Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
116: 2003.
Jorgensen, J. (ed.). 1961. Fan Engineering. Buffalo Forge Company, Buffalo,
New York. 700 p.
Littell, R. C., P. R. Henry, and C. B. Ammerman. 1998. Statistical analysis of
repeated measures data using SAS procedures. J. Anim. Sci 76:1216-1231.
Littell, R. C., G. A. Miliken, W. W. Stroup, and R. D. Wolfinger. 1996. SAS Sys-
tems for Mixed Models, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC. 633 p.
Salyani, M. 1997. Performance of sprayers in Florida citrus production. 5th
Intl. Conf. on Fruit, Nut, and Vegetable Production Engineering, Davis,
Calif. 6 p.
Salyani, M. 2000. Methodologies for assessment of spray deposition in or-
chard applications. ASAE Paper No. 00-1031, 10 p., ASAE, St. Joseph,
Salyani, M. and W. C. Hoffmann. 1996. Air and spray distribution from an air-
carrier sprayer. Appl. Eng. in Agr. 12:539-545.
Salyani, M. and J. D. Whitney. 1990. Ground speed effect on spray deposition
inside citrus trees. Trans. ASAE 33:361-366.
Salyani, M., L. W. Timmer, C. W. McCoy, and R. C. Littell. 2002. Petroleum
spray oils in Florida citrus applications, pp. 595-600. In A. Beattie, D. Wat-
son, M. Stevens, D. Rae, and R. Spooner-Hart (eds.). Spray Oils Beyond
2000 - Sustainable Pest and Disease Management.
SAS Institute, Inc. 1990. SAS User’s Guide: Statistics,
6, SAS Institute,
Inc., Cary, N.C.
SPSS. 2000. SigmaPlot for Windows, Ver. 6, SPSS, Inc. Chicago, Ill.
Summerhill, W. R., J. L. Knapp, J. W. Noling, G. D. Israel, and C. L. Taylor.
1989. Citrus pest management. University of Florida, IFAS, Coop. Ext.
Ser. PE-6, 17 p.
Walklate, P. J., G. M. Richardson, and J. V. Cross. 1996. Measurements of the
effect of air volumetric flow rate and sprayer speed on drift and leaf de-
posit distribution from an air-assisted sprayer in an apple orchard. AgEng.
Madrid Paper 96A-131, 9 p.
Whitney, J. D. 1968. An analysis of application costs of airblast spraying in
Florida citrus. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 81:6-15.
Whitney, J. D., D. B. Churchill, S. L. Hedden, and R. P. Cromwell. 1986. Per-
formance characteristics of pto airblast sprayers for citrus. Proc. Fla. State
Hort. Soc. 99:59-65.
Whitney, J. D., M. Salyani, D. B. Churchill, J. L. Knapp, and J. O. Whiteside.
1989. A field investigation to examine the effects of sprayer type, ground
speed, and volume rate on spray deposition in Florida citrus. J. Agr. Eng.
Res. 42:275-283.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc
. 116:304-308. 2003.
W. M
1700 SW 23rd Drive
Gainesville, FL 32608
L. L
2001 South Rock Road
Ft. Pierce, FL 34945
Additional index words. Diaprepes abbreviatus
, citrus, root damage
Diaprepes abbreviatus
(L.) is an important pest of cit-
rus trees in Florida and the Caribbean. The larvae feed under-
ground on the root systems, reducing productivity and
facilitating invasion by root pathogens, including
spp. Field studies to survey or control larval populations
typically involve labor-intensive, destructive excavation of
root systems. However, nondestructive, portable instruments
are now available that can detect sounds made by insects
moving and feeding underground. Several different instru-
ments have been tested successfully for detection of subterra-
D. abbreviatus
larvae and other insects, but many
questions remain about the use and reliability of acoustic de-
tection tools in specific insect-detection applications. This re-
port describes recent experiments with currently available
acoustic systems to assess the detectability and interpretabil-
ity of sounds produced by
D. abbreviatus
larvae and other or-
ganisms in root systems of individual trees in citrus groves. It
was confirmed that such instruments could successfully pre-
dict the presence or absence of subterranean insects under in-
dividual trees. However, the instruments do not provide a
comprehensive picture of the distribution of sounds (or in-
sects) around a tree unless multiple samples are recorded at
ca. 10-cm spacings within the root system. The rates of
sounds detected from a subterranean insect can vary consid-
erably at different times, depending on its patterns of behav-
ioral activity. The rates also can vary considerably at different
positions within a sensor’s detection range, depending on the
types of sound produced and the presence of roots or stones
between the insect and the sensor.
