The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 1
The Old Republic. The Galactic Empire. The New Republic. What might have been. Every legend has its historian.
By Nathan P. Butler - Gold Release Number 56 85
SWT Release - 08/11/18
“In legends, we often find
great truths, Skywalker.”
Dedicated to
All of the fans of the timeline now known as Star Wars: Legends.
It was a fun ride for the nearly four decades that it lasted.
-Fellow Star Wars fans-
From 1976 until 2014, the Star Wars saga was expanded upon with novels, comics, video
games, and more. In 1991, an “Official Continuity” began to tie new materials into one major
timeline of the saga, which soon retroactively included the vast majority of the materials produced
fro 1976 until the launch of that continuity. The saga grew in this form through late 2014, when
the final issues of Dark Horse Comics’ Star Wars license were released (though it would continue
in small doses after that, such as in the continued The Old Republic video game).
An announcement was made in April 2014 that revealed plans for a new continuity that unified
Star Wars canon around the live action films, The Clone Wars, and the then-upcoming Rebels,
plus new novels, games, and such that would all be considered canon on par with the films and
cartoons for the very first time. However, in launching this new timeline, something had to be
done with the one that had been growing since 1991 (or 1976, depending on your point of view).
The result was that the so-called “Official Continuity” was given a proper title, Star Wars:
Legends, which denoted its adventures as what amounts to an alternate timeline that exists
independent of the new canon (which I call “Story Group Canon,” for lack of a better term),
though it can be used as a source of inspiration from time to time. Thus, the primary Star Wars
timeline is now simply the Canon (or Story Group Canon) Timeline, without a need for further
delineation at this point. The “Official” (now Legends) Timeline would continue to exist, still based
around the live action films and, for better or worse, The Clone Wars, but it would not continue to
expand beyond small elements, and, additionally, it would not be meant to include the events of
newly-produced canon, such as Rebels, further films, or the new canonical materials that would
be produced to accompany them.
This document is the second half of a chronology of that mostly abandoned Star Wars:
Legends continuity, what we knew for 23 years as a cohesive saga built on 38 years of G-Canon,
T-Canon, C-Canon, and even some S-Canon materials. For decades, this was our saga, kept
separate and distinct from its N-Canon Expanded Universe companions like the alternate
universe Infinities comics or the parodies in the Tag and Bink series. Today, this continuity stands
separate, distinct, and lower in prominence and status to the new canon that began to be built in
Star Wars storytelling with 2014s Blade Squadron. Whatever its status, however, its tales remain
with us, and this document remains to be your guide through that fondly-remembered version of
the Star Wars universe.
Welcome to Volume 2 of the Star Wars Timeline Gold’s timeline of the Legends Continuity,
covering events from A New Hope through the end of this version of the Star Wars saga.
-- Nathan Butler
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 2
August 11, 2018
All titles and storylines below are trademark/copyright their respective publishers and/or creators. This is a non-profit
publication for use as a supplement to Star Wars reading and is NOT in any way affiliated with Lucasfilm, Ltd. or any other
licensed distributor of Star Wars merchandise. Any items that are property of these sources are not, of course, claimed
by this author. All rights are reserved to their original creators.
That being said, the Star Wars Timeline is ©1997 2018 Nathan Patrick Butler. Do not reproduce this document, in part
or whole, anywhere without the author's express permission. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction is
prohibited by law without the express permission of the author/compiler/designer.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 3
INTRODUCTION (no number)
Banner (no number)
Website Address Box (no number)
Opening Quote (no number)
Dedication (no number)
Opening Letter (no number)
Disclaimer/Copyright (no number)
Outline (no number)
Volume 2: Legends Continuity from A New Hope Onward (no number)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 4
(VOL. 2: 7 Days BBY to 499,999,980+ ABY)
(The Expanded Universe “Legends” Timeline Minus Apocryphal Material)
(In Legends terms: G-, T-, C-, and accepted S-, but no N-Canon)
“A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away…”
SW4 (7 Days BBY 1 Day ABY)
Princess Leia Organa’s ship, the Tantive IV, arrives at Raltiir under the cover of bringing
supplies for the government, but actually bearing supplies for the local Rebel Alliance cell. As
they land, they learn that the planet’s Imperial leader, Lord Tion, has ordered a “state of
emergency.” The High Council has been wiped out, while Rebels are being routed. As Leia
is kept safe near the ship, one of the Rebels, Basso, is able to get to her. He bears
hypnotically-implanted information for the Alliance (according to some other sources, the
Rebel simply tells her of the information). Obviously, Leia and her arm of the Rebel Alliance
had not yet received word of the early Death Star rumors and information brought to the
Alliance by Ackbar or Garm Bel Iblis. Leia and Captain Raymus Antilles make their way back
into the ship and, using Lord Tion’s attraction to Leia as a means to escape without being
searched, leave Raltiir behind. Unfortunately, Lord Tion’s leave to depart does not extend
outside of Raltiiri space, so Darth Vader, who was also on Raltiir, is hot on her tail. They stop
on Kattada, where the ruler, Mia Ikova, agrees to help get their supplies to the Rebels on
Raltiir, but Vaders Imperials land to search the ship, leading to a confrontation in which Mia
is wounded. The Tantive IV takes off with Mia and a wounded Imperial aboard. Both die of
their wounds. Basso, healed of his injuries, informs Leia that she must lead the people of
Kattada in battling the Imperials, but not from the front lines. The battle commences, and the
Imperials are defeated. No word of Leias involvement escapes, but as they return to
Alderaan, they know that this is only the beginning. Meanwhile, on Tatooine, Luke Skywalker
meets with his friends and ends up offending Fixer, who then races Luke in his T-16
Skyhopper. Luke wins the race, but his Skyhopper is badly damaged. Upon hearing the
news of the damage, Owen Lars grounds Luke for the rest of the season. Soon, Leia arrives
on Alderaan and tells her father, Bail Organa, about what is transpiring. They invite Lord Tion
to a private dinner, during which they discover that the Death Star will be able to destroy
entire planets. When Leia accidentally mentions the name “Death Star,” Tion realizes that
they are Rebel sympathizers and tries to arrest them. In the ensuing scuffle, Leia
accidentally kills Tion. Bail is to take the Tantive IV to Toprawa to receive the plans for the
Death Star and then continue to Tatooine to bring Obi-Wan Kenobi into the Rebellion, but
Leia insists on going in his place. They reach Toprawa, restricted space, under the guise of
engine problems. They use command overrides to utilize R2-D2 and C-3PO to fake repairs.
The Rebels on the surface transmit the plans to the ship, but just as it is being completed, the
Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator, Darth Vader’s flagship, arrives. They escape from the
Devastator, but are tracked via a homing device they are unwittingly carrying in the form of
the spy-programmed protocol droid, U-3PO. As they arrive above Tatooine, the Devastator
strikes. From Tatooine's surface, Luke sees the firefight above the planet and races to
Tosche Station to find his friends and let them know what is going on. The Tantive IV is
disabled and a tractor beam pulls it into the Devastator's main docking bay (even as Captain
Raymus Antilles attempts to fix the hyperdrive to allow them to leap far enough away to send
a distress call). Stormtroopers board the vessel and begin killing the Rebels aboard. Darth
Vader then boards. Antilles launches various escape pods in the hopes that sending the
plans out in an escape pod will seem less conspicuous if other pods have been launched.
Moments later, he is captured and brought to Darth Vader. In a secluded area, Leia (armed
with Antilles blaster) records a secret message for Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine in the
memory banks of R2-D2 (who, with C-3PO is still under command override), along with the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 5
Death Star plans procured in Operation Skyhook's Toprawa mission. R2-D2 and C-3PO then
escape the ship via an escape pod. Sensing no life-readings aboard the Imperials let the pod
continue on its way to crash into the surface of Tatooine. At Tosche Station, Luke meets his
long-absent friend Biggs Darklighter (fresh from the Imperial Academy), along with Camie
and Fixer. They race outside and use Luke's macrobinoculars to look into orbit, but the
Devastator is simply sitting there, with the true battle being waged aboard the Tantive IV in
the docking bay. Aboard the Tantive IV Vader murders Captain Antilles. Leia is captured
and brought before Vader, who orders her arrest and the deaths of all others aboard the ship.
Vader orders a team to Tatooine to investigate the escape pod, knowing that the plans must
be aboard. In the Dune Sea of Tatooine, R2-D2 and C-3PO separate. R2-D2 is captured by
jawas, while C-3PO willingly boards the same sandcrawler when he senses a chance to be
saved. Back at Tosche Station, Biggs tells Luke that when the ship he is assigned to, the
Rand Ecliptic, enters the central systems, he and several other individuals are going to jump
ship and join the Rebel Alliance via a contact on Bestine. The two friends say their
goodbyes. Aboard the sandcrawler that night, R2-D2 and C-3PO are reunited. The next
morning, a team of stormtroopers (including Davin Felth) discovers the pod and learn that
droids were aboard. Teams are then dispatched to Mos Eisley to search for the droids. At
the Lars moisture farm, the sandcrawler arrives and Owen Lars (who lives there with Beru
Lars and Luke) purchases C-3PO from the jawas, along with R5-D4. R5-D4 has a bad
motivator, though (actually caused by R2-D2 sabotaging him while in the sandcrawler), so he
takes R2-D2 instead. (There are later rumors that R5-D4 was, in fact, a sentient droid with
access to the Force, known as “Skippy the Jedi Droid.” In that version of the tale, “Skippy”
purposely causes the bad motivator because he senses the need for R2-D2 to be with Luke.
This strange tale will be given some credence with a mention in Tam Azur-Jamins post-
Yuuzhan Vong War article, Droids, Technology, and the Force: A Clash of Phenomena.)
Luke takes the droids to get cleaned up, and they introduce themselves. During the cleaning,
R2-D2's holographic message from Leia is partially activated. When Luke insists on seeing
the rest of the message, R2-D2 tricks him into removing his restraining bolt, without showing
the message. R2-D2 also reveals that he is the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the message's
intended recipient. Luke goes in to a meal and is told to take the droids to Anchorhead to get
their memories erased. That night, R2-D2 takes off for the Jundland Wastes to find Kenobi.
The next morning, Luke and C-3PO catch up to him only to be attacked by Tusken Raiders.
They are scared off, and Luke is saved by Kenobi. They head to Kenobi's home, where Luke
learns that his father, Anakin Skywalker was a Jedi Knight. Kenobi tells him that a young
Jedi Knight named Darth Vader (who was a pupil of Kenobi), turned to the Dark Side and
then betrayed and murdered his father as he was helping the Emperor hunt down the Jedi
Knights. Luke then receives his father's blue lightsaber. They play Leia's message. She
needs him to help get the plans to the Rebellion. Their intended recipient is Bail Organa on
Alderaan. Kenobi asks Luke to join him in his mission, but Luke refuses. On Coruscant, the
Emperor permanently dissolves the Galactic Senate, giving regional governors direct control
of their regions. (The Senate had been slowly becoming just a figurehead in recent years,
with regional governors growing in power, but this final step could only come with the
completion of the Death Star and the power it represents.) Aboard the Death Star, Wilhuff
Tarkin prepares to crush the Rebellion. Luke, Kenobi, and the droids come upon a destroyed
sandcrawler (destroyed by stormtroopers), and realize that the jawas were killed for selling
the droids. (At least one survives, however, and is tracked by Rebel agents to Anchorhead in
an attempt to find the Death Star plans after the Tantive IV goes missing.) Luke realizes that
that could mean his "aunt" and "uncle" are in jeopardy, so he heads for home and finds them
dead. He then decides to go with Kenobi to Alderaan. They head for Mos Eisley, where they
hope to hire a pilot in Chalmun's Cantina. Having to stay outside due to Wuher’s hatred for
droids, C-3PO and R2-D2 must elude stormtroopers, at one point even pretending to be
deactivated droids in a used droid lot. In the cantina, Obi-Wan speaks with BoShek, who
introduces him to Chewbacca. Obi-Wan and Luke hire Han Solo, Chewies captain, and
Chewie to take them to Alderaan. Luke and Obi-Wan then sell Lukes speeder to get the
necessary credits to pay Han the advance fee. With a bit of help from the Force, all goes
well. They see C-3PO and R2-D2 and tell them to head for docking bay 94, but the droids
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 6
have to hide again before finally getting there. After Han has a run in with Jabba the Hutt and
his henchmen, they escape from Tatooine. The Devastator soon arrives at the Death Star,
with Darth Vader reveling in its power as Leia gets her first glimpse of the station. Shortly
thereafter, aboard the Death Star, Leia is interrogated (mentally tortured) by Vader over the
location of the Rebel Alliance’s base, but she holds out. She is then brought before Tarkin.
Tarkin threatens to destroy Alderaan, and Leia gives him the name of an abandoned Rebel
base on Dantooine. (Meanwhile, on Alderaan, panic at the Death Star’s appearance leads a
group of Rebels to escape with as many Alderaanian cultural artifacts as possible just
instants before the planet will be destroyed.) He destroys Alderaan anyway, sending a
veritable shockwave through the force. The Millennium Falcon arrives at the remains of
Alderaan and is pulled inside the Death Star. The heroes manage to hide from the Imperials
and knock out a couple of stormtroopers. They make their way, disguised, into the control
room overlooking the Falcon. Kenobi heads out to disable the tractor beam. Luke, Han, and
Chewie head to the detention level to free Leia. R2-D2 and C-3PO remain behind. The
detention level team succeeds, but is trapped in a trash compactor until C-3PO and R2-D2
save them. Kenobi is successful in shutting down the tractor beam. As the teams make it
back to the Falcon, Kenobi is forced to confront Darth Vader--Anakin Skywalker, his old pupil.
The two enter a vicious duel until Obi-Wan uses the Force to (apparently) vanish into the
Force and give strength to Luke. The rest of the group escapes from the Death Star, but they
unknowingly bear a tracking device to Yavin IV and the Rebel base there. The Death Star
heads for Yavin IV. At the base, Han and Chewie claim their reward and payment and
prepare to leave. Luke is reunited with Biggs Darklighter, fresh from Red Squadron's mission
to Commenor. The Death Star enters the system, and Red and Gold Squadrons take to
space (with Luke as Red Five, the same designation as his father, Anakin Skywalker, in the
Battle of Coruscant). In the Battle of Yavin that follows, almost every member of the
squadrons are killed. As Darth Vader and his two wingmen follow, Luke closes on the
exhaust port which will allow him to send a proton torpedo into the area necessary to destroy
the station. Wedge Antilles is forced to break off, and Biggs is killed by Vader, leaving Luke
alone with the three TIEs. Finally, Han Solo and Chewie destroy Black 2 and Black 3,
sending Vader spiraling out of control into space. Luke fires the torpedo and the Death Star
is destroyed. They return to Yavin IV for a heroes' welcome. Han and Luke receive medals,
while Chewbacca's medal awaits him at a special ceremony on Kashyyyk shortly thereafter.
(Exact starting date of report via Galaxy News Service: 35:3:3)*
(Star Wars: Episode IV--"A New Hope" et al)*
NOTE: Why do I say that Kenobi vanished because he added power to Luke? Let's just say "Lucas said so" and
that it was supposed to be explained in Episode III (but was not). I should also note that the events at the
beginning of this summary featuring Leia on Raltiir are covered in both the Radio Drama (G-Canon) and
Princess…Warrior (which is merely C-Canon). Now, Galaxywide News Nets suggests that the subjugation of
Raltiir takes place very soon before ANH. Even if the report only comes in around 35:3:3 for GWNN, it seems
very unlikely that it would take three weeks for that news to break . . . but that’s precisely how long before the
Battle of Yavin that Princess…Warrior says the story begins. I am including it with the summary here, and you
can make your own decisions about how it’ll fit in. This film’s date was reiterated in the material I gathered for the
Essential Atlas and is found on the ANH map.
The Star Wars Classic Blu-Ray Trilogy (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh Brackett &
Lawrence Kasdan)
Star Wars: Episode IV—“A New Hope” (movie: George Lucas)
Opening Logos
Star Wars
Imperial Boarding Party
Artoo’s Mission
Vader Confronts the Princess
Lost in the Desert
Land of the Jawas
Droids for Sale
In the Garage
Lars Family Dinner
Binary Sunset
Attack of the Sand People
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 7
Meeting Old Ben
“Your Father’s Lightsaber”
Leia’s Message
The Death Star
Torched Homestead
Luke’s Decision
Mos Eisley Spaceport
The Cantina
Han Solo
Cornered by Greedo
Death Star Destination
Jabba the Hutt
The Millennium Falcon
Alderaan’s Fate
Lightsaber Training
“That’s No Moon . . . ”
Secret Compartment
Planning the Escape
Wookiee Prisoner
Rescuing the Princess
Into the Garbage Chute
The Trash Compactor
The Walls Close In
Deactivating the Tractor Beam
Back to the Ship
Obi-Wan vs. Vader
TIE Fighter Attack
“They Let Us Go”
Arrival on Yavin 4
Rebel Briefing
Han’s Departure
Luke and Biggs
Assault on the Death Star
Trench Runs
“Use the Force, Luke”
A Hero’s Welcome
Medal Ceremony
End Credits
The Star Wars Classic DVD Trilogy (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh Brackett
& Lawrence Kasdan)
Star Wars: Episode IV—“A New Hope” (movie: George Lucas)
Opening Logos
Star Wars
Imperial Boarding Party
Artoo’s Mission
Vader Confronts the Princess
Lost in the Desert
Land of the Jawas
Droids for Sale
In the Garage
Lars Family Dinner
Binary Sunset
Attack of the Sand People
Meeting Old Ben
“Your Father’s Lightsaber”
Leia’s Message
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 8
The Death Star
Torched Homestead
Luke’s Decision
Mos Eisley Spaceport
The Cantina
Han Solo
Cornered by Greedo
Death Star Destination
Jabba the Hutt
The Millennium Falcon
Alderaan’s Fate
Lightsaber Training
“That’s No Moon . . . ”
Secret Compartment
Planning the Escape
Wookiee Prisoner
Rescuing the Princess
Into the Garbage Chute
The Trash Compactor
The Walls Close In
Deactivating the Tractor Beam
Back to the Ship
Obi-Wan vs. Vader
TIE Fighter Attack
“They Let Us Go”
Arrival on Yavin 4
Rebel Briefing
Han’s Departure
Luke and Biggs
Assault on the Death Star
Trench Runs
“Use the Force, Luke”
A Hero’s Welcome
Medal Ceremony
End Credits
The Star Wars Special Edition Trilogy (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh
Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)
Star Wars: Episode IV—“A New Hope” (movie: George Lucas)
The Original Trilogy (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh Brackett & Lawrence
Star Wars: Episode IV—“A New Hope” (movie: George Lucas)*
Opening Logos
Star Wars
Imperial Boarding Party
Artoo’s Mission
Vader Confronts the Princess
Lost in the Desert
Land of the Jawas
Droids for Sale
In the Garage
Lars Family Dinner
Binary Sunset
Attack of the Sand People
Meeting Old Ben
“Your Father’s Lightsaber”
Leia’s Message
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 9
The Death Star
Torched Homestead
Luke’s Decision
Mos Eisley Spaceport
The Cantina
Han Solo
Cornered by Greedo
Death Star Destination
Followed in the Alleys
The Millennium Falcon
Alderaan’s Fate
Lightsaber Training
“That’s No Moon . . . ”
Secret Compartment
Planning the Escape
Wookiee Prisoner
Rescuing the Princess
Into the Garbage Chute
The Trash Compactor
The Walls Close In
Deactivating the Tractor Beam
Back to the Ship
Obi-Wan vs. Vader
TIE Fighter Attack
They Let Us Go
Arrival on Yavin 4
Rebel Briefing
Han’s Departure
All Pilots to Your Stations
Assault on the Death Star
Trench Runs
Use the Force, Luke
A Hero’s Welcome
Medal Ceremony
End Credits
*NOTE: This represents the original version of A New Hope, with all of its normal scenes intact. Thus, it is the
one granted the listing of DVD chapter titles, using the “theatrical version” released as part of the 2-disc releases
of the film.
The Original Trilogy Home Video Releases (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh
Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)*
Star Wars: Episode IV—“A New Hope” (movie: George Lucas)*
*NOTE: This represents the early VHS and Betamax release of the film that was missing one of C-3PO’s lines.
See the Star Wars Video Release History in the Appendices.
The Original Trilogy CED Releases (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh Brackett
& Lawrence Kasdan)*
Star Wars: Episode IV—“A New Hope” (movie: George Lucas)*
*NOTE: This represents the early CED release of the film that was compressed down to 116 minutes (leaving out
some scenes) to fit the media format. See the Star Wars Video Release History in the Appendices.
The Novelization Trilogy (novel trilogy: George Lucas & Alan Dean Foster &
Donald F. Glut & James Kahn)
Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker (novel: George Lucas & Alan Dean
Chapters 1 13
The Radio Drama Trilogy (radio drama trilogy: Brian Daley)
Star Wars (radio drama: Brian Daley)
A Wind to Shake the Stars
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 10
Point of Origin
Black Knight, White Princess and Pawns
While Giants Mark Time
Jedi That Was, Jedi To Be
The Millennium Falcon Deal
The Han Solo Solution
Death Star's Transit
Rogues, Rebels and Robots
The Luke Skywalker Initiative
The Jedi Nexus
The Case for Rebellion
Force and Counter Force
Star Wars: A New Hope Special Edition Comic Adaptation (comic series: Bruce
A New Hope, Part I (comic: Bruce Jones)
A New Hope, Part II (comic: Bruce Jones)
A New Hope, Part III (comic: Bruce Jones)
A New Hope, Part IV (comic: Bruce Jones)
The Original Comic Adaptation Trilogy (comic trilogy: Roy Thomas & Archie
Classic Star Wars: A New Hope (comic series: Roy Thomas)*
A New Hope, Part I (comic: Roy Thomas)*
Star Wars*
Six Against the Galaxy*
Death Star!*
A New Hope, Part II (comic: Roy Thomas)*
In Battle with Darth Vader*
Lo, the Moons of Yavin*
The Final Chapter?*
*NOTE: The issue titles here are from the Dark Horse reprinting, while the subtitle names are from the original
printings in issues 1 6 of the Marvel Series. They later appeared reprinted yet again in Classic Star Wars: A
Long Time Ago: Volume 1—“Doomworld. One should also note that the first four issues were released as
Hasbro “Comic Packs” with action figures of Darth Vader and Rebel Trooper for #1, Governor Tarkin and
Stormtrooper for #2, Chewbacca and Han Solo for #3, and Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper) and R2-D2 for #4.
A New Hope (canceled comic series: Al Williamson)*
A New Hope (canceled comic series: Al Williamson)*
*NOTE: This series never came to be, but it was to have been an adaptation of ANH by Al Williamson for his daily
Star Wars comic strip, which would’ve acted as a lead-in to his other strip work.
Photo Comic Adaptations [continued] (comic series: Tokyopop & George Lucas &
Bryan Andrews & Darrick Bachman & Paul Rudish & Genndy Tartakovsky &
Kirsten Mayer & Rob Valois & Zachary Rau)
The Photo Comic Adaptation Trilogy (comic trilogy: Tokyopop & George Lucas)
A New Hope (comic: Tokyopop & George Lucas)
The Manga Comic Adaptation Trilogy (comic trilogy: Hisao Tamaki & Toshiki Kudo
& Shin-Ichi Hiromoto)
A New Hope (comic series: Hisao Tamaki)
A New Hope, Part I (comic: Hisao Tamaki)
A New Hope, Part II (comic: Hisao Tamaki)
A New Hope, Part III (comic: Hisao Tamaki)
A New Hope, Part IV (comic: Hisao Tamaki)
Droids [continued] (comic series/cartoon series: Dan Thorsland & Ryder Windham
& Anthony Daniels & Dave Manak & George Carragone & various)
Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak & George Carragone)
Star Wars: According to the Droids (comic series: Dave Manak)*
Book I (comic: Dave Manak)
Part I
The Star Wars Adventure, Part II: The Force
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 11
Book II: Darth Vader’s Vengeance (comic: Dave Manak)
Book III: The Last Jedi (comic: Dave Manak)
*NOTE: This series is listed here because it adapts ANH, but it is also listed separately below in the “Concurrent
to SW4” area because it does have some segments that are original and somewhat tangential to the overall film
adaptation storyline.
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapters 14 16
The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapters 10 12
A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 7
The Story of Star Wars (audio drama: E. Jack Kaplan & Cheryl Grad-Wornson)
The Story of Star Wars (audio drama: E. Jack Kaplan & Cheryl Grad-Wornson)
The Chronicle Books Adaptations [continued] (children’s book series: John
A New Hope (children’s book: John Whitman)
The Special Edition Read-Along Trilogy (read-along book trilogy: Randy Thornton
A New Hope (read-along book: Randy Thornton)
The Original Read-Along Trilogy (read-along book trilogy: Buena Vista Records)
A New Hope (read-along book: Randy Thornton)
Contemporary Motivators: Star Wars (comic: Linda Cadrain)
Contemporary Motivators: Star Wars (comic: Linda Cadrain)
Star Wars (children's book: J. J. Gardner)
Star Wars (children's book: J. J. Gardner)
Princess Leia: Rebel Leader (children's book: Unknown)
Princess Leia: Rebel Leader (children's book: Unknown)
Luke Skywalker: Jedi Knight (children's book: Unknown)
Luke Skywalker: Jedi Knight (children's book: Unknown)
Han Solo: Rebel Hero (children's book: Unknown)
Han Solo: Rebel Hero (children's book: Unknown)
Chewbacca the Wookiee (children's book: Unknown)
Chewbacca the Wookiee (children's book: Unknown)
R2-D2 and C-3PO: Droid Duo (children's book: Unknown)
R2-D2 and C-3PO: Droid Duo (children's book: Unknown)
The Fun Works Adaptations (children’s book series: Jane Paley & Ken Steacy &
John Whitman & Unknown)
A New Hope (children's book: Ken Steacy)
Darth Vader's Mission: The Search for the Secret Plans (children's book: Jane Paley)
R2-D2's Mission: A Little Hero's Journey (children's book: Jane Paley)
A More Wretched Hive: The Mos Eisley Cantina (children's book: Unknown)
The Golden Books Adaptations (children's book series: Unknown)
Star Wars (children's book: Unknown)
A New Hope (children's book: Unknown)
Journey to Mos Eisley (children's book: Unknown)
Star Wars Tell-a-Story Sticker Book (children’s book: Unknown)
The Complete Saga [continued] (youth novel: Jason Fry)
The Complete Saga [continued] (youth novel: Jason Fry)
Episode IV: A New Hope
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Jedi Knight [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Jedi Knight [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Ben Kenobi [continued]
Important Mission
Final Duel
Guiding Light
Ultimate Duels [continued] (children’s book: Lindsay Kent)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 12
Ultimate Duels [continued] (children’s book: Lindsay Kent)
Death Star Duel
Star Wars Mini-Book Adaptations (children’s book series: Reed)
Luke Skywalker (children’s book: Reed)
Han Solo (children’s book: Reed)
Princess Leia (children’s book: Reed)
Darth Vader (children’s book: Reed)
Random House Presents Star Wars: Attack on Reading (children's book series:
Joel Hillman)*
Random House Presents Star Wars: Attack on Reading, Book 1 (children's book: Joel
Random House Presents Star Wars: Attack on Reading, Book 2 (children's book: Joel
*NOTE: This is an odd series. Luke drinks “soda pop,” Evazan has a death sentence in twelve “galaxies,” Obi-
Wan is said to have “killed” Ponda Baba, Han has seen plenty of lightsaber play before, and Vader’s saber is
described as “hot pink.” My thanks to Luke van Horn for pointing out that oddities.
The Star Wars Storybooks (children's book series: Geraldine Richelson & Shep
Steneman & Joan D. Vinge)
The Star Wars Storybook (children's book: Geraldine Richelson)
Classic Star Wars (children's book series: Larry Weinberg & Jim Thomas &
Elizabeth Levy)
A New Hope (children's book: Larry Weinberg)
Luke's Fate (children's book: Jim Thomas)
A New Hope Lift-a-Flap ("lift the flap" book: Cynthia Alvarez)
A New Hope Lift-a-Flap ("lift the flap" book: Cynthia Alvarez)
Step-Up Movie Adventures: Star Wars (children’s book: Larry Weinberg)
Step-Up Movie Adventures: Star Wars (children’s book: Larry Weinberg)
A New Hope: Play-a-Sound (children's book: Catherine McCafferty)
A New Hope: Play-a-Sound (children's book: Catherine McCafferty)
Han Solo vs. the Death Star (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Han Solo vs. the Death Star (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Star Wars Pop-Up Book [continued] (pop-up book series: Kevin J. Anderson &
Rebecca Moesta & Ken Steacy & Kay Carroll & John Whitman & Unknown)
Heroes in Hiding (pop-up book: Ken Steacy)
The Death Star (pop-up book: John Whitman)
“The Art of Al Williamson Comic” (comic: Al Williamson)*
“The Art of Al Williamson Comic” (comic: Al Williamson)*
Tiger LCD Star Wars Trilogy (video game trilogy: Tiger, Ltd.)
A New Hope (video game: Tiger, Ltd.)
Jedi Arena (video game: Parker Brothers)*
Jedi Arena (video game: Parker Brothers)*
*NOTE: One could easily argue that this early Atari 2600 video game is part of Jedi training in the prequel era, as
it involves two Jedi with lightsabers training against a remote, trying to deflect its blaster bolts. However, given
the era in which this game was made, the creators were obviously trying to recreate (and take some minor
liberties with) Luke’s training aboard the Millennium Falcon. Thus, I include it here as an odd adaptation of part of
The Atari Arcade Trilogy (video game series: Atari)
Star Wars (video game: Atari)
Stage 1: TIE Fighters
Stage 2: Outer Defenses
Stage 3: The Trench
The JVC 8-Bit Saga (video game: JVC)
A New Hope (video game: JVC)
Apprentice of the Force (video game: LucasArts)
Apprentice of the Force (video game: LucasArts)
Episode IV
Meet Uncle Owen in Front of the Farm
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 13
Locate R2-D2
Meet Obi-Wan at the Cantina
Sell the Land Speeder
Meet Obi-Wan and Han Solo
Find R2-D2 and Reach the Control Room
Escort Leia to the Millennium Falconi
Destroy the TIE Fighters
Destroy the Main Reactor
Flight of the Falcon (video game: THQ)
Flight of the Falcon (video game: THQ)
Episode IV
Approaching the Tatooine System
Mos Eisley Spaceport, Tatooine
Dune Sea, Tatooine
Death Star Approach
Death Star Attack, Battle Station Surface
The Exhaust Port, Death Star Trench
The Story of Darth Vader [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
The Story of Darth Vader [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Civil War
Rebel Victory
Star Wars Saga Annual 2006 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Saga Annual 2006 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
A New Hope
Star Wars Annual 2007 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Annual 2007 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
C-3PO [continued]
A New Hope
Journals 1 15
Darth Vader [continued]
A New Hope
Journals 1 9
Star Wars Annual 2009 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Annual 2009 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Message Recording 20056: Leia Organa
Message Recording 20057: C-3PO
Message Recording 20058: Luke Skywalker
Message Recording 20068: Han Solo
Message Recording 20080: Leia Organa
Message Recording 20074: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Message Recording 20079: C-3PO
Message Recording 20086: Leia Organa
Message Recording 20087: Leia Organa
Star Wars Annual 2012 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Annual 2012 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
A New Hope
Ultimate Missions [continued] (miniatures game series: J.D. Wiker)
Rebel Storm (miniatures game: J.D. Wiker)
Rescue on Raltiir
Decision at Kattada
Assault on the Tantive IV
Parts 1 3
Tusken Attack
Rebel Search
Mos Eisley Shell Game
Cantina Clash
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 14
Race to Docking Bay 94
Escape from Alderaan
Death Star Infiltration
Death Star Escape
Luke Skywalker’s Amazing Story (novel: Simon Beecroft)
Luke Skywalker’s Amazing Story (novel: Simon Beecroft)
Death Star Battles (children’s book: Simon Beecroft)
Death Star Battles (children’s book: Simon Beecroft)
Fire When Ready . . .
Into the Death Star
I Can’t See in This Helmet!
Prison Break
Something is Alive in Here!
Droids to the Rescue
Desperate Leap
Solo Mission
Final Duel
We are Not Safe Yet!
Rebel Attack
Turbolaser Defense
The Greatest Battles (children’s book: Michael Dana)
The Greatest Battles (children’s book: Michael Dana)
Original Trilogy (video game: Jakks Pacific)
Original Trilogy (video game: Jakks Pacific)
A Galaxy in Flames (FMSWS77 short story: Warren Publishing)
A Galaxy in Flames (FMSWS77 short story: Warren Publishing)
Sand World
Son of a Jedi Knight
Death Star
Showdown in Space
Death Star Assault (video game: THQ)
Death Star Assault (video game: THQ)
Trench Run (video game: Infrared5)
Trench Run (video game: Infrared5)
Save the Galaxy! (children’s book: Ace Landers)
Save the Galaxy! (children’s book: Ace Landers)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Artoo’s Tale
Empire at War [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Empire at War [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Imperial Campaign [continued]
Capturing a Princess
The Destruction of Alderaan
Rebel Campaign [continued]
The Final Battle
Super Star Wars (video game trilogy: Kalani Streicher)
A New Hope (video game: Kalani Streicher)
Dune Sea
Tatooine I
Outside Sandcrawler
Inside Sandcrawler
Land of the Sandpeople
Land of the Banthas
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 15
Tatooine II
Mos Eisley
Cantina Fight
Escape from Mos Eisley
Death Star Hangar Bay
Rescue of the Princess
Tractor Beam Core
Death Star Attack
Trench Battle
William Shakespeare’s Star Wars (novel trilogy: Ian Doescher)
Verily, a New Hope (novel: Ian Doescher)
Act I
Scenes 1 7
Act II
Scenes 1 4
Scenes 1 8
Act IV
Scenes 1 7
Act V
Scenes 1 6
LEGO Star Wars [continued] (video game series: LEGO)
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga [continued] (video game: LEGO)
LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game [continued] (video game: LEGO)
A New Hope
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (video game: LEGO)
A New Hope
Secret Plans
Through the Jundland Wastes
Mos Eisley Spaceport
Rescue the Princess
Death Star Escape
Rebel Attack
LEGO Star Wars Mobile [continued] (video game series: THQ)
LEGO Star Wars Mobile II (video series: THQ)
The Galaxy News Service (finally) reports the suppression of Rebel activity on Raltiir,
including the formation of a blockade of the world and the disbanding of the Raltiir High
Council. (Exact date of report via Galaxy News Service: 35:3:3)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #3)
Raltiir Exchange, the primary financial market of Raltiir, nearly collapses in the wake of the
planet’s subjugation by the Empire, as the Empire nationalizes SGI Systems.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #3 via TimeTales,
Alex Winger earns her wings.
(conjecture based on A Glimmer of Hope)
Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Chewbaccas family prepares for his 200
celebration. En route from the Yavin Vassilika contest, Chewbacca and Han Solo are not
there just yet, though. In their absence, Chewies son, Lumpawarrump (Lumpy) wishes to
know more about his father. To that end, Attichitcuk (Itchy), Chewbacca’s father, tells Lumpy
all about how Wookiees first came to Kashyyyk and all about how Chewbacca and Han Solo
first became partners (albeit in slightly altered versions of both stories). Lumpy wants to be a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 16
hero just like Chewie, so he decides to get some wasaka berries from the dangerous lower
depths of Kashyyyk so that Mallatobuck (Malla), Chewie’s wife, can create a special pudding
for his birthday. In doing so, Lumpy ends up attacked by various monsters, prompting his
mother to send a sort of telepathic cry for help to Chewie. He and Han race to Kashyyyk, then
take an explorer craft (sort of like a starfighter) to the surface, where they find and save
Lumpy, who has, in fact, proven himself to be heroic. They all celebrate Chewie’s birthday
before the two set back out again.*
(The Wookiee Storybook)*
*NOTE: The events in this era are packed pretty tight, but this story has been shoehorned in, apparently, at least
in terms of S-Canon, so I include it here. Take the story’s origins of Wookiees on Kashyyyk, origins of
Chewbacca’s partnership with Han Solo, and apparent telepathic Wookiee mates elements with a grain of salt.
Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, a Rebel raid led by Jan Dodonna and Roons Sewell steals
a huge cache of proton torpedoes, but are nearly captured by Imperials. Sewell sacrifices
himself in a suicidal mission to lead the Imperials away. His sacrifice allows the Alliance to
gain the torpedoes that they will use in the Battle of Yavin . (To be continued below . . . )
(The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell)
Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Zenn Bien officially joins the Rebel Alliance, having worked
with Sian Tevv and Nien Numb against SoroSuub Chairman Siin Suub on Sullust.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
Bria Tharen’s Red Hand Squadron is sent to Toprawa to steal the plans to the Death Star I.
Their mission is successful, but the team is killed during the raid. Having finished the Yavin
Vassilika contest and a brief trip to Kashyyyk, Han Solo is still stuck on Tatooine trying to
figure out how to get Jabba the Hutt off of his back. He intends to see Jabba as soon as
possible. After a chance encounter with Dash Rendar, he is confronted by Boba Fett. He
expects Fett to be after him for Jabba or some such, but it turns out that this is not the case.
Way back when Fett had tried to capture Bria aboard the Queen of Empire, she had made
him promise that if she died, he would get word to her father. He had made the promise,
figuring he was going to take her back to Teroenza and she would be killed, but even though
that didn’t happen, he was still bound by his own moral code to fulfill the promise. Bria had
never had the chance to tell him her father’s name, so Fett has come to tell Han of her death
so that he can get word to her father. Han is heartbroken, but will fulfill this request. (To be
continued below . . . )*
(Rebel Dawn)*
*NOTE: This is listed as concurrent to SW4 due to the events taking place during the early chapters of the Radio
Drama, which take place before the film itself, but still count as part of A New Hope.
The Imperial 501
learns that plans to the Death Star have been stolen. (No, not the ones
that were nearly stolen from the Death Star itself.) They track what they think is a holodisc
with the plans to Polis Massa. They manage to secure the disk, only to realize that rather
than being the plans themselves, they are other secret Rebel information. That information
leads the Imperials to the real target of the stolen Death Star plans, the Tantive IV, en route
to Tatooine. (To be continued below . . . )
(Battlefront II)
To punish the Bothans for helping the traitorous Moff Kalast, Emperor Palpatine personally
visits Bothawui, where he slaughters Bothan officers and destroys some Bothan assets. He
learns in the fray, however, that the plans for the Death Star that have recently been stolen
(using, in part, datacodes provided by Kalast), are to be beamed to the Tantive IV, which
should soon be nearing Tatooine.
(Empire at War)
In pursuit of the stolen Death Star plans, the star destroyer Devastator captures a Corellian
Corvette which Darth Vader believes is carrying them. As soon as the main hatch is opened
two smoke grenades are tossed into the Devastator and something begins ferociously
attacking the stormtroopers. When the smoke clears, a Gungan comes into view. Vader at
first believes it is Jar Jar Binks, but the Gungan explains that his name is Abso Bar Binks, Jar
Jar’s son. Abso Bar continues to wreak havoc on the stormtroopers until Vader subdues him
with a force choke. The remaining troopers search the ship only to find unarmed Gungans.
Abso Bar then reveals that the ship is the Tantive V and that his mission was to delay Vader
long enough for the Tantive IV to escape with the Death Star plans. Vader lets the Gungans
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 17
go, claiming they aren’t even worth the blaster fire required to kill them. The Devastator will
locate the Tantive IV and one hour later capture it.*
(Tantive IV)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn.
A CR90 Corellian Corvette, operated by an independent crew, is hired by the Rebel Alliance
to carry a cargo of unregistered tanks of Tibanna gas. Few on the crew are willing to risk the
wrath of the Empire, even if they agree with Rebel ideals, but the captain made the call on his
own. Upon emerging from hyperspace at one point on their route, they are approached by
Imperial TIE fighters, ordering them to prepare to be boarded because “several transmissions
were beamed to your ship by Rebel spies,” suggesting that they may have this Corvette
confused with the Tantive IV. A battle ensues, leaving the ship in need of repairs or refueling.
They are aided by a Rebel-crewed station, and the Rebels are aboard when they need the
Corvette to be near an Imperial satellite cluster to intercept a real Imperial transmission that is
needed by the Rebellion. Finally, they must escape through an Imperial minefield to safety.*
(The Point of No Return)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Tantive IV Expansion Pack. There is
no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, but the use of dialogue that is very similar to that
used in ANH when talking about the Tantive IV (another Corellian Corvette) and transmissions it received makes
me think that this may be designed to be around the time of the beginning of ANH, when the Empire might see
the CR90 Corellian Corvette in this scenario and think it is the Tantive IV.
Shortly after the mission to destroy the Intrepid, Sunnar Jan-lo is still recovering from her
wounds in that mission. Keyan Farlander and his newest wingman, Naeco, must leave her
behind and join a mission to escort Leia Organas Tantive IV. They are able to protect the
ship as it receives the stolen data transmission over Toprawa, but after the mission is
complete and the pilots being to celebrate, they receive word that the Star Destroyer
Immortal had ambushed the Tantive IV upon reversion to realspace. They fear the worst, but
the Tantive IV was able to make it into hyperspace again, heading for Tatooine. As morale
drops due to not knowing the fate of Leia or the Death Star plans, everyone is informed of the
Death Star’s existence. They hope to somehow delay its eventual completion by carrying out
raids against the Empire that might slow construction if it is still being built, and they need to
know where it is located. To this end, shortly after Jan-lo recovers (and is assigned to
Intelligence for a new mission), the Rebels on the Independence, with help from arms
brought by the trader Tuz, begin striking new Imperial targets. After a few general targets,
Breth Gart earns his wings and is assigned to Keyan. They capture a few members of the
Death Star design team to slow things down. As this and other missions are happening,
Keyan is still plagued by strange dreams and is slowly being given hints as to how to use the
Force, particular the Jedi mind trick, within the dreams. He uses it a couple of times to get
duties that he wants, intending on using the Force, if he can learn to control it, to be a better
pilot, although his actions lean toward the Dark Side in terms of bending someone else’s will.
Luckily, the Light Side remains dominant over him, simply enhancing his piloting skills. (To be
continued below . . . )
(The Farlander Papers)*
*NOTE: I’m listing this story under the title of the novella that was expanded upon in the X-wing Official Strategy
Guide to create an overall fiction story to go with the game strategies. Most of the events, though, were originally
covered in the X-wing computer game. (It’s just easier to merge the story and present it as one tale, rather than
trying to split it up, which would get really, really ugly.)
Aboard the Devastator, a stormtrooper worries that he may be chosen as the first to board
the Tantive IV which almost automatically means he will be shot. In his moment of
nervousness, he remembers back to his youth on Greater Marianas, where his dad was killed
for speaking against the newly-arrived Imperials. He had then left to join the Empire and
experienced much in his training. Now, he is chosen to be the first to board, but as he
prepares to, he makes a decision that if he survives, he will desert. He is the first to enter the
Tantive IV and survives . . . until he and another trooper come across Princess Leia Organa,
who shoots him dead before she is stunned.
After seeing a space battle taking place above Tatooine (via the Strike Cruisers sensors),
Shada D’ukal, Cai, and Karoly are certain they must escape quickly. (To be continued below .
. . )
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 18
(Hammertong: The Tale of the “Tonnika Sisters”)
After meeting with Luke Skywalker at Tosche Station on Tatooine, Biggs Darklighter leaves
on his first mission aboard the Rand Ecliptic. He and several others jump ship and join the
alliance. Shortly thereafter, he joins Wedge Antilles, Cesi "Doc" Eirriss and Jek Porkins on a
mission to Commenor.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: X-wing Rogue Squadron #1/2)
Darth Vader orders Commander Nahdonnis Praji to personally oversee the search for the
droids on Tatooine and to not return until they are found. Praji delegates the task to Captain
Kosh, but due to delays in coordinating with Captain Terrik’s Desert Sands troops from the
Inquisitor, the droids will escape. Praji will report his failure to Vader, but will be spared
Vader’s wrath due to his general competence and loyalty.
(conjecture based on Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes)
The officer in command of the sandtrooper unit Desert Sands, DSS-0956, the unit ordered to
locate the escaped droids on Tatooine with the Death Star plans, files his full report and
personally takes full responsibility for the failure to capture the droids.*
(Tatooine Debriefing)*
*NOTE: Summary provided by Luke Van Horn. This obviously ties into the previous event, based on Tinker,
Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes.
After thoroughly searching the captured vessel, the Devastator destroys the Tantive IV.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
Biggs Darklighter, now in service to Captain Heliesk aboard the Rand Ecliptic, with Derek
“Hobbie” Klivian as his second mate, discovers that the ship is on a mission to take out
Rebels, not pirates. He and Hobbie don’t get along very well, as usual. The final straw for
Biggs’ anti-Imperial feelings comes when he leads Twilight Squadron in stopping the private
vessel Lark, which carries innocents, and his squadron manages to destroy the vessel, rather
than disabling it. He and others with the same mindset plan to escape, but are overheard by
Hobbie, who escapes when cornered. Biggs and the others have no choice but to act quickly.
They steal four TIEs and escape. Now, their biggest problem is somehow finding the Rebel
Alliance before running out of air. Little do they know that they are being monitored by a
Rebel Y-wing nearby . . . That Y-wing reports Imperial presence in the area to the Rebel base
on Yavin IV, where memorial services begin for the late Rebel leader Roons Sewell . . .
Jan Dodonna holds a memorial for the late General Roons Sewell. He weaves a tale a bit
more positive than Sewell’s actual life, carrying the tale from the man’s youth (when he
learned to be a killer to survive), his early days as an excellent actor in love with actress
Malsa (who is killed by Imperials when Roons refuses to end a production that the Empire
sees as seditious), and how the death of Malsa led him to be a leader in the struggle against
the Empire and a leader in the Rebellion, despite his exceptionally violent means to those
ends. He also remembers back to the day when Roons and his people saved Dodonna from
the Empire, and he in turn saved them with his piloting skills during their escape. Dodonna
had joined the Rebellion then, under the supervision of General Roons Sewell. The two men
had never seen eye to eye, with Roons being a man of action and Dodonna a man of tactics,
but Roons eventually came to agree with Dodonna that the Rebellion needed a space navy.
Finally, he recounts how Roons died in a recent mission. They had taken a ship full of proton
torpedoes, the same torpedoes that would be used in the Battle of Yavin, but when
discovered by Imperials, Roons had sacrificed himself in a suicide run to lead the Imperials
away from the transport and his comrades. With the memorial over, the Rebels return to
(The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell)
Back in space, Biggs Darklighter and the other pilots that abandoned the Rand Ecliptic must
return to the ship. When they arrive, they find that a mutiny led by Derek “Hobbie” Klivian has
taken command of the ship. Biggs takes first mate position under Hobbie, and they make
their plans to join the Rebel Alliance. One of their first missions, conducted very soon (thanks
to muddy timelining by the creative team, one might suppose), is to use hyperdrive-fit TIE
fighters and the Rand Ecliptic to collect several X-wings from an Incom Corporation facility.
The mission is successful, but one member of their team, Peate Kurin, dies in their escape,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 19
and Hobbies right shin and foot are cut off. He is to be given a replacement, but it seems
that some sort of infection borne of Yavin IV has begun taking hold of his body at the site of
the amputation. On the bright side, Yavin Base now has X-wing starfighters, even if they do
need to still get enough astromechs to make them hyperspace-worthy . . . (To be continued
below . . . )
Immediately after R2-D2 tries to head in a different direction than C-3PO, the astromech falls
into a sinkhole. When C-3PO tries to help, he falls in as well, leading them to a cavern full of
mole creatures, who want to “serve” them. C-3PO first thinks they want the droids to rule
them, but they are brought to be “served” as dinner to a giant acid lizard. They escape its
mouth when R2-D2 temporarily shorts out his electrical system. They are then spit back out
so hard that they wind up back on the surface, where they split up and go their separate
ways, as they had originally done. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Star Wars: According to the Droids)*
*NOTE: This story, Star Wars: According to the Droids, appears in the last three issues of the short-lived Droids
comic book series from the Marvel Comics “Star Comics” imprint. Strangely, despite being published in 1987, the
visuals rarely match up with the films, especially the starships. The parts of the tale that match with the films are
assumed to be integrated into the film summary above. However, when departures like this one exist, I have
chosen to create separate entries, since I would imagine that these tales are, at best, S-Canon, and should not be
integrated quite as thoroughly as, for instance, the various one-shots released to tie into The Phantom Menace,
named after various characters, which were produced in an era where continuity was much more controlled. The
various segments are also separated, even when they are back-to-back in summary order, so as to make more
sense within the context of the title listings for this section, wherein many items are noted without summaries,
due to their retelling of film segments.
With the loss of contact with the Tantive IV, Bail Organa sends Ferus Olin (now usually in the
guise of “Fess Ilee”) to check on the ship. Being offworld to seek out the ship will save Ferus
from death when Alderaan is destroyed.
(conjecture based on Hostage)
Around this time, Jez, Lan, and Mazi, three young Alderaanian boys, go on an overnight trip
to see a smashball tournament on Delaya. Being there will leave them alive, yet orphaned,
when Alderaan is destroyed.
(conjecture based on Hostage)
The night after Luke Skywalker first sees the hologram of Leia Organa, R2-D2 runs off to
continue his mission. He finds a mountain pass that he must use, which is controlled by
Tusken Raiders. He incapacitates one, then hides under a walking bantha to make his way
by, but when they notice his tracks, he narrowly escapes by projecting a huge hologram of an
angry C-3PO to frighten them away. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Star Wars: According to the Droids)*
*NOTE: See the note with the first entry under this name above.
On Tatooine, Zeta Squad (including Brenn and Dellis Tantor, under Captain Terrik) are
ordered to find an escape pod (C-3PO and R2-D2’s from the Tantive IV), but when they find it
empty, they head off to find the droids that were inside. They quickly discover the
sandcrawler that carries the droids, but before they can get to it, they are set upon by
Sandpeople, whom they wipe out. They then destroy the sandcrawler, finding the droid
targets gone. Splitting up, Zeta forces head for the Lars Moisture farm (under Terrik) and
Anchorhead (under Brenn) to find the droids . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(Force Commander)
A group of stormtroopers take an Imperial Troop Transporter to where the Tantive IV escape
pod crashed, discovering that the droids are gone. They then track and destroy the
sandcrawler that discovered the droids and sold them to the Lars homestead.*
(Imperial Trooper Transporter)*
*NOTE: This comic book came with an old toy back in Kenner’s original line. It refers to Owen as “Owen
Skywalker” and seems to basically tell the same story that was later told in Force Commander with Zeta Squad
and in When the Desert Wind Turns. I’m assuming that this is yet another variant on that tale, rather than
something entirely N-Canon. It really has very few details, either way.
Davin Felth, as part of Zeta Squad under Captain Terrik, discovers the escape pod from the
Tantive IV . . . and that droids were in the pod. Terrik’s forces then discover the sandcrawler
of the Jawas who found C-3PO and R2-D2 and, after learning who the droids were sold to,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 20
destroy the sandcrawler and kill the Jawas. Shortly thereafter, Captain Terriks stormtroopers
descend on the Lars’ moisture farm and, after an interrogation, kill Owen and Beru Lars. (To
be continued below . . . )
(When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale)
General Cassio Tagge sends a message to a patron on Coruscant expressing his doubts
about the wisdom of disbanding the Imperial Senate.*
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. This is “just days” before his death on the Death Star, which is
actually accurate in retrospect, but only barely. The Imperial Senate is disbanded on 35:3:5, and then the Death
Star is destroyed on 35:3:8.
R5-D4 survives the Imperial attack on the Jawa sandcrawler in which he is being held. He
survives on minimal power, thanks to a power droid, until another band of Jawas arrive to
salvage what they can of the crawler and its contents. They repair R5, including his motivator,
and then take him to Mos Eisley for sale.*
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
Muftak and Kabe wander through Mos Eisley and note the presence of various Imperials,
including a team which includes Davin Felth, who are looking for some droids. One Imperial
refers to Muftak by his species name, Talz, which provides his first clue to his hidden past.
(For the record, his larval sack was accidentally picked up by Imperials and deposited on
Tatooine, which is something he will learn at some point in the future and place in his
autobiography, Sands in Winter.) They also hear an Imperial officer (who is not liked by the
other Imperials) referred to as Lieutenant Alima. (To be continued below . . . )
(Play it Again, Figrin D’an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe and The Essential Guide to
Alien Species)
Muftak informs Momaw Nadon that Alima, the man who caused his banishment from Ithor, is
in Mos Eisley. Nadon has Muftak sell Alima false information saying that Momaw Nadon is
hiding the droids the Imperials are looking for. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead’s Tale)
The night of learning that Alima is on Tatooine, Momaw Nadon visits his special Bafforr trees,
who forbid him from killing Alima. Alima shows up and kills several trees, telling Momaw
Nadon that if he does not turn over the droids the Imperials are looking for (which he doesn’t
really have), he’ll come back and kill Momaw and destroy his plant-laden home. (To be
continued below . . . )
(The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead’s Tale)
Jabba the Hutts business droid, CZ-3, has gone missing. The droid was last seen when
Opun “Black Hole” Mcgrrr was a guest in Jabba’s townhouse in Mos Eisley, and it is believe
that Mcgrrr has stolen the droid. Jabba sends Takeel to find CZ-3 . . . and Takeel’s brother,
Zutton (AKA Snaggletooth) to keep an eye on Takeel. Elsewhere, the Jawa female Aguilae
and her partner, the Squib trader Mace Windu (no relationthank the makerto the Jedi),
have been busy. They had managed to steal CZ-3 from Mcgrrr after Mcgrrr had stolen it from
Jabba, and had sold it to a Corellian trader. They have just realized that the droid was
Jabba’s, who isnt someone they want to mess with, so they run by Wioslea’s speeder shop
and learn where to find the Corellian. Aguilae drags the oft-drunk Mace along, only to find
that the droid had wandered off from the Corellian and gotten picked up by Jawas from Jek
Nkik’s sandcrawler. Back at Jabba’s, Jabba’s henchman Lhojugg discovers that CZ-3 was let
out of the townhouse and on the loose by Jabbas personal codes. Jabba knows the reason
for this, but doesnt exactly feel like telling Lhojugg, so he has Lhojugg killed. Meanwhile,
Aguilae and Mace find Jek, only to be taken aboard the sandcrawler (along with their
speeder) as prisoners. While Mace is tucked away in a hold where he begins tinkering with
R5-D4 and a GONK power droid, Aguilae confronts Jek. Jek says he is intending to take her
back to Jawa society as a lesson, but Aguilae (originally named Khea Nkul and arranged to
marry Jek) knows that he simply wants her back to be his wife, which she doesnt want.
(Little do they know that they could’ve avoided the sandcrawler altogether. CZ-3 had
escaped from the Jawas before they left Mos Eisley.) In Mos Eisley, Tols Vengra, the Jenet
henchman of Mcgrrr tracks CZ-3 in order to bring the droid back to Mcgrrr, while Takeel
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 21
stumbles across the droid as well. Back at the sandcrawler, Imperials believing R2-D2 and
C-3PO (with the Death Star plans) to be aboard, attack the sandcrawler. Aguilae and Mace
barely escape (with R5-D3 and the GONK) before all of the Jawas are slaughtered. They
arrive back at Mos Eisley just as Takeel finds CZ-3, only to be held up by Tols. Tols reveals
that CZ-3 was stolen by Mcgrrr, and suddenly Zutton appears and blasts CZ-3. The droid was
part of a sting to get evidence of Mcgrrrs wrong-doings, and Tols has just provided ample
evidence. (That is the reason for Jabba using his codes to release CZ-3 in the first place.)
Takeel and Zutton have completed their true mission for Jabba, Mcgrrr and Tols are in big
trouble, and Mace and Aguilae are now the proud new owners of the blasted CZ-3, which
they hope to refit and sell away at some point.
(Spare Parts)
The annual Jawa swap meet is held. Het Nkik, along with his clan, led by Wimateeka, are
late to the meet, but find that another sandcrawler, that belonging to his Het’s friend Jek
Nkik’s clan, is not yet there either. As they leave the swap meet, they come across the
missing sandcrawler. All of the Jawas are dead, and are being tended to by Obi-Wan Kenobi
and two droids (Luke has headed back to the Lars’ moisture farm). Knowing the Empire is
behind this tragedy, Het Nkik takes his blaster and a small vehicle and heads for Mos Eisley
to wreak havoc on some Imperials. (To be continued below . . . )
(Swap Meet: The Jawa’s Tale)
Very soon after the Jawa swap meet, Wimateeka and several other Jawas go to the wedding
of Eyvind and Ariela. As the wedding celebration goes on, several Tusken Raider’s (kids
ready for their coming of age) attack to steal some speeders. Eyvind dies as a result, and
Ariela is kidnapped. The moisture farmers give Wimateeka and Ariq Joanson a very short
time to get Ariela back before they take her back by force. They go to the vaporator where
Ariq gives the Tusken Raiders water, and convinces the Tusken youths that building a peace
would leave their mark on the world. They return Ariela, and peace talks begin. Imperials
(sent by the other moisture farmers) arrive and attack them, though, and negotiations end in
bloodshed. (To be continued below . . . )
(Drawing the Maps of Peace: The Moisture Farmer’s Tale)
After speaking with Jub Vengu, one of Jabba the Hutt’s go-betweens, about helping him
secure a reward for the capture of a Jedi (whom he sensed in Mos Eisley two weeks before),
Feltipern Trevagg returns to his office and meets M’iiyoom Onith, a H’nemthe female
nicknamed “Nightlily.” Trevagg becomes infatuated with her, wanting conquest, and he
begins to “put the moves on her,” intending to get her into bed by night’s end. They go to
lunch at the Court of the Fountain, where Jabbas chef Porcellus works when not preparing
Jabba’s meals. Travagg cons her into thinking he is proposing marriage to her, and she is
elated. Predne Balu, Assistant Security Officer of Mos Eisley warns him away from Nightlily,
but Trevagg doesnt take his advice. Shortly thereafter, Trevagg notices that Balu is being
visited by Pylokam, who probably has information on the Jedi. Trevagg needs someone to
help take out Balu, so he decides to take Nightlily to Chalmun’s Cantina where he can woo
her and look for an assassin. (To be continued below . . . )
(Nightlily: The Lover’s Tale)
Ariela and Ariq Joanson mourn for Eyvind and the lost chance of peace between the humans,
Jawas, and Sandpeople. After leaving Ariela’s company, Ariq heads for Chalmun’s Cantina
to drown his sorrows, while he begins the long process of waiting for another chance to sue
for peace in the future. The Imperials actions have made him a Rebel, if not as part of the
Rebel Alliance, then at least by definition.
(Drawing the Maps of Peace: The Moisture Farmer’s Tale)
On his way to Chalmun’s Cantina for work, Wuher is met by C2-R4, an augmented
astromech droid that is a hodge-podge of other droids. The droid rambles off its abilities
(many of which would be helpful, especially to a bartender), but Wuhers hatred for droids (as
scapegoats for mistreatment throughout his life) leads him to leave C2-R4 where he is,
instead of taking him in. Wuher heads for his “lab,” where he is trying to concoct a perfect
brew for Jabba the Hutt in order to gain the fame and money that would come with being
made Jabba’s personal bartender. His latest concoction isn’t good enough, he believes.
(Be Still My Heart: The Bartender’s Tale)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 22
Before Figrin Dan and the Modal Nodes begin their first set, Labria wins all of the
instruments Figrin Dan owned in a sabacc game, then sits back to listen to them play their
music in Chalmuns Cantina for the rest of the day, despite the ruckus that is later caused by
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, etc.
(Empire Blues: The Devaronian’s Tale)
Wuher heads into the main cantina and begins work. During the course of his work, he’ll be
privy to Obi-Wan Kenobi’s battle with Ponda Baba, Han Solo’s murder of Greedo, and such.
(To be continued below . . . )
(Be Still My Heart: The Bartender’s Tale)
Aboard the Infinity, a vessel wanted by the Imperials, BoShek arrives at Tatooine and must
evade Imperial Star Destroyers in orbit. He uses a trick once mentioned by Han Solo and
saves himself. He decides to go buy Han Solo a drink, so he heads for Chalmuns Cantina.
(To be continued below . . . )
(At the Crossroads: The Spacer’s Tale)
As Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, and R2-D2 make their way to Mos Eisley in
Luke’s landspeeder, they come upon a Jawa sandcrawler being attacked by Tusken Raiders.
Caught in the battle is little Amni Ponnar, whose speeder has been flipped. While Luke and
the droids charge toward Amni to pick her up in the speeder, Obi-Wan leaps into the fray,
lightsaber drawn. He ignites the fuel to Amni’s crashed speeder, causing a distracting
explosion that allows him to jump back aboard Luke’s speeder, so they can get out of there.
They take Amni home to her family, and he explains that the battle seemed to be in a spot
where hubba gourds that Jawas and Tuskens live on were grown, but the gourds were all
gone, as if someone wanted to goad them into a war. Before leaving, Obi-Wan finds a
reflecting crystal on the floor of the home, the kind that grow on hubba gourd husks. He then
finds a closet full of gourds. It was Mr. Ponnar that wanted the war, so that when the Jawas
and Tuskens killed each other, he could expand their moisture farm. Both Amni and her
mother are shocked by this (and Luke having to leap in with his lightsaber to slice a blaster
Mr. Ponnar pulls on Obi-Wan). When Jawas and Tuskens attack the farm, Obi-Wan uses the
Force to levitate the gourds to them, ending the fray. They could turn Mr. Ponnar in to the
authorities, but Obi-Wan thinks that his familys resentment will be punishment enough. They
continue on their way to Mos Eisley.*
(War on the Jundland Wastes)*
*NOTE: This story was reprinted in 2015 in Star Wars Adventures #1 in the UK. One has to wonder whether that
will allow the story to be considered Story Group Canon, rather than just Legends.
Han Solo makes a solemn transmission to inform Renn Tharen of Bria Tharens death. The
mournful Han then goes to Chalmun’s Cantina. He is in need of work, and must soon talk to
Jabba about the spice shipment he dumped. While at the cantina, he will have his fateful first
encounter with Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, and C-3PO . . .
(Rebel Dawn)
Swilla Corey, a destitute ex-slave whose jerba herd was recently killed or scattered, wanders
to Mos Eisley, intending to beg and steal to survive. Outside Chalmuns Cantina, she notices
a jerba with her brand on it. Learning that it belongs to one Ketwol, a Pacithhip scout, she
follows him back to his ship and attempts to steal back her jerba. He catches her, though, so
she explains what happened to her jerba herd and he takes pity on her. Several jerbas had
come out of the desert near his ship, wounded and exhausted. Swilla remains with Ketwol
for some time, then takes her jerbas back to the ranch she worked at, although returning
frequently to visit her new friend.*
(conjecture based on the databank entry for Swilla Corey, part of the fan-
submitted canonical entry series What’s the Story?)*
*NOTE: This entry was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
Upon entering Chalmun’s Cantina, Luke Skywalker reflects on wise words from Obi-Wan
Kenobi, who suggested looking beyond appearances when they seek someone they can trust
to take them to Alderaan.
(Cantina Communications)
After winning all of the instruments Figrin Dan owned in a sabacc game earlier in the day,
Labria sits back and enjoys their music in Chalmuns Cantina, despite the ruckus caused later
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 23
in the day by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, etc.
(Empire Blues: The Devaronian’s Tale)
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed reports the disbanding of the Imperial Senate. (Exact date of
report via Coruscant Daily NewsFeed: 35:3:5)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #3)
Karoly D’ulin and Shada D’ukal head for Chalmun’s Cantina in the guise of Brea and Senni
Tonnika. As they scout for a pilot, they witness the battle between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Dr.
Evazan, Han Solos encounter with Greedo, and such. (To be continued below . . . )
(Hammertong: The Tale of the “Tonnika Sisters”)
In Chalmuns Cantina, BoShek tells Chewbacca that he has broken Han Solo’s Kessel Run
record. They are met by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who wants passage from Tatooine. BoShek
declines, but receives a lesson in the Force, which he has been refusing to acknowledge until
he has further proof. BoShek thanks Obi-Wan and leaves him and Chewbacca to talk about
passage from Tatooine. (To be continued below . . . )
(At the Crossroads: The Spacer’s Tale)
Kal Knai, having established himself as a moisture farmer after his recent flight from Imperial
slavery at the age of 16, witnesses Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker approaching Han
Solo and Chewbacca in Chalmun’s Cantina.
(conjecture based on Star Wars Screen Entertainment via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Muftak meets with Momaw Nadon one last time in Chalmun’s Cantina, as the ruckus caused
by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, etc. commences. Momaw Nadon tells Muftak that he does
not expect to live to see another day. (To be continued below . . . )
(Play it Again, Figrin D’an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe)
Dannik Jerriko witnesses notices Obi-Wan Kenobi and Han Solo in Chalmun’s Cantina and
resolves to someday take the “soup” from Han Solo.
(Soup’s On: The Pipe Smoker’s Tale)
While Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi spend time in Chalmuns Cantina, eventually
making a deal with Han Solo and Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C-3PO are nearly caught by
stormtroopers. They enter a spare parts shop to disguise themselves, but then must escape
from the irate owner for using his property without paying for it. They will continue evading
stormtroopers until catching up to Luke and Obi-Wan when they are on their way to sell
Luke’s speeder. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Star Wars: According to the Droids)*
*NOTE: See the note with the first entry under this name above.
Just after Han Solo leaves Chalmun’s Cantina, Shada D’ukal and Karoly Dulin, in disguise as
the Tonnika sisters, are arrested by Imperials looking for the Tonnikas. (To be continued
below . . . )
(Hammertong: The Tale of the “Tonnika Sisters”)
After witnessing the death of Greedo (and other ANH events), Het Nkik finalizes a trade with
Reegisk for a Tusken Raider Talisman and rushes off to blast some Imperials. (To be
continued below . . . )
(Swap Meet: The Jawa’s Tale)
In a hasty swap with Het Nkik, Reegisk trades a Tusken Raider Talisman to Het Nkik, but
swipes the power pack from Nkik’s blaster as insurance of his payment the next day. Not
knowing this, Het Nkik leaves with an unpowered blaster.
(Trade Wins: The Ranat’s Tale)
After witnessing the death of Greedo (and the other ANH events) in Chalmun’s Cantina,
Feltipern Trevagg and Nightlily leave the cantina and head for a hotel to consummate their
impending marriage. (To be continued below . . . )
(Nightlily: The Lover’s Tale)
Realizing that Greedos pheromones might be a clue to the “perfect brew” for Jabba the Hutt,
Wuher makes sure Greedo’s body is secured and then heads out to find C2-R4 and take him
in, not out of charity, but to use his various abilities to make that perfect brew. (To be
continued below . . . )
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 24
(Be Still My Heart: The Bartender’s Tale)
After witnessing the death of Greedo, several Imperials stop BoShek about his escape from
the Star Destroyers, but he flees into the Dowager Queen, where he pretends to be a
preacher and speaks on and on about the Force. The real preachers don’t take it kindly and
beat him up. (To be continued below . . . )
(At the Crossroads: The Spacer’s Tale)
Not realizing that Reegisk has swiped his power pack, Het Nkik leaps out at a group of
stormtroopers including Davin Felth and begins trying to fire on them with his powerless
(Swap Meet: The Jawa’s Tale)
While in Mos Eisley looking for C-3PO and R2-D2, Davin Felth and fellow stormtroopers are
“attacked” by Het Nkik. When Nkik’s blaster does not fire, one of Felth’s comrades shoots
him dead. (To be continued below . . . )
(When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale)
As BoShek escapes the Dowager Queen, he runs into Imperials drawn by the “attack” of Het
Nkik He escapes and nabs a landspeeder from the used speeder shop in the spaceport, but
is chased down by Imperials. He tries to talk his way out of the situation and attempts to
calm himself and call on the Force. Out of sheer coincidence (or the Forces mysterious
ways?), the troopers who have found him are the same ones that Obi-Wan Kenobi had mind-
tricked earlier. His very slight grasp on the Force allows him to accidentally make them
mentally relive the earlier mind-trick, allowing him to “move along. BoShek resolves to give
up his life of crime to become closer to the Force, something far more important than himself.
(At the Crossroads: The Spacer’s Tale)
On Commenor, Wedge Antilles, Jek Porkins, Cesi "Doc" Eirriss, and Biggs Darklighter of Red
Squadron meet with Captain Dantels and acquire astromechs for the Rebel Alliance. During
their escape from Commenor, Eirriss is killed. The others head back to Yavin IV.
(Star Wars: X-wing Rogue Squadron #1/2)
Davin Felth and the other stormtroopers under Captain Terrik’s command join Terrik at
Docking Bay 94 to try to stop the Millennium Falcon from lifting off. Having seen Imperial
cruelty first-hand, Felth decides to shoot Terrik in the back while no one is watching. He has
decided to join the Rebellion, and serve as a spy within the Imperial ranks.
(When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale)
As the Millennium Falcon blasts its way out of Docking Bay 94, Momaw Nadon informs
Alima’s troopers (falsely) that Alima knew that Han Solo would be blasting off with the droids
the Imperials were after, but he refused to do anything about it. His troops, who hated him
anyway, summarily execute him for his alleged treason. Justice has been served for Momaw
Nadon, without him having to break the Law of Life. Momaw prepares to return to Ithor.
(The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead’s Tale)
As the Millennium Falcon blasts its way out of Docking Bay 94, in a Mos Eisley holding cell,
Karoly D’ulin and Shada D’ukal speak with a guard named Riij Winward, who knows they
aren’t the Tonnika sisters. He speaks to them about a trade—he will free them if they can
take him to the Imperial item they stole. The Mistryl agree and they head back to the Strike
Cruiser to meet with Cai. Riij realizes that what they are looking at is a prototype superlaser
for the Death Star II. He reveals that he is with the Rebel Alliance, but the women don’t let
him have the modular piece they wish to take off the planet. Riij is sent away, but he steals
Cai’s astromech, which bears technical schematics of the Hammertong. The Mistryl take the
freighter Riij provided, along with the modular Hammertong piece, and leave Tatooine.
Shada wonders whether or not it would be a good idea to leave the Mistryl service and join
the Rebels.
(Hammertong: The Tale of the “Tonnika Sisters”)
Very soon before the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance pilot trainee “Rookie One” trains on
Tatooine. After training in a T-16 skyhopper (overseen by his friend Thurland Hack), he is
sent to Kolaador for further training in R-22 Spearheads with Jake Farrell and Ru Murleen.
When the Empire comes to Tatooine in search of the Death Star plans, they soon send TIE
fighters, AT-ST walkers, and other forces onto the planet, including at Anchorhead. After a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 25
frantic distress call from Thurland Hack, the Rebels at Kolaador, including Ru Murleen and
newly-minted pilot Rookie One, head for Tatooine and help kick the Imperials out of the
Anchorhead area. They then escape past a Star Destroyer and into hyperspace, heading for
the Rebel Alliances Gamma Base.*
(Rebel Assault)*
*NOTE: Rebel Assault has a questionable status in the continuity. According to Leland Chee, some of the story
fits, while other elements do not. It was at one time believed that “Gamma Base,” which plays out almost exactly
like the Battle of Hoth, was, in fact, some other planet, not Hoth. That would make the game make some sense,
given that, in the game, the capture of the Tantive IV is followed by the Battle of Hoth (or Gamma Base), then
followed by an alternate reality version of the Battle of Yavin. Surely we aren’t splicing The Empire Strikes Back
into the middle of A New Hope, right? Well, apparently, according to Chee, those suppositions on the part of fans
were incorrect. The battle in Rebel Assault is supposed to be the Battle of Hoth, as the game’s instruction manual
and packaging imply. Thus, pretty much everything after the escape from Tatooine is non-continuity
(apocryphal). I guess the cool thing about the game’s marginal insertion into continuity is that we can now
consider Rebel Assault II to be in-continuity as well.
While aboard the Millennium Falcon, just after escaping Tatooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi enters the
cockpit to speak with Han Solo. He teaches Han a lesson in humility with a tale of when he
and Qui-Gon faced Aurra Sing decades before, then asks Han if he has a remote that he can
use to begin training Luke Skywalker.
(Once Bitten)
While searching Anchorhead, Brenn Tantor learns that the droids (C-3PO and R2-D2) have
escaped Tatooine (aboard the Millennium Falcon). Using the Falcons course trajectory as a
guide, the Imperials determine that they must be heading for Alderaan or Ruul. Brenn is
promoted to Captain and sent with Captain Beri Tulon to Ruul to continue the pursuit . . . (To
be continued below . . . )
(Force Commander)
Athon Skims, making a delivery to Alliance contacts, is killed when the Death Star destroys
(conjecture based on Alliance Operative Field Dossier: Skimmer)
Kira Lar and several other students at the Academy on Carida hear of Alderaans destruction.
They pledge their lives to the cause of the Rebel Alliance and make their way with great
haste to Agamar and onward to Yavin IV.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Kira Lar, found on the
Wizards of the Coast website)
In the wake of Alderaan’s destruction, some Rebel pilots of the Tierfon Yellow Aces
starfighter squadron, including Jek Porkins, are reassigned to bolster starfighter squadrons
on Yavin IV.
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)
With so many members of the Tierfon Yellow Aces gone to Yavin, replacement pilots are
(The Replacements)*
*NOTE: This is a “plot hook” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance.
After getting off work at Chalmun’s Cantina, Wuher goes back to his lab with C2-R4,
Greedo’s body, and the body of a Jawa who was accosting C2-R4 when he went back to find
him. Wuher uses C2-R4 to dissolve the cadavers and uses the resulting fluid to perfect his
brew, which he’ll take to Jabba the Hutt as soon as he can.
(Be Still My Heart: The Bartender’s Tale)
With the Imperial Senate dissolved, the Bothan Embassy is no longer needed. Tereb Ab’Lon,
aide to Bothan Ambassador Gatrar Shey’Tyan sees this as an end to his rise in the Bothan
power structure, so he leaves Bothawui with stolen Imperial Naval plans in his droid, R2-Z1
(AKA Fweep). He leaves and tries to get to the Rebellion, but ends up having trouble when
TIE fighters damage his ship. He crash-lands on Tatooine, where detective-for-hire (AKA
semi-scumbag) Nim Bola has just finished dumping two bounty hunters who attacked him
into the sarlacc. Bola saves Ab’Lon from the wreckage, learns that the droid holds important
information for the Alliance, and decides to sell the droid’s information back to the Empire.
He then tosses Ab’Lon into the sarlacc and heads off. While his partner, Tavri, fends off
Ossan thugs, Bola makes a deal to deliver the droid’s information to the Rebellion in two days
for 50,000 credits.*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 26
(Droid Trouble)*
*NOTE: One would assume by how the story is told that Bola is going to sell the plans to the Empire for 50,000,
but the preface to this story’s sequel, A Deal Gone Sour specifically says it will be to the Rebellion for 50,000 or
the Imperials for 40,000 if the Rebellion doesn’t come through.
A group of Rebels meets on Tatooine with their contact, Rai-Kalei, to be put into contact with
Nim Bola and Tavri and buy R2-Z1 (and the droid’s information) from Bola. As they enter a
cantina to meet Rai-Kalei, they see Bola being taken away by Imperials. Rai-Kalei tells them
that Bola has been arrested, but they can still meet with Tavri. Tavri will sell them the droid,
but they must help free Bola. The Rebels agree, and the jailbreak takes place. As Tavri and
Bola escape, the Rebels secure R2-Z1, then escape Tatooine aboard Rai-Kalei’s Mayjeln.
(A Deal Gone Sour)
Aboard the Independence, Keyan Farlander, who has just been informed that the Death Star
is rumored to be operational, is hit with a blast through the Force. He has sensed the
destruction of Alderaan, and he knows he has gone too far into using the Force to have any
medics be of assistance to what is plaguing him, the tug of war on his “soul,” so to speak. He
then, along with his starfighter pilot comrades, helps defend an attack upon the
Independence itself. After the Imperials are battled off, they receive word that the ship, along
with many others in the Alliance, is being ordered to Yavin IV. The stage is being set for the
Battle of Yavin . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(The Farlander Papers)*
*NOTE: I’m listing this story under the title of the novella that was expanded upon in the X-wing Official Strategy
Guide to create an overall fiction story to go with the game strategies. Most of the events, though, were originally
covered in the X-wing computer game. (It’s just easier to merge the story and present it as one tale, rather than
trying to split it up, which would get really, really ugly.)
Aboard the Death Star, as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia Organa are
trapped in the trash compactor, C-3PO talks his and R2-D2’s way out of the room and try to
make their way to a computer terminal to contact their friends. They quickly find themselves
face to face with Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin. They lock Tarkin and Vader briefly in a
lift, where Vader kills the incompetent stormtrooper who let the droids in. They then take out a
MSE droid and finally reach a terminal from which to contact the others and save them in the
nick of time. They will be discovered by stormtroopers and pursued until finally coming upon
the duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi that is blocking their path to the
Millennium Falcon. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Star Wars: According to the Droids)*
*NOTE: See the note with the first entry under this name above.
Back on Yavin IV, Biggs Darklighter tells Derek “Hobbie” Klivian of their successful mission to
get astromechs for the base’s X-wings. Hobbie, however, will not be rejoining them for duty
any time soon. The infection that took hold in the stump of his right leg has spread throughout
his body. If a cure isn’t found soon, it could mean the worst. (To be continued below . . . )
Having decided to finally acquiesce to Kabe’s desires, Muftak agrees to help her break into
Jabba the Hutts Mos Eisley town house. They break in and encounter K-8LR, Jabba’s
protocol droid, but they free it of its restraining bolt and K-8LR becomes an ally (which, in a
way, the droid already is, after telling Muftak that his homeworld is Alzoc III). K-8LR shows
them to the captured Rebel Barid Mesoriaam, who gives them a datadot that they can sell to
the Rebel Alliance when a Mon Calamari comes to pick it up. They take the dot, but are
attacked by Jabbas goons. Muftak stays behind to cover Kabes escape, but Kabe
abandons their loot (except the datadot) and returns for Muftak. With K-8LR’s help, they
escape. Shortly thereafter, they meet with the Mon Calamari and receive 15,000 credits,
travel papers with Grand Moff Tarkin’s signature on them, and passage to Alzoc III. Muftak
can finally go home, and take his charge, Kabe, with him.
(Play it Again, Figrin D’an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe)
Niclara Varnillian, currently aboard the Death Star as a proud supporter of the New Order, is
transferred to the Imperial Star Destroyer Pulsar, shortly after she witnesses her own
Empire’s destruction of her own homeworld, with no hint of remorse on the part of the Empire
or Niclara.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 27
Adventure Journal #8)
Garindan writes a journal entry about how he is a hero (in his own mind) for alerting the
stormtroopers to where the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi was to be found in Mos Eisley.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
The morning after the Millennium Falcon blasts out of Mos Eisley, Predne Balu and Wuher
discover Feltipern Trevagg’s mauled body. Wuher informs Balu that the woman he was with
(Nightlily) is a Hnemthe female . . . a member of a race whose females eviscerate their
mates immediately after mating, as some kind of odd biological imperative brought on by a
10:1 female:male ratio on H’nemthe. Balu isnt exactly sad to see Trevagg dead.
(Nightlily: The Lover’s Tale)
Wes Janson, preparing to be transferred from Tierfon to Yavin IV, has to step down from
flight duty for the Battle of Yavin due to a case of Hesken Fever. His close friend Jek Porkins
is sent in his place, and his death will have a profound impact on Wes.
(conjecture based on A Cast of Thousands)
Kira Lar arrives at Yavin IV in time to act as part of the ground crew during the Battle of
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Kira Lar, found on the
Wizards of the Coast website)
On the same day as the arrival of the Millennium Falcon aboard the Death Star, recent arrival
Commander Akobi is nearly killed by two more assassination attempts. While the first
attempt is foiled by TK-622, who takes out the RA-7 that tried to kill Akobi, the second attack,
carried out by a probe droid, succeeds in inflicting mortal wounds. As Akobi lays dying in a
med bay, TK-622 tries to figure out who is behind the plot. He eventually begins to suspect
the duplicity of a technician who told him false information about the RA-7 droid. At Akobis
bedside, TK-622 bears witness to the man’s last confession of the truth behind the
destruction of the med center in Ettam on Raltiir . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(What Sin Loyalty?)
Aboard the Death Star, C-3PO and R2-D2 are on their way to the Millennium Falcon, but their
way is blocked by the dueling Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi. R2-D2 slips around them,
unnoticed, then pulls C-3PO behind him with a cable, getting them into the docking bay. (To
be continued below . . . )*
(Star Wars: According to the Droids)*
*NOTE: See the note with the first entry under this name above.
The Imperials under Brenn Tantor and Beri Tulon arrive on Ruul, learning that the Millennium
Falcon had not gone there, but was captured by the Death Star near Alderaan. They do,
though, have a new mission. A Rebel base on the world has been transmitting stolen Imperial
data. They successfully eliminate the Rebel base and capture both its stolen Imperial data
and some Rebel data as well . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(Force Commander)
Even as the Millennium Falcon arrives at Yavin IV, Biggs Darklighter, Captain Nera Dantels,
and Dr. Shae Polikex search the jungle or a natural cure for the disease now killing Derek
“Hobbie” Klivian. After braving natural dangers, including a seemingly Force-sensitive
creature that leaves Biggs with what seems like a heightened attunement to the will of the
Force, without any actual Force-user potential, they discover a plant that might be able to
save him. By the time they return with the plant, Biggs is so distracted by his fears over
Hobbie’s condition that he doesn’t even realize that the voice he hears behind him in the next
mission briefing is his old friend Luke Skywalker talking to Wedge Antilles. Before their
mission to stop the Death Star, Biggs kisses Dantels goodbye before running into Luke. As
the two friends catch up, Polikex injects Hobbie with organic chemicals from the plant to stop
the infection. (To be continued below . . . )
General Jan Dodonna anxiously awaits the Death Star plans. When he finally receives them
he immediately goes to work trying to find a weakness that the Rebels can exploit. His hopes
are dashed, though, as every idea he can think of the Death Star designers preemptively
solved. He resigns himself to the fact that the best the Rebels can do is to ram their naval
vessels at suicide speeds into the station in the hope of causing enough damage to cripple it.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 28
By the time it is repaired, perhaps the Rebels can rebuild their navy. After making this
realization, Dodonna is unable to go to sleep for the night, so he takes a walk through the
Yavin base. He hears a young child crying and attempts to provide comfort. The child
complains of a nightmare involving a dragon, so Dodonna tells an old story about how a Jedi
Knight once killed a dragon by finding a small hole in its armor. After the child falls asleep
Dodonna keeps thinking about the dragon story and so is inspired to continue trying to find a
hole in the Death Stars defenses. Working late into the night he finally discovers a small
thermal exhaust port that connects to the stations reactor. According to the schematics, the
port is only two meters wide, so targeting it will be extremely difficult. Nevertheless, just as
the Jedi could only kill the dragon once he tried, the Rebellion had to try if it was going to
destroy the Death Star.*
(Dodonna’s Story)*
*NOTE: Summary provided by Luke Van Horn.
Just before the Battle of Yavin, R2-D2 discovers a homing droid on the Millennium Falcon.
Upon being noticed, it drops and heads for the main power generator, intent on destroying it.
The two droids give chase, until they are able to crush the droid in a blast door.
Unfortunately, the location of the base has already been relayed to the Empire. (To be
continued below . . . )*
(Star Wars: According to the Droids)*
*NOTE: See the note with the first entry under this name above.
Just before the Battle of Yavin, Keyan Farlander talks to Luke Skywalker about the Force,
seeking answers to the feelings he has been experiencing. He then suggests that Luke join
them in the upcoming battle. Once the briefing is over, the two don’t have a chance to speak
again until after the battle is over. Keyan will be right there with everyone else, flying a Y-wing
during the battle. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Farlander Papers)*
*NOTE: I’m listing this story under the title of the novella that was expanded upon in the X-wing Official Strategy
Guide to create an overall fiction story to go with the game strategies. Most of the events, though, were originally
covered in the X-wing computer game. (It’s just easier to merge the story and present it as one tale, rather than
trying to split it up, which would get really, really ugly.)
Red Leader, Garven Dreis, reflects on the name “Skywalker” and his experiences fighting
under Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars, while on his way to briefly speak with Biggs
Darklighter and new squadron member Luke Skywalker. Perhaps the name “Skywalker” is a
good omen. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
As the Alliance forces lift off from Yavin IV to attack the Death Star, Han Solo records a
friendly explanation for Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa as to why he can’t join them in the
Rebellion. He even ends with “May the Force be with you two.” (To be continued below . . . )
(Free Memory)
As the Battle of Yavin is planned and launched, the second half of the Second Battle of Ord
Biniir takes place. The Imperial 181
Fighter Wing comes to Ord Biniir, where they destroy
the Rebel Alliance forces who so recently stole the world from the Imperials.
(conjecture based on X-wing: Rogue Squadron—“The Rise of Isard: The Making of
Baron Fel” via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Just as the Battle of Yavin is about to begin, X2 is introduced to the newest member of Grey
Squadron, the former bounty hunter Shara. As the battle begins, TIE fighters attack the base.
With so many other pilots already in space, X2 and Shara help in getting the base’s defense
cannon back up and running, while also routing some landing invasion troops. They then
disable a jammer that was keeping their X-wings from lifting off and join the space battle,
already in progress. They will end up thinning out some of the TIEs that are angling after
Luke Skywalker, Biggs Darklighter, and Wedge Antilles. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Elite Squadron)*
*NOTE: This Yavin IV scenario appears only in the DS version of the game. That also means that in the PSP
version, you do not ever have a real introduction to Shara. She just sort of “appears” as one of your pilots, and
she frequently tries to boss X2 around without any sort of context to who she is or why she is there.
An unknown TIE fighter pilot is shot down and crashes down on Yavin IV, killing both the pilot
and innocent bystander, Dr’uun Unnh, a Rebel naturalist who was not a part of the Battle of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 29
Yavin itself.
(conjecture based on The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Tatooine Entry)
Qorl, a TIE fighter pilot, is shot down during the Battle of Yavin and crashes on Yavin IV.
(conjecture based on Heirs of the Force)
Doyle Skims, a Y-Wing pilot, dies in the attack on the Death Star.
(conjecture based on Alliance Operative Field Dossier: Skimmer)
As the Battle of Yavin nears its end, Biggs Darklighter’s mind, now more open to the Force,
sees the necessity of Luke Skywalker’s survival with surprising clarity, leading Biggs to
sacrifice himself, consciously or unconsciously, by being in Darth Vader’s line of fire to give
Luke the seconds he needs to near the exhaust port. Even as Biggs dies, a cured Derek
“Hobbie” Klivian opens his eyes, saved by the cure Biggs found. (To be continued below . . .
Aboard the Death Star, TK-622 is confronted by the technician who lied to him about the RA-
7 droid, a man named Krono Relt. The technician is the true architect of the assassination of
Commander Akobi, whom he killed for the destruction of the med center in Ettam on Raltiir.
The clone stormtrooper confronts the technician, even as, just outside the window, Red
Squadron skims the trench in their assault. When the first shot at the exhaust port fails, the
resulting explosion inside the station traps the tech under debris. TK-622 realizes that he has
failed in protecting the Empire, which is now being attacked from without and within. He
accepts his fate and the sacrifice of all aboard the station in the name of the Empire, even as
Luke Skywalkers proton torpedoes begin the chain reaction that destroys the station . . .*
(What Sin Loyalty?)*
*NOTE: The technician’s name, “Krono Relt,” is never stated in the story. The name did appear in the script for
the issue, though. I later learned, while working with Jeremy Barlow on Equals and Opposites for Star Wars
Tales that he had named the character “Krono Relt after my internet radio show and corresponding username
(ChronoRadio) on the Dark Horse message boards, along with the last four letters of my last name backwards
(Butler, drop the “Bu” and reverse “tler” to get “Relt). How cool is that?
Just before the Death Star is destroyed, Tyler Lucian decides to desert from the Rebel
Alliance. He steals a supply ship and escapes. It is only once his is safely away that he
hears of the destruction of the station.
(conjecture based on Dark Encounter)
The Star Tours (an interstellar travel agency) vessel Tzarina emerges from hyperspace near
Yavin IV, guided by its sightseeing droid that has discovered “something neat.” It arrives just
in time to collide with Darth Vader’s out of control TIE fighter (which is shielded). The impact
engages the Tzarina’s hyperdrive, sending it through hyperspace, from which it later emerges
to crash on Dathomir. The lone survivor eventually reaches the Dathomir Trade Outpost and
retells his story in the coming months and years.
(conjecture based on Star Wars Galaxies)
Just before the ceremony to honor the heroes of the Battle of Yavin, R2-D2 is repaired. He
and C-3PO are just barely in time for the royal award ceremony.*
(Star Wars: According to the Droids)*
*NOTE: See the note with the first entry under this name above.
While the heroes of the Battle of Yavin (Luke Skywalker and Han Solo) are celebrated,
Derek “Hobbie” Klivian and Captain Nera Dantels mourn the losses of their fallen companion
Biggs Darklighter in a hall of holographic memorials to the pilots of Red and Gold Squadrons.
While the heroes of the Rebellion are celebrated on Yavin IV, X2 and Shara, knowing an
Imperial blockade could be enacted within days, if not hours, race through the wreckage of
the Battle of Yavin and capture an Imperial transponder that will help get Rebel ships through
the blockade once enacted. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Elite Squadron)*
*NOTE: Once again, this level appears only on the DS version of the game.
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
The Heart of the Rebellion (comic series: Randy Stradley & Judd Winick & Ron Marz & Steve
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 30
Hartly & Paul Chadwick)
Princess…Warrior (comic series: Randy Stradley)*
Princess…Warrior, Part I (comic: Randy Stradley)*
Princess…Warrior, Part II (comic: Randy Stradley) *
*NOTE: This story interweaves so much with the G-Canon Radio Drama of ANH that I have included its events in
the summary above marked as “Star Wars: Episode IV—‘A New Hope’ et al,” in much the same way that the
character-driven one-shots for The Phantom Menace were interwoven with that film’s summary.
The Wookiee Storybook (children’s book: Patricia Wynne)
The Wookiee Storybook (children’s book: Patricia Wynne)
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
Darklighter Collection [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, Part II [flashback] [continued] (comic:
Paul Chadwick)
Darklighter [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
Darklighter, Part III (comic: Paul Chadwick)
The Han Solo Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: A. C. Crispin)
Rebel Dawn [continued] (novel: A. C. Crispin)
Toprawa . . . and Mos Eisley [continued]
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Battlefront II [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Rise of the Empire Campaign [continued]
Rise of the Empire [continued]
Death Star
Prison Break
Polis Massa
Birth of the Rebellion
Empire at War [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Empire at War [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Imperial Campaign [continued]
An Engagement with the Emperor
Tantive IV (SWM1 short story: Formalin)
Tantive IV (SWM1 short story: Formalin)
X-wing Miniatures Game [continued] (miniatures game series: Fantasy Flight Games)
Tantive IV Expansion Pack Mission Booklet (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
The Point of No Return
Mistaken Identity
Refueling Ambush (or Emergency Repairs)*
Satellite Uplink (or “Punch It!”)*
*NOTE: Which of the missions are undertaken in these two spots depends on the outcome of the previous
mission each time.
X-wing [continued] (video game series: Rusel DeMaria & LucasArts)*
The Farlander Papers [continued] (video game: Rusel DeMaria & LucasArts)*
Tours of Duty [continued]*
The Great Search [continued]*
Deliver Plans to Princess Leia*
Protect Princess Leia*
The Gathering Storm*
Guard Weapons Transfer*
Destroy a Repair Dock*
Capture a Military Transport*
Intercept and Capture*
Destroy Imperial Base*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 31
Destroy Priam's Escorts*
Capture the Frigate Priam*
Capture Ethar 1 and 2*
Guard Vital Supply Depot*
*NOTE: It has been suggested (more than once) that this series of missions could not possibly all be set during
ANH, especially since “Capture Ethar 1 and 2” is specifically noted as “a few days later” in relation to the
previous mission, “Capture the Frigate Priam.” However, this must all be concurrent to ANH if it is a tale being
told in chronological order. Leia isn’t even on her mission to pick up the Death Star plans until we are already
into the radio drama version of ANH (part of the ANH summary), which is the beginning of this portion of X-wing.
The next mission after “Guard Vital Supply Depot” is the Battle of Yavin scenario, which is at the end of ANH. By
definition, anything in between chronological must be during ANH, no matter how bizarre the time span seems.
Trooper (SWT10 short story: Garth Ennis)
Trooper (SWT10 short story: Garth Ennis)
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Battlefront II [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Rise of the Empire Campaign [continued]
Rise of the Empire [continued]
Tantive IV
Recovering the Plans
Star Wars: Journal [continued] (youth novel series: John Peel & Jude Watson & Donna
Tauscher & Todd Strasser)
Captive to Evil by Princess Leia Organa (youth novel: Jude Watson)
First Entry
Location: First Officer's Quarters/Consular Ship Tantive IV
Second Entry
Location: First Officer's Quarters/Consular Ship Tantive IV
Location: Portside Companionway
Third Entry
Location: Crew Quarters/Imperial Star Destroyer Devastator
Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters" [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
Timothy Zahn)
Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters" [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Timothy
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Tatooine Debriefing
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
Darklighter Collection [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
Darklighter [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
Darklighter, Part I [continued] (comic: Paul Chadwick)
Darklighter, Part II (comic: Paul Chadwick)
The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, Part I [continued] (comic: Paul
The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell, Part II [continued] (comic: Paul
The Lost Scenes (BTM clips: George Lucas)
Early Luke Scene (BTM clip: George Lucas)
Anchorhead Scene (BTM clip: George Lucas)
Biggs and Luke Scene (BTM clip: George Lucas)
Star Wars: Journal [continued] (youth novel series: John Peel & Jude Watson & Donna
Tauscher & Todd Strasser)
The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: John Peel)
Second Entry
Third Entry
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 32
Fourth Entry
Droids [continued] (comic series/cartoon series: Dan Thorsland & Ryder Windham &
Anthony Daniels & Dave Manak & George Carragone & various)
Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak & George Carragone)
Star Wars: According to the Droids (comic series: Dave Manak)*
Book I (comic: Dave Manak)*
Part I*
The Star Wars Adventure, Part II: The Force*
*NOTE: This issue has no overall title, but given how the next two issues are referred to as Book II and Book III, it
must be Book I. Also, unlike the next two “books” (issues), this one is divided into two sections. The first section
has no separate title. The second not only has a title (The Force), but it is referred to as Part II (when the first part
was not labeled Part I) and it has a different title, sort of, referring to itself as Star Wars: Droids “in The Star Wars
Adventure” rather than Star Wars: Droids in Star Wars According to the Droids.” You have to love how the old
Marvel Comics often didn’t seem to care about titles much.
Skippy the Jedi Droid (SWT1 short story: Peter David)*
Skippy the Jedi Droid (SWT1 short story: Peter David)*
*NOTE: This tale is obviously apocryphal, but it is mentioned in the online Star Wars Insider supplement article
Droids and the Force, as part of Tam Azur-Jamin’s article Of Droids, Technology, and the Force: A Clash of
Phenomena. Thus, I went ahead and put it in here as a rumor or urban legend. Don’t accept its events as true,
only that it’s true that there was a rumor of this kind.
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Desert Training [continued]
Imperial Troop Transporter (comic: Unknown)
Imperial Troop Transporter (comic: Unknown)
When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
Doug Beason)
When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Doug
Play it Again, Figrin D'an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe (TFTMEC short story: A. C.
Play it Again, Figrin D'an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe (TFTMEC short story: A. C. Crispin)
The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Dave Wolverton)
The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Dave Wolverton)
The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Dave
The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Dave Wolverton)
Spare Parts (AJ11/SWH short story: Pablo Hidalgo)
Spare Parts (AJ11/SWH short story: Pablo Hidalgo)
Swap Meet: The Jawa's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Swap Meet: The Jawa's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Star Wars: Journal [continued] (youth novel series: John Peel & Jude Watson & Donna
Tauscher & Todd Strasser)
Captive to Evil by Princess Leia Organa [continued] (youth novel: Jude Watson)
Fourth Entry
Location: Crew Quarters/Devastator/Orbiting the Death Star Station
Fifth Entry
Location: Detention Block AA23/Death Star
Sixth Entry
Location: Prisoners' Dock/Death Star
Seventh Entry
Location: Prisoners' Dock/Death Star
Eighth Entry
Location: Prisoners' Dock/Cell 2187/Death Star
Ninth Entry
Location: Prisoners' Dock/Cell 2187/Death Star
Tenth Entry
Location: Prisoners' Dock/Cell 2187/Death Star
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 33
Drawing the Maps of Peace: The Moisture Farmer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
M. Shayne Bell)
Drawing the Maps of Peace: The Moisture Farmer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: M.
Shayne Bell)
Day 50: Jawa Gifts and the Wedding
Day 50, Early Afternoon: I Wait By the Vaporator With a Last Gift of Water
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Barbara Hambly)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Barbara Hambly)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale (audio drama: John Whitman)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Alliance Strikes
War Portrait: Garven Dreis
Free Memory [flashback] (SWT10 short story: Brett Matthews)
Free Memory [flashback] (SWT10 short story: Brett Matthews)
Drawing the Maps of Peace: The Moisture Farmer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
M. Shayne Bell)
Drawing the Maps of Peace: The Moisture Farmer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: M.
Shayne Bell)
Day 50, Night: I Become a Rebel*
*NOTE: This story sets the time as “night,” but unless Ariq is telling the last section as a flashback instead of a
narrative as the rest of the story is, this must be a mistake on Bell’s part. The ANH events obviously don’t take
place at night.
Be Still My Heart: The Bartender's Tale (TFTMEC short story: David Bischoff)
Be Still My Heart: The Bartender's Tale (TFTMEC short story: David Bischoff)
Empire Blues: The Devaronian's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Daniel Keys
Empire Blues: The Devaronian's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Daniel Keys Moran)
Be Still My Heart: The Bartender's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: David Bischoff)
Be Still My Heart: The Bartender's Tale [continued](TFTMEC short story: David Bischoff)
At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Jerry Oltion)
At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Jerry Oltion)
Clone Wars Adventures [continued] (comic series: Welles Hartley & Haden Blackman &
Matthew Fillbach & Shawn Fillbach & Ryan Kaufman & Tim Mucci & Jason Lambros &
Chris Avellone & Matt Jacobs & Mike Kennedy & Jeremy Barlow & Jason Hall)
Skywalkers [continued] (CWA2 comic: Haden Blackman)
Star Wars Magazine Comics [continued] (comic series: Rik Hoskin & Mike Barr & Martin
Fisher & Chris Cooper & Robin Etherington)
War on the Jundland Wastes (SWMUS1 comic: Mike Barr)
The Han Solo Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: A. C. Crispin)
Rebel Dawn [continued] (novel: A. C. Crispin)
Cantina Communications (SWOPM16 short story: John Chesterman)
Cantina Communications (SWOPM16 short story: John Chesterman)
Empire Blues: The Devaronian's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Daniel Keys
Empire Blues: The Devaronian's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Daniel Keys Moran)
Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters" [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
Timothy Zahn)
Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters" [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Timothy
At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Jerry Oltion)
At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Jerry Oltion)
The Lost Scenes [continued] (BTM clips: George Lucas)
Early Cantina Scene (BTM clip: George Lucas)*
*NOTE: This scene was included in the "Lost Scenes" section of the Star Wars: Behind the Magic CD-ROM,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 34
along with the "Early Luke, Anchorhead," and "Biggs and Luke Scenes" above. What makes this one different is
that it is not a scene that was cut from the two versions of A New Hope. This particular scene was an early
version of the scene in Chalmun's Cantina in Mos Eisley. In the scene, camera angles are changed, dialogue is
not quite the same, and we see Han Solo with a woman in the cantina. Ever wonder why after Chewbacca leads
Luke and Obi-Wan to Han's table, the scene doesn't show them walking up to the table, just Han beginning with
"I'm Han Solo . . . "? Well, that's why--anything left in the film before that would have shown Han with this
woman. Consider this something "official" in the sense that it's an interesting addition, and if we call it "official"
and not any form of canon, anything in the scene that was overwritten with the released films is out of the
picture. (See discussion on Canon in the Appendices Supplement.)
Play it Again, Figrin D'an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
A. C. Crispin)
Play it Again, Figrin D'an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe [continued] (TFTMEC short story: A. C.
The Tales of Dannik Jerriko (TFTMEC/TFJP short stories: Jennifer Roberson)
Soup's On: The Pipe Smoker's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Jennifer Roberson)
Droids [continued] (comic series/cartoon series: Dan Thorsland & Ryder Windham &
Anthony Daniels & Dave Manak & George Carragone & various)
Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak & George Carragone)
Star Wars: According to the Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)*
Book II: Darth Vader’s Vengeance (comic: Dave Manak)*
*NOTE: I refer to this as Book II: Darth Vader’s Vengeance, instead of just as Darth Vader’s Vengeance in order to
make it easier to reference this issue in relation to the previous issue of the same series, as discussed above.
Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters" [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
Timothy Zahn)
Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters" [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Timothy
Swap Meet: The Jawa's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Swap Meet: The Jawa's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Trade Wins: The Ranat's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Rebecca Moesta)
Trade Wins: The Ranat's Tale (TFTMEC short story: Rebecca Moesta)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Barbara Hambly)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Barbara Hambly)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
Be Still My Heart: The Bartender's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: David Bischoff)
Be Still My Heart: The Bartender's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: David Bischoff)
At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Jerry Oltion)
At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Jerry Oltion)
Swap Meet: The Jawa's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Swap Meet: The Jawa's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
Doug Beason)
When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Doug
At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Jerry Oltion)
At the Crossroads: The Spacer's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Jerry Oltion)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron #1/2 (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron #1/2 (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
Doug Beason)
When the Desert Wind Turns: The Stormtrooper's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Doug
The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Dave
The Sand Tender: The Hammerhead's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Dave Wolverton)
Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters" [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
Timothy Zahn)
Hammertong: The Tale of the "Tonnika Sisters" [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Timothy
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 35
The Rebel Assault Cycle (video game series: Vincent Lee)
Rebel Assault (video game: Vincent Lee)
Chapter 1: Flight Training
Flight Training, Part I
Flight Training, Part II
Chapter 2: Asteroid Field Training
Chapter 3: Planet Kolaador
Operation Star Destroyer
Chapter 4: Star Destroyer Attack
Tatooine Attack
Chapter 5: Tatooine Attack
Chapter 6: Asteroid Field Chase*
*NOTE: After the asteroid field chase level, the game proceeds to go outside of continuity for a Battle of Hoth
(according to Leland Chee, it is Hoth) about three years early, then leaps back to the Battle of Yavin, where
Rookie One, not Luke, blows up the Death Star. So, basically, this is about half of the game or less that is in-
continuity, but it is in-continuity now. If you want to check out the levels in the rest of the game, check out the
Rebel Assault Timeline in the Apocrypha Appendix in the Appendices file.
Once Bitten [continued] (SWT12 short story: C. B. Cebulski)
Once Bitten [continued] (SWT12 short story: C. B. Cebulski)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Desert Training [continued]
Star Wars: Journal [continued] (youth novel series: John Peel & Jude Watson & Donna
Tauscher & Todd Strasser)
The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: John Peel)
Fifth Entry
Sixth Entry
Seventh Entry
Strongholds of Resistance [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Strongholds of Resistance [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Hidden Bases [continued]
Tierfon Outpost
Plot Hooks and Alternate Storylines
Plot Hooks
The Replacements
Be Still My Heart: The Bartender's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: David Bischoff)
Be Still My Heart: The Bartender's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: David Bischoff)
The Tales of Nim Bola and Tavri (AJ/SWH short stories: Chuck Sperati)
Droid Trouble (AJ3/SWH short story: Chuck Sperati)
A Deal Gone Sour (AJ4 short story: Chuck Sperati)
The Cantina
Jail Break
Saving the Droid
Pursuit and Escape
X-wing [continued] (video game series: Rusel DeMaria & LucasArts)
The Farlander Papers [continued] (video game: Rusel DeMaria & LucasArts)
Tours of Duty [continued]
The Gathering Storm [continued]
Defend the Independence
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Death Star Rescue
Droids [continued] (comic series/cartoon series: Dan Thorsland & Ryder Windham &
Anthony Daniels & Dave Manak & George Carragone & various)
Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak & George Carragone)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 36
Star Wars: According to the Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)*
Book II: Darth Vader’s Vengeance [continued] (comic: Dave Manak)*
*NOTE: I refer to this as Book II: Darth Vader’s Vengeance, instead of just as Darth Vader’s Vengeance in order to
make it easier to reference this issue in relation to the previous issue of the same series, as discussed above.
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: N-Space)
Act II [continued]
Yavin IV
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
Darklighter Collection [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
Darklighter [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
Darklighter, Part III [continued] (comic: Paul Chadwick)
Play it Again, Figrin D'an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe [continued] (TFTMEC short story:
A. C. Crispin)
Play it Again, Figrin D'an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe [continued] (TFTMEC short story: A. C.
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Barbara Hambly)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale [continued] (TFTMEC short story: Barbara Hambly)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
Nightlily: The Lover's Tale [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
Clone Wars Adventures [continued] (comic series: Welles Hartley & Haden Blackman &
Matthew Fillbach & Shawn Fillbach & Ryan Kaufman & Tim Mucci & Jason Lambros &
Chris Avellone & Matt Jacobs & Mike Kennedy & Jeremy Barlow & Jason Hall)
Skywalkers [continued] (CWA2 comic: Haden Blackman)
Revenge of the Sith [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Revenge of the Sith [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Bonus Missions [continued]
Episode IV: Death Star
Droids [continued] (comic series/cartoon series: Dan Thorsland & Ryder Windham &
Anthony Daniels & Dave Manak & George Carragone & various)
Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak & George Carragone)
Star Wars: According to the Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)*
Book III: The Last Jedi (comic: Dave Manak)*
*NOTE: I refer to this as Book III: The Last Jedi, instead of just as The Last Jedi in order to make it easier to
reference this issue in relation to the first issue of the same series, as discussed above.
Star Wars: Journal [continued] (youth novel series: John Peel & Jude Watson & Donna
Tauscher & Todd Strasser)
Captive to Evil by Princess Leia Organa [continued] (youth novel: Jude Watson)
Eleventh Entry
Location: Cargo Compartment B2 on the Millennium Falcon
Twelfth Entry
Location: Millennium Falcon/Navigation Center
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Assault on Ruul
Star Wars: Journal [continued] (youth novel series: John Peel & Jude Watson & Donna
Tauscher & Todd Strasser)
The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: John Peel)
Eighth Entry
Ninth Entry
Tenth Entry
Eleventh Entry
Perfect Evil [continued] (SWM short story: Hiromoto-SIN-ichi)
Perfect Evil [continued] (SWM1 short story: Hiromoto-SIN-ichi)
Part 1 [continued]*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 37
*NOTE: This portion of Perfect Evil retells the story of Luke’s trench run, thus it does not need a separate
Droids [continued] (comic series/cartoon series: Dan Thorsland & Ryder Windham &
Anthony Daniels & Dave Manak & George Carragone & various)
Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak & George Carragone)
Star Wars: According to the Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)*
Book III: The Last Jedi [continued] (comic: Dave Manak)*
*NOTE: I refer to this as Book III: The Last Jedi, instead of just as The Last Jedi in order to make it easier to
reference this issue in relation to the first issue of the same series, as discussed above.
X-wing [continued] (video game series: Rusel DeMaria & LucasArts)
The Farlander Papers [continued] (video game: Rusel DeMaria & LucasArts)
Tours of Duty [continued]
The Gathering Storm [continued]
Begin Death Star Assault
Attack Death Star Surface
Trench Run
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (video game: Sega)
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (video game: Sega)
Episode IV: Yavin--"Destroy the Death Star"
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Leader [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Death Star Attack
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Bonus Levels [continued]
The Death Star Trench Run
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
Darklighter Collection [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
Darklighter [continued] (comic series: Paul Chadwick)
Darklighter, Part IV [continued] (comic: Paul Chadwick)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Dodonna’s Story
Star Wars: Journal [continued] (youth novel series: John Peel & Jude Watson & Donna
Tauscher & Todd Strasser)
Captive to Evil by Princess Leia Organa [continued] (youth novel: Jude Watson)
Thirteenth Entry
Location: Starpilots' Quarters/Massassi Outpost/Fourth Moon of Yavin
Fourteenth Entry
Location: Main Hangar/Massassi Outpost
The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: John Peel)
Twelfth Entry
Captive to Evil by Princess Leia Organa [continued] (youth novel: Jude Watson)
Fifteenth Entry
Location: War Room/Massassi Outpost
The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: John Peel)
Thirteenth Entry
Captive to Evil by Princess Leia Organa [continued] (youth novel: Jude Watson)
Sixteenth Entry
Location: Senatorial Quarters/Massassi Outpost
Droids [continued] (comic series/cartoon series: Dan Thorsland & Ryder Windham &
Anthony Daniels & Dave Manak & George Carragone & various)
Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak & George Carragone)
Star Wars: According to the Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)*
Book III: The Last Jedi [continued] (comic: Dave Manak)*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 38
*NOTE: I refer to this as Book III: The Last Jedi, instead of just as The Last Jedi in order to make it easier to
reference this issue in relation to the first issue of the same series, as discussed above.
Star Wars: Journal [continued] (youth novel series: John Peel & Jude Watson & Donna
Tauscher & Todd Strasser)
Captive to Evil by Princess Leia Organa [continued] (youth novel: Jude Watson)
Seventeenth Entry
Location: Throne Room Annex/Massassi Outpost
The Fight for Justice by Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: John Peel)
Fourteenth Entry
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: N-Space)
Act II [continued]
Yavin IV [continued]
0 4 ABY
Star Wars Galaxies (video game: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
An Empire Divided (video game: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Jump to Lightspeed (video game: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Rage of the Wookiees (video game: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Trials of Obi-Wan (video game: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Star Wars: Rebellion (video game: Scott Witte)
Star Wars: Rebellion (video game: Scott Witte)
0 2 ABY
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 17
0 - 0.5 ABY
Cubber Daine's daughter is born.
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron)
Thanks to Biggs Darklighter’s defection to the Rebel Alliance, his academy teacher Soontir
Fel is transferred to the punishment assignment of heading the Imperial 181st Starfighter
(conjecture based on Star Wars: X-wing Rogue Squadron--"The Rise of Isard: Blood
and Honor—‘The Making of Baron Fel’")
Affric becomes the Sarin sector's High Lord.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim)
Tessek begins planning to kill Jabba the Hutt.
(conjecture based on A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek’s Tale)
Junas Turner joins the Rebellion after the destruction of Alderaan.
(conjecture based on Escape from Balis-Baurgh)
Tere Metallo joins Alliance Intelligence.
(conjecture based on Rendezvous with Destiny)
Harovan Toth is transferred from Yavin IV to Delta Base.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Rebel Operatives supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #11)
Kella Rand goes to Corellia to attend a university.
(conjecture based on Kella Rand Reporting)
Yasinda Bardak is reassigned to Tasariq by Imperial Intelligence.
(conjecture based on Tasariq: The Crystal Planet)
Based on anger about the loss of the Death Star plans to Operation: Skyhook, the Emperor
orders Toprawa reduced to a pre-industrial civilization.
(conjecture based on Rogue Squadron)
With Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin’s death at the Battle of Yavin, Emperor Palpatine appoints
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 39
Ardus Kaine as the new Grand Moff of the Outer Rim Territories.
(conjecture based on The Pentastar Alignment)
With the destruction of Alderaan and deaths of his close friends and contacts, Dren Nord is
recruited into the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Special Ops: Shipjackers)
With the destruction of Alderaan, CryonCorp CEO and Rebel sympathizer Belaya Rist, who
witnessed the planets destruction from nearby Delaya, invites the Alliance to “hijack” several
shipments of low-feedback scanners as an act of support.
(conjecture based on Forged in Battle)
With the destruction of Alderaan the University of Alderaans Archaeological Faculty is no
more, costing not just the lives of many distinguished archaeologists but also many rare texts
and artifacts that are now lost to the field forever.
(conjecture based on Enter the Unknown)
Alara Fax founds Fax Ventures.*
(conjecture based on Adversaries)*
*NOTE: This assumes that the main bulk of Bill Slavicsek’s Adversaries: Characters for the Star Wars New
Republic Campaign is set during 4 ABY, during “the height of the Galactic Civil War.”
Around this time, Fren Nurook, suspected by her employer, Olom Roskom, of selling
industrial secrets to outsiders, is fired from her engineering job at Glare Peak. In truth, she
was slipping secret information to Rebel contacts. She is soon to be recruited into the Rebel
Alliance by Jaxon Brand.*
(conjecture based on Rescue at Glare Peak)*
*NOTE: This is one year before Rescue at Glare Peak, which I have put at 1 ABY.
Senator Gabrial Atanna of Esseles is replaced by Moff Jander Graffe with the dissolution of
the Senate.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #3 via TimeTales,
Dif Scaur becomes a spy for the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on The New Jedi Order Sourcebook)
Around the time of th Battle of Yavin, an updated model of Imperial Raider, the Raider II-class
corvette, enters production.
(conjecture based on Friends Like These)
Biggs Darklighters heroism at the Battle of Yavin leads his younger sister, Dera, to support
the Rebel Alliance in secret.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in Star Wars Galaxies)
Shell, an Alderaanian, had been visiting his grandmother on Delaya when Alderaan was
destroyed. The shock of Alderaan’s destruction proves too much for his grandmother, who
dies, leaving the boy an orphan. He will eventually find himself into the Delayan warehouses
that hold Alderaanian refugees, coming into the care (somewhat) of Halle Dray, Krio Chen,
and J’er Nahj.
(conjecture based on Hostage)
With the destruction of Alderaan, the Alderaanian High House hairstyle becomes popular.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #5 via TimeTales,
Around this time, the HSP-10 pursuit airspeeder begins to be phased out in favor of newer
(conjecture based on Fly Casual)
Dictio L’varren joins the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Kella Rand Reporting)
Karin Orlan defects to the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4 via TimeTales, paraphrased)
T’Charek Haathi enlists in the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Special Ops: Shipjackers)
Allia is stationed on Wroona.
(conjecture based on Platt’s Smugglers Guide via TimeTales, abridged)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 40
Birrge becomes a sanitation worker in Hanna City on Chandrila.
(conjecture based on Platt’s Smugglers Guide via TimeTales, abridged)
Rebba Macrebe works along the Trax Tube.
(conjecture based on Platt’s Smugglers Guide via TimeTales, abridged)
Miketa Sabrin’s belief in the Empire is shattered with the destruction of Alderaan and the
casual acceptance of the destruction by the Emperor and her own staff.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations via TimeTales, abridged)
On Corellia, a private reception for Fine Arts Museum patrons is held at which Venthan
Chassu’s Selonian nudes are shown for the first time in eight years. Corran and Hal Horn are
in attendance.
(conjecture based on Side Trip)
In this era (or later), Miiyoom Onith (AKA Nightlily) returns to H’nemthe, where she gains
notoriety for having carried out the H’nemthe mating ritual with Feltipern Trevagg, the first
noted account of a H’nemthe trying to mate with a being outside her own species.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
The 16
Escort Force, a small Imperial fleet which is part of Commodore Soleric’s command,
is assigned the specific mission of escorting merchant and corporate vessels through Ado
Sector’s Induparan Crown Worlds. It is undermanned and short on resources, facts that are
revealed when the Free Lance’ began raiding convoys in the sector.
(conjecture based on Pirates and Privateers via TimeTales, verbatim)
Ivey joins the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Blasters for Hire)
After a little over four years, Shandy Fanaso finally finishes correctly reciting the tracts of
Gactimus 500 times in the cantina at Triton Besh. He finally leaves, taking two chests full of
tips he earned over the years, along with a full tract of Gactimus, which he is able to sell for a
rather high sum. He then pays off the backers of his Shandy’s Pleasure Palace and uses the
funds that remain to purchase an interest in the One Two Many.
(conjecture based on Deader Than a Triton Moon)
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, the A-wing, a variant on the R-22 Spearhead starfighter is
developed for the Rebel Alliance fleet. It is designed by Jan Dodonna and Adar Tallon,
based on analysis of the Battle of Yavin.*
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)*
*NOTE: The Rebel Sourcebook from West End Games would have put this about two years earlier, but later
sources specifically state that the starfighter is developed based on post-Yavin battle analysis.
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, a campaign medal for participating in the defense of Yavin
Base is issued to both army and naval personnel of the Alliance. It is the Alliance’s first major
campaign medal.
(conjecture based on Lead by Example)
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, Jek Porkins is posthumously awarded the Kenobi
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, a campaign medal for participating in the battle is issued to
Alliance pilots, including posthumously.
(conjecture based on Lead by Example)
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, the TIE Hunter (the “best parts” of the standard TIE fighter,
TIE Interceptor, and TIE Advanced) multi-role starfighter is developed, as is the TIE
Interdictor starfighter.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)
In the wake of the destruction of Alderaan, only eight of the 137 cryodexes from Alderaan are
known to have survived by being off-world. Of those eight, seven are in diplomatic hands,
while the eighth went missing and was presumed stolen (by Black Sun, it turns out) four
years earlier.
(conjecture based on Scoundrels)
In the wake of the destruction of Alderaan, Pash is freed from Imperial custody by Imperial
officer Herkin, who is in league with Teemo the Hutt. His price for freeing Pash is that the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 41
smuggler and conman must travel to Tatooine to fly starships for Teemo. Pash also now
owes Herkin a favor. Pash does so and is soon flying cargos out of the city of Mos Shuuta,
which Teemo effectively rules.
(conjecture based on Edge of the Empire Beginner Game: Pash Character Folio)
In the wake of the destruction of Alderaan, Brun Brux, proprietor of Tasia’s Tapcafe on the
Wheel, will focus his efforts on saving Alderaans culture and spirit through the restaurant’s
specialty in Alderaanian dishes. The restaurant becomes a rallying point for anti-Imperial and
pro-Alderaanian sentiment on the Wheel. While he may join the Rebellion one day, Brux, for
now, discourages open talk of rebellion in order to avoid unwanted attention from the Imperial
Security Bureau.
(conjecture based on Beyond the Rim)
In the wake of the destruction of Alderaan, the Alderaanian patrol ship Aegis, having received
transmissions during the Imperial attack but being unable to respond in time, finally repairs
the systems that were knocked out by the blast wave of the planet’s destruction. They
encounter other ships from the far edge of the system where they had been patrolling. The
other ships decide to find and join the Rebel Alliance, but the Aegis crew, led by Captain
Caline Metara, believes that it was Alderaans association with the Alliance that led to its
destruction. They decide to continue on their own and hurt the Empire in their own way. They
soon become traders and haulers, only to eventually find an Imperial governor with trading
interests. They strike at his freighters as a way of striking at the Empire, but it draws Imperial
attention and forces them to head for the area near Arnot Station, where the Empire is less
active and opportunities are more plentiful.
(conjecture based on Razor’s Edge)
In the wake of the destruction of Alderaan, the Rebel Alliance very quickly begins to divert
any possible survivors to a new safe planet, which comes to be called New Alderaan.
(conjecture based on Age of Rebellion: Core Rulebook)
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, Dressellian pilot Dorrian Vodani decides to join the
Rebellion. He will eventually link up with Arda Base.
(conjecture based on Onslaught at Arda I)
Around this time, Porton Kolp joins IsoTech when forced to flee a top Coruscant hospital after
a jealous colleague wrongly accuses him of being a Rebel sympathizer.
(conjecture based on Beyond the Rim)
Around this time, two months before the Krayt Fang returns to Ryloth with a new crew, the
Trandoshan Trex travels to Geonosis, where he captures a Geonosian named Sivor for
Teemo the Hutt. He returns Sivor to Teemo in Mos Shuuta on Tatooine, where Sivor is forced
to fight in gladiatorial combat until weakened from several battles. Once weakened, Teemo
sends in his Geonosian-hating Kubaz spy, Thwheek, into the ring to kill Sivor.
(conjecture based on The Long Arm of the Hutt)
At the height of the Rebellion, Ordith Huarr, a Republic then Imperial shuttle pilot, joins the
Rebel Alliance to fly Y-wings.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
Around this time, Mara Jade is trained in the use of a spray stick.
(conjecture based on Allegiance)
By this time, the Yuuzhan Vong move from scouting the galaxy to espionage, as Supreme
Overlord Shimrra orders his minions to observe the galaxy’s military capabilities to discover
(conjecture based on I, Yuuzhan Vong)
Around the era of the Battle of Yavin, HK-47, Revan’s old assassin droid, emerges in a new
body, after having stored himself in various electronic systems since the era of the Jedi
Exile’s confrontation with Darth Traya. HK-47 then begins building an army of murderous
droids on Mustafar.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
Around the era of the Battle of Yavin, the members of the Hutt Ruling Council are from the
Desilijic (with two seats), Qunaalac, Gorensla, and Vanderijar kajidics.
(conjecture based on Lords of Nal Hutta)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 42
Around this time, shortly after the Death Star’s destruction, Kesin Ommis joins the Rebel
Alliance. He will eventually fly with Derek “Hobbie” Klivian during the Battle of Hoth.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Sometime soon after the death of Greedo on Tatooine, the copy of The Bounty Hunters Guild
Handbook: Imperial Edition that was owned by Greedo is acquired by Bossk.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Garik “Face” Loran is captured by Rebels and about to be executed for his role in spreading
Imperial propaganda, when he is shown the evil of the Empire he has supported. With a
change of heart, he is about to change sides when an Imperial unit attacks the Rebel base.
Garik escapes, but he will bear a scar across his face for the rest of his life. He could get it
healed, but he chooses to keep it as a reminder of the evil he helped spread. He soon goes
into hiding on Pantolomin, while the rest of the galaxy believes he is dead. His parents
secretly send him to Lorrd, where he refines his gift for mimicry and learns to pilot an A-wing.*
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron and The New Essential Guide to Characters)*
*NOTE: This refers to the article in Gamer #9, not the novel.
Velpar Raftin aids in the investigation of the commandant of Sevarcos criminal activities. His
participation earns him the chance to take over as the new commandant when the
investigation costs the former commandant his position.*
(conjecture based on The Free-Traders Guide to Sevarcos)*
*NOTE: This assumes that the sourcefile The Free-Trader’s Guide to Sevarcos was meant to be viewed as
happening around the time of ANH.
Alderaan Royal Engineers (the portion not on Alderaan, of course) shuts down.
(conjecture based on the Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
On Gallisport, the Rabid Mynocks, after a brief recruiting campaign, regain their prominence.*
(conjecture based on Swoop Gangs)*
*NOTE: This assumes that all of Swoop Gangs takes place around the time of ANH.
Soontir Fel and Wynssa Starflare (AKA Syal Antilles) are married.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: X-wing Rogue Squadron--"The Rise of Isard: Blood
and Honor—‘The Making of Baron Fel’")
Andi Tolen becomes a freelance bounty hunter.*
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Andi Tolen, found on
the Wizards of the Coast website)*
*NOTE: This assumes her freelance status begins shortly into the Rebellion Era.
Carlist Rieekan begins bouncing between being a senior advisor in Alliance High Command
and assisting sector commanders in the field.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in Echo Base)
Around this time, Ayelixe/Krongbing Textiles Corporation releases the A/KT Wing
Commander armored flight suit, similar in design to their Shockrider crash suit.
(conjecture based on Stay on Target)
Around this time, four years before Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik’s trial and execution a short
time after the Battle of Endor, Imperial adviser Veshiv from Esseles is kidnapped by
privateers in the Core, the Oversector that Teshik commands. The Emperor decides that in
order to alleviate his anger over Veshiv’s kidnapping, Teshik must die. He is sent on what is
supposed to be a suicide mission to Hapes aboard the Pursuit light cruiser Shepherd with
only two squadrons of TIE fighters and eight gunships. They run straight into Hapan forces
that had been tipped off that they were coming (by the Emperor, presumably). The Hapans
have five Battle Dragons and eight Nova battle cruisers. The Imperial forces are decimated,
and Teshik finds himself EVA in a damaged suit. While EVA, he has a vision of ancient and
future warfare, including the fall of the Emperor and the Vongforming of Coruscant. A ship
sent to watch the confrontation for the Emperor picks up his distress beacon and saves him.
He will be rebuilt with cybernetics and be known as the only survivor of this, the Battle of
Andalia. Rather than killing him upon his return, the Emperor lets him live, though Teshik
never learns precisely why. He will recount this story as part of his last statement to the
Alliance prior to his execution four years later.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
In the aftermath of the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo tasks Col Serra with bringing together
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 43
smugglers and other scoundrels into a new squadron for the Rebel Alliance. The result is
Renegade Squadron, commanded by Serra (with Han technically over Serra if present). Han
is tasked with training them on Yavin IV.
(conjecture based on Renegade Squadron)
Civil war breaks out between the farmers and miners on Anobis.
(conjecture based on Return to Ord Mantell)
Lynn Skims sells her family operated textile business on Corellia following her husband’s
death in the attack on the Death Star.
(conjecture based on Alliance Operative Field Dossier: Skimmer)
The day after the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker takes an X-wing out for a joyride to
celebrate their victory (sneaking out of the celebration party to do so, forgetting his weapons),
but he finds himself clashing with a single TIE fighter and forced to crash with it when his
weapon systems are depleted. They crash into the jungle of Yavin IV, where Luke is forced to
fight the TIE pilot hand-to-hand. He finally bests the pilot, nearly killing him, before Luke
realizes that under the helmet is just a man, not a monster, nor the person responsible for so
many deaths amongst his family and friends. He is soon rescued by Han Solo, Leia Organa,
and Chewbacca.*
(The Day After the Death Star!)*
*NOTE: This story was originally presented in the Marvel UK Star Wars Weekly series in issues 97 through 99,
then reprinted in the United States. As this timeline is based on the American releases of Star Wars materials, it
is noted by its American release format.
Tycho Celchu defects from the Empire and joins the Rebellion.
(conjecture based on Rogue Squadron)
Having been off-planet with Team Alderaan to compete in the Galactic Cup on Fondor when
Alderaan was destroyed, Cael of House Hanarist survives its destruction. When the Galactic
Cup is put on hiatus, Team Alderaan breaks apart so that everyone can look into the status of
their families and friends. Cael uses the last of his family’s money to charter a ship. He visits
the ruins of Alderaan and decides then and there to change from his previous use of his own
sports celebrity to peaceful protest Imperial oppression and instead become a soldier for the
Rebel Alliance. He charters a ship to Chandrila and joins the Alliance.
(conjecture based on Age of Rebellion: Beginner Game: Cael Character Folio)
In the period shortly after the Battle of Yavin (or, more specifically, after the 501
raid on Polis
Massa), the Rebels expand their operations out of Polis Massa, adding at least one X-wing
and Y-wing squadron to base defenses.
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)
In the period shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Imperial Senator Sian Tevv replaces Siin Suub
as the CEO of SoroSuub on Sullust. Sullust as a whole becomes more sympathetic to the
Rebellion due to Tevv’s own sympathies, though the planet cannot outright declare its
affiliation. Among various groups on the planet secretly supplying the Rebels will be Serres
Sarrano’s SoroSuub factories, which is licensed to manufacture BlasTech E-11 blaster rifles
and SC-4 blaster pistols for the Empire. Frustrated by licensing fees, they reverse-engineer
the design to create their own products, the Stormtrooper One, Two, and Three blaster rifles,
which they also offer to the Rebellion, for whom they are rebranded the Freedom One, Two,
and Three and sold at cost.
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)
The Emperor establishes the Imperial Storm Commandos, who begin training under Crix
Madine. They will be known for wearing black scout trooper armor.
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
New Rebel agent Tycho Celchu, an Imperial defector, is captured by Imperial forces on
Dantooine. Luke Skywalker and Lieutenant Sarkli carry out a mission to rescue him. While
Sarkli handles landing site operations, Luke heads out after Tycho, finally saving him from an
Imperial APC full of a new type of stormtrooper, the Storm Commandos. On returning to
Sarkli, though, they find that the Rebels were attacked by Imperial bombers, leaving only
Sarkli alive. Tycho informs them that the Storm Commandos next target is a group of hidden
Rebel scientists on Raltiir, who have developed a new shield technology. Heading to the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 44
blockaded planet, Luke, Tycho, Sarkli, Bren Derlin, and other Rebels reach the scientists and
hold off the Imperials, intending to get to a stolen Corvette, which would allow them to
escape. As Luke covers the scientists in a scout walker, though, Sarkli (actually Captain
Firmus Piett’s nephew) reveals himself to be an Imperial spy and betrays and abandons
them. Luckily, Luke, Tycho, and Derlin are still able to get the scientists safely to the
Corvette and off-planet. (To be continued below . . . )
(Rebel Strike)
Imperial forces destroy Legacy YT Indigo Blue, the Alliance’s oldest space station.*
(conjecture based on Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn. I have included it near the previous segment of Rebel Strike
because we know that the Empire is at Dantooine at this point, and this space station is at Dantooine.
General Dodonna assigns everyone at Yavin base a mission: Find the damaged TIE
Advanced of Darth Vader, which is confirmed to have survived the Battle of Yavin. He very
much wants to increase the Rebellion’s victory by capturing or killing Vader before he
reaches the Empire again. For nearly a month, during their various missions, the Rebel
heroes keep their eyes and ears open for any sign of where Vader went.
(conjecture based on Scoundrel’s Luck via TimeTales, verbatim)
The HD 5-D hyperdrive booster is released.
(conjecture based on Galladinium’s Fantastic Technology via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Denizens of Dakaret IX, starring Quintana Trill, premieres, then flops.
(conjecture based on Galladinium’s Fantastic Technology via TimeTales, paraphrased)
General Airen Cracken issues a report, detailing many of the Rebel Alliance’s operatives, to
Rebel High Command.*
(Cracken’s Rebel Operatives)*
*NOTE: Cracken will later issue files to update this report shortly after the Battle of Endor. These were covered
in the Official Star Wars Adventure Journal series.
Aboard the Kuari Princess, Lieutenant Celia Durasha plays a hologame with Detien Kaileel
as Dap Nechel watches. They are members of the crew of the ship, carrying passengers
from Endoraan to Mantooine. When they arrive, Kaileel goes out on a secret errand. Later,
with him back aboard, the ship begins taking on new passengers, including Lieutenant Adion
Lang, close friend of Celia’s from back home. Celia tells him of how her father blocked her
attempts to follow the family military tradition, which landed her on the non-military vessel.
Adion, on the other hand, is now assistant to Aris Moff. After the encounter, Celia does
some thinking and goes for a rematch with Kaileel, who updates her on the investigation into
some missing blasters. They are interrupted when Captain Glidrick calls Celia to his office.
Her brother Raine has been recently killed by Rebels on Raltiir. She talks about it with
Kaileel later and notes his Rebel sympathies . . . before realizing that he is an active Rebel
and has been smuggling their “missing” blasters to Rebels on places like Mantooine. He tells
her to look at the Empire from a closer point of view to see its crueltya point emphasized as
they are told by Dap that Alderaan has been destroyed for aiding the Rebellion. Before they
can continue their game, Adion, who is not a Moff’s assistant but actually an Imperial Security
Bureau officer, takes Kaileel into custody. She breaks him out of custody and races with him
to the docking bay to escape in a barge, but Adion is waiting. Adion kills Kaileel and tries to
take Celia into custody, but she slashes him with a knife and escapes from the Kuari Princess
into the Maelstrom Nebula, from which she plans her escape from her former life.
(A Certain Point of View)
Jengus the Jawa and his family leave Tatooine after the murder of an entire Jawa clan by
Imperial stormtroopers. He hopes to join his nephew, Squig, but is stranded on Cordel Cove
on Neftali for starship repairs. The port master at the time agrees to let his family have free
run of the starport if Jengus will agree to serve as the starport’s head technician. Jengus
quickly agrees, and oversees all the machinery and mechanical maintenance of Cordel Cove.
Jengus and his twin sons also oversee the management of the underground hot springs of
Cordel Cove, catering to the whims of tourists of all species.
(conjecture based on The Black Sands of Socorro via TimeTales, verbatim)
M'Nes also known as the True Faith, a Gorothite religion, is founded by the V'Sook during the
Imperial occupation of Goroth Prime.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 45
(conjecture based on Goroth: Slave of the Empire via TimeTales, abridged)
J'Mer Sab, a resistance group, whose name means "Night Wind," rises among the Gorothite
people shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Formed from Gorothites who fear the high attrition
rate of the K'Len J'Bar Kasoon, the J'Mer Sab also attracts some members from the
Gor'Jen'Ar. In reality, however, the J'Mer Sab has been privately set up and funded by
Imperial Governor Marsh Limoth. Limoth hopes to attract a sufficient number of prominent
Gorothites before "raiding" the group, arresting its members and striking a blow against the
legitimate resistance. In this way, he hopes to gain a significant political victory, earning him
more funding, and latitude from his Imperial superiors. The Alliance, as part of Operation
Starbird, sets out to infiltrate and break up the J'Mer Sab before Limoth can act.
(conjecture based on Goroth: Slave of the Empire via TimeTales, verbatim)
Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, Kuat Systems Engineering revives the Firespray-class
patrol ship line.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
Millennia after the devastation in the Uba system, the Yrak Pootzck (the relocated Ubese who
went to Ubertica) rediscover the Uba system and bring starfaring technology to the “true
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)*
*NOTE: The Ubese entry in the Alien Anthology jumps between “centuries” and “millennia,” but the information
regarding the Uba system devastation is supposedly set at 2,000 BBY based on the Shadows of the Empire
Sourcebook, according to Chris McElroy over at TimeTales, and without that book on hand right now to check, I’ll
trust his judgment. Thus, for “millennia” to pass between those events and this reunion, this event must take
place around this time. However, since we don’t have clear evidence of exactly when these events have
transpired, take this dating with a grain of salt.
Gunda Mabin AKA Gunda the Terror bursts onto the galactic pirate scene as a member of
the Riders of the Maelstrom.
(conjecture based on Pirates and Privateers via TimeTales, abridged)
Imperial Admiral Gor Lequar is placed in command of the Third Ado Superiority Fleet.
(conjecture based on Pirates and Privateers via TimeTales, verbatim)
Yerland, an Alliance agent is captured by the bounty hunter Malis, but not before Yerland
takes out five Imperial troopers.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters via TimeTales, verbatim)
Drayneen, a woman, becomes an Imperial Inquisitor.
(conjecture based on Rebellion Era Sourcebook)
Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance forms Nomad Squadron.
(conjecture based on On Wings of Rogues)
With the disbanding of the Imperial Senate, Simon Greyshade abandons the Commonality to
its Moff and heads for Vorzyd 5’s “Wheel” gambling establishment, where he becomes its
new administrator.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
Around this time, some high-ranking technicians, engineers, and naval architects from
Corellian Engineering Corporate begin going missing in North-East (the roughest district of
Tyrena on Corellia) Sensitive information is also going missing and later turning up on the
black market. The situation lasts for at least a few months and is generally considered to be
industrial espionage, likely carried out by Kuat Drive Yards headhunters.
(conjecture based on Suns of Fortune)
The HT-2200 freighter, Reekeene’s Retribution is purchased by the Alliance, and issued to
Reekeene’s Roughnecks. Modified with the addition of a pair of retractable FireStorm missile
racks, the Retribution is outfitted to help the Roughnecks defeat Moff Sakai. Unfortunately,
Sakai calls in the Venom Guard, and the Roughnecks are nearly wiped out. The Reekeene’s
Retribution is lost, presumably with all hands aboard, and is believed to be adrift in deep
(conjecture based on Stock Ships via TimeTales, verbatim)
The servant droid SE4-T25 begins working for Radell Mining Corporation.
(conjecture based on Operation: Elrood via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Empire introduces the Thran class starship into its fleet.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 46
(conjecture based on Campaign Pack via TimeTales, verbatim)
Imperial Major Drummond serves as the warden of the Alpha TR-8 prison facility on the
planet Rordak.
(conjecture based on Planets of the Galaxy: Volume One via TimeTales, abridged)
Bevel Lemelisk is forced into a cage to be tortured by piranha-beetles as an example to all
those whose work on the Death Star had failed.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Bevel Lemelisk attempts to escape from the Empire, but is soon recaptured and brought back
to work on the Death Star II project.
(conjecture based on Rebellion Era Sourcebook)
While Darth Vader is en route from Yavin back to Coruscant, Emperor Palpatine calls ten of
his most powerful subjects before him to lay out his next course of action. They will not strike
at Yavin IV yet, as it would only help create greater sympathy for the Rebellion if the Empire
strikes at their leaders in sheer revenge for the Death Star. Instead, they will strike at the
leaders of the Rebel Alliance, dealing severe blows and gaining a measure of revenge
without likely creating greater Rebel sympathies. The most prominent target is to be the pilot
who destroyed the Death Star, and great rewards await the person who is able to discover
his identity. In attendance are, among others, Storm Commando leader Crix Madine (already
showing some misgivings), Captain Mitthraw’nuruodo (Thrawn), Commander Grev T’Ran
(whose suspicious behavior gets him killed during the meeting), and Commander Rezi
Soresh. Soreshs single-minded loyalty to the Empire (and his own career) once led him to
turn in his own wife (Ilaani) and son (Kimali) for treason, and now both have died among the
Gree Baaker Labor Camp prisoners who had been transferred to work on the Death Star.
Rezi will call upon his best resources to hunt down the pilot that destroyed the Death Star . . .
(To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: Because of how amazingly full this part of the continuity has become, it was inevitable that any series
like Rebel Force would end up with continuity problems. Thankfully, Target does not present many issues, but it
does require this split in the story. Vader is still on his way back to Coruscant during the meeting in the book’s
first chapter, but the second chapter leaps to Luke on Yavin IV, referring back to having been on the world for
two weeks. Thus, since Vader returns sooner than that, I have split the story here, simply assuming that Rezi
Soresh takes a little time before calling upon X-7.
After the Battle of Yavin, Darth Vader takes his damaged TIE Advanced starfighter to the
planet Vaal, a forgotten Imperial outpost where three staffers goof around since they know
the Empire will never really care what they do there. Unfortunately for them, an asteroid
damages Vaders wing, forcing him down onto the planet, where he is confronted by a pack
of deadly predators, of whom he becomes the alpha male through combat. The savage
within has been released. Vader, though, must return to Coruscant. He and his pack arrive
at the outpost, where Vader steals their shuttle and leaves, allowing the pack of predators to
slaughter the three outpost workers. Vader soon arrives back on Coruscant, where he orders
a new team sent to the station on Vaal.
(The Savage Heart)
Presumably before going to see Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader goes to Firrerre and finds
Hethrir and Rillao, two Force-sensitive natives. Vader picks them to be his students, using
their names as leverage to get them to agree. (In their culture, saying one’s name compels
the person to obey.) Lord Hethrir, student of Darth Vader, soon becomes Imperial Procurator
of Justice and destroys Firrerre, leaving the Firrerreo species enslaved. Those who are lucky
enough to be enslaved are put in suspended animation and shipped off the planet. The
others are killed when the Imperial Starcrash Brigade releases a virus into the atmosphere.
Vader then heads back to Coruscant aboard a Carrack cruiser.*
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)*
*NOTE: The first and last bits of this event are meant to provide a possible way to blend the two returns of Vader
to Coruscant into one continuity. Vader returns to Coruscant after the Battle of Yavin in Empire: The Savage
Heart, but also arrives and has his first reunion with Palpatine in Star Wars Missions: Darth Vader’s Return.
Unfortunately, he arrives in two entirely different vessels, and there is no mention of him being all torn up when
he arrives in SWM:DVR. Hence putting this event, which takes place sometime in this period, between the two
For his failure at Yavin IV, Darth Vader's right hand is severed on Palpatine's orders. The
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 47
hand is replaced by yet another artificial body part.
(conjecture based on the Dark Force Rising)
The day after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebels on Yavin IV are celebrating. Near the planet
Delrakkin, Imperial Admiral Termo’s Star Destroyer sits, while they await a message from
Grand Moff Tarkin. Concerned that Tarkin has not contacted them, Termo dispatches a
Carrack cruiser with three attached TIE fighters and a group of stormtroopers led by Captain
Skeezer to the Yavin system to find out what happened to Tarkin. At the Rebel base, R2-D2
wonders why there was a huge amount of non-medical area bacta on the Death Star. The
Imperials arrive and find no Death Star and head for Yavin IV to seek answers. On Yavin IV,
the Rebels detect the ship, and Han Solo disobeys orders and takes the Millennium Falcon to
take out the cruiser. He succeeds in taking out the TIEs and shooting the Carrack down, but
the Rebels must send people out to stop them from sending a distress signal and to capture
the leader. A lone Rebel heads into the jungle and takes out several stormtroopers and the
distress beacon, taking one’s armor, but being discovered as a fake. The Rebel hides in a
nearby temple, where battle droids await. After defeating a battle droid, the Rebel discovers
Q-7N, who helps the Rebel defeat the next stormtroopers. The Rebel manages to capture
Captain Skeezer and take him in for questioning. In the ensuing interrogation, carried out by
Solo, it is learned that the extra bacta on the Death Star was contaminated for some dire
purpose. Leia thinks she knows what that purpose was, and she races off to find General
(Assault on Yavin Four)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
The Rebels on Yavin IV realize that the contaminated bacta the Death Star carried must have
been created on Thyferra. Our heroes head for Thyferra to investigate. Aboard the Imperial
Star Destroyer Liquidator, Admiral Termo follows instructions left on a data tape by Grand
Moff Tarkin and contacts B90-478R, who turns out to be Emperor Palpatine. Palpatine
informs him that the Death Star has been destroyed, though it must be kept secret. On
Thyferra, the Rebels plan to meet with Voralla Morbo, a Rebel sympathizer, but are captured
by stormtroopers who had been tipped off that the landing pad they were using was
frequented by Rebel ships. One of the Rebels escapes. Along with Q-7N, the Rebel
manages to make it through the streets, past several Imperial encounters and one encounter
with some slavers, and finally makes it to a warehouse, only to find Plurra, an enslaved Vratix
making bacta. With the Vratixs help, the Rebel makes it to the prison area and frees the
other Rebels, who follow Q-7N to the Millennium Falcon. Shortly after their escape from the
cells, they head for Morbos Place. Morbo tells them that a modified Carrack cruiser (the one
that Captain Skeezer crashed on Yavin IV) came just a short while before to pick up a load of
alazhi, one of the two components in making bacta. The destination of the shipment was
(Escape from Thyferra)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
Aboard the Star Destroyer Liquidator, Admiral Termo speaks via hologram with Emperor
Palpatine. He is confused as to why the Emperor mentions his earlier mission to plant alazhi,
one of the two components of bacta, on Delrakkin. All becomes clear when he plays Tarkin’s
second data tape and learns that he is to attack Delrakkin City, pretending to be Rebel
forces. On Thyferra, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and the rest of the Rebels who
discovered the plot of the contaminated bacta leave for Delrakkin. Upon entering Delrakkin
space, the Millennium Falcon is confronted by two full squadrons of X-wings flown by Imperial
pilots. They pretend to crash the Falcon to make repairs, but one of them has to go after the
X-wings. That Rebel takes a Y-wing they had carried to Thyferra after the X-wings, with Q-
7N in the cockpit as well. In a subsequent encounter with the X-wings, the Y-wing is shot
down. The Rebel moves through the Delrakkin wilderness, meeting Untrilla and Gwann, two
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 48
Delrakkin natives. They inform the Rebel that a short while ago they planted a field of alazhi
brought to them by a Rebel named Skeezer. The Rebel tells them that Skeezer is actually an
Imperial, and the two natives head for the Falcon while the Rebel manages to get an Imperial
pilot’s uniform and trick a fellow Imperial pilot into leading him (in the real pilot’s X-wing) back
to the Liquidator. Once the Rebel’s X-wing is in the Star Destroyer’s docking bay, the Rebel
fires on a fuel tank, throwing the bay into confusion. The Rebel makes it to a lift and tells
security that Rebels have invaded the ship. The Rebel makes it to Termo’s quarters and
steals the first two (of three) data tapes left for Termo by Tarkin. The Rebel then escapes in
an X-wing. Reunited, the Rebels view the data tapes and discover the Imperial plot. The
Empire has been working on a device to restrict hyperspace escape and were planning to
use Delrakkin as a testing area, since it is on the end of an old hyperspace trade route.
Unfortunately, the citizens of Delrakkin City (all Imperials, not natives) cannot be trusted with
keeping the operation a secret, so they must be eliminated. The bacta was to be delivered to
the city to kill off the citizens, but Skeezer’s mission to destroy it as Rebel forces was Tarkin’s
contingency plan. At the end of the second tape, Tarkin orders Termo to the Yavin system to
search for the Death Star and anything else in the area. The Rebels realize the base on
Yavin IV could be in danger, and head back there at once.*
(Attack on Delrakkin)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
In the Yavin system, the Liquidator approaches Yavin’s moons. Admiral Termo orders
probes sent to Yavin XIII and Yavin IV, while they proceed to Yavin VIII. In each case, they
are searching for Rebels who could have destroyed the Death Star. Entering the system in
the Millennium Falcon, our Rebel heroes, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia
Organa, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Q-7N, see the probe heading for Yavin IV and race after it.
They destroy it to keep the base’s location a secret, planning to send a fake “all clear”
transmission. At about the same time, Imperial Captain Skeezer escapes from his cell on
Yavin IV and makes his escape in his modified Carrack cruiser, which the Rebels have just
finished repairing for installation into the Rebel fleet. When the Falcon reaches Yavin IV, the
Rebels are informed of Skeezer’s escape and one of them (the same one who attacked the
Liquidator at Delrakkin) takes an X-wing and Q-7N to stop the Carrack cruiser from informing
the Liquidator of the Rebel presence on Yavin IV. The Rebel tracks Skeezer and destroys
his transmitter array before bringing him down on Yavin VIII. No sooner does the Rebel see
Skeezer go down than an assault commences from a garrison the Liquidator left on the
planet. After destroying most of the garrison, the Rebel is caught in a tractor beam and taken
aboard the Liquidator once again. The Rebel is confronted by Admiral Termo and
stormtroopers, but Q-7N fires the X-wings lasers, scattering the troopers and allowing the
Rebel to escape. The Rebel makes it to a weapon storage area and takes a detonator, which
the Rebel then places on the ship’s solar ionization reactor. The Rebel is the stopped by
Termo, but they need the Rebel alive to deactivate the detonator. The Rebel and Q-7N
distract the Imperials and escape in an escape pod as the detonator explodes, causing a
chain reaction that destroys the Liquidator. From the pod, the Rebel sends a distress signal
to the Rebels in the system. The pod lands on Yavin VIII, and the Rebel must battle Captain
Skeezer, finally putting the man down. The Millennium Falcon soon arrives to recover the
Rebel and Q-7N, and they all return to Yavin IV to celebrate their victory.*
(Destroy the Liquidator)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, with so many of its pilots reassigned or killed over Yavin
IV, the Tierfon Yellow Aces squadron is officially disbanded.
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)
With the Tierfon Yellow Aces disbanded, the Rebels of Tierfon Outpost begin working to
create a new squadron to replace the Yellow Aces.*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 49
(A New Squadron)*
*NOTE: This is a “plot hook” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance.
A group of Rebels joins with Gaff Kilvaari of the Sullustan Resistance to strike a major blow
against SoroSuub Corporation to make them believe the Empire is not worth the trouble of
supporting. Their plan is “Operation Thunderbolt,” and they strike against an AgriSuub
research facility, Grinn Go City’s corporate security headquarters, SoroSuub land systems
and proving grounds, and a SoroSuub secure uplink station. This brings them into conflict
with SoroSuubs corporate security commander in G’rinn Go City, a Corellian named Fenn
Sesslyn. They strike several blows against SoroSuub, but the fight to liberate Sullust goes
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance. Its
placement here is conjecture, based on needing to be prior to major Sullustan changes.
A group of Rebels travels to Ord Gimmel to participate in local Alliance agent Bleshk Callor’s
“Operation Clean Sweep,” an attempt to take out three espionage targets on the politically
torn world. They take down a double agent, the Chadra-Fan Nosh Droma, hunt down Imperial
Security Bureau data thief Halina Patel, and gaining the loyalty of freelance agent
provocateur Taska Mastigar. They have dealt a blow to Imperial Intelligence activities on Ord
Gimmel, but the struggle for control of the planet continues.*
(The Geharr Incident)*
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance. Its
placement here is due to needing to be sometime after both ANH and the political crisis on Ord Gimmel.
Han Solo returns his reward money for rescuing Leia Organa to the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on The Rebel Thief)
Reports of the Death Star’s destruction spread. Ni’lyahin smugglers begin scavenging the
wreckage, hoping to find pieces they can sell.*
(conjecture based on Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn.
Two weeks after arriving at Yavin IV, Luke Skywalker is restless. Was his successful
destruction of the Death Star a fluke or the Force? How will he become a Jedi with Obi-Wan
Kenobi gone? How, if at all, can they convince Han Solo and Chewbacca to remain with the
Rebel Alliance. These concerns are piled upon when the Rebels decide, knowing the Empire
will be targeting the pilot that destroyed the Death Star, to make Luke’s role in the battle a
highly guarded secret for his own protection. Leia Organa is also secretly told by Jan
Dodonna that much of the Alliance’s funding came from accounts on Alderaan or that were
accessed using codes on Alderaan. With the world gone, the majority of their remaining funds
are to be found on the planet Muunilinst, but they will need to get to a contact on the world,
Mak Luunim, to get the necessary access codes. Leia and Luke (for his protection away from
Yavin IV) are sent, which means that C-3PO and R2-D2 will tag along. They will be flown by
Han and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon, for a small fee (hiding Han’s true, slowly
growing personal motivations for sticking around). Upon arrival in space near Muunilinst, they
are accosted by a TIE fighter, which is being chased (and is then destroyed) by another
unfamiliar Preybird starship. When the Preybird crashes on Muunilinst’s moon, the Rebels
head down to rescue the pilot, who, upon being found, claims to be Tobin Elad of Malano III,
whose past of loss mirrors Leia’s in many ways. Little do they know that he is actually the
heavily-conditioned, barely-human assassin X-7, working directly for Imperial Commander
Rezi Soresh, who is using X-7 to learn the identity of the pilot that destroyed Death Star, so
that he can gain greater political favor from Palpatine. (X-7 had flown into Yavin IV with stolen
codes, bluffing his way through enough conversations, even without being allowed to leave
the hangar, to figure out where to wait for the Falcon after disabling its weapons temporarily.
In fact, it was X-7 who hired the TIE fighter pilot to attack the Falcon over Muunilinst.) Feeling
they can trust him (and following Luke’s comments that they should, which is only hiding that
he has no Force intuition on the issue whatsoever), they bring “Elad” with them to Muunilinst.
When they arrive at Luunim’s home, they find that he is dead. They are confronted by
stormtroopers but manage to escape. They seek answers in a nearby cantina, where they
learn that a Muun named Nal Kenuun probably had the home raided after Luunim’s death,
before the Imperials arrive. Thus, he may have the data they need to access their funds.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 50
They seek him out, discovering that he bets heavily on illegal podraces on the world.
Unfortunately, when they are to be taken to him, their “helpful” friend from the cantina,
Grunta, betrays them and tries to rob them. When the confrontation ends with Grunta dead,
crushed by a speeder, they must strike a deal with Kenuun when they finally meet. In order to
clear the debt they now owe to him for Grunta’s death, Luke agrees to race in an upcoming
podrace. If Luke wins, he will clear the debt and get the data. Luke practices, and he
demonstrates some of his father’s natural podracing skills. Unfortunately, a faulty part leads
to their first podracer being destroyed, forcing Luke to bail out. He gets another from Kenuun,
then competes. He wins the race, but Kenuun refuses to hand over the data, intending to turn
in both Han and Elad for the bounties on their heads (Elads being fake, of course) to make
up for the cost of the first podracer that he claims Luke destroyed, even though it was an
accidently. Luckily, Leia had already slipped away before the race, faking anger at Luke for
risking his life. She had gotten to Kenuun’s precious baby krayt dragon (with a valuable pearl
forming inside) and threatens it in order to secure their freedom.*
*NOTE: As noted above, the first chapter of Target takes place while Vader is still on his way back to Coruscant.
The second chapter is two weeks after the Battle of Yavin. While I would imagine that the writer intended for
these two chapters to be consecutive, the various stories of Vader’s return, the Star Wars Missions tales, and
other stories set in this very cramped time period have made that impossible. I have simply split the book
between these two chapters and made it fit as best I can. I should also note that it seems as though Han may still
have his reward, not having given it back yet, since he is ready to leave and pay back Jabba the Hutt at this point.
Events in Renegade, however, show that this was not the case, despite what seems to be suggested here.
About two weeks prior to the mission to Kamino, Fallon Pollo retires from being a mercenary
and bounty hunter. His big score has been completed, and he can now live a life of luxury.
(conjecture based on Firefight)
With their detour to Muunilinst over, our Rebel heroes (Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han
Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Tobin Elad AKA the undercover assassin X-7 working
for Imperial Commander Rezi Soresh to discover the identity of the pilot that destroyed the
Death Star) head for Delaya, sister planet to Alderaan, where they are told many Alderaanian
refugees are being given refuge. Leia is to recruit some of them into the Rebel Alliance, if
possible. Upon arrival, Carlist Rieekan, who has to leave, introduces Leia to his local contact
(and potential Rebel convert) Kiro Chen. Leia and Luke then attend a tour around a set of
newly-built quarters for Alderaanian refugees, led by Prime Minister Gresh Manaa and
Deputy Minister Var Lyonn. Luke, however, is lured away by a young boy, Shell, who claims
to need help finding his family. Instead, Luke is led into a trap. He is brought to a set of
warehouses that are the actual, horrible home for the Alderaanian refugees, which the
government is trying to keep quiet with their mocked up nicer dwellings and ceremonies.
There, Luke meets Jer Nahj, a refugee and one of the leaders of this community, and Halle
Dray, who is far more militant but also one of their local leaders. They had kidnapped Luke to
make Leia visit and see their conditions so she could do something about it, but Luke
believes Leia would want to see it anyway. When the others go to meet Luke, they are
accosted by three young boys (Jez, Lan, and their leader, Mazi), who try to mug them. The
kids are sent away by an older man that they run errands for at times, who turns out to be
Leia’s old acquaintance (and detestable “yes-man” to her father), Fess Ilee. Fess offers to go
along with them, but Leia’s childhood memories of the man are of him being so completely
useless that she refuses, despite remembering Bail Organa’s old assurances that Fess would
help keep her safe. After meeting with Luke and seeing the tragedy taking place for the
refugees, they plan to do something about it. Upon leaving, they find that they are being
followed, but when they stop, they discover that it was Fess following them, probably trying to
keep an eye on them and help. When Luke shakes Fess’ hand, his real name enters Luke’s
mind: Ferus. Fess Ilee is actually the quasi-Jedi Ferus Olin, whom Obi-Wan Kenobi had
tasked to keep an eye on Leia on Alderaan. Having been off of the planet during its
destruction, sent to discover what happened to the Tantive IV, he has been waiting on Delaya
to someday find a way to help Leia again. Leia, of course, does not know this, and he reveals
nothing, nor does he reveal that he knows that Luke and Leia are siblings and the children of
Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader). The spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi does not want him to reveal
anything yet. Obi-Wan’s spirit had already conferred with Yoda on Dagobah, and they believe
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 51
that Luke still needs to grow into his own man to see if he will be a good man, before anyone
trains him as a full Jedi Knight. Elad (X-7) recognizes something unusual about Fess (Ferus)
and vice versa, but neither reveals their suspicions. The troubles are just beginning, though.
Halle is leading others, including J’er and (in order to learn their plans) Fess/Ferus, in an
action against Leia. She blames Leia and Bail for turning Alderaan into a target for the
Empire with their Rebel Alliance activities. Now, she has learned from her secret lover Kiro
that Leia is trying to recruit others to the cause. Halle has decided that they are to capture
Leia and turn her over to the Empire in exchange for a new homeworld for the Alderaanian
refugees. Fess/Ferus and J’er have their doubts, as does Kiro to a degree, but they follow
Halle’s lead. When Fess/Ferus warns Leia about their plans, they change the meeting time,
but it all goes wrong when Kiro betrays Leia, allowing her to be captured before Luke and the
others’ eyes. Han is able to learn from Mazi where they are holding Leia, and our heroes (and
X-7 who is a hero only so he can get close to the Rebels) engage in a daring rescue . . .
Things have gone from bad to worse, though. When Mazi leads them to the base, Leia is
already gone. The Imperials have arrived, alerted by the Deputy Minister (and the Prime
Minister above him, they later discover), having made a better deal. Halle and Jer have been
killed, and Kiro, grieving, is only able to point them to the Deputy Minister as their co-
conspirator. Upon reaching Deputy Minister Var Lyonn, they use him to get into the facility
where Leia is being held. In the battle that follows, Ferus reveals his Jedi talents and his long-
unused lightsaber, which is not seen by anyone but Elad, who now has knowledge he can
use against Fess/Ferus. Luke and the others hold off the Imperials, while Elad finds the room
housing Leia. The Imperial torturer had not yet been able to administer a serum to Leia that
would make her tell the truth, but it was left in the room, so Elad uses it on Leia in such a way
that he is able to learn that Luke is the pilot he is after, while flooding her with enough to
erase that revelation from her short term memory. As Leia recovers, later, she is able to
manipulate (i.e. blackmail) the Prime Minister into taking care of the refugees (for real this
time), threatening to reveal false Rebel collaboration on his part if he does not. As they make
preparations to leave, Mazi and the other boys intend to join the Rebellion soon, but
Fess/Ferus only deepens Leia’s disdain for him by refusing to join the Rebel Alliance. She
has no way of knowing that he is doing it in order to protect her, as Vader might sense his
presence in the Force and home in on it to find Leia and Luke. They leave Delaya and return
to Yavin IV, but now Elad (X-7) has new orders. Having told Soresh about Luke, he now has
orders to kill him. He rigs a swoop that Luke enjoys riding to blow off steam in the mornings
with explosive charges, planting evidence on the Falcon that would point to Han as the killer,
then watches as Luke races off into the distance, his death apparently imminent . . .
The explosives that Tobin Elad (the Imperial assassin X-7) placed on Luke Skywalker’s
swoop explode, but not before Luke senses impending danger and leaps away. The blast still
catches him, injuring him, but he survives. Elad intends to kill him, but others race in to check
on Luke. In the aftermath, as Luke is treated for his wounds, an investigation reveals
detonate charges hidden in Han Solo’s quarters. Elad has framed him. When Leia Organa,
forced to lead the investigation and interrogation of Han, refuses to believe Han’s claims of
innocence outright, Chewbacca breaks Han out of relatively secret confinement, and the two
escape aboard the Millennium Falcon. Luke and Leia, meanwhile, head for Tatooine, in order
to keep Luke safe from the real assassin, whomever he may be. Once there, Luke pretends
to be very much like Han upon reuniting with his old friends Fixer, Camie, and Windy at
Tosche Station in time for an upcoming memorial for Biggs Darklighter. Also there is Jaxson,
who has no love for the Rebellion and a bad attitude toward Luke, whom he believes
considers himself better than the others because he got off of Tatooine. Luke and Jaxson
clash, leading to a challenge to “thread the needle” in a race through the Jundland Wastes.
Little does Luke know that someone has informed Jabba the Hutt that Luke is on Tatooine,
which might mean that his recent associate Han Solo may not be far behind. Jabba has
called in bounty hunter Bossk to capture Luke . . . Elsewhere, Han and Chewie have taken a
job for a Balosar named Griggs Pe’et, who is secretly working for Ferus Olin. Ferus is trying
to get Han to go to an Imperial base in the Zoma system to find the evidence necessary to
clear his name and otherwise save Luke from assassination on the urging of the spirit of Obi-
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 52
Wan Kenobi, who seems to have more knowledge through the Force than Ferus does. Han
has been asked to steal data from the station, and to do so, he teams up with Avik Lore, and
old “friend” that Han once taught the smuggling trade, who catches up with Han, intending to
kill him. They decide to work together on the Zoma mission, but when they get there and get
their prize, Lore betrays Han and escapes on his own. Han, however, is saved by Chewie,
but only after managing to overhear a conversation between Commander Rezi Soresh, who
is based there, and his secret assassin, X-7, whom Han knew as “Tobin Elad.” Based on that
conversation, Han and Chewie reclaim the Millennium Falcon and race for Tatooine to protect
Luke. On Tatooine, Luke and Jaxson race, but they are stranded in the Jundland Wastes
when their vehicles are sabotaged and taken down by Bossk. Bossk holds the two captive,
but Luke manages to save them both by taking on Bossk, cutting one arm and one leg from
the Trandoshan, whose limbs will regenerate. They escape, eventually being picked up by
Leia and Lukes friends, but only after Luke must use an Obi-Wan style krayt dragon roar to
save himself and Jaxson from Tusken Raiders. As they regroup with the others, Bossk
reappears to attack, but he is defeated again. Above them, though, X-7 has taken up a
sniping position to kill Luke. He is stopped by the timely arrival of Han. The traitor has been
revealed, and Hans name is cleared. X-7, though, manages to escape to fight another day.
As for Bossk, he returns to Jabba and is dropped into the rancor pit. He will, however, also
survive to fight another day . . . *
*NOTE: This novel, unfortunately, turns some of the timing assumptions from Target and Hostage on their heads.
Whereas Target note that it has been two weeks since ANH, this novel claims it has been months, even though
these three stories (Target, Hostage, and Renegade) are immediately consecutive. This tale also has Han needing
to make money to pay back Jabba, which seems to contradict that he was intending to leave to pay Jabba pack
(presumably with the money from the Rebels) at the beginning of Target. There is also some question as to how
fast Bossk will regenerate in relation to other stories he’s in during this year.
Fallon Pollo gives up on retirement after only two weeks and returns to his life as a bounty
hunter, despite his big score having already been completed.
(conjecture based on Firefight)
The Imperial assassin X-7 has been ordered to return to his commanding officer, Rezi
Soresh, but instead of doing so, he decides to call together a group of bounty hunters to take
down Luke Skywalker and finish his assignment. Several hunters show up at Iope to accept,
but X-7 attacks them, forcing them to fight their way to the job to prove themselves. Slis
Tieeer Dualli dies first in his CloakShape starfighter. Another Jayn, who is mourning the loss
of his wife, Leilana, dies next. Another hunter questions X-7 upon arrival when he says they
will have to work as a team, and he ends up blasted. The final team consists of four
individuals: Fallon Pollo; Clea Sook; Grish B’reen; and their new appointed leader, Lune “Div”
Divinian (last seen years ago when the Empire destroyed all he held dear shortly after the
end of the Clone Wars). Meanwhile, Commander Arhul Narra plans a mission to Kamino. An
Imperial research station there has been abandoned, and the Rebellion needs to investigate.
Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Zev Senesca, Wedge Antilles, Han Solo, and Chewbacca (awaiting
the Millennium Falcon being repaired) will head there in X-wings to investigate, while Leia
Organa and C-3PO go on a diplomatic mission to Mon Calamari. When our heroes arrive
above Kamino, they are attacked by the bounty hunters, only to also have to fend off
gravitational fields from the base. Luke and R2-D2 crash down, as do Han and Chewbacca.
Wedge and Zev, with no reason to believe they are alive, still leave to try to find help, since
getting too close themselves would just lead to them crashing too. The hunters follow, also
forced down. The first, Fallon Pollo, is killed by a mysterious creature. Div hooks up with
Clea. Han and Chewbacca find Luke and R2-D2, only for Han to end up needing to be saved
from an aiwha nest. They are all catching their breath when Clea and Div catch up to them,
as Grish also returns. Clea and Grish still want to take out our heroes, but Div wants to work
with them to escape. Just then, the creature emerges again, attacking and killing both Grish
and Clea. They seek out answers and a way off Kamino, knowing that once they return to
space, they’ll continue their firefight on even terms. They leave R2-D2 briefly, while
searching, only for Div and Luke to be attacked by the creature and swallowed whole. They
end up deposited in the Imperial superweapon creature’s nest to be eaten later. Meanwhile,
Han and Chewbacca find some old ships to help them escape (if they can stop the whatever
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 53
brought them down), so they return for R2-D2, who leads them to a Kaminoan researcher
(the mad scientist behind the creature). Luke and Div soon attack the creature, gaining some
of its hide, which they use as an airtight way to trying to return to the surface. During their
time as captives, Div sees Luke use the lightsaber, then Luke sees Div use it well. Obviously,
Div has some history with the Jedi, but he won’t tell Luke about it just yet. As they are
escaping, they are caught between several of the beasts. Han and Chewbacca, having
learned from the researcher that Luke may still be alive, come to the rescue, saving them.
However, they discover that the Empire has sent reinforcements to take them out, thanks to
the Kaminoan, so now they must find a way to escape with Imperial tanks and TIEs on the
way to destroy the facility and erase evidence. They manage to escape into space, just as
the Imperials destroy the station and the Kaminoan with it. They work together to take on the
Imperials, and when Div has a chance to take out Luke, he instead helps him. Later, when
Luke is nearly blasted, Div risks taking Imperial fire to save him, all so that he will not have to
see another Jedi, or future Jedi, die as happened years before. The Millennium Falcon
(flown by Leia) and other Rebels arrive, apparently driving off the remaining Imperials. Our
heroes are reunited, and Div is their prisoner for now. They need to know as much as
possible about who hired Div, and they are pretty sure it was X-7. They need to know enough
about X-7 to make the hunter become the hunted. It is time for Luke to strike back.
One week after the “capture” of Lune Oddo “Div” Divinian after the Kamino encounter, the
prisoner is still not talking in his cell on Yavin IV. When a trio of hired thugs infiltrate the base,
blasting Div free (hired by Darth Vader so he can be silenced), Luke manages to slip onto
their ship to reclaim Div before the ship launches with Luke and Div still aboard. Together,
they take out the crew and get control of the ship, just as it emerges into an Imperial force.
They receive a secret transmission from a TIE fighter with a hyperdrive, though, and take a
leap of faith to jump to those coordinates. Once there, they meet with the TIE fighter pilot,
who turns out to be undercover agent Ferus Olin. For his part, Div considers Ferus a traitor to
his family, having left Div and Trever Flume with Div’s mother, Astri, and her new lover, Clive
Flax, instead of staying with them and training Div in using the Force. (Ferus, of course, was
sent by Obi-Wan to Alderaan to keep an eye on Leia Organa, but Div does not know that.)
Meanwhile, X-7, starting to feel troubled by flashbacks that are breaking through his
conditioning, confronts Commander Rezi Soresh about Project Omega, which “created him.
He is sent on his way to get answers, even as Darth Vader contacts Soresh and orders him
to cease his search for Luke Skywalker. (Apparently, Vader has at least heard rumors at this
point that the pilot who destroyed the Death Star was named “Skywalker.”) Luke, Div, and
Ferus return to Yavin IV, where Ferus outlines a plan to take on Vader. They know that Vader
is checking up on (and in at least some conflict with) Rezi Soresh, who “hired” (sent) X-7.
They intend to use Luke as bait to draw out X-7, then they will capture him, convince him that
he is really Trever Flume (which is not true), then use X-7’s changed loyalties to track down
Soresh and by extension, Vader. Div objects due to his brotherhood with Trever, but they go
forward with the plan. Div even agrees to help Luke learn some lightsaber moves, even
though he wonders why Ferus doesnt explain that he is really a Jedi and train Luke himself.
(Obi-Wan’s spirit had told Ferus that it was too soon.) Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, Div, and
Ferus all head for Belazura, site of the real Trever’s death. X-7 is there as well, following
clues planted in Imperial records by Ferus, who remains an excellent slicer. The Rebels steal
plans for the local garrison, which Div wants to see destroyed. Meanwhile, X-7 finds the
family’s old home and confronts Div inside, based on information he found in those same
records suggesting that he is really Trever. Div continues the masquerade, slowly convincing
X-7 that he is Trever Flume, his brother. When X-7 finally spies on Div and discovers that he
is with the Rebels, he does not try to stop them. In fact, he provides them with all the
information they will need to take out the garrison. While scouting the area, X-7 discovers and
old building, which he discovers has a secret office. He discovers Rezi Soresh inside As it
turns out, Soresh has gotten himself stationed on Belazura for the moment, to keep an eye
on X-7. He claims that X-7 is not really Trever, but their conversation is cut short when the
Rebels burst in to rescue him. However, before the Rebels enter, he discovers the disturbing
truth that his conditioning will not allow him to attack Soresh. He is helpless to get revenge on
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 54
his former master. The Rebels get him out, and the plan to strike the garrison goes forward,
which is important now that they have heard that Vader will be visiting the garrison in person.
Soon, when Han, Leia, Luke, and Chewbacca head for the facility, Ferus is set to go with
them but feels drawn back toward the old home of the Flax family. As it turns out, X-7 knows
that the garrison is a trap (having informed the Empire of the plan himself), but he has injured
(not killed, noting that he may very well still think he may be Trever) Div so that Div cannot
join them. Ferus reunites with the injured Div, and they head for the garrison. Meanwhile,
Luke senses that Vader is nowhere to be found, realizing it is a trap. They still make it inside,
but it is a fierce battle. X-7, though, intending to wipe out his supposed past to get a grip on
his present, has not told the Empire that Luke is there. He intends to take down Luke himself
to clear out that failure from his recent past. Instead, X-7 is confronted by Div and Ferus.
Ferus draws his lightsaber and battles X-7, stabbing him with a fatal wound. As X-7 dies, Div
lets him believe that he was really Trever, that he really had family. As for the base, the
Rebels bring it down, and their hope is that the populace will now join in rising up against the
Empire on Belazura. Soon, Vader arrives and tries to take Soresh into custody, but Soresh
escapes. While in the office, though, Vader senses a presence he has not felt in a long, long
time . . . Ferus Olin. The two former allies are now on a new collision course . . . *
*NOTE: In this story, Ferus says he has been tracking Vader’s movements for two months, but there is no
clarification as to when this began, so it does not help to place the story in relation to other tales in this era.
For hours shy of four full weeks, Rezi Soresh travels the galaxy “under the radar,” using
funds he had skimmed over the years to work his way toward a plot to take down Darth
Vader and the Rebels who led to his exile from Imperials service after the Belazura fiasco.
(conjecture based on Uprising)
While on the way to a Rebel trade conference on Daalang, Han Solo and Chewbacca divert
the Millennium Falcon to the slum planet of Attahox, much to Leia Organas annoyance. They
are there so that Han can trade in phosovane salts, which can be used to create painkillers. It
is profitable, but it puts them on the wrong side of the Exalted Torgaigne, the local crime
syndicate, which sends Vor Childermoss in a octofoil starship after them when they leave. To
escape, Han takes the Falcon into the Hellhoops (a sort of Bermuda Triangle in space),
followed by Childermoss’ vessel. They are drawn into what looks like a giant technological
triangle in space, which then vanishes from normal space. They have been taken between
dimensions into a strange place away from normal time, where a group known as the Five
worship Evil and feed off of their captives’ fears and souls. Childermoss and his goons
immediately lash out, finding themselves killed. Chewbacca is taken away as a “pet for the
menagerie, while Han and Leia are assaulted mentally, as the Five try to break them. They
do not realize, though, that Chewbacca is sentient. He frees himself, then frees the
immensely powerful Force creature known as Wutzek, whose kind is said to have once ruled
the galaxy. Wutzek destroys all of the Five viciously, then helps the others escape, finally
destroying the device that brought them there. Thankful to be safe, our heroes have to
wonder if they have just unleashed something terrible into the galaxy . . .
(The Pandora Effect)*
*NOTE: This story was reprinted in the United States in Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds, but it first appeared in the
Marvel UK The Empire Strikes Back Weekly, issues 150 151, immediately after Death-Masque, which was, in
turn, immediately following the Marvel UK reprint of To Take the Tarkin. The story itself, though, specifically
notes taking place before ESB, and Leia’s attitude toward Han shows very little development since ANH, thus I
place the story here.
In space, the Millennium Falcon, bearing Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and C-
3PO, is attacked by TIE fighters. After eluding their pursuers, they continue on their way to
Tatooine, where Luke visits the Lars moisture farm to pay his respects to Owen and Beru
Lars. He then travels with his companions to Mos Eisley, where the Force leads him to
Throgg, a spice runner that used to be a moisture farmer before the Empire took his land.
Luke gives him the moisture farm, so that he can find peace, then leaves amid a cantina
brawl. Our heroes leave Tatooine, after shooing some Jawas away from the Falcon.
(Star Wars 3-D)
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Chewbacca are sent to Nyemari to sneak into
the Royal Palace of Nyemari to steal the Nyemari duchess access codes to the Nyemari
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 55
Military Installation.
(conjecture based on Uprising)
One month after the debacle on Belazura, disgraced Imperial Commander Rezi Soresh
arrives on an nondescript moon in the Sixela system, where he has previously used siphoned
Imperial funds to create a safe base for himself. He guards himself with numerous
brainwashed guards (who are not nearly as brainwashed as X-7 so their mental cleansing is
somewhat weak). There, he prepares to set a trap for both the heroes of the Rebel Alliance
(especially the man whom he blames for X-7’s death, Luke Skywalker) and Darth Vader.
Shortly thereafter, while on a mission to Nyemari, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa,
and Chewbacca are discovered by an agent of Soresh, who tells Luke in a recorded
message that he will kill a ship full of hostages if Luke does not come to him (without alerting
the Rebel leadership). They head for the moon in the Millennium Falcon, where they are
tricked by an impostor Soresh and captured. Luke is subjected to brainwashing of the kind
that created X-7 as a devoted assassin for Soresh. Luke uses the Force to fight off the
brainwashing, waiting for rescue or a chance to escape. Meanwhile, on Yavin IV, the Rebels
are briefed by General Jan Dodonna, who informs them that a covert Imperial meeting will
soon be taking place. They have learned its location and see it as a chance to take down
both Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader in one stroke. Plans are made for an attack at the
“secret” meeting. Also at Yavin Base, Ferus Olin and Lune “Div” Oddo Divinian are serving
with the Rebels but not “in the loop” on most major decisions. When they realize that our
heroes are in trouble (thanks to Obi-Wan’s spirit giving advice to Ferus), they set out for the
site of the upcoming Imperial meeting . . . the very same moon where Soresh is holding the
Millennium Falcon crew. As it turns out, the meeting is actually bait for the Rebels. Soresh
contacts Darth Vader with his “successful” brainwashing of Luke, which draws Darth Vader
there as well. Soresh has gotten his hands on prototypes of the torpedoes that have been
developed by Maw Installation for use in the future Sun Crusher superweapon. He intends to
cause the star in the system to go supernova, wiping out the Rebel leaders and Vader, while
he escapes with Luke as X-7’s replacement, thereby gaining power as the Emperor’s right
hand man (or so he believes, at least). At the moon base, Luke and the others manage to
escape, but while Luke sends the others away with some of the settlers that were held
hostage, he decides to stay to figure out Soreshs plans. Leia, Han, and Chewie reach the
surface as Div and Ferus arrive in Div’s Firespray. Luke turns on Soresh, but he cannot stop
Soresh firing the torpedoes at the star. Soresh escapes, injured, while Leia, Han, Ferus, and
Chewie arrive. Above, the Rebel and Imperial fleets arrive from hyperspace. Leia contacts
the Rebel fleet about the danger of a supernova, while the others (minus Ferus) race back
out of the base to join the battle in space. During the battle, Div buys the others some time,
but his Firespray is shot down. Div is presumed dead (either when the ship was blasted,
when it crashed, or when the star goes supernova a short time later). Inside, Leia is able to
contact the Imperials and convince them of the supernova danger. As Ferus and Leia get the
last of the settlers onto an escape ship, Ferus feels that she is finally ready to know the truth
about Ferus being a Jedi (in a sense) and about her own heritage. He is just about to tell her
when he senses the presence of Vader on the moon. He claims to have heard another settler
in trouble and races off, leaving Leia to her future. Ferus then confronts Vader himself. Ferus
taunts Vader about his past life as Anakin Skywalker, but Ferus knows that his mission to
protect Leia until she comes into her own is now over. Vader kills Ferus Olin, one of the last
ties to his past. As Vader is leaving, our heroes arrive. Leia mourns the man whose true
identity she had never known, while Luke intends to go after Vader. Just as he is talked out of
throwing his life away by doing so, Soresh reappears and tries to kill Luke, only to be shot
and killed by Han. With Vader back with the fleet, the Imperials flee the system, allowing the
Rebels to do the same. The star goes supernova, but both fleets have escaped. The fate of
Div seems dire. One day, though, Luke and Leia, the heirs of the Skywalker legacy, who
have now both lost their guardians to Vader’s hand, will bring down the Empire that their
father helped to build. (To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: I have made sure that this story is placed prior to the evacuation of Yavin IV. It is said to be
approximately one month after the events of Trapped, but the end of the story has references that make it sound
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 56
like two months or more. That makes sense somewhat, given the two week gap between our heroes being
captured and escaping. The portion that takes place during ESB suggests that ESB is “two years later,” but that
has to be an extreme rounding, given that this book must take place prior to the Yavin IV evacuation.
According to one of the many rumors regarding the heroics of former smuggler Han Solo, the
evacuation of Yavin IV and the arrival at Hoth actually happened around this time, and the
tale went something like this . . . Arriving back at Yavin IV after visiting the Lars moisture farm
on Tatooine, the Millennium Falcon arrives in the mist of the Imperial blockade of the planet.
They manage to sneak through during a meteor storm, prompting Darth Vader to Force
choke Imperial Admiral Quist for his incompetence in not catching them. Upon arrival Yavin
Base, they find it deserted. It appears that the Rebels have evacuated to a predetermined
rendezvous point. Upon reaching the rendezvous point, Han is asked by Leia Organa if he
knows of any locations that they could use for a new base. Han suggests the deserted ice
planet Hoth. They head there to scout for a base, only to run into the smuggler Salmakk, who
tries to capture them for the bounty on Hans head. Our heroes escape in a Rebel
landspeeder, only to try to take refuge in a cave that turns out to be Salmakk’s base. They
wreak some havoc on the base, using Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber to bring down part of the
ceiling, then escape. They continue scouting Hoth, eventually finding a good place for a
(Havoc on Hoth)*
*NOTE: I call this story a rumor because it shows Luke, Han, Chewie, and C-3PO gone from Yavin IV when the
evacuation happens, it places the evacuation too early, and it shows an alternative tale of the founding of the
Hoth base. However, the rest of this series has sometimes been referenced in C-Canon, such as Throgg from the
first issue showing up in Star Wars Galaxies. Thus, rather than keeping this series out of C-Canon (when it
seems to be S-Canon that has been referenced, thereby being elevated into C-Canon in whole or in part), I have
called this “rumor” and moved right along with the series.
At the Rebel base on Yavin IV, Han Solo is frustrated that the reward money he returned to
the Alliance is being used to fix ships other than the Millennium Falcon. When he overhears
C-3PO, R2-D2, and Q-7N talking about the treasure of the ancient fortress, Han and
Chewbacca take off for the fortress. Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker learn of Hans actions
and Leia prepares to arrest him for the theft of the treasure. At the fortress, Han and Chewie
arrive and defeat a four-armed guardian droid left by the pirates who stashed the treasure.
As Leia, Luke, and the droids arrive at the fortress to catch Han, he and Chewie escape in
the Falcon and head for Dennogra to meet Sprool the Trader. On the planet, Han must kill a
bounty hunter in self-defense and then meets with Sprool. He trades one of the two boxes of
the treasure of the fortress to Sprool for 500,000 credits, and tells Sprool to take the other
box to Jabba the Hutt, in an attempt to get Jabba to call off the bounty on Han’s head. They
leave for Yavin IV, where, unbeknownst to them, Leia is preparing to arrest them on sight.
Upon arrival, Han and Chewie are met by Rebel guards, but reveal that the 500,000 credits is
for the Alliance, so that they have the money necessary to get a head-start on rebuilding the
Rebel fleet, starting with a new squadron of X-wings. Leia is impressed and speechless, and
Luke thinks Han did it just to impress Leia and make him look bad for not helping. On
Tatooine, Sprool delivers the treasure box to Jabba, who receives it graciously, but refuses to
call off the bounty on Han.*
(The Rebel Thief)*
*NOTE: See the note below with Imperial Spy.
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, and R2-D2 leave Yavin IV with their newfound
credits and head for a secret Incom facility run by Vors Voorhorian, the designer of the X-
wing, who escaped when the Empire took over Incom. Upon arriving at the coordinates they
were given, they receive an advertisement for “Gears” Gilhooey from a beacon that then self-
destructs. They head for the coordinates given on the beacon, but are followed by several
TIE fighters. They arrive on a backwater world and meet “Gears,” only to have Han discover
that he is actually Voorhorian. He reveals to them a storehouse full of X-wings . . . or so it
seems. When R2-D2 analyzes the starfighters, he reveals that they are hollow shells, fake X-
wings. Luke, Han and R2-D2 fight their way to where Leia and Vors are meeting and reveal
the fake X-wings, only to learn that they were merely for cover, since the real X-wings the
Alliance intends to purchase are located out in space for safe-keeping. As they prepare to
leave to get the starfighters, the TIE fighters finally arrive, having tracked the Millennium
Falcon to the planet. They escape the TIEs and make their way to a derelict freighter which
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 57
in fact houses the X-wings. Just as they are shown the ships, though, the TIEs appear on the
scene to attack yet again. Han takes the Falcon to distract the TIEs as Luke and the others
try to get the derelict operational. They manage to get the visual scanners online, but when
they get the weapons online, the visuals fail. Luke uses the Force to “see” the battle outside
and fires the cannons at just the right time, destroying the TIEs. The rebels use a tractor
beam to haul the derelict and its precious cargo back to Yavin IV.*
(X-wing Marks the Spot)*
*NOTE: See the note below with Imperial Spy.
As the Rebels on Yavin IV ferry in the X-wings from their recent transaction with Vors
Voorhorian, Han Solo manages to get Leia Organa to actually sleep. As she sleeps, the
starship Bail Organa, full of Alderaanian refugees, arrives at Yavin IV. They decide to wait
until Leia awakens to introduce them to her. Shortly thereafter, Luke is informed that the
Rebellion’s navcharts and list of possible base sites have been rifled through, meaning there
must be a spy on Yavin IV. Sure enough, just as they are discovering the existence of the
spy, that very spy is informing Darth Vader that the Rebel Alliance group on Yavin IV would
be easy to defeat with an Imperial strike force. When Leia is awakened to deal with the
security breach, she is outraged that Han let her sleep when the Alderaanians arrived. She
meets with the group of refugees and meets her old friend Darlen among them. She then
stalks off to confront Han, saying that Han is the most likely spy due to his needing money,
untrustworthy nature, and having sent her to bedout of the way during the time when the
files were broken into. Han escapes with Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon, leaving Leia
and Luke to look for transmissions from the real spy, while Han, their decoy, searches for
transmissions in space. Han finds a transmission and when they triangulate the location,
Luke and Leia arrive to find the spyDarlen. Well, not exactly. A fake transmitter was set
near Darlen and when she and Tolok (who are secretly married) met near it, the real spy was
able to send a signal. Han attacks the spy in a sentry tower, but the spy escapes.
Elsewhere, Darth Vader prepares to attack the Rebels on Yavin IV. As the Rebels prepare to
evacuate Yavin IV, Luke attempts to bluff the real spy out of hiding by saying that by touching
the transmitter, he can “feel” who the spy is. The spy, Rogor, attacks him and escapes in a
damaged X-wing, crashing back to Yavin IVs surface. The Rebels escape into hyperspace.
While in hyperspace, Darlen informs Leia that she is pregnantAlderaan’s legacy continues
to live on. On Yavin IV, Darth Vader arrives, much to the regret of Rogor, who is to be
punished for his failure.*
(Imperial Spy)*
*NOTE: The story formed by The Rebel Thief, X-wing Marks the Spot, and Imperial Spy includes the Rebels trying
to find new X-wings after the Battle of Yavin. This seems to fit in with the idea of looking for new pilots as well,
which would put it around this time. It is also extremely early, based on conversations in The Rebel Thief, but Q-
7N is present, which means it must be after the first Star Wars Missions storyline, yet since Q-7N is destroyed in
a later Star Wars Missions storyline, these takes must take place here, between Destroy the Liquidator and Darth
Vader’s Return. Unfortunately, the latter story in this series, Imperial Spy, features an evacuation of Yavin IV.
Having evacuated just long enough to make Yavin IV look deserted to Darth Vader’s small
strike force, the Rebels settle back onto Yavin IV. Knowing that the Rebels must still be there
somewhere, Vader orders a full blockade of the system, though it will be easy to bypass, it
(conjecture based on Imperial Spy)
In the wake of the near destruction of Red Squadron at the Battle of Yavin, the squadron is
reconstructed from some of the Rebellion’s best pilots. The following pilots were lost by the
end of the Battle of Yavin: Garven Dreis; Biggs Darklighter; John D.; Jek Porkins; Theron
Nett; Elyhek Rue; Naytaan; and Bren Quersey. The new Red Squadron replaces former Red
Leader Garven Dreis with Commander Narra, and Luke Skywalker becomes the squadrons
second-in-command, despite his relative lack of combat experience. Red Squadron is to be
divided much of the time into two flights, Renegade (under Narra) and Rogue (under
Skywalker). The new squadron also includes: Zev Senesca; Wedge Antilles; Derek “Hobbie”
Klivian; Wes Janson; Dack Ralter; Tycho Celchu; and at least four other pilots by the time of
the Battle of Hoth (who will die just before the battle in an ambush at Derra IV).
(conjecture based on various Official Continuity materials)
Based on a cover story by Palpatine (see next entry), Imperial HoloVision reports that
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 58
Alderaan was destroyed approximately one week earlier in a series of explosions, which were
caused by an Alderaanian superweapon . (Exact date of report via Imperial HoloVision:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #3)
Palpatine informs the Empire that Alderaan was destroyed by a meteor shower, but then
changes the story to reflect that the Alderaanians were trying to develop a superweapon that
backfired on them. In response, the Rebels show actual footage of the destruction on the
HoloNet, prompting Palpatine to explain that Alderaan was developing bio-weaponry and was
destroyed to protect other systems. He then tries to cover his misdeeds by allowing the
survivors of the destruction of Alderaan to settle on Byss.
(conjecture based on the Dark Force Rising and several Adventure Journal news bytes
from Galaxywide NewsNets)
Knowing that Palpatine does not truly intend to bring Xendor back to life, Arden Lyn makes
her escape from Palpatine’s employ, hoping to someday build an army of Dark Side followers
to take revenge on Palpatine for his lies.
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns)
The Herglic Trading Journal reports the opening of the Kira Run to mainstream trade. (Exact
date of report via the Herglic Trading Journal, Basic Edition: 35:3:14)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #3)
Deena Mips of Darpa SectorNet reports that the Raltiir blockade has impacted the economy
of the entire Darpa Sector. (Exact date of report via Darpa SectorNet: 35:4:2)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #3)
Devidia Vennsiol and her boyfriend, Dorbus Kyrullus break into a Safidine Industries lab and
steal high-power blaster prototypes.
(conjecture based on Bounties to Die For)
In the era following the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance sets its sights on gaining a
foothold in the Seswenna Sector and nearby. They turn the old Clone Wars era Cliffview
Resort on Reyniu into a new outpost known as Watercrest.
(conjecture based on Age of Rebellion: Core Rulebook)
Darth Vader arrives on Coruscant aboard a Carrack cruiser. He goes to see Emperor
Palpatine and witnesses the Emperor undergoing bacta treatment on his latest clone body.
Palpatine communicates with him telepathically and asks what happened to the Death Star to
determine how truthful Vader will be. Palpatine informs him that Grand Moff Tarkin’s third
holotape just might hold information that could bring one of Tarkin’s last plans to fruition and
an end to the Rebellion. In the Unknown Regions, Captain Termo and Officer Tix, after
floating about in their escape pod, finally begin descending toward an unknown planet with
alien technology. Upon landing, Tix utilizes an alien communications array to send a distress
call to the Empire. Palpatine sends Vader with a compliment of Imperials to investigate and
bring back the holotape, not knowing that Termo and Tix have been captured by strange
seeker-like droids (yes, like Q-7N). The Imperials arrive in a Carrack cruiser but are attacked
by a droid-ship sent by the droids on the surface. The Carrack is incapacitated, but the
Imperials (except one) manage to get out in their TIE fighters and head for the surface. One
Imperial manages to find the entrance to an underground, abandoned alien base, and makes
it through the base, frees Termo and Tix, and escapes. Vader questions Termo and Tix, and
retrieves the holotape before using the Dark Side of the Force to choke Termo to death for
insubordination. Three TIE pilots will remain behind to destroy the alien base, as the others
return to Coruscant with the holotape. Unbeknownst to the Imperials, though, the other
droids have sent out a distress call to their long-lost companion, Q-7N, who tells the Rebels
on Yavin IV of his homeworld’s plight. The Rebels prepare to investigate immediately.*
(Darth Vader’s Return)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Imperial.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 59
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
As rumors of a rebel victory spread, Vader returns to Coruscant. He orders a naval officer to
uncover the identity of the rebel pilot who destroyed the Death Star and report back. He then
reports to the Emperor to face his wrath over the loss of the Death Star and Tarkin. The
emperor is displeased, but merely reminds Vader that as a Sith he should have performed
better and so must be more focused. Vader then returns home and stews over Palpatine’s
words. He realizes that something about the rebel pilot has caused him to lose focus. Tao
enters and reveals that he senses happiness in Vader for the first time since he has known
him. Vader then challenges Tao to a lightsaber duel. Tao is easily defeated and told that he
lost because he does not have enough anger and so is not strong enough. Vader demands
that Tao hate him, which Tao is unable to do. He vows to become stronger and this placates
Vader, for the time being. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Perfect Evil)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. This is one of several stories that features Vader’s return
to Coruscant after the destruction of the Death Star. I have included separate summaries, but we might assume
that the conversations and events we see in his first encounter with Palpatine are each only a piece of the larger
conversation, comprised of all of the various versions together.
Darth Vader, Captain Mordak, and Officer Tix arrive back on Coruscant. Vader takes the last
of Grand Moff Tarkins holotapes to the Emperor and they play it. In it, Tarkin outlines his
plans for gravity well-projecting vehicles to enhance the Imperial fleet (read: plans for
Interdictor cruisers). Vader is told to head on to Fondor and oversee the construction of the
Executor, while Mordak is placed in charge of the gravity well project. A group of Imperials
will steal a freighter on Space Station Kwenn and then rendezvous with Mordak on Bonadan,
so that they can have a civilian-looking ship to use in their experimentation. The Rebels
(Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, C-3PO, R2-D2, Q-7N, Han Solo, and Chewbacca) arrive on
Q-7N’s homeworld, only to find that the Imperials have left. They leave aboard the
Millennium Falcon and find a message drone, which bears a message from Wedge Antilles.
Imperials are trying to steal a freighter on Space Station Kwenn and have locked up the crew.
The Rebels race to the station to help. On Space Station Kwenn, Wedge Antilles, Tycho
Celchu, and Wes Janson spy on the Imperials. They are discovered and scatter. One of the
Rogues finds the stolen ship’s crew, including Captain Kar Lamoran. The Rogue tells
Lamoran and her crew to go find the other Rogues and tell them that he’s going to try to
retake the ship, but when the Rogue reaches the ship, he finds that Lamoran has only sent
her crew to do so, and has followed him. Lamoran tells the Rogue that she might be needed
to help deal with her testy ASP-7 droid on the ship. The Rogue races aboard the ship and
disables the entire Imperial crew. The ship has lifted off under control of the ship’s R5 droid,
though, so the Rogue must go to the cockpit to stop it. The Millennium Falcon arrives and
contacts the Rogue. After disabling the ASP-7, the Rebels all meet in docking bay 238. The
Imperials have revealed that the ship was bound for Bonadan, and that Darth Vader is
somehow involved. On Coruscant, Vader leaves for Fondor and Mordak leaves for Bonadan.
On Space Station Kwenn, the Rebels decide that they should impersonate the Imperial crew
and continue to Bonadan to flush out the Imperial plot . . . *
(Rogue Squadron to the Rescue)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rogue.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account. One also wonders why
there would be any issues with gravity well technology here, since it already existed at the time. Perhaps this is a
move to make it more advanced.
After storing the Millennium Falcon (with Chewbacca, R2-D2, and Q-7N aboard) in a storage
area of Kar Lamoran’s Corellian Action VI freighter, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker,
C-3PO, and Kar land on Bonadan, where, only a short while before, Officer Tix and General
Mordak had arrived in civilian clothes to meet their Imperial contact. The Rebels (disguised
as the freighter’s Imperial crew) meet Tix, Mordak, and the contact, only to have the contact
(Frap Radicon) recognize Leia. In the commotion that follows, Han manages to slip a Luxan
Penetrator weapon onto Frap, who is arrested for carrying the weapon, while the Rebels
escape. Tix and Mordak contact Darth Vader, who sends a bounty hunter on a mission to
free Frap from the custody of the Corporate Sector Authority security police compound he
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 60
has been taken to. The hunter manages to free Frap with a minimum of trouble (mostly just
beating on security personnel) and delivers him back to the other Imperials in time for them to
take the freighter and leave for the Unknown Regions, where they intend to set up their
hyperspace project on Q-7N’s homeworld. In a nearby cantina, the Rebels gasp as the ship
lifts off without them, with the Falcon, Chewie, R2-D2, and Q-7N still aboard. R2-D2 jacks
into the ship’s systems and discovers their destination. The destination is transmitted to C-
3PO and the chase is on . . . Now, all the Rebels need is a ship . . .*
(Bounty on Bonadan)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the bounty hunter.” I must
also be very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite
player character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same
general storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, and C-3PO steal an Espos marauder with several
IRD-A fighters aboard and head for Q-7Ns homeworld, Malagarr. On Malagarr, the Imperials
aboard Kar Lamoran’s Action VI freighter, the Stellar Manx, have arrived and are awaiting
reinforcements. Officer Tix and General Mordak have learned from Frap Radicon that they
are to build a gravity well projector, which will most likely kill them all during R & D, so they
take it as their cue to defect to the Rebellion as theyd been considering. They go into the
Manx’s hold to take the Millennium Falcon and escape, only to come face to face with
Chewbacca, R2-D2, and Q-7N, who are still aboard. They join forces and take the Falcon
and escape, just as the marauder enters the system. Tix and Mordak officially join the
Rebels, and two of the Rebels head down to the surface (with stowaway Q-7N) in two IRD-
As. The second Rebel receives a broken leg in a crash, so its just the first Rebel and Q-7N
the rest of the way, as the second Rebel heads for the first Rebel’s ship. The first Rebel and
Q-7N make it to the Imperial operation and sabotage it. The Rebel prepares to take the
Stellar Manx off of Malagarr, ordering the other Rebel to use the surviving IRD-A to escape.
Q-7N reveals that his Malagarian creators had been an advanced society with incredible
technology, but the radiation from their technology killed them. Q-7N cannot let the world fall
into the wrong hands, for the sake of innocents and even the people who would use the world
for evil. He stays behind and activates a planet-wide self-destruct. When it blows, it takes
the Imperial operation with it. On Coruscant, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine speak of
the possibility of continuing the gravity well project elsewhere, but they intend to focus their
energies on finishing the Death Star II. Elsewhere, Kar Lamoran gladly takes back the Stellar
Manx, and she and the Rebels on the Falcon go their separate ways, the latter taking the
time to mourn their fallen ally, Q-7N.*
(Total Destruction)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
On the planet Solem, Imperial Governor Malvander is attempting to wipe out all Rebel activity
on the planet to gain favor with his superiors in the wake of the Death Stars destruction.
Rebel leader Yolan Bren (who is Malvanders brother) is injured, but his fellows will not
abandon him. Little do they know, as they get him to safety, that he is being hunted on behalf
of Malvander by the infamous Boba Fett. Fett kills another Rebel to gain Brens location,
then blasts his way into the Rebel hiding place. Unwilling to let others die for him, Bren gives
himself over to Fett. When Fett takes Bren to Malvander, though, Malvander, strapped for
cash, is unwilling (and unable) to pay the full bounty on Bren. Fett holds Malvander at
blaster-point, keeping his guards at bay over the payment, while Rebels attack, saving Bren
and taking Malvander captive. As for Fett, he simply takes an expensive necklace from
Malvanders neck as the rest of his payment and moves on, seemingly an emotionless
machine caught between the Empire and the Rebellion, whom Bren can only pity.*
*NOTE: Within only a few months of each other, this Empire story and a new Republic story were released, both
entitled Sacrifice.
Pirates place an asteroid in one of the main shipping lane approaches to the Soarin System.
This forces ships to drop from hyperspace and then to immediately swerve to avoid a
collision. Unfortunately, many ships do not swerve in time and so are easy scavenging for
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 61
the pirates. Meanwhile, a group of rebel heroes is assigned to the stock light freighter Arion
Star. They are tasked to make a supply run to the Karinda Outpost on the planet Karinda (in
the Karinda System!). First, they have to pick up the cargo at Da’Harin Spaceport on
Greyman’s Planet in the Soarin System. Their cover is that they work for NavStar Transport,
a rebel front company, and they are to meet with Roger Stern of Stern Traders, a rebel
sympathizer. The heroes leave their base but, unfortunately, the shipping lane they travel on
is that in which the pirates have placed their asteroid. When they drop from hyperspace, they
see a large asteroid directly in front of them. They just barely manage to becoming space
dust when they notice several other ships either being fired upon by pirate vessels or already
being boarded. Moments later, the pirates signal them to surrender and prepare to be
boarded. Before the heroes can either fight, flee, or surrender, an imperial fleet, including the
Imperial Star Destroyer Revenge, drops from hyperspace. The pirates have caught more in
their trap than they want! Most of the pirate vessels flee into hyperspace, but at least one
corvette is destroyed by the fleet. After the short battle is over, the imperial vessels demand
to inspect all the ships that survived the pirates’ trap. They search the Arion Star but find
nothing of interest and so allow the heroes to continue on their way. Later, the heroes arrive
in the Soarin System and land in Da’Harin Spaceport. Following their instructions to meet
Roger Stern, they head for a nearby tavern. When they arrive, a man named Ral Yekkiv
waves them over and informs them that Stern has been arrested as a rebel sympathizer and
the cargo he was to give them has been impounded. Ral tells them where the cargo is
located and tells them not to even try breaking Stern out. The heroes find the cargo in a
warehouse and, after getting past some port directors and security, load the cargo into the
Arion Star and head for space. Four TIE fighters attempt and fail to stop them, as the heroes
successfully enter hyperspace. Two days later, they reach the arid planet of Karinda only to
have the guidance system on their ship burn out, leading to a very rough landing. The
Karinda Outpost hails them and sends a skiff and speeder to pick them up (piloted by Lt. Wes
Gevar and R2-F7), which arrive an hour later. During that hour, imperials tracked the Arion
Star to the planet and notified the local garrison. Luckily, the planet is in the Outer Rim and
so the garrison is small. Five biker scouts and one hover scout are sent to find the heroes.
Shortly after Gevar finishes loading them and their cargo, the scouts find them. A race back
to the rebel base begins, with fighting all along the way. The heroes eventually finish off the
scouts and arrive at the base, where Colonel Jarvis Tala gratefully welcomes them. The
supplies the heroes have brought include new computers which will help analyze data
gathered by the new listening post in the base.*
(Milk Run)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn.
In the period since the assault on Ruul, Captain Tulon has been reassigned and Brenn
Tantor has been promoted to Commander. Now, Brenn is ordered to Sarapin, where Rebels
have been pulling energy from an Imperial installation. They track the Rebels to an Imperial
drilling installation that they have taken over, but the Rebels have lost control of their
captured drill (an Imperial project), and it is now threatening to destabilize the planet itself.
Luckily, Brenn and his Imperial forces are able to take out the Rebels and get the drill back
under control, averting disaster. (To be continued below . . . )
(Force Commander)
The Rebel Alliance begins construction of a secret base under the Hitak mountain range on
Turak IV. *
(conjecture based on The Battle of Turak IV)*
*NOTE: The Rebels are said to have started moving materials to Turak IV after the destruction of the Death Star,
and the base took “months” to complete. It is complete by the time of the Battle of Turak IV, 18 months after
Korlen Skimmer wins the Boonta Eve Podrace.*
(conjecture based on Endless Vigil)*
*NOTE: This assumes that the adventure seeds in Endless Vigil are both Legends and set shortly after ANH.
Alendar Jarvis of New Order Progressive reports that Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Admiral
Motti, General Cassio Tagge, and their staffs have been killed in a shuttle crash. This will be
the Empires official cover story for the deaths of these Death Star personnel. (Exact date of
report via New Order Progressive: 35:4:22)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 62
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #3)
Linst becomes CEO of the Damarind Fishing Station.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin via TimeTales, abridged)
Admiral Nyran’s Nullifier is placed in command of the fleet protecting Corulag.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #13 via TimeTales,
Nin Vu of Alderaan applies for a position in Rebel Special Forces in the wake of Alderaan’s
(conjecture based on Rules of Engagement via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Beilert Valance views Death Star transmission tapes which reveal Luke Skywalker working
alongside droids on the station. The anti-mechanicals bounty hunter makes it his quest to
destroy this boy who symbolizes all he holds repulsive in the galaxy.
(conjecture based on The Hunter!)
Keelii Mazral takes command of the ThunderForce.
(conjecture based on Rules of Engagement via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Durga the Hutt and Sprax begin to control the To-Sharr Uuta Shipworks, which will be used to
launder money and spy for Black Sun.
(conjecture based on Secrets of the Sisar Run via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Kryll, an Imperial Officer, defects to the Alliance after the destruction of Alderaan. He often
told his troops that he defected, not because of Alderaan, but because the Empire did not
appreciate his wonderful tenor voice. He would become an Alliance General in charge of the
Outer Rim Communications Center, and would later serve the New Republic on Generis.
(conjecture based on Rebel Alliance Sourcebook and The Last Command via TimeTales,
Lantillian ShipWrights is absorbed by TaggeCo, and many of the corporations designers are
fired. Lantillian ShipWrights was a small starship designer best known for the GX1 Short
(conjecture based on Stock Ships via TimeTales, verbatim)
Former Imperial pilot Lieutenant Tarn Mison joins the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Star Wars Customizable Card Game: Special Edition Expansion
Set via TimeTales, verbatim)
Owing to the death of Bail Organa on Alderaan, Cryoncorp. pledges its support to Leia
Organa and the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
The Empire develops a form of personal shield, using micro-energy technology. However,
the technology was very expensive, and prohibited widespread use of the shield.
(conjecture based on In Deadly Pursuit via TimeTales, verbatim)
Ander Rendrake contacts Han Solo, who went to the Imperial Academy during the same
time, for a way to defect to the Rebel Alliance. Solo asks him to stay in the Imperial Navy
and serve the Rebellion from within. After much consideration, he consented. Ander uses
his communications access to feed data to Alliance operatives whenever he can, and he
knows how to keep his actions hidden.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Rebel Operatives via TimeTales, verbatim)
Jabba the Hutt sends assassins to kill Moruth Doole on Kessel for his part in Han Solo’s
failed delivery. Doole. Doole begs and pleads, and finally is let go - but with one eye plucked
out. He gets himself a droid eye replacement.
(conjecture based on Jedi Search via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Twi’lek Ral’Rai Muvunc, a member of the Alliance, serves as the Minister of Supply and
Ordnance. It was Muvunc who proposed that privateers be contracted to help augment the
Alliance’s forces. Among his rationale were the facts that privateers could ambush Imperial
and corporate convoys, obtaining supplies for the Alliance without expending Alliance
resources. Privateering would also help alienate corporations from the Empire, as lost
convoys meant lost profits. Ral’Rai’s proposal led to the Far Orbit Project.
(conjecture based on The Far Orbit Project via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 63
Tarn Innis, a graduate of the Imperial Academy, is considered too average to ever assume
command. He was given a position in the Supply branch of the military, where he eventually
earned the command of the Shallow March Supply Post. Over the years since taking this
command, Innis developed a network of informants that provided him with incredible detail on
logistics of the Imperial Army. He often passed this information on to the Alliance via pirates
and smugglers like Talon Karrde.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Rebel Operatives via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Alliance gains a foothold in the Mortex Sector.
(conjecture based on Black Ice via TimeTales, verbatim)
Sandrex Olotho was Grand Moff Tarkin’s spy in Admiral Fonada’s chain of command. After
the destruction of the first Death Star, she remained within Fonada’s command after the
Battle of Endor. She was infamous for executing an entire detachment of Imperial troops
when it tried to defect to the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Heroes and Rogues via TimeTales, verbatim)
The city of Chinshassa on Shalyvane is destroyed, supposedly for resisting Imperial rule,
although the natives do not understand the attack. This will later be used to provide a false
background for Imperial Intelligence operative Shira Elan Colla Brie, whom Darth Vader and
Ysanne Isard will send to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance as a pilot.
(conjecture based on Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire)
A-175, a Red Star Shipping Action IV transport is hijacked by the Far Orbit while running
legitimate cargo for Cambrielle SolidState. Her captain, Joh Steen, believed that the Far
Orbit was an Imperial ship, and agreed to turn his cargo over to Dhas Vedij.
(conjecture based on The Far Orbit Project via TimeTales, verbatim)
After three years of devastating battles, the Trianii Rangers and the Corporate Sector
Authority sign an armistice treaty.
(conjecture based on Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook via TimeTales,
Trinna Orini, a slightlybuilt woman, was one of the best sharpshooters to join the Alliance in
the wave of enrollments which occurred shortly after the Battle of Yavin.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Kit via TimeTales, verbatim)
Ashii Nermani, a beautiful woman, is considered Imperial HoloVisions’s most popular
newscaster. She is the first to break the story that Venslas Beeli had become a privateer
working for the Alliance. The newsfeed article was part of a plot to draw Captain Dhas Vedij
and the Far Orbit into a trap laid by the Empire. She also broke the story of the capture of
Coh Veshiv, although her report claimed that he had been killed in a space accident.
(conjecture based on The Far Orbit Project via TimeTales, verbatim)
Pellas Agri was an agent of House Pelagia who worked as a troublemaker and spy for much
of his life. His father had died in a House Mecetti prison, unjustly arrested for a crime he
didn't commit. This left young Agri with a burning hatred of House Mecetti. He was attacked
by a group of thugs from House Mecetti on Lamuir IV, shortly after the Battle of Yavin.
Working under the alias of Coros Telari, he had stolen a datafile from Mecetti, and was
hoping to return it to his Pelagia masters. A team of Alliance agents, hoping to meet Trel
Modetto aboard the Eternal Hope, were directed to the site of the attack by Janna Pallask.
Their efforts in defeating the thugs saved Agri's life. He spent a great deal of time in a bacta,
but owed a debt of gratitude to the Alliance agents.
(conjecture based on Tapani Sector Instant Adventures via TimeTales, verbatim)
A group of Alliance agents had planned to meet with the smuggler Trel Modetto on Lamuir IV,
shortly after the Battle of Yavin. They hoped to be able to obtain shipments of bacta to use in
treating soldiers injured in battle with the Empire. Unknown to the Alliance agents, Modetto
was wanted by House Mecetti, the Void Demon pirate gang, and several loansharks, and he
had to flee the area or be captured. The team was sidetracked by Janna Pallask, who
purposely misdirected them in order to save Coros Telari. The agents eventually met up with
him at the Hungry Herglic, but Modetto was unable to help them obtain any bacta.
(conjecture based on Tapani Sector Instant Adventures via TimeTales, verbatim)
Shawn Bonduna is recognized aboard a luxury liner, providing new leads for bounty hunters.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 64
(conjecture based on Bounties to Die For)
Oracle Squadron at Oracle Base on Tel III attempts to rescue prisoners from the Caged
Animal after the Empire launches an ambush on Alliance forces. The squadron takes 50%
(conjecture based on Flashpoint: Brak Sector via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Lirisa Casti helps sabotage Lant Mining Corporation activities on Demar for the Rebel
(conjecture based on Flashpoint: Brak Sector via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Del is assigned to Oracle Base.
(conjecture based on Flashpoint: Brak Sector via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Alliance forces, including Barga, are deployed to Oracle Base.
(conjecture based on Flashpoint: Brak Sector via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The EAR-1 surveillance device begins widespread criminal and intelligence use.
(conjecture based on Lords of the Expanse via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Edan Base on Edan II is routed by Imperial forces from the Havoc. The fleeing Rebels begin
guerrilla warfare to win back their position.
(conjecture based on Introductory Adventure Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Trent Jasper discovers he is Force-sensitive. He soon joins the Rebels at Edan Base on
Edan II.
(conjecture based on Introductory Adventure Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
On Gelgelar, Dorius Drevin, a bounty hunter, poses as a Kooroo pilgrim to capture Loro Ecls.
His identity is discovered by a pilgrim, whom he then kills. The crew of the ship that brought
Drevin joins with the pilgrims to capture him.
(conjecture based on Platt’s Starport Guide via TimeTales, paraphrased)
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, MedTech Industries moves its corporate headquarters into
the Deep Core.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, the Executor, still under construction, is moved from Scarl
to Fondor, as it has become a top priority with the loss of the Death Star.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, the local resistance against the Empire on Teth finally joins
the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Lords of Nal Hutta)
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, many Imperial officials are relieved to learn that most of the
internal affairs RA-7 spy protocol droids were aboard the Death Star and therefore destroyed.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
Rezion, a Sienar Fleet Systems researcher, defects to the Alliance with his daughter.
(conjecture based on Platt’s Starport Guide via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The Empire dispatches stormtrooper Sentinel Squadron to Tatooine to protect Prefect
(conjecture based on Mos Eisley Adventure Set via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Moisture farmer Walt Brennorm joins with a local crimelord on Tatooine (one who hopes to
take Jabba the Hutts place) to stage fake Tusken Raider attacks.
(conjecture based on Mos Eisley Adventure Set via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Rendric discovers that the Empire is flooding the Outer Rim with Viper probe droids.
(conjecture based on Cynabar’s Fantastic Technology: Droids via TimeTales,
Edan Base on Edan II is routed by Imperial forces from the Havoc. The fleeing Rebels begin
guerrilla warfare to win back their position.
(conjecture based on Introductory Adventure Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The planet Alluuvia is discovered during an exploration mission funded by Radell Mining
Corporation. Its ownership was disputed by the Scourge, a pirate gang who tried to claim it
as their own. Radell had send the Gray Griffins to follow up their exploration activities, but
they were captured by the Scourge and held for ransom until a group of Alliance agents
rescued them. Alluuvia was an ocean world whose waters were dense with metals and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 65
minerals that made it toxic to offworlders. Alluuvia was also the homeworld of the Anguilla.
The Empire’s Imperial Mining Ltd. Tried to establish a mining outpost on the planet,
recognizing the concentrations of alanium, doonium, and zersium were enough to fund any
operation. The Anguilla, led by Anvar, opposed the Imperial occupation, and with some help
from the Alliance, they were able to drive off the Imperial presence. Anyar eventually agreed
to allow Radell Mining Corporation to mine the planet, so long as the Ithorian Iych-thae
oversaw their work.
(conjecture based on Operation: Elrood via TimeTales, verbatim)
Beckar becomes the Alliance’s Commander-in-Chief of the Trax Sector forces. He ordered
the disruption of the Imperial collection of foodstuffs on Draenell’s Point, in an effort to stall
the construction of the Bissillirus Resupply Base.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Kit via TimeTales, verbatim)
Denis Rygelli, known as Reggie to his friends, this young man joined the Alliance shortly after
the Battle of Yavin. He was known as a techie, and a whiz with anything that needed to be
fixed. This allowed him to be a part of something he believed in, but kept him out of the
primary action.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Kit via TimeTales, verbatim)
Negollup, an Aqualish bounty hunter known as Scrapper to other hunters, is part of a group
hired by the Empire to hunt down the Alliance agents who were investigating the construction
of Bissillirus Resupply Base.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Kit via TimeTales, verbatim)
Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the current edition of the Imperial Handbook, which speaks
well of the Death Star and includes a section by the now dead Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, is
taken out of circulation. This makes finding a good condition copy of the book rather difficult
in years to come.
(conjecture based on Imperial Handbook)
Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance is in need of new recruits to help fill their
dwindling ranks, especially those of the pilots lost at Yavin IV. On Ord Mantell, the thief
Kestrel is on the run from bounty hunters Skorr and Bossk. Meanwhile, Rebel agent Tiree
(not the same Tiree as at the Battle of Yavin, but the same Tiree that will factor into The
Game Chambers of Questal) is under attack from an Imperial Star Destroyer. Tiree escapes,
returning to the starship Home Base for a meeting with General Reekeene. Tiree had been
on a mission to rendezvous with six potential Rebel recruits, but they were killed in the Star
Destroyers attack. Tiree, though, has a lead on four more potential recruits, one alone and
three that are currently a team. Tiree is allowed to go recruit these rookies. One is Captain
Raal Yorta, whom we meet while he is winning (possibly cheating) sabacc over and over
again, causing one of his rivals, the Rodian “Deeto” to threaten him, pulling his blaster.
Unfortunately for Deeto, Raal knows by his weapon that “Deeto” is actually Ten-Suckers
Madoom, who has a bounty on his head, and Raal’s companion, Sammie, snatches Madoom
up for the bounty. They catch up with the third member of their team, the Ranat named
Smiley, and are off to collect the bounty. Meanwhile, Kestrel takes her stolen goods to the
information broker Skivs. She wants Skivs to find out who posted a bounty for Raleigh Dawn,
but before Skivs starts the search, he informs her that someone (Tiree) is wanting to meet
with her. As for Raals group, they discover that, thanks to an unrenewed permit, they can
only collect the minimum bounty on Madoom, screwing them over. After bickering over their
lot in life, Sammie finally announces to Raal and Smiley that he is joining the Rebellion. That
night, as Kestrel is met briefly by a Rebel and given coordinates of where to hook up with the
Rebellion, Sammie is given the same. Sammie takes Raal and Smiley hostage (more or
less), forcing Raal to take him to the rendezvous site. When they appear to be out of fuel
before taking off, they siphon fuel from the very ship that Kestrel has hired to take her to the
same rendezvous. When she gets angry about it, she boards the ship, just a Skorr, Bossk,
and several Imperials bust into the docking bay to stop them. Raal takes off, carrying
Sammie, Smiley, and the angry Kestrel along for the ride. Sammie and Kestrel argue over
where to head, but when they realize that they are heading to the same place, they set out for
their fateful rendezvous with Tiree and the Rebel Alliance . . . but the Imperials are not going
to let them get away that easily . . . *
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 66
*NOTE: This date is conjectural, based upon comments in Pablo Hidalgo’s blog about the story.
Imperial Officer Barezz questions the captain of the ship that Kestrel had chartered to get to
her Rebel Alliance rendezvous. The captain will be executed, but he has given up
coordinates for the meeting. Bounty hunter Skorr will be compensated if the coordinates pan
out. Unfortunately for Barezz, the Emperor is displeased with his lack of progress in finding
the recruiter Tiree. He assures Darth Vader that he is going to capture the Rebel. Meanwhile,
Raal Yorta, Sammie, Smikely, and Kestrel have reached the relay station Bothawui that Tiree
pointed them to, but they have found nothing there. Just as they discover a droid signal that
should lead them to their rendezvous on the surface, Barezz shows up with a Star Destroyer
and destroys their ship, leaving them trapped in the area. They take an escape pod down to
the planet, where they find the droid in a series of mines. The droid holds a message from
Tiree, who gives them what they need (including a shuttle) to escape, but he cant meet them
personally. Pursued in the mines by the Imperials, they make their way with the droid (Deo)
toward the shuttle. They are nearly caught when having to cross a fiery chasm, but they work
together to get across, even the grumbling Raal helps the fire-fearing Kestrel across. They
finally reach the shuttle, only to discover that it is gone . . . and that Tiree is there, wounded.
They do, however, have two-seater Y-wings under some tarps, allowing them to escape.
Raal, Sammie, and Smiley (in Sammie’s lap) take one Y-wing, while Kestrel and the
wounded Tiree take the other, with Deo piloting. They escape without any apparent pursuit,
intending to link navicomputers and head for a Rebel base, but Kestrel is shocked to hear
Tiree mutter her real name, Raleigh Dawn . . . How could he know?
(No Turning Back)
A Rebel Alliance team is sent to infiltrate a key Empire Data Processing Center, sealing vital
information from inside and destroying the repository.
(Ultimate Core Dump)
Hart-and-Parn Gorra-Fiolla of Lorrd (“Fiolla of Lorrd”), the Corporate Sector Authoritys
Auditor General receives a message from Akeeli Somerce on behalf of the Prex. She is to
verify the presence of Rebel forces in the Abo Dresh system. While she may not be part of
the Empire, technically, the CSA has an Imperial charter, meaning that the fate of the Empire
is entwined with that of the CSA. Unfortunately for her, having just made a narrow escape
from Ulicia, the mission is Priority X, which means she cannot refuse it. Also unfortunately,
she is taking her own ship, the Tydia Rish, on the mission and cannot drop her prisoner,
industrial saboteur Naven Crel, into custody before she goes on the mission, which means
he’ll have to tag alone in a cell for the time being. Before reaching the Abo Dreth system,
Fiolla takes a nap, only to wake up to find that Crel has escaped and his holding her own
blaster to her. Of course, Fiolla is quite skilled, and she subdues the prisoner yet again.
They reach the system and find a Corellian StarRunnner in the system. When Fiolla turns
around, a mysterious woman is aboard. The woman identifies herself as working for the
Prex. Fiolla soon realizes that the Prex is behind the leaking of CSA information to the
Empire, and since she knows too much, having just come from picking up Crel at a Commex
facility (which is a subsidiary of the super-corp that the Prex is handling), the woman, Akeeli
Somerce (the source of the message), has been sent to kill her. The Rebel fleet information
was simply a ruse to get her to a place where she can be easily killed. In the blink of an eye,
Crel is once again free, the same way he freed himself before. He grabs Fiollas blaster and
shoots Akeeli, even as she shoots Crel. As Crel is dying, Fiolla realizes that Crel must have
been a spy within Commex, trying to find out who had been leaking CSA information to the
Empire. Now that they know it was the Prex himself, Chils Meplin, she promises to go after
Meplin on his behalf.
(Priority X)
Aboard the Quandary, Tinian I’att, Sprig Cheever, Yccakic, and Redd Metalflake are
passengers, making their way to Silver Station to contact Cheeves father’s aunt, Una Poot,
who is a local supplier and area leader for the Rebel Alliance. They still have the parts to the
blaster-proof armor that I’att Armaments created and wish to get it into Rebel hands. As they
arrive on the station, they must deal with the fact that a group of (possibly Imperial-trained)
Ranats calling themselves the Con Queecon have threatened to blow up the station in
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 67
retaliation for Una Poot eradicating some thieving Ranats a short time earlier. They meet
with Una, and Tinian gives her the armor. In return, Tinian wants Una to help her get word of
Wrrlevgebev’s death to his family. A short time later, Tinian is called to see Una, who is there
with the Wookiee bounty hunter Chenlambec. Chen will take the news of Wrrl’s death back
to their people. Tinian asks if she may apprentice under Chen as a bounty hunter, but Chen
declines. Later, Tinian finds one of the Ranats bombs and stops a few of the Ranats. In
doing so, she is wounded, but in the medbay, her heroism causes Chenlambec to change his
mind about possibly taking her on as an apprentice. They go to his ship, the Wroshyr to see
how fast she can learn, and to see what she already knows. Elsewhere on Silver Station, Day
Azur-Jamin, Tinians supposedly dead soulmate, has arrived with Toalar Yalom and Woyiq,
the Rebels who saved him from the wreckage of I’att Armaments. Daye is in dire need of
medical attention, and, after they see Una, he is rushed to red bacta treatment. When Tinian
awakens from falling asleep on the Wroshyr, Silver Station is about to be attacked by
Imperials who tracked Toalar, Daye, and Woyiq to the station. Tinian, having decided to go
with Chen and knowing that the others made it out already, works with Chen to help save
their butts. Inside Silver Station, Daye is taken from bacta treatment by his Rebel comrades
and raced to Unas ship. They escape, and as they do, Una tells him that Tinian (whom she
had told had been there, but hinted that he should remain dead to her to be part of the
Rebellion) has escaped as well. Daye thinks that their days helping the Rebellion may be
over now that Silver Station is gone, but Una assures him that they will live to fight another
day, and someday, the Empire will fall.
(To Fight Another Day)
In the Maelstrom Nebula, Celia “Crimson” Durasha arrives at Oasis where she spends some
time trying to sort out her life. Deciding she cant stay on Oasis any longer, she stows away
aboard Kaj Nedmaks Tryan Kajme. Shortly after leaving Oasis, Kaj discovers her and takes
her on to work in exchange for passage. The two soon grow as partners.
(conjecture based on Crimson Bounty)
Tanda Marelle of Galactic Resorts reports on preparations on Lamuir IV for the annual Priole
Danna Festival, to take place in seven standard weeks. (Exact date of report via Galactic
Resorts: 35:5:27)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #3)
A Rebel courier and con-man named Rekk Kashiin steals 500,000 credits from the Rebel
(conjecture based on Rebel Justice)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn. This is three months before the scenario.
Devidia Vennsiol is spotted in the Core.
(conjecture based on Bounties to Die For)
Vooz Nooxoo Una kills three Imperial officers and is pursued into the depths of Coruscant by
stormtroopers, only two of whom survive the encounter.
(conjecture based on Bounties to Die For)
On Kyrouac, a Rebel representative is set to meet with a local government official as part of
the ongoing use of Kyrouac as a transfer point for food to the Rebel Alliance. A local Force-
sensitive Jedi-pretender, See-eh-sel Danenberger (CSL), notices that a large load of grain
has recently been prepared for transport, but the transport is in an unusual restricted area
and, shockingly, surrounded by stormtroopers. It looks as though the Empire has struck a
deal with the Kyrouac government and is about to betray the Rebels. CSL races to where the
Rebel and the government official are meeting and reveals the betrayal. The Rebel leader
knocks out the official, and the Rebels, with CSL as well, race back to the guarded transport,
where they fight their way through the Imperials and escape from the planet with their grain.
See-eh-sel Danenberger is now a Rebel.*
(Alone Against the Empire)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
A group of Rebels makes a raid on the formerly secret Imperial prison planet Branth. In the
assault, they release various aliens from imprisonment, including a large number of
Wookiees, for whom the Imperials originally engineered the facility after its original purpose,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 68
droid production, fell on hard times.*
(Wookiees Amok)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
On the asteroid Gaav’aar’oon in the Vodilux Cluster, a group of Gamorrean nuns have set up
a convent where a Jedi fortress stood before the Clone Wars. It has come to Darth Vader’s
attention that the asteroid seems to have an unusually powerful connection to the Force, as
people who go the asteroid hurt are usually healed quickly. When Imperial forces in the
region begin to pull back in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, Vader and the Empire form a plan
to turn the nuns toward the Empire and away from the Rebel Alliance, who could use the
asteroid to help boost the powers in their own Force-sensitives. A team of Imperials
infiltrates the convent as Rebels, ordering the nuns to give the Alliance access to the Jedi
fortress. When the nuns, as planned, refuse, the Imperials kill the nun leader, Grotrugga.
Grotrugga, though, becomes one with the Force and begins appearing to the other nuns,
revealing the deception, and to the Imperials, lecturing them in the evils of the Dark Side. As
a result of this encounter, the team is never quite the same again, and the convent sides with
the Rebellion, so long as the convent is not armed. While the Empire will continue to try to
take the asteroid, all further assaults are met with mysterious failures . . .*
(The Nuns of G’aav’aar’oon)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
A group of Rebels heads for Geric IV to take supplies to the Rebels there. En route, the
ship’s hyperdrive malfunctions, requiring them to crash on a unknown moon. After searching
the moon, they discover that it is the location of the old Tembora Research Station, where
scientists during the Clone Wars worked to perfect warrior droids of the KLR line. When they
perfected the KLR-B1, the first model killed everyone in the facility. The droid now harasses
or kills anyone arriving on the moon. The heroes barely manage to survive the droid’s
assaults, but their success brings valuable weapons technology information to the Rebellion.*
(Rogue Metal)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
A group of Rebels is forced to stop and repair their ship on Muurgah, a planet known as a
starship graveyard. While repairing the vessel, they come upon R2-D6. The droid had been
aboard a Rebel Y-wing scouting pirate activities in the area when the Y-wing was blasted.
The ship was taken and sold, then finally scrapped on Muurgah. When the Rebels finish their
repairs, they take R2-D6 and the information on pirate activities (albeit a bit old) back to the
(Buried Treasure)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
Reginard Base, a Rebel installation, is infiltrated by a traitor who releases the triflexia virus
within the base. The virus alters blood vessels to provide a gruesome death, but luckily the
Rebels on the base manage to find the traitor and quarantine the virus before it can spread
beyond the base.*
(Death by Triflexia)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
A group of fringers comes upon a derelict starship that dates back to the Clone Wars. Upon
entering, they discover a broken bio-hazard unit, which has spread a virus around the ship
that comes in both airborne and “ooze” forms. Luckily, the virus is relatively primitive by
modern medical standards, but the situation goes to reinforce the fact that there is far more
forgotten in the galaxy than we’d care to imagine . . .*
(Pandora’s Box)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
A group of rebels are tasked to find Hughart Tetch, a scientist who discovered how to create
bacta without using dioxy 3.6.methyl alginate. Since the Empire disapproved of his research,
he has gone into hiding, and rebel intelligence believes he may be hiding on the planet
Charity. The rebels arrive at a space station orbiting Charon, a moon in orbit of a gas giant in
the same system as Charity. There they meet Antigone Jones, a smuggler willing to take
them to Charity. Fortunately, she also recalls smuggling a man named Tetch to the planet
the previous year. She takes them to the city Vehrdampat, after which they trek out to look
for Tetch hiding with one of the nomadic families following the Cadmium Elk herds. They
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 69
eventually find Tetch, and after convincing the nomadic family he is with that they are rebels,
he agrees to leave with them. Just then, a group of bounty hunters sent by the Empire to find
Tetch show up and a firefight ensues. Due to the enthusiastic assistance of the violent
nomads, the rebels kill the bounty hunters and contact Antigone Jones to pick them up. An
Imperial frigate shows up and chases Joness ship after she picks them up, but once they
leave Charitys gravity well, the rebels, with Tetch and Jones, escape into hyperspace.*
(As Cold as Charity)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. There is no real indication of when it takes place, other
than that the Rebel Alliance exists. The story also uses English names of months from Earth, rather than trying to
create names or use existing names for month in the saga.
A hero sees bounty hunter M’ aas Straka shoot a man on the planet Kotchi. As soon as
Straka leaves, the hero realizes that the shot and dying man is Captain John Comfield, a
hero of the rebellion. Before he dies, Comfield instructs the hero to tell a Commander
Stockwell on Jeareh that something called the Stones of Braan are in a temple. After some
difficulty, the hero (and some companions) reaches the planet Jeareh. They find that
Commander Stockwell’s rebel activities on the planet have attracted Imperial attention, so
there are imperial troops everywhere they look. They eventually locate Stockwell’s base a
few miles outside of Jeareh Central. Stockwell greets them warmly and explains that the
Stones of Braan are objects that are going to be used as a power converter in a destructive
new gun the Empire is working on (the Galaxy Gun?). So far, he’s only been able to discover
that the temple Comfield spoke of is on the planet Marshellon. Since Stockwell does not
have personnel to spare, the heroes travel to Marshellon to locate and destroy the temple.
There they encounter Muc Luck, an alien Jvava student of the Force stranded on the planet.
He tells them of a secret Imperial base, and the heroes realize that this base’s codename
must be “Temple.” They sneak there way out to its location deep in the forest, plant
explosives, and flee before detonating the entire complex. After this adventure, the heroes
return to Kotchi (taking Luck with them, who splits from them once planetside). There they
run into M’ aas Straka and a fight ensues. When the dust settles, the heroes have won and
Comfield has gotten justice.*
(Death of a Hero)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. There is no real indication of when it takes place, other
than that the Rebel Alliance exists. The story also manages to spell Straka’s name three different ways: M’aas, M’
ass, and M’ aas (notice the spaces in the latter two).
The 1A9 automated methane mining facility on the planet Asta, unbeknownst to the miners,
uncovers a bacterial hive mind creature, which calls itself The Whole. It is thoroughly evil,
allied to the dark side of the Force. It immediately infects those miners closest to it, and they
begin the process of degenerating both physically and mentally into blob-like slaves.
(conjecture based on Operation Norcomm or Asta la Vista Baby)
A group of rebels are tasked to seize the 1A9 automated methane mining facility on the
planet Asta. Arriving at the planet with a communications jammer, the rebels land and begin
the attack. Unable to call for reinforcements, Imperial Captain Alcarz assumes command and
mounts a resistance. To everyone’s surprise, the facility is suddenly attacked by The Whole,
a bacterial hive mind creature that infects and enslaves humans. Some of the miners have
already been enslaved, and assist in the attack, while others are infected but still in the
incubating stage. Since the only way to kill The Whole is to destroy the entire planet, the
remaining Imperials, miners, and rebels set the station’s fusion reactor to a supercritical state,
which initiates a chain reaction resulting in Astas obliteration.*
(Operation Norcomm or Asta la Vista Baby)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. There is no real indication of when it takes place, other
than that the Rebel Alliance exists. And, yes, there are two titles for this on purpose in the article, one of which is
in Spanish, as if that language is spoken in the saga.
The deposed Barons of the planet Vesla have fled the planet to taken refuge on the moon
Jordan. The moon is the source of many of the planet’s industrial products and the Barons
have stopped all shipments to the planet’s surface. The recently installed Revisionist
government, running low on supplies, contacts the Rebel Alliance and requests assistance
negotiating with the Barons for the resumption of trade. The Alliance sends a team to
Jordan, along with representatives of the Revisionists. The Barons accept the offer to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 70
negotiate, suggesting that the meeting take place aboard Baron Marcus Fallon’s luxury
vessel, the Overseer. Unbeknownst to the Revisionists and Rebels, the Barons have
contacted the Empire and requested assistance on their behalf in the negotiations. The
Imperials promise to attempt to make the negotiations favorable to the Barons and, failing
that, use military force to restore the Barons to power on Vesla (although their ultimate
intention is for Vesla to be incorporated into the Empire).*
(Ship of Fools)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. There is no real indication of when it takes place, other
than that the Rebel Alliance exists.
The Imperial Enforcement DataCore updates a list of bounties for those with an Imperial
Peace Keeping Certificates. This service, provided by the Imperial Office of Criminal
Investigation provides, in this update, information on MI-726, Devidia Vennsiol, Stormtrooper
X, Drooto Sploonore, Vooz Nooxoo Una, Subject 4D668493X, Reerookachuck, Traggissk
Reosss, Skawn Bonduna, and Scranton Toon.
(Bounties to Die For)
Two Eirrauc traders, Daushoroc and Tamoss arrive on Tatooine, seeking to find a lost
starship, the Athallian Messenger. In their trek, they come across a group of Tusken Raiders
and barter water for the ship’s location. They leave, realizing that they and the Tusken
Raiders share a common trait; they just want to be left alone.
(Wanderer of Worlds)
Platt Okeefe is set upon by bounty hunters while on Tatooine negotiating a cargo hauling
deal with Sovar. She has to make a quick escape, which fries her ship’s drives, forcing Pak’s
Demise to crash into the Dune Sea. Seeing that the ship is infested with scurriers and that a
storm is brewing, Platt escapes from the wreckage on a domesticated ronto that was lost in
the same area. Unfortunately, Pak’s Demise is apparently never recovered. Platt needs a
new ship.
(Sandbound on Tatooine)
Cynabar’s InfoNet reports on the growing smuggling trade around Raltiir in light of the
blockade. (Exact date of report via Cynabar’s InfoNet: 35:6:16)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #3)
In the wake of the Battle of Yavin, news of the Death Star’s destruction has been kept from
many in the Empire, including on Carida. On Maridun, a jungle planet, the native Amanin
seem to be striking against the far more advanced Imperials. An Imperial contingent,
including Lt. Janek Sunber, the arrogant Captain Gage, Commander Frickett, the
commanding officer General Ziering, and their troops, faces both harsh planetary conditions
and hostile natives in their pursuit of Imperial mining interests. The miners have been
attacked by the Amanin, who now have the miners weapons. Soon, the Imperials hole up,
assuming their location will allow them safety from the enemy, but putting themselves in a
position without much in the way of a retreat corridor (seeing as how no Imperial would ever
need to retreat from such primitives, of course. When the inevitable attack comes, the
Imperials are nearly overwhelmed and the General loses an eye. The only one who seems
to have any common sense is Lt. Sunber, who soon saves Gage’s ass from an attack while
on patrol within eyesight of the Imperial encampment. As Gage returns, though, things go
from bad to worse, as dozens upon dozens of Amanin appear from out of the jungle, ready
for battle. Like the Imperials they are, the soldiers open fire on the natives, without direct
provocation, forcing a skirmish in which they are drawn out from cover and drawn into a trap.
Luckily, Commander Fricket, who fired the first shot, dies a nice painful death. As the
Imperials retreat, Sunber is promoted to Captain, owing to his belief that they are in a no-win
situation and should fight to the last man to ensure as much attrition to the natives as
possible. They set up a series of arrowhead trenches, trying to use the closer ones to attack
and rear ones to cover the attackers as they retreat, but when the action commences, with
Sunber in the first area, closest to the Amanin, is left to fend for himself against enemy
attackers as Gage turns tail and retreats early, leaving Sunber without any cover at all . . .
Luckily, he is able to use a grenade to blow up a fuel cell on a nearby juggernaut, allowing
them to fall back. As the battle continues, though, all does not go well. Imperials fall left and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 71
right. The general dies on the battlefield, just after having given Sunber a field promotion to
Commander. As the battle nears its end, the natives tell the Imperials that they have
survived ritual battle, which will allow the two cultures to make a deal. Their deal, which is
explored in a hearing for Lieutenant Sunber (whose promotion to Commander could only be
confirmed by Gage, who refuses to do so). The natives will provide slaves to the Empire
from other tribes, which will greatly benefit the Imperial slave trade. Sunber knows, though,
that losing the promotion is not the end of the world. Sometimes, sacrifice proves its own
(To the Last Man)
As a result of Janek Sunber’s deal with the Amanin leaders on Maridun, many Amanin who
are captured by other Amanin tribes will be sold into slavery. As Imperial attention on the
world starts to fade again, some Amanin hunters will go on takitals (religious hunts) to kill
Imperials offworld in retribution for what was done to their people. The lorekeepers will tend
to try to convince younger Amanin that this is a corruption of the takital practice and should
not be condoned.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
En route to Coruscant, Boba Fett stumbles across a derelict ZZ class freighter called the
Mingula. He boards, taking one of his prisoners, Tsumo, with him as cover. Aboard the ship,
they find a sarcophagus holding Volpau, third cousin of Emperor Palpatine, who died on
Ubuuga of unknown causes and is on his way to Coruscant for incineration. They then learn
what killed the crew: fleshborers, a type of insect that bores beneath ones skin, poisoning
them to the point of death, and then burst from the skin. Tsumo is killed on the ship, but Fett
manages to escape to Slave I with Volpaus jewel-covered crown before the Mingula
destructs. Luckily, his Ubuugan captive in another of his cells is of a species that considers
fleshborers a delicacy and has a natural immunity to the fleshborer’s toxins. The prisoner
eats the rest of the fleshborers that made it onto the ship, and Boba Fett sets course to
continue back to Coruscant.
(Boba Fett: Salvage)
On Yavin IV, Trux Zissu is preparing to leave for Delantine, where he is supposed to serve as
governor. He is to take the Timespan to Delantine, along with his son Stuart, C-3PO, R2-D2,
and 4B-X. Stuart, who is quite good at space poker, tries to steal an azurite crystal to bring
along in order to gamble on Delantine, but he is caught and has the large crystal taken away.
The group leaves, but upon arriving near Delantine, they are attacked by an Imperial ship.
They are boarded and Trux orders Stuart and the droids into the escape pod and they
escape without him. They need to get to either Delantine (to save Trux, though the planet
may be taken over by Imperials) or to Romm to link up with the Rebels there. They cannot
make it that far, though, and they must make an emergency landing on an unknown planet
(Da’nor). They land safely and review a holographic message from Leia, intended for Trux.
It appears that he was supposed to escape from the Timespan, making it look like he was
killed or captured, so that he could link up with the Rebels on Romm. Stuart and the droids
know that there must be another spy on Yavin IV who leaked the information, since the
mission was top secret, so they contact Leia and let her know. She orders the evacuation of
all Rebels in the system, except a select group on Romm, who will remain to help plan the
eventual overthrow of the Imperials in the system. Stuart and the droids are told to go to the
nearest settlement within 48-hours, and they intend to start the next morning.
(Emergency in Escape Pod Four)
On Da’nor, Stuart Zissu, R2-D2, C-3PO, and 4B-X set out to contact the nearest settlement in
the hopes of getting transport to the Rebel cell on Romm. They face perilous creatures, a
river, and an improvised hot air balloon ride before they are caught in a tornado, which finds
them accidentally damaging the property of the very people they were seeking out. The
leader, Granit, plays against Stuart in a game of space poker. If Granit wins, he gets the
piece of azurite that Stuart managed to hide from the Rebels on Yavin IV when they
confiscated the larger piece he stole. If Stuart wins, they go free. Granit wins and then
announces that since he won, they are now his slaves, which was never part of the deal. He
is joking, though. He informs them that he and a few others were ordered by the Rebellion to
remain on Danor until finding Stuart and the droids. He is to take them to Romm so they
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 72
might reunite with the small Rebel force left in the system. The journey will be dangerous,
but it is their only choice.
(Journey Across Planet X)
Stuart Zissu, C-3PO, R2-D2, and 4B-X make it to safety and back to the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on post-Journey Across Planet X events)
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed reports that Canna Omonda, former Chandrilan senator and
protégé of Mon Mothma, after having spoken against the Emperor after the disbanding of the
Imperial Senate, has been taken into custody and sent to Inquisitor Halmere. While under
Halmere’s “care,” Omonda confessed to Rebel activities and gave up the names of his Rebel
contacts. Omonda is sentenced to death. (Exact date of report via Coruscant Daily
Newsfeed: 35:7:10)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
With Canna Omonda arrested on Chandrila, Savuud Thimram, eldest son of ChandrilTech
CEO Hella Thimram, replaces her.
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)
Four months before the confrontation between Thrawn and Nuso Esva over Poln Major and
Poln Minor, Imperial Governor Bidor Ferrouz of Candoras sector (which includes Poln Major
and Minor) requests more warships. No one on Coruscant even bothers to reply. (Exact date
based on Choices of One placement: 35:7)
(conjecture based on Choices of One)
On Faldos, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are attacked by
bounty hunters looking to cash in on the Imperial and/or Hutt reward(s) for Han Solo. In their
escape, Han discovers Grubba the Hutt, Jabba the Hutt’s nephew, being held by kidnappers.
He takes Grubba with him as the Rebels escape, hoping to turn him over to Jabba as an act
of good faith. On Tatooine, Prefect Eugene Talmont has hired Dengar, Eron Stonefield, and
Udin (all bounty hunters) to capture Han Solo when he arrives (as expected) to pay off Jabba.
Talmont is in it to get himself a better post, but the bounty hunters are simply in it for the
payoff (with the added bonus of revenge for Dengar). The hunters head for the Jundland
Wastes and await sign of the Millennium Falcon heading to Jabbas palace. They think that
they hear and see the ship heading that direction and one of the hunters heads out in a
dewback to make sure. The hunter eventually tracks the ship to what appears to be a
B’omarr outpost. Inside, the hunter encounters Brain Spiders and meets the disembodied
brain of K’vin, who informs her that the B’omarr monks are a splinter group from their real
religion, the Most Perfect Order of K’vin. K’vin asks the hunter to kill him, which should lead
to greater “enlightenment,” The hunter escapes that encounter The hunter finds the Falcon
under guard by Jabba’s goons, but sneaks aboard and kidnaps Grubba. The hunter cannot
get to Solo himself, but Grubba just might work as bait to bring Solo to the hunters. The
hunter escapes, nearly being killed by krayt dragons. The Rebels escape to go after Grubba
and escape Jabbas wrath, while the bounty hunters take Grubba to Udin’s homeworld,
Kubindi, where they will lay in wait of Solo.*
(The Hunt for Han Solo)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the bounty hunter.” I must
also be very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite
player character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same
general storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
On Tatooine, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, R2-D2 and C-3PO discover that
Grubba the Hutt has been taken to Kubindi, to the Silver Forest of Dreams, ruled by Queen
Zabin. The Rebels head for Kubindi. Also heading for Kubindi is Punishing One, carrying
Dengar, Eron Stonefield, Udin, and the captive Grubba. Grubba is winning sabacc hands
with the hunters left and right, winning percentages of the price Jabba will pay for his safe
return or the Solo bounty. The hunters arrive on Kubindi and go into hiding with Udins hive,
while the Rebels also arrive and are guided by Bizzin Uz to the Silver Forest of Dreams. In
several speeders, they head out, only to be attacked by various insect-like creatures bred on
Kubindi. One Rebel (in a speeder with C-3PO) is separated from the group. The Rebel is
forced to slow down due to terrain and getting their bearings. Suddenly, a flying creature
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 73
picks the Rebel up and carries the Rebel to its “nest.” The Rebel escapes and climbs down
the incredibly tall tree, but only makes it half way, to a cave, or sorts, in the tree. The Rebel
makes it through the “cave” to another side entrance and yells to C-3PO, who tells the Rebel
that there is a spyderweb below that can break the Rebel’s fall if the Rebel needs to jump to
make it down safely. The Rebel does so and they take off after the others, only to find the
speeder’s abandoned, Bizzin Uz dying in a spyderweb, and the others captured by Queen
Zabin’s hive. The Rebel makes it through part of the hive, but is caught in the detention area.
The Rebel is taken to Queen Zabin and Zabin offers to let the Rebels go free if the Rebel can
make a wonderful dinner dish from the Kubindi foods nearby. The Rebel manages to pull off
this rather odd request, and they are allowed to go free. The bounty hunters have already
taken Grubba from Kubindi however, so they leave free, but without their original goal
fulfilled. As the Rebels try to figure out where to go next, the bounty hunters head for Ithor
and the herdship Tafanda Bay. The ships commander, General Olan Dewes, owes Udin a
favor, and Udin intends to collect with sanctuary. The chase continues.*
(The Search for Grubba the Hutt)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Momaw Nadon arrive on Ithor
on a mission to return Nadon to the planet and to find Grubba the Hutt. They pretend to be
bringing Imperial Master Torturer Vengnar Heiff to the Tafanda Bay, but soon learn that the
Imperials were actually expecting him. The Rebels land and make their way to the Oracle, a
Force-sensitive Ithorian, who confirms that Grubba is aboard the herdship. Momaw Nadon
and one Rebel make their way aboard the Tafanda Bay, encountering Imperials and Ithorians
serving them. One such Ithorian is Boma Inondo, former student of Nadon, whom they are
forced to kill. The Rebel and the Ithorians begin a revolt against the Imperials. The Ithorians
win the day, with the Rebel killing Sir Heiff and finding Grubba, although the bounty hunters
escape. At about the same time, a Rebel fleet enters the system and drives off the Imperials
in orbit. Reunited, the Rebels decide to return Grubba to Jabba on neutral territory and head
for Togoria.*
(Ithorian Invasion)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
The Rebels arrive on Togoria and head for Caross to meet with the local governmental head,
the Margrave-sister. The bounty hunters follow them to Togoria in Dengar’s Punishing One,
but the ship is damaged in a scuffle with the Rebels and they must eject. The ship survives,
but is in need of repairs. One of the bounty hunters meets Fassool and his Togorian war
band and allies with them to retrieve Grubba, pretending that Han Solo and the other Rebels
are kidnappers. They make their way to Caross and the bounty hunter makes it aboard the
Millennium Falcon, subduing the Rebels. Once in space to meet with an Imperial ship to
collect the bounties on the Rebels, one of the bounty hunters, Eron Stonefield, has second
thoughts, but it is too late to change course. The hunters are paid and the Imperial vessel
speeds away. It is only upon returning to Jabba the Hutt’s palace to return Grubba that they
learn that the ship was actually a Rebel transport. The Rebels are safely with the Alliance
again. Eron can’t help but feel relieved.*
(Togorian Trap)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the bounty hunter.” I must
also be very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite
player character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same
general storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
The Victory-class Star Destroyer Decimator arrives in the Kleeva system at Boonda the Hutt's
Moon, under the command of Admiral Groot and Captain Plevin. They are there to pick up
droids from Boonda (who is actually a legitimate businessman these days). Before they can,
though, the droids on Boonda’s Moon revolt, led by 12-4C-41 (Wuntoo Forcee Forwun). The
droids had already killed Olag Greck, and nearly succeed in killing Boonda. Once the droids
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 74
make their way aboard the Decimator, pretending to be filling the original droid order, they
run amok, taking over the ship. The Imperials, including a soldier assigned to Groot and
Plevin for their protection, escape to the moon where they meet Boonda and learn of the
revolt. They destroy Boonda’s factory, but not before Forwun and the other droids can take a
storage compartment aboard the Decimator, filled with battle-ready ASP droids. The droids
are ready to take on living lifeforms, but before they can do this, they must take over
Vactooine as a production facility. Even before that, Forwun has business to conduct on
Tatooine. They set course, and the Decimator leaves the Kleeva system under its new
commanding officer, 12-4C-41.*
(Revolt of the Battle Droids)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the soldier.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
The Victory-class Star Destroyer Decimator, now under the command of 12-4C-41, diverts
from course to Vactooine to make a stop on Tatooine. Forwun wishes to seek out the evil
droid EV-9D9 and destroy her at Jabba’s palace. They will set down on Tatooine and go to
Mos Eisley to determine the location of the palace. On Tatooine, in the former home of Obi-
Wan Kenobi, Jabbas swoop gang, including Big Gizz, Spiker (one of the few Chiss in the
galaxy at large, though no one knows this), and Twitch, are rummaging through the hut for
anything of value. They must return to Jabba’s palace soon, but head for Mos Eisley (more
specifically Chalmuns Cantina) for a quick pick-me-up. Soon after their arrival and meeting
with several other roughians, they are set upon by Forwun and his minions, who are in
search of Jabbas palace. Fearing that the droids mean to harm their rather temperamental
employer, the bikers attempt to escape to warn Jabba. Forwun heads for the palace on a
swoop and Twitch and another biker soon follow in a speeder. They stop Forwun, but the
other biker (not Twitch) is pulled aboard the droids’ drone barge along with a now-one-armed
Forwun. The biker manages to warn the palace of the incoming barge and then escape. The
droids’ plot is foiled, but the truth—that they were after EV-9D9, not Jabba—isn’t as glorifying
as defending Jabba from assassination, so they lie and tell Jabba that the droids were after
him. Jabba calls off the bounty hunters seeking Han Solo (for the moment). They have a
new target: 12-4C-41 and his droids.*
(Showdown in Mos Eisley)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the biker.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
On Tatooine, one of the K4 droids defeated by Jabba’s swoop bikers is taken to EV-9D9 for
“questioning.” In space, the K4’s commander, 12-4C-41, orders the Decimator to Vactooine.
On Zio Snaffkin, IG-88 arrives seeking Han Solo. Word has it that Solo came there recently
to see Sprool the Trader. IG-88 soon finds that Boba Fett is also there. Shortly after the two
speak with each other, Dengar and Bossk also arrive on the planet. As they exchange
testosterone, a message droid arrives and informs them all that Jabba the Hutt has
suspended the hunt for Solo and that they should pursue the droids who attacked Jabba’s
territory and bring back the droid barge intact. The hunters race to their ships and prepare to
leave Zio Snaffkin. One bounty hunter manages to disable the other hunters’ ships and
makes it to Vactooine. The hunter is then confronted by TIE bombers from the Decimator
and is eventually tractor beamed into the Victory Star Destroyer’s docking bay, where the
hunter utilizes his ship’s escape pod to ram through droids in the hangar. The hunter is
captured and taken to a holding cell, from which he escapes after blasting the head off of K-
2PQ, close “friend” of Forwun. The hunter makes it to the drone barge and sets its course for
Jabba’s Palace on Tatooine before escaping in his own vessel. Upon arrival on Tatooine, the
hunter fights off Zuckuss and 4-LOM (who want the barge for its bounty) before finally
delivering the barge to Jabba.*
(Bounty Hunters vs. Battle Droids)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the bounty hunter.” I must
also be very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite
player character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 75
general storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
On Tatooine, Jabba the Hutt learns that the barge that carried droids that attacked his people
is (or was) owned by Boonda the Hutt. On Boondas Moon, Boonda, Imperial Captain Plevin,
and Admiral Groot set up a communicator. The Imperials are about to leave the system in a
Lambda-class shuttle when Jabba calls Boonda and informs him that his droids are in the
Vactooine system. Boonda tells Groot and Plevin and is taken with them to Vactooine,
though Boonda makes sure to be near an escape pod so he can get away from the Imperials
at his first opportunity. On Vactooine, 12-4C-41 and his droids have taken over the mining
operation and enslaved the miners. Forwun is then met by Olag Greck, who is very much
alive. He uses a voice command to override Forwuns programming and retakes control over
the plan he set in motion—the takeover of Vactooine’s mining operation. Near Vactooine, the
Millennium Falcon, followed by Rogue Squadron, emerges from hyperspace en route to
Vactooine to check on the shipment of materials that never arrived on Yavin IV, only to be
fired upon by the Lambda flown by Groot and Plevin. The Imperials’ surprise presence
enables them to catch all but one of the Rebel ships by surprise and immobilize them, but the
remaining Rebel attacks the shuttle. An escape pod is launched from the shuttle, and the
pod, the damaged shuttle, and the Rebel in the Rebel’s damaged ship, all head for Vactooine
surface. On the surface, the Rebel finds the pod and Boonda the Hutt, who the Rebel teams
up with to stop the droids on the planet. They come upon the Imperials and destroy their
message beacon. After incapacitating the Imperials and tying them to a tree, the Rebel and
Boonda head for the mining operation. They are attacked by a probe droid and a wounded
Boonda leads pursuit away as the Rebel descends a cliff to the mining area. After several
mishaps, the Rebel comes upon a man that is believed to be a miner, only to find that it is
Olag Greck. The Rebel is saved as Boonda re-enters the scene in their vehicle, but the
vehicle stalls and they are still in hot water. Forwun appears and the truth is revealed to him.
Forwun issues an order (via a special transmitter) which pacifies the droids coming to defend
Greck, as the Rebel and Boonda subdue Olag Greck and his Gamorrean guard, Xob. The
droids have been stopped. The Rebels then reunite. The miners give the Decimator to the
Rebel Alliance and it appears that Boonda the Hutt is the newest member of the Rebel
Alliance. *
(The Vactooine Disaster)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
Upon learning that master gambler Veilred Jydor is intending on giving his Tchine away as a
prize in an upcoming high-stakes sabacc tournament, Lando Calrissian, who has seen a
Tchine first-hand during a sabacc game with Nintellor (a Tchine owner), does some hasty
research on the items. He learns that they were discovered 300 years earlier and are limited
to only seven identical statues, the Seven Sisters. At present, three are on Coruscant, one is
on Rendili, one is on Corellia, and two are on Danteel one in the possession of Devaronian
Carisica Vanq and the other owned by Jydor.
(conjecture based on Winner Lose All)
Lando Calrissian attends a sabacc tournament at the High Card Casino in Danteel City on
Danteel. The event is being held by Veilred Jydor with a 10,000,000 credit buy-in for the first
six slots in a game to win his Tchine, an ancient artifact (one of nine identical statues) that is
worth at least 40,000,000 50,000,000 credits. The last two slots in the game will go to the
two winners of a pair of wild card tournament tracks (red and blue), and Lando intends to win
one of those seats at the table. Lando’s old acquaintances Bink and Tavia Kitik, a ghost thief
and her support person, are also present, along with their current ally (a stranger to Lando),
Zerba Cher’dak. Fortunately, Lando and Zerba are on different tracks, so they wont have to
play against each other just yet. Intending to steal something valuable from Jydor’s private art
collection in his penthouse, Bink sneaks to the floor below the penthouse, using a tearaway
costume of Zerbas design and a maid’s keycard that he swiped and replaced, and cuts a
hole in the floor to slip a viewer into his art room. She notes the combination for the room’s
door, but she also notices that there is a Tchine in his penthouse (covered up and hidden
away), which is shocking because Jydor is downstairs at the tournament with his Tchine. He
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 76
either has a second one, which is unlikely given how closely the movement of the statues are
tracked by art enthusiasts, or he has created an elaborate fake. If they can figure out which
one is the real one, Zerba and the sisters will try to steal it for a huge payday. (Would it be
easily noticed if the fake were revealed? Sure, but there are plenty of collectors who would
pay handsomely for the item and never make their ownership public knowledge, which
means the plan could work, in theory.) They confer with Lando, since he is the only one of
them to have seen a real Tchine personally a few years back. To be sure of which is the real
Tchine, they need to scan them. They also need to scan one that is definitely real, so Bink
and Tavia visit the estate of Lady Carisica Vanq, a Devaronian who also has a Tchine. The
protocol droid at the door sends them away, though, claiming that Vanq is away, so they
begin plans to break into her estate and take scans of her Tchine. Bink sneaks into the home
the next day, only to find that Vanq is dead from a blaster wound in her own bed. All of her
droids have been tweaked through their programming matrix so that they do not see anyone
in the home, alive or dead. Her Tchine is gone, proving that Jydor doesn’t have a real and
fake Tchine. He instead has two real Tchines. Vanq screwed him on a deal recently that cost
him about 60,000,000 credits, the amount of the buy-in for the first six tournament seats, and
if he can get rich off getting rid of one Tchine, it wont matter if he is ever caught with the
other one because Danteel law on stolen property requires proof that the item was stolen,
and if one is gone, there is no way to prove which was originally his, nor if he ever knew that
one he had was stolen, since he could simply claim to have gotten a second one after the
first was gone. Moreover, with so many thieves in the area due to the tournament, Jydor has
plenty of people he could finger for the crime, including Bink and Tavia, since they visited
Vanq’s estate the day before. Tavia can prove Jydor’s crime if she can slice into Vanq’s
systems, figure out who sliced into the programming matrix, and then use that as leverage to
get the slicer to give up his employer. They need time, though, so Zerba (who won his track
by cheating) and Lando (who won his track legitimately) will try to drag out the main event of
the tournament in order to buy Tavia that time. The game goes forward, including Lando,
Zerba, the Rodian Mensant, a cheater named Phramp, and four others. While Bink gets into
Vanq’s bedroom again to get a datapad to check for programming to pass along to Tavia,
Lando and Zerba realize that either Mensant or Phramp is probably working for Jydor and
trying to unload the Tchine to someone in particular. For her part, Tavia realizes that the
programming patch seems to be encrypted text as well, but she keeps digging into it,
knowing that she could purposely remove the patch and allow the droids to report Vanq’s
murder at any time. During a break in the game, Rovi, one of Jydor’s guards, pulls Lando
aside to meet with Jydor’s business manager, Darim Chumu, due to Lando mentioning
Vanq’s name. Warned about Lando being taken away, Bink contacts him when it is certain
that Chumu will see the call. She pretends to be “Michelle,” a forger who created a fake
Tchine for Vanq, which, of course, sets off alarms for Chumu, since it means that the stolen
Tchine from Vanqs estate might not be real after all (a clever lie on Binks part). Lando
pretends to be her contact with Vanq, and Chumu suggests that he would like to meet and
hire her to create decoy items for Jydor, an excuse to get Bink in for investigation. To sell her
cover, though, she swipes a pair of items from Vanqs collection, which she will claim are
forgeries that she created for Vanq. When meeting Chumu, she convinces him that she is a
great forger, and that she would need a special scanner (which she must put together) in
order to scan Jydors Tchine to be sure he did not buy a fake when first acquiring his Tchine
(an obvious cover for having her scan the stolen one). She is given a night to put one
together. Meanwhile, Phramp keeps cheating, pushing the game toward Mensant, but then
Zerba starts cheating as well, shifting that momentum. Soon, Tavia breaks the encryption and
finds that the message is supposedly from Lady Vanq, claiming that if she is found murdered,
it was Jydor that did it. They realize, though, that this wouldn’t be from the real Vanq, as she
could have called the police with suspicions and would not have made the droids avoid
seeing her corpse to report it. Instead, it appears that someone is intending to implicate
Jydor, which removes him from their suspect list. They believe that it is Chumu who is leading
the plot, perhaps with Rovi at his side, so that if Jydor is investigated, Chumu gains control of
his holdings. Moreover, Mensant is apparently working for Arvakke, a rival of Jydor, which
would explain why Chumu might send in Phramp to throw the tournament his way, so that it
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 77
can create suspicion against Arvakke as well, causing him to be unable to run his business
while investigated under Danteel law. All of this would clear the way for Chumu to become a
major player. They must implicate Chumu ASAP, so that he cannot remove the patch when
the time is right, thereby sending the fake note from Vanq to the police and allowing them to
implicate Bink. Bink visits Chumu, taking time in his presence to put together her “special
scanner.” Meanwhile, Tavia, dressed as a maid, puts a bag outside a window for later. Zerba
and Lando, meanwhile, argue downstairs over whether the Tchine in its fancy case is real,
prompting Jydor to pause the game long enough to have Chumu bring down a certificate of
authenticity. As soon as he leaves Bink, she activates the “scanner,” which is actually a
projector, which confuses the security cameras to make her unseen for a couple of minutes.
She grabs the Tchine from where she saw it with her spycam earlier and drops it out of the
window into the bag Tavia had set up. She then finishes the “scanner” and heads downstairs,
without consulting Chumu. Chumu returns upstairs, finds her gone, and heads back to the
floor, where the certificate has seemingly proven the Tchine’s validity to Lando and Zerba.
Chumu finds “Michelle” in the crowed, but it is Tavia, Bink’s identical twin, pretending to be
“Michelle” as well. She tells Chumu that the Tchine in the case downstairs is a fake. She
drops a hint that Vanq kept a real Tchine alongside the fake one in her vault, suggesting that
Chumu’s machinations managed to snag the wrong one. Soon, Chumu convinces Jydor to let
him take the Tchine back to the penthouse, to keep it from being stolen by an armed robbery
team that Chumu pretends is in the area. Bink, meanwhile, has escaped away to Vanq’s
bedroom, and soon Chumu and Rovi enter, intending to get the “real” Tchine from her safe.
Bink has already put the Tchine they took from where Chumu had hidden it in the penthouse
into the safe so that it could be found by Chumu and swapped for Jydors Tchine. By this
point, Bink has followed Tavia’s instructions and altered the message in the droid
programming patch and is ready to unleash justice onto Chumu by removing it. The
tournament is soon interrupted by Danteel City Police Lieutenant Stenberk. They try to speak
with Jydor in private, but Phramp, working for Chumu and seeing the plan to implicate Jydor
in Vanq’s death coming to fruition, speaks up and forces them to speak out in front of
everyone. However, the message is not as Chumu and Phramp expected. Stenberk reports
that Vanq has committed suicide, rather than having been murdered, thanks to the altered
message. They want to be sure that she wasnt killed for the Tchine used in the tournament,
but even as Jydor is about to send Chumu to get his certificate of authenticity again, the
police receive confirmation that Vanq’s Tchine is in her safe, and scans have confirmed that it
is the real deal. As Chumu is shocked by this, Zerba nails Phramp by planting a skifter on
him, then accusing him of cheating. Phramp is thrown out, and Lando, after giving a few
glances at Chumu, slips away, drawing Chumu behind him. Chumu confronts Lando about
ruining his scheme (which he believes Lando to have done, thanks to his glances), just as
Lando expected. All is caught on video by a hovercam that Tavia tasked to follow Lando.
Chumu is busted. Shortly thereafter, Bink gives Lando the 10,000 credits she received for
supposedly verifying the Tchine for Chumu, as a way of paying him back for losing his
chance to progress and win the tournament by helping them. They all say their goodbyes, but
they will see each other again soon.*
(Winner Lose All)*
*NOTE: We have no real indication of when this takes place, aside from that it is prior to Scoundrels. Given that
Bink and Tavia are working Zerba here, but not in Heist or as we first meet them in Scoundrels, I am of the
opinion that this comes sometime prior to Heist, though there are some fan sites that claim the opposite (on pure
conjecture as well, it seems).
While patrolling the Outer Rim, the Star Destroyer Relentless comes upon a pirate named
Quist. When Captain Parlan orders him killed, Quist bargains for his life with a nice little
nugget of information - the whereabouts of the believed - dead Republic tactician Adar Tallon
(Father of the Old Republic Navy, who shapes modern Imperial tactics). Parlan puts a
bounty out on Tallon (exceeding 50 million credits), while allowing Quist to rejoin his friend -
and to act if the hunters fail. Parlan also hires Jodo Kast, a Boba Fett wannabe in
Mandalorian armor, to take Tallon out before he can join the Rebellion. An undercover Rebel
operative on the Relentless, Dana, contacts a Rebel unit at a space station orbiting the planet
Kwenn, where the Relentless is being repaired. Just as she reaches them, she’s killed by
bounty hunters. As the Imperials declare martial law, the Rebels find a datapad outlining the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 78
situation on Danas corpse. The Rebels rush off the station in the Mon Calamari freighter
Alabak’s Gold and races to Tatooine, the Relentless pursuing them the whole way. The
Rebels land at Docking Bay 94 at Mos Eisley, only to meet a hardcase customs officer who
hassles them. They explore the city, noting all the bounty hunters who have arrived to
capture or kill Tallon. At one point, they hear about the murder of Heff, one of the oldest
citizens on Tatooine. They learn he was killed the same way Dana was killed a poisoned
dart in the neck. They retire to Chalmun’s Cantina, where they meet Labria the Devaronian.
He tells them that an Ithorian named Slag Flats can tell them where Tallon is, and he leads
them to her water silo base. Inside is a very dead Flats. Another poison dart, and a note:
“Arno’s next.” The Rebels are suddenly trapped in the flooding silo by bounty hunters. They
fight their way out and begin searching for Arno, the only remaining “Oldster” and the only
one who may know where Tallon is. They receive a message from him to meet at Chalmun’s.
Waiting for them instead is an ambush arranged by Labria. During the fight, one of the
Rebels is nearly killed by a poison dart one fired by Jodo Kast. The Rebels chase the
hunters all the way to Jabba the Hutt’s townhouse, then the local militia intervenes and blocks
their way. Frustrated, they return to the wrecked cantina and this time, Arno is there waiting
for them. He leads them into the Jundland Wastes, a few hours behind Kast and the rest of
the hunters. Along the way, they pass a scavenging effort attacked by krayt dragons. Then an
abandoned manor, then a religious retreat attacked by more hunters (this group led by
Zardra, who had teamed with Kast and Puggles Trodd). The next day brings the Rebels to a
smashed moisture farm and a traumatized girl named Reen, who tearfully reveals that IG-72
destroyed her farm and killed her father. Arno takes her back to the religious retreat and
gives the Rebels directions to their final destination, Fort Tusken. They find most of the
hunters dead along the way Tallon suspected the Empire was after him, and has proven no
easy target. A bantha stampede and Sandpeople attack further slows them down, but they
finally make their way to Tallon’s besieged camp. As they try to convince Tallon of their good
intentions, Quist reveals himself to be a traitor as he brings in the surviving hunters and takes
Tallon’s wife hostage. The Rebels fight the hunters to the death (Kast and Quist escapes,
and Tallons wife is freed) and takes Tallon with them to Mos Eisley as the Relentless arrives.
They find the town in uproar and the local Prefect waiting for them at Docking Bay 94 with a
platoon of stormtroopers. Suddenly IG-72 shows up, mowing down the Prefect and troopers
to get at the Rebels itself. After defeating the droid (which self-destructs, damaging the Gold),
they rush off Tatooine to find the Relentless and TIE Interceptors waiting for them. After a
desperate chase, the Rebels escape and deliver Tallon to the Alliance. Darth Vader executes
Captain Parlan for his bungling.*
(Tatooine Manhunt)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A group of heroes is hired to transport power cells to a customer in Mos Eisley. When they
attempt to land they fly right into a massive sandstorm and are forced to make an emergency
landing on a sand dune. When the storm finally clears they are able to determine that they
cannot fire the ships engines because they are clogged with sand. Furthermore, the ship is
half buried in a sand dune. After inspecting the ship for a while and wondering what to do, a
speeder pulls up. The driver is Shan Tanner, the son of the farmer who owns the moisture
farm the heroes unknowingly crashed into. He stumbles across the heroes while out
surveying the damage caused by the storm. He invites them back to the farmhouse, and on
the way enthusiastically pesters them with questions about space travel. They also ask him
about Tusken Raiders and he admits they have attacked several outlying farms in the last
several weeks. Arriving at the farmhouse, the characters meet Shans parents, Jahn and
Lania. They are busy repairing and cleaning in the wake of the storm and so wont be able to
give the heroes are ride anywhere until the next day. The heroes are invited to spend the
night in the family room and they graciously accept. Several hours later, in the dead of night,
the farm’s motion sensors are tripped. The farmers and heroes sneak out to investigate,
fearing it may be Tusken Raiders. Eventually, they discover that it is a group of fifteen
refugees from a village 25 kilometers away. Tusken Raiders attacked the village and these
fifteen managed to escape. Their speeder broke down nearby, so they walked to the
farmhouse. The Tanners immediately begin contacting nearby farms and warning them of the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 79
danger. In the morning most of the farms, including the Tanners, evacuate to the nearby
village of Wayfar (since the road to Mos Eisley is blocked by the Sand People). At a town
meeting, Mayor Kaimer asks the heroes to lead the defense of Wayfar, offering to pay them
15,000 credits for their services. They accept and direct the townspeople and refugees to
begin fortifying the town in preparation for an attack. A Jawa sandcrawler arrives shortly
thereafter, fleeing the Tuskens. With promise of payment, they agree to stay and use their
home in the defense of the town (either to block the main roadway or to grind Tuskens to pulp
under their treads). At first dawn the next day, Tusken scouts are spotted. An hour later, the
main Tusken force arrives, 1,000 strong. 600 of them attack the town directly while two
groups of 200 attempt to scale the cliffs abutting the town. The townspeople do well
defending themselves for most of the day, but eventually their blaster cells run low and the
Tuskens begin working their way into the town. Suddenly, to everyones surprise, three
desert worms push out of the ground and roar, two of them right in the middle of the Tusken’s
camp! The Tuskens immediately turn around back to their camp to fight off the worms. They
aren’t successful and are forced to flee back to the desert. After their retreat, a shuttle filled
with twenty heavily armed soldiers finally arrives and helps chase off the worms. Over the
next few days, cleanup crews work to restore the town while the heroes are paid and find the
parts and tools needed to repair their ship.*
(The Battle of Wayfar)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. The story, found in Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, is
concurrent with Tatooine Manhunt.
After snatching away Nil Posondum from under the noses of fellow bounty hunters Bossk and
Zuckuss, Boba Fett brings him to Kud’ar Mub’at. Mub’at then offers Fett an interesting
proposition—join the Bounty Hunters’ Guild and destroy it from within. Unaware that this
mission is being orchestrated by Black Sun’s Prince Xizor, Fett accepts the proposal and is
welcomed into the Guild by its elder members, much to the chagrin of the younger members.
The Guild quickly begins to divide into two campsolder and younger. Xizor has planned on
this, and he informs Emperor Palpatine that this intra-guild conflict will act as a form of natural
selection, leaving only the best bounty hunters to serve the Empire. A short time later, Boba
Fett and Dharhan go after a new bountyOph Nar Dennid. Upon tracking him down, they
find that the Hutts who held him have already killed him. In the ensuing conflict, the killer is
killed himself, but Dharhan and Bossk (an unwelcome participant) are also killed. (At least, it
seems Bossk is killed.) Apparently, this is all just what Bossk’s father, Cradossk (head of the
Guild) wantedthe first step in a major intra-guild purge. He didnt count on Bossk surviving,
though, as his soon re-emerges and murders him. Battle lines within the Bounty Hunters’
Guild have been drawn . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(The Mandalorian Armor)
As Prince Xizors plans to “reform” (we’ll use the term very loosely) the Bounty Hunters’ Guild
to his own desires proceeds as planned, Kud’ar Mub’at is approached by members of the
True Guild and Guild Reform Committed (the politically correct terms for the two warring
Guild sides), and decides to play both sides against themselves, pledging his loyalty to both.
Soon, Boba Fett, Bossk, and Zuckuss team up (somewhat reluctantly) to take down Trhin
Voss’on’t, a former stormtrooper who has defected to the Rebel Alliance with sensitive
Imperial information. They end up finding him, only to have the tables turned on them. Oh,
he’s captured, alright, but it’s one of the hardest captures these hunters will ever make. Little
do they know that Vossont was under orders from Palpatine himself, specifically to cause
the kind of stir that would set the bounty hunters into chaos and conflict, pretty much
abandoning their original two-sided conflict for a free-for-all. Now that Voss’on’t is captured,
the hunters who went after him are free to battle amongst themselves over their particular
sides in the Bounty Hunter War. Bossk wants to kill Fett, and Fett wants to kick Bossks ass,
etc. Fett manages to get rid of the others, though, and proceeds to Mub’at with Voss’on’t,
unaware that Xizor (who wants to kill Fett personally) is planning an ambush . . . (To be
continued below . . . )
(Slave Ship)
Xizor, plotting with an independent system of Mub’at, Balancesheet, awaits the arrival of
Boba Fett, all the while plotting to help install Balancesheet in Mub’at’s place, which suits his
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 80
purposes, not just Balancesheet’s. Despite Voss’on’t’s warnings that he is walking into a
trap, Boba Fett takes Slave I out of hyperspace near Mub’ats web (it’s kind of a web-like
intelligence. Youd really have to read the book to get it. It’s not the strangest thing Jeter
uses in his story, but damn close.). There, Fett is attacked by Xizor and can barely limp his
ship away. He does manage to get Slave I between Xizor’s Vendetta and Mub’at’s web,
however, which prevents Xizor from firing on him for fear of destroying Mub’at. Of course,
that doesn’t matter all that much because Fett continues his descent and crashes straight into
the web, which causes it incredible harm. Fett then tries to get Mub’at to pay the bounty on
Voss’on’t, only to learn that it was Xizor who put out the bounty, not Mub’at, and that it was
Xizor who orchestrated the disintegration of the Bounty Hunters’ Guild. Highly pissed, Fett
confronts Xizor, but refrains from killing him when he professes to not want to kill Fett, only
Mub’at. Fett leaves as Xizor destroys Mub’at, but not before good ol’ Balancesheet can take
half of Fett’s bounty for Voss’on’t to pay his own outstanding debts. Pissed again, Fett vows
to get back at Balancesheet one day, but continues away from the web in his battered Slave
I, waiting to take his revenge another day. (To be continued below . . . )
(Hard Merchandise)
Dirk Harkness and his girlfriend, Chessa, are loading some supposedly routine cargo (which
is actually bound for the Rebellion) onto the ship they serve on, Captain Beezrul Granf’s
Colders Watch, when stormtroopers arrive and try to search the cargo. Chessa fights back,
and Dirk can’t do anything but watch as the stormtroopers kill her. He kills several of the
troopers and escapes to a local bar, where he is approached by Rebel contacts who were
there to meet Chessa. The Rebels are General Corros and Captain Franco. They recruit
Dirk into the Rebellion and he begins working as a mechanic at the Rebel base on Reginard.
(To be continued below . . . )
(Chessa’s Doom)
In attempt to kill Moff Jellrek, Jai Raventorn is nearly killed when escaping from a group of
Imperial troops. When she makes it back to her ship, the Doomsayer, she finds a thermal
detonator in her seat. She leaves the ship quickly, only to be attacked by the bounty hunter
Beylyssa. Jai and Beylyssa fight, and during the scuffle, Jai receives what will become her
trademark scar from Beylyssa’s blade. Jai activates one of Beylyssa’s thermal detonators
and might have killed her when it went off. Jai is unsure. Jai re-enters the ship to see that
the detonator in her seat was a fake. She escapes the scene before any more Imperial
troops can arrive. (To be continued below . . .)
(Explosive Developments)
The Imperial base on the planet Shadren V is destroyed by the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters via TimeTales, abridged)
Emperor Palpatine travels to Korriban, home of the graves of the ancient Sith Lords. On this
particular visit, he demands dark side knowledge from the spirits, and enrages them. His
Hand, Jeng Droga, rescues him from the Sith ghosts. Palpatine is left badly weakened,
however, and returns to Coruscant to recuperate while Droga goes on to Byss to secure
another clone body for him.
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns and Darth Vaders Return via TimeTales,
Spheroids gains popularity as a competitive sport.
(conjecture based on Galladinium’s Fantastic Technology via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Princess Leia rewards Han for his efforts in the previous mission with 20,000 credits. But he
still needs 205,000 more to pay off Jabba. With General Dodonna having called off the
search for Vader, and Luke helping search for a new base world, Han suggests taking Leia
along on a gambling vacation to Ord Mantell.
(conjecture based on Scoundrel’s Luck via TimeTales, verbatim)
Han Solo and Chewbacca are forced by Imperial Star Destroyers to take refuge on the world
Terminus. On Terminus, they are captured and brought aboard the Nova Prince and made
slaves to Klysk. After Han has to manually pilot the ship through comets and meteors, the
ship takes them, and other captives, to the Red Nebula where they are to plunder and steal.
Once on the planet in the Red Nebula, Klysk leads the slaves in a mission of pillaging, telling
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 81
them they can keep everything but the two red gems in a temple, which are to be his. Han
and Chewbacca make it to the temple, where they are warned by a priest of Klysk's race not
to separate the two stones or take them from the temple. Han intends to use them as
bargaining chips to gain his and Chewie's freedom. As Han has second thoughts, several
other slaves enter the temple and try to steal the gems, only to be stopped by a giant hairy
beast. Han and Chewbacca are spared the same fate when the beast considers Chewie a
cub of her species. They take the gems anyway, only to have them taken back by Klysk, who
then leaves the planet without Han and Chewbacca. As the priest bemoans the loss of the
gems, Klysk takes the Nova Prince into the system's star, fulfilling his insane belief that his
species should have perished when the Red Nebula system split from the rest of the galaxy.
The loss of the gems should have caused the planet to be destroyed like the rest of the
system's celestial bodies, but Han reveals to the priest that he had not let Klysk get the real
gems, but instead a pair of rocks. Han then trades the gems to the priest for the priest's
starship (since the priest was not intending to leave anyway), and he and Chewbacca leave
the planet, returning to Terminus to reclaim the Millennium Falcon, and then returning to the
Rebel Alliance. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Crimson Forever, Chapter II--"Chewbacca's Story: Rage in the Red
Just when he needed her most, Lady Luck has run out on Han Solo. His attempts to build the
20,000 from Leia into enough to pay off Jabba has backfired in the casinos of Ord Mantell.
Giving up after hes down to 6,500, Hans suddenly pulled aside by a droid sent from an
“Alfreda Goot.” Goot (a washout from Fenn Shysa’s Mandalorian police force, who still wears
Mandalorian armor) wants Han to race her to Tatooine and to make sure he does, she’s
taken Leia hostage!! Han chases the droid all the way to the planetary environmental control
facility, where it ends up getting smashed to bits by machinery but not before giving Han a
clue as to a person who outfitted Goot’s ship, Cabet Lom. The Twi’lek takes 2,500 from Han,
then provides a description of Goot (wears a mask and wig) and of her ship. Han and Chewie
take off for Tatooine. Taking a shortcut through the Mon Torri system, Han comes upon the
Star Destroyer Eradicator attacking a Corvette. Han moves to help, figuring “any enemy of
the Empire is a friend of mine.” He’s surprised to find Imperial markings on the Corvette. He
takes out some TIEs and a spacetrooper shuttle and boards the Corvette, to find a group of
deserters led by one Captain Sodarra. They insist on taking along with them a large crate.
With that aboard, the Millennium Falcon is chased by the Eradicator (commanded by
Governor-General Vellam) into the atmosphere of Mon Torri. The freighter crash-lands into
an icy valley…The Millennium Falcon is hidden under the snow, as a recon patrol closes in.
Han and the deserters work together to take them out, then Han receives a message from
Goot. Surprisingly, she offers repair parts for the ship “I want to beat the Millennium Falcon
to Mos Eisley, not to destroy it.” As they repair the ship, Sodarra explains that the “cargo” is a
prototype compact cloaking device. Han begins to wonder about Alfreda’s identity and he’s
starting to get a very bad feeling he’s having a joke played on him. Is Leia Alfreda Goot? At
any rate, the Millennium Falcon is soon back on its’ way, chased through a comet by the
Eradicator. They manage to lose the Star Destroyer, and another message from Goot comes
in. Han calls her bluff, declaring her to be Leia. She only laughs and says “Mos Eisley, Solo.”
Sodarra tries to talk Han into dropping his group and the cargo off at Shador, insisting the
Millennium Falcon won’t be able to use the cloaking device itself. Han insists on trying it
anyway, and opens the crate only to find its not a cloaking device at all. Its the shattered
hulk of a TIE Advanced. And inside is the comatose body of Darth Vader. Sodarra explains
(at gunpoint) that Vellam (whose space includes the Yavin system) is envious of Vaders ties
to the Emperor and wants to take him out. Chewie tells Han that he can rig a bomb to Vader’s
fighter. Knowing that, Han agrees to take Sodarra to Shador. They arrive at Shador, learning
as they do that someone left open the comm. to provide a tracking signal for the Eradicator.
Sodarra takes Han with him to meet an agent of Vader’s. They are met by mercenaries who
have already killed the agent, Taslo. A furious brawl and chase later, the Millennium Falcon
zooms off Shador. Han’s ready to blow Vader up, but Sodarra has an ace up his sleeve:
Goot, he reveals, is a bounty hunter Vader’s been known to hire. If he dies Leia dies. The
race is a setup to lead Han into a deathtrap. After throwing the traitor in Sodarras camp out
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 82
in an escape pod, the Millennium Falcon continues on to Tatooine. Han sends Sodarra to do
recon at the Dockside Cafe, holding the bomb as a threat over his head. Sodarra tells him by
comlink that Alfredas men are there, but shes running late. Han comes on in and waits for
her. Alfreda comes in, keeping Leia on a leash. Han brings in Sodarra and his men, and a
brawl ensues. Han guns Goot down (she turns out to be a Togorian) and frees Leia. The
smuggler has no choice but to honor his word for their help in freeing Leia, Han gives them
the crate with Vader inside and lets them go. He vows never to tell Leia what he had to do to
save her. Sodarra then tries to ambush Han, and Han shoots him too. The Millennium Falcon
flies off Tatooine and back to the Alliance.*
(Scoundrel’s Luck)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Not all Imperial officers are fanatically loyal to the New Order and its ideals. Commander
Dhas Vedji, first officer of the Nebulon-B Frigate Far Orbit, is the latest of a long line of
military officers dating back to the beginning of the Old Republic’s Navy. He has become
sickened by the excesses of the New Order how officers loyal to the Emperor are promoted
too quickly, while officers with ties to the Old Republic are held back. He’s also bristling under
the sadistic command of one Captain Vocis Kenit, a man who got his job via politics, not skill.
When his Baron father and mother are “accidentally” killed in a traffic accident on Coruscant,
and his brother Elon is transferred to the Frigates fighter crew, Vedji begins to plot a mutiny.
The news of Alderaans destruction, and the resulting arrest and torture of an Alderaanian
deckhand by Kenit, helps Vedji gain the crew’s sympathy in his plans. The Far Orbit is
assigned to track down and destroy a pirate group, the Silent Blades. The Frigate chases the
pirates into an asteroid field. Vedji suggests calling reinforcements to force the pirates to
surrender, but Kenit won’t hear of it – he wants them dead, by his own hands! He sends out
his fighters…. and every last one of them, including Vedji’s brother, are killed. Enough is
enough Vedji decides to teach a lesson to an Empire that would honor ruthless and inept
bullies like Kenit. He sets out a mutiny, which turns out very successful. Vedji throws Kenit
and his officers into an escape pod and jettisons them out into space. With only a skeleton
crew available, Vedji needs to restock and recrew the ship fast. The Rebel Alliance might buy
the ship, but they can hardly afford anything, what with their limited success raiding Imperial
shipping… Wait a minute. Vedji starts combat drilling the skeleton crew and sets a course for
the StarForge Nebula. He’s going to offer the Alliance a deal it can’t refuse a secret weapon
against Imperial shipping in the Core systems. Upon arriving in the Nebula, he parks the
Frigate at the illegal StarForge station and meets with an Alliance representative, where he
presents his offer. As it happens, the Alliance has been considering just this kind of idea
lately. But the newly independent Frigate crew must work to earn the Alliances trust.
Together, Vedji and the Alliance representative create a Letter of Marque the Far Orbit may
raid, but only in the Ringali Sector (near the Core) and only on Imperial targets. A Rebel
agent, Major Cet Willak, will join the crew to keep an eye on them. If the Frigate doesnt stick
to the letter of the Letter, the Alliance will hunt them down and bring them to trial. Vedji
agrees to the terms. With the deal made, Vedji puts out a call for crew among the station. The
Far Orbit sets out from StarForge Station with her new crew. The new crewmembers,
however, are mostly fringers and very quick to anger. Friction builds up, and within days the
crew are fighting. Captain Vedji struggles to keep the peace as best he can, but the tension
(The Far Orbit Project)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
After over two weeks of shakedown, the Far Orbit is ready for her first assault on Imperial
shipping. Slipping into the Ringali Shell, the Frigate pretends to be your average Imperial
warship on patrol. Picking up a medium freighter leaving Nopces Prime, Captain Vedji orders
the freighter to heave to for boarding and inspection. From them, they learn a huge convoy is
scheduled to pass through in three days. It’s a ripe target, if Vedji can convince the Alliance
to send help. Still distrustful, the Rebels only offer a Y-Wing squadron. Three days later, Vedji
cons his way into the convoy. Keeping the Alliance appraised, Vedji lures the convoy into a
trap not only Y-Wings, but a pair of Corvettes are waiting for the Imperials. Disabling and
capturing the guarding Frigate, the New Star, nets the Frigate eighteen million credits. The
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 83
entire haul is about 340 million. Not a bad start…*
(The Far Orbit Project: The Hijacking of Shipment 1037)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Luke Skywalker is again sent on a mission to scout out possible Rebel bases. He checks out
the Sil’Lume asteroid belt, a mining area. He finds himself at a bar where Imperial general
Sebastian Parnell and stormtroopers barge in not to arrest him, but a strangely charismatic
man named Erling Tredway who urges the miners to rebel against the Empire before he is
knocked out and dragged away. Luke learns from a miner that Tredway is a non-violent
rebel…. whose father, Axton, was a Jedi Knight! Luke is faced with a tough decision stick
with his mission, or risk all to save Erling? He decides the latter. The miner, Gideon, and his
cowardly Pada friend Sidney agree to help. It’d decided to travel to warn Erlings family first,
and ask their help. Surprisingly, Artoo is willing to blackmail Luke to come along as well!
“Who ever heard of a droid with a thirst for adventure?” They travel in Gideons ship, the
Rockcan, only to find Parnell has beaten them to the Tredway family the asteroid is being
hit by TIEs and an assault shuttle. Luke wades in with his X-Wing, and manages to take out
the TIEs with Gideon’s help. The assault shuttle attacks the Tredway asteroid in the
meantime, laying the small mine complex waste as zero-g stormtroopers attack the survivors.
Luke blows up the shuttle, then lands with Gideon. But the shuttle sent for reinforcements
the heroes only have four hours. They head for the Tredway residence, wondering why the
Imperials are so determined to blow up everything. This is unusual even for Imperials
what’s going on here? The residence and everything around proves only to be smoking ruins
and corpses. Luke continues on in anyway, traveling down into the dark caverns with Gideon
and Sidney. After fighting some troopers (and Sidney being forced to kill, something that fills
him with wracking guilt), they make their way to Medical Station One where the gravely
injured sister of Tredway, Dena, is being treated by a med droid. She recognizes Luke’s
name “His son is as handsome as he was. She begs him to save Erling, and go with him to
‘Ire Eleazari. Luke decides to take her along, but she’s clearly too weak to travel far. Change
of plan he’ll take her to Eleazari, then go after Erling. Going deeper into the mine, Luke and
the party gradually makes their way back up to their ships and takes off. On the way to
Eleazari’s asteroid, Luke plays a message chip he found on Dena. It’s Mon Mothma, who
begs Dena to silence her brother’s political statements his worth to the Alliance is far more
than he knows. He realizes Parnell must have known about the message hence, the
severity of the attack. But how? That can wait, as they land on the asteroid and meet the
exiled Ithorian Eleazari. Dena is dropped off, and Ire advises Luke to look for Erling at
Parnell’s ‘visitor center. Leaving the X-Wing, Luke travels in Gideons ship to Tol Ado,
Parnell’s prison world. They decide to sneak into the prison via a supply shuttle. Luke goes
undercover as an officer and makes his way into the Command Center only to run right into
Parnell. He bluffs his way out of that scrape, making his way with Gideon, Sidney, and Artoo
to the Deathblock. Shockingly, Tredway doesn’t want to be rescued – he wants to be
martyred, hoping to inspire the people of Sil’Lume to revolt. He is forced to change his tune
when Luke tells him of his family’s murder, however, and he finally agrees to go with Luke.
Luke tries to sneak the group out of the Deathblock under Parnell’s nose but a grief-stricken
Tredway opens fire on the stormtroopers. Gideon is gunned down by the stormtroopers in the
firefight that follows. Luke drags Tredway, Sidney and Artoo into the prison’s sub-facility
tunnels. Erling proves to be a serious hindrance (and nuisance), and Luke is forced to turn
and fight the Imperials head-on. Incredibly, they fight their way past the Imperials. Once
safely in hiding, Luke tears into Erling for his stupidity. “I expected better from a Jedi’s son.
Erling reacts with derision he doesnt believe in the Force, as it got his father killed.
Continuing on, they run into a pack of Gorums, then a Gamorrean. They make their way into
“the city,” a haphazard base of refugees. But the Imperials are right behind them, and again
Erling forces a fight. Sidney is killed, and the refugees take Luke and Erling prisoner once the
Imperials have been fought off. Luke proves his innocence by pointing out one of the
refugees that he saw with the Imperials earlier. But there’s nothing he can do to stop the
refugees from sentencing Erling to death for the death and destruction he caused. Though
Luke’s half-willing to leave Erling to his fate, he pleads for the man’s life anyway for Mon
Mothma’s sake, as well as his own. The refugees finally agree to let Luke be the judge of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 84
Erling, and lets them go. They continue on toward a launch station. Luke won’t trust Erling at
all, incensed at the mans hatred of the Force and Jedi ways. When they finally reach it,
Erling gives his thanks and apologies. Luke accepts the first, but wont accept the second –
Gideon came because he wanted to. He learns that Tredway had once met his father, Anakin
and that Vader was the one who killed Tredways father. He tries to use some Force
persuasion to get into the command shuttle station (and make Erling eat his words). But it
doesn’t work, and Luke is stunned…and wakes up strapped to a hospital bed, with Sebastian
Parnell holding his lightsaber right over his face. Hes already summoned Vader to pick Luke
up. Erling and Artoo did escape, however. Luke curses himself for his pride. A little later,
“Vader” shows up Erling in a Vader disguise the group had come across earlier. Returning
to the shuttlebay, Luke forces the group to turn around he senses the real Vader’s arrived!
They wait until Vader leaves, then tries to sneak into a shuttle. Parnell’s waiting for them, and
he sees through Erling’s disguise. They fight their way into the shuttle and takes off. Parnell is
executed by Vader on the spot. Tredway forces a blind hyperspace jump, using what Luke
realizes is the Force, to reach Eleazari’s home. He apologizes to Luke for insulting the Jedi,
having been convinced of the power of the Force through these events. Dena has recovered
by now, and she explains that Erling’s gift of Force-instinctive navigation has been asked for
by Mon Mothma to find a new base. Erling is now willing to do that, and Dena is willing to
come along especially if she’ll work beside Luke.*
(Jedi’s Honor)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Han Solo and Chewbacca crash-land in the Panna system while searching for a talisman that
makes things invisible, and Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO head out to save them.
Upon arrival, their Y-wing is attacked by a sea creature, but they are saved by a man in
armor riding another creature. The man identifies himself as Boba Fett (though his armor
and voice are somewhat different than it would appear in the Classic Trilogy, which comes in
handy for continuity explanations). Fett agrees to help them find Han and Chewie, but when
they come upon the Millennium Falcon, Chewbacca tosses the talisman out a hatch. Luke
collapses into sleep, and Chewie explains that the talisman causes a sleeping virus (or some
such) to affect humans, and the only way to help them is to hang them upside down so the
blood rushes to their heads. (Well, we knew the SWHS was corny . . . ) Fett knows that there
is a serum to cure the virus in a nearby city, so he and Chewie head for the city. Once there,
Fett tells Chewie to wait while he gets the serum. After finding the serum, Fett contacts his
employerDarth Vader. Fett is to capture the Rebels and bring them to Vader. R2-D2 and
C-3PO intercept the transmission and worry for their friends. Upon returning to the Falcon,
the droids reveal Fett’s connection and he flees from the Falcon to return another day.
(Summary of SWHS continued below . . . )*
(Star Wars Holiday Special)*
*NOTE: How does this match up with The Frozen World of Ota? Well, we can only assume that since Fett’s
armor looked somewhat different and his voice was somewhat altered, Luke must simply not recognize Fett on
Ota until Han does. One should also note that this animated segment of the Star Wars Holiday Special is also
sometimes referred to as The Story of the Faithful Wookiee, so as to distinguish it from the rest of the SWHS.
Amaiza Foxtrain kills Kayso, the unsavory chief of the Black Hole gang, and takes control of
the organization. Very soon, an Imperial Navy crackdown in the Delphon system sends the
group scattering. Amaiza heads for Aduba-3 to find work.
(conjecture based on The Starhoppers of Aduba-3)
Having returned to Nar Shaddaa after a Corporate Sector double-cross ended the careers of
his former Corus system mercenary comrades, Jaxxon begins smuggling. He purchases the
Rabbit’s Foot, but it has various problems and ends up stranding him on Aduba-3.
(conjecture based on The Starhoppers of Aduba-3)
Very soon after the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca,
R2-D2, and C-3PO head for Stenos to contact a Rebel cell that has not been heard from
recently. They arrive and avoid the notice of Imperial Governor Quorl Matrin. When they
arrive at the ruins used by the Rebels, they find it abandoned . . . with the exception of Rik
Duel, Chihdo, and Dani the Zeltron. Rik explains that he is working with the Rebels now, and
they were ordered by Colonel Kindar to stay behind. They are searching for a statue that is
the avatar of the Stenaxes’ god Vol. Until the statue is found, a “curse” is on the planet, and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 85
the Stenaxes, an avian race, refuse to take to the skies again. They team up and find the
avatar, but then, predictably, Rik and the others turn on them. In mid-firefight, Stenaxes
come flying in with their spears. The discovery of Vol and Chihdo’s mention of it in town has
freed them of their inhibitions. Rik, Chihdo, and Dani escape, but Han sends the Stenaxes
after them and the stolen statue. At the Moonshadow, the thieves are stopped by Matrin and
his stormtroopers, who want the statue. The Stenaxes arrive, though, and wipe out the
Imperials, as the Rebels escape. Little do the Rebels know that Rik, Chihdo, and Dani will
survive and end up stranded on the planet until Luke discovers Rik on the planet three years
later. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Stenax Shuffle)
Han Solo and Chewbacca have claimed a reward from the Rebel Alliance for their heroics at
Yavin IV, after having returned their original reward a short time earlier. The Alliance, it
seems, is one to show its gratitude if at all possible. (To be continued below . . . )
(New Planets, New Perils!)*
*NOTE: SWT-G reader Rick Metzroth has suggested (I think rightly so) that the adventures in Star Wars #0 and
Kingdom of Ice are meant to take place while Han and Chewie are off on Aduba-3, sometime after the appearance
of Leia and Luke briefly in New Planets, New Perils. Since I do have to list them in some kind of order, I’m
splitting this summary in order to allow those former Pizzazz stories to fit in to the reading of the timeline before
reaching the long-running Aduba-3 adventures.
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, R2-D2, and C-3PO leave Yavin IV and head for a rebel
faction’s base on Akuria II. En route, they are confronted by two Imperial Star Destroyers,
but they escape the ISDs, only to crash land on an uncharted planet. They are nearly
captured by Imperials, but are teleported to another location, where they meet four android
children who can control fire, rain, earth, and wind. They children take them to the Keeper, a
massive thinking computer entity. The Keeper tells them that she was left by an advanced
race to safeguard the planet, and created the androids, her children, for company. The
Keeper protects the Rebels while causing an explosion that convinces the Imperials that they
are dead. The Imperials leave, followed shortly thereafter by the Rebels, who will keep the
Keeper’s location a secret.*
(Star Wars #0)*
*NOTE: This story was originally published in Marvel’s Pizzaz magazine, but was later reprinted as Star Wars #0.
It was also printed in Marvel UK’s Star Wars Weekly immediately after the story Flight Into Fury.
After leaving the Keepers world, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, R2-D2, and C-3PO continue
on their mission to Akuria II, an ice world where they are quickly attacked by a TIE fighter and
forced to land. They are there to link up with the local rebel group, so that they can convince
the local leader, Colonel Odan, to join the Rebel Alliance. They set out across the ice, but
they are approached by large white creatures (“snow demons”), and defend themselves.
Luke and Leia are then saved by Odan aboard his large War Sled, a sort of skiing fortress.
The droids are left behind but are soon taken by the snow demons to a cave where they meet
the real Colonel Odan. The rebels had been attacked by Imperials recently, leading to the
War Sled being stolen. The man holding Luke and Leia is an impostor . . . which they soon
realize when he does not use proper recognition codes. Apparently, the TIE attack was
meant to ingratiate the impostor with the visitors, so that they wouldn’t ask questions. The
Imperials intend to force Leia to divulge Alliance secrets, so they put Luke on the War Sled,
which they sent hurtling toward the Great Geyser Sea, where he would be killed. Odan, the
droids, and some snow demons use a repaired vehicle to save Luke, then chase the
Imperials, using an underground tunnel that was created by ice worms. After being chased by
an ice worm, they use the hole it creates to get to the surface, just in time to see the Imperial
leader escape with Leia. They pursue, capturing the leader, saving Leia, and using the
leader’s vehicle to infiltrate the local Imperial base, where they and the snow demons destroy
the facilities with many of its own resources. As a result of the victory, Odan’s group joins the
Rebel Alliance.*
(The Kingdom of Ice)*
*NOTE: This story was originally presented in the Marvel Pizzaz magazine, but the final part was not published.
The first parts were then reprinted in the Marvel UK Star Wars Weekly series in issues 57 through 59, followed by
the first printing of the final part in issue 60. The complete story was then reprinted in the United States. As this
timeline is based on the American releases of Star Wars materials, it is noted by its American release format. One
should note that while Marvel UK printed this story after Doom Mission, the story makes it clear that it takes
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 86
place immediately after the events told in Star Wars #0, which Marvel UK called The Keeper’s World.
Aboard a luxury cruise ship on its way to Kailor V, Bink and Tavia Kitik run a con on the
wealthy stock trader Cristoff. Bink flirts with him several nights in a row, finally doing so
wearing a gown with a sensor mesh inside it. With this, they are able to copy his keycard’s
code and duplicate it. On the final night of the cruise, Tavia (Binks identical twin) takes Binks
place with Cristoff to keep him busy, while Bink breaks into his room with the keycard
duplicate, cracks the code on his safe, and steals jewels from him (though only a few, the
ones most likely to be safe from tracking devices). She then locks down the safe, so he won’t
realize what has happened until they are in port. The jewels are enough to keep them afloat
for another month, though Bink hopes that their next job might be the big one that changes
their fortunes for good.*
*NOTE: This assumes that Scoundrels is shortly after the first break in the post-ANH Marvel Comics’ issues, right
after the issue Star Duel, where Crimson Jack is killed by Han Solo. (Han had lost his reward to Jack by the time
of Scoundrels.) This further assumes that this is one month prior to Scoundrels, given that the final lines of the
story hint that the job in Scoundrels might possibly be the next job, which they’d be looking for one month after
this story.
While en route to Tatooine to pay off Jabba the Hutt, the Millennium Falcon is attacked by
Crimson Jack’s pirate vessel. Jack and his first mate, Jolli, lead the pirates in confiscating
the reward before leaving the Falcon and its destitute wards. Han Solo and Chewbacca head
for Aduba-3, where they hope to find a way to earn some credits. They first encounter a mob
in the spaceport harassing a priest who is working to take a dead cyborg to his funeral. Han
and Chewie help save the priest and the body from the anti-borg mob and then they help
bury the cyborg for the credits that go, by tradition, to those who bury him. After the burial,
they go to the local cantina, where Han hits on Azoora before being approached by three
farmers from the village of Onacra . . .
(New Planets, New Perils!)
On Aduba-3, Han Solo and Chewbacca are in a cantina, having just been approach by three
farmers, when Azooras boyfriend begins a brawl by attacking Han, who had been flirting with
her. After the brawl, the farmers’ spokesman, Ramiz, offers the duo a job protecting Onacra
from the Cloud-Riders and their leader Serji-X Arrogantus. Han organizes an open call for
mercenaries and “heroes” to help form a posse (later dubbed the Star-Hoppers) to protect
Onacra. Among them are Hedji (one of the last Spiners), former Blackhole gang leader
Amaiza Foxtrain, librarian-turned-fake-Jedi Don-Wan Kihotay (really Hess Korrin of Obroa-
skai), the Lepi known as Jaxxon, a young man named Jimm Doshun (calling himself the
Starkiller Kid), and Jimm’s droid, FE-9Q. They head for Onacra, where they encounter a
somewhat amused Serji-X, who offers to pay them to abandon their protective efforts. When
Han refuses, Serji-X leaves, vowing to kill them if they get in his way . . . Meanwhile, on Yavin
IV, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO set out on an early survey mission to seek a possible
new Rebel Alliance base.
(Eight for Aduba-3)
Upon arriving in the fields near Onacra on Aduba-3, Han Solo’s “Star-Hoppers” encounter
their first dangerflying bird-like creatures trying to pillage the fields. Han manages to save
a young lady, Merri, who happens to be the village spokesman Oncho’s daughter. Even as
they settle in, across the galaxy, Luke Skywalker discovers a possible Alliance base site in
the Drexel system, but Leia Organa at Yavin IV loses contact with him. Fearing the worst,
she takes off to go help Luke. Back on Aduba-3, the Cloud-Riders attack Onacra. Han and
the others hold them off, but not without price. FE-9Q gives his “life” for Jimm Doshun in the
early moments, but things go from bad to worse. The Onacran shaman, the Old One, has
awakened the Dark Side creature left on the world by Sith Lord Seviss Vaa over a millennium
ago . . .
(Showdown on a Wasteland World)
In Onacra on Aduba-3, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and the “Star-Hoppers,” along with their
current foes, the Cloud-Riders, are attacked by Seviss Vaa’s long-dormant Dark Side
creature. Upon seeing that the creature is controlled by a local shaman, the Old One, Cloud-
Rider leader Serji-X Arrogantus attempts to take out the shaman, only to find both he and the
shaman smashed under the creature’s foot. Jaxxon and Amaiza work together, but to no
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 87
avail. Everyone but Don-Wan Kihotay takes a moment for planning, while the Jedi pretender
leaps into the fray with his lightsaber, which, due to the creature’s origins, draws its attention.
In the assault, Hedji dies, before Han races in and grabs the lightsaber, using it to draw the
creature’s attention and stabbing it in the chest. Everyone takes to cover as the creature
disintegrates right before their eyes. Their mission complete, the heroes begin preparations
to go their separate ways. (The events surrounding the encounter on Aduba-3 will become
the topic of TriNebulon News’ third bogus Han Solo “documentary, entitled Eight for Aduba-
3: The Saga of the Star-Hoppers.) Meanwhile, Leia Organa continues her journey to the
Drexel system to save Luke Skywalker . . .
(Behemoth from the World Below)
In her mission to find Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa is captured by Crimson Jack’s pirates.
(conjecture based on Star Search!)
Han Solo and Chewbacca leave Aduba-3, but upon leaving hyperspace are again attacked
by Crimson Jacks pirate vessel and pulled aboard. They soon see Leia Organa, who is also
being held prisoner. Jack is trying to get her to tell them where the Rebel base is so they can
take any Rebel assets and then turn Leia (and other Rebels) over for rewards. Han
convinces Jack not to harm Leia, and later, when they are eating, Han suggests that he and
Leia are in love in order to fake a kiss, during which they form a quick plan. Leia pretends to
be offended by Hans “betrayal” of the Rebels and speaks of a supposed Rebel treasury in
the Drexel system, where Luke Skywalker can be found as well. Jack sets course for the
system, even as Leia is ushered to a cell by Jolli, Jack’s first mate who seems to be
becoming somewhat taken with Han. En route, Jack lets Chewbacca link into his computer
to load detailed starcharts into the ship. Meanwhile, at their destination, Luke, C-3PO, and
R2-D2 have crashed into the ocean world of Drexel, where they are being attacked by sea
creatures. They launch in an escape pod to float to safety, but soon see that one of the
creatures has a rider . . .
(Star Search!)
On the waterworld of the Drexel system, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO are caught in a
crossfire as skimmers appear to save them from the sea dragons and the Dragon Lord riding
one of them. Upon being saved, Luke must defend the droids, whom are targeted as salvage
by the skimmers drivers. They take Luke to their makeshift complex, which Luke had
thought was a large land mass that they’d be able to use as a Rebel base. There, they meet
Governor Quarg, who orders the droids stripped down, but Luke’s use of a lightsaber makes
Quarg think back to his father’s stories of Jedi as warrior priests, and hears Luke out.
Meanwhile, Crimson Jack’s pirate vessel arrives in the Drexel system, bearing Han Solo,
Chewbacca, and Leia Organa as its unwitting passengers . . .
On the waterworld of the Drexel system, Luke Skywalker has convinced Governor Quarg to
keep R2-D2 and C-3PO intact to help repair skimmers. When Luke goes out to test one of
the skimmers, the community’s master machine-smith tries to kill him to save his job, but is
later executed for his actions. Quarg tells Luke of how they first came to the planet and
reveals that they are using a powerful sonic-jammer to cause ships, like Lukes, to crash-land
on the world for them to salvage for their own community. Above the planet, Crimson Jack’s
pirate Star Destroyer arrives and comes under attack by the jammer, as those on the planet
try to bring the huge vessel down. In the confusion, Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca
manage to escape from the ship in the Millennium Falcon. On the planet, sea-dragons begin
to appear and attack the settlement violently, forcing Luke to go with the wreckers to ward off
the dragons. When the Millennium Falcon ends up being pulled down to the ocean surface,
the skimmers try to attack it, but Luke saves the ship, only to find himself and the droids at
the wrong end of Chewbacca’s rage when they try to board the Falcon and see if everyone is
okay . . .
(Day of the Dragon Lords!)
On the waterworld of the Drexel system, battle rages between the skimmers and the sea-
dragons, even as Luke Skywalker is attacked by Chewbacca, who believes Luke is part of
the group responsible for Han Solo’s apparent death when the Millennium Falcon crashed
into the sea. Instead, Han is alive and well, and being carried off by a Dragon Lord. R2-D2
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 88
incapacitates Chewie with spray foam, but the Falcon is taken by the wreckers led by
Governor Quarg, which means now Leia Organa, who was aboard, is also a prisoner. In an
undersea cavern, Han speaks to the Dragon Lords, who tell him that the dragons use sonics
to communicate, but too high of sonics, like what Quarg is using, will drive them mad or kill
them. To save the dragons they’ve befriended, the Dragon Lords will be attacking the sonic-
jammer, with Han along to save his ship. In the Falcon, Luke works to nullify the jammer’s
effects on it, while Han boards it to stop the pirates from using it to help amplify the jammer.
As some dragons begin to die, they make the ship operational and prepare to blast the
jammer on the community’s main mast. Unfortunately, while Chewbacca has taken out many
of Quarg’s people, Quarg has trapped Leia up near the mast. Luke races to the top and
swings in to save her, knocking Quarg into the water below even as Han fires on the mast,
destroying the jammer and saving the sea-dragons. The heroes are ready to finally leave the
world, but one obstacle remains in orbitCrimson Jack . . .
(The Sound of Armageddon!)
Above the water planet of the Drexel system, Crimson Jack orders a group of his starfighters
to go to the surface and destroy the Millennium Falcon and its captain, Han Solo. As the
starfighters arrive, Han, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, C-3PO, and R2-D2
escape into the ship and blast off, being pursued by the pirates led by Jolli. Jolli is in a
constant move to prove she can be better than any man tanks to having been left behind with
her mother during an Imperial attack when her father determined they were not good enough
to take as he fled. Her mother died in a subsequent torpedo strike, leaving Jolli alone and
traumatized. It is only now that her feelings toward Han Solo are starting to break through
that mental barrier. She helps herd the Falcon into Jack’s tractor beam, but fails, as Solo and
company escape the beam, but Jolli’s ship smacks the ship, damaging its gyro control
module. While the droids go EVA to make repairs, Han holds off further attacks by Jack
when he informs Jack that Chewie’s link-up with their computer earlier allowed them to erase
all of their starcharts. Solo is now their only hope for being able to get home again. Within
the magnetic field of Jack’s ship, Han and Jack go EVA to physically trade navigation tapes
for necessary parts to fix the Falcon. Jack has brought backup, though, and wants to take
Han out, but Han escapes with the necessary part in the middle of a blaster fight in space.
Meanwhile, Jolli has been abandoned in her damaged Y-wing and has heard comments
made by Jack about leaving her to her fate, just as her father had. To save Han and the
others, and to take revenge on Jack, she blasts Jack’s backup and crashes her Y-wing into
the bridge of Jacks vessel. Jolli is dead, but so is Jacks vessel. As Jack turns to attack
Han, Han shoots him. Soon, within the wreckage of Jack’s ship, Han and Leia find Jolli. Han
gives Jolli her first and last kiss, despite her inability to feel it, before they set out again from
the Drexel system for home . . .
(Star Duel!)
Shortly after the defeat of the Cloud Riders on Aduba-3, Jimm Doshun and Merri Shen are
(conjecture based on The Starhoppers of Aduba-3)
Shortly after the defeat of the Cloud Riders on Aduba-3, Jaxxon and Amaiza become
partners. They run their operation from Nar Shaddaa, where Jaxxon is soon jumped by goons
working for the bounty hunter Beilert Valance. Amaiza saves him, and they end up returning
to Aduba-3 to protect Onacra from Valance.
(conjecture based on The Starhoppers of Aduba-3)
With their defeat on Aduba-3 and the death of Serji-X Arrogantus during the battle, the Cloud
Riders break up and begin fighting each other.
(conjecture based on The Starhoppers of Aduba-3)
Han Solo and Chewbacca are in Mos Eisley and trying to escape from some Stormtroopers.
They race across the city to the Millennium Falcon and take off. Immediately upon takeoff
they are overtaken by a Star Destroyer. As the Falcon tries to jump to lightspeed, Chewie lets
Han know it isnt working. They decide to land in a forest on a nearby planet instead. Han and
Chewie have a disagreement so Han goes to work fixing the hyperdrive while Chewie
explores the planet. While Chewie is away, the Imperials surround the ship and capture Han.
While being escorted outside an entire army of Wookiees led by Chewie come out of the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 89
woods and attack the Imperials. The Wookiees lead the stormtroopers away into the forest.
Chewie removes Han’s handcuffs and then fixes the hyperdrive. They then takes off and
leave the planet.*
(Watch Out for the Wookiee)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Jim Lehane. The time frame for this story is rather ambiguous, but I have
placed it here by Scoundrels, since Han and Chewbacca are on their own. If you are unfamiliar with this, it was
packaged in with the Jedi Force Millennium Falcon toy from Hasbro’s younger kids’ line, released under the
Playskool banner.
Hiding out briefly in the Outer Rim while trying to figure out how to pay back Jabba the Hutt
and end the bounty on them, Han Solo and Chewbacca are attacked by what are likely
bounty hunter vessels. They are forced into a crash landing on a backwater world. Upon
emerging from the Millennium Falcon, Han collapses from a head injury during the crash. He
awakens in a prison cell that has been converted into a medical ward. A local woman, Jenna,
notes that the settlers are helping Chewbacca fix the Falcon, but they need Han and
Chewbacca’s help. Two Hutts, Bo-Dum and Rarsk are acting like thugs and trying to control
the two, even going so far as to kill the local lawman, who was Jenna’s father. The next time
they come around, Jenna presents Chewbacca as their new lawman. When the Hutts leave
to consider what to do next, Han visits them in the guise of the “Corellian Kid, claiming that
he has a plan to include the Hutts in capturing Han to earn Jabba’s bounty (and possibly the
Hutts’ chance to connect again with the Hutt Cartel.) Han leads them in a pair of salvage
vehicles to where the Falcon supposedly crashed (actually the middle of nowhere). Once
there, Han abandons them, and the townspeople attack with the help of the Falcon. The
Hutts are left on their own in the middle of the desert, while the townspeople go back to their
own lives, and the Falcon lifts off with Han and Chewbacca to return to the stars.*
(The Corellian Kid)*
*NOTE: This is another story in which Han and Chewbacca are alone, so I am placing it before Scoundrels. The
references in the story make it a bit odd. Jabba has placed the bounty on Han, so it has to be after that segment
of Rebel Dawn, and there really isn’t room for it right before ANH, but it also makes a reference to how, after
seeing a Wookiee as a lawman, the next thing one would see is “gundarks in the Imperial Senate.” Given that the
Senate is dissolved during ANH, that leaves us with two references that would put this prior to ANH, yet no way
for that to logically happen. Thus, I am assuming that it takes place here, so soon after ANH that the Hutts who
reference the Imperial Senate are either doing so as a figure of speech, rather than meaning that it is still around,
or that the news of the Senate being dissolved has not reached that Outer Rim backwater world yet. Either way,
take this placement with a grain of salt.
The Imperial Star Destroyer Dominator drops off a pair of Imperial Intelligence agents,
d’Ashewl and Dayja, on the planet Wukkar, where their cover is to act as an Imperial Court
noble (“Lord d’Ashewl”) and his servant to investigate dealings on the planet between Avrak
Villachor and Qazadi (a Black Sun sector chief and vigo, respectively). With the Festival of
Four Honorings coming up at Villachor’s Marblewood estate in Iltarr City, Black Sun is acting
under a rather public, crowded cover. Meanwhile, Han Solo and Chewbacca are also on
Wukkar at Reggilio’s Cantina in Iltarr City in hopes of finding a payday. They have recently
lost their reward from the Rebel Alliance to the now-deceased pirate Crimson Jack, and they
are in need of credits to ward off Jabba the Hutts anger. After a bounty hunter named Falsta
tries to kill them in the cantina (only to be killed himself instead), they are approached by
Eanjer Kunarazti. Eanjer, who wears several prosthetics, was badly injured three weeks
earlier when Villachor and his goons killed Eanjers father for refusing to sell his business
(Polestar Imports) to Black Sun. Villachors men took the contents of the family’s safe,
including credit tabs worth 163,000,000 credits. Eanjer intends to hire Han, Chewbacca, and
any other necessary individuals to break into Villachor’s mansion and steal back the credit
tabs (from which they will all split the credits). There is a time limit, however, since Villachor is
likely even now trying to find a slicer who can decrypt the credit tabs’ security without Eanjer’s
help. With such a big job needing done, Han contacts intelligence and acquisitions expert
(and former Wukkar aristocrat) Rachele Ree to organize a team for the job. Han and
Chewbacca recruit Bink and Tavia Kitik, twins who work a ghost thief operation, after one of
their jobs on Kailor. They recruit sleight-of-hand and pickpocketing expert Zerba Cher’dak
(who happens to own a lightsaber as well) on Balosar. They recruit Dozer Creed, a starship
thief, to be their front man, since Han is unwilling to follow Chewbacca’s suggestion to
contact Lando Calrissian, given how things have gone between Han and Lando in the recent
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 90
past. Rachele joins the team, as do two undercover Rebel Alliance members that are sent by
Mazzic: Kell Tainer and Winter (who will later learn from Han that Leia Organa, her close
friend, is still alive after the Battle of Yavin). Rachele has also brought in Lando, without Han
knowing until he simply shows up at the safehouse that Rachele has procured for the
operation. (Actually, she thinks that Han contacted her to tell her to invite Lando, but he never
made such a call. The issue goes unresolved for the moment, as Han chalks it up to perhaps
one of the others in the group sending the message to Rachele in Han’s name to bring in
Lando.) Including Eanjer, the team now consists of eleven members. (Or “ee-oh-
eleveeeeeeen” for all you classic Oceans 11 fans out there.) Their first task is to find a way to
supplement what they do know about Marblewood with information they need. While they do
know that Villachor has a vault that is magsealed and otherwise fortified, they have no idea
what the inner vault might have in terms of security measures and layout. They also need to
figure out who has been being brought to and from the estate repeatedly in a landspeeder
convoy. (At present, they are unaware that Villachor works for Black Sun, just that he works
for a criminal organization.) The same night as the initial planning meeting, Intel Agent Dayja
finally gets a “bite on the bait he has been laying by provoking thugs and drug dealers in
areas around the city. He is accosted by Crovendif, a minor criminal boss (read: “wannabe”).
Dayja claims to be looking for a higher-up criminal (Crovendif’s suppliers) to sell glitterstim
that is, shockingly, being produced by spiders from Kessel that are not actually on Kessel. He
sends Crovendif with a sample back to his boss, then follows him to Marblewood, which is
not surprising to Dayja. What does surprise him is the presence of another individual in a
vehicle watching the estate, which makes him aware that someone else (Hans team) is
perhaps in operation around Villachor’s estate. As Han’s team tracks the next convoy of three
landspeeders as they leave Marblewood, Lando and Eanjer keep watch for the convoy’s
backup, along with discussing Lando and Han’s rocky situation. Lando no longer entirely
blames Han for the issues with the Yavin Vassilika or the Battle of Ylesia jobs that left him
without reward, but if it had not been for being personally requested for this job (which he
thinks was by Han), he would not have wanted to work with Han ever again. They are able to
determine that Villachor’s frequent guests in the convoy are staying at the Lulina Crown hotel,
and they decide that they will need a room nearby. They are able to get one across from the
visitors’ room (as in, inside another building that is very close, just across a small garden area
with large trees from the other building). Their surveillance of the suite belonging to
Villachor’s visitors reveals a Falleen leading other men (and another Falleen), which all but
confirms that the criminal organization Villachor serves is Black Sun. During the night, when
the Black Sun group again returns to Marblewood, Bink crosses the garden area on a
harness, breaks through the Black Sun security set up in the hotel suite. When Bink briefly
has to hide from an entering Falleen, Winter notices through electrobinoculars that the
Falleen put a strange datapad into the suites safe that causes Winter alarm. Winter is carried
by Chewbacca (with no more harnesses available) across the tree into the suite to check out
the datapad, even as Dozer, posing as a delivery boy for a courier service, distracts the
guards left in the suite (with some help from a small explosive gas device Kell provides).
Inside the suite, Bink opens the safe to check its contents, only to find it empty except for the
strange looking datapad inside, which they leave behind as they escape with this new
information. Unfortunately for Dozer, he is confronted by the Falleen (Lord Aziel, lieutenant to
Vigo Qazadi), who nearly breaks through Dozers cover with pheromone-enhanced
questioning. He gets away fine, but now Black Sun agents will know what he looks like
throughout the mission. Once everyone is reunited, Winter reveals that the strange datapad
is a cryodex, a special form of Alderaanian encryption device built into a datapad that can
only be decrypted by a second, paired cryodex. Of the eight cryodexes that were not on
Alderaan when it was destroyed, seven are supposedly in upper-level diplomatic hands, while
the eighth was stolen four years earlier. After a discussion about their next steps, the group
splits up for a bit, allowing Eanjer to step out onto the balcony, where he is confronted by
Agent Dayja, who was outside planning to plant a listening device, after having followed one
of the vehicles back earlier. He directs Eanjer to a covert meeting, where the Intel agent (who
has identified himself as being with Imperial Intelligence to Eanjer). He reveals to Eanjer that
Black Sun has an extremely powerful collection of blackmail files on a set of five datacards in
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 91
a small wooden container, which can only be decrypted with a cryodex, and he is willing to
secretly provide information to Eanjer to help him steal back his money from Villachor if
Eanjer will secure the datacards (and potentially the cryodex) for him, thereby allowing him to
take down Qazadi, Dayja’s real target for the Empire. Upon learning this new information
from Eanjer’s unidentified “sources,” the Han requests the creation of a fake cryodex and a
“spit-mitter” designed as a false datacard to match the blackmail file datacards. As Eanjer
goes to speak to Donnal Cuciv to find out the look of the actual datacards, Lando and Han
talk a bit about their previous clashes and how it all went down. They seem okay with doing a
job together, and Han seems somewhat forgiven, but Lando requests that he receive the
blackmail files themselves as his share of their payment. He believes he can sell them to
Durga the Hutt for a lot of credits. At Marblewood, Villachor’s head of security, Lapis Sheqoa,
confirms for him that Crovendif’s sample of glitterstim is what Dayja said it was, but now
Villachor wonders if it might be a test of his loyalty to Black Sun or if he should bring it to
Qazadi’s attention. Unbeknownst to Eanjer, Dayja has listened in on the groups discussion,
and he is able to get to Cuciv first, question him, then leave him with no memory of the
incident. Now both anti-Black Sun groups will know the look of the real datacards. Around the
same time, Han gives Dozer a special mission to help the group . . . Three days later, Han,
Dozer, Bink, Kell, and Lando visit Marblewood during the Honoring of Moving Stone. They
scout the place, even as Villachor tries to meet with Qazadi (who, unlike his Black Sun team
led by Aziel that was separated to the hotel to keep the datacards and cryodex separate, has
his own suite at Marblewood at the moment). The vigo declines to attend the Honoring
outside, but his caution spurs Villachor to his own further caution, requiring Crovendif to
attend the festival each day to keep an eye out for Dayja. Moments later, Villachor is
informed that Qazadi’s guards have spotted the courier from the hotel incident (Dozer).
Fortunately, Dozer notices them keeping an eye on him and uses that to feel out the security
patterns of the estate. Bink, meanwhile, acts like a beautiful but naïve tourist. She bumps into
Sheqoa and begins a con to attract his attention (which, of course, he is not falling for . . .
which, of course, she expects). Meanwhile, Han uses a fake camera to gather sand from a
tornado display from the festival, then he and Kell accost a security droid by dropping sand
into its gears and forcing its hand around Kell, which allows Kell to be escorted to the estates
droid repair area to have its hand opened to free him. (At the repair shop, Kell confirms that
Villachor has supplemented his regular guards with 501-Z security droids.) Lando (under the
name “Kwerve, which should suggest to Villachor a possible connection to Jabba the Hutt
due to Bidlo Kwerve) then approaches Villachor with “an offer,” mentioning the word
“cryodex” to get his attention. Villachor leads him inside the mansion, which allows Lando to
recognize that Villachor has a pendant (and his guards have similar devices) that allow them
to be scanned for entry by the building’s doors. Inside the mansion, Lando claims to
represent powerful people and wants to offer Villachor a chance to join . Villachor cannot
currently read the blackmail cards without Qazadi’s cryodex, so he has no access to the
information on them. However, Lando claims to have a cryodex, so they could copy the card
data through his cryodex onto other datacards with new encryption, which would be of
enough value to let Villachor join this supposed group of power players. To prove his ability to
do this, Lando suggests that they meet in two days during the Honoring of Moving Air, during
which he can decrypt one blackmail file from the datacards with his cryodex. As agreed,
Lando arrives in two days with Zerba at his side as his assistant (allowed in because he is
carrying the cryodex case, which is supposedly set up with a bomb to destroy it if there is an
attempt to steal it . . . who would carry their own such case, rather than having an expendable
assistant do so?). They meet just outside Villachors vault, which Villachor accesses by
putting a hand with a perfume on it in front of a 501-Z droid (one of several) guarding the
entrance. Villachor brings out the datacards, allowing Lando to “decrypt” one. Lando actually
just shows data that was faked, which is based on a real Houk thug named Morg Nar, who
works for Wonn Ionstrike on Cloud City on Bespin. Lando convinces him that he really does
have something major to offer, but Villachor wants to meet Landos employer in two days at
the Honoring of Moving Water. Lando agrees, and they leave, with Zerba having replaced the
real datacard with a fake one that has a spit-mitter in it to scan the interior layout of
Villachor’s safe. On the way out, though, they are abducted by two corrupt local police
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 92
officers who work for Black Sun (not Villachor), Folx and Wolv. Fortunately, even though the
others lose them, Dayja notes the vehicle’s license plate, which he passes along to Eanjer.
With Dozer stealing a Z-95 Headhunter for Kell and the team raiding a Rodian arms dealer’s
cache of weapons nearby, most of the team moves in to rescue Lando and Zerba, pretty
much leveling the warehouse they were in, but getting them out safely, thanks to a
Millennium Falcon escape pod. Upon returning, they analyze the vault data from the fake
datacard, and the security measures make the situation much more difficult. Their next move
is to have Dozer, as a courier again, deliver a package with 500 credits in it to Frewin Bromly,
Dorston, Uzior, and Tallboy (four of Villachor’s guards), to get Villachor and Sheqoa’s
attention about a potential bribe in progress. Sure enough, Sheqoa is awakened for
questioning (pinned down in bed) by Qazadi about the possible bribes. He reveals the events
with Lando, Zerba, and even the suspicious Bink, and he claims that Villachor is playing out
the discussions with Lando to possibly acquire another cryodex for Prince Xizor. Qazadi is
concerned about whether there are other security guards who received bribes that were not
reported, but he seems satisfied that Sheqoa is loyal for now, as is Villachor, who is there in
the shadows with Qazadi. At the Honoring of Moving Water, Han, acting as another agent of
the same organization represented by Lando, speaks with Villachor about the incident with
Lando and Zerbas kidnapping, suggesting that if they can be sure it wont happen again, the
real boss could meet with Villachor during the Honoring of Moving Fire two days later. As
they all leave the grounds, Bink gains information on a scent she noticed on Sheqoa, and
Villachor contacts Donnal Cuciv (the same man the team had seen at Marblewood that they
were able to tap for information on the datacard appearance), who is one of Black Suns
blackmail victims on Wukkar. He instructs Cuciv to help find the member of the Imperial Court
who has been reported on his world (not realizing that it is d’Ashewl, an Intelligence agent).
Villachor is realizing that he does not need to choose Lando’s organization or Black Sun. He
can perhaps go to the Empire with valuable information on Black Sun for Darth Vader.
D’Ashewl is surprised by Villachor’s interest in him, but Dayja has recalled the Dominator
(ostensibly to pick up the “spoiled” d’Ashewl). Dayja lets Eanjer know that Villachor may be
planning to get out of there to meet with the Empire, so that they can move quickly.
Moreover, both sides realize that if Villachor does indeed feel as though the datacard are in
danger or in need of being moved, a full Imperial escort would be a great way to move them
securely without running afoul of any traps by the various players in the current game. Dayja,
though, believes that this is being done with Qazadi’s knowledge and help, so that Black Sun
can move the files, cut out Eanjer’s teams efforts, and also capture the two Intel agents.
Dayja decides to attend the Honoring of Moving Water to push with the glitterstim contact
route that he had established through Crovendif. Once the next festival day begins, Han visits
Villachor as promised (if he could not get his “boss to meet with Villachor), but he is
immediately captured and brought before Qazadi, who wants the cryodex (the fake one) in
exchange for the chance that he will let Han live. Han contacts “Kwerve” (Lando) about the
need for the cryodex, and the others quickly concoct a new scheme as Han is led to be held
in a closet off the guard room. The others decide to bring the fake cryodex to Qazadi, who will
likely see that it resembles Aziel’s and believe that Aziel is the one working against them.
Calling Aziel would not clear Aziel, since he could just lie and say he had his in the safe.
However, if Aziel could travel to the estate and prove that his is still with him, the presence of
the fake cryodex would blow the plan. Thus, Winter and Dozer are tasked with keeping Aziel
and his real cryodex locked down in the hotel. Outside at Marblewood, Zerba and Kell put
restraining bolts and small explosive charges on Villachors droids, while Bink is again
walking and flirting with Sheqoa, who has not revealed that he has figured out that she is
working against him somehow, though she has known he was on to her since their first
meeting. As the others move to rescue Han, Eanjer insists on going with them, somewhat
unusual in their dealings so far. Once inside, Lando heads to leave a package with the fake
cryodex for Villachor and Qazadi, while Chewbacca and Eanjer go to find Bink. Tavia,
meanwhile, is also sneaking around the grounds, heading for her twin sister. Lando drops the
package and contacts Villachor, staying out of the line of fire. On the grounds, Crovendif
notices Dayja and apprehends him, taking him to guards who then bring him to Villachor, who
has just recovered the fake cryodex. Villachor brings Dayja and the fake cryodex to Qazadi,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 93
believing Dayja to be part of Lando’s (fake) operation. Qazadi is enraged to find that the
cryodex is (or is identical to) Aziel’s, and the package it was in had a poison gas canister
(which was disarmed) that would kill only Falleens. Qazadi now believes that Aziel has turned
against Black Sun. Dayja is taken in custody to Qazadis quarters to await more questioning.
Outside, Kell and Zerba’s work bears fruit as the droids begin acting crazy. With the
distraction, Bink is “bumped” by Chewbacca. Bink quickly “falls” and grabs Sheqoa’s security
pendant, then “crashes” into another woman in a different colored dress (Tavia). The two
tumble, then activate the small eggs for their tearaway clothes that Zerba made, effectively
swapping the look of their dresses and allowing Tavia to return to Sheqoa as if she is Bink,
but free of any of the substance from touching the pendant that would have identified Bink as
a thief immediately. Bink escapes with the pendant. Inside, Dayja is able to break away and
knock out those guarding him, so that he can escape toward the rooftop (which is an unlikely
place for a smart person to flee, hence being the last place he expects Black Sun to look). As
the droids go nuts, Sheqoa confers with Villachor and Qazadi, the former of whom realizes
that the pendant is gone from Sheqoa’s neck. He searches Tavia, finding nothing, and
Qazadi orders her taken into custody so that he can question her with Falleen pheromones to
assist him. Bink leaves the pendant in some putty near the door for Lando to use when ready
to enter the mansion. She then joins Kell and Zerba, who have sliced their way into the droid
repair control room with Zerba’s lightsaber and stunned those inside. They cut into (but not
through) various wires and leave a device (that really does nothing) behind. Inside, Han has
freed himself from the closet, and he joins with Kell, Zerba, and Bink as they move through
the mansion. The quartet then begins to cut their way up one floor through the ceiling. At the
droid repair bay, Lando arrives, impersonating an Iltarr City police officer, investigating the
droid incident. Even as he distracts some of Villachor’s men in the repair bay, Chewbacca
and Eanjer use the pendant in the putty near the door to get inside the mansion. Lando then
cons those present into believing that the 501-Z droid controls that were “sort of” cut into (but
not damaging enough to set off alarms) mean that the “Zeds” are under the control of
intruders. Sheqoa races to check on those inside. (It is important to check those at the vault
because Villachor had used humans and droids, both in the same suits, but after the potential
bribes were discovered, Villachor had replaced them with only droids on Qazadis
instructions.) Two of Qazadi’s guards stop Sheqoa, claiming that the woman (Tavia) has no
traces of the pendant but seems to suggest that Sheqoa lost it over an hour earlier. He won’t
let them take him to Qazadi until he checks that the vault is secure, but the guards go with
him to the vault. When he arrives, Villachor is already there, but the droids wont let him in.
Instead, they recognize his scent and grab his arm to keep him out of the vault, buying time
for those breaking into the vault to do so. (A datacard that Han gave him earlier had materials
on it to wipe out the perfume that Villachor has been using to gain clearance through the
droids. They did not tamper with the droids themselves at all.) He orders them all shut down.
Above the vault in the guard ready room, Bink, Zerba, and Kell prepare to break into the vault
by cutting down into it, while Han puts on a guard suit (the same worn by the droids) and
heads off to keep an eye on Villachor as an inconspicuous guard. As they start breaking into
the vault, Han realizes that Bink is going to do her job and then leave the others to find Tavia,
no matter the risk. Outside, fireworks for the Honoring of Moving Fire begin firing on
schedule, but Villachor is worried about attack, so he has not lowered the umbrella shield
over the grounds, which could kill onlookers. At the hotel parking structure, Dozer and Winter
use some of Dozer’s fancy hotwiring and slicing to turn Aziel’s leading vehicles against them,
smashing them all around the structure enough to let Dozer get to Aziel’s injured form and
steal a pouch containing the real cryodex. In trying to escape, though, they run straight into
Imperial stormtroopers, including a local commander who lets them go, but only after
manipulating them into turning over the pouch that he claims was stolen from him (so that
they cannot disagree without admitting to their activities). They are allowed to leave, but
Dozer realizes that the Imperials were in on their operation (through Eanjer) the whole time,
and now they have just gotten the cryodex for the Empire without the Imperials having to lift a
finger. As for Aziel, the Imperials take him prisoner. At the vault, Bink does her job, then
disappears on Kell and Zerba, racing off to save Tavia, heading up to Qazadis suite via a
dumbwaiter. After briefly conferring with other team members via comlink, the next stage for
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 94
the team goes into action. Chewbacca and Eanjer send airspeeders crashing into the garage
where Lando is still acting like a police officer, and Chewie and Eanjer race in behind the
chaos. Lando races after the “intruders,” as they work on entering the mansion through the
garage. At that moment, sensors alert Villachor that the vault has been breached from above,
and he recognizes that Han is out of place. He has Han held and rushes his men to get
dormant droids out of the way of the vault door so that he can get inside and stop the thieves.
Bink meanwhile reaches Qazadi’s quarters to find Tavia, but Qazadi puts both women under
the “spell” of his pheromones, incapacitating them (more or less). At the garage, Eanjer
breaks away from Lando and Chewbacca and seems to be running toward more attackers.
Outside, the fireworks begin raining back down on the citizens, causing chaos. At the vault, a
giant sphere that usually floats around the vault with valuables inside (which is thus the actual
vault) is blasted free by explosives set by Kell and Zerba, sending it crashing (Raiders of the
Lost Ark style) down past the vault door (now opened by Villachor) and out into the mansion,
then through the mansion wall into the courtyard full of freaked out citizens. Han races after it,
yelling at citizens to get to safety on the way. At Qazadi’s quarters, the door is blasted open,
not by Lando or Chewbacca as expected, but by Eanjer, who quickly takes aim at Qazadi
with what has appeared all this time to be his prosthetic hand. Powerful blaster fire erupts
from the “hand,” killing Qazadi. He directs Bink and Tavia to where Lando and Chewbacca
have an airspeeder waiting, and Bink is almost certain she sees Eanjer, who claims to be
reclaiming the fake cryodex, taking holographic pictures of Qazadi’s body as if trying to get
proof of his death . . . Outside, Han catches up to the safe as it finally comes to a halt. Inside
the gigantic sphere is the actual hallway and storage room of the vault, from which Zerba and
Kell now emerge, having used the safe as their way out of the mansion. As the team
regroups, Han holds the bag containing the blackmail datacards, other data cards, and
Eanjer’s credit tabs. (He has noticed that they are being watched by what seems to be an
Imperial agent Dayja from a lookout spot on the rooftop.) Lando immediately requests the
blackmail datacards for his share of the pay, and Han hands them over. They then get Lando
to his airspeeder to let him leave, as the others plan to rendezvous as a predetermined spot,
where Eanjer has let the others know he’ll meet them. Dayja, seeing Han give the datacards
to Lando, has the Dominator pick up Lando’s ship as he leaves the planet. Eanjer, for his
part, goes to the Millennium Falcon, intending to ambush Han with his “prosthetic” blaster for
reasons as yet unknown . . . Aboard the Dominator, Landos ship is searched by the
Imperials, until Dayja questions him, finds the box of datacards, and is shocked (as is Lando)
to find that the datacards are not the real ones. Han pulled a switch on Lando, sending him
away with fake cards, recognizing that the Imperials were onto them. Dayja lets Lando go,
though now Lando owes him. The datacards must still be with Han. On Wakkar, Eanjer finally
realizes that he has been tricked. The secret errand that Han had sent Dozer on days ago
was to find a YT-1300 transport that was enough like the Millennium Falcon that he could
park it where the Falcon had been, then move the Falcon, and make it look like the real ship
was never moved. Han is already off-planet to meet with the others on Xorth, and Eanjer is
unable to capture Han . . . Back at Marblewood, Villachor, expecting Black Sun’s retribution
to be quick and deadly, receives a call from d’Ashewl. He will make a deal with the Empire,
particularly with Darth Vader, to save his skin. Shortly after the heist, the rest of the team
meets on Xorth, where Han, who has suspected something was “off” about Eanjer, allows
Rachele to confirm what he has suspected to the rest of the group: the real Eanjer was found
murdered on Wukkar six weeks earlier, nearly three weeks before the supposed incident in
which he was badly wounded by Villachor and needed prosthetics. This “Eanjer” was an
impostor who wanted to get close enough to kill Qazadi, but they don’t know who he really
was. Unfortunately, without the real Eanjer, the credit tabs can be sliced but only for about
815,000 credits, rather than 163,000,000. Each of them will get about 81,500 credits, once
Han includes Lando, whom the others will make sure gets his share, hoping there are no
hard feelings again between Lando and Han. Han then offers to give much of his share (and
Chewbacca’s) to the others to bring them each to an even 100,000 credits, so that he can
take the real blackmail files. Perhaps the Rebel Alliance can find a cryodex and make use of
the blackmail files someday. In theory, this leaves enough for Han to be able to pay off
Jabba, but as the others leave (with only Winter, Rachele, Han, and Chewie staying behind),
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 95
Rachele tells Han that Jabba has now raised the bounty on his head to 500,000 credits, so
there’s no way Han can buy his way out of trouble yet. (Why did Jabba raise it? He is blaming
Han for ratting out Morg Nar on Bespin as a mole for him in Ionstrike’s organization during
the fake cryodex demonstration!) Finally, Winter suggests that Han and Chewbacca return to
the Rebel Alliance, admitting that she works procurement for them (by stealing things for
Mazzic and then leaving enough behind for the Rebels to get some gear as well). She notes
that she recognized the escape pod that Han used to save Lando and Zerba. It was one she
procured for the Rebel Alliance seven months earlier. Han notes that he did not steal it, and
that “she” insisted that he accept the pods for the Falcon. At the mention of “she,” Winter is
shocked, and Han confirms for her that, yes, Princess Leia Organa is indeed alive. It looks
like they are returning to the Rebellion. As for “Eanjer,” he returns to his current employer to
report his success in killing Qazadi. He had intended to draw Han into the plot so that he
could get the bounty on Han in the end, and he placed the call to Rachele on Han’s behalf to
bring in Lando to work against him as well. And so, “Eanjer” goes to meet the being paying
the bounty on Qazadi, Jabba the Hutt, as his true self: the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett.
*NOTE: Han’s situation in this story puts it after Star Duel, due to losing the reward to Crimson Jack, and it would
appear to also be prior to What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut? (yes, with that spelling), because Han still owes
Jabba and has not managed to wrangle his way briefly out of it. (Granted, that comic is now only partially in
continuity, but it makes for a decent way to pin this down as being between Marvel Comics issues #15 and #28.
Fellow timeliner Rob Mullin, whose Expanded Universe Chronology I once hosted alongside the SWT-G, has
suggested an alternate placement that bears mentioning. He argues that because the reward has been taken by
Crimson Jack, Han seems to not have been in touch with the other Rebel heroes, and Darth Vader seems to not
be on Coruscant (which leaves his spies leaderless), this story could perhaps be shoehorned in between the
opening panels of Star Search, which is Marvel Comics issue #11. Given how those early issues seem to flow
together directly, I am not yet of a mind to shift this placement, but he makes a compelling case.
Agent Mark Hieks of CorSec contacts an adventurer of assistance. A group of Aqualish
warriors on Talus, led by the now one-armed Ponda Baba, is making trouble. CorSec needs
to stay out of the situation, but they can send in the adventurer for deniability. He travels the
area where the Followers of Baba have been active and is present in one town when the
Followers attack. He is able to take out the Followers and capture Baba, delivering him to
CorSec. (Presumably, CorSec is unable to hold him, since they wanted to stay out of it, so
Baba goes free.)*
(Followers of Baba)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I would have
placed closer to The Ruins of Dantooine, but this story requires that Ponda Baba be alive and in his own body. It
also requires that Baba must somehow get freed at the end, since he shows up soon in Doctor Death. Moreover,
this cannot be pre-ANH, since Baba has lost his arm to Obi-Wan already. This scenario is pretty short and does
not include Light Side and Dark Side variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
After two or three minor encounters, the Far Orbit intercepts an interesting Imperial
communiqué. An Imperial advisor, Coh Veshiv, is touring the Ringali Shell on a “fact-finding
mission” (read: exile from Coruscant for being a blowhard). A minor courtesan, but still an
invaluable catch for the Rebellion. Luring themselves near the advisors Corvette, Empire
Forever, Vedji hails them and claims he has orders to take Veshiv aboard. Sick and tired of
the stuck-up advisor, Captain Annance is only too happy to turn him over. A couple of
irritating complaints later, Veshiv is in the brig, his guards dead. The Far Orbit sends him to
the Alliance without delay. Meanwhile, Captain Kenit (the former commander of the Far
Orbit) reports to Sate Pestage his failure to find the missing Frigate. Pestage tells him that the
Far Orbit is now in Rebel hands and is somewhere in the Ringali Sector. Find and capture it
quickly, or face the Emperor’s wrath…*
(The Far Orbit Project: The Capture of Coh Veshiv)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Weeks have passed since the capture of Veshiv, and its getting harder and harder to
intercept Imperial communiqués. Suddenly, a propaganda piece appears on Imperial
HoloVision a bloodthirsty pirate claiming to be a Rebel privateer is attacking civilians near
Brentaal, Esseles and Rhinnal! The pirate is identified as one Venslas Beeli, a criminal who
Captain Vedji knows full well isn’t working for the Alliance. This guy’s gotta go, and Major
Willak agrees. The hunt is on. After several frustrating days, the Far Orbit stumbles upon
Beeli’s fleet. What they don’t know is that Beeli is a pawn of Captain Kenit infected with a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 96
synthetic Imperial virus, Beeli’s life depends on taking down the Rebel frigate by any means
necessary. After a costly battle, though, Beelis ships are destroyed.*
(The Far Orbit Project: The Rival)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
The Far Orbit has come upon a seemingly perfect target a poorly defended and armed
Santhe transport. But the minute the transport is boarded, an unpleasant surprise is sprung
the cargo hold is full of stormtroopers!! Even worse, a hypertransceiver is set off that sends
an Imperial taskforce (complete with an Interdictor) smashing into the Frigate. The lead
frigate hails the Far Orbit it’s Kenit, who declares the entire crew under arrest for treason.
All the odds are against the heroes, and Vedji cooks up a reckless plan using the Frigates
tractor beams to use the Imperial starfighters as shields, he concentrates all fire on the
Interdictor. One of the gravity well projectors is destroyed, giving the Frigate the chance it
needed to hyperjump to safety. Even so, it is badly damaged and out of action for a while…*
(The Far Orbit Project: The Trap)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Ensil Moiss, a government official, was known more for his ability to criticize the work of
others, than his own accomplishments. Moiss worked for the planetary government of
Draenell’s Point. The Empire negotiated with him to acquire a large percentage of Draenell’s
Point’s agricultural production in order to stock the Bissillirus Resupply Base.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Kit via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Alderaanian Death Legion is formed as a unit of the Alliance’s Special Forces, and is
made up exclusively of men and women who were natives of Alderaan. They were given the
worst sort of missions against the Empire, mainly because they requested them.
(conjecture based on Rules of Engagement via TimeTales, verbatim)
Nova Designs Incorporated becomes one of the largest buyers of spinsealer tibanna gas
from Cloud City.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 2: Yavin and Bespin via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Battle of Heg takes place, a struggle for control of the planet Bundim. The Battle of Heg
saw a resounding Imperial victory over the Alliance forces trying to liberate the planet. Heg
itself was leveled by Imperial forces in just three days, but the Alliance rallied and was able to
overcome the Imperials and restore freedom to the planet.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Kit via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Empire constructs an Imperial repair station, designated M13 around the planet Mycroft.
Its mission was to support the Imperial exploration and picket ships operating in Fakir Sector
during the Galactic Civil War. As part of Operation Retribution, a group of Alliance agents
were sent to Mycroft to harass the station, and nearly succeeded in destroying it. As it was,
the station was rendered useless to the Empire and abandoned.
(conjecture based on Campaign Pack via TimeTales, verbatim)
Tolamyn Cayble was an Imperial Security agent who patrolled the Elrood Sector during the
height of the New Order. He was responsible for the capture of Shondra Del, shortly after the
Battle of Yavin, an action which was capable because Cayble had obtained information from
his vast network of informants and spies. However, he often relied heavily on the information
he received, and was often misled by false information provided by the Friends of Paran.
After Del escaped from the Arena of Games on the planet Derilyn, Cayble spent every effort
in trying to recapture her and bring down the resistance in the Elrood Sector.
(conjecture based on Operation: Elrood via TimeTales, verbatim)
Mammon Hoole studies Amanin culture.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Harthusa, a Devaronian, worked as a slave auctioneer on the Imperial world of Deysum III.
Despite his cunning and sense of business, Harthusa was essentially a coward. He
maintained a luxurious domed apartment on Deysum III, where he regularly entertained
females of all races.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Kit via TimeTales, verbatim)
During this period of time, Villis Andal, an Imperial Moff, controls the Elrood Sector. He found
himself unable to contain the rising tide of piracy and rebellion which sprang up after the
destruction of the planet Alderaan, even with three Imperialclass Star Destroyers at his
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 97
disposal. When the Brazen was destroyed by Alliance forces while in dry dock at the Derilyn
Space Defense Platform, Moff Andal was removed from his position and re-assigned.
(conjecture based on Operation: Elrood via TimeTales, verbatim)
Filice Gonzork, an Arhan slicer and member of The Shield, marries Peert Ginzork.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Rebel Operatives via TimeTales, verbatim)
On Sarko VI, Captain Korvellen and his Imperials wipe out a local “Rebel Cell,” which turns
out to simply be a group of squatters.
(conjecture based on Rebellion Era Sourcebook)
Aboard the Star Palace, Corellian tourists and the vessel’s captain are taken by Imperial
troopers in a ship-wide slaughter. None of the prisoners are ever heard from again.
(conjecture based on Rebellion Era Sourcebook)
Lacking the initiative to build up a large enough fleet to attack Mon Calamari, the Empire
(under Grand Moff Therbon) attacks the Ruisto colony instead.
(conjecture based on Rebellion Era Sourcebook and Strongholds of Resistance)
On Quellor, a peaceful demonstration (complete with burning Palpatine effigy), is held in
Terrina Square. Moff Toggan sends stormtroopers to break it up. When the stormtroopers
open fire, apparently unprovoked, the slaughter that follows causes outrage across the News
Nets . . . until COMPNOR cuts off news feeds from the scene after only 30 minutes of
(conjecture based on Rebellion Era Sourcebook)
An Imperial mining operation draws immense amounts of raw material from the crust and
mantle of the planet Eloggi to construct the second Death Star. The planet Eloggi circles the
same sun as the gas giant Endor. It is the world closest to the forest moon.
(conjecture based on Dark Force Rising Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Operation Blue Harvest was the code-name of an Imperial operation that occurred after the
Battle of Yavin. So secretive was it that even Imperial technicians were left in the dark on
components that they worked on. They often speculated on what the project could be since it
required huge amounts of money and manpower.
(conjecture based on Campaign Pack via TimeTales, verbatim)
Imperial Moff Bandor is placed in control of the planet Questal in an attempt to quell the
population there. A ruggedly - handsome man with a muscular physique, Bandor worked his
way up the ladder through bootlicking and treachery. He aspired to be Emperor Palpatine’s
right - hand man, and it irked him that he couldn’t control the Force. He served faithfully, and
gladly assumed control of Questal. There were several factions, all of which were fighting
over claims of the mineral ardanium. The Emperor wanted to control the mining of ardanium,
in an effort to bolster the construction of Super-class Star Destroyers, and Bandor was given
control of the planet. He ruled with an iron fist, and installed several of the major criminals in
positions of power. At the same time, Bandor was experimenting with the potential use of
hurlothrumbic generators as weapons to use against the Alliance. The generator induced
fear when activated, and this was translated by the locals as Bandor’s use of the Dark Side.
Bandor did nothing to dispute this, as it added to his power.
(conjecture based on The Game Chambers of Questal via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Columi archeologist Zagsm’ith discovers evidence relating the Xuaquarres system to the
Duinuogwuin. The Xuaquarres system is an ancient, remote system rumored to have the lost
"Graveyard of the Dragons," or burial site of Duinuogwuin. The fourth planet in the system is
home to one of Emperor Palpatine's lost technology stores. The planet is heavily defended by
automated systems with hundreds of stormtroopers and assassin droids.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Screen: Quest for the Dragon’s Tomb via TimeTales,
Han Solo meets his old friend Drub McKumb for the last time before the Time of Meeting
incident on Ithor.
(conjecture based on Children of the Jedi via TimeTales, verbatim)
After the Battle of Yavin, Imperial Admiral Ilon Drez persuades the Empire that starfighters
are enough of a significant threat (given what happened to the Death Star) that the Imperial
Navy should authorize the construction of new Kuat Drive Yards frigates. They do so, and the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 98
Lancer-class frigate is born, though not in significant use within Imperial strategy until the
time of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Kentara the Wookiee, a member of the Alliance, is captured and sold into slavery. Kentara
had been sent to the planet Bundim along with a group of Alliance forces to assist in the
liberation of Bundim, but was one of the first prisoners taken during the Battle of Heg. He
was purchased by Quintarus Returyl on the planet Deysum III, but was later rescued by the
Alliance agents who were investigating the construction of an Imperial supply station in the
Bissilirus System.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Kit via TimeTales, verbatim)
After several weeks of repair time, the Far Orbit returns to action in the Ringali sector.
Brooding to himself for most of that time, Captain Vedji summons his first officer and tells him
to assemble a landing party to go to Brentaal IV, meet with a Rebel agent, and bring back a
datadisc. As the undercover landing party leaves in a captured freighter on their mission, the
Frigate jumps to an empty system and goes into silent mode, shutting off all communications
and going to minimal power. Once they reach Brentaal IV, they learn the agent has been
arrested they do get the datadisc from a friend of his, though. Suddenly the tapcafe they’re
in is surrounded by stormtroopers. Chased out the back and all the way to their ship, the
landing party activates a distress beacon as they approach orbit. The Far Orbit arrives, and
Vedji takes the opportunity to send a message to the people of Brentaal, urging all civilian
pilots and crews to cooperate with him should they be boarded. With that, the Frigate picks
up the landing party and hyperjumps off. As for the datadisc, it reveals the route of the
Imperial Taxation Bureau’s Star Galleon, the Emperor’s Will…*
(The Far Orbit Project: Raid on Brentaal)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Racing towards an ambush of the Emperor’s Will, the Far Orbit is itself ambushed by an
Interdictor Cruiser the same one from the earlier trap. Captain Vedji is seriously wounded in
the opening salvo. With the first officer now in charge, the Frigate flees into the nearby
Ringali Nebula, giving it some badly needed space and repair time…*
(The Far Orbit Project: Hunter/Hunted)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Undaunted, the battered Far Orbit rushes to another ambush point and waits. Captain Vedji
recovers enough to retake command, but only barely. The Frigate tractors enough asteroids
into the area to cause the Galleon’s hyperdrive to shut down. The Galleon arrives along
with a Frigate. After destroying the other Frigate, the Far Orbit works on crippling the Will.
Realizing capture is imminent, the Will’s captain launches the ship’s cargo pod in a last-ditch
attempt to deny it to the privateers. Despite the Far Orbits best efforts, the pod escapes into
hyperspace. With an Imperial task force chasing it at every turn, the Frigate hunts the pod
through hyperspace and finally disables and captures it. Inside is a fortune in gold, platinum,
mythra, gems, spice and artwork. A very huge and successful haul indeed. Captain Kenit,
meanwhile, is pleased the Corusca gems in the cargo makes the perfect tracker, giving him
the chance to recapture his old ship once and for all. But before he can act on this, he
receives a holomessage from a VERY angry Emperor Palpatine. The last thing Kenit ever
hears is his own screams of agony…*
(The Far Orbit Project: The Grand Prize)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Dannen Lifehold and Purr arrive on Rafft to deliver bacta and supplies to a Rebel cell there.
They meet Tawn Porew and Commander Brion Peck and then discover that their cargo has
been tampered with to include a homing device (though Krell probably knew nothing about it).
Peck thinks Dannen set them up, but he pleads his innocence and helps them escape aboard
the Lifeline. Once in space, they are attacked by the Engager, but Purr fixes the ships
hyperdrive in time for them to escape. They soon reach their destination, the Vondarc
system, where they learn that Alderaan has been destroyed. Dannen finally steps over the
boundary from independent and working for Rebels at times to joining the Rebel Alliance full-
time. If the Imperials can do this to Alderaan, they can do it somewhere else as well. (They
do not yet know that the Death Star I has been destroyed.)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 99
(Changing the Odds)
Pollux Hax, former chief of the Emperor’s propaganda dissemination section, submits a
report to the public about the planet Coruscant AKA Imperial Center. It is rife with the kind of
fact twisting and politicking that was his stock-in-trade while working for Palpatine, so it bears
very little academic weight.
(The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: [Imperial Center] Coruscant Entry)
Bothan security officer Kras’ka Lo’lar stuns Ponda Baba in a restaurant, where Ponda and Dr.
Evazan had been dining and Ponda began a brawl.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba (with a new prosthetic arm) have relocated to Ando, where
Evazan is working on a secret project. He is meeting with a senator of the ruling class of
Aqualish (who doesn’t like the lower class Ponda Baba) when several bounty hunters try to
kill him. They are stopped by Evazan’s Meduza (blob-creature), Rover. Evazan reveals to
the senator that he has nearly perfected a way to transfer one persons mind into a new body,
destroying the original mind in that body, but effectively allowing the mind begin transferred
into the body a chance at eternal life. Gurion, another member of the bounty hunter team,
arrives at Evazans fortress, and Evazan stuns him and prepares to transfer his mind into
Gurion’s body. Before that, though, Ponda Baba insists on being transferred into the
senator’s ruling-class body first. Evazan begins the process, but then Gurion awakens. He
has set explosives that will blow up if he hits a deadman’s switch. In a rooftop struggle,
Gurion is knocked off to his death, and Evazan ends up hanging for his life. The original
body of Ponda Baba, with the mind of the senator, stands at the edge over Evazan. The
process worked, but it worked backwards. Ponda Baba’s mind is gone, and the senator is
trapped in the despised, lower caste body. The senator makes Evazan fall from the roof, but
he calls Rover to him, who takes the force of the impact into the water below, saving Evazan
at the cost of its own life. Above, Gurion’s explosives go off and the entire top half of the
fortress explodes, taking the senator in Babas body with it. Evazan resolves to fix the
process when he gets the chance.
(Dr. Death: The Tale of Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba)
Trask Industries releases the 008 Heavy Landspeeder.
(conjecture based on Goroth: Slave of the Empire via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Following the retrieval of the Great Heep, Ebenn Q3 Baobab settles down on his homeworld
Manda with his wife, Pookie, and a miniature Bantha named Nuke, and starts writing. He
publishes five books before the Emperor's death, among them his autobiography, Blazing
Rockets, and earns the Laureate of the Empire--twice.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide via TimeTales, verbatim)
Han Solo and Chewbacca head for Kashyyyk to spend Life Day with Chewie’s familyhis
son Lumpy, wife Mallatobuck, and father Attichitcuk. The Empire, though, has set up a
blockade around the planet. When the Millennium Falcon does not arrive as planned, Luke
Skywalker and Leia Organa are contacted, but unsure as to their whereabouts. Luckily,
Chewie’s family’s friend, Saundan is a Rebel sympathizer, who visits the family while buying
time to help get the Rebels to through the Imperial blockade. During Saundan’s visit, Lumpy
views a log file of Luke’s first encounter with Boba Fett. Finally, with Saundan’s help, the find
a means to get free of a bit of Imperial harassment and divert the Imperials just enough to let
Han and Chewie join them on the planet. Shortly thereafter, Luke and Leia join them (along
with R2-D2 and C-3PO) and they all celebrate Life Day together (though whether or not it’s
“celebrating” to hear Leia and company singing what amounts to a “Life Day carol” is
(Star Wars Holiday Special)*
*Note: See the other Holiday Special entry above, and that for The Frozen World of Ota for clarification on the two
“first encounter stories written into Officiality.
On Kashyyyk, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 discover that the Wookiees cannot
hold their societys large Life Day ceremony because the Elders are not allowing any
Wookiees to go into the depths to get the olga root necessary for the ceremony. When
Chewbacca and an Elder nearly kill each other over the issue (a way of proving who is right),
Han intervenes and offers to go down to get the root, since he doesn’t have to abide by a ban
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 100
on Wookiees going into the depths. Chewbacca, for his part, will disobey the Elder and go
with them. The quartet of Rebels head into the depths, where they find Imperial scientist Gyla
Petro arguing with a group of Imperial soldiers who are slicing through the plant growth. They
do not realize that the plants can actually feel, but they pay for their mistake when the plants
attack and kill them. Han and the others save Gyla, who reveals that they were after the olga
root for the Empire, but she was trying to stop the harvesting. She points out the root and
helps them gather enough (the right way) to save the Life Day ceremony.*
(The Kashyyyk Depths)*
*Note: According to The Kashyyyk Depths, Life Day is only celebrated once every three years. This means that
this Life Day celebration must be the same as the one in the Holiday Special. Given that we see only
Chewbacca’s family in the Holiday Special, I have chosen to interpret that as a family celebration, whereas the
societys celebration would take place shortly thereafter. Since we do not see Han and Chewie arriving on
Kashyyyk in the Millennium Falcon in The Kashyyyk Depths, this works. I should also note that this story actually
has no official title, but “The Kashyyyk Depths is the usual way to reference this story.
Over three decades after creating the Victory-class Star Destroyer, Walex Blissex is a full-
fledged member of the Rebel Alliance. But Imperial Governor Denn Wessex sends word to
Walex that his daughter Lira Denns wife – is dying. A ship is waiting at Kwenn Space
Station to bring him to her side. Over the objections of the Rebel command, Blissex decides
to go. The Alliance sends a small Rebel unit to accompany him, smelling a trap. Sure
enough, the group is arrested and thrown in the brig the second they arrive on the Victory
Star Destroyer Subjugator. All seems lost as the ship leaves Kwenn until suddenly its
attacked! In the brig, the prisoners are rocked around as the ship takes massive damage.
They take the opportunity to bust out, saving Blissex from a torture droid. A hazardous climb
down a disabled lift shaft later, they find themselves in engineering. They find the ship has
been set to self-destruct. Coming around, Blissex leads them to the power core he can
move up the time of destruction, blowing up the Imperials while still giving them time to
escape. But they find a heavy cannon and some stormtroopers between them and the core
and the voice of Captain Kolaff taunts them as the Imperials attack. Finally fighting their way
to the power core, they learn that the attacker of the Subjugator was a Rebel fleet and
they’ll be coming back to finish the job right at the moment the Victory Star Destroyer will
explode, taking them all with it!! But as Blissex and one of the Rebels works on the computer,
they find a failsafe has been put into the destruct system to prevent tampering. Blissex is
stunned “the only other being in the galaxy possessing the knowledge and the ability to
perform such a feat is…my daughter…” Suddenly, a ton of stormtroopers tear in. In
desperation, Blissex modifies the core into a repulsor field, jumping off the chasm with the
Rebels to land safely at a door. Fighting through a power cell storm. Taking refuge in a
maintenance shaft, they find another computer terminal that coughs up more information.
Kolaff is having an escape shuttle readied. The group heads immediately for the hangar bay.
They pick up a protocol droid along the way, T-3PO. They travel through the shattered
underside of the Victory Star Destroyer, facing a zero-g battle with stormtroopers. They finally
reach the hangar bay, but they’re one level up from the one they want. They head down, to
find an AT-ST waiting for them driven by Kolaff. He actually allows them to board another
AT-ST to provide a fair fight. After a tough duel, the Rebels’ walker blows up Kolaff’s. They
reach the right hangar bay with five minutes to spare. They race to the control tower to warn
the Alliance fleet and there is Lira, waiting for them. They warn the fleet and chases Lira off,
then takes the shuttle and escapes. The Victory Star Destroyer explodes, and the Rebel fleet
(Operation “Starfall) brings them in. They are promoted by General Dodonna himself. Blissex
designs some “toys” to help the Rebel group in the future…
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Commander Ackbar works with the technologically adept Verpine race at the Roche asteroid
system on Project Shantipole - a Research & Development program to develop better
starfighters to battle the Imperial war machine, especially the lethally effective Nebulon-B
Frigate. This project has reached a successful height with the introduction of the high -
armored, lethally armed B-Wing starfighter. Imperial district governor Bane Nothos has been
aware of the project and was ordered by the Emperor to shut it down, but he bides his time
waiting for development of the B-Wing to be completed before he takes action. He slips a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 101
Quarren spy named Salin Glek into the Shantipole team. When Glek reports Ackbar is about
to send the B-Wing prototypes off for manufacturing, Nothos moves in with a strike force. A
group of Rebels arrives just prior to this in the Out Runner, ordered by Mon Mothma to escort
Ackbar and the B-Wing prototypes to the Pothor system. After fighting off some TIEs, the Out
Runner arrives at Roche base just as Nothoss strike force surrounds the asteroid belt. Glek
does his best to get rid of the Rebel arrivals, ordering them to hand over Mon Mothmas
holodisc and go home. Thankfully, Lieutenant Pollard brings the Rebel group to Ackbar. After
viewing the holodisc, they learn that Glek has stolen their ship and joined Nothos task force.
At that moment, Nothos strikes full force. Ackbar races to pull the B-Wing configuration files
from the computer even as stormtroopers board the base. The Rebels struggle to hold the
stormtroopers back as Ackbar does this. Pollard sacrifices himself as Ackbar and the Rebels
take a lifeboat and flees the base. A Verpine transport picks up the lifeboat. They learn that
Nothos has blockaded the entire asteroid belt, determined to hunt them down. He has also
sent an ultimatum to the Verpine submit to the Empire or die. The Verpine loudly refuse,
deciding to actively join the Rebellion. Ackbar’s not leaving without those B-Wing prototypes
but theyre now in the captured Shantipole Research Station. They have only nine days at
best before the Empire finds them, so Ackbar sends the Rebels to sneak into Shantipole,
grab the B-Wings, and rig the base to explode. Suskafoo, a Verpine who befriended the
Rebels, volunteers to join them to grab additional datafiles from the base. Taking asteroid
hoppers, the Rebels dodge a probe droid and an asteroid storm to reach Shantipole. Flying in
via a secret passage, the Rebels fight off a space slug to reach the base interior. Sneaking
around, they manage to get the files, ready some bombs and free some Verpine who assure
them the B-Wings are in working order. Reaching the main hangar bay, the Rebels find Glek
has loaded the B-Wings into a cargo shuttle. He manages to take off despite the Rebels’ best
efforts. They flee in a stolen ship as the research station blows. Pursuing Glek, they manage
to disable the shuttle and take the B-Wings. Ackbar orders the fleet of Rebel survivors
through the blockade at full speed, only to run into Nothos’s Nebulon-B. The B-Wings get
their first real combat test as they go up against the Frigate. They disable Nothos’s flagship,
then escapes with the rest of the Rebel fleet to freedom. For the successful development of
the B-Wing, Mon Mothma promotes Ackbar to the rank of Admiral…
(Strike Force: Shantipole)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Luke Skywalker and Keyan Farlander work together on the official rollout of the B-wing
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
In the six weeks prior to Dooarix Gyll winning his fifth podrace on Nar Shaddaa, Dooarix wins
three podraces, which leads Zeto to hire Tal Feint to study their wins to look for cheating.
(conjecture based on Endless Vigil: Introduction)
A group of Rebels are sent out to rendezvous with a prison ship carrying various enemies of
the Alliance Commander Bane Nothos, Zardra the bounty hunter, Moff Ravik, and some
others. But en route, the Rebels are intercepted by TIEs and a Star Destroyer. The Rebels
panic and rush into hyperspace . . . but something goes wrong. The hyperdrive malfunctions,
and the Rebel ship is catapulted into a dimension beyond hyperspace Otherspace. In this
silver-gray void, the Rebels come upon the prison ship Celestial, floating dead in space. The
Rebels board, and learn from the log that Nothos instigated a mutiny, calling the SD to rescue
him. The Rebel captain, Alain Gryphon, sent the Celestial into hyperspace without plotting
any coordinates, which apparently landed them here. Out the viewport, the Rebels spot what
looks like a giant asteroid, with hundreds of dead ships orbiting or crashed on it… The Rebels
fly through the sea of wrecks toward the asteroid, which they notice has lights. Flying into a
cave mouth, they find themselves in a landing deck. The Celestial’s escape pods are here.
Exploring this giant ship, they come upon a fatally wounded Gryphon. Her last words
describe her crew being stalked by “shadows.” They also come upon ex-prisoner Celis Mott,
driven mad by some sort of red mist. After find a cargo bay filled with parts from the
abandoned ships, the Rebels come upon the mist, and are afflicted by hallucinations.
Shaking it off, they crawl up a tube to the next level of the ship. They find organic starfighters
grown in pods. They are suddenly attacked by a insectoid creature wearing battle armor.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 102
Barely defeating it, the Rebels continue into a holochamber that describes their foes the
rise of a cult on a dying world that worships death itself. This cult built an armada of ships
filled with tanks of the red mist, then released that mist onto their world as they took off, killing
everyone on the surface. The insects traveled from world to world, killing all life with the red
mist and taking their technology. They are attacked then by Nothos and some insect warriors
(called Charon). The Rebels fight them away and heads up to the next level. Once there, the
red mist wears off. They find the crews of the abandoned ships stored in food storage pods.
They also find a weird organic-mechanical hybrid hyperdrive, almost ready for use. They
continue on into a chamber where the Charon test and improve their constructs by pitting
them against living warriors. The Rebels find themselves vying against a web-spinning
“weaver,” as well as “shootcrawlers” and “jumpers. Zardra joins the Rebels are this point.
The Rebels fight their way through the chamber and into the Charon’s sleeping chamber,
where they are beset by the alien warriors. One long and hard fight later, the Rebels reach
the summit of the asteroid-ship. An armored “Cathorn” is waiting for them. After defeating it,
the Rebels come upon a living computer, and then the ship’s bridge. They find Moff Ravik,
having joined forces with the Charon captain, “The Final Prophet” Berasco. He urges the
Rebels to join them. When they refuse, Berasco opens the ship’s hull to eject them into
Otherspace. The Rebels manage to grab Charon vac suits before they are pulled out. They
climb along the outer hull of the asteroid back to their ship. The Rebels race away from the
asteroid ship, using cannibalized parts to reassemble their hyperdrive while simultaneously
fighting Charon starfighters. The Rebels activate the hyperdrive and find themselves back
in real space. Back at the asteroid ship, the Charon begin to experiment on Ravik. When they
have freed him of the “disease” of life, he will lead them into his galaxy…
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A group of Rebels goes to Spira, where supplies meant for Rebel hands has had to be
dropped into the ocean to avoid being confiscated by Imperials. The group meets with Seth
Cambriel, their local contact. Cambriel and his fellow Rebel, Harbold Taft, have managed to
get the supplies into the relative safety of an old alien shipwreck in the ocean. Now they
must get to it. He has the Rebels enter into the Spira Regatta Open, a sailing race, which
they use as cover to recover the supplies, though the operation is nearly thwarted when
Regenald Hanniper Snopps III nearly discovers their salvage operation. They manage to get
the supplies out, but lose the race, which theyd intended anyway. The supplies get off Spira
and to the Rebel Alliance shortly thereafter.
(The Spira Regatta)
When the Rebel base on Tiragga is hit by the Direllian Plague, the Rebels send out a call for
help. The call is answered by a group of individuals with Rebel ties who were to bring a
shipment of supplies for the base. They are low on food and water, but follow the call for
help’s instructions and head for Kirtania to find the Shiarha roots, the cure for the plague,
along with epidemiologist Dr. T’jaleq Kith’Araquia. Upon landing on Kirtania, the crew
discovers Imperials ravaging the ecosystem, when Imperials shouldn’t even be there. The
group discovers that Dr. Kith’Araquia is wanted by the Empire. They also bump into a Ho’Din
named Kutu and Schnil Hakoon, who asks them to help find his Amber Eye, which was stolen
by Pierce Mantrell. They agree to look for it, since the finder’s fee will enable them to buy
food and water for the crew. In the jungle, searching for the doctor, the group finds Mantrell,
who tells them that he stole the Amber Eye to pay for treatment for his sick daughter, Olina.
Now he is seeking Kith’Araquia for medical help. Mantrell joins the group and they eventually
find the doctor, who tells them that his fellow Araquia are about to attack the Imperials. The
Rebel-sympathizing crew help the Araquia attack the Imperials and in the ensuing chaos,
gather enough Shiarha roots to save the people on Triagga. The doctor tells them how to
use it and agrees to help Mantrell’s daughter. The crew then gives the Amber Eye to
Hakoon, receives supplies, and then Hakoon helps them get off of the planet and to the
Rebel base in time to save the plague-ridden Rebels.
(The Quality of Mercy)
When the Dorion Discus, a smuggling freighter run by Roark Garnet and Hawk Carrow, is
forced down onto New Bakstre by Imperials, the ship crashes, Hawk is captured, and Roark
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 103
escapes. Knowing his friend is being held in the Imperial vessel, Regina Cayli, Roark sneaks
aboard the ship and frees his friend. They disable the Imperial crew and decide to take the
ship for themselves, now that the Dorion Discus is beyond repair.
(Regina Cayli)
A Rebel Alliance team is sent to Karra to negotiate an alliance with the newly sentient
Karrans. The team includes negotiator/scientist Dr. Elth Nardah and his assistant, Karvinna
Raen. When an Imperial shuttle crashes, the Rebels and some Karrans go to the crash site
and find Imperial Governor Darryn Edalm, who says he was being taken off-planet as a
traitor. He requests to be taken as a prisoner of war. The Rebels agree, but the Karrans see
it as a sign that Dr. Nardah is a traitor, so they literally beat him to death. The others kill the
Karrans and, to put it bluntly, run for their lives. After finding an alien craft with clues about
Karrans and insectoids fighting together, the Rebels (whose ship is out of commission) find
an Imperial base. At the base, the Karrans are killing the Imperials like mad animals. The
Rebels battle the Karrans and their insectoid allies for a bit and then steal a freighter and
leave the planet (and the Imps and Karrans) to their own fates. Shortly thereafter, Edalm is
taken for questioning but reveals very little. He is transferred to a work camp on Shimmer.
As for Karvinna Raen, she goes on to suggest another mission to Karra . . . and recommends
that the survivors of the original group be the ones to return . . .
Rebel Alliance infiltrators led by Captain Fable Astin attack an Imperial communications
bunker on Nysza III. They take out the bunker, but Fable’s tech officer, Arecelis Acosta, is
killed by a Dark Jedi, Vialco, who was guarding the facility. The encounter leaves her shaken
and more than aware of her own Force skills and the temptation of the Dark Side. She
speaks with her old friend and comrade Deke Holman. To calm her nerves, she and Deke go
to see the play For Want of an Empire being performed. The lead is played by Jaalib Brandl,
whom Fable meets after the play, quickly discovering that he is highly Force-strong. They do
a background check on Jaalib and learn that he has no recorded past earlier than when he
was 12 (when, as we know, his father, Adalric Brandl, supposedly committed suicide aboard
an Imperial vessel). Fable’s need for answers and training lead her to seek out Jaalib on
Trulalis, where she finds him rehearsing lines from the great drama Uhl Eharl Khoehng with
his father, who is very much alive. Fable convinces Adalric to train her in using the Force,
though it tempts her with the Dark Side more and more each day. She and Jaalib also fall for
each other. Along the way, Jaalib tells Fable the story behind Uhl Eharl Khoehng and about
how his goal is to take up the legacy from when his father played the play’s Edjian-Prince,
this time with his father acting the part of the old king. As they continue, the training becomes
more difficult, and Adalric refuses to let Fable be with Jaalib. Soon, Vialco arrives and Fable
confronts him. They duel. Fable wins, but refuses to kill Vialco. Adalric prods her and prods
her, urging her to kill him, but she refuses. When she turns, Adalric gives her the sensation
of Vialco taking his lightsaber back and preparing to strike, and Fable is tricked into
beheading the defenseless Dark Jedi. Adalric then tells her that her path to the Dark Side is
clear, and that she must now bow before him as Master, as he bows before Palpatine. Then
she may be with Jaalib. She refuses and runs off, but Adalric has destroyed her ship and
Vialco’s. Jaalib comes back from an off-world trip, having discovered that Adalric had made
a trip to Byss recently and understanding that it means Adalric is back in Palpatine’s thrall.
Deke arrives in the Prodigal (apparently at Jaalib’s call), and Jaalib forces her to leave to
safety without him. As she leaves, Jaalib and Adalric face off. Adalric uses a Force-choke
on Jaalib, but releases him. Jaalib looks to his Dark Jedi father and utters the final words
from Uhl Eharl Khoehng—“Long . . . live . . . the . . . king.” Both Brandls will live to see
another day, and Adalric now has only one Jedi left to turn to serve Palpatine . . .
(Uhl Eharl Khoehng)
A group of Rebels attempts to buy supplies from Tal Pak on Tatooine. Pak sells them the
supplies but tells them they must pick them up from an Imperial-held base on Sirpar. Paks
assistant, Vassk, tries to turn the Rebels into the authorities (having turned to the Imperial
side of the war), but the Rebels escape. They are sent to infiltrate the Imperial army training
center on Sirpar as Imperial army recruits. The Rebels do so, and eventually manage to get
their supplies and get out alive.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 104
(You’re in the Army Now!)
Rebels on Baskarn have set up an advanced based in the area in order to stage attacks on
Imperials in the sector. Unfortunately, the world is somewhat hostile ecologically, and groups
of Rebels have vanished into the jungle without a trace. A new team of Rebels goes in to find
their comrades and comes upon the Force-sensitive Yrashu. The Yrashu and the Rebels
team up against the “Low Ones,” the Yrashu using the Dark Side, and prevail. The Rebels
are made official members of the Yrashu tribe, which comes none too soon, as Imperials land
on the world to seek out the Rebels and it takes a combined Rebel and Yrashu force to stop
them. For now, the Baskarn base is both safe, and in the protection of their new allies, the
(The Way of the Yrashu)
The Rebel Pegasus Strike Force must find a place to lay low, while on the run from Imperial
forces. For this, they need to ally themselves with the inhabitants of a nearby planet, or find
an uninhabited one. A team of Rebels is sent to Orellon II to see if it is suitable. The Rebels
meet the local Kentra and face various dangers before meeting King Jerius. To ingratiate
themselves with the king, they hunt down and destroy the alien species-collecting droids left
their centuries ago by an unknown alien race that is long-extinct. The Rebels the learn of a
prophecy that foretold their arrival, which was given to the Kentra by a Jedi Knight who
crashed on the planet aboard the Alpha Kentrum. As prophesied, the Kentra have been
freed of the droids, and now they enter a new age of their civilization with new alliesthe
Rebel Alliance.
(The Prophecy)
On a Rebel mission to Droecil aboard the Dorian Discus, Roark Garnet, Hawk Carrow, and
Lady Selnia Harbright are attacked by space pirates in Keller’s Void . . .
(The Void Terror)
A Rebel ship is caught in the magnetic field of Tinn VI-D (Echnos). The Rebels must land
their ship and find a way to purchase the shielding compound Polydex-9 to break away from
the planet again. Little do they know that the bounty hunter Daxtorn Lethos has followed
them in his Polydex-9-shielded ship, the Gorgon . . . After searching for a way to make
money in Echnos City, the Rebels end up in a briefing about local chances at making a profit
when they find themselves staring at a bounty profile for themselves! They make a hasty
retreat and decide to participate in the BlastBoat 2000. They enter the race and are attacked
by bounty hunters, but saved by Daxtorn, who is pretending to be a good guy. He offers them
some Polydex-9 if theyll give him an unspecified favor later. Then they reach the Gorgon for
the Polydex-9, they find that they are caught in Daxtorn’s trap and that Daxtorn has collected
the bounty for them and is now sending them in a autopiloted ship to their deaths. The
Rebels manage to escape, though, and make a hasty retreat from the planet with their
Polydex-9. It is uncertain whether or not Daxtorn sees them escape, but the Rebels know
that if he did, they have just made a fool of the bounty hunter and have thus made an enemy
for life.
(Enemies for Life)
A Rebel starship is captured by the Devastator, and the Rebels are imprisoned. A
mysterious benefactor lets them know that the ships power will be down for a short time very
soon, allowing the Rebels to escape. They make their way off the Devastator with their ship
and find another message, asking them to return the favor by going to Jerrilek to save
Admiral Chel Dorat. Dorat was a captain in the Old Republic Navy (now the Imperial Navy)
who is planning to defect to the Rebellion, but is being pursued by Imperial Security Bureau
agents. They arrive at Dorat’s estate to find his daughter Preela, but no Admiral. The
Admiral has been taken by ISB agents posing as historians. The Rebels chase down the
skimmer with the Admiral aboard and save him, only to find themselves caught by Preela and
other ISB agents. They manage to escape yet again, this time into space, where they are
about to be killed by a pursuing vessel when a Star Destroyer loyal to Dorat emerges from
hyperspace and destroys the other vessels, clearing the way for Dorat to defect. The Navy
looks out for the Navy.
Drake Paulsen and his new partner Nikaede are called to Tatooine where they meet Tait
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 105
Ransom, who tells them that Toob Ancher is dying of the Bitter Winter disease, which drives
the person slowly mad with memories before death. Drake, Nik, and Toob head for Redcap,
where they stay with Toob’s old comrade, Fahs Oxsor. There, in hiding, Drake meets
Imperial Lt. Noble Calder. Toob then has an encounter with Saylor Marjan and his goons,
and ends up having to be saved from Imperials by Drake. Later, Toob steals a Z-95 and
zips off to settle a score with imagined foes over a loss years ago. The disease has hit its
final stages. When the local Imperials, led by Calder, prepare to shoot him down, Drake
takes the opportunity to shoot Toob down, knowing that in the end, it’s better that the person
on the end of the fire is your friend, not your enemy.
(A Bitter Winter)
Drev Jalok and Sullub Soonin are aboard the Skyjumper when it is pulled out of hyperspace
unexpectedly. They find themselves in the clutches of the pirate Drek Drendar. Looks like
this wasn’t such an easy day after all . . .
(Stand and Deliver)
On Gallisport, Quayce and Roy Harlison of the Rabid Mynocks steal food for hungry citizens.
Shortly thereafter, they celebrate in a cantina, only to have the leader of the Raging Banthas,
Westwood, enter and challenge them. Needless to say, the Banthas are handed their asses.
Later, Dean Lado, leader of the Spiders swoop gang, orders the kidnapping of Chop
Harlison’s daughter, Jardra. Lado has been wanting the plans for the Star Slinger, a super-
swoop Chop has designed, so Quayce will race against Lado. If Lado wins, he gets the plans
to the Star Slinger and Quayce will give up leadership of the Mynocks. If Quayce wins, Jardra
is returned and Lado steps down. The race commences, and Lado tries to cheat, but when
he stops Quayce just before a minefield, she causes Lado to drive erratically by tossing a dud
grenade into his lap, and he ends up being blown up among the mines. Jardra is returned.
Several adventures occur a bit later. The first is a Rebel mission in conjunction with a swoop
gang to break into an AT-ST component factory and sabotage it. The second is a swoop
gang mission to recover instruments for their favorite band. The third is an escape by a
swoop gang from a Legally Authorized Law Authority (LA-LA) prison. Needless to say, things
in Gallisport are far from over.
(Swoop Gangs)
A Rebel Alliance team is briefed by Dr. Andros Hareel, who tells them about the situation on
Sedesia. A plague broke out on the world six months before, infecting 90% of the populace.
The Empire moved in and took charge, apparently curing the plague. The world is still under
quarantine, and Alliance Command wants the group to go to Sedesia and discover the truth
of the situation. The team heads for Sedesia and makes it through the quarantine blockade
to land at a ranch owned by Elodd Fask, their local contact. Upon arrival, though, the find the
Fasks dead of the plague. They head for Besia Osurne, the capitol, and find COMPNOR
SAGroup youths running the show. They make contact with another sympathizer, Sybegh
Abya at the Trails End bar. Abya tells them that most of the Rebel cell on Sedesia is dead of
the plague, since they refused to get the weekly plague-suppressing injections from the
Imperials. He also tells them that Dr. Fresjo Negleem is leading the Imperials. Negleem is a
former worker in the Imperial bioweapons division. The Rebels break into the veterinary office
turned laboratory run by Negleem and discovers the truth. The “plague” was the FNV-3 virus
created by Negleem, which is being tested on Sedesia. Through the use of FNA-23-B, an
antivirus, Negleem keeps his own virus under control, thus creating loyalty through necessity.
The Rebels barely escape with their lives, but make it to a local hospital and start letting the
populace know the truth. The Imperials’ hold on Sedesia is broken.
(The Cure)
In a starport bar on Kelada, two Rebels, Thella and Huffreys, seek out Lohkhar, the Finder.
They need to get off of the planet with a datacard of stolen Imperial information. They speak
with Loh’khar and require an MD droid, transport from the world, and an interface pad.
Loh’khar arranges all of this in a matter of minutes via calling in favors and the skills of his
alien companions, Rizzal, Nizzal, and Vizzal. He arranges them safe passage with Platt
Okeefe, and as payment, he is allowed to make a copy of the stolen information, just in case
it might come in handy.
(Finder’s Fee)
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An Imperial diplomat has been working with the Rebellion. Hoping to trap the diplomat, the
Empire puts a bounty on the heads of two Rebels (including a woman named Mari and an
unknown male) who are carrying information to and from the diplomat. Various bounty
hunters, including Zardra and Boba Fett follow them. Fett kills the man, but Mari escapes.
After witnessing the murder of the man, several people find themselves caught in the middle
of the pursuit when they help save Mari from roughians. The group helps Mari elude Fett and
Zardra, barely making it off the planet.
(A Taste of Adventure: Rebel Escape)
A Rebel team assigned to blow up an ore-processing plant on Gap Nine is cornered by
Imperial troops. The Rebels escape into the swamps and take refuge in an ancient temple,
where they meet the Seer of the Temple, who tells them that the Imperials, under Colonel
Traft, had been robbing the ancient temples (hinted to be of Sith origin) of artifacts. The
Rebels split up their team and both defend the temple and destroy the ore-processing plant.
(A Taste of Adventure: The Battle for Gap Nine)
Scholar Jonas Durns, his daughter Keya Durns, and Sig Coven, hire a group of people to
help check out what appears to be the derelict Kragg’s Fury, starship of the noted Old
Republic pirate, the Dread Buccaneer Hez Kragg. Coven stumbled across it, and now they
hope to find treasure aboard. The group makes its way to the ship, discovering that it is the
Kragg’s Fury, thus proving that Kragg is not just a myth. They discover treasure, but Kragg
had set the ship to destroy itself in a nearby star if discovered. The team escapes with
treasure (which is quickly confiscated by Imperials) and also with an empty treasure box,
from which they can remove the seal of Hez Kragg and prove, once and for all, that the
legendary pilot truly existed.
(A Taste of Adventure: Silent Fury)
Scholar Arner Figgis hires Trep Winterrs (who knows a bit of the “dead” Old Corellian
language) to take him to Socorro, where Figgis will observe the Socorran variant of the
language in action. They arrive, and Trep has Figgis go to Karl Ancher’s tavern and
introduce himself. Instead of calling Karl a member of the old guard, a compliment, he calls
him an old fool, obviously . . . not a compliment. Trep steps in and saves Figgis from his
mistake. It’s going to be a long day . . .
(Old Corellian: A Guide for the Curious Scholar)
On Galisport, Imperial Customs Bureau officer Captain Alijah Orr is anxious to capture
another arrogant smuggler. He fixes his sights on the incoming vessel Lumrunner, captained
by Shamus Falconi with his Wookiee first mate, Grasheel. Waiting in the docking bay are the
arms smuggler Dutan Lee and the swoop gang leader, Chop Haslip. Using signals, the
smugglers and their cohorts manage to tip each other off as to the workings of the Imperials,
who are dismissive to their local assistant, Port Captain Renea Luies. When crates
supposedly filled with weapons turn out to be full of mining equipment as Lees cover says,
the Imperials are miffed. After searching the ship and finding that the lum aboard is in fact
real lum, theyre peeved. And when they search everything and find absolutely no reason to
hold anyone on criminal charges, they’re downright pissed, and head off to where Platt
Okeefe’s Last Chance is about to land. As the Imperials leave, Shamus hands off military-
grade coils (which were hidden inside larger ones) and Tibanna gas (stored in a few well-
placed lum bottles) to Chop, and Luies comes in with Lee’s true weapons crates, now sealed
with ICB seals to avoid further inspection. As the deal is carried out, Falconi goes to
compensate Luies for his help, and they both have a drink of (illegal) Socorran raava. It is
the beginning of a wonderful, mutually profitable, friendship.
Rebel cell leader Gebnerret Vibrion has been captured and taken to Selnesh, a prison planet.
Rebel Commander Briessen calls a group of Rebels together to save him. They are: Doctor
Aurin Leith; Melenna Seltrayne; Koris Haslam; Liak; Barsoulentiniel Enkhet; and Gowan
Ch’lessan. They will infiltrate the prison as Imperials with smuggling captives, and it will be
Aurin’s job to stabilize Vibrion, who suffers from Zithrom’s syndrome and requires Clondex to
stay alive, for escape . . . or to kill him in the least painful way possible if he cant escape with
them, in order to keep his information out of Imperial hands. This causes Aurin no end of
turmoil, as her first duty is to do no harm. They make it to Selnesh and into the prison without
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 107
much trouble. They find Vibrion, and Aurin stabilizes him. They move to escape through a
tunnel, but find themselves tracked by silent stormtroopers. Aurin spots one and does the
only thing she can do: she shoots him. The stormtrooper dies, the first person Aurin has
ever killed. The others take up the defense, and they escape without further incident
(relatively speaking). Later, Vibrion is doing well, but Aurin is still wrestling with her internal
conflict. Gowan talks to her for a bit, showing her that she did take a life, but by taking that
life, she saved all of their lives, which may help the Rebellion to save other lives, in a chain
reaction of life-saving, so to speak, stemming from her one act of self-defense. It’s not much
to calm her soul, but its a start. Later, Aurin receives the Field Achievement Award, which is
given to all field operatives after their first mission. She simply tosses it in a drawer, out of
sight, but not out of mind.
(Do No Harm)
Sayer Mon Neela, a former Imperial Senator and fugitive from Palpatine’s Empire, is being
forced to evacuate from Horob by the Rebel General Polo Se’lab, for her own safety. The
Imperials are coming, and she’s too important to allow to be captured. Indignant, she finally
agrees to leave with her bodyguard, Raan Stasheff, and pilot Captain Heedon aboard the
Starcrossed, a small ship. They escape, but Neela, in her desire to help give those on Harob
time to escape, forces the other two to join her in a desperate plan to buy time. They head
off the Imperial Star Destroyer Imperial Hazard, which is en route to Harob, and allow
themselves to be caught in a tractor beam. They then announce that they have captured the
Imperials, and that the ship is rigged with enough explosives to destroy the Starcrossed and
the Imperial Hazard if the Imperials refuse to cooperate. Neela and Shasheff go aboard the
Hazard to speak with Captain Sergus Lanox about terms of surrender. Shasheff is escorted
away to “guest quarters,” while Lanox and Neela talk. Lanox is fiercely loyal to the Empire
that has given him a ship, but he has long been an admirer of Neela and is torn by his liking
for her and his desire to take her back as a prisoner, thus granting him a promotion, most
likely. Neela and Stasheff are allowed back to the Starcrossed, where Neela reveals that she
secretly placed a small, experimental sensor device on Shasheff. It is the device that was
being developed on Harob, and it has gotten command codes to the Hazards tractor beams,
detention cells, etc. In essence, they can control the Hazard, to buy more time. They run the
program from the device through the computer and into the Hazard, only to have it working
so fast that the older computers can’t keep up. The Starcrossed is still tractor beamed to the
Imperial ship, and now their bulkhead won’t close around the umbilical that is connecting the
two ships. As Heedon tries to get the computer under control and Shasheff and Neela try to
close the bulkhead, the Imperials, led by Lanox, move to the umbilical to take Neela prisoner
. . . and the computer malfunctions on the Hazard cause her to lose altitude toward the planet
they are orbiting, dragging the Starcrossed along with it. The Imperials arrive at the umbilical
and Shasheff is shot, but not badly. The other Imperials are driven away as the door closes,
with Neela locked in the umbilical. Lanox, giving in to his more human nature, rushes to the
Starcrossed and helps Neela get the doors open and get back into the ship. He gives her a
quick kiss before returning to the Hazard. As the tractor beam dies and the Starcrossed
escapes, Lanox gets the Hazard under control, battered, but not destroyed. Later, at the
Rebel base on Carosi XII, Neela is celebrated for saving the lives on Harob with her heroic
bluff, while at the same time (as they see via the newsnets), Lanox is given the Distinguished
Medal of Imperial Honor for saving his ship from Neela’s threat, “the most heinous act of
Rebel terrorism since the destruction of Alderaan. Ah, unexpected victories and happy
endings . . .
(The Capture of Imperial Hazard)
Needing a quick place to escape to and possibly hide out for a while, To’iir and Liadden, a
Twi’lek trader and his human partner, study the Free-Trader’s Guide before heading for
Gamorr aboard the Seventy-Seven Stars.
(A Free-Trader’s Guide to the Planets)
At H’nib Statermasts Farrimmer Café, a group of patrons experience an eventful night. First,
they must deal three demented Corellians, Renthor, Kum, and Ulbert, who are on a quest to
destroy technology, based on the twisted teachings of an insane Jedi Master they studied
under (without being Force-sensitive) years ago. After that, they end up falling for scam artist
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Sleightan’s scheme, purchasing his droid, L7-BO, which is programmed to escape whenever
possible to be resold again. (And, yes, the droid does escape in just a few minutes.) Then,
as zdrinbaghs that are being prepared for dinner escape and run around the establishment,
the group must help stop the little creatures. During the chaos, a Devaronian slips out of the
place. Next, a man named Julept trades stories with the group, as a form of friendly wager
(the best story wins). The patrons win, but most of the customers get a kick out of both
stories. Next, they are visited by a fellow patron, Rebel Alliance supporter (but not member)
Bon Sequors, who is on the run from crimelord Ranar Dowellin’s thugs. Luckily, their
Kizzlebrews help keep the thugs from being able to get a lock on the chemical tracer on Bon.
The thugs sense the chemical on a coin Bon has given a droid and a brawl ensues. Luckily,
none of the group of patrons is seriously injured, but H’nibs assassin-droid-turned-bouncer is
destroyed. The group then (Haven’t they been there long enough?) plays a game of sabacc
with Rosen, Benchar, Carewa, and a Wookiee named Cecil, barely escaping getting pounded
when their good luck is mistaken for cheating. After the game, a security officer comes in
looking for the Devaronian, saying he is a bombing suspect and that the Farrimmer may be
rigged to blow. The patrons help H’nib search the place, finally finding the bomb inside the
leg of Treedee (Hnib’s M-3PO droid partner). The bomb is disarmed, and H’nib is grateful.
Finally (Shouldnt you folks be home by now?), Bnugor, a Gamorrean warrior, enters, and the
patrons help him search for his missing pet, Snowball the Snuzzleguff. With that task
completed, the patrons are finally ready to leave the Farrimmer and the day’s adventures
(The Farrimmer Cafe)
At Chiron base, a group of Rebels is called to meet Captain Amarith. She tells them to head
for her personal yacht, the Gambit, and head away from the base. En route, follow her
instructions to play a holovid she gave them. In the holo, she tells them that they are heading
to Ando undercover as tourists to meet with their contact, Koral-tae, and discover what the
Empire is doing on Ando’s oceans. Upon arrival, the Rebels meet Koral-tae, who suggests a
recon of the marshes. They carry out the recon at night, finding poachers hired by Bosk-toth
caching mineral-fish, which the Imperials are also trying to do, for their own ends. Imperials
arrive and chase off both the poachers and the Rebels. Next, the Rebels sneak aboard a
harvester factory, discovering that the Imperials are taking in the mineral-fish for transfer off
of Ando. When the Eclipse, the transport vessel offworld, arrives, the Rebels give chase to
Uridia, where they sneak into an Imperial facility and find that the Imperials are trying to raise
the mineral-fish to take Uridium from small amounts in the moon, which requires a creature
like the mineral-fish. They hope to use the Uridium for creating more powerful laser
weapons. The Rebels use explosives aboard the Gambit to destroy the facility, barely
escaping in time. Upon arrival back at Chiron base, the team is commended.
(The Ando Project)
Imperial Major Vontenn instructs Obo Rin to continue his research into shape-shifting
species, in order to sort fact from fiction. He receives medical records on Proteans from Moff
Bandor, Polydroxols from slicers who steal the files from the Karflo Corporation, and does
not find much on the Stennes Shifters. He intends to meet with the Shiido anthropologist,
Vandolae, on Centares. On Centares, Vandolae has arrived, having been given passage by
a man named Pyrron. To mingle with local society, he shifts into Pyrron and acts like him,
but ends up running into two of Pyrrons acquaintances, Gideon and Keeta. Keeta has
recently lost an eye fighting a shape-shifter, and they argue with Gideon and Keeta arguing
that shape-shifters are evil, while Vandolae (as Pyrron) defends them. He tells them of the
Protean held captive by Moff Bandor, the planned genocide of the Polydroxol by Imperial
researchers, and the dangers of the Stennes Shifters. Gideon tricks Vandolae into revealing
that he is not really Pyrron, but a shifter himself. Vandolae tries to show himself to be
harmless, but when he is forced to defend himself, Gideon kills him. Rin arrives a short time
later to find him dead.
Carter Escalon, a Rebel agent carrying vital information from Coruscant, has been captured
and sent to Sevarcos as a prisoner. The information he carried has not been found, and is
presumably still in his possession, somehow. A group of Rebel agents are sent undercover
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as a wind rider crew for Ray Carantar during the Festival of the High Winds, when the Slave
Lords of Sevarcos and other scum meet and do business, alongside a great race. They are
to make it to Sevarcos, meet up with a local nomad contact named Jax Seldam, and then
break Escalon out of prison. (Easy, right?) They arrive and join in the race, with Imperials
and other unsavory sorts also competing. The race begins and after several dangerous
detours, they come across the vessel of Lord Quintas being attacked by nomads. The group
intervenes, to Carantars dismay, and they meet their contact. Jax tells them that the Rebel
and his comrades are being sold into slavery and are being transported on a convoy very
soon. The agents leave Carantar in a lurch (and quite pissed off) to join the nomads in
striking the convoy. They are successful in the strike and make it off of Sevarcos through a
swarm of TIE fighters. Carantar vows revenge on those who have caused him to lose the
race and the prestige it would’ve offered. As for Escalon’s information, there is a hint that it
may be a plant and that Escalon may be a double-agent, but that is for others to decide back
in Alliance High Command.
(Festival of the High Winds)
On Morado, young Nyo loses another hand of sabacc to the Herglic gambler Doune. Down
to one credit, he is ready to give up, when a mysterious figure enters the room and
challenges Doune to a hand. The man reveals himself to be, by all appearances, the
legendary Kinnin Vo-Shay, who should be over 100 years old, or dead. With no credits to
wager, Vo-Shay is snubbed by Doune, but Nyo tosses him his last credit. The game is on.
When the final hand is complete, Vo-Shay and Nyo walk out with nearly 250,000 credits. Vo-
Shay gives Nyo 200,000 of it, since it was based on his credit, and talks with the boy. Nyo
had been in the game in order to win enough money to buy a lightsaber, a link to the Jedi he
so admires, from a black marketeer on Nar Shaddaa. Vo-Shay confirms that he is the Vo-
Shay of legend, but does not reveal any more. The two head together to Nar Shaddaa to
purchase Nyos lightsaber. En route, Vo-Shay speaks with a mysterious disembodied voice,
which Nyo will later hear but receive no explanation for (until later). After leaving Morado,
they, aboard the Ashanda Ray, are attacked by forces loyal to Doune, but Vo-Shay and Nyo
escape unscathed to Nar Shaddaa. On Nar Shaddaa, they find that the lightsaber has
already been sold . . . to Doune. Doune challenges Vo-Shay to another hand of sabacc. If
Vo-Shay wins, Nyo gets the lightsaber. If Doune wins, Doune can have the pendant that Vo-
Shay wears and which is rumored to be the source of his amazing luck. Knowing that even if
they win, they wont be allowed to leave with the lightsaber, Vo-Shay throws the game.
Victorious, Doune simply tosses away the lightsaber (which Nyo retrieves) and heads out
with his new pendant. Later, Vo-Shay comments that it’s not a lucky or mystical item at all,
but his fiddling with it was simply used to distract his opponents. Doune will be in for a rude
awakening when he tries to use it in a “sure” win. Nyo and Vo-Shay return to the Ashanda
Ray, where Vo-Shay explains that when the Ashanda Ray was lost in the Tyus Cluster, back
when he supposedly vanished for good, it was trapped between the black holes of the area,
stuck in a place where time as we know it did not exist quite right. Others had been trapped
there as well, including a Jedi Master named Aryzah, who helped Vo-Shay escape. Aryzahs
spirit is the ghostly companion Vo-Shay was speaking with, and she travels with him,
continuing beside him on a spiritual plane, so to speak. After Vo-Shay tells Nyo this, he
offers him a position as first mate. Aryzah welcomes with a kind “May the Force be with you,”
to which Vo-Shay replies “ . . . you’re gonna need it.”
(The Last Hand)
The Empire finally comes to Rhamalai, taking the world under full control to use its agriculture
to feed the Imperial army. Among those affected are Nadra Enasteri and Charis Enasteri, the
daughter and wife of Neth Enasteri, who had left to join the fight against Palpatine 16 years
ago. Denel Moonrunner, who had originally wanted to join the Imperial military though
Academy training is conscripted into service with his friends, Dorn Lister and Amos Granley.
Imperial General Naem Yrros has essentially taken command of the world, leaving Planetary
Trade Director Markren Pellias as a figurehead. But the populace is not totally demoralized,
as Denel’s parents, Lorn and Artis Moonrunner, prepare to strike at the Imperials. Denel is
given the designation FR-231 and pushed into service. He soon runs into Nadra, who tells
him that Charis is to soon be terminated since her illness is a genetic disorder and thus, not
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 110
worth trying to treat, according to the Imperials. Denel sends Nadra to meet with his parents
and devises a plan. The Moonrunners, actually rebels hiding out on the planet (Lorn is Major
Corvus Langlier), go along with the plan and the next day, Denel is given a fake assignment
to transfer Charis for release during Nadras last visit. They escape in a speeder, while the
Moonrunners prepare to escape in the Refugee. Denel and the others are separated, and
when the Enasteris get to cover, they tell the Moonrunners to get their son and not worry
about them. The Moonrunners make sure the Enasteris know they can use what the
Moonrunners leave behind, and, after picking up Denel, the Moonrunners make their escape
from the planet. Back at the garrison, Yrros and a team find the source of the false orders for
Denel, the Moonrunner’s astromech, which then explodes, killing all in the area. With the
Imperial presence on Rhamalai decimated, Charis hopes that Nadra will continue to be as
strong as she is, and that perhaps someday she will be reunited with her father.
(The Occupation of Rhamalai)
On Gelgelar, a group of Glarsaurs prepares to attack a nearby Sullustan settlement. Their
plan is overheard, though, by a reeho, a local bird. This no ordinary reeho, though. A local
boy, T’laerean Larn, has been being taught a small amount of Force-usage by a Wise Man,
who, while not a Jedi, knows enough about the Force to be dangerous if he chose to be so.
T’laerean has merged his senses with the reeho. He calls the bird to him, so that with
physical contact the merging might be broken, allowing T’laerean to regain control of his
nearly comatose body and warn the others of the coming attack. On its way back to the boy,
though, the reeho is captured by two children, upon entering T’laerean’s home. The children
think T’laerean is dead, but won’t tell that they know this, because it would reveal that they’d
gone into his home without asking. They take the bird back to their mother, who prepares to
cook it for dinner, but T’laerean helps the bird decide to escape. A short romp with the
children later and the bird is free, but flying in the wrong direction. Luckily, the bird flushes
out the Glarsaurs, alerting the Sullustans and thereby saving the others, but a Glarsaur finally
catches the reeho and kills it. T’laerean awakens to the face of the Wise Man of Kooroo, who
had arrived just in time to bring T’laerean back. The boy has learned a great lesson in the
responsibility that comes with wielding the Force, the so-called “Breath of Gelgelar.”
(The Breath of Gelgelar)
While working as head of the University of Sanbra’s Sentient Studies Department and
compiling The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life, Professor Tem Eliss is
approached by an Abinyshi named S’itl Thirr, who asks him to tell the real story of what
happened to the Abinyshi species. Shortly after this meeting, Eliss flees campus after
annoying COMPNOR by not following correct anti-alien protocols in his writing. Within three
weeks, he will release The Guides completed chapters on the communication nets.*
(Alien Encounters: An Extinct Guest)*
*NOTE: “An Extinct Guest” is actually the name for the subsection of the AJ14’s Alien Encounters article. Since
each of the Alien Encounters articles from the various AJs are under the same title, I figured this actual story
segment should be differentiated in some way in order for it to make sense in light of the other articles.
Tam Eliss is assisted in escaping to Krinemonen III by Professor Mankurskett and a
mysterious Clawdite.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Clawdites)
Aboard the Star Destroyer Thunder, Commander Tobal Siy recovers from yet another
fruitless day of trying to track Rebel smugglers. He is frustrated that the Rebels seem to
know his actions before he carries them out. He suggests to his protocol droid, N-3PO, that a
spy may be among them. N-3PO gives him a drink and asks him about his security
measures and such, milking him for information under a drug in the drink. After telling N-3PO
valuable information, he falls to sleep, not to remember the events of the conversation. N-
3PO, actually a Shard in a droid shell, then sends the information to the Rebel Alliance.
(Alien Encounters: The Shard)
When Lyle Lippstroot, the bookkeeper for Vop the Rodian is killed, Guttu the Hutt calls a
band of thieves consisting of Cecil Noone, Kels Turkhorn, Hass Sonax, and Dawson to Nar
Shaddaa for a mission. Vop and his rival Ritinki the Bimm are just days away from a private
meeting aboard the Ithorian herdship Song of the Clouds. At that meeting, Vop is planning to
purchase a lockbox from the Ithorians. Ritinki also wants the box, so he arranged the murder
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 111
of Lyle (who was to do the actual purchasing for Vop) and has replaced Lyle with a duplicate.
Guttu doesnt care what is in the box, but he knows that if two of his competitors are fighting
over it, he wants it. Noone and company are given orders to steal the lockbox during the
meeting. Getting aboard the Song as caterers, Noone and Kels smuggle Sonax and Dawson
onto the ship. Once aboard, Noone and Kels fulfill their catering duties (with the exception of
Kels stealing a nice credit chit), while Sonax and Dawson break into the vault holding the box
. . . only to find that it is empty. The Lyle duplicate has already purchased the box with Vop’s
money and taken it aboard Ritinki’s ship, the Asaari Wind. Against orders, Sonax and
Dawson go EV and board the deserted ship. When a mob hit, possibly by Guttu, brings
chaos to the reception where Noone and Kels are pinned down, Ritinki summons his ship via
beckoncall. It crashes into the dome of the room, letting the atmosphere escape until the
herdship’s force fields activate. Unfortunately, Ritinki didnt plan on Sonax and Dawson being
at the controls of his ship. They blast Ritinki before he can board and help Kels and Noone
escape. Later, aboard the ship, the team opens the lockbox to discover a Hapan Gun of
Command. Knowing they could get far more money from the Rebel Alliance or, as a last
resort, the Empire, for the weapon, they decide to keep it and the chit Kels stole, instead of
returning to Guttu. As for their old ship, the Borogove . . . well, they can come back for it
someday, but for now, they have a new, better ship, the Asaari Wind.
(The Great Herdship Heist)
Cecil Noone and his thieves attempt to sell their stolen rifle prototype Hapan Gun of
Command to the Rebel Alliance, but the Alliance cant offer enough credits. They try selling
to Imperial Consul-General Halsek, but have to escape before the transaction can be made.
They keep the Gun and hope for a chance to sell it soon. Meanwhile, their captured ship, the
Asaari Wind, goes through several name changes, from Asaari Wind to Hieroglyph to
Tailchaser to Voona’s Dream II, and finally to the Spiraling Shape. The team heads for
Kabal, hoping to make a sale.
(conjecture based on Fair Prey)
On Kabal, Cecil Noone meets with hunting enthusiast Tyro Viveca, a Krish noted for his large
hunting compound. Cecil has left his teammates behind to meet with Viveca personally. He
is trying to sell the Hapan Gun of Command rifle prototype that they had stolen a month
before. Viveca is very interested in the item, but isnt about to pay for it. He knows that Cecil
is a wanted man, and he knows where the Gun of Command was stolen from. So, he will
simply take the weapon and allow Cecil to live . . . sort of. He releases Cecil into his private
hunting grounds, the same place Viveca recently killed a captive lamproid. Cecil can race
toward safety all he wants, but Viveca will be coming after him, a sentient hunting a sentient.
In a nearby marketplace, even as Cecil Noone is released to run for his life, his shipmates,
Kels and Dawson are in the process of stealing some power couplings and haggling over a
trinket Dawson is enamored with, a Quay. They return to the Spiraling Shape to an annoyed
Sonax, who tells them of Cecil’s situation, as best as she can determine. Dawson and Kels
prepare an incursion into the hunting compound to save Cecil. In the grounds, Cecil attempts
to set up a trap, but only manages to bloody himself, making himself easier to track. He has
his pain eased, though, when he comes across the mate of the murdered lamproid. He frees
the lamproid from its cage as it heals (or deadens) some of Cecil’s pain. Cecil continues on
the run, while the lamproid charges off. At the perimeter, Kels and Dawson (who has brought
along the Quay, explosives, and detonators) are alerted by Sonax that there are several
hunter drones released by Viveca. Sonax taps into them to determine Cecil’s location, but
one of the drones attacks Kels and Dawson. They manage to destroy it, but one of its blasts
has destroyed all of Dawson’s detonators. In the compound, Viveca, his servant Rutt, and
his nashtah are attacked by the enraged lamproid. Before they can kill the lamproid, Rutt is
killed and the nashtah loses one of its legs. Viveca is not amused. Elsewhere, Cecil is
trapped by a gravity trap, but is freed when Dawson and Kels arrive. They free him, and
Dawson sets a trap for Viveca, using the Quay as a detonator for the explosives. They are
well out of range when Viveca finally comes upon the device, which blows him away. Back at
the ship, Sonax tries to convince her comrades to go back for the Gun of Command, but
security patrols, reacting to the explosion at the compound, are tightening security at the
spaceport. The team is forced to escape, without their prize, in hopes of getting Cecil to a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 112
bacta tank before internal injuries kill him. All in all, it is one planetfall they would rather never
have taken place.
(Fair Prey)
Trader Mair Koda returns to Vernet and quickly learns that all is not well. The Empire has
come to Vernet and conscripted her foster hometowns young men. Among them is her
foster brother, Kristoff Stonelaw, much to her foster parents and younger foster brother Yuri’s
angst. Yuri convinces Mair to help get Kristoff away from the Imperials before they brainwash
him. They sneak into the Imperial compound, and Yuri speaks with Kristoff, but when Mair
has to kill a trooper and the base goes on alert, they must escape. Kristoff will not go with
Yuri. He truly believes in the Emperor’s New Order and wants to be a part of it. He attempts
to capture Yuri, but Yuri manages to escape . . . partially because Kristoff does not shoot him
when he has the chance. Mair and Yuri, now knowing they can’t stay on Vernet for fear of
being captured or worse, flee from the only home Yuri has ever known, but they are still
hopeful for Kristoff. He could’ve killed Yuri, but hadn’t. It seems the Empire hasn’t driven his
compassion from him fully . . . yet.
(The Draw)
A group of smugglers/traders on Tatooine take their damaged ship to Jela’han for repairs.
Jela’han can repair the ship, but the parts will have to come from Shellar’s junkyard, and they
won’t be cheap. In order to pay for the parts, Shellar has suggested that the group help him
by procuring a Lambda-class shuttle for him. The group agrees and heads for an Imperial
scout base on Moorja. They break into the low-level facility, steal the shuttle, and escape to
Tatooine, where they hand it off to Shellar, and then have to fight a group of Rebels to keep
them from stealing it from Shellar. After this encounter, the group returns to give a voucher to
Jela’han, then heads for their ship, where they are confronted by Imperial Colonel Dyrra,
whose facility they stole the shuttle from. Dyrra is highly pissed, and is even more enraged
when the group manages to slip through his fingers and escape in their ship. Theyve just
made a new obsessive enemy.
(The Lambda Heist)
Rebel Lieutenant Talnar has procured droids for the Rebellion, but has been forced to crash
land on Naalol. After crashing, he and his cargo are captured by a group of down-on-their-
luck local bounty hunters called the Oquan. Captain Res Nels sends a group of Rebels to
find him or buy his freedom, along with securing the droids. Upon arrival on Naalol, the
Rebels search the crash site and tail the Oquan as best they can before losing them and
having to look for clues in Prit’s Free Pit. Inside the Pit, ISB agent Nir Rinit tries to capture
them, leading to a brief firefight. The Rebels then arrange to meet with the Oquan and trade
cash for Talnar and the droids, but when they arrive at the swap, they are betrayed. The
Oquan want to take their money and turn the Rebels in to the Empire for a reward. Talnar
awakens from being knocked out in time to activate the droids, and the droids save the day
by taking out the Oquan. The Rebels escape with the droids.
(Talnar’s Rescue)
Lieutenant Talnar rethinks his policy of always working alone and decides to bring a team of
Rebel agents with him on his missions from now.
(conjecture based on Talnar’s Tatooine Traitor)
Lieutenant Talnar and a team of Rebel agents travel to Tatooine to meet Orex and his crew
of tech smugglers in Mos Eisley. They meet Orex warily, as they have heard rumors that one
of Orex’s gang is an Imperial spy. Talnar and Orex begin negotiating in the latter’s office
when they discover that all of Orex’s files on the Rebels have been copied. Realizing the
rumors are true, they rush out of the office just in time to see the building raided by Imperial
troops and the beginning of a shootout.*
(Talnar’s Tatooine Traitor)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn.
A group of Rebels with stolen Imperial information is escaping aboard the Stellar Damsel
when they are attacked by Imperial forces. They manage to jump to hyperspace, but find
themselves stranded in the Miro asteroid field in need of help. Another group of Rebels is
sent in, while a Rebel frigate and X-wing squadron harasses the Imperials. The Knight Errant
makes its way into the field and rescues the crew of the Stellar Damsel, escaping from
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 113
mynocks and Spacetroopers with barely moments to spare. The information has been
(Damsel in Distress)
On Tatooine, Ranon Djelkh, a Devaronian hoping to move in on Jabba the Hutts turf, has
become desperate. In need of a way to dispatch Jabba, he sends out a call for bounty
hunters to bring him both tirginni beast cologne and a mole serpent. His hope is to get the
cologne to Jabba and then have the serpent, to whom a tirginni beast is prey, kill Jabba.
Soon, a group of people on Tatooine to contact the Rebellion is stood up by their contact, but
meet Harbo Wiis, the man who has brought the cologne to Tatooine. He mistakes the group
as his contacts. He was in such a hurry to get off Tatooine before Ranon’s enforcer, Oggun
Bantha-Horn started hassling him that he has already transferred the cologne to the groups
ship, not realizing his mistake. When he finally does realize the mistake, he runs like hell.
When the group reaches their ship in Docking Bay 14, Oggun’s goons have surrounded it,
seeking the cologne. The group fights the thugs, clearing their way into the ship, but Oggun
himself arrives with reinforcements. They manage to lift off in the ship and escape, but this
plays into Ogguns hands. Ranon figures that if they can shoot down the ship over the Dune
Sea, they can search it at their leisure. As the pursuit charges over the desert, they enter a
sandwhirl, which takes out the pursuing fighters, but ends up causing the heroes to crash.
They are soon set upon by Jawas, led by Empideera Kkek, who want to salvage from the
ship. After some negotiation, they begin repairing the ship, but are soon set upon by Sand
People. A ship called the Star Stalker recently crashed, covering the mouth of an important
cave for the Tusken Raiders, which has left them in need of water and supplies. The leader
is identified as A-Zulmun, and he finally explains that many of his people are trapped in the
cave, at the mercy of a strange monster. The Star Stalker was the ship used to bring the
mole serpent to Tatooine, and now the serpent is in with the Sand People. A-Zulmun himself
barely survived to escape. Upon arriving at the wreckage to help, the group is attacked by
the mole serpent, which is now free. They battle valiantly until Ranon himself shows up,
believing they were not only there to steal the cologne, but the serpent as well. He pulls out a
dart gun with, presumably, the only poison strong enough to kill the serpent, forcing the
heroes to try to take it from him. When they finally do, it is useless, as it had been rigged by
one of Jabba’s agents. The battle continues until the serpent is killed and Ranon and his
goons are neutralized. The battle over, the heroes decide to get as far from Tatooine as
(Between Sand and Sky)
Dayla and Hereven Kev, having bankrupted Captain Roogak of the Ithorian Herdship Galactic
Horizon, uses this financial leverage to set a trap for Milac Troper.
(conjecture based on Welcome to the Jungle)
Aboard the Ithorian headship Galactic Horizon, Ambassador Milac Troper of the Imperial
Diplomatic Corps is set to negotiate with a Twilek colonial group who have been fighting off
corporate incursions in the H’relac system. A group of heroes is working with one of the
parties and is soon approached by Troper’s assistant, Venra Andsof, about working as extra
security for Troper. The heroes accept the job, and head into the jungle where the
negotiations are taking place. Once they meet Troper, they find themselves trapped and
facing a group of power-draining Hoojibs. They manage to convince the Hoojibs that they are
there to foil the Hoojibs masters, who had set them here to go after Troper, and are free to
go. After several other encounters with strange jungle creatures, they are attacked by two
Wookiees, Friyahrr and Fahraark. Upon defeating the Wookiees, they learn that they are
working with Lady Ahrkan . . . better known as Dayla Kev, who is there with her son, Hereven
Kev. Forty years earlier, Troper, then a scout, had left Dayla and her husband, Hereven, for
dead during a gasnit attack in the Outer Rim. Hereven died, but Dayla bore his son, whom
she named after him, and the two eventually found their way offworld. They have brought the
jungle beasts here for revenge on Troper. After a few more encounters, Dayla and Hereven
reveal themselves, confronting the heroes and Troper. Troper tries to bargain his way out of
the mess, but Hereven attacks. The heroes are forced to defeat he and Dayla in combat, but
succeed. Troper survives, Captain Roogak works to take the enemy group into custody, and
the Hoojibs are freed from their clutches.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 114
(Welcome to the Jungle)
A group of “heroes on Vaynai pose as pilgrims at a Kooroo Temple before infiltrating the
estate of Memm, stealing from his art collection and taking a suit of fabled Fenelar armor.
(Topside Infiltration)
Plans for a new Quadronomic Fluxer (to help with hyperspace travel) have been drawn up
and are being held at the Nessem Shipyards on Nessem in the Expansion Region. Roald
Lasdal, a foreman there, is to be approached by Rebels looking to secure the plans for Rebel
ships. The Rebels arrive, sharing their landing bay with the Trandoshan mercenary Ssorku’s
vessel, The Long Scale. The Rebels speak with Roald and intend to steal the plans before a
sealed-bid auction, but Ssorku steals them first. They square off with Ssorku later, stealing
the plans back. All in a day’s work for Rebel heroes, right?
(Horning In)
As is his custom, Boba Fett arrives at Ma’ar Shaddam to have one of the worlds master
weaponsmiths check over his arsenal for maintenance. While doing so, he dons a simple
hooded cloak and awaits word that the deal is done. In the meantime, several other bounty
hunters, including Risso, the number two bounty hunter in the galaxy, plan to take Fett out.
When they attack, though, he easily gets the better of them (Nagyan, Toosog, and others),
killing all but Risso, who escapes with Fett’s armor and Slave I. Reclaiming Jango Fetts
armor, which the weaponsmith was holding in storage for Boba, the bounty hunter tracks
Risso, kicking his ass soundly, but leaving him alive to remind the galaxy of who is really
number one. Fett reclaims his armor and ship, then leaves Risso to remain number two.*
(Number Two in the Galaxy)*
*NOTE: This tale has no set timeframe in the saga, and is placed here for convenience. The only indications of
time in the story are that Boba is an adult and is still flying Slave I.
Boba Fett is called to the court of Drex, undisputed crimelord of the Gallapraxis system. He
is assigned to bring in Feleen Bantillian from the Vornax system, dead or alive. Fett cuts off
Drex before he can truly explain why he wants Feleen, reminding Drex that payback doesn’t
pay. Fett arrives on Vornax, facing off with Feleen, who reveals that Drex wants Fett dead,
not Feleen. Feleen is actually Drex’s son, and both want vengeance for Gavron Sil’s death,
as Gavron was also Drexs son. Fett bests all of Drexs battle droids, killing Feleen and
returning to Gallapraxis, where he presents Drex with his second son’s head, this time with a
thermal detonator in his mouth. Drex, appropriately, is blown to bits to join his sons in the
afterlife. As Fett said, payback doesn’t pay.*
*NOTE: This tale has no set timeframe in the saga, and is placed here for convenience.
Boba Fett, who sees his father’s face, almost literally, in the mirror, every time he wakes up in
the morning, chooses to hunt down Bendu Fry, a being wanted by Black Sun. When he finds
Fry, though, the alien suggests that he go after a Jedi on the planet, knowing that Fett helped
the Empire hunt them all down. Fett finds the Jedi and captures him, only to discover that the
“Jedi” is actually the son of a Jedi killed during the Battle of Geonosis. Thanks to the events
on Geonosis, this Twi’lek had to grow up without a father. Feeling a kinship with the young
man, who is now a father in his own right, Fett leaves him alone and returns to Fry, killing the
target to accept the “dead” version of his “dead or alive” bounty.*
(Being Boba Fett)*
*NOTE: This tale has no set timeframe in the saga, and is placed here for convenience.
The Empire comes to Gibbela . . . and its representatives are promptly wiped out by the
“peaceful” natives, who are actually powerful aliens.
(The Value of Proper Intelligence to Any Successful Military Campaign is Not to be
While Jabba the Hutt is supposedly out at an illegal Podrace, a bounty hunter and his
sidekick go on a mission to steal the Crown of Spade back from Jabba the Hutt. In doing so,
the lead hunter goes in alone, only to be captured by Jabba and nearly fed to the rancor, then
taken to the Pit of Carkoon. After a quick rescue by his sidekick, the bounty hunter tries
again, finally getting the Crown from the Palace and escaping through the upper levels on a
grappling hook.
(Infiltrate Jabba’s Palace)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 115
Based on his successes on Axxila, Darth Vader assigns Firmus Piett to command the
Accuser, an Imperial Star Destroyer in Admiral Amice Griff’s fleet.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
While seeking out a planet for a new Rebel base, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa are
attacked by Imperials on Jarnollen. They are rescued by Han Solo and Chewbacca, and must
escape in the Millennium Falcon. The ship is damaged during the escape and they head for
Ord Mantell to make repairs. While on Ord Mantell, they are set upon by the bounty hunter
Skorr, who kidnaps Luke and Leia to bait Han into turning himself in. Han manages to free
them and keep from being captured, and they escape in the Falcon. Skorr follows them to a
nearby asteroid. The Rebels escape again, but this time Skorr is taken by a nearby Imperial
Star Destroyer, charged with keeping the Imperials from getting the other craft on their
scopes (the Falcon), and sentenced to the Spice Mines of Kessel. A short while later, aboard
an Imperial space station, a group of Imperial admirals plot the downfall of Darth Vader. One
of them, Admiral Amice Griff (who is under orders from Vader to bring down the treasonous
admirals), sends a message beacon to the Rebels on Yavin IV, offering to help them bring
down Vader’s newest secret project—the Super Star Destroyer Executor, currently under
construction at Fondor. He arranges for a Rebel to come aboard as a maintenance worker
as a spy, and Luke Skywalker takes the mission, bringing C-3PO and R2-D2 with him. They
arrive and Luke is hit on by Tanith Shire, a supply tug pilot. After gaining valuable information
about the ship, Luke meets Admiral Griff and is sent to where he is to meet the other
conspirators. Vader uses it as a trap, and the conspirators are captured, but not before
Tanith and the droids help Luke escape. Luke, Tanith, and the droids hide aboard a drone
barge, which Tanith was planning to steal (yup, shes a pirate too). They crash on a
seemingly barren world. Across the galaxy, Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca head
for Kabal, where Leia is to meet with fellow Rebels. Meanwhile, Luke, Tanith, and the droids
are taken captive by the Serpent Masters and taken to their leader, Tyrann. Tanith’s family
and people have been taken as slaves to the Serpent Masters and Tanith had been stealing
barges for them in hopes of winning her peoples freedom. The droids are taken to storage
while Luke and Tanith are put in with the other slaves. Luke attempts to tame a serpent and
fails, which prompts him to realize that Tyrann is somehow controlling them artificially. He
finds the droids and use a recording R2-D2 made of a signal that allows Tyrann to control the
serpents to battle Tyrann’s second-in-command, Varn. Luke realizes that Tyrann’s medallion
is what is controlling the serpents, and he knocks it from Tyrann. Varn’s serpent loses control
and he falls to his death, even as Tyrann jumps into a chasm after his control device, dying
as well. After fixing the controller and giving it to Taniths people, Tanith, Luke, and the
droids take one of the Serpent Masters’ cargo haulers to head for the Rebel Alliance. They
contact the Alliance and learn that Han and Chewie will be picking Leia up on Kabal shortly,
which is within traveling distance for their ship. They arrange to meet with them on Kabal. At
Kabal, an Imperial Star Destroyer prepares to attack the planet, under the assumption that
Kabal’s declaration of neutrality in the Galactic Civil War is a punishable act of insolence.
Luke and the others arrive on Kabal. Luke kisses Tanith goodbye and she departs the
planet, along with hundreds of others who are fleeing from the impending Imperial attack.
The attack comes, and Luke and Leia (who had just been reunited as Tanith left) are almost
killed in the assault until Han and Chewie take them to safety aboard the Millennium Falcon.
En route to reunite with the Rebel Alliance, they receive a Rebel distress call that leads them
to a graveyard of lost ships trapped in the gravitational pull of a collapsing star. They are
mocked by the person who trapped them there and Luke and Han don space suits and head
for where the transmission was coming from. There, in what appears to be a botanic
paradise, they find Doctor Arakkus, a scientist who used to head an Imperial weapons
development complex. A radiation experiment had backfired on him, and now he is dying.
His protective suit slows the effect, but his imminent death has caused him to take great
pleasure in trapping others in the gravitational pull of the collapsing star, to exert his final acts
of “godlike” power. He has even been using negatron-charge bombardment to speed the
star’s collapse. Arakkus has a detonator that could blow the negatron stores, killing them all.
Han comes up with a plan to escape, and manages to take the detonator from Arakkus.
They leave him behind and board the Millennium Falcon. With the Falcon’s engines full
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 116
speed ahead (being held in place by the gravitational pull of the star), they hit the detonator,
destroying Arakkus ship, lending the explosive force to their own engine power, allowing
them to escape the gravitational pull long enough to reach beyond the graveyard and escape
into hyperspace. At Yavin IV, TIE fighters sporadically bomb the surface, in preparation for a
later all-out assault. The Rebel members there warn off any approaching Rebel craft, so Leia
has Han divert the Falcon to Aquaris, where they will meet with the leader of a new Rebel
faction on that world. They arrive and Han leans that an old acquaintance from his smuggling
days, Silver Fyre, is in charge of the Rebel cell, with her second-in-command, Kraaken. Han
believes she is not truly loyal to the Rebellion and he uses the Executor information R2-D2
carries to bait the treacherous faction in the Rebel cell (which may or may not be Silver
herself) into revealing themselves. While Leia inspects the Rebel base, Silver and Kraaken
prepare to go on an underwater hunt, and insist on Luke, Han, and Chewie joining them . . .
which, intentional or not, leaves R2-D2 and C-3PO vulnerable to the treacherous individual(s)
in the Rebel cell.
