some “best practices”
should be possible across many CSIRTs—even if the specific implementation for how the
practice is performed is different. For example, from our observations and experience, we can
generally agree that, to be effective, CSIRTs require the following:
An example of standards development is the IODEF activity in the IETF INCH Working Group,
which strives to define a common data format for sharing incident handling data between different
136 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
management support and trust from their constituency
a plan in place for handling incidents when they occur
established relationships with a variety of others as appropriate (e.g., constituent mem-
bers, other CSIRTs, management, law enforcement)
capable staff who are well trained and knowledgeable in the activities being handled by
the team to provide effective response
a consistent and repeatable process for CSIRT operations in receiving, accessing, and
archiving data (including sharing information as appropriate)
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 137
5 Future Work
Based on the information collected in this State of the Practice of CSIRTs report, we believe
the following areas of work are prime candidates for future development:
State of the practice survey—continue collection of data with a new and updated survey
that can be used to feed information into CSIRT best practice development
CSIRT best practices—development of a series of best practice recommendations on
CSIRT operations based on the current information collected and continued research
CSIRT criteria—for developing teams, determining staffing skills, and determining team
CSIRT process guidelines—for offering various services
As a starting point, included below is a list of suggested topic areas where we see the need for
more discussion or for more specific resources and guidelines to be developed. In many of
these areas, work has already begun, or a prototype may even exist that can be used as a basis
for further development.
a new taxonomy specifically for CSIRT processes, incident data, and incident activity
that can be accepted throughout the CSIRT community, perhaps through the development
of an RFC
agreed-upon criteria for what constitutes a CSIRT, including different types of teams
a mechanism or mechanisms to identify and validate teams
more formalized resources to help new teams, including sample forms, checklists, and
templates for CSIRT processes and operations
tools customized specifically for incident response work
models for estimating the cost and size of a CSIRT based on sector and services offered:
guidelines on the services and processes needed for different CSIRT models and CSIRTs
in different sectors
guidelines and references to cyber crime laws and legal issues (on a country basis) for
incident handlers
use of certification criteria to develop new incident handler training and mentoring pro-
grams or enhance existing ones
138 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
We are seeking opportunities to collaborate with others in the CSIRT community who are
interested in working on these types of issues with us. This collaboration can occur at a vari-
ety of different levels: provision of information, joint development of white papers and crite-
ria, or even funding some of the needed research and resulting outputs related to these areas.
If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 139
6 Closing Remarks
This document discusses a wide variety of issues within the practice of establishing and oper-
ating a CSIRT. Although many topics were discussed, we realize that the first edition of this
technical report could not be a comprehensive, inclusive look at that state of the practice of
CSIRTs. But it is an initial attempt to begin to collect information on the history, practice,
structure, services, and challenges of CSIRTs.
There is much more information other teams could have contributed to this body of work, but
it was not possible to talk or interact with every team. To that end we would like to get your
feedback on this technical document: did it meet your expectations, was it helpful, what was
missing, and what was beneficial? We would welcome any data you have collected regarding
the issues addressed in this document that you are able and willing to share. We would also
welcome hearing about any best practices, case studies, success stories, or other experiences
that you or your team may have in creating and operating a CSIRT and that we could incor-
porate into future editions.
Please feel free to contact us at
If you are interested in reading more about CSIRT development and operations, a good place
to start is the newly revised Handbook for CSIRTs, which is available on the CERT web site
. You can also find many interesting and
helpful articles in the bibliography attached to this document.
If you are interested in learning more about CSIRTs and processes and best practices for inci-
dent handling, you may want to attend one of our CSIRT courses. You can find course infor-
mation and schedules at
Once again we would like to thank everyone who helped us in the creation and production of
this document. Without your support, we would not have been able to publish this state of the
140 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 141
Appendix A CSIRT Organizational Survey
CSIRT Information:
CSIRT Name: _____________________________________________________________
CSIRT Parent Organization: ________________________________________________
CSIRT Contact Phone Number: _____________________________________________
CSIRT Contact Email: _____________________________________________________
CSIRT Address: __________________________________________________________
Your Contact Information:
Name of person filling out survey: ____________________________________________
Position or title of person filling out survey: ____________________________________
CSIRT Background
1. How long has your CSIRT been in operation? __________________________________
2. Does your CSIRT have a defined constituency?
a. __ Yes
b. __ No
142 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
3. If yes, who is that constituency: _____________________________________________
4. What is the mission of your CSIRT: __________________________________________
5. Where is the CSIRT located within your organizational structure?
a. __ Information Technology (IT) Department or Telecommunications Department
b. __ Audit Department
c. __ Security Department
d. __ CSIRT is its own department
e. __ Other: ___________________________________________________________
f. __ Not Applicable (the CSIRT is not within any department but a separate organiza-
tion or coordination center)
6. To whom does your CSIRT report?
a. __ Chief Information Officer (CIO)
b. __ Chief Security Officer (CSO)
c. __ Manager of IT or Telecommunications
d. __ CSIRT Manager is the top level of the organization
e. __ Other: ___________________________________________________________
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 143
7. In what sector is your CSIRT located?
a. __ Military
b. __ Education
c. __ Information and Communication
d. __ Electric Power
e. __ Oil and Gas
f. __ Water Supply
g. __ Government Law Enforcement Services
h. __ Government Fire and Rescue Services
i. __ Government and Public Administration
j. __ Transportation
k. __ Banking and Finance
l. __ Public Health Services
m. __ Professional Services
n. __ Other Commercial Organization
o. __ Other Non-Profit Organization
p. __ Other: ___________________________________________________________
8. In what country is your CSIRT located? _______________________________________
9. Do you have parts of your CSIRT in other countries?
a. __ Yes
b. __ No
10. If Yes, how many countries? _________
CSIRT Organization
11. What categories best describe your CSIRT? (Check all that apply.)
a. __ Ad hoc team (team is called together only when an incident occurs)
144 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
b. __ Distributed dedicated team (team is scattered across locations and performs
CSIRT work 100%)
c. __ Distributed part-time team (team is scattered across locations and performs
CSIRT work part-time)
d. __ Centralized dedicated team (team is in one location and performs CSIRT work 100%)
e. __ Centralized coordination center (team is in one location and coordinates informa-
tion and incident response between other CSIRTs)
f. __ Combined team (there is a central team and a distributed team)
g. __ Analysis Center (team performs analysis of incident trends and patterns 100%)
h. __ Vendor team (team handles reports of vulnerabilities in their parent organization’s
software or hardware products)
i. __ Managed Security Services Provider/Incident Response Provider (team provides
incident response as a for-fee service)
12. What authority does your CSIRT have? (Check only one.)
a. __ No authority (can influence only)
b. __ Full authority for our constituency (can issue mandates and take systems off the
c. __ Partial authority (included in the constituency decision-making process regarding
how to respond to an incident)
d. __ Authority is different for various services. Please provide some explanation for dif-
ferences in authority:
13. How is your CSIRT funded? (Check all that apply.)
a. __ Government funding
b. __ Each service has a fee attached
c. __ Parent organization funding
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 145
d. __ Subscriptions
e. __ Research consortium
f. __ Other: ___________________________________________________________
14. How many people work full-time (100% of their time) on your CSIRT? _______
15. How many people work part-time (less than 100% of their time) on your CSIRT? ______
For these part-time workers, please estimate the equivalent number of full-time staff that
would account for their effort: _______________________________________________
16. Do you have a formal training or mentoring program for your CSIRT staff?
a. ___Yes
b. ___No
17. What degrees or certifications, if any, do you require for CSIRT staff?
18. What is your approximate CSIRT budget (including salary costs)?
a. __ Under $50,000 USD
b. __ Between $50,000 and $100,000 USD
c. __ Between $100,000 and $500,000 USD
d. __ Between $500,000 and $1,000,000 USD
e. __ Between $1,000,000 and $2,500,000 USD
f. __ Between $2,500,000 and $5,000,000 USD
g. __ Above $5,000,000 USD
CSIRT Operations
19. What services does your CSIRT provide? (Check all that apply.)
a. __ incident handling/response
b. __ analyzing vulnerabilities in hardware and software
c. __ analyzing exploits, toolkits, intruder logs and files (artifacts)
d. __ handling virus reports/incidents
146 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
e. __ answering hotline/help desk calls
f. __ monitoring intrusion detection systems
g. __ monitoring network and system logs such as firewalls, routers, mail servers, etc.
h. __ monitoring public security information sites and mailing lists
i. __ publishing advisories and alerts
j. __ publishing technical documents
k. __ penetration testing of constituent systems
l. __ vulnerability scanning of constituent systems and networks
m. __ vulnerability assessments of constituent systems and networks
n. __ security policy development
o. __ developing security product (creating your own patches, incident response or security
p. __ administering security configurations for constituent systems
q. __ constituency training or security awareness
r. __ computer forensics evidence collection
s. __ tracking and tracing intruders
t. __ pursuing legal or law enforcement investigations
20. How do you record and track incident information? (Check all that apply.)
a. __ Paper log book or forms
b. __ Database
c. __ Other: ___________________________________________________________
21. If you use a database, what type of product does your CSIRT use?
a. __ Off-the-shelf database. Product: _______________________________________
b. __ CSIRT created or customized database
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 147
22. Do you provide incident reporting guidelines in hardcopy or electronic form to your con-
a. Yes ____
b. No ____
23. How do you receive incident reports? (Check all that apply.)
a. __ Phone
b. __ Email
c. __ Paper Incident Reporting Form
d. __ Web Incident Reporting Form
e. __ Intrusion Detection Systems
f. __ Walk-in
g. __ Other: ___________________________________________________________
24. How does your CSIRT provide incident response? (Check all that apply.)
a. __ Provide recommendations and guidelines only via phone or email
b. __ Repair and recover affected systems and networks
c. __ Develop and distribute technical documents and alerts
d. __ We do not provide a response; we pass incidents to another area to be handled
To whom are they passed? ________________________________________
e. __ Other: ________________________________________________________
25. If you have a CSIRT hotline or help desk, who answers the phone?
During After
Business Hours
a. ______ ____ CSIRT staff
b. ______ ____ IT help desk staff
c. ______ ____ Message center
d. ______ ____ Other: _________________________________________
148 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
26. What are your business hours? _____________________________________________
27. Who recovers and rebuilds systems involved in computer security incidents?
a. __ The CSIRT
b. __ IT Department/system and network administrators
c. __ Both
d. __ Other: ___________________________________________________________
28. On average, how many incidents does your team handle per day? _____
29. On average, how many incidents does your team handle per year? _____
30. Please indicate how often you deal with the following types of incident reports:
Very Somewhat Not
Frequently Frequently Frequently Never
a. Viruses, Worms, or
Trojan Horse Programs ______ ______ ______ ______
b. Denial of Service ______ ______ ______ ______
c. Privileged compromise
(root or administrator level
compromise) ______ ______ ______ ______
d. User-level compromise ______ ______ ______ ______
e. Theft of data ______ ______ ______ ______
f. Unauthorized access to data ______ ______ ______ ______
g. Misuse of resources ______ ______ ______ ______
h. Probes and scans ______ ______ ______ ______
i. Other: ________________ ______ ______ ______ ______
31. What type of mechanisms does your CSIRT use to communicate securely with your con-
stituency? (Check all that apply.)
a. __ PGP
b. __ Digital certificates
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 149
c. __ Secure phones or fax
d. __ Secure intranet or extranet
e. __ Do not have secure communications capability
f. __ Other: _____________________________________________________________
32. With whom does your CSIRT coordinate their response activities? (Check all that apply.)
a. __ Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Security Officer (CSO)
b. __ Internal business managers
c. __ Human Resources Department
d. __ Physical Security Department
e. __ Audit or Risk Management Department
f. __ IT or Telecommunications Department
g. __ Legal Department
h. __ Public Relations Department
i. __ Marketing Department
j. __ Law Enforcement
k. __ Other CSIRTs
l. __ CERT/CC
m. __ Other security experts
n. __ Others: __________________________________________________________
o. __ We do not coordinate with any other units or organizations.
33. With whom does your CSIRT share information? (Check all that apply.)
a. __ Chief Information Officer (CIO) or Chief Security Officer (CSO)
b. __ Internal business managers
c. __ Human Resources Department
d. __ Physical Security Department
150 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
e. __ Audit or Risk Management Department
f. __ IT or Telecommunications Department
g. __ Legal Department
h. __ Public Relations Department
i. __ Marketing Department
j. __ Law Enforcement
k. __ Non-Military Government Organizations (City, State, Country, Region)
l. __ Military Organizations
m. __ Other CSIRTs
n. __ CERT/CC
o. __ Other security experts
p. __ Information Sharing Analysis Centers (ISACs)
q. __ Others: __________________________________________________________
r. __ We do not share information with any other units or organizations.
34. May we call you if we need to follow-up on your answers in more detail?
a. __ Yes (Best time to call: ________________________________)
b. __ No
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 151
Appendix B: Comparison of Incident
Response Steps and
Type and Title of
Author(s) Step or Process
Material Covered and/or
Other Comments
CERT Guide to
System and
Network Security
Julia Allen
[Allen 01]
Analyze information
Collect and protect
Eliminate all means of
intruder access
Return systems to
normal operations
Implement lessons
For comparison with the other refer-
ences in this table, the “response”
steps have been identified.
This is a resource book for
system/network administrators to
harden/secure systems; prepare for,
detect, and respond to security
events and activity; and improve
security configurations and proce-
Computer Foren-
sics, Incident
Response Essen-
Warren G. Kruse
II and Jay G.
[Kruse 02]
Discovery and Report
Incident Confirmation
Lessons Learned/
Technical, focusing on the investi-
gation process (not on the incident
response issues team management
Kenneth R. van
Wyk and Richard
[van Wyk 01]
Written for management interested
in building a team and issues that
will need to be faced. Also focuses
on responding to incidents and gives
technical references/coverage of
tools of the trade, typical attacks,
Incident Re-
sponse: A Strate-
gic Guide to Han-
dling System and
Network Security
Eugene Schultz
and Russell
[Schultz 02]
Information relating to the forming,
managing, and operating of a team.
Good discussion of some of the is-
sues that will be faced by team
Incident Re-
sponse: Investigat-
ing Computer
Kevin Mandia
and Chris Prosise
[Mandia 01]
Pre-incident preparation
Initial response
The primary focus of the book is on
investigation and specific tech-
niques that can be used for investi-
152 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Type and Title of
Author(s) Step or Process
Material Covered and/or
Other Comments
Crime Response strategy
Duplication (forensic
Security measure
Network monitoring
gating various types of incidents.
System Security: A
Management Per-
David L. Oppen-
heimer, David A.
Wagner, and
Michele D.
Perform follow-up
Short topics booklet that describes
security issues at a high level for
Articles/Guides/White Papers/Special Publications
Advance Planning
for Incident Re-
sponse and Foren-
Symantec Corp.
[Symantec 01]
Identify vital assets
Hire experienced staff
Secure individual hosts
Secure your network
Monitor devices
Establish a response
Establish policies and
Overview of topic areas. Provides
incident managing services
Computer Security
Incident Handling
Step by Step
[SANS 03]
Good reference guide, covered at
high level. Outlines the list of ac-
tions to be taken at each of the six
steps listed.
Information Sys-
tems Security In-
cident Response
IA Newsletter,
Gordon Steele
[Steele 02]
References the SANS list High-level overview of incident
response, planning, and manage-
ment (similar to work covered by
SANS, Howard).
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 153
Type and Title of
Author(s) Step or Process
Material Covered and/or
Other Comments
NIST Special Pub-
lication 800-34
Contingency Plan-
ning Guide for
Information Tech-
Marianne Swan-
son, Amy Wohl,
Lucinda Pope,
Tim Grance,
Joan Hash, Ray
[Swanson 02]
Although focused at IT contingency
planning, does contain some refer-
ences to managing incidents.
Security Architec-
ture and Incident
Management for
Internet Security
Systems Marc S.
Sokol and David
A. Curry
[Sokol 00]
Incident preparedness
Report and notification
Preliminary investigation
Decision and resource
Lesson learned
Provides a high-level overview of
the IH process.
Securing Informa-
tion Assets: Plan-
ning, Prevention
and Response
CIO Focus
Guide, CXO
[CXO 03]
Provide workarounds/
Prevent reinfection
Log events
Preserve evidence
Conduct postmortem/
apply lessons learned
Provides examples of case studies,
short reference guides, and check-
lists. Very high-level senior execu-
tive reading material.
Other Documents/Presentations
Computer Security
Incident Response
Internet Security
Describes “phases” of incident re-
sponse, once an incident is declared.
Responding to
Computer Security
Incidents: Guide-
lines for Incident
E. Eugene
Schultz, Jr.,
David S. Brown,
Thomas A.
[Schultz 90]
Although an early work (1990),
contains similar information about
incident handling issues. Also con-
tains specific guidelines for re-
sponding to (these early) incidents,
viruses, worm attacks. Some discus-
sion of vulnerability issues (mostly
focused on UNIX, VMS, etc.) and
some info
mation about early tools
Internet Security Systems. “Computer Security Incident Response Planning, Preparing for the
Inevitable.” Atlanta, GA, 2001.
154 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Type and Title of
Author(s) Step or Process
Material Covered and/or
Other Comments
that were available to assist the inci-
dent handling process.
The Methodology
of Incident Han-
McGlashan, Aus-
tralian Computer
Emergency Re-
sponse Team
[McGlashan 01]
Identify scope and
assess damage
Collect and protect
Apply short-term
Eliminate intruder
Return to normal
Identify and implement
lessons learned
High level; slide presentation
Security Architec-
ture and Incident
Management for
Internet Security
[Sokol 00]
Incident preparedness
Report and notification
Preliminary investigation
Decision and resource
Lessons learned
Provides a high-level overview of
best practices for the development
of an incident response process.
Incident Response
and Reporting
Procedure for
State Government
State of
[Nebraska 02]
Detect the incident
Analyze the incident
Contain or eradicate the
Provide workarounds or
Prevent re-infection
Log events
Preserve evidence
Conduct a postmortem/
apply lessons learned
A draft report summarizing the
guidelines for CIO Cyberthreat Re-
sponse and reporting (applicable to
non-education state agencies,
boards, and commissions receiving
appropriation from the state Legisla-
ture, or state agencies that have di-
rect connection to the state’s net-
State of Vermont
Incident Handling
State of
[Vermont 01]
An interim guideline for incident
response within the State of Ver-
RFC 2196 Site
Security Hand-
Barbara Fraser,
[Fraser 97]
Notification & exchange
of information
Protect evidence and
activity logs
Revised version of RFC 1244. Pro-
vides practical guidance for admin-
istrators on developing computer
security policies and procedures.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 155
Type and Title of
Author(s) Step or Process
Material Covered and/or
Other Comments
Computer Incident
Response Guide-
Naval Command,
Control and
Ocean Surveil-
lance Center
[Navy 96]
Training module for the INFOSEC,
developed in 1996.
Provides brief high-level guidance
and procedures for responding to
156 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 157
Appendix C: Training Sources for CSIRTs
The following list is a small sample of training sources for CSIRTs and incident handling.
