Digitization Standards and Imaging Guidelines
Version: April 4, 2016
File Formats
Digital preservation standards require that we have the raw or lossless master copies of the
item in order to address possible digital preservation necessities such as migration or
emulation. Capture of master images in TIFF or RAW formats allows derivatives of JPEGs, PDF,
etc. to be created as needed. All images intended for use in the Digital Library will be captured
as TIFFs unless otherwise stated.
Save all TIFFs with lossless LZW compression when possible in order to reduce file sizes
and retain image quality. Raw files from digital cameras (.CR2 and .IIQ) should be
processed and exported as TIFFs. It is important to upload the best quality images into
the Digital Library.
There is no need to manually save reduced-quality derivatives and thumbnail images for
display in the Digital Library. These files will be automatically created during the ingest
When digitizing materials for patrons or for other uses outside the Digital Library, it is
sometimes preferred to provide JPEGs, PDFs or other derivatives. Patrons’ file format
preferences will typically be listed in the digital reproduction request form.
JPEG compression should be adjusted based on the user’s needs. In general, JPEG
compression should be set to no lower than 10. Lower levels will show visible
degradation in image quality. Only if low file size is a priority should compression levels
lower than 10 be used.
Take care not to edit and resave the same JPEG image multiple times. Each time the
same JPEG file is opened, edited, and resaved, the image is compressed further and
image quality is reduced.
When creating PDFs for users it is important to keep in mind the size and quality of the
images being combined. For example, a normal PDF of a 300-page book will be
exceedingly large in file size if it is created using high-resolution TIFFs at full color.
o In many cases it is recommended to create PDFs using compressed grayscale or
black & white JPEGs at a 50%-reduced resolution images. Depending on the
amount of quality and file size needed in the PDF, these settings can be adjusting
o Many users simply want readable images at small file sizes, as opposed to our
standard high-resolution images at large file sizes.
It is sometimes necessary to create PDFs with editable and searchable textual data. This
feature, OCR (Optical Character Recognition), can be applied to images with legible
typescripts to embed the text data into the PDF file.
OCR’d images can also be exported directly to text documents if preferred by the user.
o Both ABBYY FineReader and Adobe Acrobat Pro X can be used to create PDFs
ABBYY FineReader is recommended due to its advanced customization
and flexibility with OCR, editing, and saving options.
PNG file are only used when creating thumbnails for collections in the Digital Library.
Islandora does not currently support any other file format for collection thumbnails.
All collection thumbnails must be saved as 200x160-pixel PNG files at 72 PPI.
Consult the Digital Archivist for more information on uploading thumbnails to the Digital
File Naming
Listed below are the common file naming conventions used in the Digital Library Center (DLC).
These guidelines should be followed as closely as possible to allow for consistent workflows and
organization of image files. The filenames of master images created by the DLC should be
unique and provide enough information for staff to locate the origin of the images, regardless
of where they are found in any directory. If these file naming conventions are not closely
followed, individual images separated from their parent directory may become
indistinguishable from images in a different directory.
There will sometimes be exceptions in which projects or materials do not exactly conform to
the guidelines provided. If an object being digitized is not covered in this section, use best
judgement to create a file naming scheme that closely aligns with the DLC’s naming
conventions below. When in doubt, consult the Project Manager or Digital Archivist.
These naming rules apply only for master images destined for the Digital Library. Alternative
naming conventions may apply when digitizing patron requests or miscellaneous imaging jobs.
Naming Master Files:
1. Filename begins with either “FSU” or “FSU_HPUA” (items from Heritage Protocol and
University Archives) followed by an underscore
a. No other special characters or spaces are allowed
b. Images beginning with “FSU” refer to items from an FSU entity. Items from
Special Collections & Archives should begin with this prefix
c. Images beginning with “FSU_HPUA” refer to items from Heritage Protocol and
University Archives
2. The next element is the call number or manuscript number followed by an underscore
3. The number sequence is the final element in the filenames. This sequence should be
named according to the number of pages in the object as seen in the examples below:
a. Manuscripts with 10 to 99 pages should have a two-digit sequence with a leading
zero after the manuscript number: “_01” up to “_99”
b. Books with 100 to 999 pages should have a three-digit sequence with leading
zeroes after the call number: “_001” up to “_999”
4. Numbering the files is important so that they can be properly sorted into their correct
order. This also helps in proper METS file creation.
a. These file name numbers will not match the page numbers of the actual item
since you are calling the front cover 001, something a publisher would never do.
