Flexible Retirement
for members of
Local Government Pension Scheme
This policy sets out the terms of agreement reached by those
participating in the Council’s Consultation and Negotiating
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December 2015
Author: Sara Moore
Page 2
Flexible Retirement Procedure
1. Introduction
Where an employee is over the age of 55 they may request, in writing, to opt for
flexible retirement. In these situation employees over age 55 can elect to prepare for
retirement by reducing their hours or their grade. This allows the employee to remain
in the Council’s employment and, at the same time, draw down some or all of their
pension benefits. The employee may continue paying into the pension scheme
thereby building up new/further benefits in the scheme.
This option is subject to the agreement of the Council.
As with Early Retirement where an employee accesses their pension before the age
of 65 their pension and lump sum may be subject to an actuarial reduction.
In order to seek release of pension benefits, the reduction in an employee’s hours
must be by at least 25% or there must be a reduction in grade.
Regarding continuing to work after accessing their pension, an employee can reduce
their hours by 25% or more without taking a break in service and without losing their
continuous service.
If the employee wishes to continue working the same number of hours, but at a
reduced grade, they will need to have a break in service in order to release their
pension benefits. They will be issued with a new contract and therefore lose their
continuous service, building up new pension benefits if they choose to pay into the
pension scheme on their new grade.
2. Scope
This Policy applies to all employees of Solihull Council who are members of the Local
Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).
Further details are available in the LGPS documents
All about your retirement benefits or
The essential guide to retirement benefits
Available from the West Midlands Pension Fund or by going to
The rule of 85 may protect some or all of your benefits from the normal early payment reduction. To have rule of 85
protection you must have been a member of the LGPS on 30 September 2006. The rule of 85 is satisfied if your age at the date
when you draw your pension plus your Scheme membership (each in whole years) adds up to 85 years or more. If you think
you may have rule of 85 protection then please seek further information and advice from West Midlands Pension Fund.
3. Procedure
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3.1 The employee fills in an Application for Consideration for Flexible Retirement
(Appendix A) up to Section A, outlining their request and passes the form to
the line manager.
The line manager completes Section A of the form checking the following
the employee is aged at least 55 years of age,
that the employee is a current member of the Local Government Pension
Scheme and
that the employee wishes to reduce their hours by a minimum of 25%, or
their grade
3.2 Having obtained the estimate of pension’s benefits and costs to Solihull
Council, the Manager should discuss the request with the Head of
Service/Director and whether a formal request for flexible retirement can be
shown to be in the interests of the Council, either financially or through
efficiency savings.
The following should be taken into account when considering a request;
Burden of any additional cost to the Council
Effect on any ability to meet customer demand
Ability to reorganise work amongst existing employees
Ability to recruit additional staff
Impact on quality
Impact on performance
Planned structural change
Whether to choose to waive the actuarial reduction of early release of
pension, subject to Early Leaver Form approvals
3.3 If it can be shown to be in the interests of the council to agree to the
employee’s request, the manager will then meet with the employee and
discuss the proposal. The employee then completes Part B of the form if they
wish to proceed with the Flexible Retirement Request.
3.4 Following the meeting with the employee the manager completes Part C of the
application Form and sends this to the HR Adviser.
The HR Adviser then
If the application is approved, the HR Adviser obtains the authorisations on
the Early Leaver Payments Form and sends to HR Shared Service
Administrator (Pensions) for release of the pension. If there are changes to
the post, an Establishment Control Form will be needed to confirm hours or
grade change.
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HR Shared Services will write to the employee confirming the new
arrangements and terms and conditions (see Appendix B)
If the application is not approved the HR Adviser drafts a letter that the
application has been unsuccessful and advises of the right of appeal (see
Appendix C)
3.5 The employee has a right of appeal against the decision to refuse the request
for flexible retirement. An appeal must be submitted in writing within 10
working days of receipt of the letter confirming that an application has been
unsuccessful. The appeal should be addressed to Head of Human Resources
and set out the grounds for the appeal against the decision.
4 Appeal
4.1 If the manager decides that it is necessary to decline the employee’s request
for flexible working, the employee must be advised of the right of appeal
against the decision and that any such appeal must be lodged within 10
working days.
4.2 For an appeal to be valid it must:-
Be in writing
Set out the grounds of the appeal
Be dated
In the event of an appeal, the manager should acknowledge receipt of the
appeal in writing . Arrangements should be made for the appeal to be heard
by a nominated manager. The employee must be granted the right to be
accompanied at the appeal hearing by a work colleague or Trade Union
representative. The appeal hearing must take place within 10 working days of
the employee’s appeal being lodged. The outcome of the hearing must
communicated to the employee in writing within 10 working days of the appeal
4.3 If the appeal is upheld the notification should specify the changes to the
employee’s terms of employment and the date from which the changes are
to take effect.
If the appeal is not upheld the notification of the decision must explain the
grounds on which the refusal is based and the reasons why these grounds
apply to the particular case.
The manager will be supported by a Human Resources Manager or
5.0 Toolkit
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The following resources are available in the toolkit to support this process
A. Application Form
B. Letter confirming application approved
C. Letter confirming application not approved
D. Appeal acknowledgement
E. Appeal Hearing
F. Appeal Outcome
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Author: Sara Moore
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Appendix A: Application form
Service Area:
Payroll No:
Job Title:
Current working pattern
Proposed working pattern
after Flexible Retirement
Hours per week
Either what date you wish to
1. commence part-time
working/flexible retirement and
draw some of your pension benefits
2. change to a lower grade of post
(please state what grade you wish
to be considered for) and draw my
pension benefits to date
(Please see next page)
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Author: Sara Moore
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I confirm I am 55 years of age or over, I am current member of the Local
Government Pension Scheme.
I understand that in making this request this will not commit me into taking flexible
Print Name:
You will be notified within one calendar month from receipt of this form whether or not
your application has been approved.
Please obtain a flexible retirement benefits estimate for the above employee. I will
forward this to employee on receipt of this information, and arrange a meeting with
the employee to discuss this request.
Please return the form to the HR Adviser.
Having received my estimate of Flexible Retirement benefits and met with my
manager, I formally request to apply for Flexible Retirement. I understand that an
agreed change to my working pattern will be a permanent change to my terms and
conditions of employment.
Signed: _____________________________
Name: ______________________________
Please return this form to the Manager who has met with you regarding your request
for flexible retirement when you have completed section B.
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Author: Sara Moore
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Following receipt of this form please complete and send this form to your employee
within 14 calendar days.
Following receipt of your request and our meeting on
I have considered your request for a new flexible working pattern/change in grade
together with release of your pensions benefit, and
I am pleased to confirm that I am able to accommodate your request.
Your new working pattern/grade will be as follows:
Your new working arrangements will begin from Date:
I am unable to accommodate your request because ______________________________
If you have any questions on the information provided on this form please contact me to
discuss them as soon as possible.
Name of Manager
The Manager should retain a copy and return this form to their HR Adviser