Many of these, and other sources, also provide training in related areas of computer forensics
or information security. This is not a comprehensive list. Search the web, or follow the links
from some of the sites below, to find other sources for relevant training for CSIRTs.
Incident Response Training
@stake –
@stake Academy
Lecture and lab courses, including Incident Response and Forensic Readiness
Backbone Security –
Attack Postmortem
CERT Coordination Center
CERT Training
CSIRT Development
Courses include Creating a CSIRT, Overview of Managing CSIRTs,
Managing CSIRTs, Fundamentals of Incident Handling, and Advanced Incident Han-
dling for Technical Staff
Computer Security Institute (CSI) –
Annual Conference
Conference sessions include Response Teams
CSI Training
CSI Information Security Seminars
158 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Seminars include Intrusion Detection, Attacks, and Countermeasures and Practical Fo-
rensics: How to Manage IT Investigations
Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) –
FIRST Conferences
Foundstone –
Courses include Ultimate Hacking, Ultimate Web Hacking, and Ultimate Hacking: Inci-
dent Response/Forensics
Global Knowledge –
Course Catalog
Includes classroom learning, virtual classroom e-learning, and self-paced e-learning
Course Catalog – Security
Courses include Intrusion Detection and Forensics, Network Security, Wireless Security,
and others
Free Web Seminars
Various topics
LionTech IT Ltd. –
IT Training
Courses and seminars, including Ethical Hacking/Penetrating Testing
Megamind, Institute for Advanced Technology Training
Security Training
Courses include Incident Response and Intrusion Detection
MIS Training Institute –
InfoSecurity Seminars, Conferences, Symposia, Briefings
Incident Response
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 159
MIS Training Institute Online
Courses include Information Security courses
New Technologies Inc. (NTI) –
Computer Forensics and Security Training
Incident Response Teams Development and Training
Red Siren –
Information Security University
Online learning courses, including Incident Response and Introduction to Computer In-
SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (SANS) Institute –
Computer Security Education and Information Security Training
SANS Online Training
Courses include Hacker Techniques, Exploits, and Incident Handling
SANS Webcasts
various topics
TheTrainingCo. –
Techno-Security Seminars
Training of Network Security Incident Teams Staff (TRANSITS) –
TRANSITS is a three-year European project to provide Training of Network Security In-
cident Teams Staff. Organized by TERENA
and funded by the
European Commission, TRANSITS will provide public domain CSIRT training course
materials and will present CSIRT training workshops over various regions in Europe.
Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (TERENA) -
United Kingdom Education & Research Networking Association (UKERNA) -
160 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
TRANSITS Training Workshop
Participation is limited, accepting only selected applicants.
General Information Security/Assurance
Higher Education – Colleges and Universities
National Security Agency (NSA) - National INFOSEC Education & Training Program
Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education -
Announcement –
NSA Designates Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education.
Fifty universities have been designated as Centers of Academic Excellence in Informa-
tion Assurance under the program:
Universities in the United States noted for their information security programs
Air Force Institute of Technology –
Auburn University –
Capitol College –
Carnegie Mellon University –
Drexel University
East Stroudsburg University
Florida State University
George Mason University
George Washington University –
Georgia Institute of Technology –
Idaho State University –
Indiana University of Pennsylvania –
Information Resources Management College of the National Defense University –
Iowa State University –
James Madison University
John Hopkins University
Mississippi State University –
Naval Postgraduate School
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Mexico Tech –
North Carolina State University –
Northeastern University –
Norwich University –
Pennsylvania State University
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 161
Polytechnic –
Portland State University –
Purdue University –
Stanford University –
State University of New York, Buffalo –
State University of New York, Stony Brook –
Stevens Institute of Technology –
Syracuse University –
Texas A&M University –
Towson University –
University of California at Davis –
University of Dallas –
University of Idaho –
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign –
University of Maryland, Baltimore County –
University of Maryland, University College –
University of Massachusetts, Amherst –
University of Nebraska at Omaha –
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
University of Pennsylvania –
University of Texas, San Antonio –
University of Tulsa –
University of Virginia –
Walsh College –
U.S. Military Academy, West Point –
West Virginia University
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – Computer Security Resource Cen-
ter (CSRC) –
Training & Education
Academia Training and Education Programs
List includes most of the Centers of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance
Education (above), plus other universities in other countries:
Queensland University of Technology (Australia) – Information Security Research
Centre –
Stockholm University (Sweden) – SecLab -
University of Cambridge (UK) – Computer Security Group -
University of London (UK) – Royal Holloway – Information Security Group -
162 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Certification Organizations
Currently, there are few certification programs for CSIRTs. GIAC provides a certification for
GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GIAH). Other certifications are available for Certified In-
formation Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Systems Security Certified Practitioner
(SSCP). Technical certifications in other specific areas are widely available through various
vendors (e.g., CISCO, Microsoft).
CERT Coordination Center
-Certified Computer Security Incident Handler
Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) –
GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH)
Other Security Certifications
CompTIA –
CompTIA Security+ Certification
Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) –
Overview of Certifications
Individual certifications include GIAC Security Essentials Certification (GSEC), GIAC
Certified Intrusion Analyst (GCIA), GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA), and
GIAC Security Expert (GSE)
International Information Systems Security Certifications Consortium, Inc. (ISC)
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Systems Security Cer-
tified Practitioner (SSCP)
TruSecure ICSA Practitioner Certification
TruSecure ICSA Certified Security Associate (TICSA)
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 163
Other Technical Training Resources
Learning Tree International
Web-based training courses
MIS Training Institute –
Seminars, Conferences, Symposia
“MIS offers seminars, conferences, and symposia in the areas of Information Security,
Internal/IT Auditing, Networks, E-Commerce Applications, Operating Environments,
and Enterprise Applications.”
MIS Training Institute Online
Other Resources and Readings
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC) –
Training & Education
Links to various training programs and providers
SC Magazine
“Shaping Up for INFOSEC TRAINING” – July 2002 cover story
164 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 165
Appendix D: Cyber Crime Law Resources
International Cyber Crime Laws
Council of Europe
Council of Europe – Legal Affairs – Treaty Office
Data Protection/Privacy
Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of
Personal Data (ETS
no. 108)
[Entry into force 1985-10-01]
Additional Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to
Automatic Processing of Personal Data, regarding supervisory authorities and trans-
border data flows (ETS no. 181)
Cyber Crime
Convention on Cybercrime (ETS no. 185)
This Convention defines nine offenses in four categories:
Title 1 – Offences against the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer
data and systems
Article 2 – Illegal access
Article 3 – Illegal interception
Article 4 – Data interference
Article 5 – System interference
Article 6 – Misuse of devices
Title 2 – Computer-related offences
Article 7 – Computer-related forgery
Article 8 – Computer-related fraud
Title 3 – Content-related offences
Article 9 – Offences related to child pornography
Title 4 – Offences related to infringements of copyright and related rights
European Treaty Series
166 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Article 10 – Offences related to infringements of copyright and related rights
Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation
of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems (ETS
no. 189)
This Protocol expands the scope of the Convention on Cybercrime (ETS no. 185) to
also criminalise acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer
Article 3 – Dissemination of racist and xenophobic material through computer
Article 4 – Racist and xenophobic motivated threat
Article 5 – Racist and xenophobic motivated insult
Article 6 – Denial, gross minimisation, approval or justification of genocide or
crimes against humanity
European Union
NOTE: It is useful to understand the “institutional triangle” of the European Union and
how decision making and legislation work
The European Union at a glance –
Institutions of the European Union –
European Parliament (EP) –
626 members, elected by citizens
shares with the Council the power to legislate
exercises supervision over the Commission (approves nomination of
Commissioners) and all institutions
Council of the European Union –
one representative from each member state
decision-making role
European Commission –
20 members, appointed by member states after approval by EP
draft legislation and proposals to EP and Council
responsible for implementing legislation adopted
guardian of Treaties and ensures that Community law is applied
represents the Union internationally and negotiates international
EUR-Lex – The portal to European Union Law
EUR-Lex – Legislation In Force
Analytical structure/register index for
13.20.60 Information technology, telecommunications, and data processing
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 167
Directive 95/46/EC – on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of
personal data and on the free movement of such data
Directive 97/66/EC – concerning the processing of personal data and the protection
of privacy in the telecommunications sector
Directive 98/84/EC – on the legal protection of services based on, or consisting of,
conditional access
Directive 2000/31/EC – on certain legal aspects of information society services, in
particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (“Directive on electronic
Decision No 276/1999/EC – adopting a multiannual community action plan on pro-
moting safer use of the Internet by combating illegal and harmful content on global
Safer Internet Action Plan (IAP)
IAP Action Lines include
creating a safer environment
creating a European network of hotlines
encouraging self-regulation and codes of conduct
developing filtering and rating systems
demonstrating the benefits of filtering and rating
facilitating international agreement on rating systems
encouraging awareness actions
preparing the ground for awareness actions
encouraging implementation of full-scale awareness actions
support actions
168 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
accessing legal implications
coordination with similar international initiatives
evaluating the impact of community measures
Information Society
EUR-Lex – Official Journal
OJ 2000/C 124 – The Prevention and Control of Organised Crime: A European Un-
ion Strategy for the beginning of the new Millennium
OJ 2002/C 203
Communication COM/2002/0173 final – CNS 2002/0086 – Proposal for a Council
Framework Decision on attacks against information systems
EUR-Lex – Documents of Public Interest
Communication COM/2000/0890 final – Creating a Safer Information Society by
Improving the Security of Information Infrastructures and Combating Computer-
related Crime (eEurope 2002)
Communication COM/2001/0298 final – Network and Information Security: Pro-
posal for A European Policy Approach
G8 – G8 Information Centre
The Birmingham Summit (1998)
“G8 and International Crime”
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 169
G8 Lyon Group - links
United Nations
United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
UNODC Crime Programme
United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network (UNCJIN)
(previous site)
United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime
Organization of American States –
Cyber Crime
Resolutions of the General Assembly of the OAS Related to Cyber Crime
Best Practices (not necessarily law/legislation)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) –
Information Security and Privacy
OECD Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems and Networks
United States Federal Laws
U.S. House of Representatives – Office of the Law Revision Counsel
United States Code (U.S.C.) – a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the gen-
eral and permanent laws of the United States
Search the United States Code for a specific section at
U.S. Library of Congress – THOMAS, Legislative Information on the Internet
170 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Bills, Public Laws, and other legislation
U.S. Department of Justice – Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS)
U.S. Department of Justice - Federal Computer Intrusion Laws
Federal criminal code related to computer crime
Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Chapter 47 – Fraud and False Statements
18 U.S.C. § 1029* – Fraud and related activity in connection with access devices
18 U.S.C. § 1030* – Fraud and related activity in connection with computers
Chapter 65 – Malicious Mischief
18 U.S.C. § 1362* – Communication lines, stations or systems
Chapter 119 – Wire and Electronic Communications Interception and Interception of
Oral Communications
18 U.S.C. § 2511* – Interception and disclosure of wire, oral, or electronic commu-
nications prohibited
Chapter 121 – Stored Wire and Electronic Communications and Transactional Re-
cords Access
18 U.S.C. § 2701* – Unlawful access to stored communications
18 U.S.C. § 2702* – Disclosure of contents
18 U.S.C. § 2703* – Requirements for governmental access
* USA Patriot Act – Public Law 107-56 (H.R. 3162)
Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to In-
tercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001
Amends 18 U.S.C. § 1029, 1030, 1362, 2511, 2702, 2703
U.S. Department of Justice - Criminal Intellectual Property Laws
Federal Statutes Protecting Intellectual Property Rights
Copyright Offenses
Title 17 – Copyrights
Chapter 5 – Copyright Infringement and Remedies
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 171
17 U.S.C. § 506 – Criminal offenses
Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Chapter 113 – Stolen Property
18 U.S.C. § 2318 – Trafficking in counterfeit labels for phonorecords, copies of
computer programs or computer program documentation or packaging, and cop-
ies of motion pictures or other audio visual works, and trafficking in counterfeit
computer program documentation or packaging
18 U.S.C. § 2319 – Criminal infringement of a copyright
Copyright Management Offenses – Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
Title 17 – Copyrights
Chapter 12 – Copyright Protection and Management Systems
17 U.S.C. § 1201 – Circumvention of copyright protection systems
17 U.S.C. § 1202 – Integrity of copyright management information
17 U.S.C. § 1203 – Civil remedies
17 U.S.C. § 1204 – Criminal offenses and penalties
17 U.S.C. § 1205 – Savings clause
Bootlegging Offenses
Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Chapter 113 – Stolen Property
18 U.S.C. § 2319A – Unauthorized fixation of and trafficking in sound re-
cordings and music videos of live musical performances
Trademark Offenses
Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Chapter 113 – Stolen Property
18 U.S.C. § 2320 – Trafficking in counterfeit goods or services
Amended by Pub. L. 107-140, sec. 1, 116 Stat. 12.
Trade Secret Offenses
Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Chapter 90 – Protection of Trade Secrets
18 U.S.C. § 1831 – Economic espionage
172 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
18 U.S.C. § 1832 – Theft of trade secrets
18 U.S.C. § 1833 – Exceptions to prohibitions
18 U.S.C. § 1834 – Criminal forfeiture
18 U.S.C. § 1835 – Orders to preserve confidentiality
18 U.S.C. § 1836 – Civil proceedings to enjoin violations
18 U.S.C. § 1837 – Applicability to conduct outside the United States
18 U.S.C. § 1838 – Construction with other laws
18 U.S.C. § 1839 – Definitions
Offenses Relating to the Integrity of Intellectual Property Systems
Title 17 – Copyrights
Chapter 5 – Copyright Infringement and Remedies
17 U.S.C. § 506(c) – Criminal offenses – Fraudulent Copyright Notice
17 U.S.C. § 506(d) – Criminal offenses – Fraudulent Removal of Copyright No-
17 U.S.C. § 506(e) – Criminal offenses – False Representation
Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Chapter 25 – Counterfeiting and Forgery
18 U.S.C. § 497 – Letters patent
Title 35 – Patents
Chapter 29 – Remedies for Infringement of Patent, and Other Actions
35 U.S.C. § 292 – False marking
Offenses Relating to the Misuse of Dissemination Systems
Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Chapter 41 – Extortion and Threats
18 U.S.C. § 875 – Interstate communications
Chapter 63 – Mail Fraud
18 U.S.C. § 1341 – Frauds and swindles
Amended by Pub. L. 107-204, sec. 903(a), 116 Stat. 805.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 173
New note added by Pub. L. 107-204, sec. 901, 116 Stat. 804.
18 U.S.C. § 1343 – Fraud by wire, radio, or television
Amended by Pub. L. 107-204, sec. 903(b), 116 Stat. 805.
Chapter 119 – Wire and Electronic Communications Interception and Intercep-
tion of Oral Communications
18 U.S.C. § 2512 – Manufacture, distribution, possession, and advertising of
wire, oral, or electronic communication intercepting devices prohibited
Title 47 – Telegraphs, Telephones, and Radiotelegraphs
Chapter 5 – Wire or Radio Communication
47 U.S.C. § 553 – Unauthorized reception of cable service
47 U.S.C. § 605 – Unauthorized publication or use of communications
Other U.S. Privacy Laws
United States Constitution – 4
Amendment Unreasonable Search and Seizure
Title 5 – Government Organization And Employees
Chapter 5 – Administrative Procedure
5 U.S.C. § 552A – Records maintained on individuals
Title 42 – The Public Health And Welfare
Chapter 21a – Privacy Protection
42 U.S.C. § 2000AA – Searches and seizures by government officers and employees in con-
nection with investigation or prosecution of criminal offenses
Other U.S. Federal Laws, Regulations, and Requirements
Presidential Decision Directive 63 (PDD 63) – Critical Infrastructure Protection [1998]
White paper –
Requires federal agencies to protect critical infrastructure, especially cyber-based systems;
and creates four new organizations: NIPC, ISACs, NICA, and CIAO. Also assigns lead agen-
cies for sector liaisons.
Public Law 104-106 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 [S. 1124]
Includes the Clinger Cohen Act (formerly known as the “Information Technology Manage-
ment Reform Act of 1996”) in Division E
Requires the head of each federal executive agency to ensure that information security poli-
cies, procedures, and practices are adequate.
174 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Public Law 106-102 – Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act [S. 900] 1999
(aka Financial Services Modernization Act)
Obliges financial institutions to protect the privacy of customers’ nonpublic personal infor-
mation and to implement safeguards; criminalizes fraudulent access to financial information.
15 U.S.C. § 6801-6810 Disclosure of Nonpublic Personal Information
15 U.S.C. § 6821-6827 Fraudulent Access to Financial Information
See also
Public Law 107-296 – Homeland Security Act of 2002 [H.R. 5005]
Includes FISMA in Title X – Information Security
(superseded by P.L. 107-347 Title III)
Public Law 107-347 – E-Government Act of 2002 [H.R. 2458]
Includes amended version of FISMA in Title III – Information Security
(supersedes Title X in P.L. 107-296)
Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002
Requires each federal government agency to implement programs and procedures for de-
tecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents, consistent with published stan-
dards and guidelines
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Information Technology Security Certification and
Accreditation Process (DITSCAP)
DoD Instruction 5200.40 – Implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes proce-
dures for certification and accreditation of information technology (information systems,
networks, and sites) in the Department of Defense
U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Circular No. A-130 (Revised) – Management of Federal Information Resources
Establishes policy for the management of Federal information resources
Executive Order 13231 – Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Information Age
Authorizes protection program to secure information systems for critical infrastructure
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 175
Federal Trade Commission
16 CFR Part 314 – Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information
Implements sections of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and “sets forth standards for develop-
ing, implementing, and maintaining reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safe-
guards to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of customer information.” Finan-
cial institutions must implement an information security program.