The development of improved methods for detecting and
Diaprepes abbreviatus
(L.) (Coleoptera: Curculion-
idae) has been a long-standing priority for citrus growers and
regulatory agencies (
Task Force, 1995; Nigg et al.,
1999). The larvae feed on the root systems of citrus trees (Bea-
vers and Selhime, 1975), directly damaging them or facilitat-
ing invasion by root pathogens, including
(Rogers et al., 1996).
Until now, direct detection of the larvae usually has in-
volved labor-intensive excavation and inspection of root sys-
tems (McCoy et al., 2003). However, new acoustic
technologies are showing potential as rapid, nondestructive
tools for surveying subterranean insect infestations (Mankin
et al., 2000). Several different microphone and accelerome-
We thank Everett Foreman and Betty Weaver (Center for Medical, Agri-
cultural, and Veterinary Entomology, Gainesville, FL) for acoustic recording
and analysis and Anna Sara Hill and Laura Hunnicutt (U.S. Horticultural Re-
search Laboratory, Ft. Pierce, FL) for field assistance. Funds for this project
were made available from the Citrus Production Research Marketing Order
by the Division of Marketing and Development, Florida Department of Agri-
culture and Consumer Services, Bob Crawford, Commissioner.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
116: 2003. 305
ter systems have been used successfully to detect sounds gen-
erated by subterranean larvae in citrus groves (Mankin et al.,
2001), forage fields (Brandhorst-Hubbard et al., 2001), and
nursery containers (Mankin and Fisher, 2002a). The success
of these initial studies led recently to the development of
user-friendly instrumentation designed specifically for insect
detection applications (Mankin and Fisher, 2002b).
Although considerable progress has been made in devel-
oping such instruments as insect detection tools, many unan-
swered questions remain about the interpretability of
measurements and the distances over which insects can be de-
tected. Such uncertainties are due partly to the physical struc-
ture of soil. Like stored grain (Shuman et al., 1997), soil is not
acoustically homogeneous. The presence of different soil tex-
tures, intervening roots, or stones can considerably alter the
temporal and spectral qualities of an insect-generated sound
over distances of a few cm. In addition, sounds produced at
the same location may be transmitted over considerably dif-
ferent distances if they are produced with different ampli-
tudes and spectral profiles (Mankin et al., 2000). As the
distance between a sound source and a sensor increases, un-
certainty about the original spectral profile and location of
the source increases considerably more rapidly in soil than in
air. We conducted a study in a citrus grove infested with
D. ab-
in September, 2002, to gain further insights into the
detectability and interpretability of acoustic signals from sub-
terranean larvae in field environments.
Materials and Methods
Acoustic Systems.