The file numbers are created so that the images from front cover to back cover
are in numerical order.
5. All letters in the filenames should capitalized
File Naming Examples:
Book of Nonsense
Call# PR4879.L2 N62 1894
350 pages
1. The correct file name and sequence should be:
a. FSU_PR4879L2N621894_001
b. FSU_PR4879L2N621894_002
c. … …
d. FSU_PR4879l2n621894_349
e. FSU_PR4879l2n621894_350
Captain Hugh Black Papers
MSS #1964-022
Box 1802
Folder 2
3 handwritten letters
1. The correct file name and sequence should be:
a. FSU_1964022_B1802_F2_001
b. FSU_1964022_B1802_F2_002
c. FSU_1964022_B1802_F2_003
[Note: with manuscript collections, the MSS#, Box# and Folder# is the equivalent to a
book’s call number in the filename. Within a folder, the items should digitized from first
item on top to last in back.]
Florida State University Negatives
Binder date: 1995-49
Photographer’s initials: KTM
Negative number: 12a
1. The correct file name should be
i. Most negatives being scanned at the DLC will be part of Heritage Protocol
& University Archives and that will be reflected in the file name as
ii. The majority of negatives are organized in binders and sleeves. Each
sleeve usually has descriptive information which includes the date, title
of event and photographer’s initials.
iii. To minimize the length of the filenames, we will include the date,
abbreviated descriptor, photographer’s initials, and individual negative
Photography of Materials
Set lens apertures to F8 when photographing most material on the Phase One IQ180 or
ATIZ BookDrive. This setting will produce the sharpest images of relatively flat objects.
Adjust the shutter speed and ISO as needed to obtain a sharp, properly exposed image.
Slower shutter speeds will increase the risk of blurred images due to movement of the
objects, cameras, or platforms. The BookDrive setup is more at risk of creating motion
blur due to the unsteady nature of the cradle.
o Care must be taken to keep all objects still when photographing objects.
o Carefully raise and lower the BookDrive’s v-platen between shots to avoid
capturing blurry images.
There will be cases in which a higher aperture is needed to increase the depth-of-field of
an object. This exception mostly applies to the IQ180 but can also be used with the
Objects that are not completely flat, such as wrinkled pages, peaks of folded material, or
curved artifacts, may require higher apertures to ‘level’ the focus of the image.
The aperture of the cameras should never be set higher than f16. The focus of the image
will be even at this aperture, but will overall much softer than images shot at f8.
When digitizing large books on the IQ180, it is sometimes beneficial to set the focus
point at the center spread (halfway through the book) with a higher aperture.
o After setting the initial focus and aperture, it is possible to shoot an entire book
without re-focusing.
o However, it is recommended to periodically check the focus and composition of
the images while digitizing.
o The thicker the book, the more often re-focusing will be necessary.
When photographing material with any lenses in the DLC it is important to leave a wide
enough margin around the desired composition to prevent focus fall-off from affecting
image quality.
o Most photographic lenses, including even expensive, high--end lenses, are not as
sharp in the corners as in the center.
o Focus fall-off is more pronounced at lower apertures but levels out at higher
o It is sometimes necessary to zoom out further than expected to avoid focus fall-
Image quality will be reduced as the ISO is increased. It is not recommended to raise the
ISO past 100 on the IQ180 and 500 on the Canon Mark II 5Ds.
Cropping Images
When scanning books, all pages should be cropped at the exact same pixel width and
height. This helps enhance the reading experience for our users. Front covers, back
covers and inserts can be cropped larger than the main pages of books.
When digitizing most books, set the crop box to just inside the covers and pages so that
no background is visible in the image. Make sure to leave a wide enough margin around
the page’s main content (usually text-blocks or images) so that no valuable information
is discarded.
o Not only is this best practice (as it recreates the page as close to the original as
possible), if you crop something too closely in, often text will be lost in the
display in Islandora.
Flat objects which are not intended to be displayed in the Book Viewer module, (loose
manuscripts, flat art, maps, or images with abnormal edges) have different cropping
o When digitizing flat objects, or objects with content extending to the edge of its
material, it is recommended to leave a small and even margin around the
outside edges of the objects. This gives users more context about the objects
while ensuring that important information was not removed from the images
when cropped.
o With an even border extending past the edges of the objects, the background
will be visible. It is important to use a clean background so that dust, hair,
scratches or other markings are not included in the final image.
o Use only a solid white, black, or neutral gray background to digitize these
objects. All images within a collection or project should use the same
background to ensure consistency.
o The choice of background will usually be decided based on the color or overall
brightness of the object being digitized.
