NB: This document was not published since TESDA opted to present/produce an Annual
Report in AVP format.
The year 2015 marks the twilight year of President Benigno Aquino III administration.
Through the six year period under the leadership of Secretary Joel Villanueva, 2010-2015,
TESDA can boast continuous growth in terms of its physical output.
On this year year, TESDA was awarded the nationwide ISO 9001: 2008 certification
and the impending recognition under the Philippine Quality Awards (PQA). These high
level recognition accentuates that the conduct and delivery of these programs are quality
assured and compliant with the agency’s policies and guidelines.
Most significant is that, the number of TVET graduates in the country hit the 2 million
mark for the first time, 2,129,758 to be exact. It represents 93% of the number of TVET
enrollees on the same year. Among these graduates, more than 1.4 million undergo the
required assessment and certification of which more than 91% were found competent and
were issued corresponding level of National Certificates.
Likewise, TESDA provided an alternative route to easier access to skills training
services through the internet, the agency continued to develop/expand new
courses/qualifications under the TESDA On-line Program (TOP). To date, there were
663,350 registered users in 14 different courses that are offered by TESDA for FREE.
Such growth indicated that more and more citizens of this country have gained
employable skills from the 20,289 TESDA-UTPRAS registered skills training programs
provided by the country’s network of more than 4,315 public and private Technical
Vocational Institutions. It is likewise notable that, the employability of our TVET graduates
consistently rose from 60.9% in 2011 to 65.4% in 2014.
This level of achievement of TESDA will not be possible if not for the active and
sustained partnerships with different entities and institutions of government, business and
industry and other stakeholders in the TVET sector. These partnerships resulted to
development of new training standards, competency assessment, additional training
resources, facilities and conduct of special training packages to distinct sectoral groups.
As we witness the advent of new and ever-changing technology in most work places
and industry, the need to train and prepare job-ready skilled workers becomes a more
daunting task both for the government/TESDA and our TVET providers. Dealing with this
situation would require us to revisit existing policies and practices, huge capital outlay and
investment from all concerned parties.
Henceforth, stronger and active collaboration between industry, government and
training providers must be initiated and pursued vigorously. TESDA, as the lead government
agency in TVET is confidently ready to face the challenge.
MFO 1: TESD Policy Services
TESDA is mandated to establish and maintain a planning process and formulate a
national technical education and skills development plan in which the member-
agencies and other concerned entities of the Authority at various levels participate. It
shall provide data and analytical inputs to policy decision-making of the Authority on
allocation of resources and institutional roles and responsibilities as embodied in the
approved TESD plans.
Likewise, TESDA serves as the research and development arm of the government in
the field of TVET. It shall also develop information systems, methodologies, curricula
and program standards for TVET for guidance of all providers and stakeholders of
the sector.
Policy Development and Formulation
TESDA facilitates the formulation of the National Technical Education and Skills
Development Plan (NTESDP) which serves as the blueprint for the comprehensive
development of the country’s skilled workforce. This is anchored on the Philippine
Development Plan.
Regional and provincial TESD plans are also formulated and implemented at the
sub-national levels.
The formulation of N/R/P TESD Plans are formulated through established Technical
Education and Skills Development Committees (TESDCs), a multi sectoral bodies
created at the regional, provincial, district and local levels. They act as subsidiary to
the TESDA Board and provide policy recommendations to improve efficiency, quality
and relevance of TVET provision in their respective areas.
On legislative related concerns, TESDA was actively involved in the approval of the
Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Republic Act 10647 or Ladderized
Education Act. It also initiated the Zonal Consultations in Mindanao to gather inputs
for the crafting of Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 10650 or
Open Distance Learning Act.
Meantime, it submitted two (2) TESDA key programs, TESDC and the Assessment
and Certification, to be subjected to Regulatory Impact Assessment under the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
It also created and submitted an on-line TVET Mapping of TESDA Technology
Institutions (TTIs) to Department of Education for validation. The system provides
latitude and longitude coordinates of TTIs including relevant and real time data. This
data/information will then be converted into maps in ArcGIS software.
As aid in policy formulation, TESDA organized and conducted a Sectoral Industry
consultation, in collaboration with DTI-BOI and the Philippine Chamber of Commerce
and industry, for the Manufacturing and Service Sectors. The objective was to
gather information on the skills requirements of the industry for 2015-2017.
A Study on the Employability of TVET Graduates (SETG) in 2015 was undertaken.
The simultaneous nationwide surveys/interviews covered 15,063 TVET graduates.
The results of the study serve as guidance of TESDA in the planning and policy-
making of TVET programs.
Parallel to this, Employer’s Satisfaction Survey was also conducted to evaluate the
levels of satisfaction of the employers on the competencies and performance of
TVET graduates in the workplace. It revealed that 72% of the employers were
satisfied with the work and performance of their skilled workers.
In 2015, TESDA developed and disseminated Labor and Training Market Intelligence
Reports (LTMIRs) on Agri-Fishery Mechanization and Development in Philippines
Automotive Industry to 4,838 Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs). The LTMIR
serves as useful reference material for policy makers, school administrators and
other stakeholders in the education and training sector.