Two portable acoustic systems were used
in this field study. The primary system, described in more de-
tail in Mankin et al. (2000, 2001) and Mankin and Fisher
(2002a), included an accelerometer and charge amplifier (0-
80 dB gain), a dual-channel digital audio tape recorder, and
a stereo headphone. The spectral range of the accelerometer
system was ca. 0-8 kHz. The accelerometer was attached to a
30-cm long, 0.6-cm-diameter steel probe, pushed into the soil
at an angle to pass near the crown of the citrus tree roots. The
amplified signal was monitored through the headphones and
passed to the recorder for further analysis (see
Signal Analysis
and Assessment of Infestation Likelihood
A second acoustic system, custom-designed for insect de-
tection applications (Mankin and Fisher, 2002b), included a
sensor-preamplifier module attached to a 20-cm-long, 0.6-cm-
diameter probe (Model SP-1, Acoustic Emission Consulting,
Inc. [AEC], Sacramento, Calif.). The preamplifier supplied
40-dB-gain between 1 and 50 kHz. The module was shielded
to reduce airborne background noise, and the reduced sensi-
tivity at frequencies <1 kHz eliminated much of the remain-
ing noise, which usually has peak frequencies below 400 Hz
(Mankin et al., 2000). The SP-1 sensor was attached to a Mod-
el AED-2000 (AEC, Sacramento, Calif.) amplifier unit provid-
ing a programmable, 0-60-dB additional gain. The amplifier
had an output for oscilloscopes or recorders, a headphone
port, a serial port for computer logging and signal display,
and a front-panel display of signal intensity and sound pulse
Recording and Infestation Verification Procedures.
Tests were
conducted with the accelerometer and SP-1 probes during
September 25-26, 2002, in an experimental grove of 15-yr-old
‘Minneola’ tangelo trees (
Citrus paradisi
Blanco) on
639 rootstock (
Poncirus tri-
(L.) Raf.)
at the IFAS Indian River Research and Edu-
cation Center, Ft. Pierce, Fla. The grove was on double beds
on Winder sand depressional soil (hyperthermic Typic Glos-
saqualfs). In an initial survey to locate sites with infestations
that could be studied in depth, a >3-min period was recorded
from one or more probes inserted into the soil underneath 10
separate trees. The probes were positioned within 10 cm of
the trunk and pointed towards the crown.
To consider the distribution of sounds around an entire
tree, recordings were done at 10 additional positions around
Tree No. 9, identified in the initial survey as one of the most
active trees (see
Signal Analysis and Assessment of Infestation
). Several of these measurements were made by si-
multaneously feeding the output from the accelerometer am-
plifier and the AED-2000 into separate channels of the dual
recorder, enabling the same sounds to be compared instanta-
neously at multiple positions.
Just before excavation on the second day, the tops of
Trees No. 6,7, 9, and 10 were cut off at ca 10-cm height and
simultaneous recordings were obtained from probes inserted
into the trunk and in the soil. The tops were removed to re-
duce interference from wind noise (Mankin et al., 2000,
2002) and facilitate direct comparison of the acoustic signals
from the trunk and the soil probes. Loud sounds were detect-
ed both in the soil and in the trunk at Tree No. 6. For an in
depth analysis, we first recorded three consecutive 3-min in-
tervals with the SP-1 probe inserted into the trunk and the ac-
celerometer probe in the soil at a single position, 3 cm from
the trunk. The signals were fed simultaneously into separate
channels of the recorder. A fourth interval then was recorded
with the SP-1 probe moved to a point 3 cm from the trunk and
3 cm from the accelerometer probe.
After the recordings were completed on the second day,
the tested trees were excavated and the root systems were ex-
amined. The numbers of
D. abbreviatus
larvae and other
sound-producing organisms recovered from the root systems
were noted for comparison with the acoustic assessments of
infestation likelihood (see next section).
Signal Analysis and Assessment of Infestation Likelihood.
recorded signals were digitized in the laboratory and quanti-
tatively analyzed using a custom-written signal processing sys-
tem (Mankin et al., 2000, 2001). When high levels of
background noise sometimes interfered with analysis of a
complete 3-min recording, we evaluated shorter, contiguous
sections; however, the file was discarded if we could not find
an analyzable section of at least 30-s.
Moving and feeding
D. abbreviatus
grubs produce 2-5-ms
clicks and scraping sounds that experienced listeners and
computer programs identify as grub sound pulses (Mankin et
al., 2001; see also http://cmave.usda.ufl.edu/~rmankin/
soundlibrary.html). These distinctive pulses are easily distin-
guishable from wind noise, bird calls, or engine noise, but
cannot be distinguished easily from sounds made by mole
crickets (
sp.) and other subterranean insects often
found in citrus groves (Mankin et al., 2000). In the rest of this
report, all such sounds were designated as grub pulses, al-
though some of them were produced by
(see Ta-
ble 1). The rate of grub sound pulses can be used as a guide
to assess the likelihood that a tree is infested. In a previous
study of
D. abbreviatus
(Mankin et al., 2001), the likelihood of
infestation was scaled as
for pulse rates
for rates between 2 and 20/min, and
for rates > 20/min.