(In Deadly Pursuit)
On Aquaris, the hunting party including Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Silver Fyre,
and Kraaken attacks a demonsquid, which ends in Luke nearly being killed. Kraaken had
thought it wise to put Luke in danger so Silver could rescue him and prove her allegiance to
the Rebel Alliance. Kraaken, however, is not with the party as was expected. He (the traitor
within this Rebel cell) has remained behind at the Rebel base to steal R2-D2’s information
concerning the Executor. Leia uses a fake copy of the data to entrap Kraaken, though, and
he is defeated and taken into custody. Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, and the droids head back to
Yavin IV, where Imperial raids continue. They soon fight off a few TIE fighters, one of which
crashes into an abandoned temple in the jungle, awakening the savage night beast. There is
to be a celebration of the Rebel victory of the Battle of Yavin (delayed due to more pressing
matters), but it is interrupted by the destructive actions of the night beast. Chewie battles the
creature, but it tosses him aside and flees into the night. The beast vanishes during the day,
and Luke uses the Force to seek out the source of the beast. He finds a chamber where it
was held in stasis for centuries, left as a guardian by the temple’s original inhabitants, who
fled into space a long time ago. (We can assume that these were the remnants of the society
built up by either Naga Sadow, or later by Exar Kun. The records are unclear.) That night,
Luke confronts the creature and reveals the truth of its abandonment. The creature is sent
off in an empty ship in hopes of being reunited with his creators, if they are still alive. (To be
continued below . . . )
(The Rebel Storm)
While traveling in space, the Millennium Falcon is attacked by a pair of TIE Fighters. Han
Solo uses explosive charges in the cargo hold to trick the TIEs to their destruction, which
prompts Leia Organa to share a story involving Obi-Wan Kenobi using a similar tactic years
(Silent Drifting)*
*NOTE: This framing story seems to take place here. However, bear in mind that the issue order in America has
this issue released immediately after the story Flight Into Fury. In the Marvel UK series, the issue was released
immediately after The Shadow of a Dark Lord in one of the few instances of an issue being released in the UK in a
different order than in America.
Beilert Valance informs his crew that they have a new assignment, one he will pay for
himself. They are to attack Anglebay Station on Telos 4, the medical facility that saved
Valance’s life by making him a cyborg, and kill everyone there (and destroy every droid they
find). The brutal assignment unnerves even these cold-blooded bounty hunters, but their
greed wins out over their consciences. (To be continued below . . . )*
(The Hunt Within)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn.
The Telos IV Anglebay Medical Station comes under attack by the droid-hating bounty hunter
Beilert Valance and his goons. When one of his henchmen come across Don-Wan Kihotay,
wounded on Aduba-3, mentioning something about a boy and a droid (Jimm Dashon and FE-
Q9), Valance believes it might be the boy and droid with a bounty on their heads (presumably
Luke Skywalker and R2-D2, who were aboard the X-wing that destroyed the Death Star). He
also wants to kill Luke simply because tapes from the Death Star show him working
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 117
alongside droids, which Valance can’t stand. They seek out another individual Don-Wan
mentioned, Jaxxon the Lepus Carnivorous. They track him down to where he has just parted
ways with Amaiza. They want to know where to find “the boy with the droids,” but Amaiza
saves him. Unfortunately, she also says the name of Aduba-3, which gives Valance what he
wants. They take the Rabbit’s Foot to beat Valance to Aduba-3. They arrive and meet Jimm
Dashon, who has recently married Merri. Theyre expecting their first child soon. The
Rabbit’s Foot takes to the sky again to intercept Valance, but is shot down in the battle.
Valance lands, but his men come under attack by Amaiza and Jaxxon, who survived the
encounter, and soon get caught in a bantha stampede started by Jimm. Only Valance
remains, but when he comes across the heroes, he realizes that Jimm isn’t the boy from the
Death Star transmission tape. Enraged, Valance uses his hidden hand blaster to distract the
heroes as he escapes to plot his hunt anew. Once aboard, Valance clays at his face in anger
at having had to use his secret weapon. Valance is a cyborg, half human, and half of what
he hates. At one time, an unknown amount of time before this encounter, Valance had
served the Empire in an outworld skirmish, but was blasted by a rebel faction’s (or Rebel
Alliance) torpedo. He was made into a cyborg to save his life aboard the Telos IV station.
Now, the half-man, half-machine’s hunt for the boy who personifies his prejudices and inner
conflict continues . . .
(The Hunter!)
While traveling aboard the Millennium Falcon, Luke Skywalker finds himself remembering an
adventure with Biggs Darklighter from just before Biggs left for the Academy. He is amazed
at how his life has changed since then.
On Tirahnn, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa are accosted by a winged woman known as
“the tyrant,” Kharys, the Majestrix of Skye. They are saved by Han Solo and Chewbacca,
and when they return to the Millennium Falcon, Han is reunited with his former girlfriend,
Katya M’Buele. That night, as Han goes to see an old acquaintance, Laskar, about Kharys, a
smoke demon, sent by Kharys, invades the Falcon, killing Katya and wounding Luke, though
he’ll recover relatively soon. Han returns and they head to Marat V, also known as Skye,
where Han had a run-in with Kharys three years earlier. It seems that Kharys considers the
hunt for he, Katya, and the other Corellians who landed on Skye to be ongoing, and thus she
intends to end the hunt by finally killing Han. They arrive over Skye, but are attacked by
Imperial TIE fighters. Han and Chewie order Luke, Leia, R2-D2, and C-3PO into a lifepod
and launch it. Those aboard the pod assume that the Falcon is destroyed. Luke and Leia
awaken in a cell. Soon, they are visited by Patriarch Aragh, a S’kytri (the same race as
Kharys), who tells them they are to be brought to trial for the crime of being “walkers and
disgracing Skye with their presence . . . *
(The Long Hunt)*
*NOTE: See note with A Duel of Eagles below.
Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa are brought before the elders of Araghs realm, and learn
that the droids are safe and that Han Solo and Chewbacca probably survived their encounter
with Imperials. They are most likely being held in the castle of Kharys, who rules the planet
on the authority of Darth Vader. When Luke and Leia say they wish to save their friends, the
S’kytri believe Luke may be “the one,” the person whom prophecy says will finally free Skye
from its bargain with the Empire. With the S’kytri, they fly (Luke and Leia use anti-grav belts
and wings) to the castle and free Han and Chewie. Luke battles Kharys in the air and she
whips out a lightsaber, probably given to her by Darth Vader. Luke and Kharys duel until
Luke finally kills her. Once the battle is over, Aragh tells them that during the Clone Wars,
Skye was saved by three Jedi Knights. One was Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the other two were
his pupils (Anakin Skywalker and Halagad Ventor). The Skytri swore their eternal fealty to
the Jedi, but they left without taking advantage of that oath. Later, Darth Vader came
(proclaiming to be the other Jedi student, Halagad, not Anakin Skywalker) and made them
honor their oath. He took the planet over as Imperial territory and placed Kharys in position
as ruler in his absence. By saving them from Kharys, Luke has thus freed them of their
obligation to follow Kharys, which means Skye shall be free (though whether or not they
would follow another Vader-appointed ruler if Vader returned to Skye is up for debate).*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 118
(A Duel of Eagles)*
*NOTE: If you were reading this story in the Marvel UK series, rather than the American series, you would have
seen this Star Wars Annual #1 story released after The Day After the Death Star, which was released after Way of
the Wookiee (now set in Han and Chewie’s early smuggling days for Jabba), which was released after In Mortal
Combat. This was part of a larger gap when the Marvel UK series seemed to catch up on older stories before
picking up where the American series had left off. Also, before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long
Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black
and white series of “prestige format” comics by the same name. This story appeared in the first issue of that
black and white series.
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, R2-D2, and C-3PO are en route to
Yavin IV aboard the Millennium Falcon when passing contact through the Force with Darth
Vader causes Luke to collapse into shock. They set course for the Wheel to get him medical
attention, but come upon a blasted House of Tagge merchant ship on their way. They take in
a Rebel survivor who tells them that the ship was attacked by the Empire, and Rebels were
placed aboard in order to make it appear as though it was a Rebel attack to discredit the
Alliance. An Imperial battleship under Commander Zertik Strom appears and pursues them,
but they manage to escape to the Wheel. Despite the Wheel’s special status in being left
free of the Empire as long as its profits help fund the Empire, Strom orders that the pursuit
continue. Upon landing at the Wheel, Chewbacca takes the Rebel’s body (He died en route.)
to hide, Han takes Leia to prevent her capture, and the droids take Luke and make their way
to a medical facility. When the Imperials arrive, Senator Greyshade is alerted to the situation
by his droid, the embodiment of the Wheels central computer, Master-com. Strom informs
him that the Rebels he seeks attacked a House of Tagge ship that was carrying Wheel
profits, which convinces Greyshade to allow Stroms men to storm through the station. A
short time later, the droids and Luke are cornered by stormtroopers. At the same time,
Greyshade finds a visual of the female Rebel, and realizes that it is Leia Organa. He has his
own plans for her . . .
(The Empire Strikes!)
Aboard the Wheel, R2-D2 and C-3PO narrowly manage to close a blast door and escape
from Imperials about to capture them and the nearly comatose Luke Skywalker. This bravery
impresses Master-com, the Wheel’s computer. Elsewhere, stormtroopers are about to
capture Han Solo and Leia Organa, but are thwarted by a different forceSenator
Greyshade’s security force. Han is taken to the Millennium Falcon, which is then impounded
for docking fees. Leia is taken to Greyshade. Elsewhere, Chewbacca is captured and
prepped for the forthcoming gladiatorial contest, even as Leia arrives and tells Greyshade the
it was the Empire that took out the House of Tagge vessel carrying Wheel profits recently.
The Empire would seem to be making it look like a Rebel act in order to bring a full Imperial
military presence to the Wheel. Commander Strom bursts in, destroying Master-com’s droid
body, but is then stopped by Master-com in a new body. Greyshade proposes a deal. He
will not let the Empire know how badly Strom is fouling up his orders in regards to the Wheel
takeover if Strom will allow him to keep Leia, whom he has apparently had a flame for since
their Senate days. Elsewhere, Luke is being treated, but the droids are captured as part of
gambling stakes for Han. Unfortunately, Han’s gambling isnt going well, and he needs some
grander scheme in order to get enough money to free the Falcon so they can all escape. He
decides he can do only one thingenter the gladiatorial combat . . .
(The Ultimate Gamble!)
In space near the Wheel, Imperials stage a false Rebel attack to continue Commander
Strom’s plans for taking over the Wheel. Inside the Wheel, Leia Organa eats with Senator
Greyshade, but uses the situation as an excuse for an outburst, during which she pockets a
knife. Later, Strom demands to know the status of Leia’s companions. Han Solo and
Chewbacca are preparing for the Big Game, a gladiator battle, where he intends for them to
die. Luke Skywalker is in the medical bay, but he has arranged for him to never recover. C-
3PO and R2-D2 are set for melting down. The droids are saved by Master-com, the central
computer, while Leia uses the knife to break out of her cell. Luke has somehow awakened in
the med bay and escaped as well. Finally, while Chewie waits in the wings, Han engages
another gladiator in combat, barely surviving. The Game, however, has only just begun.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 119
Beilert Valance attacks a Rebel information-retrieval team based on Ultaar. He manages to
access their records, but he finds nothing useful in his search for the X-Wing pilot who
destroyed the Death Star.
(The Hunt Within)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. These events take place “just days” prior to Shadow of a
Dark Lord.
Aboard the Wheel, Leia Organa takes out a security guard and takes his weapon and
comlink. She soon finds a group of guards taken out by Luke Skywalker, who stands with
lightsaber drawn. Luke had been having a Force-induced trance of sorts, inside which he
was battling Darth Vader. It took all of his might to come out of its influence, but the source
was unmistakablecontact with the mind of Darth Vader, alive and well. Vader, for his part,
is currently on Ultaar, where he questions Rebels at a destroyed base. The base was
attacked by Beilert Valance, the bounty hunter seeking Luke Skywalker. Vader recognizes
this as a new rival and has Captain Wermis set course for the Wheel, where he believes the
powerful mind he touched recently can be found. Back on the Wheel, Master-com is
reprimanded for helping R2-D2 and C-3PO, but the computer droid suggests that he feels the
same friendship for Senator Greyshade as the other droids do for Luke Greyshade has a lot
to think about. Elsewhere on the Wheel, Greyshade’s security patrol takes out several of
Commander Stroms stormtroopers, stealing the Wheel profits that the Imperials stole from
the House of Tagge ship earlier. Luke, Leia, and the droids plan to find some way to steal
the profits from Greyshade’s forces to help fund the Rebel Alliance. And what of Han Solo
and Chewbacca? Han is prepared and sent into a zero-gravity arena for the next round of
Big Game combat, only to find that one of his competitors in this battle to the death is
Chewbacca himself.
(Shadow of a Dark Lord!)
Aboard the Wheel, Chewbacca and Han Solo work together to get through the Big Game, but
both know that in the end, there can be only one survivor. Elsewhere, Luke Skywalker, Leia
Organa, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are caught as they try to sneak up on Senator Greyshades
guards who have loaded stolen Wheel profits on his ship. They were intending to steal the
ship, but now they find themselves nearly caught. Luckily, Luke is good with a blaster and
the Force. He takes out the guards, but Greyshade appears and forces them into the ship at
gunpoint. Greyshade knows things are going to go badly soon (even if he doesn’t realize that
Darth Vader is on his way) and wants to escape with the profits. He suggests that if Leia will
stay with him, he will allow her friends to go, he’ll leave with the profits, and hell help expose
the Empires plans dealing with the Wheel. Leia agrees, but Luke objects. Leia has very little
time to decide, though, as they watch the Big Game come down to threeChewie, Han, and
one other gladiator . . . then Chewie, at Han’s urging, blasts Han. It would appear that Han is
dead. Leia can risk no more lives for her sake. She agrees to go with Greyshade.
(To the Last Gladiator!)
Aboard the Wheel, Chewbacca takes out the final gladiator in the Big Game, then leaves with
Han Solo, who is faking being dead (he actually had an item shielding where Chewie shot
him). At Greyshades yacht, Leia Organa remains with Greyshade while Luke Skywalker and
C-3PO escape. Commander Strom, knowing Greyshade has betrayed him, orders Master-
com blasted (though he just goes to another body) and the Wheel placed under Imperial
control. Master-com helps R2-D2 escape, while Han and Chewie escape (without their
winnings, unfortunately) aboard the Millennium Falcon. Greyshade stays behind to give his
life to cover Leia’s retreat as she, Luke, and C-3PO take off in the yacht. In the Wheel,
Greyshade is found by Master-com. When Strom appears and is ready to blast them,
Greyshade causes a grenade to explode, fatally wounding him and Master-com, while also
killing Strom. Meanwhile, Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer has arrived and is trying to tractor
beam the yacht. The Imperials are nearly successful, but the Falcon saves the day. Luke
concentrates just enough to send a burst of the Force into Vader’s mind to cover their escape
and everyonethe Falcon and the yacht (with R2-D2 recovered from an escape pod)
escapes the area.
(Flight Into Fury!)
With Simon Greyshade dead and the Rebels gone, Imperial troops withdraw from the Wheel
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 120
but use the situation to increase the presence of Imperial Security Bureau agents and
informants on the space station. In the absence of Greyshade, a committee of station chiefs
now runs the Wheel until a new administrator can take control. Master-com remains mostly in
control, however. Also in light of these events, IsoTech’s main office on the Wheel increases
its security.
(conjecture based on Beyond the Rim)
Imperial TIEs from an unknown location are harassing the Rebel base on Yavin IV. Jan
Dodonna intends to discover where they are coming from. On Centares, Luke Skywalker,
Leia Organa, R2-D2, and C-3PO trade Senator Greyshade’s yacht for a new ship from trader
Jorman Thoad. While there, they see a House of Tagge mining explorer launch for the
Gordian Reach, where the Yavin system lies. They race toward the base, following the
vessel. Aboard the Tagge ship, Baron Orman Tagge practices his dueling with his self-made
lightsaber. Orman, blinded in a duel years go by Darth Vader, must now use cyber-vision for
his sight and has made revenge on Vader his primary goal. When they drop back to
realspace, they lay mines, nearly wiping out the Rebel ship. Both ships take up orbit around
the gas giant Yavin, where Luke and Leia, from an EVA vantage point on a nearby moon,
witness a stream of TIE fighters being launched into Yavin, from which they should not return.
Instead, the ships somehow make it through the storms of Yavin, suggesting that there is a
base of some sort generating or controlling the storms from within Yavin. After returning to
their ship, they are discovered by TIEs, who swiftly knock out one of their engines. They’re
sitting ducks . . .
(Siege at Yavin!)
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, R2-D2, and C-3PO are saved by a flight of Rebel starfighters
that destroy the TIE fighters attacking their ship. Once on Yavin IV, Luke and Leia explain
how the TIEs are making it through Yavin itself. Luke takes off, intending to salvage
technology from one of the downed TIEs on the nearby moon. He manages to do so, but not
before the TIEs surviving pilot can get a shot in at R2-D2. R2-D2 is taken back for repairs,
while a TIE is outfitted with the storm-navigating device from the wrecked TIE. Luke is sent in
the TIE to discover and disable the base inside Yavin. Luke makes his way into Yavin and
discovers a giant turbine generating the storms, with Orman Tagge’s vessel docked
alongside. Luke blasts the turbine, causing the storms to destroy it, then uses the Force to
guide himself out of Yavin. Unfortunately, his ship is highly damaged, and Tagge’s vessel
has followed him out of the gas giant.
(Doom Mission!)
On Junction, the bounty hunter Beilert Valance takes out Marko Tyne, his newest bounty. He
then purchases droids from Skinker, simply to destroy them in his quest against mechanicals.
Valance then leaves in his pursuit of Luke Skywalker. As for Luke, he is with C-3PO
escaping the pursuit of a Star Destroyer to get through the blockade near the Yavin system.
They head for Junction to buy parts for the Rebel Alliance, specifically, in part, to repair R2-
D2. Skinker recognizes the sight of a young boy and a droid and has Valance warned.
Valance arrives, but also notices someone else trying to contact Darth Vader about Luke.
Valance kills him to keep his quarry to himself. Luke and C-3PO try to buy parts from
Skinker, but are betrayed to Valance. Luke saves C-3PO, then, in a firefight, deflects a hand-
blast back to Valances face, revealing him as a cyborg. Luke is knocked down, but C-3PO
tries to sacrifice himself for Valance. Valance realizes that perhaps the dream of humanoids
and mechanicals living together isn’t so far-fetched after all. He lets them go, and begins his
own internal quest to reconcile the two halves of his own soul with the promise of a better
world than he ever thought could exist.*
(Return of the Hunter)*
*NOTE: Information in The Hunt Within, a miniatures scenario, pins down that Return of the Hunter must be at
least five weeks after Shadow of a Dark Lord.
As Han Solo flees to Orleon, Jabba the Hutt hires an alien of an entirely different species
(Mosep) to pretend to be Jabba (just with one "t" missing from his name) and hire the muscle
necessary to take Solo down.*
(conjecture based on What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut?)*
*NOTE: Yes, this is very contrived. How else, though, can you explain the appearance of a bipedal, whiskered
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 121
Jabba in the pre-ROTJ-creation story that was reprinted and forced into the Official Continuity by Dark Horse's A
Long Time Ago . . . project? There is a slight chance that this is the reasoning behind the Jabba-hired Jabba
impersonator in Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade, if you’re interested in writing it off that way.
Han Solo and Chewbacca have escaped Darth Vader’s forces and landed on Orleon, only to
find themselves under attack by forces led by Jabba the Hutt’s surrogate, Jabba the Hut.
They manage to hide the Millennium Falcon inside a mountain cave, only to be trapped by
Jabba’s goons. They then discover stone mites (insects bioengineered during the Clone
Wars to bore through just about anything) in the cave and race back to protect the Falcon.
They lift off and hover in the cave while using the ship’s de-icer to fry the little insects from the
ship’s hull, but not fast enough. They realize that the mites must have bored through the
mountaintop as well and use the knowledge to blast themselves free of the mountain and into
space. They pass the surrogate Jabbas ship on the way from the planet and discover that
he is the victim of a mutiny. They offer to take him aboard when he dons a spacesuit and
floats to the Falcon. But . . . Han wants him to stew a bit so he lets him simply hang onto the
ship for a while. After all, he has about two hours of air in his suit . . . if the stone mites didnt
get to it when they were on Orleon . . . *
(What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut?)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the second issue of that black and white series.
Darth Vader and Beilert Valance both discover the name and location of Tyler Lucien, a
Rebel who deserted just before the Death Star was destroyed. Valance knows that if Vader
gets to Tyler, he will learn Luke Skywalker’s identity and be able to destroy him. Given how
Luke’s relationship with C-3PO has helped open his eyes to a better world, Valance cannot
allow that, so he seeks out Tyler to kill him before Vader can get to him. Valance arrives on
Centares at an old resort above the lava beds of Rubyflame Lake and confronts Tyler, but
Vader’s arrival gives Tyler a chance to escape. Vader and Valance do battle, but Vader
bests Valance. Before he can go after Tyler, though, Vader is grabbed by Valance. Vader is
nearly pulled into the lava, but he several Valance’s arm, letting Valance plunge to his death.
Seeing this heroic act and realizing that only his death can surely prevent him from ever
telling Vader what he knows, Tyler, who regrets his desertion, leaps to his death from the
resort tower, thwarting the Dark Lords mission. The hunt for the man who destroyed the
Death Star must continue. Back on Yavin IV, Leia Organa has been sent on a solo mission,
much to the surprise of Luke Skywalker, who believes she is too valuable for such a mission.
To get his mind off of it, Luke is sent on a mission as well . . .
(Dark Encounter)
Leia Organa’s mission takes her to Metalorn, an Imperial factory world working with Tagge
Co. She infiltrates in order to contact her old teacher, Arn Horada, and to see what she can
do to inspire Rebel notions in the populace. Baron Orman Tagge has also just arrived and is
meeting with Governor Corwyth. When Leias presence is detected, the Imperials try to track
her down, but Orman gets to her first when she meets with Horada. Leia manages to escape
from Orman, giving a message of hope to a young girl, Tammi. Leia then escapes from
Metalorn, believing that the hope Tammi will help sow will someday help defeat the Imperials
on the world.
(A Princess Alone!)
In space, Orman Tagge meets with his brother, General Ulric Tagge (who had left the Death
Star before its destruction). The two discuss Orman's newest scheme to find favor above
Darth Vader in the Emperor's eyes and his desire to destroy Vader himself. His newest plot is
being hatched on Tatooine . . . where at this very moment, Luke Skywalker is hastily
concealing his ship from an Imperial patrol. Luke, C-3PO, and R2-D2 take off in their
landspeeder, passing the husk of the Lars moisture farm, before encountering Luke's old
friends Camie and Fixer, who are attempting to get by without choosing a side in the war.
They are now working for Tagge Co. dealing with old moisture farms that could be taken over
by the Tagges. Luke and the droids take off to avoid Imperials again and nearly run into a
frozen bantha. As they hide, stormtroopers come and blast the bantha, destroying it to hide
the evidence of Tagge's newest weapons project--the Omega Frost. Even as Orman Tagge
meets with his brother Silas, who runs the operation, Luke sets out for Mos Eisley to fulfill his
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 122
mission of recruiting people for the Alliance. Inside, he ends up running into Han Solo and
Chewbacca, who are in the midst of a brawl, before settling down. Fixer enters, however, and
tells them that he has had to rat Luke out to the Imperials, which puts Luke, Han, Chewie,
and the droids on the run in a landspeeder. A lucky shot by a stormtrooper, though, causes
the speeder to begin loosing coolant. They might not get away as easily as they had hoped . .
(Return to Tatooine!)
With their landspeeder out of coolant and overheated, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo,
Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are stranded in the Dune Sea of Tatooine, with Imperial
patrols on their tail. The droids offer their coolant to the others, who get the landspeeder
moving enough to get to Luke's ship . . . which is being torn apart by Jawas. They bargain for
a ride with the Jawas in their sandcrawler, but stormtroopers block their path. They promptly
cause a ridge to collapse (and proton grenades held by the troopers to explode), taking care
of that, but they must deviate to the Jundland Wastes, where they find a large vaporator-like
machine. Luke yells for them all to get to cover just before the device, Tagge's Omega Frost
weapon, activates and flash-freezes the surrounding area, including the sandcrawler. Tagge
and the Imperials arrive, trying to use gunfire to herd Luke and the others into a trap, but they
take the sandcrawler right down the Imperials' throats, escaping. After some exploding fuel
drums take care of their pursuers, the Jawas supply the heroes with coolant for the droids
and speeder. Our heroes race away from the sandcrawler to warn the Rebels of the Omega
(The Jawa Express)
Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 escape from Tatooine in the
Millennium Falcon, but notice Baron Orman Tagge's ship in orbit. Seeking to stop Tagge's
Omega Frost project, they follow when Orman goes to meet with his brother General Ulric
Tagge at Junction. Once at Junction, Luke goes EVA to eavesdrop on the conversation
between the Tagges utilizing a package being shipped between a Tagge mining vessel and
Star Destroyer. Luke is discovered, though, and captured by stormtroopers. Han takes the
Falcon to Yavin IV, where he informs Leia Organa and Jan Dodonna of Luke's situation and
the Omega Frost weapon. Aboard Orman's vessel, Luke learns that Orman's plan is to put
two Omega Frost conductor towers on different areas of the asteroid corridor that the Rebels
have been using to get past the Imperial blockade around the Yavin system. This would
freeze any ships passing through. Luke surprises Orman with an outburst and takes back his
lightsaber, escaping with Orman, lightsaber drawn, in hot pursuit. Luke find a TIE fighter to
escape, but before he can board it, Orman arrives and the two duel. Orman takes out the
lights to let his cyber-vision--a requirement after being blinded by Darth Vader--give him an
advantage. Instead, Luke uses the Force to make a perfect strike to Orman's face, destroying
his cyber-vision but leaving him alive. Luke escapes in the TIE fighter, but even as Orman is
taken to sick bay, Silas orders that any pursuit be halted. The ship Luke stole was stripped of
armaments and communications gear and left with only enough fuel to "carry him to disaster,"
by order of Silas. There's a new Tagge in charge, so to speak.
(Saber Clash!)
The Millennium Falcon leads a Rebel fleet into the asteroid corridor near Yavin IV to attack
Baron Orman Tagge's vessel (now under the control of Silas Tagge after Luke Skywalker
defeated Orman in a duel that left him in shock) and destroy the Omega Frost plot. Before
they can reach the corridor, though, Silas finishes setting up the conductors for the weapon.
In the corridor, Luke Skywalker must eject from his sabotaged TIE fighter and makes his way
using his jetpack down to the surface of one of the asteroids housing an Omega Frost
conductor. When he attacks it with his lightsaber, a force field protects it, but it prompts Silas
to activate the weapon early. The Rebels are not caught, but come close, before Luke wipes
out the conductor from below the surface, allowing the ships to go through unharmed. While
Silas panics and races to revive his brother, the Rebels attack the Tagge vessel, destroying
it. As for Luke, a TIE has been sent to kill him, but the Falcon swoops in to destroy it. It is
time to recover Luke and return home to Yavin IV.
(Thunder in the Stars!)
General Ulric Tagge's Star Destroyer is attacked by the Rebel ships in the asteroid corridor
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 123
who just destroyed Orman Tagge's vessel. Ulric is forced to abandon the vessel, but he
survives. Unbeknownst to him, Darth Vader's agents will also manage to save both Orman
and Silas Tagge from the other ship, holding them in suspended animation.
(conjecture based on Dark Lord’s Gambit)
During a risky cargo run for Teemo the Hutt, the ship flown by Pash (an old Ghtroc 720 light
freighter known as the Ao Var) is damaged so badly that what is left of it must be sold off for
parts when he finally returns to Mos Shuuta on Tatooine. This angers Teemo, since the Ao
Var belonged to him. Pash decides that it is time to leave the Hutt’s employ and leaves with
his favorite droid mechanic, 41-VEX and the Twi’lek bounty hunter Oskara. 41-VEX was
originally a droid doctor with a self-improvement directive, but after decades of working in a
clinic in Mos Eisley, he attempted to leave and become independent by borrowing money to
buy his freedom from an associate of Teemo. The promises of the lender were false,
however, and he ended up with a restraining bolt and being used as a mechanic by Teemo.
Over the last few weeks, he has become a friend of Pash and Teemo’s favorite Wookiee
gladiator, Lowhhrick, who has removed his restraining bolt and joined in their escape. For his
part, Lowhhrick had seen his sister and nephew killed by Trandoshan slavers on Kashyyyk
and tried to go after the slavers, only to have been captured and sold to Teemo. After years
as a gladiator, he struck a deal with Oskara to help her escape if he could join her, which first
brought him into the escape plot. As for Oskara, she has her own reasons for leaving. She
had been living on Ryloth when a gang tried to take her sister, Makara, for Ryll mining.
Rather than allowing this, Oskara lied and claimed to be a bounty hunter, offering her service
to them instead. Her first job went surprisingly well, and she began learning bounty hunting
under Gyax. Her work kept her sister safe, but she was later loaned out by the gang to
Teemo, and when she discovered a plot by Teemo to take over the Ryll mines, which would
put her sister in danger again, she decided to leave Teemo and the gang. She joined with
Pash and Lowhhrick (and by extension from them, 41-VEX) in a plan to escape. Just as they
begin their escape, she sends a warning to Ryloth, foiling Teemos plot and earning his
anger. They follow a route of escape from Teemos compound that was originally used by
one of Oskaras friends, Sasha. (Sasha had been a Rebel like her parents, but when she was
the lone survivor of a group of Rebels on Onderon to be left for dead after a failed mission,
she worked as a freelance scout on Onderon before meeting Oskara and traveling to
Tatooine to work for Teemo as well. She later kept up her Rebel sensibilities and helped an
indentured servant escape, which gave Oskara the idea of how to escape now.) For her part,
Sasha is also trying to escape at this time (albeit separately) with the help of Teemos lead
mechanic, Mathus. Mathus had been an orphan in Anchorhead before being taken in and
trained by the Rodian mechanic Honwoo. He took a job with Teemo, only to find work
unsatisfying. It was he who introduced a bit of new programming into 41-VEX to prompt the
droid that the time to escape was now, hence the droid being quite willing to join the others in
their escape.*
(conjecture based on Edge of the Empire Beginner Game: Pash Character Folio, 41-VEX
Character Folio, Lowhhrick Character Folio, Oskara Character Folio, Mathus Character
Folio, and Sasha Character Folio)*
*NOTE: I should note here that Pash, 41-VEX, Lowhhrick, and Oskara are the player characters in the Edge of the
Empire Beginner Game adventure Escape from Mos Shuuta. The other two characters, Mathus and Sasha, were
given character folios that were released for free on the game’s official website.
All on the run from Teemo the Hutt (ruler of Mos Shuuta on Tatooine), Pash, 41-VEX,
Lowhhrick, and Oskara are in Mos Shuuta, hoping to find a way off of Tatooine. After
avoiding Teemo’s Gamorrean goons in a local cantina, they learn from the bartender that
there is a suitable ship that they could steal, the Krayt Fang (a modified YT-1300 freighter), in
Landing Bay Aurek. However, it is owned by the Trandoshan slaver Trex and it is in need of a
hypermatter reactor igniter (HMRI) before it is able to use its hyperdrive. They scam the local
junk shop owner, Vorn Tel-Ovis, who is planning to sell his only HMRI to Trex. They thus
acquire the HMRI and head for the docking control office, where they make their way inside,
wary of control overseer Brynn, and release the Krayt Fang’s docking clamps. They then
head for the landing bay, blasting it out with a group of stormtroopers loyal to Imperial officer
Lieutenant Herkin (the corrupt officer who works with Teemo and had been the one to release
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 124
Pash from prison and force him to work for Teemo in return). During their escape through
Mos Shuuta, they are soon joined by another pair of escapees, Mathus and Sasha, fellow
employees of Teemo who are trying to leave. Upon reaching the docking bay, the combined
group takes out Trex’s droids, then face off with the Trandoshan himself. They defeat him
and steal the ship, only to have to install the HMRI while under fire from TIE fighters in space.
Finally, they get the part installed and jump to hyperspace, leaving Mos Shuuta behind,
hopefully for good.*
(Escape from Mos Shuuta)*
*NOTE: The folio with Pash’s background notes that he started working for Teemo right after the destruction of
Alderaan, and he has been working for Teemo for eight weeks before he leaves just before this adventure. While
the Escape from Mos Shuuta adventure in the EOTE:BG boxed set does not include Sasha and Mathus, their
backgrounds in the free supplemental folios for the characters that were released online note that they are also
escaping. Nothing in the folios confirms that they are escaping with the quartet from the boxed set adventure,
but the follow-up adventure, The Long Arm of the Hutt, which was also released online as a free supplement,
begins with the team having just escaped Tatooine and includes Mathus and Sasha among the crew. Thus, they
must have somehow joined with the other four escapees sometime around this adventure.
Having escaped Mos Shuuta, the new crew of the Krayt Fang (Pash, 41-VEX, Lowhhrick,
Oskara, Mathus, and Sasha) may be safely away from Tatooine, but they are far from safe
from the reach of the crimelord they have all escaped, Teemo the Hutt. (Aside from the Hutts
long reach and criminal resources, he also has a tracking device aboard the Krayt Fang,
since it was Teemo who had previously employed the Trandoshan slaver whom the heroes
stole it from, Trex.) They briefly explore the vessel, taking care of a klaxon, a bad odor, some
security alerts, and the like. They also discover an old Twi’lek in a cage in one of the cargo
holds, a man named B’ura Ban, formerly a prisoner of Trex. With low fuel and a
navicomputer that has not been updated by Trex in a while, only six destinations are
available: Tatooine (where they came from), Christophsis (too dangerous and difficult to
acquire fuel there), Geonosis (the same situation as Christophsis), Trandosha (dangerous,
given that they stole a Trandoshan slaver’s ship), Kashyyyk (dangerous because they are in
a slaver ship with Wookiee pelts and such aboard), and Ryloth (somewhat lawless but their
best bet). Oskara recognizes the name B’ura Ban. B’ura had been a strong supporter of a
group of mines (especially New Meen) that, while still selling illicit Ryll spice, were designated
as run for and by Twileks, despite pressure from alien interests like the Aqualish thugs who
came to take over some of the mines. (It was one of these gangs that caused Oskara to
become a bounty hunter in the first place.) B’ura was captured by Trex on his way to the city
of Nabat. During the encounter, one of B’ura’s lekku was severed. While amid the cages in
the cargo bay to investigate B’ura’s presence, they also find chitin left behind when Trex had
brought the Geonosian Sivor to Teemo two months earlier. They free B’ura and intend to
return him to Nabat, since they must go to Ryloth for fuel and such anyway. Just before
arriving on Ryloth, however, they are attacked by a G1-M4-C Dunelizard craft, piloted by
Teemo’s favorite bounty hunter, the Kubaz spy known as Thwheek, who has followed the
tracking device Trex had let Teemo place on the ship. The crew of the Krayt Fang manage to
blast Thwheeks ship, forcing him to crash land on Ryloth, where he will not be a problem for
a while, but their own ship is damaged. Now they need even more help on Ryloth, providing
extra incentive to see if B’ura’s people can be of assistance. They rest in an underground
room, run by the cell that Bura is part of. The room is operated by the cell’s current leader,
Nyn Kablo. As the price for helping protect and house the Krayt Fang, Nyn asks another
favor, that they take a speeder she provides to get Bura back to the miners he was helping at
New Meen. They are attacked en route by Trex (who is somewhat healed from his wounds
on Tatooine) and second-rate bounty hunters (whom Oskara knows) working for Teemo.
They defeat them and continue on their way. The miners are excited to see B’ura back again,
but they face new problems. The miners are being harassed by another operation nearby,
run by Angu Drombb, who is a front for Teemos operations on the planet (the same ones
that caused Oskara to leave Mos Shuuta in the first place). Drombb repeatedly sends goons
to mess with the Twi’lek’s operations at New Meen. They fight off a group of thugs sent by
Drombb that night, then take the fight to Drombb, defeating him and liberating New Meen
from his influence. This may anger Teemo when he finds out, but what else is new? Upon
returning to Nabat, the Krayt Fang is repaired and refueled, but a grateful Nyn has brought a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 125
Bothan named Ota to see them. Ota knows that Teemo has been making deals with
Geonosians. He had been making in-roads with Duke Piddock, but Piddock has, for some
reason, pulled back. Now, Teemo is making overtures to work with Duke Dimmock. Ota
wants to see the deal cut short and Teemo to be discredited to the Geonosians. There is an
upcoming party at Gogum Hive that he has been invited to send representatives, since Ota is
posing as an arms dealer who wants to buy Geonosian weapons. Both Piddock and
Dimmock will be there, and he wants them to go, find out why Piddock backed off from
Teemo, and then use that information to cause the other Geonosians to back off as well.
They will be paid well, and they are willing to go anyway because Ota brings word that there
is a 50,000 credit bounty on their heads from Teemo. If they can make good contacts at this
party, they might find someone willing to help them get into Mos Shuuta and give them a
chance to take down Teemo for good. They travel to Geonosis, and attend the party, where
they meet other attendees: bartender droid BG-222, Sullustan Mu Nanb (who is undercover
to buy arms for the Rebel Alliance), the Gand Vrixxtt (there to buy weapons for Gand bounty
hunters), Maru Jakkar (a human woman there on behalf of Black Sun), Anatta (a Toydarian
looking for information he can use to impress Jabba the Hutt), and the Vios (Orpa and Wex
Vio, human traders). They learn from Maru that someone (presumably Teemo) has been
looking into old Baktoid B1 battledroid information, seemingly intending to reverse engineer
them for themselves. Showing the chitin found aboard the Krayt Fang to the bartender droid
confirms that it is from a Geonosian. Remembering communications from Drombb’s
computers, they wonder if it might be from the Geonosian Sivor, whom Trex captured for
Teemo, and whom Teemo had fight in gladiatorial battles until letting one of Drombb’s
friends, the Kubaz (insect-eating) spy Thwheek (the same individual that the heroes had to
shoot down earlier on Ryloth). They learn from Anatta that Teemo is part of Jabba’s clan, but
he seems to have ambitions of his own, which would cause retaliation from Jabba if revealed.
He confirms that the chitin is from Sovor, and tells them that Sovor was once an aide to
Piddock. From Piddock, they learn that Sovor went missing, and he suspects Teemo had
something to do with it. They also learn that Teemo is the being who wants to create his own
battledroids and that Piddocks last straw with Teemo was to learn that he employed a
Kubaz, a species the Geonosians despise. The group also recognizes that the Geonosians
are rather anti-Imperial, so Teemo’s Imperial dealings (known from Pash’s own history with
Teemo) could help drive a wedge between the Hutt and the Geonosians. They contact Ota
after the party, who sets them up with a meeting with Dimmock. Upon being presented with
their evidence against Teemo, Dimmock allows them to travel incognito to Mos Shuuta on the
Lucky Guess, piloted by Orpa and Wex Vios, whom Dimmock has on his payroll. They travel
back to Tatooine, where they contact Vorn Tel-Ovis, the junk dealer, and learn more about
how he has been brought in by Teemo repeatedly for work on refitting battledroids. They also
visit Overseer Brynn, who confirms that such droid parts are coming in legitimate cargo
shipments for Teemo and that the only people to regularly travel back and forth from Teemo’s
Palace to Jabbas Palace seems to be Teemo’s house band. With that information from Vorn
and Brynn, they are able to send word through Anatta to Jabba about Teemos activities.
There is no guarantee that Jabba will wipe out Teemo and his operation, however, though it
seems likely. They sneak into Teemo’s Palace (either with the cargo or via codes they
receive from Brynn). They gather more information, such as from a member of the band, and
finally make their move on Teemo. Blackmailing the Hutt nearly causes him to back down,
but a firefight ensues, in which the Hutt is a tough but mostly stationary target. The heroes
finally manage to kill the minor crimelord, which, fortunately, is unlikely to bring reprisals from
Jabba, given that he likely would have wanted Teemo taken down anyway. They take the
50,000 credits that were meant to be the bounty on their heads for themselves. The bounty,
of course, is called off. They return to Geonosis and the Krayt Fang to continue on their way,
but they have made some new enemies in the form of Thwheek and Vrixx’tt, both of whom
worked for Teemo from time to time and now are without an employer and source of easy
(The Long Arm of the Hutt)*
*NOTE: This is an adventure that was released for free online as an add-on to the Edge of the Empire Beginner
Game. It carries on where Escape from Mos Shuuta, the adventure from the boxed set itself, ends.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 126
When a bounty hunter (using an alias) betrays the Pyke Syndicate on Coruscant by stealing
a shipment of spice from a rival and selling it to Black Sun, the Syndicate gathers a group of
individuals to infiltrate a Black Sun outpost and gain information on that betrayer. The team
includes six members: the self-directed and custom-made humanoid droid CH-1 (a member
of the Bounty Hunter Guild); Wookiee doctor Grabow, a former slave of the Empire with an
Imperial bounty on his head; Bothan slicer Jovel Nial (who technically works for Senator
Trellev Aquem, but since Aquem is in the Pyke Syndicate’s pocket, it is a distinction without
much difference); Matwe (a smuggler whose brother, Rikard, is stuck working for the Pykes
after a botched job, and who refuses to leave that brother behind to leave the Syndicate
himself); trader Sinoca “Sin” Meeku (a Rodian who came to Coruscant to make her fortune a
decade ago); and the Trandoshan Tray’Essek (who is working with the Pykes for a chance to
track down Laromx, a Trandoshan who humiliated him and cost him his jagannath points and
who is believed to now be working for Black Sun). They slice a computer terminal and obtain
the data, but it is encrypted. They then escape Black Sun pursuit and head for Choppers, a
repair shop owned by fellow Pyke confidant and employee Chopa’ailor (a Besalisk best
known as “Chopper). He and Jovel manage to decrypt the data, which reveals the traitor to
be the Nikto Kaato Leeachos, with whom Chopper is a bit familiar. He suggests that they
check out three places where Kaa’to has been seen or known to frequent: the Umbra Club (a
death stick den), the Spyder (a sabacc parlor frequented by Black Sun agents), and the
Zelcomm Tower (home to Zelcomm Industries, a front for weapons smuggling, run by
Coruum Sa’dia). They check out the Umbra Club, run by Omacala, where they are pointed to
death stick dealer Speng, who has had business with Kaa’to. They are forced to chase him
down after being distracted by a pair of thugs, but he finally reveals that he often holes up
near a processing plant in Sector 943 (in the Works). They travel to the Spyder, run by
Jovel’s clanmate Korsin Fenn, who reluctantly provides more information. They are also able
to make contact with a Black Sun underboss named Verannis during a friendly game of
sabacc. During the game, they suggest that Kaato cannot be trusted and convince Verannis
to send out some of his own men to find Kaa’to. They then head for Zelcomm Tower in
Sector 1265. They break into Coruums office and slice into his computer, learning that only
part of weapon shipment from Kaa’to was delivered to the tower, and there is to be a second
pickup that night at the location in Sector 943. They also learn that Kaato has been sent a
miniature thermal detonator in a shipment, but it is of a kind that was recently recalled for
many of the items being duds. They travel to Sector 943, finding that Kaa’to has actually
made his base of operations inside of the NovaCORE kelerium processing plant. He is
staying in an annex of the plant that is no longer in use and is hiding his ship, Blade’s Edge,
in a large abandoned exhaust vent. They finally find Kaa’to, who argues that they would
have betrayed the Pykes too if Black Sun offered them better pay. A firefight erupts, which
spreads into the kelerium processing area, where molten kelerium becomes a new danger.
They are able to wound him to the point of near death when Kaato takes out the miniature
thermal detonator. It fails to explode, and the backstabbing Nikto is defeated. The members
of the group are paid 1,000 each for their work by the Pykes, some of the pressure on them
by the Pykes is lessened, and they are able to take and sell the Blade’s Edge for 55,000
credits. Unfortunately, they have likely now made new enemies within Black Sun.*
(Shadows of a Black Sun)*
*NOTE: This adventure was released free for RPG Day 2013, which happened to be my wedding day. My thanks to
Scott Romanski for helping me acquire a copy. Bear in mind that I have included six characters in this summary,
while the booklet itself only includes four (Jovel Nial, Matwe, Sinoca Meeku, and Tray’Essek). These four
characters and the two others (Grabow and CH-1) were released as character profiles for free for RPG Day on the
Fantasy Flight Games website. The book itself, however, notes that if needing or wanting other pre-generated
characters for this adventure, players should use ones found online, presumably referring to Grabow and CH-1. I
have thus included all of the available pre-generated characters in my summary of this scenario.
On Corellia, a group of adventurers consisting of Conevor, Gus (a Drall), and Tala decide (at
Conevors suggestion) to go “slumming” on Treasure Ship Row. Conevor meets and begins
bragging about Tala’s swoop racing skills to a privateer captain named Jostero. His bragging
gets them into trouble when he finds himself in a bet with Jostero that requires Tala (with
Gus at her side) to race Jostero’s crew through razorgrass fields in Agrilat, with Conevors
ship at stake. The race commences, and Gus informs them that it appears that Jostero is
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 127
planning to kill them and take the ship, no matter what happens in the race. Tala wins the
race, and just as Jostero turns on them, CorSec arrives to break up their illegal racing
activities. Gus has summoned them with an anonymous tip, and this has saved them from
Jostero, but now they themselves must race again, this time to escape CorSec.
(conjecture based on the story segment in the sourcebook Suns of Fortune)
A group of mercenaries takes a job from a wealthy corporate executive. He will pay them
30,000 credits to recover his personal attendant droid and his Surronian Conqueror Assault
Ship, both of which were recently stolen (or kidnapped, in his words). They first find that the
droid has been auctioned off to bidders that include business rivals that could use the
corporate information the droid contains. They then find that the droid has been
disassembled, and the information has been split up as well. They recover the information
from the different kidnappers as they make delivery, then they find that the ship is being used
by a group hired by one crime lord to cause another crime lord to believe the employer’s
company is investigating them. They put and end to the charade.*
(Rescue and Retrieval)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Dangerous Covenants sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
A group of mercenaries is hired by the Anyettu clan of Rodians, a paramilitary group that
their rivals, the powerful Chattza clan, refuse to allow to grow beyond the Anyettu Islands on
Rodia. They are present when Chattza raiders attack an An’yettu training camp, then join in a
retaliatory strike against a newly-discovered Chattza outpost. Later, a full-fledged battle
between large forces on both sides takes place in the jungle, drawing in terrible creatures that
are agitated by all of the fighting.
(Anyon, the Guardians of An’yettu)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Dangerous Covenants sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
In an Outer Rim city, a group of merchants known as the “Committee for Renewal (CfR)
hires a group of mercenaries to take down a criminal organization that is cutting in on their
trading territory, the Stalton Syndicate, whose forces are led by a young member of the crime
family, Voran Stalton. They are personally hired by Master Aurek (the alias of the first of the
ten CfR members) to strike at Stalton targets to drive them away. First, they scout Stalton
operations and find that Voran’s group is operating out of a fortified warehouse base. Unable
to attack directly just yet, they hit some of the gang members as they leave, but this causes a
retaliatory attack on a Gearmasters supply shop that is owned by another CfR member,
Master Forn. The Staltons then lure the mercenaries into a trap by planting word that more
mercenaries and weapons are arriving for the Staltons. When sent to destroy them, they are
ambushed. Local law enforcement, paid off by the Staltons, does not intervene. The mercs
are victorious, but only just so. With the revelation that local law enforcement answers, at
least in part, to the Staltons, they realize that they cannot act in small strikes because they
could be arrested or otherwise detained. Only a strong, single strike to take out the Staltons’
operation will work. As they gather the necessary gear to strike the warehouse, the Staltons’
discover the identities of Aurek and Forn, then kidnap them. The mercs then attack the
warehouse, destroying it and saving Aurek and Forn, fulfilling their contract and more.*
(Dirty Work)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Dangerous Covenants sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
A group of mercenaries signs on with Reog’s Regiment, one of the larger independent
mercenary units in the Outer Rim. They face combat on a rocky Wild Space planet against
claim jumpers at a mine, then later finds that they have angered Lorka the Hutt of Nar
Shaddaa because that was who had hired the claim jumpers. Lorka scuttles their next job by
paying off their prospective employer, leaving the Regiment hard up for work. They take a job
protecting a corporate research facility, only for gas to begin leaking and driving members of
the Regiment crazy. After fending off their own comrades, they learn that this was likely
sabotage by Lorka. Lorka then hires a rival mercenary fleet the attack the Regiment, but the
Regiment survives, albeit with great damage. They next take a job for the Gamorrean Shrook
Clan of Pzob under Grruna Thu, who wants them to attack the Hakks, a rival clan on Gamorr
that drove off the last Shrook outpost on Gamorr. They do so, hard up for work, only to find
themselves in a battle that goes horribly wrong. They retreat and lose any chance at payment
(which was contingent on victory). Reog finally quits leading the Regiment (and some will say
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 128
that he died in the battle), leaving the mercenaries looking for either a new line of work or
new leadership (perhaps even themselves) for the Regiment.*
(Reog’s Regiment for Hire)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Dangerous Covenants sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
Kasso Trelek, a freelance demolitions expert, writes Making a Mercenary Group, a short
(conjecture based on Dangerous Covenants)
Weequay Kasso Trelek, Tera, and the droid N1-FEX visit a cantina. While N1-FEX cleans
smudges from himself and Kasso heads for the refresher, Tera is met by Vols, a hired gun of
Gorgen, who tells her that Gorgen wants her to come back and do more of his dirty work.
When he suggests that Tera no longer has any protection if she isn’t working for Gorgen, she
preemptively attacks him, calling N1-FEX into battle as well. The scuffle ends when Kasso,
emerging from the refresher, tosses a thermal detonator into the brawl. Everyone flees, and
he laughingly tells his companions that it was actually a decoy. Only then does he realize that
he tossed a real detonator, not the decoy he had intended. They escape just as it explodes.
(conjecture based on the story segment in the sourcebook Dangerous Covenants)
Darth Vader stands alone on the bridge of a Star Destroyer after ordering it cleared. He
watches the ship move through space and begins a soliloquy, talking to himself about how he
is prepared to crush the Rebellion as soon as the Rebels, especially Obi-Wan’s companions,
are found. The captain of the ship watches the entire episode on security cameras, chuckling
to himself at Vaders expense. Suddenly, Vader senses through the Force that he is being
spied upon. He turns to the camera and speaks to the captain, telling him that he is about to
be given a great privilege, experiencing the Force. Vader raises his hand, squeezes, and the
captain suffocates. Once the corpse falls, Vader returns to his private musings while staring
out into space.*
(Crossing the Dark Lord)*
*NOTE: Summary provided by Luke Van Horn. It must be while Vader is still on a Star Destroyer, so I am
assuming it is before he leaves the Devastator during In the Shadow of Yavin.
Darth Vader continues to seek out the man who destroyed the Death Star. On Centares, he
and a being known as Ban Papeega interrogate a Rebel pilot who had come to Centares to
spread the word of the Death Star’s destruction. The pilot offers up the name of the man who
destroyed the stationSkywalker. Before Vader is told what the name was, an alien named
Mala Mala, who witnessed the interrogation and heard the name, leaves the area after being
teased. Vader then learns the name and is enraged. It is his name that the man who
destroyed the Death Star bears. On Yavin IV, the disgruntled pilot Jal Te Gniev is angry that
Luke Skywalker is a hero, which he, who had to sit out of the Battle of Yavin due to a case of
measles, has flown more missions, but is not yet a hero in the eyes of others. He takes off in
an X-wing in a fit of anger and crashes just outside the temple, but survives. On Centares,
everyone who witnessed the interrogation and could have heard the name “Skywalker” is
executed, except Mala Mala, who manages to give the pilot an honorable death before
escaping. On Yavin IV, the Rebel Alliance leadership council determines that Jal is a threat to
them, and their secrecy, so Jal is reassigned to Dubrava, where he will be a recruiting liaison.
In the meantime, General Jan Dodonna has a mission for Luke. Shortly thereafter, Jal is
approached on Dubrava by a boy named Bobek who wishes to join the Rebels. Jal
patronizes the boy and breaks his hopes. Jal then tries to drown his sorrows in liquor, and
while doing so accidentally tells Sarma, a local woman, that “that Skywalker greenhorn” is on
a mission to Jazbina. Recognizing the name “Skywalker” as one on a recent bounty list,
Sarma goes to the bounty hunter Nevana and trades the location for an erasure of her
father’s debt to Nevana. On Jazbina, Luke is greeted by Lord Prepredenko, who seems to be
sympathetic to the Rebellion. He wants Luke to help rescue his daughter, Syayna, who was
kidnapped. On Dubrava, Sarma is killed for her knowledge, and Jal almost is, but Bobek
saves his life by taking a blast for him. Jal knows that now Vader must be going after Luke
on Jazbina, so he purchases a used Z-95 Headhunter and leaves for Jazbina. On
Coruscant, Vader reports to Palpatine (finally) and hides the fact that his quarry has the same
last name. Vader is then informed of the Jazbina lead and leaves immediately. Elsewhere
on Coruscant, near the palace, Mala Mala arrives and prepares to infiltrate the palace. On
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 129
Jazbina, Luke heads into a mine with journalist droid 3DVO and Choraw, an elderly guide, in
order to find Syayna. Choraw lets himself be killed by a tikulini (like a giant worm), and Luke
fights the tikulini, stumbling upon Syayna and her “kidnappers.” Upon seeing (via 3DVO)
Syayna and her “captors,” Prepredenko orders 3DVO to drug Luke, and Prepredenko’s
guards take Luke and her “captors” hostage. They are not her captors at all, however, as she
was not kidnapped, but escaped to join them. They are the Rebel underground on Jazbina,
and now Luke has gotten them caught. Soon, Darth Vader arrives at Jazbina. Jal arrives as
well, and the race for Skywalker is on. Vader wishes Luke to be captured alive, but when
Prepredenko asks what Vader’s message is, 3DVO tells Prepredenko that Vader wants Luke
dead. 3DVO is not happy with being used to capture the Rebels, and he knows that
Prepredenko will be killed for killing Luke. Shortly thereafter, Syayna goes with her father to
kill Luke, but she blasts him with a stun setting, convincing her father that he is dead. As
Syayna frees Luke and the other Rebels Prepredenko meets with Vader, informs him of
Luke’s “death,” and Vader is furious. On Coruscant, Mala Mala is captured invading the
palace and taken to the Emperor. Back on Jazbina, Prepredenko is imprisoned and tortured,
but thanks to a feed from 3DVO, the entire planet sees his heartfelt message to Syayna when
he confesses his mistakes and tells her he loves her. 3DVO is then destroyed by
stormtroopers. The Rebels determine that they must get Luke off of the planet, and they
break into the hangar where Luke’s X-wing is stored, only to find that Jal has already killed
the guards himself. Vader arrives, though, and they are to be arrested and/or killed. A horde
of angered citizens arrives, though, causing a standoff. Jal jumps in the X-wing and charges
up to Vader’s Interdictor cruiser, which he destroys (along with himself) in the memory of
Bobek. Seeing the explosion of the Interdictor from the surface, Vader relents and stalks
away, as his stormtroopers are defeated by the citizens. The situation on Jazbina will soon
be one of Rebel sympathy and a kinder leadership. On Coruscant, Mala Mala has told
Palpatine that the man who destroyed the Death Star is named “Skywalker,” and she has
been given parts to build new droid friends in return. Mala Mala leaves, satisfied with the
arrangement, and Palpatine sits amused, planning to greet Vader on his next visit by using
Vader’s true name, Skywalker. (Exact date, according to Early Victories: 35:5)*
(Vader’s Quest)*
*NOTE: The omnibus entitled Early Victories pins this story down to 2 months after ANH, which must be before
Dark Lord’s Gambit (when he learns the name “Luke” instead of just “Skywalker” in this story) and before Star
Wars, Vol. 2’s first arcs because Vader already knows Luke’s full name in the series second arc, From the Ruins
of Alderaan.
Leia Organa goes on a mission to an outer rim world, where she hooks up with a group of
female Rebels, led by General Hundeen. A holocube map has been stolen that reveals the
location of the main Rebel Alliance bases, and they know that the individuals who stole it,
Hermos and Nescan Tal’yo, are intending to sell it to Imperial agents on the world in the
gambling center of Kushal Vogh. The women go undercover as basically gambler-groupies
at the Lucky Star casino, where Leia is “invited” by Nescan back to his room. While the other
Rebels “subdue the Imperials, led by Commander Shad, Leia takes out Hemos and subdues
Nescan, only to find that the casino owner has the holocube. The girls downstairs take out
the Imperials, while Leia confronts the casino owner, destroying a pile of holocubes to be
sure the Rebel information is destroyed with it. The ladies escape, knowing that the Imperials
will never confess to having been defeated by a group of women.
(Lucky Stars)
Leia Organa injures her leg on a Rebel mission, forcing her to take some downtime on Yavin
(conjecture based on Dark Lord’s Gambit)
Having learned the identity of the Rebel who destroyed the Death Star, Luke Skywalker,
Vader studies a hologram of the young man, recognizing a blending of the features of Anakin
Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. Vader returns to Coruscant. Tao reports that he has been
practicing and is now stronger than when they last dueled. Vader, preoccupied with his
desire to capture his son, no longer has time for Tao’s training, and so ends Tao’s
apprenticeship. Tao is heartbroken over this dismissal and wishes he had simply died along
with the rest of the Jedi on Shumari. (To be continued below . . . )*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 130
(Perfect Evil)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn.
Darth Vader has finally received further confirmation that Luke Skywalker was the man who
destroyed the Death Star. (He had previously known he was “Skywalker, but he now knows
Luke’s first name.) After confirming this information, Vader returns to his Star Destroyer,
where he meets with Ulric Tagge, who admits that he had been forced to abandon ship by a
Rebel attack aided by Skywalker himself. Vader is enraged, but strikes a deal with Tagge,
making him the Sith Lord's pawn. With the presumed deaths of Silas and Orman Tagge, Ulric
has now come into great power within the Tagge family. Silas and Orman aren't dead,
however, but simply in suspended animation, and Ulric would like to keep it that way. Near
Yavin IV, Luke leads Blue Squadron in exercises, which soon turn into an engagement to
save a visiting vessel. Upon landing, the vessel is revealed to carry Sister Domina of the
Order of the Sacred Circle, from the planet Monastery. Monastery has been neutral until now,
but Darth Vader has come to convince them to join the Empire, and they wish for a balancing
diplomat from the Rebel Alliance to argue their case to the Elders. Domina chooses Luke,
with whom she is flirting quite heavily. General Jan Dodonna sends Leia Organa, Han Solo,
Chewbacca, and C-3PO in the Millennium Falcon to follow Luke and R2-D2 in their mission.
On Monastery, Luke encounters Darth Vader, but must keep things peaceful. He settles in for
the next day's discussions, but the cards are already stacked against them. Domina is
actually Domina Tagge, sister of the Tagge brothers, who is working with Darth Vader to
betray both Luke and Monastery to get revenge on Luke for the "deaths" of her brothers.
Vader's plan is in full swing . . .
(Dark Lord’s Gambit)
Above Monastery, the Millennium Falcon is captured by Darth Vaders Star Destroyer, the
Devastator, under Captain Mulchive Wermis, but when Han Solo and Chewbacca are held
and stormtroopers search the vessel, Leia Organa is nowhere to be found. Han and Chewie
are put in the detention block, but Leia soon emerges from her hiding place to plan their
escape. Down on Monastery, Luke Skywalker “saves” Domina Tagge from a saber cat, but
she will use it as an excuse to show that the Rebels are inhumane. Soon, Luke meets with
the Elders . . . only to discover that they have been disbanded, and Domina has been
installed as All-High Priestess in their place, all at Darth Vader’s machinations. Luke accuses
Vader of using the Dark Side to manipulate her, almost forcing a duel within the chamber, but
Domina orders that if they are to duel, they must meet in the Crystal Valley at sundown.
Aboard the Star Destroyer, Leia has set off explosions as diversions while saving Han and
Chewie, but as they make their escape in the Falcon, they discover an uninvited stowaway,
Baron Orman Tagge, fully healed from his battle with Luke and status imprisonment by
Vader. He orders them down to Monastery to save his sister from Vader, even as sundown
slowly approaches.
(Red Queen Rising!)
Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader are led to the Crystal Valley on Monastery, which is to be
the site of a duel to the death. Domina Tagge sends them both into the valley, where she
hopes both will die. Inside, the often explosive and surprising crystal formations plague the
warriors, who have to make their way to each other. Soon, the Millennium Falcon, under the
command of Orman Tagge, is forced to set down in the valley so that Orman can save his
sister from Vaders influence. Han Solo slams the ship into the ground, throwing Orman off-
balance, allowing them to reclaim the ship, but when several TIE fighters attack, Orman
escapes in the confusion. He makes his way through the crystals, coming upon Vader, who
reveals Dominas corruption. Orman, who had always tried to keep her pure, wishes to die,
but Vader has other plans at the moment. Elsewhere, Han and Leia Organa race to find and
save Luke. Soon, Luke meets up with Vader, engaging him in a fierce duel. At the last
moment, Luke stabs Vader, only to discover that his death blow was delivered to an illusion
of Vader placed over his true opponentOrman. Orman dies, but Vader suggests that they
may continue for real if Luke desires. Vader has tested him, and now it is Luke’s choice to
engage or not. Luke declines, escaping with R2-D2 (and perhaps Orman’s lightsaber).
Vader escapes the area as well, but the mission is a failure for the Rebels. Domina now
hates Luke for killing Orman, and while Monastery won’t turn on the Rebel Alliance, Luke has
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 131
now made a new foe. The Rebels leave Monastery. Far away in the Drexel system, a ship
commanded by “Jabba the Hut” (Mosep) comes upon Crimson Jack’s wrecked Star
Destroyer. He was a significant investor in the vessel, which prompts him to put a bounty
once again on the head of Han Solo, the man responsible for the ship’s condition (regardless
of it having been Jolli who smashed the ship with her Y-wing). Soon, Han and Chewbacca
encounter the first in a new series of bounty hunters on their trail. The constant race between
Han and the bounty hunters has resumed yet again.
(In Mortal Combat!)
While escaping from Imperial agents, Luke Skywalker asks Leia Organa how she learned to
use a blaster so well. She tells him the story of her meeting with Giles Durane, the “weapons
(The Weapons Master!)*
*NOTE: This story was originally presented in the Marvel UK Star Wars Weekly series in issues 104 through 106,
then reprinted in the United States. As this timeline is based on the American releases of Star Wars materials, it
is noted by its American release format.
On the planet Alashan, the Rebel Alliance has had an archaeological dig working to find lost
advanced technology from an ancient, long-gone civilization. They hope to use any
technology they find against the Empire. After losing contact with the dig site, Rebel scouts
Arlo Tyre and Wadie Firestone arrive, discovering massive wreckage and everyone dead.
When they check an energy source inside one of the structures, they are blasted with intense
energy, also killed . . . Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Rebel
agent Mici Shabandar are at the Imperial starship construction facility known as Foundry,
planning to steal an experimental new Imperial starship, the Staraker. With Mici and the
droids as a distraction, Luke and Leia get into the ship’s hangar, allowing Luke to get aboard
and fire up the engines. In their escape, Leia is stunned and pulled aboard by Mici. Having
caught the Imperials by surprise, they make it into hyperspace before the Imperials can
mount a force to stop them. En route back to Yavin IV, they are ordered by General Jan
Dodonna to proceed to Alashan to investigate the dig site. Upon arriving over Alashan, they
are set upon by TIE fighters and an Imperial cruiser, but energy blasts from the planet make
short work of the pursuers. The Staraker is damaged by a blast as well, forcing them to
conduct repairs as they begin crashing to the surface. Mici is gravely injured when a terminal
explodes, requiring medical attention. Luke uses the Force at the apparently guidance of the
spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi to land the ship “safely. They land upside down in a lava field,
forced under the surface by their impact, and by the time they finish looking after Mici, they
discover that the lava has hardened, trapping them under a huge layer of rock. Luke and Leia
tend to Micis injuries as much as possible, then Luke slowly cuts his way to the surface with
his lightsaber in a flight suit. Upon reaching the surface, he is captured by an Imperial
commando team: Major Wil’m Grau; Sergeant Anarine; Ensign Kyril Lopaki; Trooper Boaz;
Trooper Voss; Corporal Djambo, and others. When the Imperials search the Staraker, they
find Leia, the droids, and Mici. Also stranded on the planet, Grau offers a truce so that they
can all work together to defeat whatever attacked them all, then get off-planet. Giving Mici
medication from Imperial supplies, everyone leaves Mici with the droids, heading for the dig
site, even as Lopaki plans to capture the Rebels for his own career advancement. On the
way, the group is attacked, and many troopers, including Boaz, die. Luke, however, senses
the blast before it comes and saves Grau, earning Grau’s trust and his lightsaber back. They
enter the dig site, where bodies are strewn everywhere. Meanwhile, some kind of sentinel
attacks the Staraker, which the beam digs from the ground. The sentinel seeks out life signs,
but R2-D2 puts Mici into brief bio-stasis to save her. The sentinel moves on. Soon, outside
the dig, Corporal Djambo is killed by the sentinel, which is on a mission to kill the others, who
have now entered the path to an set of underground ruins that were once protected by a
barrier that the archaeologists breached shortly before their deaths. Inside, they find a
massive, high-tech city, beyond any technology in the Empire. They are also set upon by the
sentinel, a large creature, which kills Trooper Voss and vanishes when they try to bury it
under rocks. It reappears off and on, attacking them a few at a time, until Leia recognizes and
translates the hieroglyphics on the walls and races to the city’s control center. The creature
appears in the control room (teleportation, the Imperials think), just in time to kill Lopaki, who
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 132
has finally pulled a blaster on Luke and Leia. Luke engages the creature, but soon
understands that he needs to destroy the computers in the room, not the creature. The
creature is an energy being, given physical form by the city’s immense power. With the
computers destroyed, it disappears for good, even as the control room erupts into flame.
They all make it back to the Staraker, launching for space in a few days. Leia offers Grau the
chance to join the Rebellion, but he and his surviving comrade, Sergeant Anarine, choose to
leave on a small scout ship to return to the Empire. Luke, Leia, Mici, and the droids head for
Yavin IV. Meanwhile, amid the fire below, electronic laughter booms menacingly through
what remains of the vast city . . . *
(World of Fire)*
*NOTE: This story was originally presented in the Marvel UK Star Wars Weekly series in issues 107 through 115,
then reprinted in the United States. As this timeline is based on the American releases of Star Wars materials, it
is noted by its American release format.
In search of a new base to replace Yavin IV, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Wedge
Antilles travel in X-wings to the Dominus Sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Upon arrival,
they are almost immediately attacked by an Imperial Star Destroyer and a squadron of TIE
Interceptors, suggesting that information about their mission had been leaked to the Empire.
After Leia’s X-wing is damaged, she is forced to land and kill a TIE pilot from a downed
starfighter. The trio reunites and leaves the planet, escaping back to the Rebel frigate
Redemption, where Leia meets with Rebel leader Mon Mothma, who gives Leia a secret
mission. She is to create a sort of Shadow Council to seek out a new base and the identity of
the traitor in their ranks. C-3PO is upgraded with military-grade security and encryption
programming to assist Leia in this endeavor. She is able to choose her own team members,
and Luke is her first choice. Meanwhile, Darth Vader is recalled from a mission aboard the
Devastator by Emperor Palpatine, who berates Vader for his failure at Yavin and emphasizes
his need to redeem himself in Palpatine’s eyes. He is given coordinates for travel but no other
information. He leaves, and his Star Destroyer (the Devastator) is placed under the command
of Colonel Kell Bircher, a rising star in the Imperial ranks whom Vader sees, at least
somewhat, as competition. Vader is also plagued by the name of the Rebel who destroyed
the Death Star: “Skywalker. What could it mean? Elsewhere, in the Corsair Outback, Han
Solo and Chewbacca, aboard the Millennium Falcon, on a mission for Mon Mothma as well,
are attacked by Boba Fett in Slave I and forced to jump to their next rendezvous point, which
takes them to Coruscant itself . . . Aboard the Devastator, Bircher orders his new aide,
Ensign Llona to provide him with information on the ship and on Darth Vader himself . . .
Back with the Rebel fleet, Leia assembles her team, Gray Flight: Luke; Wedge; Gram
Cortess, Rus Kal Kin; Prithi; Falback Kord; Tess Alder; and Ardana Cinn. They also have new
black X-wings. Soon, during a training exercise, Luke is sent to collect Prithi when she is
EVA, and it leaves them in very close quarters in Luke’s cockpit, giving them plenty of time in
a roundabout way home to get acquainted (and plenty attracted). Neither Leia nor Wedge is
happy to see their familiarity when they return, though for different reasons. (Leia is forced to
ground Luke and Prithi for six rotations for playing fast and loose with their orders.) On
Coruscant, Han and Chewie meet with Mon Mothma’s contact, who should be procuring
material from the Imperial Armory for them, but it is a trap and they find themselves in a
firefight with stormtroopers. Back with the fleet, Leia runs more training, then gets Mon
Mothma to start spreading false information so that they can track the leak within the Alliance,
even as Mon Mothma raises concerns about whether Leia’s connection with Luke is causing
her too many distractions. On Coruscant, Han and Chewbacca escape TIE fighter pursuit by
taking the Millennium Falcon into the underworld over 1,000 levels down. Back at Home One,
Leia, Tess, and Wedge head out to one location, while Rus and Falback head to another, and
Gram and Ardana head for a third. While they check out potential bases, Leia has C-3PO
slice information into the Renbel fleet’s data system, so that they might be able to make the
traitor reveal themselves. When Leia’s team emerges over Pybus, they are attacked by an
Imperial group that includes the Devastator and an Interdictor. Worse yet: Pybus was not in
the fleet’s systems, just in Leias personal navigation packet. Surrounded by TIE Interceptors,
they fight back, expecting it to be a suicide mission . . . Meanwhile, Luke hears Obi-Wans
voice, telling him to keep Leia out of danger, only for Obi-Wan’s comments through the Force
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 133
to be heard by Prithi! Luke disobeys orders and heads for his X-wing. At the Death Star
construction side over Endor, Vader kills an admiral who dares to speak up against the
Emperor wishing for a faster construction timetable without actually seeing the situation or
himself. Kuat’s representative on the team, the apparently Force-sensitive Birra Seah,
confirms the admirals concerns, though, and requests that he make her a Moff temporarily to
put her in total command of the project and see that it is done on schedule. At Pybus, Leia,
Wedge, and Tess fight TIE Interceptors led by Bircher himself. They destroy the gravity well
generator on the Interdictor and escape into hyperspace, but Bircher is able to follow, and he
detonates and explosive that severely damages Leia’s X-wing, injuring her badly in the
process. Even when Leia tells Tess and Wedge that there is not a traitor giving up their
missions, but rather that the Empire can somehow track them it seems, they are unwilling to
leave her damaged starfighter to return to the fleet. Fortunately, Luke and Prithi have taken
their X-wings and are on their way to find Leia’s team. On Coruscant, Han and Chewbacca
are approached by Perla, who is willing to help them escape the Empire (and bounty hunter
Boba Fett, who is there with Bossk to find Solo) for a hefty price. Back at Endor, after some
meditations on the threat posed by “Skywalker, Vader agrees to make Seah an Acting Moff,
so that he can focus on hunting down Skywalker. Luke and Prithi find Leia, Wedge, and Tess,
and Luke goes EVA to repair parts of Leia’s X-wing, while also removing fuel reactors from
the vessel. As Leia passes out from her injuries, the reactor is tossed near where they expect
the pursuing Star Destroyer to emerge from hyperspace. It does, and the others fire proton
torpedoes toward it, but they purposely miss, instead hitting the reactors, which explode.
Many TIE Interceptors are destroyed, the Devastator leaps to hyperspace at the last moment,
and the Interdictor is damaged. With the help of Luke’s Force-attuned instincts, they leap to
hyperspace and escape the Imperials. Leia is given bacta treatment for her wounds and, of
course, survives to make a full recovery. Luke and Wedge are brought into Mon Mothmas
confidence as far as the mission to discover who is betraying them. Luke is promoted to
Commander, and Wedge is promoted to Lieutenant. The squadron’s cover is blown, so they
can get repairs and such from the main hangar. She tells them about Han and Chewie going
missing on Coruscant and the possibility that they were attacked or perhaps ran off with the
Rebellion’s money (which is unlikely). Luke and Prithi are returned to active duty to help
rebuild the squadron, but Prithi, unwilling to stick around while Luke has feelings for Leia,
leaves. Bircher, having survived the encounter with the Rebels, returns to the Devastator to
assess damage to the vessel. Han and Chewie remain with Perla. As for Leia, she is soon
out of bacta but still bedridden, watched over by Luke, R2-D2, and C-3PO. (Exact date,
based on internal reference: 35:5)*
(In the Shadow of Yavin)*
*NOTE: The comic refers to it being 2 months after ANH, which is also the time frame that the Early Victories
omnibus gives for Vader’s Quest. Given that Vader knows the name “Skywalker” in In the Shadow of Yavin, this
story must take place just after Vader’s Quest. Since he apparently also knows the name “Luke” in From the
Ruins of Alderaan (the very next arc), this series must also begin after Dark Lord’s Gambit. There is also a
reference by Wedge (in issue #5) to the idea that “We all just barely made it off of Yavin alive,” which could
suggest that it is set after the Yavin evacuation, which is 4 months later than the first issue claims for the story. I
have contacted Leland Chee with regard to this possible shift in time frame, and he assures me that the story is
set 2 months after ANH, and that line from Wedge is simply up for interpretation in multiple ways, not an
indication that it is set after the evacuation or that the evacuation has been moved up.
Leia Organa’s Gray Flight is redesignated Stealth Squadron.*
(conjecture based on From the Ruins of Alderaan)*
*NOTE: We are given no reason for this change; it simply happens between issues. One could assume that it is
because they are no longer a secret squadron. Or perhaps there was no name change, and Gray Flight was part
of a larger Stealth Squadron concept at first that just hadn’t been fleshed out by other flights. Or, y’know, the
writer just forgot that he had already given it a different name earlier in his own series.
Prithi rethinks her decision to leave Leia Organas squadron and remains for now.*
(conjecture based on From the Ruins of Alderaan)*
*NOTE: We are given no reason for why she is seen apparently leaving due to her feelings for Luke in the sixth
issue of this series, then inexplicably back again in the seventh issue. She will indeed leave by the 12
issue, but
this is not immediately after the previous arc, since she goes on at least one more major mission between now
and then.
Around this time, Dai Danu, on the run from SoroSuub, has enough materials stored on
Elrood to now take them to the Caltrop Belt asteroid field to set up a hideout with enough
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 134
defenses to keep him safe while seeking information to reveal the frame-up against him.
Setting up those defenses will take about one month.*
(conjecture based on Company Man)*
*NOTE: This assumes that the adventure of Company Man starts immediately after he sets up his defenses, and
that the story can be assumed to take place around 35:6. This would then be around 35:5.
Emperor Palpatine arrives at the Death Star II construction site at Endor to find Darth Vader
seemingly absent and Acting Moff Birra Seah in charge. He quickly strips her of the rank
Vader gave her and orders that Vader be found. When Seah nearly kills herself in disgrace,
Vader’s voice comes to her from somewhere nearby, saying that he has a new job for her.
She is made a lieutenant and assigned to the Devastator under Colonel Kell Bircher.
Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Han Solo and Chewbacca stow the Millennium Falcon into a
garbage barge with the help of Perla and attempt to sneak back into space, only to come
under fire by Boba Fetts Slave I and Bossks Hound’s Tooth and be forced to make a quick
escape in the Falcon. At the same time, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa travel to Tatooine,
where Luke formally buries Owen and Beru Lars. Leia then explains her Shadow Council
operation to Luke in detail. He suggests that he and Wedge Antilles could discover how the
Empire is tracking them by sneaking aboard the Devastator, slicing their computers, and then
escaping in a stolen TIE Interceptor. The plan proceeds forward, with Luke and Wedge taking
a transport to the Devastator in disguise and Prithi (apparently having rethought what
appeared to be her leaving the squadron after Leia’s recent injuries) releasing from the
transport in a Stealth Squadron X-wing that she attaches to the Star Destroyer’s hull. As the
mission commences, Leia takes an X-wing and leaves Home One, ordering C-3PO to cover
all traces of her leaving in the ship’s systems and his own. She is intending to find a new
Rebel base on her own to fulfill her orders from Mon Mothma. Wedge and Luke are taken
aboard the Devastator and put into the brig as possible Rebel collaborators, and Vader
orders Birra to determine their identities, as one has been identified as an “Antilles,”
suggesting possible Rebel ties. For his part, Luke uses the Force in a simple mind trick he
has been practicing in order to smuggle a pack into their cell that includes his lightsaber
parts. He puts it back together and they break out of their cell, releasing other prisoners as
cover as they head for the data core. Meanwhile, Leia visits the remains of Alderaan to
launch a buoy with a remembrance message. While there, she is spotted by the Venator-
class (and Clone Wars era) Star Destroyer Audacity, whose captain claims to be a friend
there also to remember. The stranger invites Leia aboard, and she accepts. On Coruscant
(somehow during all of this because the storytelling in the issue makes zero sense to claim
these events are all concurrent when intercutting see the note below), Chewie is able to
use the Falcon to draw Bossk away, while Han and Perla crash in their own vessel on a
Golan defense platform, only to be at the mercy of Slave Is cannons. Fortunately, Fett has a
sense of honor and leaps down to face Han man-to-man, which gives Perla a chance to blast
the innards of the Golan and send it crashing. She and Han leap to the Falcon, with which
they escape into space with Fett holding on as long as he can, only to have to drop back off
the ship when his armor, which isn’t airtight, necessitates it. The Falcon heads for a hiding
place Perla has used before. Back at the Audacity, Leia meets its captain, Tag Rogaren, who
was a weapon systems designer on the Death Star, designing its superlaser. He realizes who
she is and seems to be an Alderaanian himself. He has gathered remnants of the planet on
the ship as a sort of memorial, but he intends to one day die with them. His life means little to
him because of what he helped do to his homeworld. For Leia’s part, she holds him at
blasterpoint but then leaves him alone, intending to send a Rebel vessel back to arrest him
for war crimes. Back on the Devastator, Luke and Wedge fight their way to the TIE fighter bay
to hide in a pair of TIE interceptors until they can escape. Prithi, meanwhile, decides to stay
longer than the route Leia programmed for her would allow, intending to fly directly back to
the fleet if necessary to stay long enough to help Luke, even though this would reveal the
fleet’s location to the Empire possibly. Vader, meanwhile, is aboard the Executor at Endor
and learns from Birra that the two Rebels who got aboard the Devastator include Luke, whom
he orders he to capture and bring to him. While in hiding in their TIEs, Luke and Wedge
discuss Luke’s connection with Prithi and Wedge’s desire to rename Stealth Squadron
(again) as “Rogue Squadron” and to later retire the Red Squadron name in honor of those
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 135
who died at Yavin. Prithi must finally head back to the fleet due to lack of life support. She
makes it back via a direct route to warn Mon Mothma, but she dies before she can give a
report. The fleet is ordered to begin moving out, due to Prithi likely revealing their location.
Their fear is justified, as the Devastator arrives nearby and scrambles TIE interceptors, led by
Colonel Bircher and including, unbeknownst to the Imperials, Luke and Wedge in TIEs. At the
same time, Vader receives a report back from Birra about Luke’s origins on Tatooine, his
family background, and where he lived, further prompting Vader to push for his capture.
When it becomes obvious that Luke has escaped, Birra abandon her post and makes her
own escape. As the Devastator attacks Home One, Mon Mothma gets a (mysterious) signal
on the way to the war room and orders C-3PO to accompany her. Amid the attack, Leia’s X-
wing returns. She gets back aboard Home One just in time to gather her squadron to launch
again. Right before they do so, Luke and Wedge land aboard in their Interceptors and join
them. In the dogfight that follows, Rus Kal Kin and Ardana Cinn of Stealth Squadron are
killed. As the battle nears its end, Colonel Bircher makes a startling move. He heads for
Home One, giving over command of his own starfighter and the rest of his TIEs to Home
One, where Mon Mothma has cleared a hangar bay for them. Bircher, it turns out, is Mon
Mothma’s own nephew and a Rebel agent. (And, fortunately for him, Leia was able to talk
Wedge out of blowing him out of the sky when he headed for Home One.) Meanwhile, Perla
takes Han and Chewbacca to an asteroid belt in the Cularin System, where she shows off her
collection of various weapons, vehicles, and the like, which she has stocked over the years.
She wants to trade asylum with the Rebels for her huge cache of useful parts and such. Han
agrees. Vader, meanwhile, is recalled by the Emperor just after he receives word of Birra’s
failure (along with a message begging forgiveness) and disappearance and that Bircher is
“missing in action. With Bircher “missing in action” (actually returned to the Rebellion), the
Devastator is forced to leave empty-handed. Bircher is revealed to be not just Mon Mothma’s
nephew but also a member of the Chandrilan Special Forces, who was inserted into the
Imperial military based on a plan made months prior to the Battle of Yavin. He explains that
the kill switch he used to stop the recent attack was always at his disposal if the Imperials
seemed likely to destroy the Rebel pilots that they were facing (which somewhat explains
why Bircher always wanted to be in a TIE during a dogfight instead of on the Devastator
bridge). Wedge, Luke, and Leia accept this (with Leia doing so only begrudgingly). In the
same meeting in which this is revealed to the trio, Wedge requests the dissolution of the
stealth squadron and the creation of a new squadron, built from Stealth Squadron pilots if
they agree to join, which he intends to call “Rogue Squadron.” Bircher is asked to join, but he
is needed back on Chandrila. Wedge breaks the news of the squadron change to the others,
who are to train using the TIE interceptors that they have captured as a sort of “audition” to
become a Rogue. They seem to all be interested, except for Prithi, who is still in medbay.
She has a final moment with Luke before informing him that she is returning back to Chalacta
to pursue a calling with her Force sensitivity. Han and Chewie finally arrive with Perla, who
hands over her stash to Mon Mothma and is given a transport with a five-year agreement to
work for the Rebellion. As our tale concludes, Leia briefs the Rebels on a new base she
discovered amid her journeys (when needing to stop for fresh water), Arrochar, where Leia
has agreed to marry the world’s prince to secure an alliance with the world and a safe new
base for the Rebels. Elsewhere, Darth Vader leaves the Executor to continue his work for the
Emperor. (To be continued below . . . )*
(From the Ruins of Alderaan)*
*NOTE: Multiple continuity issues arise here. The Super Star Destroyer that was seen in earlier issues is said to
be the Executor, which should not be operational at this point. Leia’s Gray Flight is renamed Stealth Squadron
for no reason. Prithi is also back with no explanation, unless fandom’s interpretation of her final scene in the
previous arc was insanely off the mark. Somehow, Luke and Leia engage in several significant plot developments
during the span of a single firefight over Coruscant for Han, Chewie, and Perla, which suggests that segments of
the arc are not told entirely in sequence when intercutting the two storylines. Oh, and to top it off, Luke returns to
Tatooine and the Lars Moisture Farm again, once again with dialogue that suggests that this is supposed to be
his first time back. We also see the decision to name “Rogue Squadron,” learn of yet another person who was an
architect of part of the Death Star, and see that Vader knows (or now learns) Luke’s full name. Oh, and the writer
apparently forgot the name of the ship he himself developed for issue #9 (the Audacity), because he starts calling
it the Resolute (not once but multiple times) in issue #10! The issues also have no issue or storyline titles
evident. Even though Randy Stradley once said that the tale should be called Prisoners of the Empire, it was
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 136
released in trade paperback form as From the Ruins of Alderaan, which is apparently now its official title.
Aboard the Executor, Ensign Nanda is assigned to Darth Vader with a special detachment of
six elite stormtroopers (who amount to a black ops team for the Empire) for a period that will
come to be just five days. The mission they leave on aboard a Lambda-class shuttle is off the
books, but the reward for Nanda, if all goes well, would be a promotion up three ranks to
lieutenant commander during her next review. It is a mission meant to help Vader restore his
own honor after his failure in allowing the Death Star to be destroyed. It is also, it seems, a
mission that is contrary to the Emperors wishes. They first head to Coruscant, where they
hide their arrival from official records, enter an Imperial data center, and interrogate those
within. They are seeking the names of anyone who might have been able to slice into
Imperial systems to provide the intricate false background used by Kell Bircher during his
infiltration of the Empire. Examples are made of those who allowed the falsehoods to be
within the system. After a few upgrades to the shuttle and retrieval of suspected data slicers,
they head to Bothawui, where two teams of three troopers take out two targets and Nanda
fires a missile for a third. They then go to Kuat. En route, Vader speaks with Palpatine, not
revealing his plans and insisting that he is simply making certain that he is making himself
worth of ruling the galaxy beside Palpatine. At Kuat Drive Yards, Vader and his new team
board the Devastator, which is currently being repaired. Vader assembles the command staff,
which he accuses of treason for operating under Bircher, even though they had no idea he
was a Rebel spy. One disagreeing officer reminds Vader that he was fooled as well and is
Force-slammed face-first into the table and killed. A second loudly protests Vader’s
accusations and is shot by a (blindingly) loyal officer, who then takes his own life. Five more
die before Vader is satisfied. Before they leave, Gal Kalling, KDYs Executive Chief of
Security, brings Vader information on Birra Seah’s location, but he claims not to care. En
route to their next destination, Vader argues with the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom he can
hear but not see. The encounter disturbs him, to say the least. As for Nanda, she has the
information on Birra, but it is while she is reviewing a report of a scavenger who is trying to
buy himself out of legal trouble by peddling a story of an X-wing and old Star Destroyer (the
Audacity) meeting in the ruins of Alderaan that Vader sees opportunity. They set course for
the asteroid field that used to be Alderaan. By the time they arrive, Tag Rogaren’s name has
made it into pro-Alliance chatter, and the Empire has issued a kill-or-capture order for him.
Knowing he is likely on Audacity, right nearby, Vader intends to capture him first. The
stormtroopers board and capture him, but when Vader intends to interrogate him alone,
possibly killing him, the stormtroopers obey the kill-or-capture order from the Imperial MilNet
over Vader’s off-the-books orders and intend to take him back to Imperial center, not leaving
him alone with Vader at all. Nanda surges the ship forward, giving Vader the opening he
needs. He kills all of the stormtroopers, seals a breach in the hull from the battle, then returns
to the cockpit with Rogaren. Vader questions him about the identity of the Rebel woman he
recently met, but he refuses to reveal that it was Leia Organa. Vader finally kills him, learning
by his loyalty and possibly the Force in his mind that it was indeed Leia. As the fifth day of
Nanda’s time with Vader begins, they arrive on Chandrila for one last act of retribution.
Nanda is sent to recon Kell Bircher’s childhood home, where she sees three tombstones,
ones for Far Mothma, Artar Mothma, and Finna Mothma. She reports this to Vader, revealing
Bircher’s ties to Mon Mothma. She is just barely clear when Vader blasts the house to rubble
with the ships lasers. They finally return to Coruscant. Vader is accepted back into
Palpatine’s service, given leave to continue to hunt the Rebel fleet but told to keep his
personal ambitions in check in the future, or at least to proceed carefully, lest the Emperor
not be as forgiving next time. As for Nanda, she is given a great deal of credits, better
quarters, and a promotion. However, she carries the scars of the mission, terrified by visions
of Vader. They also learn, after the mission, that Birra Seah was found murdered on an Outer
Rim backwater world. The five days with the Sith Lord are finally over.*
(Five Days of Sith)*
*NOTE: This two-issue story is part of the A Shattered Hope trade paperback, though that is the name of the
second two-story arc in that TPB. This story’s title was in the actual issues.
As the Rebel fleet nears Arrochar, Leia Organa feels the crew staring at her all the time, now
that they knew the price of having a new Rebel base on Arrochar is Leia marrying their Prince
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 137
Kaspar. She talks to Wedge Antilles about this, mentioning that in many ways, Arrochar could
fill the void left by Alderaan to the Alliance, but Wedge warns her not to try to fill her own
emotional void from the loss of Alderaan with Aarochar. No one can doubt Leias dedication,
marriage or no marriage. (To be continued below . . . )
(Rebel Girl)
The Rebel fleet arrives at Arrochar, where Leia Organa is welcomed by Prince Kaspar via
comm. The Rebel Alliance would appear to have found its new home through a dead made
for Leia’s hand in marriage.
(From the Ruins of Alderaan)
As the Rebel Alliance arrives at Arrochar, Wedge Antilles and his squadron will be the Rebel
welcoming committee, flying down to show respect to diplomats with their X-wings. As they
prepare to take off, Wedge gives them their new callsigns. He is Rogue Leader, Tess Alder is
Rogue Two, and Rus Kal Kin is Rogue Three. (Luke will be Rogue Five, and Ardanna Cinn
will be Rogue Six.) He has dubbed the squadron “Rogue Squadron.” Shortly thereafter, the
dignitaries meet with Leia Organa and Mon Mothma to cement their arrangements. The royal
family of King tolar and Queen Tiina is offering the Alliance 17 square kilometers in the
equatorial zone at a former mining site (where minerals can confuse scanners) to us e as a
new Rebel base. The Rebels in turn agree to employ local construction firms and to provide a
minimum of 200 new jobs. Arrochar’s own pilots will train with Wedge and Rogue Squadron
to become proficient with Z-95 headhunters and T-65 X-wings, though flight control for Rebel
ships remains with the Rebel Alliance. Leia is to meet with the royal family the next day to
prepare for her marriage to Prince Kaspar. With the deal sealed except for the wedding itself,
Leia meets the royal family for the first time officially the next day, and the wedding date is set
for two weeks later. Leia meets with Kaspar that night, not knowing that Luke Skywalker,
jealous, has followed her. Luke returns to base, but in the morning when they run training
flights, he acts like a hothead. His reckless actions lead to Wedge grounding him. He soon
speaks with Han, wondering if he might have a place on the Millennium Falcon for Luke, as
Han suggested right before the Battle of Yavin, but now Han has been offered a rank and a
position, which means he and Chewbacca are likely staying, despite Han’s own reservations
about Leia getting married, which Perla has now noticed too. Later, the Arrochar pilots are
getting annoyed about being given Z-95s instead of X-wings, but the Alliance cannot spare
them until Mon Mothma makes a new agreement with their contacts at Incom in a few weeks.
Wedge discusses this with Leia, who notes her concerns about Luke, whom Wedge has now
reassigned since he was grounded. Speaking of Luke, he is out meditating, hoping to hear
Obi-Wan Kenobis voice, when he is called back to base for his new assignment. Leia returns
to the palace to meet with Kaspar, who really wants to marry her, but he gripes about her
working on her X-wing like a common soldier, which reflects more than his own reservations
but those of his advisor, a one-eyed general assigned by the king. Luke arrives, thinking he
was summoned by Leia, but she doesnt hear him and walks away, angering Luke even
more. Luke reports to Mon Mothma, who is speaking with the prince’s advisor at the moment.
Luke is a good fit for a mission with the Arrochar Mountain Rangers, whom he could
accompany as a public relations exercise. In space above Arrochar, the Rebel fleet is in
hiding out of the immediate area when an Imperial super hauler (a droid ship) arrives,
sending out an automated local-distance distress beacon. Leia, C-3PO, Han Solo, and
Chewbacca go to check it out in the Falcon. By that time, Luke is with the Rangers in the
mountains. They are supposed to replace a fuel cell on part of the planetary defense grid up
on top of the mountain, and they are traveling by foot as part of tradition, despite the higher
atmosphere bothering outsiders like Luke. While Luke does get some respect from the
Rangers after talking about the Empire and his own experiences, they note that most
Arrochar don’t want the Rebels on their world. Back above Arrochar, Han and the others
figure out that the hauler had a navigation problem. They fix it and send it into hyperspace,
but not before it can release a small probe droid, which makes its way to the royal palace.
The next day, as Luke and the Rangers reach the tower they need to repair with a new fuel
cell, Luke hears the voice of Obi-Wan, warning him that he is amongst evil. Just then, the
soldiers turn on Luke, revealing that they are actually there to use the tower to broadcast a
signal to a waiting Star Destroyer. Arrochar is going to join the greater galactic community,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 138
but it will be joining the Empire, not the Rebellion. The Rangers try to kill Luke, but he deflects
a few blasts with his lightsaber, then tumbles off the side of the cliff. They presume him dead,
but he has grabbed a lower cliff. He begins the long trek back to the palace, but he is soon
noticed and pursued by the Rangers. Back at the palace, the wedding of Leia to Kaspar is
about to commence. Wedge and Han note the heavy security, wondering if Arrochar has
dissidents to worry about or if there is something more at play. Luke is found by Ardana, who
was keeping an eye on him in her X-wing from time to time, who saves him from the Rangers
and races him back to the palace. When they get there, they are forbidden from entering to
see Leia. Finally, the time has come from the conspirators’ plans to bear fruit. Kaspar’s own
advisor is a traitor. The general sends a signal to the probe droid, which is now inside the
palace. It explodes. Even as Mon Mothma protects Leia from the blast and contacts Ackbar
above on Home One to tell him the palace has been bombed, Ackbar himself reports that
three Star Destroyers have arrived. Before they can do anything else Arrochar security forces
begin banging on the door to the room where Mon Mothma and Leia await. In orbit, the
Imperial Star Destroyers receive orders from Vader via holocomm. They are to bombard the
planet to wipe out the Rebels, regardless of Arrochar’s own population. In the capital, Leia
pulls a blaster from under her gown and gives it to Mon Mothma. They take out the security
forces that have come to capture them and escape. Outside, Han works his way toward the
castle to find Leia, while Rogue Squadron flies above (minus Wedge, who is racing to his X-
wing). In the castle, Kaspars advisor, now revealed as a “traitor, reveals that he has made
this deal with the Empire so that Arrochar can be on the “winning” side of the Galactic Civil
War. He intends to hand Leia over to the Imperials, even suggesting that he would enjoy
watching whatever they do to her. Kaspar, who truly cares for Leia, grabs the general’s own
sidearm and shoots him. As Chewbacca, Han, and Leia arrive, taking out security forces,
Kaspar hears the general’s dying comment that he has already had Kaspar’s parents killed.
Knowing that he must remain on Arrochar to lead his people and help them recover from all
of this (if they survive), Kaspar refuses and offer to join the Rebel fleet. As Leia and Mon
Mothma head for the Rebel base, Han, Luke, and Chewbacca escape on the Millennium
Falcon. Unbeknownst to the Imperials and Arrochar’s government, one major priority project
upon setting up the Rebel base was the installation of ion cannons. As soon as they are
ready, Mon Mothma orders them to fire on the Star Destroyers, which allow the Rebel fleet to
destroy them. In the aftermath, as the Rebels escape, Vader vows not to allow the hunt for
the Rebels to be foiled by letting others lead those efforts in the future, while Leia refuses a
message from Kaspar that Luke hands off to C-3PO. She may never listen to it, as she now
bears the burden of feeling guilty for ever bringing the war to Arrochar.*
(Rebel Girl)*
*NOTE: While this story’s trade paperback is listed as Volume 3, I should note that Five Days of Sith, collected in
Volume 4 with A Shattered Hope, was actually just before this story, originally released as issues 13 and 14,
while this story is issues 15 18. And, yes, I know this conflicts with the creation of Rogue Squadron elsewhere
in this timeline, but that is a contradiction Brian Wood created that was never fixed or explained away before the
whole Official Continuity was branded as Legends and Leland Chee became unable to address these issues
outside of inquiries through the public relations office.
On Lotho Minor, Alliance Intelligence agent Seren Song of Dantooine is being hunted by IG-
88 in his IG-2000. She returns to her Y-wing and astromech, R4-00, and sends out a call,
identifying herself as “Agent Double Black” and calling “Agent Command.” With little to lose,
she openly broadcasts a plea for help to Leia Organa herself, identifying herself by name as
well. She has been undercover for four years, and this is the first Leia has head that Seren,
an old friend she played with as a kid (because Seren’s parents were delegates from
Dantooine to the Imperial Senate alongside Bail Organa of Alderaan) has been a Rebel
agent. (They have not seen each other in at least a decade.) Leia is willing to go on a rescue
mission, and she recruits Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker to help, which is okay
with Han only when he learns that this has expedited repairs on the Millennium Falcon. While
they are en route and unable to contact Seren, Seren leaves Lotho Minor in her Y-wing and
goes into hyperspace. IG-88 is in the process of following into space when the Falcon arrives,
IG-88 attacks, and the Falcon returns to hyperspace. Leia wants to still find Seren, though, if
only to save a life to help balance some of their personal losses lately. After they stop to fix
the Falcon, they set out again. Seren has hidden herself amid a convoy of Imperial ships near
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 139
Corellia, not realizing that IG-88 is tracking her Y-wing. She sends out another message in
the open to Leia, using a code they had developed as children. It points Leia to a new
rendezvous point, the legendary planet Oaka Prime, a wildlife preserve that they had
fantasized about visiting as children. Before the Falcon can arrive, the IG-2000 does. IG-88
blasts R4 with his sniper rifle, destroying the droid that has been Seren’s only real friend for
years. The Falcon arrives and draws IG-88’s fire to protect Seren. When IG-88 seems to be
able to use mathematical calculations to keep from being hit by Han’s fire, Luke grabs the
controls and uses the Force to guide his shots, hitting the IG-2000 and driving the bounty
hunter off. Seren then gathers her data, deletes it from the Y-wing, and goes EVA to board
the Falcon. They all escape into hyperspace. Seren finally reveals that the information she
has obtained during her years under deeper and longer cover than her originally assignment
had intended, is a series of Imperial geological surveys that point out planets that the Empire
has deemed useless and thus will ignore, the perfect kind of planets for future Rebel bases.
Like Leia with Alderaan and Luke with the Larses, Seren is now someone for whom the
Rebel Alliance is a home for someone without one of her own. In that moment of sentiment,
Leia is even willing to give Han credit, noting that he does have his momenta comment that
Han hears, much to his satisfaction.*
(A Shattered Hope)*
*NOTE: This two-issue story is part of the A Shattered Hope trade paperback with Five Days of Sith.
A group of smugglers in debt to Sinasu the Hutt, a minor crimelord on Nar Shaddaa, arrives
at Vapor Station on Tatooine to take possession of a cargo that Sinasu wants smuggled back
to Nar Shaddaa. If all goes well, some of their obligation to Sinasu will be cleared.
Unfortunately, the cargo is rather dangerous: several krayt dragon eggs in an incubator that
frequently needs tuning due to mechanical problems and an anesthetized young krayt dragon
that needs a constant intravenous flow of anesthetic to keep him asleep for the journey. To
make things more difficult, transporting such creatures requires Imperial permits, and the
crew only has forged permits, and they are of an outdated version of the permit form. They
have just taken the cargo from the big game hunter Sinasu hired to get the krayt and eggs,
the Rodian Jora, when they are attacked by Tusken Raiders and forced to make a fighting
escape back to their ship. They launch from Tatooine and head for Nar Shaddaa, where they
have been instructed to land at the series of landing pads known as Greentop. However, they
arrive to find the pads completely destroyed. They head for the closest alternative, Rowos
Landing, where they pay hefty fees but at least can land. They investigate what happened to
Greentop and find that Sinasu is apparently in a turf war with another Hutt, Naoko, who is the
one who destroyed the landing pad in retaliation for the destruction of a Corellian corvette he
owned, the Blackmist. They learn that one of Sinasus lieutenants, Pon, betrayed him to
Naoko but was badly injured during the destruction of the port and taken to the BactaMax
medical center. Once at BactaMax, the group meets Lanni, one of Sinasu’s dock workers,
also injured. Lanni was to help take possession of the cargo upon arrival, so she will help
deal with it, while the others head for where Sinasu is holed up, which she says is likely the
TechTank. (For his part, Pon has already left the medical center to avoid questioning.)
Avoiding Naokos bounty hunters, Cordols Chain, they make it to the TechTank, an illegal
tech modifying base. There, they find Sinasu, the TechTank’s leader, Tennom, and a protocol
droid, TT-3PO. They inform Sinasu of Pons apparently treachery, but it is not long before
Cordol’s Chain attacks the TechTank. While they could just leave the Hutt to his fate and
hope he dies, leaving them without an obligation to deal with, they protect their employer,
taking out the bounty hunters. They escape in the crew’s ship, only to be pursued by more of
Cordol’s Chain in CloakShape starfighters. They evade the starfighters and head for
Spaceport 27 on Nal Hutta, where they transfer Sinasu and the cargo to his freighter, the Red
Nebula. They are rewarded for their intended work and the unintended bonus of having
saved Sinasu from probable capture or death. They are still in debt to Sinasu, but not nearly
as much now.*
(Crates of Krayts)*
*NOTE: This RPG adventure has no set time frame, other than in the Edge of the Empire time frame (between
ANH and ESB). I have placed it here to be relatively close to the other early EOTE scenarios, two of which were
set about two months or a bit more after ANH. If you are a player of EOTE and unfamiliar with this adventure,
bear in mind that it appeared in the Edge of the Empire: Beta rulebook, not the final rulebook or any other post-
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 140
beta products.
A group of heroes arrives on Formos and soon discovers a torn-apart and “dying” protocol
droid, J9-B8. Both J9-B8 and his companion, the astromech R4-W9, were manumitted “free”
droids, having been released from service by his owner after his death. That former owner
was a smuggler in the region, and R4-W9 holds truly comprehensive navigational information
for the Kessel Run and local space. However, the droids were attacked by thugs led by Daro
Blunt, who work for the local smuggling network organizer, Bandin Dobah. The goons put a
restraining bolt on R4-W9 and took him away, leaving J9-B8 to his doom. The droid’s last
request is that the heroes find and free his comrade. The heroes agree to do so and start
asking around for information at the Rii Jenks Cantina, soon meeting the Rodian Zukata, who
is making her way through the area to gather information for a guidebook for Rodian bounty
hunters. She could use the information in R4-W9, just as the heroes could perhaps use the
bounty on Bandin Dobah’s head. (There are actually two, one from the Empire’s Moruth
Doole on Kessel and another from Thakba Besadii Diori of Sleheyron, who wants to enjoy
killing Bandin if caught alive.) Zukata is also the sister of Godon Netakka, a Rodian bounty
hunter who has seemingly disappeared while on Dobah’s tail. The heroes find themselves in
a brief scuffle with Daro Blunt and two other thugs in Dobah’s smuggling operation, Spir
Fraxis and Gut-Guro. After the trio finally leaves, our heroes find a Toydarian named Zalg
listening in on their conversation with Zukata. They trail him back to where he provides
information on them to Daro. They confront Daro again, this time taking him down and finding
R4-W9 in his safe house. They free the droid, who is being held for his navigational data,
which also includes the location of Dobahs hidden base in a nearby asteroid. For a
combination of credits (the bounty on Dobah) and some payback for J9-B8, along with the
fear of reprisals from Dobah, the heroes and R2-W9 head for the asteroid to take down
Dobah. They sneak through tunnels, discovering Godon Netakka, who is stuck on the
asteroid. He had tracked Dobah to the asteroid, only to have his ship damaged by corrosion
before landing. Unable to leave in his ship, he has thrown himself on Dobahs mercy and
joined his operation, though he still holds reservations about this. They then find Dobah’s own
ship, the Vagrant, which is not in particularly good shape itself due to Dobah being very lazy
in taking care of the ship (which is his current base and home). He thought that being in the
asteroid would keep him safe. Instead, it acts as a trap, leaving him at the heroes mercy as
they strike against him. They manage to collect the bounty on Dobah, though it is uncertain
whether they turn him in to Doole on Kessel (and get screwed over in the deal) or travel to
Sleheyron to receive a decent bounty, while also avoiding soiling themselves in the eyes of
others in the area by working for the Empire.*
(Trouble Brewing)*
*NOTE: This RPG adventure has no set time frame, other than in the Edge of the Empire time frame (between
ANH and ESB). I have placed it here to be relatively close to other early EOTE scenarios, two of which were set
about two months or a bit more after ANH. If you are unfamiliar with this adventure, bear in mind that it appeared
in the Edge of the Empire: Core Rulebook. The ending is “uncertain” because there are two options for how the
characters handle things after nailing Dobah.
When local minor crimelord and bounty hunter kingpin Logron leaves his farmstead
headquarters, several of his prisoners escape. They include the Bothan Sona, the Twi’lek
Pero brothers (Rels and Coson), and another hero. The steal a speeder to escape, but it is
damaged, forcing them to crash near Mos Shuuta. They make it into the city, pursued by
Rodian bounty hunters, though Sona does not think they work for Logron, and the Pero
brother do not believe that they are after the brothers either, as they are unfamiliar to both of
them. They barely make it to the docking bay where the Blue Flare is stored. After Rels, felled
by a stun blast, is brought aboard, they lift off, but all may not be as it seems. The hero
believes that the ship belongs to Logron, since it was the Blue Flare that his cousin was last
seen being brought into before she disappeared six months ago. Sona explains that the ship
is hers. She had been working a job for Logron, but Logron decided to take the ship as
payment for money she owed him. She and the Pero brothers had broken into his farmstead
to get it back by getting Logron’s codes, but they were captured. She is not a bounty hunter
but a smuggler, and she actually helped the hero’s cousin six months ago when she was in
trouble with Jabba the Hutt. Sona got her off of Tatooine. Just then, Logron himself emerges
from a corridor in the ship. He had been intending to leave on the ship, and the Rodians were
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 141
actually after him, not Sona, the Peros, or the hero. When an Imperial Star Destroyer
emerges from hyperspace, Sona and the others decide that there must be an Imperial bounty
of some kind on Logron, so they simply turn him over to the Imperials. Sona then takes the
hero to his cousin.*
(Edge of the Empire: Core Rulebook Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the Read This First” booklet for Edge of the Empire’s rulebook.
On an Outer Rim world (presumably), Twilek indentured servant Malisan and his lover, the
Chevin known as Alchibi Des, have decided to be together. Thus, Alchibi intends to buy
Malisan’s contract from his employers, the Horgans. When the young Seth Horgan refuses to
sell the contract and insults Malisan, the Twi’lek flies into a rage and kills him. Seths father,
Solk Horgan, believes the much larger Alchibi is to blame, and by the next morning, the local
law enforcement officer, Marshal Sterne, has arrested Alchibi.
(conjecture based on Far Horizons: Introduction)
Sometime before the battle to protect Molos from being retaken by the Empire, a popular
uprising on Molos ousts Imperial forces from the planet. The Rebel Alliance arrives to provide
further support.
(conjecture based on Lead by Example: Introduction)
Around this time, geological activity on Phemis unearths deposits of rubat crystals, forcing the
local Imperials to shift their resources in an attempt to keep control of the forbidden resource.
(conjecture based on Hidden Depths)
In the Outer Rim (presumably), Chevin resident Alchibi Des is being held by local Marshal
Sterne, on suspicion that he murdered Seth Horgon, son of local nerf baron Solk Horgon the
night before. When Solk shows up, raising hell and wanting Alchibi punished without a trial,
Sterne stands up to him long enough for Solk to storm away. After a brief talk with Alchibi,
who claims to have had a meeting the night before but provides no details, Sterne is unsure
what to believe. When Malisan, one of the Horgans’ indentured servants (a male Twi’lek
dancer) arrives to bring food for Alchibi and is rather concerned about him, Sterne assures
him that he will not let Alchibi be hanged unless he is actually guilty. That night, Solk and a
group of thugs arrive and attack the office, while Malisan is back again to visit. As Solk
threatens them all from outside, Sterne puts the pieces of the puzzle together, realizing that
the “meeting” was a clandestine lovers’ encounter between Alchibi and Malisan (possibly
clandestine because of Malisan being an indentured servant but more likely because of the
homosexual nature of the relationship in what appears to be a rather traditional frontier town).
He also realizes that it was Malisan that killed Seth, which explains why Alchibi is not fully
clearing himself. It turns out that Alchibi was going to buy Malisan’s indentured servitude
contract from the Horgans so that they could be together, but Seth flat-out refused to sell,
commenting that indentures should know their place. This led Malisan into a rage, in which
he killed Seth. Knowing that the Horgans are rather slimy, and not wanting to see anything
happen to Alchibi or Malisan under the circumstances, Sterne helps them escape the office,
joining them in their flight. Now, the trio will leave the planet together, forming a new party of
Outer Rim adventurers, it appears.*
(Far Horizons: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
A group of fringers are contacted by the wife of a miner. It seems that miners at the local
mine went on strike recently due to disputes with the Chevin mining tycoon who owns the
operation. Rather than negotiating, the Chevin hired independent laborers (“scabs”) to work
instead. The miners reacted with violence, then barricaded themselves inside the mine,
threatening to collapse it if their demands are not met. After taking a collection from the
families of other miners, the wife wants to hire the group to act as mediators. They contact
the Chevin, who matches the offer, and with both sides paying for fairness and a positive
resolution, the group begins their work by convincing the miners guarding the lift into the mine
to let them go down and speak with the mining foreman. They learn that the miners want
better pay, job conditions, etc., along with pardons for the deaths of any “scabs that were
”accidentally killed during the violence. They also learn that the miners oppose slave labor,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 142
and it turns out that the “independent workers that were brought in to replace them are
slaves, not free laborers. They work out a decent settlement between the two parties, despite
one of the heroes in the group vehemently opposing the mine operating at all, given that it
produces rare materials that are used by a party the individual opposes.*
(Picking at Scabs)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Far Horizons sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
The recently widowed leader of House Demici on Serenno contacts a group of fringer heroes
to locate his teenage son, who has gone missing. Demici suspects House Nalju, though he
tends to suspect them of everything. They learn that the boy had gone split-tail dorsalope
hunting with twelve members of the Demici Noble Guard and follow his trail. While searching,
they are captured by members of House Nalju and brought to meet with Young Nalju at their
encampment. They learn that House Nalju did not kidnap Young Demici, but they are indeed
there to investigate a sighting of House Demici Noble Guard in their territory. During the
night, the camp is attacked by members of the House Demici Noble Guard, and the heroes
witness Young Nalju being stunned and taken. The heroes give chase and finally discover
that both young heirs are conspiring together. They arranged to have themselves “kidnapped”
by their own loyal guards in order to drive their houses into war with each other, giving them
the chance to usurp their fathers, kill them, and, after a brief arms race between the two
houses, unite Serenno under their combined leadership. The heroes foil the plot by revealing
this treachery.*
(Splitting Heirs)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Far Horizons sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
A member of a group of heroic fringers is informed that he has inherited a parcel of land.
Upon arriving to check out this land, though, the group finds that it has been taken over by a
squatting swoop gang. The bad news is that the place is trashed, but the good news is that
the gang seems unaware of the possible fortune in minerals and gems in a cave system
located on the property. They make their way past the gang through violence, stealth, or
bluffing, then check out the caves, finding that they truly are as rich as they had heard from
the inheritors now-deceased relative. They emerge from the caves ready to find a way to get
rid of the gang, but they are forced into a confrontation with the gang, which turns out to be
led by another relative, who thinks he should have rights to the land as well. In the
confrontation that ensues, our heroes emerge victorious, though details on the outcome of
the confrontation are otherwise unknown.*
(Frontier Claim)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Far Horizons sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
On an Outer Rim planet where local conflict has broken out with the Empire, the Refugee
Relief Movement (RRM) is working to pick up the piece. The RRM hires a group of fringer
heroes to travel to the planet and work on getting the hospital in the city where conflict has
erupted back up to operational status, including dealing with power and staffing. They must
also make sure the hospital operation is entirely neutral, so as not to draw the ire of the
Empire. They arrive and split responsibilities as Director of Hospital Services, Chief of
Medicine, Chief of Medical Research, Chief of Security, Chief of Logistics, and Chief of Public
Outreach. They first clear out squatters and others who shouldn’t be in the building, then set
up an operational emergency room. They then send out feelers to seek out others to join the
hospital personnel and, possibly, replace them when the hospital is up and running. The
heroes next focus on the long term care ward, due to the number of limb-loss injuries they
are seeing as the hospital re-opens. When an Imperial officer brings in injured troopers, they
must choose between having them wait with others for treatment, or rush them into treatment
on the promise of medical supplies for the hospital. They next focus on setting up a clean
room for surgeries, along with staffing the hospital by traveling the area and seeking out
political leaders with good connections, military officers in hopes of getting medics and
surgeons to volunteer for shifts, and seeking out former hospital staff. As the group makes an
exchange for desperately-needed supplies, Imperial Special Agent Galway, wounded by
brigands, stumbles into the exchange, stating that he was investigating the enslavement of
humans (he cares little about enslavement of other species) among the refugees when he
was attacked. The brigands arrive and attack, trying to steal the supplies, but the heroes fend
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 143
them off. The heroes are then recruited and deputized by Galway to help him track down the
slavers, but when they manage to do so, they learn that the “slavers” are not enslaving
humans to send off-planet. Instead, it is a Rebel recruiting operation that is helping potential
new Rebel Alliance agents to get off of the planet and into the Rebellion. The heroes manage
to salvage the situation without getting themselves killed in the process and are then replaced
by RRM’s next crew for the hospital, allowing them to head off to new adventures.*
(Neutral Practices)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Far Horizons sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
A group of fringer heroes travels to Gandanta Station to meet with the Toydarian fence
known as Flummot. Unfortunately, upon arrival they learn that their point of origin has just
had an outbreak of Sangi Fever, which requires the new arrivals to be put into quarantine for
testing and a decontamination sweep of their ship. Upon being released from quarantine,
though, they find that their ship has been stolen! Flummot takes pity on them and offers them
a job. He has stolen artwork that needs to have its authenticity validated before he purchases
it, and he needs some extra muscle for the transaction, especially since it is with agents of
Black Sun who stole the artwork from the Tion Hegemony. They attend the meeting where
the transaction is to take place, but they have only just verified its authenticity when goons
from the Hutt Cartel attack. The heroes only barely get Flummot and the paintings to safety,
while the Black Sun agents engage the Hutts. Impressed by this, Flummot introduces the
group to Black Sun underboss Raken, who brings them in to oppose Hutt Cartel rule on the
station. Their first task is to figure out the identity of their attackers and how they knew about
the transaction. After investigating, they find that there is a homing beacon on Flummot’s
chance cube. They use it to set a trap, wherein they lie in wait in a hangar, having spread
rumors of a major deal going down for Flummot. When the Hutt Cartel’s goons enter, a Black
Sun slicer is supposed to cause the hangar to open and blow the goons into space (while the
heroes wear breathers and gear), but nothing happens. The heroes race to slice it
themselves, scoring a victory against the Hutts. The group is appointed by Raken to run day-
to-day operations for Black Sun on Gandanta Station, but they must pressure the local Hutt to
take his goons and leave the station. They manage to do so, gaining their stolen ship back in
the process. The station is now a major Black Sun hub. When a young Hutt is sent to try to
negotiation for trading rights and a pair of Sector Rangers have come nosing around, the
group makes sure to drive off (or otherwise get rid of ) both threatening parties. With pressure
mounting from other factions in Black Sun, though, they realize that while they are important
operators on the station, they are expendable to Black Sun in the long run. Before they can
be disposed of, they get the heck off of the station and go on to new adventures.*
(Improving Station)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Far Horizons sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
A group of fringers is hired by the Imperial Xenodetic Survey Department (XSD) to travel to a
planet where a group of colonists under Governor Fillen Danisher has encountered a native
species. It is unclear whether the natives are sentient or only semi-sentient, which is what the
XSD wants the group to determine. The group investigates and visits a local native village,
observing them and taking notes. They even join the natives on a hunt of a dangerous
creature. Upon returning and having dinner with Danisher, they learn that Danisher and his
colonists have discovered rich aurodium deposits on native land, so there is now pressure on
the group to deem the natives semi-sentient, rather than sentient, so that they have no rights
to the land. When they also learn that a colonist army is ready to strike at the village to drive
the natives out the moment a decision is made, either with or without a decision supporting
their actions, the group negotiates a peaceful solution that has the natives moving off the
most rich land, yet being otherwise left alone by the colonists.*
(Going Native)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Far Horizons sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
The Imperial Colonization Board (ICB) contacts a group of fringers and offers them a job to
spend a month on a newly-colonized world to turn the colony’s horrible situation around. Land
appears not to be arable and people are both starving and succumbing to illness. If they
cannot turn things around, the ICB must evacuate the colony. They meet a boy named Jek
on the planet, who explains how the crops did not take root, then “the plague” hit. They spend
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 144
time taking samples and the like in an attempt to synthesize a serum or vaccine to fight the
plague. They are successful enough to get most of the colonists on their feet, but then they
must investigate the crop problem. They discover that ant-like insects are taking the seeds
after they are planted, so they devise a way to combat the insects, allowing crops to finally
grow. Finally, after another week, the group helps research what resources are unique to the
world (or somewhat rare) and works with the colonists to set up an enterprise in those
resources, helping to make the colony at least somewhat financially stable.*
(How the Rest was Won)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Far Horizons sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
When bounty hunters Koshka Frost and Krandak try to capture their target, Melos, on Ord
Mantell, they end up in a firefight with other bounty hunters and aided by former (and famous)
bounty hunter Viktor Hel, who owes Koshka for a previous encounter. While Koshka deals
with incoming fire, Viktor and Krandak find Melos, only to be held at blasterpoint by the
Sullustan Nom Lumb . . . at least until they offer to cut Nom in on the action. Nom, Viktor, and
Krandak return to Koshka with their bounty secured.*
(No Disintegrations: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
When Twi’lek freighter pilot Lantra Tan swindles thousands of credits from Moghra the Hutt, a
Nar Shaddaa crimelord, a group of bounty hunters takes the job of capturing her. They
discover that Moghras cousin, Joval, is in indentured servitude to Moghra due to a large
debt, hence why the angry Lantra made Moghra her target. However, it was Joval, upon
learning of the heist, who turned her in. She has Rebel Alliance ties, though, so she was able
to get a nearby cell to help smuggle her and her ship, the Head Tail, to the shipyard in
Chardaan. It is there that the bounty hunters discover her.*
(A Bounty Hunt)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the No Disintegrations sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
A group of bounty hunters is hired to hunt down former SoroSuub freighter technician Dai
Danu. He is accused of murder and ship theft, having stolen the Gundark’s Back during an
escape from SoroSuub, supposedly to escape the consequences of negligence that led to a
large recall of starships and his firing. In truth, Dai was framed for the negligence by mid-level
manager Hila Eder, who is stealing parts for the private use of the local Imperial Moff and
replacing them with cheap substitutes, the very components that failed and led to Dai being
accused. Having discovered the frame-up, Dai has fled, intending to gather information
enough to bring down Eder and anyone else framing him. The bounty hunters check the
Bureau of Ships and Services and learn that the Gundark’s Back was last seen in the Elrood
Sector. Upon checking there, they discover that Dai seems to have been hiring out
shipjackers to acquire parts that are being diverted to Elrood, from which he is using those
components to shore up a hideout in the asteroid field known as the Caltrop Belt. (He is also
pursued by the Gundark’s Backs original pilot, Malia Shariv.) The hunters finally reach Dai,
learn the truth of the situation, and must decide whether to simply turn him in for the bounty
or perhaps work with him to clear his name.*
(Company Man)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the No Disintegrations sourcebook for Edge of the Empire. There is no indication
of exactly when it takes place, but I am putting it here with other EOTE stories and assuming, for the sake of its
other event references, that it takes place around 35:6 or so.
When HoloNet entertainer (and secret Rebel agent) Freema Tenn is killed by sabotaged
pyrotechnics during a performance rehearsal, a group of bounty hunters is hired by Freema’s
manager and producer, Leila Severine, to solve her murder. During their investigation, they
discover that Freema had composed a coded message for the Alliance that would be sent out
one week later, when her tour would have put her at Kuat. The intended recipient was to be
Jeela, a Rodian on Kuat. During their investigation, they also run afoul of Imperial agent Jonn
Jona, who has been undercover in Freemas troupe for quite a while. The bounty hunters
take Jonn out of play, realizing that Jonn was not the one behind the murder. When Leila is
kidnapped, they are able to identify her kidnapper and Freema’s killer as wardrobe technician
Bastio Silvus, who grew up with Freema but then never got a “big break” and was recently
passed up as director of Freema’s production and for a solo HoloNet series. The motive was
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 145
simple jealousy, and the bounty hunters manage to save Leila and bring Bastio to justice.*
(Double Lives)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the No Disintegrations sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
A group of bounty hunters is hired to track down the “Mynock (Morena Mylls), an individual
preying on corrupt corporate leaders by stealing their ill-gotten funds, destroying dangerous
or illegal technologies, etc. They eventually meet the Mynock and uncover her as Morena
Mylls of Sienar Fleet Systems, a corporate employee herself, who has grown disillusioned
with Sienar and corporate life in general upon seeing how Sienar forcibly removed a Kubaz
colony in order to create a space for a new Sienar facility. Now having discovered her identity
and cause, the bounty hunters must decide whether to take her in or join her.*
(Hero of the People)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the No Disintegrations sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
While being pursued by Black Sun agents, the ship of the Besalisk Javlin experiences
numerous technical issues, including engine trouble and a small fire. The ship’s engineer, the
Twi’lek Chalan is able to save the day by actually blowing a hole in the ship to send their
droid, WAC-77, to do repairs in airless space.*
(Special Modifications: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
A group of Rebels is sent to transport a working (but disassembled) ion cannon from an old
mercenary base into Rebel hands. Unfortunately, their mission is plagued by massive,
hurricane-like storms and the presence of Imperial pursuit. Fortunately, they mange to get the
ion cannon’s components safely off-planet.*
(Storm Cannon Run)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Stay on Target sourcebook for Age of Rebellion. There is no reason to believe
that this is the ion cannon from Echo Base.
A Rebel group is sent to seek and reconnoiter an isolated Imperial research lab. The group
consists of expert Cracian thumper riders. They first fend off crooks trying to steal their
thumpers, then seek the lab. Upon finding it, they discover that the Imperials abandoned it, so
it is now in the hands of a local crime boss, who is using it as a base to sell Imperial military
equipment on the black market. They report this lack of Imperial activity to Alliance
(Thumper Recon)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Stay on Target sourcebook for Age of Rebellion.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes has learned of what is purported to be lost Force secrets in
the ancient temple-turned-tomb of a Sith Lord (whose name is lost to history) on the planet
Athiss. They travel to Athiss under the guise of going on a big game hunt, based out of the
Far Orbit Resort and Lodge. They seek information around the resort, learning that a hunting
expedition that left about a week earlier has not returned, nor has it answered any
communications. With as well-armed and prepared as they were, it seems unlikely that any
normal beast could have waylaid them. They learn about strange, twisted creatures in the
jungle. They hear about an old survey from before the Far Orbit was founded that pointed to
ancient ruins, putting the lie to the general belief that the planet was uninhabited until the Far
Orbit was founded. They learn that a Core World prospecting group came to Athiss to find
rare gems (and failed to do so), after rumors emerged about a rare gemstone washing up in a
nearby stream. Putting all of this together, the heroes head into the jungle to seek out the Sith
ruins. They discover the missing hunting party near the tomb, but the Dark Side energies of
the place have drawn out the hunters’ darker impulses, turning them into crazed killers. The
heroes defeat them, clearing their path to the ruins. The ruins are in a secluded valley, where
they also run into a mad hermit who has also been twisted by the Dark Side. After checking
out his hovel, a shattered plaza, and then the ruins of a Sith temple, they find the actual tomb
of the ancient Sith Lord. Unfortunately, there are beasts there, descendants of creatures
created through Dark Side alchemy. They must battle the beasts, then encounter what
appears to be the spirit of the long-dead Sith Lord (which is actually a Dark Side illusion that
is taking the form of the Sith Lord, akin to Yodas encounter with “Darth Bane” on Moraband).
After overcoming the illusion, they discover a cave that explains the Sith’s interest in the
planet. The cave is a source of rare kyber crystals that can be used to create lightsabers.
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They are able to acquire some, along with other knowledge guarded in the tomb, though the
nature of that information is unknown.*
(Lost Knowledge)*
*NOTE: This RPG adventure has no set time frame, other than in the Force and Destiny time frame (between ANH
and ESB). If you are a player of FAD and unfamiliar with this adventure, bear in mind that it appeared in the
Force and Destiny: Beta rulebook, not the final rulebook or any other post-beta products.
A Zabrak Light Side Force-user, Loharn, traveling with Jynn, another Force-users, have
traveled to a rainforest world, where they have become separated. Loharn finds himself being
tracked by some kind of Dark Side beast, leaving Jynn to face a Darksider they call the “Man
in Blue.” As Loharn finally reaches Jynn’s location, Jynn is being held to the cavern wall by
the Dark Side, and the Man in Blue has brandished his red lightsaber in challenge. Loharn
has little choice but to engage him . . .*
(Force and Destiny: Beta Rulebook Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the book.
Kasumi Tamm, a Force-sensitive woman, travels with her bogwing, Vaxim, down into the
Well of Shadows, seeking a holocron that supposedly contains a map to somewhere she
wishes to go. When she reaches the bottom and finds the holocron, she is met by three Jedi
who are in hiding and guarding the holocron: Markus Dorivonn, Zora, and Dal Kir. They first
believe she is an agent of the Imperial Darksider Sor Venge, but when she does not
recognize the name, they can sense she is telling the truth. Just then, Venge and his men
arrive, having followed her. They attack, trying to claim the holocron, but Kasumi is able to
use the Force to spot where the Jedi should cut into the rock wall to discover another
passage to safety. Upon escaping, she comments that she makes her own luck, and the Jedi
begin to explain to her the truth about the Force.*
(Force and Destiny: Core Rulebook Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the book.
A group of Force-sensitive family members discover an estranged relative searching their
family home. She takes a datachip that she has found and is about to continue searching
when Imperials arrive, including stormtroopers and an Imperial Security Bureau agent. They
attack, and the family members are able to escape with the dropped datachip as the
estranged relative, going full Dark Side and battling with a pair of swords, is killed by the
Imperials. The family then seeks out a slicer who can help them decrypt the strange
datachip, but after they acquire it, the deal is over and a new deal takes precedence: the
slicer has turned them over to the Empire for a bounty. They manage to escape and decrypt
the data, discovering a hidden family history of Force users and the location of a secret family
research outpost on a remote planet. They travel to the planet and find the outpost flooded by
a river, but they are able to recover a waterlogged holocron from shuttlecraft wreckage.
Unfortunately, while it does work after repairs and starts to spout some Force related
information, it dies after a few hours. Already on the ISB’s “radar” from the events at the
home, the family members are even more of a target once the Empire learns of the holocron.
An inquisitor seeks them, but they are able to elude capture for the time being.*
(Family Destiny)*
*NOTE: This is an adventure example in the Force and Destiny Core Rulebook.
A group of Force-sensitive adventurers is contacted by Ashur Sungazer, a scholar who works
at Phelar University on Eriadu. Despite intense record manipulation and propaganda, Ashur
believes that, despite what his rational mind tells him, the Jedi might very well have been
real, as might the Force. He asks them to meet him at the school’s archives in order to check
out some materials recovered about four years earlier from what Ashur believes might be the
wreck of a Jedi ship. The group heads for the university, though they must get past a security
inspection by “University Proctor” (i.e. Imperial Security Bureau agent) Eren Garai. (Garai
buys into the Imperial propaganda and does not believe the Jedi or the Force are real, so he
is not too suspicious of them just yet). They meet Ashur and are able to check out the
materials. They were apparently acquired by smugglers or scavengers who were later
investigated by Imperial Lieutenant TK-575. The items were confiscated and sent to the
Archive, but they were only recently taken out to be cataloged. Included are an ancient
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 147
Mandalorian helmet (from the Mandalorian Wars) that is cut in half (presumably by a
lightsaber), a transponder from the Astral Jester (a supposedly lost ship), TK-575’s report, a
droid core from a Basilisk war droid, and an Ilum Talisman (featuring a crystal from Ilum).
Upon touching the talisman, a member of the group experiences a vision of Jedi Master Val
Isa, who gave up her lightsaber in the era of the Mandalorian Wars to instead provide
medical and rescue services. She hid her ship, the Sanctuary, in the Koler system but was
still attacked by Mandalorians, leading to her death. In the vision, the group member
witnesses her hiding something in a safe, built into the floor of a ship, then sees
Mandalorians burst in and engage Val in combat. The last thing the group member hears is
an admonition that the Jedi should not retreat from the world like she did and must survive or
fail with the rest of the galaxy. After studying the astrogation information and other sources,
the group (with Ashur) heads for Koler to seek out the Sanctuarys wreckage. They find it and
begin searching through it, battling a reactivated Basilisk droid along the way. They finally
discover the room from the vision and open the safe, discovering Val Isa’s Jedi holocron, with
which they can truly begin training to use their Force abilities. They also discover some
lightsaber hilts that are missing crystals. Unfortunately, Garai, now having grown suspicious,
has arrived aboard the Starhound with assassin droids to hide the discovery and kill them.
The heroes defeat Garai and manage to escape with the holocron. Their adventure is just
beginning . . .*
(Lessons from the Past)*
*NOTE: This RPG adventure has no set time frame, other than in the Force and Destiny time frame (between ANH
and ESB). However, since Force and Destiny refers to the Jedi as gone for “almost two decades” and is also
noted as after the Battle of Yavin, most of FAD is presumed to take place in this first year after ANH, unless the
material specifies otherwise. This adventure is found in the Force and Destiny: Core Rulebook.
The group of Force-sensitive adventurers who discovered the Sanctuary now have lightsaber
hilts but no crystals to create functional lightsabers. They have heard about recent geological
activity on Phemis that has unearthed rubat crystals, a kind of kyber crystal that can be used
in lightsabers. However, the Empire has banned the mining and sale of such crystals, and
they have a garrison on Phemis with automated security in the form of many probe droids to
keep out those looking to exploit this illegal resource. They gain passage with Captain Myra
Joraan of the Last Laugh and head for Phemis. They covertly reach the surface and hide
from probe droids to reach a canyon where the crystals have been reported. Within the
canyon, they face off with canyon chargers and rubat spinners. They finally reach a crystal
cave and split up to find lightsaber crystals, each facing challenges through the Force that
help hone their self-understanding and lead them to their crystals, as if chosen by the Force.
Unfortunately, their vessel has been found by specialized stormtroopers known as
cavetroopers under the command of the cybernetically-armed “Ironarm.” They engage the
troopers, managing to hold them off long enough to escape. With hilts and crystals, the group
can now begin completing (thanks to Val Isas holocron) functional lightsabers.*
(Hidden Depths)*
*NOTE: This RPG adventure has no set time frame, other than in the Force and Destiny time frame (between ANH
and ESB). However, since Force and Destiny refers to the Jedi as gone for “almost two decades” and is also
noted as after the Battle of Yavin, most of FAD is presumed to take place in this first year after ANH, unless the
material specifies otherwise. This adventure is found in the Force and Destiny: Core Rulebook.
A pair of “bounty hunters,” Nonia Daal (an Iktotchi) and Taelo (a Lannik) travel to Torosh
village, likely guided by Nonia’s visions. They are actually Force students, but their teacher
was killed, leaving them without an instructor. They hire the Whiphid Omrahk to help them
clear out pirates from a nearby cave that have stolen local villagers’ belongings. In truth, they
have only hired him because Nonia recognizes that he has Force potential as well, but he
seems to have been using it mostly by instinct instead of with real training. They clear out the
pirates, then intend to offer Om’rahk a chance to join them and learn more about the Force.*
(Keeping the Peace: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the book.
A group of heroes, including some who are Force-sensitive, arrives on Rinagom in the
Corporate Sector to make a delivery. While there, they meet the Corporate Sector Authority’s
local administrator, Viceroy Cray Linlok, who abuses his employees and indentured servants.
Several servants even try to stow away to escape when the group makes plans to leave.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 148
They group stays to help the locals, and they bring down CSA authorities upon Linlok, whose
policies are breaking CSA regulations.*
(Cold Corporate Control)*
*NOTE: This RPG adventure has no set time frame, other than in the Force and Destiny time frame (between ANH
and ESB). I have placed it here based on that general time frame, near other FAD stories. This adventure is found
in the Keeping the Peace sourcebook.
A group of heroes, including some who are Force-sensitive, travel to Rodia to bring aid to the
Rodian city of Nurosk, run by the An’yettu Clan in the An’yettu Islands. A plague is wiping out
the local Rodians, and law enforcement has completely broken down. The island is a mess.
When they arrive at Rodia, though, they are diverted by the government (run by the Chattza
Clan) to land in the city of Iskaayuma. Their ship is impounded by questionable regulations,
and they are forbidden from going to Nurosk, due to outsiders possibly spreading the plague.
They finally make their way to the island anyway, but they are attacked by pirates. Thankfully,
members of the Anyettu Clan help them fight off the raiders. They deliver supplies and learn
that the plague has started to jump between species, so they may also get infected. They are
able to trace the plague back to a hospital that strangely never transmitted medical records
during the outbreak. It turns out that the plague is artificial, created by, among others, the
doctor known as Olon at the hospital. Olon is secretly an agent and member of the Chattza
Clan, seeking to wipe out the An’yettu Clan. They check his office and find the dead body of
one of his colleagues, killed trying to expose Olon. They finally track down Olon and use
information they gather to create a cure to the disease. After about 10 days, the plague is
under control and fading from the island. *
(The Nurosk Plague)*
*NOTE: This RPG adventure has no set time frame, other than in the Force and Destiny time frame (between ANH
and ESB). I have placed it here based on that general time frame, near other FAD stories. This adventure is found
in the Keeping the Peace sourcebook.
Force-user and Jedi-hopeful Torva travels with her ally, Gerant, to confront her sister,
Morana, on a wild world. There, she battles through humans that have become savage and
feral, due perhaps to Dark Side influence. She finally finds Morana at a shine where she is
about to kill a woman, a man, and a little boy. She confronts her sister, knowing she has been
seduced by the Dark Side, and promises to save her. When she will not immediately fight or
kill Morana, Morana simply laughs and returns to the family, ready to kill them as planned.
Torva kills Morana with her lightsaber pike from behind, saving her . . . from herself. This
does not make Torva a Jedi yet, but it has been an important step in her journey.*
(Nexus of Power: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the book.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes travels to the Acablas Ruins on Auratera. There, each
faces a vision based on their own emotional weaknesses, though they pass through more
ready to pursue further Force training.*
(Exploring the Acablas Ruins)*
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Nexus of Power.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes is visiting Cinnagar in the Empress Teta system when they
encounter a Dark Side witch, Sianna Sekko, and her war droids (all acting under orders from
a shadowy handler known as the “Tailor,” part of a cult that traces their heritage back to the
Qel-Droma Epics). She is searching for the Iron Citadel and believes the heroes are too.
Their brief battle is interrupted by the arrival of Tetan Guards that are part of palace security.*
(Witch’s Wrath)*
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Nexus of Power.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes travels to a cold weather world (possibly Ilum) to seek
lightsaber crystals. They find a cave with such crystals and must pass tests of their Force
abilities to enter, thanks to security measures set up by the Jedi Order long ago.*
(Cave Security)*
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Nexus of Power.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes travels to Ossus, where they find and search the ruins of
the Great Jedi Library of Ossus. While inside, they discover the Chamber of Antiques,
including the Heritage Tapestry, a broken holocron, an ancient star chart, Neers Gauntlet (a
gift from the ancient Sith Lord Neer to a Jedi Watchman of Corbos that then corrupted the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 149
Watchman to the point where the Jedi Order had to destroy him and keep the Gauntlet for
safekeeping), and the Greelwood Saber (a lightsaber crafted by Jedi Master Oorrl Morm).*
(Vault of Justice)*
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Nexus of Power.
A secret Padawan of a Jedi Master who escaped the Jedi Purge is finally ready for the Trial
of Skill. The Padawan faces physical challenges (the Tests of Climbing, Heights, Endurance,
Escape, and Leaping), mental challenges (the Tests of Levitation, Duress, Reflection, Fear,
and a Second Test of Endurance), and combat challenges (the Tests of Conflict, Dueling,
and the Calm Mind). Passing this trial brings the student one step closer to being a true Jedi
(The Trial of Skill)*
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Nexus of Power.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes travels to a lost Jedi temple, seeking Jedi materials to help
them on the path to becoming Jedi themselves. They search the grounds and run afoul of
Dark Side corrupted creatures called Dark Hunters. To enter, they evade and defeat the Dark
Hunters, but they must also purify the site of fungal growth that is poisonous to their species.*
(The Light Within)*
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Nexus of Power.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes are in Theed on Naboo when they meet with a supposed
art and antiques dealer, Zerala Dinn. Dinn is in fact the lad agent in a Jedi (and Force-user)
hunting operation under Inquisitor Blaise Zirkonn. He claims to have the Tear of the Elders
artifact from millennia ago. He supposedly wants it to end up in the “right hands, but it is all a
trap. The heroes are set upon by the Inquisitor and Imperial agents. Battle ensues, during
which Dinn is killed and Zirkonn escapes by using Dinn’s corpse to break a window to create
an escape route.*
(If It Sounds Too Good to Be True…)*
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Nexus of Power.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes are on Weik when they encounter beastmasters
transporting a menagerie of strange and often violent creatures through the docks of
Vossport. When a member of the caravan, Orl Miscord (a secret member of the Skyholme
Lucites, a cabal of Dark Side Force-users), arranges for a dust stalker to break free so that it
can kill the owner and director of the menagerie, beastmaster Sala Vindako in order to obtain
the Grimoire of Scylos the Lame, the heroes do their best to protect innocent bystanders.*
*NOTE: This is a “modular encounter” found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Nexus of Power.
A Force-sensitive hero (a Seeker) seeks out an animal companion by first finding such an
animal, then meeting the animal twice to size each other up, followed by a trial run at slowly
forming a bond through the Force with the animal.*
(Uncommon Bonds)*
*NOTE: This is an encounter found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Savage Spirits.
A Force-sensitive hero (a Seeker) is asked to help the settlement of Terons Bluff deal with
aggressive packs of manka cats, controlled by insane Dark Side Force-user Olnom Grilnor,
whom the villagers tried to drive out of the area a year earlier. Now he has returned for
payback. The Seeker helps deal with the next pair of attacks, the latter of which is interrupted
when Imperials, also summoned by the villagers, arrive to capture him. Grilnor manages to
get away, only to be hunted down by Seeker and defeated in the wilderness, thereby
protecting the settlement.*
(Destroy to Protect)*
*NOTE: This is an encounter found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Savage Spirits.
A group of heroes, led by a Force-sensitive Seeker, have discovered evidence that rumors of
a Jedi Enclave on the planet Aloxl, which has a 150 standard year local year during which it
is only inhabitable for about 25 years at a time due to proximity to its star, may actually be
true. They set out in an expedition to find the abandoned enclave and any Jedi secrets that
(An Ancient Path)*
*NOTE: This is an encounter found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Savage Spirits.
A Force-sensitive Seeker, choosing to live the life of a hermit while learning more about the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 150
Force, seeks a new place to call home. In doing so, the hermit is drawn toward aspects of the
location, but there exists a taint of the dark side, seemingly standing between the hermit and
a Force-imbued object nearby.*
(Home Territory)*
*NOTE: This is campaign suggestion found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Savage Spirits.
A Force-sensitive Seeker has a vision that an object of personal importance can be found in
an abandoned Clone Wars era Republic outpost. The Seeker and companions travel to the
outpost, where they recover a recording of a Republic Commander stating that “Weren Dal
die in a crash on Dathomir,” so any kind of search relating to Order 66 is unnecessary. They
continue their search by discovering that Jedi Weren Dal was shot down over Dathomir by a
group of human Separatist pilots, so they seek out the last of these pilots, General Teaok
(now commander of a mercenary group called Brenal’s Breakers). They hope he can provide
the location of where on Dathomir to search. They engage with Teaok during a skirmish over
control of a backwater moon, then use information provided after their victory to look for
Werens remains on Dathomir. They discover his Jedi Starfighter crash site and a cave
nearby that holds his remains, along with the memory core of his droid and his lightsaber,
which provide clues to further places to search for lost Jedi artifacts and knowledge.*
(Long Lost)*
*NOTE: This is campaign suggestion found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Savage Spirits.
A Force-sensitive Seeker and his comrades are trying to deliver a cargo of farming
equipment, parts, and other supplies to Clear View, a colony of anti-Imperial dissidents, when
a hyperdrive mishap causes them to be marooned on a in wilderness nearby. After coming
upon a group of abandoned Gamorreans who have set up a settlement after being separated
from their criminal allies, the heroes finally reach Clear View and begin arranging for the
salvaging of the material they were trying to deliver.*
*NOTE: This is campaign suggestion found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Savage Spirits.
Force-sensitive Gand podracer Dooarix Gyll wins his fifth race, much to the delight of
Pantoran ally Lisali Mitillan. They have managed to earn enough through betting on the races
that they can finally leave Nar Shaddaa, but they are confronted by angry fellow gamblers
and pilots, led by Zeto. According to Zetos Muun ally, Tal Feint, it seems obvious that they
have been cheating with Lisali acting as a course spotter or something similar. When Zeto
tries to manhandle them, Dooarix grabs a blaster and tosses another to Lisali, who uses the
Force to catch it. Tal, who is also Force-sensitive, realizes that they are not cheating. They
are fellow Force-sensitives. He helps them send Zeto’s goons away via a mind trick, then
suggests that they could use their talents for something “bigger” than fixing podraces.
(Endless Vigil: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
An Force-sensitive artisan (with the mindset of a Jedi Sentinel) is approached to do repairs
on an advanced droid on a highly-customized ship. Bounty hunters are after the droid due to
information it contains, and the artisan needs to get that information into the right hands, but it
is not obvious until he droid is no longer in the artisan’s hands, so a chase begins.*
(Sentinel Encounters: Artisan)*
*NOTE: This is a rather vague encounter for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless
An Force-sensitive investigator (with the mindset of a Jedi Sentinel) is tracking a person of
interest when the investigator becomes aware of a stranger tailing him. He must turn the
tables on this individual to thwart the tail and learn why he is being tailed.*
(Sentinel Encounters: Investigator)*
*NOTE: This is a rather vague encounter for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless
An Force-sensitive racer (with the mindset of a Jedi Sentinel) is aboard a public transport
when it is attacked by unknown parties. With the pilot killed, the racer must take control of the
vessel and escape to safety, then figure out why they were attacked in the first place.*
(Sentinel Encounters: Racer)*
*NOTE: This is a rather vague encounter for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 151
An Force-sensitive sentry (with the mindset of a Jedi Sentinel) is hired by a family who
believes they are being watched. The sentry discovers that, yes, they are, but the watcher is
Kar Welmik, who is trying to protect them from a greater threat to the family. Now, the activity
of the sentry is bringing that threat down upon the family, and it is up to the sentry and Kar to
protect them.*
(Sentinel Encounters: Sentry)*
*NOTE: This is a rather vague encounter for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless
An Force-sensitive shadow (with the mindset of a Jedi Sentinel) senses the Dark Side
surrounding a suspicious individual. The shadows and his allies secretly board an offworld
transport that the individual has booked passage on, so that they can discover his
(presumably) nefarious intentions..*
(Sentinel Encounters: Shadow)*
*NOTE: This is a rather vague encounter for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless
An Force-sensitive Shien expert (with the mindset of a Jedi Sentinel) is contacted by a
Padawan in hiding who is about to strike at a group of bounty hunters. They make a deal: the
Shien expert will help against the bounty hunters in return for information crucial to the
expert’s current goals.*
(Sentinel Encounters: Shien Expert)*
*NOTE: This is a rather vague encounter for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless
A group of Force-sensitive heroes with the mindset of Jedi Sentinels learns that Pantoran
Kyja Cho is going to auction a krayt dragon pearl soon aboard her sail barge, the Azure
Sunset. They use deception to get aboard in hopes of liberating the pearl, but they soon
realize that a Corporate Sector Authority executive aboard is actually an Imperial Inquisitor
there to acquire the pearl by any means necessary. They must thwart the Inquisitor and
recover the pearl.*
(For a More Civilized Age)*
*NOTE: This is an adventure seed for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless Vigil.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes with the mindset of Jedi Sentinels is hired by podracer
benefactor Calioc to check to make sure that his star podracer, Korlen Skimmer, the first
human to win the Boonta Eve Podrace since Anakin Skywalker, is safe after he learns that
the Hutts appear to be planning an “accident” for him. The heroes discover that Korlen is
Force-sensitive, hence his skills, and just join him in the race in order to protect him
(Now This is Podracing)*
*NOTE: This is an adventure seed for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless Vigil.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes with the mindset of Jedi Sentinels learns that a mysterious
information broker may have the location of an ancient Jedi Temple. When they finally meet
the broker, it turns out to be former Clone Wars intelligence officer Commander Jaxsinne
Tamm. She provides data to the heroes, but Imperials strike at them all and capture her.
Without her, the data cannot be unlocked. The heroes rescue her from an Imperial brig and
escape into hyperspace, eventually reaching the lost Jedi Temple. She reveals that after
Order 66, she helped uses data skills to hunt down remaining Jedi, the last of whom came to
this temple. She is now here to try to somehow make up for her great “sins” for the Empire
after Order 66. At the temple, they must do battle with corrupted droids there to protect the
temple and the buildings of the lost civilization around it, but they are eventually successful.*
(Lost Among the Stars)*
*NOTE: This is an adventure seed for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless Vigil.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes with the mindset of Jedi Sentinels are contacted by
surviving Jedi Knight Kilmera Skale, who has been seeking others who are strong in the
Force. To prove their abilities, Skale sends the heroes to sneak into the regional crime lord’s
estate to steal data files that Skale says are crucial to the future of the Jedi Order. After doing
so, the heroes return, only to learn that Skale is Force-sensitive but not a former Jedi. Skale
is working with Imperial Security Bureau Agent Major Phialt, using Skales story as a means
of drawing in and capturing Force-sensitives. Together, Skale and Phialt are forming their
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 152
own small criminal enterprise, which includes gladiatorial combat between Force-sensitives.
They toss the heroes into that blood sport. They survive and escape just in time to keep
Skale and Phialt from trading the stolen data from the crime lord’s estate, which contains the
names of potential Force-sensitive families, for numerous Imperial slaves. They stop the
transaction, then hunt down the next meeting place of the evil duo, defeating them and
ending their schemes.*
(Return of the Shadow)*
*NOTE: This is a campaign outline for Jedi Sentinels found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Endless Vigil.
Arkanian Urma Athantras, Pau’an Tione Zrar, and Cosian Valai are on an icy planet or moon
(possibly Orto Plutonia), where they have been hired by a local village to use their skills
(including those of a Jedi Consular) to stand against Captain Arra, her first mate (the Zabrak
Elkan), and her pirates, who are trying to extort money and goods from the local Talz and
Pantorans. When Urma reveals a lightsaber within her staff, she is able to convince the
pirates and locals to sit down and talk. The heroes are working alongside Thissa Somori and
Talz elder Kharmoth, and they are able to work out more than just the friction between the
two sides. First, they are able to convince the pirates that they would take years to try to pay
back the Hutts with the paltry amount of money and goods they could get from the town over
and over again. However, the town is plagued by narglatches, and narglatch hides fetch high
prices. So, the pirates could be provided with a place to stay and such by the villagers, then
hunt the narglatches to help the villagers, and later sell those pelts to get money to pay back
the Hutts faster. Even more importantly, though, they begin to heal the rift between Thissa
and Captain Arra, who is revealed to be Arra Somori, Thissa’s rebellious daughter.
(Disciples of Harmony: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
A group of Force-sensitive heroes (at least one of which fits the Jedi Consular mindset) is
drawn to Yavin and the remains of the Death Star there, which are being pored over by both
Imperial salvage teams, scavengers, and pirates. There is a huge disturbance in the Force in
the area, causing nightmares and such. They soon determine that it must be an echo of the
many lives that were lost (even if they were Imperial lives) when the Death Star was
destroyed. Those lost lives have somehow imbued a darkness into the various kyber crystal
shards from the Death Star that are scattered in the system. The group carefully and
stealthily recover as many shards as possible to cleanse the area of this Dark Side taint.*
(Among the Graves of Yavin)*
*NOTE: This is a rather vague encounter for Jedi Consulars found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Disciples
of Harmony.
A student who was attempting to learn to use the Force from an unknown teacher returns
home to his village after a falling out with his mentor. With his training unfinished, he soon
falls to the Dark Side or at least into dangerous Dark Side habits. A group of Force-sensitive
heroes comes to the village to try to redeem this failed student from the Dark Side. They do
so, but they face strong resistance to removing him from the villagers, who see him as one of
their own, and the influence of his lightsaber (imbued with the Dark Side and acting as a sort
of Dark Side anchor for him) that must be disposed of in the process.*
(Return from the Dark)*
*NOTE: This is a rather vague encounter for Jedi Consulars found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Disciples
of Harmony.
When a group of Force-sensitive heroes learns from a contact that a Force-sensitive child
has been identified, they are tasked with taking the child to a hidden training facility to learn
the Force in a proper environment. Unfortunately, when the heroes try to get her to the secret
location, her Force abilities manifest and draw undesired attention. Thus, the heroes find
themselves pursued by an Inquisitor and must lose that tail before successfully taking the
child to the training facility.*
(Now You See Me…)*
*NOTE: This is a rather vague encounter for Jedi Consulars found in the Force and Destiny sourcebook Disciples
of Harmony.
When trading vessel Captain Saral Aenets crew happens to acquire a Jedi holocron in a
marketplace on Cato Neimoidia, Aenet decides to keep it out of the Empire’s reach, based on
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 153
what she knows of the Jedi from stories in her youth. She and her crew leave Cato Neimoidia
aboard the Silver Star in a bit of a hurry, which draws the attention of Imperial Duke Erron
Irbian, ruler of the city of Jorra, who decides that they must be working with the Rebellion
right under his nose. He sends bounty hunters, led by Nex Pavros, after them, but he orders
them to cover their strike as a pirate attack, leaving no survivors. The crew do manage to
send out a distress call before their deaths, which draws a group of Force-sensitive heroes to
their aid, who unfortunately arrive too late. The group searches the ship, discovering the
holocron in a secret compartment on the bridge. Upon activating it, its Gatekeeper is
projected, revealing that the holocron belonged to Jedi Knight Suljo Warde, who developed a
special Force ability called Warde’s Foresight, which allows a Force-user to accurately
predict the actions of others and the repercussions thereof, which is a great strategic tool.
However, he has not recorded all of that information on the holocron itself, deeming it too
dangerous. Instead, he split up information about the ability onto three kyber crystals that can
be used in conjunction with the holocron. Those crystals, however, are missing. Seeking to
learn this ability, the group questions the Gatekeeper and begin following his trail by traveling
to the location where the holocron’s own construction was completed, the village of Quolas
on the planet Arbooine. There, they learn that Gel Marcolf, an old friend of Warde (whom
Warde wanted to train as a Jedi because, unbeknownst to Marcolf, he has Force abilities)
has been in control of the town since Warde had to leave him there to follow orders from the
Jedi Council to join the battle for Cato Neimoidia late in the Clone Wars. They recognize his
Force abilities and how he has used instinctive Dark Side influence to twist and manipulate
the native Sathari families to control the town. They meet Koh Helshar and Odir Tumris,
leaders of the two families who were fighting over control of the town before Warde and
Marcolf arrived. They learn a bit from them, including that Warde went to Cato Neimoidia
next. They also meet Pathran Helshar, Koh’s youngest son, who is gathering a resistance to
stand against Marcolf, despite his youth and inexperience somewhat overshadowing his good
intentions in the eyes of some. (Even if he were to overthrow Marcolf, some doubt that he
could make good decisions as their next leader.) Koh is only vaguely aware of Pathran’s
activities and does not directly support him, instead believing that they can just endure
Marcolf’s control for now, since he cannot live forever. For his part, Odir has convinced
himself that if not for Warde and Marcolf, his family would have won control over Quolas
decades ago. He holds a heavy grudge against Marcolf and is even willing to work with
Pathran’s resistance temporarily if it would bring down Marcolf. They would then most likely
end up back in an interfamilial conflict just like before Warde and Marcolf arrived. The heroes
set up a base of operations in a warehouse belonging to Jyl Korlis, a local farmer who is
willing to provide assistance for financial compensation. They must also deal with a team of
ten Imperials, led by Lieutenant Salial Devrays, who arrive in Quolas to question Marcolf
about possible Rebel activity. Of course, he points to the heroes because they are outsiders
asking too many questions about him, so they must defeat the Imperials before continuing
their own mission. They come into direct conflict with Marcolf, who bears a Cortosis-bladed
sword (given to him by Warde), eventually taking him down and recovering the kyber crystal
that Warde left with Marcolf. With one of the three crystals inserted into the holocron, the
Gatekeeper can provide a bit of insight about the Foresight technique and Warde’s activities
prior to being called away to Cato Neimoidia. The heroes next head for the city of Jorra,
Wardes last known location on Cato Neimoidia, or at least the destination recorded on the
first kyber crystal. They arrive in Jorra, which is currently ruled by Imperial Duke Erron Irbian
(the same man who ordered the attack on the Silver Star that brought the heroes into this
situation in the first place). The city is also under the influence of the Whitestar Syndicate, a
criminal organization run by Onrein Hasar that maintains a measure of control over other
gangs, such as Lor Keln’s Crimson Kreehawks swoop gang. (Irbian tolerates their presence
as long as they don’t rise against the Empire because he is more interested in and paranoid
of Rebel elements.) The heroes will also have to steer clear of bounty hunter Dalan Oberos,
who is seeking to reclaim his reputation (built on going after Jedi during and soon after the
Clone Wars) by taking down Force-sensitive targets for Irbian. The heroes continue their
investigation. They encounter current proprietor of Torna’s Café, Hinv Opan, who tries to
keep anti-Imperial sentiments to a minimum at his restaurant, given that it was once a hotbed
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 154
of anti-Republic sentiment under a previous proprietor during the Clone Wars. They visit
Dropview cantina as well. They try to keep their Force abilities a secret from local authorities
so as not to bring down Irbian’s wrath or that of citizens who retain their anti-Jedi views from
the Clone Wars. They meet Shriin, a spice dealer who takes advantage of those who have
physical and mental wounds from the Clone Wars and other conflicts, and they convince him
(using the Force) to change his trade, earning some positive feelings from the community.
They help former Trade Federation official Kuto Jaral by retrieving personal belongings from
his old home on the mostly-abandoned ventral side of Jorra, which he had left when
evacuating during the Clone Wars. They also help Beln Kreiwic by convincing his son, Tohn
Kreiwic, to abandon his membership with the Crimson Kreehawks, though that means they
also have that gang now with a grudge against them. They meet an old woman named
Sanna Olpan, whose son, Gren Olpan, was arrested during the Clone Wars because Warde
had foreseen him acting against the Republic. He is now incarcerated in Southside Prison,
and the heroes are able to at least get her information on his condition. They meet Tieka
Dalkan, who has kind words for Warde, since he saved her family during the Battle of Cato
Neimoidia. She is able to provide information about Warde’s background and points them to
Tor Haido, a former informant for Warde, who is now a supervisor at factory DE-13. They
meet with Haido, who fills in gaps from the stories others have explained. He tells them of
how the Republic took control of Jorra during the Clone Wars, and then Warde used his
Foresight to predict anti-Republic activities so he could arrest the future perpetrators before
they could act. This caused some concern with the Jedi Order and Haido himself, and Warde
became increasingly isolated from his colleagues. There came a time when the Trade
Federation sent a Neimoidian delegation (Onrein Hasar, Niot, Perli, and Morm) to meet with
Republic negotiators to figure out a cease fire in the city and on the planet as a whole, but
things went awry somehow. Warde left the planet immediately thereafter, and three of the
four Neimoidians were dead, while Onrein (who now runs the Whitescar Syndicate) was
gravely injured. He says that just before this happened at Sankar Palace, he identified a
Separatist spy keeping an eye on Warde and the other Jedi he was stationed with (Jiv Durael
and Kaddo Moll), but he never had a chance to tell Warde about the spy (Zel N’got). He
points them to where Ngot lives in Jorra so they can gain more information. Before they can
get to N’got, they face down an attack by the Crimson Kreehawks, defeating them. They
finally reach Ngot, who explains that Warde was the only one of the three Jedi who survived
the failed peace talks at Sankar Palace, but there were two witnesses who are still in Jorra
that they can speak with: clonetrooper TH-313 (AKA Captain Tacker) and Onrein. He also
notes that, as far as he knows, the peace talks were genuine. They meet with Tacker, who
explains that Warde foresaw that the peace talks were just a cover to lure the Republic into a
false sense of security to prepare for a Separatist sneak attack. Warde attacked the
Neimoidian delegates upon arrival, killing all but Onrein, who was seriously injured. His fellow
Jedi tried to take him into custody after this, but Warde killed Jiv, then was injured badly by
Moll and she by him. Moll died shortly thereafter (though she did get a message to the Jedi
Council before doing so). Warde escaped from Cato Neimoidia, but he was so badly
wounded that Tacker cannot imagine that he survived. They arrange to meet with Onrein
(who, it turns out, was the one who sense the Kreehawks after them, since they were asking
around about her sworn enemy, Warde). She fills in remaining specifics about the clash at
Sankar Palace, leading the heroes to actually investigate the palace. Among other things,
they find the remains of Jiv Durael, never removed because the Jedi Order was wiped out by
Order 66 and the area was abandoned almost immediately after the war. They discover the
second kyber crystal about Foresight on Jiv’s body (along with Jiv’s lightsaber), though they
cannot tell if Jiv acquired it during the duel with Warde or perhaps Warde left it for someone
following in his footsteps. From the new kyber crystal, they learn more about Foresight but
also that Warde had foreseen that he would one day die on Moraband (Korriban). That would
have been his destination upon leaving Cato Neimoidia, given his injuries. Unfortunately, the
Empire has removed all information about the planet from official records, so they must figure
out a way to acquire its coordinates. Thankfully, the Gatekeeper knows that Warde visited a
little known Jedi sanctuary on Delriss before he created his holocron. Given how guarded the
sanctuary’s location was, it could have survived the Jedi Purge with its data (including
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 155
Moraband’s location) intact. They travel there and investigate the old Jedi sanctuary (located
underwater). They gain the coordinates for Moraband from an old Jedi Starfighter at the
sanctuary and then quickly escape before a sea creature can destroy the base, drawn by the
possibility of prey. They proceed to Moraband and land, drawn by the Force and some odd
sensor readings, near where Warde would have landed. They deal with various Dark Side
visions, phantasms, and phantasmal beasts before meeting an old wanderer. The wanderer
claims that he was there when Warde arrived and buried him in a tomb when he died. He
leads them to Wardes tomb but, as the heroes expect, turns out to actually be Warde
himself. He had arrived and been assisted by Sith spirits to survive his wounds, but he has
fallen fully to the Dark Side. His Foresight let him predict that others would arrive to learn of
his abilities, but the Dark Side has twisted that vision to a worst case scenario in which the
heroes kill him, so he lashes out at them. In the ensuing battle, Warde is either redeemed
(seeing that his visions were not always accurate since the future can change) or killed
(thereby fulfilling his Foresight prediction). Details are sketchy on which outcome actually
transpires. Either way, the heroes acquire Wardes lightsaber and his last kyber crystal, which
they insert into the holocron. Thus, they learn the rest of the secrets of Foresight, though now
they must decide whether to actually use this knowledge and learn the ability or to keep that
knowledge safe from the rest of the galaxy.*
(Chronicles of the Gatekeeper)*
*NOTE: We do not have any indication of when this story takes place, other than that it is sometime during the
span between ANH and ESB, most likely, due to the overall placement of Force and Destiny.
A Rebel senator and his escort, traveling from Dantooine, is hit by an Imperial ambush. He
manages to escape in a shuttle, but the attack disables the shuttle’s hyperdrive and sensors,
leaving him stuck moving in a straight line and hoping he’ll eventually reach an inhabited
system. Imperial fighters are launched to take him out, so the remains of his escort must hold
them off until he can escape.*
(Political Escort)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Core Set’s rulebook. The summary
was provided by Luke Van Horn. There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have
placed it here, alongside some of Fantasy Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
A group of Rebel ships is scouting in the Outer Rim when they stumble upon a secret
Imperial outpost. The Imperials fire an ion cannon which disables the hyperdrive and
communications of one of the Rebel ships, forcing them to attempt to hide in a nearby
asteroid field until the ship can be repaired.*
(Asteroid Run)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Core Set’s rulebook. The summary
was provided by Luke Van Horn. There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have
placed it here, alongside some of Fantasy Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
Imperial scouts discover a Rebel HoloNet satellite network and hope to use it to listen in to
encrypted Rebel transmissions. The Rebels assigned to protect the network have to fight off
Imperial fighters until the system can be locked down and safely abandoned.*
(Dark Whispers)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Core Set’s rulebook. The summary
was provided by Luke Van Horn. There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have
placed it here, alongside some of Fantasy Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
Rebel Alliance Intelligence learns that a new Sienar prototype is being sent to the Imperial
fleet. The Rebels put out a reward for capture of the prototype, drawing smugglers and other
independent entities into a frantic race to attack the shipment and its Imperial escort and
recover the prototype.*
(Den of Thieves)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Millennium Falcon Expansion Pack.
There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside some of
Fantasy Flight GamesEdge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
When a high price is placed on a Rebel leaders head, the Rebel and his forces attempt to
flee the planet where they had been operating, covered by a squadron of starfighters.
However, the bounty offer has been broadcast on the HoloNet, drawing a large number of
bounty hunters to the planet to engage those Rebel forces and capture their leader.*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Slave I Expansion Pack. There is no
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 156
indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside some of Fantasy
Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire RPG scenarios. We don’t even know what planet or Rebel leader is being
Imperial Intelligence sends a team of undercover agents into a convoy from Xizor Transport
Systems in hopes of uncovering more of the Rebel Alliance’s infrastructure. Rebel
sympathizers with the convoy discover this plot and disable the entire convoy before it can
reach Imperial-controlled space. The Empire sends in a team to extract the Intelligence
operatives before they can attempt to escape on their own and end up being captured by the
(Undeniable Assets)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Lambda-class Shuttle Expansion
Pack. There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside
some of Fantasy Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
When Rebel Alliance command receives intelligence that suggests that the Empire is working
on a new flight system that would tremendously enhance the abilities of normal starfighters,
they look for a way to destroy the prototypes. They learn that several hidden Imperial facilities
are in the testing area because the prototype depends on short-range broadcasts from these
structures at this point. A squadron is sent in to destroy those facilities and destroy the
(Cutting the Cord)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Imperial Aces Expansion Pack.
There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside some of
Fantasy Flight GamesEdge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
Dash Rendar and Leebo answer a Rebel call for a smuggler to sweep in and recover
supplies from a Rebel smuggling operation that was recently wiped out by the Empire. In the
Outrider, they head for the site and dodge Imperial fire to collect supply caches.*
(Get In, Get Out)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the YT-2400 Expansion Pack. There is
no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside some of Fantasy
Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
Imperial Rear Admiral Chiraneau in the Dauntless engages Rebel starfighters in a ferocious
space battle. engages Rebel starfighters in a ferocious space battle.*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the VT-49 Decimator Expansion Pack.
There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside some of
Fantasy Flight GamesEdge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
In space, Boba Fett (in Slave I) arrives at the Millennium Falcon’s current location at the
same time that IG-88 in IG-2000 does the same. A firefight ensues, during which Han Solo
and Chewbacca manage to escape in the Falcon.*
(Bounty Hunt)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the IG-2000 Expansion Pack. There is
no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside some of Fantasy
Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
In space, a Rebel Corellian Corvette and other Rebel heroes is pursued by an Imperial
Raider and its TIE Advanced starfighters.*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack.
There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside some of
Fantasy Flight GamesEdge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
A bounty hunter in a YV-666 light freighter (possibly Bossk in the Hound’s Tooth) is pulled
from hyperspace. He discovers several Rebel starfighters on an intercept course, having
placed four interdiction field generators nearby. The bounty hunter dives in, relishing the
opportunity to teach the Rebels the dangers of hunting a hunter.*
(Hunting the Hunter)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Hound’s Tooth Expansion Pack.
There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside some of
Fantasy Flight GamesEdge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
An Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser is sent out to interdict and capture Rebel Alliance ships
During a surprise flyby of a communications array, the cruiser stumbles upon Rebels
sabotaging it. A fierce battle ensues between the Rebels and the Imperials on the cruiser and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 157
its TIE fighters.*
(Imperial Crackdown)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion
Pack. There is no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion, so I have placed it here, alongside
some of Fantasy Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire RPG scenarios. Yes, I know one of the images is the rather
ugly FFG version of Agent Kallus, but he is not required for the scenario, and the use of the term “Rebel
Alliance” suggests that it should be put alongside the other X-wing scenarios, not in Story Group Canon with
Rebels, which did not have an official “Rebel Alliance” as of the time of the expansion pack’s release.
Luke Skywalker and Gamine, an emissary to the Rebel Alliance from Constancia, head for
Constancia to help liberate the planet from a group of Imperials. When they are attacked,
Luke and Gamine are picked up by Sharlee, the woman who runs Outpost 8, an ice
meteor/defense platform. Luke also manages to deactivate C-3PO and R2-D2 and dump
them out of the ship where his friends can find them. Sure enough, they do, in the form of
Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Han’s friend Gyla in the Millennium Falcon. When they are
attacked by Imperials, they take the ship into the defense meteor’s interior, where they meet
Sharlee and are reunited with Luke and Gamine. Gamine explains that the Imperials have
learned that Gamines race now has use of telepathy, and the Imperials wish to force them
into servitude to use the telepathy for evil intents, or destroy Gamine’s people to prevent
others from doing so. Gamine just needs to get word to her people that the Alliance wishes
to aid them. Han and Sharlee don battle armor and launch in an escape pod to divert
Imperial attention. When the Imperials pick it up, they use the armor and take over the
Imperial craft, which they use to fake pursuit of the Falcon to let them all escape. During the
escape, all pursuing craft are destroyed, and the Rebels make their way to Constancia to
deliver their message of hope.
(The Constancia Affair)
A Rebel fleet is attacked in the sixth decant, but escapes, based on the new Rebel policy to
put the majority of efforts into recruiting new Rebels, instead of engaging in costly battles. A
mysterious Imperial agent named Blackhole (former advisor to the Prophets of the Dark Side,
Lord Cronal) informs Darth Vader that Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker are on their way to
Vorzyd 5 on a mission to spread the fire of the Rebellion. On Vorzyd 5, better known as
Gambler’s World, Luke, Leia, R2-D2, and C-3PO arrive. Their mission is to meet with a high-
ranking member of the planet’s government who is sympathetic to the Rebellion, and use that
contact to help divert some of the profits from Gambler’s World to the Rebellion or worlds
harmed by the Empire, instead of into the Emperors pockets. They head for the Casino
Royale to wander around until their contact’s contact contacts them. Upon arrival, the droids
must wait outside. Inside, Luke plays Cosmic Chance and his attunement to the Force
makes him incredibly luckyso lucky that they must leave due to calling too much attention
to themselves. Two of Blackhole’s henchmen recognize them and inform their master of the
Rebels’ location. In a transport tube, the Rebels are assaulted by black-armored
stormtroopers (yes, they worked for Blackhole in this time period, it seems), who take Luke
and Leia prisoner and leave the droids. The droids try to help Luke and Leia by making their
way to the spaceport where they are being taken, but first they run into a group of juvenile
delinquents called “Freelies.” They are saved by a police droid and finally make it to the
spaceport, where they learn that Luke and Leia were taken aboard a Hrakian starship, but
when they cannot get aboard without a Hrakian master, R2-D2 heads for a local cantina to
find a willing dupe to act as their “master.” Aboard the ship, Blackhole holds Luke, Leia, and
two other Rebels (Paxin and Falud) in paralysis beams, while interrogating them for the name
of their contact (or is that their contact’s contact?). The droids manage to dupe a Hrakian
named Branox into helping them get aboard, where they proceed to deactivate the paralysis
beams. The four Rebels make a break for it, but Falud is killed in their escape. They reunite
with the droids and make their way out of the ship and into a public area, where Blackhole
cannot kill them for risk of inciting others to see the Empires cruelty and rebel as well. Later,
as Luke and Leia once again try to meet their contacts contact, the droids head for a
weapons dealer, since R2-D2 wants them to be armed in case they need to help themselves
or Luke and Leia again. They get homing devices installed, along with trying out some new
weaponry. When the Freelies arrive and again try to steal the droids, the weaponry, set to
automatic, goes off, and the Freelies cannot make their move. The droids decide not to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 158
purchase the weapons, but to keep the homing devices, and are on their way, followed by the
group of decidedly pissed off Freelies. Finally, Luke, Leia, and Paxin meet with Sanglui, their
contact’s contact, who tells them that the high-ranking government Rebel contact they are
there to meet can only see one of them. They draw straws and Luke gets the job. He follows
a set of instructions (a la Ransom) and makes his way to meet with the contact, who turns out
to be the planets president! They are discovered by Blackhole’s forces and the president
makes sure Luke escapes, though we never know for sure what happened to the president
and her guards. Luke arrives back at the ship to find that Leia and R2-D2 have been
kidnapped by Freelies who are wanting to ransom Leia for 5,000,000 credit and the droids.
Blackhole learns of the plot also and orders his men to capture a Freelie so they can beat (or
drug) Leia’s location out of him. With the Freelies, Leia tries to convince them to let her go,
focusing especially on Falud’s son, Choyd, to no avail. They are only looking out for
themselves. Luke is on his way there when he runs across several stormtroopers beating up
the Freelie named Bemmie. They rescue him and Bemmie takes them to the other Freelies.
They are attacked by Blackhole’s men, and while the other Freelies are content to trade the
Rebels for their own skins, Bemmie owes Luke, so he helps them to escape. Bemmie,
unfortunately, dies in the assault. As for the Rebels, their mission on Gambler’s World is
(Gambler’s World)*
*NOTE: “. . . until their contact’s contact contacts them.” You’ve gotta love that phrase. By the way, you might
find it odd that Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures appears so late, but remember that the stories are not
necessarily chronologically early, but were published early in Star Wars newspaper strips. Also, keep in mind
that Vader refers to “Luke Skywalker” in the story, so it must be after Vader’s Quest and Dark Lord’s Gambit.
A short while after the events on Gambler’s World, Blackhole disappears from the galactic
scene, most likely driven insane by his deeper and deeper meditations into the Dark Side.
With him out of the way, Ysanne Isard’s rise to power would seem to lack any further great
obstacles. Many of Blackhole’s troops will find their way into Carnor Jax’s service several
years later.
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns and Rebellion Era Sourcebook)
In reality, Lord Cronal (AKA Blackhole) is not “gone,” so much as he has convinced Palpatine
that he can best be of service if far from Coruscant, such as in the Unknown Regions. He
goes into the Unknown Regions, following the Darksight of his Way of the Dark philosophy,
all the way to the drifting moon trees of the Gunninga Gap, where he discovers and
assembles scraps from the Taurannik Codex (destroyed 100,000 years earlier during the
Muurshantre Extinction). From the Codex, he gains hints that lead him to the Valtaullu Rift
and the asteroid belt that was once the planet-sized Temple of Korman Lao, the Lord
Ravager of the Kanzer Exiles. He uses knowledge from the Temple’s fragments to capture
the Dark Side spirit of Dathka Graush from the Valley of Golg on Korriban. From that spirit, he
learns the secrets of Sith Alchemy that will allow him to control the metalmassif on the planet
(conjecture based on Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor)
A transport capsule carrying squills (known the galaxy over as disease-carrying pests)
crashes down on Tatooine and is recovered by Jawas. Imperials soon arrive hunting for the
capsule and the squills. In space, Luke Skywalker is recalled from a recon mission to return
to Tatooine and investigate, though he is reluctant to return to Tatooine after all he had been
through in the days before the Battle of Yavin. He takes R2-D2 and C-3PO with him and they
are contacted by Anduvil of Ogem, a trader who finds the Rebels more profitable at the
moment. When they meet at Chalmuns Cantina, Anduvil tells Luke that Rebel outposts are
being destroyed, and each time, it has been preceded by a transport capsule crashing on a
nearby planet, and an outbreak of Bledsoe’s disease. They witness a Jawa die of the
disease and make their escape, hiding out at Obi-Wan Kenobi’s old hut before being attacked
by Sandpeople and rushing off to find the source of the disease or the capsule. They
discover Stormtroopers checking the eyes of a bunch of dead Jawas (the same ones who
found the capsule). When the stormies leave, they go investigate and Luke is bitten by a
squill. The stormies return and take Luke and Anduvil into custody, leaving the droids. While
in custody, Lukes eyes take on the appearance of a sky full of stars. They discover, after
speaking to Imperial Dr. Kaaladar, whom they force to give Luke an antidote, that Bledsoes
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 159
disease was genetically engineered as a means of carrying encoded information, like the
locations of Rebel bases. (Yes, that does seem a tad . . . far-fetched, but, hey, so is an Anti-
Force being from another dimension and we got to read about Waru, right?) After Luke is
injected with the antidote, the droids show up in the sandcrawler abandoned by the dead
Jawas and draw off some stormtroopers. Luke then uses an Imperial commander as a
hostage while Anduvil rigs some TIE fighters to explode. They take the Imperial with them as
a prisoner as they escape and the Imperial base goes up in a massive explosion.
(Tatooine Sojourn)
While on Tatooine, C-3PO and R2-D2 are marveling at the depravity of life in Mos Eisley
when they see what looks like a monstrous droid heading their way. The droid turns out to be
not an ugly droid at all, but Luke Skywalker with a huge armload of droid parts. C-3PO is as
embarrassed as a droid can be.
(Droids Apple Jacks Comic Strip)
When her ship runs low on fuel and is attacked by Imperials, Leia Organa is forced by her
pilot, Hume, to abandon ship and use a gossamer glider to reach safety at the Imperial labor
colony of the planet below, Phelarion. There, she sneaks into the mining facilities and notes
that the miners are mining the highly explosive megonite for the Empire. Two miners, Calus
and Sparv stand out from the rest. Leia is noticed, and under the name of “Lerna, she
becomes a servant to the colony’s ruler, none other than Lady Tarkin, widow of Wilhuff
Tarkin. Shortly thereafter, Leia discovers that Calus and Sparv are preparing to escape with
a batch of stolen megonite to make their fortunes. Lady Tarkin realizes that some is missing,
which is slowing down the operation. This does not please Darth Vader, who heads for the
planet to check on the situation himself. Leia agrees to help Calus and Sparv so she uses
Lady Tarkin’s transponder to call a mysterious smuggler friend of Calus and Sparv to pick
them up. She ends up having to kill Lady Tarkins right hand man, Nardo to keep the
transmission a secret. As Calus and Sparv prepare to leave with their ever-heating (which
could cause an explosion, by the way) megonite, Leia escapes from an Imperial reception for
Vader to join them. They are escaping as Calus and Sparv learn Leia is a Rebel, and Vader
recognizes her. The Imperials pursue them all the way to the roof where they are to be met
by the smuggler, and Sparv must explode the megonite to save their lives. Sparv is shot, but
not killed before a familiar ship lands and they escape. Aboard, Leia thanks their rescuers
Han Solo and Chewbacca. Small galaxy, isnt it?
(Princess Leia, Imperial Servant)
A ship/station known as the Ion Ring Ship arrives above the desolate world of Zerm. Aboard,
Professor Volz and his daughter Mira use the ship to alter the weather patterns of the planet
and turn it into a paradise. They are hijacked by Imperial Captain Bzorn and his Star
Destroyer. Bzorn plans to use Mira as a hostage to force Professor Volz to turn the ship’s
power against Rebel planets to make them wastelands. Mira is being transferred to a new
location by stormtroopers when she escapes from them and stows away aboard the
Millennium Falcon, which was on the transfer-point planet to pick up spice for a run intended
to help appease Jabba the Hutt. Han Solo and Chewbacca leave, not knowing they have an
extra passenger. Then they land on the Rebel planet Randa, R2-D2 and C-3PO discover her
and she tells them about the Empire’s plans for the Ion Ring Ship. They travel to the planet
Rion, but are too late to stop the devastation of the planet. They escape to Kessel, correct in
thinking that it will be the next target, and Mira uses a sub-space image transmitter to try to
contact her father. If he knows she isn’t a hostage anymore, he will stop bowing to Imperial
wishes. As she attempts to contact him, Han, Chewie, and Luke Skywalker turn themselves
in to Bzorn to buy time. They manage to use the ruse to board the Ionic Ring Ship and meet
Volz, who has already just told Bzorn to essentially “take your threat and shove it,” willing to
sacrifice he and Mira for his homeworld. Miras image appears and Volz learns she is safe.
As the Rebels fight to escape, Bzorn is shot and killed, and Volz sets the vessel to self-
destruct, destroying their ability to help other planets, but also its ability to devastate them.*
(The Second Kessel Run)*
*NOTE: It is never made perfectly clear in this comic whether Han and Chewie were working for Jabba directly,
or Jabba’s henchmen. Since he’s still “on the outs” with Jabba at this point in the Official Continuity, it makes
sense that he might simply be helping Jabba’s henchmen in order to ingratiate himself with Jabba again, without
having to put himself out in the open by working for Jabba directly.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 160
On the planet Harix, Luke Skywalker has arrived just in time to see Imperial troops led by
Major Rahz kidnapping a schoolhouse full of children and their teacher, Myoris. Only Myoris’
son, Berd, escapes. The Imperials, under orders from Darth Vader, intend to use the children
and teacher as bait to lure Rebels into a trap. Luke, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Berd meet with Leia
Organa elsewhere and consider Berd’s request that they help rescue his friends and mother.
Luke goes to a cantina to find Han, and Berd goes after him. They end up using the egos of
a group of smugglers and gamblers, including Han, to put together a miniature strike force of
gamblers, smugglers, and other rogues. Berd formulates a plan to save them, but a dream of
his mother tells him that it is a trap. He convinces the rogues to change their plans slightly.
The rescue begins, with the Rebels launching small target drones toward the Imperial fleet
bearing much larger sensor signatures than they should. On Harix, Luke, Han, and
Chewbacca destroy the TIE fighters that were waiting to ambush them, thus preventing the
trap from being sprung. They see Rahz about to use a sonic weapon to kill the children and
Myoris, so they race in to stop him. In space, the Imperial fleet realizes that they have been
duped and rush back toward Harix. On Harix, the scoundrel strike force lifts off from their
hiding place on Harix and heads for where Luke, Han, and Chewie battle stormtroopers. The
Imperials are stopped and the children are saved, but Rahz breaks free and tries to finish the
job. He didn’t count on Berd having tinkered with the weapon, though, and its charge builds
up in the control panel, killing Rahz. After this failure, Darth Vader once again believes it is
time to give Luke Skywalker his personal attention.
(Bring Me the Children)
On Arda-2, Luke Skywalker and other Rebel pilots argue with local merchants and officials.
The planet is neutral and supplies weapons to both Rebels and Imperials, but the Imperials
have been being sold parts from Arda-2 by an unknown source, which can lock onto an Arda-
2-built component in Rebel X-wings and make them easy to destroy. The officials say it is
not their problem. Luke goes to get Leia Organa from the palace to speak with them. The
man who has been supplying the Imperials, Mag Doum, hears this and sends two men, Diros
and his son Zon to kidnap Leia. They don’t want to do it, but Kiros’ debt to Mag Doum
requires that he obey. They kidnap Leia and then as Zon takes her away, Luke catches up to
Kiros, who tells him why they kidnapped her and where Zon is taking her. In local
catacombs, Zon and Leia are attacked by a kdak, and Zon helps save her life, though he is
wounded in the act. In the city of Tun Wala, Han Solo and Chewbacca arrive bearing
passengers and learn of what has happened to Leia (and Luke, who is missing while trying to
find her). Mag Doum tries to cover his butt by loaning Han and Chewie a speeder to look for
them. They eventually find Luke, Leia, and Zon, but Kiros has fled. They return to Tun Wala
and tell of the kidnapping and the city turns against Mag Doum. Doum manages to escape
on his starship, but not before Kiros can sneak aboard. Mag Doum contacts Darth Vader and
tells him the Rebels are in the system, but cannot tell which planet before Kiros stops him
from saying any more. Vader simply decides that they will destroy all of the system’s planets
through planetary bombardment if necessary. Back on Arda-2, the Rebels and officials
receive warning from Kiros about the Imperials on the way and with Zon as a replacement
pilot and the officials cornered into having to compensate for the Imperials ability to lock onto
the X-wings, an offensive is launched to stop the incoming Star Destroyer. During the battle,
Zon’s ship is destroyed even as his father sets Doums ship on a collision course with the
Star Destroyer, which does not destroy it, but causes the Imperials to retreat when it
manages to destroy a large chunk of the Star Destroyer. Back on Arda-2, the heroes mourn
for the loss of Kiros and Zon.
(As Long as We Live)
Luke Skywalker chases after a TIE fighter in his X-wing. When he shoots the TIE down and
forces it to land on Otam he lands, but his X-wing is buried in snow and ice. He goes to
confront the pilot, who turns out to be a man dressed in Mandalorian armor (Boba Fett,
though Luke doesn’t realize this yet). When they finally clash, they are ambushed by
Snogars, who need them to help restart the power generator in their ice-buried home. They
manage to escape from the Snogars, and are on the run as the Millennium Falcon arrives
bearing Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Leia Organa, who are looking for Luke.
Han is captured by Snogars, and Chewie is sent to find him. Unbeknownst to them, they are
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 161
watched by the mysterious man known as the Mole. Han is taken to the Snogar home and
asked to help them, and when Luke and Fett go to rescue him (at Luke’s request, of course),
Han recognizes Boba Fett, but Fett tells him hes after the Mole, not Han this time. He will
take Han as a side-benefit, though. When he tries to take Han, Luke stops him, but Fett once
again manages to get free. They agree to keep the Snogars off each other’s backs until they
can all escape. Elsewhere, Chewie is attacked by a snowdragon, and found by the Mole.
Back at the ship, Leia is approached by Snogars and agrees to help them. At the Snogar
home, Fett deactivates their power and they decide to go against the Snogars superstitions
and go to a nearby power source to learn more about it. When they arrive, they find the Mole
healing Chewie. Fett says he is his prisoner, and the Mole is forced to lead them out of the
ice-covered area. On the way out, the Mole hits a switch that gasses the others, but before
he can ditch them and use the Falcon to escape Ota, Leia catches him. Fett and the other
Rebels awaken and fight over the Mole. The fight ends when the Mole uses the city’s
magnetic power against Fett’s armor to stick him to the wall. They leave him there and all
escape in the Millennium Falcon.*
(The Frozen World of Ota)*
*NOTE: It appears that Fett’s regular armor was just different enough from the suit he wore in the Holiday
Special animation sequence (perhaps one of his spare sets) that Luke didn’t recognize him until Han did. Quite
the Continuity glitch, but that’s the best way we can write it off without saying that the cartoon segment never
happened, as some timeline authors declare.
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Chewbacca are sent to Kadril to make a deal
with the peaceful Kadrillians for resources. They meet with Lord of Kadril Lon Prador, but
even as they are doing so, the Empire has its own plans for Kadril. On the Kadrillians’ zero-g
laboratory, Darth Vader works with scientist Dal Quirz, who has developed a form of kunda
crystal that allows his stormtroopers to wear filtered masks to protect them from the effects of
the Empires new “pacifog” gas, which brings out a being’s worst species traits. Vader uses it
on the Kadrillian scientist, bringing out his gullibility, while planning a full-scale test on Kadril
itself. As the Rebels meet with Quirz’s assistant, Rondo, to see his new, seemingly useless
vibrocrystal, Vader begins the test of the pacifog. The Kadrillians are controlled and forced to
mine more kunda stones, the greatest number of which are in what is called “Nociv territory,
where “uncivilized” (peaceful, but lacking technology) Kadrillians live outside the cities. Luke
and Han go with Rondo to Nociv territory seeking answers, which allows Rondo to make
contact again with the fiancée that abandoned him to Nociv life, Deerna. Han, Luke, and
Rondo are captured by the Nociv Kadrillians, but after their brief encounter, they are all
attacked by pacifog-wielding stormtroopers, who end up killing Mdel, the Nociv leader, who
urges the Nocivs to join with the Rebels with his last breath. The Nocivs and Rebels join
together, even as Leia manages to shut down Vaders transmitter that is controlling the
pacifog-induced Kadrillians. As the ground-based Rebels, donning protective gear, face off
with the Imperials, Leia uses the vibrocrystal to destroy the kunda crystals that the Imperials
are using to protect themselves. The Imperials die of pacifog overdoses, and the day is won.
In the aftermath, a wounded Rondo manages to convince Deerna to return to civilization with
him to accept his previously-offered hand in marriage.
(Planet of Kadril)
While escaping from an Imperial Star Destroyer, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa are forced
to jump to hyperspace. Something goes very wrong and the jump takes them beyond the rim
of the galaxy (they were already in the Outer Rim area to begin with, so this isnt too much of
a stretch). There, they find an organic vessel and are taken aboard. Once inside, they are
accosted by game-playing machines before the “captain” of the vessel realizes they are
actual lifeforms and tries to blow them into space by opening an airlock. When Luke and Leia
show genuine caring for each other, the “captain stops the venting of air and allows them to
meet with him. The “captain” is actually bonded with his ship as one entity. He tells them
that ages ago there was a war among his people, which ended when a plague wiped
everyone out but him. He took his ship into the void between galaxies and eventually melded
with it, with only his “games” to keep him company. The Star Destroyer manages to catch up
to them while they are talking. The Imperials attack the organic ship and the “captain” and
ship are forced to destroy the Imperials. Luke and Leia then leave and return to the galaxy,
hoping that one day, the “captain” will find happiness “out there” . . . *
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 162
(Riders in the Void)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the second issue of that black and white series.
On Aridus, a group of Rebels are under attack by stormtroopers, but are saved by a man
appearing to be Obi-Wan Kenobi. One of the Rebels makes it to Yavin IV and tells Luke
Skywalker of this. Luke then sets out with R2-D2 and C-3PO for Aridus to check the story out.
On Aridus he meets Kenobi (actually an actor under orders from Darth Vader to pretend to be
Kenobi and deliver Luke to Vader at the Iron Tower on Aridus). Luke believes the man to be
Kenobi and acts accordingly. On their way to the Iron Tower, where Vader waits, the actor
comes to believe himself to be Kenobi, or at least to act like Kenobi would, owing to the
profound respect Luke has for him. At the Iron Tower, he refuses to give Luke over to Vader.
He causes the tower to explode. Vader is caught in the explosion, but it is doubtful that he
has died. The actor then dies in Luke’s arms after confessing that he is not Kenobi. Luke
and the droids leave Aridus. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Rebel Storm)
Unbeknownst to Luke Skywalker, the night beast he encountered on Yavin IV was a former
Massassi named Kalgrath, the only Massassi that Exar Kun allowed to live when he sapped
the Massassi life force to save his own soul. He had mutated Kalgrath into a monstrous,
green version of his former self. Since Luke did not know that the Massassi were all killed in
Kun’s move to save his own spirit, he had no idea that he was sending the night beast,
Kalgrath, back to the former location of the Sith Empire, where no Massassi could possibly be
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Darth Vader, badly injured at the Iron Tower on Aridus, is saved by Wrenga “Jix” Jixton.
Jixton and Vader recognize each other from the mission to Falleen years earlier. After
escaping Kessel, Jix had been living on Aridus with the locals. In exchange for Vader not
calling down Imperial forces upon the natives, Jix agrees to do whatever Vader commands.
Vader is soon helped back to health and to Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Shadow Stalker)
TriNebulon News reports that the thief known as Tombat has stolen Fitz Rois precious slug
throwers during the Priole Danna Festival in Gryle City on Lamiur IV. (Exact date of report
via TriNebulon News: 35:7:29)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
The Alderaan Expatriate Network goes online, reporting to the galaxy at large the truth about
the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star. (Exact date of report via Alderaan Expatriate
Network: 35:8:4)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
Cynabar’s InfoNet reports on the possible future clamping down by the Empire on Chandrila,
foreshadowing events to come. (Exact date of report via Cynabar’s InfoNet: 35:8:8)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
Darth Vader travels to see the Bothan criminal Jib Kopatha. Jib has been selling information
to the Empire, but his latest information has been getting to be inaccurate, forcing Vader to
choke (but not kill) Jib, after whupping Jib’s goons. Vader wants Jib to help the Empire find
the Rebel Alliance leadership that has escaped from Yavin IV. (Jib offers Vader various
refreshments, including wine from Naboo, sparking a brief memory in the Dark Lord. Shortly
thereafter, a group of Falleen uses one of their members, the beautiful Xora, to lead Vader
into a trap, where they intend on killing him for the destruction he wrought on Falleen.
Unfortunately for them, Vader doesn’t like to be reminded of the past, pleasant or otherwise,
and he promptly kills every single member of the Falleen ambush team. Vader then leaves,
pensive, but certainly not beaten. (Exact date based on the LucasBooks internal Clone Wars
Timeline: 35:8)*
(Target: Vader)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 163
*NOTE: This event takes place 5 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the Battle of Yavin.
On Yavin IV, the Executor plans are analyzed and the Rebels believe their only hope is to
find one of the legendary power gems, which the space pirates of Iridium used to use to
penetrate ship shields. Leia sends Han Solo and Chewbacca to find the gems, which were
supposedly destroyed. They head for Junkfort Station, where they learn that one of the gems
is supposedly located. They then head for the new planet, where they learn that scoundrels
from across the galaxy are all in gladiatorial combat under the supervision of Raskar (former
space pirate of Iridium) and Mystra, with the prize being the last remaining power gem, which
Raskar has in his possession. Han discovers that the gem is running out of power, and may
only be effective one more time. That is all Han needs, but the other scoundrels would be
furious, since they want it for criminal activities. He has Chewie defeat the reigning champion
and they arrange with Raskar to take the gem, while keeping the gems dwindling power a
secret, to save Raskar from their vengeance. Raskar vows to take revenge on Solo someday
for depriving him of the profits he would’ve continued making from the gladiatorial combat.
(To be continued below . . . )
(The Rebel Storm)
Former Imperial Gunnery Sergeant Wrenga Jixton (AKA Jix) is called before Darth Vader on
Coruscant. He evades Vader’s castle’s security and meets the Dark Lord of the Sith in his
meditation chamber (much like the one that will be aboard the Executor). Vader wants Jix to
go to Corulag and assassinate Imperial Governor Torlock, who is supposedly planning to
defect to the Rebel Alliance. He wants the kill to look like the work of the Rebels. Jix makes
it to Corulag and finds a landspeeder under attack by Rebels. Inside, he finds Frija Torlock
and a hologram of the governor. Frija tells him that her father is suspected of treason and in
hiding or in prison. Jix realizes that more is up than he believed when he notes the Rebels
who attacked the speeder were actually Black Sun operatives. He takes her to relative safety
and then heads for the prison where Governor Torlock has supposedly been taken. Upon
breaking in, he finds that the Torlock in the prison is actual a human replica droid (HRD) of
Torlock. He is captured by Imperial Admiral Droon, who is in league with the real Frija. (The
one he saved was another HRD.) They are dropped into a pit with a dragon slug, but
manage to survive. The Torlock HRD then tells Jix that the real Torlock had learned that the
Rebels would soon attack Corulag, so he build the two HRDs and made an escape plan. He
then learned that Droon and Frija had been conspiring to implicate him as a traitor so that
Droon could rule Corulag in his place. Jix notes that since Vader wanted Torlock dead or
captured (which would’ve left Droon in power either way), Droon’s plan almost succeeded.
Jix breaks into Droons quarters and kills Frija when she tries to kill Droon for saying it was all
her idea. He knocks out Droon and notices Droons collection of lightsabers, taking one with
him. Jix reunites the Torlock HRD and Frija HRD and they escape to Coruscant. Jix brings
Droon to Vader, where Vader informs Droon of how Jix came to be in the Dark Lord’s service.
After the mission to Falleen and Jix’s subsequent court-martial and escape from Kessel,
Vader was on a mission to Aridus when he was nearly killed when a tower he was in
exploded. He awoke aboard Jixs craft. Jix had been in hiding on Aridus, and in return for
keeping the Empire from Jix’s newfound “home” of Aridus, Jix would do whatever the Dark
Lord commanded. Knowing that Vader will not let Droon live with this new knowledge, Jix
gives Droon the lightsaber from Droon’s quarters and walks out of the room as Vader ignites
his lightsaber and kills Droon in a very uneven match. Outside, Jix is thanked by the two
HRDs and lies when he tells the Frija HRD that Frija survived the encounter on Corulag. The
Frija HRD is happy about this, hugs him, and she and her “father” depart from Coruscant.
(Shadow Stalker)
The Frija and Governor Torlock Human Replica Droids (HRDs) go to the planet Hoth to live
their remaining days away from the gaze of the Galactic Empire. The Frija HRD does not
desire to live in solitude, but the Torlock HRD insists.
(conjecture based on Shadow Stalker and The Rebel Storm)
The planet Teardrop, site of a group of Rebel Alliance “traitors” to the Empire, is coming
under assault, but even as the Imperial Star Destroyer Reprisal, under Captain Kendal Ozzel,
arrives in orbit and begins sending its troops to the surface, the Rebels are evacuated amid
pirate vessels, including one particular evacuation craft: the Millennium Falcon, bearing Han
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 164
Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, and others to safety. As our heroes escape, the Empire
sets its stormtroopers loose on the local settlements, decimating them, even though the
Rebels are long gone. This action forces several stormtroopers to begin questioning the
morality of the Imperial position. Among them are Daric LaRone, Saberan Marcross, Taxtro
Grave, Joak Quiller, and Korlo Brightwater. After discussing the situation amongst
themselves, they are viewing a contingent of Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) agents and
vehicles when they are confronted by ISB Major Drelfin, who claims that he knows LaRone
didn’t do his duty on the planet and intentionally missed shooting the innocent civilians. Sine
this suggests Rebel sympathies, he is about to take LaRone in when a brief scuffle ends with
LaRone killing Drelfin. The others know that they will be considered accomplices or tortured
for information, so the group of troopers decide to get off of the Reprisal and away to safety.
They steal a heavily-modified Suwantek TL-1800 that is there for the ISB and escape the ship
. . . Meanwhile, at the home of Moff Glovstoak of the Shelsha Sector, young Emperors Hand
Mara Jade (age eighteen) sneaks her way through a reception to discover that Glovstoak is
in possession of several pieces of stolen artwork, part of a set that was all stolen at the same
time, some of which seems to now be gone, and all of which were likely paid for with money
Glovstoak was skimming from money that should have gone to the Imperial proper. She
reports this to the Emperor and is allowed to follow up on it . . . In space, LaRone and the
other troopers discover that the Suwantek is loaded up with speeder bikes, stormtrooper
armor, blasters, money, and other materials, all thanks to whatever the ISB planned for the
craft. Meanwhile, at a Rebel rendezvous point, our Rebel heroes are given a new mission.
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, and Han Solo (with the droids at their side) are
asked to make contact with the Republic Redux, led by Yeeru Chivkyrie. He seems to have a
proposal that could help the Alliance, but the leaders of the other two factions in the Republic
Redux do not support the plan. They are to go sort out the mess of politics and determine if
the plan has merit. Elsewhere, the troopers have found their way to Drunost, where they see
a group of pirates (the BloodScars, it seems) going after what appears to be a group of
peaceful farmers that are hauling equipment. They get into their armor and drive off the
BloodScars, forcing the troopers to leave the world without the supplies they intended to
purchase. Little do they realize that the group they saved was actually made up of Rebels led
by Casement, who were bringing weapons to the local Rebel group. The Rebels, for their
part, figure that the troopers were actually after the pirates, not Rebels. On Crovna, Mara
tracks down where the artworks had come from, tracing them to a storage facility, then
questioning its owner to discover the name of the pirate that had stored the art there, a man
named Caaldra. She follows his lead to a local warehouse, where she overhears Caaldra and
others discussing an upcoming series of strikes. She sneaks aboard the ship of one pirate
(Shakko), eventually having to subdue a pirate named Tannis. Back at the Rebel case, plans
have changed. Due to the troopers’ appearance on Drunost, Han and Luke are to be sent to
see what in the world was going on with troopers protecting the local Rebels, while Leia goes
on to her meeting with the Republic Redux without them. Speaking of the troopers, they have
arrived at the city of Janusar, only to find that it is under the control of a power-hungry leader,
Patroller Chief Cav’Saran. With the help of a group of ex-patrollers, a healthy angry mob, and
their own stormtrooper training, the troopers lead a coup (or a second coup), retaking control
of the area for the people of the Empire, rather than the patroller chief. It is during this act that
they earn their name, the Hand of Judgment. They have also learned of a connection
between CavSaran and the BloodScars. Figuring that the BloodScars and CavSaran might
be tied to the Rebellion somehow, they head back to Drunost to look into any connections
there. Meanwhile, on Shelkonwa, the capital of the Shelsha Sector, Governor Barshnis
Choard berates his co-conspirators Caaldra and Chief Administrator Vilim Disra (all of whom
are working under someone called the Commodore), over the failure of the BloodScars to
hijack the Rebel weapons on Drunost. The appearance of the Hand of Judgment on the
scene has suggested to them that the Empire is onto their scheme (whatever it is), so they
must be cautious. The loss of Cav’Saran has also made things more difficult. They begin to
believe that there is an Imperial agent in their sector, working against them. Elsewhere in
space, Mara comes out of hiding and takes over Shakko’s ship before it can finish its pirating
job (also for the conspiracy), which was to hijack the Happer’s Way and its cargo of fifty AT-
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 165
ST’s. She then calls the Reprisal to help fix the ship, putting Ozzel and ISB Colonel Vak
Somoril on edge, thinking that it’s a trap to catch them with their pants down after having the
ISB ship stolen, an ISB major killed, and group of stormtroopers desert on their watch. On
Drunost, the Hand are getting info on the source of the pirates sent by the BloodScars. They
find themselves waiting in a cantina, where they witness a meeting between Han,
Chewbacca, Luke, and Casement’s contact, Porter, just as a group of thieves try to rob the
bank across the street. When the Rebel heroes try to help stop the attack, they end up racing
back to the ship, tracked by the Hand, who think they might be a pirate gang themselves.
Meanwhile, the Reprisal provides Mara with a couple of agents and fixes the Happer’s Way,
which she then pilots, with Tannis (after a sort of plea bargain type situation), back to the
BloodScars base, hoping to find her way back to Caaldra and the Commodore. As for Ozzel
and Somoril, they intend to follow in the Reprisal and attack the pirate base, conveniently
killing Mara herself and covering the tracks of the offenses she doesn’t even realize they
have committed. Elsewhere, Leia meets with Chivkyrie and two other Redux allies, Ykor
Vokkoli and Thillis Slanni, who represent the two opposing factions in regards to his plan.
Apparently, Chivkyrie has been in league with Disra and the other conspirators, who intend to
break the Shelsha Sector from the Empire and join the Rebellion, dealing a major political
and symbolic blow to the Empire. In the Purnham system, the Millennium Falcon arrives
around the same time as the Suwantek, and both ships take on pirates working with the
BloodScars. They work together to interrogate prisoners and check out a captured ship,
making them allies, somewhat. They use info from Casement and the interrogation to
determine the BloodScars base location: Gepparin. Thinking that Luke, given his lightsaber,
might be the mysterious Emperor’s Hand, the joined force continues on its way to Gepparin
to hunt down the pirate base. Meanwhile, the real Emperor’s Hand, Mara, arrives at Gepparin
with Tannis and her two ISB agents. Under the cover of having taken over Happer’s Way for
a group of pirates that wanted to link up with Caaldra and the Commodore, she meets with
both, who reveal the existence of a secret “patron,” for whom the AT-ST cargo was intended.
Meanwhile, in Makrin City, Leia meets with Chivkyrie’s conspirator partner, Disra, only for
Disra to recognize her. Luckily, she is able to get Chivkyrie to recognize his bad intentions
before she is captured, as the entire planet goes on lockdown to keep her there. She actually
goes underground, so to speak, as a waitress, in order to throw off pursuit. Disra,
meanwhile, contacts Coruscant to inform Palpatine and Vader of Leia being in Shelkonwa.
Vader heads for the planet. On Gepparin, Mara is set upon that night by the Commodore’s
people and her own ISB agents, though not in tandem. She kills the ISB agents, who reveal
that they were trying to kill her to silence her (non-existent) knowledge of the defecting
stormtroopers from the Reprisal. She then faces off with the Commodores men, with Tannis
assisting her. He is wounded, and the Commodore escapes. Caaldra then tries to kill them
both with a fire trap, but she and the wounded Tannis escape, just as Caaldra does . . . and
just as the entire base comes under attack from the Reprisal. Moments later, the Suwantek
(with the Falcon attached), arrives at Gepparin. The Hand of Judgment see the ship and
freak out, thinking that they have been discovered. Using the Falcon to set up an escape with
only Chewbacca aboard, they split up and evade capture. When the Falcon leaps for the
Alderaan debris, the Reprisal follows, leaving TIEs to finish up at the base. The base, though,
is firing back, and the Happer’s Way needs to be retrieved (or so the troopers intend), so the
Suwantek heads for the surface. At the base, Mara and Tannis find the Commodore dead in
a control room from the attack, but discover that he was trying to contact their patron on
Shelkonwa, whom Mara believes to be Governor Choard. They try to escape on the Happer’s
Way, but Caaldra steals it and escapes. They steal another ship and head for Shelkonwa.
When the others arrive, they discover the same information about the contact with
Shelkonwa, so they decide to go there together (since Luke has sensed Leia in danger
there), but first, they discuss the real identities of the Rebels and how they are all in similar
moral situations, only on different sides by affiliation. They decide to infiltrate the 501
on the
surface, when allowed to land because of their military ID. As for Mara, she arrives at Vaders
command ship and has to duel Vader before he will believe that she’s not there after Leia, but
after Governor Choard. He lets her go finish her mission on the planet, though she believes
that it was Choard who sent the Reprisal to take out the BloodScars base on Gepparin, not
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 166
the hunt for her that was on their own. Mara notices Caaldra trying to land the Happer’s Way
and gives chase. Once on the ground, an AT-ST bursts from the ship, attacking Mara when
she lands. As the AT-ST escapes, she leaps back in her small craft, only to be shot down . . .
landing near where the Hand and Rebels are sneaking around to find Leia. The troopers sent
Luke and Han after their friend-in-need (whom they don’t know is Leia Organa), while they
race to help save the pilot of the downed craft. When they arrive at the craft, Mara takes
command of them, using them as her own personal stormtrooper squad, which they must
agree with or blow their cover. As Luke and Han find Leia and start heading for safety,
Chewie, thinking that Han and Luke are with LaRone and the others, helps Mara and the
troopers take out the AT-ST, only to find that Caaldra is not inside. It was under its own
autopilot control. Once that is done, the Emperors Hand and the Hand of Judgment head for
Choard’s palace to take him out of play. They break in, shortly after Choard and Disra realize
that most of what has been happening is a series of coincidences that have led to their near
downfall. Mara sends the troopers to capture and kill Choard, while she goes after Caaldra,
who reveals (before she kills him in self-defense) that it was Disra, not Choard, who was
behind the plot to break away from the Empire. Mara is led to believe that Choard might
actually be innocent. She races to stop the troopers from killing him. The troopers have
already got him, though, but instead of taking him down, they are stopped by one of their
own, as Marcross reveals himself to be Choard’s nephew! When Choard mentions
information that only the conspirators could have, though, he reveals his true colors.
Marcross had set him up, hoping he was wrong about his uncle. As Choard tries to make his
escape, Mara, who has just arrived, takes him into custody. In the aftermath, the Rebels are
able to get back to the Alliance without incident. Disra cuts all ties with the conspiracy and
turns over enough records that blame Choard to come off with more clout, rather than being
arrested. As for the Hand of Judgment, Mara allows them to go, based on how they helped
her. She advises them to stay out of trouble and to change their name: in her eyes, the
Empire has only one Hand (though, as we all know by now, she is wrong in her own
uniqueness.) (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:8)*
*NOTE: An exact date for this novel was originally difficult to come by, but the appearance of Ozzel as a captain,
rather than an admiral, puts the story prior to the evacuation of Yavin IV. Later, Choices of One, which is set 8
months after ANH, claimed these event as 3 months earlier, putting it here in 35:8.
Colonial News Nets reports that an infestation of greddleback bugs on Bethal has reached
the point of being capable of shattering the worlds economy. (Exact date of report via
Colonial News Nets: 35:8:17)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
Imperial HoloVision reports an announcement by the Imperial Navy, via Admiral Kemel
Trowe. In the announcement, the Empire takes responsibility for the destruction of Alderaan
by the Death Star, but says it was justified by an Alderaanian bioweapons project. As for the
current status of the Death Star, the Empire will not comment. (Exact date of report via
Imperial HoloVision: 35:8:22)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
After their encounter with Mara Jade and defection from the Empire, the Hand of Judgment
begins a string of activities that will, over the next three months, include: taking down a small-
time warlord, destroying a pirate nest, and bringing down a corrupt regional administrator.
(conjecture based on Choices of One)
The Rebel Alliance frigate Redemption goes to Morton to pick up badly-needed supplies.
Around the same time, pirates supposedly attack the ship of Imperial Commander Silam
Dunerz, leaving him stranded in an escape pod. (In reality, Dunerz is working with the pirates
in a ruse to capture Leia.)
(conjecture based on Leia’s Trust)
On the way back from a supply run to Morton in the Redemption, they encounter an escape
pod with an Imperial distress signal, located amid the ruins of what appears to have been a
space battle. The sole occupant of the pod is Imperial Commander Silam Dunerz, a supply
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 167
master for the 501
Legion. He claims that he wants to defect to the Rebel Alliance and was
hoping the Rebels would find him after his ship was attacked by pirates. Shortly after he is
brought aboard, Weequay pirates attack the Redemption, boarding the frigate. With Silams
help, the Rebels, led in the battle by Leia, defeat the pirates, who nearly capture Leia if not
for the intervention of Silam. Having now gained Leia’s trust, Silam reveals his true intentions
and turns on her, noting that he hired the pirates to make his story appear plausible but they
went beyond their arrangement when they boarded the ship. He was sent by Darth Vader to
capture her. Expecting a betrayal or Imperial plot, Leia has already taken the power pack out
of his blaster during a point in the battle when he dropped it. Rather than holding him
prisoner, Silam is put back into the pod with a device to fake another life sign. The pod is then
sent back out on a course to return to the Imperial Star Destroyer where Vader awaits. Upon
discovering that it is only Silam in the pod and that he has failed in his mission, Vader Force
chokes Silam to death.
(Leia’s Trust)
One week before Hunter Maas meets Han Solo, he (and the information he stole about Essio
Galassian’s research into the K’kybak hyperspace weapon) is tracked to a Sendavé Shared
Interst Collective base on Nummunr. The Imperials stage a dummy strike at the Collective
there, but Hunter escapes with the information intact.
(conjecture based on Honor Among Thieves)
Rebel Alliance plans to use the Targarth system as a preliminary base must be abandoned
when Imperial probes. This news leaves Cerroban, Aestilan, Seymarti, or Hoth as their most
likely new base planets. The news also forces Leia Organa to delay leaving for a conference
on Kiamurr for ten hours to work out what the Alliance must do next.
(conjecture based on Honor Among Thieves)
At a rendezvous point for the Rebel Alliance fleet, Leia Organa (about to head to Kiamurr for
a conference, calls a small emergency meeting. Colonel Harcen wants to keep “undesirables”
(including smugglers like Han Solo and Chewbacca) out of the Alliance for the sake of
appearances. They are needing a new base, and with Targarth now off the list of potential
bases due to Imperial probes, only Cerroban, Aestilan, Hoth, and Seymarti are left on that
list. Han warns against Seymarti, though, given its reputation for missing ships. Given that
reputation, though, Leia thinks it might be a perfect location for a base, since the Imperials
might avoid it as well. Wedge Antilles (in a team with Luke Skywalker, who needs more time
in the cockpit to hone his skills, going as second-in-command) will be leading a survey team
to Seymarti. Han and Chewbacca, meanwhile, will head for the Imperial world of Cioran in the
Saavin system. A Rebel agent that was placed two years ago went silent seven months ago,
but a retrieval code was finally received yesterday. That highly effective agent must be
extracted. They are to either get the agent, Scarlet Hark, back safely or, failing that, to learn
as much as they can about what happened to her and whether any danger is posted to the
Alliance by whatever has happened. The Millennium Falcon (under a false registration and
false IDs for Han and Chewbacca) heads for Cioran, while Leia heads off to Kiamurr. After a
brief stop in a bar (where Han notes that, this far into the Empire, agents of Jabba the Hutt
are unlikely to come after them), they head for Staton Memorial Park and Recreation Area,
where Scarlets dead drop is located. Han checks the dead drop, but it is empty. While
pondering this, Han is approached by his old acquaintance Baasen Ray, who claims to be
part of the Rebel Alliance. He figures out that Han is too, since Baasen has been keeping an
eye on Scarlet’s dead drop. He claims to be there to make contact with whomever came to
extract Scarlet on behalf of the local Rebels. Han and Chewbacca join Baasens team (Garet,
Simm, and Japet) and leave the park, but they are immediately taken captive by Baasen, who
is actually working as a bounty hunter, intending to take them in to either the Empire or (more
likely because of the size of the bounty) Jabba. Baasen claims that he was never with the
Rebels but knew of the dead drop, so he took Scarlet’s message and destroyed it before Han
(or any other Rebel) could get it. (Japet was a “rat” in the Rebellion and informed Baasen
about Scarlet calling for retrieval.) It turns out that Baasen has already told Jabba he has
Han, so he already has some of Jabba’s money, some of which he has spent. There is no
way he can change his mind about taking them in, as hed be risking Jabba’s wrath. Han and
Chewbacca stage a surprise escape from the warehouse where Baasen was based, during
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 168
which Baasen loses a hand. That firefight draws Imperial attention, though, and they are
stopped shortly thereafter. Han knocked out the officer that stops them, takes his clothes,
then sends Chewbacca back to the Falcon, while Han seeks out Scarlet by asking about
Japet (their only real lead) and his activities in local bars. He first uses his fake Imperial
officer persona to trick a data technician into revealing Japet’s last name (Saun) and that his
closest known associate is Trandoshan Cyr Hassk, along with Hassks location. Han
questions (and scuffles with) Hassk in his birth, learning that Japet is staying with his
girlfriend, Aminni. He questions (and flirts with) Aminni in her home long enough to steal her
personal datapad. He uses it to lure Japet into meeting her (really Han), and Han is able to
coerce the coward (who recognizes him from Baasen’s warehouse) into revealing that he
learned about Scarlet pulling out and having the drop set up from a Rebel named Wirrit. Han
goes to Wirrit, reveals his true mission, and is sent to Scarlet’s apartment, which she has
already abandoned it seems. He looks through her receipts from food deliveries, though, and
figures that if she buys the same food so often to have it delivered, she may be having it sent
to a different place now by the same business. He goes to the business, which, sure enough,
has a delivery order about to go out to her. Han pretends to be there to pick it up and takes it,
using the address on it to find where Scarlet is hiding. Han finally makes contact with her
there, also meeting her droid “partner” (for the moment), CZ-33. Rather than being ready to
leave, she has a last job for them. Essio Galassian, the Emperors “pet astrocartographer,”
was the target of her mission. She has spent the last 18 months infiltrating his operations, but
after he found something astounding, the report and preliminary data on the discovery was
stolen from his private station on Tyybann (and the file system subsequently wiped) by a
lucky amateur slicer before Scarlet could get to it. The theft put Galassian on edge, and
Scarlet and CZ-33, who were undercover as part of his household staff, were forced to flee.
For about a month and a half now, Galassian has been gone with a huge Imperial team
(including its own Star Destroyer) to obtain whatever Galassian’s research discovered. The
Rebels will need to know what it is, and the final report on the theft by the amateur is located
at an Imperial Intelligence Service Center nearby, albeit encrypted by Galassian’s personal
cipher. She was intending to steal it but needed a way off-planet first, hence calling for
extraction. Han reluctantly accepts the job of helping her for a decent bit of credits. Scarlet
has CZ-33 do one more task for her (pressing Hans uniform), then sets him free, so to
speak, ending their partnership. They sneak in as a maintenance tech and Imperial officer,
and when things start to go wrong, they manage to steal the information and escape to the
roof, where Chewbacca picks them up with the Falcon amid a firefight. They escape into
space, pursued by Imperials and another ship, piloted by Baasen, who still intends to capture
Han. Baasen is able to fire a missile (that appears to be a dud) that gets stuck in the Falcons
rear before our heroes jump to hyperspace. Han assesses the damage, knowing they need to
land somewhere to get that missile removed. Scarlet breaks the encryption on the report,
learning that the thief, Hunter Maas, was caught and apparently was working for the Sendavé
Shared Interst Collective, small-time gunrunners out of Elkkasinn and Sunin, made up mostly
of K’rrandins and some humans. Hunter intends to use the info to gain a greater position in
the Collective and to build it into something larger, but the Imperials are planning a strike
against them to destroy the Collective (and the stolen records). It turns out, though, that the
strike will be at the Collective’s leadership on Kiamurr, the very same place Leia has gone for
the conference. (The Collective would be intending to use the data to get Rebel interest and
thus let Hunter jockey for position in the Collective.) They race for Kiamurr as fast as the
damaged ship can get there. By the time they get there, Han has figured out that the “missile”
is actually a tracking beacon, so not only are the Imperials coming soon but Baasen as well.
While Chewbacca fixes the ship, Han and Scarlet meet up with Leia and warn her, but she is
unwilling to leave immediately because she wants to let Scarlet get to Hunter and with so
many groups that fund the Alliance there for the conference, she needs to handle this
delicately and quietly to avoid panic and losing allies. Later, Scarlet informs Han that Hunter
has arrived in the system, and they take the Falcon up to make sure they are the first (and
only) party he has a chance to negotiate with upon landing. They save his ship (the
Cosmodium) from a reconnaissance (i.e. hyperdrive-bearing) TIE SR, then land and take him
to meet in secret with Leia in a cantina’s back room. Hunter explains that Galassian’s
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 169
information revealed that there was once an ancient, pre-Republic race known as the
K’kybak, who were oppressed by a greater power (likely the Rakatans). After they freed
themselves, they took their former oppressor’s great technology and used it for peaceful,
defensive research, finally creating something that would allow their world to be safe
“forever.” They eventually died out on their planet, but they were never oppressed again.
Galassian has found the ancient world of the Kkybak, and Hunter now has that information to
sell. He also hints that the technology the K’kybak developed was not just a means of
controlling who is permitted to travel through hyperspace but to control who is able to do so
(sort of like a super-sized, super-powerful interdiction field of some kind that can reach across
the galaxy, it seems). He refuses to sell the information, though, even under brief threat,
since he intends to see what other bidders offer before making such a decision. Scarlet
therefore resolves to steal the information from him instead. Han and Scarlet keep an eye on
him, ostensibly as bodyguards to make sure no one else can take him out or otherwise
remove him from play before they have the information they need to stop this “ultimate
weapon.” While they try to figure out how to break into Hunter’s room and safe, Han spots a
figure skulking around and confronts him. It turns out to be Sunnim, a Bothan working with
Baasen, who emerges from the shadows. Han is able to entice him with talk of the value of
the hyperspace weapon, so they return to Scarlet to “negotiate.” When Hunter leaves his
room, Scarlet goes to steal the information from his safe, despite Baasen’s grumbling.
Unfortunately, the four of them are in Hunters room when he returns, catching them in the
act. Baasen pretends to switch to Hunter’s side, convincing him to open the safe, but the safe
is empty. Baasen then shoots Hunter dead, claiming that they have no need for Hunter
because Baasen knows where the information is already. Just then, the planets defense
alarms go off. The Imperials have arrived. Han, Scarlet, Baasen, Sunnim, and Hunter’s R3
astromech (now without an owner) all run for the Falcon, where Leia and Chewbacca await
Han and Scarlet. They all escape into space together. Baasen reveals, once they are safe,
that the data must be in R-3, which he figured out before killing Hunter. They learn that the
old K’kybak world is abandoned, and the controls to the hyperspace device is in an ancient
temple. The Imperials are already there, but given the difficulty of getting to and using the
device, Galassian intended to take things slowly. They learn that the planet in question is the
fifth planet in the Seymarti system, the very system that they just sent Wedge and Luke’s
squadron to when Han left to retrieve Scarlet. (As for Baasen and Sunnim, they are on the
side of the Rebel heroes, at least until this job is done, so they can share in the rewards when
and if they are successful.) General Carlist Rieekan starts to mass a Rebel force to take the
planet, but it will take a week to prepare. In the meantime, Luke and Wedge may be in
danger, since no one has heard from them, so the Falcon team will go in immediately. They
arrive and find that they cannot go back to hyperspace, meaning that the device has been
activated. Fortunately, once they are close enough not to need a hyperspace relay to
communicate, they make contact with Wedge and Luke’s group, who have gone to ground on
a nearby planet after being presumed dead by Imperials in a brief starfighter confrontation
over the planet. They reunite on that nearby planet (Seymarti II) and plan their mission to
stop the Imperials on Seymarti V (the K’kybak planet). They use the X-wings (eight of them)
to draw Imperial attention, while the Falcon lands near the Imperial-controlled temple site on
the planet. Somewhat surprisingly, the X-wings manage to destroy rather than just distract
the Star Destroyer, leaving them to just mop up TIE fighters above, while everyone but
Chewbacca (who remains behind to guard the ship) sets out from the Falcon to the temple.
Along the way, Sunnim is killed by a native creature he dares to touch. When they reach the
temple, it is heavily guarded, but a few flyovers from the X-wings demolish the ground forces
outside. They make their way into the temple, through corridors and traps, until they finally
reach the room where Galasssian is working on the device, only to find that the “device” is
actually the entire giant chamber, controlled by a huge table, with the core of the planet
accessible down below a huge chasm under the grating that connects the entrance to the
control table. Galassian, guarded by flying droids, will not give in. A fight ensues, during
which Baasen takes a lethal blow, and Galassian is tossed over the side to tumble down into
the core to his doom. Baasen then dies of his wounds, having saved the others in the fight,
making him yet another complex person in Hans life, both villain and ally in so short a time.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 170
Scarlet studies the device, using information she had gleaned from Galassians files. The
exposed core would cause the entire planet to collapse under the device’s power, but there is
a force field that keeps the planet’s crust from falling into it. Han presses a button Scarlet tells
him not to touch, then argues for why they must destroy the device, rather than trying to keep
it for the Rebellion, since someday there will be someone in power in the Empire or in a
restored Republic who will abuse its power. He convinces Leia, then confesses that the
button he just hit is causing exactly that the device will collapse the planet. They race up
the temple to where they can all “safely” get on the wings of Luke’s X-wing, so he can then
take them to the Falcon. That done, they escape just as the planet is destroyed. The threat of
the K’kybak hyperspace weapon is over. Once back with the fleet, things calm down. Han
and Chewbacca are to get paid, and they are still sticking around. Scarlett has a new mission
to Surdapan Station, undercover as Emurrian opera singer Feyyata Baskalada. R3 will be
joining her. Unidentified black ships have been spotted near Thedavio VII, which may be new
Imperial prototypes. A survey mission to Cerroban has run into Imperial probes, removing
that as a possible base. That limits their choices, but Han is fine with just about anything, as
long as it’s not Hoth!*
(Honor Among Thieves)*
*NOTE: I know that the timeline in the front of this novel puts it after Choices of One, but that makes no logical
sense, given that they are still looking for a base and have explicitly not decided upon Hoth at this point. It
appears more likely that the listing in the novel’s opening pages timeline is just putting this where it is
convenient, since it is lumping together Choices of One with its prior installment, Allegiance, instead of sliding
anything between them. I should also note that while this book was to be the second of three Empire and
Rebellion novels, the novel itself drops that label, while the opening timeline still includes it. This loose trilogy
was further broken when the 2014 announcement was made that split the Legends and Story Group Canon
concepts, making the book that would have been the third in this trilogy into one of the first Story Group Canon
Several months before the Rebel strike on the Perlemian Haul convoy, Petty Officer Tera
Wen is assigned to the convoy’s lead ship, Freighter M226, as Security Chief.
(conjecture based on Perlemian Haul)
The guerrilla war between the Rebels and the Empire reaches a critical point on the planet
Polmanar. The guerrilla effort is on the brink of collapse, but they only need to hold out for a
few more weeks the Imperial Admiralty has ordered that if Polmanar cant be pacified by
then, that the blockade of the planet be abandoned. This would prove a shining symbol for
the Rebellion that standing up to the Empire is possible. A group of Rebels are sent to Isis
to ferry medical supplies to the battered world…
(conjecture based on The Isis Coordinates via TimeTales, verbatim)
It was just a matter of time the Imperial Survey Corps, in the form of the vessel Wanderer,
has finally stumbled upon the Rebel safeworld of Isis. As the ship moves in for a close scan,
the Rebel team heading for Polmanar arrives and gives chase. The ship’s hyperdrive is
destroyed, but the Wanderer gets its scan – and proof that Rebels are on that world. Chasing
through the planets crystal canyons, the Wanderers noisy engines sets off an avalanche that
crashes both ships… The Rebels dig out of the rubble, only to run into Gutretees. They insist
on a contest of strength, and one Rebel reluctantly battles with the tribal leader Iponta. After a
difficult brawl, the Rebel wins. In return, he receives Iponta’s memories including where the
crashing Imperial ship went. They find the Wanderer empty, its crew already gone – as well
as its black box. Realizing the Imperials are going to get offworld at the first opportunity, the
Rebels race to the nearest city, Neskroff. The local officials are quickly told of the situation,
and a curfew and city search is quickly begun. The Rebel team leads the search. They
quickly find the Imperials (now in civilian clothes), and a desperate chase ensues all the way
to the (shut down) spaceport. The Imperials manage to steal the Corellian Gunship Handree
the ship meant for the Rebels, filled with critical medical supplies for Polmanar!! As the ship
flies into the atmosphere, the Rebels make a desperate boarding attempt and succeeds…
The ship jumps to hyperspace, en route to the Imperial base at Miser, in the Bespin system
12 hours away. The Rebels fight their way to the bridge, but a female Imperial officer named
Ishale Meahonon rips the nav computer to shreds and fights to the death. The ship is locked
on course to Miser Base and the Rebels can’t do anything about it. They begin hunting for
Captain Pilia Tonth and the rest of her crew, who are quickly laying traps for the Rebels. All
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 171
they have to do is survive the trip the Imperial Navy is waiting for them at the end of the
journey. Tonth finds the medical supplies, giving her the perfect opportunity she opens the
forward hold, intending to chuck the supplies into hyperspace to be lost forever. The panicked
Rebels race down to stop her just what she had in mind. The Rebels frantically work to
save the cargo as Tonth climbs up to the ships computer complex. The Handree arrives in
the Bespin system and sure enough, the Star Destroyer Desolator is waiting for them. The
Rebels were unable to find Tonth or the black box, and they are quickly captured and brought
before Admiral Grendreef. Tonth appears and triumphantly gives the black box to Grendreef.
He sends the Rebels down to the base in a shuttle, then prepares to leave for Isis and a
bloodbath. For the Rebels, a miracle occurs one of the “Imperials” on the base is secret
agent Ulthar Blaze, who breaks them out. But one Rebel has already been sent to Grendreef
for torture. He is rescued, but not before telling Grendreef all he needs to know. Blaze and
the Rebels desperately chase the admiral. He escapes and makes it to the SD…. but he
doesn’t know the Rebels followed him, so they easily stow away in his shuttle. As one Rebel
moves to alter the Isis coordinates from the SDs computer, the others commandeer the
Handree. The Rebel alters the coordinates, sending the SD heading off on the wrong course.
With only minutes left before the Desolator heads into hyperspace, the Rebels repair the
Handree and disables the SD’s tractor beams. At literally the last minute, the Rebels escape.
The SD flies right into a star and is vaporized. The Rebels limp to Polmanar with the supplies,
and all’s well that ends well…
(The Isis Coordinates)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales. It has been moved to
this year based on phrasing in The Essential Atlas.
The Day After the Death Star! (MIBSW1 short story: Archie Goodwin)
The Day After the Death Star! (MIBSW1 short story: Archie Goodwin)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Defiance on Dantooine
Defenders of Raltiir
Extraction from Raltiir
The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold [continued] (AJ/SWH short stories: Dave Marron)
Changing the Odds [continued] (AJ3/SWH short story: Dave Marron)
The Adventures of Celia "Crimson" Durasha (AJ/SWH short stories: Charlene Newcomb &
Rich Handley & Peter Schweighofer)
A Certain Point of View (AJ8/SWH short story: Charlene Newcomb)
Rebel Force [continued] (youth novel series: Alex Wheeler)
Target [continued] (youth novel: Alex Wheeler)
Chapter 1
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
The Imperial Perspective [continued] (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Paul Alden & Welles
Hartley & Ron Marz)
The Savage Heart (comic: Paul Alden)
The Savage Heart (comic: Paul Alden)
Star Wars Missions (youth novel series: Ryder Windham & Dave Wolverton)
Star Wars Missions, Cycle I (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
Assault on Yavin Four (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Attack on Yavin Four
The After-Mission
Escape from Thyferra (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 172
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Escape from Thyferra
The After-Mission
Attack on Delrakkin (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Attack on Delrakkin
The After-Mission
Destroy the Liquidator (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Destroy the Liquidator
The After-Mission
Strongholds of Resistance [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Strongholds of Resistance (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Hidden Bases [continued]
Tierfon Outpost [continued]
Plot Hooks and Alternate Storylines [continued]
Plot Hooks [continued]
A New Squadron
Modular Encounters
Rebel Force [continued] (youth novel series: Alex Wheeler)
Target [continued] (youth novel: Alex Wheeler)
Chapters 2 3
Chapter 4 [continued]
Chapters 5 22
Hostage [continued] (youth novel: Alex Wheeler)
Chapters 1 7
Chapter 8 [continued]
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 [continued]
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 [continued]
Chapter 13 [continued]
Chapters 14 19
Chapter 20 [continued]
Chapters 21 22
Renegade (youth novel: Alex Wheeler)
Chapters 1 18
Firefight (youth novel: Alex Wheeler)
Chapters 1 18
Trapped (youth novel: Alex Wheeler)
Chapters 1 19
Uprising (youth novel: Alex Wheeler)
Devilworlds [continued] (comic series: Alan Moore & Steve Moore)
The Pandora Effect (comic: Alan Moore)
Star Wars 3-D (comic series: Len Wein & John Stephenson)
Star Wars (comic: Len Wein)
Havoc on Hoth! (comic: Len Wein)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 173
Rebel Force [continued] (youth novel series: Alex Wheeler)
Uprising (youth novel: Alex Wheeler)
Chapters 1 17
Tales from the Star Wars Universe (comic series: Ryder Windham & Mike W. Barr & Henry
The Rebel Thief (comic: Ryder Windham)
The Rebel Thief, Part I (comic: Ryder Windham)
The Rebel Thief, Part II (comic: Ryder Windham)
The Rebel Thief, Part III (comic: Ryder Windham)
The Rebel Thief, Part IV (comic: Ryder Windham)
The Rebel Thief, Part V (comic: Ryder Windham)
X-wing Marks th e Spot (comic: Mike W. Barr)
X-wing Marks the Spot, Part I (comic: Mike W. Barr)
X-wing Marks the Spot, Part II (comic: Mike W. Barr)
X-wing Marks the Spot, Part III (comic: Mike W. Barr)
X-wing Marks the Spot, Part IV (comic: Mike W. Barr)
X-wing Marks the Spot, Part V (comic: Mike W. Barr)
Imperial Spy (comic: Mike W. Barr)
Imperial Spy, Part I (comic: Mike W. Barr)
Imperial Spy, Part II (comic: Mike W. Barr)
Imperial Spy, Part III (comic: Mike W. Barr)
Imperial Spy, Part IV (comic: Mike W. Barr)
Imperial Spy, Part V (comic: Mike W. Barr)
Star Wars Missions [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham & Dave Wolverton)
Star Wars Missions, Cycle V (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
Darth Vader’s Return (youth novel: Ryder Windham)*
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: The Return of Darth Vader*
The After-Mission
*NOTE: Yes, I am aware that the book title and the mission title are worded differently. That is simply how it is in
the book itself.
Perfect Evil [continued] (SWM short story: Hiromoto-SIN-ichi)
Perfect Evil [continued] (SWM1/SWM2 short story: Hiromoto-SIN-ichi)
Part 1 [continued]
Part 2
Star Wars Missions [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham & Dave Wolverton)
Star Wars Missions, Cycle V [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
Rogue Squadron to the Rescue (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Rogue Squadron to the Rescue
The After-Mission
Bounty on Bonadan (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Bounty on Bonadan
The After-Mission
Total Destruction (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 174
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Total Destruction
The After-Mission
Boba Fett Omnibus [continued] (comic series: John Wagner & Mike Kennedy & Ron Marz
& Thomas Andrews & Andy Mangels)
Boba Fett: Man With a Mission (comic series: Thomas Andrews & John Ostrander & Ron Marz
& John Wagner)
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas
Andrews & John Jackson Miller)
Sacrifice (comic: John Wagner)
Milk Run (P83 RPG short story: Sterling Hershey)
Milk Run (P83 RPG short story: Sterling Hershey)
The Trap
Greyman’s Planet
Battle to the Base
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Crisis at Sarapin
Rookies (SWH comic series: Pablo Hidalgo)
Rendezvous (SWH comic: Pablo Hidalgo)
Webstrips 1 68
No Turning Back (SWH comic: Pablo Hidalgo)
Webstrips 1 77
The Living Force Campaign [continued] (RPGA: Morrie Mullins & Lee Pickler & Jason
Nichols & Michael Webster & Megan Robertson)
Ultimate Core Dump (RPGA: Megan Robertson)
Priority X (SWGM12/SWH short story: George R. Strayton)
Priority X (SWGM12/SWH short story: George R. Strayton)
The Adventures of Tinian I'att [continued] (AJ/TOTBH/SWH short stories: Kathy Tyers)
To Fight Another Day (AJ6/SWH short story: Kathy Tyers)
Alone Against the Empire (CM32 short story: Lester W. Smith)
Alone Against the Empire (CM32 short story: Lester W. Smith)
Wookiees Amok (CM37 short story: Timothy M. Ryan)
Wookiees Amok (CM37 short story: Timothy M. Ryan)
The Nuns of G’aav’aar’oon (CM43 short story: Marcus L. Rowland)
The Nuns of G’aav’aar’oon (CM43 short story: Marcus L. Rowland)
Rogue Metal (CM61: James King)
Rogue Metal (CM61: James King)
Encountering “Killer”
Getting Off This Rock
Buried Treasure (CM67: Greg Videll)
Buried Treasure (CM67: Greg Videll)
Starship Graveyard
Search and Rescue
Unwanted Company
Death by Triflexia (CM76: Peter Schweighofer)
Death by Triflexia (CM76: Peter Schweighofer)
Pandora’s Box (CM77: Peter Rausch)
Pandora’s Box (CM77: Peter Rausch)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 175
As Cold as Charity (RPI-1-2 short story: Jim Webster)
As Cold as Charity (RPI-1-2 short story: Jim Webster)
Death of a Hero (SG2-1 short story: Barry Osser)
Death of a Hero (SG2-1 short story: Barry Osser)
Operation Norcomm or Asta la Vista Baby (GMAN4 short story: Tom Hutchinson)
Operation Norcomm or Asta la Vista Baby (GMAN4 short story: Tom Hutchinson)
Ship of Fools (VOR-3 short story: David Ackerman)
Ship of Fools (VOR-3 short story: David Ackerman)
Bounties to Die For (G6 short story: S. Mitch Ritchie)
Bounties to Die For (G6 short story: S. Mitch Ritchie)
Wanderer of Worlds (SWGM9 short story: John Dunivant & Bill Smith)
Wanderer of Worlds (SWGM9 short story: John Dunivant & Bill Smith)
Sandbound on Tatooine (SWGM10 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Sandbound on Tatooine (SWGM10 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
The Imperial Perspective [continued] (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Paul Alden & Welles
Hartley & Ron Marz)
To the Last Man (comic series: Welles Hartley)
To the Last Man, Part I (comic: Welles Hartley)
To the Last Man, Part II (comic: Welles Hartley)
To the Last Man, Part III (comic: Welles Hartley)
Boba Fett Omnibus [continued] (comic series: John Wagner & Mike Kennedy & Ron Marz
& Thomas Andrews & Andy Mangels)
Boba Fett: Salvage (comic: John Wagner)
Salvage (comic: John Wagner)
Star Wars Science Adventures (youth novel series: Jude Watson & K. D. Burkett)
Emergency in Escape Pod Four (youth novel: Jude Watson & K. D. Burkett)
Dead Ahead
One Wild Ride
Crash Course
Running on E
Emergency Landing
Journey Across Planet X (youth novel: Jude Watson & K. D. Burkett)
Crash Landing
Making Tracks
The Big Thaw
White Water
Free Fall
Air Travel
A Long Way Down
Under Attack
Twist and Shout
Odds Against
Star Wars Missions [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham & Dave Wolverton)
Star Wars Missions, Cycle II (youth novel series: Ryder Windham & Dave Wolverton)
The Hunt for Han Solo (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 176
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: The Hunt for Han Solo
The After-Mission
The Search for Grubba the Hutt (youth novel: Dave Wolverton)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 2
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: The Search for Grubba the Hutt
The After-Mission
Ithorian Invasion (youth novel: Dave Wolverton)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 2
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Ithorian Invasion
The After-Mission
Togorian Trap (youth novel: Dave Wolverton)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Togorian Trap
The After-Mission
Star Wars Missions, Cycle III (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
Revolt of the Battle Droids (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Revolt of the Battle Droids
The After-Mission
Showdown in Mos Eisley (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Showdown in Mos Eisley
The After-Mission
Bounty Hunter vs. Battle Droids (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Bounty Hunter vs. Battle Droids
The After-Mission
The Vactooine Disaster (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: The Vactooine Disaster
The After-Mission
Winner Lose All (ebook: Timothy Zahn)
Winner Lose All (ebook: Timothy Zahn)
Tatooine Manhunt (RPG: Bill Slavicsek & Michael Greenberg)
Tatooine Manhunt (RPG: Bill Slavicsek & Michael Greenberg)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 177
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
The Battle of Wayfar
A Long Day
Weathering the Storm
Help Arrives
At Tanner Ranch
The Refugees Arrive
Wayfar Under Siege
Fortifying Wayfar
The Jawas
Sand People Attack!
Running the Battle
The Desert Worms Arrive
Wrap Up
The Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy (novel trilogy: K. W. Jeter)
The Mandalorian Armor (novel: K. W. Jeter)
Chapters 4 6
Chapters 8 11
Chapter 14 17
Slave Ship (novel: K. W. Jeter)
Chapters 5 8
Chapters 10 12
Chapter 15
Hard Merchandise (novel: K. W. Jeter)
Chapters 4 6
Tales of the Black Curs [continued] (TFTNR/AJ/SWH short stories: Peter Schweighofer)
Chessa's Doom [flashback] (AJ1/SWH short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Explosive Developments [flashback] (AJ3 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
The Crimson Forever (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Chewbacca's Story: Rage in the Red Nebula! [flashback]
Solitaire Adventures (RPG series: Troy Denning)
Scoundrel's Luck (RPG: Troy Denning)
The Far Orbit Project (Timothy S. O’Brien)
The Far Orbit Project (Timothy S. O’Brien)
The Hijacking of Shipment 1037
Solitaire Adventures [continued] (RPG series: Troy Denning)
Jedi's Honor (RPG: Troy Denning)
Gambler’s Luck (canceled RPG: Troy Denning)*
“Leia Solitaire Adventure” (canceled RPG: Troy Denning)*
*NOTE: Neither of these latter two entries in the Solitaire Adventures series by Troy Denning came to be. I
included notes here for them as historical curiosities.
Star Wars Holiday Special (television special: Rod Warren & Bruce Carol)
Star Wars Holiday Special (television special: Rod Warren & Bruce Carol)
“Animated Computer Record” Section
“Present” Section
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 178
Fool’s Bounty (comic series: David Michelinie & Mary Jo Duffy & Bob Layton)
The Stenax Shuffle [flashback] (comic: Mary Jo Duffy)
Doomworld (comic series: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin)
New Planets, New Perils! (comic: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin)
Star Wars #0 (comic: Roy Thomas & Archie Goodwin)*
Star Wars #0 (comic: Roy Thomas & Archie Goodwin)*
Star Wars #0, Part I
Star Wars #0, Part II
Dread Discovery
A Matter of Monsters
Pursuit Among the Ruins
Do You Know What Your Children Are?
Caverns of Mystery
The Keeper's Secret
The Final Fury
*NOTE: This story first appeared in multiple issues of Marvel’s Pizzaz magazine. They were reprinted as Star
Wars #0. I have chosen to use that designation because the other related Pizzaz story, The Kingdom of Ice, is
easier to find by referencing where it was concluded, Marvel Illustrated Books: Star Wars #1 (even though the
first part of that story was in Pizzaz also).
The Kingdom of Ice (MIBSW1 short story: Archie Goodwin)*
The Kingdom of Ice (MIBSW1 short story: Archie Goodwin)*
The Kingdom of Ice! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Snow Demons! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Treachery! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Death Trap! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Snow Fury! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Ice Worm Cometh! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Showdown (comic: Archie Goodwin)
War on Ice! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
*NOTE: This stories first appeared in several issues of Marvel’s Pizzaz magazine before that series was canceled.
At that point, the story was finished in Marvel UK’s Star Wars Weekly before being reprinted in the U.S. in Marvel
Illustrated Books: Star Wars #1. I have chosen to list it separately under the MIBSW1 designation, since the other
stories in MIBSW1 are handled similarly, and the other Pizzaz story was also reprinted as Star Wars #0, making it
easier to find under that name. Bear in mind that the final portion of the story was called Pursuit! in its original
UK printing, but it was referred to as War on Ice! in the U.S.
Heist (SWI138 short story: Timothy Zahn)
Heist (SWI138 short story: Timothy Zahn)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Doomworld [continued](comic series: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin & Don Glut & Archie
New Planets, New Perils! [continued] (comic: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin)
Eight For Aduba-3 (comic: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin)
“Eight for Aduba-3 from Jaxxon’s Point of View” (canceled short story: Eric Trautmann)*
“Eight for Aduba-3 from Jaxxon’s Point of View” (canceled short story: Eric Trautmann)*
*NOTE: This story never came to be, so consider its inclusion here as an historical curiosity.
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Doomworld [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin & Don Glut & Archie
Showdown on a Wasteland World (comic: Roy Thomas)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 179
Behemoth of the World Below (comic: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin & Don Glut)
Star Search! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Doomworld! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Day of the Dragon Lords! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Sound of Armageddon! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Star Duel! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Watch Out for the Wookiee (short story: Playskool)
Watch Out for the Wookiee (short story: Playskool)
Star Wars Magazine Comics [continued] (comic series: Rik Hoskin & Mike Barr & Martin
Fisher & Chris Cooper & Robin Etherington)
The Corellian Kid (SWMUK comic: Chris Cooper)
Scoundrels (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Scoundrels (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapters 1 24
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game (card game scenario series: LucasArts & Sony
Online Entertainment)
Followers of Baba (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
The Far Orbit Project [continued] (Timothy S. O’Brien)
The Far Orbit Project [continued] (Timothy S. O’Brien)
The Capture of Coh Veshiv
The Rival
The Trap
The Adventures of Dannen Lifehold [continued] (AJ/SWH short stories: Dave Marron)
Changing the Odds [continued] (AJ3/SWH short story: Dave Marron)
The Far Orbit Project [continued] (Timothy S. O’Brien)
The Far Orbit Project [continued] (Timothy S. O’Brien)
Raid on Brentaal
The Grand Prize
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
(Imperial Center) Coruscant Entry
Doctor Death: The Tale of Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba (TFTMEC short story: Kenneth C.
Doctor Death: The Tale of Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba (TFTMEC short story: Kenneth C. Flint)
Star Wars Holiday Special [continued] (television special: Rod Warren & Bruce Carol)
Star Wars Holiday Special [continued] (television special: Rod Warren & Bruce Carol)
“Present” Section [continued]
The Kashyyyk Depths (comic: Russ Manning)*
The Kashyyyk Depths (comic: Russ Manning)*
*NOTE: This Russ Manning strip was from the same series as the Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures strips
and The Constancia Affair, but they have never been reprinted. In fact, the story did not even have a title. The
title used here is the usual way that fans refer to the story.
Starfall (RPG: Rob Jenkins & Michael Stern)
Starfall (RPG: Rob Jenkins & Michael Stern)
Strike Force: Shantipole (RPG: Ken Rolston & Steve Gilbert)
Strike Force: Shantipole (RPG: Ken Rolston & Steve Gilbert)
Otherspace (RPG series: Bill Slavicsek & Douglas Kaufman)
Otherspace (RPG: Bill Slavicsek)
The Spira Regatta (AJ1 short story: Paul Sudlow)
The Spira Regatta (AJ1 short story: Paul Sudlow)
Adventure Background
Living the Good Life
Welcome to Ataria Island
The Aspre Plunge
Meet Snopps the Great
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 180
Getting Down to Business
A Life on the Rolling Seas
Outfitting the Crew
Becoming Sailors
Eel Hunting
The Spira Regatta Open
Running the Race
The Slug
Weathering the Point
Recovering the Goods
The Wreck
The Return of Snopps
The Quality of Mercy (AJ1 short story: Nicky Rea)
The Quality of Mercy (AJ1 short story: Nicky Rea)
The Warning
What are They Doing Here?
Mistaken Identity
Babes in the Woods
Getting In
The First Night
Jungle Encounters
The River
The Araquia
Pig in a Poke
The Araquian Encampment
The Araquia Strike
Raging Fires
Return to the City
The Tales of Roark Garnet (AJ short stories: Ken Rolston & Peter Schweighofer)
Regina Cayli (AJ1 short story: Ken Rolston)
Stranded (AJ1 short story: Chuck Truett)
Stranded (AJ1 short story: Chuck Truett)
The Journey to Karra
Days Are Peaceful Here
The Village
Negotiations are Interrupted
Panic in the Village
The Shuttle
The Governor
A Prisoner?
Returning to the Village
The Village
Brains With Which to Think
The First Day
The Second Day
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 181
Governor Edalm
Continuing the Journey
The Third Day
Unexpected Discoveries
The Starship
The Cockpit
The Cargo Hold
The Settlement
The Sealed Room
The Computer
The Alien Journal
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Entry 5
The Molecular Converter
The Heat Generator
The Building Materials
The Binding Paste
Getting Down the Cliff
Watch for Sudden Storms
The First Day on the Canyon Floor
The Night
The Second Day on the Canyon Floor
The Imperial Base
The Mining Warehouse
The Battle
Entering the Warehouse
Inside the Warehouse
Preparing the Ship
The Attack
Leaving the Warehouse
Seven Flames
Darryn Edalm
Karvinna Raen
The Adventures of the Turhaya, Ross, Winger, and Brandl Families [continued]
(AJ/TFTE/TFTNR/SWH short stories: Charlene Newcomb & Patricia A. Jackson)
Uhl Eharl Khoehng (AJ8/TFTNR/SWH short story: Patricia A. Jackson)
You're in the Army Now (AJ2 short story: James Cambias)
You're in the Army Now (AJ2 short story: James Cambias)
Shopping Trip
Mission to Sirpar
Imperial Facilities on Sirpar
The Eklaad
In Training
Sergeant Slag
Other Trainees
Army Life
Training Accident
Locating the Spares
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 182
The Camp Computer Network
Stealing the Spares
Haulter Chase
Out of the Frying Pan
Escape from Sirpar
The Way of the Yrashu (AJ2 short story: Dustin Browder)
The Way of the Yrashu (AJ2 short story: Dustin Browder)
Into the Jungle
The Low Ones
The Council
The Way
Traveling Through the Jungle
Finding Food
Evading Predators
Water Breathing
The Hrosma Tiger
Jungle Fight
The Prophecy (AJ2 short story: J.E. Lauterio)
The Prophecy (AJ2 short story: J.E. Lauterio)
Initial Contact
Using ET-4B
Survival of the Fittest
At the Platform
On the Road to Kariish
Inside the Marketplace
All the Kings Horses
The Royal Palace
Hunting the Demons
Cut-Away . . .
The Writing on the Wall
Cut-Away . . .
The Tales of Roark Garnet [continued] (AJ short stories: Ken Rolston & Peter
The Void Terror (AJ3 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Enemies for Life (AJ4 short story: Stephen Luminati)
Enemies for Life (AJ4 short story: Stephen Luminati)
Forced Landing
Welcome to Tinn System
Echnos City
Going to Town
Credit Opportunities
A Wretched Hive
The BlastBoat 2000
BlastBoat Obstacles
Anybody Left is a Winner
A Friend Among Foes
The Trap is Sprung
Loopholes in the Trap
Parting Shots
Loyalties (AJ4 short story: James L. Cambias)
Loyalties (AJ4 short story: James L. Cambias)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 183
Escape from the Devastator
Secret Message
Other Prisoners
The Way Out
Admiral Dorat
Trouble in Paradise
Encounters in Graleca
Getting in to See the Admiral
Seaskimmer Chase
The Chase Begins
Preela's Loyalty
Unexpected Assistance
The Adventures of Drake Paulsen [continued] (AJ/SWH short stories: Patricia A. Jackson)
A Bitter Winter (AJ5/SWH short story: Patricia A. Jackson)
Stand and Deliver (AJ5 short story: John J. Richardson III)
Stand and Deliver (AJ5 short story: John J. Richardson III)
Swoop Gangs (AJ6 short story: John Beyer & Wayne Humfleet)
Swoop Gangs (AJ6 short story: John Beyer & Wayne Humfleet)
A Funny Thing Happened at the Cantina . . .
The Challenge
Adventure Outlines
An Unlikely Partnership
Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
The Show Must Go On
Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
The Big Breakout
Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
The Cure (AJ6 short story: James L. Cambias)
The Cure (AJ6 short story: James L. Cambias)
Angels of Mercy
Besia Osurne
Rendezvous With Abya
Snooping Around
The Laboratory
Face to Face
A Plague of Imperials
Finder's Fee (AJ6/SWH short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Finder's Fee (AJ6/SWH short story: Peter Schweighofer)
A Taste of Adventure (AJ7 short stories: Tony Russo)
Rebel Escape (AJ7 short story: Tony Russo)
There Will be No Dying in My Place!
I'm Not Sure This is a Good Idea
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 184
Making the Escape
The Battle for Gap Nine (AJ7 short story: Tony Russo)
Shootout on Gap Nine
The Swamp Seer
Divide and Conquer
Silent Fury (AJ7 short story: Tony Russo)
Voyage to Kragg's Fury
The Pirate Ship
Fury's Bridge
Old Corellian: A Guide for the Curious Scholar (AJ7 short story: Patricia A. Jackson)
Old Corellian: A Guide for the Curious Scholar (AJ7 short story: Patricia A. Jackson)
Lumrunners (AJ9 short story: John Beyer & Wayne Humfleet)
Lumrunners (AJ9 short story: John Beyer & Wayne Humfleet)
Do No Harm (AJ10/TFTE/SWH short story: Erin Endom)
Do No Harm (AJ10/TFTE/SWH short story: Erin Endom)
The Capture of Imperial Hazard (AJ10/SWH short story: Nora Mayers)
The Capture of Imperial Hazard (AJ10/SWH short story: Nora Mayers)
A Free-Trader’s Guide to the Planets (AJ10 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
A Free-Trader’s Guide to the Planets (AJ10 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
The Farrimmer Cafe (AJ11 short story: Jean Rabe & J. Allan Fawcett)
The Farrimmer Cafe (AJ11 short story: Jean Rabe & J. Allan Fawcett)
Now Serving . . .
The Patrons
The Cafe Staff
The Food and Beverages
There is No Motion
Such a Deal
Food Fight
Tall Tales
A Friend in Need
On the Run
Let the Wookiee . . .
A Hot Tip
Has Anyone Seen My Snuzzleguff?
The Ando Project (AJ11 short story: Chris Doyle)
The Ando Project (AJ11 short story: Chris Doyle)
A Secret Mission
The Aft Storeroom
Planetfall on Ando
The Azure Overlook
Meeting Koral-tae
Night Fishing
Sortie by Darkness
Poachers in the Mist
Special Delivery
Searching for Clues
Deck 2: Crew Quarters
Deck 3: Processing Plant
Deck 4: Storage
Covert Operation
Eclipse Arrives
Showdown at Uridia
Sneaking Inside the Base
Living Area
The Research Bag
The Hatchery
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 185
Rebel Objectives
The Black Sands of Socorro (RPG: West End Games)
The Black Sands of Socorro (RPG: West End Games)
Shape-Shifters (AJ12 short story: Pablo Hidalgo)
Shape-Shifters (AJ12 short story: Pablo Hidalgo)
The Polydroxol
Hour 72
Hour 77
Hour 81
Hour 84
Hour 87
Hour 102
Hour 113
Hour 114
Hour 115
Hour 115.5
Stennes Shifter
Festival of the High Winds (AJ12 short story: Tom Pixley)
Festival of the High Winds (AJ12 short story: Tom Pixley)
The Festival Begins
Arriving at the Festival Site
Vendors and Merchants
The Opposition
Opening Ceremonies
Soaring the Deserts of Sevarcos
Imperial Mines
Lookout Point
Damage and Repairs
The Simple Rescue
Lord Rha's Mines
The Imperial Convoy
"You're Not Actually Flying Into an Asteroid Field!"
The Last Hand (AJ13/TFTNR short story: Paul Danner)
The Last Hand (AJ13/TFTNR short story: Paul Danner)
The Occupation of Rhamalai (AJ13 short story: (M.W. Watkins)
The Occupation of Rhamalai (AJ13 short story: M.W. Watkins)
The Breath of Gelgelar (AJ14/SWH short story: Jean Rabe)
The Breath of Gelgelar (AJ14/SWH short story: Jean Rabe)
Alien Encounters: An Extinct Guest (AJ14 short story: Trevor J. Wilson & Craig Robert
Alien Encounters: An Extinct Guest (AJ14 short story: Trevor J. Wilson & Craig Robert Carey)
Alien Encounters: The Shard (AJ15 short story: Stephen Kenson)
Alien Encounters: The Shard (AJ15 short story: Stephen Kenson)
The Adventures of Cecil Noone and His Crew (AJ15/G1 short stories: Daniel Wallace)
The Great Herdship Heist (AJ15 short story: Daniel Wallace)
Fair Prey (G1 short story: Daniel Wallace)
The Draw (AJ15 short story: Angela Phillips)
The Draw (AJ15 short story: Angela Phillips)
The Lambda Heist (G2 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
The Lambda Heist (G2 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Scout Base
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 186
Shellar’s Junkyard
Talnar’s Rescue (G5 short story: Sterling Hershey)
Talnar’s Rescue (G5 short story: Sterling Hershey)
To the Rescue
Searching the Crash Site
The Bridge
City Search
Prit’s Free Pit
Investigating the Oquan
The Swap
Talnar’s Tatooine Traitor (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Talnar’s Tatooine Traitor (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Damsel in Distress (RPG: Stephen Kenson)*
Damsel in Distress (RPG: Stephen Kenson)*
Tracking the Damsel
The Escape
*NOTE: This adventure was a bonus, presented only on the Wizards of the Coast website.
Between Sand and Sky (RPG: J. D. Wiker)
Between Sand and Sky (RPG: J. D. Wiker)
The Wrath of Ranon
A Simple Misunderstanding
Across the Dune Sea
A Tour of the Dune Sea
Digging Out
The Tusken Raiders
The Thing in the Sand
Danger Under the Sands
Danger Under the Suns
Welcome to the Jungle (G6 short story: Darren Drader & Steve Miller & Brandon
Welcome to the Jungle (G6 short story: Darren Drader & Steve Miller & Brandon McLendon)
Topside Infiltration (G8 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Topside Infiltration (G8 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Temple of Kooroo
Lake and Pavilion
Landing Field
Terraced Garden
Memm’s Villa
Horning In (RPG: Jeff Quick)
Horning In (RPG: Jeff Quick)
Customs Procedures
Chatting Up the Locals
Doing It the Hard/Easy Way
Hunt the Trandoshan
Number Two in the Galaxy (SWT18 short story: Henry Gilroy)
Number Two in the Galaxy (SWT18 short story: Henry Gilroy)
Payback (SWT18 short story: Andy Diggle)
Payback (SWT18 short story: Andy Diggle)
Being Boba Fett (SWT18 short story: Jason Hall)
Being Boba Fett (SWT18 short story: Jason Hall)
The Value of Proper Intelligence to Any Successful Military Campaign is Not to be
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 187
Underestimated (SWT19 short story: Ken Lizzi)
The Value of Proper Intelligence to Any Successful Military Campaign is Not to be
Underestimated (SWT19 short story: Ken Lizzi)
Infiltrate Jabba’s Palace (SWAM11 short story: Unknown)
Infiltrate Jabba’s Palace (SWAM11 short story: Unknown)
Classic Star Wars (comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
In Deadly Pursuit (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
The Bounty Hunter of Ord Mantell
The Bounty Hunter of Ord Mantell (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Bounty Hunter of Ord Mantell (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars [continued] comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
In Deadly Pursuit [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
Darth Vader Strikes
Darth Vader Strikes (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Darth Vader Strikes (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars [continued] comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
In Deadly Pursuit [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
The Serpent Masters
The Serpent Masters (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Serpent Masters (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars [continued] comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
In Deadly Pursuit [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
Deadly Reunion
Deadly Reunion (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Deadly Reunion (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars [continued] comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
In Deadly Pursuit [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
Traitor's Gambit, Part I
Traitor’s Gambit (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Traitor’s Gambit (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars [continued] (comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
The Rebel Storm (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
Traitor’s Gambit, Part II
Traitor’s Gambit [continued] (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Traitor’s Gambit [continued] (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars [continued] (comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
The Rebel Storm [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
The Night Beast
The Night Beast (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Night Beast (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Dark Encounters (comic series: Chris Claremont & Archie Goodwin)
Silent Drifting [continued] (comic: Mary Jo Duffy)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
Destroying the Past
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Doomworld [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin & Don Glut & Archie
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 188
The Hunter! [continued] (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
The Wrong Boy
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Doomworld [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin & Don Glut & Archie
Crucible! [continued] (comic: Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont)
Dark Encounters [continued] (comic series: Chris Claremont & Archie Goodwin)
The Long Hunt (comic: Chris Claremont)
A Duel of Eagles (comic: Chris Claremont)
Doomworld [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas & Howard Chaykin & Don Glut & Archie
The Empire Strikes! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Ultimate Gamble! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Deathgame (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
The Doom of Ultaar
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Dark Encounters [continued] (comic series: Chris Claremont & Archie Goodwin)
Shadow of a Dark Lord! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
To the Last Gladiator! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Flight into Fury! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Siege [sic] at Yavin! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Doom Mission! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Return of the Hunter (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
Showdown on Junction
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Dark Encounters [continued] (comic series: Chris Claremont & Archie Goodwin)
What Ever Happened to Jabba the Hut? (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Dark Encounter (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
The Hunt Within [continued] (miniatures game: Jason Fry)
Centares Endgame
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Dark Encounters [continued] (comic series: Chris Claremont & Archie Goodwin)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 189
A Princess Alone! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Return to Tatooine! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Jawa Express (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Saber Clash! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Thunder in the Stars! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Edge of the Empire Beginner Game (RPG: Daniel Lovat Clark & Chris Gerber & Dave Allen)
Edge of the Empire Beginner Game (RPG: Daniel Lovat Clark & Chris Gerber)
Escape from Mos Shuuta
On the Run
Gang of Gamorreans
The Junk Shop
Command & Control
Imperial Stormtroopers
All Aboard
Up, Up, and Away!
Bonus Adventures (RPG: Daniel Lovat Clark & Dave Allen)
The Long Arm of the Hutt
Rugged Road to the Ryll Mines
Geonosian Negotiations
Return to Mos Shuuta
Shadows of a Black Sun (RPG: Jeff Hall)
Shadows of a Black Sun (RPG: Jeff Hall)
No Easy Jobs
City of Spires and Strife
Dangerous Covenants (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Dangerous Covenants (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Action and Adventure
Hired Gun Combat Encounters
Hired Gun Missions
Rescue and Retrieval
Parts 1 3
Anyon, the Guardians of An’yettu
Parts 1 3
Hired Gun Combat Campaigns
Hired Gun Campaigns
Dirty Work
Episodes 1 5
Reog’s Regiment for Hire
Episodes 1 4
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Crossing the Dark Lord
Early Victories Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Bruce Jones &
Louise Simonson & Terry Austin & Darko Macan)
Vader's Quest (comic series: Darko Macan)
Vader's Quest, Part I (comic: Darko Macan)
Vader's Quest, Part II (comic: Darko Macan)
Vader's Quest, Part III (comic: Darko Macan)
Vader's Quest, Part IV (comic: Darko Macan)
Lucky Stars (SWT15 short story: Brian Augustyn)
Lucky Stars (SWT15 short story: Brian Augustyn)
Perfect Evil [continued] (SWM short story: Hiromoto-SIN-ichi)
Perfect Evil [continued] (SWM2 short story: Hiromoto-SIN-ichi)
Part 2 [continued]
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 190
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Dark Encounters [continued] (comic series: Chris Claremont & Archie Goodwin)
Dark Lord's Gambit! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Red Queen Rising! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
In Mortal Combat! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Weapons Master! [continued] (MIBSW1 short story: Archie Goodwin)
The Weapons Master! [continued] (MIBSW1 short story: Archie Goodwin)
World of Fire (MIBSW2 comic: Chris Claremont)
World of Fire!
The Word for World is Death!
The Guardian of Forever!
Star Wars (comic series: Brian Wood)
In the Shadow of Yavin (comic series: Brian Wood)
In the Shadow of Yavin, Part I (comic: Brian Wood)
In the Shadow of Yavin, Part II (comic: Brian Wood)
In the Shadow of Yavin, Part II (comic: Brian Wood)
In the Shadow of Yavin, Part IV (comic: Brian Wood)
In the Shadow of Yavin, Part V (comic: Brian Wood)
In the Shadow of Yavin, Part VI (comic: Brian Wood)
From the Ruins of Alderaan (comic series: Brian Wood)
From the Ruins of Alderaan, Part I (comic: Brian Wood)
From the Ruins of Alderaan, Part II (comic: Brian Wood)
From the Ruins of Alderaan, Part III (comic: Brian Wood)
From the Ruins of Alderaan, Part IV (comic: Brian Wood)
From the Ruins of Alderaan, Part V (comic: Brian Wood)
From the Ruins of Alderaan, Part VI (comic: Brian Wood)
A Shattered Hope (comic series: Brian Wood)
Five Days of Sith (comic series: Brian Wood)
Five Days of Sith, Part I (comic: Brian Wood)
Five Days of Sith, Part II (comic: Brian Wood)
Rebel Girl (comic series: Brian Wood)
Rebel Girl, Part I (comic: Brian Wood)
From the Ruins of Alderaan [continued] (comic series: Brian Wood)
From the Ruins of Alderaan, Part VI [continued] (comic: Brian Wood)
Rebel Girl [continued] (comic series: Brian Wood)
Rebel Girl, Part I [continued] (comic: Brian Wood)
Rebel Girl, Part II (comic: Brian Wood)
Rebel Girl, Part III (comic: Brian Wood)
Rebel Girl, Part IV (comic: Brian Wood)
A Shattered Hope [continued] (comic series: Brian Wood)
A Shattered Hope (comic series: Brian Wood)
A Shattered Hope, Part I (comic: Brian Wood)
A Shattered Hope, Part II (comic: Brian Wood)
Crates of Krayts (RPG short story: Fantasy Flight Games)
Crates of Krayts (RPG short story: Fantasy Flight Games)
Vapor Station
Nar Shaddaa
Trouble Brewing (RPG short story: Fantasy Flight Games)
Trouble Brewing (RPG short story: Fantasy Flight Games)
Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook (RPG rulebook: Fantasy Flight Games)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 191
Read This First Booklet (RPG booklet: Fantasy Flight Games)
Far Horizons (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Far Horizons (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
New Horizons Await
Colonist Contracts
Picking at Scabs
Parts 1 3
Splitting Heirs
Parts 1 3
Frontier Claim
Parts 1 3
Colonist Campaigns
Colonist Campaign Ideas
Neutral Practices
Episodes I V
Improving Station
Episodes I VI
Going Native
Episodes I V
How the Rest was Won
Episodes I III
No Disintegrations (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
No Disintegrations (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Thrill of the Chase
Structuring Investigative Campaigns
Example: Bounty Hunt
Sample Campaign: Company Man
Episode Breakdown
The Missing Ship
The Shipjacker’s Life
Ledgers of Blood
Sample Campaign: Double Lives
Episode Breakdown
The Fallen Star
The Kuat Gambit
Curtain Call
Sample Campaign: Hero of the People
Episode Breakdown
Meeting the Mynock
On the Mynock’s Trail
Rise of the Mynock
Special Modifications (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Special Modifications (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Stay on Target (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Stay on Target (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Dangerous Sorties
Ace Missions
Adventures and Missions
Storm Cannon Run
Parts 1 3
Thumper Recon
Parts 1 3
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 192
Lost Knowledge (RPG short story: Fantasy Flight Games)
Lost Knowledge (RPG short story: Fantasy Flight Games)
Arrival at the Resort
The Hunting Expedition
The Ancient Ruins
Force and Destiny Beta Rulebook (RPG rulebook: Fantasy Flight Games)
Force and Destiny Beta Rulebook (RPG rulebook: Fantasy Flight Games)
Force and Destiny Core Rulebook (RPG rulebook: Fantasy Flight Games)
Force and Destiny Core Rulebook (RPG rulebook: Fantasy Flight Games)
Family Destiny
Dark Arrival
Enemies Everywhere
Hidden Outpost
Lessons from the Past
A Wealth of Knowledge
The Wreck of the Sanctuary
Hidden Depths (RPG short story: Sam Stewart & Jordan Goldfarb)
Hidden Depths (RPG short story: Sam Stewart & Jordan Goldfarb)
Keeping the Peace (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Keeping the Peace (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
No Matter the Odds
Guardian Campaigns
Protecting the Weak
Cold Corporate Control
Episodes 1 4
Maintaining Order
The Nurosk Plague
Episodes 1 4
Nexus of Power (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Nexus of Power (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Modular Encounters
Exploring the Acablas Ruins
Journey to Acablas
The Acablas Ruins
Witch’s Wrath
Automated Assault
Wave Two
Palace Security
Cave Security
Finding the Caves
Unlocking the Entrance
Vault of Justice
Unstable Ground
The Chamber of Antiques
A Powerful Presence
A Touch of Madness
An Ancient Weapon
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 193
The Trial of Skill
Preparing the Trial
Physical Challenges
Mental Challenges
Combat Challenges
The Light Within
Corrupted Grounds
Purifying the Site
If It Sounds Too Good to Be True…
The Meeting
The Trap
The Menagerie
The Caravan of Creatures
Savage Spirits (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Savage Spirits (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Deadly Quests
Seeker Encounters and Adventures
Uncommon Bonds
Adventure Background
First Sight
First Meeting
Second Meeting
A Trial Run
Destroy to Protect
Adventure Background
First Attack
Second Attack
Into the Wilderness
An Ancient Path
Adventure Background
Into the Deep Core
The Enclave
Unexpected Visitors
Seeker Campaigns
Home Territory
The Dwelling
Explore and Feel the Force
A Disturbance
A Growing Threat
Long Lost
The First Clue
Widening the Search
The Early Days
Changes Required
Unexpected Residents
The Mountains
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 194
Clear View
Endless Vigil (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Endless Vigil (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Strike from the Shadows
Sentinel Encounters
Shien Expert
Sentinel Adventures
Sentinel Adventure Seeds
For a More Civilized Age
Now This is Podracing
Lost Among the Stars
Sentinel Campaigns
Return of the Shadow
Whispers from the Past
Trial by Shadow
Alliances and Betrayal
Liberation from Tyranny
Dark Alliances
Disciples of Harmony (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Disciples of Harmony (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Path to Peace
Consular Encounters and Adventures
Consular Adventures
Among the Graves of Yavin
Return from the Dark
Now You See Me…
Chronicles of the Gatekeeper (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Chronicles of the Gatekeeper (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
The Gatekeeper’s Legacy
Chasing Ghosts
Chronicles’ End
X-wing Miniatures Game [continued] (miniatures game series: Fantasy Flight Games)
X-wing Miniatures Game: Rules of Play (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Political Escort
Asteroid Run
Dark Whispers
Millennium Falcon Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Den of Thieves
Slave I Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Lambda-class Shuttle Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight
Undeniable Assets
Imperial Aces Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Cutting the Cord
YT-2400 Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Get In, Get Out
VT-49 Decimator Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 195
IG-2000 Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Bounty Hunt
Imperial Raider Expansion Pack Mission Booklet [continued] (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight
Hound’s Tooth Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Hunting the Hunter
Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight
Imperial Crackdown
The Constancia Affair (comic: Russ Manning)
The Constancia Affair (comic: Russ Manning)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures (comic series: Russ Manning & Rick Hoberg)
Gambler's World, Part I (comic: Russ Manning)
Gambler's World, Part II [flashback] (comic: Russ Manning)
Gambler's World, Part III (comic: Russ Manning)
Gambler’s World (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Gambler’s World (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Droids [continued] (comic series/cartoon series: Dan Thorsland & Ryder Windham &
Anthony Daniels & Dave Manak & George Carragone & various)
"Droids Apple Jacks Comic Strip" (comic strip: Ryder Windham)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures [continued] (comic series: Russ Manning & Rick
Tatooine Sojourn (comic: Russ Manning)
Tatooine Sojourn (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Tatooine Sojourn (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures [continued] (comic series: Russ Manning & Rick
Princess Leia, Imperial Servant (comic: Russ Manning)
Princess Leia, Imperial Servant (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Princess Leia, Imperial Servant (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures [continued] (comic series: Russ Manning & Rick
The Second Kessel Run (comic: Russ Manning)
The Second Kessel Run (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
The Second Kessel Run (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures [continued] (comic series: Russ Manning & Rick
Bring Me the Children (comic: Russ Manning)
Bring Me the Children (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Bring Me the Children (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures [continued] (comic series: Russ Manning & Rick
As Long as We Live (comic: Russ Manning)
As Long as We Live (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
As Long as We Live (SWH comic: Russ Manning)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures [continued] (comic series: Russ Manning & Rick
The Frozen World of Ota (comic: Russ Manning & Rick Hoberg)
The Frozen World of Ota (SWH comic: Russ Manning & Rick Hoberg)
The Frozen World of Ota (SWH comic: Russ Manning & Rick Hoberg)
Planet of Kadril (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Planet of Kadril (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 196
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Dark Encounters [continued] (comic series: Chris Claremont & Archie Goodwin)
Riders in the Void! (comic: Archie Goodwin & Michael Golden)
Classic Star Wars [continued] (comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
The Rebel Storm [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
The Return of Ben Kenobi
The Return of Ben Kenobi (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Return of Ben Kenobi (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
The Imperial Perspective [continued] (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Paul Alden & Welles
Hartley & Ron Marz)
Target: Vader (comic: Ron Marz)
Target: Vader (comic: Ron Marz)
Classic Star Wars [continued] (comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
The Rebel Storm [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
The Power Gem
The Power Gem (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Power Gem (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Early Victories Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Bruce Jones &
Louise Simonson & Terry Austin & Darko Macan)
Shadow Stalker (comic: Ryder Windham)
Allegiance (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Allegiance (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapters 1 24
Star Wars Magazine Comics [continued] (comic series: Rik Hoskin & Mike Barr & Martin
Fisher & Chris Cooper & Robin Etherington)
Leia’s Trust (SWMUK comic: Martin Fisher)
Empire and Rebellion (novel series: Martha Wells & James S.A. Corey)
Honor Among Thieves (novel: James S.A. Corey)
Chapters 1 32
The Isis Coordinates (RPG: Christopher Kubasik)
The Isis Coordinates (RPG: Christopher Kubasik)
0.5 - 1 ABY
Around this time, Jaden Korr is born on Coruscant.*
(conjecture based on Crosscurrent)*
*NOTE: He is said to be around forty or so as of Crosscurrent, though that makes him only around 13 or 14 as of
Jedi Academy.
Word comes down from the Emperor that no mercy will be shown to any Rebels or Rebel
(conjecture based on Allegiance)
Imperial HoloVision reports the addition of Mon Mothma and Leia Organa to the Imperial
Enforcement DataCore, a listing of the galaxys most wanted criminals. (Exact date of report
via Imperial HoloVision: 35:9:1)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
Around this time, Daric LaRone ruins a set of stormtrooper armor while leading the Hand of
Judgment. He will ruin two more within the next two months. Around the same time, Korlo
Brightwater receives what he considers his “lucky coin” from a farmer trying to give each
member of the Hand one of the coins. Only Korlo accepts one.
(conjecture based on Choices of One)
Around this time, two months before the conflict at Poln Major and Poln Minor, Imperial
directive 417 comes into effect. It requires that if a governor is ever assassinated by the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 197
Rebel Alliance (or suspected Rebels), a call must go out to all Imperial forces, and all nearby
forces must converge on that location to crush Rebel activity.
(conjecture based on Choices of One)
Voria Sergar, now a Rebel sergeant and a pilot, returns to Lok, only to be shot down and
killed by an Imperial missile. In her memory, a region of Lok space is renamed Voria’s
(conjecture based on Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn. This appears to be shortly before Galaxies, but long enough into
the Rebellion for her passing to be felt by “each member of the Rebellion,” from “no matter how far away.”
Rumors begin to spread that the Rebel Alliance has returned to Rebellion Remnants, a space
station near Naboo that the Empire forced them to leave previously.*
(conjecture based on Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn. This appears to be shortly before the bulk of Galaxies.
Lady Valarian and her thugs take over the Dragon’s Spine, one of the oldest asteroid fields in
Tatooine’s space. She orders all “unauthorized” vessels (i.e., any she doesnt own) in the
Spine destroyed, which leads to a turf war with the Hutts and the destruction of Station-Star
(conjecture based on Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn. This appears to be shortly before the bulk of Galaxies.
Six months after the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia Organa escape from
Bendii in the Millennium Falcon after a brief run-in with Imperials and bounty hunters on the
planet, while getting supplies to the Rebel base (presumably on Yavin IV). Once clear of
pursuit, Chewbacca tells him the story of his encounter with slavers during his adolescence.
(Exact date: 35:9)
(Chewbacca and the Slavers of the Shadowlands)
Inside a sandcrawler, a Jawa is having trouble repairing an R5 unit. In his frustration, he
knocks it over, damaging it even more. The other Jawas begin laughing at him. He loses his
temper and goes on a rampage, smashing every droid and piece of equipment in sight.
When he comes to his senses he realizes how much money he just cost everyone and
immediately regrets his actions. Sometime later, the Jawas come across a downed X-wing.
As the pilot tries to climb out of the cockpit, imperial stormtroopers shoot him. The Jawas
wait until the stormtroopers leave, then bring up their sandcrawler and salvage the X-wing.
Attempting to atone for his actions, the remorseful Jawa repairs the ship, but before it can be
sold, the Jawas stumble upon a group of non-Jawa salvagers who are hauling a crashed TIE
Advanced. The remorseful Jawa climbs into the X-wing’s cockpit and takes off, using
magnetic grapplers to steal the TIE and return to the sandcrawler. Unfortunately, he isnt
much of a pilot and crashes into the crawler, destroying everything. Nevertheless, there is a
lot of scrap and the rest of the Jawas treat him like a hero.*
(Oh!! Jawajawa)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. Bear in mind that there is some argument over how to
write this title. In the English version, the story itself shows it as Oh!! Jawajawa, while the credits page shows it
as Oh!! Jawa Jawa.
A group of Rebel heroes are assigned to track down Rekk Kashiin, a con-man who had been
working for the Rebel Alliance as a courier. He has stolen 500,000 credits from the Alliance
and is hiding on Aaricetri, the fourth planet in the Nass Diona system. The heroes must hurry,
as an Imperial Security team is also hunting for Kashiin, since he knows the location of
several Rebel bases. The heroes hurry to Aaricetri, but shortly after they arrive in orbit an
imperial vessel arrives carrying an Imperial ambassador, who is given priority clearance to
land. The heroes are allowed to land fifteen minutes later and, after passing through customs
inspection, rent a speeder. Hoping to beat the Imperials, they quickly race to the Wildnite
club, an establishment intelligence has determined is owned by Kashiin. They find him within
playing sabacc, but before they can reach him three ISB agents approach and lead him to the
managerial offices. The heroes fight their way past a guard and burst into the offices,
catching the ISB agents by surprise. The heroes escape with Kashiin out a back door and
into a garage, only to themselves be ambushed by further ISB agents. A firefight breaks out,
and Kashiin uses the distraction to attempt escape. Eventually, the heroes are able to stun
most of the agents, the remainder of which flee when sirens are heard approaching. The
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 198
heroes then quickly relocate Kashiin in his hiding place. They all pile into a speeder, but
police speeders quickly arrive and demand their surrender. The heroes cannot risk being
arrested, so they lead the police on a high speed chase which they eventually win when all of
the police have crashed. After getting past some police guards and slicing the lock to landing
bay 56, the heroes return to their ship with Kashiin. Just as they begin boarding, though, a
dozen police enforcers arrive. The heroes exchange fire until they are all aboard. Their ship
blasts off over the protestations of the port controller. As they gain altitude, they notice a
squadron of Z-95D Headhunters pursue and then fire on them. Before the heroes can
escape, they also detect a bulk freighter launching TIE Fighters which quickly head toward
them. Shockingly, the Aaricetrian fighters order the Imperials to leave, as they are violating
Aaricetrian space. The Imperials refuse, so the Aaricetrians fire on them! Two TIEs avoid the
fight so that they can chase the heroes, but eventually the heroes are able to escape into
hyperspace. A few days later they hand Kashiin over to the Rebel authorities and he is
quickly taken to Mon Calamari for his trial.*
(Rebel Justice)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. He notes that the scenario is sometime post-ANH and
references a “recent military fiasco at Calamari,” which I am interpreting as the scenario shown in the Archie
Goodwin newspaper strips (AKA Classic Star Wars: The Rebel Storm).
The people of Aaricetri are outraged over Imperial violation of, and military action within, their
territory. In retaliation, the Aaricetrian government officially invites the Rebel Alliance to
establish an embassy.*
(conjecture based on Rebel Justice)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn. This is shortly after the scenario.
Smugglers bring the droid VX-19 to Arda Base. When the smuggles die on a mission, the
droid has nowhere else to go but to remain with the Rebels as an engineer.
(conjecture based on Onslaught at Arda I)*
*NOTE: This is six months before the adventure.
Darth Vader transfers his command staff to the Executor. However, General Veers blocks
Commander Nahdonnis Praji’s transfer. Vader, preoccupied with hunting down Luke
Skywalker, declines to overrule Veers.
(conjecture based on Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes)
Pursued by Imperials, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 must take their ship in close to a
comet to escape, only to have the comet be pulled into the gravitational pull of the planet
Hoth and fragment, leaving the ship to crash into the Hoth surface. On the surface, they are
discovered and rescued by the Frija Human Replica Droid (HRD), though they have no idea
that she is a droid, much like Jix did not on Corulag. She takes them to her “father,” the
Torlock HRD, who tries to kill Luke to keep Frija from eventually escaping Hoth with him, now
that he has managed to get a communicator working to transmit their coordinates to the
Rebel Alliance. Torlock tries to shoot Luke, but hits Frija instead. Luke then kills Torlock in
self-defense, discovering that he is a droid. Luke checks Frija, discovers she is also a droid,
and she “dies in his arms. At the shipyards of Fondor, the Executor roars into life. Vaders
new Super Star Destroyer is complete. Vader orders the ship to attack the nearby Rebel
operation at the Laakteen depot. As news of the attack on the Lakteen depot reaches Yavin
IV, news also arrives about Luke Skywalker’s location, and the Millennium Falcon, with Han
Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia Organa aboard, heads for Hoth. After reuniting on Hoth, Han
tells Luke that General Dodonna and the Rebel Alliance leadership have chosen Hoth as the
next Rebel Alliance base. They leave Hoth to rendezvous with a contingent of Mon Calamari
(who have just officially joined the Rebel Alliance) in space, only to find battle debris at the
rendezvous point. They discover that escape pods were jettisoned to the nearby planet
Daluuj and head for Daluuj to save their new allies. On the planet, they meet with the Mon
Calamari leader, Admiral Gial Ackbar, and must face off with Imperials led by the glory-
seeking Commander Orlock. After defeating the Imperials and freeing the Falcon from a few
seamonsters, they all escape Daluuj. Upon nearing the Yavin system, they come out of
hyperspace into the debris of a Rebel Nebulon-B frigate that was recently destroyed by the
Executor, which is on its way to Yavin IV. Before heading to Yavin IV themselves, they spot
an undamaged Rebel scout ship speeding by. Once they are back at Yavin IV, they begin
evacuation plans, and discover that General Jan Dodonna’s son, Vrad Dodonna, was
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 199
supposedly lost in a recent battle while piloting a scout ship. Luke believes Vrad couldve
been the person in the undamaged ship, but cannot voice his thought before a badly
damaged scout ship arrives, bearing a hurt, but alive, Vrad. He is considered a hero, but
Luke and Han believe that he hid during the battle and faked the damage to his scout ship.
The Rebels decide to attack the Executor when it comes near with a ship armed with the
power gem. The mission would be a virtual suicide mission, so a volunteer is asked for.
Han, Luke, and Vrad volunteer, and Vrad is chosen. Luke doesn’t trust Vrad, so he says he
will go along as well. Shortly before they intend to leave, Luke and Vrad argue and Vrad
confirms that he fled the fight and faked the ship’s damage. He begins to beat Luke up. In
space, the Executor proceeds toward Yavin IV, unimpeded . . .
(The Rebel Storm and A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker)
The Executor II, a secret sister vessel to Darth Vader’s Executor Super Star Destroyer is
revealed around the same time the Executor is launched. The Executor II began its life at
Kuat, but was moved to Coruscant, where it has now been buried in a region that bears the
name “Lusankya.” For this reason, the ship will later be known itself as the Lusankya, rather
than the Executor II.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Desperate to give the Rebels at Yavin at least a fighting chance to escape, Mon Mothma and
Admiral Gial Ackbar arranges a diversionary attack in the Vallusk Cluster to draw as many
Imperials away from the Yavin invasion as possible.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology via TimeTales, verbatim)
Luke Skywalker and Vrad Dodonna battle to a standstill until they must put on “happy faces
and proceed with the mission. They take off in their small vessel, carrying the power gem,
and head for the Executor. Upon reaching a moon close to the Executor, Vrad lands the ship
on the planetoid and kicks Luke out of the craft, intending on leaving him on the planetoid and
fleeing to safety, as he did in the earlier attack. Vader has sensed Luke, though, and the
Executor is diverted toward the planetoid. Seeing that Luke is so important (and thus a
threat) to the Imperials, Vrad determines that the Rebels may really have a chance at winning
the Galactic Civil War. He leaves Luke on the planetoid to remain safe from Vader and takes
the ship and power gem to the Executor. Han Solo appears (after having followed their ship
since he didnt trust Vrad either), and they speed off after Vrad. They arrive at the Executor
in time to see Vrads attack. He uses the power gem to drain the Super Star Destroyer’s front
shields, but the Imperials divert all other shields to that area and Vrad is destroyed against
the shields while attempting a kamikaze run. The gap in the shields, though, allows the
Millennium Falcon to swoop in behind the Executor and damage the ship’s engines, making
the ship unable to attack Yavin IV for a short while. Vader contacts Admiral Griff, who is
commanding the Yavin system blockade, and has him prepare to stop the Rebels as they
attempt to evacuate out of the system. On Yavin IV, the Falcon arrives and the evacuation
commences. All of the Rebels make it off the planet before Dodonna (who stayed behind)
destroys many of the Imperials, along with himself (or so it seems). (Dodonna is actually
captured, and the explosion he caused does not destroy the main temple, only damages it.)
Griff is enraged that they destroyed one of his bomber groups, but he knows that the Rebels
have not made it past the system blockade yet. (To be continued below . . . )
(Escape to Hoth)
Commander Brenn Tantor leads an Imperial assault on Yavin IV. Granted, the Rebels are
presumably all gone, but they want to wipe out any leftover Rebels and take symbolic
command of their former base. Instead, what they find is a Rebel ambush, as many Rebels
come out of the jungle. During the fighting, Tantor is able to find and save an Imperial officer
named Maximilian Veers (currently a Colonel, not the General we’ll see him as at the Battle
of Hoth). Veers was aboard the Death Star, and when he escaped, he found himself stranded
on Yavin IV for months. The mission is a success. (To be continued below . . . )
(Force Commander)
During the evacuation of Yavin IV, newly-formed Renegade Squadron, led by Commander
Col Serra, sees its first action. They hold off Imperial attackers to allow others to escape and
also manage to recapture communication logs when stolen by an Imperial scout and to
destroy several Rebel computers left behind to keep that data out of Imperial hands. (To be
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 200
continued below . . . )
(Renegade Squadron)
As Imperials attack Yavin IV amid the Rebel evacuation, Grey Squadron’s X2 and Shara
assist in fighting ground forces and helping to get transmitters set up to send out the
evacuation signal. Once that is complete, Shara boards an evacuation craft to escape, while
X2 receives a call for assistance from Renegade Squadron’s Col Serra. X2 and Col Serra
board a Star Destroyer and destroy it by sabotaging its reactor core, just in time to keep the
Imperials from calling for even more reinforcements. With that, they escape with the other
Rebels. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Elite Squadron)*
*NOTE: This level appears only in the PSP version of the game. That would make sense, I suppose, given that Col
Serra and Renegade Squadron were part of Rebellion’s previous PSP Battlefront game, Renegade Squadron.
This is the first level of the PSP version of the game to feature Shara, but she is not given a name. She just
basically shows up out of nowhere as your ally.
The final portion of the Rebel evacuation fleet escapes into hyperspace on a short jump to a
rendezvous within the confines of the Imperial blockade in the Yavin system. Luke Skywalker
and R2-D2 (in an X-wing) and a crew consisting of Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, and
C-3PO wait for the fleet to depart before heading out themselves. After Luke leaves, the
Millennium Falcon is chased into the debris of the Death Star by two TIE fighters. They are
herded by the TIEs (flown by pirates, not Imperials) to the pirate vessel captained by Redkihl
Rok, who presumably wishes to capture the ship for the valuable Rebel munitions on-board.
The Falcon is grappled to Rok’s vessel as the pirates prepare a boarding party. Suddenly,
the TIEs swooping around the vessels are destroyed as Luke returns to the rescue, after
having detected the pirates on his way away from the scene the first time. Han asks him to
help blast the Falcon free, but Rok activates his ship’s weaponry and Luke’s X-wing is
blasted and sent crashing into the hangar of Rok’s ship. At the same time, Roks men (well,
his insectoid droids) begin burning a boarding hatch into the Millennium Falcon. Rok
discovers that Luke and R2-D2 survived their crash and sends his men to kill Luke. On the
Falcon, Han decides to use some bombs that are among the Rebel munitions to escape from
the pirates. Elsewhere, Luke is met by Rok’s henchmen but defeats them easily. On the
Falcon, Han sends C-3PO (with a communicator and a holoprojector) to turn himself over to
Rok. Rok meets C-3PO and the projectors message is played. It is Han telling Rok that if he
doesn’t let them all go, he will detonate all of the canisters of explosive material that Roks
men have taken from the Falcon. Rok thinks Han is bluffing. Luke then arrives and confronts
Rok, but is attacked by a blaster cannon controlled by Rok via his cybernetics. C-3PO fears
that Luke is dead, but Rok assures him that Luke is alive, but his luck has run out. Luke,
facing Rok, whips out his lightsaber and severs some of Rok’s connections (via his suit) to
the ship. He then catches up to R2-D2 and C-3PO and the three escape to the Falcon. The
heroes escape and Han detonates the munitions on Rok’s ship, causing it to be dead in
space, just another piece of debris in the Death Star wreckage.
(Death Star Pirates)
The Rebel fleet escaping from Yavin IV has its escape route cut off by Admiral Amice Griff’s
blockade. Their only other escape route is through an area near a star that is constantly hit
by unpredictable stellar flares. It is a desperate move, but they have no other choice. With
Luke using the Force to sense when the flares will come, he helps guide the Rebel fleet
through the new escape corridor and into safety. Griff’s blockade fleet, with Griff enraged
and wanting to stop the Rebels at all costs, attempts to make a quick hyperspace jump to
intercept the Rebels. Their exit coordinates, though, are the same as the current location of
the Executor (probably by Vader’s planning) so as they begin to materialize from hyperspace,
their atoms are scattered across the system as they materialize right into the Executors
shields and are dematerialized into near nothingness. Griff has paid the price for his
ambition, but the Rebels have escaped. (To be continued below . . . )
(Escape to Hoth)
With the death of Admiral Griff, command of the Death Squadron is given over to Admiral
Ozzel. Command of the Star Destroyer Executor is turned over to Captain Firmus Piett, who
transfers over from command of the Accuser.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 201
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
As the Republic’s Return helps evacuate personnel from Yavin IV, Deen Vorsoon tells
several children aboard the story of Vici Ramunees trial at the Cave of Truth.
(The Most Dangerous Foe)
While attempting to escape from pursuing Imperial vessels after their escape from Yavin IV,
part of the Rebel fleet (two convoys joining together) is attacked by Imperial TIEs in the Ison
Corridor. Only the swift action of Rogue Squadron saves the vessels from destruction and
allows for their escape. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Rogue Leader)*
*NOTE: This summary is based on the Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader video game, not the comic book mini-
series X-wing: Rogue Leader.
Keyan Farlander and other pilots protect Rebel ships as they evacuate Yavin IV. Upon
reaching relative safety, they are set upon by Imperials, who destroy food supply ships in the
Rebel fleet. Needing new food supplies, Keyan and others carry out missions to gather
supplies and make trading contacts. It seems a godsend when Overlord Ghorin of the
Plooriod Cluster offers to sell them food, but Alliance Intelligence discovers that it is all
poisoned just in time to prevent a major health crisis. Luckily, they find an Imperial supply of
food in time and raid it. They then pay back Ghorin by capturing some of his Y-wings and
materials, then use them against the Empire, making it look like he is an enemy of the state.
The final straw is the shipment of poisoned grain to the Empire, which finally leads Darth
Vader himself to kill Ghorin. The Rebels then continue with regular missions, including the
destruction of the Imperial vessel Red Wind and a daring surprise strike at an Imperial Star
Destroyer construction station, using a captured Corellian Corvette, the Ram’s Head, to
decapitate (literally, as in ramming through bridge towers, thanks to a sort of uber-shield)
several Star Destroyers that are being built. All in all, Keyan’s career as a starfighter pilot
continues to be successful.
(Imperial Pursuit)
Darth Vader and Gurdun arrive on Mechis III to check on the progress of probot production,
unknowing that the facility is under the control of IG-88. After being assured by a false
hologram of Hekis Thul, Vader leaves, satisfied. Shortly thereafter, IG-88 checks in with his
various droids in the Empire and learns of the existence of the Executor. He begins
scheming to make the Super Star Destroyer his own. (To be continued below . . . )
(Therefore I am: The Tale of IG-88)
With the Rebel Alliance having abandoned Yavin IV, a new base is needed. Renegade
Squadron is sent to the Graveyard of Alderaan to recover a data holocron encased in phrik
that would have survived the destruction of the planet. Within the holocron is data that Bail
Organa had compiled on potential sites for new Rebel bases. They manage to evade
Imperials in the graveyard and find the holocron, but they are set upon by Boba Fett in Slave
I in the process and only narrowly escape by taking out an Interdictor cruiser and driving off
Fett (who wont destroy Han Solo just yet because he could use the high bounty on his head).
They transmit the information in the holocron to the Alliance, then head for Ord Mantell to
repair damage to their ships. Several were damaged in the battle, including Han’s Millennium
Falcon. While getting a tiny bit of rest and relaxation at a local cantina, Renegade Squadron
is discovered by IG-88, who alerts Imperials to their presence. They fight off the Imperial
forces long enough to finish repairs on the Falcon and escape. (To be continued below . . . )
(Renegade Squadron)
Having escaped Yavin IV, the Rebel Alliance sets up a base on Thila, while the Alliance
Corps of Engineers gets the new base on Hoth ready for use.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
While at the Rebel base on Thila, Major Arhul Hextrophon assigns Lt. Voren Naal to
research the events leading to the Battle of Yavin. Voren hitches a ride on a Rebel freighter
to Yuga Two and once there buys passage to Tatooine on Galaxy Tours Kuari Princess.*
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
When Imperials attack a temporary Rebel Alliance base on Thila, Wedge Antilles rushes his
T-47 into battle, mistakenly thinking Chewbacca had said it was ready. Instead, Wedge finds
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 202
himself going into battle with Chewie hanging from the underside of his craft. Wes Janson
informs him of the, uhm, problem, and before Han Solo can send a friendly craft to match
speed and get Chewie off the speeder, Chewie and Wedge manage to get Chewie to go from
the speeder to a TIE fighter . . . which Chewie then breaks into, tossing out the pilot and flying
the ship to safety. After the battle is over, Wedge has to face a severely pissed Han. (To be
continued below . . . )
An unknown hacker splices into the News Net transmission of Wanda Windrows Galactic
Resorts article on Timora sunpetals to report that Garm Bel Iblis has grown weary of Mon
Mothma’s antics and taken his leave of her and much of the Rebellion proper. (Exact date of
report via hacked transmission: 35:9:11)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
Voren Naal returns to Thila after having finished his off-world investigations into the events
leading up to the Battle of Yavin. He finds himself somewhat overwhelmed with the amount of
information he has gathered. Wedge Antilles stops by for a short visit and Voren confesses
that he has not yet interviewed the Rebel heroes of the battle, since he doesnt know what
he’d ask them that hasnt already been asked in earlier interviews. Wedge suggests he ask
them what they thought of being placed on the Empire’s Most Wanted list. Encouraged,
Voren heads off to interview Luke Skywalker. He finds him preparing to leave on a patrol of
the Thilian wastelands. Luke invites him onboard the speeder so that Voren can interview him
while he’s on patrol. They talk about trumped up Imperial charges against Luke for murdering
his aunt and uncle, as well as stealing two droids. Luke becomes agitated, so Voren steers
the conversation toward the Force and Luke’s impressions of Obi-Wan Kenobi, especially his
death. After returning from the patrol, Voren eats dinner and then tracks down Princess Leia
Organa. He finds her in the temporary command center. He tries to ask her for permission to
ask some questions, but she blows him off and storms out. He chases after her down a
tunnel, but she only listens to him once he mentions the Most Wanted list. She takes him to a
rec lounge and apologizes for her behavior. She explains that she is simply tired after
preparing all day for the evacuation of the base. Voren is shocked, since the Rebels havent
been at the base very long, but she explains that some of their transports may have been
spotted. Returning to the interview, Voren asks her to comment on the Imperial charges that
Alderaan was supplying the Rebels with bioweapons. She is outraged and almost begins to
cry, so he quickly changes the subject to her relationship with her rescuers from the Death
Star. She confesses that they are all friends and that she even considers them family. When
Voren asks her to comment on Captain Solos boast that “her highness has a crush on me,”
she indignantly ends the interview. Voren next looks for Han Solo and finds him in the hangar
bay working on the Millennium Falcon. Voren asks him about the Imperial charges that he’s a
smuggler and a terrorist. Han half-heartedly denies the charges (all while the secret
smuggling compartments are open and in plain view to Voren), but admits that he enjoys
working for the Rebellion and isn’t ashamed of his actions. When Voren turns the topic to
gambling, Han becomes annoyed and tells Chewbacca to escort him from the ship. Before
Chewie can kick him out, Voren asks him if the Imperial charge that Han is a slaver who
bought Chewie as an enslaved mechanic is true. Chewie is furious and Han steps in to set
the record straight that he saved Chewie from slavers and they’ve been good friends and
partners ever since.*
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. This is shortly before the Rebels leave Thila. At least some of
his interviews are not complete at this point, though.
The Rebel Alliance leaves Thila, as it is assumed that the Empire will now associate the
Rebellion with jungle bases, and Thila is, unfortunately, a jungle world.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Voren Naal arrives on Tatooine and begins his research on the planet. His first stop is
Chalmun’s Cantina. After interviewing a number of the patrons, he is accosted by Jawas.
Since he needs to include information about them in his report, he talks to them, but before
long he is tricked into purchasing a power droid and an astromech, R5-D4. He quickly
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 203
discovers, though, that both droids were present on the Jawa sandcrawler when R2-D2 and
C-3PO were captured and later sold to Owen Lars. Voren learns as much as he can about
these events from the droids and then sells them, but not before securing R5 as a Rebel spy
in the Imperial prefect’s office.*
(Across the Burning Sands of Tatooine)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. The story is found in Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope. This
is one week after he reaches Yaga Two after getting the assignment at the Rebel base on Thila.
Voren Naal interviews Camie about her friend, Luke Skywalker.*
(Camie’s Story)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. This must be while Voren is on Tatooine.
While scouting for new Rebel base locations using data from the holocron recovered in the
remains of Alderaan, Ackbar and his team find that Boz Pity would make a suitable temporary
base. He leaves a group of Rebels there to set one up and heads to the next world on their
mission, Saleucami. En route to Saleucami, they are set upon by Boba Fett in Slave I and
their ship is captured. Ackbar is turned over to the Empire for a hefty bounty, then transported
by an Imperial Star Destroyer to where he will be held prisoner: the Imperial facility on
(conjecture based on Renegade Squadron)
Renegade Squadron attacks the Star Destroyer carrying Ackbar while it is near Kessel,
taking out its communications array so that the Imperials cannot call for help from Kessel.
They are able to fight their way aboard the Star Destroyer and save Ackbar, but only Ackbar
is aboard. His crew and droids were kept by Boba Fett, who Col Serra believes is on his way
to sell the sentients (as slaves) and the droids on Tatooine. They clear out a cantina, forcing
a Rodian to show them where the prisoners are being held. They release the prisoners from
a nearby hangar and escape, but Boba Fett has placed a tracking device on (or in) an
astromech among Ackbar’s now-rescued comrades. This allows Boba Fett to track them back
to the small Rebel base being set up on Boz Pity. Fett alerts Imperial forces, leading to an
Imperial strike on Boz Pity. Renegade Squadron protects the Rebels during a quick
evacuation, though Ackbar is injured and only saved by quick bacta treatment on the
battlefield. (To be continued below . . . )
(Renegade Squadron)
Captain Keyan Farlander, still a starfighter pilot, helps save a shipment of new B-wing
starfighters for the Rebellion, thanks to a little help from the Habassa. Even as the Habassa
contemplate a real alliance with the Rebels, Keyan leads a squadron of B-wings to take out
an Imperial research facility where they were attempting to recreate the “uber-shield”
technology used by the Ram’s Head in Keyans recent victory. Knowing that the Empire is
looking for the Alliance leadership, Keyan leads many B-wing attacks on various Imperial
probe droid and patrol targets, slowing their search for the Rebels. The Empire retaliates by
sending out a task force under the Relentless to find the Rebels. Luckily, Keyan and other
pilots manage, on various missions, to take out much of the task force, then Keyan leads a
mission that takes out the Relentless itself. Finally, as the Rebels prepare to head for their
newly-chosen base location, Hoth, the Rebels stage a series of attacks on Imperial targets to
cover the arrival on Hoth. The Rebel fleet will be safe on Hoth for the time being, and Keyan,
now an even bigger hero than before, is finally promoted to the rank of General. (He will play
a key role in the Yuuzhan Vong War many years later, still serving as a General.)
The Rebel fleet proceeds to Hoth and begins setting up a new base, while the Millennium
Falcon, damaged by being so close to the star for so long, is forced to make a detour to a
planet that appears to be a tropical paradise. While Han Solo and Chewbacca fix the ship,
Luke Skywalker scouts around and finds a woman in trouble. He saves her from the planet
attacking her and believes that she is Tanith Shire. He follows her and discovers that she is
not Tamith, but that the planet’s atmosphere is causing him to blur the line between real and
imaginary. They talk, and he discovers that her name is Sybll. She is alone on the world
and using the remains from an Imperial shuttle to supply her home in nearby ruins. She
begins to seduce Luke and he stays with her for a short time. That night, he has delusions of
being attacked by a night beast and meeting Ben Kenobi again. He is “saved” by S’ybll” who
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 204
he then discovers is a mind witch, who uses the lifeforce of unlucky visitors to the planet to
sustain her life. She has been on the planet for hundreds of years, it seems, and now wishes
to use Luke and the others as “fuel” as well. Luke is attacked by a delusion of Darth Vader,
but realizes it is fake and is not harmed. S’ybll then begins bringing the ruins down around
him in hopes that she can at least get Han and Chewie’s lifeforce if Luke cannot warn them.
Luke survives, but the power-drain Sybll had to use to bring down the ruins ends in her
death. They all return to Hoth, only to discover that they have been followed by a mysterious
vessel. Leia Organa orders them back into space to lead the vessel away from the hidden
Rebel base. They are captured and taken aboard the ship, where they discover it is
commanded by Raskar, who is still angry that Han swindled him out of the power gem.
Raskar intends to turn Luke over to Vader and Han over to Jabba the Hutt. Han makes a
counter offer, pretending that he can pay Raskar off with his reward from saving Leia on the
Death Star (which, by the way, he no longer has). Raskar assumes it is hidden on Hoth, so
they head for an area of Hoth far from the Rebel base, where Han lands them in a chasm.
Luke pretends to know where Han’s “treasure” is after seeing the ship’s sensor detecting
lumni-spice in a nearby cave. They find the lumni-spice and battle a dragonslug that was
guarding it. After killing the slug, they escape to the surface and call Raskar’s ship to help
get the Falcon back up to them. Raskar plans to take the lumni-spice in return for their
freedom, but upon boarding Raskar’s ship, they find it taken over by bounty hunters who
were sent by Jabba the Hutt to take Solo from the impetuous Raskar. Aboard are Dengar,
Bossk, and Skorr (recently freed from Kessel and rather pissed at Han for helping him get
sentenced to Kessel in the first place). They are taken to Ord Mantell, where Boba Fett (the
final member of the group) is meeting with Darth Vader about the reward for Skywalker.
They are kept at a moisture farm until they can be sent to Fett and Vader, but Skorr’s desire
for revenge proves the tool Luke needs to free them. They escape to the surface, and are
pursued by the hunters. Skorr finds them and is killed by Han in the ensuing struggle.
Raskar arrives in his ship (which had been left in space with he and his men in the cargo
holdgood thing he can pick locks) and destroys the moisture farm, although the hunters
have already escaped. The Rebels board the Millennium Falcon and escape from Ord
Mantell. Upon contacting the Rebel base on Hoth, they learn that an Imperial messenger-
drone crashed on Verdanth, and C-3PO and R2-D2 (unlikely heroes, it seems) were sent to
investigate. Han, Luke, and Chewie head for Verdanth to help. They arrive and save the
droids from an Imperial probe droid, but then must destroy the droid, unknowing that Darth
Vader is using a special cybernetics project to project his mind, and thus, the Force, into the
droid. He tries to pry the location of the new Rebel base from Luke’s mind while Luke is
attacking the droid, but Luke resists subconsciously until Han destroys the droid and Vader’s
hopes of finding the new base that day. Aboard the Executor, Vader orders that probe droids
continue to be dispatched to search for the new Rebel base. On Verdanth, Luke, Han,
Chewie, and the droids prepare to return to Hoth.*
(Escape to Hoth and A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker)*
*NOTE: Just for clarification, the bounty hunter Dengar appears in this story, but is mistakenly called Zuckass (a
misspelling of Zuckuss). Since we don’t see 4-LOM, and the character looks exactly like Dengar, we must
assume that he was drawn correctly and named wrong, not vice versa.
The copy of The Bounty Hunters Guild Handbook: Imperial Edition that once belonged to
Greedo that was then acquired by Bossk is acquired by Dengar. At some point later, while
working with Boba Fett, Dengar gives the book to him. Boba will bind it together with Jango
Fett’s old copy of the Death Watch manifesto (Ba’jurne Kyr’tsad Mando’ad) into a book he will
call The Bounty Hunter Code.*
(conjecture based on The Bounty Hunter Code)*
*NOTE: With Dengar and Bossk working together here, it makes sense that this might be when such a change of
ownership took place. As for the transition to Boba, that takes place at some unknown time. Given that Boba
wouldn’t exactly have had time to go through and comment on it all and bind it together with the Death Watch
manifesto in the shot time after his recovery from the sarlacc and the capture of Slave I by the Alliance, it is hard
to place that second change of ownership, so I note it here for the sake of clarity.
General Carlist Rieekan chooses General Pharl McQuarrie as his second-in-command of
Echo Base on Hoth.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in Echo Base)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 205
For various reasons, Mon Mothma decides to wait to use the potential Rebel base on Hoth,
preferring other bases for the time being. It will be over a year (closer to two) before they
actually use the Hoth base that is being prepared.*
(conjecture based on The New Essential Chronology)*
*NOTE: At one time, it was believed that the Rebels evacuated from Yavin IV twice. This is no longer the case,
thanks to fixes provided in various retcons. This retcon in the NEC, for instance, explains the gap between the
evacuation and arrival on Hoth versus the eventual base being used on Hoth.
Rogue Squadron is sent to Tatooine for refresher training, but are interrupted by a small
Imperial assault (just a few TIE fighters, really). Upon returning to the Rebel fleet proper,
they are next sent to the planet Barkhesh, where they help protect a supply convoy from
Imperial forces. Next on the agenda is the planet Chorax, where the Nonnah, a Rebel vessel
carrying sensitive Imperial technology, has crash landed. They manage to save the crew of
the Nonnah and their precious cargo, all of which (or, all of whom, perhaps) are evacuated
aboard a shuttle under General Carlist Rieekan. (To be continued below . . . )
(Rogue Squadron)*
*NOTE: This is, of course, not to be confused with the novel of the same name. Also, the events covered here,
oddly enough, include a segment called The Rebel Opposition, which is a name that has been used before as
well, as the first story arc in the X-wing: Rogue Squadron comic book series. I wish these folks would just come
up with new names when they make new stories, don’t you?
Han Solo and Chewbacca are in need of fuel for the Millennium Falcon. They stop on a
strange planet that isn’t on any of their charts. They have a cargo of Tandgor gems aboard.
As they exit the ship, they hear a huge crash, then are accosted by a horde of ghosts! They
hide aboard the ship until the ghosts vanish with the daylight. They soon meet a local, who
informs them that the planet is haunted by the crew of a great space-ark that crashed when
forced to turn back from a mission. All 1,000 passengers and crew members died, so now
ever night, at the hour of their deaths, their ghostly vessel crashes again, leaving them dead
to roam. Han decides to ward them off using the gems, which emit their own light, at the
crash site, and for whatever reason, the ghosts are able to see a way to a safe landing, and
when they do so safely, their chain of cursed ghostly wandering is broken, and their spirits go
free. They leave the gems, just in case, and get enough fuel to leave to continue their
(Planet of the Dead)*
*NOTE: My thanks go to Martin Auclair for noting that Han mentions Luke in this story, which means it must take
place after ANH, rather than shortly before the film, as I’d originally put it.
In need of a new base of operations, the Rebel Alliance fleet continues evading Imperials
after escaping Yavin IV. Leia Organa decides to take it upon herself to find a new base,
heading off to one of the moons of the Ryloth system, where she hopes an old boyfriend
might be able to help. She and C-3PO arrive on the moon, a private estate, which acts as
the home (and nature preserve) for fellow Alderaanians Raal and Heeth Panteer. (Raal is the
old boyfriend.) Upon arrival, Raal is happy to see her and even tries to flatter her into
renewing their relationship, but Heeth, upon learning that she is there on behalf of the
Rebellion, believes that not only could the price be too high, but that Leia, since she admits to
being a prisoner on the Death Star during Alderaans destruction, is probably responsible for
the planets destruction. (Well, he’s kind of right, isn’t he?) While Heeth takes time to
reconsider with greater calmness, Raal takes Leia out into their huge nature preserve,
showing her creatures that would possibly be extinct now, if they hadn’t already been brought
to the moon from Alderaan. As for his suggestions about the two of them, Leia tells him that
there is no room in her life for a man now, given her place with the Alliance. They cannot
continue the conversation, though, as a dragonsnake lurches up from under the water they
are traveling over by speeder and wrecks the speeder. Raal saves Leia, but only a hunting
blaster rifle can be salvaged from the speeder. The two of them have to get back on their
own through the preserve’s jungle. No sooner do they start out than another deadly beast, a
veermok, is upon them. They manage to escape, but they are soon set upon by a morp,
which fatally poisons Raal, who begins to succumb to the poison, even as Leia refuses to
leave him behind. She gets him past another veermok encounter (in which the beast leaves,
believing that Leia is protecting her mate), but Raal dies just before Heeth finds them. With
his own flesh and blood the newest death he can pin on the Rebellion (since Raal would not
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 206
have died if he had not been showing Leia, a Rebel, around), Heeth refuses to help the
Alliance. Leia returns to the fleet empty-handed and pensive, but will not reveal what
happened to any of her close companions. . (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark
Horse internal timeline: 35:9)*
(A Little Piece of Home)*
*NOTE: The date here is 6 months after ANH on a 12-month calendar. It was, at one time, complicated by the
“two evacuations” theory, but that theory has since been dispelled.
Aboard the vessel Kalla’s Sanchion, Rebel Alliance Private Deena Shan has her first run-in
with Rebel big-wigs, when she is detailed to check on the Millennium Falcon. Upon doing so,
she begins to fall for Han Solo, but realizes very quickly that he is hooked on her competition,
Leia Organa. Leia wants some time away from Han on a mission to Aguarl III, but when the
scramble alarm sounds, Han, Chewbacca, Leia, and Deena all end up aboard the Falcon,
while Luke Skywalker heads out with Red Squadron. Upon fleeing into hyperspace, they set
down to answer a distress call on an unknown planet. While Han and Chewie go check on
the wreckage that is sending the call (only to find that it’s very old and long past the point of
being able to be helped), Leia and Deena share their personal stories, allowing Deena to
understand Leia more. When strange vines attack Han and Chewie, the women, led by Leia,
rush to their aid, saving them. Deena has gotten a lesson in heroism and in just how much
she still has to learn. (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline:
(Alone Together)*
*NOTE: This event takes place 6 month (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope.
On the planet Stoga, the smuggler BoShek has gotten mixed up with a woman named Rasha
Bex, who says that she was a part of the Rebel Alliance until they turned too radical for her
tastes. Now, she is pursued by Rebels and has escaped on a swoop with BoShek’s help.
They get away and hide out with BoShek’s old friend Tam. While going to sleep that evening,
BoShek and Rasha discuss his desire to live a quiet life instead of smuggling, his lack of any
real allegiance toward the Empire or the Alliance, and how he’d side with the Rebels if he had
to, but since he doesn’t have to, he stays out of it. The next morning, the two are nearly
captured by Rebels when Tam betrays them. The two escape on a swoop again to where
Rasha has allies waiting. But upon arrival, BoShek discovers that Rasha is actually an
Imperial captain, who has scouted out six Rebel cells that the Empire will now destroy.
BoShek pulls his blasters, but Rasha talks him down in order to keep him from being killed.
Instead, he is offered a chance to work for the Empire, but he refuses, preferring to be taken
away to prison. As for Rasha, some of BoSheks words seem to have gotten through about
the Empire and their propaganda, and she is left with her own thoughts about the future . . .
(Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:9)*
(The Bravery of Being Out of Range)*
*NOTE: This event takes place 6 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope.
In need of parts for the Rebel fleet, the Alliance leadership sends Han Solo and Chewbacca
to Void Station, where Han, ever the scoundrel, wins at sabacc for a while before being
approached by an old girlfriend, Sheel Odala. Sheel, though, is a scoundrel herself, though,
and she sets Han up for Jib Kopatha, who is hoping to curry favor with Darth Vader after the
Falleen incident by turning over Han (and with him any info about the Rebel fleet) to the Dark
Lord. Han falls for her ruse and is led into Jibs clutches, where he is tied up and tortured for
information. He refuses to give up the Rebel fleet, though. Sheel very quickly has second
thoughts about what she has done, given how Han is resisting. Rather than let him die, she
takes her leave from Jib, now that she has erased her debt to him and is free to leave, and
soon tells Chewbacca what has happened. The two unlikely partners blast their way into Jib’s
area, saving Han. In the ensuing firefight, they narrowly escape. Sheel leaves on her own,
while Han and Chewie take the Millennium Falcon. Shortly thereafter, Vader arrives to see
Jib and learns of Han’s escape. As a result, Vader brandishes his lightsaber and beheads
Jib. He has failed the Dark Lord for the last time. (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and
Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:9)*
(Idiot’s Array)*
*NOTE: This event takes place 6 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope. This story
should not be confused with the Hyperspace exclusive short story of the same name.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 207
After the destruction of Alderaan, the renowned Alderaanian poet Hari Seldone, who was off-
world at the time of Alderaan’s destruction, writes the article “Requiem for Alderaan as a
“chronicle of a murdered world.”
(The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Alderaan Entry)
Daye Azur-Jamin reaches a Rebel base and receives droid braces for his legs and an
eyepiece to go over his damaged eye.
(conjecture based on Only Droids Serve the Maker)
Thrawn learns of the ysalamiri on Myrkr.
(conjecture based on the Heir to the Empire)
Dirk Harkness leaves the Rebellion to kill Imperials on his own, though he rejoins after only a
short time.
(conjecture based on Chessa’s Doom)
A short time before their discovery of a krayt dragon graveyard on Tatooine, Dusque Mistflier
joins the Imperial bioengineering service and is teamed with Ithorian bioengineer Tendau
(conjecture based on The Ruins of Dantooine)
A few months before their lives will be changed forever on the streets of Naboo, Dusque
Mistflier and Tendau Nadon, bioengineers for the Empire, find themselves on Tatooine,
where, in a cantina, they overhear a group of Zabraks talking about a graveyard for krayt
dragons. Seeking to get a biological specimen of the possibly non-existent creatures, the two
track the Zabraks on their next trek out, only to be captured by them, briefly. They are left to
die in a sandstorm, but manage to save themselves, stumbling across the krayt graveyard.
In it, they see the dragons themselves and also realize that these dragons are coming to
spawn, then die. Rather than taking a pearl back to Mos Espa, Dusque, ever the scientist,
chooses a far more valuable prize for the Empirea krayt dragon egg.
(Pearls in the Sand)
The Rebels Toalar, Woyiq, and Daye Azur-Jamin (fresh with droid-like braces to allow his
legs to operate and a droid-like eye appendage to help him see) drop off a stash of weapons
for the underground on Monor II (AKA Kline Colony). They are preparing to send a message
beacon to let the resistance know where to pick up the weapons when they are boarded by
Imperials. They are to be taken to Administrator Brago as captured smugglers, but they
manage to get the message beacon launched before the Imperials destroy their ship and
take them to the planet. They are locked up separately, and Daye’s eyepiece and leg braces
are taken from him, leaving him unable to walk or see clearly. Elsewhere on Monor II, Daye’s
former fiancée, Tinian I’att has arrived with her Wookiee bounty hunter mentor, Chenlambec.
They break into the facility where the leader of the Sunesi resistance, Agapos IX, is preparing
another rebellious transmission. With the help of their droid, Flirt, they get in and capture
Agapos, but Chen is wounded. In his peaceful nature, Agapos uses the Force to heal Chen.
They then escape. Back at the prison, Daye is saved by his fellow Rebels and the Rebel
mole on Monor II, Urek, who happened to be aboard the ship that captured them. They are
helped by a group of Sunesis, led by Agapos first disciple, Nee. They escape aboard a ship,
but Nee is wounded. She uses the Force to heal herself, and Daye realizes that he might be
able to use his connection to the Force to heal himself. A short bit later, the Force, the
Maker, or whatever is out there, grants Daye back the sight in his eye, making him realize
that the Force really is powerful, and can truly heal him. They receive a message telling them
that Agapos has been killed at the base, but upon seeing Chen’s Wroshyr, Daye believes that
Chen and Tinian have pretended to kill him in an attempt to save his life, which is the kind of
Rebel-aiding activity that Una Poot told him Chen engaged in. Daye, Woyiq, Toalar, and the
resistance member Hoil set off chasing the Wroshyr, even as the ship escapes into
hyperspace, badly damaged by Brago’s forces. The Wroshyr makes its way to Tekra Point, a
Rebel station. En route, Chen and Tinian reveal that they are saving Agapos’ life and taking
him to safety. They arrive, followed shortly thereafter by Daye and company. Tinian and
Chen are already leaving, and Daye talks to Agapos about his feelings for her, and how he
wishes to someday see her again when he is “whole. Agapos takes Daye as his acolyte,
knowing that they each have a long road ahead of them, both personally, and for the greater
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 208
good of the galaxy.*
(Only Droids Serve the Maker)*
*NOTE: I know that this story mentions the New Year’s Fete Week, so before you argue that it should be placed
at the end of the year instead of around the middle, I’d ask that you remember that ANH did not take place at the
exact new year’s mark. It took place a few months into the year, which means New Year’s Fete should take place
about half a year in either direction from ANH.
In an Imperial facility, Darth Vader visits a scientist working on the next great Imperial
weapon. Five stages of the operation are complete, with only one to go. Vader leaves as the
scientist schemes to replace him at the Emperors side. In space, the Lightrunner heads
toward its destination, carrying the Shi’ido anthropologist Hoole, DV-9 (a tutor droid), and
Hoole’s two young charges, Zak and Tash Arranda, whom he adopted when their parents
were killed when Alderaan was destroyed. Tash is curious about mysterious tales of Jedi
Knights, but has been unable to find information on them beyond a Jedi historical story
written by “ForceFlow on the HoloNet. ForceFlow never responded to her messages asking
for more information, and the story was removed from the HoloNet, it seems. Zak is more
curious about their “Uncle” Hoole. When he tries to sneak into Hoole’s office quarters, he is
met by the shape-shifting Shi’ido and reprimanded. Hoole tells Zak that they are heading for
the planet Dvouran (a beautiful blue-white planet), which had never been noted on any
starcharts until suddenly appearing from out of nowhere near a busy space-lane. The
Lightrunner is suddenly pulled from hyperspace by D’vouran’s gravity . . . fifteen minutes
early. The planet has apparently changed its location. They land and meet members of the
native Enzeen species, who are hoping to have their world become a major colonizing world.
They also meet Kevreb Bebo, a nutty hermit who yells that people have been vanishing. No
one believes him, so he says he is going back to his hiding place to bring his companion,
Lonni, to help convince people. Hoole will need to head out to do his research soon, so he
arranges to leave Zak and Tash in the care of an Enzeen named Chood when he leaves.
Before he heads out, though, they all go to a local cantina, the Don’t Go Inn (insert bad pun
groans here). Inside, they are accosted by Smada the Hutt and his Gank henchmen. Smada
wants Hoole to perform an assassination for him using his shape-shifting abilities. When he
refuses, Smada prepares to kill Zak and Tash, but not before insinuating that Hoole is more
than he appears to be. Before Smada can make good on her threat, though, several people
step up from their table to helpHan Solo, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, and Luke Skywalker.
Smada leaves in anger, and the Rebels and the Lightrunner folks sit and chat a while. Tash
is interested in Lukes lightsaber and what he might know about the Jedi and this “Force” that
ForceFlux spoke about. Hoole is more interested in the fact that Han and Chewie can help
fix the Lightrunner. Han is interested in the fact that the Millennium Falcon was also pulled
out of hyperspace early. Their conversation is interrupted by a scream from outside. When
they rush to help they find Bebo grieving because he brought Lonni into town with him and
she vanished into thin air. The colonists and Enzeen shrug it off, and Chood tells them that
Bebo was the captain of the Misanthrope, the Imperial cargo ship that crashed onto D’vouran,
thereby “discovering” it in the first place. The Imperials now want him for questioning, but the
Enzeen have allowed him to stay. They say he was the only survivor, with no mention of any
“Lonni.” Later, as Chewie, Han, and Hoole deal with the Lightrunner, and Zak works on his
skimboard (read: distant cousin of Griff Tannen’s Mad Dog hoverboard from Back to the
Future, Part II), Tash uses the Falcons computer to look for information on the planet and the
Misanthrope. She finds the original Imperial file reporting the crash, but when she stumbles
upon a second file that is encrypted, she must terminate the connection because the
Imperials (presumably) begin tracing the connection. Soon, the Lightrunner is relatively fixed,
and the Rebels leave on the Falcon, though Luke implies that hell see Tash again. That
night, Tash and Zak stay with Chood, but are attacked in the night by Smada’s henchmen.
They race into town to get away, and after waking just about everyone in earshot, they turn to
find that the pursuers have vanished into thin air. The next morning, no one believes Tash
and Zak was too sleepy the night before to have any clear memories of the henchmen. Zak
goes out on his skimboard to clear his head, hoping to use its new enhancements to clear a
vertical climb of 6 meters, which would break the previous record of 5 meters. He tries, but
manages to fall to the ground, only to be surrounded by Smada and his goons. Bebo then
shows up shouting that they are all doomed. When Smada’s goons fire on him, the blasts
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 209
are deflected as if by an energy shield. Before the goons can attack Bebo hand-to-hand,
Hoole shows up with a group of colonists. Smada backs down and leaves. Tash knows that
Bebo knows something about the vanishings, so she and DV-9 (Deevee) go with him into the
woods to learn what he can show them. Deevee manages to get left behind a tiny bit, so
Tash and Bebo arrive at his hiding place first. They enter and Tash realizes they are in a
subterranean Imperial laboratory. Bebo shows her a strange pit from which Tash’s latent
Force-attunement gives her a great sense of evil. Deevee then arrives and uses a recorded
krayt dragon howl to scare the Hell out of Bebo, whom he thought was trying to kidnap Tash.
Bebo asks Tash to go to town and help explain the danger of the disappearances, since no
one believes him. He explains that there were 20 survivors of the Misanthrope crash, but all
vanished. The only way he has stayed alive is due to a pendant he wears, which he found in
the Imperial lab. It seems to emit a strange energy field, but is far more complex than
anything they have thus far encountered. He gives Tash the pendant and sends her back to
town. Once she leaves, one of Smada’s goons kills him. On their way to town, Tash and
Deevee are attacked by Enzeen (including Chood) when they see the Enzeen using their
incredibly long tongues to seemingly take nourishment from the ground, like a mosquito on
flesh. They are attacked, but when Deevee falls, he urges Tash to continue. She is then
caught by the Enzeen, but a groundquake (which she thinks might have been caused by her
attempt to tap into the Force) gives her the distraction she needs to escape. When she
arrives in the town, though, she finds everyone has vanished. She seeks out Smada’s
hideout, hoping to find Zak and Hoole captured, not dead. She does find that Smada has
captured Zak, but has no idea where Hoole is. Zak is released to be killed, but Deevee
arrives, uses the howl again, and in the distraction, all three of them escape. They are
pursued by Smadas goons. When they are cornered, the goons begin being sucked into the
ground, which one says feels being eaten alive (oh, how right he is). Deevee is not alive, so
he is not devoured. Tash’s pendant keeps her and Zak safe. Smada is safe aboard his
hoversled. But, of course, the Enzeen show up and capture all of them, anyway. The
Enzeen, led by Chood, take them to the Imperial lab and to the huge pit that leads into the
D’vouran depths. Chood explains that the planet was artificially created (by the Imperials, we
are led to believe), and is in fact a living organism, feeding on the colonists. The Enzeen are
parasites who are fed by D’vouran, so long as they help lure new food (colonists) to the
planet to feed the world. The planet normally feeds once or twice per day, hence the small
amount of disappearances, but when it sensed that its secret was about to be revealed, it
devoured everyone in the town at once to save itself. Now, Smada, Tash, and Zak are to be
lowered into the gaping hole, where they will be devoured over a period of weeks by a molten
substance of the planet. They are being lowered when one of the Enzeen morphs into a
Wookiee and beats up the rest. The Wookiee then morphs into its true formHoole. Hoole
finds Zak’s confiscated skimboard and gets it to the kids and Smada. The kids use it to
escape, but Smada manages to try to steal the board and ends up dropping into the digestive
fluid. Hoole is attacked by Chood, and Chood manages to gain possession of the pendant
before he falls into the fluid. (The planet doesnt like this one bit.) Hoole reactivates Deevee
and they head for the surface. They reach the surface and find the world erupting around
them, seeming to self-destruct. They board the skim board (with Hoole as a rodent to
decrease his weight) and make it to the Lightrunner, but the ship is too bogged down to take
off. The Millennium Falcon appears overhead (Luke wanted to see Tash again), and they
quickly board the ship and leave D’vouran. They prepare to jump to hyperspace, but the
planet (along with its gravity well) is chasing them. Finally, Han turns them toward the planet
and uses its gravity to slingshot them to safety as the planet finally convulses and then
shrinks into nothingness, apparently having devoured itself. They escape to hyperspace,
glad that the threat of the monstrous planet has ended. Hoole vows to track down the
Imperials behind the plot, but whether it is to stop them or join them, Tash cannot be sure.
On the Outer Rim, a starliner is pulled out of hyperspace. Ahead of them looms a beautiful
blue-white planet that shouldn’t be there . . . (Exact date: 35:9)*
(Eaten Alive) *
*NOTE: This story takes place 6 months after the Battle of Yavin.
When Mon Mothma orders an attack on Milvayne, Garm Bel Iblis deems it suicidal and takes
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 210
his loyal forces from the Rebel Alliance, leaving Mon Mothma to what he believes are her
own plans for power.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
A contingent of Bothans, led by Borsk Feylya, joins the Rebel Alliance, partially offsetting the
hole left by Garm Bel Iblis’ forces.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Around this time, 1.5 months before the battle over Poln Major and Poln Minor, a member of
Governor Bidor Ferrouz’ security staff is killed in a suspicious speeder accident. He is
replaced by Major Pakrie, whom Ferrouz does not realize is a plant as part of a scheme to
kidnap his family and use them as leverage against him just a few weeks later.
(conjecture based on Choices of One)
Angered that the interference of Hoole and his companions has caused Dvouran, part of
Project Starscream, to go loose, the scientist in charge contacts Dr. Evazan AKA Dr. Death
on Necropolis to ensure that his phase of the plan is going well. Evazan assures him that it
will be completed soon. Hoole, Zak and Tash Arranda, and DV-9 are dropped off on the
planet Necropolis by the Rebels aboard the Millennium Falcon. There, they will buy a new
ship. Almost immediately, Zak (who has been having nightmares about his parents) nearly
beats up a local boy, Kairn, and offends the Master of Cerements, Pylum. It seems that on
Necropolis, the dead are given great respect and reverence due to a curse from a millennium
earlier. The witch named Sycorax had come to the world and been treated harshly by
everyone on the world. When she died she said that if the people of Necropolis ever ignored
the dead, they would rise again to take vengeance. Ever since, they have tried to keep the
curse from coming true. They all head for the local hostel for a place to stay, and after joking
about how they had blasters pointed in their faces the last time they charged into such a
place (on Dvouran), they charge right in . . . only to have Boba Fett pointing a blaster in their
faces. Fett had tracked a bounty, N’haz Mit, to Necropolis, killed him, and then had to return
to kill him again. He believes Dr. Evazan could be behind it and demands to know where he
is, but no one is talking. Fett leaves. The next night, Zak is dared by his new friend Kairn
and Kairn’s friends to sneak his way to the middle of the Necropolis graveyard to the Crypt of
the Ancients and stick a knife into one of the nearby graves as proof of his bravery. Zak goes
into the graveyard and to the crypt. There, he prays to Sycorax to bring his parents back to
life, though it is no use. Afraid of the boneworms underfoot that gnaw marrow from bone, he
prepares to head away, only to have one of the dead rise. He avoids that zombie only to
have others popping up all over the place. He freaks out and calls Kairn for help. He hears
Kairn “argh” in pain and then finds him dead, with a drop of cryptberry juice on his lips. He
then turns to find Dr. Evazan standing before him, saying that Zak is next. Boba Fett arrives
and kills Evazan for his 12 bounties, but Zak thanks him even though he wasn’t trying to save
Zak. Pylum hears of the zombies and begins speaking of the Curse of Sycorax, but when
they look in the graveyard, there doesnt seem to be any trouble, and it is against their ways
to exhume the graves to check for bodies. Later, Tash overhears Hoole in his room talking to
Boba Fett about a job. Later that day, Hoole takes them to meet the starship salesman,
Meego, who offers them a ship within their price range (finally), but notes that the ship they
were looking at, Dr. Evazan’s Shroud, is not yet for sale, since Evazan just died. That night,
Tash decides that she and Zak should stake out Fetts ship. When Fett leaves, she and Zak,
curious about both Fett and Hoole, follow him. When they lose track of him, they split up.
Tash finds Fett, but learns nothing. Zak, on the other hand, finds a semi-zombie Kairn, who
takes him to the Crypt of the Ancients. Inside, he finds Dr. Evazan also alive, though he has
an annoying twitch. Evazan has concocted a means to reanimate the dead. He first finds a
dead subject, which he injects with his reanimation serum. Then the body is buried and the
slime trails of the boneworms adds the final chemical, causing the body to be reanimated in a
state that is incredibly strong and open to command from Evazan. Kairn is of a newer
version of the serum, though, and could have free will if he really tried. Evazan is also of the
new serum and retains all his memories and free will. Evazan has realized that the “twitch
he has may be a side-effect of original death, so he decides that he will use a cryptberry
formula that induces a death-like coma in the victim, then use the serum on Zak before his
friends can bury him. Then as he is buried alive, he will suffocate or die as boneworms eat
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 211
him, which means that the slime should act upon him far sooner than with other subjects,
reanimating Zak into a new generation of zombie. Zak doesn’t like this, but doesn’t exactly
have a choice. He is injected with the cryptberry extract and then with the serum and left for
dead. His friends find him and bury him. As the family prepares to leave, Deevee goes to
the ship dealer to check on their ship. Meego says that there has been a mistake. Their ship
was already per-sold to another buyer. Deevee uses is knowledge of the galaxy to persuade
(extort, perhaps) Meego into letting them have the Shroud for the money they had already
paid, plus a tiny bit more to keep the ship’s computer memory intact. In the memory, Deevee
learns of Evazan’s plot, along with the fact that Zak is probably in a death-like coma, not
actually dead. As he prepares to leave, Fett stops him. He convinces Fett that Zak may
know where Evazan is and they go to the cemetery and exhume Zak just as the bloodworms
reach him, possibly affecting him with their slime. Pylum arrives with a mob and says that all
the desecrators (Hoole, Tash, Deevee, Zak, and Fett) will be tossed into the Crypt of Sycorax
as punishment. They are, followed by Pylum himself who reveals that he is an ally of
Evazan. He had tried to prove that the curse, and thus his faith, was true years ago by
breaking into the crypt, but all he found was the tattered bones of the long-dead Sycorax.
After that, he began working with Evazan since the rising zombies helped feed his power with
the populace. As Evazan calls zombies to attack everyone, Deevee uses Evazans computer
and a serum sample to create a chemical to counteract the reanimation. They get the
chemical and begin putting it on zombies, who drop left and right. Kairn accidentally contacts
some and dies (well, un-re-animates or some such) as Fett takes the rest of the vial of the
chemical and tosses at Evazan, where it smashes on his face and sends him back to death
as well. The day is won, but Fett tells Hoole that hes not crazy enough to take the mysterious
job Hoole offered. Fett leaves and then the family heads out aboard the Shroud. They are a
bit wary of Zak’s health, since he did have contact with the cryptberry formula, the serum, and
possibly the slime, but he insists he is okay . . . even as he begins to notice a strange twitch .
. . (Exact date: 35:9)*
(City of the Dead)*
*NOTE: This story takes place 6 months after the Battle of Yavin.
Emperor Palpatine contacts the scientist running Project Starscream and voices his
displeasure at having the D’vouran and Necropolis phases shut down. The scientist will be
running the next phase personally, though, so he expects no trouble. In space, Hoole, Zak
Arranda, Tash Arranda, and DV-9 travel in the Shroud. Tash has sent a partial upload of
Evazan’s encrypted files to her contact, ForceFlow, to have him try to decode them. The
illness Zak contracted on Necropolis from Dr. Evazans experiment is making him quite ill, so
they head for the planet Gobindi, to take him to the Mah Dala Infirmary, part of the Imperial
Biological Welfare Department. They arrive at Gobindi and see an Imperial blockade set up
to stop “pirates, but all Hoole has to do is transmit his identification and they get through.
They land on a ziggurat near the hospital and take him straight there, with the aid of Hooles
old acquaintance Dr. Kavafi. As they head out, though, Tash checks her HoloNet messages.
ForceFlow has warned her to stay away from Gobindi. Zak begins to be taken care of, and
Kavafi says it is probably a type of influenza that is taking its toll on him. Kavafi gives Tash
an injection “just to be sure,” after showing her the virus under an electroscope. Hoole
prepares to go about some anthropological business, so he has Kavafi take Tash and
Deevee downstairs so they can return to the Shroud. On their way back to the ship, they
encounter a strange blob creature. They are saved by Wedge Antilles, who is on the planet
with a few other Rebels to monitor Imperial activities. The blockade is keeping them from
getting offworld, but when they learn that Tash and the others got through, Wedge suggests
that the could go with them when they leave. In their talks, Tash tells him of her hatred for
the Imperials and her interest in the Jedi, which prompts Wedge to tell her that Jedi don’t
seek revenge. He then warns her that in the past few weeks, no one has come out of the
Infirmary alive. She rushes back to the Infirmary to check on Zak. She learns that he is
getting bacta treatment for influenza necrosi, and will be fine. She is asked to calm down and
is shown to a computer terminal to look at the IBWDs research goals. When she enters the
password “Starscream,” the words “Imperial Biological Welfare Division” become “Imperial
Biological Weapons Division.” She heads back to the ship. Wedge catches her a short while
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 212
later at the ship and asks for her help to get off-planet. One of the four Rebels has been
captured (a Rodian). Suddenly, a blob attacks one of the Rebels, but they beat it off. Tash
hurries back to the Infirmary to help Zak, but he and Deevee have already left. Zak thinks a
blob may have gotten Tash, since she’s not at the ship, so he and Deevee go down the
landing pad ziggurat and make their way across the blob-infested underworld until reaching
the huge ziggurat that houses the IBWD facility. They see a strange chemical symbol on the
door that seems to be some kind of cure for a virus, which is when they realize that the entire
ziggurat (in fact, probably all of the ziggurats) is a storehouse to contain an incredibly
powerful virus, to keep it from running rampant again, as it did ages ago. At the Infirmary,
Tash is caught snooping but claims to be delivering an electroscope she snatches up to
Kavafi. She sees Kavafi and Hoole enter a lift and head to a sublevel of the structure and
she follows in another using the “starscream” password for access. The sneaks through the
facility, finding a set of isolation cages where beings are being infected with a powerful virus,
which is taking over their entire body to change them into blob creatures until the body inside
the blob suffocates. She walks into an open area, which then closes into an airtight room,
into which Dr. Kavafi is shoved. But this is the real Kavafi. The one she had met is actually
the scientist behind Project Starscreama Shi’ido shapeshifter like Hoole. The Shi’ido then
gloats about his project and starts to fill the room with the virus before leaving them to die.
The real Kavafi tells Tash that the virus feeds on the chemicals released through strong
emotions. Tash uses the electroscope to see the virus as it moves through the room, but she
is immune . . . or so it seems. She’s actually been infected already by her injection, which
means the virus doesn’t need to reinfect her. She escapes out a vent and finds Hoole in a
cell, having to constantly shapeshift to keep the virus from invading his body. As the scientist
Shi’ido gloats, Tashs lump from the injection begins to spew slime. The reaction is starting.
She fills with rage and a need for revenge, but when that helps the virus spread, she
remembers Wedge’s comment about Jedi and inner peace, she calms herself and the virus
loses its grip on her. She frees Hoole and they go free Kavafi. Outside, the Rebels save Zak
and Deevee from the blobs, only to have the door behind them open to reveal Hoole, Tash,
and Kavafi. Deevee tells them that they have the formula for the cure (which was on the
ziggurat) and they proceed to cure themselves and as many others as possible. As they
leave Gobindi with their Rebel friends, they discuss the virus. It seems that the Gobindi
civilization encountered this virus but managed to defeat it and lock it away. But the Gobindi
civilization did die out due to a virus. And if they could beat this one, then the one that killed
them must be incredibly strong. Elsewhere, the Shiido scientist flees Gobindi . . . and in his
hands is a vial of the virus that wiped out the Gobindi civilization . . . (Exact date: 35:9)*
(Planet Plague)*
*NOTE: This story takes place 6 months after the Battle of Yavin.
Imperial Defense Daily offers the first declassified reports on the Imperial Storm Commandos.
(Exact date of report via Imperial Defense Daily: 35:9:24)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
Having discovered Han Solo’s name listed in the Imperial Enforcement DataCore, Cynabar’s
InfoNet issues an article wondering just what Han Solo has been up to lately. (Exact date of
report via Cynabar’s InfoNet: 35:9:27)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
Days after the events on Gobindi, the scientist behind Project Starscream is highly pissed.
Zak and Tash Arranda, along with DV-9 and Hoole, have managed to destroy three of his
Starscream experiments. He is ready to test the fourth, and decides that Zak and Tash
would make perfect subjects. Aboard the Shroud, Hoole, who needs to go off on his own to
look for information about Project Starscream, tells the kids that he will be leaving them and
Deevee on Hologram Fun World for their own safety and so that they can have fun, as kids
should. They ask him who the scientist was, since they know Hoole knew him. Hoole says
that the scientists name is Borborygmus Gog. Before they arrive at Fun World, ForceFlow
answers Tash’s request for Hoole’s personnel files and learns that four years are missing
from his personal records. They arrive at Fun World and Hoole leaves. They are assaulted
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 213
by a rancor, but it turns out to be a hologram. Deevee tells them that he was unworried
because once his sensors realize that something isn’t real, it is impossible for him to treat it
as anything other than a trick of light and such. Zak and Tash lead Deevee around the park
as they explore. Some holograms are semi-solid (probably using some kind of matter
transporter, a la Star Trek: The Next Generation), while others are simply highly advanced
tricks of light. As they explore, they meet Lando Calrissian, who is there to possibly
purchase Fun World. He asks the kids if they’d care to let him tag along to see how much
kids actually like Fun World, but Deevee is wary. They catch up to Lando later while he is in
a sabacc game with Dengar and two others. Lando teaches Zak all about sabacc, bluffing,
and how to use an automatic card shuffler. The next day, they wander the park and Zak
stumbles upon something called the Nightmare Machine. Inside, he witnesses Gog strapping
two children to a table. Then a strange creature with a huge brain sac (hereafter the “brain
monster”) opens its mouth and two tentacles come out and latch to the children’s foreheads.
Zak freaks out and runs from the attraction. Lando takes them to the baron administrator,
Danna Fajji, to see if he can tell them what is going on. Fajji takes them back to the
Nightmare Machine and tells them that it is based on a process of mind scanning (to find
one’s worst fears) and then playing out those fears until the person orders the simulation
ended or faces their absolute worst fear. He says that Gog’s presence was probably just Zak
experiencing the machine’s effects. They step out, but the kids want to try it out again now
that they know that it is safe. They go back in alone and the simulation begins. After leaving
the machine, they then witness the majority of Fun World’s tourists vanish. They were
holograms, it seems, though Zak has his doubts. That night, Zak hears Tash murmuring “one
of use must die,” but she doesn’t remember saying it. They go out with Lando the next
morning and are accosted by the rancor again, but this time it really eats Lando! Deevee
leads them in running away from the supposed hologram, but as they escape into water, they
are swallowed by a whaladon. Deevee saves them by using a torch they didnt know he had.
All the while, Tash keeps glazing over and saying “one of us must die.” They lose sight of
Deevee, and wander into a place called the Masters Workshop. Its great for the kids. Zak
sees plenty of items to tinker with, which is his passion, and Tash finds a lightsaber, which fits
with her longing for Jedi knowledge. As soon as she activates the lightsaber, the droid parts
in the room come to life and attack them. The moment Tash shuts it down, they shut down,
and the Arrandas escape. They try to hide in an airlock, but as Zak sees the brain monster
(which he’s been seeing glimpses of all along), the airlock opens and Tash is nearly blown
out into space. They look up to see Hoole there to help. But Hoole takes them to Gog,
whom he has been working with all along. The kids escape and make it to a holographic
simulation room called the Star Chamber. Inside, they witness the Death Star destroying
Alderaan and then turning its sights on them. Deevee shows up and shows them the way out
to safety. Once they are safe, Zak realizes that they are still in the Nightmare Machine! They
only thought they left. That would account for the increasing horrors and the fact that Deevee
is reacting to holograms, which he said he couldnt do. They realize that they can’t end the
simulation by voice command as Fajji had said, so they decide that they must face their worst
fearlosing each other. As Zak blasts himself out of an airlock, he and Tash awaken on a
table in the Nightmare Machine (in the real world this time), where they are held by the brain
monster. The door bursts open and Lando charges in to save them, blasting the monster
straight through its skull. They are captured by Imperial troopers and Gog himself, though.
They are placed aboard a shuttle which will take them to Gog’s ship in orbit. The shuttle lifts
off bearing Lando, Zak, Tash, Deevee, a pilot, and a stormtrooper. Suddenly, the
stormtrooper knocks out the pilot and shapeshifts. It’s Hoole. He had learned where Gog
was going and had raced back to save them. It seems Gog has taken on a personal
vendetta against the Arrandas (which will only intensify now that he has once again seen
evidence of the Force in Tash during their confrontation). Hoole uses the shuttle to escape
Gog’s ship and they soon transfer to the Shroud, while Lando transfers to his ship. They have
foiled yet another part of Project Starscream, but Hoole knows just how vengeful Gog can be.
The galaxy has just become a much more dangerous place for the Arranda children . . .
(Exact date: 35:10)*
(The Nightmare Machine)*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 214
*NOTE: This story takes place 7 months after the Battle of Yavin. Also, one should note that this story takes place
mere days after the end of Planet Plague, which lets us know that the first three Galaxy of Fear books span about
a month all together.
Red Squadron, under Commander Narra (and including Luke Skywalker, Zev Senesca,
Wedge Antilles, and others), accompanies a Rebel recon mission to an unpopulated jungle
planet, a world so remote that it doesn’t even have a name. While searching through the
jungle for kicks, Luke discovers a Clone Wars era troop transport craft and signs that
someone has been there. Before he can pass along info about the vehicle and the graves
near it, the Rebels come under attack by Imperial TIE fighters. Wedge and Zev get airborne
in their X-wings, while Luke and Narra catch up to the Rebel recon team and soon come
under fire from Imperial stormtroopers. Luke and Narra, the former bearing his lightsaber, find
cover in the crater left by a crashing TIE fighter . . . only to find an unexpected ally already in
the pit . . . a clone trooper from the era of the Clone Wars, stranded on the world for decades.
After catching the clone (A-1707, AKA “Able) up on the last two decades of galactic history
and showing him Lukes lightsaber, Able assumes that the Rebellion is the correct side in the
current conflict and Luke, being a Jedi, is a General. Following “General” Skywalker, Able
helps clear the way for the Rebels to escape, taking Able with them. In the aftermath of the
skirmish, Luke owns up to not being a “General,” but his being a Jedi is good enough for
Able, who decides to join the Alliance Intelligence Corps to continue fighting for the Old
Republic’s ideals alongside the Rebels. (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark
Horse internal timeline: 35:10)*
(“General” Skywalker)*
*NOTE: This event takes place 7 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the Battle of Yavin.
In space, a pair of TIE fighters awaits the arrival of the Star Destroyer Adjudicator to check
out the wreckage of the Imperial Star Destroyer Anya Karu, whose wreckage is on an
asteroid nearby. They are destroyed in a quick assault from Boba Fett, who arrives aboard
Slave I, then makes his way inside. Fighting through internal security systems that are still
intact, Boba retrieves his prize and escapes with only moments to spare before the
Adjudicator arrives. Upon arriving on Coruscant, he delivers the prize, a holo-recording of a
woman, to the former commander of the Anya Karu, Aron Harcourt. Harcourt wanted to see
her face again and hear her say his name, which she does on the recording, as he had to
leave her there to die three years earlier in the evacuation of the ship. Now, he knows he
can’t pay Boba his total fee, but he has made peace with the notion of Boba killing him, since
seeing her holo again was all he wanted in the rest of his life. Boba kills him, as expected,
and goes along on his way. (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal
timeline: 35:10)*
*NOTE: This event takes place 7 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the Battle of Yavin.
Borborygmus Gog and Darth Vader meet. Vader tells him that he has ordered the deaths of
Zak and Tash Arranda, along with Hoole (and vicariously DV-9). In space, the targets of this
death warrant blaze through space in the Shroud on their way to Tatooine. Hoole knows that
they must find a place to hide, and he believes Jabba the Hutt can help them contact the
Rebel Alliance. They arrive and speak with Jabba, who alludes to Hoole’s past yet again. He
does not know where to find the Alliance, but he suggests that they head to the Auril system,
where there is rumor of Jedi activity. Hoole takes this under advisement and they leave.
Tash suggests that they contact Forceflow to find a good place to hide. When they do, he
suggests that they meet in person at specific coordinates, which are also in the Auril system.
They arrive in the system and nearly crash into the abandoned space station Nepsis 8,
which was thought to be merely legend. The Jedi were said to have built the station as a
meeting place and stored a great Jedi library there (which could contain information to help
destroy Project Starscream), but the library is said to carry a Dark Jedi curse. They land and
meet Forceflow, which is the first time that Forceflow learns Tashs true name (she had been
going by Searcher1). He takes them to a place called the solarium, where several others are
sitting. They are treasure hunters looking for the Jedi library. They include a woman named
Domisari and a man named Dannik Jerriko, whom Zak recognizes from Jabba’s palace. He’s
also a new arrival on Nepsis 8, which helps confirm Zak’s recognition. Later, they hear a
scream and rush to a section of vents where they find Mangol, another treasure hunter, dead,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 215
but holding a book from the Jedi library. The curse has struck. No one but a Jedi is
supposed to be able to enter the library and live. The others (i.e. everyone but Tash) don’t
believe in the curse and think that it could be the work of the legendary Anzati assassins.
They take the body back to the solarium. Later, Tash wants to prove her Force-attunement
by finding the library, so she goes through the path Mangol took, but upon getting to the
library, hears a great scream of “Get out!” through the Force. She screams and the others
come to her. All but two treasure hunters head back to the solarium, where they find that
Jerriko is nowhere to be found . . . and neither is Mangols body. They then hear two
screamsthe treasure hunters have been hit by the curse. This only leaves Hoole, Zak,
Tash, Deevee, Jerriko, Forceflow, and Domisari. They corner Jerriko and accuse him of the
murders, but he shows them t’bac ashes to prove that he was off smoking at the time.
Domisari tells Zak and Tash to meet her in secret at the entrance to the tunnel to the library,
and the kids wait for her there. As she enters the room at the end of the tunnel where the
kids are sitting, Jerriko leaps from the shadows. His cheeks open to reveal two tendrils which
go up Domisaris nostrils and attack her brain. Jerriko has killed Domisari. The kids freak out
and escape in a new direction, finding themselves in a trash bin (complete with dianoga) and
then in a morgue-like place where they find dozens of cryogenically frozen bodies and a huge
glowing globe. (One can’t help but be reminded of the Golden Globe on Yavin IV, which was
Sith technology.) The voice returns and screams for them to “Get out!” and then they are
Force-smacked out of the room into an escape tunnel. They head back to the library, only to
find Deevee deactivated, Hoole dead, and Dannik Jerriko standing over them. Jerriko tells
the kids that someone high in the Empire has put a death mark on their heads, and he was
hired to save them from an assassinDomisari. When he arrived at the library, he found
Hoole and Deevee as they are. Jerriko leaves, his assignment filled. The kids wonder where
Forceflow has been, as Zak picks up a Jedi book. As he opens the book, the Force voices
yells, “No!” Tash yells, “No!” Zak opens the book anyway and there is a bright flash from the
book. Zak drops dead. Tash reactivates Deevee and they leave the room. Tash meets the
Jedi ghost that has been haunting the library and speaking to her through the Force. She
doesn’t realize what it is, though, and she runs to the Shroud, where she meets Forceflow.
Forceflow mentions the Jedi’s rumored ability to revive the dead, and he sends Tash back to
the library to look for information that might help them. Deevee is sent to the morgue to
discover clues. Forceflow will remain behind, since he can’t help Tash without Force-
attunement. In the library, Tash meets the ghost again and they speak with each other. The
ghost is Airan Bok, the Jedi who tried to save the library when Darth Vader came to destroy it
years ago. Vader succeeded in killing Bok and destroying the library. Years later, an evil
scientist came and created a new library as a cover and began conducting experiments.
Forceflow arrives, unable to see Aidan. Forceflow then shapeshifts . . . into Borborygmus
Gog. Forceflow has been Gog all along. He has developed an Essence Stealer, which is
triggered by the books. When someone opens one, it steals their lifeforce and places it in the
globe for testing. He had been using Forceflow and his Jedi stories to lure people to Nepsis
8 in hopes of capturing a Jedi so that he could learn how to defeat the Force, and thus Darth
Vader. With the help of Aidan’s Force-attunement and her own, Tash manages to make Gog
miss in his first shot, and she escapes back to the morgue, where she is about to pull a lever
to return everyones life force to their bodies when Gog appears after having survived an
encounter with the dianoga. He fires on Tash, but Deevee jumps in the way and takes the
shot for her. She pulls the lever to reverse the Essence Stealer process and heads after
Gog. Gog tries to escape up a miles-high shaft, but his wounded hands slip and he fall to his
death, Tash believes. Aidan is now free to vanish into the Force, as the others prepare to
leave. After the Shroud leaves, Vader arrives to see Gog’s failure and learns of his desire to
destroy Vader. At the bottom of the shaft, a wounded hand reaches up, still very much alive .
. . (Exact date: 35:10)*
(Ghost of the Jedi)*
*NOTE: This story takes place 7 months after the Battle of Yavin.
Two days after the events on Nespis 8, on the run from Imperials under orders from Darth
Vader, Hoole, Zak Arranda, Tash Arranda, and the newly-repaired DV-9 head for Kiva, the
birthplace of Project Starscream. The world had been dead for twenty years after an
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 216
experiment by a man known only as “Mammon” caused all life on the planet to be wiped out.
They crash, but survive to head for the Starscream base. On the way, they are attacked by
living shadows crying out for Mammon and revenge. They are saved when Deevee blasts
the creatures with an ion cannon. They make it to the base where they find a huge egg. It
hatches to reveal a young baby who says only, “Eppon!” They figure this is his name, and
take him with them. The doors blast open to reveal Leia Organa, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker,
Chewbacca, and other Rebels, who have also followed Project Starscream to Kiva to destroy
it. R2-D2 plugs into the computer and leans some interesting information. As they are
leaving for the Millennium Falcon and another Rebel ship, a Rebel holding Eppon vanishes
right of his clothes and Eppon grows into an older child, with a bruise on his head. Vader
appears with Imperials, but they manage to bring down some rocks to block his path as they
escape. They are attacked by more wraiths, but the Rebels use a portable ion gun to drive
them back, killing one of them, who points to Hoole as Mammon. The group splits up and the
kids go with some Rebels to the ships. Along the way, each Rebel vanishes and Eppon and
his bruise grow. Eppon runs off and the kids chase after him, only to be caught by wraiths.
Hoole is there also, and he admits to being Mammon Hoole, the killer of Kiva. He tells them
that twenty years ago he and his partner were experimenting, hoping to create life, but an
accident caused all life on the planet to be destroyed. His partner was Borborygmus Gog.
The wraiths plan to execute Hoole soon. The kids are allowed to go free. They find a much
older Eppon and then get aboard the Falcon. They contact Han, who tells them to take the
other Rebel ship and get away. They board the other ship and sit at the controls, only to
have them destroyed by a blaster shot . . . from Borborygmus Gog, who has survived his fall
on Nepsis 8. He orders them to give back his ultimate weapon—Eppon (the kid’s been
saying “weapon” in little kid talk). Outside, Vader arrives with his troops and Gog freaks out.
Gog, Eppon, Zak, and Tash go outside as ordered, and Gog orders Eppon to save him.
Eppon touches a stormtrooper and the man’ flesh turns to goo and is absorbed into Eppon,
causing him to grow again. (This is what has happened to all the others.) This time, Eppon
grows to the point that his bruise spreads across his body and he turns into a ghastly mutant
with a giant brain sac, reminiscent of the Nightmare Machine monster. Eppon takes Gog and
escapes. After questioning the Arrandas, who tell him everything but Tash’s Force-
attunement, Vader lets them go and heads after Gog. The kids reunite with Deevee, who
tells them the truth of Hoole’s actions twenty years ago. His partner had known that the
experiment would bring death, not life, but he tricked Hoole into continuing. It was Gogs fault,
not Hoole’s. Hoole had then gone into self-imposed exile for four years before becoming an
anthropologist. When he realized Project Starscream was being run from the ashes of their
old work, he had set out to find a way to stop Gog. He has been atoning for his actions on
Kiva for years. The kids take the Falcon to where the wraiths are about to kill Gog. They tell
the wraiths the truth, but they do not care. Hoole cares, though, and he shapeshifts to
escape, wanting to take Gog down himself. They rush to the Starscream base to destroy it
and meet Gog and Eppon. Eppon attacks Hoole, but Vader charges in and challenges Gog
and the creature, looking to fulfill the Emperor’s orders to bring Gog back alive, even though
he wishes to kill the scientist. At the door, the second group of Rebels (Leia, Han, Luke, etc.)
blast their way in, and the resulting stress on the base causes rubble to fall and block Vader
from Eppon and Gog. Eppon attacks the Rebels using brute force and by making them live
their fears. The Arrandas realize that Eppon is the culmination of all of the stages of Project
Starscream except the Force experiment on Nepsis 8. He grow stronger as he feeds like
D’vouran. He can regenerate, even from being blasted to death, like the zombies of
Necropolis. He can absorb beings like the virus on Gobindi. He can use your nightmares
against you like the Nightmare Machine at Hologram Fun World. Tash uses the Force to help
push through the rage and get to Eppon the child. He turns on his master, but Gog hits a
switch and Eppons head explodes from a small “insurance” charge Gog had planted. His
project to create an ultimate Army of Terror had failed, but he had always been able to kill his
prototype, Eppon, if he became dangerous to Gog. The wraiths enter, looking for Hoole, and
almost kill him before Deevee activates the computer system’s monitor and plays a message
from Gog to Palpatine over and over, in which he admits to fooling Hoole and wishing to
destroy life on Kiva to test the project’s use as a weapon. The wraiths turn on Gog and kill
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 217
him. All of the heroes leave on the Millennium Falcon. Vader slashes out of the rubble and
examines the remains of Project Starscream. In the rubble, Eppon shows signs of life . . .
(Exact date: 35:10)
(Army of Terror)*
*NOTE: This story takes place 7 months after the Battle of Yavin. One should also note that this story is only two
days after Ghost of the Jedi.
The disbanded government of the Dentaalian House meet and pass a resolution to no longer
recognize Governor Taliff’s Imperial charter on the world. (Exact date of report via
TriNebulon News: 35:10:9, exact date of actual event: 35:10:8)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Three weeks before the battle over Poln Major and Poln Minor, Governor Bidor Ferrouz’ wife
and child go missing after a shopping trip. Ferrouz is soon contacted by the kidnappers
(working for warlord Nuso Esva) and told that he must fulfill their demands (including an
apparent defection to the Rebel Alliance) if he is to see them alive again. He claims that his
family last left for the countryside for a while.
(conjecture based on Choices of One)
Imperial HoloVision reports that the Imperial Symphony Orchestra is about to undertake its
first tour outside the Core Worlds in 15 years. (Exact date of report via Imperial HoloVision:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Independent Traders’ Infonet reports the closing of Fondor to civilian traffic, most likely due to
the construction work being completed on the Executor. (Exact date of report via
Independent Traders’ Infonet: 35:10:22)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Imperial HoloVision reports that the annual public executions of Enemies of the Empire
during New Year Fete Week will be held in private for the first time in 11 years. (Exact date
of report via Imperial HoloVision: 35:10:24)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Imperial HoloVision reports that the Dentaal Independence Party, led by Hancc Rellow, has
officially ousted the Imperial government on Dentaal. (Exact date of report via Imperial
HoloVision: 35:10:28)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
An election on Elegasso is blatantly rigged, prompting the attention of the Hand of Judgment
and Mara Jade a short time later.
(conjecture based on Choices of One)
Three months have passed since the Hand of Judgment (Imperial stormtroopers Daric
LaRone, Saberan Marcross, Joak Quiller, Korlo Brightwater, and Taxtro Grave) deserted
from the Reprisal. Now, with their future in doubt due to dwindling supplies, they are about to
be drawn into a conflict between two tactical masters of the Unknown Regions: warlord Nuso
Esva and Imperial Senior Captain Thrawn (Mitthraw’nuruodo) . . . In space, the Star
Destroyer Chimaera (under Captain Calo Drusan and with Commander Gilad Pellaeon as
third officer) is ordered to a secret meeting with Salaban’s Hope, from which they take aboard
the mysterious, masked Lord Odo and his pilot, Sarro. No one aboard seems quite certain
who Odo is beneath is mask, but Pellaeon tracks their orders toward the Unknown Regions,
rather than toward Coruscant. Drusan calms his concerns by stating that he has authorization
for Lord Odo. Pellaeon later comes to the (incorrect) conclusion that Lord Odo is an Arkanian
with a dark reputation. Whoever Odo and Sarro might be, they follow their orders and stop at
Wroona for their “guests,” then onward to other mysterious stops, all under orders from Lord
Odo . . . Meanwhile, Senior Captain Thrawn has called his old contact Jorj Cardas into action
once more, and, after a brief meeting with Emperor Palpatine over the forest moon of Endor
(where Thrawn gives his expert advice on how best to protect a shield generator on the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 218
surface) Thrawn proceeds with a plan to eliminate or substantially weaken the warlord Nuso
Esva, who is a being from the Unknown Regions that threatens the new secondary Empire
(the Empire of the Hand) that Thrawn is building as a bulwark against greater threats from
beyond Known Space. They will, in time, come to shadow the Chimaera on the last legs of its
route for Lord Odo . . . Meanwhile, the Rebel Alliance (through Vestin Axlon, a former
Alderaanian governor) has been offered a possible base and a new ally in the Candoras
sector (particularly on Poln Minor, part of a binary planet system with Poln Major). The
system’s governor, Bidor Ferrouz, seems ready to secede from the Empire and openly join
the Alliance, and the Rebels could definitely use the assistance. Han Solo (grumbling about
being left out of high-level talks and offered an actual commission) is tasked (along with
Chewbacca) with taking Axlon to Poln Major to meet with Ferrouz. For his part, Axlon
arranges for Luke Skywalker to secretly follow them in a starfighter to bring him into play as
well. Han realizes Luke is following them during their trip, so they reunite upon touchdown.
While Luke goes with Axlon as a “Jedi” to quell potential trouble, Han and Chewie investigate
the possible base location on Poln Minor, only to discover guards in supposedly empty areas.
He then runs into a Rebel contingent including Leia Organa, Carlist Rieekan, Wedge Antilles,
and others. Even before the deal is made, they are scouting out the area before a larger
Rebel group can join them. They soon discover a bunch of T-47 airspeeders and other
materials in nearby tunnels and, not sure whom they are from but assuming pirates, they
begin to gather up what they have found for the Alliance (stealing from criminals, they
assume). Han, Chewie, and Leia try to figure out who the weapons belong to (and whether
they are friend or foe), but it leads to Han and Leia having to take a job mounting weapons on
weapons at a nearby base of operations for the mercenary named Stelikag (whose employer
is, as yet, unknown). They are able to make their escape, however, and now know that the
weapons belong to that group, along with where their base is located . . .Meanwhile (again),
Mara Jade completes her current mission and is sent on a new one: to determine whether
Ferrouz is truly a traitor and, if so, execute him. Needing troopers she can trust that she can
find quickly, she remembers the Hand of Judgment and catches up with them, pressing them
into service to help on Poln Major. Together, they infiltrate Poln Major and use stealth and
trickery to get Mara into the palace, where she confronts Ferrouz right as he is to be meeting
with Axlon. She discovers that Ferrouz is only working with the Rebellion because someone
has kidnapped his family (wife and daughter), and they will be killed if he does not follow their
instructions, which included his apparent treason. Axlon enters, but they all come under
attack from mercs allowed into the building by a corrupted officer (Parkie). Mara is able to
save them, but Ferrouz ends up unconscious from a close blaster shot. With the help of the
Hand of Judgment, they are able to escape through Ferrouz’ emergency tunnels to a nearby
tapcafe to lay low. Mara leaves the others there to investigate the palace tunnels again and
hopefully figure out where Ferrouz’ family is being held . . .While the attack was happening
inside the palace, Luke, outside, is accosted by Stelikag, who grabs his lightsaber (retrieved
at the cost of breaking Luke’s comlink) and claims that Ferrouz is dead, killed by Luke and
the Rebellion (i.e. by a lightsaber, though how could he know that without being in on it). Luke
is saved from a mob of conspirators by the outside group of the Hand of Judgment and is
able to keep an eye on Stelikag as events progress . . . Soon, in space, the Chimaera joins
the Admonitor (Thrawns ship, but Thrawn is absent, flying with Jorj on the Lost Reef) in
battle against Nuso Esva’s forces. They receive a message from Poln Major about the
assassination attempt on Ferrouz, which sets in motion a standing order that requires all
available ships to head for that location to suppress enemy activity. Back on Poln Major, plots
begin to come to light. Axlon reveals himself to be working with Nuso Esva, whose goons
they had barely escaped. Their intent was to hold Ferrouz’ family hostage to force him to
commit treason, thereby putting a Rebel group in striking distance of Poln Major and drawing
in the Emperors Hand (Mara) to kill him with her lightsaber, her usual form of execution.
They could then claim the victory (as Stelikag) had done for Luke and thereby enact the
Imperial order to draw nearby ships. Nuso Esva would then leap in with his forces, and the
combined Rebel and warlord forces would defeat the Imperials, creating a great victory for
the Rebel Alliance (and great personal gain for Axlon himself as a hero). With the injured
members of the Hand of Judgment with him in the tapcafe, he is unable to stop them when
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 219
LaRone and his men attack and kill him. The team, however, is still stuck in the tapcafe and
must wait for Mara to contact them. They do, however, get in touch with Luke via a comlink
given to him during the earlier rescue. Mara discovers that the family was first held in
Ferrouz’ safe room without his knowledge and taken out via an even larger series of tunnels.
She coordinates through the troopers with Luke (whose last name she hears and thinks might
tie him to the “Skywalker that Vader was looking for, but she dismisses the notion because
of how common a name “Skywalker” is in the galaxy) on a plan of rescue. Luke and Mara
reach where Nuso Esva’s gang is holding Ferrouz family at around the same time (her
through the tunnels and him by stowing away in the trunk of Stelikags speeder). In the
firefight that ensues when Mara turns one of their traps against them, Mara saves the family
and Luke starts a fire that stops further pursuit (without them actually meeting and truly
coordinating). Luke heads for his starfighter, while Mara is ready to take Ferrouz’ family to
safety, deciding that treason under duress is not something to execute Ferrouz over.
Speaking of Ferrouz, he and the Hand of Judgment are joined by a group of Troukree
refugees led by Vaantaar, whom they had helped in a marketplace when they first arrived.
They are able to defeat all of Nuso Esva’s mercs with the help of the Troukree, who are
revealed to be great fighters with reinforcements nearby, but their employer is a mystery to
the troopers . . . In space above the planets, the Chimaera and Admonitor emerge, and
Thrawn and Jorj reveal themselves. The Chimaera is sabotaged by “Lord Odo” to head
straight for an orbiting defense platform. Odo is revealed to be Nuso Esva himself, who has
manipulated the situation to force an apparent Rebel victory and an unwinnable situation to
disgrace Thrawn and defeat him. He forces Thrawn to choose between the defense platform
blasting the Chimaera or vice versa, but with Pellaeon’s help aboard the Chimaera (with most
of the bridge crew out of commission from gas released by Sarro, who has died in service to
Nuso Esva), they are able to divert the Chimaera just enough to avoid having either need to
attack the other to save itself. That is good news, given that Han has gone up to the defense
platform in hopes of diverting its firepower to allow the Rebels to escape. Meanwhile, down
below, Wedge and Leia lead Rogue Team to attack the mercs’ base (where Han and Leia
had been installing weapons), but they are ordered away by Han, who fires from the defense
platform and destroys the merc ships. With his mercs defeated and facing more Imperial
firepower than he bargained for (thanks to the defense platform and Chimaera being intact
and the sudden arrival of Darth Vader’s entire Death Squadron of Star Destroyers), Nuso
retreats back toward the Unknown Regions, hoping to recapture two planets that Thrawn had
broadcast his own ranting to in order to cause them to rebel against his grip. As events wind
down, Vader is angered that he helped Thrawn per Thrawn’s request but didn’t capture the
Rebels as promised. Thrawn, however, gives him information on the equipment that the
Rebels stole from Nuso (which was a ruse to keep them there long enough for Mara to show
up to kill Ferrouz). That information suggests that they are likely to set up a new base on an
inhospitable world, particularly a frozen one. Thrawn sends Jorj on one last mission before he
returns to his own solitude: to help Sarro’s family, which is being held by Nuso’s goons on
Wroona to force him to cooperate with Nuso in his “Lord Odo” ruse. Vaantaar reveals to the
Hand of Judgment that they were sent by Thrawn to help stand against Nuso on Poln Major
in the guise of lowly refugees. Thrawn offers the Hand of Judgment a job training the various
non-human stormtroopers he is gathering in the Unknown Regions so that they can truly be a
force to be reckoned with. Mara, for her part, misses LaRone and the others, but her mission
here is done. She decides not to reveal her encounter with someone named “Skywalker” to
Vader, just to be on the safe side, since he did help her rescue Ferrouz’ family. The Rebels
have their new equipment (but not a new base), families have been saved, Han is now a
Rebel officer (a lieutenant), and Thrawn has struck a blow against his competition in the
Unknown Regions. (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline:
(Choices of One)*
*NOTE: This event takes place 8 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of ANH.
Mammon Hoole, Zak Arranda, and Tash Arranda arrange for repairs for the Shroud, which
they had left on Kiva. They also retire DV-9 to the Galactic Research Facility on Koaan.
(conjecture based on The Brain Spiders)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 220
On the Koda Space Station, Hoole enters the cantina called The End of the World, looking for
someone to help him erase any trace of him and the Arranda children (Zak and Tash) from
Imperial records. In the cantina, Tash runs into the serial killer Karkas, who is known for
killing 91 individuals, all with a “K carved into their foreheads. Hoole finds that they don’t
have the resources on the station to help make them “disappear,” so Hoole decides that they
should return to Tatooine and see what Jabba the Hutt can do. They arrive and see Boba
Fett in Jabba’s Palace, but he shows no sign of recognizing them from their adventure on
Necropolis. They also see Imperial Commander Fuzzel gladly taking custody of some
criminals Jabba has turned in for their bounties. Fuzzel tells Jabba that Karkas may have
made it to Tatooine and that the price on his head will be double if Jabba can capture him.
After Fuzzel leaves, they speak with Jabba. In return for Jabba having his slicers remove
them from the Imperial records, Hoole is to translate an ancient scroll that was stolen from
the palace’s B’omarr monks, which details their practices and the secret of brain
transference. Later, they are taken on a tour of the palace by Brother Beidlo, a young man,
who is a B’omarr monk, hoping one day to become “enlightened” and have his brain removed
and possibly placed in a brain spider. Hoole returns to his quarters and Beidlo introduces the
Arrandas to Brother Grimpen, who takes an interest in Tash. The Arrandas return to their
quarters and learn that Jabba’s men cannot erase them from Imperial records due to tight
security in the wake of the Battle of Yavin, but they can, if Hoole agrees, assume new
identities and new lives. Hoole is not sure about doing this, since to a Shi’ido, identity is
everything. Tash and Zak go back to see Grimpen, and Grimpen begins teaching Tash about
enlightenment. He has her walk across a bed of coals to show that she can use mind over
matter. Zak refuses to try, so he wanders about on his own. He overhears Jabba talking to
Karkas, making plans for Karkas to escape. Zak tries to make his way back to his quarters,
but accidentally locks himself in a dungeon cell. He uses a knife left by the former (now
dead) occupant and finishes the prisoner’s work at cutting his way to a set of wires. He uses
them to unlock the door, and then frees the prisoner next to him. He makes his way back to
Hoole’s quarters to tell him about Karkas and Jabba. Hoole sends Zak back to get Tash, but
on his way, he is met by Beidlo, who freaks out and tells him that there have been far more
brain transfers than enlightenments lately, and he thinks it’s for nefarious reasons. He
returns to Hoole without Tash and tells Hoole about Beidlo’s suspicions. They return to see
Beidlo, but he acts as if nothing ever happened. He then goes back to the room he shares
with Tash and finds her practicing enlightenment techniques and being her recent bitchy “Im
a teen and youre just a pre-teen” self. Tash goes back to Grimpen, who tells her that she
must pass a test of courage. He takes her to the Pit of Carkoon and has her walk the rim of
the sarlacc, which doesn’t notice her presence until Zak (who followed them) arrives and yells
to her. He ends up having to save her from the creature, but she isnt grateful. On the way
back through the palace, they make up, but are then surrounded by brain spiders. They are
saved by Hoole, and they prepare to leave. Tash goes to say good-bye to Grimpen. Hoole
goes to pay his respects to Jabba. Jabba receives Fuzzel again, and turns over the body of
Karkas, who is intact, except for what appears to be a sewn up skull, from a recent injury or
surgery . . . Zak finds Tash packing to leave, but acting even more strangely, even downright
violent (she slams him into the wall). That night, Zak follows Tash when she sneaks out and
goes to Chalmuns Cantina, outside which, she kills Fuzzel and puts a “K” on his forehead.
After they return to the palace, Zak is later herded by some brains spiders to a vent to
Jabba’s room, through which he overhears Tash talking to Jabba about wanting something
fixed. One of the spiders then scratches into the sand, “IM TASH”. It seems that when Tash
went to see Grimpen, she was taken and had her brain removed and transferred to a brain
spider, while Karkas brain was put in her body so that Jabba could claim his reward for
Karkas body, while Karkas went free. They believe that Jabba has been doing this for
criminals for a fee, but don’t know which monk is helping Jabba. This also explains Beidlo’s
behavior, since Beidlo is also in a brain spider in the room with Zak and Tash. Zak and the
two brain spiders rush to Grimpen, but he is the one who is performing the transfers for
Jabba. They’re trapped. Karkas (in Tashs body) shows up with Hoole on a stretcher. He
says that he got the jump on Hoole. They plan to transfer Karkas brain to Hoole’s body.
Hoole awakens though (he was faking it, of course) and he slips out of his restraints as Zak
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 221
punches Karkas/Tash in the face to knock off Karkas’ blaster aim. A fight ensues, in which
the great chamber of the enlightened is ravaged. Brain spiders and other monks arrive and
take Grimpen to his punishment. Hoole then tells them that he will sell their secrets from the
scroll across the galaxy if they don’t work to put Tash’s brain back in her body. The monks
agree, and the operation is a perfect successnot even a scar! Hoole, Zak, and Tash leave
in the Shroud as Jabba confronts the monks to find Grimpen. In a jar on a shelf, the brain of
Grimpen can only think about shouting out to Jabba. He will remain in the jar until he
becomes enlightened, or until the end of time, whichever comes first. (Exact date: 35:11) *
(The Brain Spiders) *
*NOTE: In this story, Whitman mentions that it has been 10 months since the destruction of Alderaan. However,
this book is the first in which Whitman seems to change from the old internal 10-month Star Wars calendar (that
has since become a 12-month calendar) to a 12-month calendar (basically stretching the dates). That would mean
that this story is more like 8.3 months after ANH on the original 10-month calendar (and current 12-month
calendar), which jives with what we see in the next book, The Swarm, which for some reason returns to the
original calendar system.
On the planet Jabiim, now a world made arid by the Empire’s strip-mining and ecological
torment, a group of Jabiimi rebels (that is, “rebels, not “Rebels) are tired of the world’s
isolationist policies and want to kick out the Empire that is exploiting them and reach out to
the Rebel Alliance for aid. They want self-determination. This group, led by Nolan, son of
Clone Wars era Jabiimi hero Gillmunn, strikes at Imperial slavers, saving their fellow Jabiimi,
many of whom join their cause. The mission only goes off without a hitch, though, thanks to
the intervention (planned by Nolan in secret) of the Rebel Alliance, including Luke Skywalker
in his X-wing, Wedge Antilles and Derek “Hobbie” Klivian up above in X-wings, and a
transport carrying Leia Organa, Captain Dantels, and an analyst. Nolan welcomes them, but
the other Jabiimi are suspicious of outsiders. The last time they trusted outsiders, it was
during the Battle of Jabiim during the Clone Wars, when Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker
betrayed them by leaving Jabiim on Palpatine’s orders, letting the Separatists claim the
world, and then the Empire after that. Leia addresses the gathered Jabiimi, making a bit of
headway (but not much) with them, but when she introduces Luke, using his last name, they
go ballistic, intending to force Luke to pay the price for the sins of his father. As it appears
they are about to be taken into custody by the Jabiimi (including Nolan’s right-hand-man Tal
Hesz and the old Jabiimi Dunaub), the X-wings in orbit are ordered to leave or come under
attack. Shortly thereafter, Nolan tries to convince Hesz that the Rebels are their only hope,
and Hesz agrees that they present an opportunity, but only if they turn the Rebels over to the
Empire. Meanwhile, above Jabiim, Imperial TIEs flown by the Nationalists (the enemies of
Nolan’s Royalists) attack the X-wings. Inside, Luke is being beaten up by a few Royalists, but
Nolan stops them, chiding them for their conduct. After talking to Luke for a bit, he decides to
help the Rebels escape. There’s no time to so, though, as the Nationalists start storming the
Royalist base. In orbit, the Nationalist forces are joined by an Imperial Star Destroyer and a
group of slave ships. As Wedge and Hobbie begin a near-suicide mission to attack the
Imperials and make way to save the others, the suspicious Royalist, Trigg, helps get Luke to
an elevator, which Luke and Nolan use to escape, while Trigg covers them. Below, Dantels,
Leia, and their young Rebel ally Jorin (also on the mission) take out Imperial stormtroopers
and escape with the help of Hesz. Dantels and Leia take one speederbike, while Hesz and
Jorin take another. Just after they escape on the speederbikes, Luke and Nolan reach where
they had been held, only to be captured by stormtroopers. Back outside, the two
speederbikes come across a minefield. While Leia and Dantels race ahead, zipping past the
mines successfully, Hesz and Jorin are captured by Nationalist and Imperial forces. Leia tries
to call C-3PO and R2-D2 on the parked Starduster for help, but they are off the ship and
pinned down by Imperial fire, thanks to R2-D2’s urging C-3PO to go rescue their friends.
Back at the base, Thorne, leader of the Nationalists, arrives to take Nolan and Luke into
custody. He has managed to arrange an end to the Imperial occupation. The Imperials will
get mining rights and the Jabiimi labor force to take offworld to work other mines on other
planets. He also agreed to turn the Rebels, particularly Leia, over to the Empire . . . and it
was arranged, in part, by a traitor in the Royalist ranksHesz! (Exact date based on the
LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:11) (To be continued below . . . )*
(In the Shadows of Their Fathers) *
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 222
*NOTE: This event takes place 8 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope. Now, we are
given several dates for this story within its pages. The interior date notation says 8 months after ANH, the text in
the story itself says 7 months after ANH, and Luke makes a comment that suggests that it is only 6 months after
ANH. However, the fact that The Price of Power seems to take place during the course of In the Shadows of Their
Fathers, I suppose we will have to go with the “8 months after ANH” date, in order to accommodate for the date
given for TPOP (8 months after ANH).
Darth Vader attends a diplomatic dinner on the planet Tiss’sharl, where he introduces the
planet’s new Imperial liaison, Commander Demmings. Behind the scenes, Vader knows that
politics on the planet tend to lean toward advancement through assassination, and President
Si-Di-Ri is in danger of being removed from power sometime soon by Vice President Geor-
Dan-Thi. When Vader requires the planet to lower prices for TaggeCo blaster cartridges,
which they can only sell to the Empire, it pushes Si-Di-Ri (after another assassination
attempt) to make contact with the Rebellion in the person of former Mon Calamari Senator
Rotramel. Meanwhile, Vader’s trackers have managed to find traces of Luke Skywalkers
encounter with the clonetrooper a short while earlier. He also receives word of the Rebel
actions on the planet Jabiim, suggesting that Skywalker may be there. Shortly thereafter,
Vader interrupts Si-Di-Ris meeting with former Senator Rotramel. He has used Si-Di-Ri to
flush out another traitor to the Empire. He rewards the unknowing Si-Di-Ri by allowing prices
to remain the same, then Si-Di-Ri resigns, allowing Geor-Dan-Thi to become the new ruler of
Tiss’sharl. As for Vader, he sets out for Jabiim. (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and
Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:11)*
(The Price of Power) *
*NOTE: This event takes place 8 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope.
On Jabiim, Royalist leader Nolan is face to face with the Nationalist Governor Thorne, the
man who killed his father, Gillmunn, during the Clone Wars. He and Luke Skywalker are
prisoners of Thorne, who confiscates Lukes lightsaber and hands it over to one of his
underlings. Thorne goads Luke, telling him that Anakin Skywalker would be proud, since it
was Anakin leaving Jabiim that helped start the downward spiral for the Royalists that Luke
seems part of seeing through to completion, like it or not. They then learn that Darth Vader
himself is on his way to Jabiim, making their situation more perilous. Elsewhere, Leia Organa
and Nera Dantels find their ship, the Starduster, only to find It covered by Imperials, while R2-
D2 and C-3PO try to hide nearby. While the Imperials are busy with the droids, though, the
ladies manage to get the Starduster into the air. Above, Vader arrives and is presented with
the Rebel captive Jorin and the Jabiim Royalist traitor, Hesz. Vader has promised to give
Jabiim back to its people in return for Luke and the other Rebels. Back on Jabiim itself, Leia
and Dantels catch up to the droids, plus Wedge Antilles and Derek “Hobbie” Klivian. They
decide that they need to get off-planet to warn the Alliance of what is happening, despite
Luke and Jorin being captives. The Empires heavy-handedness might end up later meaning
that Jabiim can be an Alliance ally, though, which is something Vader knows all too well.
Thus, even as our heroes plan their escape, Vader plans to destroy the planet utterly as soon
as the slaves are rounded up below and Luke is brought to him. The betrayer, Hesz, has
been betrayed. Down below on Jabiim, Luke uses a momentary distraction from the start of
Imperial bombardment to break away from the Imperials. Nolan does the same, retrieving
Luke’s saber for him, then killing Thorne himself. The other Rebels arrive and reclaim Luke,
even as Nolan gets his people below. Luke has managed to make the Skywalker name
heroic on Jabiim again. Luke has more questions now, though, such as how much more Obi-
Wan Kenobi never told him, if he neglected to mention Jabiim when talking about his father.
As our heroes depart Jabiim, the captive Jorin is taken away for interrogation, Hesz is a
broken man, and the Imperials prepare to leave Jabiim. (Exact date based on the
LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:11)*
(In the Shadows of Their Fathers) *
*NOTE: See note with the first part of this summary, just above the Price of Power summary.
Jabiimi Loyalist-turned-traitor Tal Hesz, feeling guilt over turning over selling out the Rebels
by giving Jorin Sol to Darth Vader and trying to give him Luke Skywalker, laments making
choices that led to the enslavement of the Jabiimi and the decimation of Jabiim. He reaches a
breaking point and grabs a stormtrooper’s weapon, then blasts his way to a shuttle and
escapes the Star Destroyer he was held aboard. (To be continued below . . . )
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 223
When the Imperial Star Destroyer Reprisal, under Commander Demmings, destroys a Rebel
scout team, leaving no one to interrogate as prisoners, Darth Vader is very unhappy with
Demmings. When given a second chance to capture Rebels, Demmings’ Reprisal again
manages to destroy the Rebel craft it is pursuing, rather than capturing anyone. Vader knows
that they need a captive to interrogate in order to use the escape algorithms they got from
Rebel captive Jorin Sol, which would lead them to the Rebel fleet. Nearly killing Demmings
with a Force choke, Vader releases him when he mentions following the example of
Alderaan. The next time they are set to go after Rebels, Demmings has his gunner,
Lieutenant Garil Dox, fire upon the Rebel settlement, only to completely destroy it. It is then
that Vader and Demmings reveal that they know the truth. The gunner, Dox, is from
Alderaan. He has been an Imperial officer for five years, but since Alderaan, he has been
helping to silence possible Rebel captives by making sure they died, thereby keeping the
Rebel fleet safe. Unfortunately, this wasnt a Rebel base he just destroyed . . . It was a
settlement of refugees from Alderaan. The traitor has been punished by making him kill his
own people, and now he will do hard labor in an Imperial camp. Too bad, since his lethal
efficiency could’ve made him a model Imperial officer. (Exact date based on the LucasBooks
and Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:11)*
(Model Officer) *
*NOTE: This event takes place 8 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope. The mention
of the prisoner, Jorin Sol, though, means it must be late in the month so that it can take place after both In the
Shadows of Their Fathers and The Price of Power.
On Jabiim, an Imperial ground force led by Lt. Janek Sunber takes another rebellious
strongpoint, capturing the survivors for the Empire. Sunber, though, is beginning to doubt his
faith in the Imperial cause. The next day, Sunber and his men (mostly clone stormtroopers)
head for Kalist VI. Their ship also bears Jorin Sol, the Rebel agent captured recently on
Jabiim. They emerge from hyperspace, though, into the middle of a pitched battle. Rebel X-
wings are striking at an Imperial tanker, Nuna’s Twins. They manage to drive off the Rebels,
then land. Sol is taken to the Analysis Bureau of Imperial Intelligence. Meanwhile, Nuna’s
Twins lands to a warm greeting from General Noils. The commanding officer puts
responsibility for their survival on the shoulders of the quick-thinking Lt. Jundland. It is only
after the General departs that “Jundland” is revealed to be none other than Luke Skywalker.
The Rebel plan to infiltrate the Imperial facility has worked. A short time later, Jorin Sol is
interrogated, but he has already revealed everything to Vader. Back at the Nuna’s Twins, a
group of Rebels in stormtrooper gear take out and replace a group of trooper sent to guard
the ship. They are all briefed one last time by the captain. Two “troopers” (Basso and Able)
go around setting up diversions, while another “trooper (Mouse) goes after their “prize.”
Elsewhere, Sunber gets into a fight with a fellow officer (Clynn) when he tries to move into the
same room. They are caught in the act and assigned two duties together to work out their
issues, but when Captain Roshuir mentions that Sunber was on Maridun, it instantly earns
him respect in Clynns eyes. In the control room of the base, Luke, Deena (“Lt. Shan”), and
“Captain Harran” are met by the general and Roshuir. Roshuir and “Shan” work together to
look for a potential Rebel base in the Thila system, where the Nuna’s Twins was attacked.
Meanwhile, Sunber and Clynn are keep an eye on human (Jabimi and others) slaves that are
hard at work, even as Able and Basso discover the slaves while setting charges. They decide
that they’ll need to rescue everyone, not just Jorin, if they can. Elsewhere, the general and
Harran sit down to relax and dismiss Luke, which allows him to move out into the base on his
own. As Jorin Sol continues to be tortured, Sunber and Clynn finally end their shift. When
Clynn tries to rape one of the female prisoners, though, Sunber pulls a blaster on him to stop
him. Clynn soon reports this to their superiors. Meanwhile, Luke, Able, Basso, and Harran
meet up. When the situation for the Jabimi prisoners is revealed, they make plans to not only
carry out their original mission but also save the prisoners. As for Deena, she has slept with
Kale Roshuir and told him about a Rebel base on Thila. As the Empire nearly empties the
base of troopers to send an assault group to Thila, Sunber is left behind, pending discipline
for his actions with Clynn. It is on the landing platform that Sunber comes face to face with
Deena and Luke, whom he recognizes. Luke recognizes him too. Janek Sunber is, in fact,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 224
Luke’s old friend Tank from Tatooine! (Remember: “That’s what you said when Biggs and
Tank left.” We just never learned what became of Tank . . . until now.) While Luke and
Sunber catch up on old times (and Luke tries to pretend to be an actual Imperial, all the while
trying to prod Sunber toward joining the Rebellion), the Imperials decide to move Jorin Sol off
of the base early, forcing the Rebels to begin their plan early. Roshuir, Clynn, and the others
with the Imperial force sent to Thila discover the Rebel base there abandoned. It’s a trap, and
many of them don’t survive. Meanwhile, Mouse is discovered while planting explosives and
must detonate early. The Rebel mission isn’t compromised yet, but the only chance they
have to save the slaves is Luke, who leaves a knocked out Sunber behind as he charges off
to do whatever he can to save them. While the Rebels free the prisoners and battle the few
remaining Imperials on the base, an aerial Rebel attack begins. Luke supervises the
evacuation of the prisoners, but Sunber, who called in the Rebels presence, catches up to
Luke, holding him at blasterpoint. The words of a husband and wife, the woman Sunber had
saved from his fellow officer earlier, helps convince Sunber to stand down. He still believes
that his duty and best chance to make a difference is within the Empire. He is willing to let
Luke go . . . but then the others arrive with a freed Jorin Sol. Sunber realizes that they were
there to save the spy first, not the prisoners. He raises his blaster and fires at Sol, but Luke
deflects the shot back to Sunber’s own shoulder. Luke reveals to him that Biggs did die at
Yavin IV as a hero, not as a hero for the Empire, but in helping Luke himself destroy the
battle station. Luke and the others leave, and the Imperials let them go. They seem to know
something, perhaps about Jorin Sol, that the Rebels don’t . . . As for Janek “Tank” Sunber, he
now has to face the fact that he has, in essence, lost two friends forever, both to the
Rebellion. For the first time, he must now call a friend an enemy . . . (Exact date based on the
LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:11)*
(The Wrong Side of the War) *
*NOTE: This event takes place 8 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope. It is actually
two weeks after the end of In the Shadows of Their Fathers, which I’d think would make it more like nine months
after ANH (on a 12-month calendar), but we’ll take their word for it and assume it’s very late in the month.
On the run from Darth Vader’s forces, Mammon Hoole, Zak Arranda, and Tash Arranda fly
the Shroud to Skrrr. Before they land, Zak messes with the engine (which had been
upgraded by Dr. Evazan when he’s owned the ship) and crosses some wires incorrectly. He
tells no one. Hey land, and the ship is shut down. They have landed too close to the
Sikadian gardens (a place of perfect ecological balance) for the comfort of their caretaker, a
S’krrr named Vroon, and they are asked to move the ship. They try, but when the computer
shut down, it stopped compensating for Zaks screw-up, and the ship must be repaired before
they can leave. Zak and Tash go explore the garden. They get split up and Zak is “attacked”
by a Shreev (a flying predator) that is trying to get to the drog beetle he has in his hand. Zak
freaks out and kills the Shreev. He returns to find Tash speaking with the S’krrr poet-warrior
Sh’shak. Sh’shak tells them about wingsong, the musical tones created by Skrrr wing-
flapping, and about the delicate balance of the garden. The shreevs eat the drog beetles
quickly to keep the drog beetles, who multiply incredibly fast, from growing to the point of
overrunning the planet. Zak believes he’s upset the balance, so he decides to make a point
of killing thirty or so beetles each day to compensate for the death of the shreev. They all
meet with Hoole and Vroon in Vroons workshop, where Vroon seems to be trying to
communicate with plants and drog beetles. An Imperial shuttle lands bearing Captain
Thrawn of the Vengeance and his two subordinates, Wolver and Tier. They are looking for
Vroon. Thrawn wishes to study the garden, and thus the culture of the Skrrr. That night,
Tash and Zak go to spy on the Imperials and follow Wolver into the garden. They then lose
sight of him, but come across Sh’shak practicing with his vibropike. They then come across
Thrawn, who tells them that it seems that some Skrrr believe they are descendants of the
drog beetles and worship them. Just then, they find Wolverdead and covered in drog
beetles. He has puncture wounds (from the beetles attacking him, actually), which Thrawn
thinks must be from a weapon. The next morning, Zak awakens with drog beetles all over
him and his bed. The beetles have been getting more and more aggressive, which seems to
be attributed to their sharp increase in population recently. (Zak thinks it’s his fault for killing
the shreev, but he would’ve had to have killed hundreds of shreevs to do this kind of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 225
damage.) They go see Vroon about it and find him using wingsong to converse with drog
beetles, which cover his body. He shakes them off and they (Hoole, Zak, Tash, Vroon, and
Sh’shak) talk about the problem. Then Thrawn arrives and says Sh’shak is under arrest for
the murder of Wolver. Thrawn also decides to take Hoole and the Arrandas for questioning
later, which would reveal them as wanted by the Empire. Tier heads off to return to the
shuttle but is killed by drog beetles, the same way Wolver was. They realize that the beetles
are out of control and tell Vroon that they must kill off part of the beetle population to save the
garden and themselves. Vroon refuses. He’s one of the nutty S’krrr who worship the drog
beetles. (The beetles are their ancestors, but not fully sentient.) He escapes and they all
(yes, including Thrawn) chase him down and find a huge pit where Vroon has been killing
shreevs by the hundreds to save the lives of the beetles, which are now running amok. Just
then, a huge swarm of beetles comes from overhead to attack—they’ll eat anything and
everything. Hoole turns into a shreev and tries to scare them off while the others rush to the
Imperial shuttle. Beetles begin coming in the vents, so they must rush out of the ship and
head for the workshop. Hoole arrives as a shreev with a whole “fleet” of shreevs, which kill
many of the beetles, but then settle down to nap off their meal. Hoole rejoins the group and
they head for the workshop, hoping to find a way to stop the beetles. There, they find
Vroon’s body—he’s been eaten by the beetles he worshipped. Hoole turns into a S’krrr and
he and Shshak use wingsong to pacify some of the beetles, while Thrawn runs for the shuttle
to get it repaired and ready to launch, and Zak and Tash rush back to the Shroud to repair it.
The Shroud is repaired and they return to the workshop to save Sh’shak and Hoole. It is
determined that the beetles will be spread across the planet to regain ecological balance,
since they’re only dangerous in large numbers. As for Thrawn, they assume he has gotten
his ship fixed, so they want to get as far away from the Imperials as possible. As they leave,
two drog beetles that made it aboard the ship begin looking for a place to lay their eggs . . .
(Exact date: 35:12)*
(The Swarm) *
*NOTE: This last couple of GOF books just hasn’t been good for Whitman’s dating system. The Swarm (book 8)
is supposed to take place shortly after The Brain Spiders (book 7), but in The Swarm Whitman has Tash and Zak
say that it has been nine months since the destruction of Alderaan, not the ten months stated in The Brain
Spiders, unless the reference was to how long theyve been with Hoole, which, theoretically, could have begun
about a month after ANH.
Jabiimi Loyalist-turned-traitor Tal Hesz, attempting to make amends for his actions on Jabiim,
learns that the Jabiimi slaves are being held on Kalist VI. He arrives on the planet during the
Rebel attack that is already freeing the slaves. Disguised as a stormtrooper, he witnesses
Luke Skywalker deflecting a blaster bolt to wound Janek “Tank” Sunber, as Jorin Sol is
rescued. He himself is captured, but he is gratified to know that his people are free.
Unfortunately, no one can yet know just what poor, tormented, “safe” Jorin Sol has in store
for the Rebel Alliance . . . (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal
timeline: 35:12)
*NOTE: This event takes place 9 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope. Also note
that this story, which was Rebellion #0 shares the same title as the story Knights of the Old Republic #0. Both
were in the same “flip-book” comic.
On the planet Troska, corruption abounds between the local Imperials led by Commander
Buzk and the local mining organization run by the Kyber family. Into this mix, we come upon
Lt. Manech and his friend Kelmont. Manech intends to somehow earn himself a promotion at
the expense of Buzk. He intends to get the Kyber family in line himself, thereby showing that
Buzk is weak. His method of doing so is to hire Boba Fett, who is anything but subtle. Fett is
hired to show the locals that resisting the Empire is a lost cause. Fett goes all out, though,
destroying plenty and heading to Kyber King Natas palace, where he is likely to kill Natas
himself. Kelmont forces Manech to tell Buzk what is happening. Natas contacts Buzk before
Fett gets to his palace and rails against the Empire bringing Fett down on his family (because
Fett is claiming that Buzk hired him during his rampaging). The Imperials try to get to the
palace to stop Fett, but Fett is already there. Natas offers him double-pay to turn on his
employers (which anyone with a hint of Fett’s history should know is a tough thing to get him
to do). Unfortunately, Natas hires him to “make the Imperials sorry,” so Fett just wipes out
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 226
much of the advancing Imperial force, but he has also managed to fulfill his contract with
Manech by showing that the Empire shouldn’t be crossed. In the wake of these contracts
being fulfilled, Manech is congratulated by arriving Imperials, who proceed to take down
Natas. Manech had set this all up in order to not only depose Natas but to get Buzk out of the
way for acting against Imperial interests with his corruption. Manech’s plan has worked, but
now that he is powerful, he will soon have powerful enemies, and you never know, one of
those enemies might just hire Boba Fett to go after Manech himself one day . . . (Exact date
based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:12)
*NOTE: This event takes place 9 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope.
While leading an Imperial assault on a Rebel base, Lt. Janek “Tank” Sunber is haunted by
thoughts of his childhood friend Luke Skywalker, whom he believes has betrayed him. He is
unsure of his place within the Empire, let alone in the galaxy, but when a Rebel being
interrogated lets slip that Luke was the one who destroyed the Death Star, Janek knows what
he must do. He heads to the Executor to inform Darth Vader of what he knows about Luke.
Elsewhere, Rebel agent Deena drowns her sorrows in liquor, bemoaning how she fell in love
with Imperial Captain Roshuir, then betrayed him because of her mission with the Alliance.
Even as she is doing so, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles lead a raid on an Imperial
convoy, stealing vital resources for the Alliance. Unfortunately, the gangster Raze was also
intending to ambush that convoy, and he now believes that he has a spy in his organization,
perhaps his aide Drybal or Wyl Tarson. They discover that someone in the Empire is trying to
contact Luke Skywalker, which Raze finds interesting . . . Back at the Rebel fleet, Leia
Organa and Luke visit former captive Jorin Sol in his bacta tank. Neither of them yet knows
that the Empire has allowed them to recapture Jorin so that he can work against the Alliance
somehow. Luke, however, is barely paying attention. He is lost in thoughts about his old
friend Tank, whom he hasn’t told Leia about just yet. Shortly thereafter, Deena tries to seduce
Luke, but he shuffles her off to look after Jorin in the bacta tank instead. As she leaves,
Wedge calls him to the bridge, where Tungo Li, head of the Rebellion’s current spy network,
informs Luke of the same message that Raze had discovered, which is a message, not
surprisingly, from Janek “Tank” Sunber. Back in the medical bay, Deena enters to find it in
tatters. Jorin Sol has broken out of his bacta tank and now attacks Deena, intending to
strangle her to death. Luckily, memories from Jorin’s abused past let him break through his
mental conditioning, allowing him to essentially save Deena from himself. Back on the bridge,
Leia and Tungo Li argue against letting Luke go meet with Janek, no matter what. Tungo’s
agent, Wyl Tarson, is able to get into Raze’s computers and decode the message for them,
revealing a message that says that Janek wants to defect to the Alliance. Unfortunately,
Wyl’s activities are seen by Raze. When Leia continues to refuse to risk the Alliance over
Luke’s old friend, Luke decides to go it alone. As he prepares to leave to meet at Janek’s
coordinates by himself, Deena convinces him to bring her along, so she can look out for
someone else for once. They head for the meeting coordinates, discovering it to be in an old
Clone Wars space junkyard. They find Janek in binders, apparently having been tortured
(could his defection offer be real?), but before they can escape, Imperials arrive . . . led by
Deena’s former lover, Captain Roshuir. Back aboard the Rebel command vessel, Wedge
Antilles questions Jorin Sol, who seems truly apologetic and thankful for his rescue from
Imperial hands. Tungo Li has his doubts about Jorin’s sincerity. Back at the meeting site,
Luke and Deena exchange fire with the Imperials, while Luke orders Janek to take cover.
When Roshuir orders Janek to take down Luke, he moves (to help Luke or take him out?)
and ends up with a blaster wound through his wrist. Finally, Luke and Deena lock the
Imperials behind a blast door and vent it to space as they escape with Janek so that Roshuir
and his men are nearly all ejected into space. Soon, Luke and Deena return to the command
vessel with Janek, receiving a very cold shoulder from Leia. Luke and Deena are to be held
until Tungo Li clears them of any possible threat, while Janek has his wrist attended to under
guard. After a short while, Luke and Deena are cleared of any expulsory charges (simply due
to the morale hit of losing the hero of the Battle of Yavin), while Janek is allowed to roam
mostly free with one of Tungo Li’s men monitoring him at all times. Luke and Janek are able
to briefly catch up, but their views of the Battle of Yavin and the loss of life there are vastly
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 227
different. When Janek sees and is allowed to activate Luke’s lightsaber, he is amazed at what
the two of them have become. That night, Janek has a dream of Luke killing stormtroopers,
whose bodies form a huge mound, while Darth Vader reminds him of his own orders. Finally,
the trap is sprung! As Janek takes out a Rebel and dons his uniform, Luke tries to apologize
to Leia. Luke is just leaving as Jorin enters, speaking happily with Leia . . . just before he
pulls out a blaster and fires, wounding her and killing those around her. Even as Luke uses
his lightsaber to disarm Jorin, the brainwashed spy informs Luke that the Imperial fleet has
arrived, using information he provided while he was a prisoner. The fleet appears doomed,
and Luke needs to get Leia to the medical bay . . . but he is stopped by a blaster pointed at
the back of his head, wielded by his “friend,” Janek . . . As Janek holds Luke at blasterpoint,
Jorin tells Tungo Li that the fleet can’t go to their next rendezvous point, since the Empire
now knows how to find it. Instead, the fleet must scatter. As they do, Janek has Luke carry
Leia toward an escape pod. The three of them will escape, then be picked up by the
Imperials. Janek promises that Leia will get medical attention, but they know that shell
eventually just be tried and executed. Janek argues that he is just doing his duty and
stopping Luke, who is now a criminal, but Luke throws the deaths of Biggs Darklighter, Owen
Lars, and Beru Lars back in Janek’s face, prompting him to pistol-whip Luke. Luke puts Leia
on the deck and catches Janek off-guard, starting a hand-to-hand battle for their fate.
Eventually, Luke tells Janek (who is uttering “I swear I’ll kill you to his old friend) to just kill
him. Luke will give up, if only Janek will save Leia. A blast from an incoming round of
turbolaser fire tears through the ship near them, causing the floor to give way. Janek catches
Leia’s arm and holds himself to a grate with the other, but rather than taking Luke’s
outstretched hand, all he will do is hand Leia up to him. Janek then loses his grip and falls
away . . . Back on the bridge, Jorin, fighting against all of his programming, makes a final
reach toward the ships hyperspace controls, launching the ship to safety. In the aftermath,
an escape pod is found by the Imperials, very likely bearing a battered Janek “Tank Sunber,
and Leia Organa receives bacta treatment for her wounds. The Empire has shown the
Rebellion that it can hurt them. It has made them suspicious of their own, but they are alive,
regrouping, and moving forward. The Empire’s time will come. (Exact date based on the
LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:12)
(My Brother, My Enemy)
*NOTE: This event takes place 9 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope.
Wyl Tarson, a lieutenant to the crimelord Raze, has been discovered. He had been feeding
information to the Rebel Alliance, but his passage of Janek “Tank” Sunbers message to Luke
Skywalker recently has left him vulnerable, and Raze is in no mood to be lenient. Wyl has
dreams (or what he considers dreams) of being discovered by Raze, so he tries to get off-
planet. At the spaceport, he is threatened by some of Razes men for not checking in, but he
saves himself, only to succumb to pain in his head and have to be saved by a woman he saw
in the crowd, Laynara, who works for him. Meanwhile, on the planet Ahakista, assassins take
out a councilman, making two local business-beings, Sardoth and Erla, realize that the
Empire will eventually come down on the planet for its civil warfare, since the Empire has
something important hidden on the planet. In space, Wyl begins to remember what is really
happening. He was caught by Raze’s goons and Laynara, then brought to Raze, who told
him to go with her to Ahakista to speak with his associate, Sardoth, to whom Laynara is to
deliver something. Wyl, though, must follow his orders to complete the mission, or Raze will
cause a bomb in Wyl’s skull to explode. To complete the mission, they travel to where they
can meet someone Wyl knows from the Rebellion, people that the Rebellion itself doesn’t
want to work with anymore, for various reasons. Their first stop takes them to the home of
Baco Par, a lockbreaker, whom they find passed out drunk. After leaving with Baco, they
head for another out of the way planet, where they are seeking out a man who is said to have
killed several Dark Jedi. They find a home filled with numerous carvings of the same two
people . . . and an igniting red lightsaber. The saber-wielding man and our “heroes” brawl
briefly, until Laynara threatens to break his carvings. The man then stops to talk, revealing
himself to be Darca Nyl. He refuses to join them at first, but the memory of the woman he
loved brings him on board. On Ahakista, the local leader, Bular, under orders from the
Empire, begins to crack down, hoping to capture the rebellious leader Dunlan. Dunlan himself
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 228
is nearly killed when an AT-AT pounds through his safehouse, but it is an accident, as the
Empire is simply trying to make a point about its own power. Soon, Wyl’s group reaches the
Daystar Casino on Ahakista, where they give over their package to Sardoth. They are then
put up for the night, while Darca is approached by Sardoth for a secretive meeting.
Meanwhile, Darth Vader is on the planet and senses something amiss. Soon, Wyl, Darca,
Baco, and Laynara go to a meeting with Sardoth, Dunlan, and, surprisingly, an Imperial
officer, Captain Rasha Bex (who has been brought in on the plot in return for information on
the whereabouts of BoShek). They do not realize, at the time of the meeting, that Dunlan has
been betrayed by one of his own, a man named Astor, and that Bular has been killed by
Vader. Their plan is to strike at the Imperial pyramid on Ahakista, which houses the “Hub,”
one of the massive supercomputers that Palpatine had built to coordinate Imperial military
forces around the galaxy. It was through subverting democracy on Ahakista and pushing the
rich class into power that all of the social upheaval on Ahakista began. They figure that if they
wipe out the Hub, the Empire will leave. Baco will take care of the sophisticated lock on the
doors, and they expect Dunlan’s people to take out a power generator to an energy shield
that also protects it. Dunlan, however, refuses to sacrifice his people for their fight. He walks
out, only to find one of his own men turning on him to get a bounty. Wyl takes the man down,
but Dunlan still walks away, returning to his base, only to find it under attack by Vader and a
horde of stormtroopers. Back at the meeting, Rasha is about to leave when Wyl returns,
telling them that they will complete the mission. The mission begins, as the group (minus
Dunlan) heads into the tunnels, while they wait for Rasha to take out the power.
Unfortunately, she is caught by another Imperial officer, Tregor, and subdued. Luckily for our
“heroes,” Dunlan uses his last heroic act before being found and killed by Vader to fire a
missile at the base, disrupting power and completing Rasha’s job for her. Below, however,
Darca comes under attack from Sardoth, who reveals that he was the former Jedi student of
the Dark Jedi Lycan, whom Darca killed. Now, Sardoth intends revenge upon him, as they
duel beneath the city. Unfortunately, Vader senses Sardoth calling on the Force. He
confronts the two lightsaber-wielding combatants, killing Sardoth, but Darca is able to
escape. Above, Baco gets the door open, but is shot in the process, dying for the cause.
Inside, Laynara prepares to set up a “bug” that will transmit the contents of the data core to
Raze, but Wyl wants her to send it to the Rebel fleet instead. Raze tries to kill Wyl with the
bomb in his head for the suggestion, but Laynara tells him that if he kills Wyl, she’ll let the
Imperials track the bug back to Raze himself. Unfortunately, she is then shot (just wounded),
and they are captured. Vader deactivates the bomb in Wyl’s head, and Wyl tells Vader about
how Raze co-ops Imperial intelligence and hijacks Imperial cargo, along with any information
he can recall about the Rebellion’s spy network, all to get Vader to let Laynara live. In the
aftermath, Razes base on Per Lupelo is destroyed, forcing him to flee, the “bug” begins
transmitting (but to whom?), several are dead or wounded, and Darca intends revenge
against Wyl Tarson . . . (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal
timeline: 35:12)
(The Ahakista Gambit)
*NOTE: This event takes place 9 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope.
Aboard the Rebel Alliance flagship, Rebel One, Deena Shan considers herself completely
useless to the Rebellion. She is considering leaving the Rebellion entirely. Things take a turn,
though, when Rebel One falls out of hyperspace (from a blow hyperdrive) at Bannistar
Station, the Empires major hub in the Mid Rim. Seeing the chance to strike a blow (which
may be suicidal) for the Rebellion, they make plans to destroy the station. Most of the Rebels
abandon ship to get to safety, while Leia Organa, Deena Shan, Luke Skywalker, Basso, and
their strike team infiltrate the station in spacesuits. As for Rebel One, Tungo-Li sacrifices
himself to destroy it to deflect attention from the invaders. The Imperials, though, are on to
them, and intend to capture Luke and Leia, killing anyone else in their way. Meanwhile, in the
Atzerri System, Admiral Gial Ackbar and others aboard Home One are unwilling to leave
Rebel Ones fate unknown. When they learn of the ship’s true fate, Captain Dantels and
Lieutenant Pollard begin an unofficial plan to help. Back at the station, Leia and Able are
captured while trying to blow up empty fuel tanks. Basso is apparently killed by
stormtroopers. Luke is captured while allowing Deena to escape to disable to cooling
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 229
substation. Later, DVox and Rishyk question Luke, Leia, and other captives, while Deena
takes out the substation, only to learn that the Empire is preparing a major preemptive strike
on a planet’s population. Basso, injured but not dead, contacts her, but he cannot help her at
the moment. She will need some help, though, as Rishyk shows up and takes her captive,
intending to play with her a little before she dies. Back in the command center, Able and Leia
look for ways to escape, while Deena is abused by Rishyk, until she stabs him in the leg and
sets off her explosives. She escapes, but has nowhere to go. Finally, she finds herself out on
a ledge, faced by Rishyk, who nearly falls to his doom. Deena saves him, only for him to try
to drag her down, so she lets him fall to his demise, then drops a detonator into a fuel tank,
detonating it. The explosion gives Leia and Able the chance they need . . . Meanwhile, the
Alliance sends Dagger Squadron (a squadron of the new B-wing starfighters) to the rescue . .
. The explosion allows Able and Leia to free Luke and take out the Imperials in the command
center. When Leia wants to let D’Vox live, he tries to shoot them, forcing Luke to pull his
lightsaber and cut off both of D’Vox’s hands. D’Vox swears vengeance upon them, but they
are already gone, taking a shuttle stolen by Basso to escape, picking up Deena by visual
scanning on the way. They escape amid a powerful assault by Dagger Squadron. Later,
Dagger Squadron asks to go to Ansion to relay information from the mission that indicates
the Empire planning to strike the Rebels there. As for Deena, she has proven herself and
chooses to remain with the Rebel Alliance, for even small victories are worthwhile, and this
victory is hers. (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline:
(Small Victories)
*NOTE: This event takes place 9 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope.
While Dagger Squadron heads for Ansion, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and
Chewbacca lead a Rebel force (including Basso, Able, and Deena Shan) to a deserted moon
on a mission to seek out a rumored secret Imperial weapon. On that very moon, Imperials
sent by Captain Holt, on orders from Darth Vader, arrive in dropships, only to discover the
moon’s only human inhabitant: Old Republic Jedi Celeste Morne. Vader had left Morne on
the moon nearly twenty years before, when she was freed from her millennia-long stasis.
When we last saw Celeste, she was wearing the Muur Talisman, being taunted by the spirit
of Karness Muur, whom was both trapped with the talisman and partially possessing Celeste
herself, surrounded by Imperial troops that had been transformed by the Muur Talisman into
rakghouls. When Vader’s new Imperial forces arrive, sent by Holt, they are forced to crash by
Celeste’s Force powers, then transformed into more rakghouls under her thrall. Soon, the
Millennium Falcon and another Rebel ship arrive, carrying our heroes. Upon discovering the
crashed and abandoned Imperial dropships, the Rebels scout the area. When clonetrooper
Able mounts a ride, he discovers a horde of rakghouls bearing down on them. Swept up in
the chaos of the attack, Deena and the others lose sight of Able. As others begin turning into
rakghouls themselves, Han, Chewbacca, Basso, and Deena take refuge aboard the Falcon.
Leia is left on her own on the surface. Luke, having sensed the presence of another Jedi, is
distracted and swept up in the rising tide of rakghouls. Now, the spirit of Karness Muur
whispers into the ear of Celeste Morne, who watches the situation. Their chance to escape
may have arrived. Once Luke enters the cave of Celeste, she immediately attacks him,
intending to make him pay for her having been abandoned by Jedi and Sith alike. Leia,
meanwhile, makes her way toward the same cave, while Able, greatly injured, makes his way
there as well, intending to protect Leia. Elsewhere, Vader (on Coruscant) is apprised by
Captain Holt (via holocomm) of the presence and launch of the Falcon, suggesting that Luke
might be among them. He keeps Holt to his orders, despite the possibility, intending to force
the Falcon to flee for home. Down below, Luke and Celeste duel, but he is no match for her.
He senses the Dark Side in her, even as Leia tries to knock her out. When Celeste attacks
Leia, Able enters and attacks, only to be transformed by Celeste into a rakghoul. Realizing
that Luke and Leia must both be Force-sensitive to be immune to the Talismans powers,
Karness causes the Talisman to separate from Celeste, intending to take Luke as his new,
more powerful host. Instead, Leia leaps to save Luke, leading to the Talisman attaching to
her. The attachment is short-lived, though, as Celeste takes the Talisman back, intending to
keep Karness confined as a prisoner in her own mind. She refuses to tell Luke more of the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 230
Jedi, but she does hint that darkness is in his blood, past, and future. Leia and Luke escape
the cave and are picked up by the Falcon, even as Celeste begins to load her rakghoul
“army” into the other Rebel starship, launching for space and freedom. She does not do so
without a parting shot, though. In passing the Imperials in orbit, she uses the Talisman to turn
them all into rakghouls, leading to the crash of the Star Destroyer into the surface. Vader has
lost Celeste, but his son has escaped . . . (This crossover series continues in the pages of
Legacy.) (Exact date based on the LucasBooks and Dark Horse internal timeline: 35:12)
*NOTE: This event takes place 9 months (on a 12-month calendar) after the events of A New Hope.
A group of heroic performers is contacted by Vil Kargaims, the campaign manager of the
local governor, to put on a performance at a party he is holding during Fete Week that will
also double as a rally for the governors re-election campaign. Kargaims has chosen the
group because he knows that a major financial supporter of the governor’s last campaign,
known as “Big Bantha,” is a die-hard fan of the group and would likely donate a great deal to
the governor if the group is performing at the rally. The group agrees and is in the middle of
their performance (or rehearsal) when blaster fire rings out. Kargaims has been murdered!
The sheriff locks down the building, but even the sheriff is not above suspicion because she
claims to have been in the refresher. Only the performers, obviously performing at the time,
are above suspicion, so the governor has them investigate and the sheriff recuse herself.
They learn that the governor had an affair with a junior aide, which Kargaims had discovered.
They learn that Kargaims was a bad sabacc player who owed credits to many people,
including a major rancher. Kargaims was also a lawyer, and in a recent case he sentenced a
woman to death over a speeder crash that caused another person’s death. That woman’s
husband is on the catering staff and may want payback. “Big Bantha’ is also involved in a
trade agreement with a neighboring system that new policies the governor is pushing might
jeopardize, despite his financial support. In the end, the husband confesses to the murder,
claiming to have been put up to it by the governor in order to draw attention from his affair.
However, this is just a plot to discredit the governor and cause him to lose his re-election. In
reality, it was all set up by “Big Bantha” to counter the governors acts against his business
interests, and he had promised the husband that the next governor, presumably under his
influence, would pardon the husband and his wife in return for this murder. Justice is served,
despite one of the performers having an obligation of some sort to “Big Bantha” that allowed
the donor to point them toward the affair and the husband as their first suspect.*
(Political Party)*
*NOTE: This mission is part of the Far Horizons sourcebook for Edge of the Empire.
Around this time, the Imperial Intelligence spy who will later be known as “Doctor Saras”
while undercover in the Alliance, begins training to pose as a Rebel. This training will last one
year before “Saras goes undercover for eight months.*
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)*
*NOTE: This assumes that the introduction to Strongholds of Resistance (an RPG guide) is set around 37:8).
When a Rebel operative raids an Imperial site, capturing his target (the local Moff), things
become difficult when he is forced to take the Moff away in an escape pod that is
subsequently damaged. He contacts the Rebel Alliances Dagger Squadron for rescue, but
Imperials are also on the way to rescue the Moff . . . *
(Jump to Subspace)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Rebel Aces Expansion Set. There is
no indication of time frame, other than during the Rebellion and after Dagger Squadron exists, so I have placed it
here, alongside some of Fantasy Flight Games’ Edge of the Empire RPG scenarios.
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed reports on the launch of New Year Fete Week celebrations on
Coruscant. (Exact date of report via Coruscant Daily NewsFeed: 36:F1:1)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
In a public speech, Emperor Palpatine labels the Rebellion this era’s version of the
Separatists of the Clone Wars era. (Exact date: 36:F1:1)
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
Colonial News Nets reports the annexation of Bakura, which will soon come under the control
of Imperial Governor Wilek Nereus. In the interim, Captain Alecs Brellar is acting governor,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 231
with the local government, under Prime Minister Yeorg Captison, acting under him. (Exact
date of report via Colonial News Nets: 36:1:2)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Imperial Colonel Dreloq is placed in charge of keeping the peace on Bakura.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #3 via TimeTales,
Ru Murleen is transferred to the planet Imdaarm, where she is to keep an eye on Imperial
activities in the area. (This will lead to her being reunited with her old comrade Rookie One in
the years to come.)
(conjecture based on The Hidden Empire)
The Human Events Network reports that Neile Janna, famed actress of Scrivner’s Revenge,
will be returning to Adarlon and her acting career to perform as Freia Kallea in Kallea’s Hope.
(Exact date of report via the Human Events Network: 36:1:7)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Imperial Defense Daily reports the end of field trials on the TIE/x2 and plans to incorporate
the design upgrades from the TIE/x1 and TIE/x2 into a TIE/x3 prototype for field trials 16
months down the road. (Exact date of report via Imperial Defense Daily: 36:1:13)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Boba Fett receives a new ship’s operating license from the Bureau of Ships and Services
(BoSS) for Slave I, which is registered out of Botajef. On the same day, he receives a new
“Captain’s Accredited License for himself, on which he registers his homeworld as Concord
Dawn. (Exact date on document: 36:1:13)
(conjecture based on The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett)
Cynabar’s InfoNet reports various events of interest to smugglers. Included in the day’s
reports are mentions of Han Solo’s escapades on Ord Mantell with Skorr, along with random
tidbits including: Bettle and Jaxa marketing Slug Throwers beyond the Corporate Sector;
Doc vanishing; Platt Okeefe making plans to head for Lan Barell; Nada Synnt losing his
repulsorlift component supplier; Lando Calrissian winning taxi-service license rights on Ord
Wylan in a sabacc game, then losing them a few minutes later, prompting a trip to Taanab.
(Exact date of report via the Cynabar’s InfoNet: 36:1:16)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
The Crimson Aces, a space defense force of the planet Repea, is wiped out when Repea and
the Empire work together to wipe them out, ensuring that the Aces cannot betray them in the
future. In revenge, the Aces’ commander, Gikkin, begins to strike at both sides, making it
look like both sides were betraying the other. Eventually, the Empire will blast Repea,
unknowingly taking vengeance for Gikkin. When Gikkin is later killed in battle, his XO,
Colonel Tyrus, will take over.
(conjecture based on On Wings of Rogues)
Tanda Marelle of Galactic Resorts reports on the annual Spira Regatta held on Spira. (Exact
date of report via Galactic Resorts: 36:1:21)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Having seen his coup attempt fail, Jerec decides to hold off on any more attempts. Instead,
he builds a tower in Baron’s Hed on Sulon and will rule there as a conquering governor.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Jered has the computer core from his destroyed Star Destroyer Vengeance salvaged and
moved to a new Star Destroyer, the Vengeance II, which tends to go by the name Vengeance
(sans the “II”) since the other vessel is no longer around. He will later turn the Vengeance II
over to Admiral Ozzel’s Death Squadron, as he is already having a Super Star Destroyer
variant constructed for himself (also to be named the Vengeance, despite one already being
in service with that name), which he will take command of shortly after the Battle of Endor.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 232
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part VI: Outcasts and Megalomaniacs
The Galaxy News Service reports that the arrival of Wilek Nereus as the new Imperial
Governor of Bakura was interrupted by rioting, brought on by former members, it seems, of
the Bakuran home government. (Exact date of report via Galaxy News Service: 36:1:30)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Hypermedia Galaxy News Service reports that a massive series of earthquakes on Kamori
have resulted in tremendous damage and the death of Dana Dregond, a master painter
recognized as one of Kamori’s “living treasures for the last ten years. (Exact date of report
via Hypermedia Galactic News Service: 36:2:4)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Still on the run, Hoole and the Arranda children, Zak and Tash, arrive on Ithor and land on the
Tafanda Bay. They are met by Fandomar (the wife of the exiled Momaw Nadon, who had
given away gene splicing secrets to the Imperials in return for the lives of his people, but
been exiled for breaking the Ithorian Law of Life). They are in need of supplies, including a
mineral for fuel that is mined in the nearby asteroid field, which is owned by a mining group.
To pass some time, Zak and Tash go into the Mother Forest, which is forbidden, to play with
a speed globe. Fandomar saves Zak from accidentally getting caught in a vesuvague tree,
but it seems she was there of her own volition. They leave for the mining headquarters in the
asteroid field in Fandomar’s ship, but are attacked by a space slug. Only the help of the
miners and their Starfly ships save them. They meet the miners’ leader, Hodge, who says
that they can have the mineral they need, but instead of credits, he’d like Hoole, as an
anthropologist, to help them unravel a mystery. They don space suits and head for a cavern
where they find a statue of a scared Ithorian in front of a tomb, of sorts. Fandomar knows
what it is and freaks out. (It is the tomb/prison of Spore, a failed gene splicing project the
Ithorians worked on years before, which turned against them, only to be defeated and
imprisoned after a 100-year battle between the Ithorians and the Jedi Knights against Spore).
Opening the door causes the cave entrance to become blocked, so they use a mining shaft to
send Tash for help. On the asteroid surface, she meets the Dark Jedi Jerec, who has come
to claim Spore. That “night,” the trapped folks have been saved, but Jerec is holding them to
make them help him get Spore for himself. Hodge says that night is prime space slug
hunting time, so they should wait to go back to the tomb. (He’s actually working to have his
men steal Spore, which they figure is some kind of treasure, that night.) The next day, they
go to the tomb and find Hodge’s assistant dead at the door (at the hands of Spore, of course .
. . but who has been taken over by the parasitic creature?). Jerec storms into the open tomb
to find it empty. They discover inscriptions that give clues about Spore being held there, but
not much else. Upon returning to the mining station, everyone but Fandomar is nearly killed
when Fandomar tries to blast them all through the airlock and into space, to keep Spore
(which cannot spread in a vacuum) from taking them all over. They try taking a ship back to
Ithor, but Fandomar manages to do just enough navigational damage for them to crash.
When she awakens under Tash’s watchful eye, she realizes that if they are now in the Mother
Forest, and they have all removed their helmets, Spore is now free. Hodge shows up and
reveals that he is the one taken over by spore. He opens his mouth and strange plant
tentacles reach out to take control of four Ithorians who had come to help. He then turns his
eyes to Hoole, while the children escape. Their escape is for naught, though, as Hoole, now
part of Spore, catches up to them and takes over Zak as well. Tash uses a combination of
her wits, the Force, and the aid of the Bafforr trees to escape. She is saved from a
vesuvague tree by Fandomar, who takes her to meet some Ithorians who had disobeyed the
law to come and live in the Mother Forest. They realize that they must get Spore into space
to make sure it cannot take over the entire planet. They see an Imperial shuttle fly overhead
and prepare to stop Spore. In a clearing, Jerec steps from the shuttle, its only occupant.
Jerec wants to take Spore off-world and work with it so that it can help him take over minions
so that he can one day be the Emperor. Spore agrees, but when Fandomar’s allies show up,
Spore is genetically compelled to take them over. When they run, Spore sends everyone but
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 233
Hoole, Zak, and its prime host (Hodge) after them. The remaining Spore hosts and Jerec
board the shuttle, but not before Fandomar and Tash can hide aboard. They fly to the
Vengeance, Jerecs Star Destroyer. Tash and Fandomar come out of hiding and subdue Zak
and Hoole. They take two Starflies, each bearing one of the two infected friends, and escape
the Vengeance. Spore is compelled to take over all entities it encounters, so he has Jerec
chase the Starflies into the dangerous asteroid field. The ship handles it well until a space
slug attacks it, rendering its shields inoperative. The ship gets beaten to a pulp, but Jerec
escapes. With Spore dead (well, Hodge ejected into space and Spore now turned back into
its rock-like form to await new hosts), its power over its victims vanishes. Hoole and Zak are
back to normal. A short while later, they take the newly supplied Shroud away from Ithor,
while Jerec leads a salvage mission to the Vengeance and Spore floats in space awaiting a
new host.
On their way to hide out on Dantooine, Zak Arranda, Tash Arranda, and Mammon Hoole
dock the Shroud with the Star of Empire in order to make it through some heavily policed
Imperial sectors. They meet M-4DO (Fourdee), a droid guide. Zak wishes to learn more
about computers, she he is allowed to go to the main computer area of the ship, where he
meets Malik, the head computer technician. He is rude to Zak and causes Zak to
accidentally shut down some ship systems, before Captain Hajj comes to his rescue. Hajj
tells Zak that Malik got the job on the ship due to Imperial ties and that he is in charge of the
Systems Integration ManagerSIM, an artificial intelligence being installed to keep the ship
running smoothly. Zak is given access to some of the main computer through his cabin
computer, so he returns there. He runs into Tash, who introduces him to Dash Rendar, a
suspicious passenger. Zak goes to see Hoole, but he is engaged in a solitaire game of
Dejarik, which prompts him to tell Zak that part of the strategy is moving when you want to,
not when the opponent wants you to. Zak goes back to his room and fiddles with the
computer, which introduces him to SIM. SIM plays a game of TIE Fighter (no, not like the
one we know and love) with Zak, but it is interrupted when an evacuation warning comes
over the speakers. Everyone rushes to get away, and everyone seems to . . . except Zak
and Tash, who were locked in a closet by an annoyed passenger. After freeing themselves,
they realize that the ship hasn’t exploded, which may mean someone is trying to steal the
vessel after a false alarm. They sneak around, eventually running into Dash, who stayed
behind because he thought the alarm was suspicious. SIM has told them that something is
interfering with its systems, so when Zak tells SIM they are going to go to the
communications room to call for help, SIM counters with the idea that they go to the control
room, fix SIM, and then SIM can handle the rest. They continue to the comm room instead.
Passing through the ship’s atrium/zoo, they are attacked by service droids, but saved by
Captain Hajj and some crewmen, all of whom stayed behind to be the traditional last ones off
the ship. They continue to the comm room, and on the way, SIM shows Zak its files on Dash,
a known criminal (well, smuggler). On their way to the comm room, one lift full of crewmen
plunges down a shaft to their deaths, and then while crawling up a ladder, other crewmen are
killed by falling debris. Zak says he thinks Dash is behind the sabotage, so Hajj takes his
weapon. They then enter an observation room, where the meet Fourdee, who tries to kill
them. They continue on and Hajj falls down a shaft after being swarmed by crab droids (the
same creatures have also cut a hole in the bottom of Dash’s boot). Dash, Tash, and Zak
finally make it to the door to the comm room, but Dash is knocked out when the door itself
attacks him. Tash finds another way around, but once she gets into a secondary hallway, the
door is locked and air begins being vented from the hall. Zak is urged by SIM (who has been
increasingly pissy about him not going to the control room to fix SIM) to go to the control
room, to give SIM control enough to save Tash. He arrives to find Malik (whom he now
believes is the saboteur), and stays away from him long enough to follow SIM’s commands to
repair the system. Malik, scared out of his mind, then tells Zak the truth. SIM is not a
Systems Integration Manager. Its a Systems Infiltration Manager, an AI program meant to
take over enemy vessels. Malik had been sent by the Imperials to install it on the ship, but he
knew it was too self-aware. It would take over the ship for its own ends. To counteract it and
keep it under control, he put in a safeguard program . . . which Zak was just tricked into
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 234
shutting off. SIM reverts to its true evil self and tells Zak that Tash will not be spared. Hoole
arrives (after chasing down the ship as a mynock) and helps Zak and the newly conscious
Dash (whos carrying Malik, whom SIM knocked out) to free Tash. They escape through the
zoo, but the animals attack. They are saved by a water weapon from one of the droids they
bested earlier. They step into the hall to the docking bay, only to find Dash electrocuted
(slightly) by the floor through the hole in his boot. With Dash hobbling so as not to be
shocked again, they make it to the door to the docking bay, only to find SIM has sealed it.