Other Lists of U.S. IT Laws
Chief Information Officers Council (CIOC) Documents – IT Related Laws and Leg
islation related laws and regulations
FedCIRC – Library – Legislation
GSA Office of Electronic Government and Strategy –
E-Government Laws, Regulations, and Policies
Key E-Government Related Laws –
All E-Government Related Laws Chronological By Congress –
GSA – Policies, Guidelines, Regulations, and Best Practices
NIST – CSRC – Policies – Federal Requirements
U.S. Department of Education – Office of the Chief Information Officer – Legislation and
Other U.S. Industry Standards
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) –
Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 70, Service Organizations
Audit guide for reports on a service organization’s controls, and for financial statements of
entities that use service organizations
United States State Laws
National Security Institute – Computer Crime Laws by State
176 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
SecurityFocus Online – Library
Computer Crime
U.S. Laws
American Law Sources On-Line
Library of Congress – State and Local Governments
Law Enforcement Agencies/Organizations
Interpol –
Europol –
List of international law enforcement links –
World Customs Organization –
Officer.Com: Law Enforcement Resource Site
International Police Association –
Australian Federal Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police –
United Kingdom
Metropolitan Police Service –
Internet Crime Forum
United States
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) –
U.S. Secret Service (USSS)
U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) –
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) –
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives –
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) –
Internet Fraud Complaint Center –
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 177
Internal Revenue Service –
Defense Criminal Investigative Service –
U.S. Postal Inspection Service –
Law Resources
Australasian Legal Information Institute –
Baker & McKenzie – Global Information Security Law
Cornell Law School – Legal Information Institute
Includes U.S. codes, court opinions, national and international laws
FindLaw –
Internet Law Library (formerly the U.S. House of Representatives Internet Law Library)
The U.S. House of Representatives has discontinued hosting the library, but several other
sites continue to carry it, including:
LawResearch (Membership website) –
Internet Law Library; International Law; United States Law
Organization of American States –
Cyber Crime Links –
U.S. Department of Justice – Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS)
“How to Report Internet-Related Crime” –
U.S. Federal Regulations –
U.S. Government –
Citizen’s Public Safety and Law –
Government-to-Government Public Safety and Law –
Businesses –
U.S. Government Printing Office – National Archives and Records Administration
GPO Access
Code of Federal Regulations (CRF) –
Public and Private Laws
178 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
U.S. House of Representatives – Office of the Law Revision Counsel
U.S. Library of Congress
Global Legal Information Network
THOMAS Legislative Information on the Internet –
Resources on Collecting Evidence
International Organization on Computer Evidence (IOCE) –
“G8 Proposed Principles For The Procedures Relating To Digital Evidence” (2000)
U.S. Department of Justice – Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS)
“Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Inves-
tigations” (2002)
Office of Justice Programs – National Institute of Justice
“Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders” (2001)
U.S. Secret Service and International Association of Chiefs of Police
“Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence” (2001)
RFC 3227/BCP 55 – “Guidelines for Evidence Collection and Archiving” (2002)
SC Magazine August 2002
“Crime Issue” – articles on computer forensics, collecting evidence, “The Judiciary and the
Digital World
Standards Australia –
HB 171-2003: “Guidelines for the management of IT evidence” (2003)
Earlier Draft:
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 179
Appendix E: Sample Incident Reporting
Forms and Flowcharts
This appendix includes several guidelines, procedures, and templates related to the incident
handling function. Those for which we obtained reprint permission from the author or pub-
lisher are reproduced in full as part of this appendix. Others for which we had not received
permission as of the publication date are listed with references to their materials and/or a link
to online information at the end of the appendix. We encourage our readers to peruse these
examples as additional resources that are of interest to CSIRT staff.
180 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CERT Coordination Center
The CERT/CC has both a text-based reporting form and an automated incident reporting
form. The text-based form has been included here.
Both forms are available from
(see the “Communi-
cate With Us” box on the right-hand side of the page).
version 5.2, April 2000
CERT(R) Coordination Center
Incident Reporting Form
CERT/CC has developed the following form in an effort to gather incident information.
If you believe you are involved in an incident, we would appreciate your completing
the form below. If you do not believe you are involved in an incident, but have a
question, send email to:
Note that our policy is to keep any information specific to your site confidential
unless we receive your permission to release that information.
We would appreciate any feedback or comments you have on this Incident Reporting Form.
Please send your comments to:
Submit this form to: [email protected]
If you are unable to send email, fax this form to: +1 412 268 6989
Your contact and organizational information
1. name......................:
2. organization name.........:
3. sector type (such as banking, education, energy
or public safety).........:
4. email address.............:
5. telephone number..........:
6. other.....................:
Affected Machine(s)
(duplicate for each host)
7. hostname and IP...........:
8. timezone..................:
9. purpose or function of the host (please be as specific
as possible)..............:
Source(s) of the Attack
(duplicate for each host)
10. hostname or IP...........:
11. timezone.................:
12. been in contact?.........:
13. Estimated cost of handling incident
(if known)...............:
14. Description of the incident (include dates, methods of intrusion, intruder tools
involved, software versions and patch levels, intruder tool output, details of
vulnerabilities exploited, source of attack, or any other relevant information):
Copyright 2003 Carnegie Mellon University
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see
Reprinted with permission from the CERT® Coordination Center. Available at <>.
182 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
These are the CIO Cyberthreat Response and Reporting Guidelines, published by CIO in
conjunction with the FBI and the USSS [CIO 02]. The document provides, in addition to the
guidelines, a number of law enforcement contact information, FBI-USSS field contact infor-
mation, other cyber-threat resources, and a cyber-threat reporting form.
The document is available from
Background and Scope of Project
CIO Cyberthreat Response & Reporting Guidelines
Who to Contact: Law Enforcement
Who to Contact: Reporting Bodies & Resources
for Cyberthreat Response
FBI and USSS Field Office contact list
Report Form—short, standard, first-alert form
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
A collaboration among industry professionals, law
enforcement and CIO Magazine to develop guidelines
for reporting computer security incidents to law
At the CIO Perspectives conference in Palm Springs in
October 2001, audience members (chief information
officers and other executives) were encouraged by the
U.S. Attorney for Los Angeles to report cybersecurity
breaches to law enforcement as part of the war against
terrorism. But, as one CIO asked: “We get hit thousands
of times a month; do you want us to report all of these
incidents? And exactly who do we contact?” Other audi-
ence members expressed similar bewilderment, and
that’s what prompted this initiative.
Goal This project has a modest goal: to provide a
basic understanding of what is required for cyberthreat
incident response and to make it as easy as possible
to report such incidents to law enforcement (including
whom to call and what to tell them). For this effort, we
restricted our recommendations to reporting incidents
that are an attack on information systems or data (com-
puter and/or Internet security). We did not attempt to
address other types of cybercrime such as Internet
fraud or pornography.
A Complex Issue Creating and maintaining a secure
information environment is difficult, expensive and
complicated. Risk assessment; control selection and
deployment; monitoring/detection; incident response
and continuous improvement must all be considered
together. Prevention is, of course, the primary objective.
Incident response is itself a complex subject, including
the sometimes difficult decision of whether to share any
information at all. There are many excellent resources
available to help CIOs and CISOs (chief information
security officers) understand and address these chal-
lenges; you’ll find some of them listed at the end of this
document under “Resources.”
Why You Should Report Cybercrime Only by sharing
information with law enforcement and appropriate
industry groups will we be able to identify and prose-
cute cybercriminals, identify new cybersecurity threats
and prevent successful attacks on our critical infra-
structures and economy. Law enforcement’s ability to
identify coordinated threats is directly tied to the
amount of reporting that takes place.
We understand that you might be reluctant to share
information regarding the impact to your business and
the sensitivity of the data involved. While we will not
make the case here for trusting various agencies or
organizations, we encourage you to learn more about
how law enforcement and other reporting bodies approach
these issues in terms of the likely impact of their inves-
tigation on your business and how they handle sensitive
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
An organization must respond in some way to a com-
puter security breach—whether it is an intrusion/hack,
the implantation of malicious code such as a virus or
worm, or a denial of service attack. The better prepared
the organization is to respond quickly and effectively, the
better chance it will have to minimize the damage.
These guidelines are intended to provide a framework
and starting point for developing a cyberthreat response
and reporting capability.
Develop an incident response plan and designate
people to carry it out. The plan should include details
for how you will:
detect the incident
analyze the incident
contain or eradicate the problem
provide workarounds or fixes
prevent re-infection
log events
preserve evidence
conduct a post-mortem and apply lessons learned
Educate users to raise security awareness and pro-
mote security policies.
Build a centralized incident reporting system.
Establish escalation procedures that lay out actions
the company should take if an attack turns out to
be protracted or especially damaging.
Make sure your service-level agreements include pro-
visions for security compliance, and spell out reporting
requirements and maintenance of systems (including
contingency plans) in the event of a cyberattack.
Decide in advance under what circumstances you’d
call the authorities.
Plan how and when employees, customers and strate-
gic partners will be informed of the problem.
Establish communication procedures should this
become a media event.
Have a single contact to whom employees should
report suspicious events and who will track changes in
contacts or procedures.
Have a single contact who will report incidents to
outside agencies, including law enforcement,
regulatory bodies and information sharing organizations
such as InfraGard and the industry Information Sharing
and Analysis Centers (ISACs).
Keep a list of the incident response team members’
names, titles and 24/7 contact information,
along with their role in a security breach.
Have contact information for vendors contracted to
help during a security emergency, as well as ISPs
and other relevant technology providers.
Have contact information for major customers and
clients who might be affected.
In advance, establish contacts at the relevant law-
enforcement agencies: typically, the national infrastruc-
ture protection and computer intrusion squad at the
local FBI field office; the electronic crimes investigator
at the local Secret Service field office; and the elec-
tronic crimes investigator at your local police. Have
their contact information easily accessible.
Perform a risk analysis on your plan.
Test/rehearse procedures periodically.
Develop contingency plans in case your response
infrastructure is attacked.
You should report cybersecurity events that have a real
impact on your organization (when damage is done, ac-
cess is achieved by the intruder, loss occurs, malicious
code is implanted) or when you detect something note-
worthy or unusual (new traffic pattern, new type of mal-
icious code, specific IP as source of persistent attacks).
At this time, we do not recommend that you report
routine probes, port scans or other common events.
Neither law enforcement nor the ISACs are prepared to
receive or analyze the enormous volume of data this
would entail. While such detailed “hit” data has potential
value in identifying and defining trends, and facilities like
the Internet Storm Center (at the SANS Institute) or the
NIPC may eventually get set up to collect detailed event
logs, right now it is generally not useful.
Consequently, the form we recommend is designed
to report significant, unusual or noteworthy incidents.
If an attack is under way, you’ll want to pick up the
phone and call your previously established law-
enforcement contact immediately and communicate the
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
basic information that is included in the CIO
Cyberthreat Response Form. There is additional infor-
mation that will be required to effectively conduct the
investigation (see bullet points below), but the form is a
good place to start.
Sometimes you will report an incident to law enforce-
ment after the fact—you have detected that something
happened, but your systems are functioning normally
and whatever damage is likely has already been done.
In this case, you will want to gather as much informa-
tion as possible for the law enforcement agents before
you make the call.
Here is some additional information that will help law
enforcement agents in their investigation:
What are the primary systems involved?
How was the attack carried out?
What steps have you taken to mitigate or remediate?
Does a suspect exist? If so, is it a current or former
What evidence is available to assist in the investiga-
tion (e.g., log files, physical evidence, etc.?)
To track the status of your case once you’ve filed a
report, contact the field office that is conducting the
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
There is no single answer for which law enforcement
agency to contact in the event of a cyber-security
breach. The FBI and U.S. Secret Service share jurisdic-
tion for computer crimes that cross state lines. However,
most law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and
USSS, encourage people to a) preestablish contact with
someone in law enforcement who is trained in and
responsible for dealing with computer crime, and b)
work with the person or people you have the best
relationship with, regardless of agency.
FBI Field Office Call the national infrastructure protec-
tion and computer intrusion squad at the local field
U.S. Secret Service Field Office Contact the electronic
crimes investigator at the local field office.*
*A list of local field offices follows Page 6.
FBI/National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC)
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535-0001
phone: (202) 323-3205; 888-585-9078
fax: (202) 323-2079
Electronic Crimes Branch of the U.S. Secret Service
950 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20223
phone: (202) 406-5850
fax: (202) 406-5031
website & reporting:
State Attorney General’s Office The website for the
National Attorney Generals’ Association provides a list
with contact information by state.
Local Police: The CrisNet website offers a list of local
law enforcement agencies organized by state.
Most of the following organizations not only serve as
coordination points for reporting incidents, but they
also offer lots of useful information for network security
and incident response.
National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC)
Focal point for threat assessment, warning, investigation
and response for threats or attacks against United
States critical infrastructures.
Public/private information-sharing effort led by the FBI
and the NIPC. Local chapters across the United States.
Great place to develop appropriate contacts with law
Electronic Crimes Task Force
Public/private info-sharing effort led by the U.S. Secret
Service. Regional task forces located across the United
States, and a great place to develop computer-crime
law-enforcement contacts.
Information Sharing & Analysis Centers (ISACs)
Industry specific information sharing for critical infrastruc-
ture sectors.
For general information on the ISACs, see
Electric . . . . . . . . . .
Financial Services . .
IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oil & Gas . . . . . . . .
Telecom . . . . . . . . . &
U.S Govt. . . . . . . . .
Water . . . . . . . . . . .
Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
A network of computer security incident response
teams and info sharing designed for the private sector.
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Department of Justice Computer Crime & Intellectual
Property Section
Legal analysis and resources related to computer crime,
a how-to-report section and a comprehensive list of
cybercrime cases pending and resolved.
CERT Coordination Center at Carnegie Mellon
Federally funded research center provides training, inci-
dent handling, R&D, advisories. Lots of good informa-
tion resources available to the public.
SANS Institute
Cooperative research organization offers alerts, training
and certification; operates and the
Internet Storm Center. Like CERT, has lots of good
information resources on its website.
CIO Magazine Security and Privacy Research Center
A collection of articles, guidelines and links for informa-
tion security issues from an executive perspective.
Specific Documents
Practices for Protecting Information Resources Assets
Texas Dept. of Information Resources
Handbook for Computer Security Incident Response
Te a ms
Carnegie Mellon University
Minimizing Your Potential Vulnerability and Enhancing
Effective Response
Sample Incident Handling Procedure
Best Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence
A Joint Project of the International Association of Chiefs
of Police and the U.S. Secret Service
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
FBI 205.326.6166/205.715.0232
2121 8th Avenue N.
Birmingham, AL 35203-2396
USSS 205.731.1144/205.731.0007
Daniel Building
15 South 20th Street, Suite 1125
Birmingham, AL 35233
FBI 334.438.3674/251.415.3235
One St. Louis Centre
1 St. Louis Street, 3rd Floor
Mobile, AL 36602-3930
USSS 334.441.5851/334.441.5250
Parkview Office Building
182 St. Francis Street
Mobile, AL 36602
USSS 334.223.7601/334.223.7523
Colonial Financial Center
1 Commerce Street, Suite 605
Montgomery, AL 36104
FBI 907.276.4441/907.265.9599
101 East Sixth Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501-2524
USSS 907.271.5148/907.271.3727
Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse
222 West 7th Avenue, Room 559
Anchorage, AK 99513
FBI 602.279.5511/602.650.3024
201 East Indianola Avenue, Suite 400
Phoenix, AZ 85012-2080
USSS 602.640.5580/602.640.5505
3200 North Central Avenue, Suite 1450
Phoenix, AZ 85012
USSS 520.670.4730/520.670.4826
300 West Congress Street, Room 4-V
Tucson, AZ 85701
Little Rock
FBI 501.221.9100/501.228.8509
24 Shackleford West Boulevard
Little Rock, AR 72211-3755
USSS 501.324.6241/501.324.6097
111 Center Street, Suite 1700
Little Rock, AR 72201-4419
USSS 209.487.5204/559.487.5013
5200 North Palm Avenue, Suite 207
Fresno, CA 93704
Los Angeles
FBI 310.477.6565/310.996.3359
Federal Office Building
11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1700
Los Angeles, CA 90024-3672
USSS 213.894.4830 213.894.2948
Roybal Federal Building
255 East Temple Street, 17th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
USSS 909.276.6781/909.276.6637
4371 Latham Street, Suite 203
Riverside, CA 92501
FBI 916.481.9110/916.977.2300
4500 Orange Grove Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95841-4205
USSS 916.930.2130/916.930.2140
501 I Street, Suite 9500
Sacramento, CA 95814-2322
San Diego
FBI 858.565.1255/858.499.7991
Federal Office Building
9797 Aero Drive
San Diego, CA 92123-1800
USSS 619.557.5640/619.557.6658
550 West C Street, Suite 660
San Diego, CA 92101
San Francisco
FBI 415.553.7400/415.553.7674
450 Golden Gate Avenue, 13th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94102-9523
USSS 415.744.9026/415.744.9051
345 Spear Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
San Jose
USSS 408.535.5288/408.535.5292
U.S. Courthouse & Federal Building
280 S. First Street, Suite 2050
San Jose, CA 95113
Santa Ana
USSS 714.246.8257/714.246.8261
200 W. Santa Ana Boulevard,
Suite 500
Santa Ana, CA 92701-4164
USSS 805.339.9180/805.339.0015
5500 Telegraph Road, Suite 161
Ventura, CA 93003
Colorado Springs
USSS 719.632.3325/719.632.3341
212 N. Wahsatch, Room 204
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
FBI 303.629.7171/303.628.3085
1961 Stout Street, 18th Floor
Denver, CO 80294-1823
USSS 303.866.1010/303.866.1934
1660 Lincoln Street
Denver, CO 80264
New Haven
FBI 203.777.6311/203.503.5098
600 State Street
New Haven, CT 06511-6505
USSS 203.865.2449/203.865.2525
265 Church Street, Suite 1201
New Haven, CT 06510
USSS 302.573.6188/302.573.6190
One Rodney Square
920 King Street, Suite 414
Wilmington, DE 19801
Washington, D.C.