We adopted the same likelihood scale in this study.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
116: 2003.
Results and Discussion
Accelerometer probes under Trees No. 1, 6, and 9 detect-
ed signals with 2-5 ms durations and spectral peaks between
600 and 2000 Hz that are typical of
D. abbreviatus
grub sound
pulses (Mankin et al., 2001). The likelihood of pest infesta-
tion was rated
at Tree No. 1, where sounds were de-
tected at a low rate of 7/min (Table 1). The likelihood was
at Tree No. 6 and No. 9, where rates were >20/min
in many recordings (columns 2-3 in Table 2 and column 5 in
Table 3). The distribution of actual infestations is compared
with the distribution of predicted infestations in Table 4. In
this case, the mole cricket at Tree No. 6 was counted as a pest
because mole crickets are considered harmful to root systems.
The relationship between computer-rated likelihood and the
observed infestation was statistically significant (
= 6.43, 2
< 0.05). The results were similar to those in Mankin et al.
(2001), where highly active insects were quickly detected but
the absence of sound could indicate either that no insect was
present or that no insect was active.
Comparisons among SP-1 and Accelerometer Sensors.
From pre-
vious experience, we expected that different sounds pro-
duced by
D. abbreviatus
larvae might be detected differentially
by the SP-1 and accelerometer systems, depending on the
spectral patterns of the sounds and the distance between the
probe and larva. Grub sound pulses have highly variable am-
plitudes and spectral patterns, partly because different feed-
ing and movement activities generate sounds with different
spectral profiles (Mankin et al., 2000, 2001). Root clipping
and scraping sounds, for example, might be detected most
easily by a SP-1 probe inserted into the trunk. These sounds
have high frequency components that travel well in wood (see
Mankin et al. 2002 and references therein), and SP-1 probes
are differentially sensitive to high frequencies. Low-frequen-
cy, low-amplitude sliding movements might be detected most
easily by the accelerometer because it is highly sensitive to sig-
nals <1 kHz that travel well in soil (Mankin et al., 2000). How-
ever, many insect sounds contain both high- and low-
frequency components that might be detected by both sen-
sors, especially if the insect were nearby and the signals were
of high amplitude.
We confirmed in a series of recordings at Tree No. 6 that
both sensors could detect the same nearby, high-amplitude
sound source. On day 2, we detected frequent pulses at the
first position tested with the accelerometer probe, ca. 3 cm
from the trunk. The high-amplitude of the signal indicated
that an insect was nearby, next to the trunk. We took three
consecutive, 3-min simultaneous recordings with the acceler-
ometer at its original position and the SP-1 probe in the trunk.
A fourth simultaneous measurement was taken immediately
afterward, with the SP-1 probe in the soil, 3 cm from the accel-
erometer and the trunk (Table 2). When the tree was extract-
Table 1. Numbers of subterranean organisms recovered and rates of grub
sound pulses detected by accelerometer under tangelo trees in
Diaprepes root weevil-infested grove.
D. abbreviatus
other insects
No. grub-sound
131 (
sp.) 7
23 0
01 (
sp.) see Table 2
31 (
sp.) see Table 3
After subterranean recordings were completed, the top of this tree was
removed and recordings were made from a probe inserted into the top of
the stump.
Table 2. Rates of grub sound pulses in three consecutive 3-min intervals with
the accelerometer (ACC) at a single position, 3 cm from the trunk of
Tree No. 6, recorded simultaneously with the SP-1 probe inserted into
the trunk, followed by one recording with SP-1 in soil, 3 cm from ACC.
