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Ahlstrom-Munksjo NA Specialty Solutions LLC
The company SFI representative is Travis
During the period of November 28, 2022 to
December 21, 2022, underwent a
recertification audit to the Sustainable Forestry
) 2022 Fiber Sourcing (FS)
The registration cycle is over five years with
surveillance audits conducted annually. The
audit assessed active and/or completed
harvest operations through interviews with the
company staff and contractors. The audit also
assessed the SFI documentation and records
at the company’s office including stakeholder
and Indigenous people communication.
The SFI program third-party audit was
undertaken by SAI Global. SAI Global is an
independent third-party registrar that is
accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation
Board (ANAB) Standard ensuring the integrity
and credibility of the audit process.
The SAI Global audit team who performed the
audit consisted of Matt Tormohlen, audit team
leader. Mr. Tormohlen is the owner of Northern
Shores Resource Mgmt., LLC, a company
which provides environmental, social and
supply chain traceability evaluations and
consultation for companies seeking certification
to various sustainability standards. Mr.
Tormohlen has acted as Lead Auditor on over
500 such evaluations. Mr. Tormohlen also
manages non-industrial private forestland
properties throughout the Lake States.
Not applicable. The certification is not a multi-
site or group.
Certificate Type SFI 2022 Forest Management
SFI 2022 Fiber Sourcing Standard
Single site
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Manufacturing operations Ahlstrom-Munksjö utilizes conifer and hardwood chips in manufacturing
of various grades of paper products. Fiber is procured through
Gatewood, sawmill residuals
and market pulp. The majority of the
gatewood is purchased as roundwood and the remaining as residual
chips. Fiber is sourced from within the US from the states of Wisconsin,
Michigan and occasionally Minnesota.
Fiber sourcing program The SFI Fiber Sourcing certificate applies to Ahlstrom-Munksjö’
s two
primary producer mills located in Kaukauna (Thilmany) and Mosinee,
Although there are two physical mill locations which receive roundwood
sawmill residuals via the Fiber Sourcing program, all sourcing
activities are managed by a single and centralized Fiber Sourcing
program, via the Kaukauna site.
Purchased stumpage The organization does not have a purchased stumpage program.
Verifiable monitoring system The organization operates a centralized document control system
(DCS), which provides indicator specific processes for the monitoring of
Fiber Sourcing system. The DCS is available to all involved
personnel via the Info tree intranet system and is subject to any updates
recommended/required from the results of the internal audit.
The organization actively participates in applicable state SIC meetings,
completes representative sample field audits of gatewood harvest
areas, with detailed inspection notes and follow-
up actions as needed.
System-wide internal audits summari
ze the results of the multiple
monitoring programs (field audits, DDS updates, etc.) maintained by the
organization and presents any relevant findings during management
review sessions.
Procurement area WI/MN/MI
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The organization has opted to utilize the FECV assessment as developed by the state SIC. Due to the
regional similarities of the Lake States (MI, MN, WI), the SICs of the representative states collaborated
on the assessment, which was made available with a final revision date of November, 2022. The
NatureServe database was utilized to identify the presence of G1/G2 species and ecosystems, with
emphasis placed on those species and ecosystems which had the potential to be negatively impacted
by forest management. Those species and ecosystems were than ranked in terms of “Impacted”,
“Possibly Impacted” and “No Impact”, based on the professional determinations of SIC members with
appropriate knowledge and expertise on wildlife ecology, biology and forestry. Species lacking
existing/sufficient BMPs are identified as “Impacted.” “Possibly Impacted” species included those
species that had both positive AND negative impacts associated with Forest Management.
The results of the assessment determined seven species and three ecosystems which were determined
to be either “impacted” or “potentially impacted” in at least one of the three Lake States identified in this
assessment. The assessment provides summaries of these identified species and ecosystems,
including identification, general location, how to secure proprietary specific locations, specific threats,
mitigation and sources for more information. This information will be incorporated into QLP logger
continuing education and SIC landowner manuals.
Click or tap here to enter text.The scope of certifcation has changed since the last public summary
report. The changes are that the organization was audited to the updated Objectives of the SFI 2022
Fiber Sourcing standard.
During this audit, the audit team evaluated the company against the objectives listed in Table 1. The
evidence of compliance observed is listed in Table 2. Both tables are found in the section Evidence of
Conformity to the SFI 2022 Fiber Sourcing Standard.
A sample of field review sites were chosen from a list of active sites and sites where activities were
completed since the last audit. The site choice also considered activity type, and risk factors, related to
the audit objectives selected for review, as well as the opportunity to verify implementation of corrective
actions for previous non-conformities.
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Not applicable. No substitute indictors were evaluated during this audit.
No complaints have been received.
Audit Activity Duration in days
Off-site preparation 1
On-site audit 1
Off-site audit 0
Field audit 2
Sites Activities audited
1 “Willow Pine Second thinning of Red pine plantation - NIPF
- Harvest trees identified with orange paint
- Flat terrain with sandy soil and no water/wetland areas
within or directly adjacent to harvest polygon.
- Frozen ground conditions and no residual rutting.
- Very minimal logging damage to residual stand, with
operator taking great care to minimize skid trails.
- Excellent utilization of harvested products, with
merchandising occurring for pine CNS (random length)
and pulpwood.
2- “Town of Minocqua” Regeneration Harvest of Red pine plantation (< 5 acres) - NIPF
Existing pine plantation that had never been thinned
previously and was no longer feasible to be thinned due to
stem/canopy ratio and risk of windthrow.
- Advanced regeneration
maintained within the stand and
sufficient seed source present along harvest boundaries
from directly adjacent mature red and white pine.
- Cultural area (cemetary) within harvest polygon identified
with flagging and protected.
- Flat terrain and frozen groun
d conditions, no residual
rutting observed.
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- Interview with logging contractor on active job determined
appropriate PPE and knowledge of spill response
requirements per WI BMPs.
No water/wetland areas observed within or directly
adjacent to harvest area.
3 – “Pelican River” Single Tree Selection for uneven aged management of Northern
hardwoods stand
- Marked thinning of mature hardwood stand with
inclusions of mature Aspen identified for coppice.
- Residual stocking matches WI DNR Silvicultural
handbook recommendations for post-harvest conditions.
- Frozen ground conditions, no rutting observed.
- SMZ established along intermittent stream in
conformance with WI BMP guidelines. Field assessment
of the course of the SMZ determined that harvesting
operations had respected the boundary as “no entry.” No
tops observed as felled into SMZ boundary
- Multiple product sorts present on landing site, exhibiting
adequate merchandising to maximize value.
- Interview with logging contractor on active job determined
appropriate PPE and knowledge of spill response
requirements per WI BMPs.
4 “Emmer Tract” Single Tree Selection for uneven aged management of Northern
hardwoods stand
- Marked thinning of mature hardwood stand.
- Residual stocking matches WI DNR Silvicultural
handbook recommendations for post-harvest conditions.
- Frozen ground conditions, no rutting observed.
- This sale had recently been finalized/closed out. All
harvested products had been hauled, exhibiting minimal
waste post-harvest.
- Residual stand exhibited very minimal stem damage post-
Definitions for findings can be found in Appendix 1.
Non-conformance(s) identified during this audit
Not applicable. No non-conformances were identified.
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List of new indicators for the 2022 transition:
PM 1.2 Ind 1, 2, 3 PM 3.2 Ind 2 PM 5.1 Ind 2 PM 6.2 Ind 2i, j, k
PM 11.1 Ind. All PM 11.3 Ind. All PM 11.4 Ind. All PM 11.5 Ind. All
Opportunities for improvement
PM 1.2, Indicator 1.2.1
The organization has elected to utilize the FECV assessment as completed by the SFI FECV Lake States Working
Group. This process was finalized in Nov., 2022 and has not yet been fully provided to wood producers.
OFI #1: Consider more timely processing and communication of standard enhancements.
PM 2.2, Indicator 2.2.1
Interviews with forestry staff and active contractors determined knowledgeable of the WI BMP requirements for
Spill Kit presence on active harvests. The AHL-FS-06 Non-Certified RW Supplier Audit Form reviews for the
presence of spills/leaks during the roundwood supplier audit. Review of completed Supplier Audit Forms
determined pro-active identification of minor leaks if present. The checklist does not include the verification of the
presence of an actual spill kit.
OFI #2: Consider additional verification of spill prevention/remediation processes for wood producers.
Exceptional management practices
Not applicable. No exceptional practices were identified.
Status of previous audit non-conformance(s)
Not applicable. No non-conformities were raised during the previous audit.
Recertification Audit
Based on the results of this audit to the SFI 2022 Fiber Sourcing standard, it has been determined that
the management system is effectively implemented and meets the requirements relative to the scope
of registration and audit criteria.