601 4th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0002
USSS 202.406.8000/202.406.8803
1100 L Street NW, Suite 6000
Washington, D.C. 20005
950 H Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20223
FBI 904.721.1211/904.727.6242
7820 Arlington Expressway
Jacksonville, FL 32211-7499
USSS 904.296.0133/904.296.0188
7820 Arlington Expressway,
Suite 500
Jacksonville, FL 32211
FBI 305.944.9101/305.787.6538
16320 NW Second Avenue
North Miami Beach, FL 33169-6508
USSS 305.629.1800/305.629.1830
8375 NW 53rd Street
Miami, FL 33166
USSS 407.648.6333/407.648.6606
135 West Central Boulevard,
Suite 670
Orlando, FL 32801
USSS 850.942.9523/850.942.9526
Building F
325 John Knox Road
Tallahassee, FL 32303
FBI 813.273.4566/813.272.8019
Federal Office Building
500 Zack Street, Room 610
Tampa, FL 33602-3917
USSS 813.228.2636/813.228.2618
501 East Polk Street, Room 1101
Tampa, FL 33602
West Palm Beach
USSS 561.659.0184/561.655.8484
505 South Flagler Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
USSS 229.430.8442/229.430.8441
Albany Tower
235 Roosevelt Avenue, Suite 221
Albany, GA 31702
FBI 404.679.9000/404.679.6289
2635 Century Parkway Northeast,
Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30345-3112
USSS 404.331.6111/404.331.5058
401 West Peachtree Street, Suite 2906
Atlanta, GA 31702
USSS 912.652.4401/912.652.4062
33 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401
FBI 808.566.4300/808.566.4470
Kalanianaole Federal Office Building
300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 4-230
Honolulu, HI 96850-0053
USSS 808.541.1912/808.545.4490
Kalanianaole Federal Office Building
300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 6-210
Honolulu, HI 96850
USSS 208.334.1403/208.334.1289
Federal Building – U.S. Courthouse
550 West Fort Street, Room 730
Boise, ID 83724-0001
FBI 312.421.4310/312.786.2525
E.M. Dirksen Federal Office Building
219 South Dearborn Street, Room 905
Chicago, IL 60604-1702
USSS 312.353.5431/312.353.1225
Gateway IV Building
300 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1200 North
Chicago, IL 60606
FBI 217.522.9675/217.535.4440
400 West Monroe Street, Suite 400
Springfield, IL 62704-1800
USSS 217.492.4033/217.492.4680
400 West Monroe Street, Suite 301
Springfield, IL 62704
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
USSS 812.985.9502/812.985.9504
P.O. Box 530
Newburgh, IN 47630
FBI 317.639.3301/317.321.6193
Federal Office Building
575 N. Pennsylvania Street,
Room 679
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1585
USSS 317.226.6444/317.226.5494
Federal Office Building
575 N. Pennsylvania Street,
Suite 211
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1585
South Bend
USSS 219.273.3140/219.271.9301
P.O. Box 477
South Bend, IN 46625
Des Moines
USSS 515.284.4565/515.284.4566
210 Walnut Street, Suite 637
Des Moines, IA 50309-2107
USSS 316.269.6694/316.269.6154
Epic Center
301 N. Main Street, Suite 275
Wichita, KS 67202
USSS 859.223.2358/859.223.1819
3141 Beaumont Centre Circle
Lexington, KY 40513
FBI 502.583.3941/502.569.3869
Federal Building
600 Martin Luther King Jr. Place,
Room 500
Louisville, KY 40202-2231
USSS 502.582.5171/502.582.6329
Federal Building
600 Martin Luther King Jr. Place,
Room 377
Louisville, KY 40202-2231
Baton Rouge
USSS 225.389.0763/225.389.0325
One American Place, Suite 1502
Baton Rouge, LA 70825
New Orleans
FBI 504.816.3000/504.816.3306
2901 Leon C. Simon Drive
New Orleans, LA 70126
USSS 504.589.4041/504.589.6013
Hale Boggs Federal Building
501 Magazine Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
USSS 318.676.3500/318.676.3502
401 Edwards Street
Shreveport, LA 71101
USSS 207.780.3493/207.780.3301
100 Middle Street
West Tower, 2nd Floor
Portland, ME 04101
FBI 410.265.8080/410.281.0339
7142 Ambassador Road
Baltimore, MD 21244-2754
USSS 410.962.2200/410.962.0840
100 S. Charles Street, 11th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
Eastern Shore
USSS 410.268.7286/410.268.7903
U.S. Naval Academy
Police Dept., Headquarters Building 257,
Room 221
Annapolis, MD 21402
USSS 301.293.6434/301.694.8078
Rowley Training Center
9200 Powder Mill Road, Route 2
Laurel, MD 20708
FBI 617.742.5533/617.223.6327
One Center Plaza, Suite 600
Boston, MA 02108
USSS 617.565.5640/617.565.5659
Thomas P. O’Neill Jr. Federal Building
10 Causeway Street
Boston, MA 02222
FBI 313.965.2323/313.237.4009
Patrick V. McNamara Building
477 Michigan Avenue, 26th Floor
Detroit, MI 48226
USSS 313.226.6400/313.226.3952
Patrick V. McNamara Building
477 Michigan Avenue
Detroit, MI 48226
Grand Rapids
USSS 616.454.4671/616.454.5816
330 Ionia Avenue NW, Suite 302
Grand Rapids, MI 490503-2350
USSS 989.752.8076/989.752.8048
301 E. Genesee, Suite 200
Saginaw, MI 48607
FBI 612.376.3200/612.376.3249
111 Washington Avenue South,
Suite 1100
Minneapolis, MN 55401-2176
USSS 612.348.1800/612.348.1807
U.S. Courthouse
300 South 4th Street, Suite 750
Minneapolis, MN 55415
FBI 601.948.5000/601.360.7550
Federal Building
100 West Capitol Street
Jackson, MS 39269-1601
USSS 601.965.4436/601.965.4012
Federal Building
100 West Capitol Street, Suite 840
Jackson, MS 39269
Kansas City
FBI 816.512.8200/816.512.8545
1300 Summit
Kansas City, MO 64105-1362
USSS 816.460.0600/816.283.0321
1150 Grand Avenue, Suite 510
Kansas City, MO 64106
USSS 417.864.8340/417.864.8676
901 St. Louis Street, Suite 306
Springfield, MO 65806
St. Louis
FBI 314.231.4324/314.589.2636
222 Market Street
St. Louis, MO 63103-2516
USSS 314.539.2238/314.539.2567
Thomas F. Eagleton U.S. Courthouse
111 S. 10th Street, Suite 11.346
St. Louis, MO 63102
Great Falls
USSS 406.452.8515/406.761.2316
11 Third Street North
Great Falls, MT 59401
FBI 402.493.8688/402.492.3799
10755 Burt Street
Omaha, NE 68114-2000
USSS 402.965.9670/402.445.9638
2707 North 108 Street, Suite 301
Omaha, NE 68164
Las Vegas
FBI 702.385.1281/702.385.1281
John Lawrence Bailey Building
700 East Charleston Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89104-1545
USSS 702.388.6571/702.388.6668
600 Las Vegas Boulevard South,
Suite 600
Las Vegas, NV 89101
USSS 775.784.5354/775.784.5991
100 West Liberty Street, Suite 850
Reno, NV 89501
USSS 603.626.5631/603.626.5653
1750 Elm Street, Suite 802
Manchester, NH 03104
Atlantic City
USSS 609.487.1300/609.487.1491
Ventnor Professional Campus
6601 Ventnor Avenue
Ventnor City, NJ 08406
FBI 973.792.3000/973.792.3035
1 Gateway Center, 22nd Floor
Newark, NJ 07102-9889
USSS 973.656.4500/973.984.5822
Headquarters Plaza, West Towers,
Speedwell Avenue, Suite 700
Morristown, NJ 07960
USSS 609.989.2008/609.989.2174
402 East State Street, Suite 3000
Trenton, NJ 08608
FBI 505.224.2000/505.224.2276
415 Silver Avenue SW, Suite 300
Albuquerque, NM 87102
USSS 505.248.5290/505.248.5296
505 Marquette Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
FBI 518.465.7551/518.431.7463
200 McCarty Avenue
Albany, NY 12209
USSS 518.436.9600/518.436.9635
39 North Pearl Street, 2nd Floor
Albany, NY 12207
FBI 716.856.780/716.843.5288
One FBI Plaza
Buffalo, NY 14202-2698
USSS 716.551.4401/716.551.5075
610 Main Street, Suite 300
Buffalo, NY 14202
USSS 718.553.0911/718.553.7626
John F. Kennedy Int’l. Airport
Building 75, Room 246
Jamaica, NY 11430
USSS 631.249.0404/631.249.0991
35 Pinelawn Road
Melville, NY 11747
New York
FBI 212.384.1000/212.384.2745
or 2746
26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10278-0004
USSS 212.637.4500/212.637.4687
335 Adams Street, 32nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
USSS 716.263.6830/716.454.2753
Federal Building
100 State Street, Room 606
Rochester, NY 14614
USSS 315.448.0304/315.448.0302
James Hanley Federal Building
100 S. Clinton Street, Room 1371
Syracuse, NY 13261
White Plains
USSS 914.682.6300/914.682.6182
140 Grand Street, Suite 300
White Plains, NY 10601
FBI 704.377.9200/704.331.4595
Wachovia Building
400 South Tyron Street, Suite 900
Charlotte, NC 28285-0001
USSS 704.442.8370/704.442.8369
One Fairview Center
6302 Fairview Road
Charlotte, NC 28210
USSS 336.547.4180/336.547.4185
4905 Koger Boulevard, Suite 220
Greensboro, NC 27407
USSS 919.790.2834/919.790.2832
4407 Bland Road, Suite 210
Raleigh, NC 27609
USSS 910.815.4511/910.815.4521
One Rodney Square
920 King Street, Suite 414
Wilmington, DE 19801
USSS 701.239.5070/701.239.5071
657 2nd Avenue North, Suite 302A
Fargo, ND 58102
FBI 513.421.4310/513.562.5650
John Weld Peck Federal Building
550 Main Street, Room 9000
Cincinnati, OH 45202-8501
USSS 513.684.3585/513.684.3436
John Weld Peck Federal Building
550 Main Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
FBI 216.522.1400/216.622.6717
Federal Office Building
1240 East 9th Street, Room 3005
Cleveland, OH 44199-9912
USSS 216.706.4365/216.706.4445
6100 Rockside Woods Boulevard
Suite 440
Cleveland, OH 44131-2334
USSS 614.469.7370/614.469.2049
500 South Front Street, Suite 800
Columbus, OH 43215
USSS 937.225.2900/937.225.2724
Federal Building
200 West Second Street, Room 811
Dayton, OH 45402
USSS 419.259.6434/419.259.6437
4 Seagate Center, Suite 702
Toledo, OH 43604
Oklahoma City
FBI 405.290.7770/405.290.3885
3301 West Memorial Drive
Oklahoma City, OK 73134
USSS 405.810.3000/405.810.3098
Lakepoint Towers
4013 NW Expressway, Suite 650
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
USSS 918.581.7272
Pratt Tower
125 West 15th Street, Suite 400
Tulsa, OK 74119
FBI 503.224.4181/503.552.5400
Crown Plaza Building
1500 SW 1st Avenue, Suite 400
Portland, OR 97201-5828
USSS 503.326.2162/503.326.3258
1001 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 1020
Portland, OR 97204
FBI 215.418.4000/215.418.4232
William J. Green Jr. Federal
Office Building
600 Arch Street, 8th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19106
USSS 215.861.3300/215.861.3311
7236 Federal Building
600 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
FBI 412.471.2000/412.432.4188
U.S. Post Office Building
700 Grant Street, Suite 300
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1906
USSS 412.395.6484/412.395.6349
1000 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
USSS 570.346.5781/570.346.3003
235 N. Washington Avenue, Suite 247
Scranton, PA 18501
USSS 401.331.6456/401.528.4394
The Federal Center
380 Westminster Street, Suite 343
Providence, RI 02903
USSS 843.747.7242/843.747.7787
5900 Core Avenue, Suite 500
North Charleston, SC 29406
FBI 803.551.4200/803.551.4324
151 Westpark Boulevard
Columbia, SC 29210-3857
USSS 803.765.5446/803.765.5445
1835 Assembly Street, Suite 1425
Columbia, SC 29201
USSS 864.233.1490/864.235.6237
NCNB Plaza
7 Laurens Street, Suite 508
Greenville, SC 29601
Sioux Falls
USSS 605.330.4565/605.330.4523
230 South Phillips Avenue, Suite 405
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
USSS 423.752.5125/423.752.5130
Post Office Building
900 Georgia Avenue, Room 204
Chattanooga, TN 37402
FBI 865.544.0751/865.544.3590
John J. Duncan Federal Office Building
710 Locust Street, Suite 600
Knoxville, TN 37902-2537
USSS 865.545.4627/865.545.4633
John J. Duncan Federal Office Building
710 Locust Street, Room 517
Knoxville, TN 37902
FBI 901.747.4300/901.747.9621
Eagle Crest Building
225 North Humphreys Boulevard,
Suite 3000
Memphis, TN 38120-2107
USSS 901.544.0333/901.544.0342
5350 Poplar Avenue, Suite 204
Memphis, TN 38119
USSS 615.736.5841/615.736.5848
658 U.S. Courthouse
801 Broadway Street
Nashville, TN 37203
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
USSS 512.916.5103/512.916.5365
Federal Office Building
300 E. 8th Street
Austin, TX 78701
FBI 214.720.2200/214.922.7459
1801 North Lamar, Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75202-1795
USSS 972.868.3200/972.868.3232
125 East John W. Carpenter Freeway,
Suite 300
Irving, TX 75062
El Paso
FBI 915.832.5000/915.832.5259
660 S. Mesa Hills Drive
El Paso, TX 79912
USSS 915.533.6950/915.533.8646
Mesa One Building
4849 North Mesa, Suite 210
El Paso, TX 79912
FBI 713.693.5000/713.693.3999
2500 East TC Jester
Houston, TX 77008-1300
USSS 713.868.2299/713.868.5093
602 Sawyer Street, Suite 500
Houston, TX 77007
USSS 806.472.7347/806.472.7542
1205 Texas Avenue, Room 813
Lubbock, TX 79401
USSS 956.630.5811/956.630.5838
200 S. 10th Street, Suite 1107
McAllen, TX 78501
San Antonio
FBI 210.225.6741/210.978.5380
U.S. Post Office Building
615 East Houston Street, Suite 200
San Antonio, TX 78205-9998
USSS 210.472.6175/210.472.6185
727 East Durango Boulevard,
Suite B410
San Antonio, TX 78206-1265
USSS 903.534.2933 903.581.9569
6101 South Broadway, Suite 395
Tyler, TX 75703
Salt Lake City
FBI 801.579.1400/801.579.4500
257 Towers Building
257 East 200 South, Suite 1200
Salt Lake City, UT 84111-2048
USSS 801.524.5910/801.524.6216
57 West 200 South Street, Suite 450
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
FBI 518.465.7551/518.431.7463
Contact field office located in
Albany, NY
USSS 617.565.5640/617.565.5659
Contact field office located in
Boston, MA
FBI 757.455.0100/757.455.2647
150 Corporate Boulevard
Norfolk, VA 23502-4999
USSS 757.441.3200/757.441.3811
Federal Building
200 Granby Street, Suite 640
Norfolk, VA 23510
FBI 804.261.1044/804.627.4494
1970 East Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23228
USSS 804.771.2274/804.771.2076
600 East Main Street, Suite 1910
Richmond, VA 23219
USSS 540.345.4301/540.857.2151
105 Franklin Road SW, Suite 2
Roanoke, VA 24011
FBI 206.622.0460/206.262.2587
1110 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
USSS 206.220.6800/206.220.6479
890 Federal Building
915 Second Avenue
Seattle, WA 98174
USSS 509.353.2532/509.353.2871
601 W. Riverside Avenue, Suite 1340
Spokane, WA 99201
USSS 304.347.5188/304.347.5187
5900 Core Avenue, Suite 500
North Charleston, SC 29406
USSS 608.264.5191/608.264.5592
131 W. Wilson Street, Suite 303
Madison, WI 53703
FBI 414.276.4684/414.276.6560
330 East Kilbourn Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202
USSS 414.297.3587/414.297.3595
572 Courthouse
517 E. Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202
USSS 307.772.2380/307.772.2387
2120 Capitol Avenue, Suite 3026
Cheyenne, WY 82001
The U.S. Secret Service notes that
the Electronic Crimes Branch of the
USSS Headquarters in Washington,
D.C., is ready to field questions and/or
accept computer intrusion reports. Tel:
(202) 406-5850. Fax: (202) 406-5031.
The FBI notes computer intrusion
reports may also be submitted to the
National Infrastructure Protection
Center. Tel: (202) 323-3205; (888)
585-9078. Fax: (202) 323-2079. Email:
Additional investigative programs
may exist within your local law enforce-
ment community (i.e., city, county or
state police, district attorney investiga-
tive units, and/or state attorney gener-
als’ offices).
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This form outlines the basic information law enforcement needs on a first call. You can use it as an internal work-
sheet or fill it out and e-mail or fax it to law enforcement. Additional data that will help agents in their investigation
is outlined in the CIO Cyberthreat Response & Reporting Guidelines, but the best way to determine what will be
most helpful to investigators in the event of an attack is to ask.
Site Under Attack Past Incident Repeated Incidents, unresolved
Direct-Dial Phone__________________________________________ E-mail__________________________________________
Legal Contact Name_________________________________________________Phone________________________________
Location/Site(s) Involved___________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address____________________________________________________________________________________________
Main Telephone__________________________________________Fax______________________________________________
ISP Contact Information___________________________________________________________________________________
Denial of Service Unauthorized Electronic Monitoring (sniffers)
Distributed Denial of Service Misuse of Systems (internal or external)
Malicious Code (virus, worm) Website Defacement
Intrusion/Hack Probe/Scan
Other (specify)_________________________________________________________________________________________
Duration of Attack_________________________________________________________________________________________
Loss/Compromise of Data
System Downtime
Damage to Systems
Financial Loss (estimated amount: >$_______________________)
Damage to the Integrity or Delivery of Critical Goods, Services or Information
Other Organizations’ Systems Affected
High Medium Low Unknown
High Medium Low Unknown
How did you detect this?___________________________________________________________________________________
Have you contacted law enforcement about this incident before? Who & when?_________________________________
Has the incident been resolved? Explain_____________________________________________________________________
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Peter Allor
Manager, ISAC Operations
Special Operations Group, X-Force
Internet Security Systems, Inc.
Bruce Moulton
Past Chairman & Current Advisor
Financial Services ISAC
John Puckett
VP and General Manager, Wireless and
Internet Technologies
Polaroid Corp.
Howard Schmidt
Vice Chair
President’s Critical Infrastructure Board
and former Chief Security Officer
Microsoft Corp.
Alan Sonnenberg
Senior Director/Engineering and
Security, Wireless and Internet
Polaroid Corp.
Michael Young
Principal & Chief Information
Security Officer
State Street Global Advisors
Steven Chabinsky
Principal Legal Advisor, National
Infrastructure Protection Center &
Assistant General Counsel, Office of the
General Counsel, FBI
Steve Colo
Assistant Director
U.S. Secret Service
Ronald L. Dick
Director, National Infrastructure
Protection Center &
Deputy Assistant Director,
Counterterrorism Division, FBI
Paul Irving
Assistant Director for Government and
Public Affairs
U.S. Secret Service
James Savage
Deputy Special Agent in Charge
U.S. Secret Service
Financial Crimes Division
Bruce A. Townsend
Special Agent in Charge
U.S. Secret Service
Financial Crimes Division
Abbie Lundberg
Editor in Chief,
CIO Magazine
Lori Piscatelli
News & Information Assistant
Susan Watson
VP, News & Information
Steven Agnoli
Kirkpatrick &
Lockhart LLP
William Crowell
Former CIO
Meredith Corp.
Patrick Gray
Manager, Internet
Threat Intelligence
Special Operations
Group, X-Force
Internet Security
Systems, Inc.
Scott Hicar
Maxtor Corp.
Paul Ingevaldson
SVP, Technology
and International
Ace Hardware
Scott Kelly
VP of IT
Frank O’Connor
ECom Systems, Inc.
Contra Costa
Glenn West
Vice President, IT
Long John Silvers
Marc West
Electronic Arts
Ed Winfield
FX Coughlin Co.
Reprinted through the courtesy of CIO. Copyright © 2003 CXO Media, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 195
Kruse and Heiser
In their book Computer Forensics, Incident Response Essentials, Kruse and Heiser have in-
cluded an appendix that provides details on “Internet Data Incident Response Guidelines”
[Kruse 02]. They cover the goals of incident response, roles and responsibilities of staff in-
volved in incident response, an incident severity chart, and information on incident handling
processes. They have provided several process flow charts for handling different types of in-
cident activity (Figures A-10, A-11, and A-12, pages 347, 348, and 349), a few of which have
been reproduced here. Appendix B provides an Incident Response Form template (pages 353-
361), which has also been included here.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
Reprinted with permission of the author (Kruse).
Copyright © 2001. For more information, see <>.
2086 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Nebraska Information Technology Commission
The Nebraska Information Technology Commission (NITC) has developed a set of proce-
dures for reporting security breaches involving Nebraska state agencies. We have reproduced
the procedures document in this appendix.
These incident response procedures also include both a short and long form for reporting in-
Computer Incident Reporting Short Form
State of Nebraska Information Systems Administrators Incident Reporting Form
The document and forms are available from
(see the
links for the “Security Architecture” section) [Nebraska 02].