No. grub sound pulses/min dB
Test No. ACC SP-1 ACC SP-1
6.1 127.3 21.1 18.0 10.2
6.2 212.2 86.7 20.3 16.4
6.3 236.3 232.0 20.7 20.6
6.4 243.7 115.0 20.8 17.6
No. grub sound pulses/min transformed into decibel scale using: dB = 10
(pulse rate/
), where
= 2 pulses/min (see
Comparisons among SP-1
and Accelerometer Sensors
Table 3. Detection rates of grub sound pulses recorded with accelerometer (ACC) or SP-1 probes at multiple positions under Tree No. 9.
Test No. Position
Probe Recorded duration (sec) No. grub sound pulses/min dB
9.1 P1 ACC 122 8.9 6.5
9.2 P2 ACC 180 6.3 5.0
9.3 P3 ACC 180 12.3 7.9
ACC 86 5.6 4.5
9.5, 9.6 P4, P5 ACC 180 0.0
9.7 P6 ACC 180 6.0 4.8
9.8 P7 SP-1 180 48.0 13.8
SP-1 172 89.7 16.5
9.10 P8 ACC 60 48.0 13.8
ACC 60 9.0 6.5
9.12 P9 ACC 180 0.0
9.13 Trunk SP-1 180 108.0 17.3
See Fig. 1 for details of spacing around tree.
See Table 2.
Second recording obtained ca. 3 min after the previous recording at same site.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
116: 2003. 307
ed and the roots examined, the sound source was found to be
a single mole cricket, (see sample posted at http://cmave.
usda.ufl.edu/~rmankin/molecricket4-sept02.wav). Mole
cricket sounds cannot yet be reliably distinguished from
D. abbreviatus (
Fig. 1).
As expected, the measurements with the two probes pro-
vided essentially equivalent results in the paired recordings.
The mean rate of sounds detected by the SP-1 probe, 113.7 ±
44.1 grub pulses per min, was less than the rate detected by
the accelerometer, 204.9 ± 26.7 grub pulses per min, but the
difference was not statistically significant (
= 1.76, df = 4,
0.14). Because the sample variability was large and standard
errors were not homogeneous, it was convenient to transform
the results using a decibel scale based on the threshold distin-
infestation likelihood,
= 2 grub
sounds/min (Mankin et al., 2001). The dB-transformed val-
ues are listed in the last two columns of Table 2. Considering
that the difference between 244 and 115 pulses per min is
probably less relevant behaviorally than the difference be-
tween 127 and 21 pulses per min, the transformed values are
easier to interpret.
Comparisons among Closely Spaced Sensor Positions.
In multi-
ple recordings under Tree No. 9, grub sound pulses were de-
tected at eight of ten positions (Fig. 1), and the rate of sound
production varied from background levels up to 234 grub
pulses per min (Test No. 9.16 in Table 5). The high rates of
sounds detected at positions,
, suggests that at least
one of the four recovered insects (see Table 1) was located be-
tween them. As at Tree No. 6, the rates varied considerably in
consecutive recordings at the same position (Tests No. 9.8-
9.9, and 9.16-9.17 at
, Tests No. 9.10-9.11 at
, and Tests
No. 9.12 and 9.17 at
). Consequently, the decibel values list-
ed in the last two columns may be more relevant for temporal
comparisons than the untransformed rates. High variability
also was observed in the rates of sounds detected from closely
spaced sensors. In Test No. 9.15 of Table 5, for example,
sounds detected at high rates were barely detectable in a si-
multaneous recording at a probe 11 cm away. Such variability
can be of utility in locating individual insects, but to map out
a comprehensive distribution of the locations and sound pat-
terns of all the insects around a tree would be more time- and
labor-intensive than is usually feasible.
The high spatial and temporal variability of the sound rates
that we have observed in this and related studies currently lim-
its their utility for quantitative analysis of subterranean insect
behavior. It is not realistic to expect that many field studies will
be performed with multiple recordings from probes spaced 10-
cm apart throughout the root systems of multiple trees. In the
future, however, we hope to develop improved sound classifi-
cation methods that may help distinguish among different lar-
val behaviors, and improve the capability to distinguish among
different species. In that case, measurement of the rates of spe-
cific types of sound may provide additional information that
cannot be easily be obtained solely from the unadjusted total
rate of grub sound pulses. Even without such improvements,
the recent development of more portable, user-friendly instru-
mentation has increased the opportunity of researchers and
grove managers to use acoustic technology in a variety of new
D. abbreviatus
detection applications.
