Contract Law
A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more
parties. This chapter presents a discussion of the elements of this
statement in order to provide a general appreciation of the legal
significance of entering into and administering a contract. The
following is only intended as an overview and should not be
considered definitive; legal counsel should be consulted as
The Nature of a Contract
To be legally enforceable, an agreement must contain all of the
following criteria:
An offer and acceptance;
Certainty of terms;
An intention to create legal relations;
Capacity of the parties; and,
Legality of purpose.
Offer and Acceptance
A contract cannot come into existence until an offer has been made
by one party and accepted by another party. An offer is a tentative
promise made by one party, the offeror, subject to a condition or
containing request to the other party, the offeree. When the offeree
accepts the offer by agreeing to the condition or request, the offer
is replaced by a contract. The promise is no longer tentative: the
offeror is bound to carry out his or her promise while the offeree is
bound to carry out the condition or request.
Acceptance must be made in some positive for. Generally
speaking, an offeree must communicate acceptance to the offeror.
The moment that a contract is formed by offer and
acceptance, each party is bound to its terms.
Certainty of Terms
The formation of a contract depends on a meeting of the
minds or consensus as to thee terms of the proposed
contract. Both parties must have a clear understanding of
their rights and duties in the transaction for there to be
consensus. Consensus requires that the terms of the
proposed contract be reasonably specific or, alternatively,
be reasonably ascertainable by means of an agreed formula
or principle of determination. An agreement to agree on
certain terms later on is not a contract.
Certainty of terms is the essence of a contractual
agreement. It should be noted that terms of a contract are
the documentation to understanding. As that understanding
evolves or changes, it is important to keep the document
current with the understanding by amending it as
appropriate. In this way, a contractual document can be
viewed as the baseline for contract performance which can
be adjusted and modified as required during the contract to
reflect changes in circumstances as they arise.
At the root of the idea of a contract is the concept of a
bargain, that one party must pay a price that is, make
some, contribution for the promise he or she obtains from
the other party. For the most part, consideration is essential
to make a contract binding in law.
An Intent to Create Legal Relations
An Agreement must be deliberate, or seriously intended, to
be enforceable, so that it is understood that in the event of a
breach of obligation, the parties could enforce the contract
through the courts. In business transactions it is presumed
that the parties do intend the agreement to have legal
consequences. In the government context, however, many
documents are signed which are not intended to create legal
relationships such a Memoranda of Understanding. These
understandings are typically between various elements of
the executive, such as two departments.
Capacity of Parties
An otherwise valid contract may be defeated by the lack of
contractual capacity of one of the contracting parties. The law
presumes that each party to the contract has the legal capacity to
enter into it.
The GNWT is a legal entity and contracts through it employees,
each of whose authority or capacity to bind the GNWT may be
limited in some fashion. The legal capacity of the GNWT in the
sense of its powers under a contract arise by reason of statutory
Legality of Purpose
The object of the contract must be “legal”. Business transactions
must neither offend the public good nor violate the law. If they do,
the contract will deemed to be “void”, which means that in law it
was never formed.
Laws of Tenders
The Law of Tenders in Canada stipulates that invitation of tenders,
the submission of tenders and the receipt of bids creates a binding
contract “A” between the tender originator and every bidder so
long as the bid is not withdrawn prior to tender closing. The
contract ultimately entered into between the tender originator and
the successful bidder is referred