State of Iowa
Department of Administrative Services
Central Procurement
Policy and Procedures Manual
The DAS Director or DAS CPE’s Chief
Operating Officer (COO), with the
Director’s approval, may change,
delete, waive, suspend, or
discontinue parts of, or the entirety of
this policy, at any time without prior
February 16, 2023
The Department of Administrative Services - Central Procurement mission is to facilitate a process that provides timely, cost-
effective, high quality goods and services through cooperative and proactive procurement practices.
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DISCLAIMER............................................................................................................ 1
A. DAS-CP PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PROCUREMENT ...................................... 2
B. THE PURCHASING CYCLE ...................................................................................... 4
C. WHO - WHAT - HOW - WHEN ................................................................................ 6
Who is Authorized to Create a New Contract .......................................................................................... 6
What: Defining the Need ......................................................................................................................... 6
How: Procurement Types and Methods .................................................................................................. 7
D. AGENCY DIRECT PURCHASING AUTHORITY GOODS .............................................. 11
E. AGENCY DIRECT PURCHASING AUTHORITY - SERVICES ............................................ 12
F. PROCUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................... 13
Iowa Prison Industries (IPI) 11 IAC 117.5(3) .......................................................................................... 13
Commission for Blind, Food Service Iowa Code 216D.3 ....................................................................... 13
Targeted Small Business (TSB) Procurement ......................................................................................... 13
G. PURCHASES EXEMPT FROM COMPETITION 11 IAC117.5 ........................................ 14
Exemptions from Competitive Procurement ......................................................................................... 14
Emergency Procurement ........................................................................................................................ 14
Sole Source Procurement ....................................................................................................................... 15
H. DAS-CP TERM CONTRACTS .................................................................................. 17
Initial Terms & Annual Renewals ........................................................................................................... 17
Master Agreement (MA) ........................................................................................................................ 17
Multiple Award Contract (MAC) ............................................................................................................. 18
Alternative to Master Agreement .......................................................................................................... 18
I. AGENCY DIRECT PURCHASING .............................................................................. 19
Agency Direct Purchase Process for Goods............................................................................................ 19
Agency Direct Purchase Process for Services ......................................................................................... 20
J. DAS-CPS COMPETITIVE SOLICITATION PROCESS .................................................... 21
Requisitions ............................................................................................................................................ 21
The Request for Quote (RFQ) Process .................................................................................................... 21
The Request for Bid (RFB) Process ......................................................................................................... 23
The Proposal (RFP) Process .................................................................................................................... 26
K. ADDITIONAL PROCUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................... 30
Vendor Compliance When Procurement Utilizes Federal Funds ........................................................... 30
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Contract Pricing Strategies ..................................................................................................................... 30
Terms and Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 30
Best and Final Offer (BAFO) .................................................................................................................... 31
Print Services .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Lack of Competition ............................................................................................................................... 32
Rejection of Bids/Proposals ................................................................................................................... 32
Cancellation of a Solicitation .................................................................................................................. 32
Green Buying .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Accountable Government Act ................................................................................................................ 32
L. THE APPEAL PROCESS 11 IAC 117.20 ................................................................... 33
M. ALTERNATIVE PURCHASING OPTIONS .................................................................. 34
Purchasing Goods and Services Using the State Pcard .......................................................................... 34
Paying for Goods and Services through I/3 ............................................................................................ 34
N. CONTRACT RENEWAL PROCESS ............................................................................ 35
Agency Term Contract Renewal Process ................................................................................................ 35
O. CONSTRUCTION PROCUREMENT ......................................................................... 36
DAS Responsibilities and Exempt Agencies Iowa Code 8A.302(4) ......................................................... 36
Construction Procurement Process........................................................................................................ 36
P. RECORDS RETENTION ........................................................................................ 37
Confidential Information ........................................................................................................................ 37
Q. VENDOR RELATIONS & PUBLIC SCRUTINY CONSIDERATIONS ................................... 38
Rights to Reasonable Notice and Appeal ............................................................................................... 38
Vendor Relations .................................................................................................................................... 38
Public Scrutiny ........................................................................................................................................ 39
Ethical Standards Iowa Code 68B ......................................................................................................... 39
Conflict of Interest .................................................................................................................................. 40
Public Records and Requests for Confidential Treatment ..................................................................... 41
R. COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................... 42
Reporting Procurement Misconduct ...................................................................................................... 43
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT ............................................................................ 44
APPENDIX A-1: BASIC PURCHASING CYCLE FOR DAS-CP ............................................... 45
APPENDIX A-2: DETERMINING PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY .......................................... 46
APPENDIX A-3: AGENCY DIRECT PURCHASE PROCESS FOR GOODS ................................. 47
APPENDIX A-5: DAS-CP REQUEST FOR QUOTE (RFQ) PROCESS ...................................... 50
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APPENDIX A-6: DAS-CP REQUEST FOR BID (RFB) PROCESS ........................................... 51
APPENDIX A-7: DAS-CP REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) PROCESS .................................. 52
APPENDIX A-8: DAS-CP APPEAL PROCESS .................................................................. 53
APPENDIX A-9: PAYMENT PROCESS FROM AN AWARD DOCUMENT ............................... 54
APPENDIX B: PURCHASING THRESHOLDS FOR GOODS/SERVICES ................................... 55
APPENDIX C: PURCHASING THRESHOLDS FOR CONSTRUCTION ..................................... 56
APPENDIX D: ADDITIONAL PROCUREMENT APPROVALS ............................................... 57
IDOM Approval ....................................................................................................................................... 57
OCIO Approval ........................................................................................................................................ 57
APPENDIX E: FLEET PROCUREMENT .......................................................................... 58
APPENDIX F: PREFERENCE STATUTES ........................................................................ 59
Iowa’s Reciprocal Preference Law.......................................................................................................... 59
Tied Responses and Veteran’s Preference 11 IAC 117.13(4) ............................................................. 59
American Made Products Iowa Code 8A.311 ....................................................................................... 59
APPENDIX G: VENDOR REGISTRATION AND COMPLIANCE ............................................ 60
Vendor Registration ............................................................................................................................... 60
Targeted Small Business (TSB) Certification Web Site ........................................................................... 60
Vendor Complaints ................................................................................................................................. 60
Vendor Compliance ................................................................................................................................ 60
APPENDIX H: CREATING A CONTRACT IN I/3 .............................................................. 62
Procedures for Completing a P.O. or Term Contract in I/3 .................................................................... 62
Using Change Orders to Amend Contracts ............................................................................................ 62
APPENDIX I: I/3 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................. 63
I/3 Manual & Payment Processes .......................................................................................................... 63
Special Characters and I/3 ...................................................................................................................... 63
I/3 Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 63
Data Warehouse Reports ....................................................................................................................... 63
APPENDIX J: INTER-AGENCY PROCUREMENT RELATIONS............................................. 66
DAS-CP Responsibilities: ......................................................................................................................... 66
Agency Responsibilities: ......................................................................................................................... 66
APPENDIX K: DAS-CPS AUTHORITY 11 IAC 117 ........................................................ 67
APPENDIX L: CONTACT AND REFERENCE INFORMATION ............................................. 68
Iowa Code and Iowa Administrative Code Links .................................................................................... 68
IT Contracts ............................................................................................................................................ 68
Targeted Small Business (TSB) ............................................................................................................... 68
DAS Design and Construction Resource Bureau .................................................................................... 68
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DAS Fleet Services .................................................................................................................................. 68
State Accounting Enterprise’s Payment Process Manual....................................................................... 68
DEFINITIONS OF COMMONLY USED TERMS ................................................................ 69
COMMONLY USED ACRONYMS................................................................................. 75
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The DAS Director or DAS CP’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), with the Director’s approval, may change, delete,
waive, suspend, or discontinue parts of, or the entirety of this policy, at any time without prior notice.
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DAS-CP Procurement Training for Purchasing Agents (PA) & Agency Authorized Purchasers (AAP)
Procurement authority is limited to State of Iowa employees who have completed appropriate training in
preparation to conduct procurement actions within the boundaries defined here. DAS-CP has developed a
professional development plan required for all State of Iowa employees designated to make purchases on behalf
of the State.
Level A Certification. Authorized purchasers at this level are required to pass a web-based training module
detailing State of Iowa procurement policy and procedures before they may make any purchases on behalf of the
Level 1 Certification. To qualify for basic procurement certification, individuals must first complete and pass six
web-based modules. Upon completion of web-based modules, purchasers at this level must complete and pass
Introduction to State Procurement.
Level 2 Certification. To qualify for Level 2 procurement authority (also known as “Advanced Procurement
Authority”), individuals must complete prerequisite training as detailed under Level 1 Certification. Additionally,
purchasers must complete and pass the Advanced Procurement Certification seminar, Introduction to I/3
procurement and I/3 Advanced Procurement for Solicitation training, two NIGP courses (Foundations of Strategy
and Policy and Legal Aspects and Legal Aspects), and have six months procurement experience. Level 2 purchasers
must also complete re-certification two years after they have successfully completed the initial Level 2
Level 3 Certification. This level is reserved for DAS CP Purchasing Staff. To qualify for Level 3 procurement
authority, individuals must complete and pass all training requirements as outlined in Level 1 and Level 2.
Additionally, purchasers at this level must complete solicitation system training and re-certification.
Table 1. DAS-CP Professional Development Requirements - GOODS
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Up to $15,000
Buying Basics (online)
Procurement Code Training (online)
PDS Introduction to State
Basic I/3 Financial (optional)
PDS Advanced Procurement
Advanced I/3 Procurement (optional)
NIGP- Foundations of Strategy and
Policy and Legal Aspects
NIGP Legal Aspects
Re-certification Seminar
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Table 2. DAS-CP Professional Development Requirements - SERVICES
Level A
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Up to $5,000
Up to $50,000
Buying Basics (online)
Procurement Code Training
PDS - Introduction to State
Basic I/3 Financial (optional)
PDS - Advanced Procurement
Advanced I/3 Procurement
NIGP- Foundations of Strategy
and Policy and Legal Aspects
NIGP Legal Aspects
Re-certification Seminar
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The State of Iowa’s procurement lifecycle consists of the following six stages: however, all stages may not
be required in a procurement situation.
Requisition: Create a requisition for goods or services
Solicitation: Advertise requirements for goods or services when seeking information, quotes,
bids, or proposals
Solicitation Response: Receive and record vendor responses to the solicitation
Evaluation: Evaluate vendor responses to a solicitation for award determination
Award: Establish formal agreement with a vendor to purchase either goods or services
Post Award: Monitor and review the activities that take place during the remainder of a
vendor contract, such as compliance, renewals, amendments, change orders,
Figure 1. The Purchasing Cycle. Figure 1. The Purchasing Cycle.
Figure 1. The Purchasing Cycle.