In addition, a User’s Feedback Survey on the 2015 Policy Issuances/Guidelines of
TESDA was conducted. The survey instruments were disseminated to all regional
and provincial offices and TESDA Technology institutions. 93% were either very
satisfied or satisfied with the given policy issuances and guidelines.
TESDA Information Systems and Technologies Upgraded
TESDA completed TESDA Information Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP), a 3-Year
architectural blue print that maps the ICT direction of the agency for the period 2015-
2017. It was developed and finalized in consultation with concerned offices of DOST
and DBM.
The TESDA ISSP was eventually approved for implementation by DBM on the 3
quarter of 2015. With its approval, 871 laptops amounting to Php 34.84 million were
delivered and distributed to TESDA personnel nationwide.
It also deployed a number of application systems bundled in the Corporate Intranet
for the use and/or reference of the corporate TESDA. It includes the following:
1) wRMIS, 2) Online PMMS, BEDs and BFARs, 3) TechVoc Info and Updates, 4)
File Sharing, Mailbox and Messenger and, 5) Internal Forms, Templates, Photos and
It also designed the Online MIS-03-02, a web-based system to facilitate an
organized collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of all TVET related
data. The system is set for pilot implementation in selected regions in the mid of
Relative to the introduction and/or enhancement of IT systems and technologies,
four (4) training/workshops were conducted to familiarize the concerned users or
focal personnel.
Meantime, the corporate website of the agency was maintained and constantly
improved by enhancing its design and contents in compliance to the requirement set
by iGov. TESDA, as Point of Presence of IGov Phil Project, serves as hub for
internet connection utilizing the fiber optic for the different government agencies
within the City of Taguig.
Training Regulations Review and Development
Training Regulations (TRs) refers to the document promulgated
and issued by TESDA consisting of competency standards,
national qualifications and training guidelines for specific
Industry experts and organizations are tapped to provide inputs in the development
process. In such manner, the TRs developed now captured/reflected industry skills
TESDA continued and intensified work in the review of existing Training Regulations
(TR) and competency-assessment tools (CATs), development of TRs and CATs for
new priority qualifications, enhancement and facilitation of the utilization,
deployment, and alignment and benchmarking of these TRs and CATs.
Efforts in the development and review covered a total of 125 TRs for 14 priority
sectors, resulting to a total of 255 promulgated TRs as of yearend 2015.
Thirty two (32) qualifications with low utilization of TRs and CATs, in terms of
registered programs and assessed workers/graduates, were referred to concerned
industry sectors for updating or amendment if necessary. Amendments and
updating were undertaken and completed for a total of 35 TRs and CATs. New TRs
and CATs were developed for 9 qualifications.
In support of the moves toward ASEAN integration and global recognition of
qualifications, TESDA continued the build-up of the on-line register of Philippine
quality assured qualifications, including the benchmarking of TRs with those from
selected countries.
It also actively participated in the implementation of the ASEAN Qualifications
Reference Framework (AQRF), training and accreditation of master assessors and
trainers under the tourism Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA).
MFO 2: TESD Skills Development Services
Conduct and delivery of TVET programs are provided by the network of public and
private institutions through the following modes: institutionbased; enterprise-based
and community-based technology training programs.
The agency also established and administered training programs and systems that
strengthened the capabilities of public and private institutions providing quality and
cost-effective technical educational and skills development and related opportunities.
In the year 2015, more than 2 million individuals (2,281,389) enrolled in different
TVET courses, of which 93% or 2,129,758 graduated from various skills training
programs which provided them employable skills.
TESDA training programs are conducted and delivered in different modes, namely;
Institution-Based, Enterprise-Based and Community-Based Training programs.
These refer to the direct delivery or provision of TVET
programs rendered by the public and private training
institutions including TESDA Administered Schools. The
programs are reviewed and registered with TESDA to ensure
that they meet the minimum standards set by the industry.
Under the Institution-Based training program, 1,222,422 individuals enrolled, of
which 1,166,613 or 95% graduated. The training programs offered are TESDA-
UTPRAS-Registered and conducted by accredited public and private Technical and
Vocational Institutions.
There are 4,687 TVET providers nationwide, of which 4,251 are privately owned and
436 are public or government TVIs. The most number of TVIs are located in NCR-
22%; Region IV-A-14%; and, Region III- 11%.
These are training programs being implemented within
companies or firms which are recognized as:
Apprenticeship Program
Refers to training within an enterprise involving a contract
between an apprentice with an approved apprenticeable
occupation. It aims to ensure the availability of qualified skilled workers based
on industry needs and requirements.
Dual Training System (DTS)
This is an instructional delivery system of technical, vocational education and
training that combines in-plant and in-school training based on a training plan
collaboratively designed and implemented by an accredited DTS educational
institution/learning center and accredited DTS participating establishments.