Nebraska Information Technology Commission Standards and Guidelines
Security Architecture
Incident Response and Reporting Procedure for State
Category Security Architecture
Date Adopted June 18, 2002
Date of Last Revision April 5, 2002
Date of Next Review June 2004
Explanation / Key Points
Security is a growing problem. Effective response and collective action are required to
counteract security violations and activities that lead to security breaches. Agency
management, law enforcement, and others must know the extent of security problems
in order to make proper decisions pertaining to policies, programs and allocation of
resources. Responding to security alerts will help to prevent incidents from occurring.
Quick reporting of some incidents, such as new viruses, is essential to stopping them
from spreading and impacting other systems. Reporting computer crimes is the only
way for law enforcement to deter and apprehend violators.
These guidelines incorporate most of the “CIO Cyberthreat Response and Reporting
Guidelines” jointly sanctioned by the FBI and U.S. Secret Service. A copy of those
guidelines is available at:,
, or
Effective response to security incidents requires quick recognition of problems and fast
mobilization of skilled staff to return systems to normal. This requires prior
documentation of procedures and responsibilities of everyone with a role in
responding to the emergency. Continuous improvement by eliminating points of
vulnerability and applying lessons learned is an essential component of incident
Centralized reporting serves the goal of increasing awareness of vulnerabilities and threats to
state government as a whole. In particular, centralized reporting is necessary to discern
patterns, identify areas of vulnerability, allocate resources, and develop statewide
solutions. Centralized reporting does not substitute for internal reporting to
management, reporting to law enforcement, or mobilizing a computer security incident
response team (CSiRT). Agencies should develop procedures for internal and external
State Agencies shall prepare procedures for reporting security breaches and
incidents. Documentation on security incidents shall be filed with the Chief
nformation Officer for the State of Nebraska.
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
Nebraska Information Technology Commission Standards and Guidelines
Security Architecture
reporting that will meet the needs of centralized reporting with little or no additional
work. The centralized reporting is designed to mesh with the postmortem analysis that
should follow each incident.
Security incident response should never include retaliation. Defending a system should
emphasize preventing security breaches. If there is an intrusion, a defensive response
should focus on containing and eradicating the problem, plugging the security hole and
getting back to business. Security incident response should never include striking
back against attackers. The appropriate law enforcement authorities should handle all
punitive actions.
These guidelines apply to all non-education state agencies, boards, and commissions, which
receive a direct appropriation from the Legislature or any state agency that has a direct
connection to the state’s network. Educational institutions and other entities are
encouraged to develop their own security incident and centralized reporting
Planning and Preparation
Develop an incident response plan and designate people to carry it out. The plan should
include details for how you will:
1. Detect the incident
2. Analyze the incident
3. Contain or eradicate the problem
4. Provide workarounds or fixes
5. Prevent re-infection
6. Log events
7. Preserve evidence
8. Conduct a post-mortem and apply lessons learned
Educate users to raise security awareness and promote security policies. Build a centralized
incident reporting system. Establish escalation procedures that lay out actions the
agency should take if an attack turns out to be protracted or especially damaging.
Make sure your service-level agreements include provisions for security compliance,
and spell out reporting requirements and maintenance of systems (including
contingency plans) in the event of a cyberattack. Decide in advance under what
circumstances you would call the authorities. Plan how and when employees,
customers and strategic partners will be informed of the problem. Establish
communication procedures, if the media become involved.
Have a single contact to whom employees should report suspicious events and who will track
changes in contacts or procedures. Have a single contact that will report incidents to
outside agencies, including law enforcement, regulatory bodies and information
sharing organizations such as InfraGard.
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
Nebraska Information Technology Commission Standards and Guidelines
Security Architecture
Keep a list of the incident response team members’ names, titles and 24/7contact information,
along with their role in a security breach. Have contact information for vendors
contracted to help during a security emergency, as well as ISPs and other relevant
technology providers. Have contact information for major customers and clients who
might be affected. In advance, establish contacts at the relevant law enforcement
agencies: typically, the national infrastructure protection and computer intrusion squad
at the local FBI field office; the electronic crimes investigator at the local Secret
Service field office; and the electronic crimes investigator at the Nebraska State Patrol.
Have their contact information easily accessible.
Perform a risk analysis on your plan. Test and rehearse procedures periodically. Develop
contingency Plans in case your response infrastructure is attacked.
What to Report
The ultimate goal of security incident response and centralized reporting is to protect data and
prevent obstruction of government operations. It is important to distinguish between
problems that stem from mistakes or miscommunications and true security incidents
that involve either malicious intent or intent to circumvent security measures. Security
incident reporting should be used only for true security incidents. You should report
events that have a real impact on your organization (such as when damage is done,
access is achieved by the intruder, loss occurs, web pages are defaced, malicious code
is implanted) or when you detect something noteworthy or unusual (new traffic
pattern, new type of malicious code, specific IP as source of persistent attacks). Do
not report routine probes, port scans, or other common events.
A security incident includes, but is not limited to the following events, regardless of platform
or computer environment:
1. Evidence of tampering with data;
2. Denial of service attack on the agency;
3. Web site defacement;
4. Unauthorized access or repeated attempts at unauthorized access (from either
internal or external sources);
5. Social engineering incidents;
6. Virus attacks which adversely affect servers or multiple workstations;
7. Other incidents that could undermine confidence and trust in the state’s
information technology systems.
When and How to Report an Incident
If an attack is under way, you should call your previously established law enforcement contact
immediately and communicate the basic information that is included in the Computer
Incident Reporting Short Form. There is additional information that will be required to
effectively conduct the investigation (see bullet points below), but the form is a good
place to start. Sometimes you will report an incident to law enforcement after the
fact—you have detected that something happened, but your systems are functioning
normally and whatever damage is likely has already been done. In this case, you will
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
Nebraska Information Technology Commission Standards and Guidelines
Security Architecture
want to gather as much information as possible for the law enforcement agents before
you make the call. Here is some additional information that will help law enforcement
agents in their investigation:
1. What are the primary systems involved?
2. How was the attack carried out?
3. What steps have you taken to mitigate or remediate?
4. Does a suspect exist? If so, is it a current or former employee/contractor?
5. What evidence is available to assist in the investigation (e.g., log files, physical
evidence, etc.)? To track the status of your case once you’ve filed a report, contact
the field office that is conducting the investigation.
Who to Notify
FBI – Omaha Office
InfraGard Coordinator
Phone (405) 290-3685
Fax (405) 290-3885
Nebraska State Patrol
Capt. Robert E. Thorson
Investigative Services
Nebraska State Patrol
1600 Highway 2
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4907
Ph. 402-479-4947; Fax:
Sgt. Scott Christensen
Internet Crimes Against Children Unit
Nebraska State Patrol - Omaha
4411 So. 108th Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68137
Ph. 402-595-2410; Fax: 402-697-1409
24 hr dispatch number is 402-331-3333.
Office of the CIO / NITC (state agencies, only)
Steve Schafer
Chief Information Officer
521 South 14
Street, Suite 200
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508-2707
Ph. 402-471-4385; Fax: 402-471-4608
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
Nebraska Information Technology Commission Standards and Guidelines
Security Architecture
Step-by-step procedure(s)
The Incident Response and Centralized Reporting Procedure for State Government requires
that the agency implement the following steps for a complete security incident
handling process.
1. Establish general procedures for responding to incidents;
2. Prepare to respond to incidents;
3. Analyze all available information to characterize an incident;
4. Communicate with all parties that need to be made aware of an incident and its
5. Collect and protect information associated with an incident;
6. Apply short-term solutions to contain an incident;
7. Eliminate all means of vulnerability pertaining to that incident;
8. Return systems to normal operation;
9. Closure: Identify and implement security lessons learned.
Step 1: Establish a computer security incident response team (CSIRT) that can take
responsibility for managing security incidents. The CSIRT can be a virtual team that
includes people with a wide range of expertise. Agencies should consider forming a
CSIRT that serves multiple entities. A clear description of roles and expectations is
Step 2: Set methods for placing the CSIRT on alert status and ready to take preventative
measures. It should include procedures for activating the team once an incident
Step 3: Identify and understand the incident. Use the Information Systems Administrator’s
Incident Reporting form to document the incident.
Step 4: Contact managers and users affected by an incident, security personnel, law
enforcement agencies, vendors, the CERT Coordination Center (,
and other CSIRTs external to the organization as necessary. It is essential that each
agency establishes and follows a single channel of communication. Multiple sources
of information while the incident is underway creates confusion, interrupts the work
of the response team, and increases vulnerability if the perpetrator is monitoring
communications within the agency. It is required that the Computer Incident
Reporting Short Form be completed and forwarded to the Nebraska State CIO.
Step 5: Collect and preserve as much evidence in its original form as possible. Take detailed
notes of all evidence found and record each piece of evidence. It is important not to
rush. Be aware not to destroy or modify any evidence. If necessary, use low-level
copying methods to make a complete copy of the disk and memory state of the
affected host(s).
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
Nebraska Information Technology Commission Standards and Guidelines
Security Architecture
Step 6: As necessary the CSIRT should, (A) physically isolate the affected host(s); (B)
change all passwords or disable all accounts on all systems to which the attacker may
have had access; (C) disable access to compromised file or date systems that are
shared with other computers. Continue to monitor system and network activities
Step 7: The CSIRT should review local operating system and configuration files for signs of
intrusion and remove any means for intruder access including changes made by an
intruder. Next, determine if there are uncorrected system or network vulnerabilities
and correct them. Last, improve protection mechanisms to limit the exposure of
networks and systems.
Step 8: Determine the requirements and timeframe for returning the system to normal
operation. Members of the CSIRT should restore the operating system, applications
and data from trusted media and reconnect the restored system to the network. The
CSIRT should validate the restored system for potential vulnerabilities.
Step 9, “Closure” is intended to give the organization an opportunity to learn from the
experience of responding to an incident. Every successful intrusion or other incident
indicates potential weaknesses in systems, networks, operations, and staff
preparedness. These weaknesses provide opportunities for improvement. Steps
should include the following points (from CERTCC security practices,
1. Hold a post mortem analysis and review meeting with all involved parties. Do this
within three to five working days of completing the investigation of an intrusion.
Use the attached Information Systems Administrator’s Incident Reporting Form to
gather information and guide discussion.
2. Prepare a final report for senior management. This ensures awareness of security
issues. Use either the Computer Incident Reporting Short Form or the
Information Systems Administrator’s Incident Reporting Form to report
information about the security incident to the Office of the Chief Information
Officer. Incidents should be reported no later than 5 working days after returning
systems to normal operation.
3. Revise security plans and procedures and user and administrator training to prevent
future incidents. Include any new, improved methods resulting from lessons
4. Determine whether or not to perform a new risk analysis based on the severity and
impact of an intrusion.
5. Take a new inventory of your system and network assets.
6. Participate in investigation and prosecution, if applicable.
Related Rules
Draft security standards for the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) would establish administrative procedures to guard data integrity,
confidentiality, and availability. These include security incident procedures (45 CFR
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
Nebraska Information Technology Commission Standards and Guidelines
Security Architecture
Part 142.308 (a)(9):
“(9) Security incident procedures (formal documented instructions for reporting
security breaches) that include all of the following implementation features:
“(i) Report procedures (documented formal mechanism employed to document
security incidents).
“(ii) Response procedures (documented formal rules or instructions for actions to
be taken as a result of the receipt of a security incident report).”
Attachments/ Forms
Incident Response Process Flow Chart
Computer Incident Reporting Short Form
Information Systems Administrator’s Incident Reporting Form
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
Use this form to report incidents to the Office of the Chief Information Officer of the State of
Nebraska. State agencies should send an electronic copy to slscha[email protected]
, or fax it
to (402) 471-4608. This form also outlines the basic information that law enforcement needs on a
first call.
Site Under Attack Past Incident Repeated Incidents, unresolved
Direct-Dial Phone________________________________E-mail___________________________
Legal Contact Name______________________________Phone___________________________
Location/Site(s) Involved___________________________________________________________
Street Address___________________________________________________________________
Main Telephone__________________________________Fax_____________________________
ISP Contact Information____________________________________________________________
Denial of Service Misuse of Systems (internal or external)
Distributed Denial of Service (Includes inappropriate use by employees)
Intrusion/Hack Probe/Scan
Malicious Code (virus, worm) Unauthorized Electronic Monitoring (sniffers)
Website Defacement
Other (specify)________________________________________________________________
Duration of Attack_________________________________________________________________
Loss/Compromise of Data System Downtime
Damage to Systems Other Organizations’ Systems Affected
Financial Loss (estimated amount: $_______________________)
Damage to the Integrity or Delivery of Critical Goods, Services or Information
High Medium Low Unknown
High Medium Low Unknown
How did you detect This?___________________________________________________________
Have you contacted law enforcement about this incident before? Who & when?________________
Has the incident been resolved? Explain_______________________________________________
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
State of Nebraska
Information Systems Administrator’s Incident Reporting
Point of Contact Information
Telephone/Fax Numbers
B. Incident Information
1. Background Information:
a. Agency (if same as above, enter “SAME”:
b. Physical Location(s) of affected computer
system/network (be specific):
c. Date/time of the incident:
d. Duration of the incident:
e. Is the affected system/network critical to the
agency’s mission? (Yes/No)
2. Nature of Problem (check all that apply):
a. Intrusion
b. System impairment/denial of access
c. Unauthorized root access
d. Web site defacement
e. Compromise of system integrity
f. Hoax
g. Theft
h. Damage
i. Unknown
j. Other (provide details in remarks)
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
3. Has your agency experienced this problem before? (Yes/No; If yes, please explain
in the remarks section.)
4. Suspected method of intrusion/attack:
a. Virus (provide name, if known)
b. Vulnerable exploited (explain)
c. Denial of Service
d. Trojan Horse
e. Distributed Denial of Service
f. Trapdoor
g. Unknown
h. Other (Provide details in remarks)
5. Suspected perpetrator(s) or possible motivation(s) of the attack:
a. Insider/Disgruntled Employee
b. Former employee
c. Other (Explain remarks)
d. Unknown
6. The apparent source (IP address) of the intrusion/attack:
7. Evidence of spoofing (Yes/No/Unknown)
8. What computers/systems (hardware and software) were affected (Operating
system, version):
a. Unix
b. OS2
c. Linux
e. NT
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
f. Windows
g. Sun OS/Solaris
h. Other (Please specify in remarks)
9. Security Infrastructure in place. (Check all that apply)
a. Incident/Emergency Response
b. Encryption
c. Firewall
d. Secure Remote
Access/Authorization Tools
e. Intrusion Detection System
f. Security Auditing Tools
g. Banners
h. Packet filtering
i. Access Control Lists
10. Did intrusion/attack result in a loss/compromise of sensitive or information
classified as private?
a. Yes (provide details in remarks)
b. No
c. Unknown
11. Did the intrusion/attack result in damage to system(s) or data?
a. Yes (provide details in remarks)
b. No
c. Unknown
12. What actions and technical mitigation have been taken?
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
a. System(s) disconnected from the
b. System Binaries checked?
c. Backup of affected system(s)?
d. Log files examined?
e. Other (Please provide details in
f. No action(s) taken
13. Has law enforcement been notified? (Check all that apply.)
a. Yes-local law enforcement
b. Yes-Nebraska State Patrol
c. Yes-FBI field office
d. Not
14. Has another agency/organization been informed as assisted with the response?
a. Yes-Information Management
b. Yes-Division of Communications
c. Yes-CERT-CC
d. Yes-Other (provide details in
e. No
15. Additional Remarks:
If the reported incident is a criminal matter, you may be contacted by law
enforcement for additional information.
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
C. Closure Information (Optional, Except 9 & 10)
1. (Optional) Did your detection and response process and procedures work as
intended? If not, where did they not work? Why did they not work?
2. (Optional) Methods of discovery and monitoring procedures that would have
improved your ability to detect an intrusion.
3. (Optional) Improvements to procedures and tools that would have aided you in
the response process. For example, consider using updated router and firewall
filters, placement of firewalls, moving the compromised system to a new name or IP
address, or moving the compromised machine's function to a more secure area of
your network.
4. (Optional) Improvements that would have enhanced your ability to contain an
5. (Optional) Correction procedures that would have improved your effectiveness in
recovering your systems.
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
6. (Optional) Updates to policies and procedures that would have allowed the
response and recovery processes to operate more smoothly.
7. (Optional) Topics for improving user and system administrator preparedness.
8. (Optional) Areas for improving communication throughout the detecting and
response processes.
9. (Required) A description of the costs associated with an intrusion, including a
monetary estimate if possible.
10. (Required) Summary of post mortem efforts.
Reprinted through the courtesy of the State of Nebraska. Available from <>.
2242 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
SANS provides the following incident handling forms:
Incident Contact List
Incident Identification
Incident Survey
Incident Containment
Incident Eradication
Incident Communication Log
The forms are available from
[SANS 03].
© SANS Institute 2003, All Rights Reserved.
Corporate Security Officer: Corporate Incident Handling, CIRT, or FIRST Team:
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Corporate Legal Affairs Officer: CIO or Information Systems Security Manager:
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Corporate Public Affairs Officer: Other (Specify):__________________________
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Prepared By: Greg Jones
All Rights Reserved
© Copyright SANS Institute 2003
© SANS Institute 2003, All Rights Reserved.
Local Contacts
Internet Service Provider Technical Contact: Local FBI or Equivalent Agency:
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Local Law Enforcement Computer Crime: Local CIRT or FIRST Team:
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Other (Specify):__________________________ Other (Specify):__________________________
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Prepared By: Greg Jones
All Rights Reserved
© Copyright SANS Institute 2003
© SANS Institute 2003, All Rights Reserved.
Other Contacts
Other (Specify):__________________________ Other (Specify):__________________________
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Other (Specify):__________________________ Other (Specify):__________________________
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Other (Specify):__________________________ Other (Specify):__________________________
Name:_______________________________________ Name:_______________________________________
Title: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Prepared By: Greg Jones
All Rights Reserved
© Copyright SANS Institute 2003
© SANS Institute 2003, All Rights Reserved.
General Information
Incident Detector’s Information:
Name:_______________________________________ Date and Time Detected: ________________________
Title: ________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ Location Incident Detected From: __________________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ _____________________________________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ Additional Information:___________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Detector’s Signature:____________________________ Date Signed: __________________________________
Incident Summary
Type of Incident Detected:
Denial of Service Unauthorized Use Espionage Probe Hoax
Malicious Code Unauthorized Access Other:____________________________________
Incident Location:
Site:_________________________________________ How was the Intellectual Property Detected:__________
Site Point of Contact:____________________________ _____________________________________________
Phone:______________ Alt. Phone: ______________ _____________________________________________
Mobile: ______________ Pager:__________________ _____________________________________________
Fax:_________________ Alt. Fax:_________________ _____________________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Additional Information: ______________________________________________________________________________
© Copyright SANS Institute 2003 Prepared By: Greg Jones All Rights Reserved
© SANS Institute 2003, All Rights Reserved.
