© 2012 C.S. Lewis Foundation.
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Answer Key to
The Voyage of the Dawn
Treader Study Guide
© 2012 C.S. Lewis Foundation 2 of 34
Chapter 1: The Picture in the Bedroom
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) Although he was puny, Eustace was a bully.
2) The ship in the picture was listing to her port side.
3) The prow of the ship was shaped like a dragon’s head.
4) It was the briny smell that convinced Lucy she wasn’t dreaming.
5) When he found himself standing on the picture frame, Eustace lost his head and clutched at
the others.
6) A great blue roller swept all three children into the sea.
7) Instead of wine, Eustace wanted Plumptree’s Vitaminised Nerve Food, made with distilled
8) Eustace thought Reepicheep was a silly, vulgar, performing animal.
9) Caspian gave Lucy the stern cabin.
10) The Dwarf-made silver lamp in the cabin was exquisite.
B. Correctly use each of these words in a sentence:
1) gilded
2) valiant
3) discourteous
4) courtly
5) rummaging
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 1.
1) What did Eustace call his parents?
Harold and Alberta
2) How were Eustace and the Pevensies related?
They were cousins.
3) Why were Edmund and Lucy staying with Eustace and his parents?
Because their parents and Susan had gone to America for the summer.
4) What was special about Edmund and Lucy’s secret country?
It was actually real.
5) What was Edmund’s question as he and Lucy were looking at the picture?
Whether it doesn’t make things worse looking at a Narnian ship when you can’t get
6) What caused all three children to stare open-mouthed?
The water looked as if it were really wet, and the waves as if they were really moving.
7) Who dove into the water to help the children?
8) Who is Reepicheep?
The chief of the Talking Mice of Narnia
9) What had Lucy always longed to do with Reepicheep, and why didn’t she?
To pick him up and cuddle him it would have offended him greatly.
10) How did Lucy feel at the end of the chapter?
Quite sure that they were in for a lovely time.
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Chapter 2: On Board the Dawn Treader
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) The Pevensies had last been in Narnia at the time of Caspian’s coronation.
2) The purpose of Caspian’s voyage was to avenge his father’s friends.
3) Reepicheep’s stature is quite a bit smaller than his spirit.
4) Lucy gave Eustace some of her cordial to help him get over his seasickness.
5) Caspian had begun to renew navigation in Narnia.
6) Although the Dawn Treader was the finest ship Caspian had built, Eustace thought it was a
primitive boat.
7) Trumpkin was serving as regent while Caspian was at sea.
8) Provisions were stored in a pit going down to the keel of the ship.
9) Rhince was on duty at the tiller, guiding the boat.
10) Eustace, who was a pacifist, refused to fight Reepicheep.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) buttering up
2) usurping
3) partition
4) corporal punishment
5) scrounge
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 2.
1) Who is the captain of the Dawn Treader?
Lord Drinian
2) How long has it been since Edmund and Lucy were in Narnia last (in their time and in
Narnian time)?
One year of their time, three years of Narnian time.
3) Why had Caspian’s uncle sent his father’s friends away?
Because they might have taken his (Caspian’s part.
4) What is Reepicheep’s hope for the voyage?
To find Aslan’s country.
5) How long has the Dawn Treader been at sea, and how far has it sailed from Narnia at this
point in the story?
Nearly thirty days, and more than four hundred leagues.
6) Why did Caspian insist on Drinian and Rhince having the port cabin above?
Because they would have the cares of sailing the ship and shouldn’t be disturbed by the
others singing and talking.
7) What were the indications that Eustace was feeling better?
His color came right and he began demanding to be put ashore.
8) What does Harold say is one of the most cowardly things people do?
Shut their eyes to Facts.
9) How did Eustace feel he was being treated?
Very badly.
10) What began the trouble between Eustace and Reepicheep?
Eustace caught Reepicheep by the tail and swung him around.
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Chapter 3: The Lone Islands
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) The Lone Islands were attached to the crown of Narnia even in the days of the White
2) Lucy enjoyed walking barefoot on the downy turf of Telimath.
3) Caspian didn’t know whether the islanders would still “acknowledge our over-lordship.”
4) The stranger told Caspian that “His Sufficiency” the governor was at Narrowhaven.
5) The slavers took the prisoners to their bedraggled ship.
6) The gentleman who bought Caspian referred to Pug as “carrion.”
7) Caspian promised the Lord Bern that the price he had paid would be made good out of the
royal treasury.
8) The slaver told the prisoners not to start any jaw.
9) Despite enjoying the day, Caspian felt sorry for the others languishing on Pug’s ship.
10) Lord Bern’s estate was a prosperous fief.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) uninhabited
2) wares
3) rigmarole
4) disbursed
5) pattering
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 3.
1) Why did Edmund advise against landing on Felimath?
Because it had been, and still seemed to be, almost uninhabited.
2) Why did the ship land on Felimath after all?
Because Lucy and Caspian both wanted to go ashore.
3) Which passengers of the Dawn Treader went ashore?
Caspian, Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, and Reepicheep
4) Why didn’t Caspian want to be known?
Because he wasn’t sure the islanders would acknowledge his over-lordship, and
therefore it might not be safe.
5) Who were the strangers met on Felimath?
Slave traders
6) Who did the gentleman who bought Caspian turn out to be?
The Lord Bern.
7) Why did he buy Caspian?
Because Caspian reminded him of someone.
8) Why did the gentleman counsel Caspian not to try to rescue his friends at once?
Because he knew more ships would come out to help Pug.
9) What plan did he propose instead?
To sail around the island, then run up banners and signals to trick the governor into
thinking the king had a whole fleet.
10) Where was the gentleman’s estate located?
On the southern shore of Avra.
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Chapter 4: What Caspian Did There
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) A crowd had gathered at the jetty to meet Caspian.
2) The castle gatekeeper came out of the postern.
3) The captain of the castle guard was languid and dandified.
4) Governor Gumpas was a bilious looking man.
5) Dossiers and sealing wax were among the items that fell from the table Bern and Drinian
6) Gumpas didn’t know that the Dawn Treader didn’t really have any consorts following it.
7) The slave up for sale when Caspian and his company entered the market was an agricultural
8) Pug and Tacks had started calling Eustace ”Sulky.”
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) slovenly
2) cascade
3) abominable
4) ingratiating
5) galling
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 4.
1) Who were the people who met Caspian when he landed at Narrowhaven?
Friends of the Lord Bern.
2) What was Gumpas doing during the procession?
Sitting at his table looking over papers.
3) What was the only part of Caspian’s speech in the courtyard that most of the guards
“Command a cask of wine to be opened…”
4) Who went into the hall with Caspian?
Bern, Drinian, and four others.
5) What was the first point on which Caspian required an explanation from Governor
The failure to pay tribute to Narnia for the past hundred and fifty years.
6) What was the second point requiring explanation?
The slave trafficking.
7) What did the governor claim was the reason for the second matter?
That it was a necessary, unavoidable part of the islands’ economy.
8) Why did Caspian say Pug’s life was forfeit?
For laying hands on the royal person.
9) How did Caspian rescue Edmund, Lucy, Reepicheep, and Eustace?
He required Pug to repay the money he had been paid for them.
10) What was Caspian able to learn in Narrowhaven about the lands further east?
No one could tell of any lands beyond the Lone Islands.
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Chapter 5: The Storm and What Came of It
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) The Dawn Treader became a live ship again after the tug cast off and a wave ran up under
her prow.
2) Reepicheep sometimes did poorly at chess because his mind was full of forlorn hopes or
death and glory charges or last stands.
3) Lucy got to her cabin and shut out the appalling sight of the speed at which they were
rushing into the darkness.
4) Eustace was upset that there was neither a wireless nor a rocket on board with which to
signal for help.
5) On September 4, the Dawn Treader was still becalmed.
6) Eustace felt that he was treated scandalously when he tried to get water in the middle of
the night.
7) A hunting party was organized to shoot any game that might be found on the island.
8) Seen from the shore, the ship looked like a crippled, discoloured hulk..
9) Eustace finally came slithering down a slide of loose stones to a level place.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) forlorn
2) sinister
3) appalling
4) vague
5) venture
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 5.
1) How long after their landing did the Dawn Treader leave Narrowhaven?
Nearly three weeks.
2) What were the first few days of the voyage like?
3) What were the signs that a storm was coming up?
A rack of clouds built up, the waves took unusual shapes, the sea turned a drab color,
and the air grew cold.
4) What preparations were made for the storm?
The hatches were battened down, the galley fire was put out, and the sail was reefed.
5) How long did the storm last?
Twelve days and nights.
6) Why was it decided to keep going forward rather than turning back?
There weren’t enough provisions to last the voyage back.
7) Why did Eustace wander away from the rest of the party?
To avoid helping with the work.
8) What showed that his new life had already done Eustace some good?
He kept “plugging away” instead of giving up the climb.
9) How did Eustace begin to feel before long?
10) Where was Eustace at the end of the chapter?
In an unknown valley nowhere in sight of the sea.
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Chapter 6: The Adventures of Eustace
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) Eustace had come down the ridge by way of a long, green spit of land.
2) When he heard a noise, Eustace slewed his head around.
3) He saw a creature with a long lithe body.
4) The books Eustace had read said a lot about exports and imports.
5) Rhince said it would be good riddance if Eustace was lost.
6) When Eustace couldn’t hold his breath any longer, he let it out stealthily.
7) The search party brought back disquieting news.
8) Late in the night, when the dragon was seen flying over, Caspian advised that everyone
must show great constancy.
9) Caspian would not allow Reepicheep to attempt a single combat with the dragon.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) immense
2) bolted
3) slink
4) hoard
5) lighted
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 6.
1) When did the rest of the company first notice Eustace was missing?
After the second helping of dinner.
2) How did Eustace feel when he realized the dragon had died?
Relieved, and then as if he had fought and killed the dragon himself.
3) What piece of treasure did he take?
A bracelet.
4) What do you think Lucy’s “white face” when they can’t find Eustace indicates?
That she is concerned about him.
5) What finally woke Eustace?
A pain in his arm.
6) What did Eustace fear when he saw the dragon claw moving beside him?
That the dragon’s mate was beside him.
7) How did he come to discover what had happened?
He saw his reflection in the pool.
8) After his first feeling of relief, what did Eustace realize?
That he wanted to be back among humans, and be friends.
9) What did the dragon do when Caspian and the others approached it?
It retreated into the water.
10) Who was the first to step out and speak directly to the dragon?
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Chapter 7: How the Adventure Ended
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) Caspian and Drinian recognized the device on the armband the dragon was wearing.
2) Lucy thought maybe the dragon was the Lord Octesian under an enchantment.
3) When they realized that the dragon was Eustace, some of the sailors jumped back with
ejaculations that the narrator didn’t record.
4) The company tried to reassure Eustace that he would be as right as rain within a few days.
5) The explanations Eustace tried to write in the sand kept getting washed away or trodden on
before they were finished.
6) The island was uninhabited except for wild goats and droves of wild swine.
7) Eustace was able to help a great deal with the revictualling of the ship.
8) He also found a pine tree that would make a capital mast.
9) When he was thrown into the water, it smarted for a moment.
10) The armband caught on a projection of rock, like a well-thrown quoit.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) disputed
2) obstinate
3) humane
4) unmitigated
5) tender
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 7.
1) Who first guessed that the dragon was an enchanted human?
2) What was the first indication of the improvement in Eustace’s character?
He was anxious to help.
3) In what ways did the dragon Eustace make himself helpful to the rest of the company?
By bringing back food, finding a tree for a new mast, and keeping the others warm.
4) What was it that kept Eustace from despair?
The pleasure of being liked and liking others.
5) Who was his most constant comforter, and why was this surprising?
Reepicheep surprising because Eustace had mistreated him .
6) What was the problem that hung over everyone like a cloud?
What to do with the dragon when they were ready to sail.
7) What was Eustace realizing more and more during the time that he was a dragon?
That he had been a nuisance since he came aboard, and was a greater nuisance now.
8) Who was the first person to see Eustace in human form again?
9) How long was Eustace enchanted?
Six days.
10) How was he changed back into human form?
Aslan tore off the dragon skin.
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Chapter 8: Two Narrow Escapes
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) Drinian was staring at what looked like a line of rocks with intervals of about forty feet
between them.
2) An appalling head raised out of the water only the length of a cricket pitch from the side of
the ship.
3) If the Sea Serpent had closed the loop, the Dawn Treader would have been matchwood.
4) When the gale came up, Drinian advised trying to get under the lee of the nearby land and
lie in harbor until the storm ended.
5) Drinian thought it made little odds which stream they tried to reach.
6) Edmund found a sword-hilt in the heather when the company stopped to rest, and Lucy
discovered a mail shirt.
7) Upon learning the secret of the pool, Caspian wanted to bind all the company to secrecy .
8) Drinian told Rhince that “their Majesties all seemed bewitched.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) vermilion
2) valour
3) fishy
4) narrow shave
5) under allegiance
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 8.
1) What was the mood on the Dawn Treader when it sailed away from Dragon Island?
2) What did the line of things that looked like smooth round rocks turn out to be?
a Sea Serpent
3) What was the first brave thing Eustace had ever done?
Attack the Sea Serpent with a sword.
4) Who first realized what the Sea Serpent intended to do to the ship?
5) How many days did the ship sail from Burnt Island until land was next sighted?
nine days
6) What did the ship’s company find in the pool on the next island?
a body
7) How was the secret of the pool discovered?
Edmund found that his boots were starting to turn to gold.
8) How did the discovery affect Caspian and Edmund?
They became greedy and began arguing.
9) What happened to break the spell?
Aslan appeared.
10) What name did Reepicheep choose for this island?
Deathwater Island
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Chapter 9: The Island of the Voices
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) By the time Lucy extracted the stone from her shoe, the others were out of hearing
2) Caspian said that being cut off from the boat by invisible enemies was an ugly furrow to
3) There was not enough depth for the Dawn Treader to stand in and take the company
4) Reepicheep advised that it was no good creeping and skulking.
5) Caspian decided they would have to see if the invisible beings would parley.
6) The magician had put an uglifying spell on the invisible creatures.
7) The Chief Voice said they had grown mortal tired of being invisible .
8) The service the voices requested was not against her Majesty’s honour, so Reepicheep
supported Lucy’s decision to do it.
9) The ship’s company was accompanied by enormous thumpings across the flagged
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) conspicuous
2) folly
3) enmity
4) treacherous
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 9.
1) What did some people think about the sun at the beginning of this chapter?
That it looked larger than it looked from Narnia.
2) What was odd about the island on which they landed?
It seemed empty but looked well cared for.
3) Why did Lucy fall behind the others?
She stopped to take a stone out of her shoe.
4) What did Caspian point out about the house when Eustace said he thought it was empty?
There was smoke rising from the chimney.
5) How had the inhabitants of the island become invisible?
They had put the spell on themselves because they thought the magician had made them
6) What did they want from Lucy?
For her to go into the house and find the spell to make them visible again.
7) Why wouldn’t the invisible people go back into the house themselves?
They were afraid.
8) Why did Lucy agree to do what they asked?
Because she realized it was the only way for the ship’s company to get away from the
island unharmed.
9) Why did Reepicheep support her decision?
Because it was a noble and heroical act, and not against her honor.
10) What did Lucy feel about the character of the invisible people?
That they weren’t treacherous.
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Chapter 10: The Magician’s Book
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) Eustace told Edmund he was getting very inquisitive about the invisible people.
2) Although the others liked the mead, Eustace was sorry he had drunk any.
3) Lucy woke up with a feeling like it was an examination day.
4) After she passed the landing, she couldn’t hear the clock anymore.
5) Lucy saw a spell that promised to make one beautiful beyond the lot of mortals.
6) She imagined the lands laid waste by men fighting for her favor.
7) The Susan in the picture was plainer than the real Susan .
8) Anne said Marjorie had been taken up with Lucy during the last school term.
9) Aslan told Lucy she had been eavesdropping.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) keen
2) grimace
3) infallible
4) induce
5) dingy
6) reproachfully
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 10.
1) What was unusual about the conversation of the invisible people?
It consisted entirely of agreements.
2) What did Lucy see out of the tail of her eye after the sixth door?
A mirror with hair and a beard.
3) What worried her about the magician’s book?
The size of the book and not knowing where in it to look for the spell.
4) What were the first spells in the book?
Cures for warts and toothache and cramps, and taking a swarm of bees.
5) What happened the longer Lucy read the book?
The pictures became more real and wonderful.
6) What was the first spell Lucy thought about saying?
One to make her especially beautiful.
7) What prevented her from doing it?
A picture of Aslan appeared on the page.
8) What spell did she say, before the one to make things visible?
One to let her know what her friends thought about her.
9) What part of the magic of the book did Lucy discover after reading the loveliest story?
That the pages could only be turned forward, not back.
10) What did Aslan say no one is ever told?
What would have happened.
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Chapter 11: The Dufflepuds Made Happy
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) The Magician wore a red robe and a chaplet of oak leaves.
2) Whether the Duffers should be made as they were before was a delicate question.
3) They had refused point blank to do as the Magician asked.
4) Each monopod slept flat on its back with its leg straight up in the air above it.
5) The Chief said “we’re extremely regrettable” that Lucy couldn’t see them as they were
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) crestfallen
2) conceited
3) redoubled
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 11.
1) How did Coriakin feel about the Dufflepuds?
Rather fond, and a little impatient.
2) What day was he waiting for?
The day when they could be governed by wisdom instead of magic.
3) What does Aslan call soon?
All times
4) Why did Lucy’s conscience bother her when she rejoined the others?
Because she saw that they had been anxious for her, and she had kept them waiting a
long time,
5) What did Reepicheep teach the monopods?
How to use their feet as boats.
6) What useful magic did Coriakin do after dinner?
Made a map of the places the Dawn Treader had visited up to that point.
7) What information was he able to give Caspian regarding his quest?
That the Lords Revilian, Argoz, Mavramorn, and Rhoop had passed his island seven years
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Chapter 12: The Dark Island
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) Caspian asked at length whether the ship should go forward into the darkness.
2) Reepicheep said it would be cowardice if they turned tail.
3) Rynelf was positioned in the bows to take soundings.
4) Reepicheep didn’t like Caspian tolerating what he considered a mutiny.
5) The beam of light showed an albatross.
6) Lord Rhoop asked Caspian to “grant me a boon.”
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) lurid
2) started
3) mutiny
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 12.
1) How long did the Dawn Treader sail from the Dufflepuds’ island till it next came in sight of
Twelve days
2) Did most of the company want to go forward into the darkness?
3) Who persuaded them to go on, and what was his reasoning?
Reepicheep. He said it would be cowardly not to go on.
4) How did the crew prepare to enter the darkness?
They lit lanterns and torches and went to battle stations.
5) What did they find in the dark?
A terrified stranger
6) What was the secret of the dark island?
It was the place where dreams come to life.
7) What was the reaction of almost everyone on board the Dawn Treader once they realized
what the stranger was saying would happen?
8) How was the ship guided out of the darkness?
Lucy asked Aslan for help; a beam of light and an albatross appeared to guide them.
9) Who was the rescued stranger?
Lord Rhoop
10) What was the boon he asked?
To never be asked what he had seen during his time on the dark island.
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Chapter 13: The Three Sleepers
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) As the Dawn Treader continued its journey, the company saw new constellations in the
2) Land was sighted on the starboard bow one evening at sunset.
3) The sound of the breakers was always heard on this island.
4) Eustace was really good at botany.
5) The hair of the sleepers was entwining everything on the table.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) luminous
2) concealed
3) sauntered
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 13.
1) How did the wind change as the Dawn Treader sailed further east?
It grew gentler.
2) What kind of smell did Lucy think the new island had?
a dim, purple kind of smell
3) How was it discovered that the three men at the table were only asleep, not dead?
By feeling their pulses.
4) Who were the three men, and how were their identities determined?
Lord Revilian, Lord Argoz, and Lord Mavramorn; by their rings.
5) Which members of the ship’s company decided to stay at the table till sunrise?
Reepicheep, Edmund, Caspian, Lucy, and Eustace
6) What was lying lengthwise on the table?
A stone knife
7) What was the significance of that item?
It was the knife the White Witch had used against Aslan.
8) What did the girl who came out of the doorway call the table?
Aslan’s Table
9) What did she say the island was called?
The World’s End
10) Who could teach Caspian how to dissolve the enchantment?
The girl’s father
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Chapter 14: The Beginning of the End of the World
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) The old man who came out of the door was very mild and grave.
2) A bird placed something that looked like a live coal in the old man’s mouth.
3) Lord Rhoop was offered sleep without stint or measure at Aslan’s Table.