Under the Enterprise-Based mode, 95,098 were enrolled, of which 67% or 63,625
graduated. This training program is within an enterprise involving a contract
between an apprentice with an approved apprenticeable occupation. It aims to
ensure the availability of qualified skilled workers based on industry needs and
There were 413 new apprenticeship and learnership programs registered
nationwide while 319 were restarted in 2015. This brings to a total of 1,700
registered programs as of 2015. From a total of 37,730 enrollees, 31,027
graduated under this program.
Industry and labor sectors were consulted to seek inputs and comments for the
enhancement/revisions of the final draft of the revised Implementing Guidelines of
the Apprenticeship Program.
In the delivery of Dual Training Systems (DTS) Dualized Training Program (DTP),
compliance audits were conducted in Regions III, IV-A and VII to ensure compliance.
As of 2015, there were 110 participating training providers, 228 accredited
qualifications, 802 participating companies/establishments and 918 enrollees listed
under these two programs.
Skills training programs designed and/or packaged to respond
to the need for skills training of a community specifically
directed in promoting self-employment of the
poor/underprivileged, OSYs, unemployed adults, marginalized
and informal sectors.
In 2015, TESDA embarked on two major community-based training packages,
namely: Special Training for Employment Program or STEP and Bottom-Up
Budgeting or BUB.
STEP is a short-term community-based training program that addresses specific
skills needs of the community to generate employment through entrepreneurial, self-
employment and service-oriented activities.
In 2015, 32,321 trainees enrolled under this program, of which 20,524 or 63%
graduated. The graduates were provided with corresponding start-up tool kits for them
to pursue or engage in livelihood or income generating activities.
On the other hand, BUB is a process through which priority projects are identified
jointly by communities, citizens and their local government.
In 2015, 32,321 enrolled in various skills training program, of which 99% or 32,110
A scholarship program directed towards filling up the skills
gaps and job requirements of priority industries and
sectors with high employment demand, improving the
reach of quality TVET to the grassroots. It encourages
technical-vocational institutions to offer programs in higher
qualifications catering to in-demand industry
TESDA provides various scholarship programs for specific industry sectors
and groups, namely: the Training for Work Scholarship Program or TWSP and
the Private Education Student Financial Assistance or PESFA.
Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP)
TWSP is a scholarship program directed towards filling up the
skills gaps and job requirements of priority industries and
sectors with high employment demand, improving the reach of
quality TVET to the grassroots. It encourages technical-
vocational institutions to offer programs in higher qualifications
catering to in-demand industry requirements.
In 2015, there were 277,337 TWSP enrollees, or more than 132% of the target for
the year.
Significantly, 239,721 scholars graduated from different qualifications. The number
of graduates is 127% above target.
This scholarship program is directed towards filling up the skills gaps and job
requirements of priority industries and sectors with high employment demand.
Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA)
Established through Section 8 of RA 8545, the program aims to extend financial
assistance to marginalized but deserving students in TVET courses as well as assist
private institutions in their efforts by assuring a steady supply of enrollees to their
course offerings.
The program aims to extend financial assistance to marginalized but deserving
students in TVET courses as well as assist private institutions in their efforts by
assuring a steady supply of enrollees to their course offerings.
There were 26,871 scholars were enrolled under PESFA. This is 128% above the
target of 21,053.
An alternative route to expand the reach of tech-voc is an
online program.
The TOP is a program that offers FREE online Technical
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to Filipino citizens
thru the use of internet. The program is created for students,
OSYs, unemployed adults, workers, professionals; OFWs
who would like to take TESDA courses at their own pace and
at their own time at the comfort of their desktops or laptop computers.
Under the TESDA-On Line Training Program, there were 663,350 registered users
in 14 different courses that are offered by TESDA for FREE.
The program was created for students, OSYs, unemployed adults, workers,
professionals, and OFWs who would like to take TESDA courses at their own pace
and at their own time through the use of Internet.
New Learning Systems
In the advent of new and ever-changing technology in the workplaces and
workshops, TESDA saw the need to find and introduce new training systems or
methodologies to prepare our trainees to such environment. Hence, TESDA has
engaged in research and studies to develop appropriate training arrangements in the
immediate future.
Studies were made on Community-Based Training, Apprenticeship, In-company and
In-service Training and Junior Factory. The aim was develop learning systems model
that can be adopted by a TESDA Technology Institution or recognized training
Career Guidance
Face with the challenge to address growing unemployment and
underemployment of our labor force due to mismatch in job
opportunities against available educated/trained workforce,
TESDA embarked an aggressive approach to address the root
cause of the problem.
TESDA implemented an intensive capacity building program to enhance the
capacities of TVET Career Advocates (TCAs). A total of 58 TCAs were trained, in
addition to the 103 TCAs capacitated in 2014. These include 16 Career
Ambassadors, 31 RO/PO Focals and 11 Community Training and employment
Coordinators (CTECs).
The training activity is part of TESDAs build-up as focal agency for the Career
Ambassadors Program, a component of DOLE-led Career Guidance Advocacy
Program (CGAP). The TCAs are expected to lead in the aggressive advocacy and
promotion of TVET as career among the youth, unemployed and underemployed
Capability in Training Curriculum Evaluation
Akin to the introduction and implementation of the Philippine
Qualifications Framework (PQF), TESDA saw the need to
prepare and engage both our technical personnel and trainers to
appreciate the particulars in the development a training
curriculum instead of just being at the receiving end.