Zak takes a cue from the Dejarik game and has everyone do nothing. SIM grows weary of
not having new input and opens to door just a crack. Hoole dashes through, and moments
later he uses the Shroud’s lasers to blast through the door. They escape in their respective
craft: Zak, Tash, and Hoole in the Shroud and Dash in the Outrunner (not the Outrider this
time). Dash turns his weapons on the ship and disables it, so SIM cannot make it a
doomsday ship for its own maniacal plans. The day is saved . . . or is it? SIM has
downloaded his program to a nearby space station. The heroes are free of SIM . . . but now
SIM is free as well . . .*
(The Doomsday Ship)*
*NOTE: From this point forward, Whitman all of a sudden reverts back to the WEG calendar that uses a 10-month
year, though it doesn’t mesh with the dates he’d already set down in the previous stories.
Having risen through the Imperial ranks unlike any other alien before him, Thrawn and those
close to him are in great political stead. Thrawn’s enemies, though, resentful of his stature,
manage to play court politics and cause Thrawn and his people to fall from favor. As
punishment, they are sent on a mission to the Unknown Regions. Little do the enemies know
that Palpatine and Thrawn had actually planned the fall and the “punishment” as an excuse to
send Thrawn into the Unknown Regions to seek out possible threats to the Empire, without
raising suspicion. They set out on the Admonitor for the Unknown Regions.
(conjecture based on Command Decision)
The Admonitor, under Admiral Thrawn, finally reaches the Unknown Regions. Many aboard,
including Captain Dagon Niriz, are wary of the new assignment, and some, like General Larr
Haverel, are downright pissed to have been “punished” with Thrawn. There are a portion,
though, who are fiercely loyal to their enigmatic Admiral, like Commander Voss Parck, the
man who first found Thrawn and brought him into the Empire, and who was demoted when
Thrawn and his followers were “punished.” Having arrived in the Unknown Regions, Thrawn
makes suggestions that there may be things worth finding, or protecting the Empire from, out
here in the wilds of space. Shortly after arriving, they are approached by an Ebruchi vessel,
commanded by Creysis, who claims to be the ruler of that region of space. Thrawn
convinces Creysis that the Admonitor, a Star Destroyer, is nothing more than an Alderaanian
Colony Ship, with the TIE fighters being recon vessels, basically. Thrawn asks about trading
and peaceful relations, so Creysis comes over to the Admonitor. Thrawn gives him a small
trinket, but Creysis would rather have a TIE for himself. Creysis tells them that he’ll speak to
others about getting them a colony world, in return for some of the “colonists’” technology
when they have colonized. Creysis returns to his ship, and Thrawn puts more of his own
secret plan for the encounter into motion, by having a secret meeting with two pilots, Parck,
and several trusted troopers, while he has a shuttle and TIE modified. Later, Thrawn sends
the team aboard the modified ships over to Creysis ship, to return the favor of hospitality and
the show of trust in visiting the other ship. En route, the ships are attacked and taken aboard
as prisoners. Thrawn doesn’t bat an eye. Shortly thereafter, as the Admonitor chases
Creysis’ ship at a fake, low top speed, like that of a colony ship, Havarel speaks with Niriz
about taking over the ship and getting Thrawn, who he believes is out of control and risking
their peoples lives for nothing, arrested. Niriz is uncertain what to do. Niriz expresses some
of his doubtfulness about Thrawn’s actions, and Thrawn simply tells him that it is a matter of
trustwhether Niriz trusts Thrawn, or at least trusts that those who put Thrawn in charge
knew what they were doing. Not knowing which of Creysis vessels (now that more have
gathered en route) is Creysis’, they wait until the group jumps to hyperspace in different
directions before heading straight after Creysis, which Thrawn is certain is going toward the
real ruler of the species (since Creysis didn’t act like a ruler). Havarel shows up at the bridge
and tries for a mutiny, which Niriz informs Thrawn of just before Havarel makes his move, but
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 235
Thrawn proves himself when he shows just how his plan was to work by having a signal sent
on a special frequency with one word: “now.” Aboard Creysis’ ship, the signal is received and
as Parck and the TIE pilots sit as prisoners, the side of the shuttle bursts open revealing the
heavily-armed troopers. The troopers pour from the modified shuttle and move to take the
ship. In space, the Ebruchi starfighters emerge from their ships and engage Thrawn’s TIEs,
but they are overconfident in how well they think they know the TIEs, based on the one they
capturedall because Thrawn had anticipated the capture (obviously) and modified the TIE
so that it revealed nothing of use. Thrawn then lets the Admonitor crew use the ship to its full
abilities, easily snagging Creysis’ command ship. Thrawn then reveals to Niriz that they were
able to track it due to a tracking device in the trinket he gave Creysis. Later, Niriz gives
Thrawn his resignation, but soonafter, Parck meets with Niriz and tells him that Thrawn has
refused to accept it. Thrawn was right, it was all about trust, and Niriz had proven to himself
that he is trustworthy by telling Thrawn of Havarels plans. Parck also reveals their true
purpose. They are not out here for punishment, but to find and eliminate threats to the
Empire that lie in the Unknown Regions. So, true, all of their official careers are in ruins back
on Coruscant . . . but their “punishment” mission will be far more interesting than they
could’ve ever hoped for.*
(Command Decision)*
*NOTE: I have placed this story here because it would appear Thrawn was an Admiral, not Grand Admiral, when
he was sent to the Unknown Regions, which puts this before 2 3 ABY, and since he refers to returning to the
Unknown Regions in Side Trip, this must come before that story, but not too far before.
While on a mission to the planet Krant, where she is to meet with the Bothan agent Utric
Sandov at Ghost Base, Princess Leia Organa’s ship is shot down with no warning by an
Imperial Star Destroyer. The survivors, including Leia, make their way toward Ghost Base,
but first discover a group of Imperials on orders from Imperial Moff Yittreas attacking a
village. Even more important, the village is being defended by Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon,
the former Padawan of Mace Windu that left the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars after
killing Sev’Rance Tann in revenge for the death of Echuu’s former Padawan. Leia’s group
teams up with Echuu to save other villages, but they find Ghost Base overrun. Luckily, Utric
got to safety and is able to reveal that the Imperials have discovered the Vor’Na’Tu, an
ancient Jedi artifact that they are holding on Geddes (an asteroid). The Rebel force, along
with allies under Chewbacca’s father Attichitcuk, work together to breach the Geddes
defenses. They manage to capture the VorNa’Tu, then break it into pieces to keep Palpatine
from ever being able to use its power. Unfortunately, once everyone else is away, Echuu is
cornered by Darth Vader, who has come for the artifact. Echuu is cut down by the Dark Lord.
(To be continued below . . . )*
(Galactic Battlegrounds)*
*NOTE: The date for this story has been moved here from just before ANH to reflect its placement in The New
Essential Chronology.
Hakon deVille, owner of the Ananuru Express tourist train on Ananuru, acquires a datatape
from an imperial research project that was terminated under unknown circumstances.
Realizing its value, he decides to auction it during the next trip of the Ananuru Express. The
Rebel Alliance hears of this and tasks a small group to board the train and obtain the
datatape. Arriving in Ananuru City, the rebels pass an imperial customs inspection and board
the train. Three days after the train leaves the station, a group of thugs attack (they were
secretly hired by deVille so he could evaluate the potential buyers) who, after getting into a
fight with the rebels, either flee or are captured (deVille has those captured taken “for
interrogation”). Over the next several days, the passengers engage in futile attempts to find
and steal the datatape prior to the auction. Finally, on the sixth day of the trip, the auction
begins. Bidding eventually reaches 98,000 credits, but before the datatape is sold, Secesh
Trant, a member of the Destabilization branch of Imperial Intelligence, appears and threatens
everyone with treason charges and confiscates the item. A fight breaks out between the
various parties in attendance over this announcement, which Trant uses to escape the train
and return to the INS Intimidator. The rebels eventually steal some sand skimmers from the
train and flee before more imperial agents can arrive to arrest them.*
(Ananuru Express)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario. I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 236
after ANH. All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
A group of rebels are sent to Entooine, a very cold planet in the Outer Rim. Arriving at the
planet, they fail to recognize how dangerous landing in a blizzard is, and so crash some
distance from the rebel base they were headed for. After a three hour trek through the snow,
they finally reach the base and learn why they were sent. An off-worlder, Jowart Typok has
been hunting the local bantha herds heavily, forcing the natives (known as the Askhew) to
roam farther and farther to hunt bantha meat (somehow the Askhew, who live at a stone-age
level of development, are allies of the Rebellion). Worse, Typok hunts only for trophies, not
for meat, and has killed sacred blue banthas as well. The rebels leave the base once the
blizzard ends and an hour later find two dead blue banthas missing their horns and one live
but young blue bantha. To their shock, the blue bantha speaks and warns them that Typok is
still in the area! (Blue banthas are self-aware and force sensitive.) Once the rebels notice
Typok crouching on a ridge 150 meters distant, he begins shooting at them until they force
their way close enough that he is forced to flee. The rebels eventually track Typok to his
ship, but he escapes. However, his pilot tries some fancy flying through an ice cavern and
crashes. It is unknown whether Typok is killed.*
(Bantha Cannon)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario. I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year
after ANH. All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
The KX-80 Repeating Blaster Rifle is developed under contract to several “world defense
arms,” but officially only a few prototypes were developed. However, their use by Rebel
squads convinces Imperial officials that Kashnir Arms is still in production and under Alliance
(conjecture based on Blaster Weapons of the Rebel Alliance)*
*NOTE: This assumes that the Blaster Weapons of the Rebel Alliance article is based on the early era after ANH.
All information from this Challenge Magazine #40 article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
Eight weeks prior to the formation of Green Squad 3, Rebel agent begins training with Green
Squad at Alliance Training Center-5/Green Squad (ATC-5/GS) on the planet Ksift in the
Outer Rim.
(conjecture based on Blaster Weapons of the Rebel Alliance)
A group of rebel agents training to be in Green Squad complete basic training and are led to
the mysterious second level of the Alliance Training Center-5/Green Squad (ATC-5/GS) to
begin combat simulation tests. Given comlinks and blasters set to only fire on stun, their first
task is to move through a simulated forest (in an elaborate combat simulation room) and try
to reach a building while being harassed by computer-operated drones. Completing this task,
their next simulation is of the interior of a star destroyer, from which they must retrieve a
computer file. Avoiding more drones, they succeed, only for the com to go dead. Real
imperials have entered ATC-5/GS. The simulation is over, real combat awaits! Passing
through a room designed to test dexterity (balance beams, ropes, etc.), they move to the front
of the building to see it under assault by a squad of stormtroopers and a mobile command
base. The rest of the rebel personnel are pinned down by the troopers, so the agents-in-
training attack and disable the mobile command base. Seeing their inevitable defeat, the
surviving troopers surrender. Later that night, the agents are congratulated by instructor Bret
Hanson, who informs them that they’ve passed their tests and will from then on be known as
Green Squad 3.*
(Green Squad 3)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario. I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year
after ANH. All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
The Empire invades the Tegrat system, causing a mass exodus of refugees attempting to
flee (as well as criminals and rebels). A group of refugees manage to board the Sidewinder,
a small cargo ship. They are attacked by TIEs, but eventually manage to escape into
hyperspace. Four days later, the hyperdrive suddenly cuts out and the refugees find
themselves near an Imperial escort frigate, which has been modified with extra research labs
and a large “13 on the hull. The frigate appears to be deserted, but suddenly it locks onto
the Sidewinder with its tractor beams. With the hyperdrive damaged, and the tractor beam
disrupting diagnostics, the refugees must board the frigate to deactivate the beam. Not
knowing the layout of the huge ship, they wander through corridors until they are attacked by
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 237
numerous R2 and 3PO droids, which herd the refugees deep into the interior. Eventually,
they reach a lab occupied by more droids and one emaciated-looking human. After a
shootout with the droids, the refugees approach the human only to see him crumble into dust
and a black mist rise from the remains. The mist is the product of dark side experiments
which resulted in a semi-intelligent dark side entity that feeds on the “life force” of other
creatures (it already killed all the frigates crew). It immediately possesses one of the
refugees and runs to the Sidewinder, locking the other refugees in the frigate. It orders the
droids it left behind to turn off the tractor beam and then attempts to flee in the cargo ship.
The refugees are able at the last minute to prevent its escape, however, by destroying the
Sidewinder with the frigates weapons. Unfortunately, this does not kill the dark side creature,
and they have stranded themselves on board a mostly non-functional ship. Eventually, the
creature re-enters the frigate and, over a period of months, kills each of the refugees. Their
sacrifice is heroic, however, for they’ve traded their lives to prevent the creature from
reaching the larger galactic populace.*
(Imperial Research Station 13)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario. I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year
after ANH. All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
A group of rebel heroes arrive in orbit of a newly discovered planet in the Outer Rim.
Suddenly, one of the heroes, a former Jedi apprentice, senses 100 people in despair on the
planet who are “trapped in some sort of Dark Side emanation.” The nearest to the despairing
people the heroes can land is five kilometers away in a jungle clearing. Near the edge of the
clearing, they find a small, four-person ship of a type used by the old Interstellar Survey
Corps (which was replaced by the Imperial Survey Corps). Deciding to head to the people in
distress, the heroes begin trekking through the jungle. After hacking through four kilometers
of jungle with his lightsaber, the ex-apprentice senses a disturbance in the force. After
warning his comrades to be alert, the ex-apprentice notices six wraiths heading toward him
(they are the shades of ancient Dark Side priests who have cheated death through the Dark
Side emanation). Since only the ex-apprentice can perceive the wraiths, he attempts to fight
them off, but is unable to prevent them from inflicting pain on his comrades before they leave
of their own accord. Continuing on, the heroes eventually find several temples, mostly
overgrown by the jungle. They also come across four skeletons, with a badge from the
Interstellar Survey Corps nearby. On some of the temples, the heroes discover pictographs,
which they interpret as a history of the people who had lived there. At one time, there were
six priests who were worshipped and practiced sentient sacrifice, and who somehow causes
the souls of their victims to leave their bodies and appear in a quasi-vaporous state.
Climbing to the top of the largest temple (shaped like a pyramid), the heroes notice a large
stone altar which reeks of the dark side. Probing the stone, the ex-apprentice discovers that
there are not 100, but thousands of souls in despair, and they are all trapped within the stone
altar. Attempting to communicate with them, he is contacted telepathically by a force
sensitive soul named Zik’tath. Zik’tath reveals that long ago, some of the inhabitants of the
planet were force sensitive, but those attracted to the dark side eventually conquered those
who followed the light. The six most powerful dark siders were worshipped and sacrificed
their enemies (and sometimes their own followers) in dark side rites which trapped their souls
in the stone altar. Over the course of 2,000 years, at least 100 good force sensitives were
sacrificed, and it is they whom the ex-apprentice originally sensed. Shortly after Zik’tath was
killed, the dark siders turned against each other and the entire population was annihilated.
The six dark side priests survived as wraiths, and they killed the four Interstellar Survey
Corps members 40 years previously. Zik’tath then asks the ex-apprentice to destroy the altar
and release all the captives back to the Force. While setting up an explosive, the heroes are
again attacked by the wraiths, who fling rocks at them telekinetically. After taking some hard
hits, the heroes eventually trigger the explosive and immediately the attack ceases. While
still steeped in the dark side, the evil power of the area has been substantially reduced. The
ex-apprentice also begins to feel an overwhelming sense of relief and gratitude. Suddenly,
100 figures surrounded by a bright blue glow appear and one, Zik’tath steps forward and
addresses the ex-apprentice: “May you one day champion the way of light as a true Jedi
Master.” Then, all 100 fade away into the Force.*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 238
(Shadow of the Dark Side)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario. I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year
after ANH. All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
Yerkys ne Dago, the notorious Twi’lek loan shark, sends a group of smugglers to Yelsain to
pick up a wildebeest he has “requisitioned” for himself. If the captain returns the creature
undamaged and on time, Yerkys will forgive the captain for being late on a payment.
(conjecture based on Parts is Parts)
A group of smugglers return to Travnin from Yelsain, transporting a wildebeest for Twi’lek
loan shark Yerkys ne Dago. On the return trip, the creature escapes to roam loose on the
ship until finally subdued. The smugglers learn soon after that the Thelman Converter, part
of the hyperdrive, was damaged in the attempt to recapture the beast. Since they have
several hours before they are supposed to meet Yerkys, they decide to see if they can locate
a reasonably priced replacement part for their ship. After asking around, they learn from
Neena, a singer in The Grand Design bar, that there are several shady characters who want
a new model of holorecorder developed by the Nadir Corporation, a business on Travnin run
entirely by droids. Nadir also develops starship parts, so if the smugglers are willing, the
interested persons will give them the security codes to the Nadir plant so they can steal both
the holorecorder and whatever starship parts they need. The smugglers agree and infiltrate
the plant. After a firefight with security droids, they succeed in stealing both items and
escape from the plant. They turn over the holorecorder to Neena and receive their payment
(keeping an extra holorecorder they stole for themselves), only to be attacked by Nadir
assassin droids. The smugglers evade the droids’ blaster fire long enough to realize that the
holorecorder they kept is emitting a homing signal, allowing them to be tracked. They
manage to sneak back to their ship and, feeling like giving Yerkys some trouble, feed the
homing holorecorder to the wildebeest before turning it over to him. After they receive their
payment, they return to their ship (but not before noticing some droids following Yerkys) and
take off using their new Thelman Converter. Unfortunately, the part malfunctions and they
are return to realspace prematurely (the engineer then recalls that he’s heard that all Nadir
hyperdrive parts are junk). And, unnoticed by all, a small red light on the malfunctioning part
blinks, signaling their location to the Nadir Corporation.*
(Parts is Parts)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario. I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year
after ANH. All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
A group of rebels is ordered to attend an auction for hijacked Imperial munitions (grenades
and thermal detonators) on Viska, in the Tolaniisi system. They arrive with 40,000 credits to
bid with. Before they can land, their ship, the Boomerang, barely passes an Imperial
inspection. Once landing, they slip past customs, then check into the Hotel Viska under
assumed names. Shortly, a Quarren appears and leads them to the auction, which is held in
an old factory. The bidding is intense, but the rebels eventually outbid Rootog, a Rodian
lieutenant of the local crime boss, Pluvo-Two-for-One. Before the rebels can leave with their
newly acquired ammunition, Rootog and his goons start a blaster fight in the factory. They
escape the factory in their landspeeder (with their loot) while under fire, only to find more
goons chasing them in a speeder. After a long chase through the old factory district while
under fire, the rebels eventually evade the goons and return to their ship. After making their
way through customs and a greedy portmaster (using a few judicious cons), the rebels are
about to blast off when two imperial repulsor platforms land and demand to inspect their
cargo. When the crates are opened, the rebels are just as surprised as the Imperials to
discover nothing but Bantha hide boots. Somehow during the customs process, Rootog
switched crates. The rebels track him to his ship and recover their cargo, then flee the
(A Day at the Auction)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario. I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year
after ANH. All information pertaining to this Voyages article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
A group of rebels is tasked to take a light freighter loaded with blaster rifles and carbines (in
crates marked “Heavy-Duty Industrial Lubricants) to the city Synia, on Linholm. Once there,
they are to meet a rebel contact for instruction on offloading the cargo. Once they arrive in
orbit of Linholm, however, the rebels discover the surrounding space to be full of Imperial
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 239
vessels. Strangely, though, they are not harassed and are allowed to land without incident.
Stormtroopers are thick on the ground, but again, the rebels are not interrogated or forced to
endure lengthy customs checks. When they arrive at their appointed meeting place in an
abandoned warehouse, their contact is missing. Suddenly, stormtroopers arrive and begin
banging on the door. Before the troopers batter their way in, a small grate in the floor opens
and a youth urges them to escape with him underground. Unfortunately, the stormtroopers
break into the warehouse in time to see the last rebel climbing down into the tunnels. The
stormtroopers follow and a running firefight ensues. When the stormtroopers split into two
groups, the rebels take advantage of the limited visibility to trick the troopers into firing on
each other and escape in the confusion. Once in the clear, the youth, Wes Ankichia, explains
that his father, Lenka Ankichia, was the leader of the Linholm Freedom Movement. The
group was betrayed by one of their lieutenants and the Imperials arrested or killed the
majority of its members. There is still a cache of weapons outside the city the Empire failed
to discover, and Wes takes the rebels there to hide and prepare to rescue the prisoners (who
are being used as slave labor miners). On their way to the mine, they have to evade scout
troopers on speeder bikes and fight off a jakora monster, a scaly, cat-like creature. They
sneak into the mine and begin killing guards, which signals to the hundreds of prisoners that
a rescue is in process. They rise up, quickly killing the guards and other mine officials, then
board every available craft to escape. As the rebels race back to their ship on speeders to
distribute the weapons they brought, they are attacked by four scout troopers, but eventually
make their way back to the city. There is heavy fighting in Synia, but with two TIEs strafing
the freedom fighters and shooting down their ships, it looks as if the Empire will win. The
rebels are then led to a group of old Z-95 Headhunters, which they pilot into the sky and blast
the TIEs. Without air support, the Imperial base is quickly overrun. Linholm is free of the
Empire, for now.*
(A World in Revolt)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario. I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year
after ANH. All information pertaining to this Voyages article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
A group of heroes, preparing to leave Altiria/Anarris, are approached by Anarrian security and
asked if they have seen a young Anarrian boy, Dilta, who is missing. The heroes have not, so
they fly away, unaware that the boy has been brought aboard in a cargo container. After
entering hyperspace, the heroes find Dilta when he tips over the container. He explains he
was just trying to find something to eat when Anarrian security came near, so he hid in the
container. Before he could leave, the container was loaded into the heroes ship. Realizing
the heroes will be charged with kidnapping if they don’t return Dilta, they reverse course.
They land outside Rastar, hoping to avoid security forces and quietly return the boy to his
family. The boy quickly slips away from them, however. The heroes prepare to leave only to
discover that they have already been charged with kidnapping. To clear their names, the
heroes search for Dilta in Rastar, hoping to convince him to explain what happened to the
authorities. They eventually find him in Lunaara Square and convince him to help, but before
he can do so security forces arrive and a firefight breaks out. Dilta is hit by the crossfire in his
leg, and a member of the security team begins treating him. The combat ends when Dilta
awakens and explains that he was never kidnapped. Once his story is confirmed with security
footage from the docking bay, the charges are dropped and the heroes are allowed to leave.*
(Guilty Until Proven Innocent)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic RPG scenario with little indication of when it takes place. (All we know is that the
book says to treat the officers and security sergeant as scout troopers and Imperial officers, respectively,
suggesting a time during the Empire.) I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year after ANH, so that it
can be included at all. All information pertaining to this The Unknown Regions mini-adventure was submitted by
Luke Van Horn.
A group of heroes arrive at Iol Station in orbit of Iol hoping to repair their damaged ship.
Strangely, they have not been able to contact anyone on the station, and scans indicate no
life aboard. While one hero remains to repair the ship, the others decide to explore the station
to see if they can learn why it’s apparently abandoned. In a cargo bay, they discover a large
metal container which appear to have been broken open from within. Inside is a slashed
corpse wearing a Tangan Industries security uniform. They eventually make their way to the
command center, finding the captain’s logs indicating that six hours before the heroes arrived
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 240
he ordered all hands to abandon the station. They also find a security video recording
showing a number of personnel being attacked by a large humanoid creature called a
vindinax. Hurrying back to their ship, they are told that it is almost repaired, but they still need
another part from a storage room. Unfortunately, the lights in the storage room arent working
and while trying to find the needed part, the vindinax attacks out of the darkness. The heroes
fight back and eventually manage to kill it. They contact Iol to report that the threat on the
station is over. The planetary authorities reply that they are grateful and are willing to give the
heroes a reward if they will bring the creatures body planetside.*
(Danger in the Dark)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic RPG scenario with little indication of when it takes place. I have simply assumed it
takes place in the first year after ANH, so that it can be included at all, alongside other mini-adventures from the
same sourcebook. All information pertaining to this The Unknown Regions mini-adventure was submitted by
Luke Van Horn.
A group of heroes is contacted by one of their member’s relatives, informing them that a
distant young cousin of his named Sibyl has disappeared after an argument with her family.
Investigating, the heroes learn that she has been recruited into a cult by a pair of priests she
met at a nearby starport. One of the heroes has Force abilities and using farsight has a vision
of a number of youths trapped in cages. One of priests appears and, sensing something,
stares directly at the hero, morphing into a skeletal appearance and startling the hero out of
the vision. Backtracing the priests’ flightpath, the heroes determine they came from an
obscure colony planet named Veroleem. Traveling to the planet, the heroes land in New
Promise and are greeted by silence and indifference from the locals. They find a priest, but
instead of answering their questions he summons the local constabulary and has the heroes
arrested for disturbing the peace. In their jail cell, they meet a talkative local named Bale. He
explains that he has been arrested for being a member of the local resistance movement
against the priests cult. He offers to tell the heroes where the most likely place the newest
converts would be taken if they help him escape from jail. They are able to pick the locks and
escape to a resistance safe house. Once there Bale explains that most new converts are
taken to the main temple built in the Coreesh Mountains. He also reveals that resistance
intelligence estimates that half of all new converts who enter the temple are never seen
again. He doesn’t know what happens to them, but it can’t be good, so he asks the heroes to
consider joining the resistance after they’ve completed their mission. Sensing they must
move quickly to rescue Sibyl, the heroes fly up to the temple. Finding it unguarded, they enter
and follow a male voice down a side tunnel. Reaching the voice, they find it belongs to the
priest seen in the earlier farsight vision. His robes are covered in blood and he is barking
orders to a group of acolytes preparing a sinister looking machine for use. Nearby a number
of bound and gagged converts, including Sibyl, are suffering from kryotin use while waiting to
be “processed.” The heroes burst into the room and quickly defeat the priests. They free the
converts and take them back to their ship, escaping into hyperspace before the priests can
recover and pursue. Once the former converts are returned to their families, the heroes
contemplate Bale’s offer to join the resistance on Veroleem.*
(The Finding of Lost Souls)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic RPG scenario with little indication of when it takes place. I have simply assumed it
takes place in the first year after ANH, so that it can be included at all, alongside other mini-adventures from the
same sourcebook. All information pertaining to this The Unknown Regions mini-adventure was submitted by
Luke Van Horn.
A group of heroes is contacted by a Lieutenant Amalia, who represents her naval superiors.
She hires them to locate and retrieve a shipment of stolen military hardware. The heroes
travel to the location of the theft, in the Outer Rim near the Unknown Regions. During
preliminary research, they learn that shortly after the Great Sith War, the Old Republic
established an outpost in the region, but its exact coordinates have been lost to history. Soon
after arriving, two archaic fighters appear and demand that the heroes surrender and prepare
for a boarding party. The heroes are able to fight off the fighters, however, and trace their
origin to the planet Oreen. After a short hyperspace jump, they sneak past the orbital patrols
and land on the planet. They track the most recent raid acquisitions of the Oreen Star Corps
to an analysis station at the Orbital Deployment Center. Sneaking into the station, the heroes
find a storehouse of captured technology being studied by technicians. Their current object of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 241
interest is the item the heroes are searching for, which the heroes discover is a tactical data
core for a capital ship. Before the heroes can decide how to proceed a supervisor notices
them and a firefight quickly ensues. The heroes are eventually victorious and sneak the data
core out of the facility. Once they reach hyperspace, Lt. Amalia provides them the
coordinates of a military base where they can return the stolen property and be paid.*
(A Fool’s Charge)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic RPG scenario with little indication of when it takes place. I have simply assumed it
takes place in the first year after ANH, so that it can be included at all, alongside other mini-adventures from the
same sourcebook. All information pertaining to this The Unknown Regions mini-adventure was submitted by
Luke Van Horn. (For what it’s worth, Luke suggests that the book referring to the “Old Republic” might mean that
this could be during the era of the New Republic, but since so many sources refer to the “Old Republic” before
the New Republic is formed, that seems pretty flimsy to us both, hence keeping it grouped here.)
A group of heroes chase a wanted individual named Verinos to a planet in the Unknown
Regions named Giaca. He tries to lose the heroes by flying through the treacherous canyons
on the planet, but he isn’t a sufficiently skillful pilot and crashes, bailing out just in time with a
jetpack. The heroes find the wreckage and, after searching it, discover that Verinos survived.
They are able to track him, but following his path is difficult, as it requires traversing rivers,
ravines, and a waterfall. At one point they are attacked by a large brintak, but they are able to
fight it off. Eventually, they trace Verinos to a well-fortified smugglers hideout. Before the
heroes can sneak or bluff their way inside, they are recognized and a firefight breaks out.
Eventually, the heroes are able to defeat the thugs guarding Verinos and capture him.*
(Pursuing Verinos)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic RPG scenario with little indication of when it takes place. I have simply assumed it
takes place in the first year after ANH, so that it can be included at all, alongside other mini-adventures from the
same sourcebook. All information pertaining to this The Unknown Regions mini-adventure was submitted by
Luke Van Horn.
A group of heroes find themselves short of credits and so agree to smuggle a shipment of
raw ore for the Tor-Ro-Bo Corporation of the planet 244Core. In order to arrive at the planet
without detection, a protocol droid working for the corporation named TT4 supplies the
heroes with an approach vector that takes them through an asteroid cluster. The heroes
successfully navigate the cluster and land on an island where Processing Center 879 is
located. Two labor droids begin loading the ore into their ship, but one of them malfunctions.
The other droid can finish on its own, but it will take 45 minutes. Unfortunately, sirens begin
blaring, warning of an incoming meteor storm which will bombard the facility in 30 minutes.
The heroes are able to repair the malfunctioning droid and assist with the loading, but before
they can leave security forces working for the other corporations on the planet arrive and
begin firing on them. The heroes fight back, but the facility is damaged, partly blocking the
exit to the hangar. Eventually, the heroes succeed in clearing the exit and escaping the
security forces just in time to avoid the meteor storm. The next day they rendezvous with Tor
7863, a Tor-Ro-Bo freighter, and deliver their cargo.*
(Imminent Impact)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic RPG scenario with little indication of when it takes place. I have simply assumed it
takes place in the first year after ANH, so that it can be included at all, alongside other mini-adventures from the
same sourcebook. All information pertaining to this The Unknown Regions mini-adventure was submitted by
Luke Van Horn. (Luke, by the way, does not believe that this minor meteor storm is the same massive one that is
described during the Yuuzhan Vong War era. I concur.)
Collan Eislo, non-Force sensitive leader of the Apex Society Sith cult, deduces from various
clues he has painstakingly compiled that the mask of Darth Nihilus is hidden on the planet
(conjecture based on The Mask of Darth Nihilus)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. This is “recently” as of the time of the mini-adventure.
A group of heroes go to Volik, following rumors that the mask of Darth Nihilus is hidden
somewhere on the planet. Learning that the smuggling band operative on Volik during
Nihilus’s time was the Wavelength Gale, they climb Mount Vorena in order to find the Gale’s
landing beacon. Eventually reaching the summit after surviving rockslides and predator
attacks, they locate and reactivate the ancient beacon. It directs them to a hidden cove, but
before they can begin descending the mountain the Apex Society appears. The Society is a
Sith cult led by Collan Eislo, a non-Force sensitive who is also searching for Nihilus’s mask.
The cult attacks, but the heroes eventually fight them off. Eislo is undeterred, however, and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 242
he continues on his own to the hidden cove while the heroes do so as well. When they reach
the cove, they find a Rodian pirate named Sando and her gang already there, salvaging
whatever they can find as they look for the mask. The pirates believe the heroes to be
competitors there to challenge their salvage claims, and so a firefight breaks out. While the
fighting continues, Collan Eislo sneaks into an old vessel, the Nashuaga, and looks for the
mask. The heroes eventually defeat the pirates and enter the vessel themselves. They
discover an old manifest which confirms that the mask was part of the cargo. Searching, they
eventually find the mask before Eislo does.*
(The Mask of Darth Nihilus)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic RPG scenario with little indication of when it takes place, other than that the mask
itself is “ancient.” I have simply assumed it takes place in the first year after ANH, so that it can be included at all,
alongside other mini-adventures from the same sourcebook. All information pertaining to this The Unknown
Regions mini-adventure was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
Owal Sopil, a small time smuggler, begins skimming a bit off his cargo runs. Unfortunately,
he’s so small time that he never realized he’s been working for Black Sun. His employers
learn of his treachery and immediately seize him. Sopil’s brother, Reik, quickly hears of this
and turns to some old scoundrel friends, Lando Calrissian and Dash Rendar, for help. They
agree and track Owal to a remote bunker where he is being held until the local Vigo can
decide what to do with him. Figuring out how to infiltrate the complex, they proceed, unaware
that the Vigo has arrived along with his own bosss assistant, Guri.*
(Smuggler’s Rescue)*
*NOTE: Summary provided by Luke Van Horn. This has to be after the Battle of Taanab (36:2, according to
Galaxywide News Nets) and also apparently before Lando becomes Baron Administrator of Cloud City in Lady
On Magar’s World, a slave woman decides to try to escape, in spite of the very low success
rate of such attempts. She convinces Magar’s enslaved gladiators and the beast masters to
help by starting a slave revolt. During a fight, she smuggles weapons into the pens holding
the gladiators. That night, she sneaks into the pits and releases the fighters and beasts.
Unfortunately, Magar quickly learns of this and leads a force (including a rancor) to put down
the rebellion, resulting in a brutal fight between slave and slave master.*
(Magar’s World)*
*NOTE: Summary provided by Luke Van Horn. This could take place in just about any era, so I have put it here
with the next mission in the Attack on Endor Scenario Book, Smuggler’s Rescue.
Sometime during the Rebellion, a few surviving members of the ancient Sith Empire begin
emerge from hiding and exert their influence to corrupt the Rebel Alliance, including those
few Jedi still alive, as well as the Empire. They also attempt to eliminate Darth Vader, who
they consider to be a pretender to the “Darth” title. They are, apparently, unsuccessful.*
(conjecture based on The Sith Element)*
*NOTE: All information pertaining to this InQuest article was submitted by Luke Van Horn. What I find most
interesting is that this was an obscure article that might be considered N-Canon, but it does seem that it might be
able to retroactively tie into the events of the Fate of the Jedi series, even though that was not the author’s
intention in 1998.
Deena Mipps of Darpa SectorNet reports that the president of Esseles, President Ralle, is
being pressured by the Esselian New Order partys Jamson Freller to step down in light of
health problems. (Exact date of report via Darpa SectorNet: 36:2:8)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Imperial Defense Daily reports that Crix Madine has vanished during a Storm Commandos
mission. He has been replaced as Storm Commando CO by Colonel Jenn Smeel. (This is
actually a move to put Madine into more secretive projects.) (Exact date of report via
Imperial Defense Daily: 36:2:12)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
TriNebulon News reports on what will come to be referred to as the Battle of Taanab. While
on Taanab for a vacation, Lando Calrissian was on the world when Norulac pirates struck
again. After boasting that he could beat back the pirates, Gathal Anager, a free-trader,
offered him the deed to a Clendoran brewery to actually do it. Lando then took his ship and
used Conner nets to slow down the incoming pirates and used a tractor beam to hurl ice
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 243
chunks into the vessels, easily defeating them. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Imperial HoloVision reports that a strain of the infamous Candorian plague, supposedly wiped
out 46 years ago, has prompted the Imperial blockade of the rebellious planet Dentaal.
(Exact date of report via Imperial HoloVision: 36:2:23)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
Galaxy News Service reports death tolls in the billions on Dentaal, supposedly from the
Candorian plague. (Exact date of report via Galaxy News Service: 36:2:25)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #5)
The planet Ohnahmi is discovered due to territorial expansion of the Empire. Imperial
ambassadors are sent to negotiate with the inhabitants, the Tor-Ohnahmi, or Torons, for they
are force sensitive to a very high degree. The Tor-Ohnahmi perceive in the Force the
deception and evil in the Imperials’ hearts, though, and so refuse to have anything to do with
Imperial aggression. In retaliation, the Empire bombards the planet, almost driving the Tor-
Ohnahmi to extinction. The handful that survive (perhaps less than five) vow to bring an end
to the Empire through peaceful means, by spreading the light of the Force throughout the
galaxy. One such survivor, Saidar, joins the Rebel Alliance as a non-combatant.*
(conjecture based on The Tor-Ohnahmi)*
*NOTE: Information from this Gamesmaster International #7 article comes from Luke Van Horn. His reasoning for
its placement is that the bombardment and its recent discovery suggest that it may very well have been a planet
in the Unknown Regions, discovered and bombarded by Thrawn, as was one of his frequent tactics.
With both her father and brother killed by the Empire, Lyda Skims decides to follow in their
footsteps and joins the Rebel Alliance.*
(conjecture based on Alliance Operative Field Dossier: Skimmer)*
*NOTE: This takes place sometime prior to The Cries of Alderaan, yet a bit after ANH.
Rebel starfighters attack an Imperial convoy out of Balmorra, which is seen as a build-up to
upcoming Ghorman protests.*
(conjecture based on Age of Rebellion: Core Rulebook)*
*NOTE: This is not the same event as the Ghorman Massacre, as that is referenced in recruiting bits about this
Rebel officers send adventurous new recruits into Wild Space and the Unknown Regions to
explore, particularly to find new possible base locations.
(conjecture based on Age of Rebellion: Core Rulebook)
A short time before the Rebel strike on the Perlemian Haul convoy, command of the convoys
lead freighter, M226, is supposed to go to Lieutenant Hyzhan Troo. Unfortunately, just as the
transfer of command is approved, it is overridden when the Empire transfers Lieutenant
Commander Jilan Noor to command the ship as punishment (possibly in lieu of a court
(conjecture based on Perlemian Haul)
A Rebel group strikes an Imperial communications hub at Sunfall Peak. That part of the
group (Team Bantha), consisting of Ithorian mission commander Lieutenant Truno and his
pilot (also a slicer) escapes in a shuttle. An Imperial that remains aboard tries to take the
shuttle back by holding the pilot at blasterpoint, but Truno tackles and subdues him.
Meanwhile, the other part of the group, Team Thumper, has engaged in a diversionary attack
on an Imperial administration center nearby. Team Bantha rescues Team Thumper (Corvan,
Trass, and Joreel) from the administration center by slicing into blast door controls with a
stolen Imperial code cylinder. Unfortunately, the Imperials give chase to the fleeing shuttle,
which they stole when their own ship was heavily damaged in the assault. Unfortunately, they
did not realize at the time that the shuttle they stole was the local Imperial governors
personal shuttle . . .*
(Age of Rebellion: Core Rulebook Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the rulebook.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 244
A group of Rebel heroes must infiltrate an Imperial space station in the Mid Rim to deal with
an Imperial Moff who has been harassing Rebel operations. The Rebels manage to gather
intel from the station, plus capture an Imperial Intelligence officer who was there bearing his
own intel for the moff. Unfortunately, the Rebels they expected to help them take down the
moff are scattered by further attacks by the moff. Our heroes return to their Rebel base on
Chandrila with the Empire in pursuit and bounty hunters on their tail (based on a bounty put
on them by the moff as they left the space station). With the info from the space station and
the captured officer, the Rebels locate the moff’s secret palace on Honoghr and mounts a
major offensive against it. They manage to infiltrate the palace amid the battle, but the moff is
ready for them, having planted the Intelligence officer on the space station to be captured and
provide false information to lead the Rebels into a trap. Despite the odds against them, the
Rebels take down the moff, but they must now deal with Imperial reprisals in the region.*
(The Bigger They Are)*
*NOTE: This example campaign in the Age of Rebellion: Core Rulebook goes by another name on the very same
page, Hyperspace Railroad.
On Onderon in the Japrael system, the Rebel Alliance intends to take over Whisper Base, a
small Imperial listening post set up by Imperial Moff Dardano in order to spy on his rival
Admiral Corlen. If they can do so without word getting out about the takeover, then the
Rebels will have a forward base in the system, even if only temporarily. To this end, a Rebel
Special Operations team treks through the jungle for days to reach Whisper Base. The team
includes “Ace” Zal Artha, Alderaanian soldier Cael of House Henarist, Mon Calamari Special
Operations tech expert Tendaar Bel, spy Vendri DeRalm, diplomat Jin-Rio Akabi, and Bothan
commander Arkhan Brem’tu. They use a garage entrance to enter the base and disable
communication lines, so that the base commander, Lieutenant Sarev, cannot escape when
the operation fully begins. They encounter and quietly defeat some Imperial sentries, then
convince a maintenance droid, BX-24 (“Toor”) not to report anything unusual in the garage.
They head for the launch pad and disable Sarevs only shuttle (the Nolis). After knocking out
a few stormtroopers, they make their way into the mostly empty control center, which they
capture almost too easily. It turns out that Sarev has escaped through a tunnel beneath the
floor and is making his way to an AT-ST to head for a comm station from which to contact
Moff Dardano. With the control room and the prisoners inside secured, the Rebels give chase
to Sarev. After taking out some speederbikes that try to engage them, they are able to defeat
Sarev’s AT-ST, taking him out of play. The Rebels now control Whisper Base, though
perhaps only for as long as it takes for Dardano to realize that the listening post is no longer
(Takeover at Whisper Base)*
*NOTE: While the Takeover at Whisper Base adventure in the AOR:BG boxed set does not include Jin-Rio and
Arkhan, their backgrounds in the free supplemental folios for the characters that were released online were
promoted as new characters for this beginner game. I have placed this and other Age of Rebellion adventures at
this point, near the end of the year of the Battle of Yavin, because the Age of Rebellion: Core Rulebook points out
that B-wings, A-wings, TIE Interceptors, etc. are already active at this point. The Rebels are also not on Yavin IV
anymore, using various bases as they work their way toward eventually being on Hoth. (Granted, there are some
time references that are quite obviously later than this, such as the TIE Defender profile, but it appears that those
are just fleshing out the ANH ESB era, rather than being time references for placement, as they contradict other
time references. This also accounts for Arkhan working against Palpatine after the creation of the Empire for
around “20 years,” according to his character folio. (For some reason, Dead in the Water refers to this mission as
Welcome to Onderon, not by its actual title in the boxed set.) The Age of Rebellion: Game Master Kit adventure
module, Dead in the Water, explains that this adventure ties directly into Operation: Shadow Point, then
Perlemian Haul from the Age of Rebellion: Core Rulebook, then Operation: Shell Game from the Age of Rebellion:
Beta Rulebook, then finally Dead in the Water from the Age of Rebellion: Game Master Kit.
A Rebel team on Onderon has captured Moff Dardano’ Whisper Base, planning to use it as a
forward base for the Rebellion in the region. The team includes Zal Artha, Cael Henarist,
Tendaar Bel, Vendri DeRalm, Jin-Rio Akabi, and Arkhan Brem’tu. They know that retribution
from Dardano will come when he realizes the listening post has gone silent. They resolve to
use the Signal Intelligence (SigInt) array to gather as much information as they can before
any clash with Dardano’s Imperials. They visit the nearby Darrastead (a village) and get to
know the locals, including Deil Kadru, the village elder. The Imperials had often taken
villagers and forced them into labor at the base, making them welcome allies in trying to get
the listening post up and running as quickly as possible. They encounter a hunting party of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 245
Beast Riders of the Clazca tribe, including Olko Baz, Foth Shemar, and Pokk. They gain
support through honorable combat with the Bast Riders. As they try to send data to the
Alliance, they are contacted and told not to send data in such large packets because it will
attract attention. The Rebel Alliance sends an intelligence agent, Gaav Fennro, to take
charge of the SigInt system, but he gets captured upon arrival and taken to Iziz, the capital of
Onderon. The Special Operations team saves him from the Imperials, bringing him back to
the base to work on the system. Our heroes also scout around to find and buy supplies,
including an encounter with the tech dealer Kavia Slen. The heroes briefly clash with
Imperials when a recon group arrives, which they subdue to keep the capture of the base a
secret, and when they intercept a transmission that points them to a spy working for Dardano
against his rival, Admiral Corlen. They question the recon patrol members and the spy. They
then cement their alliance with the Beast Riders through a ritual hunt. With things settling in
finally for Whisper Base, Moff Dardano finally strikes. Interestingly, they receive a warning
ahead of time from an unlikely source: Imperial Admiral Corlen. They battle Dardano’s ground
forces, including a retrofitted AT-AT that he calls the Armored Fist, then, once defeating
them, must go after Dardano himself in his modified proton bomb-bearing TIE bomber. They
manage to defeat Dardano, and now there is some question as to whether Corlen might be
their next enemy or perhaps a new ally, depending on how he reacts to the defeat of
(Operation: Shadowpoint)*
*NOTE: This is an adventure that was released for free online as an add-on to the Age of Rebellion Beginner
Game. It carries on where Takeover at Whisper Base, the adventure from the boxed set itself, ends. As for how
this fits in with the first several Age of Rebellion products and why the characters in this story were named as
they were, see the summary above for Takeover at Whisper Base.
Information from Whisper Base on Onderon alerts the Rebel team there to the existence of
former Imperial officer Vuld Tansen, who provides vital data that will help the Rebels pinpoint
the route of the Perlemian Haul for the heroes next mission.
(conjecture based on Dead in the Water)
An elite Rebel Alliance strike team is assigned to strike at the Perlemian Haul, an Imperial
convoy that is often thought to be only rumor, which travels the entire Perlemian Trade
Route. The team includes “Ace” Zal Artha, Alderaanian soldier Cael of House Henarist, Mon
Calamari Special Operations tech expert Tendaar Bel, spy Vendri DeRalm, diplomat Jin-Rio
Akabi, and Bothan commander Arkhan Brem’tu. New data has confirmed that one of its
refueling stops is Martle Station in the Remduba System, an old orbital station over Remduba
II. The convoy currently carries, among many other things in its twelve Temple-class heavy
freighters and two star galleons, COMPNOR agent Soren Talis, a traitor to the Rebellion
(Ravin Zael) on his way to brief COMPNOR, a captive Alliance SpecForce team, neutral
Quarren agitator Temmin Vyn (taken into custody “for his own safety”), and slaves. While
dealing with any of these targets is of some importance and perhaps the goal of other teams,
this particular strike team is tasked with capturing the lead freighter, M226, under the
command of Imperial Lieutenant Commander Jilan Noor (a bit unhinged and assigned here
as punishment) and Lieutenant Hyzhan Troo (who was supposed to be the commanding
officer before Noors transfer). There is something important to the Rebellion on the freighter,
and they must capture the ship intact. The team infiltrates Martle Station aboard a captured
and disarmed Lambda-class shuttle, then proceeds to make contact with Rebel ally Passk, a
Trandoshan who runs Passk’s Oddities, a store in the station’s urban district. Through Passk
they gain access to more information, including a strategic alliance with the corrupt Imperial
Governor of the station, Varla Prule, on whom Passk has plenty of “dirt” from their previous
illegal dealings to use as insurance against Varla if betrayed. With the additional help of the
workgang known as the Big Black, led by Raf, they are able to get past M226s security chief,
Tera Wen, once the convoy arrives, thereby sneaking aboard M226. Once away from Martle
Station, the team sneaks their way around the ship, encountering a small clan of Ranats, led
by Tik, who have been hiding out in the ship’s ductwork since they escaped while being
transported as part of an Imperial experiment to turn them into saboteurs to release to Rebel
bases. The team finally reaches the command module and strikes at the bridge. They are
able to use the power struggle over control of the ship (between Noor and Troo) to make their
job easier. They take down Noor, who would fight to the last man for the ship and its cargo,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 246
no matter what, so that Imperial command falls to Troo, who is unwilling to give up what she
sees as her rightful crews lives to protect whatever the Empire is transporting on the
freighter. She surrenders, and the Rebels allow the grew to eject in escape pods. They then
take the freighter and its mysterious contents to the Alliance.*
(Perlemian Haul)*
*NOTE: This is the adventure included in the Age of Rebellion: Core Rulebook. As for how this fits in with the first
several Age of Rebellion products and why the characters in this story were named as they were, see the
summary above for Takeover at Whisper Base.
The Special Operations team from the Rebel Alliances Titan Base in the Corva Sector
(consisting of Nattus Breely, Wettan Garn, Llek Huron, Yotuu, and Ty Breely) goes missing
when it is overdue to return from a mission. Unbeknownst to Titan Base, the team has been
captured by the Empire and is being held aboard Imperial Station HM7-R (the “Hammer”),
where the younger Breely, Ty, is suspected of being Force-sensitive and being held for the
arrival of an Imperial Inquisitor.) Around the same time, Imperial Star Galleon IM-873X
deviates from its regular course (which it has followed for over six years) to deviate to a
secret Imperial research facility in the Stylar Nebula. This catches the attention of Alliance
Intelligence. As the leaders of Titan Base prepare to look into the missing Special Operations
team, they learn of the heroic exploits of the Rebel team that took Whisper Base on Onderon
and freighter M226 from the Perlemian Haul and reach out to them for assistance.
(conjecture based on Operation: Shell Game and Dead in the Water)
A group of Rebel heroes is summoned to a minor world’s spaceport, from which they are
ferried to the Rebel Alliance’s Titan Base in the Corva Sector. (The team includes “Ace” Zal
Artha, Alderaanian soldier Cael of House Henarist, Mon Calamari Special Operations tech
expert Tendaar Bel, spy Vendri DeRalm, diplomat Jin-Rio Akabi, and Bothan commander
Arkhan Bremtu, along with new members human tactician Jaxon Brand, Grand diplomat
Gorbek Fask, Duros commando Doleth, Sullustan pilot Dero Jin, Bothan infiltrator Lelsk, and
droid saboteur RA-7-D.) The sector is under Imperial control, so the Rebels of Titan Base
usually don’t bring attention to themselves, preferring to strike against targets outside of the
sector. (This is especially true due to the presence of Imperial Station HM7-R AKA “The
Hammer,” an Imperial base that serves as a TIE fighter pilot training facility in the sector.)
However, circumstances have changed. Once at Titan Base, the heroes meet various Rebel
personnel, including Logistics Officer Lt. Shara, Jayc Terrill (commander of the base’s X-wing
squadron, Nightmare Squadron), Chief Engineer Sorren, troop commander Lt. Bwek, soldier
Krudar, and Titan Base’s three-pronged command team: Mon Calamari base commander
Elemack, his second-in-command (the Bothan Captain Aleene), and Intelligence Officer
Captain Jannis. With Titan Base’s own Special Operations team now overdue from a mission,
Elemack must now turn to this group of heroes to carry out an important mission. The
Imperial Star Galleon IM-873X has been making routine trips to the Corva Sector for more
than six years, but a recent anomaly appeared in its regular schedule when it was delayed by
eight days. When this caught the attention of the Alliance, they checked its fuel capacity and
range, then sliced into records from the Bureau of Ships and Services to narrow down any
possible Imperial grade starports nearby. It was determined that the ship must have made a
trip into the Stylar Nebula, where the Rebels have long suspected that a secret Imperial
development facility is located. An unencrypted message that Alliance Intelligence has
intercepted makes reference to “Project: Shell-cracker,” believed to be a prototype for a small
vessel that can be used against large capital ships. The heroes are to infiltrate the Hammer
(where the prototype appears to be being tested), determine the nature of Project: Shell-
cracker, then steal or destroy the prototype. They are given use of Imperial survey vessel
ISV-7X8, the Lambda-class shuttle known as The Emperor’s Vision, which was captured four
months earlier when it stumbled upon an Alliance safeworld and taken by a SpecForce team
that was training there. Along with an astromech, R2-M5, they leap to the Hammer, feigning
to be a survey crew with electronic damage from a neutron star. (R2-M5 inputs a code into
the navicomputer to hide the location of Titan Base.) Once aboard the station, the team
tends to its secondary objectives, then moves onward to its primary objective. Secondary
objectives attempted (though not necessarily completed) include sabotaging the TIE fighter
hangar’s doors, rescuing the missing Special Operations team (consisting of Nattus Breely,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 247
Wettan Garn, Llek Huron, Yotuu, and Ty Breely) from the detention area, disabling the
station’s aft tractor beam array, and obtaining sector fleet deployment information from the
station mainframe. They then access a restricted hangar bay and get aboard the prototype
Shell-cracker, which is revealed to be a small ship with shifting ionic energy within its shields,
which can disrupt the shields of other vessels, allowing the ship to get close to capital ships
to bomb them. They barely escape through closing hangar doors and are soon set upon by
the station’s Alpha Squadron of TIE fighters (if unable to disable them or taking so long that
the sabotage is repaired). Fortunately, Nightmare Squadron arrives from Titan Base just in
time, covering their escape. The Shell-cracker is turned over to Alliance Intelligence, who will
examine it in a dead system, then quietly make sure the prototype “disappears,” its fate
(Operation: Shell Game)*
*NOTE: This adventure was included in the Age of Rebellion Beta rulebook. . As for how this fits in with the first
several Age of Rebellion products and why the characters in this story were named as they were, see the
summary above for Takeover at Whisper Base. However, also note that since the book that this adventure came
from also included example characters that we were expected to likely use when trying out this adventure, I have
added those characters to the roster as well.
Imperial shipping manifests stolen during the Rebel assault on Hammer Station assists the
Rebel Alliance in working with a group of pirates to capture a shipment of droids for the
Rebellion. It is an acquisition that will send the same group of Rebel heroes that took Whisper
Base on Onderon, assaulted the Perlemian Haul, and assaulted Hammer Station into another
difficult situation.
(conjecture based on Dead in the Water)
On Devon one month prior to the Shadow Raptor droid incident, the Teagan Tech
Consortium sells a batch of droid behavioral inhibitors to Kwymar Automaton Ltd.
(conjecture based on Dead in the Water)
Two weeks prior to the Shadow Raptor droid incident, a spacer who frequents Port Tooga
delivers a shipment of droid parts to Teagan.
(conjecture based on Dead in the Water)
One week prior to the Shadow Raptor droid incident, a spacer in the Barvy Harpy on Port
Tooga begins bragging that he will have access to Alliance starfighters in one week’s time.
(This is likely Kog, anticipating a successful strike on the Shadow Raptor.)
(conjecture based on Dead in the Water)
A team of Rebel heroes ( “Ace” Zal Artha, Cael of House Henarist, Tendaar Bel, Vendri
DeRalm, Jin-Rio Akabi, Arkhan Bremtu, Jaxon Brand, Gorbek Fask, Doleth, Dero Jin, Lelsk,
and RA-7-D) are called to meet with General Airen Cracken aboard the Trans-Hydian
Borderlands Alliance Intelligence flagship Shadow Raptor, a modified Nebulon-B Frigate.
They arrive aboard the Spinster’s Loom, flown by Brahtikka and LE-LU979. After meeting
Shadow Raptor navigator Tay Coomsay and commanding officer Captain Hylo Sortuli, they
are ushered in to meet with Cracken. The Alliance is in need of droids, and thus they took the
Imperial shipping manifests that were acquired from Hammer Station and split them up
amongst different privateers (pirates) that would be likely to be able to steal droids for the
Alliance. A privateer crew from the Contispex Crusader, under Captain Shyndi Oglerk and
first mate Kog, has apparently managed to steal five hyperspace tug compartments full of
droids. The Rebel heroes are to meet with Shyndi’s people on Port Tooga, a space station of
ancient alien origin in the Listehol System that is currently run by Shoola the Hutt. They
arrive on Port Tooga and head for their meeting location, the Barvy Harpy cantina. While
there, a female Wookiee named Roowarra, angry over the Empires treatment of Wookiees
and too drunk to tell humans apart, starts a brawl with them. Fortunately, Shyndi approaches
them and leads them out of the cantina to their meeting in Docking Bay 99. The Rebels are
allowed to inspect the five cargo tugs full of droids, picking a couple to check at random, then
make arrangements for how to get the tugs back to the Shadow Raptor (via encrypted
coordinates that the heroes carry with them). The transaction complete, the Rebels return to
the Shadow Raptor with the shipment of droids, which is great news for the Rebellion . . . for
a few minutes at least. While in hyperspace, the ship lurches back into realspace, its
hyperdrive and ion engines going dead. The heroes are locked in the conference room, while
the captain is locked in the refresher. The heroes learn from Lieutenant Hastings (another
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 248
crew member) that droids have activated and emerged from the containers. Led by a
modified Tactical Droid, TJ-11, the droids are there to take over the ship in the name of the
Empire. This was all a setup so that the Empire could get aboard a major Alliance ship and
acquire navigational data that would lead the Empire to the Rebel fleet. The Rebel team frees
themselves from the conference room and battle through the ship. They fix the ion engines to
keep the ship from falling into the gravity well of a nearby black hole. They restore life support
when droids knock it out and are even able to call for help (in the form of a Corellian Corvette,
Remember Alderaan) to protect them from an incoming Star Destroyer, the Iceheart. Finally,
they reach the bridge to take it back, but TJ-11 has taken Captain Sortuli and Tay Coomsay
in an escape pod to launch from the bridge section and swing around to the docking bay,
where the droids can steal a shuttle to escape with the navigation data. The Rebel team
makes it to the docking bay in time and defeats TJ-11 and the rest of the droid infiltrators, but
bigger questions now loom: who betrayed them and why? They have some clues. TJ-11 has
a behavioral inhibitor chip in its head to control its actions, which is stamped “TTC.” It also
has parts that resemble old Baktoid Combat Automata designs, and there is a factory that
was used for such designs during the Clone Wars nearby on Teagan. They return to Port
Tooga and the Barvy Harpy to gather information on the Contispex Crusader’s crew. They
check in with Shoola, who wants “romance” in return for information. She does reveal that the
Crusader’s crew paid taxes to her for the droid shipment, as anyone does passing through
Port Tooga, and that part of that tax was some protocol droids to add to her own staff. Just
then, the droids, likely because of what is being said, activate hidden programming and
attack everyone involved in the conversation. The Rebels save Shoola, who points them to
the junk dealer Kwiggley for information, providing them also with a recording from Shoola to
make sure Kwiggley plays it straight with them. They meet with Kwiggley, who admits to
having sold a T-series Tactical Droid processor to Kog from the Contispex Crusader a week
earlier. He also explains that “TTC” stands for “Teagan Tech Consortium,” a high-end Devon
droid manufacturer on Teagan, known for their RWW-series protocol droids. They meet
Roowarra again, who apologizes and offers to help. She points them to “Droid-Arm Aymus,
who tells them that the Contispex Crusader pirate team has been supposedly hitting Imperial
and old Separatist ships (in the past), but that something seems off about them. They always
take on cargo but no crew, and their ships seems much nicer and well-kept than a pirate ship
generally tends to be. Aymus has heard that they berth on Teagan at times. The heroes eat
dinner with Roowarra, and during that dinner they overhear a spacer discussing a shipment
of droids two weeks earlier to Teagan. Everything, it seems, is pointing to Teagan. They
arrive at Ganaang Spaceport and then visit the Teagan Tech Consortium. The company
reveals that the chip found in TJ-11 (and other droids) were ones TTC designed to allow
battledroid models to be refit to be non-violent. However, the chip from TJ-11 has been
modified to return the droid to its violent ways. TTC sold a batch of these chips, including TJ-
11’s specific chip, to Kwymar Automaton Ltd. one month ago. Kwymar Automaton runs an
old, abandoned warehouse nearby. TTC also provides them with a description of Kogs own
ship, perhaps the true ship of Shyndi and her crew, a Nubian shuttle. The Rebels head for the
Kwymar Automaton warehouse and spot the Nubian shuttle (with Shyndi aboard getting it
prepared for takeoff), then find Kog with cargo . . . and a group of stormtroopers! A firefight
ensues, in which Shyndi comes to the aid of her comrades. When the tables start to turn on
the pirates, though, Kog flees to the Nubian shuttle and escapes. The stormtroopers are
defeated, and Shyndi is captured. Under interrogation, Shyndi will not reveal much, but she
confirms much of what they already know and gives her real name. She is actually Lieutenant
Hura Kogler of Imperial Intelligence, daughter of the legendary Hyndis Kogler. The identity of
her crew as pirates was carefully crafted as a cover story so that they could get droids onto a
Rebel ship to learn the location of the Rebel fleet. The mystery is solved, the Rebels are
rewarded for their hard work, and work begins to possibly recruit Roowarra into the Rebellion.
They have also made a new ally in Shoola.*
(Dead in the Water)*
*NOTE: This is the adventure included in the Age of Rebellion: Game Master Kit. As for how this fits in with the
first several Age of Rebellion products and why the characters in this story were named as they were, see the
summaries above for Takeover at Whisper Base and Operation: Shell Game.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 249
Rebel spy Nath Alico, undercover as adjutant to Imperial Captain Ralchio Nervi as part of
Operation Ruby Audit, learns that Nervi is planning an attack on the independent (but Rebel-
leaning) repair outpost on Xorrn, though only with his own forces and without letting his
Imperial superiors know what he is doing (instead claiming it to be a training exercise near
Ryloth). Ostensibly, Nervi’s goal is to get to the central computer at Foundry Four on Xorrn,
where he believes he will find the coordinates of the Rebel Fleet, though he has personal
motives as well. Alico gets word to the Rebel Alliance and Xorrn, and a group of Rebel
heroes currently near Hutt Space is sent to Xorrn to assist in its defense when the Imperials
are due to arrive in a mere 48 hours. The heroes head for Xorrn, passing the Ferra Sector
Shipyard (operated by the same group) in Xorrn’s orbit and noting the independent ship Icarii-
7 (owned by Skahvi Renlow, a Togrutan scoundrel who is also anti-Imperial but not formally a
Rebel) docked at Foundry Four. Once they arrive at Foundry Four, they meet with Cacique
(leader) Kal Coorsa of the Clan Assembly, chief engineer Lira Hardin, Patrician Vilola Sargan
(Kal’s power-hungry aunt and the sister-in-law of the facility’s founder, the late Jans Coorsa),
and Security Chief Bellows (a former clonetrooper). They attend a larger meeting with
Renlow, members of the Patricians (leadership, including Rees Vinder, one of Foundry Four’s
few licensed doctors), etc. They are briefed on the Imperial threat but not on the identity of
the source of this information (Alico). The fact that Nervi is keeping his superiors in the dark
about his actions means that they will not have to deal with an immense Imperial force, but
they will need to face off against the Gladiator-class Star Destroyer Blood Ambition, the
Raider-class corvettes Sargantuan and Warhawk, along with their various TIE fighter
squadrons. The Rebel Alliance is diverting reinforcements to Xorrn, but they will not arrive
until 53 hours from then (5 hours too late, unless the Xorrn defenders can fight a holding
action against Nervi). Renlow suggests other potential allies nearby. (Renlow has also
offered to take children and caretakers to safety on the Icarii-7 once the attack begins.) A
member of the Zann Consortium is present, who notes that their spies have given Nervi
reason to believe that the Rebel Fleet’s location is definitely on the Foundry Four central
computer (as Nervi was already assuming), which should hopefully mean that he will not
bombard the base from orbit, since he needs the computer intact. As the meeting ends, Kal
and Hardin begin arguing (as usual) over his inexperience and her former Imperial ties, but
the heroes help calm the situation. The heroes help shore up the defenses at Foundry Four,
while Renlow makes arrangements for them to meet with a clan of Mandalorians (who refer
to themselves as Old Mandalorians, rather than True Mandalorians, but are otherwise of the
True Mandalorian vein), Clan Awaud, led by Vera Beroya, at the settlement of Arumorut on
nearby Vlemoth Port. Renlow also suggests that Prince Solo Molec, who runs a Zygerrian
Slavers Guild operation on Kowak, might have an army for sale. They head for Vlemoth Port
(also called Vlemoth Station) first. They arrive at Arumorut, where they are met by Kad Solus
(Vera Beroyas second-in-command), who is trying to strong-arm them (due to considering
helping them too risky) when Weequay thugs, led by Ak-Mal, show up to bring Solus to their
master, Teemo the Hutt. A firefight ensues, but the heroes emerge unscathed. They spend
some time at the Sheb Niktose cantina, where they meet Teroch, a talkative Mandalorian
who tells them more about the settlement and its history. While waiting for an audience with
Vera, the heroes learn that the Mandalorians are organizing a rescue party go seek out a
group of missing Mandalorian and Gnaaz tribe Talz hunters who were out on a training hunt
and have not returned. The heroes aid in the search to build goodwill and find that the
hunting party was actually captured by a rival Talz tribe, the Dehaam tribe. After brief combat,
the hunting party is rescued and returned to Arumorut. They are finally able to meet with Vera
Beroya and arrange good terms for assistance for Xorrn. While they have misgivings about
working with slavers, the heroes then head for the Zygerrian Slavers Guild’s Sclavos outpost
on Kowak, where they hope to gain assistance in some form from Prince Sono Molec, son of
Zygerrian King Atai Molec. They speak with Jorec and Mard Gemen at the Auction
Registrars’ Office and secure invitations to a pre-auction banquet being held by Sono. At the
banquet, they are questioned by Rajim Armin, captain of the Prince’s Guard and an advisor
to Sono, who suggests that while the Zygerrians see no reason to help against the Empire,
given the arrangement that the Zygerrians have with the Empire that allows them to exist at
all, but it is possible that they can earn Sono’s favor (or at least a conversation) by recovering
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 250
one of Sonos most prized possessions, the Prince’s Sword, which has recently been stolen
by Baron Dorn Sevelle of the Karazak Slavers Cooperative and is about to be handed off to
Thalassians at their Caden outpost. They agree to help, not realizing that they have been lied
to. The “Princes Sword” is not a weapon but a man, Vera Beroya’s father, Nam Beroya, who
was thought killed in a Zygerrian raid. He was instead captured and has been forced to fight
in Sono’s arena for years, earning him the nickname, “the Princes Sword.” They also learn
from Sevelle that he was not stolen but instead lost to Sevelle (formerly a friend of Sono) in a
wager, but now Sono, a sore loser, wants him back. Sevelle understands that Nam is
probably more trouble than he is worth, so he is intending to sell him to the Thalassians at
Caden. Reports vary as to what happens next. Either the heroes work with Nam and
reinforcements from Clan Awaud to free other slaves and capture Sono, and those freed
slaves, led by Twilek Gasch Ndoss, work as free sentients in joining the defense of Foundry
Four, which also reunites Nam and Vera, or the heroes recapture Nam and return him to
Sono, who provides a limited amount of Zygerrian support. (The former option is probably the
case, given that these are heroes, after all!) The heroes and their allies arrive back at
Foundry Four just in time for the 48 hour timetable to run out, as Nervi’s Imperial ships arrive
and begin their attack. The Battle of Xorrn begins in space above the planet, as the
defenders face the Blood Ambition, Sargantuan, and Warhawk. During the battle, the heroes
learn that the agent who first made them aware of the impending attack, Nath Alico, is still
aboard the Blood Ambition. They undertake a rescue mission that extracts her from the ship.
They rejoin the battle as it reaches Ferra Sector Shipyard, then continue fighting until the
Empire manages to get its ships into low orbit, trapping the Xorrn defenders on the surface.
(Thankfully, the Icarii-7 makes it into the clouds and safety for the children and caretakers
aboard.) Battle then erupts on the surface between the defenders and Imperial forces led by
Lieutenant Colonel Holvinn, near the underground Foundry Four, amid the Core Ship
Graveyard outside from the Clone Wars era. The heroes take out an Imperial floating
fortress, but the battle continues as the Empire pushes the defenders back into Foundry
Four, though this does allow a distraction for the Icarii-7 to make it into hyperspace. During
the fierce ground battle just outside of and inside Foundry Four, Nervi leads his troops
himself. This is personal for him, something that Hardin begins to realize when she spots him
on the battlefield. Nervi is also from Gall, just like Hardin, the Coorsas, and Vilola Sargan. He
is Vilola’s son, born Ralchio Sargan (and took his wife Lila Nervi’s last name upon marriage)
and is suspected in the death of Jans Coorsa. (In fact, Nervi is not just Vilola’s son but also
that of Jans Coorsa, her brother-in-law, which makes him Kal’s uncle. His true parentage was
kept a secret on Gall and then on Xorrn, though not from him, and he grew up resenting his
father and wanting his father’s power. Born Force-sensitive but now hiding that from the
Empire, he blacked out and used the Dark Side in a fit of rage and killed Jans six years ago,
paving the way for Kal’s ascension to leadership. He then left to join the Empire to have a
place to fit in and to hide from those who might extract revenge upon him. Now, he is here
trying to wipe out Foundry Four to help cover up his past and keep his record within the
Empire clean of ties to Rebels and Separatists.) Hardin believes that Vilola must have sold
out Foundry Four to the Empire on behalf of her son, so she goes to confront Vilola. With
Kal’s help, Hardin captures Vilola, but Alico, now extracted from the Blood Ambition, explains
that not only is Vilola not working with her son, her son is also probably there in part to kill her
to hide his origins. After about three hours of fighting a holding action, Rebel reinforcements
arrive, turning the tide. The Imperials retreat, but Nervi is captured by the heroes. A Clan
Assembly meeting is held, during which those whom the heroes recruited as allies in their
time of need are rewarded with what was promised to them. In the aftermath of the Battle of
Xorrn, Skahvi Renlow plans a raid on an Imperial prison station in the Bundil system,
intending to hijack a prisoner transport, smuggle weapons to the prisoners inside, then launch
a surprise attack to cover a massive escape. However, an Imperial frigate is scheduled to
arrive at the same time, which will catch Renlow unaware and force improvisation. Alico asks
the heroes to help her infiltrate Moff Ravik’s Imperial fortress on Ryloth to recover date left
behind when she joined Nervi on the Blood Ambition. Under interrogation, Nervi reveals that
the Empire is supposedly working on a superweapon like the Death Star in the Seswenna
sector, but when Alico and the heroes investigate, they find only a shipyard, not a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 251
superweapon. The heroes work a bit more with the Xorrn locals, including carrying out a
supply run for the Rebellion in which they must subdue their ship’s captain, who was going to
sell them to the Empire. When members of Clan Awaud return to Arumorut to find that
Weequay thugs have raided their home and kidnapped everyone left behind during the battle,
the heroes join them in rescuing their families and comrades. As for Sono Molec, there are
reports that he eludes his captors and begins plotting an assassination on his father, King
Atai Molec, in order to take the throne for himself. He even has the gall to try to hire the
heroes to carry out a fake assassination attempt to give Atai a false sense of security when
the time comes for the real assassination. Our heroes’ work is far from over.
(Friends Like These)*
*NOTE: Just like its predecessor, Onslaught at Arda I, this is another Age of Rebellion adventure that screws up
its own internal chronology in ways that make no logical sense. In this case, there are two main issues. The
simplest is that the book cannot seem to decide whether Sono Molec took over control of Zygerrian operations
on Kowak two years or ten years before the story, as it uses both dates multiple times. The bigger issue is with
the backstory of Kal Coorsa. We are told that he was an infant when his father died while fighting the Empire,
which would put that event (and his birth) around 19 BBY at the earliest, since there would be no “Empire” to be
fought prior to that point. His mother dies when he is 12, and he is then taken in by his grandfather, Jans Coorsa,
who takes him to Xorrn. When he is 19, Jans dies, and Kal becomes the new leader. All of that makes logical
senses, until we read page 17, which has the players ask Kal “How long have you been in charge?” The supplied
answer makes no sense at all: “I’ve been here for about six years now, ever since my grandfather passed,”
referencing Jans. If it has really been 6 years since Jans died (when Kal was 19), then Kal must be at least 25
years old, but that would make no sense with the idea of him being an infant when his father died fighting the
Empire. If Friends Like These is set within the time of the Original Trilogy, as all of AOR tends to be, then his birth
and his father’s death would have been before there was an Empire to fight. If we assume the earliest date that
makes sense for his birth and father’s death (19 BBY), then Friends Like These would have to be at least two
years after ROTJ, which also makes no sense. Moreover, he has been there since his mother died, not his
grandfather, though he has been in charge since his grandfather died. Assuming that was recent, as the story
seems to suggest, then his reference to being there for six years is probably a rounding of how long it was
between when he came to Xorrn and when his grandfather died (which should really be 7 years, but maybe this is
a matter of relative months throwing that to more like 6 years). Either way, that reference on page 17 makes
absolutely zero logical sense whatsoever when taken in context with the rest of Kal’s backstory. (They appear to
have conflated family members from his backstory, or otherwise confused them rather badly.) I am therefore
ignoring that reference so that the rest of the dates (well, except the clashing Zygerrian stuff) can make sense.
The Zann Consortium attempts to acquire the mask of the Veiled Sorority’s pirate queen
(and, if possible, to kill the current queen, Noira) in order to replace the masked figure with
their own agent who would act as a puppet to bring the Sorority under Consortium control.
The effort fails, resulting in the Sorority retaliating by beginning to attack Zann Consortium
vessels. They will carry out four attacks over the next month before the Consortium brings in
a group of fringer heroes to help them take down the queen.*
(conjecture based on Mask of the Pirate Queen)*
*NOTE: The adventure actually somewhat contradicts itself here. At one point, it claims the attacks have been
happening for “months” (plural), but then it pins down the first attack to just one month earlier and notes three in
the interim. I am assuming that the more specific time references are the ones that are accurate.
Rodian fence Krezo Wasanti acquires disruptors from the Veiled Sorority that were taken
from a Zann Consortium ship. He is unlucky enough to accidentally sell three of those
disruptors to members of the Zann Consortium. He is left unaware, for now, that his ties to
the Veiled Sorority have been discovered.
(conjecture based on Mask of the Pirate Queen)
Citizens of the village of Redlake on Saleucami are captured and taken as slaves by slavers
working out of the Rusty Reach. Conditions there are such that they are unlikely to live for
more than a month. Those captured include the parents of Aimee “Flutterplume” Kraeff.
(conjecture based on Mask of the Pirate Queen)
On a routine run for the Zann Consortium, the Consortium vessel Censure, under Captain
Riles, is attacked by the Renegade’s Blood, flagship of the Veiled Sorority. Riles refuses to
surrender his ship or its convoy and chooses to fight. The pirates win and secure the Censure
as a new ship for their own fleet. Shorty thereafter, a group of fringers are contacted by
Venlana Sipal, an underboss for the Zann Consortium, with an offer of a job. They meet with
Venlana at the Paradise bar in the Traders’ Belt in the capital city of Saleucami, Taleucema.
She informs them that the Veiled Sorority, led by its mysterious masked queen, has begun
preying on Zann Consortium ships. She hires the heroes to hunt down the queen and either
capture her or kill her (and bring back proof of death, such as her infamous mask). The
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 252
heroes begin with three leads. The first takes them to disgruntled former Veiled Sorority
employee Graf Lind, who ran afoul of his bosses and was exiled. (They must deal with a
couple of gangs, the Yellow Thaelos and the Stoneskins, before reaching him.) He does not
provide much information, but he offers to tag along and help take down the queen, even
though he really wants to make a big score to get back into the Veiled Sorority someday.
Their second lead takes them to Rodian fence Krezo Wasanti, who was recently noticed
fencing Zann Consortium disruptors that were stolen by the Veiled Sorority from a
Consortium ship. When they get past Koochoo (his ASP labor droid) and question Krezo,
they learn that while he has little information he can provide, his contact, Mandi, once
mentioned Blackwind Crater (a location on Saleucami) to an associate. Their third lead is to
slice into the so-called SororiNet, a set of network nodes that are supposedly for SaleuQuest
Overland Adventures, a tour company, which is based at Blackwind Crater. Security is far too
high for such a business, and poking around sends a Sorority kill team their way, thanks to
Sorority slicer Lathe and kill team leader Krash. After defeating them, the fringer heroes
decide to check out Blackwind Crater, which they discover hides the Vault, the base for the
Veiled Sorority’s operations on Saleucami. It is guarded by former clonetroopers of the 1
Platoon, including leader Zeke, medic Oake, and fellow veterans Jayk, Rafe, and Tojo. They
make it through (or around) the 1
Platoon and into the Vault, getting past Mandi, and finally
confront the queen in her lair. They refuse an offer of a job from her and take her into
custody, discovering that she is a middle-aged human woman named Revah. They take her
back to Venlana for their bounty. However, under questioning, not all turns out to be as it
seems, as it turns out that Revah was a decoy, rather than the real queen. In fact, the real
queen sends out a broad message that notes that real queens are hard to kill. The Zann
Consortium traces the transmission from the real queen to Worlport on Ord Mantell. Venlana
offers double the bounty if the fringer heroes will continue their mission and go after the real
queen, after having been paid for their efforts in capturing what turned out to be a decoy. At
Worlport, they pay independent security droid JR-12 to look out for their ship while they meet
with the head of a local Veiled Sorority kill team that they are to coordinate with, a man
named Jander. Jander has set them up with a meeting with Illo Vandin, a local gambler and
big shot who claims to have they key to finding the queen. They visit him, but he, of course,
requires them to do a job (or two) for him in order to earn his favor. First, they are tasked with
making sure that fighter Aimee “Flutterplume” Kraeff does not win an upcoming bout with the
Anvil (AKA Parsons). They are able to arrange an outcome in the Anvil’s favor (likely by
letting Aimee know that her parents have been captured by slavers with the rest of Redlake
village and taken to the Rusty Reach in the Scraplands, where they will likely not survive
even a month, which causes her to leave and let a member of the team take her place and
throw the fight). The heroes are also tasked with making a delivery to the Rusty Reach. They
head there and help three endangered scrap nomads (Evun, Alva, and Theel), who take
them to the head slave supervisor, Gerk. As it turns out, the delivery consists of tyrru, a spice
that the slavers use to control their workers and keep them docile, but this batch is poisoned.
By depriving the slavers (who are tied to the queen) with a slave workforce and keeping the
queen’s favored fighter from a victory, Vandin intends to lower her prestige. He is also willing
to help the heroes because if they can bring her down, he will be able to take more territory
and influence in the power vacuum on Ord Mantell that follows. After completing their tasks
(which likely includes helping Aimee free her parents from under Gerks control), the heroes
are provided with Vandin’s crucial information. He does not know where the queens base is,
but he knows that local gambler Micael Torval has become the queen’s newest lover. (In fact,
he is hoping to subvert Torval onto his own payroll instead of hers.) However, he has a
recorded conversation in which the queen and an associate discuss how she is using him
and will likely kill him when she has no more use for him. The heroes take this to Torval at the
Loaded Savrip and reveal the truth to him. In his hurt and anger, he reveals that the queen
told him (truly or not) that her name is Noira. She is a female Ubese, who operates with a
second-in-command named Ryale Wei (the other woman in the recording). She has a hidden
palace that is accessed through a warehouse, but they must use various local services like
any other business. At Jander’s suggestion heroes infiltrate the motor pool for Ambrae
Environmental and steal one of their vehicles, then use it to get through security at the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 253
warehouse as if they are simply there on work detail. They then infiltrate the palace all the
way to the queens throne room, only to find that she already knows they are there and has
been tracking them as they made their way through the palace. She sets some Mantellian
Savrip guards (Tur and Kel) and Ryale against them. The heroes defeat their foes, but the
queen manages to escape. (Ryale herself does not even put up a fight, intending to use
negotiation to delay the heroes long enough for the queen to escape and to save her own
skin.) Under questioning (or, given that this is the Zann Consortium, more likely under
torture), Ryale reveals that there is, as the Consortium has suspected, a mole for the Veiled
Sorority within the Zann Consortium. She reveals that the queen of the Veiled Sorority is not
the same queen as the one who founded the organization, though legend claims that she is
immortal. Instead, new queens can be chosen when the current one chooses to retire or is
forced out of the position by a group of advisors due to various factors. Noira is actually the
third real queen to hold the title, and she is planning an ambush of a Zann Consortium
convoy very soon. With this latter information, the Zann Consortium diverts their convoy to
anther route and prepares to spring a trap on the would-be ambushers. (The heroes join
them, but they first have to briefly deal with some Sorority saboteurs trying to sabotage their
ship after knocking out JR-12.) When the Veiled Sorority force arrives, the Consortium forces
attack. The Zann Consortium forces are led by Jerid Sykes from the End of Days, and include
ships like the Flatline, Retribution, Brilliance, and numerous patrol fighters (including Sabacc
Squadron AKA the “Gamblers”) and StarViper M-2 fighters. The Sorority’s forces are led by
Queen Noira herself from her flagship, the Renegade’s Blood, with ships like the Savrip (the
flagship used by the previous two queens), The Eye of Uba, the Rotten Core, Vanity’s Price,
and the Censure. During the battle, the heroes manage to board the Renegade’s Blood to
complete their “capture or kill” mission. (Sykes think this is nuts, given that they could just
destroy the ship, but that would not necessarily prove that she has been killed, nor would it
acquire her mask, as we will soon see.) The ship is heavily damaged, so the crew is
distracted and some are even already trying to abandon ship. They make their way past her
guards, including another Savrip, Warg, and finally square off against Noira’s bridge crew.
When the majority of them are down, she tries to offer the heroes a job with the Veiled
Sorority, much like Revah tried to do. (This is perhaps her only chance to salvage the
situation, since she has now shown enough weakness and poor judgment in clashing with the
Zann Consortium that she will likely either be deposed by her advisors or killed and replaced
by a rival.) They refuse, and she draws a vibrorapier, attacking them. In the ensuing fight, the
queen is defeated and her mask retrieved. (The fight is not as rough as it could be, as she
realizes she is overmatched and takes a poison that ends up slowing her down and
eventually killing her, so that she cannot face Zann Consortium torture.) They learn from
Noira that the Zann Consortium really wanted her mask because they have been trying to
capture it and replace the rightful queen with a puppet queen so that they could control the
Sorority. It was a failed attempt to do this one month earlier that actually prompted Sorority
attacks on Consortium ships in the first place. The heroes return to Saleucami to speak with
Venlana, who wants the mask. Her supposed “aide, Porel Vakra, intervenes, requesting the
mask himself, as he was sent by the Zann Consortium’s Tyber Zann himself to keep an eye
on Venlana, who it turns out is the Sorority mole within the Consortium. The heroes help
Porel take down Venlana, and their job is officially complete (probably with a bit of bonus pay
for help against Venlana). Whether the heroes actively join the Zann Consortium is unclear,
but when Venlana escapes custody shortly thereafter, the heroes are tapped by Porel, thanks
to their familiarity with her, to recapture her.*
(Mask of the Pirate Queen)*
*NOTE: This adventure has a few interesting things about it. First, there are some contradictions. The story at
one point claims that the attacks by the Sorority on the Consortium have been happening for “months” but then
pins down the first attack to “nearly a month ago.” The book, set soon after ANH as with the rest of Edge of the
Empire, also seems to get a bit confused (akin to the Coruscant Nights books) on just when the Clone Wars took
place. The 1
Platoon forms their mercenary group after the Clone Wars, yet the book claims that was “several
decades” ago. It also claims that the clones, which age twice as fast as regular humans, are nearly 40 and thus
actually more like 70 - 80 years old. Given that the clone army wasn’t even commissioned until around 32 BBY,
they are much closer to 30 (and thus more like 60 - 70) than the ages the book cites. Second, this is one of the
books from Fantasy Flight Games that seem to very deliberately lean toward the Legends Continuity instead of
Story Group Canon or a mixture thereof. It makes several references to the Great Galactic War from The Old
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 254
Republic in providing the background of Saleucami and such.
When Blue Squadron attempts to raid along Rals Run, they find that their intelligence has
been incorrect. Rather than an armed star galleon and a light escort vessel, they encounter
an Imperial escort carrier and its starfighters. When some of those starfighters turn out to be
TIE Interceptors, Blue Seven (Dex) teases that she bets that Blue Five will not make “ace”
that day, whereas she had done so by saving Blue Five’s life twice in dogfights. With the help
of his astromech (Bolts) and wingman (Blue Six), Blue Five does indeed become an ace with
his kills in this fray. However, Blue Seven is still ahead of him, having been the one to deal
the final blow to the capital ship. Blue Five still has a long way to go . . .*
(Stay on Target: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
As the Empire nears the planet Molos to retake it after being ejected during an uprising, local
Rebel commanders debate the best course of action in the capital city, Molopolis. Sergeant
Trask (a Lannik) argues for a hard and fast strike to deny the Imperials a landing zone for AT-
ATs. Ishi Tib Ral Garas wants to break the Imperial forces into small groups and ambush
them. King Amand suggests a compromise form of attack and makes it known that he will be
on the front lines himself.*
(Lead by Example: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
In a spaceport cantina, a Falleen woman and the human Bulsar are playing sabacc with
Captain Malrik and his crew, who are fresh from stealing a shipment of spice from a Hutt.
Seeking to make a profit, the Falleen and Bulsar are trying to use her pheromones and his
sabacc skills to keep the crew busy, while the other member of their smuggling team, the
Quarren Netek, gets aboard Malriks ship and steals the cargo. When a bar brawl breaks out,
things break up early, and Malrik (taken in by the Falleen’s pheromones) takes her back to
his ship to safety, only to find Netek and Bulsar already there. The team kills and/or disables
Malrik’s crew, stealing the shipment as intended. For his part, Malrik is left alive at the
Falleen’s request.*
(Fly Casual: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
When an agent of the Rebel Alliance, former Caamasi ambassador to the Imperial Senate
Illeris Tik’kla, and her analyst, Niak the Neimoidian, try to buy weapons through fellow former
ambassador Woz Kaza (a Gossam), Kaza instead holds them, intending to turn them over to
the Empire to save his family, whom he believes are under watch by Imperials on Anaxes.
Illeris is able to convince him to let them go and possibly even support the Rebellion by
revealing that the ship carrying Kaza’s family to Anaxes was diverted by the Alliance, so his
family is actually safe.*
(Desperate Allies: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
A group of Rebel Alliance heroes (mainly diplomats) visits Naboo and makes contact with
Gungans in Otoh Gunga. The Gungans have been resistant to the Empire in the long term,
but the human Naboo have not. (With Emperor Palpatine being from Naboo, that makes it all
the more difficult to get the Naboo to turn on the Empire, but it would also be a huge
propaganda boost if they could pull it off.) The Alliance team is able to convince the reluctant
Gungans to meet with even more reluctant Naboo to form an alliance that will become a
Rebel cell and an active part of the Alliance in the future.
(Mission to Naboo)
When a group of Zabraks in the Rebel Alliance decides that the Alliance is moving too slowly
to topple the Empire, they break away to take action on their own. A team of Rebel diplomats
is sent to Iridonia to try to smooth out the situation and bring them back into the fold. They
learn that the Zabraks have been being fed false information about the strength of the
Alliance, and when it looks like they might rejoin the Alliance proper, a group within the group
lashes out at them in an attack. It turns out that this small group within the larger Zabrak
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 255
group was the source of that false information. There is division even within the Zabraks’ own
faction. They soon learn that a more extremist group in the cell intends to poison a food
shipment coming to Iridonia, so that the resulting casualties will create an uprising against the
Empire. The Rebel team, working with the less extreme, more pro-Alliance Zabraks, stop the
extremist Zabraks before their actions can kill many innocent people.
(Iridonian Separatists)
On an industrial world, tensions are running high within the labor force after one of the
leaders of the workers dies in an “accident” that they believe was an Imperial act. As tensions
grow, the workers, led by a small core group, start planning strikes and other anti-Imperial
acts, including going so far as to possibly seize control of the production facilities and start
supplying the Rebel Alliance. Sensing an opportunity for both a new resource and tragic loss
of lives, the Alliance sends in a team with a diplomat to try to gain the workers as allies but
avoid potential bloodshed that would result from a direct confrontation with the Empire. They
are able to make some headway in getting the workers’ leaders, who are themselves
somewhat divided on what to do, to settle into a sense of unity. This is only possible because
a mole nearly blows up one of their meetings, but the heroes discover the bomb first and root
out the mole within the workers. Arrangements begin that would bring some Alliance
resources to help the workers develop an actual Rebel cell, but word starts to leak out from
disgruntled workers about the Rebel presence, and a local official sends in security forces to
capture them. Thankfully, the Rebels manage to hold them off. The Rebels complete their
negotiations and preparations with the workers just as a new major shipment is ready from
their factory. It is intended for the Imperials, but with the help of Rebel ships that jump into the
system, they are able to accept the shipment and the support of these new allies.
(Hostile-Negotiations Team)
When a Rebel team arrives on a planet to receive prearranged supplies, they are briefly
stopped by an Imperial inspection. They eventually land and learn from their contacts that the
new Imperial governor is ramping up inspections and protocol to the point of absurdity, and
the people are restless. As supposed trading partners in good standing, the secret Rebel
group attends a welcome dinner for the new governor, avoiding arousing suspicion. On new
orders from Alliance High Command, they work to make contact with local leaders that might
be willing to stand up to the Empire, while simultaneously using the good graces of the
Imperial governor to get close to the governor and convince the governor to become even
more heavy-handed (supposedly for order but truly to foment more rebellion on the planet).
They are then able to engineer a crisis that pushes things too far, bringing about open
rebellion on the world and the ousting of the governor in favor of a pro-Alliance leader.
(Discreet Acquisition Specialists)
Two Rebel soldiers, Janeth (a human) and Solls (an Elomin) are scouting nearby Imperial
guards to be sure that they will not find a Rebel encampment in a cave. When the Imperials
begin a search pattern, Janeth sends Solls, still a rookie, back to warn the others to leave
immediately. She is surprised when Solls reappears, having warned the others. Rather than
leaving with them, Solls intends to stay with Janeth to help them both escape to a waiting
Rebel craft.*
(Forged in Battle: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook.
A group of Rebel soldiers raids a high-end Imperial medcenter on Ord Cestus, knowing that
the medicines acquired will be invaluable to the Rebellion and only a minor inconvenience to
the Empire.*
*NOTE: This is a “Strike Mission” suggestion in the Forged in Battle sourcebook for Age of Rebellion.
A group of Rebel soldiers strikes at Cymoon 1, an Imperial industrial facility, seeking to slow
its progress in making weapons of war.*
(Asset Denial)*
*NOTE: This is a “Strike Mission” suggestion in the Forged in Battle sourcebook for Age of Rebellion.
Interestingly, it is very similar to the concept behind the mission in which we find the “Big Three at the
beginning of Skywalker Strikes in Story Group Canon.
A group of Rebel soldiers assists in an attempt to oust Governor Mun Liiv in a coup d’etat on
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 256
Abafar to gain control of the planet’s rhydonium.*
(Coup D’etat)*
*NOTE: This is a “Strike Mission” suggestion in the Forged in Battle sourcebook for Age of Rebellion.
A group of Rebel soldiers engages with Imperial forces in trench warfare on Saleucami.*
(Trench Warfare)*
*NOTE: This is a “Soldier Campaign” suggestion in the Forged in Battle sourcebook for Age of Rebellion.
A group of Rebel soldiers engages with Imperial forces in urban warfare on Christophsis.*
(City Fight)*
*NOTE: This is a “Soldier Campaign” suggestion in the Forged in Battle sourcebook for Age of Rebellion.
A group of Rebel soldiers engages with Imperial forces during multiple raids alongside
General Airen Cracken’s raiding party, “Cracken’s Crew.*
(Raiding Operations)*
*NOTE: This is a “Soldier Campaign” suggestion in the Forged in Battle sourcebook for Age of Rebellion.
Star Wars Adventures [continued] (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Tom Taylor & Chris
Chewbacca and the Slavers of the Shadowlands [continued] (comic: Chris Cerasi)
Oh!! Jawajawa (SWM short story: Hitoshi Ariga)
Oh!! Jawajawa (SWM2 short story: Hitoshi Ariga)
Rebel Justice (RPG: James B. King)
Rebel Justice (RPG: James B. King)
Planet Fall
Imperial Arrival
The Customs Inspector
Wild Night Excitement
Kashiin is Found
A Stunning Showdown
Rescuing Kashiin
More Agents
Back to the Ship
A Speeder Chase
Getting Into Bay 56
A Battle to Escape
The Pursuit
Classic Star Wars [continued] (comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
The Rebel Storm [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
Ice World
Ice World [continued] (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Ice World [continued] (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 8
An Unexpected Battle
The Rebel Storm [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
Revenge of the Jedi
Revenge of the Jedi [continued] (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Revenge of the Jedi [continued] (SWH comic: Archie Goodwin)
Escape to Hoth (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
Doom Mission
Race for Survival
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Revenge of the Empire
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Trap at Yavin IV
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 257
Renegade Squadron (video game: Rebellion)
Story Missions
Yavin 4
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
The Dark Times [continued]
Yavin IV
Tales from the Star Wars Universe [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Mike W.
Barr & Henry Gilroy)
Death Star Pirates (comic/SWT8 short story: Henry Gilroy)*
Death Star Pirates, Part I (comic/SWT8 short story: Henry Gilroy)*
Death Star Pirates, Part II (comic/SWT8 short story: Henry Gilroy)*
Death Star Pirates, Part III (comic/SWT8 short story: Henry Gilroy)*
Death Star Pirates, Part IV (comic/SWT8 short story: Henry Gilroy)*
Death Star Pirates, Part V (comic/SWT8 short story: Henry Gilroy)*
*NOTE: When this 5-part Star Wars Kids story was reprinted in Star Wars Tales #8, it was all as one unit, not in
the serialized units.
Classic Star Wars [continued] (comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
Escape to Hoth [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
Race for Survival [continued]
The Adventures of the Vorsoons [continued] (AJ/TFTE/SWH short stories: Angela Phillips)
The Most Dangerous Foe (AJ11/SWH short story: Angela Phillips)
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Battlefront [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Historical Campaigns [continued]
Galactic Civil War
Desert Extermination
Siege of Mos Eisley
Rhen Var
Sabotage at Rhen Var
Battlefront II [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Rise of the Empire Campaign [continued]
Rise of the Empire [continued]
Yavin IV Orbit
Vader’s Fist Strikes Back
Yavin IV
Revenge of the Empire
Battlefront [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Historical Campaigns [continued]
Galactic Civil War [continued]
Yavin IV
Assault on Yavin IV
The Fall of Yavin IV
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Leader [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Ison Corridor Ambush
X-wing [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Imperial Pursuit (video game: LucasArts)
Evacuate Yavin
Provide Area Protection
Evacuate Cruiser Maximus
Protect Frigate Anvil
Abandon Ship (Anvil)
Guard Repair Operation
Hide and Seek
Clear Minefield
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 258
Destroy Comm Area
Guard Cargo Transfer
Grain Snatch
Capture Ghorin's Y-wings
Raid Storage Area
Grain Exchange
Confirm Delivery
Steal TIE Advanced
Escort Base Convoy
Support Allies
Attack the Frigate Red Wind
Capture Imperial Gunboats
Capture Imperial Corvette (Ram's Head)
Defend Ram's Head
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Part V [continued]
Part VI
Part VII
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Renegade Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
Story Missions [continued]
Space: Alderaan
Chewbacca [continued] (comic series: Darko Macan)
Chewbacca, Part III [flashback] (comic: Darko Macan)
Chapter 6: Wedge—“A Pilot’s Anecdote” [flashback]
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Across the Burning Sands of Tatooine
Camie’s Story [continued]
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Renegade Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
Story Missions [continued]
Space: Kessel
Boz Pity
X-wing [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
B-wing (video game: LucasArts)
Protect B-wing Assembly Area
Cover B-wing Evacuation
Protect B-wing Delivery
Destroy TIE Staging Area
Destroy Secret Weapons Base
Prisoner Rescue
Help Neutrals Out of Ambush
Escort VIP to Alliance Cruiser
Guard Cargo Pick-up
Probe Capture
Destroy Corvette Base
Destroy Imperial Base
Intercept Imperial Attack
Protect B-wing Delivery (again)
Capture Imperial Frigate
Capture Imperial Officers
Escort B-wing Attack
Attack Probe Calibration Site
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 259
Ambush Imperial Arms Shipment
Disrupt Delivery of TIE/ln's
Destroy (ISD) Relentless
Operation Blunt Stick
Save the Cruiser Cathleen
Escape to Hoth
Classic Star Wars [continued] (comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
Escape to Hoth [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
The Paradise Detour
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 9
Classic Star Wars [continued] (comic trilogy: Archie Goodwin)
Escape to Hoth [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin)
A New Beginning
The Final Trap
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Rebel Opposition
Ambush at Mos Eisley
Bonus Levels [continued]
Chicken Walker
The Rebel Opposition [continued]
Rendezvous on Barkhesh
The Search for the Nonnah
Planet of the Dead (SWT17 short story: Steve Niles)*
Planet of the Dead (SWT17 short story: Steve Niles)*
*NOTE: This story from Star Wars Tales #17 was later reprinted as the standalone mini-comic Star Wars
Halloween Special 2009.
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
The Heart of the Rebellion [continued] (comic series: Randy Stradley & Judd Winick & Ron Marz
& Steve Hartly & Paul Chadwick)
A Little Piece of Home (comic series: Ron Marz)
A Little Piece of Home, Part I (comic: Ron Marz)
A Little Piece of Home, Part II (comic: Ron Marz)
Alone Together (comic: Welles Hartley)
Alone Together (comic: Welles Hartley)
Allies and Adversaries (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Ron Marz)
The Bravery of Being Out of Range (comic: Jeremy Barlow)
The Bravery of Being Out of Range (comic: Jeremy Barlow)
Idiot’s Array (comic series: Ron Marz)
Idiot’s Array, Part I (comic: Ron Marz)
Idiot’s Array, Part II (comic: Ron Marz)
A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9 (TFJP short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield
A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9 (TFJP short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
Alderaan Entry
The Landscape
Grass Paintings
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 260
Castle Lands
Cities and Cultures
Alderaan University
Pearls in the Sand (SWI74/SWH short story: Veronica Whitney-Robinson)
Pearls in the Sand (SWI74/SWH short story: Veronica Whitney-Robinson)
The Adventures of Tinian I'att [continued] (AJ/TOTBH/SWH short stories: Kathy Tyers)
Only Droids Serve the Maker (AJ10/SWH short story: Kathy Tyers)
Galaxy of Fear (youth novel series: John Whitman)
Eaten Alive (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 20
City of the Dead (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 19
Planet Plague (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 19
The Nightmare Machine (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 17
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
Allies and Adversaries [continued] (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Ron Marz)
“General” Skywalker (comic series: Ron Marz)
“General” Skywalker, Part I (comic: Ron Marz)
“General” Skywalker, Part II (comic: Ron Marz)
Boba Fett Omnibus [continued] (comic series: John Wagner & Mike Kennedy & Ron Marz
& Thomas Andrews & Andy Mangels)
Boba Fett: Man With a Mission [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews & John Ostrander &
Ron Marz & John Wagner)
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas
Andrews & John Jackson Miller)
Wreckage (comic: Ron Marz)
Galaxy of Fear [continued] (youth novel series: John Whitman)
Ghost of the Jedi (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 19
Army of Terror (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 19
Choices of One (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Choices of One (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapters 1 23
Galaxy of Fear [continued] (youth novel series: John Whitman)
The Brain Spiders (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 18
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 261
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
In the Shadows of Their Fathers [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews)
In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part I [continued] (comic: Thomas Andrews)
In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part II [continued] (comic: Thomas Andrews)
The Price of Power (comic: Scott Allie)
The Price of Power (comic: Scott Allie)
In the Shadows of Their Fathers [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews)
In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part III (comic: Thomas Andrews)
In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part IV (comic: Thomas Andrews)
In the Shadows of Their Fathers, Part V (comic: Thomas Andrews)
Rebellion (comic series: Thomas Andrews & Rob Williams & Jeremy Barlow)
Crossroads (comic: Thomas Andrews)
Crossroads (comic: Thomas Andrews)
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
Model Officer (comic: John Jackson Miller)
Model Officer (comic: John Jackson Miller)
Empire [continued] (comic series: Scott Allie & Randy Stradley & John Wagner & Paul
Chadwick & Paul Alden & Jeremy Barlow & Welles Hartley & Ron Marz & Thomas Andrews
& John Jackson Miller)
The Wrong Side of the War (comic series: Welles Hartley)
The Wrong Side of the War, Part I (comic: Welles Hartley)
The Wrong Side of the War, Part II (comic: Welles Hartley)*
*NOTE: This story was released as a Hasbro “Comic Pack” with action figures of Basso and Mouse.
The Wrong Side of the War, Part III (comic: Welles Hartley)
The Wrong Side of the War, Part IV (comic: Welles Hartley)*
*NOTE: This story was released as a Hasbro “Comic Pack with action figures of Luke Skywalker (as Lieutenant
Jundland) and Deena Shan.
The Wrong Side of the War, Part V (comic: Welles Hartley)
Galaxy of Fear [continued] (youth novel series: John Whitman)
The Swarm (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 18
Rebellion [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews & Rob Williams & Jeremy Barlow)
Crossroads [continued] (comic: Thomas Andrews)
Crossroads [continued] (comic: Thomas Andrews)
Boba Fett Omnibus [continued] (comic series: John Wagner & Mike Kennedy & Ron Marz
& Thomas Andrews & Andy Mangels)
Boba Fett: Man With a Mission [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews & John Ostrander &
Ron Marz & John Wagner)
Overkill (comic: Thomas Andrews)
Rebellion [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews & Rob Williams & Jeremy Barlow)
My Brother, My Enemy (comic series: Rob Williams)
My Brother, My Enemy, Part I (comic: Rob Williams)
My Brother, My Enemy, Part II (comic: Rob Williams)
My Brother, My Enemy, Part III (comic: Rob Williams)
My Brother, My Enemy, Part IV (comic: Rob Williams)
My Brother, My Enemy, Part V (comic: Rob Williams)
The Ahakista Gambit (comic series: Rob Williams)
The Ahakista Gambit, Part I (comic: Rob Williams)
The Ahakista Gambit, Part II (comic: Rob Williams)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 262
The Ahakista Gambit, Part III (comic: Rob Williams)
The Ahakista Gambit, Part IV (comic: Rob Williams)
The Ahakista Gambit, Part V (comic: Rob Williams)
Small Victories (comic series: Jeremy Barlow)
Small Victories, Part I (comic: Jeremy Barlow)
Small Victories, Part II (comic: Jeremy Barlow)
Small Victories, Part III (comic: Jeremy Barlow)
Small Victories, Part IV (comic: Jeremy Barlow)
Vector [continued] (comic series: John Jackson Miller & Mick Harrison & Rob Williams &
John Ostrander)
Volume II (comic series: Rob Williams & John Ostrander)
Rebellion [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews & Rob Williams & Jeremy Barlow)
Vector [continued] (comic series: John Jackson Miller & Mick Harrison & Rob
Williams & John Ostrander)
Vector, Part VII (comic: Rob Williams)
Vector, Part VIII (comic: Rob Williams)
Far Horizons [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Far Horizons [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
New Horizons Await [continued]
Colonist Contracts [continued]
Political Party
Parts 1 3
X-wing Miniatures Game [continued] (miniatures game series: Fantasy Flight Games)
Rebel Aces Expansion Set Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Jump to Subspace
Galaxy of Fear [continued] (youth novel series: John Whitman)
Spore (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 19
The Doomsday Ship (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 20
The Adventures of Thrawn [continued] (AJ/SWH short stories: Timothy Zahn)
Command Decision (AJ11/SWH short story: Timothy Zahn)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Leia Organa Campaign
Ananuru Express (CM72 RPG short story: Alison Brooks)
Ananuru Express (CM72 RPG short story: Alison Brooks)
Bantha Cannon (CM70 RPG short story: Chris Hind)
Bantha Cannon (CM70 RPG short story: Chris Hind)
Green Squad 3 (CM57 RPG short story: Stephen Marinaccio)
Green Squad 3 (CM57 RPG short story: Stephen Marinaccio)
Combat Tests
Simulation 1: Forest
Simulation 2: Star Destroyer
Simulation 3: Dexterity
Imperial Research Station 13 (CM46 RPG short story: Lester W. Smith)
Imperial Research Station 13 (CM46 RPG short story: Lester W. Smith)
Episodes 1 5
Shadow of the Dark Side (CM65 RPG short story: James B. King)
Shadow of the Dark Side (CM65 RPG short story: James B. King)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 263
Telepathic Contact
Landing on the Surface
Jungle Passage
Dangerous Shadows
The Shadows Return
Climbing the Pyramid
Altar of the Dark Side
Destroying the Altar
Parts is Parts (CM68 RPG short story: Wallace D. Greer)
Parts is Parts (CM68 RPG short story: Wallace D. Greer)
A Beast of a Trip
Grand Design
Paybacks are a Beast
It’s Not Over
Jumping to Illusions
A Day at the Auction (VOY11 RPG short story: James B. King)
A Day at the Auction (VOY11 RPG short story: James B. King)
A Tense Reception
Auction Antics
Port Particulars
Cargo Recovery
A World in Revolt (VOY9 RPG short story: James B. King)
A World in Revolt (VOY9 RPG short story: James B. King)
Escape Below
Escape Down the Tunnel
Blasters Below
The Youth’s Story
The Last Cache
Monster of the Pinnacles
A Compound View
The Rescue
Carrying Out the Plan
A Speeder Chase
The Final Battle
A Battle in Progress
Headhunters Up
The Unknown Regions (RPG: Sterling Hershey & Rodney Thompson & Daniel Wallace)
The Unknown Regions (RPG: Sterling Hershey & Rodney Thompson & Daniel Wallace)
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Danger in the Dark
The Finding of Lost Souls
A Fool’s Charge
Pursuing Verinos
Imminent Impact
The Mask of Darth Nihilus
Attack on Endor Scenario Book [continued] (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Attack on Endor Scenario Book [continued] (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Smuggler’s Rescue
Magar’s World
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook (RPG rulebook: Fantasy Flight Games)
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook (RPG rulebook: Fantasy Flight Games)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 264
The Game Master
The Bigger They Are
A Stroke of Luck
Death from Above
Run and Gun
The Enemy of My Enemy
The Battle of Honoghr
A Matter of Honor
Wrath of the Empire
Age of Rebellion Beginner Game (RPG: Max Brooke & Daniel Lovat Clark & Katrina
Ostrander & Jordan Goldfarb)
Age of Rebellion Beginner Game (RPG: Max Brooke & Daniel Lovat Clark & Katrina Ostrander)
Takeover at Whisper Base
Springing the Trap
Of Course We Have Clearance!
The Chase
Bonus Adventures (RPG: Daniel Lovat Clark Jordan Goldfarb)
Operation: Shadowpoint
Settling In
Fears of the Village
Might of the Beast Riders
Securing the Signal
New Toys
Recon Patrol
Targets of Opportunity
Hunt on the Demon Moon
The Moff Strikes Back
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook [continued] (RPG rulebook: Fantasy Flight Games)
Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook [continued] (RPG rulebook: Fantasy Flight Games)
Perlemian Haul
Martle Station
Stern to Stem
The Prize
Operation: Shell Game (RPG short story: Fantasy Flight Games)
Operation: Shell Game (RPG short story: Fantasy Flight Games)
Welcome to Titan Base
Lay the Hammer Down
The Battle for Corva Sector
Dead in the Water (RPG short story: Keith Kappel)
Dead in the Water (RPG short story: Keith Kappel)
Blue Milk Run
Shadow Raptor Revolt
Logistical Peril
Friends Like These (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Friends Like These (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Trouble on Xorrn
Courting Mandalorians
The Zygerrian Paradox
The Battle of Xorrn
Mask of the Pirate Queen (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 265
Mask of the Pirate Queen (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Search on Saleucami
Going to Ground
Prepare for Boarders
Stay on Target [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Stay on Target [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Lead by Example (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Lead by Example (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Fly Casual (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Fly Casual (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Desperate Allies (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Desperate Allies (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Diplomatic Missions
Political Missions
Mission to Naboo
Scenes 1 4
Iridonian Separatists
Scenes 1 3
Diplomat Campaign Ideas
Hostile-Negotiations Team
Episodes 1 3
Discreet Acquisition Specialists
Episodes 1 3
Forged in Battle (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Forged in Battle (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Indomitable Courage
Strike Missions
The Med Center
Ord Cestus Defenses
Asset Denial
The Factory
Cymoon 1 Defenses
Coup D’etat
The Governor’s Office
Local Security
Soldier Campaigns
Trench Warfare
City Fight
Raiding Operations
Tam Elgrin is born.
(conjecture based on Rebel Stand)
Around this time, Jaden Korr is born on Coruscant.*
(conjecture based on Crosscurrent)*
*NOTE: He is said to be around forty or so as of Crosscurrent, though that makes him only around 13 or 14 as of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 266
Jedi Academy.
TriNebulon News reports that the Imperial Star Destroyers Bombard and Crusader have
successfully engaged the Eyttyrmin Pirates of the Khuiumin system on orders from Admiral
Freeda, routing the pirates from the region. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
The Alliance corvette Dodonna’s Pride ambushes Imperial supply convoys.
(conjecture based on the Jedi Knights Trading Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The Bacta Tray is developed.
-(conjecture based on Lords of the Expanse via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Sintas Vel leaves her daughter, Ailyn Vel (age 16), to become a bounty hunter.
(conjecture based on Bloodlines)
Bret “No Fret” Hanson, a rebel agent in a skirmish on Tensor IV, manages to avoid being
blown to bits by a thermal detonator.*
(conjecture based on Jet Packs: A Great Pick-Me-Up)*
*NOTE: This dates back 1.5 years from Jet Packs, which I have assumed is set in the period between ESB and
Lieutenant Jaxon Brand of the Rebel Alliance is tasked with a recruitment mission to Glare
Peak to turn Rebel sympathizers into actual Rebels. He begins forming a cell with agents.
Lelsk, the Bothan agent also known as “Go Silent” or just “Silent,” is recruited into the Rebel
Alliance after having been kicked out of the Bothan Spynet for taking too many risks. She has
been assigned to Brand’s recruitment mission. While undercover as “Sernai Lesk,” an aide to
Assistant City Director Pirilian, she receives an official government tour of the local detention
center. Doleth Arnoko, a Duros, is also part of Brand’s team, having met him after eluding
Imperial Security Bureau agents by hiding out at Glare Peak. Fren Nurook, a female Ithorian
engineer, is also part of the team, having been recruited by Brand after already passing
information to Rebel contacts over the years.
(conjecture based on Rescue at Glare Peak)
A Rebel cell on Trivar II is operating in the area around Glare Peak. The team is led by
Lieutenant Jaxon Brand and includes Lelsk (AKA “Silent” or “Go Silent”), Doleth Arnoko, and
Fren Nurook. They are just setting up a sensor array to aid in their anti-Imperial activities
when they witness a Rebel Y-wing crash nearby. Knowing that they cannot risk the pilots
being taken an interrogated or Rebel astrogation data falling into Imperial hands, especially
with the Rebel fleet on the move after losing their base on Yavin IV, the team breaks from its
current mission of recruiting Rebel sympathizers into full agents and races off to check out
the crash site. They learn from a transmission coming to them from higher up in the Alliance
that the ship and pilots do indeed have sensitive data. They are to try to take out the
astrogation data, rescue the pilots (Tracer and Deflector), and then wait at their safe house
until an extraction team can arrive to get them all away. They find that the Y-wing has
crashed into the Blasted Asteroid Cantina, where Imperial Security Bureau techs are already
working on the ship. They are able to get to the ship and destroy its instrumentation, despite
Imperial interference, but the pilots are already gone. The team goes back to their safe house
and makes plans to rescue Tracer and Deflector from the Trivar II Imperial Detention Center.
They also get help from local Hal Hull, a sympathizer who owns Hal’s Goods and Services.
The good news is that they have several ways into the facility. Doleth knows an ISB agent
named Ferlan, whom they can trick into a distraction. Lelsk has access to the droid brain on
an airspeeder used for official tours of the city (which they can use to arrive and escape by
remote control), Brand has a Rebel sympathizer, Alderaanian Aered Argyris, in Glare Peaks
civilian guard, and Fren can go undercover as a technician into the facility, since her old
boss, Olom Roskom of Roskom Mechanized Systems, is the main contractor for the
detention center. Using these resources, they break into the prison, but they are alerted that
Darth Vader himself is on his way to Glare Peak and its prison. They discover that Deflector
is already dead, but Tracer is still a prisoner. They free her and escape, just as Vader arrives.
They are able to get to the safe house and await extraction, though whether or not they will
be allowed to keep working on Trivar II or be reassigned is unknown.*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 267
(Rescue at Glare Peak)*
*NOTE: This story must be at least 6 months, if not longer, after ANH because the Rebels have already been
chased away from Yavin IV. I’ve placed it here alongside fellow AOR adventure Onslaught at Arda I.
As small Rebel cells are scattered by the Empire, many who survive in the Gordian Reach
Sector find their way to the Rebel base on Arda I.
(conjecture based on Onslaught at Arda I)
One year after the Battle of Yavin, xenoarchaeologists from Corellia University lead an
expedition into the Temple of Exar Kun on Yavin IV. Several artifacts are acquired, but
removal is met with strange “accidents.” Superstition grows around the idea that the temple is
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)
Imperial officer Malau Jacaos, believing that his old classmate Var Narek is secretly working
with the Rebels on Arda I, masterminds a way to use Var against them. He has a secretly-
evacuated Imperial building destroyed right next to a shop in Livien Magnus on Orda Radama
that is owned by Aleos Narek, Var’s brother, and his family. The shop is also destroyed as
“collateral damage” in what the Imperials call a “Rebel attack.” Just as Malau predicted, this
causes a change of heart in Var. Rather than being a staunch Rebel, he decides that the war
must be stopped no matter the cost, even if it means undermining the Rebel Alliance. Var
approaches his old friend Malau, begging for a chance to make the Rebels pay. Malau has
him gather intel on the Arda I base, while also placing a series of signal-boosting hyperspace
transponders into the base to reveal its location to the Empire. When he sets up one of the
devices in the hangar, he is nearly caught by Lieutenant Jerrod Lourdas, but his position as a
field assistant to Setenna Hase makes his excuses plausible. Even so, Var poisons Lourdas
canteen so that he is stuck in sickbay and cannot investigate what Var was doing.
(conjecture based on Onslaught at Arda I)
Signal interference from Var Narek’s signal transponders awakens slumbering doranenoks
that have been asleep for millennia, since the height of the Sith Wars.
(conjecture based on Onslaught at Arda I)
Having been playing both sides of the Galactic Civil War, Sian Tevv’s duplicity is revealed
when the Rebel Alliance strikes the Capacitor, a secret Imperial facility on Sullust. Tevv
begins urging the Alliance to force a decisive battle for control of the system (or the galaxy),
since Imperial reprisals against Tevv will surely come soon.
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)
Around this time, Sarrano Yard at Sullust is producing Cutlas-9 patrol craft and other
starfighters for the Rebellion, rather than their usual Ambassador-class luxury shuttles for
Imperial buyers.
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)
Shortly before the Imperial assault on the Rebel base at Arda I, a Rebel team of four from the
base is nearly wiped out by the Empire. Three of the Rebels are killed, but they manage to
make sure a young Rebel named Sarliss can escape. He will spend the coming days
questioning whether he is worthy of that sacrifice. Urel Haydon grows increasingly worried
about the withdrawn young Gran.
(conjecture based on Onslaught at Arda I)
A team of Rebels arrives at the Rebel base on Arda I, having to fly through the treacherous
Gauntlet canyon system manually due to strange transmissions that are making the use of
slave circuits impossible. They make their way past landscape hazards and awakened
doran’enoks to finally arrive safely, where they are met by Major Yalow, who suggests that
they could be of use by providing a fill-in pilot for Vortex Squadron because Lieutenant Jerrod
Lourdas is ill (secretly poisoned by traitor and field assistant to Senior Advisor Setenna
Hase Nar Varek). After visiting Doctor Lorren Morrick in the medbay, they see Captain Harl
Bess in the main hangar, where members of the team are indeed assigned to Vortex
Squadron. While they await for their time to report for duty, the explore the baes and get a
sense of its leadership triumvirate, including Setenna, General Ran Niall, and Commander
Danel Qurno. They meet Alliance Intelligence spy Urel Haydon, field assistant Var Narek,
Verpine weapon “improvement” specialist Clik, and others. They fulfill their sense of duty by
looking in on young Rebel Sarliss, who feels unworthy of the sacrifice of three Rebels who
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 268
died to let him escape from a recent mission. The help recruit a smuggler, Korryn, into the
Alliance. They help plan for the acquisition of some resource caches from miners who once
ran the base on Arda I. They also learn of the four A-wing prototypes, four X-wings, and four
Y-wings that make up Dust Squadron, along with the Z-95-AF4 Headhunters of Rust
Squadron and the eight T-47 airspeeders of Vortex Squadron. When the time for the patrol
comes, the team joins Vortex Squadron as planned. They pick up the source of the strange
signals and find a signal transponder place in the Gauntlet, but there is little they can do
about it, as an Imperial strike begins, drawn by the transponders (placed by traitor Var
Narek). Upon returning to the base, Niall gives the team new instructions to manually set a
cliff face to detonate using explosives that are already set but cannot be detonated through
Imperial jamming. As the Rebel forces face AT-ATs, four AT-STs, and Talon Company under
Imperial Captain Balrekk (Balrekk the Butcher), the team makes it through the canyon,
fighting past a doran’enok, until they finally are able to detonate the canyon wall. This blocks
the first Imperial wave, but the Imperials send in a new wave of sandtroopers. Upon returning
they help evacuate the base and witness a Rebel in a helmet that hides his/her identity trying
to remove one of the transponders from inside the base, giving clear evidence that a traitor is
in their midst. They are unable to capture him at the time. The team is then tasked with
escorting Setenna Hase (with Var Narek at her side) to safety. Unfortunately, as they reach
the hangar, they are met by other Rebels who have failed to set the base to self-destruct by
setting the generators to overload. The heroic team must do so, leaving Hase supposedly
safe with Narek. They set the overload, then escape amid transports and Rust and Dust
Squadrons as Mercedes Vanadiaz and others guard the transports. They escape into
hyperspace after a brief encounter with TIE Hunters under Tam Blackstar. Arda Base
explodes, covering their tracks, and the Rebels begin the journey to a new base on the
planet Jagomir in the Outer Rim area known as the Jaga’s Cluster system. Only Hase, Yalor,
and Qurno know the location of Jagomir, requiring the other Rebel ships to follow with
encrypted navicomputer codes. The new base should be secure. The Rebels arrive and
begin building a series of prefabricated buildings into the new Resolute Base. The heroes are
tasked by Qurno to check on some creatures nearby that have harassed Rebels. They
discover and defeat Evarrian hunters and their queen. On their way back, they are met by
Urel Haydon, who shares their suspicions about a traitor in the ranks but warns them to be
careful of what they talk about, since morale is already very low. The team continues to settle
in with the other Rebels, checking out local sites like an old pirate base, Kelari Grove, the
Shimmering Falls (an ancient Sith burial ground just past them), and more. They begin their
own investigation into the identity of the traitor. They look into pilot Dorrian Vodani, the
Wookiee Isshtharr (whose name is put out as a possible spy by Narek in hopes that the
Wookiee would be offended enough to kill anyone investigating the traitor), Bothan Lt. Masi
Qual, human pilot Lt. Rik Torrence, Ithorian diplomat, Urtuaa Haaot, and engineer droid VX-
19. Their evidence, though, such as DNA on the transponder from Arda Base, finally points
them to Var Narek, the real traitor. They report their discoveries to Hase and Qurno, believing
Narek is nowhere nearby when he is actually hiding in a side room eavesdropping. He leaps
out, grabs Setenna Hase as a hostage, and escapes under threats to her life. The Rebels
give chase on speederbikes, but Setenna’s safety remains a primary concern, allowing Narek
to get to a ship and escape the Jagomir with her. Haydon believes Narek will take her to the
closest Imperial stronghold, Ord Radama. He suggests that they travel there and seek out
Haril Zense for a safehouse and equipment. They don’t know what other information Narek
may have, but just what he knows himself, along with what could be tortured from Hase if she
breaks, could lead to the cell’s destruction. The Rebel team races to Ord Radama. They
travel a dangerous path through Jaga’s Cluster and must avoid the Imperial vessel Eternal
Wrath. They arrive at the Livien Magnus spaceport on Ord Radama, avoiding Imperial
detection by troops under General Xantus and Governor Ellor Orgraal. They make contact
with Haril Zense in the commerce district (the Scarlet Sword). Haril tells them of the planet’s
current status, including the history of a supposed Rebel bombing that killed members of
Narek’s family that he has been able to confirm was an Imperial action, not Rebel handiwork.
They investigate and soon lean that Narek’s Imperial Intelligence handler is Malau Jocaos
and that they are to meet when Narek arrives at his family’s manor. They also meet local
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 269
Devlikk anti-Imperial movement leader Narralla. The Rebels race to get to Narek and save
Setenna Hase at his manor before Jocaos can arrive. They confront Narek and put doubts in
him as to the truth behind his family’s deaths, the event that lead him to work for the Empire
in the first place. When the Imperials arrive, the Rebels hold them off briefly, but Jocaos is
able to take Setenna captive. When Narek tries to get Jocaos to wait for him, his “old friend”
shoots him, seeing no further need of him. Narek dies realizing his mistakes, seeking
forgiveness. The Rebels chase Jocaos back to Livien Magnus. They follow as Jocaos takes
Hase into an underground system, where they encounter Imperial troops. The Rebels engage
Imperials, emerging victorious. Setenna Hase is saved, but Jocaos escapes. Plans begin to
work with the local underground to undermine the Empire on Ord Radama in hopes of
someday liberating the planet from Imperial control. They also begin plans to hunt down
Malau Jocaos, who is already researching the identities of the Rebels who foiled his
operation on Ord Radama so that he can exact revenge one day . . .
(Onslaught at Arda I)*
*NOTE: The group on Arda I has been fighting the Empire for “two decades,” which suggests that the story must
be at least one year after ANH.
Scholar Hethan Romund, who has spent much of his recent life helping Force-sensitive
people to find knowledge about the Force and a measure of wisdom, is captured by Dark
Side servant Malefax, who is forcing her to lead him to a lost temple (the abandoned Jedi
temple known as the Dawn Temple, where fallen Jedi were brought over the years to
meditate and hopefully return to the Light Side). Unbeknownst to Romund, Malefax is being
guided by the projected spirit of fallen Jedi Rav Naaran, who is held in stasis in the Dawk
Temple. However, Romund is able to send a signal to several of her allies in hopes of rescue.
Those Force-sensitive allies are the Zabrak Dao Jodh (formerly of a Force-training monastery
on Jiran VII), the Mirialan Pacifist (and follower of the Creed) Belandi Feearr (who has been
in seclusion for a long time, having been smuggled off of her planet by Romund after refusing
to use her healing abilities to save the life of an Imperial officer), the Togruta Kaveri Ra
(traveling companion of Dao), Nautolan former slave Pon Edestus, and Romund’s longtime
traveling companion (until about a year before the Battle of Yavin) Tarast Voon. Tarast had
been too old for Jedi training during the Clone Wars, then spent fifteen years in hiding before
spending three years traveling with Romund before a run-in with an Imperial agent caused
them to part ways due to Tarast considering himself too likely to draw Imperial attention and
danger to Romund. The scholar met Kaveri while she was a wilderness guide in the Outer
Rim. It was during an expedition on Jiran VII where they met, discussed the Force, and found
the ancient monastery where Dao had been living. Romund and Kaveri parted ways, but Dao
stowed away on her ship, and they soon became traveling companions and fellow Force-
sensitives. Romund had encountered Pon when he was a slave. He stood up against
authority and ended up part of a slave revolt, during which he lost an arm. After drawing
instinctively on the Force to survive the wound, he awoke to find himself with a cybernetic
arm and freedom, thanks to Romund, who then brought him as a bodyguard on a brief study
of ruins. They found a lightsaber from a dead Jedi on that adventure, and Pon was allowed to
keep it as he headed off on his own into the galaxy as a free being. Another individual follows
Romunds trail and joins this group of allies at a rendezvous at Mount Tellec on the planet
Spintir. She is the human Force-sensitive Sarenda, who was discovered to have Force
abilities while with her family on Taanab. It was there that she discovered a lightsaber in a
dead Jedi’s skeletal hand and repaired the device beyond anyone’s expectations. Her aunt
suggested that she seek out one of her old friends, Romund, but Romund was captured
before she could make contact. The heroes make their way up the steep mountain to its
summit, where they encounter the holocron-generated Gatekeeper hologram (also known as
the Curator), which questions them on their intentions and knowledge. After proving their
intentions, the Gatekeeper informs them of the hazards (including natives) in the valley that
will lead them to the temple they seek, where the Gatekeeper informs them that a Dark Side
Force user (Malefax) has taken up residence, risking permanently defiling the temple. They
begin to make their way toward the temple, facing off with a group of local hunters with
slugthrowers, whom they drive off. They escape an icy pit. They reach the temple and battle
past some Advozse mercenaries and a pack of icewolves. They enter to find Malefax
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 270
enraged. He had used his abilities and mercenaries to force Romund to help him search the
structure, but all he has found are scrolls and the like, not the holocron he had expected.
(The Gatekeeper is a projection from it, but the actual holocron is apparently hidden, thanks
to the Jedi upon whom the Gatekeepers image is based.) Before he can lash out at Romund
again, the heroes leap into the situation, taking down Malefax and his mercenaries with their
nascent Force abilities and other skills. Now, Romund and his friends, whom she is happy to
finally see formed as a single group, will continue to study the temple for its secrets with the
gratitude of the Gatekeeper for having purged the Dark Side from the structure. Their search
expands beyond the temple when they find the Gatekeepers holocron, only to find empty
pedestals for other holocrons nearby that once housed the two other Gatekeeper hologram
personalities, the Warden and the Jailor.*
(Mountaintop Rescue)*
*NOTE: The setup for this adventure includes a distress call from Romund to Tarast. Since Tarast went into
hiding for 15 years (until 4 BBY) after Order 66 and then traveled with Romund for 3 years (until 1 BBY), the fact
that this distress call is “years later” (so at least 2 years past 1 BBY) suggests that this adventure must be at
least one year after ANH, if not later.
On Spintir, Hethan Romund and her band of Force-sensitive allies (Kaveri Ra, Dao Jodh,
Sarenda, Tarast Voon, Pon Edestus, and Belandi Feearr) have just defeated the Dark Side
adept Malefax at the Dawn Temple. The Gatekeeper holocron projection that helped the
allies find Romund reveals itself to actually be one of three gatekeepers, the Curator. Only his
holocron remains in the chamber where three used to be located. One was taken by wild
beasts during an energy-saving cycle with less defenses, and once it was gone, the defenses
to the Dawn Temple went inert, allowing local scavengers to make off with the other missing
holocron. The team agrees to find the two missing holocrons, focusing first on the one taken
by beasts, so that it can be used in conjunction with the Curator’s holocron to find the third.
They travel to Frostwall Village for information and are pointed to the Caves of Light and
Shadow, where strange phenomena have been noticed. The caves once had the Light and
Dark Sides flowing within them equally, but once the Dawn Temple was abandoned and the
Jedi left, the Light Side dominated. For some reason, lately the Dark Side has come to
dominate it, blocking the Curator’s ability to determine if the holocron is inside. Once inside,
they experience visions that show how the cave was corrupted when a local hunter was
offered a bounty for live icewolves and supposedly slaughtered a mother icewolf to take her
pack without any remorse. They come upon the holocron and speak with its gatekeeper, the
Warden, but they must then fend off the matriarch icewolf (very much alive but now corrupted
by darkness) and corrupted cubs. They defeat the icewolves, and the corruption that has
plagued the caves lifts once again. They return the Warden holocron to the holocron
chamber. They take the time to learn some from the Warden, including enough so that those
in the group who don’t already own lightsabers can construct one. After a while, the Curator
and Warden are able to determine that the last holocron (that of the Jailor) was taken not by
any random thief but by a member of a crime syndicate that operates out of the planet’s
capital city, Reles. They go to the city and make contact with the gang, “Heavy Gan’s
Movers,” which results in a brief confrontation before Gan and some goons are driven off.
They are then assisted by Pinder Ukka, a member of a local Rebel cell. After proving their
willingness to work together by making some dead drop deliveries, the team learns from
Pinder that the most likely buyer for the holocron from Heavy Gan would be the local Imperial
governor, Caria Haal. (Their efforts have some help thanks to low-ranking Imperial Security
Bureau officer Heder Brant, who is frustrated with the local elites.) Haal’s collection is on the
outskirts of the University of Reles campus, in what is commonly called the Museum of Spintir
(allowing her to display and protect the collection on university grounds in return for generous
donations to the university). They break in, get into the secure wing, then make their way out
with the final holocron. They return to the Dawn Temple and restore it to its proper place,
meeting the Jailor gatekeeper, who then works to restore most of the temples functions.
Unfortunately, Malefax had tampered with the systems, per the instructions of the
disembodied spirit of fallen Jedi Rav Naaran. Now, with the third holocron restored, it
activates a program to open the stasis chambers that hold Rav and his fallen minions. As a
flood of former “patients” escapes, the heroes must seek out Rav, the most dangerous
among them, and stop him from escaping the valley. On the plus side, Rav intends to steal
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 271
the three holocrons before escaping, so he is not leaving the area just yet. The heroes stop
one group of minions from stealing a speeder, stop another group from entering the Caves of
Light and Shadow, and stop another group at Frostwall Village. With his minions mostly taken
down, that leaves only Rav, who it turns out never actually left the temple. The heroes
converge and take him on, defeating him before he can break into the secure holocron room
and either escape with or destroy the holocrons inside. The heroes have proven themselves
and grown in the Force, but they have much more to learn . . . perhaps even from the
gatekeepers themselves.*
(Lure of the Lost)*
*NOTE: This story continues from Mountaintop Rescue.
Sometime after Sintas Vel becomes a bounty hunter, Boba Fett recovers a hologram disc at
the end of a long chase. Upon viewing it, he discovers a message from a criminal named
Pizztov who is wanting to sell Fett the true item of his search, a hologram box. It would cost
Fett 6.3 million credits and leaving Pizztov alone forever to get it back. He is told that the
item will be sold to the Auction Master of Eport if he doesn’t purchase it soon. Fett heads to
Bidamount to head off the package, even as another person hunting it arrives. The new
player is Sintas Vel, a woman armed for a one-woman assault on Pizztov. She bursts into
Pizztov’s suite and kills everyone but Pizztov and his tramp. One of the goons thought dead
rears up to kill her, but is killed as Fett arrives and shoots him. Now both Sintas and Fett hold
Pizztov at gunpoint, while Pizztov uses the girl as a shield. Pizztov tries to make some sort of
deal, but Fett wants the hologram to destroy it, while Sintas wants it because she says it is
her property. Pizztov makes a run for it, and Sintas shoots him. She recovers the box, but
Fett grazes her arm with a blaster shot to make her drop it. Pizztov takes Sintas’ blaster and
fires on Fett, but his blaster skills are as low-level as his intelligence for going up against Fett
in the first place. Fett takes him out in one shot. Fett uses Pizztov’s retinal pattern to open
the canister, revealing the hologram. We finally discover why it was so important to both of
them. The hologram is of Fett with his arm around Sintas . . . who is holding their child!
(That’s right. At one point, Boba Fett and Sintas were married and had a child named Ailyn
Vel!) Fett tosses the emitter to her, simply telling her not to lose it again. He then takes
Pizztov as he leaves.
Sintas: Youre just gonna leave me here . . . wounded?
Fett: Yeah . . . your wounds will heal.
Sintas: Some never do.
(Outbid But Never Outgunned)
Rivo Xarran is in trouble. While slicing into Jabba the Hutt’s records, he has come across
sensitive information, and now Jabba has sent Boba Fett after a bounty on Rivos head. Rivo
has fled to the safety of the Imperial base under the command of his brother, General Gaege
Xarran. He is a pathetic soul upon arrival, and continues to become more pathetic as Boba
Fett arrives and decimates the Imperial forces, including an AT-AT group, before entering the
base. General Xarran sets the base’s autodestruct and prepares to escape with Rivo.
Before they can escape, Boba discovers them, and while Rivo is in apparent cover, Fett,
injured from his battle on the way in, faces off with Gaege, finally killing him. Unfortunately,
Fett looks where he believes Rivo is, only to find a live-feed hologram. Rivo, not nearly as
pathetic as he’d been pretending to be, warns Fett of the autodestruct and says that in return
for that information, he wants to be allowed to go free. Fett should simply tell Jabba that Rivo
died in the ensuing explosion, thus allowing Fett to collect his bounty and Rivo to go free.
Fett agrees, but assures Rivo that someday he will finish the job, as a matter of principle.
Fett escapes, the building explodes, and Rivo goes into hiding. (To be continued below . . . )
(No Disintegrations, Please)
Sometime after the encounter over the Pizztov bounty, Sintas Vel is believed to be killed.
Ailyn Vel, Sintas daughter with Boba Fett, blames Fett for her mother’s death and makes it
her mission to kill him. However, Sintas has not been killed. She was after a gangster named
Rezodar on Phaeda. Rezodar is now dead, but it seems that he captured Sintas and had her
encased in carbonite. She is still alive, but she will still be in the carbonite slab for nearly four
(conjecture based on Bloodlines and Sacrifice)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 272
The Imperials begin to hollow out portions of the Garrison Moon of Kessel to make room for a
huge multi-level internal hanger and the enormous generators and transmitters that create
the energy shield which would surround Kessel and block unauthorized access to the planet.
(conjecture based on Jedi Academy Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Imperial Governor Io Desnand promises a lizard-skin gown to his lady friend, Feebee.
(conjecture based on The Prize Pelt: The Tale of Bossk)
After ten years, the Remote Sector Medical research team on Hijado leaves, but they still
never learned how the natives were so long-lived.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
The Empire’s “Hammers” Elite Armor Unit is finally given first-class priority for support,
material, and troops.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
General Fefar Blackeye of New Plympto is captured by the Empire. His resistance
movement collapses, and he is taken as a prisoner of war and displayed in a zoo near
Imperial City.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nosaurians)
Sometime in the few years immediately following the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo makes a
licensing deal with some holoshow producers for the production of holodramas about the
Rebel heroes exploits.
(conjecture based on Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor)
Work begins on designing the Firehawk hovertank line.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
Kaj Nedmak takes a spice-running job from Bwahl the Hutt, but cannot follow through when
the Empire blockades the Gordian Reach (which includes his target world, Torque), in an
effort to catch Rebels. Bwahl has the spice delivered by other means later.
(conjecture based on Crimson Bounty)
Kaleb Darme joins the Council Authority on Indu San.*
(conjecture based on Kella Rand Reporting)*
*NOTE: This assumes Darme is 25 in Kella Rand Reporting.
When Selby Jarrads father is crippled in a mining accident on Averill, she leaves to join the
Rebellion and someday rid Averill of the Empire.
(conjecture based on Conflict of Interest)
Rare elements necessary for the production of certain military goods are discovered on
Radra IV.
(conjecture based on Team Recovery)
A group of Rebel heroes is tasked to rescue personnel stationed at a Rebel listening post on
Radra IV. Arriving at the planet in a shuttle full of medical supplies, the heroes land in the
spaceport to deliver the supplies (their cover). They are hassled by a member of the Imperial
Security Bureau, but he leaves them when two Rebels are caught elsewhere in the
spaceport. The heroes take off in their shuttle to the Rebel post in the mountains. Shortly
after arriving, stormtroopers arrive and attack before they can finish loading the military grade
passive listening equipment and personnel. They fight off the troopers and lift off, only to
have the shuttle damaged by TIEs. They land one of Radra IV’s moons for repairs. Their
repair efforts are successful and they are able to take off, evade more TIEs, and enter
(Team Recovery)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. The events can take place any time during the Rebellion.
The Rebel Alliance adds the BTS-A2 Long-Range Strike Fighter/Bomber, nicknamed the H-
Wing, to its fleet.*
(conjecture based on The H-wing Strike Fighter)*
*NOTE: This can take place any time during the Rebellion after the introduction of the B-wing, as that is what the
H-wing is compared to in the article.
A group of Rebel heroes takes a disk containing information on Imperial Captain Julias Narn
to a Rebel base on Danton VI in the Trebodar System. They contact the commander of the
Rebel base, Darrel Borsen, but he denies them permission to land. A disease of local origin
has sprung up and the planet is under quarantine. There is a cure, but none of the local
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 273
facilities are capable of manufacturing it. Unfortunately, no one has been able to ship any of
the cure in because a nearby Galderian pirate band keeps intercepting vessels. The
commander and the heroes decide they need the local imperial navy to take out the pirates
so the cure can be brought and distributed. Accessing the information on the disk they
brought, the heroes see it is little more than the local commander’s family tree. Looking
closely, however, they notice that his family included three Jedi Knights during the Clone
Wars. They realize they can probably use this information to blackmail Narn into helping
them. Sneaking into the lunar Imperial base, they confront Narn and convince him to assist.
Narn then takes his Imperial star destroyer Magellan to where he has tracked the pirates and
engages their Space ARC Battle Cruiser (and launches TIE Fighters to dogfight with the
pirates’ I-Beam Star Fighters) while the heroes sneak into the base and locate some captives
and a large supply of the stolen cure. They rescue the captives and take the cure to the
Rebel base on Danton VI, where it will be distributed to the people. The pirates, meanwhile,
barely escape from Captain Narn, and remain a threat that may return.*
(Strange Bedfellows)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. The events can take place any time during the Rebellion.
As the Rebellion against the Empire continues, the Rebel Alliance sets up a group called the
Planetary Pioneers to set up colonies away from the prying eyes of the Empire. Luke
Skywalker is assigned to help the group get off the ground.
(conjecture based on The Maverick Moon)
When a moon is knocked out of its orbit and ends up on a collision course with the base of
the Rebel Alliances Planetary Pioneers, Luke Skywalker and the Pioneer pilots take to space
in their starfighters to use zukonium rays to deflect the moon’s course (as it is surrounded by
a magnetic field). The other pilots are unable to reach the critical point with the moon, but
Luke uses the Force to do so and manages to save the day.
(The Maverick Moon)
Using what little information he has been able to get from captured Rebel General Jan
Dodonna, Darth Vader leads an Imperial force to the planet Reytha, where Rebels are trying
to steal massive amounts of food supplies. The Imperials make short work of the Rebels,
then capture and execute Reytha’s governor, Belladar, whom is suspected of aiding the
Rebels. All in all, it is a hefty win for the Empire. (To be continued below . . . )
(Galactic Battlegrounds)
In space, former Confederacy of Independent Systems pilot (now smuggler) Nas Ghent’s
Rhodi’s Silence is attacked by Imperial TIE fighters and brought down on a nearby world.
After crawling from the wreckage, Ghent is confronted by Darth Vader, who, rather than
killing him, has an offer for him. He wants Ghent to fly for the Empire, and he accepts. Soon,
Ghent and Vader arrive aboard the Star Destroyer Crucible, where Vader orders Commander
Dorin Millavec (whom Ghent shows up by flying like a maniac into the ISD’s hangar in a
Headhunter) to give Ghent a team of seven aberrant pilots to form Black Eight Squadron
under Ghent. Thats not the end of things, though. On one of his first piloting exercises,
Millavec has Ghent set to be killed by his fellow pilots, only for him to kill all of them and come
after Millavec. Millavec says it was only a test, ordered by Vader, which is an out-and-out lie.
Ghent resolves to form the best squadron he can . . . and if possible, to bring down Millavec
in the process . . .
(Walking the Path That’s Given)
Approximately one year after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebellion, now with a temporary base
on Corellia, while plans are made to relocate from Yavin IV to a new facility, is in trouble. On
Naboo, at the Emperors Retreat, Inquisitor Loam Redge, at Darth Vader and the Emperor’s
behest, has sent an agent to track down a holocron loaded with the names of Rebel agents,
contacts, and sympathizers. The holocron was encoded by the Rebels that abandoned the
base on Dantooine a while before the Battle of Yavin, but it was hidden on the planet and has
yet to be recovered. The Empire wants it intact, while the Rebellion wants it intact or
destroyed. Meanwhile, elsewhere on Naboo, Dusque Mistflier and Tendau Nadon, both
bioengineers for the Empire, are attending an exhibition of exotic animals (of which they are
taking samples). During the night, Dusque sees her companion speaking with an unknown
individual, rousing suspicions that he is hiding something from her. For her part, Dusque is
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 274
noticed and hounded by an attractive man named Finn Darktrin, who eventually confronts her
directly and asks her to help him, and the Rebellion, by getting him off of the planet. He is
searching for the holocron on Dantooine and will need help getting off the planet, to
Dantooine, and through the dangerous local wildlife. Later, while she thinks about this, she
and Tendau head for Naboo’s moon, where they find more specimens and are almost killed
by various natural hazards. The experience helps her to trust that Tendau is not hiding things,
but no sooner does she lay these thoughts to rest and the two return to Naboo than Dusque
witnesses Tendau captured and executed on the spot by Imperial stormtroopers for,
apparently, being a Rebel agent. Before she can jump into the fray, she is pulled away by
Finn, whom she now joins in order to get revenge for Tendau. The two, who are slowly
becoming interested in each other, travel to Lok, where they meet with Nym, who owes Finn
a favor. After Dusque and Finn help retrieve an object for Nym from some local
troublemakers, they are given a ship, complete with a Mon Calamari pilot. They can’t go to
Dantooine yet, as they don’t exactly know what planet the holocron is on yet, but they follow a
few other friends of Nym, Han Solo and company aboard the Millennium Falcon, to Corellia.
In their approach, they are attacked by Imperials and shot down, though only the pilot dies.
Finn and Dusque make it to safety. At the Corellian Rebel base, they meet Luke Skywalker,
Leia Organa, and others, before teaming up again as a pair to make the journey to
Dantooine. Once there, they face another series of natural challenges before hunting
through the abandoned Rebel base for any useful items or forgotten information. Finding
little, they continue to a nearby abandoned Jedi training facility, where they find the holocron
behind and under a waterfall. Their prize secure, they procure a ship and leave for Corellia.
However, in mid-route, Finn reveals that they arent being pursued by Imperial agents
because he is the Imperial agent. He has been trying to upload the information from the
holocron to the Empire, but Dusque stops him, destroying it after only a partial upload. He
then stabs her, leaving her to die even though he has been falling in love with her, and makes
his escape. He gets away, but luckily, Dusque is found by the Rebels and saved by Luke’s
skillful hand. In the aftermath, Dusque knows that she will someday face Finn again, this
time as Rebel versus traitor to the Rebellion. Meanwhile, on Naboo, Finns life is spared by
Vader over his failure. Vader sees an anger in Finn, though he doesn’t realize that it is toward
the Empire now, and that anger can make Finn far deadlier than ever before.
(The Ruins of Dantooine)
Sometime in the period shortly after the Battle of Yavin, NK-Necrosis is discovered in the
Myyydril Caverns on Kashyyyk by a group of spacers and destroyed, along with his NK-3
guards. The droid is looted and stripped. His mask, the mask of General Grievous that was
modeled after Grievous’ father’s mumuu mask, is sold to Thrawn as a piece of exotic
(conjecture based on The Story of General Grievous: Lord of War)*
*NOTE: I place this entry here because it discusses an event that can take place in playing Star Wars Galaxies.
I’ve thus paired it with Ruins of Dantooine for good measure.
A junior clerk working at a local historical museum is sent to meet a man named Faihon in the
Bestine Cantina. Faihon claims to be an explorer who has found several relics from the Clone
Wars. The clerk is skeptical of Faihon, worried that he may be a con artist, until he pulls out a
DC-15 Carbine. Faihon explains that he acquired the blaster, and other relics through a
series of adventures (helping a Geonosian prisoner clear his name, meeting an old clone
soldier and Boba Fett, slaying a large beast, tracking down map pieces for a pirate king,
finding a corpse for Darth Vader, and helping some Rebel friends of Naboo royalty). The clerk
is excited by the stories, even though Faihon leaves out most of the details, and asks if he is
willing to sell them to the local museum. Faihon then says that theyre not for sale. However,
he’s willing to donate them to the museum if the clerk will quit his job and retrace Faihons
footsteps. The clerk protests, but Faihon assures him that anyone can have the adventures
he has had, and then, unknown to the clerk, uses some mild Force persuasion to convince
(The Explorer’s Guide to the Clone Relics)*
*NOTE: Summary provided by Luke Van Horn. Since it can take place any time during Star Wars Galaxies, I have
put it here near The Ruins of Dantooine. Note that the story is supposedly from the point of view of the clerk, but
it is listed as being “by Korren Faihon,” which would suggest that he either has the same last name as the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 275
explorer or that the explorer at some point wrote this account, putting himself in the shoes of the clerk. Strange.
Note that this is from the Prima Games strategy guide Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience.
Rebel Agent Lyda Skims, aka Skimmer, discovers plans for an Imperial project called Dead
Eye. She is captured, but the Rebels are nevertheless warned. Dr. Vacca, an Alderaanian,
is the brains behind the project, so Princess Leia appeals to his love of Alderaan to convince
him to give his research to the Rebel Alliance. Imperials begin killing his friends as a way to
intimidate him into remaining loyal to the Empire. Vacca’s love for his dead people wins out,
however, and he turns over all of his work to the Rebels. Dead Eye is a program that
increases shooting accuracy in frontline soldiers Unfortunately, an ingredient in the stimulant
comes from an Alderaanian flower, so once stores have been used up, the formula will
become useless to the Rebels.*
(The Cries of Alderaan)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine.
Following a tip that promises a great deal of credits, an adventurer travels to the forest moon
of Endor to meet King Terak of the Marauders from Sanyassa. Terak wants “the Power,” and
he is advised by Scholar Szingo that this adventurer can be trusted to acquire it. Terak
believes, at this point, that “the Power” is the staff used by Bright Tree Village shaman
Logray, which the shaman used to drive Marauders into fleeing from an engagement. The
adventurer heads for the village and confronts Logray and other Ewoks. He manages to
defeat them in a frantic struggle and escapes with Logray’s staff. Unfortunately, it is just a
metal staff and nothing special. The adventurer simply requests his payment. He did as he
was expected, even if the “magic” or “power” of Logray is in the Ewoks, not the staff.*
(The Shaman’s Staff)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
On Tatooine, Wuhrer is angry. A Jawa trader named Dathcha has come into Chalmuns
Cantina and stolen the cantina’s Fabritech EPT-12 droid detector. Wuhrer hires an
adventurer to go after the Jawa to get it back. He heads out into the Dune sea until finding
Dathcha. He retrieves the EPT-12 and returns to the cantina, which is now nearly overrun
with droids. Wuhrer sends them all away and reinstalls the device.*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
An adventurer visits the Trade Outpost on Dathomir and learns that there is a Nightsister
witch, Nandina, who is roaming the forest with her rancor, intending to teach the Singing
Mountain Clan a lesson. Intending to be well-paid for helping Nandina get her wish, he tracks
down the Nightsister and is paid to settle a score with Arch Witch Azzenaj of the Singing
Mountain Clan. He travels there, confronts Azzenaj, and seemingly kills her, taking her
elaborate and rather distinctive jewel as proof of her demise. He returns it to Nandina and
receives his pay.*
(Singing Mountain Assault)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets. This one is a bit unusual in that it dies
directly into another scenario, Nightsister Roundup.
An adventurer (not the same one who thinks he killed Azzenaj for Nandina) visits the Singing
Mountain Clan on Dathomir after hearing of their desire for someone to carry out a special
mission. The Nightsister Nandina and her pet rancor, Gorvo, have escaped the chamber of
banishment and are causing problems. An agent Nandina hired almost killed Arch Witch
Azzenaj, but she was able to hide her life signs and appear dead so that he would leave,
thinking her defeated. They need someone to take down Nandina and Gorvo to once again
confine them to the chamber of banishment. He tracks them down and is able to overcome
them after putting Nandina off-balance by announcing Azzenaj’s survival and deception of
her agent. The two are returned to the chamber of banishment.*
(Nightsister Roundup)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 276
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets. This one is a bit unusual in that it dies
directly into another scenario, Singing Mountain Assault.
An adventurer is intending to deliver a small package of cargo for double the agreed credits
by delivering it early. He takes a shortcut through an asteroid field that leaves his ship’s aft
thruster damaged by a small asteroid. He sets down within a cave on an asteroid but realizes
nearly too late that he is inside the belly of a space slug (Exogorth). He quickly takes off and
narrowly escapes its closing maw.*
(Space Slug)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
A bounty hunter is contacted by Dengar, who offers him a job from a third party. That
individual has a score to settle with Nym on Lok and wants to see him humiliated. The bounty
hunter makes his way into Nyms stronghold, where Nym fights to defend himself, thinking
that the hunter is there to kill him. In the end, Nym is defeated and left at the hunter’s mercy,
but he is only there to record a holo of Nym helpless before him and take it back to Dengar to
be delivered to their employer. Thus, that is all that he does.*
(Punish the Pirates)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
An adventurer is contacted by CorSec Lieutenant Joth, who has discovered an illegal lab on
Corellia where the “mad scientist” Mon Calamari named Maldien is operating a sort of “zoo”
of numerous creatures that he has been experimenting with, including rancors, womp rats,
and other beasts. The adventurer is to take Maldien down for them, off the books. He breaks
into the lab, steals security codes from a guard, then makes his way into the lower levels,
where he confronts Maldien. When Maldien sics his beasts against the adventurer, he kills
them all, then takes downloaded data back to CorSec so that they can arrest and prosecute
Maldien for his illegal experimentation.*
(Mad Zoo)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
In Rwookrrorro on Kashyyyk, the Wookiee big game hunter Krepauk issues a challenge to
other hunters to travel the Ryatt Trail to hunt the minstyngar named Scratch. He does not
expect anyone to survive such an encounter, but one lone hunter takes up the challenges,
finds Scratch, and kills the beast, taking its head back to Krepauk, earning great honor and
an ensuing celebration among the hunters.*
(Minstyngar Hunt)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
An adventurer is approached at a spaceport by a Wookiee in a red Life Day robe. The
Wookiee, Tebeurra, needs help. They are far from Kashyyyk, Life Day is nearing, and the
smuggler known as “Shady” Pers has stolen all of the Orga root on Kashyyyk. The
adventurer takes up the challenge and finds Shady’s warehouse, where he has battle droids
as guardians. He is able to blast his way past them and force Shady to return the Orga root.*
(Life Day)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
On Kashyyyk, an adventurer visits Sera Jossi at the Kachirho starport, who has sought out
help for a pressing problem. A group of Wookiees, led by Wrhisch, has been terrorizing the
area with what appears to be “crazy” behavior. The adventurer heads out into the forest and
battles the Wookiees (presumably with some help)), downing Wrhisch and saving the day.*
(Crazy Wookiees)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 277
On Naboo, an adventurer is approached by Tanoa Vilis, who offers him a job. There is a
gang on Naboo, the Darkwalkers, who have been kidnapping people. They have a hideout, a
cave, and a bunker, which makes them appear to be more than a simple gang. The
adventurer is sent to gather information. He stakes out the Darkwalker hideout and confronts
a Darkwalker Underlord who arrives, Critolus Masse. His goal is to interrogate Masse, but he
has a better idea. He defeats Masse in a brief scuffle, slaps him into binders, and brings him
back to Vilis for her own questioning, earning his pay.*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
An adventurer on Corellia is approached by an agent of Bane Malar, who shows him a
holomessage, asking for the adventurer to meet with Malar. He does so, though Malar hides
his actual appearance in the meeting by wearing an environmental suit. The Meatlumps, a
local gang, have a problem. He needs the adventurer to join him in stopping a droid lava
collector, DLC-13, that has gone rogue, along with other droids that are out of control. (He
can read minds, but he cannot read droids, so he needs assistance.) They find the lava
collection droid from Mustafar on a throne and droids guarding him. They take out the droids
and DLC-13, protecting the Meatlumps’ interests.*
(Destroy All Droids)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
An adventurer is informed by an information broker about the Empires newest weapon of
war, an improved All-Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT). An Imperial slicer updated the AT-
AT’s programming with software that targets its heavy laser canons. The software, however,
is being transported by ship and seems to have gone missing. The broker believes that the
Tonnika Sisters, Brea and Senni, have stolen the disc and headed for Kor Vella on Corellia.
The adventurer seeks them out and confronts them, along with their guardian droids. The
adventurer is successful in getting the better of them and is given the disk, though his
intentions (whether to turn it over to the Rebellion or return it to the Empire) is unknown, and
he simply isn’t going to tell the Tonnikas his plans.*
(Double Trouble)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets. (I am assuming here that the software
upgrade is the actual “newest weapon,” given that the AT-AT has been around for quite a while at this point.
Jedi Rachi Sitra and Rebel agent Coret Bhan crash their landspeeder on Dantooine, they
discover a hidden cache of Jedi artifacts. Pieces are found of a holocron called the Codex of
Tython, which is to contain thousands of years of technological data, including plans for a
shipboard superweapon. However, parts of the Codex are missing (smaller pyramids that fit
together into the entire holocron). They attempt to sneak off of Dantooine with the Codex
pieces they uncovered, but they are discovered by Imperial Captain Adrick, whose own
patrols found the cache (now empty) and tracked them. He demands the artifact, and the
Rebels refuse. They escape amid a firefight with the help of Jedi Drakka Judarrl, who has
been in hiding. Drakka’s own father was the one who hid the Codex, and she provides the
Rebels with another piece of it. The Codex then shows an image of a Zabrak Dark Jedi
named Mellichae, who is being held prisoner in the village of Aurilia on Dathomir. They are
attacked by other Imperials (Jeffren Brek and the Sith Acolyte Namman Cha), alerted to the
Codex by their own spies on Dantooine. In battle, the Imperials are able to seize a piece of
the Codex, which reveals to them that the full Codex will have plans for a device that would
have helped the Jedi mine by crushing asteroids with an unusual tractor beam but which can
be turned into a weapon to crush targets for the Empire. The Imperials contact Grand Admiral
Andal Sait, captain of the Star Destroyer Blackguard, who will want such a weapon. He dubs
the possible weapon the “World Killer,” and notes that it would need a focusing crystal. He
orders them to get such a crystal and bring it to him, along with the Codex piece. The Rebels
make their way to Dathomir, where Mellichae should have another piece of the Codex, but
upon arrival, they learn from local Captain Sarguillo that Imperials attacked the jail two nights
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 278
earlier and Mellichae escaped. They hunt him down, finding him with a gang of armed “thugs”
called the Sith Shadows. Upon taking him into custody, they are given his piece of the Codex,
which, when inserted with the others, shows an image of one of the Witches of Dathomir.
Sitra and Bhan turn Mellichae back over to Sarguillo, who identifies the witch they saw as the
apparently-deposed queen of the Nightsisters, Axkva Min, who is held (in spirit, it seems)
within a crystal in the Nightsisters’ Chamber of Banishment. They go there and battle through
some guards to reach the crystal, only to then have to fight Axkva upon freeing her. They
take the Codex piece she wears around her neck, then use its Force attunement to reform
her crystal prison, capturing her inside all over again. Meanwhile, Brek and Cha have made
contact with a smuggler on Kashyyyk named Shady Pers, who claims to have acquired a
Krayt dragon pearl, which could work as a focusing crystal. He tries to get the drop on them,
but they overpower him and his goons, taking the pearl for the World Killer tractor beam
weapon. They need to polish it a certain way, however, so they seek out the Jedi teacher
Nos’lyn, who is hiding out at Tansaari Point Station. The Imperials overpower him and force
the blind Jedi to polish the pearl correctly under threat of death. Before they can leave with it,
they are approached by CorSec agent Mack Jasper, who wants the focusing crystal (pearl)
for the Rebel Alliance, but Brek and Cha defeat him and proceed with the pearl and Codex
piece to the Blackguard, where Sait is pleased and quickly has a prototype setup arranged
for the World Killer. He shows off his other rare acquisitions, including the CY-M Prototype
Battle Droid, only for it to attack, thanks to the work of CorSec slicers who have infiltrated the
Star Destroyer. When it nearly defeats his men, Brek and Cha send it out of an airlock into
space. Once away from the ship, Sait tests the tractor beam by crushing the droid utterly.
Meanwhile, the Codex fragments that have been reassembled by Sitra and Bhan, seemingly
tied into the Force, has shown them an image of Sait, but they do not know who he is. They
seek out smuggler Ubis Reendoor for information, but he requires them to “recover a
shipment of battle droids from Shalera the Hutt before he will help them learn his identity.
They do so, realizing that they actually just stole the droids, rather than recovering them from
another theft. Still, they learn from Reendorr the identity of Sait and his ship, the Blackguard.
Reendoor happens to have worked with Chief Engineer Olum aboard the Star Destroyer in
the past, and he is able to smuggle the Rebels aboard the ship. They impersonate Imperial
officers with Olums help and intend to steal the rest of the Codex from Saits office, but they
are recognized by Adrick, the Imperial officer from Dantooine. They defeat him in brief
combat, then realizing that Adrick came there from Dantooine when he learned more about
the Codex, and he wanted it for himself. He has already stolen it from Sait’s office, so they
simply take it from him and escape the Blackguard with Olum’s help. The full Codex of
Tython is now in the hands of the Rebel Alliance, and a way to defeat the World Killer should
be found within.*
(Champions of the Force)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. The story weaves together the Dark Side and Light Side versions of the
scenario. This is not to be confused with the novel of the same name.
An Imperial officer is sent to the Imperial Academy on Raithal on orders from Imperial Special
Forces and Emperor Palpatine. He is part of planning an Imperial operation that will have Sith
support in the Corellian system. While at the Academy, it comes under attack by a Rebel
forced, led by Rebel agent Coret Bhan, who has been gaining a reputation for success lately
and is now said to be based out of the Corellian system. The Imperial officer is able to
organize the cadets at the Academy to repel the Rebel attackers. The officer finishes his
planning meetings, in which he learns about Bhan’s ties to Corellia and that another Rebel,
the Jedi Rachi Sitra, is also said to be in that system, as are the unaffiliated Binayre Pirates.
The officer heads for Corellia, but is attacked in his shuttle by the Binayre Pirates, who board
the shuttle from Kath Scarlet’s Firespray. He drives off Kath and her pirates, some of whom
wear Black Sun emblems, and is finally able to complete the journey to Corellia. Once there,
he takes part in an Imperial assault against a Rebel outpost that has been identified on Talus,
where Bhan and Sitra are likely located. The strike proceeds, but the Rebels are able to drive
them into retreat, thanks to the Jedi’s efforts. The Imperials retreat to their own outpost on
Talus, where they are joined by Imperial Lieutenant Barn Sinkko, a pilot trainer from Naboo
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 279
who just happens to be passing through. They are considering a second assault at the Rebel
base when the Rebels, again led by Bhan, strike the outpost in retaliation for the earlier
attack. The Imperials drive them off before they can do too much damage and then begin
plans for a new assault on the Rebels’ Talus outpost. Elsewhere, a young man meets with his
beloved aunt, Evgenia, on Corellia and learns from her that she used to be a privateer who
hunted pirates in the system, and she has hidden her Z-95 Headhunter, the Dire Hound, on
Talus. She wants him to retrieve it. He heads for Talus, where he finds the secret hangar, but
it has already been found. First, he must drive off a group of Imperials led by Jeffren Brek,
then he is accosted by (and defeats) the pirate Kath Scarlet, who is there with some of her
Binayre Pirates to steal the starfighter. Finally free of these annoyances, he launches in the
Dire Hound to return to Corellia. He brings it back to Evgenia, who wants him to meet
someone the next day, which she says may explain why so many are interested in the
starfighter. The next day, they meet with Commander Lennart, an agent of the Rebel
Alliance, who refers to the Dire Hound as the stuff of legends in the Corellian system. He
offers the young man the chance to join the Alliance, but they are interrupted by the arrival of
several Sith agents, who attack them. The attack is turned back by Rebel and CorSec
agents, who were tipped off to this impending attack. Unfortunately, the leader of the Sith
team, Namman Cha, escapes. The young mans first mission is to take the Dire Hound with
its modifications to avoid detection, from a secret Rebel base on Talus to Corellia, where he
will sneak into an Imperial office and download important data. He does so, and he is just
downloading the data when Brek arrives and tires to stop him. He kills all but Brek and one
stormtrooper, whom he holds at blasterpoint until he can get aboard the Dire Hound and
leave with the data. Unfortunately, whether due to the Dire Hound’s return or other factors,
the Imperials have learned the location of the Talus base, where the young Rebel meets one
of the last of the Jedi, Rachi Sitra, who has been protecting young Padawans at the base in
hopes of rebuilding the Jedi Order. With an Imperial attack imminent, the young man is
ordered to fly Sitra and the Padawans, along with other key personnel, to Corellia aboard the
Spirit of Corellia. After takeoff, they are attacked by TIE fighters and forced to crash in a
remote part of Corellia. All of the Rebel survive, but Darth Vader pursues them. Sitra tries to
buy them time to escape, but she is briefly knocked out. The young man and the Rebels hold
off Vader long enough for Sitra to regain her feet and fight Vader to allow the others to
escape. Finally, Sitra breaks away and rejoins them. With Vader no longer in pursuit, they
launch in the damaged ship and head for their intended destination, elsewhere on Corellia.
The base has been lost, but the Padawans have been saved. Also during the battle, the
Imperial officer leads TIEs against Y-wings and other Imperial transports, driving some down
into emergency landings in other remote parts of Corellia. In one area, the officer encounters
a group of Rebels being led by Luke Skywalker and at least some of the Jedi that were
hidden at the base. In battle with Luke, the officer and his troops are defeated, but they have
still won a victory that day. Even though Luke and the others have escaped, the Rebel base
on Talus is no more.*
(Squadrons Over Corellia)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. The story weaves together the Dark Side and Light Side versions of the
In light of Rebel espionage in the Corellian system and the escape of Luke Skywalker, Rachi
Sitra, and others from the Rebel outpost on Talus, Emperor Palpatine bypasses the Imperial
Army and reaches out to bounty hunters to capture important Rebel leaders. One hunter acts
as a go-between with other hunters for the Empire. The hunter’s first target on the Most
Wanted list is Wedge Antilles. He meets on Tatooine with 4-LOM, who has Wedge’s itinerary,
which shows him visiting the Corellian Engineering Company soon. They team up and attack
Wedge and several members of Rogue Squadron during their visit. Wedge is captured, while
the others are let leave, since they are not their intended target. They next target Talon
Karrde, who is trafficking in information about Imperial troop movements and selling that
information to the Alliance. 4-LOM directs the hunter to Zuckuss, who has a plan in motion
already. The hunter approaches Karrde as an engineer with a stolen datafile, while Zuckuss
sneaks aboard the Wild Karrde. Karrde realizes that it is a trap and calls in several guards. In
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 280
a brief battle, the guards are subdued by Zuckuss and the hunter, and Karrde is
apprehended. The next target is Corellian troublemaker (and CorSec agent) Corran Horn.
While meeting with a contact on Corellia, the hunter is introduced to Boussh. They team up
and go to Corellia, where they kidnap Hal Horn to draw out Corran. With the threat of Hal’s
death being held over his head, Corran trades himself for his father. The fourth target is Major
Coret Bhan, who has been so successful lately that Alliance High Command will not promote
him, since it would mean a job away from the front lines. The hunter is sent by Imperial
contacts to work with IG-88, who has obtained Bhan’s deployment orders. Together, they
strike at Bhan’s commandos when they try to strike an Imperial outpost on Dantooine. They
are able to capture Bhan. Their final target is one of the last of the Jedi, Rachi Sitra, who is
an Alliance agent on her way to Dathomir on a diplomatic mission with some younger Jedi
(possibly the same ones saved from Talus) as her guardians. The hunter works with Boba
Fett to attack Sitras ship in space with Slave I. They board Sitras vessel and defeat her
guardians, taking her into custody. Five important targets for the Empire are now in Imperial
hands. To rescue these heroes, the Alliance decides to seek out clues by making contact
with bounty hunters. A Rebel team first speaks with the Rodian Thuku at Chalmun’s Cantina
on Tatooine, but it is a trap. After the Rebels defeat Thuku’s allies who spring the trap, Thuku
finally reveals that he knows about the Most Wanted list for Rebel supporters, but he has not
captured any. He suggests that they track down Dengar, who is said to have made a big
score recently. Thuku tells them that Dengar has left Tatooine for Naboo. They find him there
and pretend to be working for Borvo the Hutt and wanting to hire him. They then pull blasters
on him, but he does not back down. After a brief firefight with Dengar, the Rebels subdue him
to turn over to the Alliance, and Dengar reveals that he turned over his own Most Wanted
bounty to Imperial authorities on Naboo and another bounty hunter, Snoova, is there as well,
parading around a bounty in cuffs at Deeja Peak. The Rebels go there and question Snoova,
who is reluctant to talk until defeated in another quick firefight. Snoova reveals that he does
not know where the prisoners have been sent, including his that he just turned in to the
Imperials at Deeja Peak, but another bounty hunter, Bossk, has been tasked with escorting
them to their destination. After a quick debriefing at Moenia by Alliance Intelligence, the
Rebel team heads for Bestine on Tatooine, a favorite haunt of Bossk. They find him after he
lands the Hound’s Tooth and question him (again, after some violent persuasion). Bossk
reveals that the prisoners are being held in a mountain range there on Tatooine. They turn
Bossk over to authorities in Mos Eisley, then head for the mountain, where Boba Fett’s Slave
I rests on a landing pad. They strike at the facility, fighting their way past Imperial guards and
Fett himself. Fett escapes aboard Slave I, but the Rebels are able to free the prisoners, who
are able to return to their families, businesses, or the Alliance, as their situations warrant.*
(Galactic Hunters)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. The story weaves together the Dark Side and Light Side versions of the
Lyda Skims, aka Rebel agent Skimmer, is captured by Imperials after discovering the
Imperial project Dead Eye and warning the Rebel Alliance. She is placed on a personnel
transport, but when it experiences mechanical failures, she escapes. Instead of transmitting
the data she has on Dead Eye to the Rebels, she goes into hiding.*
(Alliance Operative Field Dossier: Skimmer)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. It is placed here because it ties directly into The Cries of
Three Rebel officerstwo humans and a frog-like Zariantravel to Tatooine and battle
Imperial agents in order to infiltrate a Jawa Sandcrawler to retrieve a strategic protocol droid.
Unbeknownst to them, a black protocol assassin droid has infiltrated the Sandcrawler, posing
as a damaged machine for the Jawas to scavenge . . . *
(Shifting Gears)*
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This summary is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The most famous of these stories is Lightsider, of course, but Shifting
Gears is among them as well. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor text for our
purposes, with no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it historical
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 281
A Victory Star Destroyer is yanked out of hyperspace by an asteroid in the system containing
the planet Canyon. The ship grazes the asteroid and takes damage. The distress call brings
smugglers, pirates, and Imperial aide. The smugglers and pirates soon make Canyon a base
of operations, which soon makes Canyon a general colony world.
(conjecture based on Black Curs Blues)
Dunclair Gostegion kills a Dark Sun Vigo’s son in a shady card game on Bespin’s Cloud City.
He goes into hiding on Tasariq.*
(conjecture based on Tasariq: The Crystal Planet)*
*NOTE: “Dark Sun” instead of “Black Sun?” “Besbin” instead of “Bespin?” Sounds shady to me, but that’s the
way it’s written in the article.
On Cloud City on Bespin, Lando Calrissian wings a high-stakes sabacc game with Drebble,
thoroughly annoying him. On his way from the game, he helps Ymile, who had lost a
decorative accessory to a thief. Upon retrieving the object, Lando calls her his “Lady Luck
(yes, for whom he will later name his ship) and notes how Drebble kept losing after she sat
near him. Later, Lando is invited by Baron Dominic Raynor (Cloud City’s administrator) to a
game of sabacc, via Lobot. Upon arriving and meeting Raynor, Lando finds out that Ymile is
there as well. Shes come to bring luck, supposedly. As the crowd watches, Lando and
Raynor gamble like pros, with Lando putting his ship, the Cobra on the line. Lando loses, but
Lobot points out that the dealer had been cheating on Raynor’s behalf, at the behest of
Drebble, who is arrested. Raynor refuses to return his winnings, but Lobot presents Lando
with 5,000,000 credits with which to continue the match. He does so, with Ymile nearby, and
ends up winning Cloud City! Baron Calrissian lets Raynor leave with no trouble, and later
confronts Lobot about his mysterious luck. It seems that Baron Raynor had been despised
by the city’s workers, and Lando had potential to be a better leader. The workers donated
the 5,000,000 credits at 1 credit per worker, and Ymile’s “decoration,” along with Lobot’s
enhanced brain, had allowed for the “lucky” shifts of the sabacc cards. Lando is now the
owner and administrator of Cloud City.*
(Lady Luck)*
*NOTE: When Lando was said to be in charge of Cloud City and to have his Lady Luck vessel in Shadow Games, I
offered a question to the writers about how that is possible, given that Lando doesn’t win it until here, after ANH.
The answer from Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff was that they checked Lando’s background, and something to the
effect that Lucasfilm has always had him getting it before ANH, and I must be mistaken about whether Shadow
Games is before or after ANH. However, every source has put it pre-ANH, including the Essential Atlas,
referencing it very soon before Shadow Games was published. So, yeah, that’s crap. I call b.s. on that answer.
Dominic Raynor hires Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk to exact his revenge on Lando
Calrissian for beating Raynor in a game of sabacc and taking over as head administrator of
Cloud City. Bossk hires a group of thugs to assist him. They hack into the citys central
computer and send a forged message to Lando, an urgent warning that one of the city’s
primary repulsorlift pods is about to fail, which could send the entire city plummeting. Lando
rushes to the maintenance deck where the pod would be worked on, but finds instead an
ambush. Luckily, Lando brought along several guards, so a firefight breaks out.*
(Sore Loser’s Revenge)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn.
Just over one month after winning Cloud City in a sabacc game, Lando Calrissian is Baron
Administrator of the city, but he has faced three attempts on his life thus far. When “Queen
Sarna” of Drogheda arrives . . .and promptly explodes . . . it is revealed that “Sarna” was an
advanced droid meant to kill him, and the real Sarna knew nothing of the meeting. Lando
finds that his only choice is, with Lobot’s help, to stage his own death, then wait to see who
tries to purchase the city in his absence. While waiting to see what happens, Lando and
Lobot are aboard the Cobra when it is attacked by the bounty hunter Thune aboard the
Faceted. Lando believes Thune was hired by Dominic Raynor. They escape Thune with a
tricky maneuver, then head for Roon to call in a favor for help from Mungo Baobab. Staying
briefly with Baobab, they are together when Thune arrives. She takes out a pair of Baobabs
bodyguards, but they manage to subdue her. Later, they put kessum in her system so they
can track her, but they allow her to live free in exchange for going after Raynor himself for
them. The turnabout works, and Lando no longer has to worry about Raynor.*
(Idiot’s Array)*
*NOTE: This story should not be confused with the Empire storyline of the same name.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 282
When a shipment of ryll spice that is meant for a medical facility goes missing, both the
Imperial Security Bureau and the Rebel Alliance work to get it back for their own purposes.
On the Alliances behalf, Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian of Cloud City hires an agent to
help retrieve the spice and get it to the Rebellion, who can then turn it over to the proper
medical facility. Lando sends his agent to Jabbas Palace on Tatooine to seek information.
Unfortunately, he runs afoul of Ephant Mon and is forced to flee the palace. Fortunately, he
has found information pointing to Corellia, where ryll smuggling is being investigated by
CorSec agent Lon Cope in Kor Vella. He meets with Cope, who pints him to Ubis Reendorr of
the Red Circle Gang, who should know where to find such a shipment. Reendorr tries to take
down the agent, but he is able to defeat Reendorr and other Red Circle goons. He takes
Reendorr’s access card to Red Circle’s bunker, which he provides to Cope, so that he can
use it to help bring down the Red Circle Gang. Meanwhile, the ISB’s Jeffren Brek sends an
agent, posing as a merchant from Corellia, into Jabba’s Palace to seek information as well,
only for Bib Fortuna to become suspicious and nearly feed him to Jabba’s rancor. The agent
seals a swoop and escapes to Mos Eisley. While the agents cover was not good enough to
fool Bib Fortuna, it does fool CorSec Major Alana Walden, who corners him in an alley,
intending to question him about the missing ryll spice. He incapacitates the CorSec team,
taking their datapad. The datapad suggests that another person looking for the ryll is Rebel
Major Coret Bhan, an ally to the CorSec team. Around the same time, Lando’s agent travels
back to Tatooine to meet with Bothan spy Loza Silban, who has information on the Brek’s
efforts to find the spice. The agent goes to meet Brek, still posing as a trader, and he sees
Brek talking to BoShek. He is unable to convince Brek that he is a simple trader, and a fight
ensues. He holds Brek at blasterpoint to learn BoShek’s name and that he seems to have
information about the shipment. He tracks down BoShek, defeats a few of his friends, and
learns (in exchange for letting BoShek go) that the shipment is to be found at a hideout on
Skip 52 in the Smuggler’s Run asteroid belt near Wrea. While Brek remains briefly
incapacitated, his Imperial agent tries to contact Brek but is unsuccessful. He then heads for
the docking bay indicated on the CorSec datapad and attacks Bhan and his Rebel team, who
have just taken out a group of smugglers. He captures the team long enough to interrogate
them, and one of the younger members of Bhans group lets it slip that Han Solo, who is on
Corellia, is on the trail of the shipment and awaiting Bhan’s arrival. The ISB agent makes his
way to Corellia to where Han was to meet Bhan and poses as a fellow smuggler wanting to
share a drink. Unfortunately for the agent, word reaches Col Serra about the attack on Bhan,
and Han and Col turn the tables on the agent. The agent escapes, but not before placing a
homing beacon on Han. Posing as scoundrels, Lando’s agent and Wedge Antilles of the
Rebel Alliance travel to Skip 52, where they discover shadow stormtroopers and Imperial
agents with the entire shipment of ryll spice. They take out the Imperials right in front of a
running holotransmission from the head of the ISB, Blackhole. They have made a new enemy
today. They contact Lando Calrissian to arrange pickup of the spice and transfer to the
Rebellion (in the form of Han Solo). The Imperial agent follows Han to Skip 52. There, the
agent finds Han, a group of Rebels, and Lando, loading up the ryll to be taken to its intended
destination. The agent attacks, and while he is unable to acquire all of the spice, he is able to
save enough to turn over to Brek and be considered successful in his mission.*
(Agents of Deception)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here, relatively close to The Ruins of Dantooine and the other TCG scenarios. It must be after Lady Luck, though,
since Lando is the new Baron Administrator of Cloud City. The story weaves together the Dark Side and Light
Side versions of the scenario.
The Rebel Alliance is using the podracing circuit (illegal by Imperial standard but often
tolerated) as a means of moving vehicles and other supplies from planet to planet. One such
operation is that of Corellian swoop racer Kimmi Chyler, who is being ferried around by Dash
Rendar on his Outrider. While she races, Dash makes certain to drop off and pick up
whatever the Alliance needs. Imperial Security Bureau Captain Jeffren Brek brings in an
Imperial agent to look into Dash’s activities. The ISB agent pretends to be a courier, bearing
a package and Dash’s favorite snack, Smuggler’s Delight, to meet Dash and get an invitation
into his ship. While aboard, he sees an open container with body armor in it and draws his
blaster, ready to arrest Dash for carrying illicit cargo. Dash, however, fights him off, and he is
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 283
forced to return back to Brek to report, rather than arrest Dash. Knowing that the next big
race is on Rori, Brek sends his agent there, planning to confront Dash once again on his own.
Dash reaches out to an old friend nearby (while Kimmi is in the Lok Marathon) with an offer of
employment as a guard for the Outlander while Dash and his droid, Leebo, go with Kimmi
around the swoop racing circuit. He agrees, not knowing their true Rebel purpose, but enters
to find Leebo sealing up a crate full of armor. Upon being told by the droid to basically go
away, he exits the ramp to find Brek demanding to board the ship. He refuses, so Brek simply
declares that since swoop racing is technically illegal, he is going to board anyway. A brief
firefight ensues, during which they force Brek into a retreat as he shouts plenty of ill-willed
threats. They leave for Rori for the Narmle Memorial Rally race. At the spaceport, Dash
provides the body armor to local Rebels and receives crates of bacta kits in return. Once
Kimmi and Dash head off for the race, though, a group of Sith Shadows, led by Namman
Cha, approach the guard, intending to kill him and board to see what Dash has been
transporting for the Alliance. The guard drives Cha and the others off. At the race, Dash
delivers more cargo to Rebel Major Coret Bhan and is seen doing so by the ISB agent, who
recognizes Bhan and tries to arrest them both. When a fight begins, the agent must
disengage because his orders are to find out who else is part of the scheme with Dash and
other Rebels. On reporting to Namman Cha, the agent is sent to the next swoop race
location: Talus, where he is to meet with Black Sun Vigo Lonay. The Outrider next heads for
Talus, where Kimmi plays some sabacc against Vigo Lonay, kicking his butt. Kimmi is
accused of cheating. The guard, along because she requested it, joins her in a quick getaway
by speederbike. Lonay chases in a speeder, but they trick him into a crash and escape. The
ISB agent then arrives and meets with Lonay, who is happy to know that Kimmi is part of the
group he is targeting, so that he can get some payback for the Vigo as well. The agent finds
Kimmi in another cantina, out on the town again, and he holds her up. Like with Lonay, she is
able to overpower him long enough to escape on a speederbike. Upon reporting this to
Lonay, the ISB agent is pointed to a contact named Jix on Corellia, the next race location.
The next race is at Kimmi’s home track, through the crystal swamps of Agrilat, where she
once raced against the likes of Han Solo and Dengar. While she prepares, Dash and the
guard go to Ko Vella, where the guard is to keep an eye out for Dash, who meets with some
local Rebels about an Imperial datafile and battle plans. As they turn to leave they are
confronted by Guri, the Human Replica Droid bodyguard and enforcer for Black Sun’s Prince
Xizor, who wants the datafile back. They fight her until she retreats, though she declares that
Black Sun is going to find enough on him to turn over to the Imperials and have him taken
down, one way or another. Dash later meets again with one of his Bothan contacts, Koth
Melan, who warns him of an Imperial presence and that they are being followed by a
mechanic (actually the ISB agent, dressed as a mechanic as part of Jix’s swoop team as
cover). In a brief scuffle, Dash is able to escape, but Melan is caught and arrested by the
agent, then taken to Brek in the city of Bela Vistal. There, Brek gives the agent orders to
contact bounty hunter Skahtul on Tatooine (hired by Black Sun to find Luke Skywalker), as
Black Sun will be his contact during the last race of the swoop racing circuit (and thus, his
mission to follow Dashs crew). (To be continued below . . . )*
(The Shadow Syndicate)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here, relatively close to The Ruins of Dantooine and the other TCG scenarios. The story weaves together the Dark
Side and Light Side versions of the scenario.
During Dash Rendar and Kimmi Chyler’s adventures in Mos Espa on Tatooine, amid the
swoop race, CorSec Major Alana Walden also has a player in the situation. She contacts an
adventurer to help stop a swoop gang called the Skulls, whose leader, Jeng Seth, will be
among those racing that weekend. They are known to simply want to create mayhem, such
as running swoops into crowds and beating rival Swoopers to death. The adventurer
confronts them, defeating Jeng and his goons and turning them over to Walden, so that they
can be taken back to Corellia for trial and imprisonment for their various crimes. Jeng,
however, claims that his gang is always looking out for him and that he will be out of jail
within an hour. Either way, the adventurer is paid, since his job is done.*
(The Skulls)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 284
here with The Ruins of Dantooine. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark Side
variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets. This one is a bit unusual in that it dies
directly into one of those major scenarios, The Shadow Syndicate.
Kimmi Chyler, Dash Rendar, Leebo, and the guard finally go to Tatooine for the
championship race in Mos Espa, only to be invited to a party held for the racers by Xizor
Transport Company. Surprisingly, they are not accosted by Guri at the party, even though
she is present. They leave for the local cantina and meet with Dash’s next Rebel contact,
Luke Skywalker. Dash is just handing over the datapad with the datafile when Guri arrives,
claiming the datapad and its files belong to Black Sun and ordering her goons to kill them all.
In a fierce battle that spills out into the street, Guri and her Black Sun thugs are sent into
retreat, though she claims (supposedly a bluff, according to Luke) that they now have enough
about Dash to turn info over to the Empire, and they will also let the Emperor know about
Luke’s involvement Dash’s activities. Fortunately, the Rebels have the datapad, and Dash’s
current mission is complete. When the race is finally held, Kimmi races, while the others
watch from Xizors personal sail barge, as do many of the other support staff for the various
racers who were invited to the earlier party. The ISB agent is also aboard with Skahtul and
they use the opportunity to strike at the Rebels. In the confrontation, the agent and bounty
hunter are able to fight the Rebels mostly into a stalemate, until a stray shot causes the sail
barge to run aground, tossing the agent and Skahtul off of the barge. The Rebels are thereby
able to escape.*
(The Shadow Syndicate)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here, relatively close to The Ruins of Dantooine and the other TCG scenarios. The story weaves together the Dark
Side and Light Side versions of the scenario.
While on a run for supplies for the current Rebel base, Han Solo and Chewbacca, aboard the
Millennium Falcon, are pursued by a Star Destroyer. The Falcon is damaged, and one of its
droid brains is fried. They are forced to set down on a nearby planet, but they are pursued by
the Imperials. Thankfully, they find a base full of Clone Wars era battledroids and weapons.
They get the droids running again and salvage the necessary parts to get the Falcon back up
and running. With the droids attacking the arriving Imperials, our heroes make it into space
and escape.*
*NOTE: In the direct sequel to this story, My SpaceshipMy Enemy!, Han refers to the Senate as having been
disbanded “last… and is interrupted. I am assuming this is meant to be “last year,” hence this placement.
Having made repairs to the Millennium Falcon with salvaged droid brains from a Clone Wars
era Separatist facility, Han Solo and Chewbacca are chased by Imperials while trying to
return to the Rebel Alliance. Unfortunately, the ship seems to be fighting their controls. After
finally escaping, Han is trying to check the ship’s systems when he is zapped by the ship
itself. He awakens to find the Falcon en route to Coruscant and out of their control. The droid
brains are on a mission to destroy the Galactic Senate that no longer even exists. Over
Coruscant, Imperials attack, but Han and Chewbacca are able to blindside their own ship
during the fighting, giving Chewbacca a chance to remove and discard the droid brains. With
the Falcon back under control, they escape into hyperspace.*
(My SpaceshipMy Enemy!)*
*NOTE: This is a direct sequel to Repairs.
Having systematically dismantled half of Cloud City’s droid population, the demented droid
EV-9D9 is hunted by Lando Calrissian, Lobot, and the Cloud City security forces. EV-9D9
sets some of the repulsors on the station to fail, so that the heroes must save the city while
she steals a vessel to escape. Traffic controller droid 12-4C-41 seems to have a desire for
revenge, but neither Forwun nor the other Cloud City forces can stop her. EV-9D9 heads for
Tatooine where she will soon come into the employ of Jabba the Hutt. (To be continued
below . . . )
(A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9)
Darth Vader arrives on Dantooine. His fellow Imperials have told him of Jedi ruins on the
planet, and Vader investigates. He uses the Dark Side to break into a sealed Jedi building,
only to be shot in the shoulder. His blood drips on the floor as he orders a retreat. He vows
to return later. Elsewhere on Dantooine, Zak and Tash Arranda, along with Mammon Hoole,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 285
have been living with the Dantari for over a month. They arrived on the planet and soon
joined with the locals in order to hide from the Empire. They aren’t without enemies, though.
They have annoyed the local shaman (garoo), Maga. Hoole’s shape-shifting powers and
Tash’s growing Force powers make Maga look less powerful in his people’s eyes. One day,
an avalanche occurs, and Tash uses her Force power to push a rock that is about to crush a
Dantari. She is thanked, but Maga is suspected of being behind it. When they confront him,
he uses harsh words and Tash draws on the Dark Side to dump a pot of porridge on him,
though she instinctively knows that type of Force use isnt right. Later that night, the Dantari
tribe camps near the Jedi ruins and Maga meets the children to prove his innocence. Tash
decides to rush off into the ruins to check them out, though Maga doubts she will return alive.
Tash arrives in the ruins and finds her way into the facility Vader had opened. She is found
by Eyal Shah, who claims to be a Rebel. Hoole and Zak rush to Tashs rescue, but find Eyal
to be friendly. He takes them to the abandoned Rebel base on Dantooine where he asks
them to help get their ship (which is made of grass and wood) spaceworthy. They’re just a
tad nuts. Tash agonizes over her Force usage and uses it to move her pendant. While doing
this, she notices that people seem to be in more than one place at a time. Later, Tashis
attacked . . . by herself. It is an evil clone of Tash. The real Tash escapes back to the
Dantari camp, where she finds Maga. The others have been taken prisoner by “the man with
no face.” He says the group that came and took them was led by Tash. Tash knows this
must’ve been the evil Tash, so she and Maga return to the Rebel base to see what’s going
on. There, they see the other Dantari being led into the camp in bindings by the leader of the
“Rebels,” who happens to be the “man with no face,” who also happens to appear to be Darth
Vader himself. All the visitors (Maga, Hoole, Tash, and Zak) are taken to the Jedi facility
where they realize that they are seeing an advanced cloning operation in action. After
escaping from evil Zak and Tash clones, Tash finds the real Hoole and Zak. They discover
that this evil clone of Darth Vader (with not-quite-right armor and a mock-up lightsaber) has
been using DNA samples from the Rebel who used to be in the base to create clones, but
there were no living beings to do personality scans on. Now the evil Vader clone wishes to
use the Dantari and the Shroud folks to create a new army of clones with personalities. As
Hoole battles a clone Hoole, the real Darth Vader arrives to fulfill his vow to explore the Jedi
site, and engages the false Vader in battle. Tash tricks the evil Hoole into jumping at her,
and she kills him. Zak, Tash, and Hoole take the Shroud (called by its slave circuit) off the
planet. The Dantari are free of the Vader clone now that Vader has killed it. Vader surveys
the facility. The clones grew far faster than any clones ever known. This could be of great
interest to Emperor Palpatine . . .
Alec Pradeux, an advisor to Emperor Palpatine, declares the Candorian plague outbreak on
Dentaal a Rebel plot. (Exact date of report via Imperial HoloVision: 36:3:22)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
Darpa SectorNet reports the upping of probot production orders by the Empire. (Exact date
of report via Darpa SectorNet: 36:4:4)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
The planet Ammund is settled as a religious retreat by colonists from the Core world Thokos.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
The planet Jerrist VI is plagued by an unknown pathogen. Millions die because the Corporate
Sector Authority refuses to stop mining operations in order to treat the outbreak.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
Around this time (four years prior to the Battle of Mindor), Imperial experiments on a new
form of gravity well projector causes the Big Crush. The planet Taspan II, which is in
conjunction with Taspan I (Mindor) at the time, is destroyed, leaving a dangerous ring of
asteroid-like debris around Mindor.
(conjecture based on Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor)
Darth Vader puts a bounty on Mammon Hoole, Tash Arranda, and Zak Arranda. Aboard the
Executor, Vader personally asks Boba Fett to take the job. On Nar Shaddaa, the targets
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 286
have landed to resupply the Shroud, only to find themselves hunted by bounty hunters. They
escape the planet in the Shroud and head for Koaan, in hopes that their old droid, DV-9
(Deevee) can help them find a world where they can hide out. As they near Koaan, Boba
Fett emerges from a hiding place on the ship (Slave I has been following them via slave
circuit) and tries to take them all captive. Hoole manages to get himself and the kids into an
escape pod and they launch for Koaan. The Shroud is too badly damaged to salvage, it
seems. On Koaan, they meet with Deevee and are taken to a computer where they decide to
go to the world of Dagobah to escape the Imperials. Two smugglers enter looking for a place
to go as well. They are Plat Okeefe and Tru’eb. They take the Dagobah information and
Hoole blackmails them in order to get them to tag along. The smugglers get to their ship with
the rest of the crew and they leave Nar Shaddaa aboard the Last Chance, with Hoole, Zak,
and Tash along as well. Fett enters the room shortly thereafter and finds their intended
destination. The chase is on. The Last Chance arrives on Dagobah but gets stuck in the
mud. The smugglers and passengers make their way through the swamp. Zak accidentally
falls into some water and is “rescued” by two Children, whom Platt takes for monsters or
corpses and subsequently blasts one of them. The surviving “child” (well, he’s pretty old if we
assume he was a baby during the original cannibalism on Dagobah 37 BBY) is named Galt.
He and 25 other Children are the descendants of the original exploration team that never
returned from Dagobah. They go to the Childrens home and soon view old holorecords
(using a power cell Platt provides), which show a depressing situation for the original
explorers. With no food to spare and children starving, they were forced to feed the children
the bodies of the crew members who had recently died. Zak later wanders around and meets
the Jedi Master Yoda. He leaves Yoda and sees Fett’s ship. He warns the others, but Tash
wants to meet Yoda, even if it isn’t totally safe. Two smugglers go with the kids, but when
they are attacked by a giant spider, Zak and Tash hide in a tree. The smugglers are then
attacked. One is killed and taken away. The other is harmed, but not too badly. The kids
emerge to see Galt with the smuggler, who agrees to take the smuggler back to the
Children’s home. Zak and Tash stay to meet Yoda, who takes Tash with him, and sends Zak
away with a meat flower in his pocket. (Yoda knows Zak needs some self-reliance). Zak
goes back to camp and finds that they are preparing to eat again (they’re eating awfully well
for people with little to live on). He enters the hut where the hurt smuggler lies and finds his
arm amputated. In his soup, a short time later, Zak finds the smuggler’s promise ring. Galt
says it must’ve fallen out of his pocket. Others arrive and ask about food. A short time later,
the food is prepared and Platt arrives from the wounded smuggler’s hut, commenting that
he’d lost an arm and a leg. Zak has a sick feeling he knows where the food is coming from.
Zak spies on Galt and the others, only to find himself trapped. He’s place in a cage next to
another cage. In the other cage sits an unarmored Boba Fett. Zak is taken out to be cooked,
but he saves himself with the meat flower. He frees Fett and gives Fett his armor back. Fett
and Zak escape to Yoda’s hut. Fett wants to find Hoole so he can take Hoole, Zak, and Tash
for the bounty, but he is knocked into the Dark Side Cave by a swarm of Children. Zak falls
in also. Zak sees a vision of the children and the days when they had their first cannibalistic
meal. The children see it too and realize that they were supposed to eat in that manner as a
last resort, but their memories had only been of the act, not the reasoning their parents had.
Zak also lets go of his insecurities and jealousy of Tash’s Force abilities and feels the Force
in himself. He emerges, as does Fett, but Fett claims to have seen nothing. The smugglers
arrive and Fett makes a hasty retreat. The heroes join together, and Yoda tells the Arrandas
that they both may yet one day be Jedi, which brings an end to the hinting about Zak’s
potential that began with the Jedi ghost on Nepsis 8. In orbit, Fett is ordered off the case by
Vader, who wants him to go after the Millennium Falcon instead, while Fett will only consider
it a side job, now that he’s decided to go after a different target. Fett leaves, and moments
later, the Last Chance takes off from Dagobah. Zak, Tash, and Hoole have decided that they
can run from the Empire no longer. As soon as they can make contact, they are going to join
the Rebel Alliance.*
(The Hunger)
TriNebulon News reports that Fitz Roi had moved to Calamar on Esseles as his new
residence. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News: 36:4:10)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 287
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
The Empire nationalizes droid manufacturing in the mid-rim, ostensibly to cut down on the
production of assassin droids by private companies. (Exact date of report via Nal Hutta
Kal’tamok, Basic Edition: 36:4:21)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
After the death of his father at the hands of Imperials for speaking out against the Emperor,
Roworr joins the Rebel Alliance and becomes a pilot. He will come to be an A-wing pilot and
is often mistaken for Chewbacca.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Roworr, found on the
Wizards of the Coast website)
Krin Koda, a legendary scout, was the first being to discover what became known as the Eye
of Koda. When he landed on the planet which became known as Koda’s World, he found the
native Tempestro struggling against a deadly disease. Krin’s meager stores included several
medpacks, and he was able to administer an antidote and save the Tempestro. They
presented him with the Eye of Koda as a reward, as they were unaware of its true power. He
disappeared before he could prove the legends behind the Eye, and misfortune seemed to
follow those who located the amulet after him.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Battle of Binquaros takes place. It is generally believed that the battle was actually won
by the ThunderForce mercenary unit.
(conjecture based on Hideouts and Strongholds via TimeTales, verbatim)
Vernier, an ineffectual and vengeful Imperial Moff, controls the Wyloff Sector. He was less
concerned about government than recreation, and spent much of his time from the actual
leadership of the sector. When his lack of government was revealed by the father of Ilo Jev,
Varnier had the broadcaster executed. Varnier had been assassinating any individual who
opposed or questioned his rule, and the elder Jev was just another member of the opposition.
His operation was eventually broken by the efforts of Major Kerri Lessev, who was working
more for the Alliance than the Empire’s Destabilization branch. Varnier’s entire operation
was laid bare, and many Imperial agents were reassigned or executed for their parts in
Varnier’s government.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Rebel Operatives via TimeTales, verbatim)
Rebel Alliance General Airen Cracken fabricates an identity for his son that allows Pash to
enter the Imperial Naval Academy. Pash learns the skill of flying by fooling around with old Z-
95 Headhunter simulators, and his father’s connections led him to opportunities of other
simulators and real starfighters.
(conjecture based on Wedge’s Gamble via TimeTales, verbatim)
Roganda Ismaren has Death Star designer Nasdra Magrody kidnapped and held prisoner on
the planet Belsavis, doped up with anti-depressants. There, she forces him to implant her
young son Irek with a converter that will allow the Force-sensitive boy to be able to
manipulate machines and computers with the Force.
(conjecture based on Children of the Jedi via TimeTales, verbatim)
A Rebel is called upon by a fellow Rebel, Jedi Rachi Sitra, who urges the Rebel to meet her
on Dathomir. Once there, they learn from Augwynne Djo of the Singing Mountain Clan that a
dangerous Nightsister, Kyrisa, who has the ability to control animals with greater precision
and power than most Force-users, has been banished by the other Nightsisters and is now
on Hoth. She cannot be allowed to be at large. (Unbeknownst to them, the Emperor has also
sent Sith Shadow leader Namman Cha to find her, and he has called in another Imperial
agent.) They make it to Hoth a few days later and split up to search for Kyrisa. Rather than
finding her, the Rebel first finds a mysterious Sith (Namman Cha), who is also there looking
for Kyrisa. After a brief battle, the Sith breaks away and leaves, intending to fulfill his mission
to find the Nightsister without delay. At the same time, the other Imperial agent encounters
Sitra, and the two battle until finally agreeing to go their separate ways in the race to find
Kyrisa. The Imperial then runs into Han Solo and some Rebels on patrol on tauntauns and is
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 288
surprised to see Rebels on Hoth. Hans Rebels try to capture the Imperial, but snow and
harsh winds allow him to escape to find shelter. When the snow passes, he is contacted by
Imperial Security Bureau agent Jeffren Brek, who has just arrived, also seeking Kyrisa on
behalf of ISB leader Blackhole. Namman Chas agent tells Brek about his encounters with the
Rebels, sparking Brek’s interest. They work together to find Kyrisa, coming upon and having
to defeat a large, genetically-altered wampa that is sent against them by the Nightsister. They
defeat the beast, then are forced to battle Kyrisa and other beasts. They survive the
encounter, but Kyrisa escapes. Brek continues the hunt, while sending the agent to seek
more information on the Rebels he encountered. When Sitra is informed about the other
Rebel’s encounter with Namman, she tells the Rebel to go help protect a nearby Rebel
outpost (presumably a precursor to the final Echo Base or part of it as it is being developed),
while Sitra continues the hunt for Kyrisa. At the outpost, Major Bren Derlin has the Rebel take
a squad to investigate nearby Imperial activity. They come upon (and battle) an Imperial
contingent led by Brek, nearly defeating them before a sudden snowstorm separates the two
groups and leaves the Rebel on his own. The Rebel seeks shelter in a nearby cave, only to
find it is home to giant Hoth hogs, creatures controlled by and genetically altered by Kyrisa.
To protect himself, he kills them, but when the snow lets up, Kyrisa is there with a pair of
wampas to take revenge upon him for killing her “Maraki.” He fights her into a retreat (aboard
another Hoth hog). The Rebel is found by the rest of his patrol and returns to the Rebel
outpost, just as Han Solo returns from patrol on a tauntaun to announce that the Imperials
(likely Brek’s band) have sent a pair of AT-PTs and an AT-ST their way. A battle again
ensues, until a snow storm sweeps by, wiping out the Imperials, except for one AT-PT that is
presumed to have been thrown away by the wind. The Imperial agent who arrived with Cha,
meanwhile, has returned to the site of his encounter with Han and follows comm chatter to a
set of small, temporary structures, where he spots more Rebels, including Leia Organa. He is
noticed, however, and is forced to fight his way out of the situation and escape. He is able to
make contact with Brek, informing him of what he found, but without any vids, it will be
difficult to prove that the Rebels were there. Moreover, Kyrisa has vanished into the
wasteland that is the Hoth surface. A few days later, the Imperial agent and Brek meet with
General Nevar aboard the Devastator, only to be told that the idea of a Rebel installation on
Hoth is ludicrous and the mission a failure. All records of the mission are deleted to maintain
face, leaving the Empire to not realize that the Rebels are going to base themselves on Hoth
until over a year later.
(The Nightsister’s Revenge)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here, relatively close to The Ruins of Dantooine and the other TCG scenarios (but a little more spaced out so that
they aren’t all just bunched together). The story weaves together the Dark Side and Light Side versions of the
scenario. Bear in mind that the end notes that it will not be until “over a year later” when the Imperials find the
Rebels on Hoth, which pins this story down to during this year, in case there was any doubt. (ESB is in 3 ABY, so
“over one year” is 1 – 2 years before that or 1 2 ABY.)
An Imperial agent, who has been successful in recent missions, is sent to Rori (a moon of
Naboo) to meet with Captain Sarkli and accompany his Storm Commandos on some
missions. While observing training exercises, the agent is drawn into battle when the Rebel
Alliance’s Renegade Squadron, led by Col Serra, attacks the base. Not expecting to see
Storm Commandos, the Renegades are forced to retreat. Unfortunately for the Imperials,
their ship is being repaired, so they cannot chase the retreating Rebel craft. Soon, though,
Imperial Intelligence is able to locate a Rebel base on Rori, which the Storm Commandos
then attack. They find the base mostly evacuated, except for a few Rebels, led by Jedi Rachi
Sitra. The Storm Commandos take some losses, but the Rebels retreat. Information found
within the abandoned Rebel base points to a Naboo Royal Security Force station that is
actually a cover for an anti-Imperial base. They go to Naboo and attack the base, discovering
that it is the base of Garm Bel Iblis, former member of the Rebel High Command. They drive
the Rebels out of the base and retrieve the data that was their primary target instead of
pursuing Bel Iblis. The information they recover points them to another Rebel base in a
bunker within the woods outside of Bela Vistal on Corellia. They strike at that base as well,
forcing Bothan General Polo Se’lab and many of his men to retreat. The Storm Commandos
go through the base, clearing it room by room, until they encounter Luke Skywalker in the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 289
bunker command center. The lone Jedi-in-training is able to take out a few Storm
Commandos before cutting them off from pursuit as he escapes. For the Storm Commandos,
it is still a success: the base has been taken by the Empire. Later, at a Rebel base in one of
Naboo’s forests, Col Serra of Renegade Squadron welcomes a new Rebel agent who is to
travel with the Renegades on their missions for a time. They are to retrieve data from a
nearby Imperial weapons depot, which they learn is being guarded Sarkli and the Storm
Commandos. They attack, driving the Storm Commandos into retreat, allowing them to
retrieve the data they wanted. The datafiles they slice show an unusual Star Destroyer, which
is being outfitted with a weapon similar to the Death Stars superlaser. They learn that the
weapon was being developed on Naboo, making the research facility their next target for
information. They infiltrate the facility, driving off its defenders, led by Sith Acolyte Namman
Cha. New information from the research facility reveals that the Star Destroyer with the new
weapon is the Conqueror. When word comes that an uninhabited planetoid in the Mustafar
system has been destroyed in a similar fashion to Despayre and Alderaan, Renegade
Squadron heads for Mustafar. Sure enough, the Conqueror is being tested in the system.
They attempt to steal a supply shuttle to fly up and infiltrate the Conqueror, but they are
nearly stopped by Imperial Blackguard officers who are there with Ysanne Isard. They are
able to drive the Imperials back and steal the shuttle. On the way, they learn more about the
Conqueror, including the name of its captain, Admiral Victor Strang, former Storm
Commando leader. They board and make their way toward the reactor core to sabotage it
and destroy the ship, but they are confronted by Strang and several of his own elite
commandos. They defeat the Imperials in a firefight, causing Strang to withdraw, then finish
setting their explosives. They intend to escape aboard the same shuttle they arrived in, but
when they reach the docking bay, Darth Vader is there. Vader and Imperial troops attempt to
stop their escape, but they drive the Sith Lord and his minions back toward a Lambda-class
shuttle, which they destroy with missiles, covering their escape on the shuttle. The detonators
go off, causing the reactor to explode, taking the Conqueror and its superweapon with it.
Unfortunately for the Rebels, Vader escapes in a TIE Advanced and Strang escapes on a
gunship before detonation. Still, the threat of the Conqueror is over.
(Threat of the Conqueror)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I have placed it
here, relatively close to The Ruins of Dantooine and the other TCG scenarios (but a little more spaced out so that
they aren’t all just bunched together). The story weaves together the Dark Side and Light Side versions of the
Radell Mining Corporation, in the Elrood sector, is in big trouble. Imperial Mining, Ltd. is
resorting to sabotage, piracy, and all kinds of illegal activities to try to drive them out of
business. The Empire is, unsurprisingly, turning a blind eye to the proceedings. Frustrated,
Radell turns to the Rebel Alliance, promising ores for capital ships. A Rebel exploration team
is sent to the newly discovered world of Alluuvia, but are captured by a pirate gang called the
Scourge a stooge of IML. Another Rebel team is immediately sent out, and meets with
Rebel contact Shondra Del at Elrooden Starport. From there, they meet with Radell
representative Jameth Todkal at RMC headquarters. They also talk to Parek, a Rebel the
pirates released in return for ransom. Suddenly, a man named Adair Koryunt appears on
every screen in the building, telling everyone he’s placed a bomb in the building, to go off in
20 minutes. In the panic that follows, the Rebels search the building. They find the bomb in
the storage wing. As they try to disable it, Adair and three mercenaries attack. The bomb is
disabled anyway, and the Rebels chase Adair and the thugs. Adair manages to escape,
however. The Rebels return to Jameth, who gives them the coordinates to Alluuvia. He lends
them a scout shuttle named the Wayfarer. The Rebels set out into the “Drift” – a dust cloud
that covers a large portion of the sector. They come upon a Duinuogwuin Star Dragon named
Star Wing, who is running out of oxygen and is starving. The Rebels supply him with air, food
and water, then continues on. They are ambushed shortly thereafter by the Scourge, in
Skipray blastboats. The pirates try to board, but the Rebels outfight them and captures their
freighter, the Impasse. They find information in the ship’s computer the captured Rebels are
on the barren world of Dega… They are met at Dega by an Ithorian named Iych-thae, who
lectures them on maintaining the beauty of worlds. He gives them general directions to the
pirates’ hideout, which lies in a mine shaft. They rescue the hostages and captures the pirate
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 290
leader (Chalmer Trillili), fighting off Skiprays on the way out. The Rebels then head to the
planet Korad to get the coordinates for Alluuvia from the hostages’ captured freighter, the
Whisper. They find a Squib crimelord named Slythor has taken over one of the orbiting
salvage areas and declared himself “Highest Exalted Ruler of Korad.” They are forced to
strike a deal with Slythor for the Whisper’s location. He forces on them an R4 droid, and
finally gives the coordinates. When they reach the freighter, they find it covered in mynocks
and space mites. With the coordinates, the Rebels fight through Slythor’s goons and fly to
Alluuvia. They arrive on the watery planet and lands on an atoll. Soon, they are greeted by
eel-like natives called Anguilla. They are brought before the tribal leader, Anyar, and put
through a ritual called the rites of Conch-tar, placed into a cave where the Rebels eat some
glowing seaweed and fight through hallucinations of their greatest fears. The natives accept
them as allies, and tell them that there are other allies on their world Iych-thae and his
disciples. They agree to help, only on the condition that the planet be kept safe. The united
group sneaks into the Imperial mobile base on the planet, and replaces IML’s report to the
Empire with a false one painting a very different image of the planet. They sabotage the base
while they’re at it. They discover an Imperial mining rig is en route and almost at Alluuvia. The
Rebels race into space and takes the rig and its’ escort fleet head on. At the worst possible
moment, however, the R4 droid contacts the Scourge and sends them smashing into the
Rebels! Just when all seems lost, Star Wing appears and turns the tide against the Imperials
and pirates. Radell Mining scouts arrive soon thereafter and stakes a mining claim, while
promising to be ecologically careful.*
(Operation: Elrood“Industrial Intrigue”)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Following their adventure on Alluuvia, the Rebels return to Elrood for a debriefing by Shondra
Del. They instead receive a holorecording from Shondra she’s meeting with pirates hitting
Imperial shipping on Korad, and wants the Rebels to meet her there. They find her Y-Wing in
pieces, smugglers saying Imperials were hot on her trail. Her R2 unit tells them that
Shondra’s reached an agreement with the pirates and is going on to Merisee. At that
moment, a ship flies overhead and a person is thrown out. The Rebels stage a last-second
rescue of the person, who turns out to be a merchant named Mikos Argdran. With Mikos
tagging along, the Rebels fly to Merisee. Mikos guides the Rebels to the “thinking gardens” of
Caronath, Merisees capitol. They find they’ve just missed Shondra but the group is
suddenly jumped by Loag assassins, out to murder Mikos. The group is saved by the sudden
appearance of “The Cult of Those Who Redeem” a group of warriors with a grudge against
the Loag. It seems Mikos has earned the wrath of an ex-employer namely, Rakaan
crimelord Lud Chud. The hunt for Shondra leads to the planet Torina, and an Ithorian pet-
shop owner named Eeksa. She promises to help in return for a favor transport a vicious
albino farlek to the zoo of Master Pelleo Thog. There are Imperials visiting and one of them
recognizes Mikos. Suddenly, more Loag assassins attack, and the Rebels beat a hasty
retreat. Fed up, the Rebels search Mikos and find several hidden datadisks info Mikos stole
from Chud, who also wants Mikos dead for telling the Imperials where to find his ships. They
return to the pet shop, where Eeksa sadly informs them that Shondra has been captured and
sent to the Imperial prison station on Derilyn, in Imperial interdicted space. Mikos sneaks the
Rebels aboard an ore freighter, the Galax Titan. On the way there, the ship is ambushed by
pirates. Ironically, an Imperial SD shows up to fight off the pirates and escorts the freighter to
the Derilyn Space Defense Platform. Mikos bolts with the datadisks at the first opportunity.
With the clock ticking, the Rebels find their way through the city of Tekar, to the sadistic
Arena of Games where Moff Villis Andal and General Afren Hul are about to use Shondra
and a recaptured Mikos as target practice for Coynite mercenaries. The Rebels have no
choice but to jump into the Arena’s gladiatorial floor themselves, fighting the mercenaries and
getting Shondra and Mikos out of there! At the same time, Hul is informed that one of the
three Star Destroyers in the sector has been severely damaged by pirates. Furious, he
places the entire planet under martial law. The Rebels are stranded on Derilyn…*
(Operation: Elrood“The Fixer, the Spy and the Chud”)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
The Rebels are stranded on Derilyn. Shondra leads them to the Friends of Paran base,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 291
hidden in an old factory complex. Taking some time to rest and recuperate, they are asked by
resistance leader Dnalla for help in a dual mission. While she’s raiding Lud Chud’s weapons
warehouse, she wants the Rebels to find out what they can about an Imperial plan called
“Operation: Elrood.” And while they’re at it, slip false Ids for themselves into the Imperial
computers and plant a virus to allow the resistance to change its datafiles at will. As the
Rebels prepare, they are bugged about details of the mission by a resistance member named
Dineas D’Ink. With the aid of operative Pter Venteck, the Rebels sneak through the city sewer
systems and into the Imperial base. They discover “Operation: Elrood” involves getting the
crippled SD Brazen to safety before anyone knows how badly it’s damaged. Suddenly,
Imperials surround the base, and the Rebels are forced to fight their way out of the base.
They return the information on the Brazen to the resistance base, and are asked to sneak
aboard the SD as construction workers and plant bombs through the engine section. As they
begin planning this, the lights go out, and Imperial probe droids and scout troopers suddenly
arrive on the scene. The Rebels are horrified to spot D’Ink in an Imperial uniform, leading the
attack! A hasty evacuation begins, as a full Imperial squadron backed up by AT-ATs slam into
the base. The Rebels and Del successfully escape, killing D’Ink along the way. They make
their way to the Derilyn Space Central Starport, where the Empire is on an intense manhunt
for Rebel sympathizers. Using their false Ids, the heroes are shuttled up to the orbiting
defense platform. They take what they can from the station to make the bombs, while
repairing a YT-1300 they find in a docking bay. They sneak into the Brazen’s superstructure,
evading patrols along the way. The bombs are planted, but the Rebels are discovered as
they move to escape. Just as all seems hopeless, the pirates return in force Shondras
mission was a success! The SD explodes, taking a huge part of the station with it…*
(Operation: Elrood“Death of a Star Destroyer”)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Recent intercepted intelligence from the Empire indicates they are hard at work on a
previously unexplored water world named Sedri. Specifically, they are looking for something
called “Golden Sun” – a weapon apparently, but of what type is unknown. A Rebel dignitary,
Mors Odrion, heads out there with his Calamari aide Rekara. Weeks later, only Rekara
makes it back utterly insane and clutching a small green rock. A Rebel team is sent out to
Sedri immediately. (Rekara insists on coming along.) No sooner do they arrive than a golden
wave of energy knocks their ship out of orbit, sending it crashing into the water. Nearby, they
find a group of seatroopers attacking a native Sedrian called Pek. They save the seal-like
creature from the Imperials, but Pek insists on taking them to the underwater town of Fitsay
to stand before his father, Chief Priest Cardo. They find a city in turmoil, with a Sedrian
named Karak trying to overthrow the government. Cardo explains that Karak just wants the
Golden Sun for himself…but he will not, under any circumstances, explain to the Rebels what
the Golden Sun is. The Rebels spend the night exploring the city. The next morning, Pek
defies his fathers edict and takes the Rebels to the Imperial base. The floating garrison is
unfinished, with only a skeleton crew. Pek helps the Rebels sneak in, and they have a look
around. They spot garrison commander Aban speaking with Karak. Suddenly, a supply
shuttle arrives. The Rebels race for the launch ports, barely escaping in time. They rush to
Fitsay to warn Cardo and the other Sedrians. As they speak with Cardo, a group of
renegades attack the city, stealing away a piece of coral and escaping except for one taken
prisoner. Cardo has the heroes healed and finally explains what Golden Sun is the coral,
which has a communal consciousness and a great strength in the Force. The prisoner
awakens, and lets slip that Odrion is in Karaks hands. An expedition is sent out to Karaks
settlement. Karak isn’t there, but his misguided daughter Fala is. When confronted with a
holorecording of Karak with the Imperials, however, Fala changes her tune and agrees to
help. But they find an empty cell and a guard who reveals Karak took Odrion with him. The
whole group (now including Fala and some renegade soldiers) returns to Fitsay. They get
there just as an Imperial floating walker attacks the city…A fierce battle ensues, but Karak
reaches the Great Dome containing the Golden Sun. Cardo is mortally wounded. The Rebels
chase Karak into the sun caves, fighting his henchmen along the way. They finally find Karak,
who has harnessed the power of the Golden Sun and tainted it with the Dark Side. He also
has Odrion and is using him as a shield. Contacted by the coral through the Force, the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 292
Rebels realize the only way to save the galaxy from Karak and the Golden Sun is to destroy
the coral forever. The coral agrees, and explodes, scattered across the oceans. Karak loses
his powers and is defeated and imprisoned. The Rebels repair their ship and leave, but
Odrion and Rekara stay behind to serve as diplomatic liaisons for the Alliance. And the
Imperial garrison loses all support and is vulnerable to a Sedrian counterattack…*
(Battle for the Golden Sun)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
The Bishop of War, once the leader of the warrior caste of Sedrians that protected the
Golden Sun, became the nominal leader of the Sedrians after the Empire was driven from
Sedri. The position was nearly made obsolete after the break-up of the Golden Sun, when
many Sedrians believed the Golden Sun had died and would never return.
(conjecture based on Secrets of the Sisar Run via TimeTales, verbatim)
A group of Alliance Counterintelligence Specialists have infiltrated an Imperial tech outpost
on the swampy planet Lotide to procure information about Imperial fleet replenishment. With
the briefcase-shaped QT-7 helping them, they receive some coded info. Before they can
decode it, however, a technician discovers them! Some quick talking saves them from that
mess, but they still have to decode the info. They sneak around the facility to find the code-
breaker. They deal with the senile Dr. Benkin, forced to tour the facility with another scientist,
and forced to answer “a few routine questions” for Captain Hawra. Finally, they make their
way into Lieutenant Pora’s office and find the code key – just in time for their cover to be
blown sky high! A furious chase ensues through a minefield and electric fences. They steal
some speeder bikes and make it clear. They make their way back to Alliance Sector HQ on
Fangol and report to Major Lawra Mers. After giving QT-7 a day to go through the decoded
info, Mers assigns the group a new mission a replenishment fleet is stopping at Refrax for
maintenance. But to attack the fleet, the Rebels first need fuel. To get it, the group is going to
take a stolen Spiral-class assault ship (another team will take a second) and board Black Ice,
the replenishment fleets huge fuel container ship. The group must take it over and get it to
the Alliance. The two assault ships are loaded in a freighter and launched toward the Ice. As
the Rebels launch an attack around the ship, the two Spirals smash through the Ices shields
and burrows into its hull. The two teams fight their way into the engine pods and coaxes the
Ice into hyperspace. Suddenly the ship itself attacks, using repair droids and shorting QT-7
out. Spy droids attack, life-support malfunctions, sensors fail. Whats going on? Turns out
Chief Engineer Skolos is trying to retake the ship. A showdown results in the maintenance
section. Skolos fights to the death, and the other team is killed in the process. The Ice arrives
at the Rebel base just before a repaired QT-7 discovers a homing beacon aboard leading
the Empire straight to them!! It’ll take a week to evacuate Sector HQ the Rebels dont have
that long. The Counterintelligence group is put into action again, holding the Imps off in
starfighters as the base hastily packs up. After five hard days of battle, the Rebels finally
leave their base just in time for a torpedo sphere, a huge Death Star-based battle station, to
enter the system. Mers comes up with a suicide mission fly the Ice straight into the sphere.
The Rebel group volunteers, and Mers and QT-7 joins them. The Ice flies right into the huge
station Miraculously, the section of the Ice the Rebels were on survived the explosion. The
torpedo sphere was completely destroyed. The group is rescued and returns to the Rebel
(Black Ice)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
About a month before hiring a group of heroes to check out Oridelve Incorporateds oridium
mines on Gavos, Bargos the Hutt wins Thakba Besadii Diori’s share of the operation in a
sabacc game. Unbeknownst to the Hutts, the droid EV-8D3 and his compatriot, the
astromech R2-B7 (the true “brains” behind their operation), have begun a droid revolution at
the mines, taking advantage of the neglect of Thakba that has allowed the droids in the mine
to grow independent through lack of maintenance and memory wipes, along with a bit of
malicious programming via R2-B7. EV-8D3 hires Noren Rurm, a Sullustan gunrunner, to
provide weapons to their “New Droids’ Rights Movement” (NDRM), then kills him instead of
paying him. All of the miners above ground (Vrrisk, Sermas, Nerran, Ryun, Rica, Darvis,
Corek, and the three Kade brothers) are killed, while those in the mines are driving into hiding
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 293
within mine shafts, where they are led by Marv Moray. Droids that do not willingly join the
NDRM are destroyed or pressed into service anyway via restraining bolts (including PK-4,
PK-7, Lookout, and 3D-4K who is deactivated as well). They have an ally in medical droid
(and droid rights supporter) FX-769, the reprogrammed BLL1 and BLL2 binary load lifters,
and a six black market battle droids. Now, NDRM intends to destroy the mines and let the
violent weather on Gavos finish the job, allowing them to escape to freedom in the galaxy and
make the destruction of the mines look like a simple accident.
(conjecture based on Debts to Pay)
Core News Digest reports the burglary of Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod’s private vault by the famed
thief known as Tombat. (Exact date of report via Core News Digest: 36:5:16)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
12-year old Ghent, already working as a slicer for Talon Karrde, cracks the top secret
Imperial code ILKO in two months - something that took a full Rebel Alliance team a month.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia via TimeTales, verbatim)
Vin Northals team of commando’s makes a fatal error while on a mission, and destroys a
children’s orphanage, believing it to be a Rebel base. Horrified by what he has done, and
learning of other similar incidents that are covered up, Vin defects to the Alliance. On his
next mission, he allows himself to be captured, and to their astonishment, requests political
asylum. General Crix Madine personally vouches for him.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Rebel Operatives via TimeTales, verbatim)
Colonial News Nets reports that the leader of the anti-Empire “Justice Action Network,”
Earnst Kamiel, has been captured on Eldrood and is being held for extradition to the Haldeen
Sector to be tried in Imperial Court. (Exact date of report via Colonial News Nets: 36:5:23)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
After several years of development, Dr. Issan Len manages to develop a prototype droid
called X0. The unit succeeds beyond his wildest dreams it turns out it can not only control
complex operations like spaceships and space stations, but can actually redesign and modify
those ships and stations to become far more efficient. Having become a Rebel sympathizer,
Len contacts the Alliance about using X0 and its under-development X1 descendants.
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to him, his assistant Vreen meets with Imperial ship builder Lira
Wessex and spills all about the droids…
(conjecture based on Crisis on Cloud City via TimeTales, verbatim)
Core News Digest reports that the levying of a new export tariff on luxury agri-goods in the
Bormea Sector has hit Chandrila especially hard (as we can assume the Empire intended).
(Exact date of report via Core News Digest: 36:5:27)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
Colonial News Nets reports that Governor Wilek Nereus and the Bakuran Senate have finally
reached an uneasy agreement to leave the existing Bakuran infrastructure in place, but
subordinate the Bakuran constitution to the Imperial charter. Things are finally settling down
on the world. (Exact date of report via Colonial News Nets: 36:5:30)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
The Alderaan Expatriate Network reports that Leia Organa has released a holovid to Rebel
cells, informing them that it was the Empire who was responsible for the plague outbreak on
Dentaal, in response to the world’s declaration of independence. (Exact date of report via
Alderaan Expatriate Network: 36:6:3)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #7)
Brak Sector News reports that a demonstration in Amma’s Central Sector Square turned
violent when demonstrators became rioters attacking local Imperial forces, led by Moff
Ramier, who had no choice but to attack the crowd with deadly force, citing it as an act
spawned by Rebel cells. (Exact date of report via Brak Sector News: 36:6:7)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 294
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #7)
Invisible NewsStack refutes Brak Sector News’ claims that the demonstration-turned-
bloodbath in Ammas Central Sector Square was brought on by Rebel urgings. Instead, they
show that the Imperials (as noted through the absence of the Bacrana System Defense
Force) planned the slaughter to eliminate the message of dissent promoted by the
demonstrators. (Exact date of report via Invisible NewsStack: 36:6:7)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #7)
Twenty years after the crash of the Sa Nalaor on Cholganna with Captain Rel Harsol and
cyberneticists led by Cratala aboard, the message pod that was sent through hyperspace
from the ship is finally discovered after its power failure by a luxury cruise ship on its way to
the Wheel. The pod is taken aboard and then turned over to the administrators of the Wheel,
who then hand it over to IsoTech. The pods recipient had been meant to be Ropok, but with
Ropok now having been arrested for Separatist sympathies and then dying in prison, it is
turned over to his son and successor at IsoTech, Reom. Reom then contacts a group of
heroes to carry out a mission to Cholganna to find the Sa Nalaor and the cybernetic
technology that Cratala had been developing at the Separatist research station from which
the Sa Nalaori fled under Imperial assault at the end of the Clone Wars. Unfortunately, word
has gotten out about the message pod, attracting the attention of Yiyar Salvage and the
Imperial Security Bureau. (The ISB does not just take the message pod due to the Wheel’s
unique legal status.) Reom contacts his sister, Shira, to have IT-3PO (whom they believe is
their late father Ropoks droid, when the droid actually belonged to Harsol himself) brought to
the Wheel to accompany the group, since the droid would be able to identify Harsol if found
and be a sign to Harsol, if he and any of his crew have survived, that the group really is there
on behalf of IsoTech. Reom hides the pod in a secret compartment in the IsoTech cargo bay,
where it is unable to be found when members of the Rodian Yiyar Clan’s Yiyar Salvage arrive
to try to steal it. Reom is injured in the scuffle, and the Yiyar Clan learns that he has sent for
IT-3PO. The Yiyar Clan’s third-in-command (and second-in-command of Yiyar Salvage), Yav
Yiyar, tries to steal IT-3PO upon arrival, but is unsuccessful. They leave for the coordinate
from the message pod, not knowing that the ISB agent Supervisor Cal Alsen has used
commandeered maintenance droids to place a tracking device aboard their ship. The ISB
then receives a copy of the message pod data from a tech who copied it before turning it over
to IsoTech. Alsen contacts Supervisor Liers Ossnan, who is the current agent assigned to the
Sa Nalaor search that had been though of as long dead and only active due to the Emperor
having personally ordered the search after the Clone Wars. Ossnan requisitions two lances of
scout troopers from the Imperial Scout Corps (using a personal favor) to head for Cholganna.
(Ossnan himself commands the scout ship Deep Dark.) The heroes reach Cholganna and
discover the wreckage of the Sa Nalaor. When they are set upon by a cybernetically-
enhanced nexu, IT-3PO recognizes the technology and activates a beacon within himself to
alert Harsol and the other survives to the group’s presence as friendly visitors (rather than
nexu-bait). The Yiyar Clan arrives, having followed them, and attacks. The Yiyar clan is
defeated, just as Harsol arrives with others from the Retreat (their settlement for the last two
decades). At the Retreat, the heroes discover that Harsol has been rather violent in the past
at making certain that no one leaves the planet, so as to keep their location a secret. Others
want to leave, and Cratala simply wants to do whatever is safest. This tension is ready to boil
over, but it soon becomes a moot point. After fighting off the Yiyar Clan once again (this time
led by Yavs lieutenant, Sullustan “Too Low” Talo), the Deep Dark and its companion ISB
ships arrive, revealing that the Empire now knows their location, thanks to the hidden tracking
device on the heroes ship. Staying on Cholganna is no longer a viable option for the Sa
Nalaor crew. After fending off the ISB team, the heroes take the survivors to Raxus Prime,
where they head for Scrapheap Point, IsoTech’s main salvage operation on the planet, run by
Norta under the authority of Reom and Shira. Reom, Norta reports, has not yet arrived to
meet them. In a bid to get revenge by simply doing as much damage as possible, the Yiyar
Clan (with Trandoshan mercenaries at their side and posing as Jawas) attacks Scrapheap
Point, which the heroes help defend (with Reom at their side, having not actually been absent
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 295
but hidden away to heal from wounds when another group of thugs tried to steal the message
pod just after the heroes left the Wheel). They buy enough time for Reom and members of
the team to get the Blockade Bandit, an old Corellian CR90 Corvette (seemingly dormant),
ready to fly again. They make a desperate escape through arriving Imperial patrol craft and
TIE fighters and flee into hyperspace. They make it to IsoOne, one of IsoTech’s emergency
rendezvous points and another derelict ship with other bits attached to it to make it a possible
future base. The heroes are paid well and have made a new ally in IsoTech. (They will even
have the chance to go big game hunting on Cholganna with Wookiee guide Shorwarr if they
would like.)
(Beyond the Rim)
A group of heroes is called upon by protocol droid C3-P9 to meet with Bargos the Hutt. One
month ago, Bargos won an oridium mining operation on Gavos (Oridelve Incorporated) from
Thakba Besadii Diori, a fellow Hutt, in a game of sabacc. Not knowing that the mines have
been stripped of most of their oridium (except bits that are rather spread out and hard to get
to), Bargos thinks he has a prize on his hands. Given that he is already in financial trouble
due to debts to another Hutt (to the point where he is having trouble finding funds to keep
paying his employees, such as his Gamorrean thugs), he wants the heroes to visit the
operation and determine their value, catalog their contents, and bring back a first profit cut
from the operation. Before they leave their meeting, the heroes help stop a group of angry
Gamorreans lacking their pay and intending to beat up Bargos’ other guards to prove their
strength to any future employers from wreaking havoc at Bargos’ mansion. The heroes
head for Gavos, unaware that it is in the midst of a droid revolt under the “New Droids’ Rights
Movement” (NDRM), led by its “public” face, EV-8D3, and the real “brains” of the operation,
R2-B7. Years of neglect and lack of memory wipes have led to resentment, beginning with
R2-B7, who helped distribute even more rebellious programming to other droids as they
became more independent. Now, the miners above ground have been wiped out, and a
group of miners, led by chief Marv Moray, has escaped into the mines. The NDRM intends to
disable the storm barrier generators that protect the operation from Gavos fierce weather, so
that the mines can be wiped out in an “accident” and the droids considered lost, so that they
can leave as free beings aboard a ship that once belonged to gunrunner Noren Rurm (whom
EV-8D3 killed after he delivered weapons for the revolution). An Arakyd Searcher 2050
Exploration Droid, “Lookout,” has been co-opted with a restraining bolt and sent to disable the
storm barrier power generators already. They arrive to find the main facility empty of living
miners. Amid the corpses, they find the deactivated (and restraining-bolted) administrative
droid, 3D-4K, who knows nothing useful about the NDRM and its plans but is willing to help
as needed. They come across the medical droid (and NDRM supporter) FX-769, who
transmits information on their group to warn the NDRM of their approach. Not knowing what
is truly going on, the heroes encounter EV-8D3 and other NDRM droids at the entrance to the
mining tunnels. EV-8D3 claims that they were attacked by pirates who are there for the
oridium and have gone into the mines. With potential lives in danger, the heroes travel into
the mines, heading for a way station that EV-8D3 suggests they check out. They find Marv
and the other surviving miners, who are able to put together warnings about the storm barrier
generators beginning to fail and information the heroes bring from security camera footage
they encountered that showed Lookout on the way to the generators, and they realize that
someone is trying to take down the barriers on purpose to destroy the mining operation. The
heroes and miners exit the tunnels to find the droids ready to fight their way to their own
getaway ship. In a firefight with EV-8D3s battle droids, the heroes prevail, but there is some
question as to whether EV-8D3 and FX-769 are able to escape to their ship before R2-B7
launches it from the landing pad. With little time to worry about the fates of the NDRM
ringleaders, the heroes, guided by the miners, reach their own ship and launch, flying out into
the tumultuous winds to stop Lookout from destroying the final generator and sealing the
mine’s fate. They reach Lookout in his cloud car just in time and take down the droid, saving
the mines and definitely earning their pay from Bargos. They are able to recover money from
the mining offices safe (though not taking all of it, as the miners will need to survive and fix
the mines as best they can with what they leave behind) and return to Bargos, using a bit of
flattery (and leverage from the knowledge that he is in dire need of cash to fend off resentful
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 296
Gamorrean employees) to fulfill their favor to him, despite having brought a bit less credits
than expected. As for the leaders of the NDRM, their fate remains unknown.*
(Debts to Pay)*
*NOTE: This RPG adventure has no set time frame, other than in the Edge of the Empire time frame (between
ANH and ESB). However, the fact that the instructional text says that the mine on Gavos was set up by a wealthy
family “during the Clone Wars more than 20 years ago,” gives us a clue. I have placed it here so that, even if the
mines were set up at the very end of the Clone Wars, the 20 years mark will still have been reached. If you are
unfamiliar with this adventure, bear in mind that it appeared in the Edge of the Empire: Game Master’s Kit. As for
the fate of the NDRM leaders, the adventure suggests several ways for things to play out, including letting them
escape as potential nemesis characters in the future. As such, I have left their fate vague.
Gantel Dro, a Defel and master thief, working with a heist crew that includes two humans
(Jera and Kerr) and one Aqualish (Deelo), breaks into a penthouse on Coruscant to steal the
Jewel of Yavin, a corusca gem that is said to be “unstealable.” He is caught in the act by
Imperials, only to find that the person he was stealing from is the same man who hired him:
Marus Grayson, an Imperial bureaucrat. This was all a test. Grayson wants to have a thief
head up his security on Cloud City when he auctions off the Jewel. Who better to catch
potential thieves than a master thief? As the auction nears, a group of fringers is requested to
visit Cloud City by Arend Shen, a former financier who has a grudge against Grayson. Arend
had run a subsidiary branch of the Bank of the Core at a time when Grayson was a
commissioner in the Imperial Trade and Commerce Authority. Grayson had a business that
flopped, but instead of going bankrupt with debt to the bank, he used his connections to have
COMPNOR freeze the bank’s assets amid false allegations of treason. This ruined the Shen
family, and Arend now intends for the fringer team to pull of a major heist to get payback.
They are hired to infiltrate the auction of the Jewel of Yavin, play the bidders off one another
to jack up the bidding price, then pull off two thefts as the auction closes: one via slicing that
will divert the winner’s payment into a Shen family account and another physical heist by
stealing the actual gem. They meet first in Market Row with Arend’s daughter, Aris Shen, who
also happens to be married to (though certainly not at all in love with) local crime boss Vorse
Tabarith, who will be one of the bidders at the auction. (Aris is all for the heist, as it would
allow her to break away from Vorse and set up her own life elsewhere.) After avoiding the
bodyguards (and watchers) provided by Vorse, the team meets with Aris alone, learning
about the heist and the target location of the auction, the Figg & Associates Art Museum.
They spend a while getting to know the layout of the museum, learning about Grayson’s two
security teams (led by Burr Naxis and Gantel Dro, who is basically doing it for Grayson so as
not to be arrested for the heist Grayson arranged to test him on Coruscant), and learning
about the bidders. They include: Kaltho the Hutt (who will attend with his chief enforcer,
Kerek); Professor Shreya Ordassa of the University of Sanbra; aristocrat Mil Mikkir (former
love interest of Shreya); young student Pos Podura (a former student of Shreya who is in love
with her but mostly unnoticed by her); Vorse Tabarith (Aris’ husband, the local crime boss);
and “Zekra Fol” (an undercover Imperial Security Bureau agent named Tirsia Lek that is
investigating Grayson for possible crimes). Another interested party is Jedi-in-hiding Elaiza,
who wants the Jewel of Yavin to replace her failing lightsaber crystal. The team needs a way
to rate an invitation to the auction and learn that local celebrities often get invitations to such
big social events. As such, the team enters the Cloud City Grand Prix, a cloud car race, in
which they race against the Stormhawks (promoted by MandalMotors Corporation, with
Gerrol Hunn and Chara Tull as pilots), the Hutt-sponsored Relgar “The Carbine” Carrae, and
Cloud City’s hometown favorite, Tarryn Rayzer. They race through an open stretch, a feeding
ground for tibannucks, a feeding ground for Beldons, another open stretch (the “doldrums”),
volatile gas fields, and a final gauntlet, before making it through the home stretch in good
position. They earn themselves an invitation to the auction. When the auction commences,
they work their way through the crowd, making conversation and finding ways to inflame the
various bidders emotions. The Jewel of Yavin is sold for a stunning amount, and the team
manages, thanks to preplanning and a nice slicing setup, to divert the funds as intended.
That night, they break into the museum, swiping the Jewel, but they run into Elaiza during
their escape. Fortunately, they are able to convince her not to just take the gem. They may
become allies later, and our “heroes” may find themselves drawn into her exploits. They get
to a getaway speeder Arend has provided, but Arend has no intention of splitting any profits
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 297
from selling the gem or from the diversion of the winner’s payment. Instead, he has placed a
bomb on the getaway speeder. Our heroes barely survive the resulting explosion, and they
find themselves on the run from Grayson’s people, the winning bidder’s agents, the Shens’
people, and the Cloud City Wing Guard under Captain Selis. Fortunately, they are able to
make their way to Arend’s office, defeat their betrayer, then escape through the Grand
Galaxy Holo-Park and to a dock from which they escape into the galaxy. Did they manage to
divert the funds to a new account fro themselves? Did they escape with the Jewel? If so,
what was its fate? Those are tales for another day.*
(The Jewel of Yavin)*
*NOTE: Lando Calrissian is relatively new to being Baron Administrator of Cloud City in the background for this
RPG adventure, hence putting it here, over a year after ANH.
After a year of taking heavy losses there, and recognizing its’ lack of military and economic
value, the Empire decides Tatooine is simply not worth the trouble and abandons its’ base
and garrison there, effectively ceding the world to the Rebels, Hutts, and other natives.
(conjecture based on Slave Ship via TimeTales, verbatim)
Aban, a Commander in the Imperial Navy, is placed in charge of the construction of the
Imperial garrison on the planet Sedri. He forms an alliance with the renegade priest Karak,
hoping to obtain the power of the Golden Sun for the Empire. The plan backfired when Karak
was captured by Pek and Fala, but Aban continued to make progress.
(conjecture based on Dark Force Rising and Battle for the Golden Sun via TimeTales,
Abek uses his station, known as ‘Abek’s Station, located just off the intersection of the Sisar
Run and the Acfren Spur as a staging area for his personal group of pirates, outside his work
for Sprax. When it was learned that Limna Yith was being held on the station, many
interested parties converged on it, including a group of dispatched by Sprax himself to rescue
Yith. In the struggle for possession of the Kerestian, Abek’s Station was severely damaged
when the Imperial warship Iron Storm bombarded it with laser fire. The station was
(conjecture based on Secrets of the Sisar Run via TimeTales, verbatim)
Imperial Prefect Adar, controller of the planet Denevar, accuses Reson Nath of a variety of
crimes, including abetting a known criminal and conspiring against him. The trial was
presided over by Janq Paramexor, and overseen by Moff Gorliz. As was often the case in
respect to the various guilds sanction by the Empire, Nath was subject to the rules of the
Paramexor Guild of Hunters. Her punishment was to face her accuser in armed combat.
Adar, a thin man without much physical training, realized that he would be killed in combat
against Nath, and withdrew the charges. However, Moff Gorliz had already placed a bet with
Janq Paramexor that Adar would last at least ten minutes in the battle, and ordered them to
begin combat.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters via TimeTales, verbatim)
Alexan was the codename of the Imperial Governor controlling the planet Jastro III and its
surrounding system during the Galactic Civil War. He used it during his intervention between
his daughter and Selas Ferr, pretending to be a supporter of the Alliance. The Governor’s
daughter was in love with Ferr, despite the fact that he was a member of the rebel
underground. Alexan provided assistance to Ferr, and agreed to help him rescue a group of
rebel prisoners in return for the safety of the Governor’s daughter. Neither Ferr nor the
daughter knew Alexan was the Governor, but the rescue of the prisoners and Alexan’s
daughter was a success. Unfortunately, Alexan was severely wounded in the escape
attempt, and died of his wounds. Only after the escape did Ferr and the daughter realize
Alexan’s true identity.
(conjecture based on Heroes and Rogues via TimeTales, verbatim)
Hyobu Sulloran, having gained a mentor (Gybellom Osa), is on his way to soon becoming a
smuggler with his own ship. When Imperials board Osa’s vessel, however, Osa is killed and
Hyobu is imprisoned. He is brought before Darth Vader, who has been tracking his
movements, at Palpatine’s behest, since Hyobu left his homeworld, around the same time
Anakin Skywalker became Vader. Hyobu, he reveals, is Force-sensitive. Palpatine wishes
him to be molded into a Dark Side soldier, but Vader cannot take time to train him with his
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 298
other responsibilities. Hyobu is sent to a training facility where he is soon augmented with
cybernetics to make him an efficient killing machine, attuned to the Dark Side.*
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken: Updates)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
Espan Balfed was the heir to the Balfed family fortune. Unfortunately for Espan, the fortune
amounted to virtually nothing, after the Balfeds were set up and framed by the House of
Tagge during the Galactic Civil War. He was a Captain in the Imperial Navy, commander of a
customs frigate at the height of the New Order, but even his contacts in the military couldn’t
reverse the decision against the Balfed family.
(conjecture based on Heroes and Rogues via TimeTales, verbatim)
A Rebel soldier, Tiree, has disappeared on the planet Questal. He went there without orders,
without even consulting Alliance High Command. Why? Because his sister had sent him a
distress call to find her missing husband, Rogan. On that planet, the evil Moff Bandor rules
with more of an iron fist than usual and Rebels disappear from there all the time. The
Alliance has therefore written him off. But his friends won’t they go to Questal after him.
They arrive as the planet prepares a gala celebration Bandor’s birthday. The people have
been told to celebrate for an entire week or else! The Rebels find themselves pitted against
a rampaging trompa from the Lauskner’s Arcadium, where they spot Rogan. They then head
to a seedy bar named Shilley’s. After talking to the owner, the Rebels pick up a signal from
Tiree’s pendant – which is around the next of a swoop gang leader. A chase later, they are
led to Tiree’s X-Wing and his droid R2-D0. Deo shows some holoimages Shilley, another
woman they saw at the rampage with Rogan, Tiree in the middle of a group. Returning to
Shilley’s, they resume their talk with her. She invites them to the gala at Turf Boss Mosh
Pelkan’s mansion. That night, they mingle among the underworld and Imperial guests. Pelkan
treats the attendees to some gladiator games. The Rebels are suddenly thrown into the
arena as part of the games!! They’re helped out by another Rebel agent who happened to be
the party, Lanni Peggann. She leads them to her sanctuary, where they find that mystery
woman. She introduces herself as Tyerle, Tirees sister. She begs the Rebels to find
Tiree…The only place to look for him now is in Moff Bandors palace. Infiltrating the carnival,
the Rebels sneak in. In Bandor’s office, they find a message to the Emperor something
about a “Hurlothrumbic Generator.” Continuing on into the brig, they find a captured pirate
gang who talks of Bandor’s “powers” and how Tiree was taken to Bandor and never seen
again. The Imperials catch on to them, and they are carefully chased and herded into…A
carefully constructed labyrinth, with the Generator at its’ center. Bandor gloats over speakers
as he hunts them, the Chambers themselves will try to kill them the most dangerous game.
They win, they may or may not escape. They lose, they die. They start through the
Chambers, facing various threats along the way. As they go, the Rebels find themselves
gripped more and more by irrational terror. They realize the Generator itself is causing it
that’s what it does. At the end of the maze is Bandor. They manage to rip off the helmet
protecting him from the Generator’s effects. Terrified out of his mind, Bandor activates a self-
destruct on the Generator, then blows his brains out. Managing to find Tiree huddled in a
cranny, they manage to shut off the Generator’s fear-transmitter, then gets away as it
explodes. Tiree is returned to his sister, Rogan also returns, and the Alliance praises the
Rebel unit while apologizing that they didn’t consider Bandor such as a threat as he was…
(The Game Chambers of Questal)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
While en route to the Keldrath Sector, an Alliance group is ordered to stop by Lianna, home
of Sienar Flight Systems (home of the infamous TIE family of starfighters) to drop off a data
disk for Rebel operative Jenna Lars. Unbeknownst to them, an Imperial test near the planet
has gone wrong and a specially modified probe droid has vanished…The Rebels arrive to
find the planet covered with Imperial warships. They briefly spot the probe droid before it
completely disappears again. They realize how its doing that a cloaking shield!! Once they
land, they head immediately to Orman’s Sky Palace and the meeting with Jenna. Once the
probe droid is mentioned, Jenna insists that the Rebels follow her orders go to the Imperial
hotel, meet another Alliance operative, and bring her up to date. They check in at the 76th
floor and meet with Terri Karl, the operative. She slips them some weapons (weapons are
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 299
forbidden on Lianna), and tells them that the Empire is working on a cloaking shield project
Project NOVA. Imperial Advisor Rodan Verpalion is coming in tonight to oversee the projects
completion. The Rebels will sneak into Santhe / Sienar during the , welcoming party to steal
the blueprints. She sends them to yet another contact at Glaggerick’s Tavern, where “Astenn”
asks the Rebels, not to steal the plans, but to copy them and then rewrite the plans to make it
unusable. The Rebels infiltrate Santhe / Sienar headquarters, making their way to Lady
Valles Santhes private office and hacking the plans. They learn along the way that Lady
Santhe has been working with Liann pirates and with the Alliance. They also learn that the
completed NOVA prototype will be tested in three days. Terri picks them up as they escape
the building, then takes them to the reception for Verpalion the next night. The Rebels find
themselves desperately trying to avoid detection in plain sight. Making their way out into the
streets, rushing back to their ship, only to be jumped by Orman’s thugs. Fighting them off,
they take off and try to outrun the Imperial ships, and manage to escape into hyperspace.
They learn afterwards that the plans were laced with a protective virus that erased the
blueprints. The NOVA Project has been seriously set back
(Mission to Lianna)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
EL-434 was an assassin droid serving the Empire shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Little is
known about EL-434 since the droid has been very efficient in eliminating all records and
witnesses. Alliance Intelligence postulates that it was built in Junquers system, and that the
droid has been active for many years. One of his missions was to infiltrate a Rebel base and
kill everyone inside. The Rebels, prepared for the attack, managed to subdue the droid. Over
- riding its self - destruct program, EL-434 postulated that the Rebels would transport it to an
important Rebel base or safe world. Sure enough, EL-434 was soon aboard a prison ship,
the Celestial, en route to a safeworld. A hyperdrive malfunction, however, plunged the ship
into Otherspace. EL-434 found itself aboard the Charon vessel Desolate, where it fought
Charon constructs, Charon warriors and Rebel agents within the Hall of Contests in the alien
ship. EL-434s current status is unknown. El-434 is made from a cerillium composite, giving
it a dark sheen. His motor - ball forms a base for his crustacean - like upper body. All of EL-
434’s critical systems are well armored. The droid is armed with built - in blaster cannons,
concussion missile launcher, a motor - ball, electrophotoreceptor, infrared scanner, com -
signal detector, motion sensor, chemical sensor, and auditory membranes. EL-434 is 1.5
meters tall.
(conjecture based on Otherspace via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Rebel Alliance has lost all contact with the distant safeworld of Stronghold in the Taldot
sector, and a Rebel unit is quickly sent out to investigate and make sure the Empire hasn’t
found and destroyed the base. But the minute the Rebels enter the Stronghold system, an
Alliance freighter attacks them. The raving pilot speaks in terror of “them.” The ship streaks
by them with a few shots, then jumps into hyperspace. Alarmed, the Rebels conduct a high
orbit scan of the planet and find a weak com signal . . . from an Imperial comlink. They
conduct a careful landing outside the perimeter of the Rebel base and head in slowly through
the mountainous terrain. They first come upon a great chasm, which they cross with great
difficulty. Then, suddenly, great insect-like creatures attack the Rebels along with a giant
cross between a spider and an ape! The heroes dispatch the creatures, which turn out to be
the terrifying Charon. They continue on and discover the smoking remains of a spaceship,
and a man pinned under some wreckage within. The man identifies himself as Bane Nothos,
an Imperial commander was taken by the Charon in a previous encounter. He gladly offers to
help the Rebels in destroying the Charon. He seems sincere, but the Rebels sense
something’s . . . off about him. Under questioning, he admits that the soul of the former
Charon leader Ber’asco now exists inside Nothos body. He had been deposed from his
position of leadership by Moff Ravik, and he has in turn managed to put his spirit into
Ber’asco’s insectoid body. Now the insane Ravik leads the Charon, has left the dimension of
Otherspace, and is now looking for hyperdrive-capable ships to spark an all-out invasion of
the galaxy. The Rebel group, now including Ber’asco, enters Stronghold base. They find
signs of battle and dead Rebel bodies on the ground. They find a trio of terrified teenagers
who quickly join their group. They then find a group of Charon working on a “death mist
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 300
generator, which they quickly destroy. Finally they reach the command center and find the
Charon trying to hack into the computers. They quickly wipe out the saboteurs and access
the computers themselves, where they find a message from a Rebel telling them to head to
the shipyard and set the self-destruct before the Charon can reach the ships. They destroy
the computer and head to the secret passage to the shipyard, but the Charon patrols are too
heavy for them to try getting there. Even worse, a huge storm rumbles into the area.
Dejected, the group heads for the location the Rebel mentioned in code as their hideout, a
cavern complex inhabited by the remaining Stronghold Rebels (led by one Markos Tor). Tor
tells them they have a new priority the Charon have taken a hundred Rebels prisoner and
are trying to mutate them into mindless “constructs to serve in their army. They head toward
the construct chamber (a converted brig), stopping by the armory to destroy the Charon’s
battle armor. Facing the nightmarish image of the prisoners being experimented on, the
Rebels (now including Tor and two soldiers) tear in and attack the Charon scientists, freeing
the weakened prisoners. As they are led back to the hideout, Tor helps the Rebels break
through the patrols and access the shipyard but when the self-destruct is activated, a
telltale light in the command center tells Ravik where the shipyard is . . . Thirty minutes to
self-destruct. The Charon swarm into the shipyard in force as the storm begins in earnest. A
long, difficulty, and bloody battle ensues inside the massive hangar. The insectoid creatures
are fierce, and the battle slowly turns against the Rebels. Ravik himself suddenly appears a
nightmarish vision of a human head atop an armored Charon body to finish the Rebels off.
Ber’asco confronts the insane monster, only to have his borrowed bodys spine crushed. In a
last spasm of agony, Ber’asco activates the rocket pack on Ravik’s back, sending the
creature arcing through the sky and down into a fiery crash. With their leader gone, the last of
the Charon are quickly killed. The self-destruct is deactivated, and the Rebels return to their
shattered base. The Rebels are thanked for their courage, their ship is repaired and refueled,
and the group sets out for home. Or so they think. Safely in hyperspace, the Rebels are
caught completely off guard by a wounded but still alive Ravik!! Another battle ensues,
this one much more difficult and desperate. But finally, the demented ex-Imperial is killed.
When told of this, the Rebel Alliance grants the exhausted and injured heroes a well-
deserved vacation on Ord Mantell . . .*
(Otherspace II: Invasion)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A Rebel group is given a coded transmission to drop everything and report to Admiral Gial
Ackbar at an Alliance base in the Sumitra section. They’re wanted there yesterday, so they’re
forced to take a shortcut through the Marcellus Nebula but in a region of space where star
charts show nothing, their ship suddenly leaves hyperspace in front of a mist-covered planet
and is totaled by a floating mine. The ship splatters itself all over the planet’s surface, but the
crew survives relatively unscathed. The Rebels set off through the marshes, shook up by
occasional earthquakes. They come upon some natives named the Sekct, who are being
attacked by monstrous Mosrk’tecks. The Sekct confuse the Rebels for people from the “death
machine.” Suddenly, both groups are set upon by Imperial swamptroopers. Convinced they
have a common enemy, a Sekct named Hissest leads them to her tribe. But “She-Who-
Speaks” is offended at the idea that the Rebels are divine aid, and insists on a trial by combat
for them with Hissest as the opponent. If the Rebels lose, they will be forced out. If they
win, She-Who-Speaks will be rid of Hissest. Realizing the Sekct have a very primitive
definition of “death,” the Rebel chosen only knocks Hissest out, then revives her. They learn
Hissest and the other Sekct all have a high level of toxin in their blood they will be dead in a
couple of years. When asked, the Sekct blame the “death machine.” The Sekct lead the
Rebels to the “death machine” – an Imperial hyperbaride synthesis plant. The group is
jumped by assassin droids, which the Rebels destroy. They sneak into the plant, where they
come upon a protocol droid named M3P0C. He belonged to the plant’s original director, Arviz
Linden, before the Empire nationalized the planet and slit Linden’s throat. Linden had had the
plant running at an eco-friendly 25% capacity, but the Empire moved it up to 100% without a
thought to the environment or natives. With the droids help, the Rebels hack into the
computers. Along other information, they learn a pair of sisters runs the security force but
they had a third sister, Gayle Sertim, who was killed by Imperial Director Vost Tyne due to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 301
her friendship with Linden. (They were told the Rebels killed her.) Suddenly, the Rebels are
ambushed and knocked out…They awaken in a detention cell, with Darci and Marci Sertim
(Gayle’s sisters) hovering over them. The Rebels show the sisters proof that Tyne killed
Gayle. They agree to help the Rebels in turn. The heroes steal a scout ship and races back
to the Sekct tribe only to battle a passing scout ship on the way. The enemy scout ship is
destroyed, and the Rebels arm and gather the natives for an attack on the plant. But just as
the attack starts, Tyne takes the Sertim sisters prisoner. The mercenaries working for the
sisters join the Rebels and alerts them to the emergency. Marci is rescued, but slips away
from the others unbeknownst to them, she rigs the plant to explode. All forces converge in
the landing bay, where Tyne uses Darci as a human shield and uses Dark Side powers
learned from Darth Vader on the Rebels. After a difficult battle, Tyne panics and escapes.
The Rebels evacuate the plant as fast as they can, then takes off in a transport as everything
for two kilometers around is vaporized. Upon returning to the Alliance, they send a rescue
ship to pick up the Sertims and the mercenaries. The Sekct have been saved, and they
immortalize the Rebels in their poetry…
(Planet of the Mists)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A Rebel unit is running for their lives on the jungle planet Aris, with stormtroopers right on
their heels. They find themselves running into a transport barge, disguising themselves as
Anomids. The barge takes them to the Calamari luxury liner Kuari Princess, where they
check in as the Anomids they stole their disguises from. The Princess sets off for the
beautiful “Maelstrom” nebula. Just after the launch, a strange-looking protocol droid named
DM/C3 approaches the Rebels. It recognizes them as Rebels and leaves them a message
that Imperial forces are on the ship. They also learn the engineering area has been sealed
off, and spots an elite unit of stormtroopers. That night, the troopers search the ship for
Rebels during a gala ball. The real Rebels take the opportunity to check out Engineering…
They find two Moffs, Torpin and Vanko, have set up quarters on the engineering deck. Slicing
into their computers, they learn that pirates in these sectors are sucking out the Moffs profits,
and they’re supplying false reports to the Emperor. Theyre here to plan an offensive against
the pirates hiding in the Maelstrom, without getting Palpatine’s notice. Suddenly, the group is
jumped by an overwhelming amount of stormtroopers and are captured. As they are about to
face a torture droid, the Princess is suddenly jumped by the “Riders of the Maelstrom” – the
pirates!! The pirates quickly board and conquer the ship. As the Rebels escape engineering,
they notice the pirates hauling machinery that way. DM/C3 tells them what the machinery’s
about they’re locking the Princess on a collision course with the mining station Oasis. The
group splits up, with half stealing a shuttle and going to warn Oasis, the others doing what
they can to retake the liner. The Rebels on Oasis (which doubles as a Rebel safe house)
quickly send every X-Wing they have, as the ones on the Princess fight their way to the
bridge. The pirates fight viciously, determined to guard the Princess until the crash is
unavoidable. On the bridge, DM/C3 lies in pieces, and the only surviving pirate is Captain
Targrim. He finally makes a run for the hangar bay, giving the Rebels only minutes to turn the
ship around. At the last second, they manage to steer the Princess away from Oasis. The two
Moffs have been captured, and Targrim is on the run, though he vows revenge…
(Riders in the Maelstrom)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A Rebel intelligence base on Dankayo uncovers some startling spy info a trio of Star
Destroyers are on the way to vaporize the base!! The Rebels evacuate, and are long gone by
the time the Imperials begin their attack. But the Imperial commander in charge does make
one significant discovery a group of datapacks whose self-destruct had failed, and which
contain detailed information about all Rebel activities in the area! He immediately sends the
datapacks to the Imperial intelligence center on Coronar. The Rebels learn of this, and send
a group after the transport Elusive (containing the datapacks) immediately. They arrive at the
Dankayo system just as Elusive has dumped its’ trash and is about to hyperjump. Although
badly damaged in the ensuing attack, the transport manages to escape into hyperspace.
Sensors indicate the transport made a last-minute course change but to where? Suddenly,
a Squib needle ship shows up and starts tractoring in debris. Before the Rebels can say
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 302
anything, another ship appears an Ugor battlewagon, the rivals of the scavenging Squibs. A
three-way fight begins, and the Rebels chase the Ugors off. They intercept a message to the
Squib ship from the Elusive theres a Squib spy on the Imperial ship! Realizing they have to
deal with the Squibs to find out where the transport is going, the Rebels negotiate with them,
boarding the “Momship” and meeting with the Chieftain of All Junkyards,” King
Ebareebaveebeedee. They agree to hand over the course of the transport in return for one
(and only one) thing a “quest object” from the “System of Paradise.” A Squib guide, Spilfer,
is sent with the Rebels along with a droid, L9-G8. The Rebels find themselves in an out-of-
the-way star system, blockaded by Ugors and filled to the brim with space junk. The Ugors
board the Rebels ship (an Imperial shuttle) for inspection. Spilfer is hidden, and the Rebels
are hauled aboard the Ugor ship and brought before the Chief Tax Chaplain, ArrGack. Just
as the Rebels are about to successfully bribe ArrGack for the right to scavenge in the
junkyard, a disguised Spilfer comes in he couldn’t resist the chance to haggle. Of course,
he is uncovered, and the Ugors plan to eat the Rebels. Talking fast (and thinking faster), the
Rebels are forced to play Ugor chef (with L9 leading them along) to appease the slimy aliens.
The Ugors finally relent, but take the Rebels’ weapons and disable the weapons on the
shuttle. They then let the Rebels into the junkyard. As they enter, they notice a pirate ship
tailing them. The Rebels fly to a giant 40,000-ton hunk of junk. Spilfer explains that they are
to get a pod-sized device inside it. Sneaking past a cordon of Ugor protection ships, the
Rebels board the strange hunk of metal. Docking through an emergency airlock, the Rebels
find themselves in what must have been part of an Imperial construction of some kind. They
find and repair some stormtrooper rifles scattered across the floor, and just in time as some
twisted droids attack them one carrying a lightsaber!! The Rebels fight them off and
continue on into a strange room, one filled with medical and mechanical repair equipment.
They see what appears to be Darth Vader and panic, shooting and launching themselves at
the figure…only to find a disembodied helmet and cloak on a stand. Spooked, they continue
on into a disposal tube, where they face a Dianoga. One firefight later, they find themselves
at the chamber containing their prize a gravity-well projector. The Rebels finally figure out
where they are a huge chunk of the Death Star, hauled out of the Yavin system by the Ugor
scavengers!!! With some difficulty, the Rebels free the projector from its mount and start
hauling it toward their ship. Suddenly, the pirates from earlier ambush the Rebels. At the
same time, the shuttle is attacked and the Rebels are forced to talk L9 via comlink through
piloting and fighting its way to them. The shuttle picks the Rebels up, and they fly off, as the
junkyard suddenly becomes a maelstrom of collisions and destruction. They don’t get far,
however they are surrounded by Ugor ships on all sides as Squib ships show up and start
harvesting the newly freed garbage. The Rebels make it to the Momship, where they present
the gravity well projector (which was what was keeping the junkyard together) to the King. In
return, the King gives them the location of the Elusive the Imperial naval installation on
Tolan, where it is undergoing repairs. Realizing they can’t attack the transport at the
installation, and that they can’t catch them in hyperspace, the Rebels hit upon a desperate
plan use the projector to bring the transport out of hyperspace. They haggle with the King,
and finally get the projector in return for salvage rights to the transport once the Rebels are
done with it. The King also gives them a datapack, to view after they destroy the Elusive. The
Rebels calculate a point on the Imperial’s course from Tolan to Coronar and lie in wait with
the projector. The transport is pulled out of hyperspace in front of them, all right with a TIE
fighter rack welded to its’ hull!! The TIEs launch, and the Rebels face an uphill battle.
Realizing they can’t win, the Rebels realize suddenly they have an ace up their sleeve they
overload the generator, creating a runaway black hole. They cut the generator loose and
escape as the black hole sucks up everything in sight, including the transport. Mission
accomplished, and the Rebels check out the King’s datapack a pact of mutual support
between the Squibs and the Rebel Alliance. Except the Rebels just destroyed the generator
and the promised salvage. Uh oh…
(Scavenger Hunt)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
In the Core, the planet Demophon is on a countdown to destruction its’ ancient red sun is
about to supernova. But the Empire rules here with an iron fist, and life in the industrial planet
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 303
goes on under tightly regimented control. The Rebels have found it nearly impossible to
infiltrate this law-choked society, but a group manages it under the pretext of transporting
computers and equipment from Demophon to Mowgle. But as they load their ship, Imperial
agents storm the hangar and moves to arrest the Rebels and their employer. The employer,
one Thadius Black, begs the Rebels to lift off now there is more at stake than they realize.
As Black and his companions hold the Imperials back, the Rebels take off in their ship, the
Black Obsession. One firefight later, the Rebels are en route to Mowgle. Hearing noises from
the cargo, the Rebels open the crates and find not equipment, but people inside. The
people are led by Black’s wife, Kymber, who explains that these are political prisoners on the
run from the Empire. She begs the Rebels to go back to Demophon and save Thadius she
doesn’t want her infant son to grow up without a father. Upon arriving at Blacks base on
Mowgle, Kymber and her father-in-law Perth pays them 10,000 to attempt the rescue. The
planet is at a boil when they return both emotionally and literally. The sun is heating up.
Panic and crime are everywhere. They head to Mazzoney’s, a cantina, for help getting into
the ISB building. After getting some info on a secret entrance, the Rebels use it. They make
their way to the detention level and breaks Black and his men out. (One, Daria, has already
been taken away in a shuttle.) They fight their way to the roof and escape in a shuttle with
Black and the other prisoners. They return to Mowgle, where Black is reunited with his wife
and son.
(Supernova: Infiltration)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A Rebel group travels to Tyed Kant, an agricultural world. Specifically, to Premier Provisions,
a small ranch that covers for an Alliance listening post, to give new orders to chief executive
officer Sehn Baroule. But when they arrive, they are directed to Nebula Consumables instead
and nearly tractored right into another ship! They avoid the near collision, and are met upon
landing by a customs droid. He leads them to Nebula manager Faerz Waleth, who tells them
that no ones heard from Premier in a day and a half. He loans them a cargo skiff to Premier
in return for the Rebels telling him what happened later. The Rebels are intercepted in mid-air
by a giant Iagoin and some pest-control droids, who seem to be pestering the Iagoin into a
frenzy. The Rebels shoot down the droids and land, to find the ranch deserted. They come
upon a droid, LB-K2, who insists on joining them. The processing plant is locked, so the
Rebels force their way in. They find bodies everywhere, piled all over the floor. The security
tapes reveal that everything computerized on the ranch malfunctioned catastrophically. The
computer sealed the plant, leaving everyone inside to die from asphyxiation. Suddenly,
security cameras show armed, helmeted men entering the plant. The ranchs repulsorlifts
begin to fail, and it starts plummeting into the gas giant’s atmosphere. The Rebels race into
their skiff (picking up one of the armed men’s receivers along the way) and escapes barely in
time. When the Rebels return to Nebula, they are seized by guards and hauled before an
angry Waleth. It seems the same thing that happened to Premier is starting to happen here
as well. The security tapes indicated one R2 unit left the plant, and the Rebels (once they
persuade Waleth they aren’t to blame) track it to a Nebula warehouse. Once analyzed, a
virus is found inside the droid that virus apparently destroyed Premier. Now, in a matter of
hours, the virus can be purged from Nebula. Waleth figures that the virus came from one
Sabel Corazon of Gryseium Inc. She’s been trying to win an Imperial contract, and has
apparently decided to eliminate the competition. Waleth offers the Rebels 10,000 to take the
R2 droid back to Gryseium, infect the plant, and put them out of business. The Rebels agree.
Just as they load the virus into Gryseiums computers, the alarms sound. The Rebels fight
their way back to their ship, only to be chased by a Corvette commanded by Sabel. They
can’t outrun or outgun it, so the Rebels blast it while still in the atmosphere, covering the
sensors and windows in soot. The Rebels make another quick getaway…
(Supernova: The Mynock Conspiracy)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
The Rebels are contacted by the Urshant family in the city of D’larah on Demophon, and
asked to ferry the family off the dying world for 50,000. But when they land on D’larah, they
are immediately attacked by a group of thugs who board their ship and orders them to take
off. City Patrol officers are right behind them, and a firefight erupts. The Rebels help the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 304
officers capture the thugs, then make their way to the Urshant household. There they meet
hyperdrive technician Andus Urshant, his very pregnant wife Zoam, and their children, Aklan
and Fianna. They all head to the spaceport together, but find a ton of City Patrol waiting for
them. City Patrol captain Flint explains to the Rebels that Zoam tried to buy her familys way
offworld with a new hyperdrive system that would allow a ship to jump near stars and planets.
She tried to sell this to a group of criminals called the G’uotr Network. The Patrol has been
monitoring her ever since her aborted sale. Zoam breaks down and confesses, and gives
Flint the data disk containing the new hyperdrive specs. With that, Flint lets them go. They
return to the docking bay…to find their ship gone! They are stranded on Demophon! The
obvious suspect is Choaaty Mossk, leader of the thugs from earlier. Hes in the hospital, and
won’t talk. On a tip from Flint, the Rebels go to a bar called “Marqo’s,” where Mossk and his
gang were known to visit. In return for a hefty bribe, the bartender reveals that Mossk puts his
stolen ships northeast of the city. Flint provides the Rebels with protective worksuits. One
firefight later, the Rebels have their ship back, and gladly takes off with the Urshants…
(Supernova: Triple Cross)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
One of the worlds in the Demophon system is Jatee, an automated mining world. But it is
also home to a sentient race of reptiles called the Ssither. An ex-Imperial Species
Identification Bureau member turned Rebel, Dr. Soron Hegerty, asks the Rebel Alliance to
help her evacuate the Ssither from the Demophon system. Issued a run-down freighter, the
One Liner, the Rebels are told this will be a one-way trip Hegerty only asked for a pilot, not
a ship. Given a nav droid, R2-M3, the Rebels set out for Jatee. After fighting past the
automated defense systems and landing, the Rebels leave the freighter to explode and
heads into the caverns, where they meet Dr. Hegerty and the Ssither. Hegerty explains that
there is a hyperdrive-capable ship in the mine they will steal it to make their escape. The
plan goes off without a hitch. But when they arrive at the Ssithers new home (Butler’s Cove
in the Stribos system), they find an unpleasant surprise an Imperial scout vessel, planning
to make a new base on that world! At Hegerty’s advice, the Rebels attack and board the
scout ship, forcing the scouts at gunpoint to send a false report to the Empire. But things
aren’t over with yet a pirate ship arrives to find stolen treasure. The Rebels defeat them as
(Supernova: The Evacuation of Jatee)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A Rebel group is sent to Demophon, now only hours away from destruction, to track down an
Alliance spy named Enid Vahr. He had valuable information on new Imperial technologies.
No sooner do they land than an Imperial bureaucrat named Jared Fronz “borrows” their ship
for the relief efforts. The Rebels search Vahr’s quarters, and finds it booby trapped. They are
then attacked by three Rebels agents too scared to ask questions first. The Rebels finally
convince them theyre on the same side, however, and head to “The Clubs in search of
Vahr. They are dragged before the owner, “Ace” Lorle. They fight down Lorle’s thugs, and the
fat man makes a getaway. They find evidence that Lorle is an Imperial agent. Clues lead
them to Shools Club, to find two members of a Rebel cell Vahr set up. They reveal that Vahr
caught on to Lorle, and decided to escape the planet via some smugglers near Sla Kar.
Fighting their way past Imperial troop transports, the Rebels head for the smuggler
encampment. The smugglers tell them they took Vahr to Tyed Kant, and offers to take the
Rebels there. Imperials suddenly attack, and the Rebels and smugglers take off. Once in
space, the Rebels make a grisly discovery the shot-up corpse of Vahr. It seems the pirates
double-crossed him. The Rebels fight and kill the pirates. They search the ship and find the
data disk Vahr had. They return to Byrne City and recover their ship and the other Rebel
agents, then takes off. Just after they jump, the Demophon sun finally explodes, wiping out
the whole star system…
(Supernova: The Beginning of the End)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A mysterious spate of accidents in the underwater mines of Calamari has driven construction
of the all-important Calamari Cruisers of the Alliance to a near-halt. Even worse, the two
native races (the Calamari and the Quarren) are at each other’s throats about the whole
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 305
mess. A group of Rebels are recruited to go undercover (studying Quarren mining
techniques) and investigate. No sooner do they start down on an automated shuttle than it
goes out of control, driven by a sabotaged computer into nearly crashing into the city of
Morjanssik. The Rebels barely manage to take control enough to crash the shuttle into the
sea. After being rescued, the Rebels are brought before the highest-ranking Alliance official,
a Calamari named Kalbrac. He explains the situation the paranoid Quarren refuse to allow
an investigation, as they fear looking incompetent. The Rebels then have dinner with the
Chief Manager of Morjanssik, a Quarren named Moren Chonk. They manage to persuade
him to let them tour the mines, but his assistant Kelmut Wolg is wildly suspicious of them.
After the dinner, the Rebels are approached by a Quarren named Walif Merv, who lures them
to The Long Drink cantina for a chance to mingle with the locals. After an hour of chats,
drinks and games, the Rebels are suddenly jumped by a gang of Quarren thugs. After the
gang is subdued, they confess they were paid by a Quarren named Logor, who just left the
bar. The Rebels pursue in speeder bikes and capture Logor, who claims he himself was hired
by a Mon Calamari. The next morning, Kalbrac takes the Rebels on the mining tour. On the
bathysphere on the way down, the Quarren miners accompanying them start acting
strangely, afflicted by poison gas. The delirious Quarren attack the Rebels, who are forced to
knock them out and take over the bathysphere for the rest of the trip down. Once they arrive
at the mines, however, they are jumped and arrested for the murder of Moren Chonk!!
Locked in the brig, the Rebels are downcast with his pathological hatred of Outworlders,
they haven’t a prayer of convincing Wolg of their innocence. Kalbrac’s convinced it was a
frame job, but cant prove it. After he leaves, a Calamari shows up, murders the guards, and
tosses the murder weapon into the Rebels’ hands! “Talk your way out of this one, Rebel
scum!” A Quarren lynch mob is more than ready to finish the Rebels off, but just in the nick of
time Walif Merv appears again and gets them out. Incensed at the attempts to shame the
Quarren, he has switched sides. He suspects the masterminds are a group of strange-
sounding Calamari deepminers. Fighting their way to the deepminer docks, the Rebels
confront the strange Calamari who open fire with blasters and take off in a deepwater ship.
Examining some of the dead deepminers, they find them to be humans disguised as
Calamari Imperial destabilizers, determined to smash the alliance between the Rebels, the
Calamari, and the Quarren for good! The Rebels chase the deepwater into an underwater
trench, all the way to the deepest level of the mine. Fighting and chasing all through the
mining complex, they find the Imperials turning on a mining laser, determined to wipe out the
whole mine and ignite a Calamari / Quarren civil war. Attacking the tank the laser is encased
in, the Rebels wage a desperate last battle and wipes out the Imperial group. Astonished at
how they were duped, the Quarren pledge full support to the Rebel Alliance. Wolg turns
himself in, confessing that he was with the Imperials. And the Rebel group heads on to a new
adventure, with a new member a cheerful, blockheaded Q-4 borer droid…
(Death in the Undercity)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
The looming alliance between the Rebellion and the avian Shashay race is in danger a
group of thugs disguised as Rebels have made off with Crying Dawn Singer, the most
popular entertainer of the Rayter Sector. And the local Imperials are going all out to support
the frame job. A Rebel squad is hastily recruited to investigate. There was a Rebel agent in
Singer’s entourage, and the group (on the Worthless Fool) tracks him to the planet Najarka.
In orbit, they detect an abandoned Imperial base but thats also where the agent’s
transponder is signaling. They find the base to a biological research center, which contains
the horribly tortured corpses of Singer’s entourage. Suddenly, an Star Destroyer (the
Impending Doom) roars into orbit and reactivates the base. After recovering the agent (a
droid), they learn that a pirate named Yearo Seville the same man on the “Rebel” ransom
transmission was the kidnapper. The local animal life proves as deadly to the stormtroopers
as the Rebels, and the heroes soon take off, fighting off a Gamma-class shuttle and some
TIEs as they go. They take the droid’s advice and head for Laim, even as the Shashay begin
to break ties with the Alliance begin negotiating with Moff Nile Owen. Arriving at Laim, they
find an Imperial relay station and a broadcast ship that is sending the “ransom demands” and
other anti-Rebel propaganda to the Shashay. The broadcast ship makes a capture and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 306
boarding extremely difficult, but they manage. They find unreleased transmissions that seem
to indicate an industrialist named Braig Farool (and his brother Nak, assistant to Moff Owen)
is planning to double-cross the Moff and “rescue” Singer themselves for political gain. They
learn Singer is being held at Farool’s headquarters on Narg. Unbeknownst to them, Owen
has learned of this and killed Nak. The Rebels land at Grig starport, where they run into a
load of red tape from TransGalMeg Industries (Farool’s company). They make their way to
the headquarters, even as Moff Owen arrives in orbit. Fighting their way up to Farool’s suite,
they find the industrialist has snapped. He wants them to take him and Singer off the planet.
When they refuse, he uses Singer as a hostage. The Rebels shoot Farool and frees Singer
from his cage. The Rebels and Singer fight their way through Owen’s stormtroopers and into
the Worthless Fool. Owen sends TIEs after them, trying to disable the ship and take Singer
alive. They fight their way clear into hyperspace and triumphantly returns Singer to Shashay.
(The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Almost out of food and water, chased and shot down by the Taloron Hunter Crutag, a small
Rebel unit crash-lands on the Outer Rim world of Trinta, a hellish swampy world. Digging
themselves out of their smashed ship before it sinks, the Rebels begin foraging for food. They
have to deal with the hostile swamp life all around them, as well as keep an eye out for
Crutag. As night descends, they encounter a phantom-like species thought to be made
extinct by the Empire the Dradan. They lead the Rebels to an oasis in the middle of the
ship….which fades along with the Dradan, leaving the Rebels lost. Finally making their way
back to the ship, they find it has mysteriously vanished…The Rebels make camp. The next
morning, they overhear the sound of Crutags hunters being attacked and killed by….
something. They also come upon a half-buried scout ship that has laid in the swamp for at
least twenty years. Suddenly, a rancor appears and attacks! The Rebels flee through the
swamp, but it easily catches up and eats some of them. The surviving Rebels are forced to
fight it, and defeats it…only it fades into nothingness, leaving the Rebels it “ate. An unnatural
darkness envelops the swamp. A Force sensitive in the Rebel group is overwhelmed by a
wave of dark energy, based in the north. They head that way, facing down several illusory
threats, such as skinwings, carnivorous plants, the ghosts of Dark Jedi, a swamp beast, and
even the living dead. They come upon a cave, where they are jumped by an illusion of Boba
Fett. Once thats defeated, they take refuge in the cave as a storm hits. It seems someone
has lived in here in the past. The items indicate it was Halagad Ventor, a Jedi Knight of the
Old Republic who was presumed killed in the Great Purge by Darth Vader. They continue on
their trek the next day, only to run into an ambush by Crutag. Escaping from that, a savage
storm sweeps over the heroes, followed by another illusion this one of Obi-Wan Kenobi,
who declares them doomed. Moving through increasingly hazardous conditions, the Rebels
approach an island steeped in the Dark Side of the Force. And on that island is a twisted
black tree over a cave. They enter, facing a series of twelve tests illusions that tempt them
to give in to anger and hatred. They manage to resist giving in, and find themselves before a
figure in a dark hood: Halagad Ventor, who was scarred mentally by Vader all those years
ago, tortured into betraying his fellow Jedi, and now enveloped by the Dark Side. He urges
them to kill him, thus taking his place in this dark side nexus. He very much wants to die. But
the Rebels instead try to draw him back to the Light. He learns the Jedi are not all dead, and
that he need not feel guilt anymore. Freed of the Dark Side, Halagad is killed by the dark
power in the cave and becomes one with the Force. The Rebels suddenly find themselves
next to their ship. Cannibalizing Crutag’s ship for parts and supplies, the Rebels leave this
dark world…
(Domain of Evil)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Han Solo takes the Millennium Falcon to rescue trapped Ithorians in an alien jungle. After
battling TIE fighters, dodging through an asteroid field, and losing a landing gear on the ship,
he is able to get them all safely to Bimmisaari.
(Han Solo’s Rescue Mission)
When the Empire discovers a cache of Rebel supplies, Luke Skywalker leads an X-wing
force to take out the Star Destroyer and save the base. Despite an encounter with mynocks
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 307
that damage his ship, Luke is able to save the day.
(Luke Skywalker’s Race Against Time)
Cynabar’s InfoNet reports a shortage of raw materials in the Mid-Rim region, suggesting
those with raw materials hoard them for now, expecting a price jump ahead. (Exact date of
report via Cynabar’s InfoNet: 36:6:26)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #7)
Corellia Times reports that Gowix Computers has chosen to move from Corellia to Corulag,
citing unstable conditions in the Corporate Sector. (Exact date of report via Corellia Times,
Basic Edition: 36:7:8)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #7)
Cynabar’s InfoNet is forced to shut down after something that was said on the infonet angers
the Empire. The people behind Cynabar’s InfoNet go underground. (Exact date of report via
Cynabar’s InfoNet: 36:7:16)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #7)
Galaxy News Service reports on the arrival of three Imperial Star Destroyers and one
Interdictor at Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa, under command of Lord Triege. No reason for
their presence is given in the report, but they are there after those behind Cynabar’s InfoNet.
(Exact date of report via Galaxy News Service: 36:7:17)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #7)
Jan begins training as a Rebel recruit with the Rebel fleet.*
(conjecture based on Rebel Heist)*
*NOTE: This assumes Rebel Heist is around 2 ABY, since this is six months earlier.
Imperial scouts discover a Rebel Alliance base on Turak IV in the Parmel sector. Alliance
officers decide to fight a ground battle, confident that they can defeat the incompetent
Imperial General Maltaz, despite the Imperials outnumbering them five to one. The arrival of
the elite Imperial repulsortank regiment, Hell’s Hammers, however, inflicts heavy casualties
on Alliance troops, easily overrunning Rebel positions. Maltaz makes several strategic
blunders, allowing the Rebels to eliminate a regiment of Imperial troops and surround the
Hammers. Nevertheless, enough of the Hammers survive to force a Rebel evacuation, which
succeeds only because of the arrival of Alliance naval forces. While technically an Alliance
victory, the Rebels in the Parmel sector have been decimated and the battle becomes a
propaganda victory for the Imperial army, since Hell’s Hammers inflicted four times the
damage they suffered. (Exact date: 36:8)*
(conjecture based on The Battle of Turak IV)*
*NOTE: This event is said to be 18 months after the Battle of Yavin, putting it here in 36:8.
With the resignation of Chandrilan Governor Grandon Holleck, Emperor Palpatine appoints
Gerald Weizel (a protégé of Grand Admiral Tigellinus) as his replacement. (Exact date of
report via Coruscant Daily NewsFeed: 36:8:4)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #7 and Strongholds of Resistance)
Independent Traders’ Infonet reports the lifting of tariffs on gladiator walkers, thus sparking
renewed interest in gladiator walker combat outside the Core. (Exact date of report via
Independent Traders’ Infonet: 36:8:7)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
A group of Rebels, about to be routed by Imperial forces on Esseles, uses a computer slice to
kill power in Calamar as Imperials converge on their location, allowing for their escape.
(Exact date of report via Darpa SectorNet: 36:8:22)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
Imperial HoloVision reports that as raw materials have become more scarce near the Rettna
system, two feuding mining operations, Jante Materials Corporation and Freda miners, have
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 308
broken into full-scale combat, escalating every day, over disputed mining rights in areas now
containing materials whose prices are skyrocketing. (Exact date of report via Imperial
HoloVision: 36:8:27)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
Kirtan Loor is appointed Imperial liaison officer for CorSec’s Smuggling Interdiction division.
(conjecture based on Side Trip via TimeTales, verbatim)
Alendar Jarvis of New Order Progressive reports that Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus’ star is
rising in the Imperial court. He has been on Coruscant for a very short time, but already is
seen having alliances with Imperial advisors like Alec Pradeux. It was Tigellinus’ protégé,
Gerald Weizel, who just became governor of Chandrila, based primarily on Tigellinus’ political
maneuvering and courting of Moff Jamson Caglios support. He is now rumored to be looking
for support from Moff Disra. (Exact date of report via New Order Progressive: 36:9:4)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
As his star rises, Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus begins working for a transition to the
position of Moff in the Core Systems.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who: Imperial Grand Admirals)
Fefar Blackeye commits suicide in a zoo near Imperial City.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nosaurians)
Colonial News Nets reports that the jewel thief known as Tombat has struck again, this time
stealing jewelry from the Elshandruu Pican resort hotel Margrath’s. (Exact date of report via
Colonial News Nets: 36:9:15)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
NovaNetwork reports that the jewel thief Tombat has, in an unprecedented move, returned
the jewels he stole from Margrath’s on Elshandruu Pica, and vanished again. This is possibly
as a result of an Imperial investigation into the matter. (Exact date of report via
NovaNetwork: 36:9:17)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
Colonial News Nets reports that Earnst Kamiel of the Justice Action Network has been
executed by firing squad. At the time of his arrest, 54 systems had given him the death
penalty, necessitating Moff Gandril’s decision to have the execution take place on Haldeen,
allowing one delegate from each of the 54 systems to take part in the firing squad. (Exact
date of report via Colonial News Nets: 36:10:5)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
TriNebulon News correspondent Andor Javin reports that the infamous Cynabar of Cynabar’s
InfoNet is actually Plat Okeefe. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News: 36:10:11)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
Deena Mipps of Darpa SectorNet reports that the raw materials shortage and economic
recession in the Core has come to threaten Esselian President Ralle’s chances of defeating
the New Order party’s leader Jamson Freller in the upcoming elections on Esseles. (Exact
date of report via Darpa SectorNet: 36:10:18)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
TriNebulon News reports that the Imperial Office of Criminal Investigation, at the behest of
Moff Landric of the Emmo sector, has assigned Special Enforcement Officer Zanza Gata to
track down the jewel thief known as Tombat. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
The Hutt who runs much of the criminal activity in the Blinders district in Sahl-Evin, on the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 309
planet Jenenma, without any warning or explanation suddenly leaves. His organization runs
in his absence, but the workers are unaware of who has taken over.*
(conjecture based on Put Up Your Dukes)*
*NOTE: This is one year prior to Put Up Your Dukes.
Around this time, an Imperial Intelligence agent infiltrates a Rebel base as “Doctor Saras,”
following a year of training on how to pose as a Rebel.*
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)*
*NOTE: This assumes that the introduction to Strongholds of Resistance (an RPG guide) is set around 37:8).
Eight weeks prior to the formation of Green Squad 3, Rebel agent begins training with Green
Squad at Alliance Training Center-5/Green Squad (ATC-5/GS) on the planet Ksift in the
Outer Rim.
(conjecture based on Blaster Weapons of the Rebel Alliance)
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed reports on the launch of New Year Fete Week celebrations on
Coruscant. For the first time in eight years, the Emperor does not attend the opening
ceremonies. (Exact date of report via Coruscant Daily NewsFeed: 37:F1:1)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
Deena Mipps of Darpa SectorNet reports that the New Order party on Esseles, led by
Jamson Freller, has finally managed to capture the majority in the Esselian Parliament.
(Exact date of report via Darpa SectorNet: 37:F1:4)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
Imperial HoloVision reports that the mineral rights feud between the Jante and Freda forces
in the Rettna system have gone from armed feuding to full-scale war. (Exact date of report
via Imperial HoloVision: 37:1:4)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
Brak Sector News reports that Rebel agents have attacked the Brak Sector CommNet.
(Exact date of report via Brak Sector News: 37:1:6)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
TriNebulon News reports that human performer Jantaa Binx, while attending the annual
Marqua Spas Grand Ball, performed a Floubette dance, much to the revulsion of the
spectators. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News: 37:1:13)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
On Rabaan, warrior Mika Streev prepares for his upcoming battle with the S’krrr known as
Sh’shak. Recently, a Rabaanite orbital platform was destroyed, and when the Rabaanites
blamed the Skrrr on their sister planet (also called S’krrr), and the Skrrr denied the attack,
both planets were at each other’s throats. They have decided to settle the matter with one-
on-one ritual combat between each world’s best warrior on the sister planet known as the
Combat Moon. After seeing the jealous second-place Rabaanite contender, Andos Delvaren,
and meeting the adoring crowds, Mika and his girlfriend (whom he hasn’t yet proposed to, as
he should have), Leda Kyss, get in a ship and head for the Combat Moon, as they know their
S’krrr counterparts will be doing. Elsewhere in the system, aboard the Star Destroyer
Coercion, Governor Klime and Commander Glave, prepare to force an Imperial presence into
the system and to root out any Rebels. And speaking of Rebels, aboard the Rabaanite ship,
Leda begins talking to Mika about the evils of the Empire, which she’s learned of from Rebels
outside the isolationist system, but Mika doesn’t believe her. She lets him off on the Combat
Moon and, unbeknownst to Mika, heads for a nearby area where Rebels, led by an X-wing
pilot (seemingly Wedge Antilles, but that’s never confirmed), are setting up a local base.
Elsewhere, Shshak is also let down onto the world. After a bit of walking, Mika comes
across Andos and two other men setting up weapons. Knowing they should not be there, he
confronts them, only to realize that two of them are stormtroopers. Mika takes them out, but
Andos escapes to rejoin a second Imperial team. The Imperials, it seems, were behind the
orbital platforms destruction and are planning to make both sides think the other betrayed
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 310
them, which would allow an Imperial garrison to come into the system. Mika sets out to find
Sh’shak . . . not to kill him and use their combined transmitter device to signal his victory, but
to save Sh’shak and expose the Empire. He finds Sh’shak, but only after Sh’shak has seen
the Imperials. He thinks Mika has betrayed their combat, but Mika hands him his half of the
transmitter, so they can contact both of their planets. Before they can do so, the Imperials
attack. Sh’shak is wounded and beaten, but they escape and transmit . . . only to find the
Imperials are jamming the frequency. They are about to be killed, but Leda arrives with a few
Rebels and fights off the Imperials. Leda is killed in the assault. The Rebels realize they
must escape as soon as possible, and this time, Mika and Sh’shak have decided to join them
in their battle against the Empire. Later, at the abandoned Rebel base, Klime decides that
they can use the Rebel presence as their excuse to set up their base, so all is not a total loss
. . . but just then, he realizes that before leaving the Combat Moon, the Rebels set up an
unjammed transmitter in the base, which has just transmitted his entire commentary on
manipulating the Rabaanites and S’krrr to both of the homeworlds. The Empire wont be
welcome in the system with that information out in the open. The Rebels were forced to
retreat, but the Empire has lost the day as well.
(Combat Moon)
On Tatooine, young nerf herder Domo Jones (yeah, Jones) runs into his old friend Blerx, a
Bith musician. He and Blerx go to Mos Zabu, where Domo attempts to flirt with Jilljoo Jab, to
no avail. Domo nearly gets into a fight with Ep Gart, who is there to work out a deal to get
Negron 14 to the Empire. Domo decides he should join the Rebel Alliance and makes it his
first task to stop Gart. He, Jill, Blerx, and UR-1 go out to where Gart is meeting the Imperials
and cause a stampede of nerfs, which fouls the operation. When Gart gives chase, Domo
manages to get him caught in the sarlacc fields. After the “mission,” Domo and Jill share
their first kiss.
(Nerf Herder)
In space, a Rebel ship is attacked by Jinwa raiders. When the crew is all killed, R2-D2 loads
Captain Raymus Antilles’ records into C-3PO temporarily, which makes C-3PO act like
Antilles. He takes command and saves the ship, but will remember nothing about what
happened or of the information he had while acting like Antilles.
(Captain Threepio)
Nima’tar, a Twilek university student, needs money to work on her thesis research. She
hooks up with a band on Tatooine. When they play for Jabba and he refuses to pay them, the
band members sell her to Jabba as a slave to pay their way off of the planet. (To be
continued below . . . )
(The One That Got Away)
Darpa SectorNet reports that a new Rebel group calling themselves the Faceless have
attacked a major fuel depot and refinery on the island of Grande Hyet on Esseles. To
counter the threat, Imperial Governor Takel has sent forces from the Star Destroyer
Indomitable, most likely against the wishes of Hall President Ralle, who no longer has the
backing of his coalition in the Esseles Parliament in the wake of a New Order party upset in
the recent elections. (Exact date of report via Darpa SectorNet: 37:1:29)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
Darpa SectorNet reports that in the wake of the attacks by the Faceless, President Ralle of
Esseles has urged his citizens to stay calm. Meanwhile, stocks in Esseles’ major
corporations, such as DynaCorp, are plummeting in value as alien workers walk off the job
after the Faceless informs them of anti-alien bias in the Imperial-driven government. (Exact
date of report via Darpa SectorNet: 37:1:30)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
Darpa SectorNet reports that President Ralle of Esseles has met with Kanno Sebak of the
Guild of Offworlder Skilled Laborers and arranged for an end to the boycotts and walk-offs
that were carried out in the wake of a report about anti-alien biases in the Esselian
government. To quell the offworlders fears of bias, new scholarships are being opened for
offworlder students at Calamar University and a committee is being appointed to look into the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 311
anti-alien bias claims made by the Faceless. (Exact date of report via Darpa SectorNet:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
Galaxy News Service reports the breakup and arrest of a Rebel spy ring on Raltiir, the result
of a crackdown led by Governor Graeber. (Exact date of report via Galaxy News Service:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
Jett Nabon is killed on Ord Mantell.
(conjecture based on A Credit for Your Thoughts)
TriNebulon News reports that Imperial economic advisor Pinac Galous has announced a 15%
increase in consumption taxes in the Outer Rim, citing Rebel activities and rising raw material
costs as the cause of the necessary increase. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
Brentaal Trade News reports the discovery by Imperial Customs Captain Dalea Trovin of a
raw material smuggling operation running through Brentaal. (Exact date of report via
Brentaal Trade News: 37:2:23)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
Imperial HoloVision reports that a group of Rebels who had possibly stolen sensitive data
from Prefect Glaffold of Fremond III have surrendered to authorities after a three-day siege in
a warehouse complex. (Exact date of report via Imperial HoloVision: 37:3:2)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
Rescue at Glare Peak (RPG: Chris Gerber & Katrina Ostrander & Sterling Hershey & Dan
Rescue at Glare Peak (RPG: Chris Gerber & Katrina Ostrander & Sterling Hershey & Dan Clark)
Crash Course
Spies and Sympathizers
Prison Break
Onslaught at Arda I (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Onslaught at Arda I (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
The Battle of the Gauntlet
Running the Gauntlet
Exploring the Base
Vortex Patrol
Special Operations
Tactical Retreat
Take to the Skies
Uncharted Territory
Local Trouble
Setting In
Walking the Line
Dark Discoveries
Rendezvous at Ord Radama
Timely Departures
Arrival at Ord Radama
Homeward Bound
The Race to Livien Magnus
A New Dawn
Force and Destiny Beginner Game (RPG: Daniel Lovat Clark & Chris Gerber & Jordan
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 312
Force and Destiny Beginner Game (RPG: Daniel Lovat Clark & Chris Gerber & Jordan Goldfarb)
Mountaintop Rescue
The High Valley
The Gatekeeper
Hunters & Hunted
In Deep Trouble
The Bridge
The Power of the Dark Side
Bonus Adventures (RPG: Jordan Goldfarb & Daniel Lovat Clark & Chris Gerber)
Lure of the Lost
The Curator and the Warden
Freedom for the Jailor
Unintended Consequences
Outbid But Never Outgunned (SWT7 short story: Beau Smith)
Outbid But Never Outgunned (SWT7 short story: Beau Smith)
No Disintegrations, Please (AJ14/TFTNR short story: Paul Danner)
No Disintegrations, Please [flashback] (AJ14/TFTNR short story: Paul Danner)
Team Recovery (CM35 short story: James B. King)
Team Recovery (CM35 short story: James B. King)
Strange Bedfellows (S3-2-14 short story: John Zinser)
Strange Bedfellows (S3-2-14 short story: John Zinser)
Invitation to a Party
Can I Have This Dance?
Strange Bedfellows
Never Turn Your Back
The Droid Dilemma (children's book: Unknown)
The Droid Dilemma (children's book: Unknown)
The Maverick Moon (children’s book: Walter Wright)
The Maverick Moon (children’s book: Walter Wright)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Darth Vader Campaign
Walking the Path That’s Given (SWT short stories: Shane McCarthy & Thomas Andrews)
Walking the Path That’s Given, Part I (SWT21 short story: Shane McCarthy & Thomas
“Walking the Path That’s Given, Part II” (canceled SWT short story: Shane McCarthy &
Thomas Andrews)*
*NOTE: This story was canceled when Star Wars Tales ended. However, we have not heard the last of this
storyline, according to Jeremy Barlow. Stay tuned.
Star Wars Galaxies (novel series: Veronica Whitney-Robinson)
The Ruins of Dantooine (novel: Veronica Whitney-Robinson)
Chapters 1 15
Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience (short story: Prima Games)
Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience (short story: Prima Games)
The Explorer’s Guide to the Clone Relics
The Cries of Alderaan (short story: LucasArts)
The Cries of Alderaan (short story: LucasArts)
Dead Eye
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game [continued] (card game scenario series: LucasArts
& Sony Online Entertainment)
The Shaman’s Staff (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 313
Utinni! (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Singing Mountain Assault (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Nightsister Roundup (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Space Slug (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Punish the Pirates (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Mad Zoo (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Minstyngar Hunt (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Life Day (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Crazy Wookiees (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Darkwalkers (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Destroy All Droids (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Double Trouble (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Champions of the Force (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Constructing the Codex
Escape from Dantooine
Building the Weapon
Capture the Holocron
Constructing the Codex [continued]
The Sith Shadows
Building the Weapon [continued]
A Focusing Crystal
The Jedi Exile
CorSec Attack
His Newest Acquisition
Constructing the Codex [continued]
Hutt Hijack
The Grand Admiral
Squadrons Over Corellia (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Imperial Base (Dark Side)
Academy Attack
Ground Support
Garrison Attack
Imperial Base (Light Side)
Family Heirloom
Return Trip
Join the Alliance
Infiltration Mission
Special Delivery
Imperial Base (Dark Side) [continued]
Important Mission
Galactic Hunters (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Capturing the Prey
Hero of Yavin
Smuggler Extraordinaire
CorSec Operative
Rebel Officer
Jedi Knight
Interrogating the Predators
Koona t’chuta?
Devours His Prey
Alliance Operative Field Dossier: Skimmer (short story: LucasArts)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 314
Alliance Operative Field Dossier: Skimmer (short story: LucasArts)
Shifting Gears (canceled AJ17 short story: Unknown)*
Shifting Gears (canceled AJ17 short story: Unknown)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. Consider it historical curiosity.
Lady Luck (SWT3 short story: Rich Handley & Darko Macan)
Lady Luck (SWT3 short story: Rich Handley & Darko Macan)
Sore Loser’s Revenge (miniatures game: Eric Cagle)
Sore Loser’s Revenge (miniatures game: Eric Cagle)
Idiot’s Array (SWH short story: Rich Handley)
Idiot’s Array (SWH short story: Rich Handley)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game [continued] (card game scenario series: LucasArts
& Sony Online Entertainment)
Agents of Deception (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Return Medical Supplies
At the Palace
Red Circle Gang
Locate Missing Contraband
Alley Arrest
Return Medical Supplies [continued]
Imperial Entanglement
Kessel Runner
Locate Missing Contraband [continued]
Rebel on the Trail
Tag the Scoundrel
Return Medical Supplies [continued]
To Smuggler’s Run
Locate Missing Contraband
Meet the Baron
The Shadow Syndicate (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Expose the Traitors
Delivery for Captain Rendar
Supply the Alliance
Under Arrest
Sith Shadows
Expose the Traitors [continued]
No Trouble
Supply the Alliance [continued]
A Good Night
Expose the Traitors [continued]
A Better Card
Supply the Alliance [continued]
Human Replica Assassin Droid
Expose the Traitors [continued]
Secret Meeting
The Skulls (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
The Shadow Syndicate [continued] (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online
Supply the Alliance [continued]
Kill Them All
Expose the Traitors [continued]
The Trap is Sprung
The Skulls (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Star Wars Magazine Comics [continued] (comic series: Rik Hoskin & Mike Barr & Martin
Fisher & Chris Cooper & Robin Etherington)
Repairs (SWMUK comic: Rik Hoskin)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 315
My SpaceshipMy Enemy! (SWMUK comic: Rik Hoskin)
A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9 [continued] (TFJP short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens
& Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9 [continued] (TFJP short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens &
Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
Galaxy of Fear [continued] (youth novel series: John Whitman)
Clones (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 17
The Hunger (youth novel: John Whitman)
Chapters 1 19
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game [continued] (card game scenario series: LucasArts
& Sony Online Entertainment)
The Nightsister’s Revenge (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Find the Nightsister
Unfriendly Competition
She Will Be Sith
A Brief Encounter
Mounted Patrol
Wampa Attack
Queen of Beasts
Find the Nightsister [continued]
Defend the Outpost
Seeking Shelter
Mother of the Beast
Walker Attack
She Will Be Sith [continued]
A Small Outpost
Threat of the Conqueror (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Storm Commandos
Wrong Place, Right Time
Too Close
Nowhere to Hide
Bunker Busting
Final Strike
Renegade Squadron
In the Shadows
Behind the Shroud
Blackguard Elite
Fall of the Conqueror
No Chance
Operation: Elrood (RPG: Chris Doyle & Anthony Russo & John Beyer)
Industrial Intrigue (RPG: Chris Doyle)
The Fixer, the Spy and the Chud (RPG: Anthony Russo)
Death of a Star Destroyer (RPG: John Beyer)
Battle for the Golden Sun (RPG: Douglas Kaufman)
Battle for the Golden Sun (RPG: Douglas Kaufman)
Black Ice (RPG: Paul Murphy & Bill Slavicsek)
Black Ice (RPG: Paul Murphy & Bill Slavicsek)
Beyond the Rim (RPG: Sterling Hershey & Mark Warren)
Beyond the Rim (RPG: Sterling Hershey & Mark Warren)
The Tale of the Sa Nalaor
Welcome to the Jungle
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 316
Toxic Motherlode
Debts to Pay (RPG short story: David Allen & Shawn Carmen)
Debts to Pay (RPG short story: David Allen & Shawn Carmen)
The Jewel of Yavin (RPG: Katrina Ostrander)
The Jewel of Yavin (RPG: Katrina Ostrander)
Odds and Opportunity
The Greatest Caper
Escape to the Clouds
The Game Chambers of Questal (RPG: Robert Kern)
The Game Chambers of Questal (RPG: Robert Kern)
Mission to Lianna (RPG: Joanne E. Wyrick)
Mission to Lianna (RPG: Joanne E. Wyrick)
Otherspace [continued] (RPG series: Bill Slavicsek & Douglas Kaufman)
Otherspace II: Invasion (RPG: Douglas Kaufman)
Planet of the Mists (RPG: Nigel Findley)
Planet of the Mists (RPG: Nigel Findley)
Riders of the Maelstrom (RPG: Ray Winninger)
Riders of the Maelstrom (RPG: Ray Winninger)
Scavenger Hunt (RPG: Brad Freeman)
Scavenger Hunt (RPG: Brad Freeman)
Supernova (RPG: Stewart V. Worley & Brian Murphy & Steven H. Lorenz & Ivan
Garczynski & Bill Olmesdahl)
Infiltration (RPG: Stewart V. Worley)
The Mynock Conspiracy (RPG: Brian Murphy)
Triple Cross (RPG: Steven H. Lorenz)
The Evacuation of Jatee (RPG: Ivan Garczynski)
The Beginning of the End (RPG: Bill Olmesdahl)
Death in the Undercity (RPG: Michael Nystul)
Death in the Undercity (RPG: Michael Nystul)
The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer (RPG: Chuck Truett)
The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer (RPG: Chuck Truett)
Domain of Evil (RPG: Jim Bambra)
Domain of Evil (RPG: Jim Bambra)
Han Solo’s Rescue Mission (children’s book: John Whitman)
Han Solo’s Rescue Mission (children’s book: John Whitman)
Luke Skywalker’s Race Against Time (children’s book: John Whitman)
Luke Skywalker’s Race Against Time (children’s book: John Whitman)
Combat Moon (AJ9/SWH short story: John Whitman)
Combat Moon (AJ9/SWH short story: John Whitman)
Nerf Herder (SWT7 short story: Phil Amara)
Nerf Herder (SWT7 short story: Phil Amara)
Captain Threepio (SWT8 short story: Ryan Kinnaird)
Captain Threepio (SWT8 short story: Ryan Kinnaird)
The One That Got Away (SWT8 short story: Andi Watson)
The One That Got Away (SWT8 short story: Andi Watson)
Lyric is born on Yavin VIII.
(conjecture based on Lyric’s World)
Gavar Khai is born on Kesh.*
(conjecture based on Allies)*
*NOTE: He is in his “early forties” as of Allies.
Garik “Face” Loran joins the Rebel Alliance*
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron)*
*NOTE: This refers to the article in Gamer #9, not the novel, and also assumes that Garik’s became “of age” at 18
years old.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 317
Thilis-Brin joins the Rebellion.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Rebel Operatives supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Dair Haslip is finally reassigned back to Garos IV as an administrative assistance to General
(conjecture based on Whispers in the Dark)
Gariel Captison finishes her four years at the Bakur Senatorial Academy and begins a year of
postgraduate work on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Mar Balayan vanishes and is presumed dead. In actuality, he has gone underground and
resumed criminal activities.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
While working for the Imperials on Y’Trella, Churhees Riflemen are caught in a desperate
situation. In the end, Vlaydm Churhee, the groups founder, is dead. Former Rifleman Rathe
Palror leaves the group and joins the Rebel Alliance, partnering with Riij Winward.
(conjecture based on Side Trip)
Stormtroopers demand that Durrei’s family turn over Durrei’s mother, who is suspected of
treason. Durreis father refuses. As the stormtroopers kill Durrei’s parents, he lets the Dark
Side flow through him and kills the attackers. He decides that he will grow in the Dark Side to
never be helpless again. He starts wandering the galaxy, looking for a teacher.
(conjecture based on Relic)
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed reports the induction of Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus into the
Order of the Canted Circle. (Exact date of report via Coruscant Daily NewsFeed: 37:3:14)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
TriNebulon News reports that, in response to crackdowns on the less legitimate guilds on
Wroona by Governor Norrin, a raid was carried out by Kabalard Vinne and his followers
against the Star Destroyer Rampant, which was under repairs at the Wroona Stardock.
(Exact date of report via TriNebulon News: 37:3:21)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #9)
Cynabar’s InfoNet goes back online after months on the run from Imperial forces. The
InfoNet, supposedly run by Plat Okeefe under the name “Cynabar, relaunches with news bits
regarding: Nada Synnt, who has given up that name and taken to using Tosin Dise and
Benner Dunnit while captaining his new ship, the Pareesh D’Thot; Bettle and Jaxa running
guns to Raltiir, even under the crackdown; and Platt Okeefe lying low and taking out a
contract on a “puny little amateur newsnets reporter (an obvious reference to Andor Javin’s
report in TriNebulon News that Platt and Cynabar are one and the same). (Exact date of
report via Cynabar’s InfoNet: 37:3:26)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
The humans and non-humans of Shiva finally attain peace with one another, thanks to the
Demarch of the 12 tribes, Keral Longknife, and the man known as PeacebringerAron.
They become blood brothers and rule Shiva together.
(conjecture based on The Last Gift from Alderaan!)
Thaddeus Ross goes to Reuther’s Wetdock on Najib. Ross sits down at a usual table and
plays the song “Laughter After Dark.” When Reuther asks why he does this ritual, Ross tells
him of the adventure that led to the death of Saahir Ru’luv seven years earlier. Reuther helps
him work through his pain, then Ross heads for Isamu, where he lies under the trees that
Saahir used to love.*
(Laughter After Dark)*
*NOTE: See note with the other part of this summary in 5 BBY.
The thief Somaz arrives aboard the Reverie two weeks before Boba Fett’s arrival, seeking
the Arachedron.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 318
(conjecture based on Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear)
Around this time, the Trade Guild on Klatooine begins allotting dozens of its vehicles to move
weapons that will go into the hands of the Rebel Alliance. (The Rebels are paying steep
prices for these weapons, and the Trade Guild hides the sales under the cover of quasi-
legitimate business for the Hutta that bypass most Imperial scrutiny.)
(conjecture based on Lords of Nal Hutta)
On Dolva Prime, Boba Fett defeats Rolu and Edo Strom, sons of legendary bounty hunter
Philo Strom, and takes a fake Arachedron (a fake version of a supposed cursed artifact of
great value) from them, which provides a last clue as to the location of the Reverie, a
pleasure cruiser of immense size and wealth that was lost four centuries earlier. He lets the
Strom brothers live because there is no money in killing them, then contacts his associate
Denov to determine the ship’s exact location. He seeks out the ship, finding it in a ship
graveyard, being taken apart by junkers already. He gets inside to seek out the real
Arachedron, only to come under attack by strange spider creatures. He is assisted by two
masked men, who then stun him and reveal themselves (once he is tied up) to be the Strom
brothers, back again for payback. Unfortunately, they need each other now if they intend to
get the artifact and survive. They find the artifact on a statue, being stolen by another
individual, Somaz, who is wearing a spider costume. (Yes, you read that correctly.) As the
ship comes apart around them and the spiders continue to attack, drawn to the Arachedron,
Boba takes it and throws it far away, causing the creatures to stop attacking them and chase
it. Rolu, however, chases after it, seeking fortune over his own life. Edo, knowing that Rolu is
all he has left, chases after him. Both are presumed dead as the ship comes apart. As for
Boba and Somaz, the latter hires the former to get him to safety aboard Slave I, but once
aboard (and the job complete), Boba reveals that he knows who Somaz is and will now be
collecting a bounty posted on his head. As for the Arachedron, as the final bits of the Reverie
are destroyed, it is crushed into debris as well, never to be a threat again.*
(Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear)*
*NOTE: This story is set approximately 2 ABY. I have placed it early in this year (2 3 ABY) because there is
another Star Wars Adventures comic, Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom, which is set approximately one year
before ESB, which would be about three months after this.
En route to a Rebel conference on Circarpous IV, Leia Organa and C-3PO (aboard a Y-wing)
and Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 (aboard an X-wing), must divert to Circarpous V (AKA
Mimban, source of a mysterious beacon) when Leia’s starfighter needs repairs. They are
caught in a storm-like anomaly on their way to land, and both vessels crash to Mimban’s
surface. Luke and R2-D2 reunite with Leia and C-3PO and they head for nearly ruins, which
they hopes is a xenoarchaeological research station, but is in fact a secret Imperial facility, on
the planet without the knowledge of the Circarpousians. They realize it must be an energy
mining operation, which would account for the anomaly they experienced. They break in,
steal some miner attire, and attempt to blend in. In a tavern, they witness an Imperial beating
a “greenie” (indigenous) slave, but cannot do anything to help since they cannot blow their
cover. Leia assumes they are about to be caught anyway, and Luke has to slap her and
pretend she is his slave in order to keep her from running and drawing undue attention to
them. They are approached by Halla, an old woman with at least marginal Force-attunement
who says she can help them get off of the planet if they will help her find the Kaiburr Crystal,
which supposedly amplifies the power of the Force. Luke is skeptical, but when he touches a
shard of the crystal, he feels its power. On their way from the tavern, Leia gets Luke back for
slapping her by tossing him into some mud. They are accosted by a group of miners (under
the guise of helping Luke control his “slave”), but Luke and Leia manage to defeat most of
them before a group of stormtroopers arrives and takes them all into custody. They are
brought before Captain-Supervisor Grammel, who confiscates the shard of the Kaiburr
Crystal and imprisons them all. Luke has fed him a story about he and Leia being escaped
criminals from Circarpous, prompting Grammel to call sector Governor Bin Essada on
Gyndine to check their story and see what he knows about the shard. Essada sees the
images of Leia and Luke on his monitor and recognizes Leia. He orders Grammel to keep
them in custody until an Imperial big-shot arrives. He then calls Darth Vader. In their cell,
Leia and Luke are imprisoned with two Yuzzem named Hin and Kee. Grammel comes to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 319
speak with them with no luck. Shortly thereafter, Halla arrives and helps Luke realize he can
use the Force to free them. They free themselves and make their escape, blowing up several
grenades in Grammel’s vicinity. They board an old crawler and head for the Temple of
Pomojema to get the Kaiburr Crystal. Back at the Imperial complex, Grammel’s injuries are
healed (or at least receive triage treatment). Seven days later, the Rebels and Halla make
their way to the temple, but the vehicle is accosted by a wandrella, forcing them to scatter.
As they are fleeing, the Super Star Destroyer Executor enters the system. Fleeing from the
wandrella, Luke and Leia manage to cause it to fall down a Coway shaft, saving them. The
heroes are reunited, but Luke and Leia must make use of the Coway shaft to get back to the
surface, since they had to nearly topple down the shaft to escape the wandrella. Elsewhere
on Mimban, Vader arrives. Luke and Leia make their way underground and into a Coway
village, nearly getting killed in the process. They learn that Halla, Hin, Kee, and the droids
have been captured by the Coway, so Luke must battle their best fighter to save them all. As
they prepare to celebrate the victory, Luke senses Vader is getting nearer. The Coway
prepare to battle the Imperials with primitive weapons. They manage fairly well, using booby-
traps and the like, until Vader orders the Imperials back to the surface and goes to face Luke
alone. Luke won’t give him the satisfaction of going to him, and the heroes escape the
Coway tunnels. Outside, they board an Imperial crawler and make their way from the scene.
Aboard the Imperial command chariot, Vader executes Grammel for his troops failure. The
heroes finally make it to the Temple of Pomojema days later and find the Kaiburr Crystal.
They prepare to take it but are attacked by a dragonlike creature. Luke defeats it, only to turn
around and see Vader standing in the temple’s doorway, proclaiming that he has deactivated
the droids and killed the Yuzzem. Vader threatens both Luke and Leia, mentioning the need
to try some rather novel uses for a lightsaber before he lets Leia die. She panics and takes
Luke’s lightsaber. She strikes at Vader, but he blocks easily. Elsewhere, Halla gets the
Kaiburr Crystal, finally. Back in the entryway, Vader slashes Leia over and over again, with
cuts just small enough to cause great pain, but not be seriously harmful. Luke is trapped
under a bit of rubble and cannot help until Hin, nearly dead, uses the last of his strength to
free Luke. Leia tosses the lightsaber to Luke and Luke begins his first lightsaber duel with
Darth Vader. (Actually, this is sort of Luke’s first duel with Vader, but also Obi-Wan Kenobi’s
last battle with Vader, as the Kaiburr Crystal has caused Kenobi’s spirit to inhabit Lukes body
and guides him in the duel.) Vader disarms Luke with a throw of his lightsaber and attempts
to use Force lightning on Luke. Luke instinctively reverses it on Vader, though, and as the
two regain their lightsabers, Luke makes a desperate slash, which Vader counters with a
punch, but not before the saber can sever Vaders mechanical right arm. Vader trips over his
own arm and both he and the arm fall into a gaping hole in the floor of the temple. Luke looks
over at Leia, dead or dying from the combined effects of Vader’s blows, and prepares to die
as well. Halla arrives, though, and between she and Luke, they heal both Luke and Leia.
They bury the Yuzzem, and Halla helps Luke, Leia, and the droids back to the Rebellion.*
(Splinter of the Mind’s Eye)*
*NOTE: The placement of this story is based in part on the fact that Vader’s SSD, the Executor, appears in the
comic adaptation, which puts it after Classic Star Wars.
After the events surrounding the Kaiburr Crystal, Leia Organa asks Luke Skywalker how he
knew the Yuzzem language, to which he responds that he learned it from Pok, a Yuzzem
who frequented Anchorhead on Tatooine. At about the same time, Luke makes a journal
entry regarding the Mimbanites.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Red Squadron goes on a mission, led by Wedge Antilles. Luke Skywalker must remain
behind to fix his X-wing. Its targeting computer is giving error codes.
(conjecture based on Razor’s Edge)
While in the Eschaton system en route to buy supplies for Echo Base on Hoth, the Rebel
starship Gamble (captained by Captain Denlan and piloted by Lieutenant Esrai), bearing
General Vanden Willard, Leia Organa, and Han Solo among its crew, is attacked by an
Imperial craft commanded by Degoren. The precision of its arrival and attack in the
uninhabited system suggests that either the Imperials gained the information from the
Alliance itself or perhaps from the organization that acted as the middle-man for their
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 320
upcoming supply trade, one run by Kearn-sa’Davit. In the brief battle, the Gamble is heavily
damaged, Willard is injured, and both Denlan and Esrai are killed. They make it to
hyperspace via their auxiliary controls with the piloting skills of Sian Tesar. With Leia now the
ranking officer aboard (since Willard is currently incapacitated by his injuries), they decode
the transmission they came out of hyperspace in the Eschaton system to receive. It includes
a message from Kearn-sa’Davit with coordinates for their meeting. They head for the
coordinates Arnot Station, deep in pirate territory. They also send messages to inform Crix
Madine of their next stop and to Chewbacca to have the Millennium Falcon brought to fly
cover for them whenever the Gamble is fixed and able to then leave Arnot Station. (He had
remained behind with the ship to install their payment for their help into the ship a Vintredi
Apex Isolator that can jam sensors. They are still technically freelancers, after all.) A Rebel
who only recently transferred in from handling supply transports in far off locations, Kifar
Itran, nearly accuses Han of working for the Empire, given that Kifar believes this deal with
Davit was Hans idea (which, according to Han, it wasn’t, at least not directly). Aboard the
Independence, Madine requests that Luke Skywalker, behind from a Red Squadron mission
due to a faulty targeting computer on his X-wing, join Chewbacca in meeting with Leia’s
team. (This means R2-D2 and C-3PO will also join them.) Soon, the Gamble emerges from
hyperspace near Arnot Station, but it is the hyperdrive’s last gasp without repairs, and it shuts
down, leaving them with only sublight engines. Unfortunately, they have emerged amid a
pirate raid! Between the Gamble and Arnot Station, a merchant ship is being attacked by a
pirate vessel that Leia recognizes as an Alderaanian gunship. Angered and hurt by this, Leia
contacts the gunship, requesting its name (the Aegis) and its captain’s name (Caline Metara).
She learns that the Aegis was a system patrol ship that was on the outer edges of Alderaan’s
system when Alderaan was destroyed. They could not investigate the explosion due to Star
Destroyers nearby, so they ran. Now, they have turned pirate. Leia identifies herself as well,
to Han’s frustration, and Metara makes an offer to let the Gamble and the merchant ship with
its injured crew (but not its cargo) go, if Leia will take an escape pod and come aboard the
Aegis, not having to be alone in doing so. Leia agrees to the offer and takes Han, Kifar, and
Sian with her to the Aegis. Aboard, they meet with Metara, along with her second-in-
command, Dennan Kelvan, and their engineer and weapons officer, Alia Terae. They learn
how the Aegis survived Alderaan’s destruction by being on patrol far from the planet and how
they chose not to immediately join the Alliance but to strike at the Empire in their own way,
thinking that Alderaan was destroyed for its Rebel ties (which is somewhat true). They began
trading and striking at freighters working for an Imperial governor, then were forced to flee.
They came to this region looking for opportunities and made the mistake of making a deal
with a local pirate lord, who upgraded the Aegis in return for a period of service. Attacking
the merchant ship was part of fulfilling that obligation. Now, another pirate vessel from their
benefactor’s fleet, the Wastrel, emerges from hyperspace and orders the Aegis to return with
them. Against Metaras deal, the other pirates intend to take the entire merchant ship, crew
and all. (Metara has stated that they never take crews because they are against slavery, but
this suggests that their benefactor is not so benevolent.) Leia has no choice but to order the
Gamble to Arnot Station and remain on the Aegis with her team, as they head for the pirates’
clearinghouse.” (Metara’s team has never been there or met the pirate lord, having been
recruited through intermediaries.) Leia intends to use the time to try to convince Metara and
her crew to join the Rebellion. When they arrive, they find that the “clearinghouse” is an old
asteroid mine with a huge operation going. Metara is taken to see the “flightmaster” (the
pirate lord), and Leia tags along, pretending to represent another pirate group that might be
willing to help pay off Metara’s debt in order to free the Aegis to work for this fictional
organization. As they leave, Han, Sian, and Terae set out to sneak through access tunnels
and such to check on the status of the Wastrel, which has also docked nearby with the
merchant ships passengers still aboard, waiting to be sold into slavery to the next slaving
ship that might arrive. They end up briefly encountering dock thieves (people whose ships
have been suck there, or who have been dumped by their crews and now survive by crime on
the asteroid), but they work their way to where the prisoners are held. They find that Davit
and his people were on the merchant ship and just arriving to meet them at Arnot Station.
Davit knows that his organization was betrayed to the pirates by a member named Janlan,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 321
but Janlan knew nothing of Davit’s Rebel ties, nor of Leia’s ship and their destination, making
it unlikely that his organization was the source of the leak that led Degoren’s Imperials to the
Gamble. Meanwhile, Leia (as “Leia Durane”) and Metara meet with the flightmaster, Aral
tukor Viest, who turns out to be a Lorrdian, making her an expert at reading them and seeing
through their expression. Viest offers to simply give Leia the debt Metara has with her, free
and clear, along with the merchant ship and its crew, if Metara and Leia can win in a “game”
that Viest uses to supposedly test the mettle of allies. As the “game” (a sort of zero gravity
game with crushers that can kill and remotes to defeat) begins, Han finds himself falling and
stuck hanging onto a hauler that moves throughout the tunnels his trio was using. Shortly into
the “game,” Leia and Metara (along with other players) must face an “insane” mining droid
that is launched into the game as well. Just as Leia is able to help another player, the Twi’lek
known as Anakaret, in the struggle with the droid, Han’s hauler comes flying onto the scene,
slamming into the droid and incapacitating it. Not knowing how Viest might react, they send
Han back to the ship in secret and get Anakaret, who is grateful to Leia, to help with a cover
story that does not involve Han’s participation in taking down the droid. Unfortunately, rather
than calling this a “win” (since Leia did accidentally knock the remote into a crusher), Viest
deems it a forfeit because of damaging her droid and another crusher and sends Leia and
Metara back to the ship with orders not to try to leave. (She never had any intention of
honoring their “deal.”) As our heroes all return to the ship by their own routes, Imperial
Captain Degoren, still seeking to capture the Rebels, takes his light corvette to meet with the
Imperial-controlled freighter Darsumae, which they can use to approach Arnot Station as if
they are simply more traders, not Imperials. Around the same time, Luke, Chewbacca, and
the droids arrive at Arnot Station in the Falcon. Luke confers with Willard, learning about the
leak that led the Imperials to the Gamble originally and about Leia and Han being gone. On
the way back to the Falcon to begin the search for the Aegis, they are accosted by an
apparent shipjacker, whom they are able to persuade to run away. Anakaret comes to thank
Leia for her help again, and Leia learns that Anakaret was trying to join Viests crew because
she wanted out from under another boss. However, now that she has seen Viest’s capricious
nature, she intends to just leave, since she didn’t win the game and thus doesn’t work for
Viest. She won’t help Leia and the others save Davits crew because it would put her own
crew in danger, but she is willing to help them stage a diversion. As Leia’s team sets off a
seismic charge near the control center to fake an attack, Viest would use a doctored
recording of the Death Star and Star Destroyers reaching Alderaan from two years ago (a
recording Metara never deleted) to make it appear that Imperials are attacking the
clearinghouse, thereby creating enough confusion to allow them to rescue the prisoners and
escape. The Rebels and Aegis crew begin the rescue operation, sneaking through tunnels
back to the prisoners in the old detention area (transferred there before Han found them), but
in the process, Han and Kifar are caught. They aren’t able to free the prisoners yet, so they
stay on alert as Leia and Metara head for the control area where Han and Kifar are being
taken. While Han is unconscious, Kifar confesses to being a Rebel to Viest, who asks Janlan
to confirm this. Since Janlan hasn’t ever met the Rebels, nor does he even know that Davit
was working with Rebels, he cannot confirm anything and is subsequently killed by Viest. As
Viest is questioning Han, the Falcon arrives in the system, and Viest orders it attacked,
already knowing who Han is and his relation to the Falcon, thanks to Kifar. As others go to
set the seismic charge, Leia, Metara, Sian, and Terae plan to rescue Kifar and Han. They find
an Aqualish that had escorted Leia and Metara to Viest before (and who had seemed iffy
about Viest’s orders) and offer him a chance to join their escape, rather than staying there
under Viest’s thumb. The Aqualish, Andevid, agrees to join them for now. He takes Leia and
Metara to where Viest is interrogating Han and Kifar. Viest reveals that she has figured out
Leia’s real identity, but then the insane mining droid, reprogrammed by a member of Metara’s
crew, bursts in as a diversion. Terae and Sian also break in, and in the brief battle that
follows, Viest is blasted and killed, but before she dies, she is able to use the weapon she
had killed Janlan with against Metara, fatally wounding her. Her last words are to ask Leia to
take care of her crew. As the charges goes off, things get hectic. They escape with Andevid’s
help in getting a tunnel borer machine to get through the superstructure. Even as this
happens, Anakaret fulfills her part of the bargain and plays the doctored recording, sending
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 322
the clearinghouses pirates into a frenzy of activity. Leia’s team frees the prisoners and has
the Falcon fire on docking bays near the Aegis as a distraction. They order the Falcon and
Aegis away when it becomes clear that they wont reach either. Instead, they steal a ship
belonging to one of Viest’s captains, Ravin Thiss. They escape into space, but now our
heroes are scattered among three different ships. Meanwhile, an informant, Ilden Trehar, has
contacted Degoren on the Darsumae to confirm that the Gamble is on Anrot Station, but
Degoren wants to capture Leia, and it is clear she is not there. He now receives new
information from an informant (the spy amid the Rebels) that informs them that Leia is (was)
at the clearinghouse and that he is going to try to hold her for capture. Not knowing about the
situation at the clearinghouse and thinking that it would be ill-advised to try to capture Leia
amid Viests operation, the Darsumae continues to Arnot Station to capture the Gamble and
its remaining crew. Our heroes all set course for Arnot Station as well, and Terae must break
the news to Kelvan and the rest of the Aegis crew about Metara’s death. En route, Han asks
Leia how they are to handle Kifar, who appears to have broken under rather light (by Imperial
standards) interrogation when Han was unconscious in Viest’s custody. Leia tries to contact
Willard on the Gamble but instead reaches Degoren, who calls himself “Commander
Degoren” and claims to have been sent by Alliance High Command to assist Willard. He
claims to have come in a transport escort called the Visara. When it becomes clear that this
is a ruse (when Degoren says Willard wants her to send coordinates for their final destination,
when Arnot Station was their final destination), they know Imperials have the Gamble. They
(incorrectly) assume it was Viest who told the Imperials about Leia being at the clearinghouse
and having a ship at Arnot Station. Leia asks the Aegis crew for help in saving the Gamble,
and they agree. They still are not willing to join the Rebellion, but they will do it in order to hit
an Imperial target in Metaras memory. Leia, Han, Kifar, Sian, and Terae transfer to the
Falcon and send Davit and the merchants back to Arnot Station on the stolen ship. (She also
pays Andevid with coins found on the ship so that he can go on his own way once back at the
station.) They need to draw the Darsumae away from Arnot Station, so that the Imperials
cannot proclaim their authority and make the station help them capture Leia and the others.
Fortunately, Kelvan knows about the nearby Rethel Point, site of an abandoned set of ruins
from an ancient civilization that somehow emits a field that blocks all sensors but leaves
comms working. (They learned about it from Viests people a while back.) They plan to send
the Falcon down to the surface to send a distress call, then hide the Aegis so that when
Degoren’s ship arrives to investigate and “assist the Falcon, the Aegis team can board the
Dursumae and save the Gamble prisoners. (Leia, Terae, R2-D2, and Sian go with the
boarding party on the Aegis. Han and Chewbacca join them to protect Leia. That leaves
Luke, Kifar, and C-3PO on the Falcon.) They reach the surface, where Luke and Kifar head
out to turn on (and bury) the beacon, but Kifar stuns Luke. (Kifar is the traitor who has been
informing the Empire about Leia’s whereabouts each time he has gotten near a comm station
without being noticed.) The Aegis heads for the Darsumae, where they see a shuttle from the
ship leave for the surface (not realizing that something is amiss below.) The team, led by
Leia, boards and takes over the ship, saving Willard, who reveals that Degoren’s ruse fooled
him at first because they had all the right codes (thanks, they will later realize, to Kifar). On
the surface, C-3PO has locked up the Falcon per orders from Luke, but Kifar and the Duros
“shipjacker from Arnot Station (Ilden Trehar, Degoren’s informant) are now holding Luke,
awaiting the shuttle that is bearing Degoren, Kifar’s commanding officer it seems, to take
them away. By the time Leia’s team realizes something is wrong, Degoren has Luke and
Kifar (whom Leia, of course, does not know is a traitor and spy yet) on the shuttle and is
returning to space. Degoren is stalling for time, awaiting his corvette’s arrival. Leia, Han,
Chewbacca, and Sian join the Aegis crew, while the other Rebels aboard the stolen ship, now
renamed the Gamble II, go into hyperspace, just as the corvette arrives. They take the Aegis
into the sensor disruption and launch Leias Rebel quartet in Leia’s escape pod from the
Gamble, which they then use to get aboard the shuttle and rescue Luke. By that time, the
shuttle is within the Corvette, but they are able to immediately leave. The Aegis, giving
covering fire against the corvette, warns that pirates have just arrived. Many pirate ships are
arriving to come after the Aegis because Viest put a tracking device on it. Now whomever
found Viest’s body and took over her operation wants to punish them. The Imperials,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 323
however, think the pirates must be Rebels, so the space battle escalates. Leias team takes
the shuttle to the Falcon to reclaim it, taking Degoren and Kifar prisoner. With everyone
accounted for, Leia urges Kelvan to leap to hyperspace with the Aegis, which he does,
followed by the Falcon. Let the Imperials and pirates fight it out themselves . . . By the end of
the month, they have traced Kifar’s activities as a spy. Leia has Han take her to a Rebel
message drop in hopes that the Aegis crew have reconsidered her offer to join the Alliance
and will meet her at that point, which she had given them coordinates for. She nearly loses
hope, but after a long wait, the Aegis arrives. They will now be able to serve Alderaan’s
memory, and Metaras memory, as part of the Rebel Alliance.*
(Razor’s Edge)*
*NOTE: This story takes place around 2 ABY, according to its text, but it is also set after Splinter of the Mind’s
Eye, hence its placement here, just after SOTME.
After sixth months training with the Rebel fleet, Rebel recruit Jan is on a mission on Corellia.
He is to meet a contact, but when he is accosted by the authorities just before meeting his
contact, he thinks he is going to die. Instead, he is saved by Han Solo, his contact, who leads
Jan in an “improvised” escape on a swoop. (Luke Skywalker, meanwhile, is providing intel to
Han to make sure he is captured in the right precinct to be taken to a space station brig. He
also takes out a sniper that is about to shoot Han and Jan. Luke is being followed by an
Imperial spy, Ellak, himself.) Han and Jan lose their tail, forcing Han to report that “problem”
to Luke, who reports a fake crime to stormtroopers to get the chase started again. They are
found while at a ship (not the Millennium Falcon) that they then take into space, where they
are quickly captured. Han surrenders without a fight. Once at a small Imperial outpost as
prisoners, Han seems to purposely get them to be seen as threats, until he is locked up in a
cell, while Jan needs little prompting to tell all he knows under interrogation. Elsewhere, red
Twi’lek Rebel agent Sarin is working on Feddasyr, trying to get her hands on Imperial codes
to hand-off to a Rebel contact, but when she believes she has been discovered, she kills an
Imperial officer and goes to meet the Rebel contact for help, only to find that the contact is
Leia Organa herself. Dismissive of Leia as just a pampered princess, Sarin comes to respect
her abilities as the mission plays out. Acting undercover as a mynock extract dealer, Leia
targets independent industrialist Jock Tardee, who is very wealthy and an illegal drug user,
who might want the extract. Moreover, Tardee has the Imperial codes but probably does not
realize their value yet. Leia infiltrates his compound via a jetpack during a party, allowing
Sarin to cover her with a sniper rifle. She gets into the party with a gift of extract, and after
Sarin kills a Trandoshan tailing her for Tardee, Leia is able to use a code (gathered by three
fellow Rebel agents who died obtaining it) to enter the room where Tardee supposedly has
the code they need. It turns out that the “code” is actually a stormtrooper, who is on Leia’s
side because he hates the Empire, and whose DNA is the code in question. They make their
escape, improvising along the way and gaining Sarin’s respect. Leia buys Sarin and the
trooper time to get away by letting herself get caught. Sarin gets the trooper to her sister, who
gets him off the planet. (As they make their escape, Luke arrives on Feddasyr and frees Leia
from her captors, but he is still being followed by Ellak.) Once in space, the trooper activates
a small holocron with information on the contact he must meet. The contact in question is
Chewbacca. Sarin’s sister takes the stormtrooper to a backwater planet to make their
rendezvous, but the ship is shot down. The trooper survives, but the sister dies. When the
trooper is set upon by natives, Chewbacca arrives and kills them. They are there to seek out
the Empires local “galaxy drive,” a databank that the trooper’s DNA can access. After
threatening a local crime boss, they make their way to its location (given by the boss), the
local capital building. They sneak in through its sewer outlet, then “save” a cybernetically-
enhanced woman from stormtroopers. She shows them to where the galaxy drive is sealed
behind a floor that is booby trapped. They make it across the floor, but the woman has
betrayed them, sending in stormtroopers to apprehend them. Chewbacca holds them off,
while the trooper activates the drive and sends a signal out that is received by Han in his cell,
Leia in her cell, and others. Unfortunately, the trooper and Chewbacca are captured and put
into a dungeon with a rancor (which the woman named “Pooches). Meanwhile, Luke and
Leia have taken off from Feddasyr (with the spy aboard their ship in hiding) and respond to
Chewbacca’s distress call. They arrive to help, finding that Chewbacca has already killed the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 324
rancor with an axe. As the woman orders the deaths of Chewbacca and the stormtrooper,
Luke takes her down (along with her guards) and frees them. They race for Corellia, where
Han, of course, now has the correct code from Chewbacca’s mission with the trooper. Han
frees himself and Jan, and they steal an Imperial cargo ship with important cargo from that
base, which was their real target of this convoluted mission. Once the cargo ship and Luke’s
ship are in hyperspace, Ellak emerges from the shadows of Luke’s ship and identifies
himself, but rather than kill them as ordered once he learned their true mission, he instead
surrenders, seeing the heroism and inspiration in the people he has been tailing. As it turns
out, the stolen cargo is a set of power generators that the Rebels will use for their base on
Hoth to project their energy shield. Jan, Sarin, and the stormtrooper remain agents of the
Rebellion. Even Ellak changes sides, joining the Rebellion. He will be one of the Bothans who
discover the existence of the second Death Star in the years to come.*
(Rebel Heist)*
*NOTE: We have no indication of when this takes place, other than that it is between ANH and ESB.
Rebel and Imperial forces on the rocky, volcanic planet Vernost, battle for control of a natural
fluid that works fuel-efficiency wonders for starships and medical cures on humans. X-wings
fight TIE Fighters and Interceptors through the dangerous canyons, as Rebel task ships
assists them. Ultimately, the Rebels are victorious, and retrieve the special juice.*
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This summary is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The most famous of these stories is Lightsider, of course, but Vernost is
among them as well. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor text for our purposes, with
no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it historical curiosity.
Con-woman Ghista Dodger and her alien partner get into a deadly run-in with crimelord Oro
Memis at a temple, along with his henchmen Nopul Etrefa and Nikto, Vakirsajaina. Her
partner is riddled with blaster bolts and killed, and Dodger is forced into a deathmatch by a
Weequay announcer, Pon Svale. Chained to a pole, she is about to be shot point-blank, but
manages to escape with her life.*
(Credit Denied)*
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This summary is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The most famous of these stories is Lightsider, of course, but Credit
Denied is among them as well. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor text for our
purposes, with no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it historical
Morgan Q. Raventhorn, Maglenna Pendower, Dren Nord, and the rest of the Alliance Special
Ops team participate in an infiltration mission and battle against the devious Imperial ISB
Captain Mylesgood. The group and Morgan are able to blow up a skiff full of Imperial officers
and troopers, and complete their objectives.*
(Art of Infiltration)*
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This summary is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The most famous of these stories is Lightsider, of course, but Art of
Infiltration is among them as well. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor text for our
purposes, with no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it historical
Assistant Rebel Alliance Historian Voren Na’al goes to Aduba-3 to learn the truth behind Han
Solo’s adventure there two years earlier. The people are less than helpful. Jimm Doshun is
unwilling to talk to him based on a death threat from the bounty hunter Beilert Valance.
Voren is able to talk to Jimm’s wife, Merri Shen Doshun, but her memory is so close to that of
TriNebulon News inaccurate holodrama that he simply believes her memory must have been
colored by the situation. Voren uploads his reports to Mnemos, but notes to his superior,
Arhul, that he doesnt believe the report will be of much use.
(conjecture based on The Starhoppers of Aduba-3)
HoloNet Free Republic reports the destruction of an Imperial Army Navy Ordnance center on
Onderon by Rebel Forces. (Exact date of report via HoloNet Free Republic: 37:4:3)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 325
Cynabar’s InfoNet reports a crackdown on smugglers along the Kessel Run by Imperial
forces. (Exact date of report via Cynabar’s InfoNet: 37:4:11)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Imperial Defense Daily reports that, due to the raw material shortage, many Victory Star
Destroyers have been repaired with reddish pink hull plating, while the white-gray Doonium of
old has been diverted to the larger Imperial Star Destroyers. (Exact date of report via
Imperial Defense Daily: 37:4:19)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Nal Hutta Kal’tamok reports Spaage Core, Inc. has quietly secured mining rights to a gas
giant in the Minos Cluster, presumably to gather corusca gems. (Exact date of report via Nal
Hutta Kal’tamok, Basic Edition: 37:4:28)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Imperial HoloVision reports that Imperial forces led by Captain Brieras Motivator have
attacked a Rebel munitions base on Maldra IV. According to the report, the unresponsive
Rebels gathered in their own munitions storage area and blew it up, taking themselves with it.
The report seems highly dubious. (Exact date of report via Imperial HoloVision: 37:5:3)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
The Alderaan Expatriate Network reports the truth of events on Maldra IV, where a Rebel
refugee colony (not a munitions plant) was summarily wiped out without provocation or
warning by Captain Briera’s Imperial forces. (Exact date of report via Alderaan Expatriate
Network: 37:5:7)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
TriNebulon News’ correspondent Andor Javin reports on a surprising archaeological find on
Sullust, where it seems a Sullustan shaman prophesied the rise of Emperor Palpatine over
8,000 years earlier. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News: 37:5:15)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Independent Traders’ Infonet reports that the raw material shortage of the past year has
finally brought enough new firms into the mining industry to open 9,000 new system-wide
mine facilities. (Exact date of report via Independent Traders’ Infonet: 37:5:24)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Sector 242 NewsLine reports that the remnants of the Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirate armada who call
themselves the Khuiumin Survivors have gone on a hiatus, it seems. (Exact date of report
via Sector 242 NewsLine: 37:6:8)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Colonial News Nets reports that, as retaliation for the execution of Earnst Kamiel, the Justice
Action Network has bombed an undersea transit tube, leaving a monorail train flooded.
(Exact date of report via Colonial News Nets: 37:6:20)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Corellian Sector Newsfeed reports that the Corellian merchants Guild has been banned from
the Corporate Sector. They have two months to pull out of the area. (Exact date of report via
Corellian Sector Newsfeed: 37:6:26)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Core News Digest reports the banning of slungerhounds on Corulag and in the Corula
system, based on tales of violent slungerhound attacks on humans. (Exact date of report via
Core News Digest: 37:6:30)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 326
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
The Empire takes over the planet Orocco, seizing royal assets and thus leaving King Arturo
flat broke when he discovers his daughter, Mi, kidnapped by Grintlok and his gang.
(conjecture based on Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom)
Han Solo and Leia Organa infiltrate an Imperial base on Fallowan to steal sensitive supply
route data. They are discovered while undercover and must flee on a swoop.
(conjecture based on Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom)
On Fallowan, Han Solo and Leia Organa escape Imperial pursuit, after having stolen a
database of Imperial transgalactic supply routes. They narrowly escape, thanks to the arrival
of Chewbacca aboard the Millennium Falcon, but then the group (with Leia and Han bickering
most of the way) detour from taking the data to Luke Skywalker and the Alliance at the Rebel
base on Cataalda to drop off a long overdue (by, oh, eight months) cargo of engine inducers
to the Geonosian named Tookra on a world in the Nelvana Gas Cluster. When Tookra
reminds Han that he was paid in advance and the shipment is now mostly worthless to
Tookra, the Geonosian sets his large droid, K1L-R (“Killer”) on them. Meanwhile,
unbeknownst to Han and Leia, Princess Mi of Orocco (a world that fell to the Empire the day
before), daughter of King Arturo, has been kidnapped by a rogue group of scum that have
been operating behind the back of their employer, crimelord Raze. The group is led by
Grintlok, a reptilian criminal who happens to know Han. When Grintlok realizes that Arturo
cannot afford to pay any kind of ransom, they decide to find a dupe to take the captive Mi to
their safehouse on Raltac III to wait for the heat to die down. Thus, when Grintlok saves Han
and Leia from K1L-R, Han agrees to take a container with “volatile materials” to Raltac III in
return. While in space (and pursued secretly by Tookra and K1L-R), they discover Mi hidden
in the container and plan to get her to safety after they deliver their data. They arrive at the
Cataalda base to find it decimated, however, and Luke and the others have had to flee the
base. Before they can head for an alternate rendezvous point, they come under attack.
Tookra and K1L-R have followed them, but so has a bounty hunter named Dust and the
separate gang led by Grintlok. Arturo contacted his old pal Raze, who, ignorant of Grintlok’s
group’s involvement in the kidnapping, has put out a call to both Dust and Grintloks group to
“save” the princess from her kidnappers and return her to Orocco. Grintlok hopes to get to
them first, kill the Rebels and Mi, then blame the whole incident on the late Han Solo. During
the attack by Dust and Tookra (while Grintlok’s group is still en route), Leia tries to save Mi,
but both princesses end up captured by Dust. While aboard his ship, Leia offers him the data
crystal she wears on her neck, containing the valuable Imperial data, in order to buy the
princesses’ freedom (or at least a head start in escaping). Dust releases them back on
Cataalda, but he immediately turns on them, intending to have the data and the prisoners.
K1L-R, acting for Tookra, destroys Dust’s ship, prompting Dust to destroy the droid, and
unwittingly letting our heroes escape . . . just in time for Grintlok’s gang to arrive. They
capture Han, Leia, and Mi, but Arturo and Raze arrive aboard a Nubian starship (similar to
the Naboo Royal Starship, but gold rather than silver). When they hear Mi’s tale of being
kidnapped by Grintlok, Raze promises to punish him and his gang. Mi is returned to her
father, but when he promises her to Han in marriage, the smuggler gathers his allies and gets
the hell out of there, claiming that he is not marriage material, at least not for that particular
princess. Once in space, Leia reveals that she gave Dust a Gungan cookbook, and that the
actual data is safely within the Millennium Falcon’s computer system. Han compliments her
on her ingenuity, claiming that she is his kind of girl. It is just too bad, Leia reminds him, that
he is “not marriage material.”*
(Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom)*
*NOTE: This story is set approximately one year before ESB. It is thus not listed at the very beginning of this
section (exactly 2 ABY) because ESB takes place a bit later in the year than ANH.
On Dantooine, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and R2-D2 are trying to secure supplies for the
newly-operational base on Hoth. While Leia works out a deal, Luke is set upon by goons that
lead him to a nearby rooftop, where Luke is forced to slay them, drawing on the Force.
Immediately thereafter, voices call to him through the Force. He discovers the Force-
sensitives known as the Fairfolk. He asks them to train him in the Force, despite how close to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 327
the Dark Side it seems that their methods skim. Little does he know that Darth Vader has
ordered the Fairfolk to discover and trap other Force-sensitives for him. Now, through his link
with the Fairfolk, Vader knows that Luke is there with them and follows his brief progress as
he is forced to draw upon the Dark Side. Seeking to push his training and draw him into the
Dark Side, Vader appears before Luke, which Luke believes is entirely real, rather than a sort
of doppelganger or illusion. Vader fights him, drawing from the Dark Side even more, before
Leia and R2-D2 interrupt, saving him from his illusions. They get him back aboard their ship
and leave Dantooine, but Luke has now felt the power of the Dark Side, and he knows he will
one day have to confront Vader again for real.
(The Dark Side of Dantooine)
As the Rebellion moves supplies down to Hoth, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia Organa are
set to go to the surface of Hoth from their orbiting vessel, but since the Millennium Falcon is
in need of repairs, they will have to take a pair of M-class fighters to the surface. One needs
a co-pilot, so Han and Leia take that one, while Chewbacca flies the other on his own. As
they head for the surface, a violent snow storm whips them around, causing both to crash.
Han is worried about Chewie, going so far as to nearly die by going out into the cold to seek
out his crashed vessel. Leia brings him back in to get him warm, and Han reveals his more
tender side in his talking about Chewbacca, his true best friend and partner. Leia is drawn to
Han by this unexpected caring side and the two nearly kiss, but are interrupted when Chewie
and two rescue team members burst in, saving them from an eventual cold death. A little
while later, Han decides to stick around the Rebel base to help out. Leia is more than
professionally happy about his choice . . .*
(A Valentine Story)*
*NOTE: In the Stars Wars Comics Companion, this story is given the alternate title Breaking the Ice.
As the Rebels prepare the base on Hoth, Chewbacca sees ghosts of early settlers who had
at one time lived in the base (perhaps squatters after the base’s original construction?). The
ghosts claim that wampas killed them all. Chewie discovers the home of the wampa ice
beast that did the killing and kills the creature, helping to bring peace to the ghosts.
(Ghosts of Hoth)
When Han Solo, Chewbacca, and the rest of Renegade Squadron are captured by the
Empire during a mission to steal Imperial search plans from the Imperial Star Destroyer
Devastator, Han manages to free himself and subsequently frees Chewbacca. The duo then
fights through Imperials and creatures being used as test subjects to free the rest of the
Renegades. They then free R2-D2 and make their way to the armory and the bridge, having
to fight through Boba Fett along the way. Once on the bridge, they steal data about the
Empire’s search protocols in looking for the Rebels. The search plans reveal that the
Imperials will find Echo Base on Hoth within a matter of days, unless they can divert the
Imperials on a wild bantha chase. To do that, they now need Imperial transmission codes, so
they head for Kashyyyk, where they work with Ulaaar and the Wookiee resistance (who force
them to first prove themselves in an arena, which they do) to battle their way to an Imperial
garrison, through Imperial forces and Trandoshan’s working with bounty hunter Bossk. They
are joined by Luke Skywalker, who helps them steal the codes from the base. They now need
an Imperial decryption module to actually use the transmission codes to put an encrypted
message onto the HoloNet. Leia Organa and C-3PO are already on Ord Mantell to secure
one, but their team has been attacked by Mantellian Savrips. The Renegades (and Luke)
save Leia, but they must gather C-3POs parts, as he has been torn to pieces by the Savrips.
They finally recover and rebuild C-3PO, then confer with the Savrips, who had thought they
were Imperials, hence their attack. The Savrips point them to an Imperial outpost. They then
raid the outpost to steal the decryption module from a junk storage area at the base, fighting
their way past Dengar and IG-88 in the process. They head for Tatooine and land at Mos
Espa, where they need to find Rox Durmak, an expert holoforger that can help them create a
fake message to encrypt and put on the HoloNet to fool the Imperials. He is in hiding,
however. They soon learn that Durmak is being hunted not just by his Rebel allies, but also
Boba Fett, who wants a bounty that is on Durmaks head. After a brief encounter with Boba,
the bounty hunter escapes, and our heroes follow him, hoping he will lead them to Durmak.
They follow Boba to a sandcrawler, where they face Jawas and Tusken Raiders. The Rebels
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 328
and Boba find Durmak at the same time, but before either party can take Durmak with them,
goons loyal to Lady Valarian arrive to capture them all to fight in her arena for sport. They are
all captured and taken to the arena. They defeat one rancor, then that rancor’s mother,
before they all (including Boba and Durmak) escape the arena. As they do so, they are
attacked by Imperials that are attempting to arrest them for their activities in Mos Espa
earlier. Boba escapes first, then the others take out the Imperials. Durmak can drive an
Imperial AT-MP, so they have little trouble getting past other Imperials, including AT-ST’s, on
their way back to the Millennium Falcon. Unfortunately, as Durmak exits the AT-MP, he is
injured, and Boba emerges with a few goons. They defeat Boba and get aboard the ship,
where they can tend to Durmak’s injuries. They leave Tatooine and head to Coruscant, where
they must find a way into the Imperial Palace to steal the Emperor’s Seal (or one of them) in
order to make forged materials from Durmak appear to be legitimate. They first head for the
Alien Protection Zone, seeking help in getting into the Palace. They find Imperials rounding
up innocent Ithorians and intervene to save them, convincing other Ithorians to rise up
against Imperial troops in the Zone. Amid this riot, the Rebels help carry a message to the
Duros in a nearby region to enlist their aid in fighting the Imperials with the Ithorians. Along
the way, they encounter Dengar and Bossk again. They unite the Duros and Ithorians in
battling the Empire in the Alien Protection Zone. The Ithorians and Duros win the day, but
they know the Empire will retaliate. They need to escape Coruscant, so the Rebels suggest
that they work together to find a Duros thief who made it into the Imperial Palace, who is
likely being held by the local Gotals. The Rebels can get the Emperor’s Seal from the Palace,
and the Ithorians and Duros can steal ships to get their people off of Coruscant. They rescue
the thief from the pro-Imperial Gotals holding him, and he points them to a secret passage
into the Palace. They get inside and (thanks to R2-D2’s slicing skills) open the Palace gates
to let the Ithorians and Duros enter the structure. They use an EMP given to them by the thief
to disable AT-STs that nearly capture them, then race for the hangars and the Vault. They
reach the hangars (actually more like rooftop landing pads) and part ways with the Ithorians
and Duros, who steal shuttles to escape Coruscant. The Rebels then access the nearby
Vault. They battle the Vault’s numerous guards, hiding a few times to avoid capture, and
finally find the Emperor’s Seal (a device for tagging messages as official), which they take,
swapping it out with a fake. Before they can escape with it, they face off again with Boba Fett,
whom they again elude. They nearly reach the hangar but are again stopped by bounty
hunters. This time, it is Zuckass and 4-LOM. They evade this pair as well, finally defeating a
stormtrooper leader and an advanced AT-ST on the “hangar” landing pad. Doing so allows
them to finally reach the newly-arrived Millennium Falcon, which they had left unmanned.
(Fortunately, several of their Ithorian and Duros allies thought they might need help, so they
brought the Falcon to the Rebels as an act of thanks for their own freedom.) The endgame of
the Rebels’ rather complicated plan finally begins. They take the Millennium Falcon into a
restricted region near the Death Squadron’s present location. The ship is captured and taken
aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor, where R2-D2 and C-3PO pretend to be the only
occupants, trapped aboard the ship alone for a long while and thankful for their “rescue.” As
the Imperials take the droids away, the other Rebels take out the other security personnel in
the hangar bay. They battle Imperials and generally raise hell before escaping into what
appears to be a refuse system on the huge ship, full of creatures. It turns out that the entire
system is one giant trash compactor . . . and the walls are closing in, giving some of our
heroes a sense of déjà vu. Fortunately, Han radios C-3PO and R2-D2, who are able to briefly
slip away from their Imperial escort to deactivate the trash compactors. (Believe it or not, they
even incapacitate quite a few Imperials by themselves on their way to do so!) The droids
also open the doors to the trash area, allowing the others to leave them and return to the
normal halls of the ship (after more scuffles with creatures like a dianoga, of course). With the
Imperials briefly thinking that the Rebels were killed in the trash compactor, they silence any
Imperials they encounter and rejoin with R2-D2 and C-3PO. They head for the
communications station near the bridge. They get inside and have R2-D2 plant false orders
from the Emperor into the system. Even as they begin their escape, Darth Vader confronts
the Imperial officer that ordered the Falcon be taken aboard in the first place. The officer
claims the Rebels are dead, which angers Vader, who believes that the Rebels, if captured,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 329
could have revealed the location of the Rebel base. They do still have the ship, however, and
Vader goes to the hangar bay to seek the Rebel base’s location via the Falcon’s
navicomputer. Overhearing this without being spotted, the Rebels race back to the ship,
slicing into the Executor’s fire control program along the way to make escape possible. They
also use a control panel to open a nearby hangar full of TIE fighters to space, allowing the
starfighters to simply float out of the bay without pilots, removing the chance of pursuit from
those TIE fighters. When they reach the hangar to board the Falcon, Vader intercepts them.
The Rebels are able to hold him off just long enough to close and lock a blast door to
separate Vader from their team. They then escape quickly aboard the Falcon. Vader returns
to the bridge and orders the Falcon blasted, but the fire control systems are not operational.
He orders TIEs to follow, but none respond. Frustrated, Vader Force chokes the officer
reporting these failures. Before Vader can further chase the Rebels, a message (the fake) is
received “from the Emperor.” In it, R2-D2s faked hologram of Palpatine, authenticated by the
stolen Emperors Seal, claims that the Empire has discovered the Rebellions hidden base,
which is located halfway across the galaxy. Vader is to go there and destroy it, keeping radio
silence the entire way. For now, the Rebels have managed to keep Echo Base safe by
sending Vader off on a fruitless search for this fake base.
(Assault Team)
On Nar Shaddaa, the human Nell and his Gank bounty hunter partner, Gorran, hunt down a
Sakiyan, Razall, but are racing against other parties. Razall stoke secrets from Giarda, the
leader of the Jiramma, and her men seek him out. Noako the Hutt of Clan Gorensla, seeking
to capture him for those very secrets, has put out a huge bounty for him, hence Nell and
Gorran seeking him out with competition from other bounty hunters. While on the hunt, the
pair run into Giarda the Hutt herself. She is ready to kill them for interfering and for previous
poor dealings between them, but Nell and Gorran offer to still capture Razall but to turn him
over to her for free instead of to the Gorensla kajidic, all in return for having their past poor
dealings erased in favor of a clean slate. Giarda gives them one day to do so, not knowing
that Nell plans to make a copy of the stolen information before turning him over, so that the
information can still be sold to the Gorensla (without technically breaking their word to
Giarda). Nell and Gorran are successful and have their past cleared so that they can again
work for Giarda without bad blood. As it turns out, though, this was all a plot by Giarda. Razall
was working for her all along, carrying false information. She expected Nell to sell the
information after capturing him, which put that false information into Noako’s hands to her
advantage. The duo even works for her again in the bargain. She also gains a measure of
clout for having had “her” trackers capture Razall before Noako could. The only loose end left
is Razall, who knows the truth of all of this, so she kills him.*
(Lords of Nal Hutta: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook. Given that the book includes some references to events in 2 ABY, we likely must
assume that this guide is at or after that point.
While traveling in Hutt Space, a group of fringers comes upon the Fereallis, a ship
supposedly attacked by pirates. Upon rendering assistance, the fringers find that the Fereallis
crew members are the actual pirates, led by Captain Gideon. The team turns the tables on
the crew and saves their own ship.*
(Welcome Aboard)*
*NOTE: This is one of the five “modular encounters” in the Lords of Nal Hutta sourcebook.
While on Toydaria, a group of fringers visits the Toydor Merchant District, where they are
hired by a chef, Domdees, to obtain a rare ingredient for a special dish being prepared for
King Maalva. The ingredient, Black Gabaki mushrooms, can be found about half a day’s
journey away on trees and rocks in the southern marshes. Along the way, they encounter
Imperial swamptroopers and deadly creatures. They procure the Black Gabaki and return to
Domdees, who isnt preparing a dish for the king at all. He is actually preparing Neutron Pixie,
a kind of spice (yes, the drug kind).*
(Toydarian Grocery Shopping)*
*NOTE: This is one of the five “modular encounters” in the Lords of Nal Hutta sourcebook.
In the Ulwan Bacheetska district on Nar Shaddaa, a group of heroes stumbles into a deal
gone wrong. Smuggler Corte Voss of the Titan’s Mercy (with her crew of Tad, Vickers, Gyd,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 330
Sira, and Kef) was to provide the Trandoshan weapons dealer Thamoss with a load of stolen
Imperial blaster rifles. Unfortunately, she was to acquire 200 of them, but she only managed
to get 55 and is asking for full payment and a chance (with a cash advance) to get the others.
Thomoss is not amused, and a firefight breaks out, catching the heroes in the middle. They
narrowly escape, turning the situation into a business opportunity by helping one side over
the other.*
(A Deal Gone Wrong)*
*NOTE: This is one of the five “modular encounters” in the Lords of Nal Hutta sourcebook.
A group of heroes is invited by an anonymous Hutt to a “Granee Noopa” (Grand Dinner) at
Wheeta Palace on Nal Hutta. The so-called “dinner” is a tradition that allows a Hutt to stay
out of sight nearby and observe as all attendees try to prove themselves to the Hutt for favor,
usually by completing challenges and otherwise competing with the others in dangerous
scenarios. With this being an invitation one does not turn down lightly for fear of angering the
Hutts, the heroes agree and head for Nal Hutta, where they are met by Venik Rin, their
boddah (guide in the Granee Noopa). They are taken to Wheeta Palace, where they meet
their competition: disgraced noble Shalo Sherin and his retinue (including bodyguards Savo
and Camerlin); Torani Kulda of the Rodian Virulli Clan (plus lackeys Fondo, Tyss, and
Plaado); and Toranis assassin droid, A0-2. The heroes best their opponents in the three
phases: drinks (as in trying to avoid poisoned ones); dancing (as in combat); and dinner (as
in trying not to be dinner for massifs). They have earned respect and a potential employer in
the future.*
(Rubbing Slimy Elbows)*
*NOTE: This is one of the five “modular encounters” in the Lords of Nal Hutta sourcebook.
While drinking at the Orange Lady in the Corellian Sector of Nar Shaddaa, a group of heroes
meets a stranger named Jacek, who tells of a lost Hutt treasure palace on an abandoned
planet. Before they can learn much more, a group of bounty hunters led by Graayl Nor tries to
take the man and force him to divulge what he knows. The heroes rescue him, then learn
more about the potential target. Jacek shows them an ancient artifact he has acquired, the
Erla Tomvaas, which is part of a larger set, the Siren’s Soul, that is part of a treasure hidden
away in Hutt Space. With the Erle Tomvaas as a hey to the palace, he believes that he can
get himself and a team into the treasure vault and make them all filthy rich. They head into
space along the Dead Road that runs through the Bootana Hutta. They follow a path laid out
by Jacek to a space junkyard, then to the Pearl, a space station in the Elgit system that is run
by the Sakiyan known as Harke. They learn from some translating that their destination is the
planet Pybus, which even the Hutts avoid these days. Jacek explains that he acquired all of
his information from a Klatooinian named Lalkan, who had once worked for Vortga the Hutt,
who is now deceased. Vortga had set up a palace on Pybus nearly 700 years ago to keep it
safe by playing on the fears of vengeful spirits that had driven the Hutts from Pybus in the
first place. They reach Pybus, enter the palace, and encounter numerous traps that were left
by the paranoid Vortga. They do find his vault and a vast fortune, but Vortga had an “if I can’t
have it, no one can” mentality, and a final trap nearly kills the team, who is only able to
escape with a bit of the treasure as the rest is destroyed. At least they made out with some
items of value, though.*
(The Dead Road)*
*NOTE: This is one of the five “modular encounters” in the Lords of Nal Hutta sourcebook.
Doctor Saras, a supposed Rebel who is actually an Imperial Intelligence spy that is starting to
be sympathetic to the Rebellion, is informed by infirmary orderly Venner that an Imperial spy
has been captured at their secret Rebel base and needs to be scanned for implants and
such. Upon reaching the infirmary, the captured Imperial blows Saras cover, and the Rebels
take her into custody.*
(Strongholds of Resistance: Introduction)*
*NOTE: This isn’t so much an RPG adventure as a brief short story segment that is part of the “Introduction”
section for the sourcebook. Since the sourcebook has Echo Base already up and running, I am placing it here,
closer to ESB than most Age of Rebellion stories.
Sometime prior to the Battle of Hoth, a group of Rebels is sent on a supply run for Echo
Base, only to find that they do not have the funds necessary to purchase the supplies. They
work to gather more funds and to lower the price until finally purchasing the supplies. They
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 331
return to the Anoat system but are off course, requiring them to make it through the asteroid
field before finally reaching Hoth safely.*
(Supply Run)*
*NOTE: This is a “plot hook” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance.
While working to expand Echo Base on Hoth, a group of Rebels must clear wampas from
nearby ice caves. After several harrowing encounters, they find a wampa lair, clearing them
out and saving fellow Rebels.*
(Wampa Wipeout)*
*NOTE: This is a “plot hook” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance.
When Rebels operating out of Polis Massa discover an escape pod with an unconscious,
seemingly poisoned occupant, General Elora Silssusio allows the recovering occupant,
Cernsa Ku, to remain at the base, while the pods point of origin, a ship that crashed into a
nearby asteroid, is investigated. Unbeknownst to the Rebels, “Cernsa” is actually Imperial
Security Bureau Agent Shel Prav, and her escape pod that was recovered has released small
droids into the base. The Rebels eventually find where she staged her ship crash and realize
who she really is. They are able to stop her before she or her droids can do too much
damage to the Polis Massa base.*
(Imperial Espionage)*
*NOTE: This is a “plot hook” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance. There is no
real indication of when it takes place, aside from being after the 501
’ attack on Polis Massa around the time of
ANH. I have placed it here alongside other plot hooks from the guide.
When a group of Rebels accidentally gives away the location of a Rebel outpost in the Polis
Massa asteroid field, an Imperial Star Destroyer attacks. The Rebels manage to survive by
escaping into tunnels and start a misinformation campaign to make the Empire believe that
they were either destroyed or retreated from the system entirely.*
(Imperial Attack)*
*NOTE: This is a “plot hook” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance. There is no
real indication of when it takes place, aside from being after the 501
’ attack on Polis Massa around the time of
ANH. I have placed it here alongside other plot hooks from the guide.
A group of Rebels assists in the development of Defiant Core by going on a series of
dangerous procurement and recruitment missions.*
(The Procurement Specialists)*
*NOTE: This is a “plot hook” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance. There is no
real indication of when it takes place, other than that Defiant Core base exists. I have placed it here alongside
other plot hooks from the guide.
Tensions have been growing between the Mon Calamari and Quarren, ever since their
liberation from the Empire. With things leaning toward violence, the Dac Peace Conference is
scheduled, so that the Rebel Alliance can hopefully mediate the dispute between the two
indigenous sentient species of the planet. It is held at Corfu, an exclusive resort that
represents the greatness of the planet to the Mon Calamari, but the Quarren see it as a
symbol of the social and economic division on the world. The Mon Calamari delegation is led
by Mehmet Alovar, an elder statesman, while the Quarren delegation is led by a young
radical named Halari Takan. Unbeknownst to the delegations or the Rebels arriving to take
part in the negotiations, Imperial Security Bureau Agent Montra Varn has a plan in motion to
plunge the planet into outright civil war. Fortunately, a small group of Rebels is able to
navigate the difficult situation and keep Varn from succeeding, leading to a calmer situation
on the planet, if not a full peace accord.*
(In Too Deep)*
*NOTE: This is a “plot hook” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance. There is no
real indication of when it takes place, other than that it is a few years after Mon Calamari was liberated. I have
placed it here alongside other plot hooks from the guide.
Cynabar releases Cynabar’s Droids Datalog version 4.7.110 to the galaxy. The datalog
covers various droid classifications and models and is a revamp of the last version, which
generated enough fan response to justify a new edition. (Exact date: 37:8:1:04)*
(Cynabar’s Droids Datalog Version 4.7.110)*
*NOTE: This story isn’t much for non-RPG players, but I like it simply because of the backstory of the Datalog
being so close to that of my creation of the SWT. With interest comes expansion, right?
Nal Hutta Kal’tamok takes time to give an annual summary on the various NewsNets and
their political, commercial, and social ties. (Exact date of report via Nal Hutta Kal’tamok,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 332
Basic Edition: 37:8:11)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #11)
Tanda Marelle of Galactic Resorts reports the release of Fitz Rois new slug, Tymin’
Downband, which debuted this week at the Arcopola Baas Music Festival. (Exact date of
report via Galactic Resorts: 37:8:14)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #11)
Galaxy News Service reports the sabotage and destruction of the Imperial Corusca Line
yacht Calabar Queen at the hands of the Justice Action Network. (Exact date of report via
Galaxy News Service: 37:9:2)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #11)
Cynabar’s InfoNet reports that Grand Admiral Thrawn will soon be returning to the Core.
(Exact date of report via Cynabar’s InfoNet: 37:9:13)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #11)
TriNebulon News reports that the Tombat has struck again, this time stealing from business
tycoon Baron Galrowk. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News: 37:9:21)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #11)
Imperial TIE bombers attack the Rebel base on Aguarl 3, but the Rebels manage to stop all
but one of them The lone pilot carries out the attack as ordered, and returns to the Ravagor
badly damaged. The pilot, Ranulf Trommer, survives, but must have a mechanical leg
implanted when he loses his biological one. On MHaeli, a local “seer,” Ch’no, defends his
adopted human daughter Mora, and then has a vision of an Imperial attack on the planet.
Shortly thereafter, Ranulf Trommer is called to Grand Moff Lynch with his father, Admiral
Trommer, and given a promotion. He is to go to M’Haeli and spy on local Governor Grigor.
He and his father speak about the assignment and are overheard by Ambassador Jollie. On
H’Haeli, Imperials attack a Rebel cell that has been searching for the rumored lost heir to the
M’Haeli ruling family. The raid prompts two HDrachi (N’Ton and RHan) to join the Rebels.
At the Imperial garrison, Grigor is informed by Jollie that Lynch has sent Grigor’s new aid,
Trommer, as a spy. Back in the capital city, NCroth, Mora is hired by two Rebels, Merrik and
Jalose, to augment two swoops for guerrilla warfare. Ch’no then takes Mora to see the
H’Drachi elders, but their presence disrupts the Force-like meditations of the elders. Ranulf
finally arrives on the planet after defending an Imperial dreadnought from attack by Rebels
(under Leia Organas command). He is sent y Grigor to ingratiate himself with Mora in an
attempt to integrate himself into the “junker culture on the planet. He takes Grigor’s droid
(shot by Grigor and thus in need of repairs) to Mora’s repair shop, but they are all accosted
by stormtroopers seeking Rebels and to eliminate Ranulf for Grigor. Mora saves his life, with
the help of Merrik and Jalose who have arrived to get their swoops. The two Rebels have
been accompanied by Leia and N’Ton, and along with Chno, they all board swoops and
escape into the night. They are attacked by Imperials, but make their escape without too
much of a problem. Mora and Ranulf are sent to a cave near to the Rebel base (but not the
base itself) until they can be sure of Ranulf’s loyalty. The other go to the Rebel base itself. In
N’Croth, the elders decide to turn against Ch’no and let the Empire destroy him, Mora, and
the Rebels, thus saving their own asses. Based on Ch’no’s information, Mora and Ranulf
take off for a dragite crystal mine that Grigor has been running without Imperial sanction. The
Rebels could certain use the information they would gather, which would help them to be
trusted. Once there, Mora’s presence interrupts the meditations of several H’Drachi, and see
Imperials (well, scum hired by Grigor and dressed as stormies) beating up Rhan, N’Tans
friend. Mora and Ranulf manage to disrupt the operation and escape with a handful of
dragite crystals to use as proof of the operations existence. When they reunite with the
Rebels, they all rest for the night, but Ranulf believes that if he exposes Grigor to his Imperial
superiors, Grigor will leave the planet and his replacement will be less cruel, thus eliminating
the need for rebellion on M’Haeli, which would allow him to be with Mora, whom hes come to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 333
love. He makes his way into the Imperial facility where Grigor is sleeping without incident
(using his Imperial credentials) and catches Grigor in his sleep. Ranulf is taken prisoner,
though. His former allies are against him for being against Grigor . . . and the Rebels are
warned against him as Marrik arrives back at the Rebel base after seeing Ranulf enter the
Imp compound unimpeded. They fear that they have revealed their bases location to the
enemy and prepare to move to a new base. Ranulf is tortured, but does not reveal the Rebel
base’s location to Grigor. In his absence, Marrik begins hitting on Mora, which pisses Jolene
off. At N’Croth, the city is blasted apart by Imperials looking for the Rebels. The Rebels
decide to assault the mine in retaliation. Back at the garrison, the bounty hunter Glott arrives
to fulfill Grigors orders to find Mora. The Rebels are betrayed by a Ph’Dan and Glott heads
for the mine to apprehend them. In the dungeon, Ranulf escapes thanks to his Imp training.
He arrives at the mine just in time to see the victorious Rebels attacked by Glott. He
proceeds to beat the hell out of Glott before the Rebels, seeing him in stormtrooper armor, let
Glott go and take him instead. (He’s just having one hell of a bad day.) Glott orders Mora to
be registered and then executed, but when they run her identi-print, they realize that she is
the lost heir to MHaeli. As a result, Grigor makes a planetary announcementhe will soon
be marrying Queen Mora, thus cementing his power on M’Haeli. In desperation, Ranulf tells
the Rebels his entire reason for being on M’Haeli, but is willing to help them save her. They
assault Grigor’s base and recapture Mora. They are pursued by Glott. In the pursuit, Jalose
gives her life to save Mora, her queen. Ranulf then kills Glott. Finally, the H’Drachi rise in
rebellion to the Empire and there is a massive battle in which Grigor is finally killed (Ranulf
kicks his gun hand while he’s holding Mora hostage and it blasts his own head off). Shortly
thereafter, Ranulfs father, Admiral Trommer arrives to congratulate Ranulf in helping bring
down Grigor, but when he says that they must now get rid of Mora due to her family’s ties to
the Old Republic, Ranulf doesn’t take that too kindly and he assaults the Imperials holding
Mora and the two escape to join the Rebellion. Their first act is to help the Rebels destroy
the mine. Marrik dies in the assault, but at least now he is with Jalose.
(River of Chaos)
Colonial News Nets reports that aggressive replanting on Bethal has helped revive the
world’s apocia hardwood timber industry after the greddleback insect plague three years
earlier. (Exact date of report via Colonial News Nets: 37:10:3)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #11)
Brema News reports that a movement of Pinacism (the practice of sitting out a conflict in
order to rise from the rubble in the aftermath) has grown in the Brema sector in regards to the
Galactic Civil War. Authorities are attempting to crack down the movement. (Exact date of
report via Brema News: 37:10:5)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #12)
A group of farmers on Tatooine come up with the foolish idea of training reeks to use as
beasts of burden, hoping to create a new market for the animals. They acquire a specimen
and soon learn that they are not easily trained.
(conjecture based on Tusken Rustlers)
Two groups of bounty hunters, both pursuing the same bounty on a rogue assassin droid,
track their quarry to an old hangar bay. They will have to fight each other while at the same
time try to capture the droid, which is no easy task, since it has reprogrammed several MSE
droids to act as rolling grenades and outfitted several hovering security droids with blasters.*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. There is no real indication of when this story takes place,
other than that it is within the days when the Empire exists. I have placed it here because, well, it’s relatively
close to the Mini-Mimban miniatures game scenario, which keeps a couple of them somewhat close together for
those curious about these scenarios.
Rebel intelligence learns that two Imperial capital ships are sitting in drydock in an obscure
Outer Rim shipyard. A Rebel attack force is quickly dispatched. Their mission: destroy the
Imperial ships in drydock before reinforcements can arrive. The Rebel force arrives and
begins its assault, but the shipyard is not defenseless. As soon as the Rebels are detected,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 334
TIE fighters are scrambled and Imperial capital ships in the region are contacted.*
(Rebel Raiders)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. Again, I’m putting it here with Rivals to bunch these
together. Frankly, it could happen at any point during the Rebellion.
A group of Tusken Raiders notices that some local farmers have been attempting to train a
reek to use as a beast of burden. The Tuskens decide to steal the animal for use as a
powerful mount. They attack in broad daylight as the farmers are taking the reek back to its
stall, but things quickly deteriorate as the reek has a mind of its own.*
(Tusken Rustlers)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. Again, I’m putting it here with Rivals to bunch these
together. Frankly, it could happen at any point during the Rebellion.
A Rodian Black Sun Vigo is informed that a weapon smuggling operation has been
established within his territory that is competing with Black Sun. He sends a squad of thugs
and a nexu to eliminate the upstarts. The Black Sun goons quickly discover, however, that
they’ve been sent into a secret Alliance base smuggling weapons to Rebel agents. A firefight
breaks out, with the Rebels, led by Princess Leia, determined to kill the criminals and their
pet nexu quickly before anyone can discover their presence and affiliation.*
(The Black Sun Nexu)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. Again, I’m putting it here with Rivals to bunch these
together. Frankly, it could happen at any point during the Rebellion, as long as Black Sun still exists as a viable
force in the galaxy, presumably prior to the death of Xizor in SOTE.
A small squad of stormtroopers decide to use Sunfire Outpost on Tatooine as a base of
operations from which to conduct patrols. The local Tusken Raiders don’t take kindly to
outlanders using the outpost (which is why it was empty before the troopers arrived). When
the troopers return from a regular patrol, the Tuskens attack, intent on wiping out the entire
(Raiding Sunfire Outpost)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. Again, I’m putting it here with Rivals to bunch these
together. Frankly, it could happen at any point during the Rebellion.
A group of Rebels approach Praaelon Di, a notorious gunrunner, and negotiate a long term
deal for him to supply weaponry to the Rebel Alliance. Unfortunately for Di, Lenc, the
administrator of a mining colony on Weldii III, has just discovered that the gunrunner has
been supplying his enemies and so hires a group of bounty hunters and pirates to capture
him. The pirates surprise Di while he is making a delivery to Rebels in orbit of a remote
moon. His Tri-Sun is a heavily modified old Republic Cruiser, but it isnt fast enough to
escape the pirates. Once the craft is disabled, the pirates, led by bounty hunter Boushh,
board. Praaelon has prepared for such eventualities, however, having an E522 assassin
droid and a Clone Wars era crab droid for onboard security, as well as heavily armed
employees. With the help of his Rebel clients, Di fights off the boarders and then travels to
Weldii III for retaliation. They find Lenc in a bunker at the top of a mine shaft and attack. The
miners hear of the attack and, bitter over Lencs brutal suppression of an earlier rebellion, join
in. Di’s men and the miners have their work cut out for them, as Lenc has his bodyguards and
mining droids to defend him.*
(Unfinished Business)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. Again, I’m putting it here with Rivals to bunch these
together. Frankly, it could happen at any point during the Rebellion.
The Bhishana Bhaga crashes on Krykas V after its hyperdrive fails. Aboard the ship is the
brilliant engineer Min Erethen. Arakyd Industries considers her such a valuable employee
(she has designed numerous droid lines and weapons systems) that she is confined to the
ship. To further protect her, the ship is never mentioned by name, but only by a codename,
currently the Bloodhawk.
(conjecture based on Bloodhawk Down)
A group of heroes travel to Krykas V, tracking the distress beacon of the Bloodhawk
(codename for the ship Bhishana Bhaga). After flying through the asteroid field surrounding
the planet, they discover that an electromagnetic field permeating the planet interferes with
sensors and a thick fog covers the ground. The heroes land near the source of the beacon,
only to find that it is coming from a piece of debris from the hull. Tracking the debris trail,
they are led into a valley. Suddenly, out of the fog, they are attacked by two Mark IX
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 335
Executioner gladiatorial droids. After a brief fight, the heroes destroy the droids and follow
their tracks back to an A4 Juggernaut, an old military vehicle. Min Erethen, the sole survivor
of the Bloodhawks crash and a brilliant engineer, is piloting the Juggernaut, which was her
workshop aboard the ship. Just as she welcomes the heroes, a group of bounty hunters led
by the Faunor Brothers, working for an Arakyd competitor, attack. The heroes jump aboard
the Juggernaut and fight back. After being wounded, the Faunors and their henchmen flee.
The heroes then take Min back to their ship and leave the planet*
(Bloodhawk Down)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. Again, I’m putting it here with Rivals to bunch these
together. Frankly, it could happen in pretty much any era, as long as Arakyd Industries exists.
A group of heroes return to their ship after doing something important. They are approached
by a Twi’lek named Esm Arkhee who claims to work for Interplanetary Acquisitions. He
explains that his employers would like to purchase their ship and resell it in the Outer Rim.
After a long session of haggling over a price, Arkhee pulls out a blaster and fires, which is a
signal to nearby thugs, who arrive with blasters blazing at the heroes. The shootout is
interrupted by port authority officials, who allow the heroes to leave after warning them about
associating with criminals. However, the heroes soon learn that Arkhee’s pitch and the
shootout were simply diversionary tactics to keep the heroes occupied while Shurgg, a
female Quarren, stole their ship . . . *
(Steal of a Deal)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. Again, I’m putting it here with Rivals to bunch these
together. Frankly, it could happen in pretty much any era.
A group of heroes track the thief who stole their starship to Jenenma. They land in Sahl-Evin
and are warned by port authority guards that no weapons are allowed in the city. They
eventually learn that their ship was taken to a chop shop in the Blinders district, an industrial
section of the city. After wandering around the district for a few hours, the heroes enter a
cantina, The Hutts Last Laugh, where they learn that Esm Arkhee, the Twi’lek who was
involved in the theft of their starship, always attends when there’s a fight in the pit in the back
room. Out of ideas, one of the heroes challenges the local champion, a Gamorrean named
Tarkil Hroka, to a fight. Once the fight is over, the heroes grab Esm and force him to take
them to their ship. They leave the planet without further incident, but they have made an
enemy of Esms boss, the Cerean Force adept Pal-Nada.*
(Put Up Your Dukes)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. It is a direct sequel to Steal of a Deal, as these are the
same characters trying to get their ship back.
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed reports that Darth Vader will “soon” be joining Admiral Ozzels
Death Squadron in the near future. (Of course, hes already there.) (Exact date of report via
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed: 37:10:19)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #12)
Imperial Defense Daily reports the public unveiling of the Executor, following the conclusion
of its six month shakedown cruise. Three other Super Star Destroyers are set to be launched
in the next 16 months. (Exact date of report via Imperial Defense Daily: 37:10:23)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #12)
Luke Skywalker discovers that the Kaiburr Crystals power greatly decreases in direct
proportion to distance from Mimban and the Temple of Pomojema. He begins using the
trinket as a teaching aid, eventually even using it as a focusing crystal in a test lightsaber
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Tyanna Tymb is assigned to direct SoroSuub facilities in the Varada Sector.*
(conjecture based on Adversaries)*
*NOTE: This assumes that the main bulk of Bill Slavicsek’s Adversaries: Characters for the Star Wars New
Republic Campaign is set during 4 ABY, during “the height of the Galactic Civil War.”
Imperial Admiral Joser retires to a resort world. Over the next year, he learns of Imperial
evils of which he had previously been unaware. He eventually decides to join the Rebellion.
(conjecture based on Dandrian’s Ring)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 336
Aboard Vir Nurbs Lost Lady, a vessel making runs between Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa,
Deggar Neps, a human scout, is hoping to escape from Nal Hutt to the moon, thanks to
Nurb’s bribes, which ward off inspections. Unfortunately, Neps has been followed by NEK-
01, a spy droid sent by a powerful Hutt crimelord, whom he crossed. NEK-01 has sent a
protocol droid, NEK-072, programmed with NEK-01’s personality, to follow Neps and
broadcast his location. Thus, when the Hutts take out the Lost Lady, NEK-01 can still be
around to get paid. Luckily for Neps, when a bounty hunter vessel (the Dorsal Killer) comes
in to attack, a group of heroes aboard the Lost Lady steps up to stop the ship, find and
destroy NEK-072, and generally save the day.
(The Nebula Assassin)
Sheckil, a former warrant officer from Concord Dawn, is assigned to the Death Squadron to
handle dangerous prisoners.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
In need of special parts to set up a shield generator for the new Rebel base on Hoth, Han
Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 head for a meeting with
the Skrilling trader, Dilrath. During the meeting, which yields little in the way of necessary
parts except for an insulated power converter, C-3PO discovers B-1D4, a fellow protocol
droid (though this one is female). C-3PO seems smitten by B-1D4 after linking with her and
transferring some programming, and practically begs the Rebels to purchase her. They
agree, and they all leave for Dweem in the Millennium Falcon, where an abandoned outpost
may yield more supplies. The hyperdrive is inoperative, though, so they must find a way to
replace a damaged part. As they lie relatively dead in space, they are noticed by a Nikto
pirate vessel (the M’hendosat) captained by Kassihm, who hopes to retrieve the bounty on
Solo. The Falcon is pulled aboard the Nikto vessel and boarded, but everyone hides in Hans
smuggling compartments, except one Rebel, who decides to take a peek outside. As a result
of that Rebel’s actions, the others end up being discovered, stunned, and taken prisoner.
The lovesick (for B-1D4) R2-D2 and C-3PO persuade the Rebel that B-1D4 may be of help in
freeing the other Rebels and salvaging the part for the Falcon from the Nikto ship’s storage or
engineering area. B-1D4 jacks into the ships computer, who follows her every whim like a
lovesick fool, while the Rebel gets the necessary part and frees the other Rebels. They all
escape, but the ship itself tries to stop them, not wanting to let its beloved B-1D4 leave. The
ensuing escape causes the destruction of the Nikto ship, but not before Kassihm is able to
escape in an escape pod, which also brings along the obsessive computer personality of the
destroyed ship. Back at Dilrath’s trading vessel, Grand Moff For-Atese (an IG-88 assassin
droid with advanced personality programming, who heads up a division of Imperial
Redesigna mysterious area of Imperial military operations that subjugates or eradicates
populations and species) arrives looking for B-1D4. She is the “Heart of Steel,” a droid
programmed to override the programs of other droids via a virus, which makes her a
formidable weapon. She escaped from Imperial Redesign and they want her back. For-
Atese is informed of Solo’s capture by the Nikto vessel and heads in that direction. Aboard
the Millennium Falcon, Luke has checked B-1D4’s records and discovered B-1D4’s abilities
and that C-3PO and R2-D2 are affected. They decide that she must be shut down and taken
to Rebel Intelligence. Before they can do that, though, B-1D4 jacks into the Falcons
computer and asks for a tiny favor . . . *
(Prisoner of the Nikto Pirates)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
B-1D4 diverts the Millennium Falcon from its course to Dweem and instead points them
toward Coruscant, her former home. The Rebels aboard can do nothing to stop it.
Elsewhere, Grand Moff For-Atese, aboard his state ship, the Zaker Besar, discovers the
remains of the M’hendosat, but not trace of the Millennium Falcon. They pull aboard
Kassihm’s escape pod, and he is brought before Imperial interrogator Burra Stone, along with
the Skrilling trader, Dilrath. The Imperials discover that the Rebels’ last heading was toward
Dweem, so they head to Dweem, a frozen-over planet that could possibly be where the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 337
Rebels needed insulated shield generator parts for (though they are needed for Hoth
instead). An Imperial team is sent down in AT-STs. One Imperial becomes lost within an
abandoned Old Republic fortress, bristling with Dweemons and Old Republic sentry droids,
Iron Knights. The Imperial makes it through after battling Dweemons and a riddle-asking
monster, and the Imperials realize that they are simply in an abandoned Old Republic base,
not a current Rebel base. They return to the Zaker Besar. For-Atese determines that B-1D4
must have diverted the Rebels elsewhere and realizes that the only logical place she would
run to hide would be Coruscant.*
(The Monsters of Dweem)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Imperial.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
The Millennium Falcon, under B-1D4’s control, arrives on Coruscant. Knowing they must
escape the planet, the Imperial capital world, the Rebels aboard determine that they should
head for Coruscants lower levels to find the legendary Phelon, a Columi who owes Han Solo
a favor, and is also rumored to be a criminal, a Rebel sympathizer, and an Imperial stooge all
in one. Before they leave, they cleanse the recent memories of R2-D2 and C-3PO to free
them of B-1D4s influence, but R2-D2 jacks into the Falcon’s computers and is re-infected.
Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO accompany one Rebel as they flee into the lower levels.
The others head out as well, leaving B-1D4 deactivated on the Falcon, which is docked under
a false registry (which required Han entering the password “Organa,” which Han says is in
honor of Bail Organa, but is, of course, actually due to his growing love for Leia). After
various encounters with underworld denizens, the Rebel, Chewie, and the droids finally make
it to Phelon’s hideout, where they learn that, through dummy companies, he has been
“advising” (read: bullshitting) Imperial construction companies (i.e. being an Imperial stooge),
skimming a fortune from those transactions (i.e. being a criminal), and using that fortune to
help fund Rebel activities (i.e. being a Rebel sympathizer). He uses the virus within R2-D2 to
convince every computer on Coruscant, temporarily, that the Millennium Falcon is actually
the Felon Melon and free to go. The computers are also make to assist the Rebels in their
escape, no matter what. The rest of the Rebels arrive, and the group sets off for the Falcon
and off of Coruscant. They are not unnoticed in their departure, however, as the
harbormaster contacts Darth Vader of their departure. The Rebels head for the nearby Rebel
base on Cheeyoom Matee, where they are greeted warmly . . . and then betrayed by the
base commander, who turns them over to the Imperials. They are to be sent to the Imperial
prison on Merakai immediately . . . (To be continued in the summary for Imperial Jailbreak
when released . . . )*
(Voyage to the Underworld)*
*NOTE: Annoying as it is, I am forced to refer to the main character of this story as “the Rebel.” I must also be
very vague as to events. This story is a Star Wars Missions campaign, and as such, has no definite player
character, and multiple choices of actions at various points in the story. All choices still lead to the same general
storyline, though, so the events above are accurate, if not an action-by-action account.
Colonial News Nets reports that Imperial forces have taken Lirra from the Hutts originally
running the planet. This action was taken to free human slaves, an irony not lost on all the
alien races enslaved by the Empire. (Exact date of report via Colonial News Nets: 37:11:9)*
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #12) *
*NOTE: This entry was actually dated 37:11:9, even before the existence of the 12-month calendar. In other
words, it had one month more than the original 10-month calendar was supposed to have.
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed announces that Thrawn has been inducted into the Order of the
Canted Circle, having returned to Coruscant for a short time. Grand Admiral Rufaan
Tigellinus was one of the leading opponents of Thrawn’s induction. (Exact date of report via
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed: 37:11:13)*
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #12) *
*NOTE: This entry was actually dated 37:11:13, even before the existence of the 12-month calendar. In other
words, it had one month more than the original 10-month calendar was supposed to have.
TriNebulon News reports the banning of the Galladinium Datalog by Moff Shinda of Spirva
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 338
sector. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News: 37:11:27)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #12)*
*NOTE: This entry was actually dated 37:11:27.
Galaxy News Service reports on the launch of New Year Fete Week celebrations on
Coruscant. (Exact date of report via Galaxy News Service: 38:F1:1)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
Independent Traders’ Infonet reports Imperial Customs’ increasingly frequent boarding of
transports. (Exact date of report via Independent Traders’ Infonet: 38:1:9)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
Andor Javin of TriNebulon News reports that after a tour of several Kooroo shrines, he has
determined that they are actually archaic communication devices used by Kooroo scouts
millions of years ago to explore the galaxy. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
Aboard the Zaker Besar, Kassihm knows that Grand Moff For-Atese will soon run out of uses
for him and kill him, or have Burra Stone kill him. With the capture of the Rebels and B-1D4
and their subsequent shipment to Merakai for imprisonment, though, he sees a way out of it.
For-Atese does not wish his involvement in Imperial Redesign or the Heart of Steel project
known, which means that he cannot simply call the prison on Merakai and order B-1D4
turned over to him. The only hope of keeping his involvement a secret is for a small team,
including Kassihm, For-Atese, Burra Stone, and several Imperial agents, to attempt a
jailbreak of the Merakai prison. Kassihm is promised his life and the ship they are taking (the
Optitron) when the mission is over in return for his aid, though he has no doubts that For-
Atese will kill him before he can ever benefit from the bargain. The team takes the Optitron
from the Zaker Besar to Merakai, where they set down and head for the prison. After battle
with swamp creatures, Khil guards, and droid guards, a part of the group makes it to the
detention control center and stages a full jailbreak to cover the intended jailbreakthat of B-
1D4, the Heart of Steel. As a result, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and company are also freed.
The Rebels and Imperials make it out of the prison and while the Rebels end up hiding in the
nearby woods, the Imperials are able to take the Optitron and escape. Shortly before their
rendezvous with the Zaker Besar, Kassihm convinces Burra Stone to go back into stasis, and
then takes a droid disrupter and uses it on B-1D4, the ship’s torturer droid, and Grand Moff
For-Atese. Kassihm then takes the Optitron back to Merakai and picks up the Rebels who
were left behind. He tells them that he wishes to join the Rebel Alliance, as he has seen the
Empire’s cruel agents first-hand. He will gladly stay in a cell when they get to Hoth if
necessary, but after he is officially part of the Alliance, he will remain a pirate, but only raid
Imperial vessels and sell the materials for next-to-nothing to the Rebel Alliance. Thus
Kassihm becomes the newest Rebel recruit.
(Imperial Jailbreak)
Coruscant Daily NewsFeed reports that Imperial Advisor Bregius Golthan has been asked by
Palpatine to help ensure the safety of the Colonies and the Core Worlds. Golthan has left
Coruscant to return to his sanctuary on Voktunma. (Exact date of report via Coruscant Daily
NewsFeed: 38:1:29)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
Cynabar’s InfoNet reports that the Galladinium ban in the Spirva sector has opened up an
entire black market for Galladinium in the area, urging those with the guts and know-how to
head for the sector and make a hefty profit. (Exact date of report via Cynabar’s InfoNet:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
Kaj Nedmak is in debt to Rass M’Guy and has a plan for how he and his partner, Celia
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 339
“Crimson” Durasha, can save his neck. They travel to Yefowr to take a weapon smuggling
job from Bwahl the Hutt. After leaving, though, they divert to Ord Mantell to give the weapons
to Rass as payment for Kaj’s gambling debt. Rass, however, only accepts them as interest
on the debt, and still forces Kaj to somehow come up with the principal. They leave Ord
Mantell worrying about where to go for the rest of the money, but Bwahl’s agents, having
followed them, attack in retribution for their betrayal. They have to land the Tryan Kajme at
an old stellar-energy station on Ord Mantell to hide out, but upon arrival are still pursued.
They split up and Kaj is captured by unknown assailants. In the station, Crimson meets
Thune, a scavenger, though she would appear to truly be a smuggler. They use Thune’s
droid, U-THR, to determine (it seems) that Kaj was captured by a bounty hunter named
Treytis Prash, who is preparing to send him back to Bwahl. They track down Prash, but in
the ensuing confrontation, Prash claims ignorance and Thune reveals that she is a bounty
hunter, and Crimson has just helped her catch Prash, a known Rebel gunrunner. She was
the one whose people captured Kaj, and they are waiting right now for her to take him to
Bwahl. Crimson is also now a prisoner, ready to be taken to the Empire and her former lover,
Adion Lang, for her escapades aboard the Kuari Princess two years ago. Upon returning for
Kaj (being kept in a Y-wing), Kaj and Crimson make a daring escape attempt. They manage
to knock out Thune and join the Rebel cause with Prash (which they’d been considering
anyway). Thune is not as beaten as she seemed, though, and she stabs Kaj as they try to
escape. As Kaj tries to keep Thune busy, Prash and Crimson race from Thunes ship, the
Faceted, and try to escape in the Y-wing, but Prash is killed in mid-stride. Crimson escapes
from Thunes minions in the Y-wing, but is soon tracked by the Faceted and attacked. The
next thing Crimson knows, she’s waking up aboard the Faceted. Kaj had been left for dead,
but managed, with accidental help from U-THR, to kill Thune and take over the ship, rescuing
Crimson from damage caused by Thune’s attacks. U-THR, happily freed to do good instead
of evil, as per his programming, joins with Kaj and Crimson in making the move into fully
joining the Rebel Alliance, running supplies and guns in their new ship, the Faceted,
rechristened the Starlight Red.*
(Crimson Bounty)*
*NOTE: I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out one of the many hidden references in this story, co-written by friend and
fellow RASSMer, Rich Handley. In a tongue-in-cheek reference to the Star Wars newsgroup community we
engage in, Rich named the debtor in this storyRass M’Guy” or “RASSM Guy,” which is what Rich is--a
rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc newsgroup regular. Ah, you gotta love little references like that.
Traveling aboard the Devastator, still technically under Vader’s command although he has
taken command of the Executor, Darth Vader speaks with Imperial Security Bureau officer
Sollaine. Vader gives Sollaine, who is jealous of Vader’s new ship, command of the
Devastator in order to hunt down Rebel spies that a recent datafile, which is being decrypted,
is supposed to reveal. Elsewhere, General Airen Cracken speaks with his old friend Cryle
Cavv. He tells Cavv that the data revealing the spies has been found by Imperials and that
Cavv is needed to go to Corulag to evacuate a high-level Rebel spyRivoche Tarkin, niece
of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. Cavv is teamed with Quillin Arkell, a Velabri Lancer who owes
a bloodvow to Cracken. The two travel in the G Cat to Corulag. Aboard the Devastator, the
file is decrypted, and, upon seeing Rivoche Tarkin in the file, Sollaine orders the ship to
Corulag to take her into custody before Vader can, thus, he hopes, ingratiating himself with
the Emperor so that he can take command of the Executor. (Talk about delusions of
grandeur!) Cavv and Arkell arrive at Corulag to find the planet relatively closed off due to the
impending wedding of Rivoche Tarkin (for reasons of access to more info for the Rebellion) to
Vastin Caglio, son of Moff Jamson Caglio. They pretend to be coming for the wedding and
land. The Devastator arrives, but Sollaine is not allowed to land, by order of the absent Darth
Vader. Sollaine causes a diversion by destroying a civilian vessel and takes a shuttle of
Storm Commandos to the surface. In the palace, Cavv and Arkell meet Rivoche and prepare
to escape, just as Sollaine arrives. Cavv uses and explosive “present” to decimate the Storm
Commandos and cover their escape. Sollaine survives, but is hell-bent on stopping them.
As the Rebels race to the roof of the Royal Galaxy Hotel to meet the G Cat, piloted by Cavvs
astromech, Sollaine determines their destination and hires bounty hunters to attack them on
the roof. The droid informs the Rebels of the situation, and then end up trapped within the
hotel. They open a door to see Beylyssa, the bounty hunter, standing outside. Arkell slams
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 340
the door shut, but Cavv casually opens it. Its not Beylyssa, but Finn Varatha, their back-up,
in similar armor. The four Rebels then head for the roof and, against incredible odds, defeat
the hunters and escape in the G Cat, which is then pursued by Imperial vessels.
Unfortunately for Sollaine, Vader has foreseen his behind-the-back maneuvering and brings
the Executor into the system just right to allow the Rebels to escape, which will be on
Sollaine’s head. Vader informs Sollaine that “it is over for you.” As for the Rebels . . . upon
speaking with Cracken again, Varatha and Arkell are surprised to learn that in return for
coming out of retirement to help save Rivoche, Cavv asked to be reinstated, along with his
special ops team, which will now include its first two new membersVaratha and Arkell.
(Small Favors)
T’Charek Haathi is promoted to Major in the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Special Ops: Shipjackers)
Imperial agent Crix Madine, having defected to the Rebel Alliance, sends word of the Dark
Trooper project to the Alliance.*
(conjecture based on Dark Forces)*
*NOTE: Madine’s defection story is all kinds of screwed up. Technically, Dark Forces presents him as wanting to
defect, not already defected, but Galaxywide News Nets necessitates this later official retcon.
As a demonstration of the Dark Trooper project, General Rom Mohc meets Darth Vader over
Talay and releases the Dark Troopers, high-end attack droids, on the Rebel’s Tak Base on
the world. (To be continued below . . . )
(Dark Forces)
As the attack on Tak Base commences, the Rebels on the world attempt to escape. One
such escape craft makes it into hyperspace, but not before a Dark Trooper can come aboard
and slaughter the crew. The ship exits hyperspace and crashes on Tatooine . . . (To be
continued below . . . )
(Sand Blasted)
Five days after the attack on Tak Base, Kyle Katarn is sent by Mon Mothma, along with Jan
Ors, to discover the truth behind the attack on Tak Base on Talay. Kyle heads for the base
and discovers a broken prototype Dark Trooper weapon, bearing the “M.R.” initials of Imperial
weapon manufacturer Moff Rebus. He then hunts Rebus down in Anoat City. Upon capture,
Rebus is questioned and reveals that the weapons research he was involved in is based on
Fest. Madine confirms that Fest is where new alloys are being tested, apparently for the
Dark Trooper. Kyle goes to investigate and finds a metal called Phrik, which causes him to
head for the source of Phrik, the Empire’s Gromas mines, which he subsequently destroys
with a well-placed explosive after having his first encounter with Phase I Dark Troopers. (To
be continued below . . . )
(Dark Forces)
Crix Madine (who defected to the Rebel Alliance but dove back into the Empire to steal
information about the Dark Trooper project) is captured by Darth Vader and General Rom
Mohc and taken aboard the Arc Hammer. He is sent to the Orinackra Imperial Detention
Center. Mohc and Vader worry about Kyle Katarn's progress against the Dark Trooper
project, but Mohc is confident that his new hire, Boba Fett, will take care of Kyle. Kyle and
Jan Ors, meanwhile, have studied information Madine supplied earlier and discovered that,
after the Gromas mine, the Dark Trooper construction project still involves a robotics facility
and an operation aboard the Arc Hammer. They make a strike on Orinackra, freeing Madine
before escaping. Madine, will have more trouble on his way to the Alliance, but that will be
detailed below. To discover the location of the robotics facility, Kyle goes to Ramsees Hed
on Cal-Seti and tracks a smuggler back to the facility on Anteevy. Kyle then, true to form,
blows up that installation as well, again after encountering a new stage of Dark Trooper,
Phase II. Kyle, with a price on his head, then goes to Nar Shaddaa in hopes of discovering
Imperial navigation information to lead him to the Arc Hammer. He manages to find a few
leads, but when he and Jan leave, they are caught by Jabba the Hutt’s minions. (Jabba is in
league with Mohc.) Jan is imprisoned, and Kyle is fed to Kell dragons. Unfortunately for
Jabba, Kyle kills the dragons and saves Jan, escaping with a Nava Card that holds the
encrypted Arc Hammer coordinates. To decrypt it, they must go to Coruscant, where Kyle
infiltrates the Imperial Security Operations building to decode it, collecting his newest toy, a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 341
working Dark Trooper weapon, in the process. The information is actually the coordinates for
the Executor, which meets with the Arc Hammer when it comes out of hiding. Thus, Kyle
must go to Fuel Station Ergo to hijack a smuggler ship to take to the Executor and await the
rendezvous with the Arc Hammer. When the Arc Hammer arrives, Kyle stows away in some
cargo and gets transferred to the vessel. Once on the Arc Hammer, Kyle faces down various
Dark Troopers, while setting charges on the ship. He kills General Moch and escapes in a
Lambda-class shuttle before the entire Arc Hammer, and thus the rest of the Dark Trooper
project, is destroyed. Upon returning to the Alliance, Kyle receives a the Star of Alderaan
medal for his efforts. Aboard the Executor, though, Darth Vader senses that the Force is
strong in Katarn, a hint of what is to come for Kyle . . .*
(Dark Forces)*
*NOTE: Madine’s defection story is all kinds of screwed up. Technically, Dark Forces presents him as wanting to
defect, then defecting just prior to these events. However, Galaxywide News Nets eventually required a retcon
wherein he was already a defector prior to stealing Dark Trooper information and being captured.
With the destruction of the Arc Hammer, the Emperor refuses to approve funding for a new
construction facility for Dark Troopers. He is essentially cutting the Empire’s financial losses
after the ship’s destruction and that of the first Death Star.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
After Kyle Katarn’s assault at the Gromas mines, the Empire essentially abandons their
position there.
(conjecture based on Kyle Katarn’s Tale)
After his incarceration on Orinackra, Crix Madine meets with Rebel Alliance General Carlist
Rieekan in Coronet on Corellia. Rieekan is to retrieve Madine from this layover and bring him
back to the Rebel proper, but Imperials attack, knowing Madine is there. Luckily, Rogue
Squadron and the Millennium Falcon are there to save the day, allowing them to escape just
before the building Rieekan was in explodes. A short time later, Madine returns to action,
aiding Gold Squadron in the liberation of stolen property on Gerrard V, where the local
governor was seizing private property. Rogue Squadron flies cover, which brings them into
conflict with the Imperial 128
TIE Interceptor squadron. In the fierce battle between the
legendary squadrons, the Rogues are victorious, and the leader of the 128
, Kasan Moor,
defects to the Rebel cause. Kasan joins Rogue Squadron and helps them to target Imperial
strongholds that they might never have known existed. They hit the Jade Moon and other
locations before a mission to Kile II ends in the successful destruction of an Imperial Enclave,
but also the capture of Wedge Antilles by Imperial forces. Wedge is sent to Kessel, but
Rogue Squadron charges in and rescues him, leading the Alliance to send them, under
Wedge’s command, along with Crix Madine and his troops, on a return mission to save other
Rebel prisoners. Shortly thereafter, the Rogues, including Kasan, are forced into conflict with
Kasan’s old mentor, Imperial Moff Kohl Seerdon, who is planning to take over Thyferra,
thereby consolidating all main bacta production facilities under his (or the Empire’s) control.
Rogue Squadron begins going after Seerdon by hitting one of his Tibanna gas mining setups
on the planet Taloraan, which they soon follow-up by protecting a group of Rebels that steal
AT-PTs from an Imperial research facility on Fest (which they subsequently destroy). In
retaliation for assaulting his facility on Fest, Seerdon blockades Chandrila, home to the
known Rebel leader Mon Mothma. The Rogues again intervene, saving the day, but in doing
so, they unwittingly allow Seerdon to learn that Kasan is now with the Rebels. This fact
allows Seerdon to plan a ruse a short time later, when Rogue Squadron, acting on a plan
created by Kasan herself, goes after one of Seerdon’s bases (this time on Sullust, based on
apparently secretive information), only to discover that the Sullust base was a false target,
made known to them so that Rogue Squadron would be too busy to help the real target of
Seerdon’s simultaneous assaultThyferra. With Luke Skywalker as ever at the helm, Rogue
Squadron heads for Thyferra. They engage Seerdons forces in an all-out battle in the skies.
During the battle, Kasan is shot down, but survives. As for Seerdon, his vessel is destroyed
with him on-board by none other than Skywalker himself. The threat of Moff Seerdon is over.
(Rogue Squadron)*
*NOTE: This is, of course, not to be confused with the novel of the same name. Strongholds of Resistance would
suggest that this event takes place near the beginning of 1 ABY, but the situation for Madine seems to make that
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 342
Due to events during the campaign against Moff Kohl Seerdon, Wes Janson is promoted to
the rank of Lieutenant.
(conjecture based on A Cast of Thousands)
Lieutenant Voren Na’al submits a report to Major Arhul Hextrophon concerning the battle at
Turak IV. He concludes that though the battle was technically a Rebel victory, it was in reality
a strategic defeat for the Alliance and a propaganda victory for the Empire.*
(The Battle of Turak IV)*
*NOTE: This summary and all of its related events were provided by Luke van Horn. This should probably be
closer to the battle itself, but it features a quote from Crix Madine, which means the report must have been
issued after Madine defected to the Rebel Alliance.
Tanda Marelle of Galactic Resorts the preparations for a presentation of the opera trilogy
known as the Kellea Cycle on Brentaal. (Exact date of report via Galactic Resorts: 38:2:7)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
Sector 242 NewsLine reports that, in response to TriNebulon News correspondent Andor
Javin’s earlier story giving the Kooroo shrines a secular purpose instead of their attested
religious significance to the Fellowship of Kooroo, the Fellowship has taken out a contract on
Javin for his statements. (Exact date of report via Sector 242 NewsLine: 38:2:9)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
TriNebulon News reports that the Tombat has struck again, putting his trademark quella
stones in dinners being eaten by various investigators pursuing him on Brentaal. (Exact date
of report via TriNebulon News: 38:2:12)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
Maestro Trebian Shullos’ The Kallea Cycle premieres on Brentaal at Votrad Stadium. The
production features Vessa Brentioch as Freia Kallea, Gelod Vothran as Sival Brentioch, and
Amaro Fonteen as Banu Hydia. (Exact date: 38:2:12)
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
Having served the Rebel Alliance well, Kyle Katarn comes to lead a group of Rebel guerillas
that will come to be known as Katarn’s Commandos. Very soon, though, they will come
under the command of Page, who will rise from the Rebel ranks around the time of the Battle
of Endor and its aftermath. This new group will be known as Pages Commandos.
(conjecture based on Dark Force Rising Sourcebook)
Kira Lar is promoted to Corporal.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Kira Lar, found on the
Wizards of the Coast website)
Cynabar releases Cynabar’s Droids Datalog version 4.7.220 to the galaxy. The datalog
covers various droid classifications and models and is a revamp of the last version, which
once again generated enough fan response to justify a new edition. (Exact date: 38:3:2:05)*
(Cynabar’s Droid Datalog Version 4.7.220)*
*NOTE: This story isn’t much for non-RPG players, but I like it simply because of the backstory of the Datalog
being so close to that of my creation of the SWT. With interest comes expansion, right?
The Adventures of the Turhaya, Ross, Winger, and Brandl Families [continued]
(AJ/TFTE/TFTNR/SWH short stories: Charlene Newcomb & Patricia A. Jackson)
Laughter After Dark [continued] (AJ15 short story: Patricia A. Jackson)
Star Wars Adventures [continued] (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Tom Taylor & Chris
Boba Fett and the Ship of Fear (comic: Jeremy Barlow)
Splinter of the Mind's Eye (novel: Alan Dean Foster)
Splinter of the Mind's Eye (Novel: Alan Dean Foster)
Chapters 1 12
Early Victories Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Bruce
Jones & Louise Simonson & Terry Austin & Darko Macan)
Splinter of the Mind's Eye Comic Adaptation (comic series: Terry Austin)
Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Part I (comic: Terry Austin)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 343
Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Part II (comic: Terry Austin)
Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Part III (comic: Terry Austin)
Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Part IV (comic: Terry Austin)
Mini-Mimban (miniatures game: Tom Bresnan)*
Mini-Mimban (miniatures game: Tom Bresnan)*
*NOTE: This miniatures scenario adapts the very end of Splinter of the Mind’s Eye.
Empire and Rebellion [continued] (novel series: Martha Wells & James S.A. Corey)
Razor’s Edge (novel: Martha Wells)
Chapters 1 16
Rebel Heist (comic series: Matt Kindt)
Rebel Heist, Part I (comic: Matt Kindt)
Rebel Heist, Part II (comic: Matt Kindt)
Rebel Heist, Part III (comic: Matt Kindt)
Rebel Heist, Part IV (comic: Matt Kindt)
Vernost (canceled video game: LucasArts)*
Vernost (canceled video game: LucasArts)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. Consider it historical curiosity.
Credit Denied (canceled AJ16 short story: Chris Cassidy & Tish Pahl)*
Credit Denied (canceled AJ16 short story: Chris Cassidy & Tish Pahl)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. Consider it historical curiosity.
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 17 [continued]
Special Ops (AJ short stories: John Beyer & Kathy Burdette)*
Art of Infiltration (canceled AJ17 short story: John Beyer & Kathy Burdette)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. Consider it historical curiosity.
Star Wars Adventures [continued] (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Tom Taylor & Chris
Princess Leia and the Royal Ransom (comic: Jeremy Barlow)
Star Wars 3-D [continued] (comic series: Len Wein & John Stephenson)
The Dark Side of Dantooine (comic: John Stephenson)
A Valentine Story (comic: Judd Winick)
The Heart of the Rebellion [continued] (comic series: Randy Stradley & Judd Winick & Ron Marz
& Steve Hartly & Paul Chadwick)*
A Valentine Story (comic: Judd Winick)*
*NOTE: This trade paperback is for the Empire comic series. It seems that they decided to include A Valentine
Story in with that series for some odd reason. Also, one might note that in the Stars Wars Comics Companion,
this story is given the alternate title Breaking the Ice.
Ghosts of Hoth (SWT17 short story: Rob Williams)
Ghosts of Hoth (SWT17 short story: Rob Williams)
Assault Team (video game: Disney Mobile)
Assault Team (video game: Disney Mobile)
Star Destroyer Devastator
Escape the Devastator
The Rebel Strikes
The Wookiee Wins
System Purge
Prison Break
Attack of the Droids
No Disintegrations
Armed & Dangerous
The Empire’s Secret
Escape from the Devastator
Emissary to the Wookiees
The Deep Dark Woods
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 344
The Wookiee Code
Strength of a Wookiee
Riot in Rwookrrorro
Defending Rwookrrorro
Capture the Codes
Bossk Fight
The Force Will be With You
Code Breaker
The Hunted
Ord Mantell
Into the Savage Lair
At the Coast
The Princess
Chasing Savrips
Dancing with Savrips
Recover the Module
The Lair
Journey to the Outpost
Imperial Outpost
Raking Through the Junk
The Great Escape
Old Friends in Mos Espa
The Wretched Hive
The Mandalorian
The Hunt
The Living Desert
Hunt for the Holoforger
The People of the Sand
Aggressive Recruitment
Out of the Dune Sea
Get Off This Rock
Alien Protection Zone
Zone Riot
Rise of the Ithorians
Don’t Shoot the Messenger
A New Alliance
“NO” to the Oppressors
Palace Raid
The Gotal District
The Palace
To the Hangars!
The Emperor’s Vault
Escape the Palace
Death Squadron
Poking the Bees’ Nest
The Belly of the Beast
Droids at Work
A Rumble in the Belly
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 345
The Final Escape
No Time to Waste
The Captain’s Bridge
The Message
File System Overload
In the Emperor’s Name
Lords of Nal Hutta (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Lords of Nal Hutta (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Modular Encounters
Welcome Aboard
What a Hunk of Junk
Turning the Tables
The Chase is On
Toydarian Grocery Shopping
The Merchant District
Shuffling the Truffles
Mother Lode
A Deal Gone Wrong
Ulwan Bacheetska
The Parties Involved
Rubbing Slimy Elbows
The Granee Noopa
The Invitation
Arrival on Nal Hutta
The Rules of the Granee Noopa
Wheeta Palace
Shalo Sherin and His Retinue
Torani Kulda of the Virulli Clan
The Dance
The Dinner
Closing Ceremony
Victory and Defeat
The Dead Road
Too Good to be True
Off the Beaten Path
The Legend of Pybus
Better Left in the Past
Vortga’s Treasures
Strongholds of Resistance [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Strongholds of Resistance [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Hidden Bases [continued]
Echo Base
Plot Hooks and Alternate Storyline Ideas
Plot Hooks
Supply Run
Wampa Wipeout
Polis Massa Base
Plot Hooks and Alternate Storyline Ideas
Plot Hooks
Imperial Espionage
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 346
Imperial Attack
Defiant Core Base [continued]
Plot Hooks and Alternate Storyline Ideas [continued]
The Procurement Specialists
Modular Encounters [continued]
In Too Deep
The Conference
Negotiation and Escalation
Cynabar’s Droids Datalog (AJ short stories: Drew Campbell & Eric S. Trautmann)
Cynabar’s Droids Datalog Version 4.7.110 (AJ13 short story: Drew Campbell & Eric S.
Droid Classifications
Droid Personalities
First Degree Droids
Second Degree Droids
Early Victories Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Bruce Jones &
Louise Simonson & Terry Austin & Darko Macan)
River of Chaos (comic series: Louise Simonson)
River of Chaos, Part I (comic: Louise Simonson)
River of Chaos, Part II: The Path to Honor (comic: Louise Simonson)
River of Chaos, Part III (comic: Louise Simonson)
River of Chaos, Part IV (comic: Louise Simonson)
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 17 [continued]
Chapter 18
Rivals (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Rivals (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Rebel Raiders (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Rebel Raiders (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Tusken Rustlers (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Tusken Rustlers (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
The Black Sun Nexu (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
The Black Sun Nexu (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Raiding Sunfire Outpost (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Raiding Sunfire Outpost (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Unfinished Business (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Unfinished Business (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Well-Armed and Dangerous
Bloodhawk Down (miniatures game: Owen K.C. Stephens)
Bloodhawk Down (miniatures game: Owen K.C. Stephens)
We’re Going In
The Bhishana Bhaga
The Sanctum Sanctorum
The Other Guys
Wrapping Up
Steal of a Deal (miniatures game: Jeff Quick)
Steal of a Deal (miniatures game: Jeff Quick)
The Twitch Twi’lek
Blast Away!
Didn’t We Park Right Here?
Wrapping Up
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 347
Put Up Your Dukes (miniatures game: Jeff Quick)
Put Up Your Dukes (miniatures game: Jeff Quick)
Welcome to Happytown
The Blinders
The Hutt’s Last Laugh
Put Up Your Dukes
We Meet at Last
Wrapping Up
The Nebula Assassin (RPG: Owen K. C. Stephens)
The Nebula Assassin (RPG: Owen K. C. Stephens)
All Aboard
All Hell Breaks Loose
Star Wars Missions [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham & Dave Wolverton)
Star Wars Missions, Cycle IV (youth novel series: Dave Wolverton)
Prisoner of the Nikto Pirates (youth novel: Dave Wolverton)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 2
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Prisoners of the Nikto Pirates
The After-Mission
The Monsters of Dweem (youth novel: Dave Wolverton)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 4
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: The Monsters of Dweem
The After-Mission
Voyage to the Underworld (youth novel: Dave Wolverton)
Preliminary Mission
Chapter 1
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Voyage to the Underworld
The After-Mission
Imperial Jailbreak (youth novel: Dave Wolverton)
Preliminary Mission
Chapters 1 3
Mission Briefing
Your Mission: Imperial Jailbreak
The After-Mission
The Adventures of Celia "Crimson" Durasha [continued] (AJ/SWH short stories: Charlene
Newcomb & Rich Handley & Peter Schweighofer)
Crimson Bounty (AJ14 short story: Charlene Newcomb & Rich Handley)
Small Favors (AJ12 short story: Paul Danner)
Small Favors (AJ12 short story: Paul Danner)
Sandblasted (SWT4 short story: Kilian Plunkett)
Sandblasted (SWT4 short story: Kilian Plunkett)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Dark Forces [continued] (video game: Justin Chin)
Talay: Tak Base
Cutscene II
Mission II: Talay: Tak Base--"After the Massacre"
Anoat City
Mission III: Anoat City--"The Subterranean Hideout"
Research Facility
Mission IV: The Planet Fest--"Imperial Weapons Research Facility"
Gromas Mines
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 348
Cutscene III
Mission V: Groma Mines--"The Blood Moon"
Cutscene IV
Kyle Katarn’s Tale [continued] (miniatures game: Abel Pena)
Kyle Katarn’s Tale [continued] (miniatures game: Abel Pena)
Mission 3
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Dark Forces [continued] (video game: Justin Chin)
Detention Center
Cutscene V
Mission VI: Imperial Detention Center, Orina Ckra--"Crix Madine's Fate"
Ramsees Hed
Mission VII: Ramses Hed Docking Port, Cal-Seti--"Deadly Cargo"
Robotics Facility
Cutscene VI
Mission VIII: Robotics Construction Facility, Anteevy--"Ice Station Beta"
Cutscene VII
Nar Shaddaa
Mission IX: Nar Shaddaa, The Vertical City--"The Death Mark"
Jabba's Ship
Cutscene VIII
Mission X: Jabba the Hutt's Ship--"Jabba's Revenge"
Cutscene IX
Imperial City
Mission XI: Imperial Center, Coruscant--"The Imperial Mask"
Fuel Station
Mission XII: Imperial Fuel Station, Ergo--"Smuggler's Hijack"
The Executor
Mission XIII: The Executor--"The Stowaway"
The Arc Hammer
Cutscene X
Mission XIV: The Arc Hammer--"The Dark Awakening"
Cutscene XI
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Rebel Opposition [continued]
Defection at Corellia
Liberation of Gerrand V
Rogue Squadron
The Jade Moon
Imperial Construction Yards
Assault on Kile II
Rescue on Kessel
Prisons of Kessel
The New Threat
Battle Above Taloraan
Escape from Fest
Blockade of Chandrila
Raid on Sullust
Moff Seerdon’s Revenge
The Battle of Turak IV (SWH short story: Enrique Guerrero)
The Battle of Turak IV (SWH short story: Enrique Guerrero)
3 - 3.25 ABY
Brema News reports a massive exodus in preparation by the Pinacists in the Brema sector.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 349
It is currently unknown as to whether or not Moff Malcom will intervene to stop Von Doobba
and his followers from leaving the sector. (Exact date of report via Brema News: 38:3:18)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
Yun is sent by his father to the Benduki to learn with the Followers of Palwa to help benefit
the family business in the future.
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part III: Pride of the Dark Side)
Around this time, a Chiss probe passing through the Klasse Ephemora system’s planet
Mobus had acquired a new moon. It was dubbed M-Eighteen by the probe and forgotten, but
little did the Chiss know that the new “moon was the sentient planet Zonama Sekot.
(conjecture based on Refugee)
Around this time, a suit worn by lawyer Eramuth Bwua’tu during Tahiri Veilas trial over forty
years from now goes out of style . . . but he will still wear it to court.
(conjecture based on Vortex)
Nal Hutta Kal’tomak reports the destruction of the shadowport smuggler enclave on the moon
of Syvris by the Imperial Death Squadron. (Exact date of report via Nal Hutta Kal’tamok,
Basic Edition: 38:3:31)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #13)
A Rebel named Garve meets with fellow Rebel Colonel Phlik in Chalmuns Cantina. He tells
Phlik about a mission he went on for the Empire to Jellyfish Cove. He was hired to go there
and work at the local Imperial station, only to be told not to go out at night or into the fog. He
soon learned that the fog brought with it strange creature that could appear as female
humans, but then become life-sucking semi-solid creatures that would kill any humanoid near
for sustenance. When he witnessed some new arrivals get attacked, he realized that the
planet was a penal colony. He managed to kill the Imperial guards on the base, steal their
pay, and escape in one of the Imperial prison ships, bringing with him a load of former
Imperial prisoners, ready and willing to join the Rebel cause under Phlik’s command.
(Tales from Mos Eisley: Light Duty)
In Chalmuns Cantina, Tem Chesko and Bezzem sit and share a drink and stories. Tem tells
Bezzem of how it took him 71 years to reach Tatooine from Cirus II. He had been on a
mission for a mining company when his ship’s drives were damaged. After spending several
years alone, thinking of his lover, Maia, and going semi-insane and , he found a service droid
(MILL-247-EE, which he called “Millie”), and finally had a companion. As time when by, he
tell Bezzem, he and Millie became close and she seemed to even love him, at least as much
as a droid can. When he turned 86 and was about to die, she saved his life by giving her
power core to him as an artificial heart. Shocked, Bezzem can only watch as Tem opens his
jacket to reveal Millies power core in the center of his chest.
(Tales from Mos Eisley: Mostly Automatic)
Leaving Chalmun’s Cantina for some peace and quiet, Sam Heggs discovers Jeet Travis, a
bounty hunter, drinking Vascheah Rye, which Heggs offers to trade grumph eggs for. When
Jeet refuses to believe that any human could survive to steal a grumph egg, Hegg shows one
to him and tells him how he came by the eggs. A short while earlier, he had been on a frozen
planet and discovered the eggs. After consulting a guidebook, he learned that grumphs
hibernate in winter, which meant he was safe until a thaw. He then saw an entire area that
was thawed, lush jungle. He saw a young man being attacked by a grumph, and soon
realized (by dumb luck, basically) that he was witnessing a portal in time. He ran back into
the frozen “present and destroyed every egg he could find until the grumph chasing the
young man vanished, and the portal in time closed. Heggs realized, based on the young
man’s knapsack that he was witnessing a younger version of himself battling the grumph, and
by saving the young man, he believes he saved himself. When Jeet points out that it makes
absolutely no sense for destroying an egg in the present could cause a beast in the past to
never be born, Heggs simply replies “Beats me,” and downs the last of Jeet’s rye.*
(Tales from Mos Eisley: Heggs’ Tale)*
*NOTE: Of all of the Official Continuity comics Dark Horse has produced, Tales from Mos Eisley has been
regarded by many (well, those who actually realize it exists at all) as the absolute weakest of the lot. Heggs’ Tale
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 350
takes the cake within the comic, though. This was our first modern (i.e. not counting the Lost in Time crossover
of Star Comics’ Droids and Ewoks comic series) look at time travel in the Star Wars universe (assuming Hegg
wasn’t just drunk off his ass and making it all up). It appears that whatever phenomenon Heggs encountered
caused him to be able to walk from the “present” into a “past” that never actually happened. Once there, he
could walk around in the “past” like normal, but he passed through solid objects like a hologram, and could be
heard, but not seen by the people in the “past.” Also, time seemed to work in a completely backwards fashion.
Heggs destroys a grumph egg in the present in order to cause a creature in the past to never have been born.
For this to make any logical sense, the creature would have to either exist in complete temporal reversal of how
everything else does (i.e. “time’s arrow” points the opposite direction, akin to one of Stephen Hawking’s
theories), or the egg would somehow have to have been transported into the past from a point after Heggs’
“present” to a point before the young Heggs’ encounter with the creature. At any rate, the story pretty much
sucked. (Luckily, time travel, when handled elsewhere in the saga, was dealt with in a more straightforward,
careful fashion, for the most part.)
The Hopskip (with crew Haber Trell and Maranne Darmic) is carrying supplies and two
Rebels (Riij Winward and Rathe Palror to Derra IV. En route, they are taken aboard the
Imperial Star Destroyer Admonitor to see Captain Niriz. Niriz forces them to take on a
mission for the Empire—a little “side trip to Corellia in exchange for being allowed to
continue on their way. Their cargo is unloaded and replaced with a new cargo of 200 sleight
boxes, and a new member joins themJodo Kast. At least they think it is Jodo Kast. In
reality, it is Admiral Thrawn, who is undertaking a special mission to Corellia. They all head
for Corellia on the Hopskip and Jodo Kast/Thrawn has them attempt to contact their
supposed buyer, Borbor Crisk (local Black Sun head Zekka Thyne’s rival), at an incorrect
booth on Treasure Ship Row, alerting Zekka Thyne to their presence. They are noticed by
Hal and Corran Horn of CorSec, who manage to help the group out during a bar fight, thus
joining the team to discover their motives. Later, Kast/Thrawn has Corran, Maranne, and Riij
stay with the ship while he, Rathe, Hal, and Haber go to where the incorrect shopkeeper said
they should meet their Crisk contact. It was a setup, though, and Kast/Thrawn allows the
other three to be taken by Black Sun goons. The prisoners are taken to Thynes base, while
Kast/Thrawn returns to the others. Meanwhile, Maranne, Corran, and Riij have popped open
the only two sleight boxes with broken seals to discover that they contain uncut durindfire
gems (a fortune worth) and spice. When Kast/Thrawn returns and informs them of the others’
capture, he and Corran prepare to go to Thyne’s fortress to bargain for the others. Corran
has Maranne and Riij take the two boxes they had opened and store the rest at a storage
facility (that Kast/Thrawn notes as they pass by on their way to Thyne’s, despite Corran’s
attempt to look casual as they pass by). Elsewhere, Colonel Maximilian Veers speaks with
Corellia’s Imperial liaison officer, Kirtan Loor, about a tip he received regarding Rebel
activities in Zekka Thyne’s fortress. He intends to strike the fortress soon, based on this
information. At Thyne’s base, Kast/Thrawn and Corran meet with Thyne. Kast/Thrawn turns
Corran over to him, tells him about the others taking boxes to the storage facility, tells Thyne
that Haber and Rathe are Crisk-paid assassins, and that Corran and Hal are just buffoons
pulled in on it. Corran is placed in a holding cell with Hal, right next to one holding Rathe and
Haber. Before leaving, he slips the Horns a molecular stiletto, which will allow them to
escape. And escape they do. They make their way up to Thyne’s main room, where
Kast/Thrawn helps them defeat Thyne’s henchmen, while Thyne escapes. While
Kast/Thrawn leaves and Rathe and Haber make their escape, Corran and Hal hunt down
Thyne, finally capturing him when Hal stuns him while he’s holding Corran hostage. Once
outside, Hal and Corran speak with Veers, who is leading an Imperial raid on the fortress.
They “invite” Veers to help them clean out the “Rebels” inside, which allows Veers and his
men to stomp Black Sun’s Corellian operation flat. Elsewhere, Riij and Maranne are attacked
by Thyne’s goons sent to get the boxes, but are saved when Haber and Rathe arrive. Finally,
the two Rebels and two smugglers escape on the Hopskip with a datacard from Kast/Thrawn
and the two opened boxes. The datacard thanks them for their help and informs them that
the spice and gems are fake, and the other boxes were empty. The cards imprint will prove
to Niriz that the mission was accomplished and they will be allowed on their way. A short
time later, the Hopskip has returned to the Admonitor and picked up its crates of “sausages”
(covering weapons for the Rebels). As they leave, Thrawn speaks with Niriz as Darth Vader
arrives and joins them. Thrawn’s plan has been a major success. With his planning, Black
Sun has taken a major blow, which was Vaders wish. The Rebels are now carrying a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 351
homing device which will lead the Empire to the Rebel base in the Derra system. Veers is
suggested by Thrawn for promotion to the rank of General and assignment as head of the
Executor ground forces. And in return, Vader has given Thrawn command of the Noghri. The
mission has been profitable all around. Thrawn orders Niriz to return them to the Unknown
(Side Trip)
The “Hammers” Elite Armor Unit is pulled from active duty for retraining and reorganization.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
Kyp Durron’s parents speak out against the destruction of Alderaan (and other atrocities),
causing all three of them to be sent to the spice mines of Kessel. The eldest brother, Zeth, is
not sent, but instead brainwashed and taken to the Caridian Academy for stormtrooper
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia)
Medtech Industries declares bankruptcy.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids and Look Sir, Droids!)
TriNebulon News reports that riots on Lenthalis have led to martial law being imposed
throughout the Spirva sector, under orders from Moff Shinda. Imperial forces within the
sector have been sent to quell the unrest. (Exact date of report via TriNebulon News:
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
A group of Imperial recruits are assigned to serve on the Executor as their first posting after
completing basic training.*
(conjecture based on Murder on the Executor)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn. This is “a couple of months” before the scenario, which begins
during the Battle of Hoth.
Nal Hutta Kal’tamok reports that the Imperial Death Squadron has apparently not been
reported as seen since the attack on Syvris. (Exact date of report via Nal Hutta Kal’tamok,
Basic Edition: 38:4:15)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
The planet Somavva is the first to report to the Independent Traders Infonet that the Empire
is boarding free-traders’ ships.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal via TimeTales, abridged)
During the height of the Galactic Civil War, Carbanti United Electronics begins to reverse-
engineer its own products to create new sensor-jamming products.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
When Darth Vader arrives on Zaloriis to force its leader, Minister Transe Decaar, to pay the
planet’s scheduled tribute to Emperor Palpatine, Decaar declares the planets independence
from the Empire and has his forces attack Vaders. Vader makes short work of Decaar and
his forces, then saves Colonel Maximilian Veers from execution in Zaloriis City. When Veers
gives Vader access to his new AT-AT models at his secret Camp Culroon base, Vader uses
them to attack Zaloriis again, then promotes Veers to the rank of General, while Veers lets
the Dark Lord know that there is word that the Rebels may be in the Elrood system. (To be
continued below . . . )
(Galactic Battlegrounds)
Taking a breather from smuggling to eat at Feyodors Tavern, Drake Paulsen and Nikaede
are approached by Padija Anjeri, and anthropology student. Feyodor has recommended
them to her, and she wants them to help get her, two others, and a crystal Twi’lek skull off of
the planet. The skull belongs to a primitive Twi’lek tribe, and they will not make important
political decisions (like joining the Rebel Alliance, which Padija is a part of) without the skull
present. She offers 30,000 credits, which Drake cant turn down, so they go to meet Padija’s
comrades. They come across her mentor, Dr. Maa’cabe, as Imperials kill him. The other
Rebel, Colonel Tyneir Renz, is missing. The smugglers and their new client race toward a
smuggler hideout that Drake’s father used to use, only to find Imperials chasing them. Upon
arrival, the hideout is no safe. Renz has found it. Renz is a Jedi and is wounded, but puts up
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 352
a good fight. Luckily, between the smugglers and the Rebels, they defeat the Imperials. That
is when Padija, who has taken a liking to Drake, reveals that Renz is her father. Together,
they get to the hidden Steadfast and escape with the skull, taking it to Derora and the Rebel
base there. Shortly thereafter, Renz is part of a ceremony formally returning the skull to the
Twi’lek clan and bringing them into the Alliance, the first step toward a hopeful Alliance pact
with all of Ryloth in the future. Drake and Nikaede must leave for the rest of their “vacation”
and prepare for new jobs, but both he and Padija hope their paths will cross again.*
(Idol Intentions)*
*NOTE: I know that the bio for Drake with this story says he is 17, which would put this at the same year as A
Bitter Winter, but that bio is apparently a copy of the earlier bio, since the story itself specifically states that
Drake is 19 at this point.