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Following is an outline of the steps involved in the six stages of the Purchasing Cycle:
1. Recognize an agency’s needs
2. Develop specifications or scope of services.
3. When required, obtain Iowa Department of Management (IDOM) approval in accordance with its
policies; attach the approval form to the requisition in I/3.
4. Obtain review and necessary approvals from the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) for
IT procurements.
5. Determine whether a Targeted Small Business (TSB), Iowa Prison Industries (IPI), or an existing
contract will fulfill the need.
6. Prepare a requisition in I/3 for processing.
7. Review the requisition and specifications for accuracy and completeness.
8. Determine the appropriate type and method of solicitation
9. Prepare and post the solicitation package
Solicitation Response:
10. Receive responses
11. Prepare abstracts (tabulations)
12. Review bids/proposals
13. Evaluate bids/proposals for compliance with specifications or scope of service and terms and
14. Prepare and issue Notice of Intent to Award
15. Allow expiration of the five-day appeal period
16. Complete vendor negotiations
17. Prepare Purchase Order or contract
Post Award:
18. Administer the contract
19. Monitor and review performance periodically through the life of the contract
See Appendix A-1 for a flow chart of these 19 steps.
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The first step in any procurement is to define what is needed, when it is needed and in what quantity. It is
the responsibility of the PA or AAP to review specifications, secure a vendor, and have the products or
services delivered within the required timeframes and at competitive prices.
Who is Authorized to Create a New Contract
All procurements for a good or service are performed through DAS-CP unless the agency has independent
purchasing authority under its enabling statute or by executive order or the agency has a PA or AAP with the
required training certification (see A. DAS-CP Professional Development For Procurement for information on
training certification) to perform the procurement. The flowchart at Appendix A-2 will help the agency
determine who creates the solicitation documents and handles the bid/proposal process.
What: Defining the Need
Although not exhaustive, questions a PA or AAP should ask include:
1. What are the requested goods or services?
2. Can the good or service be purchased through a TSB, IPI, or an existing contract?
3. What is the approximate dollar value of the required good or service?
4. Is there an established budget for the procurement?
5. What will be the funding source and are the funds encumbered?
6. What is the timeline for this purchase and is it realistic?
7. Will this be a one-time purchase or recurring? If recurring, how often?
8. Will it be necessary to write specifications?
9. What method of solicitation is best for this type of purchase?
10. What are the potential risks with this purchase?
11. Should DAS-CP solicit the good or service rather than the agency?
12. Are other agencies requiring the same goods or services?
If the responses to these questions are incomplete or unacceptable, the PA or AAP may consider issuing a
Request for Information (RFI). Post the RFI on the Bid Opportunities website to obtain information regarding
goods and services currently available from the open market. If DAS-CP does not conduct the RFI, the
conducting agency must provide a copy of the RFI and all responses to DAS-CP if the agency anticipates a
solicitation for the subject good or service.
See Appendix A-2 for a flowchart in determining procurement
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How: Procurement Types and Methods
The PA or AAP determines the type and method of procurement appropriate for the solicitation. While in
some cases Iowa Code or DAS Administrative Codes dictate the appropriate method, other circumstances
allow discretion on the part of the PA or AAP. The choice of procurement method is a critical decision in
purchasing a good or service. This section describes why and how certain methods are used.
Competitive Procurement
It is the policy of the State to obtain goods and services from the public sector for public purposes to achieve
value for the taxpayer through a fair, open and objective competitive process. Competitive procurements
are the primary solicitation type used to procure goods and services greater than the maximum non-
competitive dollar threshold.
Informal solicitations are procurements up to $50,000 per transaction through
unsealed quotes from a minimum of three vendors. Though informal
solicitations are not required to be publicly advertised, it may be advantageous
to publicly post for the following reasons:
Additional exposure to the market
Limited number of vendors or no particular vendors in mind
Estimated value of the contract is close to, or has potential to exceed the
$50,000 threshold.
Informal solicitations may be completed electronically, by telephone, fax, or in
person. All informal quotes must be documented using the DAS-CP Informal
Quote Documentation Form.
Formal solicitations are procurements typically over $50,000 and are always a
competitive, sealed bid or proposal which must be posted publicly on the Bid
Opportunities website. Bid/proposal responses must be received in a sealed
envelope, or if done through a solicitation system, the responses are “locked
down” until the close of the response period. Vendors may be required to
submit their technical and cost proposals in separate envelopes. Sealed
bids/proposals may be opened in a public forum.
Informal - Receive a
minimum of 3 documented
quotes; Must be less than
Formal - Sealed Responses that
are due on a specific date, time &
place; May be used for any
procurement, but must be used
for $50,000 or greater solicitations
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Procurements Exempt from Competition
Certain purchases of goods and services may be exempted from competitive procurement processes. These
procurements involve situations where conducting a competitive procurement method among interested
vendors is not the optimal method. The PA or AAP generally obtains one quote or uses a pre-
determined/negotiated fixed price. Typically, these type procurements are for the following situations:
TSB procurement
IPI procurement
Sole source purchases (must be justified and follow DAS Administrative Rule approval process)
Emergency purchases (must be justified and follow DAS Administrative Rule approval process)
Master or other term agreement purchases
Inter-governmental agreements (services) (the procurement used to establish the agreement must
comply with DAS Administrative Rule)
Methods of Procurement
Request for Information (RFI) is used as a means of gathering marketplace
information from vendors. Though an RFI is not a true method of procurement,
it is often a first step to making informed procurements.
A Request for Quote (RFQ) is an informal solicitation method which may be
used for purchases under $50,000; such solicitations are not required (yet
recommended) to be posted publicly on the Bid Opportunities website and
may be completed via the telephone or in writing. In an RFQ, quotes are
requested from a minimum of three vendors. This method is normally used for
purchases of specific or easily defined goods, also services.
A Request for Bid (RFB) is always a publicly-advertised, formal solicitation. The
RFB includes well-defined specifications and/or a scope of work, including all
contractual terms and conditions. The PA or AAP solicits bids from prospective
vendors. Bids for the goods or services must be received by a set date, time
and place, where they may be publically opened. The RFB award is made to
the lowest responsible bidder.
A Request for Proposal (RFP) is defined as a competitive proposal process
where cost is NOT the sole evaluation criteria for selection. The RFP includes
well-defined specifications and/or scope of work, and contains all contractual
terms and conditions. The RFP solicits two parts to a proposal -- technical and
cost -- from prospective vendors. The objective is to obtain the “best value”
for the state. The RFP method uses a combination of the price proposal plus
the highest score from an analysis of the technical proposal to determine the
award of a contract. An RFP is used any time when factors other than price are
to be considered for evaluation.
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11 IAC 117.5(4) DAS-CP is encouraged to exchange price information, vendor
lists, bidder histories, and standard specifications with other governmental
agencies and to enter into a purchasing consortium if DAS-CP believes such a
consortium is in the best interests of the State; and that the agreement was
awarded in a fair and competitive manner.
Cooperative purchasing benefits states as well as cities, counties, public
schools, institutions of higher education and other eligible entities. DAS-CP
may develop master agreements from purchasing contracts established by
State agencies or other governmental entities if it is in the best interest of the
state. Agencies cannot establish master purchasing agreements.
11 IAC 117.9(6) DAS-CP may purchase goods and services through a reverse
auction; a repetitive competitive bidding process, which allows vendors to
submit one or more bids, with each bid having a lower cost than the previous
bid. Vendors shall receive notice as described in the Administrative Code. The
notice shall include the start and ending time for the reverse auction and the
method in which it will be conducted.
Vendors shall provide to the department a notice of their intent to participate
and of their agreement to provide goods or services equal to or exceeding
specifications. The department may require vendors to prequalify to
participate in a reverse auction. Prequalification may include a requirement to
commit to a baseline price.
11 IAC 117.9(7)
DAS-CP may prequalify vendors capable of providing specific types of services
and have a list of vendors capable of providing the services available for an
agency’s use. The department may prequalify vendors for certain classes of
services, including but not limited to the following:
1. Information technology consulting
2. Architectural services
3. Engineering services
NOTE: A vendor prequalification is not an award and does not create an
obligation on the part of the State.
Notification of ITQ Solicitation 11 IAC 117.9(7) (b)
After the implementation of a prequalification process, DAS-CP may select, in
a competitive manner, a prequalified vendor without public notice and
without further negotiation of general terms and conditions. A solicitation may
be restricted only to prequalified vendors, in addition to the TSB notification
required by 11 IAC 117.8(2).
Purpose of ITQ 11 IAC 117.9(7) (d)
DAS-CP shall use an ITQ process for facilitating a subsequent solicitation, which
uses one of the other procurement methods described in this manual. The
purposes of using an ITQ process include but are not limited to the following:
Invitation to
Qualify (ITQ)
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1. Standardize state terms and conditions relating to the type of
procurement, thereby avoiding repetition and duplication.
2. Ensure prequalified vendors are capable of performing work in a
manner consistent with operational standards developed and adopted
by the State.
3. Implement a pay-for-performance model directly linking vendor
payments to defined results as required by Iowa Code section 8.47.
4. Consolidate records of vendor qualifications and performance on
specific services in one location for reference and review.
5. Reduce time required for solicitation of proposals for individual
procurements from vendors.
When: Timetables
The time to complete a solicitation depends primarily upon what procurement method is used. The following
schedule provides a guide to help in scheduling the timeline for completion of a solicitation. As no two
solicitations are the same due to the complexity of the need, the timing for completion, and the workload
of the PA or AAP, this table is a guideline only. Actual times will vary, depending upon the complexity of the
Table 2. Solicitation timelines
Phases of a Solicitation
Determine Need
By Agency
By Agency
By Agency
By Agency
Vendor/Market Research
1-2 days
2-10 days
3-30 days
Develop Solicitation
1-4 days
2-10 days
3-15 days
2-10 days
Post Solicitation
3-10 days
5-60 days
1-3 days
Vendor Conference (opt.)
1 day
1 day
Acceptance of Responses
1 day
1 day
1 day
1 day
1 day
1-5 days
2-90 days
1-20 days
Intent to Award/Appeal Period
5 days
5 days
5 days
1 day
Contract driven
Contract driven
1 day
Contract driven
Contract driven
Estimated Total Lead Time
6-12 days
14-40 days
20-200 days
15-40 days
Evaluation time may be longer dependent upon testing periods, etc. if required.
Please note that these times are ONLY ESTIMATES. This does not include any preapprovals by IDOM
or OCIO. If either or both of these approvals are necessary, your lead-time may increase to
accommodate response time.
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Pursuant to 11 IAC 117.15, agencies may procure non-master agreement goods under certain circumstances.
A Level A PA or AAP may purchase goods up to $5,000 without any competition. A PA or AAP with Level 1
Certification may competitively procure non-master agreement goods up to $15,000 per transaction. A PA
or AAP with Level 2 Certification may competitively procure non-master agreement goods up to $50,000 per
transaction. Three or more informal quotes are required
. The agency shall document the quotes using the
Informal Quote Documentation Form or similar form. Attach all documentation to the form. Figure 2
illustrates a summary of thresholds and relative solicitation types.