TESDA conducted training of 44 TESDA RO/PO personnel to enrich their capacity to
evaluate training curricula (including Diploma Level curricula), analyze a curriculum
and its components.
Likewise, 282 participants attended workshops on the development of Contextual
Learning Matrix (CLM). The CLM is a tool to analyze knowledge requirements of
Competency Standards and content requirement of a curriculum. It contains detailed
information about the learning outcomes with corresponding learning activities,
based on the performance criteria of a particular job or Qualification.
A total of 60 curricula were evaluated and 36 toolboxes of unique
qualifications/competencies were packaged for use by different Philippine Overseas
Labor Offices (POLOs) under Department of labor and Employment (DOLE) in the
assessment and certification of OFWs in their fields of specialization.
Trainers Training
The program focuses on training technologies, approaches and
methodologies and upgrading of skills to address the demand for
skilled trainers and to prepare them for trainer certification
including curriculum development.
TESDA conducts continuing training for trainers, administrators, supervisors and
non-teaching personnel to improve and upgrade the delivery of technology-based
For the last 10 years, 2005-2015, TESDA in collaboration with external training
providers, continuously trained trainers from Saudi Arabia, by virtue of the signed
MOU for cooperation in technical and vocational education and training between
government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of the Philippines. By
2015, a total of 725 Saudi Arabian trainers benefited from the training arrangement.
Similarly, TESDA conducted Leadership Training Program for 78 Principals of
different educational institutions from the Republic of Bangladesh. The training,
conducted in 3 batches at TESDA Womens Center, aims to enhance the
competencies of the participants on the following areas: 1) institutionalization of
TVET systems and process, 2) leadership, change management, 3) promotion,
advocacy and industry linkages, and 4) professional development of TVET experts.
On the local scene, NITESD-TESDA conducted a 3-batches training program on
Moderation of CBTVET Experience 2003-2015. The objective was to ensure that all
TVET managers and implementers have common understanding of CBTVET. A total
of 221 participants attended the program.
On the other hand, TESDA held the “2015 Tagsanay Awards” to give due recognition
to outstanding and exemplary performance of TVET trainers, both from public and
private TVET providers. The 36 trainers nominated by TESDA Regional Offices were
subjected to weeklong activities that include portfolio assessment, written
examination, team activities and panel interview.
Mr. Rogelio C. Rambuyan of TESDA RTC-Tuguegarao was recognized as most
Outstanding TVET trainer. The other awardees were Mr. Junjon L Santuyo (1
renner-up) of TESDA RTC-Mariveles, Michael C. Patan-ao (2
runner-up) of Bridges
Multi-Skills Training Center in Leyte, and Nestor R. Pascual (3
runner-up) of
Marcos Agro-Industrial School of Ilocos Norte.
Green Technology
On March 20, 2015, the inauguration of the new Green
Technology Center (GTC) within TESDA complex was held.
The construction of the GTC was funded by the Federation
of Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
The GTC conducted 22 technical learning sessions and seminars, four product and
technology exhibits and initiated table researches. A forum addressing climate
change through green skills and green technologies was also held. It also engaged
into partnerships with 87 public and private institutions/organizations advocating
green technologies.
TVET Technology Research
In view of the findings that technology research and studies are lacking and a
common weakness among TESDA Technology Institutions, the management saw it
fit to prepare and enhance the capabilities of TTI officers and staff in this
Hence, in partnership with Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC), TESDA conducted
an In-Country Program for 39 participants. The program generated technology
research proposals and action plans on the promotion and advocacy of TVET
technology researches. Ten (10) research proposals were provided with support
funds after passing the set criteria.
Partnerships and Linkages
The challenge to address the ever growing demand for highly
skilled and job-ready workforce by the different industries cannot
be address by the government alone. It needs all the help and
support of all concerned sectors and stakeholders. In order to
provide real and timely government intervention to this concern, TESDA recognized
the need to forge active collaboration and partnership with the industry and private
sector, stakeholders and other concerned government institutions.
In 2015, TESDA established and sustained strategic partnerships and linkages with
various stakeholders in TVET in the country. Through several partnership fora, it
brought together leaders from various sectors. As a result, TESDA signed-up 13
partnership agreements with 15 various organizations and groups on skills training
and TVET advocacy.
Furthermore, TESDA held a Dual Training Partnership Forum in collaboration with
PCCI and German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., German
Cooperation and the K to12 Plus Project to advocate and promote wider participation
in the implementation of Dual Training System in the country.
TESDA awarded plaques of recognition to 34 active and outstanding partners
nationwide under the TESDA “Kabalikat Awards”. The award is meant to inspire and
motivate TESDA partners to serve and promote TVET. It has three categories,
namely: 1) institutional partners, 2) industry partners, and 3) LGU partners.
Likewise, the agency recognized 20 successful TVET graduates under the “Idols ng
TESDA” who became successful for being self-employed or wage-employed.