Location(s) of affected systems: _____________________________________________________________
Date and time incident handlers arrived at site: ________________________________________________
Describe affected information system(s) (one form per system is recommended):
Hardware Manufacturer:__________________________________________________________________________
Serial Number: _________________________________________________________________________________
Corporate Property Number (if applicable): ___________________________________________________________
Is the affected system connected to a network? YES NO
System Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
System Network Address:_________________________________________________________________________
MAC Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Is the affected system connected to a modem? YES NO
Phone Number: ____________________________________________ ______________________________________
Describe the physical security of the location of affected information systems (locks, security alarms,
building access, etcetera):
© Copyright SANS Institute 2003 Prepared By: Greg Jones All Rights Reserved
© SANS Institute 2003, All Rights Reserved.
Isolate affected systems:
Command Decision Team approved removal from network? YES NO
If YES, date and time systems were removed: ________________________________________________________
If NO, state the reason: __________________________________________________________________________
Backup affected systems:
System backup successful for all systems? YES NO
Name of persons who did backup:__________________________________________________________________
Date and time backups started:____________________________________________________________________
Date and time backups complete: __________________________________________________________________
Backup tapes sealed?
YES NO Seal Date: ________________________
Backup tapes turned over to:______________________________________________________________________
Signature:_______________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
Backup Storage Location: ________________________________________________________________________
© Copyright SANS Institute 2003 Prepared By: Greg Jones All Rights Reserved
© SANS Institute 2003, All Rights Reserved.
Name of persons performing forensics on systems: ________________________________________________
Was the vulnerability identified?
Describe: _____________________________________________________________________________________
What was the validation procedure used to ensure problem was eradicated: ____________________________
______________________________________________________________________ _______________________
© Copyright SANS Institute 2003 Prepared By: Greg Jones All Rights Reserved
© SANS Institute 2003, All Rights Reserved.
Date:______________ Time:_________ am pm
Method (mail, phone, email, etc.):________________
Initiator Name:________________________________ Receiver Name:________________________________
Initiator Title: _________________________________ Receiver Title: _________________________________
Initiator Organization: __________________________ Receiver Organization:___________________________
Initiator Contact Info:___________________________ Receiver Contact Info: ___________________________
Date:______________ Time:_________ am pm
Method (mail, phone, email, etc.):________________
Initiator Name:________________________________ Receiver Name:________________________________
Initiator Title: _________________________________ Receiver Title: _________________________________
Initiator Organization: __________________________ Receiver Organization:___________________________
Initiator Contact Info:___________________________ Receiver Contact Info: ___________________________
Date:______________ Time:_________ am pm
Method (mail, phone, email, etc.):________________
Initiator Name:________________________________ Receiver Name:________________________________
Initiator Title: _________________________________ Receiver Title: _________________________________
Initiator Organization: __________________________ Receiver Organization:___________________________
Initiator Contact Info:___________________________ Receiver Contact Info: ___________________________
© Copyright SANS Institute 2003 Prepared By: Greg Jones All Rights Reserved
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 2331
The Information Assurance Technology Analysis Center (IATAC) Volume 5, Number 1
(Spring 2002) newsletter contains an article, “Information Systems Security Incident Re-
sponse,” by Gordon Steele [Steele 02]. One section of the article provides a graphical abstrac-
tion of an incident flow timeline. The author presents this approach as a mechanism to allow
incident handlers “to envision where they might be at any given point in time” in the incident
response process.
The newsletter is available at
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 235
United States Secret Service
The USSS has developed a “Cyber Threat/Network Incident Report,” Secret Service Form
4017. It is provided in two different formats, an OmniForm Mailable Filler and an Adobe Ac-
robat PDF. The PDF version has been included here [USSS 01]. Both formats are available at
• Name / Title
• 7 x 24 contact information
United States Secret Service • Financial Crimes Division • Electronic Crimes Branch
Telephone: 202-406-5850 FAX: 202-406-9233 e-mail: [email protected]
Date and time incident occurred (specify time zone):
Site involved (name & acronym):
Site under attack Incident closedIncident investigation in progress
What assistance do you require:
Immediate call
None needed at this time
Follow-up on all affected sites
Contact the ''hacking'' site(s)
POC for incident:
• Name / Title
• E-mail
Alternate POC for incident:
Type of Incident:
Malicious code: virus, Trojan horse, worm
Probes/scans (non-malicious data gathering--recurring, massive, unusual)
Attack (successful/unsuccessful intrusions including scanning with attack packets)
Denial-of-service event
High embarrassment factor
Deemed significant by site
A summary of what happened:
Type of service, information, or project compromised (please provide specifics):
Sensitive unclassified such as privacy, proprietary, or source selection
Other unclassified
Damage done:
• Numbers of systems affected
• Nature of loss, if any
• System downtime
• Cost of incident:
Name other sites contacted
Law Enforcement
Page 1
unknown none <$10K $10K - $50K >$50K
Network Incident Report
• Organization
• 7 x 24 contact information• E-mail
• Organization
Reprinted through the courtesy of the United States Secret Service. Available from 
Additional comments:
Details for Malicious Code
Apparent source:
Diskette, CD, etc.
E-mail attachment
Software download
Primary system or network involved:
• IP addresses or sub-net addresses
• OS version(s)
• NOS version(s)
• Other
Other affected systems or networks (IPs and OSs):
Type of malicious code (include name if known):
Trojan horse
Joke program
Copy sent to
Details:Method of Operation (for new malicious code):
Software infected
Self propagating via e-mail
Detectable changes
Other features
How detected:
Details:Remediation (what was done to return
the system(s) to trusted operation):
New policy instituted on attachments
Firewall or routers or e-mail servers updated
to detect and scan attachments
Anti-virus product gotten, updated, or installed
for automatic operation
Files erased, modified, deleted, encrypted
(any special significance to these files)
Type: macro, boot, memory resident,
polymorphic, self encrypting, stealth
Page 2
Reprinted through the courtesy of the United States Secret Service. Available from 
Another site
Incident response team
Log files
Packet sniffer
Intrusion detection system
Anomalous behavior
How detected:
Method of Operation:
Ports probed/scanned
Order of ports or IP addresses scanned
Probing tool
Anything that makes this probe unique
• IP address
• Host name
• Location of attacking host:
Apparent source:
Primary system(s) / network(s) involved:
• IP addresses or sub-net addresses
• OS version(s)
• NOS version(s)
Other affected systems or networks (IPs and OSs):
Log file excerpts:
Additional comments:
Details for Probes and Scans
Page 3
Reprinted through the courtesy of the United States Secret Service. Available from 
Sniffed/guessed/cracked password
Trusted host access
Vulnerability exploited
Hacker tool used
Utility or port targeted
Social engineering
Port(s) or protocol(s) attacked
Site(s) hacker used to download tools
Where hacker tools were installed
Established a service such as IRC
Looked around at who is logged on
Trojanned, listed, examined, deleted,
modified, created, or copied files
Left a backdoor
Launched attacks on other systems or sites
Details for Unauthorized Access
Apparent source:
• IP address
• Host name
• Location of attacking host:
Primary system(s) involved:
• IP addresses or sub-net addresses
• OS version(s)
• NOS version(s)
Other affected systems or networks (IPs and OSs):
Avenue of attack: Details:
Level of access gained-root/administrator, user
Details:Method of operation of the attack
(more detailed description of what was done):
Attack tool(s) used, if known
Page 4
Installed hacker tools such as rootkit,
sniffers, 10phtcrack, zap
Names of accounts created and
passwords used
Left unusual or unauthorized processes
Reprinted through the courtesy of the United States Secret Service. Available from 
Patches applied
Scanners run
Security software installed:
Unneeded services and applications removed
OS reloaded
Restored from backup
Application moved to another system
Memory or disk space increased
Moved behind a filtering router or firewall
Hidden files detected and removed
Trojan software detected and removed
Left unchanged to monitor hacker
Another site
Incident response team
Log files
Packet sniffer/intrusion detection software
Intrusion detection software
Anomalous behavior
Alarm tripped
TCP Wrappers
Details for Unauthorized Access (continued)
How detected: Details:
Log file excerpts:
Remediation (what was done to return the
system(s) to trusted operation):
Additional comments:
Page 5
Reprinted through the courtesy of the United States Secret Service. Available from 
Details for Denial-of-Service Incident
Apparent source:
• IP address
• Location of host:
Primary system(s) involved:
• IP addresses or sub-net address
• OS version(s)
• NOS version(s)
Other affected systems or networks (IPs and OSs):
Details:Method of Operation:
Tool used
Packet flood
Malicious packet
IP Spoofing
Ports attacked
Anything that makes this event unique
Application moved to another system
Memory or disk space increased
Shadow server installed
Moved behind a filtering router or firewall
Log file excerpts:
Additional comments:
Page 6
(what was done to protect the system(s)):
Reprinted through the courtesy of the United States Secret Service. Available from 
242 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Van Wyk and Forno
In their book Incident Response, van Wyk and Forno provide an example for one approach in
documenting information in an incident report [van Wyk 02]. The topics covered in the sam-
ple report are
incident chronology
comments and recommendations
law enforcement coordination
damage assessment
management review
Reprinted with permission of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Copyright © 2001. For more information, see 
Reprinted with permission of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Copyright © 2001. For more information, see 
Reprinted with permission of O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. Copyright © 2001. For more information, see 
2464 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Other Incident Reporting Forms Sources
Computer Incident Response Guidebook
Module 19, “Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) Program Guidelines”
FCC Computer Security Incident Response Guide
Incident Response: Investigating Computer Crime, by Kevin Mandia and Chris Prosise
Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2001, page 18.
Cyber Threat and Computer Intrusion Incident Reporting Guidelines
National Infrastructure Protection Center
State of Vermont Incident Handling Procedures
Advance Planning for Incident Response and Forensics
Cupertino, CA: Symantec Corp., November 2001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 247
All URLs are valid as of September 2003.
[Alberts 02]
Alberts, Christopher & Dorofee, Audrey. Managing Information Se-
curity Risks: The OCTAVE Approach. Reading, MA: Addison-
Wesley, 2002.
[Allen 99]
Allen, Julia, et al. State of the Practice of Intrusion Detection Tech-
nologies (CMU/SEI-99-TR-028). Pittsburgh, PA: Software Engineer-
ing Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 1999.
[Allen 01]
Allen, Julia H. The CERT Guide to System and Network Security
Practices. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2001.
[Allgeier 00]
Allgeier, Michael. “Digital Media Forensics.” SecurityFocus Online.
[APEC 03]
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Telecommunications
and Information Working Group.
s/telecommunications_and_information.html (2004).
[Arvidsson 01]
Arvidsson, J.; Cormack, A.; Demchenko, Y.; & Meijer, J. TERENAs
Incident Object Description and Exchange Format Requirements.
(February 2001).
248 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
[Arvidsson 03]
Arvidsson, J., ed. “Taxonomy of the Computer Security Incident re-
lated terminology.” TERENA Incident Taxonomy and Description
Working Group
[AusCERT 01]
Australian Computer Emergency Response Team. The Methodology
of Incident Handling.
3.pdf (2001).
[AusCERT 03]
Australian Computer Emergency Response Team (AusCERT). (2003).
[Australia 02]
AusCERT; Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu; & The New South Wales Po-
lice. “2002 Australian Computer Crime and Security Survey.”
[Australia 03]
AusCERT, Australian Federal Police; Queensland Police, South Aus-
tralian Police, Western Australian Police. “2003 Australian Computer
Crime and Security Survey.”
[Berinato 01]
Berinato, Scott. “Coming Up ROSI.” cso, October 26,
[Berinato 02a]
Berinato, Scott. “Finally, a Real Return on Security Spending.” CIO
Magazine, February 15, 2002.
[Berinato 02b]
Berinato, Scott. “The Security Spending Mystery.” cso,
April 25, 2002.
[Brezinski 02]
Brezinski, D. & Killalea, T. “Guidelines for Evidence Collection and
Archiving” (RFC 3227). Internet Engineering Task Force.
[Brownlee 98]
Brownlee, N. & Guttman, E. Expectations for Computer Security In-
cident Response.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 249
[Caloyannides 01]
Caloyannides, Michael A. Computer Forensics and Privacy. Nor-
wood, MA: Artech House, Inc., 2001.
[CanCERT 03]
CERIAS Incident Response Database. (2003).
[CERT 02a]
CERT Coordination Center. “Dealing with External Computer Secu-
rity Incidents.”
[CERT 02b]
CERT Coordination Center. Overview of Attack Trends.
[CERT 02c]
CERT Coordination Center. “Creating a Computer Security Incident
Response Team: A Process for Getting Started.”
[CERT 02d]
CERT Coordination Center. “Computer Security Incident Response
Team (CSIRT) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).”
> (2002).
[CERT-NL 03]
SURFnet Computer Security Incident Response Team (CERT-NL).
[CHIHT 03]
CHIHT – Clearing House for Incident Handling Tools. (2003).
[CIO 02]
CIO Magazine. CIO Cyberthreat Response & Reporting Guidelines.
[CSIRT 02]
CSIRT Development Team, CERT/CC. Computer Security Incident
Response Team (CSIRT) Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) Decem-
ber 2002.
250 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
[Curry 03]
Curry, D. & Debar, H. Intrusion Detection Message Exchange For-
mat Data Model and Extensible Markup Language (XML).
(January 2003).
[CXO 02]
CXO Media. “Fundamentals of Security.” cso
[CXO 03]
CXO Media Inc. CIO Focus Guide, “Securing Information Assets:
Planning, Prevention and Response.”
[DHS 2003]
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Information Analysis Infra-
structure Protection,
. (2003)
(previously available from the National Infrastructure Protection
[Dittrich 02]
Dittrich, David A. “Developing an Effective Incident Cost Analysis
Mechanism.” SecurityFocus.
[DShield 03]
Distributed Intrusion Detection System, (2003).
[Duffy 01]
Duffy, Daintry. “Don’t Press the Panic Button.Darwin.
[eCSIRT 03]
The European CSIRT Network.
[EISPP 03]
European Information Security Prevention Programme (EISPP).
[FCC 01]
“FCC Computer Security Incident Response Guide,” Federal Com-
munications Commission,
Response-Guide.pdf. (2001).
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 251
[Ferreira 96]
Ferreira, Joao Nuno; Hansen, Alf; Klobucar, Tomaz; Kossakowski,
Klaus-Peter; Medina, Manuel; Rajnovic, Damir; Schjelderup, Olaf; &
Stikvoort, Don. TERENA Task Force: CERTs in Europe, final report
(updated version). 1996.
[FIRST 03]
Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams. FIRST Member
[Fraser 97]
Fraser, B., Editor “Site Security Handbook,” RFC 2196, Internet En-
gineering Task Force, (1997).
[Frisch 91]
Frisch, A. Essential System Administration, 2nd ed. Sebastopol, CA:
O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1995.
[Gamertsfelder 02]
Gamertsfelder, L.; McMillan, Handelsmann, & Hourigan. E-
commerce: The Implications for the Law (Report 4 - E-security).
Lawbook Company, 2002. Can be ordered at
D=SI&EES_ID=101510 (2003).
[Garfinkel 91]
Garfinkel, Simson & Spafford, Gene. Practical UNIX Security. Se-
bastopol, CA: O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1996.
[HB171 03]
Standards Australia International Ltd. Guidelines for the Management
of IT Evidence (HB 171-2003).
[Honeynet 03]
The Honeynet Project.
[Howard 97]
Howard, John D. “An Analysis of Security Incidents on the Internet
1989–1995.” PhD Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University. (1997).
A new edition of this book was released in 2003. However the older edition was used as the refer-
ence for this technical report.
252 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
[Howard 98]
Howard, John D. & Longstaff, Thomas A. A Common Language for
Computer Security Incidents (SAND98-8667). Livermore, CA: San-
dia National Laboratories, October 1998.
[INCH 02]
Extended Incident Handling (inch).
[Incidents 03]
Internet Storm Center.
[Ito 03]
Ito, Yurie. “Introduction of the APCERT, New Forum for CSIRTs in
Asia Pacific.” Presentation, JPCERT/CC 2003. (Copies of this pres-
entation can be obtained by sending a request to
JANET-CERT. “Case Studies: The Costs of Incidents.”
[Kaplan 02]
Kaplan, Simone. “Criteria for Determining the Cost of a Breach.”
CSO Magazine.
[Kessler 02]
Kessler, Gary C. & Schirling, Michael. “Cracking the Cracking.” In-
formation Security Magazine.
(April 2002).
[Kossakowski 94a]
Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter. The DFN-CERT Project: The First 18
[Kossakowski 94b]
Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter. The Funding Process: A Challenging
[Kossakowski 96]
Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter & Stikvoort, Don. “Incident Response
Teams: the European Perspective”. Proceedings, 8th Workshop on
Computer Security Incident Handling. San Jose, CA: FIRST, July
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 253
[Kossakowski 00]
Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter & Stikvoort, Don. “A Trusted CSIRT In-
troducer in Europe: An Empirical Approach Towards Trust Inside the
European Incident Response Scene—The Replacement of Trust by
Expectations.” Amersfoort, NL: M&I/Stelvio, 2000. (Commissioned
[Kruse 02]
Kruse, Warren G., II & Heiser, Jay G. Computer Forensics, Incident
Response Essentials. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 2002.
[Lundberg 01]
Lundberg, Abbie. “Effective Responses to Security Incidents.”
[Mandia 01]
Mandia , Kevin & Prosise, Chris. Incident Response: Investigating
Computer Crime. Berkeley, CA: Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2001.
[Marcella 02]
Marcella, Albert J. & Greenfield, Robert S., Ed. Cyber Forensics: A
Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence of
Computer Crimes. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC, 2002.
[McGlashan 01]
McGlashan, Matthew. “The Methodology of Incident Handling.”
InfoSecurity 2001 Conference Program. Malaysian National Com-
puter Confederation, 2001.
[Mendell 01]
Mendell, Ronald L. “Incident Management with Law Enforcement.”
SecurityFocus Online.
[MyCERT 03]
Malaysia CERT (MyCERT).
[Navy 96]
Department of the Navy. Computer Incident Response Guidebook,
Module 19 (NAVSO P-5239-19).
[Nebraska 02]
State of Nebraska. “Incident Response and Reporting Procedure for
State Government” (Draft). Nebraska Information Technology Com-
mission, April 2002.
254 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Prepared-
[Oppenheimer 97]
Oppenheimer, David L.; Wagner, David A.; & Crabb, Michele D.
“System Security: A Management Perspective.” Short Topics in Sys-
tem Administration, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.,
[Potter 02]
Potter, C. & Smith, G. “Information Security Breaches Survey 2002,
Executive Summary.” Available from (2002).
[Power 02]
Power, Richard. 2002 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey.
Computer Security Institute.
[Rand 03]
Rand Europe. Computer Security Incident Response Team Handbook
of Legislative Procedures.
[Rezmierski 98]
Rezmierski, V.; Carroll, A.; & Hine, J. ”Incident Cost Analysis and
Modeling Project (ICAMP) I.”
[Rezmierski 00]
Rezmierski, V.; Carroll, A.; & Hine, J. ”Incident Cost Analysis and
Modeling Project (ICAMP) II.”
[Richardson 03]
Richardson, Robert. 2003 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security
[Rothke 02]
Rothke, Ben. “Parts of the Plan.” InfoSecurity News Magazine 13, 8
[SANS 98]
The SANS Institute. Computer Security Incident Handling Step-by-
Step. The SANS Institute, October, 1998.