Unless three quotes are not reasonably available or the procurement is from a Targeted Small Business. Document any
circumstance resulting in fewer than three quotes.
DAS CP is required to purchase all goods over $50,000 for agencies.
See Appendix B for Purchasing Thresholds for Goods and Services
Competitive Selection for
Estimated value is equal to or
greater than $50,000 per
Informal or Formal
Competitive Selection for
Estimated value is equal to
or greater than
$15,000 but
less than $50,000 per
Informal, Formal or No
Competitive Selection for
Up to $15,000, no competition
If estimated value is greater
than $15,000 & less than
$50,000 per transaction,
informal or formal.
Figure 2. Types of Solicitation for Goods.
Agencies must have a PA or AAP with the required level of certification to procure goods based
on the estimated total value of the goods contract, including renewals. See A. DAS-CP Professional
Development For Procurement for more information on certification levels and associated
purchasing thresholds.
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Pursuant to 11 IAC 118.5 agencies may conduct their own solicitation and contracting for agency specific
services and must follow competitive solicitation processes with the exception of service contracts with an
estimated annual cost of under $15,000. Service contracts below this level do not require a competitive
solicitation or TSB posting.
DAS-CP will assist agencies with service contracting needs or the agency may choose to conduct the
solicitation on its own. Service contracts may not exceed a term of six years, including renewals. (IT service
contracts established by DAS-CP or OCIO may go up to, but not exceed, 10 years.) Figure 3 illustrates a
summary of thresholds and relative solicitation types.
Agencies must have a PA or AAP with the required level of certification to procure services based
on the estimated value of the service contract, in total and including renewals. See A. DAS-CP
Professional Development For Procurement for more information on certification levels and
associated purchasing thresholds.
Competitive Selection for
Estimated value is equal
to or greater than
$50,000/Annual or greater than
Informal or Formal
Competitive Selection for
Estimated value is equal to
or greater than
$15,000 but less than
$50,000/Annual and less
than or equal to
Competitive Selection
Required for Services
Estimated value is less
than $15,000
Figure 3. Types of Solicitation for Services.
See Appendix B for Purchasing Thresholds for Goods and Services
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The Iowa Code requires certain organizations receive first consideration on certain types of goods and
services. Agencies must first check whether these organizations have the capability of meeting their need,
either through existing contracts or through creation of new contracts, if the agency purchases goods and
Iowa Prison Industries (IPI) 11 IAC 117.5(3)
The Iowa Code 904.808 provides that agencies shall not purchase a product from a vendor other than IPI, if
IPI manufactures or offers the product on the purchase request except as follows:
the purchase is made under emergency circumstances per Iowa Code 904.808 (1)(a)
IPI manufactures a product and an agency desires to obtain a competitive bid from an Iowa company
that manufactures the product; refer to 11 IAC 117.5(3)
Receipt of an approved waiver from the Director of the Iowa Department of Corrections IPI is unable
to meet the performance characteristics of the purchase request.
Purchase of standard office modular components and other related furniture items shall be in
accordance with 11 IAC 100.6(6). IPI’s catalog is available at
Commission for Blind, Food Service Iowa Code 216D.3
A governmental agency proposing to operate or continue a food service in a public office building shall first
attempt in good faith to make an agreement for the Commission for the Blind to operate the food service
without payment of rent. The governmental agency shall not offer or grant to any other party a contract or
concession to operate such food service unless the governmental agency determines in good faith that the
Commission for the Blind is not willing or cannot satisfactorily provide such food service.
Targeted Small Business (TSB) Procurement
Pursuant to Iowa Code section 73.16 (1) each agency of the state shall purchase goods and services supplied
by small businesses and targeted small businesses in Iowa. All purchasing authorities shall assure that a
proportionate share of small businesses and targeted small businesses receive the opportunity to respond
on all solicitations issued by agencies and departments of state government. Agencies can view a list of all
certified targeted small businesses at Agencies may
purchase from a TSB without competition for a good or service up to $25,000.
Competitive Procurement from a TSB - Notification IAC 11117.8(2)
The Administrative Code requires TSBs receive notification of all solicitations at least 48 hours prior to the
general release of the notice of solicitation via a posting on the State of Iowa’s TSB website. After the 48-
hour procurement notice period, a TSB will have the same consideration as all other vendors.
Agencies must confirm certification of the vendor as a TSB by conducting a search on the Iowa
Economic Development Authority’s website:
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Exemptions from Competitive Procurement
The Director of DAS may exempt goods and services of general use from competitive procurement processes
when the procurement meets one of the following conditions.
Emergency Procurement
Justification for Emergency Procurement
An emergency procurement shall be limited in scope and duration to meet the emergency. When
considering the scope and duration of an emergency procurement, DAS-CP or agency should consider price
and availability of the good or service procured so the state obtains the best value for the funds spent under
the circumstances. DAS-CP and agencies shall attempt to acquire goods and services of general use with as
much competition as practicable under the circumstances.
An emergency includes but is not limited to a condition:
In which an immediate or emergency need exists for the item or service because of events and
circumstances not reasonably foreseeable.
That threatens the public health, safety, or welfare.
In which there is a need to protect the health, safety, or welfare of persons occupying or visiting a
public improvement or property located next to a public improvement.
In which a state agency must act to preserve critical services or programs.
Special Procedures for Emergency Procurement
The agency Director or designee of the agency shall contact the DAS-CP COO or designee if an emergency is
during normal business hours to explain the nature of the emergency and to request approval for an
emergency purchase according to the following guidelines:
1. Emergency procurements require documentation justifying the emergency purchases and
submission of the documentation to the DAS Director for approval.
a. IDOM approval may be required in accordance with their policies.
DAS-CP recognizes that not all emergencies occur during business hours. If an emergency occurs outside of
normal business hours, the agency may use its best judgement to address the emergency. However,
notification with justification of the emergency procurement must be reported to DAS-CP within two
business days of the purchase.
Agencies shall not use the emergency procurement procedures to circumvent established
Procurement Procedures. Nor shall failure to anticipate normal needs or project deadline
dates, or a desire to expend remaining or excess budgeted funds prior to year-end, constitute
an emergency.
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2. Upon approval of the emergency procurement by the DAS Director and IDOM, if necessary, the CP
Administrator or designee shall either make the purchase or authorize the ordering agency to do
so. In the event the CP Administrator or designee is not available, the ordering agency Director shall
notify the DAS Director before making the purchase.
3. Upon receipt of all necessary approvals, the ordering agency shall immediately initiate a requisition
(RQN or RQS) for the emergency expenditure. The requisition must reference the competitive prices
received, if applicable, and include a detailed explanation of the circumstances of the emergency
purchase. The agency shall forward the requisition and all related documentation to the requesting
agency’s finance department for final processing.
4. DAS-CP is required to maintain a record of each emergency procurement setting forth the basis for
the emergency and the name of the contractor used to supply the item or provide the service to
resolve the emergency. Purchase of goods and services shall be restricted to only those goods and
services necessary to resolve the emergency.
Agencies should keep emergency contact numbers for all vendors, DAS Director, DAS-CP COO and designee
for when there is an emergency during non-business hours.
Sole Source Procurement
Justification for a Sole Source Procurement
A sole source procurement shall be avoided unless clearly necessary and justifiable. The DAS Director or
designee may exempt the purchase of a good or service from the competitive selection process when the
purchase qualifies as sole source procurement as a result of any of the following circumstances:
One vendor is the only one qualified or eligible to provide the good or service or is quite obviously the
most qualified or eligible to provide the good or service.
The procurement is of such a specialized nature or related to a specific geographical location that by
virtue of experience, expertise, proximity, or ownership of intellectual property rights, only one
vendor could most satisfactorily provide the good or service.
Applicable law requires, provides for, or permits use of a sole source procurement.
The federal government or other provider of funds for the procurement (other than the State of Iowa)
has imposed clear and specific restrictions on the use of the funds in a way that restricts the
procurement to only one vendor.
The procurement is an information technology device or service that is systems software or an
upgrade; or compatibility is the overriding consideration; or the procurement would prevent voidance
or termination of a warranty, or the procurement would prevent or default under a contract or other
Review other circumstances for services outlined in 11 IAC118.7.
Agencies shall not use the sole source procurement procedures to circumvent established
Procurement Procedures.
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Special Procedures for Sole Source Procurements
The agency desiring to establish a sole source contract with a vendor must complete the Sole Source
Procurement Justification Form. DAS-CP will provide guidance to agencies wishing to pursue sole source
service procurement.
The following information is necessary to complete the form:
1. A copy of the existing agreement or contract, if applicable.
2. A description of the purpose for the procurement.
3. The agency or department wishing to make the sole source procurement.
4. A description of the function of the good or service.
5. Reasons this vendor is uniquely qualified.
6. Documentation of reasons other vendors cannot provide the good or service.
7. Criteria for determining whether the vendor’s price was reasonable.
8. Description of the financial impact of both approval and denial.
9. Manager or supervisor approval.
10. Department Director, or designee approval.
The DAS-CP PA responsible for the procurement will review and research the request, and if appropriate,
will post the necessary information to the TSB website and may post to Bid Opportunities website for 5 days
to seek potential providers of good/service. If another vendor responds to the posting, the procurement will
follow the standard procedures for a competitive solicitation. Should there be no response to the posting;
the PA will make a recommendation to the DAS-CP COO or designee for approval. Upon the DAS-CP COO or
designee’s approval, the PA sends the request to the DAS Director for final approval. The DAS Director or
designee must approve all sole source requests for the purchase of a good or service of a general use. If the
DAS-CP COO or designee does not approve the request it will be returned to the PA with explanation for
DAS-CP maintains a record of approved sole-source procurements.
For additional considerations for sole source procurements of services by an agency, refer to 11 IAC 118.7.
Processing Note:
When completing the form enter the word “Requesting” in the field asking for the dates the sole
source request appeared on the Bid Opportunities website. DAS-CP will make the appropriate posting
to the website upon approval to proceed with the establishment of the sole source procurement.
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Initial Terms & Annual Renewals
The State does not enter into “evergreencontracts, i.e., contracts with no end date or contracts that renew
automatically unless terminated. The State enters into contracts for a defined period, known as “term
contracts”. The Administrative Code states that service contracts are limited to a maximum term of six (6)
years, including all renewals 11 IAC 118.11(3). To assist agencies in meeting their procurement needs, DAS-
CP has established, as a matter of policy, the same term limitations for both goods and services. The
exception being IT service agreements established by DAS-CP or OCIO. Which may have a 10-year term.