The awardees were recognized during TESDAs 21
Anniversary Celebration last
August 2015 at TESDA Women’s Center, TESDA Complex, Taguig City.
TESDA-Coca-Cola STAR Program
STAR Program or Sari-sari Store Training & Access to Resources is a 12-week
training program that aims to economically empower women beneficiaries by
providing them the necessary skills, knowledge and attitude that will transform them
into better and successful entrepreneurs. It includes: 1) access to training, 2) access
to business resources, and 3) access to peer mentoring.
TESDA and Coca-Cola Phils in cooperation with various Local Government Units
(LGUs), Micro-Finance Institutions and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
empowered 9,503 women through the implementation of STAR Program. In
addition, 34 participants were trained as trainers to sustain and expand the
implementation of this program in NCR, Region III, VIII and XI.
The empowerment of these women was cited by President Benigno Aquino III when
he graced the celebration of Women’s Month held at Mall of Asia on March 25, 2015.
In his speech, he told them to continuously thrive and achieve success in their
respective enterprises as he underscores their important role as engines of socio-
economic development.
On the other hand, Mr. Muhtar Kent, the CEO of Coca-Cola International, attended
and delivered an inspiring message on the graduation rites of the 1,000 women
scholars during the TESDA 21
Anniversary Celebration on August 17, 2015 held at
TESDA Central Office.
Solar Light Training
In view of the devastating effect to people and communities triggered by relentless
natural disasters that includes widespread power shutdown, TESDA in collaboration
with NGOs and industry organizations initiated the conduct of training for the
development of alternative lighting and power sources in disaster-prone areas.
TESDA conducted training on development of Solar Night Light to 40 students from
FEU. The 30 solar night lights produced were distributed to Save the Tamaraw
Project and victims of Typhoon Senyang in Mindoro Province.
Likewise, a Trainers Training was conducted on Solar Suitcase Installation and
Technical Support to 17 trainers from Regions IV-B, VIII and XII. They were
eventually tapped to conduct the same program in the communities of Koronadal,
Tacloban and Calbayog with 146 trainees. Twenty three (23) trainers were also
trained in Palawan.
MFO 3: TESD Regulation Services
TESDA is the only public national organization for education that has been awarded
ISO 9001:2008. TESDA joins other world-class organizations recognized for their
quality management systems in place for putting premium in customers’ satisfaction.
Competency Assessment and Certification
The Competency Assessment and Certification ensures that the
TVET graduates and skilled workers have the necessary
competence to perform the tasks consistent with the required
standards in the workplace.
TESDA exerted much effort to strengthen and expand its assessment and
certification program, which is among its major programs. Studies were initiated on
process cycle time to check if national certificates are issued within the prescribed 7-
day period. Moreover, there was a study on mandatory assessment measure to
ensure compliance to TESDA Circular No. 45, s. 2007 and DOLE GAA
Furthermore, compliance audit of assessment centers were conducted randomly to
determine whether the assessment and certification process at the regional levels
are compliant to existing policies and guidelines.
TESDA achieved a 91% certification rate of persons assessed. Out of the 1,424,814
served for assessment, 1,297,927 passed and were certified. It conducted the most
successful National TVET Competency Assessment and Certification program with
103.88% accomplishment rate as compared to the previous years of implementation.
This can be attributed to the intensive promotion and advocacy provided by TESDA
Operating Units, coupled with strengthened coordination with industry and workers
associations nationwide.
In 2015, TESDA introduced and brought On-Site Assessment and Certification
program in the countries where there are big numbers of Filipino Domestic Workers
or OFWs, namely: Hongkong, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau, Dubai, Qatar, Oman,
Milan and London.
The program serves as catalyst for OFWs who wish to change careers for better
employment, better pay and entrepreneurial opportunities based on their other skills
and competencies. Being TESDA-certified provided advantage for work retention
and promotion and other incentives. To date, 588 OFWs were assessed with 458
certified and 22 certified prospective assessors were identified in Dubai and
Parallel to the conduct of assessment and certification, TESDA initiated the continual
improvement of its procedures manual to shorten the whole process. To ensure and
maintain the quality implementation, TESDA conducted 2 batches of Calibration
Program for Regional Expert Panel Members for TM 1, with 326 participants.
In addition, 8 Capability Building Programs for prospective Regional Lead Assessors
on new/amended qualifications were conducted with 162 participants. The objective
was to further expand the assessment and certification infrastructure in order to
address the increasing demand relative to the implementation of K+12 program.
To ensure availability of services, TESDA continuously updates its database of 7,643
active accredited competency assessors. Likewise, there are 6,047 accredited
competency assessment centers as of December 2015.
The Certification Office issued 678,300 blank National Certificates as per request of
TESDA Regional Offices. 1,007Plastic ID Cards were also released to 6 regions.
Moreover, it released 13,087 National TVET Trainers Certificates (NTTC) to various
TVET Trainers within the country plus 3,200 blank certificates to assist the
processing and printing of (NTTC) by TESDA Regional Offices.