Arriving on Byblos on business, smuggler Crimson Durhasa is arrested by Imperials, but has
time to signal her droid, U-THR for help. The droid manages to exit their ship, the Starlight
Red, and track down Crimson. The two then make their way past Imperials and a locked-
down docking bay before blasting off to freedom in the Starlight Red. U-THR has saved the
(Crimson Jailbreak)
After finally getting the Rebel base on Hoth (built as an expansion of a smaller base set up by
the Mon Calamari smuggler named Salmakk) up and running, Major Kem Monnon writes a
summary of the process the Rebels used to turn the frozen world into a suitable base. At
about the same time, employees of Durga the Hutts Orko SkyMine Corporation submit a
report outlining the mining opportunities to be had in Hoth’s asteroid belt, but also mentions
an incident when two mining droids mined each other, thus destroying themselves. The
employee is soon executed, or so we are to believe.
(The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Hoth Entry)
Spring. Early in the morning, Wicket sets out to head for the river where he is going to try out
his new fishing rod for the first time. Saddling his pet bordok, Baga, the young Ewok looks
forward to a day without having to babysit small woklings. Just then, his mother and baby
sister Winda walk by. His mother tells him to take Winda along for his trip, and Wicket
realizes that there is no point in arguing. He lifts Winda into Baga’s saddle and they set off for
the river. After a while, Winda begins to giggle, and Wicket sees a trail of worms wriggling
into the woods. Wicket realizes that they are coming from his bait basket: he has to catch
some new ones down by the river. After a while, Winda falls asleep in the saddle. Entering a
clearing, Wicket decides to take out his lunch. But when he opens his saddlebags, he finds
they are empty. Winda must have eaten everything during her trip on Baga’s back. Sighing,
Wicket remarks that he can eat some fish for lunch. Sometime later, Winda awakens and
begins to play with Wicket’s new fishing rod. When Wicket notices this, he shouts for her to
put it down. His little sister lets go of the rod, which lands into a clump of bushes. Wicket
chases after it, shoving aside the bushes to find the rod in pieces on the ground. Giggling,
Winda tells her older brother that their mother said never to play in poison ivy. Wicket looks
around him and suddenly begins to itch. Remarking that he is sick and tired of the trip, Wicket
tells Winda that they are going home. Soon they arrive back at their hut. Crying, Winda runs
into her mothers arms. Wicket stomps in behind her and sits down by the fireplace. Their
mother listens to the whole story and tells Winda that Wicket did not mean to hurt her
feelings. She tells Wicket to go over to Logray’s hut and see if he has a powder for his rash.
While Logray works to prepare a potion, Wicket tells him about his terrible day with Winda
and how fed up he is with woklings. Stopping for a moment, Logray adds an extra ingredient
to the powder. Pouring it into a cup of tea, he offers it to Wicket. Suddenly, his itching is gone
and in its place is a warm, drowsy feeling. As Wicket falls into a deep sleep, he hears Logray
telling him to dream of lessons learned and forgotten. Wicket dreams of a time long, long ago
when he was still a wokling. Wickets big brother, Weechee, had just gotten a brand-new bow
and arrows and was going into the forest for target practice. Eagerly, Wicket offered to lead
Weechee’s bordok for him, and together they set off into the forest. Wicket followed his
brother up a steep, rocky trail that ran alongside a deep ravine. As the old bordok slowly
picked its way along the trail, Wicket fell farther and farther behind Weechee. Giving the
reigns a sharp tug to move the bordok along, the animal stumbled, and Weechee’s new
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 353
arrows slipped out of the pouch and went clattering to the bottom of the ravine. When
Weechee told Wicket that he told him to be careful, the young wokling remarked that he can
still use the bow as a slingshot. Demonstrating it, the bow’s string snapped in two. Angrily,
Weechee cried out that he had enough of Wicket for one day and told him to go home. Hurt
and confused, Little Wicket ran to his Soul Tree, where he sat down for the rest of the day,
thinking about the bow and arrows. He was only trying to help. He makes a vow that when he
ever has a kid brother or sister, he will never ever be mean to them. Suddenly Wicket opens
his eyes and looks around. He is in Logray’s hut, holding a cup of tea, realizing that he must
have fallen asleep. He tells Logray that he had such a strange dream. Leaping out of his
chair, Wicket cries that he has to find Winda. Wicket runs all the way home where Winda is
sitting by her mother, having dinner. He tells his little sister that he is sorry as he was not very
nice to her today. Winda’s face brightens as Wicket tells her that he did not mean all the
things he said to her: he just forgot how hard it is to be the youngest in the family. Winda
throws her little arms around her big brother and gives him a hug. Late that night, when
everyone had gone to bed, Wicket tiptoes over to Winda’s hammock, asking her if she is still
awake. She mumbles sleepily that she is. Then, Wicket asks her if she would like to go
fishing with him tomorrow . . .*
(Wicket Goes Fishing)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided (to my great thanks) by Eddie van der Heijden.
The Ewoks hold their special annual celebration: the final and most exciting event is a raft
race along the rapids in the underground caves. Willy’s big brother, Weechee, is going to
compete as he is one of the best rafters. As the young Ewoks gather for the race, Willy asks
Weechee if he can come along, but Weechee remarks that there is no room for him. Turning
to the others, Weechee asks them if they have seen his partner, Paploo. Teebo tells him that
Paploo is not coming as he hurt his leg in the bordok relay and had to go home. Panicking,
Weechee finally accepts Willy’s offer to become his partner for the race, and the two of them
carry their raft toward the caves. But as they near the mouth of the cave, Willy stops: the long
tunnel ahead looks black, and he suddenly remembers the stories his father, Deej, had told,
about the tunnels that twist through the shadows beneath the forest, about the sounds of the
rapids, and about the mysterious cave spirits. But Weechee tells him that the cave spirits only
come at night, and their race will be finished before that. But Willy’s eyes fill with tears, and
he tells his older brother that he is too afraid. Furious, Weechee stalks into the caves by
himself. Willy wanders sadly away, through the grove of star leaf tress which lead down the
Mirror Lake. Crying, he prays to the Great Spirit Tree, asking to become brave like the other
Ewoks. Suddenly, the grove of star leaf trees begin to glow, and right in front of him the
young Ewok sees a bright blue stone. Willy sees that it resembles the magic stones that
Logray gives to grown Ewok warriors, telling them to keep it with them as it will make them
brave. Wiping his tears away, Willy tucks the magic stone into his arrowgrass pouch and
skips down the lake to wait for Weechee to tell him that from now on, he will be brave . . .
Inside the caves, Weechee launches his raft. The other Ewoks are already up ahead,
paddling into the channels. Soon, Weechee is in the rapids, fighting to keep control of the
raft. Suddenly, his paddle flies out of his hands. At the next corner, his raft goes into a spin
and the water lifts the young Ewok up and hurls him against a rock shelf. The raft is smashed
to smithereens. When Weechee opens his eyes, it is cold and dark: he shivers, realizing that
he will never get past the rapids without the raft. And soon, night will come. All alone in the
underground caverns, Weechee feels afraid. Then, above the sound of the water, he thinks
he hears wailing. His teeth begin to chatter, and Weechee promises that if he gets out of the
cave alive, he will never tease Willy about being afraid again. Meanwhile, Willy had reached
the lakeside and sits down next to a rippleberry tree. He hears the happy voices of the young
Ewoks as they emerge from the caves, Feeling ashamed of himself, Willy hides in the
shadow of the tree. Then he hears the Ewoks talking about Weechee, who should have come
out of the caves already. Then, one of the Ewoks remarks that they should get back as the
night will soon fall. Team by team, the young Ewoks head back to the forest. As the sun
begins to set, Willy is still waiting for his older brother by the cave. As darkness begins to
surround him, Willy begins to tremble. But suddenly, he remembers the magic stone. He
takes it out and holds it for a moment next to his heart. Then he takes the biggest breath he
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 354
can and steps into the shadows of the forest. Branches grab at him as he hurries through the
dark, back to the entrance of the cave. Trusting for the magic stone to keep him safe, he
drags a log into the tunnel and rolls it into the channel. Tumbling onto it, he calls out for
Weechee. The log moves slowly in the current, and Willy wraps his arms around it to keep it
steady. Then, he hears a faint cry for help. The current grows stronger, and the log speeds
through the cavern. As the log careens through the darkness, Willy sees Weechee on a rock
shelf just ahead of him: he shouts for his older brother to jump onto the log. In a split second,
Weechee jumps onto the log. Holding on, the brothers tumble through the rapids until at least
they can see faint moonlight up ahead. Then they burst from the cave. There at the lakeside
are Deej, Shodu, Chief Chirpa, and the warriors who, alarmed at Weechee and Willy’s
absence, had started to search for them. The young Ewoks are lifted out of the water and
wrapped in blankets. Weechee tells his younger brother that he was scared down there in the
dark: he will never make fun of him again. On the way back to the village Weechee tells the
other Ewoks how Willy had come to find him. Shodu stops and puts her arms around her son,
telling him how brave it was of him. Willy explains that he found a magic stone which made
him brave. As he reaches into his pouch, he finds it is empty: he realizes he must have lost
the stone somewhere in the churning rapids. Willys eyes grow round with wonder: he
realizes how brave he had really been after all. Later that night, Chief Chirpa and the Ewoks
assemble in the ceremonial hut. Chirpa decorates all young Ewok rafters, and when he
comes to the last in line, Willy, he hangs a fire shell, the mark of Ewok bravery, around the
young Ewoks neck. Chirpa tells him that they are proud of him: what he has done once, he
can do again as courage is magic from within the heart. Cheers burst from the Ewoks and
Willy’s face shines with pride.*
(The Ewok Who Was Afraid)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided (to my great thanks) by Eddie van der Heijden.
Wicket W. Warrick and Princess Kneesaa discover giant Phlogs chopping down trees on the
forest moon of Endor and hear the sound of the trees crying in pain. They inform Chief
Chirpa, who sends a group of Ewoks to check on the trees, though he only slightly believes
the children. Wicket and Kneesaa go to the old hermit Ewok Logray, who believes them
because he knows of the days when the Ewoks once lived in Simoom, where the Phlogs now
live, but they were driven away when the Plogs cut down all of the trees there. Hoping to
avoid a similar fate here, Logray gives the children a powder that will enchant the Phlogs into
thinking that the trees are magical and cause them to stay away from them. They try to put
this into the Phlogs’ food while they are asleep, but they awake and nearly capture the kids.
Luckily, they manage to effect the Phlogs with the powder and are reunited with the rest of
the Ewoks that Chirpa sent. The Phlogs leave the area alone, Wicket and Kneesaa are made
honorary members of the Ewok council, and Logray is named the official medicine man of
Chirpa’s tribe.
(How the Ewoks Saved the Trees)
Just before the harvest festival, Wicket and Teebo decide to go hang-gliding, despite
Kneesaas warnings about the weather. They end up caught in a storm and are only saved by
a smoke signal from Kneesaa, whose chores they do in return.
(The Ewoks’ Hang-Gliding Adventure)
On the day of the harvest festival, Princess Kneesaa is charged with watching the Woklings
Nippet and Wiley. When she decides to go off to have fun with Wicket, they take the
Woklings along. Slapstick (after a fashion) ensues, but the Woklings find berries for the
festival, so all is forgiven.
(The Baby Ewoks’ Picnic Surprise)
During a midsummer festival, Princess Kneesaa decides to enter more athletic-oriented
contests, rather than the basket-weaving contest that she could likely win. Goaded by Wicket,
who is biased against female athletes, she manages to success in a dangerous log-riding
contest, changing his views on women’s athletic abilities.
(Three Cheers for Kneesaa!)
Young Force-sensitive Ewok Teebo is informed by the sinister Duloks that his sister, Malani,
has been kidnapped by a monster and taken to its lair. While Chief Chirpa takes a group of
Ewok warriors to save her, followed by Teebo, the Duloks attack the Bright Tree Village and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 355
kidnap many of the Woklings. The kidnapping of Malani was a lie, though she has been
captured by the Duloks themselves. Instead, the Ewok team discovers an old Dulok named
Ulgo in the cave that was supposedly the monsters lair. When they try to get Ulgo to release
a sacred bird he has trapped, a struggle ensues, during which Ulgo goes falling from a ledge.
They race back to the village. Meanwhile, Teebo is set upon by a mantigute in flight, forcing
him to crash in Yuzzum territory. A group of Yuzzums almost capture him, but he is saved by
the Grudakk and taken back to its cave. Later, Teebo leaves the Grudakk’s cave, only to
discover the Duloks village. He sees Malani about to be cooked and springs into action, just
as the other Ewoks arrive to save the children. Teebo is captured and used to hold the others
at bay as the Duloks escape, but their flight is short-lived as the Grudakk comes to the
rescue. The Grudakk, revealed to be the Father Tree guardian, morphs the Dulok leader,
Vulgarr, into a tree to be planted, even as the children are saved. Logray, seeing Teebo’s
Force potential, takes the young Ewok on as one of his potential apprentices.
(The Adventures of Teebo)
While gathering sunberries, Wicket, Teebo, and Kneesaa are caught in a storm. While
running back to the Bright Tree Village, Kneesaa steps on a poisonous nightshade thorn.
They race her back to Chief Chirpa and Logray, but Kneesaa is dying. The only thing that can
save her is sunnydew potion, a kind of magic liquid that exists only in the land of Zandor,
across the magical Rainbow Bridge. It is the home of Gantu, a giant ogre that used to
terrorize the Ewoks. For that reason, the crystal that activates the Rainbow Bridge is guarded
and its use is forbidden. Without it, though, Kneesaa will die. Wicket and Teebo secretly steal
it from the Ewok Council’s hut, using it to create the Rainbow Bridge. Once across the Gorge
of Fire on the bridge, they find themselves in a barren land, populated by Rockers, living rock
creatures. The Rockers inform them that Gantu has stolen all of their sunnydew plants to use
their liquid, which glows, to light his cave, as he is afraid of the dark. Wicket and Teebo, with
a small lone flower sprout that they discover and intend to bring back to the village to let it
flourish instead of leaving it in the wasteland, sneak into Gantu’s cave. They are attacked by
the ogre, and the glowing healing liquid is dumped all over Gantu, who glows so much that he
no longer needs the liquid itself. Sunnydew flowers begin to sprout where it spilled, and the
Rockers are excited to know that their land will eventually flourish again. Unfortunately, the
crystal was broken during the scuffle, but the Rockers dig an underground path all the way
back to the Bright Tree Village. Returning home without the magical liquid, Wicket and Teebo
are shocked when they discover the flower sprout, which had been doused in the liquid
during the fight, glowing itself. They use its power to save Kneesaas life.
(The Rainbow Bridge)
As the Bright Tree Village prepares for a celebration of Princess Kneesaas birthday later in
the day, Wicket helps Chief Chirpa to gather berries for her party. When Duloks attempt to
steal the berries that they know are the Ewoks favorite food, the woks are able to foil their
plot because they notice the insects that are constantly around the Duloks due to how little
they bathe.*
(Princess Kneesaa’s Birthday)*
*NOTE: This two-page comic story is something of a quandary. It was published in Spain (and thus in Spanish)
by Editorial Gepsa in their MyComyc series. There is some question as to whether these were officially licensed
or not a concern that kept them from being reprinted in the Wild Space omnibus volumes. However, Rich
Handley and Abel Pena did extensive research and even translations on these, making them available on their
websites, which were lined to via the Official Star Wars Blog. In the case of this specific story, it could take place
on any of Kneesaa’s birthdays, but given that the characters are designed to look like the Star Comics Ewoks
series, and the story does not directly contradict Rites of Power, since it could very well be the same birthday, I
am assuming that it is the same year as Rites of Power. That way, the Ewoks comics, both English and Spanish,
remain in the same year as the rest of the Ewoks tales.
On Kneesaas birthday, Wicket and Teebo are on scout duty when Captain Krag and his
Zorbian Pirates are spotted in the forest, planning to steal the Ewoks’ gemwood tree, whose
wood is amazingly valuable. When Teebo and Wicket are spotted, Teebo is captured, but
Wicket makes it back to the Bright Tree Village to sound a warning. He interrupts just after
Kneesaa is given a baby Bordok, Baga, as her pet. The older Ewoks, after having a few
words about Chief Chirpa’s decision to pass his leadership to Kneesaa when he passes away
someday, send all of their able-bodied males to save Teebo and stop the pirates. The Ewoks
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 356
are all captured in the pirates’ trap, and their passage to the pirates has left a trampled path
that leads back to the village. The pirates head for the village, only to be stopped in their
mission by the villages women, led by Kneesaa, riding Baga. As the pirates are sent packing,
Kneesaa is accepted by the Elder Council as a girl with great potential as a future leader.*
(Rites of Power)*
*NOTE: Despite this story obviously taking place before the Ewoks cartoon series (given that, among other
things, Kneesaa was just given Baga as a pet in this story), Malani wears a hood, which she should not have had,
at least officially, until the first episode of the cartoon series. We can only assume that they are allowed to wear
informal ones that do not denote age, even while woklings, or perhaps as older woklings. (Or it was just an
artist’s error, trying to capitalize on cartoon characters.)
As the Harvest Festival approaches, one of the great honors bestowed upon an Ewok is to go
to where the mountains meet the forest and cut down special, sacred wood that is both
strong and light. This is the wood from which Ewok gliders are made. For this honor, Wicket,
Teebo, and Kneesaa are recognized for recent bravery and sent to get the wood. Upon
reaching the area by glider, they find the trees all cut down by bestial Quorks. When they are
attacked by the Quorks and their flying dragon-like “devil beast,” Wicket is captured by the
Quorks and taken to their king, Marlox. Marlox wants him to build gliders for the Quorks.
When Teebo and Kneesaa try to rescue him, they are captured too. While Kneesaa is tied up
and threatened with the beast, Wicket and Teebo create rigged gliders for the Quorks. They
then slip away on their gliders, stealing all of the wood, freeing Kneesaa, and leading the
beast on a chase that sends it crashing into Marloxs throne room. As for the Quorks, they try
to give chase, but their gliders fall apart. The three Ewoks return home in time for the
(Flight to Danger)
While out on a scouting mission, Wicket and Teebo try to find a new short cut home, only to
come upon the Valley of the Lizard Warriors, where they are caught by lizard creatures led by
Joddar. They are given food to fatten them up, but are heartened to see an Ewok among
them. When the Ewok is revealed to be Graak, exiled from the Bright Tree Village for fighting
to conquer (rather than self-defense), they find themselves in even greater trouble. Graak
now leads Joddar and the Lizard Warriors, and they live by a simple code: survival of the
fittest. They are sent into the valley and told that if they can make it to the end, while hunted
by the lizards, they will be set free. They survive various encounters, including saving Joddar
from a swamp beast. In doing so, they earn his gratitude and are shown their way to the end
of the valley, but Graak confronts them there. Graak plays unfairly and nearly bests them, but
Joddar and the lizards arrive, forcing Graak to stick to his deal and set them free. Graak is
then banished from the lizards, no longer their leader.
(Valley of Evil)
When Paploo and Chakka discover alien woodsmen planning to use a tank-like harvester
vehicle to cut down trees in the forest, they race back to tell Chief Chirpa. Meanwhile, Wicket
and Kneesaa are met by a freaked out Foonar (elephant-like creature) named Dooni. Doonis
mother and other Foonars have been captured by the woodsmen (led by Rok and Zol). Their
vehicle has been damaged, requiring the Foonars to push or pull it in its harvesting operation.
Wicket, Kneesaa, and Dooni spy on the woodsmen, but Dooni is captured and threatened to
get Mama Foonar to push the vehicle. When Wicket and Kneesaa hide aboard the harvester
and turn it against the woodsmen’s own ship, the woodsmen board the ship and escape
before it can be destroyed. Mama Foonar then pushes the harvester off of a cliff, just before
the other Ewoks arrive to fight the woodsman, which is no longer necessary, thanks to
Wicket, Kneesaa, and Dooni.
(The Terrible Machine)
Wicket is turned down by Logray when he asks to be the medicine man’s apprentice. When
Wicket discovers that Logray is treating the ill Latara and needs a fuzzynettle plant to save
her, though, he goes on a dangerous trip and secures a fuzzynettle. When Logray receives
the surprise assistance, he changes his mind and makes Wicket his apprentice.*
(Wicket Finds a Way)*
*NOTE: I place this story here because Wicket’s friends seem shocked to find him learning magic from Logray in
The Ice Demon.
Teebo, Kneesaa, and Wicket watch a show of Logray’s magical prowess. Wicket, who feels
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 357
like he could be a great sorcerer’s apprentice if only he had a staff like Logray’s, steals it from
Logray’s hut, trying to use it to perform his own magic. When the Ice Demon Stagorr
witnesses Wicket’s antics via a magical viewer, he casts a spell to make the Ewoks extra hot.
To alleviate this, Wicket casts a spell to bring cool wings from the Ice Mountain, only to have
it bring in magical winds from Stagorr that whirl around Wicket until he is transported to
Stagorr’s lair. Stagorr, for his part, wants the staff so he can free himself, after having been
trapped there by Logray years ago. Logray, when alerted to Wicket’s situation, sets out for
the Ice Mountain to save his wayward apprentice. Stagorr reveals his plans for the staff and
to lure Logray, but he cannot take the staff because it is imbued with Logray’s magic. He may
not need it to face Logray, though, as anything Stagorr touches turns to ice. He puts a spell
on Wicket, forcing him to fight Logray with the staff. Logray and Wicket outsmart him, though,
eventually stopping the fight. Stagorr is given the staff, with Logray’s spell released, but
Wicket uses light crystals to melt the snow over Stagorr, which then falls in the form of water,
freezing over Stagorr again, trapping him. Lograys staff is returned, and Wicket decides not
to continue training as an apprentice.
(The Ice Demon)
While spending time hear a swimming hole, Wicket, Kneesaa, and Teebo are relaxing. While
Wicket and Kneesaa swim, Teebo tries to compose a new poem, only to hear a loonee bird
laughing at him. He attacks the bird, and puts one of its feathers on his head as a trophy. He
then begins to laugh wildly. He returns to the village, only to spread that laughter all over,
wrecking things and causing a near riot. Logray realizes that it is because of the loonee bird
feather that spreads the laughing spell. Kneesaa and Wicket must travel to Mount Sorrow to
find the cure to break the spell. They travel to the mountain, taking Teebo along, only to find
that the mountain itself sheds the tears that will end the spell. The mountain at first refuses to
provide them, but heroic words from Teebo convince him to give the tears, which free Teebo,
and presumably the village, from the spell.
(The Perilous Laughing Spell)
The evil witch Morag sends a storm to plague the Bright Tree Village. While the Ewoks are
busy saving each other from the storm, Morag’s henchbeings sneak in and steal the crystal
eye of the Kreegon beast, which means that she has found its remains. By replacing the eye
in the remains, she can reanimate the beast. While Chief Chirpa goes to find Morag and fight
the beast if necessary, as is his duty as the tribes leader, Logray, Wicket, and Kneesaa view
his crystal image spinner, discovering that the beast has been revived. With a protective
amulet in hand, Kneesaa and Wicket go to find Chirpa and fight alongside him. They find him
captured by Morag and left wrapped in vines. They free him, but they are pursued by the
Kreegon, which will soon attack their village. They manage to lead it to burn in the sulfur pits,
but with Morags magic protecting it, it cannot be destroyed. They confront Morag, goading
her into firing a beam of destruction at them with her magic, which they duck, allowing it to
strike the Kreegon, destroying it instead. The day has been saved by Morag’s own magic.
(Eye of the Kreegon)
While in Sunshine Lake, aboard a small boat, Teebo dives underwater, bringing a sun pearl
back to show Wicket. They are then set upon by a devil serpent, which knocks them
overboard. They are saved by Squirk and other undersea dwellers, who use such pearls as
food, all grown through the magical light from a red pearl. Then the tyrant Orcon arrives in
their undersea kingdom on his devil serpent, demanding the pearl food, the Ewoks try to
force him back. Instead, he steals the red pearl and escapes. Without it, Squirk and his
people will starve. Wicket and Teebo don makeshift helmets to breathe and head underwater
on seahorse-like wallocks to chase Orcon, with Squirk at their side. They sneak into Orcon’s
lair, while the serpent is asleep, and try to steal the red pearl back. When Orcon brings forth
the serpent, they are nearly trapped, but Squirk sacrifices the red pearl to save them. They
set the serpent against Orcon and escape, but without the red pearl, all seems lost. They
spot the blue pearl that Teebo found and lost earlier, though, and it turns out that it grows the
food pearls even better than the red pearl. All is well.
(The Underwater Kingdom!)
Above Endor, C-3PO and R2-D2, on a courier vessel with Prince Plooz of Alzar, are in dire
straits. They were to deliver Plooz back to King Gorkus of Alzar to avoid war with King
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 358
Zornog of Sooma, but they were attacked by the treacherous General Sludd of Alzar, forcing
them to engage the hyperdrive with insufficient antimatter levels, just as torpedoes hit their
exit point. This threw them into another dimension, and, upon emerging from a dimensional
rift (the Endor Gate wormhole), R2-D2 mistakenly reports to an anxious C-3PO that they
have been thrown 100 years into the future. (It has actually only been a few years. R2-D2 has
told C-3PO that they have traveled anywhere from 10 to 100 years into the future, and C-3PO
appears to have assumed the worst.) As they prepare to head back into the rift to return to
their own time, Plooz launches himself in an escape pod, crash landing on the forest moon of
Endor near the Bright Tree Village. (They have apparently moved not only in time but also in
space.) Upon consulting Logray, Chief Chirpa believes that the “blinding flash they saw may
be a good omen, as they are about to enter peace talks with the Duloks. Several Ewoks,
including Chirpa, Wicket W. Warrick, and Princess Kneesaa, go to the crash site, where they
“save” Plooz, taking him back to the village. When Wicket and Kneesaa hear other sounds,
they investigate, discovering the droids at the empty escape pod. Thinking the droids are
demons, the young Ewoks race for help, nearly falling prey to a Dulok booby trap (a boulder
on a stick . . . I kid you not) before R2-D2 uses his powerful arms (legs?) to save them. The
droids tell them of their plight, causing them to realize that the “Star Child” is not an omen,
and the Dulok trap means that the peace talks might also be a trap. They race to the village,
but Chirpa, Plooz, and the others are already gone. At the “talks, the Ewoks cross a rope
bridge to the Duloks, only to have the Duloks take Plooz as their own “omen,” threatening to
kill him if the Ewoks don’t leave. Once back on the bridge, the Duloks break its ropes, nearly
dropping the Ewoks to their doom. However, C-3PO and the others have arrived, and light
shining off of C-3PO’s golden body presents a “blinding flash” that sends the Duloks, fearful
of the droid “demon,” running. The Ewoks and Plooz are saved, so the droids take Plooz
back into space, where they enter the rift and return to their own time . . . (To be continued
above as Lost in Time! . . . yes, I said “above,” not “below.” Isn’t time travel grand?)
(The Demons of Endor!)
*NOTE: Bear in mind that C-3PO and R2-D2 are wrong in how far they travel in time. They actually only travel
from the time of the Droids comic book series to the time of the Ewoks comic book series. The idea that this is
not an error but R2-D2 giving a range (which we obviously can’t understand) and C-3PO choosing the worse case
scenario, is a brilliant little retcon in The Droids Re-Animated, Part 1 by Abel Pena and Rich Handley.
The Fleebogs on Endor leave a damsel flower for Kneesaa to find. She does, and before
Logray can warn her of its powers, it sprays her, causing her to shrink (and continue to
shrink). She falls down below and is taken to the Fleebog tunnels, where she learns that they
are needing Ewoks to protect them from the ra-lugg creature. When Logray shrinks Teebo
and Wicket to save her, they are saved from the ra-lugg by the Fleebogs, but not before the
lose the growing powder that will save Kneesaa. When Teebo is also kidnapped by the
creature, Wicket, the Fleebogs, and the even-smaller Kneesaa go to its lair. Finding the
growing powder in its web, they use it to make the ra-lugg so big that it cannot fit in the
tunnels and escapes into the forest, frightened. They then release Teebo and return Kneesaa
(and themselves) to normal size, having made new allies in the Fleebogs.
(The Incredible Shrinking Princess)
Wicket and Kneesaa help lug Logray’s things to a hot springs so that Logray can relax a little.
While he is gone, they tend to his garden. Morag, from a distance, uses her magic to leave
Logray stuck in the hot spring, unable to get to his staff. She then attacks the Bright Tree
Village, freezing the Ewoks in place and releasing a thorn plant that grows, and grows, and
sucks water from the region, which will cause the forest to die. Pursued by one of Morag’s
creatures, Kneesaa and Wicket get to Logray, who has them take his staff back to thrust into
the base of the plant. Unfortunately, before they can do so, Morag turns the torn plant into a
thorn monster, which chases after them. They lead it into the hot springs, though, where too
much water causes it to die, and the resulting explosion from the thorn monster wounds
Morag enough to break her spell on Logray. The day has, once again, been saved by two
young Ewoks.
(The Thorn Monster)
While Logray and Chief Chirpa head for the Spirit Tree to give thanks in an Ewok ritual, they
leave a randomly-chosen Ewok in charge of the village . . . Teebo! When Teebo makes a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 359
mess of things, the others decide to lock him up until Chirpa and Logray return, but Teebo
escapes on a glider. While he is gone, aliens under Captain Zornak visit the Ewoks and give
them Stones of Obedience, which they wear without questioning what they are, transforming
the Ewoks into a legion of slave laborers to gather gems for Zornak and his goons. Teebo,
the only one remaining free, discovers this and heads for the alien ship, where he is spotted.
Wicket is sent after him with a blaster, but Teebo frees him with a bonk to the head and
taking off the stone. With Teebo pretending to be a prisoner of Wicket, they return to the ship,
where they put Wicket’s Stone of Obedience on one of the pilots, who blasts the aliens off
into space, freeing them all of control. Teebo has saved the day during his one day as chief.
(King for a Day)
Morag decides to poison the berries that are the Ewoks main food source. After sending her
mantigrue to put the poison onto the berries, Wicket, Malani, and Teebo discover the berries
in a poisonous cloud. They inform Logray, and the Ewoks spread an antidote on the berries.
When Morag tries to poison them herself to get the job done right, the antidote causes her
sinuses to act up. The antidote did not only cure the poison but also protect the berries from
more of Morag’s meddling.*
(Perfect Antidote)*
*NOTE: See note with Princess Kneesaa’s Birthday above for details on this series odd situation. Whereas that
story has a direct tie to a Star Comics issue, the rest of this series does not seem to have much in the way of
timeline clues. We do know that the characters are designed like they are in the Star Comics materials, rather
than the way they look in the cartoon’s two very different seasons. We also know that Morag is still alive in these
Spanish comics, hence being before Sunstar vs. Shadowstone in Season 1 of the cartoon. Wicket is also able to
recognize a Quork footprint in The Princess in a Predicament, so they must be after Flight to Danger. Thus, I am
assuming that these can take place (other than Princess Kneesaa’s Birthday) between the Star Comics materials
and the cartoon series.
When Princess Kneesaa goes missing while gathering sacred rocks, Chief Chirpa sends
Wicket to check on her. He flies his glider to where she was to be and finds Quork footprints.
Tracking them back to the Quork lair, he finds them holding Kneesaa prisoner and planning
to hold her for ransom. Wicket knocks out their leader with a well-tossed rock, then saves
Kneesaa. The two escape on their gliders.*
(The Princess in a Predicament)*
*NOTE: See note with Perfect Antidote above.
When Wicket and Teebo are sent to gather sacred wood, they do a pretty good job and
gather a nice supply, but then they fall into a pit trap setup by the Duloks. To keep them from
escaping, a Dulok throws a net over them. They try to sling the net up to catch on something
so that they can climb out, but they are unable to do so. They finally build a ladder with the
sacred wood (tied together, presumably, with rope from the net) and escape. They arrive
back at the Bright Tree Village without the sacred wood, but Chirpa is just glad that they are
(Snare in the Forest)*
*NOTE: See note with Perfect Antidote above.
Wicket has crafted a new glider with red, rather than yellow, material. When he tests it over
Explorer’s Crag, he spots a strange contraption that includes a basket with the skeleton of a
dead traveler in it. When he reports back to Logray, the shaman recognizes it as a hot-air
balloon. He explains to Wicket how to inflate and use it, so Wicket and Teebo head back to
the balloon and take it for a test flight back to the village. Along the way, they are spotted by
Duloks that want such a vehicle, but they will need much better weapons to take down the
hot-air balloon. They make it through Dulok territory unscathed.*
(The Balloon)*
*NOTE: See note with Perfect Antidote above.
Latara is out in the forest playing her flute when she is spotted by a pair of Duloks. The
Duloks cause rocks to fall and trap Latara until they can report her capture back to King
Gorneesh. While they are gone, Chief Chirpa sends Paploo, Wicket, and Teebo out to find
Latara. Logray gives them a magic flute that emits vibrations that will be picked up by
Latara’s and allow them to find her. They do so and save her, leaving the Duloks with a lot of
explaining to do when Gorneesh is brought to their “trap” and finds it empty.*
(To Trap Latara)*
*NOTE: See note with Perfect Antidote above.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 360
One night, a Dulok sneaks into the Bright Tree Village and steals Logray’s magic staff from
his hut while he is sleeping. The Dulok gives it to King Gorneesh, who uses it to drive away
creatures and make himself smell better. Logray, Wicket, and Teebo head for the Dulok
camp to get the staff back, and Logray gives the staff a command with a mere look, causing it
to fly from Gorneeshs hands and bash him on the head. Unable to control it, Gorneesh
returns the staff to Logray.*
(Logray’s Staff)*
*NOTE: See note with Perfect Antidote above.
As part of a drawing class, Teebo paints a picture in a cave near the Bright Tree Village. He
and Wicket then leave the cave, which is marked as a “Youth Pictoral Exposition,” to let Chief
Chirpa and others know about it so that they can check it out. While they are gone, Morag
enters and paints a magic potion on the wall to cover up the art as if it was never there.
Chirpa has Logray uses his own magic (calling upon the “Gods of Color”) to make the art
visible again. They also lay a trap for Morag, spreading adhesive on the cave floor. When
Morag comes to check out her handiwork and the Ewoks expected misery, the finds herself
not only stuck to the floor but also frozen like a statue for a while.*
(Painting Exposition)*
*NOTE: See note with Perfect Antidote above. I have to echo the sentiments of Rich Handley, who wrote an
article on these comics for the Official Star Wars Blog. It is definitely amusing to see the minimalist approach to
this comic try to give Morag a reason for vandalizing the cave art. What was her reason? “Ha, ha! I am so evil!”
That appears to have been reason enough.
While preparing for the Hallowe’en festival, Wicket, Teebo, and Kneesaa save the village
from a hanadak by covering it in dlock leaves, which soothe the angry creature. During the
commotion, Chief Chirpa clumsily falls into a large box with a sack of food he was carrying
falling over him. He does so, just as two Duloks sneak into the village to steal food. They
steal the box with Chirpa inside, only discovering him when they open it later. They tie him
up, but he frees himself, kicking some Dulok butt before reuniting with the other Ewoks.
(Chief Chirpa Kidnapped!)
It is the day before the Festival of the Wisties, one of the Ewoks’ favorite holidays, and Wicket
and his friend Princess Kneesaa had promised to help Logray get ready for the festival.
Logray tells them to gather the things on his list, and the party will be perfect. The first thing
on Logray’s list is the fuzzy fungus from the trunk of the brillibab tree. Putting some in his
basket, Wicket remarks that this will make the bonfire burn brightly. The second thing on the
list is the single pink feather that grows only beneath the wing of a lantern bird. Nearing the
creature in its nest high in a tree, Wicket and Kneesaa make sure to stroke the lantern bird’s
wing tree times and ask it nicely. After taking the feather, Wicket tells Kneesaa that it will look
great on Chief Chirpas ceremonial headdress. The third thing on Logray’s list is gwanda
gourd, which make the best rattles for the great Wistie Dance. The next item they locate are
four starchains from the lake. Kneesaa tells Wicket that they will make beautiful decorations
for the halls. The last item on Logray’s list is a bushel of ripe rainbow berries for the big Wistie
Fest pie. While gathering them, Wicket explains to Kneesaa that the only way to tell if they
are ready to pick is to scratch and sniff them. The next day as the Ewoks celebrate the
Festival of the Wisties, Chief Chirpa tells Logray that this is the best Wistie Fest ever. Logray
remarks that he could not have done it without his excellent helpers, Wicket and Kneesaa . .
(Fuzzy as an Ewok)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided (to my great thanks) by Eddie van der Heijden.
While out cooling off, Wicket and Teebo are nearby when a major dam breaks, threatening to
flood the region. With the help of Chukka-Trok, they stop the water for the moment, but they
need to build a new dam. Unfortunately, the water has dripped down underground,
awakening one of the “great ones,” a huge kradak monster. Logray tries to bring potion to
help, but he is knocked out by the beast, and Kneesaa tries to finish the sleeping potion.
Unfortunately, she drops it from her tree, putting the other Ewoks to sleep. Only the young
trio are left to save the day. They use another potion to shrink the kradak, taking his cave to
hold back the rushing water and creating a pool for the Ewoks to relax with.*
(Return of the Great One!)*
*NOTE: In this story, they consider, jokingly, distracting the kradak by playing Monopoly (yes, the board game)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 361
with him. I kid you not.
When Princess Kneesaa is bitten by an ice-beetle, she is encased in a block of magical ice.
Only the fire plants from the Mountain of Doom can save her, but that is the home of the
Frost Giants. With Dulok raids on the rise, the Bright Tree Village cannot spare any warriors,
even for Kneesaa, but Teebo and Wicket take gliders to the Mountain of Doom, where they
are captured by Frost Giants. When they save the Frost Giants from a giant bird creature,
they are rewarded by being shown where to get the fire plants. Kneesaa is saved.
(The Ice Princess!)
Core News Digest reports that the Brentaal League of Guilds has declared a Landmark
Holiday to celebrate a record week of commodities trading. (Exact date of report via Core
News Digest: 38:4:21)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
Cynabar’s InfoNet reports an update on smuggler activity. Tru’eb has been making a killing in
the Spirva sector. Basz Maliyu has left the Outer Rim for the Colonies. Han Solo is still
underground. Platt Okeefe had attended the premiere of the Kallea Cycle on Brentaal.
Bryce-Kelley and Rypka have made their annual sojourn to Ryloth. (Exact date of report via
Cynabar’s InfoNet: 38:4:31)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
Mitth'raw'nuruodo (AKA Thrawn) is promoted to Grand Admiral.*
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)*
*NOTE: I had placed this item before Side Trip earlier, but now I’m convinced, based on Command Decision and
reviewing my old Thrawn notes, that Thrawn must’ve been promoted between showing up as Admiral in Side Trip
and Grand Admiral in Soontir Fel’s flashback to the aftermath of Derra IV. The Essential Chronology confirms on
page 59 that Thrawn was a Grand Admiral when he took down Zaarin’s coup, instead of being promoted as a
result of the affair as suggested in TIE Fighter. Of course, the EC then goes on to completely reverse its stance
and go with the TIE Fighter version of events on page 72. Only the former makes sense, given the surrounding
C-Canon materials.
Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus makes it a point to befriend the new Grand Admiral Thrawn,
with intentions of betraying him in the future.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who: Imperial Grand Admirals)
Councilman Po Ruddle Lingsnot of the Exex on Bespin writes a glowing report of life on
Bespin to attract visitors. He describes much about the general workings of Cloud City and
the history of the planet. Most ironically, he mentions that Bespin’s neutrality in the Galactic
Civil War is working out well . . .
(The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Bespin Entry)
Imperial Defense Daily reports that Arakyd probe droids will soon be seeing wider use.
(Exact date of report via Imperial Defense Daily: 38:5:6)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
Core News Digest reports that Brentaal Governor Jerrod Maclain has been placed under
investigation after making large financial gains during Brentaal’s landmark trading week.
Grand Admiral Rufaan Tigellinus is to head the investigation. (Exact date of report via Core
News Digest: 38:5:11)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
Cynabar’s InfoNet reports that Lando Calrissian has resurfaced as Baron-Administrator of
Cloud City on Bespin. (Exact date of report via Cynabar’s InfoNet: 38:5:20)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
On the forest moon of Endor, Wicket W. Warrick, Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Teebo,
and others seek out aura blossoms, finding Wisties (Firefolk), including their queen Izrina,
instead. Shortly after this encounter, Izrina is captured by the Tulgah witch Morag, who
intends to use Izrina against the Ewoks in her quest for revenge against Logray. With the
help of the Dulok shaman Umwak (who trades his services for help with bug bites), she puts
her plan into motion . . . Elsewhere, Wicket, Kneesaa, Teebo, and Paploo get in trouble with
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 362
Wickets aunt Bozzie for playing the dirty and dangerous “drop the sack game. As
punishment, they must clean some of the forest floor. While doing so, Wicket’s broom
catches fire, which begins to spread. Elder Ewoks, led by Chief Chirpa, put out the fire, but
they cannot explain how it began. That night, during their unjust punishment for playing with
fire (supposedly), Wicket, Teebo, and Paploo dream of the forest in danger, then awaken to
find the forest and its Soul Tries on fire. They try to warn Weechee and others, only to find
themselves attacked . . . by Izrina! Izrina had a spell placed on her that caused her wings to
burst into flame, starting fires across the forest and spreading to other Wisties. When Wicket
douses her with water to stop the attack, it breaks the spell. They race to interrupt the
Festival of Hoods, where Malani is getting her first hood, but no one initially believes Wicket,
Paploo, and Teebo. Luckily, Weechee and Izrina convince them of the truth. Bright Tree
village heads out to fight the fire, only to find that Morag has cut off the water supply from the
river. Instead, they use Logray’s magic foam to fight the fire and save the other Wisties.
Soon, though, their efforts are again sabotaged when their catapults are damaged. Wicket
and others, led by Wisties, travel on hang-gliders through dangerous air currents to drop
bags of foam on the fire. Wicket himself saves Bozzies soul tree, changing her opinion of his
childish actions, at least for now. The day is saved, but Morag is still out there (albeit covered
in foam from a bag dropped by a few Wisties). From the clouds, rain begins to fall, ending the
horrible drought that made the forest fires so easily spread.*
(The Cries of the Trees)*
*NOTE: See note with The Haunted Village below. Aside from that information, though, one should note that
Morag’s maniacal laughter after catching Izrina was cut for the DVD as it transitions past a commercial break. A
new establishing shot has also been added before the Ewoks are seen getting buckets of water to pour on the
fire. Perhaps the most odd change, though, is that an entire celebratory scene is cut from the end, so that the
“movie” version of the episode ends right after Morag is soaked.
Wicket W. Warrick and Princess Kneesaa go to gather sunberries, only to find themselves
attacked by a mantigrue, a creature that had, in the past, stolen sunberries for Morag. To
protect the berries, they use a soap made from shadowroot to turn them invisible. Later,
Wicket and Kneesaa bathe woklings in another special Ewok soap, which wards off bugs.
Meanwhile, the Duloks, still in need of a cure for their insect woes, plan to steal the Ewok
soap. When they instead accidentally steal the shadowroot soap, they use their newfound
invisibility in an attempt to convince the Ewoks that the spirits of the forest want them to
abandon the Bright Tree Village. Recognizing the Duloks by their footprints, Logray has
Wicket and the others to gather bugs in sacks, intending to release them on the Duloks.
When they approach the Dulok cave, they are chased, but they manage to get the
shadowroot soap back just in time for the bar, the last available, to fall into a puddle. For their
part, the Duloks steal another bar of soap, assuming they are victorious, only to bathe and
find that this soap attracts insects, including those that the Ewoks release from their sacks. In
the last moments before the mantigrues next strike, they manage to hide the last of the
sunberry trees by filling a sack with the water from the shadowroot soap puddle, saving the
sunberries and saving the day. Chief Chirpa declares the day a holiday, while Wicket dines
on some tasty, yet invisible, sunberries.*
(The Haunted Village)*
*NOTE: First, please note that this summary for The Haunted Village is for the episode with that name, not the
“movie” that spliced together four episodes into one for VHS and DVD release. I have covered each episode
separately in their original format. Also, you’ll note that for each episode in the “movie” of The Haunted Village,
their opening and closing credits have been removed. A new opening and end credit sequence have been added
for the entire “movie.” The music has also been rescored. Also, specific to The Cries of the Trees and The
Haunted Village, one should keep in mind that the two episodes are listed here in airing order, the way they were
meant to be seen, but the “movie” puts them in the reverse order for some reason. Both ways have their
problems. In the “movie” version, Malani is seen with her hood before she receives it in the other episode. In the
original airing order, the Duloks are fretting about needing bug repellant in one episode, after they already
received some from Morag.
While spending time just for themselves and “girl talk,” Princess Kneesaa and Latara banter
about Lataras feelings for Teebo when they discover a group of Phlogs down by the river.
While they report this to Logray and Chief Chirpa, Malani, now an “adult” with her new hood,
begins flirting with Wicket, who seems oblivious. Meanwhile, the baby Phlog Nahkee is put
under a spell and, in effect, kidnapped by Morag, who leaves evidence that it was the Ewoks
who took the giant child. Morag leaves Nahkee with the Duloks, against the wishes of King
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 363
Gorneesh, intending to allow the Phlog parents to destroy the Ewoks, then let the child go. A
bit later, Kneesaa, Wicket, Latara, and Teebo are overheard by Malani, while Wicket mocks
her crush on him. A little munyip that Malani was playing with reports to Teebo (who
understands the creature) that Malani ran off crying, so they go off looking for her. They
follow the trees, but they give warning to the Ewoks just in time for the Phlogs to emerge,
chasing them. Latara and Kneesaa head back to the village to warn them, while Wicket and
Teebo keep searching for Malani. At the Dulok cave, Gorneesh and his wife, Queen Urgah,
feed Nahkee and change his diaper, but when Gorneesh tries to tie Nahkee to a stump so he
can nap, Nahkee easily rips it up and leaves. He discovers the crying Malani, who helps him.
When Wicket and Teebo discover them, they decide to lead the child back to his parents,
thereby saving the village. Unfortunately, Nahkee returns to the Dulok cave, drawn by the
smell of Urgahs cooking. The three Ewoks are captured by the Duloks, who intend to hold
them for ransom. Nearby, the Phlogs attack Logray, Chirpa, Latara, and Kneesaa, the latter
pair of which are saved by Logray’s magic but soon find themselves alone and captured by
Duloks. The two groups of young Ewoks are reunited as prisoners at the Dulok lair. Wicket
apologizes to Malani. Over the next short while, Teebo and Latara are put to work making
food for Nahkee, while the other three look after the Phlog child. Soon, with the help of some
humming peepers (think “hummingbirds”), Latara and Kneesaa perform a song that lulls the
Duloks to sleep. They escape with the sleeping Nahkee, carrying him back to the village,
which is now under attack by Phlogs. They arrive just in time to save the day. Nahkee tells
his family of the heroic Ewoks, just as the Duloks arrive to capture them, leading to the
Phlogs chasing the Duloks away . . . into the waiting arms of an angry Morag. The Phlogs
and Ewoks are now friends.*
(Rampage of the Phlogs)*
*NOTE: In the “movie” The Haunted Village, this episode comes third. That puts it correctly after The Cries of the
Trees and The Haunted Village, even if those two episodes were reversed for the “movie.” Of course, the episode
lacks its opening and ending credits, and the music has been rescored.
During a fishing outing, Wicket W. Warrick accidentally meets Mring-Mring the Gupin. When
Deej gets a bite from a large fish, it takes Willy Warrick, Weechee Warrick, Kneesaa, and
Wicket to help him bring it in. Instead, Deej takes a tumble, cutting himself on a strange
fungus from a roonta tree. Deej takes ill, leading Logray to set the Warrick brothers on a
mission to find the ingredients to create a cure. Before leaving, Willy drinks a potion in
Logray’s hut that makes him float like a soap bubble. They leave, but not before tying two
heavy stones to Willy to hold him down (mostly). They split up. Weechee goes after a Frosch
egg, while Willy seeks a lantern bird feather, and Wicket seeks out the “Dandelion Warriors”
(better known as Urchins). When Wicket enters Urchin land, he finds Mring-Mring tied up for
target practice. They are attacked by Urchins, but together manage to get the star urchin that
they need to save Deej. They head back to the village, where they meet Teebo, who says the
others have not returned yet. The three of them seek out the elder brothers, finding Willy in a
lantern bird nest, then discovering Weechee hanging from a tree over a waterfall, having
narrowly escaped the reptilian Frosch’s in their cave. They are surrounded by hungry Frosch,
but Mring-Mring uses his “magic” to transform into a large winged creature to fly them all to
safety. With all of the ingredients in hand, Deej is saved by his sons’ bravery, and a little help
from the Gupin.*
(To Save Deej)*
*NOTE: This episode appears relatively unchanged in the “movie” Tales from the Endor Woods. The only
noticeable changes are the loss of opening and closing credits, rescored music, and its placement after The
Traveling Jindas, rather than before that episode.
In the Bright Tree Village, Latara is stuck with chores, including watching her siblings Wiley
and Nippet, while her father Lumat and mother Zephee are gone. Speaking of babysitting,
Dulok Queen Urgah needs a babysitter for her young Duloks, so King Gorneesh sends his
guards X and O to kidnap an Ewok to babysit. Upon seeing Latara with her siblings, they
target her. As their first attempt fails, the traveling Jindas (a traveling circus troupe, basically,
made up of Ewoks with mostly shaved fur that look almost human) arrive at the village, led by
the “Great” Bondo. Latara, a “fellow performer” with her flute, convinces Chief Chirpa to let
the Jindas stay one night in return for performing, despite Bozzie thinking that they are just a
bunch of freeloaders. That night, just as the Jindas’ performance ends, Latara makes plans to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 364
leaves with them, running away to see her talents more appreciated. She stows away aboard
a Jinda mount the next morning, swearing Wicket W. Warrick, Teebo, and Princess Kneesaa
to secrecy. As the Jindas leave (with Latara), Logray mentions to Chirpa that the Jindas are
known for getting hopelessly lost, never returning to the same place twice (which would mean
Latara not returning). Later, Bondo tries to teach Latara about show business, even as the
Duloks continue their bumbling, failed pursuit of her for babysitting. Paploo, Wicket, Kneesaa,
and Teebo inform Logray of Latara’s actions when she’s noticed as missing, and he is greatly
concerned. He sends them after her with a magic seed to use in case they absolutely need it
to escape from something. That night, the Jindas perform for the heck of it for a bunch of
totally uninterested (and apparently non-sentient) tree goats. Rather than letting her perform
with her flute, Latara is the assistant to the fake magician Trebla, during whose act yet
another Dulok attempt at kidnapping is foiled. When Latara says she wants to go home, she
learns that they are, of course, lost. Paploo, Wicket, Kneesaa, and Teebo come upon the
Jinda camp, just as Latara is kidnapped by X and O. The quartet works with the Jindas by
taking them to the Dulok cave to perform. When they arrive, Urgah convinces Gorneesh (in
her nagging, creepy way) to let the Jindas perform. When they come to Trebla’s part of the
show, they bring Latara up as an assistant in order to facilitate her escape. She is to “levitate”
into the waiting arms of her friends. When the rope holding her snags, she uses her flute to
pacify the Duloks until the others fall onto the stage, forcing them to flee, while Bondo and the
Jindas cover their escape. While running across water, Logray’s magic seed gets wet,
allowing Wicket to throw it toward pursuing Duloks, who are caught in tentacles that emerge.
The five Ewoks spend a night with the Jindas, thanking them for their help, then return home,
allowing the Jindas to continue on their wandering way.*
(The Traveling Jindas)*
*NOTE: When merged with three other episodes into the “movie” Tales from the Endor Woods on DVD, this
episode has some changes. First, the opening and closing credits are gone, as is the original music, which has
been rescored. The episode also appears in a different order. It appears after Wicket’s Wagon (several episodes
from now) and immediately before To Save Deej (the previous episode in the original airing order). Also, on the
returning side of a commercial break, one of Bondo’s lines is cut. (“Oh, my little Ewok, is it not . . . ” becomes
simply “Is it not . . . ”)
After a period of bad weather, Ewok males (women aren’t allowed, much to Princess
Kneesaas angst) head for the Tree of Light with sacred dust. The Tree of Light is weakening,
and if it isn’t helped soon, its power could fade and allow the Night Spirit to be unleashed
upon the forest moon of Endor. Led by Weechee with his magic lantern, they head out,
leaving Wicket W. Warrick (too young) and Kneesaa (too, uhm, female) behind. At the Dulok
cave, the Shaman Umwak informs King Gorneesh of the weakening tree. Gorneesh intends
to let the Night Spirit take over, which would, he believes, lead to him ruling the entire moon.
Gorneesh sends Umwak to delay the Ewoks in getting the dust to the tree. The group, which
includes Weechee, Willy, Teebo, and Paploo is tracked by Wicket, whom they first think is a
monster. Wicket reveals himself to save the magic lantern when Willy, thinking Wicket is a
monster, almost lets it fall from a bridge. They make their way through the Arbo Maze,
ignoring the magic lantern’s power to lead them through. While they roam aimlessly, spurred
on by Paploo’s ego, Kneesaa and Latara arrive at the maze as well, also having disobeyed
Chirpa. The two enter and are almost caught by the bumbling Umwak and his nephew. They
are met by the five other Ewoks, and they finally follow the lantern’s light out of the maze.
They reach the Valley of Floating Trees, where they use a tree and its surrounding land like a
sort of floating boat, rowing themselves toward the mountain with the Tree of Light, pursued
by Gorneesh and his Duloks on other trees. The Ewoks are captured and tied up, and their
dust is taken. Kneesaa and Wicket free themselves, though, and get aboard Gorneeshs tree,
while the others free themselves and use blankets as sails to give chase. Kneesaa and
Wicket regain the dust, just in time for Wicket to race for the tree and revitalize it with the
dust’s magic. They Duloks flee in the face of its glow and ensuing vegetation growth all
around. Back at the Bright Tree Village, Weechee, Willy, Teebo, and Paploo are awarded
with the Silver Feather, while Wicket, Kneesaa, and Latara think they are to be punished.
Instead, they also receive Silver Feathers.
(The Tree of Light)
While traveling on a mission to get supplies, Weechee, Wicket, Kneesaa, and Latara come
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upon a wandering Jinda. The Jindas have been camped near a waterfall for days. They have
been cursed, however, and must flee from floating rocks (more like boulders) coming after
them. Soon, at Mooths trading post, the Ewoks give Mooth their list of goods and hand over
their surplus. Wicket has several monmon seeds he collected, which he trades for what is
supposed to be a lucky stone, which he subsequently gives to Kneesaa because she seemed
to like it. On their way home, they are set upon by raccoon-like Skandits, who capture them,
allowing their wagon to continue on its way. While they are held captive, the Jindas come
through the area. Bondo does not seem to want to help, but during their performance, Trebla
the “magician” releases the Ewoks and helps them escape in a large creature costume
(similar to a traditional Chinese dragon common at celebrations). They get so caught up in
messing with the Skandits’ minds as the creature that they are on stage when the costume
falls apart, forcing them to run for it, accompanied by the Jindas, who return to the Bright
Tree Village with them. Shortly after explaining what happened with the Skandits, the young
Ewoks and their elders are surprised when the Curse of the Jindas causes more boulders to
arrive and chase them. Everyone gets into the trees, while the large rocks stake out the
village below. Bondo explains that they once were not nomads, but had a home village,
where they famed and provided food to a Rock Wizard that looked after them. They were
cursed, though, when they were accused of trying to poison the Rock Wizard. Together,
Logray and his future apprentice Teebo use their abilities to communicate with creatures of
the forest to tie up all of the rocks so they cannot attack. The Rock Wizard emerges,
attacking them, but they realize that his pain was not from poison but from a tooth falling out,
and that tooth is the “lucky stone” that Kneesaa now wears. She gives it back, and, once it is
replaced, the Rock Wizard’s pain subsides. The curse is lifted, allowing the Jindas to return
back to their homeland.
(The Curse of the Jindas)
Paploo, Wicket, Kneesaa, and Teebo are met by Mring-Mring the Gupin, who needs their
help. Mring-Mring is a shapeshifter, but he needs the concentration of others to change and
retain his shape. When they try and fail, Mring-Mring flies off like a popped balloon, nearly
being eaten by a reep before the Ewoks save him. They also end up saving Oobel, Mring-
Mring’s brother. Oobel urges him to return to his people for the Renewal Ceremony with the
power of the Juniper Chest. The Ewoks learn that Mring-Mring was born without wings like
the rest of the Gupins, but this might mean he is the answer to a prophecy about one who will
be able to open the Juniper Chest without a key, which would be a good thing, since their
cousin Punt, who cast the wingless Mring-Mring out and has declared himself king, lost the
chest’s key to attacking Grass Trekkers. Now, Oobel wants their help in finding the key. They
travel to the land of the giant Grass Trekkers, where Teebo uses his animal communication
to secure a pair of makants to ride. With Paploo as a distraction, Oobel and Teebo raid the
Grass Trekker shrine, taking back the key. They race for the Gupin fortress, where they
reunited with Mring-Mring, Wicket, and Kneesaa. They are all allowed in when the Grass
Trekkers attack, but against Punt’s standing orders. As the Grass Trekkers attack the barred
door to the fortress, Punt tries to use the key to open the Juniper Chest, but he fails. The key
is tossed and destroyed, leaving the chest closed. Using only his arm in the large keyhole,
Mring-Mring opens the Juniper Chest, as wings finally appear on his back. The energy from
the chest renews the Gupins’ powers, allowing them to drive off the Grass Trekkers. In
accordance with the prophecy, Mring-Mring is named the new king, while Oobel becomes his
second-in-command and Punt is relegated to third-in-command.
(The Land of the Gupins)
The day after hearing another story from Chief Chirpa about how Logray saved the Sunstar
from Morag, Teebo asks to be Logray’s apprentice. His learning is rough going at first, as he
bumbles a bit at first. While cleaning up Lograys hut, Teebo is embarrassed when his friends
(Wicket, Kneesaa, and Latara) tease him for cleaning rather than learning magic at the
moment. Teebo decides to show them up by using Logray’s wand (stick?) to use magic
without permission. In doing so, he accidentally breaks Latara’s precious flute. They are
drawn into a nearby cave by beautiful singing and a beautiful woman, who turns out to be
Morag in disguise (via spell), who captures the young Ewoks, intending to draw Logray to
her. She contacts him to draw him out, while the Ewok captives serve Morag, and Logray
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 366
heads for the cave with the Sunstar, which Morag wants back. Upon arrival, Logray faces
Morag, who reclaims the Sunstar and merges it again with the Shadowstone, making it the
“Sunstar-Shadowstone.” Despite her powers increasing and a new lava-based form, the
Ewoks, spearheaded by Logray’s magic and Teebos ingenuity, manage to defeat her at long
last. Morag is gone, returning to nature, and Teebo has proven himself worthwhile as
Logray’s new apprentice, while the Sunstar-Shadowstone returns to the Bright Tree Village.*
(Sunstar vs. Shadowstone)*
*NOTE: This story begins with Chief Chirpa’s story about how Logray saved the Sunstar, then moves forward to
the morning after the story. However, when this story was made part of the merged “film” The Haunted Village for
VHS and DVD release, the bulk of the episode is the last of the four episodes shown, but that initial story about
Logray is cut and placed at the beginning of the film, before the events of The Haunted Village (the episode, that
is, as the first part of the film of the same name). In that incarnation, the episode also lacks opening credits, and
the end credits have been replaced by credits for the entire “movie.
While searching for blumfruit, Willy, Weechee, and Wicket Warrick are caught in a storm and
come upon an old Ewok battlewagon, created by Erpham during the great war between the
Ewoks and the Duloks hundreds of seasons ago, wherein the battlewagon helped to save the
Soul Trees. Wicked decides that he wants to rebuild the vehicle with the help of Paploo,
Teebo, and others, but all but Malani seem more interested in play than work. When Dulok
King Gorneesh learns of the battlewagon, he wanders why the Ewoks would be building such
a thing. Umwak and Urgah go to see the oracle, Murgoob, for answers. Murgoob tells them to
capture the battlewagon so they can rule the forest “forever” with its power, but Gorneesh
wants to wait until it is fixed before stealing it. After several weeks of work, Wicket and Malani
finish, and the Duloks steal it (with Wicket aboard). Wicket escapes to sound the alarm, but
the Duloks get away with the battlewagon. Chirpa does not take it seriously, though, thinking
that the Duloks are not smart enough to use it and not entirely believing in the abilities of two
young Ewoks (and Baga) to fix it. Wicket visits great grandfather Erpham’s Soul Tree, where
Erpham’s ghost (could he have been Force sensitive?) appears to Wicket. Wicket then goes
to Murgoob, where he overhears that Murgoob has not been seen outside of his tree in six
hundred seasons. Wicket uses this fact to impersonate Murgoob and order the Duloks into an
accident with the battlewagon, but the real Murgoob emerges, and Wicket is captured. Upon
reaching the Soul Trees, which the Duloks intend to destroy, they are met by the Ewoks, who
are forced aside by the battlewagon. Malani, riding Baga, sees Wicket as a captive and
decides that those dirty Duloks can’t do that to “her Wicket.” Malani saves wicket by boarding
the battlewagon and tricking a Dulok (unintentionally) into breaking open Wicket’s cage. After
several Duloks are tricked into falling off the battlewagon, Wicket pulls a support peg, causing
the entire battlewagon to collapse (sort of like the Ewoks equivalent of a proton torpedo to an
exhaust port . . . ). Wicket has saved the day, but the battlewagon is gone.*
(Wicket’s Wagon)*
*NOTE: Despite coming after The Travelling Jindas and To Save Deej, this episode comes first in the merging of
four episodes into Tales from the Endor Woods. As such, the opening and ending credits have been removed,
and the music has been rescored. Perhaps most notably, the opening credits have been replaced by “movie
style credits and an opening narration, spoken by a much older Wicket.
Princess Kneesaa is learning to be a leader. Chief Chirpa informs her that she has three
lessons to learn: those of the hand, head, and heart. Kneesaa is left to train with Logray, but
she accidentally releases a potion that causes stranglethorn vines to emerge and terrorize
the village. Knowing she is to blame, Kneesaa (with Wicket’s help) goes to find the three
ingredients to a potion that will stop the plant. They steal a Keet nectar pearl from within the
Keets’ palace. They collect ganga root, saving it from a hungry bobber bird. Their third
ingredient is Trome tree sap, which requires taking a Trome tree branch from the tree, but
only one branch remains, and that branch is the home of several Tromes. Rather than take
the Trome’s home from them, they return to the village with the Tromes, leaving the tree
intact. Soon, back at the village, they decide to use the potion that Logray already has, but it
is trapped in his hut (which necessitated the three ingredients). Instead, Kneesaa uses shoes
they made to sneak into the Keet den to climb the stranglethorn vines and save several other
Ewoks, while the Tromes help distract the vines. They then coat acorns in the potion and use
Wickets slingshot to fire them into the vines mouths, saving the village. A short time later,
Chirpa informs Kneesaa that she has learned the three lessons of leadership he was
teaching her, as she used her hands (creativity), head (learning), and heart (compassion) in
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 367
seeking out the three ingredients, even if she did not actually acquire them all.
(The Three Lessons)
Shortly before harvest festival time, the Ewoks are working on the harvest, they are set upon
by a Vorshak, sent by the Duloks to distract them while the Duloks steal the Ewoks’ harvest.
The Ewoks use a net covered in one of Lograys magic potions to make the Vorshak docile
(technically happy and loving, as it was a love potion). There are actually two potions, one for
love, another for hate. The Duloks overhear this and intend to use the hate potion to send the
Phlog known as Hoona to attack the Ewoks. Unfortunately, the Dulok shaman Umwak steals
the wrong potion, causing Hoona to fall in love with Wicket, rather than wanting to destroy
anything. As a result, as the Duloks attempt to attack and steal the harvest (briefly taking over
most of the village), Hoona actually helps Wicket save the other Ewoks. The Duloks are
again defeated, and the harvest is saved.
(Blue Harvest)
Out in the forest, a days glider flight from the Bright Tree Village, the trio of Wicket, Teebo,
and Paploo discover a band of Duloks trying to capture a maramu. When the bumbling
Duloks finally capture it in their net, they are sent packing by the sight of the Ewok known as
the “Red Ghost.” The Ewok trio tries to help the maramu, but the Red Ghost mistakes them
for others meaning harm and prepares to attack, but Teebo finishes freeing the animal,
showing their good intentions. The Red Ghost then calls forth a korrina (a large, wild wolf
creature) and rides it away. Later, Wicket, Paploo, and Teebo tell Malani and little woklings
about the Red Ghost and her korrina mount. When Kneesaa hears about the “Red Ghost,”
Kneesaa believes that it might be her long-lost, presumed-dead sister Asha, who had
disappeared after they were attacked by a Hanadak years earlier. Their mother, Ra-Lee, died
protecting them. That night, Kneesaa and Wicket head into the forest to seek out Asha. In
heavy snow, they discover the woodsman Chukha-Trok, who helps protect them from
creatures like foxes that attack them. Once they are safe, Asha appears, recognizing her
sister, but years of being alone in the forest have stunted her memory and ability to
communicate effectively. Asha leaves while the others sleep, but they eventually catch up to
her again when she frees woodland creatures from the Duloks, using her “Red Ghost”
persona to frighten them into not attacking her, at least until Gorneesh specifically orders
them to “get her. Wicket, Kneesaa, and Chukha-Trok save her, even though Asha can
mostly take care of herself, as she does in besting several Duloks herself. The Duloks are
sent away, and Asha returns to the Bright Tree Village, where she is reunited with her father,
Chief Chirpa.*
*NOTE: If viewing this episode as part of Tales from the Endor Woods, you will find that the opening and closing
credits have been removed, and the music has been rescored. The episode now ends with credits for the entire
“movie” that spliced this and three other episodes together. From a chronological standpoint, there are still two
episodes between this one and Wicket’s Wagon in the DVD “movie,” but the two episodes in question are
Once again, the heroic Ewoks of the Bright Tree Village foil a plot by the Duloks to swipe their
(The Ewoks and the Magic Sunberries)
*NOTE: This story has bizarre background. First, let me just say that it is placed here because the characters in
costume are based on their appearance in Season 1 of Ewoks, rather than the altered colorations of Season 2.
Now, you might ask: “Wait, did you say costumes?” Why, yes, I did. This story is part of an Ice Capades, Inc. ice-
skating performance entitled Brand America: Bold Bright Beautiful that was performed in 1986. Frankly, plot
details are sketchy, but it sounds as though the Duloks were after the sunberries in a similar vein to the story The
Haunted Village, though invisibility and flying creatures were not available for the Ice Capades, making this a
separate tale.
The young Ewoks finally take their skills tests. Kneesaa passes to be trained as a tribal
leader. Latara passes to become a “designer” (hood maker). Teebo passes to be trained as
Logray’s apprentice (which he seems to be repeatedly having to audition for). Wicket,
meanwhile, will be tested for his potential to become an Ewok warrior. Wicket is very
nervous, so Teebo brings him a Luck Sprite to help calm him down. When Wicket announces
plans to gain a score that no one else has ever attained, he certainly seems to be on track for
that goal by scoring the lowest ever. He is slated to become a bordok stable sweeper, but
when they realize that the Luck Sprite is a Bad Luck Sprite, Wicket is allowed to retake the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 368
test. Wicket, though, is so down that he refuses to retake the test, resigned to his fate as a
stable sweeper. Kneesaa and Latara stage Latara being in trouble, so that Wicket can save
her, but he botches the “rescue,” just adding to his depression. Wicket travels to the Cavern
of Broken Dreams, where he intends to stay, but Teebo brings the Bad Luck Sprite to explain
things. When a giant spider attacks Kneesaa, the Bad Luck Sprite’s powers cause them to be
in even bigger trouble. Wicket saves the day out of his caring for Kneesaa, showing his skills.
He has broken the power of the Bad Luck Sprite, which leads him to retake the warrior test,
passing it.*
(Just My Luck)*
*NOTE: These events are actually a flashback in the episode Just My Luck, which is set within a framing story of
Wicket talking to Malani near the end of Season 2 of Ewoks. However, the events described in the flashback take
place here. I have chosen to place this flashback between Seasons 1 and 2, rather than before Season 1 (as some
sources have it) because of the look and attitude changes of the Ewoks. They better match the attitudes of
Season 2 than Season 1, which might make this change in status (officially being trained on their chosen life
paths) a possible explanation for how their characters evolve (or devolve) between seasons. In theory, it could
take place before Season 1, but it does not seem like it to me.
A Rebel escort group travels with Walex Blissex to Cloud City to meet with Dr. Issan Len and
escort him and his X0-X1 prototype droid to the Alliance. No sooner do they enter Bespin’s
atmosphere, however, then cloud cars try to destroy them!! A close look reveals that droids
(?!?) are flying the cars. After shooting the cars down and landing, the Rebels race to Lens
lab only to be blocked by a security droid. After a protracted battle, the Rebels finally reach
Len’s lab – only to hear the scientist be shot to death behind a sealed door. They can’t find
any sign of the killer anywhere and there was only one way in and out of the lab! Just as
the Rebels find the real culprit a reprogrammed protocol droid(?!?) Lando Calrissian and
the city guards tear in and arrests them for Lens murder!! Lando’s not stupid he realizes
the Rebels probably aren’t the killers. But his hands are tied by political considerations. He
gives the Rebels 24 hours to find Len’s real murderer, or stand trial in that person’s place.
The Rebels first stop: Bioniip Labs, home of Len’s assistant Dr. Vreen. The receptionist droid
there tells them that the reprogrammed protocol droid is owned by Lira Wessex Walex’s evil
daughter. The droid directs them to the Royal Casino, where Lira is participating in a sabacc
game. As they confront Lira, the casino suddenly starts going crazy sabacc cards changing
into a nightmarish image, droids shorting out and then a labor droid rushes in and tries to
kill everyone! Lira escapes as the Rebels fight the droid and destroys it finding proof at the
same time that it came from Bioniip. Every door into Bioniip is now sealed, and the Rebels
are forced to break in. Fighting droids all the way through, they make it to the labs…. to find
Vreen and five other scientists half converted into droids. It seems their mystery enemy (and
Len’s killer) is not Vreen at all – it’s the prototype droid, X0-X1!! And X0, in an attempt to
improve Cloud Citys efficiency (it was secretly reprogrammed by Vreen to turn Cloud City
into a weapons platform), has designed “evolution droids” to turn people into droids! At that
point, X0 releases the “evolution” virus into the room, infecting some of the Rebels. Working
with the Vreen-droid, Blissex reengineers the viral mini-droids into a poison to destroy X0. As
he finishes this, every light in Cloud City goes out…Vreen directs the Rebels to a forger he
gave the plans of X0 to a woman named Bellum. Fighting through droids all the way there,
they get some hints as to X0’s location from her. But the data box that can find X0 has been
stolen by Lira! As they find this out, a droid shoots Bellum from behind, killing her instantly.
The Rebels make their way to Lira’s ship, but Lira puts every thug at her service between her
and the Rebels and flees into the city. Using borg implants in her skull, Lira gets the location
of X0 from the data box. Nearly blown off a ledge by high winds, Lira throws the data box to
the skies and offers the Rebels a deal she’ll help them in return for them letting her live.
She leads them deep into Cloud City’s computer core, where X0 has set up shop. Fighting
their way through several traps and ambushes, the Rebels are jumped from behind Vreen
is now entirely a droid and under X0’s control. The Rebels, some of whom are nearly droids
themselves now, are forced to destroy Vreen. When they reach X0, they learn only minutes
remain the droid is ready to release the evolution virus through the air circulation system of
the entire city! Blissex decides on a desperate gambit shut down the computer core
(unfortunately shutting down the city’s repulsorlift engines as well) and destroy X0 before the
falling city is crushed. The Rebels, against all odds, manages to pull that off. With only 27
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 369
seconds left, the city is safe. Then Lira puts a blaster to her father’s head as her thugs run in.
But then city guards run in as well, surrounding the whole bunch and finally Lando and
Lobot comes in. Lando forces Lira out of the city and cheerfully drops the charges against the
(Crisis on Cloud City)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales. I have placed it here,
instead of where he has it located, based on Lando being on Cloud City.
A Rebel group is enjoying a vacation on the Ithorian herd ship Bazaar until a terrified man
runs into them, pursued by an assassin droid out to kill him. Despite their best efforts, the
droid, XS3, manages to fatally wound the man, Hanos Darr and escape. In his dying gasps,
the miner Darr scratches a message in the dirt - “Kamiroz.” The Rebels begin searching the
herd ship for him, only to find him mortally wounded by assassins as well. But before he loses
consciousness, he relates a message meant for Princess Leia Organa and the Rebellion; the
Royal Palace of Alderaan has been discovered fully intact within the asteroid ruins of that
planet, now known as “The Graveyard.” It is possible that within the sealed palace may be
Bail Organa and the rest of the royal family alive!!! As the Rebels arrive at what’s left of
Alderaan, a large ship suddenly appears from out of nowhere, which they very nearly hit. It’s
an Alderaanian War Frigate from the time of the Clone Wars. And it jumps into hyperspace
before they can do anything. They continue on to Mining Outpost 11 to confirm Kamiroz’s
story. The miners there (all Imperial agents) harass and test the miners, trying to determine if
they are the Heroes of Yavin. Imperial Security Bureau agent Dal Rogos, unaware of the
miners’ identities, tries to capture the Rebels himself. In the outpost’s computer, they find
confirmation that Bail Organa is alive and a message to Darth Vader to bring in the fleet, as
Skywalker and his friends are here! The Rebels race off the outpost and into the Graveyard.
They fly to an asteroid that has apparently been converted to a base… No sooner do they
enter than stormtroopers jump them and the entrance to the asteroid is sealed off. A
holoimage of Vader appears, meant for Luke, Han and Leia. It appears all of this was just
another of Vader’s traps for them. The Rebels are locked in until he arrives. They run deeper
into the asteroid, into what appears to be the Royal Palace (or at least part of it). They
encounter “ghosts (or rather, holoimages of ghosts) intended to psychologically torture the
heroes of Yavin. Then they find an old man named Orinn Tathis, who was a member of
Alderaan’s Council of Elders. He intends to help Leia and the Rebellion by revealing
Alderaan’s “greatest gift – and its greatest shame.” It seems the Frigate they’ve been seeing,
the Another Chance, is filled to the brim with all the weapons Alderaan gave up decades ago.
It’s been in hyperspace all that time, awaiting a summons home in times of war a summons
that never came. He leads them to a hidden hangar which contains a Skipray Blastboat - an
escape vessel for the Royal Family. They fight through TIEs as Tathis works on a “last-hope”
homing beacon to bring the Chance to them. It arrives, and they board it as the Imperial fleet
shows up and sets up a blockade around the system… The Rebels race against time to gain
control of the ship, fighting past its’ automatic defenses at the same time. As they gain
control, the Millennium Falcon arrives, as does Vader’s shuttle. The Chance plows into the
Imperial blockade, convincing the Heroes of Yavin to beat a hasty retreat. The Chance
follows it into hyperspace, joining the Rebellion with all the armaments of Alderaan with them.
The Alliance has just gained a badly-needed advantage in the war…
(Graveyard of Alderaan)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A black vessel descends through the polluted atmosphere of Ord Mantell, a lone figure
disembarks after the Corellian transport lands. Many locals flee when the catch a glimpse of
the solitary person, a Nalrithian bounty hunter named Cypher Bos. Cypher has come to
speak to a Chadra-Fan named Baajik, a secret double agent for either the Rebels or the
Hutts, whichever side serves his immediate needs. A robed figure watches Cypher Bos walk
down the street to the Drunken Bantha, the only place worth traveling this far for. The robed
figure, a Rebel, is shocked to see his own agent sell him out to Cypher Bos. The Rebels
hood falls away to reveal that he too, is a Nalrithian, the same insectoid species as Cypher
Bos. Nalrithians, who share a mental link between eggmates, allows them to think and act at
a limited range no more than a dozen meters. Phoedris Bos, the Rebel, has managed to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 370
suppress his thought link until realization strikes to the fact that he is being sold out, and one
powerful thought of “No1” reverberates across the Drunken Bantha. Cypher detects his egg-
brother, and pursues him, eventually killing him. Cypher Bos takes the place of his egg-
brother, and infiltrates the Rebellion. Baajik, the Chadra-Fan returns to the Rebel base, and
notices something awry due to his heightened senses, and confronts Cypher, but Cypher
shoots him down.
(Double Cross on Ord Mantell)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Intending to throw off the Empire in its search for the Rebel Alliance’s new base, Luke
Skywalker and Han Solo, flying X-wings, undertake one of presumably several Rebel
missions to scout jungle planets. This should give the impression to the Imperials that they
are looking for a base like Yavin IV again, rather than on the ice planet of Hoth, where Echo
base is being expanded to fit the Alliance’s needs. While over the jungle world, they come
under attack by Imperial cruisers, but manage to escape by linking their deflector shields.
They return to Hoth, where Leia Organa awaits with a new mission for Han, Luke,
Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, and herself. The Rebellion is in dire need of funds, and Leia’s
family had holdings in a company that was nationalized by the Empire. That company will
soon be sending a large stash of cash to the Empire as a tribute, and they intend to steal it
back. On Ord Mantell, Leia, R2-D2, and Han will use a computer terminal to reprogram the
drop off instructions to divert the money shipment. Luke and C-3PO will be on hand with a
work order to take a freighter with the money off the planet when it arrives in a cargo carrier.
Chewbacca will wait with the Millennium Falcon to get the others off of the planet, then link up
with Luke in space to transfer the money. On the planet, they will work with Rebel agent
Phoedris Bos, an insectoid Nalrithian, which gives Han issues because they are often far too
similar and close with those hatched from the same round of eggs. They head for Ord
Mantell, where they act under aliases. The Millennium Falcon is theVictory Ring. Han and
Leia are “Velrec and “Balruth.” The mission goes fine, and the money is diverted, but
“Phoedris” reveals himself to be Cypher Bos, Phoedris’ eggmate, whom Phoedris supposedly
killed (it was the other way around). Cypher learned of the mission and killed his brother,
taking his place. Cypher now has the knowledge of his eggmate, thanks to a mind-link before
Phoedris’ death. Cypher captures Han, Leia, and R2-D2, intending to collect the bounty on
Han from Jabba the Hutt, and, recognizing Leia, decides to turn her over to the Empire for
another bounty. In the ensuing standoff, Han reached his weapon before Cypher, killing the
bounty hunter. They try to warn Luke to get away from the freight dock, but their comlink was
broken in the scuffle. They race back to the Millennium Falcon to contact Luke from there.
Luke and C-3PO are nearly caught by the dock master, who doesn’t recognize them. They
convince the dock master that C-3PO is a medical droid, and the ship needs to be
decontaminated. The dock master is convinced, and C-3PO boards and begins getting the
freighter ready to lift off. As stormtroopers enter the area, Luke uses his lightsaber to cut the
freighter free of its docking shackle (which was still on, thanks to Cypher). They manage to
escape with C-3PO piloting and Luke hanging from the landing skid. Our heroes reunite in
space using a “flying catch” maneuver, as Leia uses her feminine wiles to seduce ground
control to let the Falcon (or “Victory Ring) go. They make it back to Hoth with the funds.
(Rebel Mission to Ord Mantell)
Darth Vader is informed by Major Herrit of Imperial Intelligence that, as per his request, the
bounty hunter Nariss Siv Loqesh will be joining in the hunt for Han Solo and Leia Organa.
Meanwhile, a young Bothan agent named Bie Breillya views a recording from a Twi’lek
contact, but he is interrupted by the arrival of Nariss, who takes him into custody. Nariss
intends to use Bie, who has a bounty on his head, as bait to lure in and defeat other bounty
hunters, earning him a greater reputation. He has the chance to do that already, though, as
Crote, his contact, brings him news of the Empires desire for him to hunt for Solo and
Organa. Instead, though, Nariss intends to do things his own way. Unfortunately, the Empire
is not turned down lightly. Nariss does go his own way, but in doing so, he earns a “locate
and detain” order being placed on his head. The hunter is now the hunted.
(Hunting the Hunters)
While on the hunt for Han Solo, a bounty hunter (probably Dengar) comes into conflict with a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 371
rag-tag Rebel squadron. He uses a trio of hyperspace microjumps to get the drop on them,
intending to gain information on Solo’s location and to collect a bounty on dead Rebels from
the Empire.*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Punishing One Expansion Pack.
Talon Karrde survives an intricate assassination scheme by one of the lieutenants in Jorj
Car’das’ former smuggling organization.
(conjecture based on Vision of the Future via TimeTales, verbatim)
Rutralli Optor, the leader of a team of hijackers, commandeers the passenger liner Telgordo's
Pride in the Trax sector. Optor was unusually belligerent and perceptive for a Mon Calamari.
(conjecture based on Gamemaster Kit via TimeTales, verbatim)
Kell Tainer becomes infatuated with Tuatara Lone, a beautiful holo-actress on Sluis Van,
where he lives and works as a mechanic. He will be obsessed with her for three years, when
he’ll find out that shes happily married with kids of her own.
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
Around this time, records that did not make their way into Ysanne Isard’s hands after the
downfall of Armand Isard find their way to lawyer Lestra Oxic. Among the information is the
fact that Tobb Jadak, former pilot of the Stellar Envoy (Millennium Falcon) is alive and in a
coma on Nar Shaddaa, following a crash twenty-two years earlier. Believing that Jadak will
be the key to finding the Republic Group treasure, he has Jadak moved to Aurora Medical on
Obroa-Skai and pays for his treatments from then on. To this end, Oxic puts Dr. Lial Sompa
in charge of Jadaks care.*
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)*
*NOTE: In one place, this is said to be right around the time of the Battle of Endor, which would split Jadak’s
coma into 23 years on Nar Shaddaa and 49 years on Obroa-Skai, but the novel repeatedly beats us over the head
with references to a split of 22 years and 60 years, making this single reference to the Battle of Endor era
incorrect. Presumably, this is meant to be around the time of the Battle of Hoth instead.
A Rebel base on Nentan is discovered by the Empire. Barely two months old, the base
begins a hasty evacuation but it is filled to bursting with civilians looking for passage to
Rebel safeworlds. As General Carlist Rieekan continues the evacuation, Captain Bren Derlin
sneaks past the invading Imperials’ enemy lines and captures an Imperial transport which he
uses to evacuate the remaining Rebels and civilians right under the Imperials’ noses. Derlin
is promoted to Major as a result, and assigned to the then-under-construction Hoth base with
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back via TimeTales, verbatim)
Emperor Palpatine places Grand Vizier Sate Pestage in charge of the day-to-day running of
the Empire, as he becomes more and more involved in Dark Side studies.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, abridged)
An alien named Ap Kormar begins to play center for the Shockball team, Quent Assassins.
After the Assassins defeated the Shad Furies 21-20 in a match in Imperial City, Ap was
attacked and beaten to death by seven humans who claimed to be Furies fans. In reality, the
seven were Imperial supporters, working for a distant Moff, who killed Ap as an example to
other Alliance sympathizers. His death was nearly prevented by Ytavarg Aleema, but
Aleema arrived too late to save Kormar. In anger, Aleema used his shockball equipment to
kill the seven attackers.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Rebel Operatives via TimeTales, verbatim)
M-3PO (AKA Emtrey) is assigned to Lieutenant Losca, in the Quartermaster Corps, based at
the planet Hoth. Losca had to work hard to try to build up stores after the losses at Derra IV
and she wasn’t having much luck. At that point in time, the defeat made things look bad for
the Rebellion, so resources began to dry up. Lieutenant Losca was getting killed at
negotiations and wasn’t getting the job done to her or Alliance Command’s satisfaction. She
wanted to create a database that would allow her to function like a commodities trader, but
computer resources were limited and tied up coordinating things like defenses. Apparently
the Alliance leadership wasn’t too high on the idea of becoming a commodities exchange, so
they forbade her from doing anything that ambitious and urged her to keep doing what she
was doing. The Hoth base was supposed to be a top secret, and the opinion that setting it up
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 372
as some sort of market place would have led to its discovery. Lieutenant Losca appeared
to think that without some sort of trade, the Rebellion would run out of supplies. The base
would remain hidden, but be out of everything that made it possible to rebel. In desperation
she had some techs cobble Emtrey together out of spare parts. She sliced some
commodities brokering code together and burned it into some chips that were implanted into
Emtrey. The brokering chips gave him a second personality that operates without the normal
3PO personality being aware that it exists. The scrounger can be brought to the fore by
asking it to scrounge something, or telling it to “shut up.” When the latter technique is used,
the droid becomes a simple data terminal that gives access to all its data.
(conjecture based on Wedge’s Gamble via TimeTales, verbatim)
Admiral Hiram Drayson and Joi Eicroth, a scientist, begin a romantic relationship that they
keep secret.
(conjecture based on Tyrant’s Test via TimeTales, verbatim)
Shortly before the Battle of Hoth, the Empire nationalizes Bansche Tech on suspicion of
providing assassin droids parts to the Hutts, Mytaranor slavers, and others.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
Around this time, Dax Doogun, former owner of the Millennium Falcon, begins following Han
Solo’s exploits.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
Booster Terrik is released from the Kessel prison complex after his five-year jail term is
(conjecture based on The Bacta War via TimeTales, verbatim)
The planet Asher III, an Alliance maintained staging base, is tracked down by the Empire and
(conjecture based on Stock Ships via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Human Events Network reports that the Kallea Cycle will now be touring the Core Worlds
and Colonies. (Exact date of report via Human Events Network: 38:5:25)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
Corporal Maer is assigned by Echo Base to work as a tauntaun handler.
(conjecture based on Jedi Knights Trading Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Herglic Trading Journal reports that Ororo Transportation and Xizor Transport Systems have
both had amazing profit increases in recent months. (Exact date of report via Herglic Trading
Journal, Basic Edition: 38:6:2)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
Shortly before the Battle of Hoth, Luke Skywalker and Dack Ralter discover a dianoga in the
waste system of a transport. The dianoga was allowed to stay, so long as he didn’t get in the
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
By this time, the planet Sanctuary is providing a significant portion of the foodstuffs for the
Rebel Alliance, as a result of the initial Alliance deal struck with the planet shortly after the
Declaration of Rebellion.
(conjecture based on Strongholds of Resistance)
On Aruza, Dengar carries out a hit on COMPNORs General Sinick Kritkeen, whom he has
been paid to kill by the locals Kritkeen has been subjugating and turning over to Imperial
Redesign. One local, Abano, pleads for the life of his daughter, Manaroo, and Kritkeen
orders her brought to him. Before she can arrive, Dengar kills Kritkeen. Manaroo arrives and
he agrees to take her off of the planet. He drops her off on a backwater planet before
continuing on to Toola, where he makes a contact and joins the Rebellion. He knows that
this could lead him to the object of his hatred, Han Solo, which is why he’s been killing
COMPNOR officersto prove his anti-Imperial sentiment so the Rebels would take him in.
He receives nav-coordinates to Hoth. (To be continued below . . . )
(Payback: The Tale of Dengar)
Just days before the discovery of Echo Base by the Avenger and its probe droids, Captain
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 373
Wyron Serper, a Rebel spy aboard the Avenger, which is, at this point, far from Hoth, reports
to Echo Base that the Imperials are nowhere near discovering their base. As such, he is
pulled from the assignment (and somehow manages to leave the Avenger undetected, it
seems) and reassigned to Echo Base, where he will remain until killed by Darth Vaders
snowtroopers in the Battle of Hoth that he might have helped to prevent, if only he’d stayed a
few days longer until the Death Squadron changed course for the system.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in Echo Base)
As a result of pilot losses, Alliance General Straker assigns a group of rebels with limited
piloting experience to the Anatra Dora, under the command of Captain Lisha Randan, which
carries a squadron of eight A-Wings. They are to train as pilots and then fulfill the ships
primary mission, which is to harass Imperial shipping so as to thin out the Imperial fleet (since
the Empire will have to use more ships to protect convoys). While on a six day jump to the
Duluth system to pick up supplies, the rebels undergo classroom instruction and computer
simulations. Once arriving, the rebels practice actually piloting their A-Wings. Departing the
system is delayed, as engineers discover problems in the Anatra Dora’s power core, so the
rebels pass the time inspecting a giant hole on the only non-gas giant planet in the system. A
flock of mynocks fly out of the hole and attack, but the rebels blast and beat them away. On
their way back to the ship, Captain Randan contacts them to report detection of a weak
transmission on the planet’s surface (which is supposed to be devoid of life). Investigating,
the rebels discover a damaged Imperial probe droid which opens fire on them. After a brief
exchange of blaster fire, the droid explodes. Later, the captain explains their new orders.
The Anatra Dora is to proceed to Bassadiir, in the Tangiir system, and attack Imperial
freighters hauling produce (which the Empire has basically stolen from the inhabitants by
paying less than half of the market value). The ship arrives in the system and locates four
freighters to attack. During the attack, an Imperial picket ship arrives and launches twelve
TIEs. Eight of the TIEs attack the eight A-Wings, while the other four attack the Anatra Dora.
The rebels eventually win the engagement and escape to hyperspace, but at the cost of a
few pilots and their ships. As a bonus, several underground groups on Bassadiir were
impressed that an outnumbered rebel squadron defeated Imperial fighters and so have
expressed interest in joining the Alliance.
(Carrier Assignment)
Early Victories Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Bruce Jones &
Louise Simonson & Terry Austin & Darko Macan)
Tales From Mos Eisley [continued] (comic: Bruce Jones)
Light Duty
Mostly Automatic [continued]
Hegg's Tale
Side Trip (AJ/TFTE/SWH short stories: Timothy Zahn & Michael A. Stackpole)
Side Trip, Part One (AJ12/TFTE/SWH short story: Timothy Zahn)
Side Trip, Part Two (AJ12/TFTE/SWH short story: Michael A. Stackpole)
Side Trip, Part Three (AJ13/TFTE/SWH short story: Michael A. Stackpole)
Side Trip, Part Four (AJ13/TFTE/SWH short story: Timothy Zahn)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Darth Vader Campaign [continued]
The Adventures of Drake Paulsen [continued] (AJ/SWH short stories: Patricia A. Jackson)
Idol Intentions (AJ12 short story: Patricia A. Jackson)
The Adventures of Celia "Crimson" Durasha [continued] (AJ/SWH short stories: Charlene
Newcomb & Rich Handley & Peter Schweighofer)
Crimson Jailbreak (AJ5 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
Hoth Entry
Planet Section
Asteroid Belt
Incident Report
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 374
Ewoks [continued] (comic series/cartoon series/children’s book series: Dave Manak &
Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil & Sam Wilson & Stephen
Langford & James Howe & Judy Herbstman & Melinda Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe
Ewok Adventures [continued] (children's book series: Larry Wienberg & Cathy East Dubowski &
Melinda Luke & Helena Clare Pittman & Unknown)
Wicket Goes Fishing (Melinda Luke)
The Ewok Who Was Afraid (Helena Clare Pittman)
Ewoks Children's Book Saga (children's book series: James Howe & Judy Herbstman & Melinda
Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe Johnston)
How the Ewoks Saved the Trees: An Old Ewok Legend (children's book: James Howe)
The Ewoks' Hang-Gliding Adventure (children's book: Judy Herbstman)
The Baby Ewoks' Picnic Surprise (children's book: Melinda Luke)
Three Cheers for Kneesaa!: An Ewok Adventure (children's book: Jane E. Gerver)
The Adventures of Teebo: A Tale of Magic and Suspense (children's book: Joe
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)
The Rainbow Bridge (comic: David Manak)*
The Rainbow Bridge
A Stone’s Throw
The End of the Rainbow
*NOTE: This story was later reprinted in the Star Wars Annual: 1985 for Marvel UK.
MyComyc [continued] (comic series: Editorial Gepsa)
Ewoks (comic series: Editorial Gepsa)
Princess Kneesaa’s Birthday (comic: Editorial Gepsa)
Ewoks [continued] (comic series/cartoon series/children’s book series: Dave Manak &
Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil & Sam Wilson & Stephen
Langford & James Howe & Judy Herbstman & Melinda Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)
Rites of Power (comic: David Manak)
Rites of Power
A Call to Arms
Fight to the Finish
Flight to Danger (comic: David Manak)
Flight to Danger
The Devil Beast
In the Den of the Quorks
Valley of Evil (comic: David Manak)
Valley of Evil
The Deadly Game
A Chase to the End!
The Terrible Machine (comic: David Manak)
The Terrible Machine
The Discovery
The Battle!
Ewoks Children's Book Saga [continued] (children's book series: James Howe & Judy
Herbstman & Melinda Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe Johnston)
Wicket Finds a Way: An Ewok Adventure (children's book: Melinda Luke)
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)
The Ice Demon (comic: David Manak)
The Perilous Laughing Spell (comic: David Manak)
The Perilous Laughing Spell
A Near Riot
Moving the Mountain
Eye of the Kreegon (comic: David Manak)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 375
Eye of the Kreegon
Alive Again!
The Beast Goes Wild!
The Underwater Kingdom! (comic: David Manak)
The Underwater Kingdom!
Danger in the Deep!!*
The Ultimate Sacrifice
*NOTE: Yes, this part of the story’s title actually has two exclamation marks, which makes the one-exclamation
mark titles from the Marvel era seem tame by comparison.
Lost in Time! [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)
Droids [continued] (comic series/cartoon series: Dan Thorsland & Ryder Windham & Anthony
Daniels & Dave Manak & George Carragone & various)
Droids [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak & George Carragone)
Lost in Time! [continued] (comic: Dave Manak)
Escape to Endor
Ewoks [continued] (comic series/cartoon series/children’s book series: Dave Manak & Paul Dini &
Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil & Sam Wilson & Stephen Langford & James
Howe & Judy Herbstman & Melinda Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe Johnston)
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)
The Demons of Endor (comic: David Manak)
The Demons of Endor
A Race in Time
Ewoks [continued] (comic series/cartoon series/children’s book series: Dave Manak &
Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil & Sam Wilson & Stephen
Langford & James Howe & Judy Herbstman & Melinda Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)
The Incredible Shrinking Princess (comic: David Manak)
The Incredible Shrinking Princess
Tunnel of Terror
A Little Princess Goes a Long Way!
The Thorn Monster (comic: David Manak)
The Thorn Monster
The Brown Forest of Endor?
The Wrath of Morag
King for a Day (comic: David Manak)
King for a Day
The Great Escape
The End of the King!
MyComyc [continued] (comic series: Editorial Gepsa)
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Editorial Gepsa)
Perfect Antidote (comic: Editorial Gepsa)
The Princess in a Predicament (comic: Editorial Gepsa)
Snare in the Forest (comic: Editorial Gepsa)
The Balloon (comic: Editorial Gepsa)
To Trap Latara (comic: Editorial Gepsa)
Logray’s Staff (comic: Editorial Gepsa)
Painting Exposition (comic: Editorial Gepsa)
Ewoks [continued] (comic series/cartoon series/children’s book series: Dave Manak &
Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil & Sam Wilson & Stephen
Langford & James Howe & Judy Herbstman & Melinda Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)
1988 Ewoks Annual (comic: Dave Manak)
Chief Chirpa Kidnapped!
Fuzzy as an Ewok (children's book: Virginia Holt)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 376
Fuzzy as an Ewok (children's book: Virginia Holt)
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)
1988 Ewoks Annual (comic: Dave Manak)
Return of the Great One!
The Ice Princess!
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
Bespin Entry
Bespin's Industrial Investment Opportunities--Tap Into a Fountain of Wealth
Natural Wonders--Exotic Life in the Clouds
Cloud City--The Silver Lining of Bespin's Clouds
Ugnaughts--An Efficient and Enthusiastic Workforce Ready to Serve Your
Recreation Opportunities--A Place to Play, a Place to Relax
Ewoks [continued] (comic series/cartoon series/children’s book series: Dave Manak &
Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil & Sam Wilson & Stephen
Langford & James Howe & Judy Herbstman & Melinda Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe
Ewoks (cartoon series: Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil & Sam
Wilson & Stephen Langford)
Season 1
The Haunted Village (cartoon series: Paul Dini)*
The Cries of the Trees (cartoon: Paul Dini)
The Haunted Village (cartoon: Paul Dini)
Rampage of the Phlogs (cartoon: Paul Dini)
To Save Deej (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
Ewok Adventures (children's book series: Larry Wienberg & Cathy East
Dubowski & Melinda Luke & Helena Clare Pittman & Unknown)
Wicket and the Dandelion Warriors (children's book: Larry
To Save Deej (children's book: Unknown)
The Traveling Jindas (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
The Tree of Light (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
The Curse of the Jindas (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
The Land of the Gupins (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
The Haunted Village [continued] (cartoon series: Paul Dini)*
*NOTE: The episodes included in The Haunted Village (the Animated Classics video) are listed here in their
original airing order from the original Ewoks cartoon series. On the actual videotape (and, yes, this will sound
odd), the order is changed. On the video, the story runs: Sunstar vs. Shadowstone (opening segment); The
Haunted Village; Cries of the Trees; Rampage of the Phlogs; and Sunstar vs. Shadowstone (the remainder of the
episode). Thanks to Phil Salomon for pointing this out.
Ewok Adventures [continued] (children's book series: Larry Wienberg &
Cathy East Dubowski & Melinda Luke & Helena Clare Pittman &
The Haunted Village (children's book: Unknown)
Sunstar vs. Shadowstone (cartoon: Paul Dini)
Ewok Adventures [continued] (children's book series: Larry Wienberg &
Cathy East Dubowski & Melinda Luke & Helena Clare Pittman &
The Shadowstone (children's book: Cathy East Dubowski)
Sun Star Against Shadow Stone (children's book: Unknown)
Wicket's Wagon (cartoon: Paul Dini)
Ewok Adventures [continued] (children's book series: Larry Wienberg &
Cathy East Dubowski & Melinda Luke & Helena Clare Pittman &
Wicket’s Wagon (children's book: Unknown)
The Three Lessons (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 377
Blue Harvest (cartoon: Paul Dini & Sam Wilson)
Asha (cartoon: Paul Dini)
Ewok Adventures [continued] (children's book series: Larry Wienberg &
Cathy East Dubowski & Melinda Luke & Helena Clare Pittman &
The Red Ghost (children's book: Melinda Luke)
Brand America: Bold Bright - Beautiful (live production: Ice Capades, Inc.)
The Ewoks and the Magic Sunberries (live production: Ice Capades, Inc.)
Ewoks [continued] (comic series/cartoon series/children’s book series: Dave Manak &
Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil & Sam Wilson & Stephen
Langford & James Howe & Judy Herbstman & Melinda Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe
Ewoks [continued] (cartoon series: Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil &
Sam Wilson & Stephen Langford)
Season 2
Just My Luck [flashback] (cartoon: Michael Dubil)
Crisis on Cloud City (RPG: Christopher Kubasik)
Crisis on Cloud City (RPG: Christopher Kubasik)
Graveyard of Alderaan (RPG: Bill Slavicsek)
Graveyard of Alderaan (RPG: Bill Slavicsek)
Double Cross on Ord Mantell (SWGM5/SWH short story: Mike Mikaelian)
Double Cross on Ord Mantell (SWGM5/SWH short story: Mike Mikaelian)
Rebel Mission to Ord Mantel (audio drama: Brian Daley)
Rebel Mission to Ord Mantel (audio drama: Brian Daley)
Hunting the Hunters (SWGM6/SWH short story: Bill Smith)
Hunting the Hunters (SWGM6/SWH short story: Bill Smith)
X-wing Miniatures Game [continued] (miniatures game series: Fantasy Flight Games)
Punishing One Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
One: The Rage
Carrier Assignment (VOY7 short story: James B. King)
Carrier Assignment (VOY7 short story: James B. King)
3.25 ABY
At Darra IV, a supply convoy bound for the Rebel base on Hoth is attacked. The attack is
orchestrated by Thrawn and carried out by Captain Needa's Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger
and its compliment TIE squadrons, including Soontir Fel. The attack destroyers Commander
Narra's Renegade Flight and the rest of the Rebel convoy. On Hoth, the Rebels are informed
of the convoy’s destruction, and, although it is a bad way to earn a promotion, Narra’s
absence gives Rieekan the chance to promote Luke Skywalker to Commander. Shortly
thereafter, the Avenger enters the Hoth system and dispatches probe droids to search for
Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance. On Hoth, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo are on
patrol and about to head back when Luke is attacked by a wampa ice beast. Back at the
Rebel's Echo Base, Han informs General Carlist Rieekan that he will be leaving the Alliance
to pay off Jabba the Hutt. Leia Organa is flustered by this, but the two still do not admit to
true feelings for each other. Later, after Luke has not reported in at his scheduled time, Han
enters the deadly Hoth night to find him. Luke has, in fact, escaped the wampa, using the
Force to reclaim his lightsaber and killing the creature. In a delirium on the frozen plains, he
sees a vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi telling him to go to Dagobah and learn the Jedi ways from
Jedi Master Yoda. Han finds him and they take shelter for the night. In the morning, Rogue
Squadron (minus their leader, Luke) finds them, and Luke is nursed back to health. A probe
droid finds Echo Base and destroys itself while Han tries to destroy it. The Avenger (and its
brethren) arrive in orbit, and Blizzard Force AT-ATs (led by General Maximilian Veers) head
for the surface. The Rebels put up a valiant effort in T-47 snowspeeders and with ground
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 378
forces until finally retreating in full force from the base. Han, Leia, Chewie, and C-3PO
escape in the Millennium Falcon. Luke, his T-47 destroyed, rejoins Rogue Group at Echo
Base, and they evacuate in their X-wings. On the way from the planet, they disable a Star
Destroyer with a concentrated volley of proton torpedoes and escape safely. Luke heads for
Dagobah, while the Falcon is pursued by the Imperial forces, taking refuge in the Hoth
asteroid belt. They enter the asteroid dubbed "Big One" and unknowingly enter a space
slug's digestive tract, before finally escaping and attaching themselves to the command tower
of a Star Destroyer. During their seclusion, Han and Leia begin to show their feelings for
each other more openly. On Dagobah, Luke has met Yoda (unknowingly) and been taken to
his hut. Yoda speaks with Obi-Wan's spirit, who convinces Yoda that Luke (years too old to
be trained) can be trained, despite Yoda's objections at the time. Aboard Darth Vader's
flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Executor, Vader speaks with Emperor Palpatine on
Coruscant (unknowingly with Xizor at Palpatine's side) about the quest to turn Luke
Skywalker to the Dark Side. On Dagobah, Luke trains with Yoda. He then enters the Dark
Side Cave near Yoda's hut and receives a vision in which he battles and defeats Darth
Vader, only to find that under Vader's mask is his own face--a sign both that Vader is related
to Luke, but more importantly that Luke holds the promise of great good or great evil. Later,
Yoda lifts Luke's X-wing from the swamp where it sank, uttering the "Yoda-isms," "Do or do
not. There is no try," and "Size matters not." Back on the Executor, Darth Vader places a
bounty on the Millennium Falcon, setting Dengar, Zuckuss, 4-LOM, IG-88, Bossk, and Boba
Fett on the heroes' tail. Shortly thereafter, Han sets course of Bespin and leaves as the Star
Destroyer ejects its garbage, but is followed by Boba Fett in Slave I. On Dagobah, Luke
receives a vision of Han and Leia in great pain. He decides that, against Yoda and Kenobi's
advice, he must go to them. On Bespin, Han is reunited with Lando Calrissian, who offers to
have his people repair the Falcon's hyperdrive. Shortly after their arrival, C-3PO stumbles
across a group of stormtroopers and is blasted into several pieces before he can warn the
others. On Dagobah, Luke sets off for Bespin, promising to return to complete his training.
Obi-Wan fears that Luke is their last hope, though Yoda reminds him: there is another. At
Cloud City on Bespin, Chewie finds C-3PO's parts and brings them to Han, moments before
Lando takes the heroes straight into Darth Vader's hands. Fett had informed Vader of the
heroes' presence and Lando could not afford to say "no" to Vader. Once they are sealed in
the room with Vader, Chewbacca and Han prepare to attack Vader to escape, but upon
realizing that Vader would easily kill Chewie as an example, Han and Chewie stand down,
resigned to their capture. Han is tortured, but never asked questions. Lando reveals that they
are simply bait to bring Luke to Cloud City. Vader plans to freeze Luke in carbonite to bring
him to the Emperor, so they test the facility on Han. Just before being frozen, Han hears the
words he's been wanting to hear from Leia--"I love you." Vader then turns the carbon-frozen
Han over to Fett to be taken to Jabba the Hutt. Leia, Chewie, and C-3PO are to be taken
away by Vader. Luke arrives and is warned of the trap by Leia, though he charges ahead
anyway. As Leia and Chewie are escorted by guards, Lando arranges for his security force
to ambush them, freeing them to escape. Lando (while being nearly choked to death by
Chewbacca) informs them that they can still save Han. They race to the East Platform where
Fett has just lifted off with Han aboard. As Lando informs the denizens of Cloud City that the
Empire has taken control and the heroes race to the Millennium Falcon. R2-D2 joins them.
(As a result of his announcement, a group of Bespin militia members will work to free any
currently imprisoned residents of Cloud City from Imperial hands.) Luke has been herded into
a meeting with Darth Vader. In the carbon-freezing chamber, Luke and Vader duel until Luke
escapes deeper into Cloud City. The two duel again. This time, Vader uses the Force to hurl
objects at Luke, finally breaking a window into the core of the city, sending Luke out of the
level. Luke clings to a floor grating and pulls himself up onto a platform extending into Cloud
City's heart, only to be attacked again by Vader. Elsewhere, Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, C-
3PO, and R2-D2 escape in the (hopefully fixed) Millennium Falcon and are pursued from the
city by Obsidian Flight TIE fighters. Back on the gantry, Luke and Vader duel until Vader cuts
off Luke's hand, sending the hand and Anakin Skywalker's old lightsaber down into the
bowels of Cloud City. Luke hangs on for dear life from an outcropping, with his only ways to
go being with Vader, or down, down, down through the station's core. Vader attempts to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 379
seduce him to the Dark Side with talk of power and might until finally revealing the awful
truth--that Obi-Wan had lied about what happened to Anakin Skywalker and that Darth Vader
is his father. Luke, in shock, but wary of the situation, drops into the core and falls through a
garbage hatch. He catches himself on a weather vane, calls through the Force to Leia and is
rescued. The Rebels then head for their rendezvous with the Rebel Alliance fleet. Luke
receives a new hand, while Lando and Chewbacca set out in the Millennium Falcon to find
Han Solo. The situation has rarely been graver for the heroes of the Rebel Alliance . . .
(Exact date of report via Imperial HoloVision: 38:6:9)*
(Star Wars: Episode V--"The Empire Strikes Back" et al)*
*NOTE: I place ESB at 3.25 ABY instead of the usual 3 ABY due to the Galaxywide News Nets report on 38:6:9
which describes the recent Battle of Hoth, which places it not merely three years after ANH, but three years and
three months after ANH. The exact date given is an approximation based on the report of the defeat. This film’s
date was reiterated in the material I gathered for the Essential Atlas and is found on the ESB map.
The Star Wars Classic Blu-Ray Trilogy [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh
Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)
Star Wars: Episode V--”The Empire Strikes Back” (movie: Leigh Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan &
George Lucas)
Opening Logos
The Empire Strikes Back
Ice Planet Hoth
The Rebel Base
Escape from the Wampa
Closing the Doors
Obi-Wan’s Instructions
Search Party
Luke’s Recovery
Imperial Probe Droid
The Imperial Fleet
Preparing for Battle
First Transport Away
Battle in the Snow
The Tide Turns
Rebels in Retreat
Escape Aboard the Falcon
Leaving for Dagobah
The Empire in Pursuit
Asteroid Field
Crash Landing on Dagobah
Hunting the Falcon
“Found Someone, You Have”
Interrupted Kiss
The Emperor’s Message
Yoda’s Hut
“This is No Cave”
Jedi Training
Failure at the Cave
Bounty Hunters
There is No Try
Out with the Garbage
Seeing the Future
City in the Clouds
Meeting Lando
Leaving Dagobah
Leia’s Concerns
Imperial Surprise
The Deal Gets Worse
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 380
Luke Enters the Trap
Confronting the Dark Lord
Lando’s Second Surprise
Lightsaber Duel
Escape from Cloud City
Vader’s Revelation
Falcon to the Rescue
The Empire Closes In
The Rebel Fleet
End Credits
The Star Wars Classic DVD Trilogy [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas &
Leigh Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)
Star Wars: Episode V--”The Empire Strikes Back” (movie: Leigh Brackett & Lawrence
Kasdan & George Lucas)
Opening Logos
The Empire Strikes Back
Ice Planet Hoth
The Rebel Base
Escape from the Wampa
Closing the Doors
Obi-Wan’s Instructions
Search Party
Luke’s Recovery
Imperial Probe Droid
The Imperial Fleet
Preparing for Battle
First Transport Away
Battle in the Snow
The Tide Turns
Rebels in Retreat
Escape Aboard the Falcon
Leaving for Dagobah
The Empire in Pursuit
Asteroid Field
Crash Landing on Dagobah
Hunting the Falcon
“Found Someone, You Have”
Interrupted Kiss
The Emperor’s Message
Yoda’s Hut
“This is No Cave”
Jedi Training
Failure at the Cave
Bounty Hunters
There is No Try
Out with the Garbage
Seeing the Future
City in the Clouds
Meeting Lando
Leaving Dagobah
Leia’s Concerns
Imperial Surprise
The Deal Gets Worse
Luke Enters the Trap
Confronting the Dark Lord
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 381
Lando’s Second Surprise
Lightsaber Duel
Escape from Cloud City
Vader’s Revelation
Falcon to the Rescue
The Empire Closes In
The Rebel Fleet
End Credits
The Star Wars Special Edition Trilogy [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas &
Leigh Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)
Star Wars: Episode V--”The Empire Strikes Back” (movie: Leigh Brackett & Lawrence
Kasdan & George Lucas)
The Original Trilogy [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh Brackett &
Lawrence Kasdan)*
Star Wars: Episode V--”The Empire Strikes Back” (movie: Leigh Brackett & Lawrence
Kasdan & George Lucas)*
Opening Logos
The Empire Strikes Back
Ice Planet Hoth
The Rebel Base
Escape from the Wampa
Closing the Doors
Obi-Wan’s Instructions
Search Party
Luke’s Recovery
Imperial Probe Droid
The Imperial Fleet
Preparing for Battle
First Transport Away
Battle in the Snow
The Tide Turns
Rebels in Retreat
Escape Aboard the Falcon
Leaving for Dagobah
The Empire in Pursuit
Asteroid Field
Crash Landing on Dagobah
Hunting the Falcon
“Found Someone, You Have”
Interrupted Kiss
The Emperor’s Message
Yoda’s Hut
“This is No Cave”
Jedi Training
Failure at the Cave
Bounty Hunters
There is No Try
Out with the Garbage
Seeing the Future
City in the Clouds
Meeting Lando
Leaving Dagobah
Leia’s Concerns
Imperial Surprise
The Deal Gets Worse
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 382
Luke Enters the Trap
Confronting the Dark Lord
Lando’s Second Surprise
Lightsaber Duel
Escape from Cloud City
Vader’s Revelation
Falcon to the Rescue
The Empire Closes In
The Rebel Fleet
End Credits
*NOTE: This represents the original version of The Empire Strikes Back, with all of its normal scenes intact.
Thus, it is the one granted the listing of DVD chapter titles, using the “theatrical version” released as part of the
2-disc releases of the film.
The Original Trilogy CED Releases [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas &
Leigh Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)*
Star Wars: Episode V--”The Empire Strikes Back” (movie: Leigh Brackett & Lawrence
Kasdan & George Lucas)*
*NOTE: This represents the early CED release of the film that was compressed down to less than 120 minutes
(leaving out some scenes) to fit the media format. See the Star Wars Video Release History in the Appendices.
The Novelization Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: George Lucas & Alan Dean
Foster & Donald F. Glut & James Kahn)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (novel: Donald F. Glut)
Chapters 1 14
The Radio Drama Trilogy [continued] (radio drama trilogy: Brian Daley)
The Empire Strikes Back (radio drama: Brian Daley)
Freedom's Winter
The Coming Storm
A Question of Survival
Fire and Ice
The Millennium Falcon Pursuit
Way of the Jedi
New Allies, New Enemies
Dark Lord's Fury
Gambler's Choice
The Clash of Lightsabers
The Original Comic Adaptation Trilogy [continued] (comic trilogy: Roy Thomas &
Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (comic series: Archie Goodwin)*
The Empire Strikes Back, Part I (comic: Archie Goodwin)*
The Empire Strikes Back*
Battleground Hoth!*
Imperial Pursuit!*
The Empire Strikes Back, Part II (comic: Archie Goodwin)*
To Be a Jedi!*
Betrayal at Bespin*
Duel a Dark Lord!*
*NOTE: The issue titles here are from the Dark Horse reprinting, while the subtitle names are from the original
printings in issues 39 44 of the Marvel Series. These issues were also reprinted in the third Classic Star Wars:
A Long Time Ago . . . trade paperback.
Photo Comic Adaptations [continued] (comic series: Tokyopop & George Lucas &
Bryan Andrews & Darrick Bachman & Paul Rudish & Genndy Tartakovsky &
Kirsten Mayer & Rob Valois & Zachary Rau)
The Photo Comic Adaptation Trilogy [continued] (comic trilogy: Tokyopop & George
The Empire Strikes Back (comic: Tokyopop & George Lucas)
The Manga Comic Adaptation Trilogy [continued] (comic trilogy: Hisao Tamaki &
Toshiki Kudo & Shin-Ichi Hiromoto)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 383
The Empire Strikes Back (comic series: Toshiki Kudo)
The Empire Strikes Back, Part I (comic: Toshiki Kudo)
The Empire Strikes Back, Part II (comic: Toshiki Kudo)
The Empire Strikes Back, Part III (comic: Toshiki Kudo)
The Empire Strikes Back, Part IV (comic: Toshiki Kudo)
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapters 19 20
The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 13
A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 10
The Chronicle Books Adaptations [continued] (children’s book series: John
The Empire Strikes Back (children’s book: John Whitman)
The Special Edition Read-Along Trilogy [continued] (read-along book trilogy:
Randy Thornton)
The Empire Strikes Back (read-along book: Randy Thornton)
The Original Read-Along Trilogy [continued] (read-along book trilogy: Buena Vista
The Empire Strikes Back (read-along book: Randy Thornton)
Princess Leia: Rebel Leader [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Princess Leia: Rebel Leader [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Luke Skywalker: Jedi Knight [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Luke Skywalker: Jedi Knight [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Han Solo: Rebel Hero [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Han Solo: Rebel Hero [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
R2-D2 and C-3PO: Droid Duo [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
R2-D2 and C-3PO: Droid Duo [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
The Fun Works Adaptations [continued] (children’s book series: Jane Paley & Ken
Steacy & John Whitman & Unknown)
The Empire Strikes Back (children's book: John Whitman)
The Golden Books Adaptations [continued] (children's book series: Unknown)
The Empire Strikes Back (children's book: Unknown)
The Hoth Adventure (children's book: Unknown)
Meltdown on Hoth (children's book: Unknown)
The Complete Saga [continued] (youth novel: Jason Fry)
The Complete Saga [continued] (youth novel: Jason Fry)
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
The Legendary Yoda [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
The Legendary Yoda [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
A New Pupil
Jedi in Training
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Jedi Knight [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Jedi Knight [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Guiding Light [continued]
Ultimate Duels [continued] (children’s book: Lindsay Kent)
Ultimate Duels [continued] (children’s book: Lindsay Kent)
Cloud City Clash
Star Wars Mini-Book Adaptations [continued] (children’s book series: Reed)
Luke Skywalker [continued] (children’s book: Reed)
Han Solo [continued] (children’s book: Reed)
Princess Leia [continued] (children’s book: Reed)
Darth Vader [continued] (children’s book: Reed)
The Empire Strikes Back (children’s book: J.J. Gardner)
The Empire Strikes Back (children’s book: J.J. Gardner)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 384
The Empire Strikes Back Panorama Book (children's book: Unknown)
The Empire Strikes Back Panorama Book (children's book: Unknown)
The Star Wars Storybooks [continued] (children's book series: Geraldine
Richelson & Shep Steneman & Joan D. Vinge)
The Empire Strikes Back Storybook (children's book: Shep Steneman)
Classic Star Wars [continued] (children's book series: Larry Weinberg & Jim
Thomas & Elizabeth Levy)
The Empire Strikes Back (children's book: Larry Weinberg)
Star Wars Pop-Up Book [continued] (pop-up book series: Kevin J. Anderson &
Rebecca Moesta & Ken Steacy & Kay Carroll & John Whitman & Unknown)
The Empire Strikes Back (pop-up book: Unknown)
Tiger LCD Star Wars Trilogy [continued] (video game trilogy: Tiger, Ltd.)
The Empire Strikes Back (video game: Tiger, Ltd.)
The Empire Strikes Back (video game: Parker Brothers)*
The Empire Strikes Back (video game: Parker Brothers)*
*NOTE: For those keeping track, this was the first Star Wars video game ever produced, released on the Atari
2600 even before the classic Star Wars Atari arcade game was released.
The Atari Arcade Trilogy [continued] (video game series: Atari)
The Empire Strikes Back (video game upgrade kit: Atari)
Stage 1: Probe Droids
Stage 2: AT-ATs and AT-STs
Stage 3: TIE Fighters
Stage 4: Asteroids
The JVC 8-Bit Saga [continued] (video game: JVC)
The Empire Strikes Back (video game: JVC)
Level 1: Hoth
Level 2: Snowspeeder
Level 3: Escape from the Rebel Base
Level 4: Dagobah
Level 5: Dagobah Swamp
Level 6: Above Cloud City
Level 7: Inside Cloud City
Apprentice of the Force [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Apprentice of the Force [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Episode V
Escape from the Cavern
Locate Your X-wing
Escape the Battleground
Find Yoda
Learn to Use the Force
Locate, Han, Leia, and the Others
Fight Darth Vader
Flight of the Falcon [continued] (video game: THQ)
Flight of the Falcon [continued] (video game: THQ)
Episode V
Hoth Asteroid Field
Cloud City, Bespin
Escape the Executor
The Story of Darth Vader [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
The Story of Darth Vader [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Imperial Fleet
Vader’s Revenge
Cloud City
The Greatest Battles [continued] (children’s book: Michael Dana)
The Greatest Battles [continued] (children’s book: Michael Dana)
Original Trilogy [continued] (video game: Jakks Pacific)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 385
Original Trilogy [continued] (video game: Jakks Pacific)
Star Wars Saga Annual 2006 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Saga Annual 2006 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Annual 2007 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Annual 2007 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
C-3PO [continued]
The Empire Strikes Back
Journals 1 11
Darth Vader [continued]
The Empire Strikes Back
Journals 1 8
Star Wars Annual 2009 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Annual 2009 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Message Recording 20547: Leia Organa
Message Recording 20548: Luke Skywalker
Message Recording 20600: Han Solo*
Message Recording 20557: Lando Calrissian
Message Recording 20549: Yoda
Message Recording 20550: Luke Skywalker
Message Recording 20560: Luke Skywalker
Message Recording 20563: C-3PO
*NOTE: There is no indication as to why this entry by Han is out of numerical order, though it is presented here
chronologically. (It was recorded, however, on Tatooine, so it has to be after ROTJ already started and he was
freed. That may account for the numerical issue.)
Star Wars Annual 2012 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Annual 2012 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
The Empire Strikes Back
Ultimate Missions [continued] (miniatures game series: J.D. Wiker)
Rebel Storm [continued] (miniatures game: J.D. Wiker)
Wampa Fight
Probe Droid Pursuit
Echo Base Defense
Echo Base Evacuation
The Dark Side Cave
Dinner Party
Imperial Custody
Cloud City Escape
Parts 1 3
Luke Skywalker’s Amazing Story [continued] (novel: Simon Beecroft)
Luke Skywalker’s Amazing Story [continued] (novel: Simon Beecroft)
The Empire Strikes Back (video game: THQ)
The Empire Strikes Back (video game: THQ)
Super Star Wars [continued] (video game trilogy: Kalani Streicher)
The Empire Strikes Back (video game: Kalani Streicher)
Area 1: Hoth
Hoth I
Hoth I-A
Hoth I-B
Hoth I-C
Hoth II
Hoth III
Hoth 3-D
Rebel Base I
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 386
Rebel Base II
Rebel Base III
Area 2: Asteroid Field
Asteroid Field
Area 3: Dagobah
Dagobah I
Dagobah I-A
Dagobah II
Area 4: Cloud City
Cloud City I
Cloud City II
Ugnaught Factory
Cloud City Approach 3-D
Carbon Freezing Chamber
Reactor I
Reactor II
Reactor III
William Shakespeare’s Star Wars [continued] (novel trilogy: Ian Doescher)
The Empire Striketh Back (novel: Ian Doescher)
Act I
Scenes 1 7
Act II
Scenes 1 7
Scenes 1 7
Act IV
Scenes 1 5
Act V
Scenes 1 4
LEGO Star Wars [continued] (video game series: LEGO)
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga [continued] (video game: LEGO)
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy [continued] (video game: LEGO)
The Empire Strikes Back
Hoth Battle
Escape from Echo Base
Falcon Flight
Cloud City Trap
Betrayal Over Bespin
LEGO Star Wars Mobile [continued] (video game series: THQ)
LEGO Star Wars II Mobile [continued] (video series: THQ)
A group of heroes are contacted and asked to go to the bar Shimmer, in the floating city
Tellis, on Pelagon, in the Tapani Sector, not realizing that Shimmer is a pro-House Pelagon
and pro-Rebel front. They meet the manager, Dall, who informs them that a young woman,
Cassie Ries, was kidnapped two days prior from her house on Pelagon. That morning, the
kidnappers contacted the family and demanded 25,000 credits merely for the opportunity for
the family to talk to Cassie. Dall offers to pay the heroes 100,000 credits to attempt Cassie's
rescue (discreetly, of course), and offers another 100,000 if they are successful. The heroes
accept and immediately move into an apartment across from the Ries home to keep tabs on
the family and see if they can learn anything by watching them. That night, the kidnappers
contact the family and demand 250,000 credits, to be delivered in two days. Two days later,
the kidnappers instruct Sera Ries, Cassie’s mother, to take the money to a specified location.
When she arrives, she finds a datapad which instructs her to go to another location. This
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 387
process is repeated several times, and the heroes discretely follow her to each location.
Eventually, she is sent to an expensive restaurant, wherein a note in the menu instructs her
to drop the case of money down a chute in the refresher room. The heroes rush down to the
chute’s egress, but there are so many employees at work that they notice nothing out of the
ordinary. Later, the kidnappers demand 50,000 more credits, to which Hal Reis, Cassie’s
father, erupts into a tirade. The kidnappers calmly allow him to finish and then threaten to kill
Cassie, which stops Hal. Unknown to the family or the kidnappers, the heroes realize that
Hal’s tirade extends the kidnapper’s transmission longer than normal, which allows them to
trace it to an underwater research facility. After securing underwater transportation, they
sneak into the complex, only to find it abandoned. Realizing they’ve blundered into a trap,
the heroes race out of the facility before it explodes. The kidnappers threaten to kill Cassie in
response, but the parents plead for another chance. They are instructed to go to the planet
Lamuir, where they will receive further directions. The heroes talk to Dall, and he provides
them with the Nova Raven, a YT-1600 Corellian transport. They travel to Lamuir and follow
the Ries family around during the planet-wide festival in progress, allowing them to observe
the family be given a datacard. On the card is the final demand: ensure that Cassie’s
grandfather, Grand Councilman Kellin Ries, votes against a certain article, and deliver
1,000,000 credits to the planet Procopia within four days. At this point, Dall contacts the
heroes and suggests that they board the same civilian transport the family will take to
Procopia and introduce themselves during the trip. Arriving on Procopia, the heroes meet
Kellin Ries and explain the situation to him. He refuses to comply unless he is assured that
Cassie is still alive, and conveys this to the kidnappers when they contact the family. The
kidnappers accept the demand and offer a holorecording taken the previous day. When the
heroes have the recording authenticated, the holovid expert points out that a logo in the
background indicates it was recorded on Mrlsst. The heroes travel to Mrlsst, over the
mother’s objections (she claims they might get her daughter killed), and, with some help from
the local underground, eventually track the kidnappers to a shantytown shack, where they
find Cassie drugged and strapped to a chair. The kidnappers, except for one, flee at the sight
of the heroes. The captured criminal confesses that Sera Ries, Cassie’s mother, hired them
to kidnap her daughter and make their demands. Sera is arrested and Cassie returned
home. Later, the heroes are contacted by the holovid expert, who explains that he has
discovered further information that the kidnappers attempted to delete from the datacard.
The card reveals that the captured criminal is in fact Cassie’s boyfriend. Suspecting that
Cassie has framed her mother, the heroes return to the Ries residence to find Cassie about
to flee. They restrain her and she quickly admits that she had herself kidnapped so that the
ransom money could feed her spice habit. However, the heroes suspect that her confession
isn’t genuine and so continue investigating. They learn that the shantytown shack on Mrlsst,
as well as the underwater research facility on Pelagon, was recently purchased by the
corporation Hal Ries works for. They go to his office and discover evidence that Hal is
actually working for House Mecetti, and may even be a Mecrosa agent. Before they can
gather any of the evidence, Hal bursts in and lobs a thermal detonator. They escape the
explosion, but all of the evidence against Hal is lost in the blast. They chase him to the
starport, but he escapes with the assistance of two Mecrosa Z-95 Headhunters.
Nevertheless, both Cassie and Sera are relieved of any suspicion. The heroes have to be
careful from now on, though, for they’ve earned House Mecetti’s wrath.*
(Centripetal Drive)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. As strange as it sounds, even though it has no relation
to ESB, it flat-out states in the text that it is concurrent with ESB. Thus, I have put it here, before the rest of the
ESB tie-in materials that are concurrent, so as to hopefully avoid some confusion.
As the probe droids are being launched to scour the galaxy for rebels, Darth Vader worries
that if the emperor discovers Luke’s existence and captures him, he will replace Vader with
Luke. Thus, Vader must find Luke first and together they can “bring about a new era in the
galaxy!” Palpatine then reveals, through the holo-emitter on an R2 unit, that he has
discovered that Vader had a hidden apprentice. The captured Tao is then brought before
Vader. Palpatine takes control of Vader’s limbs and strikes Tao down with his lightsaber.
While a mortal blow, Tao does not immediately die. Vader takes a shuttle to devastated
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 388
Shumari to allow Tao to die on his homeworld. Before losing consciousness, Tao says that
he can still sense the good in Vader and pleads with him not to lose himself to the emperors
evil. Tao’s words break through Vader’s anger and he feels remorse for what he has allowed
himself to become and for his treatment of Tao. A Tusken Raider then suddenly appears and
attacks Vader. In broken basic, the Tusken divulges that he is a survivor of the tribe that
Anakin slaughtered in revenge over his mothers death. Caught off guard, Vader is too
stunned by the Tuskens initial blows to properly fight back. He prepares to die, but is saved
from a killing blow by Tao, who kills the Tusken with the last of his strength. With his last
breath, Tao begs Vader to release his anger. Stricken with even more intense grief, Vader
carves a tombstone for Tao and then leaves Shumari. He goes to Tatooine to contemplate
his past. He realizes that while he has led a painful life and made many mistakes, now, with
a son, he finally has hope for the future.*
(Perfect Evil)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn.
A second probe droid on Hoth is discovered by a wampa and captured. It is then hung by its
“legs” from the roof of the wampa’s cave, possibly as dinner (with, uhm, high mineral content,
*NOTE: This two-page story from Star Wars Tales #5 was presumed to be N-Canon for quite a while, but Cristian
Catalan informed me that in the UK, this appears to have been referenced in C-Canon context in The Official Star
Wars Fact Files #51. So, here it is, back from the black hole of apocrypha.
As the probe droid on Hoth discovers the existence of the Rebel base, it transmits its data to
the Empire, but also to Mechis III, where IG-88 takes it as a prime opportunity to see the
Executor in action. (To be continued below . . . )
(Therefore I am: The Tale of IG-88)
As Luke Skywalker nears death in the cold of Hoth, the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi subtly
nudges Han Solo through the Force toward where Luke has fallen. Having done so, he
appears to Luke, instructing him to go to Dagobah to learn from Yoda.
Lieutenant Tanith Sorn, a bridge officer on the Executor, goes to a meeting in Engineering
with someone claiming to have information about a Rebel spy on board. The spy, Malkor
Trel, meets her in a secluded part of Engineering and murders her.*
(conjecture based on Murder on the Executor)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn. This is the night before the scenario begins.
Knowing that Han Solo’s discovery of the Imperial probe droid means that the Rebel base on
Hoth will soon come under attack, a young man named Corporal Jobin records a message
for his mother. In the coming hours, Jobin will be present at Echo Station Five-Seven, which
gets some support from Luke Skywalker’s Rogue Group. He will help ensure that the ion
cannon continues working to cover escaping ships. He will even wind up entering the
Millennium Falcon’s docking bay just after the ship lifts off and be pursued by Darth Vader
and his snowtroopers before Vader chokes the life from him. The recording will eventually
make it, thanks to a survivor of Hoth, to his mother . . . Mon Mothma. (To be continued below
. . . )
Boba Fett arrives in the Hoth system just ahead of the oncoming Imperial fleet, taking
advantage of their offer of payment for help rounding up Rebels in the oncoming Battle of
Hoth. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett)
Brenn Tantor, now a General, is placed in command of General Maximilian Veers Blizzard
Group. Knowing that the shield generator must be destroyed, he has his Imperials focus on
that task . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(Force Commander)
While waiting as the Battle of Hoth rages, Leia Organa cannot leave, but cannot do much
more at the moment, so she takes the time to record a holomessage for Luke Skywalker,
suggesting that there is some connection between them that they don’t understand yet. (To
be continued below . . . )
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 389
(Free Memory)
Dash Rendar participates in the Battle of Hoth and then fights his way back to his ship, the
Outrider and escapes through the Hoth asteroid belt. (To be continued below . . . )
(Shadows of the Empire)
Agents of the Galactic Empire, including stormtroopers, shock troopers, and scout troopers
engage Rebel soldiers, vanguards, and sharpshooters in battles on both Hoth and Tatooine.*
(Mobile Squadrons)*
*NOTE: There is no indication at all when this takes place, since it is a pretty simple cellphone game without a
story. However, the fact that one of the battles is on Hoth suggests that it must be during the Battle of Hoth (the
only engagement between the Rebels and Imperials on Hoth). I have assumed, since there is no indication
otherwise, that the battle on Tatooine is concurrent to the one on Hoth, as you can choose to tackle the two
locations in whichever order you like.
As the Battle of Hoth rages, X2 is among those Rebels who are fighting to hold off the
Imperials long enough for the Rebel leadership to escape. X2 assists Echo Station 5-7, then
uses an R2 unit to repair the Y-150 Planetary Defender cannon, then uses it to blast away a
damaged tractor beam emitter on a Star Destroyer so several Rebel ships can escape. He
then heads into space to join Grey Squadron in attacking the Star Destroyer Avarice. X2
boards the Avarice and sabotages it, only to come face to face with his “brother, X1, who is
now showing command of the Force (just like X2, though X2 has little training). They fight to a
draw, then X1 escapes X2’s pursuit as X2 also escapes into space to rejoin Grey Squadron.
In the wake of the encounter, X2 will begin to wonder about the Force abilities X1 had. Could
he serve the Rebellion better if he were trained to use the Force as well? (To be continued
below . . . )*
(Elite Squadron)*
*NOTE: This summary is an amalgamation of the events in the DS and PSP versions of the game. In the DS
version, X2 starts on the ground, defends Echo Station 5-7, then uses the ion cannon (without having to repair it).
After that, he goes into space, boards the Avarice, and faces X1, who is using the Force and a lightsaber now. In
the PSP version, X2 starts in space (and so does Luke, which makes no sense, given that he’s on the ground for
all of the Battle of Hoth, so I’ve left that part out), then he lands and repairs (then uses) the ion cannon. Then he
returns to space to board the Avarice and confronts X1, but in this version X1 and X2 duel only with blasters,
which, among other things, makes the idea of X2 pondering the Force after the encounter somewhat non-existent
in the PSP version.
Dengar arrives at Hoth to join the Rebels just as the Battle of Hoth rages. He sits out the
battle and is taken aboard a Star Destroyer, where he is presumed to be a Rebel and
subjected to interrogation. (To be continued below . . . )
(Payback: The Tale of Dengar)
IG-88B, after observing the Battle of Hoth but not interfering, decides to lurk around until
Darth Vader issues a call for bounty hunters to chase Han Solo, which is only logical. (To be
continued below . . . )
(Therefore I am: The Tale of IG-88)
During the Battle of Hoth, Col Serra’s Renegade Squadron helps protect Echo Base while
Rebels try to evacuate. They first take out an AT-AT that is bearing down on the ion cannon,
then protect the ion cannon control bunker until the rest of the Rebel fleet is safely off of the
surface. (They even briefly run into and then escape Darth Vader on the surface.) They then
take their own starfighters to guard the transport carrying the evacuating ion cannon team,
but they must face off with Imperials in orbit because the ion cannon is now unmanned down
below. They see the transport off, then get aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer to steal one of
the new TIE Defender starfighters they are facing in combat. With the TIE Defender sample
now in Rebel hands, the Renegades briefly fend off Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced x1
before themselves escaping into hyperspace. (To be continued below . . . )
(Renegade Squadron)
During the Battle of Hoth an Imperial agent is on special assignment with the 501
scout detachment when the Imperials manage to capture General Crix Madine and his aides.
They are to secure the prisoners and take him to the Star Destroyer Tyrant, but they are
attacked by Rebels, including Wedge Antilles and another Rebel. The Rebels manage to free
Madine’s aides, but the Imperials keep Madine in custody. As other Imperials march on Echo
Base, they take a shuttle (with Madine aboard as prisoner) up to the Tyrant. Wedge and the
other Rebel learn from the rescued aides that Madine is to be taken to the Tyrant and then
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 390
sent to a prison on Dathomir. While Wedge stays with the aides, the other Rebel is sent back
to Echo Base, where Wedge says he should tell Toryn Farr that he must get aboard the
Tyrant somehow. While the 501
takes Madine to the detention block, the Imperial agent
reports to Captain Lennox. When the Tyrant is hit by an ion cannon from Echo Base, the ship
is temporarily disabled. This give a Rebel team (led by the Rebel who as with Wedge, whose
orders to go to the Tyrant prompted Toryn to fire upon the Star Destroyer next) enough time
to board the Tyrant and rescue Madine, escaping in a stolen shuttle to the Mon Calamari
cruiser Champion that is leaving Hoth for the Rebel rendezvous point. As the Champion
attempts to go to hyperspace, the Tyrants systems come back online. The two capital ships
clash. In order to buy time for the Champion to escape, it sends out X-wings, including one
flown by the somewhat inexperienced Rebel who had led Madine’s rescue. The fight goes
well for the Rebels, and the Champion is able to escape. The Rebel, whom Wedge and
Madine gave the somewhat amusing callsign “Vapebait,” is congratulated by his two
superiors on his skill in an unfamiliar situation. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Price of Victory)*
*NOTE: This story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, which takes place later in
the timeline than most, during the Battle of Hoth and afterward. The story weaves together the Dark Side and
Light Side versions of the scenario.
A group of Imperial recruits stationed on the Executor are called to a conference room.
There, a lieutenant commander informs them that one of the ship’s bridge officers, Lieutenant
Tanith Sorn, was murdered the night before in Engineering. The recruits are tasked with
investigating the murder and capturing alive those responsible. The investigators begin by
going to the scene of the crime. Sorn was murdered in a back area in Engineering, and they
find the scene cordoned off and still a mess of spilled storage bins and blood. They are
quickly able to determine that she was killed by blaster fire from multiple assailants, some
likely being droids. A review of the security footage from last night reveals that shortly after
Sorn entered Engineering, four labor droids left the area, two with blood spatter on them and
another with damage from blaster fire. Following up that lead, the investigators are able to
locate an engineer on duty last night who noticed three worker droids follow Lt. Sorn into the
area where she was murdered after claiming that their tools were malfunctioning. Shortly
thereafter, they returned and requested permission to go to the droid pool for maintenance.
The investigators decide to inspect the droids for tampering and contact the droid pool to
request that the maintenance cease. A technician tells them that he will stop work
immediately, but before he can finish the investigators begin hearing screaming through the
comlink. Fearing that the droids have begun attacking more people, they rush to the droid
pool along with a security squad. Once there, the droids attack. The investigators eventually
are able to stop the droids and rescue two of the technicians. Checking the droids’
programming, they are able to determine that it was altered the day before. According to
official records, only three people were logged into the computer at that time in the droid pool
(the most likely place to attempt the alterations), Petty Officer Malkor Trel, a droid technician,
Sergeant Landin Thyte, an engineer, and Lt. Ein Trummin, a bridge flight officer.
Furthermore, a search of Sorn’s quarters reveals her journal, in which she describes her
intense rivalry with Trummin. The investigators decide to follow up that lead by going to the
bridge to ask the other officers about this rivalry. Trummin himself is not there when they
arrive, since he has been sent to the hangar bay to escort several bounty hunters to the
bridge. Shortly thereafter, the door to the bridge opens to reveal stormtroopers escorting
Dengar. Realizing they wont be able to talk to Trummin or the other bridge crew anytime
soon, the investigators track down Malkor Trel in a rec area playing Dejarik. He claims he did
no programming the previous night, but he remembers both Thyte and Trummin doing some
work in the droid pool while he was there. Next, the investigators find Thyte in his quarters.
He says he was in the droid pool doing research on building small droids, a hobby of his. He
remembers Trummin only being there for a short time, but Trel was still there when Thyte left.
Determined to talk to Trummin, the investigators go to the hangar bay. They find him there,
but says he is too busy to be interrogated, as he is greeting the bounty hunters on Vader’s
orders. He quickly adds that he was in the droid pool requisitioning a protocol droid for that
very purpose and invites them to ask Vader if they dont believe him. Further questions are
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 391
cut off by the arrival of a Ghtroc 720 freighter. Four armored men disembark, the leader
wearing a helmet that completely hides his face. He identifies himself as Bail Antilles and
announces he is interested in the bounty on Han Solo. While he confers with Trummin, the
investigators are contacted by the bridge commander who informs them that a Rebel code
began being broadcast from the hangar the moment the Ghtroc 720 landed. They are
ordered to place the four men into custody immediately. A firefight immediately breaks out
and Trummin is hit by blasterfire. The investigators are eventually able to take out all of the
“bounty hunters and, upon searching their ship discover a datapad confirming that they were
really Rebels on a mission to extract a Rebel spy from the Executor. Before Trummin loses
consciousness and is taken away by the medics, he manages to whisper that he knows who
killed Lt. Sorn. Later, in the infirmary, the investigators are able to briefly speak with Trummin.
He tells them that the night Sorn was killed she told him she was going to Engineering to
meet with someone who had information about a Rebel spy, who she suspected was named
Malkor Trel. This is confirmed by a further search of Sorn’s datapad, which turns up a hidden
file spelling out her suspicions of Trel. Furthermore, the investigators are able to find on the
Rebels’ datapad a picture of Trel. They rush down to the droid pool, hoping to catch Trel at
his post, but are informed that he called in sick that morning. He isn’t in his quarters, either,
so the investigators decide to check the hangar bay in case he is trying to leave the ship.
They find him entering the Rebels’ Ghtroc 720 freighter while overhearing technicians
complaining about the sudden malfunctioning of the hangar’s tractor beam system. The
investigators rush aboard before Trel can escape, but before they can arrest him he admits
defeat and offers them the chance to join the Rebellion. (Whether they choose to do so is
(Murder on the Executor)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. He notes that the scenario is said to start during the
Battle of Hoth, hence its placement here. Bear in mind that the ending is unclear because this scenario actually
has two possible endings, depending on whether or not they join the Rebellion.
During the escape from Hoth, Wedge Antilles, Derek “Hobbie” Klivian, and Wes Janson run
interference for an escaping transport without cover fire from the now-destroyed ion cannon.
They pull a Tallon split, evading the incoming Star Destroyer and making it to safety.*
(Running the Gauntlet)*
*NOTE: If you don’t recognize this small story, don’t fret. It is simply a small side story on page 26 of Galaxy
Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back.
During the evacuation of Hoth, a GR-75 transport leaves Echo Base through an Imperial
minefield on one side of the planet. Once in space, they must pass through the Imperial
blockade. They are able to make it through the blockade and into the nearby asteroid field.
Once through, they jump to hyperspace.*
(The Evacuation of Hoth)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Rebel Transport Expansion Set.
Having escaped from Hoth, three Rebel GR-75 transports head for a predetermined
rendezvous point (presumably before heading for the final rendezvous point for the entire
Rebel fleet). Upon arrival, the transports and their X-wing escorts find themselves under
attack by Imperial starfighters that followed them by tracking one of the transports. The
Rebels scatter.*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Rebel Transport Expansion Set.
Dengar is visited in his cell by Darth Vader, who makes him a dealhe will hunt Han Solo for
Vader, and Vader might let him live. At the moment, Solo and the Millennium Falcon are in
the Hoth asteroid belt, but Vader isnt confident in his imminent capture. Taking a lead from
his “hiring” of Dengar, Vader decides to call other bounty hunters to join in the search. (To be
continued below . . . )
(Payback: The Tale of Dengar)
Boba Fett boards the Executor and meets with Darth Vader before he is set to meet with the
bounty hunters as a group. Vader is impressed that Fett was able to determine that Hoth
was the Rebel base the Imperials were after. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett)
Heeding the call for bounty hunters, Zuckuss and 4-LOM arrive in the Hoth system as the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 392
Bright Hope, one of the last Rebel ships leaving the planet, begins its escape. Aboard the
Mist Hunter, they help stop the ship and then head for the Executor. They hope to capture
whatever bounty Darth Vader is going to send them after in order to pay for treatment for
Zuckuss damaged lungs. 4-LOM also hopes to learn how to use the Force or “intuition” that
Zuckuss can use. Aboard the Bright Hope, Toryn Farr takes care of her sister, Samoc, and
then takes charge of getting the vessel ready to jettison its escape pods down to Hoth,
though many will be left behind. (To be continued below . . . )
(Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM)
Black Sun’s Prince Xizor overhears Darth Vader speaking with the Emperor via hologram and
learns that they are after Vader’s son, Luke Skywalker. He prepares to use this information
for his own purposes. (To be continued below . . . )
(Shadows of the Empire)
While studying under Master Yoda on Dagobah, Luke Skywalker notices an intruder on the
planet. He chases the droid bounty hunter, Milko, to his ship, where Luke overpowers him,
using intimidation to make sure that the hunter will not let it be known where Luke was found.
(Slippery Slope)
Dengar attends the bounty hunter “meeting” aboard the Executor and promptly leaves to
chase Han Solo, though before he can go after Solo, Boba Fett disables his ship. (To be
continued below . . . )
(Payback: The Tale of Dengar)
IG-88 B attends the bounty hunter “meeting” aboard the Executor and then digs into the
ship’s files, where he learns of the construction of the Death Star II. He transmits details back
to Mechis III, where IG-88A and the other two confer, deciding that they should make a
duplicate computer core for the Death Star II with IG-88’s sentience inside, which could then
take over the station at a later time. At the same time, Gurdun is assigned to go with the real
core to the battle station. (To be continued below . . . )
(Therefore I am: The Tale of IG-88)
Zuckuss and 4-LOM attend the bounty hunter “meeting” on the Executor and decide that to
catch Han Solo, they will find a way to join the Rebellion at their presumed rendezvous point
above the galactic plane. To do so, they go back to the Bright Hope and rescue the
passengers. As the ship’s computers and droids receive memory wipes to keep information
out of Imperial hands, they head off to the rendezvous point. (To be continued below . . . )
(Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM)
Shortly after the bounty hunter “meeting” on the Executor, Boba Fett speaks with the Imperial
escorting him back to his ship. They speak of Fett’s observations of Han Solo fifteen years
earlier on Jubilar. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett)
Shortly after the bounty hunter “meeting” on the Executor, Bossk is met by two other bounty
hunters who arrived too late for the meeting. They are Tinian I’att and her Wookiee Ng’rhr
(master to Tinian, the apprentice), Chenlambec. They tells Bossk they will use Chen’s
Wookiee contacts to hunt down Han Solo for a cut of the profits. Bossk agrees, though he
wants to take them both out of the picture and have Chen’s pelt as a prize. Tinian and Chen
know of an operation where Imperial Governor Io Desnand in the Aida system has helped set
up a Wookiee slave camp on the planet Lomabu III, hoping to use it as bait to trap a Rebel
rescue fleet. They tell Bossk that it is part of a Rebel-friendly Wookiee network, which they
use to bring Solo to them. As Tinian’s miniature droid, Flirt, ingratiates herself with the
computer of Bossks ship, the Hound’s Tooth, they make their way to Lomabu III. There,
Bossk sends Chen and Tinian out in a small craft, the Nashtah Pup, which he has armed with
a weapon that will rain down death all across the Wookiee populace, not just in the impact
area as Chen and Tinian believe. As the Wookiees below begin to revolt against their
Imperial captors, Flirt manages to fulfill her mission and trap Bossk in a holding cell, after
taking over the Hound’s Tooth’s computer system (well, more like seducing it). Flirt tells
Chen and Tinian about the weapon and they race back to the Hound’s Tooth and take
command. They use the ship to destroy the Imperial weapons towers on Lomabu III, freeing
the captive Wookiees, before heading to meet with Governor Desnand and give turn Bossk
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 393
over to him for a hefty bounty. Tinian and Chenlambec leave. They have their reward, a new
ship, and now Flirt has a new body in the form of Bossk’s old X10-D droid. Later, the
Governor brings his female companion, Feebee, to see Bossk, where Bossk learns his fate
he will be killed and have his skin used to make a lizard-skin gown for Feebee.
(The Prize Pelt: The Tale of Bossk)
Bossk somehow manages to escape from Governor Desnand.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)*
On Dagobah, Luke Skywalker, training with Yoda, has just been told more about the Dark
Side (“quick to join you in a fight,” etc.). As a test for Luke, Yoda brings him to the feeding
ground of the King of the Dragonsnakes (the same dragonsnake that tried to eat R2-D2 upon
arrival in the swamp). He battles the dragonsnake, which Yoda says has something that
doesn’t belong to Yoda or the dragonsnake but which Yoda would like to have. After a few
more lessons in how to fight an enemy using his weaknesses, rather than focusing on
weapons, Luke reaches the “Jagged Place” where the dragonsnake king resides and fights
off other creatures, only to be picked up by a accipiptero (sort of a pterodactyl creature) and
nearly dropped into its nest. Luke is visited by Obi-Wans spirit, who reminds him that he is
not alone, prompting Luke to use the Force to sense the beings around him until being led
into the lair of the dragonsnake. He battles the creature until he realizes that the creature is
strong but weak-minded. He influences the creature’s mind, retrieving what Yoda sought an
accpiptero egg. He then has the dragonsnake bring him back to Yoda, who is waiting by
Luke’s X-wing. The dragonsnake king has been humbled and is set upon by other
dragonsnakes, ending its reign of terror over the swamp. As for Luke, he has been tested
once again and learned much . . . and Yoda’s stew tastes so much better with egg . . .
(Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes)
The Imperial agent who was with the 501
when they brought General Crix Madine to the
Tyrant, only for him to escape, is with a group of Imperials who are sent to Cloud City by
Darth Vader to make sure that a Rebel agent, Jedi Rachi Sitra, cannot further disrupt
negotiations between the Empire and Cloud Citys Baron Administrator, Lando Calrissian.
They confront Sitra on a landing pad and attack her. She is not killed, but they are able force
her to escape from Cloud City in her old Jedi Interceptor, thereby insuring that she cannot
further disrupt negotiations on Bespin. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Price of Victory)*
*NOTE: This story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, which takes place later in
the timeline than most, during the Battle of Hoth and afterward. The story weaves together the Dark Side and
Light Side versions of the scenario.
Awarru Tark, a mercenary invited to the bounty hunter meeting that took place earlier, finally
arrives (late) to meet with Darth Vader aboard the Star Destroyer Avenger, where Vader has
gone for tactical planning (it would seem). When Tark is finally alone with Vader, he removes
his cloak and attacks Vader with lightsaber-like blades on each arm. During the fight, Vader
reaches into Tarks mind and learns the motives behind the attack. Tark was an alien named
Stauz Czycz, who lived on a world that Palpatine ordered Vader to attack. Stauz was left for
dead, and his family and home were destroyed. Stauz vowed vengeance and had his body
replaced by a new more humanoid body, in which he’d exact his revenge under the guise of
Tark. Vader learns this truth just as he defeats Tark/Stauz, decapitating him. After the battle,
Vader returns to the Executors meditation chamber, where he has a moment of doubt,
thinking of how similar he and Stauz truly aredead men who have lost their children and
sacrificed their humanity in their need for revenge, more machine than man. As Vader
muses, the Executor receives a message from Bespin . . .
(Moment of Doubt)
As the Millennium Falcon arrives at Cloud City on Bespin, Darth Vader waits with Boba Fett.
A few minutes later, stormtroopers and an officer bring in the blasted remains of C-3PO, who
was destroyed upon discovering Gamma Squad’s position. Vader looks at the droid and
remembers himself, years ago, when he first discovered the parts he used to rebuild C-3PO.
He orders that the parts be destroyed. A short time later, after Vader takes possession of
Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca, his Imperial minions discover the remains of C-3PO
back in the guests quarters, where Chewbacca had brought them. After another round of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 394
memories, Vader allows the parts to be sent back to Chewbacca.
(Thank the Maker)
IG-88 learns that Boba Fett has located Han Solo, so IG-88B goes to Cloud City. There, he
wants to ambush Fett and take Solo, but Fett destroys IG-88B instead. On Mechis III, IG-88A
sends IG-88C and IG-88D after Fett. (To be continued below . . . )
(Therefore I am: The Tale of IG-88)
The Rebel agent known as “Vapebait” is sent to Cloud City (based on information from a
transmission that was intercepted from the Tyrant) to determine the nature of the Empire’s
activities there. He and his Rebel team meet with a local Ugnaught contact, Yoxgit, who is
supposed to supply that information. Instead, Yoxgit betrays them and attacks. After a quick
firefight, the survivors tell Vapebait about the Empires deal with Lando and Han Solo being
frozen in Carbonite. Meanwhile, the Imperials who drove off Rachi Sitra from Cloud City are
ordered by Captain Lennox of the Tyrant to go to the underworld of Cloud City and
investigate a meeting between Vapebaits team and Yoxgits Ugnaughts there. While they are
investigating, Lando Calrissian’s warning that the Empire is taking over the city comes over
the intercom. Panicked citizens turn the area into chaos, and then Lobot and Cloud City
police (the Wing Guard) arrive and confront them. They defeat the police and begin
interrogating them about local Rebel activity. They learn from Lobot that Vapebait’s Rebels
are now attempting to get to Slave I to stop Boba Fett from leaving Cloud City with Han Solo
in carbonite. The Imperials race to the landing pad and engage Vapebait’s group long enough
for stormtroopers to load Han into the ship. Both sides fall back (thinking themselves to have
driven back the other side and thereby being victorious over the other group), apparently just
before Lando, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, C-3PO, and R2-D2 reach the landing pad. Their
work on Cloud City done, the Imperial team returns to the Tyrant, while Vapebait’s team
returns to the Alliance rendezvous point, where Vapebaits recent activities have earned him
an officer’s commission. With the Millennium Falcon not having gotten back to the fleet yet, it
is Vapebait who brings first word of Han Solo being in Fett’s custody.
(The Price of Victory)*
*NOTE: This story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, which takes place later in
the timeline than most, during the Battle of Hoth and afterward. The story weaves together the Dark Side and
Light Side versions of the scenario.
At Cloud City on Bespin, a group of heroes saves Dr. Shemza from Imperial-hired
mercenaries. Darth Vader had wanted Shemza for his research knowledge, but Shemza had
been in contact with the Rebel Alliance. They save the doctor, but as they try to escape,
Lando Calrissians warning comes over the speakers and the Empire begins to take control of
Cloud City. They are stopped by stormtroopers, but shoot their way out and escape in their
ship. Shemzas knowledge will make it to the Rebels after all.
(The Fall of Cloud City)
Dengar finally makes it to Cloud City to find Boba Fett and Han Solo, but instead of tracking
Fett, he runs into Manaroo dancing in a bar. They take time out to talk, and she tells him she
wishes to bond with him through the Attanni procedure/device used by her culture. As they
continue to talk, Lando Calrissian warns the populace to evacuate before more Imperials
arrive. They escape and intend to chase down Fett and Solo, who are on their way to
Tatooine. (To be continued below . . . )
(Payback: The Tale of Dengar)
Shortly before the Rebels aboard the Millennium Falcon escape Bespin and reunite with the
Rebel fleet, General Crix Madine issues a datafile on repulsortank battle tactics to the Rebel
forces, hoping that more effective use of repulsortanks on the battlefield will negate the
possibility of another ground battle as devastating as that on Hoth.
(Repulsortank Battlefield)
A squad of Imperial troops from Blizzard Force are ordered to investigate an abandoned
outpost of the Rebels Echo Base. Rebel forces intercept the order and move to ambush the
Imperials when they arrive.*
(Echo Base Salvage Mission)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. It takes place sometime very soon after the Battle of
Hoth, but after the Rebels who could escape have done so.
Centripetal Drive (TM2 short story: Floyd C. Wesel)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 395
Centripetal Drive (TM2 short story: Floyd C. Wesel)
Starting the Adventure
Dall’s Offer
Setting Up Surveillance
Demands are Made
Running Around Town
The Next Message
Not Playing Around
Meeting Grandfather
Going Underground
Confronting Mother
Questioning Motives
Mecetti Influence, Mecrosa Agent
Space Chase
Perfect Evil [continued] (SWM short story: Hiromoto-SIN-ichi)
Perfect Evil [continued] (SWM2 short story: Hiromoto-SIN-ichi)
Part 2 [continued]
Hoth (SWT5 short story: Tony Millionaire)
Hoth (SWT5 short story: Tony Millionaire)
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Rebel Force [continued] (youth novel series: Alex Wheeler)
Uprising [continued] (youth novel: Alex Wheeler)
Two Years Later
Free Memory [flashback] [continued] (SWT10 short story: Brett Matthews)
Free Memory [flashback] [continued] (SWT10 short story: Brett Matthews)
Entrenched (SWV short story: Alex Jaeger & M. Zachary Sherman)
Entrenched (SWV short story: Alex Jaeger & M. Zachary Sherman)
The Tales of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH/TFJP short stories: Daniel Keys Moran & J. D.
The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH short story: Daniel Keys
"Hoth" Section
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Battle of Hoth
The Battle of Hoth (G6 game: Ryan Miller)*
The Battle of Hoth (G6 game: Ryan Miller)*
It’s a Good Bet the Empire Knows We’re Here
Our First Catch of the Day
Prepare for Ground Assault
*NOTE: This game allows players to play out the events of the Battle of Hoth on their own. It is only part of
continuity insofar as any game materials do not directly contradict more widely-accepted G- and C-Canon
Star Wars: Dark Side Developer Kit (toy set and trailer: LEGO Mindstorms)
Star Wars: Dark Side Developer Kit (toy set and trailer: LEGO Mindstorms)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Leader [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Battle of Hoth
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Battlefield Hoth
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Battlefront [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 396
Historical Campaigns [continued]
Galactic Civil War [continued]
The Battle of Hoth
Battlefront II [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Rise of the Empire Campaign [continued]
Rise of the Empire [continued]
Our Finest Hour
Shadows of the Empire (novel/comic series/video game: Ryder Windham & John Wagner
& Steve Perry & LucasArts)
Shadows of the Empire (video game: LucasArts)
Cutscene I
Part I: The Battle of Hoth
Battle of Hoth
Stage One
Stage Two
Stage Three
Stage Four
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Mobile Squadrons [continued] (video game: THQ)
Galactic Civil War
Rebel Alliance*
Galactic Empire*
*NOTE: These two factions are likely fighting each other at the same time, but I have to put them in some sort of
order when I list them, so I arbitrarily listed the Rebel Alliance faction first.
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade [continued] (video game: Sega)
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade [continued] (video game: Sega)
Episode V: Hoth--"Destroy Imperial Walkers"
Episode V: Hoth--"Escape from Echo Base"
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel/comic series/video game: Ryder Windham &
John Wagner & Steve Perry & LucasArts)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Part I: The Battle of Hoth [continued]
Escape from Echo Base
Stage One
Stage Two
Asteroid Chase
Stage One
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
The Dark Times [continued]
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: N-Space)
Act II [continued]
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Escape from Hoth
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Two: The Hope
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 397
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Part VIII [continued]
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Two: The Hope [continued]
The Tales of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH/TFJP short stories: Daniel Keys Moran & J. D.
The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH short story: Daniel Keys
"Executor" Section
Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM (TOTBH short story: M. Shayne
Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM (TOTBH short story: M. Shayne Bell)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel/comic series/video game: Ryder Windham &
John Wagner & Steve Perry & LucasArts)
Shadows of the Empire (novel: Steve Perry)
Slippery Slope (SWT15 short story: Scott Lobdell)
Slippery Slope (SWT15 short story: Scott Lobdell)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Two: The Hope [continued]
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Part VIII [continued]
Part IX
Part X
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Renegade Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
Story Missions [continued]
Echo Base
Space: Hoth
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game [continued] (card game scenario series: LucasArts
& Sony Online Entertainment)
The Price of Victory (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
A Fine Catch
Secure the Prisoner
Rescue General Madine
Imperial Entanglements
A Fine Catch [continued]
Report to Captain Lennox
Rescue General Madine [continued]
Aboard the Tyrant
Clash in the Void
Murder on the Executor (RPG: Patrick Stutzman)
Murder on the Executor (RPG: Patrick Stutzman)
Conducting the Investigation
Under Orders
The Investigation Begins
The Droid Pool
Clearing the Droid Pool
Enter the Bounty Hunters
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 398
Searching for Clues
The Droid Pool
Sorn’s Quarters
Back to Engineering
To the Bridge
Malkor Trel
Landin Thyte
Ein Trummin
Arrival of the Bounty Hunters
Rebel Escape
Mystery Solved
The Final Clues
Visitation to the Infirmary
Further Reading
Finding the Perpetrator
Discussing Their Options*
*NOTE: After this point, the story can go in two different directions, depending on whether the characters join the
Rebellion or not. If they were to join the Rebellion, it continues into three titled segments: Join the Rebellion,
Flight from the Executor, and Rebellion. If they do not join the Rebels, three different small segments pick up
from here: Undying Loyalty, Arresting the Perpetrator, and Empire.
Running the Gauntlet (short story: Michael Stern)
Running the Gauntlet (short story: Michael Stern)
X-wing Miniatures Game [continued] (miniatures game series: Fantasy Flight Games)
Rebel Transport Expansion Set Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
The Evacuation of Hoth
Blockade Run
Asteroid Gauntlet
Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM [continued] (TOTBH short story: M.
Shayne Bell)
Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM [continued] (TOTBH short story: M.
Shayne Bell)
The Adventures of Tinian I'att [continued] (AJ/TOTBH/SWH short stories: Kathy Tyers)
The Prize Pelt: The Tale of Bossk (TOTBH short story: Kathy Tyers)
Star Wars Adventures [continued] (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Tom Taylor & Chris
Luke Skywalker and the Treasure of the Dragonsnakes (comic: Tom Taylor)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game [continued] (card game scenario series: LucasArts
& Sony Online Entertainment)
The Price of Victory [continued] (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
A Fine Catch [continued]
Before the Storm
Moment of Doubt (SWT4 short story: Lovern Kindzierski)
Moment of Doubt (SWT4 short story: Lovern Kindzierski)
The Tales of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH/TFJP short stories: Daniel Keys Moran & J. D.
The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH short story: Daniel Keys
"Executor" Section [continued]
Thank the Maker [continued] (SWT6 short story: Ryder Windham)
Thank the Maker [continued] (SWT6 short story: Ryder Windham)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Trials of a Jedi
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 399
Part XI
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game [continued] (card game scenario series: LucasArts
& Sony Online Entertainment)
The Price of Victory [continued] (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
Rescue General Madine [continued]
City in the Clouds
A Fine Catch [continued]
Cloud City Police
Rescue General Madine [continued]
City in the Clouds [continued]
Hunting the Hunter
A Fine Catch [continued]
Covering the Extraction
The Fall of Cloud City (RPG: J. D. Wiker)
The Fall of Cloud City (RPG: J. D. Wiker)
Foul Play on Platform 14
Escape from Cloud City
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Two: The Hope [continued]
Repulsortank Battlefield (AJ9 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
Repulsortank Battlefield (AJ9 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
Battle of Hoth Scenario Pack (miniatures game series: Unknown)
Echo Base Salvage Mission (miniatures game: Unknown)
Bounty Hunters (canceled comic series: Andy Mangels)*
Dengar (canceled comic: Andy Mangels)*
Bossk (canceled comic: Andy Mangels)*
4-LOM (canceled comic: Andy Mangels)*
Zuckuss (canceled comic: Andy Mangels)*
IG-88 (canceled comic: Andy Mangels)*
*NOTE: This series of Bounty Hunter One-Shots never came to exist. I place it here since this is where our other
bounty hunter story series, such as Tales of the Bounty Hunters tend to center. Consider it historical curiosity.
3.25 - 4 ABY
Imperial HoloVision reports the defeat of the Rebel Alliance at the Battle of Hoth. (Exact date
of report via Imperial HoloVision: 38:6:9)
(conjecture based on Galaxywide News Nets supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #14)
An Imperial survey sent to Endor and nearby worlds returns very little useful information.*
(conjecture based on The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Endor Entry)*
*NOTE: This assumes that Pfilbee Jhorn is sent out on a new survey very soon after this initial survey.
The same survey that initially discovers the forest moon of Endor also discovers the planet
Lahsbane with its native Lahsbees and Huhks.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
Nine months before the Battle of Endor, Tempest Force, including Hume Tarl, is sent to the
forest moon of Endor in the wake of successful surveys that have identified indigenous
species like the Ewoks.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Shortly after the Rebel rout at Hoth (while at a conference where incoming news has been
cut off from the attendees), Rebel Alliance Major Viran Qol gives a lecture on Imperial
(Imperial Garrisons)
Shortly after the Imperials take over Cloud City, someone begins selling footage from security
cameras of the first portion of the duel between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Recordings
cost 15 credits and only run 20 seconds.*
(conjecture based on The InQuest World Guide to Bespin)*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 400
*NOTE: Given it source (InQuest, Volume 1, Issue 26), a card gaming magazine, this information is somewhat
Zuckuss and 4-LOM arrive with the Bright Hope passengers at the Rebel rendezvous point.
The Rebels welcome them as heroes and offer to give Zuckuss treatment for his damaged
lungs. Shortly thereafter, though, they decide to leave their offered home and go after Boba
Fett in order to find Han Solo. As they prepare to leave, 4-LOM has what seems to be a
Force vision of a future in which he is studying at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy, which will
not yet be formed for eight years.
(Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM)
Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Toryn Farr is promoted to Commander and awarded the
Kalidor Crescent, after which, she is allowed to lead a Special Forces team back to Hoth on a
rescue mission.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in Echo Base)
Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Sergeant Reye Hollis is given a promotion and the Kenobi
Medallion to go with his Kalidor Crescent, due to his selfless valor during the battle.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in Echo Base)
ISB agent Blount defects to the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Trammis Loof is stationed on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Graveyard of Alderaan via TimeTales, abridged)
Rebel bases on Yinchorr (apparently there without the backing of the Elder Council) are
leveled in the wake of the Battle of Hoth. This and following Imperial action will slowly reduce
the Yinchorri to nomadic tribes.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
With his own lightsaber lost on Bespin, Luke Skywalker begins using a spare lightsaber,
perhaps one taken from Orman Tagge or during his other early adventures, until he can
create a new one soon.*
(conjecture based on Death Probe)*
*NOTE: The Marvel Series simply jumped from ESB to Luke having a lightsaber in Death Probe. I believe the
idea of him using one taken from Orman Tagge originated with Chris McElroy’s TimeTales.
Within only a few days of his duel with Luke Skywalker aboard Cloud City, Darth Vader
arrives at Mount Tantiss on Wayland to deliver a trophy of his battle to Emperor Palpatine,
who is there waiting for him with his guardsmen and Noghri bodyguards. The trophy given to
Palpatine is none other than Luke’s severed hand and Anakin Skywalkers lightsaber, which
Luke used during the duel. Both had been recovered by the Noghri . As Palpatine makes
plans to store away the hand and lightsaber (which will eventually form the source DNA
material for “Luuke Skywalker” years later), Vader leaves Wayland to deal with more pressing
matters, such as the construction of the new Death Star and his continuing rivalry with Black
Sun’s Prince Xizor . . .
(The Emperor’s Trophy)
When Rebels raid an imperial base and steal some ships, including at least one TIE
Defender, Imperial bombers, including Gamma Three, head out in pursuit, chasing them into
an asteroid field where the Empire has set up scramblers and the Rebels have set up relays.
It becomes a race to see which side can disable the other sides asteroid belt devices first.*
(Disable the Relays)*
*NOTE: This is an X-wing Miniatures Game scenario that was included in the Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack. I
have placed it here so that the TIE Defender can be in play.
Wicket W. Warrick is finally ready to begin his training to become a true Ewok warrior. He is
presented with a Belt of Honor, to which he will attach various trophies from his adventures.
Chief Chirpa immediately attaches the Silver Feather he already earned to the belt. Shortly
thereafter, Latara lovely crystal is broken, and she decides to go to the Floating Mountain to
find the Crystal Cloak, which has the power to allow its wearer to change anything he touches
into crystal. The Cloak was stolen years ago by the Gracca of the Floating Mountain. Latara
convinces Wicket to fly with her (via glider) to the Floating Mountain. They confront the
Gracca, only to have him create a forest of crystals that nearly defeat the two Ewoks before
they are saved by Teebo and Kneesaa, who followed them. The foursome face off with the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 401
Gracca, but are forced to flee, with Teebo nearly falling to his doom in lava before Wicket
saves him. Kneesaa then uses a lasso to snatch the Crystal Cloak from the Gracca’s back,
but it falls into lava, presumably lost forever. When the Gracca continues to taunt them,
Wicket leads the Gracca up into the forest of crystals, where he is trapped by collapsing
crystals, buried alive. Wicket has defeated the Gracca and takes a small crystal as a trophy.
As for Latara, she takes a huge crystal of a crystallized animal back with her, nearly crashing
to the ground for her greedy nature.*
(The Crystal Cloak)*
*NOTE: This episode is the first episode of Ewoks’ second season, and with it come changes that drastically alter
the series. First, many of the episodes that follow, including this one, are split between two stories that are both
half-length, rather than one full-length story. Many characters are drawn a little bit differently, but others are
drawn as if they could be completely different characters, such as the much fatter Shodu, a brown (rather than
gray) Baga, and a completely different Chief Chirpa. Other characters disappear completely, including Wicket’s
aunt Bozzie and Wicket’s father Deej, who had an entire episode focused upon saving him in the first season. As
for our regular characters, most of them have distinct personality changes for the rest of the series. Wicket
becomes somewhat arrogant and a smartass, using Star Wars profanity (“Kark!”) frequently. Teebo goes from
being an eager, yet wise-for-his-age youngster to being a bumbling apprentice. Latara goes from being a solid
character with a crush on Teebo to being an entirely selfish, conceited (dare I say it?) bitch to the rest of the
characters, including using a heretofore unseen crush that Teebo has on her (a complete turnaround from the
first season) to get what she wants. Really, only Kneesaa tends to retain her original personality. Oh, and the
opening theme song is different now. Rumor has it that these changes were all necessitated by ABC, the network
that originally aired the series, as they hoped for it to appeal to a broader audience of children, but these
changes, in my opinion, essentially ripped the soul from the series, making the second season difficult to watch.
When the plants she is trying to grow all die, Princess Kneesaa is mocked by her friends.
After they leave, she is visited by the Ewok deity known as the Leaf Queen, who gives her a
plant to look after for three days. On the last of the three days, a joke played by her friends
leads to Kneesaa and the plant, carried in a cart pulled by Baga, to splash into mud. When
she offhandedly wishes for something to clean things up, the plant provides a brush. The
plant, they realize, is a Wish Plant. While Kneesaa tries to avoid using the plants powers,
since it slowly causes its leaves to whither, the others aren’t so cautious. Latara steals it and
uses it several times, followed by Wicket, then Teebo, who loses it to Latara, and so on, and
so on. When Kneesaa sees what has happened, she is shocked. When the Leaf Queen
comes to retrieve the plant, Wicket lies and says the plant is sleeping, buying them time for
Wicket to go into the forest to find another Wish Plant. (If they don’t, Kneesaa will be turned
into a pile of leaves!) The first he tries is too rooted into the ground, while a second is
guarded by a dartfly, leading to Wicket arriving without a new plant. When the Leaf Queen
finally returns, Kneesaa cries over the loss of the plant that she had cared for. When the Leaf
Queen retrieves the plant, it has been magically healed by Kneesaa’s love for it. In return for
caring for the plant, Kneesaa is given three Wish Plant seeds, which her friends promptly
begin to bicker over. Apparently, they have not learned their lesson.
(The Wish Plant)
Sick of chores, Wicket W. Warrick and Teebo run away from their home in the Bright Tree
Village to live on their own. Unfortunately, they quickly realize that this is actually harder than
living at home and doing chores. After briefly discussing their new home with Kneesaa and
Latara, the girls leave the boys to be, but not before Wicket and Latara bicker about their
respective cooking and leave Wicket covered in stew. That night, Teebo goes out to look for
food, only to return with three Kagles, other woodland creatures. The Kagles freak out when
they realize that Teebo and Wicket have never heard of the Shrieks and, thus, never got the
Shrieks’ permission to live in the area. Later that night, they are haunted (for lack of a better
word), by the Shrieks, but when they trace the sounds to their source, they find that the
“Shrieks” are actually just one Shriek named Larry. Larry had run away from his home just
like they had, only when he went back to rejoin his people, they were all gone. Seeking not to
have this happen to them, Teebo and Wicket return to the Bright Tree Village, just in time for
the Harvest Festival.
(Home is Where the Shrieks Are)
When she complains (which seems normal after her character change for the second season
of Ewoks) about her chores, Latara is allowed, via her friend Princess Kneesaa, to act as the
Bright Tree Village princess for one day. Unfortunately, this is the same day that the Gorph
Queen Slugga is having princesses from various species brought to her as potential brides
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for her son, the dim-witted Prince Vork. When none seem to fit her criteria, she decides to
have an Ewok princess captured. When mocking from her friends (and knowing that Wicket
W. Warrick is only putting up with her to earn a Pearl of Patience from Kneesaa for his Belt of
Honor) causes “Princess” Latara to run off into the forest, she is captured by Gorphs and
brought to Slugga. Her friends follow to rescue her, even though she tries to have the Gorphs
take Kneesaa instead of her. While pursued, they use Latara’s false crown to bowl over the
Gorphs, pushing them back long enough to escape.
(Princess Latara)
While preparing for the Shadow Night Festival, Teebo tries out his zomba costume on his
friends, which works until Wicket attacks him to protect them, revealing Teebo in the
costume. When Wicket needs a costume of his own, he takes a magical cap from a nearby
tree, only to have the tree transform into the Raich. They return to the village, learning that
the Raich had once terrorized the forest, using its powers to control animals. He was finally
defeated by Ewoks who placed the magical cap on his head, transforming him into a tree.
Seeking to stop the Raich (and avoid getting into trouble), Wicket, Kneesaa, Latara, and
Teebo seek out the two-headed Gonster, the being who originally created the magic cap.
They race against time, hoping to save Baga, who has come under the Raichs spell and may
soon be eaten. They get the cap, then sneak into the Raich’s lair (using Teebos costume),
where they save Baga and, after a bit of trial and error, manage to put the cap back onto the
Raich, stopping its rampage. Shortly thereafter, the Shadow Night Festival takes place, and
Latara, despite frequently shunning Teebos invitations to the festival in hopes of being asked
by Tak or Big Bert, finally dances with the lovestruck Teebo.
(The Raich)
While gathering dangleberry juice, Wicket, Kneesaa, Teebo, and Latara are met by the
traveling Totem Master, who gives them a totem pole in return for some juice. Kneesaa
warns Wicket not to accept the gift from some strange traveler, but he accepts out of warrior
ego. They take the totem pole back to the Bright Tree Village. That night, the pole magically
awakens, and its three “totems” reveal themselves to be Totem Slaves, creatures under a
spell. They rob the Ewok village blind, then return the stolen goods to the Totem Master.
When Teebo sees this happening, he tries to stop it, only to be blasted by the Totem Master’s
ring, which turns him into a Totem Slave as well at the top of the totem pole. The next
morning, the Ewoks discover the theft, but note that the Sunstar-Shadowstone is safe.
Wicket, Kneesaa, and Latara, realizing that what Wicket saw the night before was not a
dream, race after the Totem Master. Latara’s ego causes her to reveal herself, leading to her
becoming a Totem Slave as well. In the next village, though, full of Strutters, Kneesaa and
Wicket drop a heavy sack on the Totem Master, but their enchanted friends catch them.
When the Totem Master tries to zap Wicket with his ring, Wicket grabs a mirror, turning its
power on its owner and freeing all of the Totem Slaves.
(The Totem Master)
Seeking a birthday gift for his mother, Shodu, Wicket leads his friends into a Lost Temple that
is meant to be off-limits. Inside, they discover a treasure room and swipe an item for the
present (later revealed to be a dragon egg), but are chased out by a dragon creature. They
are spotted leaving with the gem/egg by Duloks that have been sent to find an anniversary
gift for Urgah (on behalf of King Gorneesh). At Shodu’s party, Wicket presents her with the
“gem,” even as Latara reveals that she took one as well. Latara’s hatches, revealing a baby
dragon creature. Before being able to get the egg back from Shodu, Wicket and Shodu are
both captured by the Duloks, who bring them back to Gorneesh and Urgah, who want the
“gem.” They voluntarily give the Dulok queen the “gem,” but when Urgah wants Shodu to be
forced to bow to her, Wicket attacks, only to be knocked back. Shodu then comes to his
defense. They are briefly subdued, but the hatching of the egg gives them the chance they
need to escape. As the Duloks fight amongst themselves over who is to blame for the gift,
Wicket tells Shodu where he got the “gem.” She explains that being with family is all she
needs, but if he breaks the rules again, she might have to show him some of her fighting
moves personally.
(A Gift for Shodu)
When the two moons in the sky over the forest moon of Endor come into alignment, an
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interdimensional being known as “the Stranger” (a servant of the Night Spirit) comes to steal
the Sunstar-Shadowstone (which, for some reason, is referred to just as the Sunstar, even
with the Shadowstone visibly attached to it at this point). Logray goes to seek out the source
of the evil he senses, leaving Teebo and Wicket to keep an eye out at his hut. Down below,
Chukha-Trok, Weechee, and Asha are promoted to full warrior status, having completed their
Belts of Honor. When Wicket and Teebo spot the Stranger’s incoming comet, they race down
to warn everyone, only to end up crashing the ceremony. When they have Chief Chirpa
check to see the comet, he only sees a lantern bird, making everyone think that the young
Ewoks were wrong. Wicket and Teebo are sent away, but Wicket, wanting to prove that he
was right and earn a trophy for his Belt of Honor, heads off after the comet. Latara and
Kneesaa follow them. Wicket and Teebo find the “comet,” only to see that it was some kind of
vessel for something that is no longer inside. They sense something nearby and attack, only
for it to be the girls. Elsewhere, the Stranger, who had arrived in the “comet,” confronts the
Dulok tribe led by King Gorneesh, whom the Stranger forces to follow him. They all head for
the Bright Tree Village to take the Sunstar-Shadowstone. During the attack, the Ewoks
(including their three new warriors) battle the Duloks, but the Stranger gets his hands on the
Sunstar-Shadowstone. The Ewoks drive off the Duloks (who are then sent packing by the
Wizard), but the four kids are trapped on a burning bridge. The older Ewoks save them. The
adults then go after the Duloks, thinking they stole the Sunstar-Shadowstone and refusing to
listen to the young quartet’s information about the Stranger. The four set off after the Stranger
on their own. In the Thorn Forest, the Stranger confronts Logray, who was nearly subdued by
falling stones. The Stranger calls forth a dragon-like glop monster to go after the four
pursuing Ewoks. Wicket, Kneesaa, Teebo, and Latara are attacked by the glop monster, but
defeat it with one of Teebo’s powders. At the stone formation where the Stranger holds
Logray, the Stranger uses the magical stone to call forth others like him. They are the
Wizards of the Night Spirit, whom had once been defeated by the Sunstar’s power. Before he
can get very far, the other Ewoks arrive, fighting the Wizards. The Wizards seem undaunted,
despite several being transformed by Teebo’s potions. Wicket and Kneesaa get to the
Sunstar-Shadowstone and spin it in an opposite direction to how it was spinning for the spell,
thereby reversing the spell’s power and dragging all of the Wizards back into the rift from
which they came, including the Stranger. The Wizards of the Night Spirit have been sealed
away in another dimension once again. As for Wicket, he now has a piece of the Stranger’s
ship and a scale from the glop monster for his Belt of Honor. All four receive a Bead of
Bravery as well.*
(Night of the Stranger)*
*NOTE: I keep referring to the Sunstar-Shadowstone” because it the Sunstar and Shadowstone were merged
back in the first season of Ewoks. Perhaps because they revere only their side of the stone, the Ewoks only refer
to it as the Sunstar throughout these later episodes.
When Chief Chirpa does not allow Wicket to go with the Ewok warriors to seek out and defeat
the hanadak, Wicket is teased by Latara and heads out alone to find the hanadak. After a
brief encounter with the creature, Wicket is easily defeated. Latara, Teebo, and Kneesaa
follow Wicket, eventually bumping into Teebo’s old friends, the Kagles, who tell them that
Wicket had fought the hanadak. Wicket awakens to find that he has been tied up by the
miniscule creatures known as the Mimphs (think Gulliver’s Travels). Meanwhile, the others
find Wickets slingshot and think he may be dead. Wicket isn’t dead, but he might wish he
was. He is being presented to the other Mimphs as a sort of circus monster. When the
hanadak is drawn to the noise of the Mimph crowd, though, Wicket is the only one who has
even a slight chance of saving them all. Wicket frees himself and saves them all by driving
the hanadak into the river and over a waterfall. When he notes that he did not manage to get
a hanadak fang as a trophy, the Mimphs give him a tiny Mimph tooth instead. On the way
back to the village, Wicket reunites with his friends, who are glad to see him alive.
(Gone With the Mimphs)
In a cave, the evil wizard Zarrak, former apprentice to Logray, sees a vision that reveals that
Teebo, Lograys new apprentice, could one day challenge him if allowed to grow in his power.
Zarrak decides that Teebo must be swayed to become Zarrak’s own apprentice, so as to help
him challenge the power of Logray. While Teebo practices with his friends and laments not
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yet learning flashier magic from Logray, they are all met by Zarrak, who offers to teach Teebo
different magic. When Kneesaa remembers how Zarrak left Logray, she tries to warn the
others, but Zarrak puts her to sleep with a spell. While Wicket and Latara see to Kneesaa,
Teebo leaves with Zarrak. Kneesaa is taken (by accident of a runaway carriage) to Lograys
hut. When Wicket mentions Zarrak’s name, Logray is shocked. He tells them that Zarrak’s
impatience had turned him to evil, leading him to try to steal the Sunstar before being
banished from the village. Now, it seems likely that Zarrak will try to steal the now-whole
Sunstar-Shadowstone from the village. In his lair, Zarrak teaches Teebo, among other things,
how to turn living creatures into evil beings. Sick of him, Zarrak plans to send Teebo into the
realm of spirits, where he will be trapped, but Logray arrives with Kneesaa, Latara, and
Wicket, who save Teebo while Logray battles his former apprentice. Zarrak manages to
subdue everyone but Teebo, whom he believes is unconscious. Teebo uses some of the
“useless” magic Logray taught him to turn some leaves into a kind of “paper airplane with a
mission” to attack Zarrak, driving him to fall into the pit that traps him in the realm of spirits.
Teebo has saved the day and learned his lesson about impatience in learning magic.
(The First Apprentice)
Sneaking their way past the Bobog’s lair, Wicket, Kneesaa, Latara, and Teebo are chased by
the Bobog through part of the forest. Eventually, though, they reach their destination: Mooth’s
trading post. Inside, they find that Mooth is ill and thus cannot run his store. With his profits
falling, he offers the young Ewoks the chance to sell his goods for him. He offers Eodon tusks
to whomever can sell more goods. Wicket and Teebo team up, while Latara and Kneesaa
pair off as well, creating a boys versus girls competition. They sell near the river, wary of the
Bobog, but also travel around a bit. The boys try to sell to the Kagles, who take part of their
goods without giving anything in return (promising to pay them later), and try trading to Larry
the Shriek as well, who manipulates them through pity to give him a blanket as charity. As the
day winds down, neither team has managed to sell their goods. Knowing that there is no one
left to trade with, both teams converge on the home of lair of the (somewhat rich) Bobog, the
only potential customer remaining. The girls arrive first, wooing him with shampoo but ending
up with tree sap on his head. He chases the girls, but the boys save them, leading to the
Bobog enjoying some of the boys’ food. When they all return to the trading post, they find that
the Kagles and the Bobog have both been there, having enjoyed the foodstuff so much that
they came to trade for more. They receive the Eodon tusks, but the Eodon arrives at the
same moment, collecting his tusks back for himself.
(Hard Sell)
In the forest, Chief Chirpa teaches younger warriors how to subdue a wild grounder. Knowing
that warriors can train other warriors, Wicket decides to prove that he is worthy of being a
warrior by training someone else to be one. Wicket and Latara bet on the issue, trading
chores. Wicket is to train Teebo as a warrior to win the bet. Since warriors dont use magic,
the work is slow-going, but when Wicket reminds Teebo that Latara loves warriors (insert
hearts spinning around Teebo’s head and his eyes going all googly), Teebo is more willing to
try. They soon come upon a Blog that has dammed a nearby river, which could lead to the
death of the Tambles, who need water to survive. When training does not go very well,
Wicket storms off, leaving Teebo alone. Teebo meets the Tambles and learns of their plight.
While Teebo goes to the dam, the mother Tamble informs Wicket, Latara, and Kneesaa
about where he went. At the river, the Blog does not take kindly to Teebo’s insistence that he
leave the Tambles water supply alone. Wicket saves Teebo, then Latara and Kneesaa must
save Wicket. Teebo saves the day with his magic, destroying the dam and washing the Blog
away. The Tambles are safe, and Wicket and Latara begin arguing over who won the bet.
Teebo did save the day, but he did so with magic, not as a warrior. It seems Latara has
technically won. Either way, they’ve saved the day.
(A Warrior and a Lurdo)
While hanging around and watching Teebo practice his magic, the young Ewoks (Wicket,
Kneesaa, Latara, and Teebo) are caught in a freak snow storm. It appears that the Snow
King, in a bid to impress Odra the Duchess of Sleet (a Frost Sprite), has stolen the Season
Scepter from the Sun King. The Ewoks are contacted by the Leaf Queen, who asks Logray to
help. Since Logray is not present to hear the message, the young Ewoks race to follow her
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 405
instructions, making their way to the Sun Kings palace on a giant flying leaf. As they make
their way, the Sun King and Odra notice them, intending to capture them to get the Sunstar-
Shadowstone (not realizing that Chief Chirpa has the Sunstar-Shadowstone and is seeking
out Logray, and the young Ewoks don’t have it at all). Odra, meanwhile, is only using the
Snow King to gain power, rather than actually wanting to be his queen. Set upon by the Snow
King’s Ice Heads (enforcers, basically), the young Ewoks find their journey derailed and
Kneesaa captured by the Ice Heads. Teebo, Wicket, and Latara enter the Sun King’s home,
where they find the Leaf Queen, Flower Queen, and Sun King, three of the siblings, who,
along with the Snow King, control the seasons on Endor through the power of the Season
Scepter. They explain about his theft of the Season Scepter and how his heart has been
frozen by Odra. The Ice Heads had stolen the Season Scepter from the Sun King while he
was basically being a beach bum, and that began the snowfall. Unfortunately, of the solutions
available, only the Sunstar-Shadowstone can melt the Snow King’s heart, and the young
Ewoks don’t have it with them. The only other thing that will work is the Season Scepter, but
the Snow King has it. Back at the Bright Tree Village, Chirpa saves Logray from being buried
in snow. They contact the Leaf Queen, even as the three young Ewoks head out on their own
to the Snow Palace to save Kneesaa. Disguising themselves as snow beings, the Ewoks
sneak into the palace, where they see Kneesaa blasted by the Snow King and frozen in a
block of ice. They now intend to trade Kneesaa to Chirpa for the Sunstar-Shadowstone. They
confront the Snow King and Odra, stealing back the Season Scepter, which Teebo cannot
control. Together, though, the combined willpower of Teebo and Wicket manages to melt the
Snow King’s heart and melt Odra down to her original miniscule size. The Snow King
releases Kneesaa and returns the moon to summer. The Season Scepter is then returned to
the Sun King, who arrives just after the day is saved. Wicket is given a hockey stick-like club
for his Belt of Honor.*
(The Season Scepter)*
*NOTE: The idea of multiple seasons on the forest moon of Endor seems not to match with their use of the word
“season” to refer to the passing of a “year,” but this is just a matter of terminology, rather than a direct
inconsistency. Both the seasons in nature and “seasons” as “years” are used consistently in the series, despite
meaning two different things in each context.
While the Fishing Festival nears, every prepares. Shodu helps Malani prepare. Logray brings
a special magical prow carving for Chief Chirpas canoe. Wicket and Teebo, eager to help,
are taxed with cleaning the canoe before the festival. Meanwhile, the Dulok King Gorneesh
prepare to strike at the Fishing Festival with their new “battleship” (to use the term very
loosely), piloted by Gorneesh, Urgah, and Umwak. Back at the river near the village, Wicket
and Teebo (without permission) give Kneesaa and Latara a ride in Chirpa’s canoe. They
crash into a rock. They manage to save the canoe, but the magical carving has fallen off into
the river, only to be found by the Duloks and placed on their battleship. The four Ewoks try to
get the carving, but they are caught and made to help row for the battleship. The battleship is
accosted by Skibs, whose home the Duloks had destroyed to test the battleship. With the
help of the Skibs, the young Ewoks drive the Duloks off into the water and use the
battleship’s own catapult (and wild club swings by Gorneesh) to sink it, but the carving goes
down with the ship. The Skibs help the Ewoks return home, where they report the loss of the
carving and their victory against the Duloks. Chirpa is proud of their victory and their honesty
and asks them to put their new prow carving onto the canoe. Apparently its loss was not so
bad after all.
(Prow Beaten)
While trying to give Baga a bath, Wicket, Kneesaa, Teebo, and Latara come upon a quarf
(like a unicorn), whom they name Silky. They take Silky back to the Bright Tree Village,
spending time with her rather than Baga. Silky, though, is the magical pet of Jadru the
Enchantress, who intends to use Silky to steal the Sunstar-Shadowstone. When Kneesaa
takes a ride on Silky, the creature takes her back to Jadru’s lair and reveals Silky’s true
reptilian form. Jadru intends to trade Kneesaa to Chief Chirpa for the Sunstar-Shadowstone,
but Wicket, Teebo, and Latara follow, thanks to the keen olfactory senses of Baga. While
Latara and Teebo return to tell Chirpa what has happened, Wicket and Baga enter Jadru’s
lair, which is essentially a large maze. After finding their way through the maze, again thanks
to Baga, they manage to get Jadru to come after them, getting Jadru and Silky lost in their
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 406
own maze and rescuing Kneesaa. Baga has saved his master, even after being treated so
unfairly. Led by Teebo and Latara, the adult Ewoks arrive and break the levers that control
the maze, trapping Jadru and Silky for good. One of the levers is given to Wicket for his Belt
of Honor.
(Baga’s Rival)
Shodu Warrick asks Wicket to take his younger sibling Winda to see the Tumble Bunnies with
other woklings, promising to consider letting him go on a warrior trip with older Ewoks if he
does. Instead, he convinces Kneesaa, Teebo, and Latara to join him in taking the woklings to
Horville’s Hut of Horrors, which Wicket thinks would be more fun. Despite Kneesaa’s
reservations, they go through the Hut of Horrors, which scares the crap out of all of them,
even the older kids. So as to make the woklings forget about the Hut of Horrors (and not get
Wicket in trouble), they hold a sleepover for all of the woklings at the Warrick home. Teebo
uses a magic device to suck the bad dreams from the woklings and send them into the night
air. This saves the woklings from nightmares, but the creatures from the bad dreams are
taken in by Wicket, who has his own nightmare. He awakens, freaked out, and confesses to
Shodu. He is punished by having to perform with the Tumble Bunnies instead of going on the
warrior trip.
(Horville’s Hut of Horrors)
When she nearly loses her ankle bracelet in the river, King Elbo saves it for her. When he
tries to present her with lovely jewelry instead of the ankle bracelet, which is quite plain, she
refuses until it is the correct one. For her honesty, she is given all of the jewelry. When Latara
sees this, she intends to get a new, flashy flute to replace the one that her friends made for
her that is apparently not good enough for the stuck-up Ewok. When she drops the flute into
the water, Elbo tempts her with fancy ones, then pulls up hers. Latara says she wants them
all, though, rather than being honest. For her lies, she is taken by Elbo to his underwater lair,
where she will be his captive, punished for her greed. With the help of a fish Teebo calls
upon, they travel to Elbos Coral Castle in a large bubble. They free Latara, then find
themselves face to face with Elbo while trying to leave. Seeing how much they care for
Latara, Elbo sets up a test for her. If she passes, they go free. If the fails, they are all her
captives. Latara is sent into a path with tons of valuable items. She is to find the most
valuable and return it to Elbo. When she finds the flute that her friends made among the
treasures, she returns with it, claiming it is the most valuable. She has passed Elbos test. For
trying to save her, Teebo is given a kiss from Latara, something he has wanted for ages (or
at least since he became the lovesick one of the two when the second season of Ewoks
(The Tragic Flute)
When Malanis efforts at painting are unsuccessful, Wicket W. Warrick shares the tale of how
he almost quit being a warrior once because of a run of bad luck. Malani decides not to give
up on her own dreams.
(Just My Luck)
Shodu Warrick offers to watch Norky for a neighboring family of kangaroo-esque creatures.
Norky, a trouble-maker, wreaks havoc, making himself look good and making Wicket and
Teebo look like the trouble-makers. Norky steals cookies, making it look like Wicket and
Teebo ate them all. Then he uses the cookies as a lure to get Baga to break up a Warrior
Council meeting, getting Kneesaa in trouble. He also tricks Latara into falling into mud,
blaming her for her own “clumsiness.” The young Ewoks don’t want Norky to stay with them
any longer. They use intend to use Logray’s globe to find a place to send Norky, but when
Teebo makes it larger, it rolls off its pedestal and chases them (in Indiana Jones fashion).
They finally decide to send Norky to the Vacant Valley. They pretend to have lost a treasure
map, leading Norky to take the bait, grabbing a Vacant Valley map left for him and stealing a
ready glider. This sends him to the Vacant Valley. Logray notices the map missing and
mentions that this is the time in which great holes appear in the Vacant Valley, sucking things
into them. Despite their annoyance with Norky, the four young Ewoks head for the Vacant
Valley. Teebo and Wicket save Norky, identifying themselves as his friends, which is what he
so desperately needs. They are all three then saved by Kneesaa and Latara, using Norky’s
tail to save them from a sinkhole. Norky finally leaves, but the five have become friends
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during his visit.
(Bringing Up Norky)
An Imperial Star Destroyer arrives over the forest moon of Endor, commanded by Admiral
Kazz. Kazz is there, however, under the overall command of the Imperial scientist Dr.
Raygar, who is there to steal the powerful Sunstar-Shadowstone on behalf of Emperor
Palpatine’s Galactic Empire. Few belief in the stories that have circulated about the Ewoks
and their magic stone, but the Emperor himself has approved Raygar’s mission. On the
moon, Wicket W. Warrick, Kneesaa, Teebo, and Latara bring gin-jang berries to hungry
gubas. They find a fircle trapped in some kind of Imperial capture device. Latara is sucked in
as well, caught under a bubble with the fircle. Teebo frees them by bursting the bubble.
Teebo is then captured by a large droid. They are all then set upon by other droids and Dr.
Raygar in a hovering chair. Raygar tells them that he will kill Teebo if they do not reveal the
location of their village. Wicket relents, but the droids take all four of them back to Rayzar’s
shuttle. They see their chance to escape their cell when a small droid (PD-28) brings them
food, but a larger guard droid refuses him entry. Instead, it finds a way to deliver food through
another, smaller opening. The Ewoks ask PD-28 to help them escape, promising to take the
small droid with them. Together, the five of them escape, finding their way to a smaller craft
(essentially an escape pod) within the larger shuttle and escaping aboard. They arrive at the
village, just as Raygar and his forces strike, stealing the Sunstar-Shadowstone. Raygar takes
the Sunstar-Shadowstone back to his Star Destroyer. When the young Ewoks try to convince
Chief Chirpa to send warriors on the small pod to take back the Sunstar-Shadowstone,
Latara accidentally starts the pod, which lunches with only Wicket, Teebo, Kneesaa, Latara,
and PD-28 aboard. After bumbling in the weightlessness of space before PD-28 activates
their gravity stabilizers, they eventually make it aboard the Star Destroyer. Raygar, though,
has started to understand that the Sunstar-Shadowstone, which he had intended to present
to the Emperor when he arrives soon, could actually give Raygar power that might allow him
to challenge the Emperor for control of the Empire. Upon arrival aboard the ship, PD-28 tells
Kazz that the Ewoks captured him, but he escaped and returned, hence the pods arrival. The
cover story is believed, but PD-28 is ordered recycled. While Teebo and Latara search for
Raygar, Wicket and Kneesaa save PD-28. Soon, the trio catches up to Teebo and Latara at
Raygar’s lab, but Raygar has created a weapon to kill Palpatine, which he intends to test on
Teebo and Latara, who had arrived, poorly disguised as droids. Wicket, Teebo, and PD-28
enter to stop him from harming them, and PD-28 is knocked out of the fight early. Wicket
attacks Raygar, causing the weapon to misfire, failing to destroy Palpatine’s shuttle. Instead,
it has revealed Raygars plot. Kneesaa retrieves the Sunstar-Shadowstone, allowing Wicket
to use it to destroy Raygar’s weapon. The Ewoks escape to the pod, returning to the Bright
Tree Village victorious. With the return of the Sunstar-Shadowstone, Wicket is given pieces of
the droids that attacked the village to put on his Belt of Honor. As for Raygar, he has been
arrested by Kazz’s stormtroopers and charged with high treason. Kazz refuses to believe that
there was ever a real Sunstar-Shadowstone and turns Raygar over to the Emperor himself
for punishment. PD-28 takes the pod and goes in search of his true master.*
(Battle for the Sunstar)*
*NOTE: This was, reportedly, the last episode of Ewoks produced, yet it aired the week before the two-story
episode that contained Party Ewok and Malani the Warrior. This is unfortunate, given that this would have made
an interesting series finale, tying it into the Imperial presence years later in Return of the Jedi and related tales.
Incidentally, some sources give the doctor’s name as Raegar, but Leland Chee has confirmed the correct spelling
to be “Raygar.” It is also interesting to note that the Ewoks are shocked at the appearance of the droids, even
though they had previously met R2-D2 and C-3PO in The Demons of Endor (though, to be fair, they considered
those two to be mystical beings, rather than mechanical beings at the time).
Kneesaa is tasked with preparing a party for the visiting Prince Delby. The party is crashed
by the “party animal” Pugs, who are mistaken as Delby and his comrades. When Kneesaa
catches the Pugs stealing from them, they kidnap her and escape on their vrooms. Wicket,
Teebo, and Latara give chase with a cart pulled by Baga. They save Kneesaa, then leave a
fake party announcement on a tree, diverting the Pugs to the Dulok swamp. They all return to
the party, where they meet the real Prince Delby, who has missed the party but enjoys
discussing acorn collections with Kneesaa.
(Party Ewok)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 408
The Ewok Warrior Games begin, but two thugs named Bothel and Trud plot to steal the
Sunstar-Shadowstone that was used at the ceremony to begin the games. During the games,
Wickets crush on the warrior Chirita is noticed, but little Malani still has a crush on him.
Knowing that Wicket likes warrior girls, Malani plans to be one herself, going so far as to fake
a rescue of her brother Teebo. Instead, she finds herself in need of saving and is saved by
Chirita, who just looks better and better in Wickets eyes, despite her complete lack of interest
in Wicket. Trud and Bothel see the broken-hearted Malani as their way into the Ewok village
to get the Sunstar-Shadowstone. They approach her with the idea that she could help them
steal the Sunstar-Shadowstone, then she can save it from them, thereby proving herself a
warrior. Malani steals the Sunstar-Shadowstone from Logray’s hut, running past the others
on her way to Bothel and Trud. They follow her, but they are not there in time for Malani to
turn the stone over to the pair. The strange creatures then use the stone’s power to transform
part of the forest into mud, which they frolic in (apparently as their natural or preferred
habitat). The four older Ewoks ride some raichlings to where the thieves are enjoying the
mud. Seeing them on the way, Malani leaps into the fray as well. The Sunstar-Shadowstone
is passed back and forth from hero to villain several times, until Teebo uses its power to
return the mud to dirt form, trapping Bothel and Trud. The Ewoks return to the village. Malani
is punished by being made to carry firewood, and Teebo helps her handle the task. Malani
has learned her lesson about doing bad things to impress others, even though she is still
interested in Wicket. As for Wicket, he had hoped to go on a canoe ride with Chirita, only to
find her on a date with Weechee. Upon learning of this, Wicket and Malani go on a brief
canoe ride together.*
(Malani the Warrior)*
*NOTE: The Ewoks cartoon series seems to bounce around the timeline as different authors determine different
times for it. However, Leland Chee has now confirmed that the stories take place around 3.5 ABY. In the words of
Chee: “The 3 ABY dating (technically, it should be 3.5) is from the timeline in Behind the Magic. This is the date
we've been going by since 1998, if not earlier.” (I had originally put these at 3.5 BBY, based on my misreading of
the comment from Leland Chee. My thanks go to “Kli Darth Paulus” of the forums for pointing out
this error so that I could fix it.)
As Wicket prepares to run a gauntlet to prove his courage in a ceremony, the Duloks plot
nearby to steal the Sun Crystal that is used for the ceremony. Gorneesh tells his son, Boogutt
to create a distraction to prove himself, but his distraction causes Wicket to fall, shattering the
Sun Crystal, which causes Wicket to be scorned, even as Gorneesh leaves Boogutt behind in
shame. When Wicket and Teebo overhear Chirpa pleading Wicket’s case to Elder Kazak,
they learn that the Sun Crystal is from the Black Cavern. Wicket sets out to steal a new one,
followed by Boogutt. While he heads for the cavern, Kneesaa and Teebo discover that Wicket
had been sabotaged in his test, and they tell Chirpa, but they all are shocked that Wicket is
heading for the Black Cavern. They try to get there first, but Wicket and Boogutt enter,
knowing that once inside, they must get the Sun Crystal and escape quickly, or they will be
trapped forever. The two scuffle over the new Sun Crystal and are attacked by the crystal’s
guardian. Wicket helps Boogutt escape, but when they reach the entrance, even as the other
Ewoks arrive, Boogutt is pulled back in by the guardian. Wicket risks his life to save Boogutt,
but the new Sun Crystal is destroyed. For his bravery, though, Wicket is given a piece of the
crystal for his Belt of Honor. The crystal was, after all, only a symbol of bravery, while Wicket
showed bravery in action.*
(The Black Cavern)*
*NOTE: One might assume that this must take place right after the previous issue, The Torn Monster, but the
presence of Wicket’s Belt of Honor means it must be sometime in the span of, or just after, Season 2 of the
Ewoks cartoons.
The Agony of Tarkin is written and produced by the Imperial Opera Company
(conjecture based on Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand via TimeTales, verbatim)
Chewbacca reveals his secret Claatuvac hyperspace route data to the Alliance, allowing the
movement access to hyperspace routes that can help them defeat the Empire. This is one of
the very rare sets of this information left from when the guild purged its data on Kashyyyk to
keep it out of Imperial hands.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
Maarek Stele, having been conscripted into Imperial technical service after being separated
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 409
from his family during the invasion of the Taroon system, saves the life of Admiral Mordon.
For this, he is given a shot at the Imperial Navy. At present, though, his is only a repair
technician. He will have his chance at piloting soon.
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns)
During the height of the Galactic Civil War, the diamond born missile is refined into a much
deadlier weapon.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
At some point before the conflict with Prince Xizor, Lando Calrissian frees Rystall Sant from
slavery to Xizor by winning a card game.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
In the wake of the Battle of Hoth, Carlist Rieekan becomes a permanent member of Alliance
High Command as Chief of Sector Command.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in Echo Base)
In the wake of the Battle of Hoth, a campaign medal for participating in the defense of Echo
Base is issued to Alliance personnel who aided in the defense and evacuation.
(conjecture based on Lead by Example)
Jinjur Thomas, a Mining Guild Recruiter, discovers Alabard’s Comets’ secret base in the
Tapani Sector but keeps quiet due to pay-offs.
(conjecture based on Lords of the Expanse via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Having maneuvered their way into control over the government on Sullust and declaring their
allegiance with the Empire, SoroSuub finally realizes the error of its ways (and the public’s
outrage) and supports the Rebel Alliance in the months leading up to the Battle of Endor.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
General Brenn Tantor is met by his brother, Major Dellis Tantor, who is now a member of
Imperial Intelligence. Dellis has found proof that their father was killed by the Empire as an
example after losing a shipment of grain to pirates. Dellis is now to help quell an uprising on
Ruul, but it may be that he has been discovered, and there is every chance that he will not
survive the mission. It could very well be a suicide mission.
(conjecture based on Force Commander)
Hamar-Chaktak, a Herglic was a wealthy merchant and sometime-supporter of the Alliance,
but had no love for either the Alliance or the Empire. He was known to have a weakness for
betting on cracian thumper races, and spent a great deal of time at the Heatherdowns Hotel
and Track on Tallaan. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, he agreed to help supply the Alliance
with bacta, if a team of agents would meet him at the Heatherdowns. However, the only
reason for offering to help was to sacrifice the team in order to collect insurance money on
the ship he told them to steal--the Theta-2Y, a ship owned, in fact, by Hamar-Chaktak
himself. Not only did Hamar-Chaktak hope to claim the lost bacta to receive an insurance
payment, he hoped to actually sell the bacta to the Alliance later on, as well as ransom the
team back to the Alliance. Unfortunately for Hamar-Chaktak, the Alliance team discovered
his treachery and managed to avoid being captured. Hamar-Chaktak was forced to flee into
hyperspace on his starship, the Crusader.
(conjecture based on Tapani Sector Instant Adventures via TimeTales, verbatim)
Imperial Intelligence operative Shira Elan Colla Brie is sent by Darth Vader and Ysanne Isard
to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance as a pilot. Given the death of so many aces during the Battle of
Hoth and previous encounters, the Rebels easily accept her, especially as she proves her
skills in combat.
(conjecture based on Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire)
Beski Miko is promoted to Senior Lieutenant in the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Rules of Engagement via TimeTales, abridged)
With now 7-year-old Irek already well-schooled in the Dark Side, Roganda Ismaren begins
training him in the use of his converter, teaching him how to control machines with the Force.
He is also given an accelerated learning course, bringing him up to university level in just a
few years.
(conjecture based on Children of the Jedi via TimeTales, verbatim)
Viera Cheran, known to members of Rogue Squadron as “Chief”, as she serves as the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 410
squadron’s chief technician, is stationed on the moon of Kile. There, she ensured that the
squadron was ready for the attempt to recover Han Solo’s body from Boba Fett. It was
during this time that she was approached by an operative who offered her 10,000 credits to
ensure Luke Skywalker was killed.
(conjecture based on Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Steven “Mak” Makintay becomes commander of an X-wing Starfighter group known as Green
(conjecture based on Dark Empire and Firepower via TimeTales, verbatim)
Rogue Squadron flies sorties against the shipyards at Fondor.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca return to the Alliance fleet for a mission to steal hyperdrive
parts from an Imperial drone convoy, due to Chewbacca being “the best mechanic in the
(conjecture based on Drone Alone)
Soon after Luke Skywalker’s encounter with Darth Vader on Cloud City (and before he can
build a new Lightsaber or starts using Orman Tagges lightsaber temporarily), Luke and a
team consisting of Wedge Antilles, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca take a shuttle to an
Imperial convoy that is carrying hyperdrive components that the Rebels desperately need.
They board Drone Vessel 171 to steal the parts. Lando and Chewbacca work on actually
stealing the components, while Luke and Wedge gain control of the drones weapons and
navigational systems. Alerted to a potential Rebel raid by Darth Vader, the Imperial in charge
of the convoy’s escorts, Commander Traneel, sends stormtroopers aboard the drone to stop
them. Upon catching an Imperial officer alone, Lando knocks him out, steals his uniform, and
uses the disguise to order the stormtroopers away from where the others are working.
Meanwhile, other troopers near where Luke and Wedge are doing their part of the mission,
and Luke, without a lightsaber, takes them down using just the Force (and one swift kick to a
trooper’s head). Luke then uses the Force to mind trick stormtroopers who are trying to cut
their way through blast door into abandoning the drone ship in escape pods. Traneel learns
of this in the command vessel too late to act, as the Rebels activate the drone’s navigational
systems and leap to hyperspace with their prize.*
(Drone Alone)
Talon Karrde believes that Booster Terrik needs to be taught a lesson, calling him a “no-
good, double-dealing swindler.” Karrde sends an adventurer to find him, rough him up, tell
him it was from Karrde, and inform Booster to stay out of Karrde’s business. At this point,
Booster Terrik and his daughter, Mirax Terrik, live on a refueling station over Corellia. The
adventurer gets aboard and encounters Mirax first. He holds her at blasterpoint so that she
will take him to her father. Booster engages the intruder in a brief firefight, until Booster is
knocked unconscious (and, presumably, Mirax is as well). He bashes some data terminals,
then returns to Karrde. He receives his pay but also a warning that now Booster’s associates
will likely be looking for him.*
(Booster Shot)*
*NOTE: Given that the story is a tie-in to Galaxies, specifically the Galaxies Trading Card Game, I would have
placed it with others of its kind near The Ruins of Dantooine, but this story requires that Booster Terrik be out of
prison. Thus, it must be before or after his imprisonment, which begins prior to when Star Wars Galaxies is set
and ends right around the time of ESB. This scenario is pretty short and does not include Light Side and Dark
Side variants in the fashion of those named after the individual card sets.
A group of heroes are assigned to locate and rescue Rebel pilot Rogue Seven, who has gone
missing. The pilots last transmission was near the Unknown Regions, so the heroes begin
their search there. They eventually surmise that Rogue Seven crashed on the planet Durace
in the Alkaline Sea. After a difficult landing, the heroes find Seven’s X-Wing, but the pilot and
astromech are not there. While still inspecting the ship, a large, tentacled undersea monster
attacks the heroes. Once they escape the creature, the heroes detect a distress signal from
Seven’s astromech. The trace the signal to a system of caves in a nearby mountain range.
They find the droid in one of the caves, but it is barely functional, having been attacked by an
avka, a large avian creature which hordes metallic objects. Seven is not in the cave, but they
are able to reach the pilot through comlink and learn that the pilot is outside on a cliff edge.
The heroes slowly make their way there, surviving rockslides and magma flows. They finally
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 411
reach the cliff edge, only to discover an avka nest. Rogue Seven lies wounded, but as the
heroes attempt to reach the pilot, the avka eggs open and ravenous avka young attack. The
heroes eventually fight them off and escape back to their ship with Rogue Seven. After taking
off, the avka mother appears and attacks the ship, but they are able to avoid serious damage
until escaping the atmosphere. They then race back to civilization to give Rogue Seven the
necessary medical treatment.*
(Rogue Seven is Down)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic RPG scenario with little indication of when it takes place, other than Rogue
Squadron exists. We are not even given a species or gender for Rogue Seven. I have simply assumed it takes
place in this era. All information pertaining to this The Unknown Regions mini-adventure was submitted by Luke
Van Horn.
General Maximilian Veers is the Empire’s latest military hero, after the Battle of Hoth.
Returning from a short leave, his son Zev is treated like a hero as well. By the side of his
father, Zev went to endless celebrations and heard countless speeches about the glory of the
Empire and how the Alliance was immoral and doomed to defeat. After Zev returned from
the glamour and ceremony, he learned what the Empire really stood for. During a routine
police action, Zev was assigned to bodyguard the battalion commander while he interrogated
prisoners. Intending to harden the young man to the sight of torture, the commander, Ivo
Laibach, showed off his ISB training. Zev was horrified as the Rebel, an old man, was
beaten mercilessly and tortured. Even the other two “CompFarcers, boys younger than he,
started turning green. Luckily for Zev, while the commander man handled the local
librarian, the real Rebels showed up. Laibach, idiot as he was, went outside “to take care of
the nonsense” and got wounded by the Rebels for his trouble. It would be funny if it weren’t
all so horrible. Zev came to a decision: he couldnt just let the old man die. So he untied the
librarian and used a medpac on him just as the librarian’s daughter, the Rebel squad
leader, came to the rescue. Initially she was distrustful of Zev, but she was won over by her
father’s sincerity. Zev was still taken as a prisoner, but not treated much like one. In the
years since, Zev becomes a full fledged Rebel.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Diblen Harleys joins the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on The Last Command and Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook via
TimeTales, abridged)
Niclara Varnillian goes on leave from the Imperial Star Destroyer Pulsar to Ord Mantell.
While there, she identifies a group of Alliance operatives, including Alton Lochner and Anson
Blazer. She attempts to apprehend them, but the mission ends in general failure, with only
two Rebels alive and in Niclara’s custody. She returns to the Pulsar, where she knows a
demotion is waiting for her.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
Luke Skywalker begins using the lightsaber he took from Orman Tagge until he can build his
own lightsaber.
(conjecture based on Christopher McElroy's TimeTales)
Dirk Harkness is reassigned from Rebel Intelligence to be chief engineer on a capital ship.
(conjecture based on Chessa’s Doom)
Rebel Alliance forces evacuate their positions in the Ahlenn system.*
(conjecture based on Starfighters Down)*
*NOTE: This event takes place two months prior to Starfighters Down.
Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, the Rebel pilots of Wolf Squadron, led by Captain Mase, are
harassing and capturing Imperial transports near an asteroid field along the Corellian Trade
Spine when they manage to capture an Imperial ship that is, unbeknownst to them, carrying a
piece of the weapons system for the new Death Star. Even though they do not know what it
is, they keep it safe from the Empire by placing it within their fortified base on the small
planetoid of Annamar, which lies hidden away within the asteroid field. (The base used to be
a Separatist droid factory during the Clone Wars.) Darth Vader is sent to get the Death Star
component back, so he captures a pilot running supplies to the Rebels, Luca, and forces him
to cooperate or die. Luca and Vader take Lucas ship, the Faithless, into the asteroid field,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 412
using special Rebel codes to deactivate their defenses. However, once he realizes that his
value is coming to an end, Luca reactivates them, turning them on the Imperials. The TIE
fighters escorting them are destroyed, but the Faithless crash lands, and Vader is intent on
completing his mission. They make their way across the barren landscape, encountering
huge droids left behind from the Clone Wars, which they must destroy. In the process, Luca
lectures Vader on how he is basically just a toy soldier with immense power, yet no true
control over his own actions, as he is a pawn of the Emperor. They reach the Rebel base,
and Vader crashes down upon the Rebels, killing everyone, until only he and Luca remain.
Rather than killing Luca, since the Emperor would want no survivors, Vader chooses to let
him live, proving, in a sense, that he has his own will. The Empire reclaims its Death Star
component, but Luca has reclaimed his freedom from the Empire.*
(The Will of Darth Vader)*
*NOTE: Nothing in the story itself requires that this must be either before or after ESB, so it could go either way.
Its date “approximately” 3 ABY might suggest that it is meant to be right before or right after, or, if taken literally,
it would put it right before ESB, since ESB is actually around 3.25 ABY. To clear this up, I contacted Leland Chee,
and he posted a clarification on the VIP thread on the forum, stating that it is, in fact, shortly after
ESB, not before the film.
When Teebo (who is now in a relationship with Latara) must save Wicket from a dragon
creature set upon them by the Duloks (who are also harassing Kneesaa), Wicket is punished
for putting them in danger by being required to help Chukha-Trok cut down trees that have a
dangerous fungus on them that must be kept from spreading. While they are doing so, they
hear a huge explosion nearby. Soon, at the Bright Tree Village, the Ewoks are shocked to
have a Dulok visitor, Agluk, who claims that the Duloks need help after a great catastrophe.
He claims that demons, the “Skull Ones,” have attacked the Duloks with lightning and
enslaved them. (The Empire has come to this part of the forest moon again in earnest.)
These actions have also awoken the Griagh creature. Agluk is held in a cage on Chief
Chirpa’s orders, but Wicket, Kneesaa, and Paploo (who is now Lograys new apprentice,
taking the place of Wicket or Teebo) break him out so that he will show them to where the
“monsters” were seen. On the way, Paploo is caught by Logray and brought to Chirpa. Teebo
and Latara catch up with Wicket, Kneesaa, and Agluk in the woods and join them in their
mission. They find and spy on the Imperials and then make their way to a secret cave Agluk
knows about in hopes of getting closer and freeing the Duloks from their enslavement and
potential execution. Meanwhile, Paploo spills his guts to Chirpa, who organizes a force to
face the “demons, as a means of protecting Kneesaa. Back at the cave, Agluk arms himself
with a stolen blaster and hands Kneesaa a lantern with a captive Wistie (Zrani) inside. At the
same time, Logray and Paploo go to seek Charal, a powerful witch (Nightsister), for help.
Logray uses the Sunstar-Shadowstone (and the protection of his belief in the watchful eye of
the Golden One C-3PO, whom they met earlier this year) to create an illusion and drive off
a pair of biker scouts. (Paploo, for his part, gains a desire to drive a speederbike one day, as
he will during the Battle of Endor.) They meet Charal, who says that she sees devastation
coming. The believes the Sunstar-Shadowstone has just enough power to stop the Griagh,
but she wants it for herself. She battles Logray, while sending skeleton warriors (as in the
attack during the Clone Wars on Mother Talzins clan) against Paploo. The battle weakens
Logray and the Sunstar-Shadowstone, but Paploo is able to send Charal away by striking her
raven talisman, causing her to change into a bird and escape. Back at the cave, as Agluk
sleeps, Wicket steals the key from him to free Zrani from the lantern. When he responds by
firing the blaster at them, it draws the Griagh, which attacks and kills Agluk. The others
escape from the cave. They come upon stormtroopers that are about to capture Logray and
Paploo to put with some Dulok slaves, and the quartet (Wicket, Kneesaa, Latara, and Teebo)
attack. Latara blasts a stormtrooper with the late Agluks blaster, Wicket frees the Duloks,
and then the Griagh emerges to attack them all. To stop the legendary creature, Kneesaa
shares her energy (through holding hands) with Logray, who then charges up the Sunstar-
Shadowstone and throws it at the Griagh. As it nears, Zrani merges with it, giving it even
more power. Finally, it strikes the creature and explodes. The Griagh is dead, and the
Imperial stormtroopers retreat. For their part, the Duloks now scatter, their village having
been wiped out by the Imperials. In the battle, Latara was injured but survives. For his
bravery, Teebo is made a full Ewok warrior and given the Sacred Horn of the Soul Trees. A
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 413
flame is lit (that will remain lit perpetually) in memory of Zrani. The future will be fraught with
peril, but, for now, it is time for a victory celebration. (Exact date: 38:7)*
(Shadows of Endor)*
*NOTE: The bulk of this story takes place 8 months before its final segment, which is set during ROTJ (in 39:3).
As such, this comic is set in 38:7, approximately one month after ESB. This has caused a bit of shuffling of the
other Ewok stories, since those consist of the Ewoks Star (Marvel) comics, then two seasons of the Ewoks
cartoon, followed by Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor, all within this year (3 4 ABY). The placement
of this story, set between the cartoons and the telemovies, necessitates that the Ewok stories do indeed span
that year (3 4 ABY), rather than just the span between ESB and ROTJ (3.25 4 ABY). I have thus adjusted story
placements accordingly. (I should also note that this story does continue after this point for a couple of pages,
but those pages are a retelling of part of ROTJ, so it is simply referenced in the summary for the film, rather than
having its own separate summary.)
Boba Fett receives a new Bureau of Ships and Services arms load-out permit for Slave I.
(Exact date on document: 38:8:6)
(conjecture based on The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett)
Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, a Rebel uprising on Mygeeto is crushed by Imperial
starfighter squadrons and Star Destroyers sent by Darth Vader.*
(Imperial Ace)*
*NOTE: For some reason, Strongholds of Resistance says this is shortly before the Battle of Yavin, rather than
shortly after the Battle of Hoth.
In need of new pilots, the Rebel Alliance and the Empire both continue training pilots via
simulated scenarios and a few real excursions. This new generation of pilots will see action
in, among other places, the Airam Sector.
(X-wing vs. TIE Fighter)
Pushed from their base (presumably Hoth, though it could be Yavin IV, placing this game’s
story earlier), the Rebel Alliance partners with traders in the Airam Sector. They are,
however, being chased by an Imperial force under Admiral Wooyou Senn. Senn’s force
includes the Imperial Star Destroyer Rage, Interdictor vessel Compellor, and Senn’s own
Super Star Destroyer Vengeance (not the same vessel as Jerecs of the same name,
apparently). The Imperials strike against the Rebels and their trader allies over and over
again, eventually gaining an advantage by allying themselves with a traitorous trader named
Ilay. Eventually, though, the Rebel force, which includes Rogue Squadron and Phoenix
Squadron (B-wings), is able to defeat the task force, saving themselves and the traders. Their
victory ensures that a new shipyard operation under the traders and Rebels will be safe for a
(Balance of Power)
Tomaas Azzameens Otana as among the vessels escaping from the Battle of Hoth. Now,
shortly after the battle, the family’s trading business is in trouble. Viraxo Industries shipping
interests have increased their profits by leaps and bounds, and it seems that everyone else is
experiencing extreme losses. Into this mix are thrown Tomaas, the patriarch of the family,
and his four children: Galin; Emon; Aeron; and Ace (who has a trusted droid companion,
Emkay). During a trip to pick up supplies to fix the Otana, Aeron and Ace (who is only a
rookie pilot) end up in the middle of a Viraxo attack on the space station with the parts they
need, Harlequin station. After helping fight off the Viraxo, they return to the Azzameen family
space station, where Emon begins training Ace in starship weapons. They practice, then try
to celebrate Aces progress with rinks at Dunari’s Casino, but are driven off by Viraxo ships,
including the Enkidu, which was also present at Harlequin Station. When they discover that
Aeron accidentally erased supply logs, they have to turn around and check on their supplies
again, only to find a Viraxo agent has planted a container of illegal spice in their stores. In
retaliation, the Azzameen children turn around and plant the spice at a Viraxo installation,
then use their rather loud escape from the area to draw an Imperial Victory-class Star
Destroyer to attack the Viraxo for “their” illegal spice possession. Meanwhile, Tomaas is still
involved in trading with the Rebel Alliance. They procure a shipment of bacta from illegal
sources (who try not to hand it over), then go with Aeron’s boyfriend, Olin Garn (now a Rebel
himself) to a Rebel hospital platform, where many of the wounded from the Battle of Hoth are
needing that bacta shipment. Unfortunately, their timing is terrible, as the Empire quickly
descends upon the hospital platform, destroying it. Tomaas and Galin are killed, and the
entire family is considered to have betrayed the Rebellion, since they’d only just arrived when
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 414
the attack took place. Moreover, their presence (and some Viraxo maneuvering) has branded
the family traitors to the Empire as well, allowing Viraxo to seize their family holdings. The
remaining Azzameen children and their uncle Antan try to salvage the family’s situation, but
in their race to gather supplies and weapons (in two pairs, Ace with Aeron and Antan with
Emon), the Imperials and Viraxo are ready for them. The Azzameen space station is
destroyed and Antan is captured. The remaining three Azzameens choose to risk the ire of
the Rebels and join the Rebellion. Luckily, Olin speaks up for them, convincing the Rebel
leadership to let them join. Ace becomes a Rebel pilot, part of Red Squadron and assigned to
the Defiance. His first mission is to help keep the heat off of the Hoth survivors, who are still
scattered and being hunted for by Imperial Admiral Garreth Holtz, by helping to strike at
Imperial convoys to draw away their attention. After one such mission, Emon brings news
from a mole within Viraxo that Antan is alive, but being held captive. He will soon be
transferred to the mole’s location, which allows them to carry out a daring raid and save their
uncle from imprisonment. Ace is promoted to Flight Officer. Soon, Ace is part of another
mission, this time to help clear the way for the Hoth refugees. They save prisoners from Hoth
by striking at an Imperial dreadnaught, then later take out Imperial probe droids. After helping
to delay repairs on Holtz’s Star Destroyer Corruptor, they take out a major Imperial sensor
array, allowing the Rebels to escape through the resulting “blind spot” and onward to the
Outer Rim. Holtz has been defeated and is recalled, while the victorious Ace receives a
transfer to the Liberty. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), Ace
doesn’t even make it to the Liberty before seeing action. He is en route to the Liberty in the
Vilonis Sector when he is distracted by a distress call from a convoy that is under attack by a
strange new starfighter that appears to be some kind of TIE variant. Upon finally reaching the
Liberty, his experience causes the Rebels to strike at the Imperials to steal prototypes of
these new TIEs. They end up being able to get their hands on two different prototype TIEs,
along with an ETR device. While the Rebels research these stolen Imperial goods, Ace goes
on a personal family mission with Emon to kill KArymn Viraxo en route to Destreg II.
Unfortunately, the “target of opportunity” is actually a trap, and the two brothers barely
escape with their lives from bounty hunters, hired by the Viraxo. Back with the Rebels, a new
mission is launched, this time against Imperial Director Lenzer’s production facility, the origin
of the strange new TIEs (which seem to be prototypes for a fully-automated, droid-brained
TIE starfighter, similar to those that the World Devastators will create many years later). They
fend off some of these droid TIEs before destroying the facility utterly . . . but Grand Admiral
Demetrius Zaarin has already gotten his hands on the computer core from the facility,
meaning that the new designs may still see action one day . . . With the droid TIE project
destroyed, Ace Azzameen is ready for further missions with the Rebel Alliance. Shortly after
helping the Rebels to liberate a convoy of Bothan slaves, Ace takes another personal, family-
oriented mission with his sister Aeron. They strike at a Viraxo Industries convoy bearing
warheads to the Empire, seemingly in conjunction with Black Sun. The Azzameens capture
the warheads and give them over to the Rebels, despite Black Sun ships trying to stop them.
The Rebels then receive a mysterious transmission (from the same source that led them to
the Bothan slaves), which reveals the location of a secret Imperial research facility. They
strike the facility, destroying it, but the question of who is helping them lingers. They decide to
raid an Imperial comm relay to figure out where the transmission are coming from, and it
leads them to Imperial Commander Zaletta, who claims to want to defect to the Alliance. Ace
plants his own listening device in the comm relay so that they can track Viraxo
communications, then Ace and Rebel Commander Kupalo manage to get Zaletta to the
Rebel starship Redemption. They are attacked shortly thereafter, making the Rebels believe
Zaletta is only posing as a defector. They lock him up, but it turns out that Kupalo is the
traitor, not Zaletta. Kupalo steals the shuttle Zaletta came aboard, wipes out much of the
Redemptions docking bay, and escapes into space. Ace manages to capture Kupalo,
though, and he is revealed to be a brainwashed Imperial agent, captured after Hoth and
made to do the Empires bidding. The Rebels have lost one ally, but gained another in
Zaletta. With this done, Ace again helps his family. He helps Aeron steal some Viraxo cargo
for the Alliance (a blow to their enemies and a boon to their new allies), then leaves her at
Vergesso Base. Meanwhile, Zaletta tells the Alliance of a convoy of materials from Xizor
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 415
Transport Systems that is meant for a major Imperial construction project. After a quick recon
of the vessels, Ace returns to hear that Vergesso Base is under attack. Apparently the
operators of the base, Ororo Transportation, had gotten on the bad side of one of Black Sun’s
subsidiaries, prompting the Empire to have Darth Vader himself smash down on Vergesso.
Ace is able to get there and save Aeron and a few others, but it’s a very close call . . . (To be
continued below . . . )*
(X-wing Alliance)*
*NOTE: Some refer to a short story called A Path to Victory as being a tie-in to these events, very much like The
Farlander Papers were with X-wing or The Steele Chronicles were with TIE Fighter. They are, however, mistaken.
The strategy guide (by Prima’s John Drake and Doug Barnett) has pretty much all of its strategy text written in
first person, which is something that begins after the basic controls and training section. When this narrative
begins, the “strategy” section actually begins, under the heading “A Path to Victory.” It is most assuredly not an
actual short story.
Aboard the Star Destroyer Vengeance, now under the command of Admiral Mordon, a young
repair technician named Maarek Stele is plagued by an unfulfilled desire to be a pilot, and
memories of his earlier life on Kuan, where he lost (as in missing, not dead) his father during
the Bordal War. Luckily, when his piloting skills are shown briefly aboard a repaired TIE
fighter, he is given the chance to enter flight training and becomes a TIE fighter pilot. He
attracts the notice of Admiral Mordon, who takes Maarek under his wing and eventually
reveals to Maarek a bit about the nature of the hooded “acolytes,” the Secret Order, that
prowls the halls of Imperial vessels. Mordon finally reveals suspicions that high ranking
Imperial officers may be plotting against Imperial interests, but Mordon is killed shortly
thereafter. In a message left for Maarek before his death, Mordon tells him that he will soon
be contacted and moved to a safe place, free of suspicion. That move comes in the form of a
transfer to the out-of-the-way Platform D-34 outpost, under the command of Major Thorbo.
They are working in conjunction now with Admiral Flanken of the Hammer to draw out Rebels
in the area and crush them. Maarek, meanwhile, is contacted by the Secret Order and given
secondary orders to carry out during his missions, which feed a “higher purpose.” After a
while of relatively dull missions around D-34, Maarek is transferred to the frigate Fogger,
where he makes friends with fellow pilots Grommet, Kechel, and Alimet. His Fogger missions
begin with an attack on the Mugaari depot that sold the weapons used during a recent attack
on D-34, only to find upon return that Rebels have used the distraction to take over D-34
itself. They drive the Rebels off, then strike at the ship that was the attacks staging point.
After taking out the Rebel vessel Lulsla, Maarek is once again transferred. This time, it is to
the Victory-class Star Destroyer Protector, under the command of Admiral Harkov (who has
recently been talking with Mon Mothma about defecting). There, he meets Captain Trace, a
fellow pilot, and finds himself thrust into the middle of the Sepan Civil War, in which the
Sepan system planets, Ripoblus and Dimok, are at war and the Empire is there to,
supposedly, keep the peace. Unfortunately, someone has been selling Imperial arms to both
sides in the struggle. While Trace tries to fake being part of the Secret Order as a means of
getting info (and maybe a Secret Order introduction) from Maarek (who isn’t biting), the
Secret Order gathers evidence, with Maarek’s help, to prove that the weapon shipments are
coming from Admiral Harkov himself, who is doctoring manifests and has been conspicuously
“interrogating” a Rebel prisoner for far too long. The Secret Order brings this information to
Darth Vader, who requires more evidence before Harkov is “dealt with.” The Secret Order
has also caused Trace to disappear after asking so many questions about them . . . (To be
continued below . . . )*
(The Stele Chronicles)*
*NOTE: I’m listing this story under the title of the novella that was expanded upon in the TIE Fighter Official
Strategy Guide to create an overall fiction story to go with the game strategies. Most of the events, though, were
originally covered in the TIE Fighter computer game. (It’s just easier to merge the story and present it as one tale,
rather than trying to split it up, which would get really, really ugly.)
On Trevura, the Imperials test a new type of weapon. Due to the Rebellion using so many
droids, they have created a blaster with three settings: kill; stun; and inhibit, which is very
much like a Jawa ion gun. They are field testing it in a sweep through the capital city’s
streets, on orders from Governor Merno Blask, who has discovered that an assassin droid
has been sent to kill him. While he fears it may be IG-88, it is, in fact, S-R6 (Essar), an
undercover assassin droid. When a group of Rebels is in the middle of town during a sweep,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 416
they end up duking it out with several stormtroopers, taking charge of the weapons. They are
approached by T-3PO, who says an interested party would like to buy them. At the meeting,
where the party is revealed to be S-R6, the stormtrooper attack again, being defeated yet
again. S-R6 and the heroes both are presumed to have escaped with some of the prototype
(Gun Nut)
After the Battle of Hoth, Rebel High Command decides that they need better combat
airspeeders, since General Veers’s assault penetrated the Rebel defense of Echo base with
ease. Thus, they add the Walker Buster Heavy Assault Airspeeder to the Rebel Air Force.*
(conjecture based on The Rebel Air Force: Combat Airspeeders)*
*NOTE: All information from this Challenge Magazine #47 article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
On Zelos II, a Rebel Alliance Special Ops team led by Major T’Charek Haathi stakes out a
well-guarded Corellian YT-1300, the Maker, owned by Sythluss Leethe. The team, including
Haathi, Morgan Q. Raventhorn, Ivhin Jayme, and Dren Nord, is successful in getting to the
ship, but then must fight both Imperials outside the ship and internal security inside the ship
in order to steal the vessel for the Rebel Alliance. In the nick of time, things finally start going
the team’s way, and they manage to take their prize and escape Zelos II with only minor
injuries to both bodies and pride.
(Special Ops: Shipjackers)
T’Charek Haathis Special Ops shipjacking crew takes their newly acquired ship, the Maker,
to the drop point on Gelgelar for supplies. Upon arrival, they meet Colonel Arik Stijhl, his
medical officer, Lady Maglenna Pendower, and other members of his staff, including Kovings,
who had earlier been joking with Stijhl about how they should have shot the ship down, since
Haathi tends to bring trouble wherever she goes. This is the case once again, as shortly after
landing, Morgan Raventhorn is nearly killed by an unknown attacker. Once she is checked
out, Ivhin Jayme goes in search of the attacker, which turns out to be an assassin droid. The
droid manages to lock everyone in the warehouse where the Maker is being repaired,
planning to kill everyone who is interfering with its mission. The Rebels realize this and race
for the ship. Stijhl is nearly killed, as is Jayme, but they all manage to escape in the Maker
(by busting through the doors) before the droid self-destructs, taking the entire drop point with
it. Afterwards, they discover that in checking the background on the Maker, they didn’t check
the background on whom they stole it from. The previous owner, Sythluss Leethe, was an
underworld droid dealer, and the assassin droid was apparently readied for one of his clients,
set up on a timer. When it activated, it perceived everyone as a threat and thus attacked
Morgan and then the base. After all is cleared up, Stijhl agrees to let Maglenna join Haathi’s
team in return for Dren Nord, the disenfranchised medic of the team, remaining with Stijhls
(Special Ops: Drop Points)
One of the many probe droids sent to search for the hidden main Rebel base (which was just
attacked on Hoth) discovers a Rebel base on Taul in the Gunthar system and destroyed by
Rebels of the world’s small outpost before it could send its report. When no word is received
from the probe droid, the Dominator is sent to check out what has happened. The result is a
major ground battle between Imperial and Rebel ground forces in the swamps of Taul.
(Uninvited Guests)
A Rebel group left behind to attack the Imperials when the Rebels fled from Taul is found by
Imperial forces from the Dominator. A battle once again rages . . .
(Return to Taul)
Alliance Intelligence discovers that Santhe/Sienar Technologies has reached a breakthrough
in its move toward cloaking technology. A polarity-changing flux refractor is set to be sent
from a Santhe/Sienar base on Dennaskar to Imperial hands for further testing. The Alliance
sends a group of Rebels to stop the Santhe Security forces from getting the refractor into
Imperial hands . . .
(Surprise Visit)
Commander Luke Skywalker leads his forces in an engagement with the Imperial second
fleet near Bespin. His target is the Super-class star destroyer Enforcer, Admiral Kohrin’s
flagship. When additional Imperial forces arrive, Skywalker is forced to retreat. The Enforcer
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 417
is badly damaged in the battle and limps to Phaylenn for repairs. The rest of the Imperial
fleet then “devastates” rebel positions in the Ahlenn system (unknown to the Imperials, the
rebels had abandoned Ahlenn two months previously).*
(conjecture based on Starfighters Down)*
*NOTE: This event takes place two weeks prior to Starfighters Down.
A commander Fenris briefs a large group of rebel pilots and soldiers. Two weeks prior, Luke
Skywalker led a rebel fleet which attacked the Imperial second fleet before being forced to
retreat. During the battle, the Super-class star destroyer Enforcer was damaged and is
currently in orbit of Phaylenn undergoing repairs. Their mission: to attack and destroy the
Enforcer before it is repaired. The rebel force leaves for Phaylenn and engages the Enforcer,
as well as TIEs from the ship and the planet’s surface. During the fighting, a rebel ship is
damaged and is forced to crash land on the planet. After recovering from the crash, the crew
realize that their ship can be repaired except for the power distribution module. Deciding to
steal a passable replacement module, the crew head for the Imperial garrison, the only
nearby facility sure to have the part they need. After three days journey, they arrive at the
garrison. They decide the only way to get past the outer defenses is inside an Imperial
vessel of some sort, and so attack and commandeer an AT-ST on patrol. Once inside the
base, they steal a power distribution module from a Lambda-class shuttle and then leave the
base in their stolen AT-ST. Returning to their ship, they install the module and take off.
Immediately, they are set upon by TIES, but they are able to lose them in the orbiting debris
left by the destroyed Enforcer and the remains of the orbital repair platform. They enter
hyperspace and return to base.*
(Starfighters Down)*
*NOTE: This story features an image that looks a lot like Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors, but there is no definitive
indication of their participation. All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by
Luke Van Horn.
A Twi’lek spice smuggling ring run by Bib Fortuna is shut down when the Tyaonon Ranger, a
Mandalorian Stathas-class freighter, is seized by a Phraetiss system patrol cruiser. When
the Ranger disappears from the systems impound yards, it is discovered that a mysterious
human named Tealo has been stealing and reselling the ship to unsuspecting buyers.*
(conjecture based on The Tyaonon Ranger: A Fast Ship for Star Wars Campaign)*
*NOTE: All information from this Polyhedron #100 article was submitted by Luke Van Horn. This event is
sometime during the Rebellion era, but its focus on Bib Fortuna suggests perhaps close to ROTJ.
The day before a group of Rebels arrives at Dandrian, Retired Imperial Admiral Joser, who
wants to join the Rebel Alliance, is captured by Imperial agents before he is able to meet up
with the Rebels.
(conjecture based on Dandrian’s Ring)
A group of rebel agents travel in the Carpagian (a Saryabo IV pinnace scoutcraft ) to
Dandrian, a planet located between Dantooine and Bespin (and also between Tatooine and
Yavin) to meet retired Imperial admiral Joser, who wants to join the rebels. After landing in
the main city of Lon Drasna, they head to The Watering Hole, the prearranged meeting place.
The admiral isn’t there, however, and their inquiries attract the attention of a Gamorrean who
slips out of the bar and races off on a swoop. Fearing that he is intending to alert the imperial
authorities, two of the rebel agents chase after him on two parked swoops which they
“borrow.” Unfortunately, the bikes are owned by two surly Gamorreans, and a fight breaks
out between the owners and remaining agents. The rebels on the “borrowed” swoops
eventually catch the Gamorrean and he reveals that Joser was captured the day before by
Imperials. Although he doesn’t know where Joser is being held, Sti Groon, a local
newsmonger, knows everything that happens in the area. The rebels go to Groons
residence, where, after winning a contest insisted on by Groon, he reveals that Joser is being
held in a top-secret prison on Alpha-Omega, the largest asteroid in Dandrian’s Ring (a group
of asteroids that orbit Dandrian). The rebels leave Lon Drasna and land on the asteroid.
Sneaking into the prison, they free Joser from his cell. Unfortunately, a star destroyer has
arrived and sent the shuttle Tydirium and two TIE Fighters to the prison to pick up the
prisoner. The rebels evade the Imperials long enough to reach their ship and escape, but not
before noticing that none other than Darth Vader was aboard the shuttle to retrieve the
admiral. After a tense chase through the asteroids by TIEs, the rebels manage to enter
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 418
hyperspace and return to the Alliance.*
(Dandrian’s Ring)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario, but there is a sense that it may have been Hind’s way
of creating a scenario to steal the Tydirium. If so, then that is not how events worked out, but it does pin down a
time frame to between ESB and ROTJ. All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was
submitted by Luke Van Horn.
A smuggler working for the Rebel Alliance convinces some rebel friends of his to accompany
him to his home planet Harridan to pay off a debt he owes to the crime lord Egot Pai-4-Yem.
Arriving in Spaceport City, the planet’s capital, the smuggler and a female friend check into
the Lullaby Motel as honeymooners (the smuggler was instructed to do this if he ever wanted
to contact the crime lord). After waiting a while, eventually a bottle of champagne arrives with
two tickets to the Museum of Flight. When they step outside the hotel to hail a taxi, a purse
snatcher grabs their satchel, which is filled with the credits needed to pay of Egot. After a
long chase, the snatcher drops the satchel and escapes. Unknown to the rebels, the
snatcher is an undercover law enforcement officer who has planted a bug on the satchel.
Retrieving the satchel, the rebels continue on to the museum. After exploring for a while,
they notice a model (of the type of ship the smuggler owns) that has been moved from its
display to point toward an emergency exit. Across from the exit is a door with a sign that
reads “The Bonemans Rest. Entering, they discover that its a cantina, and there is a large
brawl under way. When the rebels notice some of the employees (particularly the barmaids)
being threatened by nasty thugs, they join in the brawl. After the police arrive and the brawl
ends, the rebels are vouched for by the employees and consequently not arrested. Learning
that Egot owns the bar, the rebels order “Egots Lava Crab Feast” and are taken to the back,
where they go through a trap door into the sewers. At the end of the tunnel they find
themselves in is a warehouse, and within is Egot conducting business. Before the credits
can be handed over, however, the police (who have been shadowing the rebels since
planting the bug) arrive. A shootout ensues, and Egot and his henchmen escape, but in their
haste leave behind the title for the smugglers ship.. The police interrogate the rebels, but
eventually let them go since they were shooting at Egot, but not without giving them a
reprimand for associating with criminals and confiscating the credits intended to pay off the
smuggler’s debt. Lifting off from Spaceport City, no sooner do the rebels leave the
atmosphere than they are stopped by the Victory-class destroyer Titan for a routine
inspection. Passing the inspection, the rebels head for their hyperspace jump point, but
before they reach it, Egot attacks from his small fighter, the Razorshark. The fighting catches
Titan’s attention, and it sends out TIEs to take both ships into custody. The rebels reach their
jump point first, however, and as they enter hyperspace, the last thing they see is the
Razorshark taking fire from the TIEs.*
(Paid in Full)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario, set between ESB and ROTJ. All information
pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
Rebel agent Bret “No Fret” Hanson locates Nik, a traitor to the Rebels, in an alley in Rakati.
Nik reacts first and throws a thermal detonator at Bret. Fortunately, Bret thought to bring a jet
pack and so thrusts upward to avoid the blast. During his ascent, he pulls his blaster and
stuns Nik. When he lands again, he cuffs the unconscious Nik and takes him away to stand
trial before the Rebel High Command.*
(Jet Packs: A Great Pick-Me-Up)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic Rebellion era RPG scenario, which I have assumed is set between ESB and ROTJ.
All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
Dengar and Manaroo finally perform the Attanni, cementing love between them. Dengar
realizes how important it is to save Manaroo’s people from COMPNOR, so he uses his Rebel
contacts to free them, as he should have two years before. (To be continued below . . . )
(Payback: The Tale of Dengar)
With the Empire in control of Cloud City on Bespin, Bespin Motors begins selling its Cloud
Cars to other markets, aside from just Bespin.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
An annoyed Imperial scout, Sergeant Pfilbee Jhorn is sent to Endor on a survey mission
because the previous survey team had returned little useful information. After seeing
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 419
everything from Ewoks to the Gorax, the team of nine Imperials is captured by the marauders
led by Terak and tortured. Finally, they escape and three of the original nine manage to get
off the planet with their pick-up ship. Jhorn files his decidedly harshly-worded report and is
soon transferred to a solar focusing mirror above Coruscant (and then a stint in the deserts of
Tatooine) for his insubordinate tone.
(The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Endor Entry)
A Rebel team is sent to newly Imperial Cloud City on Bespin to help rescue a group of Rebel
refugees in the city. Upon arrival, the team’s contact, Silver Fur, is killed, and the team has to
battle Zardra and Jodo Kast and race to recover an encrypted datapad with information vital
to the mission. Upon getting the datapad, they seek out Spensor Kluub for decryption and
find him nearly dead at the hands of an ISB agent, Kal Vorusk, who is working for the ISB
team leader on the mission to capture the refugees, Govin Thane. Upon getting the
datapad’s information, the team discovers and escapes to the outer platforms with the
refugees, where they are confronted by Thane and his wardroid. In a fierce battle, the
Rebels win the day and escape to Kaliska.
(Cloud Cover)
Ral Shawgrim defects from the Rebel Alliance to the Galactic Empire, taking plans for the T-
65B X-wing starfighter with him.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
Pano is recruited by Crix Madine and quickly moves through the ranks to become a Major by
the Battle of Endor.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Oola is taken from Ryloth and sold as a slave to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine. Before being
taken to Jabba’s Palace, a fellow slave girl, Sienn, is saved by Luke Skywalker, while Oola
covers their escape.
(conjecture based on Special Edition Sourcebook and A Time to Mourn, a Time to
Dance: Oolas Tale)
On Borcorash, the Resinem Entertainment building is damaged by a nearby explosion.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
A Kuat Drive Yards subsidiary known as Kuat Systems Engineering is sold to Vaathkree
merchants with Rebel sympathies, under the guise of a group of Imperial loyalists.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
Grodin Tierce becomes a Royal Guardsman.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
The Empire’s Procurator of Justice, Lord Hethrir, is aboard Crseih Station, which has recently
relocated into orbit of a black hole and crystallizing star, when his scientists manage to
breach the wall between dimensions. A strange Anti-Force creature is brought into this
dimension (or created through the mingling of dimensions)Waru.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Shortly after joining the Royal Guard, Grodin Tierce is rotated into a regular stormtrooper
squad (in keeping with the practice of rotating Guardsmen through the regular military forces
to keep up fighting prowess).
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
Following the success of the Viper probot in discovering the Rebel base on Hoth (and the
subsequent capture of that base), Arakyd Industries releases a new line of probots known as
Infiltrators, which have been developed in cooperation with Imperial techs under orders from
Admiral Damon Krell.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
Shortly after his promotion to Grand Admiral, Thrawn is sent into the Unknown Regions
aboard his Victory-class Star Destroyer Iron Fist. After exploring that area he is to head into
the area known as Wild Space to explore its territory and prepare for colonization and/or
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past and Heir to the Empire Sourcebook)
An entire company of the First Sun Mobile Regiment is executed by Moff Nile Owen in the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 420
Rayter sector for slaughtering Rebels at a target outpost instead of capturing prisoners for
interrogation. This begins First Sun’s slow move away from Imperial employ.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
Emperor Palpatine orders construction to begin on two new classes of Star Destroyer. The
first is the Sovereign-class Star Destroyer, larger than the Super Star Destroyers in
production. The second is the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer, larger than even the Sovereign
Star Destroyer and set to be the line from which the Emperor will take his own personal
flagship. Both have been in the design stages since prior to the Battle of Yavin.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook and Imperial Handbook)
When a Rebel squadron led by Stevan Makintay tries to steal a carrier full of supplies and
ends up failing and losing one pilot, Makintay will have no more of Eyrie Base’s Commander
Baran’s refusals to give them backup. Makintay goes on a mission to his homeworld,
Hargeeva, to speak with his ex-lover Ketrian Altronel, who would be able to help create and
refit technology and supplies instead of the Rebels having to steal it. On Hargeeva, Ketrian
and Rebel-sympathizer Alikka Nolan meet with Imperial Major Nial Pedrin about a new alloy
she has created, which could be very beneficial to the empire, and Pedrin’s career. Later,
Alikka takes the anti-Rebel Ketrian to meet with a shady “friend,” which turns out to be a
meeting of Rebels, including Mak. Mak tries to convince Ket to join the Rebellion, but she
refuses. She still believes that Mak just left her for his starship piloting dreams, and that he is
now a riot-instigator. Mak agrees to slip them past Pedrin’s guards, who had been tailing the
women and have reappeared, and back to safety. After the three leave the meeting place, it
is destroyed, and the Rebel inside are killed. Mak pretends to take the girls hostage to get
them out of trouble, but Pedrin’s troopers simply stun all three of them. Ket awakens and
finds herself getting injections for “stun shock” from a medical droid. Pedrin tells her that
while she may still be a loyal Imperial citizen, Mak and Alikka are in custody. Pedrin wants to
get the location of a Rebel base from them, so he can boost his career. If she will help get
the information from Mak, Alikka will live. She is to be sent to Coruscant to continue her alloy
work, taking the same shuttle to the capital that Mak is being transported on as a prisoner.
She is to get the information en route. Once they are away, she confronts Mak. She’s
already starting to become wary of the Imperials and to lighten up to Mak, partly because a
Rebel at the meeting suggested that there was proof that Mak was taken away forcibly, and
thus did not abandon her. She asks for the information, and Mak tells her that Alikka has
already been executed, right before his eyes. She died in his arms. The ship is beset by
pirates. During the fighting, Mak is freed, but Ket keeps getting sicker. The injections weren’t
for her health, but a counteragent for the first injection, which was a poison. Mak needs to
get to the medical bay to save her life. The ship, under pirate control, is then attacked by
Mak’s squadron for supplies. The Rebels reunite. The doctor of the group helps to get the
counteragent to Ket and begin treatment to save her life. Mak and Ket finally make up and
expect a new life together, with Ket as a member of the Rebel Alliance right alongside Mak
and his friends.
After a day and a half in medical treatment at Eyrie Base, Ketrian Altronel is still not
recovering from the poison she received by Imperials before leaving Hargeeva. When
Stevan Makintay is refused permission (by Commander Biros Baran) to go back to Hargeeva
to find a cure or find someone with the antidote, he knocks Baran out. Then he and Merinda
Niemeh go anyway. They head for Hargeeva and check computer records, to no avail. They
decided to take a different approach. Major Nial Pedrin, demoted in position for losing
Ketrian in the first place, hopes to lure Rebels trying to save Ketrian into a trap. The trap
catches him, though, when Mak breaks into his mistress’ home as Pedrin is beating her. Mak
takes Pedrin back to their ship, with Thera, the mistress, tagging along to join the Rebellion.
When Pedrin awakens on the ship, hoping that it will go to the Rebel base, to which he can
direct Imperials based on a homing beacon implanted in his arm, he is questioned. He
truthfully tells Mak the antidote, but it is something that has already been tried, to no avail.
Not knowing any other course of action, Pedrin lies and says there’s a different antidote that
he will have to deliver personally. They let him live and head to Eyrie Base, but they realize
he has the transmitter in his arm and remove it, tossing it into space. Upon arrival at the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 421
base, they keep things hush-hush. They bring Pedrin to deliver the antidote and it requires
Dr. Tarrek to go get more datacards and such to help them create the (false) antidote. After
Tarrek leaves, Mak and Pedrin are forced to hide in the back of Ketrians room when
Assistant Medic Griek, a fellow Hargeevan enters. From hiding, they listen as Griek tells the
unconscious Ketrian that Griek has been the one poisoning Ketrian (since the Imperial poison
was cured), to repay her for helping the Imperials on Hargeeva. She is about to administer
an antidote, though, since Ketrian’s technology is badly needed. Revenge can wait. As Mak
comes out of hiding to confront her, Pedrin stabs him with a scalpel and holds Griek at
blasterpoint with Maks weapon. The standoff is broken when Tarrek and Merinda enter. Mak
kicks the distracted Pedrin’s shin, then Griek lunges at him. Pedrin kills Griek, but Merinda
stuns Pedrin (unfortunately, it was a stun, not a killshot). Before Mak allows the doctor to
tend to his major bleeding, he tells him to administer the antidote to Ketrian. He then loses
consciousness. Later, Mak awakens to find a healthy Ketrian sitting over him. He’s going to
be fine, and she has been cured. Also, Colonel Farland is back, and the semi-incompetent
Baran has been transferred to a new post. Life, for Mak, is good.
(Desperate Measures)
Emperor Palpatine contacts the advancing Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium and arranges to trade
prisoners (which the Ssi-Ruuk can entech and use in their droid starfighters) for Ssi-Ruuvi
(conjecture based on Truce at Bakura)
On the forest moon of Endor, the starcruiser of the Towani family lies wrecked. The Towani
family (Catarine, Jeremitt, Mace, and Cindel) are stranded. When Catarine and Jeremitt
vanish, the children are found by the Ewok Deej Warrick. After Mace tries to kill them, the
Ewoks subdue him and take both children to the Ewoks’ home. There, Cindel and Wicket W.
Warrick become friends. Shortly thereafter, the Ewoks kill a beast only to find a life-monitor
from one of the Towani parents with the creature. They seek out the Ewok Logray who
informs them that the parents have been taken by the monstrous Gorax, who resides in a
deserted, dangerous area. A caravan of Ewoks is formed to help the children find their
parents. They meet up with a wistie named Izrina and a boisterous Ewok named Chukha
before finally reaching the lair of the Gorax. They engage the Gorax in battle, freeing
Jeremitt and Catarine, but Chukha is killed. The Gorax is thought destroyed when he is
knocked into a chasm, but it takes a final blow from Mace (using Chukha’s axe) to kill the
creature, who tries to climb back up after them. Thus reunited, the Towanis decide to stay
with the Ewoks until they can repair the starcruiser, and Izrina leaves to go back to her
(Caravan of Courage)*
*NOTE: Based on official sources that I have long since forgotten, we were once told that this story apparently is
said to take place 3 ABY with the cartoons at 3.5 ABY. However, the death of Chukha-Trok in Caravan of Courage
necessitates that it must take place after the Ewoks cartoon, in which he appeared (in both seasons). Thus,
against what had been said officially, I placed it, after the series. As it turns out, I was right in doing so. After
contacting Leland Chee directly about this apparent contradiction in May 2013, he was able to confirm for me that
the Holocron Continuity Database officially places the Ewok materials in the following order: Star Comics;
cartoons; and then telemovies. It would seem that the earlier official information was incorrect, though it was
never corrected publicly, as far as I can tell. (This does mean that Cindel ages fairly quickly, but that is a hazard
with these kinds of ever-shifting chronological dates.)
On the forest moon of Endor, the Towani family (Jeremitt, Catrine, Mace, and Cindel) prepare
to leave. Repairs are nearing completion on their crashed star cruiser. As Jeremitt works on
the ship, the Ewok village is attacked by a group of marauders (originally crash-landed from
Sanyassa) led by Terak and his witch-like sorceress (a Nightsister who escaped from
Dathomir with the shape-changing powers of the Talisman of the Raven, according to earlier
Imperial survey by Pfilbee Jhorn) Charal. Many Ewoks are killed, along with Catrine and
Mace. Terak confronts Jeremitt at the ship wanting "the power," the power cell for the star
cruiser. Terak takes the cell and kills Jeremitt. Cindel escapes while Ewoks are gathered up
to be taken back to the marauder's castle. Cindel's escape is short-lived, though, as she is
captured by Charal and placed in a prisoner carriage, where she is reunited with Wicket W.
Warrick. With the other Ewoks' help, the two escape from the carriage, pursued by a few
marauders. They hide out in a cave in a nearby mountain. Wicket builds a hang glider for
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 422
them to escape from the only other cave opening. A dragonlike creature in the cave is
disturbed by their activities and attacks them, taking Cindel as it flies from the cave mouth.
Wicket follows with the glider and saves her, though they both crash back to the forest below.
They hide again in a hollow tree and awaken the next morning to meet Teek, a speedy
creature also native to the forest moon. Learning that they need food, Teek takes Wicket and
Cindel to the home of Noa Briqualon, a human man who has also been stranded there.
When he arrives home to find Wicket and Cindel in his house, uninvited (at least not by him),
he is angered and throws them out. Teek sneaks them some food, using his incredible
speed, which Noa allows, since he really isn't the hard-ass he'd appeared to be. When
Wicket and Cindel try to start a fire for warmth (which, uncontrolled, could burn down a lot
more than just a few trees), Noa invites them in, using that as an excuse. That night, Cindel
has a dream that the marauders have come for her. She awakens with a start, and once
again, Noa shows his fatherly nature in calming her. At the marauders' castle, Charal tries to
use her magic to draw "the power" from the energy cell, to no avail. She is ordered by Terak
to find Cindel, for she must know how to use "the power." Noa returns home later in the day
with a surprise--a new bed for Wicket and Cindel. They return the favor with a surprise of
their own--enough of a type of flower to make a pie. He allows them to stay another night.
When Noa leaves the next day, they follow him and discover where he goes each day. Noa
has a starship of his own, which he is repairing. It appears that he and his friend Salak
crashed on the planet years before. The crash destroyed the crystal for their power drive,
and Salak went to find another, never to return. Now, Noa has the ship repaired as best he
can. All he needs is a power drive crystal--an energy cell like the one Telak captured from
the Towanis. That evening, Cindel tells Noa of her family and their adventures thus far on
Endor. As Noa, Wicket, and Teek sleep the next morning, Cindel is awakened by the sound
of a woman singing a song her mother used to sing to her. She follows the voice to find a
beautiful woman. Wicket finds that she is gone and he and the others race to Cindel, but
arrive too late. The woman transforms into Charal, who takes Cindel prisoner. Cindel is
taken before Terak and ordered to activate "the power," but when she cannot, she and
Charal are both imprisoned with the Ewoks. Noa, Wicket, and Teek make their way to the
castle to free Cindel and the other Ewoks. In the cells, Charal tells Cindel that it was Noa's
friend Salak (now lying dead, as a skeleton, in the cellblock) who spoke of "the power" to be
found in the energy cells. Terak killed him for not turning over that power. Outside, the trio of
unlikely heroes sneak into the castle. They make their way to the cellblock and free Cindel
and the other Ewoks. A marauder sounds an alarm bell, and the marauders head for the
cellblock, even as Noa blasts a hole in the wall to escape through. As they are escaping,
Cindel mentions the fate of Salak, prompting Noa to take the energy cell with them. Terak
frees Charal to help him find the ship Noa is repairing. The marauders trace them back to the
ship, where Wicket leads the Ewoks in defense of the ship and Noa tries to get the ship up
and running using the energy cell from the Towani family's spacecraft. The Ewoks put up a
valiant effort, but are being beaten until Noa gets the ship running and they use the ship's
laser cannons to fend off the marauders. When Cindel goes to save Wicket, though, she is
captured by Terak, even as the other marauders retreat. Terak and Noa meet. Cindel is
released, but Noa and Terak will fight for the energy cell. Noa is nearly killed, until Wicket
hits the ring he is wearing from a string around his neck with a rock from his sling. The ring is
the one that allowed Charal to change forms. He took it from her to keep her in raven form
so she could track the group without betraying him. Now it proves his downfall, as its power
burns him to a crisp. Charal swoops down and reclaims the ring. Shortly thereafter,
goodbyes are said and then Noa and Cindel leave the forest moon of Endor aboard Noa's
starship. They will travel the stars together until the Battle of Endor before later settling down
in a modest home as a “family” in the Mid-Rim. Cindel will go on to become a successful
reporter and editor for Coruscant NewsFeed and Noa will later retire from trading.*
(The Battle for Endor)*
*NOTE: Information about the characters after the telemovie is based on Endor and the Moddell Sector.
With Terak dead, his son Zakul takes over rule of his Marauders.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
Dasha Defano joins the Rebel Alliance.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 423
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Viscount Tardi of the Rebel Alliance dies. A droid is created to take his place in next months
loan negotiations on Aargau.
(conjecture based on The Third Law)
Imperial scientists begin to study space slugs, originally thought to be mythological creatures
until one was found in the asteroid belt near Hoth.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
A new wanted poster is issued for Han Solo by the Empire, offering a 250,000 credit reward
for his capture or proof of death. A corresponding reward of 50,000 credits is offered for
Chewbacca. (Exact date on document: 38:10:23)*
(conjecture based on The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett)*
*NOTE: No, this doesn’t make a lot of sense to me either. Why would the poster have a date that is four months
after ESB and five months before ROTJ, if Han has already been captured by Boba Fett on Bespin, and Boba has
already headed out to take Han to Jabba with Darth Vader’s Imperial permission?
A Rebel blockade runner is attacked and boarded by a super-powered Imperial probe droid,
sent by Admiral Damon Kreel. While out on a mission to check his skills after the events on
Bespin, Luke Skywalker (with R2-D2) takes an X-wing near the blockade runner, which blasts
the X-wing. Luke and R2-D2 barely escape. They work their way aboard the ship,
discovering that its computer is working against them. They soon reach the main computer
chamber, where they discover the probe linked into the entire ship’s system. It is setting the
ship’s drives to overload and explode, but is to join up with the Rebel fleet first. Hoping
against hope, or following the Force, Luke attacks the ship with his lightsaber, shouting his
name for the probe droid to hear. The droid’s programming is overridden by programming
from Darth Vader to capture Luke alive. It turns from the fleet, and as it does so, Luke
destroys its guidance system connection. Luke and R2-D2 escape to be picked up by the
fleet while the ship leaps to hyperspace to rendezvous with the nearest Star Destroyer
Kreel’s. It nears just as the drive finally explodes, taking both the blockade runner and the
Star Destroyer with it.
(Death Probe)
Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca are aboard the Millennium Falcon when its hyperdrive
croaks, thrusting them into a parallel dimension. In this dimension, they find a city. They
land nearby, but come under attack by a monster. They are saved by Cody Sunn-Childe, a
rather violent Rebel long thought dead. Cody appears to have become very peaceful and
now leads the citys community. They can still communicate with their original “outside”
dimension, but would rather not do so. He tells Lando of how he gained the power of the
M’ust flame-god and created this entire dimension from his own troubled mind. The
creatures outside are manifestations of the darkness he tried to defeat within himself. In our
normal dimension, Imperials discover the rift created by the Falcon and try to widen it with
their hyperdrives to make use of the dimension and whatever might be inside. They manage
to get through at the expense of their hyperdrive resources. Lando and Chewie take off and
try to escape and take on the Imperials, but know they won’t do much good. Given a guilt-trip
by Lando’s parting words, Cody uses his control over the dimension to create huge monsters
that leap out and attack the Imperial ships. Calling on his peaceful side and ideals again,
Cody brings back the creatures before they can totally destroy the Imperials, and his
followers agree that it is better to die than to give in to such destructive thoughts. The
Imperials destroy the city and all within, but Lando and Chewie have the last laugh, if one can
laugh through tears. The Imperials, led by Captain Plikk, now have no way to escape from
the deserted dimension. The Falcon heads back to the dimensional doorway, leaving the
Star Destroyers to an eternity of peace and loneliness in the other dimension.
(The Dreams of Cody Sunn-Childe!)
The Rebel Alliance has captured a damaged Imperial Warbot. R2-D2 tries to work on it, but
his work causes more damage, forcing the Alliance to send the droids with Luke Skywalker
and the warbot to Klingon’s Moon AKA Droid World for Klingson’s help. Upon arrival, they
learn that Klingson will only help if he can keep the Warbot, and only the droids can enter. C-
3PO and R2-D2 board and soon gain schematics for the Warbot (which is more valuable than
the Warbot itself) and meet Z-X3, a former Imperial wardroid created by Tagge Industries.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 424
The droid seems devoted to Klingson, but when R2-D2 follows him, he is revealed to be an
Imperial infiltrator using the blasted Warbot to refit an older, captured Warbot. With the
Warbot completed, Z-X3 blasts Klingson to bits, then begins a revolt on Droid World, taking it
over in the name of the Empire. Z-X3 chases R2-D2 and C-3PO down in a vehicle, but just
as the droids are set to fall into a smelting pit, magnets above them catch them, saving them
as Z-X3 falls to his doom. The magnets were activated by Klingson, who is very much alive.
It was a replica that was destroyed. Elsewhere, a Warbot that he had refit from what was left
of the Rebel-captured Warbot is cleaning up the mess started by Z-X3, but at terrible price.
Klingson’s moon is a veritable “bloodbath” of droid bodies. He decides to stay, but when C-
3PO and R2-D2 return to Luke with the Warbot schematics, they witness Droid World
activate huge thrusters, leaving for where the Empire could never again find it.
(Droid World!)
Leia Organa, C-3PO, and R2-D2 accompany Viscount Tardi to the planet Aargau, galactic
banking hub, to secure a loan for the purchase of X-wings for the Rebel Alliance. Tardi
knows the protocols for the world and is essential to the mission. After declaring their
luggage and being assured that their diplomatic pouch is exempt from scans, they are shown
the three laws of Aargau. Three laws exist, all punishable by death: removal of precious
metals which back their currency; possession of weapons by non-citizens and lack of
weapons by citizens who are required to have them; and conspiracy to
defraud/discredit/deceive the Bank of Aargau. In customs, the discover another party has
arrived, Darth Vader, whose porter, secretary, and valet are actually a high-gravity creature,
telekinetic, and shape-shifter. Leia worries that Vader is there to destroy Tardi and foul the
loan. While driving, they are attacked by the “porter, and Leia uses a device to send him
through the ground. When Vader tries to cite this as a violation of the second law, she notes
that it is a gravitational field disrupter, not a weapon. Thats one stooge out of the way. Next,
in the butterfly gardens, Vader sends his “secretary as a poisonous butterfly, but R2-D2 hits
it with fire retardant spray and Leia squashes him. Later, on a tower from which they can
watch battlegames, Leia and Tardi stand side-by-side with Vader and the “valet.” The “valet”
uses his telekinesis to direct a missile from one of the fighters toward them to wipe out Tardi.
Unfortunately for him, R2-D2 had been projecting a hologram of Tardi over the “valet” and of
the “valet” over Tardi for a moment, causing the “valet” to send the missile into himself.
Three down, only Vader to go. Vader sends a message for the Rebels to meet him at the old
spaceport that night. When they (minus C-3PO) arrive, Vader takes out his illegal lightsaber
and slashes Tardi. Leia, meanwhile, takes a blaster from their diplomatic pouch. Both have
now broken the second law. Unfortunately for Vader, if he was trying to foul the loan, he is
too late. It was approved earlier using Alderaan’s crown jewels as collateral. Tardi, for his
part, was actually a droid, created shortly after Tardi’s death. They needed Tardi’s status to
get the loan, but knew that the droid may be discovered when leaving, so she had to ensure
that the Imperials, namely Vader, destroyed the droid by using a weapon, so that the
Imperials would have to cover up the “body or risk being executed for having a weapon.
This is guaranteed by R2-D2’s holorecord of Vader attacking Tardi with his lightsaber, which
has been simultaneously sent to C-3PO outside the main police headquarters. Vader,
however, has outfoxed her. Sure, the Rebels will get their X-wings, but he knew about Tardi
all along. It was merely a scheme to get the Alderaan crown jewels, for which he bribed a
bank official. In the end, both sides got what they wanted, and leave in peace . . .*
(The Third Law)*
*NOTE: In the Marvel UK series, rather than the American series, this story was released between the ESB
adaptation and Death Probe.
The Rebel Alliance sends Rogue Squadron with a force of Y-wings to strike at a newly-
discovered Imperial prison in the Maw near Kessel. The action frees numerous prisoners,
taken during the Battle of Hoth. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Rogue Leader)*
*NOTE: This summary is based on the Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader video game, not the comic book mini-
series X-wing: Rogue Leader.
Luke, Leia, R2-D2 and C-3PO arrive on a jungle planet in response to a distress signal from
Prince Denid of Velmor. Two decades earlier, Denid had been ousted from Velmor and sent
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 425
into hiding by treacherous Imperial elements on the planet. He escaped with Loren, his
betrothed, and Jedidiah, an alien who was once asked to be a Jedi Knight, but declined.
When they crashed on the jungle planet, Loren died and Jedidiah suffered brain-damage.
Now with Denid and Jedidiah, the Rebels head to Velmor to help Denid reclaim his throne,
but arrive just as Regent Zelor (who is in league with Imperial Captain Traal) is about to be
installed in Denid's place. Leia acts as the late Loren, while Luke acts as a bounty hunter
named Korl Marcus, and they interrupt the ceremony. Denid's identity is proven, and he
announces that Loren (Leia) is to be his queen, much to Luke's dismay. Zelor and Traal are
also less than thrilled at the idea of losing the throne, so they hire Korl (Luke) to kill Denid.
Luke plays along until later. Shortly before the ceremonial hunt for the royal "family," C-3PO
learns that Jedidiah's brain-damage is irreversible, just as Luke is getting to the limits of his
tolerance with the alien. During the hunt, Luke confronts Traal, only to have them both fired
upon by Zelor, who wants no witnesses to his plot to kill Denid. As Luke duels Zelor, Traal
tries to kill Luke, but Jedidiah leaps into the line of fire, saving Luke, but dying in the process.
Luke then defeats Zelor and knocks Traal out. Denid is made king. Leia decides to return to
the Rebel Alliance. Luke, in the meantime, buries Jedidiah, a true Jedi in action, if not in
(The Last Jedi)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the second issue of that black and white series.
Luke Skywalker is called upon to lead a group of Rebels aboard an abandoned Star
Destroyer that had appeared suddenly in the vicinity of Golrath. Aboard, they come upon a
red stone, which somehow inflicts all of the party with the Crimson Forever. The ship is
quarantined, and every person who was on-board dies, except for Luke Skywalker, who is
slowly succumbing to the Crimson Forever, but fighting it through the Force.
(conjecture based on The Crimson Forever)
Vael DeVay graduates from college (an Imperial university) with a degree in xenobiology.
Her profession will eventually lead her to Kal’Shebbol.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Outback—“Plant Food”)
The planet Annaj experiences an economic boom from the Death Star II’s construction at
(conjecture based on Endor and the Moddell Sector)
Shana Turi enters the University of Garos.*
(conjecture based on Mission to Zila)*
*NOTE: This assumes she enters at the age of 18.
After Leia Organa, aboard a Rebel blockade runner, saves Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca
aboard the Millennium Falcon, she informs the two that they must call off their search for Han
Solo and go with her to Golrath, one of the Rebel Alliance's temporary bases. Once on
Golrath, Leia informs Lando and Chewie that Luke Skywalker has been stricken by the
Crimson Forever, a deadly illness, brought on by a mysterious red stone. They are stumped
as to how to help him until Chewbacca begins to tell them an amazing story . . .*
(The Crimson Forever, Chapter I)*
*NOTE: See note below with Chapter III of this tale.
Chewbacca tells Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, and C-3PO about a time when he and Han
Solo were forced by Imperial Star Destroyers to take refuge on the world Terminus and
encountered a strange set of gems. Just as Chewbacca finishes the story, they are informed
that Luke has succumbed to the Crimson Forever . . .*
(The Crimson Forever, Chapter II--"Chewbacca's Story: Rage in the Red
*NOTE: See note below with Chapter III of this tale.
Knowing that the two red gems hold the key to curing the Crimson Forever, Lando Calrissian,
Leia Organa, C-3PO, and Chewbacca head for the Red Nebula to find them. What they find
instead is a derelict House of Tagge mining explorer. Inside, they find a group of bounty
hunters including Bossk, Dengar, IG-88, and Zuckuss (probably just Zuckuss spelled
incorrectly) and their employer, Domina Tagge. Domina had sworn revenge for the death of
her brother, Orman Tagge, and set out to find something that could wipe out both the Alliance
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 426
and the Empire. She found her answer with the Crimson Forever. She had hired the bounty
hunters to help her take the gems from the planet in the Red Nebula and had succeeded. As
they left the Red Nebula, they were caught by an Imperial Star Destroyer, which had
pummeled the mining explorer and left it dead in space. The Imperials had boarded and tried
to take both canisters holding the two gems, but the bounty hunters had made it so that they
could only escape with one. The kidnapped priest opened the remaining container aboard
the explorer and most of the crew died from the Crimson Forever. Out in space, the
Imperials entered hyperspace, causing the other container to open, killing the crew and
leaving the Star Destroyer to drift through hyperspace before leaving hyperspace at Golrath,
due to Golrath's mass shadow. The Rebels escape from Domina, and instead of leaving her
on the derelict explorer, offer her a bargain--if she will help cure the Crimson Forever's
effects, they will grant her and the bounty hunters their freedom. They take them to the
derelict Star Destroyer at Golrath, where the gems are reunited. They learn that the gems
are sentient and create a positive aura when together, but a negative aura when apart. It is
this aura that causes lifeforms to enter a suspended animation so thorough that it is
impossible to tell from death. Reuniting the gems causes the positive aura to return and
"bring the victims back to life." Luke recovers, as do the other victims. Domina is released
with a small ship, and so are the bounty hunters, though Lando has convinced them that
Domina would fetch a high bounty from the Imperials. The gems are then sent, aboard the
Star Destroyer on auto-pilot, beyond the rim of the known galaxy, where they can, hopefully,
do no one else any harm.*
(The Crimson Forever, Chapter III--"Against the Scarlet Night")*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the second issue of that black and white series.
Captain Maraba Tev returns to the Rebel Alliance fleet, dead of internal injuries. When his
ship is recovered, his message canister is found intact. When General Carlist Rieekan reads
the contents of the canister, he sends a message to Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Lando
Calrissian, and Chewbacca. They are all recalled to the fleet (Leia from an uncharted world,
Luke from a mission to recover an Imperial beacon, and Lando and Chewbacca from hunting
for Han Solo). Back with the fleet, they are informed that the Empire is creating a new,
modified Death Star known as the Tarkin. (It is actually an attempt to put a superlaser into a
vessel, rather than a battle station, as a prelude to work on the Eclipse-class Star Destroyers
that are going into secret production and will later be used by the Emperor Reborn.) Luke,
Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO are to infiltrate the Tarkin as workers at its spaceport
supply depot on Patriim. Lando, being left out because of what he did to Han, feels he
should try to make up for his betrayal and stows away on the mission. The team easily
infiltrates the Tarkin, but Darth Vader senses Luke's presence and decides to lay a trap for
him. He orders Captain Voal to leave the main reactor, which the Rebels will undoubtedly
sabotage, unguarded. Voal, believing that Vader has overstepped his authority in executing
several officers for failure, meets with his fellow high-ranking Imperials on the station and
they enter into a pact--Darth Vader must die.*
(Resurrection of Evil)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the third issue of that black and white series.
The Rebel team aboard the Tarkin manages to get to the main reactor, where Darth Vader is
stalking in search of Luke Skywalker. The treasonous Imperials aboard the station know this
as well, and decide to take advantage of the situation and open an airlock in the area, hoping
to kill Darth Vader. Both Luke and Vader manage to survive, however. Vader heads out of
the area while Luke rejoins the others, only to become pinned down by Imperial forces. On
Patriim, Lando, newly out of hiding, is ordered to take the Millennium Falcon off-planet. Back
on the Tarkin, the Rebels fight their way to an escape vessel, and are pursued shortly
thereafter by a TIE fighter squadron, including Darth Vader. They dock and transfer to the
Falcon just as the TIEs arrive in the vicinity. As Vader closes in, they jettison the ship's water
supply, leaving a path of ice blocks in Vader's path. His TIE is disabled, but he is not killed,
though those aboard the Tarkin believe him dead. The Tarkin then prepares to blast the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 427
Millennium Falcon, but when it tries to fire, it explodes. Leia had managed to reverse the
polarity on the station's superlaser, causing it to backfire. With the Tarkin destroyed, the
Rebels head back to the Rebel fleet.*
(To Take the Tarkin)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the third issue of that black and white series.
With the destruction of the Tarkin above Hockaleg, the threat of open uprising amongst the
laborers who were under Imperial control looms. In space, Darth Vader remains in his
damaged starfighter, having crashed into the ice trap set by the escaping Millennium Falcon.
Two stormtroopers, CT-4981 and TK-813 witness the Tarkin explode from their post and take
off in a shuttle to search for survivors. They discover Vader, who is wary of help from anyone
else, given the attempt on his life recently. CT-4981 reveals that he is a clonetrooper who
survived the Clone Wars. He had been a pilot, but he was demoted two decades earlier after
refusing to kill an injured clonetrooper on orders from a non-clone officer. He was also part of
Shadow Squadron, meaning that he was under the command of Anakin Skywalker (Vader
himself!). Upon returning to the surface, they find the laborers indeed taking action. One local
shoots and kills TK-813 (a non-clone), and another is about to shoot Vader when the clone
stormtrooper leaps in the way, sacrificing himself to save his leader. While the clone lay
dying, Vader tells him that he recognizes him: CT-4981 was Contrail, Shadow 11 at the Battle
of the Kaliida Nebula, and he fought well. Contrail, seemingly recognizing who Vader really is,
answers that he had a good teacher. Contrail finally passes away, and Vader takes up his
lightsaber to kill the rebellious citizens of Hockaleg . . .
(Vader Adrift)
Luke Skywalker comes under attack in his X-wing from TIE fighters from a Star Destroyer
under the command of Imperial Captain Dirk Balor. Before Luke can escape, Balor’s bizarre
companion, Altin Wuho, sends the strange creature Reist out in a small missile, which
attaches itself to Lukes X-wing. Luke then makes an emergency landing on Lapez-3, only to
find that his ship is heavily damaged. He sees Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia Organa,
come to save him, only to watch them be killed. He then sees Darth Vader, who reveals
himself to be death itself. Using the Force, Luke pushes past the illusions to realize that he is
still in the cockpit of his not-so-damaged X-wing. Reist, a nightmare demon, is on his chest,
feeding the telepathic visions into Luke’s mind. Luke wounds Reist with his lightsaber, then
gets away just as Wuho arrives to take Luke captive. Reist, seeking vengeance on Wuho for
years of mistreatment, shows Luke his true nature. Luke destroys Wuho, who was actually a
droid (and immune to Reist’s powers), even as Reist dies from his injuries. Luke leave a
grave marker for Reist and returns to space.
*NOTE: This story first appeared in the Marvel UK The Empire Strikes Back Weekly, issue 149, immediately after
the Marvel UK reprint of To Take the Tarkin That explains its placement here. One should note that this is the
only story from the Marvel UK Star Wars series that was never reprinted by either Marvel in the United States or
Dark Horse Comics in a Classic Star Wars series.
Leia Organa goes on a mission to Yinchorr with several Yinchori. She is told they will be
meeting with the Yinchori Elder Council about them joining the Rebellion, but instead, the
Yinchori pull weapons on her and tell her that the local Imperial CO, General Wessel, has
taken the Elder Council hostage and will only release them when they bring Leia to him.
Wessel is not good on his word, though, and his forces attack the ship as it comes into range.
Only Leia survives. Wessel sends stormtroopers to check the wreckage and the last one to
depart discovers Leia. He recognizes her because he is from Alderaan and frees her from
the wreckage. As he marches her back to the Imperial camp, the two argue over the merits
of the Rebellion. He believes Alderaan was destroyed in vain, and all that is left of it is a
small fragment of the planet that he wears on a chain around his neck. He begins to “come
around,” but changes his mind and takes her to the Imperials anyway. Just then, the
Millennium Falcon arrives, flown by Luke Skywalker, having tracked her down via an
emergency beacon. During a heroic escape, the Alderaanian man turns to the Rebel side
and helps Leia escape, but as he prepares to board the Falcon, he is shot and killed. His
chain breaks off in Leia’s hand as the Falcon escapes. Leia can only mourn the loss of their
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 428
new, if short-term, ally.*
(The Alderaan Factor)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the sixth issue of that black and white series.
Over the planet Shiva, Leia Organa, deeply missing Alderaan, joins with Captain Chedaki in a
Rebel shuttle preparing to launch from a Rebel vessel to explore Imperial activity in the area.
They wander into a minefield, though, and the shuttle, sticking out from the ship, is hit badly.
Chedaki is killed, and to keep the fire from alerting Imperials to the larger Rebel vessel, Leia
releases the shuttle and allows herself to crash land to Shiva with little hope of rescue. Days
later on Shiva, Aron the Peacebringer, co-leader of the Calian Confederacy, the second
leader (Keral Longknife) and their associates see Leia under attack by outcasts. Aron and
his men save Leia, but she cannot yet understand their language. Leia goes with them back
past the throne city (Illyriaqum) to the blasted ruins of Kavor, recently destroyed. Leia
realizes that the blue flame is the Cherenkov Effect, which means it was hit by an anti-matter
bomb and pantomimes to convince Aron and the others to avoid the area. Unbeknownst to
Aron, Prince Ygal Delois, his close advisor, was behind the attack. Hes in league with the
Imperials. A few weeks later, Leia has come to almost integrate herself into Shiva’s royal
society and has become the object of Aron’s attention, despite the fact that he’s married to
Alisande. Leia has told of the Imperials, and Alisande believes her, it seems. Soon, at the
gathering to celebrate the Concordat of Peace a year earlier, Leia dances with Delois, but
races out crying, remembering Alderaan and how she is basically shirking her Alliance duties
because she has no way to contact the Rebels or to get offworld. Suddenly, Imperial
stormtroopers appear, capturing both Leia and Aron. Aron is then brought to Sk’ar, an alien
Imperial General and head of the Strike Force for Shiva. Aron vows (right to Sk’ars face) to
fight the Imperials . . .*
(The Last Gift from Alderaan!)*
*NOTE: In the Marvel UK run, rather than the American run, this story (and the next one) both take place
immediately before The Last Jedi.
At the Imperial base on Shiva, Aron is taunted by Skar and Ygal Delois, his betrayer. Leia
Organa is brought in as well, as Delois outlines how the Empire intends to wipe out the
capital, Illyriaqum and take over from the ashes of the leadership. While being escorted to
their cells, Aron helps Leia get free and attack the Imperials, but Leia’s experiences getting
closer to her Alderaanian heritage on Shiva makes killing a stormtrooper up-close somewhat
unsettling to the once-hardened princess. They escape in a flier and race to the capital,
where Aron faces Imperials and Leia begins defusing the anti-matter bomb planted there.
Delois leaps in to kill Leia, but is stopped by the surprise arrival of Luke Skywalker. Luke,
Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian had come looking for Leia and found Keral Longknife, who
brought them. The bomb is stopped, while Skar escapes Lando, only to be slammed out of
the sky by a gun mount tossed by Chewie. Shiva is safe from the Empire, but Aron knows
his heart must return to Alisande and let Leia go. After a celebration of their victory, the
heroes take the Millennium Falcon into space to stop an approaching Star Destroyer. Their
luck is nearly out when Luke decides to race them around the event horizon of a black hole, a
maneuver that the Star Destroyer fails to duplicate, causing its destruction. Glad to be back
with her friends, but missing Alderaan and grieving for everyone lost in the Civil War, Leia
recommits herself to the cause, vowing to finish her role as leader, for better or worse.*
(Starfire Rising!)*
*NOTE: In the Marvel UK run, rather than the American run, this story (and the previous one) both take place
immediately before The Last Jedi.
The Ugnaughts on Cloud City above Bespin rig Cloud City with bombs, forcing an evacuation
of the city.
(conjecture based on Coffin in the Clouds)
While the Death Star II is temporarily shifted to another location for further construction, the
Rebels learn of its new position in space. Seeking to hide it once again, the Emperor orders it
returned to orbit of the forest moon of Endor. En route back to Endor, the Death Star is
boarded by Darth Vader, who has discovered a Rebel base on D’rinba IV. Rather than
striking at it with Star Destroyers, Vader decides to attack it as a test of the new Death Star’s
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 429
superlaser. He boards the vessel, right around the same time that a Rebel team (including
Kyle Katarn, Shira Brie, and Erling Tredway, working for Corwin Shelvay) infiltrates the new
Death Star. While the Rebels are unable to destroy the new battle station, they are able to
disable its superlaser long enough to save D’rinba IV before they escape, assuming that the
superlaser will remain out of commission.*
(Assault on the Death Star and The Dark Forces Saga, Part I)*
*NOTE: The whole idea of shifting the Death Star II from Endor is the only option in order to make this story,
which is now being considered in-continuity since the publication of The Dark Forces Saga, Part I, fit into
established continuity. I would’ve made it take place earlier, perhaps before any references to the space station
being at Endor, but I had to accommodate all of the characters involved in the mission being within the Rebel
Alliance at the time. But, hey, it’s another Kyle Katarn story, so that’s alright, yes? (If only we’d known that we
were playing as Kyle in the game. We might’ve found it more interesting at the time.)
The Rebel Alliance is still searching for a base to replace Hoth. A team led by Leia Organa
discovers a possible new locationthe planet Arbra. With the exception of a native
population of Hoojibs, things look good. That night, while Luke Skywalker (at the Rebel fleet)
sees Lando Calrissian off on a personal journey to check on Cloud City, the Rebels on Arbra
settle in for sleep, only to be awakened when Hoojibs are fond to be chewing on their
electrical devices. When Chewie grabs one of them, it speaks to him telepathically. The
Hoojib is named Plif, and he reveals that his race is sentient and feeds on energy, but lately
they have had to find alternate sources from their normal resources because of a monstrous
creature (a Yuuzhan Vong living advance scout creature) called the Slivilith has taken up
residence in the crystal cavern they’d been feeding from. As if on cue, the Slivilith appears
and attacks the Rebel encampment. As it leaves, the Rebels realize that they will need to get
to the crystals to recharge their electronics now that the Hoojibs have gotten their fill from
some of their stores. The Rebels attack the Slivilith at its cave with spears, to little effect.
Leia then acts as bait and leads the Slivilith into the crystal cavern, just far enough that
Chewie can grab its hindtails and use them to send the creature into the crystals, skewering
it. It is, unbeknownst to them, their first victory against a Yuuzhan Vong creature. The
Rebels recharge from the crystals with their immense power stores, and realize that this
could be an excellent base, but Leia knows that they cannot impose themselves upon the
Hoojibs. Plif, though, simply assures them that their home is theirs to share, and they would
like to share it with their new friends. The Rebel Alliance has a new base. Meanwhile, Lando
lands at Cloud City to find it abandoned . . .*
*NOTE: In the Marvel UK run, this episode was not released until long after the issues surrounding it, only after
the relaunched Return of the Jedi Weekly began printing older American Marvel stories alongside newer
American Marvel stories.
On Cloud City far, far above the surface of Bespin, Lando Calrissian is investigating the
abandoned city when he is attacked by Lobot, who is babbling about saving the city from an
intruder. Lando escapes at about the same time that an Imperial craft lands, bringing Captain
Treece and his stormtroopers. They are there to find and disarm bombs set by rebellious
Ugnaughts, which was the reason for the evacuation. Lando attacks the Imperials and the
chase is on. Meanwhile, on Arbra, Luke Skywalker and Lt. Shira Brie set out for Bespin in
their X-wings to check on Lando. Back at Bespin, Lando evades stormtroopers until one of
the bombs explodes. Entering the wreckage, Lando finds Treece and they team up for
survival. Lando finds Lobot and leads him to where Treece traps him, so that Lando can fix
Lobot’s cybernetic implants and get him back to normal. Lobot then uses his interface to
deactivate all of the bombs. No sooner is that done than Treece turns on Lando, kicking him
over the edge and off of Cloud City toward the surface miles and miles below . . .
(Coffin in the Clouds)
At Cloud City, Lobot grabs an emergency jetpack and leaps off of the structure to save the
falling Lando Calrissian, who had been pushed overboard by Imperial Captain Treece. They
manages to reach the surface in one peace, where they are caught by Ugnaughts, whom
they help save from Imperials, and are then brought to King Ozz. Meanwhile, up above on
Cloud City, Luke Skywalker, Shira Brie, and R2-D2 arrive, only to come under fire by Treece.
Back on the surface, Lando learns that the Imperials under Treece had basically turned
Cloud City into a slave camp, with Treece making huge profits. Lando and Lobot head back
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 430
up to Cloud City with an Ugnaught force and join the battle with Luke and Shira against the
Imperials. Treece knocks Lobot out of the fight, supposedly stopping the heroes from re-
arming the bombs, but Luke uses the Force to fire their primers, scaring the Imperials into
thinking the bombs were exploding and forcing them to retreat from the city. In the wake of
the crisis, Lobot is restored to his proper place, while the Ugnaught return en masse. Lando
even makes sure Darth Vader will find out about Treece’s skimming of Imperial profits. The
heroes take to their individual ships and leave Bespin behind.
(Hello, Bespin, Good-Bye!)
While scouting the sector that includes the planet Jerne, Luke Skywalker discovers a strange
alien starship of unknown design. He takes it back to Rebel scientists, who, one week later,
discover images of the ancient, extinct, Jerni civilization. The images show a device called
the Eternity Crystal that can essentially rewind time and restart it in a new direction (a time
travel device). Leia Organa, wanting to save Alderaan and perhaps stop the rise of the
Empire, intends to find it, even if they can only keep it out of Imperial hands. They head for
Jerne, where she, Luke, and R2-D2 are all captured by Imperials under Captain Ryko Vant.
When local guerrillas under Meeka Reen attack the Imperial transport carrying the prisoners,
they are saved, but while Vant flies back to Jerne City headquarters with a jet pack, our
heroes are taken prisoner by the guerrillas. Once they meet Meeka, they explain about the
Eternity Crystal that lies at Adony Station. Meeka agrees to help them get to it (because she
wants to use it to give herself great power). They have to leave quickly, due to a tracer that
Vant managed to shoot onto R2-D2 before escaping. They make it to the station, only to find
that it is a trap. Once they open the vault of the Eternity Crystal, the base explodes, leaving a
crater behind. Everyone is killed, except for Luke, Leia, and R2-D2, who are still around when
Darth Vader shows up with Vant, gloating about having created the fake alien ship and its
images to lure Leia (or other Rebels) into his trap. Luke tosses a proton grenade close
enough to kill Vant and injure Vader, allowing the Rebel trio to escape aboard the scout ship
that Vader and Vant used to reach the scene. The wild bantha chase is over.
(Dark Knight’s Devilry)*
*NOTE: This story was reprinted in the United States in Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds, but it first appeared in the
Marvel UK The Empire Strikes Back Weekly, issue 153, which was immediately after Coffin in the Clouds. Since
Coffin in the Clouds leads directly into Hello, Bespin, Good-Bye!, I have waited until that story is over before
including this one.
Force by Imperials to crash her small ship on a strange planetoid, Leia Organa is pursued by
stormtroopers. As she tries to escape, she comes across a stormtrooper helmet and bones
that seem to have been there for thousands of years, but she knows that it is impossible. She
then comes up four ethereal beings, creatures that some might consider “gods.” They are
Horliss-Horliss, Danda Sine, Splendid Ap, and Tilotny. Tilotny is gloating over creating time
and space, but the others admonish her for claiming to have created something when it was
already there. They claim she simply altered its form. As they bicker, Tilotny tries to show her
prowess. When Leia arrives, followed by the stormtroopers, Tilotny turns one of the
stormtroopers into diamond, killing him. She then more subtly turns Leia’s heart into a
diamond, killing her as well. She then takes the last two stormtroopers and merges them into
a lifeless body with twice the number of arms and legs. Disgusted by her performance, the
others admonish Tilotny to turn things back to normal, but she refuses. Instead, Splendid Ap
is left to do so. Splendid Ap is not as skilled as the others, though. Leia is brought back to life
to find the Imperial transport and save herself from being stranded. The stormtroopers,
meanwhile, are restored to life but thrown back in time eight thousand years. It is their bones
and one of their helmets that Leia had found earlier.
(Tilotny Throws a Shape)*
*NOTE: This story was reprinted in the United States in Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds, but it first appeared in the
Marvel UK The Empire Strikes Back Weekly, issue 154, which was immediately after Dark Knight’s Devilry. That
explains its placement here. (Oh, and, yes, I know that this story is probably the absolute strangest in all of Star
On the planet Cheelit, the squid-like Lady Dhol has invited Darth Vader to join her for a game
of Firepath, which uses chess-like pieces on small circular platforms in the floor. When a
piece is “captured, the platform erupts into flame, destroying the piece. As they play, they
discuss the so-called Guild of Vindicators, who intend to face off with Vader. While they play,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 431
an empath sent by the Vindicators, Clat the Shamer, approaches each of Vader’s
stormtroopers and uses his powers to force them to face their own guilt over past actions (or
sins, so to speak). The first commits suicide, while the others slowly fall as well. Finally, Clat
enters the Firepath chamber and confronts Vader, but Vader uses a Firepath platform to
incinerate the man. Then, knowing that Lady Dhol had lured him there for the Vindicators, he
uses another Firepath platform to incinerate her. Vader has won the “game.”*
(Dark Lord’s Conscience)*
*NOTE: This story was reprinted in the United States in Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds, but it first appeared in the
Marvel UK The Empire Strikes Back Weekly, issue 155, immediately following the Marvel UK reprint of Hello,
Bespin, Good-Bye! However, since Dark Knight’s Devilry and Tilotny Throws a Shape were printed before Dark
Lord’s Conscience, yet have to wait until after Hello, Bespin, Good-Bye! for placement, I have put those two
stories in before Dark Lord’s Conscience. That explains its placement here.
On the planet Ronyards (actually a planet-sized Abominor that infiltrated the galaxy long
ago), useless or broken down droids are dumped, as they have been for many, many years.
This time, though, the droids dropped include R2-D2 and C-3PO. They are on a secret
mission, while Luke Skywalker and others hold off Imperials nearby, to keep the Empire from
being able to continue gathering necessary metals from the world. They intend to work with
the surviving local droids, but they are met by Brother Fivelines, a droid who expresses the
idea that Ronyards is now a peaceful place. According to Fivelines, the bodies of broken
down droids that cover the world five miles deep have merged to form a layer of droids that
have turned the world into a sort of living god. C-3PO and R2-D2 refuse to believe, but when
an Imperial Star Destroyer sends down troops, who subsequently destroy Fivelines, the
world’s droid surface reacts, killing and burying the stormtroopers. It seems that Ronyards
does not need Rebel help after all.
(Rust Never Sleeps)*
*NOTE: This story was reprinted in the United States in Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds, but it first appeared in the
Marvel UK The Empire Strikes Back Weekly, issue 156, immediately after Dark Lord’s Conscience, which was, in
turn, immediately following the Marvel UK reprint of Hello, Bespin, Good-Bye! However, since Dark Knight’s
Devilry and Tilotny Throws a Shape were printed before Dark Lord’s Conscience, yet have to wait until after
Hello, Bespin, Good-Bye! for placement, I have put those two stories in before Dark Lord’s Conscience. That
explains its placement here. The part about Ronyards being an Abominor comes from The Droids Re-Animated,
Part 2.
Brenn Tantor and his Imperial forces head for the forest moon of Endor, where they
encounter the Ewoks. Luckily for the Empire, though, they are able to secure a location to set
up a station that will act as a shield generator for the Death Star II above. Shortly thereafter,
when the Empire loses contact with the planet Abridon and its Imperial base, Brenn Tantor
leads a force to investigate. They find that the world has joined the Rebellion. Brenn leads the
retaking of the capital city, then, along with a force under Beri Tulon, rounds up a bundle of
Rebel leaders. Unfortunately, Tulon is leaning too close to the Rebellion himself, and he later
tries to defect, ending in his capture by Brenn’s Imperials. General Tyr Taskeen of the Rebel
Alliance tries to convince Brenn to become a Rebel as well, when Brenn refuses to kill
innocents. Brenn heads for Kalaan, where he is debriefed by General Brashin, but when
Brashin tells him that his brother Dellis is dead, just as Dellis believed would happen to him,
Brenn no longer believes he is safe within the Empire. He believes what Dellis told him about
their father. He contacts Taskeen about defecting. Upon arrival, Brenn is arrested as a traitor
and will soon be executed. His men, fiercely loyal to him from years of service, break him out.
Together, they break another Imperial prisoner, Luke Skywalker, out of custody. Upon getting
to the Rebel Alliance, Brenn is imprisoned (since hes an Imperial General after all). He is
able, though, to strike a deal for his freedom: he will steal an AT-AT for the Rebellion. He is
freed to do so, but he first heads for Ruul to save Tulon from execution for treason. Brenn
and a Rebel team manage to get into an Imperial base on Ruul, saving Tulon, who then helps
them steal access codes they’ll need to get into an Imperial base in the asteroid field of
Trasse, where they can steal an AT-AT as Brenn promised. They soon head for Trasse,
managing to steal the AT-AT, but when an Imperial Star Destroyer appears in orbit, they have
to make use of the base’s ion cannon to disable to ISD, then they are able to escape with the
AT-AT. Brenn is then sent to Abridon (again) to remove the Imperial forces there . . . (To be
continued below . . . )
(Force Commander)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 432
Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian and C-3PO are hunted by stormtroopers on Ventooine.
They had come to look for a mysterious power source known as the Shadeshine. To evade
capture, they head into a temple where they find a huge golden statue of Han Solo. A monk
(Rov) named Vetter Piin enters and speaks of Han as a savior of his people. Piin touches a
memory stone, and from it comes a recording in which Han recounts his adventure on
Ventooine several years before the Battle of Yavin. Those events are the reason for the
shrine to Han Solo. As the story comes to an end, the stormtroopers catch up with the group,
but Luke has a plan. He records his voice onto a memory stone and uses it to lure the
stormtroopers into the Hall of Satabs, where they are immediately put into suspended
animation. Luke reflects that they would not have been saved if it hadn’t been for the story
told by their absent friend, Han Solo. And, Lando adds, he would not have been saved if it
had not been for Chrysalla, whom is in the Hall of Satabs right before their very eyes. The
Rebels leave Ventooine without the Shadeshine, but with the knowledge that even when he
isn’t present, Han Solo’s life still effects each of them.*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the fifth issue of that black and white series.
Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, and the droids head for
Belderone from a secret (or so they think) Rebel base on Kulthis. Upon arrival they are met
by secretive townsfolk and two young men, Barney and Flint. Flint notices Luke's lightsaber
and takes an extreme interest in the group, since his own father had been a Jedi Knight.
When they mention having come from Kulthis, though, the majority of the people gathered
around the Millennium Falcon retreat back to the city. It seems that the Imperial-controlled
planet are more than a little wary of having a planet with Rebel sympathies so close, let alone
a rumored Rebel base. When a woman reports the new arrivals to Imperial General Andrid
(who has no love for Darth Vader, who is leading the Imperial forces in the system), Andrid
decides to send three assassins after the group. The assassins fail that night, leading to two
of them dead at Rebel hands and one at his own. The Rebels are now aware that the Empire
is onto them, and Darth Vader knows they are aware, due to an intercepted transmission
from an Imperial agent to General Andrid. Vader executes Andrid and then heads to the
surface with Colonel Maldrod. As Luke and Chewbacca head to Kulthis for reinforcements,
Leia and Lando, led by Flint and Barney, head for the construction area where the people of
Belderone are forced to build Imperial war machines. Upon arrival, they find several AT-ATs
active and preparing to be picked up for a raid on Kulthis. As Barney and Flint lead one AT-
AT away using a hovercar, Leia and Lando work their way into the underground staging area
and steal an AT-AT. Luke arrives with a squadron of X-wings and, together with Leia and
Lando's AT-AT, the AT-ATs are defeated by the Rebels. One AT-AT remains, though. It is
the one being led away by Flint and Barney. When their hovercar crashes and they are
knocked unconscious, the AT-AT continues on its path of destruction, right to the boy's home
town. When Flint finally awakens, he believes Barney to be dead and rushes home to find
his town destroyed and his mother dead. Amid the rubble, he meets Darth Vader, who has
sensed the Force-sensitivity Flint has inherited from his father. Vader takes Flint off
Belderone. Shortly thereafter, the AT-AT has been stopped and the Rebels prepare to leave.
Their newest member, Barney (battered but alive) hopes Flint will be okay somehow. Aboard
Vader's Executor, Flint, wearing Stormtrooper armor, takes one last look at a picture of him
and his mother, then boards an Imperial shuttle with the rest of the Stormtroopers.*
(The Apprentice)*
*NOTE: This is not to be confused with another story by the same name from Gamer #8 or yet another story with
the same name from Star Wars Tales #17. Also, before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . .
(the seven-volume color trade paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white
series of “prestige format” comics by the same name. This story appeared in the first issue of that black and
white series.
While practicing with his lightsaber, Luke Skywalker is interrupted by a distress call from the
nearby planet Garn. He heads there in his X-wing, intending to save the woman whose voice
he heard in the distress call, only to find an ancient temple with strange, evil seeming
creatures, statues, the remains of dead Jedi in armor, and more strange things. He finds
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 433
prism-like soul-snares, which have captured the souls of Jedi. Eventually, he works his way
into the main room, where a pyramidal crystal computer holds the encoded mind of Rur, High
Shaman of a group known as the Order of the Terrible Glare. The Jedi fought a war against
the Order thousands of years before, wiping them out. This place was set up to trap Jedi,
using sensors that reach out to detect lightsaber use, hence the false distress calling
bringing Luke there. Luke explains that the Jedi are gone, so there is no one to seek revenge
against. When the computer of Rur senses no deception in Luke’s life signs, it brings down
the entire temple, destroying it in rage and anguish. Luke manages to escape just in time.
(Blind Fury!)*
*NOTE: This story was reprinted in the United States in Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds, but it first appeared in the
Marvel UK The Empire Strikes Back Weekly, issue 159, which was immediately after the Marvel UK reprint of
Sundown. However, since Sundown leads immediately into Bazzare, then Shira’s Story, and so on, I have placed
the story here, just before Sundown, so as to maintain a sense of continuity between the stories.
As Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian leave the Rebel base on Arbra to
meet with the criminal Orion Ferret on his artificial world, Bazarre (to acquire four TIE
Fighters for the Rebel cause), Leia Organa and the Rebels on Arbra prepare for a desperate
plan to keep the Rebel fleet safe. They intend to use five kertz-bhrg field generators as the
vertices of a shielded pyramid-shaped area in which to store the fleet. The fleet, once inside
the shielded area, would then be deposited into the chromosphere of Arbras sun. The
shields would keep the ships safe, while a thruster at the top vertex of the pyramid, the
control generator, would give enough thrust to keep the pyramid from being tossed out of the
star through its normal gravitational pull. If successful, the fleet would be both hidden and
safe. Leia orders the generators activated and the fleet taken into the star. When a group of
Imperial TIE fighters appear on scanners, Leia decides to get herself and several others back
to Arbra base. On the way to the shuttle back to Arbra, R2-D2 and C-3PO get separated
from the group and R2-D2 discovers that the shields are failing. The shuttle launches without
them, while they head for the control area, only to find that a power surge that knocked out
much of the stations regular power has also released noxious fumes (from burning computer
components), rendering the crew unconscious. The droids must save the shield generator
and shield, or the fleet will be lost. Far away from Arbra, Luke and Lando arrive on Bazarre.
Back at the fleet, R2-D2 and C-3PO go EVA to hook a power cable from one of the fleet
ships to the generator to give it enough power to save the fleet. At Bazarre, Luke and Lando
are surrounded by armed guards. At Arbra, Leia thanks the droids for their heroism, but the
celebratory mood is cut short when the communications officer informs her that they have lost
contact with Luke, Lando, and Chewbacca.*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the fifth issue of that black and white series.
Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca are surrounded by thugs on Bazarre,
where they are to meet Orion Ferret to acquire used TIE fighters. Ferret calls off his thugs
and meets with Luke and Lando. He agrees to sell them four TIE fighters, which they will
have to go to Patch-4 to get. Knowing that Ferret may be deceiving them, they leave
Chewbacca with Ferret with instructions to kill Ferret if they aren’t back in an hour. They
head for Patch-4, where they find the TIE fighters but must battle a giant creature known as
Ceasar. They are met by Serge Kesselrook and a group of “hoboes” who had stuck on the
world for a while. They tell Luke and Lando that there is a sonic pacifier in the ship the two
arrived in, which can control the beast, but they must get past the beast to get to it. On
Bazarre, Ferret traps Chewbacca in a liquid structure. Back on Patch-4, Luke, Lando, and
the hoboes fight their way to the ship. Back on Patch-4, Chewie escapes the liquid and
chases after the fleeing Ferret. On Patch-4, Luke makes it to the sonic pacifier and stops the
beast. They then take the four TIE fighters and head for Bazarre, where they arrive just in
time to stop Chewie from killing Ferret. They return to Arbra, but only after informing Ferret
that they had left the sonic pacifier with the hoboes, so he won’t be using Patch-4 anymore.*
*NOTE: In the Marvel UK run, this episode was not released until long after the issues surrounding it, only after
the relaunched Return of the Jedi Weekly began printing older American Marvel stories alongside newer
American Marvel stories. Also, before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 434
volume color trade paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of
“prestige format” comics by the same name. This story appeared in the fifth issue of that black and white series.
A Rebel assault force, using TIE fighters acquired on Bazarre, attacks the Imperial base
known as Spindrift. The team, led by Luke Skywalker and including Shira Brie, finds encoded
information at the base about the Empire's plans to build a secret armada of Star Destroyers
even greater than the Death Squadron led by Darth Vader's Executor. They take the
information back to the Rebel base on Arbra, where Shira requests leave to visit her home.
When Leia Organa refuses to grant the request for security reasons, Luke Skywalker agrees
to go along, with several other escort team members, to ensure Shira's safety and the Arbra
base's secret location. Aboard the flagship of the Imperial armada, Admiral Giel learns of the
Rebels' assault on Spindrift, but he sees it as not being much of a threat. Luke, Shira, and
the others arrive on Shalyvane, Shira's home planet, and head for the city of Chinshassa.
Shira heads to the Circle of Kavaan alone and drops a bit of her blood upon a stone in the
center. At that moment, a group of nomadic barbarians attacks the group. During the fray,
Shira tells the others who the barbarians are. It seems that back when Shira lived there as a
child, there was a band of nomadic barbarians who wandered the world, apparently with no
other goal than the total genocide of the human population. Wars between the two species
went on for years until the barbarians sued for peace. When the humans gathered at the
Circle of Kavaan, however, the area was destroyed by a squadron of Imperial TIE fighters.
Shira escaped into tunnels under the city. She had later learned that the barbarians had
struck a deal with the Empire by telling the Empire that Shira's village was in league with the
Rebel Alliance. Shira, outraged, left the planet and joined the Rebellion. She had come back
to the planet to add her blood to that of her murdered family in remembrance of them. Luke
hears the story and decides that they should try to escape using the same tunnels Shira had
used years ago. Using R2-D2, they find an entrance, but the tunnel entrance collapses after
Shira jumps in alone. The Rebels are about to be beaten when Shira (having escaped the
tunnel through its other end) arrives in her X-wing to scatter the barbarians. Saved, the
heroes return to Arbra.*
(Shira's Story)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the third issue of that black and white series.
For her actions on Shalyvane, Lieutenant Shira Colla Brie is promoted to Captain by the
Rebel Alliance. Meanwhile, Admiral Giels Imperial Star Destroyer carries a new Imperial
biological “weapon” toward an eventual destination of Coruscant. The creature aboard is a
Teezl or “Screamer,” a creature that can communicate with any receptor in the galaxy at the
speed of thought, which could prove a great advantage for the Empire. It is the only one of
its kind, so Giel is proud of his mission and his hopes for promotion. On Arbra, Luke
Skywalker, Shira, Alph, and Thorben prepare for a new mission. First, Luke and Shira (after
finally kissing and beginning what might soon be a relationship, Luke hopes) lead an attack
on a TIE fighter on recon, forcing the pilot to hand over Imperial codes (under threat of
Chewbacca tearing him apart). They then use that code in four TIEs acquired from the Ferret
to infiltrate Giel’s armada, causing confusion and damage. Thorben is blasted, but alive,
while Alph is shot down and killed. With frequencies jammed and making friend-or-foe
identifications impossible, Luke closes in on the ship with the Teezl for one last super-blast
from his TIE when another TIE gets in his way, possibly coming to attack him. The Force
urges him to shoot, and he does so, wiping out the TIE, then the tower of the Star Destroyer,
resulting in the Teezl’s death. Luke then escapes into hyperspace in his modified TIE,
returning to Arbra. He expects a warm welcome, but soon discovers why he is being treated
like an outcast. Thorben had recorded the final confrontation with the TIE between Luke and
the Star Destroyer, and his recording confirms that the pilot was not an Imperial. It was Shira
. . .
(Screams in the Void)
Due to her altered physiology, Shira Elan Colla Brie survives her encounter with Luke
Skywalker. Her mangled body secretly recovered by Imperials and taken aboard the
Executor to be taken to Coruscant, where cybernetics will soon be added to save her life.
(conjecture based on Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire and The Emperor’s Pawns)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 435
For apparently killing Shira Brie, Luke Skywalker is now a Pariah among the Rebels. Not
even Leia Organa can stand behind him on this. He is to be placed on house arrest for the
time being, but “steals” (with very little resistance, lets say) the Millennium Falcon from
Lando Calrissian and heads for Shalyvane with Chewbacca (who insisted on coming). They
arrive and are accosted by natives while trying to get to the Circle of Kavaan that Shira
recently visited. They escape to a cave, where they meet an old native named G’hinji.
G’hinji begins to cut through the story Shira had told Luke about her past. The city of
Chinshassa had never been home to humans. Three years earlier, the Empire had attacked
with no apparent reason. Shira had lied. G’hinji takes Luke and Chewie to the Circle of
Kavaan, where Luke finds a transmitter on the spot where Shira supposedly dripped her
blood in memory of her family. Luke thinks that perhaps blood can somehow activate the
transmitter (or recorder) and drips his own onto it. Moments later, Darth Vader appears.
“Luke,” he says, “I have come for you.”
On Shalyvane, Darth Vader appears before Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, and Ghinji. They
duck for cover, but it is merely a projection from the transmitter in the Circle of Kavaan,
activated by contact with Luke’s blood. Vader reveals that Shira Brie was an agent for the
Empire. She was sent to discredit Luke, as has been done, so that the only person to whom
Luke could turn to be accepted as an equal is Vader himself. The transmitter then explodes.
Seeking to clear his name, but knowing it is probably a trap, Luke and Chewie head for the
Imperial data vault on Krake’s Planet. Aboard the Executor, Admiral Giel comes before Darth
Vader and is demoted to Lieutenant thanks to his loss of the Teezl. Shortly thereafter, Vader
learns that the Shalyvane transmitter has been destroyed. Vader has them set course for
Krake’s Planet. On the planet, Luke and Chewie break into the facility’s kitchen area, forcing
the Imperial there to access records for Shira from there. Luke learns of her birth on
Coruscant, training, genetic manipulation, and insertion as a spy in the Rebellion. He puts it
on a chip, but arriving stormtroopers force him to flee without it. He makes it to the
Millennium Falcon, but Chewbacca is back at the vault. Luke flies close enough for Chewie
to board and then blasts out of the area, narrowly escaping the arriving Executor. They are
save, but Luke believes the data was left behind . . . until Chewie reveals that the reason he
stayed behind was to secure the chip. Luke has all he needs to clear his name. Back aboard
the Executor, Vader visits the medical bay to check on its star patientShira Brie, who is
even now being recuperated in bacta on her way to Coruscant for further alterations. We’ve
not seen the last of Shira Brie . . .
(The Mind Spider!)
A fully healed and cybernetically augmented Shira Elan Colla Brie begins training under
Darth Vader in the Dark Side, seeking revenge against Luke Skywalker. From this moment
forward, Shira is dead. She is now Lumiya.
(conjecture based on Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire and The Emperor’s Pawns)
While waiting for data recovered on Krakes Planet to be analyzed to bring Luke Skywalker to
trial, Luke is sent with Berl and Cinda to the Belial system to form ties with the Serps of
Serphidi, who are now under the rule of pro-Imperial King S’shah. They arrive in X-wings, but
are attacked by TIE Fighters. Cinda is shot down, but survives. When the others arrive to
pick her up, Berl is shot and killed, while Cinda is captured by King S’shah’s minions . . for
food. Luke escapes and saves an elder Serp, Elglih, from a carnivorous plant. Elglih tells
Luke that the only way to free Serphidi from Sshah is to defeat him in the coming joust
combat, as per tradition, and Elglih is determined to be that victor. Soon, it becomes evident
that Luke would be a better fighter, so when the joust is held, Luke goes against S’shah to
free the people of Serphidi and Cinda. Luke defeats S’shah, barely, and turns the planet over
to Elglih, who will make the world a friend of the Rebel Alliance. Luke and Cinda leave,
knowing that Berls death was not in vain.
(Serphidian Eyes!)
Thanks to data from Krake’s Planet, Luke Skywalker is cleared of the charges brought
against him after Shira Brie’s apparent death at his hands. Luke reconciles with Leia Organa,
who had been forced to abandon him in his troubles. Shortly thereafter, they learn a
disturbing fact. The rocks of their former base on Golrath act as natural recorders, taking
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 436
light rays as they get hotter and emitting them as they get cooler. This means that the entire
Rebel base that was abandoned on Golrath could be one huge recorder to tell the Empire all
about what transpired there, along with the location of the base on Arbra. The Rebels, led by
Luke and Leia, race for Golrath. On Golrath, at the abandoned base, newly demoted
Lieutenant Giel leads Imperials searching for Rebel clues. They discover the secret of the
rocks and contact Darth Vader. Meanwhile, the Rebels arrive and are attacked by TIE
Fighters. Leia takes a jetpack down to the base to set explosives in the dome. She ends up
in a standoff with Giel, who would not mind letting the base blow and kill them both, so long
as it gave glory to the Empire and made him a hero. Leia manages to escape, but the
reactor, thanks to Leia’s handiwork, is going critical. The Rebels escape, but Giel gets off
one lucky shot at Lukes X-wing. The Rebels get out of range as the base explodes, covering
all evidence, but when they all go to hyperspace to escape TIEs in pursuit, Lukes damaged
X-wing remains behind. He’s all alone . . .
(Golrath Never Forgets!)
With his X-wing damaged on Golrath, Luke Skywalker makes his way to Beheboth, with
Imperials hot on his trail.
(conjecture based on The Water Bandits)
On Beheboth, Luke Skywalker is still pursued by Imperials. Knowing that he needs a fresh
supply of food and supplies, Luke heads for the local trading post, Garrotine. He enters a
local restaurant and asks if he might purchase food and water, and the man in charge says
"yes" to food, but "no" to water. When Luke retorts that Galactic law requires that water be
shared with those in need of it, citing Tatooine as an example, other customers realize that
Luke's cover about being "from the North" is a lie, and jump him, assuming that he is a
brigand, a member of a group of local raiders. The men are stopped by Darial Anglethorn,
leader of the local resistance to the brigands. She takes Luke to her large moisture farm, so
he can help her before he leaves the planet. He agrees, knowing how hard his uncle Owen
and Aunt Beru had it on their moisture farm. That night, a strange mist enters the area,
knocking out the moisture farmers and allowing the brigands to attack. Luke awakens to find
Darial gone, prisoner of the brigands, and sets off for the brigand base to save her. Upon
arrival, Luke is captured and brought, with the captive Darial, before the brigand leader,
Gideon Longspar. There they learn that the "mist" was actually part of a vaporous collective
organism/species known as the Tirrith. Longspar holds a large portion of the Tirrith captive,
using it as a hostage to force the rest of the Tirrith to do his bidding. Luke and Darial are
placed in a cell, but with the help of the Tirrith and the Force, they escape and make their
way to the main Tirrith container. Longspar arrives and attacks them with Luke's lightsaber,
accidentally freeing the rest of the Tirrith. Luke takes advantage of the distraction and knocks
Longspar out, taking back his lightsaber. ON their way out, they are confronted by
Longspar's forces, and Darial is forced to destroy several canisters of precious water to flood
the area and defeat the brigands. Days later, back at Darial's moisture farm, Luke learns that
the Imperials have left the system, so he prepares to leave. The Tirrith arrives and assures
Darial that everything will be well, just as another portion of its vaporous collective seeds the
clouds and causes it to rain on Beheboth for the first time in years. Luke leaves the planet
and heads back to the Rebel fleet.*
(The Water Bandits)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the third issue of that black and white series.
On Arbra, fresh from his encounter on Beheboth, Luke Skywalker is called to a meeting of the
Rebel Alliance leadership. In the search for Han Solo, the Rebels have discovered that Boba
Fett had teamed with another bounty hunter, at least temporarily, in the search for Han, but
had betrayed that hunter and taken Han all for himself. They have narrowed the betrayed
hunter down to Dengar, IG-88, or Bossk, and believe that if they can find the betrayed hunter,
they might learn where Fett is hiding before taking Han to Jabba the Hutt. It’s a long shot, but
they’ll take it. Everyone is given assignments. At the same time, R2-D2 is called by an
unknown force down into caves that the Hoojibs avoid. Plif alerts C-3PO and, with
Chewbacca, they head into the caves. They discover an abandoned city surrounded by an
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 437
energy barrier to keep out harsh emotions. They meet a creature of mind-energy made
corporeal known as the Darker. The original inhabitants found their dark impulses
undesirable and sought to get rid of them, creating the Darker. They decide to stop the
Darker from using R2-D2 (who is in desperate need of repairs, to say the least) and C-3PO to
dismantle the energy barrier and run free, but before they can attack the Darker, it turns
Chewie against C-3PO, who is forced to flee. In the end, invoking Hans memory snaps
Chewie out of it and, with the help of the Hoojibs, Chewie gets the better of the Darker and
hurls it into the barrier, negating its existence. They then escape the city just as the barrier
implodes, destroying the city. One more crisis averted, but there will be no rest. The search
for Han Solo is about to begin . . .
(The Darker)
Tobbi Dala is captured by slavers. At about the same time, Dengar is captured by Fenn
(conjecture based on The Search Begins)
Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO head out to
search for Boba Fett and rescue Han Solo. Leia and C-3PO decide to track down Dengar,
who apparently was supposed to be Fett’s partner in hunting Solo until Fett found Solo
himself. They go to Mandalore, Dengar’s last known location, and encounter slavers. The
slavers are defeated by a group of mercenaries led by a man who appears to be Boba Fett.
Leia calls him by that name and he laughs, revealing his true identity. He is Fenn Shysa.
Years earlier, he and his fellow Mandalorian Supercommandos were called into the Clone
Wars on the side of the Emperor. When the conflict was over, only 3 of the 212 commandos
survivedFenn Shysa, Tobbi Dala, and, supposedly, Boba Fett (though this was actually
Alpha-02 AKA Spar AKA Mandalore the Resurrector). Fenn and Tobbi had stayed behind to
help guard the people of Mandalore. Days ago, Tobbi had been captured by slavers who
wish to exchange him for Dengar, whom Fenn managed to capture. Leia knows that Dengar
could provide valuable information about Hans whereabouts, so while she eats with Fenn,
she has C-3PO free Dengar. She escapes from Fenn (using a kiss as a ploy) and she,
Dengar, and C-3PO escape the Mandalorian encampment. Dengar knows who Leia is,
though, so he has activated a beacon that brings the local Imperials right to them. There
appears to be no escape.*
(The Search Begins)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the fourth issue of that black and white series.
On Mandalore, the captive Leia Organa and C-3PO are taken to the local slaver base and
brought before the Suprema. Fenn Shysa infiltrates the base as a stormtrooper and saves
them, agreeing to help them get Dengar if they help him free Tobbi Dala. They find Tobbi,
but he is shot (and badly wounded) by the Suprema. Fenn, Leia, and C-3PO must escape
alone, while Tobbi causes the destruction of the base, while still inside with the Suprema.
The heroes then capture Dengar and learn that Boba Fett may be taking Han Solo to the
Anga system. Far away, aboard the gambling station known as The Wheel, Lando Calrissian
and Chewbacca learn the whereabouts of the bounty hunter Bossk, who may also have a
lead for them about Boba Fett.*
(Death in the City of Bone)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the fourth issue of that black and white series.
Both Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywalker now have leads on Han Solo in the forms of IG-
88 and Bossk, who are both on Stenos. Luke, Lando, R2-D2, and Chewbacca take the
Millennium Falcon to Stenos, and while en route, Luke explains what happened with Rik
Duel, Dani, and Chihdo the last time they were on Stenos nearly three years ago.
(The Stenax Shuffle)
On Stenos, Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian leave R2-D2 and Chewbacca aboard the
Millennium Falcon and head into the capital city, where they intend to find IG-88 and Bossk in
the local cantina. When they arrive, though, they are spotted by Drebble, who holds a grudge
against Lando. In the middle of the firefight that ensues when Drebble offers a reward for his
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 438
capture, they make their escape, but lose sight of their targets. Outside, they get separated,
and Luke stumbles across Rik Duel and Danni (who is, in her usual Zeltron manner,
overjoyedor overly arousedto see him). Rik explains how he, Dani, and Chihdo survived
the attack of the Stenaxes a few years earlier, but Chihdo is missing, it seems. Luke says
he’ll help them find Chihdo, but when they leave and he sees Lando, he takes off with Lando
in pursuit of a carbonite storage block, which they believe has to be Han. They let
Chewbacca know theyre found Han and track the block to a warehouse. When they get to
the slab, though, they realize that it isn’t Han. It’s Chihdo, and they have fallen into the
bounty hunters trap . . .
(Return to Stenos)
On Stenos, Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian are cornered by Bossk, IG-88, and other
goons. They are saved, though, when Rik Duel and Dani leap out from behind the carbonite
Chihdo and attack. Luke and Rik manage to escape, but Dani and Lando are captured.
Luke tries to contact Chewbacca and R2-D2 to let them know the slab wasnt Han, but
Chewie and R2-D2 are already en route to Luke, despite encounters with the Stenaxes, who
appear to ignore aliens on their world. Lando and Dani get free of their guard, but Drebbles
people are still in pursuit. At the base where they were being taken, Chewie and R2-D2
arrive by ground and Chewie assails a Stenax (with reason). Meanwhile, Rik and Luke break
in from above. Inside, Lando and Dani realize theyve been herded into a carbon-freezing
room. They are recaptured, but Luke and Rik leap in to save them . . . and are captured as
well, until Stenaxes burst in and attack the goons. Bossk and IG-88 escape, while the Rebels
marvel at the Stenaxes. It seems they only get involved when persuaded by force, which
Chewie knows all about. They leave, their mission a failure. Rik has been left behind to plot
the creation of a Stenax fighting force, Chihdo is still in carbonite, and Dani . . . has stowed
away on the Millennium Falcon. It looks like this core Rebellion group has one more
member, for now.
(Fool’s Bounty)
Prince Xizor replaces most of his Star Viper fighters with the slower but more sturdy Supa
(conjecture based on Iron Fist via TimeTales, verbatim)
Around this time, Raith Sienar is killed in an assassination. Sienar Fleet Systems falls under
the full control of the Santhe family, and it will be Lady Valles Santhe that keeps the company
growing even after the Battle of Endor.*
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)*
*NOTE: This could take place any time after Raith Sienar’s last appearance and the Battle of Endor.
Imperial Lieutenant Virar Needa begins service on Orbital Solar Energy Transfer Satellite
2711 over the planet Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Wedge’s Gamble via TimeTales, verbatim)
Jodar Frein, an Alliance Lieutenant, is placed in command of Sandwind Team.
(conjecture based on Secrets of the Sisar Run via TimeTales, verbatim)
Prince Xizors plans toward replacing Darth Vader as the Emperor’s right hand man take
(Shadows of the Empire Prequel)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. Consider this historical curiosity.
Bounty hunters Dengar and the Boba Fett look-alike Jodo Kast reluctantly team-up to catch
an elusive bounty on pirates who have attacked a New Republic vessel.*
(Dengar and Jodo Kast: Preying for Time)*
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This information is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The most famous of these stories is Lightsider, of course, but this team-up
is among them as well. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor text for our purposes, with
no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it historical curiosity.
Imperial Rear Admiral Michael Unther speaks at the Duluur Sector Naval Academy during a
Fleet Tactics 241 class.
(A World to Conquer)
Near the Kuat Drive Yards, Shannon Vorsoon, a 9-year-old computer slicer, finishes a story
about Veni and Vici Ramunee, two Jedi Knights of millennia past, and manages to slice into a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 439
Kuat Drive Yards file detailing that six new Star Destroyers (the Impervious, the Penetrator,
the Inflexible, the Indomitable, the Inexorable, and the Exterminator) are being built. Her
cousin Deen arrives to speak with Johan and Nell, Shannon’s parents. He tells her that he’s
been out “slaying dragons,” implying that he’s part of the Rebel Alliance. He mentions being
on the team adapting the T-47s on Hoth. When they talk about how the Empire destroyed
Alderaan to try to kill an idea, Shannon shows Deen the file she sliced into, and he is
amazed. That night at dinner, Deen suggests that Nell, who helps run the station’s docking
area, help him to steal a Colony Class 23669 Power Generator that is meant for Imperial
hands and make it look like a computer error. She is appalled and figures out that hes a
Rebel. The ensuing anger and conflict within the family grows to the point where Deen is
forbidden from mentioning the Rebellion. All seems lost for the Rebel group until Shannon
uses her slicing skills to do mess with the loading schedule, allowing the Rebels to take the
generator. Shannon stows aboard the Rebel ship, Boo Rawl’s Long Run. As the Imperials
discover the theft and both they and the station workers prepare to fire on the ship, the
Rebels pretend Shannon is a hostage, instead of their newest recruit, allowing them just
enough time to escape into hyperspace. Shannon has now joined Deen in his mission to slay
the Imperial dragon.
(Slaying Dragons)
Imperial slavers, led by Admiral Mir Tork and Dr. Leonis Murthe of the Azgoghk, arrive on
Gulma and take the local Gulmarid populace as slaves. (To be continued below . . . )
(Agent of Doom)
As Admiral Harkovs treachery continues behind the scenes, Maarek Stele is transferred yet
again. This time, he is sent to the Pakuuni system to the frigate Ludwick. The Ludwick is part
of a group of ships under the command of Vice Admiral (secretly Grand Admiral, but without
an official granting of the title) Thrawn, aboard the Victory-class Star Destroyer Stalwart. They
are to take out pirates in the area. Aboard the Ludwick, Maarek discovers his three old pilot
friendsGrommet, Alimet, and Ketcher. They are all under Commander Buckeye, who soon
is meeting with visiting Vice Admiral Thrawn, when Grommet convinces the others to talk
their way into the hangar to take out ships on “maneuvers to relieve their boredom. For their
actions, they are assigned to clean up the pirates base when it is captured. During the clean-
up, Ketcher discovers a strange, glowing crystal, which he keeps as a necklace. The
Imperials then hold the Pakuuni system, while Space Station NL-1 is constructed. They help
protect the station until it is completely finished, even as Ketcher’s health seems to be
deteriorating, likely due to the strange crystal. Before long, Maarek is transferred again, this
time to the frigate Shamus under Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin. While aboard the
Shamus, he meets a cadet named Xeal, whom he takes under his wing to a degree. As for
missions, Zaarin and Major Chundha, his XO, are dealing with two formerly partnered parties,
the Habeen and the Nharwaak. Both had worked together to provide new technology to
Zaarin for the Empire, but now the Nharwaak are thinking of selling to the Rebel Alliance as
well. Maarek and his fellow pilots carry out attacks on the Nharwaak, defeating them, but
Xeal is apparently killed (or, at least, Maarek can’t find him after the battle). As for the
Habeen, they and the Imperials rendezvous at Mylok IV and make a former arrangement by
which the Empire gets the technology and the Habeen earns full Imperial citizenship. They
are later informed (in part by the Secret Order) that the Nharwaak are still dealing with the
Rebels. Another raid is carried out, during which Maarek discovers new Habeen technology
that they have not revealed to the Empire yet. Could they be hiding it from the Empire, or
could Zaarin know of it and be hiding it for himself? He doesn’t have time to find out, as he is
tapped by the Secret Order again. Their mission: to be transferred back to the Protector
under Harkov, whom they are close to flushing out and arresting. Upon arrival, he discovers
Alimet on the ship. All is not well, though. Ketcher has died, and Grommet met a woman
during leave and ended up defecting to the Rebel Alliance. Even worse, Harkov is suspicious
of Maarek and orders his subordinate, Vondruln, to be sure that Maarek dies during his next
mission. The Secret Order warns Maarek, though, and he escapes, causing Harkov to kill
Vondruln as punishment. As for Maarek, he escapes the mission (in which he narrowly
escapes death at Imperial hands) by boarding the frigate Osprey. He is ready to tell the
Secret Order to kiss off, until they reveal that it was Harkov who killed Maarek’s former
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 440
mentor, Admiral Mordon. It was Harkov, it seems, that Mordon had suspicions about. Maarek
is in it now for revenge. As the Empire strikes against Harkov, he goes fully to the Rebel side,
taking refuge aboard a Rebel space platform. In preparation for an attack on the platform,
Maarek is in the hangar in time to see a new arrivalCaptain Trace! Trace is now working
with the Secret Order, not eliminated as Maarek feared. Finally, the platform is attacked, and
Harkov is captured. Unfortunately, his fleet is elsewhere, so the threat of his subordinates
acting on his behalf still exists. As for Harkov himself, Darth Vader kills him when he refuses
to reveal his fleets location. The question of Zaarin remains, however . . . (To be continued
below . . . )*
(The Stele Chronicles)*
*NOTE: I’m listing this story under the title of the novella that was expanded upon in the TIE Fighter Official
Strategy Guide to create an overall fiction story to go with the game strategies. Most of the events, though, were
originally covered in the TIE Fighter computer game. (It’s just easier to merge the story and present it as one tale,
rather than trying to split it up, which would get really, really ugly.)
A short time before rescue attempts are made to recapture Han Solo from Boba Fett, Guri
kills the bounty hunter Boushh.
(conjecture based on Rebellion Era Sourcebook)
While on an undercover mission, CorSec officer Hal Horn is brutally murdered by the
Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk in a tapcafe on Corellia, before his son Corrans eyes.
Corran captures Bossk, but Imperial liaison officer Kirtan Loor lets the hunter go. Corran is
unable to take revenge on Bossk due to Loor’s Imperial ties. Horn’s body is cremated, and
his ashes jettisoned into space between Corellia and Selonia.
(conjecture based on The Krytos Trap via TimeTales, verbatim)
Gariel Captison becomes a Senator on Bakura, after finishing her year of postgraduate work
on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Truce at Bakura and The New Essential Guide to Characters)
In space, the Rebel fleet is attacked by an Imperial force, but manages to win the foray.
Aboard the Executor, Darth Vader is informed by Emperor Palpatine that he must call off his
hunt for Luke Skywalker and deal more directly with the construction of the Death Star II at
Endor. To do this, he must negotiate with Prince Xizor of Black Sun, whom he loathes.
Based on what he observed during Vader's communication with the Emperor during the Hoth
debacle, he intends for his hired hands or bounty hunters to kill Luke Skywalker and then
blame Vader for the action--a blatant betrayal of Palpatine's wishes. Boba Fett arrives in the
Tatooine system but is attacked by IG-88, who wants Han Solo. Fett destroys IG-88B and
IG-88C, but must divert to Gall (which is to the Rebel’s benefit, as Fett had planted
information as a diversion to send the Rebels to Gall, which may be reaching them even has
he heads for the world). On Coruscant, Darth Vader hires Jix to capture Luke Skywalker.
With the Rebel fleet, Luke, Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian, and the others learn that Fett is on
Gall. (A small group of traders on Gall were given the information by Vossuk, an information
broker.) Along with their hired smuggler Dash Rendar, they head for Gall. The fleet attacks
the Imperial vessels in orbit, while the Millennium Falcon and the Outrider head for the
spaceport to find Fett. On the surface, Fett has trouble of his own, narrowly escaping Bossk,
4-LOM, and Zuckuss (the latter two of whom are working for Rebel Special Forces now),
along with another group of ruffians who are distracted when they attack Vossuk and his
companions as part of a decoy Fett set up. As they reach the spaceport, Dash takes the
Outrider and leaves (since he was paid to guide, not shoot) and Fett escapes. In space, an
X-wing is taken over by its astromech and it attacks Luke. The astromech, it seems, was
programmed by a Black Sun operative to assassinate Luke. Luke decides to return to
Tatooine and Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut to hide and build a new lightsaber. While there, he will
learn of Obi-Wan’s past via a journal left, seemingly for Luke himself. On Tatooine, Jix cons
(and survives) his way into Big Gizz's swoop gang. Leia decides to infiltrate Black Sun to
learn who is after Luke, while, on Tatooine, Dash arrives, hired by Leia to protect Luke.
Shortly after Luke finishes building his new green lightsaber, the swoop gang attacks, but
between Jix trying to save Luke for Vader, Dash trying to save Luke for Leia, and Luke trying
to save himself, the swoop gang is defeated. As the dust clears, a Rebel message pod lands
bearing a message for Leia. Luke listens to it and learns that Koth Melan and the Bothan
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 441
spies have uncovered information about the Death Star II and know the location where the
ship carrying the plans for that station will be open to ambush. (Along with these plans are a
map to the Sanctuary Pipeline, the safe route to the station’s construction site at Endor.) The
ship is alone, despite the objections of Darth Vader, who is unaware that Palpatine has hired
Xizor to transport it specifically so that the Rebels can find it and walk into a trap. Luke and
Dash intercept the Suprosa and Dash steals the plans. Luke then heads for Melan's base on
Kothlis, but are attacked by Skahtul's bounty hunters. Luke is captured. Leia contacts Avaro,
Greedo's uncle, and then meets with Xizor's Human Replica Droid (HRD), Guri, who provides
them with disguises (as Boushh and Snoova). They go to Coruscant and meet Xizor, who
tries to use his Falleen pheromones to seduce Leia. Vader heads to Kothlis to take Luke
back to the Emperor, but Luke manages to escape with Lando (who had been told of Luke's
predicament by Dash). When Vader arrives, he learns that Xizor has ordered Luke's death.
Vader then is contacted by Jix, who tells him that the orders were masked to make people
believe that Vader ordered Luke's death. At Coruscant, our heroes make their way through
the sewers to rescue Leia and Chewbacca. They meet up with Leia and make their escape,
but not before Luke must face off with Guri. Guri nearly dies when the explosives planted by
the Rebels destroy Xizor's palace, but she manages to escape with a paraglider. Xizor also
escapes and heads for his skyhook. Xizor orders a full-scale attack on the heroes (aboard
the Millennium Falcon and Outrider) as Vader arrives, followed shortly by Rogue Squadron.
The three-way battle ends in Vader ordering the skyhook (with Xizor aboard) destroyed, the
Falcon and Rogue Squadron escaping, and Dash appearing to die, but actually escaping into
hyperspace. Shortly thereafter, Fett arrives on Tatooine (after having repeated run-ins with
the other bounty hunters) and delivers Han to Jabba the Hutt. Elsewhere on Tatooine, Luke
and the others mourn Dash and prepare to infiltrate Jabba's palace as soon as possible,
though another few quick missions will be necessary before the rescue plan can be finalized
and put into effect. At Endor, Vader arrives aboard the Executor to oversee mid-stage
construction of the Death Star II--the trap for the Rebellion has been set.
(Shadows of the Empire, et al)*
*NOTE: By "et al" here, I am including the SOTE novel, SOTE comics, SOTE video game (beaten on Jedi
difficulty), Battle of the Bounty Hunters, and any other SOTE crossover materials. This includes the unlisted
mini-comics that came with several of the toys, as their status is unclear, since they tell the same story in vastly
different wordings and the like.
Lieutenant Voren Na’al submits a report to Major Arhul Hextrophon on the events leading to
the Battle of Yavin..*
(Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope)*
*NOTE: Summary provided by Luke Van Horn. This is the framing story of the book itself, which must be written
after the Alliance knows about the Death Star II and Luke knows that Vader is his father.
Nagai spies report that “the Skyriver” (the main galaxy) is about to enter a period of chaos, as
its primary political entity is about to be overthrown. Seeing an opportunity, the Nagai plan to
invade the Skyriver, amass power, and return to “the Firefist” (“Companion Besh” to the main
galaxy) to retake their homeworld from the Tofs.
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
Sometime after the Battle of Hoth, prior to the Battle of Endor, Keyan Farlander returns to the
historical simulations in an flight simulator similar to the one he used during training. He tries
out missions such as one during Operation: Shantipole and at least one recent scrape with
Imperials after Hoth.
(The Farlander Papers)*
*NOTE: These are all historical simulations that must be attempted by Keyan sometime after the Battle of Hoth
because at least one scenario is set in that block. Other scenarios use A-wings and B-wings.
After a quick mission to help Luke Skywalker and Dash Rendar steal the Death Star II plans
from the Suprosa, the computer is sent to Kothlis. When the Kothlis safehouse is destroyed,
the Bothans send it to a new base (Kothlis II), only to have that “safe location” come under
attack by Darth Vaders Super Star Destroyer Executor. They then transfer the plans to the
Rebel vessel Razor . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(X-wing Alliance)
The secret plans for the Death Star II, taken from the Suprosa, have made their way to the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 442
Razor, a Rebel blockade runner, stationed over Kothlis, where the Empire has attempted to
recover the data. Unfortunately, the Star Destroyer Avenger emerges above the planet,
striking at the Razor. Before the Imperials can get away, though, Rogue Squadron damages
the Avenger badly enough to force a crash landing on Kothlis, where Crix Madine leads a
commando squad to recover the plans from the Imperials. The plans are recovered. (To be
continued below . . . )*
(Rogue Leader)*
*NOTE: This summary is based on the Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader video game, not the comic book mini-
series X-wing: Rogue Leader.
Transferred to Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarins Imperial research facility, Maarek Stele is
surprised to be taken somewhat under the Admirals wing, similar to how Admiral Mordon had
taken him in. However, he is suspicious of Zaarin’s motives, along with Zaarin’s desire that
Maarek be loyal to him, rather than to the Empire. (Perhaps a poor choice of words on
Zaarin’s part, but certainly suspicious to Maarek). Zaarin’s research facility is working on a
new kind of TIE fighter, the TIE Defender. Maarek participates in missions to protect convoys
and shipments of the vessels and their earlier prototypes, but the Secret Order suggests that
not all is as it seems at the facility. A while after coming to the facility, Trace shows up there,
now as a Major. He and Maarek discuss their doubts about the Empires current state,
leaning toward a discussion about the merits of the Rebellion. Amid the conversation, “Major
Trace” reveals his true identity. He is Hamo Blastwell of the Rebel Alliance (and, of course,
comrade of Keyan Farlander). Maarek wont turn him in, but hes sick of different parties
trying to use him and draw him to their side. He simply tells Hamo to get the hell out of his
quarters. Maareks next mission comes when Galactic Electronics starts selling technology to
the Rebels, requiring Zaarin to take action on behalf of the Empire. Zaarin, Chundha (his
XO), Maarek, and others leave the research facility and head for Galactic Electronics aboard
Zaarin’s Imperial Star Destroyer Glory. In the wake of a successful blow to the traitorous
company, Maarek is drawn aside by a stormtrooper and brought to a secluded location.
There, the trooper (who turns out to be his old friend from Kuan, Pargo) brings a prisoner to
see him. The prisoner is Maarek’s father, who had gone missing during the Bordali War!
Maarek cannot free him, the Secret Order may be able to do so. He offers to continue doing
the Order’s bidding, only if his father is freed. They decide to do so, while Maarek is
transferred to Darth Vader’s current flagship (basically that meaning whatever ship he’s on at
the moment), the Garret. He then joins an elite group of pilots in missions to attack the
remnants of the traitorous Admiral Harkov’s fleet, including his former posting, the Protector.
While aboard the Garret, he also discovers his old pilot friend, the young Xeal, who is now a
lieutenant. Soon, they make a final assault on Harkov’s old fleet, only to come under fire from
their own reinforcements from Zaarins command. Zaarin has betrayed the Empire as well,
but he isn’t planning to defect, only to gain power for himself. Maarek joins a small TIE
Defender group led by Vader himself to get past Zaarin’s forces and to the Osprey, aboard
which they will head for Coruscant to warn Emperor Palpatine of Zaarin’s bold move against
the Empire. Meanwhile, Hamo “Trace” Blastwell manages to escape from Zaarin’s command
with word of the TIE Defenders’ existence. Upon reaching the Osprey, Vader, Maarek, and
their comrades set out for Coruscant, but it is almost too late. Zaarin has led a coup!
Palpatine has been abducted by Zaarin’s co-conspirator, Arden Lyn, and is aboard a shuttle
en route for Zaarins Glory. Vader and Maarek again lead a strike in TIE Defenders against
Zaarin’s forces, saving Palpatine from the shuttle. Even as Palpatine is sent to a safe place
for the time being, Maarek’s father is freed from Imperial custody, and Maarek is
congratulated once again by Vader for his service to the Empire.*
(The Stele Chronicles)*
*NOTE: I’m listing this story under the title of the novella that was expanded upon in the TIE Fighter Official
Strategy Guide to create an overall fiction story to go with the game strategies. Most of the events, though, were
originally covered in the TIE Fighter computer game. (It’s just easier to merge the story and present it as one tale,
rather than trying to split it up, which would get really, really ugly.)
Having helped save Palpatine from Arden Lyn’s kidnapping plot for Grand Admiral Demetrius
Zaarin, Maarek Stele is discovered to have Force potential. The Prophets of the Dark Side
begin to train him. As he learns to use his starfighter much like a Dark Jedi uses a lightsaber,
the Emperor makes him his newest hand, granting him the title rank of Ta.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 443
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns)
Arden Lyn is executed by Palpatine for her role in Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin’s
kidnapping plot.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Chronology)
Y-wings from the Rebels’ Polis Massa base are being destroyed with no indication of what is
destroying them. A group of Rebel pilots, including Y-wing pilot Pashna Genko of the 88
Attack Squadron and X-wing pilot Kip Famas of th 94
Fighter/Attack Squadron, investigates.
They encounter and engage Imperial TIE Interceptors, TIE Defenders, and experimental TIE
Phantoms being flown by Lieutenant Commander Gareth Agamars 481
Starfighter Testing Squadron. They destroy or drive off the Imperials, keeping the base safe,
but this is not the last the Rebels will see of the TIE Phantom.*
(Phantoms in the Dark)*
*NOTE: This is a “plot hook” found in the Age of Rebellion sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance. There is no
real indication of when it takes place, aside from being after the 501
’ attack on Polis Massa around the time of
ANH and that TIE Phantoms are undergoing test flights.
Maarek Stele has been promoted for his actions in saving Emperor Palpatine from Demetrius
Zaarin’s plot. He is now also one of the Emperor’s Hands and in command of a starfighter
ace squadron, Alpha Squadron. Continuing to take the fight to Zaarin, who is raiding Imperial
supplies and striking at TIE Advanced facilities to slow their production (and thus any chance
of capturing Zaarin himself), Maarek and his comrades eventually drive Zaarins forces away
from Imperial factory ZA-13, but they are soon attacked at ZA-13 by Rebels using magnetic
pulse warheads. Vice Admiral Thrawn, commanding his forces aboard a new Victory-class
Star Destroyer, the Sceltor, is sent, along with Alpha Squadron, to crush the Rebels’
magnetic pulse weapon facilities, but while theyre gone Zaarin strikes at ZA-13, then strikes
at Thrawn himself, using an Interdictor to keep him from escaping. Alpha Squadron takes out
many of Zaarin’s vessels, though, including the Interdictor. They have won the day, but the
Sceltor is in very bad shape. They limp back to Coruscant to report on Zaarin’s activities.
Knowing that Zaarin is just retreating so that he can strike at the Empire again, the Emperor
charges Thrawn with the task of wiping Zaarin out. Maarek’s squadron is assigned to
Thrawn’s command for the duration of the mission. Zaarin’s next strike is at his own former
research facility, where he hopes to erase all traces of the TIE Defender project, thereby
stopping the Empire from creating more of the starfighters to use against him. Thrawn’s
forces drive him off, but he eventually returns to eradicate the facility. Luckily, Thrawn
predicts this and lets is happen . . . but the trio of remaining TIE Defender prototypes are
safely away by then, aboard three different corvettes. Unfortunately, the corvettes are set
upon by Rneeki pirates. Maarek drives them off, but the activity draws Rebel forces, who then
also have to be driven off. The corvettes and their prototype contents finally reach Thrawn,
who ships them off to Coruscant, even as he and his men are ordered to try to design
another new fighter craft that can best even the TIE Defender, eliminating any advantage
Zaarin might have in dogfights. Unfortunately, one of the TIE Defender prototypes is stolen
en route to Coruscant, meaning that the pirates who stole it (or perhaps the Rebels) will now
also have access to its technology . . . The Rneeki pirates then decide to sell the designers of
the prototypes, captured during the corvette strike, to the highest bidder. The Empire bids the
highest, but when the pirates (a mix of Rneeki and Nami pirates) turn them over for their
payment, the Imperials attack them, obviously. They also learn that the Nami pirates, led by
Ali Tarrak, are responsible for stealing the TIE Defender prototype. They are held for
interrogation, but the Imperials must remain in the area longer than expected. Their Red Claw
Interdictor vessel has had its hyperdrive damaged, and the Empire has to send a
replacement. Zaarin learns of this and sends his own vessel, pretending to be the Imperial
vessel, and makes off with some of the technicians that had been ransomed. What’s more,
interrogation of the Nami pirates reveals that that pirates have apparently made deals with
Zaarin and the Rebels for the selling of TIE Defender technology to the Alliance. When
Thrawn discovers the location of a shipment of TIE Defenders, built at Nami facilities, that is
about to be sold to the Rebels, Alpha Squadron strikes against the shipment in new “missile
boats” (modified gunboats with SLAM drives that double the vessels’ speed by drawing
power from its weapon systems). The TIE Defenders are captured, as are several Nami
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 444
prisoners, who reveal the location of Ali Tarrak’s TIE Defender manufacturing facility. After
driving off a band of Rebels that try to steal the Defenders back from the Imperials, Thrawn
then leads a strike against the manufacturing facility, destroying it utterly and capturing
Tarrak in the process. In the aftermath of this success, Thrawn is promoted to Grand Admiral
publicly, making his earlier unofficial promotion now official. Tarrak is spared from
punishment and offered a chance to work for the Empire. Thrawn then turns his attention,
and his new Imperial Star Destroyer Grey Wolf, toward the task of taking out Zaarin. With
Zaarin retreating into the Unknown Regions to regroup, Thrawn pushes that advantage,
attacking a convoy of Zaarin’s ships, and using information from prisoners to foil (well, sort of,
since he does lose a Star Destroyer) an ambush set up by Zaarin. He then tries to use
missile boats as bait to lure Zaarin out. It works, but only after several tries. Zaarin is not
deterred, though. He next attacks the secretive Vorknkx Project, which is being used to
create a small cloaking device for starfighters, aiming at the creation of the TIE Phantom
starfighter. Thrawns Grey Wolf and Alpha Squadron evacuate the facility before Zaarin can
destroy or capture the facility’s true treasure, a corvette with an actual working prototype of
the cloaking device. The hunt for Zaarin is put on hold for Maarek for a bit after the mission
ends, though, as Palpatine has a special mission for him. As a means of making it look like
the Emperor truly didn’t mean for the Rebel Alliance to steal the plans to the Death Star II, he
is sent to capture Bothans to bring to Darth Vader aboard the Garret for questioning, then to
Kothlis to make a retaliatory strike for the plans’ capture. Appearances aside, though, the
Emperor now knows that he has planted the seeds for the Rebellion’s downfall. The Battle of
Endor looms on the horizon . . . (To be continued below . . . )*
(Defender of the Empire)*
*NOTE: The story of Thrawn’s promotion is somewhat rewritten from the game by the Essential Chronology and
New Essential Guide to Characters, but it seems to waver on its story on different pages. We also know that
Thrawn was apparently promoted before Side Trip, which is well before this story. Thus, the odd two-part
“unofficial then official” promotion story is how things seem to have worked out, by the most recent
explanations offered for these inconsistencies.
In the Dreighton Triangle, Darth Vader (who arrives aboard a temporary, non-Executor
vessel, the Terror) oversees Imperial Admiral Sarn’s demonstration of a new Imperial weapon
that attacks invisibly. The weapon causes the destruction of a few X-wings in the Triangle,
but Vader is not particularly impressed. A short time later, a ship called the Corellia Star
comes under attack in the same fashion and is captured by the Imperials. In the area to hear
the Star’s call for help, B-wing pilots Rookie One and Commander Kirby investigate. They
find no sign of the Star, but do note a beacon, which they believe to be the ship, on the
surface of the planet Dreighton. Before they can investigate, Kirby is blasted out of the sky
and Rookie Ones ship is damaged. He is forced to set down on Dreighton, then makes his
way to the signal. Upon arrival, he discovers a secret Imperial base. Inside, he finds the Star,
which he then claims for himself and escapes with, winding through mining tunnels until
reaching the surface and escaping into hyperspace. Shortly thereafter, Vader, Sarn, and the
Imperials set up a staging point at Imdaar Alpha to strike at the Rebel Alliance with their new
weapon. Upon analyzing the Star’s logs, the Rebels determine that the Imperials are doing
something within the Belt of Arah, an asteroid belt near the Dreighton Nebula. Rookie One is
sent to investigate, along with Ina Rece and Merrick Simms. What they discover is an ore
processing facility, which they wipe out quite nicely, but as they prepare to leave the area,
new-model TIE fighters (seemingly invisible to sensors of all kinds, thereby being that secret
weapon that Sarn was concocting) emerge, blasting all but Rookie One. He manages to
escape by the skin of his teeth. The Rebels determine that these new TIEs are modified
V38’s. They dub them “TIE Phantoms and set about devising a mission whereby one pilot
can get to Imdaar, sneak their way through the Imperial lines and up to the Terror, and
capture a Phantom TIE for study. The task falls to Rookie One, who, after a crash course in
piloting TIE fighters, takes off for Imdaar in a Y-wing with two wingmen, Admiral Krane and
Darnell Reggs, at his side. After getting Rookie One close to Imdaar, the other two break off,
letting him sneak onto the world alone. He does, then he meets his prearranged contact . . .
Ru Murleen, his old comrade from the days before the Battle of Yavin. They take out a pair of
stormtroopers, then use the troopers’ armor and shuttle to get into space again. They then
board the Terror, which was cloaked above Imdaar. Once inside, they are discovered as
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 445
imposters and forced to conduct their mission on the run. They do manage to capture a
Phantom TIE, though, and escape from the Terror, but not before blasting the ship’s reactor,
causing the ship irreparable damage. Vader takes out his frustrations by killing Sarn, but
there is no saving the Terror. When the Terror is destroyed, the Rebels discover the
installation it was attached to, Imdaar Alpha. They take their captured Phantom TIE into the
facility, attacking its power core just as they had with the Terror. The resulting damage
destroys the moon of Imdaar Alpha, taking a multitude of Phantom TIEs with it. The Phantom
TIEs are no more, except for the captured one. Upon arriving back at a Rebel base, Rookie
One and Ru Murleen are heroes, but the celebration doesn’t last long. At the flick of a switch,
Vader sends out a coded signal that causes the last remaining Phantom TIE to explode. The
cloaking technology is no more.
(The Hidden Empire)
Sometime shortly before his death before the Battle of Endor, Yoda relates the story of the
Skywalkers and the heroes of the Clone Wars and Rebellion era, as does Palpatine from an
alternate perspective.*
(The Power of the Force)*
*NOTE: This is an Italian language story, actually entitled Il Potere della Forza. Consider its inclusion
Having been blasted apart during the mission to save Han Solo, 4-LOM is rebuilt by Zuckuss,
but his idealism is gone.
(conjecture based on How the Other Half Hunts)
Having arrived on Tatooine, Evar Orbus, Max Rebo, Snit, and Sy Snootles plan to get a gig at
Chalmun’s Cantina. They are met by Figrin Dan and the Modal Nodes, who try to kill them in
order to make sure that they don’t take away the Modal Nodes job at the cantina. Orbus is
killed. The other three escape. Shortly thereafter, Snit tells them to start calling him Droopy
McCool. (To be continued below . . . )
(And the Band Played On: The Band’s Tale)
Sy Snootles’ first decision after taking over the Max Rebo Band (from behind the scenes) is
to create a stable trio of backup dancers. She chooses to enlist Greeata Jendowanian, Lyn
Me, and Rystall Sant. They add two new musicians, Rappertunie (Rapotwanalantonee
Tivtotolon) and Barquin D’an.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
The Max Rebo Band is approached by Naroon Cuthas, who takes them to Jabba’s Palace for
an audition. They get the job, but since Max is the spokesman (though Sy runs things), Max
agrees to let them be paid in food. Sy is then approached by a contact of Lady Valarian (and
quite a few others) and begins working for Jabba (via Bib Fortuna) to uncover assassination
or spying plots. (To be continued below . . . )
(And the Band Played On: The Band’s Tale)
Annoyed at Max Rebo having them play for food, Sy Snootles and Droopy McCool argue with
him in Chalmun’s Cantina. As they leave, they find that Jawas have stolen their van and
instruments, so they go to hunt down the Jawas. They find the Jawas but are about to be
killed by the scavengers until a droid-like bounty hunter arrives and saves them. It turns out
that it is not a bounty hunter, but a nutty harmonica player wanting an audition. It Is Tik Tali
Talosh, head of Max Rebo’s fan club. Max can only laugh.
(Stop that Jawa)
Due to his extreme dedication, the Max Rebo Band offers Tik Tali Talosh the chance to play
with them from time to time, but do not offer him an actual slot in the band itself.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
Max Rebo, Sy Snootles, and Droopy McCool are sent by Jabba the Hutt to Hoth, where they
are supposed to play a special performance for Bingo Mehndra. It is actually a setup, though,
meant to kill Bingo. The band members discover explosives under the stage, so they play a
hologram of their act instead of performing live. This saves them when the entire area
explodes. Bingo is taken out, but the band has survived. Knowing that Jabba might someday
know they survived, they decide to return to Tatooine and Jabbas service.
(A Hot Time in the Cold Town Tonite!)
Thanks to their resourcefulness on Hoth, Jabba the Hutt assigns three members of his court
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 446
to be new members of the Max Rebo Band, which will come to be called the Max Rebo
Twelve. These new members are Ak-rev, Umpass-stay, and Doda Bononawieedo. The
twelve members of the band are now: Max Rebo; Sy Snootles; Droopy McCool; Joh Yowza;
Greeata Jendowanian; Lyn Me; Rystall Sant; Barquin Dan; Rappertunie (Rapotwanalantonee
Tivtotolon) Doda Bodonawieedo; Ak-rev; and Umpass-stay.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
Malakili has grown quite attached to Jabba’s rancor. After the rancor is forced to battle
Caridian arachnids, Malakili begins to understand that Jabba only considers the rancor an
amusement, and does not care for it in the least. He takes the rancor for a walk (yes, a walk)
and it ends up killing a bantha after being attacked by some Tusken Raiders. After learning
of this, Jabba the Hutt puts out a call for anyone to bring him a krayt dragon for the rancor to
fight. Malakili believes this could kill the rancor, so he begins planning an escape with the
beast. He goes to Lady Valarian and offers the secrets of Jabba’s Palace to her if she will
help him procure a freighter to escape with the rancor. She agrees. (To be continued below
. . . )
(A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper’s Tale)
Dengar and Manaroo arrive on Tatooine. Dengar leaves Manaroo in Mos Eisley when he
goes to Jabba’s Palace, but she is captured and taken there to be a dancer. Dengar learns
this and, through the Attanni, knows he loves her and cannot leave her. He decides that
Jabba must die. He begins helping Tessek with bomb parts, which he will get to him through
Barada. (To be continued below . . . )
(Payback: The Tale of Dengar)
IG-88As fake Imperial ships destroy the convoy bearing the real Death Star II computer core,
along with Gurdun. The fake Imperial ship and the duplicate core (with IG-88’s sentience in
it) is shipped the rest of the way to the Death Star II. (To be continued below . . . )
(Therefore I am: The Tale of IG-88)
The Rebel Alliance begins its search for two missing pilots, Yom Argo and Tay Vanis. The
pilots were supposedly carrying important information for the Rebellion (which will be
revealed to be the Death Star II plans stolen by the Bothans). The Rebels need to recover
tapes from the missing pilots, and have tracked the first pilot, Argo, to the planet Lahsbane.
Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Dani have
come to Lahsbane. They talk to the Lahsbees, who inform them that the tapes were taken to
a forbidden city as a memorial to Argo, who died when he fighter crashed on the planet. The
Rebels just need to get to the forbidden city to get them. Leia and Dani, in a female pissing
match, decide they will both go to the city using a balloon that night, as newly-arrived
Imperials stalk the forest with the Lahsbees. The Imperials are about to find them as they
prepare to leave, until Dani tries to seduce them and keep Leia hidden. Leia floats off on a
balloon, though, and Dani barely manages to jump on before it is out of range. They arrive at
the city, followed closely by Luke, who is chasing on a glider. At the city, the girls find the
tapes from Argos ship, but come under attack by Huhks (while Lando is attacked by one as
well, but saved by Chewie). The Huhks, C-3PO has determined, are adult Lahsbees, a
monstrous form they spontaneously morph into at puberty. The forbidden city is their home,
hence being forbidden. Luke saves Leia and Dani from Huhks, and they return to the
Millennium Falcon with the tapes. These are not the tapes with the critical information, but at
least it’s something. As they prepare to leave, they see the Imperial ship taking off, obviously
stolen. It is Dani who is aboard the ship. She has stolen some riches from the forbidden city
and is now on her way to find Rik Duel and Chihdo. As for the Rebels, their mission now
shifts focus to finding Tay Vanis and his tapes.
Using information gained on Lahsbane, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa,
Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO have arrived on the water world of Iskalon in search of Tay
Vanis, who was last seen in that planet’s solar system. Guided by the Iskalonian Mone, they
head into the underwater air-breather structure called Pavillion There, they meet Primor, the
leader of the Iskalonians, and Mone’s wife Kendle. They barely notice that they are being
followed by another human. Imperials have come to Iskalon, but the other planets in the
system have fared worse. Primor tells them that Tay Vanis and Yom Argo were from Telfrey,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 447
and the Empire acted swiftly against the populace when the first signs of rebellion appeared.
Iskalon’s sister planet, Gamandar, has been totally subjugated, with a fortress erected on the
world. Iskalon’s peace ambassadors were killed. The Iskalonians know that Argo called
Luke and the others heroes for their deeds at Yavin IV, and they want the Rebels help.
Kendle suggests that they speak to “his droid” to find out where Vanis is. The Rebels think
they mean Argos droid that was destroyed in the crash on Lahsbane, but she means Vanis’
droid, which she says was K3PX. She says the last time the droid was seen was going with
Argo and Vanis on a mission to the fortress on Gamandar. Lando, the droids, and Mone
head for Gamandar, while, unseen, the Imperial spy does the same. Meanwhile, Luke and
Leia go underwater with Primor to enjoy the beauty of the world, but soon notice Kendle
inside with her water helmet broken. She will suffocate if they cannot reach her. They get
inside to her aid, having shed their breather units, just as a missile launched from the Imperial
base on Gamandar to wipe out the Rebels hits Iskalon, causing a massive, nearly planet-
wide tidal wavethe Iskalon Effect. Its first victim is Pavillion, where Luke and Leia watch
helplessly as the glass shielding them from the ocean shatters . . .
(The Iskalon Effect)
On Iskalon, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa are washed out of Pavillion with only Leia’s
breather between them in the wake of the Iskalon Effect. Primor, who was just outside the
glass when the wave hit, is dead. Luke and Leia see Kendle, alive and well, and try to follow
her to safety, but are stopped and assaulted by Kiro, a sword-wielding Iskalonian.
Meanwhile, Lando Calrissian, Mone, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 arrive on Gamandar in
search of K3PX. While R2-D2 goes off on his own to explore, Lando slips into a disguise to
seek out the droid through “subterfuge,” a concept foreign to Mone. Lando uses the name
“Captain Drebble, based on his former foe, to talk to the head of the Imperials, Admiral
Griggor Tower, to enlist his help in finding the droid, but Darth Vader is also after K3PX, and
someone has tipped Tower off to the Rebels, and he isn’t fooled for a moment. They find
K3PX and mention their mission, trying to get its help by saying that Luke Skywalker, who is
admired by Tay Vanis, is on Iskalon on the same mission. The name sparks an odd
response in the droid . . . Meanwhile, back on Iskalon, Kendle retreats, but Kiro leads Luke
and Leia to the surface. When Kendle catches back up to the Rebels over the dead body of
Primor, Kiro tries to attack her again, and she flees. Kiro reveals that Kendle has betrayed
them to the Empire, and it was he who smashed her breathing helmet before the Iskalon
Effect, in order to stop her treachery. Kiro’s had been broken too, so he had to return to the
water to fix it and get more water, which is why he was gone when Luke and Leia found
Kendle. Now they know that not only is the Rebel presence the cause for the Empire using
the Iskalon Effect, but their friends on Gamandar have been betrayed by Kendle warning the
Imperials. On Gamandar, the Rebel team, minus R2-D2, has been captured and placed in
an Imperial cell . . .
Aboard the Executor, Darth Vader learns from K3PX that Luke Skywalker was on Iskalon
when Tower activated the Iskalon Effect tidal wave, possibly killing the man he and the
Emperor seek. On Iskalon, Luke is alive and, along with Kiro and Leia Organa, is fending off
Chiaki creatures and an angry mob of Iskalonians, led by the traitor Kendle, who blame the
Rebels for the Imperial attack. On Gamandar, Tower is about to speak with Lando
Calrissian, Chewbacca, Mone, and C-3PO, when K3PX arrives and tells him that Vader is
displeased with him. Tower is placed under arrest by Vader’s orders. As he is taken away,
R2-D2 arrives and frees the others. Soon, as the Millennium Falcon blasts off from
Gamandar with ease (thanks to R2-D2 and his computer interfacing), Vader contacts Tower
by holocomm, shows him the errors of his actions, then orders Tower’s execution. On
Iskalon, Kiro’s helmet is hit, forcing Luke and Leia to charge with him to the water to save
him. As they race for the edge of the Pavillion wreckage, a chiaki attacks, but is shot by the
Falcon, causing it to crash down upon Kendle, killing her. They day is saved, and the heroes
are reunited, but Kendle is dead and Pavillion is in ruins. As new leader of the Iskalonian
school, Mone declares that there will be no more such disasters. The world will now be off-
limits to air-breathers and the entire Iskalonian society will now live under the waters where
they belong. Until the Empire is vanquished, none are welcome on Iskalon.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 448
(Artoo-Deetoo to the Rescue)
On Arbra, the mood is solemn. All leads on Yom Argo, Tay Vanis, and the critical Imperial
plans Vanis had with him have been dead ends. However, the Rebel Alliance has learned
(quite erroneously, it seems) that Han Solo is rumored to be alive and well and in possession
of the information. This is an obvious Imperial ploy from a transmission on Gamandar, but
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Plif take the opportunity to continue the hunt for Han,
thinking that perhaps the rumor has some truth to it, and Han mightve not ended up in Jabba
the Hutt’s hands as they thought. They head to Kabray in the Millennium Falcon. While
there, Luke discovers a plot to kill the governor with poisoned food. Leia ends up hiding form
Imperials by dressing as the Chanteuse of the Stars, a singer, and is forced out onto the
stage to sing. As these two loose plot threads converge, a lahsbee in the crowd matures into
a huhk and causes chaos, giving Luke the chance to knock over the governor’s food, and
Leia the chance to calm the huhk’s “savage beast nature with her singing.
(Chanteuse of the Stars)
According to a “tall tale” told by Wedge Antilles to new recruits, the following takes place:
Having received word that a presumably derelict ship may have come from the abandoned
Rebel base on Hoth and could very well bear Luke Skywalker’s old friend from Tatooine,
Wedge Antilles (not our Wedge Antilles, but a different one), Luke and Leia Organa lead a
mission to save him. They arrive only to find the ship apparently abandoned. Leia accesses
the ship’s recorder and hears the harrowing tale of Wedge Antilles and Janson (again, not
our Wedge and Janson) in the weeks and months after the Battle of Hoth. Apparently Wedge
and Janson had been trying to evacuate in a Y-wing when an AT-AT shot them down. They
stayed alive overnight in a damaged AT-AT cockpit before re-entering Echo Base and fighting
off Wampas. The two lived together as best they could until Wedge returned one day to find
Janson slaughtered by scavengers. Wedge managed to attack the scavengers and steal their
transport, evading Imperials and ending up stranded out here with a damaged ion link. The
recording ends, and Luke thinks all hope is lost, but Wedge appears outside the window in an
EVA suit. He was going back into the cargo hold on the ship to find an ion link he assumes
the scavengers mightve had. The friends are reunited, and they head back to the Rebel
(Hoth Stuff)*
*NOTE: According to Planet Hoppers: Hoth: Under the Ice: Part III: Merchants of Death (nice long title, huh?) this
is actually a “tall tale” told by Wedge to new recruits. That allows this Marvel story to still exist. Basically, Wedge
tells recruits that Hobbie dies so that they flip out when they finally meet him.
Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca (under the guise of Captain Drebble and his unnamed
Wookiee companion), arrive on Arcan IV, hoping for clues as to where Han Solo is at the
moment (since they have yet to hear for certain that he is at Jabba’s Palace). They meet a
group of pirates who are wanting to make good on a huge plan they’ve been working on, but
need two artifacts, the Minstrel and the Dancing Goddess in order to do it. Lando tries to
convince them that they should rescue Han because he was great at finding old artifacts, but
when Lando slips up and calls the Wookiee “Chewie, they turn on him and they must
escape, but not before learning that Han is definitely at Jabbas Palace. They make it most of
the way back to their ship, The Cobra, before Sanda, the female of the group, catches up to
them and sees that Lando already has the Minstrel. She freaks out, takes it, and kills her
compatriots out of greed. Lando and Chewie escape from Arcan IV, all the while laughing
about how Lando won both the Minstrel and Dancing Goddess in a card game a while back,
and wondering just what the scoundrels’ plans were for the artifacts.*
(The Big Con)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the fourth issue of that black and white series.
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, R2-D2, and C-3PO are searching for Tay Vanis, a Rebel agent
who has recovered Bothan spy datatapes that supposedly hold sensitive Imperial information.
They are on an Imperial-controlled planet where he is suspected to have last been seen.
When they ask a local droid manifest worker, LE914 (Ellie) to look up his name in the
computer records, it sets off an alarm that sends stormtroopers after them. When Ellie saves
C-3PO’s life, they escape with Ellie and take the Millennium Falcon to Vanis’ last known
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 449
destination. They find his downed X-wing and discover a holographic recording on-board. In
it, Tay Vanis tells whichever Rebel happens to be listening that they crashed on the planet
while fleeing with the Bothan tapes, but his partner, Yom Argo, has gone for help (the rescue
never came because Argo was shot down in Lashbane). He mentions that he has placed the
tapes in his droid, Ellie, and she has instructions to destroy them after two days (days which
have long since passed). They break into the local Imperial prison to find Vanis, but instead
find a withered man, tortured by Imperials and Darth Vader himself. They receive a recorded
message from Vader claiming this is a “gift” for Luke. Ellie enters and sees her master. She
gives the holotapes (which she did not destroy because she believed in Vanis and Vanis
believed they would be rescued) to the others and asks them to leave. When they do, she
cuddles up to Vanis vegetative body and self-destructs. On the way out, the others find the
base’s main power core and set it to self-destruct as well, a final monument to the great Tay
Vanis and his loyal Ellie.*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the sixth issue of that black and white series.
Lando Calrissian is captured by Bossk, 4-LOM, Dengar, and Guchluk and brought before
Quaffug the Hutt, who is still angry that Lando once won his ceramowerx complex from him.
Quaffug bets Lando over Lando’s survival in a hunt, with him as the prey and the bounty
hunters as the predators. If Lando survives, he can leave freely. Lando evades the hunters,
finally entering Jokhalli territory and being taken into their village. The Jokhalli are
compulsive game casters, so Lando gambles with them and wins their aid in capturing the
bounty hunters. They bring the hunters back to Quaffug and the leader of the Jokhalli wants
to kill Quaffug. Lando doesn’t wish for the Alliance to take the rap for it, so he battles the
Jokalli warrior to the death (which actually ends in the warrior getting subdued, not killed) and
wins Quaffugs life. Out of “gratitude,” Quaffug gives Lando a no-questions-asked
recommendation into the Hutt Guardsman Guild, which Lando knows may be his only way to
infiltrate Jabba the Hutts palace and save Han Solo.
(The Bounty Hunters: Scoundrel’s Wages)
A group of Rebels, led by Dars Terue and Sergeant Garth Boskin, attack Sunis Starport and
steal information from the Imperial communications terminal. The Rebel forces include Echo
squad, Pink Boys squad, and the Uber-Men squad. The defeated Imperials include Major
Veker, Alpha Detachment squad, Charlie Platoon, and a mercenary force, Mardik’s
Marauders, led by Roa Mardik.*
(Shootout at Landing Pad 94)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. The story is set after the Battle of Hoth, yet before the
formation of the New Republic.
With Cloud City on Bespin and its Tibanna black market closed, the Rebel Alliance sends a
scouting party to search for planets from which to procure Tibanna. The team ends up in the
gas giant Taloraan, which is rich in Tibanna gas when their ship is disabled and they must
take refuge with the Denfrandi clan, a group of humans who had been stranded on Taloraan
years ago, and now live with the flying creatures. They are led by Laspevar, who tells the
Rebels of another person who came aboard a flying machine, but was taken by the Wind
Raiders (led by Genogri) and killed for his ship. The Wind Raiders have been attacking the
Denfrandi and the Rebels, knowing theyll need the captured ship to get off the planet, are
initiated into the clan and encourage the Denfrandi to strike the Wind Raiders. The Raiders
are finally dealt a major blow and the Rebels get off the planet aboard the dead spacer’s ship.
(Wind Raiders of Taloraan)
Ma’w’shiye deserts the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
With the death of Prince Xizor, Mal Coramma sides with his niece, Savan, in bids to restore
Black Sun to glory.
(conjecture based on Coruscant and the Core Worlds)
Imperial Governor Stant Rosswell of Indu San is replaced by Governor Ekam Ouwray.
(conjecture based on Kella Rand Reporting)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 450
Bryce Agoris deserts from the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #6)
Shanto Dhil, mayor of Port Bianco in the Tapani Sector, discovers a corusca gem-trafficking
operation (being run by House Calispa), but is unable to trace its source.
(conjecture based on Lords of the Expanse via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Mining Guild officer Emily Janse joins The Chamber to avoid paying tariffs from her mines.
(conjecture based on Lords of the Expanse via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Damara Decrilla represents House Mecetti in the Vor-cal hunt. In the same hunt, Annora
Calandra replaces Derel Volk for House Cadriaan. Cadriaan also employs a team of Rebels
to discover the motives of House Melantha.
(conjecture based on Lords of the Expanse via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Trevas Jotane, a handsome young man was, to all outward appearances, a Knight of House
Calipsa. In reality, he was an agent of the Imperial Security Bureau who was working in
Tapani Sector in search of Adana Vermor, during the period leading up to the Battle of Endor.
He arranged for Dunell and his Justice Action Network terrorists to raid the Unification Gala
on Barnaba, in an effort to murder Vermor in the resulting confusion. However, Jotane failed
to see that the JAN terrorists wanted Vermor for themselves, and she was cleared of any
suspicion in the wake of this discovery. Jotane, his career in shambles, was reassigned to
other cases.
(conjecture based on Tapani Sector Instant Adventures via TimeTales, verbatim)
Gart, a spacer who knew the location of the ganjuko graveyard, is captured by ISB agents on
Kothlis. He is interrogated and then replaced by ISB agent Cladus Glynn.
(conjecture based on Shadows of the Empire Planet Guide via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The Bothans begin to grind the Froffli light-machinery industry to dust.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past via TimeTales, verbatim)
Captain Tresk Ortola receives his first command aboard the Corellian Corvette NovaFlare.
(conjecture based on Jedi Academy Sourcebook and Jedi Search via TimeTales,
Emperor Palpatine orders all of his Guardsman training facilities to be consolidated in the
Yinchorr system.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
Nile Audo begins to work for Mal Biron on Nwarcol Point.
(conjecture based on Secrets of the Sisar Run via TimeTales, abridged)
Corporal Janse, a former BlasTech employee and expert marksman, defects to the Rebel
Alliance, bringing with him several stolen BlasTech A280 rifles.
(conjecture based on Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, The Last Command, and Star Wars
Customizable Card Game: Endor Expansion Set via TimeTales, paraphrased)
While investigating an Imperial project known as Death-Hunter, the Alliance Intelligence
agent known as Tigress breaks contact with the Alliance. Crix Madine informs Colonel Dursa
Conegan, who sends a Special Ops group to find Tigriss and discover the truth behind
Death-Hunter. The agents arrive on Jaemus, where droid vessels linked to the project were
sent. On Jaemus, they encounter R2-B4, Tigress’ astromech, who gives them a message
from her. She tells them to go to where the droid vessels are in the hands of Renikco (which
they recognize is part of Renik, an Imperial Counter-Intelligence organization). They find the
vessels and discover that they seem to be made for one passenger, but they are soon
discovered by Imperials and forced to flee. R2-B4 then gives them another recorded
message. Tigress tells them to go to Bescane, where kidnappings related to Death-Hunter
have been carried out. They are to meet a contact, Cooper Dray, on Bescane in
Lumchuggers Hub. Upon arrival in Lumchugger’s Hub, the group saves two women from
what appear to be slavers, and one, in gratitude, points them to the Arcade Omicron, where
they meet Cooper Dray and his swoop gang, Cooper’s Swoopers. Company enforcers (in
league, it seems, with Imperials) arrive and attack. The group and the swoop gang escape
into the streets, but Dray, due to his age fitting the profile of a kidnapping candidate, is
captured by Imperials. After Dray is gone, Tigress appears and tells them that he is probably
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 451
being taken to Moff Jesco Comark. Tigress then reveals herself to be Lady Amber Comark,
the Moff’s daughter. They seek out the forger known as “Lucky” Ordomire, in order to get
clearances to head for the Wastes, where Imperial projects like Death-Hunter are being
worked on. After a cyborg acting like a bounty-hunter (but with far more brainwashed single-
mindedness), the product of Project Death-Hunter, attacks the group and Lucky as well,
Lucky is happy to help them out in return for his escape. Unfortunately, Amber has been
kidnapped herself by the Death-Hunter. After some creative bribery, the Special Ops group
heads for Zeta Zero Nine, where Death-Hunter’s homebase is located and where Amber is
being taken. Upon arrival, the team is captured and taken below the planet’s surface, where
they are placed into custody. Comark tells them that he is wanting to use Death-Hunters to
replace greedy bounty hunters as Imperial enforcers, but no sooner does he reveal his plan
than does a body fall from above. It’s a guard, killed by Amber, who was taken back for her
safety, but who is now openly showing her father that she’s in league with the Alliance. She
and the team escape (with a thankful Dray) in the nick of time, just as concussion missiles
they fire from their submersible destroy the Death-Hunter base. As they leave Zeta Zero
Nine, Amber can only mourn for her father, warped as he was, and wonder if this is truly the
end of the Death-Hunter project.
Shortly before the Battle of Endor, Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side Kadann disagrees with
Emperor Palpatines belief that the Empire will be guaranteed a victory in the upcoming
battle. Palpatine does not take this criticism well and sends Inquisitors to Dromund Kass to
“reeducate” the Prophets. The Prophets see this coming and escape to the planet Bosthirda.
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
When the Rebel Alliance learns that more prisoners from the Battle of Hoth are being held at
an Imperial facility above the planet Bakura, Rogue Squadron, led by Wedge Antilles, heads
for the facility. The rescue is a somewhat successful. Derek “Hobbie” Klivian is shot down,
but rescued by Wedge from the surface. As for the prisoners, three rescue vessels are
loaded with comrades before preparing to depart. Unfortunately, one of the vessels is
destroyed by a newly-arrived Imperial vessel, which, despite the urgings of General Crix
Madine, the Rogues cannot capture. It is able to vanish into hyperspace, but Madine tracks
its trajectory to the planet Geonosis. The Rogues and their allies head to Geonosis, where
they are able to take out the carrier and other Imperial vessels, but, again, a Rogue is shot
down. Wedge’s X-wing is damaged, forcing him to crash land on the surface of Geonosis,
where he encounters Imperials and malfunctioning Clone War-era battledroids. He is able to
escape, though, when he finds a damaged, but functional Jedi Starfighter, also left from the
Clone Wars era. Before his astromech can make the vessel flight-worthy, Wedge comes
under fire from an Imperial gunship, piloted by the traitorous Sarkli. With the help of an E-
web, though, Wedge blows Sarkli out of the sky, then uses the Jedi Starfighter to rejoin the
Rebel vessels in orbit in taking out a few more Storm Commando-issued Imperial starfighters
before they all make their way out of the system. A short while later, Wedge undertakes
another mission for Madine, using an A-wing to sneak into a shielded Imperial facility near
Destrillion. Inside, he finds a gas platform, a fast assault by new Imperial TIE Hunter
starfighters (a type of TIE with X-wing style S-foils), and an Imperial convoy leaving the area.
Unsure of what this might mean, Wedge returns to the rest of the Rebel force, which is under
attack by a superlaser on the surface of Dubrillion. Using Y-wings, a stolen AT-ST, and then
a stolen AT-AT, Wedge is able to bring down the superlaser, ensuring the safety of his
comrades. A short time later, several TIE Hunters, captured from the events at Destrillion
and Dubrillion, are put to good use. Rogue Squadron poses as Imperial TIE Hunter pilots,
guiding a “captured Rebel vessel full of explosives into the shield control center of the
Fondor shipyards, allowing them to carry out a full-scale assault against a new Super Star
Destroyer that is being rigged with cloaking generators. The Rogues destroy the cloaking
devices, then the ship itself, ensuring that while the Empire may have Super Star Destroyers
at their disposal, for now, they won’t be able to hide them from Rebel eyes.
(Rebel Strike)
As the Rebel Alliance makes their preparations for the Battle of Endor, they need supplies.
The Empire has cut off one of their major supply bases, so Lando Calrissian, Ace Azzameen,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 452
and others work to form a coalition of smugglers under Dunari (a friend of Ace’s family), in
order to resupply the Rebellion. They pull it off, despite attacks from Imperials and simple
raiders. The smugglers coalition eventually gets in a bad position when one of their
members, the Hurrim, convince the Rebels and fellow smugglers to help capture a convoy in
the Nezni system. They do so, but then the Hurrim start killing the civilians that were manning
the ships. The Rebels stop the Hurrim, and Denali kicks them out of the smuggler’s coalition,
but the image of Rebel-aided smuggler’s killing civilians is one that may take a while to
remove from the minds of many who learn of the slaughter. Denali, who has his reputation
stained some by the Hurrim’s actions (prompting him to later put a bounty on them), earns a
few good points by soon helping Ace to save Emon from Imperial clutches. Emon was
captured during one of his many raids, but they free him and give him a safe haven at
Denali’s Casino. Unfortunately, this is only a safe place for a very short time, as the Hurrim
set the Imperials on Denali’s trail, revealing his deal with the Alliance. The Imperials attack
the Casino, forcing them to evacuate. As Ace and the other Azzameens look into the
possibility of a traitor in their midst, revealing the movements of the family, the Hurrim being
attacking ships while pretending to be Rebels. (They figure that if it gave the Rebels a
tarnished reputation once, then it’ll be just as effective when done over and over again.) They
manage to stop the Hurrim in a major attack on the Hurrim base, which ends with the
destruction of the base, the capture of Glovov Nakhym (the Hurrim leader), and even the
destruction of the Corruptor, under formerly-disgraced Imperial Admiral Holtz. As for the case
of the Azzameen spy, Ace and Emon have discovered their old family data core at a scrap
yard, but they haven’t found any useful information yet . . . A short time later, at the urging of
Borsk Feylya, the Ace and other Alliance pilots aid in a mission to smuggle Bothan spies into
the Imperial construction crew for the Death Star II. Their vessel is attacked during the
mission, though, and the raiders are revealed to be working for the Sullustans, fellow Rebels
(and supposed allies against Palpatine). After a desperate hunt to figure out whether this is
true (and to keep the Sullustans’ grudge against the Bothans over an attack on Sullust that
the Bothans knew about but never warned them of ages ago from exploding into a Rebel civil
war), Ace and his sister Aeron track the raiders . . . only to find that the raiders have set up
camp at the old Azzameen family base. With the help of the Rebels, Ace and Aeron lead a
raid to their old home, only to discover their quarry (Sullustans and their own uncle, Antan)
escaping, leaving a bomb behind. The bomb is disarmed, but there can be little doubt of who
is the traitor in the Azzameen family now. It’s good ol’ Uncle Antan. Meanwhile, the Bothan
spies that have reached Endor are discovered and attacked. Few survive, but when they do,
they note that the Sullustans could’ve helped them, but refused to. This makes tensions even
higher between the two races. Luckily, the Bothans did manage to bring some useful
information about the possibility of stealing the Imperial shuttle Tydirium from Zhar, which
would let them have the codes and clearances to get through Imperial forces at the
construction site. Ace takes the family ship, the Otana, to Zhar, where he and other Rebels
manage to steal the Tydirium. They return to the fleet, where they are met by another
returning ship, a Sullustan vessel that has captured the leader of the Sullustan raiders, who
claims that they were paid by the Empire to help create animosity within the Rebel ranks. The
Sullustan/Bothan conflict cools down for now. The Azzameens are then contacted by the
traitorous Antan, who wishes to explain why he aided the Empire. The others, Ace included,
meet him at the old Azzameen (and raider) base, where Antan tells them that Aces father
Tomaas and older brother Galin, who were believed dead, were actually taken captive by the
Empire and sent to the spice mines of Kessel. Antan was supposedly trading his aid in the
Sullustan setup for their freedom. Now that the plot has failed, they’ll need to free Tomaas
and Galin another way. The family takes off in their various vessels for Kessel, but when they
stop to check computer records for where Tomaas and Galin are being held, they discover
that they have been had! Antan has set them all up in order to save his own skin. Imperials
show up to arrest all of the other family members, but they manage to escape. They will
make it back to the Rebel fleet in time for Ace to help man one of the Millennium Falcons gun
turrets during the Battle of Endor, but the rift in the Azzameen family is now too large to close.
Someday, they’ll make Antan pay for his betrayal . . .
(X-wing Alliance)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 453
At around the same time that Ace Azzameen helps steal the shuttle Tydirium from Zhar,
another mission is undertaken with the help of Rogue Squadron and Crix Madine. That
second mission manages to steal another shuttle, this time from the Imperial Academy on
Prefsbelt IV. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Rogue Leader)*
*NOTE: This summary is based on the Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader video game, not the comic book mini-
series X-wing: Rogue Leader.
Aboard High Inquisitor Tremayne’s ship, the Interrogator, Captain Jovan Vharing awaits
Tremayne in Tremayne’s chambers, to report on a failure caused by Senior Lieutenant
Leeds. When Tremayne arrives, he takes no mercy on the captain, Force-choking him to
death. As Vharing dies, he remembers back to when he came aboard after the execution of
his mentor, Captain Nolaan, and has an out-of-body experience where he finds himself
viewing the bridge before his spirit moves beyond this plane of existence. The crew doesn’t
bat an eye as they proceed in their mission, and stormtroopers get rid of Vharings body.
(The Longest Fall)
Salacious Crumb lures Melvosh Bloor of Beshka University to Jabba the Hutts throne room
as entertainment for Jabba. Jabba finds it highly amusing to feed Bloor to his rancor.
(That’s Entertainment: The Tale of Salacious Crumb)
While hunting a Yootak on the forest moon of Endor, Grael of Tribe Panshee is nearly
defeated by the creature, but is saved by Rebel Alliance scout Captain Junas Turner. The
two begin conversing as best they can with two different languages, until a group of Imperial
scouts catches them. They are sent to a prison on the planet Balis-Baurgh By imitating the
sounds of security and controller droids with his flute, Grael manages to free himself and
Junas. They escape in an Imperial shuttle and head back to Endor, vowing to return for the
other captive Rebels as soon as they can. (To be continued below . . . )
(Escape from Balis-Baurgh)
After getting Tamtel Skreej drunk, Lando Calrissian steals his luggage and armor, so he can
use them to infiltrate Jabba’s palace on Tatooine.*
(conjecture based on Skreej)*
*NOTE: See note with story summary.
Using the recommendation to the Hutt Guardsman’s Guild that he got from Quaffug, Lando
Calrissian participates in a survival game set up by Jabba the Hutt. It is through this game
that Jabba will determine who he takes as a guardsman. Lando, as Tamtel Skreej, faces
several challenges, all with Boba Fett as referee. First, he leaps a pit holding the rancor.
Next, he has to defeat the palace holochess champion (a Wookiee) and live. Third, he has to
steal a helmet from a sleeping Gamorrean guard. Last, he has to sneak into a krayt dragon
lair and steal three eggs. Having completed these challenges, he and two other finalists are
brought before Jabba. Lando/Tamtel bows and pays respects, which causes Jabba to kill the
other two for their lack of the same courtesy. Lando is officially accepted as Jabba’s new
(The Gambler’s Quest)
On Tatooine, Tamtel Skreejs luggage has been stolen by a man and woman whom he was
drinking with the night before. He tracks them down to a speeder shop, then Jabbas palace.
Inside, he finds Lando Calrissian wearing his armor and using his identity, but Lando gets rid
of him before he can cause trouble.*
*NOTE: It is difficult to tell if this is meant as mere comedy or an actual Official story, though the former is most
likely. Take its inclusion with a grain of salt.
Nima’tar, a Twilek slave of Jabba the Hutt, sees Oola arrive as her replacement and believes
she will soon be killed. She uses this as motivation to escape, and Lando Calrissian, as
Tamtel Skreej, doesnt stop her. She later uses information from her time as a slave in her
university thesis.
(The One That Got Away)
The Rebel Alliance fleet begins gathering near Sullust, the entrance to the Sanctuary
Pipeline, in preparation for an attack on the Death Star II.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Episode VI--"Return of the Jedi")
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 454
A few months after being sent to remove the Imperials from Abridon, Brenn Tantor’s Rebel
forces have the Imperials under siege in the city of Sayan. They are able to take out the
Imperials, thereby saving some of the A-wings being built in Sayan, but, unfortunately,
“some” just means four starfighters in this case. Those that do survive, though, head for
Sullust to rendezvous in preparation for the Battle of Endor. (To be continued below . . . )
(Force Commander)
Bib Fortuna learns from his B’omarr monk contacts that his friend Nat Secura is to be fed to
the rancor. Bib races to Jabba’s audience chamber and convinces the Hutt to wait two days.
Bib then takes Nat from his cell and has the Bomarr monks transfer his brain to a jar. Jabba
then drops the body in with the rancor, which destroys it, but Bib had promised Nat a clone
body, so it is of little import. Later, Nat is given a brain spider to walk in. (To be continued
below . . . )
(Of the Day’s Annoyances: Bib Fortuna’s Tale)
After killing some of Jabba the Hutt’s goons in Mos Eisley, Dannik Jerriko makes his way into
Jabba’s Palace. (To be continued below . . . )
(Out of the Closet: The Assassin’s Tale)
Mara Jade is sent to Tatooine to kill Luke Skywalker. To do so, she infiltrates Jabba the
Hutt's palace as a dancer-for-hire named Arica. (To be continued below . . . )
(Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade)
The Ssi-Ruuk attack Bakura.
(conjecture based on Truce at Bakura)
The “Hammers” Elite Armor Unit is placed back on the active duty roster.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
Kira Lar is assigned to General Crix Madine’s personal staff.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Kira Lar, found on the
Wizards of the Coast website)
The Alsakan tessent idol is lost, taken from Alsaka.
(conjecture based on Race for the Tessent)
Chiraneau is promoted to Admiral by Admiral Firmus Piett and placed aboard the Executor as
communications expert.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The continent Raltez finishes forming on Kriekaal.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #13 via TimeTales,
Kin Kian is transferred from Aggressor Wing to Rogue Squadron.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Crix Madine recruits Midge to serve as a technician during the Endor moon operation.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Keir Santage is rescued from an Imperial detention facility by Wedge Antilles and soon joins
Rogue Squadron as a supply officer.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Karie Neth, a member of Rogue Squadron, temporarily begins flying with Gray Two to
replace a deceased Bothan gunner.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Marnor is promoted to Rebel Alliance Corporal and given command of mechanics aboard
Home One.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Rebel Alliance forces make a raid on the Imperial Academy at Carida, which includes Grey
Squadron’s Lieutenant Telsij, who survives.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Ten Numb joins the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Sienar Fleet Systems releases the TIE Defender starfighter. It features three sets of solar
panels, Novaldex shield generators, a hyperdrive, and proton torpedo launchers, making it
vastly different from any previous TIE design. The high cost of manufacturing, plus political
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 455
considerations, give it a very small production run. Of those few politicians arguing in
defense of the design is Countess Iran Ryad.
(conjecture based on More Starships!)
Various Imperial military assignments are made in preparation for Palpatines trap at Endor.
The first TIE Defender squadron, Onyx Squadron, is readied for battle. Obsidian Squadron
has been called in from Cloud City to defend the Death Star II. The prestigious Saber
Squadron, led by Soontir Fel and Phennir, is assigned to defend the Avenger. Scythe
Squadron is assigned to defend the stations interior. The Emperor’s Shield Squadron is
assigned to protect Palpatine’s shuttle during his forthcoming visit. The Scimitar TIE bomber
Squadron is charged with protecting the shield generator. Major Mianda is put in command
of all TIE fighter squadrons defending the station. All in all, the strategic placement of
squadrons for the Battle of Endor is in motion.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Stormtroopers on their first survey of Endor discover the Ewoks. When one puts a flower in
the lead trooper’s blaster, they determine that the furballs are trying to block their weapons
and open fire. A few days later, one of them ends up captured and, apparently, eaten.
Luckily, they will soon be called upon to kick some Rebel butt (only to end up terrified and
attacked by these “monsters” again).
(Apocalypse Endor)*
*NOTE: The way the narrator in this story talks makes it sound as though he is speaking of first contact overall
with the Ewoks. However, the fact that he was still there to be ordered into battle with the Rebels by Vader and
the context clues in the issue suggest that by “first contact” with the Ewoks, he meant for his team and himself.
Take the placement here loosely.
As the Rebel fleet begins to mass near Sullust, Rogue Squadron leads a mission to raid
Cloud City on Bespin for needed Tibanna gas.*
(Rogue Leader)*
*NOTE: This summary is based on the Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader video game, not the comic book mini-
series X-wing: Rogue Leader.
En route from Coruscant to Endor, Darth Vader reflects on the events of his life, from his first
arrival on Tatooine to the circumstances that have led him to leave for Endor on the
Emperor’s orders.*
(The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader)*
*NOTE: The bulk of this book is told through flashbacks to various points in Anakin Skywalker’s life. Thus, most
of the time, one will not find summaries of those segments, as they are simply repeating the events of the six
films. This segment creates the framing story from which those flashbacks emerge.
Imperial Garrisons (AJ12 short story: Timothy S. O’Brien)
Imperial Garrisons (AJ12 short story: Timothy S. O’Brien)
Standard Battle Garrison Theory
Perimeter, Defenses, and Design
Garrison Layout
Imperial Intelligence
Staffing Policy
Multiple Garrisons
Local Community and Social Issues
Military Issues
Alternate Tactics
Major Qol’s Transcript Notes
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 456
Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM [continued] (TOTBH short story: M.
Shayne Bell)
Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM [continued] (TOTBH short story: M.
Shayne Bell)
The Emperor’s Trophy (SWGM11/SWH short story: Peter Schweighofer)
The Emperor’s Trophy (SWGM11/SWH short story: Peter Schweighofer)
X-wing Miniatures Game [continued] (miniatures game series: Fantasy Flight Games)
Imperial Veterans Expansion Pack Rules Supplement (miniatures game: Fantasy Flight Games)
Disable the Relays
Ewoks [continued] (comic series/cartoon series/children’s book series: Dave Manak &
Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil & Sam Wilson & Stephen
Langford & James Howe & Judy Herbstman & Melinda Luke & Jane E. Gerver & Joe
Ewoks [continued] (cartoon series: Paul Dini & Bob Carrau & Linda Wolverton & Michael Dubil &
Sam Wilson & Stephen Langford)
Season 2 [continued]
The Crystal Cloak (cartoon: Paul Dini)
The Wish Plant (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
Home is Where the Shrieks Are (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
Princess Latara (cartoon: Paul Dini)
The Raich (cartoon: Michael Reaves)
The Totem Master (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
A Gift for Shodu (cartoon: Paul Dini)
Night of the Stranger (cartoon: Paul Dini)
Gone With the Mimphs (cartoon: Linda Wolverton)
The First Apprentice (cartoon: Paul Dini)
Hard Sell (cartoon: Michael Reaves)
A Warrior and a Lurdo (cartoon: Michael Dubil)
The Season Scepter (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
Prow Beaten (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
Baba's Rival (cartoon: Linda Wolverton)
Horville's Hut of Horrors (cartoon: Paul Dini)
The Tragic Flute (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
Just My Luck [continued] (cartoon: Michael Dubil)
Bringing Up Norky (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
Battle for the Sunstar (cartoon: Paul Dini)
Party Ewok (cartoon: Bob Carrau)
Malani the Warrior (cartoon: Stephen Langford)
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Dave Manak)
The Black Cavern (comic: David Manak)
The Black Cavern
Risky Business
Trapped in the Cavern
Star Wars Magazine Comics [continued] (comic series: Rik Hoskin & Mike Barr & Martin
Fisher & Chris Cooper & Robin Etherington)
Drone Alone (SWMUK comic: Chris Cooper)
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game [continued] (card game scenario series: LucasArts
& Sony Online Entertainment)
Booster Shot (card game scenario: LucasArts & Sony Online Entertainment)
The Unknown Regions [continued] (RPG: Sterling Hershey & Rodney Thompson & Daniel
The Unknown Regions [continued] (RPG: Sterling Hershey & Rodney Thompson & Daniel
Rogue Seven is Down
Star Wars Adventures [continued] (comic series: Jeremy Barlow & Tom Taylor & Chris
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 457
The Will of Darth Vader (comic: Tom Taylor)
Ewoks (comic series: Zack Giallongo)
Shadows of Endor (comic: Zack Giallongo)
Imperial Ace (video game: THQ)
Imperial Ace (video game: THQ)
X-wing vs. TIE Fighter (video game series: Lawrence Holland)
A Test of Skill (video game: Lawrence Holland)
The Academy
Imperial Training--Single Player
Gunnery Training
Training Exercises
Imperial Training--Single Player
Proton Torpedoes
Shields and Minefield
The Academy [continued]
Imperial Training--Single Player [continued]
Concussion Missiles
Training Exercises [continued]
Imperial Training--Single Player [continued]
Heavy Rockets
The Academy [continued]
Imperial Training--Single Player [continued]
Wingmen and Orders
Training Exercises [continued]
Imperial Training--2 Player Cooperative
Space Bombs
The Academy [continued]
Imperial Training--2 Player Cooperative
Custom Dogfight
Training Exercises [continued]
Imperial Training--2 Player Cooperative [continued]
Disabling Training
The Academy [continued]
Imperial Training--2 Player Cooperative [continued]
Warhead Interception
Imperial Training--8-player
Defend Imperial Star Destroyer Allecto
Attack on Mon Calamari Cruiser Near Ekuda
Basic Furball
Furball with Wingmen
Furball in an Asteroid Cluster
Furball for Two-man Teams
Furball in an Asteroid Cluster for Two-man Teams
Furball with 2 Four-man Teams
Shooting Gallery
Pirate Targets
Turkey Shoot for Two-man Teams
Destroy Rivals' Supply Cache for Two-man Teams
Escort Duty for Two-man Teams
Balance of Power (video game: Lawrence Holland)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 458
Balance of Power
Starship Turkey Shoot for Two 4-man Teams
Cargo Switch for Two 4-man Teams
A Test of Skill [continued] (video game: Lawrence Holland)
Against All Others
Free-for-All Triathlon
Mixed Melee Pentathlon
Rebel Starfighter Pentathlon
Imperial Starfighter Pentathlon
Two-way Challenges for Four-pilot Teams
Attack and Defend Triathlon (2/team)
Mixed Melee Pentathlon (2/team)
Rebel Starfighter Pentathlon (2/team)
Imperial Starfighter Pentathlon (2/team)
Four-way Challenges for Two-pilot Teams
Mixed Melee Triathlon (4/team)
Rebel Alliance vs. The Empire
Rebel Operation: Quick Strike
Attack on Imperial Factory Drekker
Ambush of Rebel Supply Recovery from Abran Cluster
Attack on Tortali Platform
Ambush Arms Smugglers Near Ytha'ac Cluster
Interdiction of Starfighter Deployment
Attack on Rebel Convoy Near Athega
Rescue from Imperial Prison Ship Dargon
Hit and Fade on Elliirad Platform
Imperial Fleet Operation: Clean Sweep
Dreadnought Warlover Attacks Rebel Cargo Operation
Raid on Goibniu Platform
Raid on Rebel Factory Koensayr 42
Attack on Imperial-class Star Destroyer Tormentor
Ambush of Rebel Leader at Airam Platform
Raid Imperial Convoy Near Atterol
Frigate Duel--Malevolent vs. Endeavor
Attack on Victory-class Star Destroyer Formidable
Balance of Power [continued] (video game: Lawrence Holland)
Rebel Alliance vs. The Empire
Balance of Power in the Airam Sector
Two on Two--Alliance CRLs vs. Imperial STRKCs
4 Imperial Warships vs. Mon Calamari Cruiser Chie
Attack on Secret Imperial Base
Attack on Rebel Capitol Ships
ISD Conqueror vs. 3 Alliance Frigates
Attack on Imperial Shipyard
Imperial STRKC Ull vs. Alliance DREAD Karei
Spreading the Rebellion*
Imperial Task Force Vengeance*
*NOTE: The various levels before the two campaigns are mostly training missions, many of which are presumed
to be on a simulator. The build-up in the Airam sector is the same for both sides, but then the missions diverge.
We are generally told to assume that the good guys win in a Star Wars video game, but I’ve tried to keep my
summary generic on almost every point, so that only the very ending would make you have to decide between
the Rebel or Imperial campaign.
X-wing Alliance (video game: LucasArts)
X-wing Alliance (video game: LucasArts)
A Path to Victory
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 459
Opening Cutscene
Family Business
Aeron’s Lesson: Transport Operations
Emon’s Lesson: Weapons
Aeron’s Error: Data Recovery
Sticking it to the Viraxos: Covert Delivery
Black Market Bacta: Cargo Transfer
Rebel Rendezvous: Aid the Alliance
Nowhere to Go: Escape Imperial Attack
Azzameens Elude Imperial Capture
Joining the Rebellion
Deep Space Strike Evaluation
Starfighter Superiority Evaluation
Pilot Proving Grounds
Ringer 1
Crazy Eight
Fly Through
Hot Fly Through
There and Back
Droid Rescue
Dangerous Droid Rescue
Clearing the Way
Convoy Attack
Rescue Uncle Antan
Reconnaissance of Imperial Task Force
Rescue Echo Base Prisoners
Recover Imperial Probe
Stop Resupply of ISD Corrupter
Destroy Imperial Sensor Net
Rebels Escape into Hyperspace
Secret Weapons of the Empire
Flight Staff Transfer
Engage Imperial Prototypes
Kill K’Armyn Viraxo
Kupalo Defects to the Dark Side
Secret Weapons of the Empire [continued]
Raid Production Facility
Defend CRS Liberty
Destroy Imperial Research Facility
Zaarin Speaks with Imperial Officers
Over the Fence
Liberate Slave Colony
Supply Rebels with Warheads
Recon Imperial Research Facility
Investigate Imperial Communications Array
Rebels Intercept Death Star II Plans
Plant Listening Device
Rendezvous with Defector
The Bothan Connection
Shipment to Mining Colony
Reconnaissance of Imperial Convoy
Mining Colony Under Siege: Rescue Aeron
TIE Fighter (video game series: LucasArts)
The Stele Chronicles (video game: LucasArts)
Early Training
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 460
Early Training
The Imperial Pilot's Handbook
Starfighter Systems and Basic Tactics
Power Systems
Flight Control
Sensor Systems
Targeting Systems
Defense Systems
Damage Control Systems
Life Support
Standard Operational Directives
Starfighter Combat
Situational Awareness and Energy Management
Situational Awareness and the Combat Multiview
Display (CMD)
Energy Management and the LES Display
Basic Energy Configurations
Normal Maintenance
Normal Attack
Speed Attack
Slow Down (Non-threat Charging)
Weapons, Targets, and Firing Configurations
Homing Projectiles
Beam Weapons
General Notes on Combat
Communications in Battle
Mission Start (Shielded Craft)
Training Simulator
Assault Gunboat (GUN)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
TIE Defender (T/D)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Missile Boat (MIS)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
TIE Fighter (T/F)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 461
TIE Interceptor (T/I)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
TIE Bomber (T/B)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
TIE Advanced (T/A)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Combat Chamber
TIE Fighter Combat
Flight Leaders & Wingmen
Destroy Depot
Destroy a Probe
TIE Interceptor Combat
Threat Display
Clear Minefield
Combined Attack
TIE Bomber Combat
Proton Torpedoes
Space Bombs
Torpedo Run
Bombers Armed with Missiles
TIE Advanced Combat
Concussion Missiles
Rocket Attack
Preemptive Strike
Hyperdrive Upgrade
Assault Gunboat Combat
The Challenge
Escort Duty
TIE Defender Combat
Tractor Beam
Inspect and Disable
Disable and Capture
Missile Boat Combat
Dual Warheads
Anti-warhead Defense
Disabling Minefield
Missile Boat vs. TIE Defender
The Aftermath of Hoth
Patrol Jump Point D-34
Red Alert
Counter Attack
Outpost D-34 Has Fallen
Attack Rebel Lt. Cruiser
Destroy the Lulsla
The Sepan Civil War
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 462
Respond to S.O.S.
Intercept Attack
Rescue War Refugees
Capture Enemies
Guard Resupply
Gun Nut (RPG: Jeff Quick)
Gun Nut (RPG: Jeff Quick)
The Obligatory Stormtrooper Battle
Technical Difficulties
Airtight Garage
Special Ops [continued] (AJ short stories: John Beyer & Kathy Burdette)
Shipjackers (AJ13 short story: John Beyer & Kathy Burdette)
Drop Points (AJ14 short story: John Beyer & Kathy Burdette)
The Battles of Taul (AJ short stories: Gary Haynes)
Uninvited Guests (AJ1 short story: Gary Haynes)
Return to Taul (AJ2 short story: Gary Haynes)
Surprise Visit (AJ4 short story: Stephen Crane)
Surprise Visit (AJ4 short story: Stephen Crane)
Starfighters Down (CM38 RPG short story: William W. Connors)
Starfighters Down (CM38 RPG short story: William W. Connors)
Dandrian’s Ring (CM49 RPG short story: Chris Hind)
Dandrian’s Ring (CM49 RPG short story: Chris Hind)
Paid in Full (CM41 RPG short story: Lester W. Smith)
Paid in Full (CM41 RPG short story: Lester W. Smith)
Harridan’s Honeymoon
The Museum of Flight
The Boneman’s Rest
Unwelcome Guests
It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye
Jet Packs: A Great Pick-Me-Up (CM44 RPG short story: Stephen A. Marinaccio)
Jet Packs: A Great Pick-Me-Up (CM44 RPG short story: Stephen A. Marinaccio)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Three: The Loneliness
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
Endor Entry
Cloud Cover (G3 short story: Bill Slavicsek)
Cloud Cover (G3 short story: Bill Slavicsek)
Trouble in the Clouds
Chaos on the Promenade
Doing Some Legwork
Monster in Room 564
Escape from Cloud City
Race to the Cargo Bay
The Civilian Assembly
Ambush in the Sky
The Adventures of Stevan Makintay (AJ/SWH short stories: Carolyn Golledge)
Firepower (AJ8/SWH short story: Carolyn Golledge)
Desperate Measures (AJ10 short story: Carolyn Golledge)
The Ewok Adventures (telemovie series: Bob Carrau & Ken Wheat & Jim Wheat & George
Caravan of Courage (telemovie: Bob Carrau & George Lucas)
Main Titles / The Lost Children
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 463
In the Village
The Sacred Tree
Just You and Me
A Clue
Ewok Assistance
The Long Road
How Far
The Fortress
Reunited / End Credits
The Ewoks and the Lost Children (children's book: Amy Ehrlich)
The Ewoks and the Lost Children (children's book: Amy Ehrlich)
The Ewok Read-Along Adventures (read-along book series: Buena Vista Records)
The Ewok Adventure (read-along book: Buena Vista Records)
The Battle for Endor (telemovie: Ken Wheat & Jim Wheat & George Lucas)
Main Titles / Under Attack
Ewok Ingenuity
New Friends
“Find Me That Child”
Remembering the Past
A Familiar Voice
Unlock the Power
Jail Break
Get Them
Into the Woods
“Here They Come!”
Modern Defense
End Credits
The Ring, the Witch, and the Crystal (children's book: Cathy East Dubowski)
The Ring, the Witch, and the Crystal (children's book: Cathy East Dubowski)
The Ewok Read-Along Adventures [continued] (read-along book series: Buena
Vista Records)
The Battle for Endor (read-along book: Buena Vista Records)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Resurrection of Evil (comic series: Archie Goodwin & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W.
Barr & David Michelinie & Randy Stradley & Chris Claremont)
Death Probe (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Dreams of Cody Sunn-Childe! (comic: Wally Lombego)
Droid World! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Further Adventures (read-along book series: Archie Goodwin & David
Droid World (read-along book: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 464
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Resurrection of Evil [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama
& Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie & Randy Stradley & Chris Claremont)
The Third Law (comic: Larry Hama)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Leader [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Prisons of the Maw
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Battlefront [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Historical Campaigns [continued]
Galactic Civil War [continued]
The Liberation of Cloud City*
Battle in the Clouds*
*NOTE: Apparently this “liberation” of Cloud City doesn’t last very long, as the Imperials are in control and the
true, final liberation comes later.
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Resurrection of Evil [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama
& Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie & Randy Stradley & Chris Claremont)
The Last Jedi (comic: Mike W. Barr)
The Crimson Forever [continued] (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Chapter I
Chewbacca's Story: Rage in the Red Nebula! [continued]
Against the Scarlet Night
Resurrection of Evil (comic: David Michelinie)
To Take the Tarkin (comic: David Michelinie)
Vader Adrift (SWIS12/DRS12 short story: Ryder Windham)
Vader Adrift (SWIS12/DRS12 short story: Ryder Windham)
Death-Masque (comic: Steve Moore)
Death-Masque (comic: Steve Moore)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Resurrection of Evil [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama
& Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie & Randy Stradley & Chris Claremont)
The Alderaan Factor (comic: Randy Stradley)
The Last Gift from Alderaan! (comic: Chris Claremont)
A Stranger Among Us!
Screams in the Void [continued] (comic series: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson & Mary Jo
Starfire Rising! (comic: Chris Claremont)
Assault on the Death Star (VCR game: Christian Marnham)
Assault on the Death Star (VCR game: Christian Marnham)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Screams in the Void [continued] (comic series: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson & Mary Jo
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 465
Plif! (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Further Adventures [continued] (read-along book series: Archie Goodwin &
David Michelinie)
Planet of the Hoojibs (read-along book: David Michelinie)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Screams in the Void [continued] (comic series: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson & Mary Jo
Coffin in the Clouds (comic: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson)
Hello, Bespin, Good-Bye! (comic: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson)
Devilworlds [continued] (comic series: Alan Moore & Steve Moore)
Dark Knight’s Devilry (comic: Steve Moore)
Tilotny Throws a Shape [continued] (comic: Alan Moore)
Dark Lord’s Conscience (comic: Alan Moore)
Rust Never Sleeps (comic: Alan Moore)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Surprise at Endor
The Massacre at Abridon
Escape from Kalaan
Return to Ruul
The Walker Gambit
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Screams in the Void [continued] (comic series: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson & Mary Jo
Shadeshine! (comic: David Michelinie)
The Apprentice (comic: Jo Duffy)*
*NOTE: This story was later reprinted in the Star Wars Annual: 1985 for Marvel UK.
Devilworlds [continued] (comic series: Alan Moore & Steve Moore)
Blind Fury! (comic: Alan Moore)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Screams in the Void [continued] (comic series: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson & Mary Jo
Sundown (comic: David Michelinie)
Bazarre (comic: David Michelinie)
Shira's Story (comic: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson)
Screams in the Void (comic: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson)
Pariah! (comic: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson)
The Mind Spider! (comic: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson)
Serphidian Eyes! (comic: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson)
Golrath Never Forgets! (comic: David Michelinie & Walter Simonson)
The Water Bandits (comic: David Michelinie)
The Darker (comic: David Michelinie)
Fool’s Bounty [continued] (comic series: David Michelinie & Mary Jo Duffy & Bob Layton)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 466
The Search Begins (comic: David Michelinie)
Death in the City of Bone (comic: David Michelinie)
The Stenax Shuffle [continued] (comic: Mary Jo Duffy)
Return to Stenos (comic: Jo Duffy)
Fool's Bounty (comic: Jo Duffy)
"Shadows of the Empire Prequel" (canceled novel: Charles Grant)*
"Shadows of the Empire Prequel" (canceled novel: Charles Grant)*
*NOTE: The move from Bantam to Del Rey apparently ushered in the death throes for this novel. Personally, I
find the premise of the New Jedi Order more appealing than that of yet another spin-off of SOTE (since we all
know how semi-crappy SOTE: Evolution was). I don’t hear many other SW fans complaining, either.
A World to Conquer (AJ2 short story: Dustin Browder)
A World to Conquer (AJ2 short story: Dustin Browder)
Defense Tactics
The Adventures of the Vorsoons [continued] (AJ/TFTE/SWH short stories: Angela Phillips)
Slaying Dragons (AJ9/TFTE/SWH short story: Angela Phillips)
Boba Fett: Man With a Mission [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews & John
Ostrander & Ron Marz & John Wagner)
Boba Fett: Agent of Doom [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)
Agent of Doom [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)
TIE Fighter [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
The Stele Chronicles [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Battle on the Frontier
Load Base Equipment
Destroy Pirate Outpost
Hold Position
Guard Space Station NL-1
Thrawn Inspects NL-1
Wait for Relief Forces
Conflict at Mylock IV
Escort Convoy
Attack the Nharwaak
Defend Tech Center
Diplomatic Meeting
Rebel Arms Deal
Battle for Honor
Clear Minefield
Assault Gunboat Recon
Convoy Attack
Tactical Superiority
Capture Harkov
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel/comic series/video game: Ryder Windham &
John Wagner & Steve Perry & LucasArts)
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael Stackpole & John Wagner
& Timothy Zahn)
Shadows of the Empire (comic series: John Wagner)*
Shadows of the Empire, Part I (comic: John Wagner)*
*NOTE: I’ll mention this here only, rather than each time the Shadows of the Empire comic book series is
mentioned. The SOTE comic book series had segments reprinted in other publications at times, including some
bonus comic books that were sold with SOTE toys, along with issues #89 91 of Nintendo Power, as a promotion
to get people interested in their coverage of the SOTE video game.
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Part XII [continued]
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 467
Battle of the Bounty Hunters (pop-up comic: Ryder Windham)
Battle of the Bounty Hunters (pop-up comic: Ryder Windham)
Ultimate Missions [continued] (miniatures game series: J.D. Wiker)
Rebel Storm [continued] (miniatures game: J.D. Wiker)
Bounty Hunter Showdown
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel/comic series/video game: Ryder Windham &
John Wagner & Steve Perry & LucasArts)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapters 1 6
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Part II: In Search of Boba Fett
Cutscene II
Ord Mantell Junkyard
Stage One (The Trains)
Stage Two (IG-88)
Assignment Decoy (SWGM7 short story: Bill Smith)
Assignment Decoy (SWGM7 short story: Bill Smith)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel/comic series/video game: Ryder Windham &
John Wagner & Steve Perry & LucasArts)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Gall Spaceport
Cutscene III
Stage One
Stage Two
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael Stackpole &
John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (comic series: John Wagner)
Shadows of the Empire, Part II (comic: John Wagner)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapters 7 10
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael Stackpole &
John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (comic series: John Wagner)
Shadows of the Empire, Part III (comic: John Wagner)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapters 11 12
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Interludes I V
Chapter 14
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel/comic series/video game: Ryder Windham &
John Wagner & Steve Perry & LucasArts)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapters 12 13
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Part III: In Search of Boba Fett [continued]
Cutscene IV
Mos Eisley and Beggar's Canyon
Stage One
Ultimate Missions [continued] (miniatures game series: J.D. Wiker)
Rebel Storm [continued] (miniatures game: J.D. Wiker)
Tatooine Swoop Chase
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael Stackpole &
John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (comic series: John Wagner)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 468
Shadows of the Empire, Part IV (comic: John Wagner)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapters 14 18
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Part III: In Search of Boba Fett [continued]
Cutscene V
Imperial Freighter Suprosa
Stage One
Stage Two
Stage Three
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapters 19 25
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael Stackpole &
John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (comic series: John Wagner)
Shadows of the Empire, Part V (comic: John Wagner)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapters 26 28
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael Stackpole &
John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (comic series: John Wagner)
Shadows of the Empire, Part VI (comic: John Wagner)
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapters 29 35
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Part IV: Lair of the Dark Prince
Cutscene VI
Sewers of Imperial City
Stage One
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapter 36
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Part IV: Lair of the Dark Prince [continued]
Xizor's Palace
Stage One
Stage Two
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapters 37 39
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Part IV: Lair of the Dark Prince [continued]
Cutscene VII
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Chapter 40
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Part IV: Lair of the Dark Prince [continued]
Skyhook Battle
Stage One
Cutscene VII
Shadows of the Empire [continued] (novel: Steve Perry)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope [continued] (RPG: Grant Boucher & Paul Sudlow)
X-wing [continued] (video game series: Rusel DeMaria & LucasArts)
The Farlander Papers [continued] (video game: Rusel DeMaria & LucasArts)
Historical Missions [continued]
B-wing Missions*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 469
Project Shantipole
Assault on Imperial Convoy
Capture the Frigate Priam
B-wing Attack on the Shrike
Attack Death Star Surface
Death Star Trench Run
Bonus Missions
Protect Cargo Transfer
Destroy Troop Convoy
Attack Star Destroyer
Protect Convoy
Attack Imperial Stockyard
Protect Your Mothership
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Bothan Connection [continued]
Capture the Freighter Suprosa
Abandon Rebel Base at Kothlis
Protect Imperial Computer
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Leader [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Razor Rendezvous
Vengeance on Kothlis
TIE Fighter [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
The Stele Chronicles [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Arms Race
Protect Prototypes
Prevent Rebel Ambush
Convoy Escort
Punitive Raid
Treachery at Ottega
Trap the Protector
Destroy the Akaga
TIE Defender
Save the Emperor
Strongholds of Resistance [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Strongholds of Resistance [continued] (RPG: Fantasy Flight Games)
Modular Encounters [continued]
Phantoms in the Dark
The Threat
The Briefing
Cat and Mouse
TIE Fighter [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Defender of the Empire (video game: LucasArts)
Strategic Warfare
Evacuate Tie Advanced Plants
Save TIE Advanced Factory
Secure TIE Advanced Plant
Supply Tie Advanced Plant
Capture Mag Pulse Weapon
T/D Treachery
Capture Platform
Hold Platform
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 470
Protect Evacuation
Escort to Rendezvous
Trapped by Pirates!
Transfer Prototypes
New Threats
Under the Gun
Missile Boat Diplomacy
Rebel Assault
Eliminate TIE/D Factory.
Hunt for Zaarin
Intercept Convoy
Preemptive Strike!
Bait and Switch
An Unexpected Attack
The Real Thing
Protect Vorknkx Project
Prelude to Endor
Escort Prison Ship
Deliver Prisoners
Attack at Bothawui
Strike on Kothlis
Bothan Treachery
Recon Military Summit
Delay Strike Force
The Rebel Assault Cycle [continued] (video game series: Vincent Lee)
The Hidden Empire (video game: Vincent Lee)
The Dreighton Triangle
The Corellia Star
Mining Tunnels
Asteroid Field
Interceptor Attack
The Mining Facility
TIE Training
Flight to Imdaar
The Mine Field
Speeder Bikes
Aboard the Terror
The Sewer
Escaping the Star Destroyer
TIE Attack
Imdaar Alpha
The Return Home
The Power of the Force (comic: Fiorenzo Delle Rupi)*
The Power of the Force (comic: Fiorenzo Delle Rupi)*
*NOTE: This is an Italian language story, actually entitled Il Potere della Forza. Consider its inclusion
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale (TFJP short story: John Gregory Betancourt)
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale (TFJP short story: John Gregory Betancourt)
How the Band Came to Tatooine
How the Band Came to Jabba's Palace
Stop that Jawa (SWT2 short story: Dave Cooper)
Stop that Jawa (SWT2 short story: Dave Cooper)
A Hot Time in the Cold Town Tonite! (SWT6 short story: Ian Edginton)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 471
A Hot Time in the Cold Town Tonite! (SWT6 short story: Ian Edginton)
A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kevin J.
A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kevin J.
General Dentistry
A Game of Fetch
Lunchtime Beneath the Jaws
In the Monster's Lair
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Three: The Loneliness [continued]
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Part XIV
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Fool’s Bounty [continued] (comic series: David Michelinie & Mary Jo Duffy & Bob Layton)
Lahsbane (comic: Jo Duffy)
The Iskalon Effect (comic: Jo Duffy)
Tidal (comic: Jo Duffy)
Artoo-Deetoo to the Rescue (comic: Jo Duffy)
Chanteuse of the Stars (comic: Jo Duffy)
Hoth Stuff (comic: David Michelinie & Bob Layton)*
*NOTE: See note with Hoth Stuff summary above for the questionable status of this comic.
The Big Con (comic: Jo Duffy)
Ellie (comic: Jo Duffy)
The Bounty Hunters [continued] (comic series: Tim Truman & Mark Schultz & Randy
Stradley & Andy Mangels)
Scoundrel’s Wages (comic: Mark Schultz)
Shootout at Landing Pad 94 (VOR-14-6 miniatures game: Ted Arlauskas & Chuck Turnista)
Shootout at Landing Pad 94 (VOR-14-6 miniatures game: Ted Arlauskas & Chuck Turnista)
Wind Raiders of Taloraan (AJ5 short story: James L. Cambias)
Wind Raiders of Taloraan (AJ5 short story: James L. Cambias)
The Living Sky
People of the Sky
Wind Raider Attack!
Among the Denfrandi
Lair of the Wind Raiders
Getting to the "Metal Flyer"
Departure and Further Adventures
Death-Hunter (AJ9 short story: Tony Russo)
Death-Hunter (AJ9 short story: Tony Russo)
Rendezvous at Jaemus
Farewell to Jaemus
The Mystery on Bescane
Lumchugger's Hub
The Arcade Omicron
The Backstreet Shuffle
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 472
Tigress Appears
To Find the Forger Ordomire
Death-Hunter Revealed
Confrontation on Zeta Zero Nine
Voyage to the Bottom
Detention Level Breakout
A Twist of Fate
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Raid at Bakura
Relics of Geonosis
Deception at Destrillion
Guns of Dubrillion
Fondor Shipyard Assault
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Mustering the Fleet
Protect Alliance-Smuggler Meeting
Attack Imperial Convoy
Break Emon Out of Brig
Protect Smuggler Retreat
Rescue Smugglers
Recover Family Data Core
Attack Pirate Base
Mustering the Fleet
The Darkest Hour
Meet with Bothan Delegation
Locate Mercenary Base
Raid Mercenary Base
Rescue Bothan Spies
Steal Imperial Shuttle
Stealing the Shuttle (miniatures game: Eric Cagle)*
Stealing the Shuttle (miniatures game: Eric Cagle)*
*NOTE: This miniatures scenario is an adaptation of the theft of the Tydirium during the Steal Imperial Shuttle
mission in X-wing Alliance.
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Darkest Hour [continued]
Escort Rebel Fleet
Family Reunion
Ackbar and the Fleet Escape
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Leader [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Imperial Academy Heist
The Longest Fall (AJ11/TFTNR short story: Patricia A. Jackson)
The Longest Fall (AJ11/TFTNR short story: Patricia A. Jackson)
That's Entertainment: The Tale of Salacious Crumb (TFJP short story: Esther M. Friesner)
That's Entertainment: The Tale of Salacious Crumb (TFJP short story: Esther M. Friesner)
Escape from Balis-Baurgh (AJ1/SWH short story: Paul Balsamo)
Escape from Balis-Baurgh [flashback] (AJ1/SWH short story: Paul Balsamo)
The Gambler’s Quest (comic: Robert Rath)
The Gambler’s Quest (comic: Robert Rath)
Skreej (SWT10 short story: Mike Kennedy)
Skreej (SWT10 short story: Mike Kennedy)
The One That Got Away [continued] (SWT8 short story: Andi Watson)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 473
The One That Got Away [continued] (SWT8 short story: Andi Watson)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Redemption at Abridon
Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale (TFJP short story: M. Shayne Bell)
Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale (TFJP short story: M. Shayne Bell)
Cynabar’s Droids Datalog [continued] (AJ short stories: Drew Campbell & Eric S.
Cynabar’s Droids Datalog Version 4.7.220 (AJ14 short story: Drew Campbell & Eric S.
Droid Classifications
Droid Personalities
Second Degree Droids
Third Degree Droids
Fourth Degree Droids
Fifth Degree Droids
The Tales of Dannik Jerriko [continued] (TFTMEC/TFJP short stories: Jennifer Roberson)
Out of the Closet: The Assassin's Tale (TFJP short story: Jennifer Roberson)
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
Apocalypse Endor [flashback] (SWT14 short story: Christian Reed)
Apocalypse Endor [flashback] (SWT14 short story: Christian Reed)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Leader [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Raid on Bespin
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Interlude (between Chapters 5 and 6)
Interlude (between Chapters 11 and 12)
Interlude (between Chapters 16 and 17)
Interlude (between Chapters 20 and 21)
Darth Vader arrives aboard the partially-completed Death Star II and informs Moff Tiaan
Jerjerrod that Emperor Palpatine will be arriving soon. On Tatooine, C-3PO and R2-D2 make
their way into Jabba the Hutt's palace. They deliver a message from Jedi Knight Luke
Skywalker, and are subsequently taken as servant droids. (Lando Calrissian is already
undercover in the palace.) Later, C-3PO, now Jabba’s interpreter, speaks with a dancing girl
named Arica about his belief that Luke would come for them. Little does he know that Arica
is actually the Emperor’s Hand, Mara Jade. As their conversation ends, Jabba feeds another
dancer, Oola, to his rancor. Shortly thereafter, Leia Organa (in her disguise as Boushh,
which she received from Guri during the Fall of Xizor debacle), arrives with Chewbacca (as a
captive). She soon frees Han Solo from his carbonite "prison," but the two reunited heroes-
in-love are captured by Jabba. Han and Chewie share a cell while Leia is made into a slave
girl for Jabba. In the cell, Han and Chewie are visited by Boba Fett, who revels in Hans
misfortune. The next morning, Luke arrives and demands Han's release. He is captured as
well, after killing Jabba's pet rancor, and he, Han, and Chewie are sentenced to be cast into
the Pit of Carkoon to be eaten (and digested over 1,000 years) by the sarlacc. Jabba's sail
barge (the Khetanna) and two small skiffs (one bearing the prisoners) head for the Pit of
Carkoon. As Luke is about to be pushed into the sarlacc's maw, he somersaults back onto
the skiff and receives his newly-built lightsaber, fired from R2-D2 aboard Jabba's sail barge.
Lando comes out of cover, and the team proceeds to battle Jabba's minions. Han
accidentally knocks Boba Fett's jetpack and ignites it, sending Fett into the sarlacc. Luke
defeats the minions on the skiffs and proceeds onto the sail barge. Inside the sail barge, Leia
strangles Jabba, killing him. R2-D2 then frees her. She heads to where Luke is battling
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 474
Jabba's forces, while R2-D2 and C-3PO "leap" from the side of the sail barge to safety. Luke
has Leia fire the sail barge's own blaster cannon at itself, while he and Leia escape to one of
the skiffs, where Han, Chewbacca, and Lando await. They pick up the droids and leave
Tatooine. In orbit, their sensors pick up Imperial ships out of visual range to the other side of
the planet, apparently there to capture them, but with R2-D2s help, the Rebels sent a
message of a raid to Jabba’s minions, so the Imperials have their hands full with a swarm of
fleeing scoundrels. Luke and R2-D2 head for Dagobah in Luke's X-wing, while the others
head for Sullust (and a Rebel Alliance fleet gathering) in the Millennium Falcon. Aboard the
Death Star II, Palpatine arrives. On Dagobah, Luke speaks with Yoda, learning that the Jedi
Master is about to die. He also learns that Vader is his father. Yoda then passes on into the
Force. Luke then speaks with Obi-Wan Kenobi's spirit. Kenobi tells Luke of Anakin
Skywalker's fall to the Dark Side, transformation into Darth Vader, and ignorance of his birth.
