Special Educaon Full and Individual Inial Evaluaon (FIIE) Timeline
The school district receives wrien consent for an FIIE signed by the student’s parent or legal guardian (including students under 5 years of age
by September 1 and not enrolled in public or charter schools, and students enrolled in a private or home school seng).
at least 45 school days prior
to the last day of instrucon.
The wrien report of
the evaluaon must
be completed not later
than the 45th school day
following the date wrien
consent was received.
The Admission, Review,
and Dismissal (ARD)
commiee must
determine inial
eligibility within 30
calendar days from the
date the evaluaon
report is completed. If
the 30th day falls during
the summer, the ARD
commiee has unl the
rst day of classes to
nalize decisions related
to eligibility, IEP, and
If a student has been absent
three or more days from
school during that period,
then the wrien report of the
evaluaon must be completed
not later than (45 + # of days
absent) school days following
the date wrien consent was
The ARD commiee must
determine inial eligibility
within 30 calendar days from
the date the evaluaon report
is completed. If the 30th day
falls during the summer, the
ARD commitee has unl the
rst day of classes to nalize
decisions related to eligibility,
IEP, and placement.*
at least 35 but less than 45 school
days before the last day of instrucon.
The wrien report of
the evaluaon must be
completed and provided
to the parent or legal
guardian not later than
June 30 of that year.
The ARD commiee must
meet not later than the
15th school day of the
following school year to
consider the evaluaon.
If a student has been absent
three or more days from
school during that period,
then the wrien report of the
evaluaon must be completed
not later than (45 + # of days
absent) school days following
the date wrien consent was
The ARD commiee must
determine inial eligibility within
30 calendar days from the date the
evaluaon report is completed. If the
30th day falls during the summer, the
ARD commitee has unl the rst day
of classes to nalize decisions related
to eligibiity, IEP and placement.*
less than 35 school days before the last
instruconal day of the school year.
The wrien report of the
evaluaon must be completed
not later than the 45th school
day following the date wrien
consent was received (into
the following school year).
The ARD commiee must
determine inial eligibility
within 30 calendar days from
the date the evaluaon report is
completed. If the 30th day falls
during the summer, the ARD
commitee has unl the rst day of
classes to nalize decisions related
to eligibiity, IEP and placement.*
*Unless the inial evaluaon indicates that the student will need extended school year services
during that summer, then the ARD commiee must determine eligibility as promptly as possible.
Wrien Parent Request for Referral: Prior Wrien Noce of the school’s
proposal to conduct an evaluaon or refusal, along with Noce of
Procedural Safeguards, must be provided to parent not later than 15
school days from date the wrien request is received by the school
district’s special educaon director or district administrave employee.
Copyright © 2020. Texas Educaon Agency.
All Rights Reserved.
19 Texas Administrave Code, §89.1011.
Frequently Asked Quesons
What is considered as the “rst day” of the inial evaluaon meline?
The rst day of a full individual and inial evaluaon meline is the rst school day following the date wrien consent is received by the local educaon agency (LEA) from the
parent. 19 Texas Administrave Code, §89.1011(c)(1). Full Individual and Inial Evaluaon
What is considered the date of report in reference to compleng an inial evaluaon?
The date of report for a full and individual inial evaluaon is when the evaluaon, including data gathering, has concluded, and the muldisciplinary team has determined if
the student meets the criteria for a disability condion and has specied the educaonal needs of the student. 34 Code of Federal Regulaons § 300.301(c)(2)
When are absences added to the inial evaluaon meline?
Absences are added to the inial evaluaon meline once the student has accumulated at least three absences. 19 Texas Administrave Code, §89.1011(c)(1). Full Individual
and Inial Evaluaon
What if a student transfers to another LEA during the evaluaon process?
If a student was in the process of being evaluated for special educaon eligibility by an LEA and enrolls in another LEA before the previous LEA completed the full individual
and inial evaluaon, the new LEA must coordinate with the previous LEA as necessary and as expediously as possible to ensure a prompt compleon of the evaluaon in
accordance with 34 CFR, §300.301(d)(2) and (e) and §300.304(c)(5).
The original evaluaon meline does not apply if:
(1) the new LEA is making sucient progress to ensure a prompt compleon of the evaluaon; and
(2) the parent and the new LEA agree to a specic me when the evaluaon will be completed. 19 Texas Administrave Code, §89.1011(f). Full Individual and Inial Evaluaon
For addional informaon including more quesons and answers please see TEA SPP 11 page
Copyright © 2020. Texas Educaon Agency.
All Rights Reserved.