It is at the discretion of the PA, in consultation with the agency, to determine the length of both the initial
and renewal periods. Consider all factors of the procurement for this determination. It is not recommended
to make all contracts for an initial period of three years, with three annual renewals. Also consider a one-
year initial term followed by 1-year renewal periods.
Master Agreement (MA)
An MA is a competitively solicited contract for goods or services which establishes prices, terms and
conditions for the purchase of goods and services of general and may be designed for use by more than one
agency. Master agreements are term contracts that are effective for a defined period. DAS-CP is the only
agency authorized to create MAs for goods and services for use by all state agencies. All MAs must have a
base price sheet attached, a “discount off” pricing sheet attached, or the “discount off” on the commodity
line of the contract in I/3. The applicable discount date(s) must be shown on the MA. Agencies may purchase
Initial term: a
maximum period of
three (3) years.
Renewals: limited
to one (1) year terms.
Total contract length
cannot exceed 6-years.
Reviews: Contract
review after initial
term and each
Initial term: a
maximum period of
three (3) years.
Renewals: limited to
one (1) year terms.
Total contract length
cannot exceed 6-years.
IT service, 10-years.
Reviews: Contract
review after initial
term and each
Figure 4. Contract Term Length
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any dollar amount from an MA without the need for any further competitive process
, provided approved
funds are available to cover the purchase, and it is within the spending limits established in the MA. MAs for
a particular item or class of items may include a single vendor or multiple vendors.
When purchasing from an MA, agencies should compare the invoice to the MA price list to ensure the vendor
is charging the negotiated amount. Requests for payment should be made via Payment Request Commodity
(PRC) and reference the MA.
Multiple Award Contract (MAC)
MAs for a particular item or class of items may be awarded to a single vendor or multiple vendors. A Multiple
Award Contract (MAC) is appropriate where there is more than one vendor for the same or comparable
goods or services or may be necessary for operational purposes. MACs are effective for a defined period.
DAS-CP is the only agency authorized to create MACs. All MACs must have a base price sheet attached, a
“discount off” pricing sheet attached, or the “discount off” on the commodity line of the contract in I/3. The
applicable discount date(s) must be shown on the MA. Creation of MACs provides a better tracking
mechanism within the I/3 system. Agencies may purchase any dollar amount from a MAC without the need
for further competition, provided approved funds are available to cover the purchase, and it is within the
spending limits established in the MAC.
A MAC is appropriate when one or more of the following business cases applies in determining best value:
Regional vendor
Costs, Timing
Commodity based good
Multiple types of products to meet need (see copier example below)
Upon identification of multiple vendors for the product, the AAP or PA completes and documents a
review/analysis to select the best value.
Copier example:
Multiple vendors sell various copiers that meet differing needs. Analysis reveals Vendor X has the best price
for copiers that produce 30-45 ppm, while Vendor Y has the best price for copiers that produce 45-55 ppm,
etc. In this case, a single MA with a single Vendor does not meet the needs of all agencies.
Alternative to Master Agreement
Occasionally an agency needs to procure a large quantity of a single item available on a master agreement.
Many MAs and participating addendums have language allowing an agency to request a discount from the
vendor for an item based on the larger quantity. If the MA and/or participating addendums do not allow for
negotiation with the vendor, the agency may do a competitive solicitation for the item in accordance with
11 IAC 117.15.
Do not establish an MA with a TSB unless the MA was the result of a competitive process.
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Upon determining the agency need is not available from IPI, TSB, Department of the Blind or DAS-CP MAs,
and the value of the need does not exceed the agency’s AP training certification level (refer to section A),
the agency may make a direct purchase.
Agency Direct Purchase Process for Goods
Following are guidelines for all Agency direct goods procurements:
1. If an Agency’s needs are $15,000 or below of non-master agreement goods, the procurement may be
made without going through the competitive procurement process. 11 IAC 117.15(1)
2. RFQ. Solicit a minimum of three price quotes from three different vendors. Use the informal quote
form to document the RFQ and attach the form to the requisition in I/3 for audit purposes.
3. RFB/RFP. The solicitation process for developing a formal solicitation (under $50,000 for goods) or
proposal is much the same for agencies as it is for DAS-CP and agencies should refer to Section J when
developing solicitations.
4. Preferences. Consider application of the preferences as provided in 11 IAC 117.6, including
preferences for Iowa products and services, Iowa-based businesses, American made products,
American-based businesses, recycled product and content, and products made by persons with
5. IT Purchases. Before developing a solicitation, refer to Appendix D regarding the approval
requirements of OCIO and IDOM.
6. Lowest Price/Highest Score. Award the solicitation to the lowest responsible respondent for all RFQs
and RFBs; the agency must provide justification for not awarding to the lowest respondent. RFP
awards are generally awarded to the respondent who received the highest total score on the technical
proposal and cost proposal.
7. Delivery. Be sure to perform an inspection upon delivery or installation of goods, and to also monitor
and review the performance of services. Upon discovery of product defects or failures to conform to
specifications, or a failure of services to meet performance requirements, provide written notice to
the vendor/contractor. Request for payments should not be processed until the matter is satisfactorily
Agencies should consider the following when exercising their direct purchase authority:
Purchases do not exceed the established training certification requirements
Agencies may not split purchases of similar goods or services to circumvent competitive
Purchases of equipment may require IDOM approval in accordance with its policies
Purchases of IT equipment may require OCIO approval in accordance with its policies
See Appendix A-3 for a summary flowchart of the agency direct
purchase process for goods.
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Agency Direct Purchase Process for Services
An agency may procure services unique to the agency’s program or used primarily by that agency and not
by other agencies if it has an Agency Authorized Purchaser with the appropriate level of training certification
as defined in Section A. An agency must follow the appropriate type of competitive procurement per the
value of the procurement. DAS-CP will assist agencies with these procurements upon request. Procurement
of services by an agency shall comply with the provisions of 11 IAC Chapters 118 and 119.
Following are guidelines for all service contracts:
1. An initial contract period for a service is one to three years with a maximum of five annual renewal
periods not to exceed six years in aggregate.
2. 11 IAC 118.11(1). Each service contract signed by a state agency shall have a specific starting and
ending date.
3. 11 IAC 118.11(2). State agencies shall not sign self-renewing service contracts.
4. 11 IAC 118.11(3). Conducting a competitive selection on a regular basis for all service contracts allows
a state agency to obtain the best value for the funds spent, avoids inefficiencies, waste, duplication,
and may take advantage of innovations, ideas, and technology.
Agency Direct Purchase Documents
Agencies may create only these types of documents:
1) Purchase Orders:
a) Purchase Order (PO) is a contract for a one-time purchase of goods. Issuance of a PO does not
constitute a contract until the vendor provides written acceptance of the PO, ships the good or
provides the service ordered.
b) With proper approvals, an agency may get permission to create a CT. A CT is a contract for
multiple purchases of a good or services by a single agency.
c) Direct Order (DO) is a one-time purchase document created from an MA or Contracts (CT).
A state agency may seek a waiver of the term period provision or another Administrative Code by following the procedures
described in 11 IAC 118.
See Appendix A-4 for a summary flowchart of the agency direct
purchase process for services.
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This section provides an overview of the competitive selection processes used by DAS-CP to provide
maximum competition in all stages of the procurement process ensuring best value for the customer agency.
Competitive selection is the process DAS-CP uses to make purchases on behalf of agencies. The three primary
methods of solicitation considered are a) competitive quotes (RFQs), b) competitive sealed bids (RFBs), and
c) competitive sealed proposals (RFPs).
The solicitation process differs depending upon the procurement method used. When developing
solicitation documents, DAS-CP will work closely with the agency from beginning to end. The PA will review
specs to ensure the needs of an agency are met. Upon receipt and opening of bids or proposals, the PA will
involve the agency in the evaluation and award process prior to finalizing the contract. A checklist ensures
the PA takes all the appropriate steps during the development of a solicitation. After issuing the Notice of
Intent to Award, it is the responsibility of DAS-CP to create the award documents, with the exception of
infrastructure awards (Dept. 335-Design and Construction Resource Bureau).
When requesting a one-time purchase, the agency will enter a requisition in I/3 including all funding
information and specifications. After the requisition receives all required approvals, it will route to DAS-CP
as part of the workflow.
Should an agency not have access to the I/3 system, it will need to fill out and submit the Online Requisition
Form. If the agency is not able to access the website or fill out an I/3 RQN, the agency many send an email
to DAS-CP with the necessary information for the requisition.
I/3 RQS: Includes accounting information and pre-encumbers funds. Agencies and DAS-CP could initiate
Agency Specific Contract (ASC), CTs, POs, and SCs through this document
I/3 RQN: Includes accounting information but does not pre-encumber funds. Agencies and DAS-CP could
initiate ASCs, CTs, POs, and SCs through this document
I/3 RQM: Initiates the process to establish an MA or MAC for goods or services and does not encumber
funds. Only DAS-CP should use this document, as it is the only entity that may create multiple
use and multiple vendor contracts
Delay of a requisition may occur due to a lack of information. Be certain to provide:
A clear definition of need
A contact person and phone number
Clear specifications and avoid sole source or brand specific
If possible, provide suggested manufacturer's name and model number with the statement “equal to
or greater than these specifications”
The Request for Quote (RFQ) Process
An RFQ is an informal competitive process for goods or services under $50,000. Though an individual may
have the appropriate certification level, upon request DAS-CP is available to create and issue the solicitation.
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The RFQ may require additional approvals from OCIO or IDOM in accordance with its policies. Refer to
Appendix D for further information.
Vendors may not initiate contact regarding any competitive solicitation with any state employee except the
issuing officer at any time during the procurement process until issuance of a “Notice of Intent to Award.
The Request for Quotes process includes the following steps:
1. Posting the Request for Quote.
2. Receiving and tabulating respondents’ quotes.
3. Awarding the contract to the lowest responsible respondent.
4. Issuing Notice of Intent to Award.
5. Negotiating with the respondent (if any negotiation is needed).
6. Creating the Purchase Order.
Posting the Request for Quote
TSB Notification IAC 117.7(2)
Post all solicitations to the TSB web page at least 48 hours prior to a general posting on the Bid Opportunities
web page. The password to the TSB web page changes monthly; each agency shall assign an employee
current access to the web page.
Contacting 3 or more vendors (directly or publicly)
PAs shall attempt to solicit quotes from 3 or more vendors. This may be done directly by means such as
email or phone call or publicly by posting the RFQ in a public location.
Receiving Quotes
Quotes received by the PA no later than the due date and time will be reviewed to ensure they meet the
requirements of the RFQ.
Award contract
Notice of Intent to Award 11 IAC 117.13 (1)
DAS-CP recommends to the agency a quote based on lowest responsible respondent and issues a Notice of
Intent to Award, 11 IAC 117.13(1), to the successful respondent. All respondents will receive Award
notification through the solicitation system or directly via email. The Notice of Intent to Award will include
a statement to the five-day appeal period.