Obi-Wan then tells him that he has a twin sister, who Luke knows, instinctively, to be Leia. At
Sullust, the Rebels are briefed by Mon Mothma, Admiral Gial Ackbar, and Crix Madine. They
are planning to destroy the Death Star II and Palpatine with it. (Unknown to them is the fact
that the Death Star II plans they received are bait to lure the Rebellion to its doom.) Lando
Calrissian will lead the starfighter attack on the station's power generator, while Han leads a
team (consisting of Major Bren Derlin and SpecForce operatives) to the forest moon of Endor
to knock out the generator station powering a shield around the Death Star II. Chewbacca,
Leia, and the newly-arrived Luke join Han's team. Han and the others leave aboard the
Lambda-class shuttle Tydirium, while Lando stays with the fleet and will use the Millennium
Falcon. The shield generator team lands and makes its way toward the base, but an attack
on several Imperial scouts goes awry, leading Luke and Leia to chase after two speeder
bikes (military swoops). They manage to take out the Imperials, but Luke and Leia are
separated. Leia is found by Wicket W. Warrick, the Ewok, who was trying to avoid “Skull
Ones” (stormtroopers) when he finds her. Leia is taken, as a friend, to the Ewok’s Bright Tree
Village nearby. Luke catches up to the rest of the group. Han, Chewie, Luke, C-3PO, and
R2-D2 separate from the main group to find Leia but are captured by the Ewoks and taken,
C-3PO as a god and the others as dinner, to the Ewok village. Luke uses the Force to help
C-3PO order their release, and they are reunited with Leia. They tell the Ewoks of the
horrors of the Galactic Empire, and the Ewoks decide to join them in their fight against
Palpatine's forces. Luke tells Leia about their being siblings and that he must face Vader
himself. He leaves the group and turns himself in to the Imperials (to a group led by Imperial
Major Lesim, whom he has to Force-coerce into taking him to Darth Vader), being brought
soon after to Vader himself, who tells Luke that there is no way he can be returned to the
Light Side. Luke is brought before the Emperor aboard the Death Star II, who reveals that
the Rebels have walked into a trap and that he intends to make Luke his apprentice. In
space, the Rebel fleet comes out of hyperspace to find the shield around the Death Star II still
operational, along with the station's superlaser, which takes pot-shots at Rebel vessels. On
the forest moon, the Rebels are captured but saved by the Ewoks, who then begin bashing
the Imperial forces to a pulp. In Palpatine's throne room, Luke retrieves his lightsaber to
strike the Emperor down, but instead engages in a duel with his father. On the moon, the
team finally brings the shields down. In space, the starfighters begin their run at the Death
Star II itself. In the throne room, Luke refuses to battle Vader, and is forced into hiding.
When Vader senses Luke's thoughts and learns that Leia is his sister, he suggests that if
Luke will not turn to the Dark Side, his sister will. At that, Luke turns to the Dark Side and
duels Vader viciously, finally cutting off Vader's hand and having him at his mercy. Palpatine
looks on in triumph, but Luke returns to the Light Side (after seeing that he had harmed
Vader in anger just as Vader had harmed Luke--both by severing a hand) and refuses to join
Palpatine. Palpatine then uses Dark Side Force lightning to attack Luke. He is finally saved
when Vader, upon hearing his son's cries, lifts Palpatine and hurls him into the Death Star II's
reactor core. Palpatine's body is destroyed (but his spirit escapes on a search for a clone
body). Vader--Anakin Skywalker--has been redeemed. In space, Lando, Wedge Antilles,
Tycho Celchu, and others head for the Death Star II's power core. Wedge takes out the
power regulator while Lando takes out the main core. They race for safety. Aboard the
station, Luke speaks with Anakin Skywalker, the father he never knew, and then Anakin
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 475
passes away. A great Jedi has died, but so has a terrible Dark Lord of the Sith. Luke then
takes his father's armored body and escapes the station. Elsewhere, Lando and Wedge
escape as well, as the Death Star II explodes, destroyed in a ball of flame. (People might
expect that Endor was ravaged by this explosion, but the Death Star II is “simply vaporized,
and the Rebel fleet [intercepts] the rest of the wreckage,” so the Ewoks are safe.) On the
forest moon of Endor, Leia tells Han that Luke is her brother and kisses him (that is, she
kisses Han, not Luke, of course). Later, Luke tends to the funeral pyre of Anakin Skywalker.
Across the galaxy, celebrations erupt (on Tatooine, Bespin's Cloud City, Coruscant, and other
worlds) in the wake of the news that Palpatine, the dreaded Emperor, is finally dead, along
with Darth Vader. The celebration continues on Endor well into the night. In the Force,
Anakin Skywalker is found by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who forgives him and
acknowledges that he has ended the horror, instructing him at the last moment on how to
retain his essence in the Force. After a final unspoken farewell to the spirits of Anakin
Skywalker, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke returns to the celebration and his friends.
(Exact starting date of report via Galaxy News Service: 39:3:3)*
(Star Wars: Episode VI--"Return of the Jedi" et al)*
*NOTE: Luke’s creation of his green lightsaber and Vader being sent to Endor in the ROTJ Radio Drama were
written off as being events that took place during Shadows of the Empire which were rehashed for the Radio
Drama to give a bit of introduction to the story. They are not meant to be contradictory and are not noted here
due to being part of SOTE. The information regarding the clearing of debris before Endor could be ravaged
comes from the story Apocalypse Endor. The date for this film used to be in question, as it would be in Month 3 if
four years after ANH, but it would be in Month 6 if one year after ESB. That contradiction was finally settled with
the date given here (exactly four years after ANH) when I was able to pin down the date for the Essential Atlas.
The Return of the Jedi novelization claims that only 6 months have passed since ESB, but that would have made
the dates even worse (38:12).
The Star Wars Classic Blu-Ray Trilogy [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh
Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)
Star Wars: Episode VI--”Return of the Jedi” (movie: Lawrence Kasdan & George Lucas)
Opening Logos
Return of the Jedi
Vader’s Unexpected Visit
Arrival at Jabba’s Palace
A Message and a Gift
The Max Rebo Band
The Price for Chewbacca
Free from the Carbonite
Enter the Jedi
“Oh No! The Rancor!”
On the Sail Barge
The Sarlacc Pit
The Emperor Arrives
Yoda’s Twilight
A Certain Point of View
Rebel Briefing
Lending the Falcon
The Emperor’s Instructions
Flying Casual
Arrival on Endor
Speeder Bike Chase
Leia Meets Wicket
Vader’s Report
An Ewok Trap
The Golden God
Campfire Stories
Brother and Sister
Luke Surrenders
Rebel Recon
The Alliance Fleet
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 476
Back Door
Luke and the Emperor
“It’s a Trap!”
Ewok Attack
Fully Operational
The Battle Rages
The Dark Side Beckons
The Ewoks Turn the Tide
Father vs. Son
Taking the Bunker
A Jedi’s Fury
The Shield is Down
Force Lightning
Vader’s Redemption
Into the Death Star
Anakin Unmasked
Death Star Destroyed
Funeral Pyre
End Credits
The Star Wars Classic DVD Trilogy [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas &
Leigh Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)
Star Wars: Episode VI--”Return of the Jedi” (movie: Lawrence Kasdan & George Lucas)
Opening Logos
Return of the Jedi
Vader’s Unexpected Visit
Arrival at Jabba’s Palace
A Message and a Gift
The Max Rebo Band
The Price for Chewbacca
Free from the Carbonite
Enter the Jedi
“Oh No! The Rancor!”
On the Sail Barge
The Sarlacc Pit
The Emperor Arrives
Yoda’s Twilight
A Certain Point of View
Rebel Briefing
Lending the Falcon
The Emperor’s Instructions
Flying Casual
Arrival on Endor
Speeder Bike Chase
Leia Meets Wicket
Vader’s Report
An Ewok Trap
The Golden God
Campfire Stories
Brother and Sister
Luke Surrenders
Rebel Recon
The Alliance Fleet
Back Door
Luke and the Emperor
“It’s a Trap!”
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 477
Ewok Attack
Fully Operational
The Battle Rages
The Dark Side Beckons
The Ewoks Turn the Tide
Father vs. Son
Taking the Bunker
A Jedi’s Fury
The Shield is Down
Force Lightning
Vader’s Redemption
Into the Death Star
Anakin Unmasked
Death Star Destroyed
Funeral Pyre
End Credits
The Star Wars Special Edition Trilogy [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas &
Leigh Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)
Star Wars: Episode VI--”Return of the Jedi” (movie: Lawrence Kasdan & George Lucas)
The Original Trilogy [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas & Leigh Brackett &
Lawrence Kasdan)*
Star Wars: Episode VI--”Return of the Jedi” (movie: Lawrence Kasdan & George
Opening Logos
Return of the Jedi
Vader’s Unexpected Visit
Arrival at Jabba’s Palace
A Message and a Gift
The Max Rebo Band
The Price for Chewbacca
Free from the Carbonite
Enter the Jedi
“Oh No! The Rancor!”
On the Sail Barge
The Sarlacc Pit
The Emperor Arrives
Yoda’s Twilight
A Certain Point of View
Rebel Briefing
Lending the Falcon
The Emperor’s Instructions
Flying Casual
Arrival on Endor
Speeder Bike Chase
Leia Meets Wicket
Vader’s Report
An Ewok Trap
The Golden God
Campfire Stories
Brother and Sister
Luke Surrenders
Rebel Recon
The Alliance Fleet
Back Door
Luke and the Emperor
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 478
“It’s a Trap!”
Ewok Attack
Fully Operational
The Battle Rages
The Dark Side Beckons
The Ewoks Turn the Tide
Father vs. Son
Taking the Bunker
A Jedi’s Fury
The Shield is Down
Force Lightning
Vader’s Redemption
Into the Death Star
Anakin Unmasked
Death Star Destroyed
Funeral Pyre
End Credits
*NOTE: This represents the original version of Return of the Jedi, with all of its normal scenes intact. Thus, it is
the one granted the listing of DVD chapter titles, using the “theatrical version” released as part of the 2-disc
releases of the film.
The Original Trilogy CED Releases [continued] (movie trilogy: George Lucas &
Leigh Brackett & Lawrence Kasdan)*
Star Wars: Episode VI--”Return of the Jedi” (movie: Lawrence Kasdan & George
*NOTE: This represents the early CED release of the film that was compressed down to less than 120 minutes
(leaving out some scenes) to fit the media format. See the Star Wars Video Release History in the Appendices.
The Novelization Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: George Lucas & Alan Dean
Foster & Donald F. Glut & James Kahn)
Return of the Jedi (novel: James Kahn)
Chapters 1 9
The Radio Drama Trilogy [continued] (radio drama trilogy: Brian Daley)
Return of the Jedi (radio drama: Brian Daley)
Tatooine Haunts
Fast Friends
Prophecies and Destinies
Pattern and Web
So Turns a Galaxy, So Turns a Wheel
Blood of a Jedi
The Original Comic Adaptation Trilogy [continued] (comic trilogy: Roy Thomas &
Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (comic series: Archie Goodwin)*
Return of the Jedi, Part I (comic: Archie Goodwin)*
In the Hands of Jabba the Hutt*
The Emperor Commands*
Return of the Jedi, Part II (comic: Archie Goodwin)*
Mission to Endor!*
The Final Duel!*
*NOTE: The issue titles here are from the Dark Horse reprinting, while the subtitle names are from the original
printings in issues 1 4 of the Marvel Comics mini-series Return of the Jedi.
Photo Comic Adaptations [continued] (comic series: Tokyopop & George Lucas &
Bryan Andrews & Darrick Bachman & Paul Rudish & Genndy Tartakovsky &
Kirsten Mayer & Rob Valois & Zachary Rau)
The Photo Comic Adaptation Trilogy [continued] (comic trilogy: Tokyopop & George
Return of the Jedi (comic: Tokyopop & George Lucas)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 479
The Manga Comic Adaptation Trilogy [continued] (comic trilogy: Hisao Tamaki &
Toshiki Kudo & Shin-Ichi Hiromoto)
Return of the Jedi (comic series: Shin-Ichi Hiromoto)
Return of the Jedi, Part I (comic: Shin-Ichi Hiromoto)
Return of the Jedi, Part II (comic: Shin-Ichi Hiromoto)
Return of the Jedi, Part III (comic: Shin-Ichi Hiromoto)
Return of the Jedi, Part IV (comic: Shin-Ichi Hiromoto)
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapters 21 22
The Chronicle Books Adaptations [continued] (children’s book series: John
Return of the Jedi (children’s book: John Whitman)
The Special Edition Read-Along Trilogy [continued] (read-along book trilogy:
Randy Thornton
Return of the Jedi (read-along book: Randy Thornton)
The Original Read-Along Trilogy [continued] (read-along book trilogy: Buena Vista
Return of the Jedi (read-along book: Randy Thornton)
Princess Leia: Rebel Leader [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Princess Leia: Rebel Leader [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Luke Skywalker: Jedi Knight [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Luke Skywalker: Jedi Knight [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Han Solo: Rebel Hero [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
Han Solo: Rebel Hero [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
R2-D2 and C-3PO: Droid Duo [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
R2-D2 and C-3PO: Droid Duo [continued] (children's book: Unknown)
The Fun Works Adaptations [continued] (children’s book series: Jane Paley & Ken
Steacy & John Whitman & Unknown)
Return of the Jedi (children's book: Unknown)*
Return of the Jedi (children's book: Unknown)*
*NOTE: Yes, these are two different books with the same name.
The Star Wars Storybooks [continued] (children's book series: Geraldine
Richelson & Shep Steneman & Joan D. Vinge)
Return of the Jedi Storybook (children's book: Joan D. Vinge)
Return of the Jedi (children’s book: Unknown)*
Return of the Jedi (children’s book: Unknown)*
*NOTE: This children’s book adaptation of ROTJ differentiates itself from others by being packaged with
temporary tattoos for kids.
Classic Star Wars [continued] (children's book series: Larry Weinberg & Jim
Thomas & Elizabeth Levy)
Return of the Jedi (children's book: Elizabeth Levy)
The Complete Saga [continued] (youth novel: Jason Fry)
The Complete Saga [continued] (youth novel: Jason Fry)
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
The Legendary Yoda [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
The Legendary Yoda [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Not the End
Yoda’s Legacy
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Jedi Knight [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Jedi Knight [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Guiding Light [continued]
Ultimate Duels [continued] (children’s book: Lindsay Kent)
Ultimate Duels [continued] (children’s book: Lindsay Kent)
Battle of Wits
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 480
Final Confrontation
Star Wars Mini-Book Adaptations [continued] (children’s book series: Reed)
Luke Skywalker [continued] (children’s book: Reed)
Han Solo [continued] (children’s book: Reed)
Princess Leia [continued] (children’s book: Reed)
Darth Vader [continued] (children’s book: Reed)
Star Wars Pop-Up Book [continued] (pop-up book series: Kevin J. Anderson &
Rebecca Moesta & Ken Steacy & Kay Carroll & John Whitman & Unknown)
Return of the Jedi (pop-up book: Unknown)
Jabba's Palace Pop-Up Book (pop-up book: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Han's Solo's Rescue (pop-up book: Kay Carroll)
The Ewoks Save the Day (pop-up book: Kay Carroll)
Return of the Jedi (children’s book: J.J. Gardner)
Return of the Jedi (children’s book: J.J. Gardner)
The Ewoks Join the Fight (read-along book: Buena Vista Records)
The Ewoks Join the Fight (read-along book: Buena Vista Records)
Ewok Ambush (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Ewok Ambush (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Tiger LCD Star Wars Trilogy [continued] (video game trilogy: Tiger, Ltd.)
Return of the Jedi (video game: Tiger, Ltd.)
Return of the Jedi: Death Star Battle (video game: Parker Brothers)
Return of the Jedi: Death Star Battle (video game: Parker Brothers)
The Atari Arcade Trilogy [continued] (video game series: Atari)
Return of the Jedi (video game: Atari)
Stage 1: Speederbike
Stage 2: AT-ST/Millennium Falcon
Stage 3: Inside the Death Star
Apprentice of the Force [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Apprentice of the Force [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Episode VI
Find Han Solo
Find a Way to Destroy the Rancor
Destroy the Main Barge
Stop the Scout Troopers
Locate Han, Leia, and the Others
Meet Darth Vader
Fight Darth Vader*
*NOTE: This is the last level of the game, but there is another, called “Arena,” which is basically a challenge to
kill as many enemies as possible, but it just keeps on going with no story at all.
Attack on Endor: Get the Walker! (SCR95 short story: Sterling Hershey)
Attack on Endor: Get the Walker! (SCR95 short story: Sterling Hershey)
The Greatest Battles [continued] (children’s book: Michael Dana)
The Greatest Battles [continued] (children’s book: Michael Dana)
Original Trilogy [continued] (video game: Jakks Pacific)
Original Trilogy [continued] (video game: Jakks Pacific)
Flight of the Falcon [continued] (video game: THQ)
Flight of the Falcon [continued] (video game: THQ)
Episode VI
Bonus Level*
Battle of Endor
Endor, the Forest Moon
Death Star II Surface, Above Endor
Reactor Core Access Tunnels, Inside the Death Star
*NOTE: That bonus level could take place almost anywhere. It is a side-scrolling Gradius style space shooter
level, but since it has the Falcon up against Imperial ships, including TIE interceptors, I have included it here to
be thorough.
Star Wars Saga Annual 2006 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 481
Star Wars Saga Annual 2006 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Annual 2007 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Annual 2007 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
C-3PO [continued]
Return of the Jedi
Journals 1 12
Darth Vader [continued]
Return of the Jedi
Journals 1 8*
*NOTE: The last two journals for Darth Vader’s recollections on ROTJ are rather odd. He would have to have
written them after he died, since one recalls his last moments with Luke and the other talks about being reunited
with Yoda and Obi-Wan in the Force. Are there Jedi journals in the Force afterlife? (Luke van Horn provided the
information for this book.)
Star Wars Annual 2009 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Annual 2009 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Message Recording 20582: C-3PO
Message Recording 20583: Leia Organa
Message Recording 20586: Luke Skywalker
Message Recording 20590: Han Solo
Message Recording 20600: Luke Skywalker*
Message Recording 20601: Han Solo
Message Recording 20602: Lando Calrissian
Message Recording 20603: Luke Skywalker
Message Recording 20604: Lando Calrissian
Message Recording 20605: Leia Organa
Message Recording 20606: Luke Skywalker
*NOTE: This entry by Luke has the same number as the oddball entry by Han back during ESB. It may indicate
that the Han entry date from ESB was a typo.
Star Wars Annual 2012 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Star Wars Annual 2012 [continued] (children’s book: Pedigree Books)
Return of the Jedi
Ultimate Missions [continued] (miniatures game series: J.D. Wiker)
Rebel Storm [continued] (miniatures game: J.D. Wiker)
What Jabba Wants
Parts 1 2
Endor’s Moon Landing
Dangers of Endor’s Moon
Endor Speeder Chase
Capturing the Bunker
Parts 1 2
The Temptation of Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker’s Amazing Story [continued] (novel: Simon Beecroft)
Luke Skywalker’s Amazing Story [continued] (novel: Simon Beecroft)
Attack on Endor Scenario Book [continued] (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Attack on Endor Scenario Book [continued] (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Attack on Endor
Death Star Battles [continued] (children’s book: Simon Beecroft)
Death Star Battles [continued] (children’s book: Simon Beecroft)
The Second Death Star
Emperor Palpatine Arrives
The Throne Room
Final Battle
Battle of Endor
The Story of Darth Vader [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
The Story of Darth Vader [continued] (children’s book: Catherine Saunders)
Vader’s Choice
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 482
The Death of Darth Vader
Death Star Assault [continued] (video game: THQ)
Death Star Assault [continued] (video game: THQ)
Super Star Wars [continued] (video game trilogy: Kalani Streicher)
Return of the Jedi (video game: Kalani Streicher)
The Search for Solo
Tatooine 3-D
Jabba's Palace
Jabba's Dance Hall
Rancor Pit
Attack on Sail Barge
Inside Sail Barge
Operation: Shield Generator
Endor--Speeder Bikes
Ewok Village A
Ewok Village B
Falcon Space Battle
Power Generator
Attack on the Death Star
Inside Death Star
Death Star Surface 3-D
Tower Entrance--Vader
Emperor's Chamber
Death Star Tunnel 3-D
Star Wars Arcade (video game: Sega)
Arcade Mode (video game: Sega)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
32X Mode (video game: Sega)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
William Shakespeare’s Star Wars [continued] (novel trilogy: Ian Doescher)
The Jedi Doth Return (novel: Ian Doescher)
Act I
Scenes 1 5
Act II
Scenes 1 4
Scenes 1 4
Act IV
Scenes 1 3
Act V
Scenes 1 4
LEGO Star Wars [continued] (video game series: LEGO)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 483
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga [continued] (video game: LEGO)
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy [continued] (video game: LEGO)
Return of the Jedi
Jabba’s Palace
The Great Pit of Carkoon
Speeder Showdown
The Battle of Endor
Jedi Destiny
Into the Death Star
LEGO Star Wars Mobile [continued] (video game series: THQ)
LEGO Star Wars Mobile II [continued] (video series: THQ)
Canceled Parker Brothers Video Games [canceled] (video game: Parker Brothers)*
Ewok Adventure [canceled] (video game: Parker Brothers)*
Canceled Parker Brothers Video Game II” [canceled] (video game: Parker Brothers)*
*NOTE: Neither of these video games ever came to be. Poor sales nixed them before they saw release. The
second of the two games never even had its official title announced.
Jedi Visszatér (comic series: Attila Fazekas)*
Jedi Visszatér (comic series: Attila Fazekas)*
Jedi Visszatér, Part I (comic: Attila Fazekas)*
Jedi Visszatér, Part II (comic: Attila Fazekas)*
*NOTE: I list this item as a tip of the hat to those who hunt down rare Star Wars comics, even when not in
English. This is a Hungarian adaptation of ROTJ that is not just an American publication that has been translated
and reprinted. This is a special case, however. Basically, Attila Fazekas, a Hungarian comic “master” akin in the
Hungarian comic scene to a Stan Lee or a Kubert, created and sold unlicensed adaptations of A New Hope and
The Empire Strikes Back in Hungary in the 1980s, which sold in huge numbers for what amounts to a “bootleg.”
Given his impressive history with the art in Hungary, Lucasfilm then gave him official permission for Fazekas to
create an adaptation of Return of the Jedi with the restrictions that it be distributed through the Hungarian Star
Wars Fan Club exclusively and that its circulation be limited to only 500 copies of each of its two issues. This
became big news for foreign-language Star Wars comic collectors in 2012. (Bear in mind here that I am not
including his adaptation of ANH or ESB, entitled Csillagok Háborúja and Birodalom Visszavág, because those
were not licensed works.
Imperial Lt. Taver Soren, leader of an AT-AT crew, is assigned to the Endor Moon.
(conjecture based on The Luminous Bantha)
While speaking with Melina Carniss, Mara Jade is in the right place to view Luke Skywalkers
holo-message to Jabba the Hutt. She makes note of how confident he is, and revises her
earlier opinion of him as a relatively easy mark. (To be continued below . . . )
(Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade)
After assigning C-3PO as Jabba’s new interpreter and R2-D2 to the sail barge, EV-9D9
realizes that the positions they are filling were conveniently vacated just a short while before.
She decides there may be a plot against Jabba. She then realizes that the man who helped
arrange the vacancies is none other than Tamteel SkreejLando Calrissian in disguise. She
hurries back to her lab (well, droid torture chamber) and tries to figure out how to keep from
being stopped by Calrissian, only to look up and see Calrissian in front of her. Actually, it is
12-4C-41, who is the only one at the palace hunting her down. Forwun blasts her several
times and then removes the special wiring and such that allows her to sense pain and other
emotions. He then allows the dismantled droids around the room to reanimate and tear her
to shreds. Justice, in Forwun’s eyes.
(A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9)
Ree-Yees checks a computer panel “built” into Bubo to be sure that the latest shipment of
goatgrass (which Phlegmin, the kitchen boy, has helped him smuggle in, unknowing that the
shipments contain bomb parts) has arrived, and then heads back into the palace, where he
runs into his co-conspirator Tessek. Tessek sends him on his way. (To be continued below .
. . )
(Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees)
Malakili informs Porcellus, Jabba’s chef, that Jabba has just acquired two new droids and that
Jabba suspects that Porcellus is putting fierfek in his food. They believe the term means
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 484
poison, though it really means “death hex.” (To be continued below . . . )
(Taster’s Choice: The Tale of Jabba’s Chef)
The Max Rebo Band plays a set including “Lepti Nek” and “Jedi Rocks.” They play most of
the day, with the exception of when certain events (ROTJ-related) force a silence through the
audience chamber. (To be continued below . . . )
(And the Band Played On: The Band’s Tale)
A short while after witnessing the holographic message from Luke Skywalker to Jabba the
Hutt, Oola speaks with C-3PO about Luke and how he once tried to save her. She admits
that her greatest desire is to dance on perfect dance. Jabba pulls her to her feet . . .
(A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: Oola’s Tale)
Jabba makes Oola try Porcellus’ latest dish to see if it bears fierfek. (To be continued below .
. . )
(Taster’s Choice: The Tale of Jabba’s Chef)
Next, Jabba decides it’s time for some entertainment and makes Oola dance. She imagines
that Luke Skywalker is there (or he is somehow in the palace spying) and dances a perfect
dance for him before finally venting her frustration at Jabba, prompting him to feed her to the
(A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: Oola’s Tale)
Gartogg speaks with Ortugg and Rogua as they escort Boushh and Chewbacca to Jabba’s
throne room. Gartogg expresses a desire to go on the sail barge the next time it goes out.
(To be continued below . . . )
(And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard’s Tale)
After seeing Oola fed to the rancor, Mara Jade believes it is Luke Skywalker who is bringing
Chewbacca in, but she finds her assumption incorrect when she uses the Force to sense
inside the Boushh attire and senses a female presence. She can afford to wait until
Skywalker really arrives. (To be continued below . . . )
(Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade)
J’Quille, in the employ of Lady Valarian, has been paying the kitchen boy, Phlegmin, to slowly
poison Jabba the Hutt. He is also in on the plan to get Malakili and the rancor out of the
palace as soon as possible. He is also being blackmailed by someone who knows of the
poison plot. A droid comes to see him. The droid tells him to meet with someone who knows
who the blackmailer is and that he will know the person by what he is wearing. (To be
continued below . . . )
(Let Us Prey: The Whiphid’s Tale)
Bib Fortuna sees Nat Secura’s brain spider enter the throne room of Jabba’s Palace and C-
3PO says it wishes to speak with him. Bib takes Nat to a secure place to talk and Nat tells
Bib that he wants to be transferred into Han Solos body. Bib then heads into Mos Eisley on
business, where he meets Luke Skywalker, who offers to pay what Solo is worth to Jabba
plus interest, for Solo’s freedom. Bib returns to the palace and extends the offer to Jabba,
who refuses and orders that Luke not be admitted. (To be continued below . . . )
(Of the Day’s Annoyances: Bib Fortuna’s Tale)
Dannik Jerriko kills Ak-Buz. (To be continued below . . . )
(Out of the Closet: The Assassin’s Tale)
On his way back to his quarters, Porcellus discovers Ak-Buzs body. The Gamorrean
Gartogg sees him with the body, but he passes Ak-Buz off as asleep and then hides him in a
stack of machine parts. (To be continued below . . . )
(Taster’s Choice: The Tale of Jabba’s Chef)
Seeing Porcellus with the downed Ak-Buz, Gartogg hopes this may be his chance to find
something big that will help him get assigned to the sail barge, but alas . . . Porcellus tells him
Ak-Buz is just sleeping. (To be continued below . . . )
(And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard’s Tale)
Dannik Jerriko kills Phlegmin. (To be continued below . . . )
(Out of the Closet: The Assassin’s Tale)
Returning to the kitchen, Porcellus discovers the kitchen boy, Phlegmin, dead on the floor.
Ree-Yees stumble in drunk and covers up the death (sort of) when Gartogg shows up.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 485
Gartogg takes the body and leaves. (To be continued below . . . )
(Taster’s Choice: The Tale of Jabba’s Chef)
Upon entering the kitchen of Jabba’s Palace to check on his goatgrass and the detonator
hidden within, Ree-Yees finds Porcellus over Phlegmin’s dead body. Ree-Yees tells
Gartogg, when he arrives, that the body was found near the quarters of Ephant Mon, who
had been making fun of Ree-Yees. (To be continued below . . . )
(Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees)
Gartogg pops his head into the kitchen and finds Ree-Yees over Phlegmin’s dead body. He
takes the body, along with the clue that the body was found by Ephant Mon’s quarters. (To
be continued below . . . )
(And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard’s Tale)
J’Quille witnesses Ree-Yees convincing Gartogg that Phlegmin was found near Ephant
Mon’s quarters. The death of the boy has screwed up J’Quille’s poison plot. He sees a
B’omarr monk skulking outside. He rushes to his quarters to call Lady Valarian, and then
heads back to through the throne room, where he notices that Boushh has been revealed as
Leia Organa and Han Solo is free. He continues on his way, following the B’omarr monk he
saw earlier. The monk seems to know what is going on, so he assumes the monk is the
blackmailer and kills him. It turns out that the monk was sent by Valarian (wearing her
earring) to tell him that Phlegmin himself was the blackmailer. Gartogg shows up and J’Quille
convinces him that the monk is meditating, and Gartogg takes the body with him. JQuille
has pocketed the monk’s thermal detonator and is already plotting a new way to kill Jabba.
(Let Us Prey: The Whiphid’s Tale)
After seeing Ree-Yees and Gartogg arguing about Phlegmin’s body, Buboicullaar goes to
see his B’omarr monk teacher, Evilo Nailati, who cannot figure out a way to help Bubo kill
Jabba. (To be continued below . . . )
(Tongue-Tied: Bubo’s Tale)
Ree-Yees stumbles into a sacred B’omarr room where brains are stored and has a vision of a
fiery death aboard Jabba’s skiff. He believes this means Jabba will die by his bomb. (To be
continued below . . . )
(Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees)
Malakili’s de facto assistant, Gonar, threatens to reveal Malakili’s deal with Lady Valarian to
Jabba, so he feeds Gonar to the rancor. (To be continued below . . . )
(A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper’s Tale)
Gartogg sees Malakili feeding Gonar to the rancor, but declines when Malakili asks if he’d like
to feed Phlegmins body to the beast. Gartogg sees J’Quille with the dead monk and is
convinced that the monk is meditating. He slings the monk over his other shoulder and
heads off with the monk and Phlegmin. (To be continued below . . . )
(And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard’s Tale)
After a long evening, Max Rebo watches in Jabba’s audience chamber when Leia Organa
and the newly-freed Han Solo are captured. He gives Leia a bit of food to help her through
her first night as Jabbas new slave. (To be continued below . . . )
(And the Band Played On: The Band’s Tale)
The morning after Leia Organa is captured for freeing Han Solo, Porcellus takes pity on her
and gives her some food. Jabba is not pleased, but Porcellus manages to knock some food
on Jubnuk and sneak away. Jubnuk eats the food that was spilled on him. (To be continued
below . . . )
(Taster’s Choice: The Tale of Jabba’s Chef)
Barada wakes up and heads for the hangar where Jabba the Hutt keeps his sail barge and
other vehicles. He is followed by two Weequay. While working on things, Barada finds Ak-
Buz’s body. The Weequay shuffle off to consult their “Magic 8-Ball”-esque “Great God Quay”
to find hints about the murder. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Great God Quay: The Tale of Barada and the Weequays)
In his dungeon cell, Han Solo is interviewed by a Bomarr monk named Sai’da. His interview
is transcribed onto a datapad for later review and possible publication.
(Hero for Hire by Han Solo)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 486
As Jabba’s Palace settles down for the evening, Leia Organa is delivered to Boba Fett as a
gift for his pleasure. He tells Leia to just sit comfortably. He believes that sex without
marriage and rape are both immoral, so she can stay and sleep so as not to annoy Jabba by
rejecting his “gift.” They end up discussing the Rebellion and Fett tells Leia he believes it is
immoral because it is acting against the legitimate government. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett)
Tessek is met in his quarters by a B’omarr spider droid that tells him Jabba plans his demise,
but Tessek refuses to have himself “enlightened to save his own life. He goes to see
Barada, who tells him about Leia Organa’s capture. Knowing that the bomb he ordered is
secure on one of Jabba’s skiffs, and that Jabba will soon (if all goes well, which it won’t) be
heading for a storehouse in Mos Eisley where Prefect Eugene Talmont will commence a raid,
which will end in the deaths of Talmont and Jabba, Tessek happily, if not warily, heads off to
the throne room. (To be continued below . . . )
(A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek’s Tale)
Ephant Mon sees Luke Skywalker enter Jabbas Palace and has a flash of memory of his
home. He heads out for Mos Eisley. (To be continued below . . . )
(Old Friends: Ephant Mon’s Tale)
Under the influence of a Jedi mind trick, Bib Fortuna takes Luke Skywalker to see Jabba the
Hutt, even though Jabba refused Luke’s offer to pay for Han Solos return. (To be continued
below . . . )
(Of the Day’s Annoyances: Bib Fortuna’s Tale)
As Luke Skywalker speaks with Jabba the Hutt, Mara Jade attempts to gain a weapon and
kill him, but shes stopped by Melina Carniss, who believes she’s intending to kill Jabba.
Mara escapes from Melina just in time to see Luke kill the rancor. She then waits around
until she can escape into the throne room. (To be continued below . . . )
(Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade)
Malakili’s transport is waiting to take him and the rancor to safety when Luke Skywalker and
Jubnuk fall into the rancor’s den. Luke kills the rancor, causing Malakili to be hit with
immeasurable grief.
(A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper’s Tale)
After Jabba announces that he’ll be going to the sarlacc to dispose of the Rebels, Tessek
tries to convince him to delay their departure and continue to the raid Tessek had set up to
kill Jabba. Jabba refuses and makes it clear that he wants Tessek with him on the sail barge.
(To be continued below . . . )
(A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek’s Tale)
As Jabba’s minions prepare to bring Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca before
Jabba the Hutt, Jabba orders his guards to take Porcellus to the dungeon. Jabba believes
that since Oola and Jubnuk ate his food and then died, Porcellus has put a “death hex” on his
(Taster’s Choice: The Tale of Jabba’s Chef)
Dengar is afraid of being caught when he sees Tessek begging for mercy at Jabbas feet.
Dengar’s part in the bomb plot is known, but instead of ordering Dengars death overtly,
Jabba has Boba Fett take him to the “Teeth of Tatooine.” (To be continued below . . . )
(Payback: The Tale of Dengar)
Ephant Mon speaks with Lady Valarian, but remains loyal to his friend Jabba. He returns to
Jabba’s Palace and speaks with Luke Skywalker in the dungeon. He is convinced that the
Jedi can kill Jabba. (To be continued below . . . )
(Old Friends: Ephant Mon’s Tale)
The night before the Rebel heroes are to be cast into the Pit of Carkoon, Boba Fett broods
and grumbles about how idiotic it is for Jabba to want to kill Luke Skywalker in revenge
instead of turning him over for a gigantic bounty to the Emperor. (To be continued below . . .
(The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett)
Bubo reveals to Ree-Yees that he has the missing detonator for Ree-Yees’ bomb. Bubo eats
it before Ree-Yees can steal it back. (To be continued below . . . )
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 487
(Tongue-Tied: Bubo’s Tale)
Gartogg learns that the Jedi has killed the rancor, so he decides to spend time putting all the
murder clues together so he can find a solution ASAP and get on the sail barge. He ends up
falling asleep in the hangar. (To be continued below . . . )
(And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard’s Tale)
Tessek goes to the sail barge hangar and places a swoop in the storage compartment of the
sail barge, planning for a quick getaway once they are at the Pit of Carkoon. (To be
continued below . . . )
(A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek’s Tale)
Gartogg is awakened by Ortugg. He tells Ortugg he thinks Dannik Jerriko is behind the
murder of Phlegmin, but Ortugg doesn’t believe him. Gartogg is left behind when the sail
barge leaves. But at least now he has two new friendsthe corpses.
(And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard’s Tale)
As the Rebels are moved aboard the sail barge, Ephant Mon tries to stop Jabba from leaving
and getting killed, but Jabba refuses to stay. He tells Ephant Mon that their friendship is over.
Ephant Mon decides to return to his homeworld and a life away from crime.
(Old Friends: Ephant Mon’s Tale)
The Max Rebo Band is one of the last groups to board Jabba’s sail barge. Once aboard,
they begin playing. (To be continued below . . . )
(And the Band Played On: The Band’s Tale)
Unable to go with Jabba the Hutt to the Pit of Carkoon, Dannik Jerriko prepares to kill Jabba
upon his return.
(Out of the Closet: The Assassin’s Tale)
After failing to get a place on Jabba the Hutt’s sail barge to the Pit of Carkoon, Mara Jade
(disguised as Arica) is ordered by the Emperor (telepathically) to go ahead to Svivren for her
next assignment. She boards her ship and, with her droid K3, heads out for Svivren to deal
with Dequc, a Jeodu seeking to revive Black Sun as his own Black Nebula. (Mara Jade: By
the Emperor’s Hand summary to be continued below . . .)
(Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade and Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand)
Aboard Jabba the Hutt’s sail barge, a skiff guard tells Boba Fett about his sister Shaara’s
encounter with the sarlacc, from which she miraculously escaped when it seemed she was
doomed. The guard is excited to see the sarlacc again.
(Shaara and the Sarlacc: The Skiff Guard’s Tale)
The two Weequays who have been consulting the Great God Quay discover and diffuse a
bomb on Jabbas sail barge. They believe that all is well, but outside they hear the ominous
warning: “Jabba, this is your last chance. Free us or die.”
(The Great God Quay: The Tale of Barada and the Weequays)
The Max Rebo Band bears witness to all of the events aboard Jabba’s sail barge until Jabba
is murdered by Leia Organa. They then retreat and escape from the sail barge. Max Rebo
and Sy Snootles will be the Max Rebo Duo. Droopy McCool has decided to go into the
desert to find his fellow Kitonaks.
(And the Band Played On: The Band’s Tale)
Tessek freaks out upon seeing Jabba murdered by Leia Organa and takes his hidden swoop
back to the palace. (To be continued below . . . )
(A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek’s Tale)
Ree-Yees sees Leia Organa murder Jabba and recalls that Jabba’s surgeons had placed a
bomb in his stomach. When Jabba dies before being able to speak the phrase that would
cause it to detonate, Ree-Yees feels incredibly lucky . . . well, until the sail barge explodes.
(Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees)
Having borne witness to the events on Jabbas sail barge, Bib Fortuna escapes and returns
to Jabba’s Palace, only to be cornered by B’omarr monks who remove his brain and place it
in a brain spider.
(Of the Day’s Annoyances: Bib Fortuna’s Tale)
The Max Rebo Band is nearly killed by Tusken Raiders after the destruction of Jabba’s sail
barge, but the Tuskens are driven away by Greeata and Lyn Me.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 488
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
Malakili notes his sorrow over the death of Jabba’s rancor in his journal. As a counterpoint, it
should be noted that he believes Jabba’s own death “served him right.”
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
The Rebel Alliance has the information planted by Emperor Palpatine about the Death Star II,
but they need more information about the shield generator bunker on the forest moon of
Endor in order to more effectively plan the assault to be carried out by Han Solos strike
team. As Rebels gather near Sullust, Renegade Squadron is sent to Korriban, where
Emperor Palpatine is making a brief pilgrimage before heading off to his planned “triumph” at
Endor. The Renegades attack the Sith Academy (which seems to just be an Imperial base
now) to draw off Imperial reinforcements, then go into a nearby Sith tomb, where they start
destroying Sith artifacts as bait for Palpatine. When Palpatine enters, basting at the
Renegades with Force lightning and attacking with his lightsaber, the Renegades escape,
blowing up several charges that seal off the exits, trapping Palpatine inside for as long as it
takes him to use the Force and get out. While he is briefly trapped, they steal a datapad from
his shuttle, from which they learn that the Emperor himself will be personally overseeing the
next phase of the Death Star II’s construction. He will be present for the Battle of Endor. With
this shocking information, they head back to rejoin the fleet at Sullust. (To be continued below
. . . )
(Renegade Squadron)
Even as the stage is set for the Battle of Endor, the traitorous activities by former Imperial
Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin continue to plague the Empire and demand its attention. As
Emperor Palpatine is carried aboard his passenger vessel Excalibur, escorted by Emperors
Hand Maarek Stele, to meet with Darth Vader aboard the Death Star II at Endor, Zaarin’s
forces strike at him. The plot is foiled by Maarek, along with some additional reinforcements
from Grand Admiral Thrawn. Thrawn then provides a much more powerful escort for the
Emperor (a Star Destroyer, of course), while Maarek is transferred to Thrawn’s command
again and placed in charge of his old Alpha Squadron. Soon, Imperial Intelligence learns that
Commander Din, one of Zaarin’s subordinates, is about to defect to the Rebel Alliance. He
intends to bring them a missile boat, which hed captured during Maarek’s time away from
Alpha Squadron. They manage to reach Dins meeting with the Rebels and take out Din
himself, but the Rebels get away with missile boat. Thrawn’s forces then destroy the Rebel
cruiser that’s carrying the missile boat, but not before Zaarin can capture the missile boat for
himself, hoping to defeat the advantage Thrawn seems to have with the missile boats over
his TIE Defenders. With the missile boat at his disposal for research, Zaarin then starts
attacking Imperial missile boat facilities, forcing the Emperor to store all remaining missile
boats in a secure location, intending on bringing them out of mothballs for later use. Zaarin’s
next strike is to try to again get his hands on the small craft cloaking technology from the
Vorknkx Project. Thrawn allows Zaarin to capture the corvette with the prototype cloaking
device aboard it, then uses a tracking device to follow it back to Zaarin’s forces in the
Unknown Regions. In the battle that ensues, Zaarin’s forces are crushed, but Zaarin escapes
in the corvette . . . Unfortunately for Zaarin, he tries to escape into hyperspace with the
cloaking device activated, which causes the hyperdrive to become unstable and explode,
taking the ship, and Zaarin, with it. Thrawn had purposely removed all records of the
instability problem from the ship’s records before allowing it to be captured. The Zaarin plot is
over. It is of no consequence, though. The Emperor will fall sooner than anyone could
imagine . . .
(Defender of the Empire)
Shortly before Mon Mothma, Admiral Gial Ackbar, and General Madine brief the Rebels
about the new Death Star being built at Endor, Lieutenant Page congratulates the Rebel
heroes who helped rescue the Bothan spies on Gellefon. He says their work was impressive
enough that he wants them in General Solo’s strike team that is about to head for Endo. (To
be continued below . . . )*
(The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn.
Corporal Jobins message to his mother, Mon Mothma, is finally received, just before the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 489
Rebel leader gives her briefing about the upcoming Battle of Endor.
The Rebel heroes who helped rescue the Bothan spies on Gellefon attend the briefing by
Mon Mothma. After the briefing, the heroes meet with Lieutenant Page and Major Derlin,
who, being in charge of the commandos during the ground mission, explain their mission.
The ride to Endor in the Tydirium is uneventful and they land quietly on the moon. Before
Luke and Leia jump on speeder bikes to chase scout troopers, the commandos stumble
across an AT-ST. It fires at the strike team and then flees into the forest. Major Derlin has
Taki scramble communications and then orders the heroes to pursue and stop the walker
before it can report their presence. They succeed in stopping it, but they’ve been separated
from the rest of the strike team and it’s now dusk. (To be continued below . . . )*
(The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn.
After a very short trip from Tatooine to Svivren, Mara Jade heads for the surface and the
capital city, Wril, to deal with Dequc. She goes to the local Imperial base and uses AT3
Directive power to get an audience with General Tuono. She uses a stolen Black Nebula
datacard that she planted in his safe the night before as blackmail to convince him to do
whatever she says. He assigns two squads of stormtroopers and Captain Strok to her, as
she instructs. Strok will be going after a Rodian named Cevva Xuz who has Rebel ties,
which fits with Maras plans to distract Black Nebula and kill Dequc for the Emperor. The
move on Cevva goes bad when Black Nebula decimates Strok’s troops, but Mara makes her
way to Dequc’s location. Just as the is about to break in, Strok joins her and insists on
working with her. She uses her lightsaber to cut open the arenas door, and the patrons get a
wee bit pissy. As the Imperials are attacked (though most of them escape), Mara finds
Dequc (or so she believes) and kills him. Mission accomplished, she believes. She heads
back away from Svivren and is told by Palpatine (via telepathic connection) to go to
Coruscant and “enjoy herself.” Upon arrival, she learns that Dequc was not killed, but a
decoy in his place. (To be continued below . . . )
(Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand)
The Rebel heroes who helped rescue the Bothan spies on Gellefon, who are now on Han
Solo’s strike team, have been separated from the rest of the team. During the night, the
heroes are attacked by an octucor, a sort of land squid, but they are able to fight it off. The
next morning, the heroes head toward the generator bunker, hoping to rejoin the strike team
there. Unfortunately, Solo and the rest of the team have already reached the bunker and the
battle is underway. Four kilometers out from the generator, the heroes run into a group of
stormtroopers led by a Major Perrn and also heading to the bunker as reinforcements. The
heroes defeat Perrn and his troops, and he lets slip that their victory is pointless, as an
Imperial siege tower is also moving to the bunker to stop the Rebels. The heroes intercept
the tower and are able to destroy its repulsorlifts, and it consequently crashes to the ground
and explodes. (To be continued below . . . )*
(The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn.
As the Rebel fleet, which the Imperials have noticed was converging near Sullust, makes
preparations to attack the Death Star II, Renegade Squadron is sent to Sullust itself to attack
an Imperial garrison there, hoping to make it appear that the Rebel fleet, if noticed, is actually
going toward Sullust itself, not Endor. Palpatine, having set up the Battle of Endor as a trap
for the Rebels, does not fall for it. They realize that the mission has been too easy but are
unable to warn the Rebels from the Imperial base communications center. They then realize
that there are gravity well projectors now operative that will keep them from being able to
leave to warn the Rebels that the ruse did not work. They take out the gravity well generators,
but they must also face off with IG-88, sent by the Empire to stop their relatively minor threat
while the rest of the Empire focuses on Endor. The Renegades defeat him, then get out of
there, racing for Endor, where the Battle of Endor is already beginning . . . (To be continued
below . . . )
(Renegade Squadron)
Desperate for starfighter pilots, the Rebel Alliance reassigns Grizz Frix to an X-Wing
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 490
(conjecture based on the databank entry for the Grizz Frix, part of the fan-
submitted canonical entry series What’s the Story?)*
*NOTE: This entry was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
As the Battle of Endor begins, Lak Sivrak’s X-wing is blasted by several TIE fighters and his
mind is caught up in the Force for a moment. He relives his meeting with Dice Ibegon in
Chalmun’s Cantina, though it isn’t quite a flashback, but a vision. In this vision, Dice tries to
get Lak to believe in the Force. (To be continued below . . . )
(One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the
When ordered to assault the Ewoks, Imperial Lt. Taver Soren (an AT-AT commander)
realizes that it would be immoral to follow the order.
(conjecture based on The Luminous Bantha)
X2 is with Grey Squadron when the Rebel fleet emerges at the Death Star and realizes that
the shields are still up. X2 takes out TIE fighters harassing Home One, then boards Home
One to defend it from an Imperial boarding party. Meanwhile, Renegade Squadron arrives
from their failed ruse at Sullust and joins the battle. X2 receives a call from Renegade
Squadron commander Col Serra, who is in an X-wing and needs assistance down on the
surface. X2 takes an escape pod down to the forest moon. X2 lands and helps free Ewoks
from captivity, then joins Col Serra (who crashes his X-wing but survives) near a
communications bunker. Together, they take out the bunker and harm the Empire’s ability to
coordinate its ground forces. They then fire a captured ion cannon to weaken two Star
Destroyers above and are forced to hold off a pair of AT-ATs that attack them (which they are
able to do, thanks to rocket launchers). X2 then rejoins Grey Squadron, which has landed
(perhaps following the same request by Col Serra) to help protect the Bright Tree Village. X2
joins them, reuniting with Shara. Gray Squadron protects the village long enough for the
Imperials to be drawn away to their bunker, which Han Solo’s team is going after. Grey
Squadron then launches in their X-wings stashed nearby (with a spare for X2 or perhaps one
from a dead squadronmate). While Red Squadron faces Star Destroyers, Grey Squadron
keeps TIEs off their tails. Meanwhile, Renegade Squadron, now reunited with Serra, helps
defeat Imperials at the shield generator bunker, then heads off in the AT-ST commandeered
by Chewbacca once its usefulness to trick the Imperials is at an end. (To be continued below
. . . )*
(Elite Squadron and Renegade Squadron)*
*NOTE: The events in the PSP version of Elite Squadron make more sense if they are placed immediately before
the events in the DS version, but that does mean that we have to ignore that we see the Death Star explode up in
the sky during the latter parts of the PSP version. I think that was just added to make the player not feel quite as
left out of the action above as the game implies. Moreover, I have to sort of mash the summary for this part of
Elite Squadron together with Renegade Squadron because the PSP version of Elite Squadron includes Col Serra
of Renegade Squadron in its mission, even though Serra and Renegade Squadron have their own role to play in
the Battle of Endor mission from Renegade Squadron. It is really quite a screwy approach, basically so that every
game gets to play the same battle in a different way, continuity be damned, it seems.
As Admiral Gial Ackbar orders a strategic retreat, Lak Sivrak is snapped back into reality from
his vision of the events of four years ago, but almost immediately experiences a vision of one
year ago on Hoth. In the vision, he speaks with the dying Dice Ibegon, who is still trying to
convince him of the Force. He snaps back into reality as his craft is screaming toward the
surface of the forest moon of Endor. He experiences another vision, this time of the present,
as Jabba the Hutts death becomes known in Mos Eisley. He speaks with Dice, who should
be dead, and finally begins believing in the Force. (To be continued below . . . )
(One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the
As the Death Star IIs shields come down, Lak Sivrak’s X-wing crashes into the surface of the
forest moon of Endor, killing him. He “awakens” in the after-life and is reunited with Dice
Ibegon, his lost love.
(One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the
IG-88 happily witnesses the Battle of Endor from inside the Death Star II’s computer core.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 491
He decides that it is no longer time to wait for sending the order to begin his droid revolution,
unknowing that the station (and IG-88s sentience) is to be destroyed by the Rebels before
the order can be sent.
(Therefore I am: The Tale of IG-88)
During the Battle of Endor, Lumiya (formerly Shira Brie), secreted away on Ziost, discovers
ancient Sith teachings regarding a weapon of both metal and light. She uses this information
to create her trademark weapon, the lightwhip, using lacerating tentacles formed from
Vader’s Kaiburr crystal shard and near-impervious Mandalorian iron. Unbeknownst to her,
her masters, Palpatine and Darth Vader, are about to die.
(conjecture based on the Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire and The Emperor’s Pawns)
As Palpatine strikes Luke with force lightning, Vader reflects back on why he first sought dark
side power to begin with. He did it in order to save those he loves from death, and realizes
that while he failed to save Padmé, he can still save his son. Resolved to be a Jedi once
more, Anakin Skywalker grabs Palpatine and hurls him to his death.*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn. Since this story is from one of the Star Wars Manga
comics by Tokyopop, its veracity as Canon is in doubt.
Shortly after learning that Dequc was not killed, Mara Jade is in her quarters when she
receives a telepathic communication from Palpatine at Endor. He shows her a vision of Darth
Vader and Luke Skywalker dueling and then turning on the Emperor and striking him down (a
somewhat twisted version of the truth). With his last burst of telepathy to Mara he gives her
his last command: “You will kill Luke Skywalker!” With the shock of knowing the Emperor to
be dead and thus her whole life shattered, Mara collapses. She awakens to find Ysanne
Isard standing over her. Isard had felt threatened by Mara’s influence with Palpatine, but that
is no longer the case, so she declares Mara to have stolen property from the Emperor’s
Museum (when the trinket Isard notes was actually taken from the decoy as proof of Dequc’s
death) and takes her prisoner. (To be continued below . . . )
(Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand)
With the death of the Star Destroyer Chimaera’s commander, Admiral Horst Strage, during
the Battle of Endor, Gilad Pellaeon takes command of the ship and the Imperial fleet at
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Soon after taking down the Imperial siege tower, a group of Rebel heroes sees an enormous
explosion in the sky. The Death Star is no more. Afterwards, the heroes finally meet up with
the rest of the strike team, and later participate in the celebrations in the Ewoks Bright Tree
(The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke Van Horn.
Seeing an opportunity to gain important intelligence, the Rebel leadership orders X2 to board
the Death Star now that the shields are down. He downloads sensitive data using an
astromech, then escapes with the droid in an X-wing just as the station explodes. (To be
continued below . . . )*
(Elite Squadron)*
*NOTE: These events make up the latter part of the DS version of the Battle of Endor.
As soon as the Death Star explodes, Imperial Lt. Taver Soren orders his AT-AT crew back
into the fight, but this time on the side of the Rebels. When the fight is over, he and his crew
surrender to the victorious Rebel forces.
(conjecture based on The Luminous Bantha)
Castin Donn transmits news of Palpatines death across the HoloNet, sparking huge
celebrations on several worlds, including Coruscant, where Ysanne Isard sends troops into
the plaza, forcing a massacre of the celebrants.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Episode VI—Return of the Jedi,” Wraith Squadron and
Mara Jade: By the Emperor’s Hand via TimeTales, paraphrased)
As Luke Skywalker makes his way back to the Ewok village from Anakin Skywalker’s funeral
pyre, he speaks with R2-D2 about his uncertainty of what to do now that the Emperor is dead
and the war is nearly over. He suggests that they take the time for a group holo while they
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 492
have the chance. (To be continued below . . . )
(Free Memory)
As Anakin Skywalker (AKA Darth Vader) dies aboard the Death Star II, the spirit of Obi-Wan
Kenobi communicates with him. By the time that Luke Skywalker heads back to the Ewok
village, Obi-Wan has taught Anakin how to retain his essence in the Force, just as Qui-Gon
had, in part, and Yoda had in full. Thus, when the Force ghosts of Yoda and Obi-Wan appear
to Luke just outside of the village, the spirit of Anakin Skywalker is able to join them,
redeemed from his Sith ways.
(The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi)
Captain Gilad Pellaeon orders a retreat of Imperial forces from Endor to Annaj.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
As the Imperial forces retreat after the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik refuses
to surrender and continues fighting for four hours, until he is finally captured when his Star
Destroyer is disabled. He is to be tried and executed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic,
and he will use his last statement to wax poetic on the cyclical nature of warfare. (To be
continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
During the celebration at the Bright Tree Village, X2 and Luke Skywalker discuss the
possibility of Luke training the Grey Squadron commander in the Force. Now that X1 has
fallen to the Dark Side, then Alliance (and soon the New Republic) will need more Jedi. (TO
be continued below . . . )
(Elite Squadron)*
*NOTE: These events make up the latter part of the DS version of the Battle of Endor.
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade [continued] (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade [continued] (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9 [continued] (TFJP short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens
& Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9 [continued] (TFJP short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens &
Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees (TFJP short story: Deborah Wheeler)
Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees (TFJP short story: Deborah Wheeler)
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef (TFJP short story: Barbara Hambly)
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef (TFJP short story: Barbara Hambly)
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: John Gregory
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: John Gregory
How the Band Became a Duo
A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: Oola's Tale (TFJP short story: Kathy Tyers)
A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: Oola's Tale (TFJP short story: Kathy Tyers)
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara Hambly)
A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: Oola's Tale (TFJP short story: Kathy Tyers)
A Time to Mourn, a Time to Dance: Oola's Tale (TFJP short story: Kathy Tyers)
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale (TFJP short story: William F.
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale (TFJP short story: William F. Wu)
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade [continued] (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade [continued] (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
Let Us Prey: The Whiphid's Tale (TFJP short story: Marina Fitch & Mark Budz)
Let Us Prey: The Whiphid's Tale (TFJP short story: Marina Fitch & Mark Budz)
Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: M. Shayne
Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: M. Shayne Bell)
The Tales of Dannik Jerriko [continued] (TFTMEC/TFJP short stories: Jennifer Roberson)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 493
Out of the Closet: The Assassin's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Jennifer Roberson)
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara Hambly)
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
The Tales of Dannik Jerriko [continued] (TFTMEC/TFJP short stories: Jennifer Roberson)
Out of the Closet: The Assassin's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Jennifer Roberson)
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara Hambly)
Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees [continued] (TFJP short story: Deborah Wheeler)
Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees [continued] (TFJP short story: Deborah Wheeler)
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
Let Us Prey: The Whiphid's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Marina Fitch & Mark Budz)
Let Us Prey: The Whiphid's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Marina Fitch & Mark Budz)
Tongue-Tied: Bubo's Tale (TFJP short story: Daryl F. Mallett)
Tongue-Tied: Bubo's Tale (TFJP short story: Daryl F. Mallett)
Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees [continued] (TFJP short story: Deborah Wheeler)
Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees [continued] (TFJP short story: Deborah Wheeler)
A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kevin J.
A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kevin J.
Bad Timing
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: John Gregory
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: John Gregory
How the Band Became a Duo [continued]
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara Hambly)
The Great God Quay: The Tale of Barada and the Weequays (TFJP short story: George
Alec Effinger)
The Great God Quay: The Tale of Barada and the Weequays (TFJP short story: George Alec
Star Wars: Journal [continued] (youth novel series: John Peel & Jude Watson & Donna
Tauscher & Todd Strasser)
Hero for Hire by Han Solo (youth novel: Donna Tauscher)
Data Pad Entry 1
Data Pad Entry 2
Data Pad Entry 3
Data Pad Entry 4
Data Pad Entry 5
Data Pad Entry 6
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 494
Data Pad Entry 7
Data Pad Entry 8
Data Pad Entry 9
Data Pad Entry 10
Data Pad Entry 11
Data Pad Entry 12
Data Pad Entry 13
Data Pad Entry 14
Data Pad Entry 15
Data Pad Entry 16
Data Pad Entry 17
Data Pad Entry 18
The Tales of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH/TFJP short stories: Daniel Keys Moran & J. D.
The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH short story: Daniel Keys
"Tatooine" Section
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale (TFJP short story: Dave Wolverton)
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale (TFJP short story: Dave Wolverton)
Old Friends: Ephant Mon's Tale (TFJP short story: Kenneth C. Flint)
Old Friends: Ephant Mon's Tale (TFJP short story: Kenneth C. Flint)
Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: M. Shayne
Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: M. Shayne Bell)
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade [continued] (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade [continued] (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kevin J.
A Boy and His Monster: The Rancor Keeper's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kevin J.
Bad Timing [continued]
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave Wolverton)
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara
Taster's Choice: The Tale of Jabba's Chef [continued] (TFJP short story: Barbara Hambly)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Three: The Loneliness [continued]
Old Friends: Ephant Mon's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kenneth C. Flint)
Old Friends: Ephant Mon's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kenneth C. Flint)
The Tales of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH/TFJP short stories: Daniel Keys Moran & J. D.
The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH short story: Daniel Keys
"Tatooine" Section [continued]
Tongue-Tied: Bubo's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Daryl F. Mallett)
Tongue-Tied: Bubo's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Daryl F. Mallett)
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave Wolverton)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 495
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
And Then There Were Some: The Gamorrean Guard's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story:
William F. Wu)
Old Friends: Ephant Mon's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kenneth C. Flint)
Old Friends: Ephant Mon's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Kenneth C. Flint)
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: John Gregory
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: John Gregory
How the Band Became a Duo [continued]
The Tales of Dannik Jerriko [continued] (TFTMEC/TFJP short stories: Jennifer Roberson)
Out of the Closet: The Assassin's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Jennifer Roberson)
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade [continued] (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
Sleight of Hand: The Tale of Mara Jade [continued] (TFJP short story: Timothy Zahn)
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael
Stackpole & John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand [continued] (comic series: Michael Stackpole & Timothy
By the Emperor's Hand, Part I (comic: Michael Stackpole & Timothy Zahn)
Shaara and the Sarlacc: The Skiff Guard's Tale (TFJP short story: Dan'l Danehy-Oakes)
Shaara and the Sarlacc: The Skiff Guard's Tale (TFJP short story: Dan'l Danehy-Oakes)
The Great God Quay: The Tale of Barada and the Weequays [continued](TFJP short story:
George Alec Effinger)
The Great God Quay: The Tale of Barada and the Weequays [continued] (TFJP short story:
George Alec Effinger)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Sarlacc Pit
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade [continued] (video game: Sega)
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade [continued] (video game: Sega)
Boba Fett: Duel with Boba Fett
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: John Gregory
And the Band Played On: The Band's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: John Gregory
How the Band Became a Duo [continued]
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave Wolverton)
Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees [continued] (TFJP short story: Deborah Wheeler)
Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees [continued] (TFJP short story: Deborah Wheeler)
Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: M. Shayne
Of the Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: M. Shayne Bell)
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 14 [continued]
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Renegade Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
Story Missions [continued]
TIE Fighter [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Defender of the Empire [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Emperor's Will
Surprise Attack
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 496
Capture the Turncoat
Track Down Rebels
Missile Boat Trouble
Return to Vorknkx
Corvette Attack!
Zaarin Takes the Bait!
The Trap is Sprung!
The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective (P90 short
story: Bill Slavicsek)
The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective (P90 short story:
Bill Slavicsek)
Mission to Endor
Entrenched [continued] (SWV short story: Alex Jaeger & M. Zachary Sherman)
Entrenched [continued] (SWV short story: Alex Jaeger & M. Zachary Sherman)
The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective [continued]
(P90 short story: Bill Slavicsek)
The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective [continued] (P90
short story: Bill Slavicsek)
Mission to Endor [continued]
Landing on the Forest Moon
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael
Stackpole & John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand [continued] (comic series: Michael Stackpole & Timothy
By the Emperor's Hand, Part II (comic: Michael Stackpole & Timothy Zahn)
Ewoks [continued] (comic series: Zack Giallongo)
Shadows of Endor [continued] (comic: Zack Giallongo)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Speeder Bike Pursuit
Comics-to-Color: An Ewok Adventure (comic: Golden Books)
Comics-to-Color: An Ewok Adventure (comic: Golden Books)
The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective [continued]
(P90 short story: Bill Slavicsek)
The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective [continued] (P90
short story: Bill Slavicsek)
Predators by Night
What Solo Doesn’t Know
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Renegade Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
Story Missions [continued]
One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid
(TFTMEC short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid (TFTMEC
short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: N-Space)
Act II [continued]
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
The Dark Times [continued]
Renegade Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
Story Missions [continued]
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 497
One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid
[continued] (TFTMEC short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid
[continued] (TFTMEC short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Triumph of the Rebellion
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade [continued] (video game: Sega)
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade [continued] (video game: Sega)
Episode VI: Endor Forest---"Destroy the Shield Generator"
One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid
[continued] (TFTMEC short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
One Last Night in the Mos Eisley Cantina: The Tale of the Wolfman and the Lamproid
[continued] (TFTMEC short story: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens)
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Battlefront [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Historical Campaigns [continued]
Galactic Civil War [continued]
The Battle of Endor
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Leader [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Battle of Endor
Rebel Strike [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Attack on the Executor
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Battle of Endor
Phase 1
Death Star II Fires!
The Battle of Endor [continued]
Phase 2: That Thing’s Operational!
Super Star Destroyer Collides!
The Battle of Endor [continued]
Phase 3: Shields are Down!
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade [continued] (video game: Sega)
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade [continued] (video game: Sega)
Darth Vader: Duel with Darth Vader
Episode VI: Endor Space--"Destroy the Death Star's Main Reactor"
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
X-wing Alliance [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Red and Gold Group Enter Death Star II
The Battle of Endor [continued]
Phase 4: Death Star Tunnel Run
Destruction of Death Star II
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Leader [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Strike at the Core
-Phantasmagoria- (SWM2 short story: Baron Ueda)
-Phantasmagoria- (SWM2 short story: Baron Ueda)
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael
Stackpole & John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand [continued] (comic series: Michael Stackpole & Timothy
By the Emperor's Hand, Part II [continued] (comic: Michael Stackpole & Timothy Zahn)
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 498
Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88 [continued] (TOTBH short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Part XIV [continued]
Apocalypse Endor [flashback] (SWT14 short story: Christian Reed)
Apocalypse Endor [flashback] (SWT14 short story: Christian Reed)
The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective [continued]
(P90 short story: Bill Slavicsek)
The New Republic Campaign: The Battle for Endor from the PC’s Perspective [continued] (P90
short story: Bill Slavicsek)
What Solo Doesn’t Know [continued]
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: N-Space)
Act II [continued]
Endor [continued]
Free Memory [flashback] [continued] (SWT10 short story: Brett Matthews)
Free Memory [flashback] [continued] (SWT10 short story: Brett Matthews)
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Chapter 14 [continued]
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: N-Space)
Act II [continued]
Endor [continued]
4 - 5 ABY
Danni Quee is born.
(conjecture based on Vector Prime)
Uldir Lochett is born.
(conjecture based on Conquest)
Querdan Dei is born on Kesh.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
Sazat is born on Kesh.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
Eelysa is born on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
By this time (around the time of the Battle of Endor), the Shorak further expand Station 3Z3
on Giaca, growing the population to 50,000 colonists.
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
The Dark Jedi Jeng Droga, aboard the Emperor’s Shadow, a starship with cloaking
technology, feels the pain of Palpatine’s death and kills his crew before crashing the ship into
the planet Kaal. In reality, Droga did not go mad from the pain. Palpatine’s spirit had made
the leap from Endor to Kaal, anchoring itself into Droga’s body to save itself until it could be
placed in a clone body. The infusion of Palpatines power caused Droga to lose control of
himself. It will take Sate Pestage’s arrival shortly thereafter to eventually separate the two
souls using the Dark Side, allowing Palpatine to finally enter a clone body nearly a year from
now. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Kaal Connection and The Emperors Pawns)
The Imperial Star Destroyer Pulsar is forced to surrender after the Battle of Endor. Niclara
Varnillian and several other Imperials manage to steal a Rebel transport and escape.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
The day after the Battle of Endor, an Imperial drone ship enters the vicinity of Endor and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 499
Wedge Antilles intercepts it, almost losing his hand in the process. The drone bears a
message for the late Emperor Palpatine from the Imperial planet Bakura, which has suddenly
come under the attack of the Ssi-Ruuk. Han Solo, Leia Organa, and a Rebel Alliance task
force is sent to investigate and aid the Imperials as a step toward peace. Luke Skywalker
does not intend to join the task force, due to injuries incurred during the Battle of Endor, but a
vision from Obi-Wan Kenobi prompts him to go. Preparations are made over the next few
days . . .
(Truce at Bakura)
At Annaj, Captain Gilad Pellaeon urges that the Imperial fleet return to Endor to strike back at
the Rebel Alliance, but things do not go as planned. Admiral Blitzer Harrsk informs Pellaeon
that command now belongs to Admiral Adye Prittick, the ranking admiral, rather than
Pellaeon, who became temporary commander of the Imperial fleet at Endor when Horst
Strage died. Prittick is unable to make a quick decision, which causes Harrsk to take Ilthmar’s
Fist, the two remaining Tectors, and three Star Destroyers into the Deep Core to await a clear
chain of command. With Harrsk leaving, the surviving captains from Elrood sector return
there to await orders. This leaves Death Squadron smaller but still powerful. However, Prittick
cannot guarantee a victory if they return to Endor with reduced forces, so he orders a retreat
to Yag’Dhul.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
On Endor, as preparations are made for the mission to Bakura, Luke Skywalker is frustrated
that the Jedi Masters have stopped talking to him, and he has no idea where to go from here.
Leia Organa talks to him about his concerns, suggesting that perhaps he has a mission to
train the children she and Han might have someday . . .
(Do or Do Not)
While preparations are made for the mission to Bakura, Wedge Antilles, healed from his
bacta treatment, leads two other Rogues (Krist and Wister) on a quick mission near one of
the other moons of Endor to take out several straggling TIE fighters. They emerges from a
canyon chase to discover the burned, broken remains of the Executor. Wister, unable to pull
up, crashes and is killed against the burned-out hulk. Wedge and Krista take out the TIEs,
along with several working turbolasers on the Super Star Destroyers hull before making it
back to base. Krist, crying, leaves Wedge alone, allowing him to fulfill his sad duty of sending
a message to Wisters parents. After doing so, he hotwires access to the mess to get a bit to
eat and is joined by Luke Skywalker, who suggests that they’ll need leaders like Wedge when
a new government is formed, but Wedge knows his place is in a cockpit, and that is where he
will stay for the time being.*
(A Day in the Life)*
*NOTE: This story is a tricky one to fit. To do so, we must assume that the planning for the mission to Bakura
takes at least a few days, so this story can take place three days after ROTJ, and we must also assume that for
the quick mission in this story, Krist and Wister assumed Rogue callsigns appropriate to a 3-starfighter mission,
calling themselves Rogues Two and Three, due to Tycho holding his usual designation again by the Battle of
Upon arrival at Bakura, the Rebel force fights off some Ssi-Ruuvi attackers and lands on the
planet. Luke Skywalker then meets Senator Gariel Captison. Gariel is Force-sensitive, but
views the Force as a "Cosmic Balance." Both she and Luke form a mutual attraction. Leia,
now having to deal with Darth Vader being her father, negotiates a truce between the Rebels
and the Bakuran Imperials to fight this new menace. Shortly thereafter, the Ssi-Ruuvi fleet
communicates to the Rebels and Imperials via a brainwashed Chandrilan named Dev
Sibwarra, who is using the Force to help the Ssi-Ruuk. They demand Luke Skywalker in
return for leaving Bakura. Governor Wilek Nereus agrees, covertly, and sets a trap for Luke.
The plot ends with Leia in jail and Luke infected with a parasitic organism and taken by the
Ssi-Ruuk. Luke meets Dev on-board and manages to convince him to help Luke stop the
Ssi-Ruuk. Luke purges himself of the parasites and he and Dev flee the Ssi-Ruuk flagship
while their sabotage takes effect. During the ensuing Battle of Bakura, Imperial forces break
the truce and attack both the Ssi-Ruuk and the Rebels. The Rebels then manage to capture
a Ssi-Ruuvi vessel and sends the rest of the Ssi-Ruuvi fleet into retreat. Then they proceed
to defeat the Imperials, as a planet-based revolution ousts them from the planet, anyway. In
the revolutionary conflict, Governor Nereus is killed, paving the way for Bakura to become an
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 500
ally of the Rebel Alliance.
(Truce at Bakura)
At the same time as the Battle of Bakura, Sii-Ruuvi forces attack Thrawns Household
Phalanx in the Unknown Regions.
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
Shortly after the Battle of Bakura, the entire incident is deemed "classified" by the Rebel
(conjecture based on Truce at Bakura Sourcebook)
Very soon after the Battle of Bakura, Nagai begin entering the galactic proper, fleeing from
the Companion Besh and their oppressors, the Tofs.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
In the wake of Palpatine’s death, Kadann and the Prophets of the Dark Side are now in hiding
on Bosthirda, waiting for their cue to re-enter galactic affairs. Kadanns “student,” Azrakel,
remains behind, having left Kadann’s control. He will wander the galaxy for years, seeking
revenge upon Kadann for the experiments he underwent under Palpatine and Kadann.
(conjecture based on The Dark Side Sourcebook)
Rumors begin to leak from the Unknown Regions that entire colony worlds have died in an
instant, leading some to speculate that the Ssi-Ruuk have found a Force-user to aid in the
entechment process (as they had hoped to use Luke Skywalker).
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
S’Too Vees is promoted to Lieutenant in the Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: Customizable Card Game via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The Ssi-Ruuvi attacks on Thrawn’s Household Phalanx in the Unknown Regions prompt
counterattacks by Thrawn. This sparks a war that eventually pulls in the Chiss Ascendency
when they are also attacked. In response, the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force locates
and ravages the Ssi-Ruuk homeworld).
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
A short time after the Battle of Bakura, Bakura joins the Alliance (soon the New Republic),
and the local Kurtzen are granted full civil rights.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
A tour company sets up tour vessels to move along the Sanctuary Pipeline to Endor,
capitalizing on its fame. Mishaps and bad management, though, will cause the company to
fold in a few months.
(conjecture based on Endor and the Moddell Sector)
The Imperial rulers of Kaal abandon the world to the locals.
(conjecture based on The Kaal Connection)
Sulis Pau becomes a bounty hunter.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters via TimeTales, abridged)
Raltiir becomes the first world liberated by the Rebel Alliance after the Battle of Endor.
(conjecture based on Heroes and Rogues via TimeTales, paraphrased)
With news of Palpatine’s death, Admiral Gaen Drommel takes his Super Star Destroyer, the
Guardian, and flees Coruscant to his home system, in order to stabilize it in the face of
possible Alliance assault. Shortly thereafter, he takes three Imperial Star Destroyers and
attacks several Alliance safe worlds. During the last battle, the Battle of Tantive V, two of the
Imperial Star Destroyers are destroyed, the Imperial Star Destroyer Wolf’s Claw is captured
by the Alliance, and the Guardian is heavily damaged. Drommel leaps to hyperspace to
escape, but the hyperspace is inoperative after arriving near Soullex. He will spend over a
decade attempting to get enough parts from nearby worlds to fix the hyperdrive and resume
his campaign against the Rebel Alliance/New Republic.
(conjecture based on Two for One)
Following the death of Emperor Palpatine in the Battle of Endor, the Royal Imperial Guard
make a change to their robes. A hem of black is added to the bottom of their robes, indicating
that they are mourning the death of Palpatine.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 501
(conjecture based on Crimson Empire via TimeTales, verbatim)
With the death of Emperor Palpatine, Renegade Squadron is disbanded. They all return to
their earlier, mostly criminal, lines of work.
(conjecture based on Renegade Squadron)
With the death of Emperor Palpatine, many Umbarans retreat back to their homeworld,
expecting reprisals from both Imperial and Alliance agents due to their service as assassins
and spies for Palpatine.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Following the death of Emperor Palpatine in the Battle of Endor, the Royal Imperial Guard
Castin Donn forges himself a false identity, arranges for passage offworld, and joins the
Rebel Alliance. He becomes a code-slicer for the fleet, and serves the fledgling New
Republic well for two years.
(conjecture based on Iron Fist via TimeTales, verbatim)
Following the death of Emperor Palpatine, Sedriss leaves Coruscant for Byss.
(conjecture based on The Dark Side Sourcebook via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Following the Battle of Endor, Grand Admiral Osvald Teshik is executed for war crimes.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who: Imperial Grand Admirals)
An Imperial StarTrain container abandoned after the Battle of Endor is found to have 300 new
Lambda-class shuttles aboard. They are soon auctioned to the private sector, causing
growth in the tourist industry.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide)
Paploo replaces Logray as medicine man. Wicket Warrick is named lead warrior of the Ewok
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia via TimeTales, verbatim)
After a scathing critique from her father, Kal Clancy, young pilot apprentice Taryn Clancy
goes to a local Core Courier Service office and signs up. She is now a member of the CCS,
despite her fathers low opinion of the CCS’ pilots.
(conjecture based on Retreat From Coruscant)
With the fall of the Emperor, the Nouane region declares independence.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
With the fall of the Emperor, the Atrisian Commonwealth declares independence.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
Yun is told by the Followers of Palwa that he is not ready to learn Teras Kasi, despite having
been with them for a year. Instead, he turns his back on them and leaves Benduki to return
home to Panatha. There, he meets his rich baron father’s new fiancée, a follower of the
Church of the Dark Side named Sariss (AKA the “Prophetess,” as she was raised by the
Prophets of the Dark Side). Yun falls in love with her and kills his father in order to be with
her. She will come to inherit the baron’s assets, then trains Yun in the Dark Side. Together,
they kill the Palawan masters. She will soon come into favor with Dark Jedi Inquisitor Jerec,
who will train her even further in the Dark Side. (This is all the more fitting, as Sariss’ own
father is Lord Cronal, the Dark Side magus later known as “Blackhole,” the very same man
from whom Jerec will learn of the Valley of the Dark Side.)
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part III: Pride of the Dark Side)
The Sanctuary Pipeline becomes largely unnavigable, wrecked by natural decay and the theft
of many S-thread boosters that kept the artificial route from Sullust to Endor open.
(conjecture based on Endor and the Moddell Sector)
Miletta Sabrin deserts the Empire, and takes a small frigate and a crew with her to the Outer
Rim. There, she establishes the Sabrin Ring on Sabrix and negotiated with the Hutts for
support and protection. The ring was the prevalent force on the planets Sabrix, Elokas, and
Helisk, and was more of a criminal empire than a political one.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations via TimeTales, verbatim)
Tsallin Wrune, a small-time spacer, finds employment with Jatayus Outbound. Unfortunately
for Wrune, he tried to welch out on a payment, and was executed for his treachery.
(conjecture based on Secrets of the Sisar Run via TimeTales, verbatim)
After the Battle of Endor, the Sector Rangers continued to bring Imperial law to the worlds of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 502
the Outer Rim. The motto of the Sector Rangers read, “What others abandon, we protect.”
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations via TimeTales, verbatim)
In the wake of Palpatine’s death, Bevel Lemelisk joins the Imperial design team on Kuat,
where he will eventually begin work on designs for the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Tsallin Wrune, a small-time spacer, finds employment with Jatayus Outbound. Unfortunately
for Wrune, he tried to welch out on a payment, and was executed for his treachery.
(conjecture based on Secrets of the Sisar Run via TimeTales, verbatim)
The planet Aargau fortifies itself behind planetary shields and perimeter warships.
(conjecture based on the Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Interdictor Cruiser Aggregator, part of newly-proclaimed “High AdmiralKosh Teradocs
fleet, is leased to Ysanne Isard.
(conjecture based on The Bacta War via TimeTales, paraphrased)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, a Dressellian named Orrimaarko, who was instrumental in
the victory at Endor, transmits a message to General Crix Madine, noting how even in the
Rebel Alliance, human commanders were given the majority of credit for the victory, instead
of the aliens who helped win the battle.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, a campaign medal and ribbon for participating in the battle
is issued to Alliance army and naval personnel.
(conjecture based on Lead by Example)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, a campaign medal for participating in the battle against the
second Death Star and Imperial Navy is issued to Alliance pilots.
(conjecture based on Lead by Example)
With the Emperors death, the Sarkan of Sarka return to the policies of formality that they had
adhered to until abandoning them in deference to Palpatine’s personal favorite
businesspeople. When a SoroSuub representative is required to give a standard greeting in
the Sarkan language, the resulting diplomatic incident causes SoroSuub to lose Sarkan
business for at least the next 21 years.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology Addendum)
With the Emperors death, Jerec begins angling for the Imperial throne. He purchases a
Super Star Destroyer variant from Kuat Drive Yards, naming it the Vengeance, in reference to
his former Star Destroyer.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
In the wake of the Emperor’s death, Imperial Admiral Galak disappears from the mainstream
galaxy, laying low until many years later, just before the emergence of Desann’s Imperial
Remnant faction.
(conjecture based on the Jedi Outcast website)
In the wake of the Emperor’s death, Kuat Drive Yards loses much of its financial support. It
will continue supplying the Empire as it fades into the Imperial Remnant over the next
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
In the wake of the Emperor’s death, many members of his Royal Guard commit suicide.
Others will pledge themselves to the cause of Lord Shadowspawn. Carnor Jax, for his part,
pledges himself to the next expected Imperial ruler, Sate Pestage.
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the Nubian Design Collective emerges again from its years
underground, offering a full catalog of new devices and systems.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor and the disappearance of the Prophets of the Dark Side,
Lord Cronal (Blackhole) works with Sate Pestage (now the apparent ruler of the Empire) to
create false Prophets of the Dark Side (first actors, then clones, it would seem) as a way to
boost their Dark Force religion (the Church of the Dark Side) in order to keep sway over the
religion-starved population of the Empire.
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 503
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the Dressellians are able to take control of mining
operations in their home system.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the Ortolans of Orto take advantage of the Imperial defeat
and lack of oversight on Orto to finally start leaving the planet, despite previous Imperial
restrictions on Ortolans legally leaving the world.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
The YV-929 line from Corellian Engineering Corporation enters planning stages.
(conjecture based on A Legacy of Starships)
The White Wing, a modified YZ-900 freighter, is sold on the auction block to payoff docking
fees amassed when its last owner abandoned it.
(conjecture based on A Legacy of Starships)
Imperial Moff Riit Jandi takes control of Elshandruu Pica.
(conjecture based on The Bacta War via TimeTales, verbatim)
Grodin Tierce learns of the Emperor’s death while at Magagran, in the Outer Rim, helping to
break up a Rebel cell.
(conjecture based on the Specter of the Past via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Sif’krie and the Frezhlix begin a feud that will last the next fifteen years.
(conjecture based on the Specter of the Past via TimeTales, verbatim)
Bowman Gavin earns the “new sun” insignia of the B-Wing pilots after surviving the Battle of
(conjecture based on Tyrant’s Test via TimeTales, abridged)
In the wake of the Battle of Bakura, the Rebel Alliance forms an invasion task force, headed
by a refitted Ssi-ruuvi flagship rechristened the Sibwarra and nicknamed the Flutie, to attack
the Ssi-ruuvi homeworld. Upon reaching the interior of the Ssi-ruuk star cluster, the Rebel
force discovers that the Ssi-ruuk have already been attacked with major losses on their
opposite front (by the Chiss Ascendency). The weakened Ssi-ruuvi forces barely withstand
the Rebel assault, fighting to a standstill. Satisfied that the Ssi-ruuk will not be able to mount
another major offensive in the near future, Mon Mothma recalls the task force to aid in
liberating Clakdor VII.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
As part of the liberation of Clak’dor VII, the New Republic will eventually offer financial and
humanitarian aid to the world.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
Grand Admiral Peccati Syn, a former follower of the Sacred Way, who turned to the Empire’s
New Order as a new religion when the Sacred Way was wiped out, finds himself at a loss
with the Empires defeat at the Battle of Endor. He turns to the fledgling Church of the Dark
Side, a religion based on the Prophets of the Dark Side, which is supported by the Empire’s
new ruler, Sate Pestage. Syn is sent to operate around Kashyyyk, with the Prophetess Merilli
at his side as a spiritual guide.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who: Imperial Grand Admirals)
After the Rebels claim victory at Endor, Kane Griggs quits his job in the Botor Income
Ministry, and joins the Rebels as a recruit.
(conjecture based on the Heir to the Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
After Emperor Palpatine’s defeat, Janu Godalhi and his son, Palob, retire from military
service. They publish several books on history and the Galactic Civil War which are as highly
regarded by experts as the works of Arhul Hextrophon and Voren Na’al.*
(conjecture based on the databank entry for Janu Godalhi, part of the fan-
submitted canonical entry series What’s the Story?)*
*NOTE: This entry was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, Lord Hethrir, Procurator of Justice for the Empire, loses
political power and flees to the Outer Rim, starting an Empire Reborn movement to rebuild
the Empire, which is not nearly dead yet, only in decline.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the Alliance makes it a priority to somehow restore
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 504
HoloNet access to all citizens. Over the next years, they will be able to reverse much of
Palpatine’s censorship and access restrictions that were first put in place with the outbreak of
the Clone Wars.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, Imperial pilot Harme Kiela begins plans to rescue his hero,
Air Marshal Von Tarsh from custody.
(conjecture based on Unusual Suspects)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the Nubian Design Collective emerges on the galactic
scene again with new starship designs.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the Czerka Corporation is able to begin looking for profits
outside of Imperial control.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the crown prince of Thisspias returns to his home planet to
reclaim the throne, but the people reject him, seeking democracy instead. A civil war erupts,
the result of which is a return to the Blood Monarch to power.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
With the death of Jabba the Hutt, the Max Rebo Band breaks up. After a brief time as the
Max Rebo Duo (just made of Rebo and Sy Snootles), Greeata and Rystall again join the
group, reforming a new Max Rebo Band, but Sy Snootles soon leaves and begins a solo
music career. She will eventually release two solo albums and one with Rappertunie, all of
which tank. She will eventually meet a down-and-out spinner named Quilsen, who introduces
her to phetaril spice. She will come to drown her sorrows in the spice for the rest of her life.
Lyn Me, meanwhile, goes on quest to kill Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, since Boba Fett
seemingly died during the sail barge battle, and Fett had saved her from a burning building
(to get on her rich father’s good side) when she was a child.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
Max Rebo (whose real name is Siiruulian Phantele) resumes his solo musical career, but will
eventually grow tired of it, joining the Rebellion and even later starting up a restaurant chain,
Max’s Flanth House.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
With the end of the Max Rebo Band, Joh Yowza joins a rival group, the Palpatones.
Eventually, so will Greeata Jendowanian and Rystall Sant (but Rystall will eventually meet
Shug Ninx and be promoted to go searching for info about her father, one of the last of the
Theelin, just like Ninxs mother).
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
With the end of the Max Rebo Band, the head of their fan club, Tik Tali Talosh, publishes a
tell-all biography of the group, entitled Blue Man’s Group. The members of the group never
forgive him for not having asked their permission first.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
With the death of Jabba the Hutt, Barquin D’an leaves the music business and goes to
Stenos, where he creates a thriving import/export business.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
With the death of Jabba the Hutt, Doda Bodonawieedo breaks into Jabba’s townhouse,
stealing the statues of the Minstrel and Dancing Goddesses that were stolen from Godo. He
then sells them to an art collector on Tharkos, making a killing.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
With the death of Jabba the Hutt, Ak-rev and Umpass-stay leave for Mos Eisley, abandoning
the rest of their former comrades in the Max Rebo Band, only to be discovered by Tusken
Raiders, who, due to the Weequay under Jabba killing many Tuskens, beat Ak-rev to death,
letting the Klatooinian Umpass-stay go.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
The Corporate Sector Authority closes its borders and internal power struggles explode into
open conflict.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology via TimeTales,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 505
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, more Thakwaash begin venturing out into the galaxy at
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron)*
*NOTE: This refers to the article in Gamer #9, not the novel.
The planetary Legislature on Salliche is disbanded. The rule of the planet is taken over by
Imperial Moff Gegren Throsen. Throsen then moves to fortify the Salliche Ag Corporation’s
(conjecture based on Recon and Report)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, hoping to save some face, the Empire’s propaganda
machine begins running stories proclaiming that all the Ewoks of the forest moon of Endor
have been wiped out. This is, of course, not true.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
The Rebel Alliance is renamed the Alliance of Free Planets.
(conjecture based on Truce at Bakura Sourcebook)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, Utapau becomes independent and joins the Alliance of
Free Planets.*
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)*
*NOTE: The book actually says they join the New Republic after the Battle of Endor, but they don’t have that
name right off the bat, so this could be a tad later.
The Chagrians of Champala join the Alliance of Free Planets.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Trigdale Metallurgy severs ties with some of its minor divisions, including its marketing
division, headed by Saujutta-Ok-Topii. Topii then uses personal funds and the remnants of
that division to form Syndicate One and Executive Results.
(conjecture based on The Yard of Opportunity)
The citizens of Wroona revolt against the Imperials and take back their planet.
(conjecture based on Vengeance Strike)
An Alliance of Free Planets-friendly provisional government is established on Chandrila.
(conjecture based on Recon and Report)
As the Imperial military withdraws from the Boeus Sector, the sector’s governor, Darvon
Jewett, turns to the Alliance of Free Planets.
(conjecture based on Recon and Report)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, HK (Hunter Killer) series probots can be found along traffic
lanes leading to the planet Byss, apparently protecting it from outsiders . . .
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
Doctor Lancer Brunou, fearing for galactic stability, leaves the University of Byblos and acts
as a wandering archaeologist.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
Cobb Vartos transfers to Alliance Intelligence.
(conjecture based on Conflict of Interest)
With the apparent end of the Galactic Civil War, production of the BlasTech KK-5 blaster
pistol is curtailed.
(conjecture based on Arms and Equipment Guide)
With the apparent end of the Galactic Civil War, the Merr-Sonn B22 blaster is made available
to consumers, rather than just the Imperial government.
(conjecture based on Arms and Equipment Guide)
In the wake of Palpatine’s death, Grand Admiral Josef Grunger sets up his own power base
on Gargon.
(conjecture based on The Glove of Darth Vader)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, Incom Corporation is able to slip away from Imperial
control and focuses on starfighter designs of its own choosing. The FreiTek designers who
originally escaped from Incom retake control of the company, merging FreiTek into it as its
weapons-and-avionics division. Other subsidiaries are reabsorbed, but Longspur and Alloi
have since become Bespin Motors and are not reabsorbed.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 506
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels and The
Essential Guide to Warfare)
Hyobu Sulloran, freed from the Empire by the deaths of Darth Vader and Palpatine, begins
building a criminal organization. His main goal is the creation of a Dark Jedi cult around
himself, but it is a slow process. By the time of the Zsinj campaign, his organization will be
seen as a major contender to replace Jabba the Hutts organization.*
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken: Updates)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
The Empire builds up forces around Venaari, an Imperial world that hadn’t been bothered
with much before then. The citizens don’t take it very well, and a local rebel movement
(conjecture based on One of a Kind)
Drolen Antig takes some downtime from smuggling activities.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
CKO-171 is found and reactivated after fifty years, without any attempt to make up for the lost
time in its databanks.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #6 via TimeTales,
Having arrived back at Endor too late to join the Battle of Endor, Grael and Captain Junas
Turner stay long enough for Grael to tell his son, Ponto, of their escape from Balis-Baurgh.
They then prepare to go back to Balis-Baurgh with a Rebel team to save their comrades who
are still captive.
(Escape from Balis-Baurgh)
General Airen Cracken issues addendums to his original report, detailing many of the Rebel
Alliance’s operatives, to Rebel High Command.*
(Cracken’s Rebel Operatives)*
*NOTE: These addendums are found in the Official Star Wars Adventure Journal series, not in the original
document. I believe they were originally intended to be from the same source, but Cracken mentions it being
shortly after the Battle of Yavin in the preface to Cracken’s Rebel Operatives, yet mentions the second Death Star
in one of the AJ supplements. I choose to assume that the AJ articles are in the SW universe what they are in
oursaddendums to the original document.
Dirk Harkness is reassigned back into Alliance Intelligence as a commissioned lieutenant.
(conjecture based on Chessa’s Doom)
Gil Crosear enters the Alliance of Free Planets military.
(conjecture based on Rendezvous with Destiny)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, a Rebel scholar takes the time to compile an article on the
travels of Druun Unnh, a naturalist who was one of the first Rebels on Yavin 4. Due to the
rising interest in the events in the battle against the first Death Star, the author hopes that this
article will allow Druun to be remembered fondly in the new wave of interest. The author
describes Dr’uuns travels and observations of Yavin 4, all the way up until Druun was killed
by a crashing TIE fighter during the Battle of Yavin.
(The Illustrated Star Wars Universe: Yavin 4 Entry)
Ewok shaman Keoulkeech leaves Chief Chirpas village to seek his calling among the trees,
finally arriving at Cobb Salfur’s Trading Post, where he meets a Carosite trader. He joins the
trader as a healer and medic aboard the Sudden Restoration.
(conjecture based on Heroes and Rogues via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Tessek returns to Jabbas Palace and announces the Hutt’s death, only to be captured by
B’omarr monks who remove his brain and make him one of them. (To be continued below . .
. )
(A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek’s Tale)
When Tessek returns to Jabba the Hutt’s palace and announces that Jabba is dead, Yarna
d’al’ Gargan, she fears for her safety. She teams up with Sergeant Doallyn (the black-suited
man who was knocked aside by Boushh on the way in) and after getting her stash of
valuables and some hydrogen-3 capsules for his breathing apparatus, they steal a vehicle
and set out for Mos Eisley. On the way, Yarna is fine, since she can hold water in her body,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 507
but Doallyn begins to run short on it. Yarna tells him of how she wishes to get to Mos Eisley
to buy her three surviving children back before the Empire sells off Jabba’s assets, including
them. After most of the trip, their skiff is wrecked and sinks into the sand below. Doallyn
then battles a krayt dragon (which is what he was hired to do in the first place by Jabba) and
manages to get five dragon pearls. After getting the pearls, an involuntary twitch of the
dragon’s tail knocks him out. Yarna carries him to Mos Eisley and buys more breather packs
for him, knowing that it will mean that one of her children will remain in slavery. When
Doallyn awakens, he is grateful and says they can use the dragon pearls to buy her children
back, along with a ship to get off of Tatooine. They do so and decide to head for Geran,
Doallyn’s homeworld.
(Skin Deep: The Fat Dancer’s Tale)
Bubo finally has his brain placed in a brain spider to enter contemplation with his friends, the
B’omarr monks.
(Tongue-Tied: Bubo’s Tale)
Having returned from Bakura with enough time to put in more appropriate repairs on the
Millennium Falcon’s sensor dish, Han Solo and Chewbacca are working on it on Endor, but
Han is constantly leaving to spend time with Leia Organa in oft-romantic encounters.
Meanwhile, Chewie is left behind to miss Han, his best friend. Finally, Han notices, and the
two have a heart to heart. He needn’t give up his best friend for the woman he has fallen in
love with.*
(A Wookiee Scorned)*
*NOTE: It is difficult to tell if this is meant as mere comedy or an actual C-Canon story, though the former is
most likely. Take its inclusion with a grain of salt.
Han Solo, Leia Organa, and R2-D2 go to Tatooine to retrieve some money Han had in an
account there. He is restless and weary after being frozen in carbonite and wishes to get his
affairs in order, so he can start his life where he left off before the debacle on Cloud City.
Unbeknownst to them, on Tatooine, Boba Fett, shocked into amnesia, escapes from the
Sarlacc and is picked up by Jawas. The Rebels arrive on Tatooine only to find Han’s account
frozen and R2-D2 captured by Jawas. Aboard the Jawa sandcrawler, R2-D2 recognizes Fett.
Han and Leia go to save R2-D2 and in the ensuing struggle, they free R2-D2, Fett regains his
memory and tries to kill Han, and the heroes narrowly escape as the sandcrawler, with Fett
on it, tumbles into the Sarlacc. Fett is its captive once again.*
(Jawas of Doom)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the fourth issue of that black and white series.
After falling back into the sarlacc, Boba Fett’s digestion begins, as he relives moments of his
recent adventures (and the adventures of other victims of the sarlacc) under the watchful
“presence” of Susejo of Choi, another victim. Fett finally uses his jet pack to blast his way
free of the creature, though it costs him his armor and badly burns his body. (To be continued
below . . . )
(A Barve Like That: The Tale of Boba Fett)
After being saved from the “Teeth of Tatooine” by Tusken Raiders, Dengar walks blindly
through a sandstorm before being found by Manaroo, who has escaped in a skiff. They
decide to head to the Sarlacc to see if they can salvage anything from the wreckage. There
they find the Sarlacc dead and Boba Fett, without his armor and badly burned, in need of
help. They save him and decide to partner up, at least sometimes. Fett also agrees to be
best man at Dengars wedding to Manaroo.
(Payback: The Tale of Dengar)
Immediately after Dengar and Manaroo find Boba Fett, events are set in motion that will
shake the Bounty Hunters Guild to its knees. Across the galaxy, Kuat (of Kuat Drive Yards)
learns of Jabba's demise. Back at Dengar's place, Fett is being treated by two medical
droids when Neelah (a former aristocrat mind-wiped and made a dancer for Jabba), who
found Fett and sent Dengar to him covertly, enters. (Note: at this point, all she remembers of
her past life is the name Nil Posondum.) Fett finally awakens at about the same time that
Kuat arrives to destroy them to be sure Fett is dead. They escape, fighting off the sarlacc
(regenerated, of course) along the way. Once they are safe, Fett begins gathering parts for a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 508
new set of Mandalorian armor. Dengar sends a message to Kuat informing him that Fett is
still alive. Shortly thereafter, Bossk arrives on Tatooine in an attempt to steal Slave I from its
supposedly dead owner, Fett. He winds up finding a spy droid which was able to make a
recording of Luke Skywalker finding Beru and Owen Lars' corpses. It also has a record of a
male Falleen having seen the recording as well. He then finds the "Boba Fett is alive"
message meant for Kuat and promptly faints. When he wakes up, Fett and the rest of the
group have made their way to Slave I as he quietly escapes. He uses a remote to detonate
the bombs he left on Slave I.*
(The Mandalorian Armor)*
*NOTE: The addition of Jawas of Doom to the Official Continuity has necessitated that this story (and thus the
subsequent two novels) must take place shortly after the events of ROTJ instead of during, as the book’s interior
notes imply. In either case, it doesn’t do much to alter the story at all, so it’s not incredibly noticeable to bump it
Slave I was not destroyed. Fett had managed to get the bombs out and placed them on the
Hound's Tooth and the ship's escape pod. They go off, of course, and Bossk takes the pod
down to Tatooine. Dengar, Fett and Neelah then take the Hound's Tooth away from
Tatooine, leaving Slave I for the Rebels. Kuat ends up buying the ship from the Rebels
before making his way to a clan meeting of the Kuhlvult, his own clan. The clan elders are
none too happy about him involving the clan with Black Sun and the Galactic Empire. They
try to kill him, but he decides to turn the tables on them, though, and reveals that one of the
elders has been dead for a year now, but had been made to look alive. There is treachery
within the ranks of the elders, so he is no longer their major concern. He then takes Kodir as
his new security chief. Along the way, he also reveals that he had manufactured evidence
(the spy droid) to make it look as though Xizor had murdered the Lars family. He also reveals
that Neelah is actually Kateel of the Kuhlvult clan.
(Slave Ship)
Zuckuss and 4-LOM lie in wait of their next bounty, Drawmas SmaDa (a gambler), while
Boba Fett, Dengar, and Neelah arrive at the space graveyard of Ku’dar Mub’at. He then tells
Neelah how she is involved in the entire mess. Kudar Mub’at had once found the derelict
ship belonging to the bounty hunter Ree Duptom. Duptom had apparently died of radiation
poisoning, but the ship held a survivor in a detention areaNeelah, who had had her
memory wiped. He also discovered that it was apparently Xizor, not Darth Vader, who
ordered the deaths of Owen and Beru Lars four years before. Mub’at had assumed that it
was an elaborate fake, and gone to Jabba’s Palace on Tatooine (where Neelah was later
made a dancer for Jabba), where he’d hoped to find Duptom’s old partner. Fett ended up
learning from this partner shortly thereafter that Duptom had been in the process of carrying
out two jobs for Mub’at when he had died, which is what has prompted their trip to the
gravesite, where Fett hopes to revive Mub’at and get some answers. Back in the Kuhlvult
clan power struggle, Kodir emerges in power. After learning more about Mub’at and his
cohorts, and having Neelah’s memory restored (mostly), Fett and company must race to get
to the faked Xizor footage before Kuat of Kuat, who is behind the plot, can get to it. To get it,
they must find Bossk, who had it from before escaping Slave I. Fett goes to Tatooine and
ends up buying the location of the evidence from Bossk. Fett returns to the others, only to
have the evidence stolen from them and Neelah kidnapped by Kodir. Kodir turns the
evidence over to the Rebel Alliance and lets them know that Kuat was behind it as a plot to
damage Lukes morale. The Rebels decide to go after Kuat, which will give Kodir the power
that she has desired. In the process, though, Neelah reveals that she knows her true identity
(Kateel, Kodir’s sister), and the two battle, with Neelah as the victor. Kuat is panicked and
decides to blow up Kuat Drive Yards instead of letting anyone like Kodir take it over. He
doesn’t get very far, as Fett dives into the ensuing chaos and confronts Kuat, revealing
Kodir’s plans to him, and learning Kuat’s own failed plans. Fett takes a Star Destroyer and
escapes as Kuat dies with a fifth of his shipyards. Fett gives the Star Destroyer to
Neelah/Kateel in exchange for her silence and the Hound’s Tooth. He then decides to sell
the faked Xizor footage to one of the factions vying for power within Black Sun, as an extra bit
of profit. Dengar and Manaroo reunite to learn that Manaroo had bet everything with
Drawmas SmaDa (and here you thought that first sentence way up there meant nothing!)
and won, which puts her and Dengar in a pretty good financial position. Ah, happy endings.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 509
(Hard Merchandise)
While on Tatooine, Rebel agents, including Luke Skywalker, tackle the planet’s drought by
attempting to create a super-vaporator to help the citizens survive. When the vaporator
project (and R2-D2, who tries to take over the Millennium Falcon) are determined to be
sabotaged, the Rebels discover a group of Jawa saboteurs, who are trying to make Rebel
gear into “junk” quickly, so they can scavenge it to make more money. The Rebels stop their
activities and get back on track. (Some Jawas will do anything for a buck!)
(The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot)
Shortly after Jabba the Hutt's death, the deceased crimelord's relatives come to Tatooine to
claim his fortune. Big Gizz and Spiker (who appears to be a Chiss) decide to make their own
fortune by stealing Jabba's secret ship, the Spirit of Jabba, from Glass Mountain. Gorga the
Hutt knows of the ship too, and the two parties race to the ship, with Gizz and Spiker being
able to take the ship, despite the warnings of Jabba's watchman. Once in space, pursued by
Gorga, the ship activates an automated system. The system appears as an artificial
intelligence program based on Jabba's own personality, which begins to suck air out of the
vessel. The watchman is forced to deactivate the program, but not before the attacks by
Gorga force them to head back toward Mos Eisley. Gorga prepares to take them prisoner,
but as the ship descends, Gizz and Spiker decide to jettison some weight by unloading all of
the vast art treasures aboard the ship (their future fortune, or so they had hoped) out of the
cargo hold . . . and right onto Gorga's party. The ship finally crashes a short distance from
Mos Eisley, and Big Gizz and Spiker leave it behind and head off toward civilization (or what
passes for it on Tatooine).
(The Jabba Tape)
On Tatooine, shortly after the Gorga debacle, Big Gizz and Spiker are nearly killed by a Jawa
sandcrawler thats gone out of control, crashing into the old Mos Espa podracing arena.
When they investigate the wreck, they meet the Jawa Kelpti who tells them of a terrible droid
that was aboard, killing Jawas. They find an old IG97 battle droid that is busted up, and think
that’s the droid. Their assumption is proven false moments later when the Dark Trooper that
crashed aboard Rebel ship years earlier (and was picked up by the Jawas) busts out of the
sandcrawler and attacks them. They finally end up having to run for their lives, before finally
managing to get the Dark Trooper caught in the explosion of the damaged sandcrawler.
They take their newfound IG97 droid with them to sell in Mos Eisley, believing the threat is
over. Unbeknownst to them, though, several old pit droids from within the arena have
reactivated, and have begun repairs on the Dark Trooper . . .
Very soon after the Battle of Endor, after the interstellar sightseeing company known as Star
Tours attempts to capitalize on the Rebel victory by offering trips along the Sanctuary
Pipeline near Endor in the Moddell Sector as part of a trip known as the “Endor Express. The
agency, using new StarSpeeder 3000 vessels, even tries to capitalize on the fame of R2-D2
and C-3PO by having two droids of identical make and model reprogrammed to banter like
the two heroic droids to the delight of boarding passengers. Some passengers will later
remember the malfunctioning RX-24, a pilot droid that always believed his current flight to be
his first and acted inexperienced each time. Some would claim that a trip to Endor led them
into the battle against the second Death Star, though most of these stories would conclude
with a trench run, akin to the Battle of Yavin. While it is possible that these passengers
engaged some kind of Imperial battle station, rather than the Death Star, most consider these
rumors to be apocryphal tales of the Death Star battles. (Others might consider that the
StarSpeeder 3000 piloted by RX-24 might have slipped into an alternate reality version of the
Battle of Endor, then somehow returned, but such cannot be proven).*
(Star Tours and conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids and Endor and
the Moddell Sector)*
*NOTE: The latter part of this entry was my addition, as far as people considering the Star Tours ride’s events to
be rumor. Unless there was another Death Star out there or this was some other battle station, the ride cannot be
in-continuity. That is also why I have noted droids that act like C-3PO and R2-D2, rather than really being those
two droids. (Besides, given that we are told that the trips to the Moddell Sector took place after the Rebel victory,
it seems impossible for them to travel into the battle itself, unless it was some kind of alternate reality that they
entered, then returned from. Really, who knows? Moreover, who really cares? It was a fun ride, but it has slowly
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 510
been drawn into continuity by C-Canon sources, so I’ve included this information so as to make it make some
semblance of sense.
Ephant Mon returns to Vinsoth and begins a movement to integrate the slave population with
the normal population as an equal society.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
With Jabba the Hutts death, other Hutts start thinking of taking an interest in Tatooine, even
as Lady Valarian expands her operations.
(conjecture based on Secrets of Tatooine)
Malakili and Porcellus set up the Crystal Moon Mos Ethna restaurant. A chain of such
restaurants will soon develop, but eventually dwindle back down to this primary restaurant.
(conjecture based on Secrets of Tatooine)
Alzoc III, among other Outer Rim worlds, is finally abandoned by Imperial forces in retreat.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons)
The Barabels and Kubaz come to an agreement which will have Barabels capturing Verpine
for use in Kubaz food.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, The Empire denies ever having ZQ Infantry Droids in
Imperial use.
(conjecture based on Cynabar’s Fantastic Technology: Droids via TimeTales,
MandalMotors fires its pro-Empire executive board and takes on one sympathetic to the
Rebel Alliance.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
Brahle Logris is convicted of the murder of a Gandallan Sector Ranger.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations)
The supply freighter that had brought the Death Star II’s core to the station returns to Mechis
III, where IG-88As empty body is left.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
In Karl Anchers Black Dust Tavern on Socorro, Fenig Nabon reminisces with Karl about her
late companion, Jett. Fen then meets the man she came to see, Talon Karrde. She had ran
cargo for him recently, nearly being caught in the chaos of the Rebel fleet leaving Sullust. He
pays her for her troubles and suggests that he may have a new job for her. He needs a new
base with very specific specs, and he is concerned about trying to build up an operation in
the wake of Jabba the Hutt’s death with a new Jedi, Luke Skywalker, primed, he suspects, to
start rebuilding the Jedi at some point. Fen agrees to check around, then prepares to
confront a woman who seems to be tailing her. After saving this unusual woman, Ghista
Dogder, from Gecee, an annoyed Gran criminal, Fen pays for the damage to Karl’s bar, but
Ghista has vanished. Upon returning to the Star Lady, Fen finds Ghista aboard. Ghista
suggests that she knows a good place to find information about a Jedi-proof base for Fens
client, Karrde, if she will agree to work with her and split the profits. Fen is about to reject the
offer, but fate forces her hand when Gecee arrives with his goons, forcing them to make a
hasty getaway. Once safely away from Socorro, Ghista begins to tell Fen about a man she
knows on Corellia who has an interesting pet, an ysalamiri, and just may be the key to finding
Karrde a Jedi proof base. Thus begins the chain of events that will lead Talon Karrde to
Myrkr, and Fenig Nabon and con artist Ghista Dogder into a partnership a few years later.
(A Credit for Your Thoughts)
Mara Jade is in the custody of Ysanne Isard. Isard decides to use Mara instead of killing or
breaking her. Isard decides to send in Ivak, an Imperial officer, to lure Mara into Isard's thrall,
but Mara only plays along for long enough to get to a computer terminal, from which she
locks down Imperial Center while she breaks into Isard's own quarters, takes back her
belongings, and make her way out of the complex. Once free, she gets aboard a liner and
heads for Phorliss to begin a new life. Calling herself Chiara Lorn, she begins working as a
waitress. Black Nebula goons soon arrive to shakedown bartender Gorb Drig, and end up
murdering him. Enraged at the men, who were acting under Dequc's orders, she ignites her
lightsaber and slaughters the goons. Although she feels sadness over Drig's death, she
takes the money from the cantina to use in her newfound mission--revenge on Dequc and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 511
Black Nebula. She finally makes her way to the Bubble-cliffs of Qiaxx, where Dequc has
moved his operations. In a casino, she uses the Force to win enough money to gain
attention to herself, posing as a baroness. She is taken to see Lord Allic, who accuses her of
cheating. She pretends that a small device she has concocted has allowed her to win, and
Allic arranges for her to meet Dequc, so he might purchase some of the devices. After the
meeting with Allic, she scouts the place where she will meet with Dequc. The next day, she
is being taken to the meeting when she causes a disturbance (using a device she'd set up the
night before) which allows her to stash her lightsaber on a floating light. She is then
recognized by Captain Stronk, her old Imperial liaison, but manages to knock him out and
accuse him of being an Imperial spy before he can reveal her identity. Next she is taken to
Dequc, to whom she gives a datapad of false information. She is then given a tour of the
Black Nebula facilities, giving her a layout of the base. During her tour, she finds the cell
holding Stronk, enters it, and kills the man. Dequc's forces hear the shot and pursue her,
while she manages to use the Force to retrieve her lightsaber. She winds up finding a bust of
Prince Xizor's head and rigs it with her lightsaber inside. When she is finally caught, she
pretends to be a thief stealing the bust. Once she is taken to Dequc, she tells him she was
stealing it because it is also Xizor's own treasure map. When Dequc tries to investigate the
bust, she uses a remote to activate the lightsaber, which ignites and stabs Dequc through the
head. She retrieves her lightsaber and escapes, her vengeance served. All that the
authorities find is Dequc's abandoned yacht, filled with Black Nebula computer records.
(Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand)
When his X-wing is hit and he has to land on a fortuitous sea filled with glowing fish, Wedge
Antilles is again ribbed for being far too “lucky.” Wedge, however, doesn’t consider himself
lucky, and recalls the fate of his lost love Mala . . .
In the city of Corestrike on Chrona, Mortris Galorr calls for people to come to Chrona and act
as Protectors (law enforcers, basically), to help quell the growing lawlessness in Corestrike,
and eventually all of Chrona. A group of candidates arrive and meet Mortris, his son (Arno),
and his grandson (Selmar). They go through training and spend a night stopping crimes
before being accepted as full Protectors and being set on the tail of Themog, the crime boss
of Corestrike. They head for the Grinder, a local club, to speak with the proprietor, Moira
Kruger, who has been helping hide Themog from authorities. They meet a droid inside who
plays a recording for them. In the holo, Themog tells them that if they don’t leave Chrona, the
Gallors are going to be killed. Of course, the group doesn’t just up and leave. Instead, they
track down Themog and the hostages, battle and defeat Themog, and, of course, free the
Gallors, becoming not only local heroes (which aren’t wanted in these parts), but also
respected Protectors in the newly crimeboss-free Corestrike.
(Heroes Need Not Apply)
Still pursued by Ysanne Isard’s forces, Mara Jade arrives on Kintoni to escape prying eyes.
At the spaceport, she sees General Crix Madine arrive on the world and learns that Imperial
ex-Governor Barkale is still on the planet as well. The capital has been taken by Rebels, and
Mara knows that Barkale remaining in Rebel custody could only do harm to the Empire. She
sneaks into the compound where Barkale is being questioned by Madine and other Rebels
and hears Barkale admit to giving over the capital freely, but denying any useful knowledge.
That night, Mara tries to sneak into Barkale’s room to retrieve or execute him, but is caught
by Madine. Madine thinks she is there to kill him, but when she reveals that she is after
Barkale because he is suspected of stealing from the planet’s Imperial treasury, she and
Madine strike a deal. She frees Barkale and “escapes” with him to Barkales home, where he
has stored billions of credits worth of various items, which he says he took from the treasury
when the Rebels took the capital. Mara recognizes a statue in the collection and realizes that
he had been embezzling the items long before the Rebels came to Kintoni. She charges him
with treasonous embezzlement and executes him. She takes enough to cover her trip away
from Kintoni and leaves the rest for Madine and the Rebels. It has been one very eventful
(Mara Jade: A Night on the Town)
Still pursued by Ysanne Isard’s forces, Mara Jade finds herself on Chibias. After a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 512
performance of the Coruscant Full Symphony, she notices two security officers and a man
named Counselor Raines hassling a young man, upon whom Raines plants an object. Mara
figures they intends to frame him for something, so she steps in, acting as Latassa Colay, the
concert halls Director of Special Events. She manages to get them free of the goons and
back to her hotel room. The boy says his name is Ghent (actually, it’s Zakarisz Ghent, but he
doesn’t reveal his first name). Ghent was born on Baroli and has worked for Talon Karrde in
his childhood, but he tells Mara that he was most recently working in Saraan City on
Sibisime, without any mention of his past. It seems Ghent is an excellent slicer, and the
goons and Raines were probably intending to blackmail him with planted goods to get him to
slice for them. The data on the card they slipped onto him is under Level Two Secret
classification and bears Governor Egron’s crest. Ghent slices into the governors files, seeing
no mention of Raines. Mara then goes to the palace on his behalf. Under the name Arica
Pradeux, she meets with Raines, whose real name is Markko. She offers to allow them to
hire Ghent at an excessive rate, assuming that they must be in great need if they were up for
blackmailing him. Two of Markko’s men follow her as she leaves, but she turns the tables on
them and follows them back. Upon arrival at Markkos base, she discovers that Markko and
his men are part of the Rebel Alliance, and they wanted Ghent to slice into a Rebel computer
core that Ergon has in his possession, ostensibly to wipe out any important Rebel data to
keep it out of Imperial hands. With visions of her order to destroy Luke Skywalker floating
through her head, she begins to form a plan to betray them to Ergon. They all later meet with
Ergon, so that Ghent can slice the computer core. Mara, though, realizes that the governor is
in on it, and the core isn’t a Rebel core, but the primary control node from an Imperial Star
Destroyer. Ergon, Markko, and the other Rebels are intending to discover control matrices,
transmission patterns, and military encrypts. It is a treasure trove for the Rebels. Mara uses
a skill she learned from the Empire to cause the entire room to crash down, destroying the
control node, while she and Ghent escape. When they get out, though, they find that Ergon
and Markko are alive as well. Mara shoots Ergon, but Markko stops them. They enter a
standoff, but Mara lets him go free, as long as he lets her and Ghent go free. Later, Mara
gives Ghent enough money to get back to Sibisime, but before he can leave, he is met by
Talon Karrde, who offers him a job . . .*
*NOTE: It would appear that Ghent’s origin is being rewritten by Zahn himself in this story. Why he would have
to be introduced to Karrde at this point is uncertain, but his early origins can simply be considered things he just
didn’t feel the need to reveal to Mara.
Countess Iran Ryad, who had been greatly in favor of the TIE Defender, relinquishes her role
as a politician. Instead, she becomes an Imperial pilot, requisitioning and modifying her own
TIE Defender (Red Star I), patrolling the Coreward boundaries of the Empire. She soon
comes to gain command of Red Star Squadron, with whom she terrorizes any ships in
Imperial space that arrive unannounced. She is, unfortunately, far too zealous in preying on
any unannounced vessel to enter Imperial space and is soon branded as a traitor, then
hunted down and killed by fellow Imperial TIE ace Soontir Fel.
(conjecture based on More Starships!)
Massad Thrumble's droid, Doc, is taken captive by the Pike (AKA Pikkel) sisters.
(conjecture based on Shadows of the Empire: Evolution)
With Black Sun in shambles, various members attempt to win dominance within the
organization, while Guri searches for the answer to just how "human" a human replica droid
can be. Alone in space with her Stinger she single-handedly destroys an Imperial Star
Destroyer and continues on her way to Hurd's moon. At about the same time, on Coruscant,
Azool, a Falleen antique trader, learns from a Rodian informant, Prevaro, that Guri is alive
and soon meets with Kar Yang, a bounty hunter whom he hires to track Guri down. As Guri
reaches her destination, Yang and his droid companion Lintu discover the remains of the Star
Destroyer she destroyed. On Hurd's moon, Guri tracks down her creator, Massad Thrumble.
She wants him to reprogram her and delete her assassin programming. He cannot do so,
however, without his droid, Doc, who was kidnapped by the Pike (Pikkel) sisters. She leaves
to track Doc down. The women take Doc to Spinda Caveel on Murninkam. Guri tracks them
there, but her ship is damaged by a robotic picket ship and crashes in a nearby swamp. At
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 513
Hurd's moon, Yang speaks with Thrumble and learns where Guri has gone. Back on
Murninkam, Caveel wants Doc to program one of his droids to be an assassin. On
Coruscant, Prevaro corners Azool and accuses him of being Xizor. When Azool takes off
"his" mask, however, "he" reveals "himself" to be Xizor's niece, Savan. As Yang heads for
Murninkam, Guri makes her way into Caveel's estate and recaptures Doc. On Coruscant, a
meeting of many powerful Black Sun members is held as they argue over who will take over
the organization. From elsewhere, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca,
and Lando Calrissian observe via video. On Murninkam, Guri and Doc make their way to the
Stinger but a newly-arrived Yang, now wanting Guri for himself, puts a tracking device on the
ship. The Rebels arrive on Coruscant to negotiate terms with the fractured Black Sun.
Xizor's niece disguises herself as a human and tempts Han Solo, leading them into a
situation in which they must save her from assassins. On Hurd's moon, Yang, knowing his
droid will stick to the orders they were given, destroys the droid. Guri arrives shortly and is
about to be reprogrammed when Yang enters the lab. She kills him and the procedure
continues, as Savan heads for the moon. On Coruscant, the feuding members of Black Sun
engage in an inter-organizational war for power. The Rebels soon learn of Savan's identity
and head to Hurd's moon to find her, even as she and Prevaro and Savan arrive on the moon
themselves. They gather some "scum" and prepare to attack the lab, even as the Pike
(Pikkel) sisters arrive on orders from Caveel to destroy Guri. In the lab, Guri awakens,
reprogrammed. The Rebels land on the planet and head for the lab as well. Shortly, the
Rebels engage the sisters and Caveel outside the lab, as Savan and Prevaro make their way
into the lab. In the street, the Pike (Pikkel) sisters cease fighting and leave Caveel behind.
Guri, Doc and Thrumble head for the Stinger, but Savan has set up an ambush. When they
arrive at the ship, Guri takes out the goons, showing that she has been reprogrammed, but
her reflexes remain to protect her. Unknowing that she has been reprogrammed, Savan uses
a Falleen phrase to order her to kill Thrumble and Doc, but she turns on Savan and knocks
her out because the phrase no longer works. With Savan in custody, the Rebels introduce
themselves to the "new" Guri and head away from the moon. As they leave, Guri meets a
familiar man in the cantina. They had never met formally, but he recognizes her from his past
experiences. The man is Dash Rendar, and a new partnership is formed.
(Shadows of the Empire: Evolution)*
*NOTE: I have moved this entry to earlier in the year based partly on the suggestion of Rob Mullin and its
timeframe mentioned in the Essential Chronology and partly on the fact that, for the life of me, I cannot remember
why I’d had it placed in the middle of the X-wing comics to begin with. This puts it into line with both the Dark
Horse Comics internal timeline and the Essential Chronology.
One week after the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance (Alliance of Free Planets) remains on
Endor. Several pilots, including Ten Numb (Blue Leader from the Battle of Endor), Tycho
Celchu (Rogue Nine), Wes Janson (Rogue Five), and Wedge Antilles (Rogue Two) are
helping to clear out remaining Imperials, fires, debris, and other leftovers from the battle,
when they are called to meet with Rogue Leader, Luke Skywalker. Luke informs them,
including Ten Numb, that they will be undertaking a mission as Rogue Squadron to Corellia in
order to scout Imperial activity. One week later, they are on Corellia, but they haven’t found
any evidence of Imperials. When Luke and Wedge stop for a drink and discuss Luke’s calling
to recreate the Jedi Order and Wedge’s desire to retire, they are fired upon by Imperial
snipers, only to discover Imperial AT-STs and speederbikes trashing the street outside. It
seems they were a bit premature in figuring the Empire wasn’t present. The Imperials are
Storm Commando units loyal to General Weir, who orders Luke and the other Rebels killed
when they emerge to join the battle. As Weir escapes on a speederbike, Ten gives chase, but
he is captured by the Imperials while spying on them before Luke and the others can get to
him. Tycho brings their starfighters and they give chase to the escaping Imperial ship with
Ten aboard. They are distracted by a group of drone TIE fighters, though, causing them to
lose Ten’s signal as the ship goes to hyperspace. They extrapolate the most likely course,
but it might be too late for Ten. Even now, Ten is coming to in Weir’s clutches, his tracking
device removed . . . along with his right hand. Ten is now stuck inside of Weir’s base on
Tralus, from which he intends to launch a Counter-Rebellion. Soon, even as Ten is being
tortured by Weir, the other Rogues arrive on Tralus, where the local Selonian queen directs
them to Weirs camp. Luke, Tycho, Wedge, and Wes leap into action. As Luke blocks blasts
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 514
with his lightsaber, Wedge steals a TIE fighter and gives chase to the fleeing Weir (in a TIE
Interceptor). When Wes finds that Ten is already dead, Tycho also gives chase to Weir.
Wedge manages to shoot Weir down, then catches Weir on the ground as he tries to escape
from his downed TIE. The battle is over. Days later, aboard a captured Star Destroyer,
Wedge and Luke discuss the future of Rogue Squadron. Luke will stick around for now, but
Wedge will be taking more active control as time goes on. Their next scheduled mission will
be to link up with the Alliance contact Targeter, but before that can happen, Wedge will have
the chance to look through the ranks of volunteers to join Rogue Squadron and form the
squadron as he sees fit. A new Rogue Squadron era is born.*
(Rogue Leader)*
*NOTE: This summary is based on the X-wing: Rogue Leader comic book mini-series, not the video game Rogue
Squadron II: Rogue Leader, which shares the name. I should also note that while this seems to take place very
soon before The Rebel Opposition, I’ve split it up somewhat, chronologically, to account for the many Marvel
series issues that would’ve taken place shortly thereafter, some of which include Wedge outside of his
squadronmates. This is just another of those periods where stories are crammed into a very small chronological
After Savan fails to revive Black Sun, Mal Coramma goes underground, distancing himself
from her failed plot.
(conjecture based on Coruscant and the Core Worlds)
With Guri at his side, Dash Rendar hooks up with his brother, Stanton Rendar, to begin a
company called ODT on Onadax, where they begin working on a new line of droids that
would be able to hold the consciousness of a real sentient being. For the Rendars, it’s a
golden opportunity to make a fortune.
(conjecture based on Or Die Trying)
Kella Rand has an interview with a supposed childhood friend of Han Solo. The Galactic
News Networks local bureau airs the interview, and Kella is hired a month later by GNN. Her
first assignment is to a mining revolt on Elom, where she gets information out past Imperial
(conjecture based on Kella Rand Reporting)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, many Rebel privateers retire now that they are no longer
working toward Palpatine’s downfall.
(conjecture based on Rebel Privateers)
The “Hammers” Elite Armor Unit is rushed off to crackdown on anti-Imperial movements,
once again becoming mere pawns instead of the powerful force they had earned a reputation
for being.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
Niclara Varnillian resurfaces in the Outer Rim Territories, commanding a group of Imperial
military vessels and attacking the Alliance of Free Planets outposts in the area.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
D’al makes his way up through the music industry on Tatooine.
(conjecture based on Gundarks Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear via TimeTales,
GenaTech develops the ZetaOne ion cannon.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #6 via TimeTales,
Imperial Admiral Vence Tabok takes possession of Zirtran’s Anchor, until the owner sends it
into hyperspace.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #6 via TimeTales,
After the death of Darth Vader, Flint, who had been a stormtrooper until Darth Vader
discovered his Force talents and began training him as a potential Shadow Hand, retreats to
Vader’s Bast Castle on Vjun to deal with the loss of his master. While there, Flint encounters
one of Vaders other successful Shadow Hand candidates, the Dark Lady Lumiya (Shira
Brie). The two duel, and Lumiya bests Flint, cementing her place as his new master and he
as her apprentice. Flint is tasked to subjugate the Phelleem sector and kill Luke Skywalker,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 515
while Lumiya proceeds to work with the Nagai in preparation of their impending invasion.
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
Rogue Squadron goes to Tandankin to stop the citizens' subjugation by Imperial forces. To
stop the Imperial force's TIE fighters from launching, Wedge Antilles must destroy one of
Tandankin's monuments. The citizens react to this with the same anger they felt for the
Empire, until Luke Skywalker (still flying with Rogue Squadron) tells them of Wedge's heroics
during the Galactic Civil War, and they let him off the hook.
(Star Wars: X-wing Rogue Squadron Special)
Luke Skywalker helps with a local rebellion on the planet Solay. Upon finally reaching the
throne room of Solay and capturing the despot, Blackart, Raggold, the local resistance
leader, dies on the palace steps, claiming that there is a traitor in their midst. Mary, one of
Raggold’s followers for whom Luke is developing an attraction and perhaps a quick-seeded
love, is saddened by the loss. A short while later, the traitors deeds are finally known as the
Empire arrives to take the planet. Mary is killed in their assault. Full of rage, Luke begins his
hunt for the traitor, befriending a young boy named Scamp. Together, they gather
information, stop Blackart from escaping from the planet, and soon view a tape of the end of
the rebellion . . . on which it is revealed that it was Raggold who betrayed the planet to the
Empire. With the mystery cleared and knowing that he has forgotten is purpose with the
Alliance, Luke leaves Solay.*
(I’ll See You in the Throne Room)*
*NOTE: This comic was released between Figurehead (which is just after Still Active After All These Years,
wherein Kiro is gravely injured) and The Choice, in which Kiro receives medical attention from those wounds. In
Still Active After All These Years and The Choice, Luke is traveling with Kiro, Rik Duel, Dani, Chihido, and Plif.
This story was just thrown in as a filler issue without any of those other characters involved, meaning that it
must take place before Luke’s diplomatic mission (that links him with those other characters) in Diplomacy, or be
after his missions, though the latter seems unlikely, given how the Nagai storyline develops from there. Thus, I
have moved the position of this story to here, before Diplomacy.
The Rebel Alliance, now known as the Alliance of Free Planets, is wishing to set up a new
government, but delegates will be required from planets wishing to be represented in this new
government. To this end, Rebel heroes are sent to make contact with various worlds. Luke
Skywalker and Plif are sent to the planet Iskalon, where Luke witnessed the destruction of
Pavillion before the Battle of Endor. Upon landing on the ruins of Pavillion, they find another
ship waiting. It would appear that Rik Duel, Chihdo, and Dani have come to loot what they
can, now that the Iskalonians have gone underwater for good. When a chiaki nearly captures
Rik (having been lured there by Iskalonians), they are attacked by Iskalonians, until Kiro,
recognizing Luke, calls them off. Luke explains to Kiro about the search for delegates, but
Mone arrives and explains that Iskalon will have no dealings with other worlds. Kiro
disagrees, but his request to go with Luke as a delegate is refused. Luke is told to leave, and
to take the others with him. He agrees to do so, but before they can leave, Kiro arrives,
wearing breathing gear. He is defying his people and becoming an outcast so that he can go
with Luke back to the Alliance. With this new ally at their side, Luke, Plif, and the others
leave Iskalon behind.
On Drogheda, Lando Calrissian and Princess Danu are attacked. After escaping, they are
told by Queen Sarnas Royal Guard commander, Harlech, that the planet’s revolutionaries
are behind the attack. Lando agrees to help stop the revolutionaries, but the actions of
Harlech in a raid on the revolutionaries gives Lando an uneasy feeling. He manages to get
himself alone with one of the captured revolutionaries, who is about to tell him the truth of
what is going on, but Harlech kills him to supposedly save Lando from the revolutionary, who
had been given Lando’s blaster as an act of trust. Lando goes to drown his uneasiness in a
local cantina and learns that the revolutionaries are fighting for democracy and are being
opposed by Sarnas forces, who are fanatically loyal to the monarchy. Lando goes to see
Sarna and refuses to help her stop the revolutionaries. She orders Harlech and his men to kill
Lando, but he escapes amid a revolutionary raid. In the raid, he breaks back into the royal
citadel and takes Sarna hostage, just as the revolutionaries storm the room, killing Harlech
when he attempts to attack them. With Sarna’s rule in ruins, Danu (who was in league with
the revolutionaries) orders Sarna into exile. Sarna, who had once been Lando’s lover,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 516
convinces him to take her with him for a small fee, which is better than nothing. As plans are
made for democracy on Drogheda, Lando and Sarna leave for the stars.*
(Sweetheart Contract)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the sixth issue of that black and white series.
Lando Calrissian and Sarna part ways.
(conjecture based on Seoul Searching)
When Han Solo wins a crystal from the legendary Seoul 5 System, a crystal which can
amplify energy, especially mental energy, he and Chewbacca set course for the system using
a map they also won. They are not alone, however. Imperials under Captain Drezzel and
Adjutant Ssssk are also on Seoul 5 to loot it for their own finances. Han, under Imperial fire,
makes his way into a cavern below the ruins of the ancient Seoul civilization, discovering a
machine with four crystals and missing onethe one Han has. He also finds two scientists,
Dr. Xathan and his aid Fem Nu-ar, who were working for the Empire when they were tied up
after their usefulness was over. The machine, it seems, powered the entire planet through
mental energy, and if the Imperial get their hands on Han’s crystal or the machine, the would
have a powerful new weapon. Imperial led by Ssssk arrive, and Ssssk tries to use telepathy
to blast Han’s mind, but he sues the crystal to send the power back, killing Ssssk. Fending
off stormtroopers, Han places the other crystal in the machine. As he and the scientists
escape to Chewie and the Millennium Falcon to flee the planet, the machine’s feedback
mechanism wipes out the Imperials, the ruins, and part of the planet right along with it.
Another weapon has been kept from the Empire.
(Seoul Searching)
Tyko Thul discovers the “empty” IG-88 droid on Mechis III. After reprogramming it, he
contracts it out to Drebble for a short time.*
(conjecture based on The Hero)*
*NOTE: This is one of many ways to somehow make sense of IG-88’s appearance in The Hero.
Han Solo and Chewbacca drop Dr. Xathan and Fem Nu-ar off before continuing on their way.
(conjecture based on The Hero)
On Keyorin, Drebble rages at his Stenax ally about that treacherous scoundrel Lando
Calrissian and how he wants revenges on him for their last encounter. On Endor, Lando and
the other Rebels learn that “Captain” Drebble is to be commended for his efforts for the
Rebellion (actually acts committed by Lando using Drebble as an alias). With this revelation
in mind, and the fact that Chewbacca could stand to see his family on Kashyyyk soon, Lando,
Han Solo, and Chewie take the Millennium Falcon and Lando’s Cobra on a diplomatic
mission to Keyorin, which is near Kashyyyk. Upon arrival, they spend some time in a local
cantina, where they spot Bossk, whom Lando and Chewie had crossed during the search for
Han. The bars owner then arrivesDrebble. He is flanked by an IG-88 droid and Stenax
guardians. He sees Lando and sends his thugs after them, even as they are also confronted
by Bossk and his comrades, working with Lemo and Sanda, the gang Lando and Chewie
double-crossed on Arcan IV in their search for the Minstrel and the Goddess, two statues of
great apparent value. Arriving at the Millennium Falcon, they are caught by Drebble’s group,
but then Lemo and Sanda’s group arrives. Drebble takes Lando and turns Han and Chewie
over to the others, since they still think Han must know where the Goddess is, thanks to
Lando’s lie the year before. Han tells them that Lando has the statue. Meanwhile, on the
Falcon, Drebble sees a message from Mon Mothma about “his” impending commendation
and lets it go to his head. He fancies himself a hero and believes he should act that way.
Han and Chewie get free, even as Lemo and Sanda’s group go to the Falcon and call
Drebble (thinking theyre calling Lando) out. When Han and Chewie arrive, a three-way
firefight ensues. The key players all survive, and Drebble lets everyone go, acting like the
hero he believes he is. He simply wants his commendation. Lando gives it to him . . . in the
form of the Dancing Goddess statue. Our heroes leave Keyorin, most likely laughing.
(The Hero)
Lemo and Sanda go after Drebble to get the Dancing Goddess statue, but end up being put
in prison.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 517
(conjecture based on Touch of the Goddess)
Sometime after the events on Keyorin, IG-88 is returned to Tyko Thul after serving as a
bodyguard to Drebble.*
(conjecture based on Diversity Alliance)*
*NOTE: This is one of many ways to somehow make sense of IG-88’s appearance in The Hero.
Upon hearing that the Alliance of Free Planets is sending an envoy to Shawken, the Imperials
on Shawken abandon the planet.
(conjecture based on Still Active After All These Years)
Luke Skywalker, Plif, Kiro, Rik Duel, Chihdo, and Dani arrive on Shawken as part of Lukes
continuing diplomatic missions for the Alliance of Free Planets. Upon arrival, they meet the
planet’s leader, Santor, who arranges a meeting between himself, his aide, Luke, Kiro, and
Plif, while the others head off on a treasure hunt of sorts into abandoned caves and ruins.
During the meeting, Kiro learns from Luke that the others may be looting the area, so he
rushes off to stop them from dishonoring the mission. Upon catching up to the others in
ornate ruins, Kiro is fired upon by Chihdo, and the conflict causes the doorway to slide shut,
trapping them. Thats not all that happens, though. An ancient superweapon has begun its
countdown . . . Back at the meeting Santor has agreed to send a representative, possibly
himself, to the Alliance, when warning comes that the caverns are pulsing with energy. Luke
leads them into the caverns, where they learn that the weapon is meant to knock the planet
out of orbit and into another, and another, and another, gaining kinetic energy each time, until
theoretically wiping out the galaxy so that it can begin from scratch, as the weapon’s creators,
who were very pessimistic about positive change after chaos, had wanted. They free the
others, but then Luke and Kiro head off to stop the weapon. Luke is unable to go underwater
to deactivate the device since he would not be able to hold his breath long enough, so Kiro
dives in with Lukes lightsaber and, unconsciously using the Force, wipes out the device,
saving the galaxy. Unfortunately, Kiro is injured, but he has become Danis hero, and Luke
vows to get help him back to health.
(Still Active After All These Years)
Leia Organa, Mon Mothma, and an Alliance of Free Planets delegation lands on Hardessa for
a diplomatic meeting. Upon leaving their vessel, Leia is hit with a barrage of “boos and mud.
The Hardessan head of security, Lumiya, leads the hunt for the mud-slingers. Little does
Leia know that Lumiya is the new self-declared Dark Lady of the Sith and a former student of
Darth Vader . . . When Leia sees Lumiya hurting one of her assailants, Suzu, she helps the
woman get free and chases her back to her base, where she learns that the Hardessan
government is corrupt, but they believe she can do nothing, since she’s merely a figurehead
for the Alliance. As Mon Mothma’s peace overtures to the leadership are met with very little
positive reaction, Lumiya leads a raid on the rebel compound, forcing Leia and the others to
escape. Upon reaching the city, Leia discovers Mon Mothma and the other assailant being
led out by stormtroopers. The Empire is still in power here, under Lumiya, and are working
on a slaving operation. Lumiya declares that if Leia doesn’t turn herself in, the prisoners will
begin to be executed. Finn, the other assailant, tries to get away from the Imperials, giving
just enough of a distraction for Leia to burst into the area, blaster blazing. She fends off the
Imperials and local guards with the help of the local rebels. Finn and Suzu are reunited,
while Lumiya, reeling from a blast to the chest from Leia, escapes. Hardessa is freed from its
oppressive rulers, but the Imperial presence and ties to slaving are tidings of bad things to
come. And Lumiya is still out there . . .
Luke Skywalker, Plif, Rik Duel, Chihdo, Dani, and Kiro finally arrive on Endor, where Leia
Organa and Mon Mothma have also just returned from Hardessa. Kiro is in bad shape, but
should live. Luke and Leia have a talk about how they had given themselves to war for so
long that forming the peace will be the greatest test of all, especially for Leia, who must
somehow choose whether to be a warrior or a diplomat. Luke simply tells her to be what she
is and let the conflict within her resolve itself. Later, Kiro comes to and is healed, but he
becomes angry when Luke refuses to each him to be a Jedi, despite his unconsciously using
the Force to save the galaxy on Shawken. At the first meeting of the new government, Luke,
Leia, Han Solo, and others are conspicuously absent while handling their own affairs and are
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 518
thus left out of the creation of the new government, at least in terms of their right to vote on
such matters. Outside, Rik is accused of cheating at cards and in the argument that erupts,
Chihdo pulls a gun on the accuser, who then shoots Chihdo (who will survive). Luke catches
him with the Force, but the argument continues to grow as even Dani joins in. Luke steps in
and stops the melee and Kiro also steps in, arguing that they should not allow idleness and
boredom to turn them against their own comrades. At least in terms of his outlook, Kiro is
already starting to act like a Jedi.
(The Choice!)
Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca take the Millennium Falcon and Lando's Cobra
to Kashyyyk so that Chewie can visit his family. Upon arrival, they find that Chewie's father,
son, and wife have been kidnapped. They then meet a strange alien named Knife (a Nagai
commander) and his bodyguard, Chewie's brother-in-law, Vargi. Knife, it seems, is trying to
give new life to the Wookiee slave trade. Our heroes are captured, but Han and Lando free
themselves and Chewie. Vargi attacks Chewie, who won’t fight back, but Han steps in and
starts to get pounded, forcing Chewie to step in and stop Vargi. The days is saved, and the
slaving operation is stopped, but Knife escapes the planet using Lando's Cobra. Chewie is
then finally reunited with his family.*
(Wookiee World)*
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the first issue of that black and white series.
On Endor, Luke Skywalker is having nightmares of Darth Vader, but the dreams end when
Vader begins to remove his mask. He awakens to C-3PO letting him know that the leaders of
the Alliance have been called together. Recent information showing that the slave trade is
resuming with Imperial support has given the Alliance reason to be wary of future conflict.
Luke continues training new recruits, but they are annoyed when he wont show them how to
use the Force. Luke tells them, quite reasonably, that there is a big difference between being
able to be a Jedi and being able to teach others to be Jedi. The next day, after yet another
dream, a strange craft lands, bearing Prince Denin of Naldar, who asks the Alliance for help
for his world. Luke will lead a team to Naldar to take on the Imperials there. The group, by
coincidence of the will of the Force, will also include Barney, who had joined the Rebellion
after the events that destroyed his home on Belderone, which is near Naldar. Barneys friend
Flint, who was Force-sensitive, had been lost to the Imperials, though his anger at the Rebels
for bringing the war to Belderone. Barney hasn’t seen him since. In another dream, Luke
encounters Vader, but also Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker. Seeing Anakin
causes him to realize that “Vader” is actually symbolic of a different Dark Jedi that he will
soon face . . . Upon arrival on Naldar, the Millennium Falcon is shot down. While searching
planetary records, Leia Organa discovers that Prince Denin is dead and their “Denin is an
imposter. Meanwhile, Luke, Lando Calrissian, and “Denin” encounter Imperials led by a Dark
Jedi in shining armor . . . Flint. Flint and Luke duel, while “Denin” and Lando race for help. At
the ship, Leia confronts “Denin” with the truth. “Denin then reveals that “he” is actually
Denin’s twin sister, Princess Vila, who had been living Denin’s life and dream of being a Jedi
after Denin’s death. Back at the duel, Luke reveals to Flint that even his master Darth Vader
turned to the Light in the end. Luke should know—he is Vaders son. Flint doesn’t believe
him, but then Barney arrives. He steps up to his old friend and shows him the error of his
ways by telling Flint to kill him first. Flint can’t, forcing a stormtrooper to declare him a traitor.
When the trooper tries to kill Flint, Vila leaps in the way with Luke’s lightsaber, being shot
instead. Vila dies in Luke’s arms, even as Flint activates the self-destruct on the Imperial
weapons project on the planet, giving up. A short time later, on another plane of existence,
Vila and Denin are reunited, and Denin shows Vila to their new Jedi MasterYoda.
(The Dream)
Flint, now returned to the Light Side, eventually decides to settle down on the planet
Belderone to live out a simple life. Lumiya, upon learning of this betrayal of her teachings,
vows to deal with Flint when she is able to train a new apprentice.
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
In space, an X-wing is shot down by Y-wings over Saijo. The ship crashes in plain view of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 519
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa, who are there on a diplomatic mission. They
get to the Millennium Falcon and take out the attackers before saving the X-wing’s pilot,
Minka, who is from the Cantros system. Minka claims to be part of the Rebel Alliance,
fighting for the end of Palpatine’s rule. When they reveal that the Emperor is already dead,
the question becomes just who is it that her Rebel cell has been fighting? They head to
Minka’s homeworld, where they meet with her cell, which isn’t in any Alliance records. They
head for the local Imperial-aligned base with another Rebel, Sami,, where everyone but
Minka and Leia are captured. But . . . this group also calls itself the Rebel Alliance cell. They
realize that Durne, a leader in Sami’s cell, is actually controlling everyone for his own benefit.
He has told both sides that they are the Rebels and the others are the Imperials. In reality,
there has never been Imperial activity or sanctioned Rebel Alliance activity on the planet. His
plan revealed, Durne tries to flee. He is captured, though, when Luke uses his lightsaber,
which the cell recognizes. The conflict is over, and Durne is captured. But who was behind
Durne’s plot to sow unrest on the planet? It would appear that there is more going on in the
galaxy than meets the eye . . .
On Endor, C-3PO causes the Ewoks and the Lahsbees of Lahsbane, a neighboring planet, to
begin warring with each other over an alleged infidelity. Meanwhile, Admiral Gial Ackbar’s
aide, Hirog of the Hiromi, contacts the ludicrously odd Hiromi leaders on the Hiromi
mothership to report that the time is ripe for the Hiromi to conquer the galaxy. (Yeah, there’s
a reason I used the word “ludicrous.” It will become readily apparent by the time the we get
to All Together Now.) Hirog has made it appear that one of the Lahsbees have compromised
Tippet the Ewoks mate, Kamida. Essentially, Hirog’s plan is to force the Lahsbees and the
Ewoks into war, so that the other Alliance members will have to choose sides, and in the
resulting warring amongst themselves, the Hiromi can strike. (Not exactly the most intelligent
plan, there, ey?) When Luke Skywalker tries to diffuse the situation by practicing with his
lightsaber with the Ewoks, they refuse to join in, but the Lahsbees want in, which prompts the
Ewoks to attack, forcing Luke to use the Force to send an incoming rock away from him . . .
and right onto Hirogs head. Hirog comes to and plans to detonate a bomb to wipe out the
Alliance leadership, whose deaths, he thinks, will be blamed on the Ewoks or Lahsbees,
since word of the conflict between the species has already reached outside of Endor. Finally,
Tippet and the offending Lahsbee agree to single combat. When the Lahsbee grabs Han’s
blaster, a stray shot destroys the timer on Hirog’s bomb. The Ewoks rush the Lahsbee, who
then turns into a Huhk from the stress. Hirog races in, fleeing his own bomb, and runs like
hell when he sees the Huhk . . . who then sends a boulder after him, which smashes the
bomb and ends the threat. Meanwhile, the Hiromi abandon their plans to attack and leave
the system in their one little ship. As for Hirog, hes still running like hell from the Huhk. All’s
well that ends well, right?
(Small Wars)
Luke Skywalker sends a scouting party to Kinooine. After a while, the Alliance loses contact
with the team, who have been captured and nearly wiped out by Lumiya.
(conjecture based on No Zeltrons)
On Kinooine, the Dark Lady Lumiya, last seen after her battle with Leia Organa on Hardessa,
interrogates an Alliance prisoner with Den Siva, a Nagai soldier, at her side. She wants
Leia’s location, but the scout doesn’t know where she is. He can only say that the man who
gave him his orders before he went with his team to scout Kinooine was Luke Skywalker.
The name strikes a dark chord within Lumiya. Meanwhile, on Endor, Leia Organa is
assigned a group of attachesfour Zeltrons: Bahb; Jahn; Marruc; and Rahuhl. She is not at
all amused. Meanwhile, Luke, Dani, and Kiro go to Kinooine to find the missing scout team.
Kiro and Dani, now very much a couple, go off on their own, while Luke looks around as well.
As they do so, Leia, Han Solo, and the Zeltrons head for Kabray, where Leia had recently
had to embarrass herself as a singer, on a diplomatic mission. Her luggage of dresses was
switched with Lukes cold weather gear, so she has but one stained dress to wear, which the
Zeltrons turn into a very revealing outfit for the forthcoming reception. At the reception, they
discover that white-skinned aliens, the Nagai, led by Knife (last seen on Kashyyyk, heading
the slaving operation), have taken everyone hostage. Han, Leia, and the Zeltrons are
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 520
imprisoned, but the Zeltrons lead a daring escape. The locals are impressed and wish to join
the Alliance of Free Planets, while the Nagai are taken into custody. Meanwhile, on
Kinooine, Dani and Kiro are attacked by Lumiya, who uses a lightwhip (physical and energy
weaponry). Dani is taken prisoner, and Kiro is left for dead, but he manages to get to Luke,
who then goes out to find Dani and take out the attacker. Luke and Lumiya face off on a
barren cliff face, but Lumiya’s dual-natured weapon is too much for Luke, who has only
trained for one or the other, never both physical and energy at the same time, and Luke finds
himself at Lumiyas mercy . . .
(No Zeltrons)
As noted previously, Luke Skywalker has just been defeated by Lumiya in a duel between
lightsaber and lightwhip. A short time later, Lumiya puts Luke in a cell, then converses with
Den Siva, her Nagai counterpart, who assures her that the planned Nagai invasion fleet is
well on its way to Kinooine, where Lumiya and Den have set up an underground base, while
other Nagai sowed unrest in the galaxy. As yet, though, any Imperial ties, of the kind Lumiya
had on Hardessa, remain unconfirmed. Den then goes to begin his interrogation (and torture)
of the captive Dani. Meanwhile, Kiro, having gotten to water, is recuperating. He enters their
ship and gets gear to go rescue Dani and, now, Luke. Kiro breaks into the Nagai base, using
a Iskalonian Stinger weapon, which Luke then uses, along with Kiros knife, to create a new,
short-bladed lightsaber. Luke then confronts Lumiya again on the cliff. He uses the Force to
reclaim his original lightsaber (the one constructed on Tatooine over a year earlier), then
uses both old and new lightsabers, short and long, to tackle Lumiya with her dual-natured
lightwhip. This helps negate her advantage, and Luke nearly destroys her whip before
starting to call her by the name he has realized she once went by . . . She cuts him off before
he can say it and presses the attack, but Luke disarms her and destroys the cowl and mask
she has worn. Beneath, Lumiya is, as she has always been, Shira Elan Colla Brie, former
Imperial spy, and student of Darth Vader in the period after she nearly lost her life to Luke in
an effort to discredit him with the Rebel Alliance. Now, she is the self-proclaimed Dark Lady
of the Sith and hates Luke above all else. Luke reveals that Vader was his father, but it is of
no use. Lumiya can only revel in spoiling Luke’s victory as the Nagai invasion fleet reverts
from hyperspace over Kinooine. The full-fledged Nagai Invasion has begun . . .
(Duel with a Dark Lady)
On Kinooine, the Nagai invasion force disembarks. It is a force consisting of not only Nagai,
but Imperials. The situation has become clear. Lumiya, leading Imperial forces in the wake
of her Lord Darth Vader’s death, has allied with the Nagai invasion force to work against the
Alliance of Free Planets, which also accounts for the resurgence of Imperial-esque slaving
operations under the control of Nagai operatives like Knife and Imperial cronies like those on
Hardessa. Now, though, LumiyaShira Brieis held at knifepoint by Luke Skywalker and
Kiro, as they witness the landing of the invasion force. Underground, Den Siva is torturing
Dani to learn about her species. When the last member of the Alliance scout team to
Kinooine, who had been broken to become a servant, tries to kill Den and save her, Den kills
him. Above, Luke and Kiro tie up Shira and begin plans to save Dani and escape.
Meanwhile, on Endor, upon learning of events on Kabray, Mon Mothma and Ackbar explain
the situation with the Nagai invasion, based on information from Nagai prisoners from
Kabray. Plif notes also that the leader of the Nagai, Knife, has a connection to Han Solo that
only Knife knows about. When the leadership refuses to let Han go after Luke, he walks out
of the meeting. On Kinooine, Dani’s mind is virtually broken, but when Kiro rescues her, she
is relieved to see him. She has actually come to love only one man, which is unusual for a
Zeltron. Luke steals data from the Nagai base for the Alliance, even as Den finds Kiro and
Dani. He and Kiro duel, falling into the water. By the time Luke finds Dani, there is blood in
the water, and only Den has emerged. Kiro is presumed dead. Dani is safe, and they are
ready to leave, but at what price?
Luke Skywalker briefs the Alliance leadership on what he has learned of Lumiya on Kinooine.
(To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Lumiya is discovered by the Nagai and returns to them, again fixing her cybernetics.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 521
(conjecture based on First Strike and All Together Now)
As the Nagai invasion looms in the near future, Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and Nein Numb
meet up at the shipyards of Fondor. Lando gives Han and Nein Numb the responsibility of
transporting two royal-heir children to Vandelhelm in the hopes that the metalworks business
on Vandelhelm will supply the Alliance. Vandelhelm's Guildmaster Orrk and Imperial Admiral
Mordur don't like the idea of the heirs returning to the planet, though, so they try to destroy
the Millennium Falcon in an asteroid field, to no avail. When they met Orrk on the planet, he
soon attacks them again, but they escape aboard the Falcon. Shortly thereafter, they are
escorting some barge ships when they are attacked again. They make it away from the
convoy just in time for the Alliance to pick them up aboard a Nebulon-B Frigate. The kids are
then safely transported back to Vandelhelm.
(Supply and Demand AKA The Vandelhelm Mission)
The Nagai openly attack planets in the system including Mandalore. Fenn Shysa gathers
several allies and heads for Endor.
(conjecture based on Far, Far Away and Touch of the Goddess)
On Endor, Han Solo, angered at how the Alliance is treating them like “flunkies” since they
aren’t on the Council, argues with Leia Organa, to the point of taking her by the shoulders,
prompting someone to flip him onto his back. Upon looking up, he sees a figure in
Mandalorian armor. It isn’t Boba Fett, though, but Fenn Shysa. Fenn has come to lend a
hand to the Alliance, along with his allies, including Bey, Han’s childhood friend (nearly a
brother, really) and a hero of the masses. Bey realizes Han is in love with Leia and suggests
that he make his feelings clearer. Han takes offense. Later, Han, C-3PO, R2-D2, and the
Hoojibs head off in the Millennium Falcon to chart a strange phenomenon that has been
spontaneously relocating entire ships. They get caught in the phenomenon and thrown to “a
galaxy far, far away (a world that looks a lot like medieval Earth, but which is never
specifically said to be Earth). On this planet, bandits using blasters taken, apparently, from
other relocated ships (though they are never seen, so that may be a clue that this isn’t Earth),
on horseback chase Risa and Gil, until the arrival and crash landing of the Falcon cuts them
off. Han saves Risa and Gil, later returning them to her father, King Cleroff and his vizier.
Not knowing if he will ever get home, Han resolves that if he ever sees Leia again, he’ll make
sure he does what is needed to show her how he feels. Han sets things up to take care of
the bandits and allow him to leave peacefully. The Hoojibs get Gil to go to where it would
appear Han betrays him to the bandits. Han plans then to double-cross the bandits, taking
back Gil and wiping out the bandits for the king. When they meet with the bandits, the
bandits double-cross them revealing the vizier as their leader. But . . their blasters have been
drained by the Hoojibs. The day is won without bloodshed. Our “galaxy far, far away troupe
heads back into space and through the phenomenon. Once back on Endor, Han is reunited
with Leia, and things should be better now . . . *
(Far, Far Away)*
*NOTE: This is issue #101 of the Marvel series, but the story is specifically noted as taking place before Touch of
the Goddess, which was issue #99. Otherwise, I have assumed that the Marvel stories happen chronologically as
released, unless otherwise noted in the issues themselves.
Kyle Katarn, Bey, Dash Rendar, and Guri go on an insertion mission to the Tof fortress on
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part I)*
*NOTE: The fact that Bey is involved places this story sometime around here, before Bey is revealed as a traitor.
However, at this point, the Alliance really knows very little at all about the Tofs and consider the Nagai to be the
enemy. Could this have been an early spy mission based on an inkling about the real truth of the situation?
On Endor, Luke Skywalker mourns the death of Kiro. Meanwhile, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and
Bey have gone with Admiral Gial Ackbar on a mercy mission to a planet called Godo which is
plagued by a strange sickness. While there, they meet with Fumiyo, the planets
representative to the group. Han discovers flame gems all over in the open, but it is
explained that they are there as an offering to the Goddess of the world, whom the populace
believes they displeased to bring the blight upon them. Inside the city’s central structure,
they realize that it is a huge machine. Upon unveiling the statue of the Goddess, Han and
Chewbacca realize that it is the same visage as the two statues (the Minstrel and the
Dancing Goddess) that Lando Calrissian had contact with. They race back to Endor, where
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 522
they explain the situation. Luke surmises that at some point in its past, Godo must have
ceased being able to support native life, and someone created the machine to correct the
problem. The Goddess quite literally gave the Godoans life, but now that the two sculptures
are missing, the machine cannot operate. Luke and Han race to the Keyorin system, where
they explain the situation to the captive Sanda and Lemo, who tell them were to find the
Minstrel statue on Arcan IV, in return for 20,000 credits worth of flame gems, which Han
intends to take from Godo. Meanwhile, Lando and Chewbacca arrive on Stenos, where they
are attacked by Drebble’s men, but are saved when Drebble, still playing the heroic role, calls
the goons off. Drebble simply gives Lando the Goddess statue as a true hero should. With
both statues, the teams reunited on Godo, where they put the statues in their places. Fumiyo
and her people are cured, but as they leave, they realize that Lando has been contaminated.
He will die unless he can get to the temple, but the Godoans have closed it off to offworlders
now, so that the statues can be safe. Han threatens to destroy the capital city from orbit if
Fumiyo wont allow them to land and save Lando. Ackbar is appalled, but Wedge Antilles,
Nien Numb, Fenn Shysa, Frif, and Maggie, all in orbit, will go along with it out of loyalty to
Lando. The bluff works, and Lando is allowed to be cured. Would Han have gone through
with it? Luckily for everyone, they will never need to find out.
(Touch of the Goddess)
On Endor, flight simulations to qualify pilots for duty are carried out, as per Lando Calrissian’s
recommendations (since he wanted a cushy desk job). Han Solo uses “insane” tactics,
though, which gets him bumped from flight status. Han is also dealing with jealousy over the
amount of flirting Fenn Shysa is doing with Leia Organa. Later, after Han and Luke have a
conversation about Hans past friendship with Bey, both Luke and Han are called by Leias
Zeltron attaches to meet with Leia. The Alliance knows the Nagai invasion force has sent a
strike force to attack Endor, and they need to evacuate. Pilots will be covering the
evacuation, but thanks to the asinine flight testing situation, Han and Luke are left out of the
battle plans. While the others take off to engage the enemy, Han and Luke head out on
speederbikes to check out a strange occurrence reported by the Ewoks. What they discover
is a series of strange battle creatures in armor, guided by a Nagai team led by Knife, who has
apparently escaped from custody. They are planning to strike at the Alliance base nearby
while the Alliance pilots are engaged elsewhere. Han and Luke are attacked, but they
manage to save themselves. Luke goes on ahead to warn the others. Han stays behind to
check on the Ewoks and ends up being forced to send his bike into one of the droid-like
creatures to finally stop its attack. He can’t go back and warn the others. He is stranded. In
space, Nagai attackers, led by Lumiya, who was finally found by the Nagai on Kinooine after
Luke and Dani escaped, are using the Alliance’s own tactics against them. They have been
betrayed from within. On Endor, the warrior creatures attack the Alliance lookout where Leia
and the Zeltrons wait. The battle is fierce and very one-sided for the time being. In the
forest, Han is met by Bey but Bey won’t take him to warn the others. Bey is the traitor. He is
the one who brought them to Endor. The two fight, and in a lull, Bey reveals that he is half-
Corellian, half-Nagai, the son of a Nagai advance scout and a Corellian male. He was never
accepted by full-humans, but he was taken in by his Nagai mother and her family, including
his full-Nagai half-brother. He won’t Kill Han, but he can’t let him warn the others yet. Knife
appears and plans to shoot Han, but Bey saves Han, even though Han has to shoot Knife,
gravely wounding, but not killing, him. Bey wont let him finish Knife off . . . Knife is his half-
brother. Han leaves Bey with Knife and goes to warn the others. In space, Lando orders the
Alliance pilots to fly like Han and the others that are grounded, which gives them the edge
again, driving the Nagai force back. On Endor, Luke arrives at the lookout, fighting off the
invaders and saving Leia and the Zeltrons. Han then arrives just after the battle, glad to find
Leia safe. Luke knows it is time for them to escape and join the evacuation, but the Zeltrons
remind him that no one there has flight status anymore. Luke says that the computer errors
no longer matter. That was part of a peacetime order, and as of right now, the Alliance of
Free Planets is at war again . . .
(First Strike)
Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian go to Iskalon to tell Mone and the others about the
death of Kiro. Meanwhile, a Nagai force on the remains of Pavillion on Iskalon kill dozens of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 523
Iskalonians. When the School, led by Mone and his friend/advisor Dania Francis, reach the
surface, Lando and Luke are on the ruins, and the Nagai are wiped out, but it wasn’t Luke or
Lando who killed them. It was “Him,” the Iskalonians say. Mone tells them that Kiro came
back. Not knowing how this could be possible, Luke has no time to get into it, as Nagai
forces emerge from underwater to attack them again. They are nearly incapacitated by
Nagai sonic weapons, until Kiro, very much alive, appears and fights them off. Kiro again
vanishes underwater. Mone has been kidnapped, though, and if he breaks, the psychology of
the School would essentially force a mass suicide. Han and Lando race to save Mone.
While Lando uses Luke’s short lightsaber (constructed on Kinooine to fight Lumiya) to take
out the base of the underwater Nagai fortress, Kiro joins Luke in going inside to save Mone.
Kiro is shot, but Luke saves Mone and Dania. The fortress then collapses, but the heroes
make it out safely. While Luke again mourns for Kiro, Kiro appears, alive and well again.
The blast didn’t kill him. Kiro asks Luke not to tell Dani he is alive. She must be free to
move on, and he must be free to remain and protect his people. Luke agrees. Kiro’s saga
with the Alliance of Free Planets has come to an end.
(School Spirit)
Nagai Lieutenant Den Siva is called before Knife, his CO, where he reports that the squadron
in the twelfth sector has been out of contact for some time. Knife is not amused, but he
brushes it off in order to enjoy torturing an Alliance captive. On Trenwyth, Leia Organa is
stranded with the Zeltrons Rahuhl, Jahn, Marruc, and Bahb while their ship is being repaired.
They had jumped out of hyperspace into the midst of a battle and their ship was damaged in
the fighting. Leia finds a Nagai survivor, Tai, and they nurse him back to health. As they
prepare to escape, they witness the arrival of a new menace, which appears to be hunting
the Nagai. These, unbeknownst to them at this point, are the Tofs. The ship is finally
repaired and they leave Tai on the planet, instead of taking him prisoner. Tai is recovered by
his comrades and taken back to Nagi, where he is brought before Den Siva and Knife. After
telling them how he survived, Knife executes him for being weak enough to take aid from the
*NOTE: Before being reprinted in Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . (the seven-volume color trade
paperback set), it was reprinted in the limited run six-volume black and white series of “prestige format” comics
by the same name. This story appeared in the sixth issue of that black and white series.
Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian arrive on Zeltros after their mission to Iskalon. Leia
Organa and her Zeltron attaches finally arrive on Zeltros after the encounter on Trenwyth.
Han Solo, Chewbacca, Dani, R2-D2, C-3PO, and the Hoojibs finally arrive as well. Little do
they know that the Nagai are preparing to strike at them on Zeltros. Little do even the Nagai
know that the Hiromi, under Captain Hookyr and including Ackbar’s traitorous aide, Hirog, are
preparing to strike at the leadership on Zeltros as well, in their ludicrous bid to conquer the
galaxy. On Zeltros, the Alliance heroes meet with King Arno and Queen Leonie. Dani, in a
“kill all Nagai” mood, gets mouthy and stalks out, followed by Leia. They exchange some
harsh words, but as it turns to bonding, Den Siva appears and knocks Dani out, shooting
Leia, but not fatally. Outside, Luke and Plif discover Hirog and the Hiromi, who take them
captive. They present no real danger, but Luke is curious enough to play along and learn
what is going on. Inside the Nagai make their move, taking everyone in the reception hall
captive. The Zeltron attaches race outside looking for help from Leia or Luke and run into a
group of Tofs, who capture them. All of our heroes are now captured by one of three different
forces. In the Kitchen, as the Hiromi dig into the food supplies and Luke and Plif look on
amused, there is a knock on the door. The Tofs have reached the kitchen and have declared
that anyone inside are their prisoners . . .
(Nagais and Dolls)
In the royal kitchen on Zeltros, Tofs burst in and capture Luke Skywalker, Plif, Hirog, Hookyr,
and the other Hiromi invaders. The Tofs have come from beyond the galactic rim, as the
Nagai have, chasing the Nagai, who are their sworn enemies. In essence, the Nagai
invasion was both a play for more power and an attempt to escape the Tofs, but now both
sides are in the galaxy. (Later investigations suggest that the Tofs and Nagai are from
Companion Besh.) Elsewhere, Den Siva and his two captives, Leia Organa and Dani, are
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 524
also held captive by a Tof invader. Knowing that Dani apparently means something special
in some twisted way to Den, the Tofs threaten to kill Dani if Den will not betray his people to
the Tofs. When the Tofs leave, Hoojibs free Leia and Dani. In the kitchen, Luke’s lightsaber
in the hands of a Tof gives enough of a distraction for the Hoojibs to help Luke get the better
of the kitchen Tofs. Together, the Hoojibs, Luke, and the Hiromi capture many of the Tofs,
and Dani and Leia are now free, but now Luke must enlist the aid of the comical Hiromi in a
true mission to take out the Tof command ship and take the first of two major steps to end the
three-way conflict between the Alliance, Nagai, and Tofs, once and for all.
(The Party’s Over)
On Zeltros, Luke Skywalker, the Hoojibs, and the Hiromi “invaders” prepare to take on the Tof
command ship, even as Leia Organa and Dani go in search of the others. In the main hall,
the Nagai holding Han Solo, Lando Calrissian, and others prisoner are betrayed by Den Siva,
then attacked by Tofs. Leia and Dani snipe several of the Tofs to create enough of a
diversion for the others to get the better of the big thugs. One fallen Nagai prepares to shoot
Dani, but Den saves her. The Nagai will never accept him back, so he suggests a new
alliance between him and the Alliance forces. In space, Luke and the others take the Hiromi
ship into the Tof command ship. While the Hoojibs drain the power supplies and Luke takes
on Tofs, the Hiromi free Leia’s Zeltron attaches from their cell. The team reunites at the cell,
where Hirog shoots a Tof that was about to clobber Luke. The lightly manned Tof command
ship is under Alliance control. The conflict for Zeltros is over. It is time for the second phase
of the move to end the Alliance-Nagai-Tof conflict to begin.
(My Hiromi)
With the common threat of the Tofs understood, the Alliance of Free Planets forms a truce
with the Nagai. With this change of alliances, Lumiya leaves the Nagai and prepares to ally
herself with the Tofs against the Alliance.
(conjecture based on All Together Now)
The ongoing conflict between the Nagai with their former Imperial allies (many of whom have
now essentially abandoned them) and the Tofs, which has pulled the Alliance of Free Planets
into a new war, is nearing its end, one month after the Battle of Endor. The leading Tof force
sent to attack Zeltros has been stopped. But to end the war, Prince Sereno, the Tof ruler
who has set up his own new base on Saijo, must be forced to surrender somehow. This final
stage in the war is about to begin. A combined force of Alliance members, Nagai, and former
Imperials allied with the Nagai and now the Alliance is sent to Saijo. The central team
consists of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Dani, Den Siva, Knife, Fenn Shysa, Trif,
Maggie, C-3PO, and R2-D2. Meanwhile, Wedge Antilles, Chewbacca, Nein Numb, and
Chewbacca lay in wait for their part in the plan. On Saijo, tensions mount. Han has a hard
time working with Knife, knowing they are both somewhat jealous of each other’s relationship
with Bey, who is conspicuously absent, but who was Knife’s half-brother and Han’s close
friend. Dani and Den have formed a strange pseudo-relationship based in mutual pain and
self-destructiveness. As the plan to infiltrate the palace begins, Prince Sereno is meeting
with his new ally, Lumiya, who has aligned herself with the Tofs now that the Nagai have
aligned themselves with the Alliance that she wishes to destroy (especially Luke). A group of
Tofs enter with Den, Knife, and other Nagai as prisoners, but they are being coerced. Knife
pulls a blade and a blaster. The attack has begun. Han and Luke rush in from outside, while
Leia and Dani reveal themselves from amid the crowd milling about. The Tofs call for aid
from the Merriweather, but as Tofs leave the ship in small craft, Lando and Wedge lead an
attack on the dropships, stopping any reinforcements from reaching Sereno. Inside, Lumiya
shoots Knife and wounds him, but Leia stops her from killing him. As Luke holds Sereno at
lightsaber point to force his surrender, Han cannot reach Leia in time to save her from
Lumiya, but a Tof in the background steps up and shoots Lumiya. As Sereno surrenders,
Lando reports that the Merriweather has also now surrendered. The war with the Tofs, for
both the Alliance and the Nagai, is finally over. As for the Tof who stepped up and saved
Leia, Sereno wants to know what caused the betrayal . . . but it was never betrayal. The Tof
was the spy sent by Ackbar to infiltrate the TofsBey, alive and well. Han helps the injured
Knife to his feet, letting the petty jealousy fall away, finally. To Bey, they are both his
brothers. As Fenn Shysa is set to keep things under control on Saijo for the time being, the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 525
heroes of the Alliance can at long as celebrate the end of this newest of conflicts.
(All Together Now)
In the wake of the conflict with the Tofs and the fairly recent death of Tobbi Dala, Fenn Shysa
(as “Mandalore Shysa”) takes it upon himself to resurrect the Mandalorian Protectors. He
convinces his people to ally themselves with the Alliance of Free Planets, then sets them on
a course to take on Grand Moff Miltin Takel.
(conjecture based on The History of the Mandalorians)
With the end of the battles between the Alliance and its Nagai allies and the Tofs, a huge
celebration is held on Zeltros, which ends up lasting for two months, which will break the
record for longest celebration . . . which is yet another reason to celebrate again.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel
The Nagai enter the Alliance of Free Planets as full members. Many, led by Brin, are offered
the chance to rebuild and settle on Saijo as a new Nagai planet, but a majority of the Nagai
return with Fenn Shysas Mandalorian resistance forces to free the Nagai homeworld, Nagi,
from the Tofs in Companion Besh.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel
As the Alliance of Free Planets prepares to leave the forest moon of Endor, they leave behind
Intelligence agent Cobb Salfur to set up a trading post and keep an eye out for encroaching
Imperials. He will eventually get tangled up in the illegal Rokna Blue trade.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
In the period after the Battle of Endor, the Elom and Elomin of the planet Elom begin working
together and accepting each other openly. This is primarily due to many Elom helping free
Elomin from Imperial slavery.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Around this time, Nick Rostu goes missing, captured by Lord Cronal (AKA Blackhole AKA
Lord Shadowspawn) and taken to Mindor. Aeona Cantor and others in Nicks little band head
for Mindor to rescue him.
(conjecture based on Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor)
Two Ewoks, Tokkat and Wunka leave Endor with the Alliance. Eventually, both will serve
aboard the Liberator, but Wunka will be killed at Holageus. When Tokkat returns to Endor to
bury him, he becomes, in effect, the unofficial ambassador to Endor for the Alliance (by then
the New Republic).
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
One year before Lobar Aybock fights Tull Rane at the Dool Arena on Reuss VII, Mygo Skinto
brings the plight of the Rust Rats and the people of Reuss VII under the Reuss Corporations
rule to the attention of the Alliance of Free Planets (New Republic). In particular, Mygo notes
how Torel Vorne came to help turn the profits of Reuss Corporation around by beginning an
illegal trade in organs through arranging deaths and driving individuals far enough into debt
that their only hope to feed their families is to allow their organs to be harvested, usually with
the donor dying, the fee being unpaid, and the family remaining deeply in debt.
(conjecture based on Fists of Ion)
Before heading out on a supply run, Han Solo learns from Chewbacca that the magnetized
Fulstar plate on the Millennium Falcon is damaged, and it is needed to safely enter
hyperspace. Attempting to help, R2-D2 and C-3PO hunt down the part. C-3PO gets a round
one from the supply room of the base, only to find that round ones only work for X-wings.
They need one with straight sides. They go to the scavenger Zilnor, from whom they get two
with straight sides: a triangle and pentagon. Unfortunately, Han needs one with four sides,
not three or five. They get a rectangular one from Luke Skywalker, only to find that Han
needs one with equal sides, a square plate. They board the Falcon, opening a supply locker
that dumps several spares, all square in shape. They bring one to Han, but it is yellow, not
red, which is what he needs. Unfortunately, when C-3PO fell amid the spares from the locker,
his color-recognition sensors were damaged. They use the visual software of the Central
Computer to check them. They do not seem to have a red one, but when they reach Han, he
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 526
realizes that there is a red plate magnetized to C-3PO’s back, just as R2-D2 was trying to tell
him. The Falcon leaves with no more trouble.*
(Adventures in Colors and Shapes)*
*NOTE: I should note here that there is also an Adventures in ABCs storybook, but that book has no actual story,
just a reading of the alphabet with appropriate examples of words beginning with each letter.
Imperial Moff Born Tascl of Cilpar prepares to turn over Cilpar to the Rebel Alliance, but
changes his mind and attacks the local Rebels.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: X-wing Rogue Squadron--"The Rebel Opposition")
When a mass mutiny of Imperial forces arises among Captain Meres Ulcane’s Outer Rim
troops, he flees and soon falls in league with another former Imperial, who has begun the
movement known as the Kaarenth Dissension.
(conjecture based on Counterstrike)
The Alliance of Free Planets (formerly the Rebel Alliance) issues the Declaration of the New
Republic. Mon Mothma, Leia Organa, Sian Tevv, Borsk Fey'lya, and other representatives
sign the document at Endor.
(conjecture based on sources all over the continuity)
With the Declaration of the New Republic, Admiral Blitzer Harrsk becomes the first Imperial
commander to break away to become a warlord, referring to his region as Zero Command.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology and The Essential Atlas)
With the Declaration of the New Republic, a group of Imperials (Grand Moff Ardus Kaine,
Imperial Governor Ib Dekeet, Commerce Master Commissioner Gregor Raquoran, Dynamic
Autamata Corporate Head Elta Besk, and Galentro Heavy Works Representative Wyrn Otro)
meet to discuss the future. They, under Kaines suggestion, form the Pentastar Alignment
under the Pentastar Alignment Treaty. They will join forces into a new political, economic,
and military power to maintain their power in the Outer Rim Territories. Their first move will
be to clamp down on the systems they already control, before branching out.
(conjecture based on The Pentastar Alignment)
The planet Devaron will petition to join the New Republic, but their methods of capital
punishment that are more severe than on other worlds, cause their application to be denied.
(conjecture based on The Essential New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Admiral Sander Delvardus refuses to follow Grand Moff Kaine, his commanding officer, into
the Seswenna Sector. Instead, he begins forming his own small territory, later known as the
Eriadu Authority. He will soon drive Nagai raiders (apparently after the Nagai-Tof conflict)
from Eriadu during a battle at Chelleya. He does not, however, follow Delvardus when he
begins making plans to invade the Core Worlds.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Grand Moff Ardus Kaine moves the flag of Oversector Outer to Bastion, rather than its
previous location on the late Wilhuff Tarkin’s homeworld of Eriadu. He asks Shea Hublin
(“The Rebel Destroyer) to join him, but Shea declines, preferring to remain on the world
where he made his home. Instead, Shea joins Superior General Sander Delvardus and his
Eriadu Authority.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Around this time, High Admiral Teradoc places Grand Moff Ambris Selit of the Greater
Maldrood under house arrest and takes control of the region for himself.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Shortly after the Declaration of the New Republic, Mon Mothma issues the Defense
Declarations, dissolving control of the Planetary Security Forces that had been nationalized
by the Empire, so that control returns to local sectors. While sectors still loyal to the Empire
call this illegal and refuse to follow the declaration, some systems that were on the fence
about siding with the New Republic or the Empire join the New Republic, seeing this as a
positive move. In other cases, this gives the impression that there is no longer a unified
military command structure for the entire Empire, so some Imperial sectors begin fighting
amongst themselves over old rivalries.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The Bank of the Core backs the New Republic government and the New Republic Bank.
(conjecture based on Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 527
Dark Jedi Inquisitor Jerec and several other Inquisitors join Grand Moff Ardus Kaine’s
Pentastar Alignment, under the title of the “Great InQuestors of Judgment.”
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part VI: Outcasts and Megalomaniacs
As the New Republic comes into power, Loronar Corporation, an arms manufacturer that
thrives on conflict, begins to help sow unrest on many worlds, eventually leading to a revolt
on Ampliquen.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
As the New Republic comes into power, it decommissions many of its Atgar P-Tower laser
cannons in favor of mobile units with repulsorlifts.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
As the New Republic comes into power, it takes a lesson from the evacuation of Hoth and
begins placing planetary ion cannons on many poor but strategically important planets.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
Around this time, Admiral Gial Ackbar organizes the New Republic’s military forces into four
fleets. First Fleet is commanded by Admiral Firmus Nantz and begins operations in the
Western Reaches, starting at Saijo. First Fleet will go on to smash the Eiattu pirates at
Abraxas and defeat Admiral Sander Delvardus of the Eriadu Authority at Glova, preventing
them from linking up with more Imperial forces in the Elrood and Minos sectors. First Fleet
will then win a battle against Moff Utoxx Prentiochs forces at Kriselist to take Moorja, giving
them a chance to take out Delvardus cruiser Thalassa. The First Fleet, under Nantz, will
further win the Hevvrol Sector Campaign to pin Moff Lankin’s forces within Lambda Sector.
The Second Fleet is commanded by Admiral Hiram Drayson and will soon focus its efforts on
Zsinj, but a defeat by Zsinj ally Admiral Llon Banjeer and hired forces from the D’Asta family
will put an end to plans against Zsinj for a while. The Third Fleet is commanded by Ackbar
himself. He moves Third Fleet to Kashyyyk, where he does battle with Moff Hindane Darcc
and Grand Admiral Peccati Syn. With assistance from Bothan spies, Syns forces are
sabotaged, allowing the New Republic force to liberate Kashyyyk. They will soon set Third
Fleet’s sights on Brentaal. Fourth Fleet is to be commanded by Admiral Voon Massa and will
be instrumental in victory on Druckenwell.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Imperial Admiral Terrinald Screed attempts to draw other Imperials to his banner and cement
his own power, but he is killed by Zsinj.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The planet Bhuna Sound joins the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Star Wars Tales #5 via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The Iktotchi of Iktotch (Iktotchon) join the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
The Zabrak worlds, having been unified by their hatred for the Empire, send one
representative to the New Republic to represent all of the Zabrak worlds, as a major symbol
of Zabrak unity. That representative is former Rebel and Clone Wars era Refugee Relief
Movement spokesperson Kaysil Verwood.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology and The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Due to their sense of superiority over all other species, the Arkanians of Arkania refuse to join
the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
With the rise of the New Republic, diplomats visit Zolan to reach a settlement between the
Zolanders and the Clawdites. When a rabble-rouser kills the chief negotiator from the New
Republic, though, civil war erupts. In the ensuing conflict, the Clawdite vaporer Renneyn will
spearhead an assault that leads to Clawdite control over 75% of the planet, including the
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Clawdites)
With the rise of the New Republic, Veltzz Arakyd removes himself from public life
(presumably, this is a descendant of the original Veltzz Arakyd, who founded Arakyd
Industries). Arakyd Industries, meanwhile, gets a new board of directors, who convince the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 528
New Republic that they are loyal to the new government, rather than the Empire.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
With the rise of the New Republic, the Commonality is distrustful of outside relations and
refuses to join the New Republic, choosing to remain independent instead.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
The New Republic attempts to move Wedge Antilles from Rogue Squadron to fleet
command, so he engineers a demotion from commander to captain in order to remain with
the Rogues.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
With the rise of the New Republic, efforts between spacefaring Neimoidians and the more
politically-influential and economically-stable Duros that their species branched off from in the
distant past finally lead to some Neimoidians being accepted into Duros corporate ventures.
This will cause some Duros cultural facets to enter into Neimoidian culture, changing it for the
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
With the rise of the New Republic, reclamation efforts begin on Vulpter.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
With the rise of the New Republic, Chedak Communications finds its business profits
increasing, thanks to the removal of the Emperors communications restrictions.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
With the rise of the New Republic, the Imperial credit is replaced with the New Republic
credit, but it is still backed by the InterGalactic Banking Clan, without whose backing the
galactic economy might collapse.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
By the time of the rise of the New Republic, pollution on Balosar has seeped down into the
underground balo mushroom farms, killing a huge portion of this era’s crop, which is used to
obtain lxetal cilona to create death sticks. This causes the Balosar to lose their grip on this
market, allowing the Twi’leks to seize control of the galactic spice trade.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Having abandoned their base near the Bright Tree Village on Endor, the New Republic (still
erroneously referred to by some as the Alliance of Free Planets) remains abroad, planning
the capture of Coruscant. Meanwhile, other Alliance traders soon establish Salfurs Trading
Post on Endor.
(conjecture based on Endor and the Moddell Sector)
In the wake of the Nagai conflict, Lumiya, having recovered from her wounds and sneaking
her way back into the galaxy at large, is again alone. She seeks to rebuild her own fleet,
going so far as to ask Ysanne Isard for Royal Guards (which, it so happens, will include
Carnor Jax). Isard agrees, but gives her two new missions. First, she is to take an Imperial
task force into the Cron Drift . . .
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns)
In the Cron Drift, Lumiya discovers a group of New Republic starfighters at Communications
Research Station Epsilon Nine in the Cron Drift, where Imperial scientists are considering
working with the New Republic. After defeating the NR ships, Lumiya enters the station,
where she gives the scientists a reminder that their loyalties lie with the Empire and
consorting with the New Republic will be considered treason. She leaves them to their work,
promising to return soon. The scientists have no choice but to obey. Their communications
equipment will probably not be able to get a distress call out to the New Republic.
(Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire)
For Lumiya’s second mission for Ysanne Isard, hunting down Mara Jade, Lumiya confronts
her on Caprioril and is unsuccessful. However, after the Cron Drift mission, she begins to
fade into the background to further delve into the Sith arts, taking an apprenticeCarnor Jax.
She trains Carnor Jax in a limited fashion, then sends him to somehow infiltrate the upper
echelons of the Empire by any means necessary (so that they can prepare for a threat to the
Sith legacy, which he will eventually assume to be the Emperor Reborn, though it could be
the Yuuzhan Vong or some other force), while she goes on a hunt to gather the necessary
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 529
elements to rebuild the Sith Order.
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns and Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
As Lumiya begins gathering her own forces and Dark Side artifacts to continue her scheming
behind the scenes, she travels to the planet Nyssa, where she speaks with the leaders of the
Mecrosa Order. Out of a sense of obligation to the Sith and under the threat of reprisals from
Lumiya, they turn over their ancient Sith documents and the Sith Holocron of King Adas to
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
Aboard the Angelus, C-3PO is waiting for R2-D2 to have his memory serviced, but R2-D2 is
missing. When he finds R2-D2 to convince him to get the servicing, R2-D2 shows him several
hologram recordings from Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Luke Skywalker from the eras of
Yavin IV, Hoth, and Endor. C-3PO agrees that these records are too meaningful to be
(Free Memory)*
*NOTE: The approximate date of this story is locked by the use of the term “Alliance frigate” for the Angelus,
which puts it before the Declaration of the New Republic.
The Galactic Regulatory Commission (basically a Federal Reserve Board for the Star Wars
galaxy) is formed.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #15 via TimeTales,
The New Republic Diplomatic Corps is created.
(conjecture based on info found on the Wizards of the Coast website via TimeTales,
The Chevin of Vinsoth refuse to give up their slavery over the Chev species and are refused
entry into the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
After the Battle of Endor, Garik “Face” Loran joins the New Republic’s Comet Squadron. He
soon receives a demotion for insubordination.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
The planet Farrfin joins the New Republic, but soon becomes a hotbed if illegal activity.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
Many corporations who had exclusive contracts with the Empire approach the New Republic.
Industrial Automaton is soon commissioned to design a top secret droid (the R7) for FreiTek
Incorporated’s forthcoming E-wing starfighter, which is still in its very early development.
While the R7 is being designed, Industrial Automaton also begins work on the R6 astromech
droid line, to boost profits.*
(conjecture based on The History of R-Series Astromech Droids)*
*NOTE: Development of the E-wing and R7 droids apparently take many years, since they don’t start seeing much
service until 9 10 ABY. Some apparently do see service in this era, though, based on RPG appearances and
With the official birth of the New Republic, the mercenaries of Coyn recognize the Republic
as legitimate and begins taking contracts from both the Republic and Empire.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
Imperial Admiral Roek of the Aggressor replaces Admiral Jaeffis as head of the fleet guarding
the Corellian shipyards.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #2 via TimeTales,
Mika Kaebra joins the Garos IV resistance.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #2 via TimeTales,
With the Emperors death at Endor, the people of Entralla rise in opposition to its Imperial
Governor . . . an action that the newly-formed Pentastar Alignment takes none too kindly.
(conjecture based on The Pentastar Alignment)
Slar-dan Ti Gardi attempts to bribe New Republic Lieutenant Commander Dasha Fanron as
he used to bribe Imperials in the Ison Corridor. Fanron arrests him.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 530
Adventure Journal #8)
The New Republic Scout Service is created.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts via TimeTales, abridged)
Var Talak is hired into the New Republic Scout Service and assigned to the Nova Scouts for
training. During a training exercise designed to give a scout experience in locating a hidden
Imperial base, Vars team actually found a real Imperial base. Var took the initiative, after
gauging his enemies strengths, and crashed his scout vessel into the base’s command
center. He wiped out the majority of the Imperial personnel and scattered the rest, but died in
the attempt. The surviving members of his training team returned to report on his actions,
and further investigation by the New Republic revealed the true nature of the base. Var was
posthumously named the first member of the Nova Scouts’ Hall of Fame.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts via TimeTales, verbatim)
Imperial General Arnothian fancies himself as a warlord, having broken away from the
Empire. He maintains a TIE Defender production facility on an unspecified world.
(conjecture based on Isard’s Revenge via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Empire abandons its base on Ord Mirit, and shifts the garrison from there all the way
over to Corellia to help hold the shipyards there.
(conjecture based on Rogue Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
Now that the Empire has been defeated, the Priapaulin begin to work on rebuilding their
world, Pria. In an inspiring gesture, a large contingent of Republic-allied crews, most of them
Quarren, Aqualish, and other aquatic sentients, come to aid in the recovery.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Priapaulin)
When the Alliance first confiscated the Slave I, no one really had any idea what to do with it.
For one thing, there was a lockout code on the auto-pilot computer. Rebel staff had been
able to get inside the ship and access the computers, but they couldn’t fire up the engines.
They ended it up towing it to the Alliance’s storage base on Grakouine. Given time, they
could eventually crack the codes and the ship would be theirs. Then what to do with it? The
Alliance, flush with new legitimacy, had no need for a bounty hunter’s ship. Skywalker,
Organa, even Solo wanted nothing to do with it. Bad memories they said. Calrissian nearly
had Voren Naal sold on the idea of renting it out to carnivals before Admiral Gial Ackbar
nixed the idea. It sat untouched on Grakouine for months. With other pressing matters, it
was quietly forgotten.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Alliance Forces, Outer Rim Command, Tatooine Patrol takes a strongbox from the captured
Slave I and inventories its contents after disarming an explosive rigged to it. It includes three
Bureau of Ships and Services documents (Boba Fetts captains license, arms license for
Slave I, and Slave Is operating license), a wanted poster for Han Solo, a Kaminoan
saberdart, Cradossks book Making a Killing, and a copy of The Bounty Hunter Code, which
appears to be comprised of the Bounty Hunters Guild Handbook and Death Watch’s
manifesto. After the inventory is signed off on by Captain Noan Jeraddi and Lieutenant Tepra
Tseelit and sent for archiving. It will soon be examined by Han Solo, who will add his own
comments into The Bounty Hunter Code, alongside comments from others (Jango Fett,
Greedo, Bossk, Dengar, Aurra Sing, Hondo Ohnaka, and Boba Fett). As for the ship, it is
impounded at the Grakouine Central Yards. (Exact date on document: 39:3:22)
(conjecture based on The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett)
After surviving the Battle of Endor, Aban, is promoted to Captain in the Imperial Navy.
(conjecture based on Battle for the Golden Sun and Dark Force Rising via TimeTales,
The Imperial-backed SoroSuub corporation, under the New Republic government, becomes
an illegal operation.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
When the Pentastar Alignment makes a move on Entralla, Entrallan Rebel officer Colonel
Andrephan Stormcaller asks the New Republic to step in and defend his world. When they
do not, he and many of his comrades (including Sully Tigereye and Max Kempo) resign from
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 531
the New Republic military and form the Red Moons. The team soon begins its own personal
war on the Pentastar Alignment.
(conjecture based on Blasters for Hire and Blaze of Glory)
Captain Korren Starchaser begins working as a New Republic scout.
(conjecture based on Scouts Dispatch)
Two Weequay bounty hunters, Solum’ke and her husband (or is that just a cover?), Diergu-
Rea Duhnesrd, have been honeymooning on Zelos II. After being approached by a Qwohog
named K’zk, they have agreed to go with him during the Day of the Sepulchral Night to find a
lost merchant prince’s treasure on the upper edges of Zelosian’s Chine, a mountain range
that is only underwater during the Day of the Sepulchral Night. On their way, they discover a
wrecked sail vessel and bring aboard two Corellian survivors, Hanugar and Sevik. They were
treasure hunters as well, and ran into an unexpected reef. Upon finding Zelosian’s Chine and
the treasure inside, Diergu-Rea and Solumke are trapped on Zelosian’s Chine as K’zk
reveals that he has been in league with the Corellians all along, simply using the Weequays
in case the Corellians couldn’t handle the job themselves. As K’zk and the Corellians leave
with the treasure, Diergu-Rea and Solumke prepare to wait for the next passing sail barge . .
. and to use the bits of treasure they still have to pay for a rescue. They’ll get the rest of the
treasure eventually. After all, they’re two of the best Weequay bounty hunters in the
(Day of the Sepulchral Night)*
*NOTE: This story has no direct references to whether it takes place during the Classic Trilogy, or if it does,
when during that time frame it occurs, but based on the “Adventure Hooks” included with it and their mentions of
the New Republic, I’m inclined to include it here, after the recent declaration.
On Entralla, smuggler/gambler Reina Gale and her Grigoran partner, Rollos, are set up by
Begas Tok. When they deliver their cargo of hexacrystals (which they don’t have a permit
for) to Tok (who has a permit to deal in them), Tok has Pentastar Patrol agents ready to
arrest them. When Rollos manages to cause a distraction and let them escape, they run
through the streets until they encounter the Red Moons, led by Andrephan Stormcaller.
Stormcaller tells them they’ll help Reina and Rollos escape, and in return, Reina and Rollos
will get a copy of the plans to the security layout of the Lunar Night festivities a week later.
They seem intent on killing someone during the Parade of Ghosts, but, much to Reinas
surprise, that’s not what the Red Moons have in mind in their war on the Pentastar Alignment.
Reina agrees to get the plans for them, for a total cost of 10,000 credits.
(It’s a Gambler’s Life)
After a successful attack by the Red Moons on a Pentastar Alignment vessel, New Republic
General Airen Cracken sends a file to all New Republic Special Ops teams regarding the Red
Moons. Later, the Red Moons team destroys a Pentastar Trust and Safety Assurance Bank
on Entralla.
(Blasters for Hire)
Sate Pestage organizes the Empire in the wake of Palpatine's death and becomes its ruler.
(conjecture based on Wedge's Gamble)
As the New Republic begins to grow in influence, Krova the Hutt, who is responsible for
numerous Rebel deaths, including those at Kolanda Station on Latharra, goes on the run,
knowing a bounty has now been put on her head by the new government.
(conjecture based on Wedge's Gamble)
Dirk Harkness leaves New Republic Intelligence and becomes a mercenary.
(conjecture based on Chessa’s Doom)
In a pitch black cell, Dirk Harkness is a prisoner of the Empire. He and his fellow prisoner,
Master Sergeant Jai Raventhorn of the Alliance Infiltrators, talk in their cells about loss and
regaining their memory. Raventhorn was part of an Infiltrator group that was led by an
overzealous C.O. who had gotten everyone but her, presumably, killed. She had been
captured and tortured. Dirk had been on Zelos II with Platt Okeefe and Tru’eb, but when he
had heard that the shipment of arms they had snatched from under the locals’ noses was
destined for a hidden Imperial garrison, he acted on a tip about an Infiltrator group being
taken down and headed for the garrison’s presumed location, only to be captured. Platt and
Tru’eb mount a rescue assault and find Dirk being held before an Imperial torturer and a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 532
female Imperial Major. They save Dirk and as they are trying to escape, they find Jai holding
the Major at gunpoint. She had made the Major send out a communication. Zelos II is now a
New Republic holding. The Imperials are advised to “get the hell outta dodge,” to put it
mildly. Platt and Trueb take Dirk and Jai back to the Last Chance and they head for Wroona
to get Dirk and Jai back into Rebel-sympathetic hands. While en route, Dirk suggests that Jai
should join him in his mercenary life, as she has no love for the New Republic, but hates the
Empire as much as he does. She considers it as Dirk falls blissfully, exhaustedly asleep.
(Gathering Shadows)
Along with Jai, Dirk Harkness works to form the mercenary group the Black Curs.
(conjecture based on Chessa’s Doom)
Slar-dan Ti Gardi is released from where he had been being held for bribery charges. He
meets Borun Call and learns the arts of the slave trade.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #8)
Mining operations on Orax cease, but the world’s ecology is thoroughly wrecked.
(conjecture based Alien Encounters: The Shard)
A new bounty hunter by the name of Andov Syn appears in crime circles. Syn hunts other
bounty hunters who have bounties posted on them by criminals and corporations. Syn
avoids working for both the Empire and the New Republic, instead hunting on his own. Syn
wears battle armor that conceals his identity. Andov Syn is really Nariss Siv Loqesh.
(conjecture based on Hunting the Hunters via TimeTales, abridged)
Moff Gronn becomes Imperial governor of the Allied Tion.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, abridged)
Pakkerd Light Transport, a division of Sienar Fleet Systems that builds various TIE models, is
sold off by SFS and starts producing “a complete line of repulsorlift utility vehicles.
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
Arhul Hextrophon, executive secretary and master historian of the Rebel Alliance, compiles
the Official History of the Rebellion, Volume One--detailing the heroes and conflicts of the
Galactic Civil War. Hextrophon began the project as a series of daily diaries surrounding his
duties as Mon Mothma's secretary. The Official History includes interviews with Luke
Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Bail Organa.
(conjecture based on The Star Wars Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Galactic Court, the highest-ranking judicial court in the galaxy, is formed by the New
(conjecture based on Planet of Twilight via TimeTales, verbatim)
A few months after the Battle of Endor, the interstellar sightseeing company known as Star
Tours closes its doors. Several of the droids that were used for Star Tours, including G2-4T
and G2-9T, will eventually be employed by Talon Karrde.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
New Republic Admiral Graf is promoted to head of Fleet Intelligence.
(conjecture based on Tyrant’s Test via TimeTales, verbatim)
Xenovet, a bio - engineering corporation based near Munto, on the planet Commenor,
primarily created to manufacture veterinary medicines for exotic species that catered to the
needs of many Imperial leaders who liked to keep exotic pets as status symbols, begin to
work on breeding programs which would restore endangered species to their native worlds as
the Empire crumbled in the wake of the Battle of Endor. However, as the New Republic
struggled to rebuild worlds for sentient species, Xenovet's activities took a back - seat and the
corporation eventually went out of business.
(conjecture based on Iron Fist via TimeTales, verbatim)
Dengar and Manaroo get married, with Boba Fett as best man.
(conjecture based on Payback: The Tale of Dengar via TimeTales, verbatim)
Now free of the Empire, the Barabels of Barab I almost go to war with the Verpines due to a
defaulted contract. (Of course, the Barabels have been selling Verpines to the Kubaz for food
for a while now, so it’s no wonder tensions are high.) Diplomacy wins out, and war is averted.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 533
Moff Tragg Brathis forms the Grand Imperial Union, an affiliation of former Imperial Moffs and
their followers.
(conjecture based on Tyrant’s Test via TimeTales, verbatim)
The DA-series of droid is developed by the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Threat Dossier via TimeTales, abridged)
Keleman and Noell Ciro join the Alliance. Noell begins training as an Alliance fighter pilot,
while Keleman joins the commando units.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
When several convoys are destroyed by a group of TIE Interceptor pilots who have gone
pirate, Commander Vanden Willard calls upon General Lando Calrissian to lead an assault to
stop them. He is given carte blanche to bring anyone into his team as he likes and to request
any equipment the New Republic can provide. Lando assembles a large task force, including
Air Marshal Von Asch, the Imperial who trained the TIE pilots in question. Another member
of the team, Siro, has serious reservations, but relents. The team heads for the Abraxas
system, where the pirates seem to be hiding out. Lando takes his requested ship, the
Millennium Falcon, and heads with the team to the Abraxas system. On the way in, force
member Kine “accidentally” gives the Falcon a close call on some debris, but flies otherwise
fine. Upon landing, the team realizes too late that theyve walked into a trap. A firefight
ensues, during which Kine reveals that he is a traitor in their ranks. He shoots Lando and
uses Siro as a hostage. The pilots, led by Lieutenant Kiela, had worked with Kine to set up a
trap to lure in the team and bring Von Asch back to his men. Asch is not at all pleased that
his honorable pilots have become dishonorable pirates. His former students deem him with
the enemy based on his anger and are about to kill him when Lando reappears and saves
him. Siro escapes from Kine, who, along with the other Imperials, is surprised to see a ship,
flown by Nien Numb and Lobot, decloak above them, giving the good guys a needed edge.
In the battle, Kine tries to use a lightsaber to kill Siro, but Asch steps in the way, saving her
because, as he says, she has a destiny. Siro kills Kine as well. Later, Lando and Willard
discuss the mission. Lando had realized Kine was in league with the pirates when he could
fly the Abraxas system with only faked troubles, thus he had changed the charge on Kine’s
weapon to non-lethal and called for the cloaked stealth fighter from a museum on Dantooine
to be added to the mission. All in all, his scoundrel past and way of thinking saved the day.
Willard offers him the chance to lead more missions in the future. Lando takes out a coin and
says he’ll flip him for it . . .
(Lando’s Commandos: On Eagles’ Wings)
As the Empire begins to drop back in its positions, support vessels for the slave ship Azgoghk
are recalled, leaving the ship vulnerable to Rebel attack. The Rebels take advantage of the
situation and free the slaves aboard, but Admiral Mir Tork and Dr. Leonis Murthe escape.
The remaining slaves either die shortly after their rescue or end up homeless refugees, as
Galmud has been stripped by the Empire. The Azgoghk is left behind. (To be continued
below . . . )
(Agent of Doom)
Shortly before Leia Organa meets with the Chubbits on Aridus, Moff Harlov Jarnek blockades
(conjecture based on A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker)
While awaiting a meeting with the Chubbits of Aridus aboard the New Hope, Luke Skywalker
and Leia Organa discuss their father, Anakin Skywalker AKA Darth Vader. Luke wants to
learn more about him, but Leia chooses not to do so for now. Luke searches the HoloNet and
finally comes up with something about his father; a record of Anakin’s Boonta Eve Podrace
victory in an article by podracer-turned-journalist Clegg Holdfast. Luke and R2-D2
immediately take Lukes X-wing to Tatooine, without informing Leia of the nature of his
mission. On Tatooine, he meets Ody Mandrell and Teemto Pagalies. They share stories of
Anakin and then point him to the shop that was once Watto’s but is now owned by Wald.
From Wald, Luke learns that Anakin and Shmi were slaves, but that only Anakin had left. He
also learns of Shmis death at the hands of the Tusken Raiders. Upon leaving, Luke is
contacted by Han Solo, who informs him that they need his help to rescue to surviving Rebel
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 534
scouts on Tarnooga, who seem to have been saved from Sokan blood eaters by a woman
wielding a lightsaber. Upon arrival, Luke is nearly tricked by a woman who appears to be
Frija Torlock, whom he had met years earlier in Human Replica Droid form on Hoth. It is
actually a trap, though, he realizes, set by the mind witch he faced before: Sybll. She had
been weakened but not destroyed before, letting them see what they wanted to see. She tries
to convince Luke to form an alliance in which she would help him, and he would bring
Imperials for her to feed upon. He refuses and manages to save the two scouts, Andur
Thorsim and Glaennor, from S’ybll. He kills Sybll, but he only believes it when R2-D2, who
cannot be influenced by her illusions, confirms her death this time. He and R2-D2 catch up
with Han and Chewbacca, but when they make contact with Leia, she does not want to hear
any of Luke’s information about Anakin. She just isnt ready yet. Luke at least convinces her
that understanding Anakin might help him be better prepared for the future to avoid the same
mistakes. She agrees, but they have more pressing current issues. They have located Moff
Harlov Jarnek on Spirador. Luke leads the force that infiltrates his base and arrests him. Luke
may not know who his father was, but he knows who he is: he is a Jedi.
(A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker)
Rostat Manar, a Sullustan Alliance Y-Wing pilot, resigns his commission and goes to work in
the private sector. He had tired of war, and believed that he had achieved his goals. He took
a position as a pilot with Event Vistas, and within a year was promoted to chief pilot aboard
the Nebula Queen. However, on a short leave, he was kidnapped and brainwashed by
agents of the Imperial warlord Zsinj as part of Project Minefield.
(conjecture based on the Solo Command via TimeTales, verbatim)
Isolder catches Harravan, who dies in prison before naming his accomplices.*
(conjecture based on The Courtship of Princess Leia)*
*NOTE: Entry moved based in information provided by StarKiller.
Breslin Drake begins to serve the New Republic Intelligence agency.
(conjecture based on the Crackens Threat Dossier via TimeTales, abridged)
The Slyte disappears and is replaced by his associate Bran Kemple, which causes the
Belsavian smuggling industry to dry up.
(conjecture based on the Children of the Jedi via TimeTales, verbatim)
Approximately two months after the Battle of Bakura, Luke Skywalker speaks to Supreme
Commander Ackbar about being relieved of his flight officer duties. Instead, Ackbar
convinces Luke to take a promotion to the rank of general, so that he can lead their new
Rapid Response Task Force that is being formed.
(conjecture based on Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor)
As Sate Pestage tightens his reigns on the Empire, the growing body known as the Imperial
Ruling Council tries to make a move on Pestage’s position, but their plans are fouled by
Sarcev Quest, a former hand of Palpatine. Around this same time, it would seem that Sate
Pestage abandons the throne to delve deeper into the Dark Side, leaving a clone of himself in
charge of the day-to-day running of the Empire, just as Palpatine had left him to run the day-
to-day operations before. The clone, however, will soon grow paranoid and perhaps mad,
causing Quest to abandon him. Quest will eventually come to ally himself with the Royal
Guardsman Carnor Jax, whom he may or may not recognize at the time as Lumiyas Sith
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns)
Corran Horn takes Chertyl Ruluwoor, a Selonian, to The Annual CorSec Awards Ball. The
unattached male officers in his branch put together a pool to see who would take Chertyl to
the celebration. Each man was required to buy a ticket for five credits and the winner
whom everyone considered a loser would get the pot to compensate for the evening. The
Awards Ball pool is a tradition dating from a time when the Director had a daughter who, as
decorum dictated, could not go to the Ball unescorted. The Director refused to order
someone to ask her to go, though he did order participation in the pool. Most years the prize
is someone in the squad who has volunteered to be “won,” with the prize money going to the
Survivors and Orphans fund. This year, though, the prize was Chertyl, who had been sent to
the unit to get some training under a cultural exchange program, and she knew nothing about
it. Most everyone who knew what was going on thought it was barbaric, but they hid behind
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 535
tradition. Corran manipulated the pool so he would win, and showed Chertyl the time of her
life. Unfortunately, biochemistry between the pair kept them from getting together . . .
(conjecture based on Wedge’s Gamble via TimeTales, verbatim)
Six months after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker comes into possession of a copy of the
Imperial Handbook that was published shortly before the Battle of Yavin and hastily taken out
of circulation after that Rebel victory. The handbook is used to study the Empire and is
passed around for comment and notation to Carlist Rieekan, Crix Madine, Wedge Antilles,
Mon Mothma, Leia Organa, and even Han Solo.
(conjecture based on Imperial Handbook)
Rogue Squadron must make a food convoy run from Cilpar to Mrlsst. Cilpar is unaligned, but
an Alliance representative, Targeter, has established contact with a Cilpar underground, who
wish to join the Alliance. Upon arrival in Cilpar airspace, the Rogues are attacked by TIE
fighters. Wes Janson is shot down, so Tycho Celchu lands to recover Janson. The rest of
the squadron heads to their temporary base just west of Kiidan. They soon learn that the
food convoy never arrived in the first place because someone tipped off the Imperial forces
on the planet. They decide that they must find Targeter and her underground. Elsewhere,
Tycho finds Janson and they hide out in a cave. Back at the Alliance encampment, a group
of underground forces led by Elscol Loro arrives. They take the Alliance group to Tamarack,
Loro's former home, to show the Rogues what Moff Boren Tascl has done to the local
populace in his hunting of Rebels. In essence, this makes the Rebels as much a threat as
the Imperials. Back in the cave, Tycho and Janson are surprised to meet a woman they
believe at first to be Leia Organa. Actually, she is Winter, who is Cilpar's "Targeter." Back at
Tamarack, the underground and Alliance forces are attacked by Tascl's Imperial forces.
They manage to escape, though. At the same time, Tycho has made his way to the local
Imperial base and managed to infiltrate their ranks as a TIE Interceptor pilot, so that he may
make his way back to the others and get help for Janson. Shortly thereafter, he must join the
local TIE squadron in attacking the Rebels and underground. In the ensuing battle, Tycho's
own astromech, piloting his X-wing, shoots him down--or at least he thinks it is his astromech.
It is actually Winter, who then returns to Janson's side. Back at the cave, shortly after
Winter's arrival, Vance Rego, a member of the underground, arrives with a handful of
stormtroopers and takes Janson and Winter (whom he believes to be Leia) prisoner. In the
jungle, Tycho is "rescued" by the Imperials only to wind up in the same base-bound transport
that Winter is in. Vance, the traitor, brings word to the Rebels and underground that Princess
Leia (actually Winter) has been captured. They decide to both hit the Imperial base and save
"Leia." In the ensuing battle, Tycho once again flies with the Imperials, but soon turns on
them. Vance is discovered as a spy and knocked out of a transport by Groznik, Loro's
Wookiee companion. he is then devoured by a ronk in the jungle. As for Tascl, Groznik
nearly kills him for killing Throm Loro (Elscol's husband), but instead they take him into
custody. With the local Imperials dealt a major blow, the Rogues leave for Mrlsst, with Elscol
as their newest squadron member, with Groznik in tow.
(The Rebel Opposition)
Rogue Squadron arrives on Mrlsst to place the Alliance's bid on a new cloaking technology
designed to cloak individual starfighters. Once on the planet, Wedge Antilles meets up with
Mirax "Myra" Terrik. Shortly thereafter, Tycho and several other Rogues witness a rally by
the Ante-Endor Association (AEA), who refuse to acknowledge that the Battle of Endor and
Palpatine's death ever happened. When Tycho confronts the crowd, he is laughed off. When
he is finally away from the crowd later in the day, members of the AEA try to kill him, but he is
saved by what appears to be the ghost of a Jedi Knight. The rest of the Rogues enjoy and
evening of leave in a local bar, listening to the musical group, Ghost Jedi, when waitress Koyi
Nomad tells them about the real stories of a Jedi ghost on campus of the Mrlsst Academy.
They also then encounter Rorax Falken, a composer and technological genius, who shrugs
off any attention. Then the Imperial negotiator/bidder arrives for the bidding procedures. The
representative is Loka Hask, the Imperial whose pirate activities caused the deaths of Jagged
and Zena Antilles, Wedge's parents. Soon, the Imperials and the AEA team up to attempt to
steal the datacards containing the specs of the cloaking device and frame Rogue Squadron
member Tycho Celchu for the crime. While Wedge is arrested, the rest of the Rogues go on
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 536
the lamb, finally hiding with the Mrlsst underground. Back at the prison, the ghost of Junak
(i.e. the Jedi ghost) frees Wedge from prison. The ghost then visits Elscol and Groznik,
taking on the appearance of Throm and ordering Groznik to knock Elscol unconscious. In
space, Dllr Nep and Mirax arrive at Rorax Falken's asteroid lab only to learn what Wedge is
already informing the rest of the group--that the Phantom Ship project was a fake, created as
a way to milk the Empire for money. During that encounter with Falken, it is revealed that the
ghost Jedi is really a holoprojection created by Falken. In retaliation for the Rebels tenacity in
staying alive, Hask orders an attack on Mrlsst. As the rest of Rogue Squadron battles for
Mrlsst, Mirax, Dllr, Elscol, and Groznik deal with an invasion of Falken's asteroid by Hask and
his troops. In the ensuing battle, Mirax, Dllr, and Elscol escape with plans for a gravitic
polarization beam (i.e. portable planet-slicer), Falken is killed, and Groznik is nearly killed
covering the team's escape. Upon learning what the portable planet-slicer can do, Mirax and
company turn the device on the asteroid lab, destroying it (including Hask and Groznik) and
Hask's Interdictor cruiser. The Rogues regroup on Mrlsst and finally leave the planet.
(The Phantom Affair)
Nam Chorios begins to be colonized again.
(conjecture based on Planet of Twilight)
Rogue Squadron is sent to Tatooine to aid Winter in a covert investigation. On Tatooine,
Winter is planning to attend Huff Darklighter's gathering to commemorate the anniversary of
Biggs Darklighter's death at the Battle of Yavin. Wedge, Elscol, Tycho, and Winter (under the
name Windmere Wellen) attend the gathering. The other Rogues enter into a bar fight and
are hired by Kap Dendo to aid him in a raid on the Darklighter estate (which is a diversion
that Winter ordered so that she could steal an important disk in Huff's possession). When the
time comes for the diversion, though, it is not Kapp's team, but an outside party who
manages to steal the disk. It would appear that the second team of raiders, Rodians, were
ordered to steal the disk by a Twi'lek named Firth Olan, who has been "conspiring" with the
brain spider-bound Bib Fortuna. As the Rebels from the gathering pursue the Rodians, they
end up confronting the planned raiders and thereby reuniting Rogue Squadron, while the
Rodians get away. After returning to Darklighter's home, they learn (from Huff and Winter)
that the disk contained a map to a large cache of weaponry that once belonged to Lirin
Banolt, along with the Eidolon a strike cruiser which carried multiple TIEs, but vanished on its
first mission. Olan apparently wants it so that he can gain prominence in the black market
and have the power necessary to become Tatooine's next governor. As Rogue Squadron
heads to stop Olan, Olan orders his TIEs into the air. Once that battle begins, Olan's TIEs
are joined by Imperial TIEs sent by Captain Marl Semtin, from an orbiting Star Destroyer.
Olan escapes to Ryloth, to which the Rebels and Imperials follow him. Once there, Koh'shak,
Olan's clan leader, creates a contest in which two Imperials and two Rogues are to race to a
"globe of victory" over who will be allowed to take Olan into custody. The Imperials win, but
only because Wedge goes back to help a wounded Winter. Olan then manages to escape
with the Imperials, who didn't plan to wait for the race to be won. The two Imperial troopers,
one of which is Sixtus Quinn, decide to join the Rebels and they, with a stowaway Bib
Fortuna, head off in pursuit of Olan and the Imperials. They all arrive back at Tatooine,
where Olan has been placed in charge of Eidolon Base, a base built around the weapon
cache and named after the Eidolon, which turns out to not have been fully spaceworthy to
begin with. As the Rogues attack by air and a ground assault takes place (including Sixtus
and Kapp), the Rebels capture the weapon cache and Sixtus takes revenge, killing Semtin.
After the battle, the weapons are given to Tatooine's government. Elscol Loro decides to join
up with Sixtus Quinn to lead a Rebel ground attack force. Winter and Tycho cement their
fledgling relationship with a kiss. As for Firth Olan . . . his fate isn't quite so happy. Upon
returning to Jabba's palace, his brain is taken and placed in a Brain Spider, while Bib
Fortuna's mind receives a new body--Olan's. Bib Fortuna is at large once again.
(Battleground: Tatooine)
C-3PO begins to record the early adventures of Luke Skywalker and the other Rebels into the
Alliance computer known as Mnemos. One of his earliest tales is that of the Rebels
adventure on Gamblers World.
(Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures—“Gambler’s World, Part II” and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 537
conjecture based on Star Wars comic strips and their continuation, Classic Star Wars:
The Early Adventures)
Moruth Doole takes over the Kessel spice mines.
(conjecture based on Jedi Search)
Lady Valarian’s protégé, Shiri’ani becomes enamored with Firth Olan, not realizing that Firth
is actually the man who first sold her into slavery, Bib Fortuna, in Olan’s body. Bib begins
using her to slowly rebuild his assets and work against Lady Valarian.*
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)*
*NOTE: This could take place any time between Battleground: Tatooine and the TNJO era.
The Rogues, including new pilots Feylis Ardele, Herian I'ngre, Ibtisam, and Nrin Vakil, go
through some combat training in simulators. During their training, they get a visit from Grand
Duke Gror Pernon. He tells them that the presumed-dead member of the Eiattu royal family,
Prince Harrandatha (Harran) has returned and begun to move toward reinstating a
monarchical government under his rule. Pernon wants help, especially that of Harran's long-
lost sister, Isplourrdacartha (Rogue Squadron member Plourr Illo). The squadron escorts
Plourr and Pernon to Eiattu where they meet Plourr's betrothed (against her wishes)
husband-to-be, Count Rial Pernon. The group finally sets out to find Harran only to be
ambushed by Imperials and saved by Harran and his People's Liberation Battalion (PLB).
After hearing Harran out and returning to the capital, a dinner takes place. During the dinner,
Plourr chooses to side with Harran and officially announces her desire to remove the
hypocritical noble class from power. That night, as several Rogues dine with Harran's group,
Harran is conspicuously absent. Instead of being with his band, he is in an
interrogation/torture room with Moff Leonia Tavira, torturing one of his own men until finally
killing him out of "mercy." Later, as the Rogues travel on foot, they are attacked by Imperial
forces, only to discover that the forces bear ties to the Priamsta and nobleman Count
Laabann. Several Rogues are captured, however. After the confrontation, Plourr finally tells
her comrade that Harran cannot possibly be the true Harrandatha, because when she was a
child, she killed Harran herself. He had been corrupted by Darth Vader and when the royal
family was being murdered and Harran and Plourr were hiding, Harran would have given
away their position (and their lives) if she hadn't silenced him by murdering him. Tavira then
reveals to the captive Rogues that Harran Estillo (the current one) was really an imposter
meant to take the real Harran's place in the royal family as a spy one day. To that end, he
was programmed to believe that he was Harran himself. The PLB then attacks the capital
and is victorious. Upon ending that confrontation, Plourr faces off with "Harran," finally
proving that he is an imposter after blasting his hand off (as he'd tried to kill her). As the
smoke clears, Plourr decides to remain on Eiattu to rule with Rial. The Rogues leave Eiattu
with one less pilot.
(The Warrior Princess)
Ashern rebels on Thyferra contaminate bacta lot ZXI449F, which will make its way to
Coruscant and render many citizens and soldiers allergic to bacta treatment.
(conjecture based on Rogue Squadron)
Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the mineworks of Eloggi are turned over to a Sullustan
mining company.
(conjecture based on Endor and the Moddell Sector)
Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the lack of an Emperor to squash new claims to phrikite
mines on the Gromas moons leads to new development and phrikite strikes on the moons,
leading to the formation of the GromasMines Cooperative.
(conjecture based on Kyle Katarn’s Tale)
The Bakura-Class Destroyer is developed by the Bakurans in the years after the liberation
from the Ssi-ruuvi invasion force.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Threat Dossier via TimeTales, abridged)
Jerresk, a Quarren, and leader of band of pirates based on the planet Fluwhaka, begins
attacking several New Republic supply ships, and he is promptly put on the Republics Most
Wanted list.
(conjecture based on Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction via TimeTales, verbatim)
Quelii sector home to Dathomir comes under the control of Warlord Zsinj. While fearing
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 538
the Nightsisters destructive power, Zsinj is unwilling to waste a large portion of his fleet
guarding a relatively unimportant planet. As luck would have it, a remarkable find is made on
Koratas, Dathomirs fourth moon. Digging through the thick, red tinted soil, Imperial
scientists stumble across several rich veins of neutronium, lommite and zersium. These
minerals are the primary components in the alloy known as durasteel, the most common
warship grade armor used in Imperial ship construction. Excited by the discovery, Zsinj
moved all his shipbuilding facilities to Dathomir, producing huge docks of scaffolding that
stretched over ten kilometers in length. Since the Star Destroyers would have to guard the
shipyard anyway, they could also keep watch over the planet . . . and the Nightsisters.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Threat Dossier via TimeTales, verbatim)
Warlord Zsinj usurps the planet Kidriff 5 in the Kidriff system, and represented the furthest
point Coreward that his influence extended. The planet was strategic for two reasons: first, it
was a wealthy trade depot world along several hyperspace routes; second, its natural
resources included several heavy alloys which were used to improve the strength and
durability of TIE Fighter hulls. The governing body of the planet chose to build it up in the
image of Coruscant, so much of the planet is covered by gleaming cityscapes. However, the
planet's cities are relatively new compared to Coruscant's, and so the atmosphere is still
clear. The Imperial forces there relaxed much of their security measures in order to increase
the trade flowing through Kidriff 5's ports.
(conjecture based on Solo Command via TimeTales, verbatim)
Glom Tho is the site of a battle between Imperial and New Republic forces. It is the decisive
encounter of the Hevvrol Sector Campaign. The New Republic troops were supplied with
NeuroSaav Sure-Sight imagers which, according to NeuroSaav marketing material, was
instrumental in defeating the Imperials.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game via TimeTales, verbatim)
On his first assignment after graduation from the Imperial Naval Academy, Pash Cracken
leads his entire TIE wing in defecting to the Alliance. They become known as “Cracken’s
Flight Group,” and their killing of a Victory class Star Destroyer makes them legendary as
(conjecture based on Wedge’s Gamble via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Rogues (currently numbering nine--Wedge, Janson, Tycho, Hobbie, Dlrr, Feylis, Ibtisam,
Herian, and Nrin) head to the Malrev system to search for the downed Bothan Starfaring.
Upon arriving in-system, Dllr picks up on a strange sound, which leads them to the system's
fourth planet and a TIE ambush, in which Wedge is shot down. The others find the ship and
most of its compliment. During the first night, several Rogues and Bothans are driven to
violence by an unknown force. Native Irrukiines attack the group, ending their little civil
conflict. As the Irrukiines are attacking, their master, Cartariun (a Devaronian using Sith
magic), heals Wedge and keeps him in a nearby temple. The Irrukiines are finally driven off
by Nrin, who brings his X-wing to blast the Irrukiines into retreating. Cartariun continues
using his Sith magic to give nightmares to the Rogues, searching for one who might be
malleable to his will. As the Irrukiines attack the Rogues and Bothans again, Wedge escapes
from Cartariun and enters the fray, driving off the remaining creatures. Dllr, however, goes to
the temple and willingly hands himself over to Cartariun--the Sith magic has created a
"music" that Dllr could not resist. Cartariun tries to corrupt Dllr, but when Dllr resists, he sics
the Irrukiine on him and sics a squadron of TIEs on the Rogues. As Cartariun uses Sith
magic to direct the battle, Dllr is able to get the drop on him, only to be shot in the back by
Girov, leader of the Bothans, because he is seen using the Sith powers of the temple to
attack Cartariun. Girov, it seems, had learned the power of the temple. He shoots off his
own hand and animates it (using the power of the temple) to kill Cartariun. He then
reattaches his hand. In the medical ward, Herian has suffered brain damage from the last
battle, but still receives a message from the mind of Dllr telling Wedge to destroy the temple.
As the Rogues head for the temple, Girov sends a fleet of TIE Interceptors to stop them.
While the Rogues engage the Interceptors, Herian is guided by Dlrr to an X-wing and heads
for the temple. In the skies over the planet, the Rogues are severely outnumbered, but the
sudden arrival of Z-95 Headhunters from Eiattu (led by Plourr) turns the tide. Finally Herian,
with the X-wing damaged, fires a proton torpedo into the temple while flying the X-wing
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 539
inside. The temple is destroyed, along with Herian, Dllr, and Girov. The Rogues have won
the day, but have lost two more pilots.
(Requiem for a Rogue)
On Venaari, Sienn Sconn, professional thief who steals only from targets who deserve it (like
Imperials), is relaxing in the Binary Bar, considering stealing an old Swoop hanging from the
ceiling. Before he can consider it much more, Shandria L’hnnar, a New Republic agent who
just stole sensitive data from an Imperial research facility on Venaari, comes in to hide.
When Imperials come in after her, Sconn, against his better judgment, helps her escape.
The Imperials, under command of Major Daraada, pursue them though the bar and in a wild
chase aboard a stolen Imperial strike speeder. Daraada sends the bounty hunter Pentix
Graphyt after them, and he and Sconn battle on the roof of the speeder as they hurtle toward
an Imperial barricade at Ven-Kavi Spaceport. Sconn uses some explosives and Graphyt’s jet
pack to turn the hunter into a humanoid missile, blowing a hole in the enemy lines, allowing
them (and Daraadas pursuing speeder) to enter the spaceport. As Shandria escapes in a Y-
wing with the information, Sconn hides in a tunnel under the spaceport until Daraada leaves
to take out his frustration by torturing his personal stormtroopers. In the tunnel, Sconn
checks his pocket and finds that Shandria slipped him 25,000 credits for his help, along with
a message: “Try not to steal from anybody for a while, okay?”
(One of a Kind)
With Imperials attacking and capturing transports in the Slice, Cosmohaul Shipping decides
to recruit mercenaries (sorry, “freelance marines”) to guard its shipments. One such
shipment, full of R5 astromechs, is about to head on a Slice run. A group of mercs is hired by
Paxtrell Snoygal to help protect the shipment from Imperials. The group boards the ship, the
Argent Lady, piloted by Xalto Sneerzick, with co-pilot Babalabbet Swoont, engineer Zoodia
Tantra, and droid G-3PO, and they head out on the run. Shortly into the run, the mercs
discover Xal and the others inputting a virus into the R5s. It turns out that Xalto is actually a
renegade droid abolitionist, and his virus (also used on G-3PO ages ago) liberates droid
programming from servitude or slave-like positions. The abolitionists are planning to take the
newly freed droids into the Mid-Rim Territories, but the mercs try to stop them, which ends up
with the mercs imprisoned. Unfortunately, the abolitionists haven’t made any preparations to
deal with how the virus might mingle with the already-faulty R5 personality matrices. By the
time the mercs get out of their makeshift holding cell (escape pod), the crew, including Xalto,
is already dead, killed by the droids. The mercs then battle the other psychotic droids, while,
upon arriving at Sev Tok, the Imperial Patrol Craft Cutlass begins attacking the Argent Lady.
The mercs disable the droids and barely escape from the Imperials. The day is won . . . for
the most part. During the battle, one remaining virus-bearing R5 managed to get into an
escape pod and flee the scene. Until that droid is found, the virus will remain a threat to droid
owners everywhere.
(Droids Defiant)
As the infighting after Palpatine’s death grows, Maarek Stele questions the Empire’s validity,
but soon comes under the wing of Baron Soontir Fel, taking his place among the Imperial
TIE fighter squadron.
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns)
Upon discovering that an unwitting counteragent is in the Rogue Squadron ranks, the Rogues
ally themselves with Boba Fett to discover the agents plans and employers.
(The Mandalorian Candidate)
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This summary is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The most famous of these stories is Lightsider, of course, but The
Mandalorian Candidate is among them as well. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor
text for our purposes, with no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it
historical curiosity.
At Brentaal IV, Rogue Squadron scouts he local Imperials. On Coruscant, Imperial
Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard (known to many as Iceheart), meets with Sate Pestage
and suggests laying a trap for the Rogues on Brentaal IV. Pestage at first is not supportive of
the idea, given that many of the members of the Cabal (a "round table" of Imperials that rivals
him for leadership of the Empire) have property there, and those that do not, share the wealth
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 540
anyway. Isard assures him that the Imperial 181st TIE Squadron, led by Baron Soontir Fel,
will destroy the Rogues. He reluctantly agrees to allow the attack to take place. At the Rebel
base designated Delta-Nine, four new Rogues are brought into the squadron, bringing it back
to 12 pilots, now that Plourr is back with the Rogues after the Starfaring debacle. The new
pilots include Dar Keyis, Standro Jcir, Avan Beruss, and Xarcce Huwla. Admiral Gial Ackbar
orders an assault on Brentaal IV, hoping to wrest control of the planet from Imperial Admiral
Lon Isoto. The Rogues will coordinate their effort with Colonel Salm's Aggressor wing.
During the attack, Hobbie is shot down, but manages to escape mortal injury. They had
faced the Imperial 181st and lived to speak of it. When they learn who they were up against,
however, their opinions of their own future survival take a turn for the worst. On Brentaal IV,
Isard speaks with Fel, who assures her that the presence of Wedge Antilles will not be a
hindrance to his performance. Another attack is carried out with the Rogues hitting the
capital city while Aggressor wing takes out a spaceport. During the engagement, both Wes
Janson and Ibtisam are shot down, alive, but behind enemy lines. On Coruscant, Pestage
fears that Isoto will let Brentaal IV fall and wants to relieve him of command. Isard convinces
him not to do so, and subsequently tells the Cabal that Pestage supports Isoto, making
treason the Cabal's only choice. Shortly after the capture of Janson and Ibtisam, a ground
force led by Kapp Dendo frees them. The Rogues (with Janson and Ibtisam staying with the
ground force) then stage a final attack on the capital. As the battle rages between the
Rogues and 181st in the air and ground forces in the city itself, Isard contacts Isoto and has
an agent (a woman whom Isoto had a fancy for) kill him. Finally, Wedge dogfights and
captures Fel, as the battle comes to a close, with the Rogues victorious. On Coruscant, Isard
watches a public address by Pestage, while Cabal members conspire to bring Pestage down
permanently. At the Rebel base, Wedge visits Fel's cell at Fel's urging. Fel gives Wedge
regards from his wife--Wedge's missing sister. (Exact date: 39:12)*
(In the Empire's Service)*
*NOTE: The EGtW gives this a date of nine months after ROTJ.
During interrogation, Soontir Fel tells the story of much of his life to those present, from his
youth on Corellia to his defeat at Brentaal IV. He knows that his wife must have already
gone into hiding, at his urging. In return for finding her and keeping her safe, he offers his
life, skills, and knowledge to the Alliance.*
(The Making of Baron Fel)*
*NOTE: Yes, there is more to this story, but it is all in flashbacks, so they are listed when they took place, not
After the capture of Baron Fel by the Rebel Alliance, Major Turr Phennir inherits the 181
Imperial Fighter group.
(conjecture based on Solo Command and Starfighters of Adumar via TimeTales,
A funeral is held for those pilots recently killed in action. As the procession ends, Wedge
Antilles informs the other members of Rogue Squadron that Soontir Fel, now a Colonel, will
be joining the squadron. He then "suggests" that Plourr, Hobbie, and Janson use their leave
time to go to Coronet City, Corellia, to search for Fel's wife/Wedge's sister. Hopefully, they
will get to her, if she has not left yet, before the Empire does. Upon arrival they are stopped
on their way to Fel's family home by Corellian Security officer Corran Horn, who tells them
that Fel's nephew, Fyric, has been kidnapped. Wynssa Starflare (AKA Syal Antilles, or is that
the other way around?) has already gone into hiding, and the kidnapping is an attempt to
bring her into the open. The investigation is then taken over by Kirtan Loor, leaving a
disgruntled Corran and Iella Wessiri with unanswered questions. The Rogues go to the site
set up for the ransom delivery and fight the kidnappers, one of which, Ilir Post, gets away.
Shortly thereafter, Corran and Iella arrive and agree to work with the Rogues to find Fyric.
They go to Post's home and face off with Post's thugs. Post then holds Fyric hostage on a
balcony, but someone shoots him square in the forehead and Plourr catches Fyric. The
unknown shooter's action is written off as a weapon's malfunction. The Rogues then take the
Fel family off of Corellia as Corran flies cover in his green X-wing. As the Rogues leave the
system, they ponder the young CorSec officer and decide that he may well be part of Rogue
Squadron someday. If Fel can be a Rogue, "maybe that Horn guy has it in him."
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 541
(Family Ties)
The Gamorrean named Grissom sits alone having a drink on Otunia. He was one of Jabba’s
guards after the death of his family, but now that Jabba is dead, he has just been doing odd
jobs and fighting for credits. He is bumped by Arista, the daughter of Lorn Kabul, when she is
being accosted by a Gran. He whups the Gran to let out frustration and ends up starting a
bar brawl. He and the Gran, among others, are arrested. Later, at Kabul’s residence, Arista
complains about a tracking device she must wear on her ankle. She’s also to soon get more
responsibility. Her Uncle Seth interrupts her talk with her father, and she’s left alone to
practice skeet shooting. Later, Set speaks with Moff Harsh, an Imperial, and declares that
Lord Kabul will be dead the next day, and the familys mine will be rightfully Seth’s and a
partnership will begin with the Empire. The next day, at the mine that Kabul owns and in
which Grissom is imprisoned, a bomb explodes, nearly killing Arista and managing to kill her
Lord Kabul. The only reason it didn’t kill them all was a timely save by Grissom. Kabul,
dying, asks Grissom to take Arista away to safety, and he agrees. On the run from Seth’s
goons, Grissom and Arista are attacked, but saved by a Jawa named Tek. Tek is being
blamed for the death of a moisture farmer who didnt heed his advice when using a sand
blaster, so hes on the run too. He has a bounty on his head, so Grissom and Arista turn him
in to the authorities, collect the bounty, and then break him right back out of custody. Arista
returns home to confront Seth. She lets him live, but blows up the mines. Tek, Grissom, and
Arista then leave on an outbound freighterjust three against the galaxy.
(Three Against the Galaxy)
As Sate Pestage grows more desperate, Isard gains more power, and the Cabal prepares to
strike, Tycho Celchu and Soontir Fel are assigned to go with Chewbacca and Han Solo to
escort Leia Organa to Eiattu. En route, Tycho reveals his feelings for Winter to Leia. Upon
arrival at Eiattu, the team is met by Rial Pernon and Plourr (who returned shortly after the
Corellia mission). Shortly after a ceremony, Leia calls Tycho to her room and kisses him. It
is not Leia at all, but Winter, and if she could fool Tycho, she can fool anyone. A moment
later, both Tycho and Winter are stunned by a commando team sent to take "Leia" prisoner.
In the sewers of Axxila, the real Leia and Wedge make their way to a secret meeting with
Pestage. As the Rebels ponder how "Leia" (Winter) and Tycho were kidnapped, the two are
brought before Lionia Tavira, who is trying to create her own Warlordship. At the secret
meeting on Axxila, Leia agrees to give Pestage immunity and sanctuary in return for Pestage
giving them Coruscant easily. On Eiattu, Fel says he is on a secret Imperial mission and
learns from Laabaan that it was he who arranged Leonia's capture of "Leia" and Tycho. They
head for Starforge Station. On Axxila, the Rogues waiting for Leia and Wedge discover a
hangar full of Uglies belonging to Kavil's Corsairs. When they are discovered, they take off
and meet up with Leia and Wedge. On Coruscant, Ysanne Isard departs aboard the Imperial
Star Destroyer Reckoning for Axxila to capture Leia. At Starforge Station, after roughing up
part of the kidnapping group, Rayt, Han and company learn that "Leia" and Tycho are being
held on Axxila. On Axxilla, Pestage agrees to give Winter and Tycho over to Leia and Wedge
as a show of good faith, but shortly thereafter, the two escape on their own. They manage to
steal a Y-wing but end up facing the Corsairs in the skies. The Rogues learn of their situation
and rush to help. The Rogues and the Millennium Falcon make short work of the Corsairs,
and the entire group is reunited. As they regroup at their hangar, the Reckoning,
commanded by Admiral Krennel and bearing Isard, arrives. Krennel takes Pestage onboard
and Fel pretends to be a covert Imperial operative, yet again. Fel informs Krennel that he
has an AT3 directive and Pestage orders Krennel to let them go. Pestage also arranges for
Tavira to leave the planet shortly thereafter. The Rogues head out from the planet as
Pestage returns to Coruscant. Isard accuses him of treason, but without proof, she has no
bargaining power. She will wait--for now.
On Coruscant, Ysanne Isard informs the Cabal (Ruling Council of the Empire and Sate
Pestage's rivals) of Pestage's treasonous activities. She then orders all off-planet ships
grounded, but Pestage overrides the order and leaves the planet in his yacht. Upon reaching
a Corsair ship commanded by Leonia Tavira, he gives the yacht to his pilot and is taken to
Ciutric. Once on Ciutric, a power-hungry Tavira arrests Pestage. A Rebel intelligence agent
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 542
informs General Cracken of Pestage's situation and the New Republic Provisional Council
agrees to send a rescue team for Pestage, which means canceling Rogue Squadron's
current leave time. The Rogues are to team up with Aggressor wing and a ground force led
by Kapp Dendo to get Pestage off of Ciutric. On Coruscant, Isard speaks via hologram with
Tavira, letting here live (and have a tiny amount of credits) for her arrest of Pestage. The
Ruling Council then prepares to send Admiral Krennel to reclaim Pestage. Knowing this,
Isard makes a deal with Krennel. He does as she wills with Pestage and he receives the role
of Emperor when she takes over the Empire. The New Republic force makes it to Ciutric and
the ground force is inserted, but the starfighters are attacked by TIEs and blocked by an
Imperial Star Destroyer (the Reckoning) and an Interdictor and forced to go to ground. The
ground force, at the same time, frees Pestage and takes him with them. The New Republic
forces regroup. Back in New Republic territory, the Provisional Council refuses to give more
of its badly stretched resources to getting the forces on Ciutric out. They simply cannot afford
it. TIEs are detected approaching the Ciutric encampment and the Rogues hit the skies.
They successfully stop the TIEs, but Ibtisam is killed in the battle, much to the anger and grief
of Nrin Vakil, who had fallen in love with her. On Coruscant, Isard is chastised by the Ruling
Council and subsequently has Krennel release his full TIE force to retake Pestage. The
Rogues hit the skies to stop the TIEs and are greatly outnumbered until Mirax Terrik arrives
in the Pulsar Skate with General Salm's Aggressor wing right behind her. On Coruscant,
Isard arranges the murder of Tribune Caller, a member of the Ruling Council. As the Rogues
and the other New Republic forces prepare to escape Ciutric, Isard, on Coruscant, arranges
the death of another Council member, Plumba. The Rogues and other New Republic forces
make it off of Ciutric safely, but Pestage is recaptured by the Imperials and subsequently
murdered by Krennel, who takes over Pestage's Ciutric possessions. On Coruscant, Isard
captures and imprisons the last member of the Cabal, Tribune Carvin. The Empire is now
hers to command. Finally, far from Ciutric, another funeral is held for a Rogue, this time
Ibtisam. Wedge's remarks honor those who have gone before, for "though the struggle with
the Empire continues, [they] brought it that much closer to an end, and when it is gone, [they]
and [their] courage will be remembered and live on forever."
(Mandatory Retirement)
After the death of Ibtisam, the relationship between Ibtisam and Nrin Vakil becomes public
knowledge and helps spur greater openness about interrelating between Quarren and Mon
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Soontir Fel goes missing from New Republic service. The New Republic will not release the
details of his disappearance, though there is a suggestion that Ysanne Isard is behind it.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The Empire commissions a Victory-class Star Destroyer christened the Aspiration. Shortly
later, it’s Captain defects with Prince-Admiral Krennel when he breaks away from Imperial
(conjecture based on Isard’s Revenge via TimeTales, verbatim)
As the New Republic takes an active interest in Tatooine, they negotiate with Lady Valarian
for water rights and such. Mos Entha begins to grow, partially due to commercial
arrangements made with the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Secrets of Tatooine)
The Skywalker Tour is developed by the government of Tatooine.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Technical Journal: Tatooine via TimeTales,
Crin Harson, an Imperial Moff, is discovered dead in his rooms on the resort world of Traflin.
A group of Alliance personal who are taking a well-deserved rest are implicated in the crime,
but are cleared of any murder charges when the true killer is discovered by the Alliance
(conjecture based on the Gamemaster Screen via TimeTales, verbatim)
In the wake of the Battle of Endor, the Otoh Gunga Bongameken Cooperative experiences a
resurgence in business as Gungans feel free to travel more often.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 543
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
Lett Minak is a smuggler who works for the Empire after the Battle of Endor. He is employed
by Moff Feleea, but their personality relationship was strained. Minak was approached by
Moff Relans, who offered him the opportunity to work as a spy for his organization. Minak
agreed, and outwardly worked for Feleea aboard his freighter, the Shadow. On the side,
Minak fed Feleea false information given to him by Moff Relans. Working this way, Minak
received protection from both Moffs, ensuring his own safety and regular income.
(conjecture based on the Heroes and Rogues via TimeTales, verbatim)
The new Corellian Diktat dissolves the Corellian Security Force (CorSec) and establishes a
new, more Diktat - friendly organization, named the Public Safety Service (PSS) in its place.
(conjecture based on the Wedge’s Gamble via TimeTales, verbatim)
Attichitcuk contacts Chewbacca and Han Solo for help on Kashyyyk. With the New Republic
unable to send resources at this time, the pair go alone. Once there, they take on a few
Trandoshan slavers, then discover one of Chewies friends, Weebacca, in an Imperial holding
facility. They free Weebacca and help the Wookiees get a foothold to begin recreating their
own government. Unfortunately, the Imperials are still present, and a long siege ensues at
the Imperial fortress. Knowing that they need to take out Moff Darcc, who, with the help of the
slaver Pekt, has set up Kashyyyk as his own little Imperial fiefdom, Han and Chewie plan to
take out a series of signal jammers, allowing them to contact the New Republic.
Unfortunately, Weebacca betrays them and sends them into a trap on Okakuti, the false
location of the jammers. After a difficult escape, they discover, thanks to Chewie’s friend
Shoran, discover the true location of the jammers. They take them out, then force Darcc to
flee from his palace. He escapes with Pekt to the orbiting Avatar Platform with a ship full of
slaves . . . including Attichitcuk. With the help of newly-contacted Lando Calrissian, Luke
Skywalker, and Rogue Squadron (Luke flying with them temporarily, it seems), they save the
slaves and destroy the platform, taking Pekt and Darcc with it. Kashyyyk has been liberated.
(Galactic Battlegrounds)
Sienn Sconn has infiltrated Ryvellan King Rilvvan Kntarr’s reception in the Rythani Products
Building in order to steal a prototype Imperial weapon that is to be presented to Moff
Caerbellak at a large parade and ceremony the next day. He is nervous enough as it is, but
becomes even more nervous when he bumps into Caerbellak’s Mistryl Guard, Variise. He
sneaks off to go after the prototype but ends up pulled into a room by Princess Kalieva
K’ntarr, who thought he was Arden, a servant that she’d been having a fling with. He was
intending to take her away, so now Kelieva wants Sienn to do so, and in return, she will help
him get the prototype. They head for the prototype lab, but she isn’t allowed in. Sienn knocks
out the guards and they get in. Sienn ties Kalieva up and gets the prototype ready for
escape. He is just loading it into an AT-AT when Kalieva shows up again, and the two
escape together. They end up getting caught in the midst of the day’s parade, and have to
make their escape in the runaway AT-AT, with Caerbellak threatening to kill the populace if
the prototype isnt recovered. Variise gets aboard the AT-AT and battles Sienn on an
extended platform on the vehicle’s side, but Sienn gets the upper hand and kills her with a
detonator. They make it away from the AT-AT with the prototype on a sled attached to a
speeder. Upon arriving at their escape ship, though, Kalieva has second thoughts. She
wants to return to make sure her father is alright and thinks the life of a princess, while
boring, at least wont get her killed. Sienn agrees and leaves with the prototype. Later,
Kalieva goes to see her boyfriend . . . Moff Caerbellak. The prototype has homing devices
installed in the components to be sent to Rebel bases, and both Caerbellak and Kalieva look
forward to following the signals and crushing the Rebels . . .
(Easy Credits)
“Some months after Endor,” Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian land the Millennium Falcon on
an unknown world when the navigation computer breaks down. On the world, they encounter
an isolated Imperial contingent led by a bored and eccentric Moff. They are captured and
brought to the Moff, who decides that Chewbacca will fight his warrior droid (put together
from spare parts, consisting mostly of a protocol droid with augmented attack programming).
If Chewie wins, the New Republic gets the planet. If the droid wins, Chewie and Lando die.
They have no choice but to agree, and the fight commences. Chewbacca gets into the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 544
droid’s circuitry and disables the droid’s attack programming, ending the battle. Chewie is
pissed that Lando agreed to let him fight so quickly, so he suggests that Lando and the Moff
fight. Lando refuses until the Moff strikes first. Lando ends up winning the battle, and the
New Republic liberates the planet. (To be continued below . . . ).
A group of heroes suddenly drop out of hyperspace, stranded far from their destination.
Outside, another ship is visible, with the barely legible name Starkiller on the hull. One of the
heroes, who happens to have an interest in ancient crime, explains that the Starkiller is a
Frommon Longhaul, one of the first hyperspace capable freighters in the early Old Republic.
It was owned by a wealthy bounty hunter named Leshy Drobo. It is currently traveling in
sublight speed and sensors show no signs of life aboard. However, one of the heroes is
Force sensitive and so begins to feel a mind probe from a being suffering desperately from
loneliness. When the heroes approach the Starkiller in their ship, it fires on them and takes
evasive actions. After a brief battle, the Starkiller is damaged and the heroes board it.
Accessing the computer, they discover a log entry by Leshy Drobo, describing his capture of
someone named Wasaki. Reaching the bridge, they are attacked by a droid, XT-8. Once
they finish it off, they continue searching the ship and find a hidden compartment in the cargo
hold. Inside the compartment is a slab of carbonite with a figure frozen inside, still alive.
Piecing together the clues they have found around the ship, the heroes realize that Drobo
and his droid must have captured Jedi Knight Roni von Wasaki and frozen him in carbonite,
and then fought between themselves until Drobo died and the hyperdrive was damaged. The
ship has been traveling at sublight speed toward its original destination for over 20,000 years.
When they free Wasaki from the carbonite, they realize that he had been conscious for the
entire 20,000 years and that this has driven him mad and permanently blind. He starts
rambling that the dark side is after him, and that the heroes can’t let him die, for he is the light
side of the Force and his death would lead to the end of all that is good in the galaxy.*
(Disturbance in the Force)*
*NOTE: This story is a generic RPG scenario, but there is a sense that it likely takes place early in the New
Republic era. All information pertaining to this Challenge Magazine article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
Taver Soren, now an agent of the New Republic, is posted on Crystal Web Station, running a
starship repair bay called “We Fix Anything.”
(conjecture based on The Luminous Bantha)
Dirk Harkness and his Black Curs travel between Coruscant and neighboring systems
gathering information on the current political climate. They then set out to take the information
to General Airen Cracken.
(Recon and Report)
Tessek, now in a brain spider, mentally sends out a message to Luke Skywalker, Leia
Organa, and others who survived the ordeal at the Pit of Carkoon. He tells them that if they
ever return, they shall find a free Quarren in the palace.
(A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek’s Tale)
The Black Curs have finished their recon and the report of what they have seen, but are
pursued on their way to Coruscant by Imperial forces led by Advisor Bregius Golthan. They
are attacked in the Moorja system, and a New Republic team is sent to help them, even
though they are more like mercenaries helping the New Republic than a New Republic team
themselves. The team arrives at Moorja and finds two of Golthan’s Star Destroyers in a
stand-off with two of Warlord Prentiochs Star Destroyers, and the Last Chance, Platt
Okeefe’s ship, going in for a possible crash landing, followed by Imperials. They follow the
Last Chance down and fight their way through Imperials and warlord forces to get to Okeefe
and the other Black Curs, only to find that Dirk Harkness has left to get a ship they’d hidden
on the world as a precaution and will need help. What’s more, Dirk has the recon report.
The team goes to a cavern, in which they meet Dirk, who has gotten the hidden Y-wing up
and running. Dirk and the New Republic team return to the Last Chance, which Platt has
repaired. With the recon report in-hand, the entire troupe escapes from Moorja and delivers
the report to General Airen Cracken. A short while after arrival, Luke Skywalker calls in the
team. He is sending them to Canyon to speak with Guldus Bemm on his behalf. It seems
Bemm’s mining operation has discovered gems that could be related to Jedi lightsaber
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 545
construction. The team is to meet Platt Okeefe on the world. They go to Canyon and meet
Bemm and Platt. Later, while finally touring the crystal mines, the team (minus Platt) is
ambushed. It has all been an Imperial plot to trap Skywalker, but since he isnt there, the
team will have to do. The team escapes, only to discover that Platt has been taken into
custody by Golthans Imperials. They attempt a rescue, but cannot get to Platt before the
shuttle shes being held in leaves Canyon. The team then returns to tell the New Republic
what has happened. Their request to rescue Platt is denied, based on the fact that Cracken
was dealing with non-Republic personnel (the Black Curs and namely Platt) when she was
captured, and Cracken has now been ordered to cease all outside hiring, so to speak. The
team is approached by Dirk Harkness, who wants them to help him to unofficially rescue
Platt. They travel to the Black Curs’ secret base, where Dirk and the others outline a plan to
break into Golthans fortress on Voktunma to save Platt. The New Republic team will enter
and attempt to destroy the fortress’ sensors and shields, then rescue Platt in time for a Black
Curs force to waylay the fortress and rescue them. The mission commences. The insertion
team sets explosives for the sensors and shields, and finds Platt just as they explode. They
are attacked by Golthan’s forces and are nearly captured, but are saved by the well-timed
Black Curs strike, during which they all escape aboard the Luudrian Star. The Black Curs are
grateful, and the team is victorious in saving their disavowed ally . . . but you have to wonder
what Cracken will think of the entire fiasco . . .
(Black Curs Blues)
A smuggler group on Kalab is hired by a trader named Garvan Spasso to deliver
contraband holotapes and spices to Glova. They travel to the city of Drepplin with a cover
cargo of Plasmaberries only to find the local customs officials have levied a 500% tariff
on Plasmaberries. They have one day to pay the local government 45,000 credits, or lose
their ship. And the person they’re delivering to, Borke Valkanhayn, is no help at all in
fact, he promises an extra 15,000 “penalty charge if they can’t get their ship out of
trouble! The smugglers are up the creek without a paddle until Borke comes back to
them with a job. Break into a warehouse and collect some antique holotapes from a
customer who hasn’t paid him, Borke says. When they get there, however, the smugglers
discover the “warehouse” is the New Republic Embassy, and the “customer is
Ambassador Robet Makina! Surrounded by NR guards, the smugglers confess all to
Makina. He explains that the NR needs to reclaim this world in order to take the sector
from the Empire, and Borke’s “job” was part of the Empire’s attempts to stop that. The
local government, led by Governor Tegist Byrg, is in the Empires pocket and now the
NR has the evidence needed to root them out. The smugglers join the NR troops in a raid
on the government compound. Byrg is captured, and a packet found with him that details
Imperial forces in the sector. The smuggler’s ship is returned to them. As for Borke, he
takes the first transport out for Kalab…
(The Politics of Contraband)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Local crimelord Sard Nightbringer, emboldened by the Battle of Endor, is determined to force
the Empire out of the Tamarin Sector and take over the government. Raiding an Imperial
R&D plant, she stumbles upon the perfect weapon for such an attack the blueprints for a
personal shield generator. She only has enough money to build a prototype, which she
resolves to sell to the highest bidder to finance the construction of the rest… Elsewhere, a
group of smugglers are relaxing in the Rantine Space Station. They are approached by an
Ithorian gangster named Marg Sonat, who wants to hire them to take a large crate to Kwenn
Space Station, six days away. From there, he wants them to register the cargo in his name
aboard the spaceliner Stellar Mermaid. He tells them to make sure the cargo is unharmed,
and to avoid any Imperial entanglements. Just as they start to load the cargo on their ship the
next day, however, an Imperial team shows up and pulls a surprise inspection. An Imperial
guard opens the crate and promptly drops dead from a neurotoxin that coats the inside.
The smugglers find themselves locked up in a SD brig. They are shown to Governor Lobax
Resuun, who orders them to continue their mission but, to avoid execution, they must learn
everything they can about their employer and report back to the Empire. Sergeant Tenric of
port authority goes with them. Midway to the Mermaid, the ship’s hyperdrive cuts out when
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 546
the smugglers receive a distress call from an escape pod. Inside is a dead Rodian
Morgotou of the Kessel Spice Corporation -- with an invitation to the Mermaid from Sard. The
smugglers and Tenric continue on to the Mermaid, where they pass themselves off as
Morgotou and his staff. Sard shows off the shield belt to various criminals, then puts it up for
auction. Natja the Hutt wins, with a bid of a hundred million credits. She then contacts the
smugglers, who she knows very well is not Morgotou’s group, and asks to meet with them in
her suite. Suddenly, she convulses and dies right in front of them, the victim of poisoned
food. The smugglers are arrested for murder and thrown in the brig. They are approached by
a ‘New Republic representative’ – a Gotal named Notgoth, Hes actually a criminal in league
with the double-crossing Marg, and he tries to kill the smugglers but he misses his shot,
and gets chased through the ship by the furious smugglers. The chase leads to the cargo
hold, where Notgoth is fatally wounded. With his dying breath, he reveals Marg is going to kill
Sard and take the shield belt for his own use. The smugglers bolt to Sards suite, but is too
late to save her the suite explodes. Spotting Marg, the characters chase him through
panicked crowds, but find he is now wearing the shield belt. But the shots wear down the
belt’s power, and Marg decides that if he’s doomed, he’ll take the smugglers with him. He
pulls out a thermal detonator. The smugglers knock him into an escape pod and launches it,
watching Marg and the pod go up in a huge fireball. Returning to the ruins of Sard’s suite,
they find the blueprints were also destroyed the shield belt will never be used by anyone
again. They return to Governor Resuun with their report, and are both cleared and given
10,000 credits.
(The Politics of Contraband: The Art of Betrayal)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A smuggler group is hired to ferry four individuals to the “city” Lis’an at the planet Antiquity,
then hang around for eight hours while the employers do something no questions asked.
They’re offered 6,000 for it. The smugglers take them there, then are told a couple of hours
later that they’ll have to wait that much longer to take off, though they’ll get another thousand
in return. So, theyre stuck cooling their heels at the spaceport for eight hours. They are
approached by a Zarian conman named Woetar, who swindled one of the smugglers at
sabacc a few months back. He was hired to ferry a package to an orbiting city from the city of
Karren problem is, some disgruntled ex-customers are surrounding his ship. He offers 500
each to fly him to Karren. No sooner do the smugglers agree than the “ex-customers a
bunch of thugs attack the ship. The smugglers fight them off and take off for Karren. Upon
landing at the mud-covered slum city, Woetar directs the smugglers to the “Twin Scales
tavern. (He refuses to go himself.) The smugglers are eventually led to the female courier,
who asks them to take her to the orbiting ship. The group heads back to the spaceport, to find
police crawling all over the ship. They won’t let the ship go until Woetar comes out and is
arrested. He’s not on the ship anymore, the group finds out. Fed up, the smugglers head
back into the city, find Woetar, and turn him in to the cops. They then head into orbit, only to
be intercepted by two ships one a Carrack-class cruiser coming out of hyperspace, the
other a modified freighter from the planet. The freighter demands the smugglers land at once.
The cruiser fights off the freighter, however, and the smugglers deliver the courier to them
and are paid. Back at the Lis’an spaceport, the eight hours end and a very disgruntled
group of passengers return to the smuggler ship. One of them is overheard complaining how
their NR commando mission to capture a female Imperial colonel got wrecked by some “no
good spacers in an unidentified ship…
(The Politics of Contraband: Free Time)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A smuggler group walks into a bar on Celanon, just looking for a cold drink. They order from
a one-eyed Hutt named Gularg and settles in as a bar brawl breaks out. After some
gambling, flirting, brawling and drinks, the smugglers are approached by a man who calls one
of the smugglers “Vohrkrewel Yahrkar” and talks about a job theyre supposedly doing for
him. The man, Krovas, offers them the chance to smuggle some Mk XII Smartgunner chips to
the Isen system and pirate chief Octavious Jupiter Scragg. The smugglers, suspicious about
this guy, refuses and leaves the bar. Unbeknownst to them, “Krovas” is actually Vohrkrewel,
an outlaw wanted by the Empire and NR alike. And he has just snuck a crate of chips into
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 547
their ship and called the Empire on them. (In this way, he hopes to make his way offplanet
while the Empires attention is elsewhere.) Unbeknownst to him, his servant droid make a
mistake and instead of the false chips he was intending, he has given them the real,
valuable chips! When the smugglers arrive at their ship, stormtroopers are waiting for them.
Baffled by this situation they’ve stumbled into, the smugglers fight their way through the
stormtroopers and takes off into space, only to be chased and attacked by TIEs. The
smugglers fight them off and jump into hyperspace…but the ship won’t go where they were
intending. The nav controls have been locked by Vohrkrewel, and the smugglers are on a
one-way trip to Isen. After searching their memories and their computer records, the
smugglers get some idea of what’s going on they’ve been set up as patsies. And when they
leave hyperspace, an Imperial Star Galleon is waiting, as is an asteroid field. Just as all
seems lost, a small ship suddenly appears and blasts the Galleon to dust. Its Vohrkrewel,
who discovered his mistake and scrambled to save the chips. Furious, the smugglers attack
and disable Vohrkrewel’s ship, finding 15,000 credits worth in his ship. They haul him before
the Imperials, getting them off their backs. Now they just have to figure out how to get rid of
these chips without attracting attention…
(The Politics of Contraband: The Right Place)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Another day, another job. This time some smugglers are hired to transport some outdated R1
droids to the jungle world of Seikosha, a world between Imperial and NR space. Known for
its’ neutrality, it has become a favored haven of the underworld. The smugglers are to deliver
the droids to Seikoshan crimelord Janelle Serap and get paid a cool 10,000. “Simple, clean,
easy money.” Once they enter Seikoshan atmosphere, however, their ship is surrounded by
Z-95s and an energy storm. After a difficult battle (both to take out the starfighters and stay in
the air), the ship limps to the city of Cairn, where they are met by expert killer Jasta Finn.
During his inspection of the cargo, the smugglers learn they were attacked by Lydenn
Carridon, Seraps competitor. They are told to meet a Sullustan named Tannor Nuum at the
Event Horizon cantina to arrange payment and delivery. Instead, they are met at the bar by
an aide of Carridon, who calmly tells them that Nuum has been killed. He makes them a
counteroffer of 5,000 for the droids. When they refuse, he sics two Gamorreans on them.
Once the Gamorreans are defeated, the smugglers are approached by Finn. He pays them
the full 10,000 and tells them the cargo is unloaded and their ship is ready to go. They are
chased by more Gamorreans through the streets, only to be hit by a net and a sun blast…
They awaken in an interrogation room, and met with “Carridon’s aide” who turns out to be
Imperial agent Chiron Drebbick. He tells them that one of the R1’s they delivered had secret
information in it the location of one of the late Emperor’s weapons vaults. Several hours
later, he returns to tell them he has recaptured the droids. He then takes them out into the
jungles and leaves them to die. But as he takes off in their ships, the Z-95s return and shoot
him down before the smugglers’ horrified eyes. Forced to hike through the jungle, the group
is attacked by a mud crawling creature called a Sid’han. The creature is winning, but a dozen
green-skinned natives show up and fight it off. The smugglers are taken to the Seikoshan
camp and shown to a New Republic spy named Kade Darven. He disarms them and asks
them to help retrieve the droids, offering 5,000 and repair parts for their ship. The smugglers
agree, and their ship is repaired. One chase and battle later, the droids are in the NR’s hands
and the smugglers are paid and back on their way…
(The Politics of Contraband: Easy Money)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Saz Tyrson, an Imperial Commander, takes the forces under his command and defects. He
uses his military prowess and the fleet he stole to take control of more than twenty star
systems, carving himself a nice little empire. Many believed that Tyrson was behind the
poisoning of Natja the Hutt, but he was later proven innocent.
(conjecture based on The Politics of Contraband via TimeTales, verbatim)
A smuggler group relaxes in a bar. They are approached by a Buzchub named Undl, who
offers them a spice run from Nigel VI to Lohopa II for 25,000 credits. A few days later, they
land at Nigel VI at the capitol city of Nargo. Arriving at the warehouse the spice is in, they
immediately sense they’re not alone, and they go in quietly getting the drop on a band of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 548
local thieves. They defeat the thieves, but in the process one crate is shot open revealing
not spice, but the toxic poison lexonite! They smooth-talk their way off-planet, only to run into
trouble with the hyperdrive on route to Lohopa II. They find a small timer it’s been
sabotaged! At that moment, their ship is jumped by pirates. Fighting them off and repairing
the hyperdrive, the smugglers move to pay the poison’s owners pay for setting them up…
(Twin Stars of Kira: The Package)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Without the knowledge or consent of the New Republic Council (some of whom are
suspected of furthering their own ends at the Republic’s expense), New Republic Intelligence
has begun a top-secret operation to bring the neutral system of Kalinda into the New
Republic. Specifically, they need to get their hands on some countermeasures the Kalindans
developed against Imperial cloaking devices… At the Jolly Spacer, an eatery in Republic
space, a group of smugglers are approached by a man named Lazarus Armand. He hires
them to send his cargo to Kirima for 25,000. On their way out, they are boarded by an New
Republic customs ship and inspected. The trip continues without a hitch until they emerge
from hyperspace to find a Victory Star Destroyer waiting to board them too! The inspectors
are Corporate Sector Espos, who also inspects them and lets them go. Then, yet another
board-and-inspect this one an Imperial customs Corvette. After all these delays, the
smugglers finally land at Verena Spaceport on Kirima. The planet is crawling with Imperial
and Corporate Sector spies. Searching for their contact, the smugglers are jumped first by
the Espos, then the Imperials. As they are about to face a torture droid, a sudden battle
outside their cell results in their freedom. Its a Kalindan Police trooper, who informs them that
the command circuit for the Kalindan planetary defense system that was hidden in their cargo
has been recovered, the Kalindans have decided to join the New Republic, and the
smugglers are free to go with a suggestion that perhaps they should find a more honest
(Twin Stars of Kira: Den of Spies)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
The Mon Tondievz mine on Krann is in trouble sabotage is endangering the supply of nova
crystals, a crucial part of the New Republic’s growing economy. A group of smugglers have
come to work for Mon Tondievz, meeting with company security chief Vanel in a bar. They
watch as she cleans the place with a Gamorrean and a Twi’lek. She explains the two goons
work for the local crime boss. On top of that, the mining company has to deal with the House
of Tagge and a branch of the Hutt Jewelers Guild. She brings the smugglers to a warehouse
where several Kluuzot workers wait. There, they have a holoconference with company
president Quarlo IShibix. He offers 8,000 each to haul a convoy filled with nova crystals to
the Tagge spaceport, where they can be shipped to Arrgaw for refining. (The company
launching pad was destroyed, forcing this route.) That means a treacherous two-day journey
through the jungles, with who knows what against them. The journey begins. Within a few
hours, a storm begins. Several false alarms occur along the way, adding to the smugglers’
unease. They come upon the remains of a Kluuzot temple. The thugs return with some
friends, but are fought off. Stopping to rest and repair, the smugglers check the unstable
cargo of nova crystals and find a ticking thermal detonator! They disable it and check the
cargo thoroughly, finding the crystals to be just a cover its filled with eldratz, a highly illegal
spice! Turning on their comlinks (a radio silence had been ordered), they find the company
pad has been repaired and Quarlo and Vanel are leaving tomorrow with the real crystals.
They also overhear that a group of Kluuzot guerillas are planning to attack the town. They
rush back, to find the mine a ghost town. It seems he’s escaping a court martial, has been
drugging the miners, and has himself sabotaged the mines to cover himself. The miners,
along with the guerillas, manages to capture Quarlo and Vanel (who turns out to be an
Imperial agent). A New Republic Frigate arrives to pick the prisoners up.
(Twin Stars of Kira: For a Few Kilotons More)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A Chikarri historian has come across evidence of a centuries-old ship, the Fool’s Gold, filled
with treasure somewhere in the Karbonni asteroid belt. A general treasure hunt begins all
over the Pax system to find this ship. One Chikarri mechanic, Plako, hires a group of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 549
smugglers on Plagen to find the treasure ship. He has altered a metal detector to get past the
metallic ore in the belt to find the mystery vessel. As they prepare to leave, Plako’s map
suddenly gets stolen by a competing hunter, Bruce Mercy. The race is on, as the smugglers
and Mercy streaks off into the belt. The smugglers reach the Fool’s Gold first and boards it.
Mercy’s group also boards and ambushes the smugglers. Suddenly a THIRD pirate group
boards the ship and fights the first two groups. Mercy and the smugglers are forced to work
together, splitting the treasure between them once they fight the pirates off. But they don’t get
to take the entire treasure an asteroid smashes the Fool’s Gold to bits before they can…
(Twin Stars of Kira: Treasure Hunt)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
A small New Republic cell has been established on Ruten, in the Cerenia system, and have
begun looking for ways to fight the Imperials off the planet. The main target is the brutal and
unpopular Imperial Governor Bursthed. He’s got a fancy for bizarre creatures, and is planning
the Ruten Pet Show. The best way to humiliate Bursthed (and force his replacement) is to
force him to stop his own show. If someone could sneak an ugly slug-rat in as Bursthed’s
entry in the show, Bursthed would lose for the first time ever and would indeed stop the show.
With the local underground helping out, the Rebels sneak into the governor’s home and
makes the switch, taking the original entry (a glittering mynock) with them. The next day, the
Pet Show becomes a fiasco as the slug-rat is revealed. One planetary government
destabilized, as Bursthed starts confiscating the judges and contestants’ lands…
(Twin Stars of Kira: Operation: Pet Show)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Two months after throwing off the Imperial yoke, the planet Seltos has asked for the
assistance of the New Republic. Mon Mothma sends a diplomatic team to Seltos to advise
them. A group of New Republic intelligence agents come along for the ride as well, and they
soon receive hints that there may be an Imperial plant in the new government, and they have
to sneak around to find him / her. They break into the Magister of Trades office, only to be
caught by a couple of guards. The agents fast - talk their way out of trouble and continues the
break-in. They discover that Magister Sinya Deborra has been meeting with Imperial
Lieutenant Hensworth, planning the Imperial retaking of the planet. Theyre planning a
meeting at a secret base tomorrow afternoon. The agents then go to Sinya’s home, where
her pro-NR husband helps them when he learns of his wife’s treachery. They find the map to
the Imperial base, and heads there the next day. Scouting around the base, they find a full
platoon waiting to attack. Hensworth announces a Victory Star Destroyer is on the way and
the New Republic diplomats will be held hostage at the Star Hotel until it arrives. The agents
steal some ships and races back to Sommin city, with the Imperials right on their heels. The
local government is warned, and the agents head to the Star Hotel to rescue the hostages.
Having done that, they take the diplomats and takes off, fighting their way past the Victory
Star Destroyer and returning to the New Republic. Having been warned, Seltos fights off the
would-be invaders…
(Twin Stars of Kira: Freedom Strike Seltos)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
On the planet Brevost, a smuggler group discovers some street thugs beating up on a guy.
They haul the thugs off the man, who offers them a shipping contract as reward. The man,
Wertram Farege, needs to send some droid spare parts to a world on the fringes, and he
offers 5,000 to get him to Iskadrell. After several days en route there, the smugglers ship
suffers a massive explosion and drops out of hyperspace. Most of the ship’s systems are out.
Before the smugglers can even figure out what happened, the ship is suddenly boarded by
mysterious aliens called “Iskalloni.” This cyborg race declares the ship will be impounded and
everyone including Farege enslaved. Farege is shocked he’s the one who sabotaged
the ship so the Iskalloni could take it! And his reward for that is that he’s the first to begin a
forced transformation into an cyborged slave. The smugglers furiously break out of their cell,
fights out of the Iskalloni ship, takes their ship back and creates temporary repairs, and flies
away from the Iskalloni as fast as they can…
(Twin Stars of Kira: The Iskallon Factor)*
*NOTE: This summary was borrowed, with thanks, from Christopher McElroy’s TimeTales.
Imperial leaders (led predominantly by Ysanne Isard) order the N'Zoth shipyard destroyed to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 550
prevent capture, but the locals, led by Nil Spaar, take over the shipyard and the Imperial Star
Destroyer Redoubtable and attack the Imperials. The battle ends with the Yevethans in
charge of the facility and Imperial Commander Paret dead at Spaar's hands. (To be
continued below . . .)
(Before the Storm)
Around this time, Bespin’s Cloud City, which remains under Imperial control despite an
attempted liberation shortly before the Battle of Endor, will finally be freed from the Empire.
Lando Calrissian, former Baron Administrator, joins an Alliance team, including X2 (who has
now had a bit of Force training with General Luke Skywalker, who is now scouring the galaxy
for Imperials to force them out of their dark holes) to liberate the city. This is X2’s first mission
as a Jedi (or at least a Jedi student, bearing a lightsaber he was given by Luke, rather than
one he has constructed). They free Lobot, who was apparently captured by the Imperials
earlier, and then liberate the city and hold off Imperial landing craft bringing reinforcements.
(To be continued below . . . )*
(Elite Squadron)*
*NOTE: This scenario appears only in the PSP version of the game.
Pirates take over the prison facility on Kip, unwittingly freeing Zorba the Hutt from
imprisonment. Zorba reclaims his ship, the Zorba Express, and escapes.
(conjecture based on Zorba the Hutts Revenge)
In the period following the Battle of Endor, the Empire begins developing the MT-AT “spider
walker,” based on the Techno Union LM-432 Crab Droid from the Clone Wars.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
Alex Winger enters the University of Garos.
(conjecture based on A Glimmer of Hope)
Approximately three months before investigating Luke Skywalker for war crimes, Lorz Geptun
has the suit made that he will wear to his first meeting with the Jedi Knight.
(conjecture based on Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor)
Alex Winger warns Magir Paca that the Imperials on Garos IV suspect him of treason and he
goes into hiding to help run the Committee of Seven for Garosian Unification, the resistance
against the Imperials.
(conjecture based on A Glimmer of Hope)
Approximately two months before the Battle of Mindor, the New Republic begins tracking
raids by Shadowspawn into New Republic territory, but none of his marauders is taken alive,
leading to the need for a new tactic to track them to their base.
(conjecture based on Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor)
Adversaries: Characters for the Star Wars New Republic Campaign (P97 RPG short story:
Bill Slavicsek)*
Adversaries: Characters for the Star Wars New Republic Campaign (P97 RPG short story: Bill
*NOTE: All information relating to this Polyhedron article was submitted by Luke Van Horn.
The Kaal Connection (AJ7 short story: Peter Schweighofer & Timothy Zahn)
The Kaal Connection (AJ7 short story: Peter Schweighofer & Timothy Zahn)
“Introduction Segment”*
Truce at Bakura (novel: Kathy Tyers)
Truce at Bakura (novel: Kathy Tyers)
Chapters 1 2
Do or Do Not (SWT15 short story: Jay Laird)
Do or Do Not (SWT15 short story: Jay Laird)
A Day in the Life (SWT12 short story: Brett Matthews)
A Day in the Life (SWT12 short story: Brett Matthews)
Truce at Bakura [continued] (novel: Kathy Tyers)
Truce at Bakura [continued] (novel: Kathy Tyers)
Chapters 3 21
Truce at Bakura Comic Adaptation (canceled comic series: Unknown)*
Truce at Bakura Comic, Part I (canceled comic: Unknown)*
Truce at Bakura Comic, Part II (canceled comic: Unknown)*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 551
Truce at Bakura Comic, Part III (canceled comic: Unknown)*
Truce at Bakura Comic, Part IV (canceled comic: Unknown)*
*NOTE: This adaptation was planned, but never produced. It is possible that it could have had more individual
issues, but four seemed a safe enough bet. It is listed here as historical curiosity.
Escape from Balis-Baurgh [continued] (AJ1/SWH short story: Paul Balsamo)
Escape from Balis-Baurgh [continued] (AJ1/SWG short story: Paul Balsamo)
Cracken’s Rebel Operatives (RPG: Bill Smith)
Cracken’s Rebel Operatives (RPG: Bill Smith)
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe [continued] (book: Kevin J. Anderson)
Yavin 4 Entry
The New Secret Base
The Jungles
The Massassi Temples
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave Wolverton)
Skin Deep: The Fat Dancer’s Tale (TFJP short story: A. C. Crispin)
Skin Deep: The Fat Dancer’s Tale (TFJP short story: A. C. Crispin)
Tongue-Tied: Bubo's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Daryl F. Mallett)
Tongue-Tied: Bubo's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Daryl F. Mallett)
A Wookiee Scorned (SWT10 short story: Jason Hall)
A Wookiee Scorned (SWT10 short story: Jason Hall)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Fool’s Bounty [continued] (comic series: David Michelinie & Mary Jo Duffy & Bob Layton)
Jawas of Doom (comic: Jo Duffy)*
*NOTE: This issue was released as a Hasbro “Comic Pack” with action figures of Boba Fett and Death Star Droid
The Tales of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH/TFJP short stories: Daniel Keys Moran & J. D.
A Barve Like That: The Tale of Boba Fett (TFJP short story: J. D. Montgomery)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Payback: The Tale of Dengar [continued] (TOTBH short story: Dave Wolverton)
Four: The Teeth of Tatooine
The Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: K. W. Jeter)
The Mandalorian Armor [continued] (novel: K. W. Jeter)
Chapters 1 3
Chapter 7
Chapters 12 13
Chapters 18 21
Slave Ship [continued] (novel: K. W. Jeter)
Chapters 1 4
Chapter 9
Chapters 13 14
Chapter 16
Hard Merchandise [continued] (novel: K. W. Jeter)
Chapters 1 3
Chapters 7 19
The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot (children’s book: Mark Corcoran)
The Mystery of the Rebellious Robot (children’s book: Mark Corcoran)
The Jabba Tape (comic: John Wagner)
The Jabba Tape (comic: John Wagner)
Sand Blasted [continued] (SWT4 short story: Kilian Plunkett)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 552
Sand Blasted [continued] (SWT4 short story: Kilian Plunkett)
Star Tours (flight simulator: Lucasfilm & Disney)
Star Tours (flight simulator: Lucasfilm & Disney)
The Adventures of Fenig Nabon and Ghista (TFTNR/G short stories: Chris Cassidy & Tish
A Credit for Your Thoughts (G2 short story: Chris Cassidy & Tish Pahl)
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael
Stackpole & John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand [continued] (comic series: Michael Stackpole & Timothy
By the Emperor's Hand, Part III (comic: Michael Stackpole & Timothy Zahn)
By the Emperor's Hand, Part IV (comic: Michael Stackpole & Timothy Zahn)
By the Emperor's Hand, Part V (comic: Michael Stackpole & Timothy Zahn)
By the Emperor's Hand, Part VI (comic: Michael Stackpole & Timothy Zahn)
Lucky [continued] (SWT23 short story: Rob Williams)
Lucky [continued] (SWT23 short story: Rob Williams)
Heroes Need Not Apply (AJ12 short story: Anthony P. Russo & Eric S. Trautmann)
Heroes Need Not Apply (AJ12 short story: Anthony P. Russo & Eric S. Trautmann)
Adventure Information
Background Information
Gallorr's Repair Shed
The Testing Ground
The Test Results
First Duty
First Clues
Other Activities
The Grinder Dance Hall
Meeting in the Grinder
Decisions and Consequences
Showdown with Themog
Danger in the Practice Yard
The Aftermath
Mara Jade: A Night on the Town (SWT1 short story: Timothy Zahn)
Mara Jade: A Night on the Town (SWT1 short story: Timothy Zahn)
Handoff (G10/SWH short story: Timothy Zahn)
Handoff (G10/SWH short story: Timothy Zahn)
Shadows of the Empire Omnibus [continued] (comic series: Steve Perry & Michael
Stackpole & John Wagner & Timothy Zahn)
Shadows of the Empire: Evolution (comic series: Steve Perry)
Chapter 1: After the Fall (comic: Steve Perry)
Chapter 2: The Journey of a Thousand Light-Years (comic: Steve Perry)
Chapter 3: Dark Fires of a Black Sun (comic: Steve Perry)
Chapter 4: Metamorphosis (comic: Steve Perry)
Chapter 5: Reincarnation (comic: Steve Perry)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Michael Stackpole
& Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron Omnibus: Volume I [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham &
Michael Stackpole & Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
Rogue Leader (comic series: Haden Blackman)
Rogue Leader, Part I (comic: Haden Blackman)
Rogue Leader, Part II (comic: Haden Blackman)
Rogue Leader, Part III (comic: Haden Blackman)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron (comic series: Ryder Windham & Michael Stackpole & Mike
Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron Omnibus: Volume II (comic series: Ryder Windham & Michael
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 553
Stackpole & Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
Rogue Squadron Special (comic: Ryder Windham)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Wookiee World (comic series: Mary Jo Duffy & Roy Richardson & Linda Grant & Ann Nocenti)*
I’ll See You in the Throne Room (comic: Ann Nocenti)
Diplomacy (comic: Jo Duffy)
Sweetheart Contract (comic: Linda Grant)
Seoul Searching (comic: Roy Richardson)
The Hero (comic: Jo Duffy)
Still Active After All These Years (comic: Jo Duffy)
Figurehead (comic: Jo Duffy)
The Choice! (comic: Jo Duffy)
Wookiee World (comic: Jo Duffy)
The Dream (comic: Jo Duffy)
Catspaw (comic: Jo Duffy)
Small Wars (comic: Jo Duffy)
No Zeltrons (comic: Jo Duffy)
Far, Far Away (comic series: Archie Goodwin & Mary Jo Duffy)
Duel with a Dark Lady (comic: Jo Duffy)
Escape (comic: Jo Duffy)
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
History and Holocrons [continued]
Significant Battles [continued]
Luke Skywalker vs. Lumiya
First Encounter
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Far, Far Away [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin & Mary Jo Duffy)
Supply and Demand (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars: The Vandelhelm Mission (comic: Archie Goodwin)
The Vandelhelm Mission (comic: Archie Goodwin)
Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago . . . [continued] (comic series: Roy Thomas &
Howard Chaykin & [Mary] Jo Duffy & Don Glut & Archie Goodwin & Chris Claremont &
Michael Golden & Wally Lombego & Larry Hama & Mike W. Barr & David Michelinie &
Walter Simonson & Bob Layton & Linda Grant & Randy Stradley & Roy Richardson & Ann
Far, Far Away [continued] (comic series: Archie Goodwin & Mary Jo Duffy)
Far, Far Away (comic: Jo Duffy)*
*NOTE: This is issue #101 of the Marvel series, but the story is specifically noted as taking place before Touch of
the Goddess, which was issue #99. Otherwise, I have assumed that the Marvel stories happen chronologically as
released, unless otherwise noted in the issues themselves.
Touch of the Goddess (comic: Jo Duffy)
First Strike (comic: Jo Duffy)
School Spirit (comic: Jo Duffy)
Tai (comic: Jo Duffy)
Nagais and Dolls (comic: Jo Duffy)
The Party’s Over (comic: Jo Duffy)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 554
My Hiromi (comic: Jo Duffy)
All Together Now (comic: Jo Duffy)
“Marvel Series #107+” (canceled comics: Unknown)*
*NOTE: The Marvel series was not intended for cancellation after issue #107 (All Together Now). Thus, plans
existed for issues 108 and beyond, including a longer Nagai storyline and the return of characters like Suprema
and the Tagge family. I list it here as an historical curiosity.
Adventures in Colors and Shapes (read-along book: Buena Vista Records)
Adventures in Colors and Shapes (read-along book: Buena Vista Records)
Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire (SWGM3 short story: Michael Mikaelian)
Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire (SWGM3 short story: Michael Mikaelian)
Free Memory [continued] (SWT10 short story: Brett Matthews)
Free Memory [continued] (SWT10 short story: Brett Matthews)
Day of the Sepulchral Night (AJ13/TFTNR/SWH short story: Jean Rabe)*
Day of the Sepulchral Night (AJ13/TFTNR/SWH short story: Jean Rabe)*
*NOTE: This story has no direct references to whether it takes place during the Classic Trilogy, or if it does,
when during that time frame it occurs, but based on the “Adventure Hooks” included with it and their mentions of
the New Republic, I’m inclined to include it here, after the recent declaration.
It's a Gambler's Life (AJ4 short story: Anthony P. Russo)
It's a Gambler's Life (AJ4 short story: Anthony P. Russo)
Reina and Rollos
Blasters for Hire (AJ3 short story: Anthony P. Russo)
Blasters for Hire (AJ3 short story: Anthony P. Russo)
Tales of the Black Curs [continued] (TFTNR/AJ/SWH short stories: Peter Schweighofer &
Kathy Burdette)
Gathering Shadows (TFTNR short story: Kathy Burdette)
Lando’s Commandos (SWT5 short story: Ian Edginton)
On Eagles’ Wings (SWT5 short story: Ian Edginton)
Boba Fett: Man With a Mission [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews & John
Ostrander & Ron Marz & John Wagner)
Boba Fett: Agent of Doom [flashback] [continued[ (comic: John Ostrander)
Agent of Doom [flashback] [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
A New Hope: The Life of Luke Skywalker [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
Interludes I IV
Chapters 11 16
X-wing: Rogue Squadron [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Michael Stackpole
& Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron Omnibus: Volume I (comic series: Ryder Windham & Michael
Stackpole & Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
The Rebel Opposition (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole & Mike Baron)
The Rebel Opposition, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Mike Baron)
The Rebel Opposition, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Mike Baron)
The Rebel Opposition, Part III (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Mike Baron)
The Rebel Opposition, Part IV (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Mike Baron)
The Phantom Affair (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole & Darko Macan)
The Phantom Affair, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Darko Macan)
The Phantom Affair, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Darko Macan)
Hectic Hours (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Darko Macan)
The Phantom Affair, Part IV (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Darko Macan)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron Omnibus: Volume II [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham &
Michael Stackpole & Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
Battleground: Tatooine (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 555
Battleground: Tatooine, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
Battleground: Tatooine, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
Battleground: Tatooine, Part III (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
Battleground: Tatooine, Part IV (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures [continued] (comic series: Russ Manning)
Gambler's World, Part II (comic: Russ Manning)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Michael Stackpole
& Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron Omnibus: Volume II [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham &
Michael Stackpole & Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
The Warrior Princess (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole & Scott Tolson)
The Warrior Princess, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Scott Tolson)
The Warrior Princess, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Scott Tolson)
The Warrior Princess, Part III (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Scott Tolson)
The Warrior Princess, Part IV (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Scott Tolson)
Requiem for a Rogue (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
Requiem for a Rogue, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
Requiem for a Rogue, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
Requiem for a Rogue, Part III (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
Requiem for a Rogue, Part IV (comic: Michael A. Stackpole & Jan Strnad)
The Adventures of Sienn Sconn (AJ/SWH short stories: Paul Danner)
One of a Kind (AJ5/SWH short story: Paul Danner)
Droids Defiant (AJ9 short story: Thomas Bowling)
Droids Defiant (AJ9 short story: Thomas Bowling)
The Argent Lady
All is Not as It Seems
Defective Droids
A Revolting Development
Escape and Engagement
All This and the Empire Too
X-wing: Rogue Squadron [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Michael Stackpole
& Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
The Mandalorian Candidate (canceled comic: Michael A. Stackpole)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. Consider it historical curiosity.
X-wing: Rogue Squadron Omnibus: Volume III (comic series: Ryder Windham & Michael
Stackpole & Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
The Rise of Isard (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole)
In the Empire's Service (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole)
In the Empire's Service, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
In the Empire's Service, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
In the Empire's Service, Part III (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
In the Empire's Service, Part IV (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)*
*NOTE: This story was released as a Hasbro “Comic Pack” with action figures of Soontir Fel and Derek “Hobbie
Blood and Honor (Michael A. Stackpole)
The Making of Baron Fel (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Family Ties (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole)
Family Ties, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Family Ties, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Three Against the Galaxy (SWT3 short story: Rich Hedden)
Three Against the Galaxy (SWT3 short story: Rich Hedden)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham & Michael Stackpole
& Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
X-wing: Rogue Squadron Omnibus: Volume III [continued] (comic series: Ryder Windham &
Michael Stackpole & Mike Baron & Darko Macan & Jan Strnad & Scott Tolson)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 556
The Rise of Isard [continued] (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole)
Masquerade (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole)
Masquerade, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Masquerade, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Masquerade, Part III (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Masquerade, Part IV (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Mandatory Retirement (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole)
Mandatory Retirement, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Mandatory Retirement, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Mandatory Retirement, Part III (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Mandatory Retirement, Part IV (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Chewbacca Campaign [continued]
The Adventures of Sienn Sconn [continued] (AJ/SWH short stories: Paul Danner)
Easy Credits (AJ9 short story: Paul Danner)
Chewbacca [continued] (comic series: Darko Macan)
Chewbacca, Part III [flashback] [continued] (comic: Darko Macan)
Chapter 7: Lando—“A Bet” [flashback]
Crystal Web Space Station (P93 RPG short story: Bill Slavicsek & Michele Carter)*
Crystal Web Space Station (P93 RPG short story: Bill Slavicsek & Michele Carter)*
*NOTE: All information relating to this Polyhedron article was submitted by Luke Van Horn. It is said to be “a few
weeks” before the New Republic is officially declared, hence placing it here shortly after All Together Now. The
article itself has little story, but it refers back to events you will find earlier in the timeline.
Disturbance in the Force (CM66 RPG short story: Chris Hind)
Disturbance in the Force (CM66 RPG short story: Chris Hind)
The Luminous Bantha (P94 RPG short story: Bill Slavicsek & Michele Carter)*
The Luminous Bantha (P94 RPG short story: Bill Slavicsek & Michele Carter)*
*NOTE: All information relating to this Polyhedron article was submitted by Luke Van Horn. It is based around the
same time frame, it seems, as Crystal Web Space Station, which is said to be “a few weeks” before the New
Republic is officially declared, but this article must be a tiny bit later, as the Taver Soren is a “New Republic
agent as of the era of the article. The article itself has little story, but it refers back to events you will find earlier
in the timeline.
Recon and Report (AJ2 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Recon and Report (AJ2 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Siege Preparations
Corellia and Kuat
Sluis Sector
Imperial Warlords
Warlord Resources
Warlord Allies
Free Systems
Provisional Governments
Supply and Communication
Economic Troubles
Successful Free Systems
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave
A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale [continued] (TFJP short story: Dave Wolverton)
Tales of the Black Curs [continued] (TFTNR/AJ/SWH short stories: Peter Schweighofer &
Kathy Burdette)
Black Curs Blues (AJ8 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 557
Storms Over Moorja
A Call From Cracken
Clash of the Giants
Eye of the Storm
Harkness on the Run
Crystal Intrigue
A Cordial Welcome
The Crystal Cave
Enter the Empire
Platt's Rescue
Curs Recruiting
Golthan's Minions
Destroy Sensors and Shields--Rescue Platt
The Politics of Contraband (RPG: Gary Haynes & Paul Arden Lidberg & Brian J. Murphy &
William Olmesdahl & Eric S. Trautmann)
The Politics of Contraband (RPG: Gary Haynes & Paul Arden Lidberg & Brian J. Murphy &
William Olmesdahl & Eric S. Trautmann)
The Politics of Contraband
The Art of Betrayal
Free Time
The Right Place
Easy Money
Twin Stars of Kira (RPG series: Dave Marron & Richard Clark & Barbara Clark & Kanelle
Keberle & Michael Horne & Todd Quigley & Ed Stark & Bill Smith & Stewart Warley)
The Package (RPG: Dave Marron)
Den of Spies (RPG: Richard Clark & Barbara Clark & Janelle Keberle)
For a Few Kilotons More (RPG: Michael Horne)
Treasure Hunt (RPG: Todd Quigley)
Operation: Pet Show (RPG: Ed Stark)
Freedom Strike Seltos (RPG: Bill Smith)
The Iskallon Factor (RPG: Stewart Warley)
The Black Fleet Crisis (novel trilogy: Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
Before the Storm (novel: Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
The Shattered Empire [continued]
Lowbacca is born on Kashyyyk.
(conjecture based on Heirs of the Force)
TC-1289 is activated. This stormtrooper colonel is in fact the mind of Zyix K’zzt within a clone
stormtrooper body. He had been an Imperial clone researcher, but upon his child’s birth, he
realized life was too precious to mass produce. He began working as a spy for the Alliance,
but was soon discovered and turned in by his wife. When Imperials came to arrest him, they
found his body with a blaster wound to his head, but did not realize that he had brain-jacked
his mind into a soon-to-be-awakened clone.*
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken: Updates)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
Leonia Tavira takes possession of the Imperial Star Destroyer Invidious and vanishes into
parts unknown.
(conjecture based on I, Jedi)
Kell Tainer joins the New Republic armed forces.
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 558
Corran Horn visits Treasure Ship Row in Coronet City, Corellia.
(conjecture based on I, Jedi)
Alex Winger joins the resistance on Garos IV.
(conjecture based on A Glimmer of Hope)
Marshall Pashna Starkiller retires from active duty, but becomes a member of the New
Republic advisory committee.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #15, Dark Empire
Sourcebook, and Rules of Engagement via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The New Republic outlaws the Agonizer-6 nerve disruption system.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology via TimeTales,
The Stenaxes of Stenos suddenly attack Imperials on their worlds, until all are wiped out.
They then invade Kadril, Arda-2, Sooma, Alzar, Tandankin, and other worlds along the
Gordian Reach, leaving Kadril uninhabitable. This comes to be called the Stenax Massacres.
Finally, New Republic forces defeat the Stenaxes at Tharkos, imprisoning the surviving
Stenax crews and placing orbital monitoring posts above Stenos.*
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel
*NOPE: This happens ten months after ROTJ. Since a Star Wars year is only ten months, I have placed it at the
beginning of this year. If the authors of the article were following the often-used convention of speaking in Earth
terms, though, this could very well be near the end of the previous year, not here. I prefer to think that the
authors knew what they were talking about.
The Ast’ria is assigned to the Bothan Combat Response Element.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Endgame via TimeTales,
Bem Lyu’kij is assigned as part of the Bothan Combat Response Element to watch over
Kathol Sector.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Endgame via TimeTales,
Gerind becomes assistant to General Airen Cracken.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #15 via TimeTales,
The Mining Guild grows in power under the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Lords of the Expanse, Crimson Empire II, and Star Wars: Episode
V—“The Empire Strikes Back” via TimeTales, verbatim)
Sander Delvardus, leader of the former Imperial forces of the Eriadu Authority, is defeated
when trying to take Sullust by forces loyal to the New Republic’s Sien Sovv. He flees into the
Deep Core and devotes resources to the construction of a new Super Star Destroyer, known
as the Night Hammer.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
Having returned to Sander Delvardus’ aid after his defeat at Sullust, Shea Hublin continues to
serve Delvardus (again), but he is finally killed at Sanrafsix. It is said that his dying words
were: “Eriadu endures.”
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Frei-Tek releases the EchoBurst concussion missile.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology via TimeTales,
Golan Arms aligns with the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology via TimeTales,
A tour company operating in the Sanctuary Pipeline folds after a series of mishaps.
(conjecture based on Endor and the Moddell Sector)
The office supply company PowerPost begins to grow.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Droids via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Thanks to the demands of overzealous tourists on a novice pilot, a shuttle of tourists spins
into the Fusion Clouds of Tartaglia during the annual mynock migrations to Akatoa, becoming
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 559
stranded without fuel.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide)
At around this time, Figrin D’an II and the New Modal Nodes are playing at the Motel Nebulus
in Mos Eisley on Tatooine.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide)
By this time, the remains of Jabba the Hutt’s sail barge have been used partially to create the
walls of a Mos Eisley restaurant, the Sail Barge Gardens.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide)
Warlords (and former Grand Admirals) Josef Grunger and Danetta Pitta are rivals and wipe
each other out. During their fighting, the Aggressor (one of the first four Super Star
Destroyers) is destroyed at Corellia.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Countess Iran Ryad, in command of the Red Star TIE Defender Squadron, is accused of
treason. She will come to be hunted down and eventually destroyed by Baron Soontir Fel.
(conjecture based on More Starships!)
During the salvage operations on the moon of Endor, a ship full of Jawas to aid in the
operations ends up being “lost,” with the Jawas set loose upon the moon, along with sinus
flies, which have no natural predators there. Both Jawas and the sinus flies become a new
part of the ecosystem, prompting the Galaxy Phrase Book to later suggest that anyone
visiting know some Jawaese.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide)
Alec Lamere’s parents arrange for him to attend the Imperial Academy on the planet Raithcal,
in order for him to put an end to his dueling.
(conjecture based on Lords of the Expanse via TimeTales, verbatim)
On Corellia, Kirtan Loor, the local Imperial liaison officer, begins ordering Corellian Security
forces to attack Rebels. Those who do not comply are deemed Rebels themselves. Next,
Loor tries to arrange Corran Horn's assassination, but he goes on the run, just as fellow
agents Gil Bastra, Iella Wessiri, and Diric Wessiri fake their own deaths and escape as well.
(conjecture based on X-wing series)
After a full year since his apparent death at the Battle of Endor, Emperor Palpatine's spirit
finally locates and enters a clone body, having been freed from its attachment to Jeng Droga
by Sate Pestage (the real one, not the one involved in the power grab made by Isard). He
then orders a new clone of Sate Pestage created. He begins planning the resurrection of the
Galactic Empire, for which he begins ordering new superweapons created and a new legion
of Dark Side warriors trained.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook)
The resurrected Emperor Palpatine begins writing The Book of Anger, the first of a several
hundred-volume Dark Side Compendium. He will also delve into The Weakness of Inferiors
and The Creation of Monsters before his next defeat.
(conjecture based on The Dark Side Sourcebook)
Approximately one year after the Battle of Endor, former Prophet of the Dark Side Blackhole
(Lord Cronal) contacts Dark Jedi (and Inquisitor) Jerec in the Pentastar Alignment. He
informs Jerec that the Emperor is alive in the Deep Core. He tasks Jerec with hunting down
the Valley of the Jedi for the Emperor. Jerec accepts the task, offering his Vengeance II Star
Destroyer (formerly of the Death Squadron) to Blackhole for his return to Byss. Jerec, though,
is already searching for the Valley of the Jedi for both the Pentastar Alignment and the
Prophets of the Dark Side, his former mentors.
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part VI: Outcasts and Megalomaniacs
The planet Orroman is plunged into a water crisis by the actions of the Happy Blasters gang.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #14 via TimeTales,
Smugglers who transport illegally-obtained donor organs across the galaxy earn the
derogatory term “Organ-legger.”
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 560
The Musson Star System aligns itself with the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken via TimeTales, verbatim)
The New Republic Medical Institute is established on Corellia.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species via TimeTales, paraphrased)
The New Republic moves its base (or one of its bases) to Yavin IV, where the Provisional
Council (calling itself the Senate for some purposes) creates a small secretive group within
the New Republic (much like the Insiders during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion years later),
called SPIN, the Senate Planetary Intelligence Network. (No, there is no reason given why
they call it “planetary when it spans multiple systems. Then again, a B-wing doesn’t look like
a “B” either, does it?) Among the members of this group are Luke Skywalker and the other
heroes of the Galactic Civil War. The Alliance also renames Mount Dagger on Dagobah as
“Mount Yoda” and set up the Defense Research and Planetary Assistance Center (DRAPAC)
on it, also setting up Dagobah Tech, a school for the children of researchers assigned to
DRAPAC. Meanwhile, the Empire is realigning as well. The Central Committee of Grand
Moffs that has great power in the Empire is on its heels. Ysanne Isard’s power base is
growing too strong and they need to move against her soon. Along with that problem, the
Prophets of the Dark Side have gone into seclusion, but a set of imposters, fake Prophets of
the Dark Side, led by a fake High Prophet Kadann, has pronounced that the heir to the
Emperor’s throne will wear the right-hand glove of Darth Vader (a Mandalorian crushgaunt
that Vader had fitted around one of Lord Kaan’s indestructible Sith amulets). Seizing upon
the fact that they know that Palpatine had a mutant three-eyed son, Triclops (former
Emperor’s Eye), who is said to be insane, the Committee decides to set up the Supreme
Slavelord of Kessel, Trioculus, who is also a three-eyed mutant, as the answer to the rumors
of Palpatine having an heir. As rumblings of their power moves spread through intelligence
channels, the New Republic, still referred to by some as the Rebel Alliance, must make its
move to learn the truth behind the rumors and stop the ascension of a new emperor at all
costs . . .
(conjecture based on The Glove of Darth Vader, Mission from Mount Yoda, and Evil
Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
On Yavin IV, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Mon Mothma, have given C-3PO and R2-D2
a mission. They are to infiltrate the Kessendra Stadium on Kessel and spy on a meeting of
major Imperial leaders and their subordinates. It is rumored that a new Imperial leader may
emerge during the meeting. Lando Calrissian, Han Solo, and Chewbacca drop the droids off
in a fake asteroid on their way to take Lando back to Cloud City on Bespin, where Han and
Chewie intend on building a home for Han to settle down. He may not see Leia again for a
very long time. The mission, undertaken under the auspices of SPIN, goes off well. At the
stadium, the droids bear witness to Grand Moff Hissa, on behalf of the Committee of Grand
Moffs, informing all present that he has found the blood heir of Emperor Palpatine, the
Supreme Slavelord of Kessel, Trioculus. When other Imperials try to dispute this claim,
mostly on the grounds that Trioculus doesn’t have the glove of Darth Vader as prophesied by
the (fake) Prophets of the Dark Side, Trioculus shows his Dark Side power by electrocuting
them with what seems to be Force lightning. Shortly thereafter, the droids meet up with Luke
and escape the world, bringing news of Trioculus, while the warlord himself orders his men to
search high and low for the glove, so as to destroy any opposition to his position as the new
emperor. A short while later, Captain Dunwell, head of the Whaladon hunting business on
Mon Calamari, contacts Trioculus and asks him to come at once. Little do they know that
since the Empire has been sending out probes, Luke, Admiral Gial Ackbar, and the droids will
have to divert their trip to Yavin IV . . . to Mon Calamari. Upon arrival, Trioculus and Hissa
meet with Dunwell, who tells them that some debris from the second Death Star, probably
tossed by a black hole or some spatial anomaly (specifically through the Endor Gate
wormhole), had been found in the Valley of the Giant Oysters, and they believe that the glove
is in the debris. They set out in his giant Whaladon hunting submarine to the Valley.
Meanwhile, Luke, Ackbar, and the droids set out in a small submarine as well, hoping to save
the Whaladons, whom they have heard are in trouble from their “songs,” particularly from
their alpha male, Leviathor. They arrive at Dunwells sub just as Leviathor and several other
Whaladons are captured, soon being captured themselves. This just lets them in, though, just
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 561
as Trioculus, who has now recovered the glove of Darth Vader, puts it on, cementing his
power. Dunwell, though, overhears Trioculus, Hissa, and MD-5, Trioculus’ droid, discussing
his powers. It turns out that Trioculus Force lightning is actually artificial, created by implants
in his fingers that could kill him if he isnt careful. He is, in fact, not the son of Palpatine, but
an imposter, put in place because he promised to share power with the Committee of Grand
Moffs, who know that the real son of Palpatine, Triclops, is “insane.” Soon, the heroes
capture Dunwell and force him to release the Whaladons, but they encounter Trioculus, who
swears to destroy Luke as Palpatine could not. The self-destruct has been set by the heroes,
though, so they all make a hasty retreat. The heroes get away in their sub, while Hissa, MD-
5, and Trioculus leave Dunwell to die when his own ship explodes. In the wake of these
events, Luke and the others go to hear Whaladon songs in concert a while later, but the
question of whether Trioculus survived and what may come of him if he is alive still sits
heavily upon our heroes’ shoulders.
(The Glove of Darth Vader)
In the wake of the events on Mon Calamari, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 head for
Cloud City on Bespin, where they catch up to Han Solo and Chewbacca, who have started
setting up a nice floating home for themselves. They quickly start to help stop thieves from
making off with food, which is being stolen at an increasing rate and being sent to a new
secret Imperial base. Little do they know that the secret base is actually the old Rebel base
on Hoth, Trioculus new base of operations.
(conjecture based on The Lost City of the Jedi)
On Cloud City, Luke Skywalker banters with Han Solo about his feelings for Leia Organa.
Han’s new place might make a nice home for the two of them, but Han won’t commit to
saying he’d be interested in marrying the princess. As Luke, R2-D2, and C-3PO prepare to
leave to return to rejoin SPIN at Yavin IV, their Y-wing’s cockpit erupts into an explosion, set
by Imperial food raiders, injuring Luke and fouling up his droid hand. Knowing that Luke will
need help piloting and a new vessel, Han and Chewbacca ferry Luke and the droids back to
Yavin IV, where Han is briefly reunited with Leia. Later, while the droids are occupied
elsewhere, Luke is recovering from his injuries when he has a strange dream of structures in
the Yavin IV jungle and Obi-Wan Kenobi telling him to remember a strange alphanumeric
code. Meanwhile, a young boy named Ken is growing up in a place called the Lost City of
the Jedi. He is a “Jedi Prince,” being raised by several droids, HC-100 (a homework droid),
DJ-88 (teacher droid), and Chip (his “friend” droid). The Lost City of the Jedi, surprisingly, is
located beneath the surface of the largest of Yavin IV’s continents. It was the entrance to the
city that Luke had been having visions of. At around the same time, newly self-proclaimed
Emperor Trioculus and his advisors, including Grand Moff Hissa, are en route to meet with
the Prophets of the Dark Side at Space Station Scardia. Trioculus needs the blessing of
Supreme Prophet Kadann in order to cement his place of leadership. Back on Yavin IV, Luke
searches the jungles for the place in his visions, eventually coming across a HoDin healer,
Baji, and soon, Ken and Chip. Ken has run away from the Lost City in order to see the
galaxy he has been studying in the ever-expanding Jedi Archives. DJ-88 comes looking for
him soon, though, and Ken is taken back to the city in a cloud of smoke, leaving his journal
behind. Baji takes the journal, without letting Luke know about it. At Space Station Scardia,
Trioculus receives Kadann’s blessing, but only after he admits that he is not Palpatine’s real
son. Palpatines real three-eyed son, Triclops, has one eye in the back of his head, and was
deemed insane by the Empire and locked away in the mines of Kessel, where Trioculus was
slavelord. The biggest worry for Trioculus now is a foreboding warning that he could be
destroyed by a Jedi Prince from the Lost City of the Jedi (Ken). Trioculus sets out for Yavin
IV to find and destroy the Lost City and Ken . . . but has a brief blackout before he can make
the journey. Soon, the Imperial descend upon Yavin IV, ordering SPIN to give him the
location of the Lost City. When the Rebels cant answer, he begins to destroy the jungle in
many places with TNTs. While talking to Leia on the comm, though, Trioculus’ mind begins
to wander toward her beauty . . . but he is again struck by a blackout. They soon capture Baji,
the Ho’Din healer, and, along with analysis from Trioculus’ droid MD-5, Trioculus learns that
his blackouts are probably a result of the implants being used to fake Force powers in the
glove of Darth Vader. Trioculus orders a fake glove made, just in case it’s the implants in the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 562
glove or the Dark Side in the glove causing his blackouts. Shortly thereafter, Ken comes
topworld again, only to find chaos reigning with fires all over. Trioculus himself must brave
his own fire, knowing that the only plants that might save his sight are about to be destroyed.
He leaps through fire to get to them, horribly burning and scarring his three-eyed face. To
end the fires, Luke and the other Rebel heroes find Ken looking for his journal. They all
return to the Lost City of the Jedi, where they use the code that Obi-Wan gave Luke in his
vision to use a weather-control device and have great rains end the fires. Back above,
Trioculus and his band leave Yavin IV, but as they do, Trioculus, now disfigured and growing
more unhinged mentally, sets his mind on a new goal: making the beautiful Princess Leia
Organa his bride, the new Queen of the Empire. As for Ken, he will now be leaving the Lost
City and his droid companions and, along with Chip, joining the Rebel Alliance in the world
outside the city walls.
(The Lost City of the Jedi)
Intending on buying Han Solo something interesting for a housewarming gift (since Han is
about to officially show off his new home on Bespin), Luke Skywalker, Ken, R2-D2, C-3PO,
and Chip go to Tatooine for the Jawa Droidfest. They buy a housekeeping droid called KT-18
(Kate) for Han, but are soon forced to hide out aboard a Jawa sandcrawler when Tusken
Raiders attack. Meanwhile, Zorba the Hutt arrives at his late son Jabba’s palace on
Tatooine. He learns that Jabba is dead and the planetary government has taken over control
of the palace (which remains fairly abandoned, except by some Ranat squatters). Jabba
journeys to Mos Eisley, where he learns of Jabba’s death at the hands of Leia Organa from
various cantina patrons, including Grand Moff Hissa, Trioculus’ right-hand man. He calls
upon bounty hunters, including the Barabel Tibor, to break him into the palace. When he
does so, he retrieves CB-99, Jabba’s old droid, which bears a very special file, called
“JTHW.” Elsewhere, Luke and his group are accosted by bounty hunters trying to nab Ken
for Trioculus. They escape, but Ken hints that he knows the truth about Trioculus and much
more that he cant reveal to anyone, not even Luke. They proceed to Bespin, where they are
met by Lando Calrissian, the current Governor of Cloud City. They learn that Trioculus has
set up a factory barge in the core of the planet, which is causing “braze” (brown haze) to
pollute Bespin’s atmosphere. The materials are seemingly being sent to a new Imperial base
on Hoth. As the party for Han commences, Zorba arrives on Cloud City, where he meets with
Lando. He claims ownership of the Holiday Towers Casino because it used to belong to
Jabba, but Lando counters that without a will, Jabbas property on Cloud City became the
property of the city government. Zorba offers to play Lando in a sabacc game for the casino.
The loser must give the other all claim to Cloud City and never return. Zorba takes out the
JTHW file (Jabba the Hutt’s Will) and proves that Jabba did leave the casino to him. That
means that Zorba can provide his own deck for the game, which allows him to cheat Lando
out of all of Cloud City. Zorba is now the new governor, and Lando must leave. He tells Han,
and the heroes of the Alliance all prepare to leave, for Leia’s safety and their own. Outside,
KT-18 falls from the home into the atmosphere, causing Leia and Luke to take an airspeeder
after her. They catch her, but are so close to Trioculus’ factory barge that they are shot down
and forced to crash onto the barge. Luke and KT-18 are fine, but Leia is captured by
stormtroopers. Meanwhile, back at Han’s place, Ken is playing around in Han’s cloud car,
when he accidentally starts it and zips off, only to be caught and taken in by the Cloud Police.
It looks like they may turn him over to Trioculus for the bounty. Back on the barge, Trioculus
offers to make Leia his new Queen of the Empire, but she refuses, slapping the scarred
Emperor. With the help of Tibor, Zorba learns of Ken’s incarceration and claims him,
intending on trading him to Trioculus for Leia, so he can kill her in revenge for killing Jabba.
When Zorba makes his proposal, though, Trioculus refuses to hand over Leia. In response,
he calls stormtroopers in to take out Zorba, but the Cloud Police emerge on Zorba’s side.
Meanwhile, Ken has escape from holding in the casino and caught up to the droids, returning
to Han’s place, and Luke and KT-18 have found an escaping Leia. The barge trio are
rescued by Han in the Millennium Falcon and taken away, just as the barge is destroyed by
Zorba’s goons. As the heroes reunite and leave Bespin for the somewhat romantic hideout
world of Z’trop (a chance for Han to hit on Leia, of course), Zorba brings his new prisoner,
Trioculus, to Cloud City, where he encases the would-be Imperial leader in carbonite,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 563
intending on using the captive Imperial’s presence as a hostage as a means of protecting
Cloud City from Imperial threat. As for Leia, he believes she was killed on the barge, so, in
Zorba’s mind, for now, it seems that revenge has been served.
(Zorba the Hutt’s Revenge)
While on Ztrop, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ken, KT-88, Chip, R2-
D2, and C-3PO are surprised to discover an abandoned Imperial CAV. Inside, they discover
information marking it as working for the Prophets of the Dark Side. With their relaxing break
apparently over, the heroes head for the Rebel Alliance’s DRAPAC base on Dagobah, where
many of the leaders from Yavin IV have relocated in the wake of Trioculus’ assault a short
while ago. Ken is to start going to school at Dagobah Tech, a school near to the DRAPAC
base where SPIN is meeting on Mount Yoda. A new prophecy from Supreme Prophet of the
Dark Side Kadann, recorded by High Prophet Jedgar and found on the CAVs recordings,
reveals that the Prophets of the Dark Side believe that the end of the Rebel Alliance is near,
as part of a mission from Mount Yoda. The Empire, though, is not entirely united. Back on
Bespin, Grand Moff Hissa arranges the liberation of Trioculus, still frozen in carbonite, from
Cloud City. Returning Trioculus to the Empire, though, he is told to leave the leader frozen.
Kadann is claiming leadership of the Empire. After blackmailing Hissa into bowing to him,
Kadann destroys the block containing Trioculus and his fake glove of Darth Vader, claiming
the true glove of Darth Vader, which Trioculus had made a duplicate of to stop its Dark Side
effects on him and which was stolen by Kadanns agents. Meanwhile, the Duro archaeologist
Dustini has nearly crashed on Dagobah, where he tells SPIN that the Empire has started
stripping his world of precious artifacts to fill Kadanns personal collection. Only a handful of
archaeologists are safe, leading SPIN to send our heroes on a mission to save them. While
trying to say good-bye to Luke and the others before starting school, Ken finds himself
trapped in the Millennium Falcon’s cargo hold, ending up as a stowaway, carried all the way
to Duro and released only when the others realize that an accident in the cargo bay had
nearly caused their doom by powering down the quad lasers and hyperdrive right around the
time that Imperials began attacking them. Safely on one of the orbiting docks at Duro, the
heroes take a Corellian transport (while the Falcon is repaired) down to the surface and the
Valley of Royalty, where the archaeologists are hiding and an Imperial Reprogramming
Institute is housed. The heroes head into the area to find the archaeologists, while the newly-
arrived Imperials, led by Hissa and Jedgar, head down as well, intending on recapturing an
escaped prisoner . . . Triclops, the true three-eyed son of Palpatine, who had been moved
here from Kessel a short while earlier. Down in the caves, Han, Luke, and Ken find Triclops,
learning that Triclops once knew Anakin Skywalker (or heard of Luke Skywalker) and knew a
Jedi named Kendalina. He also seems to recognize a pendant that Ken wears on his neck.
Together, they save the archaeologists (and Han is given an ancient Corellian wedding ring
as a gift), but the local Defel Imperial stooge, Defeen, tortures their location out of another
archaeologist and sends Imperials down on their heads. When Hissa tries to take Ken
hostage, Triclops uses his third eye, which is in the back of his head, to send a magnetic
pulse of some kind (the Force?) toward Hissa, saving Ken. Up above, a dam holding back
toxic waste that the Empire has been dumping on Duro ruptures, spilling waste down upon
Hissa, burning at his flesh. Luke and the others escape, not knowing that Trioculus is dead,
and unsure whether or not they can truly trust Triclops. After all, the Prophets of the Dark
Side have prophesied the end of the Rebel Alliance, and every bit has come true thus far . . .
and now they have Palpatine’s own son in their midst.
(Mission from Mount Yoda)
On Dagobah, at the Rebel DRAPAC base, the Chadra-Fan scientists Fandar and Fugo show
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Ken a new invention: a Human Replica Droid of
Leia, created as part of Project Decoy. The test goes awry, though, when the Leia HRD uses
eyebeams to shoot Fandar, forcing the heroes to take him all the way to Chad for a heart
transplant. As Han and Leia take Fandar to get care, Mon Mothma asks Luke Skywalker to
check on a problem with Triclops, the three-eyed son of Palpatine that they had discovered
on Duro. It seems that Triclops has mad dreams of terrible inventions, which are being
transmitted to the Empire through an implant in one of his molars, which is why the Empire
kept him alive. He is a treasure trove of technical information, and now he is also a spy for
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 564
the Empire, perhaps. On Chad, Han and Leia get Fandar to help in time, but a series of
mishaps with a hurricane and a cave-in that nearly kills Han force Han to face up to how he
feels for Leia and how he doesn’t want to miss the chance to have a life with her. They leave
Chad, not for a Rebel base, but for Hologram Fun World. Han and Leia are eloping!
Meanwhile, on Bespin, Zorba the Hutt learns that Hologram Fun World is cutting into the
profits of his Cloud City operations and sends his goons to Hologram Fun World to take it out
of the competition, so to speak. When Han and Leia arrive on Hologram Fun World
(seriously, how many times must I write that ridiculous planet name?), they learn that Lando
Calrissian has become the new administrator of the planet. Lando sets them up for a great
stay, but since they cant get a marriage license until the next morning, they simply take in the
attractions their first night there. Soon, though, Zorba learns of Leia’s presence on the planet
and has his goons replace Bithabus the Mistifier (sort of a magician) with Cobak, another
Bith, then uses a “can I have a volunteer” activity during his magic show to capture Leia and
take her away in a giant birdcage. She is taken aboard Zorba’s ship, where she is held
alongside the carbonite slab of Trioculus! It seems that the block that the Prophets of the
Dark Side destroyed was actually a fake decoy, hung in Cloud City to draw attention away
from where the real Imperial leader’s body had been stored. Han and Lando find Bithabus
and learn of Zorbas involvement, then head back to the Millennium Falcon, only to find Luke,
Ken, and the Leia HRD already there, at Landos invitation. The quintet head off to find Leia.
However, just as they catch up to the Zorba Express, they see it pulled aboard the Moffship,
command vessel of the Central Committee of Grand Moffs, led by the now-legless, droid-
armed Grand Moff Hissa, whom had been left for dead on Duro by the Prophets of the Dark
Side. Hissa and his men discover the Trioculus block and thaw out their great leader, who
promptly begins to propose marriage (again) to Leia. She won’t marry him, but shed rather
say there’s a chance than be turned over to Zorba. The villains set course for Tatooine . . .
Once above the Great Pit of Carkoon, Trioculus has Zorba thrown into the Sarlacc, but as the
celebration over Zorba’s apparent death ensues, Leia is rescued by Han, Lando, Luke, and
Ken, then replaced with the HRD. When Trioculus tries to marry the HRD, its eyebeams
blast him through the chest with a mortal blow . . . Meanwhile, Han, Luke, Lando, Ken, and
Leia leave for Dagobah, intending for Han and Leia to get married for real a short time later.
As for Zorba, he is indigestible and spit out by the sarlacc, free to plot his revenge on
everyone involved . . .
(Queen of the Empire)
Aboard the Moffship, the dying Trioculus charges Grand Moff Hissa with taking his revenge
on the Rebel Alliance and defeating the Prophets of the Dark Side (actually fake Prophets,
while the real ones are in seclusion, but for all intents and purposes, the Prophets that
matter). His remains are then shot into space. On Yavin IV, Luke Skywalker and the rest of
the Rebel Alliance remain concerned about the dreams of Triclops and the possibility that he
is a spy. When they discover an Imperial probe entering the atmosphere, they realize that
Triclops is transmitting data to the devices through an implant in one of his molars. He has
now even taken to sleepwalking and digging into secret data files, including ones on the Lost
City of the Jedi. The Rebels devise two plans. First, Luke and Ken will return to the Lost City
of the Jedi to get plans he had made for an advanced Omniprobe, which could destroy the
Imperial probes. They can then also feed Triclops false information to mislead the Prophets.
Luke and Ken head for the Lost City, where Ken is reunited with his old droid friends and they
get the probe plans. While down there, Ken and DJ-88 discuss a decoy entrance to the Lost
City, which actually now opens into a fiery pit, thanks to the attacks of Trioculus. They also
briefly discuss Kens background (how he was left at the Lost City by a Jedi in a brown robe,
with only half of a pendant around his neck, and his belief that “Ken” means he is the son of
Obi-Wan Kenobi) and a new prophecy from Supreme Prophet Kadann, suggesting that when
Luke is captured by the Prophets, Ken will betray the citys location to the Empire.
Meanwhile, aboard Space Station Scardia, Zorba the Hutt, having gotten passage off of
Tatooine, joins the Prophets of the Dark Side in their schemes and hunt for Ken and the Lost
City of the Jedi. At Yavin IV, Luke and Ken return to base and use the information about the
decoy trap entrance to the Lost City to feed false info to the Empire via Triclops. They also
learn that there is a mushroom on Arzid that could be used to make a chemical that could
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 565
finally free Triclops of his mind control. Luke, Ken, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO head to
Arzid, even as, aboard Scardia, the Prophets of the Dark Side put the Moffs on trial. They
are all deemed guilty and sentenced to near-death sentences, and when information about
the Lost Citys “location” reaches them, they set out for Yavin IV. Meanwhile, on Arzid, Luke
and Ken are captured by stormtroopers by accident, and end up being taken away . . . to the
Scardia Voyager, the Prophets’ flagship. At Yavin IV, shortly thereafter, Hissa is sent into the
false entrance to the Lost City and dies in the fire below, showing Kadann that he was lied to.
Luke is then imprisoned, while Kadann promises to free him and Luke on Hoth (where they
might have a chance of survival, rather than certain death) if he will give up the real location
of the Lost City. As an added bonus, Kadann will reveal Kens true background to the young
Jedi Prince. Ken, reluctantly, agrees. Above the surface, the Imperials begin attacking the
Yavin IV Rebel base, even as Han, Leia, and our other heroes manage to get aboard the
Voyager and rejoin Luke, whose escape is already in progress. Together, they reach the
surface, from which Luke, in a hazard suit, descends through a steam vent to the Lost City.
In the Lost City itself, Kadann has his goons start to remove the entire Jedi Library computer
to take back with him, containing all the great secrets of the Jedi and the Rebel Alliance, as
collected over the years (somehow). In return for his help, Kadann finally reveals Kens
background. Ken is not the son of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but of Jedi Knight Kendalina and the
man she fell in love with while a prisoner on Kessel . . . Triclops! Ken is the son of Triclops
and Kendalina and, thereby, the grandson of Emperor Palpatine! Faced with this, he nearly
breaks down, but Luke arrives to save him. In the midst of the confrontation, the Jedi Library
computer is destroyed and all of Kadann’s allies are defeated. Kadann himself is left in the
Lost City, which is entirely dormant and breaking down now, thanks to the Prophets shutting
it down. Luke and Ken escape up the lift to the surface, using the Force to push past a power
failure. Above, the Alliance has beaten the attacking Imperials into retreat. Upon returning to
Triclops’ holding cell, Ken intends on meeting his father for real, only to find that Triclops has
freed himself and escaped, leaving a letter behind with his love for Ken. Now, Zorba the Hutt
is out there somewhere, Triclops has escaped somewhere on Yavin IV, and the fake Kadann
remains trapped in the Lost City. In the aftermath of the discovery of the city and the loss of
Triclops, the Rebels go ahead with the wedding of Han Solo and Leia Organa . . . or at least
they try to . . .
(Prophets of the Dark Side)
In the wake of the defeat of the fake Prophets of the Dark Side, one of the fake Prophets,
Orloc, is able to escape and continue the con on his own.
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
An Imperial attack disrupts the wedding of Han Solo and Leia Organa. As a result of the
attack, the Rebel Alliance leaves their base on Yavin IV (yet again). Right around this time,
SPIN is disbanded as well*
(conjecture based on explanations given by LucasBooks editors and Jedi Prince series
authors Paul and Hollace Davids)*
*NOTE: This explanation is now the officially accepted reason for why Han and Leia appear to be married in
Prophets of the Dark Side, but are really married after Courtship of Princess Leia. The information is regarding
an unpublished seventh book in the Davids’ series, but since no other explanation was forthcoming, the editors
seem to have chosen to go by this planned event as the official answer to the “two weddings” conundrum, even
if the rest of the seventh book’s story was never released. The events in this explanation are split into two
segments for timelining purposes, as Rebel Agent actually refers to Han and Leia as being married, which is now
considered true to the events of the Jedi Prince series, rather than an error. See the remainder of this
explanation just after the summary for the events of the next round of Dark Forces materials.
On the forest moon of Endor, a lone scout trooper, left behind by the Empire during the Battle
of Endor, finally runs out of power for his speeder bike. As he tries to check on what he can
do about the problem, a lone Rebel commando, left behind by the Rebels during the Battle of
Endor and its aftermath (because he was relieving himself in the forest and got left behind),
jumps him. The two fight, but then stop and talk. Both were left behind, and neither really
knows what has happened since the start of the Battle of Endor. The two fight again when the
trooper tries to apprehend the commando, leading them to fall into an Ewok snare. They are
brought to the nearby Ewok village, where they decide not to eat (or imprison) the trooper,
thanks to the fast talking of the commando. The trooper draws a picture of the Death Star II’s
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 566
shield generator dish, which helps the Ewoks lead them to the Imperial bunker where the
Battle of Endors ground segment took place. Seeing the wreckage all around, they realize
that the Rebels did win the battle. They also find an AT-ST that still has some power
(probably the one used by Chewbacca), and they use it to find off a Gorax that goes after the
Ewoks. They then use the AT-ST to find a crashed Star Destroyer that will likely be salvaged
by the New Republic soon. Using the communications system on the Star Destroyer, the
commando arranges for a pickup to take him back to the New Republic. As for the trooper, he
choose to remain behind to live out his life on the forest moon, rather than in a potentially
peaceful society where people like him have no true place.*
*NOTE: The table of contents for Star Wars Tales #22 says this story takes place approximately one year after the
Battle of Endor, which would be around the same time as The Glove of Darth Vader. The text of the story itself
says it takes place 13 months (presumably on a 12-month calendar) after the Battle of Endor. I’ve chosen to stick
to the storys internal dating, which lets me put it around this time, so that it doesn’t break up the flow of the Jedi
Prince saga.
On Reuss VII, Shockboxer Lobar Aybock is preparing for a major bout at the with Barabel
Ponderweight Champion Tull Raine at Dool Arena when his manager and trainer, the Chevin
Eedund Cus, arrives with dire news, acquired from Resik, the nearby Broken Tusk’s
bartender. In the contract for the fight, it says that local “businessman” (and slimeball) Torel
Vorne will own Lobar’s body if he is killed in the fight with Raine. Unsure of what they want
with his body, they slip out the back to find a way to give up on the bout and skip town, only
to find Lobars Gungan doctor, Stitchy, has been picked up and held in a vehicle by unknown
individuals. Lobar and Cus are forced to join them, only to find that they are not enemies but
members of the New Republic. The group consists of a Reussi guard, Major Bren Derlin of
New Republic Intelligence (NRI), Mygo Skinto (a local who brought them information about
the state of the Rust Rats, abandoned children trying to survive in the harsh environment of
the planet), and Sergeant Dansra Beezer (a slicer). They reveal that when the Empire-
backed Reuss Corporation, which has dominated the planet by making everyone their
employee and keeping the populace in debt as much as possible, began seeing its profits
dwindling, Vorne was able to turn that around by getting them involved in a market for
organs. They will tend to get adults into debt, so that they can then offer them a way out: give
up organs in order to have funds for their families. Vorne has fixed the fight between Lobar
and Raine so that Lobar will die, and he already has buyers lined up for many of Lobars
organs. He has a slicer with access to the armor that will be used in the bout, via the fights
hub. Generally, the suits protect the wearer and allow for stun, ion, and repulsor settings to
one’s gauntlets. They will change Lobars settings during the fight so that he loses and is
killed. The New Republic wants to see Vorne and the Corporation taken down, little by little,
and having Lobar win would provide hope for the populace and nail Vorne and his backers in
their credit accounts. Thus, Dansra will slice into the system as well, but rather than make
sure Lobar wins, she will, at his insistence, simply make sure that it is a fair fight. The next
day, once Cus and Stitchy are already at Dool Arena, Lobar makes his traditional run to the
arena to build up his spirits and energy, and he finds Rust Rats running with him to show their
support, which, of course, the news feeds pick up. Derlin has also made certain that Colonial
NewsNets asks about Vorne and the illegal organ “donation” trade in a pre-fight interview,
further drawing attention to the illicit dealings. The bout soon begins, Raine versus Lobar.
The fight is fierce, and as it goes on, it becomes obvious that Vorne and his backers are
getting anxious over Lobar not falling, their scheme not working. While it pushes him to his
limits, Lobar defeats the champion. Two weeks later, Derlin contacts Lobar, informing him
that the New Republic has now suspended the Reuss Corporations license to operate, and
Vorne is on the run from the authorities and bounty hunters alike. The New Republic is taking
over governing Reuss VII and intending to help bring the polluted world back to its agrarian
roots. Mygo is heading up a relief effort for the Rust Rats, a cause to which Lobar has also
donated his winnings from the match. Lobar signs numerous endorsement deals, even
getting his name attached to the following years luxury speedertruck from Zzip, now known
as the ’42-Aybock Ion.” (To be continued below . . . )*
(Fists of Ion)*
*NOTE: This story is the basis for the excerpt from Fists of Ion: Memoirs of a Champion Shockboxer, entitled
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 567
Chapter VII: Hard Raine, that Transgalactic Perspectus runs to promote the book on 41:4:34. There is no
indication in the story of when this takes place, other than that the New Republic exists, but I have spoken with
the storys writer, Ed Erdelac, who says that the intent was for these events to be approximately one year before
the timing of the “article” that frames it all. Note that the date on the speedertruck, ’42, does not necessarily
mean that this story is set in year 41 of this calendar, as vehicles tend to be released (in the real world at least)
prior to the year they are named. (For instance, my Kia Rio is a 2013, yet I bought it in the first half of 2012.)
The New Republic finds itself in a military campaign for the world Milagro. The New
Republic’s Fourth Fleet spends three months facing off with Admiral Uther Kermen’s Imperial
forces. The campaign is finally won by the New Republic, thanks in no small part to
Commander Luke Skywalker’s X-wing tactics, prompting his promotion from Commander to
General. The Star Destroyer captured during the campaign is renamed the Crynyd in honor
of Arvel Crynyd, whose A-wing brought down the Executor at the Battle of Endor. Luke
begins to take on the responsibilities of a New Republic general. Kermen, however,
bombards Milagro from space, denying the New Republic some of its facilities. Kermen flees
to Spirana, then launches a surprise attack on the Fourth Fleet that nearly captures Mon
Mothma during a meeting with the Fourth Fleet leadership. Kermens forces are beaten right
back to Spirana.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology and The Essential Guide to Warfare)
By this time, several holothrillers have been created about Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and
other Rebel heroes. These include, among others: Han Solo and the Pirates of Kessel; Han
Solo and the Lair of the Space Slugs; Luke Skywalker and the Dragons of Tatooine; and
Luke Skywalker and the Jedi’s Revenge. The latter is actually a creation of Lord Cronal (AKA
Blackhole AKA Lord Shadowspawn) to advance his own agenda.
(conjecture based on Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor)
The New Republic faces a growing threat in the form of the so-called “Lord Shadowspawn.”
When an operation by Wedge Antilles’ Rogue Squadron allows the New Republic to track
some of Shadowspawn’s TIE fighters back to their base, they discover that Shadowspawn is
operating out of the highly unstable Taspan system, specifically Taspan I, also known as
Mindor. A huge asteroid field of debris surrounds the planet, making insertion very
dangerous, while the planet itself is volcanic. To make matters worse, the system, our heroes
will discover, is heading toward a supernova, as stellar material falling into the local star
continues to make it more and more unstable. Into this hellish situation comes the New
Republic, seeking to take down Shadowspawn, led by the relatively new General Luke
Skywalker. Luke leads the Rapid Response Task Force to Mindor, where they face natural
obstacles, but it is not the debris that presents the first disaster. Shadowspawn sends a
decoy shuttle, a flying bomb, to meet with Luke, only to explode a gravity bomb near Luke’s
flagship, Justice. The ship is destroyed, while Luke pilots what little is left intact into a crash
landing on Mindor. He turns himself over to Shadowspawn to make face-to-face contact,
while R2-D2 is left to be discovered and “salvaged” by a group of semi-local fighters, led by
Aeona Cantor. Back on Coruscant, Leia Organa has a Force warning of Luke in danger. She,
Han Solo, Chewbacca, and C-3PO slip away to Mindor aboard the Millennium Falcon,
leaving in the middle of delicate negotiations with a group of Mandalorians. Thankfully, the
negotiations still have the silver-tongued Lando Calrissian and Mandalore himself, Fenn
Shysa, to carry on without them. As for Han and Leia, they are accompanied (without
borders) by Rogue Squadron. On Mindor, Luke realizes that “Shadowspawn” is actually
Blackhole, the former Emperor’s Hand known as Lord Cronal. Shadowspawn seems to have
created some sort of cult offshoot of the Empire that believes that Luke is the rightful heir to
the throne of Emperor Palpatine. Shadowspawn’s followers all believe that he is guiding them
to helping Luke free himself of the New Republic’s influence so that he can ascend to the
Imperial throne and retake the galaxy. This is only partially true, however. Shadowspawn is a
devotee of absolute annihilation, what he calls “the Dark.” He wants to bring the galaxy into
the Dark, and he intends to use a form of metalmassif (a mineral that he can manipulate with
the Force and metalmassif implanted in his own body) and the Force (the Dark) to transfer
his mind into Lukes body to rule the galaxy himself with his willing followers believing that he
really is Luke. When Luke is brought before Shadowspawn, it is an impostor, who is there to
have Luke cut him down and take over. Luke instead frees the impostor from a fan-shaped
crown on his head, which is connected to metalmassif implants in his brain. This frees him
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 568
from Shadowspawns mind control (and does not kill him, even though there is a deadman
switch in the helmet, since Luke hit him in such a way that it disabled the deadman switch).
The fake Shadowspawn is revealed to be Nick Rostu, Clone Wars era fighter, who was
captured in one of Shadowspawn’s many raids to capture Force sensitives to be his mind-
controlled Pawns. (In fact, the reason Aeona and her men are on Mindor is to save Nick, who
seems to be both their real leader and Aeonas lover.) The two men are captured when
Shadowspawn turns the metalmassif of the throne room itself against them. Luke is placed in
a slab of metalmassif, where he is implanted with metalmassif, which should help
Shadowspawn take over his body. Luke manages to escape with the help of the Force and
Nick, but the Dark has infected his mind through the metalmassif, causing him to question his
own actions, the fate of the galaxy, and whether any of his struggles have been worthwhile.
Elsewhere, the Falcon crew encounters Aeona and her men in the search for Luke, but
Aeona steals the Millennium Falcon, leaving them stuck on the surface within a series of
caves with native creatures of energy who form bodies of metalmassif. They have been left to
die at the creatures hands. Above, Lando has arrived to save the day, bringing his own New
Republic forces, supplemented by Mandalorians, thanks to a deal with the Mandalorian
representative from the negotiations. Unfortunately, they are all now trapped, as gravity
projectors from some of the asteroids have left them unable to jump to hyperspace, leaving
them at the mercy of the star’s destruction when it finally arrives soon . . . As a furious space
battle rages between Lando’s forces, alongside the remainder of Luke’s task force, and
Shadowspawns forces, Luke and Nick battle their way into escaping Shadowspawn’s base,
even as Aeona is forced to crash land the Falcon under fire from Lando’s forces (who have
been told that it was stolen). Luke and Nick retake the landed Falcon, reuniting Nick with
Aeona (and Luke with R2-D2) and forcing her to take them to save Han, Leia, Chewbacca,
and C-3PO. They arrive in time to save everyone but Leia. Shadowspawn has sensed her
connection to the Force and, thanks to probing Lukes mind, knows she is also a Skywalker.
Shadowspawn has captured her in hopes of taking over her body as he would have taken
over Luke. To make matters worse, Shadowspawn has put his consciousness into the body
of Kar Vastor, former Haruun Kal warrior. Luke hunts for Leia, finally battling Kar. Rather than
killing him, Luke uses the metalmassif in his own body to free Kar of Shadowspawn’s control.
This leaves Shadowspawn’s mind inside his failing body in a nearby asteroid ship, from which
he is viewing the situation. Even as the volcano base lifts off, revealing itself to be a large
starship, the battle between Shadowspawn’s forces and the New Republic and Mandalorians
ends. Luke has encountered one of Shadowspawns high-ranking troopers, Klick, who
believes Shadowspawns lies and accepts Luke as their rightful leader. Luke simply orders an
end to the fighting. When Shadowspawn recognizes this, though, he uses the metalmassif in
all of their bodies to leave them writhing in pain, attempting to force them all into further,
mindless violence. Luke is forced to reach out through the Force (via Kar, who is connected
to Shadowspawn, and through Shadowspawns crown into his Pawns) to all of the
metalmassif, drawing it out of their bodies (including his own). In doing so, though, he is
activating the deadman switch, killing them all in what he will later consider an act of mass
murder. As it stands, the day has been saved, but the star will still destroy them all. Luckily,
R2-D2 is able to identify the source of the gravity wells that are keeping them from escaping,
allowing them to get away before the system is destroyed. As for Shadowspawn, he has
escaped, but his metalmassif also melts away, and many will believe that he has been killed
by being released from his asteroid ship into hyperspace without any kind of protective
shielding. Others will believe he is still out there (and evidence later suggests that this is
true). As for Aeona and Nick, they will continue to hunt for Shadowspawn AKA Blackhole
AKA Cronal. Less than a month later, Luke calls Nicks old friend Lorz Geptun and asks him
to investigate Luke for war crimes, owing to the loss of life on Mindor. Geptun eventually
submits his report, which makes Luke into a hero, rather than a villain. He believes that the
New Republic needs heroes, and Luke, like it or not, is a hero, even though he has had to do
some pretty harsh things in pursuit of the New Republic’s ideals. Luke accepts this, and he
will allow such material to be used for holodramas (such as the ones Geptun intends to sell)
in order to perpetuate hope within the New Republic. Even still, a short time later, Luke
resigns his commission as a general, due to the loss of life on Mindor.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 569
(Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor)*
*NOTE: LSATSOM is based on events that were originally created for The Essential Chronology. The EC places
these events at 5.5 ABY. The opening crawl of the novel places it at 4.5 ABY. Luke, however, is 24 in the novel,
rather than 23, which contradicts the 4.5 ABY date. Other dates in the novel suggest a longer stretch than just six
months, which lends credence to the 5.5 ABY date. In the end, Sue Rostoni informed me via the official Star Wars
website’s forums that the official date for LSATSOM is now listed as 5.1 ABY, apparently a compromise between
the internal crawl date and the EC’s date. That places it 0.1 years after the beginning of The Glove of Darth Vader,
so this must be very, very soon after Prophets of the Dark Side.
A new villain emerges to threaten the stability of the infant New Republic, Atha Prime. Atha
Prime--genetics master, ruler of the dark worlds, and architect of the Clone Wars who exiled
in a remote part of the galaxy by Emperor Palpatine decades ago--has long since been freed
by his death. Prime harnesses the power of cloning technology and builds an army of evil
Clone Warriors, intended to replace stormtroopers as regular infantrymen. Armed with his
personal ship, the Apex Invader--which incorporated into his larger flagship, the double-
decker Star Destroyer Annihilator--and his army of combat clones, decimate Rebel outposts
in their attempt to crush the Alliance forever. Luke Skywalker, further developing his skills,
constructs a second lightsaber, with a red blade, and also purchases a HP-38 landspeeder.
The New Republic is caught off - guard by this, and barely has time to modify ships to fight
Prime. As he moves to attack Tatooine, the New Republic quickly puts into production the
new land-based Desert Speeder. Snowspeeders are reconfigured for combat on desert
worlds, and the X-wing is modified for a tandem design to become more efficient: pilot and
gunner duties became separate. The Millennium Falcon is equipped with a landing pod. And
a new ground vehicle is made-the Rebel SRV-1 (Scout and Retrieval Vehicle), designed as a
troop carrier that deployed and retrieved personnel from a combat zone, and could carry a
damaged X-wing or snowspeeder from the battleground. Han Solo and Luke fight with the
New Republic at Tatooine, Luke's being more personal, and become allies with the Mongo
Beefhead Tribesmen: nearly extinct, unusual native humanoids with red skin and flat,
tentacled heads. With their help, Luke, Han, and the Rebels gain an upper hand in the
battles on Tatooine. Ultimately, Atha Prime and his forces are defeated by the growing,
maturing New Republic.*
(The Saga of Atha Prime)*
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This summary is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The most famous of these stories is Lightsider, of course, but The Saga of
Atha Prime is among them as well. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor text for our
purposes, with no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it historical
Major Breslin Drake discovers that much of the work setting up the Archive system, an
intelligence gathering network for the Alliance, has been compromised by a traitor known only
as the Wraith. When officials refuse to expend the resources to hunt down this traitor, Drake
resigns his commission and hunts for the man on his own in the Kathol Sector.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Crisis)
Governor Beltane of Balmorra declares his world neutral, a change from Imperial as it had
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons)
Drolen Antig returns to illegal activities, this time taking a job from Kuat Drive Yards to steal
special gyroscopic stabilizers that are used in B-wing manufacture, in order to let KDY begin
their own models based on the same technology.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Brahle Logris escapes from a prison on Tamazall.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations)
The New Republic is established, with Mon Mothma as president.
(conjecture based on Heir to the Empire)
Tycho Celchu is sent on an intelligence-gathering mission but ends up imprisoned aboard at
Lusankya, where Ysanne Isard begins to brainwash him.
(conjecture based on Rogue Squadron)
An industrial disaster and volcanic activity convert Torize’s fragile atmosphere into Type II
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 570
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Captain Obigon, commanding officer aboard the pirate Corellian Gunship Null Space, has his
ship stolen from him ironically, by the Empire. The Empire, hungry for ships, used Zero-G
stormtroopers to capture the Null Space. Rather than have his ship shot out from under him,
or have his crew killed in a desperate bid to escape, Obigon surrendered his vessel. His fate
remains unknown. Obigon was served by crew - members such as Meekeef and H'Krav.
(conjecture based on Heir to the Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Corran Horn infiltrates the Imperial government of Garqi under an assumed identity, and
becomes a trusted aide of the Imperial Prefect, Mosh Barris.
(conjecture based on Rogue Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
Riggins Delahrg was the Imperial Governor of the planet Tallaso during the Galactic Civil
War, and was known as the consummate conman. He enjoyed the good life on Tallaso, but
was always a big fish in a little pond. Following the Battle of Endor, the Empire forgot about
Tallaso, and Delahrg was overthrown in a coup detat. He fled to the planet Vandron, where
he bluffed his way into a position on the planetary government. That government crumbled,
and Delahrg was once again without a job. However, he found steady work as a politician-
for-hire, selling his verbal skills and knowledge of Imperial politics to the highest bidder.
(conjecture based on Heroes and Rogues via TimeTales, verbatim)
Boba Fett’s current Bureau of Ships and Services arms load-out permit for Slave I expires.
(Exact date on document: 40:8:6)
(conjecture based on The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett)
On Ruusan, Dark Jedi Jerec's Dark Jedi group (Sariss, Gorc, Pic, Maw, Boc, and Yun),
capture Jedi Knight Qu Rahn, Duno Dree, Nij Por Ral and Rolanda Gron. They are taken
before Jerec aboard the Vengeance and interrogated. All but Rahn are murdered. Jerec
then pulls the location of information about the Valley of the Jedi from Rahn's mind and
orders his death. Rahn steals a lightsaber and manages to sever Maw's lower body before
Jerec paralyzes him and murders him. (Maw, incidentally, survives. He receives a sort of
repulsorlift for his lower body and begins practicing lightsaber combat techniques originally
developed by the airborne Majestrix of Skye). Jerec now knows what Morgan Katarn (who is
years dead) is the key to finding the Valley. On Nar Shaddaa, Kyle Katarn has gone to 8t88
for information about who killed his father and learns that it was Jerec who ordered his death.
8t88 then produces a disk from Morgan Katarn's farm, and orders Kyle to tell him what is on
it. Kyle refuses and is attacked. He manages to catch up to 8t88 and blast his arm off. 8t88
escapes, but Kyle manages to recover the disk and makes his way back to the New Republic
fleet with Jan Ors. Recovering aboard the Mercy, Kyle receives a vision from Rahn who tells
him to seek the valley and become a Jedi. Jan Ors convinces Mon Mothma to allow Kyle to
continue his search for his father's killer and Kyle sets off for Sulon, with Jan keeping an eye
on him. Kyle makes it to his father's farm just as the Dark Jedi leave with the map to the
Valley of the Jedi that was carved into the ceiling of one of the house's rooms. Kyle then
finds Wee Gee, his droid, and plays the disk. It is a message from his father telling him to
seek out the Valley of the Jedi. He then receives Rahn's lightsaber (Rahn had Yoda's with
him when captured, not his own) from a compartment in Wee Gee. Kyle heads for Barons
Hed to catch the Jedi and the map, only to see it destroyed (after 8t88 has recorded it in his
memory) by Yun. He duels Yun and wins, letting the young Dark Jedi live. As Kyle heads for
8t88's ship, 8t88 sends the map information to Jerec, who sets out for Ruusan. 8t88 meets
with Gorc and Pic who are to pay him for his services. Instead, they deactivate him and
sever his head. Kyle finally arrives and must battle the two Brothers of the Sith, as they are
known, narrowly winning. He recovers the head and the map. He then finds Luke Skywalker
there to check up on him, and realizes that Jan had been sent to spy on him. He forgives
her, of course, as they become closer still. Jerec arrives at Ruusan and begins his search for
the Valley of the Jedi. Kyle Katarn returns with Luke to the New Republic fleet where he
helps defend the New Hope from an attack by Captain Purdy M. Trico's Imperial forces. The
ship is saved, and Kyle is allowed to go to Ruusan and continue his quest. Kyle arrives and
finds a tower being built by Jerec as a base of operations. He works his way to the top where
he must battle Maw. Upon killing Maw out of revenge for his father's death, he is approached
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 571
by Jerec, who is holding Jan hostage. He refuses to kill Jan and turn to the Dark Side. Jerec
attacks him with the Force and Kyle must race to his ship as the ship he had docked with is
plummeting to the ground. He makes it to the Moldy Crow and escapes, only to crash on the
planet after damaging a wing. He is captured by the Dark Jedi. Boc destroys Kyle's green
lightsaber (that belonged to Rahn) as Sariss prepares to kill him while he is barely conscious.
The spirit of Rahn moves Yun to block her killing blow, leading to his own death. Kyle then
takes up Yun's yellow lightsaber, making it his own, and defeats Sariss. Kyle then makes his
way to the Valley of the Jedi's heart, where Jerec is beginning to harness its power. There he
finds and rescues Jan, but is attacked by Boc. After killing Boc in self-defense, Kyle is
knocked flat as Jerec emerges for battle. The two duel and Kyle disarms Jerec. Jerec orders
him to strike him down and turn to the Dark Side, but Kyle, knowing that killing in any way but
self-defense is wrong, gives Jerec his lightsaber back and kills Jerec defending himself. As
Jerec dies, Kyle frees the souls trapped in the Valley's heart. As he and Jan prepare to
leave, Kyle carves a statue of Rahn and Morgan into the Valley's stone protrusions and gives
thanks to both men for their wisdom and guidance. After saying a final goodbye to his father,
Kyle, along with Jan, heads away from Ruusan.
(Jedi Knight, Rebel Agent, and Jedi Knight)*
*NOTE: Since the books and the game intertwine so much, it seems only fair to list this series of events as one
multi-cited entry. Also, please note that the reason that there are two listings here for something called “Jedi
Knight” is due to there being a video game (Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II) and a graphic novel (Dark Forces: Jedi
Knight) of the same name. The latter is one of the two adaptations (with Rebel Agent) of the former.
After Kyle Katarn’s victory over Jerec, Luke Skywalker offers to train him in the ways of the
Force. Kyle declines. Instead, he joins the New Republic military officially. By the time of
the resurrected Emperors campaign against the New Republic, he will have reached the rank
of captain.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology and The New Essential Guide to
After Kyle Katarn’s victory over Jerec, Wee Gee joins a maintenance team serving the New
Republic fleet.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
Approximately 18 months after the Battle of Endor, the MC80B Mon Calamari star cruiser
Mon Remonda is launched.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
Han Solo and Leia Organa, knowing that their marriage is on shaky legal grounds, since it
was disrupted by an Imperial attack, decide that they aren’t yet ready for all it entails (Leia still
has some issues about Anakin Skywalker to deal with and so forth), so they effectively annul
the marriage. Theyll give it more time before taking such a drastic step. Meanwhile, the last
events of the Trioculus era are wrapped up beneath the surface of Yavin IV, when the false
Supreme Prophet Kadann uses Triclops (via his mind-control implant) to escape from the
Lost City of the Jedi, only to be found and killed by Grand Admiral Makati and the real
Kadann’s former student Azrakel, who follow-up this assassination by wiping out the
remainder of the false Prophets of the Dark Side who were so involved in the Trioculus eras
affairs. Now, only the true Prophets remain, and they continue their seclusion . . .*
(conjecture based on Who’s Who: Imperial Grand Admirals and explanations given by
LucasBooks editors and Jedi Prince authors Paul and Hollace Davids)*
*NOTE: This explanation is now the officially accepted reason for why Han and Leia appear to be married in
Prophets of the Dark Side, but are really married after Courtship of Princess Leia. The information is regarding
an unpublished seventh book in the Davids’ series, but since no other explanation was forthcoming, the editors
seem to have chosen to go by this planned event as the official answer to the two weddings” conundrum, even
if the rest of the seventh book’s story was never released. The events in this explanation are split into two
segments for timelining purposes, as Rebel Agent actually refers to Han and Leia as being married, which is now
considered true to the events of the Jedi Prince series, rather than an error. See the first part of this explanation
just after the events of Prophets of the Dark Side above.
Sometime after Azrakel wipes out the false Prophets of the Dark Side, a tip from a mysterious
source (likely Lumiya) informs him of the real Prophets of the Dark Side hiding out on
Bosthirda. Armed with a double-bladed lightsaber and Darth Vader’s gauntlet, Azrakel attacks
the Prophets on Bosthirda, killing most of them, including Supreme Prophet Kadann. Azrakel
is killed by the remaining Prophets, but, shortly thereafter, Lumiya and Carnor Jax arrive and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 572
finish the job, wiping out the last of the Prophets.
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
Approximately 1.5 years after the Battle of Endor, Wedge Antilles again reaches the rank of
commander. At the same time, Rogue Squadron is temporarily decommissioned, and Wedge
goes on a publicity tour. The tour will last nearly a year, before he is able to return and
rebuild Rogue Squadron.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Imperial Lieutenant Wiin Barezz begins serving as the spaceport officer on Ord Mantell.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species via TimeTales, abridged)
Oorp, a bland, albeit healthy, liquid food supplement is developed for pregnant women.
(conjecture based on Rebirth via TimeTales, abridged)
Boba Fett is called to a meeting with Assembler Balancesheet, who offers coordinates for Tel
Trevura (whom Fett believed dead, but who apparently stole a ship and has thus far eluded
capture), in return for information about the background of Fett’s old, now-deceased
“colleague,” Dharhan. Fett agrees and fills him in on what he knows, which is more than
most, since Fett was present when D’harhan was changed into a cyborg. (To be continued
below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Having returned to a corporeal body in that of a clone, Palpatine makes entries into the Telos
Holocron, including a discussion on Sith-influenced worlds and how one should select a Sith
apprentice. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Boba Fett’s ships operating license from the Bureau of Ships and Services (BoSS) for Slave
I, which was registered out of Botajef five year ago, expires (and is, presumably, renewed).
The same is the case for his “Captain’s Accredited License.” (Exact date on document:
(conjecture based on The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett)
Jedi Prince (youth novel series: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)
The Glove of Darth Vader (youth novel: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)
The Adventure Continues . . .
Droids on a Mission
Lightning Power of the Dark Side
The Seven Words of Trioculus
Endangered Whaladons
Captain Dunwell's Discovery
Ten Minutes to Self-Destruct
The Captain's Reward
The Lost City of the Jedi (youth novel: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)
The Adventure Continues . . .
The Bomb and the Dream
Ken's Secret Journey
Flying with the Force
The Dark Blessing
A Path of Fire
A Healer's Secret
The Secret Code of Obi-Wan Kenobi
Zorba the Hutt's Revenge (youth novel: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)
The Adventure Continues . . .
The Droidfest of Tatooine
The Return of Zorba
Han Solo's Housewarming Party
A Friendly Game of Sabacc
Trioculus' Factory Barge
Tale of Two Captives
The Battle for Princess Leia
Revenge at Last!
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 573
Mission from Mount Yoda (youth novel: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)
The Adventure Continues . . .
Dark Prophecies
The Dragon Pack on Yoda's Back
The Scheme of the Grand Moffs
The Golden Crown
Destination Duro
Near the Valley of Royalty
The Search for the Secret Cavern
The Imperial Attack
Queen of the Empire (youth novel: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)
The Adventure Continues . . .
Project Decoy
Rockslide on Chad
Han Solo's Big Plans
Hologram Fun World
The Disappearance
The Mofference
Trioculus Restored
The Imperial Wedding
Prophets of the Dark Side (youth novel: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)
The Adventure Continues . . .
The Final Hour
Return to the Lost City
A Time for Feasting
The Trial of the Grand Moffs
Web of Disaster
Ken's Destiny
The Red Carpet
Shadows of Obi-Wan (canceled youth novel: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)*
“Jedi Prince, Book VIII” (canceled youth novel: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)*
“Jedi Prince, Book IX” (canceled youth novel: Paul Davids & Hollace Davids)*
*NOTE: The latter three titles here never came to exist. They were a planned third trilogy in the Jedi Prince series.
We know that one of the book titles was to be Shadows of Obi-Wan, though it’s unknown whether it was actually
the seventh book (as opposed to eighth or ninth). We also know, according to Paul Davids, that the seventh book
would have shown the interruption of Han and Leia’s marriage from the end of Prophets of the Dark Side. I have
included it here as a form of historical curiosity.
Marooned (SWT22 short story: Lucas Marangon)
Marooned (SWT22 short story: Lucas Marangon)
Fists of Ion [flashback] (SWH short story: Ed Erdelac)
Fists of Ion [flashback] (SWH short story: Ed Erdelac)
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor (novel: Matthew Stover)
Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor (novel: Matthew Stover)
Chapters 1 18*
*NOTE: In the novel, the Briefing is a prologue, while the Debriefing is an epilogue. Given that both are Luke
dealing with Geptun regarding the investigation into Mindor, they technically both take place after the 18 regular
chapters. One would not actually read them this way, though.
The Saga of Atha Prime (canceled storyline: Unknown)*
The Saga of Atha Prime (canceled storyline: Unknown)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. Consider it historical curiosity.
Dark Forces Trilogy [continued] (graphic novel trilogy: William C. Dietz)
Rebel Agent [continued] (graphic novel: William C. Dietz)
Chapter 2
Dark Forces Audio Dramatizations [continued] (audio drama series: John
Rebel Agent [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 574
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Jedi Knight (video game: Justin Chin)
A Jedi's Destiny
Dark Forces Trilogy [continued] (graphic novel trilogy: William C. Dietz)
Rebel Agent [continued] (graphic novel: William C. Dietz)
Chapter 3
Dark Forces Audio Dramatizations [continued] (audio drama series: John
Rebel Agent [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Jedi Knight [continued] (video game: Justin Chin)
Uninitiated [continued]
8t88's Double Cross
Double-Cross on Nar Shaddaa
8t88's Escape
The Lost Disk
Kyle Katarn’s Tale [continued] (miniatures game: Abel Pena)
Kyle Katarn’s Tale [continued] (miniatures game: Abel Pena)
Mission 4
Dark Forces Trilogy [continued] (graphic novel trilogy: William C. Dietz)
Rebel Agent [continued] (graphic novel: William C. Dietz)
Chapter 4
Dark Forces Audio Dramatizations [continued] (audio drama series: John
Rebel Agent [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Jedi Knight [continued] (video game: Justin Chin)
Uninitiated [continued]
The Vision
Dark Forces Trilogy [continued] (graphic novel trilogy: William C. Dietz)
Rebel Agent [continued] (graphic novel: William C. Dietz)
Chapter 5
Dark Forces Audio Dramatizations [continued] (audio drama series: John
Rebel Agent [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Jedi Knight [continued] (video game: Justin Chin)
Uninitiated [continued]
The Return Home to Sulon
A Father's Message
The Jedi's Lightsaber
Dark Forces Trilogy [continued] (graphic novel trilogy: William C. Dietz)
Rebel Agent [continued] (graphic novel: William C. Dietz)
Chapter 6
Dark Forces Audio Dramatizations [continued] (audio drama series: John
Rebel Agent [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Jedi Knight [continued] (video game: Justin Chin)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 575
Initiate [continued]
Barons Hed
Barons Hed--The Fallen City
Into the Dark Palace
Yun's Attack
Yun--The Dark Youth
A Second Chance
Palace Escape
Dark Forces Trilogy [continued] (graphic novel trilogy: William C. Dietz)
Rebel Agent [continued] (graphic novel: William C. Dietz)
Chapter 7
Dark Forces Audio Dramatizations [continued] (audio drama series: John
Rebel Agent [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Jedi Knight [continued] (video game: Justin Chin)
8t88's Payment
Fuel Station Launch
Cargo Ship Launch
8t88's Reward
Brothers of the Sith
The Brothers of the Sith
Escape with the Map
Passage to the Lost Planet
"Sulon" Section
Dark Forces Trilogy [continued] (graphic novel trilogy: William C. Dietz)
Jedi Knight (graphic novel: William C. Dietz)
Chapters 1 5*
*NOTE: One may notice that in Chapter 2 of the Jedi Knight graphic novel, Leia Organa is referred to as "Leia
Organa Solo." This is obviously a mistake on the part of the writer, as the Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II storyline
takes place about one year or so after Return of the Jedi, before Han and Leia are married . . . about 3 years
before, to be exact. Then again, one could say that this was an error due to the events of the Jedi Prince series
as well, since we never got to see the events in the seventh book that supposedly interrupted Han and Leia’s
early marriage.
Dark Forces Audio Dramatizations [continued] (audio drama series: John
Jedi Knight (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Jedi Knight [continued] (video game: Justin Chin)
Charge [continued]
Passage to the Lost Planet [continued]
"Ruusan" Section
The Lost Planet of the Jedi
Maw' Revenge
Maw--The Revenge
The Path of the Jedi
True to the Light Side
The Lightside
The Falling Ship
Dark Forces Trilogy [continued] (graphic novel trilogy: William C. Dietz)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 576
Jedi Knight (graphic novel: William C. Dietz)
Chapter 6
Dark Forces Audio Dramatizations [continued] (audio drama series: John
Jedi Knight [continued] (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Jedi Knight [continued] (video game: Justin Chin)
True to the Light Side [continued]
Disciple [continued]
Sariss' Attack
Sariss--Jedi Battleground
Jedi Master
The Trespass
The Valley Tower Ascent
Power of the Valley
Descent into the Valley
Jedi Lord
The Valley of the Jedi
Boc's Surprise
Boc--The Crude
Jerec: The Force Within
Jerec--The Force Within
A Jedi's Last Challenge
Kyle Katarn’s Tale [continued] (miniatures game: Abel Pena)
Kyle Katarn’s Tale [continued] (miniatures game: Abel Pena)
Mission 5
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
Decline of the Republic
D’harhan and the Cyborg Warriors
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Sith [continued]
Gatekeeper of the Telos Holocron [continued]
Sith Worlds
On Selecting Apprentices
6 - 6.5 ABY
Kaye Galfridian is born on Artorias to King Caled Galfridian and his wife.
(conjecture based on Rescues)
Protas is born on the planet Anobis.
(conjecture based on Return to Ord Mantell via TimeTales, verbatim)
Sinker is born.
(conjecture based on Survivor’s Quest)
Castin Donn leaves his code slicing job in the New Republic fleet and enters Starfighter
Command to train as a pilot.
(conjecture based on Iron Fist)
Luke Skywalker begins searching for Jedi artifacts.
(conjecture based on The Courtship of Princess Leia)
Keleman Ciro is transferred to Page’s Commandos.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Lowen Chase, a New Republic pilot, is captured by Moff Kentor Sarne.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Rift—“Harm’s Way)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 577
A new form of starship fuel pump is introduced for use on X-Wings designated the T65-AFP.
(conjecture based on Rogue Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
BlasTech releases the A280-K blaster rifle.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Guerrilla warfare is carried out on Brolsam between the Fefze (and other rebels) and the
Imperial forces on the world.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Around this time, “Nina” (later “Nina Galfridian”) becomes a slave to the criminal Dowron.
(conjecture based on Rescues)
The Bothan Runaway Gambit, a Bothan starfighter evasion maneuver, is developed.
(conjecture based on Star by Star via TimeTales, abridged)
The Salespeak 7 droid is released, allowing for immediate translation of Shyriiwook into
(conjecture based on Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide)
By this time, viruses spreading from the Neimoidian homeworld of Neimoidia cause that
planet to be quarantined. For how long this has been in effect is unknown.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide)
The so-called “last” Grand Admiral, Grant, defects to the New Republic on conditions of
immunity. He retires to Rathalay, and the New Republic assumes all of the Grand Admirals
have been accounted for. (For the record: Demetrius Zaarin was killed by Thrawn; Peccati
Syn was killed aboard his flagship during Kashyyyk’s liberation; Josef Grunger and Danetta
Pitta became rival warlords and destroyed each other; Miltin Takel was executed by
Trioculus; Ishin-Il-Raz committed suicide; Afsheen Makati was killed after the Trioculus affair;
Nial Declann died aboard the second Death Star; Osvald Teshik was executed for war
crimes; and Martio Batch was assassinated by his second in command before the XO joined
Warlord Blitzer Harrsk’s forces.)*
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology and Who’s Who: Imperial Grand
*NOTE: Trioculus is mentioned again. See the note far above at 5 ABY.
Zsinj starts bribing a Kuat Drive Yards colonel in charge of SSD Razor's Kiss landing parties
to help bypass the Yards' defenses of the ship.
(conjecture based on Iron Fist via TimeTales, verbatim)
Imperial Captain Zurel Darillian visits his home on Coruscant for the last time.
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Night Caller, a Corellian Corvette under command of Warlord Zsinj, visits Ession in the
Lucaya sector.
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
The YV-929 line from Corellian Engineering Corporation finally enters full production.
(conjecture based on A Legacy of Starships)
Hutts of the Vermilic Clan act in violation to the provision that Hutt counselors cannot be held
accountable for the actions of people seeking to use them against their employers. Due to
this violation, the other clans refuse to trade with them for three months, effectually driving
them down the economic food chain.
(conjecture based on Hutt and Seek)
Fenig Nabon takes the con artist/Hutt counselor Ghista Dogder as her partner, the same way
she had been taken in by Jett Nabon years before. The two had previously had various run-
ins, and they had even been instrumental in finding the Myrkr base for Talon Karrde. Now,
they are officially partners.
(conjecture based on Hutt and Seek and A Credit for Your Thoughts)
Colonel Heget and his subordinate, Major Danthe, leave Heget’s original command due to
infighting between two moffs over his services and head to the Kathol Sector. Heget is not at
all amused to find Moff Kentor Sarne becoming just as warlord-like as those he had just left,
so he does not enter Sarne’s orbit, thus making him undesirable by Sarne. Sarne assigns
them to a depot on Shintel, where, although it is a backwater world, Heget makes it his
mission to whip the forces on the world into shape.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 578
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Shintel Downtime)
Data-Link Industries produces holographic recording devices.
(conjecture based on Gundark’s Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear via TimeTales,
Merr-Sonn produces the Quickfire-4 holdout blaster.
(conjecture based on Gundark’s Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear via TimeTales,
Golog-Bertum produces the Apex Incisor anti-vehicular missile.
(conjecture based on Gundark’s Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear via TimeTales,
Corellian Engineering Corporation releases the Corellian Buccaneer corvette.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #3 via TimeTales,
Bounty hunter and mercenary Forig Thull makes a name for himself in the Outer Rim
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #3 via TimeTales,
Kurtough produces the Galax Viper Volley Gun.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #3 via TimeTales,
Admiral Gial Ackbar sends a message to his niece Jesmin Ackbar regarding how to put aside
old wrongs and work alongside those who were once enemies. He makes an example of the
case of Juno Eclipse during the Rebellion. The interview will later be included in Ackbar:
Wartime Correspondence, Vol. 8. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
On Fluwhaka, Jodo Kast takes down Nosstrick, whom Dengar had also been after. When
Dengar and Kast meet, both let the other live, but Dengar sends a message to Boba Fett,
telling him where the Fett-impersonator was last seen. On N'ildwab, Fett takes down a fake
Sith Lord, then acts on the information Dengar gave him. Fett, bandaged from head to toe
both to conceal his identity and cover his sarlacc-inflicted wounds, goes to Paquallis III under
the alias Sava Brec Madal to have Cas Ennyl Yllek of the House of Benelex hire Jodo Kast
for him. He and Dengar then go to Nal Hutta to await Kast's arrival. When Kast arrives, Fett
battles him and wins handily. Upon removing Kast's helmet, he learns that Kast is not Tobbi
Dala or Fenn Shysa, but simply someone who has never actually earned his reputation. Fett
takes Kast's armor and he and Dengar leave, as Kast dies in an explosion set by Fett.
(Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction)
Ebenn Q3 Baobab of the Baobab Archives publishes the Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel
(Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide)
A New Republic force makes a supply run to Cadinth, where they must hold off raiders to get
their supplies safely. On guard duty, Brin Stiels notices a glint of metal, which turns out to be
an attacking wave of new Imperial battle droids. Before he can sound an effective alarm, the
Imperials are upon them, using new Sniper Airspeeder prototypes. The New Republic and
Imperial forces clash . . . The results of this battle are unknown (though, arguably, the New
Republic is presumed to win in most RPG scenarios).
(The Battle of Cadinth)
Boba Fett returns to Tatooine aboard Slave II and destroys the sarlacc.
(A Barve Like That: The Tale of Boba Fett)
Transgalactic Perspectus releases an excerpt (Chapter VI: Hard Raine) from the forthcoming
autobiography of Lobar Aybock, Fists of Ion: Memoirs of a Champion Shockboxer. At this
point, Lobar is considered a contender for the Pangalactic Championship a year from now.
(Exact date: 41:4:34)
(Fists of Ion)
Aboard the One Two Many, young ships boy Janzel Helot is excited to have been given a
book by a “big bug” in Injopan High Port, only for shipmate (and experienced crewman)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 579
Shandy Fanaso to reveal that it isn’t a book. It is a religious tract of Gactimus. He reveals to
Janzel the story of how Shandy himself encountered the religion.
(Deader Than a Triton Moon)
New Republic Supreme Commander of Ordinance and Supply, Ral-Rai Muvnc sends a team
of New Republic representatives to Kaal to negotiate with the neutral planet’s Tirgee Benyalle
for use of the worlds lush oceans. They arrive for the negotiations and notice two Star
Destroyers in orbit. The first is the Belligerent, belonging to Admiral Kermen, the Imperial
representative. The second is the Prentioch, belonging to Moff Prentioch, an Imperial-turned-
warlord of the region. The representatives mill around in the casino after meeting Benyalle.
Kermen seems to be plotting something, while Prentioch is seen speaking with bounty
hunters. Another negotiator is there, named Syndic Pandis Hart, saying he is from the Sif-
Uwana Council. He is heard speaking to his associate, Quelev Tapper, and seems more
interested in just getting rights to harvest in the Unis Islands, leaving the rest for everyone
else. Little do the representatives know that Hart is actually Talon Karrde, who is searching
for the downed Emperor’s Shadow, which bears cloaking technology. The New Republic
team is attacked by bounty hunters, but survive, knowing that Prentioch is wanting to use
forceful means to retain control of negotiations. Later, the sail barge for the negotiations
launches, but during negotiations, Kermen draws a blaster and reveals that his people have
taken over the sail barge. He plans to take the contract by force and exploit the world like the
planet’s old Imperial ruler should have done. Sendir, Benyalle’s bodyguard, sides with
Kermen. The Star Destroyers in orbit attack each other, as Prentiochs forces attack
Kermen’s aboard the sail barge. The New Republic team, along with Karrde, head for the
Unis Islands, where Karrde, unable to retrieve the Emperor’s Shadow, has ordered the ship
destroyed. Upon arriving, they escape aboard Karrde’s submersible. By the time the group
returns to Kaals spaceport, the Imperials and former Imperials have reached a stalemate.
Benyalle awards the New Republic the contract for saving her life. As for Karrde, he’s off to
find other way to make a profit.
(The Kaal Connection)
On Garqi, Corran Horn hides out. He had planned to receive a shipment of torpedoes for his
X-wing from Captain Lai Nootka, but Rebel activities on the planet have landed Nootka in jail.
Prefect Mosh Berris is soon to receive an appraisal visit from Kirtan Loor, and thus need to
make a good impression. He captures and interrogates a young Rebel (who had been
hunting for Corran after seeing his X-wing) named Dynba Tesc and intends to execute her
publicly to flush out the other Rebels. Is intent is, if the Rebels are flushed out, to let her
escape with them on a predetermined ship and then destroy the ship. The "escape" would
be orchestrated by his aide. It turns out that the aide is none other than Corran himself. He
continues with the plan, but instead of allowing the ship to be destroyed, he uses his X-wing
to save them. His testimony to the effect that Berris allowed them to escape lands Berris in
jail. Corran then knows what he should do--join the New Republic, perhaps as a pilot . . .
perhaps even in Rogue Squadron.
(Missed Chance)
The spirit of Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon warns Leia Organa of great danger. The pieces of
the Vor’Na’Tu are now on the Imperial colony world of Hanoon (formerly Geddes). With the
help of Luke Skywalker, they are able to find the pieces of the artifact and bring them
together, then they use the asteroids terraforming processor against the Imperials. The
colony is liberated and the Vor’Na’Tu is taken by Luke to be destroyed. Its threat is over.
(Galactic Battlegrounds)
Tosh, the Rancor herd leader of the Singing Mountain Clan’s Rancors on Dathomir provides
an account that has been passed down for generations about the Rancors and their
relationship with the Witches of Dathomir and the Nightsisters. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Origins of Rebellion
War Portrait: Juno Eclipse
Boba Fett Omnibus [continued] (comic series: John Wagner & Mike Kennedy & Ron Marz
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 580
& Thomas Andrews & Andy Mangels)
The Bounty Hunters [continued] (comic series: Tim Truman & Mark Schultz & Randy Stradley &
Andy Mangels)
Boba Fett--Twin Engines of Destruction (comic: Andy Mangels)
Twin Engines of Destruction (comic: Andy Mangels)
Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide (novel: Ben Burtt)
Galaxy Phrase Book and Travel Guide (novel: Ben Burtt)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Leia Organa Campaign [continued]
The Battle of Cadinth (SWGM2 short story: Bill Smith)
The Battle of Cadinth (SWGM2 short story: Bill Smith)
The Tales of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH/TFJP short stories: Daniel Keys Moran & J. D.
A Barve Like That: The Tale of Boba Fett [continued] (TFJP short story: J. D. Montgomery)
Fists of Ion [continued] (SWH short story: Ed Erdelac)
Fists of Ion [continued] (SWH short story: Ed Erdelac)
Deader Than a Triton Moon [continued] (SWH short story: Jason Fry)
Deader Than a Triton Moon [continued] (SWH short story: Jason Fry)
The Kaal Connection [continued] (AJ7 short story: Peter Schweighofer & Timothy Zahn)
The Kaal Connection [continued] (AJ7 short story: Peter Schweighofer & Timothy Zahn)
Casinos of Kaal
Welcome to the Grand Imperial
Admiral Kirmen
Moff Prentioch
Syndic Pandis Hart
Benyalle's Problem
Interlude: Bounty Hunter Ambush
At Blaster Point
Sendir Makes His Move
Missed Chance (AJ7/TFTE/SWH short story: Michael A. Stackpole)
Missed Chance (AJ7/TFTE/SWH short story: Michael A. Stackpole)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Galactic Battlegrounds [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Leia Organa Campaign [continued]
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
Other Force-Using Organizations [continued]
Force Witches
6.5 ABY
Shortly before the New Republic campaign to liberate Coruscant, Voren Naal interviews
Wedge Antilles as part of Na’al’s Oral History of the New Republic. They discuss Soontir Fel.
(To be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Alex Winger meets Lej Carner and becomes his “friend” in order to learn what he knows of
his father’s control of the Imperial hibridium mine on Garos IV. Unfortunately, he knows very
little, but takes a liking to Alex.
(conjecture based on A Glimmer of Hope)
Ailyn Vel, seeking to kill her estranged father, Boba Fett, discovers a man that looks like Fett
in the Extrictarium Nebula. However, the man she kills is the delirious clone Alpha-02, known
also as “Spar” or “Mandalore the Resurrector.” She takes the dead clone’s armor and kama
weapon, then begins masquerading as Boba Fett, taking various bounty hunting jobs,
including unsuccessfully hunting down Sacrev Quest for Jeng Droga.*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 581
(conjecture based on The History of the Mandalorians)*
*NOTE: There is no definite date set for this, but I’m assuming that it takes place sometime around when we
know Fett is back in full force, such as in Twin Engines of Destruction.
Wes Janson and Hobbie Klivian leave the Rogues to train new squadrons for Starfighter
Command, Wedge Antilles remains with the squadron and begins to completely restructure
its membership. After reviewing likely candidates, the new squadron is set to consist of
himself, Tycho Celchu (recently recovered from Imperial custody), Corran Horn, Ooryl Qrygg,
Nawara Ven, Rhysati Ynr, Bror Jace, Erisi Dlarit, Peshk Vri'syk, Gavin Darklighter, Riv Shiel,
Lujayne Forge, and Andoorni Hui. Once the squadron is trained, they are told that they will
be spearheading much of the New Republic's takeover of Coruscant. They head for
Talasea, which they plan to capture on their way toward Coruscant. On Coruscant, Ysanne
Isard calls Kirtan Loor (an Intelligence agent with a grudge against Corran Horn) to see her.
She informs him of the forthcoming Talasea raid and has him send a team to murder the
Rogues in their barracks. When the attack actually occurs, Corran Horn realizes it and the
Rogues get out alive--with the exception of Lujayne Forge, who is killed by a blaster shot.
The squadron's next targets are Vladet and Borleias. The assault on Borleias, due to faulty
planning on behalf of Laryn Kre'fey, a Bothan General, fails and ends in the injury of many of
the Rogues. On Coruscant, Isard allows information to be leaked about Loor's presence (to
distract Corran) and prepares to capture or kill Bror Jace, as he leaves the squadron to see a
dying relative on Thyferra. (Exact date, based on The Essential Atlas: 41:9:3 41:11:30)*
(Rogue Squadron)*
*NOTE: This is, of course, not to be confused with the video game of the same name. If you are curious about
dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Road to Coruscant map in the Essential Atlas, for which I
generated exact dates.
Shortly after the failure at Borleias, the word of Laryn Kre’fey’s part in planning the battle
reaches Bothawui and causes the stature of the entire family to decline on Bothan society. At
about the same time, Traest Kre’fey, Laryn’s grandson, enters the Bothan Martial Academy
(conjecture based on Onslaught)
Leia Organa begins negotiations with the Hapan Cluster. Prince Isolder falls for Leia and has
his mother, Ta'a Chume, arrange their marriage, without Leia's knowledge.
(conjecture based on The Courtship of Princess Leia)
Ysanne Isard's attempt to capture Bror Jace ends in Jace's apparent death.
(conjecture based on Wedge's Gamble)
In the wake of the deaths of Lujayne Forge and Bror Jace, Aril Nunb and Pash Cracken join
Rogue Squadron. The New Republic's Provisional Council continues to plan for the conquest
of Coruscant and the eventual campaign against Warlord Zsinj. The Rogues are charged
with bringing down Coruscant's shields. Knowing that experienced insurgents would be
necessary for the mission, Borsk Fey'lya arranges the release of Black Sun members from
Kessel and their insertion into Coruscant. On Coruscant, Ysanne Isard's underling, General
Derricote, prepares an alien-killing (and human-ignoring) Krytos Virus, which Isard intends to
release into the Coruscant populace before abandoning the planet. The only cure is bacta,
and if all goes well, the New Republic will not have that resource. Corran Horn and Erisi
Dlarit are inserted, undercover, to Coruscant for recon (along with other squadron-mates,
unbeknownst to each other). Wedge Antilles and Pash Cracken then meet Corran's former
CorSec partner, Iella Wessiri, who tells them that the Empire knows they are on Coruscant.
Aril and Gavin are taken by the Alien Combine (an anti-alien-exploitation group), who intend
to use Gavin as an example, but an Imperial Floating Fortress appears and attacks the
group, taking Aril, and several other Sullustans for Krytos virus research. At the apparent
instigation of Tycho Celchu, Corran Horn is nearly captured. As the Rogues are located and
plans are made, Isard releases the virus into the water supply. Back in the streets, Corran
meets with Wedge and informs him that Tycho is a traitor. Wedge will not believe it,
however, because Tycho was supposedly battling Zsinj at Noquivzor, the New Republic's
current base, so how could he be on Coruscant? As the Rogues prepare for a strike at
Coruscant's central computer, Isard orders the squadron killed and release of the virus
increased. The attack on a computer component warehouse ends in the squadron being
ambushed, the death of Zekka Thyne (leader of the Black Sun operatives), and the revelation
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 582
that somewhere in Rogue Squadron, there is a traitor. Suddenly, Tycho appears and tells the
Rogues that they have 48 hours to bring the planetary shields down. In Isard's headquarters,
she prepares to take her leave of Coruscant. The invasion is prepared. The Rogues will turn
the planet's own weather system against it, taking out the shields. This will allow the fleet to
arrive. If they cannot do so, an Interdictor will be o-hand to stop the fleet from running into
the shields. The shields are taken out and the invasion begins. During the mission, Corran
Horn is sent to his apparent death, and Tycho Celchu, branded a traitor, is arrested for his
murder. In actuality, Corran has been captured and brought to Ysanne Isard. (Exact date,
based on The Essential Atlas: 41:12:30 42:2:17)*
(Wedge's Gamble)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Road to Coruscant map
in the Essential Atlas, for which I generated exact dates.
As the takeover of Coruscant commences, someone needs to take out a series of Imperial
sensors to allow New Republic forces to land and assist in the takeover. The man to do this:
Brenn Tantor. Brenn leads his group through Coruscant, not only accomplishing his mission,
but also saving his brother Dellis Tantor, believed dead, from the detention block of the
Imperial Palace. Dellis joins the New Republic. Now, both Tantors serve the side they should
have from the time of their father’s death at Imperial hands. If only they’d known the truth
back then . . .
(Force Commander)
With the capture of Coruscant, many other Imperial Core worlds surrender.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook)
With the capture of Coruscant, the Sarreti family flees Coruscant, taking the young Ephin
Sarreti with them.
(conjecture based on Ruin)
Most of the infamous IT-3 “torture droids used by the Empire are dismantled by the New
Republic following the liberation of Coruscant.
(conjecture based on The Dark Side Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Shortly after the liberation of Coruscant, the Nosaurians of New Plympto learn of General
Fefar Blackeye’s fate. Their anger transfers over to the human leaders of the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nosaurians)
Imperial Captain Zurel Darillian’s home is destroyed, and his wife is killed, when Isard flies
the SSD Lusankya out of Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
As the New Republic is settling in on Coruscant, Churhee’s Riflemen begin hiring out as
mercenaries again.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
Lando Calrissian purchases and refurbishes a floating landscape park on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Rebirth via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Colonel Jak Bremen is placed in charge of security for the planet Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook via TimeTales, abridged)
Tresk Im’nel joins the Bothan Diplomatic Corps and promptly makes certain he can transfer
to Coruscant under Borsk Fey’lya.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Tresk Im’nel, found on
the Wizards of the Coast website)
The Baragwin begin supporting the New Republic in the wake of the Empire using the Krytos
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
The “pressure-cooker room” is installed by the New Republic on Coruscant as a place for
like-minded people to be placed together to merge minds and help keep each others spirits
up. Decades later, this is where Wedge Antilles will be placed to keep him (and other
Corellians) away from the public during the Corellian independence crisis.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
When Quelev Tappers smuggling band becomes too entrenched in Imperial-held areas, the
Imperials dispatch a task force to destroy them. Fellow smugglers, led by Talon Karrde,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 583
come to the bands aid. As a result, the remaining 25% of Tapper’s band join Karrde’s
(conjecture based on First Contact)*
*NOTE: The New Essential Guide to Characters places this event at 8 ABY, but it also places the events of First
Contact (when Karrde meets Mara for the first time) 1.5 years after the Thrawn Trilogy. Sorry, but that isn’t
possible, and the story itself says otherwise. The original dating stands.
The Shak clan on Ryloth is discredited for trying to scam the New Republic over ryll kor.
(conjecture based on Hutt and Seek)
Kea Ra-Lan makes it past New Republic and Imperial forces on Kashyyyk and steals ancient
texts from Neocomoras secret vaults.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #10)
Corran and Mirax Horn honeymoon on Alkatha.
(conjecture based on I, Jedi)
Thrawn begins rebuilding the Imperial forces in the Unknown Regions.
(conjecture based on The Krytos Trap and Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook)
Grodin Tierce transfers to the Chimaera.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
The New Republic begins conserving bacta as much as possible in the wake of the shortage.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
Nakaron kills New Republic Agent Lanish Ran, but is caught by Agent Thom Clessigan.
While en route to the Republic detention facility on Dles IV, Nakaron hijacks the Protector and
takes the Clessigan and the crew hostage.
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
The New Republic captures the Star Destroyer Tyrant. Leia Organa Solo takes the vessel,
rechristens it the Rebel Dream, and makes it her flagship.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Tyria Sarkin is about to wash out of New Republic Academy pilot school when she is
transferred to Colonel Repness’ squadron for “remedial pilots in training.” Her scores
improve to the level where she will be able to become a pilot, and then Repness comes up to
her and lets her know that she should have washed out, but he’s been doctoring her scores.
He says that if shell help him steal an X-wing to sell on the black market, hell bump her
scores up, and she refuses, so he covers his tracks and brings her up on charges of
insubordination. With that blot on her record, no fighter squadron Commander wants her.
(conjecture based on Wraith Squadron via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
In the Empire’s Service
War Portrait: Baron Fel
X-wing (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
Rogue Squadron (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 1 40
Epilog [sic]
Wedge's Gamble (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 1 46
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Force Commander [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
The Siege of Coruscant
Zekk is born on Ennth.
(conjecture based on The Lost Ones)
Finn Galfridian is born on Artorias to King Caled Galfridian and his wife. Within the next year
(perhaps even during childbirth), she will die. Caled will remarry a year from now to the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 584
mysterious “Nina.”
(conjecture based on Rescues)
Salia Arden-Govia, niece of Bix Arden-Govia, is born on Bakura.*
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)*
*NOTE: This assumes that militia starfighter training takes approximately two years.
Cynabar offers a report on Shadowpoints to the New Republic. (Exact date as shown on
document: 42:3:23)
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
In the Delani sector, a former Imperial base is taken over by Professor Oron.
(conjecture based on Relic)
Ree Shala purchases the moon Jaresh as a base of operations for her smuggling business.
(conjecture based on Relic)
Nakaron transmits demands to the New Republic over Thom Clessigan and the Protector
(conjecture based on Wanted by Cracken supplement in The Official Star Wars
Adventure Journal #4)
Stormtrooper Triv Potham becomes a slave of the Gamorrean Klagg clan on the planet Pzob.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia via TimeTales, verbatim)
The planet Mrisst, in the GaTir system, long subjugated by the Empire, is freed by the New
(conjecture based on The Last Command Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Museum of the Republic is established on Coruscant. The edifice contains numerous
displays depicting the events of the Galactic Civil War and the years following the Battle of
Endor. It contains a room dedicated to the Battle of Yavin, which has a cut - away model of
the first Death Star and a listing of the battle station's full complement of personnel. The
display is designed to highlight the destructiveness of war, regardless of the outcome.
(conjecture based on Shield of Lies via TimeTales, verbatim)
As the Empire fragments, a New Republic battle fleet enters the Indu San system and forces
the Imperials, led by Ekam Ouwray to leave. Kaleb Darme, one of Ouwray’s supporters,
remains on the world to help pave the way for an Imperial return. The planets Congressional
Council is restored to power.
(conjecture based on Kella Rand Reporting)
Feena D'asta of the Imperial Ruling Council is kidnapped by Black Sun and replaced with a
(conjecture based on Council of Blood)
Thanis Gul-Rah retires to Kal’Shebbol after leaving the bounty hunter gang known as Qulok’s
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Neb Ufentes, under contract from Drooim-Durtha Systems, builds the ShipFinder for Imperial
(conjecture based on Counterstrike)
TransGalMeg Industries Imperial-ordered hold over the planet Narg would’ve ended this year.
(conjecture based on The Abduction of Crying Dawn Singer)
Kella Rand encounters Dictio L’varren.
(conjecture based on Kella Rand Reporting)
Gamgalon sets up Morodin-hunting safaris on Varonat.
(conjecture based on First Contact)
Makezh awakens with most of his memory gone. He finds himself being transported by Aing-
Tii Sanhedrim out of the Kathol Rift. He settles on Danoor, where he begins to realize that he
now has the ability, at the expense of his past it seems, to navigate the Kathol Rift without
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Outback—“Galaxy’s
The people of the New Republic mourn the apparent death of Corran Horn during the
liberation of Coruscant. As the memorial ceremony comes to a close, Kirtan Loor blows up
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 585
the pilots' memorial. Speaking with the Provisional Council, Wedge attempts to talk them out
of trying Tycho Celchu for the deaths of Horn and Bror Jace. The Council, though, has no
choice but to try him, considering the evidence at hand. Meanwhile, the Krytos virus
continues to wreak havoc on the planet. The Rogues, now including Alien Combine activist
Asyr Sei'lar and Lujayne Forge's sister, Inyri, head for Yag'Dhul and reclaim a supply of
precious bacta, the only thing that can cure the Krytos virus, from the hands of Warlord Zsinj.
(With Isard having given Loor instructions to destroy all New Republic bacta supplies, the
substance is becoming even more precious.) At the same time, Iella Wessiri is reunited with
her husband, Diric, who had been captured and presumed dead. At the Lusankya prison
facility, Ysanne Isard's minions continue trying to "program" Corran Horn as Tycho Celchu is
believed to have been programmed. Tycho's trial begins, with Nawara Ven defending him,
and Iella backing Nawara up. Back at the Lusankya facility, Corran meets fellow prisoners
Evir Derricote (creator of the Krytos virus) and Jan Dodonna, the man who commanded the
Rebel forces at the Battle of Yavin. Learning that ryll can be used to make an effective
treatment for the Krytos virus, the Rogues are ordered to Ryloth to procure ryll. Loor learns
of this and Rogue Squadron's upcoming mission to Alderaan to hijack a bacta shipment from
Thyferra and creates a fake Rogue Squadron to destroy the convoy instead. When the
Rogues undertake the mission, they arrive to find the convoy destroyed, along with the fake
squadron--both destroyed by Warlord Zsinj, it seems. Knowing that failure could mean death
at the hands of Isard, Loor surrenders to the New Republic. He trades immunity to
prosecution for him giving officials the names of every Imperial agent on the planet, along
with clearing Tycho of the treason allegations. At the Lusankya facility, Corran kills Derricote,
promises to return for his fellow prisoners, and escapes. He also learns that Tycho was
never programmed. On the way out, he discovers a museum area where he learns that Hal
Horn, his father, had been a Jedi Knight. He takes the silver lightsaber of Hal's master and
escapes--stepping out into the streets of Coruscant! The Lusankya facility was on Coruscant
the entire time. As the trial of Tycho Celchu proceeds, Corran makes his way to the
proceedings and clears Tycho of all charges. As Loor reveals that his agents are about to
take out Coruscant's bacta stores, Diric (programmed at the Lusankya facility) murders him,
and is murdered in turn by Iella. The Rogues race to stop Loor's bacta-destroying cells and
as they do so, a Super Star Destroyer blasts free of the lower levels of Coruscant and
escapes into hyperspace. The Lusankya facility was, in actuality, the Super Star Destroyer
Lusankya. Isard has escaped with the real traitor, Erisi Dlarit, and fled to Thyferra. Once on
Thyferra, Isard sets herself up as the planet's popularly supported dictator. At a celebration
of their victory and Tycho's freedom, Corran meets Luke Skywalker, who tells Corran that
Hal's Jedi Master was Hal's own father; Corran is from a line of Jedi and can sense his own
attunement to the Force as well. Luke offers to train Corran, but Corran turns him down,
making the pursuit of Isard his main priority. Those plans are cut short, however, when Borsk
Fey'lya informs him that the Rogues cannot go after Isard (because she is the legitimate ruler
of Thyferra) and will go after Zsinj instead. With this new information, and money deposited
into Tycho's account to make it look like he was bribed, the Rogues know what they must do.
The entire squadron resigns from service and prepares for a mercenary mission to take Isard
from power. (Exact start date, based on The Essential Atlas: 42:2:24)*
(The Krytos Trap)*
*NOTE: The start date of the novel is 42:2:24, but it is almost entirely in this year, so I have placed the full
summary here, rather than slicing it up. Technically, Tycho’s trial would begin around 42:3:3, which would be the
exact year change mark.
The Rogues (except Pash Cracken but now including Iella Wessiri) begin preparing to take
Ysanne Isard down on Thyferra. Pash Cracken has been transferred to the Zsinj hunt, but he
has given the Rogues the base on Yag'Dhul as a staging area. In preparation, Gavin
Darklighter, Mirax Terrik and Corran Horn procure weapons from Huff Darklighter and
Booster Terrik. Later, former Rogue allies Elscol Loro and Sixtus Quinn appear and offer to
help the insurgency plans. The group begins hit and run sorties, hijacking whatever bacta
convoys they find. They then give the bacta to needy planets. Isard then cuts off the bacta
supply, but the Rogues simply open the station to trade and continue the bacta distribution
that way. During one of their preliminary missions, Bror Jace (apparently not dead) appears
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 586
and rejoins the squadron to liberate his homeworld. Isard, Fliry Vorru, and Captain
Convarion begin killing families of those who allowed the Rogues to take bacta or those who
received it. The Rogues then retaliate against Isard's bacta stores. As these sorties
continue, Isard acquires an Interdictor cruiser and sets up an ambush at Alderaan. The
ambush fails, however, ending in the death of Convarion. Isard, fed up, finally just begins
attacking the Thyferrans in retribution. The Rogues must act quickly. They let Isard learn of
the base at Yag'Dhul and prepare for the inevitable showdown. In the calm before the storm,
Corran proposes to Mirax and she accepts. Isard's forces, led by the Lusankya but short one
Star Destroyer that defected after she attacked the Thyferrans, arrives at Yag'Dhul. In the
resulting battle, Erisi Dlarit is shot down by Corran, and a New Republic force enters to help.
With the fleet's help, the battle is won. The Lusankya is surrendered and Tycho personally
destroys the shuttle that they have identified as holding Isard. The squadron rejoins the New
Republic (who is saying that the operation was sanctioned all along), Mirax and Corran are
married aboard the Lusankya, and Thyferra returns to relative peace.
(The Bacta War)
Two Star Destroyers captured during the Bacta War enter new service. The first belongs to
Booster Terrik now, which he renames the Errant Venture. Hell be using it as his own trading
post and base of operations. The other Star Destroyer, the Tyrant, is renamed the Rebel
Dream and becomes Leia Organa’s personal flagship.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Chronology)
Imperial Admiral Betl Oxtroe begins negotiations with the New Republic. Her plan is an
exchange of amnesty for the Imperial military in return for the New Republic allowing the
Empire to set up a Provisional Council, led by Ederlatth Pallopides, the late Palpatine's
grandniece, as a figurehead. She is murdered by a Noghri before she can complete the
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook)
General Airen Cracken sends out a file containing information on wanted criminals to all New
Republic bases.
(Wanted by Cracken)
General Airen Cracken sends out a supplemental file to his wanted file, this time covering
Hyobu Sulloran and stormtrooper colonel TC-1289.*
(Wanted by Cracken: Updates)*
*NOTE: See “On RPG Magazine Stories” in How to Use The Timeline Section.
Shada D'ukal, a Mistryl Shadow Guard, leaves Emberlene and is assigned as bodyguard to
the smuggler Mazzic.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
Cobb Unser and his sister, Corla, arrive on KalShebbol, on the run from bounty hunters.
When they are unable to pay Moff Kentor Sarne’s high tariffs, their ship is seized. After a
short while, Sarne takes a liking to Corla, and she suddenly vanishes, apparently taken by
Sarne and shipped away deep into Sarnes unknown territories. Cobb vows to someday find
her again.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Moff Kentor Sarne takes the Renegade (formerly the Freedom’s Messenger) from active duty
and begins having it refitted for a long-term expedition into the Kathol Outback.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Durrei is approached by a mysterious stranger who recruits him and his Dark Side power in
the fight against the Empire. The man becomes Durrei’s new master.
(conjecture based on Relic)
In the wake of the Bacta War, New Republic Intelligence sends Selby Jarrad and Major Cobb
Vartos to the planet Verkuyl, a bacta-producing world where the workers are finally ready to
revolt against the Imperial Governor with New Republic support. The two agents arrive
during a social gathering during which prospective business partners may speak with
Governor Parco Ein about possible financial arrangements. They arrive as possible business
associates and soon meet Daven Quarle, the governor’s aide in charge of the bacta refinery
project. Selby sets up a meeting with Ein for the next day, and that night plants a bug in the
governor’s office. On her way back to the reception, she runs into Daven and has to pretend
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 587
to have been out sight-seeing. The two end up on the roof, speaking of the future of Verkuyl
and their own perceptions of the current situation. Selby hides her New Republic ties, which
she soon learns was not necessary, as, upon returning to Vartos, Vartos tells her that Daven
is their local contact. For the next day’s meeting, Selby is to meet with the governor, give the
New Republics demand that he turn over the world, then send a signal to Claris, another
operative, who would then inform the New Republic battle group to come charging in to take
the planet and aid the revolt. Upon arriving at the meeting, though, the plan is shot to hell.
Claris has been captured, and Selby’s meeting is postponed. Upon returning to Vartos,
Selby finds him held by a stormtrooper. He is saved, though wounded, and then they are both
saved by Daven. Daven and Selby work their ways through secret passages (put in the
palace by Davens grandfather, the original founder of BactaCo, which used to run the planet)
and prepare to make their way to signal the New Republic ships. When Daven goes to
supposedly check on the outside situation, Selby overhears him talking to Ein. He is in
league with Ein against the New Republic, not a traitor or New Republic-sympathizer at all.
When he returns, Selby holds him at blaster point. He reveals that the people of Verkuyl are
better off under the Empire than they ever were under his tyrannical familys business, and he
wants it to stay that way. He does not believe that the populace will be able to handle true
democracy yet and that the coming of the New Republic will be detrimental to the planet,
even if it is in the New Republic’s best interests. Selby refuses to give up, though, and
continues her mission, calling in the New Republic. As the dust settles, Vartos recovers,
Daven leaves the planet, and the seeds of democracy are sown . . . but is it really for the
better? Selby may never know for sure.
(Conflict of Interest)
Around this time, Leia Organa says goodbye to Han Solo as her duties take her elsewhere
and Han’s duties take him on a pursuit for Warlord Zsinj. (Exact date, based on the exact
date for The Courtship of Princess Leia: 42:10)*
(conjecture based on Crossroads)*
*NOTE: Crossroads is set three months before COPL, which has an exact date, thanks to our Hunt for Zsinj map
in The Essential Atlas. This event is two months prior to that short story.
During a strike on Vaenrood, X-wing pilot Darryn Thyte is shot down. In the resulting crash,
his right arm is sheared off, having to be replaced shortly thereafter by a clunky cybernetic
arm, the only prosthetic available at the time. This leaves him unable to fly starfighters and a
highly bitter individual. He is taken from active duty.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Breslin Drakes search for the Wraith comes to a halt when the Wraith vanishes. On his way
back to Kal’Shebbol, Drake becomes stranded on Pembric II. He sets up shop as the owner
of the ThrusterBurn Tapcafe, unknowingly hiring the Wraith (whose real name is Drenn) as
his bouncer.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Crisis)
Doctor Lancer Brunou is asked by Moff Kentor Sarne to examine artifacts from a place or
person known as DarkStryder. Afterwards, Brunou joins Sarne’s science staff.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
Tresk Im’nel, already wary of Borsk Feylyas way of going about the business of diplomacy,
gets himself assigned to a diplomatic team that will help bring former Imperial worlds into the
New Republic.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Tresk Im’nel, found on
the Wizards of the Coast website)
With the Emperor gone, various factions are scrambling for crumbs of the broken Empire, but
none quite as strange as one encountered by Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa,
Chewbacca, and their droid companions, R2-D2 and C-3PO. They are in space in the
Millennium Falcon, then an attack from TIE Interceptors leads them to discover a planet with
a virtual asteroid belt of space-jettisoned Jawa sandcrawlers. Upon investigating the world,
they find a strange artist named Perek, who seems to be creating some very odd art indeed.
Shortly thereafter, the group encounters some android Jawas, and find that C-3PO and R2-
D2 have been captured by what amount to nanobot insect droids, which have turned them
into anti-biological creature killing machines. Even Luke is infected, which causes his droid
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 588
hand to begin to grow into a powerful, oversized hand. It seems that Perek is a nutcase that
believes that he can reshape the entire universe into a new empire of machine art, getting rid
of flesh, using a sort of “art virus.” Luke, though, takes out Perek, even at the cost of his
droid hand, which he has to replace. The new “art empire” is effectively over.*
(Collapsing New Empires)*
*NOTE: The story’s text suggests a time after Return of the Jedi, but when the warlords are still vying for power,
hence this placement.
While returning aboard the Star Destroyer Rebel Dream from a long period of negotiations
with Queen Mother Ta’a Chume of the Hapes Cluster in hopes of securing an alliance against
Warlord Zsinj, Leia Organa muses over Taa Chume’s indications that any agreement would
require something from Leia personally, not just the New Republic. The Hapans provided no
answer as of yet, and she finds herself longing to spend more time with Han Solo, who is
currently leading a force to track down Zsinj. She feels the need to talk to him, someone who
understands her even better than Luke Skywalker, her own brother. When Captain Carhill is
unable to make contact with Han for her, she lets the pressure of her position overcome her
and cries for quite a while. (Exact date, based on the exact date for The Courtship of
Princess Leia: 42:12)*
*NOTE: This story is set three months before COPL, which has an exact date, thanks to our Hunt for Zsinj map in
The Essential Atlas. Note that The Essential Reader’s Companion puts this story early in 8 ABY, rather than here,
late in 7 ABY. This is likely due to not taking into account the exact date for COPL from the Atlas.
As the New Republic's Talon Squadron is destroyed, leaving only Myn Donos, Rogue
Squadron returns to Coruscant and a heroes' welcome. Wedge reunites with Derek "Hobbie"
Klivian and Wes Janson. Shortly thereafter, Wedge proposes the creation of a new squadron
to Admiral Gial Ackbar. The new squadron, called Wraith Squadron, would be a reversal of
the Rogues. Whereas the Rogues are primarily a fighter group with secondary abilities as
commando forces, the Wraiths would be commandos first, pilots second. He wants to bring
in pilots from the dregs of Starfighter Command--washouts, trouble-makers, those with one
chance left. Ackbar agrees to give him a three month trial period, but if the squadron does
not pan out, Wedge must accept promotion to General. Wedge turns over command of the
Rogues to Tycho Celchu and creates the Wraiths. The squadron consists of Wedge, Wes
Janson, Myn Donos, Jesmin Ackbar, Hohass "Runt" Ekwesh, Garik "Face" Loran, Ton
Phanan, Falynn Sandskimmer, Voort "Piggy" saBinring, Tyria Sarkin, Kell Tainer, and Eurrsk
"Grinder" Thri'ag. They proceed to Folor base for training but are attacked by Admiral Apwar
Trigit's Implacable, under command of Warlord Zsinj. They try to retreat to Doldrums but are
stopped by electronic failure (caused by a weapon of Zsinj's arsenal) and wind up having to
go to Xobone 6. Once there, they are attacked by a Corellian Corvette, which they capture
and rechristen the Night Caller. They then intend to use the ship to get at Zsinj, undercover.
They begin searching for Zsinj bases and leading New Republic forces to them. The Warlord
assumes that the ship is being tailed, not leading the forces to his bases. The raids are only
partially successful, however. Jesmin Ackbar dies in a related assault in battle with pirate
forces. The Wraiths then set up an ambush at Todirium, capturing a Star Destroyer and a
frigate from Zsinj's forces. The majority of the Wraiths are all promoted for this action. They
then prepare a trap for Zsinj or Trigit themselves. They allow Zsinj to believe that the ship
had been ambushed and abandoned by Trigit. This accusation enrages Trigit. Zsinj then
tells the Night Caller crew (whom he still believes to be his people) that he is planning an
ambush for the New Republic forces at Ession. When the ambush takes place, the New
Republic fleet is ready. Trigit, facing defeat, flees from his Star Destroyer and sets it to self-
destruct. His mistress (actually an intelligence agent for Zsinj, Gara Petothel) escapes as
well. Trigit, however, does not get far. For murdering Talon Squadron, Myn Donos kills him
while he tries to surrender. The battle ends with the New Republic winning at a high cost--
Grinder and Falynn died in the conflict. The Wraiths head for Borleias to regroup and rest
before continuing their Zsinj-hunt. (Exact date, based on The Essential Atlas: 42:10:3
(Wraith Squadron)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Hunt for Zsinj map in the
Essential Atlas, for which I generated exact dates.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 589
Wraith Squadron receives its newest members, Tyria Sarkin, Castin Donn, Shalla Nelprin,
and Dia Passik. Lara Notsil (Gara Petothel undercover) is a likely candidate to join as well.
The squadron is ordered off of leave and back to prepare to go after Zsinj. The order comes
from Colonel Atton Repness. Knowing that Repness once tried to blackmail Tyria Sarkin,
Kell Tainer and Face plot with Lara to catch him in his criminal activities. The Wraiths then
take up the challenge of trying to figure out how to best hurt Zsinj. They divide into three
groups to do so. They decide that there are three possible courses of action. They can
harass one of Zsinj's local governors to draw him out. They can pose as pirates to infiltrate
Zsinj's trust. They can prepare for Zsinj to attack the Kuat Drive Yards, where he will likely try
to steal the Super Star Destroyer Razor's Kiss. The Kuat Drive Yards idea is taken over by
New Republic Intelligence and the Wraiths are sent, as pirates, to Halmad to harass the local
governor--a combination of the first two plans. First, they raid a Zsinj-friendly hangar and
steal several TIE Interceptors for their "pirate band," the Hawk-bats (as they call themselves).
While the Wraiths work on the Zsinj hunt and harassing Halmad covertly, Lara manages to
catch Repness with the "sting" and is allowed to join the squadron. Lara/Gara is beginning to
have second thoughts about working for Zsinj. Another raid on Halmad proves disastrous.
Zsinj arrives with his Super Star Destroyer, Iron Fist (formerly the Brawl), and defends
Halmad brutally, ending in the injury and subsequent death of Ton Phanan. He gives the
Hawk-bats three alternatives: join him, leave, or stay (and be destroyed). Knowing that this
is the opening they need, the Wraiths/Hawk-bats decide to join him (with Wedge temporarily
taking to the sidelines since he is so well-known). When meeting with Zsinj, Castin Donn
sneaks a tracing program into the Iron Fist's computer that will allow Solo to find the ship,
every so often. He is discovered, though, and killed. Zsinj's men make him appear to just be
unconscious and bring him before the Hawk-bats and Zsinj. To prove their loyalty and
sincerity, the Wraiths (namely Dia) must "kill" Castin. Dia does so and they remain in Zsinj's
good graces. Zsinj finally hits the Kuat Drive yards, where the Wraiths plant Castin's tracking
"bug" into the Razor's Kiss while Wedge (pretending to be Lt. Kettch--an Ewok pilot based on
an inside joke, which manages to make Zsinj think someone else escaped from the same
place Piggy did) and the others battle the Imperial 181st and Soontir Fel (it appears). The
theft of the Razor's Kiss is successful, but as the Iron Fist and Razor's Kiss try to escape,
they are intercepted by Han Solo's New Republic fleet. In the ensuing battle, Zsinj must take
Iron Fist and escape, leaving Razor's Kiss behind. He is wounded, but not defeated. (Exact
date, based on The Essential Atlas: 42:12:25 43:1:28)*
(Iron Fist)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Hunt for Zsinj map in the
Essential Atlas, for which I generated exact dates.
A brainwashed assassin attempt to kill Admiral Gial Ackbar, nearly succeeding. Voort "Piggy"
saBinring is hurt in the attack, but survives. This is but one of the strange incidents beginning
to occur across the New Republic. Wraith Squadron finally becomes a part of the fleet under
Han Solo's command. Wedge Antilles officially resumes command of Rogue Squadron,
leaving the Wraiths to Garik "Face" Loran. Wedge will command all four of the Mon
Remonda's squadrons--Rogue, Wraith, Polearm, and Nova. The Wraiths also have a new
pilot, Elassar Targon. The Wraiths are sent to Levian II, and are nearly killed by Zsinj's
forces. They decide to bait Zsinj with a false Millennium Falcon (the Millennium Falsehood)
and bring him down. The task force heads for Saffalore to capture the facility that altered
Piggy. Unbeknownst to them, Zsinj has brought Edda Gast (the head of the facility now that
Zsinj has executed the other director) and the operation aboard the Iron Fist to leave the
Saffalore base as a trap. He's become angered at the existence of Lt. Kettch (who doesn't
really exist) and believes he may have come from one of the Zsinj-controlled facilities. The
Wraiths and Rogues go to Saffalore and the Wraiths walk into the trap, becoming badly
burned and willing to kill anyone necessary to escape. The Rogues, who were reserved as
back-up, get them out and away to safety, with Dr. Gast as a prisoner. As of the end of the
mission, Myn Donos and Lara Notsil (or Myn Donos and Gara Petothel, the woman who
helped destroy Talon Squadron) are an official couple. The next round of assassination
attempts follows. Mon Mothma is targeted but escapes harm. Wedge, Han, and others are
also targeted. Tyria manages to destroy Polearm Two before he can kill his target, just as
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 590
Corran Horn must kill fellow Rogue Tal'dira to save Wedge. Another tries to kill Dr. Gast and
appears to succeed. Shortly thereafter, a covert transmission arrives for General Solo.
Admiral Teren Rogriss of the Imperial Star Destroyer Agonizer wants Zsinj taken out as much
as the New Republic does. He offers to work in conjunction (and secret) with Solo to destroy
Zsinj. At a recreational "party," Face notices Lara using Coruscant charm signing. It leads
him to seek out her past. He learns the awful truth--based on something a Coruscant native
mentioned, it appears that she is the daughter of Dalls Petothel and Edallia Monotheer, Gara
Petothel. As a mission to Kadriff comes to a close, Face confronts her with the facts over
comlink and accidentally broadcasts her identity over the squadron channel. Myn tries to
destroy her, but his shot nearly kills Face instead, and she vanishes into hyperspace, all the
time swearing, truthfully, that she hadn't betrayed them. Back with Nawara Ven, Dr. Gast has
survived and is regaining her health. She offers the secret to Zsinj's programming of
assassins for immunity. Lara/Gara then returns to Zsinj and begins working for him, all the
while using Tonin, her astromech, to prepare to destroy Iron Fist herself for the New
Republic. After a while, she becomes a TIE pilot working under the unseen Soontir Fel. In
the next engagement between Zsinj's forces and the New Republic, she transmits information
to help the New Republic before retreating with Zsinj's forces. Her message included a
suggestion to attack Zsinj at Vahaba, and, trusting this, Solo has Face speak with Rogriss to
procure an Interdictor cruiser. If Zsinj will enter the trap, they damn sure want to keep him
there. The battle at Vahaba takes place, but Zsinj orders Iron Fist to retreat. At that time,
Lara's sabotage takes effect, shutting down the ship's hyperdrive and leaving her vulnerable
at Selaggis. She fights her way through the ship, freeing many of Dr. Gast's former "patients"
and escaping to call the New Republic and inform them of Zsinj's location. The fleet
pounces. During the battle, Lara is apparently killed. Wedge thinks he has destroyed or at
least captured Fel, only to find that it was actor Tetran Cowall (a rival of Face) all along. It is
not the true 181st they are fighting, but a force made of half live pilots and half robotic TIEs.
The Iron Fist enters a Nightcloak (a light-absorbing cloaking device in Zsinj's arsenal) and is
hunted down, only to appear to be destroyed. In reality, the debris left were from the Razor's
Kiss and other ships, while the Iron Fist escapes. Zsinj is defeated in another battle, but the
campaign continues. With this victory, Wraith Squadron is disbanded, becoming a New
Republic Intelligence unit instead. Myn Donos, having gotten over his rage at Lara, joins
Rogue Squadron to replace Tal'dira. Dr. Gast gets her "new life," but Nawara Ven makes
sure she spends it in prison. And after the smoke has cleared, Myn receives a message from
Lara. She is alive and well on Corellia as Kirney Slane. Perhaps their relationship might
have a chance yet. (Exact date, based on The Essential Atlas: 43:1:29 43:3:1)*
(Solo Command)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Hunt for Zsinj map in the
Essential Atlas, for which I generated exact dates.
Moff Kentor Sarne sends Imperial Science Team MS-133 to Aaris to excavate local ruins.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
The Talz who were experimented upon by Edda Gast for Warlord Zsinj return to Alzoc III are
accepted without reservation, a testament to the openness and acceptance of Talz society.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Now that Coruscant is in New Republic hands, the Galactic Museum is slowly restored to its
pre-censored state.
(conjecture based on Coruscant and the Core Worlds)
Three years after Savan’s failed plot to revive Black Sun, Mal Coramma emerges onto the
galactic scene again. He gathers up some of his former associates and brings Black Sun
back to its former glory.
(conjecture based on Coruscant and the Core Worlds)
Shana Turi graduates from the University of Garos and takes a teaching position at the Zila
(conjecture based on Mission to Zila)*
*NOTE: This assumes she enters at the age of 18 and a normal person goes through in four years.
In Gorkin’s Rest, Dirk Harkness is talked into telling his friend Starter, Plat Okeefe, Jai
Raventhorn, and Tru’eb about how he came to join the Rebellion and what happened to the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 591
love of his life, Chessa.
(Chessa’s Doom)
After Dirk Harkness tale of how he joined the Rebellion, Dirk, Jai Raventhorn, Starter, Plat
Okeefe, and Trueb leave Gorkin’s Rest. As they are on their way out, Tru’eb tells the others
the tale of how he came to meet Platt and how he freed himself from Big Quince.
(Big Quince)
Having left Gorkins rest, Dirk Harkness, Jai Raventhorn, Starter, Platt Okeefe, and Trueb
head for a meeting with the arms dealer Tulagn. When Starter, like an ass, tosses an
unarmed thermal detonator at Jai as a joke, she recounts her encounter with Beylyssa. They
then leave for a drink aboard the Luudrian Star.
(Explosive Developments)
Aboard the Luudrian Star, Starter tells Dirk Harkness, Jai Raventhorn, Platt Okeefe and
Tru’eb a completely false story of how he faced off Bossk, 4-LOM, IG-88, Beylyssa, Zardra,
and Boddu Bocck, only to be captured by Boba Fett, and forced to escape from Darth Vader,
stealing the shuttle Tydirium along the way. Needless to say, the others are intelligent
enough to know hes full of shit.
(Starter’s Tale)
Jai Raventhorn and Dirk Harkness take the munitions recently acquired by the Black Curs
and sneak aboard the Vengeance, a Star Destroyer bearing Imperial Advisor Bregius
Golthan, who is, at present, the Black Curs worst local enemy. They manage to set
explosives while pretending to be technicians, but run into Golthan and Beylyssa, causing
them to barely escape aboard Golthan’s personal escape pod when the bridge explodes.
The other Black Curs attack the ship in the commotion and the Star Destroyer goes down. A
group of salvagers head out to the wreckage and go after the escape pods. They find
Golthan’s escape pod and race Jai and Dirk to medical attention, though the other Black Curs
think they are dead.
(Vengeance Strike)
In the Pluthan system, the Dug bounty hunter Langro Dis has tracked down Krova the Hutt,
who has a bounty on her head due to betraying Rebels to the Empire, including during the
events that led to the Imperial Massacre at Kolanda Station on Latharra. Krova has found a
Sith Holocron, however, and hopes to use it to trade for her freedom somehow. Trying to
hide it, Krova swallows it. While Langro takes Krova to Alvorine to meet with Marshall
Hundria Kast and prepare for her trial, the Holocron calls out to a group of Darksiders to
come and claim it. The Darksiders arrive, as does another Darksider named Noth, who
believes himself to be the rightful heir of its contents. The Darksiders ambush Krova’s
convoy once she has been delivered, taking the holocron from Krova by any means
necessary. After securing the holocron, the Darksiders are attacked by Noth, but kill him
before escaping with the damaged, but intact, holocron.
(The Hutt Hit)*
*NOTE: This could take place any time during the New Republic era, but given that Krova has a bounty placed on
her head shortly after the Battle of Endor, 2 3 years seemed enough time for her to elude capture.
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
The Krytos Trap (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 1 46
The Bacta War (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 1 42
Wanted by Cracken (RPG: Louis J. Prosperi)
Wanted by Cracken (RPG: Louis J. Prosperi)
Wanted by Cracken: Updates (WWM53 short story: Timothy D. Jacques)
Wanted by Cracken: Updates (WWM53 short story: Timothy D. Jacques)
Conflict of Interest (AJ13/TFTNR short story: Laurie Burns)
Conflict of Interest (AJ13/TFTNR short story: Laurie Burns)
Collapsing New Empires (SWT19 short story: Jim Pascoe)
Collapsing New Empires (SWT19 short story: Jim Pascoe)
Crossroads (SWH short story: Christopher Cerasi)
Crossroads (SWH short story: Christopher Cerasi)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 592
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
Wraith Squadron (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 31
Iron Fist (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 21
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
Solo Command (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 18
Tales of the Black Curs [continued] (TFTNR/AJ/SWH short stories: Peter Schweighofer)
Chessa's Doom [continued] (AJ1/SWH short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Big Quince [continued] (AJ2 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Explosive Developments [continued] (AJ3 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Starter's Tale (AJ4 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
Vengeance Strike (AJ5 short story: Peter Schweighofer)
The Hutt Hit (G5 short story: Jeff Grubb)
The Hutt Hit (G5 short story: Jeff Grubb)
The Vision
Arrival in Alvorine
The Ambush
The Rest of the Story
At this point, the New Republic controls 50% of the known galaxy.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook)
Raf Othrem is born.
(conjecture based on The Final Prophecy)
Around this time, Kaminne Sihn is born.*
(conjecture based on Backlash)*
*NOTE: She was a baby when Luke first came to Dathomir.
Jagged Fel is born to Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles.*
(conjecture based on Red Sky, Blue Flame)*
*NOTE: Jag is said to be 20 in Dark Journey and 14 in Red Sky, Blue Flame. Unfortunately, those numbers never
worked out right when RSBF was set just after Vision of the Future, but could be slightly tweaked to work
somewhat. However, now that RSBF has been tweaked by LucasBooks to be taking place just after Survivor’s
Quest, it is completely impossible for the ages to both work out. Given that his age is more of an issue for his
participation in RSBF (which makes more sense if he is 14, rather than only 11), I date back his birthdate from
that story.
Rostek Horn joins the Lastdark Club.
(conjecture based on I, Jedi)
Republic Engineering Corporation is founded.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
The Kaarenth Dissension begins building up forces to attack the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Counterstrike)
Corran and Mirax Horn honeymoon on the planet Alakatha.
(conjecture based on I, Jedi via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Togorian Keta, joins the Cavrilhu Pirates, and becomes Zothip’s first mate.
(conjecture based on I, Jedi via TimeTales, verbatim)
One month before his final defeat on Quethold, Nuso Esva comes to Quethold in a last ditch
effort to defeat Grand Admiral Thrawn, making an alliance with the Red Queen.
(conjecture based on Crisis of Faith)
Very early this year, on Garos IV, Alex Winger and other members of the resistance against
the local Imperial government that operates under her stepfather, Tork Winger, discover
Imperials moving hibridium being prepared for movement off of Garos IV. When part of the
resistance force is attacked (and Scat, a member, captured), Alex barely makes it home in
time to wake up and have breakfast with Tork, who tells her that Imperial Captain Brandei is
to arrive soon with his Judicator. She takes this information to the resistance after classes
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 593
that day and they determine, based on reports given to one of the resistances leaders, Dr.
Carl Barzon, that the ore has been found to have the ability to be used to cloak objects in a
manner far, far superior to cloaking technology currently in Imperial hands. They must stop
the ore from getting into Imperials hands. They attack a shipment of the ore and succeed in
stopping that particular shipment, though Alex is nearly caught by anti-resistance classmate
Lej Carner. Carner is killed by Alex’s fellow rebel, Chance, and the mission is a success.
That evening, a dinner is held where Alex learns far more about the Imperial operation that
she will pass on to the resistance. Her father tells her that Brandei is going to help her get
into the Imperial Academy, which she grudgingly thanks her father for. Later that evening,
Alex and a resistance force break into the local Imperial base and save Scat from Imperial
custody. All in all, its been a productive couple of nights.*
(A Glimmer of Hope)*
*NOTE: This story mentions the movement of the New Republic toward Coruscant as something currently taking
place, but this is simply an error based on when this story was written in relation to when the X-wing novels were
written. I should note here that, based on Alex’s age, the story must be earlier in late 7 ABY or very early 8 ABY.
Charlene Newcomb’s own website says 8 ABY. It is so early, that I have kept all other references to 7 ABY and in
relation to Alex’s birth and subsequent ages. The Essential Reader’s Companion puts this in 6 ABY, but that
doesn’t seem to make any sense with the in-story references.
Unknown Regions warlord Nuso Esva, enemy of Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn and his
growing Empire of the Hand, has finally made what Thrawn believes is his last tactical error,
and now Thrawn stands ready to crush him at last. On Quethold, Esva has ingratiated himself
to the Queen of the Red amongst the insectoid Quesoth species. In a plot with the Queen to
avoid the regular change of ecology and leadership that would require her to die and be
replaced by an awakening Queen of the White, Esva plans to use the Quesoth of the Red
City to defeat the Quesoth’s classic rivals, the Stromma, and the Stromma’s new allies,
Thrawn’s Imperials. With the help of the “insider” (water bowl carrier) Trevik, who is used to
provide false information to Esva, Thrawn’s forces (which include Senior Captain Voss Parck,
the Admonitor, Stormtrooper Commander Balkin, and Soontir Fel) attack the soldiers of the
Red City, countering Esva’s own moves, playing the typical Thrawn chess (Dejarik?) game.
In panic and anger, Esva kills the Queen, believing her to be the source of commands aired
over loudspeakers to her soldiers by Thrawn’s forces, which cause the soldiers to return to
the Dwelling of Guests to “protect” Esva and his Chosen, which Esva takes as an attack and
betrayal. In the aftermath of the assault (and trap), Esva is dead, and what’s left of his forces
begin to crumble. Thrawn is now ready to return to the territory once controlled by the Empire
to take command of Gilad Pellaeon’s Chimaera and build the remnants of the Empire into a
force to take on the New Republic . . .
(Crisis of Faith)
On Artorias, which is becoming a world of refuge for those seeking sanctuary, a criminal
named Dowron brings trouble to the planet, leading King Caled Galfridian to lead a force to
take him down. While confronting Dowron in his own territory, Caled frees the mans slave,
Nina, who promptly kills Dowron with her own hands. Shortly thereafter, Caled marries the
mysterious woman, with whom he will raise his children now that his wife has passed. Over
the years, Caled will love Nina completely, but he will come to realize that she is really a
Yuuzhan Vong in disguise . . . (To be continued below . . . )
In the Indu San system, Kella Rand, a reporter for GNN, is covering a vote regarding alliance
between the New Republic and the Indu. The system’s leader, Shek Barayel, has been quiet
about his opinion and his vote is uncertain. He never gets the chance to vote, though,
because just as he is about to, he is killed in an explosion. The place erupts into chaos, and
Kella knows a great story is beginning, though the alliance with the New Republic may now
be shot by people blaming the Republic for Barayels death. She sees Council Authorities
following the New Republic ambassador Dictio L’varren’s aide, Tev Aden, out of the room.
Having reported back to her editor, Robbe Nostler, and facing a deadline, she follows for a
scoop. In the hallway, she finds, after some hassle, Aden dead, shot and killed by an
Authority named Kaleb Darme. Aden supposedly had a detonator in his possession, which
implicates the New Republic. Having reported back to the GNN bureau, Kella looks through
stock footage to see what she can use in the story and discovers video of Darme planting the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 594
bomb that killed Barayel, which means he was framing Aden and the New Republic in order
to move for an alliance with the Empire instead of the New Republic. She shows the news to
Nostler, Crislyn, and Juloff, but Juloff is loyal to the Empire and gives the news to Darme.
Kella races to speak with L’varren, but finds herself under attack by Authority agents,
specifically Juloff and Darme. She sends her camera with the evidence to L’varren and is
saved just in time. The New Republic is exonerated and Kella gets her scoop.
(Kella Rand Reporting)
When outspoken Exargan New Republic Senator Drextar Pym visits his homeworld with his
wife and two sons (Kyle and Dirv), he takes an magnetic-lift train to spend extra travel time
with his constituents. Once en route, though, the train is taken over by a former Imperial
Storm Commando. Pyms wife and sons (and their droid, V-3P5) are captured, and bombs
will blow up the train, which is hurtling toward a conference site, where it will explode and kill
not only the passengers but conference attendees. Members of Pyms guards and other
passengers manage to disarm the bombs and free the children, but the Imperial takes
Mistress Pym to the roof of the train, along with a control panel that is sending the train still
toward a crash with the conference site. Galaxy 9 News reporter Sella Marik distracts the
Imperial just long enough for Mistress Pym to slip from his grasp. The security guards then
kill the man, taking back his control. The train is still going too fast, but they manage at least
a controlled jump from the tracks into sand, saving everyone’s lives. Pym’s reputation,
soured by clips the Imperial had played of his shady business dealings, is beyond repair, but
they are alive. (And for her reporting, Sella is promoted to central correspondent for Galaxy 9
(A Taste of Adventure: Countdown to Disaster)
Shortly before the Thrawn Campaign, Lando Calrissian is planning a new venture on Nkllon,
but he needs a way to set up a mobile base of operations to avoid the deadly sunlight on the
planet. He decides to set up Nomad City, which will be an old dreadnaught that is situated
atop forty old AT-AT walkers that can keep the base mobile and out of danger. To acquire
one of these AT-ATs, he finds himself at Blackie’s junkyard in Vorrnti City. There, he
encounters Blackie and Cravel, who are planning to steal spice from spicerunners with the
AT-AT in the captured junkyard. Lando outwits them, getting them to make the AT-AT
operable in time for Judder Page and the Katarn Commandos to subdue them. Lando then
claims the AT-AT for himself. That’s one down, thirty-nine to go.
(Buyer’s Market)
Han Solo returns from his hunt for Zsinj to find the New Republic receiving a visit from the
Hapes Cluster. Leia has just negotiated a treaty with the government, but it comes with an
odd cost--Leia Organa must marry Hapan Prince Isolder, much to the disappointment of Han
Solo. On Tola, Luke Skywalker discovers records of a failed Jedi rescue mission to
Dathomir, led by Yoda, in which the Jedi were attacked by Force witches. Han continues to
pursue Leia, but both the New Republic and the Hapans try to keep he and Leia apart. Han
wishes to have a world of his own to offer to Leia, so he enters a high-stakes card game and
wins the planet Dathomir. When he presents his world to Leia, however, he is shocked to
learn that it is in Zsinj-controlled space. Finally, in an act of desperation, Han resigns his
commission and kidnaps Leia to Dathomir. Han makes her an offer--she'll spend one week
with him, and if she falls in love with him, they will marry, but if she does not, he will return her
and go to prison. Upon arrival at Dathomir, they find an Imperial fleet in orbit. After blasting
an Imperial vessel, Han manages to land the Millennium Falcon on the planet. (Exact start
date, based on The Essential Atlas: 43:3:3) (To be continued below . . . )*
(The Courtship of Princess Leia)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Hunt for Zsinj map in the
Essential Atlas, for which I generated exact dates.
On Ryloth, Fenig (Fen) Nabon and Ghista Dogder hire two Mistryl, Shada Du’kal and Dunc
T’racen, to transport them and a cargo of Twi’lek females to Durga the Hutt on Nal Hutta.
The Mistryl are not amused, since they don’t wish to see the Twi’leks sold into slavery, but
when the women tell them all is legit, they are honor-bound to stick to the arrangement. On
the somewhat long trip to Nal Hutta aboard the Mistryls’ ship, the Fury, Ghista continuously
pisses off the Mistryl with insults and insinuations. When they get above Nal Hutta, the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 595
Mistryl force Ghista and Fen into an escape pod and launch them to the surface without their
“cargo” of women. Fen and Ghista survive and make it to see Durga, who is told that the ship
that stole his cargo was the slave vessel the Indenture (which they’d actually destroyed en
route to Nal Hutta), which is owned (was owned) by the Karazak Slaving Cooperative. He
trusts Ghista because she is one of his clan’s counselors, empowered to make Hutt deals,
but even though he believes her and will let she and Fen live to leave Nal Hutta aboard their
waiting ship, the Star Lady, he will not allow Ghista to continue as a counselor. Later, Shada
and Dunc find a holomessage from Fen which tells them that they intended for the Mistryl to
send them along without the “cargo,” and the Twileks are awaited back on Ryloth for a safe
return home. The Mistryl will still get their payment, and, hopefully, blaming the loss of the
women on the KSC will spark clan warfare among the slaver, allowing Ryloth to live in peace,
at least for a little while. For Ghistas part, she is happy to no longer be a counselor and
happy that she was able to “stick it” to Durgatwo of his previous counselors, both of whom
were killed by Durga, were Dodgers as well.
(Hutt and Seek)
Luke and Isolder arrive on Dathomir--Luke seeking the truth to the Jedi story, and Isolder
seeking Leia. Luke uses his Force-sensitivity to work with the Blue Desert People to find Leia
and the others. Elsewhere, Han and Leia are finally discovered by Zsinj's forces, but they are
saved by a group of Dathomirian Force witches belonging to Mother Augwynne's Singing
Mountain Clan. They are taken to the clan's village. Meanwhile, Luke and Isolder discover
the Jedi ship called the Chu'unthor and begin to understand the purpose of the ages-old
rescue mission. Shortly thereafter, they meet Teneniel Djo of the Singing Mountain Clan,
who takes them both as slaves. In the village, Han and Leia strike a deal with Mother
Augwynne. If they will sell Dathomir to the Singing Mountain Clan and help them fight off a
group of Dathomirian Dark Jedi (Nightsisters) led by Gethzerion, the clan will help fix the
Millennium Falcon and give them a large amount of precious metals and gold. Luke and
Isolder finally arrive and Isolder is set to marry Teneniel Djo. Both he and Luke then meet the
prophetic Mother Rell who gives the impression that Isolder will die soon (possibly). The
heroes head for Zsinj's local prison to scavenge for supplies, while Zsinj arrives in orbit and
Gethzerion prepares to capture the heroes and trade them to Zsinj for passage from
Dathomir. Zsinj is not up for such a bargain, however, and he deploys mines in orbit to
blockade the planet and hold Dathomir hostage for the turning over of Solo to him. Now even
more desperate, the Nightsisters attack the group, but Han manages to get the Millennium
Falcon airborne. Zsinj then puts his latest superweapon (the Nightcloak, which blocks out a
world's sunlight) into effect as further incentive for Han to turn himself in. On the surface,
Gethzerion begins killing prisoners to achieve the same effect. Finally, Han returns to the
prison and turns himself in--with a detonator. He intends to destroy himself and the
Nightsisters, but Gethzerion deactivates the detonator and begins using Dark Jedi powers to
torture him into submission. As Han nears death, the others arrive in the Falcon and free
him. The Nightsisters take a transport vessel off the planet, only to be chased by the Falcon
and destroyed by Zsinj's Iron Fist. With the Nightsister threat gone, the New Republic heroes
turn their sights on Iron Fist and the Nightcloak. Luke destroys the latter, while Han (with the
help of a newly-arrived Hapan fleet) destroys the former, with Zsinj aboard. Han's multi-year
quest to bring down Zsinj is finally over. As events come to a close, Isolder marries Teneniel
Djo and brings the Hapes Cluster into the New Republic. Luke sees a glimpse into their
future and tells them to bring their (as yet unborn) daughter to train with him. And, finally,
after knowing each other for eight years, Han Solo and Leia Organa are officially married.
(Exact date of the Battle of Dathomir itself, based on The Essential Atlas: 43:3:21)*
(The Courtship of Princess Leia)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Hunt for Zsinj map in the
Essential Atlas, for which I generated exact dates.
Ta’a Chume, the Queen Mother of the Hapan Cluster agrees to the Hapan Treaty, to join the
New Republic as a primary member with a senatorial representative and to allow its’
subordinate worlds to send legates. The subsequent Hapan role in New Republic politics has
been minimal. The Hapan senator, could, by rights, claim a role in some of the most
prestigious of the senate councils, but she has not chosen to do so. Only 12 of the 63 eligible
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 596
Hapan worlds have chosen to send legates to Coruscant. The Hapan Treaty specifies that
the Consortium retain sovereignty over its territories while a member so long as it conforms to
the Common Charter, and that the Hapan Fleets will remain separate and independent from
the New Republic military. The Internal affairs of the Hapans remain internal. The treaty also
opened and regulated trading posts on certain Hapan Rim worlds.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Threat Dossier via TimeTales, verbatim)
Han Solo and Leia Organa take time on their honeymoon to witness the phenomenon known
as the Corphelion Comets.
(Corphelion Interlude)
With the defeat of the Nightsisters, the order nearly vanishes, but the few remaining
Nightsisters draw upon Gethzerion’s Book of Shadows to create a new Nightsister clan,
which will come to mingle with the Imperials, even allowing men to be trained.
(conjecture based on The Dark Side Sourcebook)
With the fall of Warlord Zsinj, the final Imperial commandant of Anaxes, Osted Wermis, finally
decides to support the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
With the pledging of support by Hapes for the New Republic, the Bith of Clak’dor VII finally
decide to establish formal relations with the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Kell Tainer and Tyria Sarkin are married.
(conjecture based on Rebel Dream)
Imperial Science Team MS-133 on Aaris III discovers a way into the ruins being excavated.
(Exact date of journal entry: 43:3:31)
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
On Aaris III, Imperial Science Team MS-133 begins trying to translate the singing pictographs
in the local ruins. (Exact date of journal entry: 43:3:34)
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
On Coruscant, C-3PO and R2-D2 are sent into the rather damaged Jedi Temple to search
through its computer systems to seek out any information that might be useful in helping to
rebuild the Jedi Order. Among the information they find are entertainment software, details of
Marva Zane’s adventures with her Padawans during the trihexalon threat to Coruscant,
details of the podracing and more.*
(Kinect Star Wars)*
*NOTE: This is the “framing story for the game. There is no real indication of a time frame other than that
Coruscant is in New Republic (or Galactic Alliance, I suppose) hands. At the suggestion of Jim Lehane, I have
placed it here, shortly after the claiming of Coruscant (and Luke’s subsequent adventure on Dathomir), when he
is putting together Jedi information, yet before the Jedi Academy exists. (As Jim noted, Tionne is not involved in
the process we see in Kinect Star Wars, from what we can see.)
New Republic historian Voren Na’al, Director of Research for the New Republic Inner Council
interviews Han Solo on the planet New Raltiir, about his prior adventures in the Corporate
Sector. Occasional comments are added by Chewbacca, Solo’s best friend, and by Leia
Organa Solo, his wife.