[SANS 03]
The SANS Institute. Computer Security Incident Handling Step-by-
Step. The SANS Institute, October, 2003. Information on how to ac-
quire this guide is available at
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 255
[Scalet 02]
Scalet, Sarah. “Risk: A Whole New Game.” CSO Magazine.
[Schiffman 01]
Schiffman, Mike. Hackers Challenge: Test Your Incident Response
Skills Using 20 Scenarios. Berkeley, CA: Osborne/McGraw Hill,
[Schultz 90]
Schultz, E. Eugene, Jr.; Brown, David S.; & Longstaff, Thomas A.
“Responding to Computer Security Incidents.” Livermore, CA: Law-
rence Livermore National Laboratory.
[Schultz 02]
Schultz, Eugene & Shumway, Russell. Incident Response: A Strategic
Guide to Handling System and Network Security Breaches. Indian-
apolis, IN: New Riders Publishing, 2002.
[SEI 03]
Software Engineering Institute. “U.S. Department of Homeland Secu-
rity Announces Partnership with Carnegie Mellons CERT Coordina-
tion Center” (press release).
CERT.html (2003).
[Shirey 00]
Shirey, R. Internet Security Glossary (Network Working Group FYI
36, RFC 2828). (2000).
[SingCERT 03]
Singapore Computer Emergency Response Team (SingCERT
[Smith 94]
Smith, Danny. “Forming an Incident Response Team.” Proceedings
of the FIRST Annual Conference. University of Queensland, Bris-
bane, Australia, July 1994.
[Sokol 00]
Sokol, Marc S. & Curry, David A. “Security Architecture and Inci-
dent Management for E-business.” Atlanta, GA: Internet Security
Systems, 2000.
256 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
[Steele 02]
Steele, Gordon. “Information Systems Security Incident Response.”
IANewsletter 5, 1 (Spring 2002): 14–22.
[Swanson 02]
Swanson, Marianne; Wohl, Amy; Pope, Lucinda; Grance, Tim; Hash,
Joan; & Ray, Thomas. “Contingency Planning Guide for Information
Technology Systems.” NIST Special Publication 800-34, National
Institutes of Standards and Technology.
[Symantec 01]
Symantec Corp. Advance Planning for Incident Response and Foren-
sics. Cupertino, CA: Symantec Corp., November 2001.
[Symantec 02]
Symantec Corp. Symantec Internet Security Threat Report, Volume
[Taylor 02]
Taylor, Laura. “Incident Response Planning and Management.”
Intranet Journal,
TERENA Task Force. “CSIRT Coordination for Europe.” (2003).
[TI 03]
Trusted Introducer (TI) for CSIRTs in Europe.
[US-CERT 03]
United States Computer Emergency Response Team (US-CERT).
[USSS 01]
United States Secret Service. “Cyber Threat/Network Incident Re-
port,” Secret Service Form 4017.
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 257
[van Wyk 01]
van Wyk, Kenneth R. & Forno, Richard. Incident Response. Sebasto-
pol, CA: O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 2001.
[Vermont 01]
State of Vermont. Incident Response Procedure.
[Villano 01]
Villano, Matt. “I.T. Autopsy.” (2001).
[Wack 91]
Wack, John P. “Establishing a Computer Security Incident Response
Capability (CSIRC).” NIST Special Publication 800-3, National Insti-
tutes of Standards and Technology.
[West-Brown 03]
West-Brown ,Moira J.; Stikvoort, Don; Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter;
Killcrece, Georgia; Ruefle, Robin; & Zajicek, Mark. Handbook for
Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) (CMU/SEI-
2003-HB-002). Pittsburgh, PA: Software Engineering Institute, Car-
negie Mellon University, 2003.
[Wood 01]
Wood, Charles Cresson. Information Security Policies Made Easy.
San Jose, CA: NetIQ Corp., 2001.
[Wright 01]
Wright, Timothy E. “How to Design a Useful Incident Response Pol-
icy.” SecurityFocus Online.
[Zeichner 03]
Zeichner, Lee & Almosd, Robert. “State Implementation of Federal
Cyber-Security Requirements.” Zeichner Risk Analytics, 2003.
258 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 259
@stake, 157
abnormal network traffic, 67
abuse of network resources, 82
academic research networks, 27
academic sponsorship, 55
acceptable use documents, 77
accreditation, 26, 28, 40, 80, 120
ACID, 125
actuarial models, 64
ad hoc teams, 53, 56, 69, 71, 83, 89, 99,
Additional Protocol to the Convention on
Cybercrime, 116
administrative support staff, 73, 76
Advance Planning for Incident Response
and Forensics, 152
adverse event, 82
advisories, 55, 67, 75, 98, 123, 134
Air Force Computer Emergency Response
Team (AFCERT), 21
AirCERT, 125
alerts, 67, 88, 98, 120, 134
Ames Research Center Computer
Network Security Response Team, 21
analysis, 86
centers, 14
tools, 58
Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases,
anecdotal information, 133
APCERT, 28, 38, 40, 122
APEC, 29
APSIRC Working Group, 28
ArCERT, 31
archives, data, 124
artifact analysis, 21, 68
artifacts, 2
Asia Pacific
coordination of teams, 28
CSIRT training, 29
CSIRTs, 27, 28, 29
Asia Pacific Computer Emergency
Response Team. See APCERT
Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG),
Asia Pacific region, 23
Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference
on Operational Technologies, 29
Asia Pacific Security Incident Response
Coordination (APSIRC), 28
Association of European Research
Networks, 22
asymmetric threat, 111
AT&T Latin America - Peru Security
Incident Response Team, 30
attack tools, distributed, 110
attacks, 11, 67, 109, 128
speed of, 111
audit department, 51, 65
auditors, 76
audits, 5, 65
AusCERT, 23, 27, 28, 51, 55, 63, 72, 82,
Australian Computer Crime and Security
Survey, 104
Australian incidents, 63
Australian Standard for Managing IT
Evidence, 124
Australian/Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu/NSW survey, 61
authority, CSIRT, 49, 53, 111, 129
Automated Incident Reporting, 125
automated scanning. See scanning
of attack tools, 110
of incident handling, 135
availability, 116
Bach Khoa Internetwork Security Center,
Backbone Security, 157
Bank of Montreal InfoSec Incident
Response Team, 32
BCP 55/RFC 3227, 115
benchmarking, 3, 130
260 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CSIRT staff, 57, 60
of CSIRTs, 64
Best Current Practice, 115
best practices, 74, 75, 84, 85, 86, 130,
134, 137, 169
Best Practices for Seizing Electronic
Evidence, 115
Biber, David, xiv
binary files, 91
BKIS, 28
Blaster worm, 111
bottom-up approach, 23
Bradley, Diane, xiv
Brazilian Federal Police, 32
Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, 31
Brazilian Research Network CSIRT, 30
breach of information, 61
break-in, 93
British Standards (BS), 4
BS EN ISO17799, 85
BS7799, 85
budgets, 56, 72, 129
Bunten, Andreas, xiii
burnout, 78
case, 56, 64
continuity plans, 64
hours, 102
intelligence, 12, 64
CAIF, 123
CAIS, 30, 31
California security law, 115
Canadian Computer Incident Response
Coordination Centre, 32
Canadian CSIRTs, 32, 33
CanCERT, 55
Carnegie Mellon University, 19, 34
case laws, 114
case studies, 100, 130, 133
incidents, 95
reports, 91
CdnCIRCC, 32
Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security,
Centers of Academic Excellence in
Information Assurance Education, 79
CEOs, 107
CERIAS Incident Response Database, 62,
CERNET Computer Emergency Response
Team, 28
CERT, 19
CERT Coordination Center. See CERT/CC
CERT CSIRT Development Team, ix, 3, 6,
13, 15, 59
CERT Guide to System and Network
Security Practices, 82, 131, 151
CERT/CC, ix, 8
AirCERT project, 125
annual CSIRT conference, 22
certification program, 80, 162
coordination with, 107
courses, 157
CSIRT course attendance, 46
Current Activity web page, 125
evolution, 51
FIRST membership, 21
funding, 55
incident reporting form, 92
influence on early European teams, 23
origin of, 19
Overview of Attack Trends, 110
response to WANK worm, 20
statistics, 112
CERTCC-KR, 27, 28, 46
CERT-Certified Computer Security
Incident Handler, 80
certification, 26, 77, 80, 134, 135, 137,
Certified Incident Handler, 80
Certified Information Systems Security
Professional, 80
CERT-NL, 22, 55
CERTs in Europe task force, 24
challenges, 48, 56, 60, 91, 112, 128
checklists, 130, 137
Chief Information Officers (CIOs), 4, 52,
Chief Security Officers (CSOs), 4, 52
CHIHT, 127
child pornography, 116
Chilean Computer Emergency Response
Team, 30
China Computer Emergency Response
Team Coordination Center, 28
CIAC, 21
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 261
CIO, 84, 92
CIRC, 13
CIRT, 13
civil liability, 114
clearances, 77
Clearinghouse for Incident Handling
Tools, 119, 127
Code Red worm, 114
collaboration, 26, 119
collecting evidence, 178
Committee of Ministers of the Council of
Europe, 116
Common Advisory Interchange Format,
Common Body of Knowledge, 80
common laws, 114
channels of, 112
mechanisms, 18
secure, 105
skills, 76
tools, 101
department, 51
requirements, 33
compromise, 58
CompTIA, 162
computer crime, 60, 62, 104, 114, 115,
computer crime laws, state, 118
Computer Emergency Response Team, 19
Computer Emergency Response Team
Coordination Center-Korea. See
Computer Emergency Response Team for
the German Research Network DFN.
computer forensics. See forensics
Computer Forensics, Incident Response
Essentials, 151
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, 118
Computer Incident Advisory Capability,
20, 21
Computer Incident Response Guidebook,
computer network attack, 82
Computer Network Defense Service
Providers, 80
computer security, 49, 53, 60, 82, 133
experts, 122
incidents, 122
terminology, 134
Computer Security Incident Handling Step
by Step, 152
Computer Security Incident Response
Planning, 97, 153
computer security incident response
teams, ix
computer security incidents, 71, 109
Computer Security Institute (CSI), 157
Computer Security Institute/Federal
Bureau of Investigation Computer
Crime and Security Survey, 60
Computer Security Resource and
Response Center, 21
confidential information, 106
confidentiality, 116
configuration maintenance, 12
consortium sponsorship, 55
constituencies, 22, 49
contact information, 91, 92, 120
containment, 83, 86
Contingency Planning Guide for
Information Technology Systems, 153
contract services, 55
Convention on Cybercrime, 116
coordination, 21
function, 12
issues, 129
mechanisms, 119, 129, 135
network, 20
of teams, 24, 26, 35, 47
with other external entities, 106
with other teams, 106
coordination centers, 14, 53, 69, 89, 99,
107, 108
law, 116, 171
violations, 58
core team, 73, 74
Cormack, Andrew, xiii
Coroners Toolkit, The, 101
corporate security, 73
correlating incident activity, 90
correspondence, capturing data from, 91
costs, 137
computer crime, 62
CSIRT, 54, 57
262 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
incident, 58, 59, 62, 91
of CSIRTs, 64
recovery, 11
staff, 54
start-up, 54
sustainment, 54
Council Framework Decision, 117
Council of Europe, 116, 165
Council of the European Union, 116
courses, 139, 157
cases, 76
evidence, 58, 90, 101, 114
testimony, 77
investigation, 90
investigative staff, 73
law, 116
liability, 114
Criminal Intellectual Property Laws, 170
Crisis Action Meeting, 106
crisis management, 5
assets, 12, 65, 128
incident information, 90, 92
information, 131
infrastructure, 32, 33
services, 64, 112
cryptographic keys, 120
cryptography, 105
CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security
Survey, 103, 112
agreements, 24
authority, 111
certification, 80
community, 26
composition, 8
constituencies, 5, 11, 49
coordination, 24, 28, 55
courses, 139
evolution, 51
framework, 86
growth, 133
infrastructure, 25
managers, 4, 49, 73, 74
models, 15, 69, 72, 89, 99, 107, 108,
organizational structure, 49
processes, 9, 133
projects, 118
propagation, 48
responsibilities, 8
sectors, 7, 16, 42, 46, 89, 103, 133,
support, 47
team leads, 74
CSIRT Basic Skills, 78
CSIRT for the National Autonomous
University of Mexico, 30
CSIRT Handbook of Legislative
Procedures, 117
CSIRT Organizational Survey, 80, See
CSIRT Services, 12
CSIRT Task Force. See TF-CSIRT
American, 33, 34, 40, 43
Asian, 27, 28, 29, 43
Australian, 23, 27
banking and finance sector, 7, 46, 69,
89, 99, 104, 105, 107
Canadian, 32, 33, 40, 43
centralized, 53, 69, 89, 105, 107, 108
combined, 53, 69, 72, 89, 99, 105,
107, 108
commercial sector, 7, 26, 27, 33, 42,
43, 54, 69, 89, 99, 105, 107, 108
communication and information
sector, 7, 89
coordinating, 16, 53, 54, 69, 89, 99,
107, 108
critical infrastructure, 33, 46
defined, ix
described, 11
distributed dedicated, 70, 89, 99, 105,
107, 108
distributed part-time, 53, 70, 71, 89,
99, 105, 107, 108
education sector, 7, 33, 52, 57, 69, 89,
99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108
establishing, 6, 49
European, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 39,
40, 43
first, 19
government, 26, 27, 31, 33, 42, 46
growth of, 38, 39, 42
information and communication
sector, 69, 99, 102, 105, 107, 108
insurance sector, 46
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 263
internal, 14, 92
internal centralized, 15
internal combined, 15
internal distributed, 15
ISP, 33, 43, 44, 47
Latin American, 30, 31, 32, 43
law enforcement, 7, 46
lists of, 38
military sector, 7, 33, 52, 54, 57, 69,
71, 102, 104, 105, 108
national, 28, 42, 43, 46, 51, 54
non-profit sector, 7, 31, 33, 54, 57, 69,
89, 99, 103, 104, 105, 108
number of, 38
operating, 6
placement in organization, 49, 51
power and energy sector, 46
proactive functions of, 11
public administration, 7
reactive functions of, 11
registered, 40, 45
research, 31, 32, 33, 42, 43, 54
research network, 104
security company, 47
size of, 71
state government, 33
telecommunications sector, 31, 32, 33
transportation sector, 46
types of, 14
university, 31, 32, 45, 47, 54, 59
CSIRTsectors, 99, 107
CSRC, 21
cultural differences, 23
Curry, D. A., 85
Curtis, Pamela, xiv
customer privacy policies, 64
customer service, 76
crime, 114, 117
crime laws, 114, 116, 118, 137, 165
forensics. See forensics
insurance, 64
security, 33
security laws, 33
space, 117
damage estimates, 59, 60
archiving, 124
collection, 122, 124, 125
management, 134
privacy, 33
protection requirements, 11, 64, 118
repository, 75
synthesis, 125
database tools, 59
Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency. See DARPA
Defense Communication Agency, 21
Defense Data Network, 21
definitions, of computer incident terms, 82
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 82
denial-of-service attacks, 58, 61, 93, 103,
110, 118
Department of Trade and Industry (U.K.),
detection, 83, 86, 133
DFN-CERT, 22, 51, 95
diagnostic procedures, 67
Digital Equipment Corporation, 20
disaster recovery, 73
disseminating information, 74
distributed attack tools, 110
Distributed Intrusion Detection System,
Dittrich, David, 59
DNS (Domain Name System), 111
DoD Directive 8530.1, 80
DoD Instruction 8530.2, 80, 126
eCSIRT, 84, 72, 120
EISPP, 121
Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A
Guide for First Responders, 115
electronic records, 124
email relays, 17
EnCase, 101
encrypted information, 91
eradication, 83
establishing CSIRTs, 49
ETS no. 185, 116
ETS no. 189, 116
EU. See European Union
EuroCERT, 24, 27
constituencies, 23
coordination center, 24
264 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
CSIRTs, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 39, 43,
directory of, 38
research networks, 22, 23
European Commission, 116
European Commission’s Information
Society Directorate-General, 117
European CSIRTs Directory, 46
European Data Protection regulations, 64
European Information Security Promotion
Programme, 121
European Information Societies
Technology, 120
European Parliament, 116
European Union, 26, 116, 166
evidence, 58, 90, 114
evidence collection tools, 101
EWA-Canada/CanCERT, 32
exchanging incident data, 25, 84, 94
Expectations for Computer Security
Incident Response, 84, 124
expert staff, 58
expert testimony, 77
exploitation scripts, 109
extended team, 73
extranets, 105
facsimile, capturing data from, 91
FBI, 84
FedCIRC, 55
federal computer intrusion laws, 170
Federal Information Security Management
Act, 118, 174
federal regulations, 118
fee-based services, 55
Fifth Framework Programme, 121
fraud, 61
institutions, 64
loss, 60, 61, 85
financial services industry, 118
Financial Services Modernization Act of
1999, 64
fire department analogy, 11
firewall logs, 126
FIRST, 21, 27, 46, 158
conferences, 20, 27, 30, 48
creation of, 21
founding members, 21
growth of, 38
members, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33
regional distribution, 39
sponsorship, 47
Team Members List, 38
first responders, 73, 74
FISMA, 118
Fithen, Katherine, xiv
flowcharts, 130, 179
analysis, 9, 49, 67, 76, 101
evidence, 67, 99
evidence collection, 68, 76, 77, 100,
examinations, 101
services, 57
forensics, 9, 79, 100, 109, 157
formalization of procedures and formats,
formats for exchanging incident data, 119
forms, 137, 179
Forno, R., 92
Forum of Incident Response and Security
Teams. See FIRST
Foundstone, 158
accreditation, 26, 120
European, 121
legal, 117
fraud, 104, 114, 116
Freeman Incident Tracking System, 95
full authority, 53
full-time staff, 72
funding, 54, 56, 128, 135
funding strategies, 55
G8. See Group of 8
Gartner, 57
German Research Network, 87
Global Information Assurance
Certification (GIAC), 80, 162
Global Knowledge, 158
goals, 51, 84, 85
Goddard Space Flight Center, 21
Government of Canada, 33
government sponsorship, 55
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 64, 118, 174
grass-roots approach, 23
Green, John, xiii
Griffith University, 27, 63
GRIP, 34, 84
Group of 8, 117, 168
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 265
incident handling, 84
reporting, 92
sample, 130, 179
Guidelines and Recommendations for
Incident Processing, 34
Guidelines for Evidence Collection and
Archiving, 115, 124
hacker attacks, 58, 103
hacker scanning tools, 61
Hackers Challenge, 130
Handbook for CSIRTs, xiii, 5, 6, 48, 53,
72, 78, 87, 109, 139
Handlers Diary, 126
harassment, 103
harmful code, 58
Harvey, Christopher C., 20
HB-171-2003, 124
health care providers, 118
health insurance, 118
Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA), 118
Heiser, J., 92
Helminthiasis of the Internet, The, 17
help desks, 55, 67, 73, 74, 88, 94, 102
high bandwidth, 112
high-stress positions, 79
high-tech crime, 117
hiring regulations, 77
Hoepers, Cristine, xiii
home users, 112
Honeynet Project, 128