DAS-CP will contact the submitting agency if the result of the solicitation is over budget (if budget known),
if the agency has requested to review the solicitation, or if there are questions regarding compliance.
Negotiating with the respondent
After issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award, the PA may enter into contract negotiations with the
successful respondent. Upon consultation with requesting agency, DAS-CP PA may cancel the award if the
See Appendix A-5 for a flowchart of the DAS CP procurement
process for an RFQ.
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parties fail to reach an agreement within 30 days after the Notice of Intent to Award is issued. The PA may
then issue a new Notice of Intent to Award to the next respondent in the evaluation sequence. Alternatively,
the agency may cancel the solicitation and start the process over.
If there is an appeal of an award, it is DAS-CP policy that the PA or AAP may suspend negotiations with the
successful respondent on the contract. The DAS-CP COO or designee must approve moving forward with the
contract before the appeal process is complete.
Creating the Purchase Order
The AP or PA issues the PO after the expiration of the five-day appeal period. For all one-time purchases,
DAS-CP uses a Purchase Order (PO) as the contract in I/3. DAS-CP creates the PO, sends it to the vendor, and
copies the agency. When delivery is completed and proper invoice received, the agency issues a Commodity
Based Payment Request (PRC) in I/3 to initiate payment to the vendor.
Best practices demand an agency should inspect products upon delivery, installation, monitor, and review
the vendor’s performance of services. DAS-CP or agency should serve written notice to the
vendor/contractor upon discovery of defects, failures to meet specifications, or performance failures, and
forward a copy to the surety if a performance bond as appropriate. Failure to do so may compromise an
agency’s position to resolve any issue. A request for payment will not process until the matter is satisfactorily
The Request for Bid (RFB) Process
DAS-CP creates the RFB in consultation with the user agency. The process begins with an agency completing
and submitting a requisition in I/3, or submitting an online requisition on the DAS-CP website, or submitting
an email to DAS-CP. The RFB may require additional approvals from OCIO or IDOM in accordance with its
policies (refer to Appendix D). Upon submission, DAS-CP will review the documents and provide the agency
with the bid timeline.
The competitive sealed bid process includes the following steps:
1. Creating the Request for Bid (RFB).
2. Posting the Bid Opportunity
3. Receiving and Opening Bids
4. Evaluating the Bids
5. Negotiating the Contract
6. Generating the Contract
See Appendix A-6 for a flowchart of the DAS CP procurement
process for an RFB.
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Creating the RFB
A standard RFB contains the following sections:
1. Bid Information. This section includes the date and time for the opening and closing of the solicitation,
the location for submitting bids, the name of the Issuing Officer, the bid number and title, and
information regarding the Question & Answer period. Also included are any notes about the bid, lists
activities such as on-site visits, and displays any messages such as the Notice of Intent to Award.
2. Bid Attachments. This section lists any attachments associated with the opportunity that require
separate retrieval.
3. Bid Attributes. This section includes vendor instructions, RFB background information, the term of the
contract, and vendor information.
a. Certified Statements. By checking the box on the bid form, bidders certify the information
contained in their bid is accurate and complete, including several specific statements. For
example, bidders must certify that they qualify for an in-state preference, have not submitted
their bid in collusion with another bidder, and have not been subject to government action within
the last three years.
b. Authorization to Release Information Letter. By checking the box on the bid form, bidders
authorize the agency to obtain information regarding its performance on other contracts.
4. Firm Bid Period. Unless otherwise stated, the contractor agrees its bid will remain firm 120 days
following the deadline for submitting bids.
5. Contract Terms and Conditions. This section contains a reference to the legal terms and conditions
that will govern the contract.
6. Attach Specification Sheets. This section describes how to fill in the price per line item and attach a
specification sheet for line items.
7. Line Item Specifications. This section gives a detailed description of what the selected vendor must
provide the state under the contract. The bidder enters a price for each line item in this section and
may add notes per line item.
In addition to the standard sections of the RFB, each RFB may have several attachments. The following are
the most common attachments:
8. Cost Summary. This attachment is the sheet all vendors must use to identify all costs the state will
have to pay for the supplies, equipment and services the vendor will deliver.
9. Additional Attachments. Each RFB is unique and may have various attachments in addition to those
listed above that are unique to the types of supplies, equipment, and services covered by the
particular RFB.
Posting the Bid Opportunity
Upon creation of an RFB that fully defines a need, DAS-CP advertises the opportunity to the vendor
community in several ways.
TSB Notification
Post all solicitations to the TSB web page at least 48 hours prior to a general posting on the Bid Opportunities
and any bidding system websites. Each agency shall assign an employee with the appropriate level of
procurement training to have access to the web page.
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General Notification 11 IAC 117.8(1)
Following the 48-hour TSB posting period, the PA posts the bid to Bid Opportunities websites and solicitation
system. Vendors registered in solicitation system with a commodity code matching a particular opportunity
will receive notification via email.
Bid Opportunity Questions & Changes
During the publication period, prospective vendors may not contact the Issuing Officer (IO) in person or by
phone. However, vendors may contact the IO via email. The IO posts all responses to email inquiries on the
Bid Opportunities website such that all prospective vendors receive consistent information and no vendor
receives information not provided to all vendors.
On occasion, these inquiries may require an RFB modification. In those instances, DAS-CP will issue an
addendum detailing the changes. For RFBs posted on solicitation system, participating bidders will
automatically receive email notification of solicitation updates. The IO will email the addendum to the
participating vendors they originally emailed with the opportunity. It is the responsibility of prospective
bidders to keep current on any addenda and consider these changes in their bid submittal. Some bids include
a pre-bid conference or site visit as specified in the solicitation documents.
Bid Openings
Opening of sealed bid responses occur at the time and day specified in the RFB. All responses shall be
documented, evaluated, tabulated, and available for public inspection. The purchasing officer will not open
and evaluate late submissions.
Evaluating the Bids
The PA prepares a Bid abstract and evaluates all bids to determine compliance with all specifications and
ability of the bidders to perform the contract. When evaluating each bid, the PA must keep in mind specific
preferences as referenced in Appendix F.
DAS-CP may contact a bidder for clarification. In some cases, a respondent or respondents may be requested
to submit a Best and Final Offer (BAFO). Please see Section K for more information on BAFOs.
Notice of Intent to Award 11 IAC 117.13 (1)
DAS-CP recommends to the agency a bid based on lowest responsible bidder and issues a Notice of Intent
to Award, 11 IAC 117.13(1), to the successful bidder. All bidders will receive Award notification through the
solicitation system or directly via email. The Notice of Intent to Award will include a statement to the five-
day appeal period.
DAS-CP will contact the submitting agency if the result of the bid is over budget (if budget is known), if the
agency has requested to review the bid, or if there are questions regarding compliance.
Rejection of Bids 11 IAC 117.13(2)
DAS-CP may reject all bids at any time for any reason up until a contract is entered into with the successful
Negotiating the Contract
After issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award, the PA will enter into contract negotiations with the
successful respondent. DAS-CP may cancel the award if the parties fail to reach an agreement within 30 days
after the Notice of Intent to Award is issued. The PA may then issue a new Notice of Intent to Award to the
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next respondent in the evaluation sequence. Alternatively, the agency may withdraw the bid and start the
process over.
If there is a bid appeal in process, it is DAS-CP policy that the PA or AAP may suspend negotiations with the
successful respondent on the contract. The DAS-CP COO or designee must approve moving forward with the
contract before the appeal process is complete.
Generating the Contract
The PA or AAPA issues the contract after the expiration of the five-day appeal period. For all one-time
purchases, DAS-CP uses a Purchase Order (PO) as the contract in I/3. DAS-CP creates the PO, sends it to the
respondent, and copies the agency. When delivery is completed and proper invoice received, the agency
issues a Commodity Based Payment Request (PRC) in I/3 to initiate payment to the respondent.
The evaluation, negotiation, and contracting processes for MAs, MACs, and ASCs are the same as for one-
time bids with the exception that purchases are made directly by the agency through a Delivery Order (DO)
against the term contract. DAS-CP will provide the agency with the contract itemizing the awarded goods or
services, the contractor(s), pricing and all terms and conditions of the contract.
The Proposal (RFP) Process
When price is not the sole consideration for awarding a procurement contract, DAS-CP uses a Request for
Proposal process. In this process, the award goes to the respondent whose proposal is determined to be
most advantageous to the state in accordance with technical and price criteria set forth in the RFP. Note:
The RFP may require additional approvals from OCIO or IDOM in accordance with its policies (refer to
Appendix D).
Issuing Officer
The Issuing Officer identified in the RFP is the sole point of contact regarding the RFP from the date of
issuance until a Notice of Intent to Award the Contract is issued.
The Request for Proposal process includes the following steps:
1. Creating the Request for Proposal (RFP)
2. Posting the Proposal Opportunity
3. Opening the Proposals
4. Evaluating and Scoring the Proposals
5. Awarding the Contract
6. Negotiating the Contract
See Appendix A-7 for a flowchart of the DAS CP procurement
process for an RFP.
See Appendix H for information on creating appropriate
documents inside the I/3 system.
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7. Generating the Contract
Creating the RFP
The RFP process begins with an agency contacting DAS-CP regarding its service need. The agency will
designate a project lead to work with DAS-CP. DAS-CP then creates the RFP in consultation with the
requesting agency.
DAS-CP, with consultation from agency, will determine a proposal timeline and will prepare the RFP in
accordance with this timeline.
A standard RFP contains the following sections:
1. RFP Cover Sheet/Introduction. This section provides summary information about the RFP, such as the
purpose, background, objectives, and overview of the project along with key dates. This section
includes the date, time, and location for submission of proposals and describes how to receive DAS-
CP announcements regarding information about and amendments to the RFP.
2. Administrative Information. This section describes how the procurement process will proceed,
including restrictions on communications, vendor questions and answers, reasons for rejection of
proposals, requests for confidential treatment of information included in a proposal, contract award,
and appeals.
3. Form and Content of Proposals. This section provides instructions about how to structure the
proposal, what information to include, the technical proposal, and the cost proposal.
4. Specifications and Technical Requirements. This section defines the mandatory technical
requirements and provides a list of all items that are Scored Technical Requirements. It may also
contain optional specifications.
5. Evaluation and Selection. This section notifies vendors how the committee will evaluate the proposals
and on what criteria. Generally, specific elements within each section of a proposal receive a point
6. Contractual Terms and Conditions. This section contains the legal provisions that will govern the
performance of the project by the selected vendor. DAS-CP has separate, standard terms and
conditions for goods contracts, services contracts and IT contracts; contract negotiations are to be
based upon these terms and conditions. Agencies may not alter them without prior approval from
7. Certification Letter. By signing the letter, respondents certify the information contained in their
proposal is accurate and complete, including several specific statements. For example, vendors must
certify they qualify for in-state preference, they have not submitted their proposal in collusion with
another respondent, and they have not been subject to government action within the last three years.