It is important to show contrast between the object and the background.
Do not use a black background when digitizing a black object, for
example. The same applies for a white object on a white background.
Using the same color background for an object of the same, or similar,
tone can make it difficult for users to see where the object ends and
background begins.
Imaging Guidelines
The standards listed below are the minimum imaging recommendations for each object
type, however it is understood that exceptions will often occur. Use these to start with
and consult any special instructions given to you for a digitization project and then
adjust as needed. If a project does not have specific requirements or instructions for
image quality, then refer to the imaging recommendations below.
It is sometimes necessary to exceed the minimum imaging guidelines. Discuss as needed
and use best judgment for the item to be presented to the user in the best possible way.
o Some researchers may require images scanned at extremely high resolutions to
scrutinize the finest details of an object.
o Images will sometimes be used for wall-sized prints, which will require objects to
be digitized at resolutions higher than those listed the guidelines.
Depending on the material being digitized, intended use of the images, equipment
limitations, and other factors, it is sometimes impossible to meet these minimum
imaging recommendations. In these cases, digitize the objects using the method that
will produce the highest quality image under the limiting circumstances. Certain objects
should not be digitized by equipment that might cause additional damage.
o For example, do not digitize a fragile rare book on a flatbed scanner even if it can
produce higher quality images than the Atiz BookDrive.
Note the optical resolution of the Epson XL10000 is 2400 PPI and no images should be
scanned at a higher resolution. Objects scanned at a resolution higher than 2400 PPI will
be interpolated and the image quality will not be improved. This will result in a larger
file size with no added benefit.
If you have a unique item not covered in these guidelines, speak with the project leader
or consult the imaging guidelines from similar institutions. Several of these guidelines
can be found in the DLC’s Digital Imaging Resources folder in Sharepoint.
Digital Imaging Terms
Image Resolution (PPI or DPI)
Resolution is often referred to as dots per inch or DPI. This term is appropriate when describing
printer resolution. In common usage, the terms PPI and DPI are used interchangeably; however,
since image files are composed of pixels, PPI is a more accurate term for digital images and has
been used in this document.
Materials are generally not scanned at a fixed resolution but instead at a fixed number of pixels
across the longest side of the image. The appropriate resolution is determined by dividing the
desired number of pixels (e.g. 4000) by the number of inches of the long side of the object (e.g.
10" for an 8x10 photo).
Using the example above: 4000 pixels / 10 inches = 400 pixels per inch
In this case an 8x10" print is scanned at a resolution of 400PPI to create an image with 4000
pixels on the long edge.
Pixel Dimensions
The horizontal and vertical measurements of an image expressed in pixels. The pixel dimensions
of an image can be determined by multiplying both the width and the height by the PPI.
Example: an 8" x 10" document scanned at 300 PPI has the pixel dimensions of 2,400 pixels by
3,000 pixels.
Color Depth
The color depth (or bit depth) of an image refers to the number of colors or shades of grey that
can be represented by a pixel. At high color depths more data is available to help create
accurate images. Digitizing images at a 48-bit color depth (or 16-bit grayscale) can provide more
versatility in color and tone corrections but with much larger file sizes. Since storage is limited,
the DLC creates color images at 24-bit RGB and black & white images at 8-bit grayscale unless
otherwise stated.
Color Correction
All images being digitized for the Digital Library should have color corrections applied via
Capture One. When using object-level targets to perform color corrections on the Atiz
BookDrive or IQ180, make efforts to avoid unwanted color-casts from untreated walls, ceilings,
or even brightly-colored clothing. When light is reflected off of non-neutral colored surfaces, it
will often show up on the items being digitized, including targets. This makes color-corrections
difficult since the swatches on the target are no longer accurate.
Color targets should be used at the beginning of every batch of similar objects. It is not always
necessary to include object-level targets in every image if the contents are alike. For example,
including a color target at the beginning of book digitization will be sufficient for applying color
corrections to the entire book via batch-processing. However, if photographing a collection of
pottery shards of various shapes and colors, it is necessary to include a target in each image.