(conjecture based on Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook via TimeTales,
In his private quarters on Coruscant, Chewbacca is enjoying a rare visit from his life-mate,
Mallatobuck, and his son, Lumpawarrump. Mallatobuck is growing concerned about
Lumpawarrump: he tried so hard to be Chewbacca's son, it's causing friction back home - his
friends are bored by it and his enemies are challenging him, usually sending him back home
beaten. It's getting so bad, Lumpawarrump doesn't go out much anymore. So, Chewbacca
has a plan: Lumpawarrump will stay on Coruscant for at least a year. Mallatobuck agrees,
hoping that Lumpawarrump will see Chewbacca has a fairly normal life, not one long
adventure blown completely out of proportion. But the problem Mallatobuck also sees is
Lumpawarrump is trying to be Chewbacca and not himself; He has no true self-identity
outside of trying to be his father. But when they enter the study where Lumpawarrump is
playing, they find him gone - and the door connecting Chewbacca's apartment to the
apartment of the Solos next door standing open. Fortunately, the Solos are gone, preparing
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 597
for a state dinner at the Imperial Palace. Hearing loud crashes from inside the apartment,
Chewbacca and Mallatobuck rush inside the apartment, finding Leia's room smashed and
ransacked. The strange part is the security system has not responded to the crashes, which
can only mean it's been deactivated. Mallatobuck refuses to contact building security until
Lumpawarrump is safe. In response, Chewbacca walks over to the closet and opens it,
finding Lumpawarrump on the floor, pulling items from a ruined rucksack and putting them in
one of Leia's bags. Directly behind him is a skinny pale human holding a blaster to
Lumpawarrump's head. Chewbacca now sees for himself how bad the situation with
Lumpawarrump has gotten: had he been correctly trained on how to fight, he wouldn't be
here with a blaster inches from his head. The human threatens to shoot Lumpawarrump if
Chewbacca or Mallatobuck make a move . . . so Lumpawarrump makes it. A very BAD move
as the human easily sidesteps the charging Wookiee and seizes him by the wrist, twisting
him around into a chokehold. In a quick move, using his toe, he flips a datapad out of Leia's
bag and releases Lumpawarrump to grab the pad but moves so quickly, he has
Lumpawarrump back in the chokehold before he can escape. He orders Chewbacca and
Mallatobuck out of the room while he makes his escape down the hole in the back of the
closet. Chewbacca orders Lumpawarrump to come to him and gets a blaster bolt just over his
shoulder in response. Chewbacca commands Lumpawarrump again and this time,
Lumpawarrump attempts to flip the human bandit but can't get him over. The bandit panics
and as Chewbacca and Mallatobuck dive for cover, begins to fire at random. Following
Chewbacca's yelled instructions, Lumpawarrump bends his knees to flip the bandit - and
collapses in a heap under the weight of the bandit. Chewbacca and Mallatobuck dive for the
bandit and collide in a heap just short of the bandit. Chewbacca lashes out, knocking the
bandit into a shoe shelf, causing him to drop his blaster but he holds on to the datapad,
twisting in midair and landing on his feet. Dodging Chewbacca's lunging grab, the bandit
swings through the hole in the back of the closet. Recovering from the attack, it becomes
clear to Chewbacca that the bandit is no ordinary thief: why would a thief leave behind
jewelry and take only a datapad? Chewbacca is ready to contact security but Lumpawarrump
has a better plan: he dives down the hole after the bandit, yelling for his parents to meet him
at the bottom. Chewbacca and Mallatobuck arrive at the plant where the shaft ends, spying
the sparks of someone wielding. In a fury, Chewbacca finds a service droid sealing the
service run Lumpawarrump entered with a new grate, stopping only when Chewbacca swings
the butt of his rifle into one of its legs. With Chewbacca unable to speak Basic, he is unable
to talk to the droid so he resorts to blasting it. Checking the grate, they discover
Lumpawarrump has already left in pursuit of the bandit. Following spots of blood intentionally
left by Lumpawarrump, they begin to track him which ends finding a droid has already
cleaned up much of the trail. Tossing the droid away in frustration, Chewbacca can hear
Lumpawarrump calling for help: he's caught them. Chewbacca and Mallatobuck hurry to a
row of pipes, spotting Lumpawarrump on top of one, grasping a pair of ankles.
Lumpawarrump is just able to yell that who he has are not spies before they start shooting
again, causing him to release the ankles before Chewbacca can reach the top of the pipe.
Chewbacca voices his disapproval of Lumpawarrump jumping down the pipe after the bandit
and then not waiting at the bottom of the pipe but charging after the thieves. But even his
father's disappointment cannot dampen Lumpawarrump's enthusiasm over what he has
learned: that there were two more humanoids waiting at the bottom of the shaft saying 'It'
would be angry that the robbery didn't look right anymore. Then more like the bandits arrived
saying they needed to take the datapad to the DC to slice it quickly, because whatever they
were attempting would be coming up in ten hours. All during their conversation, the nearby
clean-out door has opened twice and just as quickly shut. Chewbacca is getting nervous. He
directs Lumpawarrump to stay put and wait for New Republic security and Han to arrive while
he goes after the thieves. Just as Lumpawarrump is protesting, the clean-out door pops
open, four hands grab Lumpawarrump's ankles and drag him through the opening and out of
sight. Chewbacca and Mallatobuck squeeze their way through the overpressure pipe,
emerging into a chasm overlooking a skylane with Lumpawarrump nowhere in sight. Above,
Chewbacca spies an airspeeder descending toward them. Thinking fast, Chewbacca and
Mallatobuck back into the pipe as the airspeeder flies past, a Devonarian with a heavy blaster
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 598
firing on the exit of the pipe. Chewbacca has had enough of this. Even as the Devonarian is
warning the Wookiees to go back to their apartment or they'll never see Lumpawarrump
again, Chewbacca is telling Mallatobuck to brace him. With her bracing the backs of his feet
and over her protests, he leaps onto the speeder, Mallatobuck landing beside him a moment
later. Chewbacca hauls the Devonarian out onto the roof by the horn. As the Devonarian
makes a grab for his blaster, Mallatobuck grabs his leg and throws him out of sight. The
speeder dives into Coruscant traffic with the Wookiees clinging to the roof for dear life. With a
quick distraction to the Rodian driver, Chewbacca jams himself down into the cabin. Holding
a blaster to the Rodian's head, he drops all the way into the cabin as Mallatobuck drops in
beside him. Using Chewbacca's datapad to communicate, they force the Rodian to take them
to where the thieves are gathering, a place the Rodian calls the DC. The Wookiees continue
bluffing the entire way, claiming to know more than they do about It and the plans for the
evening. They have overplayed their hand now as the Rodian panics, forcing Chewbacca to
toss the Rodian into the passenger cabin and take control of the speeder himself. The Rodian
uses a momentary distraction to open the door to the passenger cabin and drop out of sight.
Mallatobuck is worried with the driver gone that they will never find Lumpawarrump until
Chewbacca points out the dimmed lights of a speeder ahead: the Rodian was following his
companions to the meeting point, with Lumpawarrump in the speeder ahead. The speeders
continue their ride through the darkness, dropping further and further into the underbelly of
Coruscant. As they travel, Chewbacca apologizes for not being firmer with Lumpawarrump -
to him at times, since he sees him so rarely, his own son is a stranger. Mallatobuck is
unruffled: she's had years with Lumpawarrump and it's his father who Lumpawarrump truly
wants to be. Suddenly, the ruins of a crashed freighter block Chewbacca's path. Stopping the
speeder to avoid the wreckage, he loses sight of the speeder he was pursuing. Chewbacca
figures that DC must stand for detention center and uses the speeder computer to get a list of
the nearby detention centers. The list comes up with Imperial lettering. If the Imperials are
behind the theft of the datapad, that means that they may be planning to disrupt the state
dinner the Solos will be attending that evening. If they could disrupt the security systems at
the Solos' apartments, it would not be hard for them to penetrate where the dinner is being
held, threatening the Provisional Council itself once they slice the datapad. Unfortunately,
they are too deep in Coruscant’s depths to call for help now, so they are on their own.
Confirming his suspicions, Chewbacca discovers the serial number tag for their speeder,
which can only mean Imperial Intelligence, who prided themselves on removing the numbers
as a warning to those looking for them exactly who they were dealing with. Backing up the
speeder, Chewbacca begins to scan the walls. With Mallatobuck's help, they spy a small
docking bay - or what Chewbacca believes is a secret Imperial detention center. Chewbacca
turns the speeder down the shaft, heading for the detention center, already forming a plan in
his mind: find Lumpawarrump and take him back. Quickly. They reach the end of the shaft
and find themselves in a garage filled with speeders and other trash. Just beyond is a two
level command deck with the speeder they were pursuing parked just underneath with the
pale thieves dragging Lumpawarrump deeper into the center. Chewbacca can see as they
move closer the fight Lumpawarrump has put up all along the way. Mallatobuck will go after
Lumpawarrump with Chewbacca covering from the speeder, getting the datapad if she can.
Mallatobuck bursts out of the speeder moving so fast that she's already on top of the thieves
as Chewbacca is grabbing a heavy blaster. Mallatobuck is able to free Lumpawarrump as the
remaining thieves sprint for the door. Lumpawarrump runs after them, yelling that the
Wookiees are in a trap. Chewbacca has enough time to damage the door to keep it from
shutting and jump clear as cannons begin firing on his speeder. The three Wookiees force
their way passed the damaged door and deeper into the detention center, avoiding blaster
bolts all the way. They manage to fight their way past several of the underdwellers, leaving
bodies in their wake, reaching finally a prisoner-processing area. After taking stock of
possible injuries and reprimanding Lumpawarrump for his rashness this evening, Chewbacca
determines they have to force their way into the guard station, past a currently sealed door.
Doing something rather desperate, Chewbacca leans against the door, pressing his blaster to
it and fires. The resulting explosion leaves Chewbacca sliding backwards across the floor
with his fur scorched, but otherwise unhurt. Thanks to his action, the door is now open. Once
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 599
all three Wookiees are in the guard station, Chewbacca seals off the cell-block and the
entrance to the station, blasting the control panel for the doors for good measure. Now he's
ready to hear from Lumpawarrump about the trap. Turns out the trap was being set by It, an
Imperial interrogator droid or IT, commanding the underdwellers. Wondering why an IT droid
would do something like this, he leads the party down the corridor. Finding all the exits to the
corridor locked, the only alternative is taking the lift to the second level and finding a way out
there. Using a makeshift ladder in the lift shaft, Chewbacca climbs to the command deck
above, hearing blaster cannons in the garage outside and the sounds of a droid barking
orders. The command deck is in no better shape than the rest of the detention center, save
for a slicer droid working on a datapad. Thinking fast, Chewbacca asks if another droid was
with the IT when it was at the Solos, something Lumpawarrump confirms. Now the pieces
start falling into place: the slicer droid allowed the underdwellers to get past the Solos'
security systems and reprogram the cleaning and repair droids to delay the Wookiees and
cover their tracks. Ordering Lumpawarrump to stay with Mallatobuck on the first level, he
begins quietly to move on the slicer droid. The droid continues to work until a blaster bolt
whizzing past it's "head" convinces it otherwise. The droid begins to speak in Shyriiwook,
communicating directly with Chewbacca. Confirming the slicer is an advanced model with a
recent chip, he begins to understand what is going on - Ysanne Isard, when she was still in
command of Coruscant two years before had updated the slicer droid with the latest
technology, then command it to reprogram an IT droid in one of the hidden Imperial detention
centers, commanding it in turn to destroy the New Republic's government. He's about to
continue his questioning of the droid when he feels a blaster press against his back. Not
taking any chances, Chewbacca destroys the slicer, the 'pad and most of the desk it was on
with one shot. He then spins around, cracking an elbow on the head of the person behind him
and then finds himself looking down the barrel of a female underdweller's blaster. With the
blaster between his eyes, he drops his blaster, as the IT droid called the underdweller
through her comlink. Not taking her eyes off Chewbacca, the underdweller also does not see
Mallatobuck creeping up behind her. With a quick movement, Mallatobuck grabs the blaster
in the underdweller's hand while covering her mouth. Lumpawarrump joins them as the
second level as the IT droid commands the underdweller to kill the Wookiees. With a few
quick gestures to communicate, Lumpawarrump fires a blaster while Chewbacca groans,
faking injury. With the IT droid satisfied, Chewbacca knocks the underdweller out.
Lumpawarrump admits that the only reason he's been taking such rash chances tonight was
to prove to his father that he could handle himself and be like his father. Chewbacca tells him
that the evenings' events were not Lumpawarrump's fault - this is typical life around the
Solos. Lumpawarrump did a good thing pursuing the thieves. By doing that, they were able to
prevent an attack on the Provisional Government. But they do still need to escape first and
climbing up the lift shaft is not a sure bet on escape. Plus, there is something Lumpawarrump
forgot to mention before now: the underdwellers have Zemex, an Imperial nerve agent ready
for loading. Looking down into the garage, Chewbacca can see the IT droid overseeing the
loading of the canisters containing the nerve agent into one of the speeders. Chewbacca has
to stop the IT droid from delivering the deadly cargo before it can activate the garage's
defenses again. And also ensure their escape. Lumpawarrump has a plan to put the IT droid
in a trap for a change - something Chewbacca is against. His son has risked his neck more
than enough times tonight. But since he doesn't have a better plan and Mallatobuck wants
Lumpawarrump to go ahead, Chewbacca concedes. As Lumpawarrump slides through a
blast hole and makes his way toward the floor, Chewbacca finally admits that things like this
happen too often for Lumpawarrump to stay with him. But he will make a trip home to
Kashyyyk when this is over to spend a few weeks being a father to his son. Just at that
moment, Lumpawarrump's claws screech over exposed steel, alerting the IT droid. As
Lumpawarrump dives for cover, Chewbacca and Mallatobuck head down the lift shaft and
wait by the nearest door, listening. After some quick "conversation" between the IT droid and
Lumpawarrump, the door opens and Chewbacca opens fire as Mallatobuck pulls
Lumpawarrump inside. The IT droid, holding Leia's datapad scrambles into the rafters of the
garage as the Wookiees charge out, surprising the underdwellers. Any who don't flee are
quickly killed. Chewbacca continues shooting at the IT droid, damaging it. The Wookiees take
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 600
cover behind the canisters containing the nerve agent, discouraging the underdwellers from
firing on them. Determining that the IT droid will have to come with them, he grabs one of the
canisters and heads toward the speeders with his family following behind, also under the
cover of the canister. A few quick shots from Mallatobuck send the remaining underdwellers
scurrying away. As the Wookiees reach the speeders, the remains of the IT droid descend.
Still clutching Leia's datapad, the IT droid attempts an attack on Chewbacca with a
fusioncutter hidden in one of its legs. Chewbacca dodges and smashes the droid against one
of the speeders. The IT manages to gash Chewbacca's wrist, but Chewbacca's free hand
grabs one of its grasping claws as Mallatobuck presses her blaster against the IT droid and
fires. In a flash, the droid is gone and Chewbacca has the datapad. Finally in the speeder and
with the datapad safe and the attack on the state dinner halted, Chewbacca is able to take
his family home.*
(A Forest Apart)*
*NOTE: This story’s placement has been moved back to here, based on new information provided by Leland
Chee. Yes, Lumpy was born 1 BBY, and, yes, he is listed as 11 in this story, but that age notation is, in Chee’s
words, “based on erroneous information regarding the timing of Rebel Dawn.” AFA definitely takes place here.
While en route to Yag’Dhul, where C-3PO will act as a diplomat for the New Republic with the
droid-respecting Givin, the Millennium Falcon comes under attack. A power surge strikes C-
3PO, fouling his circuits and making him incredibly rude (except to R2-D2). Seeking to fix him
before the meeting, Han Solo and the others take him to Nar Shaddaa, but his rudeness
incites a chase through the streets. Finally escaping Nar Shaddaa with replacement parts for
C-3PO, they are again attacked by Imperials. This time, though, they use C-3PO’s rudeness
over comm lines to confuse the Imperials just long enough to escape. They then fix C-3PO
and proceed to Yag’Dhul as planned.
(The Mixed-Up Droid)
Page’s Commandos is sent to Kal’Shebbol in an attempt to bring down Moff Kentor Sarne.
The mission begins with a crash landing, but continues well for the moment. The team, led
by Lieutenant Page and including Syla Tors, Keleman Ciro, Kaiya Adrimetrum, and others,
goes to rendezvous with Lilla Dade, who was inserted three days before to find a back door
into Sarne’s base of operations, under his energy shield, which it is the duty of Page’s
Commandos to bring down. They are instead met by Kl’aal, a Defel that is now working with
Dade. Kl’aal leads them to Dade, who shows them a strangely damaged service tunnel that
they will use to gain entry into the compound. As Kaiya leads a team to the detention center
to free New Republic prisoners (including Kaiyas friend, the Wookiee Lofryyhn), the others
head for Sarnes bolthole. They know that they cannot make it all the way across the
compound to the shield generator, but Sarne has a hidden hangar for his getaway ship, the
Ambition, and where there’s a getaway ship, there must also be a secondary shield control.
As the teams make their way, Sarne realizes that the New Republic force battering his
energy shield and the team on the ground are a good signal to escape while he still can. He
takes several loyal troopers and a box of DarkStryder technology and heads for his bolthole.
Once in the tunnel to the ship, Sarne realizes that New Republic troopers (Pages team) are
following them. He uses one DarkStryder device to create hideaways for his men to fire from
and another to mindwarp the pursuing team. Once the team is on the ground nearly
paralyzed by the device, Sarne and his troopers continue toward the Ambition. In the
detention block, prisoner Jessa Dajus awakens to blaster fire. The New Republic team led by
Kaiya has entered the cellblock, and Kaiya and Lofryyhn have been reunited. Jessa tells
them of a gut-feeling of doom for the rescue attempt and they discover booby traps on some
of the doors. Being extra careful, they free the other prisoners while Jessa tells them that she
was once Sarnes shuttle pilot, but was imprisoned in his last loyalty purge. She agrees to
lead Kaiya’s team to the entrance to the bolthole in Sarne’s quarters. In the tunnel, Page and
company come to and make their way to the secret hangar, but Sarne is already escaping in
the Ambition with the DarkStryder technology. They find the shield controls and set them in
the “off” position, readying the world for New Republic liberation. Later, Page contacts the
New Republic for assistance in tracking down Sarne, but Sarne has been made a very low
priority. Page is told that if he can manage to get his own ship and crew, the New Republic
can provide some support for a mission, but otherwise, he and his teams are to return to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 601
other duties. Page is determined to send someone after Sarne, as is Jessa, who speaks with
him a few moments later, revealing that Sarnes mysterious technology has something to do
with the term “DarkStryder,” and that he has a highly modified Corellian Corvette hidden in
the Sorbiss Valley that they could use to go after Sarne. In the process of the conversation,
Page grows a bit suspicious of how Jessa knows so much, but with all of Sarne’s records,
even navigation charts, wiped clean in the evacuation, he cannot confirm his suspicions. As
Jessa and Page leave the building, Page is approached by Loh’khar the Finder, while Jessa
is approached by Gorak Khzam, a Rodian who expresses wonder at how someone of her
Imperial importance would be siding with the New Republic. She shrugs it off, making sure
not to let anything on to Page, and leaves with Page. They head for where the ship, the
Renegade (rechristened the FarStar), is being prepped to go after Sarne. Various people
have joined the crew, including Doctor Akanseh, a Mon Calamari doctor who was imprisoned
by Sarne, and various others. Page tells Ciro and Adrimetrum that they will be heading up
the mission to find Sarne, with Ciro as CO and Adrimetrum as XO. Jessa Dajus will be
aboard, as will Gorak Khzam, who will be working security, and other locals. Their last
addition before liftoff is Loh’khar and his little Turazza helpers, who arrive with fifty brand new
turbolaser power capacitors. The crew is complete. Let the DarkStryder campaign begin . . .
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Saga Begins)
Lt. Page gives Captain Keleman Ciro of the FarStar a copy of the official FarStar mission
profile. In it, the mission objectives are listed as: find Sarne; determine where DarkStryder
technology comes from; recon and report on Imperial forces in Kathol sector and unknown
space beyond the Kathol Rift; recon and report on Kathol sector; recon and report on worlds
in unknown space and represent New Republic interests to any settlements and civilizations.
(Exact date of correspondence: 43:4:5).
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Hearing of the FarStar mission, Darryn Thyte demands to be taken on as part of the crew.
He is made bridge operations officer aboard the FarStar.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Hearing of the FarStar mission, Borsk Feylya sends his informant, Brandis Turgah, to join the
FarStar crew.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
A provisional government is set up on Kal’Shebbol under Governor Monjai.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
Kyli Ned’Ix, having been refused a part on the FarStar mission, fixes up an old Ghtroc
freighter, which he dubs the Fxz’Et, and takes off in pursuit of the FarStar, shadowing the
mission as an uninvited guest helper.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign)
On Aaris III, Imperial Science Team MS-133 confirms that the pictographs in the ruins
correspond to a dating system. (Exact date of journal entry: 43:4:5).
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
With Moff Kentor Sarnes removal from power on Kal’Shebbol, he begins to abandon various
other worlds to escape with a loyal contingent of Imperials. One of the abandoned worlds,
Pembric II, dissolves its original Imperial leadership as the world comes under the control of
Crev Bombassa and the Bombassa Cartel. To keep from being approached or interfered
with by the New Republic, Bombassa sets up a puppet government, seemingly pro-Imperial,
to rule at his whim.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Crisis)
Pash Cracken leads a raid on Xyquine.
(conjecture based on The Last Command)
On Aaris III, Imperial Science Team MS-133 discovers an artifact made of an unknown metal
in the local ruins. (Exact date of journal entry: 43:4:6).
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
When the Kolatil Council rises up and imprisons the Imperial governor of Kolatil, the Empire
retaliates by sending TIE bombers to attack the capital of Kolatil, Domaz. The Kolatil distress
call is picked up by Captain Keleman Ciro aboard the FarStar, who orders their shakedown
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 602
cruise canceled, sending the FarStar to the rescue. Upon arrival, the ship is met by TIEs
loyal to the Kolatil Council. Two shuttles take various crew members down to the surface,
where they learn more about the situation on the planet. The Kolatil Council asks for a
private meeting with Ciro as a morale booster for the populace. Ciro agrees and heads out
from the FarStar aboard a shuttle, but he comes under attack by Imperial TIEs. In the
ensuing space battle, Ciro is captured and taken away by the Imperials, while his XO, Kaiya
Adrimetrum is forced to focus less on saving her captain than on stopping a new wave of TIE
bombers carrying poison gas bombs. In the battle, Noell Ciro, Keleman Ciro’s brother, is
killed during a kamikaze run on one of the bombers. Kolatil is saved, but the FarStar has lost
both Ciros, though they hope to someday find Keleman again. In return for their help, the
FarStar crew is given coordinates for Gandle Ott to move on to find Moff Sarne. In the wake
of the battle, Kaiya Adrimetrum becomes captain of the FarStar, while Security Chief Gorak
Khzam is moved up to first officer (and security officer).
(The DarkStryder Campaign: Omens)
On Aaris III, Imperial Science Team MS-133 loses its shuttle pilot and several troopers to
unknown attackers. (Exact date of journal entry: 43:4:7).
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
On Aaris III, Imperial Science Team MS-133 continues to suffer losses. Grigor Tansad is
reported missing by Jelok, Doctor Theda is wounded, and troopers are dying at an alarming
rate. Jelok wishes to return to keep excavating the Place of Kastays, but Doctor Lancer
Brunou will not allow it. (Exact date of journal entry: 43:4:8).
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
On Aaris III, Lancer Brunou, Solla Deremot, and the remaining members of the Imperial
Science Team dispatched by Moff Kentor Sarne goes to ground in a cave to protect
themselves from attack. They set the receiver in orbit to begin sending a distress call, against
Moff Sarne’s orders of secrecy. (Exact date of journal entry: 43:4:9).
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
On Aaris III, Lancer Brunou, Solla Deremot, and Doctor Theda become the only survivors of
mysterious attacks. They await rescue. (Exact date of journal entry: 43:4:11).
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact on Aaris)
KatholNet reports that Moff Kentor Sarne has arrived over Gandle Ott to gather loyal troops
for his mission to destroy the Rebellion (actually his retreat). (Exact date of report via
KatholNet: 43:4:11).
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: Death is Remotely Possible)
The FarStar receives a relayed distress call from Imperial Science Team MS-133 on Aaris III.
The signal says that they are down to six personnel and being picked off by unknown forces.
Lieutenant Jessa Dajus recognizes the mission and provides what little information she has
as the ship heads to the rescue. Upon arrival, the ship finds that the distress call is being
relayed by an orbital transmitter and that, according to an updated message, only Dr. Lancer
Brunou, Solla Deremot, and a wounded Dr. Theda are alive. A team is sent down to find the
scientists. After a bit of negotiating to prove they are friendly, the team enters a cave and is
met by Brunou, Solla, and Theda. They exchange information and then head back to the
FarStar. (Brunou takes a small metal ingot with him which was found at the Place of
Kastays.) A short while later, the FarStar crew decides to investigate the ruins and sends
another team to the surface. Among other things, the team discovers the Place of Kastays,
with its singing pictographs on the wall. In a recessed area, they discover the dead body of
Grigor Tansad--whom team member Jelok had original said was missingbludgeoned to
death. A short time later, the metal ingot, the “Plaque of Victory” begins to effect the FarStar
crew. They grow paranoid of each other and their surroundings, sometimes violently so. The
crew barely realizes the cause in time and ejects the artifact from the ship. It seems it was an
alien artifact that had an almost Force-like drive to cause the obliteration of all life around it,
through self-destruction. Saved from the object, the crew take Brunou and Deremot on as
members of the ships science staff, now that, with Sarne gone, they appear to be out of a
(The DarkStryder Campaign: Artifact of Aaris)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 603
The FarStar heads after Moff Kentor Sarne, making their way to Gandle Ott. Sarne has
recently come to the world after picking up more forces to add to his retreat. He has also,
unbeknownst to the FarStar crew, programmed the world’s central computer, Cuthbert
(CUTH-BRT-92-X3), to destroy or turn away the New Republic team by any means
necessary. The team arrives as Sarne has already fled the system. They make their way to
the surface, looking to try to bring Gandle Ott to the New Republic and to find astrogation
charts to guide them beyond Gandle Ott. A diplomatic team meets with various government
officials (Vice-Governor Marja Lang, General Herron Dade, etc.) during their mission, as
Cuthbert’s attempts to stop them carry on, including drugging their drinks, sabotaging the
FarStar, and even sending an assassin droid after the New Republic team. Luckily, the team
avoids these dangers, but it seems the New Republic might need to send a real negotiator or
diplomat to bring the world into the fold. In the meantime, the authorities will begin looking
into fixing Cuthbert. On the bright side, though, the crew manages to get their hands on at
least partial navigation charts for areas beyond Gandle Ott. The chase continues . . .
(The DarkStryder Campaign: Death is Remotely Possible)
Still chasing Moff Kentor Sarne, the FarStar arrives at Shintel. They are hot on the heels of
Sarne, but too late to catch him. He has already arrived, resupplied, taken loyal officers
aboard, and stranded less loyal soldiers on the world after disabling all hyperdrive-equipped
vehicles on Shintel. The Imperials on the planet have already begun to separate into three
factions. The first, led by Major Danthe, is loyal to Sarne, not believing he has truly
abandoned them. The second, led by the planet’s ranking Imperial, Colonel Heget, is still
loyal to the Empire, but not Sarne, as they realize that Sarne has essentially gone rogue. A
third group consists of only five members. Led by Lieutenant Palme, they are officers sent by
Sarne himself to infiltrate both of the factions and to make sure that when the FarStar arrives,
they receive a copy of Sarne’s backup navigational charts, which are legitimate, but also will
trigger several built-in booby traps aboard the FarStar when loaded into the ship’s computers.
After making their way through an ion mine field above the planet, the crew makes planetfall
and, led by Kaiya Adrimetrum, meets with Heget. They strike a bargain to help Heget and an
aide get back to Imperial space (in a shuttle, in order to tell the Empire of Sarnes betrayal) in
return for the location of Sarne’s probable next stop, Tanquilla Beach, a shadowport. Kaiya is
also approached by Palme, who gives her a datacard with the sabotaged chart. After a short
bit of resupplying, they take off for Tanquilla Beach, but upon loading the charts and
activating the hyperdrive, the hyperdrive destroys itself, just as the Steel Fist, piloted by
pirates, arrives under suggestion from Sarne to make short work of the FarStar. The FarStar
manages to fight off the Steel Fist and returns to the surface. They jury-rig the hyperdrive to
make it at least to Tanquilla Beach for further repairs. Upon arrival at Tanquilla Beach, they
search for assistance. Spang, the local starship systems specialist, is too busy to see them,
but his daughter, Fia, agrees to help, which results in the FarStar having an even better
hyperdrive than before. She also discovers traces of the computer trapdoors that were
activated by Sarnes charts, and Spang suggests that they go to Pembric II to see a man
named Drake about fully removing them from the ship’s systems. As the ship is finishing
repairs, a Carrack cruiser sent by Sarne attacks Tanquilla Beach, but it is no match for the
shadowport’s weapons combined with the New Republic’s FarStar complement. Finally, the
ship is ready, and, knowing there may be even more booby traps left in the system, they set
out for Pembric II.
(The DarkStryder Campaign: Shintel Downtime)
Having discovered several more probably booby traps aboard the FarStar, Captain Kaiya
Adrimetrum takes the advice of Loh’khar the Finder and their previous contacts, Spang and
Fia, and takes the ship to Pembric II. Upon arrival, they are met by representatives of the
local puppet pro-Imperial government, which is really acting under the control of the
Bombassa Cartel, a crime syndicate headed by Crev Bombassa. A small group heads for
the surface, pretending to be general scum, while the FarStar hides (well, tries to hide at
least) in an asteroid belt. The agents arrive on the surface and first encounter Kebbo,
Pembric Security Legion Chief Magistrate, and have to go through the general bribery and
extortion routine everyone does on Pembric II. They are attacked by several pro-Imperial
Legionnaires (proving their cover is blown), but continue to meet with Breslin Drake (whom
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 604
Spang had recommended to know who can remove the traps in the FarStar computer) at his
bar, the ThrusterBurn Tapcafe. He tells them that the people he would have put them into
contact with, the Keiffler brothers, have gone to KalShebbol and are presumed dead. One of
their apprentices, however, a man named Gaelin, has returned to Pembric II and is being
held by the Bombassa’s at a lab. As they finish discussing Gaelin, Kebbo arrives and ushers
them back to see Crev Bombassa, the crime boss, who wants assurances that the FarStar is
not a precursor to a full-fledged New Republic invasion force. He then makes it known that
they should leave Pembric II immediately. When the team doesn’t head immediately to their
shuttle, they must evade local law enforcement before prepping to strike at the lab that night.
Knowing that his presumed New Republic ties now mean he cannot return to his business,
Drake leads the team in striking at the lab, hoping that once they have rescued Gaelin, he
and some of his employees can go with the FarStar. The assault goes off with very little
hitches, but once they are inside and have taken Gaelin into custody, several other prisoners
ask for asylum aboard the FarStar as well. Unable to leave them there to rot, the entire
groupFarStar crew, refugees, Gaelin, Drake, and Drake’s employeesget aboard the
FarStar’s shuttle and escape back to the ship, which then in turn makes a hasty escape from
Pembric II with its new passengers.
(The DarkStryder Campaign: Crisis)
As the FarStar heads away from Pembric II, it is obvious that they need to stop somewhere to
both restock and drop off as many passengers as wish to leave the pursuit of Moff Kentor
Sarne as need be. They set course for Galtea to do just that. Aboard the vessel, Breslin
Drake, former ThrusterBurn Tapcafe owner, begins to reveal his past. He was once a major
in Alliance Intelligence, setting up gathering and collation centers called an Archive system.
While doing so, he discovered a traitor within the operation known only by the Imperial
codename Wraith. When the New Republic refused to pursue the Wraith for the damaged
he’d caused, Drake left the New Republic to go in pursuit of this man whom he had never
even seen. He discovered that the Wraith had begun to work as a political assassin and
tracked him for two years, including to the world of Sebiris, where he learned that the Wraith
went by the alias Klendost Petrivoor, but had already left. Finally, the Wraith disappeared
and Drake stopped over on Pembric II, where he was duped by Crev Bombassas cartel into
staying. Unbeknownst to Drake, the Wraith was always under his nose on Pembric II. The
Wraith is, in actuality, a man named Drenn, who was acting as one of Drake’s bouncers.
Neither man knew who the other was, so there was never any conflict. Now, Drenn has
come aboard the FarStar with Drake and plans to make it to Sarne’s fleet somehow. When
the FarStar reaches Galtea and various crewmen go on leave for a bit, Drenn programs a K-4
droid on the bridge to poison Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum. Drenn also sends several signals to
bring Sarne’s Imperials to capture the ship. A short while into the leave, three cruisers from
Sarne’s fleet arrive to attack the FarStar. The ship has to lift off without recovering all of the
crewmen who left, and battles the vessels with a near skeleton crew. When a sabotaged (by
Drenn) power conduit goes haywire, the resulting explosion over Adrimetrums head
seemingly knocks her out. Khzam takes over as acting captain. They jump the FarStar out
of harm’s way and begin to investigate both the attack and Adrimetrum’s condition, which Dr.
Akanseh says is curious, as she is not regaining consciousness as she should be. Klaal
discovers that the K-4 was on the bridge at the time and accesses its memory. This reveals
the assassination programming and the fact that when the explosion took place over the
captain’s head, the droid shot her with a dart full of a neurotransmission inhibitor. Drake
recognizes this substance as that which the Wraith used to use on his victims. He tells
Khzam that the poison originates on Sebiris, and that the Sebiri may be helpful in finding a
cure. They arrive and immediately speak with the Sebiri elders. The Sebiri tell them that an
antidote can be made from herbs growing around one of their sacred temple ruins. They
head for the temple, and at one point, a Sebiri remarks to Drenn, “You come back, Petrivoor,
yes?” Drake recognizes the name, just as Drenn realizes he has been discovered. A firefight
ensues between Drenn and Drake as Drenn escapes. The others manage to cool things
down with the Sebiri and are given access to the herbs. Back aboard the FarStar,
Adrimetrum is healed, the crew is recovered from Galtea, Drake knows that someday they
will encounter Drenn again, and the FarStar, fully restocked, finally sets course for the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 605
unknown regions of the Kathol Outback . . .
(The DarkStryder Campaign: A Traitor in Our Midst)
Admiral Rogriss and the former allies of Isard and Zsinj move in to take over Zsinj’s old
territory. Admiral Gial Ackbar also brings in the New Republic fleet. Then both the Imperials
and New Republic come face to face with High Admiral Teradocs forces. The three-way
battle ends with significant losses on all sides, but the New Republic retains control of most of
the territory. (In the struggle, the Crynyd is destroyed, and the Rebel Dream, without Leia
Organa Solo aboard, is recaptured by the Imperials.)
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
When the Imperials on Garos IV discover one of the resistance’s weapon-hiding places, the
resistance must move its valuable, and lethal, Plex missile launcher. With the help of fellow
resistance fighter, Imperial Lt. Dair Haslip, Alex Winger prepares to retrieve the weapon. Dair
and Alex have been pretending to be courting, so her presence with him at night when they
check for security responses is seen as simply lovesick foolishness. (Dair actually does like
her, but she wants it strictly platonic.) The Plex is recovered without incident. Through Dair’s
position, the resistance learns that valuable sensor equipment is to be shipped to the
hibridium mine very soon. The resistance fighters attack the shipment, destroying much of it,
and keeping the mine unprotected by the sensors for a bit longer. As they prepare to leave
the scene of their ambush, Alex experiences her recurring vision of falling from a snowy
mountain and having her rope be caught by a blonde-haired, blue-eyed man, who tells her to
take his hand, so she can get back up to where she fell from. His voice comes to her, saying
“The Force will be with you.”*
(Whispers in the Dark)*
*NOTE: This story mentions the movement of the New Republic toward Coruscant as something currently taking
place, but this is simply an error based on when this story was written in relation to when the X-wing novels were
Moff Kentor Sarne contacts Captain Rolf Treidum of the Lialic II, a Corellian Corvette in
Sarne’s forces, and orders him to remain in the Kathol Outback to slow the FarStars
progress. He is ordered to run the Lialic II under the name Lance of Endor and to use it to
sow anti-New Republic sentiment in the area. He is allowed to slow or mislead the FarStar,
but not to destroy it. (Exact date of communiqué: 43:6:2).
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Outback)
As tensions continue aboard the FarStar, Lt. Ranna Gorjaye, Lt. Jessa Dajus, Lofryyhn, and
Darryn Thyte argue the merits of Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum and the FarStar mission. Their
argument is cut off when a scheduled (but withheld from Gorjaye) starfighter drill
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Outback—“Introduction”)
With the Kathol Outback looming ahead, the crew of the FarStar takes a quick stop by the
planet Binaros to gather local plants and such for supplies, sending an away team including
xenobiologist Varel DeVay down to the surface to search for usable flora and fauna. As most
of the team gathers samples, Kl’aal goes hunting. The former segment of the team discovers
a series of strange plants and what appears to be an Imperial research area. The
abandoned area includes a large area where all plant and animal life is gone, almost as if it
had been burned away somehow. On his hunt, Klaal charges through some plants,
becoming infected with strange spores without his knowledge, and then faces off with a
sabercat before realizing that he has discovered some ancient ruins, which date back to the
cult that formed a society on the world three centuries earlier. The team reunites to search
the ruins. Inside, they find a secret entrance to an Imperial research center underground,
also abandoned. Inside, they find various testing stations and a MSE droid, MSE-X-PR6,
who has a programming glitch which causes him to steal things. When the crew finally
corners the droid, it wants to leave with them, and gives them a small trinket in return. Upon
tinkering with the trinket, the deviceactually a piece of DarkStryder technologysends out
a surge of energy which gives the user immense strength by absorbing all of the life energy
around him, which explains the destroyed foliage outside. The item then goes dead, as all
DarkStryder technology does on its use. The team returns to the FarStar, where Klaal’s
infection of spores spreads out from him and into the hydroponics bay. It grows to become a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 606
large semi-sentient mother plant and a truckload of small, semi-sentient, mobile plants, which
start to eat into stored rations, water supplies, etc. before finally getting too big for their
resources and killing a crewman to drink his blood for nourishment. The crew discovers what
is happening and fights it off with an agent created by DeVay. As the battle with the plants
concludes with our heroes victorious, a patrol group from Sarne’s fleet arrives to attack the
FarStar, but the crew is able, with minimal losses, to drive them off and continue deeper into
the Kathol Outback.
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Outback—“Plant Food”)
While venturing in the Kathol Outback, the FarStar intercepts a transmission from Moff Kentor
Sarne to Captain Rolf Treidum, including the name of the planet Episol, part of the Kathol
Republic. Figuring this is too good a lead to pass up, Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum orders the
ship to Episol. The arrive in the aftermath of an Imperial attack. Treidum, in compliance with
Sarne’s plans to discredit the FarStar and New Republic, has just attacked the world in the
name of the New Republic, in retaliation for the world not giving in to tyrannical demands
Treidum was making from his Corvette, the Lialic II, which is going under the New Republic
name Lance of Endor. The FarStar saves a ship called the Bravado III, but when thanked,
Adrimetrum answers that they are from the New Republic. The arriving Kathol Republic
rescue ships (also Corvettes) order them to stand down and come in for questioning and
trial, believing the FarStar is the Lance of Endor. They are escorted to the moon Kayark for
trial in front of the Kathol Republic’s ruling body. The government has already determined
that the FarStar is not the Lance of Endor, but by Kathol Republic law, the FarStars crew is
liable for the actions of their “fellow New Republic vessel.” As the debate continues, the
FarStar crew plays the intercepted transmission to prove that the Imperial Sarne is in league
with the Lance of Endor, which means the ship isn’t from the New Republic. During the
debate, Senator Sal Olbeg attempts to call to attention an earlier debate about droid gladiator
combat on Pintann, but Pintann Senator Shoban Do drowns him out and keeps the argument
away from the ears of the Senate. The end result of the day is that the FarStar crew is
absolved, but the government, led by Chandra Hobat’s coalition, is still not pro-New Republic,
only apathetic. The FarStar remains impounded as well. Seeking to find a way to gain
support, the FarStar command team interviews Olbeg and learns of Dos world’s droid
combat. Olbeg believes that the droids are actually being upgraded to hide the creation of a
droid army with which Pitann, under Do’s leadership, will invade Dayark and make himself
tyrant of a “Kathol Tyranny.” The team realizes that foiling this plot could be just what they
need to create permanent peaceful relations between the New Republic and the Kathol
Republic. They are told that Uta T’cha is a woman on Pitann who is rumored to be doing the
head programming. A team takes a shuttle to Pitann to confront Uta. Uta is a member of
Khzam’s former slaving ring, but luckily Khzam is not with the team at the moment. For the
right price, Uta reveals that the actual plan is to create a way of remote controlling Dayarks
resident droids into staging a droid coup to give Do power. She turns over a recording which
will politically destroy Do, but asks to be taken with the FarStar in return. Upon return to
Dayark, the recording is played, Do loses most of his power, and Hobat’s coalition begins
working toward peaceful relations with the New Republic. Aboard the FarStar, Uta
encounters Khzam, but says nothing to discredit or blackmail him . . . yet.
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Outback—“Little Empires”)
As the FarStar continues through the Kathol Outback toward the Kathol Rift, they discover an
Imperial vessel wrapped in some kind of strange energy tendrils. The possibility that this
could be DarkStryder technology at work is too much to ignore. The FarStar intercepts the
ship and a team is sent aboard. Aboard the ship, the team finds several Imperials acting as if
they are out of their minds. While trying to escape back to Brophar Tofarain’s Muvon, which
they used to board, the team is nearly trapped by a power surge in the airlock controls. After
fixing it, they escape with the Imperials before the Imperial ship explodes. Aboard the
FarStar, the medical staff discovers that the Imperials have been infected with some kind of
biochemical agent. As Adrimetrum prepares to set course for the nearest inhabited area, the
Uukaablis system, Uta T’Cha finally makes her move and reveals First Officer Khzam’s past
as a slaver to the crew. Several of the crew start calling for him to be killed in retaliation for
his past crimes. To keep the situation under control, Khzam is removed from active duty and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 607
confined to quarters with no guard, as it is figured that he won’t try to escape with so many on
the ship wanting to kill him or otherwise harm him. Upon arriving on the fourth planet of the
Uukaabis system, an away team led by Adrimetrum and including Loh’khar, Nizzal (one of his
three Turazza sister helpers, and others. Speaking with the Uukaablian leaders, the team
learns that the disease has no cure, but there are stop-gap measures that they can use which
deals with devices known as paravaccs. The infection, the leaders believe, is a weapon of
the Qektoth Confederation, a group of aliens and humans who have forsaken mechanical
technology for biotechnology in the area. The FarStar team is given the location of Drigor
Tarrens, a former Confederation member, who might be able to help. As they prepare to go
see Tarrens, the FarStar calls down that an X-wing has been stolen. They chase down the
X-wing, which has landed on the surface, and catch Nizzal, piloting a swoop, in the act of
handing over paravacc canisters to the X-wing’s pilot. (Nizzal had slipped away earlier and
stolen three dozen paravacc canisters.) The X-wing lifts off and both it and Nizzal’s swoop
charge toward where the Muvon is awaiting the team’s return. When the team reaches the
ship, they watch as the X-wing pilot, Khzam steps forward from the hatch. He announces
that he is through traveling with the FarStar and he and Nizzal are off to bigger and better
things. They had just been waiting for something valuable to help start them off in another
place. The paravacc canisters will do nicely. He also suggests that they look into the true
past of Colonel (not Lieutenant, as she’d said) Jessa Dajus. He tosses a thermal detonator
at the team, which escapes harm, while he and Nizzal steal the Muvon and escape into the
Outback. The team and FarStar crew are in shock over the incident, but continue their
mission to visit Tarrens. When they ask him about the Qektoth Confederation, he refuses to
get involved. When the team mentions the biochemical infection, he points them to an old
Confederation space station, where such weapons were being developed. He suggests that
information aboard the station might, with the Uukaablians’ medical technology, help to find a
cure for the biochemical agent. The FarStar races to the station, as the crew begins to suffer
the dementia effects of the agent. A team boards the station and discovers several injured
crewmen, including Fasha Dansun. She tells of being trapped there by the Confederation,
just as a biotech Confederation ship, the Scourge, arrives and attacks the FarStar, intending
to trap the away team aboard the station to be part of the final test of the same weapon that
attacked the Imperial vessel the FarStar had discovered. The away team races to the exit
from the station and their shuttle as a biotech weapon begins to effect the station, wrapping it
in energy tendrils. The team, complete with survivors and computer files, gets to the shuttle
but are out of luck until Tarrens arrives in a Light Interceptor to lead them to safety, just as
the entire station explodes. The FarStar recovers the shuttle and jump back to the
Uukaablian homeworld, where the downloaded data files are used to create a cure for the
infection. The crew of the FarStar is cured, and the crew is hailed by the Uukaablian
leadership as heroes. The day has been saved, and the FarStar now has at least two new
crewmembers, Fasha and Tarrens.
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Outback—“Wildfire”)
Scoryn is made acting first officer of the FarStar.
(conjecture based on The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Rift)
As the FarStar nears the Kathol Rift, the New Republic vessel comes upon a gaseous
nebula, which its sensors cannot penetrate. Determining that Moff Kentor Sarne may be
hiding out inside, Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum sends a probe droid into the anomaly. It returns
for a moment with images of a world hidden in the gasses, but then returns for more
information and vanishes. Adrimetrum orders Lt. Ranna “Wing-Ripper” Gorjaye to lead an X-
wing team into the cloud to examine the planet. The planet is known as Exocron, and the X-
wings are met by a majestic aircraft known as the Maxion. They are told to land on the
vessel and meet with the Captain of the vessel, Horzao Darr. Darr explains that their probe
droid has been taken aboard another aircraft and is being taken to Caballa City, which is their
destination as well. The technology is of a sort unseen (well, banned) on Exocron, and they
must consult the government about it. A messengers returns to the FarStar to convey an
invitation for the FarStar to rendezvous with the gigantic Maxion to transport Adrimetrum and
others to Caballa City as well. En route to Caballa City, Adrimetrum speaks with Darr and
learns that any mention or attempts at travel from Exocron is strictly prohibited. It seems that
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 608
during the time of the Old Republic, Deamos Na-Coth had sent out vessels known as the
Cabal on a mission to find an ancient world known as Exo. After an unsuccessful journey,
the Exocros Cabal discovered the planet and set down. The crew settled there, calling the
world Exocron. The colony divided into two factions, those wanting to continue looking for
Exo and those content to stay. To quell further arguments, the society’s engineers destroyed
all hyperdrive technology, effectively stranding everyone on Exocron within the cloud. The
engineers grew to be the ruling cast known as the Devisors. Technological information has
been retained and even advanced upon by the Devisors, but the society only receives that
technology which will not disrupt the isolationist status quo. En route to Caballa City, they get
word that an opposing faction on the world, the Western Corsairs, are attacking a ship called
the Desaclates. Darr’s fighters and the X-wings save the ship’s personnel, even though the
ship is heavily damaged. Unfortunately, this was the vessel bearing the probe droid, which is
irrevocably lost. Later, after meeting with the ruling body in Caballa City, Master Devisor
Pagda Gevtes declares that knowledge of Exocrons existence outside the cloud would
threaten the world. Thus, the FarStar and her crew must remain on Exocron for the rest of
their lives. The X-wings are impounded, and the FarStar, in orbit, is locked onto by a
powerful tractor beam. As Adrimetrum is carted off into custody, Council guards encircle the
rest of the New Republic team, but Darr has his own men surround the guards and release
the prisoners. Darr knows that the Devisors have technology they are keeping from the
populace to enhance their own power. He wishes to strike against them, politically. The team
goes with Darr to the home of Eida Sharden, an entrepreneur (and Western Corsair), who
agrees to help them free Adrimetrum and the FarStar, hoping to bring disgrace to the
Devisors and to force the revelation that the Devisors are withholding technology. The two-
pronged mission commences. One team infiltrates the tower where Adrimetrum is being
held, saves her, and begins making a hasty escape. In the skies, the team that has just
recaptured the X-wings takes to fighter battle with enemy aircraft. The X-wings manage to
knock out the tractor beam generator, freeing the FarStar. In the tower, Gevtes takes out a
supposedly non-existent early personal walker to attack the retreating team. Luckily, the
team uses a captured flash pistol to blind Gevtes and send his walker tumbling down a large
staircase. With the battle won, Sharden has enough evidence to convince the populace of
the Devisors withholding of technology, and Adrimetrum agrees to help provide modern
technology to Exocron, cementing the first step in an alliance between the New Republic and
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Outback—“The Masters of Exocron”)
Finally at the very edge of the Kathol Rift, the FarStar stops at the planet Danoor to find a
navigator who can safely guide them through the Rift’s turbulent expanse. Just as they
arrive, an Aing-Tii Sanhedrim ship nearly collides with them before going on its way. They
are soon contacted by Danoor System Control, who transfers them to Minister Waric Nane,
who believes the FarStar to be the Lance of Endor, which had attacked the world recently,
just as it had attacked Episol. Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum manages to convince Nane of their
true identity and they are allowed to dispatch a team to the surface. They meet with the
ruling body, which agrees to provide them with a navigator if they help retrieve a lost mining
drone that went down in an asteroid belt. A team is sent to the asteroid belt to recover the
drone. The team encounters a group of Tuhgri who have been stranded in the asteroid belt.
They had hoped to repair the drone to escape from certain death on the asteroid, but now
that the team has arrived, they agree to help fix the drone in return for passage to safety.
Upon arrival back on Danoor, the team is shocked to be met by an angry group of ministers
who accuse them of having all of their navigators killed. Minister Mooren suggest that they
should go speak with Makezh, a man who once navigated the Kathol Rift in the company of
Aing-Tii monks and can help them. Nane, however, will not guarantee their safety in the
streets. As the ministers leave, Mooren makes sure the team discovers a datapad upon
which he has laid out the situation on Danoor. It seems that when the Lance of Endor
attacked under the name of the New Republic, Captain Treidum had revealed his true
affiliation with the Empire to Nane, offering to bring Danoor into the Empire. Nane, who has
been preparing his own takeover of Danoor, said he would consider it. Nane has now used a
device given to him by Treidum to contact the Lance of Endor and one other Imperial vessel
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 609
to come and take the FarStar. Mooren fears this will be the excuse Nane needs to take over
Danoor and wants to help the team. His only hope is that when they finally leave, they send
a signal to the Danoor resistance’s only offworld ally to help ward off the Imperials. The team
seeks out Makezh, which is a task fraught with attacks from assassin droids and soldiers
loyal to Nane (during one assault they’re even saved by the bounty hunter Mist, who is loyal
to Sarne), but finally find the navigator and escape into an old irrigation system. In the
system, they are attacked, but finally exit near where the FarStar’s transport is being held.
The team steals back the shuttle and returns to the FarStar, where they are met with
surprise. Nane had been stalling the FarStar by saying the team had been captured by illegal
resistance fighters. Just as the FarStar makes to head into the Kathol Rift, the Lance of
Endor emerges from hyperspace to attack. Lt. Ranna Gorjaye’s X-wings take off to fight off
TIE fighters, aided by resistance Z-95 variants. Suddenly, the second Imperial vessel, a Star
Destroyer, emerges and attacks. It fires a special devastator torpedo toward the FarStar,
actually aimed at Danoor. The FarStar dodges the torpedo, but it manages to hit the surface
of Danoor, obliterating everything within ten kilometers of the impact. When all seems about
to be lost, the FarStar, signaling the resistances allies, is joined by an Aing-Tii Sanhedrim
vessel, which makes short work of the Lance of Endor, as the FarStars starfighters cause a
backfire in the Star Destroyer’s devastator torpedo launcher, destroying that craft. The battle
is won, but the devastation below on Danoor precludes any possible alliance between
Danoor and the New Republic. With the Kathol Outback at their backs, the FarStar enters
the Kathol Rift, guided by Makezh in the next leg of their pursuit of Moff Kentor Sarne . . .
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Outback—“Galaxy’s Edge”)
Aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Bastion, Captain Brannij reports the failure of the Lance
of Endor (i.e. Lialic II) to Moff Kentor Sarne. When Brannij asks a question of strategy, Sarne
reveals that he intends to use the FarStar as bait. He knows from a pirated copy of the
FarStar’s original orders from Lt. Page that they are to find and engage Sarne, but only after
calling for further New Republic reinforcements. He therefore is slowly dropping hints and
such to draw them to precisely when and where he wants the final battle to take place. The
plan is proceeding as he has engineered it . . .
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Rift—“Introduction”)
The FarStar, guided by Makezh, has entered the Kathol Rift. The effects on the
crewmembers is noticeable, and growing more by the day. The Rift is tending to cause mild
to severe hallucinations, paranoia, and odd dreams, especially in Force-sensitizes like Jessa
Dajus. Nevertheless, they trudge onward toward Moff Kentor Sarne’s forces. A short while
into the journey through the Rift, R-97, a droid doing inventory, discovers that the ship’s food
is being spoiled at an alarming rate. A strain of bacteria, mutated by the Rifts energies, has
infected the food, ruining it. By the fourth day of the situation, the bacteria has been crushed
by the crews immune systems, but all of the food is spoiled, save field rations. Needing food
desperately, they stop at the planet Q’Maere, where they are welcomed to the Q’Maere
Research Facilitys Doctor Langstyn Kraay. Kraay has a cure for the annoying bacteria
(called Variant), which is called Variant Alpha. After a small tour, though, the away team is
captured by Kraay and his forces. The Research Facility is, in actuality, a former Imperial
psychiatric facility, created by Moff Sarne for the purpose of having his physicians attempt to
find new ways to break prisoners. (The original scientists aboard left years ago after doing
some biological research to form the Qektoth Confederation.) The team is tossed into a
prison-like ward, where Cobb Unser discovers his long-lost sister, Corla. They also meet
New Republic Lieutenant Lowen Chase, who was captured two years earlier by Moff Sarne.
Chase was a subject of numerous “breaking” experiments, but seems to be alright. Upon
seeing the teams FarStar insignia, Chase leads them to another prisonerCaptain Keleman
Ciro, the original captain of the FarStar mission, captured some time ago. Ciro is a broken
man, babbling and barely coherent. There is nothing they can do for him but take him with
them if they can escape. And escape they shall! With Chases help, the team and other
inmates stage a prison riot. They escape into the facility proper, but find that Kraay has just
deleted all files on Variant Alpha, taking the only sample with him as he holds it hostage and
leaves in a shuttle. He encounters the FarStar in orbit, but destroys himself, and the cure,
before he can be captured. Luckily, among those freed and thankful below is Dr. Vin Emil,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 610
the botanist who actually developed the cure. He will work with the FarStar crew to create a
new Variant Alpha. Corla comes aboard, while at the same time, Doctor Akanseh leaves the
FarStar to help treat the abused prisoners on QMaere. As an added bonus for the FarStar,
a battered YT-1300 freighter from the facility is taken as part of the FarStar mission. There is
a lot of work to be done, but Loh’khar works with Loffryyn and Brophar Tofarain to revamp the
ship, renamed the Muvon II, after the ship Khzam stole when he and Nizzal deserted. Little
do the other crewmen know that Loh’khar was always in league with Khzam, waiting for a
time to escape and make a profit. He intends to use the Muvon II when the time is right to
abandon the mission.
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Rift—“Harm’s Way”)
Just a short time after the FarStar rescued the prisoners (including Keleman Ciro) from
Q’Maere, the crew and its new recruits are becoming divided. Many of the former prisoners
believe Lowen Chase should be made captain of the mission, or at least First Officer. Chase,
unbeknownst to the crew, is not nearly as well as they thought when he was rescued. The
Imperial procedures he underwent on Q’Maere caused a schizoid personality, which is now
causing extreme paranoia about the missions future, egged on by the psychological effects
of the Kathol Rift. When Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum officially promotes Scoryn to First Officer
and Chase to merely Flight Operations Officer, the rift widens. When a lightstorm strikes the
ship, Chase leads a mutiny. The forces loyal to Adrimetrum and Chase clash on all decks,
with Chase taking the bridge easily, as it is their first strike (which captures the command
crew). The support crew fights a battle to retake the ship, including engineering, their only
way to avoid being destroyed by more lightstorms. The recapturing action is a success, but
the damage is done. Chase admits himself to Sick Bay for therapy, under Adrimetrum’s
orders. The mutineers are placed under house arrest and given very restricted duties.
Thanis Gul-Rah begins plotting to blackmail First Officer Scoryn using the death mark on her
head, but she counters with the fact that she knows Gul-Rah was part of the group of
Imperials who killed Adrimetrum’s husband years ago, creating stalemate between the two.
The major consequence, though, is that tension and distrust remain rampant on the FarStar.
Things have just become more complicated.
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Rift—“Rogue Elements”)
As the FarStar travels through the Kathol Rift, Makezh, the navigator, continuously feels
pulled to something he must find. His Aing-Tii brainwashing leads him to take the FarStar to
the location of the object he must find, a strange alien construct, much like a space station.
The FarStar is gripped to the construct by tendrils, forcing a mission into the construct to free
the ship. Inside, the away team faces various strange features on level one, including
discovery of a piece of DarkStryder technology, the object of Makezh’s pursuit, the Codex.
They take it into custody, sending it back to the FarStar. The moment it arrives on the ship,
Jessa Dajus experiences a hallucination in which she sees a planet with Imperial Star
Destroyers and a binary star system. The planet is then enveloped by an arachnid creature
and the vision ends, concluding with Dajus dropping into a coma. On level two of the
construct, the away team faces off with a tunnel worm before discovering the most dangerous
foes within the constructImperial soldiers led by the bounty hunter Mist. A running battle
ensues, during which Mist uses a piece of DarkStryder technology, which creates a
DarkStryder Fire Creature, a living embodiment of fire which fights under Mist’s commands.
The creature is defeated, but Mist escapes. The team deactivates the tendrils, freeing the
FarStar. Returning to the FarStar, the teams shuttle is attacked by Mist before she escapes
into the unknown. Spacetroopers left behind attempt to attack the FarStar, with little effect.
The day is won . . . but Jessa Dajus remains in her coma.
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Rift—“Waystation”)
The FarStar comes upon the planet Yvara, homeworld of the somewhat dull-minded crew
member, Gunthar. Suddenly, Gunthar enters the bridge, far more coherent than he has ever
been. He declares that he is home and must go to the surface. Besides, there will be plenty
of food and such on the world for the FarStar’s supplies. An away team heads down, led by
Gunthar. Gunthar is growing steadily more intelligent. It turns out that the Yvarema race is a
hive mind, and Gunthar has been out of contact with that mind for so long that his mind
started to recede without the other minds linked in. In actuality, the formerly dim-witted
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 611
crewman is nobility on Yvara, but was lost in the Kathol Rift on an exploration expedition.
The team goes with Gunthar to meet the nexus of the hive mind, Majjvara. Gunthar is
reintroduced into the hive mind. They receive aid, supplies, and even a piece of used (i.e.
dead) DarkStryder technology during their stay. Aboard the FarStar, warrior crew member
Qesya gives birth to a child, which had been in stasis for the last year of her pregnancy.
Outside, the Qektoth Confederation vessel The Heart of Flesh arrives and attacks the
FarStar. The Confederation has dreamt of creating a human hive mind, and, knowing of
Gunthar’s presence and that the Yvarema are as close to human as any hive mind ever
encountered, they have followed the FarStar (most likely via the probe droids left behind at
various points as a communications relaying lifeline to the outside galaxy) all this way. After
a fierce battle, though, the Qektoth ships are no match for the FarStar and her support craft.
After the battle is won, Gunthar decides to remain on Yvara, and convinces the Majjvara that
a warrior class should be created to protect the Yvarema. Qesya remains behind on the
world to train this new class while raising her baby.
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Rift—“Home”)
Finally at the edge of the Kathol Rift, about to exit, the FarStar nears the planet known in their
sketchy charts (recovered at various points in their journey) as Demonsgate. As the
approach, they receive two intercepted transmissions. One is in the Vaathkree Trade
Language, a coded message to Loh’khar from Khzam, informing him: “Have gathered the
flock; will rendezvous when signaled. Be ready to duck, cover and bolt.” The crew doesn’t
pay this message much attention, partly because they cannot translate it, but mainly because
of the second transmission, which is a distress call from the Imperial Shuttle Blade, which is
down on Demonsgate and requesting assistance for return to Moff Kentor Sarne’s flagship.
Knowing it could be a trap, a team is readied to be sent to the surface to capture the
Imperials and learn Sarne’s location. Before they can go, though, Makezh, who has been
acting ever more erratic, steals the Codex and escapes by stealing an X-wing. He is pursued
by the away team, who eventually finds him near his crashed vessel. As he flees on foot into
a geyser field, the Imperials, led by Mist, ambush the team. Makezh gives an incoherent yell
and runs out of harms way, just as several “rocks reveal themselves to be Aing-Tii. The
Aing-Tii make short work of the attacking Imperials. Makezh gives them the Codex, which
was his entire purpose in ever being released from Aing-Tii space, and the Aing-Tii are
ecstatic to have the object, which they believe will let them speak to beings “beyond the veil.”
They leave, leaving the FarStar team puzzled. “Gammer” Firdaaz stays behind on
Demonsgate to help maintain the “Lifeline” project, while the others return to the ship. Upon
returning to the FarStar without information of Sarne’s whereabouts, all seems at a standstill,
until Jessa Dajus awakens from her coma. She recalls her vision before blacking out and
looks up binary star systems in probe droid records from the “Lifeline,” seeking a match with
her vision. When she finds it, she knows exactly what she’s seeing—the location of Moff
Kentor Sarne and the base of his DarkStryder technology. Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum orders
the navigator to lay in a course. It’s time they paid Moff Sarne a little visit . . .
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Kathol Rift—“Showdown”)
Aboard the Bastion, Moff Kentor Sarne is informed of the FarStars journey away from
Demonsgate He orders the Eradicator to continue following the ship through the unstable
eddies of the Kathol Rift. Also trailing the FarStar is a Bothan spy craft, which has been
following the probe droid lifeline and transmissions from Brandis Turgah, aboard the FarStar.
They witness the Eradicator being destroyed by the Rift, and continue their pursuit. The
FarStar itself, finally having emerged from the Kathol Rift, approaches the planet Kathol, the
world they will come to simply refer to as the DarkStryder Planet. Their journey has not been
without cost, which is once again put in clear focus when former Captain Keleman Ciro finally
succumbs to his injuries and torture and dies just as they exit hyperspace. Things arent
helped when the FarStar exits hyperspace and is hit by some kind of spatial distortion, which
severely damages the vessel. With these issues on her mind, Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum calls
together her senior officers to ask whether or not they truly with to continue their pursuit of
Sarne and DarkStryder. Ranna Gorjaye becomes enraged that she is attempting to make the
ship a democracy and criticizes Adrimetrums command style. Angered, Adrimetrum ends
the meeting. She is then notified of several asteroids in the belt around Kathol not rotating,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 612
indicating that they are ships. The “asteroids” break orbit and head for Kathol. The FarStar
follows. On Kathol itself, Sarne and Captain Brannij of the Bastion have gone to the surface
to speak with his benefactor, DarkStryder, a huge insectoid biocomputer with which Sarne
has struck a deal. He will eventually provide DarkStryder with hyperdrive technology, if
DarkStryder provides Sarne with DarkStryder technology and one last bit of informationthe
means to control the damaged, but nearly operational, hyperspace launch gate in orbit of
Kathol. It is this latter information that DarkStryder finally provides to Sarne during their
discussion, supposedly sealing the fate of the New Republic. Sarne’s trap is about to be
sprung . . .
(The DarkStryder Campaign: The Saga Nears Its End)
The FarStar has arrived at Moff Kentor Sarnes base of operations, the DarkStryder planet
known as Kathol. The damaged FarStar cannot remain in orbit with the chance that Imperials
will attack the vessel, so Captain Kaiya Adrimetrum orders the ship to set down on Kathol.
They set down in an area of vast ruins, including a “cathedral” and “office buildings, of a sort.
The crew makes a survey of the area, encountering various species. Their first encounter
with Imperial patrols goes without the team being revealed. Their first encounter with a Maoi
creature ends in the death of a crewman. Their first encounter with the Yapi leads to the New
Republic team being able to convince the Yapi that they are not Imperials. The Yapi begin to
consider allying themselves with the FarStar crew against the Imperials and DarkStryder. A
team including Jessa Dajus encounters a group of Charr Ontee. While some of the crew
recognize the beings as reminiscent of the Charon of Otherspace, the Charr Ontee recognize
Jessa Dajus. They refer to her as “the Sleeper, which means something to them, but nothing
to the crew. After a few more encounters, the FarStar crew, the Yapi, and the Charr Ontee
come together with a few Zizimaak to create an alliance to attack DarkStryders fortress.
They will act under the command of the New Republic team, specifically one crewmember
who manages to show their fortitude through a display of bravery in breaking jars which could
hold maoi creatures. The newly combined anti-DarkStryder force then reconnoiters the area,
but is ambushed by Sarne’s forces, who, unbeknownst to the FarStar crew, had been aware
of their presence all along. Imperial blastboats attack as well, all with the specific intention of
driving the FarStar into the sky and to flee to where she can summon further New Republic
forces. This has been Sarne’s plan all alongto crush the bulk of the New Republic forces in
a battleground of his choosing, Kathol space. The ranking FarStar officer aboard takes the
ship into the air and into space, as predicted. Sarne orders an Interdictor and a Victory Star
Destroyer to engage the FarStar, just enough to make it look as though their impending
escape is genuine. Matters are complicated, though, as just as the FarStar finds an exit
corridor, into the corridor jumps . . . a Bothan New Republic Navy force! The Bothans who
had been following the FarStar had called for their own reinforcements. Believing this to be
the long-awaited New Republic fleet, the Imperials begin to battle for real. More Star
Destroyers enter the fray, making the skies above Kathol a killing zone. The FarStar
attempts to repel boarders as the Bothans help provide some cover. As if this wasn’t a
complicated enough battle with the FarStar, Bothans, and Imperials, a force of Qektoth
Confederation warships arrive, who have followed the FarStar, hoping to capture DarkStryder
technology on Kathol. This battle is then joined again when four Skandrei Bandit gunships
arrive, led by Khzam. Khzam contacts Loh’khar, who then steals the Muvon II with Tizzal and
Rizzal, rushing to join his compatriot. Things look bad for everyone, as Imperials battle
Bothans battling Qektoth battling bandits battling . . . well, you get the idea. Shortly after the
bandits’ arrival, six new vessels enter the fray from hyperspace, Aing-Tii Sanhedrim
warships! The Aing-Tii make short work of the bandits, the Qektoth and the Imperials, saving
what little remains of the Bothan force, along with the FarStar. Having heard of the battle, a
Yvarema force, consisting mainly of relief vessels led by Gunthar and Qesya Vth’naar arrives
to assist. The cost of battle on the FarStar has been far too high, however. The ship,
damaged by weeks tracking Sarne, Imperial forces, Sarne’s computer trapdoors, and general
battle damage, falls. The FarStar crashes into Kathol in a barely controlled landing. Bothans
and Yvarema rush to help the survivors. Elsewhere on Kathol, the FarStar crewmen, led by
Adrimetrum and including Jessa Dajus, joins with the other races to welcome another
contingent of Yapi warriors. The FarStars crash sent out a fantastic shockwave, which has
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 613
decimated the Imperial contingent around DarkStryder’s fortress. The ragtag fighting force
storms the fortress. They attack the fortress from all sides, as a small group makes its way
deeper and deeper into the fortress toward DarkStryder, the Lifewell, and the Sleeper.
Finally, the team comes face to face with a stasis chamber, in which is a woman who looks
almost exactly like Jessa Dajus. This is the true Sleeper, and with the damage caused by the
assault, the stasis chamber has deactivated. The Sleeper has awakened. Stepping out of the
chamber, she reveals herself to be the Jedi Knight Halbert, who helped defeat the Dark Jedi
who ruled the Kathol millennia ago. She tells the story of the events leading to DarkStryder’s
rise to power, and the team realizes that she must be a long-ago ancestor of Dajus. They
enter DarkStryders inner sanctum, where Sarne is calling off his deal with DarkStryder. Now
that the creature has provided Sarne with the means to use the hyperspace launch gate,
DarkStryder is no longer needed. Sarne escapes to a shuttle as the team takes on
DarkStryder itself. As DarkStryder draws power from the Lifewell to fight off the intruders,
Halbert jumps atop the Lifewell and slices it open with her lightsaber. The Kathol are now
free, and with them goes DarkStryder’s source of power. With a final strike, DarkStryder kills
Halbert, who fades into the Force. Finally, DarkStryder is destroyed. Knowing from Halbert’s
earlier retelling of events millennia ago that Sarne’s new toy, the hyperspace launch gate,
can be a powerful weapon, the team takes to the skies, chasing Sarne to the gate. Once
aboard, they find a darkened landing bay, and a sneak attack from the bounty hunter Mist.
The team barely manages to kill Mist, then finally comes face to face with Sarne in the control
room of the gate. The gate essentially works as a railgun, which uses a tremendous surge of
energy to propel a vessel into hyperspace, to emerge when the momentum of the firing runs
out. Sarne now has this terrible energy force directed toward the Bothans and the other ally
ships near Kathol. Sarne hints at Jessa being a disappointment, having left him (yes, they
were involved, and she was a colonel working for him, not just the simple lieutenant who
piloted his shuttle) after a “spat,” though it would be more realistic to say he locked her up
after a spat. Sarne sets the weapon to fire on the ships as soon as he is clear, or if he dies.
In a tense flurry of action, including a physical attack on Sarne, a change of heart on behalf of
Brannij, and weapons fire both inside and outside the gate, the gate is rendered inoperable
and the great Moff Kentor Sarne . . . is dead. With their quest to stop Sarne and DarkStryder
over, the crew of the late FarStar take stock of all they have accomplished and all they have
lost. The remaining Imperials limp into hyperspace in retreat. The Bothans regroup and help
the FarStar crew, awaiting the arrival of a New Republic force several weeks later, which
reclaims the crew and brings them back to Kal’Shebbol to a heroes’ welcome. They are
honored for bringing down Sarne . . . but not for their role in the DarkStryder technology
portion of the mission. By order of Mon Mothma, the entire DarkStryder incident, including
the existence of Kathol and the Ta-Ree magic found there, is classified. She informs
Lieutenant Page of this fact, hoping he will congratulate the FarStar crew, but knowing that
they can never receive the true honor that their blood, sweat, and tears have truly earned.
Thus ends the DarkStryder campaign . . .
(The DarkStryder Campaign: Endgame)
The New Republic undertakes a daring plan to capture Kuat Drive Yards. With Kuati forces
somewhat heavy (more than a dozen Star Destroyers, the Aurora Star Dreadnought, and
three battlecruisers: the Event Horizon, Stellar Halo, and Luminous), led by Imperial Admiral
Teren Rogriss aboard the Aurora, the New Republic uses subterfuge, rather than brute force.
They use a computer virus, implanted via astromechs altered by New Republic slicers, that
affects many of the Imperial vessels. Upon activating, the virus causes the Event Horizon to
signal Tycho Celchu’s “Surprise Squadron” (A-wings), who then charge onto the scene,
using experimental ion torpedoes against the defenders. The Event Horizon and four Star
Destroyers are commanded by the virus to lock down their hangar decks, while the ion
torpedoes disables three others and the Luminous. Twi’lek minister of commerce Ral’Rai
Muvunc then calls an emergency Kuat Drive Yards shareholders meeting, in which he
reveals that he has taken financial control of approximately one third of the company. He
urges the shareholders, knowing that Wedge Antilles has a fleet nearby, to vote in favor of
surrendering KDY to the New Republic. Against the wishes of KDY Chairman Kateel of
Kuhlvult, three other board members add their 18% to Muvunc’s 34% and turn over Kuat
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 614
Drive Yards to the New Republic without bloodshed. Rogriss is allowed to withdraw to
Orinda. The victory is short-lived, however, as Imperial deep cover agents activate the
hyperdrives on the Aurora and Stellar Halo, sending them into Kuat’s sun, then trigger hidden
explosives throughout the Kuat Drive Yards facility, and finally abduct important KDY ship
designers to take with them into the Deep Core, to which they escape aboard the partially-
completed Eclipse.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Anya Darklighter finds Shmi Skywalker’s journal under a vaporator on Tatooine.
(conjecture based on Tatooine Ghost)
During the Thrawn campaign, Lancer-class frigates finally see widespread use in Imperial
strategy, almost a decade after they were first constructed at the urging of Admiral Ilon Drez.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo (who has been having disturbing Force-caused dreams about
the future), Chewbacca, and C-3PO are aboard the Millennium Falcon, heading for Tatooine,
when they are accosted by the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera, which is rumored to be
under the command of an impressive new Admiral, whom they believe might be Gilad
Pellaeon, promoted up from Captain. Little do they know that the true new leader is long-lost
Grand Admiral Thrawn. They escape from the Chimaera, setting down in a smuggler’s cave
in time to get into disguises and head for an auction at Mawbo’s in Mos Espa. They are there
to bid on a painting called Killik Twilight, which contains secret New Republic codes for the
Shadowcast network, which helps keep ties with spy and agent cells around the galaxy. If the
Empire was to get its hands on the painting, all could be lost for those agents, but it seems
that the new Imperial leader (Thrawn) wants the painting for himself. At the auction, they
meet Kister Banai, an old friend of Anakin Skywalker. Leia sees a holoimage of her father as
a young boy after winning his freedom in the Boonta Eve Podrace and begins to have odd
feelings about her father. She has only ever thought of him as evil, and those worries have
caused her to tell Han that she doesn’t intend on having children of their own, just in case the
child could turn into the next Vader of the Skywalker bloodline. However, now she begins to
have conflicting thoughts. She and Han have a group of Squibs (Grees, Sligh, and Elama)
bid on the paining, intending to get it from them afterward for the price and a fee, but all hell
breaks loose when the Imperials arrive to bid as well. A ruckus ensues, in which the Squibs
win the painting, chaos erupts, forcing Han and Leia try to destroy the painting rather than
have it be taken by the Imperials, and Kister, of all people, grabs the painting and races off
into the night with it for unknown reasons. Han, Leia, and the others (including the Squibs)
go to Kister’s home, where they meet his second wife, Tamora. She tells them more about
how Anakin Skywalker’s generosity helped to change Kister’s life. They go see Wald, another
old friend of Anakin, who tells them that the Imperials haven’t caught Kister, but he has taken
off in an insanely fast swoop into the desert, passing through the old racing course on his
way. They know where to find a swoop fast enough to catch him, but it is in the possession
of Kister’s first wife, Ulda. They go see Ulda, who ends up allowing them to use a swoop
once owned by Rao. Of course, Han has to prove himself as a rider, but he does so easily.
Leia contacts Luke about the Shadowcast situation, and Luke notes that Wraith Squadron,
who may be in harm’s way if it is found, may be recalled from their current mission if it isnt
found. They were set for a mission to Askaj, where they’d be going after Grand Moff
Wilkadon with the help of the Askajian underground. Now, Leia needs to get the painting
back very quickly to avoid risking all of the mission’s lives. Han races out on the swoop after
Kister, but ends up being left behind in a sandstorm when Kister is picked up by a Jawa
sandcrawler. Han is left to fend for himself. On their way to find Kister and Han in a speeder,
Leia, Chewbacca, and Threepio stop at the Darklighter home, where they end up reunited
with the Squibs after a separation in Mos Espa. Jula Darklighter gives Leia a journal that her
daughter, Anya, had found under a vaporator a month earlier. Upon activating it, Leia learns
that it belonged to Shmi Skywalker, her grandmother. Leia begins reading the journal, where
she will learn, over time, about Shmi’s feelings with Anakin at the Jedi Temple, her growing
relationship with Cliegg Lars, and how she attained freedom from Watto and was married.
After the storm passes, the team again heads out after Han, dodging Imperial inspections
along the way. The Squibs find Han. Han is saved, and the information about the Jawa
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 615
sandcrawler suggests that they should go to Anchorhead to catch up to the Jawas. They rest
at Kister’s inn, but the appearance of Imperials forces them to leave. They hitch a ride with a
group of Askajians, who happen to be on Tatooine, using them as cover. The Askajians take
them to the sandcrawler, which has been attacked by Tusken Raiders. Kister is missing, as
is the painting, but a surviving Jawa (Herat) helps them on their way to find where the Sand
People wouldve taken Kister, while the Squibs stay behind to get the sandcrawler back
online for salvage. To avoid some TIEs (with a Force-nudge in the right direction), Leia has
them go by Obi-Wan Kenobi’s old homestead, where they find a datapad about a mysterious
thing called the “Outbound Flight Project,” and Leia learns a lesson in not allowing yourself to
be dragged down by failures of the past, as Obi-Wan must have. Finally, they make it to the
Tusken encampment and the Imperial troops nearby. Stealing some armor, Han and Leia,
with Emala giving cover, sneak into the area. They are discovered, though, forcing them to
run and hide. They end up entering the very Tusken encampment where Anakin slaughtered
dozens of Tuskens after Shmi’s death, taking refuge in the actual hut where Shmi was
tortured. Despite the memories and Force-feelings, they do manage to finally find Kister, who
thinks they are Imperials. When he learns the truth, he shows them that he has hid the
painting above him. The Tuskens were torturing him, but he kept the painting safe because
he didn’t want such a beautiful relic to be in the hands of an Imperial Admiral. The
Millennium Falcon, guided by Chewbacca, who had gone back for it, arrives, saving them all
just in time. They are forced to launch Kister out in an escape pod back to Tatooine, but
make their way safely into hyperspace. The Squibs have their profits, Leia has blasted the
painting and ended the fears that came with it, and after her experiences about Anakin, Leia
is finally ready to consider the possibility of having children with Han.*
(Tatooine Ghost)*
*NOTE: There are some who believe that a certain scene in this novel is when the Solo twins are conceived. In
developing the dates for the Essential Atlas, I found that this story is set eight months into this year (8 2/3 years
after ANH). The possibility that this scene is the twins’ conception is what allowed the Thrawn Trilogy dates to be
pinned down for the Atlas, thus adding fuel to the fire for this to be the conception date.
After her visit to Tatooine to learn more about Anakin Skywalker, Leia Organa records her
thoughts on what she has learned from Shmi Skywalkers journal.(To be continued below . . .
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Talon Karrde (under the name Syndic Pandis Hart) and Quelev Tapper (under the name
Captain Seoul) take the Uwana Buyer to Varonat to investigate Gamgalons operation. They
use a hyperdrive problem they have manufactured to give them a reason to stay on the
planet and join one of Gamgalon’s Morodin-hunting parties. Before leaving, they meet the
local hyperdrive mechanic, Celina Marniss (actually Mara Jade, using an alias derived from a
woman she met at Jabba’s palace—Melina Carniss). Celina is not what she appears, Karrde
believes. The hunting party heads out, and Karrde soon notices that the Morodins are
sentient (which makes hunting them illegal, if not blatantly wrong, morally). He and Tapper
are caught observing the Morodins and, since they know that the Morodins are sentient and
could call down the authorities on Gamgalons operation, they are taken prisoner. Tapper
tries to help he and Karrde escape, but he is murdered by another Krish. Finally, Karrde is
saved by Celina (Mara). She had realized that “Hart and Seoul” and “Uwana Buyer (You
wanna buy her?) were just too suspicious and that Hart must be Karrde, who is known for his
penchant for puns. She says that he can repay her for saving his life by taking her into his
operation. Thus, Talon Karrde and Mara Jade are formally introduced.*
(First Contact)*
*NOTE: The New Essential Guide to Characters places this story at 10.5 ABY, which would put it a full 1.5 years
after The Last Command. Oops, right?
In the undersea resort on Pavo Prime, Han Solo, his wife Leia Organa-Solo, Chewbacca and
C-3PO have arrived incognito for a holiday. But it’s more of a working vacation for Leia New
Republic Intelligence have located ten rare Alderaanian boasa statues that happened to be
off-world when the planet was destroyed by Death Star I. The problem is the statues are in
the hands of the casino boss Ludlo Lebauer, they don’t have anything to bargain with, and
Han is not exactly welcome on Pavo Prime. Then a whole new set of problems springs up:
while crossing the terminal, Han spies Sligh and Emala, two of the three Squibs for Tatooine.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 616
Based on previous experience, the last thing Han wants is to get involved with the Squibs. Or
have them get involved with their own mission. Han heads over to an empty Luxsub service
post and awakens the “sleeping” vending droid. Han is desperate to hire out a private docking
salon to get away from the Squibs before they get involved. After some quick bartering, Han
and Leia manage to get the salon and begin to wonder why the Squibs are on Pavo Prime:
the galaxy isn’t that small and it seems unlikely that they are here just by coincidence. More
likely, they have heard about the boasas statues too and are here to buy them ahead of the
Solos. Chewbacca and Threepio join them in the salon as their luxsub arrives the inside
completely decorated in ravishing pink. Despite the ugly furnishings, the group order the sub
toward their destination the Pearl Island Casino. They are just arriving at the Casino and
thinking they have escaped the Squibs when Sligh and Emala pop up from behind cushions
next to Threepio. Turns out the Squibs were responsible for the quick arrival of a luxsub for
the Solos and for NRI finding out about the statues. The Squibs want the Solos, in addition
to getting the statues, which the Solos keep, to get for them an art piece called Second
Mistake - in return, the Squibs give them the guidance software for the MS-19, the Empires
new self-guiding shield buster. Han is not buying this for a moment until the Squibs hint
they were responsible for the New Republic finding out about some other codes and specs
for weapons of the Empire. Leia swallows the bait, over Han’s objections, agreeing to get
Second Mistake for the Squibs… for the reasonable value of ten thousand credits. In the VIP
lobby of the Pearl Island Casino, Han and Leia wait for an escort to their suite and still debate
the honesty of the Squibs. Leia does believe them, especially since NRI has not been saying
where a lot of their intelligence has been coming from. Their conversation is interrupted by
the arrival of a Jenet and seven of his companions. Threepio assumes they are porters and
orders them to take the luggage up to their suite he is wrong: the Jenet is Ludlo Lebauer,
the owner of the Pearl Island. Lebauer remembers Han from an incident at the Seahorse
Casino when the pit boss made the mistake of insulting Chewbacca. As long as Han agrees
not to gamble at Pearl Island though, things should go smoothly. Lebauer takes the Solos to
see the statues while Chewbacca and Threepio head off with the porters and the luggage.
The statues are being kept on a specially designed mezzanine leading to the exclusive suites
of the Pearl Island. Lebauer is no fool, working to provoke the Solos into forcing just how
badly they want the statues. The whole plan is nearly blown to shreds when Emala, who is
hiding in a boranut tree, attempts to remind the Solos about Second Mistake something
Leia is planning on holding on to until the end of negotiations, so Lebauer will be put in a
position to give that up also or lose the whole deal. The Squibs cannot hold their patience
however and Lebauer overhears them trying to talk to the Solos from the boranut trees. In
desperation and furious at the Squibs for forcing her hand, she asks to see Second Mistake
catching Lebauer off-guard with the request. He agrees and the Solos are escorted to
Lebauer’s private office where a nasty shock awaits them Second Mistake is a block of
carbonite with a Squib inside Grees, Sligh and Emala’s companion. Lebauer showed them
the block at their request, but it’s not for sale for any price. Leia is ready to quit now: she
doesn’t like leaving the statues with Lebauer, but recalling Han being frozen in carbonite,
she’s not going to leave Grees in the same position. The Solos are walking out when
Lebauer’s aides pitch a new offer – the Solos get the statues for free in exchange for the
Pearl Island getting exclusive battle salvage rights. Leia has made up her mind though no
Second Mistake, no deals, period. The Squibs are waiting for the Solos at their suite and are
not happy that the Solos do not have the block. The Solos are no less happy about not
knowing the truth about Second Mistake. Oddly enough, the Squibs also knew that Lebauer
would offer the salvage rights in addition to the statues. Turns out the Squibs have been
dealing with a “business syndicate” called the Invisible Shell. They only planned one deal, but
the credits were just too good. Ever since the Tatooine adventure, they’ve been selling art to
the Imperials, specifically to a buyer on the Star Destroyer Chimaera. But while doing that,
they’ve been picking up intelligence to sell to the New Republic, working deals with both
sides in the war. Leia still doesn’t get why Lebauer would have an axe to grind against the
Squibs. Turns out Leia didn’t get the full story on Lebauer from NRI, something Han knows:
Ludlo Lebauer has an uncle, Lorimar. Lorimar was running a counterfeit bacta operation on
Thyferra and got caught, killing thousands and locking him up for the rest of his life. The
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 617
Squibs have been using Ludlo as a false front: the NRI thinks he’s the one selling them the
Imperial data, when it’s really the Squibs. The Squibs get the art from the Invisible Shell and
the Squibs sell secrets to them. The Empire gets the art and they sell the secrets to the NRI.
Everybody then gets what they want… until Lebauer wanted more credits and froze Grees to
get the name of the contact, which the Squibs couldn’t give up because they’d be killed or
Lebauer would uncover the network the Squibs are working. So, to get their tails out of the
fire, the Squibs tipped off the NRI about the statues, bringing the Solos in. All the Solos have
to do now is give Lebauer the contract in front of his board. But Leia cant give up the
contact network if she gets involved with them, eventually Lebauer will start leaning on Leia
to get the Thyferrans to let Uncle Lorimar out of jail. The Squibs doubt this highly Ludlo is
the acting chairman of the Invisible Shell, something Lorimar will want back when he’s free.
Or Lorimar will want some payback, since Ludlo may have tipped the Thyferrans off on where
to find Lorimar so he could take control of Invisible Shell. Now this may be something the
Solos can bargain with. The Solos, the Squibs and Chewbacca track Ludlo to his private
lounge in the Aquarium Room of the Casino. Chewbacca knocks out the two Jenet guards
and use them to gain entry to the lounge. Leia faces down Ludlo she’s willing to deal, but
not with the salvage rights, but with something of more value. But it’s a one-shot deal no
more after this. The deal is this Leia wants Second Mistake and the boasa statues. In
return, Leia will have the Thyferrans release Lorimar Lebauer. Emala cannot be patient long
enough and flips a credit-chip Hans, in fact to Tall, a Jenet next to Ludlo: ten thousand
credits to sweeten the deal for Second Mistake. Ludlo wants time to consider the offer,
something Leia is not going to give him. Ludlo, in desperation, makes a grab for Sligh, just
missing him. Leia, attempting to keep the whole thing from blowing up in their faces, then
mentions the Thyferrans may suspect a fraud, so they won’t release Lorimar until she is back
on Coruscant and making the request in person. Tall jumps in saying that once Lorimar is
free, the goods will be sent to Coruscant. That’s not good enough for Leia – the goods go
with them. Ludlo is willing to make the deal, but now the board is anxious, suspecting Leia is
using Jedi mind-tricks to persuade Ludlo to make the deal. Ludlo points out that he’s doing
this to get his uncle back in control, or so it would seem. Ludlo leads the Solos, the Squibs
and Chewbacca out of the lounge, stepping back inside to have security disarm the alarms
protecting the statues. Han and Leia suspect that it may not be the only signal going out
though. By the time the group arrives at the mezzanine, all ten of the statues have been
carefully packed and loaded onto a luggage sled. Next, the group heads to the administrative
wing to get Second Mistake. But as they approach Ludlo’s suite, Leia senses something.
Seeing only darkness ahead, she senses a trap and makes sure her comlink is on and
clipped underneath her collar. But their stop has alerted Ludlo and he dives into the nearest
turbolift before Chewbacca can stop him. The Squibs scurry for cover and as the lights blaze
on, the Solos run face first into a blaster rifle and are shoved back into the hallway. In the
light, they can now see they are totally surrounded by Jenets carrying new E-11 rifles. The
Squibs are quickly brought back into the group. Above them, Ludlo re-appears on a balcony
and addresses the group: they are to be taken to the power plant, shot and the remains fed to
the culkuda. It doesn’t matter if they never return to Coruscant, the NR will just assume they
fell victim to an Imperial patrol. Even a last-minute offer to buy the statues for the Imperials
will not work, so Leia plays her last hand: using the comlink, she signals Threepio who plays
the recording hes been making of the whole conversation. If anything bad happens to the
group any of them, ever then Threepio will play the recording for the board of Invisible
Shell. So, Ludlo decides to kill them on the spot: theyre both dead either way once Uncle
Lorimar is free, he will put a price on Ludlo’s head. So, Leia reveals that she never intended
to free Lorimar: it was a bluff to make the deal. Ludlo is willing to allow them to keep Lorimar
in jail and give them what they want and he’ll keep Invisible Shell in line. He dismisses the
guards and releases the carbonite block to the Squibs who quickly take off with the block,
promising to meet the Solos at their suite. Ludlo guesses the Solos were looking for the
intelligence on the MS-19: problem is it doesn’t exist. The Imperials figured out what was
going on, the Squibs were stringing him along for about a month with fakes to keep the art
flowing and now the NRI won’t believe him due to the false info. The Squibs knew their
network was done for and are now in a luxsub thawing out Grees and running for their lives.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 618
But the Solos have the statues and a piece of free advice from Ludlo: Never trust a Squib.
(The Trouble with Squibs)
Alex Winger has been having a new vision along with her recurring vision of the snow-
covered mountain and the mysterious Force-sensitive man. This time, she is experiencing
battles in an X-wing and then capture by Imperial forces. After another one of these
dreams/visions, Alex joins her father, Tork Winger, on a trip to Zila. Tork is to speak with the
local Imperial commander while Alex is going with him in order to meet with her old friend,
Shana Turi. On the way, Alex pilots just close enough to the Imperial-patrolled zone that she
discovers their reaction time for the resistance. Back in Ariana, the capital city, Dair Haslip
learns that a mysterious Grand Admiral seems to be reorganizing the Imperial fleet and that it
seems that the Imperials are preparing to install a planet defender ion cannon into the
hibridium mining area to protect it from New Republic attack. Back in Zila, Alex speaks with
Shana, a fellow resistance fighter, and sees not only the building of a new Imperial base, but
also modular parts for the ion cannon being placed into storage. Tork and Alex return to
Ariana, and when Alex tells the resistance about the ion cannon parts, a team, led by
Chance, takes out the majority of the pieces for the ion cannon. Alex senses the events
through the Force and once again has her vision of the man on the snowy mountain.
(Mission to Zila)
The Adventures of the Turhaya, Ross, Winger, and Brandl Families [continued]
(AJ/TFTE/TFTNR/SWH short stories: Charlene Newcomb & Patricia A. Jackson)
A Glimmer of Hope (AJ1/SWH short story: Charlene Newcomb)
Crisis of Faith (short story: Timothy Zahn)
Crisis of Faith (short story: Timothy Zahn)
Invasion (comic series: Tom Taylor)
Rescues (comic series: Tom Taylor)
Rescues, Part IV [flashback] (comic: Tom Taylor)
Kella Rand Reporting (AJ6/SWH short story: Laurie Burns)
Kella Rand Reporting (AJ6/SWH short story: Laurie Burns)
A Taste of Adventure [continued] (AJ7 short stories: Tony Russo)
Countdown to Disaster (AJ7 short story: Tony Russo)
The Storm Breaks
A Plan of Action
Tunnel Vision
Final Confrontation
Buyer’s Market (SWI126/DRS12 short story: Timothy Zahn)
Buyer’s Market (SWI126/DRS12 short story: Timothy Zahn)
The Courtship of Princess Leia (novel: Dave Wolverton)
The Courtship of Princess Leia (novel: Dave Wolverton)
Chapters 1 10
The Adventures of Fenig Nabon and Ghista [continued] (TFTNR/G short stories: Chris
Cassidy & Tish Pahl)
Hutt and Seek (TFTNR short story: Chris Cassidy & Tish Pahl)
The Courtship of Princess Leia [continued] (novel: Dave Wolverton)
The Courtship of Princess Leia [continued] (novel: Dave Wolverton)
Chapters 11 27
“The Courtship of Princess Leia, Book II” (canceled novel: Dave Wolverton)*
“The Courtship of Princess Leia, Book III” (canceled novel: Dave Wolverton)*
*NOTE: Before The Courtship of Princess Leia was written and released, Dave Wolverton was supposed to be
writing a trilogy of novels, rather than just one book. These latter two in the supposed trilogy never came to exist.
Consider it historical curiosity.
Corphelion Interlude (short story: Troy Denning)
Corphelion Interlude (short story: Troy Denning)
Kinect Star Wars [continued] (video game: LucasArts & Microsoft Game Studios, et al)
Kinect Star Wars [continued] (video game: LucasArts & Microsoft Game Studios, et al)
A Forest Apart (E-book: Troy Denning)
A Forest Apart (E-book: Troy Denning)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 619
Chapters 1 4
The Mixed-Up Droid (comic: John Whitman & Ryder Windham)
The Mixed-Up Droid (comic: John Whitman & Ryder Windham)
The DarkStryder Campaign (RPG: Timothy Zahn & Sterling Hershey & Pablo Hidalgo &
Joshua A. Miller & Timothy S. O’Brien, & Eric S. Trautmann & George Strayton & Chris
Doyle & Tony Russo & Lisa Smedman & Paul Sudlow & Peter Schweighofer & Doug Shuler
& Bill Smith)
The Saga Begins (RPG short story: Timothy Zahn)
The DarkStryder Campaign (RPG: Timothy Zahn & Peter Schweighofer & Doug Shuler & Bill
Smith & Eric Trautmann & Paul Sudlow)
Episode One: Imperial Retribution
“First Section”*
Diplomacy as Usual
Episode Two: The Turning Point
“First Section”*
Deadly Payloads
The Battle is Joined
The Wrap-Up
Artifact of Aaris
Episode One: Silent Siege
Episode Two: The Place of Kastays
“First Section”*
Base Camp
Shuttle Wreckage
Place of Kastays
Episode Three: Breeding Paranoia
“First Section”*
Defeating the Artifact
Death is Remotely Possible
Power Plays
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Shintel Downtime
On the Heels of Sarne
Clearing the Mines
Fault Lines
The Meeting
The Set Up
Sarne’s Surprise
The Trap
Every Wookiee Has His Day
Episode Two: Tanquilla Beach
Docking and Customs
Sarne’s Attack
Episode One: Welcome to Pembric II
The Ambush
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 620
Episode Two: The ThrusterBurn Tapcafe
“First Section”*
The Casino
All Hell Breaks Loose
Episode Three: Final Assault
Springing the Shuttle
Infiltrating the Warehouse
The Hangar
The Wrap Up
Traitor in Our Midst
Episode One: Galtea Layover
“First Section”*
Drenn Makes His Move
Episode Two: The Attack
Episode Three: Sinister Aftermath
“First Section”*
The Investigation
Other Evidence
Episode Four: Mission to Sebiris
“First Section”*
The Landing
Negotiations Begin
The Sebiri Village
Battle Near the Ruin
The Adventures of the Turhaya, Ross, Winger, and Brandl Families [continued]
(AJ/TFTE/TFTNR/SWH short stories: Charlene Newcomb & Patricia A. Jackson)
Whispers in the Dark (AJ2/SWH short story: Charlene Newcomb)
The DarkStryder Campaign [continued] (RPG: Timothy Zahn & Sterling Hershey & Pablo
Hidalgo & Joshua A. Miller & Timothy S. O’Brien, & Eric S. Trautmann & George Strayton &
Chris Doyle & Tony Russo & Lisa Smedman & Paul Sudlow & Peter Schweighofer & Doug
Shuler & Bill Smith)
The Kathol Outback (RPG: Chris Doyle & Tony Russo & Lisa Smedman & George R. Strayton &
Paul Sudlow)
Plant Food
Episode One: Exploration
Collecting Food
The Hunt
Episode Two: The Ruins
The Landing Field
The Dead Zone
Speeder Bike Wreckage
The Ruins
The Imperial Research Station
Episode Three: Oh, No . . .
Not This Again . . .
Target Practice
Episode Four: The Enemy Within
First Sight of the Enemy
Water Shortage
Hydroponics Lab Attack
The Problem is Bigger Than We Thought
Imperial Complications
Little Empires
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 621
Episode One: A Case of Mistaken Identity
“First Section”*
The Cavalry Arrives
Episode Two: Political Problems
“First Section”*
The Council Meeting
In the Dock
Episode Three: Echoes of Empire
“First Section”*
Off to Pitann
The Word on the Street
Stumbling in the Dark
Negotiating with Uta
Regaining the FarStar
Dealing with Uta
Episode One: Afterburn
Episode Two: Summit
“First Section”*
Khzam’s Defection
Episode Three: One Man’s Folly
Episode Four: The Heart of the Matter
“First Section”*
Aboard the FarStar
Back on the Space Station . . .
The Final Confrontation
Episode Five: Treatment
The Masters of Exocron
Episode One: The Hidden World
“First Section”*
Expedition Into the Cloud
Welcome to Exocron
Interview Aboard the Maxion
Episode Two: On to Caballa City
Episode Three: Caballa City Intrigues
“First Section”*
A Sudden Reversal
Aboard the FarStar
The Captain’s Plan
Sharden’s Rebels
Episode Four: Revolution
Getting the X-wings
Cloud Jumpers
Rocket Barrage and Sky Fighter Attack
Battle for the Tower
First Torpedo Run
The Devisors Retaliate
Second Torpedo Run
Back on the FarStar
Blinded by the Light
Galaxy’s Edge
Episode One: Rift World
“First Section”*
on the Planet
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 622
Episode Two: Drone
Episode Three: Conspiracy
Episode Four: Makezh
Episode Five: The Underworld
Episode Six: Reinforcements
Episode Seven: Riftbound
The Kathol Rift (RPG: Sterling Hershey & Pablo Hidalgo & Joshua A. Miller & Timothy S.
O’Brien, & Eric S. Trautmann)
Harm’s Way
Episode One: Savage Hunger
Episode Two: Welcome, Welcome
“First Section”*
Warm Welcome
Guided Tour
Episode Three: The Wards
“First Section”*
The Return of Captain Ciro
Plots and Counterplots
Episode Four: Prison Riot!
Episode Five: End Game
Rogue Elements
Episode One: Conflicts
Episode Two: Mutiny!
“First Section”*
The Mutiny Begins
Episode Three: Retaking the FarStar
Episode One: A Way In
“First Section”*
Docking with the Construct
Episode Two: Into the Unknown
Alien Construct: Level One
Alien Construct: Level Two
Level Two Encounters
Encounter One: “There’s Something Alive Down Here . . . “
Encounter Two: Imperial Ambush
Episode Three: Where’s Mist?
Episode Four: Final Battle
Episode One: A World of Promise
Episode Two: Homecoming
“First Section”*
Meeting the Majjvara
Creature in the Dark
In the Medical Chambers
Episode Three: In the Balance
The Qektoth Confederation Arrives
The Battle
Epilogue: A New Beginning
Episode One: Distress Call
Episode Two: Pursuit
“First Section”*
Closing in on Makezh
Episode Three: Ambush in the Geyser Field
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 623
Episode Five [sic]: Mission’s End*
*NOTE: The “Mission’s End” segment of “Showdown” is labeled as “Episode Five” in the book. This is an error,
since there isn’t an “Episode Four” section in the adventure. I’ve kept it as it is in the book, but marked it as an
error within the source material.
The Saga Nears Its End (short story: George Strayton)
Endgame (RPG: Timothy O’Brien & George Strayton & Eric S. Trautmann)
Episode One: Entering the System
“First Section”*
Episode Two: First Survey
The City of Bones
The Cathedral
First Contacts
Imperial Patrols
The Hungry Ones
The Fierce Ones
The Old Ones
The Fiery Ones
The “Sky People”
Charr Ontee Negotiations
The Yapi Council
The Test
The Zizimaak
The Long Ones
Episode Three: Sizing Up the Enemy
Hour One
Hour Two
Hour Three
The First Wave
The Second Wave
The Third Wave
“Plan B”
Episode Four: The Battle of Kathol System
Battle Stations!
Interdictor Sarne
The Jaws of Victory
Between Three Hard Places
The Imperial Ace
Repel Boarders!
Khzam’s Final Stroke
Holy Warriors
The Fangs of Waryl
Death of the FarStar
Episode Five: Stranded!
Attack Plans
Air-Lifted Assault
Frontal Attack
Gathering the Troops
Sneaking In
Over the Wall
Knocking on the Front Gate
The Falling Star
DarkStryder’s Fortress
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 624
The Battle of DarkStryder’s Fortress
Entering the Labyrinth
Attacking the Main Gate
The Lifewell
Into the Breach!
Imperial Surprise
The Sleeper Awakens
The Experiments
Meeting the Enemy
Cracking the Shell
First Fire
DarkStryder’s Minions
DarkStryder Flees
Sarne Escapes
Episode Six: The Final Battle
Sarne’s Stormtroopers
Mist in the Dark
Sarne’s Last Stand
Tatooine Ghost (novel: Troy Denning)
Tatooine Ghost (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 25
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Chosen One [continued]
Tatooine Childhood
Return to Tatooine
First Contact (AJ1/TFTE/SWH short story: Timothy Zahn)
First Contact (AJ1/TFTE/SWH short story: Timothy Zahn)
The Trouble with Squibs (SWI67/SWH short story: Troy Denning)
The Trouble with Squibs (SWI67/SWH short story: Troy Denning)
The Adventures of the Turhaya, Ross, Winger, and Brandl Families [continued]
(AJ/TFTE/TFTNR/SWH short stories: Charlene Newcomb & Patricia A. Jackson)
Mission to Zila (AJ3/SWH short story: Charlene Newcomb)
At this point, the New Republic controls 75% of the known galaxy.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook)
Welk is born.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
Cadrin Awel is born on Vandor-3.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Hethrir locates his former mate, Rillao, and kidnaps their son, Tigris.
(conjecture based on The Crystal Star)
The Je'Har government on Almania turns into a dictatorship and cuts off communication with
the outside galaxy.
(conjecture based on The New Rebellion)
In Drev'starn, the capital city of Bothawui, a Ho'Din tapcafe is built.
(conjecture based on Vision of the Future)
Drend Navett takes a grenade from a dead Myomaran resistance fighter, which he will later
use to start an anti-Bothan riot on Dordolum, during the Caamas Crisis.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
Taryn Clancy is given command of the Messenger for the Core Courier Service.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 625
(conjecture based on Retreat From Coruscant)
Alex Winger finally moves to the University of Garos, at the insistence of her adoptive father,
Tork Winger.
(conjecture based on Shadows of Darkness)
Mahk’khar takes up residence on Tuulab in the Triitus system.
(conjecture based on Relic)
Grand Admiral Thrawn takes Captain Tomax Bren into his forces and takes his scimitar
assault vessel design (based on the TIE bomber) to develop a new vessel, the TIE Scimitar
Assault Bomber.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
After ten years of studying the ruins of Xim the Despot’s empire, Professor Skynx finally
metamorphoses into a chroma-wing. He is survived by his son Amisus, who later becomes
leader of the Unified Ruurian Colonies.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology via TimeTales, verbatim)
Diblen Harleys is made a wing commander on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on The Last Command and Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook via
TimeTales, paraphrased)
The Inner Rim is finally freed by the New Republic, a diverse region that features many
agricultural and industrial powerhouses. Planets of the Inner Rim include Ambria, Antar Four,
Atzerri, Bilbringi, Carratos, Myrkr, Onderon, Taanab, Telti and Thyferra.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons via TimeTales,
The Inner Rim world of Bestine joins the New Republic, but not before the Imperials at
Juggerhead scuttle the Imperial naval yard to keep it out of New Republic hands.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
The New Republic sets up a trading outpost on the planet Endor.
(conjecture based on Dark Force Rising Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
A New Republic cruiser is sent to Saarn to remove sensitive equipment from the local New
Republic (formerly Rebel) station. Shortly after arrival, the team discovers that the base is no
longer answering communications. Believing the base may have been hit by pirates, the
commander of the mission contacts New Republic Intelligence and receives permission to
land on the planet and investigate, using the situation as a good opportunity to train newer
members of the team. What they do not realize is that the base has actually been hit and
taken over by Imperials from one of Grand Admiral Thrawn’s Star Destroyers, the
Stormhawk, as a means of helping cover Thrawn’s battle fleet, which is preparing an
offensive against the New Republic. The New Republic and Imperial forces clash. Based on
the fact that the New Republic is never warned of Thrawn’s forces approach, we can assume
that the Imperials win the day.
(The Trap)
Having made alliances and consolidated Imperial power over the past six months, Grand
Admiral Thrawn marginalizes the Imperial power of warlord fiefdoms and the Pentastar
Alignment, and prepares to strike at the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
FreiTek Incorporateds E-wing starfighter is released, utilizing weapons that the New
Republic deems inferior. It will not stop the New Republic from using the starfighters in
defense against Grand Admiral Thrawn later this year, but it will not become one of the
staples of the New Republic starfighter arsenal until a year later, once they are refit with
stronger weapons and the new R7 astromechs, which are currently being developed by
Industrial Automaton in collaboration with FreiTek.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology and Threats
of the Galaxy)
Grand Admiral Thrawn begins his quest to destroy the New Republic. His forces first hit the
Obroa Skai system and capture information which will lead Thrawn to the Emperor's personal
storehouse. On Coruscant, Luke Skywalker is visited in a dream by Obi-Wan Kenobi, who
can never appear to him again. Obi-Wan tells him that Luke is not the last of the old Jedi, but
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 626
the first of the new Jedi. On Tatooine, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Wedge Antilles, and Page
continue trying to recruit smugglers to work legitimately for the New Republic. One, Dravis,
tells Han that the new "big fish" of smuggling is Talon Karrde. On Myrkr, Talon Karrde
speaks with Mara Jade, informing her that he would like to promote her. They are interrupted
by Thrawn's Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera arriving in orbit. Karrde contacts Captain
Gilad Pellaeon and offers his people's assistance in capturing some ysalamiri (creatures who
can block the Force in their immediate area). Shortly thereafter, Thrawn and Pellaeon travel
to Wayland to take cloaking technology and Spaarti cloning cylinders. They encounter the
clone of Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth, Joruus C'baoth (note the double "u"), who attacks them,
but is stopped by the ysalamiri. Thrawn makes a deal with him--C'baoth helps lead (through
the Force) Thrawn's forces, and Thrawn provides C'baoth with four Jedi--Luke Skywalker,
Leia Organa Solo, and Leia's two unborn Jedi twins. Han, Leia, Luke, and Chewie head for
Bimmisaari on a diplomatic mission and are attacked by Noghri warriors sent by Thrawn to
capture Luke and Leia. The attack fails and they escape. Thrawn, Pellaeon, and C'baoth
decide to allow rumors to circulate of Jorus C'baoth's return to lure Luke to a predetermined
location. Shortly thereafter, Thrawn's forces, with a little guidance by C'baoth, attack Bpfassh
and perform far better than normal. Han, Leia, Wedge, and Chewie head for Bpfassh to
check out the damage and are attacked by Noghri and a fake Millennium Falcon. They
escape and head for Nomad City on Nkllon, Lando Calrissian's new operation. Luke, in the
meantime, heads for Dagobah and re-enters the cave. He receives a vision of himself, once
again, being pushed down the plank of one of Jabba's skiffs over the Pit of Carkoon. This
time, though, when R2-D2 launches his lightsaber to him, it is plucked out of the air by a
Force-sensitive, red-haired woman standing on Jabba's sail barge. After the vision, Luke
finds an old beacon call remote and heads for Nkllon to see if Lando can tell them what it is.
They all arrive as Thrawn arrives and captures a fair amount of Lando's mole miners. Once
on Nkllon, the reunited group plans to send Leia and Chewie to Kashyyyk for her protection,
so they alter C-3PO's programming to make him sound like Leia. Chewie and Leia then
depart on the Lady Luck, Luke and R2-D2 in his X-wing, and Han, Lando, and C-3PO in the
Millennium Falcon. Luke heads for Jomark, to look into rumors of Jorus C'baoth's return. On
the way, Thrawn tries to capture Luke, but Luke manages to escape, prompting Thrawn to
have Rukh, his Noghri bodyguard, execute Cris Pieterson, the tractor beam technician.
Luke's escape did, however, end up leaving him stranded a short hyperspace jump from the
encounter. Leia and Chewie arrive on Kashyyyk to meet Ralraa (Rwookrrorro). He will help
keep Leia safe. In space, Luke is picked up by Talon Karrde's Wild Karrde and he and R2-
D2 meet Karrde himself. Karrde tries to determine why Mara Jade hates Luke so much, but
he has no answer. He is then stunned for his journey to Karrde's facility on Myrkr. When he
awakens, he is in a makeshift cell on Myrkr, being attended to by the woman in his vision, the
woman who hates him for reasons unknown, Mara Jade. Han and Lando head for the
Abregado system and meet with a contact who takes them to Karrde on Myrkr. As they
arrive, Luke, using his artificial hand's power cell, escapes from his cell, frees R2-D2, and
makes his escape in a Skipray Blastboat, followed by Mara Jade, in hot pursuit. Thrawn has
also arrived on Myrkr, and sends his forces to recapture Karrde's "renegade employee," as
repayment for his earlier hospitality. Luke and Mara end up crashing in the woods and she
takes them prisoner, heading for the nearest city, Hilliard City. Han and Lando, in hiding,
learn that the new Imperial leader is Grand Admiral Thrawn. Karrde then admits to them, as
Thrawn leaves for the Chimaera, that he had held Luke captive, but not turned him over. In
the woods, Luke learns that Mara Jade was the Emperor's Hand. She had been in Jabba's
Palace when he was there and then she had lost all of her power when Luke killed Palpatine.
His last command to her was to kill him. On Kashyyyk, Leia is attacked by Noghri, but when
one is captured, he identifies her as the Mal'ary'ush, Lady Vader, and apologizes for his
actions. His name is Khabarrakh. At Hilliard City, Luke and Mara are nearly captured, along
with Han, until they are rescued by Lando and Karrde's people. They escape and head for
the Sluis Van Shipyards. Thrawn has also arrived, using his cloaking technology to bring
TIEs into the system. The battle rages as the Falcon enters the scene. Thrawn's forces use
the captured mole miners to bore holes into the sides of New Republic vessels and allow
forces to capture the vessels. Lando manages to use the mole miner's command codes to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 627
disable some of the miners, nearly destroying some of the ships, but at least they don't get
taken by Thrawn. Thrawn does get away with several vessels, but not nearly the amount he
intended. As the battle comes to a close, Leia, now on Coruscant, contacts Han. Admiral
Gial Ackbar has been arrested for treason, at the machinations of Borsk Fey'lya. (Exact date,
based on The Essential Atlas: 44:4:15 44:5:17)*
(Heir to the Empire)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Thrawn’s Campaigns
map in the Essential Atlas, for which I generated exact dates.
Nasdra Magrody dies.
(conjecture based on Children of the Jedi via TimeTales, verbatim)
Two weeks have passed since the Battle of Sluis Van. Thrawn takes retribution on Talon
Karrde by destroying Karrde's Myrkr base. The majority of Karrde's forces had already left for
Rishi, but he and Mara Jade had stayed behind to watch the base's destruction from cover.
Mara senses danger and they escape just as Thrawn is about to have them destroyed. At
Sluis Van, Luke and Lando catch Niles Ferrier and his crew in illegal activities, but let them
go, taking Ferrier's slicer codes, which they use to push Luke's X-wing to the top of the repair
list, so they can head for Coruscant as soon as possible. On Coruscant, Han is reunited with
Leia. At a hearing, Han informs the New Republic Ruling Council that a Grand Admiral
actually exists. Borsk Fey'lya speaks of a leak in New Republic circles, and tries to link that,
in a roundabout way, to Ackbar. Our heroes look into Fey'lya's own activities and learn that
he is obtaining ships for the New Republic from Garm Bel Iblis, former Rebel and one of the
Rebellion's founders. It would appear that Bel Iblis is getting the ships from the legendary
Katana Fleet. On Rishi, Karrde tells Mara that he knows the location of the missing Katana
Fleet. He'd been on a ship that accidentally found the fleet fifteen years before, but did not
realize what it was. They find that they are being hunted and spied upon, so they leave Rishi.
Thrawn takes the Chimaera to Honoghr to discipline the Noghri, and almost captures Leia
(who is there to try to bring the Noghri into the New Republic). Luke proceeds to Jomark and
meets Joruus C'baoth. After C'baoth nearly kills a man who crosses him, Luke realizes that
Joruus is insane and must be helped or stopped. Solo and Calrissian head to meet Bel Iblis
and ask for his aid. On the Chimaera, Mara Jade has arrived to offer Thrawn the Katana
Fleet's location (via Karrde) to get him to quit coming after Karrde's people. She is given
eight days to bring the information to him. By speaking with the Noghri, Leia learns that the
Empire had been keeping the Noghri subservient by keeping their world uninhabitable since
the time of Vader's attack on the world. Thrawn follows Mara to Karrde and takes him
prisoner. Mara then goes to Jomark to get Luke's help and helps him escape from Joruus
C'baoth. The two then sneak aboard the Chimaera and rescue Karrde. They take Karrde to
Coruscant where he gives Leia the location of the Katana Fleet. They arrive at the fleet after
Thrawn is already taking the ships. Garm Bel Iblis' forces arrive as well and engage
Thrawn's forces. During the battle, Fey'lya takes Leia hostage to allow the struggle to give
him more political power, but is stopped and Ackbar is cleared. As the battle comes to a
close, Thrawn makes away with several of the fleet's dreadnoughts. C'baoth proclaims
himself Palpatine's heir and announces his intention to return to Wayland and run Thrawn's
operation there. Mara, who had participated in the battle and been forced to punch out, is
saved by Luke and taken to safety. Knowing that the Katana Fleet will take time for Thrawn
to crew gives them time to prepare . . . . until they realize that Thrawn had crewed his ships
with clones--from the Spaarti Cylinder project--and that the fleet could be crewed in a matter
of weeks. (Exact date, based on The Essential Atlas: 44:5:17 44:7:28)*
(Dark Force Rising)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Thrawn’s Campaigns
map in the Essential Atlas, for which I generated exact dates.
In the short time since the attack on the Imperial base at Zila, the Imperials on Garos IV have
begun taking random people captive in the hopes that one of them might be a resistance
fighter. The latest kidnap victim is Cord Barzon, son of resistance leader and hibridium
researcher Dr. Carl Barzon. The resistance learns a shuttle platform is being built in Zila, so
they prepare a mission to take it out. To this end, Alex goes with her father and General
Zakar, the local Imperial commander, to Zila. When she pretends to have forgotten
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 628
something in the shuttle, she escapes from their tour and sets explosives to destroy the
platform. On her way out, though, she sees Cord Barzon being taken into the very lift tube
she had set the bomb on. She cannot risk the mission failing, so she must let Cord die in the
blast that destroys the majority of the platform. Shortly thereafter, Zakar speaks to Carl
Barzon and tells him (since he doesn’t know Cord is dead) that Carl is to be sent to the secret
research station where hibridium research is being conducted and that he must continue his
work or his son will die. Alex arrives at the resistance headquarters with news of Cords
death just as the shuttle bearing Carl Barzon leaves for its secret destination. Alex once
again has her vision of the man on the snowy mountain and she realizes that the vision must
be of the world where Carl is being taken. She must be the one to go rescue him.
(Shadows of Darkness)
Grand Admiral Thrawn uses his newfound cloning technology to create groups of clones,
made from warriors such as Soontir Fel, which are then dispatched to other worlds as future
(conjecture based on Vision of the Future)
Grand Admiral Thrawn sends Brantz and Danex Squadrons to Saam to take out a New
Republic base.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #6 via TimeTales,
Grand Admiral Thrawn attempts to create a group of clones which will combine his genius
with a great warrior physique. Royal Guardsman Grodin Tierce is cloned in such a manner,
but the project is deemed a failure and this clone is the only one of its kind ever created.
(conjecture based on Vision of the Future)
While subjugating Generis, Grodin Tierce (the real one) dies.
(conjecture based on Vision of the Future)
Pash Cracken leads an unsuccessful defense at Atrivis.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia)
An Imperial force is sent by Thrawn to take a spaceport in the city of Marter An on Sheris. A
New Republic team arrives shortly before the Imperials, thus pitting the two forces in a
heated battle at what is known as Bhir’khi Pass . . .
(Stand at Bhir’khi Pass)
One month after Thrawn's capture of the majority of the Katana Fleet, Thrawn's forces
continue to wage war on the New Republic. At Ukio, Thrawn uses C'baoth, the Chimaera,
and some crafty maneuvering to make it appear that his Star Destroyer can blast through
planetary shields. Joruus C'baoth, still obsessed with acquiring Luke Skywalker and Leia
Organa Solo, gives Thrawn only one more chance to capture Leia and her unborn children.
To that effect, Thrawn sends another team after Leia. Elsewhere, as Luke travels in search
of information that could lead him to Thrawn's clones, he is nearly captured, yet again. On
Coruscant, Leia finally gives birth to twins--Jacen and Jaina Solo. As Thrawn continues his
reign of terror, Talon Karrde gathers smugglers to id him in finding Thrawn's cloning facilities.
On Coruscant, Leia is attacked again but stopped by Mara Jade. Jade is then arrested when
the team names her as their contact on Coruscant. She tries to use her knowledge of where
Thrawn would be getting cloning technology to get out of jail, but the New Republic will not
deal. On Nkllon, Thrawn takes retribution on Lando Calrissian by destroying Nomad City.
On the planet Trogan, Karrde has brought together a huge group of smugglers to consolidate
into a force against Thrawn, but they will not become one force until an attack by Thrawn's
people causes them to band together. They begin attacking Imperial facilities. On Honoghr,
the Noghri officially agree to join the New Republic. Now it is just a matter of making sure the
word gets to all Noghri warriors. On Coruscant, Han and Luke break Mara out of jail and
head for Wayland with Lando, unknowing that Joruus C'baoth is already on his way there to
run Thrawn's operation. Thrawn then attacks Coruscant, putting cloaked asteroids in orbit.
The New Republic is outmatched until Mon Mothma asks Garm Bel Iblis to rejoin the cause
and lead the defense of the world, saving it from Thrawn's attack. At Chazwa, the smugglers
meet again and formally declare their opposition not just to Thrawn, but the Empire itself. On
Wayland, Luke, Han and Mara arrive and prepare, with Noghri commando forces, to take
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 629
Mount Tantiss. On Coruscant, the New Republic launches a plan to get rid of the cloaked
asteroids. They will get the necessary device for the job from Bilbringi, while making Thrawn
think they are getting it from another world. The smugglers are fooled and head to Bilbringi to
get the necessary device for the New Republic, but Thrawn is not. He plans an attack on
Bilbringi. On Wayland, the heroes make their way to Mount Tantiss. Mara makes Luke
swear to kill her rather than let C'baoth turn her to the Dark Side as Palpatine had partially
done. Han and Lando plant bombs on the cloning facilities in the mountain while Luke and
Mara run headlong into Joruus C'baoth, who destroys the ysalamiri in the base and brings out
his new clone--Luuke Skywalker, created from Luke's hand, lost on Cloud City six years
before. This new Luuke also bears a frightening reminder of the Dark Side's power--Anakin
Skywalker's lightsaber, lost along with the hand on Cloud City. As Han and the newly-arrived
Leia try to save the two, they are knocked out and Luke agrees to turn himself over if C'baoth
will let the others go. Joruus refuses, however, because now he wants Mara Jade to be his
apprentice as well. Mara, knowing that it could mean her freedom in more ways than one,
snatches up Leia's lightsaber and duels Luuke, finally killing the clone and fulfilling the last
command left by Palpatine--to kill Luke Skywalker. She can now live in peace. She
continues on and kills C'baoth, allowing the group to escape just as the cloning tanks are
blown into oblivion. At Bilbringi, the New Republic and Imperial forces strike fast and hard
against each other. The smugglers arrive and help the New Republic forces but the battle is
still not yet clear-cut. As word reaches the Chimaera of the defeat at Wayland, Rukh,
knowing the truth about the Empire's subjugation of Honoghr, stabs Thrawn through the
heart. With their leader dead and victory seemingly out of reach, Captain Pellaeon orders the
fleet to retreat back into Imperial territory. As things settle down, Mara becomes liaison
between the New Republic and the newly-formed Smuggler's Alliance, Chewbacca helps to
relocate the Noghri population to Wayland, and Luke presents his father's lightsaber to Mara
as a gift (and a replacement for the violet-bladed saber she lost in her years on the run from
Ysanne Isard and Lumiya) in thanks for her aid in the battle against Thrawn and the hopes
that she will use it for good. (Exact date, based on The Essential Atlas: 44:7:29 44:8:27)*
(The Last Command)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Thrawn’s Campaigns
map in the Essential Atlas, for which I generated exact dates.
During the Imperial retreat after the death of Thrawn, Rukh attempts to escape from the
Chimaera, but is caught and executed by Major Grodin Tierce.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
With Thrawn’s defeat, the Empire begins to once again revert to warlordism.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
A group of Jawas attempts to steal Jawaswag, the astromech belonging to Gavin Darklighter.
Without Gavins help, the droid fights off the Jawas. Gavin decides the droid deserves a
better name due to its heroics, thus renaming the droid “Toughcatch,” or “Catch” for short.
(conjecture based on Onslaught)
The Outer Region Foxar Base, a New Republic Scout Service base, becomes active.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts via TimeTales, verbatim)
A group of Red Moons, led by Sully Tigereye and including Hugo Cutter, Brixie Ergo, and
Max “Mad Vornskyr” Kempo, goes to Gabredor III to rescue the children of the ambassador
to Cantras Gola. The ambassador was planning to leave the Pentastar Alignment to join the
New Republic, which led the Alignment to send the Karazak Slavers Guild, namely Greezim
Trentacal, to kidnap them to keep his allegiance. While the Red Moons, allied with
Andrephan Stormcaller, not the New Republic, don’t have any love for how the New Republic
has been handling the latter battles of the Civil War, they also know that helping save the
children and thus pushing Cantras Gala out of Alignment hands would benefit everyone. In
his compound, Trentacal and Vex, his Defel guard, amuse themselves by threatening and
intimidating the children and a mute slave girl, who is one of Trentacal’s personal servants.
Outside, the Red Moons have crash landed in an escape pod when the ship having crashed
down in the wilderness outside the compound. They are all relatively fine, and head in toward
the compound. Kempo disobeys orders and has to be reined in, as usual. Cutter uses his
expertise in electronics to mess with a sensor mast and reveal a huge booby trapped moat,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 630
of sorts, full of mines and such. They make it past that trap and some guards on patrol, but
they do not go unnoticed. Trentacal prepares to evacuate with the children and as many
slaves as possible. Before he can, the slave girl attacks him, but is knocked down. Sully
makes it into the escape ship and takes it over without incident. Elsewhere, to save Cutter’s
life, Brixie and Kempo set up a hoversled with explosive materials to cause some destruction
and diversion, but it has to be piloted manually. Kempo takes it and crashes it into the slaver
compound, sacrificing his own life to save the others and do some damage to the slavers.
The three surviving Red Moons get into the building and to Trentacal’s room, where theyve
heard a blaster shot. Inside, they find the children unharmed, the slave girl dead, and
Trentacal dead, apparently at the slave girl’s hands. Vex comes out of the shadows, but
Cutter and Sully ward him off before Sully kills him. They take the slavers’ ship away from
Gabredor III, victorious, but mourning for Kempo. Below, the remnants of the explosive chain
reaction started by Kempo’s kamikaze run, his blaze of glory, burns in the night like a red
(Blaze of Glory)
The spirit of Palpatine has by this time reached a clone body, bringing to live the Emperor
Reborn. Palpatine secretly contacts various Imperial leaders to begin rebuilding Imperial
power around Byss. One of the Imperials contacted is Ysanne Isard, who, fearing for her life
in the wake of her earlier failure, decides to show a sign of loyalty and initiative to Palpatine
by stealing the Lusankya back from the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Talon Karrde rewards one of his most loyal workers, Aves, Karrdes co – pilot, with command
of his own ship, the Last Resort, and is also promoted to the rank of Captain.
(conjecture based on Isard’s Revenge via TimeTales, verbatim)
The wilderness planet named Smarch becomes home of Black Sun’s operations.
(conjecture based on Council of Blood via TimeTales, verbatim)
Following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn, New Republic Admiral Hiram Drayson is
placed in charge of Alpha Blue, and was one of the New Republic’s highest ranking military
officials during the Great Purge. He was known in the military circles as the Old Ghost of
(conjecture based on Before the Storm via TimeTales, verbatim)
On Mon Mothmas recommendation, Jan Ors joins Alpha Blue.
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part II: Unsung Heroes of the Light)
The Adz-class Destroyer, an Imperial starship design which is used as a patrol ship in
many outlying regions, is developed. Their primary armament consisted of three quad - laser
cannons and three dual - cannon ion batteries. They could achieve .55 past lightspeed, and
maintained six fighters within her bays. One of the primary technological advances used in
the Adz-class Destroyer was the inclusion of an array of slave circuitry that allowed a crew of
24 to handle virtually every system. At 150 meters in length, the Adz-class patrol destroyer
required 12 gunners and could transport up to 8 passengers and 4 prisoners in its brig.
(conjecture based on Tyrant’s Test and Cracken’s Threat Dossier via TimeTales,
The Anavill Smugglers Guild, a criminal organization, establishes a foothold on the planet
Bridin Anchorage, shortly after the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. It became part of an
overall alliance known as the Mandroxen cartel, along with Manliss Enterprise and the
Droxian Traders League.
(conjecture based on Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations via TimeTales, verbatim)
With the death of Thrawn, Tomax Bren takes the Scimitar Assault Wing and goes into hiding.
(conjecture based on The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal #15 and Imperial
Sourcebook via TimeTales, paraphrased)
In the wake of the Thrawn campaign, Wedge Antilles accepts promotion to General and the
Rogues take leave time. Their next assignment will be to go after Prince-Admiral Delak
Krennel as both the first strike on the newer warlords and justice for Krennel's murder of Sate
Pestage over four years before. At a party, Corran Horn receives a visit from Urlor Sette, a
prisoner from the Lusankya who dies in front of him. Someone wants revenge on the Rogues
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 631
and is not afraid of using the prisoners as bait . . . but who is it? They track some of the
prisoners to Commenor where many of them tell the Rogues that Ysanne Isard is alive.
Delak Krennel has been working with her since she resurfaced a short time before. She
intends to take revenge on the Rogues and make Krennel (possibly) the next Emperor, as
she had once offered to him. On Coruscant a short time later, Borsk Fey'lya promises to
make life hard for Asyr Sei'lar who wants to marry Gavin Darklighter and adopt a Bothan
child. During a raid on Linade III, Corran is shot down and before he is rescued, he uncovers
a base which is working to create a Pulsar Station, much like a miniaturized Death Star.
When they try to use this to gain support for going after Krennel, who has been trying to
present himself as a benevolent man, Krennel defames the New Republic over the HoloNet.
The Rogues (with returning member Nrin Vakil) head to Corvic Minor to take out the Pulsar
station only to walk into a trap. The Pulsar Station never existed. When Mirax Horn and Iella
Wessiri arrive on the scene with Booster Terrik, there is nothing left of the Rogues, it seems.
In actuality, most of the Rogues were saved by a TIE Defender squadron, while Wes Janson
and Asyr are EVA and are saved by Mirax and the others. Only Khe-Jeen Slee and Lyyr
Zatoq perished, though the New Republic believes all are dead. The Rogues find themselves
guests of Ysanne Isard, who tells them that Krennel is working with a clone of Isard. She had
used the clone to scatter the Lusankya prisoners, but had failed to kill the clone after the
mission was complete. Isard had survived Tycho's attack herself by using communication
frequencies to make it appear she was on the shuttle Tycho destroyed, when she was truly in
safety on Thyferra. She wants them to work with Colonel Broak Vessery to bring the clone
down, along with Krennel for disobeying her orders and killing Pestage years before. The
Rogues have no choice but to agree. The Rogues train for the upcoming mission, while
Whistler and Gate, Corran and Wedge's astromechs, respectively, escape to bring news of
their survival to Mirax. Wedge, about to go undercover on Ciutric as a pilot for Krennel with
the rest of the Rogues, sends a message with a battle plan to the New Republic, which
begins to gather the necessary fleet to bring Krennel down. The Rogues infiltrate Krennel's
forces and when the time is right, the New Republic fleet emerges from hyperspace and
battles Krennel's forces while the Rogues free the Lusankya prisoners, moved to Ciutric by
the clone Isard for safekeeping. The clone Isard uses a shuttle to try to destroy the prison
before the prisoners can be freed, but Wedge stops the shuttle, then, knowing Isard's
strategy from the end of the Bacta War, triangulates the location of the clone (who was, of
course, not on the shuttle) and destroys her. In space, Krennel is killed as his Star
Destroyer's bridge is destroyed. At the prison, the prisoners are finally freed, including Jan
Dodonna. The only question remaining is the motives for the real Isard. Mirax, Iella, and
Booster realize that she is going to try to steal the refit Lusankya from the Bilbringi shipyards.
They intercept her and Iella kills her. The Rogues are soon reunited aboard the Lusankya.
Asyr will not join them, though. Although it kills her to see Gavin grieve, she must do as she
feels is right, and help (from the shadows) to restructure Bothan society so no one else can
be manipulated as Fey'lya had tried to manipulate her.
(Isard's Revenge)
Durrei learns of the appearance of a Kashi Mer relic that holds the key to tapping into the
Dark Side. He convinces his master to give him troopers and former Imperial vessels to
retrieve the relic.
(conjecture based on Relic)
The Illoud System, which remained under Imperial control following the Battle of Endor, is
retaken by the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Both Mahk’khar and Ree Shala are hired (independent of each other) by a mysterious human
to destroy a New Republic communications center in the gas giant Galaan.
(conjecture based on Relic)
After being rescued from Ysanne Isard, General Jan Dodonna joins with Adar Tallon, Vanden
Willard, and other older Rebel Alliance heroes to form the “Gray Cadre,” an active group of
older New Republic agents.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
When a relic originally from the Kashi Mer monarchy (of the long-destroyed planet Kashi)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 632
suddenly resurfaces, powerful individuals begin attempting to acquire it. New Republic
Intelligence believes an artifact causing that much interest must be important. To this end,
Captain Naren Bluuis of the cruiser Nova, informs a special ops team aboard his ship that the
crimelord Mahkkhar in the Triitus system has come into possession of the relic. They are to
go to Mahk’khar’s base and steal computer files which will then be decrypted to determine
more about the object. The team takes the Instigator to Mahk’khar’s somewhat abandoned
palace and, after a small firefight, escapes with the files. Upon returning to the Nova, they
find Bluuis fretting about the recent destruction of a squadron of X-wings (including two of his
trainees) in the Kken system’s asteroid belt. While he devotes his forces to discovering the
circumstances of the attack, and while Cryptology decrypts the computer files, the team is
sent to the Delari system to meet with Professor Oron, who knows details about the relic.
They arrive and meet with the Professor and learn that the relic was an heirloom of the Kashi
Mer monarchy, stolen shortly after the formation of the Old Republic by a Force student
named Reda Jalooz. She discovered the relics “dark secret” and returned it to Kashi, asking
for forgiveness, just before the system’s star went supernova. Oron’s daughter, Meela, has
been taken by Imperials who arrived just before the New Republic team, so, to keep her
alive, Oron sends a signal to the Imperials that the New Republic force is there. The New
Republic team barely makes it off of the planet. Back at the Nova, they learn that the files
have been decrypted and that the relic is now in the possession of Ree Shala, a rising
smuggling queen. They proceed to the Jaresh system, but their trip is interrupted when they
come out of hyperspace in the aftermath of a starship battle, in which Imperial forces used a
new heavy ion cannon that is being worked on in secret by one of the warlord factions. The
force takes readings of the area then proceeds to Jaresh. The team arrives on Shalas
moon, but it is abandoned. Checking her computers, they discover that she is about to, most
likely, attack a New Republic communications center in the planet Galaan. They return to the
Instigator and receive a message from Bluuis’ assistant, Kiara, telling them to return to the
Nova, but upon arrival, the Nova is not there. They are instead nearly destroyed by another
heavy ion cannon attack. They finally make it to Galaan. Once they arrive, Shala pretends to
have not been planning an attack and trades information for her escape. The information is
that Mahk’khar still has the relic and is planning an attack on Galaan. When Mahk’khar sees
their approach (after already attacking), he escapes to the Jandoon system. Shortly
thereafter, Mahkkhar arrives in the Jandoon system and prepares to trade the relic to the
Dark Jedi Durrei in exchange for Oron’s daughter Meela, which he intends to sell into slavery.
The team arrives and a battle ensues. Meela and the relic are saved, and Mahk’khar and
Durrei are defeated. Back on the Nova, Bluuis sends the relic for further study, and issues an
immediate arrest order for Kiara, who had sold-out to a warlord (the same one running the
tests) and whom had been transferred just the day before to Coruscant. All’s well that ends
well . . . but the heavy ion cannon project is still out there.
Imperial and Kaarenth Dissension activity in the Corva Sector increases dramatically.
(conjecture based on Counterstrike)
In the wake of the capture of Mahk’khar and destruction of the communications center in
Galaan, Captain Bluuis and the New Republic operatives on the Nova turn their attention to a
growing anti-human sentiment in the Corva Sector, apparently being generated by a fragment
from the Empire, originally thought to be part of the Pentastar Alignment, calling itself the
Kaarenth Dissension. Bluuis sends a group of agents to Betha II (under the cover of traders
heading on the Daranc Run) to seek the source of these anti-human movements. They will
attempt, if possible, to use a Drooim-Durtha ShipFinder, taken when Mahkkhar was
captured, to track a Kaarenth Dissension vessel to its base. They head for Betha II aboard
their ship, the Surge, and witness a group of aliens robbing two human traders at
blasterpoint. They save the humans, and one turns out to be their contact (to stretch the
word), Cev Mananx. The New Republic team then heads or the center of trading, passing by
some hostile aliens and a pissy protocol droid (T-11) guarding Docking Bay 3. After an
encounter with three Ithorians who believe in their drunken state that the heroes are people
who left them for dead at one point in their lives, the group finally makes it to the Lazy
Bergruutfa Cantina, where they witness a meeting of quite a few aliens (who are none too
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 633
friendly) and an apparently expected anti-New Republic speaker, Kaarenth Dissension
operative Commander Meres Ulcane. Ulcane convinces the crowd to attack the group, and
they make a hasty retreat, but as soon as Ulcane also leaves the planet (his ship was in
Docking Bay 3, hence the security), they use the ShipFinder placed on the ship clandestinely
to follow it back to the Spawn Nebula. They enter the nebula and find a huge Death Star-
looking reactor and repair station (a type of non-superweapon Kaarenth Dissension base).
Coming aboard as traders, the group makes its way to the station’s reactor core, sets some
charges, and gets outta dodge before the entire thing explodes. It’s just a battle that’s been
one, not the war when it comes to the Dissension, but it’s a start. With new information about
the buildup of Kaarenth Dissension forces in the area for an assault on the New Republic,
Bluuis contacts Coruscant and is to be sent more reserves to help stop this new threat from
becoming a major one.
Knowing from her visions that she must be the one to go to the Imperial research facility to
save Carl Barzon and meet the mysterious man in her visions, Alex Winger ingratiates herself
with Captain Tere Metallo and Gil Crosear of the Star Quest, two New Republic operatives
under the guise of working for the Imperials. Theyve been hired to take materials to a
destination with no known planetoid, so it seems it could be Alex’s supposed Imperial center.
They head for the destination and it turns out to be Sarahwiee, where the center is located.
Once inside the base, Alex and Gil find Barzon and tells him of his son Cord’s death. Alex
sends Gil to take Carl to safety as she goes to get Carl’s notes to keep them out of Imperial
hands. When the lift doors open, she is face to face with Luke Skywalkerthe man in her
visions. He knows she is strong in the Force and has been sharing the visions. They get the
research notes, but have to escape to the frozen mountainous region outside. As they are
making their escape, the ground gives under them and Alex falls. Luke uses the Force to
grab her rope and hold it steady as he tells her to take his hand. She does so, fulfilling the
events in the visions, and she is pulled to safety. Luke has come with Page’s Katarn
Commandos, and the base is about to be destroyed. Using a kiss to make a nosy Imperial
think she and Luke are just lovesick kids (like she and Dair Haslip used to do), they make
their way back to the other New Republic ships. Knowing now that Luke has shown her that
she does have an attunement to the Force, which opens up great possibilities, Alex leaves
with Gil and Metallo, while Luke leaves with Page and the others. Luke promises that they
will someday meet again.
(Rendezvous with Destiny)
The New Republic is on its way to liberate Garos IV from the Imperials. Alex Winger learns
that the actor/Dark Jedi Jaalib Brandl, son of Adalric Brandl, the Dark Jedi who led the attack
that killed her grandparents and caused her relocation to Garos IV and adoption by the
Wingers, has come to personally lead the evacuation of the Imperial-friendly populace. After
meeting Jaalib at a play, Alex is forced to spend time with him, and he comes to, if not like
her, then at least identify with her situation as a Force-sensitive. Soon, Chados Pub, a
resistance hangout that portrays itself as an Imperial officer hangout, is bombed. Brandl
blames the resistance and orders Alex and Tork Winger into protective custody. Dair Haslip
assures Alex that it was not the resistance that destroyed the pub. In custody, Alex reveals
her part in the resistance to Tork and then escapes to follow Jaalib into the woods. She
confronts Jaalib, who tells her that he is the one who blew up the pub, since he believed it to
be an Imperial hangout, which would help him send a message to his Imperial masters that
he will no longer be their pawn. To finalize the “message,” he intends to kill Tork Winger
while he is in Jaalibs “protective” custody. He tells Alex that he led her away to save her.
They argue the merits of his actions as the safehouse explodes with Tork inside. Alex and
Jaalib head back to the rubble and Alex finds Tork barely alive. To save his life, she follows
Jaalib’s instructions (against his advice) and calls upon the Dark Side (which is easier than
the Light Side) to heal Tork as best she can. Later, in a temporary Imperial base, Alex learns
that her adoptive father will live and that Garos IV is being liberated as they speak. Jaalib
prepares to vanish into the galaxys shadows and follow his own dark path, separate from
Palpatine’s. Alex has learned a lesson in the Dark Side and now must fully face the
responsibilities that come with being a Force adept.*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 634
(Betrayal by Knight)*
*NOTE: Alex’s age (20) and The Essential Reader’s Companion put this story in 9 ABY, but Charlene Newcomb’s
website seems to put it after Dark Empire II. I believe this is because the author considers the character just shy
of 21 in the story, though that does not appear to be how the placement decision was made for the ERC.
The Honoghr Restoration Project begins.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
The Drebble Agreement is created, settling a dispute between archaeologist Garv Drebble
(who wants to return stolen items on Wayland to their owners) and the Noghri (who wish to
destroy Wayland outright).
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
Captain Gilad Pellaeon is promoted to Vice Admiral, in the absence of experienced
commanding officers in the Imperial forces.
(conjecture based on Darksaber)
With Thrawn’s defeat, Sienar Fleet Systems officially severs all formal ties to the Imperial
Remnant, choosing to provide products to all parties instead.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
The text file “Why do we fight the Empire?” is released to the holo media by Mon Mothma in
the weeks following the Imperial siege of Caprioril, a New Republic Sector capital. This text
file is similar in structure to “The Declaration of Rebellion” and “A Call to Reason that Mon
Mothma released long ago during the formative years of the Rebellion.*
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)*
*NOTE: Chris McElroy puts this during the year 10 ABY on TimeTales, but since it is a precursor to Retreat from
Coruscant, which I have placed at the end of 9 ABY, I include it here.
Battles in the Kaikielius and Metellos systems near Coruscant convince many New Republic
strategists that the Empire will take the capital. The search begins for a new command base,
and Da Soocha V in the Cyax system was eventually chosen.*
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)*
*NOTE: Chris McElroy puts this during the year 10 ABY on TimeTales, but since it is a precursor to Retreat from
Coruscant, which I have placed at the end of 9 ABY, I include it here.
The one person who still cared about the Slave I’ was Boba Fett himself, convalescing from
his encounter with the Sarlacc. Fett was wary of further contacts with Solo and his Jedi friend
Skywalker. So he decided on a new tack; he’d buy the ship back legally. Of course, he
couldn’t do that without precautions, but he hadn’t been doing jobs for galactic big shots
without racking up an impressive list of favors. Some credits in the right hands, a few comm
signals to the right people, and he was ready to buy the ship as a part of a “surplus
liquidation” deal. Dummy corporations, fake IDs and forged requisition forms can be nearly
as useful as a thermal detonator in the right circumstances. He got an old employer,
Crystalboy, to do some of the middle man work and within weeks a familiar olive drab hulk
was his, free and clear again. Once ‘Slave I was repaired and cleaned up, he took it and
stored it in a parking orbit above Nar Shaddaa, where it floats waiting for its master to return.
Fett has only begun to collect all that he feels he is owed.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Gavin Darklighter meets social worker Sera Faleur while going through adoption proceedings
for two young orphan boys who had been living near the Rogue Squadron barracks during
the Thrawn crisis.
(conjecture based on Onslaught)
On Coruscant, Core Courier Service pilot Taryn Clancy and her partner, Del Sato, are
trapped on the world when alarms sound. The Imperials, in the wake of Thrawn’s defeat,
have begun a full assault to retake Coruscant. The planetary shield is up, and Imperials have
arrived and begun their attack on the shield. Hoping for answers to when they can get off the
planet, Taryn goes to see someone in charge and ends up talking to New Republic General
Garm Bel Iblis and Colonel Jak Bremen. They tell her that the New Republic is abandoning
the planet in order to hopefully save some of the populace from more Imperial attacks. They
will rendezvous with other New Republic fleets, but with communications scrambled, they
need courier vessels to take datacards with rendezvous coordinates to the scattered New
Republic forces. They want Taryn and Del to take Bremen with them and carry one of the
datacards to New Republic forces. Bremen is wary and would rather just confiscate Taryn’s
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 635
ship, the Messenger, but Bel Iblis pushes for Taryn and Del to stay aboard their ship and
simply act to help the government. When the shield is finally deactivated, the Messenger,
with the three aboard, leaps into hyperspace and safety in the midst of the Second Battle of
Coruscant. They make it a fair distance from Coruscant, but are pulled from hyperspace by
the Interdictor cruiser Requital and boarded by Commander Voldt and stormtroopers. Taryn
tells Voldt that they were on their way to Coruscant for a delivery, but when they saw the
fighting, they turned back around and headed for their next stop. Voldt finds nothing to
negate this story, so he allows them to go on their way. Upon reaching where they are
supposed to meet a New Republic fleet, they find nothing until a Skipray Blastboat bearing
Mara Jade arrives. Mara tells them that the fleet is lagging behind and to head for new
coordinates. Bremen is suspicious of Mara, which he believes is justified when an Imperial
cruiser appears and attacks. Mara covers their escape to the new coordinates. Upon arrival,
they learn that the Mara was telling the truth. The fleet is there and ready to receive the
datacard. The Imperials hadn’t been tipped off by Mara, but rather had followed a tracking
device the Imperials under Voldt’s command had put in one of their crates. Bremen has been
impressed with Taryns performance, and while Del is ready to retire, Bremen asks Taryn if
she’s interested in joining the New Republic as a pilot. She says she’ll think about it.
(Retreat from Coruscant)
Rivoche Tarkin documents the conflicts between the New Republic and Imperial remnant
forces on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, paraphrased)
After the New Republic retreats from Coruscant, a formal ceremony is held by the Empire to
reconsecrate the capitol world as Imperial. This earns General Balan a triumphal parade and
fame across Imperial space.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Del Sato retires from the Core Courier Service.
(conjecture based on Retreat From Coruscant)
The Trap (AJ6 short story: Gary Haynes)
The Trap (AJ6 short story: Gary Haynes)
The Thrawn Trilogy (novel trilogy: Timothy Zahn)
Heir to the Empire (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Heir to the Empire (comic series: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Heir to the Empire, Part I (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Lives & Adventures [continued] (youth novel series: Ryder Windham)
The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi [continued] (youth novel: Ryder Windham)
*NOTE: This epilogue is only a retelling of part of Chapter 2 of Heir to the Empire, thus it has no summary.
The Thrawn Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Timothy Zahn)
Heir to the Empire [continued] (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapter 2 [continued]
Chapters 3 32
Heir to the Empire [continued] (comic series: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Heir to the Empire, Part I [continued] (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Heir to the Empire, Part II (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Heir to the Empire, Part III (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Heir to the Empire, Part IV (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Heir to the Empire, Part V (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)*
*NOTE: This issue was released as a Hasbro “Comic Pack” with action figures of Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker.
Heir to the Empire, Part VI (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Dark Force Rising (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapters 1 29
The Thrawn Trilogy Comic Adaptation [continued] (comic trilogy: Mike Baron &
Timothy Zahn)
Dark Force Rising (comic series: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 636
Dark Force Rising, Part I (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Dark Force Rising, Part II (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Dark Force Rising, Part III (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Dark Force Rising, Part IV (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Dark Force Rising, Part V (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Dark Force Rising, Part VI (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
The Adventures of the Turhaya, Ross, Winger, and Brandl Families [continued]
(AJ/TFTE/TFTNR/SWH short stories: Charlene Newcomb & Patricia A. Jackson)
Shadows of Darkness (AJ4/SWH short story: Charlene Newcomb)
Stand at Bhir’khi Pass (AJ9 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
Stand at Bhir’khi Pass (AJ9 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
The Thrawn Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapters 1 27
The Thrawn Trilogy Comic Adaptation [continued] (comic trilogy: Mike Baron &
Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command (comic series: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command, Part I (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command, Part II (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command, Part III (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command, Part IV (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command, Part V (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
Isard's Revenge (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 1
The Thrawn Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command [continued] (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapters 28 29
The Thrawn Trilogy Comic Adaptation [continued] (comic trilogy: Mike Baron &
Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command [continued] (comic series: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
The Last Command, Part VI (comic: Mike Baron & Timothy Zahn)
Blaze of Glory (AJ8/SWH short story: Tony Russo)
Blaze of Glory (AJ8/SWH short story: Tony Russo)
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
Isard's Revenge [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 2 38
Relic (AJ6 short story: George R. Strayton)
Relic (AJ6 short story: George R. Strayton)
Mahk'khar's Palace
The Loremaster
Silent Welcome
Enter the Empire
Imperial Interlude
Shala's Moon
Assault on Galaan
The Exchange
Counterstrike (AJ8 short story: George R. Strayton)
Counterstrike (AJ8 short story: George R. Strayton)
The Delivery
The Infection Spreads
Heading Into Betha Starport
The Personal Supply Shop--Level One, West Cliff
Starship Supplies--Level Two, East Cliff
Lazy Bergruufta Cantina--Level Three, East Cliff
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 637
Blast Out of Betha
Into the Nebula
The Shipyard's Heart
The Clock is Ticking . . .
The Adventures of the Turhaya, Ross, Winger, and Brandl Families [continued]
(AJ/TFTE/TFTNR/SWH short stories: Charlene Newcomb & Patricia A. Jackson)
Rendezvous with Destiny (AJ6/SWH short story: Charlene Newcomb)
Betrayal by Knight (AJ12 short story: Charlene Newcomb)
Retreat from Coruscant (AJ7/TFTE/SWH short story: Laurie Burns)
Retreat from Coruscant (AJ7/TFTE/SWH short story: Laurie Burns)
10 ABY
The Alliance War Museum begins petitioning Han Solo to allow the Millennium Falcon to be
put on display. Of course, Han refuses.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)
The A-9 Vigilance Interceptor enters the Imperial starfleet.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia)
After a swift assault on Coruscant, Imperial Warlords consolidate power over Coruscant. The
New Republic leadership makes use of Project: Haven and heads for Pinnacle base on Da
Soocha, while the Imperials begin fighting amongst themselves for power, throwing
Coruscant into civil war that is later known as the Imperial Mutiny.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook and The Essential Atlas)
S.V. Skynx, currently the emeritus chair of the Department of History, Human History
subdepartment, pre-Republic subdivision at the University of Ruuria, collects various works
on Xim the Despot (mostly fictional or dramatized) into a new tome, The Despotica Reader,
Third Edition. Shortly thereafter, he enters his cocoon to enter the next stage of his life cycle
with chroma-wings.
(conjecture based on The Despotica)
Now that the final victory over the Alliance seems inevitable, the factions of the old Empire try
to establish a government. The Old Republic had endured many calamities, and yet survived
them all. Until the collapse of order that spawned the Empire itself, the Republic had
survived for millennia against disasters, plagues, wars and betrayals. Surely the Empire
could shake off its lethargy and restructure itself to the coming times. Suspicious to the point
of paranoia, the Emperor had always scrupulously avoided any delegation of power. Major
decisions made by ministers or advisors had to be personally ratified by his chosen servants,
usually Grand Vizier Sate Pestage. He allowed, even cultivated, the rivalries of his ministers,
warriors and bureaucrats. What none had dared speak in more than a whisper in years past
is now a topic of open debate among the ruling bodies of the Empire. The most important
officials in the government, Imperial Advisors like Ars Dangor, blithely suggest the new ruler
be selected from their ranks by election. All the Advisors would convene in the old Senate
building on Coruscant and, in secret negotiation, would select a ruler and crown him. They
would then sit in as a legislative body, overseeing the new ruler’s decisions. The Moffs and
Grand Moffs, front line governors of the realm, approve . . . with a single caveat: they must be
allowed to join the convocation. They further suggest that participants get a number of votes
equal to the number of worlds they control. Realizing this would stack the odds in favor of the
governors, the advisors politely demur. None of this sits well with the COMPNOR leadership.
Wealthy party functionaries and corrupt officials, they are out for themselves as much as
anyone, and exploit the fervor of their supporters. These followers are CompForce chiefs
and other New Order purists in the government. As far as the “true believers” are concerned,
the Empire was the New Order, and to make any decision based on political convenience is
nothing short of treasonous. They demand litmus tests of ideological purity. Most
intransigent of them all are the officers of the Inquisitorius. Charged with rooting out all that
smacked of the old ways during the Great Purge, they have long since outlived any
usefulness. Though a new Grand Inquisitor hasnt been appointed since Lord Tobin died in
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 638
an accident on Weerden, they are unaware of their unpopularity. They feel prosecuted by
COMPNOR, military and advisors’ operatives, believing them secretly beholden to Rebel
interests. They resent the independence of the military and stage show trial after show trial
to cow resistance. Meanwhile, the navy and army have quite different opinions. It has
always been they who have maintained the Empire, by force when necessary, so who better
to rule than those who control that power? Realizing how useless a direct claim to the throne
would seem with the war still raging, they appoint themselves kingmaker, even if they have to
turn the power at their command against their fellows. Grand Admiral Thrawns huge
success was limited to retaking territory, not uniting the Empire itself. Instead of reuniting the
disparate elements of the Empire, the unfinished victory only serves to push them farther
apart. With victory almost within reach, the stakes are suddenly that much higher and the
potential for bloodshed has risen proportionately. The navy demands the right to pick a new
Grand Admiral from the chain of command and continue as planned. Of course, the army
demands a say in the matter as well. In response, the bureaucracy claims the warlord’s
defeat invalidates this claim and has crippled the offensive. With regional armies and
CompForces at their disposal, they feel confident enough to rattle their weapons. Finally,
after months of political maneuvering, the standoff ends. The inevitable occurs, as tensions
escalate and violence explodes. The remnants of the Empire are now engaged in a full-scale
civil war. No one is sure how or why, but fleets bombard rival worlds from orbit, destroying
whole planets. Unlike the attacks by the New Republic, which avoid wholesale destruction of
property and lives, no such mercy is granted by Imperials. What side you support even
determines what the conflict was called, much as the war against the Empire had gone by
many names: “Rebellion” to the rulers, the “Galactic Civil War” to the insurgents. Most
outsiders call this conflict “The Imperial Civil War”. COMPNOR / ISB purists call it “The War
of Purification,” while those opposing the militarists began calling it “The Mutiny”. Most just
refer to it as the “Time of Destruction.” Perhaps the most interesting aspect is the role played
by those who still maintain a link to the Dark Side. Though the opportunity exists, none of
them make any sort of claim on power. Most believe the supporters of the Dark Side dead or
sufficiently discredited, and most of the contenders prefer it that way. Since the Emperor had
given his two major secret police agencies overlapping authority, they fight constantly.
Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) and the Ubiqtorate of Imperial Intelligence even assassinate
each other’s operatives on a regular basis. Now, with full-scale war raging, their tenuous
truce collapses. Imperial Intelligence publishes proscription lists naming “enemies.
Partisans are offered incentives to betray and assassinate their fellows, and by doing so gain
possession of their property. Initially very successful, this method of operation is duplicated
by ISB and eventually by others as the sides splinter further. Seeing a window of opportunity,
the New Republic presses its advantage to the fullest, sending its captured Star Destroyers to
stir up even more trouble. But no one, not even the numerous pretenders, can see that the
Mutiny is not an accident. It is being allowed to happen, all involved manipulated by some
unseen and unknown player.
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Mara Jade decides to resume her Jedi training, but does not want to do so under Luke
Skywalker, as she would not feel comfortable and consider it charity. Instead, she borrows
an Incom Alpha-52 prototype (the Shrike) from Talon Karrde and goes searching for Kyle
Katarn, who has also continued his Jedi training on his own, having declined to be
Skywalker’s apprentice. When she finally catches up to him, they agree to share information,
with neither truly being the master (but Kyle will more naturally suit that role), as part of the
old Jedi Concordance of Fealty (a reciprocal apprenticeship). To prepare for such training,
Mara tucks the lightsaber Luke gave her (Anakin Skywalkers) and builds her own new violet-
bladed saber.
(conjecture based on Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith and The New Essential Guide to
A star in a system Boba Fett has never heard of goes nova, destroying an entire species, but
the event generates less attention than the destruction of Alderaan
(conjecture based on The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett)
On Altyr 5, Kyle Katarn trains Mara Jade (using a new purple lightsaber, which has allowed
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 639
Luke Skywalker to retire his original blue saber that was recovered from Luuke Skywalker on
Wayland) in the ways of the Force. The base comes under attack by Imperial asteroid
weapons, but Kyle manages to disable the asteroids. The New Republic forces abandon the
base on Altyr 5. Kyle will not go with them, though, because he wishes to check out Sith
temple ruins on Dromund Kaas. Mara remains with the fleet. The New Republic assigns her
to visit Ka'pa the Hutt to procure weapons for the government, but to receive the weapons,
she must recapture items of Ka'pa's that have been stolen by his rival, Takara. She does so
and then blackmails Ka'pa, who makes the weapons and supplies a "gift" to the New
(Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith)
Several worlds break off from the galaxy at large, forming the Botor Enclave and the
Dewferm Selfhood States.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia)
On Coruscant, the New Republic Star Destroyer Liberator is shot down. It carries a team of
New Republic forces, including Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Wedge Antilles and Lando
Calrissian. Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, Chewbacca, and C-3PO arrive in the Millennium
Falcon to save their friends, only to be told that Luke will remain on the planet. He has found
records of Palpatine's forays into the Dark Side and senses that he must remain on the planet
to meet his destiny. The others leave, just as Luke and R2-D2 are swallowed by a Dark Side
Force Storm. As fearsome World Devastators are unleashed on Calamari, Luke is
transported to Byss (deep in the Galactic Core) to meet Emperor Palpatine. Palpatine
survived his seeming destruction at Endor and used the Dark Side to enter a clone body.
The new body is already decaying to the point where he looks much like he did at Endor, but
the new body does nothing to tone down his evil. He tempts Luke with the secrets of the
Dark Side, and Luke, believing that he must challenge the Dark Side from within, agrees to
take Vader's place at Palpatine's side--his father's destiny is his own. On Da Soocha, Leia
senses that Luke has been lost, and Han tells Chewie to prepare for a rescue mission. On
Calamari, Lando and Wedge arrive leading the New Republic fleet, but they are being sorely
beaten by the World Devastators. On Da Soocha, Leia receives a vision of Darth Vader,
whose visage is replaced by Luke's, followed by a warning from Palpatine that Luke is lost to
the Dark Side. Han, Leia and Chewie head to Nar Shaddaa to procure a vessel that is
authorized to make Deep Core runs. They finally meet up with Shug Ninx and Salla Zend.
They will pay for the usage of the Starlight Intruder with power couplings from Han's long-
unused apartment. As Leia and Han head there, they encounter Vima-Da-Boda, who gives
Leia an ancient lightsaber. At Han's apartment, they are assaulted by Boba Fett and Dengar,
who wish to take them to the Hutts for a high bounty. They manage to escape and, with the
Millennium Falcon in tow, the Starlight Intruder heads for Byss. On Calamari, one of the
devastators is destroyed from within, through commands direct from Supreme Commander
Skywalker. Leia, Han, Chewie and C-3PO finally make it to the Emperor's stronghold on
Byss and confront Luke. Palpatine strikes Leia with Force Lightning, knocking her
unconscious, and the heroes are taken prisoner. Shortly thereafter, Leia is shown Palpatine's
holocron (the Tedryn Holocron), which she steals as she escapes from his chambers.
Elsewhere in the base, Luke receives a new and improved robotic hand to replace his earlier
model. Leia arrives in the room, and all of them--Han, Leia, Luke, Chewie, R2-D2 and C-
3PO--head for the Millennium Falcon. En route from Byss, Luke tells them that R2-D2's
memory banks now hold the codes necessary to destroy the World Devastators. He then
reveals that "he" is an illusion and that he is truly still on Byss. On Byss, Luke confronts
Palpatine in his cloning chamber. Palpatine chooses that moment to destroy his current
decaying body and to pass into a new, younger clone body. Before he can enter a body,
Luke destroys all but one clone, which Palpatine then enters. Palpatine grabs a lightsaber
from one of his displays and duels Luke into submission. On Calamari, the World
Devastators are defeated, but soon after, Palpatine, aboard his Eclipse-class Star Destroyer
(the Eclipse), informs the New Republic that all he wants is Leia and the holocron, then he
will leave the New Republic alone. Leia heads for the Eclipse, where Palpatine tells her that
he desires to have his consciousness enter the body of her unborn child. Palpatine orders
Luke to subdue his sister, and the two duel, until Leia's words turn Luke back to the Light
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 640
Side and Luke duels Palpatine, cutting off Palpatine's left hand. The Emperor, enraged,
creates a Force Storm to destroy Da Soocha, which they are orbiting. Together, Luke, Leia,
and the unborn Solo child turn the storm on the Eclipse and escape as the ship and that
incarnation of the Emperor are destroyed.
(Dark Empire)
Due to the attack on Mon Calamari by the World Devastators, the E-wing starfighter (Series
4), refit with stronger weapons, has now entered the New Republic starfleet, along with the
R7-series astromech, though neither is truly ready for full-scale combat.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia, The History of R-Series Astromech
Droids, and The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
During the World Devastator crisis, many Mon Calamari take refuge on Da Soocha in the
Cyax System. They will remember this refuge many decades later when Darth Krayt
pronounces sentence on their entire species.
(conjecture based on Rogue’s End)
While most World Devastators are destroyed on Mon Calamari, a few are now controlled by
the New Republic, who will use them on reconstruction and fleet support projects in the
months to follow.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Thanks to their liberation from the Empire, the Noghri begin teaching their fighting style,
Stava, to other cultures.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Guide)
Shortly after Emperor Palpatine’s return and nationalization of Incom Corporation, Incom
begins production of the I-7 Howlrunner, which will be used almost exclusively by the Empire.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)
With the reappearance of Boba Fett on the galactic scene, Lyn Me resumes her quest to
meet the man who saved her life as a child.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the Max Rebo Band)
In the wake of his ordeal on Byss, Luke Skywalker begins officially considering himself a Jedi
Master, instead of just a Jedi Knight.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Building upon the Essence Stealer and entechment technology, Umak Leth bumbles into
creating the Shadow Droids, a type of Imperial droid starfighter that uses the mind of a fallen
ace pilot.
(conjecture based on Droids and the Force)
Privateer activities escalate as many pirates take advantage of the newly renewed struggle
between the New Republic and an actual coherent Imperial force (as it were).
(conjecture based on Rebel Privateers)
Leonia Tavira begins to be seen in conjunction with Invid pirate activities.
(conjecture based on I, Jedi)
Around the time of the Emperor Reborn’s campaign against the New Republic, Lady Valles
Santhe creates a new Sienar Fleet Systems division, Sienar Army Systems, to supply the
Imperial ground forces with new assault vehicles.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Industrial Automaton’s board splits on whether or not to continue supporting the New
Republic. Nevertheless, work continues on the early designs for R8-series astromechs.
(conjecture based on The History of R-Series Astromech Droids)
The Mantis Syndicate, allied with the Sarin sectors Imperial High Lord Jaris Affric, becomes
involved in warfare in the Sarin Sector. As Affric increases his use of the Syndicate, he runs
up a large tab, which the Syndicate’s leader, Lady Mantis, does not tolerate. The Syndicates
bounty hunters are pulled out of the conflict, and Affric gives in and declares loyalty to the
New Republic. Affric loses much of his influence, but remains a free man instead of a war
criminal, which was his intent.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
General Wessel (working with Royal Guardsman Carnor Jax) presents a plan to the Imperial
Ruling Council. They then speak with the Emperor's physician and convince him to sabotage
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 641
Palpatine's clone tanks to ensure that all future clones will be substandard. At about the
same time, many clone tanks are destroyed by Sa-Di, a Dark Side Adept.
(conjecture based on Crimson Empire and Dark Empire II)
Gorga the Hutt has fallen in love with Anachro the H'unn, daughter of his rival, Orko the
H'unn. To secure Orko's blessing to a marriage of Gorga and Anachro, Orko sends Boba
Fett after Orko's enemy, Bar-Kooda. Boba Fett manages to catch another individual, Wim
Magwit, the Magician, and uses him to get to Bar-Kooda. Magwit had once worked for Bar-
Kooda and wishes to free his family from the pirate. He returns to Bar-Kooda's flagship, the
Bloodstar, and smuggles Fett aboard. When Magwit is forced to perform his magic ring trick
(using a ring that acts in conjunction with another field to create a short-range matter
transmitter), Fett confronts Bar-Kooda, killing him. Magwit, Fett, and Magwit's family flee
aboard Slave I as the ship's hold depressurizes and is destroyed. Fett takes Bar-Kooda to
Gorga, who has dinner with Orko and Anachro. He proposes marriage to Anachro and gives
Orko Bar-Kooda on a platter (literally) as a show of good faith.*
(Bounty on Bar-Kooda)*
*NOTE: See note under Murder Most Foul.
Gorga the Hutt and Anachro the H'unn are married.
(conjecture based on Boba Fett: When the Fat Lady Swings)
Anachro the H'unn is kidnapped. Gorga the Hutt sends Boba Fett to save her. At about the
same time, Bar-Kooda's brother, Ry-Kooda, learns of his brother's death and heads out after
Fett for revenge. Fett finally frees Anachro on Skeendu, but is attacked by Ry-Kooda. Fett
"brings the house down" (literally) on Ry-Kooda and escapes. Anachro and Gorga are
(When the Fat Lady Swings)*
*NOTE: See note under Murder Most Foul.
Gorga the Hutt hires Boba Fett to kill his father-in-law, Orko the H'unn. After Fett leaves,
however, Gorga learns that his wife, Anachro the H'unn is pregnant and wishes to call Fett
off. Fett catches up with Gorga, who decides to pay Fett more than his fee to let him live.
Then Ry-Kooda, having survived being buried by the majority of a building, arrives to kill Fett.
Fett finally kills Ry-Kooda and receives his pay from Gorga. Everyone wins . . . well, except
for Ry-Kooda (who is dead) and Ry-Kooda's little lizzling brother, who swears revenge on
(Murder Most Foul)*
*NOTE: I have moved these stories from the “traditional” placement they were given in the Dark Horse Comics
company timeline to where they are placed according to the Essential Chronology. The reasoning, suggested by
Rob Mullin, for Anderson and Wallace to have placed it before DE2 instead of after is the inclusion of Slave I in
the Fett comics, while it appears to have finally met its end in DE2. As the Dark Horse internal timeline has been
notorious for incorrect dating (such as placing Fall of the Sith Empire ten years after Golden Age of the Sith
when they are consecutive; placing Dark Lords of the Sith six years after The Freedon Nadd Uprising; and
placing The Sith War two years after Dark Lords of the Sith when the opening text of The Sith War specifically
states a six month gap between the stories), I have chosen to go by the dating Anderson and Wallace have used
in the more recent materials.
On Ladarra, Rivo Xarran, known at this point only as “The Storyteller,” tells a group of
children about his encounter years before with Boba Fett. When the children leave, Boba
Fett emerges from the shadows and gives Rivo the amount of the bounty he collected when
Rivo faked his death. Their “account” is settled.*
(No Disintegrations, Please)*
*NOTE: I had originally had this event in 21 ABY, since there is little to no indication of its time frame, but The
Essential Reader’s Companion has placed it here, with its flashback to 1 ABY, instead of within the first year after
ANH, as I’d had it.
Boba Fett, whose reputation has suffered from his encounter with the sarlacc and his
numerous failures to capture Han Solo since Endor, is hired by a Gulbarid named Brighteyes
to hunt down and kill Imperial Admiral Mir Tork and Dr. Leonis Murthe, former slavemasters
of a group of Gulbarid citizens. Brighteyes can only pay 100 credits, but he plays on Fett’s
need to confirm his reputation in light of recent events, so Fett takes the job. He goes to the
former Imperials’ current ship and blasts his way in, releasing slaves on the ship in the
process. Murthe tries to use a lightsaber to attack Fett, but Fett points out that having a
lightsaber doesnt make one a Jedi, then sets Murthe on fire. Fett then encounters Tork, who
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 642
says he has the ship set on self-destruct if he dies. Fett says he will simply kill him another
day, prompting Tork to leave the console and attack Fett, who kills him. Then the burning
Murthe comes in for a final attack, but Fett shoots him in the head. Fett leaves the slaves to
make a new life on the planet the ship has landed on and returns to Basteel, where he
confirms the kill for Brighteyes, who never doubted that he was the one and only Boba Fett.
(Agent of Doom)
Jedi Master Luke Skywalker faces off with Dark Jedi Kam Solusar on Nespis VIII, finally
turning him to the Light Side and taking him on as an ally and Jedi student.*
(conjecture based on Dark Empire Collection audiobook)*
*NOTE: This would have been covered by Tom Veitch's Lightsider graphic novel, but that project was canceled.
To date, the only version of this encounter that exists is that on the Dark Empire II section of the Dark Empire
Operation Shadow Hand begins, with Dark Side Adepts, trained by Palpatine and currently
lead by Executor Sedriss, beginning to retake the galaxy for the Empire. They attack
Balmorra to secure war droids but are forced to negotiate for them. Luke Skywalker and Kam
Solusar arrive at Pinnacle Base on Da Soocha. Kam is introduced to Leia Organa Solo. The
New Republic is planning to work with Governor Beltane of Balmorra to smuggle a force onto
Byss with a shipment of war droids to take out the Empire's heart. At the same time, Leia,
Han, and Chewbacca will head to Nar Shaddaa to find Vima-Da-Boda, and Luke and Kam
will head for the planet Ossus, former training center for Jedi during the days of the Old
Republic around the time of the Sith War. On Byss, Nefta and Sa-Di, Dark Side Adepts, are
killed by Sedriss for destroying the Emperor's cloning tanks, and Palpatine reveals himself to
be alive and well in another new clone body. The Millennium Falcon group makes it to Nar
Shaddaa. They narrowly escape Boba Fett, but do manage to find Vima. At about the same
time, Shug Ninx and Salla Zend discover another giant Imperial superweapon being built--the
Galaxy Gun, capable of firing projectiles through hyperspace. On Ossus, Luke and Kam
save Jem and Rayf Ysanna and are attacked by their tribe until the tribe realizes they are
Jedi. Sedriss and Dark Side Lieutenant Vill Goir arrive and attack Luke and Kam. Kam kills
Goir, and Sedriss takes Jem hostage, only to be killed in the final heroic act of Myrkr-native
Jedi (turned tree) Ood Bnar. They then discover buried lightsabers and other artifacts buried
by Ood, and Jem, Rayf, Luke, and Kam raise the lightsabers to the sky--a salute to a future
Jedi order. As they depart from Ossus, Palpatine arrives aboard the Galaxy Gun. At Nar
Shaddaa, Boba Fett chases the Falcon into a radioactive gas cloud where the heroes meet
Empatajayos Brand and his Ganathan space station. Brand is a Jedi and agrees to leave
with them after repairing the Falcon. On Byss, the invasion begins, and the New Republic
forces are nearly destroyed until Salla Zend, Shug Ninx, and other smugglers arrive to help.
Near Nar Shaddaa, the Falcon and her crew leave the gas cloud and use a newly installed
lightning gun to disable Boba Fett's ship and send him into the gas cloud. Aboard the Jedi
Explorer, bound for Da Soocha, Luke and Jem fall for each other. Elsewhere, the Falcon
lands on New Alderaan, and Han and Leia are reunited with their children. At the same time,
Luke and company witness a projectile from the Galaxy Gun destroy Pinnacle Base and Da
Soocha. (Luckily, the New Republic forces had already left the base for a new location.)
Luke and the others arrive on New Alderaan, and the groups catch each other up on their
adventures. Dark Siders then arrive on New Alderaan and poison Luke. They then kill Jem.
Leia, Brand, Rayf, and Kam manage to defeat the attackers, and Luke's life is saved from the
poison. They must all then leave New Alderaan as the Empire attacks. Along with the forces
returning from Byss and the smugglers, they make their way from New Alderaan to Nespis
VIII, the newest New Republic base. Shortly thereafter, Leia gives birth to Anakin Solo, and
Luke receives a vision of a future in which Anakin, Jaina, and Jacen will be among the front
lines of a new order of Jedi Knights, restoring peace and justice to the galaxy.*
(Dark Empire II)*
*NOTE: Given the events of Star by Star, we are left to wonder whether Luke’s vision was toward the New Jedi
Order era, or but one of many possible futures that didn’t happen precisely as he envisioned.
During Operation Shadow Hand, the Empire besieges Metellos and Kaikielius. General
Nahdonnis Praji, indulging in his family’s ancient feud, takes extreme pleasure in blowing the
Vahalii skyhook from orbit and placing Kaikielius under martial law. With his high position in
the reconstituted Empire, Praji realizes that he was working for a theocracy rather than the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 643
older government he had served faithfully. Wanting to minimize further involvement, he
requests Kaikielius as a personal fiefdom. The remaining members of House Vahali flee the
(conjecture based on Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes)
The leader of the Gama-Senn people, a humanoid alien species, pledges his system's
allegiance to the reborn Emperor after witnessing a demonstration of Palpatine's devastating
Galaxy Gun.
(conjecture based on Empire’s End via TimeTales, verbatim)
Grand Moff Ardus Kaine is killed as part of Operation Shadow Hand.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Escorting the Tedryn Holocron from Pinnacle Base (now destroyed) to a new location, Mara
Jade's vessel is attacked by a group of pirates led by Kaerobani. She manages to defeat
them and reclaim the holocron. She then heads for Dromund Kaas to find Kyle Katarn, who
has fallen to the Dark Side. She confronts him, and he defeats her in a lightsaber duel but
cannot bring himself to kill her. The turmoil caused by that decision, along with Mara's words,
brings him back from the Dark Side, and the two depart from Dromund Kaas.
(Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Mysteries of the Sith (video game: Stephen R. Show)
Kyle Katarn
Assault at Altyr 5
New Republic Base on Altyr 5
Asteroid Crust
Assault on Altyr 5 [continued]
Asteroid Core
Assault on Altyr 5 [continued]
Self-Destruct and Escape
Mara Jade
Ka'pa the Hutt's Palace
Katraasii Space Port
Katraasii Space Port, Part B
Takara's Stronghold
The Dark Empire Trilogy (comic trilogy: Tom Veitch)
Dark Empire (comic series: Tom Veitch)
The Destiny of a Jedi (comic: Tom Veitch)
Devastator of Worlds (comic: Tom Veitch)
The Battle for Calamari (comic: Tom Veitch)
Confrontation on the Smugglers' Moon (comic: Tom Veitch)
Emperor Reborn (comic: Tom Veitch)
The Fate of a Galaxy (comic: Tom Veitch)
The Dark Empire Audio Dramatization Trilogy (audio drama series: The Dark
Empire Audio Dramatization Trilogy (audio drama series: John Whitman)
Dark Empire (audio drama: John Whitman)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game series: LucasArts)
Rogue Squadron [continued] (video game: LucasArts)
Dark Empire
The Battle of Calamari
Boba Fett Omnibus [continued] (comic series: John Wagner & Mike Kennedy & Ron Marz
& Thomas Andrews & Andy Mangels)
Boba Fett: Death, Lies, and Treachery (comic series: John Wagner)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 644
Bounty on Bar-Kooda (comic: John Wagner)
When the Fat Lady Swings (comic: John Wagner)
Murder Most Foul (comic: John Wagner)
No Disintegrations, Please [continued] (AJ14/TFTNR short story: Paul Danner)
No Disintegrations, Please (AJ14/TFTNR short story: Paul Danner)
Boba Fett Omnibus [continued] (comic series: John Wagner & Mike Kennedy & Ron Marz
& Thomas Andrews & Andy Mangels)
Boba Fett: Man With a Mission [continued] (comic series: Thomas Andrews & John Ostrander &
Ron Marz & John Wagner)
Boba Fett: Agent of Doom [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Agent of Doom [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
The Dark Empire Trilogy [continued] (comic trilogy: Tom Veitch)
Lightsider (canceled graphic novel: Tom Veitch)*
*Production has been canceled on this project by Dark Horse Comics, but the redemption of Kam Solusar was
written into the Dark Empire II audio book released by Time Warner. It is not the method of redemption that was
planned to occur in Lightsider, but it filled in the hole left by Lightsider's cancellation.
Dark Empire II (comic series: Tom Veitch)
Operation Shadow Hand (comic: Tom Veitch)
Return to Nar Shaddaa (comic: Tom Veitch)
World of the Ancient Sith (comic: Tom Veitch)
Battle on Byss (comic: Tom Veitch)
The Galaxy Weapon (comic: Tom Veitch)
Hand of Darkness (comic: Tom Veitch)
The Dark Empire Audio Dramatization Trilogy [continued] (audio drama series:
John Whitman)
Dark Empire II (audio drama: John Whitman)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Mysteries of the Sith [continued] (video game: Stephen R. Show)
Mara Jade [continued]
New Republic Escort Ship
Orbiting Ship Yards
Kaerobani's Base
Dromund Kaas Swamp
Sith Temple
Jedi Knight
Sith Temple Catacombs
11 ABY
The Mandalorian child Dinua Jeban is born to Briika Jeban.
(conjecture based on A Practical Man)
The Galaxy Gun's fourth firing destroys a New Republic troopship. All is not well in the
Empire, however, as Palpatine's health begins to fail, due to the clone's sabotage. On
Nespis VIII, the New Republic base is blasted by the Galaxy Gun, but the torpedo does not
explode. The heroes evacuate just in time as another Galaxy Gun projectile destroys the
planet. Aboard the Galaxy Gun, Palpatine is informed that this is his last clone body and
anger only hastens the deterioration. He decides that he must restore his clones or find a
new Jedi body. He leaves the Gun aboard the Eclipse II. Luke Skywalker, Rayf Ysanna,
Kam Solusar, and Empatajayos Brand head for Ossus to learn more Jedi secrets, but
Imperials have already taken three Ysanna shamans for clone testing. The shamans are
taken to Vjun, and the Jedi follow them there. In the ensuing battle, Dark Side Adept Xecr
Nist and his fellow Imperials are defeated, but the shamans are found frozen in carbonite--
with Palpatine the only one who can free them. Palpatine travels to Korriban to the ruins of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 645
the Sith temples there and is told by the Sith Lord spirits to seek out Anakin Solo and inhabit
his body. Leia goes into hiding on Onderon, but Palpatine tracks her there. As a New
Republic team attacks the Eclipse II, Leia is attacked by Palpatine on the surface. In the
struggle, Palpatine kills Rayf and is shot by Han Solo, forcing him to enter a new body. His
spirit tries to enter Anakin, but Brand manages to trap the Emperor's spirit within himself then
allows himself to die, taking Palpatine with him. Finally, the heroes escape as, over Byss, the
sabotaged Eclipse II crashes into the Galaxy Gun, destroying it, but allowing it to release one
last projectile, which destroys Byss. Shortly thereafter things settle down, the New Republic
returns to its rightful capital, Coruscant, and Vima-Da-Boda mysteriously vanishes.
(Empire's End)
Shortly after the final end of Palpatine, Luke Skywalker records a message for newborn
Anakin Solo while still on Onderon. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Jeng Droga, having warned Palpatine not to go after Anakin Solo on his own, races to
Onderon to save his master, but is too late. In grief, he returns to Kaal, hoping to someday
serve the Emperor anew, if he can find his way somehow back to the land of the living yet
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns)
In the wake of the conflict with the Emperor Reborn and the return of the New Republic to
Coruscant, the New Republic governmental hierarchy is more clearly defined. Instead of a
Provisional Council with Chief Councilor, Mon Mothma is deemed Chief of State and
President of the Senate, while Leia Organa Solo is Minister of State. The new titles and
structure will clarify matters of stability and governmental policy.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
In the wake of Palpatine's death, Palpatine's captured physician tells the New Republic that
he sabotaged the clones under orders from Royal Guardsman Carnor Jax. Another Royal
Guard overhears this confession and tells his fellow Royal Guards. The guards are then
attacked by stormtroopers under Jax's orders, and only Kir Kanos and Kile Hannad survive
into the final moments. They flip a coin, which results in Hannad remaining to cover Kanos’
escape, so that Jax can be brought to justice. In the meantime, Jax continues to gain power
over the Imperial Ruling Council, now back in power with Palpatine's death.
(conjecture based on Crimson Empire #0)
A warlord (former Imperial) discovers that a criminal syndicate operating within his territory
has acquired an X-1 Viper Droid. The warlord cannot allow such a dangerous threat to exist
unchallenged, so he directs his military to bombard the organization’s headquarters.
Determined to exterminate the criminals, he then personally leads his troops into the remains
of the fortified base. Unfortunately, the base has largely withstood the bombing and there are
lots of bounty hunters and other criminal scum still alive and in fighting condition.*
(A Warlord’s Fury)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. We know the scenario takes place shortly after the final
death of Palpatine in Empire’s End.
The Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera is captured by the New Republic with the end of
Operation Shadow Hand.*
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Anx)*
*NOTE: This happens sometime in the Chimaera’s life span, but given that Pellaeon will soon be working as Vice
Admiral under Teradoc’s command on a Victory-class Star Destroyer instead of the Chimaera, I am assuming the
ship was captured during Operation Shadow Hand.
A team lead by Dr. Ils Ee arrives on Asation to study the Gree. When Sharka’k dies, a device
known as the Sharka’k’ Noor is to be transferred to the possession of the Te Hasans Gree,
but Ee steals it before it can be transferred. Ee escapes to Tujiamoor, where he soon begins
experimenting with the Noor, causing the volcanic Talecalle chain to begin erupting for the
first time in 3,000 years.
(conjecture based on From the Files of Corellia Antilles)
Boba Fett takes down World Devastator designer Umak Leth, after Leth betrays the Empire.*
(Boba Fett vs. The Empire)*
*NOTE: This comic series never came to be. Its inclusion here is as an historical curiosity.
With the return of the New Republic to Coruscant, recovery efforts begin for dangerous
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 646
artifacts. A leading expert on this topic, Dr. Corellia Antilles, delivers a lecture on these
artifacts to department heads and interested parties at the Galactic Museum.
(From the Files of Corellia Antilles)
In the wake of the Second Battle of Coruscant, General Wedge Antilles is ordered to
restructure Rogue Squadron yet again, this time to incorporate more than just X-wings.
Wedge’s argument that the purpose of the squadron would be compromised was met with
opposition from those who said that the success of the new multi-starfighter squadron would
be enhanced if it bore the name Rogue Squadron. Wedge reluctantly agrees, but decides to
command the new Rogue Squadron from afar. He takes command of the Lusankya and uses
it as a base of operations for the squadron, which now has over 100 starfighters of various
makes and models available to it.
(conjecture based on Crimson Empire Handbook)
The Solo children are taken to Anoth for their own safety.
(conjecture based on Jedi Search)
In the wake of Palpatine’s second defeat and the capture of Kuat, Bevel Lemelisk is the only
member of the Kuat design team who does not flee to the Deep Core. Instead, he falls in with
Durga the Hutt.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Carnor Jax is contacted by the mysterious (Yuuzhan Vong agent) Nom Anor, who wishes for
a possible alliance with Jax’s master, Lumiya.
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
As Carnor Jax's forces hunt for Kir Kanos (and meet with nasty results at the hands of Kanos'
booby traps on Zaddja), Kanos makes his way to Phaeda. He is tracked there, and he must
escape with the help of Tem Merkon, Sish Sadeet, and Mirith Sinn, New Republic forces.
Merkon betrays them as they arrive at the New Republic base. An Imperial force
commanded by Colonel Shev, against Jax's orders, attacks. Kanos dons his Royal Guard
armor and battles the Imperials. The New Republic forces win the engagement, leaving Shev
to deal with Jax's rage when he arrives. Jax arrives and has Shev killed, as the New
Republic group falls back to their base at Collo Fauale and Massimo executes Merkon for his
treachery. Shortly thereafter, Mirith is captured in Kanos' stead and tortured, as Jax tries to
learn Kanos' location. He bombs her comrades' base as well, finally prompting her to tell him
that Kanos has left for Yinchorr--the Royal Guard training world. Jax sets out in his Star
Destroyer, the Emperor's Revenge, for Yinchorr. Before the remaining forces can destroy the
other New Republic forces on the planet, Rogue Squadron arrives (on their first mission as
the restructured force), led by General Wedge Antilles aboard the New Republic Super Star
Destroyer Lusankya. Aboard the Emperor's Revenge, Jax boards his shuttle and heads for
Yinchorr's surface, as a captured TIE supposedly belonging to Kanos self-destructs, taking
the Star Destroyer with it. Kanos takes out Jax's landing force of Dark Force Elite
Stormtroopers, finally meeting Carnor Jax at his old training ground. The two duel fiercely as
Mirith Sinn and Sadeet, newly-arrived on Yinchorr, take out snipers set up by Jax to kill
Kanos, just in case the duel goes badly. Mirith and Sadeet try to stop Jax when Kanos is
nearly knocked out, but Jax uses the Dark Side to take Sadeet's weapon. Kanos strikes,
bringing Jax to his knees. Then, against the wishes of Mirith and Sadeet, Kanos carries out a
sentence of death on Jax. Sadeet tries to stop him, and Kanos kills him in self-defense.
Kanos leaves Yinchorr to wreak havoc on the Imperial Ruling Council who worked with Jax to
sabotage Palpatine's clones as Mirith vows revenge against Kanos for Sadeet's death.
(Crimson Empire)
The Imperial Interim Ruling Council takes power in the wake of Carnor Jax’s death and
increases the bounty on Kir Kanos.
(conjecture based on The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil)
As the Imperial Ruling Council takes back the power it had lost to Carnor Jax, the Council
turns on Jax’s confederate, Sarcev Quest, torturing him and dumping him on Nar Shaddaa.
(conjecture based on The Emperor’s Pawns)
Iella Wessiri, a New Republic Intelligence operative and Corran Horn's ex CorSec partner,
manages to procure a safehouse on Coruscant for Corran and his wife, Mirax, to use as a
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 647
temporary home.
(conjecture based on I, Jedi via TimeTales, verbatim)
With the Galaxy Gun threat over, the New Republic takes the few ixlls that were taken from
Da Soocha V during the evacuation to an uninhabited moon of Endor, hoping to help the
species survive extinction.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Herg, an arrogant young man, and a native of Coruscant, becomes a student of galactic
history under the tutelage of Voren Na’al. Despite his chosen field of study, Herg was not
very interested in history unless it was spectacular and didn’t involve research. Another of
Voren’s students, Tipn Pollo, a Devaronian, dreamed of one day meeting the heroes of the
Battle of Yavin, just as Na’al had done. Na’al chose Tipn to revisit the events surrounding
Thrawn’s rise and defeat. Na’al also asked Tipn to accompany him on a fact-finding mission
to Exocron.
(conjecture based on Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
Kir Kanos heads for Baramorra, running from the Imperial Interim Ruling Council and bounty
hunters. Upon arrival he meets a young boy who is working on a modified X-wing, hoping to
travel the stars one day. He admires Kanos Skipray and mentions that the only thing left to
have for his X-wing is an astromech. Kanos learns from the locals that the nephew of
Imperial Interim Ruling Council Member Admiral Banjeer controls the local bounty hunters
and is given free reign of the area by his uncle, Admiral Banjeer. Kanos contacts the son of a
former Royal Guardsman to have him bring supplies to Baramorra, while Kanos buys new
clothes and parades around as Kenix Kil, a bounty hunter. This arouses the attention of
Banjeer and his bounty hunters, so they corner Kanos/Kil and test his skills before Kanos/Kil
agrees to let them join him in his hunt for Kir Kanos. He leads Banjeer’s men on a wild goose
chase until finally killing all of them. He then returns and kills Banjeer, proclaiming that his
family has been traitorous to the Empire. Knowing that Grappa the Hutt now needs
replacement bounty hunters on Genon (since hed been contracting out from Banjeer), he
takes the kid’s X-wing (leaving him the Skipray) when his friend arrives bearing supplies and
an astromech. He heads for Genon after telling his associate that he wants the X-wing
because that is what Luke Skywalker flies, and one must know his enemy.
(The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil)
Zee Ethda fails to capture Tarrant Snil on Pa-Sidian.
(conjecture based on Council of Blood)
The Mining Guild vessel Draisini comes under attack by pirates led by Sol Mon. The pirates
are after the ship's illegal cargo. In the city of De-Purteen on Ord Cantrell, the Imperial
Interim Ruling Council holds an emergency meeting to determine what to do next, but they
cannot agree, and when Feena D'asta suggests a truce with the New Republic, she is
laughed off. Shortly after the meeting, Council member Burr Nolyds is assassinated by a
message disk carrying a time-bomb. At the base of Grappa the Hutt on Genon, Mirith Sinn
arrives as Grappa has Zee Ethda killed for failure. She will work for Grappa in return for him
trying to find Kir Kanos for her. On Ord Cantrell, the Council knows that the new head of the
Council will be the next target for the mystery assassin, so they nominate the bungling
Xandel Carivus as head (or figurehead) of the Council. Carivus, however, is being guided by
the mysterious Nom Anor (Executor for the Yuuzhan Vongs Praetorite Vong, although
Carivus is unaware of this fact), so he may just be a formidable man yet. Sol Mon arrives
bearing the crew and cargo of the Draisini as Kir Kanos also arrives under the alias Kenix Kil.
Kanos/Kil is sent to Lay Pa-Sidian to capture Tarrant Snil (since Zee Ethda had failed). On
Ord Cantrell, Councilman Admiral Banjeer is found murdered, with the murder weapon, a
knife, sitting beside him. Grappa the Hutt and his henchmen head for Smarck, where they
meet with Marcus Kayniph, a representative of Black Sun. Grappa gives him the cargo from
the Draisini, gree spice, in return for Black Sun having captured Feena D'asta and replaced
her with a clone. On Ord Cantrell, the Imperials find evidence that it was Kanos behind the
assassinations--evidence arranged by Carivus and Anor. Carivus plans to send a mighty
fleet after Kanos, but Feena D'asta nearly curtails the mission by challenging Carivus' power.
He informs Nom Anor of this, and Anor suggests that it is time for another assassination. On
Genon, Kanos/Kil brings Snil before Grappa. Snil is turned over to the skeletal Zanibar for
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 648
their deadly ceremony. As a party begins to be held in Kanos/Kil's honor, Grappa learns that
"the faceless one," Nom Anor, is once again on the move. In space, Grappa's pirates attack
the New Republic vessel Yavin's Caprice. On Genon, Kanos has one of his fellow
mercenaries keep tabs on Mirith Sinn. On Ord Cantrell, Councilman General Immodet is
murdered, and Carivus brings in his own personal guard to protect him. Immodet's poisoning
was not of Carivus' design. At Genon, Zanibar Zzzanxml arrives wanting more live subjects
for Zanibarr ceremonies. Then Massimo, formerly a member of Mirith's command, arrives to
betray her to Grappa, revealing that she is really on a spy mission to determine if Grappa is
behind recent attacks on New Republic ships. On Ord Cantrell, Carivus has all of the alien
Council members arrested, Feena D'asta declared a traitor, and anyone supporting Feena
declared enemies of the Empire. On Genon, Mirith frees the real Feena D'asta with the help
of a mysterious life-saver. Mirith is then caught by Grappa, though, and both she and
Massimo are given to the Zanibarr. Marcus informs Grappa that Kenix Kil is Kir Kanos, but
when the Zanibar try to take him, he is gone. When they report this to Grappa, the reporting
Zanibar is shot and killed by Grappa. When Marcus tries to stop Grappa from killing again
(which is bad business), Grappa kills him. In space, Kanos sets a course for Xo, the Zanibar
homeworld. Grappa is contacted by Y'ull Acib of Black Sun, who wishes to speak to the
murdered Marcus. Grappa is in deep trouble. On Xo, Kanos saves Mirith from the Zanibar,
leaving Massimo to be killed. They escape using the A-wing Kanos arrived in (which
belonged to Mirith) but are shot down. On Ord Cantrell, Carivus is attacked by Black Sun
agents, but saved by his guard. One of the agents is revealed to be a clone of Carivus
himself. On Xo, Kanos and Mirith face the perils of the Zanibar night but finally arrive at an
ancient temple built before the Old Republic existed. They are found by the Zanibar, but are
saved by an arriving X-wing, flown by Kennede, a friend of Kanos. Kennede gets Mirith to
safety, leaving Kanos behind, at his urging. On Ord Cantrell, Carivus disbands the Ruling
Council and takes on the title of Emperor. On Genon, Grappa is told that Marcus is needed
and that Black Sun's attempts to replace Carivus with a clone have failed. Acib will come to
Genon personally. The Zanibar bring Kanos to Grappa, while, on Ord Cantrell, Carivus is
informed that Feena D'asta's father is threatening to attack the Imperial fleet if his daughter
(unbeknownst to him, the clone of his daughter) is not freed from prison. A New Republic
force destroys Black Sun's cloning facilities and then heads on to Genon, where they free
Kanos and the real D'asta, imprisoning Grappa in his own cell to await Acib's vengeance.
Over Ord Cantrell, Baron D'asta's forces engage Carivus' forces, but Carivus will receive no
help from Nom Anor, whom he has just told is not needed anymore. Carivus must turn the
clone Feena over to Baron D'asta to avoid war, but just as the clone arrives, Kanos, Mirith
and the real Feena arrive. Kanos desires to kill the clone, since she was on the Council
when Palpatine's clones were sabotaged, but Mirith convinces him that the real target is
Carivus. Kanos kills Carivus on Ord Cantrell as Grappa is taken by the Zanibar for their
ceremonies. With a final kiss goodbye, Kanos and Mirith once again part ways. They both
know that her heart still belongs to the New Republic, while his still belongs to Emperor
(Council of Blood)
Imperial Moff Disra begins searching for an actor to impersonate Thrawn.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
Jacen and Jaina Solo return to Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Jedi Search)
Kir Kanos, as Kenix Kil, delivers yet another bounty. He speaks to one of his contacts about
finding a target with a bigger pay-off, and the contact suggests going after Kir Kanos.
Kir/Kenix doesnt go for it but accepts a mission to capture a notorious cyborg pirate. As
Kir/Kenix leaves, the contact calls the target and informs him that Kenix Kil is on his way,
though the target knows that Kenix Kil is just an alias. Kanos/Kil heads for the cyborg’s
fortress, only to be herded into the fortress docking bay and into the trap set by the “target . .
. who is actually Massimo! A stray shot from Kanos during the escape from the Zanibar
managed to save Massimo, when they thought he was dead, but he is now disfigured and
required cybernetics to stay alive. He is now mad with rage and a need for vengeance, with
Kanos as his primary target. Massimo has his droids attempt to kill Kanos, but Kanos is, of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 649
course, too well trained to be defeated. He defeats the droids and kills Massimo, not for
trying to kill him, but for betraying his commanding officer.
(Hard Currency)
With many of his forces destroyed during Operation Shadow Hand, Vice Admiral Gilad
Pellaeon takes his reduced fleet and joins High Admiral Teradocs warlordship. He is placed
in command of a large flotilla of Victory-class Star Destroyers
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
The Alliance Security Task force is replaced by the New Republic Threat Assessment Office.
(conjecture based on Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
Captain Zgorthsth of the New Republic Threat Assessment Office submits a report on
special military units to Admiral Gial Ackbar, General Rieekan, General Madine, Admiral
Drayson, General Antilles, and Senator Bel Iblis.
(Special Military Unit Intelligence Update)
Andur, a New Republic functionary, is appointed as vice-chairman of the newly formed
Orbital Debris Committee.
(conjecture based on Jedi Search via TimeTales, verbatim)
On behalf of the New Republic, Mara Jade attempts to open diplomatic channels with Kessel
as representative of the Smuggler’s Alliance--and is flatly rebuffed.
(conjecture based on Jedi Search via TimeTales, verbatim)
Rogue Squadron is hunting for Leonia Tavira and the Invids. Corran Horn's wife, Mirax, is
also hunting for them and is captured. Corran senses her cry for help and then . . . nothing.
He decides, with the prompting of Iella Wessiri, that it would be best to take Luke Skywalker
up on his offer of Jedi training so he can have the skills necessary to find Mirax. (To be
continued below . . .)
(I, Jedi)
Luke Skywalker announces his intention to start a Jedi Academy. It will be set up on Yavin IV.
He searches for candidates, which include Corran Horn (under the alias Keiran Halcyon),
Kam Solusar, Brakiss (whom Luke knows is an Imperial plant, but whom he hopes to turn to
the Light Side), Gantoris, Kirana Ti, and others. At Kessel, Han Solo and Chewbacca arrive
on what is supposed to be a diplomatic mission, but are captured by the forces of Moruth
Doole and sent to the spice mines. There they meet young Kyp Durron, who is Force-
sensitive. They manage to escape but are subsequently captured by the Imperials of the
secretive Maw Installation. The commander of the Installation, Admiral Natasi Daala, learns
of the events of the past decade and decides to use the Installation's facilities to wreak havoc
on the New Republic in revenge. Han and the others meet Qui Xux, who was part of the
Death Star design team, and when she learns what the station was really used for, she helps
them escape. They steal the Sun Crusher, a vessel with special torpedoes that can destroy a
star, and thus an entire system, and escape. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi Search and I, Jedi)
On Ossus, the seeker of Jedi lore named Tionne has arrived and begun sifting through Jedi
artifacts. After finding a statue of Odan-Urr, she heads off for Ord Mantell. On Yavin IV,
Luke Skywalker, Gantoris, and Streen (presumably with Brakiss and Corran Horn’s help)
clear some rubble to set up the Great Temple as the home of Luke’s Jedi Academy. On Ord
Mantell, Tionne buys information from Fonterrat, which points her to the location of Exis
Station, where the Great Convocation was called ten years after the Sith War. She cannot
pay much, but she has Fonterrat work to get the information to Luke Skywalker. Luke gets
the information through Han Solo, who suggests that Kyp Durron should come to the
Academy. Luke is looking for Jedi teachings and already has a Holocron and records from
the Chu’unthor, but desires more. To that end, he and R2-D2 head for Exis Station. At Exis
Station, the station itself is in danger of being destroyed (and is being heavily irradiated) by
flare-ups of the star it orbits. On the station, Tionne finds some artifacts and then runs into
Luke. They need to escape before the station gets so close to the star that it is destroyed or
irradiated beyond their levels to withstand. A flare irradiates the bay where Luke’s X-wing
and Tionnes Lore Seeker are stored, which keeps them from being able to fix the bay’s
jammed doors until the station gets out of range of the radiation. When part of the hull starts
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 650
leaking air, Luke and Tionne plan to get into a module to be safe, but the module is filled with
gas for chlorine-breathers. Attempting to stop it from filling the area with gas, they end up
releasing the module, which, by the laws of physics, pushes away from the station and
pushes the station a bit further on its path to relative safety. They race to the control hub,
where Luke opens a door to a water storage bay to expose it to the star’s rays. The water
evaporates in an instant and pushes the station to safety. As they prepare to leave, Tionne
and Luke discuss Jedi history, and Tionne activates a holographic data plaque, which then
replays part of Nomi Sunrider’s speech at the Great Convocation.
Nomi: War has spanned the galaxy, but now it is over. We can never forget the dead
but we must also not forget the future. We must trust in the Force. As long as
there are Jedi Knights, there is hope.
Both realize that these words, millennia old, still have relevance today. Luke offers Tionne a
chance to help him at the Jedi Academy, and they soon discover that she has Jedi potential.
The two return to the Jedi Academy, ready to take on the task of rebuilding the Jedi.
Shortly after founding the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV and bringing Tionne there, Luke
Skywalker records his thoughts on what he knows about Jedi spirits, particularly about those
of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Anakin Skywalker that he saw on Endor (and on Coruscant
as well in Obi-Wan’s case). Sometime around this time, he also records his thoughts on
having gone to the Dark Side to defeat it from within during the return of Palpatine and his
belief that he now has an understanding of the Dark Side that will help defeat it. It is ironic
timing, given that the spirit of Exar Kun, an ancient Dark Lord of the Sith, will soon be working
actively against him. Around the same time, Teemto Pagalies, having seen Luke in the news
about the formation of the Jedi Academy. He recalls having met Leia Organa three years
earlier and sends her a message about the better aspects of her father (that he would not
cheat, even when able to do so), along with a recording of the Boonta Eve Podrace when he
won his freedom. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Realizing that Kyp has Jedi potential, Han takes him to Yavin IV, where he will begin training
with the other Jedi, but the two will gallivant around the galaxy a bit first.
(Jedi Search and I, Jedi)
Mon Mothma, infected with a virus by Caridian Ambassador Furgan, chooses Leia to act in
her stead.
(conjecture based on Jedi Search and Dark Apprentice)
An expanded B-wing carrying Leia Organa Solo and Admiral Gial Ackbar crashes on Vortex,
killing 358 people. Ackbar blames himself and resigns his commission. Leia tries to convince
him to stay, but even Mon Mothma's failing health will not draw him back. In space, Admiral
Natasi Daala continues her attacks on the New Republic. She destroys Dantooine's refuge
for the people of Eol Sha (Gantoris' people) and sets her sights on Calamari. As Leia and
Ackbar return to the planet, Daala strikes. On Yavin IV, the spirit of Exar Kun begins
disrupting the Academy, turning Gantoris to the Dark Side and prompting him to build his own
double-length lightsaber to duel Luke Skywalker. Luke survives the encounter, and Gantoris
begins to realize that he is corrupted. He turns on Kun and is killed for his impudence.
Corran Horn will lead the investigation into his death. The Imperials at Calamari are defeated
(somewhat), and Leia meets a young Force-sensitive Ambassador Cilghal, whom she takes
to the Academy. Back at the Academy, Kyp Durron is corrupted by Kun. He uses the Force to
wipe part of Qui Xux's memory, retrieves the Sun Crusher from Yavin, destroys the Tedryn
Holocron, and, with Kun, knocks Luke into a Dark Side coma. He then escapes, the newest
self-proclaimed Dark Lord of the Sith.
(Dark Apprentice and I, Jedi)
On Yavin IV, the Jedi students battle Exar Kun to save Luke Skywalker's life. After numerous
attempts on Luke's physical body, Corran attacks Kun at his focal temple just before the
others defeat his spirit. Luke is revived, but that is but one of the threats the New Republic
must face. On Coruscant, Mon Mothma is healed by Cilghal, but still wants Leia to take her
place as Chief of State. On Anoth, Caridian Ambassador Furgan's forces attempt to capture
Anakin Solo to no avail. Terpfen, a Mon Calamari who was forced by Imperial engineering to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 651
cause the crash on Vortex, kills Furgan instead. At Carida, Dark Lord Kyp Durron destroys
the planet (and his own brother) in his crusade against the Empire. Han Solo is able to sway
him from the Dark Side. Upon announcement of Kyp's capture, the New Republic cries out
for his execution, but instead he is sent on a suicide mission to destroy Natasi Daala's
prototype Death Star (designed to work out kinks between Geonosian plans and practical
application before the first Death Star was complete), which she intends to use to crush the
New Republic. In the ensuing battle, the Sun Crusher and prototype Death Star are sucked
into the Maw at Kessel and destroyed, but Kyp manages to escape in a trance and rejoins
the Jedi on Yavin IV. Daala escapes the foray in her Star Destroyer, the Gorgon, and makes
her way, battered but not beaten, into Imperial space. On Kessel, Lando Calrissian and the
Smugglers' Alliance take over the mining operation in the wake of Doole's defeat at the hands
of Daala and Doole's death. The New Republic is safe, for a time, and a new generation of
Jedi Knights has been born.
(Champions of the Force and I, Jedi)
Stavin Thaal, an Imperial Officer on Carida, is among the last to escape before the Sun
Crusher destroys the system. In the wake of that event, he defects to the New Republic,
becoming a seemingly loyal officer for decades to come.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Finally healed after the battle with Kun, Corran Horn leaves the Jedi Academy to find Mirax.
He heads for Corellia to meet with Rostek Horn, his grandfather. Rostek tells him of his Jedi
heritage, but Corran does not see himself as a Jedi with other skills, but a pilot and warrior
with Jedi skills. He infiltrates the Invids and comes to the attention of Leonia Tavira. She
wishes him to become her lover, but he cannot betray Mirax. He builds a lightsaber, knowing
that he must utilize all of who he is to save Mirax. He terrorizes her forces, and Tavira is
convinced that it is Luke Skywalker doing the harassment. During one Invid raid, Corran
meets a Caamasi named ELEGOs and takes him on as an advisor (but servant in name).
Leonia hires the Jensaari, Jedi-like individuals, to stop the harassment of her forces. Luke
Skywalker, Ooryl Qrygg, and a group of ysalamiri they have brought arrive and help him
when the Jensaari attack him. Then they head for Susevfi to save Mirax. They save her
from her imprisonment and Force-trance and then are attacked by the other Jensaari. The
Jensaari are defeated as Leonia Tavira arrives, followed shortly by a New Republic fleet. As
the battle over Susevfi rages, Corran projects an image of the Sun Crusher and a Super Star
Destroyer into Tavira's mind, and she flees. With the memory help of ELEGOs, Corran and
the Jensaari leader learn the truth behind Nejaa Halcyon's encounter with her master and the
Jensaari consider joining the ranks of the Jedi. Corran returns to Yavin IV and destroys
Kun's focal temple for good measure before returning to Coruscant with Mirax, ready to begin
a family of their own.
(I, Jedi)
While Luke Skywalker is off helping Corran Horn, Mara Jade leaves a message for Tionne
about her time as an Emperor’s Hand and an apology for being short with her when Tionne
asked her about this directly. Shortly thereafter, Kyp Durron records his recollections of his
experience under Exar Kun’s influence during his fall to the Dark Side. (To be continued
below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Kelbis Nu, a Rodian Jensaari, is taken into the Jedi Academy, as are other Jensaari.*
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the New Jedi Order)*
*NOTE: The article mistakenly calls him “Kubis Nu” instead of “Kelbis Nu,” but the description confirms that this
is the same character that appeared in Rebirth.
Cion Marook becomes a New Republic senator for Hrasskis.
(conjecture based on Before the Storm)
Mon Mothma becomes leader of New Republic Intelligence. (Apparently, her service to the
New Republic isnt over, just shifting to less overt leadership.)
(conjecture based on Jedi Outcast)
The "New Class" project is undertaken to replace Star Destroyers and such with a new breed
of vessel.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Threat Dossier)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 652
Nichos Marr, a student at the Jedi Academy, comes down with Quannot's Syndrome, and is
saved from death by Ssi-Ruuvi entechment technology and Stinna Sha.
(conjecture based on Children of the Jedi)
Sometime in the early life of the Jedi Academy, Keyan Farlander comes to Yavin IV to act as
a Jedi piloting instructor.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the New Jedi Order)
Endorian Port, a full-bodied, sweet wine, is vinted on the Forest Moon of Endor during the
second decade of the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Star by Star via TimeTales, verbatim)
GL-7, a droid manufactured by Serv-O-Droid automaton, is developed to serve as a doorman
during the early decades of the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Star by Star via TimeTales, abridged)
Fleshglue, an adhesive was used to secure small objects to the skin, is developed.
(conjecture based on Star by Star via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Having taken up Mon Mothma’s role as Chief of State, Leia Organa Solo has been telling
Luke Skywalker that she has reached a barrier in her progress in learning Jedi skills. In
actuality, shes lying. She just can’t get the memory out of her mind of being attacked while
out with her children very recently, when she was tempted to go toward the Dark Side to
protect them. She won’t allow herself to reach a level of power that would make her
dangerous to others, but the live she’s chosen is pretty good, after all.
(The Other)
A Nightsister Sith Witch and her gang of Force-sensitive outlaws hear rumors of ancient Sith
artifacts being found on Yavin IV by students at the Jedi Academy. Desiring Sith secrets, she
leads her gang to the moon and they begin waiting until the time is right to steal the secrets
from the Jedi.
(conjecture based on Temple Intruders)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. This has to be before the scenario in 12 ABY, and I am assuming
they did not wait around for more than a year.
Around this time, Tork Winger dies. His adopted daughter, Alex Winger, will only learn of his
death three months from now upon encountering Dair Haslip again.
(conjecture based on Shades of Gray)
The Dark Empire Trilogy [continued] (comic trilogy: Tom Veitch)
Empire's End (comic series: Tom Veitch)
Triumph of the Empire (comic: Tom Veitch)
Rage of the Emperor (comic: Tom Veitch)
“Empire’s End, Part III” (canceled comic: Tom Veitch)*
“Empire’s End, Part IV” (canceled comic: Tom Veitch)*
“Empire’s End, Part V” (canceled comic: Tom Veitch)*
“Empire’s End, Part VI” (canceled comic: Tom Veitch)*
*NOTE: Empire’s End appeared as a 2-issue series. It was, however, originally intended to be a 6-issue series,
hence the inclusion of notes here for four more issues, included as an historical curiosity.
The Dark Empire Audio Dramatization Trilogy [continued] (audio drama series:
John Whitman)
Empire’s End (audio drama: John Whitman)
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
History and Holocrons [continued]
Significant Battles [continued]
The Demise of Palpatine
A Warlord’s Fury (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
A Warlord’s Fury (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Boba Fett vs. The Empire (canceled comic series: Tom Veitch)*
Boba Fett vs. The Empire, Part I (canceled comic: Tom Veitch)*
Boba Fett vs. The Empire, Part II (canceled comic: Tom Veitch)*
*NOTE: This comic series (very likely planned as more than two issues) never came to be. Consider it historical
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 653
From the Files of Corellia Antilles (AJ14 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
From the Files of Corellia Antilles (AJ14 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
The Sith Tombs on Korriban
Empress Teta’s Crown Jewels
Uueg Tching’s Sayings
The Cirra Mace
The Loag Dagger
The Shrines of Kooroo
The Emperor’s Yacht
Sharka’k Noor
The Crimson Empire Cycle (comic trilogy: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire (comic series: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire #0 ( comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire, Part I (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire, Part II (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire, Part III (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire, Part IV (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire, Part V (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire, Part VI (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)*
*NOTE: This issue was released as a Hasbro “Comic Pack” with action figures of Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax.
Crimson Empire Audio Dramatization (audio drama: Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire Audio Dramatization (audio drama: Randy Stradley)
The Bounty Hunters [continued] (comic series: Tim Truman & Mark Schultz & Randy
Stradley & Andy Mangels)
Kenix Kil: How the Mighty Have Fallen (comic: Randy Stradley)
The Crimson Empire Cycle [continued] (comic trilogy: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood (comic series: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Council of Blood, Part I (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Council of Blood, Part II (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Council of Blood, Part III (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Council of Blood, Part IV (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Council of Blood, Part V (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Council of Blood, Part VI (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Hard Currency (DHE short stories: Randy Stradley)
Hard Currency (DHE short stories: Randy Stradley)
Hard Currency, Part I (DHE21 short story: Randy Stradley)
Hard Currency, Part II (DHE22 short story: Randy Stradley)
Hard Currency, Part III (DHE23 short story: Randy Stradley)
Hard Currency, Part IV (DHE24 short story: Randy Stradley)
Special Military Unit Intelligence Update (AJ15 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
Special Military Unit Intelligence Update (AJ15 short story: Timothy O’Brien)
Ailon Nova Guard
Churhee’s Riflemen
First Sun Mobile Regiment
Imperial Hammers Elite Armor Unit
Laramus Base Irregulars
Mantis Syndicate
Mercenary Guild of Coyn
Natori Association
Ragnar Syndicate
Scimitar “White Death” Assault Wing
M’Yalfor’ac Order
I, Jedi (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 654
Chapters 1 8
The Jedi Academy Trilogy (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Jedi Search (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 1 29
Firestorm (AJ15 short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Firestorm (AJ15 short story: Kevin J. Anderson)
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Jedi [continued]
Jedi Spirits
The Dark Side [continued]
Luke Skywalker on the Dark Side
The Chosen One [continued]
Podracer Champion
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Jedi Search [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapter 29 [continued]
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 9 11
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Dark Apprentice (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 1 6
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 12
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Dark Apprentice [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapter 7
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 13
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Dark Apprentice [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 8 10
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 14 15
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Dark Apprentice [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 11 14
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 16
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Dark Apprentice [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 15 23
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 17 19
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Dark Apprentice [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 24 30
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 655
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 20
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Dark Apprentice [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 31 34
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 21
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Champions of the Force (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 1 2
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 22
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Champions of the Force [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 3 7
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 23
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Champions of the Force [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 8 11
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 24
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Champions of the Force [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 12 15
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapter 25
The Jedi Academy Trilogy [continued] (novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson)
Champions of the Force [continued] (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 16 44
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
I, Jedi [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 26 49
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Dark Side [continued]
Dark Side Disciples [continued]
The Emperor’s Hands
Under Exar Kun’s Influence
The Other (SWT16 short story: Jason Hall)
The Other (SWT16 short story: Jason Hall)
12 ABY
Seff Hellin is born.*
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)*
*NOTE: Seff is 14 when the Jedi are forced to leave Yavin IV for the Shelter installation in the Maw in 26 ABY.
Evelyn Tabory is born to Rosemari Tabory aboard the remains of the Outbound Flight
(conjecture based on Survivor’s Quest)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 656
Chem is born.*
(conjecture based on Dark Journey)*
*NOTE: This assumes that “several standard monthsbefore Dark Journey would have put his 14
birthday in
the year 26 ABY, not 27 ABY, when DJ takes place.
Doran Tainer is born to Kell Tainer and Tyria Sarkin Tainer. At around the same time, Luke
Skywalker, now in charge of the Jedi Academy, discovers that Tyria’s Force-attunement has
allowed her to increase her Jedi skills beyond where they were when he first interviewed her.
Thus, he grants her the title of Jedi Knight. She is thrilled by this for years to come, and will
eventually take Doran with her for impromptu training in the Jedi ways as they travel the
(conjecture based on Rebel Dream)*
*NOTE: This assumes that Doran is about fifteen when he is traveling with Tyria during the period of Rebel
Gariel Captison and Pter Thanas marry.
(conjecture based on Assault at Selonia)
Gavin Darklighter and Sera Faleur marry. They raise the two boys Gavin adopted two years
earlier as their sons.
(conjecture based on Onslaught)
By this point, the New Republic’s battle group and squadron forces finally meet Admiral Gial
Ackbar’s standards for strength, unity, and discipline. Reorganization begins, with the New
Republic’s federal army, badly damaged during Operation Shadow Hand, being disbanded
and replaced by regional defense forces.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Leia Organa Solo is offered the chance to have the New Alderaan movement kill the
surviving Death Star designers (including Qui Xux). She declines.
(conjecture based on Children of the Jedi)
Former teacher of Cray Mingla and student of Nasdra Magrody, Stinna Draeshine Sha, is
murdered. She has been a teacher at the Magrody Institute.
(conjecture based on Children of the Jedi)
Kyle Katarn joins the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
A trader brings the reptilian Force-sensitive being named Desann to the Yavin IV Jedi
Academy. Desann has had a rough life, being one of the few Force-sensitive individuals on
his planet, which is generally ignorant of the notion of the Force. Luke agrees to take Desann
in for training.
(conjecture based on Jedi Outcast and The Dark Forces Saga, Part VI: Outcasts and
Megalomaniacs Welcome)
Tricked, Kyle Katarn leads Lord Hethrir and Desann to the Valley of the Jedi. Once there,
Hethrir absorbs energy from ancient Jedi and Sith spirits, increasing his powers fourfold.
With this new power, he is able to assist Desann in the creation of the Reborn.*
(conjecture based on Threats of the Galaxy)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn.
Jedi Academy student Desann begins to turn to the Dark Side, finally crossing the line when
he kills fellow student Havet Storm during a training session, when Havet dared to stand up
to the bullying Desann. Desann leaves the Academy for parts unknown.
(conjecture based on Jedi Outcast and The Dark Forces Saga, Part VI: Outcasts and
Megalomaniacs Welcome)
Nova Station is built to replace Carida on the Perlemian Trade Route.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
Due to black market trade, Wisties have by this time become rare on the Endor moon.*
(conjecture based on Castaways of Endor)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn.
Professor Mankuskett, the University of Sanbra Chair of Metagrowth and Polymorphism,
goes on his third expedition to the Endor moon, intending to document the many intelligent
creatures living there, especially the shape-shifting Gupin.*
(conjecture based on Castaways of Endor)*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 657
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke van Horn.
Amid outcries that the World Devastators that had damaged Mon Calamari are being used for
reconstruction projects by the New Republic, the New Republic officially discontinues their
use and destroys the last remaining World Devastators.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The weakened, but still formidable, Galactic Empire moves its capital to a planet code-named
Bastion in the Sartinaynian system of the Braxant sector. The Chief Administrator of this new
capital is Imperial Moff Disra. Along with the necessary political and military forces, the main
computer stores of the Imperial Library are transferred to this new capitol as well. This
computer not only houses a sizable amount of duplicates of Palpatine's personal files, but
also a secret hyperspace-only homing beacon which allows the Chiss (and Admiral Parck) to
track the library's movements from the Hand of Thrawn.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past and Vision of the Future)
In a cantina, Han Solo overhears several patrons discussing his early exploits. He discusses
the adventures with them, but the comments are cut short when Senator Amara’s son is
accosted by a Black Sun bounty hunter, forcing Han to shoot the hunter. Han then leaves, an
inconspicuous hero.*
(Tall Tales)*
*NOTE: I had placed this story shortly after ROTJ, based on the appearance of Black Sun and the events of the A
New Hope being referenced as a long time ago, but Rob Mullin pointed out that Han says he needs to return to
his wife and kids, so I moved it, only to move it too early by mistake (carelessness on my part) and have Greg
Kelbaugh point it out to me.
A gang of Force-sensitive outlaws hiding on Yavin IV, led by a Nightsister Sith Witch, learn
that the Jedi Academy has just been attacked by Desann. Hoping to take advantage of the
chaos in the aftermath of the battle, they decide their opportunity to infiltrate the Academy
and learn the moons Sith secrets has arrived. Unfortunately for them, Kyle Katarn is there.
Before the outlaws can reach their computers, Kyle rallies the Jedi students to fight off the
(Temple Intruders)*
*NOTE: Summary provided by Luke Van Horn.
While spending family time on Coruscant, Jaina Solo discovers an open access grate leading
to a room full of droids. She goes through the grate and into a tunnel, popping out in front of
an old model protocol droid, babbling about wanting to be reinstated under a new Emperor.
When Han Solo realizes where Jaina has gone, Chewbacca rushes in to retrieve the child,
and in the process destroys the babbling droid, which sets off an explosion that nearly fries
both Chewbacca and Jaina. Chewie comes out a bit singed, but Jaina, whom Chewie had
protected, is just fine.*
*NOTE: The Solo kids look like they are in their very early years, so this seems an appropriate timeframe.
Imperial Admiral Galak Fyyar reappears and begins a build-up of Imperial Remnant forces in
the Outer Rim.
(conjecture based on the Jedi Outcast website)
Luke Skywalker sends a group of heroes to find a Force-sensitive child known as the Child of
Light before the Empire can capture her . . .
(The Child of Light Saga: Child of Light)
Dark Side Adept Thaum Rystra discovers the Child of Light before Luke Skywalker’s team,
hoping she will help him discover an ancient Dark Side weapon. Lukes team heads to the
galaxy’s rescue . . .
(The Child of Light Saga: Soulsaber)
On Ithor, Han and Leia Solo are "attacked" by Drub McKumb, an acquaintance of Han.
Before falling into a drug-induced coma, McKumb points them to a long-lost Jedi sanctuary
on the planet Belsavis. Far from Ithor, Palpatine's massive Eye of Palpatine reactivates and
begins collecting aliens from worlds where stormtroopers should have been and indoctrinates
them as Imperial forces. Its mission is to destroy Belsavis. Luke, C-3PO, and two Jedi
students, Nichos Marr and Cray Mingla, are taken aboard as well. After being captive for a
short while, Luke manages (while communicating with the ship's artificial intelligence--the
Will) to contact the spirit of Callista Masana (later known as “Callista Ming”), who had given
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 658
her life so that she and her lover could stop the Eye of Palpatine years before. As Luke
begins to fall in love with Callista and meets her "in spirit," Han and Leia head for Belsavis.
They find that the Eye of Palpatine has been reactivated by Irek Ismaren, who is possibly an
illegitimate son of Palpatine and his concubine mother, Roganda. They are planning to use
the ship to restore the Imperial fleet in the Senex sector. Han and Leia manage to stop them,
of course, but Roganda and Irek manage to escape. Back aboard the Eye of Palpatine,
which is approaching Belsavis, Nichos, Callista, and Cray decide to sacrifice themselves to
stop the ship. They stun Luke and place him and C-3PO in an escape pod, which they
subsequently jettison. The ship is finally stopped, and shortly thereafter, an escape pod is
found. Inside is the body of Cray Mingla--with the soul of Callista Ming. Cray had offered her
body to Callista so Cray could die with her love, Nichos, and Callista could live on with her
love, Luke. After careful examination, however, it appears the transfer has come with a price.
Callista can no longer touch the Light Side of the Force.
(Children of the Jedi)
Callista Masana, now in the body of Cray Mingla, takes the new surname “Ming,” becoming
“Callista Ming,” in honor of Cray Mingla.*
(conjecture based on Order 66)*
*NOTE: This is my way of reconciling Callista’s surname in Order 66 with her surname in later sources, such as
Murder in Slushtime that take place after she receives Crays body in Children of the Jedi.
Under orders from Talon Karrde, Mara Jade (and tag-along Lando Calrissian) search for Jorj
Car'das. They begin their search on Dagobah and will continue intermittently over the next
few years. Early in their search, they save the life of Lord Bombassa on Pembric 2.
(conjecture based on Vision of the Future)
The Hutts investigate Jabba's palace on Tatooine searching for his codes to unlock the
computers of Imperial Center.
(conjecture based on Darksaber)
New Republic Army Captain Stavin Thaal meets 18 year old model Zehrinne. Little does she
know that he is attracted to her due to her facial resemblance to Twi’lek actress Koytiffin,
whose facial features he will eventually seek out in all future mistresses as well.*
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)*
*NOTE: This is “almost thirty years ago” from Mercy Kill, but it is also specifically five years after the New
Republic took Coruscant, right around the start of 7 ABY.
On Prishardia, the Star Lady is in need of a new hyperdrive, and Fenig (Fen) Nabon is not
amused. The local mechanic, Gibb, tells her they can get a great new one in . . . in about a
month. Thus, she and her partner, Ghista Dogder must stay for a month. To make some
extra cash, Ghista puts on a robe and a fake lightsaber, then uses con artist tricks to pretend
to be one of Luke Skywalker’s new order of Jedi Knights, mediating disputes for a fee. After
a short while of Ghista acting as a Jedi, word spreads, and a Jedi Knight name Zeth Fost
comes to see Fen in hopes of meeting Ghista. He knows just how powerful the Dark Side
can be when it tries to take control of an untrained Force adept. Fen takes him to where
Ghista should be, but finds only her robe. Ghista has been kidnapped by Counselor Ral of
the Desilijic Clan, who is wanting revenge on Ghista’s former Hutt clan leader, Durga. Ral
wants to know just what Durga’s interest is in the Orko Consortium. Fen and Zeth learn that
Ghista is being held in the planetary capital (not too far away) aboard the Rook, but cant take
the Star Lady there. The new engine has arrived, but isn’t installed yet. They take a
landspeeder instead, and along the way, Fen and Zeth talk about anger and the Dark Side, in
which “Zeth” lets it slip that his vengeance took out Carida. Fen makes the connection and
realizes that Zeth Fost is really Kyp Durron. They argue and discuss vengeance and
penance, with Fen eventually helping him find a way to live with himself and strive to make up
for his actions during his time as a Dark Lord of the Sith. They find the ship and bust in,
saving Ghista. When they are cornered, Kyp uses his lightsaber to cut a way through the hull
so they can escape. As Ghista works on the locked docking bay door, the ship brings its
weapons to bear. As Kyp blocks blasts with his lightsaber, Fen stuns onrushing henchmen.
Finally, Gibb arrives in the newly-operational Star Lady and attacks the Rook, forcing it to
escape instead of killing the three heroes on the ground. Ral doesn’t listen to warnings from
Fen and Ghista, though, and he takes the Rook, with its huge hole in the hull, away from the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 659
planet, where it explodes in space. With Fen and Kyp a bit more at peace with themselves,
Fen and Ghista drop Kyp off at the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV just as Luke Skywalker, injured
in the Eye of Palpatine crisis, arrives after spending time in a New Republic medical facility.
On their way from Yavin IV, Ghista shows Fen a datapad she stole from Ral. It shows
information Ral had come up with regarding Durga and Orko SkyMine. The numbers seem
to indicate that Durga is prepping for a major military project. They decide they will take the
information to Talon Karrde, who will know how to get it into the right hands. Ghista has also
decided to never pretend to be a Jedi Knight again, out of respect. She destroys her fake
lightsaber and robe.
(Simple Tricks)
While scouting Imperial activity as Blue Four of Blue Squadron with her wingmate, Alex
Winger is captured in her damaged X-wing by the Imperial Star Destroyer Judicator,
commanded by Brandei, the same man who, as a friend of her adopted father, Tork Winger,
had brought her from Janara III to Garos IV to be raised by Tork. Brandei questions her on
Janara III for days, playing recordings of questioning of Tork and her old quasi-flame Dair
Haslip. Nearly believing that both men had given up on her because of her revelations about
being part of the Rebel Alliance during their last encounter, she is surprised to find Dair
himself there as a stormtrooper, willing to help her escape. He tells her that Tork has died
three months earlier, but that he had grown to overlook and forgive her Rebel activities and
spoke of his “daughterwith respect and pride. Now, Dair is willing to help her escape,
intending to remain behind Imperial lines to work against them, while Alex can return to the
New Republic. Dair contacts the New Republic for her, arranging several X-wings to strike
Imperial targets in the capital. This covers them as they make their escape. In doing so,
though, any chance of Dair returning “undercover” seems to have been blown. He and Alex
make it to an arranged shuttle, but fire from a speederbike injures Alex’s hand, costing her a
couple of fingers. They make it off-planet, and Alex, driven by visions and brief use of the
Force during her escape, and urged on to have more confidence by Dair, decides to
overcome her fears about not being strong enough to resist the Dark Side. She sets their
course for Yavin IV, where she hopes to begin training as a Jedi with Luke Skywalker. As the
Jedi Master once said, they will certainly meet again.*
(Shades of Gray)*
*NOTE: Both The Essential Reader’s Companion and Charlene Newcomb’s own website put this story in 12 ABY,
but the story also refers to Alex as 24, which does not fit with her birth (based on all of her other stories in their
proper places, it seems) in 11 BBY, rather than 12 BBY. (It would appear that somewhere, something went screwy
with the dates for Alex Winger when taken in their entirety, rather than story by story.)
On Tatooine, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, cloaked by the Force, ride with a tribe of
Sandpeople. They investigate Jabba's old palace for clues as to why the Hutts were there
recently. Luke also hopes that the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi will give him answers as to how
Callista Ming can regain her Force-attunement. No answers (or spirits) are forthcoming. On
Coruscant, Durga the Hutt visits, but it is only a cover for using small rodents to steal the
plans to the Death Star from Coruscant's mainframe. He returns to the asteroid belt of the
Hoth system and works with Bevel Lemelisk on a secret project--the creation of a lightsaber-
shaped (for efficiency) version of the Death Star, complete with superlaser. On Yavin IV, Kyp
Durron, Cilghal, and Dorsk 81 have graduated and set out into the galaxy to serve as a Jedi
must. Out in space, the defeated Admiral Natasi Daala has been taken in by Supreme
Warlord Blitzer Harrsk. When he uses her to kill his opposition in a false peace meeting, she
sees her opportunity, with the rivals out of the way, to take Harrsk's place. She subsequently
destroys Harrsk's ship, with him aboard. Her boldness gains her the admiration of Gilad
Pellaeon, now a Vice Admiral. Pellaeon asks her to work for his fleet, and she agrees to
work with him, if not for him. Mara Jade arrives on Yavin IV both to meet Callista Ming and to
bring word of the Hutt's most recent escapades. (It is uncertain at this time whether or not
Jade is jealous of Callista, or simply curious.) At about this time C-3PO confirms their fears
that Durga's visit had ulterior motives, and the truth of the Darksaber plot begins to be
revealed to our heroes. In disputed space, Pellaeon and Daala have called together all the
warlords into one meeting, in hopes of creating a reunified Imperial force. The warlords will
not merge, so they are murdered. Pellaeon and Daala take over their forces and force a
unified Imperial fleet into existence. Daala herself takes over the Night Hammer (a Super
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Star Destroyer) and dubs it the Knight Hammer. Luke takes Callista to a Water Quarry comet
owned by Mulako Corporation to reawaken her Jedi powers--to no avail. On Nal Hutta, Han
and Leia meet with Durga the Hutt to no avail, but Crix Madine, covert as ever, plants a
tracking device on Durga's ship. Also present are Qui Xux an Bevel Lemelisk, whom Qui
recognizes. On Dagobah, Luke and Callista have journeyed to Yoda's home area in hopes
that showing her where he was trained might help her. In their travails on the planet, they
realize that Callista is not blind to the Force as a whole--only to the Light Side. She can wield
the Dark Side just fine. Before returning to Yavin IV, they head for Hoth, but the effort is still
of no use. Spying on Daala's rally of Imperial troops, Kyp and Dorsk 81 discover Daala and
Pellaeon's plans--to attack Yavin IV as the first stop in their newest campaign. They are
recognized, but escape. In retaliation, Daala orders Khomm attacked first. With Durga
having given the New Republic the Darksaber's location via the tracking device, the New
Republic must split its fleet into a Yavin IV task force and a Darksaber task force. On Yavin
IV, Kyp and Dorsk 81 have returned with their warning, but Pellaeon's advance force arrives
before they can truly prepare. Dorsk 81 then uses himself as a channel through which the
other students can use the Force, and the resulting blast of Force energy "punches"
Pellaeon's forces away from Yavin IV--but burns Dorsk 81 as a result. Another Jedi is dead.
Back at the Darksaber, Crix Madine and a group of commando forces make their way into the
structure to destroy it, only to be captured. All of the team's members, including Madine, are
executed. In retaliation for the affront, Durga decides to test the destructive power of the
Darksaber (to use Tarkin's words) on the approaching New Republic fleet. Lemelisk knows
the danger involved, due to Durga's rushed and shoddy construction, and escapes in an
escape pod, only to be captured. Durga activates the Darksaber's superlaser, only to have
the superweapon destroy itself due to the poor workmanship. (Somewhat anticlimactic,
wouldn't you say?) Back at Yavin IV, Daala's fleet has arrived and is hammering the planet.
Callista, knowing Luke could never be fully hers until she regains her Jedi abilities, boards the
Knight Hammer and faces off with Daala herself as the ship is attacked by the New Republic
fleet. Daala defeats Callista and escapes. Shortly thereafter, the Knight Hammer is
destroyed. With the newest Battle of Yavin IV over, the defeated Daala sends a message to
the other Imperials, resigning her commission and turning her portion of command over to
Pellaeon. On Coruscant, funeral proceedings are held for Crix Madine, but many present
also mourn the loss of Callista. After the funeral, Luke returns to Yavin IV and finds a
message waiting for him. It is from Callista. She is alive, but cannot return to him, she
believes, until/unless she regains her Jedi abilities. If and when she does that, she will return
to him.
Jerf Huxley’s smuggling group begins working with Talon Karrde.
(conjecture based on Survivor’s Quest)
Gilad Pellaeon is promoted to Admiral and Supreme Commander of the Imperial fleet. He
consolidates Imperial power, as Natasi Daala had begun, absorbing such smaller groups as
the Pentastar Alignment. With the Pentastar Alignment, Pellaeon acquires the Super Star
Destroyer Reaper, which once belonged to Ardus Kaine before his death.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past and The Essential Chronology)
Slicers paid by the Imperial Remnant plant fake disassembly orders for the Chimaera,
currently in New Republic hands, into the New Republic computer network. When the ship
arrives at Gravlex Med with a skeleton crew for scrapping, Imperial commandos seize the
vessel and escape to the Imperial Remnant, where they turn the ship over to its “rightful”
commander, Admiral Gilad Pellaeon.*
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Anx)*
*NOTE: This happens sometime after Pellaeon becomes full Admiral for the Imperial Remnant. I have chosen to
place it here, so as to allow the Chimaera to take part in Pellaeon’s attacks mentioned in The Essential
Gilad Pellaeon makes an aggressive lunge at the New Republic, seizing Orinda. His goal is
to capture a symbolically important world, then cease open hostilities if possible. A New
Republic counter-attack led by General Wedge Antilles and the Lusankya succeeds in
pushing Pellaeon and the Empire back somewhat, but at the cost of the fleet carrier
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 661
Endurance. After the loss of the Endurance, the New Republic leaves Orinda to the Empire,
but fortifies surrounding systems in case of further aggression.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Kyle Katarn leaves the Jedi Academy, preferring to work with his longtime love Jan Ors and
former boss Mon Mothma as a mercenary agent for New Republic Intelligence. He gives up
his Jedi life entirely and gives his lightsaber to Luke Skywalker for safe keeping.
(conjecture based on Jedi Outcast)
Dorsk 82 clones himself. Dorsk 83 then remains behind as Dorsk 82 goes to Yavin IV to
continue in Dorsk 81’s footsteps.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
SoroSuub retires its G2 repair droid line. This results in an outcry from the line’s fans, who
will lead to its revival two years later.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
On Corbos, a down-and-out mining colony is shocked when an accidental explosion unearths
a large fossil. They are even more shocked when a newly awakened monster destroys the
colony and everyone in it, with barely enough time to get a distress call out. On Yavin IV, a
new prospective student, Dorsk 82 (clone of Dorsk 81) arrives. He and Kyp Durron explore
the jungle and face a Kun-created monster before Kyp agrees to help train him. Luke
receives a call from Leia asking him to have some Jedi check out Corbos. He sends Kyp and
Dorsk 82. Taking the Celador Sash, an older ship that Obi-Wan Kenobi owned after saving
the original owner's parents' lives, they head for Corbos. Along the way, Dorsk 82 continues
to experience anxiety and doubt about being a Jedi like Dorsk 81. Upon arrival, Kyp senses
the anguish and screams of the colonists all around him, but none appear to have survived.
It is as if their spirits are somehow trapped somewhere near. After looking at the ravaged
miner camp, Kyp goes off alone to confront the mystery monster, while Dorsk 82, scared,
calls Yavin IV for help. Tionne reinforces the need to send help when she discovers that
Corbos had been colonized many times, but the colonies were always destroyed. As Streen
and Kirana Ti leave Yavin IV for Corbos, Kyp faces off with the Leviathan of Corbos. Upon
arrival, Streen and Kirana Ti meet with Dorsk 82, and they explore the lower levels of the
area, finding a strange substance that resonates with the Dark Side. They defeat the oozing,
green substance and make for the surface. On the surface, Kyp is getting beaten by the
Leviathan until he uses lightning to defeat it. As the other Jedi join him, he destroys several
sacs on the beast's body that release the trapped spirits of many colonists. A larger (possibly
"mama") Leviathan appears and attacks the Jedi, and they lead it down into a smelting pit . . .
which has absolutely no effect. They manage to trick the creature into being electrocuted by
the full power of the colony's generator. The creature dies, and the souls are freed. The Jedi
then return to Yavin IV, including Dorsk 82, who, despite nearly zero attunement to the Force,
decides to stay on as a Jedi student.
(Jedi Academy: Leviathan)
Subsequent archaeological expeditions to Corbos finds no trace of any further Sith
Leviathans, but the chance that there may still be some under the surface somewhere
causes colonists and miners to continue to avoid the planet.
(conjecture based on Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
The fallen Jedi student Desann is discovered by reclusive Imperial Admiral Galak Fyyar.
Fyyar takes Desann to meet Lord Hethrir of the growing Empire Reborn movement. Hethrir
makes Desann his right-hand being. He has been using a being from another dimension
named Waru to “purify” various Force-sensitive candidates in his Empire Youth, and he gives
command over a group of these Empire Youth to Desann. Desann experiments on some of
these Youth with Sith alchemy and other methods, seeking to increase their Force potential.
He also takes one of the Empire Youth women, Tavion, as his own Apprentice. Hethrir then
tasks Desann with finding the legendary Valley of the Jedi. This will lead to a confrontation
with Kyle Katarn a short while into his quest . . .
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part VI: Outcasts and Megalomaniacs
Miners on Artus Prime discover a large deposit of Artusian crystals. Before they can do
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 662
much other than report back to the New Republic, though, all communication with the miners
is lost. In truth, the Empire, under fallen Jedi student Desann and newly-returned Imperial
Admiral Galak Fyyar, have taken over the mines, intending on using the crystals as part of
their scheme to rule the galaxy with a new breed of Force-users . . . With only sketchy details
from an intercepted transmission to go on, the New Republic must call upon one of its old
heroes to help save the day . . .
(conjecture based on the Jedi Outcast website)
Jedi Knight (well, mercenary now, but Jedi Knight in the past) Kyle Katarn and his longtime
companion (and lover) Jan Ors are called upon by Mon Mothma to investigate the Imperial
outpost on Kejim, where a mysterious transmission dealing with the Valley of the Jedi (and
long-lost Imperial Admiral Galak Fyyar, along with something called the “Reborn”) has been
intercepted. Given Kyle’s experience with the Valley and its secret location, it is natural that
he be the one to investigate. The two arrive aboard the Raven’s Claw and soon discover that
the base is being used for strange biological research, utilizing Artusian crystals. Offering
Kyle twice his usual rate for mercenary activities, Mon Mothma convinces Kyle and Jan to
head for Artus Prime, the planet where the crystals are mined, and, not exactly coincidentally,
the planet where several failed research subjects hailed from. The fear is that the Imperial
Remnant may be trying to artificially create Force-sensitive warriors using the crystals. What
they find on Artus Prime is an Imperial-conquered facility, but Kyle makes short work of the
Imps on site. But upon returning to the ship, he finds Jan being held by a female Dark Jedi,
Tavion. Tavion is only the second-in-command of this deadly encounter, though, as Kyle
comes face-to-face with the Dark Jedi (and former Yavin IV Academy student) Desann. Kyle
tries to take on Desann, but without a lightsaber and out of practice with the Force, he is
easily left defeated, but is left alive . . . so that he can bear the agony of Jan’s death. Desann
orders Tavion to kill Jan, outside of Kyle’s sight. Kyle hears the slash that he assumes kills
Jan and is filled with a need for revenge. Kyle, who is out of practice so much with the Force
that he is essentially Force-blind, heads for Ruusan to the Valley of the Jedi. Despite the
warnings of his ghostly father, Morgan Katarn, Kyle steps into the well of the Valley and
reawakens himself to the Force. Unfortunately, he has no idea that he has been followed . . .
Kyle next heads for Yavin IV to get his lightsaber back from Luke Skywalker. Luke isn’t sure
Kyle is ready to have it back, but after facing a series of Force trials, Kyle earns it back. Luke
tells Kyle about how Desann was a failed student of his. Luke worries about Kyle’s anger
and what he could do with the Valley’s power, but Kyle gives Luke its location as a backup in
case he goes Dark, then the two of them track Desanns personal vessel to the moon of Nar
Shaddaa and its crimelord (okay, one of its crimelords), a man named Reelo Baruk. After
facing numerous goons and a big-ass garbage processing facility, Kyle enters Reelo’s
hideout, only to find Lando Calrissian in a detention cell. Apparently, Lando had discovered
Reelo doing smuggling through Cloud City on Bespin and tried to force him to turn over his
employer, who turned out to be Desann. Kyle reaches Reelo’s office, and is unable to
capture the scumbag. Returning and freeing Lando, the two reclaim Landos Lady Luck, then
use it to wipe out Reelo and his goons when they try to stop the duos escape. They head for
Cloud City, intending on meeting a New Republic strike team there, but Kyle goes off on his
own, hoping to get to Desann before the team can. He fights his way through Imperial forces,
including the Reborn, a new type of bio-engineered Force-user with a lightsaber, and finally
reaches what he assumes to be Desann’s location, only to find Tavion there. Kyle whups
Tavion in vengeance over Jan, only to spare her life when she reveals that she didn’t really
kill Jan. It was all a ruse to get Kyle freaked out enough to lead Desann to the Valley of the
Jedi. Thats right: the Reborn were created using the crystals from Artus Prime and the
power of the Valley of the Jedi, which means that this new threat is, in part, Kyle’s fault. Kyle
races off to Desanns Cairn facility, where he finds Luke already battling Desann’s forces,
having checked out the Valley and finding Desanns goons there after Kyle left for Nar
Shaddaa. Together, the two Jedi battle more Reborn, and, with information from Lando and
the operation on Cloud City, Kyle informs Luke that Reelo had been smuggling cortosis ore to
Desann, which Luke recognizes as lightsaber-proof metal. As Luke goes after the source of
the cortosis threat, Kyle goes in search of Desann’s ship, the Doomgiver, where Jan is being
held. Both Luke and Kyle end up getting aboard the Doomgiver, but only after Kyle has to
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face off with a new kind of Reborn, a Force-powered, artificially-created, lightsaber-wielding,
cortosis-armor wearing warrior. Kyle defeats these new “Shadow Troopers,” luckily. Soon,
he sees Luke dueling Desann on a monitor and knows they need help. Kyle uses the ship’s
own comm system to contact Rogue Squadron, who head after the ship, but need Kyle to
disable its shields. Kyle agrees to do so, but he heads for the detention block and saves Jan,
the love of his life, before doing so. As the Doomgiver emerges from hyperspace over Yavin
IV, where Desann intends to mount a major assault on the Academy, Jan is sent to wait in an
escape pod, and Kyle goes after the shields. He is forced to face off with Desann’s Imperial
Remnant Admiral, the aforementioned Galak Fyyar, who bears his own armored get-up. Kyle
defeats him, disabling the shields as intended. Kyle rejoins Jan in the pod and escapes the
Doomgiver, even as Rogue Squadron destroys the massive vessel. Upon landing, they know
the battle isn’t over. Desann and his Imperial and Reborn forces are already on the moon.
Jan races off to help Rogue Squadron battle Desanns remaining air forces, while Kyle heads
for the same temple in which Luke gave him his earlier trial. There, he finds Desann, who has
a hard time believing that his ship is destroyed, but is forced to confront the reality of his
plight when he cannot get in touch with Fyyar. Desann again taunts Kyle with his apparent
weakness at not staying with the Jedi the first time around, but Kyle turns the tables on
Desann, offering him redemption. Like any “good” Dark Jedi, Desann refuses, and the two
do battle. After a fierce duel that follows, Desann is slain and the threat is over. Kyle and
Jan are reunited and intend on taking a long vacation to Spira. As for Kyle, he was never a
failure, according to Luke, and he is welcome at the Academy. Will he join the Academy and
train students at Lukes side? Possibly. But, for now, that vacation calls . . .
(Jedi Outcast)
On Coruscant, Wedge Antilles and Qui Xux break up, owing to the fact that their relationship
seemed one more of preparing for a true love, than love itself. To get away from his day-to-
day routine and gain perspective on his life, Wedge prepares for a short leave, but the leave
is cut short when General Airen Cracken meets with him and convinces him to be the head
diplomat on a New Republic mission to the neutral world of Adumar. Adumar had been cut
off from the rest of galactic society for years, but now that they are broadening their horizons,
they wish to join either the New Republic or the Empire. They respect fighter pilots above
almost anyone else, so Cracken wants Wedge to lead the diplomatic team. Wedge would
refuse, but the planet would be a great source of the often-scarce proton torpedoes that are
so valuable to Starfighter Command. Wedge, Derek “Hobbie” Klivian, Tycho Celchu, and
Wes Janson head for Adumar aboard the Allegiance, commanded by Captain Salaban,
where they also meet the documentarian Hallis Saper and her protocol droid head/recording
unit, Whitecap. Upon arrival at Adumar, they are challenged by several Adumari citizens
seeking honor through combat, but finally land and are received as heroes. They then meet
with perator Pekaelic ke Teldan, ruler of the Adumari nation of Cartann, and their diplomatic
liaison, Tomer Darpen. They are assigned a guide for their stay, Cheriss ke Hanadi, a
master of the deadly blastsword, but still a rather young lady. At a diplomatic function shortly
thereafter, they realize that the Empire also has a team of four fighter pilot envoys in Cartann,
led by Turr Phennir, head of the Imperial 181
TIE squadron. It appears that the perator
wants to judge both the Empire and the New Republic before making any diplomatic
decisions. At the same function, Wedge realizes that Iella Wessiri is present and has Janson
ask her to meet him later, so long as it won’t break her Intelligence cover. As they spend the
next day learning to fly the local Blade 32 starfighters, they learn that in Cartann, not only are
duels held for no reason but the gaining of “honor, but the constant dogfights on the planet
are almost always live-fire duels over “honor” as well. Wedge is disgusted. He tells Cheriss
to get the word out that Red Flight will start accepting challenges the next day, but only to
those who wish to do simulated duels, using powered-down lasers and paint missiles, instead
of lethal weapons. Wedge hopes that this will help offer the Adumari an alternative to killing
each other over “honor.” Later, after another diplomatic function, Red Flight is attacked by
assassins, whom they believe were sent by the Imperials on the planet. The assassins are
defeated and the group becomes more familiar with the blastsword. In the evening, Wedge
has a clandestine meeting with Iella, who tells him that the story Wedge was told about a
scout ship discovering Adumar a short while ago is only part of the truth. Adumari scout
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 664
ships had discovered other human-populated worlds several months before and learned of
the existence of the Empire and the New Republic. In anticipation of being able to choose a
side, they had begun hiring slicers who could adapt Adumari technology with Imperial and
New Republic technology, which got the attention of New Republic Intelligence. Iella was
sent to the planet undercover as a slicer, under the command of the regional director of New
Republic Intelligence. Wedge is on the planet to bring Adumar into the New Republic, yes,
but Adumar is not yet a united world, with Cartann being only the most powerful nation
among many. He also learns that somewhere along the way, he had somehow lost Iellas
friendship, and she will not tell him how or why. Days later, Tomer Darpen informs Wedge
that he must cease his simulated duels and do as the Imperials are doingkilling in duels.
Wedge does not allow himself to take the order, since Darpen is not his direct superior, but
he knows that if Darpen has Cracken confirm the orders, he will be forced to kill innocents, or
resign his commission. He thinks it over in a local tavern, only to find Imperial Admiral Teren
Rogriss of the Agonizer (who had helped Han Solo’s task force in the hunt for Zsinj years
before) mulling over issues of honor as well. Wedge thinks that it is due to orders Rogriss
probably received about calling in the Empire to take Adumar by force if they choose to side
with the New Republic, which would violate Rogriss’ word, which he gave to the people of
Adumar, saying he would leave the system if the Empire didn’t get chosen as Adumars
affiliation. Wedge speaks to him, but Rogriss simply leaves without confirming anything.
Later, he and Janson head to the Allegiance and discuss Rogriss with Captain Salaban, only
to discover that they are under a communications blackout, with all communications away
from Adumar having to go through the local intelligence head, Iella’s direct superior. Wedge
wants to get a message to Cracken, so he finds Iellas temporary home and asks her to help
him. She cannot, but she will help him get into communication with Rogriss, Wedges second
goal. He confronts Iella about what happened to their friendship and learns that Iella had
fallen for him years before, but hadn’t said anything about it. When he had begun dating Qui
Xux, Iella had seen her chance lost and found it too painful to be around him. Wedge won’t
accept that the friendship is over. He finally, after knowing her for nearly a decade, tells her
that he loves her, and the two reconcile, cementing their friendship as an actual relationship
for the first time. Unbeknownst to Wedge, Cheriss has as crush on him and has followed
him. The idea of Wedge with Iella breaks her heart. The next day, at another diplomatic
gathering, the perator announces that Adumar is now under a world government, which he
rules. This is not with the agreement of the other nations of Adumar, and the perator
suggests that they acquiesce and not act against him. At the same event, Cheriss, suicidal,
accepts challenge after challenge, nearly getting killed until Janson steps in and duels her
last challenger, ending in a fist-fight in which Janson takes out his frustrations on the noble.
A short time later, using a frequency Iella covertly gave him at the previous “event,” Wedge
makes contact with Rogriss, and the two meet. Wedge offers to bring Rogriss into the New
Republic if he feels he must abandon his duty. He’ll assure that Rogriss’ family will receive
word of how he is, even if he must use New Republic Intelligence to do it. Rogriss thinks it
over, but there is no clear indication of what he thinks of the offer. The next day, yet another
gathering is held. This time, the perator announces that war is being declared (in so many
words) against the nations not siding with his self-proclaimed one-world government. During
this gathering, Wedge reveals that he knows full well now, through deduction, that Tomer
Darpen is the regional Intelligence head, and that he has essentially urged this war on. The
perator asks both Turr Phennir and his Imperial pilots and Wedge and Red Flight to lead his
forces against the “rebellious” nations. Phennir agrees, but Wedge refuses. Instead of
allowing Wedge and Red Flight to be executed (as they weren’t actually going to be), Tomer
“helps” by, supposedly, pleading their case to the perator, who banishes them from Adumar
and says they must take the gauntlet from the palace. This means that from the moment
they get out of the palace, they are fair game for anyone to murder for honor. The quartet
escapes via repulsorlift vehicle, wheeled vehicle, dressing in drag, and various other means,
until they finally get to four prepared Blade 32s, in which they intend to escape the planet.
They are attacked in the air and are unable to escape into space, so they set down and
covertly make their way to Iella’s “home.” With them in the apartment are Hallis and Cheriss.
Hallis reveals to Iella and Red Flight that Tomer Darpen is acting villainously. He did not
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 665
plead Red Flights case, but actually told the perator that Wedge’s orders forbid him leading
Adumari forces and that Wedge desired “death with honor,” prompting the “gauntlet” order
out of a twisted Adumari sense of mercy. Darpen appears to be trying to kill all those who
could reveal him to be acting in violation of New Republic law and principles. Cheriss tells
them that the heads of other Adumari nations, such as the Yegadon Confederacy, will give
them passage off of the planet, but wish to make an offer first. They make their way to the
Yegadon Confederacy where they are asked to lead a Unified Adumari fleet of starfighters
and other battle craft against Cartann. They know that the perators forces will take action
soon, so they plan to strike at Cartannese dawn. Wedge agrees, and the strike takes place.
A huge armada of non-aligned (at least not with Cartann) starfighters and battle craft strike at
Cartann, decimating the perators forces. In the battle, Wedge and Red Flight make it to their
X-wings, with the help of Cheriss and an insertion team. As they take the X-wings into the
battle, Cheriss and the team head into the Cartann palace via an escape tunnel to find the
perator. Red Flight leads the battle yet again. The Agonizer leaves the system, while the
Cartannese forces are defeated. Cheriss and the team capture the perator, and he is forced
to order his forces surrender. As the battle concludes, Wedge and the others meet with the
perator, who will not surrender himself, due to honor. He agrees, though, to abdicate his
throne, giving it to his eldest son, Balass ke Teldan, who happens to be Balass ke Rassa,
who had been one of Wedge’s greatest admirers on Adumar. Under Balass’ leadership,
Cartann joins with the United Adumari nations to form a legitimate world government, the
Adumari Union. Wedge and the others head for the Allegiance, but a few days later, the
Imperials return with a fleet, just as Wedge had expected. In the battle, Wedge kills Phennir,
and the New Republic and Adumari forces are victorious. As the Imperials flee the system, a
lone Imperial shuttle heads to Adumar. Wedge meets it there and welcomes Rogriss.
Rogriss decides to remain on Adumar and help the new government, and Wedge promises to
keep to his pledge to get word to Rogriss’ family. Adumar joins the New Republic. Wedge’s
mission, while not having gone as he’d planned, is a success.
(Starfighters of Adumar)
Having broken up with Wedge Antilles, Qui Xux decides to live among the Vors on Vortex,
helping to heal their world to repay society for what she did (but cannot remember doing)
during her time with the Empire.
(conjecture based on Ruin)
In the years since X2 last encountered his fallen brother, X1, X2 has become a full Jedi
Knight, while X1, studying Dark Side secrets through holocrons and such, has managed to
grow in the Dark Side. In fact, X1 fancies himself the next Sith Lord. X2 still leads Grey
Squadron (at times), and they join him on a mission to Dathomir, following the trail of his
brother. They sense the Dark Side at the supposedly-abandoned Imperial prison on the
planet. They discover a new group of Nightsisters battling Imperials and are forced to
technically help the Imperials by taking out the current Nightsister Matriarch. It turns out that
X1 has reoccupied the old prison to turn it into a lab for his own experiments. X1 seems to be
trying to clone something, and it is suggested that he is trying to create clone Force-users,
much like how X1 and X2 were created from Jedi Knight Falon Grey before the Clone Wars.
They manage to get some data from the lab’s computers, but an Imperial survivor sets
detonation packs that destroy many of Grey Squadron’s X-wings and kill several members of
the squadron (Tavoy, Watkins, and Ryder). Shara (who is now X2’s love interest) hands the
Imperial saboteur over to X2, who nearly delves into the Dark Side and kills him. At Shara’s
urging, he pulls back. The records recovered point to Mustafar, but X2 has another lead he
must follow first. He heads for Vjun, where he knows that X1 had previously set himself up at
Darth Vaders old Bast Castle. He discovers a Star Destroyer in orbit and boards it, only to
find in its records that X2 has already abandoned Bast Castle. Along with Luke Skywalker, X2
still journeys to Bast Castle, which Luke has stayed away from for “too long” due to “bad
memories.” At the castle, they recover a Sith Holocron and Falon Grey’s lightsaber, which X1
had put in the castles trophy room. They turn the holocron over to New Republic engineers
for data analysis. Again, all signs point to Mustafar. With a strong New Republic force, X2
leads a mission to Mustafar to bring down the Imperial faction under Dark Jedi (and
presumptive Sith Lord) X1. During the assault, they learn that Luke has been captured by X1,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 666
presumably so that he can be a new clone template for X1’s cloned Force-users. They
believe the trail points to the Super Star Destroyer above Mustafar. X2 boards the ship (since
he can’t go to the Imperial base below due to a planetary shield) and searches for Luke. He
uses the ships cannons to take down the shield generator below, then destroys its reactor,
beginning a destruct sequence. He then encounters X1 aboard, and the two duel until the
chaos caused by the ship falling apart around them gives X1 a chance to escape in a
starfighter. X2 gives chase in another starfighter, even as the Super Star Destroyer crashes
through to the planet. Grey Squadron’s ground force makes it to the surface of Mustafar and
reunites with X2 at the site of the crashed Star Destroyer. They then head for the Imperial
base. They break in and spread out. X2 manages to recover Luke’s lightsaber, then frees
Luke from an energy cell. Luke, however, knows that X2 must face X1 alone as his final trial
as a Jedi, just as Luke had to face Vader alone. As Luke leaves to help the others fight off the
Imperials, X2 confronts X1, who flees after sending Wookiee slaves to delay him. X2 catches
up to him again, only to face a new breed of Royal Guard. He then finally catches up with X1
a final time on a balcony overlooking the lava below. The two duel fiercely. Supposedly
defeated, X1 tosses his lightsaber away in defeat as he falls to his knees, so that the
lightsaber lands behind X2. When X2 does not kill his brother, as X1 knew he wouldn’t, X1
uses the Force to reignite his fallen saber and yanks it toward X2’s back. Rather than being
stabbed through the back, though, X2 leaps out of the way, allowing the saber to continue its
flight to impale X1 through the chest. X1’s Dark Side-twisted from topples from the balcony to
disappear into the lava below. Shortly thereafter, on a Nebulon-B frigate above Mustafar: X2
is reunited with Shara; congratulated by Luke, Han Solo, and Chewbacca; and finally dubbed
a full Jedi Master by Luke.*
(Elite Squadron)*
*NOTE: The timing of this story can be any time after the liberation of Cloud City (which has to be prior to Lando
being in charge in the Jedi Prince series. However, I believe there are other hints here as to when the levels take
place. For example, the Imperial prison on Dathomir has been abandoned and used by X1 as a secret lab, which
would, in theory, put this after The Courtship of Princess Leia. Luke has been to Vjun before (Empire’s End), and
he has been away for a while. However, the Disciples of Ragnos threat does not seem to exist yet, as Bast Castle
is still abandoned, so I would put this prior to Jedi Academy. My best guess at placement puts the story here. I
should also note that the events on Dathomir are only in the DS version, while events on Vjun are only in the PSP
version. The Mustafar mission is in both versions. They retain significant differences, though. X2 boards the SSD
in both versions, but in the DS version, he does not confront X1 aboard, and he rides the ship down through a
second layer of shield to the surface. In the PSP version, he confronts X1 aboard and then gets to the surface in
a starfighter, chasing X1. In the DS version, X2 saves Luke’s lightsaber, then Luke himself, while the PSP version
basically ignores Luke’s capture, simply mentioning it, sending you aboard the ship to find his lightsaber (huh?),
and then proclaiming him saved at the very end without any battle to free him at all. The duel is pretty much the
same at the end, though we see X1 purposely toss the saber behind X2 only in the PSP version.
Tall Tales (SWT11: Scott Allie)
Tall Tales (SWT11: Scott Allie)
Attack on Endor Scenario Book [continued] (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Attack on Endor Scenario Book [continued] (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Temple Intruders
Chewbacca [continued] (comic series: Darko Macan)
Chewbacca, Part IV [flashback] (comic: Darko Macan)
Chapter 10: Han—“An Empty Galaxy [flashback]
The Living Force Campaign [continued] (RPGA: Morrie Mullins & Lee Pickler & Jason
Nichols & Michael Webster & Megan Robertson)
The Child of Light Saga (RPGA: Lee Pickler)
Child of Light (RPGA: Lee Pickler)
Soulsaber (RPGA: Lee Pickler)
The Callista Cycle (novel trilogy/AJ/SWH short story: Barbara Hambly & Kevin J.
Children of the Jedi (novel: Barbara Hambly)
Chapters 1 25
The Adventures of Fenig Nabon and Ghista [continued] (TFTNR short stories: Chris
Cassidy & Tish Pahl)
Simple Tricks (TFTNR short story: Chris Cassidy & Tish Pahl)
The Adventures of the Turhaya, Ross, Winger, and Brandl Families [continued]
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 667
(AJ/TFTE/TFTNR/SWH short stories: Charlene Newcomb & Patricia A. Jackson)
Shades of Gray (SWH short story: Charlene Newcomb)
The Callista Cycle [continued] (novel trilogy/AJ/SWH short story: Barbara Hambly & Kevin
J. Anderson)
Darksaber (novel: Kevin J. Anderson)
Chapters 1 3
Hoth Asteroid Belt
Chapters 4 5
Chapter 6
Yavin 4
Chapters 7 8
Core Systems
Chapters 9 10
Yavin 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Hoth Asteroid Belt
Chapters 13 14
Mulako Corporation Primordial Water Quarry
Chapters 15 16
Chapter 17
Core Systems
Chapters 18 20
Chapter 21
Nal Hutta
Chapters 22 25
Chapter 26
Hoth Asteroid Belt
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Nar Shaddaa
Chapters 29 32
Chapter 33
Nal Hutta
Chapter 34
Core Systems
Chapters 35 36
Hoth Asteroid Belt
Chapters 37 42
Chapter 43
Nal Hutta
Chapter 44
Yavin 4
Chapters 45 48
Hoth Asteroid Belt
Chapter 49
Yavin 4
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 668
Chapters 50 51
Hoth Asteroid Belt
Chapters 52 53
Yavin 4
Chapters 54 60
Hoth Asteroid Belt
Chapter 61
Yavin 4
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Jedi Academy: Leviathan (comic series: Kevin J. Anderson)
Leviathan, Part I (comic: Kevin J. Anderson)
Leviathan, Part II (comic: Kevin J. Anderson)
Leviathan, Part III (comic: Kevin J. Anderson)
Leviathan, Part IV (comic: Kevin J. Anderson)
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
Jedi Outcast (video game: LucasArts)
Kejim Outpost
Kejim Base
Artus Mine A
Artus Mine B
Artus Detention Facility
Artus Topside
Yavin IV
Yavin Temple
Yavin Trail
Nar Shaddaa
Nar Shaddaa Streets
Nar Shaddaa Hideout
Nar Shaddaa Starpad
Bespin Undercity A
Bespin Undercity B
Bespin Streets
Bespin Platform
Cairn Bay
Cairn Assembly
Cairn Reactor
Cairn Dock
Doom Communications
Doom Detention
Doom Shields
Yavin IV [continued]
Yavin Swamp A
Yavin Swamp B
Yavin Canyon A
Yavin Canyon B
Yavin Courtyard
Yavin Final Conflict
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 669
Starfighters of Adumar (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 15
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: N-Space)
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
The Shattered Empire [continued]
Elite Squadron [continued] (video game: N-Space)
Act III [continued]
*NOTE: See the summary above to see how these two missions are merged. They do not swap from one to the
other so much as they blend together, hence not breaking them down more specifically here.
13 ABY
Sannah is born.
(conjecture based on Conquest)
Tahiri Veila is born on Tatooine.
(conjecture based on The Golden Globe)
Valin Horn is born to Corran and Mirax Horn.*
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)*
*NOTE: Given that Valin is 12, not 13 like Sannah, in Conquest, it would seem this takes place late in the year for
it to be correct in both Conquest and SOTP.
Leia Organa Solo is warned by Callista (by message, not in person) not to journey to Nam
Chorios or to trust Seti Ashgad.
(conjecture based on Planet of Twilight)
Belindi Kalenda joins New Republic Intelligence.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)
The New Republic Honor Guard is outfitted with new ceremonial BlasTech rifles.
(conjecture based on Planet of Twilight)
Natasi Daala leaves her military life behind and becomes president of the Independent
Company of Settlers on Pedducis Chorios.
(conjecture based on Planet of Twilight)
The Loronar Synthdroid is released.
(conjecture based on Look Sir, Droids!)
Abeloth is marooned on a planet within the Maw.
(conjecture based on Abyss)
Finally disgusted by Loronar Corporations greedy and immoral business practices, the New
Republic launches an investigation into the corporation, uncovering numerous misdeeds and
leveling sanctions against Loronar.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
New Republic Army Captain Stavin Thaal marries Zehrinne.*
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)*
*NOTE: They hit their “twelve year mark” at the time the Yuuzhan Vong invade in 25 ABY.
Corporate Sector trading companies based out of Bburru acquire the Pri-Andylan shipyards
of Duro. The shipyards are commissioned to churn out New Republic vessels, but will soon
fall behind. When this happens, the Senate will advocate that one single company, CorDuro
Shipping, take over the operation to get things back on track. This takes place, but will
ultimately end in CorDuro taking full control, turning the other companies’ workers into
second-class workers, and CorDuro becoming a powerful economic presence in its own right.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Duros)
Callista Ming, having recently joined the crew of a Gamorrean ship known as the Zicreex
under Captain Ugmush, arrives on Gamorr when the ship sets down to allow Ugmush’s
brother, Guth, to challenge the warrior Vrokk for the hand of Guth’s beloved Kufbrug of the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 670
Hold of Bolgoink. Shortly after the fight is to have taken place, Guth arrives at the ship,
chased by authorities. Vrokk has been found murdered, and Guth is the prime suspect, and
with him, the rest of the Zicreex crew. Upon speaking with Kufbrug, her sister Gundruk, and
Vrokk’s brother, Rog, Callista is allowed to investigate the murder. She visits various dealers
and the writer of a letter supposedly sent by the illiterate Guth to Vrokk. It turns out that the
person impersonating Guth in having the letter written seems to have hidden some kind of
murder weapon or poison under the seal of the letter. Callista think she knows what it might
be, so she and Kufbrug stake out Vrokk’s “haunted” quarters, where he died. Callista’s
suspicion are correct. Vrokk was killed by a creature that had been hidden in the seala
kheilwar, native to AfEl. Callista and Kufbrug battle the shapeshifting creature, and as it
dies, it moves through all of its most recent forms to reveal that it was Rog and Gundruk
behind the murder. Kufbrug was near suicide, and they believed the execution of Guth for
murder would have pushed her over the edge, allowing Rog to marry Gundruk and rule the
Hold of Bolgoink. This treachery revealed, Callista and the crew watch happily as Guth and
Kufbrug are finally married, as it should be.*
(Murder in Slushtime)*
*NOTE: As the Callista Ming profile for Murder in Slushtime includes only events up until the end of Darksaber,
I’m assuming this takes place between DS and POT.
Callista Ming leaves the Zicreex and continues her search for reattunement to the Light Side
of the Force.
(conjecture based on Planet of Twilight)
Tionne discovers via the Jedi Holocron that the night beast that Luke Skywalker encountered
back before the evacuation of Yavin IV some 13 years earlier was actually the mutated, last
surviving member of the Massassi species, Kalgrath. She begins efforts to seek out the
creature to discover its fate. She tracks it as far as Ziost, where the trail ends.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
As Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo head for the Meridian sector to find Callista Ming
and make contact with Seti Ashgad, leader of the system's Rationalist party, the other ships
in their group are decimated by the Death Seed plague. Upon nearing their destination, Luke
is shot down, and Leia is kidnapped by Ashgad. Ashgad is also joined in his affront by
Imperial Admiral Larm and Beldorion the Hutt, who is attuned to the Dark Side. R2-D2 and
C-3PO, left behind, make their way to the Death Seed-laden Durren only to be captured by
pirate Captain Bortek. He plans to take them to Celenon, but they turn the tables on him and
head for Nim Drovis. On Nam Chorios, a hurt Luke meets Arvid Scraf and learns that the
Force storm that he witnessed upon arrival was of his unintentional creation. On Coruscant,
Carlist Rieekan (Minister of State and acting Chief of State in Leia's absence) falls ill from
poison. The government virtually screeches to a halt without its figures of leadership. Han,
Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian head for Nam Chroios to find Leia, who is only now
overstepping the timetable of her secret mission to Nam Chroios. On Nam Chroios, Luke
meets a woman named Taselda, who claims to be a Jedi helping Callista regain her Light
Side aptitude. She sends Luke to Ashgad's to reclaim her lightsaber, but Luke realizes he is
being used. He does, however, learn the true reason why using the Force is so destructive
on the planet. Crystals found all over the world (Spook crystals) resonate with, and react to,
the Force. Back at Ashgad's, Leia learns that Ashgad intends to turn the crystals into
Needles, small but deadly hyperspace-launched weapons. As Luke tries to make his way to
Leia, he discovers the true basis for the Death Seed--drochs, small creatures who feed on life
energy. They are led by Dzym, Ashgad's aide. It appears that not only does Ashgad look
like his father . . . he is the father. He simply must account for Dzym using stolen life energy
to keep him youthful. Luke manages to reunite with Leia, as C-3PO and R2-D2 reunite with
Natasi Daala, who has become a small-time trader/pirate. She takes the droids to Nam
Chroios and the entire band of heroes, including the newly arrived Han, Chewie and Lando,
are reunited. In the ensuing conflict on Nam Chorios, Luke manages to kill Ashgad and
Dzym, while Leia finally takes on the role of a Jedi Knight and kills Beldorion. Daala is
reunited with the love of her life and leaves, never to be a threat again. Luke sees Callista
one last time, but cannot bring himself to force himself back into her life. When she is ready,
he understands, she will return to him. They return to Coruscant, and a cured Rieekan gladly
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 671
turns over the duties of leadership back to Leia Organa Solo.
(Planet of Twilight)
In the wake of events on Nam Chorios, Callista Ming wanders the galaxy, searching for a
means of touching the Light Side again. She will eventually be drawn to a small planet within
the Maw where she encounters the ancient being known as Abeloth. Abeloth will absorb
Callista’s life energy, killing her physical body (that of Cray Mingla), while retaining much of
her essence within Abeloth’s own.*
(conjecture based on Allies)*
*NOTE: We are not given an exact time frame yet as to when this took place, so I simply am putting it here as a
sort of starting point for the journey that eventually leads her to Abeloth.
Natasi Daala and Liegeus Vorn settle down on Pedducis Chorios, but soon drop out of sight.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
The New Republic attempts to move in on Moff Getelles Antemeridian sector with two full
fleets. They are successful, but moving any further into Imperial territory is nixed when
Admiral Gilad Pellaeon’s forces strike back. The New Republic move is stopped, but Pellaeon
loses the Reaper.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
The Super Star Destroyer Reaper, one of the four original Super Star Destroyers, is
destroyed at Celanon.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Based on Luke Skywalkers recommendation, the New Republic orders a recall of all Tsil
crystals, bringing the sentient crystals back to Nam Chorios.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
In the wake of events on Nam Chorios, the New Republic sets up space platforms to keep
the death seed plague from leaving the planet. This brings a new economic boom on the
planet, based on Newcomers (new settlers, as opposed to Oldtimers who had been there for
a long time) and research into the healing powers of the Theran Listeners.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
Zoologist Lyrre Tenna and members of the Intergalactic Zoological Society create a field
guide that covers interesting wildlife from Tatooine, Hoth, Dagobah, Naboo, Bespin, Endor,
Yavin IV, and Coruscant, among other worlds.*
(The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide)*
*NOTE: This is the in-universe backstory for this reference book. There is no indication of when it takes place,
but readers have suggested that it may take place shortly after Planet of Twilight, given that, of all of the planets
and creatures in the galaxy, the drochs of Nam Chorios are discussed, which would only be fresh in people’s
minds (and rife for study) if shortly after the Nam Chroios crisis in Planet of Twilight. That is as good a reason as
any to place it here for the sake of inclusion.
Bounty Hunter Kenix Kil (actually former Imperial Guardsman Kir Kanos) traps his bounty,
Lem Krarr. Krarr should be his last bounty before having enough funds to begin his crusade
for vengeance against the New Republic for Palpatine’s fall, even though it pains him that he
will cross paths with Mirith Sinn again as enemies if that happens. Kanos intends to turn Krarr
over for the higher bounty on him alive instead of dead, but when he learns that the reason
he is wanted is for killing fourteen younglings, he kills Krarr and takes the smaller bounty
instead. Meanwhile, Mirith has become head of security for Leia Organa, and she bears a
desire to kill Kir Kanos when they cross paths a third time . . .*
(The Third Time Pays for All)*
*NOTE: The interior text for this story contradicts itself. It claims to be “ten years since Emperor Palpatine’s
death above the forest moon known as Endor” (i.e. 14 ABY) yet also “two years” since the events of Crimson
Empire II: Council of Blood (i.e. 13 ABY). I contacted Leland Chee for confirmation of the date, and he confirmed
14 ABY. However, when the actual first issue of the Crimson Empire III: Empire Lost comic was released, it gave
the date as 13 ABY. Apparently, things changed in the creative process.
Thirteen years have passed since the Battle of Endor. Two years have passed since Baron
Ragez D’Asta helped bring down the Imperial Ruling Council. In the city of Meenka, bounty
hunter Kenix Kil (actually former Imperial Guardsman Kir Kanos) returns home from a
successful hunt to be captured by Boba Fett. He is taken to the secret facility of the so-called
Restored Empire. Meanwhile, Chief-of-State Leia Organa Solo deals with the diplomatic
fallout of tension on Rhommamool during a meeting on Coruscant, then meets Admiral Han
Solo’s new team member, Lieutenant Lar Ndigo, who will be joining the mop-up operation on
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 672
Nam Chorios. Her personal security head, Mirith Sinn, continually tires to resign from her
post, but Leia will not let her leave her post so easily, since Leia believes she is good at her
job and can help protect the Solo children (Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin). On Yavin IV, Vima-Da-
Boda visits Luke Skywalker and warns him of the threat of a man known as Ennix Devian.
Shortly thereafter a Restored Empire team infiltrates a weapons dump on Nyara, stealing a
sample of the rare and deadly mineral zinethium. The zinethium is then turned over to
Yuuzhan Vong agent Nom Anor. At the Restored Empire base, Kanos meets General Vota
and learns that the Restored Empire did not wish Kanos captured, just brought to join their
operation. On Coruscant, Mirith saves Leia and the Solo kids from an attempt on their lives,
helping show Mirith that she is more loyal to the New Republic than to the memory of her late
husband, who was killed by Darth Vader (and for which she, in a sense, blames Leia as
Vader’s child). On Orinda, Feena D’Asta (on behalf of her father) attempts to pressure
Imperial Admiral Gilad Pellaeon into approaching the New Republic for a peace treaty. At the
secret stronghold, Kanos is given a suit of Guardsman armor and joins the leadership of the
Restored Empire in a meeting, where they express their intentions to wipe out all of their
enemies, both the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant alike. Unfortunately for Ennix
Devian, the leader of the Restored Empire, Kanos quickly disapproves of a “demonstration”
of Devians combat skills (which kills a valuable trooper) and his past as an assassin and
“thug” for the Empire. Devian wants to have Kanos at their side as a symbol of Imperial
loyalty as they move forward with a plan to unleash the stolen zinethium (handed off by Nom
Anor to the Restored Empire) to wipe out a major New Republic city’s populace. He has
plenty of Venator and Acclamator starships from after the Clone Wars that were meant to be
decommissioned by secretly repaired and readied at the stronghold. Kanos, though, wants no
part of it. He is held prisoner, but escapes, stealing a shuttle. He is heading for Mirith Sinn, it
would seem, but all of this was planned by Devian, who is using Kanos to bring death to
Coruscant itself on the shuttle. Back on Coruscant, Mirith leads the interrogation of a
captured assassin, then receives a message from Feena (which Leia also views) about the
proposed peace treaty though Pellaeon. Luke then arrives, revealing that he believes the
man behind the attack on Leia to be Devian, who is not part of the same Imperial faction as
Pellaeon, hence suing for peace even as the attackers tried to take the Solo children. At
Solo’s fleet, Ndigo arrives and relays a message to Han that Leia needs him back on
Coruscant. Ndigo then joins the search of the area where the New Republic ship Endor
disappeared (destroyed by the hidden Restored Empire base). They eventually find the
hidden base (or at least the planet it is on) and knock out its ability to attack, then prepare a
landing party . . . On Coruscant, Kanos arrives, requesting to see Mirith, even as Luke and
Leia debate letting Mirith meet with DAsta. Kanos meets with Mirith and reveals that he has
begun to rethink his old believes and his vow to bring down Luke and Leia, given what he has
seen of the Restored Empire and other factions that show him that Palpatine’s Empire, the
one he supported, no longer exists. He reveals Devian’s name and an explosives plot, which
Mirith puts together with Luke’s warning about Devian and reports of stolen zinethium. Kanos
is taken to meet with Luke and Leia, and Mirith agrees to meet with D’Asta, but only if Kanos,
whom Luke does not trust, will go with her. Shortly after they leave aboard Miriths ship,
crews discover unusual readings from the ship Kanos “stole” and used to reach Coruscant.
The ship itself is built partially with the stolen zinethium and rigged to explode. Luke jumps
aboard and takes it into space, escaping in a small pod to be picked up by the orbital patrol
just before it explodes. The capital area is safe, for now. Kanos and Mirith arrive at the secret
meeting to be greeted by Feena, but the other representative (for Pellaeon), Zam Basdor,
walks out when he sees Kanos, whom he considers a traitor. Just after Basdor leaves,
stormtroopers loyal to Devian emerge and attack. They kill Feena, but Kanos and Mirith take
out the troopers. At Devian’s secret base, his fleet escapes, even as the base explodes,
killing many New Republic troopers inside. On Orinda, Basdor reports on Feenas death to
Pellaeon, who is pressured into planning a reprisal attack on the New Republic. As his ships
move forward toward Coruscant, Hans fleet gets word and moves to warn Coruscant. Soon,
Devian’s fleet emerges above and attacks, intending to bring down Pellaeon . . . Elsewhere,
on Nez Peron, Kanos and Mirith deliver Feenas body to her father, Baron D’Asta, to whom
they also tell the truth about Devian’s role in her death. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 673
they can stop Pellaeon’s strike on Coruscant, unless they can show that no treachery
occurred. To do that, he introduces Kanos and Mirith to someone . . . Shortly thereafter,
Han’s forces discover that Pellaeon’s forces have turned around. They are on their way to
defend him from Devian’s assault on his base. Devian captures Pellaeon, offering him one
chance to join Devians cause, but Pellaeon, upon learning that Basdor betrayed him to
Devian, draws a pistol and kills the traitor. Devian’s fleet, however, is already being defeated
in space, not by Pellaeon’s forces that are still not yet back, but by DAsta’s, thanks to Mirith
and Kanos. The individual D’Asta introduced them to is his daughter, Feena, or so it seems.
As Devian’s fleet is defeated, his forces on the ground are taken out, even as Kanos duels
Devian. Though injured heavily, Kanos kills Devian. A short time later, Mirith reports back to
the New Republic. She asserts that Kanos is dead, and she resigns her position. Leia,
knowing that Mirith has not lied to her before, makes sure she is able to leave freely, even
though others dont believe her about Kanos. Months later, however, Kanos is alive and well.
He has, however, given up his old life and name, now that D’Asta’s doctors have healed him.
After thanking Feena (really a clone of Feena who is carrying on as D’Asta’s daughter) and
the baron, Kanos, clad as bounty hunter “Kenix Kil” at the moment, heads out in to the galaxy
to start a new life. The Empire he served no longer exists, and thus, his duty and what he
thought he was are also gone.
(Empire Lost)
On Ryvester, Wraith Squadron uses the ruse of supposedly discovering the lost Palace of
Piethet Brighteyes (and a willingness for Garik “Face Loran to sell that information) as a lure
to bring Imperial Admiral Kosh Teradoc to a clandestine cantina meeting. Teradoc brings
along his jewel expert, Mulus Cheems, to check out a sample of the merchandise. When
Teradoc attempts to simply kill the man claiming to have found the treasure (actually Face)
and take it for himself, a firefight breaks out in the bar, forcing Teradoc to flee, clutching the
sample treasure, which, it turns out, was not really something amazing in value. The Wraiths
have, in fact, contacted Cheems ahead of time and offered to get him out of Teradoc’s hands
if he goes along with their ruse. Teradoc, not realizing he has been had, takes the small,
“valuable” statue into his own base, where it promptly explodes, taking down another major
Imperial operation. Cheems will remember the Wraiths many years later and want to repay
them for saving him from Teradoc. (To be continued below . . . )
(Mercy Kill)
The Callista Cycle [continued] (novel trilogy/AJ/SWH short story: Barbara Hambly & Kevin
J. Anderson)
Murder in Slushtime (AJ14/SWH short story: Barbara Hambly)
Planet of Twilight (novel: Barbara Hambly)
Chapters 1 22
The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide (reference book: Terryl Whitlatch & Bob Carrau)
The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide (reference book: Terryl Whitlatch & Bob Carrau)
The Third Time Pays for All (DHP1 comic: Randy Stradley)
The Third Time Pays for All (DHP1 comic: Randy Stradley)
The Crimson Empire Cycle [continued] (comic trilogy: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Crimson Empire III: Empire Lost (comic series: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Empire Lost, Part I (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Empire Lost, Part II (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Empire Lost, Part III (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Empire Lost, Part IV (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Empire Lost, Part V (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
Empire Lost, Part VI (comic: Mike Richardson & Randy Stradley)
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
Mercy Kill (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapter 1
14 ABY
Melinza Thanas is born on Bakura to Pter Thanas and Gariel Captison.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 674
(conjecture based on Assault at Selonia)
According to the lies told by the P’w’eck Lothwin during the time of the consecration of
Bakura by the Ssi-ruuk, it was at this time that Ssi-ruuk had prototype vessels ready that
used both standard entechment technology and technology adapted from the New Republic
and Imperial forces that had defeated them ten years earlier.*
(conjecture based on Refugee)*
*NOTE: The novel puts this in the context of lies told by Lothwin, but The Unknown Regions (an RPG guidebook)
refers to these events as if true.
The G2-9T line of repair droids is commissioned. This is a relaunch of the G2 repair droid line
that had been discontinued two years earlier.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past and The New Essential Guide to Droids)
On Yavin IV, the Books of Massassi are discovered.
(conjecture based on Before the Storm)
The New Republic credit is established.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook via TimeTales,
Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri marry.
(conjecture based on Starfighters of Adumar, Specter of the Past, and Union)
Around this time, Borath Maddeus becomes an intelligence operative.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Cybot Galactica introduces C series protocol droids (C-1 through C-9) as boutique models of
their classic 3PO line. This new C series is produced exclusively on the factory moon of Telti.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
A new type of X-wing starfighter, the Incom T-65AC4, is placed into service, which has the
same benefits of the original X-wings, but increased speed to match that of an A-wing
(conjecture based on The Jedi Academy Trilogy Sourcebook)
In the Kauron asteroid field, the Cavrilhu pirates construct a trap especially for Jedi.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
Irek Ismaren and his mother, Roganda Ismaren, fleeing from the events on Belsavis, hide at
to Substation One of the Pasarian Memorial Atmospheric Reclamation Complex Project on
Coruscant. Young Irek is again experimented upon, in hopes of making him the most
powerful Dark Jedi ever. Soon, they take on a partner, an unknown Dark Jedi, and when a
disagreement causes a lightsaber to be drawn, the partner is killed, but Irek receives a saber
through the head. Roganda keeps him alive in a stasis chamber and continues
experimenting on him. The result, made evident thirteen years from now, will be an
extremely powerful Dark Side Force user, three times the height of a normal human, with
lightsabers embedded in several of his joints to make him an effective, instinctual fighting
machine. In this new form, he will be known as Lord Nyax, after the folk legend.
(conjecture based on Rebel Stand)
On Munto Codru, Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo, while on a diplomatic tour with Leia Organa
Solo, are kidnapped by forces loyal to Hethrir, former Procurator of Justice for the Galactic
Empire, and his Empire Reborn mission. Not only are they physically gone, but Leia can no
longer sense them through the Force. She, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 leave to find the
kidnappers. On Crseith Station, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and C-3PO arrive looking for a
lost group of Jedi. While observing the system, they note that the nearby star is slowly
turning into a perfect crystal, a shining contrast to a nearby black hole. In Hethrir's
compound, where he plans to train a new legion of Dark Jedi (Empire Youth), the villain
informs the Solo children that their parents are dead and that a young man named Tigris will
take care of them from then on. While in their early days in the compound, the children
become aware of a young Force-sensitive girl named Lusa, a Centaur. On Crseith Station,
Han and Luke meet up with Xaverri, a magician Han knows, and she informs them that she
called them to the station to investigate Waru, a mysterious alien with healing powers. In
space, Leia and Chewie find a ship in distress and learn that the attackers were the same
people who kidnapped the children. In disguise, they head for Hethrir's base. On the station,
Luke is falling to Waru's strange influence and becoming untrusting of those around him.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 675
When Waru kills a young boy he is trying to "heal," Han and Xaverri determine that the being
must be stopped. Xaverri tells them that Waru appeared at the behest of Hethrir (when he
ran Crseith Station) and would steal life energy of people Hethrir brought to it, in return for
giving Hethrir absolute power. At Hethrir's base, Jacen and Jaina escape and are found by
the newly arrived Leia. Anakin and Lusa, however, are en route to Crseith Station to be fed
to Waru. Rillao, one of Hethrir's lieutenants, reveals shortly thereafter that she was forced to
mate with Hethrir to produce Tigris. She was trained in the ways of the Dark Side by Darth
Vader, and a Force-sensitive child was needed. They head for Crseith Station, Rillao now
firmly against Hethrir. Upon arrival, they witness Anakin about to be fed to Waru, but Tigris
turns on Hethrir and saves him. Knowing that Waru is an anti-Force being trying to return to
its home dimension via life energy, Luke leaps into Waru's maw to sacrifice himself. Han and
Leia leap in after him. Outside of Waru, Rillao duels Hethrir. Inside Waru, Han and Leia
battle Waru and manage to save Luke. Enraged, Waru then devours Hethrir, giving him
enough energy (since Hethrir was Force-sensitive) to depart for his own dimension. The
victorious heroes leave the station as the crystallizing star finally explodes, taking the station
with it. Xaverri decides to help all of the imprisoned children find their homes, while the rest
of the group head for their own respective homes.
(The Crystal Star)
Much of the technology from Hethrir’s worldship is taken in by the “New Class project, which
hastens the development of what will soon be the Nebula-class New Republic Star Destroyer.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
The Omwati finally develop spacefaring technology to reach the orbital facility left by the
Empire. They discover that only ten of the children taken from Omwat still live. Over the next
few years, they will come to plague the spacelanes until the New Republic contacts them and
reunites them with offworld Omwati.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
On Tatooine, the old Eidolon Base is taken over again by Imperials led by Captain Arajen
Turmen, who uses it as a waystation for those wanting to get back to the Imperial Remnant.
It will eventually become just another settlement.
(conjecture based on Secrets of Tatooine)
Natasi Daala and Liegeus Vorn reappear, as Daala takes over the Deep Core Imperial
factions. Daala is back in the game.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
The surviving Firrerreo of Firrerre are taken to Belderone to resettle. They are met with
resistance, but Flint helps calm native fears.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
On Endor, Chief Chirpa of Bright Tree Village dies. He is succeeded by Princess Kneesaa.
Along with her induction as new chief, the ceremony serves as her wedding to Wicket Wystri
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)*
*NOTE: No date is given for this event, so I place it ten years after ROTJ.
En route to the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV, a transport bears several new students, including
Jaden Korr, Rosh Penin (a somewhat over-eager human male), and others. The transport is
blasted out of the sky over the Academy, forcing Jaden and Rosh to make their way to the
Academy on foot. On their way, Jaden does battle with a foe somewhat resembling a
Reborn, who is using a lightsaber, before discovering a Twi’lek woman (who had been inside
the temple accessing Luke’s computer while everyone tried to help the transport
passengers), who is drawing some form of energy out of the Massassi temple with a scepter.
Before Jaden can do anything about this, he is knocked unconscious and left behind, as the
villains escape. A short time later, Kyle Katarn, Luke Skywalker, and the other Jedi revive
Jaden. Luke and Kyle are surprised to sense that the Dark Side presence that had always
been clouding the temple is gone, seemingly absorbed by the Twi’lek womans scepter. As
for the Twilek invader, she is on her way off of Yavin IV in a shuttle, informing her master that
she has succeeded in stealing Luke’s records. Shortly thereafter, the students begin training.
Jaden, who had already created his own lightsaber, is teamed with Rosh, and the two are
placed under the care of Kyle as his two new Padawan Learners (which Luke tells them is
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 676
sort of a step below Apprentice). They are soon to begin missions in the galaxy at large, but
there are greater issues at play: the information stolen from the temple was a list of locations
with Dark Side energy, and there is a mysterious new Dark Side cult forming in the galaxy.
They must go on their missions, but also keep an eye out for this cults activities, for the
Darksider that Jaden killed as the Twi’lek was invading the temple bore the cults mark, that
of the Sith Empires long-dead Sith Lord Marka Ragnos. Jaden himself accompanies Kyle on
the first round of missions. They travel to Tatooine, where they encounter Han Solo,
Chewbacca . . . and killer mercs and another Darksider, whom they begin suspecting are
either being financed by someone with serious cash . . . or the Imperial Remnant. They also
recover a droid that had recorded some suspicious cantina conversations. Shortly thereafter,
the duo returns to the Academy, where they reunite with Rosh, who has been on several
other, less important errands. He’s getting pissed that he is being “held back,” but Kyle gives
them both missions this time around. Jaden heads off to save the crew of a ship that was
downed by Imperial fire over the largely unknown world of Blenjeel . . . and subsequently has
to save his own butt from sandworms, lightning that downs his craft, and so forth. (Yeah, from
here on, that world will be marked as a travel hazard. Good idea.) It is his mission to Corellia
that bears fruit. As the Ragnos cult continues to grow, Jaden travels with Kyle to Corellia,
where they end up having to stop a hijacked train (hijacked, of course, by the Ragnos cult),
from crashing in Coronet City. They do so, then return to Yavin IV, where Luke informs them
that it seems that the cult is trying to use the scepter to drain Force energy from various
locations and store it, somewhat like how a holocron can store a limited amount of Force
energy. Knowing that this could be big trouble if it could then somehow be channeled or
redirected, Luke sends Kyle to the Valley of the Jedi, Corran Horn to Wayland, Jaden to
Hoth, and Rosh to Byss (well, what’s left of it after the Galaxy Gun fiasco). On Hoth, Jaden
checks out the area where Luke spoke with Obi-Wan Kenobis spirit, then checks out Echo
Base, where some Imperials have set up shop, including the Twilek invader from Yavin IV,
Alora. Apparently the cultists have not been able to get much data from the computers,
which were mostly wiped clean, but they are able to determine that Luke left Hoth for
Dagobah, so now they are heading there. Jaden takes out as many of the cultists as he can,
but Alora gets away after they duel a bit. Upon hearing that the cult might be heading for
Dagobah, Luke heads there to stop them. Meanwhile, Kyle has finished on Ruusan, but now
has to go to Byss in search of Rosh, who has apparently disappeared. Jaden wants to go,
but Kyle promotes him to Apprentice and tells him to keep up with his regular missions. He
can handle finding Rosh. His missions take him (at times with Kyle as backup before going
after Rosh) to Nar Kreeta, Zonju V, Kril’Dor (to help Wedge Antilles secure a gas mine),
Coruscant, and Dosuun, none of which have much ties into the Ragnos cult activity.
Meanwhile, though, Luke reports that the Dark Side Cave on Dagobah has been drained of
energy, and Kyle confirms that Rosh has fallen into Imperial hands. Reuniting at the
Academy, the Jedi begin a new series of missions to secure sites that Luke had been able to
keep secret from the cultists when they invaded his computer files. Several Jedi are sent out,
including Tionne and Streen, and Luke decides to send Kyle and Jaden out, again, as a
team, to the planet Vjun, where they are to investigate Bast Castle, Darth Vader’s old
stronghold. Inside the castle, they face off with Imperials, hazardtroopers (think stormies in
exosuits to kick ass in any environment), and a big surprise: the Reborn. That’s right, the late
Desann apparently had some Reborn left, and they have now taken up residence within the
ranks of the Disciples of Ragnos. In the process of infiltrating the inner areas of the castle,
though, Kyle is injured by a ceiling collapse, forcing Jaden to continue alone. Upon reaching
the top of the castle, Jaden finds the Ragnos cult draining the Force energy from Darth
Vader’s meditation pod, but he’s in for a shock when he finds Rosh there, not as a prisoner,
but as a member of the Disciples. The other cultists urge Rosh to attack Jaden, and he does
so, even though he seems a bit out of it (brainwashed?). Strangely, Rosh seems to be being
recharged with strength and energy by the other Disciples (in a similar fashion to the Force
energy transfer that Darth Malak once utilized aboard the StarForge millennia earlier). He
manages to defeat the Disciples and Rosh, but just as Kyle arrives, Roshs new master
emerges . . . It’s Tavion, whose life Kyle spared during the conflict with Desann. Now, shes
leading the Ragnos cult (what an ungrateful bitch, huh?). She hits Jaden with Force lightning
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 677
before bickering with Kyle, whom she says shamed her when he spared her, so now she’ll
get all the power she wants from the spirit of Marka Ragnos (jeez, some spirits just don’t fade
away into that good night, do they . . . That’s the same spirit that bestowed Dark Lord of the
Sith-hood upon Exar Kun millennia earlier, a good millennia after his own death). Jaden
recovers and takes out part of the roof, forcing a hasty retreat. Unfortunately, Tavion and
Rosh escape, but they are at least able to report back to Luke. Luke is proud of Jaden and
promotes him to Jedi Knight, but Kyle senses some of the Dark Side in him from the conflict
with Rosh and warns him of it. As for the Disciples, they seem to be using a few Reborn in
their ranks, but rather than being empowered by the Valley of the Jedi, these are being
empowered by the scepter. As Luke prepares a plan to go after the cult, Jaden carries out
more missions, this time to Taanab (to stop a plot to release a rancor into a city), Chandrila
(where he seals a Jedi tomb before the cult can get to it), Yalara (where he encounters
Noghri that were sent years earlier by Darth Vader to recover a planet-hiding cloaking device,
which they only recently found, and which the Noghri and Imperial Remnant forces are
battling over), Byss (on a joint mission to check out Byss’ Force energy with Kyle, which
nearly gets them captured and killed by an Imperial dreadnaught), and even to Ord Mantell,
where he fights Boba Fett to a standstill over a weapons cache that might fall into cultist
hands. After this round of missions concludes, they receive two bits of bad news: first, Luke
has discovered that the cultists are trying to capture enough Dark Side energy not to create
new Reborn, but to physically resurrect Marka Ragnos from his tomb on Korriban; second,
Rosh contacts them from Taspir III, begging for help, which is a call that, despite probably
being a trap, Kyle and Jaden cannot ignore. Once on Taspir III, Jaden and Kyle split up, and
Jaden eventually makes his way to the main enemy complex, where he comes face to face
with Alora. After giving chase to Alora, Jaden finally comes upon a very different (frightened,
perhaps not as brainwashed) Rosh. Jaden won’t buy his act this time, though, and is urged
to attack Rosh by Alora. Luckily, Kyle arrives and talks him down, knowing that Rosh only
joined the Disciples in fear for his life. Alora attacks then, being killed by Jaden, but not
before Alora can sever Rosh’s arm, forcing Kyle to take him to medical care, while Jaden
races off to rejoin Luke and others at Korriban. Jaden joins the Jedi in a massive battle with
the cultists and Reborn among Sith tombs, finally being the only one with enough energy left
(thanks to arriving late) to follow Tavion into the catacombs of Ragnos’ tomb. Jaden
confronts Tavion, and the two duel, while Tavion also hurls energy at him with the scepter.
The infusing of energy into the Ragnos corpse is nearly complete, though, and as Tavion
falls, ready to die instead of asking for mercy, she uses the scepter on the body one last time.
The spirit of Marka Ragnos emerges, drawing from the Dark Side, and leaps into Tavions
body, taking it over as his own. After a prolonged duel, Jaden realizes that if Ragnos is using
the Dark Side by drawing from the scepter, it must be destroyed. With a final strike at the
scepter, it is broken, and Ragnos’ spirit leaves Tavion’s body, leaving it on the floor, dead.
Upon exiting, Jaden finds the Jedi mopping up the cultists on the ground, who now have no
power after the scepter’s destruction, while, in orbit, a New Republic cruiser arrives and
wipes out the Star Destroyer above them. In the aftermath, both Kyle and Luke express their
gratitude and pride in Jaden’s actions during the conflict with the Disciples of Ragnos, while
Rosh, now back among the Jedi, is fitted with a new prosthetic arm. One new Jedi has
emerged through the fires as a strong member of the Order, while another’s training must
now begin anew, but all in all, it is a good day for the Jedi Academy.
(Jedi Academy)
Shortly after the defeat of the Empire Reborn and the Disciples of Ragnos, the body of Flint is
found with an ancient Jedi lightsaber in his hand a cauterized hole (a lightsaber stab wound)
in his throat. It would seem that Lumiya’s revenge has finally come, even though it is later
than she desired (having at one point intended on having Carnor Jax take care of him).
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
The Crystal Star (novel: Vonda N. McIntyre)
The Crystal Star (novel: Vonda N. McIntyre)
Chapters 1 13
The Dark Forces Cycle [continued] (video game series: Justin Chin & Stephen R. Show &
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 678
Jedi Academy (video game: LucasArts)
Yavin Jungle
Training Area
Mercenary Activity
Droid Recovery
Emergency Assistance
Merchant Rescue
Cult Investigation
Ice Planet Hoth
Echo Base
Nar Keeta
Rescue Mission
Zonju V
Meet Contact
Covert Operation
Capture Crime Lord
Cult Investigation
Bast Castle
Lower Floors
Cult Investigation
Cult Activity
Dismantle Device
Force Theft Investigation
Ord Mantell
Weapon Destruction
Taspir III
Taspir III
Imperial Power Station
Sith Crypts
Sith Ruins
15 ABY
Dab Hantaq (AKA Tarc) is born.
(conjecture based on Rebel Dream and Outcast)
Barthis (future Alliance Intelligence agent) is born.*
(conjecture based on Betrayal)*
*NOTE: This interprets “mid-twenties” as 25.
Titch (future Alliance Intelligence agent) is born.*
(conjecture based on Betrayal)*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 679
*NOTE: This interprets “mid-twenties” as 25.
After a great deal of study, Luke Skywalker learns the Jedi technique used to cloak objects.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia)
Around this time, Galactic Syndicated, run by Marvid and Craitheus Qreph, begins
operations. Over the next thirty years, they will engage in legitimate activities (livestock gene
development, advanced cyborg technology, interstellar transportation, etc.) and criminal
activities (gene rustling, slave making, etc.). They have developed this new business to
provide themselves the money and power to eventually dominate the galaxy and get revenge
upon one of their information broker mothers clients, who shot her in the head, leaving her
unable to have the memory necessary to be an information broker, which left the family
destitute and in rough times when the Qrephs were children. They have numerous suspects
in this act, including at least fifteen individuals, such as Hondo Bador, Cabot Lom, Nevid
d’Hon, Berille Ada, the mother’s own bartender, and Han Solo, who was the last client she
had when alive.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
On Ennth, Zekk barely survives the destruction of New Hopetown by a volcano eruption. He
stows away on Peckhum's Lightning Rod and is soon taken in (virtually adopted) by the old
(conjecture based on Shards of Alderaan)
On Yavin IV, Jedi student Dolph receives word that is home and family are in danger at the
hands of the local Je'Har government. He leaves, only to find them dead already. His
ensuing rage pushes him over the edge and into the Dark Side's grip. He renames himself
Kueller and begins his own quest for power over the Je'Har.
(conjecture based on The New Rebellion)
The Nebula-class New Republic Star Destroyer is christened, the direct result of the “New
Class” project.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Brakiss takes over the Telti droid factories, working for Dolph (AKA Kueller).
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Upon meeting Leia Organa Solo, Bothan Diplomatic Corps agent Tresk Imnel is told that he
appears to be Force-sensitive. Feeling a sense of duty, Tresk goes to Yavin IV and begins to
train as a Jedi.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Tresk Im’nel, found on
the Wizards of the Coast website)
Around this time, medical researcher Doctor Cagaran Wei comes to Nam Chorios. He soon
marries a jeweler Newcomer. They will be married for 20 years, until a landspeeder accident
kills her. They will have a son, who will eventually study medicine on Corellia.*
(conjecture based on Conviction)*
*NOTE: He is there for “nearly thirty years” before Conviction, which I have rounded to 29 years. He is married to
the jeweler for 20 years, but that could be any time within his time on Nam Chorios, as could the birth of their
Han Solo tells four-year-old Anakin Solo a bizarre bedtime story about Lukes hand, lost at
Cloud City, and how it engaged in its own strange adventures.*
(The Secret Tales of Luke’s Hand)*
*NOTE: The story Han tells is bizarre, but that is not why this story was a longtime member of the “Nathan’s
dumped this sucker into the Apocrypha Timelines” club. The story purports to take place in 11 ABY, but it claims
that Anakin (born in 11 ABY) is already four. At the urging of Andrew Nagy, I have relented a bit on this one and
have assumed that Henry Gilroy made a dating error, so this can fit in the continuity, even if the story within a
story obviously cannot. This is also backed up by an entry in the Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia for the
imaginary starship in Han’s story, the Millennium Falcon parody vessel, the Millennium Fist.
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, and our heroes must come together to defeat a new
Force-related threat.*
(Exiles of the Force)*
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This summary is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor text for our
purposes, with no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it historical
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 680
In the wake of the Force-related threat, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, and our heroes
must come together to defeat a new threat.*
(Heart of the Jedi)*
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This summary is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor text for our
purposes, with no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it historical
In the wake of the Force-related threat and its follow-up, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo,
and our heroes must come together to defeat a new threat.*
(Legacy of Doom)*
*NOTE: Don’t remember this one? Don’t be surprised. This summary is based on research conducted by
frequent contributor Andrew Gordon into stories proposed or put into production for the Official Continuity but
eventually canceled for some reason. The story never came to exist, so the information is just flavor text for our
purposes, with no C-Canon (or even S- or N-Canon) backing whatsoever at this point. Consider it historical
The Secret Adventures of Luke’s Hand (SWT8 short story: Henry Gilroy)
The Secret Adventures of Luke’s Hand (SWT8 short story: Henry Gilroy)
Exiles of the Force (canceled comic series: Unknown)*
Exiles of the Force, Part I (canceled comic: Unknown)*
Exiles of the Force, Part II (canceled comic: Unknown)*
Exiles of the Force, Part III (canceled comic: Unknown)*
Exiles of the Force, Part IV (canceled comic: Unknown)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. It may have consisted of more or less individual issues, but four seems a
nice round number for a mini-series. Consider it historical curiosity.
Heart of the Jedi (canceled novel: Kenneth Flint)*
Heart of the Jedi (canceled novel: Kenneth Flint)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. Now we know why this year has no Bantam novels in it. Consider it
historical curiosity.
Legacy of Doom (canceled novel: Margaret Weiss)*
Legacy of Doom (canceled novel: Margaret Weiss)*
*NOTE: This story never came to exist. Now we know why this year has no Bantam novels in it. Consider it
historical curiosity.
16 ABY
The New Republic develops the K-wing starfighter.
(conjecture based on Before the Storm)
The E-series protocol droid is placed into service.
(conjecture based on Before the Storm)
With enough Nebula-class New Republic Star Destroyers completed, the New Republic
creates a new armada called the Fifth Fleet.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
On Tatooine, Sliven, a Tusken Raider, is wounded and nursed back to health by the Veila
family. Shortly thereafter, the family's home is attacked by his tribe. Tryst and Cass Veila are
killed. Only Tahiri Veila survives. Sliven, guilt-ridden, takes her into the tribe, against the
wishes of his fellow Sandpeople. He must promise that she will pass the trials of a Tusken
Raider when she comes of age, or he must forfeit his life.
(conjecture based on Promises)
Kiles L’toth becomes Associate Director of the New Republic’s Astrogation Survey Institute.
(conjecture based on Before the Storm)
After a fruitless search for Jorj Car'das, Lando Calrissian and Mara Jade return to Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Vision of the Future)
Around this time, Twister becomes a member of Aurek-Seven, part of Aurek Company in the
Empire of the Hands resurrected Imperial 501
Stormtrooper Legion.
(conjecture based on Fool’s Bargain)
Several years after the fall of the tourist venture in the Endor system, New Republic
personnel at Endors Salfur’s Trading Post discover a fungus known as rokna. It is smuggled
out and refined into Rokna Blue, which will become a popular, if illegal, drug. A space station
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 681
is built between Megiddo and Dor to distill Rokna Blue, but it is abandoned ten months later.
(conjecture based on Endor and the Moddell Sector)
In this era, the Force seems to be suggesting to Luke Skywalker that a sinister scheme is at
work, though he cannot figure out who could be behind it. He considers his former student
Dolph (now known as Kueller) or perhaps Brakiss. Luke begins keeping a formal compilation
of known Dark Siders and begins trying to unearth any Sith information he can find, including
the works of Murk Lundi. Unbeknownst to Luke, the source of the scheme he is sensing is the
machinations of Lumiya, who is not dead as he believes. Instead, she is on the planet
Korriban and is in possession of, among other things, an ancient Sith Oracle and the Sith
Holocron of King Adas. Her plans are decades in the making and will take decades more to
come to fruition . . . but the Sith have always been patient . . .
(conjecture based on Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties)
A squad of E4 Baron Droids overthrow the administrators of the only settlement on the planet
Arzid, taking over the settlement and ruling by force.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
Roa gives up his import-export business.*
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)*
*NOTE: This assumes that “almost ten years ago” can be rounded to nine years ago.
The New Republic is actually in a state of peace, approaching the 1,000
day of peace. Leia
Organa Solo, however, knows that such a state cannot last. She proposes the building of a
new, stronger fleet, and is met with harsh opposition. As the daughter of Darth Vader, some
fear she will become a dictator. Others simply do not see the need for such a venture. On
Yavin IV, Luke Skywalker turns over the Jedi Academy to Streen and leaves, searching for
himself, you could say. He goes to Coruscant and creates a home in the visage of Vader's to
live in as a hermit. Elsewhere on the planet, Han Solo marvels at the Millennium Falcon,
newly upgraded. Its first journey, though, will be without him. Chewbacca will take it to
Kashyyyk to visit his family and witness his son's coming-of-age hunt. Also growing restless
in the peacetime, Lando Calrissian gathers Lobot and C-3PO and heads out to investigate a
strange ship, the Teljkon Vagabond, which appears and disappears frequently, but has never
been fully explained and understood. In an effort to make more diplomatic ties for the New
Republic, Leia begins negotiations with Nil Spaar, a Yevethan from the Koornact Cluster.
Luke is visited by Akanah Pell, a Fallanassi trained in the ways of the White Current (an
offshoot of the Force), who asks him to help her search for her fellow Fallanassi, a group
which may include Luke and Leia's mother, whom she says is named Nashira. Leia will have
no part in it, saying she has buried her past and moved on, but Luke agrees to go with
Akanah. Elsewhere, New Republic ships find a derelict Star Destroyer missing its
compliment of Black Sword Command vessels. Admiral Gial Ackbar orders a discrete search
made for them. In space, Lando and his New Republic task force (led by Colonel
Pakkpekatt) find the Vagabond and almost lose it again. When it transmits a message (the
Quella race's genetic code), Lando tries to communicate with it in its language and it allows
him, C-3PO, and Lobot to board. Once they are onboard, though, the ship jumps to
hyperspace again. Growing suspicious of the Yevetha, the New Republic sends a fleet
(including Han Solo) to the rim of the Koornacht Cluster. Searching for the Fallanassi on
Lucazec, Luke and Akanah are attacked by Imperials, but escape harm. On Coruscant, Nil
Spaar speaks with opponents of Leia and then fakes his leave-taking being stopped by force.
Along with the remains of a probe his people destroyed outside of Yevethan space, he
presents a very anti-Leia message to the Senate, which turns the majority of the Senate
against her. With such a political fiasco, Leia is forced to recall the fleet from the Koornacht
Cluster. As soon as the New Republic ships are out of sight, the Yevethans release their
Black Fleet upon neighboring worlds, committing genocide on non-Yevethan populations and
taking over the planets. Only Plat Mallar of Polneye escapes and manages to warn the New
Republic of the truth. Leia considers resigning her position but is talked out of it. Shortly
thereafter, Nil Spaar addresses the entire New Republic and accuses Leia, the daughter and
heir of Darth Vader, of trying to create a second Galactic Empire and ordering the destruction
of civilizations in the Koornacht Cluster. His ultimatum--either Leia must resign, or the
Yevethans declare war on the New Republic.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 682
(Before the Storm)
Aboard the Teljkon Vagabond (the Quellan ship, in other words), Lando, Lobot, and C-3PO
learn that the ship is alive. It also comes under Imperial pursuit after entering Imperial space,
destroying an Imperial vessel in self-defense, and escaping. Luke and Akanah continue on
from Lucazec to Teyr and then to Atzerri. Along the way, Luke is falling for Akanah as she
teaches him about the White Current. Once on Atzerri, Akanah, alone, speaks with her
father, Joreb Goss with no luck. Luke also receives an answer to a secret query about the
Fallanassi from Coruscant. Akanah's ship is an inheritance from her late husband Andras,
and no records of the Fallanassi or White Current exist. Luke begins to have his doubts.
They then continue on to J't'p'tan, near the Yevethan atrocities. Near Yevethan space, the
New Republic fleet converges at the edge of the Koornacht Cluster. On Coruscant, Leia,
newly returned from time off with Han to clear her mind, signs all of the Yevethan's victim
worlds into the New Republic, much to the anger of the Senate. Leia issues an ultimatum of
her own to Nil Spaar--withdraw from non-Yevethan worlds or be forced from them. After a
week of stalemate, Leia sends the Fifth Fleet to blockade the victim worlds. The Yevethans
attack. The Senate, in retaliation, tries to impeach Leia, but does not get through the entire
proceeding. Her urgings for a larger fleet are then validated with news that the Black Fleet
still exists and is under Yevethan control. A second fleet, led by Han, is sent to the
Koornacht Cluster, but a disgruntled ex-Senator, Peramis, warns Spaar, whose forces
decimate the fleet and capture Solo. With Solo as Spaar's bargaining chip, the Senate gives
Leia an ultimatum--resign or be forced from office, for the best interests of the New Republic.
(Shield of Lies)
Under assault by Kueller, Almania contacts the New Republic for help, but with the Yevethan
Crisis taking place, the New Republic cannot help them.
(conjecture based on The New Rebellion)
On Kashyyyk, Chewbacca learns of Han Solo's capture and calls his son's coming-of-age
hunt to a halt, works to refit the Millennium Falcon for combat, and heads for the Koornacht
Cluster. Aboard the Teljkon Vagabond, Lando Calrissian, Lobot, and C-3PO hunt for the
ship's control nexus (or brain). On Coruscant, Leia is brought before impeachment
proceedings because she refuses to step down as Chief of State. On N'Zoth, the Yevethan
homeworld, Han Solo is ordered by Nil Spaar to order the New Republic fleet to leave the
Koornacht Cluster. Han, of course, refuses. Aboard the Vagabond, the Imperial ships in
pursuit finally damage the ship. For help, Lando summons the Lady Luck by remote. The
New Republic task force follows. Shortly thereafter, Lobot uses his cybernetic implants to
communicate with the living ship and learns that it is heading to the Quella homeworld,
Maltha Obex. In a media coup, Intelligence Director Admiral Hiram Drayson leaks news of
Plat Mallar's story to Cindel Towani (remember her?) of the press, just as the truth about
Peramis' selling out of Han hits the media as well. Some confidence returns to Leia. To
counter this small victory, Spaar informs the New Republic that it has signed into an alliance
with the remnants of the Empire--a false claim, made nonetheless effective by public
ignorance of the reality of the situation. He then sends out another transmission in which he
is shown beating Han senseless. Spaar ends the transmission with an order for the New
Republic to leave the Koornacht Cluster. On J't'p'tan, Luke and Akanah find a world ravaged
by the Yevetha. Luke realizes that Akanah has been using him to find her hidden home
when she uses White Current abilities to cloak herself, as the Fallanassi Circle decloaks in
front of him. Nashira, he is told, is not his mother, and the Fallanassi actually have a cloaked,
intact, home on the planet, despite the seeming wasteland left by the Yevethans. Luke then
suggests that they use the amazing cloaking power to help end the current crisis. On
Coruscant, Leia declares war on the Yevethans of Spaar's Dushkan League, against the
wishes of much of the Senate. At N'Zoth, the Millennium Falcon makes its way to the Super
Star Destroyer that serves as Spaar's prison vessel. Chewbacca and Lumpawarrump save
Han from the prison and a Fallanassi prisoner uses an illusion to cover their escape. Such
bravery serves as Lumpy's coming-of-age and he chooses the adult name Lumpawaroo, with
the shortened name Waroo. They meet up with the Fifth Fleet as Luke arrives and outlines
his Fallanassi-utilizing plan. The fleet (with extra ships provided by Fallanassi illusions)
jumps to N'Zoth and issues a final warning to Spaar. Spaar orders the Black Fleet to attack,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 683
but Imperial Major Sil Sorannen, knowing defeat is inevitable, stuns Spaar, takes the Black
Fleet, and retreats back into Imperial space. As for Spaar, he is ejected while the flagship is
in hyperspace. Back at N'Zoth, the New Republic force is victorious. The Fallanassi prepare
to leave for a new home, and tell Luke the truth of Akanah's ruse. She had been separated
from the group when her mother betrayed the Fallanassi to the Empire. She had used Luke
to return to her people. At Maltha Obex, the Vagabond arrives and begins blasting the
planet. Luke is called to help, and they realize that the Vagabond is not trying to destroy the
planet. It was created to reawaken the Quella, frozen in suspended animation on the
surface, after the freezing effects of the destruction of the planet's two moons had passed.
The ship is recreating an entire civilization. After one more week of soul searching, Luke
decides to destroy his hiding place on Coruscant and return to the Academy, no longer
running from himself.
(Tyrant's Test)
In the wake of the Yevethan Crisis, Gavin and Sera Darklighter take in Gavin’s sister and her
children. (His brother-in-law had been killed during the Yevethan Crisis).
(conjecture based on Onslaught)
Ayddar Nylykerka is promoted to the position of chief analyst in the asset tracking division of
the armed forces in the wake of the Black Fleet Crisis.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial via TimeTales, abridged)
Incom develops a new, astromech-free, version of the X-wing starfighter, the T-65D-A1.
Impressed, General Wedge Antilles orders these fighters integrated into the New Republic
fleet, and older starfighters remodeled with the new technology. Unbeknownst to him, shortly
after the modifications begin being made, many of the X-wings are sabotaged.
(conjecture based on The New Rebellion)
The Fia of Galantos join the New Republic. Shortly thereafter, Borsk Fey’lya visits Galantos
and is virtually driven off by how incredibly meticulous the Fia are with conversation.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
The Black Fleet Crisis [continued] (novel trilogy: Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
Before the Storm [continued] (novel: Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
Chapters 1 15
Shield of Lies (novel: Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
Chapters 1 4
Chapters 5 9
Chapters 10 15
Tyrant's Test (novel: Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
Chapters 1 2
Interlude I: Vagabond
Chapters 3 4
Interlude II: Ambush
Chapters 5 6
Interlude III: Derelict
Chapters 7 8
Interlude IV: Maltha Obex
Chapters 9 10
Interlude V: Rendezvous
Chapter 11
Epilogue: Coruscant, Eight Days Later
17 ABY
Voryam Bhao, future Imperial Moff, is born.
(conjecture based on Invincible)
On Tatooine, Labria is recognized as the Butcher of Montellian Serat and flees to Peppel.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 684
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia and The Last One Standing: The Tale
of Boba Fett)
Gariel Captison is voted out of office as Prime Minister of Bakura. Two days later, Pter
Thanas dies of Knowt's disease.
(conjecture based on Assault at Selonia)
Eelysa joins Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the New Jedi Order)
Wolam Tser takes Tam Elgrin on, acting as his caretaker.
(conjecture based on Rebel Stand)
A Rokna Blue distilling station between Megiddo and Dor is abandoned.*
(conjecture based on Endor and the Moddell Sector)*
*NOTE: The article says that it was abandoned 10 months after it was built, but it is unclear whether this is 10
months in GST or 10 months in a 12-month year. For the sake of accuracy, I’m assuming that they meant 10-
months of Star Wars universe time (on the 10-month year calendar).
The smuggler Thanta Zilbra, fleeing from a crimelord who is trying to collect a debt, manages
to crash on an uncharted world. He names the planet and its star after himself, and then
discovers an unusual fungus growing on the desert planet. He named the fungus Zilbra
fungus, and makes a deal with the New Republic to provide samples for biological testing.
This generates a hefty profit for Zilbra and his outpost world, until the star Thanta Zilbra is
destroyed by the Sacorrian Triad. Zilbra himself is killed in the resulting destruction, but not
before he forces his four sons and two daughters onto his aging transport and makes them
flee the planet.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Threat Dossier via TimeTales, verbatim)
Carlist Rieekan retires from active New Republic service.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Two years before the end of the Tempest Feud, a starship from Skydove Freight is declared
lost in a comet storm. It is actually repurposed under several shell companies to work illegal
(conjecture based on Scourge)
On the planet Almania, a man known as Kueller, who is working with Brakiss, murders
1,651,305 people instantly on the planet Pyrdr. As with the destruction of Alderaan, this
sends a "great disturbance" throughout the Force. Across the galaxy, a smuggler named
Jarril asks Han Solo to check out some strange happenings at Sumggler's Run. On
Coruscant, Leia Organa Solo reluctantly welcomes former Imperials into the Senate, just as
the Senate Hall explodes. Several Senators (though none former Imperials) perish. In the
ensuing chaos, Jarril is murdered by stormtroopers, but Leia is safe. The Senate, outraged
and worried, orders an independent investigation and emergency elections. In yet another
act of fate that makes the former Imperials look guilty, even more former Imperials are
elected in the emergency votes. In space, Lando finds Jarril's ship and body. Upon
investigating his logs, a message is found that seems to link Solo to the bombing. Back on
Coruscant, Luke believes that his former student Brakiss may have been behind the attack.
He leaves to find Brakiss. Han heads for Smuggler's Run for clues as Lando hastily follows,
fearing that Han may run into a man named Nandreeson, an old foe. In a New Republic
hangar, R2-D2 and C-3PO find a bomb hidden in Luke's new-model X-wing. Cole
Fardreamer, a fellow Tatooine native, discovers several more. It would appear that the
Imperially marked bombs were placed in the systems when the engines were overhauled by
Kloperian mechanics. A Kloperian, unhappy with their snooping, blasts R2-D2, though not
badly enough to destroy him. On Telti, Luke has tracked down the lonely Brakiss. Brakiss is
to give him "orders" to go to Almania, but insists that Luke not go, for his own safety. Luke
does not heed the warning and heads for Almania. At Smuggler's Run, Han and Lando have
a run-in with Nandreeson that almost leaves Lando dead. At the same time, on Coruscant,
many of the former Imperial Senators learn of Jarril's incriminating statements about Han and
order his arrest. Leia, for defending Han, is also an object of suspicion. Almost at Almania,
Luke's sabotaged X-wing explodes (well, close enough). Luke survives, as Kueller sends
Leia a mental image of Luke's situation, a demand that she turn over the New Republic to
him on threat of killing her family, and another demonstration of his power--the destruction of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 685
all life on another world. Leia, knowing that this threat on her loved ones would compromise
her objectivity, turns over the role of Chief of State to former Chief of State Mon Mothma, and
heads for Almania with a small New Republic fleet. Elsewhere on Coruscant, R2-D2 has
been repaired and he, along with Cole Fardreamer and C-3PO, heads out for where the
bombs were manufactured, Telti. On Smuggler's Run, Han and Lando elude and defeat
Nandreeson only to have their plans of heading to Almania cut short when droids all across
the asteroid explode. The droids were stolen from a ship heading for Coruscant. The capitol
was their original target. With this information, Han and Lando contact Talon Karrde and
Mara Jade for help. On Telti, the droids and Cole meet Brakiss and find the source of the
bombs. On Almania, Luke learns that Kueller is none other than his fallen Jedi student
Dolph. He is imprisoned, but with the help of a Force-sensitive Thernbee (or at least a
psychic Thernbee), he escapes just as Leia and the fleet arrive. Leia goes to the surface.
She helps him make it back to her ship, but Kueller catches them en route. Luke is bested
and believes his only hope is to sacrifice himself to give Leia strength, as Obi-Wan did for him
on the first Death Star. He does not have to, though, as Mara arrives with Ysalamiri to
weaken Kueller. Kueller tries to activate all of his droid-based bombs, but R2-D2 has
deactivated them from Telti. The enraged Dark Jedi has nothing left to lose but his life, which
Leia takes with a blaster shot in self-defense. With the Almanian Crisis finally over, Leia
reclaims her role as Chief of State of the New Republic.
(The New Rebellion)
Luke Skywalker recommends to the New Republic that relief be sent to Almania to help the
human population and the semisentient thernbees.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
With Kuellers defeat, Brakiss wanders the galaxy, eventually coming to the attention of the
Second Imperium, supposedly under the leadership of a resurrected Palpatine (but really
under the leadership of several Royal Guards).
(conjecture based on The Dark Side Sourcebook)
With the New Republic still handling problems from the recent bombings staged by Kueller,
General Airen Cracken suggests a bold plan to capture the Super Star Destroyer Guardian.
To do so, he enlists the aid of Cryle Cavv and his nephew, Sienn Sconn. Cavv had retired
yet again from his special ops team several years earlier, and Sienn had lost the love of his
life, Shandria L’hnnr over a squabble about their future, thus leaving him embittered, though
he has all the money one could ask for, thanks to his thieving skills. Cracken gives them the
title the “New Republic Special Acquisitions Unit” and, much to Sienn’s dislike, sends them
after the ship. The Guardian had become stranded in space a while before after a battle at
Tantive V, and was suspected to be lying dead (well, at least without hyperdrive) in space at
some unknown location. Imperial shuttles from the Guardian have been noted making supply
runs for hyperdrive parts, thus leading Cavv and Sienn to Sensyno Station, where they intend
to take the places of Burgo Teage and his bodyguard, Gronk, who are delivering hyperdrive
parts to the Imperials. In that fashion, they hope to make it aboard the Guardian to take it
over. Upon arrival, Cavv gets Burgo drunk and figures he is out of commission, as Sienn
secures Burgos quarters . . . or tries to. He has to duke it out with the real Gronk, and while
he’s saved when Cavv arrives, his famous staff is destroyed. The Imperials meet with them
and all goes well, until the real Burgo and Gronk reappear in the room, and a shootout
commences. Cavv and Sienn survive, but now lack Imperial escorts. They put on Imperial
uniforms and fly (thanks to preset coordinates) the Imperials’ shuttle to the Guardian. Once
aboard, they take two stormtrooper uniforms and infiltrate the ship. The Guardian’s CO,
Admiral Gaen Drommel, and his men find the stormtroopers’ unconscious forms and orders a
search for the intruders, led by Colonel Niovi. Elsewhere, Cavv and Sienn run into CT-EX, an
annoying protocol droid, who tells them that New Republic prisoners are being held in the
detention block. After messing with CT-EX’s programming, the two head for the detention
block and free the prisoners . . . including Shandria. She and Sienn have issues to work out,
but time is short. A short time later, Sienn and Cavv head for engineering, but are captured
by Drommel and his men. They are questioned to no avail and then escorted to the detention
block by a group of stormtroopers and officers who just happen to be the newly-freed New
Republic team. Thanks to CT-EX, they reset the newly-repaired hyperdrive to leap to a New
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 686
Republic battle group for capture, and Drommel, as predicted, attempts to leap them to
safety, landing them in the trap. The New Republic team, led by Cavv, enters the bridge of
the Guardian and calls for Drommel’s surrender, though he seems prepared to have a
shootout on the bridge. Luckily, Niovi is more sensible. He kills Drommel, takes acting
command of the Guardian, and surrenders it to the New Republic. A short time later, Cavv is
ready to re-enter retirement, Sienn has already given Cracken his resignation from the
temporary post, and Shandria and Sienn finally have their chance at happily ever after.
(Two for One)
Imperial Moff Disra takes on the actor Flim, offering him the role of his lifeimpersonating
Grand Admiral Thrawn in Disra’s burgeoning plot to make himself the next de facto Emperor.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
Shalam opens political and economic negotiations with the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett)
In the wake of the Almanian crisis, Imperial and warlord factions attempt to regain a foothold,
assuming the New Republic will not strike back at full force. They are mistaken. The Empire
is pushed back to a mere eight sectors. The warlords, including a resurfaced Natasi Daala,
are pushed back as well. (Daala is pushed back by a forced led by Garm Bel Iblis himself.)
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
By this point, the New Republic has pushed the Empire back into the eight sectors around
Bastion, sectors that were once part of the Pentastar Alignment. This region gains a
reputation as the “Imperial Remnant,” rather than the “Empire.”
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The New Rebellion (novel: Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
The New Rebellion (novel: Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
Chapters 1 55
The Adventures of Sienn Sconn [continued] (AJ/SWH short stories: Paul Danner)
Two for One (AJ15 short story: Paul Danner)
18 ABY
Flitcher Poste is born on Nar Shaddaa.*
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)*
*NOTE: His age of 25 as of the novel is approximate.
Around this time, Myri Antilles is born to Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri Antilles.*
(conjecture based on Union)*
*NOTE: Nothing confirms this, but she is a toddler in Union. This date is needed in order to date when she started
flying, based on Mercy Kill.
Han Solo becomes liaison to the Independent Shippers Association.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
The spice-mining operation on Kessel goes bad, and Lando Calrissian leaves the operation
to run a new operation, Dometown, on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Ambush at Corellia)
Shortly after the Almanian crisis, Tycho Celchu and Winter are married.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Foga Brill, the last remaining Deep Core warlord after Natasi Daala’s purge of the others the
previous year, is betrayed by his own Imperial forces on Prakith, who kill him and negotiate
for peace with the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The Essential Atlas)
Mara Jade and the crew of the Wild Karrde are taken prisoner by Ja Bardrin, who tells Jade
that he will kill the others if she does not agree to go to Torpris to save his “beloved
daughter,” Sansia (and his beloved ship, the Winning Gamble) from the clutches of his arch
nemesis, Chey Praysh. She reluctantly agrees and goes to Torpris where she will be taken
by Praysh as a slave. As she is being brought in, she is warned off by a Togorian named
H’sishi, but continues to play to the guards. When the guards open a container she was
supposed to deliver (which holds her lightsaber in a secret area), they toss it away to the
local scavengers, and H'sishi picks it up. So much for weapons. Mara is taken to meet
Praysh, where she is tested with whips, but plays the part of the victim very well. She is
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 687
taken to the slime pits where the females are kept. There, she meets Sansia, who tells her
that her father is most likely after his incredibly advanced ship, not her. The ship has
capabilities such as the ability to automatically figure out a targets defenses and such, which
makes it very valuable to Bardrin. Mara manages to fake an injury so she can use the Force
to steal chemicals from the medical center, which she then uses to cause a fire and have acid
weapons to help her escape with Sansia. They are caught, though, and taken before Praysh,
who already knows that Mara wasn’t there on behalf of the Mrahash of Kvabja as she said
she was. His men usher H’sishi into the room, who shows part of the container Mara brought
(the part holding the lightsaber inside it) to Praysh. It bears the sear of the Uoti Corporate, an
enemy of Praysh, from whom he had recently stolen some valuable new technology. H’sishi
then busts open the container, tossing the lightsaber to Mara. As Hsishi takes out hidden
gunports, Mara takes out the guards in the room. Pyrash has escaped, though, and so has
Sansia. Thinking that Sansia may be deserting them, they race to the landing pad, where
they see Sansia use the Winning Gamble’s great weaponry to destroy every other ship
before dropping down to pick them up and head off of the planet. Jade, H’sishi, and Sansia
arrive back at Bardrin’s headquarters only to find Talon Karrde in charge, with Bardrin
suitably subdued. Karrde had called in a favor with Leia Organa Solo and taken the
headquarters with some Noghri. He reveals to Sansia that it seems that Bardrin purposely let
Sansia be captured, so that the ship could uncover the defenses of Praysh’s base. They
would then rescue Sansia and use the information to destroy Prayshs base and steal the
Uoti technology. Sansia is none too happy about being used as bait, so she takes a
controlling amount of shares in the family business from her father to give her control of the
business and gives the Winning Gamble to Mara. She says she will pay Karrde back for his
assistance, and he says he’ll be in touch. Later, aboard the Wild Karrde, Karrde offers Mara
the chance to step out of her stressful role in his organization for a little bit and have him help
her set up a legitimate business, so that when she returns, if she returns, she’ll be calmer and
more ready to resume her command-level duties. She agrees. Karrde also tells her he will
be taking H’sishi on as a crewmember. He tells Mara that H’sishi had found the lightsaber in
the container and had no doubt that if she got to Mara, Mara would save the day. She is,
after all, a Jedi. Mara scoffs at the idea of being called a Jedi, but busies herself with naming
her new ship. The Winning Gamble sounds too much like a Han Solo or Lando Calrissian
vessel. Remembering her tactics with the chemicals, she christens the ship the Jade’s Fire.
(Jade Solitaire)
Han Solo and his family are preparing for a vacation/trade summit on Corellia. They meet
Belindi Kalenda, who is an agent for New Republic Intelligence. Kalenda tells them that she
wants to use their trip to Corellia as a cover to insert an intelligence team onto the planet.
(None of the previous teams returned.) As Han and Kalenda discuss the details, they
discover and destroy a probe droid spying on them. Han keeps it a secret from his family,
and they continue their preparations. At Mon Mothma's home, Luke Skywalker has met with
her and been told that he should prepare for his later years, perhaps for a career in politics.
She sends him to meet with Lando, who is on his own mission--to get married. On his way,
he stops by and gives Leia a new lightsaber. Kalenda heads for Corellia on her own, but is
shot down. The Millennium Falcon follows soon after, observed during launch by Human
League member Pharnis Gleasry. Luke arrives at Dometown and learns of Lando's "big
plans" to marry someone rich. Luke's part will simply be to show prospective wives just how
important Lando is. Luke reluctantly agrees, and they leave Dometown in the Lady Luck,
along with R2-D2 and C-3PO. They arrive shortly on Leria Kerlsil where Lando prepares to
wed a life-witch named Karia Ver Seryan. The droids point out just what she is, and he
declines the marriage. The hunt for a wife continues. Across the galaxy, a star suddenly
goes supernova. Near Corellia, the Falcon exits hyperspace into an ambush and is
subsequently saved by Corellian ships--all part of an elaborate show, it seems. Across the
galaxy (again), Mara Jade receives a message from Gleasry which is meant for Leia. She
leaves for Corellia to deliver the message. The Solos finally arrive on the planet and meet
Ebrihim and his droid Q9-X2, whom they hire to watch over the children. They have learned
much in their short time on the planet. Corellia is near economic collapse, with the three
native races (Human, Drall, and Selonian) on the verge of civil war. Han wants to witness the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 688
social decay for himself, so he heads to the streets and is subsequently captured and beaten
senseless by Human League members before being dumped unceremoniously back at
home. Days later, the Solos take a tour of the planet with Ebrihim as their guide. While on
this tour, Anakin Solo finds an intriguing underground installation. Elsewhere, Lando is
having no luck. His latest candidate, Condren Foreck, had just gotten married. He and Luke
head for Sacorria to meet with Tendra Risant. Upon meeting her, the locals warn them to
leave the planet. Back on Corellia, things are coming to a boil. Han senses this and tells
Kalenda, who survived her ship being shot down, to prepare for action. As the trade summit
begins, Mara arrives with the message for Leia. It is a threat from a mysterious party who
claims that if their demands are not met, they will destroy several stars, including Corell.
Almost immediately, the Human League takes action and race riots break out all across the
Corellian system. All communications into or out of the system are disabled. The Coronet
House where the Solos are staying is bombed, but the Solo children, Chewbacca, and
Ebrihim are able to get out on the Falcon in time, only to have the ship damaged by air
attacks. As the chaos grows exponentially, the HoloNet brings an ominous message.
Thrackan Sal-Solo, leader of the Human League and architect of the newly-spawned warfare,
declares himself ruler of the Corellian system and secedes from the New Republic. He
orders all non-humans out of the system or he will destroy another star system. He then
blocks even the HoloNet from usage. As Kalenda (with a copy of the message), tries to
escape, the Lady Luck, just entering the system, does likewise. Just as the Lady Luck gets
to the edge of Corellian space, an enormous gravity well (like that of an Interdictor) comes
into effect and blocks all hyperspace travel into or out of the system. The system is now Sal-
Solo's own personal fortress. As for Han, he is captured while attempting to cover Kalenda's
escape. Leia is captured as well.
(Ambush at Corellia)
As the Corellian insurrection commences, the Nosaurians of New Plympto take advantage of
the chaos to declare independence from the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nosaurians)
Leia Organa Solo is captive in Coronet House. Han Solo is stuck in a Human League prison.
Thrackan Sal-Solo, who hates his cousin Han, determines that Han will be forced to battle
Drackmus, a Selonian, in a gladiator-like event. On Coruscant, Luke and Lando have
managed to make it from the edge of the gravity well and to the capitol. When they speak
with heads of New Republic Intelligence, it is determined that the gravity well and
communication jamming must be originating from an old space station in the Corellian system
called Centerpoint Station. With precious little time to act, the New Republic decides to
borrow a fleet instead of spend the time to build their own. Luke heads for Bakura to
negotiate for the use of a Bakuran fleet. He only hopes that his feelings for Gariel Captison
will not get in the way. They wind up learning that Gariel is married with a daughter, and that
the fleet will go to the Corellian system as the New Republic wanted. On Drall, the remaining
Solos, Chewbacca, and Ebrihim land to escape the chaos of the system. They end up
staying with Ebrihim's aunt Marcha. On Corellia, Han is forced to share a cell with Drackmus,
but they end up coming to understand one another and agree that escape is necessary. At
Coronet House, Leia finds that she has a new "cellmate," Mara Jade. The two women plan to
escape as well. They manage to do so and take the Jade's Fire off-planet. The Bakuran
fleet then heads for the outskirts of the Corellian system, utilizing a flaw in the gravity well.
Their hope is to make it to Selonia and use it as a base from which to retake the rest of the
Corellian system, but they have a long way to go. Back on Drall, Ebrihim notices that, just
like on every other planet in the system, a massive archaeological dig is taking place. Tendra
Risant leaves her home to head for Selonia. At about the same time, Han and Drackmus
make their way out of the prison and onward to Selonia. Aboard the Jade's Fire, Leia and
Mara head for Selonia as well. On Drall, Chewie and the others investigate the local dig and
learn that it houses a giant repulsor, leading them to realize that the entire system was
artificially created. In space, the Bakuran fleet advances and runs head-long into an
opposing fleet, just as Han, Drackmus, Leia, Mara, and Tendra enter the area. The battle is
fast and furious, until suddenly one of the planetary repulsors is used to destroy one of the
Bakuran vessels. Across the galaxy, Wedge Antilles and other New Republic forces
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 689
evacuate the last inhabitants of the Starbuster plot's hit-list's next victim system, just as the
Starbuster destroys the star and the system with it. These people are safe, but now the
Starbuster is aimed at a more populated system, and an unknown faction has access to the
repulsors as weapons of surface-to-space destruction.
(Assault at Selonia)
Han, Drackmus, Leia, Mara, and Tendra arrive on Selonia. On Drall, Anakin learns, using the
Force, to use the repulsor at the dig site. In space, the Bakuran fleet approaches Centerpoint
Station, battered, but still a force to be reckoned with. On Corellia, Thrackan Sal-Solo learns
that the Drall repulsor is operable and sends a team to capture those responsible--the Solo
kids. The fleet reaches Centerpoint Station, and Luke, Gariel Captison, Kalenda, R2-D2, C-
3PO, and Lando enter the station. They meet Jenica Sonsen and learn that the station was
evacuated after the first supernova. They then realize that the station is building in power
and must escape before it becomes uninhabitable. At that point, the truth becomes clear--
Centerpoint Station is the Starbuster weapon. On Selonia, the newly reunited Leia, Han, and
Mara are taken prisoner by the locals. On Drall, Sal-Solo arrives with his team, captures the
Solo children, Ebrihim, Chewie, and Q9-X2, and takes command of the planetary repulsor.
Sal-Solo drops the communications jamming and transmits an image of him with the children
to the system in triumph. This enrages the family-based Selonians, who set Han, Leia, and
Mara free, just as Luke arrives. Shortly thereafter, Anakin Solo and Q9-X2 manage to free
themselves, Jacen, and Jaina. They take the Millennium Falcon and disable Sal-Solo's ship.
Lando arrives with New Republic forces, and they free Chewie and Ebrihim (taking in the
children as well). During the ensuing "invasion," the New Republic captures Sal-Solo and the
Drall repulsor. They determine that the way to defeat the Starbuster is to use the repulsor to
deflect the Starbuster's next shot to Centerpoint Station, destroying it. As plans are made,
the gravity well deactivates, and the true force behind the Starbuster plot reveals itself to be
the Sacorrian Triad, whose ships are en route to Centerpoint Station. The Bakuran fleet
attacks the Sacorrian Triad fleet as Anakin tries to prepare the repulsor. A small New
Republic fleet arrives to help, but the Triad fleet is not truly defeated until Gariels' ship rams a
Triad ship, causing an explosion that disables many of the Triad ships. On Drall, Anakin gets
the repulsor active just in time and the Starbuster plot is foiled. In the aftermath, Gleasry and
other Human League members are arrested, Marcha (Ebrihim's aunt) is appointed governor
of the sector, and Lando and Tendra make wedding plans.
(Showdown at Centerpoint)
With the end of the Corellian insurrection, the Nosaurians of New Plympto quietly rejoin the
New Republic.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nosaurians)
Jacen, Anakin, and Jaina meet Jenica Sonsen on Corellia after the defeat of the Sacorrian
(conjecture based on Jedi Eclipse via TimeTales, verbatim)
Belindi Kalendas role in the Centerpoint Crisis becomes known to her superiors, putting her
on the fast track for promotions down the line.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)
Marcha is made Governor-General of the Corellian Sector, moving the reins of power away
from humans, which does not sit well with much of the populace.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)
Kam Solusar and Tionne are married.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Lando Calrissian and Tendra Risant are married.*
(conjecture based on Balance Point)*
*NOTE: Since we don’t really hear much of Tendra again until she’s mentioned in Balance Point, it’s
questionable whether or not this event takes place now, or sometime between now and BP. I’m going to assume
it took place here and was just not mentioned when we see Lando later, just as Luke’s marriage to Mara isn’t
mentioned in the YJK novels, but assumed to have existed.
Leia Organa Solo takes a leave-of-absence, making Ponc Gavrisom acting Chief-of-State of
the New Republic.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 690
Less than a full year before the death of Toro Irana, Tempest, a new kind of narcotic spice,
hits the market. (It was actually developed in the same year the Empire was founded, but the
supply dried up by the era of the Battle of Yavin.)
(conjecture based on Scourge and Lords of Nal Hutta)
Six months before Mander Zuma meets Mika the Hutt, the Anjiliac Clan acquires coordinates
to get through the Indrexu Spiral and put out feelers for potential buyers. Surprisingly to the
Hutts, the Jedi Order is interested. Toro Irana will soon be sent to negotiate with the Anjiliac
patriarch, Popara the Hutt, for the coordinates.
(conjecture based on Scourge)
Jade Solitaire (TFTNR short story: Timothy Zahn)
Jade Solitaire (TFTNR short story: Timothy Zahn)
The Corellian Trilogy (novel trilogy: Roger MacBride Allen)
Ambush at Corellia (novel: Roger MacBride Allen)
Visible Secrets
Breakage and Repairs
The Dangers of Peace
Rough Welcome
Farewell and Hail
Proposal Accepted
Homeward Bound
Courting Disaster
Message Intercepted
Learning Curve
Conversation by Torchlight
In Transit
Hail and Farewell
News Travels Slowly
Circle Unbroken
Assault at Selonia (novel: Roger MacBride Allen)
Family Ties
The Fabric Torn
Coming In, Going Out
The Flowers of Home
Seems Like Old Times
Meetings and Lies
The Hard Way
Getting Involved
Getting There
The Tale of Ratiocination
Under the Iceberg
Yggyn's Choice
Underground Activity
Posture and Repulsion
Arriving Signals
All Together Now
On the Clock
Showdown at Centerpoint (novel: Roger MacBride Allen)
At the Source
Child's Play
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 691
Down the Hatch
The View From Inside
Seeing the Light
Meeting in Progress
If and When
Casting the Stone
The Ripples Spread
Evasive Maneuvers
The Last Good-bye
Showdown at Centerpoint
19 ABY
Flim officially reaches the end of the physical changes necessary to impersonate Thrawn.
Moff Disra’s plan begins to be put into effect.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
Dark Jedi Brakiss goes to Dathomir and revives the Nightsister order within the Great
Canyon. This new order no longer treats men with disdain. With these Nightsisters as his
major claim to power, Brakiss constructs the Shadow Academy and prepares to train a new
order of Dark Jedi.
(conjecture based on the Star Wars Encyclopedia)
In the Dona Laza tapcafe, Boga Minawk becomes popular.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
With the Senate Hall decimated beyond repair by Kueller's bombs, the new Grand
Convocation Chamber is completed for use of the New Republic Senate.
(conjecture based on Specter of the Past)
After ten years of attempting to get the Tundei regime on Abregado-Rae to repeal its
sentences of amputation and execution for the crime of being caught “endangering the
peace,” it would seem that the New Republic gives up those efforts around this time.
(conjecture based on Coruscant and the Core Worlds)
Viqi Shesh is elected Senator for Kuat in the New Republic Senate.
(conjecture based on Jedi Eclipse)
Around this time, Twister becomes the commander of Aurek-Seven, part of Aurek Company
in the Empire of the Hand’s resurrected Imperial 501
Stormtrooper Legion.
(conjecture based on Fool’s Bargain)
Han Solo teaches Jacen Solo the Zeltron Lead.
(conjecture based on The Swarm War)
Boba Fett tracks collects the bounty on Labria (Karduesai’Malloc), then heads for Jubilar,
where he confronts Han Solo. In the resulting stand-off, both men let the other live and head
their separate ways--to fight another day.
(The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett)
Near the end of Fenn Shysa’s leadership of the Mandalorian Protectors as Mandalore Shysa
(and onward into the Yuuzhan Vong War), the Mandalorian Protectors begin to use Gladiator
assault fighters, designed by FreiTek.
(conjecture based on The History of the Mandalorians)
Seeking a new expensive leg replacement, Boba Fett visits Tuan We, the Kaminoan cloner.
Tuan We’s fee includes Fett hunting down last surviving Mandalorian from the Mandalorian
Protectors’ Clone Wars era assault on Kamino, Fenn Shysa. Fett tracks Shysa, and in a
series of unknown circumstances, Shysa gives his life to save Boba Fett’s on the planet
Shogun . . . A short time later, after years of searching for her estranged father, Boba Fett,
Ailyn Vel, who has been masquerading as Fett with the Mandalorian armor that she took
when she killed Alpha-02, finally tracks Boba to the Mandalorian planet of Shogun, where she
finds evidence of a dead Mandalorian. Seeing Boba Fett’s Slave IV nearby, she assumes that
the body is indeed Boba Fett. She then steals Slave IV and continues living a life as a bounty
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 692
hunter, using Boba Fett’s name and “look” to give herself a ready-made reputation. Thus, the
bounty hunter Boba Fett that the galaxy sees at this point is actually Ailyn Vel, the Boba Fett
that Ailyn believes is dead is actually Fenn Shysa, and Boba Fett himself has removed
himself from the bounty hunting scene entirely.*
(conjecture based on The History of the Mandalorians)*
*NOTE: Abel G. Pena’s blog locks the date for this event at 15 years after ROTJ.
Boba Fett fulfills his promise to Kardue’sai’Malloc and makes sure his recordings get to a
contact who can help them see the light of day.
(conjecture based on The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett)
Kardue’sai’Malloc AKA Labria is executed on Devaron. He is thrown to hungry quarra who
eat him alive.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
On Bastion, Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon informs the assembled Moffs that with the
Empire still in decline, it is time to surrender (or at least make a peace treaty) with the New
Republic. On Iphigin, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker ward off a pirate attack, only to have
Luke sense clones on the ships. On Wayland, Leia Organa Solo, her children, Talon Karrde,
and others sift through debris at Mount Tantiss. Lak Jit tries to steal some of the Tantiss
datacards, but is stopped by Karrde. Upon looking at the cards Jit was attempting to steal,
they come across an ominous title--Hand of Thrawn. The datacards also prove that it was a
Bothan clan that allowed the Caamas Massacre to take place. Back on Bastion, the Moffs
(all eight of them) reluctantly agree to Pellaeon's plan, but Moff Disra secretly plots to foil the
plan and take over the Empire for himself. Disra allies himself with Major Grodin Tierce (a
former Royal Guard) and an actor named Flim. The plan is to use Tierce as a tactician and
Flim as an elaborate portrayer of the deceased Grand Admiral Thrawn. He intends to use the
Cavrilhu pirates to attack the Republic, "Thrawn" to rally Imperial forces, and his own
knowledge of the Bothans' involvement with the Caamas Massacre to drive a dividing stake
into the New Republic's heart. He also knows of Thrawn's old cloning facilities. On
Coruscant, division is already occurring in the Inner Council due to the Caamasi information--
and the news is spreading. At Bothawui, several cloaked Star Destroyers gather over the
planet to wait for the inevitable gathering of forces. On an asteroid base, Luke and Mara
have tracked the Cavrilhu pirates to one of their strongholds, and Luke barely escapes with
his life, saved by Mara. All over the New Republic, riots are breaking out to decry the
Bothans as a whole. President Gavrisom suggests that the Bothans help pay for (and find) a
new home for the Caamasi. Borsk Fey'lya then informs them of the truth he has been hiding
for quite some time--the Bothans are nearly out of money as it is. Leia and Han Solo go to
Kothlis to confirm the figures. Back in Imperial space, Disra plans to attack Pellaeon as he
tries to surrender to Garm Bel Iblis. Pellaeon, in an act of good faith, is himself trying to get
records from Yaga Minor proving which Bothans were responsible for the Caamas Massacre,
to help keep the New Republic he is surrendering to together. Back in New Republic space,
Talon Karrde has gone to Booster Terrik for help in locating the clones Luke sensed. While
aboard Terrik's Star Destroyer, the ship is buzzed by a strange TIE fighter which is
transmitting a long alien message containing the name "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"--the full name of
Grand Admiral Thrawn. Luke Skywalker receives a set of visions through the Force. The
first is of events soon to pass on Bothawui. The second is of a possibly dead Mara floating in
water somewhere. On Bothawui, the vision comes to pass. An Imperial sniper tries to kill
Han and a Bothan clan leader but misses, which allows the appearance to lead people to
believe that Han had tried to shoot the clan leader. They barely escape with their lives. Han
is now an object of intense anger. Mara Jade tracks the mysterious TIE fighter to Niruan,
only to find a strange fortress and be taken captive trying to enter. Karrde, worried about her,
sends Luke to find her before his vision can come true. While transporting the Diamalan
Senator Miatamia, Lando Calrissian and Miatamia are taken prisoner aboard an Imperial Star
Destroyer and are introduced to "Thrawn" (Flim). Once released, they quickly spread the
word (as intended) that Thrawn is indeed alive. When the New Republic learns this, and of
an organized anti-Bothan movement known as Vengeance, the government is thrown into
chaos. To protect their children from the chaos, Han and Leia send Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin
Solo to Kashyyyk with Chewbacca for their own safety. After conferring on what to do, Lando
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 693
asks Karrde to seek out Jorj Car'das, the only man they can think of who might have a copy
of the Caamas Document, which would reveal which clan was responsible for the massacre.
Before Karrde can leave, Shada D'ukal (recently having betrayed the Mistryl Guard and
running for her life) arrives and joins Karrde in his search. Over Bothawui, a Leresen fleet is
planning to attack a Bothan space station, but Rogue Squadron cannot save the station--their
X-wings have been sabotaged. The station is destroyed. All across the New Republic,
planets are taking sides, preparing to settle old scores, using the Caamas Crisis as an
excuse for vengeance of their own. The New Republic is coming apart at the seams. With
Han and Leia being looked on with scorn, Gavrisom agrees with their better judgment and
allows them to "go on vacation" to get out of the public eye. Near the rendezvous point
between Pellaeon and Bel Iblis, forces sent by Disra attack Pellaeon's fleet, trying to make it
look like a Republic ambush. Pellaeon knows better and destroys the attackers, deciding to
continue waiting for the real Republic envoy. In space, Luke Skywalker heads for Niruan to
save Mara Jade.
(Specter of the Past)
The legacy of Thrawn’s life haunts the galaxy, even as plans are put in motion that may one
day bring him back to life, all amid the backdrop of terrorist activities during a seminar being
held by Iella Wessiri and Releqy A’Kla on Mrlsst.*
(Specter of Thrawn)*
*NOTE: Consider this just a curiosity. The story was canceled and will never see the light of day.
During the Imperial splinter campaign carried out by Moff Disra, Flim, and the Major Grodin
Tierce clone, Kir Kanos works in secret to undermine their activities, based on Tierce being a
pretender to the true honor of the Emperors Royal Guard.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
While Disra and Tierce attempt to learn the identity of the Hand of Thrawn, their fake Thrawn
graciously welcomes planets defecting from the collapsing New Republic into the Galactic
Empire. On Niruan, Luke has arrived to meet a young Qom Qae, who leads him to the Qom
Jha (the Qom Qae's rivals), who are holding Mara Jade. They manage to convince the Qom
Jha to help Luke and Mara break into the fortress. Talon Karrde and Shada D'ukal manage
to get word to Jorj Car'das that they are coming via a contact on Pembric 2. After making
sure their message is understood, they head for the Kathol Republic. On Pakrik Minor, the
vacationing Solos come across a cell of clones. They are clones of Soontir Fel created by
Thrawn as a means of covert attack when he needed them. They reluctantly agree to help
Han and Leia get to the Caamas Document on Bastion, so that they can then live in peace.
Bel Iblis contacts Leia to speak with her ASAP, and Han calls Lando Calrissian from Varn to
help in whatever Bel Iblis may need. Upon leaving, Lando is accompanies by Karoly D'ulin,
who is searching for Shada. On the way into the fortress on Niruan, Mara and Luke become
closer. They open up and allow each other to point out where the other has gone wrong.
Luke is told that his actions since going to the Dark Side have tainted him and his actions for
years. Mara is told that it is her need to have her own freedom that has blocked her access
to her full potential in the Force. They finally enter the fortress and learn that it is indeed
populated--by Chiss, Thrawn's race. On Bothawui, Wedge Antilles and Corran Horn
(undercover) learn of a plot by a local Imperial cell to destroy or disable Bothawui's planetary
shield generators, thus leaving the planet open to attack. Leia then meets with ELEGOs
A’Kla (a Caamasi), Zakarisz Ghent (Karrde's slicer) and reviews a message from Bel Iblis
about Pellaeon's proposed surrender's terms. Leia meets with Pellaeon, who offers to give
her a copy of the original Caamas Document in return for the New Republic allowing the
Empire to exist as it is, as a separate sovereign entity. Han, Lando, Lobot, and a Verpine
companion arrive on Bastion to try to get a copy of the Caamas Document themselves. This
makes four attempts in the works to get the document: Han's team on Bastion; the political
deal that would get information from Bastion; Karrde's search for Car'das; and a new plan,
led by Bel Iblis, which involves his troops, with the help of Booster Terrik, raiding Yaga Minor
for the information. The New Republic is desperate and is covering "all the bases." On
Bastion, at about the same time as Han's group is being detected and hunted down, both
Pellaeon and the Cavrilhu pirate leader Zothip arrive to see Disra. Zothip wants more money
and power, while Pellaeon has found evidence linking Disra to both the pirates and the attack
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 694
on his diplomatic mission. Disra manages to send Pellaeon off and meet with Zothip, but
Zothip is not amused at Disra's condescending attitude. He tries to kill Disra, but Karoly
steps out of the shadows where she has been spying and kills Zothip in revenge for an attack
by the Cavrilhu pirates on the Mistryl. Back on the streets of Bastion, Han and his group are
captured, it seems. Into the picture steps "Grand Admiral Thrawn." He "generously" gives
Han and Lando a copy of the Caamas Document, tells them Borsk Fey'lya was behind the
assassination attempt on Kothlis, and lets them go. They quickly learn that the document has
been altered, but the effects of seeing Thrawn and being suspicious of Fey'lya remain. By
the time they realize it, though, the New Republic government thinks that he has the real
thing. Shortly thereafter, Karrde and Shada D'ukal finally find Jorj Car'das’ secret hideaway
on the (supposedly mythical) planet Exocron. The Car'das they meet appears to be dying
and senile, his computer files gone. A group of Aing-Tii ships appear in orbit, and Karrde
stays to help the locals fight them off. Back on Bothawui, Wedge and Corran are recalled to
Rogue Squadron duty to aid in Bel Iblis' impending attack on Yaga Minor. On Niruan, Luke
and Mara go ever deeper into the fortress and discover computer records that contain what
could be the greatest threat to the New Republic on two fronts. It is a secret Empire of allies
that Thrawn built up during his years in the Unknown Regions. If the Empire had access to
such allies, the New Republic would be in deep trouble. Just as distressing is the reasoning
for building such alliances--a vast threat from beyond known space that was powerful enough
to make Thrawn concerned (which will later be borne out to be the Yuuzhan Vong). Shortly
thereafter, Mara meets Admiral Voss Parck and learns of Thrawn's origins and that of the
alliances he made. She also meets the long-lost Soontir Fel, who tries to convince her to join
them in preparing to rebuild the Empire (or a semblance of one) upon Thrawn's promised
return. She essentially tells them to "go to Hell," and she and Luke escape. Once outside,
they recognize that the Hand of Thrawn was that very fortress (with towers seeming to form a
hand reaching for the stars) and the information therein. Mara then sacrifices her ship, the
Jade's Fire, by remote-piloting it on a crash course into the fortress. On Exocron, Car'das
(whose home, failing health, and empty computers were but an act) reconciles old issues with
Karrde and tells Karrde of how he joined the Aing-Tii after Yoda saved his life. He offers
either the Caamas Document or a document proving the truth about Emberlene (a Mistryl
massacre) to Karrde and Shada. When given the choice, Shada chooses the Caamas
Document. The two head for the New Republic. On Bothawui, Leia, Han, and the clones
witness the planet's shields drop as a result of Imperial (Disra's segment) sabotage. An
Ishori cruiser opens fire on the planet as a massive firefight begins over the planet. Han and
the clones notice a suspicious nearby comet and discover Disra's cloaked Star Destroyers.
At Yaga Minor, the Republic task force is met by Disra's own forces, and a fierce battle, one
the Republic force has no hope of winning, ensues. Back on Niruan, Luke and Mara,
concerned over the idea of "Thrawn's promised return," search through the remains of the
fortress and find a clone of Thrawn set to a timer. He is about to be released. They are then
attacked by guard droids and must enter a chamber flooding with water. This is the same
water Luke saw in his vision. As death looms, Luke asks Mara to, if they survive, marry him.
She accepts the proposal. Above Bothawui, Lando and Leia, at Han's urging, reveal the
Imperial fleet, and Lando takes command of a newly reunited New Republic fleet in fending
off the Imperials. The Imperials retreat. At Yaga Minor, Pellaeon and his forces arrive, and
he meets with Disra. He reveals "Thrawn" as Flim and Tierce as a clone--part of a project to
combine Thrawn's intellect with a Royal Guard's physique. Tierce retaliates to the accusation
but is killed by Shada. Pellaeon orders a cease-fire, as Karrde helps Shada get her death
mark removed. On Niruan, Mara uses her lightsaber to cause the rushing water to flood the
cloning chamber. The chamber's power generator explodes, blowing them a hole to safety.
In hibernation trances, they flow out with the water into a nearby body of water. Luke sees
Mara lying there as in his vision, but all it takes is an "I love you, Mara" to wake her from her
trance, safe and sound. Finally back with the New Republic, Luke gives the government the
real Caamas Document, copied by R2-D2 from the Hand of Thrawn. Within two weeks of the
debacle, terms are arranged and a peace treaty is finally created between the New Republic
and the Galactic Empire. The Galactic Civil War is over. Karrde is appointed head of a new
intelligence organization which works for both governments jointly. Luke decides to take part
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 695
of the burden of Jedi training off of his shoulders and allow advanced students at the
Academy to train others. And finally, ten years after their first meeting on Myrkr, Luke
Skywalker and Mara Jade are to be married.
(Vision of the Future)
With a peace treaty with the Imperial Remnant almost a done deal, Wraith Squadron carries
out one of their last missions of the Galactic Civil War, by taking out Mulvar Sensor Station in
the Outer Rim. While on the mission with Voort “Piggy” saBinring and Hohass “Runt” Ekwesh,
Shalla Nelprin reveals that she has taken a promotion to leave the Wraiths and become an
investigative officer. Piggy and Runt find it hard to believe that she wants to give up her life of
Wraith adventure. (To be continued below . . . )
(Mercy Kill)
In the wake of the struggle with Moff Disra, Gilad Pellaeon becomes the true full leader of the
Imperial Remnant, rising to the rank of Grand Admiral.
(conjecture based on The New Jedi Order Sourcebook)
In the wake of the Caamasi problem, many high-ranking Bothan military officers resign. This
void of power in the Bothan ranks helps propel Traest Kre’fey through the ranks, which will
eventually lead to him being an admiral by the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.
(conjecture based on Onslaught)
In this time period, the former Republic scout and Rebel Alliance pilot Roworr has become an
independent scout of some repute, keeping his ties to old friends from the Alliance and
making new ones among the Jedi and New Republic of this period.
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Roworr, found on the
Wizards of the Coast website)
Sometime over the next three to four years, the Empire of the Hand is mostly absorbed by
the Chiss Ascendancy.
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. This is mentioned between a description of the events of the
Hand of Thrawn duology and the novel Survivor’s Quest, suggesting that it takes place between them sometime.
Crowal becomes Moff of Valc VII.
(conjecture based on Ruin via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Nearly twenty years after the Battle of Endor, the planet Makem Te breaks away from the
Imperial Remnant and becomes neutral in galactic politics.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
In the wake of the treaty with the Imperial Remnant, Talon Karrde begins saying he’s going to
get out of the smuggling business and go entirely straight.
(conjecture based on Survivor’s Quest)
In the wake of the treaty with the Imperial Remnant, Ordith Huarr retires from New Republic
service and returns to Lorrd.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
In the wake of the treaty with the Imperial Remnant, cloaking technology has been banned
under the Bastion Accords.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Acclaimed hunter Parella the Hutt, also known as Parella the Hunter, travels to the planet
Lowick on the hunt for the elusive Gorach, an ancient creature that is mostly extinct. With the
help of local guide Kashina Furt, he finds the creature, then engages in a game of cat and
mouse with it until finally killing it (and destroying a chunk of the jungle). He is ready for his
next hunt.*
(Hunting the Gorach)*
*NOTE: There is no indication whatsoever when this story takes place. Since it is meant to help promote Scourge
due to Parella being the primary character, I have simply placed it here, just before Scourge. It could be anywhere
in Parella’s lifetime, though.
Two to three weeks before the Endregaad plague strikes Tel Bollin, a starship carrying
Tempest crashes in Temple Valley on Endregaad.
(conjecture based on Scourge)
Three weeks before Mander Zuma’s mission to Endregaad to find Mika the Hutt, a ship from
Endregaad arrives on Rudrig with a sick crew. The Corporate Sector Authority immediately
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 696
puts Endregaad under a quarantine blockade.
(conjecture based on Scourge)
After weeks on Makem Te, the impatient Pantoran Jedi Knight Toro Irana (on a mission to
secure the coordinates to the Indrexu Spiral from local Hutts) is drugged in a restaurant, then
attacked. During the attack, the influence of the drugs causes him to miscalculate a move
and fall through a window, falling to die on the street below. One of those killed in the scuffle
was a local Caliphs nephew (Choka Chok), which allows word of the event (in the form of a
complaint) to reach the Jedi Order on Yavin IV, where Toro’s former Jedi Master, Mander
Zuma, is an archivist. Mander is sent to investigate on Makem Te and to finish Toro’s
mission. He finds that there is an unusual purple coloration to Toro’s veins, and some crystals
of the same substance on him as well. Toro’s lightsaber is missing, but Mander is able to
scan the drink Toro was brought by an unknown Rodian. The drink tests positive for poison.
He tracks the Rodian to a warehouse owned by the Bomu clan, where he finds more of the
purple crystals and encounters Reen Irana, Toro’s sister, who is also seeking answers. They
are attacked by Bomu agents, but they escape, bringing the warehouse down as well. They
leave the area with the help of Eddey Beray, Reen’s Bothan partner. Shortly thereafter,
Dejarro, the Rodian who had arranged Toros “incident, meets with an agent of the Spice
Lord, the one-eyed Klatooinian known as Koax. He turns over Toro’s lightsaber to Koax, who
is to hand it over to the Spice Lord. Upon learning that another Jedi was just attacked in the
Bomu warehouse, Koax kills Dejarro, knowing that the Spice Lord will be angry with any
interruption of his Tempest spice trade and that the Bomu will be out for vengeance, which
compromises them as agents for Koax and the Spice Lord. Mander, Eddey, and Reen confer
about the “poisonous purple crystals, and Reen reveals to Mander that this is Tempest
spice, an extreme narcotic that can produce uncontrollable rage in its users. Toro was not
“poisoned;” he was overdosed on Tempest, to which he had already become addicted. Reen
had come to Makem Te to check on Toro, only to find that he had died. They come to an
agreement. Reen and Eddey will help Mander in his mission and the investigation, then help
confirm the Indrexu Spiral coordinates when procured, and Mander will let them keep a copy
of those coordinates when he leaves, which would allow them to write their own ticket (which
will help, given that their ship, the Ambition, is grounded for repairs right now). Their first step
will be to meet with the Hutt leader of the Anjiliac Clan, Popara, who has the coordinates. The
trio first meets at the spaceport with Vago Gejalli, Poparas advisor (and fellow Hutt, whom
Popara basically adopted). Toro was mostly negotiating through Vago, though he had also
met Popara’s two children, Mika and Zonnos (the latter of whom is a Tempest addict). They
rendezvous with the Wandering Outlander, Popara’s ship. There, they also catch sight of
Zonnos, Poparas eldest son, and his raucous Wookiee companions. Popara adds to their
negotiations by asking Mander to help his family. A plague has struck the planet Endregaad,
which is now under blockade by the Corporate Sector Authority. Popara’s youngest son,
Mika, is somewhere on Endregaad, and Popara wants the Jedi and his companions to rescue
Mika from the plague world. They will do so under the pretense of a delivery of medicinal
spice. (Zonnos, meanwhile, would rather his brother not return from Endregaad at all.) Reen
adds to the deal that the ship they receive to carry out the mission to Endregaad will be one
that she and Eddey can keep. They name it the New Ambition. After a vaccination to the
plague, they head for Endregaad, not knowing that Koax (who had ordered the overdose of
Toro on the Spice Lord’s orders) has contacted Hedu, matriarch of the Bomu clan, to let them
know where the trio that killed members of the clan in the warehouse are headed. (Koax has
this information because she has co-opted H-3PO, a protocol droid belonging to Vago). The
New Ambition reaches Endregaad using the Indrexu Spiral coordinates from Popara, only to
be attacked in space by the Bomu clan. They are saved when able to lure them under the
guns of CSA ships, who defeat the Bomu ship. The New Ambition, however, is diverted to the
CSA flagship Resolute to meet with Lieutenant Commander Angela Krin, rather than being
allowed to land on the planet. Angela does not intend to let them land, and she has no love
for the Hutts, given how bossy they have been (they meaning Zonnos) in trying to get
someone down to the surface to find Mika. Mander gives her the medicinal spice (before it
can be confiscated), then meets Angela for dinner (several times) to gain her trust and favor.
(Technically, they are all invited, but Eddey and Reen have a record as smugglers and do not
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 697
want to risk negative consequences if it comes up. In fact, it was a CSA encounter that led to
the original Ambition being damaged.) They take off, ostensibly to leave the area, but they
make a run for Endregaad, using Mander’s research into CSA policies and regulations to
escape from CSA pursuit craft. They head for Tel Bollin, the capital, where the Anjiliac
business Skydove Freight has its offices. It is the most likely starting point to find Mika. They
check the building, but it is trashed and empty. They trace a phrase scrawled on the wall
(“Fallen Warrior”) to the Fallen Warrior, a local cantina for non-humans, though most have
been driven out over blame for the plague. There, they encounter a Nikto (Orgamon), who
worked with Mika. After saving him from a Tempest-addicted swoop gang abusing him in the
bar, Orgamon is willing to take them to the Temple Valley, where Mika and his guards have
escaped to. In the Valley, they find Mikas camp in the shadow of a crashed starship, which
Mika refers to as ground zero for the Endregaad plague. They theorize that the Corellian
crew of the ship was ill with the plague, which led to them crashing. Their hold seems to have
been carrying Tempest, which they would have then tried to sell nearby, thereby spreading
the plague when they tried to do so. They wonder if the Bomu and Corellians might be in
league or working for the same employer. The group is attacked by the same swoop gang
again, but they defeat the attackers, just as a CSA contingent arrives to take them all back to
the Resolute to a rather frustrated Angela Krin. They are fortunately cleared of any charges,
since their medicinal spice has curtailed the plague effectively. Before being able to leave,
Eddey and Reen are offered possible employment with the CSA, while Mika meets several
times (for chess and whatnot) with Angela. The New Ambition trio is asked by Popara to bring
Mika to meet Popara and Zonnos for a reunion on Nar Shaddaa. Upon arrival at a landing
pad on Nar Shaddaa, they are accosted by a sniper, who, while seeming to miss Mika,
destroys an H-3PO unit sent by Vago. (Unbeknownst to them, the Spice Lord also has Koax
ready and waiting for action on Nar Shaddaa.) At a feast to celebrate Mika’s return, Popara
has private audiences with various groups. When the time comes to meet Mander, Eddey,
and Reen, he wants them to track the source of the Tempest so that the Hutts can crush the
sellers, partly for what Popara believes was the attempt on Mika’s life, supposedly to stop him
from asking further questions about Tempest. Before they can do anything about this new
mission (which they accept), Popara literally explodes from a biochemical introduced into his
food. Zonnos immediately accuses the trio of murder and orders their capture as they
escape. All the trio has to go on in seeking the Tempest source is a datapad of tapcaf
locations where Tempest is sold, which was provided by Popara right before his death. They
learn what they can from one location, but they are recognized and set upon by Parnella the
Hunter (a Hutt bounty hunter). They take out Parnella, then later discover Zonnos’
Trandoshan Tempest dealer dead. They visit the last location, now that the Trandoshan lead
is literally dead. At the last location, they are attacked by the Bomu clan, but they are assisted
by the arrival of Angela Krin. Angela is on detached duty from the CSA to track the spice
trade now, and they were able to follow Reen’s suggestion to track the crashed ship from
Endregaad. The trail led to Nar Shaddaa, and the ship was owned by Skydove Freight, which
immediately suggests that Popara, Mika, or Zonnos was involved. Angela takes them to her
local contact for her mission, though, which turns out to be Mika (whom Mander has realized
is at least somewhat Force-sensitive). Mika, however, claims that neither he nor Popara
would have known anything about the ship, since it was repurposed by someone after being
declared lost two years ago. They are contacted by another of Vago’s droids, who claims that
Zonnos wants Mika (whom he has connected to the conspiracy to remove Mika as a
competitor for the Anjiliac clan’s leadership) and the “assassins” killed. The droid says that
Vago wants to keep Mika safe for the late Poparas sake, so Vago has arranged a ship to
take them secretly to the family estate on Nal Hutta. When they meet at the specified
location, however, it is a trap. The droid was ordered by Zonnos to send the message. With
the help of several surviving Evocii, most of the group are able to escape to a CSA safehouse
that Angela (who seems really protective of Mika) knew about. Reen, however, is captured by
Zonnos’ Wookiee goons. At the ceremony where Reen is to be executed for her “crimes,” the
rest of the group strikes, rescuing her, while Mander is forced to kill Zonnos in defending the
group. Mika then proclaims that it was Zonnos behind Popara’s death, thereby gaining control
of the clan and avoiding further bloodshed. Mander also confronts Mika about his Force
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 698
talents. It seems that Mika was getting some tutoring from Toro, and Mander is willing to help
as well if he is able. As for Vago, she is missing, and the others need to get moving to find
the source of Tempest. Mike helps them get away in secret to continue their search.
Meanwhile, Koax has sent Toro’s lightsaber to the Spice Lord, who is now angry at the Bomu
clan bumbling the strike against Mander and the others. The Spice Lord intends to have them
cut ties with the Bomu soon by leading them into a situation where they will have to sacrifice
themselves in their “foolish” quest for revenge on Mander, Reen, and Eddey. Aboard the
Resolute, Angela reveals to the others that the CSA has analyzed the plague and Tempest,
and they have found a link between the two. Tempest is made of spices that are common,
but after harvesting, they are treated somewhere to mutate it into Tempest. Given the
structure of Tempest and the disease, it would appear that the disease is native to the planet
where Tempest is treated. Hard radiation traces on the plague sample suggests high
radiation levels of a particular type, though that only narrows down the location of the
treatment planet a little bit. They track down a Bomu spice middleman on Makem Te, whom
they interrogate. They are led to Budpuck, where they interrogate another Bomu. They keep
hitting other distribution links, until finally being given the name Morga Bunna, who runs a
depot where Tempest is directed. They head to the depot on Bosph. Morga cannot tell them
what he doesnt know, though, and he has no idea where the spice comes from. After some
blasts from the Resolute, though, he does reveal where to find the Bomu headquarters. They
also receive a message from Mika that suggests that Vago is to meet with the Bomu clan,
suggesting that Vago is the Spice Lord. They use information from one of Vago’s droids,
which confirms what Morga told them, and head for the Bomu headquarters on Dennogra.
Meanwhile, Eddey has the CSA look for specific patterns of radiation, thinking that that
information, along with earlier findings, might let them figure out where the Tempest is
coming from. Upon striking the meeting, though, they find the Bomu (who are taken down
quickly) and Koax (who kills herself so she cannot be questioned), but Vago is not present.
They were apparently set up to take out the Spice Lords loose ends. However, Eddey was
right on the radiation, and they are able to discover that the Tempest (and the plague) are
coming from the original (decimated and inhospitable) Hutt homeworld of Varl. Ships have
been tracked running spice into that system, then not having spice aboard after that system,
and the ships seem to have been running spice with the Indrexu Spiral coordinates that were
only in Anjiliac hands. All evidence points to Vago being the Spice Lord with operations on
Varl. The Resolute captures a spice-running ship, the Barbari Run, then our heroes use it to
land on Varl. There they meet H-3PO, another one of Vago the Hutts many identical droids.
Vago, the droid says, hasn’t been himself lately. The heroes search around, finally
discovering that the manufacturing plant is actually a landed vessel called, appropriately
enough, the Tempest. Inside, they encounter Vago, who is under the control of two of her
Twi’lek “aides.” Our heroes battle the Twi’leks and various droids, as the Twi’leks escape to
their real master in the chaos. When Angela nearly blasts Vago over suspicions that he is a
threat to Mika, Mander realizes what has happened. Mika has used the Force to push a
suggestion onto Angela that she protect him at all costs. Now that she recognizes this, she is
able to overcome it. Mika is the Spice Lord, not Vago. Vago was just a prisoner and, at the
moment, a pawn. Mander orders the others to get Vago back to the safety of the Barbari Run,
while he heads for the bridge. There, he confronts Mika, who reveals that he had come to
Varl at first to search for old wardroids, only to have one of his spice-using employees die of
spice that was affected by the environment. This led to the idea for Tempest spice, and Mika
set up his operation there, expecting that Popara or Zonnos would continue to lead the
Anjiliac clan, keeping Mika’s operation in the shadows where it could grow and profit. Mika
had influenced Angela to protect him, and he had tried to manipulate Toro into doing so as
well, after Toro taught him some basic skills. Mika, though Force-sensitive, did not have
much aptitude, so he became bitter over time. He only had to move against Popara and the
others to cover himself when Reen, at the Endregaad crash site, mentioned being able to
trace the crashed spice ship by its drive registry numbers. Mika has his Twi’leks attack
Mander, and one even does so with Toro’s recovered lightsaber. Mander defeats them, but
he is disarmed (his own lightsaber is destroyed) and must now deal with Mika himself, who is
armed with a phrik (lightsaber-resistant) staff. They two do battle, with Mander cutting the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 699
hand holding the phrik staff with Toro’s saber, but Mika is able to knock Mander back,
claiming the saber himself. Just as Mander is about to be killed, he pushes Mika back into his
own staff, which stabs through him, pinning Mika to the wall. Unfortunately, the ship is lifting
off from Varl, but without enough power, it is about to crash back down, likely killing all on
board. Fortunately, Reen has returned. (Vago knew about an escape pod and knocked her
back, escaping on her own.) Eddey, though, brings the New Ambition alongside the ship, and
they escape, just as the Tempest crashes and is destroyed, taking Tempest spice with it.
Vago is now in charge of the Anjiliac Clan, and the Tempest Feud is over. As for Mander, he
is taken back to Yavin IV by Reen and Eddey, and Reen presents him with the one thing she
was able to save as they were escaping from the Tempest on Varl: her brother’s lightsaber.
*NOTE: This novel is an adaptation of the RPG adventure Tempest Feud. As such, it has taken the place of that
adventure and nailed down many specifics. Bear in mind, though, that some specifics from the RPG (like X
number of months between certain segments) have disappeared in the adaptation, changing its overall footprint
As Luke Skywalker and his wife-to-be, Mara Jade, enjoy a getaway to the Vlassy Nature
Preserve on Garqi, they discuss their upcoming marriage and happiness. Mara is a bit
concerned about Leia Organa Solo wanting to let the marriage be a symbol of the healing of
the Rebel/Imperial rift (which has partially been closed by the new treaty with the Imperial
Remnant, as it is referred to by the New Republic), but she and Luke both know it is for the
best. On Coruscant, Leia officially announces the upcoming marriage, and is met with
criticism that the marriage could be a move to solidify a Jedi power-base to establish a “Force
Empire.” Some suggest that Mara’s hand in marriage might be part of the peace package
with the Imperial Remnant. Leia can only be amazed at how one bit of happiness can be
skewed to the will of politicians. The news spreads. Elsewhere on Coruscant, Wedge
Antilles and his wife, Iella Antilles (formerly Wessiri) speak about it while also dealing with
their two children, Syal (named after Wedges sister) and Myri. At the Rogue Squadron
headquarters, squadronmates are happy for Luke even as Wes Janson considers the
possibility of single women at the wedding and Tycho Celchu and Gavin Darklighter laugh
about Janson thinking the same thing at their weddings. In space, Talon Karrde and Booster
Terrik speak about the marriage, and Booster mentions wanting to purchase a Jedi artifact
from Karrde as a wedding gift. On Yavin IV, the Jedi training will be left with Ganner and
Wurth Skidder, while many older Jedi (including two married couples: Corran and Mirax
Horn; and Tionne and Kam Solusar). Corran notes (echoing the thoughts of many Star Wars
fans) that it is funny that everyone else saw that Mara and Luke were made for each other,
long before they saw it themselves. Luke and Mara arrive on Coruscant and meet with Leia
and Han Solo. Han has the unenviable task of telling Luke that, due to C-3PO’s politicking, it
looks like the wedding will be attended by far, far more people (especially politicians) than
previously planned. Mara and Leia, along with C-3PO, meet with various designers about a
wedding dress for Mara. After numerous ideas that Mara doesnt like, Mara decides to leave
and “get some air.” She ends up meeting Jari’kyn, a former designer for one of the designers
she just met, who seems to honestly wish to make a great dress for Mara. Mara likes the
designer, so she decides to let her design a dress, following her heart and instincts instead of
the desires of the fashion industry at large. Elsewhere, Kam Solusar and Corran Horn spar in
Luke’s presence while they all talk about the marriage ceremony. Luke wishes it, although
very publicized, to contain many Jedi elements, though they honestly have no idea if the Jedi
Council of old condoned marriages. Kam and Corran point out that perhaps they should do
as Corran and Mirax did: have one public wedding on Coruscant and a private one
elsewhere. They could simply keep the Jedi parts out of the public one, which, politically,
would be best, since many people are still wary of the Jedi Knights after years of Imperial
propaganda. On Dolis 3, Imperial employees who are down on their luck piss and moan
about the glory days of the Empire and how Luke, Mara, and the rest of the New Republic
“bigshots” are untouchable now. Moff Takkar shows up and, after harsh words and some
fisticuffs, convinces the men to rally with him to “give them defeat on this day they celebrate
their victory. Back on Coruscant, Luke has a dream of doom, but awakens before he can
glean any true meaning from it. Elsewhere on Coruscant, Takkars group has arrived. The
roster of conspirators includes: Banner Sumptor; Chala Venan; Chik Apla; Iry Danta; Anlys
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 700
Takkar; and Moff Derran Takkar. The Takkars have arrived separately and the others await
their orders. Elsewhere on Coruscant (again), Mara, Leia, Mirax, and Iella joke about the fact
that Han and the other men are preparing to take Luke to a bar for a nice pre-marriage brawl,
a Corellian tradition. When Leia comments that the men hope that the women don’t think
they’re being entirely childish, Iella comments, “Well, isn’t that what husbands are for?
Training you to be able to deal with children?” In the local museum, the conspirators discuss
how the museum has “distorted the truth” of the Galactic Civil War to make the Empire look
bad. Banner overhears a child whose father was killed by the Empire, and begins to have a
change of heart, if he wasn’t having one already. Later, on Yavin IV, the Jedi wedding of
Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade commences. Kam presides over the ceremony. Luke and
Mara hold special stones as the ceremony begins. As this is such a momentous event, the
ceremony merits repeating word-for-word . . .*
Kam: Welcome, my brother and sister Jedi. Today we have a great honor to celebrate
the coming together of Mara Jade and our master, Luke Skywalker. Their bond
with one another was forged through the Force and strengthened by it so that their
efforts together could be stronger than the efforts of any two other Jedi. It was
once thought that emotional attachments make a Jedi vulnerable, but these two
so complete each other that only strength will flow from this union.
Mara: When I first met Luke, I was under a compulsion to kill him. Generally not a good
sign for a lasting relationship. Such was his courage that he did not run, and did
not strike me. He accepted me, as no one had done before.
Luke: There was a sense to Mara, when I met her, that would not let me fear her, though
countless others have learned that not fearing her can be trouble. The Force
brought us together and kept bringing us together until neither of us could deny
our destiny to be together forever.
(The stones each has held lift into the air and combine into one solid sphere.)
Kam: Let no one here doubt the wisdom of the Force. May the Force always be with you
both in your life together.
At the preserved Imperial ceremonial area where the wedding will be re-held on Coruscant,
two of the conspirators “spray for bugs” while checking out the logistics of the area. At a
Coruscant bar, the Red Rancor, Han and Wedge bring Luke face-to-face with many of his
friends, including Lando Calrissian, Talon Karrde, Chewbacca, members of Rogue Squadron
who have served with Luke, among others. When they are approached in their revelry by
some brutes, a brawl erupts, in which Banner saves Luke from a brawler, which he is able to
convince his fellow conspirators was an act to make sure Luke can die in an appropriately
public fashion, instead of simply being a reaction to Banner’s continual change of heart. Luke
and the others finally leave, and Mara is concerned for Luke’s black eye, but he considers it
simply the price one must pay to hang out with Han Solo. Later, Mara has a dream of doom,
much as Luke has been having, but they don’t know what to make of them. Elsewhere, Moff
Takkar is very angry that his men didn’t kill Luke during the bar fight, and that they must do it
at the ceremony, which is more difficult. Takkar’s wife chimes in and suggests an attack at
Mara’s dress fitting. At a spa, Leia, Winter, Mara, Tionne, Mirax, and Iella talk about
marriage and Maras feelings about the wedding. They play a game of sling-ball and end up
beating the opposing team to a pulp. At the mens fitting, Luke is reminded over and over by
his ever-so-supportive friends of just how difficult marriage can be. Later, at Mara’s fitting
with Jari’kyn, the conspirator Chik, dressed in a Royal Guard uniform more reminiscent of
Carnor Jax’s than a regular uniform and spouting “you have betrayed the Empire” rhetoric
that seems a twisted re-enactment of Kir Kanos quest, breaks into the room and attacks
Mara. She nearly paralyzes him when she subdues him with her lightsaber. Luke and Mara
talk about it later, along with their dreams, but remain ready to face the future together. At
the conspirators base, a new plan is set into motion. Chala hires ruffians, Banner learns
about the wedding from bureaucrats, Iry searches for an unguarded entrance to where the
ceremony will take place, and the Takkar’s take care of everything else, including purchasing
swoops, blasters, and a rather ugly dagger from a Toydarian (who looks a lot like Watto).
The wedding day arrives, and as the wedding ceremony is being prepared, the Imperials’
plan goes into action. Banner, Anlys Takkar, and two of the other conspirators go to kill
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 701
Jari’kyn and steal Mara’s dress. Banner refuses to kill Jarikyn and instead kills the two male
conspirators, while Jari’kyn knocks Anlys out cold before she can kill Banner for being a
traitor. Below the wedding area, Takkar himself moves through the sewers . . . Jari’kyn and
Banner get to the wedding hall, where Jari’kyn gives Mara the dress and tells her what
happened, and the repentant Banner tells the men about the swoop gang distraction Takkar
has ordered, and that Takkar has another plan as well. Wedge makes Luke, Karrde, and
Han stay inside for the wedding, tells C-3PO and Jacen that they’ll now be ushers, and then
he takes the other men to stop the Imperials. Conspirators at the ventilation shaft, ready to
put gas into the system, are stopped by Chewbacca. The fake swoop gang is stopped when,
after several have been taken out by various tux-clad Rogues and Jedi, Corran Horn projects
an image into their minds, causing them to all crash. The few that remain prepare to beat up
Hobbie and Janson, but Booster Terrik steps in and the thugs, who apparently know him from
somewhere, give up. Meanwhile, Takkar has emerged from the sewer, trading his
environmental suit for the guise of an Ithorian. He makes it right up to Luke before the
ceremony. He reveals himself, decrying the “abomination” that the wedding symbolizes—the
death of the Imperial ideal. He bears a comlink switch and a datapad which (when the
comlink is activated) will download a virus into the New Republic’s communication system,
effectively severing all interplanetary communications, killing trade and the New Republic’s
ability to govern. “Your Republic dies the way my Empire did,” Takkar threatens, “in pieces.”
(Of course, Coruscant has been protected from this since the New Republic took it over, but,
hey, it was an okay idea.) Luke talks to him of his need for equality, how he now resembles a
Rebel of the old Galactic Civil War, and that this is a time for healing. Takkar knows that
Luke could have simply kept the button from ever being depressed, but Luke tells him he
wanted to help him find peace, not stop him and leave his anger. Takkar gives up, and Luke
invites him to the ceremony so everyone can see that the New Republic/Imperial rift has been
healed. The wedding proceeds, with Ackbar presiding.
Ackbar: Mara Jade, do you freely bind yourself to Luke Skywalker, to be his companion,
partner, aide, and comfort for all the days of your life?
Mara: I do.
Ackbar: And you, Luke Skywalker, do you promise to forsake all others, to be Mara’s
comfort and confidant, friend, lover, and companion for your mortal days?
Luke: I do.
Mara: For a relationship that started with me trying to kill you, this has become more
than I could have imagined. I have never felt more complete than now, knowing
we will be together for eternity.
Luke: Well, since Leia always wanted to kill Han, I knew where this could lead. You are
more than I deserve, all that I desire, and all I need to feel whole. I love you,
Ackbar: The rings please . . . The rings are a symbol of your love. Unbroken and shining,
they show the galaxy the vows you make here today. You have exchanged vows
and rings. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride . . . I
present to you, the Skywalkers.
*NOTE: Astute readers will note that Stackpole quotes Shakespeare in Union, Part I. It’s a nice homage, but
Shakespeare “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away?” I guess we’ll have to just say it was one hell of a
coincidence. We’ve had worse things to explain away, and even with the rather odd reference, this series is still
one of the single best Star Wars comic mini-series in the Official Continuity. If any story deserves some
leniency, it’s this one.
As Luke Skywalker turns over some of the duties at the Jedi Academy to Kyp Durron and
Kam Solusar, Mara Jade Skywalker, knowing she’s not a highly effective teacher, decides to
spend much of her time at the new Jedi facility on Coruscant instead of on Yavin IV at the
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
ELEGOs A’Kla becomes the Caamasi Senator for the New Republic Senate.
(conjecture based on The New Jedi Order Sourcebook)
Presumably as a replacement for the Jade’s Fire and to give Mara Jade Skywalker a definite
means to travel from Coruscant to Yavin IV (with some peace of mind for Luke Skywalker),
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 702
Luke commissions a new ship for Mara, christened the Jade Sabre.*
(conjecture based on Onslaught)*
*NOTE: I suppose we could assume the Jade Sabre was a wedding gift from Luke to Mara, but its absence in
Union leads me to believe that it was more of a gift to Mara after the marriage, but before Luke headed for Yavin
IV and she took up at the Coruscant center.
The Tales of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH/TFJP short stories: Daniel Keys Moran & J. D.
The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett [continued] (TOTBH short story: Daniel Keys
"Peppel" Section
"Jubilar, Part II" Section
The Hand of Thrawn (novel[/canceled comic] series: Timothy Zahn)
Specter of the Past (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapters 1 24
Specter of Thrawn (canceled comic series: Timothy Zahn & Michael A. Stackpole)*
*Production has been postponed on this project indefinitely by Dark Horse Comics. The collaborative effort that
would have become Specter of Thrawn morphed into a different project--Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand.
Vision of the Future (novel: Timothy Zahn)
Chapters 1 43
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
Mercy Kill [continued] (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapter 12
Hunting the Gorach (SWI133 short story: Jeff Grubb)
Hunting the Gorach (SWI133 short story: Jeff Grubb)
Scourge (novel: Jeff Grub)
Scourge (novel: Jeff Grub)
Death of a Jedi
Mystery on Makem Te
Popara the Hutt
To the Plague Planet
Tel Bollin
Mika the Hutt
A Night on Nar Shaddaa
Pursuit in the Depths
Beneath the Smugglers’ Moon
Trial and Terror
The Trail of the Tempest
The Rodian Matriarch
Voyage to Varl
The Heart of the Tempest
The Spice Lord of Varl
Fall of the Hutt
New Management
Tempest Feud (RPG: Jeff Grubb & Owen K. C. Stephens)
Tempest Feud (RPG: Jeff Grubb & Owen K. C. Stephens)
A Hutt’s Best Hope
The Briefing (AKA The Offer)
Meeting Popara
Hutt Machinations
Trouble at Endregaad
Above the Plague Planet
Running the Blockade
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 703
Tel Bollin
To Temple Valley
The Crashed Ship
The Bomu Way
Leaving the Planet
First Intermission
Night on Nar Shaddaa
Gathering the Troops
Viva Nar Shaddaa!
Weekend at Popara’s
Down and Out on Nar Shaddaa
Angela Krin
Blast On, Blast Off
The Announcement
Zonnos Enraged
The Last Hutt Standing
Second Intermission
The Spice Lord of Varl
Working for Mika
Special Delivery
Krin’s Angle
Barabi Run
Welcome to Varl
Into the Mountains
The Manufacturing Plant
Aboard Tempest
The Bridge
Up, Up and Away
Union (comic series: Michael A. Stackpole)
Union, Part I (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Union, Part II (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Union, Part III (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
Union, Part IV (comic: Michael A. Stackpole)
20 ABY
Keura Fallatte is born on Tatooine.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
With the threat of the Empire ended with the signing of the treaty with the Imperial Remnant,
Corran Horn decides to resign from Rogue Squadron and continue his training as a Jedi
Knight. Several of his fellow squadronmates, including Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Derek
“Hobbie” Klivian, and Wes Janson, also retire. Leadership of Rogue Squadron falls to Gavin
Darklighter, who is the first “Rogue Leader” to have begun his service after the Battle of
(conjecture based on Onslaught and Ruin)
The Defender-class Star Destroyer sees limited production as the New Republic down
sizes its military after the negotiation of peace with Admiral Pellaeon and the Empire. The
first of the Defender-class vessels to be christened is the Obi-Wan.
(conjecture based on Cracken’s Threat Dossier via TimeTales, verbatim and Starships of
the Galaxy)
A few years before the Yuuzhan Vong War, Wildis Jiklip (AKA Red Stepla) retires from
smuggling by disappearing . . . She then reappears under her original name as a theoretician
and university teacher on Coruscant and Lorrd.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
Aboard the remains of the Outbound Flight Project, Javriel nearly goes insane, taking the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 704
nursery hostage.
(conjecture based on Survivor’s Quest)
The Pride of Yevetha, a Super Star Destroyer that vanished during the Yevethan Crisis, is
discovered, abandoned and beyond repair, near the Unknown Regions.
(conjecture based on The Essential Chronology)
Uldir Lochett spends time as a search and rescue pilot.
(conjecture based on Conquest)
Sometime around now, Jedi Knight Eelysa graduates from the Jedi Academy. She goes on
many covert missions for the Jedi before finding herself on Barab I, where she takes Saba
Sebatyne as her unofficial apprentice.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the New Jedi Order)
With the threat from the Empire effectively ended with the treaty with the Imperial Remnant,
the New Republic begins to focus its space forces on policing pirate activities and the like.
(conjecture based on Onslaught)
During this time, the VCX series of vessels from Corellian Engineering Corporation enters
planning stages. They are intended to be patrol vessels in the border regions between New
Republic and Imperial Remnant space.
(conjecture based on A Legacy of Starships)
Boram, a fluid, begins to be used as a coolant in many starship engine systems.
(conjecture based on Star by Star via TimeTales, verbatim)
Steristeel is developed.
(conjecture based on Star by Star via TimeTales, abridged)
Quantum Fiber is developed.
(conjecture based on Star by Star via TimeTales, abridged)
The Identichip is developed, a form of personal identification that is imbedded in a smart card
that carries all of an individual's required data.
(conjecture based on Recovery via TimeTales, verbatim)
Crystalplas (a tough, transparent material used to create display cases and galleries) is
(conjecture based on Star by Star via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Streen records his remembrances on the battle with Exar Kun during the Jedi Academys first
year on Yavin IV. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
History and Holocrons [continued]
Significant Battles [continued]
The Resurrection of Exar Kun
21 ABY
Leia Organa Solo once again becomes Chief of State of the New Republic.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
During this time, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker begin trying to help support their sponsor
child, Malinza Thanas, as Luke promised Gariel Captison.
(conjecture based on Balance Point via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Icaris Tool and Drive goes out of business.
(conjecture based on The Crystal)
Dean Jinzler joins Talon Karrde’s organization.
(conjecture based on Survivor’s Quest)
Lando Calrissian writes and publishes a volume of his memoirs, A Toss of the Dice: This
Gambler’s Life.
(conjecture based on A Campaign Guide to the Centrality, via TimeTales, paraphrased)
On Kariek, the various tribes form the United Tribes Command and InterTribal Council to
work together to free their world from its despotic Warlord.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 705
(conjecture based on Fool’s Bargain)
The Empire of the Hand begins fighting alongside the Eickaries of Kariek against the world’s
(conjecture based on Fool’s Bargain)
Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, with his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, at his side, has come to an
alien world to help settle disputes and complaints that have gone without resolution in some
cases for years. They are called from their deliberations to journey to the former mountain
retreat of the Third Sultara of the planet, ostensibly to settle an urgent matter for Second
Agricultural Coordinator Kei Ras Cirali. Upon entering a chamber at the retreat, though, they
find themselves alone. Luke had set this up as a special time that would let him and Mara
escape from their everyday duties as Jedi and spend some quality time together, a second
honeymoon for the New Republic’s most notable Jedi.
(Judge’s Call)
Judge’s Call ( short story: Timothy Zahn)
Judge’s Call ( short story: Timothy Zahn)
22 ABY
Mirta Gev is born to Ailyn Vel and her Kiffar Mandalorian mate, Makin Marec.
(conjecture based on Bloodlines)
Seha Dorvald is born.*
(conjecture based on Exile)*
*NOTE: Seha is “three or four” year older than Ben, so I’ve used four years here.
Around this time, Lestra Oxic begins collecting Republicana, out of love, rather than for
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)*
*NOTE: This interprets “over twenty years” as of Millennium Falcon to be 21 years.
Lando Calrissian writes and publishes another volume of his memoirs, How to Succeed in
Everything. Among other things, it includes his comments on the Sorcerer of Tund, Rokur
(conjecture based on Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
The Vagaari Miskara is visited by a representative of the “Far-Outsiders,” who negotiates
Vagaari assistance in preparing for an upcoming invasion that will wipe out the Vagaari’s
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. This is sometime after Survivor’s Quest but before the Vagaari
begin using Vong biotech in 23 ABY. I have simply assumed that this is about a year prior to the latter entry,
rather than closer to that novel.
Eight months after joining the Eickaries against their Warlord on Kariek, Empire of the Hand
(the multi-planet alliance forged by Thrawn and his people at the Hand of Thrawn on Niruan)
has sent the newly-reformed Imperial 501
Stormtrooper Legion, “Vader’s Fist,” to assist in
the liberation of the planet Kariek, which has been subjugated for fifty years by a Warlord of
unknown identity. As the Aurek Company of the 501
prepares to make its final assault on
the Warlord’s fortress, Aurek-Seven, consisting of Jorm Whistler Mackenni, Cloud, Shadow,
Watchman, and Twister, scouts the city around the fortress, discovering a group of Eickaries
led by one named Su-Mil and including another old Eickarie named Ha-ran, who are also
working to stop the Lakrans working with the Warlord. Twister makes a bargain with Su-mil,
agreeing to free prisoners in the fortress if Su-mil and his comrades will help them enter
through a secret tunnel into the fortress so that they can capture the Warlord alive and
determine who and what he is. They make their way in, only to be cornered by Lakrans, to
whom Su-mil apparently betrays them, but it is only a bluff. Su-mil and his comrades have
drawn attention from reinforcements that take out the Lakrans, allowing them all to enter the
fortress as the rest of Aurek Company begins its attack. In the cells, they free the rest of the
prisoners from various tribes, whom Ha-ran, Prince of his Clan, convinces to work together
and follow the stormtroopers in continuing their mission to the upper levels of the fortress.
Upon reaching those upper levels, the Eickaries and stormtroopers defeat the Lakrans, but
when they get to the Warlord, Su-mil has to forcibly keep his comrades from killing him so
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 706
that they can fulfill their bargain with Twister. They do so, and the Imperials discover that the
Warlord was of an unknown alien race, which the Empire of the Hand will soon visit in order
to sue for peace (or kick their asses if need be). Meanwhile, Kariek is invited to join the
Empire of the Hand, while Su-mil is invited to join Aurek-Seven and the 501
(Fool’s Bargain)*
*NOTE: I generally assume that a novel is at the beginning of its respective year, so something soon before it is
probably late in the previous year. The Essential Reader’s Companion, however, pins this ebook down to this
year, presumably very early to fit in Survivor’s Quest and all of Junior Jedi Knights. My thanks to Matt Brunicardi
for suggesting that I look into this again.
While on a mission for Talon Karrde to inform Jerf Huxley and his smugglers that their
services will no longer be required, now that Karrde is trying to go straight (still), Luke and
Mara Jade Skywalker receive an urgent message from Karrde, who awaits them aboard
Booster Terriks Errant Venture. Upon arriving at the ship, the Skywalkers learn that Admiral
Voss Parck from the Hand of Thrawn (more accurately Thrawns little microcosmic alliance
system known as the Empire of the Hand) had sent them an important message, only to have
it intercepted and swiped by Dean Jinzler, a man who had been working for Karrde. Knowing
the message could be important, Luke and Mara head for Niruan, where they learn from
Parck that the Chiss Ascendancy has discovered the remains of the Outbound Flight Project
and wish to return the wreckage to the New Republic. Racing to get there in time to leave
with the Chiss expedition into the sensor-blocking Chiss fallback point known as the Redoubt,
the Skywalkers get there with scant time to spare. They are taken aboard the Chiss vessel,
the Chaf Envoy, representing the Nine Ruling Families. They are introduced to Aristocra
Chaf’ormbintrano (Formbi) of the Fifth Ruling Family, Sarvchi, along with Fombri’s aide,
Chaf’ees’aklaio (Feesa), General Prard’raskleoni (Drask) and Captain Brast’alshi’barku
(Talshib). Before they can make way, they are met by a mysterious alien vessel, carrying
what is said to be the last remnant of the Geroon race, led by Bearsh, who were saved from
slavery to the Vagaari when the Vagaari were wiped out during a skirmish with both
Outbound Flight and the rogue Chiss battle group led by Syndic Mitthraw’nuruodo (Thrawn).
The Geroons are allowed to tag along. After an introduction to “Ambassador” Dean Jinzler,
who had been brought aboard shortly before by none other than the mysterious Jorj Car’das,
the Chaf Envoy proceeds to the Redoubt. En route, while checking out the rigging of a cable
that nearly hit Luke when it fell upon their arrival (actually a test of Jedi reflexes), Mara runs
into a group of Imperial stormtroopers aboard! They are from the Empire of the Hand,
members of the revived Imperial 501
(though they contain at least one alien, Su-Mil), and
led by Chak Fel, one of Baron Soontir Fel’s several sons. Fel says that their mission is to
help protect the Jedi and others board during the mission, and, if the Jedi didn’t show, to go
in their place. Later, Luke is aboard the Geroon vessel (a strange, broken down vessel),
along with Bearsh and another Geroon, Estosh, when the Imperial vessel experiences an
explosion and fire due to sabotage. While the Jedi help to stop the fire, it would appear that
someone is able to sneak aboard and steal away the operational manual of Outbound Flight
that Fel had brought with them. They soon arrive at the Chiss command station Brask Oto.
Leaving all but a few of the Geroon Remnant behind aboard their large main vessel, a
smaller group, including Luke, Mara, Fomrbi, Feesa, Drask, Bearsh, Estosh, Fel, the 501
Jinzler, and a few Chiss, head into the Redoubt. En route, an evening commotion ends in
confusion when someone steals a Chiss charric (like a blaster), but is not captured. Shortly
thereafter, Estosh is shot. He will survive, but will have to stay behind when the rest of them
finally get to Outbound Flight. Finally, they reach the Outbound Flight vessel, which they find
mysteriously half buried on a small planetoid. The vessel was six dreadnaughts around a
central core. Now, Dreadnaught Four (D-Four) is at the top, with D-One buried mostly under
the surface. The majority of the passengers go aboard Outbound Flights D-Four for a
remembrance ceremony before exploring further, but before they can get very far, Luke and
Mara sense humans in the Force. There are survivors aboard the vessels, apparently living
aboard since the apparent destruction of the vessel by Thrawn fifty years earlier. They split
up into several turbolifts, which are meant to shuttle people through the core between the
Dreadnaughts, guided by a mysterious young girl that appears, named Evelyn. At her
beckoning, they follow and all find themselves trapped in one of several different lifts. They
are contacted by Guardian Jorad Pressor, a survivor of Outbound Flight, who speaks to them
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 707
through comm lines. The lifts are supposedly booby trapped to smash into far walls if
tampered with, but it isnt all bad news. As Luke, Mara, and Drask in one tube and Fel with
the 501
in another begin to come up with ways to escape, Pressor invites Jinzler,
“Ambassador for the New Republic,” and his companions (Bearsh, other Geroons, Formbi,
and Feesa) to join him to learn why they are here. The Jedi, however, will remain trapped. It
seems there is a natural distrust for Jedi aboard. The caution is warranted somewhat, as
Pressor realizes that Dean Jinzler may very well be related to Jedi Lorana Jinzler, who was
aboard Outbound Flight when it set out. As Jinzlers group and Pressor meet, the Jedi-Chiss
and Imperial groups both free themselves of the trap and end up in the supply core of the
large vessel, where the Jedi discover a series of storage areas rigged as a prison of sorts,
but no prisoner bodies are present. Meanwhile, Jinzler and the others meet Director Chas
Uliar and members of the Managing Council, including Councilor Brace Tarkosa, Councilor
Joss Keely, and Instructor Rosemari Tabory (Pressor’s sister and Evelyn’s mother). As they
meet, they note yet another of many comlink quirks that seem like someone is trying to punch
through Outbound Flight’s jamming somehow. Back in the core, Luke and the others decide
to escort Drask to D-Five, where Formbi seems to be with Jinzler and the others, but they’ll
take a look at D-One, the main vessel of the combined ship, on their way. As they make their
way, Jinzler and the others are introduced to much of the living area of Outbound Flight,
where the fifty-seven survivors and their children have created a home for themselves within
the ship. Jinzler is forced to admit that he hated his sister, who he confirms was Jedi Lorana
Jinzler, whom he was very jealous of during his childhood, even though she was at the Jedi
Temple. Again, the anti-Jedi sentiment permeates the situation. Elsewhere, Luke, Mara, and
Drask discover D-One, where they find the command center a mess, seemingly from a major
onboard battle during Outbound Flights last days. They discover a Jedi lightsaber (that of
Lorana, who seems to have been killed in the battle), along with two Chiss charrics, which
opens up even more mysteries, as they were always told that Thrawn destroyed the vessels
from afar, never sending his troops aboard. Meanwhile, Fel and the 501
discover a series of
further prison cells, this time holding a number of adults and children, everyone that it was
determined had Force-attunement. Yes, the survivors of Outbound Flight distrust Jedi with a
passion. As the Imperials and Jedi (with Drask) each make their way toward the others, the
meeting between Jinzler and the leadership is interrupted when they realize that it is Bearsh
and his people who are breaking through the comm frequencies, just as Bearsh and his
“Geroon” companions reanimate the “dead animals” they wore as ceremonial clothing,
wolvkils, which lurch to life to attack. Bearsh and his people were not the Geroons, those
saved from slavery to the Vaagari. They are the Vaagari themselves, out for vengeance!
They capture Formbi, Jinzler, Uliar, Evelyn, Rosemari, Feesa, and everyone else in the room
by putting them into a “prison” of tables and chairs, while the Peacekeepers and warriors
assigned to protect them are slaughtered. With the help of Evelyn, who reluctantly has to
admit that she can use the Force, they pull a comlink to them, calling for help. The Jedi and
Drask are the first to arrive, killing the attackers and freeing the others, but not before Formbi
takes a serious wound. Finally, everyone regroups together to face the Vaagari threat. It
seems that the Vaagari had nearly three hundred of their warriors in suspended animation.
Now, some are aboard Outbound Flight, some are aboard their arrival vessel, and others
were left behind at the Chiss space station just outside the Redoubt. In the running battle
that follows, as they slowly set traps for the Vaagari and take them out in various groups, they
learn several things. First, Formbi knew that these were Vaagari instead of Geroon, and
wanted to goad them into striking a first blow, allowing the honorable Chiss Ascendancy to
wipe them out for good, possibly because the Vaagari had ties to the unknown threat that
Thrawn had been so concerned about. In part of the battle, Bearsh is killed, but it is revealed
that Estosh is the actual Vaagari leader. The Vaagari manage to break away aboard a
dreadnaught and escape from Outbound Flight to return from the Redoubt, where their
comrades, in theory, are preparing to attack the Chiss. After a little assistance from Captain
Talshib, who arrives with help after the Vaagari abandon their vessel, Luke and Mara, using
an old Delta-Twelve starfighter and hyperspace ring, escape Outbound Flight, and head for
the dreadnaught. Using Lorana’s lightsaber to cut their way in, they sneak their way forward,
taking out a droideka. They have deduced that the Vaagari were after the droids and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 708
weapons of Outbound Flight that could help them in their conquering of Chiss worlds, where
droids are virtually non-existent. In the command center, Luke and Mara confront Estosh,
who has already transmitted rendezvous coordinates for the rest of the Vaagari fleet. In the
skirmish that follows, Luke and Mara work together to momentarily cut a hole in the ship,
killing Estosh before they seal it. They now command the dreadnaught, which arrives just in
time to see Vaagari vessels swarming the Chiss station. Using Dreak’s personal Morse-code-
like signal to let the Chiss know who they are, Luke and Mara assist in defeating the Vaagari
at the station. With the coordinates in the computer, they will also know where the rest of the
Vaagari are, so the Chiss can retaliate and destroy them. All-in-all, the Jedi have proven
themselves to many of the Outbound Flight survivors, Outbound Flight has been found, and
the Vaagari threat has ended. Not bad for one mission. In the end, the survivors of
Outbound Flight, who cannot remain aboard the vessels after some powerline sabotage from
Vaagari parasites, are allowed a home within the worlds governed by the Empire of the Hand,
and Dean Jinzler, recognizing that he did love his sister after all, will go with them to help look
after Evelyn and show her that her heritage is not a bad thing. As for Mara, she has had a
chance to look into the face of her own survivors guilt from the fall of the Empire and has
chosen to remain with Luke in the New Republic, facing whatever may come.*
(Survivor’s Quest)*
*NOTE: Odd, isn’t it? Soontir never had a son named Chak. But, oh, wait, Zahn was allowed to use the name
anyway, so now the official line (due to readers’ vocal annoyance) is that Chak and Fel’s son Davin are the same
characters. That, though, requires Red Sky, Blue Flame to leap ahead by about two years into the future,
screwing up Jag’s age references in Dark Journey even more than the NJO ages issues already were at the time.
“Will it never end?”
In the wake of the fall of the Hand of Thrawn on Niruan, Stent, a Chiss agent from Niruan
sent by Baron Soontir Fel, arrives at a nearby Chiss training facility, where Jagged Fel,
Soontir’s young son, is training as a pilot. Stent informs them of the situation on Niruan, but
before much can be said, pirate and smuggler vessels, having discovered the planet after the
Niruan fiasco, begin to land and attack the Chiss facilities that had, until now, been a closely
guarded secret. Stent and the other leaders are killed in the attack, leaving First Lieutenant
Shawnkyr Nuruodo in charge, with Jag at her side. They lead the Chiss trainees into the
forests to fight the invaders on better turf, while Jag heads up in his ship, the Blue Flame, to
make it appear as though this is not an installation of grown Chiss, but humanoid children.
This false confidence leads the attackers to land . . . and approach the Chiss trap. As they
make plans, Jag explains to Shawnkyr how he came to be there and how Thrawn’s greatest
asset was how he could play his enemies using deception. They then follow his example and
hide several live Chiss in a reflection with dead Chiss, ambushing the invaders and taking
them out. The facility is secured, and Jag has gained respect. Instead of being called
“human” or by his name, Shawnkyr refers to him as “Lieutenant” and gives him her cadet
commander insignia. Jag tells his fellows the one thing they need to hear, but which is never
spoken of by the Chiss: Thrawn may be dead, but he will always be with them so long as they
can learn from his example. Jag has a bright future ahead of him with the Chiss, it seems.*
(Red Sky, Blue Flame)*
*NOTE: The dating of this story has been officially revised to just after Survivor’s Quest, rather than just after
Vision of the Future, by LucasBooks.
Luke Skywalker and Tionne, while on a trip to Tatooine, find a young girl named Tahiri Veila
living with the Sandpeople. She has an attunement to the Force, so they arrange to have her
study at the Jedi Academy.
(conjecture based on The Golden Globe)
In the wake of the discovery of Outbound Flight and the Redoubt, Khedryn Faal enters the
galaxy at large, traveling as a pilot without a place to truly call home.
(conjecture based on Crosscurrent)
According to the lies told by the P’w’eck Lothwin during the time of the consecration of
Bakura by the Ssi-ruuk, it was at this time that the Keeramak, a strange multi-colored, all-
caste Ssi-ruuk leads the P’w’eck, led by the Keeramak, officially declared victory over their
Ssi-ruuk oppressors. He had been believed to be the one to lead the Ssi-ruuk to victory, to
raise the low to high, but instead, he was there to lead the low Ssi-ruuk, the P’w’eck, to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 709
(conjecture based on Refugee)
Herogga the Hutt comes to Tatooine. He works in secret, which is part of his success.
Among other things, he steps in as a secret backer to the Crystal Moon Mos Ethna restaurant
run by Malakili and Porcellus.
(conjecture based on Secrets of Tatooine)
The ExGal Society sets up the ExGal-4 outpost on the planet Belkadan as a watching post to
observe the galactic rim and search for extragalactic phenomenon. Among the first people
assigned to the station is Danni Quee.
(conjecture based on Vector Prime)
Eleven-year old Anakin Solo begins his training at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy, before
even his older brother and sister train. He attends a special set of lessons geared for
younger students, and it is in this class that he meets Tahiri, a 9-year-old girl from Tatooine,
who was raised by Sandpeople after the deaths of her parents. When Anakin and Tahiri
realize that they have been having the same prophetic dreams of going on a journey on a raft
on water (which is odd because Tahiri cannot swim), they decide to attempt to find out what
the dream means. They journey into the jungle of Yavin IV only to find the raft from their
dreams waiting by a river. They board and make their way along the river. A storm nearly
causes Tahiri to drown as the feared in her dream, but Anakin saves her and they arrive
safely later on the river's path. They arrive soon thereafter at the Palace of the
Woolamander, a Massassi temple dating back to the times of either Naga Sadow's building
projects or Exar Kun's revamping of Sadow's buildings. Inside, Anakin and Tahiri are taunted
by voices of the Dark Side, and face several challenges, one of which is Anakin having to
face his fear of falling to the Dark Side as his namesake grandfather did. Upon meeting the
challenges, the two young Jedi students find a large Golden Globe and a small rabbit-like
creature sleeping under it. Upon closer observation of the globe, Anakin and Tahiri realize
that they are seeing the tormented souls of Massassi children within the globe. (The children
were trapped by Exar Kun during his early days as Dark Lord of the Sith.) The two, with their
new furry companion, return to the Academy. Once there, the furry creature, named Ikrit,
reveals himself to be a Jedi Master. He tells the students of how the children were trapped in
the globe and that the only way to free them is for a child to do it. Adults cannot break the
power of the Golden Globe. Thus, Anakin and Tahiri begin their first quest.
(The Golden Globe)
At the Academy a short time after Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila's adventures in the Palace of
the Woolamander, the two young Jedi trainees meet another Jedi student, a Melodie named
Lyric. When Lyric sees a sketch that Anakin has made of symbols from the Palace, Lyric
notes that she has seen them before back home on Yavin VIII. Coincidentally enough, Lyric
is about to head home to Yavin VIII to undergo the stage of development which will end in a
metamorphosis into a mermaid-like being. Anakin and Tahiri talk Luke into letting them go
along, and soon Peckhum picks the trio up in the Lightning Rod and they proceed to Yavin
VIII. Once on Yavin VIII, Tahiri and Anakin must save and protect Lyric from various natural
threats, such as arvils, reels, and the like, until she finally reaches the end of her
metamorphosis. In the last of the attacks, a fellow Melodie named Sannah uses the Force to
stop a raith's attack. The now adult Lyric takes them underwater to meet the elder known as
Aragon to learn the meaning of the symbols. With a little Force-assisting, he is able to
remember the general meaning and allow for the hope that the writings Anakin and Tahiri
found can be deciphered. Leaving Lyric to her new home, but bringing along Sannah as a
new Jedi recruit, Anakin and Tahiri return with Peckhum to Yavin IV and begin poring over
the symbols Anakin found and the information Aragon provided. Finally, they decipher the
writing and learn that the children were imprisoned by Exar Kun, and that it was foretold that
Anakin and Tahiri (though not by name) are destined to be the ones to free the children from
the Golden Globe . . . be entering the globe itself.
(Lyric's World)
Anakin Solo records he and Tahiri’s encounter with the purellas and Melodies of Yavin VIII
into his journal.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Six months after Tahiri's arrival at Yavin IV, Tahiri has finally reached the time when she must
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 710
decide whether or not to remain at the Jedi Academy or return to Tatooine. She must make
her decision while on Tatooine, so Luke takes her, Tionne and Anakin back to his homeworld.
Upon arrival, they are met by members of Tahiri's adoptive tribe and proceed to the tribe's
home area to meet Sliven, leader of the tribe, and Bangor, an orphan bantha that Tahiri has
"adopted." They also confront Vexa, a female Tusken Raider who informs her that it is now
time to fulfill an old promise. Years before, when Sliven had brought her into the tribe, there
was question as to whether or not a child could add to the tribe's strength. If not, it would be
weakness on Sliven's part. If so, it would show strength. Now, Tahiri must go on a journey
through the Jundland wastes. If she survives, Sliven will remain leader and tell her of her
true past. If she does not return from her quest, Sliven will be put to death. Tahiri must abide
by this promise, made by Sliven. When she agrees, Sliven tells her of her past. Six years
ago, Sliven was injured and then nursed back to health by Tryst and Cassa Veila. He
became a friend of the Veilas and soon was teaching Tryst how to fight using a gaderffii.
Soon thereafter, Sliven's tribe and a group of smugglers got into a battle, and the Veila home,
including Tryst and Cassa, was destroyed. Sliven, guilt-ridden, took Tahiri to live with the
tribe, and when confronted about his choice to bring her in, was virtually forced into making
the promise facing them. This being said, Tahiri and Anakin, who will not leave her, enter the
Dune Sea and cross it, the Jundland Wastes, and a desert area, facing constant perils. They
are able to make it back before their deadline, though, and Sliven's life is saved. Tahiri
decides to continue at the Jedi Academy, and the Jedi quartet heads back to Yavin IV--where
the Golden Globe awaits. They two young Jedi take a few days to recuperate from their
Tatooine adventure and then return to the Palace of the Woolamander. Tahiri and Anakin
reach the globe, and, disregarding the whispers of the Dark Side, attempt to enter it. Anakin
manages to get inside after using the Force to weaken the globe's outer walls. He and Tahiri
enter the Golden Globe, what seems like a whole new world of whirling sand, and manage to
use hand-holding to form a chain of their bodies and the spirits of the Massassi children.
They exit, and once freed, the Massassi children's spirits are able to pass on. They are met
outside the temple by Luke Skywalker and Ikrit, the older of the two having told the younger
of what the children were attempting. Proud of his nephew and Tahiri, Luke congratulates
them on a job well done.
Anakin returns home to Coruscant to visit his family for three months.
(conjecture based on Anakin's Quest)
Upon returning to the Jedi Academy from Coruscant after three months away, Anakin Solo is
distressed. He has been having dreams of his grandfather, yet again. He hopes against
hope that he will not fall to the Dark Side as Anakin Skywalker did. When he mentions this to
Master Skywalker, Luke tells him that Yoda had shown him an example of the Light and Dark
Sides of the Force in a cave on Dagobah. Soon after being told this, Peckhum arrives in the
Lightning Rod bearing an unusual stowawayUldir Lochett, a brat with very little Force
potential, if any, who wants to be a Jedi because of the glamour and power of the title.
Anakin returns to his thoughts on the cave on Dagobah and wants to go there. Master Ikrit
agrees to accompany Anakin and Tahiri (and unknowingly the stowaway Uldir) to Dagobah,
Peckhum agrees to take them there, and Luke decides to send R2-D2 along just in case
Peckhum needs help with ship operations. On the way, Ikrit tells the children of how he
became a Jedi Master. Once on Dagobah, Uldir gets into trouble, to various degrees, time
and again, showing both his lack of Force talent and the blatant arrogance and ignorance of
his personality. Finally at the cave, the three youths step inside. Uldir receives no vision due
to his not being Force-sensitive. Tahiri receives a vision of a man she's never known but
knows instinctively to be her grandfather. Her grandfather was a Jedi Knight. Anakin
receives a vision of a man dressed in the traditional Jedi Knight attire being attacked by Dark
Side Force lightning from a cloaked figure. Upon shouting out against the Emperor-like
figure's actions, he is able to see the faces of both men--they are him. Upon leaving the
cave, Ikrit informs the children that Yoda was his Jedi Master. Their adventure of revelation
complete, the group heads back to Yavin IV.*
(Anakin's Quest)*
*NOTE: Over the years, I have gone back and forth on exactly when to place this arc of Junior Jedi Knights. The
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 711
Essential Reader’s Companion has pinned this entire series in 22 ABY. This makes sense if Survivor’s Quest is
very early in this year (with Fool’s Bargain even earlier), so that all three of the following can be true: “about a
year” (but not quite a year) can pass between Tionne bringing Tahiri to Yavin IV in The Golden Globe and this
book (as stated in the text); six months can pass between Tahiri’s arrival and the events of Promises (as stated in
that book); and three more months can pass between the end of Promises and the beginning of Anakin’s Quest
(as stated in this book). It may be a tight fit, but I suppose it works. My thanks to Matt Brunicardi for suggesting
that I look into this again.
After going on a journey in the Lore Seeker, Tionne returns to the Jedi Academy with startling
news. It appears that Darth Vader took Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber with him when he left
the Death Star I. Rumor has it that the lightsaber now rests in Vader's fortress, Bast Castle
on Vjun. Ikrit, Tionne, Anakin, Tahiri, R2-D2, and Uldir head to Vjun to find the lightsaber and
bring it back to the Jedi Academy. On the way, Tionne explains the importance of a
lightsaber to a Jedi Knight. Uldir notes this. Ikrit then reveals his true status of Jedi Master to
Tionne. They arrive on Vjun and make their way into Bast Castle around the various intruder
countermeasures and finally find Kenobi's lightsaber. Just as they reach it, however, Orloc,
the Mage of Exis Station appears from out of a puff of smoke to claim the weapon. Orloc
escapes with the weapon and is eventually found by Uldir, whom he tries to make his
accomplice. He reveals to Uldir that he is also searching for a holocron (Asli Krimsan’s
Holocron). They manage to use the Force to take the lightsaber back from Orloc, who
subsequently vanishes again. They make their way to Vader's quarters and retrieve the
holocron. As they do so, Orloc appears and steals it. The Jedi take it back, just as Orloc falls
into a trap door meant to capture intruders. The Jedi make their way out of the fortress and
find an ancient ship in the hangar. Ikrit knows how to fly it, so they make their way back to
Yavin IV, with part of the group in the Lore Seeker and part in the new ship, which Ikrit takes
possession of and dubs the Sunrider, after Nomi Sunrider. The group arrives and informs
Luke of their success, but trouble seems forthcoming. Uldir has recognized the power
associated with Darth Vader, and if being in the Dark Side's thrall is all that it takes to amass
such power, he just may have to follow that path.*
(Vader's Fortress)*
*NOTE: See note with Anakin’s Quest.
Among the items and records discovered in Darth Vader’s fortress on Vjun is a recording of
his experiments in Dark Side torture on a Toydarian (though not Watto).
(conjecture based on Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Luke Skywalker is called away from the Jedi Academy for a couple of weeks, so the lessons
are left to Tionne. While studying the Asli Krimsan Holocron, the young Jedi learn of a great
Jedi library on Exis Station, home of Orloc. Tionne informs them, though, that the library
itself is empty, since the station hasn't been used in years. Uldir, still wanting to be a Jedi,
but going about it in all the wrong ways, decides to steal the holocron, Kenobi's lightsaber,
and the Sunrider and go to Exis Station. Ikrit, R2-D2, Anakin, Tahiri, and Tionne use the Lore
Seeker to follow him there. Upon arriving at Exis Station, Uldir is subdued and taken by a
group of Ranats to see Orloc. To save his own hide, Uldir gives the holocron and lightsaber
to Orloc, and Orloc agrees to train him to use the Force, although it is mere parlor tricks.
When the others arrive, they are faced with attack by droids (forcing them to leave Artoo
behind), an attack by Ranats, and then an attack by Uldir using those parlor tricks. When
they are confronted by Uldir (and Orloc backing him), they find that he has taken Artoo
prisoner. They retake Artoo, the lightsaber, and the holocron and are allowed to escape by
Uldir. Orloc orders the Ranats to pursue them. Uldir joins our heroes, who prove to Uldir that
Orloc is not a true Force-user, and they are soon attacked by Orloc. When Tionne is injured,
Ikrit takes Kenobi's lightsaber and battles Orloc. After the confrontation, Anakin takes the
lightsaber and destroys Orloc's means of controlling the illusion-making devices which create
his "powers." They decide to leave him behind, since the loss of his "powers" is a great
enough punishment for his actions as anything they could do to him. They leave in the Lore
Seeker (leaving the Sunrider) behind, and upon returning to Yavin IV, Uldir repents his
actions and decides to join a New Republic group of emergency pilots. In this way, he can be
helping people and be as close to a Jedi as he can be, at least in spirit.*
(Kenobi's Blade)*
*NOTE: See note with Anakin’s Quest. We must be getting pretty close to the end of this year, though, so that
Anakin can already be twelve. He declares in this story that he’ll be in his teens “next year.”
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 712
Anakin ends his first training session (the special children's course) at the Jedi Academy and
returns home to his parents on Coruscant. This will be the last time he has prolonged contact
with Tahiri Veila for the next four years.
(conjecture based on Anakin's being on Coruscant during the Young Jedi Knights
Fool’s Bargain (E-book: Timothy Zahn)
Fool’s Bargain (E-book: Timothy Zahn)
Survivor’s Quest (Timothy Zahn)
Survivor’s Quest (Timothy Zahn)
Chapters 1 27
Red Sky, Blue Flame (G7 short story: Elaine Cunningham)*
Red Sky, Blue Flame (G7 short story: Elaine Cunningham)*
*NOTE: See note with story summary above.
Junior Jedi Knights (youth novel series: Nancy Richardson & Rebecca Moesta)
"First Cycle" (youth novel trilogy: Nancy Richardson)
The Golden Globe (youth novel: Nancy Richardson)
Chapters 1 16
Lyric's World (youth novel: Nancy Richardson)
Chapters 1 17
Promises (youth novel: Nancy Richardson)
Chapters 1 18
23 ABY
Jysella Horn is born to Corran and Mirax Horn.
(conjecture based on Omen)
Jagged Fel, son of Soontir Fel and Syal Antilles, takes command of his own Chiss starfighter
squadron. Dubbed Spike Squadron, this will be the command that begins to give young Fel a
taste of command.
(conjecture based on Ruin)
Vistal Purn has his last contact with Dax Doogun.*
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)*
*NOTE: They have not spoken in at least 20 years as of 43 ABY.
According to the lies told by the P’w’eck Lothwin during the time of the consecration of
Bakura by the Ssi-ruuk, it was at this time that the P’w’eck, led by the Keeramak, officially
declared victory over their Ssi-ruuk oppressors.
(conjecture based on Refugee)
According to a Parking Conservation Fund report 45 years ago, this is around the time when
no more parking lots will exist on Coruscant, due to urban development.
(conjecture based on HoloNet News, Volume 531, Number 54)
The Medtech FX1- that will work on Tobb Jadak twenty years from now enters service.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
At around age five, Flitcher Poste is taught to use a song to keep track of his belongings,
since he has so few that he is hurt greatly each time any item is lost or stolen.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
Salia Arden-Govia, niece of Bix Arden-Govia, enters the militias starfighter training on
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)*
*NOTE: This assumes that militia training takes approximately two years.
Sacrev Quest is found and executed by Jeng Droga. Subsequently, Jeng Droga is killed by
Kyle Katarn. (To be continued below . . . )
(conjecture based on Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
The Vagaari begin using Vong biotech.
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 713
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
Although the New Republic is not yet aware of the Second Imperium, nor of the individuals
posing as Royal Guardsmen, and in turn using the visage of Palpatine, to command the
Second Imperials, Kir Kanos, the true last surviving member of the Guardsmen does become
aware of the false Guardsmen’s activities. He works in secret to undermine and eliminate
their false Empire.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
At fourteen, Jacen and Jaina Solo begin their training at the Jedi Academy. Along with them
are Tenel Ka, daughter of Teneniel Djo and Isolder, and Raynar Thul, son of Bornan and
Aryn Thul. After their first month of training, Han Solo and Chewbacca bring in a new Jedi
student, Lowbacca, Chewie's nephew. Along with Lowie comes MTD, a small translation
droid (fluent in over six forms of communication) created by Chewie and C-3PO and bearing
the personality one could expect from Threepio's "progeny." With the gift of a T-23
Skyhopper to Lowie, the stage is set for the young Jedi Knights to gallivant about Yavin IV.
On Lowie's first time out he notices a crashed TIE fighter. It would appear, upon
investigation, to be a remnant of the Battle of Yavin. They decide that it would be fun to have
their own TIE, so the group begins repairs to make the TIE spaceworthy. No sooner do they
reach the final stages of repairs, than the pilot of the TIE, Qorl, emerges from the jungle to
take Tenel Ka, Jacen and Jaina prisoner. He wishes to rejoin the Empire (not knowing that it
is basically a shell of what it once was) and forces the trio to complete repairs so he can
return to space. The young Jedi don't fully cooperate, however. While pretending to do their
best at completing the repairs, they make it spaceworthy, but botch some of the smaller
repairs and leave a crystal snake (an almost invisible creature) in the TIE's cockpit. When
Lowie reaches the academy and brings back the Millennium Falcon to rescue his fellow
students, Qorl is forced to flee in the not-quite-fixed TIE, with the crystal snake trapped in the
cockpit with him. The students return to the Jedi Academy, safe, but knowing that Qorl is still
out there somewhere.
(Heirs of the Force)
Shortly after the incident with Qorl, Tenel Ka receives a visit from Ambassador Yfra of the
Hapes Cluster. While Tenel Ka is in the meeting, Jacen, Jaina, Lowie, and MTD take a visit
to GemDiver Station, a new venture by Lando Calrissian, where Corusca gems are mined
from the mists of the gas giant Yavin. Jacen manages to get a gem, but moments later the
operation is attacked by an Imperial fleet (which is part of the Second Imperium, not the
Galactic Empire, upon later observation), led by Tamith Kai, a Nightsister from Dathomir.
The Imperials manage to kidnap the young Jedi Knights and take them coreward to the
Shadow Academy, a space station set up as a Dark Side version of Luke's Jedi Academy. It
would appear that Qorl, upon finding the Second Imperium, told its leaders of the Jedi
Academy and its students, prompting the kidnapping raid. The cloaked academy is run by a
Dark Jedi named Brakiss, who was a former student of Luke Skywalker while he was placed
in the Jedi Academy as an Imperial spy. Brakiss begins trying to train the young Jedi to be
Dark Jedi, eventually pitting disguised Lowie and Jacen in combat with each other,
unbeknownst to them. Back at Yavin IV, Luke and Tenel Ka decide to go to Dathomir for
clues as to the whereabouts of this new Nightsister, only to find that an entire new clan of
Nightsisters is being trained. Tamith Kai takes Luke and Tenel Ka (undercover) to the
Shadow Academy, just as the children begin their escape from the facility. The rejoined
group of Luke, Jacen, Jaina, Lowie, and Tenel Ka fight their way through the station and
make their escape in an advanced Imperial ship known as the Shadow Chaser. Once back
at the Jedi Academy, one thought pervades the atmosphere--a new foe has risen from the
ashes of the old Empire.