8. Authorization to Release Information Letter. By signing the form, respondents authorize the agency
to obtain information regarding their performance on other contracts.
Posting the Proposal Opportunity Iowa Code 73.2
Upon creation of an RFP, DAS-CP advertises the opportunity to the vendor community in several ways.
TSB Notification IAC 117.7(2)
Post all solicitations to the TSB web page at least 48 hours prior to a general posting on the Bid Opportunities
web page.
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General Notification IAC 117.7(1)
Following the 48-hour TSB posting period, the IO must post the solicitation to the Bid Opportunities website.
This is the publication period. The IO may also email the posting to known vendors and vendors who have
asked to be notified of certain categories of bid opportunities.
Bid Opportunity Questions & Answers
During the publication period, prospective vendors may not contact the issuing PA in person or by phone.
However, vendors may contact the PA via email. The PA posts all responses to email inquiries on the state
procurement web page such that all prospective vendors receive consistent information and no vendor
receives information not provided to all vendors.
On occasion, these inquiries may require an RFP modification. In those instances, DAS-CP will issue an
addendum detailing the changes and post them to the Bid Opportunities website. The PA will email the
addendum to the participating vendors they originally emailed the PA regarding the opportunity. It is the
responsibility of prospective vendors to keep current on any addenda and consider these changes in their
Pre-Proposal Conference/Site Visit
An RFP may include a conference or site visit as specified in the solicitation documents prior to the due date
for proposals. Occasionally, the conference or site visits are mandatory to provide vendors with additional
information necessary for an RFP response.
Opening the Proposals
The RFP specifies the date, time, and location where the issuing officer must receive sealed proposals. The
PA will reject a late submission and it will not be opened. The issuing PA then checks in all responses and
tabulates and discloses the names of vendors, but does not otherwise disclose the contents of the proposals.
To ensure fair and impartial evaluation, proposals are not available for public inspection until the Notice of
Intent to Award is issued.
Evaluating and Scoring the Proposals
The PA obtains signed confidentiality and non-conflict of interest forms from the members of the RFP
evaluation committee prior to releasing the proposals to them.
There are several methods for evaluating and scoring proposals:
Technical Proposal. The evaluation committee shall select the most effective method relative to the scope
of work and on the scoring criteria described in the RFP. The two most common methods are:
1. Consensus Scoring Committee members review proposals independently and then meet to
determine a single score for each proposal.
2. Average Scoring - Committee members independently review, evaluate, and score each technical
proposal. The members then meet to average their scores for a final score.
Regardless of which method is chosen, the evaluation committee must:
Evaluate each submission separately
Go through each evaluation criterion line by line
Focus discussion on how well each proposal meets each evaluation criteria
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Cost Proposal. After scoring the technical proposals, the evaluation committee reviews the cost proposals
and scores them by applying the scoring formula described in the RFP.
Combined Scores. The scores of the technical and cost proposals will be combined. The evaluation
committee recommends an award to the respondent earning the highest combined score.
During the evaluation phase, respondents may not initiate any communication with the evaluation
committee. However, the evaluation committee, through the Issuing Officer, may contact a respondent and
ask the respondent to provide written clarification of specific items in its proposals. If the RFP requires a
product demonstration, the evaluation committee may be present during the demonstration and may ask
questions of the respondents to gather additional information as necessary. However, the members of the
evaluation committee may not comment on the merits of any of the proposals.
In some cases, the committee may request respondents submit a Best and Final Offer (BAFO). Please see
Section K for more information on BAFOs. When evaluating each proposal, the members of the committee
must keep in mind specific preferences as referenced in Appendix F.
Notice of Intent to Award 11 IAC 117.13(1)
Once the technical and cost evaluations are complete, the evaluation committee determines the successful
respondent and the issuing PA delivers the Notice of Intent to Award. The PA notifies all respondents of the
outcome via email. The Notice of Intent to Award will include a reference to the five-day appeal period.
Rejection of Responses 11 IAC 117.13(2)
DAS-CP may reject all responses at any time for any reason up until entering into a contract with the
successful respondent.
Negotiating the Contract
After issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award, contract negotiations will commence with the successful
respondent. DAS-CP may cancel the award if the parties fail to reach an agreement within a reasonable
timeframe (typically 30 days) after the issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award. The IO may rescind the
Intent to Award if the parties fail to reach an agreement. The IO may then issue a new Notice of Intent to
Award to the next respondent in the evaluation sequence. Alternatively, DAS-CP, upon consulting with the
agency, may cancel the RFP and start the process over.
If there is an appeal in process, it is DAS-CP policy that the PA or AAP stops work with the respondent on the
contract. The DAS-CP COO or designee must approve moving forward with the contract before the appeal
process is complete.
Generating the Contract
The PA or AAPA issues the contract after the expiration of the five-day appeal period. For all one-time
purchases, DAS-CP uses a Purchase Order (PO) as the contract in I/3. DAS-CP creates the PO, sends it to the
respondent, and copies the agency. When delivery is completed and proper invoice received, the agency
issues a Commodity Based Payment Request (PRC) in I/3 to initiate payment to the respondent.
See Appendix H for information on creating appropriate
documents inside the I/3 system.
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Vendor Compliance When Procurement Utilizes Federal Funds
Any agency seeking a procurement involving the expenditure of federal funds must take special caution
when awarding the solicitation to a vendor. When a procurement utilizes federal funds, the agency must
ensure vendor compliance with applicable federal law. By way of example, all vendors utilizing federal funds
must comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. “No person in the United States shall, on the ground
of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected
to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” (42 U.S.C. 2000d).
A variety of other restrictions may exist. Agencies are responsible for ensuring vendors comply with all
federal laws and restrictions identified in the federal grant documents.
Contract Pricing Strategies
The compensation arrangement is an important consideration, as it will determine the relationship between
the vendor and the state. It also influences the State’s contract administration responsibilities. Contract
pricing strategy also determines the level of risk assumed by the vendor and the state. Pricing strategies are
typically determined through collaboration between the PA or AAP and the agency.
Firm Fixed Price
This is the most commonly used type of contract because the pricing remains constant for the duration of
the contract period. The vendor assumes the full risk of completing the purchase.
Fixed Price with Price Adjustment
This contract type provides for upward or downward adjustment of price based on certain contingencies
specified in the contract. This type of pricing is appropriate when there is concern about the stability of the
market and labor conditions during the period of the contract. Contract administration concerns for this
type of pricing:
Ensuring price changes are handled properly
Verifying the validity of all requests for increased compensation
Ensuring the state receives the benefits of any price reductions
Alternative pricing strategies include:
Time and Material
Percent Off or Discount off a published price
Fixed Price with Redetermination
Market basket
Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions are a part of every contract issued by DAS-CP and agencies. They serve to protect the
interests of both the state and the vendor. The DAS-CP standard terms and conditions used for goods and
services are located at:
Goods Terms & Conditions Services Terms & Conditions
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The terms and conditions for services contracts include provisions, which fulfill the Accountable Government
Act requirements. The AGA requires agencies to use these terms and conditions for all service contracts with
the exception of IT procurement contracts unless an agency receives approval for agency-specific terms and
conditions from IDOM.
Best and Final Offer (BAFO)
Agencies may take this optional step at the completion of the evaluation process of a Request for Bid (RFB)
or Request of Proposal (RFP).
A BAFO process might be appropriate under one of the following circumstances:
The responses submitted by all respondents are over the budget or considerably higher than
A submitted proposal (RFP) has a significant lower cost than all other proposals under consideration,
yet it does not have the overall highest score.
The scores of two or more respondents (RFP) are very close
The process and procedures for using a BAFO are as follows:
1. The evaluation committee shall decide if the BAFO option is appropriate and will determine who of
the bidders/respondents will receive an invitation to submit a BAFO (all bidders/respondents may be
invited). However, the agency should only invite bidders/respondents who could potentially receive
the award.
2. The content of the BAFO solicitation may request additional information regarding important
specifications such as levels of support, contract terms, implementation schedules, and/or costs.
3. The BAFO solicitation CANNOT contain any material modifications to the initial solicitation or the
evaluation criteria.
4. The BAFO solicitation will follow the same requirements and process as an original solicitation: sealed
bids/proposals, specific timeframes, etc.
5. Bidders/respondents who receive a BAFO solicitation are not required to submit a BAFO or they may
simply respond with a written statement that their response remains as originally submitted.
The following is the scoring process for the BAFO:
There should be no changes to the evaluation committee for an RFP
The PA or AP should develop the scoring sheets based upon the additional information requested in
the BAFO, and used by the evaluation committee
Dependent upon the additional information requested in the BAFO, there may or may not be an
independent scoring from the initial solicitation scoring.
Upon completion of the analysis by the evaluation committee, the award goes to the respondent with the
highest score and the process continues as specified in this manual.
Example: If the agency requests only one aspect of the original RFP for the BAFO, combining the
scores is appropriate. However, if the evaluation committee requested several items, it may be
advantageous to score those items independently.
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Print Services
Pursuant to 11 IAC 117.14 (1) The department and state agencies shall procure printing by competitive
selection according to the rules of this chapter except when the printing is produced by state printing
pursuant to 11 IAC 102, or the procurement is otherwise exempt from competitive selection pursuant to 11
IAC 117.5. When an agency elects to purchase printing by competitive selection rather than using the
services of state printing or a TSB, state printing and TSBs shall be part of the solicitation process.
Lack of Competition
If there are no responses, the agency may amend the solicitation to make it more attractive to vendors or
cancel the solicitation. In the event of only one or two acceptable offers, the agency will determine whether
1. Negotiate with the vendor(s) to ensure the state receives the ‘best value’, or
2. change the solicitation specifications and re-post to encourage more responses, or
3. cancel the solicitation.
Rejection of Bids/Proposals
A bid/proposal response which fails to provide the required forms or which does not comply to the
specifications, terms and conditions of the RFB or RFP may be considered as non-responsive and rejected.
Unless stated otherwise in the solicitation documents, submissions that include an alternate bid/proposal
are unresponsive and subject to disqualification.
Cancellation of a Solicitation
Agencies may cancel a solicitation at any time during the procurement process prior to signing a contract if
the requirement stated in the solicitation no longer exists, funds are lacking, the state decides not to proceed
with the solicitation, or for any other reason.
Green Buying
It is the policy of the State of Iowa to make every effort to protect Iowa’s environment in the procurement
of goods. DAS-CP encourages all state agency procurement employees to follow green buyer
recommendations. The DAS General Services Enterprise has established guidelines and other helpful
information to assist with green buying efforts, please refer to:
Accountable Government Act
The Accountable Government Act imposes responsibilities on state agencies when contracting for services.
The Act fosters greater accountability in the use of public funds by ensuring agencies actually receive the
performance they have bargained for when contracting for services. The requirements allow the agency, the
persons serviced by a contract, service providers, and Iowa citizens to assess the extent to which the
expenditure of public funds ties to satisfactory performance. Inclusion of these terms and conditions ensure
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fulfillment of the three interrelated categories: payment terms, monitoring performance, and reviewing
An aggrieved respondent who filed a timely bid or proposal may appeal the award decision by filing a written
Notice of Appeal before the DAS Director within five calendar days (exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal
state holidays) of the date of award. The appeal is not timely unless the agency actually receives the Notice
of Appeal within the specified period. The Notice of Appeal shall state the grounds upon which the
respondent challenges the agency’s award. The appealing party may petition for stay of the award of the
contract until the appeal process is completed. The petition must be filed with the Notice of Appeal.
See Appendix A-8 for a flowchart summarizing
the DAS CP appeal process.
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Purchasing Goods and Services Using the State Pcard
The State offers two types of “purchasing cards” a Pcard for goods and services and a Travel Card used
exclusively for specific, approved travel and conference expenses. References to the Pcard shall mean the
general purchasing card for goods and services, and Travel Card for exclusive use of travel-related and
conference expenses.
State of Iowa purchasing cards:
VISA credit cards issued by US Bank, they work just like a personal credit card, except the State pays
for authorized charges.
Reduce the number of requisitions, Purchase Orders, invoices and warrants, plus processing costs and
time at all levels.
Provide faster delivery of goods and services to agencies and quicker payment to suppliers (US Bank
pays suppliers directly within 48 hours of transaction).
Allow for a convenient, cost-effective method of paying regularly recurring expenses and making
everyday purchases such as maintenance supplies, telecommunications equipment, and services.
Prohibited Pcard use:
To avoid or bypass state procurement or payment policies and procedures
For payments between state agencies
For personal use or entertainment purchases
For travel expenses
By anyone other than the Cardholder identified on the card
Paying for Goods and Services through I/3
If the Pcard is not appropriate for the purchase, most agencies will follow established processes to ensure a
smooth purchase and payment through the I/3 financial system.
It is imperative that agencies use the proper forms in order to meet the tracking and reporting needs of
purchases through the I/3 financial system to obtain payment of the invoice. To pay an invoice for a good or
service, use a PRC (commodity based payment request) and reference the related MA, MAC, or ASC. A GAX
(general accounting expenditure) is not authorized to pay an invoice with commodities on one of the three
term contract types.
Appendix I: I/3 General Information has links to the I/3 manual and payment processes.
See Appendix A-9 for a flowchart summarizing the payment
process from an award document.
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Agency Term Contract Renewal Process
Procedures Prior to Renewal
The following list comprises various processes and procedures to consider before authorizing a renewal:
1. Review terms and conditions to determine usage of state forms.
2. Conduct Spend Analysis (see below) to determine prior year purchase amounts from vendor.
3. Evaluate spends that did not reference the term contract.
4. Compare invoice pricing to contract pricing.
5. Contact vendor to update contact information for pending procurement.
6. Request feedback (Survey Monkey or email) on agency’s intent to continue use.
7. Present vendor with list of concerns, which need to be resolved in order to seek renewal.
8. Follow up with vendor to assess whether concerns have been resolved.
9. Review terms and conditions to ensure state’s interests are protected.
10. Include or update any pricing sheets/discount tables as appropriate.
11. Determine prices are clearly defined and easily obtained.
Recompete Instead of Renewal
In some instances, the PA in consultation with the using agency will determine that it is in the best interest
of the state to pursue a rebid instead of renewing the contract. In those cases, DAS-CP recommends the
following steps:
1. Request using agency to prepare specifications.
2. Begin process of preparing solicitation documents. (See Section L for Bid or Proposal procedures)
Spend Analysis
These are the steps for a PA to complete a spend analysis:
1. Run the “All Payments Related to a Specific Agreement” report in Data Warehouse for spend
information. This report will provide all payments made to this vendor, including GAXs and non-
referencing PRCs. However, this report will not reflect payments using the Pcard. Note: This report
also reflects payments for all contracts associated with a vendor. Separate out the payments for the
specific contract under renewal consideration.
2. Request a Pcard spend report from the Pcard administrator to capture potential spends outside of I/3.
3. Request the vendor provides an expenditure report to cross check against internal reports.
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DAS Responsibilities and Exempt Agencies Iowa Code 8A.302(4)
The duties of DAS as it relates to the physical resources of state government shall include but not necessarily
be limited to Providing architectural services, contracting for construction and construction oversight for
state agencies except for the state board of regents, state department of transportation, national guard,
natural resource commission, and the Iowa public employees’ retirement system.” For purposes of this
Section O, “agency” shall mean a non-exempt agency.
Construction is defined as, “The process of building, altering, repairing, improving, or demolishing any public
structure or building, or other public improvement of any kind to any public real property; does not include
routine repair, operation, or maintenance of existing real property.”
Agencies must contact DAS’ State Design and Construction Resource Bureau (DCRB) for all "construction"
projects greater than $5,000 (see Appendix L for contact information).
The DCRB may manage construction projects between $5,000 and the competitive quote threshold (Iowa
Code 314.1B(2)).
For projects not managed by the DCRB, the DCRB will work with the Agency to contract with a design firm.
The Agency will manage the construction process using the procurement processes outlined in the chart in
Appendix M.
DCRB must manage all projects greater than the competitive quote threshold (Iowa Code 314.1B(2)).
Construction Procurement Process
The State of Iowa has a design/bid/build requirement. There is a sequential chain of events in
design/bid/build contracts. The State first enters into a contract with a designer, which prepares the building
design and the necessary documents for construction. Next, the owner selects one or more contractors
through a competitive bidding process. In addition, the DCRB may utilize Construction Managers to assist
with project management.
Design (Architectural and Engineering Services) 11 IAC 117.10
Design Work under $15,000 DCRB determines the projected scope and contacts a design firm.
Design Work over $15,000 - DCRB provides the projected scope and project schedule and an RFP process is
Construction Work under $15,000 - Owner determines the projected scope and contacts a construction
company. Construction Work over $15,000 but under the competitive solicitation threshold (Iowa Code
314.1B(2)) - an RFQ or RFB process is completed. Construction Work over the competitive solicitation
threshold - an RFB process is completed.
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Purchasing agents shall document all solicitation and purchase transactions in the appropriate location, such
as I/3, PaperVision, SharePoint, etc. As applicable, each electronic record shall include:
1. Requisition
2. Required approval to proceed with acquisition
3. Original offers if in writing, or written documentation of informal verbal offers received
4. Worksheets/evaluations
5. Distribution list, if used
6. Written justification for waiver, emergency purchase, or sole source
7. Evaluation of offers received
8. Notice of Intent to Award
9. Documentation of an appeal, if applicable
10. Copy of Purchase Order(s) or letter from agency authorizing placing of order
11. Related correspondence
12. Reason(s) for receiving only one offer in response to a solicitation, if applicable
13. Award document
After the award of contract, all material in the contract record, except information for which a vendor has
requested confidential treatment, shall be open to interested persons, by appointment, during normal
office hours in accordance with the Iowa Public Records Act.
Confidential Information
Iowa Code Chapter 22 states there are some public records that remain confidential unless otherwise
ordered by a court, a lawful custodian, or another person duly authorized to release information. Some of
these confidential records include:
1. Trade secrets and proprietary information recognized and protected as such by law [Iowa Code
2. Records that represent and constitute the work product of an attorney, related to litigation or claim
made by or against a public body [Iowa Code 22.7(4)].
3. Reports to governmental agencies that if released, would give advantage to competitors and serve no
public purpose. [Iowa Code 22.7(6)].
4. Personal information in confidential personnel records of government bodies relating to identified or
identifiable individuals who are officials, officers, or employees of the government bodies [Iowa Code
5. Social security number of payees included on state warrants included in records systems maintained
by the department of administrative services for the purpose of documenting and tracking outdated
warrants pursuant to Iowa Code section 556.2C and Iowa Code 22.7(32).
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6. Pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 422.20, it is unlawful for an officer, employee, agent, former officer,
employee, or agent of the state, to disclose to any person, except as authorized in subsection 1 of this
section, any federal tax return or return information as defined in section 6103(b) of the Internal
Revenue Code.
7. Copies of voided checks from vendors containing bank account information.
For the complete list of records considered confidential, please refer to Iowa Code Chapter 22.
Form 22 Request for Confidential Treatment
Form 22 is a mandatory declaration and respondents must include with a response to an RFP, RFB or RFI.
The respondent completed form will state the respondent does or does not request confidential treatment
of information submitted. The Respondent’s submittal and DAS-CP’s acceptance of a Form 22 DOES NOT
GUARANTEE THE INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. If the information is requested through an
Open Records Request, it will be reviewed by the Public Information Officer and legal counsel to determine
if it will be held as confidential or disclosed. If determined to disclose, the submitting respondent will be
notified and it may take action to hold the information confidential. Refer to Form 22
Obtaining goods and services for a government agency differs from procurement for a private sector
business in two significant respects: a) vendors’ rights to a fair, open, transparent, and objective process,
and b) public scrutiny. A high level of ethical standards is critical throughout the procurement process to
protect the safety and welfare of the public’s monies.
Rights to Reasonable Notice and Appeal
Vendors expect a fair opportunity to compete for government business. A government agency’s or public
employee’s best protection against critical, adverse reaction to a procurement decision or delay in receiving
a needed product or service is to provide all vendors a fair opportunity to compete for government business
with reasonable notice of the procurement opportunity, unbiased specifications, and an objective evaluation
Unlike the private sector, a vendor in the public sector has the right to question your procurement decision.
Administrative remedies include formal appeals and may include review of your procurement decision by
an Administrative Law Judge and the Courts.
Vendor Relations
DAS-CP strives to develop effective relationships with vendors. To avoid any perception of unethical
behavior, all state employees shall follow these guidelines:
1. Coordinate Interviews with vendors by appointment only.
2. Conduct discussions with sales representatives in an open and general manner with no commitment
to preferences to specific goods or services, which might in any way compromise the state.
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3. Maintain confidentiality regarding prices, proposals, quotations, or specific information concerning a
competitive solicitation until after the award of a contract or issuance of a Purchase Order.
4. DAS Director or designee shall have the authority to suspend or debar a vendor for cause from
consideration of award of contracts for goods and some services as provided under the purchasing
authority granted DAS-CP pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 8A.