No Minor issued to the new 2022 indicators
For this recertification audit, a recommendation to maintain the certification is made to SAI Global
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Table 1 Objectives Audited
1.4 Fiber Sourcing Standard Principles
Objective 1 Biodiversity in Fiber Sourcing
Objective 2 Adherence to Best Management Practices
Objective 3
Use of Qualified Resource and Qualified Logging Professionals and
Certified Logging Companies
Objective 4 Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Objective 5 Forestry Research, Science, and Technology
Objective 6 Training and Education
Objective 7 Community Involvement and Landowner Outreach
Objective 8 Public Land Management Responsibilities
Objective 9 Communications and Public Reporting
Objective 10 Management Review and Continual Improvement
Objective 11 Avoid Controversial Sources
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Table 2 Evidence Observed
Objective 1 Biodiversity in Fiber Sourcing
Program for conservation of biodiversity
Forest With Exceptional Conservation Value
Program to address Forests with Exceptional
Conservation Value
Objective 2
Adherence to Best Management Practices
Agreements / contracts for use of best
management practices
Wet/adverse weather plans or guidelines
Fiber Sourcing policies
BMP monitoring records / evaluation / use
Objective 3 Use of Qualified Resource and Qualified
Logging Professionals and Certified Logging
Promotion of qualified logging professionals
List of qualified logging professionals
Agreements / contracts for use of qualified
logging professionals
Objective 4
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Laws, legislation, regulations records
Regulatory action information
Corrective action logs
Monitoring of legal requirements
Social policy
Objective 5 Forestry Research, Science, and
Support for research and science
Research and discussion papers
Climate model monitoring information
Objective 6
Training and Education
SFI policy / written policies
Roles and responsibilities documents
Training agenda
Training records (staff and contractors)
QLP continuing education criteria and delivery
Objective 7 Community Involvement and Landowner
SFI Annual Report
SFI and company websites
SFI brochure
SFI Implementation Committee
Voluntary market-based incentive program
information / participation
Outreach to forest landowners regarding
Education/community involvement records
SFI Implementation Committee non-
conformance process information
Objective 8
Public Land Management Responsibilities
Multi-licensee and/or government meeting
Stakeholder communication
Summary audit report posting in SFI database
Current and past SFI Annual Progress Report
and submission information
SFI Annual Progress Report data summary
Objective 10 Management Review and Continual
Internal audit records
Annual management review records
Objective 11 Avoid Controversial Sources
Due diligence system
Risk assessment
Complaint procedure
Risk mitigation measures
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Major Non-Conformances
Pervasive or critical to the achievement of the SFI objectives
All major non-conformances require an action plan to be implemented by the auditee within 90 days of
an initial/Recertification audit or certification cannot be achieved. During a surveillance audit, an
unresolved major nonconformity will lead to the suspension of the certificate.
Minor Non-Conformances
Isolated incidents that are non-critical but must be addressed before the next surveillance audit to
maintain compliance to the SFI standard. Non resolved minor non-conformance will be escalated to a
major non-conformance.
Opportunity for Improvement
Are not non-conformances but are comments on specific areas where improvements can be made.
Exceptional Practices
Creative and unusual management practice worth mentioning.
Where the multi-site / group organization
maintains an internal audit program, which has
been determined to be reliable, the SAI Global
sampling approach is as follows:
n = number of sites:
i. √(n) for initial certification audits
ii. 0.6 √(n) for surveillance audits
iii. 0.8 √(n) for re-registration audits
The central office function is audited annually.
Where the multi-site / group organization did not
maintain its internal audit program, the SAI Global
sampling approach is as follows:
n = number of sites:
The central office function is audited annually.
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ID: 6214 Issue Date: May 2015 © SAI Global Limited Copyright 2011 - ABN 67 050 611 Page | 10
SAI Global certifies forest companies to ISO 14001, SFI Forest Management, SFI Chain of Custody, SFI Fiber Sourcing, SFI Certified
Sourcing, PEFC Chain of Custody, FSC
Forest Management, and FSC
Chain of Custody.
The group, led by Sylvain Frappier, Global programme manager - Forestry, consists of a highly qualified team of professional foresters,
technical and industry experts.
Contact SAI Global Assurance for more information.
Company Contact
Travis Zydzik
Certification manager
This report may only be reproduced by the intended
client, with the express consent of SAI Global.
Information in this issue is of a general nature with
respect to audit findings and is not intended to be
acted upon without appropriate professional advice.