Office of Student Living
111 Waverly Ave., Ste. 200, Syracuse, NY 13244
T 315.443-3637 F 315.443-2633
Minor as Guests in Campus Housing
This permission form is required for any person between the ages of 16 17 years old to
visit a Syracuse University residence hall or South Campus apartment. Parents or legal
guardians of the minor guest are the only individuals authorized to complete this form.
Please note the following information:
Guests must be at least 16 years old. No person under age 16 is permitted to enter
any University owned or operated residence hall or apartment without their parent
or legal guardian present at all times. No person under age 16 is permitted may
overnight in any University owned or operated residence hall or apartment.
Guests between the ages of 16 17 years old must be related to the student host.
Guests may visit for no more than three (3) consecutive nights and no more than
six (6) nights in a thirty (30) day period.
This permission form must be submitted at least one (1) business day in advance
of the minor’s visit. Minors aged 16 17 are not permitted to access University
owned or operated residence hall or apartment without a Guest Pass from the
Office of Student Living.
When a 16 17 year old minor visits without their parent or legal guardian, the
minor must be accompanied by their student host at all times while they are in
campus housing or on campus property. Only one student may be designated as
the minor’s host.
Minor guests are subject to all University policies as well as local, state, and federal
laws. Violations of policies by a minor guest can result in parent notification,
immediate removal from campus, loss of the host’s guest privileges, and or
disciplinary action against the host.
Parent or Legal Guardian of Minor to Complete the Following:
Minor’s Information
Date of Birth
Relation to Student Host
Arrival Date
Arrival Time
Departure Date
Departure Time
Student Host Information
Host Name
Host SUID #
Host Email
Host Cell #
Host Residence
Hall/Apartment Complex
Host Room/Apartment
Parent/Legal Guardian Information
Parent/Legal Guardian Name
Home Address
Cell #
By signing this form, I declare that I am the above-named minor’s parent or legal
guardian, and I grant permission for the above-named minor to visit the residence halls
and apartments at Syracuse University accompanied by the named student host. I further
understand and agree that the campus residence halls and apartments are staffed but
unsupervised, and the student host is completely responsible for the welfare of the above-
named minor. In the event of any injury, accident, and/or illness to the above-named
minor during their stay on-campus and I cannot be reached, I give Syracuse University
permission to obtain or provide medical treatment for my child from providers and medical
personnel selected by Syracuse University, including without limitation transport to an
available medical facility. I personally accept financial responsibility for the full amount of
any expenses incurred in connection with such treatment or transport. Finally, I
understand there are risks (both foreseeable and unforeseeable) associated with visiting
or staying in the residence halls or apartments, including, without limitation, risks of
bodily injury or death, or damage to or loss of personal property, and I hereby waive,
release, and discharge the University and its trustees, officers, directors, employees,
agents, contractors, and representatives (each, a “Released Party”) from, any and all
claims, causes of actions, demands and liabilities arising out of or related to my minor
child’s stay in the residence halls or apartments, including without limitation claims related
to bodily injury or death, or damage to or loss of personal property, and liability for
damages or the payment of any royalties, unless caused by the gross negligence or willful
misconduct of a Released Party.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature