fphys-10-00536 May 2, 2019 Time: 17:45 # 1
published: 03 May 2019
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00536
Edited by:
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Striated Muscle Physiology,
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Frontiers in Physiology
Received: 10 December 2018
Accepted: 15 April 2019
Published: 03 May 2019
Hody S, Croisier J-L, Bury T,
Rogister B and Leprince P (2019)
Eccentric Muscle Contractions: Risks
and Benefits. Front. Physiol. 10:536.
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00536
Eccentric Muscle Contractions:
Risks and Benefits
Stéphanie Hody
, Jean-Louis Croisier
, Thierry Bury
, Bernard Rogister
Pierre Leprince
Department of Motricity Sciences, University of Liège, Liege, Belgium,
GIGA-Neurosciences, University of Liège, Liege,
Department of Neurology, The University Hospital Center, University of Liège, Liege, Belgium,
GIGA – Laboratory
of Nervous System Disorders and Therapy, University of Liège, Liege, Belgium
Eccentric contractions, characterized by the lengthening of the muscle-tendon complex,
present several unique features compared with other types of contractions, which may
lead to unique adaptations. Due to its specific physiological and mechanical properties,
there is an increasing interest in employing eccentric muscle work for rehabilitation and
clinical purposes. However, unaccustomed eccentric exercise is known to cause muscle
damage and delayed pain, commonly defined as “Delayed-Onset Muscular Soreness”
(DOMS). To date, the most useful preventive strategy to avoid these adverse effects
consists of repeating sessions involving submaximal eccentric contractions whose
intensity is progressively increased over the training. Despite an increased number
of investigations focusing on the eccentric contraction, a significant gap still remains
in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the initial
damage response and subsequent adaptations to eccentric exercise. Yet, unraveling
the molecular basis of exercise-related muscle damage and soreness might help
uncover the mechanistic basis of pathological conditions as myalgia or neuromuscular
diseases. In addition, a better insight into the mechanisms governing eccentric training
adaptations should provide invaluable information for designing therapeutic interventions
and identifying potential therapeutic targets.
Keywords: skeletal muscle, eccentric contraction, exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD), delayed-onset
muscle soreness (DOMS), eccentric muscle training
An eccentric (lengthening) muscle contraction occurs when a force applied to the muscle exceeds
the momentary force produced by the muscle itself, resulting in the forced lengthening of the
muscle-tendon system while contracting (Lindstedt et al., 2001). During this process, the muscle
absorbs energy developed by an external load, explaining why eccentric action is also called
negative work” as opposed to concentric (shortening) contraction or “positive work” (Abbott et al.,
1952). Although not always obvious, eccentric muscle contractions are an integral part of most
movements during daily or sport activities. Skeletal muscles contract eccentrically to support the
weight of the body against gravity and to absorb shock or to store elastic recoil energy in preparation
for concentric (or accelerating) contractions (LaStayo et al., 2003b). The slowing-down role of such
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Hody et al. Eccentric Exercise
contractions is classically illustrated by downhill running or
walking down the stairs during which the eccentric work of the
knee extensor muscles is accentuated (Gault and Willems, 2013).
Compared to concentric or isometric (constant length)
contractions, eccentric muscle actions possess several unique
features that may be responsible for unique adaptations (Guilhem
et al., 2010; Duchateau and Baudry, 2014). Greater forces
are generated during eccentric contraction compared to other
contraction types for a given angular velocity (Hortobagyi and
Katch, 1990). In addition, eccentric contractions require less
motor unit activation and consume less oxygen and energy
for a given muscle force than concentric contractions (Abbott
et al., 1952). Indeed, the metabolic cost required for eccentric
exercise is approximately fourfold lower than for the same
exercise performed concentrically. Reduced cardiorespiratory
and hemodynamic responses have been reported following
eccentric exercise when compared to concentric exercise at
the same absolute workload (Overend et al., 2000; Meyer
et al., 2003). While many questions remains unanswered,
it is well accepted that neural strategies controlling eccentric
contractions considerably differ from concentric or isometric
contractions (Duchateau and Baudry, 2014). Differences are
detected on the level of the contracting muscle as well as
on the cortical level. Most studies indicate a reduced central
activation (evidenced by a lower EMG amplitude) during
maximal eccentric contractions than maximal concentric or
isometric contractions. This has implications on eccentric
coordination: fine motor control in eccentrically biased actions
appears more difficult as fewer motor-units are required for the
same work (Hoppeler, 2016). The twitch interpolation technique
also revealed a greater voluntary deficit in eccentric compared
to concentric contractions, such that untrained individuals are
usually unable to fully activate their muscles during maximal
eccentric muscle contractions. Further characteristics of eccentric
contraction are a greater cortical excitability but a lower motor
units discharge. Collectively, the mechanisms underpinning the
unique features of eccentric contraction are not well understood
(Hoppeler and Herzog, 2014).
Due to its specific physiological and mechanical properties,
the eccentric contraction has gained a growing interest in several
fields. Besides its interest in sport training or in physical medicine
and rehabilitation (Croisier et al., 2002; Kjaer and Heinemeier,
2014; Vogt and Hoppeler, 2014), evidence is accumulating
regarding the benefits of eccentric exercise in special populations
of aged individuals or patients with chronic health diseases
such as neuromuscular pathologies (Roig et al., 2008; Gault and
Willems, 2013; Isner-Horobeti et al., 2013; Hyldahl and Hubal,
2014). Indeed, the two main defining properties of eccentric
contraction “highest forces and lower energy requirement” makes
this contraction regime a judicious alternative to conventional
muscle training. To date, it is well accepted that the benefits
of eccentric exercise transcend improved muscle function,
as this mode of training has been shown to induce a number
of favorable repercussions on neural drive or health-related
factors (Paschalis et al., 2010, 2013). For many years, eccentric
regime has been largely used in sport training to improve
maximal muscular strength, power as well as coordination during
eccentric tasks. Robust evidence support its wide prescription
in the sport rehabilitation field, notably in the treatment
of tendinopathies (Croisier et al., 2007; Kaux et al., 2013).
In addition, implementing eccentric exercise in athletes showed
its effectiveness to prevent sport injuries such as hamstring strain
(Croisier et al., 2002). While research has mainly focused on
the functional outcomes following eccentric resistance training
using high-loads, the potential of low/moderate load regimes
received much attention over the last decade (LaStayo et al.,
2014; Hoppeler, 2016). With the increasing consideration of
the physical activity in numerous medical fields over the last
decades, a novel training modality based on low to moderate load
ECC exercise has emerged. This modality, referred as RENEW
(Resistance Exercise via Eccentric Work) by LaStayo et al. (2014),
appears to result in similar gains in muscle strength and volume
as traditional strength training. Since eccentric modality provides
a strong mechanical stress at a lower metabolic cost (Lastayo et al.,
1999), it appears particularly suitable for training individuals with
medical conditions associated to muscle wasting and reduction
in muscle strength, mobility and aerobic capacity (Hoppeler,
2016). Eccentric training is increasingly proposed to patients
with cardiorespiratory problems, sarcopenia of old age, cachexia,
diabetes type 2, neurological and musculoskeletal diseases (Julian
et al., 2018). Along with the positive effects on the muscle
function, aerobic eccentric exercise induces specific effects on
muscle energetic metabolism, insulin resistance and blood lipid
profile, reducing disease risks. It is thus recognized as a promising
lifestyle factor to combat obesity and dyslipidemias (Paschalis
et al., 2010; Julian et al., 2018, 2019).
However, despite the above-mentioned advantages, the use
of eccentric exercise in clinical conditions has been frequently
the object of contrasting opinions, because of its potential
undesirable associated effects. Indeed, eccentric exercise induces
greater muscle damage and negative functional consequences in
an healthy naïve muscle than other types of exercise (Friden and
Lieber, 1992). Indeed, the combination of high force and reduced
recruitment of fiber number during eccentric contractions
causes a high mechanical stress on the involved structures that
may lead to focal microlesions of the muscle fibers (Lieber
and Friden, 1999). Numerous histological studies described
widespread Z-line streaming with myofibrillar disruption and
necrosis following intense and/or unaccustomed eccentric
exercise (Friden and Lieber, 1998; Crameri et al., 2007; Lauritzen
et al., 2009). The sarcomeric disorganization has been associated
with disruptions to the sarcolemma and the extracellular
matrix, swelling of mitochondria, dilation of the transverse
tubule system and fragmentation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
(Takekura et al., 2001; Crameri et al., 2004). Sarcolemmal
disruption may be highlighted by the appearance of sarcoplasmic
proteins into the blood (as creatine kinase, CK and myoglobin,
Mb) or by the cytoplasmic accumulation of proteins that
are normally not present in muscle fibers (as albumin and
immunoglobulins) (McNeil and Khakee, 1992; Clarkson and
Hubal, 2002). Vital dye such as Evans blue is also used in
rodents to demonstrate increased sarcolemmal permeability
(Hamer et al., 2002). Damage to extracellular matrix and
connective tissue components also occur following a novel
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Hody et al. Eccentric Exercise
eccentric exercise (Brown et al., 1997; Crameri et al., 2007).
Morphological abnormalities observed immediately after exercise
gradually extent to a larger number of muscle fibers and appear
exacerbated 2–3 days post-exercise (Friden et al., 1983a). These
observations have led authors to define primary and secondary
damage phases (Morgan and Allen, 1999). Both human and
animal studies supported that Type II (in particular IIb) muscle
fibers are more damaged after eccentric exercise than Type I fibers
(Friden et al., 1983b; Jones et al., 1986; Lieber and Friden, 1988).
Several hypotheses could explain the higher susceptibility of Type
II fibers to exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD). Among
these are differences in their structural composition (Z-line, fiber
type specific protein isoforms such as titin), a reduced oxidative
capacity, a lower ability to regulate calcium homeostasis or a
selective recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers during eccentric
contraction (Lieber and Friden, 1999; McHugh et al., 1999a;
Byrne et al., 2004).
The EIMD manifests itself by a range of clinical symptoms
including delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), stiffness,
swelling and various functional deficits such as a loss in
force generating capacity or decreased proprioceptive function
(Clarkson, 1992). To avoid the invasive nature of muscle
biopsies, these clinical manifestations as well as the plasma CK
activity are frequently used to indirectly assess the presence
of muscle damage (Warren et al., 1999; Clarkson and Hubal,
2002). The magnitude of changes in EIMD indirect markers
(in particular, the plasma CK activity) shows a marked inter-
individual variability even when subjects are submitted to
standardized eccentric protocols (Clarkson et al., 1992; Nosaka
and Clarkson, 1996; Hody et al., 2013c). Multiple factors as
muscle architecture, muscle typology, individual fitness, age, sex,
and genetic variability may contribute to the wide inter-subject
variability in the response to eccentric exercise (Vincent and
Vincent, 1997; Clarkson and Hubal, 2002; Yamin et al., 2007;
Hody et al., 2009; Hyldahl and Hubal, 2014). Even if DOMS
and associated clinical symptoms spontaneously disappear after
few days, these negative consequences can delay or disturb
rehabilitation and/or training programs. Exercise is necessary to
maintain a good health and to prevent physical inactivity-related
diseases, but unpleasant sensations resulting from unaccustomed
exercise can discourage people to continue physical activity.
Moreover, due to the mechanical fragility, the risk of further
injuries (e.g., muscle tears or ligament rupture) increases if
intense physical activities are performed during a DOMS episode
or the following days (Nicol et al., 2006). It is worth noting that
muscle soreness disappears before the full recovery of muscle
function, further elevating the injury incidence (Strojnik et al.,
2001). Although exceptional, extreme CK and Mb elevations
associated with EIMD could be severe enough to provoke a
kidney tubulopathy (Sayers et al., 1999).
Given the risks and drawbacks related to the occurrence
of EIMD described above, the development of strategies to
prevent or reduce the intensity of its clinical manifestations
has become a primary goal of many studies. The most
commonly used approaches include stretching, cryotherapy,
electric or manual therapies, whole-body vibration or nutritional
and pharmacological interventions (Cheung et al., 2003;
Barnett, 2006; Bloomer, 2007; Howatson and van Someren,
2008). Despite the large number of clinical trials, there are
very few evidence-based guidelines for the application of these
interventions. The inconsistencies in the dose and frequency
of the investigated interventions may account for the lack
of consensus regarding their efficacy. Conversely, there is
unequivocal evidence that a first bout of eccentric exercise confers
protection against EIMD following a subsequent bout of the
similar exercise. This muscle adaptation process, commonly
called the repeated-bout effect (RBE), is characterized by
reduced increases in muscular proteins in the blood, attenuated
DOMS, less muscle swelling, reduced abnormality in echo
intensity of B-mode ultrasound and/or magnetic resonance
images and faster recovery of muscle strength and range of
motion following the repeated bout (McHugh, 2003; Nosaka
and Aoki, 2011). Although a significant protective effect occurs
after a single eccentric bout (Clarkson et al., 1992; Nosaka and
Clarkson, 1995), the adaptive process appears more complete
after several sessions (Croisier et al., 1999; Hody et al., 2011).
The RBE seems to imply long-lasting adaptation since it
persists for several weeks and even up to 6 months but
the magnitude of the protection decreases over time (Nosaka
et al., 2001, 2005). It is interesting to note that the magnitude
of the protective effect is not necessarily dependent on the
severity of the initial muscle damage. It has been demonstrated
that repeating bouts of “non-damaging eccentric exercise can
provide strong protective adaptations against subsequent bouts
of maximal eccentric exercise (Chen et al., 2013). Therefore, to
date, performing repeated sessions with submaximal eccentric
contractions appears to be the most efficient strategy to induce
eccentric training-induced adaptations that would prevent
further EIMD and DOMS. The demonstration that eccentric
actions can be performed without damage and soreness allowed
considering the potential of eccentric trainings in medical
conditions. Studies conducted first with healthy subjects and
then, with patient populations, have supported the application
of eccentric trainings as a safe, feasible and efficient strategy for
rehabilitation purposes (LaStayo et al., 2000; Hoppeler, 2016).
Numerous studies have attempted to elucidate the mechanisms
underlying the RBE, but this feature of the skeletal muscle is
not fully understood (McHugh et al., 1999a; McHugh, 2003;
Nosaka and Aoki, 2011).
Despite considerable amount of available data at the clinical
and histological levels, a significant gap still remains in the
understanding of the mechanisms that mediate morphological,
cellular, and molecular responses to muscle damaging eccentric
exercise (Hoppeler and Herzog, 2014). In addition, the
molecular events underlying the specific eccentric training
muscle adaptations are not fully understood (McHugh, 2003;
Nosaka and Aoki, 2011). This review begins by describing the
potential mechanisms leading to muscle damage and soreness
following unaccustomed eccentric exercise. Then, are discussed
the current knowledge of the eccentric training-induced
adaptations including the main hypotheses of the protective effect
against EIMD. Finally, the multiple applications of eccentric
training, justifying the need of an improved understanding of its
underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms, are exposed.
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Mechanisms of Exercise-Induced
Muscle Damage
It is generally accepted that the damage process is initiated
due to a lack of homogeneity in sarcomeres stretching
(asymmetric lengthening). This theory initially proposed by
Morgan (1990) suggests that during eccentric contractions, the
weakest sarcomeres or even half-sarcomeres will absorb most
of the length change (Morgan, 1990). These may be stretched
beyond the point of myofilament overlap resulting in disrupted
or “popped” sarcomeres. In line with this proposal, several
studies have clearly shown that the length of the muscle during
eccentric contraction is a critical factor in determining the extent
of damage (Talbot and Morgan, 1998). Eccentric contractions
performed at longer muscle length results in greater symptoms
of damage than similar contractions at shorter muscle length
(Lieber and Friden, 1993).
The initial mechanical damage would trigger a cascade of
events leading to more severe secondary damage (Figure 1).
Loss of calcium homeostasis, possible inflammatory reaction
and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production are thought to
contribute to the secondary damage phase. The disturbances in
homeostasis observed following unaccustomed eccentric
exercise may be the consequence of membrane damage
(Friden and Lieber, 2001) or opening of stretch-activated
channels (Overgaard et al., 2002). Abnormal increase in
calcium concentration inside muscle cells is responsible for
the activation of muscle proteases, named calpains. Since these
proteases cleave important structural proteins in charge of
myofibril integrity (as desmin and alpha-actinin), they have been
suggested to contribute to EIMD. The degradation of proteins
released from myofibrillar structures by the calpains could
be enhanced by other proteolytic pathways as the ubiquitin–
proteasome system (Raastad et al., 2010). Activation of calpains
may also result in the destruction of membrane constituents,
which in turn, will increase calcium entry. Elevated calcium
concentrations in skeletal muscle mitochondria, which can
alter mitochondrial respiratory function, also occur following
unaccustomed eccentric exercise (Rattray et al., 2011, 2013).
This calcium overload may be associated with the opening
of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP)
leading to the activation of cell death signaling or with the
increased calpain proteolytic activity which is capable of targeting
proteins resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction. Furthermore,
the increased calpains activity can promote neutrophils and
macrophages activation, leading to ROS production (Powers and
Jackson, 2008). Besides the clinical symptoms associated with
EIMD (such as DOMS and decline in muscle strength), EIMD
have been reported to induce metabolic consequences at the acute
phase: decreased glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity, impaired
glycogen synthesis, elevated metabolic rate and a shift toward
non-oxidative metabolism (Tee et al., 2007).
Inflammatory and Immune Responses
to Eccentric Exercise
While the development of an inflammatory reaction after
eccentric exercise has been debated (Yu et al., 2002; Malm and Yu,
2012), many studies have now provided clear evidence of systemic
and local inflammatory responses in both rodents and humans
following various types of eccentric exercise (Peake J. et al., 2005;
Paulsen et al., 2012). However, in contrast to extensive works
describing the histological and clinical signs associated to EIMD,
the mechanisms underlying the inflammation-immune responses
and the subsequent regenerative events are less well understood
(Peake J. et al., 2005; Paulsen et al., 2012). The inflammation
processes following damaging exercise was initially considered as
a detrimental event due to its association with muscle damage,
soreness and delayed recovery but it is now well accepted that
the inflammatory stages are crucial for functional recovery of the
muscle to EIMD. The inflammation would ensure the removal of
tissue debris from the injured area and promote muscle repair
by activating muscle cells. Over the last decade, more studies
FIGURE 1 | Summary of the main specific features of eccentric contraction, its multi-target beneficial effects and potential risks associated with unaccustomed
and/or maximal eccentric exercise.
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have focused on the implication of multiple immune cell types
interacting with the muscle and emphasized the undeniable role
of satellite cells for muscle regeneration following one bout of
eccentric exercise (Crameri et al., 2004; Paulsen et al., 2012).
Early accumulation of leukocytes, primarily neutrophils, has
been observed in micro-blood vessels of the damaged muscle,
as well as in the perimysium, immediately after exercise.
In case of moderate to severe EIMD, histological studies
have consistently shown that neutrophils infiltrate into the
muscle and accumulate in the damaged area from 1 and
24 h after eccentric exercise (Paulsen et al., 2010). It is
likely that secretion and/or passive release of chemoattractant
proteins due to modifications to membrane permeability are
involved in the recruitment of circulating inflammatory cells.
They initiate the pro-inflammatory stage through phagocytosis
and by releasing proteolytic enzymes (such as elastase or
myeloperoxidase) and reactive species. At later time points,
when neutrophils are cleared from muscle, pro-inflammatory
macrophages start to accumulate. This type of macrophages,
referred as M1, contribute to the phagocytosis of the damaged
tissue by secreting pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g., TNF-α,
IL-6, and IL-1β) and secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor.
Tissue-resident monocytes may also become activated after
exercise, in addition to the leukocytes originating from the
blood circulation. Neutrophils and M1 macrophages interact
with each other to regulate the proinflammatory response
of muscle damage. Their influx inside injured myofibers
appears to be dependent on the magnitude of EIMD and
may lead to an exacerbation of the initial cellular alterations.
Conversely, M2 macrophages that appear later generally produce
anti-inflammatory cytokines and signaling molecules involved
in the muscle recovery and regeneration. Large variations
across healthy individuals are observed, some presenting
substantial leukocyte accumulation whereas others displayed
very little leukocytes invasion. Furthermore, the magnitude of
the inflammation response appears to be dependent on the
initial perturbations induced by the exercise. It is assumed
that minor perturbations result in a cell-signaling-mediated
adaptive response, whereas intense eccentric actions seem to
generate a more severe response leading to secondary damage
to myofibers and increased risk of necrosis. While significant
necrosis is observed after electrically stimulated contractions,
segmental myofiber necrosis may occur without affecting the
whole myofiber, even in severe cases of EIMD. Interestingly,
the degree of leucocyte accumulation seems to be related to the
changes in force-generating capacity of the muscle (Paulsen et al.,
2010). Therefore, measuring the decline of muscular strength
following exercise, which is recognized as the best indirect marker
of EIMD, may inform on the status of the muscle. In contrast,
the level of leukocyte invasion into injured myofibers is not
necessarily related to DOMS.
The muscle inflammatory response appears to intimately
coregulate with muscle regeneration. Indeed, additionally to their
immune functions, macrophages also participate to myogenesis
and contribute to the extracellular matrix remodeling.
M1 macrophages stimulate satellite cells proliferation whereas
M2 macrophages interact with differentiating satellite cells
(Paulsen et al., 2012). The latter can also promote general protein
synthesis within muscle fibers. The replacement of macrophages
M1 to anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages is a key stage for
the transition from proinflammatory to anti-inflammatory
stages. This process is regulated by different signals including
the phagocytosis of cell debris, IL10 and AMP-activated protein
kinase (Chazaud, 2016). While a large body of research has
primarily focused on neutrophils and macrophages, other
cell types interact with the muscle and are important in the
inflammation and muscle regeneration processes. These include
notably mast cells, T lymphocytes, eosinophils, fibro-adipogenic
progenitors, and pericytes (Paulsen et al., 2012).
The inflammation and immune responses are mediated by
various growth factors and the actions of exercise-responsive
cytokines (i.e., IL-6, CCL2, and interferon-γ), pro-inflammatory
cytokines (TNF-α and IL-1β) and the anti-inflammatory cytokine
IL-10. Collectively, all these cytokines appear to activate myoblast
proliferation and some of them are involved in myoblast
differentiation (Peake J. et al., 2005). Interestingly, the satellite
cells activity is differentially affected by the contraction mode
in human muscle following exercise of the same work load.
Resistance eccentric, but not concentric, exercise has been
shown to elicit the proliferation of satellite cells immediately
after exercise, suggesting that EIMD is the main stimulus for
activating the satellite cells pool (Hyldahl and Hubal, 2014;
Hyldahl et al., 2014).
The precise source of production for cytokines found in the
circulation during and after exercise is not well established.
Indeed, the cytokines can be produced not only by leucocytes, but
also by myofibers and peri-tendinous tissue (Paulsen et al., 2010).
The term “myokines” has been introduced to refer to muscle
derived-cytokines and chemokines. Myokines are secreted by
the skeletal muscle in order to communicate with non-muscle
tissues and act as auto-, para- and endocrine mediators. These
might be molecular mediators which link muscle exercise and
the whole body physiology (Schnyder and Handschin, 2015).
While research to date has focused primarily on the biological
functions of the myokines in regulating metabolism, much less
attention has been made regarding their role in inflammatory
and adaptation to EIMD (Paulsen et al., 2010). Nevertheless,
studies investigating the cytokine responses to eccentric exercise
demonstrated increased activity of some cytokines such as MCP-1
and IL-10 after eccentric but not concentric exercise (Hyldahl and
Hubal, 2014). The anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 may attract
T lymphocytes, which activate muscle cell proliferation and
muscle regeneration. Systemic increase of IL-8 and upregulation
in intramuscular IL-8 mRNA expression and plasma levels after
downhill running and eccentric actions of the quadriceps has also
been reported (Hubal et al., 2008; Buford et al., 2009). IL-8 plasma
levels are also increased after eccentric muscle contractions,
but unchanged following concentric exercise. IL-8 is known to
attract primary neutrophils but this chemokine may also promote
neovascularization of muscle tissue through its association with
CXCR2 (Schnyder and Handschin, 2015). Some studies also
showed an increase in plasma concentration of IL-1ra and
G-CSF (granulocyte-colony stimulating factor) in the hours after
eccentric exercise (Peake J. et al., 2005; Peake J.M. et al., 2005).
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Hody et al. Eccentric Exercise
A large body of science has focused on IL-6. This myokine,
considered as one “exercise factor, is regulated by exercise and
acts both locally within the muscle and on distal organs in an
endocrine-like fashion (Catoire and Kersten, 2015). IL-6 has
initially been characterized as a prototypical pro-inflammatory
cytokine by contributing to neutrophil mobilization and
activation and promoting impaired peripheral insulin resistance.
In contrast, anti-inflammatory properties of IL-6 have been
proposed later. Indeed, its exercise-induced systemic increase
generates the elevation of plasma level of several anti-
inflammatory cytokines (IL-1ra and IL-10) and inhibits the
production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α (Pedersen
and Febbraio, 2008; Pedersen, 2012). Various cell types secrete
IL-6, including the skeletal muscle fibers during and after
exercise. Alongside the systemic increase, IL-6 mRNA levels are
augmented in contracting muscle fibers. IL-6 is considered as an
energy sensor of the muscle (Pedersen, 2012) since its secretion
from the exercising muscles increases glucose uptake and fatty
acid oxidation locally and improves insulin secretion, which
further increases glucose uptake into muscle fibers. Hepatic
glucose delivery and fatty acid release from adipose tissue are also
stimulated supporting the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis
during exercise (Febbraio and Pedersen, 2002). Muscle derived
IL-6 was first thought to be related to injury but “non-damaging
exercise has been shown to lead to substantial IL-6 increase
(Croisier et al., 1999). Nevertheless, IL-6 contributes with TNF-α
and MCP-1 to muscle regeneration after EIMD by stimulating
the proliferation and differentiation of myoblasts (Schnyder and
Handschin, 2015). Moreover, the transforming growth factor-
beta is another cytokine involved in muscle recovery and
repair after muscle damage that regulates extracellular matrix
remodeling and promotes fibrosis (Kim and Lee, 2017).
Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness
Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) refers to unpleasant,
dull, aching pain, usually felt during palpation, contraction
or stretching of the affected muscle. Such muscle soreness
typically appears 12–24 h after unaccustomed eccentric exercise,
peaks at between 24 and 72 h before progressively subsiding
and disappearing within 5–7 days post-exercise. Interestingly,
DOMS intensity is poorly correlated with other EIMD indirect
markers and seems thus not to reflect the magnitude of muscle
damage (Nosaka et al., 2002). Although DOMS is an extremely
common symptom, why DOMS occurs with a delay, and why
eccentric contraction but not shortening contraction induces
DOMS is not clearly understood. Several hypotheses have been
put forward to explain the mechanism of DOMS. These include
lactic acid release, spasm, connective tissue damage, muscle
damage, inflammation and oxidative stress (Hyldahl and Hubal,
2014). For many years, the most widely supported hypothesis was
that the biochemical, thermal and mechanical changes associated
with the inflammatory response sensitize small diameter muscles
afferents (types III and IV) that may then be at the origin
of the sensation of muscle soreness (Friden and Lieber, 1992).
It was only in 2010 that Murase and coworkers provided new
insights into the molecular mechanisms of DOMS generation.
They highlighted bradykinin and nerve growth factor (NGF)
as important players in the development of DOMS following
eccentric contractions (Figure 1). Using a rodent model, they
demonstrated that a bradykinin-like substance released from
the muscle during eccentric exercise triggers the process of
muscular mechanical hyperalgesia by upregulating NGF through
B2 receptors in exercised muscle of rats. In humans, NGF has
been shown to be involved in the generation and potentiation
of pain following eccentric exercise (Nie et al., 2009). Another
pathway proposed to be involved in the development of
DOMS is the activation of the COX-2-glial cell line-derived
neurotrophic factor (GDNF) (Murase et al., 2013; Mizumura
and Taguchi, 2016). Similarly to NGF pathway, this agent likely
generates muscle mechanical hyperalgesia directly by stimulating
muscle nociceptors, or by binding to extracellular receptors.
While myofibers micro-damage were believed to be necessary
to initiate inflammation and DOMS, some studies reported
mechanical hyperalgesia after eccentric exercises without any
signs of muscle damage. This supports the crucial roles of
NGF and GDNF in DOMS and suggests that the mechanical
hyperalgesia development may be associated with inflammation
in the extracellular matrix (Peake J. M. et al., 2017). NGF
and GDNF are also known to play a role in pathological pain
conditions and are increasingly recognized as active players in the
whole pain process and upregulated in ischemic skeletal muscle
(Turrini et al., 2002). NGF is increasingly regarded as an active
player in the whole pain process (McKelvey et al., 2013). Thus,
advances in the understanding of the mechanisms and cellular
origins of muscle soreness could lead to development of effective
interventions for not only exercise-related muscle soreness, but
also common myalgia.
Molecular Aspects
The distinct features of the eccentric contraction compared
to other contraction modes are the source of specific training
adaptations. A significant body of evidence suggests that
compared to concentric contractions, chronically performed
eccentric contractions promote greater gains in strength, muscle
mass and neural adaptations (Reeves et al., 2009; Roig et al.,
2009). The mechanisms responsible for these adaptations are
underlined by modifications in gene expression. Indeed the
process of exercise-induced adaptations in skeletal muscle
involves multiple signaling mechanisms initiating transcription
of specific genes that enable subsequent translation into a series
of new proteins (Coffey and Hawley, 2007). Several studies have
reported that eccentric and concentric actions activate distinct
muscular molecular pathways in humans (Kostek et al., 2007)
and in rats (Chen et al., 2002). It has been shown that eccentric
exercise triggers a progressive activation of genes responsible
for cellular growth and development, involved in muscular cell
hypertrophy processes. The expression levels of these genes
are more stimulated by eccentric actions than by isometric
or concentric actions (Chen et al., 2002; Barash et al., 2004;
Kostek et al., 2007), presumably due to the unique mechanical
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FIGURE 2 | Schematic representation of the potential mechanisms associated with eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage and involved in the development of
DOMS. BD, bradykinin; CK, creatine kinase; DOMS, delayed-onset muscle soreness; E–C, excitation–contraction; GDNF, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor;
IL, interleukin; NGF, nerve growth factor; ROS/RNS, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
stress placed on the eccentrically contracted muscles. For
example, in skeletal muscle, the effect of eccentric training was
greater than concentric training for liver-type insulin-like growth
factor I and mechano-growth factor (positive regulators of
muscle growth) (Barash et al., 2004). Such modifications in gene
expression profiles are thought to be regulated by mechanical
signaling pathways involving proteins that are sensitive to the
mechanical status of muscle cell (i.e., Microtubules-Associated
Proteins or MAP proteins) (Hentzen et al., 2006). Transcriptome
analyses in eccentric-exercised muscles also revealed substantial
transcriptional activity related to the presence of leukocytes,
immune-related signaling and adaptive remodeling of the
intramuscular extracellular matrix until 96 h after exercise
(Neubauer et al., 2014). In comparison to concentric or isometric
contractions, eccentric contractions appear to upregulate muscle
cell activity and anabolic signaling pathway to a greater extent
(Douglas et al., 2017).
Specific Muscle Adaptations to
Chronic Eccentric Exercise
Because the eccentric contraction differs from other contraction
types notably in terms of force generation, maximum force
produced and energy cost, it could provide different stimuli
leading to distinct muscular and functional adaptations
(Figure 2) (Franchi et al., 2017a). A significant body of evidence
have suggested the superiority of eccentric resistance training in
terms of muscular hypertrophy over concentric or conventional
strength trainings (Julian et al., 2018). Some studies also reported
earlier increments in muscle mass with eccentric-based resistance
training when compared with concentric training. However, the
findings appear extremely variable to clearly confirm greater
gains in muscle mass following eccentric modalities (Julian
et al., 2018). Indeed, in their review, Franchi et al. (2014) draw
the conclusion that the changes in muscle size are similar
between eccentric and concentric training when matched for
load or work. A systematic review and meta-analysis about the
contribution of the different muscle actions to muscle growth
showed a greater muscle mass gain with eccentric contractions
but the results did not reach significance (Schoenfeld et al., 2017).
Nevertheless, taking into account the energy demand to produce
similar force or work, eccentric exercise may be considered as
more efficient (Julian et al., 2018). Interestingly, contraction type
tends to induce a region-specific hypertrophy. Greater increase
in distal muscle size has been observed following eccentric
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training, while concentric training favors median-muscle
hypertrophy (Franchi et al., 2014). In addition, the hypertrophic
responses to eccentric versus concentric contractions might be
obtained by different structural adaptations mediated by distinct
myogenic and molecular responses. While both training regimes
appeared to increase muscle fascicle length and pennation
angle (Blazevich et al., 2007), conventional strength training
would increase pennation angle more than eccentric training.
In contrast, eccentric-only resistance training seems to favor
fascicle length increase (Reeves et al., 2009), with the implication
that eccentric training is able to shift the optimum of the
length-tension relationship to longer muscle length (Hoppeler,
2016). This muscle architectural change appears thus particularly
interesting for injury prevention and athletic performance
(Brughelli and Cronin, 2007). Regarding muscle thickness,
similar increases have been observed with both training modes.
There are evidence that eccentric training promotes significantly
greater increase in muscle strength, whereas the differences
in isometric and concentric measures seems less significant
(Roig et al., 2009). Findings also showed that the increase in
eccentric strength after eccentric training is greater than the
gain in concentric strength after concentric training (Vikne
et al., 2006). The systematic review of Douglas et al. (2017)
also reported mode-specific strength increase and revealed that
greater overall strength increases can be achieved after eccentric
training than concentric or traditional training. Furthermore,
in comparison with concentric exercise, eccentric actions have
been reported to induce a greater cross-education effect. Only
few studies examined changes in muscle power. Performance in
actions involving muscle power or stretch-shortening cycle (such
as vertical jump) appeared to be improved to a greater extent
with eccentric training compared with concentric or traditional
resistance training (Liu et al., 2013; Douglas et al., 2017).
The Repeated-Bout Effect (RBE)
Skeletal muscle exhibits an intriguing plasticity to repeated
bouts of eccentric exercises. Among the adaptations specifically
triggered by the eccentric contraction, some contribute to the
RBE, aiming thus to protect muscle against EIMD. A large
number of theories have been proposed to explain the RBE,
suggesting a multifactorial origin of this adaptive process.
Potential adaptations have been categorized as (Lindstedt et al.,
2001) neural, (Abbott et al., 1952) mechanical and (LaStayo et al.,
2003b) cellular theories (McHugh et al., 1999a; McHugh, 2003).
However, although many studies have attempted to elucidate the
mechanisms behind the RBE, a unified theory is not yet available.
According to the neural theory, the EIMD results from
the high mechanical stress imposed on a small number of
active muscle fibers during intense eccentric contractions.
Although not commonly accepted, this theory also supports
a preferential recruitment of fast-twitch motor units during
eccentric contractions to explain the higher susceptibility to
disruption of the fast muscle fibers. Therefore, it has been
postulated that changes in neural activation may contribute
to reduce subsequent myofibrillar damage (McHugh, 2003).
Suggested neural adaptations involve improved motor units
(MUs) synchronization and activation of a large pool of MUs,
mainly by recruiting a greater number of slow-twitch fibers
(Warren et al., 2000; Chen, 2003; Starbuck and Eston, 2012). Such
mechanisms would allow a better distribution of the workload
over a greater number of active muscle fibers in repeated bouts
(Nosaka and Clarkson, 1995). The fast-setting adaptations but
also the existence of contralateral protective effect (Howatson
and van Someren, 2007; Starbuck and Eston, 2012; Hody et al.,
2013b) support the contribution of neurophysiologic processes
in the RBE. Indeed, some studies have reported that an initial
bout of eccentric exercise in one limb provides protection from
the symptoms of EIMD during a second eccentric bout in the
contralateral limb. Nevertheless, the magnitude of protection
in the contralateral limb is lower than that observed in the
ipsilateral limb, indicating that neural adaptations cannot entirely
explain the RBE (Howatson and van Someren, 2007). Moreover,
the demonstration of RBE with electrically stimulated eccentric
contractions (Black and McCully, 2008) suggests that the RBE
can occur independently of neural adaptations and involves thus
a peripheral and/or muscular adaptation.
The mechanical origin of initial muscle damage has led
authors to suggest that changes in mechanical properties of the
musculoskeletal system could render the muscle more resilient
to EIMD. With respect to this hypothesis, both the passive
and dynamic stiffness of the muscle-tendon complex has been
shown to increase after eccentric training (Howell et al., 1993;
Reich et al., 2000). These modifications have been, respectively,
attributed to an increase in intramuscular connective tissue
improving the ability to withstand myofibrillar stress and to
a reinforcement of intermediate filament system, in charge of
maintaining the alignment and structure of the sarcomeres
(i.e., titin, desmin) (McHugh, 2003). In agreement with the
reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins, the level of certain
structural proteins, such as desmin, was found to increase in
the days following eccentric exercise (Feasson et al., 2002; Lehti
et al., 2007). This suggests that muscle-specific cytoskeletal
remodeling could play a role to protect from future sarcomere
disruption. Desmin, the major protein of the muscle intermediate
filament, would act as mechanical integrator for the repair of
the filaments (Yu et al., 2002). Its reinforcement secondary to
transcriptional upregulation may provide mechanical protection
from future sarcomere disruption (Peters et al., 2003). However,
some studies showing that stiffer muscles are more prone to
damage questioned the mechanical theory (McHugh et al.,
1999b). Moreover, desmin knockout (KO) mice have been
found to exhibit less exercise-induced than wild-type mice (Sam
et al., 2000). This finding was, however, imputed to more
compliant muscles of KO mice. Recent works have suggested
that in addition to their function of structural support to
the cell, the intermediate filaments may play an active role
in biological processes such as signaling, mechanotransduction
and gene regulation. The mechanisms behind these processes
are not well understood. Desmin, which is responsible for
transmission of stress among myofibrils appears to be required
for the maintenance of myofiber alignment, nuclear deformation,
stress production and JNK-mediated stress sensing (Palmisano
et al., 2015). Growing evidence supports the role of the
skeletal muscle intermediate filaments as a stress-transmitting
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and stress-signaling network. Notably, cytoskeletal proteins help
mitochondria not only in their movement and proper cellular
positioning, but also to maintain their biogenesis, morphology,
function, and regulation of energy fluxes. The functionality of
these cytoskeletal proteins may thus influence the mitochondria
functions, including the regulation of Ca
signals and apoptosis
(Mado et al., 2019). Remodeling of the intermediate filaments
network may also impact cell migratory behaviors important to
development (Sanghvi-Shah and Weber, 2017).
Another group of theories explaining the RBE relies on
cellular adaptation. Given the focal feature of muscle damage,
speculation has been made that the muscle becomes more
resistant to EIMD thanks to the removal of stress-susceptible
fibers or sarcomeres resulting from the initial eccentric bout
(Armstrong, 1984; Newham et al., 1987). However, this is
inconsistent with the fact that the initial bout does not have to
cause appreciable damage to confer a protective effect. Several
works provided evidence that eccentric exercise promotes an
increase in series sarcomeres (Lynn and Morgan, 1994; Yu et al.,
2004). Such longitudinal addition of sarcomeres is thought to
contribute to the protective effect as it would avoid the sarcomere
stretching beyond their overlap and thus, their disruption. The
sarcolemma and sarcoplasmic reticulum would also become
stronger following the initial bout of eccentric exercise (McHugh,
2003). This may limit perturbations of calcium homeostasis and
thus, may prevent the calpain activation and the degradation
of cytoskeletal proteins. The reduced calpain activity could
then explain the attenuation of mitochondrial dysfunction
following chronic exposure of eccentric exercise. Other potential
adaptations such a decreased susceptibility to calcium-induced
mPTP (mitochondrial permeability transition pore) opening or
upregulation of heat shock proteins, in particular Hsp70, may also
be contribute to protect mitochondrial function (Rattray et al.,
2013). In addition, changes in the inflammatory response, such as
a reduced activation of the monocytes and neutrophils, have been
described after repeated eccentric bouts and may also be related
to the RBE (Pizza et al., 1996). Nevertheless, whether adaptation
in the inflammatory process is the cause or a consequence
of reduced muscle damage is not elucidated. Adaptation
may also rely on the monocyte chemoattractant protein 1
(MCP-1), a chemokine involved in activation and attraction of
inflammatory cells. Indeed, MCP-1 is dramatically overexpressed
at the transcript level after a single bout of eccentric exercise and
it appeared even more upregulated after a second bout (Hubal
et al., 2008). Authors have thus suggested that MCP-1 enhances
muscle recovery after a repeated bout of eccentric exercise via
improved signaling between macrophages and satellite cells.
Other chemokines may contribute to the protective adaptation
to exercise-induced muscle damage. Upregulation of CCL2 and
a decreased of NF-kB DNA-binding activity occur following
repeated bouts of eccentric exercise. These observations supports
the hypothesis that the immune response becomes more efficient
to promote the regeneration of muscle tissue after an initial
bout of eccentric exercises, notably through enhancement in
inflammatory cell infiltration into the muscle and myoblast
proliferation (Peake J. et al., 2005). Furthermore, a remodeling
of the surrounding extracellular matrix might also occur during
the RBE. A strengthening of the extracellular matrix such as
an improved integrin support may help to recover faster after
eccentric contractions (Hyldahl et al., 2015).
Other potential cellular adaptations include increased protein
synthesis, adaptation in the excitation-contraction coupling and
increased stress proteins (i.e., heat shock proteins) (McHugh,
2003). In particular, the role of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in
protection against muscle damage constitutes an exciting new
area of research. The small HSPs (sHSPs) named HSPB1 (Hsp27)
and alphaB-crystallin, seem to play important roles in cellular
adaptation as they have been implicated in the chaperoning of
unfolded proteins, the stabilization of the cytoskeleton as well
as in the regulation of the cellular redox state and inhibition
of apoptosis (Orejuela et al., 2007). Following one bout of
eccentric exercise, the sHSPs translocate from the cytosol to the
cytoskeletal/myofibrillar compartment, presumably to stabilize
and protect the myofibrillar filament organization (Paulsen et al.,
2007, 2009; Frankenberg et al., 2014). Such an observation was
not found after concentric exercise (Frankenberg et al., 2014).
AlphaB-crystallin interacts with desmin intermediate filaments
and, Hsp27, together with alphaB-crystallin, has been suggested
to interact with various microfilaments (Orejuela et al., 2007).
These data strongly support the idea that alphaB-crystallin and
Hsp27 are crucial for the maintenance and the remodeling of
myofibrillar structures. Therefore, in line with the reinforcement
of the cytoskeletal/myofibrillar structures, appropriate adaptation
in the protection systems of HSPs might be important as
well (Paulsen et al., 2007). Moreover, because the HSPs are
involved in the development of stress tolerance against several
stressful insults, it is likely that the HSPs response elicited
by an initial damaging bout bestows resistance to a second
potentially damaging exercise. Only few studies investigated the
HSPs response to repeated bouts of eccentric exercise. Paulsen
et al. (2009) revealed that two bouts of maximal eccentric exercise
separated by 3 weeks resulted in comparable increased levels of
HSPs in the cytoskeletal fraction, despite less damage inflicted
during the second bout. The large amount of Hsp27, alphaB-
crystallin, and Hsp70 in the cytoskeletal compartment after the
repeated bout suggests that a more efficient translocation of
these HSPs is plausibly a mechanism behind the RBE. Similarly,
Thompson et al. (2002) reported a similar relative increase of
Hsp27 and Hsp70 2 days after the first and second eccentric bouts,
but, intriguingly, the basal levels of these HSPs appeared to be
lower before the second bout. This finding casts doubt on the
HSPs as important players in the RBE. Contrary to these findings,
results from a study by Vissing et al. (2009) did not point out a
role for the HSPs in reducing EIMD, as they observed a blunted
translocation of HSPs after the second bout. In this latter study,
the low degree of muscle damage inflicted during the exercise
and/or the long duration between bouts (8 weeks) could explain
the lack of HSPs movement following the second bout. Future
studies appear thus to be necessary to delineate the HSPs response
after repeated eccentric bouts.
Finally, using a proteomic approach, a short isokinetic
eccentric training in human quadriceps was found to induce
proteome modifications that suggest an isoform shift in fiber
type components (Hody et al., 2011). Indeed, a decreased
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expression of several glycolytic enzymes coupled with a lower
expression of the fast isoforms of some contractile and structural
proteins was observed after five sessions of submaximal eccentric
contractions. Adaptation in the muscle fiber typology following
eccentric training was further supported by a study in mice.
This highlighted significant changes in the size and number
of muscle fiber types following eccentrically biased trained in
comparison with untrained or concentrically biased trained
mice: the eccentric training specifically resulted in an increased
proportion of slow and fast oxidative muscle fibers (Hody et al.,
2013a). Nevertheless, whether a shift to a more oxidative muscle
phenotype is really involved in protection against EIMD is still a
question to resolve.
Eccentric training has sparked a growing interest over the
last decade, particularly in light of the emerging health-
related benefits of improved muscle mass. Moreover, because
a greater volume of exercise can be done at less metabolic
and cardiorespiratory cost, eccentric muscle work constitutes
a promising training strategy, not only to improve athletes’
performances, but also to help maintain or restore the exercise
capacity and quality of life in individuals with reduced tolerance
for physical activity (i.e., the elderly or patients with chronic
disabilities) (Gault and Willems, 2013; Hyldahl and Hubal, 2014;
LaStayo et al., 2014). The lower perceived exertion to perform
eccentric exercises helps to increase the adherence of patients to
exercise programs. As eccentric contractions have traditionally
been associated with muscle damage, the prescription of eccentric
training programs in clinical practice has been discouraged
for a long time. Nowadays, it is well accepted that when
the duration, frequency and intensity of the eccentric training
sessions are progressively increased, symptoms of damage can
be minimized and even avoided (Croisier et al., 1999; Chen
et al., 2013). Additionally, it is now accepted that neither muscle
damage nor inflammation are prerequisites for stimulating
positive muscle adaptations as protection against EIMD or
increased muscle mass (LaStayo et al., 2007). Eccentric training
interventions are thus considered as a safe and suitable alternative
to traditional resistance exercise. Before discussing the numerous
applications of eccentric training, it should be mentioned that
the identification of its specific effects in comparison to the
other training modalities remain difficult due to methodological
reasons. First, the training programs used in several studies
involved usual daily movements that do not isolate eccentric
and concentric contractions. Secondly, a limited number of
studies employed an appropriate calibration of the eccentric
and concentric exercises, making conclusive comparison between
the contraction modes impossible. Since they imply different
metabolic cost for the same mechanical work, eccentric and
concentric exercises must be matched for similar mechanical
output, metabolic rate or oxygen consumption level, or similar
total training load. Additionally, the techniques and equipment
to perform eccentric exercises is often sophisticated, require
specific experience and may represent financial constraints. These
reasons may contribute to the few number of studies comparing
eccentric training with other modalities and the difficulty to draw
definitive conclusions (Julian et al., 2018).
Competitive Sports
While few studies have been devoted to the effects of eccentric
training in elite athletes compared to untrained subjects, the
systematic inclusion of eccentric-based protocols into training
programs is recommended for most competitive sports for
performance enhancement or injury prevention purposes (Isner-
Horobeti et al., 2013; Vogt and Hoppeler, 2014). Indeed, because
of its distinct characteristics, eccentric training modalities can
further enhance maximal muscular strength and optimize
improvements to power, optimal muscle length for strength
development, as well as coordination during eccentric tasks
(LaStayo et al., 2003a). Eccentric training may also be especially
efficient in enhancing speed performance or in rebound activities
such as jump (Franchi et al., 2017b; Chaabene et al., 2018).
This has notably been demonstrated in basketball players. Those
subjected to eccentric training for 6 weeks exhibited a significant
improvement in jumping height of 8% while the performance
of the players that performed traditional weight-lifting was
unchanged (Lindstedt et al., 2002). A change in titin protein
isoform has been proposed to explain the increased stiffness of
the muscle-tendon unit and enhanced recovery of elastic strain
energy (Hoppeler, 2016). These functional adaptations in skeletal
muscles are based on increases in muscle mass, fascicle length,
number of sarcomeres, and cross-sectional area of type II fibers.
In terms of injury prevention, the isokinetic assessment of muscle
function, in particular through the eccentric mode, appears to
be of great importance for detecting athletes at high risk of
injuries before the start of the season (Croisier et al., 2002;
Forthomme et al., 2013). Moreover, preventive interventions
with controlled eccentric exercises have been shown to decrease
the risk of hamstring injury in professional soccer players
(Croisier et al., 2008) or of shoulder pain in volleyball players
(Forthomme et al., 2013).
Over the last 20 years, eccentric muscle actions have been
frequently integrated in the treatment of several pathologies of
the locomotor system (Croisier et al., 2009). In particular, chronic
eccentric exercise has become a mainstay in the treatment
of tendinopathies mainly of the Achilles, patellar and lateral
epicondylar tendonitis (Croisier et al., 2007; Hoppeler and
Herzog, 2014; Kjaer and Heinemeier, 2014). To justify the
relevance of eccentric exercise for strengthening tendon tissues,
a stimulating impact of such exercise on collagen synthesis and
an increase in blood flow around tendon cells after eccentric
actions have been proposed (Guilhem et al., 2010). Eccentric
intervention has also been shown to be safe and effective after
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). The studies of
Gerber et al. (2007, 2009) reported superior short and long-term
results in strength, performance and activity level after surgery
when eccentric exercise is part of the rehabilitation after ACL-R
in comparison to standard rehabilitation programs. Otherwise,
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ipsilateral eccentric training has been demonstrated to increase
muscles’ strength in the contralateral homologous muscle group,
and this in a greater extent than concentric training (Higbie et al.,
1996; Hortobagyi et al., 1997). Thus, implementing unilateral
eccentric contractions in rehabilitation programs could improve
the muscle function of the opposite injured limb without it
being solicited.
Given the ever-increasing aging population, the development
of strategies to improve the quality of life of the elderly has
become a major concern. One of the most evident and disabling
consequences of aging is sarcopenia, a process characterized
by a progressive and steady loss of lean skeletal muscle mass.
Muscle loss is also associated with an increase in intramuscular
fat and connective tissue, a reduction in muscle strength, in
addition to cardiovascular dysfunction reducing aerobic capacity
(Gault and Willems, 2013). Such changes contribute to a
decline in functional independence and severely compromise
the function, quality of life, and life expectancy in older
individuals. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that exercise
training can prevent or reverse muscle aging. Indeed, studies
comparing muscle characteristics of highly trained young and
senior athletes demonstrated that trained subjects can maintain
and improve muscle function regardless of their age (Roig et al.,
2008; Dickinson et al., 2013). However, the implementation of
conventional resistance training programs in the elderly may be
hampered by the difficulty of such programs as reduced initial
levels of force and cardiovascular dysfunction are frequent in
old adults. Conversely, eccentric training programs can massively
overload the muscular system with a low cardiopulmonary
stress. Interestingly, numerous studies reported that older
individuals exhibit a relatively preserved capacity of producing
eccentric strength. Indeed, when compared to concentric or
isometric strength, the magnitude of the age-related decline in
eccentric strength is less pronounced. This provides an additional
advantage for eccentric exercises to initiate resistance training
and rehabilitation programs (LaStayo et al., 2003b; Roig et al.,
2010). In addition to the suitability of eccentric training in old
individuals, it is important to emphasize that resistance training
with eccentric contractions induces greater beneficial effects than
concentric training to improve mobility and independence of
the elderly. As in young individuals, high-intensity eccentric
resistance training has been shown to be more effective than
concentric training in increasing muscle strength and mass in
older adults (LaStayo et al., 2003a; Reeves et al., 2009). Other
appreciable benefits resulting from eccentric training in old
individuals are the improved ability to complete functional tasks
and the decreased risk of fall (Gault and Willems, 2013). LaStayo
et al. (2003a) demonstrated that using eccentric modality in
very frail elderly (mean age, 80 years) was more efficient to
reverse sarcopenia and its related functional limitations than
traditional weight training. Indeed, the elderly who performed
10–20 min of eccentric resistance exercise 3 times per week
over 11 weeks showed significant improvements in strength
(60%), balance (7%), stair descent (21%) abilities and a reduced
risk of fall. These positive outcomes were not found in the
elderly subjects submitted to traditional resistance exercises.
Additionally, the subjects of the eccentric group reported the
training to be relatively effortless. Besides resistance training,
eccentric endurance exercise involving large muscle groups (ECC
cycling, downhill treadmill walking, and stepping) seems to
be particularly convenient for the elderly (in particular for
frail elderly). This training modality minimizes the substantial
mechanical stress on single joints occurring during resistance
training and provides benefits for strength, muscle mass and
potentially aerobic adaptations (Gault and Willems, 2013;
LaStayo et al., 2014). The study of Mueller et al. (2009) compared
the effects of a moderate load eccentric exercise on an eccentric
ergometer to a conventional resistance exercise training. Both
trainings were carried out for 12 weeks with 2 sessions per
week. A significant increase in maximal isometric strength (8.4%)
was observed only for the eccentric group (Mueller et al.,
2009). Improvements in body composition characterized by a
decrease in intramyocellular lipid content concomitantly with
total body fat have also been observed in the elderly after
12 weeks of eccentric ergometer training (Mueller et al., 2011).
In contrast, tight lean mass increased similarly after both training
modalities. Interestingly, the gain in muscle mass in the elderly
following eccentric training was not paralleled by an increase in
muscle fiber cross-sectional area (hypertrophy) as observed with
traditional exercise training (Mueller et al., 2011). Muscle growth
after eccentric training thus seem to occur by the addition of
sarcomeres in series or by hyperplasia. While available evidence
suggest that eccentric training protocols are well tolerated in
elderly individuals, it should kept in mind that old adults show
an increased vulnerability to exercise-related muscle damage.
Indeed, biopsies from the human m. vastus lateralis immediately
after a bout of eccentric cycling showed disorganization of
sarcomeres, with a higher percentage of disorganization in
older (59–63-years) compared to younger adults (20–30-years)
(Manfredi et al., 1991). Therefore, careful and safe progression of
the intensity of eccentric training is thus strongly advised when
initiating eccentric programs in the elderly.
Chronic Diseases
Musculoskeletal dysfunction is relatively common in patients
with chronic conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, chronic heart failure or stroke (Hyldahl and Hubal,
2014). Although the exact etiology of the muscle function
decline in these patients is not yet clear, it is believed that
the lack of physical activity contributes at least to some
of the deleterious changes in muscle function (Roig et al.,
2008). Moreover, the ability of exercise to maintain mobility
and minimize muscle wasting in most people with chronic
conditions is commonly accepted. Until now, only few studies
explored the use of eccentric-biased programs in persons with
chronic health conditions. Nevertheless, current evidence exists
regarding the effectiveness and safety of eccentric exercise in
restoring musculoskeletal function in patients with different
chronic conditions. For instance, compared to conventional
training programs, judicious eccentric-based protocols result in
greater strength gains and enhancement of functional capacity
in cancer survivors, Parkinson disease patients or total knee
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replacement patients (Hyldahl and Hubal, 2014). However,
such favorable effects were not observed in individuals with
multiple sclerosis (Hayes et al., 2011). Studies exploring the
use of resistance training in individuals recovering from a
stroke revealed that eccentric contractions were more effective
for improving neuromuscular activation, strength, and walking
speed than concentric contractions (Engardt et al., 1995; Clark
and Patten, 2013). Since eccentric training seems to provide
greater central neural adaptation than concentric modes of
exercise, the use of eccentric exercise may be particularly
effective for patients with central nervous system diseases. The
physiologic characteristics of eccentric contraction (attenuated
cardiopulmonary stress, low metabolic cost) seem to be well
suited for their incorporation into the revalidation of patients
intolerant to intense cardiac and respiratory efforts (i.e., patients
with heart disorders or lung pathologies) (Meyer et al., 2003; Roig
et al., 2008). Eccentric training has been suggested to attenuate
reductions in arterial compliance, thus potentially limiting the
risks commonly associated with resistance training in patients
with coronary disease (Okamoto et al., 2006). Steiner et al. (2004)
compared concentric and eccentric training at similar heart
rate (85% of HR) in patients suffering from cardiac problems.
Training was carried out 3 times per week during 8 weeks,
with a progressive increase of the exercise intensity the first
5 weeks. The authors showed a significant gain in muscle torque
following the eccentric training. Both training modalities induce
a small 3% increase in leg muscle mass but leg and whole
body fat mass appeared to decrease only in patients trained
eccentrically. Interestingly, despite working at fourfold higher
mechanical loads, the eccentric group did not show different
changes in cardiovascular variables (such as heart rate, mean
arterial pressure, or vascular resistance) than the concentrically
trained subjects (Meyer et al., 2003). Collectively, all studies
reported eccentric exercise to be a safe training modality for
patients with various cardiac conditions.
Eccentric exercise may also be useful in the prevention or
treatment of metabolic diseases given its rapid and favorable
effects on health related parameters (Roig et al., 2008;
Paschalis et al., 2010; Isner-Horobeti et al., 2013). For instance,
eccentric training is more effective to improve glucose tolerance
than concentric training. Additionally, Paschalis et al. (2010)
demonstrated that a weekly bout of intense eccentric exercise
and not concentric exercise is sufficient to improve health risk
factors. They found that only 30 min of eccentric exercise per
week for 8 weeks markedly increased resting energy expenditure
and lipid oxidation as well as decreased insulin resistance
and blood lipid profile. The study of Marcus et al. (2008)
compared the effects of a 16-week aerobic exercise training
alone to aerobic exercise combined with moderate load eccentric
exercise in diabetes type 2 patients. While glycemic control and
physical performance were similarly improved in all patients, the
improvements in tight lean mass and body mass index were larger
when eccentric exercise was performed.
In regard with muscular dystrophy pathology, no human
study investigated the potential effects of eccentric training in
this disease. It is likely that eccentric contractions may accelerate
the degenerative process given that the degenerative nature of
dystrophic muscle can partially be accounted for by exhaustive
regenerative cycles (Hyldahl and Hubal, 2014). Nevertheless,
some recent animal studies indicate a favorable adaptation to
moderate exercise in dystrophic animals (Lovering and Brooks,
2014). In fact, despite the increased vulnerability of dystrophic
(mdx) muscles to eccentric contractions, young mdx mice were
found to recover from and adapt more quickly to EIMD than
wild-type mice (Ridgley et al., 2009; Call et al., 2011). However,
such increased regenerative capacity was lost in older animals
(Carter et al., 2002) and it is still unclear whether an eccentric-
based training program would be helpful or detrimental to the
long-term health of the muscle.
Notwithstanding recent evidence demonstrate the benefits of
eccentric training interventions in several fields, there is a real
need to further study the physiology of eccentric contraction.
Indeed, it is still unclear whether this high specificity of
eccentric training adaptations compromises the transferability
of strength gains to more functional movements (Roig et al.,
2010). Moreover, long-term implications of eccentric training
in old individuals or in patients with chronic diseases should
be explored in more details. Likewise, further investigations
are required to optimize parameters as intensity, duration, and
modes of eccentric training leading to the favorable effects on
muscle performance, health and quality of life.
Eccentric actions can be integrated in different types of
muscle training. Plyometric exercises, such as drop jump, is
frequently used to improve speed and jumping ability in athletes.
The literature recommends specific habituation training and
knowledgeable supervision due to the inherent risk of injuries
in such exercises (Hoppeler, 2016). Eccentric based resistance
training, characterized by high muscle loads at low metabolic
cost, has been increasingly prescribed for individuals with
a centrally limited exercise tolerance (LaStayo et al., 2014).
However, in most patient populations, the use of high mechanical
loads may constrain their adherence to resistance muscle
training. Therefore, the new modality “moderate load eccentric
exercise represents an attractive choice in various medical
conditions (Hoppeler, 2016). Over the last decades, various
motorized ergometers or similar devices allowing safe and
controlled application of eccentric loads, have been developed for
rehabilitation and performance purposes.
The prescription of eccentric muscle training require specific
experience. Practitioners must respect fundamental precepts
and consider important safety considerations concerning the
applications of eccentric muscle training, especially during
the initial implementation phase. Exercise professionals should
be aware of the potential detrimental effects of eccentric
contractions as well as the ways to prevent their occurrence.
Nowadays, it is well accepted that repeated exposure to eccentric
exercises confers protective adaptations against potential further
damage (McHugh, 2003; Nosaka and Aoki, 2011). Even if
the magnitude of this “repeated-bout effect” appeared larger
if the initial eccentric bout involved high workloads, this
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strategy could be problematic, especially for those undergoing
rehabilitation or elite athletes. Indeed, DOMS and the functional
consequences associated with EIMD may frequently disturb the
progress of rehabilitation and/or training programs. Moreover,
the uncomfortable sensations may discourage people to continue
exercise training. Therefore, an initial phase consisting of
submaximal eccentric muscle actions with incremental loading
over multiple sessions should be used to introduce individuals
to eccentric muscle training (LaStayo et al., 2003b). Flann et al.
(2011) demonstrated that a 3-week gradual “ramp up” eccentric
protocol was effective at promoting muscle hypertrophy in
the absence of demonstrable markers of muscle damage. In
clinical interventions, the progressive ramping eccentric protocol
typically starts with load of 50–75 W to reach the target
training load of 400–500 W. Higher loads, over 1,200 W, can
be achieved in competitive athletes (Hoppeler, 2016). A period
of 2–4 days between the exposure stimulus and progressively
higher levels of loading has been suggested as optimal (Hoppeler,
2016). Guidelines to design ramping protocols in rehabilitation
conditions are described in more details by LaStayo et al. (2014).
The exercise duration generally increases from 5–10 min to
20–30 min over the sessions. When using higher load trainings,
four bouts of 5 min seems to be equally effective and less tiring
for subjects (Steiner et al., 2004; Vogt and Hoppeler, 2014).
A training frequency of two sessions per week seems to be the
lower limit to induce measurable gains (Mueller et al., 2009).
When conceiving eccentric interventions, practitioners should
also take into account the parameters affecting the extent and
duration of EIMD and/or slower recovery. Exercises performed at
high vs. low eccentric torque, at long vs. short muscle length and
increasing numbers of eccentric contractions appear to result in
more severe EIMD (Nosaka and Newton, 2002). Skeletal muscles
do not display the same vulnerability to EIMD. The upper limb
muscles appear mostly more affected than lower limb muscles
and the knee flexors more than the knee extensors (Chen et al.,
2011). The untrained status, genetic variations, aging and chronic
diseases are other factors increasing the severity of potential
EIMD (Tidball, 2011; Gault and Willems, 2013; Baumert et al.,
2016). Special attention should thus be given to these populations
when establishing the initial eccentric exercise prescription in
rehabilitation settings.
Even if trained athletes are generally less affected by EIMD
than untrained people when submitting to the same eccentric
protocol, they might not escape to the detrimental effects of
eccentric contractions in some circumstances. They might be
particularly vulnerable to EIMD at the start of the season,
or when they return to competition after injury or following
an unaccustomed eccentric session (Cheung et al., 2003). The
occurrence of EIMD associated with unaccustomed eccentric
exercise could be problematic in athletes because of the
associated negative consequences on locomotor biomechanics
and sport performance within the short term (Cheung et al.,
2003; Assumpcao Cde et al., 2013). Moreover, when athletes
suffered from DOMS, they are frequently unable to train at
their maximal intensity which can compromise the quality
of the training programs. Even if the negative functional
consequences of EIMD are transitory, it seems important to
avoid their onset even in healthy athletes. If EIMD have not
been avoided, it is recommended not to perform high intensity
exercises, particularly explosive efforts. Indeed, the risk of
injuries such as muscle tears or ligament rupture has been
shown to increase due to the disturbed muscle function and
mechanical fragility. Accordingly, it should be kept in mind
that even when muscle hyperalgesia is resolved, a decrease in
muscle function may persist. Care must thus be exerted in
the days following an episode of DOMS (Damas et al., 2016).
When experiencing EIMD, stretching should also be avoided
since it could interfere with recovery. Since EIMD triggers
inflammation response, some practitioners have used non-steroid
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in an attempt to attenuate
the clinical symptoms (Paulsen et al., 2012). Nevertheless, studies
demonstrated that reducing or blocking potential inflammation
response may negatively perturb the muscle cell activity and
hinder the hypertrophy and regenerative processes (Mackey
et al., 2007). Therefore, NSAIDs should be avoided in healthy
subjects (Paulsen et al., 2012). Contrary to this, evidence suggests
that NSAIDs may be beneficial for subjects characterized by
a low-grade systemic inflammation contributing to sarcopenia
(Bautmans et al., 2005; Rieu et al., 2009). In the elderly or in
individuals with chronic disease, the use of NSAIDs may help to
maintain muscle mass (Rieu et al., 2009).
The study of eccentric contraction is no longer confined to
muscle physiology and sport sciences but is becoming central
in clinical medicine and is likely to expand in the near future.
Indeed, due to its unique neural, mechanical and metabolic
properties, the eccentric mode has gained a growing interest in
several fields. In addition to its efficiency in sports performance
and rehabilitation, the eccentric training interventions constitute
an attractive strategy to prevent muscle wasting in sarcopenia
or in many chronic diseases. Increasing evidence also support
the beneficial effects of eccentric exercises on body composition
and other health-related parameters, making this contraction
mode a promising tool for various patient populations. However,
unaccustomed eccentric exercise is well known to induce muscle
damage that manifests by a range of clinical symptoms including
DOMS and decreased muscle function. Up to now, there is no
equivocal therapeutic approach allowing a significant attenuation
in the symptoms of damage. Conversely, it has been clearly
demonstrated that repeated exposures to eccentric actions with
progressively increasing loads can prevent the occurrence of
muscle damage or DOMS.
Although the eccentric contraction has received more attention
over the last decade, many questions remain unanswered with
regard to both the initial damaging response to unaccustomed
eccentric contraction and the subsequent adaptations. Further-
more, the mechanisms behind the protective effect conferred
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by a repeated eccentric bout are still in great part speculative.
Yet, the numerous practical applications of eccentric exercise
in sports, rehabilitation and pathological conditions justify the
need to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the acute and
chronic effect of eccentric exercise on the skeletal muscle.
In addition, a better knowledge of the transient eccentric induced
damage and subsequent adaptations on a mechanistic level
may help to further understand the degeneration/regeneration
cycles in healthy skeletal muscle and to identify abnormalities in
these processes in pathological conditions as in neuromuscular
diseases. Given some similarities in the histopathological
alterations that follow unaccustomed eccentric actions with
those observed in muscular dystrophy pathology, further
investigations on the eccentric exercise may unravel crucial issues
in molecular mechanisms frequently involved in neuromuscular
diseases. Investigations employing rigorous standardization of
the experimental conditions in the eccentric and other training
groups are necessary to determine the specific multi-target and to
draw guidelines for eccentric activity prescriptions. In particular,
more efforts should be devoted to develop intensity, duration and
modes of eccentric training optimizing efficiency of this method.
SH wrote the manuscript. J-LC, TB, BR, and PL revised the
manuscript according to their respective field of expertise.
This work was supported by “Fonds de la Recherche
Scientifique Médicale grant (FRSM 3.4559.11) from the Belgian
“Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-Fonds National de la
Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS). PL is a Senior Research
Associate of F.R.S.-FNRS.
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Frontiers in Physiology | www.frontiersin.org 18 May 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 536