Legal noces
PRL Val St Georges 3*
6 Avenue Bernard Poer 12100 Saint-Georges-de-Luzençon
SARL FEMERY with a capital of 10 000 euros
Date of creaon: September, 16
, 2022
Rodez 919 343 723 00012 5530Z
Director of publicaon:
Graphic design and site development :
Aveyron-Net 117 impasse du prat maruel 12500 Lassouts
Host: AMEN SASU, 12-14, Rond-Point des Champs Elysées 75008 Paris.
RCS: 421 527 797 000 11 - Company with a share capital of €37,000.
Photo credits © PRL Val St Georges®.
Reproducon in whole or in part for any purpose is prohibited without the express permission of PRL
Val St George
Processing of personal data
In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protecon Act (arcle 27 of Act no. 78-17 of
January, 6
, 1978), you have the right to access, modify, recfy and delete any data concerning you.
To exercise this right, please contact us.
This enre site is governed by French legislaon on copyright and intellectual property. In applicaon
of the law of March, 11
, 1957 (art.41) and the intellectual property code of July, 1
, 1992, any paral
or total reproducon of this site for collecve use is strictly forbidden without the express prior
authorisaon of SAS Val St Georges® and would constute an infringement punishable by arcles L335-
2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.
All plans, photos, examples of accommodaon, pictograms and descripons are given for informaon
only and are not contractually binding. The elements featured on this site, such as logos, sounds,
images, photographs, videos, texts, animaons, programmes, graphic guidelines, ulies, databases
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French Intellectual Property Code.
The user undertakes not to infringe the intellectual property rights relang to these elements and in
parcular to reproduce, represent, modify, adapt, translate, extract and/or re-use a qualitavely or
quantavely substanal part of them by any process whatsoever.
Personal data
No personal informaon is collected without your consent. Your IP address is not recorded by the site;
only our reservaon soware keeps track of it, as it is required to do.
We do not sell, rent or pass on to other partners any personal data (name, address, telephone number,
fax number or e-mail address) provided by visitors to this site.
This informaon will only be used to send you mailings and brochures. In accordance with the law, you
have the right to access and recfy any personal informaon you may have provided to us.
You can ask us to delete this informaon at any me by sending an e-mail to valstgeor[email protected]m.