TVET Program Registration
Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation
System (UTPRAS) is the quality assurance mechanism for the
mandatory registration of technical-vocational programs with
TESDA. Registration signifies compliance of the TVET Program
in the following: curriculum design, qualifications of trainers,
facilities, tools and equipment, based on the minimum standards
specified in the Training Regulations.
It is a two-stage process of quality assurance. The first stage involves the mandatory
REGISTRATION which entails full compliance with prevailing training standards. The
second stage is monitoring for continuous compliance through conduct of
compliance audit. All TVET programs offered to the public for a fee have to be
registered with TESDA.
In line with the continuous improvement of UTPRAS, TESDA in collaboration with
CAPPTI conducted the 1
National Quality TVET Forum on September 9, 2015 at
Mandaue, Cebu City. It was attended by 750 participants from public and private
TVET providers, industry associations, TVET stakeholders and TESDA officials from
all over the country. The forum highlighted the importance of quality management
systems that can be adopted by TVET providers towards producing excellent
graduates. The TESDA STAR Rating System of TVET was also launched during the
Meanwhile, TESDA maintains closed monitoring of the registration and
implementation of TVET programs to have real time data as inputs for policy
/decision making, basis for technical assistance and provision of interventions when
A total of 20,289 TVET programs were registered nationwide, covering 20 sectors
with 248 qualifications. Tourism, Health, Social and Other Community Development
Services (HSOCDS) and Information and Communication Technology sectors have
the biggest number of registered qualifications/programs with 29%, 19% and 18%
share, respectively.
Out of the 20,289 registered programs, 3,297 were new programs issued with
Certificates of Program Registration. The others were migrated or re-registered due
to change of name. Three thousand two hundred twenty three (3,223) TVET
programs were closed in 2015, with Region V, Region III and Region IV-A having the
most number.
On the utilization of TESDA- promulgated Training Regulations by Sector, the
construction sector recorded the highest percentage (14%) while TRs under
HSOCDS (11%) and Metals and Engineering Sector (8%) ranked 2
and 3
respectively. On the other hand, TRs for Decorative Crafts, Footwear and Leather
Goods and Pyrotechnics have no recorded utilization.
The Top 10 most utilized TRs in 2015 are the following: Food and Beverage
Services NC II, Computer Hardware Servicing NC II, Housekeeping NC II,
Programming NC IV, Bartending NC II, Bookkeeping NC III, SMAW NC II, Health
Care Services NC II, Caregiving NC II, and Bread and Pastry production NC II.
Compliance Audit
TESDA conducted a compliance audit of 8,638 TVET programs that covered 98.9%
of target for the year. Of the audited programs, 6,371 were found compliant, 44 non-
compliant; and 2,223 closed programs. A total of 1% breaches were recorded.
TESDA STAR Rating System
TESDA initially applied/utilized the STAR Rating System to the 23 TESDA Centers of
Excellence (CentExes) as one way of assessing their current situation/condition. The
objective of STAR Rating is to recognize the accomplishments, innovations and
improvements that the TVIs have instituted beyond the minimum requirements set in
the UTPRAS. It is intended to enhance the capability of TVET providers in
delivering and managing quality TVET programs.
Higher Productivity and Efficiency of Personnel
TESDA Staff Development Programs (SDP) were aimed and implemented to attain
higher level of efficiency and effectiveness of TESDA Officers and staff in carrying
out their responsibilities in support to the mandate of the agency.
A total of 531various levels of training programs were conducted and funded by the
agency that benefitted a total of 5,472 officers and staff. Out of 531, 177 programs
were conducted by TDI while 354 programs were implemented locally in the regions.
In particular, 75 Officials composed of TESDA Regional and Provincial Directors and
TTI Administrators attended an Industry-Based Training Program sponsored by ITE
Education Services Singapore, to improve the current systems of collaboration
between TESDA and industry. The attendees were tasked to cascade their learnings
and insights gained in the program through series of multiplier trainings in their
respective areas.
Training programs on survey operation, basic statistics for research, management
and leadership, performance and result management and supervisory programs
were likewise undertaken.
The Foreign Scholarship Training Program (FSTP) received 518 program offers from
various donor countries, of which only 294 programs were accepted and
administered. Out of the 345 nominations received from different government
institutions/agencies, 239 nominees were accepted by the donor countries.
Over and above the approved targets to be accomplished and policies to be
complied for the year, TESDA regional offices are challenged to respond to local
issues and concerns in their respective service areas. It should be noted that each
region has peculiar economic strength and weaknesses. More so, they have to deal
and compliment to the plans and priorities of the local officials from national and local
government units as far as TVET is concerned.
Over the years, TESDA officials in the regions has proven to have found the
appropriate approaches and strategies in implementing nationally mandated
programs and projects fitted to the local settings and/or priorities.
With due consultation and collaboration with local LGU official, TVET related
activities, programs and projects are organized and implemented to respond and
compliment to the need of each locality. Hence, TESDA has become a popular and
favorite partner of local NGAs and LGUs in rendering service to people and
TESDA-CAR organized the Regional Industry Forum in
Baguio City. It was attended by TESDA officials and
representatives from various businesses and industries in
CAR and nearby regions. In his keynote message, Deputy
Director General for Operations, Atty. Teodoro Pascua
challenged the participants to forge stronger skills training
partnership with industries and sought the support of the
industry in the implementation of Dual Training System,
Apprenticeship Program, On-the-Job Training and Capacity
Building, including direct investment on research and
development projects.