4) One of the sailors suggested wintering on this island.
5) Caspian said he still had a card to play in the discussion of who would continue on the
6) Drinian and Rhince were to consider who they would deem worthy to go on.
7) There was a smile on Rhoop’s haggard face as he fell asleep.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) decrepit
2) resolved
3) sheepish
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 14.
1) What did the old man and his daughter do at the beginning of this chapter?
They held up their arms, faced east, and sang.
2) What did the Narnians become certain of at this time?
That the sun looked bigger here than it did at home.
3) How was Aslan’s Table cleared?
By birds
4) How could the enchantment that held the sleepers be broken?
By sailing to the World’s End, or as near as possible to it, and then coming back, having
left at least one of the company behind.
5) Who was Ramandu?
A retired star
6) What was unusual about the passage of time for him?
He was growing younger each day.
7) What did Caspian say would be the rewards for those who continued on the journey?
The title of Dawn Treader to bequeath to their descendants, and gold or land enough to
make them rich the rest of their lives.
8) How many of the crew were eventually chosen to go on?
All but one
9) What did Caspian say to Ramandu’s daughter before the Dawn Treader sailed?
“I hope to speak with you again when I have broken the enchantments.”
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Chapter 15: The Wonders of the Last Sea
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) Lucy remembered seeing a train’s shadow in a cutting.
2) The bottom of the sea was fathoms deep.
3) Lucy saw a shadow of pinnacles and minarets and domes.
4) Her view of the Sea People was blocked by a shoal of fish.
5) All the Sea People wore coronets.
6) Rhince had to put the helm hard over to rescue Reepicheep.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) submarine
2) groves
3) marooned
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 15.
1) How did the ship’s company begin to feel after they left Ramandu’s island?
That they had already sailed beyond the world; they needed less sleep, and didn’t want
to eat or even talk much.
2) What gave Lucy the strangest feeling of all?
The huge white birds, singing in a language nobody knew, flying overhead on their way
to Aslan’s Table and then returning.
3) What did Lucy and Edmund decide later was the reason for the location of the Sea People’s
The depths of the ocean are wild and dangerous, while the heights, or shallows, are
warm and peaceful.
4) Why didn’t Drinian want the crew to know about the Sea People?
He was afraid that the sailors would fall in love with the sea women, or the underwater
country itself, and jump overboard.
5) What did Reepicheep discover about the water?
That it was sweet, not salt.
6) What were the results of drinking the water?
It made those who drank it amazingly well and strong, and able to look straight at the
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Chapter 16: The Very End of the World
Vocabulary Enrichment Activities:
A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most
sense based on the story.
1) The Dawn Treader glided east for many days with no wind in her shrouds.
2) The ship’s company no longer ate, but took deep draughts of the water.
3) Drinian asked Caspian if he was abdicating.
4) Reepicheep told Caspian that not to return to Narnia would be to break faith with his
5) Caspian said he had been lessoned but he wouldn’t be baited.
6) There was a rending in the blue wall.
7) Aunt Alberta said Eustace had become commonplace and tiresome.
B. Correctly use each of these words/expressions in a sentence:
1) consultation
2) irresolute
3) grievous
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Comprehension Answer the following questions based on Chapter 16.
1) Why had Reepicheep gone overboard?
He thought the Sea King was threatening or challenging the ship.
2) What was happening to some of the sailors who had been oldish men at the beginning of
the voyage?
They were growing younger.
3) What was the whiteness?
4) Who were the members of the company who told Caspian he must not leave the ship and
go on to the World’s End?
Edmund, Reepicheep, Drinian, and Rynelf
5) How was he finally convinced?
Lucy reminded him that he had almost promised Ramandu’s daughter that he would
6) What wonder did Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, and Reepicheep see on the third day out from
the Dawn Treader?
A wall of water, a tall wave
7) What did Reepicheep throw away before he left the others, and why?
His sword; he said he would not need it anymore.
8) Who did the children meet after leaving the boat?
a Lamb, who was Aslan
9) What did Aslan tell Lucy he would be telling her all the time?
How to get into his country from her world.
10) What did Aslan say was the reason the children had been brought to Narnia?
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That by knowing him there for a little while, they would learn to know him better in their
own world.