UCF-3.0124 Discipline and Termination for Cause of Non-Unit Faculty and
Non-Unit A&P Staff Members.
(1) Just cause shall be defined as:
(a) Incompetence; or
(b) Misconduct.
(2) Termination and Suspension.
(a) The appointment of a non-unit faculty or non-unit A&P staff member may
be terminated or suspended during its term for just cause. The employee
shall be given a written predetermination notice of a proposed termination
or suspension by the president or the president’s designee. The notice shall
state the reasons for the proposed termination or suspension. The
predetermination notice shall provide the opportunity for a predetermination
conference regarding the proposed action, if requested in writing within five
business days of receipt of the predetermination notice. The
predetermination conference shall be informal in nature and shall allow the
employee an opportunity to present any information or records regarding the
proposed action.
(b) A written final notice shall be issued to notify the employee of the
University’s final decision regarding the proposed action. Any termination
or suspension imposed under this subsection shall take effect as set forth in
the final notice issued by the President or designee. An employee who is
terminated or suspended under this subsection may grieve such action as set
forth in University Regulations UCF-3.036 (non-unit faculty) or UCF-3.037
(non-unit A&P).
(3) Leave Pending a Predetermination Conference. Notwithstanding the provisions of
paragraph (2)(a) above, the president or his designee may immediately place an employee
on administrative leave as set forth in University Regulation UCF-3.040. An involuntary
administrative leave under this subsection may be with or without pay. As soon as
practicable after placing an employee on leave under this provision, the president or
president’s designee shall serve written notice upon the employee, including a statement
of the reasons for any action taken. Either concurrent with or subsequent to that notice the
University shall issue a predetermination notice regarding proposed disciplinary action in
accordance with Section (2) above. If the employee has been placed on leave without pay
under this subsection and ultimately prevails in the predetermination procedure, the
employee shall be reinstated with back pay.
(4) Other Disciplinary Action. The president or designee retains the right to impose
disciplinary action other than termination or suspension for just cause. Disciplinary actions
include, but are not limited to, written reprimand, demotion, payment of fines, loss of
future salary increases, or reassignment. The employee shall be given written notice of any
disciplinary action other than termination or suspension, which notice shall state the
reasons for the disciplinary action. Any disciplinary action taken under this section shall
be subject to the grievance procedure found in University Regulations UCF-3.036 or UCF-
3.037, as applicable. Counseling shall not be considered disciplinary action under this
(5) Notification. Whenever notice is provided to be given under this Regulation, the notice
shall be personally delivered to the employee or mailed by certified mail to the employee’s
address of record with the university. The deposit of such notice in the U.S. Mail satisfies
the requirement of notification and constitutes delivery of such notice. The University also
may, but is not required to, provide notice to the employee by electronic mail to the
employee’s University-assigned electronic mail address.
Authority: BOG Regulation 1.001. HistoryNew 4-30-81, Amended 12-27-83, Formerly
6C7-3.124, Amended 3-16-03; Formerly 6C7-3.0124, Amended 6-22-09, 4-20-10, 5-2-16,
2-20-17, 9-27-18.