Hong Kong Computer Emergency
Response Team Coordination Center,
host systems, 17
hotline, 19, 68, 71, 73, 74, 88, 102
hours of operation, 102
human resources, 5, 73, 75
hurricane severity levels, 97
Hysert, Ronald H., 20
IAP, 116
ICAMP, 58, 59, 60
IDMEF, 94, 121
IDS, 67, 68, 70, 88, 123, 125
IETF, 34, 84, 93, 121
IHT, 13
illegal software, 58
improvement, 86, 133
INCH, 25
INCH Working Group, 84, 122
analysis, 13, 66, 71
analysts, 73
cost model, 59
costs, 58, 62
data, 67
data exchange, 135
definition of, 82
detection services, 12
handlers, 74, 114
level, 95
life cycle, 87
management, 85, 86
priority, 95
reporting forms, 89, 92, 125, 131
reporting procedures, 82
reports, 66, 95
scope, 93
severity, 95
statistics, 112, 120
tracking systems, 62, 75, 122
Incident Cost Analysis and Modeling
Project. See ICAMP
incident handling
by early European teams, 23
by platform specialists, 75
definition of, 13
field, 78, 133
guidelines, 84
knowledge, sharing of, 49
methodologies, 134
procedures, 85
service, 65, 66
skills, 78
staff, 73, 128
time data, 59
tools, 122, 127
training, 79
Incident Handling Step-by-Step, 82, 101
Incident Handling Working Group. See
INCH Working Group, See INCH
Incident Object Description and Exchange
Format. See IODEF
incident response
activities, 86
capability, xi
checklist, 85
CSIRT authority for, 53
definition of, 13, 83
field, 2, 133
266 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
function, 66
in Asia Pacific region, 28
laws and regulations, 115
literature, 8
methodology, 131
planning, 109
plans, 9, 84, 112
processes, 83, 131
providers, 15
time data, 59
tools, 127
training, 79
Incident Response, 56, 151
Incident Response and Reporting
Procedure for State Government, 154
Incident Response: A Strategic Guide to
Handling System and Network
Security Breaches, 151
Incident Response: Investigating
Computer Crime, 151
number of, 104
prevention of, 21
types of, 58, 126
indirect costs (of incidents), 60
Indonesia Computer Emergency Response
Team, 29
assets, 11
assurance, 49, 79
disclosure, policies and practices, 75
exchange, 122
security, 56, 79, 85, 118, 157
sharing, 21, 26, 106, 122
systems, 117
Information Security, 100
Information Security Breaches Survey, 61,
information security programs, 160
Information Systems Security Incident
Response, 152
Information Systems Security Officers
(ISSOs), 4
InfoSecurity News, 109
infrastructure attacks, 111
Infrastructure Protection Coordination
Centre, 33
insider abuse, 61
instant messaging, 110
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios
Superiores, 30
insurance premiums, 64
intangible costs (of incidents), 60
integrity, 77, 116
intellectual property, 118, 170
interface standards, 134
cooperation, 116, 117
coordination, 55
cyber crime laws, 116, 165
International Association of Chiefs of
Police, 115
International Information Systems
Security Certifications Consortium,
80, 162
International Organization on Computer
Evidence, 115
International Standards Organization, 4
Internet, 112, 125, 126
Internet Engineering Task Force. See IETF
Internet Glossary, 83
Internet Relay Chat, 110
Internet Security Systems, 57, 85
Internet Society, 115
Internet Worm. See Morris Worm
intranets, 92, 105
activity, 128
attacks, 87
trends, 12
Intrusion Detection Message Exchange
Format, 94
intrusion detection systems. See IDS
Intrusion Detection Working Group, 123
investigations, 5
investigative process, 114
IOCE, 115
IODEF, 25, 91, 94, 119, 121, 122
IRC, 13
Ireland, Terry, xiv
IRF. See incident reporting forms
IRT, 13
ISO 17799, 85
ISPs, 43, 44, 54
ISS, 97
department, 51, 65, 68, 70, 83, 100,
help desks, 102
managers, 4, 52
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 267
security, 56, 124
support staff, 73, 111
ITESM, 30, 31
Ito, Yurie, xiii
JANET-CERT, 60, 94
Japan Computer Emergency Response
Team Coordination Center
(JPCERT/CC), 14, 27, 28, 29
job descriptions, 75, 77, 78
judicial opinions, 114
judicial proceedings, 77, 124
justification to management, 6
key policies, 120
Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter, xiii
Kruse, W., 92
laptop theft, 61
Laswell, Barbara, xiii
Latin America, 30, 31, 32
law enforcement
agencies and organizations, 5, 13, 176
coordinating with, 105, 106
CSIRTs, 98
exchanging data with, 123
in extended CSIRTs, 76
interacting with, 74
involvement in forensic analysis, 101
involvement in incident reporting, 93
reporting incidents to, 104, 114
role in collecting evidence, 101
working relationships with, 115, 136
law resources, 177
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
laws, 64, 75, 114
local, 11
national, 11
Learning Tree International, 163
counsel, 115
department, 5, 75, 106
investigations, 68
issues, 114, 124, 137
precedents, 64
requirements, 93, 133
staff, 73, 74
legitimate services, 111
lessons learned, 24, 64, 76, 86, 87
level of service, 71
liability issues, 75
liaison, CSIRT as, 105
LionTech IT Ltd., 158
List of CSIRT Services, 65
local teams, 54
logging information, 94
Lopéz, Juan Carlos Guel, xiii
loss minimization, 12
loss of life, 85
Lotus Notes, 94
Love Letter worm, 114
Lyon Group, 117
major events, 73
Malaysian Computer Emergency
Response Team, 29
malicious attacks, 112
managed security service providers. See
buy-in, 5, 63
perspective, 67
requirements, 90
skills, 77
support, 128, 136
managers, CSIRT, 49, 73, 74
managing incident workload, 90
MCI WorldCom, 55
McMillan, Rob, xiii
department, 5
relations, 74, 75, 105
specialists, 73
Megamind, Institute for Advanced
Technology Training, 158
Melissa virus, 114
membership fees, 27, 28, 55
mentoring, 74, 134, 137
message centers, 102
data exchange, 84
incident handling, 14, 87, 134
Methodology of Incident Handling, The,
methods, intruder, 109
Mexican Computer Emergency Response
Team, 30
Microsoft Access, 94
Microsoft Certified Systems
Administrator, 81
Microsoft Windows, 101
military coordination centers, 67
military CSIRTs, 71
MIS Training Institute, 158, 163
268 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
mission, 51, 74, 77, 84, 90, 93, 98, 105,
124, 129
mission statement, 51
misuse of resources, 11
models, 15, 53, 69, 72, 89, 99, 107, 108,
IDS, 68, 70
of network and system logs, 68
Morris Worm, 17
MSSPs, 16, 44, 46, 51, 55, 99
multi-layered security strategy, 1
mutual assistance, 117
Mx-CERT, 30, 31
MyCERT, 29, 55, 56
NASA, 19, 21
National Autonomus University of
Mexico, 31
National Computer Security Center, 18
National Cyber Security Division, 34
National Hurricane Preparedness Center,
National Institute of Justice, 115
National Institute of Standards and
Technology. See NIST
national research networks, 22, 44
National Security Agency, 18, 79
Naval Computer Incident Response Team
NBSO, 30, 31
Nebraska, State of, 85
activity, 125
administrators, 5
monitoring programs, 88
sensors, 88
services, 17
sniffer programs, 109
surveillance techniques, 130
New South Wales Police, 82
New Technologies Inc. (NTI), 159
NIC BR Security Office - Brazilian
Computer Emergency Response
Team, 30
Nimda worm, 114
NIST, 19, 20, 21, 83, 161, 163
NIST Contingency Planning Guide for
Information Technology Systems, 131
NIST Special Publication 800-34, 153
NITC, 92
no authority, 53
non-disclosure agreements, 75, 77, 106
notification lists, 112
NT/2000, 101
number of incidents, 104
Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection
and Emergency Preparedness
(OCIPEP), 33
off-the-shelf recording products, 94
OILZ, 20, 21
operational coordination, 135
operational guidance, 74
Oracle, 94
organizational models. See models
Organizational Models for CSIRTs, 5, 6,
16, 65
organizational structure, 49, 135
orientation, of new employees, 77
Ottawa, 33
outsourcing, 65, 75, 101
parent organization funding, 55
part-time staff, 72
penetration testing, 68, 75
perpetrators, 105
personnel. See staff
Pethia, Richard D., 20
PGP, 105
Philippine Computer Emergency
Response Teams, 29
PHP, 125
pitfalls, 48
plan of action, 14
platform specialists, 73, 75
point of contact, 24, 28, 85, 117
policies and procedures, 47, 59, 75, 83,
84, 86, 98, 108, 112, 115, 124, 127,
134, 179
policy attributes, 109
policy design and implementation, 108
polymorphic tools, 111
postmortem, 83
post-secondary education institutions, 49
practices, 82
preparation/protection, 83, 86, 133
Presidential Decision Directive 63, 173
Pretty Good Privacy, 105
activities, 106, 129
incidents, 95
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 269
incoming information, 74
priority scales, 98
privacy issues, 118, 124
privacy laws, 102, 114, 173
proactive services, 65, 86, 114, 133
probes, 93, 103
procedural law, 116
procedures. See policies and procedures
process guidelines, 137
processes, 14, 86, 87, 88, 133, See also
policies and procedures
product security teams, 44
productivity loss, 64
professional development, 78
project leaders, 4
projects, CSIRT, 118
protocol flaws, 109
outreach, 34
relations, 5, 73, 75
services, 55
public key cryptography, 105
Putting on the Gloves, 101
Queensland University of Technology, 27,
racist acts, 116
rapid response, 12
RARE CERT Task Force, 23
reactive services, 65, 86, 114
recording data, 89, 91, 94
recovery, 12, 18, 64, 99
Red Siren, 159
registered teams, 21, 32, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45
regulations, 11, 33, 64, 75, 93
Remedy HelpDesk and Action Request
System, 94
repair costs, 64
repeatable process, 136
guidelines, 84
incidents, 85
structures, 49, 51, 52
reputation, 76, 85
Request Tracker for Incident Response, 94
requirements for establishing a CSIRT
capability, 135
research, 128
networks, 26, 42, 45, 52
sponsorship, 55
Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche
Européene, 23
Responding to Computer Security
Incidents: Guidelines for Incident
Handling, 153
response, 86, 133
and recovery, 12
capability, 56, 64
plans, 111
services, 90
strategies, 12, 98
response team network, 20
responsibilities, staff, 51, 74, 77
retaining information, 93
revenue loss, 64
Reynolds, J., 17
1135, 17
1244, 154
2196 Site Security Handbook, 154
2350, 34, 84, 124
2828, 83
3227, 124
risk, 11, 65, 66, 85
assessments, 76
data, 12
management, 5, 76
mitigation, 12
models, 64
Rogers, Stephanie, xiv
roles, staff, 51, 77
Rosenthal, Sheila, xiv
routers, 111
RTIR, 94
sabotage, 61
SafeBack, 101
Safer Internet Action Plan, 116
SAGE, 78, 108
salary costs, 56, 57, 60
SANS, 82, 92, 101, 126, 159
SANS Security Alert, 57
SC Magazine, 163
scanning, 11, 61, 93, 103, 109
of CSIRT activity, 85
of incidents, 93
search and seizure, 102
Searching and Seizing Computers and
Obtaining Electronic Evidence in
Criminal Investigations, 115
secretarial staff, 73
Section 1030, 118
270 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
sectors, 7, 16, 42, 46, 89, 99, 103, 107,
133, 137
secure communications, 105
secure practices, 129
Securing Information Assets: Planning,
Prevention and Response, 153
awareness training, 12, 65, 68, 75, 77,
86, 128
breaches, 64, 85, 115
clearances, 77
configuration, 68, 86
consulting, 12
department, 51
experts, 15, 73
flaws, 109
managers, 52
policies, 12
policy development, 67
practices, 64
product development, 68
teams, 15, 16, 68, See also ad hoc
weaknesses, 88
Security Architecture and Incident
Management for E-business, 153, 154
Security Emergency Response Team, 27
SecurityMap.Net CERT, 29
SEI, 18
Senior Experts Group on Transnational
Organized Crime, 117
SERT, 13, 27, 63
servers, 17
service interruptions, 58
service level agreements, 75
service quality management services, 66
services, 55, 56, 65, 66, 73, 88, 98, 105,
severity scales, 98
shared authority, 53
sharing information, 106, 122
Siemens, 55
Singapore Computer Emergency
Response Team (SingCERT), 27, 28,
SIRT, 13
size, of CSIRTs, 71
skills, 49, 76
Slammer worm, 111, 114
Snort, 125
Sobig.F, 111
Software Engineering Institute, 18
Sokol, M. S., 85
Solha, Liliana Velásquez, xiii
sophistication of attacks, 72
source code, 109
Space Physics Analysis Network (SPAN),
20, 21
spamming, 103
SPAN-France, 21
speed of attacks, 111
sponsorship, 47
SQL, 94, 111
SQL/Slammer worm, 114
staff, 4, 49
burnout, 78
costs, 54, 57, 60
full-time, 72
number of, 71
part-time, 72
positions, 72
responsibilities, 56, 74, 77, 84
roles, 77
skills, 76
training, 26
staffing levels, 90
standards, 64, 119, 122, 134
interface, 134
professional, 134
start-up costs, 54
state computer crime laws, 118
State of the Practice
structure, 6
summary, 133
uses, 5, 6
State of the Practice project, 3
State of Vermont Incident Handling
Procedure, 154
Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS)
No. 70, 175
statistics, incident, 90, 120
statutory laws, 114
Steinauer, Dennis, D., 20
Stikvoort, Don, xiii
strategic direction, 74
strategic plan, 5
stress, 76
SURFnet, 55
SURFnet Computer Security Incident
Response Team, 22
surveillance techniques, 101
CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001 271
survey, xii, 5, 49, 52, 55, 67, 71, 81, 88,
94, 99, 129, 137
constituencies, 50
description of, 6
of organizational structures, 2
participants, 7
sectors, 7, 16
sustainment costs, 54
Symantec, 109, 152
synthesizing incident data, 125
SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security
Institute. See SANS
administrators, 5, 78, 114
downtime, 64
owners, 107
penetration, 61
weaknesses, 66
System Security: A Management
Perspective, 152
Taiwan Computer Emergency Response
Team/Coordination Center, 29
Taiwan Computer Incident Response
Coordination Center, 29
taxonomy, 82, 84, 134, 137
team leads, 73, 74
team size, 71
teamwork, 77
advice, 67
advisories, 12
analysis, 67
documentation, 68, 75, 98, 99
perspective, 67
staff, 73, 77
writers, 75
techniques, intruder, 109
technology watch, 68, 69, 74
telecom eavesdropping, 61
telecommunications, 106
telecommunications fraud, 61
telephone calls, capturing data from, 91
TeliaCERTCC, 84
templates, 58, 92, 130, 134, 137, 179
TERENA, 24, 26, 119, 122, 127
terminology, 9, 13, 82, 134
testimony, 77
TF-CSIRT, 25, 48, 121, 122, 127
Thai Computer Emergency Response
Team (ThaiCERT), 29
theft, 61, 75, 103, 104, 114
TheTrainingCo., 159
third-party answering services, 102
threat metrics, 76
threats, 11, 65, 66, 67, 83, 87, 112, 126
TI. See Trusted Introducer
TI Review Board, 120
time zones, 93
Title 17 - Copyrights, 171
Title 18, 118
Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure,
Title 35 - Patents, 172
toolkits, 109
tools, 119, 127, 130
evidence gathering, 127
evidence investigation, 127
intruder, 109
proactive, 127
remote access, 127
system recovery, 127
tools of the trade, 101
tracking and tracing, 67, 68, 89, 91, 94
department, 65
forensics, 100
materials, 74
of CSIRTs, 25, 28, 29, 47, 49, 54, 57,
79, 81, 135, 137, 139, 157
programs (college and university),
security awareness, 12, 65, 68, 75, 77,
Training of Network Security Incident
Teams Staff, 25
Trans-European Research and Networking
Association. See TERENA
TRANSITS, 25, 159
transnational organized crime, 117
trap and trace, 101
trends, 45, 52, 70, 71, 89, 90, 99, 112, 119
triage, 71, 74
Trojan horses, 61, 103
TruSecure, 162
trust, 26, 85, 106, 136
contacts, 72
experts, 106
introducers, 26, 135
Trusted Introducer, 26, 39, 40, 120
trustworthiness, 76
tutorials, 49
272 CMU/SEI-2003-TR-001
types of incidents, 103
UNAM-CERT, 30, 31
unauthorized access, 11, 61, 103, 109, 118
United Kingdom, 103
United Nations, 169
United Nations Convention Against
Transnational Organized Crime, 117
United Nations General Assembly, 117
United States
Army, 79
Computer Emergency Response
Team, 34
CSIRTs, 19, 33
cyber crime laws, 118
Department of Defense, 80
Department of Defense Information
Technology Security Certification
and Accreditation Process, 174
Department of Energy, 19, 21
Department of Homeland Security, 34
Department of Justice, 115
Department of Justice, Computer
Crime and Intellectual Property
Section, 118
Department of National Defence
CIRT, 32
Department of the Army Response
Team, 21
Department of the Navy, 82
federal laws, 169
federal requirements, 173
Secret Service, 84, 92, 115
state laws, 175
university networks, 52
University of Queensland, The, 27, 63
UNIX, 101
user compromises, 103
van Wyk, K., 92
VBS, 95
Vermont, State of, 82, 85
victims, 105, 130
viruses, 61, 68, 93, 103
Vorfallsbearbeitungssystem, 95
vulnerabilities, 110, 113
analysts, 73
assessments, 12, 68
disclosure, 135
handlers, 75
handling, 68, 75
scanning, 68
walk-in reports, 89
WANK, 20, 21
war stories, 130
web defacement, 60
West-Brown, Moira, xiii
Williams, Pam, xiv
wiretapping, 61
workflows, 134
working groups, 25, 28, 29
workload, 90, 91, 129
worms, 17, 20, 61, 103
xenophobic acts, 116
XML, 25, 122, 123
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(Leave Blank)
October 2003
State of the Practice of Computer Security Incident Response Teams
Georgia Killcrece, Klaus-Peter Kossakowski, Robin Ruefle, Mark Zajicek
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
5 Eglin Street
Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2116
Unclassified/Unlimited, DTIC, NTIS
Keeping organizational information assets secure in today’s interconnected computing environment is a chal-
lenge that becomes more difficult with each new “eproduct and each new intruder tool. There is no one solu-
tion for securing information assets; instead a multi-layered security strategy is required. One of the layers
that many organizations are including in their strategy today is a computer security incident response team, or
CSIRT. This report provides an objective study of the state of the practice of incident response, based on in-
formation about how CSIRTs around the world are operating. It covers CSIRT services, projects, processes,
structures, and literature, as well as training, legal, and operational issues. The report can serve as a re-
source both to new teams that are setting up their operations and to existing CSIRTs that are interested in
benchmarking their operations.
CSIRT, computer security incident response team, incident handling,
incident response, computer emergency response team, incident
management, incident response management, CERT/CC, CERT Co-
ordination Center
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18 298-102