(Shadow Academy)
Taking a break from their studies, the young Jedi head for Coruscant to visit Leia Solo, Han
Solo, Chewbacca, and Anakin Solo. Jaina is also anxious to see Zekk, a young man who is
a frequent traveling companion of Peckhum aboard the Lightning Rod. When they reunite
with Zekk, they go on a search for a hawk-bat egg is the lower levels of Coruscant. They find
one but are nearly caught by a group of rough-and-tumble orphans of the lower levels known
as the Lost Ones. Upon returning with the egg and placing it into incubation, the group eats
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 714
at a diplomatic dinner organized by Leia Organa Solo. Upon making a fool of himself via his
manners, Zekk runs away. He is found in the streets by Tamith Kai, who shows him that he
has Jedi potential just as Jacen, Jaina, and their new friends do. Thus planting the seed in
Zekk's mind that his friends were hiding the fact from him, Tamith Kai takes Zekk to the
Shadow Academy and begins training him to be a Dark Jedi. At about the same time as
Zekk's recruitment, the New Republic vessel Adamant is captured in the skies over
Coruscant by Imperial forces. Soon thereafter another spacegoing incident occurs with
seemingly no explanation--a cargo shuttle outbound from Coruscant seems to run into
nothing and is destroyed. When Peckhum sees the young Jedi soon thereafter, he tells them
that he is worried about Zekk. The Jedi figure that he must have been taken by the Lost
Ones they had offended, and return to Lost One territory only to find a Dark Side enthralled
Zekk recruiting Lost Ones to join the Second Imperium. Zekk and the Lost Ones allow the
Jedi to live only to spread the word that the Empire is returning. Once the children are back
outside Lost One territory, they realize that the Shadow Academy could be cloaked over
Coruscant, explaining the shuttle's destruction and ease with which Zekk and the Lost Ones
seem to think they will have in traveling to the academy. The New Republic forces and Jedi
manage to make the Shadow Academy visible just as Brakiss orders it's departure from
Coruscant, allowing it to escape again. He does this under the orders, by all appearances, of
Emperor Palpatine, seeming to have resurrected himself (or saved himself) again. The
young Jedi Knights return to the Jedi Academy after hearing a message from Zekk. He
appears to have decided that the Second Imperium is where he should be, since the New
Republic never cared for him as an individual. Yet another new Dark Jedi has joined the
Shadow Academy's ranks.
(The Lost Ones)
Against his better judgment, Luke Skywalker decides to accelerate his students' training to
prepare them for the foreseen battle with the Shadow Academy. (To be continued below . . . )
Luke Skywalker delivers direct instruction on the construction of lightsabers to Jacen Solo,
Jaina Solo, Tenel Ka, Lowbacca, and Raynar Thul. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Against his better judgment, Luke Skywalker decides to accelerate his students' training to
prepare them for the foreseen battle with the Shadow Academy. Each of the four young Jedi
Knights fashion their own lightsabers. Jaina creates a crystal for her lightsaber, Jacen uses
his Corusca gem, Lowie takes one from a holoemitter, and Tenel Ka takes hers from inside a
volcano. Once the sabers are complete, they begin their practicing. During one training
session, Tenel Ka's hastily constructed lightsaber gives out on her while dueling Jacen and
Jacen inadvertently severs her left arm. Soon thereafter, Ta'a Chume, Tenel Ka's
grandmother, arrives to take her back to Hapes, thinking her unfit to be a Jedi. The other
three young Jedi won't even touch their lightsabers again until Tionne relates to them the
story of Nomi Sunrider's aversion to the weapon. On Hapes, Ta'a Chume, having sent
Isolder and Teneniel Djo away to avoid assassination threats, begins trying to get Tenel Ka to
accept both an artificial left arm and her royal destiny. She will have neither. On Yavin IV,
the three remaining young Jedi wish to see Tenel Ka again, so Luke agrees to take them to
Hapes. Somewhere in space, Zekk, the Lost Ones, and a Dathomirian boy named Vilas train
at the Shadow Academy. Zekk and Vilas are the top students of Brakiss and Tamith Kai,
respectively, while some of the Lost Ones train to be Dark Jedi and others to be
stormtroopers in the Second Imperium's army, bringing back the glorious reign of the Empire,
or so Palpatine, via hologram, suggests. On Hapes, all four of the children are reunited and
they begin to reconcile their emotions over the training incident. Soon, a bomb goes off,
intending to kill Tenel Ka, and she and the young Jedi are raced to Reef Fortress. While in a
wavespeeder, they find themselves attacked by monstrous seaweed, only to learn that the
speeder was programmed to go to that location, most definitely by Ambassador Yfra. They
are then accompanied by Ta'a Chume on a mission to kill the assassins and return to find
Yfra announcing Ta'a Chume's "death" before the fact. Yfra is promptly taken into custody.
Soon, Isolder and Teneniel Djo return to find that their daughter has accepted her heritage,
but will remain at the Jedi Academy. At the Shadow Academy, Zekk and Vilas have a duel
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 715
as their final test which will determine which of these top two students will become the
Shadow Academy's Darkest Knight. Zekk wins, killing Vilas in the process. His destiny
seems set. The young Jedi Knights, meanwhile, return to Yavin IV. Tenel Ka bears a newly-
-and painstakingly--constructed lightsaber. The training must go on.
Welk becomes Tamith Kai’s new top student.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
The time has come for Lowie's sister Sirrakuk (Sirra) to enter the lower levels of the Kashyyyk
jungle and take the fibers from a deadly syren plant. Lowie had done this during his early
adolescence, but when his "interest" (and Sirra's close friend) Raabakyysh (Raaba) tried to
do the same, she was never heard from again. Lowie can only believe that she must be
dead, and does not wish the same fate on his sister. When Han Solo and Chewbacca arrive
to take Lowie to Kashyyyk, Jacen, Jaina, and Tenel Ka insist on joining him. Han remains
with the Millennium Falcon, and, under the care of Chewbacca, the Jedi Knights head in the
Shadow Chaser to Kashyyyk. They exit hyperspace in the midst of an ion storm that does
minor damage to the ship, but they make it safely to Kashyyyk. At the Shadow Academy,
Zekk receives his first mission from Master Brakiss. He is to go on a raid (using Wookiee
holo-disguises) to enter a New Republic fabrication facility and gain intelligence, guidance
systems, and tracking systems. The facility is on Kashyyyk, once again placing him in
proximity to his old friends. The mission is to be carried out by Zekk, troops under his
command, and three Nightsisters--Tamith Kai, Vonnda Ra, and Garowyn. On Kashyyyk, the
young Jedi meet with Sirra, and she and Lowie's parents, Mahraccor and Kallabow. Soon
thereafter, while repairing the Shadow Chaser, they realize that they can get parts they need
from the fabrication facility and proceed to the facility to do just that. While there, they learn
that the facility is helping to bring older ships, like Y-wings, back into fighting condition in case
they are necessary to face the Second Imperium. Back at the Shadow Academy, Brakiss
receives important news--Emperor Palpatine will be arriving shortly. When the expected
shuttle arrives, four Royal Guards emerge bearing a casket-like mechanism bearing, they
say, Palpatine, who does not wish to be disturbed during his time on the station. The attack
on the fabrication facility begins, and Lowie, Jacen, Tenel Ka, and Sirra race there to help
fend off the invaders. At the Shadow Chaser, Chewie and Jaina are confronted by Garowyn
as she tries to retake the ship, which is not yet able to lift off. A struggle ensues, ending
when Garowyn's head is smacked into a tree trunk. She either is unconscious when she falls
from there into the deadly lower depths of the jungle, or the blow killed her and her lifeless
body fell. Either way, Garowyn is no more. At the facility, the remaining Jedi Knights and
Sirra, after shooting down TIEs, come face to face with Vonnda Ra and Zekk, but manage to
escape the confrontation by heading into the lower levels of the jungle through an escape
hatch. As the battle on Kashyyyk rages, Brakiss attempts to contact Palpatine on the
Shadow Academy station. The voice of Palpatine informs him that he should know his place
and not forget that when the station was created, it was rigged with explosives that could
destroy the entire station, if necessary. Brakiss reluctantly backs down. Back on Kashyyyk,
Lowie, Sirra, Jacen, and Tenel Ka are confronted in the jungle by stormtroopers, Vonnda Ra,
and Zekk. They manage to escape again when Jacen uses the Force to cause a jungle
creature to distract them. Jaina and Chewie have just arrived, however, and Zekk senses
their approach. He will wait to face Jaina. Vonnda Ra follows the quartet lower in the jungle
and in the ensuing struggle is eaten by a syren plant. In the last moments before the plant
closes, Sirra grabs fibers from the inside of the plant, completing her rite of passage. The
group heads for the "surface" level. Jaina, now separated from Chewie, who is heading for
the surface as well, is met by Zekk. Zekk lets her live, though, telling her that the Shadow
Academy will soon destroy the Jedi Academy. Zekk leaves, informing the others that he
killed Jaina. The young Jedi reunite and head for Yavin IV. At the Shadow Academy,
Palpatine, still in seclusion, orders Brakiss to set course for Yavin IV.
(Darkest Knight)
At the Jedi Academy, the rush is on to prepare for the upcoming arrival of the Shadow
Academy. Tenel Ka gives crash courses in ground combat. The Solo twins help set up
planetary shield generators. Even Peckhum helps, arriving with a last load of supplies just as
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 716
the Shadow Academy enters the system and begins orbiting Yavin IV. The Imperials jam all
communications, cutting the Jedi Academy off from their only sources of reinforcements. The
Jedi evacuate the Great Temple that serves as the home of the Academy and race into the
jungles to prepare for a ground assault. Two TIEs manage to damage the shield generators,
and Dark Jedi, aboard battle platforms, descend upon Yavin IV. Realizing that they must call
for reinforcements or all might be lost, Jacen takes Peckhum's Lightning Rod in an attempt to
fly beyond the range of the Shadow Academy's jamming. Jaina turns to her mechanical
abilities and begins work repairing the shield generator. Noting that Tamith Kai, second in
command of the Shadow Academy, is aboard a battle platform, Tenel Ka and Lowie race to
his T-23 Skyhopper to attack the platform. They manage to get themselves shot down, but
Tamith Kai takes up the challenge and rushes to duel Tenel Ka, whom she believes is a
traitor to Dathomir. Zekk is also on the scene, easily tossing Raynor Thul aside and into the
muck of a nearby riverbank. In space, Jacen is almost out of the jamming range, when he is
attacked by Norys, former leader of the Lost Ones and currently Qorl's protégé, in a TIE.
Qorl will not have his student deviating from the mission to destroy the Academy itself, and
summarily executes Norys by destroying his TIE. Jacen, subsequently, makes it out of
jamming range and sends out a distress call. On the ground, Tenel Ka defeats Tamith Kai,
as Brakiss challenges Luke Skywalker to a duel at the Temple of the Blue Leaf Cluster. He
accepts and the duel begins. New Republic and GemDiver Station reinforcements arrive just
as Imperial reinforcements arrive. A space battle begins, but the Imperials tend to be winning
because of their use of stolen technology to partially control the Republic ships' computers.
At the Temple of the Blue Leaf Cluster, Luke destroys Brakiss' lightsaber and instead of
yielding, Brakiss flees back to the Shadow Academy in defeat. In space, Lando, leading the
GemDiver forces, realizes how the Imperials are using their own ships against them and uses
their own tactic against them to lower the shields of all combatants. With the element of
surprise against them, the Imperials are defeated in space, including Qorl, who is shot down
onto Yavin IV again, where he will spend the rest of his life. Brakiss arrives back on the
Shadow Academy station and storms to Palpatine's quarters. He kills three of the Royal
Guards on the way in only to find that Palpatine was never there. The Royal Guards, if that is
what the con men truly were, had been using a holographic representation of the former
Emperor to run the Second Imperium, in the hopes that they may someday rule a new
Galactic Empire. The last of the four Royal Guards, gravely injured, manages to activate the
station's explosives and the Shadow Academy, Royal Guards, Brakiss, and Second Imperium
itself are no more. On Yavin IV, with their leaders gone, the Imperial forces are being
mopped up. The final confrontation comes when Zekk, knowing that bomb has been placed
in the Great Temple, tries to keep Jaina out of it, and the two old friends duel, a confrontation
which ends when Jaina defeats him and realizes that he wants to die. She offers him her life
to keep from having to kill him. He almost takes her up on it, but sees the Lightning Rod
returning in one piece. The emotions carried with seeing the ship returning safely, causes
him to begin to surrender, just as the bomb explodes. Zekk is injured greatly in the explosion.
The battle is over. Later, the Jedi begin to rebuild, rejoicing in the fact that they survived,
even Zekk, who has now been turned from the Dark Side by his own remorse over his
actions and love for his friends. Zekk is to be the newest student of the Jedi Academy,
though the explosions physical effects will take a while to heal.
(Jedi Under Siege)
Junior Jedi Knights [continued] (youth novel series: Nancy Richardson & Rebecca
"Second Cycle" (youth novel trilogy: Rebecca Moesta)
Anakin's Quest (youth novel: Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 14
Vader's Fortress (youth novel: Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 14
Kenobi's Blade (youth novel: Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 15
Young Jedi Knights (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 717
Rise of the Shadow Academy (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Heirs of the Force (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 22
Shadow Academy (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 19
Legacy of the Force (novel series: Aaron Allston & Karen Traviss & Troy Denning)
Invincible [continued] (novel: Troy Denning)
Young Jedi Knights [continued] (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca
Rise of the Shadow Academy [continued] (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson &
Rebecca Moesta)
Shadow Academy [continued] (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca
Chapters 20 22
The Lost Ones (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 22
Lightsabers (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapter 1
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Jedi [continued]
Lightsabers [continued]
Lightsaber Construction
Young Jedi Knights [continued] (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca
Lightsabers (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 2 6
Legacy of the Force [continued] (novel series: Aaron Allston & Karen Traviss & Troy
Invincible [continued] (novel: Troy Denning)
Interlude 1
Young Jedi Knights [continued] (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca
Rise of the Shadow Academy [continued] (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson &
Rebecca Moesta)
Lightsabers [continued] (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 7 21
Darkest Knight (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 22
Jedi Under Siege (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 26
24 ABY
Fala, daughter of Hallaf is born.*
(conjecture based on Conviction)*
*NOTE: She “might have been as old as twentyas of Conviction.
Thei is born, presumably on Nam Chorios.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
As the Diversity Alliance grows in power, Jedi Knight Eelysa leaves Barab I, but her student
Saba Sebatyne remains behind to teach Krazov Hara, Bela Hara, and Tesar Sebatyne.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the New Jedi Order)
Baran Do Sage Master Koro Ziil introduces the idea of Tokra Hazz’s underground cell of
Baran Do Sages to Charsae Saal, intending to bring Charsae into their fold one day, just as
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 718
Koro Ziil will join them (and lead them) eventually.*
(conjecture based on Outcast)*
*NOTE: I have rounded “nearly twenty years ago” to 19 years prior to Outcast.
The Nosaurians of New Plympto join the Diversity Alliance, owing to their anti-human feelings
from the Empire’s time on the planet.
(conjecture based on Star by Star and The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life:
The Nosaurians)
During the operation to determine Stavin Thaals loyalties two decades from now, Garik
“Face” Loran will offer to donate a computer application from this year that was never given to
his superiors as his cover to get access to information on Thaal’s activities.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Around this time is the last time that the docking bays on Level 34 in Treema on Klatooine
are updated, thanks to how the Hutts will be rocked by the Yuuzhan Vong War and
essentially abandon all but the most basic connection with their slave species, such as those
on Klatooine.
(conjecture based on Allies)
At Mad Anghus Fun Public House, and old stormtrooper laments the loss of the Empire. A
young punk calls him out, though, insisting that the Empire was weak since it was taken down
by Ewoks. The stormtrooper explains the “truth” behind the “ferocious” Ewoks and their
barbaric battle tactics. He ends his tirade by being thankful that the debris from the Death
Star II would have wiped out the forest moon, but the punk reminds him that such an event is
only a legend. The Rebels made sure the Ewoks and the forest moon were safe from the
possible apocalypse that the Battle of Endor may have otherwise caused.*
(Apocalypse Endor)*
*NOTE: I place this story here because the heckler in the story was a child when the Battle of Endor took place,
and now looks to be in his late teens or early twenties, and the former soldier in the story looks to be in his later
years as well.
Garbage salvagers at the remnants of the planet Byss discover a copy of the Jedi textbook
The Jedi Path that is then provided to Luke Skywalker. Luke begins to study the book, which
includes notes from all of its previous owners, and he adds some of his own. The book is
particularly special because it once belonged to Yoda (who taught Luke directly), Thame
Cerulian (Jedi Master to the fallen Jedi and Sith Lord Dooku), Dooku (Sith Lord Darth
Tyranus), Qui-Gon Jinn (Luke’s teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi’s own Jedi Master), Obi-Wan
Kenobi (who taught Luke directly), Anakin Skywalker (Luke’s own father), and Ahsoka Tano
(who had been Lukes father’s apprentice). Palpatine had apparently kept the copy after the
Jedi Purge due to its heritage, and Palpatines own comments are scrawled on its pages as
well. Luke writes an introductory note for the book, which is dated “ABY 24:3:7.” He also
writes a short note about why the pages about the prophecy of the Chosen One have been
torn out, likely by Palpatine.*
(conjecture based on The Jedi Path and comments by Dan Wallace on his blog)*
*NOTE: One wonders if the month of 3 means that this is almost exactly at the beginning of the year (since ANH
was set in Month 3) or if theABY” notation would meant that it is in Month 6 (Month 3 for ANH plus 3 months
after that).
Zekk returns to the Jedi Academy after being treated for the wounds he sustained during the
Shadow Academy's assault on Yavin IV. Anakin has arrived as well, to help with repairs. Not
knowing what to do with his life anymore, Zekk uses the Lightning Rod (given to him by
Peckhum as a gift) to return to Ennth, his home planet. Tenel Ka receives a ship as well, the
Rock Dragon, presented to her by her mother and father. Han Solo comes by to inform
Raynar Thul that his father, Bornan Thul, has gone missing. Others are interested in his
whereabouts as well, as across the galaxy, Nolaa Tarkona, head of the Diversity Alliance, a
fascist regime bent on reversing the discrimination the Empire carried out on non-humans
and creating an anti-human Empire of their own, has hired Boba Fett (actually Ailyn Vel,
masquerading as Fett) to find Thul, offering him an amazingly high price. Back on Yavin IV,
Tenel Ka, Raynar, Lowie, Jacen, and Jaina decide to use the Rock Dragon to go to Alderaan
and pick up a shard of the former planet to give Leia Organa Solo for her upcoming birthday.
On Ennth, Zekk is forced to go through the horrible time when Ennth's moon is too close to
the planet and wreaks havoc on the world. The residents of Ennth simply prepare to rebuild
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 719
and get on with life until the next time the event occurs, but Zekk cannot live with that kind of
situation, and he leaves the planet. When the group of young Jedi Knights reach Alderaan,
they find a suitable shard to take home, but are then attacked by Boba Fett in Slave IV, who
wants the location of Bornan Thul. The Rock Dragon is maneuvered into an asteroid to hide,
but Fett blasts his way in to confront them. When they cannot tell him what he wants, he
decides to use the children as hostages to bargain for Thul's location from Han Solo, who is
even now being drawn to the location by a Rock Dragon distress call. MTD is able to scan
Boba Fett's computer, just as he'd scanned theirs, and in the distraction, the Jedi escape and
warn Han not to approach. An angered Fett nearly destroys them, but at the last moment the
Lightning Rod appears. Zekk manages to cause Fett to retreat. Upon learning that Thul is
being hunted by a multitude of bounty hunters after the "big prize," Zekk decides to become a
bounty hunter himself. The young Jedi return to Yavin IV and present their gift to Leia.
(Shards of Alderaan)
Talon Karrde installs a sensor shroud on the Wild Karrde.
(conjecture based on Conquest via TimeTales, paraphrased)
From the Thul trading fleet, in hiding in deep space, comes a call to Raynar from his mother
Aryn. She wants him to be with the family where he will be safe. Luke and the young Jedi
Knights take Raynar to the fleet command ship, the Tradewyn, aboard the Shadow Chaser.
On Ryloth, an angered Nolaa Tarkona learns of the events that transpired in the Alderaan
system, while she is engaged in bringing new species into the Diversity Alliance. On the
Tradewyn, Luke has left on the way back to the Jedi Academy, but the young Jedi have
stayed behind with Raynar. Soon, a transmission is detected from within the ship, and a
bounty hunter's ship approaches, demanding that the Thuls turn over either Aryn or Raynar to
him. They realize it must have been an inside job to call the bounty hunter, and they soon
find Kusk, the ship's helmsman, trying to kidnap Raynar. The Jedi stop him and the Thul fleet
destroys the bounty hunter's ship--being piloted by Kusk's partner, his brother. The Jedi then
set out for Kuar, where Bornan Thul was supposed to meet someone before his
disappearance. On Borgo Prime, Zekk has also found a lead to Bornan Thul. He decides to
follow it up, hoping to make a name for himself, and goes to Gammalin. Once there, he
witnesses a scene of carnage as a plague has wiped out the population of the world. While
searching for clues about what happened, he is confronted by Boba Fett (Ailyn Vel). On
Kuar, the young Jedi find a piece of Bornan's clothing and an ominous message that Bornan
cannot be found or all humans will perish. They then meet Raaba, an old friend of Lowie's,
who is supposed to be dead. She explains that she failed her rite of passage on Kashyyyk
and fled in disgrace, eventually joining the Diversity Alliance (which she tells the group
about). On Gammalin, Fett decides not to kill Zekk because his actions at Alderaan were
honorable. Together, the two bounty hunters search for clues and find a message from an
alien which informs them that the plague was brought to the planet by him on accident, on
orders of Nolaa Tarkona. When he was jailed by the humans on the planet, but the humans
all died of the plague, he was left to die in prison with no one to give him sustenance. The
only one who knows how to stop the spread of this plague, it seems, is Bornan Thul.
Knowing this, Fett and Zekk part ways. On Kuar, the Jedi are attacked by large arachnids,
but are saved by the sudden arrival of Tyko Thul, Bornan's brother. No sooner are they
saved, however, than they are attacked by as ship piloted, apparently, by IG-88. The droid
takes Tyko prisoner and escapes Kuar. Raaba also escapes, leaving Lowie and his human
friends and heading back to the Diversity Alliance. Unknowing of what to do next, the Jedi
return to Yavin IV.
(Diversity Alliance)
Soon after the events on Gammalin and Kuar, the Jedi are joined on Yavin IV by Raynar.
Lowie calls his sister Sirra and informs her that Raaba is alive. On Borgo Prime, Zekk has
returned and is hired by a mysterious, disguised man to find Tyko Thul and deliver a
message to the Thul family. With a little deduction, Zekk realizes that the employer is Bornan
Thul himself. On Yavin IV, Raaba arrives and convinces Lowie to go with her to Kashyyyk.
Shortly thereafter, Luke arrives with Lusa, a young Force-sensitive alien that Jacen and Jaina
had known since the battle with Hethrir. She informs them that she was a part of the
Diversity Alliance and has decided to leave, against the wishes of the Alliance. Zekk heads
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 720
for Ziost to look for the Thuls. He is attacked by Dengar, but is able to escape and get the
message out to Aryn Thul. On Ryloth, Nolaa Tarkona's plans continue. She intends to use a
plague created by Evir Derricote for Emperor Palpatine that even Palpatine was afraid of. It
has the ability to kill only humans and is extremely lethal. She now must find Bornan Thul
because only he knows where she can find the depot which holds the Emperor's old stores of
this plague. Zekk goes to Tatooine to speak with Boba Fett (Ailyn Vel). After speaking with
Fett, Zekk believes that he will do what a true bounty hunter would do--find Tyko Thul, get
paid for the job, and then bring Bornan Thul to Nolaa Tarkona as well. On Yavin IV, Raynar
decides that in his uncle Tyko's absence, he will run Mechis III, Tyko's droid-manufacturing
factory world. Upon arriving with his fellow young Jedi, he is stunned to find Tyko alive and in
seclusion. IG-88 was found by Tyko on Mechis III and simply reprogrammed to serve him.
When he needed to go into seclusion to look for his brother, he had used the droid as a
means to take himself out of the picture. He hopes that his own "kidnapping" will bring
Bornan out of hiding. He and the Jedi talk about what to do about Bornan, while Tyko
upgrades MTD's systems. Zekk soon arrives and is reunited with his friends, only to be
followed by Dengar, who attacks them all. The Jedi are able to drive him away, and they all
set out on their own to find Bornan Thul--a reprogrammed IG-88 in his own ship, Zekk in the
Lightning Rod, and the young Jedi in the Rock Dragon, from which they contact Isolder and
Teneniel Djo on Hapes to look for aid. And what of Lowie? While the Jedi were being
attacked on Mechis III, Raaba and Lowie made it to Kashyyyk, met with Sirra's brother, and
then Raaba convinced them both to go with her to Ryloth, to meet Nolaa Tarkona.
(Delusions of Grandeur)
After speaking with Ta'a Chume, Tenel Ka's grandmother, the young Jedi Knights realize that
the Diversity Alliance must be stopped, and Lowie must be rescued from its clutches. Upon
arriving at Ryloth, they leave the Rock Dragon to be captured and venture into the Alliance's
facility. Once inside they find Tarkona's weapon storehouse and realize that she is preparing
for all-out war with the New Republic. They are shortly found by Raaba, who takes them to
Tarkona without Lowie or Sirra ever knowing they are there. Tarkona sentences them to
slavery in the ryll mines. Far from Ryloth, Zekk informs Bornan Thul that he knows who he is.
Thul tells Zekk the story of how he found out about Palpatine's human-specific plague and
gives Zekk the navicomputer that Tarkona wants. He hopes that Zekk can get it to the right
people in time to stop Tarkona from finding the storehouse and carrying out her plans of
genocide. Zekk arrives on Yavin IV, just as a Diversity Alliance assassin tries to kill Lusa.
With the Diversity Alliance's plans now fully known, Luke, Lusa, and Zekk head for Ryloth to
rescue the Jedi. On Ryloth, Sirra and Lowie find the Rock Dragon and realize that the other
are on the planet. They help the others to escape to the surface, where they are picked up
by the rescue team. They bring a Twi'lek named Kur with them, who wishes to defect to the
New Republic and tell them all he knows about the Diversity Alliance. An emergency session
of the Senate is called to determine how to face this new threat.
(Jedi Bounty)
The Senate session is held and the Solo children testify. Many senators refuse to believe the
children's claims, but the Senate decides to send an investigation team to Ryloth to get its
own information. Zekk and Raynar Thul proceed from Yavin IV to Bornan Thul's hideout, but
learn that Boba Fett (Ailyn Vel) has beaten them there and taken the coordinates to the
plague storehouse from Thul's computer. Fett gives this information to Nolaa Tarkona and
she takes the Diversity Alliance's armada (leaving the Ryloth base virtually empty). Only a
small amount of Diversity Alliance personnel remain on-planet to stall the New Republic
investigators. The young Jedi Knights and Diversity Alliance fleet race to the storehouse
asteroid, while the Jedi send out a call to the Republic fleet giving them the location. The
Jedi arrive first and set enough explosives to destroy the facility. Upon investigation, though,
they find that it is not only a human-specific plague that is stored in the facility, but plagues for
dozens of species. The storehouse could literally hold the key to the extinction of all life in
the galaxy. Lowie, MTD, Bornan, Raynar, and Zekk remain on the asteroid when Nolaa's
forces arrive, while the others leave in the Rock Dragon. Those left behind prepare to
destroy the plagues themselves, because Nolaa's forces have arrived and begun dismantling
the bombs. When Tarkona finds Bornan Thul, she murders him with the human-specific
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 721
plague and all Raynar can do is watch helplessly. Lowie, still trying to destroy the plagues,
finds that IG-88, in his mission to find Thul, has followed them to the asteroid and Lowie
enlists the droids aid in destroying the toxins. The rest of the heroes escape, as does
Tarkona, who is taken away by Raaba. The New Republic fleet has arrived and decimated
Tarkona's fleet and the asteroid, so all she can do is escape with what little of the plague that
she can. Raaba realizes that Nolaa is dying of one of the plagues from the storehouse,
however, and sets a course for as far from any habitable areas as she can. Once there,
Nolaa can die without bringing harm to anyone. She leaves a message behind for Lowie,
telling him that if she survives the journey (and any toxins she might have come into contact
with), she will come back to him. The Diversity Alliance is no more. Back at Yavin IV a short
time later, Raynar is promoted to full Jedi Knight status, and Lusa and Zekk officially enroll as
students of the Jedi Academy. The blossoming couples of Tenel Ka and Jacen, Jaina and
Zekk, and Raynar and Lusa are together once again. If only Raaba were there for Lowie, it
would be a very happy ending indeed.
(The Emperor's Plague)
Luke Skywalker comes into possession of the Book of Sith, a book created by Darth Sidious
by combining elements of his own work, comments he made at a later date, and materials
written by Sorzus Syn, Darth Malgus, Darth Bane, Mother Talzin, and Darth Plagueis. Until
now, it had been within a secret chamber within Mount Tantiss on Wayland, but that room
has now been discovered, allowing Luke to recover the book. He reviews the book on his
own at first, only allowing Leia Organa Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker know of its existence.
He then lets New Republic Intelligence know about it, and he agrees to let Wedge Antilles
and Iella Wessiri Antilles also review its material. (For the Antilles benefit, he numbers the
pages while making his own notes in the book.)
(conjecture based on Book of Sith)
Shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Boba Fett (the real one, not Ailyn Vel) emerges
from retirement. He heads for Mandalore, where he takes leadership of the Mandalorian
Protectors, who have stuck to their own area of space for many years. As for the imposter
Boba Fett, his daughter Ailyn Vel, she disappears during the war, and not even her father
knows what happened to her.
(conjecture based on The History of the Mandalorians)
In the fifth month of the year, Boba Fett (the real one, not Ailyn Vel) captures the Rodian
counterfeiter Wac Bur for Gebbu the Hutt in an alley on Coruscant. Meanwhile, on Nar
Shaddaa, Yuuzhan Vong secret agent Nom Anor lingers in the Bar Jaraniz, waiting for a
chance to make contact with the Mandalorians. Soon, Nom Anor’s “wish” comes true, as
Goran Beviin, a Mandalorian warrior, comes to meet with him, even as two other
Mandalorians (a mother and child celebrating the daughter’s coming of age) are in the bar as
well. When Nom Anor starts to bargain and happens to move his hand under the table, both
Beviin and the woman pull their blasters on him, until he reveals no threat. Nom Anor
introduces himself as “Udelen,” with political business with the planet Ter Abbes. “Udelen
wants Beviin to kill the opposition leader on Ter Abbes, a man named Tholote B’Leph, right
before an upcoming election. Beviin knows this will start riots, but his farm on Mandalore is in
dire need of more credits, and Nom Anor is offering 100,000 for this hit. He leaves to run the
mission by the current reigning Mandalore (Mand’alor), Boba Fett, whom he contacts via
hologram from his ship, the Beroya. Fett offers to toss some more work Beviins way to help
him out, not because of generosity, but because it was the right thing to do by a fellow
Mandalorian. Beviin returns to the cantina and takes the job for Nom Anor, accepting half of
the payment up front. When the Mandalorian girl and her mother introduce themselves as
Dinua and Briika Jeban, he learns that they have been left behind by a dead Mandalorian
father, and he makes a note to one day try to help them out, especially if Nom Anor is telling
the truth about having more jobs for him if this one goes well. (To be continued below . . . )*
(A Practical Man)*
*NOTE: This event is said to take place in the “fifth month” of 24 ABY. We have been given no indication, though,
whether this is on a 10-month or 12-month calendar, nor if “fifth month of 24 ABY” means the month that would
be numbered five or five months into the year (since years relative to the Battle of Yavin start on the third
calendar month, not the first). Thus, rather than making an exact date notation here, I’m going to simply place it
here between the two Young Jedi Knights storylines of this year and assume that’s fine for now.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 722
Mandalorian bounty hunter Goran Beviin kills Tholote B’Leph, a political leader on Ter Abbes,
sparking a civil war, thereby fulfilling his contract with “Udelen” (Nom Anor of the Yuuzhan
Vong). Nom Anor begins hiring the Mandalorians for other activities over the next year.
(conjecture based on A Practical Man)
Kyp Durron and Streen, members of Luke Skywalker's first graduating Jedi class, return to
Yavin IV to visit. Knowing that their father would want to see Kyp, the Solo twins send him
word of Kyp's arrival, only to find that Han was already on his way to Yavin IV. While Han is
on his way, Kyp tries to help Zekk in his training. They both had trained, fallen to the Dark
Side, and been redeemed. Now it is time for Zekk to return to training in the Light Side as
Kyp had done. Han Solo arrives and informs the young Jedi students that he will soon be
Grand Marshall of the Blockade Runners Derby on the planet Ord Mantell. He invites the
kids to join him. Upon arrival, they meet Czethros, an old enemy of Han Solo, but Czethros
welcomes them with open arms, it appears. Before the race day, Han takes the Millennium
Falcon and tries to beat an old record on the race course, narrowly missing being destroyed
by space mines set along the route. After a bit of investigation, the race is carried out. The
race is won by Tenel Ka, Jacen, and Zekk. During the ensuing celebration, strange aliens
arrive to steal the mine evidence. During the struggle, a new figure enters wielding a
lightsaber. She is Anja Gallandro. Anja accuses Han of killing her father, and when Han
refutes her claims, she tells him to look for proof on Anobis, a world unaided by the New
Republic. Unbeknownst to Han, he is merely being setup by Anja, whos is in the employ of
Czethros. Her addiction to andris spice has given him the perfect way to keep her in his
thrall. Czethros, it seems, is a high-ranking member in the newest reincarnation of Black
Sun. Han and the others head for Anobis, stopping an arms trader en route, and upon
arrival, visit Anja's mining village. Anja's fellow citizens take our heroes hostage. They have
just become the newest pawns in a civil conflict on the planet. Anja leads a raid on a farming
village and accidentally kills her own village's leader's brother. The mining village's leader
prepares to wipe out all of the people of the farming village, until the Jedi inform him that the
arms trader they stopped, Lilmit, had been supplying both sides in the conflict, simply to
continue the struggle and keep his profits coming in. The miners and farmers begin peace
negotiations. Shortly, Kyp and Streen arrive to help the citizens get rid of their weaponry.
Peace may be in Anobis' future. As for the mysterious Anja, she is offered the opportunity to
study at the Jedi Academy. Czethros now has an inside operative.*
(Return to Ord Mantell)*
*NOTE: See note for Crisis at Crystal Reef.
After her first few weeks of training, Anja still isn't showing sign of Force-ability, but she has
managed to anger both Tenel Ka and Jaina by being the object of attention for both Jacen
and Zekk. Lando Calrissian arrives to offer them a chance to visit his new SkyCenter
Gallaria, an amusement park area he has recently constructed on Cloud City. The children
accept, including Anja. Upon arrival at Cloud City, they learn that Lando's partner, an ex-
smuggler named Cojahn is dead, apparently taking his own life. Lando doesn't believe that
Cojahn would do such a thing, so the Jedi decide to investigate. Lando privately tells the
group (sans Anja) that he believes that Anja is showing signs of andris spice addiction. Anja,
still in league with Czethros, privately contacts Czethros and tells him that if he had anything
to do with Cojahn's death, he should cover it up quickly. Czethros, not wanting his operation
revealed and being the murderer of Cojahn himself, sends agents to Bespin to kill the Jedi
Knights. During their investigation, the Jedi learn that Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes were
scheduled to play at the opening of the Gallaria, but when Cojahn died, they left Cloud City.
Jaina, Zekk, and Lando go to Clak'dor VII to find out why. They find the band in hiding from
Black Sun. Back on Cloud City, the remaining Jedi (sans Anja) are nearly killed by Black Sun
operatives, when they are sent down a garbage chute. Tenel Ka and Lowie manage to save
themselves from falling out of Cloud City, but Jacen cannot. On Clak'dor VII, Lando and
company learn that Black Sun killed Cojahn because Czethros wanted to muscle his way into
SkyCenter's business, and Cojahn wouldn't allow it. With this new information, they head
back to Bespin. On Bespin, Jacen has been saved by M'kim, a thanta rider, who was flying
through Bespin and happened to see Jacen in peril. M'kim takes Jacen to a floating island
and tells him about Czethros' involvement in Cojahn's death. The Lady Luck, Lando's ship,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 723
arrives and takes Jacen back to Cloud City. When they try to check what they have heard
with Cloud City records, they realize that Czethros has tampered with them. They are soon
attacked by chameleon-like creatures and Cloud City guards under the influence of Czethros.
They are able to catch the traitors in the Gallaria, and a warrant is then issued for Czethros'
arrest. M'kim is offered a position in a thanta-riding circus for his aid. The young Jedi and
Anja then head back to Yavin IV. Anja, however, does not share their good humor. She can
no longer count on Czethros for andris spice and she is almost out.*
(Trouble on Cloud City)*
*NOTE: See note for Crisis at Crystal Reef.
Before a diplomatic outdoor ceremony on Monor II, Nom Anor, in his hooded guise, puts
coomb spores into 100 breath masks to infect those who will use them with a deadly disease
to test New Republic species resistance to Yuuzhan Vong bioagents. One of those to use a
mask and become infected is Mara Jade Skywalker, who was acting as bodyguard to a
diplomat. The disease takes various gestation periods in different species, but after two
months, Mara becomes fully infected. Of those stricken, all but Mara and one other infected
person die. Mara uses the Force to hold the disease back, and the other victim is taken to
Coruscant for testing, but continues to decline in health. In hopes of finding a cure to the
disease, Mara visits Cilghal and Tomla El, to no avail.
(conjecture based on Vector Prime and Balance Point)
After the trouble on Cloud City, the young Jedi have had a bit of a break. Zekk has finished
his lightsaber. Peckhum has come for a visit. Times are good. Well, except for Anja's case.
She's going through the painful process of spice withdrawal. Unable to take it anymore, she
steals Zekk's Lightning Rod and heads for Kessel. Her new Jedi friends follow her in Tenel
Ka's Rock Dragon. Anja arrives on Kessel shortly after an attempt is made on the life of Nein
Numb, Chief Administrator of the Kessel mining operations. Once she has disembarked from
the ship, she hunts down the arms trader Lilmit, who had been supplying both sides in the
war on Anobis. Lilmit finally reveals to her that Czethros had been behind the war on Anobis
and that he had an entire stockpile of spice on Calamari, close to the Crystal Reef resort. To
get revenge on Czethros for the deaths his manipulation of Anobis had caused, she heads for
Calamari to sabotage Czethros' operation there. The young Jedi arrive shortly after Anja has
left, and speak to Nien Nunb. Then they find Lilmit and learn where Anja is going. Jaina and
Lowie remain behind to protect Nein Numb, while the rest of the group heads for Calamari.
They have also requested the aid of Ambassador Cilghal, a Jedi Knight who was in Kyp and
Streen's class at the Jedi Academy. Czethros and Black Sun arrive at Kessel as Nein
Numb's own guards turn on him and turn him over. Lowie and Jaina stay out of sight and
eavesdrop, learning that Czethros and Black Sun are preparing to use Black Sun's resources
to start multiple coups across the New Republic within a matter of days, in an attempt to bring
down the New Republic itself. He does not manage to transmit the "go" order for the
operation, however, because MTD is able to destroy Czethros' transmitter. On Calamari, the
Jedi Knights find Anja and Czethros' facility. Together with a sea creature, they destroy the
facility, but become trapped under a polar ice cap. While trapped, Cilghal uses her Jedi
abilities to heal Anja of her withdrawal. Then the Jedi and Anja use their lightsabers to cut
themselves free of the ice. On Kessel, Nein Numb, Jaina, and Lowie turn the tables on
Czethros and chase him into the spice mines. Czethros would rather die than face is
superiors in Black Sun, but freezing him in carbonite allows for him to be taken into custody
alive. Finally, all of the Jedi return to Yavin IV. Upon arriving, they receive a wonderful
surprise. The New Republic has planned a ceremony and celebration to thank them for all
that they have done in their time as Jedi Knights. They are finally ready to graduate and be
full Jedi Knights. As the festivities commence, the Jedi learn that Anakin Solo has figured out
a way to root out the Black Sun coup cells on member worlds, and that Anja has been hired
by Lando as a pilot. The celebration continues, as Tionne sings songs of Jacen, Jaina, Tenel
Ka, Lowie, Zekk, and their friends--the newest members in the new order of Jedi Knights.*
(Crisis at Crystal Reef)*
*NOTE: In Crisis at Crystal Reef, the Solo twins are said to be sixteen years old, in an off-hand remark. Vector
Prime, though (in its internal timeline and references to Lando being out of the picture for a year or so), gives the
impression that Under Black Sun had to have happened 24 ABY, not 25 ABY as the twins’ stated ages imply.
The Crystal, which starts during the ceremony covered at the end of CACR, says that Leia was elected senator
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 724
when she was Jacen and Jaina’s age (which would imply that they are 16 again). Given that all of the internal
timelines have continued to place CACR during 24 ABY instead of 25 ABY, we should simply assume that
Halagad and Anakin (in The Crystal) were rounding up when calling them “sixteen.”
At the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV, a graduation ceremony is held. Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo,
Tenel Ka, Zekk, Lowbacca, Anakin Solo, and their classmates have finally graduated from
the academy. Luke Skywalker has decided to take Jacen and Anakin (recently re-arrived at
the academy for his final training, it seems) as apprentices, much like the Master-Padawan
dynamic of old. Jaina is unsure what she wishes to do, but soon decides to ask Mara Jade
Skywalker if she would take her as an apprentice. Mara is in agreement already. As a
graduation gift, Han Solo presents his daughter with a Z-95 headhunter with plenty of
upgrades. Her first flight will be to meet Han, Leia, and others at Mon Calamari. After the
Millennium Falcon leaves, Jaina leaves, only to be attacked a short distance from Yavin IV by
a crazed cyborg flying an X-wing model. The cyborg says that she is flying a stolen prototype
headhunter called the Onyx Star. The cyborg is somehow trapped thinking it is the past, and
she is forced to blast him to save herself, leaving him extravehicular until she can call for help
for him. Upon arrival at Mon Calamari, Jaina decides to name the ship The Crystal, after
something Mara said about how the crystal of a lightsaber is its core and focus, while she has
the same relationship now with her headhunter.
(The Crystal)
Vilnau Teupt gives the keynote address at the 412
Proceedings of Galactic Anthropology
and History at Brentaal Academy. His address, entitled Industry, Honor, Savagery: Shaping
the Mandalorian Soul, focuses on the development of the Mandalorians from their ancient
roots as the Taungs on Coruscant through their schism of the True Mandalorians into the
True Mandalorians and second version of Death Watch. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
An Arkanian colony is wiped out by stone mites, believe by many to have been created by the
Arkanians during the Clone Wars. The Arkanians join New Republic scientists in combating
the creatures, proving to be the only race with effective methods of stopping them, which
lends further credence to the rumors of their creating the mites.
(conjecture based on Rescued Aliens: Swamp Slug and Stone Mite on the WotC website)
Korraj, a t’landa Til, is injured in the Tertiary Ingo Riots. He loses the euphoria-inducing
ability for which his species is known.
(conjecture based on Race for the Tessent)
Shortly before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, former New Republic Chief-of-State, Mon
Mothma passes away peacefully in her sleep.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
With the threats of Black Sun, the Diversity Alliance, the Second Imperium, and the Galactic
Empire (virtually every known threat) defeated and the galaxy in a state of relative calm, old
friends Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Lando Calrissian part once again in the wake of the Black
Sun crisis. Han and Chewie take the lull to begin revamping (well, un-revamping) the
Millennium Falcon, making it more of a family ship with “extras” than a smuggler’s dream
ship. Meanwhile, Lando sets up yet another profit venture on Dubrillion.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial and Vector Prime)
The Mon Calamari Star Defender Viscount is commissioned.
(conjecture based on Vector Prime)
A major upgrade (R2-Delta) is given to the majority of active R2 series astromechs, in order
to align their systems better with upgrades made to starships, navicomputers, etc. in the time
since the R2 series was first commissioned, decades ago.
(conjecture based on Onslaught)
Just before the Yuuzhan Vong War, security and police services all over the galaxy finally
begin discovering traces of criminal activity, corruption, and illegal business practices that can
be followed back to Marvid and Craitheus Qrephs Galactic Syndicated, but, so far, no one
can determine who actually owns the company.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
Just before the Yuuzhan Vong War, the global war on Altiria/Anarris finally ends after having
reduced the little remaining population to a pre-industrial state.*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 725
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
On the eve of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Czulkang Lah argues against the invasion and
attacks on the infidels, which puts him at odds with his son, Warmaster Tsavong Lah, who at
one time usurped Czulkang’s power to become Warmaster.
(conjecture based on Rebel Dream)
Led by Nom Anor and his Red Knights of Life, the people of Rhommamool begin rebelling
against the oppressive rulers of their sister planet Osa Prime.
(conjecture based on Vector Prime)
Apocalypse Endor [continued] (SWT14 short story: Christian Reed)
Apocalypse Endor [continued] (SWT14 short story: Christian Reed)
Young Jedi Knights [continued] (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca
The Fall of the Diversity Alliance (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca
Shards of Alderaan (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 21
Diversity Alliance (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 20
Delusions of Grandeur (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 22
Jedi Bounty (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 22
The Emperor's Plague (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 29
Boba Fett: A Practical Man (ebook: Karen Traviss)
Boba Fett: A Practical Man (ebook: Karen Traviss)
Young Jedi Knights [continued] (young adult novel series: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca
Under Black Sun (young adult novel trilogy: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Return to Ord Mantell (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 21
Trouble on Cloud City (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 21
Crisis at Crystal Reef (young adult novel: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta)
Chapters 1 22
The Crystal (G5/SWH short story: Elaine Cunningham)
The Crystal (G5/SWH short story: Elaine Cunningham)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
Wars with the Sith
War and the Mandalorians
25 ABY
Leia Organa Solo officially steps down (or doesn’t seek re-election) from the position of Chief
of State of the New Republic. Borsk Feylya becomes the next Chief of State.
(conjecture based on Vector Prime)
As Borsk Feylya becomes Chief of State, Admiral Gial Ackbar retires, disappointed in the
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
Around this time, Elexia Nis’tar’s service as administrator of Haven, the largest mining city on
Iol, ends.*
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. She serves from 6 years before the Clone Wars until the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion. It is unknown whether she steps down or dies.
Around this time, Tol Ferins service as administrator of Menelath, the second largest city on
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 726
Iol, ends.*
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. He serves from 6 years before the Clone Wars until the Yuuzhan
Vong invasion. It is unknown whether he steps down or dies.
At least some of the notations by Luke Skywalker in the Book of Sith are made after Borsk
Fey’lya becomes Chief of State, despite Luke having obtained the book the previous year.
(conjecture based on Book of Sith)
With the Galactic Empire no longer a major threat, and his Jedi students finally able to take
more of the responsibilities of the Jedi Academy off his shoulders, Jedi Master Luke
Skywalker realizes that he is only human, and must eventually pass on into the Force.
Knowing this, he creates a holocron of his own and uses it to create a record of all that he
knows of the history of the Jedi, galactic affairs, the Galactic Civil War, and so on. He will
continue to record his experiences for the remainder of his life. This definitive record of
Luke's era of history will become known as the Skywalker Holocron.*
(conjecture based on abandoned backstory for the Star Wars Chronology)*
*NOTE: Before the license for Star Wars continuation novels switched from Bantam to Del Rey, this was the
general backstory that was in the works for the Star Wars Chronology by Kevin J. Anderson. When the license
switched and problems arose with Lucasfilm, the project was changed from a narrative taking place around 25
ABY and consisting mostly of flashback-esque recountings, into yet another Essential Guide named the
Essential Chronology. The backstory was dropped to make the book more clean-cut, and the project fell into the
hands of Dan Wallace, along with Anderson. Since this is a generally accepted possibility for how the Star Wars
saga finds its way into our own galaxy, I am including it here, despite the Star Wars Chronology never having
been printed with this backstory.
A group of historians calling themselves the New Republic Historical Council begins
compiling a history of the galaxy, which they entitle The Essential Chronology, but emphasize
is simply a work-in-progress.*
(conjecture based on the backstory for The Essential Chronology)*
*NOTE: This is the final, printed backstory for the Essential Chronology.
After graduation from the Jedi Academy, Tenel Ka returns to Hapes.
(conjecture based on Jedi Eclipse)
Around this time, Myri Antilles(age 7) begins flying.*
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)*
*NOTE: This assumes she was born in 18 ABY, which is only a guess based on her being a toddler in Union.
With the return to the Master-Apprentice dynamic among the new Jedi Order, Kam Solusar
takes Octa Ramis as his apprentice. Once she graduates to Knighthood, he will return to
Yavin IV to help administer the academy.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
The XJ X-wing model enters service, improving upon the firepower of the T65B model. The
new model (the T65XJ) enters the hands of elite Star Destroyer and battle cruiser squadrons,
and several fall into Jedi hands, such as those of Luke Skywalker, Kyp Durron, and Miko
(conjecture based on The New Jedi Order Sourcebook)
Kyp Durron takes an apprentice, Miko Reglia, and the two join with twelve non-Jedi
starfighter pilots on the Outer Rim and begin policing pirate activities in the area as the
“Dozen-and-Two” starfighter squadron.
(conjecture based on Vector Prime)
Sometime after the deaths of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, ASharad Hett emerges
from training under the teachings of Xoxaan on Korriban, only to find that the targets of his
revenge, Vader and Palpatine, are dead. Unsure what to do with himself, he leaves for the
Unknown Regions, where he is attacked and captured by a Yuuzhan Vong ship. Inside, he
battles Vong warriors, but he is captured. He spends time in an Embrace of Pain, where he is
also questioned and prodded by the Vong familiar (and former Jedi Knight) Vergere. As an
experiment, the Vong have planted coral seeds within him, leading to pain and a process that
begins to control and consume his body. Vong Shapers will enhance his body to withstand
their experiments, including replacing his left eye with the eye of a Vong creature. In the
Embrace, ASharad has a vision of himself leading an army of Sith to unite the galaxy. He
reveals this to Vergere, who tells him about Luke Skywalker building a new Jedi Order. He
insists that the Sith should be many, one order (the “One Sith), rather than only two
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 727
individuals as Bane proscribed. Vergere will not support this idea, so she leaves him on his
own when she returns with the priestess Falung to go to the main Vong fleet. She will seek
her own apprentice. He frees himself from the Vong and escapes. Instead of warning the
New Republic of the impending Vong invasion, he returns to Korriban to continue training
under the name “Darth Krayt.” There, he will begin creating the One Sith, while one of his
first apprentices, Darth Wyyrlok, will attend to him as he uses many long periods of stasis to
keep the coral implants in his body from consuming him. One day, perhaps decades from
now, the One Sith will emerge to take control of the galaxy once more . . .
(conjecture based on Claws of the Dragon)
Eight weeks before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion begins, Nom Anor (in his guise as “Uleden”)
finally pays a visit to Boba Fett (the reigning Mandalore) in Keldabe, the capital city of
Mandalore. Nom Anor advises Fett that he will be wanting to hire a group of Mandalorians for
mercenary operations in preparation for a war that he says is coming. (To be continued below
. . . )
(A Practical Man)
Just before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Hiram Drayson retires as head of Alpha Blue. He is
replaced by Jan Ors.
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part II: Unsung Heroes of the Light)
Just before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Vergere explains the nature of the Mandalorians (the
third side to the three-edged blade that is often confused with a two-edged blade of just the
Jedi and Sith) to her Yuuzhan Vong superiors.
(conjecture based on A Practical Man)
Preparations are made for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.*
(The Hatred Vector)*
*NOTE: Consider this just a curiosity. The story was canceled and will never see the light of day. Thanks to
Andrew Gordon’s research into these lost stories, though, we can at least pay it tribute here.
Two days before the Yuuzhan Vong begin their invasion, Mandalorians, led by Boba Fett,
wait for their rendezvous with “Udelen (Nom Anor). Among them are Goran Beviin, Briika
Jeban, Dinua Jeban, Cham Detta, Suvar Detta, and Tiroc Vhon. They are met by a startling
fleet of asteroid-like Yuuzhan Vong vessels. When “Udelen” reveals his true identity, he asks
Boba (who will be escorted by Beviin) to join him aboard the lead Vong vessel, so that they
can discuss how the Mandalorians will take part in this invasion and “transforming” of the
galaxy. As they meet Nom Anor, Beviin follows Fetts orders to secretly pick up bits of
samples from around the ship to analyze later. Fett doesn’t believe that the Vong will be able
to succeed in conquering and converting the galaxy, but he’s willing to listen to Nom Anor’s
words as he divulges information about their technology and intentions. Nom Anor wants the
Mandalorians to handle operations that the Vong cant do themselves for various reasons.
Fett and Beviin are repulsed by the Vong (especially after seeing the death of a human slave)
and intend to do what they can to stop them, but Fett makes Nom Anor promise to leave the
Mandalore Sector alone in exchange for their help. Nom Anor accepts, but since Fett knows
he is lying, he is able to phrase his agreement such that he’ll still be able to help thwart the
Vong’s invasion. Nom Anor’s first assignment is for them to secure a landing area at Birgis,
so that the Vong can take the world’s populace as slaves, rather than destroying the
populace from orbit as the Vong would do themselves. Upon leaving, Fett and Beviin talk
strategy. They know that Nom Anor must know that they aren’t going to accept his terms
outright, especially since the Vong society seems to be a polar opposite to Mandalorian
ways. This will be a game of deception, then, as the Mandalorians bide their time and learn
what they can about this new enemy . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(A Practical Man)
Around the time that he is running the Belt-Runner is the last time that Lando Calrissian
hears from Cix Trouvee until the search for the Millennium Falcons former owners.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
With the people of the oppressed world Rhommamool ready to revolt against the oppressors
of the sister planet, Osa Prime, the New Republic is trying to keep the peace. The Mon
Calamari battle cruiser Mediator is in place between the two worlds (which are now close
enough together in their orbits that their land-based missiles can reach from planet to planet).
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 728
Leia Organa Solo, Jaina Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker, and C-3PO arrive in the system aboard
the Jade Sabre, the starship Luke Skywalker built for Mara. Leia is to meet with Nom Anor
(yes, the same alien who caused the assassinations of the Interim Council members 14 years
earlier), who is the leader of the anti-technology, anti-Osarian Rhommamoolians. The
Osarians do not wish her to meet with Nom Anor before she meets with them, fearing it will
give Nom Anor an extra amount of prestige, so they send several fighters to escort the Jade
Sabre to Osa Prime. They take evasive maneuvers to outrun and outwit the fighters, but as
they are getting away, a lone XJ X-wing swoops in and defeats the fighters, increasing
tensions. The pilot is Jedi Knight Wurth Skidder, a loose cannon Jedi. They proceed aboard
the Mediator and meet with Commander Ackdool and prepare to meet Nom Anor. On the
planet Belkadan, on the edge of the Outer Rim, at the ExGal-4 science station, Danni Quee
and her crew observe the edge of the galaxy for extragalactic phenomenon. On her staff is
Yomin Carr, who appears to be human, but is really a Yuuzhan Vong warrior. The Yuuzhan
Vong are a warrior race from beyond the galaxy, who utilize organic technology to an extent
leaps and bounds beyond that of any race in the galaxy. Carr is there to await a signal
coming from the location known as Vector Primethe entry point for the Praetorite Vong (a
Yuuzhan Vong task force made up of warrior and intendant classes) into this galaxy. He
returns to his quarters to contact the Yuuzhan Vong executor, Nom Anor, via villip (an organic
long-range communication device). He is ordered to sever the station’s communications and
prepare to silence the station’s residents as well. In the station, Danni and the others
discover what appears to be an asteroid that has just crossed the galactic barrier and entered
the galaxya phenomenon never before encountered. On Coruscant, Luke Skywalker and
Jacen Solo proceed to the New Republic Council chambers, where Luke speaks with the
Council (now headed by Chief of State Borsk Feylya, and also including: Niuk Niuv;
Triebakk; Cal Omas; Pwoe; Fyor Rodan; and Chelch Dravvad) about his desire to re-institute
the Jedi Council. The councilors are clearly divided on the issue, as many Jedi, especially
those on the Outer Rim who have been making it their personal mission to police the area,
are considered loose cannons. Luke leaves, pondering his plans, and he and Jacen discuss
the nature of the Force. Jacen believes it is more personal than what is taught at the Jedi
Academy, and Luke is coming to recognize that also, as he has moved from simply having
the Academy teach Jedi “courses” into actually reviving the Master-Apprentice dynamic. (For
the sake of clarity, we note that Luke is the Master of Jacen and Anakin Solo, while Mara is
Master to Jaina.) On Rhommamool, Leia, Mara, and the others, meet with Nom Anor. Nom
Anor by no means wishes to come to a peaceful resolution, though, as his main purpose is to
have his aide, Shok Tonoktin, use a newt to determine if Mara is still suffering from the
poison that Nom Anor managed to get into her system a short while earlier. All other people
infected have died already, save one, who is on Coruscant for treatment. Only Mara’s Force-
abilities are allowing her to push back the disease this long, which intrigues Nom Anor, as he
is trying to determine the strengths and weaknesses of this galaxy’s most powerful beings
the Jedi Knights. During the meeting, which ends in Nom Anor leaving after insulting them,
Mara once again detects that Nom Anor appears not to have any connection to the Force.
On Coruscant, Luke and Jacen catch up to Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Anakin Solo at the
Millennium Falcon, as Han and Chewie repair it after Anakin’s rough piloting on the way to
Coruscant. Luke speaks with Han about using Lando Calrissian (who is on the Outer Rim at
his mining operation at Dubrillion and Destrillion and the asteroid belt known as Lando’s
Folly) as a source of information about the smugglers and Jedi out on the Rim. On Belkadan,
the ExGal group discovers that the strange asteroid is on a collision course with the fourth
planet of the Helska system, a planet of mostly ice. Aboard the asteroid, which is actually a
Yuuzhan Vong worldship made of yorik coral, Prefect Da’Gara orders his pilot to accelerate
their speed toward Helska, causing the ExGal workers on Belkadan to believe it to be a
comet that somehow is caught in gravitational forces they had yet to discover. The worldship
reaches Helska IV and impacts on its surface, where it buries itself in the ice, a yammosk
(war coordinator creature) is implanted below the surface, and a Yuuzhan Vong base is
created below the surface of the icy planet. Amazed, the ExGal crew on Belkadan prepare to
take their beat-up Spacecaster shuttle to Helska IV to investigate. The Jade Sabre arrives at
Coruscant as the passengers marvel at the new Mon Calamari Star Defender battleship, the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 729
Viscount. Leia speaks with Mara, who has just felt her disease attack her womb. She fears
that she and Luke will be unable to have children of their own. As they land, Jacen and
Anakin spar aboard the Millennium Falcon, with lightsabers and ideologies. Anakin believes
the Force is more of a tool to help one’s skills, while Jacen still believes it to be more
personal. Shortly thereafter, Leia is informed of the planned trip to see Lando, and they
depart in the Falcon and the Sabre. On Belkadan, Yomin Carr disables communications on
the Spacecaster, and the unknowing passengers (Danni in command) take off for Helska IV.
Garth Breise and Yomin Carr go out to fix ExGal-4’s communications, but as they climb to
where Carr has sabotaged the communications link-ups, Carr sends Garth to his death. A
storm (or what seems to be a storm) is detected on Belkadan and Tee-ubo, Jerem Cadmir,
Luther DeOno, and Bendodi Ballow-Reese leave to investigate the phenomenon. At Osa
Prime and Rhommamool, Nom Anor orders a missile attack on the Osarians, setting Osa
Prime in flames. On their way to Dubrillion, the Falcon and Sabre stop, so that Han and
Chewie can go to Riebold’s Foam and Sizzle and learn about Lando’s activities, to see what
he’s gotten himself into. After learning what they need from Dugo Bagy, they head off for
Dubrillion. On Belkadan, the ExGal group heads for the “storm” and discover that strange
beetle creatures (dweebits, released on the world by Yomin Carr) are somehow effecting the
ecostructure, and all plant leaves are turning to a poisonous vapor. They must warn the
others at ExGal-4. Knowing that they don’t have the necessary oxygen in their masks to
have any single one of them run back to base and survive, Bendodi gives his mask to Jerem
to increase his supply. He then kills Luthor and gives Luthor’s mask to Tee-ubo before
turning his weapon on himself. Tee-ubo and Jerem race for ExGal-4 before Tee-ubo gives
Jerem her mask and dies of the fumes. Jerem, now with enough oxygen to make it back,
hooks up one of the masks to his jetpack (which was not working due to oxygen deprivation)
and flies to ExGal-4 safely. At Helska IV, the Spacecaster arrives, bearing Danni Quee, Cho
Badeleg, and Bensin Tomri. The ship is suddenly attacked by what looks like meteorites but
are actually Yuuzhan Vong starfighters known as coralskippers. They are shot down and
taken below the surface of Helska IV. At ExGal-4, Jerem speaks to Yomin Carr upon arrival,
but Carr deactivates his ooglith masquer (a creature that acts as a living, body-covering suit
to create a false appearance), and reveals his true Yuuzhan Vong form before killing Jerem
and taking his samples inside to be analyzed (or so the others will be made to think before he
kills them as well). Below Helska IV’s surface, Danni faces Da’Gara and witnesses the
deaths of Bensin and Cho. She is all that is left, and she is to be held prisoner. At Dubrillion,
the Falcon and Sabre arrive, and they all meet with Lando. Lando offers Jaina, Jacen, and
Anakin the chance to “run the belt,” flying modified TIE Advanced fighters (with shields
projected around them by Belt-Runner I, a nearby stationa technology that could make
Lando incredibly rich if it is mass produced) through Landos Folly. The record holder for now
is Jedi Knight Kyp Durron, who is on Dubrillion with his apprentice, Miko Reglia. The Solo
kids use the Force and run the belt, with Jaina coming up as the new top pilot, knocking Kyp
to second place. On Belkadan, Yomin Carr murders the rest of the group and awaits orders
from Da’Gara or Nom Anor. At Osa Prime and Rhommamool, Nom Anor and Shok Tonoktin
escape from the area as an attack orchestrated by Nom Anor devastates more of Osa Prime
and causes severe damage to the Mediator. The Osarian-Rhommamool conflict has been
escalated, yet another conflict to keep New Republic attention focused somewhere other than
the Outer Rim. Nom Anor then speaks with Da’Gara and they determine that their next target
for destruction should be the planet Sernpidal, where they can use a gravity well generating
creature (implanted into the planet) to drive the planet and its moon together, wreaking
devastation, just as the Yuuzhan Vong warriors did ages ago to a Yuuzhan Vong rival clan.
They intend to attack planet by planet on their way coreward until they can take over the
galaxy. At Dubrillion, the Solo children speak with Kyp Durron, who offers them a place in his
starfighter squadron, the Dozen-and-Two (12 regular pilots and 2 Jedi), which he and his
apprentice have been leading in policing the area. Jacen and Kyp argue, and then Kyp and
his squadron leave. Shortly thereafter, Lando talks Han and Chewie into running the belt to
prove themselves, and they head into Lando’s Folly. Once they are running the belt, though,
Belt-Runner I loses their signal and their shields go down. Luke races into Lando’s Folly in
another shieldless TIE to find them. He finds them perched on the back of an asteroid, safe,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 730
but shaken. Luke returns to Dubrillion while Lando’s people retrieve Han and Chewie. At a
beacon they had set up, Kyp and the Dozen-and-Two discover that a Spacecaster traveled to
the Helska system recently. Thinking they may be smugglers, they head for Helska IV to
catch up. Upon arrival, though, they are set upon by coralskippers. Their starfighters’ shields
are ripped off by the gravitational weaponry and their ships are attacked by grutchins,
untamed flying creatures. The squadron is decimated. Miko is presumed dead. Kyp and
another prepare to escape to hyperspace, but the other’s ship is too badly damaged and
explodes. Kyp escapes, knowing that the rest must be dead. On Dubrillion, Lando asks Han
and Chewie to help him by delivering some supplies to buyers on Sernpidal. They have also
received a distress call from ExGal-4 on Belkadan, and Luke and Mara decide to investigate.
Han, Chewie, and Anakin agree to go to Sernpidal. A short hyperspace hop away from
Helska IV, Kyp is stranded and nearly killed by grutchins that tagged along before killing them
and devising a plan to use very short hyperspace hops to slowly make it safely to Dubrillion.
On Helska IV, Danni Quee is visited by Yuuzhan Vong who deposit a new prisoner in her
“cell” with her—Miko. She tells him of the Yuuzhan Vong, their plans, and their technology.
Da’Gara contacts Nom Anor and tells of their victory over the starfighters, but both he and
Nom Anor know that the untamed grutchins will draw attention to their vicinity soon enough.
Danni and Miko escape (using masquers and gnullith, living breathers, taken from Yuuzhan
Vong warriors) and make it near the surface, only to be recaptured by Da’Gara. They are
taken below the surface to where the yammosk (war coordinator) awaits. A ceremony begins
as Prefect MaShraid arrives with another worldship and she and her minions join the
ceremony. The yammosk uses telepathy and incredible mental energies to coordinate the
ceremony, where Miko is repeatedly brought near to execution and made to relive the horror
dozens of times. On Sernpidal, Han, Chewie, and Anakin unload supplies while the planet is
in chaos. They learn from the former mayor that Dobido (Sernpidal’s moon) is coming closer
and closer to the planet on every revolution and will soon collide with Sernpidal, destroying
the planets atmosphere completely. Han, Chewie, and Anakin begin an evacuation and
soon learn that the moon is being attracted by something on the outskirts of Sernpidal City.
Anakin and the mayor head there to destroy the attractive force. At Belkadan, Luke and
Mara discover the world ravaged by the ecological disaster. They go to ExGal-4 to discover
clues. Mara senses that her disease is related to the disaster, and when she finds a dweebit,
she takes it with her on a hunch. Mara is then attacked by Yomin Carr, but defeats and kills
him. They download the computer records of the base into R2-D2 and learn of the mission to
Helska IV. They leave for Helska IV. On Helska IV, Miko is tortured by reliving false deaths
through the mental powers of the yammosk. On Sernpidal, Anakin and the mayor find a
living gravity controlling creature. Han arrives in the Falcon to reclaim Anakin (as the world
experiences high winds and quakes due to the moon closing in), and the mayor destroys the
creature and himself in the process. It is too late, though, as the moon’s orbit has decayed
too far. They race back to where the evacuation continues. As the planetary conditions
continue to worsen, Chewie and Anakin help uncover the back of a shuttle that is trapped
under rubble so the shuttle and its many refugees can escape, while Han loads more
refugees aboard the Falcon. As Anakin and Chewie head back to the Falcon, having to rely
more and more on Anakin’s use of the Force to keep them able to walk through the wind and
quakes, they hear a cry. Anakin and Chewie turn back and save a child who was trapped
under rubble. They make it back to the Falcon with the child, but just as they get there,
rubble strikes Anakin and he is blown a short distance away. Chewie hands the child off to
Han and goes back after Anakin. Han, knowing they will never be able to fight the wind to get
back to the ship, takes the Falcon airborne and heads for where Chewie has recovered
Anakin. Locking the Falcon as low as he can go (which is not low enough for Chewie to jump
in), Han rushes to the hatch to help them up. Chewie tosses Anakin up to Han with a
resigned look, knowing he cannot get aboard. Before Han can lower the Falcon, Chewie is
swept away again. Anakin takes the controls and tries to follow Han’s commands to get back
to Chewie, but the moon is about to crash down. Knowing that they can either escape
without Chewie, or die with him, Anakin makes the hard decision to escape while they can.
Han can only watch helplessly as a battered and bloodied Chewbacca raises his eyes to the
moon about to crash down atop of him and lifts his arms, emitting a defiant roar. The moon
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 731
crashes down, destroying Sernpidal’s atmosphere, and Chewbacca along with it. Han
cannot let himself forget that it was Anakin who chose to leave Chewbacca behind. At
Helska IV, Luke and Mara arrive and Luke takes his X-wing toward the surface, soon noticing
that coralskippers are on their way to his position. He is nearly destroyed before Mara flies in
to save him and they escape into hyperspace, now knowing that something sinister is going
on at Helska IV. Back at the Millennium Falcon, as part of the convoy away from Sernpidal,
the ship comes under attack by grutchins. They escape, and then pick up a distress call from
Kyp. They pick Kyp up and continue to Dubrillion, arriving only a short time before the
Yuuzhan Vong forces should reach the planet. Lando, Leia, Han, and the others prepare to
battle the Yuuzhan Vong on Dubrillion, while sending a call to the New Republic Star
Destroyer Rejuvenator, which is stationed at Ord Mantell with a task force. The enemy force
arrives and the battle begins. Han flies the Falcon with Leia and Kyp at the gunports, while
the Solo kids take three TIE Advanced fighters into the fray, protected by Belt-Runner I. The
battle goes badly for a while and Belt-Runner I must drop shields. With this new change of
situation, the Solo kids head into the space fray and lead a large amount of coralskippers into
Lando’s Folly, evening the odds for the other ships. They use the Force and become like one
unit, flying as never before. They are victorious and Dubrillion is safe for the moment, but
Anakin nearly blacks out from using the Force in such a way and nearly dies in the asteroid
belt before jumping to hyperspace on a random vector to save himself. The Falcon and her
crew go after him. On Helska IV, Da’Gara, MaShraid, and the newly arrived Prefect Dooje
Brolo (who just brought another worldship to the planet) discuss the battle, and Da’Gara
reveals that the yammosk is about to spawn a new war coordinator, which they intend to put
on Dubrillion or Destrillion. As Leia and the others find Anakin and rescue him, Luke (who,
with Mara, just arrived on Dubrillion) is introduced to a captured coralskipper. They know it is
alive and Luke tries to meld with it. He hears the ship communicate in the Yuuzhan Vong
language and hopes C-3PO will return soon to translate. Knowing that the Yuuzhan Vong
base is below Helska IV’s surface, Luke devises a plan to use one of Landos experimental
iceborers to be launched beneath Helska IV’s surface to discover the Yuuzhan Vong forces
resources before an all-out attack. The Rejuvenator then arrives and they prepare for battle,
assuming Lukes mission goes well. Knowing that Mara will insist on going with Luke, and
not wanting her to put herself through the ordeal, Jacen and Jaina take the iceborer and its
carry ship and head for Helska IV to complete the mission themselves. As they leave, Leia
and the others are speaking with Commander Warshack Rojo of the Rejuvenator, who
believes they need not wait for more New Republic forces before attacking Helska IV, with
the typical Corellian arrogance. Jacen and Jaina arrive at Helska IV and Jacen is launched in
the iceborer to the surface, but he veers to a different entry point when he senses a telepathic
cry for help, possibly from a Jedi Knight. He gets below the surface, using the masquer and
gnullith from the captured coralskipper. He makes his way to the source of the call and finds
Danni and Miko. They battle several Yuuzhan Vong warriors before Miko falls into the water
to save Danni and Jacen, freezing to death. Realizing that the telepathic call came not from
Miko but from Danni, who could be a great Jedi it seems, he and Danni escape to the
iceborer. Aboard the Merry Miner (the carry ship), Jaina is set upon by coralskippers, but
saved when the New Republic force enters Helska IV’s vicinity. As the battle ensues, Jacen
is taken back aboard the Merry Miner and the New Republic force gets their asses handed to
them. The Rejuvenator is destroyed and the force retreats, but Luke devises a plan based on
Danni’s experiences with the yammosk. They realize that the yammosk is making the
Yuuzhan Vong fight as one unit, as the Solo kids did at Dubrillion and Joruus CBaoth tried to
make Imperial forces do years before, and they must take out the yammosk. To this end,
they head back to Helska IV with their depleted force and several shieldships, like those used
on Nkllon. As a second battle ensues, the Yuuzhan Vong believe the New Republic force to
be insane, since they have no idea of the shieldships purposes. As the battle rages, the
shieldships reflect the yammosk’s own energies back at the frozen surface, speeding up
evaporation and dropping the temperature below the surface to absolute zero. The yammosk
is frozen solid, and the Yuuzhan Vong forces fall apart. As Luke, near the surface, tries to
escape the freezing planet, Han must order the other ships away, leaving Luke as Anakin left
Chewbacca, giving Han the reasoning needed to forgive Anakin. As the planet spins faster
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 732
and faster on its axis due to the change it underwent, Luke escapes unscathed. The planet
explodes into a dazzling ball of crystals. The Praetorite Vong is destroyed. Nom Anor knows
of this, but it is of no large concern. He knows that far greater forces await beyond the rim,
and it is only a matter of time before they emerge and take over the galaxy easily. The heroic
forces reunite on Dubrillion, but the cost of their victory has been great. Chewbacca is dead
at the hands of a disaster caused by the Yuuzhan Vong, Mara is dying of a strange Yuuzhan
Vong disease, and the Yuuzhan Vong threat is far from over . . . *
(Vector Prime)*
*NOTE: A lot of Star Wars fans have been ranting and raving at and about Salvatore’s “murder” of Chewbacca.
Some fans on the lunatic fringe of society have even gone so far as to threaten Salvatore’s life. Allow me to clear
this up for those of you who have come to hate Salvatore for Chewbacca’s death. It was not Salvatore’s choice.
Lucas and Lucasfilm decided that it was time for a major character to die off, to give more growth to the group
dynamic that had been present (with the exception of only a few additions along the way) for, by the time of
Vector Prime, 25 years. Salvatore was told that he was to kill off Chewbacca, and the method of his death was
suggested as well. Salvatore was simply the one who had to write the scene. In fact, Salvatore didn’t even want
to kill Chewie off, but that was simply part of what had to be included to make Vector Prime fly. Being angered at
Salvatore is tantamount to killing the messenger when the message was distasteful. If you really want to get
back to the source of the decision, feel free to get angry at Lucas. Just don’t do it too loudly; saying that a
creator doesn’t have the right to decide the fate of his own characters is liable to make you look like an idiot. If
you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Vector Prime and the Vong
Advance map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
In the wake of the battle of Helska IV, Luke Skywalker records his thoughts on the pending
Yuuzhan Vong threat into the Skywalker Holocron. The entry is as follows: “I have fought
the worst of all wars and witnessed the redemption of evil. I’ve seen balance restored to the
Force. But order can turn to chaos, as it did when I was born. Now, with my loved ones and
my loyal allies, I face a new challenge unlike any before, and I’m not sure if this time, we can
(conjecture based on voiceover to the Vector Prime commercial)*
*NOTE: This information is based on the 30-second commercial for the Vector Prime novel. I figured that if the
character, not the actor, was doing the voiceover, then it could stand to be placed on the SWT. Since the
character was Luke, and it fit in fairly well, I figured it would make sense as a Skywalker Holocron entry. Take it
with a grain of salt.
After the evacuation of Dubrillion, Jaina Solo takes a moment to record her thoughts on how
Anakin Solo created the Solo battle-meld during the evacuation. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
The Iktotchi reveal that the Yuuzhan Vong threat was never foreseen by their precognitive
abilities, suggesting that the Vong may be invisible to them as well, or that the Iktotchi
abilities are Force-derived, as is more likely.
(conjecture based on Star Alien Anthology)
Jacen Solo relates his use of a gnullith to record for the sake of science and his own
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Having escaped from the droid purge on Rhommamool, a protocol droid finds its way to a
dealer, who wipes his traumatized memory and sells him to Roa under the new designation,
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)
Tresk Im’nel joins his fellow Jedi in defense of the New Republic from the Yuuzhan Vong
(conjecture based on Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game profile for Tresk Im’nel, found on
the Wizards of the Coast website)
As the Yuuzhan Vong invasion begins, Salia Arden-Govia, niece of Bix Arden-Govia,
graduates from the militia’s starfighter training on Bakura.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
As the Yuuzhan Vong invasion begins, the quarantine of the planet O’reen ends.*
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
With Zak and Tash Arranda off for higher education, Mammon Hoole begins compiling the
Essential Guide to Alien Species.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 733
Tenel Ka has new battle leathers made.
(conjecture based on Dark Journey)
As the Yuuzhan Vong invasion begins, Lobot returns to Cloud City as its administrator,
staying well away from the Vong invasion corridor.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
In the wake of Chewbacca’s death, R2-D2 and C-3PO speak with those that knew him to
compile a fitting tribute to their fallen comrade. First, they interview Mallatobuck, who tells of
how she fell in love with her husband. Next, they interview Attichitcuk, who tells of
Chewbacca’s confrontation with Tojjevvuk over Malla. Later, they visit Ssoh, Mala Mala, and
Tvrrdko, Wedge Antilles, and Lando Calrissian. Their next stop is to meet with Leia Organa
Solo, who confesses that, at times, she had been so envious of how close Chewbacca and
Han Solo had been that she had wished Chewie were gone. She realizes that she’s now
losing Han to his grief, and is terribly afraid of being alone. She composes herself and tells
the droids that shes prepared to record the address that will go along with a posthumous
decoration of Chewie. After meeting with Leia, the droids speak with Luke Skywalker as he
looks down upon repairs being made in the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong encounter. Luke is
weary and wonders when the fighting will ever end. He recounts what he knows of Chewie’s
final moments to the droids and tells them that he sensed Sernpidal’s destruction and
understands what Obi-Wan Kenobi meant by a “great disturbance in the Force” when
Alderaan was destroyed. However, Luke also sensed the passing of Chewbacca, his close
friend. The destruction of a planet cannot begin to compare to the feeling of loss from
Chewie’s death. After speaking with Luke, C-3PO and R2-D2 finally meet with Han Solo,
who is working on the Millennium Falcon and speaking as if Chewbacca is still alive and
helping him, just being very slow about it. They ask for Hans favorite story about
Chewbacca, and of all of their years together, Han’s fondest memory was of Chewbacca
saving Jainas life during a chance event years earlier on Coruscant. He picks up a picture of
Chewie that Jaina had drawn afterwards, which, in her way, was saying “I love you, Chewie.”
Han: “I love you, Chewie.” I should have told him that myself! He saved my children!
He was always there for them, he died for them! And I never told him.
For Han Solo, the galaxy has become a very empty place, indeed.
Corellian Engineering Corporation rushes the VCX-820 line into production. The ships are
termed “escort freighters” in order to shy away from calling them “warships,” but the intent is
(conjecture based on A Legacy of Starships)
The Yuuzhan Vong return to Dubrillion, attacking the populace as a means of both continuing
to test New Republic weaponry and as a means of removing the weaker elements from the
Vong forces. Hordes of refugees head for Dantooine, Bastion, and Muunilinst. As of now,
the Vong invasion is 2 weeks old.
(conjecture based on Onslaught and The New Jedi Order Sourcebook)
As the Yuuzhan Vong invasion begins, anxiety leads Fleet Admiral Sris Lehhett to stage a
bloody military coup in the Centrality, taking over as Scrivinir from Ottdefa Tavell Geen, who
barely escapes to Coruscant, where he begins lobbying the New Republic to forcefully
reinstate him. Lehhett begins to supply convicts and the like to the Sharu to work in the life
crystal orchards, which have only recently begun to be harvested again as the Sharu have
reawakened to galactic life.
(conjecture based on A Campaign Guide to the Centrality)
As many Jedi as are able return to Yavin IV for a service in memory of the late Miko Reglia.
Reglia’s death has further driven a wedge between the growing factions in the Jedi ranks.
(conjecture based on Ruin)
Luke Skywalker assigns Jedi listening teams to many major and minor star systems.
(conjecture based on Balance Point via TimeTales, verbatim)
Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn begins using his military experience to develop strategies to fight the
Yuuzhan Vong.
(conjecture based on Who’s Who in the New Jedi Order)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 734
As the Yuuzhan Vong invasion begins, BlasTech Industries allies itself very strongly with the
New Republic, donating materials to the war effort.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
One week after the battle at Helska IV, a team of six Mandalorians (Boba Fett, Goran Beviin,
Briika Jeban, Dinua Jeban, Cham Detta, Suvar Detta, and Tiroc Vhon) carry out an infiltration
attack at the New Republic’s spaceport on Birgis. The attack is fake, though, so that they can
pass along information about their current mission and two future missions for the Yuuzhan
Vong to New Republic military hands. They find a pilot and subdue her long enough to give
her the information and get her off the planet to head for another New Republic world. They
know that it could mean that the Vong eventually learn that the Mandalorians aren’t really
working for them, but they’ll keep taking the chances that they can to stop the Vong as they
appear. It is their hope that the information provided will save the New Republic citizens of
the Vong’s next target, New Holgha. (To be continued below . . . )
(A Practical Man)
In space, the starship Pythea, piloted by the Wookiee Sarkkin and the Chiss Panha, intercept
a transmission from a world that has just been overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong, coming from
the last survivor of the world, Arbeloa. They then realize that a large invasion force is heading
their way, on a course to make its first strike, apparently, at the planet Artorias. They attempt
to let the Artorians know about the threat, but they only barely get through to the planet
before a Vong ship, led by Commander Azca, captures the Pythea. Rather than being taken
alive, Panha and Sarrkin take the ship into a suicidal kamikaze strike on the Vong ship.
Aboard a wrecked yoric-vec, the Yuuzhan Vong warrior Tsalok looks upon the destruction
and decides that he likes this new galaxy. On Artorias, King Caled Galfridian celebrates his
birthday with his wife, Nina, and children, Kaye and Finn (who is Force-sensitive). Meanwhile,
a man named Sparky, attempting to “fix” the Artorians’ main communications system,
receives the warning from Panha, but he does not inform anyone. Sparky is, in fact, a
Yuuzhan Vong himself, using an ooglith masquer to hide his identity from the populace.
Elsewhere, Han Solo continues to mourn the loss of Chewbacca, along in the cockpit of the
Millennium Falcon . . . Soon, as the Yuuzhan Vong invasion force nears the planet Artorias,
Caled, Finn, and Finn’s hovering little guardian droid, Prowl, await the return of Nina and
Kaye from a shopping trip, where they are gossiping with their friend Jenny. Suddenly, the
Vong strike. The marketplace comes under attack, lead to Jenny being gravely wounded and
tended to by Nina, while Kaye, told to run, is captured by a Vong, whom she then stabs to
death, before being captured by others. Elsewhere, Caled and Finn discover all of their
evacuation ships disabled by sabotage. Someone is working with the Vong. Jedi Master Luke
Skywalker arrives, wiping out one wave of the Vong attackers. However, more are still on the
way. Refusing to leave his family and world behind, Caled leads a team back out into the city,
while Luke joins the other Artorians in leaving the world, keeping Finn safe as Caleds heir.
Luke, however, recognizes Finn’s Force-attunement and offers to bring him to Yavin IV to
begin training as a Jedi. Many Artorians escape on their fixed ships, even as the Vong take
their prisoners (including Nina, Kaye, and Jenny), and Caled and his men make what might
be their last stand against the Vong, their fates unknown . . . Shortly thereafter, Finn is
training on Yavin IV, excited to finally move a tiny rock with the Force, but he is quickly put in
his place when Luke lifts a giant boulder to show the Force’s potential. Finn later meets and
spends some time training with Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo, along with Lowbacca. They
send Prowl to investigate animal sounds, only to be attacked by a Tukata from the era when
the Sith ruled Yavin IV. Finn is worried that he froze, while the others acted, but Luke is
concerned already about how Finn would react if confronted with the Yuuzhan Vong. Shortly
thereafter, Luke is speaking with Jedi Masters Kyp Durron and Le’ung when they are
informed that the planet Rychel is under attack and seeking Jedi aid. Luke decides that it is
time to take Finn with him to confront his enemy face-to-face. Finn believes that he is ready.
Meanwhile, aboard the Yuuzhan Vong slave ship Tsam P’ah, Vong warriors come to bring
Nina to become a servant to Vong Commander Sha’kel, but when she refuses, Kaye agrees
to go, while Nina takes care of Jenny. Kaye impresses Sha’kel with her strength and her
recent overpowering of a Vong warrior on Artorias. He cuts her shoulder, beginning to each
her how to embrace pain. She is then dropped back into their cell area, only to discover that
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 735
Jenny has died while she was away. Soon, Luke’s evacuation ships arrive at Rychel. Luke,
Le’ung, and their forces battle valiantly against the Vong to save as many citizens as they
can, but Le’ung is stabbed by a Vong warrior and essentially fed to a large Vong creature.
Finn helps to rally troops after Leung’s death, then saves a family from the Vong. He stand
before a Vong, Tsalok, who is pinned under rubble, and instead of killing the Vong as Luke
fears he might, he saves the Vong’s life, telling him to learn from that decision. (He doesn’t
and kills those who are too old or weak to serve the Yuuzhan Vong after the New Republic
ships leave.) Finn rejoins the others, and the ships escape with as many as they could save.
On the battlefield, though, Luke has sensed something strange and disturbing: it is as if parts
of Finn are simply missing within the Force . . . Meanwhile, Kaye continues to get closer to
Sha’kel, while few (other than, Arbeloa, the lone captive from the race attacked by the Vong
that contacted the Pythea) see that she is one of the most dangerous captives aboard the
Tsam P’ah. Together, Kaye and Arbeloa intend to find a way to free themselves from the
Vong. Shortly thereafter, Tsalok, saved by Finn, contemplates why this is so. He intends to
find Finn and hurt him until he learns why he was spared, otherwise his victory over Artorias
is a hollow one. Back on Yavin IV, Luke and Mara Skywalker bid farewell to Leia Organa
Solo, who, along with Jacen, Jaina, Anakin, Finn, Prowl, and Lowbacca, are heading for Nar
Shaddaa to speak with a “contact.” It turns out that this “contact” is Han, who is still avoiding
his family. He speaks with Finn, whom he finds on the Falcon, and Leia, but he doesn’t want
them to let his children know that he was there. He simply delivers some information (that
many planets have been infiltrated by Vong with masquers) and leaves. Back on Artorias,
terrorist attacks damage Vong holdings. Amid these attacks, Dulac, a loyalist, is brought to an
underwater base, home to the resistance against the Vong, led by none other than a very
much alive Caled. Meanwhile, while problems occur on the surface of Artorias, Arbeloa and
Kaye initiate a revolt amongst the Tsam P’ah prisoners. Many fall, but they do so in the cause
of freedom for the prisoners. They free themselves and kill Shakel, but Nina allows herself to
join with the ship to be its new pilot. They believe that Kayes father is still alive below, but
they know that the ship will be put to better use helping refugees elsewhere. Thus, they jump
away from Artorias. Back on Nar Shaddaa, they discover that Dahal, who had led them on a
tour earlier, is their contact. Finn and Prowl follow Dahal to find the smuggler they are looking
for. He tracks him to a bar where Dahal is speaking with a Vratix named Spraug. He gets the
others (who have now been told that Han was there) and they corner Spraug. They get a
holocron with important smuggled information: the identity of a masque Yuuzhan Vong that
Leia does not recognize. Finn does, though. It is Dulac, one of his father’s friends on Artorias,
the very man that, even then, is being led into the secret facility beneath the surface of
Artorias where Caled rallies his troops . . .
*NOTE: In the original two-part online preview comic, the Pythea events are noted as thefirst strike” against the
Vong, which made it possible that the story was set prior to Vector Prime, or also possibly creating a
contradiction between Vector Prime and Invasion. When the two parts were collected and given extra pages to
become the special Invasion #0 comic book (given a new title as the Prologue for the Refugees story arc), the
wording of this page was tweaked. It is now referred to as “one of the first strikes” against the Vong, not “the”
first strike. Other materials in the issue, including the final page with Han Solo, make it obvious that this is post-
Vector Prime. As for the remainder of the story immediately after the Prologue, we have no indication yet of when
this new comic series, Invasion, begins, other than that it is in 25 ABY and must be sometime after Vector Prime.
One could also argue that the second issue takes place long enough after the first issue to be after Onslaught,
but Jaina’s appearance (outside of Rogue Squadron) seems to mark this story as pre-Onslaught.
When a space station over Dibrook that is housing refugees from worlds attacked by the
Yuuzhan Vong is itself attacked, they are saved by the arrival of Kaye and Nina Galfridian
aboard the Spirit of Artorias (formerly the Yuuzhan Vong ship Tsam P’ah). Some have been
captured, however. Kaye, in confronting a group of New Republic officers on the station (led
officially by Commander Bylsma but represented briefly by the uncooperative, bitter Captain
Ogden), reveals that their purpose now is to reach out and save others who have been
attacked, providing the kind of save haven for them that Artorias once did. Meanwhile, on
Yavin IV, Finn Galfridian is shocked to discover that Dulac, one of his father King Caled
Galfridian’s allies, is one of the undercover Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators on Artorias. (He has
learned this from the holocron recovered previously on Nar Shaddaa.) Finn intends to go to
Artorias to rescue his father and warn him of Dulacs treachery. Finn walks out of the room
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 736
when Luke Skywalker refuses to let him go, only for the holocron to stop working when he is
gone. Luke later visits with Finn, who is discussing his plans to leave anyway with Jaina Solo,
only for the holocron to work again. It was somehow meant for Finn. Finn then learns from a
holographic representation of the crazy man he ran into on Nar Shaddaa, who calls himself
Dray, that the holocron was his creation and meant for Finn alone. A confrontation is coming,
he says, that will reveal the nature of one close to him. He also tells Finn that Tsalok, the
Yuuzhan Vong known as the “Spared One,” whom Finn refused to kill, is coming for him, and
that Finn must, for some reason, go to Artorias. Finn intends to leave alone that night, but
Jaina and Jacen Solo won’t let him go without them. Luke meets them and does not try to
stop them. He lends Finn a lightsaber, since he has not constructed his own yet, and he
understands what Finn is going through, since he too once risked everything to save his own
father. Over Dibrook, Bylsma orders Ogden to take his men and join with Kaye’s force that is
going down to the surface to liberate the Vongs prisoners. Ogden is not at all cooperative,
but they believe that something on the surface (a yammosk) is fighting Nina’s control over the
Heart of Artorias, so it makes a tempting, obvious target for the rescue mission. They land,
and when Ogden tries to usurp Kaye’s command over the mission, she has Arbeloa tie him
up for the time being, so they can proceed. Meanwhile, Finn, Jacen, Jaina, and Prowl arrive
over Artorias and are attacked by grutchins. Luckily, they were planning to fake a crash
anyway, so Finn holds them off enough for their damaged ship to actually crash down to the
ocean, where they then sneak into the same underwater base that Caled is using. Before
Finn can be reunited with his father, Dulac reveals his true nature and attacks Caled when
the two are away from the others. Meanwhile, back on Dibrook, the Vong that Finn spared,
Tsalok, arrives to seek counsel from the Master Shaper, Nagme (Tsalok’s former forbidden
lover), who is currently holding a Jedi prisoner named Yuledan. Tsalok will pry the information
he needs from the Jedi, one way or another. Meanwhile, Nagme is working on a secret
shaping project that, among other things, includes adapting the captives from the space
station to fight for the Vong and withstand the atmosphere of Dibrook and other harsh worlds.
The controlled captives are sent out against Kayes forces, who witness Tsalok literally rip
Ogden in half as a threat. The battle rages, even as Tsalok arranges for Nagme and her
research to be evacuated in the face of the attackers. Back on Artorias, Finn and the others
arrive and learn that Caled is alone with Dulac, prompting them to race to his aid. They arrive
in time to save Caled from Dulac, but before he can be killed, Dulac blasts Caled with toxins
from his fake eye, leaving Finn to hold his father. Jacen finds nothing he can do. As the king
is dying from the poison, he tells Finn the story of how he met Nina when he saved her from
her slavemaster, Dowron, a criminal who settled on Artorias seventeen years earlier. She
chose to stay with Caled, becoming his new wife, who had died a short while earlier. With
Caled, she raises Finn and Kaye as her own. His story, though, hints that she is more than
she appears. While discussing the Vong threat, Finn reveals the startling truth that he alone
seems to be able to sense the Yuuzhan Vong from within, whereas no other Jedi can sense
them in the Force. Caled then asks to be able to use Prowl to record a final message for
Nina. Back at Dibrook, Tsalok questions Yuledan about the identity of Finn, learning his
name. On the ground, Kaye’s forces continue to advance. Tsalok contacts Nina and asks her
about Finn when he learns her name, but he does not explain why he wants her adopted son.
Instead, he tells her that they (that is, he and Nagme) are leaving. That means the captives
will soon be killed. As Nagme and Tsalok have their yammosk and Yuledan moved with
them, other Vong and controlled captives are sent out to attack Kaye’s force to cover them.
Needing to destroy the Vong facility and its forces before it is too late, Nina attacks from
above with the ship, decimating the land below in an act worthy of the lethal efficiency of her
race . . . You see, Nina is, in fact, a disguised Yuuzhan Vong, and Caled had suspected it all
along. His last words via Prowl beg of her to tell the children her true nature, as Caled passes
away. Shortly after Caled’s small funeral, the Solos convince Finn to leave Artorias for now
with the survivors who had been with Caled. While leaving, Finn again activates the holocron,
and the hologram of Dray tells him to find Dray again. At Dibrook, Kaye senses the death of
Caled in the Force instinctively and returns to the Heart of Artorias to grieve with her mother,
who only reluctantly reverts from her Yuuzhan Vong form to her human form before her
“daughter” can see her. Soon, the Solos drop Finn and Prowl off on Nar Shaddaa to find
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 737
Dray, but he is nearly overcome in an alley by a strange attack that seems to cause spikes of
flesh to emerge from his chest for a moment. He is found by the somewhat nutty Dray and
taken back to Drays base of operations, where he is told of Dray having a vision of the fall of
Coruscant, the destruction of the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV, and a massive new weapon
being created by the Vong. Dray is concerned that if Luke Skywalker is able to pull together
the Jedi under his philosophy (rather than that of, say, Kyp Durron), then the galaxy will have
no Jedi actively taking the fight to the Vong. Dray plans to stand against them somehow, and
he wants Finn to be part of that . . .
Two months after the Battle of Dubrillion, the Yuuzhan Vong invasion continues. With the
failure of Nom Anors Praetorite Vong, a new Yuuzhan Vong force under the command of
Shedao Shai begins its offensive against the galaxy. In a small area of Imperial Remnant
space, the pirate vessel Free Lance, commanded by Urias Xhaxin, is attacked by the
Yuuzhan Vong while attempting to attack a convoy they’d lured into the area. The Free
Lance is nearly destroyed. On Coruscant, Leia Organa Solo tells the Senate of the Vong
threat, but they listen with deaf ears, accusing her of trying to re-assume power. Senator
ELEGOs A’Kla agrees to go with Leia on a fact-finding mission, so that the Senate can no
longer avoid the issue. Elsewhere, Colonel Gavin Darklighter, current CO of Rogue
Squadron, meets with Admiral Traest Kre’fey after a simulation against a coralskipper (skip)
and learns of the Senate’s disapproval of any action directed at learning more about the
Yuuzhan Vong. Krefey will have the Rogues run simulation missions and pirate-chasing
missions, though, and if they just happen to find clues while “playing pirate,” then that would
just be a fortuitous accident. On Yavin IV, Luke Skywalker has called all of the Jedi back to
discuss the Vong threat. The Jedi are clearly divided between the calmer Jedi and the Jedi
who follow Kyp Durron’s example. This is just the kind of division that is causing the Senate
to be anti-Jedi at the moment. Back on Coruscant, Leia and ELEGOs prepare to leave for
Agamar to ask for assistance in preparing for the Vong threat. Before they leave, they must
deal with a drunk and thoroughly wrecked Han Solo, who, still grieving over Chewbacca’s
death, leaves on his continuing mission to drown his sorrows in booze and brawling. At the
Jedi Academy, Luke gives out assignments. Corran Horn and Ganner Rhysode are to head
for Bimmiel, where Agamarian students have been out of contact, and the Vong may have
surfaced. With Jaina Solo on her way with Danni Quee to meet with Leia and ELEGOs on
Agamar, Luke sends Anakin Solo with his wife, Mara Jade Skywalker, to Dantooine, hoping
that such a vibrant world will help the Force in saving Mara from the Vong disease that is
killing her. Luke will take Jacen Solo with him and head for Belkadan to observe the after-
effects of the Vong presence there. Out in fringe space, the Ralroost and Rogue Squadron
come across the remains of the Free Lance, and Xhaxin is brought in as an advisor on Vong
battle tactics. On Agamar, Leia speaks with the Agamarians and gains support for working
against the Yuuzhan Vong and preparing Agamar for refugees from other Rim worlds. She
and the others head for Dubrillion. Corran and Ganner arrive on Bimmiel and are chased by
slashrats until they find the Agamarian students, who have uncovered what appears to be a
store of Vong artifacts and a Vong body (from the Mongei Shai mission 50 years before). On
Belkadan, Luke and Jacen discover that the planet is mostly healed from the Vong
terraforming of a couple of months before, but a strange green plant pervades the world, and
they can sense strange beings somewhere near, who may be dying. They feel “wrong” in the
Force. They head out to find answers. They discover that the Vong are growing the parts
necessary for coralskippers on the world, and using slaves from this galaxy (fixed with
strange restraining-bolt-like growths) to do their will. These were the beings sensed through
the Force. They witness one of these slaves being killed by a Vong warrior. At the site of the
Free Lance attack, Rogue Squadron enters a fray with skips in their first attempt to utilize two
new advancements in their X-wingsan expanded inertial compensator bubble to keep the
dovin basals from ripping off the fighters’ shields, and a low-power rapid fire method of
blasting targets to over-stress the dovin basals’ ability to suck in lasers, which should allow
full-power blasts through. It goes relatively well, but the Rogues lose two pilots. On
Dubrillion, Leia and the others arrive and meet with Lando Calrissian. They then prepare to
evacuate a convoy of refugees before the next wave of the continuing Vong assaults. On
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 738
Bimmiel, Corran and Ganner discover a set of Yuuzhan Vong shell-buildings and another set
of slaves with the odd growths. On Belkadan, Jacen has a vision of saving the slaves and
goes on his own to do so. The vision proves less than accurate and he is beaten and
captured. His placed in the Embrace of Pain, a biological device that keeps a person in a set
amount of pain. On Dantooine, Anakin befriends a Dantari and uses medicine he gets from
the alien to help heal Mara a little bit. At Dubrillion, the Ralroost arrives to help in the
evacuation. Gavin speaks with Lando, Leia, and Kre’fey, and it is decided that Jaina will join
Rogue Squadron as Rogue Eleven. The convoy leaves in the midst of a major battle (in
which they must avoid a Yuuzhan Vong ship acting as an Interdictor), but they make it safely
away, on their way to Dantooine, which is as far as they can go without more supplies. On
Belkadan, Luke saves Jacen while wielding both his and Jacen’s lightsabers, and then the
two head off for Dantooine, where Luke has envisioned Mara and Anakin in trouble. On
Bimmiel, two students are missing and presumed captured. The Jedi and Agamarians
prepare a rescue attempt, which will utilize a “killscent bomb” which will bring slashrats to
attack the Vong base, which is currently protected by a different scent. On Dantooine, the
Vong have arrived, and a couple are beating up Anakin’s Dantari friend. He saves the
Dantari, killing both Vong. (By this point we’ve learned that the Vong armor is still alive, but
has gills which can be attacked, and that the Vong are not invincible, just damned hard to
defeat.) Elsewhere on Dantooine, Leia and the convoy have arrived, but not anywhere near
Mara and Jacen, who are soon on the run from Vong warriors. Luke and Jacen arrive in the
nick of time and help kill the pursuing aliens, saving Anakin and Mara. They all reunite with
Leia and the Dubrillion refugees, as a Yuuzhan Vong ground force approaches. After Jacen
flirts with Danni a bit, the preparations for battle begin. Leia and Mara organize the refugees.
Anakin, Jacen, and Luke prepare to fight on the front lines. Gavin, Jaina, and the rest of
Rogue Squadron take to the air, and so does ELEGOs in his shuttle. The air attack on the
Vong ground force begins with wave after wave of Vong and slaves killed, but their biggest
“bio-vehicle,” a range, being unscathed. Back at the camp, Mara and Leia discover Vong
using ooglith masquers to hide and kill the refugees. They set out to discover the infiltrators,
and, through process of elimination, kill the young, glory-seeking Vong. On Bimmiel, the
Agamarians take the Jedi’s ship and prepare to drop killscent, while Corran and Ganner
break in to find the prisoners. Using Corran’s ability to project thoughts into the prisoners,
they trick the Embrace creatures and free the students. Two Vong warriors (Neira and
Dranae Shai) enter, and Corran covers Ganner’s escape with the two unconscious students
he is levitating to safety as the killscent bomb makes the area a killing zone for slashrats.
Only the floor protects them. The first Vong attacks, and Corran kills him with a trick
extension of his dual-phase lightsaber. The second Vong and Corran battle fiercely, with
both being brought to near deaththe Vong by a terrible leg wound, and Corran through
venom from the Vong’s amphistaff. During the battle, Corran had slashed a whole in the floor
near the Vong, though, and he uses the Force to bring slashrats who kill the Vong, as he
fades from consciousness. Back on Dantooine, the Jedi and military forces decimate the
legions coming at them. When Luke goes with ELEGOs and uses the Force to turn a dovin
basal black hole back on the range, the range is destroyed and the slaves lose the cohesion
that the ranges mind control caused. The battle is easily won. As the refugees prepare to
head for Agamar (since so many are dead, they now have enough supplies), the Vong
interdictor-like ship arrives, but is turned away when the Ralroost and Corusca Fire (the
former having left for aid and the latter having come since the captain is Agamarian) arrive
and attack the vessel. The day is won at a high cost, but now the Senate will never be able
to refute the evidence of the impending threat. Later, on Coruscant, Chief of State Borsk
Fey’lya tries to prevent the Vong threat from getting recognition in order to keep his own
control over the New Republic from receiving any blame for an impending war, but when
Gavin, Leia, and Traest threaten Borsk with causing a mutiny and secession that would
create a new entity under Leia’s control to stop the Vong, Borsk relents and agrees to let all
of the evidence be released to the Senate and the public. When he goes back to his office,
Gavin is met by retired Wedge Antilles and Tycho Celchu, who offer whatever help they can.
Elsewhere, Luke, Mirax Horn, and Ganner await while Corran recovers. Ganner had used
telekinesis to take him from the Vong base. Mirax says she will help discover who is behind
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 739
the theft of Jedi artifacts from the Bimmiel site (the original reason the Agamarians were
there), while Corran hopes that the Senate will see the reality of the threat they face. On
Bimmiel, Shedao Shai arrives and observes the scene of his kinsmen’s deaths and
acknowledges the desecration of his grandfather’s body by the Agamarians. He discovers a
bit of Corran’s blood and the fact that he is a Jedi who has murdered other members of
Domain Shai. Shedao vows revenge on Corran Horn . . .*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Vector Prime and the
Vong Advance map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Jaina Solo is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
(conjecture based on Ruin)
Leia Organa Solo notes in her journals how the Bothans’ true nature is becoming clearer to
her now that the common enemy of the Empire is no longer present.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Alien Species)
At about the same time that Wedge Antilles is reactivated for military service, Garm Bel Iblis
is as well.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
Garqi, renowned as one of the most beautiful worlds in the New Republic, falls to the
Yuuzhan Vong.
(conjecture based on Ruin)
As the Yuuzhan Vong War heats up, Ordith Huarr comes out of retirement to help shuttle
refugees from world to world.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
Three months after the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the New Republic has
refused to follow up on the information about the Vong plans to attack New Holgha. They
have denounced the source of the information, the Mandalorians, and have refused to do
anything about it, much to Boba Fett’s angst. On New Holgha, all Fett and his comrades can
do is watch as the Vong take another world. They are soon contacted by Vong Subaltern
Bur’lorr, who is hunting a Jedi. While Goran Beviin helps stall Bur’lorr, Fett makes a show of
supposedly going after the Jedi because of how the Jedi killed Jango Fett. In reality, Fett and
Tiroc Vhon intend to give information to the Jedi, hoping the Jedi will be able to sense that
they are not providing misinformation, as the New Republic seems to think they are. With
Tiroc as backup, Briika Jeban to hold him steady, and Cham Detta and Suvar Detta to
provide first aid, Fett subdues the Jedi. They are able to convince the Jedi (Kubariet) to take
information from them and help set up a secure network for the Mandalorians to keep
providing information. When Kubariet suggests that Boba Fett grew a conscience, he simply
says that he has a contract to protect Mandalore, and this serves that end. While Tiroc sees
Kubariet to his ship, Bur’lorr arrives, angry as hell about losing the Jedi. He understands the
Mandalorians treachery and tries to call his superiors to notify them. The five Mandalorians
(Fett, Beviin, Cham, Suvar, Briika, and Briika’s daughter Dinua) manage to kill him, taking bits
of his armor and such to study, but Briika is mortally wounded in the fight. They race her back
to Fett’s Slave I and its medical droid, but it is too late. Briika dies, and Beviin takes up his
promise to her to raise Dinua as his own daughter. (To be continued below . . . )
(A Practical Man)
As the destruction of the refugee camps on Dantooine is captured for news broadcasts, a
frustrated Finn Galfridian considers his circumstances, now that he is with the oddball former
Jedi Dray and his newly-upgraded droid companion, Prowl. He also recognizes that he has a
Yuuzhan Vong creature of some kind growing inside him, which is why he can sense the
Yuuzhan Vong when others cannot. (For his part, Dray believes the Yuuzhan Vong are not
truly alive and are more like a non-living cancer of some kind, eating away at the galaxy.)
When Dray has a vision of Vong agents killing Chief-of-State Borsk Feylya, they go to
Coruscant, where Finn infiltrates the Senate building to save Fey’lya. When he senses that
Imperial Ambassador Yarmond, who is with Fey’lya, is actually a Vong agent, the sensation
causes him to fall from his hiding place, revealing his presence. He is subdued by Yarmond
before he can reveal the agent . . . On Rychel, Tsalok kills Yuledan the Jedi for daring to
touch his beloved Shaper mistress . . . Meanwhile, at Dibrook, Kaye Galfridian learns that the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 740
survivors from Artorias and Dibrook have been taken to the Imperial world of Shramar. She
and her troops rejoin Nina Galfridian on their stolen Vong ship, the Heart of Artorias, and
head for Shramar to reunite with their fellows. However, upon arrival, they are attacked by a
Star Destroyer. They are able to contact the Imperials and have the attack stopped, but they
are refused a chance to land. They land anyway, forcing the Imperials’ hand. Nina learns that
the refugees have been made into slaves on the planet, and one of the new arrivals is killed
upon landing. She decides to visit with Imperial sector Commander Devry to discuss
diplomatic terms, since she is still a queen, after all. When he refuses to release her people,
Nina reveals her true nature as a Yuuzhan Vong and kills the Imperials. Outside, Kaye, who
had to remain with guards instead of going inside, hears the commotion and attacks a
stormtrooper, breaking his arm as if it were nothing. She is then shot and apparently killed
but gets up, the wound seemingly healed. She then tears through the troopers, including
literally ripping ones head off. She races inside, only to find Nina, in Vong form, killing Devry,
just after the commander contacts Tsavong Lah for help . . . Back on Coruscant, Finn has
been imprisoned as a spy, but Dray and Prowl break him out. Dray goes to track down
Yarmond so they can save Fey’lya. (He may not really be worth saving, but one problem at a
time.) On Shramar, Nina tries to calm Kaye, but she can explain little before Imperials enter.
They blame a Vong for the carnage (which is, after all, technically true), then contact Admiral
Blysma for help to evacuate the planet. On Coruscant, Finn tracks his goggles (with Prowl’s
help) and finds himself right outside Fey’lyas own door, facing his guards (led by Captain
Kopri). After a shot to the chest that nearly sends him falling to his death, Finn sneaks into
Fey’lya’s quarters just as Fey’lya is telling Blysma that he will not send any New Republic aid
to Shramar . . . For his part, Blysma is not willing to leave those on Shramar to his fate, so he
sends a message to anyone with a ship in the vicinity who is willing to help. The result is a
ragtag fleet of volunteer ships that arrives to save the day, but it may be too late. Blysma
meets with Kaye and an unmasked Nina aboard the Heart of Artorias, and Nina suggests
they can deliver a real blow to the Vong . . . just as the Vong force arrives to recapture the
ship. Nina reveals that she is a Shamed One, and she intends to strike a blow by destroying
the muur (food) and lambent crystals growing infields on the planet below, which must have
been seeded by an advance Yuuzhan Vong group. As the battle rages, Finn, back on
Coruscant, warns an unbelieving Borsk Feylya of Yarmond and Drays visions of the Vong
burning Coruscant. He is forced to flee, pursued by Palace Guard Captain Kopri. When she
catches Finn, though, he convinces her of the truth. They go to take down Yarmond,
contacting Dray on the way, only to find that Yarmond is a Vong, but he is not alone. While a
second Vong (Zakar) holds Kopri, “Yarmond reveals that they want Borsk in place because
of how ineffective he is. Dray then reveals himself, killing Zakar, and claiming that Yarmond
and Zakar were in his way, hence sending Finn after them. Dray and Kopri flee, not knowing
what Dray is planning, other than that he claims that, in the end, he and Finn fight together.
As they escape, the battle on Shramar continues. Using a bit of misdirection, they gathered
“fleet” destroys the Vong fields, as Nina reveals her true self to Tsalok, who claims that he
killed her already. Nina tells him that she has recognized Nagme’s work and intends to come
for them both. Finn and Kopri escape from Coruscant, but not before Dray can catch them,
delivering heavy damage to (and capturing the deactivated) Prowl. He claims that Nagme’s
Vong superweapon has been completed (even as Nagme is informed that it has been), and
that they are to save the galaxy and then rule it. Finn and Kopri escape, then witness a
transmission on the news nets from Nina, who forges a new Outer Rim Alliance to protect
those whom the New Republic is leaving without aid. In the process she reveals her Vong
self to the galaxy at large . . . and to Finn, who is shocked to say the least.
Sometime around this time, the planet Muunilinst, home of the Muuns and their InterGalactic
Banking Clan, is struck by the Yuuzhan Vong. Society on the planet is virtually wiped out,
leading to the question of what organization will now back the New Republic credit (or future
currencies). Until now, the Muuns were considered indispensable if the galactic economy is
to stand.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
Rebellious leader Dynba Tesc dies during the attack on Garqi, but her son, Rade Dromath,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 741
begins leading the Garqi Resistance.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
Imsatad joins the Peace Brigade, a group of galactic residents who believe the Yuuzhan
Vong will win the war and wish to be on the winning side.
(conjecture based on Conquest)
The former police droid R-92 joins the Peace Brigade and upgrades its weapons, much to the
amusement of its fellow Peace Brigade members.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
As the Yuuzhan Vong invasion commences, rumors circulate that Dash Rendar is working
against the Peace Brigade collaborators.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Characters)
In the wake of Shedao Shai’s vow of vengeance on Corran Horn, the New Republic
continues preparing for the next major confrontations of the Yuuzhan Vong War.*
*NOTE: Consider this just a curiosity. The story was canceled and will never see the light of day. (Actually, the
trilogy was cut to two books, and this is the title that was cut.) Thanks to Andrew Gordon’s research into these
lost stories, though, we can at least pay it tribute here.
As Commander Shedao Shai and his second, Deign Lian, prepare further Yuuzhan Vong
assaults against the New Republic, the New Republic plans its defense. Han Solo still revels
in his misery over Chewbacca’s death, but Leia Organa Solo engages in discussions with
Traest Kre’fey, ELEGOs A’Kla, Borsk Fey’lya, and Wedge Antilles. They deal with the
problems of refugees coming coreward, but also speculate on Yuuzhan Vong motives and
actions, especially in regards to why they destroyed Sernpidal. Leia decides that she and
Danni Quee, along with several Noghri (who have begun to join the fight against the Vong en
masse with the deaths of Bolphur and his companions on Dantooine), will go on a mission to
Bastion, capitol of the Imperial Remnant, to seek Imperial aid from Admiral Gilad Pellaeon,
who now controls Imperial Space. At the same time, ELEGOs will travel to Dubrillion in an
attempt at peace talks with the Vong. As for the Jedi, they have been essentially disavowed
by the government in any actions against the Vong, but will still be around to help.
Elsewhere, Luke Skywalker calls a meeting of all of the nearly 100 Jedi Knights. The division
within their ranks is still swelling, especially with Kyp Durron’s pro-active faction vying for a
more violent Jedi attack against the Vong and Daeshara’cor, close friend of Miko Reglia,
arguing against Luke as well. Luke hands out assignments. Corran Horn (now reinstated as
a Colonel with Rogue Squadron), Jacen Solo, Ganner, and several Noghri will go to Garqi to
scout out the Yuuzhan Vong activity on that held world. Jacen, still searching for his own
future, agrees, but not without some inner doubts. As that mission begins, Luke and Anakin
Solo discover that Daeshara’cor, who did not catch the ship she should have for her
assignment, has been searching for information on superweapons, probably to use against
the Vong in revenge for Miko’s death. While searching for her in the nearby spaceport, they
meet Chalco, an information trader, whom Luke takes on as a helper in searching for
Daeshara’cor. Checking the possible destinations for the ship she did depart on leads them
(Chalco, Luke, Anakin, Mirax Terrik Horn, and Mara) on a mission to Vortex. On Dubrillion,
Shedao Shai welcomes ELEGOs and begins an exchange of cultural information. At Garqi,
the insertion team launches in the Lost Hope toward Garqi. Vong ships engage Rogue
Squadron, including Gavin Darklighter and Jaina Solo, and “drive them off,” but not before the
mission’s goal is accomplished. The Lost Hope burns up in the atmosphere, releasing the
smaller ship, the Best Chance, bearing the Jedi and Noghri to the surface. Jaina believes her
brother is dead, but is later told by Gavin that he’s alive, but also that keeping the secret was
per orders and it helped show everyone that they are all in the war together. On Vortex, Luke
and Mara speak with Qui Xux and learn that Daesharacor had tried to get information from
her, but she had none. They intend to follow her to Garos IV, where she might be gathering
information from the University of Garos. Leia and her group arrive at Bastion and meet with
Pellaeon. After discussions, they determine that helping each other will be beneficial. When
Pellaeon brings this up to the Council of Moffs, there are some detractors, but most of the
Moffs, including Bastion’s Ephin Sarreti (who grew up in the New Republic era) go along with
the plan. On Garqi, the team meets up with the local resistance, including Rade Dromath.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 742
They are told of training exercises being carried out by the Vong. Apparently, they are testing
ever-evolving variations of enhanced slave soldiers (mostly captured resistance fighters)
against Vong and Chazrachs (the Vong’s reptilian slaves) in a training area near the Garqi
Xenobotanical Garden. The resistance, and their new Jedi and Noghri allies, will attack the
next training mission, and take samples or, hopefully, prisoners into custody, to study upon
return to the New Republic. On Dubrillion, ELEGOs continues to learn from Shedao Shai,
while Shai’s second, Deign Lian, continues to plot Shai’s downfall and his own ascendance.
At Garos IV, while Luke, R2-D2, and Mara check out the university, Chalco and Anakin,
against Luke’s wishes, search for Daeshara’cor in a seedy part of town. They discover where
she is meeting a contact, but Anakin manages to get himself caught by the Twilek Jedi. She
wants to trade Anakin for non-existent information to Luke, but Chalco arrives to save Anakin.
While he does manage to get captured as well, Anakin is able to telekinetically knock
Daeshara’cor out with Chalco’s fallen blaster. On Garqi, the attack commences. The Jedi,
Noghri, and resistance forces decimate (well, in a long gory battle) the Vong in the training
area, but while they do manage to get away with their prizes, many die on both sides
(including Vong leader Krag Val), and Ganners face is slashed. They escape through the
garden, where pollen from bafforr trees causes the living armor of the Vong warriors to have
an allergic reaction and kill the warriors. They take a sample of the pollen and then destroy
the trees and chunks of the garden to hide what they know. Back at the Best Chance, the
team prepares to leave, and Ganner has the Noghri seal his face wound in a way that leaves
a scara reminder that the old, pompous, self-assured Ganner died on Garqi, and a new,
more sensible one has taken his place. They escape the surface in the little ship and exit the
atmosphere to find the Ralroost and other New Republic vessels battling Vong forces led by
Lian. The New Republic ships are nearly defeated, but Pellaeon arrives with Star Destroyers
to help their retreat. Taking out most of the coralskippers is a new type of TIE starfighter from
a squadron that identifies itself as a Chiss House phalanx, led by none other than General
Baron Soontir Fel’s son, Wedge’s nephew, Jagged Fel. As Shai and his Vong warriors
attempt to determine the reason for the burning of the garden areas, the New Republic
prepares to make a stand on Ithor, the only place where the bafforr trees are indigenous. On
Ithor, an introduction ceremony is held, in which the heroes on both sides, New Republic and
Imperial, are introduced. The Jedi are noticeably divided, and when Jagged Fel skips the
politicians and only bows to the true warriors, Feylya accuses him of anti-alien prejudice.
This results in a great “you see only what you want to see” speech by Jag toward Fey’lya,
pointing out how wrong he is. The speech also serves to make Jaina start falling for Jag.
Relal Tawron, the reigning Ithorian, holds a ceremony with the Jedi who will be allowed to
battle on Ithor’s surface and in the herdships, while the population if Ithor is evacuated. Each
Jedi must give up something holding them back from being at one with nature. Ganner gives
up pride. Luke gives up some responsibility. Anakin gives up being right all the time. Jacen
gives up uncertainty about his future and finally comes to some peace. In Vong territory, the
Vong discover the pollen and prepare to attack Ithor. A short time later, ELEGOs’ shuttle, refit
with Vong biotech, arrives at Ithor. The New Republic forces take it in, and Wedge and
Corran enter. They see a villip give them a hopeful message of possible peace from
ELEGOs, but upon opening a large container, find ELEGOs body, stripped of flesh and
prepared as a Yuuzhan Vong warrior is prepared at death. Another villip gives a message
from Shedao Shai to Corranthat Corran will return the bones of Mongei Shai and that the
Vong are coming. Corran comes up with a plan. Upon the Vong arrival, he will challenge
Shai to a battle. Until the battle, a truce will be in effect. If Corran wins the battle, the Vong
leave Ithor. If Shai wins, he takes Ithor and Mongei Shai’s body. Now they just have to
speak with Shai. The Vong battle force arrives and the New Republic and Imperial forces,
led by Pellaeon, engages them. Jaina’s wingmate, Anni Capstan, is killed in the space battle.
Aboard the Tafanda Bay, the Jedi hold off Vong arrivals. In a running battle, Daesharacor,
who gave up her need for revenge in the ceremony, is mortally wounded while Anakin is
trying to save her. In the forests of Ithor, Vong, led by Shai, arrive and find a mechanical
base with mechanical blasters guarding it. Seeing this as a supreme insult, the Vong attack
the base in rage, only to have it explode, killing many of them. Corran, along with a group of
Jedi on speeder bikes, arrives and attacks. Through a villip, Corran gives Shai the terms of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 743
the duel and truce. Shai agrees. Later, after seeing Fey’lyas rage over the arrangement,
which he knew nothing about, Corran resigns his commission yet again. When it is
suggested that if he loses, the Jedi will take the blame and be even more vilified in the eyes
of the public, Corran suggests that maybe he should also be disavowed from the Jedi.
Elsewhere, Anakin speaks with the dying Daesharacor, who tells him as she dies that neither
she nor Chewbacca blame him, and that they both will have died serving life, which is what
they desired to do. Anakin finds a little bit more peace. Soon, the duel commences. With
Luke and Lian looking on, Corran and Shai duel fiercely. Corran takes a near fatal wound to
the stomach, but comes back with more force, and even some apparent Dark Side-born
vengeance, though he’d said this was about protecting Ithor, not avenging ELEGOs. He
manages to get Shai off-guard when he deactivates his lightsaber and sends Shai’s staff into
the dirt. Corran then puts his unignited lightsaber to Shai’s stomach and waits just long
enough for Shai to realize he is about to die before igniting it and sending the blade through
Shai’s body and out his mouth. Shai is dead, and Ithor is to be turned over to the galaxys
native species. The peace is short-lived, though. Lian, disregarding the bargain, returns to
the Legacy of Torment and launches a bioweapon at Ithor. As the abandoned world is hit by
an immense bacterial agent, the world’s gas levels, especially oxygen, rise in the
atmosphere. As Lian speaks with his true master, Warmaster Tsavong Lah, the New
Republic Interdictor cruiser Corusca Rainbow, creates a gravity well around the already
expanding planetary gravity well, thus trying to lock the Legacy of Torment in the area to be
attacked. As the Vong vessel uses all of its dovin basals to fight the pull toward the doomed
planet, it is undefended from weapons fire, and the New Republic and Imperial forces blow
the ship and Lian aboard out of the sky. A flaming bit of wreckage hits Ithors atmosphere
and ignites the entire planet into a ball of flame. When all is said and done, Ithor is no more.
The Imperials head back to Imperial Space, but will remain in touch and ready to help if
possible. The Jedi are being blamed for Ithors destruction, but it mostly falls on the head of
Corran, who is being vilified in the mass media in every way imaginable (including the
accusation that he should’ve know that the Vong would incinerate the planet since Shais
remains were on it and they cremate their dead bodiesinformation supposedly from a
journal ELEGOs kept while in the Vong territory on a datapad, a moronic false product since
ELEGOs kept no journal and even if he’d had a datapad, the Vong would’ve destroyed it).
Corran is public relations enemy number one, so to speak, and he realizes part of his actions
against Shai were questionable. As a result, he sees no other option but to leave the Jedi
proper and the New Republic’s war as a whole. He will go to Corellia, where he has been
granted a safe haven, and when the time is right, if the New Republic calls on him to help
fight the Vong again, perhaps he will return.*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Vector Prime and the
Vong Advance map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Two weeks after the encounter between Boba Fett’s Mandalorians and Jedi Knight Kubariet
on New Holgha, Kubariet arrives in Mandalorian space. He and Fett meet on Vorpa’ya, where
Kubariet tells Fett that the New Republic has now set up the intelligence channel for them
that Fett had asked for two weeks earlier. Fett tells him that there is no price for the
information, so long as the New Republic keeps fighting. As for when the New Republic
encounters the Mandalorians, the Mandalorians will still fight for the Vong, keeping up
appearances. While Kubariet gives Fett the information needed to set up the comm channels
to the New Republic, Fett gives him a load of Vong technology and parts to study. Kubariet
also suggests that Boba Fett do as his father Jango had during the Clone Wars by gathering
a group of Mandalorian warriors to help train New Republic troops to fight the Vong. Fett will
consider it. When Kubariet asks one last time if there is anything else that the New Republic
can do to make life easier on the Mandalorians in the war, Fett simply tells him to make sure
that it is known that the Mandalorian woman Briika Jeban died to save a New Republic
citizen. When Kubariet asks whom Briika saved, Fett, remembering New Holgha, tells him,
“You, Jedi. You.” A new alliance has been forged behind the scenes in the Yuuzhan Vong
(A Practical Man)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 744
Han Solo, sent by Leia Organa Solo in a borrowed starship to chase rumors in the Outer Rim,
arrives at Raxus Prime, what feels like a ghost world, colliding with his feelings of loss over
Chewbacca’s death. From out of nearby space, Slave I appears, blasting Han out of the sky.
He escapes in a lifepod, only to have to somehow try to build a new starship from ship
remains on the world. Soon, he is set upon by Fett, who seems to be trying to fill yet another
bounty on the former smuggler. Eventually, the battle with Fett, after a bit of a break, ends up
in leading Han into the bowels of an old, apparently somewhat repair-worthy starship, where
Han starts to believe he is fighting ghosts. It certainly would make sense that he is, given
that he is fighting at least three Boba Fetts! Finally cornered, though, Han learns the truth.
Yes, this is Boba Fett, but he has used the hunt of Han as training. He is building an army of
warriors in Mandalorian armor. They aren’t fighting for any cause, but for the highest bidder,
which may end up being the Yuuzhan Vong. As Han watches, Fett leaves in Slave I, as at
least nine other Firespray-class vessels, identical to Slave I launch, bearing their Mandalorian
warriors, Fetts private army, into space. It would seem that the Mandalorians may be back
from the dead. But then, with a ship he can use and the fire to keep himself alive, so is Han.*
*NOTE: This tale is recounted here as part of the Official Continuity with the following disclaimer. The tale told
here is most likely N-Canon (non-continuity), as Han seems totally surprised to see Fett alive and well in The
Unifying Force. However, it sure seems as though the story can fit in general, as the assumption that is often
made that this story takes place after Han leaves Leia after Chewie’s memorial is incorrect. Han very plainly
states in this story that, yes, he is still with Leia and actually investigating Raxus Prime for her. My best guess is
that this tale is meant to show Han’s wavering in his self-doubt, only to have that self-doubt truly come to dire
consequences after Chewie’s funeral. At this point, he has yet to drop to his lowest point.
In the wake of Shedao Shai’s death, Yuuzhan Vong Commander Tla takes over command of
the Yuuzhan Vong forces.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)
Mara Jade Skywalker goes to see Dr. Oolos about her disease, but no progress is made.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)
The Yuuzhan Vong attack and conquer Obroa-Skai.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)
With the Yuuzhan Vong invasion becoming a more public threat, Plif of the Hoojibs urges his
people to join in the war effort.
(conjecture based on Alien Anthology)
With the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, many Priapulins reaffirm their commitment to pacifism, but
take an active role in aiding those stricken during the invasion.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Priapaulin)
Thrackan Sal-Solo is released from prison to help restart Centerpoint Station for use against
the Yuuzhan Vong.
(conjecture based on Jedi Eclipse)
Atzerri falls to the Yuuzhan Vong.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Trial)
Six months after Chewbacca’s death on Sernpidal, the Yuuzhan Vong invasion continues.
Even with new conscription laws, increased warship production, and technological changes
made to weapons and sensor systems based on previous Vong attacks, the New Republic is
being pounded daily. The Vong priest Harrar and priestess Elan (with her familiar, the former
Jedi Knight Vergere, last seen on Zonama Sekot 54 years ago) have arrived to work with
Executor Nom Anor and Commander Tla in conquering the galaxy. This could be Nom
Anor’s last chance to impress Warmaster Tsavong Lah, so he must be cautious. As they
prepare for the execution of prisoners from Obroa-Skai, they learn a bit about the Jedi
Order’s beliefs and the concept of the Force, which is foreign to them. From this knowledge,
they decide that to defeat the galaxy’s inhabitants, they must demoralize them, and what
better way to do so than to strike at the heart of their hopes and dreams, the Jedi Knights.
On Kashyyyk, funeral services are held for Chewbacca. After the ceremony, Lumpawaroo
(Waroo) and Lowbacca (Lowie) pledge to carry on Chewbacca’s life debt to Han. This is too
much for the grieving Han, and he begs for time to heal on his own. Despondent, Han
refuses to leave on the Millennium Falcon, sending Jaina and Leia back to Coruscant without
him. He’ll find his own way offworld. Back at the Yuuzhan Vong fleet, Nom Anor has devised
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 745
a plan to strike at the Jedi, which will require the deceptive talents of Priestess Elan. They
intend to make it appear that Elan and Vergere are defecting, all the while having Elan hold
bo’tous spores (yes, the toxin that poisoned Mara and turns into those funny little insects) in
her body for a 4-breath release when in the presence of the target Jedi Knights. Later, on
Coruscant, as the Senate debates the militarys actions against the Yuuzhan Vong, Luke and
Mara Skywalker discuss her illness, which has just kicked back into high gear. Mara has
recently visited Dr. Oolos to no avail, and the two hope against hope for a cure soon. In the
Meridian Sector, the New Republic vessel Steadfast comes head to head with a Yuuzhan
Vong vessel, but instead of a full-fledged New Republic Yuuzhan Vong battle, they are
instead witness to the escape of a pod containing two beings from the Vong before driving
the Vong off. The passengers are Elan and Vergere. (No one seems to recognize Vergere’s
species, probably because they were exterminated by the Empire at some point.) On
Coruscant, the newly arrived Han deals with his pain, somewhat, by touring the Falcon.
Afterward, he runs into his old friend and mentor, Roa, who tells him that their old compatriot,
Reck Desh, seems to have turned traitor to the galaxy and is leading his “Peace Brigade” in
anti-Jedi, anti-New Republic activities on behalf of the Yuuzhan Vong. Roa, whose wife died
in a Yuuzhan Vong attack, wishes to have Han by his side in tracking down Reck. Han
agrees, but theyll take Roa’s Happy Dagger, not the Millennium Falcon, which, to Han, is
now a ghost ship. Elsewhere, on Kuat, New Republic military and intelligence leaders
discuss the Vong crisis with little progress . . . until they receive word of the defection in the
Meridian Sector. Han goes to gather things for his trip, and learns that Leia is on her way to
Ord Mantell soon to help refugees. Han refuses to answer questions about his mission,
widening the growing gap between husband and wife. On Nim Drovis, Major Showolter
arrives to inspect the defectors. He learns that Elan has asked to see the Jedi Knights, and
that she will give the Jedi information about the spore-borne illness that took so many lives
(and now threatens Mara). As Han prepares to depart from Coruscant, Anakin arrives and
says goodbye to his father in a strained moment. He gives Han a special multitool that
Chewbacca had made for him, since he thinks his father should have it. He doesnt refuse,
but after this and Chewie’s family giving him a hand-made bowcaster Chewie had made, it
seems to be getting to him. As the defectors are moved to Wayland, Commander Tla sends
an assassin to kill Elan and Vergere upon arrival. Of course, as planned, the assassin fails,
but makes the New Republic believe far more in Elan’s value. In search of Reck Desh, Han
(as “Roaky Laamu) and Roa head for the Jubilee Wheel orbiting Ord Mantell, knowing Leia
will be on the world below. In a bar, they are approached by a group of Ryn, who ask for
passage to Rhinnal, but Han refuses. They meet informant Fasgo and hope to use him to
meet the local crimelord, Boss B, but before they can do so, they are accosted by Bossk, who
has recognized Han. The ensuing bar fight lands them all in prison. At the New Republic
Intelligence outpost, Luke Skywalker meets with Belindi Kalenda, Showolter, and others.
Luke agrees that he should meet with Elan, who is being transferred to Myrkr. He also learns
that Elan has provided the name of the Vong’s next target—Ord Mantell. C-3PO relays this
information to Leia as she gets little support for her refugee relocation plans. On the Jubilee
Wheel, Han, Fasgo, and Roa are released from prison by Boss B . . . Big Bunji! Bunji wanted
to speak with Han again, and has helped them in memory of Chewbacca. They don’t have
time to discuss much more, as the Vong attack Ord Mantell and the Wheel. In the attack,
Roa and Fasgo are sucked into a Vong vessel, but Han is saved by the Ryn he spoke to
before, Droma. They get to a shuttle and manage to escape from the station as the New
Republic force defeats the Vong. (Of course, just like when Elan and Vergere defected, it is a
false defeat, as the Vong were merely trying to make Elan credible.) On Kuat, Reck Desh
speaks with a New Republic Intelligence officer (whose identity is unknown), who seems to
be wanting to ingratiate himself with the Vong, since they look to be the winners of the war
down the road. He provides Reck with the route by which Elan is being transferred to
Bilbringi. Reck hopes to use this information to recapture Elan and make his Vong overseers
proud, but is oblivious to the covert nature of Elan’s so-called “defection.” On Ord Mantell,
Han and Leia are reunited, but he is determined to go after Reck Desh and somehow save
Roa and Fasgo. Leia tells him, in so many words, that he shouldn’t bother coming home until
he’s worked through his issues. Han leaves and is soon approached by an aide of Big Bunji.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 746
For helping save Bunji’s ship during the Battle of Ord Mantell, Bunji wants Han to know that
the Peace Brigade seems to be gearing up for a Bilbringi mission. Han has C-3PO secretly
arrange for passage to Bilbringi for him aboard the Queen of Empire, which has seen better
days. Unbeknownst to Han, other passengers include Showolter, Vergere, and a ooglith
masquer-covered Elan, en route to Bilbringi. Aboard, Han runs into the Ryn again and learns
that his name is Droma. They discuss various things, including the fortune telling properties
of sabacc cards and origins of the game. Elsewhere, the NRI team has been dispatched by
Peace Brigade troops, and a wounded Showolter has had to go on the run with the defectors,
looking for other operatives. Mistaking Han for an operative, he turns over the defectors to
the care of Han and his “partner,” Droma, just as the Peace Brigade begins to take over the
ship via their corvette. Moments later, a Vong ship arrives, commanded by Nom Anor, to
keep the Peace Brigade from succeeding. Hearing about the battle, Leia, Luke, Mara, and
company take the Millennium Falcon to save the Queen of Empire. As the Falcon arrives, a
New Republic force engages the Vong, as Han, Droma, Elan, and Vergere are captured by
Reck Desh and his forces. The Peace Brigade group takes the defectors to their shuttle,
while Han is pushed down a lift tube, only being saved by grabbing Droma’s tail. As the
Falcon docks aboard the Queen, Han and Droma bypass Leia, Luke, and the others, taking
the Falcon after Reck’s shuttle, which can now escape, thanks to the New Republic
destroying the dovin basal that was trying to keep the Peace Brigade from escaping. The
shuttle is stopped in mid-flight, and Han boards, only to find that the crew is dead (from Elan’s
toxin). He finds the two “defectors,” and they escape, but Han realizes that the Vong dont
want the “defectors” back. After a flash of inspiration (which he will later realize was
Chewbacca warning him through the Force), he also realizes that Elan mustve somehow
infected the crew and killed them, since her comment that the toxin doesn’t affect Yuuzhan
Vong wouldn’t account for the dead Yuuzhan Vong pilot on the shuttle. Han tries to seal
Vergere and Elan in an escape pod to send them back to the Vong, but Elan traps herself
and Han in the pod, with Vergere outside. Elan releases her toxin, but Han uses the
multitool’s breather to save his life, as Elan succumbs to her own spores. When Droma frees
Han from the pod, Vergere gives them a bulb full of her tears, thanks them for giving her a
chance to return home, and escapes in the pod. Later, on Coruscant, Dif Scaur, the head of
NRI, debriefs Belindi Kalenda and others, and determines that somewhere in NRI is a mole
(the one who gave the info to Reck). Elsewhere, Mara ingests Vergere’s tears and finds her
disease going into remission. Perhaps Vergere wasn’t truly loyal to the Vong after all, but to
her Jedi training from so long ago. Han makes amends with Anakin as best he can, but
informs Leia that he is leaving again to find Roa, Fasgo, and Droma’s kin. The rift between
them is widening. Elsewhere, the Vong recall Harrar and Tla to the Outer Rim, placing Malik
Carr in charge of the fleet, while Nom Anor prepares to institute a new plan of attack, utilizing
resources from the Vong’s new allies—the Hutts.*
(Hero’s Trial)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Vector Prime and the
Vong Advance map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Sometime after the Battle of Bilbringi in the Yuuzhan Vong War, Vergere makes contact with
the Dark Lady Lumiya. Together, the two hatch a plot to eventually transform Jacen Solo into
a new Sith Lord, despite Vergere’s prior interest in the plots of the One Sith, a view put forth
by a man who was once a prisoner of the Yuuzhan Vong.
(conjecture based on Inferno)
Han and Droma create a disturbance on Vortex while searching for Droma's clanmates,
forcing the local governor to renege on his promise to accept any refugees.
(conjecture based on Jedi Eclipse via TimeTales, verbatim)
Protests in the Corellian Sector intensify when the New Republic withdraws its forces from
the area, leaving it strangely defenseless.
(conjecture based on Jedi Eclipse via TimeTales, verbatim)
Communication and supply lines to Mon Calamari are cut off.
(conjecture based on Balance Point via TimeTales, verbatim)
Viqi Shesh is appointed as the ninth member of the New Republic Advisory Council to Chief
of State Borsk Feylya.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 747
(conjecture based on Jedi Eclipse via TimeTales, verbatim)
Two of the New Republic’s most valuable assets in the war, the Jedi Knights and New
Republic Intelligence, begin taking extra precautions in protecting themselves. The Jedi
remain on Yavin IV, but Master Luke Skywalker rushes them through extra training and then
practical application in Fallanassi illusion techniques to hide them from prying Yuuzhan Vong
eyes. On Coruscant, New Republic Intelligence moves its headquarters into Dometown,
where they believe they will be safe, even if Coruscant itself is attacked.
(conjecture based on Jedi Eclipse)
Eight months after the death of Chewbacca, one month after Han Solo and Droma set out
from Coruscant to find Droma’s clanmates, the battle against the Yuuzhan Vong continues.
On Gyndine, citizens and refugees from previous Vong attacks panic as the Vong attack
Gyndine. Leia Organa Solo and Wurth Skidder, among others, help to get as many people to
transports to evacuate as possible. At the last moment, Wurth helps save part of a family,
and Leia brings several Ryn aboard, but is forced to leave six behind. Wurth remains behind
to let himself be captured by the Vong, hoping to gather intelligence for the war effort. As
they escape in a transport, Leia speaks with the Ryn, discovering that they are clanmates of
Droma. She informs them of Droma’s safety, and hopes those left on Gyndine will be alright,
not knowing that they have already been taken captive. Elsewhere, Han Solo and Droma, in
a newly painted (black this time) Millennium Falcon, continue their quest to find Dromas
clanmates, Roa, and Fasgo. They head for Sriluur for clues. On Coruscant, Commodore
Brand, Admiral Sien Sovv, and other high-ranking members of the New Republic Defense
Force discuss strategy. They know that by taking Gyndine, the Vong are primed for an
assault at one of several major targets, the two most probable of which are Bothawui and
Corellia. They have developed a two-part plan. The first part calls for Leia going to the
Hapes Consortium to ask for aid in the war, while the second involves luring the Yuuzhan
Vong to attack the Corellian system, where they can be wiped out by Centerpoint Station,
which they hope to reactivate with the help of Anakin Solo. To get the plan approved, they
need to win a vote in the Advisory Council. They know of a definite four to four split among
eight of the nine members. Viqi Shesh is an unknown quantity, and they hope to win her to
their side. On Nal Hutta, Borga Besadii Diori, the reigning Hutt, meets with Vong
Commander Malik Carr and a man she believes to be a New Republic defector, Pedric Cuf
(who is, in actuality, Nom Anor in a ooglith masquer). Carr is there as an emissary for
Supreme Commander Nas Choka, who is in turn under Supreme Overlord Shimrra. As part
of their negotiations and alliance, Borga asks to be notified of impending attacks, so she can
stop her precious spice-running to target systems and save her business. The Vong realize
that this would make it very easy for the Hutts to betray their plans to the New Republic, but
go along with it, telling her to avoid Bothawui, Corellia, and Tynna. The Hutts send along the
warning to their couriers, which, of course, will easily tip off the New Republic. En route to a
refugee relocation area on Ruan, Leia is contacted by Han, whom she tells of the Hapes
mission, the plan to rearm Centerpoint, and the location of Droma’s clanmates. Han decides
to go to Ruan to link up with the Ryn Leia is taking there after their run to Sriluur is over.
Aboard the Vong vessel Creche, the vessel commander, Chine-kal, introduces his captives,
including the Ryn, Wurth, Roa, and Fasgo, to a maturing yammosk, with whom they will be
forced to bond to help the yammosk mature. On Yavin IV, as Jacen Solo and Anakin argue
over the merits of using Centerpoint again, Luke Skywalker speaks with Talon Karrde. Karrde
has become aware of the stopping of spice shipments, and he wants Luke to send a couple
of Jedi with him to discover which of the planets will be attacked, which they can then reveal
to New Republic Intelligence. Kyp Durron and Ganner Rhysode agree to join Talon in his
mission. On Ruan, Melisma, Gaph, and the other Ryn are welcomed to the refugee camp,
but it is amazingly unaccommodating. Salliche Ag seems to be using the place as a way to
get cheap indentured servants for working in the fields, to replace the droids they are slowly
taking out of the fields as a way to later give them over to the Vong as a peace offering. On
the Creche, Wurth, going by the name Keyn and pretending not to be a Jedi, is picked by the
yammosk for bonding. Wurth hopes that through this, he can glean Vong plans from the
creature and implant seditious thoughts into it. On Hapes, Leia meets with Ta'a Chume,
Prince Isolder, Teneniel Djo, and Tenel Ka. She pleads the New Republic’s case, and the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 748
opinion among the delegates assembled is highly divided. One in particular, Archon Thane
makes a point of offending Leia, thus prompting an honor duel (i.e. death match) between he
and Isolder. To up the stakes, they determine that if Isolder loses, he withdraws support from
Leia. If Isolder wins, though, Thane must support the Consortium helping the Republic. The
match takes place, with Isolder winning. When the vote is finally called, Thanes is the
deciding votein favor of joining in the war. On Coruscant, Viqi Shesh is approached by
Commodore Brand. She agrees to vote for them, and also to speak with a representative of
the Hutts to possibly solidify their counter-intelligence arrangement formally. On Ryloth, Kyp,
Karrde, and Ganner confirm, via Crev Bombassa, that the Hutts have been warned off, which
helps validate the idea of Hutts trying to warn the New Republic. Aboard the Creche, Hutt
representative Randa is shown around the ship, and takes an interest in the Ryn. On Ruan,
the Ryn hook up with a group of men who are running refugees from Ruan to Abregado-rae.
The Ryn are allowed to join them, so long as they help forge transit documents. (The men are
actually working for the Vong, taking refugees from camps into new target worlds to destroy
morale.) On Coruscant, Shesh meets with Golga the Hutt, solidifying the New Republic and
Hutts’ information sharing by providing a hint of the plan for Corellia. Aboard the Creche,
Wurth convinces the Ryn to help make Randa think the Vong are going to kill the Hutt
contingent, while he hopes to convince the yammosk that the Hutts are planning mutiny, so
that they can incite armed conflict and have a mutiny of their own. Unfortunately, only half
the plan works. The yammosk recognizes Wurth as a Jedi, based on the yammosk’s
progenitor’s contact with Miko Reglia. Wurth is taken into firmer custody as a gift for Tsavong
Lah. At Tynna, the Vong attack, helping to convince the New Republic that their ruse is
working and that they really have figured out the Vong plan. Belindi Kalenda and Major
Showolter observe from afar to confirm their intelligence, all the while ignorant of the fact that
the Vong know they are there and are supplying misinformation through the attack. On
Coruscant, the Advisory Council grudgingly approves the Defense Forces plan for the
Corellia battle, based on the new information. Their plan is to use Centerpoint to trap the
Vong fleet in the Corellian system, then use fleets at Bothawui, Raltiir, and Kuat, armed with
hyperspace momentum devices to beat the catch of Centerpoint, to enter and destroy the
Vong. On Hapes, with the vote concluded, Leia has a flash of terrible events in the future,
stemming from the agreement. She informs Isolder, but he calms her. On Ruan, Han and
Droma arrive, but discover that the Ryn have already left aboard the Trevee. Instead, Droma
is captured as part of a supposed Ryn forgery ring. Han soon meets Baffle, a droid that looks
a lot like Bollux, who offers to help him free Droma if he helps deactivate a droid deactivation
device in the same building, which will allow the droids on Ruan to stage a protest for their
rights. At about the same time that Nos Choka tells Borga to resume shipments to Bothawui
(confirming Corellia as the target, it seems), Han infiltrates the Salliche Ag building as an
inspector. He brings Droma to him as an “unsanitary Ryn” and the two make their escape,
disabling the droid controller in the process. They escape in a speeder along a waterway, but
find themselves nearly drowning when Salliche Ag activates the weather controls and makes
it rain immensely. They are saved by Baffle, who tells them that the Ryn have left and are
heading for Fondor, not Abregado-rae, and that the droid protest will commence soon. On
Nal Hutta, Borga learns from Randa (via communiqué) that there is a Jedi aboard the
Creche. Borga tells Crev Bombassa, who is then to tell Talon Karrde. Aboard the Creche,
Wurth is tortured and interrogated in front of Randa, but when Chine-kal leaves the room,
Randa pleads with Wurth to help him escape, owing to Wurth’s planted suggestion of danger
through the Ryn. Elsewhere, Karrde and Shada Dukal join with Kyp’s Dozen (no longer the
“Dozen-and-Two Avengers”) to go on a mission to rescue Wurth from the Creche. On Drall,
Jacen and Anakin have arrived and are preparing to go to Centerpoint with Marcha and
Ebrihim (remember them?). They worry that the New Republic’s refusal to send a fleet, but
to use Centerpoint as a New Republic toy, will incite the system to try to rise for
independence again, but go anyway. Aboard Centerpoint, they are surprised to meet
Thrackan Sal-Solo, the man who had tried to gain independence for the Corellian System
eight years before through a terrorist plot using Centerpoint. They learn that the station can
be used for defense, but not offense due to not being aligned anymore. To align it, or to use
it for defense, would require it being first activated by the being it imprinted on eight years
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 749
agoAnakin. At the staging point for the planned Battle of Corellia, the New Republic and
Hapan forces are ready for battle, but Leia still has terrible misgivings. At Kalarba, the Dozen
intercepts the Creche and attack, trying to free Wurth. Scared, Chine-kal orders them to
jump prematurely to the true Yuuzhan Vong targetnot Corellia, but Fondor. Learning of
this, Nos Choka orders the attack on Fondor to begin early. At Fondor, the Ryn have been
dumped off on a construction platform, and left by the crew of the Trevee. The Falcon arrives
as Han and Droma chase the fleeing ship, hoping to force them to reveal the location of the
refugees, but dont get far, as they find themselves heading dead-on toward the arriving Vong
fleet. The Battle of Fondor begins, with the Creche arriving and the Falcon looking for
refugees and the Trevee, while Kyp leads the Dozen in infiltrating the Creche. At Bothawui,
Brand, Leia, and Isolder learn of the terrible tactical error they have made. The battle will not
be at Corellia, and all routes to Fondor from Bothawui have been mined with dovin basals.
Their only hope is for the Hapans to jump from their staging point into the fray. Leia tries to
stop them, but Brand and Isolder overrule her. At Fondor, Han and Droma capture the
Trevee and Droma takes the ship to gather the refugees just in time, with Han providing
cover. Aboard the Creche, the Dozen find Wurth, but he is dying and wants to stay behind to
die. They rescue the other captives, along with Randa, and make their escape. Aboard
Centerpoint Station, Anakin has activated the station, which has realigned for both defensive
and offensive action. Jacen tries to convince Anakin that he should not use it for attack.
Anakin can sense the perfect way to fire the weapon to kill foe, but save their allies, but the
moral dilemma leads him to step down without firing. At Fondor, the Hapan fleet begins to
emerge for engagement. Aboard Centerpoint, Thrackan Sal-Solo, disgusted with Anakin,
leaps to the control panel and fires. At Fondor, the blast from Centerpoint Station wipes out
half the Vong fleet and almost all of the Hapan vessels. The Vong go into retreat, but the
Hapans are decimated. The New Republic has won the day at terrible cost. As events wind
down (as much as they can during this war), Marcha is asked to step down, Sal-Solo
becomes a hero for his use of Centerpoint, Anakin and Jacen’s rift grows (since Anakin
could’ve fired without Hapan deaths), Han reunites with Roa and mourns Fasgo, Droma
reunites with his family, and Leia and Han continue to grow apart, despite all they have
shared. And in the shadows of the New Republic, Senator Viqi Shesh, who has been
working both sides, and was the one who provided Elan’s location to the Peace Brigade
earlier, is approached by Pedric Cuf (Nom Anor). She will be more than happy to do
business with the Yuuzhan Vong . . .*
(Jedi Eclipse)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Vector Prime and the
Vong Advance map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
With the resultant blast of agony through the Force from the Battle of Fondor, Hapan Queen
Mother Teneniel Djo, who is secretly pregnant with Isolder’s second child, has a miscarriage.
This is covered up as mere illness.
(conjecture based on Dark Journey)
In the wake of the Battle of Fondor, Tenel Ka returns to the Jedi from Hapes.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
In the wake of the Battle of Fondor, Hapan Benwick Chell returns to piracy.
(conjecture based on Dark Journey)
New Republic Intelligence Major Showolter recruits over 100 Clawdites to create Guile
Company, an infiltration force to use against the Vong. However, since they can only mimic
the appearance, not the cultural traits, of the Vong, the fatality rate among this group will be
exceptionally high. In order to join this prestigious group, some Clawdites hide that they have
children, since the small size of the Clawdite population leads the New Republic to stress that
parents should remain home to raise the next generation of their species.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Clawdites
and The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Thanks to Thrackan Sal-Solo’s forceful use of Centerpoint Station, the Station experiences a
malfunction which cripples it, though the Yuuzhan Vong still believe it to be operable.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
The surviving portion of the Hapan fleet limps back to the Hapes Cluster.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 750
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
Owing to her involvement in the discovery of misinformation leading to the Fondor disaster (at
no fault of her own), Balendi Kalenda is demoted to Lieutenant Colonel.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
Admiral Sien Sovv of the New Republic Defense Force is faced with a Senate vote of no
confidence after the Centerpoint fiasco. He barely survives the ouster attempt.
(conjecture based on Balance Point via TimeTales, verbatim)
The Yuuzhan Vong take Rodia. Tsavong Lah orders Master Shaper Taug Molou to create a
new slave species for the Vong, prompting Molou to experiment upon the native Rodians until
successfully creating the Vagh Rodiek slave creature, which will only exist in small quantities
until becoming common around the time of the Yuuzhan Vong’s attack on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on I, Yuuzhan Vong)
C-3PO learns of Han Solo’s actions on Ruan and how he is being revered as a savior to the
droid movement on the world.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
The New Republic and SELCORE work to set up refugee bases on the industrially-ravaged
Duro. In return for being able to relocate to Duro, refugees will help in surface reclamation
projects, allowing the Duros currently working on the projects to return to their homes in the
orbiting cities. Seeking to stay busy, but to stay away from major affairs, Han Solo takes
Droma with him to Duro to help manage Settlement 32. Seeking a way to do good without
having to use his Jedi abilities, which he has grown even more wary of in the wake of the
Fondor debacle, Jacen Solo tracks his father to Duro and joins in helping manage the
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
Jedi Cilghal takes Tekli as her apprentice.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
Lando Calrissian gives (or sells?) a luxury yacht to Mara Jade Skywalker. The heavily
modified yacht can carry an X-wing, and has various additions, including hidden cannons.
Recently arrived from Sacorro, Lando’s wife, Tendra, suggests the name Jade Shadow for
the ship.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
Having returned to Coruscant from Yavin IV, Luke Skywalker begins to hold secluded
meetings with several trusted Jedi. These include (at least) Mara Jade Skywalker, Anakin
Solo, Cilghal, Cilghals Apprentice Tekli, Colonel Kenth Hamner, and Ulaha Kore. They
discuss important issues and strategy, but Luke is hesitant to use the term “Jedi Council,” as
they are not nearly up to the tasks or stature of the Jedi Council of Old Republic times.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
Jedi Knight Tresina Lobi and her apprentice, Thrynni Vae, discover that shipments of
supplies meant for SELCORE operations on Duro have been being intercepted by
SELCOREs contractor, CorDuro Shipping, and diverted, either to be resold to other refugees
or to bulk up supplies and modifications on the orbital city Urrdorf. Shortly after discovering
this operation, Thrynni Vae vanishes. Tresina begins searching for her apprentice, finally
leaving the capital city of Bburru to seek Luke Skywalker for help.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
Near Dometown, Jedi Apprentice Tekli overhears a “human” in the Leafy Green talking about
things he would eat if he were human. She realizes this might be a Yuuzhan Vong using an
Ooglith Masquer and makes a note to bring this up the next time the de facto Jedi Council
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
Kyp Durron and the Dozen manage to hold off Yuuzhan Vong forces at Kubindi long enough
for all spaceworthy evacuation vessels to make it away from the world before the Vong make
it their next conquest.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
As the war with the Yuuzhan Vong begins, the Corporate Sector Authority isolates itself
within the Corporate Sector for the duration of the war.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 751
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
The Fifth Fleet withdraws to protect the cut-off world of Bothawui.
(conjecture based on Balance Point via TimeTales, verbatim)
Randa Besadii Diori defects to the New Republic. Becoming a refugee, the Hutt is sent to
(conjecture based on Balance Point via TimeTales, verbatim)
New officers emerge in the New Republic military. The surviving shipyards go on full alert.
(conjecture based on Balance Point via TimeTales, verbatim)
Stress illnesses begin to become more commonplace.
(conjecture based on Balance Point via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Druckenwell and Falleen are taken by the Yuuzhan Vong.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
Less than a year into the Yuuzhan Vong War, Etahn Abaht, frustrated with being
marginalized by Sien Sovv and Turk Brand, resigns his commission and returns to his home
sector to take charge of the Dornean Navy.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Prisoners captured in the battle for Druckenwell reveal that there may be a Jedi hiding on the
Chilastra, part of the Druckenwell refugee fleet. Using a captured shuttlecraft, the Yyorva-9,
fitted with a young yammosk, a group of Yuuzhan Vong commandos infiltrate the Chilastra.
They make their way through the ship, finally confronting and eliminating Ka-Tu-Un, who isnt
actually a Jedi, but a Force adept of the Cerean Ner Yan tradition.
(Hive of the Infidel)
The Essential Chronology (essential guide: Kevin J. Anderson & Daniel Wallace)
The Essential Chronology (essential guide: Kevin J. Anderson & Daniel Wallace)
Introduction for Students of History
Note on Dating Conventions
Tales of the Ancient Jedi Knights
Emergence of the Sith
Legacy of the Sith
The Empire and the New Order
Profiles in History
Han Solo
Lando Calrissian
The Skywalkers
“Dark Horse Comics Invasion Storyline” (canceled comic series: Randy Stradley & Mike
“Dark Horse Comics Invasion Storyline” (canceled comics: Randy Stradley & Mike Richardson)*
*NOTE: The invasion of the galaxy that became the Yuuzhan Vong invasion in the New Jedi Order series was
originally meant to be a Dark Horse Comics storyline that would’ve been vastly different. I include this listing as a
nod to that canceled storyline and as an historical curiosity.
Boba Fett: A Practical Man [continued] (ebook: Karen Traviss)
Boba Fett: A Practical Man [continued] (ebook: Karen Traviss)
The New Jedi Order (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A. Stackpole &
James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes & Matthew
Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane Dix & James
The Hatred Vector (canceled comic series: Unknown)*
The Hatred Vector, Part I (canceled comic: Unknown)*
The Hatred Vector, Part II (canceled comic: Unknown)*
The Hatred Vector, Part III (canceled comic: Unknown)*
The Hatred Vector, Part IV (canceled comic: Unknown)*
*NOTE: This comic series had been planned as a possible lead-up into the events of Vector Prime’s invasion. It
was canceled, unfortunately. It may have been more or less than four issues, but four seems a good round
The New Jedi Order (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A. Stackpole &
James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes & Matthew
Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane Dix & James
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 752
Vector Prime (novel: R. A. Salvatore)
Fraying Fabric
Intergalactic Eyes
The Role of Politics
Seeds Planted
The War Coordinator
Take Me Far, Far Away
The Honor of Dying
Running the Belt
The Game, the Reality
Minus Thirteen
Closer, Closer
Awaiting the Goddess’s Arrival
Worthy Opponent
The Last Pose of Defiance
Storm Brewing
The Perfection of Teamwork
Point of View
False Serenity
Turning it Back
Into the Web
One Trick to Play
Connection and Coincidence
Vector Prime Commercial (commercial: Del Rey)
Vector Prime Commercial (commercial: Del Rey)
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Jedi [continued]
Force-Sensitive Abilities [continued]
Chewbacca [continued] (comic series: Darko Macan)
Chewbacca, Part I [continued] (comic: Darko Macan)
Chapter 1: Mallatobuck [continued]
Chapter 2: Attichitcuk [continued]
Chewbacca, Part II [continued] (comic: Darko Macan)
Chapter 3: Ssoh—“A Slaver’s Lot” [continued]
Chapter 4: Mala Mala [continued]
Chapter 5: Tvrrdko—“Breaking a Custom” [continued]
Chewbacca, Part III [continued] (comic: Darko Macan)
Chapter 6: Wedge—“A Pilot’s Anecdote” [continued]
Chapter 7: Lando—“A Bet” [continued]
Chapter 8: Leia—“Grief and Guilt”
Chewbacca, Part IV [continued] (comic: Darko Macan)
Chapter 9: Luke—“The Boy I Once Was”
Chapter 10: Han—“An Empty Galaxy [continued]
Boba Fett: A Practical Man [continued] (ebook: Karen Traviss)
Boba Fett: A Practical Man [continued] (ebook: Karen Traviss)
Invasion [continued] (comic series: Tom Taylor)
Refugees [continued] (comic series: Tom Taylor)
Prologue (comic: Tom Taylor)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 753
Invasion #0 (TOS comic: Tom Taylor)
Invasion #0, Part I (TOS comic: Tom Taylor)
Invasion #0, Part II (TOS comic: Tom Taylor)
Refugees, Part I (comic: Tom Taylor)
Refugees, Part II (comic: Tom Taylor)
Refugees, Part III (comic: Tom Taylor)
Refugees, Part IV (comic: Tom Taylor)
Refugees, Part V (comic: Tom Taylor)
Rescues [continued] (comic series: Tom Taylor)
Rescues, Part I (comic: Tom Taylor)
Rescues, Part II (comic: Tom Taylor)
Rescues, Part III (comic: Tom Taylor)
Rescues, Part IV [continued] (comic: Tom Taylor)
Rescues, Part V (comic: Tom Taylor)
Rescues, Part VI (comic: Tom Taylor)
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Dark Tide (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole)
Onslaught (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 1 36
Boba Fett: A Practical Man [continued] (ebook: Karen Traviss)
Boba Fett: A Practical Man [continued] (ebook: Karen Traviss)
Invasion [continued] (comic series: Tom Taylor)
Revelations (comic series: Tom Taylor)
Revelations, Part I (comic: Tom Taylor)
Revelations, Part II (comic: Tom Taylor)
Revelations, Part III (comic: Tom Taylor)
Revelations, Part IV (comic: Tom Taylor)
Revelations, Part V (comic: Tom Taylor)
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Dark Tide [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole)
Siege (canceled novel: Michael A. Stackpole)*
*NOTE: This novel was cut to make Dark Tide into a duology instead of a trilogy.
Ruin (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 1 35
Legacy of the Force [continued] (novel series: Aaron Allston & Karen Traviss & Troy
Invincible [continued] (novel: Troy Denning)
Interlude 2
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Dark Tide [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole)
Ruin [continued] (novel: Michael A. Stackpole)
Chapters 36 37
Boba Fett: A Practical Man [continued] (ebook: Karen Traviss)
Boba Fett: A Practical Man [continued] (ebook: Karen Traviss)
Revenants (SWT18 short story: Haden Blackman)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 754
Revenants (SWT18 short story: Haden Blackman)
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Agents of Chaos (novel series: James Luceno)
Hero's Trial (novel: James Luceno)
Chapters 1 29
Jedi Eclipse (novel: James Luceno)
Chapters 1 28
Hive of the Infidel (G8 short story: David Noonan & Peter Schweighofer)
Hive of the Infidel (G8 short story: David Noonan & Peter Schweighofer)
Landing Bay
Sick Bay
Crew Mess
Crew Quarters
Droid Workshop
Tech Shop
Habitat 1
Habitat 2
Habitat 3
Habitat 4
26 ABY
The Yuuzhan Vong retaliate against Hutt Space for their betrayal before the Battle of Fondor.
As the battle reaches Nal Hutta, Jedi Knights Lowbacca and Tinian I’att make it off the world,
while Jedi Daye Azur-Jamin remains to relay information out of Hutt Space.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
As the Jedi lose contact with Daye Azur-Jamin in Hutt Space, Jedi Knights Tenel Ka and
Jovan Drark set themselves up on Bilbringi to hunt out possible Yuuzhan Vong infiltrators, as
does Markre Medjev, who was doing research on Bothawui.
(conjecture based on Balance Point)
During the Yuuzhan Vong assault against Hutt Space, many of Xim the Despot’s war droids
that had been used as statues on Nal Hutta since the Third Battle of Vontor reactivate, killing
many Yuuzhan Vong invaders.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
After the death of their Master, Jedi Knight Daesharacor, Jedi Knights Alema and Numa Rar
begin leading a resistance movement against the Yuuzhan Vong on New Plympto. The
native Nosaurians follow them partly due to the charismatic leadership of Nolaa Tarkona back
during the Diversity Alliance crisis.
(conjecture based on Star by Star and The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life:
The Nosaurians)
Jedi Klin-Fa Gi, while on a mission for Luke Skywalker, is presumed dead on Gyndine.
Instead, she and her Jedi partner, Bey Gandan, have taken Wurth Skidder’s example and
posed as prisoners to be taken in by the Yuuzhan Vong.
(conjecture based on Emissary of the Void)
The Vagaari begin acquiring territories depopulated by the war with the Vong.
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. This is sometime after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, though how
long after the invasion is unknown.
Riflor comes under attack by the Yuuzhan Vong. Recognizing the futility of orbital
bombardment, the Vong unleash biological weapons, destroying 97% of Riflors plant life.
Millions of Advozsec starve, and others die as the biological agents adjust to their biology.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 755
The world is now nearly dead. In the wake of the disaster, many surviving Advozsec join the
movement against the Vong, including Zsall Dubrotin of the Bomminde family, who were
lucky enough to have been in Dozu Lam at the time of the attack.*
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Advozsec)*
*NOTE: The article says the Vong invaded in 26 ABY. I’m assuming they mean the invasion of Riflor, since the
invasion of the galaxy in general started in 25 ABY. It is unknown where this takes place in relation to the other
stories in this year, though the ultimatum at the end of Balance Point suggests that it is before that novel.
In Leathernecks, a bar in the city of Meirm on Sriluur, a group of heroes share a drink. They
notice Peace Brigade members harassing a Rodian and several droids, so they leap in to
help. The Yuuzhan Vong are coming, so when they save the Rodian (Falloon), he makes
them a deal. If they can get him and his droid, 9T-LOM to his ship safely, he will take them all
off-planet. They escape to the ship through a few Chazrachs and Vong, finally reaching the
Gilded Thranta. They escape, and while they are in transit, they learn that Falloon is actually
Soolehad, former chief accountant for Black Sun. He wishes to get the droid to associates
with its valuable information intact. Some days, the surprises never cease. They set course
for Coruscant.
(Last Call at Leatherback’s)
A group of heroes arrive on Froswythe, a ranch world that supplies meat and textiles. Jerren
Durs, a ranch boss, takes them out into the prairies in the morning to help bring in a bantha
herd. That afternoon, they reach the herd, which is scattered over several kilometers. As
they begin to round up the herd, Jerren and his ycaqt, a reptilian mount, are attacked by a
plains panther. The heroes rush in to protect Jerren and succeed in scaring off the panther.
Unfortunately, the herd is spooked and stampedes. The heroes and Jerren manage to avoid
being crushed, but they have to wait several hours before the animals calm down and can be
rounded up again. One bantha wandered off by itself, but when the heroes reach it, they
discover that it is grazing in the front yard of a dirt house built into the ground. The occupant
is Fegred Ewd, a criminal with several bounties from the core on him. He has been hiding
out on Froswythe in his dirt house, which can’t be traced by bounty hunters. He chases the
heroes off with his blaster, demanding that the heroes take their bantha and leave. They do,
and after spending the night out on the prairie, return to the ranch with their herd. That same
day, with his hiding place compromised, Ewd flees the planet.*
(Ride Herd)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. It takes place at some point during the New Jedi Order
era, but that is all that is indicated.
Two months after the Battle of Fondor (a full 10-month year after the invasion began), the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion comes to Kalarba. The Vong use a dovin basal to repeat the tactic
used to destroy Sernpidal, in this case trying to bring Hosk Station to crash into the planet.
As defense begins, Rogue Squadron, led by Gavin Darklighter, heads into the fray. During
the battle, the Champion is attacked and its drives explode, right into the path of Lieutenant
Jaina Solo’s X-wing. Jaina survives by ejecting, but has leg and chest injuries that bacta can
heal, and some mag-field exposure that is less optimistic. On Duro, as Jacen Solo helps his
father deal with a dispute between Ryn at SELCORE Settlement 32, Jacen feels the Force
blast of Jainas injury. It forces him into a sort of Force-trance, in which he receives a vision
of the galaxy as a balance, with the Vong on one side and Luke Skywalker on the other. As
more Vong advance, the scale begins to tip, with only Luke to hold them back. Jacen races
forward to help, but as Luke tosses a lightsaber to him, he misses catching it, and tumbles,
seemingly going over to the Dark Side or the Vong side and shifting the balance of power in
their direction. Coming to, he and Han make a point to contact Gavin’s office, where Major
Harthis informs them of Jaina’s condition. Jacen decides to try to find Leia Organa Solo to
tell her the news. Leia, however, is incommunicado, having come to Gateway on Duro to
help coordinate SELCORE activities anonymously (to keep away from the political
maneuvering at the New Republic’s higher levels). On Coruscant, a makeshift de facto Jedi
Council meets to discuss current events. During the meeting, Cilghal’s Apprentice, Tekli,
mentions having overheard what might be Yuuzhan Vong spies in the Leafy Green
restaurant. Mara Jade Skywalker and Anakin Solo investigate. They take the lone Vong
captive, discovering that spray netting works to hold them, but they cannot be stunned, as a
result of redundant nervous systems. Upon examination, the Vong’s claws are revealed to
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 756
be creatures embedded in their forearms, but not much else can be learned before the
subject frees itself and commits honorable suicide. On Duro, Randa the Hutt tries to
convince Jacen to lead a starfighter squadron for him against the Vong, but Jacen refuses. A
few moments later, a call comes in from Major Harthis, who tells them that Jainas vision has
been clouded by the exposure, but she need to heal. They will send her to Han and Jacen
on Duro. She arrives and is thoroughly annoyed with her situation, wanting to be back with
Rogue Squadron. Jacen consoles her as best he can. Later, Nom Anor, undercover yet
again, this time on Duro, contacts Warmaster Tsavong Lah, reporting the presence of Leia,
Jacen, and Jaina on Duro. On Coruscant, Luke, Mara, and Anakin attend a meeting of the
Advisory Council. Those Jedi who have become vigilantes are hounded for not being more
reserved in their actions, while those who have not actively attacked the Vong are seen as
holding back. They simply can’t win. After the meeting, Luke and Mara are met by Jedi
Tresina Lobi. A short time ago, she and her apprentice, Thrynni Vae had been on Duro and
discovered that SELCORE relief shipments from CorDuro Shipping have been being diverted
to be resold, or to stock and upgrade the Duro habitat Urrdorf, perhaps for a fast escape for
selected Duros. Thrynni has since gone missing. A short while later, in their quarters, Mara,
having sensed abnormal growth in her uterus and fearing that it is the disease again, has
realized what it really is. She lets Luke sense it as well. Mara is pregnant with their very first
son. They agree to keep the news to themselves for now. Luke, Mara, and Anakin head out
for Duro to track down the CorDuro problem and discover Thrynni’s fate. Meanwhile, on
Duro, Randa contacts Borga the Hutt, who suggests that Randa try to trade something,
perhaps Jacen and Jaina, for the Vong giving the Hutt’s Tatooine as a safe world.
Elsewhere, Leia is in another meeting, from which scientist Dassid CreeAr is absent, yet
again. She learns that someone has diverted a shipment meant for Gateway to Settlement
32 (Han has done this) and wonders who the hell is in charge over there. Deep under
Gateway, in the labs, Nom Anor booby traps a ceiling. Later, Jacen and Jaina discover a
strange larval creature in Settlement 32’s dome. Not thinking this is a major threat, Jacen
and Jaina try to get ahold of Leia via SELCORE, but Senator Viqi Shesh, a traitor to the
Vong, is no help at all. Jacen has a bad feeling about this. Very soon after the transmission,
Shesh informs Tsavong Lah of Jacen’s presence on Duro, which he already knows. That
night, Jacen awakens and realizes something is wrong. The Solos in Settlement 32 see
creatures having metamorphosed from the larva, which are now eating the dome, about to let
poisonous air in. The evacuation of Settlement 32 commences. They evacuate to Gateway,
where the Settlement 32 folks will have to go through decontamination, including being
shaved. Han finally comes face to face with the leader of Gateway, who promptly removes
her suit. Leia, now stuck in decontamination with them, embraces Han. After a few
exchanged words about the evacuation, the war, and Jaina’s condition, the rift between
husband and wife begins to truly heal. The rift between Jaina, who believes Leia has always
abandoned her for duty, and Leia, is still growing, though. Jacen and Jaina lead a team
back to Settlement 32 to gather supplies and belongings. It’s all the more difficult due to
Jacen totally shunning the Force. Seeking some way to help without the Force, Jacen takes
up Leia’s diplomatic leanings and agrees to go to Bburru to speak with the administration.
Meanwhile, Randa contacts Tsavong Lah to offer him Jacen in return for Tatooine, but,
thinking that he may have just made a deal with the devil, Randa contacts Viqi Shesh and
informs her that he found the villip, and a traitor must be among them. Shesh then, of
course, informs Tsavong Lah of this, making Randa a traitor to the Vong. On Bburru, Luke,
Mara, and Anakin arrive, in the middle of an isolationist policy rally. Mara and R2-D2 stay in
their quarters to look for helpful information, while Luke and Anakin, disguised as refugee
Kubaz, head for CorDuro. At CorDuro, Luke and Anakin are admitted to see Durgard Brarun,
the Vice-Director, and fade into the background as Jacen enters to speak with him as well,
about the shipping problems. Jacen recognizes Luke and Anakin, before being told, rather
bluntly, that the Duro don’t care for the world below, because to them it is dead and if the
Vong take Duro, they wouldn’t bother trying to take over the orbiting mechanical habitats.
Jacen offers to get some tariffs set up to further compensate CorDuro for fulfilling their ends
of contracts, and while the Duro try to confirm the offer, Jacen is sent to a room to stay as a
“guest.” Elsewhere, Mara discovers that one of the Gateway scientists has used an old
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 757
Rhommamoolian military code, possibly linking him to Nom Anor (whom she has no idea is a
Yuuzhan Vong). She goes to Gateway, where she meets Jaina and Leia. She tells Leia that
the person in question is Dr. Cree’Ar, and Mara and Jaina head to meet and question the
man, hoping to determine if he is a Vong. Going into the lab tunnels, they finally come upon
Cree’Ar. Jaina uses the Force to deactivate his masquer, revealing him to be a Vong . . .
who then, through taunting and an explanation of how Mara was poisoned on Monor II,
reveals himself to be Nom Anor. He threatens to infect her again, along with Jaina, giving
him just enough time to escape. Realizing it is a trap, Jaina and Mara race back the way they
came, only to be trapped in a tunnel collapse, thanks to Nom Anor’s booby trap. They begin
clearing the rubble. In Jacen’s room, Jacen decides to remain behind, despite the urgings of
Luke. Luke tells him that there is no halfway in using the Force, so if he will forsake it, he
must forsake it completely, or fully embrace it. Jacen decides to forsake it fully. Finally
freeing themselves, Jaina and Mara meet back up with Luke and Anakin, the latter of whom
next head for Port Duggan’s shipping area, following a lead on Thrynni Vae. Back at the
“guest room,” a Sunesi priest gives Jacen command codes to a hover vehicle he can use to
escape, if necessary. At the dock, Luke discovers from the mind of a thug that the CorDuro
thugs (linked, it seems, to the Peace Brigade) killed Thrynni Vae for the ties she discovered.
He and Anakin then depart quickly. Next, Luke, Mara, and Anakin help stage a diversion,
while Jaina makes her way into the CorDuro complex to Jacen’s room. Jacen is reluctant to
leave, but the CorDuro ties to the enemy are clear enough to persuade him to leave. The
four Jedi escape on hoverbikes and a hoversled to rendezvous. Jacen and Jaina steal a
shuttle and head for Gateway, as Luke and Mara take the Jade Shadow. Upon arrival, they
find Gateway in full evacuation, now that the Vong presence on Duro has tipped them off to a
probable forthcoming invasion. The Vong invasion begins with a first strike force, but Admiral
Wuht of the Duro Defense Force orders his forces to stand down, believing that the Peace
Brigade operatives he has spoken with can ensure safety for his people in exchange for the
dead planet. Knowing they cannot evacuate everyone in time, Leia and Han begin ushering
refugees into tunnels toward other ships. The Vong send down landing parties, including
Tsavong Lah, who tells all those who can hear that he wishes them to stand down. No one
who is not opposing the Vong will be killed in combat. Needing the COCU transmitter and
mining laser back in Leia’s old tunnels at the administration building, she, Jacen, Jaina, and
Olmahk, Leias bodyguard Noghri, head back to the administration building to get to the
devices, while Han continues leading the tunnel clearing, before he and Droma can take
some Ryn to an old buried scow of a ship that just might work to evacuate two thousand
refugees. As Han and Droma race past the Vong to the buried ship, Leia and the twins head
back toward the admin building, and Luke and Anakin help guard convoys of refugees, Mara
goes aboard Bburru to talk some sense into Wuht. Back on Coruscant, Jedi Kenth Hamner is
refused New Republic aid for Duro. No help will be arriving. In the admin complex, Leia.
Olmahk, and the twins are attacked by Vong. Leia pushes Jacen and Jaina out to safety,
while the Vong kill Olmahk and knock Leia out. Leia awakens in the presence of Tsavong
Lah, Nom Anor, and other Vong. They are sacrificing survivors outside to their gods, and will
soon do the same to Leia. For the moment, she is locked in a closet with Randa, who wishes
to atone for his actions, but does not know how. Outside the main rooms, Jacen hides in the
darkness, waiting for some way to save Leia, while Jaina tries to obey Leia’s urgings to run,
but turns back to help anyway. Jaina then hears blink code Leia is tapping into a power
conduit directly above the tunnels. Leia tells her to leave her behind and get a message back
to the others of Tsavong Lah’s newest threats: the destruction of Duro’s orbiting cities; the
enslavement of refugees; and a strike on the Core, based from Duro. Jaina reluctantly
rushes off. On Bburru, Mara makes her way to see Wuht, who is in the company of Peace
Brigade members. She tells Wuht what she knows, which is then supplemented when Jaina
calls by comlink and informs them all of the Vong threats. Wuht places the Peace Brigade
forces under arrest and orders as many Duros as possible to Urrdorf for immediate escape
with the next Vong wave. In the admin building, Leia is taken from the closet, followed by
Randa. Randa lunges at the Vong, hoping to cover Leia’s escape. Randa is attacked with a
creature that wraps around his neck, choking him to death, as Leia lunges at Nom Anor,
taking back her lightsaber and trying to escape. She is recaptured, though, her lightsaber
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 758
removed yet again. Leia is then slammed to the ground and the Vong begin viciously
attacking her legs, from the knees down. Hearing her screams, Jacen charges into the room.
He cannot help the galaxy to tip back toward the light by being neutral, standing upon the
balance point. He must act to shift power back to the light. With that realization, he
unleashes the Force in a more powerful sense than he ever has before. While on Bburru,
Mara takes off to join the other evacuation forces, Jacen charges through the room like a
whirlwind, literally. He unleashes the Force as a torrent of energy and wind, sending items
about the room in a cyclone with he and Leia in the eye. A desk slams Tsavong Lah out the
window, gravely injuring his leg. As the Vong are defeated in the room, Jacen takes the
strange creature that strangled Randa and uses it as a tourniquet for Leia’s legs, which are
bleeding profusely. Jaina arrives to help, and they take Leia as fast as they can from the
building, though tunnels of rushing water, released by the Vong in an effort to drown any
refugees in the tunnels. They make it to the Millennium Falcon, which Han then takes to the
skies, followed by Droma in the large evacuation vessel. As Duro cities in orbit are
pummeled by a new wave of Vong forces, the evacuees make their escape, with Anakin the
last to leave Duro behind. Duro is lost. In the wake of this tragic battle, with Leia’s fate
uncertain, and the New Republic battered yet again, Tsavong Lah uses local technology on
Duro to send out a message to the people of the galaxy. He issues an ultimatum. The
Yuuzhan Vong will end their advance, stopping the invasion with Duro, if, and only if, the
worlds of the galaxy turn over all Jeedai (Jedi) to the Vong for sacrifice, with special attention
to Jacen Solo. Tsavong Lah wants him alive, to personally send him to the Vong gods.
Those worlds who refuse to comply will be dealt with. If the New Republic was turning anti-
Jedi before, they now have even greater reason to destroy the Order. Perhaps the days of
the Jedi Purges are no longer a thing of the past . . .*
(Balance Point)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Collapse of the Core map
in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Iron Knights will help repel anti-droid activities on
Osarian, Uffel, and Klingson’s Moon (Droid World). However, when Hosk Station falls, at
least one Iron Knight will fall to the Dark Side.
(conjecture based on Droids and the Force)
Sometime during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Outpost 17 in orbit of Durace is destroyed.*
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
Sometime during the Yuuzhan Vong War, some students from the Jedi Academy, along with
other Force-sensitive pacifists, discover a holocron containing the teachings of Dorin Se’ol.
Learning that he hid on Volik, the group retraces his journey and hides on the planet to
escape the Vong war.*
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, enough refugees flee to Abregado-Rae that they break the
Tundei regime’s grip on the populace, making the world ripe for revolution.
(conjecture based on Coruscant and the Core Worlds)
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the planet Columex is razed by the Yuuzhan Vong,
destroying the business planet that the Greyshade family had developed for centuries.
(conjecture based on Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds)
The Jin’ri Trade Syndicate, Yuuzhan Vong suppliers, is created.
(conjecture based on Rebirth via TimeTales, paraphrased)
Danni Quee joins with a fallen Jedi named Jorallen to fight the Yuuzhan Vong, encountering
an evil Vong priestess.*
(Jedi Storm)*
As Jedi are slaughtered to appease the Yuuzhan Vong, Danni Quee and Jorallen continue
their quest against the Vong.*
(Jedi Fire)*
As Danni Quee and Jorallen defeat the Yuuzhan Vong priestess, the wholesale slaughter and
betrayal of the Jedi forges ahead full-force.*
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 759
(Jedi Blood)*
*NOTE: These three novels formed the canceled Knightfall trilogy. They are here as a curiosity. They never saw
print, and thus their events may someday be mentioned, but are not Official, just placeholders here in honor of
the lost projects.
Streen and Peckhum leave Yavin IV on a supply run, leaving Kam Solusar, Tionne, and Ikrit
the only leaders Jedi at the Academy.
(conjecture based on Conquest)
Chem, the son of a wealthy diplomat, turns fourteen. Upon doing so, he steals his mother’s
favorite ship and goes searching for Kyp Durrons Dozen. He requests admittance to the
squadron, but is refused, for the moment. As he waits for admittance, he simply follows the
squadron around on missions.
(conjecture based on Dark Journey)
Seyyerin Itoklo dies as a result of the Yuuzhan Vong, though whether killed by the Vong
themselves or by the citizens of the galaxy in response to the Vong call for the Jedi to be
destroyed is uncertain.
(conjecture based on Conquest)
Swilja Fenn is captured and turned over to the Yuuzhan Vong.
(conjecture based on Conquest)
Thrackan Sal-Solo becomes Corellian Governor-General.
(conjecture based on Recovery)
During the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, Chedak Communications embeds reporters with New
Republic troops for accurate media broadcasts about the ongoing conflict.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
During the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company
works with the New Republic to develop new chemical weapons to use against the invaders.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
On Ando, Dorsk 82 is killed by a mob trying to destroy and round up droids to appease the
Yuuzhan Vong. In space, Uldir Lochett, a former student at the Jedi Academy who had no
true Force potential, is nearly turned over to the Vong by Dacholder. Swilja Fenn, a Jedi
captured on Cujicor, is killed by the Vong. (To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Collapse of the Core map
in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Three weeks after the Battle of Duro, Leia Organa Solo and Han Solo are in a medical facility
on Corellia under assumed names. Leia’s legs require extensive bacta treatment and will
need nervesplicing later, and there is still doubt as to whether she will ever walk again after
Tsavong Lah’s attack on Duro. When a group of assassins led by Roxi Barl come into Leia’s
room, Han takes them out, but it blows their cover. During the scuffle, he is helped by an
unseen Force user whom he thinks may be the woman floating in a nearby bacta tank. Soon,
they speak with Dr. Nimbi and security personnel, and Leia sees a CorSec officer stealing her
generally empty datapad. Governor-General Thrackan Sal-Solo enters, and they maneuver
him into letting them escape from Drall. They will take the woman in the bacta tank as well.
They will need to get fresh bacta for the tank along the way, but will do so when Leia gets her
periodic bacta treatments to help her legs. As they reach the Millennium Falcon, they are
met by an Arcona named Izal Waz, whom Leia realizes is a Jedi, just like the woman in the
tank. They agree to take him with them off Drall. The three of them, along with C-3PO, take
off. They escape from Corellian pursuit before encountering a Yuuzhan Vong vessel, which
they take out thanks to a trio of stowaways helped aboard by Izal. They are three Barabels--
Bela Hara, Krasov Hara, and Tesar Sebatyne. The four of them are the Jedi students of Jedi
Knight Saba Sebatyne, who is in turn the student of Eelysa, the woman in the bacta tank.
They soon head for the Barabels’ rendezvous with the Star Runner a CorDuro vessel they
intend to get bacta from . . . and whom they intend to use to help prove that CorDuro is
collaborating with the Vong. They realize that someone already thinks they have proof, which
was why they were attacked on Drall. Aided by the Jedi-based Wild Knights squadron, they
take the ship and its bacta equipment. Soon, at the Cinnabar Moon Retreat, as Leia and Han
heal the wounds in their relationship, they soon realize that it may be Viqi Shesh behind the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 760
assassination attempt. As they begin to form their theories, Eelysa enters, finally healed via
bacta. She will soon return to Corellia to keep an eye on the Centerpoint Party. As for Han
and Leia, they contact Coruscant, and preparations are made for a corruption panel to be
convened regarding Viqi. On nearing Coruscant, they avoid another of Viqi’s traps, this one
in the minefield, before arriving for the panel. Viqi figured they would be dead, so she doesn’t
even attend. Their allegations center upon Viqi’s Chief of Staff, but will tag Viqi as well. It
would appear that CorDuro’s ties to the Vong are to be revealed, and Viqi may be brought
down. Viqi doesnt end up being removed totally, but her Vong appeasement movement is
voted down by a 2-to-1 vote. The Chief of Staff is found dead with a note claiming
responsibility for the corruption trail leading to Viqi, exonerating her for the moment. As for
Leia, the doctors confirm that her legs are finally healed and she should walk again, good as
new, very soon. Where will they go now? Luke Skywalker has an idea. He needs to set up
a system of contacts and routes to get Jedi in and out of unfriendly territory, and his sister
and brother-in-law are just the two to begin forging this “Great River.”
As work begins on creating the “Great River,” the Antarian Rangers, formerly assistants to
the Jedi Order during the Old Republic, emerge again and attempt to help the new Jedi Order
with the “Great River project.
(conjecture based on Hero’s Guide)
Things are, to say the least, going badly for the Jedi Order. Master Luke Skywalker calls the
Jedi to meet with him at the Jedi compound on Coruscant, but tempers are running high. A
civil war within the Jedi, perhaps with Luke and Kyp Durron leading opposing factions, seems
imminent. They determine, though, that the Jedi Academy is the most likely Vong or
sympathizer target. Against orders, Anakin heads for Yavin IV to save Tahiri Veila, his best
friend. Talon Karrde is already taking a group of ships to Yavin IV for evacuation, but Anakin
hopes to arrive first. He arrives just as a Peace Brigade invasion begins under the command
of Imsatad. Anakin, Tahiri, Kam Solusar, Tionne, and Ikrit plan how to hide before the
evacuation, but even as Anakin and Ikrit create a diversion, Anakin realizes that Tahiri, Valin
Horn, and Sannah have stayed behind to fight with them. In escaping, they hijack Remis
Vehn’s ship (hes a PB pilot, working for money, not principle), and hope to get to the others
soon, even as Karrde arrives in the system and pretends to side with the PB. Under attack,
they attempt to escape, but Tahiri ends up having to be left behind, even as Master Ikrit dies
to cover their escape. Elsewhere, Karrde shows the PB goons to where the Jedi are hiding,
knowing full well that between he and the Jedi, theyll mop the floor with the PB goons. They
do so, and the evacuation begins. Even as Karrde and the others get safely into space and
take up positions to keep an eye out for Anakin and the others, Vehn’s vessel crashes,
leaving Anakin, Vehn, Sannah, and Valin in need of repairs from other downed craft. They
are soon aided by Qorl, the former TIE pilot Jacen and Jaina dealt with during the Shadow
Academy crisis. The vessel is repaired slowly, and Anakin prepares to lead the Vong away
and to find Tahiri, who he believes is probably captured. Elsewhere, Vong Commander
Tsaak Vootah kills Imsatad for his arrogance in arriving before the newly arrived Vong force
and trying to take the Jedi first, which has let them escape. He is then taken to see their
captured Jeedai, Tahiri. On Coruscant, Luke argues the Jedis case to Borsk Fey’lya, who
lets slip that the New Republic had essentially sold out the Jedi and Yavin IV in order to save
its own ass. Luke will never forget this betrayal. With Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo out of
contact, Luke sends Jacen and Jaina to find Booster Terrik and Corran Horn aboard
Booster’s Errant Venture, hoping to mount an assault to save the Jedi at Yavin IV. During the
planning, Maras pregnancy is revealed to the twins. On Yavin IV, Anakin is shot down and
attacked by Vong, but saved by a Yuuzhan Vong Shamed One named Vua Rapuung. In a
Vong Shaper compound, Shaper Mezhan Kwaad and her initiate, Nen Yim, both heretics who
don’t believe in the Vong gods, begin experiments on Tahiri. Their hope is to map the Jedi
mind and body, and then to break her spirit, making her believe she’s a Vong named Riina
Kwaad, which matches perfectly with a vision Anakin had of Tahiri as a Dark Side
human/Vong hybrid trying to kill him. (To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Collapse of the Core map
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 761
in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Vergere explains to Tahiri Veila during her brainwashing (even though she will have no
memory of the conversation) that Tahiri is being transformed by Vergere and the Vong not so
that the Vong can claim a great victory over her, but because Vergere wants to show the
galaxy the inherent wrongness of Vong society so that it will mobilize the galaxy against the
Vong, as a fulfillment of her Jedi goals of stopping the Far Outsiders so many years earlier.
(To be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Anakin Solo and Vua Rapuung team up. Vua wants to force Mezhan Kwaad to reveal how
she had caused his implants to die, making him a Shamed One instead of his respected
former self, while Anakin wants to save Tahiri Veila. The goals somewhat coincide, so Vua
leads Anakin in a long invasion of the Vong Shaper haven. Along the way, he learns a lot
about how the Vong think. He can now see the enemy as “people,” not just a faceless
adversary. Once in the dumatek, Anakin is made to pretend to be a slave, even talking with
other Shamed Ones to learn about them, while they look for an opportunity. Vua, who is to
be executed soon, comes to Anakin for a final assault, and after Anakin rebuilds his
lightsaber with a living Vong “gem,” they press their attack. Invading the shaper area, they
are met by resistance. It turns out that Mezhan and Yim’s heresy has been discovered
through a spy who pretended to be a sympathizer, and Vong guards are where no guards
were anticipated. Anakin and Vua fight valiantly, finally finding Tahiri about to be taken away
with Mezhan. Vua convinces the Vong to force Mezhan to reveal the truth of his false
Shamed status, but Mezhan tries to escape. In her attempt, Anakin’s leg is wounded, as is
Vua, but Tahiri comes out of her brainwashing a bit and uses Anakin’s lightsaber to
decapitate Mezhan. Finally, as Vua covers their escape, Anakin and Tahiri escape in the
Vong craft, using Tahiri’s knowledge of Vong technology from her conditioning. They are
knocked down, and almost captured, when Vehn and Qorl return with Valin and Sannah to
save them. As they escape, Karrde’s people come in to cover them, taking heavy losses until
the Errant Venture arrives with Booster, Jacen, Jaina, and Corran. A short time later, Anakin
and Tahiri make plans to go back into action together when she has healed, but both know
she may never be the same because in killing Mezhan, she touched and enjoyed the Dark
Side. As for Nen Yim, she will carry on Mezhan’s “heresy,” and now another heretical
movement has begun, for now that Vua Rapuung has changed from Shamed One status to
his honored status due to the aid of a Jedi, there are those among the Shamed Ones who
now believe that the Jeedai, not the Vong gods, will be their way to salvation…*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Collapse of the Core map
in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
The President of the New Republic decrees that all hitherto undisclosed New Republic
records, documents, books, and blueprints shall be brought together in one immense archive.
(conjecture based on Fact Files, via TimeTales, verbatim)
Muun becomes a New Republic General.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
All Yuuzhan Vong who were on Yavin IV during recent events are ordered killed by Tsavong
Lah. Nevertheless, the tales told of a Jedi who fought alongside a Shamed One spreads
among the Shamed Ones, giving them a sense that perhaps the Jedi are the key to their
salvation . . .
(conjecture based on Rebirth)
Jacen Solo leaves the Errant Venture to join with Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo in their
creation of the Great River system.
(conjecture based on Rebirth)
While prisoners of the Yuuzhan Vong, Jedi Klin-Fa Gi and Bey Gandan find themselves
witness to Shaper activities involving Wayland, where the Vong discover some dark secret
that could spell the end of the Jedi. The information is stored in an encrypted qasha, which
the two Jedi steal before escaping. They end up on Bonadan, where they build new
lightsabers and prepare to escape back to the Jedi Order, but the Bonadan government is in
league with the Vong. The two split up, but Bey is captured with the qasha. Klin-Fa Gi
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 762
makes it her mission to get back to Wayland, get the key to unlock the qasha, then free Bey
and the qasha and get back to Master Skywalker. Unfortunately, she is stranded on
(conjecture based on Emissary of the Void)
On Bonadan, Uldir Lochett and his three companions, Vega Sepen, Vook Dehu, and Leaft,
have had to stop their rescue efforts on behalf of the Jedi while their ship is repaired. While
in a local casino, they witness several Corporate Sector Authority officers chasing after a
young woman. Uldir decides to step in on her behalf, hoping that she can help them out for a
job (and because, hey, she owes them for the drinks she knocked over as she used their
table as a springboard to escape). He follows her, finally catching up to her after she eludes
the officers. She tries to get away from him, but ends up coming to his aid with a skimmer
when the CSA officers return in their own. She reveals that she is a Jedi named Klin-Fa Gi,
who has been out of touch for so long that she hadn’t known about Tsavong Lah’s call for
Jedi to be turned over until the CSA officers had tried to capture her. Uldir reveals his own
past at the Jedi Academy, and the two form a quick partnership. They end up entering an
artificial super-storm to get away from the CSA and crash down in the outback outside of the
city. The next morning, both are uninjured, but they see a search party coming for them.
Even worse, one member of the search party is a Yuuzhan Vong. They make a break for it,
hoping to hear from Uldirs team soon. While on the run, they make contact via comlink with
Vega, who is coming to get them (tracking the comlink that they hide) aboard a stolen parade
hover-float. Finally, they come upon the search party. Uldir knocks some out, while Klin-Fa
takes out others, but while cornered by the Vong (whom Klin-Fa attacks “for Yabeley”), they
are nearly captured . . . until the float shows up. They board and are raced to the safety of
the No Luck Required. As they escape from Bonadan (with a hyperdrive that isn’t totally
fixed), Klin-Fa is introduced to the rescue team, but she refuses to reveal her mission. They
say they’ll contact Master Luke Skywalker to determine if she is legit, and while they wait,
Uldir gives her a tour of the ship, including its modified cargo bay, which now serves as home
to several A-wings, one of which has a working hyperdrive. No sooner do Vega and Uldir
discuss their suspicions that Klin-Fa is heading for the Dark Side then Uldir also learns that
Klin-Fa has been presumed dead on Gyndine for two months, and Skywalker knows nothing
of any secret mission, nor what Klin-Fa would want on Wayland, where she intended the
crew to take her. Skywalker wants Klin-Fa back for debriefing, but before they can even go
tell her they have discovered her lies, she sabotages the hyperdrive and takes off in the
hyperdrive-capable A-wing, leaving them stranded, two years from the nearest system and
leaking air. After they determine that she hadn’t purposely caused the air-leak, they fix the
hyperdrive enough to get to Wayland. Upon arrival, they are attacked by Vong vessels. As
the No Luck Required escapes, Uldir takes another A-wing down to the surface of Wayland to
catch Klin-Fa. Upon landing, he is captured by natives (Myneyrshi) led by Txer of the Free
People. They sort of agree to work together to stop Klin-Fa and the Vong from gaining any of
Palpatine’s devices from the storehouse. Of course, it is more along the lines of the natives
following Uldir to see if he dies, but it’s better than nothing. Uldir gets into the center of a
Vong mining encampment, finding Klin-Fa. Unfortunately, they discover that the burned zone
around it is caused by biological mining vents, which then blast out plasma and flame, setting
the area ablaze again . . . just as the Vong appear, heading right for Uldir and Klin-Fa, who
now have their backs to the firestorm. The Free People use ropes to haul themselves up out
of the fray, but Uldir and Klin-Fa Gi arent so lucky. They fall down into the mining beast’s
shaft. Meanwhile, the crew of the No Luck Required have set down on an asteroid and
stripped some supplies and fuel from a downed vessel found there. As they take off, hoping
to avoid the nearby Vong vessel, they awaken a battle drone (a Clone Wars era model),
which attacks them. Now they face two enemies. Back on the surface, Klin-Fa tells Uldir
what she has been up to. She and another Jedi, Bey Gandan, had been posing as slaves to
infiltrate the Vong, and had discovered that the Vong had found some sort of great secret to
wiping out the Jedi on Wayland. The information was stored in a qasha for transport, but the
two Jedi stole it. While being tracked down on Bonadan, Bey escaped with the qasha, only to
be captured and returned to Wayland and sent to a slave colony. Now, Klin-Fa has gotten the
biological key to decrypt the qashas information, but needs to save Bey and the qasha in
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 763
order to use it. Above, the No Luck Required crew tricks the drone and Vong into fighting
each other, just long enough to set down and take Uldir and Klin-Fa aboard. Once aboard,
they tell Klin-Fas tale again and set course to intercept the Vong vessel with Bey and the
qasha aboard. They reach their intercept point, but the Vong take a bit longer to show up
than expected They wait for the Vong to appear, then use the moment to breach the hull
(unnoticed) of the target vessel, making their way inside as Vook distracts the Vong in the No
Luck Required. The team inside splits up. Klin-Fa’s group reaches the prisoners aboard,
finding Bey in a coma. Elsewhere, the group led by Uldir captures the bridge, only to find that
they are accelerating toward a black hole, with no means to gain control of the vessel itself.
They cannot evacuate all the prisoners to the other ship, and to make matters worse, another
Vong war vessel has appeared. Klin-Fa and Bey appear, once she uses the Force to bring
him out of his coma. He suggests that one of them use a coralskipper on the ship to remotely
alter its course. Leaft agrees to do so, even as, aboard the Vong war vessel, Tsaa Qalu, the
commander, is contacted by a shaper, who has startling news for him . . . Leaft manages to
launch the coralskipper, with a bit of unnoticed help from one of the two Jedi. He is able to
remotely steer the prisoner vessel toward a safer course, even as Vook appears to have
driven off Qalus vessel. Leaft, however, seems to be missing. They believe his skip was
pulled into the black hole. Their adventure isnt over yet, though, so there is little time to
mourn. Klin-Fa informs them, after having learned the qashas information, that they must
head for Thyferra. The Vong have discovered a way to poison Bacta into an agent that kills
its users. (The information from Wayland was the biochemical sequencing for Bacta.) They
race for Thyferra, where they hope to intercept the Vong’s agent before the damage can be
done . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(Emissary of the Void)
As the Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster, Tsavong Lah, sends Nom Anor, under the command of
Quarang Lah, to begin plans for the next Yuuzhan Vong offensive, word reaches him that
Vergere, familiar of the late Priestess Elan and former Jedi of decades past, wishes to speak
with him. On Coruscant, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker are informed by Kenth Hamner that
a warrant has now been issued for their arrest by the New Republic. Chief of State Borsk
Fey’lya would rather have them escape but be out of his hair than be captured, but he must
maintain appearances. Aboard the Errant Venture, Corran Horn and Anakin Solo prepare to
make a supply run to Eriadu, and Tahiri, still dealing with the aftereffects of being altered by
the Vong, convinces them to let her go with them. Elsewhere, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo,
and Jacen Solo, are aboard the Millennium Falcon, trying to do what they can to create an
underground railroad of sorts for the Jedi to get into and out of occupied or hostile systems,
which they are calling the Great River. Aboard the Yuuzhan Vong worldship Baanu Miir, Nen
Yim discovers that the ship itself is dying. On Coruscant, Mara’s illness strikes again and
they go see Ism Oolos and Cilghal. Mara is using the Force to protect their unborn child from
the illness, but not herself as much as she used to be able to. Cilghal agrees to go into
hiding with them. They escape even as the arrest attempt is made, and are covered by
Rogue Squadron. Gavin Darklighter urges Jaina to go with them. Once they are safe, Luke
asks Jaina to find Kyp Durron (using a hidden transponder) to try to bring him back into the
fold. Meanwhile, Han and Leia have a meeting at a base within the Maw near Kessel with
Lando (the operator) and several other individuals, hoping to get funding and resources for
the Great River. The meeting doesn’t go as well as they’d hoped, but they still hold out hope.
On Eriadu, Corran goes for supplies, while Tahiri and Anakin, against orders, rush out to
save Jedi Kelbis Nu. They don’t arrive in time to save him, but hear his final word:
“Yag’Dhul.” They are then caught by authorities and have to fight their way out of captivity
back to the ship and Corran, and make a hasty retreat, using a random hyperspace vector . .
. which plops them right into the middle of a Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Near Sernpidal, Jaina finds
Kyp and discusses the situation with him and Luke. He asks her for help in speaking with the
New Republic military about what he says is a huge Vong superweapon, a gravitic weapon.
His recordings are unclear, but she believes his sincerity and agrees to help. Even as this is
taking place, the Millennium Falcon, under the name Princess of Blood, begins pirate attacks
on Peace Brigade-sympathetic ships supplying the Vong-occupied worlds. Jacen disagrees
with the tactics, but the arguing and spending time together will slowly help bring him and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 764
Han closer together. As for Luke and Mara, they arrive on the Errant Venture and quickly
send Kam and Tionne to look for a safeworld for the Jedi to stage from. Meanwhile, Corran,
Anakin, and Tahiri let their ship be destroyed while they strand themselves on a Vong
asteroid, only to discover that it is actually a ship. They enter and take the ship over,
discovering a Shamed One, Taan, who aids them based on the new pro-Jedi (especially pro-
Anakin) movement in the Shamed Ones. At the same time, Mara’s condition becomes more
grave, and Nen Yim is sent the aid of Master Kae Kwaad, who doesn’t seem at all interested
in helping the Baanu Miir. Back on the Vong ship, which is a scout ship, the three Jedi revert
into the Yag’Dhul system where collaborators with the Vong welcome them. In order to get
the attention of the Givin who really want to save Yag’Dhul, they stage a fake attack on
Yag’Dhul Station and thus contact the right authorities. They are taken to meet with Illiet. On
Tatooine, Han and Jacen, along with a group of Talon Karrde’s people, learn of more
shipments amid a hail of blasterfire, and prepare to attack the next one, unknowing that
Tsavong Lah has met with Vergere, who has told him that the Princess of Blood is the
Falcon, and his best ticket to finding Jacen. Aboard the Ralroost, Jaina has managed to get
Gavin Darklighter, Wedge Antilles, Kyp Durron (whom has offered to take her on as an
apprentice), and Traest Kre’fey to meet. They discuss the apparent superweapon and form a
plan to strike at it without government approval. At this point, all hell begins to break loose.
At their target, the Falcon and Karrdes group are ambushed by Tsavong Lah’s vessel. They
manage to escape in the middle of battle, but only barely. Near Sernpidal, Rogue Squadron
and Kyp’s Dozen go head-to-head with Vong vessels, buying time to strike at the
superweapon. As the casualties mount, the Ralroost and its cohorts arrive, continuing the
attack, which finally manages to destroy the vessel . . . which Jaina realizes was never a
superweapon. Kyp had tricked them into attacking the new Vong worldship, which while
significantly hurting the Vong, also means that they probably took out civilians without
knowing it. Jaina turns her back on Kyp as a result. The victory is somewhat hollow. Back
at Yag’Dhul, the Givin acknowledge the impending attack by the Vong, but are nearly too late
to stop it . . . (To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Collapse of the Core map
in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
While en route to Thyferra, Klin-Fa Gi tries to console and thank Uldir Lochett, whom she
kisses. They are interrupted in the moment, though, when the ship is pulled out of
hyperspace into the Yag’Dhul system in the midst of a major battle with the Vong. They are
nearly destroyed, but escape to continue their own mission. Soon, on Thyferra, they are
shown around and assured that nothing can go wrong. When they interrogate a couple of
alazhi workers, though, one turns out to be a Vong spy . . . but seems to have no clue about
the mission. Bey, however, has taken off. He is the spy! That is why Uldir felt very uneasy
about him every time they were near each other. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the others,
Leaft is alive and well, held captive by Tsaa Qalu, who reveals that he allowed the others to
escape so as not to compromise the mission that the shapers told him was being carried out
by Bey. Leaft attacks Qalu physically, then escapes in a coralskipper as Qalu’s damaged
ship smashes into the surface, killing Qalu. Back on the ground, the others confront Bey.
Bey has turned against the Jedi and the galaxy because Klin-Fa loved the other member of
their long ago trio, Yabeley, instead of him. Now, he intends to kill them and punish the
galaxy. Unfortunately for him, some shots from Vega distract him, and in the ensuing chaos,
Uldir throws Klin-Fas lightsaber, cutting Bey in half before his plan can be carried out. The
Bacta is safe . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(Emissary of the Void)
Back at YagDhul, Corran Horn, Anakin Solo, and Tahiri Veila are allowed to escape in a
craft, but their escort to the craft is Nom Anor in a masquer. To save them, Anakin has an
honor duel with one of the warriors when Nom Anor refuses to fight, and he cuts them an
escape route through the bulkhead. As the Vong invade the station and the Givin open the
station to vacuum, Corran takes their only working environment suit to get a portable
pressurizer while Anakin and Tahiri, held in the confines of a locker to wait for Corran, share
their first kiss, changing all the rules of their relationship. Once Corran returns, they make it
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 765
to the waiting ship and escape, only to see the Vong abandon the attack. Yag’Dhul is
spared, and with it, the Vong have lost a new staging point to attack Coruscant and Thyferra.
More to the point, Tsavong Lah believes that the situations at Yag’Dhul and Sernpidal were
related, and Nom Anor let himself fall into a trap to lure their forces from the worldship which
they have now lost. Back at the Baanu Miir, Nen Yim breaks protocols in her already
heretical ways, to see into the secret eighth cortex of Vong knowledge. Kae Kwaad, whom
she’d planned to soon kill, is revealed to be Ommni, Supreme Overlord Shimrra’s jester, who
was testing her. He knows that Vong knowledge has stopped truly growing, nearly to a halt
in the last 1,000 years. The Vong need new teachings and methods, and so he will allow
Nen Yim, given the rank of Master, to continue her heresy with his blessing, so that they can
bring new shapes and power to the Yuuzhan Vong. For her part, Nen Yim, who knows the
Vong of the Baanu Miir will die now that they can’t go to the worldship the New Republic
destroyed, vows to destroy the infidels. And, finally, aboard the Errant Venture, Mara goes
into labor. She nearly dies while fighting her disease, but Luke joins with her, and feels the
touch of their child, and seems to feel the aid of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi, who is one with the
Force. Through the ordeal, the disease is completely purged from her body . . . and Ben
Skywalker is born. In the wake of these events, the Skywalker/Solo family reunites, Feylya
rescinds the arrest order, and Kam and Tionne relay that they have found a safeworld. The
stage is set for the next phase of the war.*
*NOTE: Rebirth has Jaina Solo as 18 years old, rather than 17, as she should be. This would either push this
novel into the next year, taking place before Star By Star, or can be disregarded as an error by Greg Keyes. Star
By Star later compounds that error by making the twins 19 in Star By Star, when they should be 18. For a while, I
went ahead and put Rebirth in the next year, but I’ve moved it back here to the end of this year to better fit with
what we are meant to believe (that the hardbacks in the NJO kick off each new year), rather than what the
numbers seem to mean. This allows for the age dates for Ben Skywalker to remain consistent from here on out,
barring any internal book errors (such as being told that he’s eight, then being told he’s seven, in The Joiner
King, a book that was then itself bumped forward by a year compared to its internal dates. Gah.). If you are
curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Collapse of the Core map in the Essential
Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
A short time after the events on Thyferra, Uldir Lochett contacts Luke Skywalker via comm.
He congratulates Luke on Ben Skywalkers birth. He then learns from Luke that the Force is
with him, but in a way that they have rarely seen before. His luck is the workings of the Force,
but it took releasing himself from the desires of his youth to make it manifest itself. The crew
of the No Luck Required prepare for their next great adventure . . . including a relationship for
Uldir and Klin-Fa Gi, which may be the most dangerous adventure of all . . .
(Emissary of the Void)
As the Yuuzhan Vong proceed to conquer yet another planet, a small group of New Republic
stragglers encounter a Vong recon force. Fortunately, another small group of New Republic
soldiers, led by a Jedi Knight, are in hiding nearby and are willing to assist. Unfortunately, the
Vong can easily call in reinforcements if given the opportunity. To avoid enslavement or
death, the stragglers must take out the Vong force quickly.*
(The Yuuzhan Vong Advance)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. We know only that the forces are from the New Republic,
not the Galactic Alliance, so this must be prior to the formation of the GFFA.
Last Call at Leatherback’s (RPG: Cory J. Herndon)
Last Call at Leatherback’s (RPG: Cory J. Herndon)
Drink Up
A Round for All My Friends
Closing Time
One for the Road
Escape to Coruscant
Ride Herd (miniatures game: Jeff Quick)
Ride Herd (miniatures game: Jeff Quick)
Saddle Up
When Panthers Attack
Git off Ma Proppity!
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 766
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Balance Point (novel: Kathy Tyers)
Chapters 1 28
Knightfall (canceled novel trilogy: Michael Jan Friedman)*
Jedi Storm (canceled novel: Michael Jan Friedman)*
Jedi Fire (canceled novel: Michael Jan Friedman)*
Jedi Blood (canceled novel: Michael Jan Friedman)*
*NOTE: This Danni Quee story was considered tangential to the TNJO story and was cut before print.
Edge of Victory (novel series: Greg Keyes)
Conquest (novel: Greg Keyes)
Recovery (E-book: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 8
Edge of Victory [continued] (novel series: Greg Keyes)
Conquest [continued] (novel: Greg Keyes)
Chapters 1 13
The Shamed and the Shapers
Chapters 14 18
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The New Jedi Order
“Audio Reconstruction”*
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Edge of Victory [continued] (novel series: Greg Keyes)
Conquest [continued] (novel: Greg Keyes)
The Shamed and the Shapers [continued]
Chapters 9 27
Chapters 28 32
Emissary of the Void (G/I/SWH short stories: Greg Keyes)*
Battle on Bonadan (G8/SWH short story: Greg Keyes)*
Dark Tidings (G9/SWH short story: Greg Keyes)*
The War on Wayland/SWH (G10 short story: Greg Keyes)*
Relic of Ruin (I62/SWH short story: Greg Keyes)*
A Perilous Plan (I63/SWH short story: Greg Keyes)*
Episode VI (I64/SWH short story: Greg Keyes)*
*NOTE: Emissary of the Void was released in six parts in both Star Wars Gamer and Star Wars Insider (after
Gamer’s cancellation). In the original run of the story, the first five parts had specific names, while the final
segment was simply called Episode VI. When the story was re-released online through the Star Wars Hyperspace
service, the names were tweaked. The individual titles were dropped entirely, and they simply started to be called
Emissary of the Void, Part I (then Part II and so on). I’ve kept the original run names here because it seems more
accurate to me from a historical standpoint.
Edge of Victory [continued] (novel series: Greg Keyes)
Rebirth (novel: Greg Keyes)
Chapters 1 11
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 767
Chapters 12 13
Chapters 14 27
Emissary of the Void [continued] (G/I short stories: Greg Keyes)
Episode VI [continued] (I64 short story: Greg Keyes)
Edge of Victory [continued] (novel series: Greg Keyes)
Rebirth [continued] (novel: Greg Keyes)
Decent [continued]
Chapters 28 35
Chapters 36 47
Emissary of the Void [continued] (G/I short stories: Greg Keyes)
Episode VI [continued] (I64 short story: Greg Keyes)
The Yuuzhan Vong Advance (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
The Yuuzhan Vong Advance (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
27 ABY
Around halfway through this year, Vestara Khai is born on Kesh to Lahka and Gavar Khai.
(conjecture based on Omen)
On Drexel II, mutinous Nikto from a Hutt star yacht create a new colony.
(conjecture based on The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nikto via
TimeTales, paraphrased)
Frustrated by Alema and Numa Rar’s resistance movement on New Plympto, the Yuuzhan
Vong release a plague, wiping out all life on the world. (Luckily, most Nosaurians have
already left their homeworld in the last few years and survive.) The Rars and some others
survive on freighters that were off the surface. As word spreads about the devastation on
New Plympto, word reaches Sanbra, where Tem Eliss witnesses a Nosaurian fall to her
knees, weeping at the destruction of her home culture. Eliss will later lament in his journal
that he had never even known the young girls name.
(conjecture based on Star by Star, Whos Who in the New Jedi Order, and The University
of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Nosaurians)
The New Republic Jedi Knights set up a new safe haven on the planet found by Tionne and
Kam Solusar. They name the safeworld “Eclipse.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
Two years into the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, Hydians Audtion House on Chandrila is
deconstructed, bit by bit, and rebuilt on Epica. It will slowly draw in wealthy clients, eventually
transforming the social and economic status of Epica.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
The New Republic develops Star Destroyers with built-in, hidden interdictor-type gravity well
generators. Two of the first vessels of this type are the Mon Mothma and the ELEGOs A’Kla.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
Arkania sets up new Balmorran Arms defense platforms around the planet.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
The XJ3 X-wing starfighter enters service. Several are “lost” and given to Kyp Durron’s
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
As the Yuuzhan Vong threat becomes more pressing toward Coruscant, the planet becomes
guarded by orbital mines.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
The Vray begin to evacuate their home system as the Yuuzhan Vong approach.
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
General Carlist Rieekan is called out of retirement to lead the Coruscant Planetary Defense
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 768
(conjecture based on Star by Star)
Another world falls to the Yuuzhan Vong, led by Tsavong Lah. While the battle for the planet
is lost, a small contingent of New Republic troops, including two Jedi, remain behind to keep
a corridor clear for fleeing refugees. Unfortunately, there are so many refugees that the
troops cannot hope to protect them all. Nevertheless, they are committed to fighting a rear
guard action until as many as possible can escape.*
*NOTE: Summary provided by Luke Van Horn. This must be sometime while Tsavong Lah is leading the Vong
invasion, but no other timeline indicators are provided. The name of the planet isn’t even provided!
Tahiri Veila gives a briefing on the Yuuzhan Vong and their technology, based on the
partially-successful brainwashing conducted on her, to Corellian Security personnel at the
request of retired CorSec director Rostek Horn. She is joined by Anakin and Jaina Solo. (To
be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Kyp’s Dozen is reformed. Ian Rim becomes Kyps newest lieutenant. Octa Ramis, a Jedi,
also becomes a member (the first to do so since Jaina’s temporary mission with the Dozen).
A young man named Chem, who had been hanging around as a sort of Dozen groupie, is
finally admitted as a full member of the squadron. He uses much of his family inheritance to
purchase new X-wings, concussion missiles, and fuel.
(conjecture based on Dark Journey)
The Jedi Knights remain hunted, but have found a safeworld. The Yuuzhan Vong advance
continues. Now, the darkest hour yet is on the horizon. At a prearranged rendezvous point,
Jaina Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker have come in the Jade’s Shadow to meet the Nebula
Chaser and recover two Jedi who had been in charge of a resistance movement against the
Vong on New Plympto, the sisters Numa and Alema Rar. Before they can rendezvous, Vong
warriors board the vessel, setting a strange new creature after the sisters. The creature is
called a voxyn, and it appears to hunt through the Force, using poison claws, a sonic scream,
and acidic saliva. While attempting to escape dressed as dancing girls, the Rars are
attacked by the voxyn. Numa is killed, but Alema escapes and is recovered by Mara and
Jaina, even as the crew of the Nebula Chaser is killed for not turning them over. At the
Bilbringi Shipyards, Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo argue to convince General Muun to help
protect a Vray evacuation convoy, but New Republic resources are spread too thin to allow it.
They are interrupted by a visit from Yuuzhan Vong Executor Nom Anor. They make the
shipyards look far less productive than they actually are, then Nom Anor arrives. He shows
Leia and Han an image of the Nebula Chaser, whose passengers are still intact. He says the
ship will be destroyed if they don’t tell him where the Jedi base is located. When they refuse,
the ship is destroyed. He then issues a new ultimatum: if the New Republic does not turn
over the Jedi, or the Jedi do not surrender, within one week, the Yuuzhan Vong ships
surrounding the planet Talfaglio will destroy all of the refugee ships in orbit of that planet.
They nearly blast him out of an airlock, but then send him back to Tsavong Lah with a
message that the Jedi take no responsibility for lives taken by the Vong in such a fashion,
and further envoys will not be alive to return to the Vong. Nom Anor then leaves. The threat
is relayed to the Jedis secret base, Eclipse, where Master Luke Skywalker advises patience.
Meanwhile, Cilghal and Danni Quee will continue trying to understand Vong biotech and to
figure out how to take out or subvert a yammosk in battle. At the Vong base on Obroa-Skai,
Nom Anor reports to Tsavong Lah, while Vergere constantly acts to subvert him, much like
how Xizor and Darth Vader once battled for Palpatine’s affections. The Warmaster believes
the new ultimatum will be the wedge to drive the New Republic and the Jeedai apart. At
Nova Station in the Carida system, Leia and Han discover a plot to get a Vong-friendly vessel
to Coruscant through the minefield, carrying some sort of bad news for the planet. They beat
the vessel, the Sweet Surprise, to Coruscant, where it refuses to stop. When Rogue
Squadron, led by Gavin Darklighter and still quite obviously missing Jaina Solo, finally
manages to board the vessel, they find multiple voxyn aboard. At Eclipse, the Jedi have
been called together. Kyp Durron is there with his Dozen, as is Saba Sebatyne (former
student of Eelysa) with her Wild Knights squadron. In return for Luke taking on Sabas three
young Barabel Jedi Knights at Eclipse, Saba and the Wild Knights will help Danni to capture
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 769
a yammosk, and study them as much as possible otherwise. Before they can leave, Eelysa
is killed somewhere by a voxyn, which Saba feels acutely. She is not the first Jedi to fall to
voxyn, nor will she be the last. On Coruscant, Leia and Jacen meet with the New Republic
Military Oversight Committee and Chief of State Borsk Fey’lya. They don’t listen to her
advice to do something about the Talfaglion situation, and instead decide to ask Tsavong Lah
for an envoy to come and discuss the matter. Leia turns her back on New Republic politics,
yet again. Aboard the Sunulok, Tsavong Lah communicates with Viqi Shesh on Coruscant,
who explains how the New Republic is holding off on action thus far. Nom Anor is sent as
Tsavong Lah’s envoy to the New Republic Senate. On Eclipse, the Jedi mourn another Jedi
killed by voxyn, Raynar Thul’s close friend Lusa, who had been on Chiron. Unfortunately,
thus far, Cilghal has had no luck discovering voxyn weaknesses from the corpses from the
Sweet Surprise. Cilghal’s apprentice, Tekli, though, has discovered that all voxyn genetic
codes seem to be the same. They are essentially being cloned by a queen voxyn
somewhere. To be sure, though, they need more samples. The Solo “kids” take a squadron
of Jedi out to capture more, and in one confrontation where no voxyn seem present, the
Dozen arrives using some kind of attack that leaves no trail and seems to destroy ships out of
nowhere. Meanwhile, Saba’s Barabel students use a new shield leapfrogging tactic to keep
ahead of the situation. This will set the stage for two new Jedi tactics. First, flying in groups
of three to use the shield setup will help keep ships safe, while the second tactic, “shadow
bombs” will be a new Jedi weapon—proton torpedoes released without propellant, with
amplified charge, and guided by the Force. On Coruscant, Nom Anor is received by the
Senate, and Borsk Fey’lya slaps him around verbally, pledging the Bothans' support for the
Jedi. Borsk has the upper hand at the moment, and many rally behind his actions. After the
session, Viqi suggests to Tsavong Lah that she should arrange for Borsk’s assassination to
install someone who is less accepting of Jedi, like, say, Viqi herself. Meanwhile, Borsk, Han,
and Leia witness the unveiling of Lando Calrissian’s new YVH war droids, created by the
company Tendrando Arms, which he co-owns with his wife, Tendra Rissant Calrissian.
During the demonstration (which is amazing), Vong infiltrators try to kill Borsk, but the droid is
not set for true combat, so Borsk is nearly killed before they are stopped. In the chaos of the
moment, though, Leia must use her lightsaber, moving her closer to perhaps joining the other
Jedi in their actions at some point. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Star by Star)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Collapse of the Core map
in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
With the discovery of the voxyns’ existence, Luke Skywalker sends a small recon team to
Myrkr. On Myrkr, the team gathers holos to confirm Cilghal’s growing suspicions that the
voxyn are somehow related to vornskyrs, then they head back to Eclipse.
(Mission to Myrkr)
On Eclipse, Cilghal has discovered that the voxyn are genetically altered vornskyrs from
Myrkr (fact supported, apparently, by a returning team from Myrkr), which is behind enemy
lines, but where the voxyn are being created from the queen on a somewhat dilapidated
Vong worldship. Much to the fear of Han and Leia, Anakin Solo volunteers to lead a Jedi
infiltration strike team to the worldship to destroy the voxyn queen and shut down the voxyn
creation facility. They will be letting Lando, under a different name, turn them over to the
Vong as prisoners, and will then break free when behind enemy lines to infiltrate the facility in
the stolen ship. The team will consist of Anakin, Jaina, Jacen, Lowbacca (with MTD), Tenel
Ka, Raynar Thul, Eryl Besa, Ulaha Kore, Alema Rar, Zekk, Tekli, Tahiri Veila, Ganner
Rhysode (the fake leader so no one suspects its Anakin), Tesar Sebatyne, Jovan Drark, Bela
Hara, and Krasov Hara. Soon, Lando (AKA Fitzgibbon Lane) turns the Jedi team (er, Jedi
passengers) over to the Yuuzhan Vong vessel Exquisite Death under Duman Yaght. When
they are taken, YVH droids attach to the Vong ship. Soon, Nom Anor informs the Senate of
what has happened, which has extended the deadline for Talfaglio. When he hears that
Jacen and Jaina are twins, though, he visibly reacts. Viqi tries to challenge Borsk when he
continues to take the Jedi’s side, but when the infiltrators that tried to kill him are displayed
and others present (like Wedge Antilles) vouch for the event, Viqi backs down, believing that
it was her assassin squad that was stopped. Nom Anor then vanishes in a cloud of smoke,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 770
even as, on the Errant Venture, where Booster Terrik is hiding the youngest Jedi children,
Han, Leia, Luke, Corran Horn, and Mirax Horn watch. Luke explains that it was a planned
“capture,” then suggests that the Errant Venture go to Reecee, one of Traest Krefeys rear
bases, near Eclipse. Soon, the Vong attack Arkania, but when the New Republic tries to
defend, the Vong retreat, which prompts Danni and Saba to believe that the Vong have
something much bigger planned that they need to hold forces in reserve for. Nom Anor
reports back to Tsavong Lah, believing that it was Vergere who sent the assassins after
Borsk, which wouldve prompted Nom Anor to be killed by the New Republic. Vergere
confirms that Jacen and Jaina are twins, and Tsavong Lah declares that they are to be taken
alive so he can sacrifice them to the gods by having them fight each other, just as Lord
Shimrra fought his brother. Aboard the Exquisite Death, despite Jacen’s battlemeld, Jaina’s
weakness at seeing friends being tortured nearly causes her to break for the entire team, but
when Ulaha, having been ordered to reveal the location of Eclipse so as not to die, doesnt
reveal it, but actually kills a voxyn, the team is bolstered. Meanwhile, Kyps Dozen returns to
Eclipse and pledges themselves to follow Lukes instructions, as do the Wild Knights, creating
(finally) a unified Jedi Order to take the war to the Vong under Luke’s leadership. Meanwhile,
Nom Anor, with Vergere as his second, is sent to the Baanu Rass, the worldship at Myrkr, to
oversee the arrival of the Jedi captives, little knowing that the team is already exploding into
action on the Exquisite Death. The Jedi capture the vessel with the aid of the stowaway YVH
2-1S and 2-4S and prepares to reach the Baanu Rass. Unfortunately, the Vong have
discovered that it has been taken, so when they arrive at Myrkr, they are forced to abandon
the vessel, all setting down on the worldship to sneak in . . . all except for Ulaha, who is badly
injured, and will take the ship away as long as she can to cover their entrance. She does so,
eventually being destroyed with the ship. Of the original 17 Jedi on the team, 16 remain.
Sensing Jedi on their way in, their first assault is to take out a grove of trees with ysalamiri,
then free two captives . . . the Nightsister Lomi Plo and Tamith Kai’s former student Welk,
who took Vilas place after Zekk killed him during his time at the Shadow Academy. The
team now has 18 members, who are about to start off just as Nom Anor and Vergere arrive.
Soon, at Talfaglio, a force from Eclipse including most of our heroes goes hunting for a live
yammosk to capture, and are soon aided by the Mon Mothma and the ELEGOs A’Kla under
Generals Wedge Antilles and Garm Bel Iblis. With the help of the New Republic Star
Destroyers hidden interdictor gravity well generators, they capture a live yammosk to study.
The Talfaglio blockade is broken . . . but the appearance and actions of the combined force
brings Tsavong Lah to the realization that the time is right for Battle Plan Coruscant, the
move to take the capital world. As the strike team on the Baanu Rass takes on voxyn in front
of them and Vong to the back of them, Luke speaks before the Senate. Viqi suggests that he
influenced Wedge and Garm through the Force. She tries to discredit the Jedi yet again, but
Fey’lya interrupts with a transmission of various New Republic military heroes (Wedge, Garm,
Kre’fey, and General Carlist Rieekan, among them) who appear in hologram form to back
Luke and Feylya. As a result of the support coming from such a display (which Fey’lya had
faked), Fey’lya orders the New Republic military to cooperate and coordinate with the Jedi.
The actual message Fey’lya received was a warning that the Vong are moving on Borleias.
Aboard the Sunulok, Tsavong Lah sacrifices an arm to the gods and takes a creature
replacement (randak claw), even as he receives news of the New Republic capturing the
yammosk, which prompts him to order the destruction of all yammosks threatened with
capture. Soon at Eclipse, the Errant Venture arrives, pursued by coralskippers it destroys,
and bearing the remains of Reecee fleet. The Vong had hit it just as they hit Borleias,
decimating the world’s defenses. Aboard the Baanu Rass, Eryl is killed by a razorbug, while
Jovan Drark is dying of wounds. In trying to save Jaina and the others, Anakin is gravely
wounded, but with Tekli’s help, continues to lead the team. The team is now down to 16
again. Soon, a Vong attacker kills Bela. 15. As this takes place, the Vong force near
Borleias is stopped, which is reported to Tsavong Lah, whose new limb is rotting, which may
someday turn him into a Shamed One. Aboard the Baanu Rass, the Jedi reach the huge
arena housing the voxyn nests and the queen, but their first assault into the area leads to the
death of Krasov. 14. Raynar is then injured, but they do find a freighter (the Tachyon Flier)
they can later use to escape. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Viqi and a group of Vong break into
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 771
the Solo’s apartment to take them out, only to be discovered. Viqi manages to escape. The
target had possibly been Ben Skywalker, who was with Leia and Han for safekeeping. Back
on the Baanu Rass, Lomi and Welk steal the Flier and escape aboard, taking the sedated
Raynar with them. Soon, the Jedi think (erroneously) that they feel the ship’s destruction and
death of Raynar and the two Dark Jedi. The team now numbers 11. Anakin, dying from his
wound earlier, covers the others as they race after the voxyn queen. He allows the Force to
flow through him to the point that his body begins to become virtual Force energy, turning
him, literally, into what Yoda might have called a “luminous being,” as he wipes out Vong
after Vong after Vong before the raging Force flame within him finally burned out. Anakin
Solo is dead, now one with the Force. Across the galaxy, Luke and Leia, on Eclipse and
Coruscant, feel the loss of Anakin. Luke forces himself past his rage to prepare for the
assumed battle at Coruscant that is coming, while Leia turns to Han and essentially begins to
retreat from the world around her. Soon, the Third Battle of Coruscant begins. Luke leads
the Jedi and their allies (Saber, Dozen, Shocker, and Wild Knights squadrons) into the fray,
only to discover that many incoming vessels are captured refugee liners that are apparently
being sent on kamikaze courses for the planetary shields to weaken them. While Krefeys
forces try to avoid firing toward the refugee ships, Bel Iblis knows what is it stake and
continues firing at the Vong, despite the possible civilian casualties, causing others to leave
Kre’fey and join Bel Iblis’ tactics. Aboard the Baanu Rass, Jaina, Zekk, Alema, Lowie, and
Tahiri go after Anakins body, while the others continue after the voxyn queen. The team,
reduced to 10 with Anakin’s death, is now in two teams of 5. At Coruscant’s Orbital Defense
Headquarters, Lando has dropped off more YVH droids to help in the defense and is
reactivated as a General to help coordinate things from above to send the orbital mines on
actual attack vectors for Vong ships. Meanwhile, finding Vergere with other Vong and
Anakin’s body, Jainas group attacks, taking back Anakin’s body. Jaina is already falling to
the Dark Side after Anakin’s death and uses Dark Side Force lightning in the battle. They
then secure the Vongs shuttle as an escape craft. Jacen’s team is soon helped by Vergere
in their pursuit of the voxyn queen. On Coruscant, Leia, Han, C-3PO, and Ben are heading
for the Millennium Falcon to evacuate the jammed Eastport facility, when a mother and son
attack them. The mother kills Adarakh, one of Leias Noghri bodyguards. She draws her
lightsaber and chases after the mother, who is actually Viqi Shesh. C-3PO is sent to take
Ben to the Falcon, but they end up being pushed aboard the Byrt. Han drags Leia and the
boy to the Falcon, but they need containment fluid before they can get off the planet. Luke
and Mara try to head off the Byrt to save Ben, but end up crashing down on Coruscant, but
surviving. Meanwhile, the Falcon heads for Borsk Fey’lya’s landing pad, so Leia can do for
him what she refused to do earlier, and so they can get refilled on fluid. Upon landing, they
learn that Borsk has yet to order the main data towers to be destroyed, apparently not willing
to admit full defeat. Leia gets on the comm for Feylya and speaks to everyone in the New
Republic, urging hope and strength in the face of defeat, for they will one day prevail.
Meanwhile, Lando takes the Lady Luck and saves the Byrt with Ben and C-3PO. Aboard the
Baanu Rass, Jacen’s team goes after the voxyn queen, and Tesar is nearly killed in the
process. Jacen kills the voxyn queen as the others get to the shuttle, but they are forced to
leave without him as Jacen, after betrayal by Vergere, is captured by the Vong. Of the
original 17 and the 2 Dark Jedi, only 9 Jedi have escaped alive, with one of them (Jaina)
falling to the Dark Side it seems, and a 10
(Jacen) in Vong custody. On Coruscant, Borsk
orders the data towers destroyed and calls for a private audience with Tsavong Lah in his
quarters, even as Vong forces being to overrun Coruscant. Elsewhere, Mara and Luke are
pinned down with other survivors until the Falcon arrives to carry them to safety, having left
Borsk behind at his request. Soon, Borsk sets of an explosion, killing him and the Vong sent
to see him. Unfortunately, Tsavong Lah did not come to see him, and wasn’t killed when
Luke’s forces wiped out the Sunulok, but is alive and well aboard the Kratak. At any rate,
Borsk has finally died serving the New Republic as best he knew how. To some, he will
remain a hero. As our story closes, the Yuuzhan Vong have taken Coruscant and the New
Republic leadership is scattered. Among the body count are eight young Jedi Knights
including Anakin Solo, Borsk Fey’lya, and countless others on Coruscant. Jacen is captured.
Jaina is on her way to the Dark Side. The question now becomes: can things get any
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 772
(Star by Star)*
*NOTE: In the Edge of Victory duology, the twins’ ages are given incorrectly as 18 rather than 17. Star By Star
compounds that error by making them 19 instead of 18 here. I’ve written this off, as LucasBooks seems to have
done, as just an error on behalf of the writers (Greg Keyes and Troy Denning), rather than any indication that
either of the stories should take place later in the timeline than they were meant to (EoV in 26 ABY and SBS
starting 27 ABY). If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Collapse of the
Core map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Jaden Korr’s uncle Orn is killed during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Riptide)
When Coruscant is devastated in the wake of its capture by the Yuuzhan Vong, all files on
the planet Oreen are lost.*
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
Sometime during the height of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Marvid and Craitheus Qreph’s
Galactic Syndicated runs a starliner service that specializes in selling entire shipfuls of
refugees to Yuuzhan Vong priests for mass sacrifices.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
Around this time, New Republic officer Stavin Thaal escapes from Coruscant and sets up a
new operation on nearby Vandor-3. He and his loyal troops set up in an old Tech Raider base
and become an elite spying unit known as the Pop-Dogs, named for a rodent on Thaal’s
destroyed homeworld of Carida. While they keep it quiet for years to come, this effort is
helped by another New Republic officer from Intelligence, Borath Maddeus.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Around this time, Cadrin Awel and her family on Vandor-3 live in the wilderness to avoid
Yuuzhan Vong on the planet. She will eventually use her two years living off of the land as
the basis for her business, Cadrin’s Sanctuary.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Around this time, as planets are falling to the Yuuzhan Vong, the last surviving member of the
Kura family, founders of Kura City on Kuratooine, allow refugees from other worlds to come
settle on Kuratooine as indentured servants, who can then by their freedom in a few years.
This creases a society of mixed backgrounds, mostly of people from disasters on other
planets, with a willingness to look the other way on government excesses due to loyalty bred
from being “saved by Kuratooine’s “generosity.”
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
The Peace Brigade approaches the Fia of Galantos. In return for raw materials (which the Fia
don’t realize means slaves for the Yuuzhan Vong), the Peace Brigade passes along
information to the Yuuzhan Vong that leads to the genocide of the Yevetha.
(conjecture based on Remnant)
Even as Yuuzhan Vong Priest Harrar and the son of Warmaster Tsavong Lah, Khalee Lah,
arrive in the vicinity of Myrkr, the Ksstarr, Nom Anor’s personal ship, zips away from the
Baanu Rass, commandeered by Jaina Solo, Zekk, Lowbacca, Tenel Ka, Tahiri Veila, Ganner
Rhysode, Alema Rar, Tesar Sebatyne, and Tekli. Jacen Solo has been left behind, and the
Jedi aboard the Vong vessel now bear the corpse of Anakin Solo. Aboard, Jaina is slowly
moving toward the Dark Side, and the others know it. They set course for Coruscant and
escape pursuit. Meanwhile, Kyp Durron’s Dozen emerges over Coruscant in the middle of
the frantic evacuation and battle above the world. Of his squadron, everyone but Kyp himself
is seemingly wiped out, including Octa Ramis, a Jedi who actually survives. Kyp joins the
Millennium Falcon (bearing Han and Leia Solo, along with Luke and Mara Skywalker) as
wingmate, even as the Ksstarr emerges from hyperspace and into the sights of Republic
vessels. They recognize the Ksstarrs movements as signature Jaina Solo moves and have
the Republic forces stand down from targeting the ship. The battle rages on as they all
escape. Meanwhile, in Chiss space, General Baron Soontir Fel calls his son to report to him.
The young man, Jagged Fel, is Soontir’s oldest surviving child, with his brother Davin and
sister Cherith both killed in battle. Jag is ordered to travel away from Chiss space with
Shawnkyr Nuruodo to scout for the Chiss, specifically Syndic Mitth’raw’nuruodo. It is a
dangerous mission, but Jag will go, despite his fathers reservations. Aboard the Ksstarr, the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 773
Jedi decide to head for Gallinore to repair the Vong ship, but they will stop on Hapes first.
Aboard their ship, Harrar and Khalee Lah speak with two former Hapan military men,
Benwick Chell and Vonce, who have returned to piracy, and wish to help the Yuuzhan Vong
to save their lives. After the Vongs kill Vonce, they learn from Benwick that it is Jaina who
was commanding the Ksstarr. They begin preparations to capture her. At Hapes, the Falcon
arrives for repairs, even as former Queen Mother Ta’a Chume makes plans with her aide,
Trisdin Gheer, to somehow take Queen Mother Teneniel Djo out of the picture and replace
her with a suitable Queen for Prince Isolder. Soon, above Hapes, the Ksstarr arrives, and
Tenel Ka takes an escape pod to try to land on Hapes and get word that the Ksstarr is
friendly so that they can land safely. As the pod is captured by pirates, Ta’a Chume allows
the Ksstarr safe passage. Aboard the pod, Tenel Ka emerges into the capturing vessel, the
Starsprite, which is under the command of NiKorish (anti-Jedi) thugs. Aboard the Ksstarr,
Jaina uses a villip to communicate with Tsavong Lah, using the information from the contact
to have Lowbacca block the signal transmitting from the Ksstarr to its coordinating yammosk.
Shortly, Harrar also speaks with Jaina, and Jaina begins to take on the persona of the
Yuuzhan Vong goddess Yun-Harla. She even goes so far as to dub the Ksstarr as the
Trickster. Meanwhile, Jag and Shawnkyr (Vanguard One and Two, respectively) scout Ithor
before saving the Blind Mynock nearby and heading for Hapes to gather more recruits for a
makeshift squadron, just in case they are attacked by the Vong and thus allowed to engage
in self-defense. (To be continued below . . . )
(Dark Journey)*
*NOTE: The age problems continue. In this story, Jag is said to be 20, when he was 14 in Red Sky, Blue Flame.
Since this takes place at 27 ABY and RSBF now (thanks to a LucasBooks change of mind) takes place in mid-18
ABY), he would be about 23 years old in this story. This is impossible, mathematically. For the moment, we’ll
assume that he is, in fact, 14 in RSBF, and his reference to being 20 here is more of “in his twenties.” This story
is also not to be confused with a story by the same name in Star Wars Tales #17. If you are curious about dates
for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which
Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
After what feels like an eternity within the Embrace of Pain, Jacen Solo is revived, only to find
Vergere there to face him with the idea that he is, philosophically speaking, dead. She will
now be his guide through the land of the dead, as he struggles to discover truths about the
Yuuzhan Vong and himself . . . and all without the aid of the Force, from which Vergere easily
and completely cuts Jacen off . . . (To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Above Hapes, as the Jedi realize that Tenel Ka has been captured, they all (except Jaina
Solo) feel a blast through the Force that they interpret as Jacen Solo dying. They dock with
the other ship, saving Tenel Ka (who was kicking some serious ass), then begin making their
way toward Hapes itself. On Hapes, the Millennium Falcon has landed, as has Kyp Durron.
As Kyp and Leia Solo talk, the two Vanguard vessels arrive, and Jag is asked to help escort
the Trickster to the surface. Kyp joins up with the Chiss and several Hapan volunteers for the
duty. Finally landing after a difficult tandem flight that doesn’t work out very well, the Jedi
watch as Anakins body is escorted from the ship. The Solos are reunited, but it is obvious
that Jaina will soon go her own way to deal with her grief, just as Han did over Chewbacca.
Later, Jaina goes to Ta’a Chume to find aid in her quest to avenge Anakin and rescue Jacen.
It seems that Taa Chume is far too eager to please. One evening, Tenel Ka speaks to her
father, Isolder, who suggests that she must take up the throne in her mother’s place soon. At
a diplomatic function, Ta’a Chume begins to suggest a greater leadership destiny for Jaina,
then asks Trisdin to try to charm her, hoping to craft Jaina into the Hapes Consortium’s next
Queen Mother. Kyp pulls Jaina aside and forces her to go with him to Anakin’s funeral. As
Anakin’s body is burned in a funeral pyre, the Jedi and his family speak of him fondly,
including Kyp, whose words resonate with meaning.
Kyp: I knew Anakin mostly through reputation, but I suspect that someday I will
be able to stand before a solemn assembly and tell how this young Jedi
changedeven savedmy life. The deeds of heroes send ripples
spreading through the Force. Anakin’s life continues to flow outward,
touching and guiding those who have yet to hear his name. Most of us
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 774
here use the Forcethis young man embodied it.
After the funeral, Jaina tells Zekk that she is considering taking Kyp up on his offer to take her
as his Apprentice. Soon, Tenel Ka meets with her mother, who passes a ring to her that
bears information about a new Hapan fleet being created within the mists nearby. Shortly
thereafter, Taa Chume begins to suggest to Isolder that he needs a new queen, perhaps
even Jaina. Isolder then meets with Leia about Jaina’s plans to go after the Vong, and they
proceed to meet with Teneniel Djo, then Ta’a Chume, before Leia finally speaks with Jaina
about her plans. Jag fell then speaks with Jaina, and she cannot explain her feelings toward
him, even though she had recently realized that similar feelings existed between Tenel Ka
and Jacen. As for her plans, she intends to somehow utilize the Vong’s gravitic signature
technology to see if she can use a Vong ships individual signature to confuse the Vong
forces. She goes to Ta’a Chume to see if she can get access to small Vong implants that the
attacking pirates had implanted in them. She believes they can be somehow altered to
create different signals. Ta’a Chume agrees to provide her with such materials. Jaina then
“rewinds” Trisdin’s mind to void the conversation, using borderline Dark Side powers. Jaina,
Lowbacca, and Tenel Ka will travel with this specimen to Gallinore. Only one other will be
brought in on it, and he will be the only one in on the mission completelyKyp Durron.
Trisdin and others are sent to “free” the prisoners, which will allow Jaina to take one to
Gallinore as a living test subject. “Unfortunately,” Trisdin is killed. At the refugee camp, Jag
interrupts a fight between Han and several Hapan Royal Guards. Han cannot remember why
he threw the first punch. Meanwhile, Jaina, Lowbacca, Tenel Ka, and Kyp (along with the
pirate as “baggage that only Jaina and Kyp know about) set out for Gallinore . . . (To be
continued below . . . )*
(Dark Journey)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, Tenel Ka, and Lowbacca arrive on Gallinore. Jaina is both trying to
determine whether to take Kyp up on his earlier offer to take her as his apprentice and hoping
to see if the biotech researchers on Gallinore can help her understand the Trickster, the
Yuuzhan Vong vessel they stole when they escaped from the Baanu Rass at Myrkr. Of
course, the real mission is something far more questionable. Once Tenel Ka goes on her
way to a meeting on behalf of the Hapans, the others get to work. With Lowie’s help getting
schematics, Jaina and Kyp begin their real mission. They are taking a Yuuzhan Vong slave
that had defected and been programmed to kill Tenel Ka on Hapes to a failed Jedi named
Sinsor Khal, who is an unwilling guest of the Gallinore government’s science facility. They
break in through a cooling shaft, nearly getting wiped out by a torrent of coolant. During their
journey, Jaina calls upon Dark Side Force Lightning again to incapacitate the prisoner. When
security guards block their path and must be knocked out, Kyp teaches Jaina how to use the
Force (in a somewhat Dark Side fashion) to wipe memories. They then get the prisoner to
Khal, hoping that anything they learn might allow them to defeat the Vongs mind-control or
use it against them somehow. They get back to the ship and reunite. Tenel Ka is in the dark
about the mission already, and now that his part in covering their tracks is done, Jaina wipes
Lowie’s memories as well. Her journey toward the Dark Side continues . . . *
(The Apprentice)*
*NOTE: This is not to be confused with another story by the same name from the Marvel series or yet another
story with the same name from Star Wars Tales #17. One might also note that they finally got Jaina’s age (18)
correct again in this story.
On Gallinore, Jaina Solo speaks with Sinsor Khal, who tells her how the Yuuzhan Vong
implants work, and tells her that he should have an answer for her plan soon. Meanwhile, at
Eclipse, Han Solo, Leia Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Mara Jade Skywalker marvel over young
Ben Skywalker, while trying to figure out what Han has forgotten from his encounter with
Hapan Royal Guards at the Hapes refugee camp. On Hapes, Jaina, whose actions with the
captured pirate make Kyp believe her to be very close to the Dark Side, arrives with altered
Yuuzhan Vong implants. She speaks with Ta’a Chume and readies a new plan. They will
use the little implants as beacons to attach to attacking Vong vessels, making each appear to
be the Trickster, thereby giving misinformation to the enemy and allowing Jaina’s reputation
as a human version of Yun-Harla to grow. As plans are made, Tenel Ka and Jag Fel worry
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 775
that Jaina will be tempted to become Hapes new Queen Mother, even as Jaina has
Lowbacca bring several Wookiee technicians into the line of fire to help with their plan. Soon,
Jaina and Kyp, along with other pilots, begin engaging Vong vessels in ships bearing the fake
Trickster signal. Later, as Ta’a Chume pushes Isolder to replace Teneniel Djo with Jaina,
Jaina apologizes to Lowie for the deaths of several Wookiees in suicide missions. Kyp
emerges, raging at the suicide missions. Kyp duels Jaina over the next mission. The duel
ends when he reveals that he doesn’t want to end the next flight, but fly it himself. Soon, Kyp
flies the mission, implanting a Vong vessel with a fake Trickster signal. It works like a charm.
The Vong begin firing on each other, wiping each other out. Meanwhile, at Eclipse, Han
remembers why he began the fight. The guards had been asking him about Jaina marrying
Isolder. Hed started the fight then. They realize that this means Teneniel Djo is in danger . . .
(To be continued below . . . )*
(Dark Journey)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Luke, Ben, and Mara Skywalker leave Eclipse to join Wedge Antilles and his forces as they
prepare to take Borleias. At around the same time, Han and Leia Solo leave eclipse, taking
Alema Rar, Zekk, Tahiri Veila, and Tesar Sebatyne with them. They will soon send out a
HoloNet query to determine if Luke is still at Borleias and join the Lusankya in traveling there.
Upon linking up with Wedge’s group, Luke takes command of a new X-wing squadron
christened Twin Suns Squadron. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, New Republic Advisory
Council member Councilor Pwoe declares himself Chief of State in place of the late Borsk
(conjecture based on Rebel Dream)
About a week after the fall of Coruscant, Presider Sakins of Vannix loots his planets treasury,
abdicates his position, and leaves Vannix. Newly arrived Senator Addath Gadan, who
survived the fall of Coruscant, takes over day-to-day tasks, but winds up having to share
power with Admiral Apelben Werl.
(conjecture based on Rebel Stand)
After another long, but unspecified amount of time in the Embrace of Pain, in Yuuzhan Vong
hands, Jacen Solo receives a lesson in pain from Vergere. She tells him that “helping” him to
escape would do him the same harm as she had to a shadowmoth (native to Coruscant,
which makes Jacen wonder when Vergere wouldve been there). By saving the shadowmoth
from pain, she had kept it from being strong enough to fly on its own. Jacen too must endure
pain to become whatever it is that Vergere believes he can become. Jacen takes the lesson
that sometimes pain is the only road to a desired destination and begins to, in essence, fight
back against the pain by making it simply another part of himself, not to be recognized or
feared, just . . . there. Meanwhile, Vergere returns to meet with Nom Anor, and both discuss
plans with Tsavong Lah. Their goal: to turn Jacen toward the True Way of the Yuuzhan
Vong, make him into a living embodiment of Yun-Yammka, as his sister Jaina is becoming
Yun-Harla, then to allow Jacen to return to the New Republic, spreading the gospel of the
greatness of Yun-Yuuzhan and the Yuuzhan Vong faith. (To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Above the Yuuzhan Vong controlled planet Borleias, which had been their staging ground for
taking Coruscant from the New Republic, as it had been Rogue Squadron’s staging ground
for taking Coruscant from the Empire, a New Republic battle group led by Wedge Antilles
emerges from hyperspace. Led by Wedge and including Rogue Squadron under Gavin
Darklighter, Twin Suns Squadron under Luke Skywalker, and so on, the battle group sweeps
down upon the Vong, while YVH droids and troops led by Lando Calrissian take to the
ground. The New Republic pushes the Vong back, reclaiming Borleias. They begin setting
up a base of operations in the old New Republic base that was once Evir Derricotes’s biotics
facility for creating the Krytos Virus. They are setting up so they can take stock of things,
help any refugees on the way from Coruscant, and to present the Vong with a strategic target
to buy other fleets, such as that under Garm Bel Iblis or Traest Kre’fey, to make good their
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 776
escape from the battle zone. As for our heroes, Wedge has heard nothing from his wife Iella
Wessiri Antilles or his children, Syal and Myri, and Mara Skywalker is becoming so protective
of baby Ben that she does not wish to leave on any further missions that will leave him in
someone else’s care. Aboard Tsavong Lah’s worldship in orbit of Coruscant, Viqi Shesh is
brought before Tsavong Lah. He believes her usefulness is over and is about to kill her, but
she manages to save her life by suggesting she can continue to be of use. She also
suggests to Tsavong that the reason his new arm implant is being rejected by his body is not
the will of the gods, but the work of Shapers and Priests who wish to use the excuse of the
gods’ will to bend him to do their bidding. He takes the bait and begins keeping a greater eye
on the Shapers. Two days after the recapture of Borleias, the New Republic Advisory
Council arrives on Borleias to speak with Wedge. Councilor Pwoe has declared himself Chief
of State with the death of Borsk Feylya. They are obviously intending Wedge to hold
Borleias and sacrifice everyone there to buy the Council and various senators time to get
back to their homeworlds and prepare to capitulate to the Vong. This is borne out by the fact
that Pwoe refuses to reassign forces to help in the defense of Borleias, but Wedge has a
different idea. In much the same treasonous fashion as Rogue Squadron used when
resigning and going after Ysanne Isard on Thyferra, Wedge takes matters into his own hands
and dictates terms to Pwoe. He demands that he be allowed to accept any arriving forces
into his command, that he be allowed to invite and accept into his command any officers he
sees fit, and he demands that the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya be transferred to his
command. Pwoe refuses at first, but when he sees that they have no choice if they want
Wedge and his force to stay on Borleias at all, he relents. After the meeting, nine individuals
remain (Wedge, Tycho Celchu, Luke, Mara, Lando, Booster Terrik, Danni Quee, Gavin, and
Corran Horn). It is to these nine that Wedge reveals his plan. The New Republic has given
up on defeating the Vong, or at least the New Republic leadership has. The New Republic is,
in a sense, dead already. Therefore, what is needed is a new force, fighting in the style of
the old Rebel Alliance, that can work to take back the galaxy. This new Rebel Alliance he
proposes will come to be called the Resistance, and these nine, along with several others
slowly allowed into the circle of trust, will be known as the Insiders. Just as with the birth of
the Rebel Alliance in the face of Imperial tyranny nearly thirty years earlier, a new Resistance
has been born to fight back against the darkness. Their first order of business will be to give
the Vong several easy, fake victories, without losing Borleias, so that when the Vong send
their best and brightest, they will be overconfident and depending upon tactics that the
heroes will then abandon. They’re setting a trap for the Vong . . . Two days later, Luke has
his first vision of a Dark Side emanation from Coruscant. When they look at holovid footage
of Coruscant later in the day, brought by Wolam Tser and his holocam operator, Tam Elgrin
(who got some footage while escaping from a pack of Vong in the lower levels of the planet),
they discover that Coruscant is being overrun by strange Vong biological growths. The
planet is being transformed and those unfortunate enough to be trapped there are being
slaughtered and sacrificed at the Vong’s convenience. After the viewing, Tam leaves and
meets Danni Quee, for whom he has an immediate attraction. All is not as it appears,
though, as Tam, answering a throbbing in his head, uses a villip to contact his overseer, Viqi
Shesh, to inform her that he has arrived on Borleias . . . The next morning, Wedge is
awakened by a knock on the door. It is his old comrade Garik “Face” Loran, leader of the
Wraiths, which became an Intelligence unit after its time as a fighter squadron. Face doesnt
waste time talking, though, as he ushers in three other visitorsIella and the kids. The
Antilles family is reunited. Iella will now be taking over from Mara as head of Intelligence for
the operation. Meanwhile, Tam is instructed by Viqi to cause paranoia within the operation,
while Tsavong Lah speaks to a Priest whose suggestion that he do what they wish to please
Yun-Yuuzhan is the first step in proving Viqi right about the plotting of the Shapers and
Priests. Soon, on day nine of the occupation of Borleias, a Vong force led by Wyrpuuk Cha
finally attacks. The New Republic (well, Resistance-led) force tries to fake a defeat at the
hands of Cha, but the unexpected arrival in the system of the Lusankya and Millennium
Falcon forces them to actually work to defeat the Vong. Cha’s force has to retreat, and the
day is won, but it is a victory that will mean that the next Vong force will be stronger than
anyone wanted. After the battle, the Falcon lands, bringing Han and Leia Solo, Tahiri Veila,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 777
Tesar Sebatyne, Zekk, and Dab (whom everyone still calls Tarc) to the base. Han and Leia
are quickly integrated into the Insiders. Aboard the worldship at Coruscant, Tsavong Lah
learns of the defeat and determines that there must be something of great import on Borleias
to be protected so savagely. He decides that since he cannot personally oversee the attack
on Borleias, he will bring in someone special for the operation. While he sends Maal Lah to
set up a vessel for him, he then meets with a Shaper that agrees with the earlier Priest.
Tsavong is now very aware of the plot against him, and he sends for Nen Yim, the personal
Shaper of Supreme Overload Shimrra, whose heretical mind may be the key to discovering
what is taking place. Back on Borleias, Luke has another vision of the Dark Side on
Coruscant, even as Leia and Han discuss that it should be Luke who returns to Coruscant,
the most likely place that Jacen Solo will be held if he is still alive as Leia believes. Han
agrees that this is for the best, then he also agrees to join Leia in setting up Resistance cells
on various worlds and essentially re-establishing the Rebel Alliance under the New
Republic’s nose. On day fifteen of the occupation, Luke is working with Kell Tainer on his X-
wing, when they are called to an Insiders meeting. Luke reveals that he plans to go to
Coruscant with a team to investigate what is happening there. Mara is angered by the
proposal and refuses to join him because it would mean leaving Ben behind. They then join
the rest of the leadership in making plans for Lando and a small group to work on figuring out
how the Vong are tracking down refugee ships for easy pickings. Meanwhile, Tsavong Lah
arrives at the Domain Lah worldship at Myrkr. There, he speaks with his father, former
warmaster Czulkang Lah. The warrior agrees to lead the recapture of Borleias from the
infidels. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Rebel Dream)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
On Hapes, Ta’a Chume makes her offer to Jaina Solo, who refuses. Later, Jaina is
awakened from a vision by Kyp Durron. They race to where her vision indicated Jag to be
held, having been captured because some believed the Chiss were starting to take sides in a
forthcoming coup. They race to where Teneniel Djo is resting, only to find her dead, with
Tenel Ka grieving at her side. They are too late. Tenel Ka, who will take her place as Queen
Mother, gives Colonel Jagged Fel command of the secret Hapan fleet. After Tenel Ka
officially takes the crown, Jaina slips out, hoping to steal away in the Trickster. Kyp confronts
her, but she lashes out with Force lightning, which Kyp, given his experience in such matters,
dispels. She then leaps backwards into the ship and escapes on her own. Kyp pursues her,
and when she again taunts the Vong, Kyp saves her, only to have to be rescued by her when
he must go EV. Soon, battle rages above Hapes, even as Jaina gets Kyp back to medical
attention. Soon, Kyp is well, and he and Jaina intend to go back to Eclipse. Kyp believes the
resistance can use a trickster like Jaina, and Kyp wishes to work toward the establishment of
a new Jedi Council. As for Khalee Lah, the failure to capture Jaina has disgraced him. He
heads out in a false-signal Vong ship to be destroyed, so that Harrar can report that he died
in battle. As for the Vong’s failure in this confrontation, could the gods have deemed them
unworthy? Could it be that the other Jeedai twin, Jacen, had not survived after all?*
(Dark Journey)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Still later in Jacen Solo’s training under Vergere (which, unbeknownst to Jacen, is Sith
philosophy training, as Vergere was once delving into Sith teachings before the Zonama
Sekot mission where she “disappeared”), Jacen is brought to the nursery, a place aboard his
prison (now identified as a Yuuzhan Vong seedship that will remake its target world into
Yuuzhantar, the original Vong homeworld) where slaves serve the will of yammosk-like
creatures called dhuryams. The dhuryams will eventually battle each other through their
slaves, leaving only the strongest and most in-control brain to act as the central brain of the
new homeworld. When Jacen challenges the notion that the Vong are his masters as much
as they are Vergeres, she stabs him under the ribcage with a hook. The hook implants a
slave seed into his body, which spreads out like a web through Jacen’s nervous system. It is
this type of implantation that allows the dhuryams to control their slaves, not through direct
control, necessarily, but through pain. Jacen must remember, as Vergere reiterates, that
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 778
there is always a choice. Jacen can choose not to obey, and instead endure the pain. Or
perhaps there is another option . . . (To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
About a month after the fall of Coruscant, Yassat sees what he believes to be the spirit
known as Lord Nyax killing several Yuuzhan Vong warriors.
(conjecture based on Rebel Stand)
When the Vong xenoform Coruscant, the Praji estate is leveled. The surviving members of
House Praji relocate on Kaikielius.
(conjecture based on Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes)
In deep-space, Lando Calrissian, Alema Rar, and Rogue Squadron uses a refugee ship as
bait to take out several Yuuzhan Vong and get a better idea of how they are tracking the
refugee vessels. Meanwhile, Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, Jagged Fel, and Lowbacca finally
arrive at Borleias. Kyp, Luke notes, has changed. The rebellious streak that had pit the Jedi
Masters at odds is gone. Jaina speaks with Wedge and the others. She wants to continue
her portrayal of Yun-Harla, the Vong trickster goddess, as a means of psychological warfare.
Given the Vongs paranoia of her as a twin already, they welcome it when Luke hands her
command of Twin Suns Squadron while he prepares for the Coruscant mission. Jag turns
command of his Chiss squadron over to Shawnkyr Nuruodo, and both he and Kyp join Twin
Suns Squadron under Jaina. Jaina wishes to work with Kyp to create a kind of Force-
coordination in battle, in a sort of microcosm of what Joruus C’Baoth once did for Thrawn.
Aboard the Coruscant worldship, Nen Yim confirms Tsavong Lahs suspicions of Shaper
sabotage of his arm implant, and it appears he is being given poison into the bonding point by
his attendant. Nen Yim will keep looking around for clues. Meanwhile, another conspiracy is
discovered, as Danni Quee and Iella Wessiri Antilles discover that Tam Elgrin was not among
a group when running from the Vong in his holorecording, which means he may have been
captured and sent as a spy or saboteur. Later, as Luke, Tahiri Veila, and Mara (who has
reconsidered and will join Luke’s mission to Coruscant to protect the galaxy Ben will grow up
in) fight Vong in the Borleias jungle while setting up tracking spikes, Jaina, Kyp, and Jag test
out firing techniques in space, figuring out a way for Jaina and Kyp to use the force to
synchronize their shots most effectively. They are still out there when a Vong ship appears
and releases captured refugees into space to burn up in the atmosphere. Luckily, they use
their starfighters to “bump” the refugees and save them all. They now know that the new
Vong commander has a very unique command style. The action also allows the Vong to get
a look at several small vessels being created by the forces on Borleias. They become
dubbed “pipefighters” by both sides. But what are they? Soon, Jaina, who is being treated as
a goddess by all in order to give misinformation about her status through any Vong spies, is
let into the Insiders. Later, she and Tahiri talk. Jaina intends to give command of Twin Suns
to Kyp so she can join Luke’s mission to Coruscant, but Tahiri explains that she would be a
liability. As the next best thing to Jaina when dealing with Jacen, Tahiri volunteers to join the
team instead. On day 39, Jaina meets with two Wraiths, Sharr Latt and Voort “Piggy”
SaBinring, who offer her advice on portraying the trickster goddess and how to use that as
psychological warfare. She suggests that Jag be her personal attendant, but he refuses,
suggesting that, logically the planet-killing Jedi Master Kyp Durron would be a better choice.
Soon, Luke meets with the members of the Wraiths who will accompany him, Mara, and
Tahiri on the mission. They include Bhindi Drayson (daughter of Hiram Drayson), Kell Tainer,
Face, and others. They will be entering via small pods made from captured coralskippers,
then use shielding on special shoes to continue their descent and make their way into
Coruscant. (Think galactic paratroopers, but from a lot higher and without the parachutes.) A
short time later, Han and Leia lift off to take the Jedi students (and Tarc, Syal, and Myri) to a
new safe haven, Shelter, within the Maw of Kessel. Meanwhile, Jaina’s Twin Suns Squadron
joins the Rogues, Wild Knights, and Blackmoon Squadron in escorting three “pipefighters
(parts of Operation Starlancer) into position. While the Millennium Falcon escapes (much to
Han’s grumbling), the squadrons come under attack. The Starlancers form up. Three of
them form three corners of a triangle with the fourth in the center. The corners then feed
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 779
energy to each other, forming a triangle, then shunt that energy into the central Starlancer,
which then fires off a beam that shoots out of the system toward Coruscant. At the same
time, it becomes apparent that the attack isnt to stop Starlancer, but to capture Jaina. She
turns back, but is ordered not to return when Jag is in trouble. Kyp goes back to save him,
using the same control over voids that wiped Luke out on Dantooine, and Jag is saved. Jaina
is prepared to be reprimanded for the breach of orders, as long as Jag is safe. Her feelings
for him are continuing to grow, though she still tries to deny them. A bit later, the beam from
Starlancer Prime strikes the worldship at Coruscant. It does not to major damage, but it
further convinces the Vong that something grand is amiss at Borleias. Meanwhile, back on
Borleias, Jaina, Kyp, and Jag head for where Wedge and Tycho wait to speak to them. Jaina
sends Kyp back to his quarters, and Jag takes Jaina aside. When she finally lets her walls
down and expresses her fears that she will survive the war and everyone she loves will have
gone away, Jag tells her that he won’t leave. He will stay because he wants to. The two
finally share their first kiss, and it appears that a new door has opened in Jaina’s life. Jag
tells Jaina to leave and goes to speak to his uncle Wedge instead. He suggests that she not
be reprimanded, but refuses to give his entire reasoning. Wedge relents, deciding that the
special treatment could simply go toward the appearance that she is a goddess deserving of
special favors. Later, at Shelter, Han and Leia speak with Lando’s wife, Tendra Rissant
Calrissian, before preparing to depart. Tarc does not want to go with the other kids, though.
They will know he is different, and he doesn’t think he will get along with the sly Antilles kids.
Han and Leia agree to take him with them back to Borleias for now. Later, Danni and Iella
confirm that Tam is a spy, even as, back at the Coruscant worldship, Tsavong Lah is told that
the Starlancer Project is a new superweapon that seems to be using a combination of Vong
biological weapons and mechanical technology (much like Anakin Solo’s lightsaber used a
lambent crystal) to strike at the Vong. They must stop Starlancer, and that means that a full-
blown assault must commence, despite Czulkang Lah’s reservations. As the move begins,
the Borleias forces detect it. They make plans to fight not as the New Republic or even the
Rebel Alliance, but as the Empire. Operation Emperors Hammer is at hand . . . The night
before the assault, the Falcon returns, and Leia finally reconciles fully with Jaina. The next
day, two operations begin. First, Wedge and the defenders prepare for the days assault by
Czulkang. Second, Luke, Mara, Tahiri, and the Wraiths, using a rickety vessel flown by
Lando and concealing their drop pods and an escape B-wing for Lando and YVH-11A,
prepare to set out for Coruscant. As Jaina races to her X-wing, Tam steps up to her,
admitting his spying. He has saved his soul, but the implant in his head nearly kills him. Also
getting prepped is Kyp Durron, who notices the glances between Jaina and Jag. He decides
that he really has no feelings for Jaina, but has simply felt that he should protect her and
make her happy as a way of making Han happy, in order to thank him for saving him from
slavery on Kessel years earlier. Finally, the newest Battle of Borleias begins. Czulkang’s
force attacks, as the defenders cover for the Record Times departure with the Coruscant
team aboard. The defenders battle Vong in space and on the ground, fighting feverishly, but
methodically. They slowly pull back at the exact same pace, until the Vong are all clustered
nearby, but outside of a safe area for the defenders. At nearly the same time that the
Coruscant team touches down on the surface and Lando turns back toward Borleias in the B-
wing, Operation Emperor’s Hammer commences. The Lusankya rains down fire upon the
surface in the action she was created forplanetary bombardment. No New Republic Star
Destroyer has ever committed such an act, which was the trademark of the Empire, but now
the tactic destroys the Vong forces utterly, forcing the withdrawal of Czulkang’s force. The
Vong have been dealt a major blow, particularly to their confidence, and the Resistance-led
New Republic force has won the day. A short time later, Lando arrives, signaling the safe
drop of the team on Coruscant. Lando throws a fashionable celebration to commemorate
their victory . . . to which Jaina and Jag proceed, arm in arm.
(Rebel Dream)*
*NOTE: Aaron Allston made a slight error in writing Rebel Dream. According to the FAQ on his website, he
intended RD to begin shortly after Luke and Mara leave from Hapes in Dark Journey. Unfortunately, Allston
forgot an entire portion of DJ in which Luke, Mara, Han, and Leia are all together on Eclipse and Han relates the
most recent events on Hapes for the first time. (They later recount those events in RD, but we can assume that it
is only being heard for the first time by Wedge, Iella, and the others who were not on Eclipse.) This makes the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 780
bouncing between RD and DJ somewhat awkward, but it does still work out, as seen above. If you are curious
about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown Regions map in the Essential
Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
It is around the time of the evacuation of Jedi from Yavin IV to Shelter when Leia Solo first
meets Seff Hellin (age 14).
(conjecture based on Omen)
Weeks after having been led to the nursery, Jacen Solo has changed. He has resisted the
pain given to him by the dhuryam, choosing not to do its bidding, but to act as a caretaker
and makeshift medic for fellow slaves, including those harmed in a field of still-growing
amphistaffs. Jacen has learned to accept the pain. When Vergere visits him, helping him
with a healing form of her tears, Jacen asks her to help others, but she refuses. She makes
the comparison of Jacen needing to decide who lives and who dies to that of a gardener. He
kills insects to save sentients, but isn’t that a choice between flower and weed? He takes this
to heart, along with something else she says: if the Force is life, then how can there be live
without the Force? After a bit of thinking, he realizes that it cannot be possible. The
Yuuzhan Vong must exist in the Force, but at some wavelength beyond Jedi senses, much
like a dog whistle cannot be heard by humans. Using this knowledge, he uses his natural
empathy with living creatures, which he’s had for years, to focus on the slave seed, beginning
to converse with his new potential allythe dhuryam. As the dhuryam begins to accept that
he is helping, if indirectly, its goals by saving the other slaves, Jacen recruits a few other
slaves to act as medics. He has made his choicethe slaves are the flowers, the Vong are
the weeds . . . (To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Around this time, retired New Republic pilot Wes Janson forms the all-volunteer Taanab
Yellow Aces, named for his first Rebel unit, the Tierfon Yellow Aces, and begins fighting
against the Yuuzhan Vong.
(conjecture based on Rebel Stand)
Yassat sees what he believes to be the spirit known as Lord Nyax a second time, and again
survives the encounter. In doing so, he sells Skiffer, a member of a rival group of survivors,
out, leading to their deaths.
(conjecture based on Rebel Stand)
The Resistance installs a fake escape pod on the Millennium Falcon to use as an insertion
module for Resistance fighters on any world the Falcon lands on.
(conjecture based on Rebel Stand)
Modified ogres who had escaped from the Empire back into the Coruscant underground
begin returning to the surface and higher levels to forage for food and resources in the new
(conjecture based on Lobotomized Ogre)*
*NOTE: This information was provided by Luke van Horn. It must take place after the transformation of Coruscant
into Yuuzhan'tar.
As the Yuuzhan Vong invasion continues, the majority of our heroes remain on Borleias,
while Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker, Tahiri Veila, and the Wraiths engage in a daring
mission to Coruscant. On Coruscant, Luke and the others have their first encounter with
Yuuzhan Vong warriors, which proves that their disguises work well . . . until they have to
blow up a walkway to take care of the warriors. Meanwhile, on Borleias, Jaina Solo, Kyp
Durron, and Jagged Fel, flying with Twin Suns Squadron, engages forces attached to the
newest Yuuzhan Vong aggressor, Czulkang Lah, and are soon joined by the Taanab Yellow
Aces, a volunteer squadron led by Wes Janson. Janson will be the newest former Rogue
Squadron member to join the Resistance. As Janson meets with Wedge Antilles and Tycho
Celchu, the Vong priest Harrar arrives aboard Czulkang’s Domain Hul Worldship, where he is
given command of Charat Kraal. On Coruscant, Luke and the others make contact with a
group of survivors called the Walkway Collective. In return for their help and information on
the current state of the area, a group goes with a member of the Collective to investigate
rumors that “Lord Nyax,” supposedly a Corellian folk legend, is actually alive on Coruscant.
This would certainly make sense, given the extreme fluctuations Luke, Mara, and Tahiri are
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 781
feeling in the Dark Side around the area. Back on Borleias, the Vong attack, giving them the
means to infiltrate a couple more warriors into the New Republic base as spies (not unlike
how they used Tam Elgrin, who is now healing from his ordeal, and will soon begin bonding
with young Tarc). At the same time, Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, C-3PO, and R2-D2 set out
for the planet Vannix, hoping to gain further allies against the Vong. They arrive on Vannix,
where they are happy to discover that Senator Addath Gadan got back safely from
Coruscant, but after speaking with her main competition for leadership (now that the former
Presider has abdicated his position), they discover that she supports collaboration with the
Vong, instead of defense. They decide to rig the forthcoming election, just as Addath wanted
. . . only against her. In return, they will receive oceangoing vessels to use as mobile
Resistance bases on various planets. On the Yuuzhan Vong Worldship around Coruscant,
Warmaster Tsavong Lah’s arm implant is examined yet again. This time, Nen Yim can
confirm that he is being plotted against by the Shapers, so he begins plans to strike back.
His arm, meanwhile, will be saved, and he will not become a Shamed One. As a “reward” for
tipping him off to the plot against him, Tsavong decides to send former Senator Viqi Shesh
with a group of Vong warriors and some of the last remaining voxyn to Coruscant to seek out
a rumored party of infidels that includes several Jeedai. Back at Borleias, Jag, who is now
fully in love with Jaina, tells his fellow Chiss pilot, Shawnkyr Nuruodo, that he will be staying
for a while, instead of returning to report on the enemy. Shawnkyr will remain, but if she dies,
Jag must return immediately. On Vannix, Han and Leia manipulate a full confession of her
appeasement ideals out of Addath, which is broadcast, ruining her chances of winning.
Meanwhile, on Coruscant, the Jedi and the Wraiths discover a hidden Imperial research
facility. It seems to have had two purposes. On the one hand, it has a series of atmospheric
scrubber stations (which would make great Resistance bases), which would have allowed the
Emperor to cut off oxygen to the population if he needed to get control. On the other, it
seems to have been a place where a Dark Jedi woman brought a young Dark Jedi boy
thirteen years earlier for experimentation. This Dark Jedi boy is now the amazingly tall (for a
human), walking Dark Side weapon known as Lord Nyax . . . and he has escaped. It will be
up to our heroes to stop him. Elsewhere on Coruscant, the Vong party including Viqi and led
by Denua Ku attacks Nyax with obvious results. Viqi manages to escape in the carnage.
She escapes using a locator that she’d been given by a young boy the Vong had executed,
and that locator leads her to a small ship called the Ugly Truth, which, if she can clear out an
exit, could be her ticket off of Coruscant. As for Han and Leia, they have now arrived on
Aphran IV, where they intend to set up a Resistance cell, but are betrayed by their contacts
(who are affiliated with the Peace Brigade). They are locked up, but R2-D2, communicating
detailed plans to C-3PO, arranges for their escape. Even as these two unlikely heroes and
making their plans, Wolam Tser, Tarc, and Tam are becoming unlikely heroes back on
Borleias, when, while getting Tarc used to a holocam, Tam discovers a Vong warrior beating
a New Republic officer. The Vong is destroying the huge lambent crystal that forms the heart
of the Starlancer weapon. The Vong is stopped, and we now know that Wedge’s ruse has
worked. Starlancer doesn’t actually work. It is a nice light show that is helped by a New
Republic vessel near enough to Coruscant to make it appear that the Starlancer blast can
travel through hyperspace. The Vong have fallen for it, hook, line, and sinker. Back on
Coruscant, bad dreams have shown the Jedi that Nyax can somehow influence their minds.
As they try to fight off those effects, Luke finally catches a glimpse of Nyax, recognizing him.
Nyax is actually a highly altered Irek Ismaren, brought to Coruscant after the Belsavis conflict,
where he was altered by his own mothers hands. Back on Borleias, Han and Leia have
arrived, with news that several dovin basal mines tried to follow them, meaning that they’ve
been “programmed” to attack certain vessels. Wedge and Tycho give them news in return
they’ve determined that it is Tsavong Lahs father who is leading the assault on Borleias. As
they mull this over, another meeting takes place. Jaina, Kyp Durron, and Jag meet on a roof
and work out their issues about working together in light of the strained feelings that have
kept shifting between Kyp and Jaina. Everything seems fine as the picnic concludes. Back
on and near Coruscant, Tsavong Lah finally punishes all those who conspired against him,
while on the surface, our heroes learn more about Irek, and Viqi is caught by Denua Ku,
ending any plans for escape just now. As the Vong group continues ahead, they end up
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 782
confronting Nyax again, and this time, Luke and the others leap in to help. Nyax is the bigger
threat. The Jedi and Vong battle Nyax, who has lightsabers coming from arms, knees, and
other joints, and many Vong fall. As this happens, the Wraiths capture Viqi, taking the Ugly
Truth locator in the process. The Wraiths use a construction droid to knock the floor out of
the combatants, saving their friends. Viqi escapes, though, taking just enough time to be
contemptuous toward Denua Ku, whom she leaves to die. A short time later, the Jedi and
Wraiths have caught up to where Nyax has had his human mental slaves doing his bidding.
They’re digging near the remains of the old Jedi Temple . . . and some great power has just
been set free. As Kell and Face race to get the Ugly Truth ready to escape, the Jedi face off
with Nyax, realizing that what has been released is a sort of well of Force power, sort of like
the Valley of the Jedi, from which Nyax is drawing great power. As Viqi gets back to the Ugly
Truth in time to see that the Wraiths have already escaped with it, leaving her behind, Tahiri
presses her assault against Nyax, letting the fact that she has some Yuuzhan Vong in her
blind Nyax to her actions in the Force, giving the Jedi the advantage. The Wraiths sweep in,
collecting the Jedi defenders, and they begin their escape, even as Vong mataloks corner
Nyax within a hole in the Force well ziggurat, blasting him. The Jedi feel NyaxIrekfinally
die. Back at the Ugly Truths makeshift hangar, Denua Ku, still barely alive, catches up to
Viqi. Viqi refuses to be killed by the Vong, choosing instead to leap from several stories up to
her death. Ku then dies as well from his wounds. Upon returning to Borleias, all of our
groups of heroes are reunited as the final Borleias battle begins. The Vong and New
Republic forces batter each other. In the conflict, Charat Kraal’s forces are tricked by
missiles with transponder codes suggesting that they are Jaina, then Kraal himself is killed.
Wedge, trapped on the ground during the attack, gets to an X-wing in need of repairs and
takes off as Blackmoon 11, helping guard an escaping vessel. The major offensive takes
place when the Lusankya, commanded by Eldo Davip, reveals its true purpose. It has been
stripped of its crew and fitted with a huge spear-like construct along its length. As its forwards
section is eaten away by Vong fire, the spear emerges, and, in the culmination of Operation
Emperor’s Spear, the craft plunges into the Domain Hul worldship, decimating the Vong
fleet’s command center and killing Czulkang Lah. The battle is won. Oh, sure, Borleias must
be abandoned, but it has served its purpose. A short time later, on the worldship over
Coruscant, Tsavong Lah must deal with conflicting signals from the gods, for he has been
shown favor in the saving of his arm and destruction of the conspirators, but now the gods
have taken his father. As was the case for Han Solo after the events of Sernpidal, for
Tsavong Lah, the galaxy is now a darker place indeed.*
(Rebel Stand)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
The New Republic Senate goes to Mon Calamari, which becomes the new de facto capitol
world of the Republic. Self-proclaimed Chief of State Pwoe tries to get them to join him on
Kuat, but they refuse, choosing instead to hold elections for a new true Chief of State.
(conjecture based on Destinys Way)
In the wake of Luke Skywalker’s mission to Coruscant, the former capital is in for drastic
changes. Yuuzhan Vong dovin basals rip the three small moons from orbit, while the fourth is
destroyed to create a ring around the planet. The basals then steer the planet out of orbit,
causing it to move closer to its sun, warming the world and melting ice caps, while a meteor
shower, when hitting the atmosphere, brings natural rain to Coruscant. The drift toward the
sun ends, as the moons are replaced in such a way that their pulls create a rainbow bridge,
of sorts. Coruscant is no longer what it once was . . . and this is not the end of it. Aboard the
Vong seedship, Jacen Solo bears witness as the tizo’pil Yun’tchilat takes place. The different
dhuryams, blinded by a shreeyam’tiz (a yammosk variant) are to battle it out with their slaves
to see which is fittest to be the World Brain of Yuuzhan’tar. Jacen, however, as expected by
Vergere and feared by Nom Anor, has other plans. He stands amid an amphistaff grove,
which would be the death of anyone else, and they do not attack. His attunement to Vong life
through his normal-range Force-blind empathy with the slave seed has allowed him to gain a
rapport with the creatures. As Nom Anor’s soldiers advance to take him into custody to
assure that things do not go awry, Jacen refuses to come out. As the Vong prepare to attack,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 783
amphistaffs slither their way around his body, creating a form of living armor, making Jacen,
in essence, a living weapon, armed with amphistaffs that can emerge at will. Jacen attacks
the Vong, shredding them like they’re nothing, as he proceeds to do so to the shreeyam’tiz,
giving “his dhuryam an advantage. The other dhuryams are wiped out, one by one, and
Jacen finally turns his attention to “his” dhuryam, nearly killing it before Vergere arrives,
coaxing him out of his blind fury with Anakin’s voice. (Or, at least, Jacen thinks that it was a
trick from Vergere.) He allows the dhuryam to live, but not necessarily by choice, as Vergere
drugs him and takes him back into custody. A short time later, with only one dhuryam left,
the Vong activate the seedship, bringing the glory of Yuuzhantar . . . to Coruscant. The
former galactic capital is now to be the recreation of the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, perhaps
to be the capital yet again, for a Vong-controlled galaxy. While Jacen is unconscious,
Vergere removes his seed, giving him total self-control again, as if he hadn’t had it when he’d
communed with the seed. He awakens on Yuuzhan’tar, where Vergere gives him a lesson
his choices before they set off with Jacen leading the way. They make their way through the
lower levels, drawn to a huge crater (the remains of the Lord Nyax confrontation). Even as
Yuuzhan Vong begin to head for their location, at the insistence of Nom Anor, who has
coerced Master Shaper Ch’Gang Hool that he is a threat to Yuuzhan’tar, they must proceed
lower into the crater to evade capture. As the Vong finally find and attack them, Jacen lets
himself draw on his empathy and the connection still with him through the now-removed slave
seed to essentially tap into the area of the Force in which the Yuuzhan Vong do resonate. He
makes short work of them, then escapes with Vergere deeper into the darkness of the crater.
Inside, as he recuperates, Vergere again discusses the nature of the Force and Dark Side
with him, as well as who he is, and when the answer is not what she desires, she reopens his
link to the Force, which returns in a wave. He gets to drawn into the Dark Sides power that
he nearly snaps her neck. Only then does she explain where they are. They are in a great
flow of Force energy beneath the old Jedi Temple. (Part of this revelation is drawn by Jacen’s
account of Anakin Skywalker as Darth Vader, a shock to Vergere, who knew Anakin as a
child at the Jedi Temple). The question then begs asking, though, as to why the Jedi Temple
would have been built on a fountain for the Dark Side. The answer is simple: it wasn’t. There
is no such thing as a Dark Side or Light Side. The Dark Side is simply letting the Force act
through you without control. The Light Side is that control, which keeps any Jedi from truly
attaining perfection in the Force, as it limits the Forces capabilities. In essence, she reveals
that there is no Dark or Light Side, only the dark or light sides to the person wielding the
Force. If the Dark Side acts through you, it is actually your dark side using the Force to carry
out dark acts. In the immense “truth hurts” confusion that follows, Jacen runs away into the
depths, leaving Vergere behind. At one point, he nearly falls to his death, and allows himself
to do so, but he is saved by the voice and ghostly appearance of Anakin Solo, his deceased
brother. Jacen decides to save himself, but when he follows an Anakin vision into a cave, he
discovers that it’s a throat. He is nearly eaten by the huge creature, when he is pulled into its
stomach. He saves a young girl also in the stomach, only to find that she was thrown there by
others living in the beast, on a “last to arrive, first to be thrown to be eaten” arrangement.
Now that Jacen is the last to arrive, even the girl turns on him. He wipes them all out using
the Force (drawing on his own dark emotions to do violence against them), and plants a
thought in the creatures mind that humans are poison. After he escapes, he goes to the old
Solo apartment, which is overgrown and very little like it was before. In there, he has another
vision of Anakin, who helps him come to terms with what he has done and the nature of the
lessons he is learning. Vergere finds him, bringing Nom Anor, who offers him Anakin’s
lightsaber. He can either kill them all, or join them in the True Way, so they can help him
become the god they know him to be. Jacen, without hesitation, agrees to join the True Way.
Over the next few weeks, rumors are spread by the Vong to indicate that Jacen is aboard one
of the camp shipsvessels that carry refugees into inhabit systems, forcing the choice of
letting them die, or using resources to take them in. Ganner Rhysode, having followed leads
like this for weeks, despite an encounter with Dark Side-edge Jaina Solo to keep his false
hopes to himself, finds himself in the right place at the wrong time. When he questions a new
group of passengers, they turn out to be Yuuzhan Vong with a covered leader. When Ganner
can speak with the leader, he reveals himself to be Jacen, who then drugs Ganner and takes
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 784
him captive. Ganner now knows that Jacen is alive, but also a traitor. Ganner awakens on
Yuuzhantar. Jacen is to convert him to the True Way, then have him willingly sacrifice
himself in preparation for the future sacrifices of both Jacen and Jaina. Once the Vong step
out, though, and the creatures observing them are quieted, Jacen reveals that he is not a
traitor and is still working against the Vong, but he is “dead,” and so is Ganner. They simply
have to fulfill one last task that this new, enlightened, wise beyond his years, Jacen has in
mind. Ganner, who has always tried to play hero without ever really being one, agrees,
reluctantly. (It helps when Jacen gives Ganner Anakins lightsaber.) The two men proceed
toward the Well of the World Brain (formerly the Galactic Senate), where they are allowed
entrance into the structure holding the World Brain. Once the doors close, Jacen gets to
work. He knows the World Brainit is the dhuryam from the seedship, whom he befriended,
then betrayed by attacking. Ganner needs to hold off the Vong for as long as he can, so that
Jacen can communicate with the World Brain and complete his self-assigned task. The two
share their true opinions of how they always saw each other, then Ganner races off to do his
duty as the door begins to burst open. Jacen, meanwhile, lowers himself into the World Brain
cauldron, where he expects death, but instead finds acceptance and forgiveness in sharing
the World Brains pain at his betrayal. As he continues to communicate, Ganner faces the
Vong. He needs only to distract them, and for this, he can play hero as he always has, not
trying to really be one, but being a showman as he has all his life. With the words “None
shall pass,” Ganner sets the battle in motion. He charges through the battle like a force of
nature, while Vergere convinces Nom Anor that it is time to use his secret escape vessel to
flee, before this failure brings the wrath of Tsavong Lah down on him. When they get to the
vessel, though, Vergere turns on him, holding him off with Jacen’s own lightsaber. With him
bound, she then goes to find Jacen. As he emerges from the pool, Vergere urges him to
escape to Nom Anors ship with her, but he doesn’t want to leave Ganner. Ganner, however,
can no longer be saved, as he dies in battle, urging them to leave. Vergere returns his
lightsaber to him, telling him that he has passed through the realm of the dead. Now he must
choose life. The two escape, leaving Nom Anor to his doom. As they leave, Jacen still
chooses not to allow Jaina to feel that he is alive. He needs to deal with that in some other
fashion. However, he does reveal to Vergere what he did in the Well of the World Brain. The
Yuuzhan Vong are fanatics, and Yuuzhan’tar is the fulfillment of their fanatic dreams of the
True Gods giving them back their homeworld. Now, though, the World Brain is on Jacen’s
side, slowly causing things to go slightly imperfect on many fronts, causing the fanatic Vong
to learn, whether they like it or not, the concept of compromise, which just might be the path
toward peace for the war-torn galaxy.*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Koi Quire joins Lestra Oxic’s law firm after the people of Belderone turn on the Ferrerreos.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
Unbeknownst to the Jedi who survived the Myrkr mission, the Tachyon Flier, bearing the
Dark Jedi Lomi and Welk, plus the captive Jedi Raynar Thul, manages to exit the battle area,
eventually finding its way into the Unknown Regions. The ship crashes on a planet within the
jurisdiction of the Killik species, which has been thought extinct. The Killik Yaggoy nest
discovers the site (which is later known as the Crash, with a religious significance to the
term), where Raynar has freed himself and, badly burnt, also removed Lomi and Welk from
the wreck. Raynar is near death, but he is saved by the Yaggoy and nursed back to health.
His mind merges with that of the Yaggoy nets hive mind, bringing him into their society. The
Raynar Thul personality is slowly buried beneath a new personality, as Raynar rises from the
ashes to become a unifying leader for the Kind (the Killiks). He becomes the “Joiner King” (a
“Joiner” being an outsider, an “Other,” who joins the hive mind) known as UnuThul.
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)
The Mon Calamari Star Defender Krakana is ordered to Kuat, where the Defense Force plans
to use it as an orbital artillery battery, but the ship is destroyed by the Yuuzhan Vong en route
to Kuat.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 785
Attack on Endor Scenario Book [continued] (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Attack on Endor Scenario Book [continued] (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The New Jedi Order [continued]
Organic Weapons
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Star by Star (novel: Troy Denning)*
Chapters 1 7*
*NOTE: Whereas most longer Star Wars books get split in half and released as two separate publications in
Japan, few have been given separate titles for their segments. Star by Star’s two halves were entitled Predator
and Fallen in Japan.
Mission to Myrkr (RPG: J.D. Wiker)
Mission to Myrkr (RPG: J.D. Wiker)
Summoned to Service
Arrival at Myrkr
The Dangers of Myrkr
Escape from Myrkr
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Star by Star [continued] (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 8 55
Dark Journey (novel: Elaine Cunningham)
Chapters 1 11
Traitor (novel: Matthew Stover)
The Embrace of Pain
Dark Journey [continued] (novel: Elaine Cunningham)
Chapters 11 21
The Apprentice (G8/SWH short story: Elaine Cunningham)
Dark Journey [continued] (novel: Elaine Cunningham)
Chapter 21 [continued]
Chapters 22 25
Traitor [continued] (novel: Matthew Stover)
Enemy Lines (novel: Aaron Allston)
Rebel Dream (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapter 1
One Month Ago, Pyria System: Borleias Occupation, Day 1
Chapter 2
Borleias Occupation, Day 1
Borleias Occupation, Day 2
Chapter 3
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Coruscant Orbit
Borleias Occupation, Day 3
Chapter 4
Borleias Occupation, Days 4 5
Borleias Occupation, Day 5
Borleias Occupation, Day 6, Predawn
Chapter 5
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 786
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Coruscant Orbit
Borleias Occupation, Day 9
Chapter 6
Borleias Occupation, Day 9
Chapter 7
Borleias Occupation, Day 1
Chapter 8
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Coruscant Orbit
Borleias Occupation, Day 11
Borleias Occupation, Day 15
Domain Lah Worldship, Myrkr Orbit
Dark Journey [continued] (novel: Elaine Cunningham)
Chapters 25 28
Traitor [continued] (novel: Matthew Stover)
Descent [continued]
The Nursery
Enemy Lines [continued] (novel: Aaron Allston)
Rebel Dream [continued] (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapter 9
Deep-space Rendezvous Point
Borleias Occupation, Day 30
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Coruscant Orbit
Borleias Occupation, Day 37
Chapter 10
Borleias Occupation, Day 37
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Pyria Orbit
Borleias Occupation, Day 39
Chapter 11
Borleias Occupation, Day 39
Chapter 12
Borleias Occupation, Day 39
Chapter 13
Borleias Occupation, Day 39
Chapter 14
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Coruscant Orbit
Borleias Occupation, Day 39
Chapter 15
Borleias Occupation, Day 47
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Coruscant Orbit
Borleias Occupation, Day 48
Borleias Occupation, Day 48
Borleias Occupation, Day 49
Chapter 16
Borleias Occupation, Day 49
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Pyria Orbit
Chapter 17
Coruscant System
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Pyria Orbit
Traitor [continued] (novel: Matthew Stover)
Descent [continued]
The Garden
Enemy Lines [continued] (novel: Aaron Allston)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 787
Rebel Stand (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapter 1
Pyria System
Borleias, Pyria System
Pyria System
Chapter 2
Domain Hul Worldship, Pyria System
Chapter 3
Vannix, Vankalay System
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Coruscant Orbit
Chapter 4
Yuuzhan Vong Worldship, Coruscant Orbit
Vannix, Vankalay System
Chapter 5
Vannix, Vankalay System
Chapter 6
Vannix, Vankalay System
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Aphran System, Aphran IV
Chapter 9
Aphran System, Aphran IV
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Transport Ship Fu’ulanh, Coruscant Orbit
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapters 17 19
Traitor [continued] (novel: Matthew Stover)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 788
Descent [continued]
The Will of the Gods
The Cave
The Crater
Into the Dark
The Belly of the Beast
Home Free
The Gates of Death
The Light of the True Way
Glory Sickness
Path of Destiny
28 ABY
Adra, future adopted daughter of Garik “Face Loran and his wife, Dia Passik-Loran, is born.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
In space, aboard the Millennium Falcon, Leia Organa Solo receives a touch through the
Force from Jacen Solo, confirming her belief that her eldest son is alive. She has no time to
check on the feeling, however, as she and her husband, Han Solo, are on their way to the
Imperial Remnant with passenger Imperial Commander Vana Dorja in hopes of enlisting
Imperial aid in battling the Yuuzhan Vong, now that Coruscant has fallen and the New
Republic has begun reforming on Mon Calamari. They end up being ambushed along the
way, but are saved by Jagged Fel’s Clawcraft squadron. Once the Yuuzhan Vong have been
defeated, Jag joins the Solos (and Vana) to discuss their situation, but Jag’s argument that
the Empire would be smarter to join with the Vong than the New Republic strikes home with
all present. Meanwhile, on Mon Calamari, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker visits Senator Fyor
Rodan, a possible candidate for Chief of State, in hopes of determining if he is truly as anti-
Jedi as he seems. Luke’s fears are justified by Rodan’s rather harsh criticism of the Jedi, but
his assertion that the Jedi have no official place in the New Republic government starts the
gears turning in Luke’s mind that will soon change the relationship between the Jedi and New
Republic drastically. Later, after discussing their intentions to back Cal Omas in his bid for
Chief of State (and after some Jedi couple hanky-panky), Luke feels Jacens presence in the
force, causing him, without realizing it, to state that it is the turning point, presumably in the
war against the Vong. Near Obroa-Skai, a New Republic trap is set for a Vong battleship
said to be carrying Supreme Overlord Shimrra. The trap, orchestrated by Jaina Solo and
carried out under the direction of Jedi General Keyan Farlander with the help of Tenel Ka and
the Hapans, is successful (with some casualties, of course), but Shimrra was not actually
aboard the vessel (it was Supreme Commander Komm Karsh), making the victory somewhat
bittersweet. They make plans to relocate their base of operations to Kashyyyk. Jaina,
meanwhile, has yet to be contacted by Jacen via the Force . . . Or so it seems. Aboard the
Yuuzhan Vong vessel stolen by Jacen and Vergere in their escape from Yuuzhan’tar
(Coruscant), the young Jedi student and former Jedi Padawan discuss what brought Vergere
to the Yuuzhan Vong in the first place. She recounts how the Yuuzhan Vong (the “Far
Outsiders”) came to Zonama Sekot, while she was on a mission there for the Jedi Council.
She tells of how she hid her Jedi talents and left with the Yuuzhan Vong to protect the planet.
She had no way of knowing that by suggesting her power was that of the planet itself, she
would help the Vong decide that this was the galaxy the gods had chosen for them, helping
set the stage for the invasion the galaxy was now enduring. On Mon Calamari, Rodan has
given a very anti-Jedi speech, forcing Cal Omas into action. He speaks with Luke and Mara,
and they begin formulating a plan of how the Jedi can fit back into the government. Instead
of creating what might be called a second Jedi Council from only Jedi members, they suggest
the creation of a sort of High Council that would include not only several Jedi, but members of
various segments of the New Republic, all of whom would advise the Chief of State. They
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 789
cannot go too far in their discussion, however, as Luke receives a telepathic message from
Jacen, informing him that he and Vergere have arrived in the system and need help so as not
to be shot down as an invader. On Yuuzhan’tar, the Vong have welcomed the arrival of
Supreme Overlord Shimrra. The massive Vong ruler gets down to business quickly,
convening a meeting of all of the upper-ranking Vong. The transformation of Yuuzhan’tar is
experiencing problems, which shows the disfavor of the gods (and is the result of Jacens
mingling with the World Brain). Shamed Ones are forming cults based on worship of the
Jeedai (including Jacen and Ganner Rhysode). The Yuuzhan Vong’s forces are depleted by
Tsavong Lah’s many battles. Shimrra orders an end to offensives, so that forces can be
rebuilt, the death of Ch’Gang Hool (the Vong charged with the transformation of Coruscant),
the surveillance and limited persecution of heretics, and the assassination of Cal Omas,
whose pro-Jedi stance might lead the New Republic and Jedi into combined action against
the Vong if he is elected Chief of State. During the meeting, Nom Anor finds himself annoyed
with Shimrras jester, Onimi, but noticed a striking resemblance between Shimrra’s seeming
mental powers and that of the Jeedai. Back on Mon Calamari, Jacen and Vergere are
allowed to Mon Calamari safely, and Jacen is finally reunited with his Master. Luke and
company go to meet with Admiral Sien Sovv and are surprised to find Winter and a very aged
Admiral Gial Ackbar (Retired) present. Before they can discuss much about their plans for
the war, Vergere, blamed for the torture and capture of Jacen, is taken into custody for
interrogation. So much for this former Padawans happy homecoming to the galaxy far, far
away. On Bastion, Leia and Han finally meet with Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon, but they
were right in their assumption that Pellaeon would not fully agree to an alliance between the
Empire and New Republic. At least, however, they manage one trade. They trade the secret
of how to block the Vong’s yammosks for obsolete Core hyperspace routes, which will form
the basis of a major assault against the Vong in the near future . . . As the Solos head for
Mon Calamari, Nom Anor, on Yuuzhan’tar, begins his slow infiltration of heretic ranks,
following Onimi into the depths of the planet. This is no mere group of heretical Shamed
Ones, however. What he has stumbled across is a Shaper project headed by Nen Yim. He
has discovered the truth behind the final Cortex and the Yuuzhan Vongs lack of new
information from the gods. Shimrra himself is committing heresy by using the Shapers to
create new knowledge he can say came from the gods. Perhaps the end of the Yuuzhan
Vong draws near . . . Meanwhile, Jaina, Keyan, and other military personnel are called to
Admiral Traest Krefeys office. Kre’fey had recently been on Bothawui for the mourning of
Borsk Feylya, where the Bothans made a new proclamation. They have entered a state of
ar’krai, the highest possible state of Bothan war, against the Yuuzhan Vong . . . and it calls
for the total annihilation of the Vong species, the genocide of the race. It is in this fashion
that Kre’fey intends the New Republic military, under his command, to proceed. On Mon
Calamari, after a rousing pro-Jedi speech from Cal Omas, in which he laid out the High
Council idea for his colleagues, Luke goes to visit Vergere. He former member of the old
Jedi Order tells the leader of the new Jedi Order that her actions were necessary to help
Jacen fulfill a destiny that is entangled with the destiny of the Yuuzhan Vong A short time
later, it seems that the front runners for Chief of State will be Rodan and Omas, as it was
always assumed, but the swing votes, those currently voting for candidates like Ta’laam
Ranth, are still very much up in the air. After another meeting with Vergere, this time about
the nature of the Force, Luke approaches Lando Calrissian and Talon Karrde, who work to
bribe several senators’ supporters to Omas’ side, while setting up just enough blackmail to
keep other senators on their side as well. Shortly thereafter, Ackbar reveals that he knows
how to defeat the Vong. At the same time, Jaina and several other Jedi pilots are part of a
New Republic battle against the Vong, which is won thanks to Jedi mental “melds” that help
them work together. This does not go unnoticed by Kre’fey. On Mon Calamari, after yet
another mind-reeling encounter with Vergere, Luke finds himself questioning his own views
on the Force. A short time later, Jaina is given leave to return to Mon Calamari and see her
brother, but it is couched in a mission to bring Krefey as many Jedi as she can to help wipe
the Vong from the galaxy. On Mon Calamari, Maras mouse droids discover Yuuzhan Vong
infiltrators, whom she stops (via submersible and the Force) from killing Cal Omas. Omas is
saved. He is elected Chief of State the very next day, and before he even begins working on
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 790
his acceptance speech, he signs the order creating a new Jedi Council, the High Council,
with Luke as its head. As they begin deciding who will be part of the Council, Warmaster
Tsavong Lah and Executor Nom Anor convince Shimrra that a new decisive battle must be
waged. If it is not a great victory, however, Shimrra intends to kill both Tsavong and Nom
Anor. Jacen, meanwhile, relaxes a bit, telling Luke about his Vongsense. After a brief
“vacation” with Danni Quee, he is reunited with Jaina, who seems suicidal in her desire to
destroy the Vong as part of the military. She relays the request for Jedi to Luke, who
considers it. A short time later, Luke and several others meet with Ackbar again, who says
that in three months’ time, they can be ready for a major, definitive assault against the Vong.
Dif Scaur (head of New Republic Intelligence) seems to have another plan in mind, however.
Finally, the High Council is convened. It consists of Luke Skywalker, Cilghal, Kenth Hamner,
Saba Sebatyne, Kyp Durron, Tresina Lobi, Cal Omas, Senator Triebakk, Releqy A’Kla of the
Ministry of State, Senator Ta’laam Ranth, Supreme Commander Sien Sovv, and Intelligence
head Dif Scaur. At this meeting, things become tense at points. First, the Jedi agree to send
Jedi to Kre’fey, which causes Kyp to question why Luke has had a change of heart about Jedi
taking the battle to the Vong. The confrontation has been a long time coming, but Luke
simply says that he has new information about the nature of the Force and tries to leave it at
that. While deciding whom to send, they realize that it is time to promote Jacen, Jaina, and
many of their generation of Jedi from apprentices to full Jedi Knights. Omas will handle the
preparations for a public ceremony. The ceremony is held, and promotions are given to
Jacen, Jaina, Lowbacca, Zekk, Tenel Ka, Tesar Sebatyne, Zekk, and Tahiri Veila. Soon,
after trying to talk sense into Jaina, Jacen speaks with Vergere, who is staying with them for
the moment. He tells Vergere that New Republic scientists have found the genes that are
unique to Yuuzhan Vong lifeforms that make them “invisible” in the Force. With this
knowledge, Vergere can imagine the horror that will come next . . . (To be continued below . .
(Destiny’s Way)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Jedi healer Cilghal makes a recording about her discussions with Vergere and Luke
Skywalker regarding Vergere herself and her healing abilities that saved Mara Jade
Skywalker’s life. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
On Yuuzhantar, Nom Anor, Onimi, and Shimrra await a new visitor. While waiting, they
discuss the need for a new leader for the Peace Brigade, to keep that group, now based off
of Ylesia, in line. Their visitor turns out to be Thrackan Sal-Solo, who now wishes to create a
treaty with the Yuuzhan Vong, if they will help him keep power in the Corellian system.
Knowing that it was Sal-Solo who fired Centerpoint Station’s weapon at the Vong, they
decide not to assist him. Instead, they will send Yuuzhan Vong to seize the Corellian system
from the New Republic military, while Thrackan will be made the new leader of the Peace
Brigade. His search for power seems to be over. Meanwhile, aboard the Ralroost, Admiral
Traest Kre’fey calls Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, Corran Horn, and other Jedi from his
fleet to meet with him. He wants them to lead an assault on Ylesia to show that there is a
penalty for betraying the New Republic. The Admiral’s plan is to bombard Colony One (now
Peace City) from orbit, but the Jedi argue that it would make more sense to infiltrate the city
and capture Peace Brigade leaders, then put them on public trial to get the message out that
the government isnt kidding around this time. Kre’fey agrees, and the Jedi make their
assault plans. Back aboard the Starsider, where she’s stationed, Jaina begins contemplating
battle plans, while still struck by the fact that the Peace Brigade is being run by her cousin,
Thrackan. Jagged Fel arrives as she and Jacen are conferring, and manages to again get a
rise out of her, emotionally. Of course, she ends up knocking him on his ass for being so
bold as to kiss her outright, but at least she hesitated for a moment. They two discuss the
upcoming mission, and Jag tries to convince her that her absence will make those
commanding in her absence better leaders. On Ylesia, Thrackan is sworn in as Commander
in Chief, then meets with the Peace Brigade leadership, who had once been under an
“Alliance of Twelve, which seems to have been culled from the inside. He has an aide,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 791
Dagga Marl, work to keep him alive in exchange for glitterstim. He and Dagga make their
way to the spaceport where they meet Yuuzhan Vong warriors led by Maal Lah. To make up
for a lack of discipline (in Vong eyes) among the Peace Brigade, Thrackan offers to build a
temple to the Vong gods, secretly planning to do so near a tlanda Til “Altar of Promises, in
hopes of seeing if any of the old t’landa Til mental control powers might work on the Yuuzhan
Vong. Thrackan should also expect a visit from the New Republic Chief of State soon . . .
The Chief of State arrives and addresses the Peace Brigade, even as Jaina, Jacen, and the
other Jedi lead an assault by Kre’fey’s fleet on Ylesia. It is a fairly easy victory, and Dagga
and Thrackan are captured by Jaina while trying to escape. She takes great glee in informing
him that he has been kicked out of his own Centerpoint party for apparently defecting to the
Vong. After another quick battle with Vong forces, they all reunite at base, where Jaina is
brought to see several captive Peace Brigade Senators . . . and “Chief of State” Pwoe! Hes
been captured along with the senators he was speaking to. Soon, though, a new Yuuzhan
Vong force arrives and spreads itself across the system, waiting for something. Jacen finally
senses what they are waiting foranother Yuuzhan Vong force. When he pinpoints their
entrance trajectory, though, Kre’fey is waiting for them. As the surprised Vong engage the
New Republic forces, the battle seems nearing a stalemate. The New Republic force
manages to escape from the fray, their mission to capture the Peace Brigade leadership a
success, but it has all the feel of a Pyrrhic Victory (a victory at great cost, for those not
familiar with Roman history). The leadership is captured, Pwoe has been recovered, and
Thrackan is in custody planning his eventual escape. All’s well that ends well, but the war is
far from over. Only one piece, the Peace Brigade, has been struck a major blow by this
confrontation. Now, the next major offensive . . . that’ s another story, isnt it?
Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron, and several other Jedi have now joined the New
Republic fleet at Kashyyyk under Admiral Traest Krefey. The battle against the Yuuzhan
Vong that may turn the tide of the war draws near. Ackbar has determined (using the routes
procured from Pellaeon) that they can lead the Yuuzhan Vong into a trap in the core at the
Ebaq system. The Jedi will be the bait in the trap. The High Council meets again to discuss
the plan (though not in detail, so as to retain secrecy), but Dif Scaur counters this plan with
one of his own. New Republic Intelligence now has a biological agent created under a
division known as Alpha Red (part of Alpha Blue, led by Jan Ors). This biological weapon
(created with the help of Lorrian and Chiss scientists) has the ability to wipe out all Yuuzhan
Vong and Vong-related lifeforms by targeting the gene that blocks them from the Force.
Scaur is promoting genocide, and others are wary that such an agent could mutate to attack
non-Vong beings as well. Ackbar’s plan is postponed, and they have only two weeks before
Scaur believes the Alpha Red agent will be ready. Luke and Mara discuss the issue in their
apartment, not realizing Vergere has heard. Vergere then sneaks aboard the vessel in orbit
where the work is being conducted and single-handedly destroys the project, leaving Alpha
Red back at square one. She races to Jacen for refuges, while the authorities begin looking
for her. Meanwhile, the only choice left is to utilize Ackbar’s plan. Han Solo is asked to head
up a smuggler fleet including the Errant Venture (under Booster Terrik) in the battle to come.
Hints begin being dropped that there is a move toward Ebaq 9 and that the Solo twins will be
there. Nom Anor and Tsavong Lah take the bait and begin plans to go after the New
Republic government and the Jeedai at Ebaq 9. The assault commences, but the Vong find
themselves trapped by gravity mines set by the New Republic, then attacked from all sides by
New Republic vessels, the sudden appearance of the smuggler fleet, and Garm Bel Iblis’
fleet. As the Vong are about to be defeated in space, Tsavong Lah makes a suicide assault
against Ebaq 9 itself, taking warriors to the planet in a completely unexpected move. On the
planet, Jaina and her companions are already in trouble. Jacen races down to save her,
despite Vergeres warnings that this is not his destiny. To save him as he races to save
Jaina from several voxyn, Vergere pilots an A-wing in a suicide course, decimating Tsavongs
forces, but killing herself in the process. She relates what has happened to Jace as a Force
ghost, as they find and begin treating the wounded. The battle Is not yet over, though, as
Tsavong Lah enters and attacks. Jaina is stuck to the floor with blorash jelly, fighting while
pinned in the silence of vacuum (but still breathing in suits meant for the underground
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 792
caverns of Ebaq 9). As Tesar helps Lowbacca fix his pressure suit, Jaina is alone against
Tsavong Lah. He nearly has her during their fierce lightsaber and amphistaff duel . . . until
she reclaims her saber, ignites it using the Force, and stabs it through Tsavong Lahs throat.
The great Vong Warmaster is dead, just like his father. In the wake of the victory over the
Vong at Ebaq 9, Nom Anor goes into hiding, wanting to save himself from execution. Jaina is
promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, having been made a true Major earlier. Cal Omas begins
considering the creation of a new constitution. As for the Vong, they have gambled and lost .
. . and now they must prepare to double the stakes and gamble yet again, if they are to win
this war. The fate of the galaxy, be it left in Yuuzhan Vong hands or in the hands of the
galaxy’s native species, will be determined very soon . . .*
(Destiny’s Way)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Saba Sebatyne returns to Barab I to find it under attack by the Yuuzhan Vong. She destroys
a large vessel, presuming it to be a large war machine, only to find that it is a slave carrier,
and she has just released many of her fellow Barabels to a cold death in space. She vows to
avenge them and make up for what she has done. Three months later, the New Republic
that has fallen apart has begun to be reunited and fixed under Chief of State Cal Omas. The
“New Republic” is now the “Galactic Federation of Free Alliances,” or “Galactic Alliance,” and
it needs help. In order to continue toward the end of warfare with the Yuuzhan Vong and to
keep the Alliance from falling apart soon thereafter (if it survives at all), two missions are
prepared. The first will carry Leia and Han Solo with a team to various areas of the Alliance
where communications have been disrupted to determine what is happening in those areas
and re-establish communications. The second will take Luke and Mara Skywalker into the
Unknown Regions to possibly enlist the aid of the Imperial Remnant (and maybe even the
Chiss), while searching for the legendary living planet that Vergere spoke ofZonama Sekot.
Soon, Jaina Solo arrives, hoping to heed a call for help from Tahiri Veila, her late brother
Anakin’s best friend and burgeoning girlfriend at the time of his death. She is unable to get to
Tahiri (due to being recruited for Leia’s mission, along with Jag Fel, her boyfriend) before the
girl goes berserk in the streets of Mon Calamari saying that Anakin is trying to kill her. Jaina
races to her aid, but she is unconscious. Upon waking up, she is tended to by Anakin’s
family, but continues to have eerie, possibly Vong-induced visions. Jacen Solo tries to
comfort her, and the family insists that she join their mission to re-establish Alliance
communications, but Jag has great reservations about the girl and will keep a close eye on
her. And so the missions set out. The Jade Shadow bears Luke, Mara, Jacen, Danni Quee
(who is growing into a possible love interest for Jacen), Tekli, and Saba on their mission,
while the Millennium Falcon and Pride of Selonia (under Todra Mayn) will bear Leia, Han,
Jaina, Jag, Tahiri, and their crew on their mission. Meanwhile, on Coruscant (Yuuzhantar),
Nom Anor, having escaped the Yuuzhan Vong hierarchy, hides in the lower levels, finally
finding a group of Shamed Ones who worship the Jeedai. He ingratiates himself with them,
pretending to be willing to believe with them, and plans his own future return to power. In
Imperial space, the Jade Shadow exits hyperspace at the Imperial capital system of Bastion
to find it under Vong attack. The Imperials are driving from their capitol, despite the Jedi
giving valuable strategic information to the Imperials, who are led by their Supreme
Commander, Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon. The damage to the Imperial fleet is great, and
they are forced to relocate, while many believe Pellaeon, who is nursed back to health by the
Jedi and medics, is dead. They relocate to Yaga Minor, where the local leader, Moff Kurlan
Flennic, has his own designs on power. Meanwhile, the other mission has found its way to
Galantos in the area previously harassed by the Yevetha . . . but things seem peaceful. They
look around to discover what exactly has caused the Yevetha to back off, but while by
herself, Tahiri finds a small Yuuzhan Vong god idol and again has a near mental breakdown,
fainting again. Back at Yaga Minor, Jacen suggests to Flennic that the Imperials pull back to
Borosk to fake what the Vong want to see and use it to strike a blow to the Vong to make the
Empire seem more relevant. Luke has also invited the Remnant to join the Alliance in any
capacity possible. Flennic despises the idea, but the sudden reappearance of Pellaeon
shocks him into acquiescing. Meanwhile, at Galantos, Jaina and others take their starfighters
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 793
to investigate further into possible enemy territory to check out N’zoth, home of the Yevetha.
They find the planet decimated. The Fia of Galantos had made a deal with the Peace
Brigade that convinced the Vong to wipe out the Yevetha to guarantee safety for Galantos. A
lone survivor self-destructs his ship, taking out one of the starfighters before Jaina and the
others can escape. Back on Galantos, Jag discovers the Vong idol and continues to be
suspicious of Tahiri. Before he can do much about it, he is warned, via a message left in his
clawcraft, to leave the planet immediately. Just then, the Vong attack Galantos. Leia and the
others are trapped on the ground, but helped by a mysterious hidden stranger, whom they
help to reach safety in return for being helped themselves. They engage the Vong.
Meanwhile, the Vong take the bait and attack Borosk, and the Imperials and Jedi are ready.
As they fray ensues, wherein the Imperials handle themselves quite well, Mara, Danni, and
Saba lead a team to liberate a slave vessel, making up for Saba’s disgrace three months
earlier. Back at Galantos, the freed Solo team is advised by the mysterious stranger, whom
Tahiri realizes is a Ryn, that their next destination should be Bakura. Back on Yuuzhantar,
the mainstream Vong wipe out most of the group of Shamed Ones, but Nom Anor and
another named Shoon-mi survive. Nom Anor takes on the name Yu’Shaa, “the Prophet.”
Back at Borosk, the Imperials turn back the Vong, and Pellaeon takes the opportunity to tell
the assembled Moff Council that they will be joining forces with the Galactic Alliance . . . or
he’ll simply take his forces and do so on his own. Given that is forces are basically the entire
Imperial military, they are forced to agree. With that, the Skywalker team continues its
journey with Imperial Captain Yage and her Widowmaker at their side. Next stop: the
Unknown Regions, and a rendezvous with the Chiss . . . *
*NOTE: According to Sue Rostoni, the decision to call the new government the “Galactic Federation of Free
Alliances” was made as a committee and was purposely meant to break down into the “GFFA acronym as an
acknowledgement of fans who refer to the “Galaxy Far, Far Awayas the “GFFA.” If you are curious about dates
for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which
Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
The Yuuzhan Vong begin suspecting that the Galactic Alliance has been using a small
outpost near the Imperial Remnant to spy on Vong activities. They dispatch a small force,
including a Jedi hunter and member of the Peace Brigade, to destroy the outpost and kill
everyone stationed there. Fortunately for the Alliance Personnel, Kyle Katarn is there
checking their intelligence. He is able to fight off the Vong long enough for some of the staff
to erase the computers and escape.*
(New Alliance, Old Enemies)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. The writer of the scenario, Sterling Hershey, has stated
that the intention is that this story takes place just prior to my Equals and Opposites, though it could come
immediately thereafter as well.
Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors are sent on a mission to meet with parts of the Imperial leadership
in the wake of the new cooperation between the Imperial Remnant and the Galactic Alliance.
En route, they receive a call for assistance from an Imperial stormtrooper unit under Lt. Pallin,
which is currently trying to save a settlement on Ord Sedra from a group of Yuuzhan Vong
slave-gatherers and Peace Brigade minions under Tarneel.
(conjecture based on Equals and Opposites)
On Ord Sedra in the Clacis Sector, a group of leftover Peace Brigade members and their
Yuuzhan Vong allies are gathering up settlers as slaves for the Vong. As the group, prodded
along by Peace Brigade leader Tarneel, is herded away from the nearest settlement down a
road lined with overturned carts and such, one of the “captives” reveals himself to be Jedi
Master Kyle Katarn, who quickly drops his cloak and reveals his lightsaber. From nearby, his
longtime partner, Jan Ors, and an Imperial lieutenant, Pallin, watch as stormtroopers emerge
from the carts to surround Kyle, the villagers, and the villains . . . and they’re on our heroes’
side. The Vong and Peace Brigade members are captured, and the settlers are freed. Later
that day, Kyle and Jan enter their temporary quarters in the village and discuss Kyle’s
growing angst over the fact that they have known each other for decades and are quite in
love, but she refuses to get married out of fear that they won’t be alive to be able to later.
Before the two can continue the romantic moment that follows, their comm chirps, informing
them that the Yuuzhan Vong warriors being held in a tiny nearby, old-style jail, have broken
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 794
out of their cells. As Kyle gathers his lightsaber and other gear, Jan is already out the door.
When Kyle finally catches up to the action, he has to save Pallin from one of the Vong, only
to find that Jan is already inside . . . being held by a Vong warrior. She cries for him to get
himself out of there, but, of course, he wont. As the Vong tosses Jan into a nearby cell, Kyle
leaps into action, only to have his saber knocked away. Jan picks up the saber to begin
working on the lock to her cell, while Kyle pounds (and gets pounded by) the Vong. Finally,
Kyle stabs the Vong in the chest with a detonation device, Force-kicking him out the window,
where he explodes. The day is saved, and, yet again, Kyle has been Jan’s hero . . . so will
she marry him now, and can they get back to some real action now?*
(Equals and Opposites)*
*NOTE: Do you have any idea how strange it is to have to summarize your own story for something like this? If
you’re interested in the story behind the making of this story, check out ChronoRadio: Special Edition II: The
Making of a Tale, where I chronicle the process from the offer to write, all the way through the final release of the
issue and some frequent questions I’ve gotten about it.
While on Ord Sedra, Kyle Katarn hears rumors that the Sith (whether in the newer incarnation
or in the form of the old Sith Empire) may still exist . . .
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part I)
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, a platoon of B2 Super Battledroids from the Clone Wars era,
known as the Orange Panthacs, beat back Yuuzhan Vong firebreathers, saving the planet
Mantessa. This earns the droids a commendation from Chief of State Cal Omas.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
Somewhere, a mysterious individual makes a deal with a powerful alien race. One might
want to believe it is a Peace Brigade member with the Yuuzhan Vong, but the truth, at least
for the planet Bakura, will be far more startling. Meanwhile, on Munlali Mafir, Luke
Skywalker’s team in search of Zonama Sekot leads them nearly to death at the hands of
several Jostran-controlled Krizlaws. They manage to escape, however, and proceed onward
toward the heart of Chiss territory. Elsewhere, Han and Leia Solo’s mission to restore
communications in the Galactic Alliance leads them to Bakura, where they are met by
General Grell Panib (who is interrupted on the comm channel by a group calling itself
Freedom, which is apparently being led by Malinza Thanas, the daughter of Pter Thanas and
Gariel Captison, and Luke’s responsibility, in part). They are escorted to the surface by
Bakurans . . . and what appear to be the Ssi-ruuk! At about the same time that they are
surprised by this insane turn of events, Luke’s mission is met by several Chiss vessels that
order them to Csilla, the Chiss homeworld, for discussions on their intentions, since no one in
their right mind believes that the Jedi and those with him are really after a legendary lost
planet instead of intelligence gathering. Back at Bakura, Leia’s team learns that the apparent
Ssi-ruuk are actually the Ssi-ruuk’s former slaves, the P’w’eck, who have thrown off the
chains of their masters. They are actually about to form an alliance with Bakura for mutual
defense. They board the Sentinel to meet Panib and the leader of the P’weck Emancipation
Movement, Lothwin. As they await Deputy Prime Minister Blaine Harris (in the absence of
Prime Minister Molierre Cundertol, who was abducted by Freedom), they learn about how the
P’w’eck hero, the Keeramak was born and led the P’w’eck to victory over the Ssi-ruuk. (Think
Neo in The Matrix.) Now, the P’w’eck seem to be peaceful allies, but the Bakurans in
Freedom don’t see it that way. They see only the Ssi-ruuk when they see the P’w’eck. In the
meantime, they will increase security and continue with plans to allow the Keeramak to
consecrate Bakura (so that if a P’w’eck dies there, their soul won’t end up in oblivion) and
sign a treaty with the Bakurans. Meanwhile, on Yuuzhan’tar (formerly Coruscant), the
Prophet Yu’shaa (formerly Nom Anor) continues his preaching the Message, with Shoon-Mi
and Kunra at his side. His movement is growing by leaps and bounds, enough for even
Shimrra to notice from his high place. Back on Bakura, a ship called the Jaunty Cavalier
arrives, launching a pod before a massive explosion. In the pod is Cundertol, who says he
had freed himself from his captors and escaped. Soon, Tahiri Veila is met by a mysterious
Ryn messenger again. This time, the Ryn tells her to tell Han that all is not as it seems on
Bakura. (No big surprise there.) On Csilla, the Jedi team, met by their former contact,
Commander Irolia, is able to present its case to the Chiss, in the form of the human Chief
Navigator Peita Aabe and representatives of the Chiss houses. They are allowed to utilize
the Chiss library for two days to gather information, while the Chiss determine their intentions.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 795
Upon arrival, though, they learn that the library contains actual books, instead of computer
files. It will take a very long time to go through everything. As they head for the library, they
run into Baron Soontir Fel, who doesn’t necessarily approve of their presence either. Back
on Bakura, Tahiri discovers a hidden message, presumably from the Ryn, that says that
Malinza Thanas, who is being held in Salis D’aar has important information for them. Jaina
Solo agrees to be the one to go talk to Malinza. When Jaina goes, she learns some odd
things. First off, Malinza is fighting (partly in response to how the New Republic called for
help and it caused her mother’s death) for the right of self-determination for Bakura, rather
than having the planet be part of the Galactic Alliance, Imperial Remnant, or what have you.
If that’s the case, though, she shouldn’t be against the Pweck meeting, and certainly
shouldn’t have kidnapped Cundertol . . . but Malinza didn’t actually kidnap Cundertol. They
just blamed Freedom for it. Malinza believes she is in prison because Freedom found
information that could be used to blackmail several high government officials. Suddenly, the
power ebbs, and the way is clear for them to escape. Someone seems to be helping them.
Their best guess is that it is Cundertol himself who has arranged it, since he seemed very
surprised that Malinza had been arrested for his kidnapping. Elsewhere on Bakura, Tahiri
has another nightmare of Vong origins and seeks out the small Vong totem that was found by
Jag on Galantos (the same one that caused her to black out). As she gets to it, she doesn’t
realize that it was a sort of test or trap set by Leia, who calls out to Tahiri (and receives a
response) using Tahiri’s Yuuzhan Vong name, Riina Kwaad. They are interrupted in their
wondering about how deep the Vong conditioning went by the arrival in orbit of the P’w’eck
ships bearing the Keeramak for the consecration. On Csilla, Luke and the others have had
very little luck. They have found information on a possible decades-old Jedi on Yashuvhu
name Valara Saar, but have found nothing on Zonama Sekot that can pinpoint its location.
However, it seems to be emerging in areas prone to violent cultural conflicts, and evidence
seems to suggest that the strains of hyperspace travel are causing major ecological damage
to the sentient planet. They also meet Syal Antilles Fel and Wynssa (Wyn) Fel, Soontirs wife
and daughter (also Wedge Antilles’ sister and niece). Wyn begins to take a liking to Jacen
Solo. Back on Bakura, Jaina and Malinza hook up with other members of Freedom, including
the Rodian Salkeli. They are just looking up info on their possible blackmail information when
they are alerted to security forces hot on their heels. It seems Malinza’s escape was a ruse
to allow her to unknowingly bring a tracking device into Freedom’s camp in the auspices of
being an escaped convict, which would allow them to arrest her for escaping and them for
harboring her. They manage to escape, but once in a safe location, Salkeli turns on them,
stunning them for capture. Elsewhere on Bakura, Tahiri has run away after the issue with the
totem and she is found by Goure, the Ryn informant. He tells them of the hunt for Jaina and
they make plans to help her somehow. Meanwhile, on Yuuzhan’tar, Nom Anor is nearly killed
(or so he thinks) by a follower named Ngaaluh, who is actually pledging herself to him. He
realizes that she is attached to high up positions in Shimrras power structure and believes
she may be his key to bringing down Shimrra. On Bakura, Tahiri and Goure infiltrate the
Senate complex, where they get into a security system and are able to witness Cundertol
informing the Solos of Jaina’s apparent fugitive status. After the Solos leave, they witness
the Keeramak enter and speak to Cundertol, who speaks back in Ssi-ruuvi, which shouldn’t
be possible for a human. Something isn’t right, so they intend on informing Deputy Prime
Minister Harris before the ceremony. If the ceremony takes place, the Keeramak and P’w’eck
forces could take Bakura easily with no fear of losing their souls. Back on Csilla, the Jedi
split up, so that Jacen and Wyn keep searching, while the others travel back to their ship with
Soontir. However, Aabe soon comes to take Wyn away (by her father’s orders, he says),
while the others are attacked en route. The attack is foiled, and it turns out to have been by a
rival Chiss faction who do not agree with Fel or those who followed Thrawn. Meanwhile,
Jacen saves Wyn from Aabe with Irolia’s help. On Bakura, Salkeli takes Jaina to Harris, who
is behind his betrayal. Harris fully intends on allowing the consecration to take place, but he
has other plans overall. He agrees with Freedoms motives, but he had to allow them to exist
as a visible group. When Malinza enters, he has her taken prisoner. She will be killed as a
martyr to the cause, even as Harris prepares his own plans for the ceremony, taking place in
that very building. He takes Jaina to a holding area near the audience areas where the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 796
ceremony will take place, informing her that there is a bomb planted there, which will kill
Jaina (who will be said to have planted the bomb to keep the planet in the Alliance), Malinza
(the martyr for Freedom), and the Solos (obviously there to coerce Bakura to stay in the
Alliance) and (tragically) Prime Minister Cundertol, allowing Harris to move up in position and
become the human leader of the Bakurans and usher in the treaty with the Pweck. As his
plans begin to take shape, the consecration begins. In rapid succession, several things
happen. Tahiri breaks into the cell, and they manage to knock out Harris and find out where
the bomb is from Salkeli. Jaina sends a message through the Force telling Leia to get
everyone out of the audience chamber. Tahiri finds the bomb and thinks she can stop it, so,
in her Riina personality, she creates a Force bubble that encompasses the entire force of the
blast, nearly killing her. Cundertol appears to be dead, so Panib declares martial law. Goure
finds Tahiri and ensures that she is taken to safety. Shortly thereafter, the ceremony
continues as Keeramak ships begin setting down all around the building. Only then does
everyone realize that the Keeramak and Pw’eck were still serving the Ssi-ruuk, opening the
world to invasion. As the ceremony is completed, Ssi-ruuk warriors flood into Salis D’aar. In
the confusion, Jaina and Goure gather Harris and suddenly discover Cundertol alive.
Cundertol tries to find out how to escape from Harris, but he says there is no other means to
stay alive but to hide. To everyone’s shock, Cundertol shoots Harris dead on the spot and
calls four reinforcements . . . in Ssi-ruuvi. Cundertol knew about the Ssi-ruuk all along, and
is, in fact, an incredibly advanced Human Replica Droid, with Cundertols Ssi-ruuvi enteched
mind inside. He wanted immortality, and the Ssi-ruuk gave it to him. However, as the
Keeramak orders the P’weck to subdue the prisoners, Lothwin and the others turn on their
masters, truly beginning a move toward their own liberation. Everywhere, the Pw’eck join the
Alliance and Bakuran forces in repelling the Ssi-ruuk. Above, Jag lets himself and Twin Suns
Squadron get captured in order to destroy a Ssi-ruuvi ship from the inside out. With the
Keeramak dead at Lothwin’s hands, the battle slowly turns against the Ssi-ruuk and Bakura is
saved, with Panib in charge. Things finally begin to wind down for our tale. On Yuuzhan’tar,
Shimrra unknowingly takes Ngaalah into his confidence, allowing Nom Anor his way into
Shimrra’s circle with his own spy. On Bakura, the Solos and Goure understand that Tahiri
should not be trying to destroy the Riina personality, but to merge Riina and Tahiri and truly
let her live with both halves of her new whole. They prepare to set out for the Ryn’s next
suggestion, the Minos Cluster. Back with his Ssi-ruuk masters, Cundertol is killed (well, his
mind energy is released) for his failure at Bakura. And, finally, on Csilla, Jacen realizes that
they have found nowhere that has reported a new planet entering its system, but had not
checked for gas giants that might have acquired a new moon, which would be how Zonama
Sekot would have been seen in such a case. After more searching, they find one location,
and only one location, where Zonama Sekot could be. They prepare for their rendezvous
with the mysterious planet, setting out for Klasse Ephemora . . . *
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
In search of the origins of the Human Replica Droid that had been used by (uhm, as) Prime
Minister Cundertol on Bakura, Jaina Solo finds herself on Onadax, where she breaks into the
headquarters of ODT, the droid’s manufacturer. She confronts the head of the facility,
Stanton Rendar about the morality of giving immortality through droids Despite Jaina’s
threats, though, Stanton is able to escape with all of his staff, while Jaina is left to fend off his
droids and fume at a mission failure.
(Or Die Trying)
The adventure continues in three separate areas of the galaxy. Inside Known Space, the
Millennium Falcon and Pride of Selonia have arrived on Onadax, but when Han Solo tries to
cut through “red tape” in a gambling establishment and is questioned by the mysterious
individual who may very well be the head of the Ryn network, they are all forced to flee the
planet. Jaina is the straggler of the group, but when she boards, she brings along an
unexpected extra individualDroma. Droma says that he had tried to join the Ryn network,
but was rejected. They soon head for Esfandia and Generis. The relay to the Unknown
Regions goes through platforms in orbit of each, and the Generis one has been destroyed.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 797
The Esfandia one has lost contact. Upon arrival, they end up engaging Vong vessels, but are
assisted by the arrival of Grand Admiral Pellaeon and several Imperial vessels. They hold
the Vong at bay, while the Falcon goes down to the planet. In doing so, the ship accidentally
ends up killing several native “Cold Ones.” They are allowed to hide from the Vong with the
Esfandia station in the nesting grounds of the Cold Ones, but the danger they pose to the
aliens makes their options rather limited. Meanwhile, inside the ship, Tahiri Veila is still in a
self-imposed coma, while her Tahiri and Riina personalities battle for dominance. In the end,
with Jaina inside the meld with “them,” the two personalities do the inevitablethey merge.
The original Tahiri and the Kwaad-crafted Riina are no more. A new merged mind inhabits
the body. The heroes then mount an effort to trick the Vong into thinking the station has been
destroyed by setting charges. It works, to a point, but the Jedi, Droma, and others, must
knock out several Vong in doing so, nearly costing Jaina her toes when her EVA suit is
ruptured. Finally, above, the Vong are forced to run, thanks to unexpected aid from various
Ryn vessels. As the day is won, Droma leaves, but the Ryn network (which Droma himself
actually founded and represented as the “mysterious individual” on Onadax) will soon be
joining the Galactic Alliance’s normal intelligence networks, in their own way. They soon
make their way to the edge of the Unknown Regions, where Meanwhile, on Yuuzhan’tar,
Nom Anors growing Jedi heresy, and the ranks of the Shamed Ones following him as
Yu’shaa, the Prophet, have steadily been growing. Ngaaluhs position within Shimrra’s court
has allowed him to use her to incriminate rivals that are in his way and sow confusion and
distrust within Shimrras highest ranks. All does not go entirely well, though, as Kunra must
save him from an attempted assassination and coup by Shoon-mi. Later, Ngaaluh is
discovered and sentenced to death. How long can it be until Nom Anor himself faces his
imminent execution for his acts? Meanwhile, the most important single mission of the war
with the Yuuzhan Vong continues in the Unknown Regions. The crew aboard the Jade
Shadow discover an area of “dark matter” that is hiding Zonama Sekot. They make it inside,
only to find the world defeating a Vong battle group in orbit. The Vong are knocked out, but
one manages to escape with word of the planets location. In the meantime, the Jade
Shadow lands, but Sekot, the living mind of the world, renders everyone unconscious. Jacen
awakens first, and they soon meet the Magister of Zonama (the planet, not the mind), who
speaks for Sekot (the mind, not the planet), Jabitha. They also meet two other Ferroans,
Rowel and Darak, who mistrust outsiders. They plead their case for aid to Sekot, in order to
protect the galaxy, including Zonama, from the Vong (or “Far Outsiders”). In the process, they
learn of the missions of Vergere to the world, and that of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin
Skywalker, who is a sort of hero to them, but who also showed Sekot the power to kill with
one’s mind through the Force. Soon, Jabitha, Danni Quee, Saba Sebatyne, and Jacen Solo
are abducted by Ferroans loyal to a man named Senshi, who is against any cooperation.
However, when Jacen allows them to be taken prisoner and strives for a means of getting out
of the situation without anyone being hurt, it is revealed to have been a test by Sekot of his
intentions. Finally, Sekot appears to Jacen as Vergere and to Luke as Anakin Skywalker,
asking what they would have Sekot do. Although Luke asks for help and Jacen does not,
Zonama Sekot enters the war on the side of the Galactic Alliance. But in unleashing that sort
of power on the galaxy, could the Alliance be setting themselves up for bigger problems
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
The battle with the Yuuzhan Vong nears its end, as the great prophet Yu’Shaa (Nom Anor)
speaks of a vision that a living planet and the Jeedai will be the salvation of the Shamed
Ones and the Yuuzhan Vong species. Little does he know that the living planet he speaks of
without truly believing his own words, Zonama Sekot, has been discovered by the Jedi team
lead by Luke Skywalker. Meanwhile, on Dagobah, Tahiri Veila, now the merged personalities
of Tahiri and Riina Kwaad, has come to seek understanding in the Force, but discovers a
Shamed One pursued by Vong warriors. They dispatch the warriors, and Tahiri promises the
Shamed One that she would deliver the message that the living planet has been found to the
prophet. Granted, he thought the living planet was Dagobah, but Tahiri’s promise is one of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 798
intent, not literal meaning, so she will fulfill the promise. Elsewhere, Wedge Antilles leads a
battle against the Vong at Duro, using those battle tactics to convince the Vong that his
tactics are now typical of Galactic Alliance procedure, in hopes that they can use that false
assumption to defeat the Vong in a forthcoming engagement at Bilbringi. On Yuuzhan’tar
(Coruscant), Shaper Nen Yim, who remains allowed to work in heresy in order to discover
new biotech secrets for the war effort, is allowed to work secretly on a new piece of
technology. It is a ship recovered from Zonama Sekot, which she discovers is very, very
similar to Yuuzhan Vong technology, yet different enough to cause concern. Despite
Shimrra’s orders that she not pursue the matter into areas that could cast doubt upon Vong
greatness, she believes that she must see this Zonama Sekot for herself, if at all possible.
To do so, she is taken to see a contact within the secret Quorealist movement, a movement
in honor of the previous Supreme Overlord, Quoreal, whom it is believed was killed against
tradition by Shimrra, whom they believe usurped the throne. The Quorealist that she makes
contact with is none other than the priest Harrar, who is also believing that Shimrra is helping
to bring down the Yuuzhan Vong with his actions in the war. Harrar suggests that Nen Yim
make contact with Yu’Shaa, and perhaps they can discovers the secrets of Zonama Sekot
together. Elsewhere, Tahiri, Leia and Han Solo, and Corran Horn discuss plans set forth by
Kenth Hamner. It seems that Yu’Shaa has contacted them, asking for help to reach Zonama
Sekot. Their knowledge of the heresy of Yu’Shaa helps to convince them that this is the right
thing to do (as does Tahiri’s promise), so Corran and Tahiri will go to Yuuzhan’tar, using
information provided by the prophet, to take the prophet to Zonama Sekot. They do this,
managing to get to the prophet after some difficulties in a living sewer system, only to find
that they have to help another Vong escape. Their team upon leaving (and stealing the
Sekotan ship Nen Yim was working on), eventually includes Corran, Tahiri, YuShaa, Harrar,
and Nen Yim. They make their way toward Zonama Sekot, almost being caught by an
Interdictor preparing for the battle at Bilbringi. The plan for the battle, it seems, is that Wedge
will lead a main group into the area, with a force led by Pellaeon and another led by Garm Bel
Iblis nearby, ready to leap in when called upon. Little do they know that the Vong have
released small creatures to attack HoloNet relays that will cut off communications all over.
The battle soon commences, putting Wedge in a bad spot, unable to contact his other two
battle groups . . . Meanwhile, the Sekotan vessel, dying, arrives at Zonama Sekot. The team
is stuck by themselves away from civilization, but they have the chance to study their
surroundings. The world has an amazing effect on the Vong. Harrar begins to believe, while
even Nom “Yu’Shaa” Anor starts to question whether perhaps the stories from which he drew
his prophecy could actually be true. Nen Yim, being the scientist of the group, discovers that
the relationship between Vong biotech and the living creatures of Zonama Sekot are only a
few decades removed from each other, and part of the same biosystem. But how can that
be, when the Vong spent so many years between galaxies? How can the Vong homeworld
and Zonama Sekot be related? Tahiri, drawing upon her Riina instincts, believes that
Zonama Sekot is the original Vong homeworld somehow. During the studying, though, Nen
Yi give Yu’Shaa the ability to access her quang quasha, giving him access to its knowledge
of how to successfully harm Zonama Sekot and its biotech, protocols seemingly always in the
knowledge base of the Vong, but never called upon before. Nen Yim had been planning to
use the protocols if necessary, but had decided that such was not the case. Now, though,
Nom Anor has the ability to give Shimrra two Jedi, two apparent traitors, and the destruction
or disabling of Zonama Sekot to regain his status. He contacts Shimrra and begins plotting
his ascension back to the upper echelons of Vong society. Back at Bilbringi, they discover a
cloaked Golan defense platform, which Jaina makes her way aboard to get operational to
help in the battle. It turns out that it has been taken over by arms salvagers, who take her
prisoner. Luckily, she is able to force them into the battle with a Jedi mind trick, giving
Wedge some needed backup, even as the Millennium Falcon and some Imperial escorts
contact each of the battle groups for help. Back on Zonama Sekot, while discussing her
Riina personality with Nen Yim, Tahiri learns that the “Riina” personality was taken from the
memories of Nen Yim herself! Tahiri’s Vong half is essentially her ally now. A short time
later, Nen Yim uses the quang quasha to access the memories of Zonama Sekot herself,
learning the truth of the Vong’s connection to the living world . . . but before she can tell
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 799
anyone of that truth, she is killed by Nom Anor (but not before revealing his identity to the
Jedi with her dying breath). Nom Anor steals the memory device and uses it to sabotage one
of the hyperdrive engines of the world. Tahiri, Harrar, and Corran rush to stop him, but he
escapes. In the ensuing chase, Harrar is killed, and a Yuuzhan Vong ship arrives, bringing
reinforcements from Shimrra. Corran and Tahiri (who has asked to be Corran’s next
apprentice to train the Riina aspects of the new Tahiri in Jedi ways) are surrounded, while
Nom Anor escapes. They are saved at the arrival of the other Jedi aboard the Jade Shadow.
However, before they can celebrate, the entire planet, due to the sabotage, jumps to
hyperspace . . . Meanwhile, back at Bilbringi, the combined Alliance and Imperial forces
defeat the Vong, giving themselves a path to strike at Coruscant, but the victory comes at a
high cost. Among the casualties is Pash Cracken, who is presumed dead. Back at Zonama
Sekot, Sekot appears as Nen Yim, saying that the knowledge brought by Nen Yim has
opened up many new doors of investigation, and the truth seems to be on the horizon . . .*
(The Final Prophecy)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Destiny’s Way (novel: Walter Jon Williams)
Chapters 1 22
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Jedi [continued]
Force-Sensitive Abilities [continued]
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Ylesia (E-book: Walter Jon Williams)
Destiny’s Way [continued] (novel: Walter Jon Williams)
Chapters 22 27
Force Heretic (novel series: Sean Williams & Shane Dix)
Remnant (novel: Sean Williams & Shane Dix)
Three Months Later
New Alliance, Old Enemies (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
New Alliance, Old Enemies (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Equals and Opposites (SWT21 short story: Nathan P. Butler)*
Equals and Opposites (SWT21 short story: Nathan P. Butler)*
*NOTE: This issue was released as a Hasbro “Comic Pack” with action figures of Kyle Katarn and a Yuuzhan
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Force Heretic (novel series: Sean Williams & Shane Dix)
Refugee (novel: Sean Williams & Shane Dix)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 800
Or Die Trying (SWI75/SWH short story: Sean Williams & Shane Dix)
Or Die Trying (SWI75/SWH short story: Sean Williams & Shane Dix)
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
Reunion (novel: Sean Williams & Shane Dix)
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
The Final Prophecy (novel: Greg Keyes)
Chapters 1 9
Chapters 10 18
Chapters 19 36
29 ABY
Near the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, a meteor storm damages many of the facilities on
the planet 244Core, leading to a breakdown in the local government.
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
The Alliance War Bond is guaranteed to mature around this period of time. While it was a
risky investment at best during the time of the Galactic Civil War, the bonds allowed the
Alliance to obtain badly needed credits.
(conjecture based on Rebel Alliance Sourcebook via TimeTales, verbatim)
In the last months of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Aleph-class starfighter is designed to go
one-on-one with coralskippers.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
Natasi Daala and Boba Fett have their last contact before the era of the Second Battle of
Fondor during Darth Caedus’ reign.*
(conjecture based on Revelation)*
*NOTE: This assumes that Revelation is in the year 41 ABY, rather than 40 ABY.
Fifteen years before it is destroyed during a mission to seek out Doctor Cagaran Wei, a TIE
shuttle that has been restored by a retired mechanic from the Imperial fleet is among several
restored vehicles sold off when the mechanic settles on Nam Chorios. The TIE shuttle is
purchased by future Hweg Shul Mayor Snaplaunce.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
Near the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Wraith Squadron takes on a mission to Chashima,
where a Vong Shaper facility is working on a new kind of insect that would swarm and home
in on even the smallest transmissions, allowing even covert groups to be discovered
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 801
eventually. Their mission is to destroy that Shaper base and escape with a sample of the
bugs. The group consists of Hohass “Runt” Ekwesh, Estoric Sandskimmer, and Voort “Piggy”
saBinring (acting as the sniper to cover the other two as they make their escape from the
Shaper facility). Piggy spots Estoric and Runt fleeing from pursuing Vong guards, and they
are able to eventually take out the guards and save the sample for the Galactic Alliance, but it
is at the cost of the lives of both Estoric and Runt. Piggy, who sees Runt as his only true
friend, is devastated by his death, especially so since Runt was fatally wounded and asked
Piggy to deliver the final blow with his blaster as a mercy killing. He renounces the name
“Piggy,” going instead by Voort from now on, and resigns from Wraith Squadron and military
service altogether. He will eventually become a math professor on Ayceezee, only returning
to the Wraiths fifteen years later during the mission to bring down Stavin Thaal.
(Mercy Kill)
The war against the Yuuzhan Vong has entered its final year, and it all comes down to this
final adventure. On the planet Selvaris, prisoners from Bilbringi resist their Yuuzhan Vong
captors. Among them are Pash Cracken (very much alive) and Judder Page, founder of the
Katarn Commandos. Along with several rebellious allies, they receive an important bit of
intelligence, in the form of an immense mathematical data stream, which they know they
must get to Alliance hands. A small group manages to get out of the Vong compound, where
one lone survivor is rescued by Han and Leia Solo aboard the Millennium Falcon. The
information leads the Galactic Alliance into a mission, including the Solos, to stop a Vong
transport full of high-ranking Alliance prisoners, including Cracken and Page, from being
taken to Yuuzhantar (Coruscant) for a huge sacrifice to the Vong gods. Meanwhile, on
Yuuzhantar, Shimrra unveils his newest heretical creations, bioengineered super-warriors
called “Slayers, which are the Vong equivalent of the Jedi Knights. Among his audience is
the newly-promoted, newly-redeemed Nom Anor, High Prefect of Yuuzhantar. Shimrra, it
seems, has no problem with heresy for his own ends. In fact, he believes that the Vong have
outgrown the gods and must now wage war against the gods themselves to truly attain their
rightful place in creation, though he continues to use the gods as a means of urging his
forces onward. On Zonama Sekot, the two reunited Jedi teams discuss their impending
arrival in Known Space, when word comes that the Vong priest Harrar is alive! Meanwhile,
the attack to save the Alliance prisoners goes forward. Taking on the forces of Malik Carr,
the mission is successful, bringing Page, Cracken, and their comrades back to the Alliance
they serve. Elsewhere, questions as to the Vong connection to Zonama Sekot grow, as
Harrar agrees to help the Jedi in facing the future and, hopefully, finding a way for the Vong
to co-exist with the other cultures of the galaxy. Elsewhere (again), the Falcon arrives at
Caluula after narrowly making a hyperspace jump from the combat zone. Not seeing them
returning with the rest of the battle group, Jaina Solo goes out to find them. At Caluula
Station, an invading force of Vong are attacking, forcing the Solos into combat again. During
the battle, they are aided by, amazingly enough, Boba Fett, who is there with several other
warriors. As the day is going badly and the Falcon escapes from the scene, so does Fett,
who reminds Han that his fight was only really with the Jedi, and Han was just another
bounty. Back on Yuuzhan’tar, Nom Anor returns to the Shamed Ones as Yu’shaa, hoping to
use his influence with them to destroy them for Shimrra, but his former aide Kunra seems not
to want to allow it. Things have gone too far, and they will not be dissuaded from plans to
strike during the large sacrificial ceremony (which is going forward, even without the
prisoners from the Alliance assault). Back on Mon Calamari, the Jedi that remain in the
galaxy begin a plan to send a force to Yuuzhantar to make contact with the heretics. Back
on Zonama Sekot, Harrar reveals that ancient Vong texts suggest that they were banished
from the Force, so they did exist in it at one time. They begin to wonder if perhaps they were
once part of a sort of super-connected ecological system like the lifeforms on Zonama Sekot.
Meanwhile, the Alliance begins plans to retake Coruscant by staging from other locations,
including Caluula. Since they were just there for its fall, the Solos volunteer to go with the
Caluula mission. Shortly thereafter, the mission commences. Along with Kyp Durron, the
Ho’Din Meloque, and the Bothan agent Wraw, the Solos discover a horrible truth when
captured by the Vong on the worldthe Alliance has used Alpha Red! The Vong on the
world are dying horrible deaths, along with all of their biotechnology. Their Smugglers
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 802
Alliance allies, including Talon Karrde, Booster Terrik, and Crev Bombassa, help to destroy
all Vong vessels escaping the world, except for one Slayer coralskipper . . . meaning that
Alpha Red has escaped the world, and evidence on Caluula shows, beyond a shadow of the
doubt, that it is effective against the Vong on a genetic level . . . meaning it will also be
effective against Zonama Sekot if the world were to be infected! At Mon Calamari, a major
Vong assault is held back just enough to make it look as though the Alliance will be coming
back to defend their new capital, rather than attacking to free their previous capital. It is fitting
that the world plays a role in the battle, as former Admiral Gial Ackbar, who was so
instrumental in early war plans, has passed away. As the forces marshal toward Coruscant,
the Falcon joins them, even as Zonama Sekot emerges once again from hyperspace in
proximity to Coruscant itself! The planet’s Vong ecology takes a huge hit and the world is
seen as a momentous omen to the religious among the Yuuzhan Vong. The Solos and Jedi
reunite on Zonama Sekot, then Luke and others return to brief the High Council on their
findings on the world. Meanwhile, on the world, several Jedi begin bonding with the lifeforms
of Zonama Sekot, in preparation for being given their own Sekotan starfighters, much like the
one created for Anakin Skywalker so long ago. Jaina, however, does not get one, nor does
Jacen. It is as if there are other destines for the Solo twins. At Corulag, Alliance and Vong
forces collides, as the stage is set for the Coruscant assault. At Yuuzhan’tar, a surviving
vessel from Caluula arrives, bearing Alpha Red infected Vong, and the Vong see their
chance to strike at Zonama Sekot. The vessel will be launched at the world during the
coming battle, allowing the Vong to eliminate the planet, their culture’s greatest mythical
enemy. And so, the battle begins! The Alliance starships battle Vong ships over Coruscant,
while a team including Luke, Mara, Jacen, Jaina, Tahiri, other Jedi, the Solos, and ground
forces, lands on the surface to capture or kill Shimrra, even as the sacrificial ceremony is
interrupted by a massive Shamed One uprising! Meanwhile, the Jedi with their Sekotan
ships, along with Smuggler’s Alliance forces, protect Zonama Sekot from a Vong assault,
including, they soon realize, the infected vessel, which, luckily, they are able to stop before
the infection can spread. The Jedi team reaches the Well of the World Brain, where Jacen
helps to convince the dhuryam to help them in their fight against Shimrra. The team makes it
all the way into Shimrras citadel and into Shimrras own throne room, where Luke and the
twins engage Slayers to all sides, as Shimrra and his jester, Onimi, watch, until finally,
Shimrra himself engages Luke! In a fierce battle, Luke is nearly killed by Shimrra, but the
Jedi Master is finally victorious, beheading Shimrra with a pair of lightsabers! Jaina, though,
has chased a fleeing Onimi up higher into the citadel, which is one huge ship with a separate
spaceworthy upper area. Jacen misses a tossed lightsaber from Luke, as the citadel is
shaken by the World Brain, just as in his vision from Duro. Going with the vision, he leaves
the saber behind and races after Jaina and Onimi. In the upper area, the ship begins to rise,
taking Onimi, Jacen, Jaina, and stowaway Nom Anor with it. As Jaina is subdued, they begin
to realize the truth. Shimrra was never the true Supreme Overlord. Onimi, the deformed
jester, was the true power being the throne, with immense mental powers born of his
experimentation on himself and disfigurement at the hands of the gods. He uses the ship
itself against Jacen, battering him, but Jacen finally gives himself truly over to the Unifying
Force, allowing himself to be one with everything around him, fending off the assault and
killing Onimi. The true overload is dead. But with his death, the ship begins to fail. After a
brief clash with Nom Anor, the Vong High Prefect becomes resigned to his fate to die with
Onimi and helps the two Jedi escape to the waiting Millennium Falcon. Then, in front of both
of the battling parties in space, the Supreme Overlord’s personal vessel explodes. With that,
the battle, with the exception of some skirmishes, is over. Without a Supreme Overlord, the
Vong know that they have lost the conflict. After years of fighting, the Yuuzhan Vong War is
over. The aftermath, though, remains to be seen. In the weeks that follow, Coruscant is
liberated, even though rebuilding will take years. Vong are rounded up, and the Vong
Warleader Nas Choka officially surrenders to the Galactic Alliance. Zonama Sekot is
revealed to be the child planet of the Yuuzhan Vong’s home planet, a planet that punished
the Vong for their warlike ways by banishing them from the Force and its connection to them,
forcing them to create the mythology of the gods as a means of replacing their connection to
a higher power. This banishment had caused the end to Vong technological advancement,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 803
hence the empty eighth cortex of shaper knowledge, but now, the Vong have a chance to
truly rebuild their culture, as Zonama Sekot is welcoming them home to live among its people
and heal the wounds of the past. The Alliance capital is moved to Denon, where it will remain
until Coruscant is rebuilt. The Jedi Order is split again, as Luke believes they have truly
come into their own, and he has truly become a Jedi Master in his understanding. Some will
remain in the Alliance. Others will return to the Unknown Regions with Zonama Sekot. Still
others will continue training young Jedi, though the Yavin IV academy will not be rebuilt.
Jagged Fel will be a liaison with the Chiss and Alliance, allowing him to continue to see Jaina,
in hopes of a future together. Everyone is settling into new roles and new lives in the post-
war galaxy. And, finally, we return to the beginning, to Chewbacca. Han and Leia return to
Kashyyyk where Han is able to say goodbye to his old friend and tells him that the war is
over. He and Leia, who has been given Killik Twilight by Grand Admiral Pellaeon, will be
taking a trip for a while to get away from it all . . . but not without Han’s two new companions,
Lowbacca and Lumpawaroo, who will carry on Chewbacca’s life debt, whether Han likes it, or
not. The more things change . . .*
(The Unifying Force)*
*NOTE: If you are curious about dates for individual battles in this novel, please see the Into the Unknown
Regions map in the Essential Atlas, for which Eddie van der Heijden generated exact dates.
Just before the liberation of Coruscant from the Yuuzhan Vong, Admiral (Retired) Gial Ackbar
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
In the final hours of the Yuuzhan Vong War, with Supreme Overlord Shimrra dead, a
Yuuzhan Vong fleet is destroyed (or destroys itself) as a “sacrifice” over the Vong-
transformed planet Wayland. Only Zenoc Quah survives. Zenoc begins to create new
creatures on Wayland . . .
(conjecture based on Monster)
Jacen Solo trains Nelani in lightsaber techniques.*
(conjecture based on Betrayal)*
*NOTE: This was originally said to be seven years before Betrayal, but that was due to an error on the author’s
part. The book had been originally set for 37 ABY, rather than 40 ABY, and the reference was not fixed to say
“ten.” Aaron Allston has confirmed this, but putting it in 30 ABY still would put it right as Jacen is beginning his
journey, so I’ve put it right here, very close to the end of 29 ABY, when the journey is about to begin.
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jacen Solo leaves the Galactic Alliance proper and
the day to day activities of the Jedi Order to seek out the true nature of the Force on his own.
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, only a few Iron Knights remain active.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Hutts begin to expand into the Cyax System,
including onto Da Soocha, now that Nal Hutta has been devastated by the Vong.
(conjecture based on Rogue’s End)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Hutts begin to consider Tatooine as their primary
homeworld, given the longstanding ties they have with the planet through now-deceased
Hutts like Jabba and Gardulla.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the diverse Vong castes are, at least ostensibly,
merged into one society with all caste distinctions removed. The “Shamed Ones are
renamed the “Extolled due to their role in freeing the Vong from their former Supreme
Overlord’s deception in the recent war.
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Ordith Huarr retires (again) to Lorrd with his wife.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Republicana collector’s items become even more
valuable and sought after.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, a cleaning droid discovers a star map sphere of the
Bright Jewel Oversector in the wreckage. A member of the construction crew takes it, sells it,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 804
and it will eventually be sold again to a private collector that puts it up for auction at Hydians
Auction House, where Republicana collector Rej Taunt purchases it.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, efforts at reconstruction go where damage is most
severe, leaving the Dugs of Malastare to mostly repair their own world, through reestablishing
the methane farms in the Malastare Wastes to trade for funds to rebuild damaged portions of
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, outside contacts with the Falleen of Falleen are even
more scarce than in prior decades.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Ishi Tib expertise in creating balanced environments
is sought after. Many Ishi Tib leave Tibrin to take lucrative jobs working with corporations that
are repairing damaged worlds. Some, however, find that their environmentalist outlook does
not mesh well with corporate profiteering and soon find themselves unemployed.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
While on a trip to Ruby Gulch on Nam Chorios with her mother, Thei encounters drochs that
kill her mother. She wanders out of the barrens two days later with no memory of the event.
She is adopted by a rock ivory mining family.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
In the chaos following the Yuuzhan Vong War, efforts to quarantine Caluula, where Alpha
Red was field-tested, fail. The best that can be managed is thorough decontamination
procedures for those leaving the planet.
(conjecture based on The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster)
With the recapture of Coruscant by the Galactic Alliance, General Stavin Thaal sets up
Fey’lya Base on Vandor-3, the first official base Thaal sets up there (while his unofficial base
for the Pop-Dogs was an old Tech Raider base during the Yuuzhan Vong War). Thaal also
makes it clear to his wife, Zehrinne, that their marriage is more or less over. He will keep her
as his wife, so that she can access her half of their assets without a divorce, but their time as
man and wife is effectively over, as he is continuing his career on his own (and has a thing for
younger women). He takes a new mistress immediately thereafter, Cadrin Awel, age 20, who
has spent the last two years hiding from the Yuuzhan Vong with her family in Vandor-3s
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, one of the original Pop-Dogs, Captain Jam Javat, sets
up the Javat Caridan Children’s Animal Habitat and the Javat Caridan Environment on
Vandor-3 for endangered Caridan species. When he eventually retires and moves back to
Coruscant later, he will leave it in control of a trust. Unbeknownst to most people, the linked
operations will actually be a cover for a secret Pop-Dog base below ground, loyal only to
Stavin Thaal, the Pop-Dogs founder.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Mount Lyss Meteorological Station on Vandor-3,
which had been taken offline and then used as a hideout for freedom fighters during the
Yuuzhan Vong War, is abandoned.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Galactic Alliance sets up Rimsaw Station in orbit
of Kuratooine, just to be sure that the Imperial Remnant cannot take advantage of the Kura
leadership’s good graces first.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
Mercy Kill [continued] (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapter 17
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 805
Dix & James Luceno)
The Unifying Force (novel: James Luceno)
Across the Stars
Chapters 1 18
Force and Counterforce
Chapters 19 28
A Time to Every Purpose
Chapters 29 42
The New Order
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide:
Ryder Windham)
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide:
Ryder Windham)
The Jedi [continued]
Jedi Evolution
The New Jedi Order
The New Jedi Order [continued] (novel/short story series: R. A. Salvatore & Michael A.
Stackpole & James Luceno & Kathy Tyers & Aaron Allston & Troy Denning & Greg Keyes
& Matthew Stover & Elaine Cunningham & Walter Jon Williams & Sean Williams & Shane
Dix & James Luceno)
The Unifying Force [continued] (novel: James Luceno)
Chapter 45
30 35 ABY
In the six years immediately following the Yuuzhan Vong War, the young Jedi Knights that
survived the mission to Myrkr (Jaina Solo, Jacen Solo, Lowbacca, Tenel Ka, Zekk, Tahiri
Veila, Tekli, Tesar Sebatyne, and Alema Rar) have trouble forging lasting bonds with anyone
else, which leads to the eventual separation of Jaina Solo and Chiss pilot Jagged Fel. It
would seem that their extended time in a Force melded state during the Myrkr mission has
brought the group together by removing some of the barriers between their minds, but it has
also set them apart from others and made them susceptible to the possibility of actually being
influenced by the emotions of the others in the group, as if they were a sort of hive mind at
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)*
*NOTE: “Wait,” you say, “It says it’s been five years since The Unifying Force in The Joiner King, then it says it’s
been six years in The Unseen Queen. You messed up!” Well, I’d like to say that it’s messed up, so that the dates
in the books are what are consistent, but that’s not the case. Leland Chee has informed us via posts on that Dark Nest does indeed start on the round number of 35 ABY, rather than 34 ABY, which
means, as he readily admits, that the internal dates are now all a year off since they are acting on the original
assumption of five years since the NJO, which would’ve put TJK in 34 ABY. I’ve thus changed the summary and
event comments about “years since the NJO” to reflect this (somewhat odd) decision.
In the six years immediately following the Yuuzhan Vong War, new models of X-wing
starfighter are produced. Included are the XJ5 (ChaseX) model, which will later be flown by
Jacen Solo, and a series known as the StealthX, a black model designed for stealth attacks,
often with the Jedis Force-controlled “shadow bombs.”*
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)*
*NOTE: See note above dealing with the Myrkr mission survivors for why this says “six years” rather than five.
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Industrial Automaton introduces the R9 astromech
droid. The R9 units will be used very often in StealthX starfighters.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Droids)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Galactic Alliance sets up the Reconstruction
Authority to help rebuild the civilization so battered by the Yuuzhan Vongs invasion. The
Reconstruction Authority has its own enforcement arm, the Reconstruction Police, and must
deal with various conglomerates like RePlanetHab, who are also trying to stake claims on
various planets, under the newly-passed Derelict Planet Reclamation Act. By five years after
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 806
the end of the war, the Ithorians still have not found a new homeworld, as conglomerates with
more resources tend to snatch up the best resettlement locations. Another target of the
Reconstruction Authority is Monument Plaza on Coruscant, which takes three years to have
its yorik coral removed and five years to have its statues replicated. The Reconstruction
Authority will have its own Space Patrol, which Lon Shevu will be part of for a decade.*
(conjecture based on The Joiner King and Invincible)*
*NOTE: Even though we know that it took three years to have the yorik coral removed from Monument Plaza and
five years to replicate statues, we are not told when this process begins or ends, nor are we told whether the
“three years” and “five years” are concurrent or consecutive. Thus, for now, those events do not get separate
During his search for the true nature of the Force, Jacen Solo trains with the Theran Listeners
(allowing him the ability to somewhat sense the meaning of alien languages by reading the
intentions of the speaker in the Force), the Jensaari, the Aing-Tii, the witches of Dathomir
(from whom he learns, among other things, to create floating balls of light for illumination),
and the Fallanassi (where he learns of the White Current from the woman who once claimed
to be his grandmother, Akanah). He learns many new abilities with the Force, including the
ability to see visions of the past by touching an object (similar to Kiffar abilities that Quinlan
Vos once used in conjunction with the Force) and the ability to send a Force message or
vision across time rather than across distances.
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)
In the six years after the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Galactic Alliance leaves Denon and makes
its capital at Coruscant once again, beginning massive reconstruction efforts on the planet.*
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)*
*NOTE: See note above dealing with the Myrkr mission survivors for why this says “six years” rather than five.
During the years following the Yuuzhan Vong War, a new Jedi Academy is established on
Ossus, while a new Jedi Temple is built on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)
During the six years after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Ben Skywalker comes to an age
where he would be allowed to train at his fathers Jedi Academy. However, Ben chooses not
to train as a Jedi, most likely due to how he associates the Force with the traumatic events of
the war of his earliest years. In order to keep Ben safe, Luke and Mara Skywalker purchase
an augmented YVH droid, which serves as both protector and nanny for the child, known as
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)*
*NOTE: See note above dealing with the Myrkr mission survivors for why this says “six years” rather than five.
During the years following the Yuuzhan Vong War, recent revelations about the nature of the
Force (the philosophy that the Force itself doesnt have a Light or Dark Side but rather that it
is one’s intentions that determine one’s Light or Dark nature) lead to a massive reliance on
moral relativism in Jedi dealings. This leads to the Jedi, in a sense, no longer acting out of a
moral imperative to always do right, since whats right will depend upon the situation.
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)
In the wake of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Leia Organa Solo chooses to continue her self-
imposed exile from Galactic Alliance politics. Instead, she becomes the copilot of the
Millennium Falcon with her husband, Han Solo. They have the Falcon painted white again
(rather than the black that it had sported during the war after Chewbaccas death). They also
purchase a battle droid, nicknamed “Beady” (BD for Battle Droid) for the vessel. They live
together on the ship, rather than having a permanent home on any planet.
(conjecture based on The Joiner King)
30 ABY
With the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Kyle Katarn traces clues about the possible survival
of the Sith from Ord Sedra to Yaga Minor, then finally into a region of space known as the
Cloak of the Sith. Once there, Kyle vanishes. Jan Ors, now head of Alpha Blue, works with
Jaden Korr to gather a team of Alpha Blue agents and Jedi Knights to go looking for Kyle.
They find him held captive by the presumed-dead Jedi Knight Daye Azur-Jamin, who has
been turned to the Dark Side. Upon defeating Daye, they learn that there is a Force sensitive
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 807
Yuuzhan Vong warrior out there, apparently trained by a Sith (perhaps Lumiya?) . . .
(conjecture based on The Dark Forces Saga, Part I)
Very early in his journey to learn different Force principles throughout the galaxy, Jacen Solo
learns from TedarRo amongst the Aing-Tii inside the Kathol Rift. From Tedar’Ro, he learns
how to use the Force to essentially cause an object to disappear and reappear in another
place and how to flow-walk, which is a form of non-disruptive time travel through the Force.
(conjecture based on Omen)
Dr. Follnor Challat moves to Ast Kikorie, having been banned from the University of Rudrig.
Several warrants exist for his arrest, but he intends to search the Moddell Sector for the
Alsakan Tessent, despite the danger of capture. He sets up a base to work from at Kikorie
Port’s Lon Heights.
(conjecture based on Race for the Tessent)
Around this time, Dathomiri Witch Damaya and Jedi Kirana Ti create a new Jedi Academy on
Dathomir. When this Academy begins teaching men as well as women, some men start to
feel more independent from the women who have dominated Dathomiri culture for so long.
Some men will even form their own new male clans, such as Tasander Dests Broken
Columns Clan that forms three years later. One group of men teams with a group of women
to create a clan for both genders, known as the Blue Coral Divers, who eventually get into a
feud with a clan of former escaped male slaves from various clans (and their female allies),
known as the Scissorfists.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
A group of heroes begins searching for the Tessent, an idol (actually one of two different
idols) lost in the Moddell Sector. They follow rumors, information, and misinformation in their
search, finding themselves being led toward the Alsakan Tessent and the Ayrou Tessent
both. They find themselves in a rivalry with Alsakan xenoarchaeologist Follnor Callat and his
hired assistants, Fenn Shysa and a Blood Carver. Follnor is only after the Alsakan Tessent,
but he follows rumors about both. The team also runs afoul of the Kintan Gunrunners, who
are also after the Tessent(s). Two Vashans (Poina Tuc-shol and Dochi At-Rial) are also after
the Tessent(s).* Following various rumors all around the Moddell Sector, the heroes finally
come upon one of the Tessents. As to whether it is real or a forgery, and if the former, which
of the two Tessents it really is, that is a matter still up for debate.
(Race for the Tessent)*
*NOTE: This dating is based on the Alsakan idol being lost from Alsaka shortly before the fall of the Empire, that
event having been “more than a generation ago,” and the typical generational duration for Star Wars being
approximately 25 years.
Jedi Knight Tam Azur-Jamin publishes the article Droids, Technology, and the Force: A Clash
of Phenomena, studying the nature of droids in relation to the Force, in the wake of the
Yuuzhan Vong War.
(Droids and the Force)
Luke Skywalker contacts the Baran Do Sages of Dorin on behalf of the Jedi Order to learn
more about them and aid in their own insights into the Force. Baran Do Dorn Tlo replies,
providing Luke with general information on their philosophy and training methods. (To be
continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Race for the Tessent (G9 short story: Craig R. Carey & Jason Fry & Daniel Wallace)
Race for the Tessent (G9 short story: Craig R. Carey & Jason Fry & Daniel Wallace)
Droids and the Force (SWH short story: Abel G. Pena)*
Droids and the Force (SWH short story: Abel G. Pena)*
*NOTE: This story is a Hyperspace exclusive, but you’ll find it as an Insider supplement, not under Hyperspace
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
Other Force-Using Organizations [continued]
Baran Do Sages
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 808
31 ABY
The Anoth system collapses on itself.
(conjecture based on Jedi Academy Sourcebook)
The Ithorian species, now without a homeworld, begins to continue the tradition of the sacred
Time of Meeting. Now, though, the Meets are to be held in secret every few years, and is a
meeting not on one planet, but a rendezvous of the herd ships that were lucky enough to
escape Ithor.*
(conjecture based on Starfaring Jungles: Exploring Ithorian Herd Ships)*
*NOTE: No date is given for this event, but the article is written in a time probably a decade or so after Balance
Point. It refers to these new herd ship rendezvous Meets as taking place “every few years.” As such, I have said
they start here, in order to let the Yuuzhan Vong invasion be over and done by the time they begin to piece their
traditions back together.
32 ABY
Grace, the child of the Community clones known as Alpha and Hunter, is born on the frozen
moon that Jaden Korr will eventually discover.
(conjecture based on Riptide)
A dance song with a strong backbeat about the rebuilding of Coruscant becomes popular.
This is the song Voort “Piggy” saBinring will use to his advantage on Kuratooine twelve years
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
33 ABY
Kitaya “Kit” Shuul is born. She will become a slave to Truugo the Hutt on Tatooine.
(conjecture based on Allies)
Shalk is born to Dinua Jeban and Jintar, likely on Mandalore.
(conjecture based on Sacrifice)
Male slaves of the Raining Leaves Clan on Dathomir rise up and kill over two-thirds of the
clan (among those killed and those punished, some unjustly, just for being men.) Among the
dead is the father of Kaminne Sihn. Kaminne becomes the new leader of the clan.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Tasander Dest founds the all-male Broken Columns Clan on Dathomir. They become the one
male clan that does not attack other clans, if possible.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
The female Raining Leaves Clan (led by Kaminne Sihn) and the male Broken Columns Clan
(led by Tasander Dest) on Dathomir, begin to hold conclaves for the purposes of marriages
and mating. The alliance (politically and romantically) between Kaminne and Tasander
serves to cause Halliava Vurse of the Raining Leaves to consider the clan to be betraying its
own traditions. This helps to push Halliava into the Nightsisters.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Former female stormtrooper Isila Drutch of the 291
Legion recounts her days as an Imperial
stormtrooper in a memoir. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
Empire Triumphant
A Female Stormtrooper Remembers
34 ABY
A few months before her encounter with Jacen Solo, “Brisha Syo (Lumiya) steals the shuttle
that she will use in the Toryaz Station mission, which will lead Jacen to her.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
Sometime around this time, the Galactic-class battle carriers enter Galactic Alliance service.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
During one of his many journeys in studying obscure Force techniques, Jacen Solo visits
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 809
Master Koro Ziil of the Baran Do Sages on Dorin to learn ayna-seff techniques.
(conjecture based on Outcast)
35 ABY
Briila is born to Dinua Jeban and Jintar, likely on Mandalore.
(conjecture based on Sacrifice)
Sesara Sihn is born to Olianne Sihn on Dathomir.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Halin’s Bar on Corellia closes.
(conjecture based on Bloodlines)
Having found the love of her live, Liegeus Vorn, again, Natasi Daala is devastated when he is
killed by a thermal detonator in a plot by the Imperial Moff Council.*
(conjecture based on Revelation)*
*NOTE: This assumes that Revelation being tweaked from being assumed to be in late 40 ABY into early 41 ABY
does not alter the date of this event.
Khedryn Faal, future pilot of the Junker, teams up with the Force-sensitive Cerean Marr Idi-
(conjecture based on Crosscurrent)
Akanah Pell sends a message to Luke Skywalker, regarding her concerns for Jacen Solo,
having met with him when he was on Pydyr. The recorded message is turned over to Tionne
for analysis, given Lukes concerns over Akanah’s past duplicity. (To be continued below . . .
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Six years after the end of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, the galaxy has undergone a period
of change. The Galactic Alliance now based on Coruscant, which is undergoing
reconstruction, and the Jedi Order has a dual-home, with a Jedi Temple on Coruscant and a
Jedi Academy on Ossus. The Yuuzhan Vong continue building a new society for themselves
on the hidden Zonama Sekot. Into this mix comes a distress call through the Force, sensed
only by those young Jedi Knights who were part of the mission to Myrkr in which Anakin Solo
was killed during the war. Jaina Solo, Tahiri Veila, Tekli, Lowbacca, Zekk, Tesar Sebatyne,
and Alema Rar drop their current duties and head for the source of the call. Jacen Solo, who
has been on a five-year journey to discover the true nature of the Force, leaves his training
with Akanah of the Fallanassi to journey there as well. In fact, the only surviving member of
the original team who does not join them is Tenel Ka, who must remain on Hapes in her
position as Queen Mother. All of the Myrkr Jedi are called into the Unknown Regions, where
they are drawn into the middle of a looming conflict between an insectoid species and the
Chiss Ascendancy. When one of the four Chiss Aristocras, Mitt’swe’kleoni (Tswek),
complains about the situation to Galactic Alliance Chief-of-State Cal Omas, he brings Tswek
to see Luke Skywalker and the Jedi High Council. Luke must try to account for the strange
actions of these young Jedi, so he takes his wife Mara, son Ben, Ben’s protector droid
(Nanna), Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne (Tesars mother), and an apparently malfunctioning R2-
D2 into the Unknown Regions to investigate. Meanwhile, Han and Leia Solo, along with C-
3PO and the Noghri Meewalh and Cakhmaim, have been out on the Millennium Falcon,
trying to map a new possible homeworld for the displaced Ithorians. When they learn that
Jaina and the others have disappeared into the Unknown Regions, they head there to
investigate. What our heroes discover upon their respective arrivals is a previously unknown
insectoid civilization (where they land among a “nest” called the Lizil). The “Kind” (as they call
themselves) are organized into nests within a civilization known as “The Colony.” They have
a sort of hive mind, so that what one knows, the others know. Their will is also able to exert
influence upon other species (including our young Jedi Knights), making them act in the best
interests of the nest. These “Others” (non-Kind) who become part of the nest society are
known as “Joiners. Of the Myrkr Jedi, only Jacen seems to not be a Joiner, choosing to think
for himself, but believing somewhat in their cause. That cause, it seems, is the prevention of
open war between the Chiss and the Kind, whom Leia quickly realizes (due to the similarity of
Kind structures and those in her painting, Killik Twilight) are the Killiks, long thought extinct
after they disappeared from Alderaan 20,000 years ago. Once in the Colony, the Solo and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 810
Skywalker teams are reunited and make a new pair of allies in the form of Jae Juun and
Tarfang, the Sullustan and Ewok pilot and copilot of the XR808g. Juun is a big fan of Han,
looking up to him as a sort of superhero smuggler. Juun and Tarfang will help take them to
see the leader of the nest, the Prime Unu. Meanwhile, the Myrkr Jedi (minus Jacen) help
protect a Taat nest on Jwlio from an attack by Chiss “defoliators,” which seek to destroy the
planet’s agriculture, forcing the Taat Killiks to either die or move away, despite Qoribu being
at least a full light-year from the border with the Chiss Ascendancy. As for Jacen, he has
followed his Force instincts to the site of “The Crash,” a holy relic in Killik society. What he
discovers is what he expected, that the Crash is the downed Tachyon Flier, the vessel that
the traitorous Dark Jedi Lomi Plo and Welk used to escape from the Myrkr situation, taking an
unwilling Raynar Thul and MTD with them. Jacen finds MTD melted and destroyed, but uses
the Force to sort of send his mind through time, allowing him to see some of the last
moments on the vessel. Ranyar, badly burned, had pulled Lomi and Welk from the wreckage,
saving them. Jacen then also sees a Force vision of his mother, a short time from then, at the
Crash site. He tells her to go to Qoribu before the vision across time ends. Elsewhere, our
elder heroes are brought to see the Prime Unu . . . who turns out to be Raynar Thul! Raynar
survived the flight from Myrkr and the Crash, but had to be saved from death by Yaggoy nest
Killiks. This brought Raynar into their hive mind, where his Force sensitivity and Jedi
philosophy spread, making the Killiks care more about the lives of their individual members.
Raynar began bringing the various nest minds together as one Killik society (the Colony),
calling this new unified nest the “Unu” nest. Raynar, with his Jedi personality so submerged
under his new personality, became known as UnuThul. He doesn’t want them there, as he
doesn’t want them to find the other Jedi. He had used the Force to call his former comrades
to him in order to try to show the Chiss that they shouldn’t mess with the Killiks, hoping to
prevent a war. Of course, the Chiss see the ever-escalating tensions of losing battles to Jedi-
led Killik dartship forces as ample reason to raise the stakes, leading to a greater chance of
war. The Solo and Skywalker group heads for the site of the Crash, where Leia sees Jacen’s
Force-sending and learns that they should go to Qoribu. They are also accosted by blue
Killiks (at the Crash, and then at the Yaggoy/Unu nest), whom the other Killiks completely
deny exist at all. Either the Killiks are lying, or something screwy is going on. Either way,
someone doesnt want them snooping around. As they all head for Qoribu, another battle
takes place to protect the Taat nest there, during which Lowbacca is force to go extra-
vehicular. They are unable to get to him. The others arrive on the Millennium Falcon, Jade
Shadow, and XR808g, but are caught in the crossfire, so to speak. The XR808g has to be
abandoned. Upon meeting the Myrkr Jedi, the Solos and Skywalkers are told by their own
younger comrades that they must be mistaken about being attacked by blue Killiks, even
though they were just attacked by them in space again. Jaina and the others suggest that the
Chiss are having other insectoids pretend to be Killiks in order to sow confusion. Our elder
heroes dont buy it. The Joiner Jedi refuse to leave the Taat nest without first finding
Lowbacca, so the group splits up. The Skywalkers will take Tesar, Telki, Jacen, and Tahiri
back to Ossus with them, while Jaina, Zekk, and Alema will remain to save Lowbacca if they
can. Saba will stay on Qoribu, as will Han, Leia, and their group (Tarfang, Juun, the Noghri,
C-3PO). Shortly thereafter, despite some quick diplomatic maneuvering on Leia’s part, they
are unable to help get to Lowbacca before the Chiss force, led by Jaina’s former lover,
Jagged Fel, takes Lowbacca aboard as a prisoner. While Han, Leia, and the X-wing pilots
among the Myrkr Jedi were in space searching for him, though, Saba had gone down into
areas within the Taat nest. There, she discovers evidence of three blue Killiks having
hatched. Two of them, plus the Dark Jedi Welk (now augmented with some Killik body parts
grafted to replace limbs lost in the Crash), attack her. She manages to survive, driving off
Welk and killing the two assassin blue Killiks, but one of the Killiks was not there, which likely
means a stowaway aboard the Jade Shadow. Aboard the Shadow, en route to Ossus, Luke
works on R2-D2, trying to figure out whats wrong with him. He inadvertently accesses a part
of the droids memory that had been intentionally inaccessible, but which a recent fault has
made somewhat accessible. It plays a holorecording of part of Anakin Skywalker’s
conversation with Padmé Amidala about his dream that she would die in childbirth. Luke is
shocked that he just might have seen an image of his real mother. Unfortunately, it’ll take
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 811
some serious slicing to reach any other data in that sector of R2-D2’s memory. Back at the
Taat nest, Jaina and Zekk refuse to leave, despite being unable to find Lowbacca before
capture. Leia and Han must leave, though, in order to get Saba to medical attention. Alema
decides to go with them, in order to act as a guide. Jaina and Zekk aren’t happy with her
decision, but they let her go. The Falcon leaves, and while in space, the Solos try to question
Alema about whats going on, but she seems very defensive, and despite what Saba says,
she refuses to acknowledge even the possibility that Lomi or Welk could have survived the
Flier crash. Finally at Ossus, Tekli, Jacen, Tesar, and Tahiri are studied by Jedi Master
Cilghal. What she discovers is that the Joiner mind-bending is not so much a Force meld, like
the battle meld that the Jedi had used at Myrkr, but more a matter of pheromones altering
their brain chemistry, which passes communication via auras, not the Force, per se. The Jedi
Council members present (Luke, Mara, Corran Horn, Kyle Katarn, Kenth Hamner, Octa
Ramis, Cilghal, Kyp Durron) worry about how much they can truly trust these Joiner Jedi.
Jacen seems the only one to be acting entirely of his own free will, likely due to his unique
Force abilities that hes been learning for the last few years. In space, a bit of sabotage forces
the Millennium Falcon to emerge from hyperspace, forcing an emergency landing on a planet
within a nearby nebula. They believe that they might have a Killik saboteur onboard. It turns
out, when they are trying to repair the ship, that Alema herself is the saboteur, acting from
impulses that arent her own. She engages Leia in a brief lightsaber duel, until they are able
to trick her into the path of the Falcons escape pod hatch and knock her unconscious, taking
her prisoner. Shortly thereafter, further Killik-assisting plans are set in motion. Jacen goes to
visit Tenel Ka on Hapes, spending a night of passion with her, while also having her send a
Hapan battle fleet to help the Killiks. Tesar Sebatyne visits Raynar Thul’s mother, Aryn, at the
Bornaryn Trading Company, convincing her to lend aid to her supposedly-lost son’s cause. It
seems that part of the reason that the Jedi agreed to come back with Luke was to sneak
away and gather further support for the Killik cause. On Ossus, Luke invites his old ally Chiss
Aristocra Chaformbintrano (Formbi) to visit. They discuss the current conflict with the Chiss
and learn a great deal. Apparently, six years ago (around the time that Raynar Thul wouldve
been growing in power), Killik-Chiss relations changed. Back during the Third Vagaari War,
which Luke and Mara had been present for at its onset when they were visiting the remains of
Outbound Flight, the Chiss labor force dwindled as a result of that conflict (in which they were
victorious). This caused them to bring in Killiks to work within the Chiss Ascendancy. They
had taken steps to ensure that none of the nine ruling Chiss families would have members
become Joiners, but somehow, these precautions broke down, right around the time that
Raynar Thul came into power as UnuThul. Two of the ruling families became Joiners, while
three were so dependent upon Killik labor that there was a sort of “major disagreement”
within Chiss society that lead to the end of these three ruling families, leaving the four ruling
families that Luke and the others encountered on their visit to Csilla during the Yuuzhan Vong
War (which also accounts for an attack on Soontir Fel, which had nothing to do with the Vong
and everything to do with the Killiks). Supposedly, this Killik situation had nothing to do with
the end of the Empire of the Hand, nor did the Vagaari. (Thus, there is still some kind of other
threat out there, a “Terror” in the Unknown Regions, and the Empire of the Hand may rise
again if needed to combat such a threat.) In any event, the Killiks are now controlled by “The
Will,” which seems to be one strong Force-using mind among the Colony, which exerts
control over the non-Force-sensitive Killiks by tapping into their “Force potential (the life
energy they generate, not any kind of Force-attunement). That Will seems to be intent on
expanding the Colony, hence the Taat nests on Qoribu, which makes the Chiss wary of
incursions into their territory and society (again). That is why the Chiss are striking against
the food supplies on Qoribu. That still, however, doesn’t explain the blue Killiks, nor who has
been trying to stop our heroes from preventing the war. En route to Ossus, the Millennium
Falcon witnesses the arrival of the Hapans near the Colony, learning about Jacen’s
“activities” with Tenel Ka. On Ossus, Mara discovers that Ben has brought back a young Killik
as a pet. Ben has already begun to have a slight Joiner connection to the Killik, and Mara is
furious. The Killik turns out to be a blue Killik, the third of the assassin Killiks that Saba had
discovered had hatched before being attacked by Welk. The Killik is identified by Ben as
“Gorog,” a name they hadn’t heard before among the Colony. Gorog is captured and brought
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 812
to where Alema (also a prisoner), Jacen, Tekli, Tesar, and Tahiri are hooked up to testing
monitors again. Cilghal runs a test by inflicting pain upon Gorog. Alema reacts directly,
suggesting that she is a Joiner of the Gorog nest, rather than the Taat nest that the others
are part of. However, once exposed to Gorog’s aura, the others all start acting annoyed or
angry, as if they are being driven to stop the testing, without realizing that they are not acting
of their own will or even really why they are upset. This allows Cilghal to realize the nature of
the Gorog. The Killiks essentially have two different Wills. There is the conscious Will, like a
person’s conscious mind, which is what Raynar (UnuThul) controls. It connects the various
nests, such as the Taat and Yaggoy. However, there is also an unconscious Will, which can
drive the Colonys actions without the conscious Will having any knowledge of memory of
those actions. That unconscious Will seems to be driven by the Gorog nest, what they dub
the “Dark Nest,” a Killik nest driven by a Force-sensitive individual (or individuals) similar to
Raynar (such as, say, Lomi or Welk), which is driving the Killiks toward war with the Chiss,
while hiding the nests existence from the rest of the nests. Alema became part of the Gorog
nest because she was the most likely to fall to the Dark Side, as Luke always knew, thanks to
the death of Numa Rar during the war. Shortly thereafter, Cal Omas visits again, along with
Formbi, who demand that the Jedi intervene to stop the Killiks, who now have Hapan allies at
their side. The Jedi Council is split over whether they have a duty to prevent conflict
independently or to serve the Galactic Alliance itself. Leia, though, finds a solution in the
middle. They will try to convince the Taat nest Killiks to move from their close proximity to
Chiss space around Qoribu to the lush planets that theyd accidentally found in the nebula
when Alema forced them to land. The Hapan battle cruisers could have nests built inside
them for the time being, allowing for the move, since the ships are already in Colony space.
However, Leia had wanted to use those worlds as a home to the Ithorians, so she forces
Omas to block RePlanetHab’s claim (or, perhaps “claim-jump) on the planet Borao, which
Han and Leia had scouted, so that the Ithorians could have Borao as a new home. All of this
is moot, though, unless they can stop the Gorog Dark Nest from instigating a war or blocking
any plans for Taat transplantation. To set this in motion, they allow Alema and Gorog to
escape. While Luke learns Padmé’s name from another bit of recording discovered on R2-D2
by the slicer Zakarisz Ghent, they leave Ossus (and any further answers about Luke and
Leia’s parents) behind, tracking Alema. Elsewhere, back in the Colony, Jaina and Zekk have
had some Will-induced celebrating time, including (apparently) romance forming between
them. When they learn that Raynar’s forces are ready to ambush the Chiss before the Chiss
can strike in a coming assault, Jaina uses the Force, fighting the Will, to nudge Jag Fell into
avoiding the ambush, delaying the inevitable clash of forces. The Falcon and a pair of
StealthX X-wings (flown by Luke and Mara) arrive in Colony space near Qoribu, just as
tensions start to really mount for a direct battle. Leia uses what amounts to three-way-calling
to put Jag Fel and Gray (the Hapan commander) in touch with each other, trying to diffuse
the situation, but doesn’t look to be able to do so. Meanwhile, Luke and Mara track Alemas
skiff into a planetoid called Kr, which is the likely location of the Dark Nest. They follow her in,
but Gorog dartships attack, and when the Hapans try to deliver assistance, it draws the Chiss
into battle to stop the Hapan advance. Inside Kr, Mara’s ship is damaged, forcing she and
Luke to go out in EV suits, tracking Alema. What they find is a huge Gorog nest, where larvae
are feeding on captives, including captive Chiss. Even as Han, Leia, and the others (including
Jedi Kyp Durron, Kyle Katarn, and others) enter in the Falcon and race to the Skywalkers
aid, the Gorog nest comes alive and Garog warriors attack them all from nearly every
direction. Luke and Mara continue their pursuit of Alema. They face off with Alema, who is too
far gone to be saved, it seems, but lose her. They then have to fight Welk, even as Jaina and
Zekk arrive with Raynar to survey what Leia and the others have found. Luke slays Welk and
Mara slays Bens Gorog, despite being greatly injured, but a highly-injured Alema escapes,
as does a flying being that they believe might have been an altered Lomi Plo. When Raynar
sees the horrors of the Gorog nest, he believes that it is all his fault because he saved Lomi
and Welk from the Flier. Instead, Leia explains that it isn’t his fault. He was noble to save
them. It was the creation of a nest around Lomi and Welk’s evil, similar to the Unu nest’s
formation around Raynar’s good, which created the Gorog’s Dark Nest. Moreover, the large
number of Chiss that were absorbed into the Dark Nest as Joiners helped bleed the Chiss
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 813
need for secrecy and constant conflict into the nest, right alongside the Dark Jedi’s need to
hide and darker impulses. Now that war with the Chiss seems imminent, that can only mean
more Chiss prisoners, more Chiss Joiners, and a greater tainting of the overall Colony by
such darkness. With this prospect looming, Raynar agrees to Leia’s resettlement plan for the
Taat nests, and the Gorog will be kept under control. As the conflict is averted, Jag Fel
seems happy (reluctantly) for Jaina and Zekk, even as he expresses Formbi’s gratitude to
them all for helping end hostilities. Lowbacca, no longer a prisoner, is released from the
Chiss to rejoin his comrades. Jaina and Zekk will forever long for their connection to the Taat,
but their experience has only heightened their connection to each other, promising the
possibility of a greater relationship in their future. Questions remain, though: What of Lomi
Plo and Alema Rar? Can the Dark Nest truly be rooted out? What of this strange connection
between the Myrkr mission Jedi? Will Ben choose to become a Jedi? How will he deal with
the loss of his Joiner connection to Gorog? At least one question is answered, though. Leia,
who has always questioned her choices of her role as a politician, a wife, or something else,
has finally decided that it is time for her to embrace her Jedi heritage and join the Jedi Order
outright. She is taken on as the new apprentice of Saba Sebatyne. Now, both of Anakin
Skywalker’s children can not only seek the truth of their parents’ past together, but serve
together in the new Jedi Order.*
(The Joiner King)*
*NOTE: There has been considerable question as to whether this book takes place five years after The Unifying
Force, as the internal text indicates, or six years later, as the placement at 35 ABY indicates. I brought this
question to Leland Chee himself, Keeper of the Holocron. His answer: “Okay, I admit it. We really like starting
new series with nice round numbers. So, Dark Nest I is at 35 ABY, Dark Nest II is at 36 ABY, and Dark Nest III
starts a few months after the start of Dark Nest II.” Thus, there is actually more like six years between TUF and
TJK, which I’ve updated the timeline to reflect.
As the Killiks settle on the planets of the Utegetu Nebula, particularly Woteba, they establish
a new series of hives for the Colony. Unfortunately, they are soon struck by “the Fizz,” a
nanotechnological defense system for the planets in the nebula, which destroys anything
(including Killiks) that are seen to be harming the planets. The Killiks, including their leader,
UnuThul (Raynar Thul), believe that the Jedi double-crossed them by sending them to
poisonous worlds in order to avoid a war between the Killiks and the Chiss.
(conjecture based on The Unseen Queen)
Pirates begin operating out of the Utegetu Nebula, acting with the help of Killik Joiners and
the so-called Dark Nest (the Gorog nest). They are gathering spacefaring technologies,
particularly fuels and the like, while also proving to be a major nuisance to the Galactic
(conjecture based on The Unseen Queen)
In the wake of the battle at Kr, Jacen Solo becomes Ben Skywalker’s unofficial Jedi Master,
drawing Ben out of his self-directed avoidance of the Force and teaching him somewhat
unorthodox Force techniques.
(conjecture based on The Unseen Queen)
Black membrosia, an intoxicant that is particularly hard on insectoid species, starts being
shipped out by the Gorog “Dark Nest” of Killiks into the Galactic Alliance. One intoxicated
pilot, drunk on black membrosia, leads to a starship crash that kills Galactic Alliance
Supreme Commander Sien Sovv.
(conjecture based on The Unseen Queen)
Around this time, a new sport called Mynock Puffing emerges, wherein hunters use helium-
based grenades to blow up mynocks during spacewalks. Legislation to monitor this activity is
met with resistance from the gambling establishment and the Free Spacers Guild lobby.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Pooja Naberrie provides Tionne with her recollections about first meeting Anakin Skywalker
just before the Battle of Geonosis. (To be continued below . . . )*
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)*
*NOTE: This is supposed to be after Leia learns that Padmé was her mother, but its date of 35 ABY would appear
to put it just prior to that taking place. The wording of the entry could be construed that way . . . with some
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 814
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
Other Force-Using Organizations [continued]
Dark Nest (novel series: Troy Denning)
The Joiner King (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 41
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Chosen One [continued]
Forbidden Love [continued]
36 ABY
Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka gives birth to her daughter, Allana Djo Solo, who is also
(secretly) the daughter of Jedi Knight Jacen Solo.
(conjecture based on The Unseen Queen)
Matric Klauskins wife, Edela, dies this year, possibly during the Swarm War.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
Keura Fallatte leaves Tatooine at age 16 to live the life of a spacer.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Lekauf (grandson of the Lekauf that served with Darth Vader after the Clone Wars) graduates
and joins the Galactic Alliance military.
(conjecture based on Bloodlines)
On Nam Chorios, Thei, now 12, examines the changes to her body in a mirror, noticing how
much she is beginning to resemble her mother. The idea causes unexplained terror in the
girl, due to her mothers death when she was five, which she has blocked in her memories.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
Approximately seven years and one month prior to the arrival of Luke and Ben Skywalker on
Dathomir during Lukes exile, the Blue Coral Divers and the Scissorfists on Dathomir attempt
to meet for what amounts to peace talks between the two clans. However, the talks go poorly,
and violence erupts. Blue Coral Diver Shanatrac Tsu and her Scissorfist lover, Vagan Kolvy,
escape, moving closer to a spaceport away from both of their former clans. At this point, she
begins to be referred to as “Tribeless Sha” by many, though she refers to herself as Sha Tsu.
She and Vagan are married (though it is unclear whether they were perhaps married before
the conflict between the clans or immediately thereafter).*
(conjecture based on Backlash)*
*NOTE: Backlash is near the very end of 43 ABY (given that it is immediately followed by Allies, which moves into
44 ABY). This event is seven years and one month prior to when it is discussed on p. 181 of the hardback version
of Backlash.
The Galactic Alliance has spent the last year in the aftermath of the near-war between the
Killiks and the Chiss. Now, the Utegetu Nebula, the new home of the Killiks, has become a
focal point for smugglers and pirates stealing materials that would be used for spacefaring
vessels and weapons, which seems odd, given the Killiks’ lack of much, if any, of such
technology. Nevertheless, the situation has made things tough for the Alliance, whose Chief
of State, Cal Omas, is refusing to provide homeworlds to the Ithorians until the Killiks, whom
he blames for the piracy, get their act together on the worlds in the Utegetu Nebula that the
Alliance gave them as part of the deal with Leia Organa Solo. Moreover, smuggling of black
membrosia, a substance very intoxicating to insectoid species that is produced by the Gorog
“Dark Nest” of the Killiks, has been getting out into the Alliance and has caused a crash that
killed Supreme Commander Sien Sovv. Seeing a solution to the problem, plus to hear what
UnuThul (formerly Raynar Thul) has to say about the Dark Nest’s fascination with trying to kill
Mara Jade Skywalker, a mission consisting of Luke and Mara Skywalker, Han and Leia Solo,
Saba Sebatyne, C-3PO, and R2-D2 goes to Seras nest on Woteba (the Utegetu Nebula Killik
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 815
“capital,” of sorts). There, they find that the Killiks are being overrun by a strange bubbling
foam called “the Fizz,” which they believe was either set upon them by the Jedi or a trap,
since the Alliance must have known it would be on the Utegetu worlds when they gave them
to the Killiks. UnuThul tells them that the Dark Nests corruption was actually not the result of
its encounter with Lomi Plo and Welk (whom the Dark Nest still tries to make people believe
are dead), but with the fleeing wife and daughter (Beda and Eremay) of Daxar Ies, one of
Palpatine’s accountants, who was killed by Mara when she was the Emperor’s Hand. The
wife and daughter fled and found the Killiks, and their desire for vengeance and secrecy
helped to create the Dark Nest and its vendetta against Mara. With that information given,
UnuThul insists that they solve the Fizz problem. Luke, Han, and the droids remain behind on
Woteba to look into it (and to be hostages, basically), while Leia and the others leave to take
a sample of the Fizz to Cilghal on Ossus for study. Luke’s group then encounters Dark Nest-
tainted Alema Rar, who tells them that they shouldn’t trust Mara, as Daxar Ies was actually
the droid designer who created R2-D2s line of astromechs, which means that she killed the
one person who might have been able to get access to all of R2-D2’s information on Lukes
parents. To prove this, she starts to feed Luke access codes, which allow him to view more
holos, including one that confirms his mothers identity as Padmé Amidala. Luke takes her
lightsaber crystal and destroys it, but knows she’ll make another one. Dark Jedi often do.
Back in the Alliance proper, tensions are rising as Omas believes that the Jedi are taking the
Killiks’ side, rather than the Alliance’s. He wants the Killiks “taken care of.” Meanwhile, Jacen
Solo and Ben Skywalker visit Queen Mother Tenel Ka on Hapes. Jacen is now caring for
Ben’s Force training, now that he has come out of his shell a bit. Upon visiting Tenel Ka,
Jacen learns that he is the father of her newborn daughter (Allana), the result of their
encounter a year ago (thanks to slowed pregnancy). They are then attacked by the Dark
Nest. They escape, but they decide to keep the childs existence and identity a secret, and
they know that its very likely that former Queen Mother Ta’a Chume was behind this
assassination attempt. Back on Woteba, Luke and Han discover that the Fizz is apparently
attacking things that are not native to the planet, which harm the planet . . . On Hapes, Jacen
confronts Taa Chuume, who reveals her deal with the Gorog. Jacen then uses the Force to
basically cause a massive brain hemorrhage to hide her information forever (and punish her
for endangering his daughter). On Ossus, Cilghal reveals to the others that the “Fizz” is
actually nanotechnology, designed to preserve and terraform the Utegetu planets. This
means that they are attacking anything harming the planet, and it isn’t the Alliance’s fault.
However, the Dark Nest is already controlling the Colony, including UnuThul, and placing
nests along the Chiss border again, trying to force a confrontation. The Fizz might not be their
biggest problem. Back on Woteba, Luke and Han show UnuThul their findings, but the Dark
Nest manipulates him into imprisoning them for “bringing” the causes of the Fizz. Elsewhere,
near the Nebula, Leia and Saba (aboard the Millennium Falcon) and a group of Jedi
(including Mara) aboard StealthX starfighters, discover a huge Alliance battle group ready to
strike at the Killiks. It is under the command of Admiral Nek Bwua’tu and Commodore Gavin
Darklighter. Bwuatu is distrustful of the Jedi, and when Leia and Saba try to run their
blockade, they are taken aboard and put into custody. Meanwhile, Luke and Han have
discovered that Jae Juun and Tarfang are back in business, selling strange glass sculptures
made by the Killiks to Alliance worlds. They realize that the sculptures actually hold baby
Gorog in them, which makes them tools for an invasion! At this revelation, Juun and Tarfang
help break Luke and Han out of prison. They then take off to hunt down the source of the
impending invasionthe new Dark Nest. Back on Ossus, Cal Omas plays politics against the
Jedi, trying to make them pick a side between independence and the Alliance in Luke’s
absence. When he summarily appoints Corran Horn as the new head of the Jedi Order, Kyp
Durron and several others walk out, intending on a rescue mission to save Leia and Saba
from Alliance custody. It nearly erupts into a fight, but Jacen and Ben arrive from Hapes just
then. Kyp’s group still intends on saving Luke, Han, and then likely Leia and Saba. As for
Jacen, though, he knows that the Killiks are intending on starting a war with the Chiss in
order to have fresh Joiners and fresh captives for their larvae to feed upon while growing.
The Chiss are intending to use the colonization as an excuse to strike at the Killiks when they
are ready, and this will start a war that Jacen has seen in visions, which will engulf the entire
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 816
galaxy forever. Instead, Jacen intends to provoke the Chiss to act early, so that the inevitable
war will still happen, but it won’t be as large or as long as in his visions. He sets out with
several other Jedi toward the border of Killik and Chiss space . . . Back in the Nebula, Luke
and the others discover the Dark Nest as a large space-faring planetoid, which is why they
Killiks needed the starship supplies. The other nests also have their own ships, set to invade
the Alliance or Chiss. They land upon the Dark Nest vessel to take it out somehow, but as
they do, it moves to leave the Nebula. Aboard the Admiral Gial Ackbar, Leia and Saba break
out of their cells, just in time for the Gorog plot to begin. The Alliance force engages the
emerging nest ships, even as the Gorog sculptures erupt, emitting a boarding party. Leia
helps hold them off, as the battle for the Ackbar proceeds, but the ship ends up being lost in
the end. During the battle, though, Leia has a chance to prove herself as a Jedi in a
lightsaber duel against Alema Rar. Leia wins and injures Alema, but Alema escapes again.
Aboard the Dark Nest ship, Luke and the others battle Gorog with the help of Maras StealthX
team (which has emerged from Jedi hibernation to survive in space for a while during Leia’s
capture). As Kyps newly-arrived force helps the Alliance battle the Killiks, Lukes team tries
to take out the heart of the invasion itself. They finally encounter an invisible enemy, the
“unseen queen,” Dark Jedi Lomi Plo. Luke finally realizes that Lomi is using his own doubts
about Mara (which are now swept away) and other doubts to let the Force hide her from
sight. Once this is countered, they defeat Lomi, but she is able to escape. In the end, the
Alliance is able to hold back the invasion force, but four nest ships get past the blockade, as
does the Ackbar, which is now in Killik hands. However, the Dark Nest ship itself is contained.
However, word then reaches them of the strike by Jacen’s team against the Killiks on the
border, which forces their hand against the Chiss. A new war has begun . . .
(The Unseen Queen)*
*NOTE: See the note with the summary for The Joiner King for why this story is summarized here at 36 ABY
rather than at 35 ABY, as internal date references would suggest.
At an Iesei nest of the Killik Colony, Jaina Solo, Tesar Sebatyne, Zekk, Lowbacca, Tahiri
Veila, and Jacen Solo are fighting to defend the Killiks from the Chiss Ascendancy. While
doing so, they discover an undetonated bomb of some kind, but before they can examine this
strange new weapon, the Chiss destroy it, rather than allowing it to fall into enemy hands.
Shortly thereafter, all but Jaina and Zekk heed Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker’s week-
long call through the Force for all Jedi to return to Ossus. (Jaina and Zekk will continue
fighting on behalf of the Colony, led by UnuThul, their old Jedi comrade Raynar Thul.) Soon,
on Ossus, Luke issues what amounts to an ultimatum, telling the Jedi assembled to put the
Jedi Order above other concerns (the Galactic Alliance, their own consciences, etc.) or leave
the Order entirely. He is attempting to quell their internal squabbling about what course of
action to take in the current crisis by uniting the Jedi Masters against the idea of Luke taking
over the Jedi Order himself (replacing a loose organization that he leads with him literally
being what amounts to a Jedi Supreme Commander or “Grand Master” as he is already being
called). The con works, to a degree. The Masters agree to try to set aside their differences
and help solve the situation, but a few Jedi do end up leaving. Danni Quee leaves in order to
keep up her work at Zonama Sekot, while Tenel Ka resigns to keep ruling the Hapan
Consortium and raising her thus-far-sequestered daughter (secretly with Jacen), Allana.
When Luke, Jacen, Mara and the others begin discussing a plan to end the war by
neutralizing the heads of both the Killik Colony (Raynar) and Dark Nest (Lomi Plo and, by
extension, Alema Rar). This would revert the Killiks back to their original state, making them
more docile and no longer a threat to the Chiss, thereby ending the war and avoiding the
galaxy-spanning conflict that Jacen believes he was trying to prevent by mounting a pre-
emptive attack in the battle zone a short while before. (The Jedi don’t all agree with this
course of action, and their squabbling forces Luke to take the Grand Master role, while Leia
and Han Solo leave to try to end the war in their own way.) Another issue remains before
talking the Killik leaders. Before Luke can deal with Lomi Plo, though, he has to remove his
doubts about whether Mara might have had something to do with his mothers death. Luckily,
a meeting with Aryn Thul, Raynar’s mother, provides him with R2-0, the original prototype of
R2-D2’s astromech line. This allows the slicer Zakarisz Ghent to access R2-D2s stored
memory files about the last encounter between Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 817
Wan Kenobi on Mustafar decades earlier. (They access these recordings as time goes on
during the crisis, not all at once, and the Mustafar encounter does not entirely remove Lukes
doubts just yet.) Also as a result of the meeting with Aryn, Luke knows that some of his own
Jedi betrayed him by giving sensitive information about the plans for Raynars neutralization
to Aryn. He realizes that it was Tesar and Lowbacca, and Tahiri supports them. All three are
sent to Dagobah for an indefinite period of meditation. If they fail to come out of the
meditation in the correct Jedi mindset, he’ll consider them resigned from the Jedi Order. (This
is a thread that doesn’t get picked up again in The Swarm War, but possibly an important part
of their character development for later, so Im mentioning it.) Han and Leia borrow a ship
(the Swiff) from Lando Calrissian and go undercover into the Lizil Nest, where they hope to
pass themselves off as traders to join a convoy to the front lines, thereby reuniting with Jaina
and Zekk. They are able to do so with the aid of Jae Juun and Tarfang (now working as
Intelligence agents) and a double-cross of the Squibs that they have had the misfortune of
dealing with in the past, and who were responsible for the Killiks being able to capture the
Admiral Gial Ackbar Star Destroyer, which the Killiks are now using, in part, to convince the
Chiss that the Alliance is on their side in the conflict. They end up having to head back to the
Alliance, though, as they discover that the massive convoy of ships isn’t heading for the front
lines with supplies. The ships are full of Killik and Joiner troops that are intending to launch
coups to take over planets in the Alliance that are populated by insectoid species, such as
the Verpine and the Huk. The Jedi are alerted and stop this from happening everywhere
except Thyferra, where the Alliance stops Corran Horn’s team before they can stop the Killik
ships. The Alliances bacta supply is now effectively cut off. Only by defeating the Colony and
ending its collective aggression can they hope to get control again. Soon, on Coruscant,
Luke, Leia, Mara, Han, and others meet with Grand Admiral (and Alliance Supreme
Commander) Gilad Pellaeon and Chief-of-State Cal Omas. Luke says that the Jedi will serve
the Alliance, as serving their own beliefs doesn’t provide true direction. The rift between the
Alliance and the Jedi begins the healing process, even as plans are made to end the war.
Shortly thereafter, Luke, Jacen, and Mara lead a strike force to attack the Gorog (Dark Nest)
hive ship. They manage to destroy it, but after a fierce duel that leads to Mara and Jacen
being injured and out of the fight for a while, Lomi Plo escapes. Luke will eventually have to
face her alone, he knows, but, luckily, a last recording from R2-D2 of his mother’s actual
death erases his doubts about Mara and focuses him on his task. Elsewhere, in the battle
zone, Jaina and Zekk have been fighting with the Killik forces on Tenupe against the Chiss.
The Killiks lost the upper hand, then regained it, and now they await a future assault from a
massive swarm under UnuThul, who has Killik forces in wait amid a shattered moon above.
Leia, Han, and Saba Sebatyne arrive in the Millennium Falcon, hoping to get in touch with
Jaina and help capture one Chiss ship to hopefully show the Chiss that they can’t stop the
Killiks the way they are doing things, so that when a chance for peace comes, they might be
willing to take it. Unfortunately, the Falcon is captured. Leia is interrogated, but she turns the
tables on the Chiss interrogator with her own questions before being “rescued” by Han and
Saba (though she was in the midst of freeing herself). They have learned that the Chiss have
been developing a parasite (which is in their mysterious bombs that were first noted by the
young Jedi team) that would infest the entire Killik species within a year, eventually killing
them all in a massive act of genocide (or speciecide). Now, Leia, Saba, and Han need to
somehow stop these missiles from being deployed, so that Luke and the others can end the
war in a less brutal fashion. As the Battle of Tenupe rages, Luke convinces Pellaeon to keep
the Alliance out of the direct fighting, while they watch UnuThul’s forces bear down on the
Chiss. Knowing that Raynar (UnuThul) and likely Lomi Plo is aboard the captured Admiral
Gial Ackbar, Luke leads a boarding party. Since they know that if only one were neutralized,
Raynar or Lomi, someone else would rise to lead the other half of the Killik hive mind
(conscious or unconscious, as the case may be), Luke needs to take them both out aboard
the Star Destroyer. Meanwhile, below on Tenupe, Zekk and Jaina crash land after stopping
some of the parasite missiles, but not all of them. (They’re alright, and will be recovered after
the battle, as is, it would seem, Jagged Fel, whom the Falcon was forced to shoot down.)
Before taking out the last two missiles, which made it to the surface on a blasted ships wing,
Saba and Leia have to split up on Tenupe’s jungle surface. While Saba takes out one missile,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 818
Leia is confronted by Alema Rar. The two duel, but in a good showing of Leias Jedi prowess,
she maneuvers Alema into being eaten by a jungle predator. The most likely contender to
lead the Dark Nest if Lomi Plo dies has died herself. Leia and Saba ensure that the other
missile won’t cause any harm, and that part of the Chiss plan is rendered moot. Aboard the
Admiral Gial Ackbar, Luke finally confronts UnuThul, his former student Raynar Thul. The two
duel fiercely, but Luke gets the upper hand and is about to subdue Raynar when Lomi Plo
appears, right on schedule. Luke and Lomi do battle, even as Raynar provides some
covering fire for Lomi. Luke had almost convinced Raynar of the need for him to leave the
Colony so that it could revert to its original state, but now Lomi has given him extra hope of
staying with his Killik “family.” Luke finally bests Lomi Plo, killing her and retrieving his original
lightsaber (taken by Raynar at Woteba) from her. As for Raynar, Luke knocks him
unconscious. Raynar is neutralized and he will be isolated from the Killiks until his Joiner
aspects diminish and he is free to be his own man again. Meanwhile, with its Unseen Queen
and its UnuThul Will now gone, the Colony slowly begins to revert to a more peaceful state.
The Swarm War is over. Shortly thereafter, the Alliance and Chiss make a formal peace, with
the Alliance using Utegetu Nebula nanotechnology to keep the Killiks confined to certain
sized nests on designated worlds and promising to aid the Chiss if the Killiks launch another
unprovoked attack on the Ascendancy. As for Luke, he removes the Jedi members from Cal
Omas’ High Council, saying that he will institute a new Jedi Council to run the Jedi Order,
allowing them to offer advice to the Alliance government as was done in the days of the Old
Republic, rather than allowing Force-users to actually govern, as had taken place in the
(The Swarm War)*
*NOTE: See the note with the summary for The Joiner King for why this story is summarized here at 36 ABY
rather than at 35 ABY, as internal date references would suggest.
Leia Organa Solo makes remarks when she is inducted as a full Jedi Knight about the
construction of her lightsaber and her experiences decades earlier on Mimban with Halla and
the Kaiburr crystal fragment. The remarks are recorded by Tionne. Leia then also looks back
on the era of the Galactic Civil War and her own ties to Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) in
another recording for Tionne Solusars Jedi Archive research.(To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
Around this time, Devaron, seeking business opportunities, is considering asking the Galactic
Alliance to overturn its original objection to Devaron joining the New Republic, but its female
leadership remains stuck in cultural traditions that keep their methods of capital punishment
(the specific reason they were not allowed into the New Republic in the past) in existence.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Around this time, Gotal businessman Alyn Rae introduces a “cone sock” that can be work by
a Gotal to protect from electromagnetic emissions that would otherwise cause a Gotal great
pain when around unshielded droids, non-Gotal ships, etc. These items are particularly
expensive, so only upper-class Gotals are able to afford them.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
The Historical Council of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances releases an updated
volume on the history of the galaxy far, far away.*
(conjecture based on the backstory for The New Essential Chronology)*
*NOTE: This is the final, printed backstory for the New Essential Chronology.
In the wake of the Swarm War, the Galactic Alliance Senate passes measures requiring more
reconstruction taxes and military resources from its member states, causing many systems to
consider this an overreach.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Sometime shortly after the Swarm War, a new guide is created to various galactic species,
based on the notes and information left by Senior Anthropologist Mammon Hoole, who has
now retired.
(conjecture based on The New Essential Guide to Alien Species)
Dark Nest [continued] (novel series: Troy Denning)
The Unseen Queen (novel: Troy Denning)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 819
Chapters 1 22
The Swarm War (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 25
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Jedi [continued]
The Force as a Source of Energy [continued]
History and Holocrons [continued]
Significant Battles [continued]
The Galactic Civil War
The New Essential Chronology (essential guide: Kevin J. Anderson & Daniel Wallace)
The New Essential Chronology (essential guide: Kevin J. Anderson & Daniel Wallace)
Introduction for Students of History
A Note on Dating Conventions
Tales of the Ancient Republic
Formation of the Republic
Emergence of the Sith
Legacy of the Sith
The Fall of the Republic
The Beginning of the End
The Clone Wars
The Empire and the New Order
The Dark Times
Profiles in History
Han Solo
Lando Calrissian
The Skywalkers
The Galactic Civil War
Armed Rebellion Begins
A Light Eclipsed
Alliance Triumphant
Birth of the New Republic
Empire Resurgent
Return of the Jedi Knights
Uprisings and Insurgencies
A Lasting Peace
Generations of Jedi Knights
The New Jedi Order
36 40 ABY
Sometime during the years after the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Alliance removes the appointed
governor position over the Corellian system. Instead, each of the system’s five planets will
have its own Chief of State, and one Five World Prime Minister will speak for the system as a
whole. Aidel Saxan becomes the first Five World Prime Minister. It takes a full year as Prime
Minister before Saxan becomes aware of the secret Kiris Shipyards project to create a
Corellian battle fleet.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
A Darksider and his followers revel in having acquired the lightsaber that once belonged to
Anakin Skywalker, which was later lost by Luke Skywalker on Bespin. While the story they
tell of how the lightsaber went from person to person in a chain of owners before reaching
them is false (only wishful thinking, bypassing the creation of Luuke Skywalker, the lightsaber
being used by Mara Jade Skywalker, etc.), they do indeed have the saber and wish to use it
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 820
with the Dark Side as a symbol of their power. One of their young followers, though, claims
the saber as his own, revealing himself as Ben Skywalker, son of Luke and grandson of
Anakin . . . and he has now reclaimed his birthright.
(The Lost Lightsaber)
Sometime after R2-D2’s records of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala are used to
reconstitute a relatively accurate portrayal of the events surrounding the Battle of Naboo,
Battle of Geonosis, and, presumably, the end of the Clone Wars, C-3PO and R2-D2 are
given the task of relaying the story of Luke Skywalker (the “greatest Jedi ever”) to a visitor,
perhaps a dignitary. This explanation of Luke’s exploits during the momentous events
surrounding the battles at Yavin IV, Hoth, and Endor, serve to summarize some of the major
events of the years 0 through 4 ABY. Similarly, at R2-D2s request, C-3PO relates the story
of Anakin Skywalker, surrounding the battles at Naboo and Geonosis in the years 32 BBY
and 22 BBY, respectively. When prodded to explain how Anakin, Luke’s father, fell to the
Dark Side and became Darth Vader, C-3PO declines for the time being.*
(The Story of Star Wars)*
*NOTE: The Story of Star Wars is best known as a bonus DVD that was sold at Wal-Mart stores with the initial
DVD release of Revenge of the Sith. That disc contains two features, The Story of Anakin Skywalker and The
Story of Luke Skywalker, which recap TPM and AOTC, then ANH, ESB, and ROTJ, respectively. (These were
actually first released for the VideoNow personal video player as the first two discs in a three-disc set, with a
third disc full of behind the scenes features.) The features basically just recap the stories of the films that had
been released prior to ROTS, but they are set within an in-universe framing story wherein C-3PO and R2-D2 are
explaining the information, much like Luke Skywalker’s narration in the television commercial for Vector Prime. I
have placed the story here and taken some small liberties. As far as placement, the droids know the story of the
prequel era, and they know that Anakin was Luke’s father, so we can assume that the segments must be
sometime after R2-D2 accesses the prequel knowledge in the Dark Nest series. Given the peaceful state of affairs
that would seem to promote such an encounter with the droids, I put forth that this event could take place
between Dark Nest and Legacy of the Force. Furthermore, given the nature of the storytelling, I would imagine
that it would be given to some kind of dignitary, though that is only an assumption on my part.
The Lost Lightsaber (SWT19 short story: Andrew Robinson & Jim Royal)
The Lost Lightsaber (SWT19 short story: Andrew Robinson & Jim Royal)
The Story of Star Wars (DVD: Lucasfilm)
The Story of Anakin Skywalker
The Story of Luke Skywalker
37 ABY
Deevan Plirr is born to Loreza Plirr.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
The Galactic Alliance Senate passes the Sector Defense Limits, putting a limit on the military
forces and capabilities of individual sectors, much like the Ruusan Reformations, as a means
of addressing concerns about the growing military power of some sectors, such as the
Corellian system. Enforcing these limits is virtually impossible.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The Broken Columns Clan and Raining Leaves Clan on Dathomir hold their annual conclave.
A month later, the Broken Columns member Dasan dies in a tragic fall. Raining Leaves Clan
member Halliava Vurse (a secret undercover Nightsister) will claim to have wed Dasan and to
have conceived a child with him during this conclave, though no one with either clan will
remember such an event. This is, in fact, just a cover that Halliava will use when kidnapping
the newborn daughter of Sha’natrac Tsu (Tribeless Sha) a while later. She will use this time
frame as a means of creating a false age for the child, Aradasa, so as not to be easily
recognized as having kidnapped someone elses child. Three months after the conclave,
Halliava goes on an extended scouting mission (during which she likely kidnaps the child),
which provides her cover for why no one saw her pregnant before she arrived back at the
clan with the little girl.*
(conjecture based on Backlash)*
*NOTE: Backlash is near the very end of 43 ABY (given that it is immediately followed by Allies, which moves into
44 ABY). These events are six and a half years (then six years and five months, then six years and two months)
prior to when they are discussed on p. 183 of the hardback version of Backlash.
On Kesh, Sith Tyro Vestara Khai, now ten years old, goes with her father, Sith Saber Gavar
Khai, to claim the loyalty of a newly-hatching uvak creature. It is a rite of passage that not all
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 821
of the Lost Tribe of Siths children are able to accomplish. As she tries to gain the attention of
an uvak that she calls Tikk, she is challenged in her efforts by a Keshiri named Ahri Raas.
She succeeds in gaining Tikk’s loyalty and claims her as her own. This has been her first
encounter with Ahri, but they will be best friends four years from now.
Fate of the Jedi (novel series: Aaron Allston & Christie Golden & Troy Denning)
Imprint (short story: Christie Golden)
38 ABY
Ordith Huarr’s wife dies on Lorrd.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
Around this time, Freedom Flight, an anti-slavery “underground railroad” organization is
(conjecture based on Allies)*
*NOTE: It had existed for “only about six years” as of Allies.
One year and three months after former Blue Coral Diver Shanatrac Tsu (Tribeless Sha or
Sha Tsu) and her husband, Vagan Kolvy, arrive near the Dathomir spaceport, Vagan is killed
by Nightsisters, who also kidnap their baby. Two months later, Sha begins to hire herself out
for spying, courier, and hunting jobs, using those jobs as a means of searching other areas
for her missing daughter. Unbeknownst to Sha, her daughter has been given to undercover
Nightsister (hiding with the Raining Leaves Clan) Halliava Vurse. The child has been
renamed “Aradasa Vurse.” In order to cover for this kidnapping, Halliava claims to have wed
a Broken Columns warrior named Dasan around the same time the child would’ve been
conceived (“six or so years ago” as of relating the story to Ben Skywalker). She claims to
have been pregnant before they parted, but that Dasan later died from a fall before they met
again. Halliava claims that she herself fell into a ravine and nearly starved during her trip
home, causing Aradasa to be born underweight (and to still be small for her age) and to be
born away from the Raining Leaves Clan (thereby giving an excuse for why no one in the
clan knew she was pregnant).*
(conjecture based on Backlash)*
*NOTE: Backlash is near the very end of 43 ABY (given that it is immediately followed by Allies, which moves into
44 ABY). These events are five years and ten months (then five years and eight months) prior to when they are
discussed on p. 181 of the hardback version of Backlash.
Aboard the Seeker, Khedryn Farr and his partner, Marr Idi-Shael, return to a derelict ship that
they intend to salvage near Fhost. They are set upon by Reegas Vance of the Blackstar, who
wants the salvage and the Seeker, intending to kill Khedryn and Marr for it. With the Seekers
engines a wreck, they are boarded by Reegas and his goons, but Khedryn and Marr use EVA
suites to escape and board the Blackstar, but Reegas notices that they are gone and thinks
they have escaped to the derelict. He orders that ship’s engines knocked out too. When our
two heroes get aboard the Blackstar, they take out its last crewmember and contact Reegas.
They might send someone back for Reegas, and he can have the non-functional Seeker. In
“trade,” the Blackstar now belongs to Khedryn and Marr. They rename it the “Junker and
leave the area.*
(A Fair Trade)*
*NOTE: In the absence of any real sense of when this takes place, I have taken the year we know Khedryn and
Marr started working together (35 ABY) and the year of Crosscurrent (41 ABY) and split the difference of six
years between them to place this story three years after they began working together and three years before
Crosscurrent. The actual date may be anywhere within that time span.
A Fair Trade (SWI129/DRS12 short story: Paul S. Kemp)
A Fair Trade (SWI129/DRS12 short story: Paul S. Kemp)
39 ABY
AruMed begins trading on the Coruscant Stock Exchange (CSX).
(conjecture based on Bloodlines)
Boba Fett purchases an apartment on Taris.
(conjecture based on Bloodlines)
General Stavin Thaal sets up his mistress, Cadrin Awel, with a nice little business, Cadrins
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 822
Sanctuary on Vandor-3, but ends their relationship. He has taken another new mistress,
Keura Fallatte, age 19, whom he moves into a trendy hotel on Coruscant.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
By this time, the Vongforming on Brigia appears to have mostly been undone, which
suggests to observers that the bioweapon known as Alpha Red may have been introduced
into Brigia’s environment from neighboring Caluula, where the weapon as field-tested.
Scientists begin carefully monitoring the planet.
(conjecture based on The History of Xim and the Tion Cluster)
40 43 ABY
A scandoc that details the Yuuzhan Vong War and the poor decisions therein is circulated in
this era. Its source is unknown. Some claim it to have been an Imperial Naval Academy
lecture, an address to the Council of Moffs, or part of a memoir by Jacen Solo or Natasi
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
40 ABY
Nelani is promoted to full Jedi Knight and assigned to Lorrd.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
Kolir Hu’lya is promoted to full Jedi Knight.
(conjecture based on Betrayal)
The Galactic-class starship Dodonna is commissioned.
(conjecture based on Exile)
Around this time, the Jedi Order discovers the Great Holocron, though questions remain as to
whether it is the genuine article or an elaborate fake. Shortly thereafter, they discover the
Telos Holocron on Telos IV. The Telos Holocron is considered genuine but has Darth Sidious
as a gatekeeper and causes Kam Solusar to be suspicious of it. The Jedi decide to take great
care when anyone uses it, so that it cannot corrupt any Jedi.
(conjecture based on Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
The Galactic Alliance Council on Security and Intelligence receives a report from Agent
Gannod Chant, who has translated the Ingo Wavuld Manuscript, a document about the Sith
and their past. At least one part of his report discusses the nature of the “Darth” title and its
mysterious history among the Sith. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
The stage is being set for the next great Star Wars adventure. The Galactic Alliance now
controls the majority of the galaxy as a democracy with Cal Omas as Chief of State and
Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon as Supreme Commander of the Alliance’s military forces.
Meanwhile, Grand Master Luke Skywalker presides over a reviving Jedi Order over a decade
after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Jacen Solo, now having entered his thirties (he’s 30
going on 31 this year), is now a unique Jedi among the order and seems to be growing ever
more powerful, thanks to his years training in non-traditional Force powers. Jacen, for his
part, is the Jedi Master to young (13 going on 14 at this point) Ben Skywalker, who has finally
joined the Jedi Order, despite his earlier misgivings about the Force during the Swarm War.
But all is not well. Almost six decades after the end of the Clone Wars that split the galaxy in
a staged struggle that put the rights of individual planets and systems against the power of a
centralized, galactic government, the same passions are once again at work. The Corellian
system, always individualistic in the galaxy, is accepting the benefits of being part of the
Galactic Alliance, but its leaders are refusing to adhere to Alliance rules, such as
requirements about member systems giving over tax revenue to the Alliance or starships and
crews to the Alliance military structure, and other systems are starting to lean toward
Corellia’s side in the matter. The galaxy seems primed for another rebellion, or perhaps a civil
war over secession, if Corellia cannot be brought to heel. Amid all of this, Jacen is having
disturbing visions of the future (a power that he has honed over the years that now lets him
essentially see numerous paths into the future any time he desires, so that he can,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 823
presumably, choose the correct course of action), while Luke is haunted by dreams and
visions of a new dark menace, possibly a new Sith Lord, which he cannot sense in the real
world, making him a sort of enemy that does not yet exist, but soon will. As tensions rise, the
Alliance learns that the Corellians are building a secret battle fleet at the Kiris Shipyards and
trying to make Centerpoint Station (which supposedly should only answer to the commands
of the long-dead Anakin Solo) operational again. The situation with Corellia is dividing the
Skywalker-Solo family. When Han Solo, a native-born Corellian, begins getting suspicious
that the Alliance is going to act against his homeworld, he enlists the aid of his wife, Leia
Organa Solo, who has been kept in the dark about Alliance plans. Despite her position as a
Jedi, a defender of the Alliance, she helps Han look into the matter, in hopes of avoiding an
all-out war. Meanwhile, Luke and the Jedi Order are tapped for a secret mission (with a
posturing battle fleet that isn’t meant to actually attack Corellia as cover) in which Jacen and
Ben, with information from insider Dr. Toval Seyah, will infiltrate and disable (or destroy)
Centerpoint Station. Elsewhere, on Corellia, retired General Wedge Antilles is met at his
home by members of Alliance Intelligence, who essentially “recruit” him, only to lock him and
other Corellian heroes of the Alliance up on Coruscant in order to keep them (and their
political voices) out of the coming struggle. Wedge soon manages to escape his confinement
and leaves Coruscant to return to Corellia, where he takes his homeworlds side in the
growing conflict. In the city of Coronet on Corellia, Han and Leia meet with Five World Prime
Minister Aidel Saxan (the leader of the Corellian system, even though each planet has its
own Chief of State, the Corellian one of which, by the way, being Thrackan Sal-Solo). They
inform Saxan of what they think is an Alliance incursion into Corellian space soon, which they
hope will convince Saxan to negotiate, give up what Corellia is taking from the Alliance, and
let the system be truly independent (with no resource draw against an Alliance it doesn’t
support). Thus, while trying to create peace for everyone, Han and Leia have effectively
taken Corellias side by betraying Alliance plans (even if only speculation) to Saxan. Soon,
the planned incursion takes place and wheels are set in motion. While Alliance vessels under
the command of Admiral Matric Klauskin on the Galactic-class battle cruiser Dodonna enter
the Corellian system, various Jedi teams go into action. Purella Team (Jaina Solo, her suitor
and close companion Zekk, Kolir Hulya, and Thann Mithric) attempt to kidnap Aidel Saxan,
only to find that her motorcade is a setup, their mission a failure. Tauntaun Team (Tahiri
Veila, Doran Tainer, and Tiu Zax) attempt to kidnap Thrackan Sal-Solo in his mansion, but
they also fall into a trap, as Tahiri and Doran escape, and Tiu chooses to remain undercover
in the mansion for the time being. Above, Hardpoint Squadron (led by Luke and Mara
Skywalker) join Alliance starfighter squadrons like VibroSword Squadron (which includes
flying ace Lysa Dunter) in protecting the Alliance fleet. Unfortunately, the Corellians jump a
makeshift fleet (not their secret fleet) into action, showing that the plan to use “shock and
awe” to convince the Corellians to back down will not work. Meanwhile, Jacen and Ben
(Mynock Team) infiltrate Centerpoint Station. When separated, Jacen is set upon by legions
of guards, led by Thrackan, but he makes his way all the way through them in a brilliant
showing of Jedi skills, before finally cornering Thrackan at saberpoint. He sees the future and
knows that war will erupt from any path in which Thrackan lives, but he cannot bring himself
to kill the man, despite knowing that it might be the only way to avoid war. Thrackan escapes.
Meanwhile, Ben makes his way to the control room, where he finds a rigged droid (including
biometric setups, voiceprint setups, and the like), which has been programmed to believe that
it is actually Anakin Solo. Ben convinces the droid that it is not, in fact, his cousin, and the
droid shuts down the station, destroying itself and any chance, in theory, of the Corellians
using Centerpoint Station in the future. The mission to stop Centerpoint is a success.
Unfortunately, it is the only real success of the day. Eventually, Lysa Dunter meets Wedge
Antilles in combat, and we learn that “Lysa Dunter” is actually an alias for “Syal Antilles,”
Wedge’s daughter, who wanted to rise on her own merits. Father and daughter are now split
by the war. Elsewhere, Luke and Hardpoint Squadron manage to evacuate the other Jedi
(except Tiu) from the battle zone, while the fleet above fakes a retreat and instead takes over
the planet Tralus, occupying it as a show of force, even though that was not the original plan,
and now the Corellians will never back down when the Alliance has one of their planets under
occupation. In the wake of the battle, the Alliance realizes that it has a leak that warned the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 824
Corellians, but the fact that the leak was very specific shows that it wasn’t Han and Leias
warning to Saxan that did the deed. Soon, a diplomatic meeting is held on Toryaz Station in
the Kuat System, in hopes of finding a peaceful solution to the situation. Wedge and Tycho
Celchu reunite and try to mend some fences for the sides, while Pellaeon and Saxan
negotiate. Unfortunately, all goes awry when a team of brainwashed, terminally ill warriors
boards the station (with the help of a mysterious woman) and tries to kill the Alliance,
Corellian, and Jedi delegations. Pellaeon escapes (thanks to using a double like Padmé
Amidala used to), but Saxan is killed, which means that Denjax Teppler will replace her for
now as Prime Minister, which Thrackan Sal-Solo might use as a means of gaining more
power through assassination. In fact, it is Thrackan’s faction that seems to blame for the
assassination, at least for now. The only curious evidence left is a series of braided tassels,
which Jacen recognizes as a form of language. While the Skywalker couple heads for
Corellia to investigate the killers and the Solo couple tries to keep up relations between the
two sides, Jaina and Zekk to take command of Hardpoint Squadron, leaving Jacen and Ben
to look into the tassel. Luke and Mara get Corellian Jedi students off the planet with the help
of Corran Horn, then recover Tiu from Thrackan’s estate, where they learn that Thrackan was
contacted by a (the) mysterious woman, who offered to help set up his enemies on Toryaz
Station, though there is no evidence as to whether or not Thrackan took her up on the offer,
or if she acted alone. Meanwhile, Leia and Han meet with Teppler, who sneaks them in to
spy on a Corellian planning session, wherein Wedge Antilles lays out a plan (with less loss of
projected life than what Thrackan Sal-Solo’s approved plan calls for) to recapture Tralus and
get the Alliance to leave (since, technically, the Alliance would want to leave and eliminate
the Tralus issue anyway). The plan calls for blasting into an underground tunnel and taking
out shield generators for the Alliance base on the planet, allowing the Corellians to drive the
Alliance off the world. It will require expert pilots, and Han will volunteer to fly alongside
Wedge for the critical underground strike of the mission, despite Leia’s misgivings. Aboard
the Dodonna, Syal is approached by a representative of Thrackan, who wants to recruit her
to Corellia’s cause, but she takes him out, which leads to her having to reveal her identity to
the authorities, which busts her down the ranks to flying the very Aleph-class fighters that will
go up against Han and Wedge in the coming battle. Elsewhere, Jacen and Ben arrive on
Lorrd, where they and the young (and apparently very attractive) Jedi Knight Nelani meet with
Doctor Helian Rotham to learn the meaning of the tassels. They discover that the tassels all
say something about an individual essentially falling to the Dark Side, spoken in language
that seems a twisting of both the Jedi Code and Sith mantras. All the while during the
investigation, though, Jacen is called upon to help in strange situations, such as when a man
who believes he shouldve been a Jedi tries to kill himself. Over and over, Jacen is forced to
look at all the possible outcomes and choose the loss of one (or a few) lives (like Ordith
Huarr, who threatens university students) over many, a very pragmatic, almost Sith-like
mentality. . As the investigation progresses, Ben is given time away and manages to find the
shuttle that escaped Toryaz Station, determining that its occupant was one Brisha Syo, who
is soon arrested. Jacen, Nelani, and Ben go to see Brisha, who admits to using the Force
through dreams to cause the recent incidents with the lunatic fringe on Lorrd that Jacen has
been dealing with. (It was basically a test for Jacen.) She admits her complicity in Toryaz
Station and the leaving of the tassels, one of which had a Force message imprinted on it just
for Jacen. For that reason, Jacen is curious enough to agree that they will go with Brisha to
her home to find the answers she promises there. They head for her home, near Bimmiel. As
the battle for Tralus commences, Han and Wedge fly their mission, even as Han has to keep
Wedge from accidentally killing Syal or vice versa, while Leia feeds him information secretly
from the Dodonna, hoping to limit the casualty numbers. Meanwhile, Brisha takes the three
Jedi to her home, deep underground, which she says used to belong to a Sith Lord name
Darth Vectivus, who used Sith philosophies regarding pain and attachment, but did not do so
just for power without pain as the “corrupt” and “evil” Sith like Palpatine did. Brisha claims to
be a student of Sith teachings, and they are there to meet and face the spirit of Darth
Vectivus. As they descend into the massively Force-powerful asteroid’s core, Ben and Nelani
are pushed from a descending car by Brisha, so that she and Jacen can continue alone.
Nelani faces Force visions of the creatures that used to live there plus a vision of a taunting
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 825
Darth Vectivus, but she survives. As for Jacen and Ben, they face off with adversaries of a
different sort. The power of the Force on the asteroid creates a sort of Dark Side vision that
reaches out beyond just the asteroid. Ben faces off with a Dark Side version of his mother
Mara, even as, lightyears away, Mara awakens to face a Dark Side version of Ben. After a
brief battle, they separate and the “test” of sorts ends. Jacen, meanwhile, faces a Dark Side
Luke, even as Luke, elsewhere, faces a Dark Side Jacen. As the vision ends, Brisha
explains that the phantom Luke was a test and finally begins to tell Jacen the answers he
seeks. “Brisha Syo” reveals that she is actually Shira Brie, the Imperial spy in the Rebellion
era that is now the cybernetically-enhanced Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith, and former
student of Darth Vader. She explains that she (and Vader) could never be truth Sith Masters,
due to how much of their living bodies had been decimated. Instead, she wishes Jacen to
become the next Sith Lord, a Sith that follows Sith philosophies without the evil excesses of
Palpatine or Vader. She reveals that Jacen has already had a lot of Sith training. His “master”
(of sorts) during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Vergere, was in fact a Sith acolyte. Nelani, who has
just arrived back on the scene, tries to get Lumiya to shut up, but Jacen wants to listen. He
sees no future in which at least one of the four of them will not die there, so he tries to
convince her to let things play out until another solution is found. Lumiya explains that
Vergere had been a rogue Jedi student, already leaning toward Sith philosophies about
sacrifice and pain. Vergere had then studied Count Dooku and been led to Palpatine, whom
she realized could be the most destructive force the galaxy had ever seen. She tried to kill
Palpatine, but failed and had to go on the run, which led her to take the mission to Zonama
Sekot that eventually led to her leaving the galaxy with the “Far Outsiders” (Yuuzhan Vong).
All the good that Vergere did, and all the good that Jacen has done from Vergere’s teachings,
has been good born of Sith philosophy, not Yuuzhan Vong or Jedi philosophy. Nelani again
tries to shut Lumiya up, attacking her, but Lumiya pulls her lightwhip and incapacitates
Nelani, allowing herself to continue. She explains that a true Sith understands that if the
galaxy is in turmoil, he has the power to save it by restoring order under his own will. A true
Sith knows that love and pain are important, as the pain of losing that which you love makes
you stronger and more respectful of what you love, in a sense. Jacen asks about the other
man in the picture, the one Luke keeps seeing in visions that doesn’t yet exist. Lumiya
reveals that the man in the visions is Jacen himself, as the Sith that he will become. Lumiya
leaves the choice of his path to Jacen, while Nelani decides to take Lumiya into custody to
stand trial. As she does so, Jacen looks into the future, and every single path that begins with
Lumiya in custody (or Nelani reporting about what happened here) leads to a battle between
Jacen and Luke in which Jacen kills Luke. Jacen can choose to walk the Sith path . . . or he
can choose a path in which Luke will die. There are no other options. Jacen makes his
choice, taking up the path of the Sith, and chasing after Nelani . . . and killing her . . .
Meanwhile, the battle for Tralus has ended the way it had to, with the Alliance retreating and
the Corellians saving face. Jacen asks Lumiya to give Nelani a proper burial, then leaves with
Ben (whose memory has been altered to think that both Brisha and Nelani died heroically) to
return to the Alliance. As they leave, the Dark Side phantom of an older, Sith Lord Jacen Solo
speaks with Lumiya. Her attack on Toryaz Station, blamed on Thrackan, has pushed Jacen
to where she needed him to be, and one day when he learns the truth, he will hate her for it,
but for now, all is proceeding as she has directed. As for Luke, he finally comes to the
startling discovery that the Sith Lord of his visions . . . now exists . . . (Exact date, based on
information provided by Sue Rostoni in her VIP Blog at Days 122 145 of 40
*NOTE: For the chronologically-conscious, the reference in Betrayal to Jaina Solo being older than Zekk is, of
course, an error, and was confirmed as such by Leland Chee. As for the exact dates, Sue Rostoni has given us
the following information: (a) Betrayal begins 122 days into the year, which is Day 1; (b) Wedge is kidnapped on
Day 7; (c) Han and Leia meet Saxan, while Ben and Jacen disable Centerpoint, on Day 9; (d) Luke meets with
Pellaeon on Day 11; (e) the attack on Toryaz Station is on Day 17; (f) Jacen and Ben meet Nelani on Day 21; (g)
Jacen questions Lumiya on Day 23; and (h) the ghost battles, Jacen’s decision, and the battle on Tralus are all on
Day 24.
From the start of the conflict between the Galactic Alliance and Corellia (and its allies), the
Verpine supply both sides of the conflict.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 826
(conjecture based on Invincible)
On Coruscant, Jacen Solo, now being trained in Sith arts by Lumiya, pushes Chief of State
Cal Omas toward attacking the Corellians’ secret shipyards in order to send a stronger
deterrent message than even the attack on Centerpoint Station. Omas disagrees, but Jacen
decides to strike up a new personal alliance with Admiral Cha Niathal, who sees things his
way. The two are in a taxi, discussing the situation, when they witness a terrorist bombing
that kills and wounds thousands. The attack will, of course, be blamed on Corellians living on
Coruscant . . .Meanwhile, Boba Fett is dying. Despite medical advancements and visits to
Kamino for checkups and replacement parts, Boba Fett’s body is finally giving out on him. He
visits Kamino to see Dr. Beluine, his physician, and Kaminoan Prime Minister Koa Ne, where
he learns that Tuan We has disappeared. The data Tuan We took upon leaving could very
well provide a key to somehow prolonging Fetts life. The Kaminoans want him to retrieve
Tuan We and the stolen data, but they wont meet Fetts price, so he intends to find Tuan We
and the data anyway, then possibly sell the data after he is able to use it. Meanwhile, Han
and Leia Solo are on Corellia, incognito, trying to figure out how to help ease the growing
conflict. They learn that Thrackan Sal-Solo has now put a contract out on their lives and that
of their children, which Han takes to mean that Boba Fett will eventually be coming for him,
as seems the usual. Han is right, of course, but not entirely so. Fett returns to Taris to meet
with Goran Beviin, and the Mandalorian tells his Mandalore (that is, Fett) that Fetts daughter,
Ailyn Vel (going under the alias of “Ailyn Habuur”) has reappeared and is also wanting to take
on the contract against the Solo family. Fett is torn over Ailyn because she blames him for the
death of her mother (Fett’s ex-wife, Sintas Vel), but he truly wants to see her and somehow
make amends before he dies. Beviin, however, is more concerned with Fett neglecting his
duties to the Mandalorian people, and he suggests that Fett start acting more like the
Mandalore or perhaps pass it along to someone else. Beviin also tells him that the infamous
cloning master of the Clone Wars, Ko Sai, was eventually found and sent back to Kamino in
pieces, so Tuan We is still his best hope of survival. After buying some stocks in medical
companies that he thinks might have been sold Tuan We’s stolen data, he is approached by
a woman named Mirta Gev, who shows him the heart-of-fire gemstone that he’d once given
to Sintas, claiming that Ailyn owes her a bounty for finding that gemstone (and killing the man
who killed Sintas), and she knows exactly where to find Ailyn. She wants to go with Fett so
that she can eventually lead him to Ailyn and get paid for doing so. They head for AruMed on
Roonadan, hoping to find Tuan We’s trail, but it turns out that it’s the wrong medical
company. They then head for Arkanian Micro on Vohai. While talking with Mirta, the girl
learns about Fett being a clone, but she also says that she once met a clone. Fett considers
this impossible without Ko Sai’s anti-aging process, but the clone was real. (The clone
claimed that his clan was “Skirata,” so he is likely one of the Null ARCs from the Clone Wars
era.) If Fett can find this clone, he just might be able to survive, since it seems less and less
likely that Tuan We would have that type of information . . . Back on Corellia, Han and Leia
are approached by Dur Gejjen, who had warned them of the contract on their family, who
wants to see Han kill Sal-Solo himself, both to save the Solos and to cause a shift that would
allow Gejjen’s faction and its allies to control the Corellian government . . . Back on
Coruscant, tension continues to grow as Luke and Mara Skywalker sense unease and
darkness in the ultra-powerful Jacen, but they can’t place where it is coming from. Mara
convinces Luke that Jacen must be in a strained relationship, and that is somewhat correct,
as he is worried for the future of Tenel Ka and their secret child, Allana. In order to clear
himself of doubts about his Sith path, Jacen uses the Force to project himself back into the
past, seeing parts of Anakin’s life. His first visit takes place while in the Jedi Temple on
Coruscant, where he witnesses Anakin’s slaughter of Younglings and other Jedi. He believes
that he is not as selfish as his grandfather, but selfless instead. Elsewhere on Coruscant, Ben
Skywalker, Jacens apprentice, visits the Corellian Sanctuary to understand where all the bad
feelings are coming from between the two sides. While there, he meets and sympathizes
some with Barit Saiy, a Corellian. A short time later, Jacen is meeting with Lumiya, whom he
has summoned to Coruscant, while Ben visits Fleet Ops. Jacen tempts Lumiya by walking
her though the Temple and near Luke, but his illusion holds, and she is able to resist lashing
out at Luke. She actually seems at peace with her own past. Just then, Han and Leia arrive at
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 827
Coruscant, nearly crashing the Millennium Falcon. It takes the combined Force abilities of
Leia, Jaina Solo, and Jacen (from a distance) to hold things together and let them land safely.
The meeting of the family doesn’t go particularly well, due to Han’s wariness of Jacen, but
that is to be expected. As for Ben, he ends up going into the Corellian area again, where he
finds himself amid a riot outside the embassy that is sparked by contaminated water. He
saves a security officer from being shot by Barit, revealing himself as a Jedi in the process.
Now he must decide whether to turn Barit in or keep his identity to himself. When Ben goes
back to the apartment he shares with Jacen to meet with Luke and Mara and get cleaned up,
Jacen arrives, and as they bicker over the course of the war, Luke finally senses Lumiyas
presence on Coruscant and determines, incorrectly, that the man in his dark visions is
Lumiya (instead of Jacen). Shortly thereafter, Jacen is offered the chance to make a
difference on Coruscant (and gain more power and influence). He is given the rank of Colonel
and made head of the Galactic Alliance Guard, a powerful anti-terrorist unit, into which he
also recruits Ben and Captain Lon Shevu. Their first order of business will be the internment
of all Corellians on Coruscant. As a direct result of the formation of the Alliance Guard,
Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon resigns his command of the Galactic Alliance military,
allowing Admiral Niathal to take over in his place, further cementing Jacens influence. Soon,
Jacen leads a raid on the Corellian area of Jabi Town, which not only sparks great
controversy but is also carried on the news and seen by Han and Leia, who then set out
again for Coruscant, ashamed of their own son. Upon arrival, they are again approached by
Gejjen, whose offer seems more and more tempting. Meanwhile, as the actions on Coruscant
cause strife for Omas and solidify Jacen and Niathal as allies, Fett finally finds Tuan We on
Vohai, taking the information and letting the traitor live. Tuan We is able to confirm the story
of Skiratas clones finding Ko Sai, which gives Fett some hope. He and Mirta then prepare to
head for Coruscant to look for the clone (and Ailyn, who is after the Solos there), but he
receives a call from Thrackan Sal-Solo before they get very far. Little does Fett know that
Ailyn has met with three Corellian agents on Coruscant and is even then being rounded up in
a raid by the Alliance Guard. (This is followed by Ben finally giving up Bevit’s name, putting
him squarely on the Guard’s side, not that of his acquaintance.) A short time later, with
Thrackan Sal-Solo’s announcement that he intends to have Centerpoint Station operational
again soon, Niathal and Jacen push Omas to allow for a two-line blockade of Corellia. He
agrees, and the blockade is seen as the first stage of the real war between Corellia and the
Alliance . . . Meanwhile, Fett contacts Beviin with Thrackan’s new offer, which is for the
Mandalorians to help protect Centerpoint Station. They meet with other Mandalorians and
decide to take the job, but Beviin is still riding Fett about his place as leader and notes that
another Mandalorian, Kad’ika, is pushing to become the new Mandalore . . . Soon, the
blockade of Corellia goes into effect. Jacen, leading Rogue Squadron in an X-wing, is among
the first to encounter a ship trying to run the blockade, firing the first shots of the war. Shortly
thereafter, Jacen arrives at the Alliance Guard compound to interrogate Ailyn Habuur. He has
been informed that she has been contacted over and over again by a woman named Mirta
Gev, and the Alliance has wrongly assumed them to be working with the Corellians. Jacen
takes over the interrogation, brutally using the Force to bash her head into the desk over and
over again, ripping information from her mind until she dies. He learns that she was there to
go after the Solos, though, so he intends to track down Mirta to check her involvement. He
informs Han and Leia about Ailyn’s capture and warns them about Mirta. He then speaks with
Lumiya about his brutality and she eases his mind, even as Luke’s worries about Ben are put
to rest by Bens confidence in Jacens teachings. He soon visits the Jedi Temple and walks
through time again, witnessing Anakins appointment to the Jedi Council without the title of
Master and his childish reaction to that event. Again, he sees himself as superior to his
grandfather . . . On Corellia, Fett has made it through the blockade and landed. When
Thrackan can’t meet his demands, he takes on the job of killing Thrackan on behalf of Gejjen.
Fett tracks down Han, only to make a surprising offer. Neither he nor Mirta are there about
the Solo contract. Instead, Fett wants to use Han as bait to lure out Ailyn so he can find her.
In return, he will help Han carry out Han’s own personal mission of assassinating Thrackan,
which fits right in with Gejjen’s offer to Fett anyway. When Han realizes that Ailyn Habuur is
actually Ailyn Vel, Fett’s daughter, they intend to call Jacen and have her released to Fett,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 828
since he wont be needed as bait anymore. As Han, Fett, and Mirta get set up in Mandalorian
armor to go meet Thrackan, the blockade high above is tested again by another ship. When
Jaina has the ship in her sights, disabled, Jacen orders her to destroy it, but she refuses.
Jacen destroys it anyway and relieves Jaina of her flight status. Below, Han, Fett, and Mirta
meet with Thrackan. When their betrayal is revealed, Thrackan taunts that more hunters are
after the Solos on his contract, and he was the one who tipped off the Guard about Ailyn as a
decoy. Fett doesnt take this too kindly, but neither he nor Han gets to fire the killing shot.
Instead, Mirta seems upset about Ailyn as well, and she kills Thrackan herself. They then
escape Thrackans office with Leia’s help. They then contact Jacen about Ailyn, only to learn
of her death. Fett is stricken, but it is Mirta who reacts first. She pulls her blaster and intends
to kill Boba Fett, but Leia stops her. Mirta then reveals that she wasn’t trying to bring Fett to
Ailyn for him to see her or the gemstone to Ailyn to fill a contract. Instead, she was using the
gemstone as bait to bring Fett to Ailyn so that Ailyn could kill him. Mirta also reveals that she
is, in fact, Ailyn’s daughter, making her Fett’s own granddaughter. When things calm down,
they contact Jacen to have Ailyn’s body turned over to Fett and Mirta for a proper
Mandalorian burial on Mandalore. While waiting, Fett learns from Beviin that Jacen has gone
rather toward the Dark Side and tortured Ailyn. Rather than seeking revenge on the Solo
family, though, he decides to let things be. Seeing the Solo family torn apart from within is far
worse than anything Fett could do to any of them. The body is soon delivered and the two
remaining members of the Fett bloodline leave for Mandalore, intending to pick up Jango
Fett’s body from Geonosis first, so that they can be buried together. As for Jacen, he soon
speaks with Lumiya again, finally understanding the meaning of the last part of the Sith
prophecy about him, which tells him that the final test will be to kill that which he loves the
most. With sickening clarity he realizes what this means. Someday soon, he will be forced to
sacrifice Tenel Ka and Allana . . . (Exact date, based on information provided by Sue Rostoni
in her VIP Blog at Days 146 170 of 40 ABY)*
*NOTE: As for the exact dates, Sue Rostoni has given us the following information, using Betrayal’s first day as
Day 1: (a) Bloodlines begins on Day 25; (b) Fett learns he is dying and the Solos learn about the contract on them
on Day 26; (c) the explosion on Coruscant is on Day 27; (d) the Corellian Sanctuary is desecrated, Fett meets
Mirta, the Solos meet Gejjen, and Jacen time walks in the Jedi Temple, all on Day 28; (e) Luke senses Lumiya’s
return, the Solos return to Coruscant, and the water supply is contaminated on Day 29; (f) Jacen is made head of
the security force on Day 30; (g) Pellaeon resigns on Day 31; (h) the Solos return to Coruscant and Jacen raids
Jabi Town on Day 32; (i) Fett finds Tuan We on Day 33; (j) Omas puts new emergency measures into effect on
Day 34; (k) Ben finds the Corellian agents and Ailyn is arrested on Day 36; (l) Omas announces the blockade on
Day 39; (m) the Senate Building Protest is on Day 42; (n) Fett meets with Thrackan and Ailyn is killed on Day 43;
(o) Han meets with Fett on Day 44; (p) Thrackan is killed and Jacen suspends Jaina from duty on Day 45; (q) the
Solos learn of Ailyn’s death and Ben kills two terrorists on Day 46; (r) Ailyn’s body is delivered to Fett on Day 48;
and (s) the story’s final moments between Jacen and Lumiya take place on Day 49. Given that Betrayal starts on
Day 122 of the year, that means that Bloodlines is ending on Day 170 (out of 368 days in a year).
On Coruscant, Alema Rar, critically injured during the Killik crisis, is now hunting Jacen Solo,
intending to shoot him with a poison dart to kill him. She follows him down into the bowels of
Coruscant, where she witnesses him communing with his old friend, the Yuuzhan Vong
World Brain, which is helping him track possible terrorist activity on the planet. She has also
recognizes Lumiya, whom she believes is also hunting Jacen. Alema fires the dart at Jacen,
only to have it strike the World Brain instead when Lumiya warns Jacen. As the Brain starts
convulsing, Lumiya convinces Jacen to save the World Brain rather than going after the
assassin. Believing that the assassin was working with the Bothan Reh’mwa, Jacen yells
after Alema to tell the Bothan that he is coming for them. Alema escapes, now knowing that
Jacen and Lumiya are working together, which, if it means Jacen is falling to the Dark Side,
could be the greatest revenge against the Solos that could be had. Speaking of the Solos,
Leia and Han are called to the secret Kiris Shipyards to meet with Wedge Antilles, who is
now an Admiral in command of the Corellian forces. They must also meet new leader Dur
Gejjen and his associates, who ask them to go to Hapes to meet with Queen Mother (and
former Jedi) Tenel Ka (whom the Solos dont yet realize is the mother of their grandchild,
Jacen’s daughter Allana). The Corellians hope to make a pact with the Hapans, who are
currently leaning toward the Galactic Alliance. The Solos take the mission, but they are
spotted by Jaina Solo and Zekk, working for the Alliance, who are then sent to Hapes to warn
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 829
Tenel Ka of what they expect is a coup attempt (with or without the Solos help, since they
might be honest, but they know that many elements on Hapes want Tenel Ka out of power).
As it turns out, Tenel Ka isn’t expecting the Solos, which lets Han and Leia understand that
they were being used. By trying to meet with Tenel Ka, who would want to meet them, they
will interrupt her strict security routine, allowing someone, either Hapan or Corellian, to get in
and make an attempt on her life. As things develop on Hapes, Jacen meets with Lumiya, but
Ben is nearby, which has brought Jedi Tresina Lobi, whom is keeping an eye on Ben for
Luke. Unfortunately for Tresina, Alema is still tracking Jacen and Lumiya, so when Tresina
tries to report to Luke that Jacen is in cahoots with Lumiya, Alema emerges and kills the Jedi
Master with the help of Lumiya herself, who senses the situation. Alema then asks to serve
Lumiya, very much without Jacen’s knowledge. Back on Hapes, the assassination attempt
nearly takes place, but Han and Leia get in the way. As things erupt into confusion, the
assassin, “Nashtah” (actually Aurra Sing, now free from imprisonment), convinces the Solos
to escape with her, which saves them, but also makes it look like they were involved in the
attempt on Tenel Ka’s life. Soon, Jaina and Zekk meet with Tenel Ka, her aide Lady Galney,
and others, but they can’t believe that Han and Leia were part of this. Tenel Ka has a task for
them, though. She asks them to go see Lady Galney’s sister, in hopes of bringing her family
and its power to bear on her side in this power struggle. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Luke and
Mara, with the help of local law enforcement, begin searching for Lumiya, since they have
found Tresina’s body and have learned that Ben is safe, sent up to Crix Base to be moved
aboard the Galactic Alliance Guard’s new Star Destroyer, the Anakin Solo. The trail leads
them to Lumiyas residence, where they learn that she has been in contact with someone in
the Guard, though they have no idea that it is Jacen himself. They also learn that she is the
one who has been recently slaughtering Bothans on Coruscant (after the presumed Bothan
True Victory Partys attack on the World Brain that was really Alema). As they continue
searching for clues, they learn that Ben is now with Jacen aboard the Anakin Solo, on their
way to Hapes to help Tenel Ka search for the assassins as a personal favor. Unbeknownst to
the Skywalkers, Lumiya is with Jacen as well. Soon, at Hapes, Jacen has the chance to
meet with his daughter, then learns from Tenel Ka that someone within her own circle has
managed to have all of the witnesses to the assassination attempt poisoned in her own
secret royal prison, the Well. They briefly suspect Lady Galney, but the Galney familys
loyalty seems assured. Knowing that his parents left with the lead assassin, Jacen feels he
has no choice but to put out a detainment warrant for his parents. On Terephon, Jaina and
Zekk reach the home of Ducha Galney, only to discover that not only has she assembled a
massive fleet that is leaving Terephon, but she had it assembled before the assassination
attempt, making it pretty obvious that she knew about it and is likely one of its architects.
Tenel Ka has been betrayed. They are unable to escape, though, before their X-wings are
destroyed, stranding them with no way to get their message to Hapes. Meanwhile, Han, Leia,
and Aurra reach Telkur Station, where they run into Jagged Fel. He survived the Killik crisis,
but he is now in exile. He found evidence that Alema Rar survived as well, so he has been
hunting her, but he now passes that information to the Solos, whom he expected since he
had also been tracking a “bartender” sent there to kill them. The “Corellian” trio then meet
with Lady Morwan, Aurra’s employer. Aurra is again tasked with carrying out the
assassinations of Tenel Ka and Allana, but Leia and Han leave with Aurra and Morwan,
whom they hope can be the key to solving this mess, since she’s part of a group called the
Heritage Council that is trying to overthrow the Queen Mother for the independence and
stability of the Hapes Consortium. They also have a good idea, based on comments about
the Killik crisis, that Morwan is part of Galneys house. They pass that info along secretly to
Luke and Mara, who are even then arriving at the Anakin Solo, using the info that Tenel Ka is
aboard the ship to muse about whether Jacen could possibly be the father of Allana, though
both dismiss the idea as impossible due to timing issues. They soon meet up with Jacen,
learning that Ben has been sent to see what is keeping Jaina and Zekk. They also pass on
Han’s message to Tenel Ka, implicating the AlGray house. With that, Jacen sends Luke and
Mara to the Roqoo Depot to eventually rendezvous with Ben when he returns from Terephon.
As they leave, Jacen also sends Lumiya there, telling her that she’ll be making sure Ben gets
back to the Anakin safely. Instead, of course, he is forcing a confrontation between Luke and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 830
Lumiya. If Lumiya is killed, suspicion lifts from Jacen since she’d be seen as stalking him. If
Luke is killed, Jacen could, theoretically, be in a position to be not just the most powerful Jedi
out there, but also someone possibly in line to lead the Jedi Order. Before going, though,
Lumiya and Alema remove a proton charge from a warhead, intending on using it to ensure
that even if Lumiya doesn’t return, Luke certainly will not. Amid their conversation over the
warhead, Lumiya hints at the notion that there are other Sith out there, or at least a plan that
has been set in motion that will exist even if she dies. Lumiya and Alema, both bearing proton
charges, then head for the depot. As for Ben, he and his ship rescue Jaina and Zekk, only to
now need to get word back to Jacen about Galney’s involvement. At the same time, the
Anakin task force (with Allana, but not Tenel Ka, aboard) reaches Relephon, where they
expect to take on Galney’s fleet, only to find that they are already gone, likely headed toward
Hapes. They have been betrayed from the inside again. Jacen then senses danger on the
ship and races for Allana, who is being stalked by Aurra, who has managed to get aboard
after leaving the Solos. He takes on Aurra, nearly killing her, before Allana gets in the middle,
eventually sticking her with a poison defense stick, which incapacitates her in the absence of
an antidote. The assassin is taken into custody. Shortly thereafter, the Millennium Falcon,
heads for Morwans rendezvous point, only for the Solos to discover that they are joining the
Heritage Fleet and secret Corellian vessels just as they are about to attack the Hapan Royal
Navy at Hapes. They start to move toward somehow helping save Tenel Ka from having her
own ship taken over so she can be assassinated, but Morwan holds a wounded Han and Leia
at blasterpoint as Leia tries to pilot the ship. Unfortunately, Leia’s two Noghri bodyguards
over the years, Cakhmaim and Meewalh, are in the gun turrets and unreachable. Han rears
up on her, subduing her, just as the Noghri enter after the fray is already over. They then
send a warning to Tenel Ka about the incoming fleet, knowing that it will destroy their
credibility with the Corellians. Leia, though, has sensed another Jedi, possibly Tesar
Sebatyne, and knows that the Alliance is readying a trap at Hapes, since they’ve been
tracking the Kiris Corellian fleet since Jaina and Zekks earlier spying mission. At the Roqoo
Depot, Luke and Mara realize that Ben isn’t coming just as Lumiya and Alema arrive at the
crowded rendezvous cantina. Mara duels Alema until she is able to subdue her. She
discovers Alemas proton charge and disables it. As for Luke, he duels Lumiya with two
lightsabers (like he did decades earlier) against her lightwhip. In the process, he again loses
part of an arm, but he manages to take her down. Luke and Mara escape before Lumiya’s
charge explodes, but later investigation will reveal that Lumiya may have escaped before the
blast. Alema also escapes, since Luke and Mara cannot escape with her in tow. Shortly
thereafter, all hell seems to break loose over Hapes. The Hapan Royal Navy, the Heritage
Fleet, the regular Alliance fleet, and Jacen’s ships (led by the Anakin) all arrive, and battle
rages, even as Bens skiff arrives, bearing yet another warning about Galney, which leads to
the ship’s destruction and Ben, Zekk, and Jaina all floating in need of rescue. Aboard the
Anakin, Alema arrives in pilot gear to hide her identity. She reports to Jacen, revealing her
alliance with Lumiya and what happened at the depot. She also reveals that Ben was never
there. Jacen then realizes who the pilots are who are in need of rescue, even as the
Millennium Falcon, under fire and using a fake transponder code, swoops in to save them.
Unfortunately, Jacen is so jaded now that he believes that he must rescue them, rather than
letting them fall into his parents (i.e. enemy) hands. As he allows Alema to leave, threatening
to kill her if her knowledge of Allana’s heritage ever gets out, he orders the Anakin to fire on
the Falcon. The blasts hit the ship, just as they have gotten Ben, Jaina, and Zekk aboard.
The damage is extensive, and both of the Noghri are killed. When Ben suggests that they
surrender to be safe, Zekk tries to stand up to him. Ben injures Zekk, which again serves to
clarify his thinking a bit. Without much more time to think, Leia and Han (the only ones
considered enemies of the Alliance by Jacen) send the other three into an escape pod. Once
it is jettisoned, the Falcon (bearing Leia, Han, a captive Morwan, and C-3PO) jumps to
hyperspace to an unknown fate . . . In the aftermath, the escape pod is rescued around the
same time that the Skywalkers arrive, allowing for a reunion with them, Jacen, and Tenel Ka.
Jacen learns that some of his actions against his parents were not justified, but he still won’t
call off the warrant on them. They all hope, though, that it might still all work out, since they
are all family. As for Luke, he is still suspicious of Jacen, enough so that he has Ben return
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 831
with him, separating Jacen from his apprentice. For Jacen, and the galaxy, the war rages on
. . . (Exact date, based on information provided by Sue Rostoni in her VIP Blog at Days 173 192 of 40 ABY)*
*NOTE: As for the exact dates, Sue Rostoni has given us the following information, using Betrayal’s first day as
Day 1: (a) Jaina and Zekk begin their work at the Kiris observation point on Day 51; (b) Tresina Lobi is killed and
the Solos escape with Aurra on Day 59; (c) Jacen puts out a warrant to detain his parents on Day 62; (d) Luke
battles Lumiya, Mara battles Alema, and the space battle happens over Hapes on Day 69; and (e) Meewalh and
Cakhmaim die and Jacen fires on the Falcon on Day 70. We are also told that, as we’d already have been able to
determine from the above information, that Tempest begins 173 days into 40 ABY (75:5:21).
Caregg Oldathan is called out of retirement to join in the defense of Commenor.
(conjecture based on Fury)
As the war between the Galactic Alliance and the Corellian faction continues, destiny tightens
around Jacen Solo. Even as Jacen has dreams of having to fighter his mother Leia Solo to
the death, he arranges for smuggler Captain Uran Lavint to lead her fellow smugglers into a
trap, stopping numerous vessels from breaking the blockade of Corellia. For her troubles
(and some arrogant remarks), Jacen takes her ship for the war effort and sends her off with a
new one, the Duracrud, sabotaged for the hyperdrive to fail. Unbeknownst to him, Uran will
have a stowaway with her on her journey, the Dark Jedi Alema Rar . . . Shortly after that
meeting, Jacen meets with Corellian Supreme Commander Wedge Antilles about possibilities
for peace, but they remain at odds. This is unfortunate for Wedge, as he is continuing to
disagree more with how the Corellian leadership wants to deal with the war, such as the
assassination attempt on Tenel Ka. To that end, a meeting is held between Wedge and the
leaders, headed by Dur Gejjen. Wedge is forced to step down from his position as Supreme
Commander to “retire,” while Admiral Genna Delpin takes over his duties. Wedge knows this
means that his usefulness (and therefore life span) is now running short on Corellia . . .
Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Chief of State Cal Omas and Admiral Niathal want Luke Skywalker
to elevate Jacen to the level of Jedi Master, but Luke doesn’t feel that Jacen is ready yet,
despite his great abilities . . . Elsewhere, in the Gyndine System, the damaged Millennium
Falcon arrives at Lando Calrissian’s Tendrando Refueling and Repair Station. Lando agrees
to help fix the ship, while leaving with Han and Leia Solo under the guise of the captain and
crew of the Love Commander. Back aboard the Anakin Solo, Jacen and Lumiya decide that
Jacen must soon test Ben Skywalker to see if he can really be his Sith Apprentice (Shadow
Hand). He must also determine if Ben might actually be his necessary sacrifice. Either way,
Ben will soon be tested . . . Back on Coruscant, former Chiss military officer (and love interest
of Jaina Solo) Jagged Fel arrives to see Luke and Mara with information about Alema Rar.
Jag will join Jaina and Zekk in a mission to go after Alema. (This is made all the more
uncomfortable, of course, since it’s basically a love triangle turned into a special ops style
team.) Speaking of Alema, she has revealed herself to Uran Lavint, saving the Duracrud from
the failed hyperdrive, and solidifying a temporary alliance between the two women. Back on
Corellia, Wedge is being tracked by assassins, but he is able to escape their grip with the
help of disguised Corran Horn and Myri Antilles. Even as they get to the safety of the Pulsar
Skate (and thereby Mirax Horn and Iella Antilles), the Love Commander arrives on Corellia,
bearing Lando, Han, and Leia. They soon meet with Denjax Teppler, who confirms their
suspicions about the Corellians (but not Wedge) being behind the assassination attempt on
Tenel Ka that has the Solos on the outs with Corellian authorities. They are then forced to
make a hasty escape, but their distraction unknowingly allows Wedge and the others to
escape in the chaos. They are quickly joined by the Love Commander, and they all make
their way to Booster Terrik’s Errant Venture, which they convince Booster to take to the
Corellian system to make some money on the blockade ships and gather intelligence about
the war from loose-lipped patrons. Uran Lavint and Alema will soon arrive aboard as well . . .
Meanwhile, dark machinations are afoot, as Lumiya provides secret Galactic Alliance
intelligence to the Bothans in hopes of giving them the ability to strike at the Alliance while it
is blind to their actions. She also soon provides similar information to Commenor, which
would be the Alliance’s next takeover after the fall of Corellia, given its support of Corellia
during the current crisis. She seems to be coordinating an upcoming battle between the
Alliance and several other Corellian-sympathetic forces. She continues her preparations by
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 832
getting Matric Klauskin, formerly of the Second Fleets Corellian Task Force, out of a mental
ward, so that he can lead Commenor’s efforts with his highly-suggestible mind (which Lumiya
is basically controlling through Force-bred illusions of his dead wife). Meanwhile, Ben’s
mission begins. He is covertly sent to Almania to steal the Force-artifact known as the Amulet
of Kalara from the offices of Tendrando Arms. Unfortunately, he gets all the way there, only to
find that it has already been stolen by “Faskus of Ziost.” The heads for Ziost to hunt down
Faskus, all the while being tracked by agents loyal to Lumiya. Back on Coruscant, Luke and
Mara try to use a datapad found during a secret break-in to Lumiyas old quarters to figure
out what her plan is. They start to believe that “Brisha Syo” might be Lumiya’s daughter, but
still don’t make the connection that Brisha is Lumiya herself, nor that Jacen is in league with
her, rather than an unwitting victim of her machinations. Elsewhere, Klauskin is brought
aboard an Alliance ship at Bothawui, where he then stages a “simulation” that ends up
releasing several Bothan ships (Lumiya’s promised “blinding”), even as the crew is killed,
leaving Klauskins ship for the Bothans to use as well . . . At that moment, Jacen has gone to
meet with Luke and Mara about the events surrounding the confrontation near Bimmiel that
led him into Lumiyas grip, but their meeting (full of plenty of lies from Jacen to cover his own
actions) is cut short when the combined Bothan and Commenorian fleets strike at the
Alliance at Corellia. The attack is so surprising and thorough that it drives the Alliance from
Corellia, causing the Alliance to now consider itself fully at war with not just Corellia but a so-
called “Corellian Confederation” (Corellia, Bothawui, and Commenor). Shortly thereafter,
Fondor, Bespin, and Adumar, all important worlds to the Alliance, break away to join the
Confederation. The Confederation then sets up a meeting to pick a new Supreme
Commander, which Jacen hires Uran Lavint to infiltrate to figure out who might be conspiring
against the Alliance. She agrees, but part of her fee is a way to contact Leia and Han if need
be. She uses it soon, warning the Solos of Alema aboard the Errant Venture (where they
head back to in order to catch her) and requesting that they find out where the Confederation
election meeting will be held, so she can get to it (on Jacen’s orders). They all converge on
the Errant Venture and nearly trap Alema, but she steals Uran’s new ship and escapes. The
Solos do provide the meeting location to Uran (since it was pretty easy to get, and thus not as
secret as it was meant to be) for her help. They will meet at Gilatter VIII. All the while, Ben
has been continuing his mission. On Ziost, he discovers Faskus (on Ben’s fourteenth
birthday, no less), the hired gun who took the amulet to Ziost, along with his daughter, Kiara.
He subdues an already-injured Faskus, but the man reveals that the amulet was given to him
by the self-same agent of Lumiya who has been tracking Ben. Ben heads out to where
Faskus has hidden the amulet, leaving the man and his daughter to die in the wilds of Ziost.
He can’t do it, though, and he returns to find Kiara in need of help and her father dead of his
wounds. Plagued by dreams and voices from the Dark Side, he, Kiara, and his stolen
astromech are drawn to ancient Sith ruins, where he discovers a living Sith starship that he
learns to control, using it to escape Ziost into space . . . On Gilatter VIII, the meeting is held,
and Jacen attends undercover, but it was a trap. The new Supreme Commander is Turr
Phennir, and Jacen is nearly apprehended. In the crowd, though, are the Skywalkers, who
come to Jacens aid, and the Solos, who also try to come to Jacen’s aid, though they are on
theoretically opposite sides of the war (sort of), along with Lumiya and Alema, who now enter
the ensuing chaos in order to lure the Skywalkers and Solos to remain while others flee . . .
including Jacen, who has left his family behind to return to the Anakin Solo. In the end, the
Solos and Skywalkers get out fine, but so do Alema and Lumiya, and the battle is considered
a draw. Shortly thereafter, Jacen and Lumiya discuss that he is ready to be a Sith Master, but
must make his chosen sacrifice as a final test, so that he can become a Master and soon
learn the kind of super battle meditation that Palpatine once used at the Battle of Endor, so
he can win the war for the Alliance. He is not sure whom the sacrifice will be, as he is no
longer sure if he loves his parents. If he doesnt, he should eliminate them as a threat. If he
does, then perhaps one of them . . . or Tenel Ka, or Allana, or Ben, or Jaina, or someone else
entirely . . . is to be his Sith sacrifice . . . The day of decision is coming . . .
The war continues as our storyline, in essence, splits to follow two separate chains of events.
(These will be covered separately here in order to keep everything clear.) On Mandalore, in
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 833
the capital city of Keldabe, Mandalore Boba Fett issues orders that the Mandalorians are not
to take sides, as a people, in the conflict, but they can hire themselves out individually. He
also puts out a call for Mandalorians out in the galaxy to return home to help rebuild
Mandalore, physically and politically. With that settled, Fett and granddaughter Mirta Gev
leave in search of “Skirata,” the clone that might hold the key to saving Fett’s life from his
present state of deterioration. They head for Kuat, where they head for the bar where Mirta
had encountered Skirata. They learn that he was there to kill a gang boss named Cherit (on a
grudge from a Twi’lek clan), so they head to his replacement, Fraig, where Fett pumps him
for information, hanging him from a balcony. This arouses enough attention that, when Fett
and Mirta get back to Slave I, Skirata has been waiting for them. He briefly incapacitates
Mirta, then asks Fett what he wants. He introduces himself as Jiang Skirata, one of Kal
Skirata’s Null ARC Troopers from the days of the Clone Wars. He does not have the
information from Ko Sai that would save Fett, as it was destroyed once it was used, but he
will take some tissue and blood samples from Fett and see if he can have a cure made up
and brought back to Fett on Mandalore later. Fett agrees, reluctantly, and drops Jiang off on
Coruscant. At least now there is some hope. Fett returns to Mandalore to see Goran Beviin
and his family, who have made a startling discovery: a large deposit of beskar (Mandalorian
iron), enough to make Mandalore a major power player again. Soon, MandalMotors’ Jir
Yomaget introduces Fett to a new prototype starfighter, making use of the beskar, known as
the Bes’uliik (Basilisk). This awesome fighter could make a fortune for Mandalore and help
shift the tides of war, depending on who purchases them. They strike a deal with the
Verpines of Roche. Fett is soon visited by a man named Venku, who is working for Jiang.
Jiang has sent the cure, and now Fett will survive many years to come. He is being given a
new lease on life, much like Mandalore itself. As for Venku, he is the mysterious Kad’ika that
Fett had heard about (whose pro-Mandalorian rhetoric has helped push the community
toward nationalism), and he is also the son of a clone, thereby making him, in a sense, Fett’s
nephew. Later, Venku has a Kiffar Mandalorian read the heart-of-fire shard that Mirta has left
(while the other was buried with Ailyn Vel). Upon reading it, he discovers that she had been
after a gangster named Rezodar . . . and in his effects is a block of carbonite containing
Sintas Vel, Fetts ex-wife, who is alive inside . . . Meanwhile, as Fett deals with affairs of state
for Mandalore, the war between the Galactic Alliance and the Corellian Confederation
continues, as does Jacen Solo’s descent into the Dark Side and ascension to Sith Lord. Ben
Skywalker is on his way back to the Alliance aboard the Sith meditation sphere that he
discovered on Ziost. He has left Kiara and his astromech, Shaker, on Drewwa. Now, he is
heading for the Anakin Solo to reunite with Jacen and give him the Amulet of Kalara from
Arkania. Upon arrival, Anakin does so, then they have the Sith sphere locked up for
safekeeping and classified, though Lumiya, sensing its Sith ties, is very intrigued by the
vessel. Jacen gives it to her, but she will only keep it until it can play its own role in Jacens
destiny, for his day of sacrifice and ascension is coming soon . . . In the wake of the attack on
Jacen at Gilatter VIII and the subsequent battle, political pressures are brewing between
Jacen as the head of the Galactic Alliance Guard, Supreme Commander Admiral Cha Niathal
(ostensibly Jacen’s ally), and Chief of State Cal Omas. They also worry about the
Mandalorians gearing up again, since they are unlikely to side with the Alliance after Jacen
killed Fett’s daughter, Ailyn. Soon, Lumiya gets Alema Rar to track the Anakin Solo to keep
an eye on Jacen for her, even as Ben returns home to meet with his parents (Luke and Mara
Skywalker), the latter of whom gives him a vibroblade with a hidden tracking device in it. She
still believes that Jacen killed Lumiya’s daughter and that Lumiya is coming after Jacen and
Ben because of it, and that she is somehow influencing Jacen unwittingly through the GAG.
She has no idea that Jacen and Lumiya are in league. Shortly thereafter, Jacen learns
through Corporal Jori Lekauf (from Admiral Niathal) that the soldiers on the front lines need
better kit (gear). In trying to solve the problem through the bureaucracy, Jacen discovers that
it is very convoluted, leading him to get a legal droid, HM-3, to help him. In doing so, though,
he opens the door to much greater power, crafting legislation that will allow greater powers of
procurement and such for himself, Niathal, and Omas, along with the ability to later go
through and essentially change any law they want for the greater good. They can now bypass
the Senate any time they need to. Later, as Ben returns to duty to take part in surveillance on
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 834
various senators and others, Jacen teaches him the ability to disappear in the Force like
Jacen himself does so often. Jacen also gives him a new mission: to kill Corellian Prime
Minister Dur Gejjen when the opportunity arises. Ben is soon given ample reason to consider
this a necessary action, despite his concerns, when they intercept a conversation in which
Omas makes plans to meet with Gejjen on Vulpter soon, and in which they also discuss the
“removal” (assassination) of Jacen and Niathal if need be. Upon learning of this, Jacen and
Niathal agree to push ahead another legal change, this one allowing for the arrest of heads of
state, politicians, and anyone else presenting a genuine risk to the security of the Alliance.
They make their preparations to get evidence on Omas so they can put him under house
arrest and rule as a duumvirate until able to turn power over to Senator G’vli GSil and the
Senate (theoretically). As Ben, Shevu, and Lekauf prepare to go to Vulpter to take out Gejjen
at the meeting between Gejjen and Omas, Lumiya taunts the Skywalkers by putting some of
Ben’s boots at their door, pushing Mara further toward hunting Lumiya down, thereby
distracting them from Jacen, who has come to the conclusion that the sacrifice he’ll have to
make is somehow killing Ben (or letting him die). Soon, on Vulpter, the assassination team
gets close enough to take a recording of the meeting between Gejjen and Omas, giving
Jacen all the evidence he will need to take down Omas. Immediately thereafter, Ben fires the
sniper rifle shot that kills Gejjen, sending the place into chaos. In the confusion, Lekauf
sacrifices himself, pretending to be a lone Corellian dissident that killed Gejjen and blowing
himself up in a Corellian-linked ship, in order to let Shevu and Ben escape without any
suspicion upon the Alliance. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Mara finds Lumiya and they each
deal a blow to the other, but Mara is incapacitated by the Sith sphere, which saves Lumiya.
Mara, however, manages to get a tracking device onto the sphere. When Ben arrives back on
Coruscant, Mara, who had tracked him to Vulpter with the blade, confronts him. He confesses
his role in the assassination, and she tries to be there for him as he now goes through the
kind of things that she went through in her younger days. Soon, the next step in Jacen’s
power play commences, as he arrests Omas for conspiring with Gejjen against the Alliances
interests, even as Niathal reveals the situation to Senator G’Sil, who will back them up. The
Alliance will now have a shared Chief-of-State title between Jacen and Niathal, and she
intends to sideline Jacen as much as possible, even has he intends to keep working things
from his more secretive role. At the GAG base, though, things take a turn for the worse for
Jacen a short while later, when Ben overhears a conversation between Jacen and Lumiya
that reveals that they are working together. He still tries to believe that Jacen is being
influenced by Lumiya, somehow, but he goes straight to Mara and reveals the connection. He
then teaches her how to disappear in the Force so she can better hunt Lumiya, though she is
starting to believe that it is Jacen, not Lumiya, who must be dealt with. She checks in with
Leia Solo to find out if she thinks Jacen could be swayed by Lumiya or anyone else, and it
seems Leia thinks there is no chance of that. She then goes to catch Jacen himself,
confronting him about his connection to Lumiya, which he again denies over and over again.
As he walks away, they both know that there is no turning back. Either Mara or Jacen will
soon be dead. Jacen, caught up in the chaos of the war and power struggle, decides to take
a moment to visit Tenel Ka and Allana on Hapes. He leaves without letting Lumiya know
about Allana or his relationship, so she follows him in the Sith sphere . . . which is also
followed by Ben (through his connection with the sphere) and Mara (through the tracking
device). Once at Hapes, the Sith sphere senses Jacen and his “two loves,” revealing to
Lumiya that Jacen has a child with the Hapan ruler. Even Lumiya then starts to believe that
Jacen’s sacrifice will be his child. When Mara arrives, she checks in with ground control,
learning of Jacens visit to Tenel Ka, which gives her at least a hint as to their relationship. As
Jacen leaves, he senses Lumiya and intends to kill her to keep his child a secret. When he
tries to find her, though, he is set upon by Mara instead. Lumiya then sweeps in to stop Mara.
This forces Mara to race to land on Kavan, followed by Jacen, while Ben, newly arrived,
forces the sphere to land as well. Amid caves on Kavan, Jacen hunts Mara, finally leading to
a physical confrontation, in which they both fight dirty. Mara brings a part of the ceiling down
on Jacen, but he survives. They continue to brawl until he uses a Force illusion to appear as
Ben for a split-second, enough to stab her with a poison dart. Mara dies with Ben’s name the
last word she speaks, sending a shockwave through the Force that Luke and others feel far
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 835
away. Soon, Ben finds her body, which she did not let disappear so that they could find the
poison in her system and somehow trace it to Jacen. Jacen returns to console Ben, still
making it seem like it wasn’t Jacen who killed her, but perhaps someone working for Lumiya.
As for Lumiya, Luke charges after Lumiya, finding her in the Hapes Cluster. Lumiya makes
Luke believe that she killed Mara as a final act of sacrifice to protect Jacen, her successful
Sith Lord pupil. The two duel until Lumiya nearly stumbles backwards from a cliff. Luke won’t
let her fall and die so easily, though, so he grabs her, pulls her back up to the cliff, and
decapitates her with his lightsaber. Another Sith disciple has been destroyed, but Luke soon
learns from Ben that it can’t have been Lumiya that killed Mara because Ben was right next to
her in the sphere at the time. She has manipulated Luke once again. As for Jacen, he now
understands his sacrifice. By killing Mara, he has destroyed one of the few things in the
galaxy that mattered to him, the love and admiration Ben had for him. Perhaps that hatred
that Ben will have for Jacen will one day make Ben a great Sith pupil after all. In the
meantime, Jacen has passed his final trial and has achieved the powers of a true Sith Lord,
including one that makes battle meditation look like child’s play. He can now truly begin
shaping galactic society to his will. Jacen Solo is no more . . . he has become Darth Caedus.*
*NOTE: While I have not yet seen an official timeline for the days of Sacrifice, Fett claims to have been searching
for “Skirata” for about 65 days. Presumably, that is dating from when he met Mirta and learned of Skirata, which
was on Day 28. Thus, this story starts around Day 93. Given that Betrayal’s Day 1 is Day 122 of the year, this
story begins on Day 214 of the year 40 ABY.
Around this time, Jedi historian Tionne Solusar begins compiling a new tome of Jedi
information, including insights into the history of the Rebellion that brought down the Empire.
She constructs a Jedi historical volume, using numerous holocron records and other
accounts in her efforts. (To be continued below . . . )
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
While working to reconstruct and add to the Jedi Archives, Tionne, in an attempt to compile a
comprehensive record of the Rebel Alliances activities, runs across a reference to Renegade
Squadron and its commander, Col Serra, but little else is found about the fighting force. She
tracks down Col Serra, then contacts him via holocomm to hear about the origins and
activities of Renegade Squadron.*
(Renegade Squadron)*
*NOTE: I have no way to be certain when this takes place, but since Tionne is compiling information for the Jedi
Archives in the backstory for Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force in the aftermath of Sacrifice, it would
make sense that this communication for archive information might come around the same time. This is the
“framing story” for Renegade Squadron.
Young Jedi students Visl and Loli return to the Ossus Jedi Academy after a training mission
with their masters.
(conjecture based on Inferno)
Darth Caedus (Jacen Solo) has begun tempting Jedi Knight Tahiri Veila to his side by walking
with her though time to key moments in Anakin Solos life, including the moment of his death
above Myrkr. Shortly thereafter, he enlists the aid of Tenel Ka by asking her to use the last of
the Hapan fleets against the Confederacy, though she makes him promise to make amends
with Luke Skywalker in return. A while later, the Jedi funeral is held for Mara Jade Skywalker.
At the funeral, Leia and Han Solo are attacked and run off by Jacens Galactic Alliance Guard
goons, while Jacen arrives in his Chief-of-State role, and all witness Mara’s body finally
fading into the Force once Jacen has arrived (a bit of a clue to who killed her, perhaps?).
Elsewhere, at the Jedi Academy on Ossus, the Alema Rar tracking team of Jaina Solo,
Jagged Fel, and Zekk arrive to find that Alema has been there, but is in hiding. They have
bigger worries, though. As Zekk goes off looking for Alema, the other two discover that the
Academy has been taken hostage on Jacens orders by GAG Major Salle Serpa, who
appears a bit unhinged. Now, Jaina and Jag are stuck there, just like Kam and Tionne
Solusar and the other Jedi guarding the students. As for Alema, she leaves Ossus in the Sith
ship that Lumiya left for her, convincing it to take her to Lumiya’s asteroid base, only to
discover that there are no Sith secrets there. Instead, she needs to find the other hiding Sith
that Alema mentioned. Later, Ben Skywalker contacts Jacen, saying he knows who killed his
mother. Rather than admitting his guilt, though, Jacen tries to convince Ben that it was Cal
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 836
Omas behind it, and Ben goes off to seek Omas. In his house arrest confinement, Omas tells
Ben that he had nothing to do with Maras death. Ben, of course, already suspects Jacen, but
they need to fake Omas’ death so he can get close enough to Jacen to kill him. When guards
arrive, Omas sacrifices himself (for real) to save Ben and provide the credibility that Ben will
need to go after Jacen. At the next major space battle over Balmorra, Jacen is joined by Luke
and the Jedi, but Lukes disappointment grows when he realizes that Jacen just sacrificed
Balmorra in order to take out a big chunk of the Confederacy’s overall forces. Meanwhile,
Leia and Han go to Kashyyyk, where they speak for the Confederacy, trying to convince the
Wookiees not to side with the Alliance. They are arrested instead, but soon escape and
return to address the gathered Wookiees again. At the next major battle, Luke has just
learned about Bens involvement in the death of Omas and blames Jacen for sending him
there. Thus, when the battle comes, relying greatly on the Jedi, Luke and the other Jedi
abandon Jacen and the Alliance, heading instead for Kashyyyk to convince the Wookiees not
to join the Alliance . . . which means a reunion for Luke, Han, and Leia, now on the same side
(against Jacen). Back aboard the Anakin Solo, Ben arrives, is rebuked for his actions against
Omas, but then tells Jacen about the Jedi going to Kashyyyk, prompting Jacen to head there
with his forces. At Ossus, the Guard members begin to make their move, rounding up the
children, but the combined efforts of Jaina, Jag, Zekk, and a few others (including Kam, who
has to watch Tionne get mutilated and tortured) manage to take out the Guard and capture
Serpa. Elsewhere, Alema and the ship arrive at Korriban, where she meets the hidden Sith,
who inform her that they will not help Darth Caedus because Lumiya was acting on her own.
When Alema is unwilling to leave without their aid, she is able to convince them to help at
least a bit. She also learns that the Master of this group of Sith (which calls itself the One Sith
and has abandoned the limits on number) was once a prisoner of the Yuuzhan Vong, where
he met Vergere, who later escaped and met Lumiya, hatching the plan revolving around
Jacen. It seems there are multiple Sith plots at work. At Kashyyyk, Jacen begins firing at the
jungles, lighting huge chunks of the planet on fire, even as Han and Leia work with others to
help save it, and Jedi Knight Lowbacca leads strikes against the invaders. Soon, Jaina
arrives to tell Luke that she thinks Alema killed Mara (based on her course heading around
the same time), but Luke has a mission to complete before doing anything about it. He leads
an assault in a StealthX against the Anakin Solo, faking his own death so effectively that
everyone believes he is dead. Meanwhile, aboard the ship, Ben finally lashes out against
Jacen, trying to kill him, but is instead subdued and captured. He is put in an Embrace of
Pain in a special hold aboard the ship, tortured by Jacen’s instruments to craft him into a
better future Sith Apprentice. Below, Tenel Ka arrives and helps the Wookiees with her own
ships, even as Tahiri is nearly arrested for trying to arrest the Solos on Jacen’s orders (as the
only Jedi that seems still on his side). Aboard the Anakin Solo, Luke, very much alive, arrives
to save Ben and take out Jacen, even as Jacen is taunting Ben. Uncle and nephew, Jedi
Grand Master and Sith Lord, battle ferociously, joined soon by Ben. Jacen, greatly wounded,
is only saved by chance, as Luke and Ben are forced to escape as Luke’s sabotage of parts
of the ship begins to take it out of commission. As the battle draws toward its conclusion, the
Hapan fleet arrives. Jacen, thinking that Tenel Ka, who is now back aboard the flagship, has
come to save him, orders his ships to head for them to escape, only to find that Tenel Ka has
turned on him as well (just him, as she still supports the Alliance, just not his actions).
Instead, his ships only escape when Alema arrives and uses Dark Side abilities to sway the
minds of the Bothans, causing them to make an error that lets the Alliance ships flee to
safety. As the battle ends, those who oppose Jacen Solo make their plans. While the Jedi will
not be part of the Confederacy itself, they will oppose Jacen in their own way, and will not
stand in the way of the Bothans’ plan to send assassins after him. Finally, the Skywalkers
and Solos all seem united in one goal: the defeat of one of their own, Jacen.
With the Jedi having turned on Jacen Solo and the Galactic Alliance, the Jedi studying on
Dathomir are removed from that academy, which is not reopened until several years after the
Second Galactic Civil War is over.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
After experiencing Jacen Solo’s devastation of Kashyyyk, Wookiee Huhunna begins taking
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 837
down military officers that abuse their ranks. These acts as a civilian will eventually make her
a prime candidate for recruitment into Wraith Squadron when it is unofficially resurrected four
years from now to go after Stavin Thaal.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
At Kashyyyk, Leia and Han Solo work with Waroo and others to help put out fires on the
surface. As they do so, they are attacked by a Dark Side projection of Alema Rar. The insane
Twi’lek needs to be dealt with, especially since the Jedi are under the impression that she,
not Darth Caedus, killed Mara Jade. Knowing that Alema has inherited lessons from Lumiya,
they need to find the base where Jacen and Ben first encountered “Brisha Syo” and the
Force projections. To do this, they begin planning to find a way to get aboard the Anakin Solo
to get a look at Jacen Solo’s personal shuttles memory. The plan will include the Alema-
hunting team of Jagged Fel, Zekk, and Jaina Solo (who is starting to become very single-
minded as the “Sword of the Jedi,” thinking it is her destiny to take down her brother if need
be). (Lando Calrissian will lend support during planning stages, but he is called away upon
learning that his wife Tendra is pregnant!) Meanwhile, the Jedi have set up a temporary base
on the Sanctuary Moon of Endor. Under the leadership of the Jedi Council members, with
Luke Skywalker seemingly waffling in his actions and uncertain, a plan is set in motion to
strike at Jacen on Coruscant. The team will be led by Kyle Katarn and include Seha (a Jedi
student who worked for Jacen and wants redemption), Valin Horn, and others. Speaking of
plans, Jacen has his own in motion as well. He leads a team to Hapes, where he kidnaps his
own daughter, Allana, intending to use her safety to ensure that Tenel Ka brings the Hapans
back into the war on the Alliance’s side. Shortly thereafter, Jacen returns to Coruscant. As he
is entering his secure building with a YVH droid carrying a container with Allana inside, Kyle’s
strike team makes its move. Kyle is seriously injured, but saved by Seha, while other Jedi are
killed. Valin, Kyle, and Seha escape, but they have accomplished their goal of putting a
tracking device on Jacens cloak. With the missions success (and a talking to from Ben),
Luke is back on track as Jedi Grand Master. Meanwhile, the war escalates, as the Alliance
drops meteors onto Commenor as a weapon of mass destruction, to which the Confederation
responds with a biological weapon, causing widespread illness. Soon, Wedge Antilles visits
the Jedi, informing them that Jacen will soon be meeting with Five Worlds Prime Minister
Sadras Koyan about an end to the war. Even as they make plans to strike at the Anakin Solo
at the meeting, Landos Love Commander (minus its owner) carries Leia to meet with Jacen
on the Anakin Solo. As the rest of the secretive team sneaks aboard Jacen’s shuttle and gets
the location of Lumiya’s asteroid, Leia confronts Jacen to stall for time. They are together
when the Corellians arrive for their meeting. When the time has come to leave, Leia escapes
with the others aboard the Love Commander, pursued by Jacen (who takes Allana with him
for safety). While he is chasing them down, the Jedi strike force arrives. Luke has the chance
to fire a shot that would kill Jacen and end his Sith ascension, but when he senses Allana
with him, he backs off. The Anakin Solo is heading toward them, out of the range of the main
Alliance and Confederation task forces when the Confederation (Koyan and Teppler, not
Phennir) unleashes its trap. They fire Centerpoint Station at their skeleton crew decoy task
force and the Alliance vessels, annihilating them all, except the Anakin Solo, Jacen’s craft,
and our heroes, who were out of the range in their own private showdown. In the wake of this
slaughter, Jacen and Cha Niathal make plans to take out Centerpoint, even as General
Phennir berates Koyan for not only using Centerpoint, but revealing that it is operational and
failing to take out Jacen at the same time. As for Jacen, he takes the time to instill confidence
in Allana by finally revealing to her that he is her father, not knowing that Tenel Ka has gone
to Luke and enlisted the Jedi Order’s help in rescuing her. Even as the mission to strike at
Alema Rar begins, the One Sith sends the Sith known as Dician to take out Alema and
recover the secrets of Darth Vectivus’ Dark Side phantom technique. The Millennium Falcon
and Dician’s Poison Moon converge on the Vectivus’ asteroid, where Zekk frees the sentient
Sith Ship from Alemas control, sending it into space, and Jag takes out Alema, even as
Dician launches explosives that destroy the base, narrowly letting everyone escape. Upon
hearing that Alema is dead, Luke is relieved, thinking Mara’s killer has been defeated. Ben
uses the opportunity to snap him out of his funk, getting him to “live” rather than just waiting
to die and be with Mara again. Seeing his sons growing wisdom, Luke instructs Ben to begin
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 838
building his own lightsaber. Soon, Tycho Celchu arrives with Syal Antilles, who is now to be
the Alliance’s formal liaison to the Jedi Order. With them is Dr. Seyah, the expert on
Centerpoint who was thought to be (and, uhm, was) a spy for the Alliance. Tycho is there to
bring Syal, under orders, but he won’t commit outright treason against the Alliance. Thus, he
is sidelined as a plan is made to strike with Seyah at Centerpoint (to make sure no one has it,
rather than the Alliance getting it) and simultaneously strike at the Anakin Solo to save
Allana. Meanwhile, Denjax Teppler and General Phennir consider the need to remove Koyan
from power, planning to put Teppler and Admiral Delpin in power, similar to the dual control
Niathal and Jacen have over the Alliance. Finally, everything comes together at Centerpoint.
Han leads a team in Tycho’s commandeered shuttle to the Anakin Solo (but Tycho, who is
allowed to leave in a starfighter to return to the Alliance, is duty bound to warn the ship once
he is aboard, where he is promptly shot, though not killed, in the ensuing firefight). Aboard
Centerpoint, Teppler (via comm) arranges for Koyan (aboard the station) to be quietly
assassinated. Aboard the Anakin Solo, Lukes team succeeds in rescuing Allana, despite
Jacen’s YVH droids coming after them, even as the Centerpoint team escapes, their mission
complete. Finally, as Centerpoint prepares to fire at the hands of an unstable gunner, a chain
reaction blows up the station, removing it from the galaxy. In the aftermath, Jaina Solo makes
plans to go after Jacen, but she needs more training from someone who thinks differently.
Someone . . . like Boba Fett.
With the destruction of Centerpoint Station, groundquakes begin on Kessel, due to other
Celestial technology.
(conjecture based on Outcast)
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
The Sith [continued]
The Darth Title
Legacy of the Force [continued] (novel series: Aaron Allston & Karen Traviss & Troy
Betrayal (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 34
Bloodlines (novel: Karen Traviss)
Chapters 1 23
Tempest (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 24
Exile (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 20
Sacrifice (novel: Karen Traviss)
Chapters 1 24
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
Time Line
History and Holocrons [continued]
The Holocrons [continued]
The Tedryn Holocron
The Asli Krimsan Holocron
The Great Holocron
The Telos Holocron and Darth Andeddu’s Holocron [continued]
Significant Battles [continued]
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 839
The Hundred-Year Darkness
The Great Hyperspace War [continued]
The Shadow of Freedon Nadd
The Sith War
The Second Sith War
Darth Ruin
Battle of Ruusan
Return of the Sith [continued]
The Battle of Geonosis [continued]
The Clone Wars
The Galactic Civil War [continued]
The Demise of Palpatine [continued]
The Resurrection of Exar Kun [continued]
The Yuuzhan Vong
Luke Skywalker vs. Lumiya [continued]
First Encounter [continued]
Final Duel
The Jedi [continued]
Jedi Evolution [continued]
The Force and its Mystic Origins
Early Jedi
Jedi Knights of the Old Republic
The Potentium Perspective
The Lost
The Dark Times
The Jedi Academy
The New Jedi Order [continued]
Force-Sensitive Abilities [continued]
Sense Powers
Affect Mind / Jedi Mind Trick
Force Leap
Burst of Speed
Healing [continued]
Healing Trance
Psychometry [continued]
Force Camouflage
Battle Meditation
Battle-Meld [continued]
Sever Force
Beast Language
Force Lightning [continued]
Jedi Spirits [continued]
Detecting Jedi Powers
The Force as a Source of Energy [continued]
Force Anomalies
Lightsabers [continued]
Lightsaber Construction [continued]
Improved Lightsabers
Archaic Lightsabers
Waterproof Lightsabers
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 840
Training Lightsabers
Dual-Phase Lightsabers
Illustrious Lightsabers [continued]
Sith Lightsabers [continued]
The Seven Forms [continued]
Vaapad [continued]
The Marks of Contact [continued]
On Winning and Losing
The Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat
The Dark Side [continued]
Dark Jedi [continued]
The First Dark Legion [continued]
Ulic Qel-Droma’s Return to the Light [continued]
Four Stages of the Dark Side [continued]
The Reformation of Revan [continued]
The Dark Jedi Conflict [continued]
The Conversion of Count Dooku [continued]
Dark Side Disciples [continued]
Imperial Inquisitors
The Emperor’s Hands [continued]
Under Exar Kun’s Influence [continued]
Luke Skywalker on the Dark Side [continued]
The Sith [continued]
The Darth Title [continued]
Gatekeeper of the Telos Holocron [continued]
The Conquest of Sith Space
The Sith Code
Sith Worlds
The Fall of the Sith Empire
Darth Revan’s Sith Holocron
The Rule of Two
On Selecting Apprentices
The Confession of Darth Tyranus [continued]
Sith Alchemy
Sith Weapons
Force Lightning
Sith Spirits
Immortality Through Cloning
The Dark Side Compendium
The Book of Anger
The Weakness of Inferiors
The Creation of Monsters
Other Force-Using Organizations [continued]
Followers of Palawa
Sorcerers of Tund
Baran Do Sages [continued]
Mecrosa Order
The Krath
Prophets of the Dark Side
Zeison Sha [continued]
Korunnai [continued]
Matukai [continued]
Force Witches [continued]
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 841
The Reborn
Disciples of Ragnos
Shadow Academy
Fallanassi [continued]
The Chosen One [continued]
Tatooine Childhood [continued]
Podracer Champion [continued]
Arrival at the Jedi Temple [continued]
Jedi Training [continued]
First Mission [continued]
Return to Tatooine [continued]
Forbidden Love [continued]
Darth Vader
Battlefront [continued] (video game series: LucasArts & Rebellion & N-Space & THQ)
Renegade Squadron [continued] (video game: Rebellion)
Legacy of the Force [continued] (novel series: Aaron Allston & Karen Traviss & Troy
Inferno (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 20
Fury (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 38
41 ABY
Lando Calrissian, Jr. (nicknamed “Chance”) is born to Lando Calrissian and Tendra Risant
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)*
*NOTE: Chance is said to be three in Millennium Falcon, which would have him born in 40 ABY, but given that
Lando only learns that Tendra is pregnant in Fury, which is apparently fairly close to the end of 40 ABY, it would
seem much more likely that Chance is born in early 41 ABY and the age in Millennium Falcon was erroneous,
based on when James Luceno was first told that Legacy of the Force ended, rather than when it has now been
said to end. He could also, in theory, be born very close to the end of 40 ABY, but that would still leave him
almost three, rather than fully three, during Millennium Falcon, and Tendra would have not been able to find out
about her pregnancy until she was very far along, which does not seem very likely.
Zara’s son is born on Nam Chorios. He will later be saved by an uncharacteristically
compassionate Vestara Khai when he is three.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
Cindel Towani releases Portraits of the Galactic Civil War. Among those she has interviewed
is Hume Tarl, who was at the Battle of Endor on the Imperial side and suggests that the way
the Ewoks fought at that battle makes them guilty of wartime atrocities.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Han Solo drops a credcoin in the Millennium Falcon’s engine compartment that clatters
around maddeningly for the next two years, four months, and three days.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Twelve weeks after the death of Mara Jade Skywalker, the heroes of the galaxy far, far away
prepare to take down Jacen Solo (AKA Darth Caedus). Darth Caedus has a new Sith
Apprentice, Tahiri Veila, and Jacen’s murder of Mara still plagues many, including Ben
Skywalker, who believes Jacen is responsible and can’t yet prove it, and Luke Skywalker,
who is riddled with guilt over having killed Lumiya in anger, thinking her responsible (when
everyone now seems to assume Alema Rar was responsible. To prove Caedus’ guilt, Ben
works with Lon Shevu to gather evidence that he can bring to Luke. He will travel to the site
of her death and even sneak aboard the Anakin Solo to Jacens personal starfighter to gather
what he needs. In the process, he sees Mara’s Force ghost, which he knows has not
appeared yet to Luke. He feels guilty about this, but does not understand why she has not
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 842
appeared to her husband. Meanwhile, Caedus contacts Gilad Pellaeon on Bastion in hopes
of securing a mutual aid treaty that would bring the Imperial Remnant into the war on the side
of the Galactic Alliance, rather than the Corellians and their confederacy. To sweeten the
deal, Caedus intends to offer various worlds to the Remnant’s Council of Moffs and sends
Tahiri herself to sweet talk Pellaeon into the deal (and kill him if he will not cooperate). After
meeting with the moffs and seeing that he has little choice but to go with Jacen at the
moment, he sends out a secret signal to call for assistance from a very unlikely source . . . At
Coruscant, Admiral Cha Niathal is considering turning on Caedus. His methods have pushed
things too far, so she conspires with the Anakin Solo captain, Kral Nevil, to find a way to turn
when the time is right. Meanwhile, on Mandalore, Boba Fett deals with the fact that his ex-
wife, Sintas Vel, is in carbonite. Speaking of Boba Fett, Jaina Solo heads for Mandalore to
contact Fett in hopes that he will teach her how to kill Jedi, specifically her own brother, so
that she can bring him down. Fett agrees, mostly because of Jacen killing his daughter, Ailyn
Vel. While on Mandalore, Jaina comes to appreciate their methods and culture, even coming
to almost admire Fett himself. She also becomes relatively friendly with Mirta Gev (Fett’s
granddaughter) and bears witness as Fett starts trying to relate to Sintas once she is
released from carbonite (temporarily blind to begin with). She will eventually even get her
own beskar armor, which proves very effective against lightsaber strikes. Back at Bastion, as
Caedus’ Alliance forces prepare to take Fondor back, the Imperial Remnant readies its forces
as well. Not trusting Caedus, Pellaeon has called upon an old friend, Admiral Natasi Daala,
who has a fleet of her own that could be brought in to watch Pellaeon’s back in the battle to
come. He also wants her and her people to kill some of the moffs to keep the Empire from
falling entirely into Caedus’ hands. To hedge their bets, Daala also contracts with Fett and
the Mandalorians to help as well (which includes Jaina now). Soon, the new battle at Fondor
commences, with the Alliance attempting to make an example of the planet. Amidst the
battle, though, Lukes Jedi cause problems for Caedus, having been tipped off by Niathal.
Niathal’s own forces turn on Caedus’, splitting the Alliance fleet. The Imperial Remnant forces
arrive, and when Niathal orders her forces to stand down and not fight the Fondorians, the
Imperials side with her. As a result, Tahiri finally arrives to see Pellaeon, and when he will not
essentially bow to Caedus’ wishes, she kills him with a blaster shot. While dying, though, he
again taps out the code to Daala. She arrives with her Maw Irregular Fleet, commanding from
aboard the refurbished Chimaera. The Mandalorians arrive and infiltrate the Bloodfin to take
out the moffs that Daala and Pellaeon had targeted, but with Tahiri trapped aboard, Jaina
goes after her, knowing that Caedus may come to retrieve her. Jaina and Mirta confront
Tahiri as Caedus tries to extract her, but the two Sith get away. After the battle, Shevu
speaks with Caedus, who nonchalantly admits to Mara’s murder. With that and other
evidence, Ben finally reveals everything to Luke and the others, who now believe that
Caedus killed his own aunt. Back on Mandalore, Jaina convinces two Mandalorians, Venku
and Gotab, whom she’d sensed the Force in earlier, to help heal Sintas. It turns out that
Venku is Venku Skirata (son of Jedi Etain Tur-Mukan and the Republic Commando Darman)
and Gotab is actually former Jedi Bardan Jusik, who served in the Clone Wars. They heal
Sintas as much as possible, and she reveals that Fett killed his superior officer on Concord
Dawn, which got him exiled, because the man had raped Sintas. As for Mirta, she and Ghes
Orade are married. Jaina also later trains with Venku and Gotab, who combine Jedi and
Mandalorian talents as she must. Finally, later, Ben Skywalker realizes that Mara’s spirit has
finally visited Luke. The stage is set for the last stage in the war against Caedus . . . *
*NOTE: We do not have an exact date for Revelation, but since we have been told that Invincible now ends in the
middle of 41 ABY instead of late 40 ABY as originally intended, it makes sense that Revelation would be here in
early 41 ABY instead of late 40 ABY, alongside Invincible.
Approximately two years before the Codex broadcasts Luke Skywalker’s name to the Sith
Tribe on Kesh, One Sith warrior Dician and her starship, the Poison Moon, follow the Sith
meditation sphere vessel known as “Ship” to the ancient Sith homeworld of Ziost. There,
Dician makes contact, attempting to convince Ship to join the One Sith in hiding on Korriban
to add to their knowledge. When Ship refuses to simply sit and wait for decades like the One
Sith will be doing, it leaves Dician behind, taking off into space to find another worthy group of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 843
Sith. It arrives at the planet Kesh, where the Lost Tribe of Sith has been developing their own
Sith society, based on the old Sith Empire, since the starship Omen crashed on the world
during the era of the Great Hyperspace War, over five millennia earlier. On the planet, young
Sith Tyro Vestara Khai (age 14) is ready to become an apprentice. The Ship contacts her,
essentially choosing her. Vestara is called before the Council of Lords, who choose her as
the new apprentice for Lady Rhea. She is taken from her father and trained as a Sith
apprentice, while Ship shares its knowledge with this Lost Tribe. During that sharing, the Lost
Tribe learns that the Sith Empire lost the Great Hyperspace War and are all but extinct. They
also learn that the Jedi Order is now again on the rise. Grand Lord Darish Vol, however,
simply states that this means that they will have to reconquer the galaxy for the Sith
themselves. They set about slowly fixing the Omen and using Ship to get back into space
after five millennia. They capture other ships and slowly build a new armada to go back out
into the galaxy . . . (To be continued below . . . )*
*NOTE: I have placed this event late in this section because Invincible actually ends only about halfway into the
year, and Outcast and Omen take places about halfway into the year two years from now. Given that all of the
past segments on Kesh in Omen take places “two standard years ago,” that would put the events around this
point, around the time of Invincible.
Around this time, Vestara Khai, early in her training as an apprentice, fights four rukaros on
Kesh, one of which leaves her with a scar at her mouth.
(conjecture based on Allies)
With the arrival of Ship, the Lost Tribe of the Sith on Kesh is learning more about the outside
galaxy. Ship selects High Lord Sarasu Taalon, Lord Ivaar Workan, Lady Olaris Rhea, Saber
Ruku Myal, and Apprentice Vestara Khai to travel into space aboard Ship to capture their first
vessel in a new Sith fleet. They take down a ship on its way to Eriadu, then land and wipe out
its crew, or so they believe. With the crew presumed all accounted for, Vestara, a mere
apprentice, is given the dull assignment of cataloguing the contents of the ship, while the
others take out the rest of the crew that they have trapped. As it turns out, a slave who had
not been on the ships manifest is discovered aboard the ship itself. Knowing that she would
reveal the Sith’s existence, Vestara must kill her. It is her first kill that isn’t a Sith
assassination but an innocent. At Ship’s urging, she gives the dead slave girl the name
“First,” as she will be just the first of many to die at Vestara’s hands.*
(First Blood)*
*NOTE: One could argue that this story should take place closer to the time of Omen, based on the fact that it
shows an event described during Chapter 23 of Omen that is listed as “present day,” but one should bear in mind
that even though that section is in the present, it is referring to events leading up to that point, after this point
when Ship arrives. It makes much more sense for it to take place here.
Around this time, the Lost Tribe of the Sith clears land near Tahv to become a large landing
(conjecture based on Ascension)
The Verpine of Nickel One invite the Mandalorians to establish a base there in order to
protect Nickel One from incursion.
(conjecture based on Invincible)
Three weeks after the Second Battle of Fondor, Boba Fett and the Mandalorians (including
Jaina Solo, who has been training with them for a little over a month now) work to protect the
Verpine factories on Nickel One from Imperial Remnant incursion (possibly under Alliance
orders). In doing so, they learn that the Imperials have been working on a nanokiller that can
target specific individuals or species. As the skirmish winds down, Fett informs Jaina that it is
time for her to go after her brother, Jacen Solo (Darth Caedus), as he has taught her all she
needs to know. On the Hapan world of Shedu Maad, the Jedi have set up a new base,
intending to replace the one on Endor, since their activities at Fondor have made them even
more of a target for Caedus. The leaders of the Jedi coalition meet, and Jaina argues that the
Jedi must kill Caedus and that she must be the one to do it. She convinces the assembled
Jedi (and Han Solo) that she is right, and Luke Skywalker admits that he is tainted by his
killing of Lumiya and has had visions of a galaxy in darkness under his control if he were the
one to kill Caedus, thereby falling to the Dark Side himself. Only Jaina, the “Sword of the
Jedi,” can do what is necessary. Luke will use his ability to influence Caedus own visions in
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 844
the Force to make Caedus believe that it is Luke coming after him, not Jaina, which gives her
a better chance of taking him down. Back at Nickel One, Caedus arrives, annoyed. The
Imperial Moffs took Nickel One without his permission, and he now sees that it was a tactical
mistake and major events toward the end of the war will likely take place there at Nickel One.
Later, on Coruscant, Leia Solo, Jaina, and Ben Skywalker go to let Ben meet with Lon Shevu
for more information on Caedus’ activities, but they are spotted, as expected. Ben is
captured, as Luke expected, as does Shevu. Jaina and Leia are forced to escape without
them. Ben has been captured by Tahiri, though, whom he senses isn’t entirely comfortable
with her own actions in service to Caedus’ even worse actions. While Ben and Shevu are in
custody, Luke uses information Ben received (that Caedus is at Nickel One) to plan an
assault. With the help of the Mandalorians, they strike at Caedus’ forces there, sending Jaina
in with a dropsuit so that she can hunt Caedus. While there, she hooks up with a group of
Mandalorians, including Mirta Gev, who are intending to kill the remaining moffs. As the
Mandalorians go after the moffs, Jaina sets up with a sniper rifle, intending to take out
Caedus as he enters and tries to protect the moffs. In the battle, Mirta is injured (hitting her
head and going unconscious, forcing Jaina to leave her behind to be captured), the other
Mandalorians are killed (including Caedus using a shatterpoint to destroy beskar armor), and
Jaina faces Caedus himself in combat. As they duel, Luke makes it appear that he is fighting
him, rather than Jaina, then projects images of Luke to distract Caedus. Amid the duel, Jaina
cuts off the Sith Lords arm, but Caedus escapes to fight another day, confused that Jaina
was there and still believing that it was Luke who actually nearly defeated him. On Coruscant,
Tahiri questions Ben and Shevu, but she accidentally kills Shevu in the process, which
shocks her. A bit later, Ben escapes, taking Shevu’s body with him to send to his wife for
proper burial. He hooks up with Taryn and Trista, two cousins of Tenel Ka, who are also
intelligence officers. They get Ben safely off of Coruscant, but when they are to meet with
Prince Isolder, Tenel Ka’s father, Isolder is captured by Caedus forces. Shortly after the
battle on Nickel One, Jaina discovers that there are blood spots that she cannot wash off.
This is a Blood Trail like that used by the Nightsisters. It allows the one whose blood was
spilled (Caedus’ in this case) to track his prey, which would allow Caedus to find the Jedi
base on Shedu Maad. Back on Coruscant, Mirta is actually still alive, but she is paralyzed
and questioned by Caedus, who could have her healed if he so desired. She reveals that it
was only Jaina with her team, not Luke, but Caedus does not believe her. Caedus now
believes that killing Luke is the key to winning the war. Soon, Ben and the cousins arrive on
Shedu Maad, as does Tenel Ka. They all realize that Caedus is going to come for them,
whether by torturing Isolder for information or following the Blood Trail, so they set a trap for
him. Using Jaina in a StealthX as a lure (along with Zekk as her wingman, who ends up lost
in the flurry of the battle, his fate unknown), they draw the Anakin Solo toward Shedu Maad,
where the Jedi attack. Tahiri, who is finally told that the past cannot be changed through Flow
Walking, is angry with Caedus for leading her on about the possibility of having Anakin Solo
back in her life, but she focuses the anger and follows his orders to go after the Jedi on the
ground. Caedus also learns, though, that the Imperials intend to modify their nanokiller with
Isolder’s genetic code so that it can get aboard the Dragon Queen and kill Tenel Ka and
many of those with her, which Caedus realizes also means that his daughter Allana would
die. As the battle rages, he gets Isolder out of his detainment cell, kills him (intending to
deprive the Imperials of his genetic code), and takes him to where biological materials are
incinerated, disposing of the body. It is too late, though. The Imperials have already gotten
what they needed and sent it to the Dragon Queen. Jaina, meanwhile, has gotten aboard the
ship and entered the prison area. She learns that Mirta is alive. She tells Mirta that she will
return for her, but Mirtas genetic code has been used to create a nanokiller now released on
Mandalore, which means that Boba will never be able to return to the world he officially rules.
Jaina makes it to the incinerator, where she confronts Caedus. In the furious duel that
follows, Jaina and her brother both take a beating, but Jaina finally gets the upper hand.
Using his last energy to send a warning through the Force to Tenel Ka and Allana that they
are in danger, Caedus is distracted enough that Jaina is able to finally deliver a killing blow.
Darth Caedus, Jacen Solo, is dead, leaving Jaina the only surviving Solo child. On the
ground, Ben confronts Tahiri, finally getting through to her. Rather than killing her or letting
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 845
her escape, she and Ben allow her to be taken back to the Jedi, her future uncertain. With
Caedus’ death, the war ends. The search for Zekk begins. What’s left of the Imperial
Remnant’s Moff Council joins the Galactic Alliance as it comes back together, but the Council
will be watched over by Jagged Fel, who seems the right man for the job (which just might
help set up the rule of Roan Fel decades later). The Fett family is again reunited. The
Alliance is reformed with a new Chief-of-State . . . Natasi Daala, who isnt exactly trusting of
the Jedi. As for Tenel Ka, she survives, but it appears that Allana did not . .. that is, until Jaina
is introduced to “Amelia,” a war orphan that Han and Leia have taken in. It would appear that
Allana, Jainas niece, will now be her adopted sister. Life, and the galaxy, will go on . . .*
NOTE: According to Sue Rostoni, Legacy of the Force ends about halfway into the year 41 ABY. (See the VIP
thread on the forums.) This is somewhat in conflict with earlier dates given for the earlier novels in
the series, but this appears to be how things will stand.
A weeks-long search for Zekk leads to no results. It is finally called off.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Allana is to be sent to Shedu Maad to a new Jedi Academy, but she is more of a free spirit,
and Tenel Ka believes she will be safer with Han and Leia Solo, so Allana remains with them
as their “adopted war orphan daughter Amelia” for the time being.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
General Eldo Davip finds his reputation tainted by having been loyal to Jacen Solo. As a
result, he arranges to have himself transferred to Borleias to get out of the line of fire for any
politically fallout from the recent civil war.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
In the wake of the Second Galactic Civil War, Marvid and Craitheus Qreph are finally
identified as the sole owners of Galactic Syndicated.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
Most Alliance military personnel who failed to denounce Jacen Solo at an early point in his
power grab are purged from the military through forced early retirements. Garik “Face” Loran
is one of these individuals to be “purged” into retirement, and his Wraith Squadron is
decommissioned. Belindi Kalenda is also caught up in the purges and replaced by Borath
Maddeus as the new head of Galactic Alliance Security (at the urging of Stavin Thaal). Stavin
Thaal becomes head of the Galactic Alliance Army and moves himself and his mistress,
Keura Fallatte, to Vandor-3.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Lieutenant Tirs Maladane is interviewed by TriNebulon News for a feature entitled Wookiee
World Horror Witness! (To be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
After Stavin Thaal becomes head of the Galactic Alliance Army, he sets up Chakham Army
Base on Kuratooine, conveniently near abandoned mines that he can use for his own secret
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
On Coruscant, Jedi Knight Jaden Korr awakens from a dream that is actually a Force vision.
He has seen a premonition that something terrible is happening in the Unknown Regions,
and he must go to the planet Fhost to find the path to this location in order to save the galaxy
from whatever threat exists in the Unknown Regions. Fighting his own doubts about his
actions as a Jedi (after having spaced captives on Centerpoint Station during the recent Civil
War), Jaden is hoping that this mission will provide answers he seeks to his inner turmoil. He
travels to Fhost without informing other Jedi of his mission. There, in the Black Hole bar at
Farpoint, he finds the crew of the Junker, a salvage ship. The pilot, Khedryn Faal, falls on the
bad side of local scum while gambling and must make a quick escape. Jaden is in the right
place at the right time to help him, Khedryn and his Force-sensitive Cerean navigator, Marr
Idi-Shael, take Jaden up on his offer to pay them to take him to the icy moon around a gas
giant that he saw in his vision. It turns out that the Junker team had just discovered that very
location as a possible salvage spot. They head there and arrive just as the ancient Sith
Empire starship Harbinger emerges from near-lightspeed, dragging a small escape pod with
it. Staying clear of the Sith vessel with its Dark Side emanations (thanks to its Lignan crystal
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 846
cargo), they approach the pod, only to have the pod’s passenger attempt to burn his way into
the ship. Jaden meets the intruder with his lightsaber in hand, only to discover that the new
arrival is Relin Druur, a Jedi from the time of the Great Hyperspace War between the Old
Republic and the Sith Empire. The Harbinger is commanded by Relins former Padawan,
Saes Rrogon, who is now a Sith Lord. Relin had sabotaged the ships hyperdrive over five
millennia ago just before the Battle of Kirrek in order to keep its cargo of Lignan crystals from
reaching Naga Sadows forces in time to use its Dark Side enhancing powers to defeat the
Old Republics fleet. The ship had crashed into its sister ship, the Omen (which then crashed
on Kesh, giving birth to the Lost Tribe of the Sith), and attempted to go into hyperspace.
Instead, it reached very near to lightspeed, which meant that it traveled only a short time from
the perspective of Saes, Relin, and the others carried with the Harbinger. However, over five
thousand years passed for everyone else in the galaxy. This, however, has brought the threat
of the ancient Sith and the Lignan both into the galaxy of Jaden’s time. To make matters
worse, the One Sith, founded by Darth Krayt, continues to view things behind the scenes.
With Krayt currently in stasis, (the first) Darth Wyyrlok sends the Anzati assassin Kell Douro
to discover the mysterious power in the Unknown Regions, based on shared visions, and Kell
senses that Jaden will be the answer to his own understanding of his personal future. The
Harbinger attacks the Junker, but they are able to get clear of the attacking Sith Blade
starfighters. Our four heroes (though Relins obsession with taking out Saes is making him
more Dark Side than light, it seems) split up. While Marr helps Relin get aboard the Harbinger
to finish destroying it and confront Saes, Khedryn and Jaden head for the icy moon, where
they discover an Imperial cloning facility that dates back to the era of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Tracked by Kell, they delve deeper into the base. In the facility, they split up, so that Jaden
can go deeper into the darkness (both metaphysical and physical) of the base. Jaden
discovers a project to create clones of Jedi (such as Kam Solusar), combined with Sith DNA
(literally creating a kind of Jedi and Sith hybrid like what Haazen had attempted to do in the
era of the Jedi Covenant), which are essentially insane. Jaden loses one of his lightsabers
(and a few fingers) in a confrontation with one of the clones, known as “Alpha,” before killing
the clone and escaping, only to be accosted by Kell. Luckily, Khedryn arrives and kills Kell,
who had also accosted him. They escape the facility, but other insane clones manage to steal
Kell’s ship, the Predator, and escape the moon. They will likely return one day. Meanwhile,
aboard the Harbinger, Relin and Marr take on Sith forces, and Marr is gravely wounded. Marr
is able to launch to safety as Relin confronts Saes, intending this to be a suicide mission.
Relin battles Saes, only to be nearly defeated. He uses his own dark emotions to connect
with the Lignan, though, and not only gains the strength to kill Saes but also to overload with
Dark Side energies and destroy the Harbinger and the rest of the Lignan, ending the ancient
Sith threat to the present. They have come away scarred, and the threat of the clones
remains, but the threat from the distant past is gone.
Jaden Korr, Marr Idi-Shael, and Khedryn Farr are aboard the Junker, as the apparently mad
Jedi clones from the frozen moon escape in a stolen ship, the Predator. Unbeknownst to
them, the remnants of the Lignan crystals from the Harbinger have affected the Force so
much that, as the Predator passes through it, an illness within all of the clones except for their
leader (a clone of Jaden named Soldier) is accelerated. The group (the “Community”), led by
Soldier and including their spiritual leader, Seer (a clone of Lumiya), need to find Mother, a
strange influence that has been reaching out to them that all but Soldier believe in fervently.
Soldier, however, knows that they need medical supplies before that in order to stop the
illness from spreading further and killing them. As for our trio of heroes, Jaden contacts Luke
Skywalker and updates him on the situation, also gaining permission to take Marr as his
apprentice. He begins training Marr a bit in Force use and lightsaber combat aboard the
Junker, using his spare lightsaber. Unbeknownst to them, a transmitter from the eye of the
now-dead One Sith agent Kell Douro has shown Jaden and the cloning facility to Darth
Wyyrlok. Wyyrlok intends to see Jaden fall to the Dark Side, and his Force lightning during
the battle with Alpha (the clone Jaden killed) seems to suggest that he is nearing that point,
but it is too soon. He sends a pair of unique Umbarans as agents of the One Sith to track the
situation. They are Nyss Nenn and his sister, Syll, both of whom have the ability to essentially
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 847
cut off the Force around them, much like ysalamiri. They take with them a so-called
“Iteration,” a clone of Jaden, who is meant to infiltrate the Jedi Order by taking Jaden’s place
someday. They also carry a Rakatan mindspear, a device that can essentially transfer
someone’s memories from one body to another, allowing the Sith to essentially turn the
Jaden clone into Jaden (minus underlying Sith programming). The Junker traces the Predator
to Fhost, where the clones attack a medical facility to steal a medical shuttle. The clones that
have survived thus far (Soldier, Seer, a nine-year old named Grace, and two more adults,
Hunter and Runner) are able to get away in the ship, but the ship carries more than just them.
Khedryn is stuck aboard and becomes a prisoner, while trying to sabotage the ship to keep it
from being taken. Nyss has also gotten aboard, while his sister remains in their ship.
Fortunately, the ship also has a tracking device aboard, courtesy of Jaden as they were
escaping. During a brief stop in space mid-route, Nyss emerges and takes out Runner and
Hunter, incapacitates Soldier, and secures Khedryn to use as leverage against Jaden (which
is only slightly better than the Community had planned to jettison him). Grace frees
Khedryn out of what might be childish trust, and he frees Soldier as an ally, even as Nyss
tries to blackmail the newly-arrived Jaden in the Junker to trade himself for Khedryn. Soldier
takes on Nyss again, while Khedryn gets into an escape pod, while Jaden is on his way in an
EVA suit. Not allowed to kill Jaden or Soldier on orders from Wyyrlok (due to Jaden being
Jaden and, well, Soldier being Jaden, sort of), Nyss flees, but Jaden manages to attack the
Umbaran ship, leading to Syll’s death and a vow by Nyss that he will kill them all (well, except
the ones he is required to capture). The medical ship resumes its course toward where Seer
senses Mother calling out to them, and the Junker (now with Jaden, Marr, and Khedryn back
aboard, along with R6, Jaden’s astromech, picked up from Fhost) gives chase. They all reach
a strange Rakatan space station that seems to have been grown, rather than built, in a
system flooded with radiation. Soldier, Seer, and Grace travel down to find Mother, followed
by lightsaber-wielding Jaden and Marr, with Khedryn waiting on Junker. Unfortunately,
Mother is not what she claimed to be. Instead, she is a malevolent entity that had been
imprisoned by the Rakatans millennia ago. Now, she takes control of Seer’s body and grows
in power, connecting with the living space station, and intends to get free in the galaxy.
Meanwhile, Nyss confronts Jaden, and the confrontation ends with Nyss dead at Jadens
hands, but Jaden is gravely injured and likely will not survive. Marr uses the mindspear that
Nyss had carried to transfer Jaden’s mind into the Iteration that had fought alongside Nyss.
The result is Jaden reawakened in this new body, but Marr hides this truth from Jaden by
hiding the original body (and even taking off the fingers from the clone bodys hand that the
real Jaden had lost on the frozen moon to Alpha). Soldier and Grace run into them, and the
four of them flee from the incoming Mother, even as Khedryn sabotages the medical shuttle.
Khedryn joins them, but they will not all flee together. Soldier and Grace must get whatever
medicine they can for Grace from the ship before it is destroyed. Jaden, Khedryn, and Marr
escape aboard the Junker, and the space station explodes and tumbles to the planet, thanks
to the shuttles destruction. (Soldier and Grace, meanwhile, have gotten the meds they need
and have escaped aboard Nyss’ ship.) The threat of Mother is gone, and the “mad clones”
have been dealt with, other than Soldier and Grace, who are heading for the Unknown
Regions to begin a new life, if they can. As for Jaden, he begins to suspect something is
wrong when he notices scars missing from his body where they should have been. As for the
One Sith and their plans, whatever they might be, for Jaden and the clones of Jaden,
questions remain . . .
General Merratt Jaxton becomes Chief of Starfighter Command for the Galactic Alliance amid
the power vacuum left in the wake of the Second Galactic Civil War.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Legacy of the Force [continued] (novel series: Aaron Allston & Karen Traviss & Troy
Revelation (novel: Karen Traviss)
Chapters 1 20
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 848
Fate of the Jedi [continued] (novel series: Aaron Allston & Christie Golden & Troy
Omen (novel: Christie Golden
Chapter 5
Chapter 10
Chapter 16
Chapter 23 [flashback]
First Blood (SWI125/DRS12 short story: Christie Golden)
First Blood (SWI125/DRS12 short story: Christie Golden)
Legacy of the Force [continued] (novel series: Aaron Allston & Karen Traviss & Troy
Invincible [continued] (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 20
Blood Oath [canceled] (novel: Elaine Cunningham)*
Blood Oath [canceled] (novel: Elaine Cunningham) *
*NOTE: This novel was canceled due to issues beyond Elaine Cunningham’s control. Elements of its Zekk
storyline were reworked into the plotline of the Fate of the Jedi novel series.
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The New Galactic Civil War
The Burning of Kashyyyk
Crosscurrent [continued] (novel series: Paul S. Kemp)
Crosscurrent [continued] (novel: Paul S. Kemp)
Chapter 1 [continued]
The Present
Chapter 2 [continued]
The Present
Chapter 3 [continued]
The Present
Chapter 4 [continued]
The Present
Chapter 5 [continued]
The Present
Chapter 6 [continued]
The Present
Chapter 7 [continued]
The Present
Chapter 8 [continued]
The Present
Chapters 9 15
Riptide (novel: Paul S. Kemp)
Chapters 2 12
Chapter 1
Chapter 13
42 ABY
Approximately six months after Zekk goes missing, he shows up in good health after a secret
mission with Taryn Zel. It is suggested that he was on a secret mission for Tenel Ka.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Approximately one and a half years before Natua Wan and Jysella Horn “go insane, Wynn
Dorvan becomes the personal assistant to Chief of State Natasi Daala.
(conjecture based on Omen)
Lando Calrissian, Tendra Risant Calrissian, and Lando “Chance” Calrissian, Jr. have a brief
get-together on Coruscant with Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and Allana. This is the last time
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 849
they will see each other until a year later, during the hunt for the Millennium Falcons previous
owners, and they will not talk about Jacen Solo, nor their near deaths at his hands when the
Anakin Solo fired on the Falcon.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
The Colicoids, formerly of Colla IV, reform Colla-Arphocc Automata under a new fair-trade
agreement, claiming to have paperwork that proves that the ban on their company that was
put in place by Palpatine expires this year. They file a lawsuit, trying to get back into
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
Approximately one year before Luke Skywalker is formally charged with dereliction of duty,
the Galactic Alliance, under Chief of State Natasi Daala, begins building a case against him.
(conjecture based on Outcast)
Approximately halfway through this year (one year after becoming Lady Rhea’s apprentice),
Vestara Khai was, presumably, allowed to have contact with her family again
(conjecture based on Omen)
Approximately halfway through this year, Desha Lor becomes an intern in the private sector.
A year from now, she will become the personal aide to Wynn Dorvan.
(conjecture based on Omen)
Approximately a year before Luke Skywalker and Ben Skywalker discover Jedi Qwallo Mode
at Sinkhole Station in the Maw, Qwallo goes missing during a mission in the Tapani Sector.
(conjecture based on Abyss)
Cadrin Awel, having been dumped by General Stavin Thaal three years earlier, marries a
fellow wartime survivor from the Yuuzhan Vong War. She continues to run Cadrin’s
Sanctuary on Vandor-3.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Ledina Chott begins her singing career.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Sometime in this era, Ackmena, former night bartender at Chalmun’s Cantina on Tatooine,
who had left Tatooine to pursue a successful singing career, returns to Tatooine and begins
tending bar at her old place of business once again. It is while here that she becomes a
contact for the anti-slavery group known as Freedom Flight.
(conjecture based on Allies)
Chief of State Natasi Daala speaks on Gilad Pellaeon’s military career during the dedication
of Pellaeon Gardens on Bastion on what would have been Pellaeon’s 93
birthday. (To be
continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The New Galactic Civil War [continued]
War Portrait: Gilad Pellaeon
43 ABY
Lando Calrissian and Tendra Risant Calrissian go to Taris to negotiate for the purchase of
YVH droids to Taris because a well-armed criminal element has moved into the system. The
deal is sanctioned by Chief of State Natasi Daala. While there, Jedi Knight Seff Hellin
approaches Lando about creating Mandalorian Hunter Droids.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
Cix Trouvee passes away.
(conjecture based on Millennium Falcon)
Around this time, Jedi Knight Sothais Saar begins compiling a comprehensive report on the
issue of slavery in the galaxy, both within and outside of Galactic Alliance territory. Since, in
the last several years, the Jedi have been somewhat redefined as serving the Old Republic
and all of the successor states since then, it is suggested that the Jedi are unlikely to do
anything about the slavery issue outside of Alliance borders. The report is entitled An Inquiry
on Surviving Slavery Practices in the Aftermath of the Second Galactic Civil War, and it
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 850
should be available in a cross-indexed version in about three weeks. (That updated version
will not arrive on time due to Sothais Saar falling to Abeloth’s “crazy Jedi” malady.)
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Around this time, reports start to surface that Black Sun is emerging in the galaxy again.
However, some graffiti suggests that this may not be the traditional Black Sun, but instead a
cult built around venerating the late Prince Xizor. Jedi Knight Jaden Korr investigates this
possible threat.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Aboard the Millennium Falcon, Allana (“Amelia”) discovers a hidden transponder aboard the s
ship that has been there since the end of the Clone Wars. Having never seen it before, Han
Solo, Leia Organa, Allana, and C-3PO set out on an adventure to discover information about
the vessel’s past. They start with Lando Calrissian, who points them to Cix Trouvee, who had
lost it to Lando. Cix has passed away, but his family points them to Vistal Purn, formerly of
Molpol’s Flying Circus, from which Cix had acquired the ship. They follow a lead from Purn to
Dax Doogun, former operator of the aforementioned circus, who purchased it from Dr. Parlay
Thorp. Thorp had been given the ship by a former member of the early groups that merged
into the Rebel Alliance, known as Quip Fargil. They head for the planet Vaced to meet Fargil,
but their journey has not been without incident. While on Taris, a group of terrorists attempted
to kidnap Allana to force Han and Leia to convince Lando to sell them YVH droids. Allana
was saved by (rogue) Jedi Knight Seff Hellin, who used Force powers that Luke Skywalker
believed only Jacen Solo had learned. This only serves to make matters more difficult for
Luke, as Chief of State Natasi Daala is distrustful of the Jedi and has taken to hiring
Mandalorians. Seff has been declared a rogue Jedi and has Mandalorians on his tail, and it
would seem that Seff believes the Mandalorians are possibly around to hunt Jedi again
someday soon, as he had previously asked Lando about creating Mandalorian Hunter Droids,
much like his Yuuzhan Vong hunters, the YVH series. As the Solos undertake their quest, a
previous pilot of the Millennium Falcon (when known as the Stellar Envoy), Tobb Jadak
awakens at the Aurora Medical Facility on Obroa-Skai. He has been kept alive and nearly the
same age as when he was injured and went into a coma after the Envoy crashed into the
Jendirian Valley III over Nar Shaddaa immediately after the Battle of Coruscant at the end of
the Clone Wars. He had spent twenty-two years in a coma on Nar Shaddaa, then spent
another forty at Aurora, after Lextra Oxic learned that he was still alive at a facility on Nar
Shaddaa. Oxic paid to have Jadak preserved and healed (minus having to have prosthetic
legs) for decades so that he could be awakened to hunt down the supposed “treasure” of the
Republic Group. (Just before the crash, Jadak had been told to take the ship, as a sort of
key, to an Antarian Ranger on Toprawa, so that the treasure could one day “restore Republic
honor to the galaxy,” but he never made it that far.) Oxic is a collector of Republic era items,
so-called “Republicana, and has been seeking the treasure for years. Upon awakening to
treatment under Dr. Lial Sompa (who also works for Oxic) and meeting with Core Health and
Life Insurance representative (and Oxic right-hand woman) Koi Quire, Jadak leaves the
facility and goes to Nar Shaddaa, intending to seek out the ship, if it even still exists. On Nar
Shaddaa, he is accosted by Oxic’s goons (who have sort of disobeyed their orders) and takes
on a new partner, Flitcher Poste, a streetwise younger man that saves Jadak from the goons.
Seeking the treasure, they seek out Bammy Decree, who tells them a bit about turning the
Stellar Envoy into the Second Chance for Rej Taunt. They then go to see Rej Taunt at the
prison on Carcel, who gives them more information, but only after they help him get revenge
against the Colicoids by kidnapping the star witness in a case on Holess that would have
possibly let the Colicoids back into the arms sale business. (Unbeknownst to Jadak, Oxic has
an interest in the case and he takes a financial hit when the case is ruined.) Taunt points
them to Zenn Bien, a former ship thief that had helped to steal the Second Chance from
Nilash III’s Imperial impound for the early Rebellion. While Bien believes that the ship, briefly
called the Gone to Pieces, which was renamed the Millennium Falcon by fellow Rebel Quip
Fargil, was destroyed at Bilbringi nine years before the Battle of Yavin, she points them to
Quip Fargil on Vaced for more answers. Our two answer-seeking groups are about to
converge on Vaced, but so are Oxic, Quire, and Oxics goons, as Parlay Thorp, one of the
owners visited by the Soos, works for Aurora Medical on Obroa-Skai, which caused Sompa
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 851
and Oxic to put two and two together to realize that the Millennium Falcon is the former
Stellar Envoy. On Vaced, Jadak learns of Quip Fargils exploits on the ship, then he
impersonates Quip in a meeting with the Solos, while Poste is sent to steal the Falcon.
However, while Poste is intending to do so (using a locally-rented slicer droid), Oxic’s goons
try to steal it as well. They do so, keeping the droid aboard by accident, but leaving Poste
behind. The ship returns, via a safety measure, right back to the surface, where Oxic arrives
to wrangle on behalf of his “clients.” The Solos offer to take Jadak and Poste to their next
stop, still not knowing their true intentions or identities, but C-3PO reveals the truth. Jadak
tells them the entire story and activates the transponder Allana found by following the clue
phrase given to him by the Republic Group. Together, the Solos, Jadak, and Poste (now
revealed as their true identities) let the ship take them to its prearranged destination, the
planet Tandun III. They are followed by Oxic, via a transmitter on the slicer droid. They
deactivate it, but the droid itself is one big transmitter as well, so they are still followed.
Arriving at Tuerto, they find the planet Vongformed and about to break apart. They locate a
landing pad that uses the ship itself as a key by scanning its dimensions. After jettisoning the
only parts that were not in alignment with the ship’s original YT-1300f design (thanks to its
hybridization with a YT-1300p after Jadaks crash), they are able to enter an underground
facility. (In a rough landing pad crisis, Allana even uses the Force to help save herself from a
fall.) With Oxic and his group, which has just arrived, with them as well, they discover the
Republic Groups “treasure.” It is the Insignia of Unity from the Senate Rotunda in the
Republic days, believed to have been replaced by a counterfeit so that this real seal could
one day help rally people to the cause of democracy once again. However, they discover that
his Insignia is also a counterfeit! While educational, this entire treasure hunt has been for
nothing! Rej offers Jadak and Poste a job, and they take it. The Solos narrowly escape the
self-destructing planet in the Falcon and reach the safety of space. All is not well, though.
Chief of State Daala is planning to file charges against Luke for dereliction of duty. Seeking
answers to this new development and a chance to help Luke, the Falcon jumps to
hyperspace to help save the day again . . .
(Millennium Falcon)*
*NOTE: According to Sue Rostoni, Millennium Falcon’s “present” section takes place at 43.44 ABY, but she noted
that she was unsure if the “.44” stands for tenths of a year. I have confirmed with Leland Chee that Holocron
Continuity Database dates that are given as decimals do in fact stand for tenths of a year. That puts the novel 43
years and 5.28 months after ANH, or in 78:8, using a 12-month calendar, which is the current standard.
The mysterious Aing-Tii prophet dies, after having prophesied many events that came true.
His only unfulfilled prophecy is that Those Who Dwell Beyond the Veil will return in this
lifetime. This belief begins to split Aing-Tii society amongst those who do and do not believe
their future is predestined.
(conjecture based on Omen)
Around this time (a few months before Vestara Khai arrives on Dathomir), Olianne Sihn’s
daughter, Sesara Sihn, dies from fever.
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Shortly after the hunt for the Republic Group’s so-called “treasure and the revelation that
Chief of State Natasi Daala is planning to file charges against Jedi Grand Master Luke
Skywalker, dignitaries begin arriving at Coruscant for the Unification Summit that will
hopefully bring the Galactic Alliance, former Corellian Confederation, and Imperial Remnant
(technically still legally called the Galactic Empire) together into one cohesive galactic
government. (Some factions, though, such as the Hapans, have been purposely left out of
the first summit.) Among those who arrive is Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel, who is now
firmly in a secret relationship with Jedi Knight Jaina Solo. Before the summit can begin,
trouble is already brewing. Jedi Knight Valin Horn, son of Corran and Mirax Horn, attacks his
mother and father, rampaging through their neighborhood, believing that his family and others
have been replaced by impostors. This delusion seems to feed into the same form of
paranoia exhibited by rogue Jedi Knight Seff Hellin on Taris when Han, Leia, and Amelia
(Allana) Solo encountered him. Valin is subdued and taken to the Jedi Temple for
observation under Jedi Healer Cilghal. While leaving the opening of the summit, Luke, Jaina,
Leia, and others are surrounded by Galactic Alliance Security agents and several bounty
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 852
hunters (Zilaash Kuh, Dhidal Nyz, Kaddit), led by Captain Savar. Luke is being arrested on
charges of dereliction of duty. This stems not only from Luke leading the Jedi in leaving the
Alliance to fight Jacen Solo (Darth Caedus) during the recent Second Galactic Civil War but
also in not discovering Jacen’s descent into the Dark Side earlier, thereby preventing his
crimes. Luke intends to fight the charges alongside his lawyer, former Rogue Squadron pilot
Nawara Ven. While Luke is out on his own recognizance, awaiting further proceedings, Valin
escapes from the Jedi Temple, forcing the Jedi to hunt him down to recapture him, even as
bounty hunters do the same. They agree to share custody of Valin, but things are only getting
worse. The potential fate of Valin and others now rests on Luke’s shoulders. In order to
protect the remainder of the Jedi Order, Luke agrees to a new deal with Daala. He will accept
exile from Coruscant and from Jedi facilities for ten years, but he may return if and when he
determines the cause of Jacen’s fall. He cannot be an advisor to the Jedi, who will now be led
by Kenth Hamner, but they can advise him along the way. Soon, Luke and his son Ben leave
Coruscant aboard the late Mara Jade Skywalkers Jade Shadow on a mission to retrace
Jacen Solo’s steps during his years-long search for unusual Force traditions. They are seeing
when he finally broke and began falling to the Dark Side. Their first stop will be the planet
Dorin, home to the Baran Do Sages, where Old Republic Jedi Plo Koon’s records indicate
one could learn to hide one’s brain activity in the same way that Valin has demonstrated
while in custody and how Jacen once did as well . . . (To be continued below . . . )
*NOTE: According to Sue Rostoni, Outcast takes place at 43.5 ABY, which, in Holocron Continuity Database
terms, means 43 years and 6 months (on a 12-month calendar) after ANH. That would put this story in 78:9.
Ben Skywalker sends a message to Jaina Solo from the Landing Zone at Gattegga, halfway
to Dorin. In it, he ponders (and whines about) the meaning of “home.” He then sends her a
second message upon arrival at Dorin, apologizing for being such a whiner. (To be continued
below . . . )
(Outcast Postcards)
Luke and Ben Skywalker find themselves at the Baran Do Sages’ own training center, where
they meet Tila Mong, the current master, who offers to train Luke in the hassat-durr and
ayna-seff techniques that Jacen learned from a previous master (said to be dead), Koro Ziil.
They also meet Charsae Saal, who is to “die very soon. They realize at Charsae’s ceremony
that it is all fake. When they follow leads from the ceremony, they discover that the Baran Do
Sages, led by Koro Ziil (alive as the “Hidden One”), have a secret group that hides in a series
of underground caverns. Their goal is to remain alive if another purge strikes that destroys
the Baran Do Sages as happened decades earlier. They sense an impending darkness,
which could lead to another Jedi Purge. When Luke and Ben join them in their seclusion to
learn about Jacen from Koro Ziil, they are not allowed to leave and are to be considered
“dead” like the others. Instead, Luke and Ben convince the others down there that this is not
the right way to maintain their order, as they are growing stagnant. They also point out how
Koro’s dominion is built upon lies about how much contact they can have with the surface
and other considerations. In the end, Luke defeats Koro Ziil, and the entire hidden sage
group emerges again to teach others, while Luke and Ben are allowed to leave with what
they have learned from Koro about how Jacen seemed upon arriving and learning their
techniques. Meanwhile, Han, Leia, Allana, R2-D2, and C-3PO have heeded a distress call
from Lando and Tendra Calrissian on Kessel, who are experiencing groundquakes that are
threatening to destroy the entire planet and thus Lando’s mining operation. Underground,
Han and Leia discover ancient computers, possibly designed by the Celestials that also
created Centerpoint Station. They realize that the computers have been awakened and are
about to destroy the planet on purpose via groundquakes. With the help of Wedge Antilles
and others, they destroy various Celestial machinery within the planet at different times,
saving the planet from destruction. There are still unanswered questions, though, as Allana
has sensed some kind of dark presence reaching out to her from Kessel’s moon . . .Back on
Coruscant, Valin is taken into government custody, and the Jedi have been forced to accept
individual overseers to keep tabs on them. (Leia escaped this by leaving with Han before they
were assigned these overseers.) Jaina’s overseer is Dab Hantaq, whom she knew years
earlier as Tarc, the boy that was nearly a twin to the dead Anakin Solo. This disturbs her,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 853
while also bothering Tahiri Velia, who is not a Jedi or Sith anymore. Tahiri refuses an
observer due to her independent status, eventually leading to a court ruling the observers
themselves illegal. While the observers are still with them, though, the Jedi must sneak
around to avoid their observers in order to keep Seff Hellin from breaking into a government
facility and rescuing his fellow delusional Jedi, Valin Horn. They stop the escape attempt and
even capture Seff himself in the process, allowing Cilghal to study Seff. They hope that what
they learn about Seff can be combined with what they know about Valin, thereby giving Luke
a sense of where he and Ben must next travel in retracing Jacen’s steps across the galaxy.
*NOTE: According to Sue Rostoni, Outcast takes place at 43.5 ABY, which, in Holocron Continuity Database
terms, means 43 years and 6 months (on a 12-month calendar) after ANH. That would put this story in 78:9.
Ben Skywalker sends a message to Jaina Solo, letting her know that they have gotten out of
a jam on Dorin and are continuing on their journey.
(Outcast Postcards)
Only a matter of days after the capture of Seff Hellin and Luke and Ben Skywalkers
experiences on Dorin, the search for Jacen Solos lost years and a cure for afflicted Jedi
Knights continues. At the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Jysella Horn, younger sister of afflicted
Jedi Valin Horn, succumbs to the same condition, believing herself to be surrounded by
impostors. She attempts to flee the temple, leading to a public spectacle outside the Temple
as the is pursued by Jedi and finally brought down by Galactic Alliance forces, who then send
her off to be placed in carbonite in their custody like her brother. To make matters worse, it
appears that she, like Valin and Seff, has shown an ability that Jacen Solo used but few
others have ever mastered. In the case, that ability is flow-walking, a form time manipulation
that allowed her to see the immediate future and save herself from capture for a while. (This
is the same technique that allowed Jacen Solo to flow-walk backward in time with Tahiri
Veila, corrupting her with memories of Anakin Solo.) Jedi Master Cilghal contacts Luke about
this, and the Jade Shadow sets course for the Kathol Rift in search of the Aing-Tii who would
have taught Jacen about flow-walking. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Chief of State Natasi Daala
is making her own power plays in relation to the Jedi, forcing acting Jedi Grand Master Kenth
Hamner to wait to meet with her. Things get worse, though, when the secret capture of Seff
by Jaina Solo, Tekli, and others is brought to light by a nosy reporter Javis Tyrr, who has
been attempting to make his career off of the Jedi (and was the reporter on the scene for
Jysella’s rampage). Even worse, another Jedi, Natua Wan, has also “gone insane” while
accompanying Han Solo, Leia Solo, and Allana (AKA Amelia Solo) to the Coruscant
Livestock Exchange and Exhibition, resulting in total chaos and many being attacked by
previously-caged beasts. This was also caught on video by Javis. All of these public
revelations about the danger presented by afflicted Jedi continue to turn public opinion
against the Jedi Order. Due to their actions in keeping Seff hidden, Jaina and Tekli are
essentially put under house arrest at the Jedi Temple. That does not, however, keep Jaina’s
quasi-secret lover, Imperial Head of State Jagged “Jag” Fel from finally proposing marriage to
her, which she accepts. For the most part, though, things on Coruscant seem to be playing
into the heavy-handed “law and order” agenda of Daala, her assistant Wynn Dorvan, and his
assistant (an innocent that will soon have her eyes opened to political realities), Desha Lor.
Meanwhile, Luke and Ben arrive in the Kathol Rift and, after a brief test, are brought to the
homeworld of the Aing-Tii, where Jorj Cardas was once given refuge, where they meet with
representative TadarRo, who offers to give them information about Jacen’s time with them
and to teach Ben how to flow-walk (at his request and much to Luke’ worry) in return for the
two Jedi helping to examine “holy” artifacts from “Those Who Dwell Beyond the Veil,” which
they believe might help them settle a split in their society. A prophet recently caused some
confusion by creating a division in those who believed that their future and destinies were set
through the Force (which they view as a rainbow, rather than light and dark) or those who
believed that their fates were not predestined. Given that their philosophy calls for the return
of Those Who Dwell Beyond the Veil soon, and the prophet had said they would return within
this lifetime, there is serious concern in their society. Unfortunately, Luke and Ben are only
able to determine that the artifacts have no messages or Force impressions to give them
answers. They must determine their own futures for themselves. Ben, for his part, has
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 854
learned to flow-walk, and he flow-walks back to observe Jacen training with Tadar’Ro, but he
understands that there was already a dark purpose in Jacen’s actions, even when he truly did
not intend anything evil from his wishes to protect the galaxy. Changing history would not
change Jacen’s destiny. They prepare to leave the Kathol Rift. Unfortunately, one of the
artifacts Luke touched in their study was the mysterious Codex (one of the artifacts pursued
during the so-called DarkStryder Campaign decades earlier). The contact enhances his
power in the Force momentarily, enough to alert the long-lost Sith Tribe on the planet Kesh to
the danger presented by this mysterious Jedi Master, whom Ship identifies to them by name.
The Sith Tribe, only now branching back out into the galaxy in hopes of future conquest, now
has its first major target: Luke Skywalker must die. They will not have Ship at their side,
however, as it is called away by a mysterious beacon of Dark Side presence through the
Force. Luke senses the same and recognizes that it is coming from the Maw near Kessel. He
and Ben set course for the Maw. Finally, back on Coruscant, Galactic Alliance security forces
come to arrest former Jedi (and former Sith Apprentice to Jacen Solo) Tahiri Veila on charges
of obstruction of justice (likely in Seff Hellin’s case), treason (in various forms), and the
murder of Imperial Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon during the recent war.
Around this time, Freedom Flight’s contact on Tatooine, a Ryn named Tohrm, is killed.
(conjecture based on Allies)
Around this time, Thei marries a Newcomer speeder mechanic on Nam Chorios, but the
smell of topato soup begins causing her to have emotional breaks, based on her mother’s
death when she was five.*
(conjecture based on Conviction)*
*NOTE: This is six months before Conviction.
On Coruscant, Valin Horn, Jysella Horn, Seff Hellin, and Natua Wan remain affected by
whatever is driving young Jedi “mad.” Han and Leia Solo wonder, as does Cilghal, if there is
any connection between Seff or Natua and the so-called “Unit, the quartet of young Jedi
friends that included both Horn children and two currently unaffected Jedi, Bazel Warv and
Yaqeel Saav’etu. Things are getting bad enough that Raynar Thul, recovered to a large
degree (but not entirely) from the Swarm War, is moving out of his secure quarters in the
Temple to other accommodations to make room for more possible Jedi who might go mad.
Unfortunately, Yaqeel soon gives in to the madness herself, as goes Bazel shortly thereafter.
The Jedi take them into custody before Chief of State Natasi Daala’s forces can capture
them. A short time later, Imperial Chief of State Jagged Fel tells Jaina Solo, his fiancée, that
the Mandalorians have been hired by Daala as a force to potentially use against the Jedi.
This is recorded by a small device planted by journalist Javis Tyrr. Jag forces her to promise
to keep it from the Jedi, as their secret, but Tyrr turns the information over to Moff Drikl
Lecersen, who is politically gunning for Jag. Fortunately for the Jedi, despite Jaina keeping
the secret, Wynn Dorvan contacts Leia and Han to be sure they know about it, as he had
arranged for Jag to overhear the information in the first place. They are none too happy that
Jaina kept it secret, though. Shortly thereafter, Tahiri Veila is to be tried for her crimes during
the recent Civil War. When Daala arranges for the judge, Arabelle Lorteli to dismiss Nawara
Ven as Tahiris attorney, doing her best to undermine any sense of justice in the proceeding,
Jag intervenes, arguing that charges should be dismissed and tried in a regular court. He
also argues that the Jedi courts should be disbanded in the interest of actually pursuing
justice, and he points out that Cha Niathal has escaped charges, and Javis Tyrr, with
Lecersen has been playing the Jedi and Daala against each other. She does not intend to
take his advice, though, as she still firmly believes that the best way to stop the Sith (whom
she describes as a Jedi that has gone off his meds) is to keep an eye on the Jedi Order. In
order to undermine Daala’s stance on the issue, Jaina and a group of Jedi take Corran and
Mirax Horn to view their carbonite-frozen children, who have been basically put on display.
This is all captured (including an appearance by Daala) by Javis Tyrr, who makes it public. A
short time later, Leia, Han, and several “Darkmeld operation Jedi help smuggle the deranged
Jedi off of Coruscant and to Shedu Maad, where they will be under the protection of Tenel
Ka’s Hapan forces, not the Galactic Alliance auspices of Daala. Meanwhile, the Sith
meditation sphere, “Ship,” has been called into the Maw by a Dark Side being known as
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 855
Abeloth. When the Lost Tribe of the Sith gives chase, led by Lady Olaris Rhea (with her Sith
Apprentice, Vestara Khai), they meet Abeloth and are slowly wiped out by her control of her
planet within the Maw. Rhea, Vestara, and a few others survive, though, and are sent on a
mission to take out Luke Skywalker, their greatest threat, who has entered the Maw . . .
Meanwhile, Luke and Ben Skywalker have traveled into the Maw, using the Force to navigate
into its center, where they discover a smaller version of Centerpoint Station, created by the
Celestials, known as “Sinkhole Station.” Once there, they meet the “Mind Drinkers” (also
called “Mind Walkers) that they sought. These Force-sensitive beings come from numerous
cultures and includes several former Jedi, including their apparent spokesperson, Seek
Ryontarr, and one of Luke’s Jedi Order that was deemed missing in the Tapani Sector a year
earlier, Qwallo Mode. The Mind Walkers have come to blend their Force traditions into one
that focuses on a form of quasi-death that separates the mind from the body to go “beyond
shadows.” This allows a Jedi to seek knowledge, and Jacen “Darth Caedus” Solo apparently
did so during his quest for Force knowledge. While Ben remains mostly with the Jade
Shadow, Luke goes “beyond shadows” to see what Jacen had seen. He is taken to the Font
of Power, which offers great power but is tainted by the Dark Side being Abeloth, whose
presence in the Maw would seem to be the same Dark Side presence that called out to Ben
and others while on Shedu Maad years earlier. Luke, like Jacen, refuses to accept the power.
He is then taken to the Pool of Knowledge to possibly see the future, but rather than
accepting its power, both Luke and Jacen had briefly used it to see a vision of the so-called
Throne of Balance. Jacen had seen a dark figure ruling the galaxy with Darksiders at his side,
perhaps prompting him to begin his quest to control the galaxy and prevent such an event.
He later saw the same vision that Luke sees, Allana, Jacens daughter, ruling in peacetime
yet somewhat alone. The big question remaining: just who was the man who was seen on the
throne? Was it Ben, as Luke later suggests it wasn’t? Was it Luke himself? Perhaps Jacen
was seeing his own future? Ben soon joins Luke beyond shadows when he sees that Luke’s
body is deteriorating without his spirit. Luke and Ben both visit the Lake of Apparitions, where
they risk falling beneath the water into the Depths of Eternity, never to escape, in order to
view the reflective surface of the Lake, known as the Mirror of Remembrance. In the “mirror,”
they speak with the spirits of Anakin Solo, Mara Jade Skywalker, and Jacen Solo. Anakin
warns Ben against letting others rely on him too much, the same way people had put so
much faith in Anakin himself. Mara warns them about a woman seen beyond shadows,
Abeloth. Jacen is not regretful of his actions, but he forgives Ben for betraying him. He simply
speaks “as is,” rather than with any judgment of his own actions. He suggests that Luke and
Ben can learn about Abeloth by proceeding into the Mists of Forgetfulness, but they turn back
to return to their bodies. After doing so, they encounter the Lost Tribe strike force. During the
combat that follows, Luke marks Vestara with a blood trail so he can track her, and he
manages to kill Lady Rhea. Only Vestara survives the battle, her best friend, Ahri Raas, killed
by the Jedi along with the others. Now, though, Luke can track Vestara. The chase begins . .
Several former active service Imperials (some of whom were in service prior to the Yuuzhan
Vong War) travel to Coruscant on funds transferred from a dummy corporation on Borleias
(which is now in Imperial hands).
(conjecture based on Backlash)
Now masterless after the death of Lady Olaris Rhea, Vestara Khai of the Lost Tribe of the
Sith seeks to elude pursuit by Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his son, Ben
Skywalker. She chooses to go to ground on the planet Dathomir, knowing that Force users
are commonplace there and might hide her presence. Ben has contacted others, letting them
know that the Sith are back in the form of the strike team they encountered aboard Sinkhole
Station in the Maw. Luke and Ben track Vestara to Dathomir, where they know she will need
to somehow reach a hypercomm system to contact her fellow Sith for retrieval. They discover
that her ship supposedly crashed on the planet, so they head as close as they can to her
location and set out from the Jade Shadow to find her, using the blood trace Force
connection between Luke and Vestara. Leia, Han, and Allana Solo (along with R2-D2 and C-
3PO) head for Dathomir in the Millennium Falcon to help Luke and Ben, as do the mysterious
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 856
duo of Zekk and Taryn Zel, whose arrival is known only to Han and Leia. As Han and Leia,
along with local guides (Tarth Vames, former Jedi candidate Dyon Stadd, and a Dathomiri
Witch named Shanatrac Tsu or “Tribeless Sha, and hired mercs Yliri Consta and Carrack)
set out to find and help the Skywalkers, the droids are left to take care of Allana and her
nexu, Anji, while Zekk and Taryn keep watch on the Falcon from nearby. While the adults are
gone, R2-D2 begins to scout out a nearby starship (Vestara’s), only to end up trapped inside
the hangar of the disreputable Monarg, who tries to steal R2-D2. As time wears on, Allana
sneaks out with Anji to save R2-D2, only to eventually need saving by C-3PO . . . Meanwhile,
back on Coruscant, Chief of State Natasi Daala has started to bend and question her own
judgment due to political pressures and a growing unease with her heavy-handed leadership.
She is seeking counsel from Wynn Dorvan, General Merratt Jaxton, and eventually is
convinced that the best way to show that she is strong against her opposition would be to put
former Admiral Cha Niathal on trial for crimes committed when allied with Jacen Solo. Niathal
disrupts this plan, though, when she commits suicide before she can be arrested, once again
casting Daala in unfavorable light. She isnt the only one under fire, though, as an assassin
attempts to kill Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel in his own quarters. As it turns out, the
Moffs (led by Moff Drikl Lecersen) were not behind this attack at all. It was the work of Kuati
Senator Haydnat Treen, who reveals her plans to Lecersen. She wants to manipulate the
political situation in order to replace Jag with Lecersen as Head of State, so that when the
Empire and the Galactic Alliance formally merge into one government again (rather than
simply being allies), Lecersen will be the new leader, and the new government will be more
like the Empire than the Alliance. To do this, she also plans to orchestrate Daala’s removal
from office through pressuring her to invoke the Emergency Powers Act (in response to
Treen convincing the Senate, which Daala cant suspend like Palpatine did, to block her
funding entirely). Several senators are already in Treen’s camp. When asked what she wants
in return, she simply tells Lecersen that she wants to be the new Grand Moff of the sector of
space that includes Coruscant, and she wants to have several dinner dates with him in order
to have a chance to convince him that she should be his Empress when he becomes the new
Emperor. The conspiracies against Jag Fel and Natasi Daala have finally merged into a
broader scheme . . . Back on Dathomir, Luke and Ben, while tracking Vestara, reunited with
the Solo group, amid a brief battle with Witches. They are introduced to the Raining Leaves
Clan, led by Kaminne Sihn, who is there along with Olianne Sihn, Halliava Vurse, and Firen
Nuln. They recognize Luke and welcome our heroes, then reveal that they are about to have
a special meeting with the relatively new male clan known as the Broken Columns Clan, with
whom they had been meeting to arrange marriages over recent years. This clan, led by
Tasander Dest, is planning to unite with the Raining Leaves Clan into one new clan very
soon. It is also revealed that Olianne, who lost her own child, has taken Vestara into the clan,
meaning that she is currently protected from the Skywalkers, even though they can certainly
try to talk to her. They do so, and she claims to be a member of Raining Leaves now, rather
than a Sith. The Skywalkers are dubious about this, but it is Ben who takes the most
aggressive and untrusting approach with her, but he will slowly begin to become willing to see
her in a bit more realistic light, perhaps even to begrudgingly welcome her company for a
time. Back on Coruscant, Niathal’s death has prevented a crucial political victory for Daala,
so she feels that she has little choice but to use her hired Mandalorians to strike against the
Jedi for their unlawful acts. She has her excuse to do so when Sothais Saar, a Jedi who is
delivering a report to the government on slavery in Galactic Alliance territory, falls to the
strange mental illness affecting other Jedi. When the Jedi, including Jaina Solo and Cilghal,
take him into the Jedi Temple to be shuffled off to Shedu Maad in secret, Daala sends in the
Mandalorians, who are defeated by the Jedi (which includes the healing Raynar Thul, who
helps Jaina and Tyria Sarkin Tainer in battle). Back on Dathomir, Luke, Han, and others join
in competitions with the Broken Columns and Raining Leaves, only to be attacked by
creatures controlled by a resurgent group of Nightsisters. A series of such attacks will soon
make them believe that the Nightsisters are being helped by someone within their own camp.
By that point, though, Allana has escaped from Monarg (with some secret help from Zekk) by
getting herself and the droids back aboard the Millennium Falcon and flying it (rather poorly)
into the marshes nearby. This calls Han and Leia back from the clans and, once they learn
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 857
about the Mandalorian raid on the Temple, back to Coruscant (where Tahiri Veila is, by the
way, preparing her defense against charges brought by Daala previously). Back at the camp,
a Nightsister attack has left Tribeless Sha dead and others wounded. Ben also begins to
suspect that Tribeless Sha’s “missing” daughter might actually be Aradasa Vurse, who is
supposedly the child of Halliava Vurse. This casts Ben’s suspicions about who might have
betrayed them upon Halliava (and Vestara, of course, who still claims that the ship at
Monarg’s wasnt hers). In order to allow the two clans to come together, Ben sets up “Camp
Jedi” at the top of a more defensible hill as they await a new Nightsister offensive. On
Coruscant, Leia and Han are convinced (especially after Han’s position as General in the
military is reinstated by Daala) to act as intermediaries between the government and the Jedi
to try to solve their seemingly irreconcilable differences. They take Daala’s offer to Jedi
Master Kenth Hamner: Daala wants Sothais Saar but will not put him in carbonite and should
thaw Valin and Jysella Horn, but they will be kept in ysalamiri-covered confinement and
allowed Jedi medical care. On Dathomir, the Nightsisters attack again, and the battle begins
to blur alliances as Luke is saved by Vestara at one point. Ben then wins the next battle for
them by coordinating the ground forces as if they were a capital ship, which is a form of battle
with which Ben is quite familiar from being under Jacen for so long. Soon, Ben realizes that
the reason Vestara is not trying to find a comm to contact the Sith is that she had already
done so before escaping into the jungle (she had apparently given Monarg her stolen ship in
return for the credits necessary to make the hypercomm call), so the Sith are already on their
way to Dathomir. Vestara is, in fact, colluding with the Nightsisters through the Nightsisters
spy in the Raining Leaves, Halliava, whose daughter is, as Ben thought, Sha’s true child. As
for the Raining Leaves and Broken Columns, they join together into the Bright Sun Clan to
battle the Nightsisters. Back on Coruscant, Treen and Lecersen try to have Jag killed again,
this time by Kester Tolaan, who hates Jag and the Chiss. The attack happens during a
dinner, and it is a distraction for another real attack. Both are thwarted, but the impression left
by the conspirators is that Daala is trying to kill Jag, not the actual conspirators. On Dathomir,
Vestara and Halliava plan to meet with other Sith who are about to arrive, but Vestara has no
real intention of being true to her word. Instead, she knocks Halliava out, while the other
Nightsisters are captured by the Sith (a team led by Lord Viun Gaalan) for future training and
indoctrination. When Vestara arrives with Halliava, she is congratulated on her success, but
the arrival of Ben, Luke, and Dyon initiates a fierce battle. The Sith manage to escape, but
Vestara is left behind, captured by the Skywalkers. Halliava is banished from the Bright Suns
clan for being a Nightsister, and “her” daughter is to be raised by Olianne. Luke, Ben, Dyon,
and Tarth take Vestara with them back to the spaceport, where they use legal pressure to
commandeer Vestara’s previously-stolen ship from Monarg, who had technically acquired it
illegally as far as documentation was concerned. Dyon takes the repaired ship, now called
Bright Sun, into orbit to await the Jade Shadow with its new prisoner aboard. They do not get
very far, though. The moment they are about to leave, Sith frigates, led by the Black Wave,
emerge from hyperspace over Dathomir . . .
With the formation of the conspiracy against Daala, Merratt Jaxton, Fost Bramsin, and
Haydnat maneuver Sallinor Parova into position within Admiral Nek Bwua’tu’s command.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
Around the time of the conflict on Dathomir, two more Jedi, Kunor Bann and Turi Altamik,
succumb to the same affliction as other “crazy Jedi touched by Abeloth. Bann is in the Jedi
Temple at the time, which keeps that Jedis condition secret, but Turi was in public at the
time, meaning that Daala is aware of the situation for Turi.
(conjecture based on Allies)
Millennium Falcon [continued] (novel: James Luceno)
Millennium Falcon [continued] (novel: James Luceno)
Chapters 7 14
Chapter 15 [continued]
Chapters 16 19
Chapter 20 [continued]
Chapters 21 22
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 858
Chapter 23 [continued]
Chapter 24 [continued]
Chapters 25 32
Fate of the Jedi [continued] (novel series: Aaron Allston & Christie Golden & Troy
Imprint (short story: Christie Golden)
Outcast (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 10
Outcast Postcards (short stories: Unknown)
“Borders Postcard” (short story: Unknown)*
Outcast [continued] (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapter 11
Outcast Postcards [continued] (short stories: Unknown)
“Amazon Postcard” (short story: Unknown)*
Outcast [continued] (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapter 11 [continued]
Chapters 12 29
Outcast Postcards [continued] (short stories: Unknown)
“Barnes and Noble Postcard” (short story: Unknown)*
Omen [continued] (novel: Christie Golden)
Chapters 1 4
Chapters 6 9
Chapters 11 15
Chapters 17 22
Chapter 23 [continued]
Chapters 24 - 25
Abyss (novel: Troy Denning) [continued]
Chapters 1 28
Backlash (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 31
44 ABY
Sometime early this year, the StealthX starfighters used by the Jedi are augmented to have a
dead-man switch on their distress beacons, so that two beacons will automatically activate if
the astromech or pilot are ejected.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
Over Dathomir, Luke Skywalker and Ben Skywalker, aboard the Jade Shadow, are
confronted by a group of Sith ships from Keshs Lost Tribe, led by Sith High Lord Sarasu
Taalon aboard the Black Wave. The Sith have been drawn by Vestara and the other Sith
(who just absconded with a bunch of Nightsisters to twist into pawns of the Lost Tribe).
Technically, the Sith and the Skywalkers are seeking the same thing: Abeloth. However,
while Luke and Ben are seeking to defeat the ancient Force-using creature in order to
hopefully eliminate her threat and save the Jedi from Shelter who are seemingly going insane
under her influence, the Sith are seeking to either turn Abeloth into an ally in their desire for
conquest or to eliminate her as a potential threat to their power. The Sith strike a bargain to
work with the Skywalkers against Abeloth, but part of the deal requires that Vestara remain a
“guest” aboard the Jade Shadow. (The Sith are lying and claiming that their apprentices are
also falling to the same malady as Lukes young Jedi, thanks to learning of this situation from
the Sith meditation sphere vessel known as “Ship.”) Luke does, however, allow Vestara a
brief meeting with her father, Sith Saber Gavar Khai, during which he records their
conversation in Keshiri (which he later sends directly to C-3PO, which he can do under the
strict terms of his exile, for translation). Both Luke and Gavar are becoming aware of the
attraction between Ben and Vestara, and while Luke is wary of it, Gavar tells Vestara to use it
to manipulate Ben to Sith aims, perhaps even to seduce him to the Dark Side. In order to
make navigation through the Maw easier for the Jade Shadow and Sith ships, Luke contacts
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 859
Lando Calrissian, who agrees to refurbish his large asteroid tug, the Rockhound, for the
mission. Lando will meet them at Klatooine. The refit will take Lando long enough that the
Skywalkers, Vestara, and their temporary Sith allies will have to spend quite a few days on
Klatooine. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Tahiri Veila is about to stand trial for crimes committed
while under the influence of Jacen “Darth Caedus” Solo, most notably for the assassination of
Gilad Pellaeon. At the urging of his fiancée, Jaina Solo, Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel
arranges for Tahiri to have the benefit of experienced (and legendary) trial lawyer Eramuth
Bwua’tu, uncle of Galactic Alliance Naval Forces Chief Nek Bwua’tu. She will be prosecuted
by Sul Dekkon, a famous prosecutor with an amazing record. At the urging of her assistant
(who promptly becomes her Chief of Staff), Wynn Dorvan, Chief of State Natasi Daala is
convinced to shut down the special Jedi Court and have Tahiri tried in a regular criminal
court, presided over by Judge Mavari Zudan. Wynn, for his part, has been keeping his head
straight by, among other things, engaging in quiet lunchtime talks with mostly-healed Jedi
(and former Joiner) Raynar Thul on the steps of the Jedi Temple (which will be important
later). At Klatooine, Luke, Ben, and Vestara land to visit the locals, including possibly taking a
trip to see the so-called “Fountain of the Hutt Ancients” (originally the “Fountain of the
Ancients”). This “fountain” is actually a huge natural formation of glass, made from a spring of
wintrium, a liquid that becomes glass-like and continues to grow stronger and stronger over
time. (In other words, it would make a great substance for creating weapons, if the Sith could
get their hands on a sample.) The Treaty of Vontor, signed in 25,100 BBY, had stipulated that
the Klatooinians (and others in this cluster) would be servants (slaves) to the Hutts, while the
Hutts would, among other things, protect the Fountain of Hutt Ancients from harm. While
Luke stays aboard the ship, Ben and Vestara are allowed to scout around, accompanied by
fellow new-arrival Dyon Stadd, who had joined them as they left Dathomir. Even as Taalons
second-in-command, Leeha Faal, informs him of the nature of the Fountain, Luke is dealing
with the after effects of having just had a dream (which seemed startlingly real) of a woman’s
presence next to him in bed. He believes that the presence, which he has felt a few times, is
that of his late wife, Mara Jade Skywalker. In the local marketplace, Ben and Vestara
continue to talk (and flirt), while learning about the local culture and the nature of Klatooinian
slavery. While in the market, Dyon is affected by the same affliction that has been hitting all of
the other Jedi to have been younglings while hidden at Shelter in the Maw. He races off
toward the Fountain, which has a zone around it that no one is allowed to breach with
modern technology. Ben and Vestara give chase, and it is only the quick actions of Vestara
that keep Dyon from breaching local customs. They are able to subdue him, but all three of
them are taken into custody. Luke and Gavar meet with the local authorities to arrange their
children’s release, along with Luke taking Dyon aboard the Jade Shadow in restraints and
sedated. Meanwhile, on Tatooine, a slave to Truugo the Hutt, an 11-year-old girl named
Kitaya Shuul, discovers that Ackmena at the old Chalmuns Cantina is assisting a sort of
“underground railroad” for escaped slaves, through an organization known as Freedom
Flight. Freedom Flight is reacting to the same upsurge in slavery in the galaxy (both within
the Galactic Alliance and elsewhere) that Sothais Saar was investigating before he returned
to Coruscant and “went crazy.” A Chevin Coruscanti news host, Perre Needmo of The Perre
Needmo Newshour, decides to begin doing feature stories on this growing slavery issue by
sending well-respected newshound Madhi Vaandt to, among other worlds, his own
homeworld of Vinsoth, where the Chevin have enslaved the Chevs for ages. Back on
Coruscant, Tahiris trial begins. After the first day of the trial, she is visited in custody by Han
and Leia Solo, who pass along the words of her late love interest, Anakin Solo, as related to
them from Luke and Ben, who had encountered Anakin’s spirit at the Mirror of Remembrance
in the Lake of Apparitions when traveling Beyond Shadows aboard Sinkhole Station. The
recognition of Anakin’s love for her helps Tahiri remain strong in the face of the trial to come
(and is one of the most touching scenes in a Star Wars novel in years, if I may say so). At the
Jedi Temple, acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner and his new assistant, apprentice Kani
Asari (unknowingly given the nickname “K.P.” for “Kenth’s Pet by Han Solo), go over the
day’s latest news. Two more Jedi have been afflicted (Kunor Bann, whom Daala does not
know about, and Turi Altamik, whose affliction emerged on live television). Kenth still does
not intend to hand over Turi or Sothais, despite Daala’s demands. When she contacts him
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 860
with further demands for their surrender, Daala informs Kenth that he should be concerned
for the families of the Jedi if he does not comply. He immediately bumps up a meeting of the
Jedi Masters, revealing this thinly-veiled threat. Before anyone can act otherwise, Jaina
abruptly leaves the meeting to seek help from Jag. They need a way to get their starfighters
off of Coruscant to help Luke face Abeloth when the time comes, but they know that the
Alliance will shoot them down when they launch without help. Jag cannot put the Empire in
that position, though, so he cannot offer help beyond saying he can talk to Daala and try to
persuade her to see reason. Jaina sees this conflict of interest as something she and Jag will
always have to deal with between his Empire and her Jedi Order, and she breaks off their
engagement, just as news reports begin to arrive showing that the Jedi Temple is now under
siege by Mandalorians, under Daala’s orders . . . On Vinsoth, Madhi Vaandt wins a Chev
slave named Shohta Laar in a game of chance, whom she then immediately has join her in a
news report. She points out his circumstances and that of slaves like him on Vinsoth, then
sets him free, allowing him to leave or work with her as an employee, rather than a slave. He
chooses the latter. Speaking of reporters, Daala is growing increasingly frustrated with the
reporting of Javis Tyrr, prompting Wynn to go through unofficial channels to have his career
essentially ended through revealing his use of illegal spying devices. Shortly thereafter, just a
short time into the siege, the Solos learn about the siege just as they learn (through
interrupting a conversation between Luke and C-3PO) about Luke working with the Sith. If
that wasn’t enough information to crash down all at once, they also receive a message from
Jag, explaining the broken engagement and telling them that Jaina, the “Sword of the Jedi,”
has left for Klatooine to join and assist Luke on her own, now that no one else seems able to
do so. Fortunately for Luke, C-3PO was done with the translation of Keshiri. He reveals its
contents (Gavar ordering Vestara to use him or corrupt him, basically) to Ben, who begins to
be much more wary of Vestara, despite his growing interest in her. Luke then experiences
another dream or vision, where “Mara” urges him toward the Maw before Lando can arrive.
Luke and Taalons forces head for the Maw, leaving behind two Sith ships to wait for Lando
and the Rockhound. The moment they are away, Leeha Faal, now given command of the
Winged Dagger, bumping its original commander, Captain Syndor, to second-in-command,
orders a mission for Taalon to obtain a wintrium sample by slicing one from the Fountain of
the Ancients, desecrating it. She sends the other Sith vessel, the Starstalker, under Captain
Vyn Holpur, to obtain the sample. The mission results in confrontation, as expected. The
Hutts finally arrive to carry out their end of the Treaty of Vontor, but it is too late to stop the
desecration. Lando arrives with the Rockhound, only to do so just as the Hutts are engaging
the Sith, while the Sith on the ground are taken into custody. Jaina also arrives at the same
time in her StealthX. As the chaos clears, the Klatooinian Elders explain the situation and ask
that Lando and Jaina act as neutral arbiters in the situation, including dealing with the Sith
who have been arrested and in deciding whether the Hutts, by not stopping the desecration,
have violated their end of the Treaty of Vontor, which would thereby release the Klatooinians
and others from slavery. Leeha lets Holpur twist, allowing them to be punished for acting
“against orders,” while she has the wintrium sample safely hidden away. As much as it grates
on Lando and Jainas sense of duty to the slaves, they are forced to conclude that the Hutts
did, in fact, stick to the spirit, if not the letter, of the treaty, thereby not having violated it. That
means little, though, as revolts against the Hutts begin to spring up all over Klatooine. The
Rockhound and the Winged Dagger are finally free to leave Klatooine for the Maw. Back on
Coruscant, Mandalorian leader Belok Rhal issues terms to the Jedi at the besieged Temple.
Only the two crazy Jedi that Daala has demanded will be allowed to leave the Temple. The
Mandalorians have every possible entrance and exit blocked, probably thanks to the two
apprentices (Reeqo and Melari) who left the Jedi Order a while back. The Jedi intend to try to
negotiate, but any of the masters, especially Kenth, would be arrested. Instead, Kani
volunteers to carry a message to Belok. She leaves the Temple to do so, only for Belok to kill
her immediately as a show of force to back up his orders that the Jedi send out only the ones
he has demanded. At this point, there is no turning back, as if there really was one before.
Kenth is secretly contacted by Admiral Nek Bwua’tu, who has sworn a Bothan oath of loyalty
to the Galactic Alliance and sees Daala’s most recent moves as acting against the best
interests of the Alliance. He also believes that Kenth is telling the truth that the Jedi force
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 861
needs to launch in order to protect the Alliance from a threat that only the Jedi can face
(Abeloth). Nek intends to find a way to help the Jedi get out into the galaxy to protect the
Alliance. At Tahiris trial, she testifies about Sith punishment of disobedience and gains some
of the jurys trust, then has that message hammered home to them when Dab Hantaq, a dead
ringer for Anakin Solo, enters the courtroom (arranged by Eramuth). Things seem like they
might be going better for Tahiri, for now. As for Daala, she is taken aback (yet still steady in
her zeal against the Jedi) upon seeing Kani’s murder by Belok. Wynn also informs her about
the growing revolts on Klatooine and a possible situation with slave riots on Blaudu Sextus.
She intends to send Mandalorians to deal with that issue as well. Wynn also quickly realizes
that his lunch companion, Raynar, will soon be exiting the Jedi Temple to eat, which would
lead to Belok killing him as well. Wynn races to the Temple for lunch, using his presence to
keep Belok from killing Raynar. The presence of Wynn and his little pet, Pocket, makes Leia
realize that there is a way to get supplies into the Jedi Temple. She and others use the Force
to influence the minds of rodents, who are then strapped with supplies and sent into the
Temple through holes that are too small for the Mandalorians to have worried about. On
Klatooine, Madhi arrives to cover the revolts. She is contacted by Freedom Flight about the
Blaudu Sextus situation and sets out to cover it. At the Maw, Luke and Taalon’s force are
joined by Lando, Jaina, and Leeha’s Sith vessel, and they discover the Abeloth has
destroyed Sinkhole Station, which they realize had been designed to manipulate the
blackholes of the Maw to contain Abeloth on her planet. Together, they enter the Maw to land
on Abeloth’s hidden planet. There, they seek out Abeloth by going Beyond Shadows,
eventually reaching the Lake of Apparitions and its Mirror of Remembrance, which is a real
place, not just something Beyond Shadows Luke realizes. Abeloth is not where Luke had
seen her while walking Beyond Shadows (through the Mists of Forgetfulness). At the Mirror of
Remembrance, Leeha is killed by an old enemy who draws her into the water forever, while
Luke once again speaks with Mara, who reveals that it is not her whose spirit has been
reaching out to Luke. It has, obviously, been Abeloth, but how could she have felt so familiar
to him. They emerge from Beyond Shadows to find that Vestara has let Dyon loose without
permission. They use Dyon, who is being drawn to Abeloth by the delusions she is forcing
upon him (by making them feel like she is the only thing real that those who are going crazy
can cling to), as a way to find her, just as Vestara had intended. Dyon finds Abeloth, who
reveals her monstrous form as she drains life energy from his body to grow more powerful.
Arriving at the cave where Vestara and members of the Lost Tribe had first encountered
Abeloth, the Jedi and Sith allies enter to confront her. They finally find her. She has been
waiting for them all, intending to use their life essence to grow more powerful and use them to
escape the Maw. Luke is shocked upon seeing her. The reason why she felt familiar
becomes all too clear as he recognizes her as Callista Ming. Decades earlier, Jedi Knight
Callista Masana had given her life aboard the Eye of Palpatine, but her soul had remained,
eventually falling in love with Luke and living with him, for a short time, within the body of one
of Luke’s students, Cray Mingla, who had given her own spirit in stopping the Eye of
Palpatine the second time it threatened the galaxy. When Callista (then going by the last
name “Ming” in tribute to Cray Mingla) had realized that she could only touch the Dark Side,
not the Light Side, she had eventually left Luke to seek out her own destiny and, if possible, a
way back to him and the Light Side. She, like Jacen and so many others, had been drawn to
the Maw by Abeloths powerful presence. She had come seeking answers from the ancient
being as to how to overcome her affliction. Instead, Abeloth had fed upon her, making her
spirit a part of Abeloths own. With the part of her that is Callista emerging, Abeloth attempts
to draw Luke in, but he recognizes that the woman he had loved so long ago no longer truly
exists. They engage again in battle, even as Jaina, in her StealthX, engages Ship above the
planet. Seeing Luke engaging Abeloth and having their own reasons for wanting her
subdued, the Sith strike as well, but they also finally reveal their true colors and strike against
the Jedi. Luke and Ben reach the exit, where they find Abeloth standing over Dyon, ready to
taken in the last of his life energy. Luke realizes that the Abeloth he is seeing, who continues
to act like Callista, is an illusion. Abeloth has now taken the form of Dyon. He stabs down on
“Dyon,” finally killing Abeloth and, in a sense, freeing Callistas spirit, if any of it remained
within her. The true Dyon is nearby, injured, but alive. At the destruction of Abeloth, Ship’s
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 862
attachment to her and the planet disappears, and the meditation vessel launches away from
the Maw toward an unknown location (possibly to join the One Sith). Meanwhile, the death of
Abeloth releases all of the “crazy” Jedi from their afflictions. With Abeloth apparently
destroyed, the Jedi and Sith alliance nearly dissolves. Instead, though, Luke, Ben, Vestara
(still a prisoner of Luke and Ben, but now in need of medical treatment), Dyon (in need of
treatment), Taalon, and Gavar will all remain on the planet to investigate the real versions of
the places they saw Beyond Shadows, while Lando, Jaina, and the rest of the Lost Tribe
forces leave. Shortly thereafter, following a brief sexual rendezvous with Natasi Daala, Nek
Bwua’tu realizes that she cannot be expected to see reason. He is on his way to figure out a
way to help the Jedi when he is attacked by two individuals who are masquerading as Jedi.
He is nearly killed right then and there and left in a coma. Shortly after that, at Tahiri’s trial, a
secret recording, apparently made by an unknown party (but with Gilad Pellaeon’s
knowledge), is played of Tahiri’s final confrontation with Pellaeon and her assassination of
him. They realize that Moff Quille was present at his assassination, but it means little. The
sentiments of the jury have turned against Tahiri after seeing her assassinate the man. Tahiri
believes that her fate is now sealed . . .
With Nek Bwuatu in a coma, Sollinor Parova is named acting Chief of Naval Operations by
Chief of State Natasi Daala, which, unbeknownst to Daala, puts her in a position to act
against Daala on behalf of the Treen/Jaxton/Lecersen/etc. conspiracy.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
Around this time (prior to action at Almania), Seha Dorvald, Padawan of Octa Ramis, is
promoted to Jedi Knight.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
In space aboard the Rockhound, Lando Calrissian and Jaina Solo are attacked by pirates,
who are able to control the ship via false voice commands from a mouse droid that snuck
aboard. They escape, but they realize that the pirates are Sith, presumably from the Lost
Tribe, gathering vessels to increase their power. On Abeloth’s planet, Luke Skywalker, Sith
High Lord Sarasu Taalon, and Sith Saber Gavar Khai investigate Abeloth’s former home,
seeking answer to who or what she was, while Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai remain with
the injured Dyon Stadd aboard the Jade Shadow. The older Jedi and Sith explore the Font of
Power, which seems to speak with false promises to Taalon, while the Sith also reveal that
the carvings on the walls of Abeloth’s domain seem to be associated with the legendary
Destructors of Keshiri legend. As they search, Vestara tricks Ben so that she can lock him in
the medbay of the Jade Shadow with Dyon, then runs off to rejoin the other Sith. However,
Ben frees himself and chases after her, saving her from vines that ensnare her. They rejoin
the adults, and a brief battle ensues, but they have bigger problems to worry about: Ship is
on its way back to the planet, and the body of Abeloth, which both sides wish to claim, is
actually not Abeloth’s body. It is the body of Dyon Stadd! They were tricked earlier into
believing Abeloth was Dyon (and vice versa), leading Luke to kill Dyon, believing him to be
Abeloth in disguise. As it turns out, Abeloth wasn’t in disguise. She had tricked them, and
now she steals the Jade Shadow and escapes. With Sinkhole Station no longer capable of
holding her back, she is free. When Ship arrives, they question it about Abeloth and the
vessel’s motives and are pointed to the Pool of Knowledge, where Luke had seen the vision
of Allana Solo on a galactic throne, ruling via the Light Side. When they reluctantly return to
the pool, that revelation leads to another battle, during which Taalon goes into the pool and
emerges changed (more powerful in foresight but seemingly degrading in health). Ben and
Luke (with Vestara as their reluctant ally so she won’t end up punished by Taalon for various
failures to destroy Ben) leave the elder Sith trapped in a cave-in and steal the Sith shuttle
Emiax to leave the planet. On Coruscant, the “insane” Jedi appear to be cured. During a
major news event, Han Solo manipulates Chief of State Natasi Daala’s chosen medical
professional, Dr. Thalleus Tharn, into confirming that Sothais Saar and Turi Altamik (the two
known “insane” Jedi in the Order’s custody) are apparently fine. This relieves some of the
immediate tension, but Daala refuses to release Valin and Jysella Horn, who are still held in
carbonite, until the Jedi can provide evidence of how the others were cured and anything else
they are holding back. (In other words, she needs them for leverage.) In the aftermath of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 863
Daala’s proclamation, the Jedi High Council is even more strained as to how to deal with
Daala and the situation with the Horn children. Kenth Hamner, still hoping Nek Bwua’tu will
awaken from his coma to help the Jedi, holds out for caution and diplomacy, while others,
most notably Saba Sebatyne, urge for immediate action. Moreover, they have an even bigger
problem. A slave “revolt” by the near-pacifist Octus is erupting (mostly peacefully) on Blaudu
Sextus. Journalist Mahdi Vaandt is also there (tipped off by Freedom Flight), covering the
revolt and making it a major news story. They Jedi need to assess the situation, but they do
not want to get actively involved. They send Sothais Saar and Avinoam Arelis to Blaudu
Sextus. (They would have sent Tesar Sebatyne or some other Barabel Jedi, given their
planet’s nearness to Blaudu Sextus, but Tesar and the others are mysteriously absent . . . )
Meanwhile, Tahiri Veila’s trial continues. When her lawyer Eramuth Bwua’tu seems to be
failing in his task (to other observers, at least), during testimony that they know is a lie
(regarding a supposed transmission between Tahiri and Jacen Solo that included orders that
she not kill Gilad Pellaeon), tensions rise, and a new lawyer, Sardonne Sardon, is brought in
to work with Eramuth, who immediately tries to leave the case. Instead, he is stuck working in
tandem. Soon, on Blaudu Sextus (which Daala thinks is a slave revolt actually caused by the
Jedi, rather than one the Jedi are just investigating), Vaandt and her crew witness the arrival
of Mandalorians, led by the same one who killed Kani Asari on the Jedi Temple Steps, Belok
Rhal. Rhal orders the slaughter of the protesting slaves, then discovers Mahdi Vaandt’s team
and orders their deaths. Before his Mandos can kill the entire team, Sothais and Avinoam
save the day, but Vaandt is killed. The actions of the Jedi are seen by the media as active
support for the protests, simply adding fuel to the abolitionist fire. When this is seen by the
Jedi High Council, many, including Saba, believe that the Force is pushing them to act. Han,
present to brief them on other information, confronts Kenth in front of everyone about his
secret deal with Nek Bwua’tu, which they learned while striking a deal with a senator to help
grease the wheels for the Jedi. This secret, kept from the rest of the Council, finally forces the
other Jedi to essentially dismiss Kenth as acting Grand Master, though he refuses to actually
resign. In order to gain more leverage over the Jedi and control of the slave revolt situation,
Daala calls upon Jaina’s ex-fiancée and Imperial Head of State Jagged “Jag” Fel, trying to
enlist the Empire in stopping the revolts, using the information that the Jedi are working with
the Sith to try to tip Jag against Jaina and the Jedi. Speaking of Jedi, a tracking signal on the
Jade Shadow leads Luke, Ben, and Vestara to Pyrdyr, near Almania. Upon arrival, it appears
that everyone is suffering from a plague, which Luke deduces is actually a powerful illusion
created by Fallanassi followers of the White Current, another group that had once trained
Jacen Solo. With Luke the only one recognizing the plague as false, he is able to use that
illusion to his advantage to gain information leading him to where Abeloth has gone to the
Fallanassi to be protected by Force users she can manipulate. He tracks them down, even as
Ben and Vestara, left behind for their protection and also affected by the illness illusion,
chase after him to help against Abeloth. When Luke finds the Fallanassi, he is met by Akanah
Pell, the women he had once fallen for and who had lied to him about knowing the identity of
his mother around the time of the war with the Yevetha. He learns that the Fallanassi want to
work with Abeloth (it seems) because the original future seen by Jacen Solo had been of a
Dark Man in power in the future. By changing events, Jacen created a new future with a Jedi
Queen in power. This has changed the flow of time, and the Fallanassi (and Abeloth) are
going to set it right again . . . Back on Coruscant, Jag reveals Daala’s “invitation” to Jaina and
the Jedi, and the two lovebirds begin to patch things up. The Jedi are now determined to use
Jag’s resources to cover the launch of their StealthX starfighters to go assist Luke, along with
some Imperial backup. At the same time, they intend to send a team to rescue the frozen
Horn children from Alliance custody. When the multi-angled operation gets underway, Kenth
attempts to stop the Jedi from defying Daala and, he thinks, making things worse. He intends
to destroy components necessary to open the Jedi Temple’s hangar doors, but Saba is intent
on stopping him. After a running duel, Kenth falls from a high pathway and is saved by Saba,
who holds him with the Force. He then throws his lightsaber to destroy the door’s ability to
open, forcing her to choose between saving him or letting the Jedi launch to join Luke against
the Sith and Abeloth. She chooses the latter, and Kenth Hamner dies. This leaves Saba
unwilling to lead the Jedi, but the others on the Council convince her to remain what amounts
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 864
to acting Grand Master until Luke returns. Then she will, as she insists, face whatever
punishment she deserves. The StealthX starfighters, though, are able to launch and join with
the Errant Venture, captained by Booster Terrik, in orbit, which is being used as a flying
casino for high stakes gambling . . . with enough high profile political and social figures
aboard that Daala wouldn’t dare attack them. In further consultations, they will decide on one
course of action as an absolute necessity: Daala must somehow be removed from office. On
Pyrdyr, Luke reunites with Ben and Vestara, but the Sith then arrive, led by a still-changing
Taalon, who is desperate to find Abeloth, not just to give the Sith power but to understand
what is happening to him. After a brief battle with Ship (and some illusions of other Ships,
which only Luke can see through), they reach the Fallanassi again, but it is then that Luke
realizes that Abeloth isn’t just influencing Akanah. Abeloth has taken over Akanah just as she
had taken Callista. When it appears that Taalon will join Abeloth to understand his
transformation, Luke initiates a battle. During the struggle, Abeloth / Akanah is killed, but
Abeloth emerges again in her Abeloth / Callista form. It would seem that when she corrupts
someone and becomes them, she ends up with multiple bodies for her immense power.
When she and Taalon finally have Luke and Ben at their mercy (and Gavar is unconscious
from earlier in the battle), the Skywalkers are saved by quick actions by Vestara. Her attack,
though, apparently kills Taalon, which will mean death at the hands of the Sith. She is forced
to join with the Skywalkers to make their escape from Pyrdyr aboard the Jade Shadow,
covered by the protection of the newly-arrived Errant Venture and Jedi StealthX fighters.
Back on Coruscant, Tahiri makes Eramuth her only lawyer again, as he destroys the
credibility of the lying witness, helping protect Tahiri, whose trial continues. Moreover, Han,
Leia, Zekk, and others raid an Alliance facility and save Valin and Jysella. The Horns are
recovered and thawed from carbonite to return to a joyous (if cautious) Corran and Mirax
Horn. Unfortunately, a new problem is emerging. While playing, Allana and Bazel Warv
(“Barv”) have come upon the Barabel Jedi (Tesar, et al), who have set up a nest within a
secluded part of the Jedi Temple to lay and protect eggs. When they inform Allana and Barv
that they cannot leave until the eggs hatch and are safe, Allana trusts them (and Barv) with
her own secret to secure her release. She tells them the truth about being the daughter of
Tenel Ka and Jacen Solo. She does return in time for the Horns to be freed, but the secret is
now in other hands . . .
Prior to Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, and Vestara Khai arriving on Nam Chorios, Doctor
Cagaran Wei goes missing.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
With the death of Sarasu Taalon, Ivaar Workan is elevated to High Lord in the Lost Tribe of
the Sith.
(conjecture based on Ascension)
Around this time, the High Lord husband of Sammul Sharsa dies of natural causes. She
takes his place as High Lord in the Lost Tribe of the Sith.
(conjecture based on Ascension)
Abeloth arrives on Melifar Station and encounters a group of smugglers led by Hallaf. She
takes control of Hallafs daughter, Fala, in order to force Hallaf to kill Luke Skywalker, Ben
Skywalker, and Vestara Khai when they arrive. Unfortunately for Abeloth, Cardya and other
smugglers under Hallaf will decide to take the Jade Shadow instead of blowing it up, so they
toss Hallaf and Fala into a cell instead of following Abeloth’s plans.
(conjecture based on Conviction)
Jysella and Valin Horn are freed from carbonite, but, unbeknownst to their parents and the
rest of the Jedi Order, the fact that they were in carbonite when Abeloth’s hold on the young
Jedi was released, they are still under her influence, still believing that everyone else are
impostors. They bide their time for now . . . Meanwhile, with the Lost Tribe of the Sith driven
off by Jedi forces at Almania, Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, and Vestara Khai follow the
blood trail that connects Luke to Abeloth to the nearby Melifar Station, where they find that
she has afflicted a girl named Fala, basically as a trap and diversion, while she escapes.
Luke frees Fala from Abeloth’s influence, then sets their course for Nam Chorios. Abeloth is
on her way there, likely to take over the Theran Listeners and the Force-attuned tsils, and
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 865
Luke can already sense that she is trying to establish her connection with the Shelter Jedi
again . . . Meanwhile, Tahiri Veila, still in prison as her trial continues, is set up by the warden
to be attacked. Being in prison is now even more dangerous for the accused former Jedi
Knight . . . At Borleias, the Errant Venture drops off the dignitaries that were used as cover
during the Jedi’s escape from Coruscant. The plan is then to use the ship they set up to be
the easiest to commandeer and send back to Coruscant with those dignitaries as a means of
infiltrating the Senate building. Its pilot is none other than Seha Dorvald, with Kyp Durron and
Octa Ramis aboard as well in a hidden compartment. They do so, using Seha’s alias of “Sela
Dorn” to cause a small accident with the ship, while Kyp and Octa infiltrate the building. She
even hits it off with a security agent, Lieutenant Javon Thewles, which allows Seha even
more access. Leia and Han Solo’s visits for meetings with Daala also allow them to use C-
3PO and R2-D2 to deliver supplies to the infiltrated Jedi. On Nam Chorios, Luke, Ben, and
Vestara are pointed to a Theran Listener named Sel, who is actually Taselda, perhaps the
oldest surviving Jedi, whom Luke met while on Nam Chorios decades earlier. She has been
healed from her earlier poor state by repeated use of mnemotherapy (as she calls it), which is
a Force technique that removes memories from an individual. It can also remove one Force
user’s spirit, so to speak, from another’s, possibly allowing Luke to free essences of Abeloth’s
victims (such as Callista Ming) from Abeloth herself. She takes the trio to meet Taru, a
Listener, who trains Luke in the technique. Meanwhile, back on Coruscant, Moff Drikl
Lecersen, Senator Haydnat Treen, General Merratt Jaxton, and their fellow conspirators
continue to work against Chief of State Natasi Daala. They intend to find a way to make her
suspicious of her own security forces, thereby putting her security into the hands of Jaxton’s
military, which would allow him to get someone close enough to her to pull off a coup. On
Nam Chorios, the power of Abeloth’s Force usage is causing Force storms, forcing Luke,
Ben, Vestara, and Sel to act in hunting her down. They find clues about a missing scientist
named Cagaran Wei and start their search there. On Coruscant, Jaxton and Lecersen are
poisoned (by their own hands, to make Daala suspicious, and they have the cures
themselves), which pushes Daala to accuse the revealed Seha as the poisoner. She is also
accused of sabotage. Seha, fortunately, is safely back at the Jedi Temple, but acting Jedi
Grand Master Saba Sebatyne agrees that she should be turned over to Daala to help draw
out what’s really going on. As for Daala, this incident has made her suspicious of her own
security, playing right into the conspiracy’s hands and turning her to the military for protection.
On Nam Chorios, Luke, Ben, and Vestara borrow a refurbished TIE from Mayor Snaplaunce
and head out to search for Wei. They wind up under the gun of the local defenses and are
shot down, forcing them to waste time trying to get back to civilization, which takes a while.
On Coruscant, Seha turns herself in, which allows her to check out details of the security
center. Elsewhere, anti-slavery freedom fighter Grunel Ovin is captured by Captain Hunor,
who is an Alliance captain (of the Fireborn), but is sympathetic to Ovins cause. He arranges
for Hunor to blow up the Fireborn in a spectacle that draws government attention and ire.
Daala orders Mandalorians to destroy Ovin’s Sand Panther encampments on Klatooine.
Knowing that this move is going too far (again), but that they can move fast enough to stop it,
the Jedi use the Senate building’s own defenses against it, making it think the Yuuzhan Vong
are attacking, and plan to use information from Seha to deal with internal security. During the
chaos, the conspirators agent, Parova, tries to placed Daala under arrest, but the “attack”
begins, interrupting her. The Jedi make their move. By the time Han and Leia reach Daala’s
office, Parova has stunned her, claiming Daala was hit by a volley from Han, and Daala is
taken into custody. At the same time, Saba, Jaina Solo, and Corran Horn go to the Senate
chamber to address the Senate, and find a surprising ally in Senator Treen. A new temporary
government is put in place, led by Saba (Jedi), Jaxton (military), and Treen (Senate). Daala is
put into the same prison as Tahiri. Interestingly, the prosecutor in Tahiri’s case uses the Jedi
takeover to make it look like he can’t win, so that the jury will side with him. He “gives up,
forcing Tahiri’s defense to do the same, making it a 50/50 chance of conviction versus
acquittal. Unfortunately, the verdict is guilty, and Tahiri is heading for a death sentence.
Fortunately for Tahiri, she is in the visitor’s area when Boba Fett comes to break Daala out of
prison (in an interesting con where he pretends to be an amateur pretending to be himself).
Daala is freed and goes on the run to find old allies to aid her in taking back control of the
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Alliance, while Tahiri is able to escape with them, then goes into hiding on Coruscant, free
but a fugitive now, since the Jedi can’t simply order her release without appearing to be
acting in their own interests, instead of the interests of the Alliance as a whole. Back on
Coruscant, plans are made to make the anti-slavery movement legitimate. Han and Leia
(along with C-3PO, R2-D2, and Allana Solo) go to Klatooine (where the Mandalorian attack
has now been called off) in order to hasten Klatooine’s entry into the Alliance, thereby helping
show the Alliances support for anti-slavery activity. To help move this along, they invite
Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka, Allana’s mother, but the Sith have been keeping an eye on
her, thanks to High Lord Sarasu Taalons vision of a Jedi Queen. The Lost Tribe’s Querdan
Dei investigates Klatooine, intending to kill Tenel Ka, though he also soon realizes that Allana
is Tenel Ka’s daughter, not a war orphan as claimed. He tries to kill Tenel Ka with a bomb
implanted onto C-3PO, but Allana saves her mother and C-3PO, and Leia kills Dei. The Lost
Tribe ships retreat, and Klatooine is freed from the Hutts. Back on Nam Chorios, Abeloth has
taken control of most of the Listeners by the time Luke finally discovers and confronts her.
There are more players involved now, however. Vestara (allowed secretly by Luke) has
brought members of the Lost Tribe to join them against Abeloth, and Abeloth has drawn in
Valin and Jysella (along with a reporter from Coruscant) to her aid. Luke is able to use the
Force and mnemotherapy to separate Callistas consciousness from Abeloth, finally allowing
Callista to rejoin with the Force and be at peace. Abeloth escapes aboard Ship, as the Sith
engage Luke, Ben, and Vestara (whom they see as tainted by the Skywalkers). Above, the
Jedi arrive and engage the Sith as they did over Almania, but Abeloth and Ship escape.
Fortunately, though, Abeloth’s weakening has freed Jysella and Valin from her control, along
with the Listeners. However, not all is well, as Abeloth, weakened, meets with Gavar Khai
and other members of the Lost Tribe, suggesting an alliance . . .
The planet Qaras experiences a successful slave revolt. The Jessar overthrow the rule of the
Minyavish. The events hero is the presumably trustworthy Rokari Kem.
(conjecture based on Ascension)
Merratt Jaxton steps down from the triumvirate ruling the Galactic Alliance to be replaced by
Wynn Dorvan.
(conjecture based on Ascension)
Around this time, Galactic Syndicated company Galactic Exploitation Technologies (GET)
arrives in the Chiloon Rift and sets up a new operation. Shortly thereafter, piracy in the region
skyrockets, and it is believed that GET is buying previous minerals from the pirates, driving
their expansion.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
On Kesh, the Lost Tribe of the Sith is in preparation to welcome Gavar Khai’s fleet back from
their mission, along with their new apparent ally (over the objections of some in the Circle of
Lords), Abeloth, who will be arriving aboard Ship. After a brief visit with his wife, Lahka Khai,
during which he kills Vestara Khai’s uvak (Tikk) and discusses his daughter’s possible
defection, Gavar is among the Lost Tribe members who are loyal more to Abeloth than the
Tribe when Abeloth finally strikes against Grand Lord Darish Vol. She unleashes a
devastating Force attack that demolishes Tahv, killing many of the Lost Tribe, including
Lahka. Still, Gavar remains loyal to his new master. Abeloth’s plans for the Lost Tribe are
finally getting into motion . . . Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker, Ben Skywalker, Vestara (who is
increasingly drawn toward Ben, and vice versa), and Jaina Solo search for where Ship and
Abeloth might have retreated after Nam Chorios. They investigate the Sith ruins on Korriban.
While there, they encounter tuk’ata, who help Vestara determine that there are no Sith on the
planet, while she secretly tells them to make sure that any Sith they do encounter are told to
hide, as the Jedi are searching for them. They continue on their journey . . . On Coruscant,
the triumvirate has been shaken up a bit. Saba Sebatyne and Haydnat Treen are still
representing the Jedi and the Senate, but Merratt Jaxton has stepped down so that Wynn
Dorvan can take his place. Haydnat’s conspiracy also continues to maneuver, bringing in new
co-conspirators like new Kameron Suldar, representing Bnish. The process of admitting
former slave races into the Galactic Alliance as new representatives of their people is moving
along slowly. People like Suldar seem like valuable potential allies to the conspiracy. Their
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 867
roster is shaken up, however, when former Chief-of-State Natasi Daala discovers that Moff
Drikl Lecersen was behind setting up Freedom Flight to incite chaos on slave worlds to harm
Daala’s regime. She (with the Mandalorians on her side for the moment, based on Boba
Fett’s desire to get information necessary to defeat the nanotech malady that keeps him from
being able to return to Mandalore) meets with Lecersen (thanks to maneuvering by Moff
Porrak Vansyn) and blackmails him into joining her own scheme. Elsewhere, the Skywalker
team arrives on Dromund Kaas, where they seek out Abeloth. They encounter a strike team
led by Gavar, and in the battle that follows, Vestara kills her own father. In the aftermath, Ben
and Vestara express their true feelings for each other, and Vestara intends to give up the Sith
way and become a Jedi herself. Ben is overjoyed. They return to Coruscant, where Luke
breaks the Jedi Order’s ties with the Alliance, removing one third of the triumvirate that rules
in the process. The Jedi will set up a new base of operations away from Coruscant. Saba,
meanwhile, is forgiven (in a sense) for the death of former acting Grand Master Kenth
Hamner. The shift in the Jedi’s stance causes the Galactic Alliance to need a new Chief-of-
State to replace the triumvirate. Whereas they expect it to be Wynn Dorvan, Suldar manages
to gather enough support to get Klatooines recently-appointed Senator Padnel Ovin into the
position. (Padnel is considered easily manipulated, but he refuses to be anyones puppet. He
brings in Wynn as Chief-of-Staff to help him lead.) Around the same time, Jagged Fel
(gaining information on Daala from the Squibs Sligh, Emala, and Grees, who had stolen an
Imperial anti-aging formula) is ready to strike against those striking at him. He is given
custody (thanks to Han and Leia Solo) of the fugitive Tahiri Veila, who wishes to atone for
Gilad Pellaeons death and face Imperial, rather than Alliance, justice. The Jedi leave
Coruscant en masse, leaving behind only the Barabels in the Jedi Temple that have their
nest and Leia, who will advise Padnel Ovin as much as possible. This backfires, however.
“Kameron Suldar is actually Ivaar Workan of the Lost Tribe. In fact, many of the new
senators in his anti-Jedi faction are newly-arrived human Sith. Meanwhile, other Sith,
including those who are Keshiri (and thus would stand out) have been snuck into the now-
abandoned Jedi Temple. As it turns out, Luke knew about this Sith plot on Coruscant, but
needed time to take down Abeloth before dealing with it, hence part of his reason for taking
the Jedi off of the planet. With this expected, Leia is arrested on false charges, under the
influence of the Sith’s political machinations. Meanwhile, with Lecersen on Daala’s side now
and Nek Bwuatu now secretly awake and acting in concert with Wynn and others, the
conspiracy on Coruscant is forced to break up. Haydnat and “Suldar” (Workan) clean up their
tracks by killing several of their co-conspirators, or pushing them to do the deed themselves.
Workan then soon welcomes Grand Lord Vol to Coruscant, where he is soon killed by new
Senator Rokari Kem, a trusted hero of the people, thanks to recent slave uprisings. Workan
works to get Rokari elected as Chief-of-State, removing Padnel in the process. Rokari,
however, is actually Abeloth, which places her and the Sith in power over the Galactic
Alliance. Meanwhile, Leia, who has been brought into the “Club Bwua’tu” conspiracy is
rescued from prison, but Wynn is captured in the process by “Rokari Kem.” Elsewhere, the
Jedi arrive on the Sith world of Upekzar, where they think they will find Abeloth, thanks to
Natua Wans research. It is actually a trap, however, and they narrowly escape. A few Jedi
have remained behind, however, including Ben, Vestara (assuming we can count her as a
Jedi in concept for the moment), and Natua. They are exploring nearby caves for potential
dangers when they come upon a rhak-skuri (a huge insectoid that feeds on Dark Side
emotional energy). When it appears ready to kill Ben and devour him, Vestara saves him by
killing Natua and letting the beast feed on her. In doing so, Vestara realizes that she will
never be able to truly be a Jedi, despite her love for Ben. She will, instead, be with him as
long as she can, until the day comes when she must act as a Sith once more. On that day, it
will break her heart, but she knows she will be forced to kill Ben when he knows the truth
about her.
In the month after Rokari Kem (Abeloth) becomes Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, the
Sith infiltrate even more high-ranking positions in agencies around Coruscant, even as the
Empire disintegrates into various factions as Jagged Fel, Natasi Daala, and others vie for
control. For her part, Daala remains under siege at Exodo II, kept from leaving by a force
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 868
including Vitor Reige, Jag, and Tahiri Veila, and other Imperials loyal to Jag.
(conjecture based on Apocalypse)
With the secret rise of the Lost Tribe of the Sith and Abeloth to power on Coruscant, Marvid
and Craitheus Qreph will lose close to three trillion credits in lost opportunities, due to failing
to anticipate this power shift.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
With the Lost Tribe of the Sith and Abeloth in control of the Galactic Alliance on Coruscant,
the Jedi Order begins a covert battle to bring them down, one month after Rokari Kem
(Abeloth) took power. They begin by sneaking themselves onto the planet under various false
IDs (though some nearly get caught but are saved from capture after bumping into a strange
man with a web tattoo on his face). Elsewhere on Coruscant, Abeloth (in the form of Rokari
“Roki” Kem, newly-elected Chief of State) and Lost Tribe interrogator Lady Korelei, have
been questioning Wynn Dorvan, who has revealed bits and pieces but not the most crucial
parts of the plans the Jedi and Club Bwua’tu have been making to retake Coruscant. He is
given a chance to save his life by providing advice to Abeloth, just as he had to Daala.
Seeing an opportunity, he takes the job and awaits his chance to act. Abeloth, however,
shows an interesting ability. Whereas the Jedi thought of her as jumping between bodies as
some sort of Force-user with powers of possession, she uses her true forms tentacles to
install her essence into Imperial Lieutenant Lydea Pagorski (the one who committed perjury
to bring down Tahiri Veila), creating a second Abeloth avatar. Abeloth does not jump between
bodies. She instead has multiple bodies at the same time, and bringing her down will require
taking them all out in rapid succession. (But each time a body has been defeated before, she
has retreated, such as to Sinkhole Station, long enough to recover and take another.) Even
as BAMR (a Coruscant news network) continues to spread Sith propaganda that claims that
the Jedi are in league with a spice cartel and have turned against the Alliance, the Jedi begin
sending messages where the Sith will see them: “Surrender or die. Decide now. With the
Sith unwilling to surrender, the Jedi have now exhausted their options and will wipe them out.
In the Senate building, Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai (still caught between wanting to be a
Jedi but seeing herself as unable, and being a Sith, when the Lost Tribe will never take her
back) infiltrate the office of Senator “Kameron Suldar” (AKA Ivar Workan, Sith High Lord).
Along with Seha Dorvald and Luke Skywalker, they drive Workan into retreat, then Vestara
(who used the fact that she was Vestara to break cover secretly and force Workan to agree to
meet them) kills him before he can reveal that she broke cover. Elsewhere, Han Solo, Leia
Solo, Allana (Amelia) Solo, Tenel Ka, Trista Zel, Taryn Zel, and Zekk are among the many
helping to get Jedi students and instructors off of Ossus to take to Shedu Maad for their
protection. They are able to do so, but Allana has a vision of Tesar Sebatyne and the other
Barabels left with their next at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant being attacked by Sith. Allana
must warn them. When Han and Leia refuse to let her go, they head for Coruscant in the
Millennium Falcon to join the efforts there and have Bazel Warv (who also knows where the
Barabels are) warn them. Allana, however, sneaks aboard anyway. Back on Coruscant, the
Sith pull back mostly into the Jedi Temple, requiring that the Jedi, if they intend to strike, must
come to them instead of carry out hit and run tactics that have, thus far, taken out quite a few
Sith. Luke and Admiral Nek Bwua’tu prepare a mission to get Jedi into the Temple to disable
its shields, which would allow Bwua’tu’s loyal troops to enter and join the fray. Luke also
briefs Bazel about the need for him to meet the Falcon for his special mission (to find out
about the Barabels, etc.), but when speaking with Bazel, Luke learns that Bazel knows
Allana’s real identity. While Bazel plans to keep it a secret, the conversation is overheard by
Vestara as she and Ben rejoin them. The Jedi secretly enter through various tunnels into the
Temple and engage the Sith in small groups, fouling some ambushes and falling into some
others, as the Jedi, particularly Luke, Jaina Solo, Corran Horn, Ben, and Vestara try to beat
them back and use various consoles to shut down security, only to find that the consoles are
already shut down. The only way to shut down the shields is likely to go to the central
computer core itself. Unfortunately for them, the core will not be so simple. (Moreover,
Vestara is separated from the group and left to fend for herself, even as the Jedi begin
suspecting that some of the attacks may have been because she tipped off the Sith which
she did not.) Wynn accompanies Abeloth, Korelei, and another Sith to the computer core
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 869
area, but when Wynn tries to steal a blaster and kill Abeloth, he only manages to kill the
Rokari Kem body. He discovers that Abeloth is also Lady Korelei (leaving Korelei and
Pagorski as Abeloths), and Abeloth (using an ability she may have learned by “possessing”
Callista Ming at one point) transfers her consciousness into the computer core itself. Wynn is
captured and left in the computer core room as Abeloth’s prisoner, as she awaits the Jedi
who will inevitably come to try to take down the core. Meanwhile, at Exodo II, Jagged Fel’s
Imperial forces hold Natasi Daala’s forces in a siege that drags on and on, while Daala’s is
within an asteroid. Tahiri Veila, serving with Jag, senses a powerful Force-user (Abeloth)
slipping their blockade. It is Pagorski, who makes her way to meet with Daala and acts as
Daala’s advisor, suggesting that Daala call for real elections in the Empire, intending to use
cunning and political dirty-tricks to push Daala into leading the Empire before it can fragment
any further into civil strife, thereby gaining control and taking down Jag in one stroke.
Preparations for such a vote will begin soon . . . As the battle inside the Temple continues,
Ben is nearly captured by the Sith and realizes that the Sith don’t want him dead but instead
want him alive for some reason (and, they will later, determine, that goes for Vestara also,
and not just so they can capture her for betraying the Sith). Lightyears away, Raynar Thul,
Lowbacca, Tekli, and C-3PO investigate a Killik Colony, searching for answers as to the
origins of Abeloth and how to defeat her. They meet and discuss the situation with Thuruht,
the planets ancient hive, which expects that Raynar will want to become a Joiner again to
bring the Force into the hive, once he knows the truth about Abeloth. They learn that Abeloth
was imprisoned by Thuruht in the distant past, using Centerpoint Station, but now that she is
out again, the Killiks believe that the end of time has come . . . In the Temple, Ben, Jysella
Horn, the astromech Rowdy, and Valin Horn make their way to the computer core. Jysella
enters but is cut off from the others. She learns from Wynn, who is still alive but despondent,
that Abeloth is in the core and has multiple bodies. Before they can do anything else, the
others are incapacitated, and Ben (only Ben) is kidnapped. Wynn reveals that Abeloth knew
this was her chance to grab Ben because Abeloth can see the future. Nearby, the Falcon
arrives, and Allana warns Saba Sebatyne about the threat to the Barabels. Bazel will go with
Saba to warn them soon. Unfortunately for them, the hidden escape area they are using for
the Falcon happens to be a location revealed to the strike team (including Vestara). Vestara,
on the run from Sith who intend to capture (rather than kill) her, looks for safety and heads
there. When cornered right outside, she reveals Allana’s true identity to the Sith, claiming to
be on a mission to infiltrate the Jedi ranks to take down the future Jedi Queen from the vision
Sarasu Taalon had on Abeloth’s world in the Maw. Unfortunately, when the door opens, it
reveals the Falcon, including Allana, and Vestara is forced to save herself by joining the Sith
in attacking our heroes. Vestara tosses a grenade just as the fray begins, intending not to
harm anyone, but the grenade is deflected and destroys the Falcon’s cockpit. Vestara
vanishes during the fray, and Bazel is killed trying to buy time for Leia, Allana, Han, and
others to escape. Back in Imperial space, preparations for an election are underway. Jag
sends Tahiri to Hagamoor Three, site of Moff Getelles’ nanoweapon project that created the
nanovirus that was released on Mandalore to target Boba Fett. Fett, seen previously by Tahiri
while breaking Daala out of prison, has been seen there, and Tahiri may be able to get a lead
on Daala through him, then to Abeloth through Daala. As for Jag’s own admiral, Vitor Reige,
Jag convinces him to enter the Head of State race as a third candidate . . . Back with the
Killik hive, Raynars team learns the disturbing truth about Abeloth. Over 100,000 years ago,
there was a family of Force-users known as the Ones (the Father, Son, and Daughter), who
embodied the Force (the Balance of Dark and Light, the Dark, and the Light, respectively).
The Ones are beings that are neither outside nor inside the Force but existing in both (sort
of), just like the Celestials (and they may even be Celestials). They lived on Abeloth’s planet
in the Maw, guarding the Font of Power and Pool of Knowledge with their great power. They
were joined by a mortal woman, Abeloth, who was their servant. Eventually, the Father and
Abeloth fell in love and she became the Mother in the situation. With the other three
ostensibly immortal or at least amazingly long-lived and Abeloth/Mother being mortal, she
grew old while they did not. In order to increase her own power and remain with them, she
drank from the Font and swam in the Pool, but it transformed her into the creature she is
today: the opposite of the Father, Abeloth the Bringer of Chaos, constantly tipping the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 870
balance of the Force into turmoil. Any time when the flow of time is altered or toyed with (the
way that Jacen Solo did when he saw the Dark Man in his vision on Abeloth’s world and
became Darth Caedus in a quest to prevent the Dark Side from taking hold of the galaxy),
Abeloth is set free of whatever prison she had been contained within (such as the one the
Killiks made for her by constructing Centerpoint Station with the help of the Ones, whom they
call the Architects). This throws the galaxy into greater and greater conflict. In the past, the
Ones always emerged and joined in stopping and containing Abeloth, but during the Clone
Wars, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano wound up discovering the Ones
in their new home, Mortis, within a wandering monolith in space. That incident ended with
Anakin refusing to take the Father’s place, the Son accidentally killing the Daughter, the
Father killing himself to make the Son vulnerable, and Anakin killing the Son. Now, the Ones
are no more. Balance cannot be achieved with their help. Abeloth is running wild and might
not be able to be destroyed, only contained somehow. Raynar stays behind to become a
Joiner, allowing the Force to spread within the hive so that it can begin preparations (over
centuries) to once again contain Abeloth, while the rest of the team leaves to inform Luke and
the other Jedi of what they have learned. On Hagamoor Three, Tahiri (acting as Imperial
Hand) enters the weapons research facility (the Moon Maiden), knowing that Fett has done
so as well. Inside, she discovers the Squib Sligh who had been working with the Imperials on
a youth formula. Sligh had been hired to bring Pagorski to this facility, which few (other than
the Squibs) knew about, so it could be used to create propaganda for Daalas campaign that
would influence minds with Dark Side taint. Fett, seeking to find the scientists who might be
able to reverse the nanoweapon’s effects on Mandalore and let him go home, is in the
tunnels, but he has been captured. Tahiri frees him, and they join together to find Pagorski
(whom Tahiri believes is the only version of Abeloth). They find her and confront her, but it is
only through harrowing teamwork that Fett and Tahiri are able to kill this Abeloth before she
can try to take Tahiris Force-user body as a new host. The base is destroyed, along with the
scientists that could have helped Boba, but Tahiri gives him whatever data she was able to
recover through the scientists before the base was destroyed. At the same time that the
Pagorski Abeloth dies, Luke, Jaina, and Corran are in the Jedi Temple, trying to take out a
shield generator to let Bwua’tu’s troops into the Temple to join in the battle against the Sith.
Luke and Jaina are injured in the process, and Luke is nearly killed by the Korelei Abeloth,
but she inexplicably retreats (which they later will realize was because one of the other
Abeloths had just died). They open the shields and the battle is joined by the Club Bwuatu
troops! As Luke, Jaina, and Corran are taken away to medical attention outside the Temple,
the Solo group (with Zekk, etc. following) find and warn the Barabels, who join in the fight
against the Sith incursion. In the Empire, a debate is held in advance of the election that is
only hours away. During it, Getelles discredits Daala by revealing the truth of the Moon
Maiden facility when she tries to use it against Jag by claiming he destroyed her campaign
headquarters in a political move. Jag reveals that he did so, but in doing this, he tosses the
election squarely into the hands of someone he considers an actual good man: Reige, who is
the Empires choice for the next Imperial Head of State. Back on Coruscant, Ben awakens to
find that he is prisoner inside the Sith meditation sphere known as Ship, which is working for
Abeloth. Abeloth brings him together with Vestara (who Ben understands did not willingly
betray the Jedi), and both are sent off to Abeloths world in the Maw. For her part, Abeloth
uses her abilities to cause massive groundquakes on Coruscant, as the Sith sow confusion
among the populace, where Jedi and others (including that unidentified man with the spider
web tattoo) are trying to engage the Sith. The Jedi (including newly-promoted Jedi Master
Jaina) regroup with the rest of the resistance leadership, but when Luke realizes that they
have all had a vision of Ben and Vestara engaged in combat on Abeloth’s world, the pieces
fall into place. Abeloth is trying to recreate the family of the Ones with herself as Mother, Ben
as the Son (but Light this time), Vestara as the Daughter (but Dark this time), and, if she had
been able to capture Luke, he would have been the new Father (though she seems content
to rule the galaxy with a new Son and Daughter by bringing Chaos, now that a chance at
having someone to represent Balance is no longer in reach). Jag uses an Imperial ship to get
Tahiri, Saba, and a team inside the Temple, so that they can take out the computer core
Abeloth. Meanwhile, Ben and Vestara are on Abeloth’s planet in the Maw, where Abeloth (the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 871
Korelei version) tempts them with the Dark Side power of the Font of Power and Pool of
Knowledge. Jaina and Luke have given chase to Ship. While Jaina remains awake and
aware to deal with Ship if he attacks, Luke goes Beyond Shadows to engage the spiritual
version of Abeloth in the Force at the Font and Pool site. Their hope is to wipe out all
versions of Abeloth quickly enough to destroy her for good, or at least send her into retreat
for centuries to come. Once Beyond Shadows, Luke speaks with the spirits of Mara Jade
Skywalker and Jacen Solo in the Lake of Apparitions, then encounters the man with the web
tattoo, who is the “Dark Man” from Luke’s visions around the time Jacen became a Sith Lord.
It was not Jacen, however, nor was it Luke that Jacen saw as the “Dark Man.” Jacen had
seen this man on the Throne of Balance and needed to stop him, not just because of the
Dark Side ruling but because of who was ruling beside him Allana! (It would seem that this
Dark Man is Darth Krayt, leader of the One Sith that currently exists in the shadows.) In the
Jedi Temple, Tahiri’s team is able to draw out Abeloth from the core and destroys that body
(by using her ability to see the future to trick her into taking physical form, then allowing Saba
to kill her). On Abeloth’s world, Ben and Vestara resist the temptations of power as much as
possible and battle Korelei Abeloth, killing her with Force lightning from Vestara that is
powered by the Dark Side aura of the area, which she can draw upon. With Korelei Abeloth
dead, Ship stops attacking Jaina above the world. Luke, meanwhile, battles the last, Force-
only version of Abeloth, alongside the Dark Man. While Luke does battle Beyond Shadows,
dealing with a damaging chest wound in the physical and Force worlds, Jaina sets down on
the planet and brings Ben aboard to look after Luke. Vestara remains outside, and Jaina
does not intend to take her aboard except as a prisoner, given what Vestara did in the conflict
at the Falcon landing site. When she realizes she is about to be taken prisoner, Vestara
accepts an offer from Ship to be taken to the One Sith, instead of back to the Lost Tribe. Her
heart breaking from having to leave Ben, Vestara and Ship escape. As for Luke, he and the
Dark Man defeat Abeloth’s spiritual self, forcing her to retreat into the Force, truly defeated . .
. at least for now. In the aftermath of Abeloth’s defeat, she seems to be trying to manifest
herself in tentacled fashion in various places that resonate with hate like she does, but she is
unable to take full form. The Empire is now under the rule of Head of State Vitor Reige. The
Sith leave Coruscant and go into hiding, but the Galactic Alliance will now take any form of
incursion as an immediate act of war, so that the Sith will be reluctant to try such an
infiltration and takeover again. Wynn Dorvan is to be the new Chief of State, with the Jedi
secretly advising him, but with public opinion turned on the Jedi by the Sith, the Jedi Order
will leave Coruscant behind and instead base itself on Shedu Maad. Raynar is being recalled
from the Killik hive. With the threat of Abeloth returning someday still looming, the Jedi send
out teams to search the galaxy in hopes of finding the Mortis monolith and securing the
Dagger of Mortis, which may be the only thing that can truly destroy her as it did the Daughter
and Father when Anakin was on Mortis decades ago. The Millennium Falcon is repaired, and
the Solos (including Allana, whose identity is now publicly revealed) join with Tenel Ka and
others for the long-awaited wedding of Jaina Solo and Jagged Fel aboard the Dragon Queen
II. The immediate threat has ended, but more struggles remain in our heroes future . . . *
*NOTE: By this point, Allana is 9, Raynar has been healing for 8 years, Jag has been head of the Moff Council for
4 years, etc. It all points to this novel, a month after the previous one, being at the beginning of 44 ABY, rather
than at the end of this year. However, with Mercy Kill set in the end of 44 ABY, this must still be in 44 ABY,
despite what those numbers suggest.
Jagged “Jag” Fel and Jaina Solo Fel are on their honeymoon, which will be a two-stage event
with some hiking and such on Sakuub and then lounging on Hapes. They arrive on Sakuub,
where they link up with their guide Pharika, so that they can be taken to the Sky Temple of
Karsol, which Jaina believes might have been an old Jedi structure of some kind that might
include information that could help them prepare for Abeloth’s eventual return. Upon reaching
the ruins, Jaina discovers a Jedi Holocron, but “Pharika” turns out to be part of a team
intending on stealing it, but they needed a Jedi to locate it for them. Pharika’s team attacks
and injures Jag, but Jaina holds them off long enough for the surprise emergence of a third
party a ship flown by a mysterious Hutt. The Hutt drives off Pharika’s team (though her
own people killed her to keep her from talking), then notes that he was doing so because the
Hutts owe Jaina a debt after she and Lando Calrissian held that the Hutts had abided by the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 872
Treaty of Vontor back on Klatooine. The Hutt then leaves, and the married couple are ready
to finish their honeymoon in a hopefully less eventful fashion.
Luke Skywalker records into his Holocron his thoughts on why the Jedi must leave Coruscant
to find their path. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
Around this time, six months before her true identity is revealed, the woman known as Dena
Yus is hired by Lando Calrissian to run his refinery on Sarnus in the Chiloon Rift. Little does
he know that her employment records were forged by Craitheus Qreph. Dena was grown
over the span of two years at Base Prime in the Bubble of the Lost in the Chiloon Rift, but
since time is dilated there, it is difficult to determine when her creation actually began, other
than that it was sometime within the last six months or so.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
Around this time, six months before their downfall, Marvid and Craitheus Qreph’s Galactic
Syndicated begins buying up companies. Over the next six months, they will acquire a dozen
companies for fractions of their actual value, in an attempt to corner “all” major markets,
including Tibanna-gas supplying, starfighter manufacturing, freighting, etc.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
Sometime shortly before the fall of Stavin Thaal, Voyce Evlen is promoted to captain and
given her first command, the Starhook, which she uses in service of Thaal.
(conjecture based on Mercy Kill)
Aboard the Galactic Princess cruise liner, Galactic Alliance agent Myri Antilles is on a mission
from Galactic Alliance Security Commander Bilpin to uncover the illicit dealings of the
Princess’ captain, Oobolo. While using her considerable gambling skills to purposely lose and
observe the gamblers aboard, she is able to use crystals she wears on her forehead as
“decorations” to record what she can of evidence against Oobolo. She finally spots a Besalisk
named Hamajum “winning” a huge jackpot to collect payment, then passing off information to
Oobolo. She also runs into her own father, Wedge Antilles, who is also there in disguise,
meant to bring her the message that they have been found out, or at least Oobolo knows
someone is trying to nail him. Her transmitter is being jammed inside the ship. When the
captain’s goons begin rounding up passengers for a supposed illness outbreak, they split up
through a cargo hold full of banthas and reach two separate escape pods. They launch and
signal for pickup, but Wedge’s pod is damaged by fire from the criminals. Fortunately, Myri is
able to steer both pods to safety. With the mission a success, Garik “Face” Loran meets with
Myri, ready for her to undertake another mission.*
(Roll of the Dice)*
*NOTE: We have little indication when this takes place, but the fact that Face shows up to bring her in on a new
mission seems to suggest that this is meant to be a lead-in to Mercy Kill.
Voort saBinring (formerly known as Wraith Squadron member “Piggy”) is now a math
professor on Ayceezee, and his life, while safe from military adventures, is a dull, slow death
for someone with the skills and past of Voort. He is visited by Garik “Face” Loran, who is also
retired from military service, having married Dia Passik and later adopted a daughter, Adra.
Face, though, has a new mission. He has been called upon by the head of Galactic Alliance
Security, General Borath Maddeus, to secretly investigate whether the head of the Galactic
Alliance Army, General Stavin Thaal, was part of the Lecersen Conspiracy (as it is becoming
known) in which Imperial Moff Drikl Lecersen, Senator Haydnat Treen, Senator Fost Bramsin,
Admiral Sallinor Parova, General Merratt Jaxton, and others, attempted to take control of the
Galactic Alliance in order to merge it into the Imperial Remnant to create a new Galactic
Empire, under their leadership. To do this, Maddeus gave Face a yacht to work from, the
Quarren Eye, and Face is assembling a new Wraith Squadron, despite the official Wraiths
being disbanded three years ago. He is narrowly able to convince a bitter Voort (who refuses
to go by “Piggy” after the death of Hohass “Runt Ekwesh that prompted his resignation from
the Wraiths and military service near the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War fifteen years earlier)
to join the mission. Face will coordinate from Coruscant. Voort (Wraith 7 is taken back to
Coruscant to meet more Wraiths, including Wedge Antilles’ daughter Myri Antilles (Wraith 3,
now a gambler, who has been trained by the best aboard the Errant Venture), human tech
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 873
expert and pretty boy Trey Courser (Wraith 4), Clawdite Turman Durra (Wraith 2), Force-user
Antarian Ranger Jesmin Tainer (Wraith 5, daughter of former Wraiths Kell Tainer and Tyria
Sarkin-Tainer), formerly retired Wraith Bhindi Drayson (Wraith 1, the operation’s leader),
Yuuzhan Vong Extolled (formerly Shamed One) Viull “Scut” Gorsat (Wraith 6, and the
adopted son of human Mulus Cheems, whom Wraith Squadron saved from Kosh Teradoc 31
years ago; he also often wears a neoglith non-living masquer to hide his Vong features
under a human face). Unfortunately, he meets them in the middle of an ongoing operation,
just as Face leaves. (Even Myri did not realize that Face was behind their current activities.)
The mission he is thrown into has the Wraiths successfully steal a load of Galactic Alliance
blaster power packs, then replace them with droids that look like blaster packs in order to
infiltrate the destination of those power packs and take over other droids to gain intel. As for
Voort, he is happy to see Bhindi and Myri, but he is decidedly hostile toward Scut, based on
his own experiences during the Yuuzhan Vong War (and, more specifically, Runt’s death).
The Wraiths’ next step is to head for Vandor-3, where Thaal has based his so-called “Pop-
Dogs,” an elite military unit loyal to him that was set up during the Yuuzhan Vong War. The
planet is also home to Fey’lya Army Base and Ackbar City. Voort, Trey, and Myri are sent to
Vandor-3, where they monitor transmissions from the droid “blaster packs that were
swapped out on Coruscant, which were bound for Fey’lya Base. They must wait (and wait
and wait) for the blasters with the power packs to be needed at Fey’lya Base, which could be
a while, so they carry out a series of fake domestic disturbances to lure in local base
troopers, incapacitate them, and steal their weapons, all under the guise of the so-called
“Quad-Linked Militant Pacifists.” It works, and the droids begin coming online on Vandor-3
when pushed into service to replace those stolen weapons. Soon, though, Voort and Trey are
called away (leaving Myri on her own to monitor things on Vandor-3) to Gagrew Station to
rendezvous with the other Wraiths. While they are en route, the Alliance vessel Rinkin IV is
mysteriously captured by attackers that seem to have already been aboard the ship . . . At
Gagrew Station, the Wraiths (minus Myri and, of course, Face) board the Bastion Princess, a
travel liner. They sabotage its hyperdrive to force them to exit hyperspace, then eject in an
escape pod, which is picked up, as they predicted, by an Imperial Remnant ship, the
Concussor. They then take over the Concussor, dropping its crew on a habited (but out of the
way) location. Their intent is to then impersonate an Imperial Remnant crew looking to recruit
Thaal to the Empire and approach Thaal or his representatives to see if his motives are to
defect. If he bits on their false bait, they will have a better sense of his motivations to continue
the operation. Meanwhile, Face visits Staal’s estranged wife (who is now divorcing him),
Zehrinne Staal, from whom he learns about Thaals behavior, including his proclivity for a
certain type of mistress that he eventually drops for someone new. (They will later recognize
that he goes for a particular facial type, and when the woman is too old to hold onto that
same look, he moves on to someone who actually looks very similar, even if not of the same
humanoid species.) He learns that something has changed to cause Thaal to start tying up
loose ends, hence the divorce after so many years of not really having a marriage with
Zehrinne anyway other than legally. This is yet another hint that Thaal is preparing to move
onto something new, perhaps defection or something else. Face also discovers that Thaals
current mistress, Keura Fallatte, has gone missing as of a few weeks earlier, presumably also
part of this move for Thaal. (They will later learn that she has been killed, along with her
family, to hide the truth of how Thaal plans to leave his old life behind.) Meanwhile, back on
Vandor-3, Myri goes undercover to a nearby bar and finds herself focused upon by “Kirdoff,”
a local soldier. She slips away, but her cover is almost blown, and, unbeknownst to her,
“Kirdoff” is not who he appears to be . . . The other Wraiths on the Concussor use a false
Imperial officer named “Avvan Hocroft” (actually played by Turman) as their contact to reach
out to Thaal to run their defection offer ruse. To put Hocroft’s information into Alliance
systems in case Thaal checks (which he likely will), Face, on Coruscant, uses an old contact
to gain access and insert the information. In the process, he also learns that many Alliance
cargo vessels that have been going missing over the years (an investigation Jesmin was
conducting for the Antarian Rangers) were all from Kuat and included parts from HyperTech
Industries, suggesting a path to learning the identities of the pirates involved in the starship
captures. Shortly thereafter, Face is hounded by three assassins, who tail his airspeeder.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 874
Face notices and sets down in a marketplace, using the cover it provides to take out two of
the assassins. The third, still in their airspeeder, watches when Face, seemingly now safe,
appears to enter his airspeeder, which then explodes, leaving Face presumed dead and the
Wraiths, with no one to prove that they had any official authorization to work against Thaal,
on their own. (Unbeknownst to the others, Face knows he is being watched, so he allows the
airspeeder to be destroyed on remote pilot, while he escapes. He makes his way back to his
family, finding that the remaining assassin arrived first, and Dia killed him. They all get to
safety and lay low, for now, knowing that it is very likely that the assassins were sent after
them due to the Thaal investigation.) The Concussor is met in space by Captain Voyce
Evlen’s Starhook, sent by Thaal. Rather than accepting any kind of suggestion that there
might be interested Imperial parties in working with Thaal, the Starhook attacks and tries to
capture the Concussor. Apparently, Thaal is trying to capture ships for himself for some
reason, not trying to jump ship to the Imperial Remnant. Moreover, it seems that Thaal did
not go through the normal chain of command (unless Maddeus is corrupt too) due to how
they were met, which was not following protocol. The Wraiths are able to escape in a TIE
Interceptor and a shuttle from the Concussor, but the Concussor is a loss. (Voort is later
angry that they had no plan in case of attack and will realize that it is because Bhindi, now
older and looking at the young Wraiths as “kids,” wasn’t willing to put them into that kind of
danger, which has been compromising her decisions.) They make their way back to Vandor-3
via Tatooine and reunite with Myri. They all share in grieving the apparently dead Face. Myri
has tracked one of their droid blaster packs to what appears to be a secret underground base
under the Javat Caridan Environment and the Javat Caridan Children’s Animal Habitat
nearby. They have found Thaal’s secret base on Vandor-3. Soon, while Voort and Scut stand
guard on the surface, the other Wraiths infiltrate the underground facility, where they discover
a bunch of Alliance military hardware and bacta that would appear to have been stolen (and
reported destroyed, damaged, lost, etc.) that are to be sold on the black market. They also
discover that Thaals current mistress is dead (noted above) and rescue two captives, Usan
Joyl and his grandson Dashan Joyl, the former of whom is one of the greatest masters of
creating false identities in the galaxy. They also realize that this base is actually an old Tech
Raider base that Thaal had found but never reported to his superiors during the Yuuzhan
Vong War, suggesting that his corruption goes back much farther than just the Lecersen
Conspiracy that he may have joined to accelerate his own plans. While ready to escape, they
clash with another group of infiltrators, who turn out to be a second team of Wraiths that were
reconstituted and sent in by Face, a group that was not supposed to actually act on Vandor-3
but did so anyway when Face was apparently killed. This second team consists of retired
Wraith Sharr Latt, Wookiee Huhunna, “Kirdoff” from the bar (who is actually Thaymes
Fodrick), Devaronian medic Drikall Bessarah, sniper Wran Narcassan (whom Bhindi had tried
to recruit herself and nephew of former Wraith Shalla Nelprin). With plenty of evidence to
transmit to Alliance authorities, they all escape, pursued by Pop-Dogs, but they are unable to
transmit due to jamming. As they make their way to hide out at the Mount Lyss
Meteorological Station (abandoned since the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War), they let Myri
and Jesmin out to make her way out of jamming range and transmit evidence and a call for
help, then they let out Huhunna and Bhindi (against everyone’s suggestions, since she feels
a need to protect the Wraith “kids”) to attack their pursuers. The latter duo is able to slow the
pursuing Pop-Dogs, but Bhindi receives a mortal blaster wound, leaving her near death.
Huhunna brings Bhindi back to Mount Lyss, but they are unable to save her life. (They will be
forced instead to put bombs under her body to take out Pop-Dogs when they make their
evacuation.) They do receive help finally when a shuttle and a pair of X-wings arrive and
attack the Pop-Dogs. Myri has called in her father, retired Wraith founder Wedge Antilles,
along with old friends Kirney Slane (who has married Myn Donos since their Wraith days).
The helpers do not stick around long, but they are able to get the Wraiths away from Vandor-
3 so they can go on to the next phase of their mission, which takes them to Skifter Station at
Kuratooine. As they escape, Thaal recognizes that the Stealth-X X-wings and “Quad-Linked
Militant Pacifists are likely the work of a new Wraith Squadron, given Face’s involvement. He
sets his Pop-Dogs to go after the new Wraiths (since Face is already “dead”), including the
man who he believes is back from the dead to leave the Wraiths, Ton Phannan. (Why he
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 875
believes Phannan to be back and why he believes so strongly that these are new Wraiths will
be revealed in time.) With Bhindi’s death, Voort (with more experience than Sharr) assumes
command of the combined Wraiths. They have learned from Usan that Thaal is planning to
use an experimental method of identity changing that Usan has developed in order to
disappear with his new organization of Pop-Dogs and stolen ships and weaponry
(presumably to create his own crime syndicate or something similar). The process involves
many methods of changing the individual’s look, biometrics, and official records, and that also
includes removing loose ends that tie him back. Knowing Thaal’s official activities in recent
years and his proclivity to take new mistresses of a certain facial type, the Wraiths have
narrowed down a set of abandoned mines near Chakham Army Base on Kuratooine in Wild
Space as the most likely prospect for Thaal’s base of operations from which he would launch
his new life. When Voort realizes that a fast escape means that the months-long
transformation of Stavin Thaal into his new alter ego must already have taken place (meaning
that Thaal is actually already changed but using makeup and prosthetics to make himself
look like his old self in public), they form a plan to finally bring down the corrupt general. They
set up first on Skifter Station, then on the surface, knowing that there is a loyal Alliance
station in orbit, Rimsaw Station, who could join them when the time is right. They also realize
that HyperTech Industries is part of Thaal’s own scheme, as the HyperTech components that
Face had learned about on Coruscant are all “sabotaged” to contain an agent to emerge
while in space and capture the ship for Thaal, as was the case with the Rinkin IV. They check
the local mine and confirm its availability to Thaal, and they learn that he (in his new identity
of “Thadley Biolan) has been courting (via communications, not in person) a singer (who
pops up on a search for those same facial features Thaal adores) named Ledina Chott, who
is also on Kuratooine. With a Wraith pretending to be “Thadley,” they sedate and kidnap her,
even as they run another game on Thaal. They set up Turman in a full-body neoglith
masquer to be a strange new alien being from deep within Kuratooine, who calls himself
Embassy-Who-Climbs. Scut develops the suit for him with the help of his adoptive father,
Mulus Cheems, who arrives to help them by using his skills with gems to create gems that
appear to be unusual and natural only to the fake alien’s species beneath Kuratooine. They
use the lure of meeting this new species (and killing them to steal the riches from them
underground) to bring Thaal to his base on Kuratooine, tightening the noose around him.
While on Coruscant gathering a necessary item for the mission, Sharr learns (and returns to
tell the others) that Thaal seems to be hunting a third Wraith group, led by Ton Phannan that
includes several names that are either old in-jokes among the Wraiths or old aliases of the
Wraiths. They have no idea what to make of this, but the mission continues. When Thaal (as
Thadley) finally tries to meet with Ledina, he finds that she has been kidnapped. The Wraiths
set up in a public area full of booths for selling wares and festival style activities, where they
hope to catch Thaal and have enough citizen witnesses to nail him good. They also trade in
the shuttle from the Concussor for a pair of X-wings that they are able to get into good shape
with some hardpoint mounted missiles, then pass near Skifter Station to allow Trey to install a
small jammer on the station’s exterior. When the mission begins, Voort and Myri use the X-
wings to destroy a water tower that is actually covering one of the entrances to Thaal’s secret
base, then they engage a pair of Thaal’s Pop-Dog E-wings right near the surface of Skifter
Station, using Treys jamming device to get the upper hand and defeat them, while also
drawing the attention of the loyal military forces at Rimsaw Station to Pop-Dog activities that
have now put civilians on Skifter Station at risk. They land at the plaza to rejoin the others,
then send a pair of droids out in their X-wing gear to draw away attention. Meanwhile, the
other Wraiths drop Ledina (now regaining consciousness) at the building that serves as the
false front for another entrance to Thaal’s base, knowing that she will recognize Thaal
(Thadley) as the one who kidnapped her when authorities arrive. At the same time, Turman
breaks out of Thaals base and removes his “Embassy-Who-Climbs disguise (making it look
like the being was killed by wild animals) and rejoins Jesmin and the others. They also
contact Colonel Kadana Sorrell of Rimsaw Station (with Turman pretending to be Ton
Phannan) to warn her of a plot on Kuratooine, during which he mentions that Thaal is already
dead (not technically true, but true enough, since Thaal is already in his Thadley persona
beneath his makeup). Seeing spectators (their hoped-for witnesses) being drawn from the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 876
plaza to where Ledina was found, since she is a celebrity, Voort strips down to his skivvies
and goes out as a dancing, talking Gamorrean with the help of the band set up in the plaza,
in order to draw onlookers back to where they need to be in order to be witnesses. When
Thaal finally arrives and clashes over command with Sorrel, a message delivered via a droid
Scut set up brings the holographic head of “Ton Phannan” to accuse Thaal of being an
impostor who actually killed the real Thaal and stole his identity, knowing that any checks into
his identity will claim him to be Thadley Biolan, thanks to Usan’s extensive new identity
creation process. With the help of Zehrinne, who has arrived to help denounce Thaal as an
impostor, and with Myri, disguised as a protocol droid to bump into Thaal, swiping his holdout
blaster, Thaal has nowhere to run. By the time “Thadley Biolan” is able to prove he was
originally Stavin Thaal, there will be enough evidence presented to the Alliance of Thaal’s
corrupt activities that his goose is cooked either way. Or so it seems . . . Shortly thereafter,
Face, alive and well, visits the man who called upon him to begin the entire Thaal
investigation, Galactic Alliance Security head Borath Maddeus. Face reveals that he had
suspected that Maddeus was also part of the Lecersen Conspiracy or otherwise corrupt, and
that he had set Face upon Thaal to see what loose ends were left to tie up. He had given
Face the Quarren Eye with a HyperTech unit aboard, which was sabotaged to track his
communications and report them back to Maddeus. It was only with that comm unit that Face
delivered “orders to the non-existent third Wraith Squadron team and their long-dead (never
back-from-the-dead) leader, Ton Phannan. The only reason why Thaal would have known so
easily that it was the Wraiths after him or have jumped to conclusions about who was leading
and on that team would be if someone had listened in on his faked communications and
reported them to Thaal, and that means that Maddeus was part of the plot all along. It turns
out that Maddeus had been working with Thaal on illegal activities since at least the Yuuzhan
Vong War when he was in Alliance Intelligence, and word has come that Thaal has escaped
from where he was being held, and Face recognizes that it was Maddeus who arranged his
escape to a safe house, the very location where Face has come to meet Maddeus. Maddeus
decides to kill Face then and there, calling upon Thaal, emerging from behind Face, to do it.
Unfortunately for Maddeus, they had already gotten to Thaal upon his arranged escape, and
the man holding the blaster on Face is actually Turman in disguise. Both Thaal and Maddeus
are brought down by the skillful machinations of Face and his unofficial Wraith Squadron. In
the aftermath, Face is promoted to head of Galactic Alliance Security by Chief-of-State Wyn
Dorvan, and the Wraiths are kept as Face’s unofficial ace in the hole, ready for another
adventure one day. As for Voort, he is finally past the death of Runt, and he wants the others
to resume calling him by the name he knew while with the Wraiths the first time “Piggy.
(Mercy Kill)
In the wake of the conflict with the Lost Tribe of the Sith and Abeloth, the Galactic Alliance
Senate passes the Galactic Alliance Neutrality Act, officially declaring that the Alliance
intends to stay out of any conflict between the Jedi and the Sith in the future.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
Fate of the Jedi [continued] (novel series: Aaron Allston & Christie Golden & Troy
Allies (novel: Christie Golden)
Chapters 1 36
Vortex (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 35
Conviction (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 1 45
Ascension (novel: Christie Golden)
Chapters 1 43
Apocalypse (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 36
Getaway (SWI134 short story: Christie Golden)
Getaway (SWI134 short story: Christie Golden)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 877
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The New Galactic Civil War [continued]
End of a Jedi Era
Roll of the Dice (SWI135/DRS13 short story: Karen Miller)
Roll of the Dice (SWI135/DRS13 short story: Karen Miller)
X-wing [continued] (novel series: Michael A. Stackpole & Aaron Allston)
Mercy Kill [continued] (novel: Aaron Allston)
Chapters 2 11
Chapter 12 [continued]
Chapters 13 16
Chapters 18 38
45 ABY
In order to get out, get away from the day to day grind, and have some fun, Jedi Master Jaina
Solo, Hapan Queen Mother and Jedi Tenel Ka, Allana Solo, and Allana’s nexu Anji head out
on a camping trip to the Hapan world of Luuhar. Both adults start to sense something strange
in the jungle, however, and when Anji runs off, causing Allana to worry, they soon discover
why. They are attacked (by accident, in theory) by a group of hunters (poachers) who are
being guided by another individual that is nearby but not present. The hunters are all killed
when attacking the Jedi. They finally discover the huntersguide,” a Dark Side Force user
who has been drawing animals to the hunters. When the enemy attacks them, Anji leaps out
of the shadows, having run off to project Allana from this unseen threat, and kills the Force
user. Anji has been a “very good girl.”*
(Good Hunting)*
*NOTE: We are not given any specific year for this story, but it is meant to be a tie-in to Crucible and has Allana
living with Tenel Ka, so it must be between Apocalypse and Crucible. It could be in this year or late the previous
year, however.
One month prior to meeting Han and Leia Solo, asteroid miner Captain Omad Kaegs tug
goes in for repairs, leaving him available to carry a message to the Solos for Lando Calrissian
in the near future.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
One month prior to Luke Skywalker’s mission to the Chiloon Rift, contact is lost with Jedi
Knight Ohali Soroc, one of the ten Quest Knights sent to seek the Dagger of Mortis, who is
currently seeking Mortis in the Chiloon Rift.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
Around this time, the Jedi Order is stretched thin, due to dealing with a Hutt-Yaka spice war
that could erupt into full-blown interstellar combat, the rise of a new church (cult) led by a
Falleen woman that manipulates followers with pheromones to believe in a philosophy of
free-market anarchy, and dozens of other such crises.
(conjecture based on Crucible)
When Lando Calrissian, currently running a refinery on Sarnus in the mineral-rich Chiloon Rift
as one of his business ventures, calls upon old friends Han Solo and Leia Solo to help deal
with a pirate problem in the region, the couple arrives at the Red Ronto cantina on Brink
Station, just outside of the dangerous Chiloon Rift, to meet with Lando. Unfortunately, Lando
is unable to attend, so they are met by one of Landos friends, asteroid tug pilot Omad Kaeg,
whose own ship, the Joyous Ranger, is in for repairs for the next month. After earning the
Solos’ trust, he agrees to be their guide to take them to meet with Lando on Sarnus, but their
meeting is interrupted by the arrival of two Mandalorians, Scarn and Jakal, who are joined by
Nargons, led by Qizak. It is believed that the arrival one year ago of Galactic Exploitation
Technologies has caused the pirate problem. Pirates attack asteroid tugs to steal rich
asteroids, then provide them to GET, who has bought up all of the Chiloon Rift refineries
except Landos on Sarnus. The pirates only appeared shortly after GET arrived, which seems
to support the idea that GET hired the pirates themselves. GET uses the Nargons
(genetically-engineered reptilian creatures with metal “bones” to make them stronger) as
enforcers, and the Mandalorians have been hired to act as “wranglers” to keep the Nargons
under control. Scarn has come to collect on a debt that Omad owes him from a sabacc game.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 878
Since Omad cannot pay right now, Scarn wants Omad to turn over his familys founding
membership share in the miner’s cooperative to Scarn, so he can turn it over to GET, earning
him enough credits to take care of what Omad owes him. When Han and Leia offer to cover
Omad’s debt (and reveal that Scarn likely cheated in the game with a cybernetic eye,
allowing that part of Omad’s losses to be cleared), Scarn is ready to leave peacefully, but
Qizak presses the issue: the leaders of GET, Columi geniuses Marvid Qreph and Craitheus
Qreph, want his shares. A firefight ensues, during which Han, Leia, and Omad escape, the
Mandalorians and Nargons are defeated, and Han is able to take a severed Nargon arm to
be studied. They send a message to Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker about their run-in
and the Nargons, which Luke receives through his aide, Seha Dorvald, while he, Jaina Solo,
and Jaina’s husband Jagged Fel (no, there seems to be no reason why Jaina is referred to as
“Solo” instead of “Fel or “Solo Fel” at this point, unless she just chose not to change or add
to her name), and others are running training exercises at the Jedi Academy on Shedu Maad.
The candidate they are testing, Bhixen, shows pride and a tendency toward the Dark Side, so
they allow him to restart his training or be dismissed; he chooses the former. Luke worries
about what is going on in the Chiloon Rift, since Jedi Knight Ohali Soroc, a Quest Knight (one
of the ten Jedi Knights sent out the previous year to seek out Mortis and the Dagger of Mortis
to use in the event of Abeloth’s return) has gone silent in the Rift. He has already contacted
Ben Skywalker and Tahiri Veila to investigate (since they are already in the Rift looking for
Ship at Ramook, where it was spotted), but now someone needs to gather information on
GET and bring that information to the Rift personally, since communications into the Rift are
notoriously unreliable. Luke, burdened by his injury from the battle with Abeloth and looking
for a way to step out of the spotlight of the Jedi Order for a bit after recuperating for a year,
chooses to carry the information himself aboard the Jade Shadow. He meets with Senator
Luewet Wuul, one of the few who would likely meet with Luke to discuss Galactic Exploitation
Technologies now that the Neutrality Act has been passed. He reveals that GET, owned by
Galactic Syndicated (the Qrephs), is part of the company’s legitimate (and criminal) efforts to
corner all markets for all products, essentially aiming at creating a shadow government by
monopolizing galactic trade, and they are actually pulling it off in many markets. They are
even co-opting and threatening Alliance senators, including Wuul’s own family. (Wuul’s
clanmate, Suuas, who is traveling with him, is caught spying on him to protect their warren,
and turned over to Wuul.) Meanwhile, on Sarnus, Lando and his chief of operations, Dena
Yus, negotiate with the Qrephs, who want to gain control of the Sarnus Refinery, gaining a
monopoly over the Chiloon Rift’s resources. Their discussion is interrupted by the arrival of
Han, Leia, and Omad. The Qrephs leave with their aide and troubleshooter, Savara Raine,
who awaits on their Aurel Moon flagship, along with the leader of their Mandalorian security
force, Mirta Gev (granddaughter of Boba Fett). Savara carries a red lightsaber at times,
claiming that she was with the Jedi for a short time, which is true, after a fashion. She is, in
fact, Vestara Khai, with whom Marvid appears to be infatuated. Craitheus and Marvid intend
to kill Lando to try to force his wife, Tendra Calrissian, to turn over the refinery to them, but
they now see an opportunity to kill the Solos, since they believe that it was Han who shot
their mother decades ago and ended her genius abilities (and thus her ability to provide for
her family). To that end, they arrange the sabotage of tractor beams that control the arrival of
asteroids at the refinery, while Lando and Dena are giving Leia and Han a tour. As a result,
an asteroid crashes down, and they are just barely able to escape. 28,000 of Lando’s
workers are killed in the resulting explosion, and Leia and Han both end up in comas, which
they are still in when Luke arrives, revealing to Lando that the Qrephs are behind the Galactic
Syndicated “ghost corporation” behind the scenes of recent events. They believe that piracy
in the Chiloon Rift (and elsewhere) is what the Qrephs are using to pay for portions of their
massive scheme to buy out major business ventures. Away from prying eyes, Dena is met by
Savara. Dena is a biot, created by the Qrephs, so she is more similar to the Nargons than
regular humans in that regard, and she had been ordered to get close to a refinery worker,
Tharston Kharl, and she then provided the information and services that Savara needed in
order to arrange the “accident” that killed thousands to get at the Solos and Lando. (Savara
and the Qrephs control Dena by being her only source of an enzyme that she needs to
survive.) Han and Leia awaken from their comas, though Han now has had to have one of his
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 879
eyes replaced with one from a donor due to damage in the explosion. Together, Han, Luke,
Lando, Omad, C-3PO, and R2-D2 begin working on a plan to work against the Qrephs. They
realize as well that the reason the Qrephs are ramping up operations in the Rift and want in
on the mining cooperative is so that they can know where any new RiftMesh communications
beacons are being placed: it would appear that the Qrephs have some kind of major
operation they are trying to hide that is somewhere within the Chiloon Rift, though speculation
ranges all over the place, including the incorrect belief that Kesh, home of the Lost Tribe of
the Sith, might be in the Rift. Dena, under orders from Savara (Vestara), points our heroes
(who are already suspicious of her, thanks to Lukes Force senses) to Tharston as the traitor
in Lando’s organization, then points them to Valnoos and its casinos as where Tharston
supposedly met with his contact in the Qrephs operation. In fact, it is a trap, which our
heroes already realize. They visit the Blue Star casino, rather than Tharston’s supposed
favorite, the Durelium Palace, where Han, Lando, and Dena play sabacc and are soon joined
by Mirta Gev. Lando makes an offer to her that is to be brought to Craitheus: if Craitheus will
cut Marvid out of any future deals, Lando and Craitheus can join together and run the entire
Chiloon Rift as equal partners. It is unlikely that Craitheus will take the deal, but the plan is to
try to drive a wedge between the brothers. Mirta, though, is there to collect a 1,000,000 credit
bounty on Han for the Qrephs, whom Han believes want him just to have leverage on Lando.
When Omad misinterprets a signal from Han to back off, a firefight ensues, during which
Dena, given a mysterious purse moments earlier, is pushed into releasing against her own
judgment what amounts to suicide bomber spiders (“arachnokillers”). While everyone
survives the encounter, Han is taken prisoner, though that part is at least somewhat in
keeping with his plan to somehow get a tracking device onto the ship of whomever showed
up to represent the Qrephs in the encounter. As they try to escape, Luke and Leia try to stop
them, but Vestara (as Savara) and several Nargons help ensure that they are unable to
recover Han, though the Jedi are able to put a tracking device on their ship. Vestara reveals
the circumstances of their escape (and the tracking device) to the Qrephs when she and
Mirta report to them, along with revealing to Marvid the nature of the offer from Lando that
Mirta gave to Craitheus in private. They prepare for a Jedi assault, and it is not long in
coming. Luke and Leia take one of Lando’s spyboats to follow the tracking device, followed a
couple of lightyears back by Lando and Omad in the Millennium Falcon. They receive a
distress signal from Jedi Ohali Soroc’s StealthX, which they recognize as a trap, though Luke
and Leia both know that Lando and Omad will respond when they get near enough to receive
it, and the duo of Ben and Tahiri would be drawn to it as well, if they are nearby. They ignore
it for now and discover the Qreph’s base ship, the Ormni, and Leia senses Han (alive,
drugged, and pissed off) aboard the Aurel Moon that is nearby. They attack the Qrephs and
their Mandalorian starfighters, trying to trade their freedom for Han’s freedom, but the Sith
meditation sphere Ship emerges into the fray and attacks the spyboat, sending Luke and Leia
crashing into the Ormni (and providing a clue to Luke and Leia that the single Sith they
sensed nearby is likely Vestara). When Ben and Tahiri find the distress call and realize it is a
trap set by pirates and Mandalorians, they are shocked to find Lando and Omad flying onto
the scene. The Jedi help the Falcon survive the encounter, but their ship is damaged enough
that they must join Lando and Omad aboard the Falcon and abandon their Hapan craft.
Soon, Han is forced into a strange sabacc game with the Qrephs (in droid bodies known as
powerbodies) at Base Prime, located deep in the Rift, on the surface of something that is able
to push back space and generally alter time and navigation around it. Han has had needles
and such inserted into his body, so that as they play sabacc (along with Mirta and a strange
Mandalorian named Thorsteg, play and banter, the Qrephs can map Han’s mind. They play
for stakes that include questions and answers, so that the Qrephs can probe things like Han’s
feelings for losing Chewbacca, Anakin Solo, and Jacen Solo. Aboard the Falcon, Ben, Tahiri,
Lando, Omad, and C-3PO examine the remains of Ohali’s astromech and learn that Ohali
had discovered a huge monolith in space (in Mortis or Tho Yor style), which is where Base
Prime is located. When she had tried to escape with this information, her StealthX was
blasted. When navigation records make no sense, Omad realizes that the space station must
be located in the Bubble of the Lost, where the monolith distorts space to cause relative
positions within it to be normal, but alters its space and time in relation to what is outside of
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 880
that bubble. Meanwhile, Luke and Leia have survived crashing into the Ormni by firing
torpedoes to use the opportunity to breach the ship. Once Leis is out of a healing trance, both
siblings, worse for wear, make their way with R2-D2 to a medbay with the help of two captive
Mandalorians (Joram and Jhan), whose armor they steal. In the medbay, they find Dena, who
was taken with Han during the raid of the Blue Star. They fake a crisis and evacuation,
allowing them to escape aboard a stolen ship with a 2-1B droid to look after Dena, who in bad
shape. As they escape, the Falcon arrives to help fend off their pursuers, reuniting the two
groups in seeking to rescue Han. Speaking of Han, he is again playing sabacc, only this time,
the bets are in terms of pain that can be forced onto a person through nerve implants. Han
also has three new fellow players, Ohali (captured), a flawed clone of Ohali made by the
Qrephs named Ohali Two (whom Han calls “Ditto”), and a Mandalorian named Barduun, who
appears to be partly crazy, Force-sensitive, and drawing on the Dark Side by trying to create
fear in the other players. The Qrephs reveal to Han that they believe it was he who shot their
mother right after visiting her, which caused her to be unable to support her family, leading to
the brothers’ rough childhoods. They have “destroyed” the other 15 candidates who might
have attacked her, making Han their main suspect, though he admits to visiting her for
information but never to shooting her. They also reveal that the deaths of the 28,000 people
on Sarnus was not to harm Lando’s operation but an attempt to get revenge on Han himself,
making Han feel equally furious and guilty for being the cause of so much suffering, in a
sense. Mirta further reveals that she is working for the Qrephs with the hope of having them
remove the nanokillers from Mandalore’s biosphere so that she and Boba can finally go home
again. Several days pass, during which Luke and Leia receive medical attention yet again,
but they are finally ready to strike at the Qrephs to get Han back. During planning, Dena
reveals that she is a biot like the Nargons. She has a Force presence because she is organic
material grown around an inorganic metal skeleton. The chip in her head will explode if she
tries to attack the Qrephs, but they have cut off her supply of the enzyme because her
usefulness is over. She agrees to help our heroes in hopes of getting to Base Prime and
acquiring the formula to create the enzymes to keep her alive. At Base Prime, the Qrephs
continue to grow in their distrust of each other, caused not just by Lando’s offer but also
because of Marvids trust for “Savara,” who they must turn over their security forces to in
order to have the best chance of surviving an assault led by Jedi. They also need her
because it takes a Force-user to open the “gate” that allows entry into the giant Celestial
monolith (apparently not Mortis, but of a similar type) upon which Base Prime is located. They
previously sent Vestara in with Barduun, and she returned just fine, but it was that journey
into the monolith that sent Barduun back insane (calling himself “Jhonus Raam,” the brand
name of his flightsuit) and able to now tap into the Force (or at least the Dark Side). They
want to figure out how to overcome the ill effects of entering the monolith so that the Qrephs
can gain use of the Force. They figure that if Palpatine was a Sith, but not a Columni genius,
and he was able to conquer the galaxy, then the Qrephs would certainly be able to once they
themselves have access to Force abilities. Meanwhile, Han mouths off to Mirta during the
current sabacc game and tries to stop the game entirely, but a pair of Nargon guards tell
them they must continue. Out of nowhere, Barduun makes his move, calling out into Han and
Ohali’s minds to have them do the same. (“Ditto” is pretty much dead at this point from pain in
the sabacc game.) Han attacks the supposedly unarmed Mirta, taking her hidden knife from
her leg, slashing up her leg, and taking the holdout blaster she kept higher up on the same
leg. Barduun uses Force lightning on the Nargons, until the three of them can escape toward
where the Qrephs have been creating their biots, so that Barduun can “save the princess,”
whatever that means. In the Rift, the Falcon comes upon a beacon and several Mandalorian
ships leaving it. They battle the Mandalorians, taking out all but one, which they intend to
follow back to Base Prime, knowing that it was a lookout, since communications are so bad in
the Rift. As they near Base Prime, though, it seems to reach out through the Force to Luke,
who feels it as a great, ancient, Dark Side presence. They destroy the final Mandalorian
starfighter and follow that feeling of darkness toward Base Prime. Inside, Barduun pushes
Han toward rage by repeating the Qrephs lie (well, their assumption) that Leia and Luke died
when crashing into the Ormni. They make it into the area where biots are being made and
begin destroying droids and otherwise screwing up the Qrephsexperiments to make them
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 881
angry and off-balance, rather than several steps ahead of them. Han finds a biot of himself,
unfinished, looking as he was around the Battle of Yavin, and Barduun frees his “princess
a Battle of Yavin era version of Leia, albeit mostly mindless. For her part, Ohali disappears
into the lab, following instructions from Han. When Barduun tries to take them down to the
monolith to make Han like Barduun, Han kills Barduun (and, inadvertently, the Leia biot),
using the lab’s own security cannons. As the Jedi assault begins (including some of Lando’s
YVH droids), the Qrephs reunite with Mirta, let her know Vestara (Sarna) is in command, and
they all briefly renegotiate the Mandalorians contract so they will help in the fight against
Jedi, not just normal beings. Vestara joins the Qrephs and Mirta in racing for the gate,
intending to lure the Jedi into a trap, but between YVH droids after them and the arrival of
Ben, their Nargons are wiped out, and Vestara is forced to pull Craitheus (in his powerbody)
into the line of fire to protect her and Marvid, leaving them needing to drag Craitheus along
the rest of the way. They quickly run into a biot that Marvid has created of Vestara, using his
own mothers genetic material to give her a bigger, better brain. Marvid then blasts Vestaras
ankle and knee, leaving her limping. The Qrephs knew that she was a threat to them and
could take all of their holdings if she could gain enough of their trust and authority. She was
truly there to gather enough power to return to the Lost Tribe of the Sith and conquer them,
so that she could, in theory, go home without being treated as an outcast or traitor. As Marvid
leaves Vestara behind, Mirta nearly goes with him, but Vestara convinces her that the
nanokiller project was a ruse. They had no intention of helping her return to Mandalore. Mirta
calls off the Mandalorians from the fight and joins Vestara, carrying her to where they hope to
be rescued by Ship, whom Vestara has contacted through the Force. Marvid, Craitheus, and
Savara Two (the biot) head for the gate, what Marvid sees as their last chance. They attack
the cannon-guarded entrance within the lab, hoping to have it blast Han, but he leaps over a
catwalk to land right near the gate, which is more of a surface hatch to enter the monolith.
With the help of Vestara Two, who can touch the Force, the Qrephs are able to move through
the gate (a “stasis circle”) to enter the monolith. As Leia enters with a YVH, the cannons turn
on her, and she leaps to join Han. Unfortunately, he is standing on the gate, and their touch
(since she is Force-attuned) causes them to be pulled into the monolith as well. Luke,
meanwhile, leaves Ben and Tahiri to mop up in the base with the YVH droids, while Luke
races to enter the monolith to face off with the Qrephs as well. In the monolith, Lukes
lightsaber seems to push living shadows away, even as his body glows bright with Force-
born light, except for the hole in his chest where Abeloth had wounded him a year ago.
Elsewhere, Han and Leia realize that Barduun was possessed by one of the “shadows,
which seems to be Dark Side spirits, which the Qrephs now either want to be possessed by,
are ignorant about, or are arrogant enough to think can be controlled. Luke finds himself
attacked by Savara Two, whom he blasts to oblivion with raw Force power from the monolith,
but he is then fired upon by Marvid and Craitheus, who wear him down enough to shoot him
in the arm and the neck, leaving him to fall against a large white tree, where Han and Leia
find him with strange yellow eyes peering out of the neck wound. Han tends to Luke briefly,
then attacks Craitheus, who is attacking despite being theoretically dead, having been shot in
the head by a YVH long before. Han is able to bring him and his powerbody down. Leia
attacks Marvid, killing him with a cut to his collarbone, just as he fires a powerful blast into her
stomach. The shadows offer to help Han save Luke and Leia, but he refuses, knowing that it
would cost him his own soul or theirs, so to speak, to the Dark Side. As flames rise around
them, Leia and Luke rejoin the also-injured Han. They need to escape, and it would appear
that they are hard to kill in this realm, but so might the Qrephs be. Luke says that the Force
here heals everyone quickly, but it is raw and unformed power, giving them unimaginable
power. When the Qrephs, accepting the power of the shadows, return, Leia and Luke go to
face them using the Force, while Han must remain to cover them, since he cannot touch the
Force himself. Finally, in a last, cataclysmic struggle, Luke and Leia rise in brilliance and wipe
out the Qrephs, blasting away the shadows. Leias existence and memory are nearly washed
away to fade into the Force, but Han’s memories and love for her, and for his brother-in-law,
helps draw them back to physicality. As they walk back to the gate, they recognize a need to
step back for a while. Their role in shaping the galaxy may be over, and change must come.
The Force, in a sense, has revealed itself to Luke and Leia, suggesting their need to take it
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 882
easy for a while. They exit the gate and reunite with the others. They intend to destroy the
beacons that let people find the monolith, and they will post lookouts to guard anyone from
reaching it otherwise. Dena has found the enzyme formula, but she must be taken to the Jedi
Council for justice, given that the deaths on Sarnus were outside of Republic jurisdiction.
Luke himself does not intend to return for now, nor do Leia and Han. Three months after first
meeting Omad, he, the Solos, Luke, Ben, Tahiri, Ohali, Jaina, and Jag, all meet at the Red
Ronto. Tahiri and Ben confirm that Mirta and Vestara got away. As for Luke, Leia, and Han,
they are retiring . . . for now. Together, they drink a toast to good friends, good times, and
new journeys.*
*NOTE: I had to smile upon receiving my copy of Crucible from Del Rey. The original Uncorrected Proofs ebook
version that was sent out for me to review (via podcast and such) included two problems: it was said that Jaina
had “just turned thirty-three” (which was blatantly incorrect) and the Dramatis Personae gave away Vestara’s
disguise (and its surprise) by listing the character not as “Savara Raine: troubleshooter (human female)” but as
“Vestara Khai (aka Savara Raine): troubleshooter (human female).” I emailed Del Rey about both of these, along
with Leland Chee on the age issue. Sure enough, they were able to get them tweaked for the final publication. I’d
like to think I was part of getting those issues resolved, rather than simply stating the obvious if they were
already on the case.
Good Hunting (SWI142 short story: Christie Golden)
Good Hunting (SWI142 short story: Christie Golden)
Crucible (novel: Troy Denning)
Crucible (novel: Troy Denning)
Chapters 1 26
“Paul S. Kemp Duology” (novel series: Paul S. Kemp) [forthcoming]*
“Paul S. Kemp Duology, Book I” (novel: Paul S. Kemp) [forthcoming]*
“Paul S. Kemp Duology, Book II” (novel: Paul S. Kemp) [forthcoming]*
*NOTE: As of summer 2013, we have been told that these books are “on hold” as we await information about how
post-ROTJ EU materials will be dealt with in light of the announcement of Episode VII being produced. The smart
money is on them never being published, but that is still not announced at this time.
Sword of the Jedi (novel series: Christie Golden) [forthcoming]
Sword of the Jedi, Book I” (novel series: Christie Golden) [forthcoming]*
Sword of the Jedi, Book II” (novel series: Christie Golden) [forthcoming]*
Sword of the Jedi, Book III” (novel series: Christie Golden) [forthcoming]*
*NOTE: As of summer 2013, we have been told that post-ROTJ Star Wars stories are somewhat “up in the air” as
we await information about how such materials will be dealt with in light of the announcement of Episode VII
being produced. The smart money is on them never being published, but that is still not announced at this time.
This series, unlike Kemp’s duology, has not been announced as “on hold,” but those behind the series have
been very tight-lipped about it for quite a while.
55 ABY
Lenang OPali publishes Mitth’raw’nuruodo Reconsidered: A Patriot’s Perspective, in which
he argues that Thrawn was a great patriot, killed before his time, and that all of his actions
under the Chiss, then the Empire, had been directed at protecting the galaxy from the
Yuuzhan Vong invasion that was coming.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
81 ABY
Thull Kabanard publishes Portraits in Late Galactic History, in which he discusses various
interpretations of the Second Galactic Civil War.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
87 ABY
Around this time, House Vahali resurfaces on Denon, building a new power base.*
(conjecture based on Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes)*
*NOTE: I have rounded “decades” to 50 years after Star by Star.
92 ABY
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 883
The Galactic Alliance Defense Force’s MC140 Scythe-class main battle cruiser is developed.
Incom develops the CF9 Crossfire starfighter to complement the Scythe cruisers.
(conjecture based on The Essential Guide to Warfare)
100 127 ABY
Decades after the Imperial Remnant joined the Galactic Alliance, the Imperial Remnant
reaches a point where it has enough power to declare itself a full-fledged Empire once more,
placing a new Emperor (presumably the first member of the Fel Dynasty) on the Imperial
throne, who would rule (for a while at least) from the planet Bastion. The Emperor’s power is
kept in check by the Moff Council, but in this era, the “Moffs” are not regional governors but
leaders of the Imperial military.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0, New Force Rising, Legacies of Future Orders, and
*NOTE: I know, I know. I don’t usually play the speculation game, but Legacy is just to friggin’ awesome a
concept to not comment upon before release.
Sometime during the era leading up to the Sith-Imperial War, the Sienar Predator-class
starfighter is created as an improvement over older TIE Interceptor starfighters. It becomes
the standard starfighter for the Reborn Empire.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0)
Sometime during the growth of the Reborn Empire, the Imperial Knights are created. They
are a group of Gray Jedi (neither Dark nor Light, not so much following the Force as using it
as a tool), who are separate from the Jedi Order. All carry lightsabers of the same design.
Future Emperor Roan Fel will be a fully-trained Imperial Knight, while his daughter, Marasiah
Fel, will be trained as an Imperial Knight but not actually “knighted” to receive the rank itself.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0)
Sometime during the growth of the Reborn Empire, the first Emperor Fel begins the concept
of “Victory Without War” (which will eventually become the Empire’s motto under Roan Fel,
the third Fel Emperor). To spread Imperial influence, the first Emperor Fel founds the Imperial
Mission, which will help support planets that are still dealing with the aftereffects of the
Yuuzhan Vong War. The missions will be spread about the galaxy, and the Imperial Mission
will come to be run by Konrad Rus. Young orphans Shado and Astraal Vao will be found by
the Imperial Mission and helped, but when both are discovered by Jedi Wolf Sazen to have
Jedi potential, Shado will go with Wolf to the Ossus Jedi Academy to be trained as a Jedi (as
the next Padawan of Kol Skywalker), while Astraal chooses to remain behind with the
Imperial Mission as a Missionary.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0)
Sometime during the growth of the Reborn Empire, Kuat Drive Yards develops the Pellaeon-
class Star Destroyer, which becomes the heart of the Imperial fleet.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0)
104 ABY
Volume 352, issue 10 of the Byblos Journal of Historical Science, is published, containing an
article by Dr. Gabrel Treon titled, “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes,” describing
the history of House Praji.
(Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes)
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes (SWH short story: Nathan Okeefe)
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes (SWH short story: Nathan Okeefe)
Founding Fathers (25,200 -- 17,000 BBY)
The Goddess Wills It (12,000 11,000 BBY)
The Dual Suns Eclipsed (11,000 4,800 BBY)
Exodus (4,800 -- 4,225 BBY)
A Matter of Perspective (4,225 BBY)
Billions and Billions (4,225 60 BBY)
Art for Art’s Sake (60 – 22 BBY)
Man of the People (22 19 BBY)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 884
Endgame (19 0 BBY)
A Model Officer (37 1 BBY)
Second Chances (1 BBY 3 ABY)
Striking from the Shadows (3 10 ABY)
Inheritance (10 104 ABY)
108 ABY
Around this time, the Mandalorian Vevec meets fellow Mandalorian (and future traitor) Yaga
(conjecture based on Rogue’s End)*
*NOTE: The two men met nearly twenty years prior to the flashback that begins Rogue’s End.
116 ABY
Cade Skywalker is born to Kol Skywalker and his lover, Imperial agent Morrigan Corde.*
(conjecture based on information from Jan Duursema and Trust Issues)*
*NOTE: In a post on the message boards of TheForce.Net, Jan Duursema, co-creator of Legacy, told readers that
Cade is supposed to be around 14 in the first issue of Legacy, which takes place at 130 ABY.
117 ABY
Intelligence operative Morrigan Corde, mother of Cade Skywalker, is recalled to the Empire.
She argues with Cade’s father, Kol Skywalker, over her future plans, but having and raising a
child was never part of her agenda. She has Kol take Cade to Ossus and leaves them both
behind. She soon becomes inactive as an Imperial agent for the next twenty years.
(conjecture based on Trust Issues)
Legacy (comic series: John Ostrander)
Shards (comic series: John Ostrander)
Trust Issues (comic series: John Ostrander)
Trust Issues, Part I [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)
119 ABY
Ahnah is born to Droo. She will eventually become the stepdaughter of Nat Skywalker (AKA
“Bantha” Rawk) when he and Droo marry.
(conjecture based on Loyalties)
122 ABY
The Jedi Order (under Kol Skywalker) teams up with Yuuzhan Vong Shapers (including Nei
Rin) and terraforming experts to transform the relatively barren planet of Ossus (home of the
Jedi Academy that Luke Skywalker established after the Yuuzhan Vong War) into a vibrant
world again. The experiment, known as the Ossus Project, is a success, and other planets
soon start clamoring for the same process to be used on their worlds.*
(conjecture based on Legacy #0, Monster, and The Essential Guide to Warfare)*
*NOTE: I had originally assumed that this was very soon before the Wayland version of the Ossus Project and in
the same year as the sabotage of the project, but the EGtW places this starting point for the Ossus Project in this
year, rather than four years later.
123 ABY
Kol Skywalker composes a journal entry about Order 66 during the Clone Wars, delving into
the idea of how the Sith perfectly manipulated circumstances to wipe out the Jedi and rule the
galaxy. (To be continued below . . . )
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Outer Rim Sieges [continued]
Order 66: The Road to Empire
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 885
126 ABY
The Ossus Project is brought to other war-damaged worlds. One of those planets is Wayland,
where Kol Skywalker and Nei Rin (with Kols son Cade and fellow Jedi youngling Shado Vao
at their side) help reclaim the world on behalf of the local Myneyrshi and their local leader,
(conjecture based on Legacy #0 and Monster)
A new Sith Order under Darth Krayt emerges from seclusion on the planet Korriban. The Sith
contact Imperial Moff Nyna Calixte, offering to form a secret alliance between the Sith and the
Reborn Empire. Rather than bringing this information to the current Emperor (Roan Fel, the
third in the Fel Dynasty) at Bastion, she instead takes the offer to her lover, Grand Admiral
Morlish Veed. The Sith offer to help bring the Empire back to its former galactic power,
though there must always be a catch with Sith offers somewhere . . .
(conjecture based on Legacy #0 and Allies)
Six months after the Ossus Project succeeds on Wayland (very late this year), the Sith, as
part of their plotting with the Imperial conspirators, secretly sabotage the terraforming project
being carried out by the Jedi Order and the Yuuzhan Vong. On planets where the
terraforming is taking place, plants begin to be deformed and bony growths start to appear on
the planets inhabitants, reminiscent of those found on victims of the Vong in the past. Jedi
Master Kol Skywalker, Jedi Wolf Sazen, Shaper Nei Rin, and young Jedi students Cade
Skywalker and Shado Vao are present on Wayland when things go wrong. Local Myneyrshi
chief Roax wants to kill Nei Rin to punish the Yuuzhan Vong, but Kol and Nei Rin believe that
the project was sabotaged. Kol helps get Nei Rin off of the planet. Their ship is damaged,
however, making it difficult for them to escape into space. Their distress signal is intercepted
by an Imperial Star Destroyer, under the command of Nyna Calixte, who is reunited briefly
with Kol Skywalker (and, technically, Cade, though he has no idea that Nyna’s other identity
is his long-host mother Morrigan Corde). (To be continued below . . . )
Legacy [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Monster (comic series: John Ostrander)
Monster (comic series: John Ostrander)
Monster, Part I [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)
127 ABY
The Imperial Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer Iron Sun goes missing after garbled
transmissions about “monsters.” It is presumed to have been destroyed by a mass shadow or
a black hole. It has, in fact, been discovered and taken over by Celeste Morne (and, by
extension, Karness Muur), who turned the crew into rakghouls.
(conjecture based on Vector)
The Jedi, sensing deception in the Ossus Project failure and resulting tragedy, stand behind
the Yuuzhan Vong, convincing the Galactic Alliance to do the same. The Empire then issues
an ultimatum to the Galactic Alliance, invoking the Treaty of Anaxes to seek retribution
against the Alliance and their Vong allies. At the urging of the Jedi, the Alliance refuses the
ultimatum, thus sparking what will later be known as the Sith-Imperial War. Unfortunately for
the Alliance, many members worlds are distrustful of the Vong after the Yuuzhan Vong War
and decide to either break from the Alliance and take on Alliance forces themselves, or to
actually join with the Empire. (In this sense, the Sith-Imperial War was both a civil war and a
war with an outside power for the Galactic Alliance.)
(conjecture based on Legacy #0 and Allies)
As the war between the Galactic Alliance and Reborn Empire begins, Zonama Sekot flees
deeper into the Unknown Regions, leaving many Yuuzhan Vong behind. Some, including
Shaper Nei Rin, dedicate their lives at that point to figuring out what went wrong with the
Vong terraforming project. (To be continued below . . . )
A pair of Jedi are still on Zonama Sekot with their daughter, Fionah Ti, who does not possess
Jedi gifts. (To be continued below . . . )
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 886
(conjecture based on Monster)
Around the time of the Empire’s resurgence, Eeook Mining and Reclamation reorganizes into
the Eeook Corporation.*
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
Late during the first year of the Sith-Imperial War, Mandalorian forces under the current
Mandalore, Chernan Ordo, attempt to hold the planet Botajef on behalf of the Galactic
Alliance (who has hired them) until Alliance reinforcements can arrive. When Mandalorian
warrior Hondo Karr is sent to find fellow Mandalorian Yaga Auchs, he finds Auchs having
killed one of their own and mentioning serving a “master” (Sith? Imperial? Hondo can’t be
sure.). Auchs blasts Hondo and nearly kills him with a thermal detonator. When Hondo
awakens, Vevec (a fellow Mandalorian and father of Hondo’s wife, Tes Vevec) is at his side,
but Auchs has gotten most of their comrades off-planet, and in the absence of Chernan Ordo,
who has been killed in battle, Auchs is the leader that the Mandalorians will rally behind,
despite him being a traitor. Hondo plans to expose Auchs’ treachery, but to do that, they have
to survive. Hondo puts on armor from a dead stormtrooper and tells Vevec to do the same,
but to make the Imperials believe Hondo is truly one of them, Vevec turns his blaster on
Hondo, just as a stormtrooper loyal to Imperial Sergeant Harkas comes into view. The trooper
kills Vevec, making Hondo a lucky survivor. Harkas takes “trooper” Hondo into Joker Squad,
telling him that they’ll dummy up records later to make it official. Hondo Karr, Mandalorian
warrior, is now a member of Joker Squad, but his quest to bring down Yaga Auchs continues
. . . (To be continued below . . . )
(Rogue’s End)
In the wake of the Battle of Botajef, Tes Vevec swears vengeance against her husband (er,
ex-husband, perhaps) Hondo Karr, whom she believes killed her father on Botajef. She
begins what becomes a near-decade-long hunt for him. She sneaks onto Botajef to recover
her father’s body. In the process, she recovers Hondo’s armor, intending to bury him in it
when she finds and kills him.
(conjecture based on Rogue’s End)
In the wake of the Battle of Botajef, Yaga Auchs, traitor to the Mandalorians (a fact known
only to Hondo Karr and the late Vevec), becomes the new Mandalore.
(conjecture based on Rogue’s End)
Legacy [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Shards [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Ghosts (comic series: John Ostrander)
Ghosts, Part II [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)
Rogue’s End (comic: John Ostrander)
Rogue’s End (comic: John Ostrander)
127 130 ABY
Sometime during the Sith-Imperial War, the Empire retakes Coruscant and makes it capital of
the Empire once again.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0)
Sometime during the Sith-Imperial War, the Jedi Order arms some of its Jedi shuttles for
(conjecture based on Legacy #0)
During the Sith-Imperial War, the Incom C49 Crossfire Fighter is the main starfighter for the
Galactic Alliance Core Force.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0)
During the Sith-Imperial War, the X-83 TwinTail Fighter (the latest version of the X-wing)
becomes the standard starfighter for the Jedi Order.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0)
128 ABY
One year into the war between the Galactic Alliance and Reborn Empire, the Sith Order led
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 887
by Darth Krayt emerges into the conflict. Their secret allies within the Empire, Moff Nyna
Calixte and Grand Admiral Morlish Veed, manipulate the Moff Council into accepting the
Sith’s offer of a true alliance in the war, which leaves Emperor Roan Fel unable to stop the
formation of such a pact, despite his own distrust of the Sith. The tide of the war steadily
turns in the Empires favor with the help of their Sith allies.
(conjecture based on Allies)
With the emergence of the Sith into the war, shaper Nei Rin realizes that the problems with
the Yuuzhan Vong planet recovery project were caused by sabotage, not the Vong gods. She
remains on Ossus to try to find a way to fix the sabotage. (To be continued below . . . )
Seeing the danger that this new Sith-Imperial War represents, Jedi Master Kol Skywalker and
the Jedi Council order the construction, under Nat Skywalker, of a Hidden Temple (made of,
among other things, starships) on the planet Taivas. They are able to keep it secret, in part,
because Taivas had only a very thin atmosphere, but the Yuuzhan Vong terraforming made it
livable without anyone else knowing.
(conjecture based on The Hidden Temple)
Legacy [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Shards [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Ghosts [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Ghosts, Part II [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)
130 ABY
Yuuzhan Vong shaper Nei Rin and her two guardians (Choka Skell and Liaan Lah) leave the
Jedi Temple on Ossus to gather data that might help them undo the Sith tampering with their
planet recovery project. (To be continued below . . . )
On Coruscant, the Galactic Alliance has received information that notes Roan Fel secretly
meeting with members of the Chiss and Hapans in orbit near Caamas in just two days.
Seeing this as a possible trap, the leadership of the Alliance is divided. Rear Admiral Piers
Natan believes its too good to pass up, while Gial Gahan of Mon Calamari and Kol
Skywalker of the Jedi disagree. Nu Toreena had sided with Natan, leaving Bail Antilles the
only undecided player. Admiral Gar Stazi also believes it to be a trap, so he plans to have a
backdoor ready to save them if necessary. Natan will lead the attack, while Stazi brings up
the rear. When the Battle of Caamas begins, the Alliance ships are trapped. Natan agrees to
Imperial Grand Admiral Morlish Veed’s order to surrender, but Stazi and other Alliance ships
refuse to do so. They jump to safety, intending to carry on the fight, even though the Battle of
Caamas has been a devastating blow to the Alliance. (To be continued below . . . )
Just days before the massacre at Ossus, the Battle of Caamas takes place. The battle ends
in the Empires favor, leading to the surrender of the Galactic Alliance to the Reborn Empire.
As the battle concludes, Emperor Roan Fel confronts Moff Nyna Calixte about her role in
bringing about the alliance with the Sith and the war itself. She understands that with the
Galactic Alliance about to be absorbed into the Empire, the Alliance bureaucracy must
remain intact, which means that people like her will always be needed by the Sith, while
people like Roan Fel will simply be impediments to be removed. Roan considers executing
her on the spot for her treasonous words and actions, but he does not do so, since that is
what a Sith would do. It is just after that threat of execution that they learn that the Alliance
has officially fallen at Caamas. Roan, though, knows that while the Alliance may have
surrendered, the Jedi will not, especially with the Sith allied with the Empire. The Jedi are
going to fall back to their temple on Ossus, and Roan orders that they be allowed to do so.
(To be continued below . . . )
Emperor Roan Fel calls upon the Jedi Knights to surrender and subject themselves to the will
of the Empire, just like the Empire’s own Gray Jedi, the Imperial Knights, but the Jedi refuse.
Instead (two days before the Massacre at Ossus), the Jedi Temple on Coruscant finally falls,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 888
while the Jedi withdraw from Coruscant to Ossus to make their last stand against the Empire.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0 and Broken)
With the fall of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Jedi Master Rasi Tuum is believed dead, as is
his Padawan, Azlyn Rae, who had been very close to Cade Skywalker. Azlyn has, in fact,
survived. She will take odd jobs over the next few years before becoming a bounty hunter (at
least as a pretense), while also completing her training as a member of the Imperial Knights.
(conjecture based on Loyalties)
The Blazing Chain has regained its strength and is once again a dangerous threat in the
Unknown Regions.
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. Bear in mind that this assumes that “by the fall of the Galactic
Alliance” refers to the Alliance’s defeat in the Sith-Imperial War.
By the time the Galactic Alliance falls to the Empire and Darth Krayt, the Eeook Corporations
holdings on 244Core recover from the environmental damage caused by a meteor storm and
the ensuing breakdown in the government.
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn. Bear in mind that this assumes that “by the fall of the Galactic
Alliance” refers to the Alliance’s defeat in the Sith-Imperial War.
Approximately three years after the Sith-Imperial War began, the conflict reaches its end with
a final climactic assault against the Jedi Academy on Ossus. Imperial forces (including this
era’s stormtroopers with upgraded armor and this eras new TIE fighter design, known as the
Sienar Predator-class fighter) bear down on the academy, led by a group of Sith under the
Nagai Darth Nihl. As the fighting nears its end, Shado Vao (Kol Skywalkers Padawan) loads
Jedi younglings into a Jedi shuttle to get them to safety. Covering their escape are Jedi
Master Kol Skywalker and Jedi Master Wolf Sazen (Kol’s former Padawan), along with Kols
son (and Wolfs Padawan), Cade Skywalker. Wolf orders Cade to get to the shuttle to help
protect the younglings, but he feels that his place is there in combat. Kol throws his weight in
on Wolf’s side of the argument, and Cade finally relents and heads for the shuttle. Wolf notes
that it was not a very good farewell between father and son, but Kol simply says that they
“take what is given.” Finally, Darth Nihl and his Sith henchmen (and henchwomen) arrive,
declaring that Kol, Wolf, and, presumably, those on the shuttle, are the last of the Jedi left on
Ossus. Wolf and Kol engage the Sith, cutting down many of them, but Nihl manages to sever
Wolf’s left arm, then delivers a major stab wound to his chest. Even as Kol stands with two
lightsabers (one likely being Wolf’s, drawn to him through the Force) in a pose reminiscent of
Ganner Rhysode (“I am Kol Skywalker, servant of the Living Force! None of you will pass!”),
Cade sees Wolf struck down and races to help his father battle the Sith. Kol is angry with
Cade when he appears, telling him to act like a Skywalker and get his butt back to the shuttle
to get the kids to safety. Cade does so, reluctantly (again), taking Wolf with him. Wolf is dying
from the wound Nihl delivered, but Cade will not allow it. In his anger over the battle, Cade
touches Wolfs body and uses the Force to basically will Wolf back to life. At the same
moment, Force lightning from Darth Nihl finally kills Kol Skywalker. As the shuttle lifts off,
Cade feels his father’s death and draws his lightsaber, his hands still coursing with Force
energy from bringing Wolf back to life. He intends to go back to Ossus to kill Darth Nihl, but
before he can do so (against Wolf’s wishes, just like resurrecting Wolf was against Wolf’s
teachings), they are attacked by Imperial Predators. Cade tells Shado that he will take their
Jedi X-83 TwinTail Fighter to take on the Predators and cover their escape. When Shado
suggests that this is suicide, the furious Cade simply responds, “We take what is given.”
Cade launches and blasts away at the Predators, refusing to return to the shuttle when Wolf
orders him back. Wolf is worried for Cade, as he had to touch the Dark Side in order to bring
Wolf back. He also senses that Cade wants to die, but he wants to kill before he does. Mere
moments later, the Predators score skillful shots against the X-83 and it explodes . . . It would
appear that Cade is dead, but Wolf did not sense his death, which he would have, since they
had the Master-Padawan bond that was heightened even more when Cade brought Wolf
back. They cannot take the time to look for Cade, though. They leap to hyperspace to escape
with the younglings, as Wolf swears that if Cade is still alive, he will find him one day . . . (To
be continued below . . . )
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 889
Three hours after the fall of Ossus, Grand Admiral Morlish Veed is furious with the Sith for
striking the Jedi at Ossus before they were all gathered there to be slaughtered. Darth
Maladi, however, argues that if they were all there, it would’ve been harder to defeat them.
Instead, the remaining Jedi are now scattered and will be hunted down. Nyna Calixte is more
concerned with how Emperor Roan Fell will react, though, since he had sent the group to
Ossus as a diplomatic mission with an offer to bring the Jedi into the Empire, not to attack the
Jedi. He will not stand for having his orders so obviously disobeyed. Maladi suggests that it is
time for Roan to be removed so that someone else can take the throne. Veed, ever vain,
believes that he is to be the next emperor, so he is all for it. Nyna, however, doesn’t trust the
Sith and recognizes that the Sith never said that hed be on the throne, only someone else.
They now know, though, that Darth Krayt will attend the upcoming briefing of the Moff Council
and Emperor. Shortly thereafter, Roan discusses his plans to arrest Veed at the briefing with
two of his Imperial Knights, Mohrgan (his cousin) and Antares Draco. They are interrupted by
the arrival of Nyna, who informs them of the Sith’s intention to be at the briefing to kill Roan.
Nyna knows that with Roan somehow on the loose, she and Veed will be needed by the Sith,
so they will survive as well. Thus, Mohrgan will lead a contingent of Imperial Knights at the
briefing, but it will be Roan’s double who attends, while Roan himself escapes . . . (To be
continued below . . . )
News of the end of the Sith-Imperial War has reached the Imperial capital world of Coruscant.
Emperor Roan Fel and the Moff Council accept the final report on the war from the power-
hungry Grand Admiral Morlish Veed (who is also a Moff and member of the Moff Council).
Before they can celebrate their victory, the dark allies of the Empire emerge into the throne
room. Those allies are the renewed Sith Order, and the representatives present include:
Darth Krayt (leader of the Dark Lords of the Sith); Darth Nihl (new “hero” of Ossus and one of
Krayt’s Hands); the female Darth Maladi (Head of Sith Intelligence and Assassination); and
Darth Wyyrlok (Krayt’s second-in-command, trusted friend, and the third Sith Lord to bear
that name). As a reward for the Sith winning the war for the Empire, Krayt names his price
the life of Emperor Fel! With that declaration, Krayt draws his lightsaber and cuts his way
through various Imperial Knights (“Gray Jedi,” not Dark Side or Light Side, loyal to the
Empire) to make his way to the Emperor, as Veed holds the other Moffs, including the angry
Moff Geist, back. Finally, Krayt reaches the Emperor and kills him, taking the throne. Veed is
shocked. He believed that Krayt was about to name him the new Emperor, but Krayt has
become Emperor instead. Krayt’s first act is to have Veed be the first to swear loyalty to him,
followed by the other Moffs. As the Moffs leave, Veed angrily gripes to his partner (in every
sense) Moff Nyna Calixte, the head of Imperial Intelligence, that Krayt has broken their deal
that would’ve made him Emperor. She advises him to bide his time. Meanwhile, the Sith also
confer. Krayt is angry with Darth Maladi because he knows that the Roan Fel he just killed
was a decoy. The real Roan Fel is a trained Imperial Knight and would not have been killed
so easily. Roan Fel knew that the Sith were coming and escaped, which means that he could
be a source of unrest in the future, especially if he were able to ally himself with any
remaining Jedi. Krayt sends Maladi and Nihl with new orders to hunt down any remaining
Jedi and to put bounties on the Jedi (with ten times more being offered if one is captured
alive, which might allow that Jedi to be turned). Once Maladi and Nihl leave, Krayt finally
allows himself to show weakness in front of his longtime friend, Darth Wyyrlok. Krayt is
fighting against something inside him that is threatening to take him over and make him “not
himself,” which he can only fight off for perhaps another decade or two. He has spent time in
stasis, but now that he is Emperor, he cannot allow himself to again enter stasis and be out of
the public eye. He intends to create a galaxy of true order, but that vision has not yet come to
pass, and he fully intends to turn or destroy any remaining Jedi. Then, and only then, will his
vision of order be able to come to pass . . . (To be continued below . . . )
Even as Darth Krayt takes the throne of the Empire with the death of Roan Fels double, the
real Roan Fel and Imperial Knight Antares Draco escape through secret tunnels, ensuring
that the true ruler of the Empire will live on. Shortly after the briefing and escape, Nyna
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 890
Calixte is confronted by Darth Maladi, who informs her that Nyna will continue to manage
Imperial security and espionage activities, but she will now be forced to answer to Maladi
herself, with her first mission to find Roan Fel.
In space above Ossus, Cade Skywalker has survived the destruction of his ship, but floats
helplessly. He is discovered by the pirate Rav. When Rav is nearly about to kill him for being
a Jedi, young Jariah Syn suggests that Cade, since he has no lightsaber, might be a fellow
scavenger, and convinces Rav to spare him. Cade plays into the charade by saying that he
can help them find Jedi artifacts because his own captain had spent a lot of time trading with
the Jedi. Jariah and Cade become “brothers” very early, even as Rav takes them to the Jedi
Temple, where Cade is forced to look upon his father Kols body, unable to do anything to
bury him. Cade leaves with Rav and his pirates . . . Shortly thereafter, Nei Rin, Choka Skell,
and Liaan Lah return to Ossus to find the Jedi Temple destroyed. They find Kol’s body and
give him a proper Jedi funeral pyre. They will remain behind to gather as many Jedi artifacts
as they can find and bring them to one safe place until someone can come to reclaim the Jedi
legacy . . . (To be continued below . . . )
After the Massacre at Ossus, Moff Rulf Yage is named the “hero of Ossus.”.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0)
After the Massacre at Ossus and the apparent death of Wolf Sazen’s Padawan, Cade
Skywalker, Shado Vao becomes Wolfs new Padawan.
(conjecture based on Broken)
In the wake of the Battle of Caamas, Admiral Gar Stazi of the Galactic Alliance (now the
“Galactic Alliance Remnant”) gathers up the remaining Alliance vessels into a roving,
nomadic fleet. He will still be leading them when Roan Fel suggests an alliance seven years
after the end of the Sith-Imperial War.
(conjecture based on Trust Issues)
The Imperial Military command learns that a military unit loyal to the deposed Emperor Fel is
planning to escape Coruscant. Darth Nihl, and Imperial troops, as well as a dark Jedi master,
are dispatched to eliminate the “disloyal” troops. Arriving in the upper levels of Coruscant,
they discover that the troops they are hunting are being led by Imperial Knight Antares
(Empire vs. Empire: Disloyalty)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn.
Having saved Tionne Solusar’s records from Ossus, Ellu Viss, a Jedi apprentice, creates an
afterword for her records regarding the Sith-Imperial War.
(Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force)
After the fall of the Galactic Alliance and rise of the new Empire under the Sith, the cultists on
Veroleem resume aggressively recruiting, using kryotin powder.*
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
By the time that the Empire once again reigns over the galaxy, new leaders are installed for
both the Altiri and Anarrians. The both declare intentions to exterminate the other, sparking
another global war.*
(conjecture based on The Unknown Regions)*
*NOTE: Information provided by Luke Van Horn.
On the planet Mala, the young man who will one day be known as Darth Wredd is found to
have Force abilities. He wants to leave to train to be a Jedi Knight, but his hopes are dashed
when he learns of the massacre at Ossus. Before he has time to mourn the loss of the Jedi
Order, barbarians known as the Schor-Goya sweep out of the mountains and lay waste to
villages. To protect his home, he forges a sword, which he then uses to defeat the Schor-
Goya when they come to his village. He marries and has a child, acting as a sort of Jedi
protector for his people. (To be continued below . . . )
(Empire of One)
Legacy [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Shards [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 891
Ghosts [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Ghosts, Part II [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)
Alliance (comic series: John Ostrander)
Indomitable (comic series: John Ostrander)
Indomitable, Part I [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)*
Indomitable, Part II [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)*
Shards [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Allies (comic: John Ostrander)
Allies (comic: John Ostrander)
Broken (comic series: John Ostrander)
Broken, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
Shards [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Allies [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Allies [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Broken [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Broken, Part I [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Shards [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Allies [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Allies [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Ghosts [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Ghosts, Part II [flashback] (comic: John Ostrander)
Empire vs. Empire: Disloyalty (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Empire vs. Empire: Disloyalty (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force [continued] (essential guide: Ryder Windham)
Legacy [flashback] (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One [flashback] (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One, Part I [flashback] (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
130 137 ABY
Cade Skywalker turns his back on his heritage to protect himself from the Sith and the
Empire. He turns to piracy, and is apprenticed to the pirate Rav. Cade drops the name
“Skywalker” and joins the ranks of bounty hunters and smugglers in the galaxy, preferring to
battle not with a lightsaber, but with his custom-made double-barrel blaster (his “special,”
created by “Bantha Rawk) and his starship (the Mynock). He takes on Zeltron woman Deliah
Blue as the ships mechanic and bounty hunter Jariah Syn as his copilot.
(conjecture based on Legacy #0, New Force Rising, Legacies of Future Orders, and
135 ABY
Jariah Syn attempts to “make time” with Ahnah, the stepdaughter of “Bantha” Rawk, during a
visit with the family. Ahnah is only sixteen, causing Bantha to shoot at Jariah as he leaves.
(conjecture based on Loyalties)
136 ABY
Rotha Tol’min tries to take over a piece of the criminal underworld on Sorroco. This angers
several crime bosses, who put a bounty on Rothas head. Cade Skywalker and his friends
Deliah Blue and Jariah Syn decide to pursue the bounty. They sneak into Rotha’s
headquarters, expecting to blend into the criminal element hanging out there. Unfortunately,
there are fewer beings present than they expected, and Rotha notices them.
(conjecture based on A Broken Plan)
Having snuck into Rotha Tol’min’s headquarters, Cade Skywalker, Deliah Blue and Jariah
Syn are pursuing the bounty on his head. Unfortunately, they are spotted. Rotha immediately
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 892
tries to escape while ordering his underlings, including two guard droids, to take care of the
bounty hunters. As the crowd tries to flee, the audience chamber degenerates into chaos.*
(A Broken Plan)*
*NOTE: This summary was provided by Luke van Horn. He suggests, and I agree, that this takes place before the
events of Broken. I have placed it in the year prior to Broken, so that all characters can be pretty close to their
story development as seen as Broken begins.
A Broken Plan (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
A Broken Plan (miniatures game: Sterling Hershey)
137 ABY
Seven years after the end of the Sith-Imperial War and the apparent death of Cade
Skywalker after the Battle of Ossus, Jedi Master Wolf Sazen, Cade’s former master, calls
together a few remaining Jedi on the planet Daluuj. Among them are Shado Vao (who
became Wolf’s Padawan after Cade’s apparent death), Rasi Tuum, and Rasi Tuum’s new
Padawan. Wolf still hopes to find Cade, and he believes that a Skywalker could rally the
remaining Jedi to strike against the Empire. Their meeting is cut short by the arrival of Sith
assassins. Both Rasi Tuum and his Padawan are killed, but Shado agrees to join Wolf in the
hunt for Cade. Meanwhile, on the planet Lok, Jedi Hosk Trey’lis attempts to arrange passage
to leave Lok at Brogar’s cantina (which is also a safe house for those on the run until they
can arrange passage from Lok). Hosk happens to be there at the same time as Naxy
Screeger, an alien with a death mark on his head after failing to pay back a debt to the pirate
leader Rav. A group of bounty hunters arrive to capture Naxy for Rav, bursting their way into
the cantina. The bounty hunter trio consists of the Zeltron mechanic Deliah Blue, the very
anti-Jedi bounty hunter Jariah Syn, and the mysterious Cade (who is, in fact, Cade
Skywalker, having dropped his family name and become a bounty hunter, leaving his
heritage behind). Hosk believes they are there for him, and he strikes out at the trio. While
Cade sticks to their mission, intending to take in Naxy and ignore Hosk, Jariah can’t overlook
the bounty on Hosk and ignores Cades wishes. At one point in the struggle, Jariah nearly
shoots and kills Hosk to make the bounty easier (but less profitable), but Cade intentionally
uses the Force to hurl Naxy into Jariah, saving Hosks life. That doesn’t stop Jariah, though,
as he uses a Yuuzhan Vong thud bug to subdue Hosk anyway. As the scuffle ends, both
Naxy and Hosk are captured, and Brogar allows the trio to leave with their prey in order to
avoid pissing off Rav. While they leave, Hosk tries to convince them to let him go, but
everyone, including Cade, argues against it, despite what the Sith might do to Hosk for being
Jedi. (Has Cade really become so cold-hearted, or is he covering for his own Jedi sympathies
around Jariah and Deliah? At this point, no one knows.) Elsewhere, the Jedi Temple on
Coruscant has become the new Temple of the Sith, where Darth Krayt visits the aged Twi’lek
Darth Ruyn, who has just finished training a female Twi’lek Sith apprentice. As a final test,
Krayt has her kill Ruyn, then bestows the name “Darth Talon upon her. Her first mission will
be to hunt down the daughter of deposed Emperor Roan Fel, Marasiah, who has acted as his
emissary in his quest to undermine the Empire and create a new rebellion. Darth Talon goes
to the Imperial Mission on the planet Socorro, where she leads the destruction of the mission
and captures Imperial Knight Elke Vetter. Vetter, who is both Princess Marasiahs guardian
and her teacher in Jedi arts, is killed, but Talon still intends to find the princess and use her to
find Roan. As for Marasiah, she senses her former master’s death, but she listens to her
friend Astraal Vao (Shado’s sister) and heads for safety, rather than going back to confront
Talon herself. Soon, Cade and the others arrive on Socorro at the pirate Rav’s Crimson Axe
vessel (and base), carrying Hosk, who tries to escape but is subdued by Cade. Hosk senses
Cade’s Force abilities in the conflict, which may come back to haunt him. Once the prisoners
are turned over, Cade receives payment and death sticks (drugs). Meanwhile, deposed
Emperor Roan Fel arrives on Bastion to kick start a rebellion against Darth Krayt’s Empire.
The 501
Legion, under General Oron Jaeger, sides with Fel. They soon receive word of
Marasiah’s disappearance, Vetter’s death, and the attack on the Mission, but Fel refuses to
let his Imperial Knight, Antares Draco, go after her. He knows that they have to keep the fact
that he has taken Bastion a secret for as long as they can. Meanwhile, on Socorro, Astraal
contacts her brother, Shado, to meet Astraal and Marasiah on Vendaxa, but this is what
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 893
Talon wants, so that they can lead her to Roan Fel, allowing her to kill him. Elsewhere on
Socorro, Cade sits aboard the Mynock, using death sticks in hopes of clouding his connection
to the Force. He is talking (against this will, mostly) with the Force ghost of Luke Skywalker,
arguing that the Skywalker legacy and that of the Jedi is a destructive choice. When Luke
won’t go away, Cade holds a blaster to his own head and Luke relents, fading back into the
Force. As Cade steps back out of the ship to allow his partners back in, they are met by
Astraal and Marasiah (without names being revealed), who beg them for passage to
Vendaxa. Seeing Talon in pursuit, Cade recognizes her as a Sith, remembers his father’s
death, and agrees to take them. They lift off, and Cade soon shows Jariah and Deliah who
their passengers really are. They intend to take her to Roan, collecting pay from Roan for
doing so, then turn both Roan and Marasiah in to the Empire, collecting credits again. Either
way, they should never have to work for Rav again . . . (To be continued below . . . )
On the planet Yinchorr, headquarters of the Imperial 407
Stormtrooper Division, trooper
Anson Trask, fresh from training, arrives to join the 407
. His first act, while being heckled by
older troopers, is to annoy the Quarren Sith Lord Darth Maleval. Luckily, he is saved from
“discipline” by his commanding officer, Sergeant Harkas. Harkas then introduces him to the
rest of the 407
unit he has been assigned to, Joker Squad: heavy gunner Jes Gistang;
technical wizard Vzx Potorr; and former Mandalorian Hondo Karr. The 407
lieutenant, Gil
Cassel arrives with their new orders. While the 407
remains loyal to the Empire (under
Emperor Krayt), some other stormtrooper groups are defecting to remain loyal to deposed
Emperor Roan Fel. One of those that has defected is the 908
, which includes Cassel’s own
brother, Captain Jared Cassel. They are being sent to Borosk, led by Darth Maleval himself,
to wipe out the 908
as a lesson to other would-be defectors. They carry out the mission,
though they question whether they are on the right side on this mission. In the end, though,
they choose to stick to their duty, since they are simply soldiers. As the mission enters its
final phase, Vax is killed by a booby trap, followed shortly by the death of Gistang when a
blaster shot hits one of her power packs. As the battle concludes, the entire 908
has been
wiped out, except for Jared Cassel, whom Maleval brings to Gil Cassel in order to test his
loyalty by forcing him to kill his brother. When Gil refuses, Maleval prepares to cut them both
down, but Hondo stabs Maleval. It does very little, though, leading Maleval to wrap Hondo in
his whip and electrocute him. Rather than letting Hondo die, Anson pulls his blaster and kills
the Sith Lord. In the aftermath of the battle, Anson has come through the fire and is now a
real stormtrooper, the death of Maleval is reported to have occurred as part of the blast that
killed Gistang, and Hondo leaves the 407
*NOTE: The trade paperback Shards collects Noob chronologically after Allies (but before Trust Issues), so that it
could be collected separately from Broken, rather than appearing in (or breaking up the story flow of) the first
Legacy trade paperback, which only included Broken.
On Korriban, Darth Krayt uses Sith Holocrons to call forth the knowledge (in the form of
holographic representations) of three Sith Lords that, in one form or another, cheated death:
Lord Andeddu, Darth Nihilus, and Darth Bane. (Bane had stopped the growth of the orbalisk
parasites that attacked him, creating his biological armor. Nihilus had escaped death by
containing his consciousness within his armor. Andeddu used the Force to keep his body
alive, even after death.) Krayt is searching for a way to save himself from the Yuuzhan Vong
creatures that are currently consuming his body. Unfortunately for Krayt, the ancient Sith
Lords consider him a failure and pretender to the Dark Lord title because he has strayed from
the Sith path with his current Sith Order. Meanwhile, the Mynock has arrived on Vendaxa, but
now Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, Deliah Blue, and their passengers, Astraal Vao and
Princess Marasiah (Sia) Fel are being attacked by the local wildlife, including an acklay. Just
as it seems Astraal is about to be acklay food, the duo that Sia had intended to meet arrives
to save the day. Surprisingly, their rescuers are two Jedi, Astraal’s brother Shado Vao and
Cade’s former Jedi Master, Wolf Sazen, who has been seeking Cade ever since the Battle of
Ossus. Whether Cade recognizes them at that moment is uncertain, but when Jariah refers to
Cade by his first name, Wolf takes notice. Unfortunately for Cade and his crew, Sia suspects
that they were going to turn her in, so she intends to hold off on payment until they are safely
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 894
away. Unfortunately for Sia and her comrades, the Jedi vessel is then destroyed by Darth
Talon, forcing them to stay with the Mynock crew. Before they can leave, Talon attacks, along
with a group of local creatures. While Wolf battles Talon, he orders Cade to take Sia and the
others and escape, causing Cade to flashback to the events of the Battle of Ossus and Wolfs
similar instructions then. Cade steps in, then, slamming wreckage into Talon, allowing them
all to escape back to the Mynock. Unfortunately, Talon disabled the ship. While they begin
repairs, Astraal contacts Moff Konrad Rus, head of the Imperial Mission, who she believes to
be working with deposed Emperor Fel. She tells him where they are, and he advises her to
remain on Vendaxa until Emperor Fel reaches them or he contacts them. Unbeknownst to
Astraal, though, Moff Rus is reporting directly to Darth Krayt, who now intends to use Sia as
bait for her father. On Bastion, Roan Fel learns of Sia’s situation, as does the head of his
loyal Imperial Knights, Draco Antares, who is in love with Sia, but Roan refuses to mount a
rescue mission that would lead directly into a trap. Meanwhile, on Vendaxa, Talon tells Darth
Nihl, also on the planet, to hold his position, but to send Sith troops to her quietly. A short
distance away, Wolf tells Cade that he always knew his former Padawan was alive, so he has
spent seven years searching for him. Cade, though, considers it a waste, since the Cade that
Wolf knew died on Ossus. All that is left, he claims, is whatever Rav pulled out of the
wreckage of his starfighter. The two discuss Cades trip back to the Temple with Rav’s
pirates, and he swears that he will never pick up a lightsaber again. As for the Mynock,
Deliah needs another hour or two to finish up the repairs. As they repair the ship, Cade asks
Deliah if they have decided how to spend the bounty on his head, now that they know that he
is a Jedi. Deliah wouldn’t dream of it, but Jariah has considered it. He and Cade argue until
Jariah pulls a blaster, which Cade then yanks to his own hand with the Force and drops,
walking away. He is met by Sia, who understands him a bit, since she too has her own legacy
that she must live up to while being trapped by it all the same. In her case, though, she
refuses to just walk away from it, intending to help make right what the Empire’s alliance with
the Sith made wrong. Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of two Imperial
Predators, bearing Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg, both of whom have defied Roans
orders to save Sia. Just as they arrive, the Sith emerge, led by Talon and Nihl. As Deliah and
Jariah yank Astraal into the ship and start powering up the damaged engines, Light and Dark
clash outside. Wolf faces off with Nihl, the man who took his arm on Ossus, while Shado
takes on Talon. The sight of both forces painful memories from Ossus back into Cade’s mind,
as he remembers fighting the Sith alongside Shado on their way to save the younglings at the
Temple. Aboard the Mynock, Jariah intends to take off without Cade, since it isn’t their fight,
but Deliah, who just might be in love with Cade, tells him that she’ll space him in his sleep if
he does so. Outside, Cade stands on a raised area, staring down into the battle, when a Sith
appears behind him, ready to strike him down. Sia leaps up and knocks him out of the way in
time to save him, but the Sith deals a mortal wound to the princess. Sia collapses in Cade’s
arms, telling him that she had to make things right, even if only by saving one life. As she
slumps, Cade reaches out, calling to him the weapon he swore he’d never use again. Cade
Skywalker, standing with a blaster in one hand and an ignited blue lightsaber in the other, has
had enough. Cade leaps into the fray, coming between Nihl and Wolf, revealing to the Sith
that he was trained as a Jedi by his father, Kol Skywalker. (This very act of bravado and
anger serves to alert the Sith to the fact that the Skywalker line still exists.) Meanwhile,
Shado duels Talon and the two Imperial Knights engage other Sith to protect Sia’s body. Or,
at least they think its her lifeless body. Draco discovers that she is still barely alive and races
her to the Mynock, while Cade covers the escape. Once aboard, Wolf intends to return to
help Cade, but Draco argues that he should stay with the princess. Draco races out to help
Cade instead, as does Jariah, surprisingly. He hates Jedi, but he hates Sith more. Finally, all
of our heroes get aboard the ship and escape, leaving the Sith behind. As the Mynock heads
for Bastion and Roan Fel, Cade again touches the Dark Side like he did seven years earlier
to save Wolf’s life, this time using that power to save Sia. He will not allow anyone else to
ever give their life to save him. In the aftermath, our heroes are welcomed at Bastion, but
despite offers to stay and work with Fel, Wolf and Shado intend to leave. They join Cade
aboard the Mynock to leave, but Cade doesn’t intend to become a Jedi again. Meanwhile, on
Coruscant, Talon expects to be executed for her failure, but Darth Krayt spares her because
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 895
he now knows that a Skywalker still lives and that Fel is on Bastion, thanks to Astraal
reporting to Rus, who reported to him again. Now, Talon has a new mission: to hunt and
capture Cade Skywalker alive and bring him before Krayt . . .
On Coruscant, Nyna Calixte bears witness to Darth Maladi torturing and questioning Jedi
captive Hosk Trey’lis, who was brought to Rav (and thus the Sith) by bounty hunter Cade
Skywalker. She wants information about Cade. Eventually, he reveals to her that Cade
travels with Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue, that they have been on Socorro (where they
discovered Hosk at Brogar’s safehouse), and that Cade was (or is) a Jedi. Maladi then
reveals to Nyna that the reason they want Cade found (by Darth Krayts order) is that Cade is
a Skywalker, though Maladi herself cannot imagine what is so special about him that Krayt
would want him alive. Later, Nyna reveals this to Morlish Veed. The two lovers and
conspirators believe that if they could somehow get their hands on Cade first, he could be a
good pawn in their game against the Sith. Currently, Maladi’s foremost intelligence agent is
Jor Tolin, a Korriban-trained operative without much Force sensitivity, but Nyna has her own
operative in the form of Morrigan Corde, even though she has been inactive for two decades.
While the Siths operatives will sniff around Socorro for traces of Cade, Nyna has discovered
(via video feeds and such) that Cade is on the Wheel in the Besh Gorgon system, currently
owned by Pol Temm. Elsewhere, on Bastion, deposed Emperor Roan Fel dresses down
Antares Draco and Ganner Krieg for disobeying his orders and going to the rescue of his
daughter, Marasiah Fel. He is glad to have discovered Cade, but Cade has disabled homing
devices on the Mynock, so he cannot yet be found. Unfortunately, he can’t reprimand the
Imperial Knights publicly because it would make him look weak, so the two are commended
(and Draco is told he won’t be marrying Sia) but quickly given a new mission. They are to act
as security when Captain Mingo Bovark (of Roans Imperial element) meets with Galactic
Alliance Remnant Fleet Admiral Gar Stazi to discuss a possible alliance. Soon, on the Wheel,
the meeting between Bovark and Stazi takes place, wherein Bovark reveals that Fel has
control of Bastion, which interests the homeless fleets admiral quite a bit. Elsewhere, Jor
Tolin is set upon by roughians, then saved by Morrigan, only for her to reveal that she sent
the roughians to get in his good graces. She then subdues him, intending for them to have a
nice chat upon his awakening. Soon, aboard Jors ship, the Raider, Morrigan suggests an
alliance to the newly-awakened agent. They think Cade might have left the Wheel and gone
to Hapes or Ossus, but they have Imperial business to deal with on the Wheel first, namely
the disruption of the talks between Bovark and Stazi. Using C.O.L.D. (Command Override
Limpet Droid) units, they are able to take control of Bovark’s shuttle, causing it to fire on
Stazi’s vessel, inciting a battle both outside the station between vessels and inside between
Bovark with his Imperial Knights and Stazi and his Alliance guards. Both sides are able to
leave without killing each other, but both sides are now banned from the Wheel. Later, their
work on the Wheel done, Morrigan and Jor arrive at Ossus, looking for Cade. Once in the
jungle, Jor tries to kill Morrigan, but she kills him with an implanted ampoule of poison.
Morrigan then views a brief holo of her “family,” including Morrigan herself, her former lover
Kol Skywalker, and their son . . . Cade. Rather than hunting down Cade, Morrigan leaves
Ossus, never trying to make contact with her long lost son.
(Trust Issues)
At the abandoned Jedi Temple on Ossus, Cade Skywalker lies on the floor, doped up on
deathsticks, which he is trying to use to keep the Force at bay, though it’s no use. He is
visited by visions of the dead: Mara Jade Skywalker (who walked on both sides of the Force
at different times); Darth Vader (who urges him to control his power or risk falling to the Dark
Side himself). He awakens from his vision to find the long-lived Jedi Master K’Kruhk at his
side, healing him inside. Wolf Sazen and Shado Vao have also arrived. After the visions he
has just seen, though, Cade doesn’t get angry. Instead, he asks Wolf to continue his Jedi
training. Meanwhile, on Socorro, Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue are welcomed back by the pirate
boss Rav, who brings them to Imperial agents, who intend to use the two former allies of
Cade Skywalker to find him . . . Two weeks later, on Ossus, Cade continues his training in
exercises with Shado, but the two fall into an underground area filled with Jedi artifacts . . .
and a pair of attacking Yuuzhan Vong! They battle the two warriors, only to see a third Vong,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 896
a female Vong shaper, watching them. The shaper calls off the two warriors, as they do not
fight Jedi, and Cade recognizes the shaper, Nei Rin. Wolf joins them, and Nei Rin tells them
all of how they had returned to Ossus after the battle seven years earlier and have been
there guarding Jedi artifacts ever since, intending to turn them over to whomever will guard
the Jedi legacy. They now believe Cade is that person. Cade, however, refuses to be the
holder of the Jedi legacy and storms out. Wolf catches up to him moments later, as Cade sits
where his father, Kol, was killed, and continues trying to dull his pain with death sticks. Wolf
then understands that Cade did not come back for understanding, but to die. Cade blames
himself for Kols death and had hoped to find his spirit on Ossus, so that he might finally stop
the feelings of guilt in his own mind. The two fight, as Wolf imparts the truth of Cades own
anger and fear upon him, until finally Cade is ready for the meditation of emptiness to clear
himself of some of his pain. During his meditation, he sees the spirit of Luke Skywalker, who
tells him that it is his responsibility to save Hosk Trey’lis, the Jedi that he turned over to Rav
(and, thereby, the Sith). He decides that he has to do this alone. He turns over the Jedi
artifacts to KKruhk and accepts Nei Rin’s gift of his fathers lightsaber (with a new lambent
crystal). K’Kruhk then gives him another Skywalker possession . . . R2-D2. Together, Cade
and R2-D2 take the Mynock and head for Coruscant, into the lion’s den, to save Hosk from
the Sith Temple . . .
On Munto Codru, the Sith Lord Darth Kruhl has approached leader Rikkar-Du in order to
bring the Codru-Ji under Imperial control. Rikkar-Du tells other leaders of the offer, though,
intending to turn them against the Sith. Kruhl learns of this, though, and kills Rikkar-Du and
his son, even as another conspirator, fellow Codru-Ji leader Kassek-Ka, has Rikkar-Du’s wife
killed. Kruhl’s mission has been successful, as the Codru-Ji, without the leadership of Rikkar-
Du, will easily follow Kassek-Ka into Imperial hands. Soon, Kruhl is given another mission by
Darth Maladi. He is to go with former Galactic Alliance Governor Vikar Dorn aboard Dorn’s
son’s Star Destroyer, the Dauntless, to Bastion. There, Dorn will falsely offer to join Roan
Fel’s faction, buying Kruhl enough time to slip away to find and assassinate Roan. Once on
Bastion, Dorn engages in diplomatic talks, even as Kruhl steals away to find Roan in the
Pellaeon Gardens. There, he and Roan (an Imperial Knight himself) do battle, ending in Roan
using cortosis gauntlets to shut down Kruhl’s saber, then blasting him with a backup blaster.
Kruhl is dead. Roan then has the entire crew of the Dauntless killed and sends Vikar Dorn
back to the Sith with Kruhl’s saber as a message. Maladi kills Dorn after his report and then
reports to Darth Krayt herself. Her plan is working well. She intended for Roan Fel to kill
Kruhl, so that he would become complacent, expecting that he can best any would-be
assassin and that further attempts would come from without. Maladi, however, plans to
subvert someone on the inside of Roan Fel’s camp to strike at him from within. It is only a
matter of time . . . *
(Ready to Die)*
*NOTE: The trade paperback Shards puts Ready to Die between Trust Issues and Ghosts, rather than between
Ghosts and Claws of the Dragon, presumably to end the trade paperback with Cade Skywalker in the foreground.
Galactic Alliance Admiral Gar Stazi sends Rogue Leader, Jhoram Bey, a message regarding
how one must become masters, not servants, of war.*
(The Essential Guide to Warfare)*
*NOTE: We really have no sense of when this message is sent, other than that it is sometime when Jhoram Bey is
still part of Rogue Squadron in 137 ABY.
On Coruscant, Darth Krayt is still dying, but Darth Wyyrlok (and Krayt himself) hope that the
healing powers of Cade Skywalker, once captured, will be enough to save him. Skywalker,
for his part, is on his way at that very moment. His ship, the Mynock, is under attack by
members of Skull Squadron, led by Gunn “Gunner” Yage. He is able to lose them, though,
leaving R2-D2 behind with a message for Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue, then disappearing into
the Coruscant street levels, using his intimate knowledge of the old Jedi Temple to gain
access to the Sith Temple that was built over it. First, though, he stops at Rik’s, a cantina,
where he talks to a Hutt named Jool, giving her access codes to the Mynock for Jariah or
Deliah if they show up. He also has a brief encounter with Chak (yes, the Wookiee from the
Clone Wars) and Kee, who had rented their ship, the Grinning Liar to Jariah and Deliah, but
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haven’t gotten it back yet. As Gunn Yage is dressed down by her commanding officer (her
father, Moff Rulf Yage) for losing Cade, Skywalker enters the Temple and finds Hosk Trey’lis,
freeing him, but it is a trap. He is attacked by Darth Talon, fighting fiercely (so fiercely that his
eyes go “Sith yellow like Anakin Skywalker’s did decades earlier). He is bested by Talon and
taken into custody by Talon and Darth Nihl. Meanwhile, Cade and his “Sith eyes” appear to
Wolf Sazen in a vision on Ossus. Soon, Lady Maladi addresses the Moff High Council, telling
them to call off their hunt for Cade, causing them to grumble about the Sith’s control of the
Empire and their own marginalization. After the meeting, Rulf and Gunn Yage meet for
dinner, but are interrupted by Gunn’s mother (and Rulfs ex-wife), Nyna Calixte, who wants
confirmation that it was the Mynock that Skull Squadron saw on Coruscant. With that
information, Nyna and Morlish Veed plot to have Morrigan Corde capture Cade from the Sith
Temple, giving them a bargaining chip with the Sith, not realizing that Morrigan is Cade’s
mother. Meanwhile, Cade is tortured by Maladi at the Sith Temple. He is poisoned again and
again with ixetal cilona, but he uses the Force to cure himself. Darth Krayt, wanting Cades
healing powers for his own well-being, needs to test them. When Cade tries to lie about his
abilities, Darth Talon brings in Jariah and Deliah, both implanted with Yuuzhan Vong coral
seeds, which Maladi feeds with Dark Side energy. Only Cade can save them, but he has
never saved two people that way before, and he knows that saving them will reveal his
healing powers to Krayt. He has no choice, though, and saves his two comrades. He then
strikes a deal with Krayt. If Krayt will let his friends get to safety, he will remain behind and
listen to whatever Krayt proposes. Krayt agrees, freeing them. Later, as Maladi and Darth
Nihl must wait outside (Nihl perhaps because he was not born a Sith and Maladi for unknown
reasons), Krayt, Talon, and Darth Wyyrlok stand by as Cade is allowed to eat a decent meal.
Krayt then begins to describe to Cade why he believes that the Jedi, whom he considers
agents of chaos, must be exterminated, yet why he also has great respect for the Jedi,
including Kol Skywalker, whose lightsaber he keeps in a place of esteem. When Cade scoffs
at the idea that Darth Krayt used to be a Jedi, the Sith Lord removes his helmet and reveals
his true identity . . . A’Sharad Hett! Meanwhile, Morrigan Corde visits Morlish Veed, who
sends her after Cade, but she instead goes to Riks Cantina, where she hooks up with Jariah,
Deliah, Chak, and Kee. Together, they plot to free Cade from the Sith Temple. Back at the
Temple itself, Krayt tells Cade of his use of stasis to stay alive for so long, plus the dark
secret about the Tusken slaughter that he kept for Anakin Skywalker (that, if he’d told, might
have gotten Anakin kicked out of the Order and avoided the Jedi Purge and “Darth Vader
altogether). He tells of his confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine near the Lars
moisture farm, where he lost an arm and was forced to leave the planet. When Cade taunts
Krayt, Talon lashes out at him. He gravely injures Talon, but Krayt offers him the chance to
learn to use his darker powers. Cade finally accepts, healing Talon, who will now be his first
Sith teacher. Meanwhile, Stormtroopers under Sergeant Harkas search Ossus for signs of
the Jedi, even as Wolf worries about his dark vision of Cade, and Darth Stryfe waits above to
strike at the Jedi once they are found below. One week later, Nihl and Maladi speculate that
Krayt might be intending to make Cade his heir, and neither are too pleased. Meanwhile,
Cade continues his Sith training with Talon, Krayt continues to believe that Cade will turn to
the Dark Side (rather than pretending), and Nyna Calixte and Morlish Veed provide Morrigan
Corde with Yuuzhan Vong bugs to help her in her search for Cade (not realizing that she is
intending to save him). As for Morrigan, she and the others continue waiting for the right
moment, while they alter the Vong bugs to help in their rescue attempt. She sneaks them into
the Sith Temple to look for Cade, only to finally discover him as he is “indisposed” with Talon.
They will move soon, and if he is truly a Sith, he will be killed. Back on Ossus, the
stormtroopers leave, urged away by Shado's mind tricks, but Stryfe, still sensing Jedi, orders
a planetary bombardment against the Jedi Temple ruins. Shortly thereafter, after having
finished telling his origins and experience with the Yuuzhan Vong to Cade, Krayt recognizes
Cade’s lies about seeking the Sith path and decides to test him by having Cade kill Hosk.
Cade refuses, but Hosk does not fear death. He gives his life at the hands of Krayt for the
benefit of all Jedi, forgiving Cade for capturing him in the process. Cade, however, begins to
give in to his anger. He sees a Force ghost (or a vision) of his father, Kol Skywalker, then
reaches out and takes Kol’s lightsaber from Krayts trophy case. He stabs Darth Talon
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 898
through, then begins dueling Nihl before intending to take on Krayt himself. Outside the
Temple, the Mynock swoops in, releasing Morrigan with a jetpack, as explosions from their
planted bombs rock the Temple. Skull Squadron gives chase to the Mynock, Morlish Veed
orders Yage to order his daughter’s squadron to break off pursuit, allowing them to near the
Temple. Inside, Cade gives in so far to the Dark Side that his eyes turn “Sithy” and he uses
Force lightning on Nihl. He refuses to kill Nihl, though, simply because it is what Krayt wants.
Cade then duels Krayt, saber to sabers, until Morrigan sees them through the window and
blasts Krayt in the back, shouting, “Get away from my son!” Cade then leaps from the broken
window onto the Mynock, where Jariah pulls him to safety. Cade quickly learns that the
Mynock has been sold (sort of) to Chak and that the woman who saved him was his mother.
Morrigan orders them to leave without her, but Cade promises to find her one day, to which
she replies that he won’t. In the aftermath, Krayt is determined to find, break, use, and kill
Cade. Meanwhile, Nyna Calixte washes dye from her hair and dons her uniform before
spending an evening with Veed. Before doing so, though, she examines an old family
heirloom that Veed was admiring, but, luckily, did not activate. She does, however, revealing
a hologram of a family: Kol; Cade; and Morrigan . . . Nyna herself! Morrigan Corde and Nyna
Calixte are one and the same. She is Cades mother, and she hopes that he follows her
instructions and runs . . . *
(Claws of the Dragon)*
*NOTE: The latter two issues in this storyline are concurrent with the Indomitable story arc.
Immediately after Darth Krayt’s “defeat” at the hands of Cade Skywalker, who has escaped
from the Sith Temple, Krayt pronounces sentence on his own followers. Darth Nihl loses his
place as Krayts Hand, replaced by Darth Stryfe. Nihl will be given a new Vong arm and
become another test subject (in a sense) for Darth Maladi’s Vong bioform experiments. As for
Darth Talon, gravely wounded, she will be put into a healing meditation, but that is all. She is
to recover, or she will die. Krayt himself is weary, requiring Darth Wyyrlok to place him into
his stasis chamber temporarily. While he is in stasis, Wyyrlok researches other means of
saving him from the Vong bioforms that are consuming him. He turns to the holocron of Darth
Andeddu. Andeddu had animated his own corpse with the Dark Side, allowing him to
continue as a Sith after death. While Andeddu considers Krayt a pretender to the Sith legacy,
Wyyrlok makes a “bargain” with the holographic gatekeeper, intending to reawaken Darth
Andeddu to prove this new One Sith Order worthy. To allow this, the Andeddu gatekeeper
reveals that the real tomb of Darth Andeddu (rather than the fake one on Korriban), known as
Andeddu’s Keep, is found on the old Sith world of Prakith in the Deep Core. Wyyrlok travels
there, where he uses Dark Side illusions to force a group of Dark Side Adepts inside to kill
each other, except for one final survivor, Gerlun. He forces Gerlun to take him to the lower
levels, where the holocron opens Andeddu’s crypt. Wyyrlok, though, knows that this is a trick.
The holocron houses Andeddu’s spirit, not just a hologram program, and he intends to use
Andeddu’s books and such to learn more about how to save Krayt, rather than let the
holocron get anywhere near Andeddu’s corpse to reanimate it. Gerlun, though, steals the
holocron and uses it to animate Andeddu to strike back at Wyyrlok. Instead, though, the
holocron connects with the body, but allows the spirit of Andeddu to be reborn inside the
body of Gerlun. The two Sith then do battle in the mindscape, Andeddu’s chosen battlefield,
but Wyyrlok’s will is too strong to be broken. He seemingly destroys Andeddu’s spirit and
locks his new body away, just as his old one had been. With Andeddu’s records, Wyyrlok
returns to Coruscant . . . *
(Into the Core)*
*NOTE: This story begins immediately after Cade’s rescue in Claws of the Dragon, which must also make it
parallel to parts of Indomitable. It may take place a little bit later, perhaps during Loyalties or The Hidden Temple,
depending upon the time it takes Darth Wyyrlok to reach Prakith.
In the Calamari sector, Darth Azard punishes Imperial Admiral Sha Dun for not ending the
renegade attacks by former Alliance leader Gar Stazi. He kills Sha Dun and leaves Admiral
Valan in command of the fleet at Calamari. Valan has a personal tie to Stazi in that Stazi
escaped him years earlier at the Battle of Caamas. Now, with Captain Hoge under his
command, he intends to trap Stazi with bait he cannot pass up, the new advanced Star
Destroyer Imperious that is being built at the shipyards of Mon Calamari (AKA Dac). At Mon
Calamari, engineer Gial Gahan meets with his niece, Monia Gahan, who serves Stazi. He
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intends to help Stazi steal the Imperious, then take all the blame for himself, thereby sparing
Mon Calamari the wrath of the Empire and the Sith. Soon, Monia rejoins her fellow Alliance
comrades aboard the Indomitable with the rest of the fleet. There, she, fellow pilot Anj Dahl,
and another pilot, Ronto, watch as the dug Andurgo dukes it out with Hondo Karr, the ex-
stormtrooper. The fight is stopped by Jhoram Bey, leader of the squadron they all belong to,
the infamous Rogue Squadron. Monia reports to Stazi himself, along with Captain Jaius
Yorub, his second-in-command. They agree that it sounds a lot like Caamas, but they know
that they need to take the ship. Thus, when the mission gets underway, all goes as Stazi and
Valan expected, as the Gial is captured, the Imperials seem to be in command of the
defenses at the spaceport, and a fleet of ships, led by Valans Relentless traps Stazi’s fleet
between themselves and the automated spaceport defenses . . . Stazi was more prepared,
however. He orders his ships to attack, as the automated defenses, run secretly by Monia,
actually fire on the Imperials, instead of the Alliance ships. Aboard the Imperious, Alliance
personnel led by Hondo Karr take over the ship. As the battle continues, Valan focuses his
efforts on capturing Stazi, despite major losses. Finally, Stazi intends to blow up the
Indomitable and take the shipyards with him, but Jhoram Bey hits him at Yorubs “orders,
letting Yorub destroy the ship and shipyards, while Jhoram gets Stazi, as symbol to the
Alliance, to safety. Valan has lost the day and, it seems, may commit suicide. As for Stazi, he
appoints Jhoram Bey as his new second-in-command, as they prepare for the retribution of
the Empire and the Sith . . .*
*NOTE: This storyline is concurrent with the last two issues of the Claws of the Dragon story arc and at least part
of the first issue of the Loyalties story arc. See the explanation in the note with the Wrath of the Dragon summary
Around this time, Marasiah “Sia” Fel completes her training and trials and becomes a full
Imperial Knight.
(conjecture based on Loyalties)
On Socorro, Naxy Screeger returns to the Crimson Axe, home to the pirate Rav, but he is
accompanied by Chak, Kee, Jariah Syn, and Cade Skywalker, who have come to settle
accounts. After a rather large scuffle, Cade forces Rav to swear loyalty to him, just as he
once made Cade swear. Kee and Chak are given their ship (the Grinning Liar) back, and they
leave, but they are spied upon by Azlyn Rae . . . Later, Rav informs Darth Maladi about Cade,
swearing loyalty to her as well. Meanwhile, on Bastion, Marasiah “Sia” Fel and Antares Draco
share a moment together, against her father’s wishes, and prepare for their next mission. As
for Cade and the crew of the Mynock (along with Naxy, whom they intend to drop off at a safe
harbor), they intend to head for Rawk’s Nest, home to “Bantha” Rawk, the only real “family
Cade has left. En route, Cade makes up with Deliah for having slept with Darth Talon while in
Darth Krayt’s Sith Temple. They arrive at Rawks Nest on Iego as it is attacked by Black Sun .
They help Banthas family stop the fighters, but they are still tracked by Azlyn Rae, who is
reporting back to someone . . . (To be continued below . . . )
Three days after the theft of the Imperious, on Dac (Mon Calamari), in the capital of New
Coral City (formerly Ackbarea), Darth Krayt pronounces sentence upon Mon Calamari for the
actions of Senator Gial Gahan, former member of the Triumvirate of the Galactic Alliance,
who helped Admiral Gar Stazi steal the Imperious. Gial claims to have worked alone, but
Krayt will not let him take the blame so easily. Krayt orders ten percent of the entire Mon
Calamari population executed, starting with those present so that the scene can be relayed
across the galaxy by holocam broadcast. All other Mon Calamari across the galaxy are to be
put into work camps. Those who will not submit will be killed. Krayt himself kills Gial. Aboard
the Imperious, Gar Stazi sees the transmissions, but the Alliance Remnant can do nothing
about it right now. Meanwhile, back on Dac, Monia Gahan of the Alliance’s Rogue Squadron
is attacked by stormtroopers loyal to Krayt, but she is saved by Imperial Knights Treis Sinde
and Sigel Dare, who are loyal to Roan Fel. They intend to help her get back to Stazi so that
they can warn him that the Imperious was sabotaged. The Admiral will have expected this,
but there are too many layers of sabotage to be safe. They free other Alliance pilots from
prison, then steal a shuttle to escape. In the process, Treis stays behind to duel Darth Azard,
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distracting him. Treis leaps to safety and Azard puts up a Force shield, just as an explosion
lets the shuttle escape. Later, they arrive at the Imperious and save it from sabotage,
possibly beginning some steps toward cooperation between the Alliance Remnant and Fels
Empire. As for Treis, he finds a home with the local Mon Calamari resistance on Dac. As for
the Imperious, in the spirit of cooperation and hope, Stazi rechristens the ship the Alliance.*
(The Wrath of the Dragon)*
*NOTE: This story is in the issue immediately before the beginning of Loyalties. However, Krayt’s actions on Dac
in The Wrath of the Dragon are seen by Cade in Loyalties, Part II. Loyalties, Part II is four days after the events of
Loyalties, Part I. On the other hand, The Wrath of the Dragon is three days after the end of Indomitable, Part II.
Thus, Loyalties, Part I must be concurrent with the last little bit of Indomitable, while The Wrath of the Dragon is
essentially concurrent to Loyalties, Part II. I place it here in the summary order so that the transmission seen in
Loyalties, Part II will make sense in context.
As the Mon Calamari are targeted for genocide, many take refuge on Da Soocha in the Cyax
System, just as they did when the World Devastators came to Mon Calamari during the reign
of the Emperor Reborn.
(conjecture based on Rogue’s End)
Around this time, an Imperial Star Destroyer arrives at Ossus and blasts the ruins of the Jedi
Temple. Shado Vao and Wolf Sazen barely make it to safety below, only saved by the efforts
of K’Kruhk, who is gravely wounded in the process. K’Kruhk, in need of medical attention,
informs Shado and Wolf about the Hidden Temple on Taivas. They take him there for
(conjecture based on The Hidden Temple)
Four days after arriving at Iego, our “heroes” (Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, Deliah Blue, and
R2-D2) are enjoying time with the family, which includes Bantha, his wife Droo, adopted kit
Micah, adopted Force-sensitive son Skeeto, and Droo’s Kiffar daughter (Bantha’s
stepdaughter) Ahnah (who has been in a relationship off and on with Jariah when they’re
around). After some lounging, Cade fills Bantha in on all that has happened since running
into Sia on Secorro, along with the knowledge that Morrigan Corde is his mother, which
Bantha already knew. Bantha, it turns out, is actually Nat Skywalker, Cade’s uncle and Kol
Skywalker’s brother. When they see transmissions of Darth Krayt killing Gial Gahan and
other Mon Calamari on Dac, making his proclamation, Cade believes that he must actively go
back out and take down Krayt. Nat won’t let him leave without a solid plan, though. That
night, Cade is confronted by the Force ghosts of Luke and Kol Skywalker, but he uses
deathsticks to keep them away. High on deathsticks, Cade is subdued by Azlyn Rae, but she
is then subdued by Nat. The mysterious attacker reveals her identity to Cade, who is happy
to see her. Azlyn and Cade had been close before the Sith struck against the Jedi, and Cade
believed her to be dead. Krayt’s Imperials arrive, alerted by Black Sun, but the family and
Azlyn keep Cade and the others safe. The Mynock crew then prepares to head out on a
mission to kill Darth Krayt, but they will need allies. For this, Nat points them to a hidden Jedi
temple. They will go there for allies, but Azlyn, working for Roan Fel, contacts Marasiah Fel,
Antares Draco, and Ganner Krieg, who are to apprehend Cade for Roan, and informs them of
their destination . . .
The Mynock arrives at the Hidden Temple on Taivas, where our “heroes are surprised to be
met by Wolf Sazen and Shado Vao, who greet Cade Skywalker, Deliah Blue, Jariah Syn,
Azlyn Rae, Bantha Rawk (Nat Skywalker), and R2-D2 with lightsabers drawn. They quickly
understand why: Imperial Knights Antares Draco, Ganner Krieg, and Marasiah Fel have
arrived as well, having followed a homing beacon left by Azlyn. They learn that Azlyn became
an Imperial Knight after the apparent death of her master on Coruscant during the Sith-
Imperial War. The Jedi are angered at the intrusion of both groups, and Cade is angered at
Azlyn’s actions. They also now know that Marasiah has transmitted the location of the temple
to her father, Roan Fel, thereby destroying its secrecy even more. As Cade, Bantha, and the
Imperial Knights meet with the Jedi Council, along with Shado and Wolf, Jariah and Deliah
are left with Jedi Master Tobias Sun. The Jedi Council present includes K’Kruhk, Tili Qua,
and T’ra Saa. They are reluctant to join with the Imperial Knights, but they listen to Cades
call to assassinate Darth Krayt, thereby setting the Sith against themselves. They are
surprised to learn that Krayt was once ASharad Hett, but they do not dismiss this new
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 901
information. The Council will deliberate, even as the Imperial Knights consider taking Cade
up on his proposal without the Jedi if need be. Meanwhile, Deliah has had some fun with
Tobias, leaving Jariah with Azlyn. When Azlyn’s master, Rasi Tuum, thought to be dead,
approaches, he and Azlyn head off to talk. Jariah, though, is shocked, as this is the Jedi who
killed his father, sparking his hatred for Jedi. Jariah begins plotting to kill Rasi Tuum to
avenge his father . . . Cade’s assassination plan is debated, with Bantha taking Cade’s side,
but the other Jedi not nearly as supportive. While they debate, Deliah promises to join Cade
is the probable suicide mission. As for Jariah, he confronts Rasi Tuum, revealing who he is.
Rasi, though, explains the truth. Jariah’s father Zareb Syn was killed on Roon by Rasi, just
like Jariah saw as a child, but they were not there to trade, but instead to raid. Rasi was
protecting innocents from Rav’s pirates, who included Zareb, and Zareb was killed because it
was necessary to help save lives. Rasi wonders whatever happened to the woman who as
captured that day, but Jariah knows that she was not okay afterward. Meanwhile, Azlyn and
Marasiah discuss her future. Azlyn seems to be considering walking away from the Imperial
Knights, but only one ever has, and his life proved short, even though he did honor his vows.
It will not be so easy to leave the Imperial Knights. Soon, Cade goes with Shado on a brief
speeder ride away from the Temple, where Shadow attacks Cade, seeking to draw out the
Dark Side in him and prove that he is not as “okay as he says he is. Cade whups Shado, but
stops before he can use the reversal of his power to heal (to find the “cracks or shatterpoints
in someone and destroy them that way). He claims this shows that he chooses his actions,
rather than the Light or Dark Side choosing for him. Upon returning to the Temple, he tells
Wolf that the Force is just a tool, and the Dark Side has its uses, just like the Light Side.
Finally, the Jedi Council reveals its decision: they will not support the assassination plan.
When Cade returns to the Mynock so that he, Deliah, Jariah, and R2-D2 (minus Bantha, who
intends to look after his family) can complete the mission on their own, they are met by
Antares Draco, Ganner Krieg, and Azlyn Rae, who have been sent by Marasiah to go with
them on the mission, even as Marasiah and others begin negotiating mutual cooperation
between Roan Fels part of the Empire and the Jedi Order, which has now agreed to the
necessity of such a union. As they leave, Cade’s plan is simple: “Kill Krayt and the galaxy
changes.” But will it be for the better, or will someone worse rise in his place, as the Jedi
Council fears could be the case?
(The Hidden Temple)
In space, Celeste Morne, wearing the Muur Talisman, continues to hold the spirit of Karness
Muur in check aboard the captured Star Destroyer Iron Sun. According to Karness, he is only
waiting for another person strong in the Force, so that the Talisman can leave Celeste and
take a new host. Meanwhile, the Mynock is en route to Had Abbadon on Cade Skywalkers
mission to kill Darth Krayt. Aboard are Cade, Shado Vao, Jariah Syn, Deliah Blue, Ganner
Krieg, Antares Draco, R2-D2, and Azlyn Rae. Azlyn is trying to explain how she became and
Imperial Knight spy when they saved her, just like Cade became a pirate when they saved
him, but they are interrupted when Cade is contacted through the Force by Celeste and the
ship is pulled out of hyperspace right next to the Iron Sun. They are pulled aboard its docking
bay, where they find signs of a struggle amongst the crew and Celeste Morne’s ship (which
she had captured, unbeknownst to Cade, from Rebels led by his own relatives, Luke
Skywalker and Leia Organa, decades ago). They are set upon by rakghouls, and Azlyn and
Cade are scratched by rakghouls. Celeste calls off the creatures and separates Cade and
Azlyn in a cell to speak with them. She learns from them about who they are, but she tells
them that transforming into rakghouls either comes from the Talisman or from a bite or
scratch, as the rakghouls carry a disease that helps spread the “plague,” even though it starts
with Sith magic. When she mentions the fact that it is a disease, Cade draws upon his unique
Dark Side healing abilities to save both himself and Azlyn. In doing so, he piques Karness’
interest in him as a new host, and Celeste claims that he has earned himself an ally. Celeste
joins their mission against Krayt. The Mynock continues to Had Abbadon, where Cade, Azlyn,
and Celeste are dropped to infiltrate the Sith base there. They attack a lone Sith by turning
his troopers into rakghouls, but Celeste lets him live in order to report to Krayt and draw him
into a confrontation. While they wait, Ganner and Draco land in their Predators and join them.
Ganner expresses feelings for Azlyn (sort of), but she claims they are on different paths
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 902
(hers, at least in her mind, with Cade, it would seem). Draco contacts Roan Fel, who tells him
to secure the Muur Talisman to be used by Roan himself, which Azlyn is strongly against.
Ganner reminds Draco that the Imperial Knights were founded not just to serve the Empire,
but also to bring any fallen emperor back to the Light Side or forcibly remove him from power.
Speaking of personal issues and conflict, Shado begins to be tempted by meditative visions
of the Talisman calling to him, while Deliah confides in Jariah that she feels she is losing
Cade to Azlyn. As for Azlyn and Cade, he catches her on her way to kill Celeste to keep the
Talisman from falling into anyone’s hands. They duke it out briefly, but end up in each other’s
arms, acting on old feelings. Feeling the pull of the Talisman, as Azlyn is as well, Cade
confronts Celeste, telling her to make Karness stop with his mind games. When he insults
Karness, he momentarily takes over Celeste’s body and attacks Cade with her rakghoul
guards, but she regains control. Soon, on Coruscant, the surviving Sith from Had Abbadon
reports back to Darth Krayt about the Talisman and the rakghouls, just before his own
wounds and disease cause him to transform into one himself. Darth Maladi recognizes the
rakghouls from a holocron that spoke of events on Taris millennia ago. Even as she
considers this, Celeste contacts them from Had Abbadon, seemingly speaking as Karness.
She/he threatens to kill Cade, the only one who might save Krayt’s life, if he does not come to
a one-on-one meeting on Had Abbadon, Sith Lord to Sith Lord. Krayt agrees and leaves with
a Sith contingent that includes, among others Darths Wyyrlok, Stryfe, and Talon. When they
arrive, they find Celeste/Karness with Cade chained. Celeste/Karness uses Dark Side
healing like Cades to heal Krayt to a small degree (which helps, given that he has been
growing ever more weak lately). Karness has a deal for Krayt: if Krayt kills Celeste, freeing
him, then the Muur Talisman (and Karness) will join with Krayt, saving him and giving them
united power. It was meant to be a trap, though, before Karness took control, and Cade frees
himself, just as the others emerge and Celeste takes back control from Karness. As Cade
duels Talon, Shadow duels Maladi, and Celeste pursues Krayt, Azlyn tries to stop Draco from
going after the Talisman, and Draco nearly takes her down. Instead, Ganner stops him, and
they split. Ganner and Azlyn will focus on Krayt, while Draco deals with Celeste. When Draco
attacks Celeste, Karness takes over, refusing to attach himself to Draco, whom he deems
unworthy, along with his deposed emperor. Finally, Krayt emerges from a pile of rakghouls in
a blast of Force lightning, ready to end this . . . As Celeste fights for control of her body with
Karness, the Sith Lord briefly gains control, setting the rakghouls against Celeste’s allies. As
the battle rages, Azlyn and Ganner fight together against the rakghouls, while Cade duels
Darth Stryfe. Cade knocks Stryfe into some of Jariahs explosives, blasting him, but is he
gone for good . . . ? Meanwhile, Krayt and Maladi double-team Celeste with Force lightning.
With Cade and Ganner otherwise engaged with rakghouls, Azlyn leaps down to stab Krayt
through the back, giving her a chance to attack Krayt with her own Force lightning, even as
Azlyn is caught in lightning from both Krayt’s last efforts and Celeste’s blast. Krayt is
launched from atop the base roof and down a cliff by the force of Celestes power. With the
battle over, Celeste informs Cade that she is losing control and has him do what must be
done. Cade stabs Celeste, killing her (setting her free, in a sense), and the Muur Talisman
leaves her “dusted” body, attaching itself to Cade. Cade, though, is not that easy to corrupt
because, frankly, he just doesn’t give a damn. He pours the Force into the shatterpoints
within the Talisman, destroying it and, presumably, destroying the threat of Karness Muurs
spirit. As for Azlyn, she is dying. Cade uses the Dark Side healing technique that is his “gift”
to keep her alive until they can get her to Kiffex, where Droo and Bantha Rawk (Nat
Skywalker) can help her. Draco and Ganner will be left behind for their betrayal, and Ganner
has no choice but to let Azlyn go with them. Shortly thereafter, Darth Wyyrlok III brings Darth
Krayt to Korriban for burial . . . but Krayt is still alive, just barely! Wyyrlok, however, sees his
own opportunity to allow Krayt’s dream to live on without Krayt himself. He fries Krayt with
Force lightning, killing him, and buries him as planned. The new Sith Empire is now without
its Sith Lord leader and its Emperor, and Darth Krayt, A’Sharad Hett, has died without
While Cade Skywalker and his allies face off with Darth Krayt on Had Abbadon, the Mon
Calamari homeworld of Dac is the site of further atrocities in the name of the new Sith
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 903
Empire. Mon Calamari refugees are being attacked by Shark Squadron and seatroopers,
operating under the authority of the Acklay battle fortress Sea Lion, which is under the
command of Imperial Commander Sturves and Lieutenant Troax. They are defended by a
scant few Mon Calamari Rangers, led by Tanquar, with their krakana craft. They do have one
extra protector, though, the Imperial Knight Treis Sinde, who attacks the Imperials, boards
the Sea Lion, having to kill his former comrade, Chief Bor Alsek, who still serves the
Emperor, no matter who it is, rather than serving Roan Fel, the rightful Emperor. Sinde is
angry after their victory, as they were supposed to capture the Sea Lion to use as a mobile
base, but Tanquars Rangers attacked it too quickly when innocents were in danger. They
must now remove the refugees to safety through a nearby trench that is made more
dangerous by the presence of devilsquid. Meanwhile, at Imperial Extermination Camp 28 in
the Soheras Trench, Darth Azard and Sith scientist Vul Isen oversee the rising of an
undersea leviathan, controlled by Sith alchemy. The sea leviathan can not only eat, but blister
pods on its back suck the life energy of those nearby. It will be sent to the site of the Sea Lion
attack to strike the refugees and lead the Rangers into a trap. Soon, two krakana, piloted by
Shonmai and Adriphar, two Mon Calamari Rangers, are patrolling the Devils Crevasse, site
of the attack, when they discover Azard and Isens Imperial skimmer and the sea leviathan.
Adriphars life force is sucked away, but Shonmai manages to escape. At the Ranger base,
Sinde is contacted by Roan Fel, who orders him to return to Bastion to help train new
Imperial Knights. Sinde does not want to leave the Rangers, but that is his duty. As he and
Tanquar argue the point, Shonmai returns and reports on the leviathan and skimmer. They
make plans to have several Rangers lead the refugees into the Crevasse, despite the
devilsquid, while others attack the Imperial skimmer, hoping to change the leviathan’s
direction. Sinde, meanwhile, has his own plans . . . He brings devilsquid up from the crevasse
to attack the leviathan itself. As the Imperial skimmer opens its bay and lowers its shields to
launch its shark vehicles, Shonmai makes a suicide run, crashing into the bay and sending
the heavily damaged vehicle’s cockpit (an AT-AT head) down into the ocean floor. Sinde,
meanwhile, is rescued by Tanquar, even as the devilsquids he called upon drag the leviathan
back into the Devils Crevasse, presumably to its doom. In the aftermath of the battle, Vul
Isen uses Darth Azard’s lightsaber to save him from wreckage, as they are both part of the
One Sith, not competitors. Sinde is still to return to Bastion, but with no ships available, he is
forced to stay behind to help the Mon Calamari, something that Roan grudgingly approves.
They have survived to fight another day.
(Fight Another Day)
Around this time, Ahnah Vos Skywalker leaves Kiffex to train as a Guardian. Thus, she will
not be present when Jariah Syn next visits her family.
(conjecture based on Storms)
On Korriban, Darth Wyyrlok III has hidden Darth Krayt’s death by putting him into stasis,
allowing Wyyrlok to continue Krayt’s vision himself. Shortly thereafter, Darth Stryfe awakens
from bacta treatment and cannot sense Krayt in the Force. He storms his way to the stasis
room, where he does battle with Wyyrlok’s daughter, Saarai, who will someday be Darth
Wyyrlok IV. After she kicks Stryfe’s butt a bit, Wyyrlok allows Stryfe to enter, claiming that
Wyyrlok himself has erected shields around Krayt so as to hide his Force presence from their
enemies, which also explains why others like Stryfe cannot sense him. Darth Wyyrlok III will
continue as the Voice and Regent of the One Sith, but he needs Stryfe and others to maintain
control of the Empire, especially Coruscant. Stryfe pledges his support in the name of Darth
Krayt. Wyyrlok, meanwhile, reveals that the next stage of Krayt’s plan was to have the entire
galaxy united as part of the Sith Order, literally creating an entire galaxy as the “One Sith,”
bringing peace. Meanwhile, on Kiffex, Nat “Bantha Rawk Skywalker’s conversation with
Sheyf Zharia Vos, leader of the Kiffar and Clan Vos, is cut short by the arrival of the Mynock,
damaged from battle. Cade Skywalker disembarks with a gravely wounded Azlyn Rae, whom
he is keeping alive by drawing on the Dark Side for his strange healing ability, which he has
been using constantly since leaving Had Abbadon. Azlyn does not wish to be kept alive this
way, but Cade refuses to let her go, lying to Bantha and Droo by telling them that Azlyn does
not wish to die. Cade passes out from the effort. When he awakens, Deliah Blue explains to
him that she is okay with Azlyn being around, as she brings out a side of Cade that reflects
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 904
what he could have been. He is not sure he can believe her, but she leaves to fix the Mynock,
leaving him to visit Bantha’s workroom, where Azlyn is being treated. Cade offers to help, but
Bantha refuses to allow it, given how much he delves into the Dark Side to do it. Cade,
acting like a jackass because he can’t deal with his emotions, heads into town with Jariah
Syn to get into some trouble at a cantina. Shado Vao takes his TwinTail up into the stormy
weather to report back to the Jedi at the Hidden Temple. Meanwhile, Droo and Bantha
discuss the only way that Bantha can keep his promise to save Azlyn. They will have to use
the project that Bantha was studying for Sheyf Zharia Vos to save Azlyn, but it will make her
“more machine than woman,” so to speak. Are they saving her, or creating another Darth
Vader? Shortly thereafter, on Coruscant, Wyyrlok arrives, claiming control of the Empire and
prompting Morlish Veed to instruct Nyna Calixte to find out what’s really going on. At the
“other” Imperial capital, Bastion, Imperial Knights Sigil Dare, Antares Draco, and Ganner
Krieg make their report on the Had Abbadon incident to Roan Fel. Fel is angered by the
destruction of the Muur Talisman, but the possibility of Krayt’s death could give them an
opening. He instructs Dare to retrieve Treis Sinde from Dac, Ganner to determine where
Cade took Azlyn, and Draco to instruct their intelligence wing to determine what is really
happening on Coruscant. (Roan will soon hear from his own mysterious spy on Coruscant to
confirm that Krayt is gone but that his death is unconfirmed.) Meanwhile, Cade and Jariah are
busting heads behind a spacer’s bar on Kiffex, but their brawl (and fun) is interrupted by the
arrival of a trio of Guardians: Teph; Griz; and Ahnah Rawk! When Ahnah is forced by duty to
arrest Cade and Jariah, Jariah kisses her and then sedates her. He and Cade race back to
Bantha’s. Upon arrival, Cade is met by a mysterious cloaked figure. The figure reveals herself
to be Azlyn, now encased in a mechanical suit that keeps her alive but forever trapped within.
She lashes out at Cade, but Deliah stops her. Azlyn wants to get off of the planet, and Bantha
will arrange it. As for Cade and the others, Bantha and Droo want them gone, as Cade has
broken one of the most important codes for healers like Droo by lying to her and having them
impose life upon Azlyn, who would rather have died. Two days later, Sheyf Vos arranges for
Azlyn to be reunited with Ganner, who returns her to the Imperial Knights. As for the
Mynocks crew, they are no longer welcome in what would have been a home for them.
Cade, Jariah, and Deliah set course for the Outer Rim to find a way to make some credits
and get far enough away from their “family” to stop causing them so much pain.
In a shocking strike that the Sith Empire is unable to predict, Galactic Alliance forces, led by
Admiral Gar Stazi aboard the Alliance (the stolen Imperious), emerges from hyperspace over
Raltiir and attacks the Imperial (Sith Imperial) Third Fleet. Rogue Squadron takes out an ion
cannon, but that still does not give them an advantage over the Sith Imperial troops under
Admiral Peto Kelsan and Captain Furske. Stazi, though, has set up this action as a way of
proving the Galactic Alliance fleet can work with deposed Emperor Roan Fel’s Imperial fleet
out of Bastion. When the Bastion Second Fleet does not arrive on time, Stazi contacts its
commander, Admiral Edouard Fenel, who had fought at the Battle of Caamas aboard the
Resolute. Fenel was simply waiting to see if Stazi would commit his forces as planned. When
the Bastion fleet finally enters the fray, Fenel contacts the Sith Imperial ships, ordering them
to stand down and surrender to Fel’s forces, actively encouraging crew to mutiny against any
captains that refuse this order. The Sith Imperial forces surrender . . . except for one. Captain
Vaclen Tor of the Steadfast refuses to obey. Instead, he launches his crew in escape pods
and sets the ship to self-destruct. When Fenel fires upon the Steadfast and orders the
surrendered vessels to also fire on one of their own, it pushes Kelsan too far. He rescinds the
surrender order and tells his ships to follow the Steadfast’s lead in abandoning and self-
destructing their ships. At this, Fenel states that he will order his forces to fire upon any
lifepods being ejected. Stazi, furious, moves his forces between the two Imperial factions.
This gives Kelsans forces time to escape and destroy their ships, but the Steadfast is too
damaged to launch escape pods. When Fenel sends in Predators to destroy the Steadfast,
Stazi orders Rogue Squadron to fire between the Predators and their target. Stazi finally
reaches Roan Fel via holocomm and asserts his position as an equal, a head-of-state. As a
gesture of good faith, he has his forces evacuate the crew of the Steadfast, then sends the
ship to Fel as a gift. For now, the Galactic Alliance and the Bastion Imperial forces are allies,
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 905
but time will tell whether the more dangerous foe is the Alliance’s enemies . . . or its new
In space, along the Tiellus Trade Route, a Black Sun vessel under the command of Captain
Dorvin captures and raids a Sith Imperial vessel commanded by Captain Piard. They are then
boarded (again) by Cade Skywalker, Jariah Syn, and Deliah Blue, who take out the Black
Sun operatives, only to take the ship’s cargo of Thunderbolt Mark 7 Blasters for themselves.
They are back to their old pirating ways in the wake of events on Kiffex. They head for
Tatooine to sell their wares, but their usual fence, Muz, is reluctant to do business with them,
now that Black Sun is hunting for whomever keeps ripping them off. Cade is soon tipped off
by Naxy Screeger, whom he helped get a higher position with Black Sun in the first place as
an informant, who tells him that someone (Muz) has turned him in to Black Sun Vigo Lun
Rask, who operates out of the Sisken System in the Arkanis Sector. They will need to run a
quick “missionary scam with Deliah to get enough credits to fix the Mynock so they can get
off Tatooine quickly. Meanwhile, Imperial Moff Nieve Gromia of Tatooine has been tasked by
Moff Nyna Calixte and Admiral Morlish Veed to stop the pirates who have been hitting
Imperial vessels. Nyna decides to send Morrigan Corde (herself in her other identity, and
Cade’s mother) to assist on Tatooine. She is also going to have her daughter (Cades half-
sister, whose father is Ranulf Yage), Gunn “Gunner” Yage, to Tatooine as well, to make use
of her black ops skills. They are unaware, though, that Gromia is working secretly with Lun
Rask for a profit. When Gunn arrives before Morrigan, Gromia shows her the ship believed to
be the pirates, which Gunn recognizes as the Mynock. She has a score to settle with Cade
from earlier, so she heads out to apprehend him, ignorant of their blood connection. Gromia,
for her part, intends to take out both Morrigan and Gunn to protect her business with Black
Sun. To do this, she contacts Rask, who sends her three experienced assassins: the Blood
Carver Ku Vrat and the Anzati couple Sint and Nakia Yoru. Shortly thereafter, Nakia kills
drunken pilot Bushman Krentz, but it does nothing to dull her thirst for Cade’s “soup, due to
his Force connection. (She wants Gunn too, as her “luck” creates yummy soup as well).
Speaking of Gunn, she approaches Cade in the Gusha’s Luck Cantina, just after Jariah goes
off to hit on a Twilek hottie. Gunn drugs Cade and takes him with her in her landspeeder. Ku
Vrat nearly takes Gunn out right there, but the Yorus force him to wait. Jariah only notices
that Cade is gone a moment later, and he simply assumes that Cade has left with a conquest
for the night, even though it will bother Deliah. Deliah, for her part, acts the part of a lost
member of the Imperial Mission (using Astraal Vao’s name) and is taken into the local
mission by missionary Ethan Adare. She spins a con about being helped by a moisture
farmer who needs the part the Mynock needs, and Ethan agrees to procure one for her to
give the farmer as an act of gratitude, but he wants to be there with her when it happens, so
they can check on any other needs for the farmer. Soon, Gunn and Cade (now fully
conscious but in cuffs) are attacked by snipers (the bounty hunters). They lose the hunters in
a sandstorm, but the Anzati can hunt them by the “scent” of their life energy “soup. Luckily,
Cade may soon have help, as Morrigan Corde links up with Jariah (right after he is shot at by
the Twi’lek’s husband). Back on Coruscant, Darth Wyyrlok III has recently summoned
Imperial Mission head Konrad Rus, when Grand Admiral Morlish Veed arrives. Wyyrlok again
repeats his lie that Darth Krayt is only injured and in stasis, but he plays into Veed’s
ambitions by noting that the Imperials, unlike the Sith, do not really understand Wyyrlok’s role
in relation to Krayt. They will need someone to lead them that they recognize as a rightful
leader, meaning that Wyyrlok intends to install a new regent to rule the Empire, under
Wyyrloks direct authority. He has chosen Morlish Veed for this task. It would appear that
Veed has, in some respects, just gotten the position he had expected when Krayt executed
Roan Fel and usurped the throne for himself seven years ago. Back on Tatooine, Cade has
been using a rebreather, while keeping a second one hidden, so as not to allow Gunn to use
it. Rather than die, she realizes he has one and attacks him. His hand is stayed, though, by
the spirit of Luke Skywalker, who appears to Cade and guides them to the remains of the old
Lars moisture farm. Once in safety, Cade unknowingly hits on his half-sister again, only to be
shocked when she tries to contact her contact, whom she identifies as Morrigan Corde
(whom Cade knows as his mother, though Gunn does not know as her own). While the
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 906
storm keeps them from being found by either the hunters or Corde and Jariah, Luke again
speaks with Cade, taking him through a vision of a family lunch with Owen and Beru Lars, the
discovery of their corpses. Luke tries to convince Cade to give up his anger and pain so he
can move on with his life, rather than drawing on that anger and hate to fuel his Force use,
which makes him just like the Sith he hates. He and Luke duel, only for Cade to finally back
down at the suggestion that he is already nearly a Sith. Luke shows him a vision of the future
in which Cade is a Sith Lord and all of his friends and allies lie dead at his feet. He tells Cade
that if that is not the future he wants, then he needs to decide what future he does want for
himself. He comes to from the vision, only to find the Anzati hunters there and trying to feed
on him and Gunn. Cade frees himself and then Gunn from their grip, then the two fight side-
by-side against the two hunters. Meanwhile, Jariah gets Morrigan close enough to leap into
battle against Vrat, who was taking up guard position nearby. He gets the better of her,
though, and is ready to deliver a killing blow, but she manages to slip out of the way and hit
him with a poison dart. It still takes Jariah to save her, though, using Vong bugs, as he
doesn’t fall down as fast as expected. Inside, Cade kills Sint, leaving Nakia to try to seduce
Cade, only to be stunned by Gunn. Gunn and Cade are reunited with Morrigan and Jariah.
This is Cades first face-to-face encounter with his mother, though they hide his parentage
from Gunn. Morrigan, meanwhile, scolds Gunn (who has no idea that she is actually Nyna
Calixte, her mother) for jumping the gun, so to speak. The true danger is Gromia, who is
corrupt and sent the hunters after Gunn and Cade. Morrigan orders Gunn back to the base to
bring down Gromia. As for Cade and the Mynock crew, Cade intends for Nakia to take them
to Black Sun Vigo Lun Rask. Elsewhere, Deliah has been able to get the trivalle from Ethan,
who realizes that she isn’t truly a missionary. Instead of turning her in, he acts as a friend and
even helps her fix the Mynock. While she gets the Mynock fixed, the others head out in the
hunters’ ship with Nakia prisoner and Morrigan as a passenger. Cade and his mother have it
out, and he refuses to accept her as his mother in any true sense of the word because she
still serves the Empire that killed his father, her husband, Kol Skywalker. She claims that
Ossus was meant to be a peaceful surrender (which it was) and that, despite her background
with the Empire, Kol had loved her anyway, and she had loved Kol and Cade. Back on
Tatooine, Gunn finds evidence of Gromia’s guilt, but Gromia attacks her. The two struggle,
and before Gromia’s blaster goes off and kills her, she reveals to Gunn that Morrigan and
Nyna are the same person, and Morrigan (and thus Nyna) is the mother of Cade and former
wife of Kol, thereby making Cade Gunn’s half-brother. Gunn refuses to believe, but Gromia
uses her dying breaths to tell Gunn that she should use these secrets to bring down her
hated mother. Shortly thereafter, Cades team, guided by Nakia’s information (under duress
from poison) arrives at Kaer Station, Black Sun’s local headquarters. Cade forces Rask into a
deal in which he would target other Black Sun operations and essentially take out Rasks
enemies, for favors in return. Rask agrees, as Cade gives his word. Morrigan, though, kills
Rask anyway, claiming that he would never have let them leave alive. Cade lashes out at her
with his Dark Side energies, but Jariah snaps him out of it, as it isn’t who Cade wants to be.
Cade and Jariah leave, but Morrigan is left behind to find her own way. Nakia, meanwhile, is
given the “antidote” to the poison Morrigan gave her, only for it to kill her as well. In the
aftermath, Darth Wyyrlok informs Moff Konrad Rus of the Imperial Mission that it will become
a new means of teaching Sith values across the galaxy, compromising its original purpose, all
in the name of Darth Krayt, still believed to be in stasis, rather than dead. As for Cade and
Jariah, they reunite with Deliah (and the Mynock) on Tatooine, ready to head out into new
In the Arkanis Sector, Galactic Alliance Remnant Admiral Gar Stazi’s second-in-command,
Johram Bey briefs his former squadron-mates in Rogue Squadron for their next mission.
Many Mon Calamari have taken refuge on Da Soocha, which is now under the control of the
Hutts, overseen by Alliance sympathizer Azzim Anjiliac Atirue, who runs a spa called Maya
Armus on one of Da Soocha’s moons, Napdu. One of Azzim’s water-hauling tanker vessels,
a “whale,” is crewed by Alliance crewmen. They know the Empire is waiting for the Alliance to
make a move at Da Soocha, and they intend to spring the trap on purpose. To that end, Anj
Dahl and Hondo Karr of Rogue Squadron are sent in a civilian ship to make contact with
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 907
Azzim on Napdu. Other Rogues (including Monia Gahan, Andurgo, and Ronto) must await
contact from Anj and Hondo. They arrive at Azzim’s facility and are “captured” and brought to
Azzim, who confirms their plans: the whale tanker operated by Alliance personnel is full of
Mon Calamari refugees, and it will leave along with several other regular tankers. Bounty
hunters in the vicinity will give chase to all of them, and Rogue Squadron will attack the
hunters following the wrong one, drawing attention. Meanwhile, Azzim the Hutt has been paid
with the cargo “confiscated” from the vessel Anj and Hondo arrived in. All is going according
to plan until a Mandalorian woman named Tes Vevec (Hondo’s ex-wife and daughter of his
former comrade Vevec, who died at the Battle of Botajef to cover Hondo’s insertion with
Joker Squad) recognizes him. She attacks him, and Hondo sends Anj to contact the Rogues
and finish their mission, while he draws off Tes. While the mission goes off without a hitch in
space, saving many refugees, Anj heads back out to help Hondo. Hondo and Tes battle, and
Hondo is finally able to tell her the truth: that her father died while trying to help Hondo
survive to reveal Yaga Auchs as a traitor. Tes has a hard time believing him, given that
Auchs is now the Mandalore, but she finally relents. Once Anj arrives, Hondo tells her to
thank Admiral Stazi for taking him in. He and Tes now have a new mission though: to bring
down Yaga Auchs. Hondo leaves with Tes, who returns his old Mandalorian armor to him. He
repaints it black for justice with gold trim to symbolize revenge. They are on a hunt for
evidence against Auchs and the identity of his “master.” They will take the jobs they need to
survive for now, and then they will take him down.
(Rogue’s End)
In the Arkanis Sector, Galactic Alliance Remnant Admiral Gar Stazis flagship, the Alliance,
plays host to representatives of Roan Fel’s Imperial forces (including Imperial Knight Sigel
Dare) and Jedi from the Hidden Temple (including Te Corso, Sayar Dun’la, Asaak Dan, and
Drok). Sigel wants to borrow a shuttle to head for Dac to retrieve her former master, Treis
Sinde, who was ordered (well, sort of) to return to deposed Emperor Fel on Bastion. Stazi
agrees, but he insists that Asaak Dan accompany her once he voices that desire. They arrive
and find Sinde, but he does not wish to return to Bastion. He believes he is needed on Dac to
help the Mon Calamari Rangers. While they debate the issue, the Alliance comes under
attack by Sith-Imperial forces. Mon Calamari bridge crewman Tealart has turned traitor to
protect his own family. In the chaos of the battle, he pulls a blaster and shoots Stazi in the
back, losing his hand to Drok’s lightsaber seconds later. As the Jedi tend to Stazi’s wounds,
Jhoram Bey is in command of the Alliance fleet. They leap to hyperspace, escaping the
Imperial vessels, led by Admiral Krion Grail’s Marauder. Each time they emerge from
hyperspace, though, the Imperials follow and continue the attack. They can somehow track
the Alliance ships. With the help of a barely-conscious Stazi, Jhoram learns that their
frequency vibrations from the comm array is what is allowing them to be tracked. They use
this to their advantage, laying a trap for the Imperials and defeating them. Back on Dac, Sigel
attacks Sinde, intending to force him to go with them, intending to consider him a traitor if he
refuses his orders. Rather than letting the master and former apprentice kill each other,
Asaak steps in and offers a new solution. Asaak will remain with the Mon Calamari Rangers
to take Sinde’s place, so that Sinde can follow his orders and return to Bastion. Sigel has
learned a lesson in Jedi skills and bravery. Finally, back aboard the Alliance one week later,
Stazi is recovering, but he remains in a hoverchair for the moment. He tells the captive
Tealart that he will do all he can to help the Mon Calamari’s family, but Tealart will be court-
martialed, found guilty, and executed, as an example to others that divided loyalties cannot
be tolerated. Tealart agrees and thanks Stazi for trying to help his family.
(Divided Loyalties)
At the Hidden Temple, Wolf Sazen has accepted a prosthetic arm and intends to go find
Cade Skywalker. Visions through the Force are pointing Wolf to Wayland. Shadow Vao
attempts to convince Wolf to join an envoy being sent by the combined Alliance and Jedi
faction to meet with deposed Imperial Emperor Roan Fel on Agamar, but he intends to go
where the Force points him. Meanwhile, Cade, Deliah Blue, and Jariah Syn relax a bit at
Jool’s cantina (Paradise) on Zeltros. Their fun is interrupted by the arrival of Rav, who offers
a million credits to the crew of the Mynock to go to Wayland and take out someone or
something that is disrupting one of Rav’s associates’ activities there. Cade has a personal
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stake in the mission, given that Wayland was the first world to be healed by the Ossus
Project that his father, Kol Skywalker, led for the Jedi Order . . . and the first place where it all
went wrong due to sabotage, which eventually instigated the Sith-Imperial War. On
Coruscant, Imperial Regent Morlish Veed’s agents have discovered the upcoming meeting on
Agamar. He orders the other members of the Moff Council to prepare Operation:
Thunderstroke to capture Roan Fel. Nyna Calixte confronts Veed over the source of his
information (possibly Darth Maladi) and his acceptance of the position of regent without
consulting her. She realizes that he will be the scapegoat for anything done wrong in the
Empire’s name, but he intends to use the position to one day be the new emperor. He is
turning on his former lover, not realizing that Nyna leads a double-life that could dismantle his
efforts. On Bastion, Ganner Krieg trains with Azlyn Rae, who has been given a new suit of
special armor (to replace the armor given to her by Nat “Bantha Rawk” Skywalker) by
Imperial Knights armorer Hogrum Chalk. These Knights, along with Chalk, will be going to the
meeting on Agamar with Fel. Aboard the Mynock, Deliah discovers that Cade is again using
deathsticks to try to drown his misgivings about the mission to Wayland. He still refuses to
open up to her, despite her feelings for him and his sometimes obvious (and sometimes
buried) feelings for her. They go to the planet anyway, only to be attacked by creatures from
the sabotaged Vongforming of the world through a Vongspawn virus, crafted (unbeknownst to
them) by the somewhat mad Vong shaper Zenoc Quah. When Deliah is captured by
Vongspawned native Myneyrshi possibly including Kol’s old ally, Roax), they cannot save her
before a powerful sonic blast knocks both men out. Meanwhile, aboard the Sith Imperial
flagship Star Destroyer War Hammer, Moff Rulf Yage and Moff Fehlaaur deliver orders to
their strikeforce, which includes Sith Furies and Imperial Predators. They are planning to take
no prisoners, except for Roan and Marasiah Fel. Yage has his misgivings, though, as he
notes that he now commands not Imperials but “monsters” (the Sith). Gunn “Gunner” Yage
also has her own misgivings lately, after the events on Tatooine, but her fellow Skull
Squadron members bolster her confidence, especially Crasher, who would have been Skull
Leader if she hadnt been promoted instead (due to her greater “nerve”). Unbeknownst to
anyone else on the Sith ship, Moff Nyna Calixte sets up a secret cargo drop to Wayland . . .
On Wayland, Cade awakens in a flying creatures nest. He uses the bird to fly him back to
where Jariah and Deliah were last seen, but they are gone. He does, however, sense the Sith
somewhere on the planet. Elsewhere, Jariah awakens to find Cade and Deliah gone, but he
meets Fionah Ti, the non-Jedi daughter of the Jedi Knights who were with the Yuuzhan Vong
on Zonama Sekot when the planet fled into hyperspace at the start of the Sith-Imperial War.
She is on Wayland looking to find proof that the Yuuzhan Vong were not behind the
devastation caused by the Ossus Project. Jariah believes that she is the bounty that Rav sent
them after. He is able to force his will upon an amphistaff, giving himself a weapon. They
leave for where they believe Cade and/or Deliah may have been taken. In the sky above
Wayland, the War Hammer drops cargo under Nyna’s secret orders. The drop includes a
small one-person ship, flown by Nyna herself. She records data on a large structure that
should not be there, but her main mission is to save Roan Fel’s life. She sets course into
hyperspace to warn Fel without sending a transmission that might be picked up by Yage’s
fleet. Elsewhere, Zenoc Quah is joined by Darth Maladi (the original saboteur of the Ossus
Project) and Darth Nihl. Maladi has created a new weapon on Wayland and believes Darth
Krayt is dead. Maladi believes that Wyyrlok will see her as a rival and try to eliminate her, so
she suggests a possible alliance with Nihl that would make him the next Emperor, assuming
he can confirm that Krayt is dead. Aboard the War Hammer, Moff Yage informs his daughter
that their starfighters have been replaced by new Sith Empire crafts by Darth Rauder, who is
to lead the squadron ahead of Gunn. Back on Wayland, Cade finds Deliah in a Vong
Embrace of Pain. He cannot free her, though, as healing her and saving her causes her great
pain. He discovers, upon her arrival, that Maladi is testing a new weapon on her. She intends
to test the weapon on Cade, in a sense, because he is powerful enough in the Dark Side that
he can double for a Sith in her experiment. If he can cure Deliah, then the weapon is a failure.
She fully intends to use the weapon against fellow Sith in the days to come . . . On Agamar,
Jedi Shado Vao, K’Kruhk, Hira, and Rasi Tuum await the arrival of Roan Fel’s party (Imperial
Knights Treis Sinde, Ganner Krieg, and Antares Draco, plus Roan and Marasiah Fel
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themselves). Sinde is concerned that Draco might put Marasiah’s life ahead of her fathers
due to his love for her. Unable to warn Fel any other way, Nyna lands on Agamar, buys a
riding beast from a farmer, and races off to warn Fel and the Jedi. She gets there just in time,
right as the Sith Imperial fleet arrives to attack the Bastion ships in orbit. As the battle begins,
Gunn is ordered by Rauder to fire upon helpless, ejected pilots, testing her convictions, while,
at the same time, Wolf Sazen has arrived on Wayland in search of Cade, who he knows is
deep into the Dark Side on the world. Above Agamar, Gunn does not fire, but one of her
pilots, “Crasher” Rimon kills her target for her, earning Gunn and Crasher the ire of Rauder.
On the surface, numerous Sith emerge from the swamps to attack the combined force of Jedi
and Imperial Knights (along with Nyna, who has been revealed to actually be a Fel loyalist).
The Sith kill Master Hira, but Roan is able to get to an evacuation shuttle, guarded by Sinde
and Draco. Against Draco’s love for Marasiah, they launch from the surface, leaving Sia
behind. Once in space, they are able to escape, but the Dauntless is destroyed while
providing cover. Roan senses that his daughter is still alive on the surface, though she is
likely in Sith hands now (or will be soon). Draco swears to rescue her. On Wayland, Wolf
joins with Fionah and Jariah in hunting for Cade. Cade, spurred on by Maladi, attempts to
heal Deliah, but the pain it is causing her causes her to lash out at Cade, claiming to hate
him. Maladi uses the Dark Side to push visions upon Cade, suggesting to him that his own
hate would have led him to turn to the Dark Side and kill his father, Kol Skywalker, even if the
One Sith had never emerged again. She says that he kills anything that loves him because
love is, at least to him, a shackle. Nearby, Zenoc Quah and Vong creatures battle the trio
coming to rescue Cade and Deliah, until Zenoc wounds Fionah and Jariah kills the Vong
shaper. At the same time, Maladi pushes Cade toward the Dark Side with his own fears, but
he turns the tables on her, using the same Dark Side power to explore and use Maladis own
fears that she will not be able to command what she creates, including Cade if she truly turns
him into a Sith. He pushes a suggestion into her mind that she would forget everything she
has learned on Wayland, but she slips away and activates a self-destruct timer in the lab.
Maladi escapes, and the others know they need to as well, but Cade refuses to go until he
saves Deliah from the Sith and Vong creation that is consuming her. Cade claims that he
needs to use the Dark Side to save her somehow, but Wolf argues that the Force guided him
to Cade’s side at this moment to show him that the Light Side is more powerful and can truly
save Deliah. When the ceiling collapses, separating Cade and Deliah from their three
rescuers, Deliah begs Cade to kill her and save her from the pain. Citing the words of his
own father, “We take what is given,” Cade embraces her, even as the Vong talons that have
emerged from Deliah’s back stab into his own, feeding poison into his body. He confesses to
her that he understands that she has been the only person who has loved him through
everything, even when it hurt her to do so. He finally professes his real love for her, and she
for him. In that moment, Maladi’s creation separates itself from Deliah and dies, just as the
lab area explodes . . . Nearby, Jariah, Fionah, and Wolf fear the worst, but Cade emerges,
carrying Deliah, surrounded by a bubble of Light Side Force energy, which protected them
from the blast. Wolf tries to convince him to rejoin the Jedi Order, but Cade says that he
cannot. He is not a Jedi, nor is he a Sith. Instead, he has become the Sith’s worst nightmare,
and it is now time to make war . . . Shortly thereafter, on Korriban, Darth Nihl, seeking the
truth behind Darth Krayts current condition after his conversation with Maladi, convinces
Darth Talon to let him into Krayt’s chamber (with Talon at his side to protect Krayt). What they
find is unexpected. They do not find Krayt alive or dead. Instead, they find only Krayt’s armor
in the stasis field. Darth Krayt, A’Sharad Hett, is gone. Where is Lord Krayt?*
*NOTE: This story is concurrent with The Fate of Dac.
While the events on Wayland and Agamar put so many into harm’s way, worse is happening
elsewhere. In order to free up resources for the conflict with the Galactic Alliance Remnant,
Roan Fels Imperial loyalists, and the re-emerging Jedi, Darth Wyyrlok III (pretending to be
acting on orders from Darth Krayt) orders that the Final Protocol be enacted against Dac
(Mon Calamari). To the surprise of Quarren Sith Lord Darth Azard, but to the delight of Sith
scientist Vul Isen, they are to release viral spores that will kill every living thing on Dac within
a week. Three days after the spores are released, Rogue Squadron, on a recon flight above
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 910
Dac, discovers millions of bodies in the ocean. They attack Sith Predators in space before
escaping into hyperspace to inform Admiral Gar Stazi of the situation. This is what Wyyrlok
wants, as he informs an irate Regent Morlish Veed (who will be the focus of public outrage
over the Final Protocol) that Stazi will feel compelled to help those on Dac, pulling him into a
trap. While deposed Emperor Roan Fel is absent (to attend the meeting on Agamar), Stazi
attempts to get Imperial General Oron Jaeger to commit forces to assist in an evacuation of
as many as possible from Dac. Jaeger cannot do so without Fel’s consent, and he is
unavailable. The Jedi, however, have enough representatives with Stazi now to form a Jedi
starfighter squadron, Sword Squadron, which Jedi Master Te Corso places at Stazi’s
disposal. With these resources, Stazi makes his move toward Dac. Members of Rogue and
Sword Squadrons infiltrate the orbiting shipyard to take command of its turbolasers, while
Mon Calamari Rangers, led by Captain Tanquar and Jedi Master Asaak Dan, take control of
the docks in Heurkea to act as a base of operations. Meanwhile, Stazi’s fleet emerges from
hyperspace to attack the token Sith-Imperial force in orbit. Once it is clear, an evacuation
fleet, including Stazis forces and many volunteer vessels who have heard of the plight of Dac
(including former Jedi Nat “Bantha Rawk” Skywalker), head down to pick up as many
refugees from Heurkea as they can. They make sure to evacuate more than just the Mon
Calamari. They take enough of the Moappa to keep the group mind stable, while evacuating
Quarren in every tenth ship (given that the Quarren collaborated with the Sith). Above, Sith-
Imperial reinforcements arrive and attack, led by Sith overlord Darth Stryfe and mission
commander Moff Geist aboard the Relentless, commanded by Admiral Krion Grail. Despite
Geist’s suggestion that they should capture Gar Stazi at all costs, Stryfe sticks fiercely to the
commands of “Krayt” (Wyyrlok) to eliminate the Mon Calamari as their first priority. Stazi’s
forces launch drone ships from the captured orbital shipyards, using them as kamikaze ships
with ion bombs aboard to disable many of the Sith-Imperial vessels systems. Stazi’s regular
ships then attack, creating a path for refugee ships to escape through. As the Imperial ships
come back online, they fire upon the refugee ships and send Predators after them, prompting
Rogue Squadron to engage them, even as the Alliance (Stazis flagship) is brought in
between the Sith-Imperials and the refugees. New Imperial ships emerge from hyperspace,
but it is not Sith-Imperial reinforcements. Jaeger had placed his vessels one hyperspace
jump away, expecting that Roan Fel would, once available, give them the go-ahead to join
Stazi’s efforts. Now that Fel has escaped from the Agamar attack, he has given that
permission, and Jaeger is joining the fight at Dac. Stryfe’s forces withdraw. In the aftermath,
Master Dan convinces Tanquar to leave Dac, now that he is considered one of the leaders of
the surviving Mon Calamari and is needed elsewhere. The evacuation fleet was able to save
about twenty percent of the population, and the rest remain behind to die. The most stinging
words for those who tried to save the world are that “they did all they could,” knowing it could
never be enough. Soon, on Coruscant, Darth Wyyrlok receives a communication from Stryfe,
who reports that both the Alliance Remnant fleet and the Imperial Loyalist fleet escaped.
Wyyrlok notes that this was a success, however, as it certainly shows the galaxy not to defy
the Sith. He is immediately also contacted by Darth Nihl, who brings the shocking news from
Korriban that Darth Krayt is missing . . . *
(The Fate of Dac)*
*NOTE: This story is concurrent with Monster.
Three days after the attack against Emperor Roan Fel on Agamar, Darth Wyyrlok III and
Darth Nihl are on Korriban in the chamber where Darth Krayt’s body should be held. Wyyrlok,
who secretly killed Krayt, is shocked at the bodys disappearance and has come all the way
from Coruscant. Wyyrlok claims that he cannot sense Krayt in the Force, so someone must
have killed him and stolen his body. He names Nihl his advisor and says that Krayts death
must be kept secret. Darth Talon was there when Nihl arrived, though, and he is sent to find
her, since she is the only other person who might know about Krayt’s current situation. He
sets out, while Wyyrlok returns to Coruscant. On Agamar, Bokar and another Sith are
attacked by two survivors of the assault by the Sith-Imperial forces on the secret meeting
between the Jedi and the Imperial Loyalists, Imperial Knight (former Jedi) Azlyn Rae and her
former master, Rasi Tuum. Azlyn’s special armor protected her from the assault, while Tuum
survived with major injuries. They plan to seek out and rescue Princess Marasiah Fel, who is
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 911
now an Imperial prisoner. One week later, Marasiah arrives on Coruscant as a prisoner of
Moff Rulf Yage. She attempts to convince him to defect and free her, but he cannot, since he
knows it would bring the rage of the Empire down upon his daughter, pilot (and half-sister of
Cade Skywalker), Gunn “Gunner” Yage. Darth Havok, who has orders directly from Darth
Wyyrlok, takes Marasiah from Yage’s custody, even over the objections of Regent Morlish
Veed, who arrives with Moff Nyna Calixte. After Havok leaves, the two Imperial men argue
over whether the Empire is really an Empire anymore or simply the plaything of the Sith.
When Yage finally leaves, Veed briefly questions Nyna about why she was out of contact for
so long (since she was secretly warning Roan Fel about the impending attack on Agamar).
When he is satisfied with her answers, he puts her in charge of finding the leak (herself). On
the planet Daluuj, the crew of the Mynock has arrived on a tip from Naxy Screeger that had
suggested that Vul Isen, the “Butcher of Dac,” is on the planet. They do battle with
stormtroopers and Sith alike, but Isen is not there. They destroy Isens lab on the planet, and
Cade leaves a Sith there to die after promising him his life if he was able to point them to
Isen. (He did answer, but he did not point them to Isen, so Cade leaves him to die, much to
Wolf Sazens dismay.) A few days later, the First Imperial Strike Force, led by the War
Hammer with Vul Isen and Darth Azard aboard and Rulf Yage in command (though having to
defer to the Sith, obviously), arrives at the moon Napdu over the planet Da Soocha. Here,
refugees from Dac have been given a safe haven. The local Hutt power player, Azzim Anjiliac
Atirue is blamed for harboring Mon Calamari on Da Soocha. Against Yages arguments that it
is overkill, Azard orders the bombardment of Napdu and the release of Sith toxins (like those
used on Dac) onto Da Soocha. When several ships try to escape, Darth Rauder orders Skull
Squadron to destroy them. This time, Gunner does not hesitate. She orders the other Skulls
to follow Rauders orders to eliminate the non-combatants. Joker Squad is then sent down to
the surface of Napdu to kill anyone left alive. It is a victory, but Yage wonders what kind of
victory has now been won under his authority. A few hours later, Cade and Jariah Syn debate
what to do next, but the spirit of Luke Skywalker appears to Cade and informs him that he
has a great trial coming. For once, Jariah witnesses the exchange, but he only sees Cade’s
side of the conversation. They are contacted by Jool, their Hutt ally, who asks them to meet
her on Nal Hutta to also meet with Vedo Anjiliac Atirue. Back on Korriban, Darth Nihl battles
and then twists to his will a Dark Side creature (a tuk’ata) while he hunts for Darth Talon.
Talon knows he is coming and reports to her master . . . Darth Krayt! Krayt is in horrible
condition, more like a living corpse than the man he once was, but he is orchestrating events,
claiming that “the rebirth has begun” and that all will be as he has foreseen . . . Soon, Stazi
and his forces, including many wounded during the Dac evacuation, arrive on Utapau for
refuge and medical aid. They are welcomed by Administrator Telan Medon and seem to be
safe for now, but all is not as it appears . . . The wounded Azlyn and Rasi arrive at Bastion,
having barely escaped the Sith Imperial forces over Agamar. She is welcomed by lover
Ganner Krieg, but Antares Draco, in love with Marasiah, lashes out against both Azlyn and
Rasi for returning without the princess. Shado Vao stops the confrontation, and then they are
given a new mission. They know that Marasiah is being taken to Korriban, and a frontal
assault is impossible. However, she must be saved or silenced, given how much she knows
about Bastion, the Hidden Temple, and so forth. Draco hatches a plan, based on ideas from
the holocron from his former Imperial Knight Master, Eshkar Niin (who had left the Imperial
Knights and was presumed dead). Little do they know that Eshkar Niin is alive and well, but
he is now a Sith Lord named Darth Havok, and it is he who is even then questioning (and
torturing) Marasiah for information on Korriban. Draco’s plan is simple but dangerous. He
arrives on Korriban, dressed and with the markings of a Sith Lord, using a sense of authority
to bluff guards into believing that Ganner and Shado are both his prisoners. The further they
delve into Korribans Sith landscape, the darker Draco slips into the Force. Meanwhile, Cade,
Deliah, Jariah, and Wolf arrive on Nal Hutt and meet with Jool, Vedo, and, technically, Vedos
new gatekeeper, Naxy Screeger. Azzim on Napdu was Vedo’s nephew, and the Hutt wants
revenge on Vul Isen. However, he wants Cade to be the agent of Isen’s death, and in taking
the job, Cade is bound to play by Vedo’s rules. When Vedo reveals that he has let the Sith
know that Stazi is on Utapau as a means of drawing Isen there, Cade is furious at the idea of
giving Stazi to the Sith or endangering another entire planet, but he is bound by his
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agreement, so he chooses not to warn Stazi. When they arrive on Utapau, Isen is already
there with Darth Azard, and Isen is close to perfecting a new species-jumping pathogen that
they intend to use on the planet, while Stazi is present, but they plan to try to kill Stazi himself
first, so he cannot escape when the pathogen is noticed. While Jariah, Deliah, and R2-D2
meet with Ona Antilles on behalf of Stazi to deliver a shipment of weapons they intend to sell
to the Alliance Remnant, Cade and Wolf slip away to hunt Isen. When Vedo’s own agent is
killed just as he attends a rendezvous with Cade and Wolf, Isen’s presence (and that of Stazi)
is revealed to Wolf in his dying words. Cade bows to pressure from Wolf to do the right thing
and lets Jariah know that assassins are after Stazi. Jariah, in turn, brings the news to Stazi
through Ona. Meanwhile, deep beneath Korriban, Darth Nihl continues to seek out Darth
Talon and, unknowingly, Darth Krayt. Soon, Draco finds Marasiah and the trio kill the Sith
guarding her. She is saved, but she initially lashes out at Draco, calling him a traitor, since he
was the one who was expected to kill Eshkar Niin for betraying his vows, yet Eshkar is alive
as Darth Havok. Draco, however, is as shocked as she was. Elsewhere, a traitor in the
Alliance ranks finally makes his move on Gar Stazi, who is meeting with Jariah and Deliah.
Fortunately, Jariahs captured amphistaff, Heartstriker, senses the strike coming, allowing
Jariah to save Stazi. Their deal for weapons continues. Elsewhere on Utapau, though, events
are finally coming to a head. Vul Isen’s toxin is finally ready, forcing Cade and Wolf to leap
into action, attacking him and Darth Azard, even as Shado, Ganner, Draco, and Sia are
fighting their way to their ship. Draco finally orders the others to leave without him, as he
takes on the Sith to buy them time, finally coming face to face and blade to blade with his
former master. On Korriban, Nihl and Talon battle, but they are stopped when a cloaked
Darth Krayt emerges and puts a halt to their conflict. He reveals a secret project under
Korriban to create perfect Sith Troopers, begun decades ago. They are utterly obedient to
Krayt and powerful. He has also created a new line of starfighters, Annihilators, which the
Sith Troopers can fly by “becoming one” with the ship via the Dark Side. With his plans
coming to fruition, Krayt reaches into the Force and sends ripples through it, letting everyone
know that Darth Krayt still lives (or lives again). All of the One Sith feel his presence and are
heartened by it . . . except, of course, for the treacherous Darth Wyyrlok. On Utapau, as his
friends and his beloved escape, Draco senses Krayts “return, distracting him enough that
Havok strikes him with Force lightning, leading Ganner to declare that Draco has fallen . . .
Elsewhere, Wolf strikes down Azard while the Sith is distracted by Krayt’s ripples in the
Force. As for Cade, he chases down Isen, who recognizes that Cade has sensed Krayt’s
return because he too has touched the Dark Side. As Cade prepares to kill Isen, the scientist
reveals a vial of toxin that will kill everyone on Utapau (except Isen, as he has made himself
immune) if the vial is shattered. He leaps down into a sinkhole toward water far below,
making his survival in doubt, but the impact will release the toxin and kill the world. As he
falls, Cade leaps after him, cutting him in half in the air, then grabbing the vial of toxin before
it can be released. As he splashes into the water, he experiences a vision of his future. In that
vision, he is dueling Darth Krayt, but then he sees . . . nothing, no future beyond that battle.
Emerging from the water, Cade understands that everything in his life has shaped him for his
destiny to face Darth Krayt in one final battle. He has finally accepted his destiny, if not his
role in the Skywalker bloodline. He has a job to do, to take down Krayt . . . even if it will be his
Legacy [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Broken [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Broken, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)
Broken, Part III (comic: John Ostrander)
Shards [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Noob (comic: John Ostrander)*
Noob (comic: John Ostrander)*
*NOTE: The trade paperback Shards collects Noob chronologically after Allies (but before Trust Issues), so that it
could be collected separately from Broken, rather than appearing in (or breaking up the story flow of) the first
Legacy trade paperback, which only included Broken.
Broken [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 913
Broken, Part IV (comic: John Ostrander)
Broken, Part V (comic: John Ostrander)
Broken, Part VI (comic: John Ostrander)
Shards [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Trust Issues [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Trust Issues, Part I [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Trust Issues, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)
Ghosts [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Ghosts, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
Ghosts, Part II [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Ready to Die (comic: John Ostrander)*
Ready to Die (comic: John Ostrander)*
*NOTE: The trade paperback Shards puts Ready to Die between Trust Issues and Ghosts, rather than between
Ghosts and Claws of the Dragon, presumably to end the trade paperback with Cade Skywalker in the foreground.
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
The Essential Guide to Warfare [continued] (essential guide: Jason Fry & Paul R. Urquhart)
Eternal War
War Portrait: Gar Stazi
Legacy [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Claws of the Dragon (comic series: John Ostrander)
Claws of the Dragon, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
Claws of the Dragon, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)
Claws of the Dragon, Part III (comic: John Ostrander)
Claws of the Dragon, Part IV (comic: John Ostrander)
Claws of the Dragon, Part V (comic: John Ostrander)*
Claws of the Dragon, Part VI (comic: John Ostrander)*
Alliance [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Into the Core (comic: John Ostrander)*
Into the Core (comic: John Ostrander)*
Indomitable [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)*
Indomitable, Part I [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)*
Indomitable, Part II [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)*
The Hidden Temple (comic series: John Ostrander)
Loyalties (comic series: John Ostrander)*
Loyalties, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)*
Loyalties, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)*
Alliance [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
The Wrath of the Dragon (comic: John Ostrander)*
The Wrath of the Dragon (comic: John Ostrander)*
The Hidden Temple [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Loyalties [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)*
Loyalties, Part II [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)*
*NOTE: Claws of the Dragon, Part V and Part VI are said to be concurrent with Indomitable, Part I and Part II.
However, Loyalties, Part I must also take place during the last day of Indomitable, Part II. Three days after
Indomitable, Part II (which is also four days after Loyalties, Part I), we see two more concurrent stories, The
Wrath of the Dragon and Loyalties, Part II. Also, we should not forget that Into the Core seems to be concurrent
with the very last few pages of Claws of the Dragon, Part VI, which also makes it parallel with at least parts of
Indomitable and possibly even Loyalties. To make matters more complicated, Into the Core is included in the
Alliance trade paperback, alongside Indomitable and Wrath of the Dragon, but it appears after both of those
stories in TPB form.
The Hidden Temple (comic series: John Ostrander)
The Hidden Temple, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
The Hidden Temple, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)
Vector [continued] (comic series: John Jackson Miller & Mick Harrison & Rob Williams &
John Ostrander)
Volume II [continued] (comic series: Rob Williams & John Ostrander)
Legacy [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Vector [continued] (comic series: John Jackson Miller & Mick Harrison & Rob
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 914
Williams & John Ostrander)
Vector, Part IX (comic: John Ostrander)
Vector, Part X (comic: John Ostrander)
Vector, Part XI (comic: John Ostrander)
Vector, Part XII (comic: John Ostrander)
Legacy [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Storms (comic series: John Ostrander)
Fight Another Day (comic series: John Ostrander)
Fight Another Day, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
Fight Another Day, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
Storms (comic series: John Ostrander)
Storms, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
Storms, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)
Renegade (comic: John Ostrander)
Renegade (comic: John Ostrander)
Tatooine (comic series: John Ostrander)
Tatooine (comic series: John Ostrander)
Tatooine, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
Tatooine, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)
Tatooine, Part III (comic: John Ostrander)
Tatooine, Part IV (comic: John Ostrander)
Rogue’s End (comic: John Ostrander)
Rogue’s End (comic: John Ostrander)
Monster (comic series: John Ostrander)
Divided Loyalties (comic: John Ostrander)
Divided Loyalties (comic: John Ostrander)
Monster [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
Monster, Part I [continued] (comic: John Ostrander)
Monster, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)
Monster, Part III (comic: John Ostrander)
Monster, Part IV (comic: John Ostrander)
The Fate of Dac (comic: John Ostrander)
The Fate of Dac (comic: John Ostrander)
Extremes (comic series: John Ostrander)
Extremes, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
Extremes, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)
Extremes, Part III (comic: John Ostrander)
138 ABY
Darth Krayt has returned, and he has sent a ripple through the Force that all Sith have felt,
but no one else has . . . except for Cade Skywalker, which makes the Jedi at the Hidden
Temple on Taivas wary of trusting his word, since him feeling it suggests that he is Sith
himself. Cade, for his part, continues to have visions of facing Darth Krayt, even killing Wolf
Sazen and Nat “Bantha Rawk” Skywalker by going to the Dark Side during a major battle, but
then he sees nothing of his future, suggesting that he is destined to die. Even though the Jedi
do not necessarily trust him, Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue are with him, whatever may come.
On Bastion, Marasiah Fel has been saved by the efforts of Antares Draco, but Draco is
believed dead at the hands of Darth Havok. (Before becoming a Sith, Havok was Eshkar Niin,
and he is known to have been the former Imperial Knight master of Draco himself, the a
servant and perhaps even an apprentice to Roan Fel, and the murderer of Roan Fel’s wife,
who is Marasiahs mother and new head of Bastion’s intelligence efforts Hogrum Chalk’s
sister.) Marasiah attends a remembrance service for the Imperial Knights who died on
Agamar, along with the special addition of Draco . . . but Draco is not actually dead. He
remains on Korriban, where he is being tortured by Darth Havok. Speaking of the Sith, the
power struggle that began with Darth Wyyrlok IIIs apparent murder of Darth Krayt is coming
to a head. Wyyrlok addresses the Sith, revealing that he killed Krayt because he was in
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 915
failing health (both physically and mentally) and too weak to lead the Sith. Knowing that Krayt
will be coming for him, he sends his daughter, Saarai (destined to be the next Darth Wyyrlok,
as far as her father is concerned) away. Wyyrlok is forcing the Sith to choose whom they will
follow, and Darth Stryfe vows to follow the victor of the struggle between Wyyrlok and Krayt,
as a Sith should. Darth Krayt returns to the Sith Temple on Coruscant with Darth Nihl, Darth
Talon, and his Sith Troopers at his side. They kill various Sith guarding the throne room, until
finally reaching Wyyrlok, who has Nyna Calixte, Morlish Veed, and Stryfe with him, though
not on his side, so much as there as observers. Wyyrlok and Krayt do battle, and while
Wyyrlok briefly seems to gain the upper hand by using Krayts tortured past against him,
Krayt finally kills the usurper. Stryfe bows before him, and Krayt removes Veed from his post
as regent, returning him to his post as a Grand Admiral. Krayt has a new mission. Whereas
he once thought he could bring peace and unity to the galaxy through existing governments,
he now understands that the galaxy must experience death and rebirth as he did in order to
truly come together. Krayts mission is now to bring chaos and war to the entire galaxy. With
Krayt’s overt return, the galaxy is again fragmenting. Thanks to Wyyrlok’s poisoning of Dac
and attack on Da Soocha, Gar Stazi’s Alliance Remnant and Bastion’s forces (called the
“Imperial Remnant by Krayt’s advisors) are gaining strength. Kiffu and Kiffex have refused a
Sith-Imperial base in their territory, while the Chiss and Hapans are remaining neutral and not
accepting diplomatic overtures from the Sith. Meanwhile, Darth Maladi remains missing since
Agamar. All of this is reported to Krayt by Veed, who is given the task of hunting down a
suspected spy in Imperial ranks. Knowing that this is coming, Nyna (Morrigan Corde) makes
preparations to escape from Coruscant. At Falleen, Stazi’s forces battle the Sith-Imperial Star
Destroyer Darklight, while the Mynock drops Cade and Wolf aboard to blow it up from the
inside. During the battle, they receive a transmission from Morrigan, telling Cade to meet her
at the Wheel in three days. The victory at Falleen is a victory for the Alliance Remnant and for
Cade, though Cade refuses to align himself with Stazi outright. He simply wants Krayt dead.
Meanwhile, Fels forces continue their offensive. On Borosk, Sith-Imperial forces rout Fels
forces, led by Imperial Knight Rand Ko. On Bastion, Hogrum presents Roan Fel with a new
captive: Darth Maladi! She was captured by a ship near Vinsoth, which discovered her on a
dying Vong ship. She is apparently mad, thanks to Cade’s attack on her mind. She offers to
reveal vaults on Coruscant with deadly bioweapons, including a perfection of Alpha Red
known as Omega Red that can kill all species that contract it. She wants only one thing:
Cade’s head. Roan does not agree to her demand, since working with the Sith would make
them pariahs in the galaxy, but Hogrum seems unconvinced that this is the right decision . . .
Back on Coruscant, Nyna meets with Veed, who finally accuses her of treason and tries to
arrest her. She takes a pair of blaster wounds and falls from the rooftop, still firing upward at
Veed . . . Veed contacts her ex-husband, Moff Ranulf Yage, who is now with his daughter,
Gunn “Gunner” Yage aboard the War Hammer over Borosk. Ranulf is shocked to hear that
she was a traitor, and Veed intends to go after the Yages if it seems they knew anything
about her duplicity. Elsewhere, Antares Draco is forced to relive the moment when he was
unable to save his former master from killing Empress Fel. He is then shown an illusion of
Marasiah Fel (actually a holographically-altered Darth Talon), whom Darth Havok threatens.
Draco finally breaks and reveals the existence of the Hidden Temple on Taivas. Krayt sends
Talon to find Cade and present him with the broken Draco as a “gift.” He also reveals that he
has foreseen that Cade will bend, break, and then serve at his side, but before that happens,
Cade must die. Back on Taivas, Nat “Bantha Rawk” Skywalker informs his wife, Droo (who
has been reactivated to be a general with the Guardians under Sheyf Zharia) that he is being
reactivated as a Jedi himself. The Mynock arrives at the Wheel, where Cade, Jariah, and
Deliah meet with . . . Nyna Calixte! They are shocked to discover that Nyna and Morrigan are
one and the same. She reveals that she had expected betrayal from Veed, so she had a
jetpack and her ship (as Morrigan) ready to leave. She is now dying from her wounds,
however, and Cade is not sure he can heal her without touching the Dark Side, given that he
doesn’t love her like he loves Deliah (whom he has saved through the Light Side before).
Cade heals her with the support of his father Kols spirit, as both Kol and Cade forgive her.
Shortly thereafter, they are planning to leave when they are met by Talon, who tries to speak
peacefully. Cade attacks, though, driving her off, but not before she reveals that she left
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 916
something for them aboard the ship. It turns out to be a carbon frozen Antares Draco! Draco
is thawed, only to reveal that he has given up the Taivas location. Krayt prepares a strike at
the Hidden Temple, promoting Moff Fehlaaur to Chief Intelligence Officer when Veed argues
against Taivas being the correct location. The strike is to consist of each fleet, with Veed in
charge overall, Yage in command of the fleet, and Moff Geist with the ground forces.
However, they are just bait for a larger force coming under Darth Nihl with Krayts new Sith
Troopers. On Taivas, Draco is scolded but given a chance at redemption by Marasiah. The
Jedi, meanwhile, are divided on what to do. Gar Stazi suggests they evacuate, and Roan Fel
suggests they join him at Bastion. Some agree, but Cade and others believe this will just
make them more vulnerable, whereas they would be safer staying in the Taivas caves. Stazi
and Fel agree to Cade’s plan, and both the Alliance Remnant and Fel’s Imperial fleets set out
to join them at Taivas. As the Battle of Taivas begins, ground forces (led by Geist and
including Joker Squad) attacks, even as Gunn Yage is ordered to kill her own half-brother
(sort of, as Cade isnt aboard the Mynock, which is manned by Jariah and Morrigan actually)
and Morrigan tries to make sure both of her children come out of this alive .Inside the temple,
Jedi (including Cade) and Imperial Knights battle the Sith. When the time is right, a signal is
sent, and the Alliance and Bastion fleets emerge from hyperspace and pounce upon the Sith-
Imperial (non-Sith) fleet . . . As the battle rages, Joker Squad loses Hardcase, and T’ra Saa
buries her roots into the soil of Taivas and uses battle meditation to urge the Allied forces
toward victory. In space, Krayt unleashes his Sith Troopers in their Annihilator starfighters
and Dragon capital ships. The Sith Troopers blast through everyone, including Krayt’s
Imperials, leading to the death of Moff Geist. With the Mynock damaged and defended by
Rogue Squadron, Gunner refuses to continue putting Skull Squadron against horrible odds,
disobeying orders from Darth Rauder. At Saas command, the Hidden Temple, which was
really made up of a bunch of starships both above and under the water, separates, and the
constituent ships launch into space to escape. One of the ships carries Master Tili Qua and
younglings. When Rauder orders the ship destroyed, Gunner blasts her out of the sky and
declares that she (and Skull Squadron) will be joining Fel’s forces. When Moff Yage’s Sith
observer orders Gunner targeted, Rulf kills the Sith and joins his daughter in defecting to
Fel’s cause. Below, the ships are away, leaving Cade and Bantha to defend Tra Saa. When
a Sith ship dives in on a suicide run, Bantha Force pushes Cade to safety, then joins T’ra Saa
in turning the force of the explosion that results from the crash into a blast of energy upward
to sweep its way into the Sith strike force. It is the last act of T’ra Saa and Nat “Bantha Rawk”
Skywalker. The Mynock sweeps in to retrieve Cade, who comes under attack by Sith
Troopers. Cade takes a slash across his face, leaving him scarred, before using Force
lightning on a trooper that he and Morrigan take as a prisoner. They escape, but the price has
been high. Shortly thereafter, the news of the defeat reaches Roan Fel, who decides to strike
a deal with Maladi. She will create her Omega Red toxin, and, if it succeeds, he will give her
what she wants: Cade dead . . . Three days later, the toxin has been created, and studying
the Sith Trooper that Cade captured has convinced Roan and Hogrum that they must release
the toxin on Coruscant. Roan needs only to convince Stazi and the Jedi Council. As
preparations are made for the assault, Cade and Jariah discuss getting Cade to Coruscant to
take down Krayt as seen in his vision. Meanwhile, Morrigan catches up with Gunn and Rulf to
reveal the truth about how Morrigan being the real woman, Nyna Calixte being a fabrication,
and the fact that Cade is also Morrigans son. This might finally mean reconciliation for the
former couple. At the same time, Antares Draco confesses his own doubts about himself to
Ganner Krieg, suggesting that he might have been programmed by the Sith in ways he does
not yet know. The attack on Coruscant commences. A team led by Rasi Tuum, Azlyn Rae,
and Morrigan Corde attacks the computer center that controls Coruscant’s automated
defenses (thanks to a stealthy insertion by the Mynock with codes from Morrigan’s time as
Nyna). The assault also includes Wolf, Ganner, Shado, and Sigel Dare, along with Cade a
true Force-user task force (sans Morrigan). They take out the computers, allowing the Allied
fleet to attack. In the ensuing battle above Coruscant, Rogue Squadron member Andurgo is
killed, and Skull Squadron’s Crasher is forced to eject (his fate unknown). During the battle
below, Morrigan slips away and assassinates Veed, who never knows her double identity.
With heavy losses in space, Roan decides to actually use Maladi’s toxin and accepts it from
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 917
her, with Draco at his side, not hearing her muttering to herself that she has now kept a
promise to Darth Krayt . . . As the battle rages, the Mynock, bearing Jariah, Deliah, and R2-
D2, is shot down with an ion cannon, even as Morrigan goes to find Cade, who has gone to
find Krayt. The Force team finds Darth Talon and other Sith, battling their way toward Krayt.
In the huge melee, Sigel Dare is killed, and Wolf gives his life in killing Darth Stryfe. With his
former master now dead, the others cover Cade as he charges off after a wounded Darth
Talon, intend on his mission to find Krayt and end this. As soon as Talon reaches Krayt,
Cade emerges, slamming her into a wall with the Force. The Jedi who abandoned the
Skywalker legacy and the Sith Lord who is a legacy of a bygone era clash one last time in a
fierce lightsaber duel, until Krayt is able to strike at Cade with his own previously unique
ability. When Krayt died, the knowledge from Darth Andeddu and Karness Muur helped him
retain his essence and let his body heal, using the power of the Dark Side to bring his body
back from death the same way that Cade had been able to tap into the Dark Side to save
Wolf Sazen and others in the past. He now knows how to use that power to heal or to kill, just
as Cade can, and he uses it against Cade. Nearing death, Cade experiences a vision of
himself as a Sith under Krayt and Coruscant destroyed by Omega Red. He reveals that the
toxin is a trick: Maladi created it at his direction, and all Sith are immune to it by his design. It
will only kill innocents and Allied forces. He intends to turn Cade to the Dark Side if he can
save himself, then someday become Cade by forcing his spirit into Cades body (again,
thanks to Andeddu and Muur). Saving himself from death, Cade tells Krayt that his eyes are
now open, and he no longer has any doubt about who he is . . . a Jedi! Cade delivers a stab
through Krayts heart, killing the Sith Lord (again), at least as far as his body is concerned.
Meanwhile, as the ground and space forces hold the line with devastating losses, Stazi and
Yage await word from Roan aboard the Jagged Fel. As Roan prepares to unleash Omega
Red on Coruscant in an act of genocide (that, it turns out, wouldn’t even work, though he
does not know that), Treis Sinde and Sia Fel try to stop him. They claim that he is becoming
like Krayt. Roan argues that he is the embodiment of the Force for the Imperial Knights, so
his will shall be done. He expects Draco to agree, but he instead repeats that his oath is to
serve the Force as embodied by the Emperor, but also to bring the Emperor back to the Light
if he ever strays or kill him if not. Draco and Roan duel, and both feel the death of Krayt
below. Having felt the same before only to see Krayt return, Roan refuses to believe, forcing
Draco to kill him in order to stop him from releasing the toxin. Below, the Jedi and Sith sense
the death of Krayt as well. Darth Nihl orders the Sith to retreat to predetermined coordinates
and to destroy all of the Sith Troopers (which seem bent on suicide attacks now that Krayt is
gone, against Sith and Allies alike). Cade takes Krayts body to a shuttle where Morrigan
waits. Krayt’s body is dead, but Cade can feel his spirit trying to take hold. The only way to be
certain that Krayt is dead is to send his body into Coruscant’s star, and the only way to be
sure he cannot once again corrupt Cade and take him over is for Cade to die with him. Cade
says goodbye to his mother and heads toward the star, but Morrigan contacts Jariah, Deliah,
and R2-D2 to get the Mynock fixed from its crash landing and get to Cade before he
sacrifices himself. In space, Cade argues with the voice of Krayt in his head, but Luke
Skywalker’s spirit argues against Cade killing himself. Luke suggests that perhaps it isn’t
really him or Krayt but the Dark Side and Light Side in Cade that is tugging at his spirit. Cade
saw nothing after the death of Krayt in his vision, but he is alive. As a Jedi, it is time for him to
make his own path. He ejects in a spacesuit, and Krayt goes with the shuttle into the sun to
destruction. With this done, Cade no longer hears the sound of Krayt’s voice, but he is also
now alone in space much like he had been over Ossus when found by Rav so many years
ago . . . On Coruscant, in the aftermath of the battle, a new Galactic Federation Triumvirate is
formed, a new government that brings together the Alliance Remnant, the Jedi, and Roan
Fel’s Empire into one government that is headed by a leader from each element: Gar Stazi;
K’Kruhk, and Marasiah Fel. Their first true state function is the funeral of Roan Fel. Even as
the funeral is held, the Mynock reaches Cade, who is unconscious. Deliah is about to mourn
him, but he awakens, having been in a Jedi hibernation trance. They are together and all
alive, and, for the first time, Cade is truly at peace. As for the One Sith, under the guidance of
Darth Nihl, they spread across the galaxy and go into hiding in small numbers, infiltrating
governments across the galaxy, awaiting the day when they will take down galactic society
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 918
from within. Darth Krayt is dead, but he lives within all of the One Sith that he ruled. The Sith
are not gone forever . . .
Sometime in the waning days of the Second Imperial Civil War, Ania Solo is arrested for
killing a man who “totally deserved it.” She is placed in the Sith-run Drash-So labor camp on
Selvatas. Also imprisoned is Ramid, her lover. The two organize an escape plan, but as they
try to escape, Ramid is captured. Ania is able to flee, believing that Ramid is dead. Instead,
Ramid is interrogated until he breaks to determine how Ania escaped. Ania intends to return
to see if she can find Ramid or prove he is actually dead, but when Roan Fel’s Imperials
liberate the camp, she sees no need to do so. She has gone “off the grid and sets up shop at
a junkyard on a moon of Carreras. Unbeknownst to Ania and Ramid, the female guard that
couldn’t catch Ania during the escape is punished by her superiors, but the Sith, not wanting
to show a sign of weakness, have not reported to anyone that a prisoner has escaped. As
such, Ania is still assumed to be there. When the liberation occurs, the guard assumes Ania’s
identity and is able to leave as a freed prisoner, rather than as a captured prison guard. As
“Ania Solo,” she encounters Imperial Knight Teemen Alton on Opoku. She kills Teemen with
her laser whip, which only works when paired with her artificial hand. Now, Ania Solo (real
and fake) is wanted for the murder of an Imperial Knight. The guard drops her stolen alias
and becomes a bounty hunter. Ania, for her part, remains of little concern, but all of that will
change after the liberation of Dac at the end of this year, which will elevate Anias notoriety
and begin a hunt for the wrongfully-wanted Solo.
(conjecture based on Wanted: Ania Solo)
On the planet Mala, the young man who will one day be known as Darth Wredd has been
acting as a protector for his people. However, the Sith finally come, and the mans sword is
no match for a Sith Lord’s lightsaber. When the people of Mala surrender, the Sith Lord who
led the assault takes the young man to his ship, from which he must watch as a new weapon
is tested on Mala, wiping out all life. The weapon is so powerful that it knocks Mala out of its
orbit. It will wander the galaxy as “the floating world.” The Sith Lord begins to train the young
man in the Dark Side, placing a helmet on him and inducing pain frequently. However, by the
time he finally turns the young man into his Sith Apprentice, “Darth Wredd,” the war is over,
and the Sith are going into hiding. Wredd soon realizes that his Master is easy to manipulate,
and he sets in motion a plan to strike at an Imperial Knight and use that distraction as a
chance to kill his Master. The chance will come soon . . . (To be continued below . . . )
(Empire of One)
Imperial Knight Yalta Val is given the title of “Master to raise his status during his mission to
(conjecture based on Prisoner of the Floating World)
In the early days of the new Triumvirate galactic government (an uneasy alliance of the Jedi
Council, Imperial Court, and Galactic Alliance), initiatives are launched to improve the
fortunes of outlying systems. One such mission brings Imperial Knight Yalta Val to Carreras
in the Outer Rim. En route to Carreras, where a new communications array is being set up,
they are about to enter the Surd Nebula when they are attacked by an unknown vessel. They
are forced to crash land on a planet not on their charts (the planet Mala, which should not
have been there). Upon exiting the craft, Yalta and his stormtroopers come under attack by
the unknown vessels occupant, a Sith. The Sith takes Yalta by surprise and has him at his
mercy when a second Sith (the first Sith’s apprentice), wearing a mask to hide his or her
identity, kills the first Sith. Fortunately for the Imperial team, the emergency comm droid that
they were about to launch before entering the Nebula and losing communications with the
outside galaxy is able to be launched. It gathers information, but it damaged by blaster fire.
One week later, Ania Solo, owner of her own junkyard, meets a pair of newly-arrived junk
dealers. They attempt to go back on their deal for salvage and take her money without
turning anything over, but she is able to turn the tables with her droid, SD, who sends them
packing, without their payment or their salvage. Among the salvage, she discovers the comm
droid from Yaltas vessel. She takes her haul to the ice mining platform in the rings of
Carreras Minor, where her Mon Calamari refugee friend Sauk is working. When he confirms
that the droid is very specialized and might be worth something to the right buyer, he
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 919
accidentally opens a secret panel that drops a lightsaber, which Ania takes. Ania thinks that
this might be their “big score” to get away from the system to a better life. Unfortunately,
when they try to sell the lightsaber in the capital city of Shifala on Carreras Major, they are
noticed by Governor Biala’s security forces, who chase them down for the lightsaber, only for
Ania to blast them. Meanwhile, the communications array is about to go online, when “Yalta
Val” (actually the Sith from Mala) arrives to meet with Governor Biala himself aboard the
array’s farthest outpost. Around the time that Ania and Sauk are arriving on Carreras Major,
“Yalta” is there as well, making claims to Biala that there is a Sith presence in the system. He
claims that they cannot wait to contact Coruscant, and any attempt to delay his efforts to deal
with this Sith menace would cause him to look closely into Carreras corruption. With little
choice, Biala agrees to the fake Imperial Knight’s demands and puts his security force directly
under the impostors commands. As for the real Yalta Val, he is held prisoner on Mala,
stripped of his armor (which is being used by the impostor) and wearing the helmet of the
Sith. The Sith wants Yalta, locked in the helmet, to succumb to darkness as he did, so that he
will embrace the Dark Side and join the Sith in his efforts. Meanwhile, security forces again
chase after Ania and Sauk, but they escape when Sauk cuts a steam pipe with the lightsaber.
They then try to get the droid working at her junkyard. They are visited by AG-37 (an IG
series droid), who is a customer and tells her that the lightsaber he spotted her holding
means she is out of her depth. “Yalta” arrives to claim the lightsaber, and when Ania refuses
to turn it over due to rights of salvage, and SD tries to protect her from the fake Imperial
Knight, “Yalta” cuts SD in half, pulls the lightsaber to him with the Force, and orders his men
to kill them as he turns to leave. Fortunately, they are rescued during a frantic escape by AG-
37. Once in space, Sauk is able to activate a recording on the droid, but it shows the Sith and
the real Yalta fighting. Recognizing the lightsaber but not the Knight, they realize that
something is wrong about the “Yalta” they met. Unfortunately, the Sith has ordered local
forces to blockade the system, and AG-37’s ship run straight into this blockade. Meanwhile,
Imperial Knight Jao Assam is overseeing the Ithorian relay outpost (the second in the system)
and is concerned about lack of word from Yalta. He asks Empress Marasiah Fel (who is with
her lover, Imperial Knight Antares Draco) to let him go to Carreras to check on Yalta, but she
refuses, given that they cannot afford to let the galaxy know just how weak the Imperial
Knights are right now, given that they have far more new recruits than seasoned Knights. As
AG-37, Ania, and Sauk escape pursuit at the blockade, Jao disobeys orders and checks out
Carreras. When he boards a ship among the blockade, he comes under attack on orders
from the Sith Yalta. He escapes in his starfighter. Ania, Sauk, and AG-37 head to Carreras
Minor, where they come under attack by a creature that attacks their landed ship.
Fortunately, Sauk has gotten the comm droid activated, and Jao arrives, having followed its
signal, just in time to save them. Ania is not ready to accept his help, though, given what
happened on Carreras Major. They show him the recording they found, and Jao confirms that
his Master, Yalta, was the man in the recording, not the impostor whose men pursued Ania
for the lightsaber. They head out in AG-37’s ship to follow the droids information to Mala,
only to find that the planet appears to be gone. Before they can find answers, they are caught
in a tractor beam. They are pulled in and captured. The Sith orders, via holocomm, that Jao
be brought to the array and the others killed, but the governor objects, intending to make a
stand for her government’s autonomy. She is Force choked and nearly killed in response.
Still, though, the others are all brought to the array, which the Sith has ordered to be moved.
Jao is held separately and confronted by the Sith, who claims that he knows the real Yalta
Val will never turn to the Dark Side, though he suggests that the Triumvirate is not truly going
after the Sith, while this Sith intends to do so as a Sith Master, returning to the Rule of Two
with Jao (potentially) as his Apprentice. Jao refuses. The governor, having overheard the
conversation, frees Jao and wants him to kill the Sith and free her people from his influence.
Jao rescues Ania, Sauk, and AG-37, who have figured out that Mala is a rogue planet, rather
than one in a particular orbit, so they might be able to find it and Yalta Val. When they see the
Sith about to leave, though, Ania is unwilling to wait until they rescue Yalta to confront him.
She attacks, leading to a battle in which AG-37 is cut in half, the Sith takes a lightsaber blade
to the face (scarring him), and Jao is run through with debris. The Sith then escapes in a
small transport, as Jao’s body, still impaled, is also pulled out into space. Ania, spurred on by
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 920
AG-37 reminding her that her ancestor Han Solo wasn’t royalty but simply a low person who
made good when his friends needed him, jumps into a starfighter and chases the Sith. On the
array, the governor attempts to have it shut down, only to find that it is being controlled
remotely (by the Sith). On Mala, the Sith returns to the real Yalta Val, removing his helmet to
show his identity as an Imperial Knight. He then uses the array to transmit a message across
the new Federation. He calls himself Darth Wredd and warns the galaxy that they should not
feel safe, that the new government is weak, and that he can prove his strength and their
weakness by killing an Imperial Knight (Val) like a helpless beast. He also brags about
misleading an entire system, again trying to show his superiority to the new government. Ania
emerges from the shadows and fires away at him with a blaster, only to have him easily
knock her down in a pile of junk. Taking him out was not her plan, however. In her boot, she
carries Yaltas lightsaber, which he notices just in time to call it to himself with the Force and
ignite it to block Wredd’s killing blow. As the two duel, the array begins a descent to crash
into the surface. Knowing that this would kill Sauk and destroy AG-37, Ania takes the
starfighter back to save them. On Mala, Yalta battles Wredd, until Wredd, who claims he
intends to be the “only Sith,” escapes on his own ship. As the array nears Mala, Ania returns
in AG-37’s ship to rescue Yalta. The array then crashes down in a huge explosion. AG-37 is
okay, if damaged, and both Sauk (who considers Ania a hero now) and Yalta will survive.
Moreover, the message droid that Jao had come to find has found Jao in space and worked
to preserve his life until our heroes can pick him up. Soon, on Coruscant, Antares Draco
reports to Marasiah Fel about the destruction of the array, including the presence of Ania
Solo. Marasiah is shocked: “Solo? Who the hell is Ania Solo?”
(Prisoner of the Floating World)
On Cadomai Prime, Darth Wredd kills a diplomat who was actually a Sith Lord in hiding,
thereby revealing the Sith’s identity to the galaxy. The ruling Galactic Federation Triumvirate
is split on how to deal with Wredd, since by taking down the Sith, he is doing the Federation a
favor, from one point of view. Still adrift in AG-37’s damaged ship, Ania Solo, Sauk, Yalta Val,
the injured Jao Assam, and the damaged AG-37 are found and recovered by the
Triumvirate’s Star Destroyer Animus. Having heard of her exploits in saving Yalta, Empress
Marasiah Fel wants to meet Ania. Antares Draco contacts Yalta to inform him that they are
not going to actively pursue Wredd at this time and that Yalta has been reassigned to
Coruscant to train new Imperial Knight recruits. Jao, meanwhile, has a vision while in a bacta
tank, in which he sees Wredd kill Marasiah. Sauk fixes AG-37, then accepts a position as an
engineer with the droid. Ania is being offered a position on Coruscant that might offer her
stability for once. As Sauk and AG-37 set out, Yalta and Jao discuss Jao’s own
circumstances. After disobeying orders to go find Yalta, he is being confined to Coruscant
(technically so that he can heal) without further punishment. Now, they must follow orders
and not pursue Wredd. Jao and Ania discuss the situation and Jao’s vision and their seeming
inability to do anything. Sauk, meanwhile, meets another Mon Calamari who is heading on a
transport to the Dac shipyards, which intrigues Sauk with the idea that Dac could rise again
after the One Siths decimation of the populace. Later, Ania visits Jao in his quarters and
convinces him that if no one else will hunt down Wredd, Ania and Jao must do so. When they
try to leave by taking a ship from the hangar, though, they are stopped by Yalta and a group
of stormtroopers. Yalta has anticipated his refusal to follow orders. They nearly come to
blows when Ania draws her pistol and a stormtrooper fires, but Yalta finally warns Jao of the
selfishness of his intentions and allows them to leave. In space, they look through various
files, discovering the identity of Dieben, the being who was with Wredd on Mala when Yalta
was his prisoner. He has been extradited to Nalyd, so they head there. They find him on trial
in an arena, where he is found guilty of various crimes and about to be killed by firing squad.
Ania leaps aboard a creature and swoops in to save him, as Jao races off to follow her.
Unfortunately, the act ends with them both tumbling into the wilderness nearby and Dieben
falling to his doom on a spiked plant. He can’t tell them anything about Wredd now.
Fortunately, when the authorities catch up to them, they mention that they think Ania and Jao
are there to “take him back to Dac.” Speaking of the Mon Calamari homeworld, Sauk has
been considering his recent encounter with a felon Mon Calamari and speaks to AG-37 of
how he never had a chance to learn if his family survived the Sith genocide. AG-37 tells him
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 921
that the “ring” (the orbital shipyards) has been broken but not totally destroyed. Meanwhile,
Yalta tells Marasiah about Jao’s vision, but she wants Jao back to be executed as a deserter
and Ania back as a prisoner this time. Jao and Ania allow their “captors to take credit for
killing Dieben, making them heroes. The pair then leaves for Dac, but they are attacked upon
arrival by minions of a Sith. Upon reaching the shipyards, they find that the Sith in question is
not Darth Wredd but instead the Twi’lek Sith known as Darth Luft, who is using the shipyards
to build a fleet through the slave labor of Quarren and Mon Calamari who came to Dac,
expecting to find a chance to rebuild. Rather than killing Jao, Ania, and a pair of slaves who
were explaining the situation to them (Tikin and Luen), Luft simply sends them down a chute
that dumps them into an escape pod that is then launched down into the poisoned sea of Dac
below. Fortunately, their comm droid is with them and sends a signal that is picked up by AG-
37’s ship, and they are all rescued from the ocean and reunited with AG-37 and Sauk.
Meanwhile, a message from Jao to Yalta, explaining the situation at Dac, is relayed by Yalta
to Marasiah, KKruhk, and Stazi. When Marasiah will not agree to send help to the shipyards
at Dac, Stazi goes to Yalta himself and takes him and some of his Imperial Knights on a “field
training mission” to Dac. At Dac, our heroes return to the shipyards, where Jao and the comm
droid race off to stop Luft’s operation. Tikin and Luen return to their positions, but when Tikin
tries to explain his disappearance and how he had nothing to do with Jao and Ania (so his
son will not be harmed), Luft kills Tikin. This incites a riot among the slaves, causing Luft to
order them all killed, along with their families, though it does little good for the Sith. In space,
Ania and AG-37 are pursued by Luft’s own vessels and are saved from being destroyed by
the arrival of Stazi and Yalta with a sizeable Triumvirate fleet. As Jao duels Luft, the fleet
docks and releases water from tankers into the shipyards, flooding many areas and giving the
advantage to the Quarren and Mon Calamari slaves. As the bay holding the families of the
other slaves begins to flood, two guards put on EVA suits and open the compartment to
space. As water flows out, it begins to freeze. Ania and Sauk drop down into the flooded
compartment to close the door, but the controls are frozen over on the inside. They contact
the communications droid, which has escaped the flooding into space, and it swings back
around to close the doors from the outside. Elsewhere, in an area not yet entirely flooded,
Luft knocks Jao into the water under a piece of debris, but when Luft is distracted by two of
Yalta’s cadets, Jao is able to free himself and kill Luft from behind. In the wake of the battle,
Yalta proclaims the shipyards to be liberated. The flooded areas become a new home for the
Quarren and Mon Calamari, and Luen adopts Tilin, Tikin’s orphaned child. Yalta and Jao
discuss what comes next, and Jao still will not return until he brings down Darth Wredd and
thereby saves the life of Marasiah Fel, per his broader oath to protect her as an Imperial
Knight. He leaves with AG-37, Ania, Sauk, and the droid, but they receive a message from
Wredd himself, congratulating Jao in eliminating Luft. They have been manipulated into doing
Wredd’s dirty work for him. Still, they liberated an enslaved people, and they vow that they
will take down Wredd.
(Outcasts of the Broken Ring)
Legacy [continued] (comic series: John Ostrander)
War (comic series: John Ostrander)
War, Part I (comic: John Ostrander)
War, Part II (comic: John Ostrander)
War, Part III (comic: John Ostrander)
War, Part IV (comic: John Ostrander)
War, Part V (comic: John Ostrander)
War, Part VI (comic: John Ostrander)
Legacy [continued] (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One [continued] [flashback] (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One, Part I [continued] [flashback] (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel
Prisoner of the Floating World (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Prisoner of the Floating World, Part I (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Prisoner of the Floating World, Part II (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Prisoner of the Floating World, Part III (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 922
Prisoner of the Floating World, Part IV (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Prisoner of the Floating World, Part V (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Outcasts of the Broken Ring (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Outcasts of the Broken Ring, Part I (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Outcasts of the Broken Ring, Part II (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Outcasts of the Broken Ring, Part III (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Outcasts of the Broken Ring, Part IV (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Outcasts of the Broken Ring, Part V (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
139 ABY
At Ania Solo’s junkyard on a moon in the Carreras system, her landlords, angry that she
skipped out on her lease, are searching through the yard to find things of value when they are
confronted by a mysterious female in armor and bearing a laser whip. She whups them with
her whip, demanding to know Ania’s location. She, AG-37, Sauk, and Jao Assam are actually
on a run of supplies to Lasgo, where she intends to make a bit more money by riding a wild
yarthul, rodeo-style. After she fails to do so successfully, Jao finds a wanted poster nearby,
claiming that Ania is wanted for the murder of an Imperial Knight. Back on the ship, Ania tells
Jao that she had never met an Imperial Knight before him, but before she can explain why
she was “off the grid” on in the Carreras system, they find a ship that is damaged nearby.
When the small probe droid checks it, a survivor is found. Once aboard, the team discover a
man, whom Ania immediately kisses. It is Ramid, “a friend from way, way, way back.” As
soon as Sauk and Jao return to their ship, leaving Ania with Ramid to catch up, while the
others get parts to “fix” the ship, a door slams shut, and the ships separate. Ramids ship is
not really damaged, and two of his crew emerge from the shadows to grab Ania. They take
off, pursued by AG-37’s ship, but they are in the minefield over Lasgo, and a shot to a mine
near AG-37’s ship disables them briefly, allowing Ramids crew to escape with Ania as their
prisoner. Unfortunately, Ania gambled away her comlink (with a transponder in it) for the
yarthul rodeo, so they cannot trace her that way. Ramid and the crew, bounty hunters for the
first time and trying to use Ramid’s connection to Ania to collect the bounty on her, have
miscalculated. Their cold hyperspace jump in the minefield has burnt more fuel that expected,
forcing them to land on a wild planet with acid and glass rain, where they hope to refuel at the
only outpost on the planet. (As for Ania trying to explain things to Ramid, he is unwilling to
listen because he believes she left him for dead at a prison camp in the past.) On Coruscant,
Imperial Knight Yalta Val learns from Gar Stazi that he will not face punishment for
disobeying the Triumvirate in going with Stazi to the Ring. In fact, their success there was so
popular that the Triumvirate is changing its policy and now intending to go after individuals
like Darth Wredd. Unfortunately, Ania is on the top of that list. They had wanted to bring her
to Coruscant quietly to take care of the issue, but now that her name is more well-known after
what happened at Dac, they must punish her publicly for killing an Imperial Knight
(supposedly). Yalta refuses to believe Ania did such a thing. In space, hunting for Ania, AG-
37 reveals to Sauk and Jao that he met Ania after the most recent civil war in the Selvatas
system, where she was held in a prison camp, but he had never inquired as to why she was
being held (political prisoner or real prisoner?). He had met her after her escape, when she
had no money or way off the planet, but AG-37 had made a promise to a Solo once
(seemingly Han Solo), so he was a friend and took her with him. Elsewhere, while trying to
land on the wild planet, Ramid’s ship is attacked by a modified TIE bomber (the ship of the
bounty hunter with the whip). During the attack, Ramid’s pilot is killed, and they only survive
their crash landing by having Ania take the controls. The female hunter orders her out, so
Ania has a small first aid droid look after an injured Ramid and charges out of the ship,
shooting the hunter in the face (where the blast is, unfortunately, stopped by the helmet she
wears). As Ania runs, things continue to unfold elsewhere. In space, AG-37, Sauk, and Jao
continue their search, but Jao is increasingly off-balance because of the charges against
Ania. It turns out that he knew the Imperial Knight in question, Teemen Alton, and he was
someone that Jao had looked up to. On Coruscant, Yalta tries to confront Marasiah Fel about
targeting Ania, but she counters that her first duty is to the Imperial Knights, since she is one,
and she must go after those who dare to kill one of their own. Back on the wild planet, Ania is
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 923
nearly killed by hostile wildlife, but she is saved and then taken prisoner by the hunter. As the
hunter uses a remote to call her ship, Ramid, now conscious, charges in under the lowering
ship on a speederbike and rams the hunter. Unsure whom to trust, Ania grabs a blaster and
turns on Ramid, but he counters that he is her best option right now. Soon, on Coruscant,
Yalta visits the temporary archive for integration of materials related to the Second Imperial
Civil War. He learns that the murderer of Teemen Alton had a prosthetic hand, but Ania’s
medical files show that she doesn’t have one. She cannot be the murderer. AG-37, Jao, and
Sauk arrive on the wild planet, finally finding Ramid’s crashed ship, but they cannot search
immediately by land together because it begins raining glass. Thus, AG-37 goes searching
alone. While sheltered under the speederbike from the glass, Ania and Ramid discuss the
past. They had been planning to escape the Sith labor camp on Selvatas, but she was the
only one who got away because Ramid was caught. Ramid was tortured to determine how
Ania escaped. She had no reason to believe he was alive, and before she could go back to
see, the camp was liberated and the war was over. They make amends. Back on the ship,
Jao and Sauk are contacted by Yalta, who explains that Ania cannot be the killer. When the
glass rain ends, Ramid and Ania set out on the speederbike, considering a future after they
get to a comm station to call her friends (whom she does not realize are already there). They
are spotted by AG-37, who calls to the others. Ania and Ramid find the outpost, but everyone
is dead. Before they can get out of there, the hunter attacks. Ramid saves Ania, trying to stab
the hunter. He ends up cutting the hunter’s hand, revealing that it is artificial, just before the
hunter breaks Ramid’s neck, killing him. She turns to face Ania, but Jao arrives. (Sauk, on the
ship outside, urges them to hurry because it is beginning to rain acid.) As Jao holds off the
hunter, Ania escapes out into the acid rain with only her jacket to ;protect her. Fortunately,
she is found by AG-37, who carries her to a nearby cave. AG-37s blasters are destroyed
from the acid, and he is suffering great damage. Before internal problems can cascade and
cause greater damage, he has Ania shut him down. No sooner is he shut down than the
hunter, having escaped from Jao by using a thermal detonator, arrives at the cave. Ania runs,
falling from a small cliff. As she falls, the hunters whip wraps around her leg, but rather than
being pulled up, Ania yanks on the whip, causing her to fall the rest of the way. The whip falls
with her. The hunter jumps down, and Ania brandishes the whip, but it will not activate
without precise connections to the hunter’s artificial hand. The hunter finally removes her
helmet, revealing herself t be a prison guard from Drash-So, the labor camp on Selvatas. She
pins Ania to the ground with a cuff that bolts her arm to the ground, while she calls her ship
with her remote. She intends to cut off Anias hand (pinned by the cuff) and replace it with her
artificial one. When Ania escaped from Drash-So, no one reported it because the Sith do not
broadcast their weaknesses. Thus, the guard remained on duty there until the camp was
liberated by Roan Fel’s Imperial forces. Since Ania was already gone, the guard took Ania’s
identity and walked out as a refugee instead of being taken into custody. She remained
“Ania” until confronted by an Imperial Knight, Teemen Alton, whom she killed. This made
“Ania Solo” a wanted woman, so the guard took on her new bounty hunter persona. With the
real Ania now all over the news for what happened at Dac, all the bounty hunter needs to do
is replace Ania’s biological left hand with her own artificial one, and Ania can be given to the
Triumvirate and found guilty of the hunter’s own crime, allowing her to be free of pursuit and
to assume a new identity again. Jao, having seen the direction the guards ship was heading,
finds the cave and attacks the hunter, knocking the remote from her grip and causing the ship
to crash at the cave entrance. As they battle, an Imperial shuttle arrives nearby. Time is
running out. Jao uses the Force to free Ania and uses his lightsaber to cut off the guards
artificial hand. He is distracted when Sauk contacts him about the Imperial shuttle, though,
which allows the guard to reach Ania, ready to shoot her. However, Ania has found the
remote, and she causes the ship to rise and slam into the guard, crushing her against the
cavern wall. Once the guard is down, stormtroopers arrive to take Ania into custody. Unable
(and unwilling) to battle a bunch of stormtroopers just doing their duty, Jao allows them to
take Ania. She is taken back to Coruscant, where she is brought before a tribunal, where one
of the members is Antares Draco. Yalta acts as counsel for Ania, arguing that all evidence is
circumstantial. Antares relates how Teemen traced “Ania” to the Opoku system, where he
was killed. However, Yalta reveals the facts behind Teemen being strangled with the laser
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 924
whip that requires an artificial hand matched to it, which is what he found in the archives
earlier. She is still in trouble, though, because the tribunal requires proof of innocence, not of
guilt. Fortunately, Jao arrives and crashes the party, so to speak, bringing the guards
artificial hand as proof of Ania’s innocence. Freed, Ania is reunited with Sauk and AG-37.
She reveals to them that she was in the prison camp because she did indeed kill a man, but
this guy was not a knight and “totally deserved it.” As for Jao, he has saved Ania, but he was
a deserter, and now he has delivered himself to the Triumvirate by returning. He is to be put
to death. While he is in his cell, however, he is visited by Darth Wredd, who bears a
lightsaber, offering him a way out . . .
(Wanted: Ania Solo)
With Imperial Knight Jao Assam under arrest and charged with desertion, Ania Solo demands
to see Empress Marasiah Fel in hopes of clearing his name or asking for clemency, given
that he only returned to clear Ania’s name when falsely accused of killing Imperial Knight
Teemen Alton. Marasiah’s lover (and head of the Imperial Knights), Antares Draco, refuses to
let her see Marasiah, stating that the sentence is death, and the Empress will not change her
mind. Meanwhile, Darth Wredd frees Jao from the brig and blasts through its wall to allow
them to escape on his ship. Ania, Sauk, and AG-37 are discussing their options when word
comes of Jao’s escape. Before they can react, stormtroopers arrive to take Ania. She thinks
she is being wrongly accused of aiding Jao’s escape until she finds herself brought to a
secret meeting with Marasiah. She wants to help Jao somehow because he is a brother
Imperial Knight, but she cannot overtly do so because it would make her look weak at a time
when the new Triumvirate is not yet strong enough to keep the galaxy under control. She
needs Ania to lead the hunt for Jao, not an Imperial Knight that could kill him on sight. If Ania
can get to Jao, Marasiah will find some way to get past the desertion charges. Both women
agree that Jao has not gone to the Dark Side. Ania, Sauk, and AG-37 (along with their
message droid) will lead the search in AG-37s ship, though they are accompanied by a
contingent of Trandoshan stormtroopers that are to answer to Ania. Meanwhile, Wredd takes
Jao to Mala, site of the events that first brought Wredd into contact with our heroes. Wredd
explains that this was his homeworld, where he had tried to live like a Jedi would, then
became a Sith when his master destroyed his civilization, then put him into the helmet that
Wredd had once put onto Yalta Val. He tells his story, but Jao is not sympathetic. However,
when Wredd leaves a piece of the sword he used against the Sith on Mala behind
(intentionally), Jao uses it to open his cell. He escapes to the bridge, where Wredd reveals
that they have returned to Mala. Fortunately, Jao has also been able to send out a call to the
comm droid aboard AG-37’s ship, which allows Ania’s group to head for what should be
empty space, where they too arrive at Mala, the “floating” world. They set down near the
crashed Carreras Array, then head for the cave Ania recalls from their previous “visit” to the
planet. Along the way, one of Ania’s stormtroopers sends out a transmission despite Anias
orders not to do so. In the cave, she finds Jao, who is held in energy bindings. She frees him,
and they prepare to leave, now recognizing that Jao was definitely taken against his will,
since he was restrained. Outside, though, a huge invasion force of civilian ships lands,
bearing dozens upon dozens of Sith! They are there hunting Wredd to kill him for hunting
down and killing other remnants of the One Sith. The Sith attack our heroes, assuming them
to be working with or hiding Wredd. This is not helped when Wredd leaps in to join them,
offering a lightsaber to Jao. Their only way to survive will be to work together. Wredd and Jao
work together to bring down a piece of wreckage to block the Sith assault. Once given that
brief breather, Sauk accuses the trooper of being the one who brought the Sith, since he saw
the man make his unauthorized transmission. Wredd explains that these are the Sith who
have been infiltrating governments to bring back Sith rule, but that he does indeed want rule
by one Sith Master and one Sith Apprentice, suggesting that Jao has already joined him,
even if Jao himself won’t acknowledge that fact. Jao argues that he remains loyal to the
Empress. Speaking of Marasiah, just as the Sith breach Ania’s team’s cover and attack, the
truth nature of the trooper’s signal is revealed. He had contacted ships of Imperial Knights,
led by Marasiah, who were waiting for word to intervene. Imperial Knights leap into the battle,
while Marasiah, convinced by Antares Draco, remains aboard the lead ship. As what will
become known as the Battle of the Floating World continues, Antares Draco realizes that it
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 925
appears that all of the Sith who went missing after the fall of Darth Krayt have come here for
this massive battle against Wredd, perhaps expecting Wredd to have an army of his own.
This is their chance to wipe out the remnants of the One Sith once and for all. As he reports
this to Marasiah, though, he is stabbed by a Sith. Against the advice of Imperial Knight
Master Thared, Marasiah heads down to the battle herself. She arrives to find that Ania has
already dragged Draco, who is still alive but barely, to cover. Marasiah leads her forces from
the front lines, while Ania grabs a fallen heavy weapon and uses it to blow up a Sith ship,
killing many Sith. Marasiah and Jao, fighting back to back, realize that Wredd is killing “his
own kind” out of hate. As the battle ends, the Sith are wiped out, except for Wredd. As the
Imperial Knights seek survivors, Wredd fulfills Jaos vision and attacks Marasiah, stabbing the
Empress and gravely wounding her. Jao then pursues Wredd to a cliff, where he duels
Wredd and cuts off both of his hands, akin to how Anakin Skywalker once defeated Dooku.
Wredd wants to be killed, it seems, though killing him in anger would move Jao toward the
Dark Side and likely make him the next Sith to rise. Jao realizes that Wredd’s hatred was
toward the Sith themselves, the killers of his own family and planet. His attacks on other Sith
were for this reason, as was his maneuvering to cause this battle to happen. Wredd despises
himself as well for being a Sith and wants to die. Ania obliges him, killing Wredd so that Jao
will not have to. With the Sith apparently gone (for now at least), Marasiah is treated for her
wounds. She offers Ania a position as captain of her personal guard, but Ania turns her
down. Instead, she asks for a pardon for Jaos desertion and receives it. Jao will not rejoin
the Imperial Knights, as he feels that he is becoming “something else.” He intends to keep
the loyal comm droid (who, no, has never received a name), with him in his journeys.
Marasiah begins reorganizing the Imperial Knights to no longer have loyalty to the Empress
alone, since the Sith threat is now gone. Jao, Ania, Sauk, AG-37, and the comm droid, will
continue their adventures together. (To be continued below . . . )
(Empire of One)
Legacy [continued] (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Wanted: Ania Solo (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Wanted: Ania Solo, Part I (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Wanted: Ania Solo, Part I (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Wanted: Ania Solo, Part III (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Wanted: Ania Solo, Part IV (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Wanted: Ania Solo, Part V (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One [continued] (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One, Part I [continued] (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One, Part II (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One, Part III (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
140 ABY
One year after the Battle of the Floating World, Sauk bargains for a stabilizing coil with Jariah
Syn in a cantina. Upon selling the part, Jariah rejoins his traveling companions, Cade
Skywalker and Deliah Blue. Sauk, meanwhile, leaves to rejoin his own companions, only to
find them running toward him, fleeing blaster bolts. It looks like the crew (Sauk, Ania Solo,
AG-37, and Jao Assam), have run into trouble again . . .
(Empire of One)
Legacy [continued] (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One [continued] (comic series: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
Empire of One, Part III [continued] (comic: Corinna Bechko & Gabriel Hardman)
203 ABY
The ore-rich worlds of Neena Province tap out.
(conjecture based on Lords of the Expanse)
1,011 ABY
The Maw finally consumes Kessel.
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 926
(conjecture based on Jedi Academy Sourcebook)
1,011 2,000,027 ABY
In the far future of the galaxy far, far away, a new galactic conflict has begun. The cruel
Vindar, four-armed humanoids wearing insectoid-variants of what might be futuristic
stormtrooper armor cruelly oppress a race of green-skinned humanoid aliens that they
xenophobically dub “Squidges.” Two young Squidge escape the latest attack on their
backwater home and escape. They enter a cave system seeking the “oracle” that their Den-
Mother told them about. Some say that the oracle and its messages are only children’s
stories, but they find the cave from their Den-Mother’s vision and enter. Inside, they find the
barely functional remains of C-3PO. Only his torso, upper right arm, and half-paneled head
remain. It appears that C-3PO was shot by enemies and left there, possibly after the death of
Luke Skywalker. The children ask the strange “oracle to tell them a story. In doing so, C-
3PO fills the childrens minds with images from the Galactic Civil War, which they, in the only
way they can, interpret as a hopeful tale in which the humans are represented in their minds
as Squidges and the Imperials by the Vindar. They learn that the story is as true as any
other, and the hope for the galaxy all began with a young boy, like one of them, on a desolate
world like their own. Before the droid can tell them anything else, the Vindar arrive and blast
C-3PO’s head the rest of the way off. One of the boys is seen, and allows himself to be
captured and killed in order to let the other hide in safety. As the Vindar leave, the remaining
Squidge boy discovers Luke Skywalker’s green-bladed lightsaber among C-3PO’s “remains.”
He knows that the Vindar are wrong and there was indeed something in the cave that could
help them. There was hope. With the ignition of a green lightsaber, hope springs anew . . .
and it is only the beginning . . .
Storyteller (SWT19 short story: Jason Hall)
Storyteller (SWT19 short story: Jason Hall)
2,000,027 ABY
The protostar known as the Black Bantha contracts enough to start fusing hydrogen.
(conjecture based on Star by Star via TimeTales, abridged)
499,999,980 ABY
At around this time, it is speculated that the planet Drongar may finally become a “snowball”
world like Hoth, due to its lack of a moon for stabilization in orbit of Drongar Prime.
(conjecture based on Battle Surgeons)
499,999,980+ ABY
The saga continues . . .
The Star Wars Timeline Gold: Legends Timeline, Vol. 2 927
Thank you all for your interest in the Star Wars Timeline Gold. Be sure to check out the newly-
christened canonical timeline in the primary SWT-G document, along with the Legends Clone
Wars Supplement (for the time period of 21.8 18.8 BBY) and the Appendices (including
Apocryphal Timelines and much, much more) for even more SWT-G materials. In the words of
Kyle Katarn . . .
"Buh-bye now."
--Nathan P. Butler