Table 4.
Numbers of uninfested and (
D. abbreviatus
) pest-
infested trees rated at different likelihoods of pest infestation by com-
puter analysis of grub sound pulse rates.
infestation likelihood
uninfested trees
infested trees
Low 6 1
Medium 0 2
High 0 2
Basis of computer-rated infestation likelihood:
2 grub pulses/min;
, 20
rate > 2 grub pulses/min;
, >20 grub pulses/min.
Fig. 1. Mean rates of detection of grub sound pulses recorded from differ-
ent positions with accelerometer or SP-1 probe in soil underneath citrus tree
or inserted into trunk (see Table 3).
Table 5. Detection rates of grub sound pulses in simultaneous recordings with accelerometer (ACC) and SP-1 probes at multiple positions under Tree No. 9.
Sensor Probe Position No. pulses/min dB
Test No. Probe 1 Probe 2 Probe 1 Probe 2 Dist
. (cm) Probe 1 Probe 2 Probe 1 Probe 2
9.14 ACC ACC P3 P6 6 5.0 285.7 4.0 21.5
9.15 SP-1 ACC P7 P6 4 40.7 8.0 16.1 6.0
9.16 SP-1 ACC P7 P10 11 234.0 6.0 20.7 4.8
9.17 ACC ACC P9 P10 4 8.0 1.3 4.8
Distance between probes in cm.
See Table 2.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc.
116: 2003.
Literature Cited
Beavers, J. B. and A. G. Selhime. 1975.
Biology of
Diaprepes abbreviatus
leoptera: Curculionidae) reared on an artificial diet. Fla. Entomol.
Brandhorst-Hubbard, J. L., K. L. Flanders, R. W. Mankin, E. A. Guertal, and
R. L. Crocker. 2001. Mapping of soil insect infestations sampled by exca-
vation and acoustic methods. J. Econ. Entomol. 94:1452-1458.
Task Force. 1995. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consum-
er Services, Division of Plant Industry, Bureau of Pest Eradication and
Control, Gainesville, FL.
Mankin R. W. and J. R. Fisher. 2002a.
Acoustic detection of black vine weevil,
Otiorhynchus sulcatus
(Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larval infes-
tations in nursery containers. J. Environ. Hort. 20:166-170.
Mankin, R. W. and J. R. Fisher. 2002b. Current and potential uses of acoustic
systems for detection of soil insect infestations, pp. 152-158. In: Proc
Bouyocous Conference on Agroacoustics, Fourth Symposium, National
Center for Physical Acoustics, University, MS, May 6-9, 2002.
Mankin, R. W., J. Brandhorst-Hubbard, K. L. Flanders, M. Zhang, R. L.
Crocker, S. L. Lapointe, C. W. McCoy, J. R. Fisher, and D. K. Weaver.
2000. Eavesdropping on insects hidden in soil and interior structures of
plants. J. Econ. Entomol. 93:1173-1182.
Mankin, R. W., S. L. Lapointe, and R. A. Franqui. 2001. Acoustic surveying of
subterranean insect populations in citrus groves. J. Econ. Entomol.
Mankin, R. W., W. L. Osbrink, F. M. Oi, and J. B. Anderson. 2002. Acoustic
detection of termite infestations in urban trees. J. Econ. Entomol. 95:981-
McCoy, C. W., R. J. Stuart, and H. N. Nigg. 2003. Seasonal life stage abun-
dance of
Diaprepes abbreviatus
in irrigated and non-irrigated citrus plant-
ings in central Florida. Fla. Entomol. 86:34-42.
Nigg, H. N., S. E. Simpson, L. E. Ramos, and N. W. Cuyler. 1999. Assessment
of monitoring techniques for
Diaprepes abbreviatus
(L) Coleoptera: Curcu-
lionidae). Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 112:73-77.