These targets will mainly be used for color/exposure adjustments of raw files and should be
cropped out before exporting the final image.
Image Quality
Image files may be adjusted after photography using image processing software, such
as Capture One or Adobe Photoshop. It is preferred to get a good image directly from
the camera or scanner and to do as little adjustment after photography. This will help
reduce the amount of time spent on post-production.
When editing images do not rely on “auto correct” features. Most automatic color correction
tools are set to standard tone and color distribution that is not likely to match your images. This
is particularly true for scans of text documents, maps, plans, etc. Before scanning images with
the Epson Scan software be sure to turn off any auto-exposure, auto-color, auto-tone, or similar
features. Similarly, do not use any auto features in image editing software such as Adobe
Photoshop. These features will attempt to ‘guess’ how the image should look and will often
provide inaccurate results. It is recommended to match the object as close as possible in the
camera or scanner and to utilize targets to manually achieve accurate color and tone if needed.
Digital Imaging Specifications
Because there are far too many formats and document characteristics for comprehensive
discussion in these guidelines, the tables below provide scanning recommendations for the
most typical document types and photographic formats found in most cultural institutions.
Textual documents, graphic artwork, maps, plans and oversized material
Recommended Image Parameters
Clean, high-contrast documents with
printed type and without significant
markings, handwriting or colors.
Mostly refers to clearly typescripts or
similar material
8-bit grayscale mode - 300 PPI for documents with smallest significant
character of 1.0 mm or larger
NOTE: Regardless of approach used, adjust scan resolution to produce
a minimum pixel measurement across the long dimension of 3,000
lines for 8-bit files
Documents with poor legibility,
handwritten annotations or other
markings, low inherent contrast,
staining, fading, or photographs
Maps, plans and other oversized
material are included in this category.
24-bit RGB mode - 400 PPI for documents with smallest significant
character of 1.0 mm or larger
NOTE: Regardless of approach used, adjust scan resolution to produce
a minimum pixel measurement across the long dimension of 4,000
lines for 24-bit files
The spatial dimensions of all images should be sized at 100% of the original object:
For example, an 8” x 10” object scanned at 400 PPI should be 3200 x 4000 pixels.
Notes about textual objects, artwork, maps and oversized material:
Textual documents with clearly printed type and no significant markings or colors can be
scanned as 8-bit grayscale images. This will reduce the file sizes of the images and will not
discard any important information.
When digitizing translucent documents such as carbon-copies, thin papers, or papyri, place
an opaque white background behind the object to increase readability. The same technique
can be used on two-sided documents to prevent ink from showing through the paper
Maps are diverse, and flexibility should be given when selecting a resolution. It is common
that smaller maps have smaller details, but large maps can often have tiny elements.
Digitizing large maps at high resolutions may create exceptionally large files that are difficult
to handle without benefit unless the details are also small.
Maps with large details may be adequately digitized at 400 PPI, though maps with very
small details may require 600 PPI resolution or higher. Large file sizes may be worth the
extra detail clarity for some items.
Images must be sized and saved at 1:1 scale to the dimensions of the original page. For
example, the scale on a map may make sense only if the reader knows the physical
dimensions of the original
Photography: Film and Negatives
Recommended Image Parameters
Format range:
35mm negatives and
positive slide film up to
medium format negatives
Size range:
1.5 x 1 in. to 4 x 5 in.
Pixel Array:
3000 pixels across long dimension of image area, excluding mounts and borders
Scan resolution to be calculated from actual image dimensions - approx. 2400 PPI
for 35mm originals
Sized to match original object
Bit Depth:
24-bit RGB mode for color and monochrome
Desaturate black & white negatives after scanning in color mode
Format range:
Medium format negatives
and larger
Size range:
4 x 5 in. and larger
Pixel Array:
4000 pixels across long dimension of image area, excluding mounts and borders
Scan resolution to be calculated from actual image dimensions - approx. 400 PPI
for 8”x10” originals
Sized to match original object
Bit Depth:
24-bit RGB mode for color and monochrome
Desaturate black & white negatives after scanning in color mode
Photographic Prints
Recommended Image Parameters
Pixel Array:
4000 pixels across long dimension of image area, excluding mounts and borders
Scan resolution to be calculated from actual image dimensions approx. 400 PPI for 8”x10” originals and
ranging up to the appropriate resolution to produce the desired size file from smaller originals, approx. 570 PPI
for 5”x7” and 800 PPI for 4”x5” or 3.5”x5” originals
Sized to match original object
Bit Depth:
24-bit RGB mode for color and monochrome
Desaturate black & white negatives after scanning in color mode
Please note that some photographs, especially oversized prints, may need to be digitized at higher resolutions
Aerial Photography: Prints
Recommended Image Parameters
Pixel Array:
6000 pixels across long dimension of image area, excluding mounts and borders
Scan resolution to be calculated from actual image dimensions approx. 600 PPI for originals approx. 8”x10”
and ranging up to the appropriate resolution to produce the desired size file from smaller originals, approx.