Baguio City won the National Kabalikat Award in the Local Government Unit (LGU)-
City Level. The award is given to TESDA partners that excelled in promoting and
enhancing the technical-vocational education and training in their respective areas.
TESDA-CAR inaugurated its TESDA Baguio City Unit (BCU) last September 11, 2015. This
satellite office was organized in line with the purpose of the rationalization plan of the agency to
deploy personnel where they are most needed. The office is located at the BCSAT compound,
Upper Session Road.
TESDA and DepEd jointly organized and conducted the “Get Your Gulay On! Grand
Gulay Cook-off Challenge” held at the PFVR Gym. The competition aims to increase
awareness among public schools and encourage school children to eat nutritious
snacks from vegetables which are readily available in school gardens. It was
participated by 10 teams from various technical-vocational institutions in the region.
Moreover, TESDA-CAR initiated and pushed for the integration of the T ES DA -
CA R T echn ol og y Institutions (TTIs) into one system. The initiative gained
strong support from the CAR- Regional Development Council, top management of
TESDA and the Cordillera Officials. Congressman Nicasio Aliping,Jr. of the Lone
District of Baguio City sponsored House Bill 6713 that will establish the Cordillera
State Institute of Technical Education (CSITE) which is now with the Lower House of
Congress for further readings.
TESDA Region II was awarded with the seal of Quality
Management System following tough Internal Quality Audits
made by TUV SUD team at the Isabela Provincial Office.
Its key officials also acted as a team and organized all
necessary data, documents, and evidences to prove their
readiness and determination to comply as demanded under the
Philippine Quality Awards.
The 2015 Regional Skills Competition was held at Southern Isabela College of Arts
and Trades (SICAT) Santiago City, Isabela with fourteen (14) trade areas of
competition. The competition adopted the theme: Galing at Talino ng Rehiyon 2,
Isapuso para sa Magandang Pagbabago”.
Jobs Fairs were undertaken in Isabela province in collaboration with DOLE Isabela
field office, NGAs and private companies. Applicants in various fields including
TVET graduates, were screened to address the demand for workers of both local
and overseas recruitment agencies.
On personnel level, Mr. Rogelio C. Rambuyan, a trainer in Electrical Installation and
Maintenance NC II from RTC Tuguegarao became the proud national winner of this
year’s TESDA Model Employee of the Year Award (TMEOYA) Category II. He also
emerged as National Winner in the 2015 “Tagsanay Award” besting 35 contestants
from all over the country. He also clinched minor awards such as Best in Portfolio
and Best in Interview among others. He received a Plaque and cash prizes for both
recognitions from Secretary Joel Villanueva during the 21
TESDA Anniversary
Celebration held in TESDA Central Office.
TESDA Regional Office V passed the Surveillance Audit on
October 30, 2015 despite the hurdles in its preparation It
joined the TESDA Central Office and the rest of the
Regional Offices nationwide to sustain its ISO 9001:2008
It conducted the 2015 Regional Skills Competition at
Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Nabua and Regional
Training Center-Pili with twelve trade areas of competition. The competitors came
from the different TVET providers in the 6 provinces of Bicol Region. Camarines Sur
won the over-all champion trophy.
The TESDA Regional Office together with PO Camarines Sur and TESDA
Technology Institutions joined the Bicol Travel and Food Expo (BITFEX) held in
Naga City during the celebration of the Feast of Peñafrancia. Student Chef Lyka
Fabor and coach Angelica R. Canas of CASIFMAS Libmanan Campus bagged the
third place in the culinary arts competition.
It also participated in the 2015 Holcim‘Galing Mason Awards wherein three of its
masons were declared among the Top 20 Semi-Finalists in the national competition.
The three semi-finalists are all females. They were TWSP scholars were part of the
Training-Cum-Production in the construction of the TESDA Provincial Office in
Camarines Norte.
In 2015, a Survey on the Employability of TVET Graduates (SETG) was also
conducted in the region. The survey aims to determine the employment rate of TVET
graduates and usefulness of the qualifications/trade area in their employment.
Results of the SETG also measure effectiveness and relevance of TVET programs in
the industry.
In honor of one of the fallen members of the SAF 44, PSI Max Jim R. Tria from the
province of Catanduanes, TESDA offered skills training on Bread and Pastry
Production NC II and Driving NC II to the men and women of Barangay Cabihian as
requested by his father. According to him, this was the first ever skills and livelihood
training conducted in their barangay. It was made possible by TESDA Catanduanes
Provincial Office and the Cabugao School of Handicraft and Cottage Industries
TESDA Region VII, in partnership with Center for
Healthcare Professions Cebu Inc. (CHP) conducted a 55-
day training course on Housekeeping NC II for 22 Badjao
students. The training program was held in a school located
in Barangay Mambaling, a Badjao community. The
instructors of CHP brought all their training materials and
held classes in the community to ensure that the Badjao students will complete the
program. They were also taught how to write resumes, apply for work and conduct
themselves in interviews.
