The Sound of Music Interactive
Teacher’s Guide
The Sound of Music Interactive is a musical touring program that will entertain and educate
students, featuring songs from the Award-winning musical, “The Sound of Music.” Students
will learn about the history of Maria Von Trapp and her family, and the events of Pre-World
War II Austria that drove them from their home country. Students will interact with the
actors as the Von Trapp children.
Maria Kutschera
Maria Augusta Kutschera was born on a train enroute to Vienna on January 26
, 1905. Her
mother died in a very tragic accident when Maria was only two years old, and Maria was
raised by her father’s elderly cousin. She would visit with her father periodically, but he was
nearly a stranger to her, and also died while Maria was still at a relatively young age. She
lived in a strict household, raised as a socialist and atheist, cynical towards religion.
Her love for music pulled her into a church, thinking she was attending a concert by Bach.
Instead, Maria found herself caught up in the words of the priest, and was overwhelmed.
The course of her life was changed, and she would devote herself to the Nonnberg
Benedictine Convent. Having previously spent her entire life devoted to outdoor activities,
the sudden change to the confinement of the convent severely affected her health. This
played a large part in the decision that would send Maria to the Von Trapp home.
FACT FROM FICTION: The musical and movie portray Maria as a governess to all seven
children, when in fact, she was to take care of one child who was bedridden with rheumatic
Julie Andrews, who plays Maria in the film version of “The Sound of Music,” invited Maria
Von Trapp onto her show, The Julie Andrews Hour.” Visit the links below to see the real
Maria and the film’s Maria” interact: (Maria teaches Julie to yodel) (Interview; poor video quality)
The Von Trapp Family
George Von Trapp was born on April 4
, 1880. He carried the title of Ritter Von Trapp,
which, translated to English, is the equivalent to being knighted. He was awarded
knighthood for his actions at sea, serving as a Captain in the Austro-Hungarian Navy. As a
U-Boat commander, he sunk or captured over a dozen enemy vessels in World War I.
He married his first wife, Agathe Whitehead, on January 10, 1911. She was the daughter of
Robert Whitehead, who invented the first self-propelled tordpedo.
Together, George and Agathe had seven children. While caring for the children, Agathe
contracted Scarlet Fever, and consequently died September 3
, 1922.
FACT FROM FICTION: The names, ages and sexes of the Von Trapp children were
changed for the movie. For example, the eldest child was a boy, but in the movie they made
the eldest at female.
Family Biography:
In “The Sound of Music Interactive!” we talk about the location of Austria, and how it is
located within the continent of Europe. As a comparison, the United States is located in the
continent of North America.
The following websites will allow you to create your own worksheets to help identify the
different continents. Pinpoint the approximate location of Austria, and also the approximate
location of Oklahoma!
Original Movie Rights
Hollywood approached Maria Von Trapp for the rights to her story, but she denied them
when they informed her that they only wanted the title. They were planning to create their
own story to fit within the title.
Years later, an agent for a German film producer offered Maria $10,000 for the film rights to
the book. Maria was advised to ask for a percentage in royalties, but was informed that a law
forbade the German film company from paying royalties to foreigners (Don’t forget, Maria
was an American citizen by this time). Promised $10,000 within a year, another phone call
offered immediate payment if Maria would accept only $9,000. She agreed, the payment
arrived within two days, and she had officially signed away all film rights for the book.
This German-made movie is Die Trapp Famiilie, and was followed two years later by a
sequel titled Die Trapp Familie in Amerika. Both films are available for purchase on
Amazon, and the first film can be viewed on YouTube with English subtitles in a series of
seven videos:
Omitted Characters & Their Real-Life Parallels
Since we perform such a brief selection of “The Sound of Music,” there are many characters that our
Interactive show does not talk about. Below are two characters that were not mentioned in our
presentation, and the true-to-life character that he/she represents.
In the Musical
Max Detweiler, a charming, energetic family friend, and Elsa Schrader’s sidekick. He is always
looking out for himself, but still likeable, and pushes to promote the talent of the Von Trapps.
In Real Life
Dr. Franz Wasner, a priest, who recognized the family’s musical talent and taught them varied
repertoire. He traveled with them when they left Austria, serving as their music director for 20 years
(in addition to being a cherished family-friend).
In the Musical
Elsa Schrader, a wealthy, attractive and sophisticated Baroness engaged to Captain Von Trapp. She
is unaccustomed to having children in her life.
In Real Life
Princess Yvonne was supposed to be the future mother of the Von Trapp children. She continuously
gave the Captain excuses as to why they should post-pone their engagement. She informed Maria that
the children would not be present when Yvonne and the Captain married, and that the children would
be sent away to school as soon as they returned from their honeymoon.
If you would like to prepare your students beforehand for some of the questions we may ask and
terms we may use, the following information might be helpful!
In what country is Austria located?
What is the primary language spoken in Austria?
Abbey: a religious community where women would go to live their lives as nuns
Governess: a lady employed to take charge of a child’s upbringing and education, often living
in the same house
U-Boat: a type of submarine developed in Germany
Fraulein: a German term, equivalent to “Miss” (a young lady or woman who is not married)
Telegraph: a way to communicate over long distances, transmitting and receiving messages
using Morse code
Edelweiss: a plant with small white flowers
The Sound of their Music!
While the music in the musical is written by Rodgers and Hammerstein, the music the Von Trapps
actually sang was quite different. Father Wasner introduced them to the a capella music of the
sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (“a capella” refers to music performed only by the
voice, with no additional accompaniment from other instruments). However, they were also known
to play all their own instruments for some performances. Visit the YouTube links below to hear/see
the Von Trapp Family Choir:
Bach Chorale:
Es Wollt ein Jagerlein Jagen:
Carol of the Drum:
“Dancing in Gold” (original composition by the great-grandchildren of Captain Von Trapp)
FACT FROM FICTION: The Von Trapps were “discovered” by the great opera singer, Lotte
Lehman, who overheard them singing one day. She persuaded them to give a concert during the
Salzburg Festival. Their performance at this festival is what initiated the offers of contracts from all
over Europe and the United States.
All the information provided within our Interactive production and this study guide is just the tip of
the iceberg! There is so much history and heart within the story of the Von Trapps, and exploring any
or all of these books is highly suggested:
“To the Last Salute” by Georg Von Trapp
“The Story of the Trapp Family Singers” by Maria Von Trapp
“Maria” by Maria Von Trapp
“The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany” by William L. Shirer