800 PPI for 5”x7” and 1200 PPI for 4”x5” originals
Sized to match original object
Bit Depth:
24-bit RGB mode for color and monochrome
Desaturate black & white negatives after scanning in color mode
Please note that some aerial prints may need to be digitized at higher resolutions to capture the smallest
Photography Film and Prints Notes
Scans are to be scaled to 100% of their source document dimensions. In all cases,
reproduction to original size is ideal. For photographic prints, size measurements for
determining appropriate resolution are based on the size of the image area only,
excluding any borders, frames, or mounts. However, in order to show that the entire
record has been captured, it is good practice to capture the border area in the master
scan file.
The recommended scanning specifications for photographs support the capture of an
appropriate level of detail from the format, and, in general, support the reproduction, at
a minimum, of a high-quality 8”x10” print of the photograph.
Some scanners are not good at inverting the data from negative film. It is sometimes
recommended to scan the image as a positive and then through Photoshop or another
professional software, invert the image to produce the final image.
If black-and-white negatives are stained or discolored, it is recommended to make color
RGB scans of the negatives and using the channel which minimizes the appearance of
the staining/discoloration when viewed as a positive. The image can then be converted
to a grayscale image.
Always wear archival gloves when handling photographic film or prints. Even clean
hands and fingers can leave smears or fingerprints on the surfaces of reflective objects.
The same applies for framed objects and other objects enclosed in glass.
Aerial photographs have a lot of fine detail, often require a high degree of enlargement,
and may require a higher degree of precision regarding the dimensional accuracy of the
scans (compared to textual documents or other types of photographs)
Objects and Artifacts
Recommended Image Parameters
Pixel Array:
3000 pixels across long dimension of image area.
These parameters will vary depending on the objects being photographed and the equipment being used.
10 to 16 megapixel 24-bit RGB mode image
If scanning photographic copies of objects and artifacts, see recommended requirements in the appropriate
photo charts above.
Policies for Common Imaging Situations
Scrapbooks with multiple photos per page
When digitizing scrapbooks, include full pages and do not crop out individual
photographs or other clippings. It is important to show the entire context of the objects.
In most cases, scrapbooks should be digitized using the same guidelines as books in the
Scrapbooks will often require digitization at higher resolutions to capture all of the
detail in their attached photos and clippings.
It will sometimes be required to digitize both the entire page and the individually-
cropped images as additional files.
Materials with blank pages
Books, brochures, pamphlets (published)
o Always scan blank pages in a book. We want to recreate the experience of
“reading” the book online. Removing blank page images will disrupt the page
placement in an online reader and will lead to an unnatural display of the book.
Letters or other manuscript materials (unpublished)
o Do not scan blank pages unless told otherwise in the Project documentation or
at the Project Briefing.
o A good rule of thumb with manuscript collections: Unless something adds to the
user’s understanding of the item, do not scan it.
Duplicate materials within a project
Make sure the items are truly identical, that no notation or other markings add value to
one over the other.
Select and scan only the item that will produce the best image. It is unnecessary to scan
more than one of the same item if there are no discernable differences between the
Similar materials within a project
Checks, receipts and ordering forms
o Unless otherwise instructed, pull a sampling of items from the folder. For
example, a 20% random sample of a folder with 50 checks inside would mean
only 10 of those checks would be digitized.
o The sample size should be discussed and decided upon before a digitization
project begins.
o If a collection of photographs includes many similar photos (such as faculty head
shots of the same person), you may choose a sampling of photographs to be
digitized unless otherwise stated. You may consult with the Project Manager if
uncertain about how many items should be included in the sample.
o A good rule-of-thumb is to digitize 20% of the total amount of similar items. For
example, if you have 10 faculty headshots without obvious variation between
them, it would only be necessary to digitize the two best photographs.