They were the first ever graduates from the Badjao community who finished a
TESDA registered program in the Philippines. According to CHP President Bernardo
Restrificar, these Badjaos have come a long way and have shown that there is hope
for the Badjao community. He wants to tell them that they are part of society, and
that they have something to contribute. On the other hand, Ms. Hazel Torrefiel, head
of the National Commission of Indigenous People, said they will help the Badjaos
find jobs.
TESDA Region VIII conducted the Basic Entrepreneurship
and Gender Sensitivity Training under the STAR Program
funded by Coca-Cola Philippines. The 12-week training
program aims to transform women who are sari-sari store
owners into efficient entrepreneurs. It also provides access to
product capital and store merchandising equipment as means
to capacitate them in the operations of their sari-sari stores.
About 250 women attended the program. They were
identified and endorsed by USAID Tacloban City Field
Operations Team.
Together with concerned government agencies and
industries, TESDA Region IX spearheaded the
development of the Training Regulations in Rubber
Production NC II and Rubber Processing NC II. These
regulations serve as training guide to enhance productivity
of rubber and improve quality of rubber products in the region. The training
regulations have been approved by the TESDA Board and now utilized by other
rubber producing regions.
TESDA Region IX is among the government agencies at the forefront in the
implementation of Accelerated and Sustainable Anti-Poverty Program (ASAPP).
This program aims to provide intervention to reduce the number of poor families, by
2016, in Zamboanga del Sur, one of the provinces with highest number of poor
families in the country. Its three ASAPP covered municipalities are Aurora,
Kumalarang and Mahayag.
TESDA Region X
TESDA X organized two fora within the year. The first
focused on Dual Training Systems (DTS) Partnership, in
cooperation with Philippine Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (PCCI), German Philippine Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (GPCCI), K to 12 PLUS Project,
Cagayan de Oro Chamber of Commerce and Industries,
Inc. (Oro Chamber), and the Federation of Region X
The second dealt with TVET, with the attendance of about 200 Administrators and
TVI representatives from its 5 provinces. RD Gaspar S. Gayona of TESDA Region XI
was invited to serve as the Resource Speaker of the forum which presented updates
and priorities in TVET, including the Philippine Qualification Framework (PQF).
Two memoranda of agreement were forged. One was with the Department of Social
Welfare and Development (DSWD) for the livelihood training of 4Ps communities in
Northern Mindanao, dubbed as “LEESD thru STEPPS, with 1,300 beneficiaries who
are 18-40 years old. Another was with COHARA for the following projects: 1)
industry immersion of 10 TVET trainers in one of the 5-star hotels in Cagayan de Oro
City, to augment their knowledge and skills through actual exposure to high end
systems and technology, which they can impart to their students, and, 2) re-training
of 63 Room Attendants for them to be certified. The 1st batch was assessed and
achieved100% passing rate during the NATCAC assessment.
Moreover, it collaborated with Department of Trade and Industry for the
implementation of the manpower capability building program for skills of 200 existing
Flock Men and incoming workers in the poultry industry. The program intends to
establish a training facility for Flock Men and other poultry-based workers.
There was also a Trainers Training on Rubber Production, with 30 trainers from
TESDA Technology Institutions, TVET Institutions, URPA, LGUs, DA and DTI in
cooperation with Department of Agriculture, United Rubber Producers Association
(URPA) and Farmchild. This was to address the increasing demand for skilled
workers in rubber production in the region.
TESDA Region XII hosted the 14
Human Resource and
Skills Development Summit with guiding theme “The TVET
to TESD Journey: Multiple Path. It was held in Dakak Park
and Beach Resort in Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte on
September 3 to 5, 2015, with about 540 delegates all
throughout Mindanao.
The summit served as forum for information exchange,
advocacies, policy reforms and promoting quality TESD among TVET industry of
Mindanao. The topics included issues and challenges surrounding the goals of
technical vocational education and training, moving up to higher level TVET, quality
skills training and education amidst the implementation of K to 12 and ASEAN
Series of Provincial Skills Competitions were also conducted in the region. These are
sought after events in the provinces because they showcase talent, craftsmanship
and sportsmanship of students the TESDA way. They also serve as venue to
recognize talents and skills of the students/trainees and workers.
The Provincial Government of Cotabato and Southern Christian College sponsored
the skills competition (with eleven trade areas) during the “Kalivungan Festival
2015.” as part of the 101
Foundation Anniversary Celebration of North Cotabato. It
was participated by 114 competitors coming from eight (8) different TVET
In Sarangani-General Santos City, TESDA XII hosted two major annual skills
Olympics. The Mindanao Polytechnic Institute conducted their skills competition at
the Veranza Mall, General Santos City.
Together with the LGU of Province of South Cotabato and the Association of
Vocational Education and Training Institutions of South Cotabato (AVETSCo), it also
conducted the Provincial Skills Competition that coincided with the celebration of the
“T’nalak Festival” in South Cotabato.
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