Rogers, J. S., C. W. McCoy, and J. H. Graham. 1996.
Insect-Plant pathogen in-
teractions: preliminary studies of
root weevil injuries and
infection. Proc Fla. State Hort. Soc. 109:57-62.
Shuman, D., D. K. Weaver, and R. W. Mankin. 1997. Quantifying larval infes-
tation with an acoustical sensor array and cluster analysis of cross-correla-
tion outputs. Appl. Acoust. 50:279-296.
Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc
. 116:308-311. 2003.
D. S
M. S
University of Florida, IFAS
Citrus Research and Education Center
700 Experiment Station Road
Lake Alfred, FL 33850-2299
Additional index words. adjuvant, CGA-362622, Envoke®, gly-
phosate, guineagrass, halosulfuron, nutsedge, organosilicone,
pigweed, Spanish needle, sulfonylurea, surfactant
Abstract. Bioefficacy studies of trifloxysulfuron-sodium, a new
sulfonylurea herbicide, were conducted with and without sur-
factant and compared with glyphosate (Rodeo) and halosulfu-
ron-methyl (Permit). In general, trifloxysulfuron-sodium was
not effective without a surfactant, except the highest rate (31.5
g a.i./ha). Application of trifloxysulfuron-sodium with adju-
vants (nonionic – X-77, organosilicone – L-77 or oil – MSO) sig-
nificantly increased herbicide efficacy. Application of
glyphosate at 500 g a.i./ha
increased weed mortality signifi-
cantly by providing 51%, 65%, 83%, and 88% control of yellow
nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.), guineagrass (Panicum
maximum Jacq.), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus
L.), and hairy Spanish needles (Bidens bipinnata L.), respec-
tively. With the exception of guineagrass, increasing dosage
of halosulfuron (8.75 to 35 g a.i./ha) did not influence yellow
nutsedge, redroot pigweed, or Spanish needles. Trifloxysulfu-
ron-sodium, even at 7.5 g a.i./ha, was comparable with the
highest rates of glyphosate (500 g a.i./ha) or halosulfuron (35
g a.i./ha). Trifloxysulfuron-sodium at 30 g a.i./ha provided max-
imum control (86%) of all the test weed species. In subse-
quent studies, application of trifloxysulfuron-sodium to three
different citrus rootstocks resulted in significant phytotoxic
effects to the primary stem in the form of necrotic leaves and
further growth was stopped. However, upon pruning the ne-
crotic tissue, lateral growth arose from the trimmed point fol-
lowed by normal rootstock growth.
The environment is subjected to a greater risk when high
rates of pesticides are used for pest control. In addition, re-
petitive use of a single active ingredient over time increases
chances of resistance development in the target pests. Gly-
phosate, which has been used worldwide for more than 20
years (Bradshaw et al., 1997) and accounts for 11% of the
worldwide sales of herbicide (Powles et al., 1997) is a good ex-
ample. Continuous use of glyphosate has resulted in the ap-
pearance of resistant weed populations of rigid ryegrass
(Lolium rigidum Goud.) (Holt et al., 1993; Powles and Hol-
tum, 1994; Powles et al., 1998).
Trifloxysulfuron-sodium [N-(4,6-Dimethoxy-2-pyrimidi-
nyl)-3-(2,2,2-trifluoroethoxy)-pyridin-2-sulfonamide sodium
salt] is a new broad-spectrum, low-rate technology herbicide
for over-the-top post-emergence application, developed for
use in sugarcane and cotton (Rawls et al., 2000). This sulfony-
lurea herbicide, with the proposed common name of triflox-
ysulfuron sodium, has been field tested as a 75% water-
dispersible granule (WDG) for the past several years in North
America, Africa, and Asia under the code name trifloxysulfu-
The authors thank Syngenta Crop Protection for research samples of her-
bicides and financial help in conducting the experiment and Gary Test for
help and maintenance of the experiments. This research was supported by
the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, and approved for publication as
Journal Series No. R-08821.
Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]. edu.