Materials with staples or paperclips
These should be removed carefully and discarded. If unable to remove without
damaging the item, contact Special Collections & Archives for assistance.
There is no need to re-staple an item after digitization.
Archival-quality paper clips are available to re-attach pages together if necessary.
Books with fold-out pages
If a foldout is attached as a page in the book, scan as usual to keep the pages in order.
Islandora is able to render most foldouts properly within a book viewer.
It is sometimes necessary to digitize long fold-outs on a different piece of equipment to
ensure the entire image is captured. Adjust file names accordingly to allow for the later
placement of this file with the rest of the images.
If an overly large foldout such as a full size map is tucked into the book and does not
belong to a specific page:
o Discuss with the Digital Archivist for best way to place into Islandora.
o The foldout will most likely be treated as a compound object related to its parent
and given its own record in Islandora.
Damaged Materials
o In most cases, objects that have significant damage will be discussed with the DLC
before they are ready for digitization. However, you will often receive fragile items
which should be addressed accordingly.
A bound item with brittle pages
If a bound object’s pages are breaking from its spine during digitization,
immediately stop working and contact the Digital Archivist, Rare Books
Librarian or Project Manager.
o A loose item that is very fragile
Most of these objects can be safely digitized but be very careful with
handling and try to avoid handling them multiple times. It should only be
handled twice in most cases; once for digitization and once to be
Do not use the copy stand’s vacuum base to help flatten fragile material
for imaging. This can cause further damage to the item by sucking air
through the loose fibers of the material.
Either use the flatbed scanner for digitization or lay a large piece
of plexiglass over the item.
Magnetic corners and strips can also be used to flatten curling
objects as long as they do not obscure important content and, if
possible, are not included in the final image.
Archival gloves should not be used for handling fragile material due to
their negative effect on manual dexterity. It is sometimes easier to
damage fragile material while using gloves.
When in doubt, ask about the proper handling procedures
Bound Objects with Spine Issues
A bound object with a broken spine
o If an object’s spine is already broken, digitize carefully and do not break further if
A bound object with a breaking spine
o If, during the course of digitization, a spine is broken, report the damage to the
item’s owner (most likely Special Collections) and wait for further instruction
before continuing to digitize the object.
A bound object with a tight spine
o If an object has a tight spine that is hindering digitization, discuss with the Digital
Archivist and/or the Project Manager. It could be the item could be disbound for
digitization OR that a darker gutter on the images will be acceptable for that
If a book’s binding is too fragile for digitization on the Atiz BookDrive, it should be
photographed using the IQ180. In this case, the book should be carefully supported and
its pages will be captured one side at a time.
Do not attempt to digitize fragile books or books with tight binding on the Epson
XL10000 scanner. This can cause further damage to the material or create unwanted
shadows in the gutters of books with tight binding.
Missing Materials
If an item is not found in its specified location (cart, box, folder, etc.), contact Special
Collections & Archives and Project Manager to report the missing material. The staff
members listed below can also be contacted if the source of the missing item is known:
o Collections Manager
o Rare Books Librarian
o Heritage Protocol and University Archives
o University Archivist
Materials with Privacy Concerns
Do not digitize materials which prompt major privacy concerns (social security numbers,
private addresses, private phone numbers etc.) unless prior notification was given.
Contact the Project Manager if such materials are found.
Vault Items from Special Collections
Any item that needs to be digitized from the Vault will need to be pulled and returned
to the Vault each night (before the 6PM closing time for Special Collections). No item
from the Vault may remain in the DLC overnight.
Reflective Materials
On the IQ180: When digitizing objects in glass, mylar or any reflective surface, use a
large, black piece of foam core to eliminate potential reflections from the overhead
lights, equipment or ceiling tiles. These reflections would otherwise be visible in the
final image, reducing its overall quality.
On the Epson 10000XL: Be wary of Newton Rings when scanning negatives or material
that housed in mylar. These artifacts are created when two reflective surfaces come in
close contact.
o Newton Rings in film scans can be prevented by using the film trays. These
elevate the film and prevent them from making contact with the glass surface of
the scanner.
o Scanning items with their mylar casing removed will also prevent Newton Rings
NARA Digitization Guidelines
FADGI Digitization Guidelines
Proposed Digital Imaging Standards and Best Practices
Indiana Memory and LSTA Digitization Projects