Public Scrutiny
Government employees who make procurement decisions should expect to have their decisions reviewed
and questioned. All citizens have the right to view purchasing non-confidential documentation. State
auditors may review a purchase with respect to legality, budget compliance, suitability of purpose, and cost
Ethical Standards Iowa Code 68B
State officials and employees adhere to a high standard of ethics and conduct, as set forth by the National
Institute of Governmental Purchasing, and must comply with applicable state and federal law in conducting
the procurement process. All state officials and employees should endeavor to pursue a course of conduct
that does not raise suspicion among the public. Therefore, they shall avoid acts that are improper or give
the appearance of impropriety. This conduct is particularly important for state purchasing personnel and
contract management personnel charged with the disposition of state funds. Any erosion of public trust or
any shadow of impropriety is detrimental to the integrity of the purchasing process. The credibility of a
purchasing program requires the establishment of a clear set of guidelines and rules. The intention of these
guidelines is to prevent current or potential vendors from influencing state employees in discharging their
official duties.
Use of Confidential Information IAC 351-6.9
No official or employee shall disclose or use confidential information, including the contents of a sealed
response acquired during the course of the official or employee's state duties, for the personal gain or
benefit of any person. This rule does not apply to the release of information mandated by law, rule, or court
Gifts Accepted or Received Iowa Code 68B.22
Iowa Code section 68B.22 contains prohibitions against public employees and public officials (and members
of their immediate families) accepting or receiving gifts or a series of gifts from a “restricted donor”. For
purposes of the procurement process, a restricted donor is a person or entity that is seeking to be a party to
any one or any combination of sales, purchases, leases, or contracts to, from, or with the agency in which a
public employee or public official is employed or holds office. Exceptions to this prohibition include:
Plaques or items of negligible resale value which are given as recognition for the public services of the
Nonmonetary items with a value of three dollars or less received from any one donor during one
calendar day
Honoraria Banned Iowa Code 68B.23
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Except as provided in Iowa Code 68b.23(2), a public official or public employee shall not seek or accept an
honorarium from a restricted donor. A public official or public employee may accept an honorarium under
the following circumstances:
Payment of actual expenses for registration, food, beverages, travel, and lodging paid in return for
participation in a speaking engagement when the expenses relate directly to the day(s) on which the
recipient participated.
Payment made to a public official or public employee for services rendered as part of a bona fide
private business, trade, or profession in which the public official or public employee is engaged if the
payment is commensurate with the actual services rendered and because of the person’s special
expertise or other qualification.
Loans Receipt from Lobbyists Prohibited Iowa Code 68B.24
Iowa Code prohibits loans between a public official or public employee and a lobbyist; however, no
prohibition exists regarding loans made in the ordinary course of business, where the terms and finance
charges are the same or substantially the same as available to the public.
Conflict of Interest
The law provides that when a potential or actual conflict of interest arises, the state employee with the
actual or potential conflict shall make his or her interest known to the state and refrain from taking any
actions on the matter creating the potential for a conflict of interest.
State officers or employees of a public agency (or their relatives) must disclose any substantial interest in a
contract, sale, purchase, or service to any public agency. Such persons must make their interest known in
the public record and must refrain from voting upon, or otherwise participating in any manner as an officer
or employee in such contract, sale, or purchase.
All current and future procurement agents must complete and submit the Conflict of Interest
Acknowledgement and Disclosure Statement to the DAS-CP COO or designee identifying what, if any,
relationship exists that could present a potential for a conflict of interest.
Prohibited Outside Employment Iowa Code 68B.2A
Any person in service or employ of the state or a political subdivision of the state shall not engage in any of
the following conduct:
1. Outside employment or an activity that involves the use of the state's or the political subdivision's
time, facilities, equipment, and supplies; the use of the state or political subdivision badge uniform,
business card, or other evidences of office or employment to give the person, or member of the
person's immediate family, an advantage or pecuniary benefit that is not available to other similarly
situated members or classes of members of the general public.
2. Outside employment or an activity that involves the receipt, promise, or acceptance of money or
other consideration by the person or member of the person's immediate family, or from anyone other
than the state or the political subdivision for the performance of any act that the person would be
required or expected to perform as a part of the person's regular duties; or during the hours which
the person performs service or work for the state or political subdivision of the state.
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3. Outside employment or an activity that is subject to the official control, inspection, review, audit, or
enforcement authority of the person, during the performance of the person’s duties of office or
If the outside employment or activity is employment or activity described in paragraph “1” or “2 the person
shall immediately cease the employment or activity. If the outside employment or activity is employment or
activity described in paragraph “3”, unless otherwise provided by law, the person shall take one of the
following courses of action:
1. Cease the outside employment or activity.
2. Publicly disclose the existence of the conflict and refrain from taking any official action or performing
any official duty that would detrimentally affect or create a benefit for the outside employment or
activity. For purposes of this paragraph, “official action” or “official duty” includes, but is not limited
to, participating in any vote, affirmatively acting to influence any vote, granting any license or permit,
determining the facts or law in a contested case or rulemaking proceeding, conducting any inspection,
or providing any other official service or thing not available generally to members of the public, in
order to further the interests of the outside employment or activity.
Disclosure of Income from Other Sales Iowa Code 68B.3
An official or state employee cannot sell, in any one transaction, any good or service having a value in excess
of $2,000 to any state agency unless the sale is through the competitive solicitation process. Except when
performing official state duties, an official or a state employee making a permissible sale under this section
shall file a report disclosing this income with the Iowa ethics and campaign disclosure board within twenty
days of making the sale.
Public Records and Requests for Confidential Treatment
DAS-CP and procuring agencies will treat all information submitted by a vendor as public information unless
the vendor properly requests that specific parts of the solicitation remain confidential at the time of
submitting the response. Iowa Code Chapter 22 governs DAS-CP’s and the procuring agency’s release of
information. Vendors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Iowa Code Chapter 22 prior to
submitting a bid or proposal. DAS-CP or the procuring agency will provide copies of public records as
necessary for compliance within the public records laws.
Any request for confidential treatment of specific information must be included in the transmittal letter with
the vendor’s response. In addition, the vendor must enumerate the specific grounds in Iowa Code Chapter
22 or other applicable law that support treatment of the material as confidential and explain why disclosure
is not in the best interest of the public; however, DAS-CP does not consider pricing information confidential.
The request for confidential treatment of information must also include the name, address, and telephone
number of the person authorized by the vendor to respond to any inquiries by DAS-CP or the procuring
agency concerning the confidential status of the materials.
Setting Fees and Procedures
Upon receipt of a written request for information by DAS-CP or the procuring agency, the request document
receives a date and time stamp unless received via email, in which case the date and time of the email serves
this purpose. The AP or PA will gather the information requested and provide electronic copies to the DAS
Public Information Officer (PIO) or their respective agency PIO. The DAS-CP PA shall respond to the request
for information within five business days.
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Request for copies of information will be fulfilled within a period of ten business days from the date of
request unless it is determined the requested information is, in whole or in part, exempt or more time is
needed to attain the information. DAS Counsel will advise should there be a question concerning whether
the requested information, in whole or in part, is exempt. Review Iowa Code Chapter 22 for a listing of
records considered confidential or recognized and protected by law. Fees charged for copies of Public
Records accrue according to actual labor and material costs incurred through the fulfillment of the request
for information.
Agencies shall not use their delegated purchasing authority to avoid the use of master agreements or
competitive activity. The agency shall not break purchasing into smaller increments for the purpose of
avoiding threshold requirements in IAC 11-117.15(1) and 11-117.15(2).
As a remedy, the department may recover administrative fees appropriate to the improper execution of
procurement under 11 IAC 117.15(4). The intention of this rule is not to prohibit agencies from aggressively
seeking competitive prices. Agencies may purchase outside of master agreements under 11 IAC 117.15(4) if
the quantity required or an emergency or immediate need makes it cost-effective to purchase from a non-
master agreement vendor.
Review of Procurement Activities
DAS-CP implements the use of Fiscal & Policy Analysts to review the procurement activities of agencies and
entities of the state, to ensure those activities comply with state of Iowa rules and procedures. Periodic
reviews will include the following:
Ensuring Agency Authorized Purchases have received the required training and certification is up
to date.
Reviewing agency procurement policies and procedures to ensure agencies have adequate internal
controls in place to oversee procurement activity.
In addition, the following items may be included:
Reviews of procurements made by agencies that have made errors in the past.
Review of large scale purchases.
Review of a selection of purchases made from providers which previously billed agencies incorrectly.
Other items as deemed necessary to meet State of Iowa procurement requirements.
Any state agencies or employees involved in state procurement found to be in violation of DAS-CP’s policy
will receive official notice of the infraction. DAS-CP will make all reasonable attempts to resolve the problem
or situation.
The department may rescind delegated authority of an agency, or its agents, which misuses its
authority or fails to follow state of Iowa rules and procedures under 11 IAC 117.15(4).
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Reporting Procurement Misconduct
All state employees are required to report instances of Procurement Misconduct to the DAS Fiscal & Policy
Analysts. When reporting Procurement Misconduct there must be sufficient reason to believe misconduct
has occurred. The information provided including the reporting employee is confidential. To report the
alleged misconduct, complete the Reporting a Procurement Misconduct form.
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State of Iowa
Department of Administrative Services
Central Procurement
Policy and Procedures Manual
I, _______________________________, acknowledge that I have received the State of Iowa, Department of
Administrative Services, Central Procurement Policy and Procedures Manual. I have been directed to read
this document and was offered an opportunity to ask questions about its content. I am also aware that I am
expected to read and be familiar with any updates to the information contained in this manual.
Name (Printed)
____________________________________ __________________________
Signature Date
____________________________________ __________________________
Supervisor’s Signature Date
Place the original of this form in the employee’s personnel file. Provide a copy to the employee.
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DAS CP Policy & Procedures Manual. 04.27.22 45 | Page
Need Defined
Can need be
met with existing
are developed
Review Bids/
Five day
appeal period
with Vendor
Can need be met by
state resources or
Use state
or TSB
Prepare PO or
Prepare Bid
Prepare & Issue
Notice of Intent
to Award
Requisition is
1 2
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15
IDOM approval in
accordance with
their policies?
Receive Bid
method of
DAS OCIO approval in
accordance with their
and Post
18 19
Monitor &
The flowcharts in
these appendices
are intended as a
guide and not a
representation of
every step to be
performed in the
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46 | Page DAS-CP Policy & Procedures Manual Revd. 4.27.22
Is the total
Cost <$5,000?
Is the total
Cost <$50,000?
Agency has
authority to
purchase the
Is it
Can good or service of
general use be
purchased through TSB
or state resource?
Agency has
Agency must
Good through
Good/Service Defined
Is it a Service
unique to the
Agency has
authority to
Agency must
Service through
Agency has
Received IDOM
approval, if
Received OCIO
approval, if
Can Service be
purchased through
TSB or state
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Agency approves
posted on TSB
Need more
information to define
Solicitation posted to
VSS and Bid
website after 48
hours (optional for
Agency evaluates
the bids and
recommends a
vendor for award
Agency issues
Notice of
Intent to Award
Agency negotiates and
creates award
document after appeal
period expires
Agency issues a
PO or contract
Vendor accepts
contract terms and
PA receives
and opens
sealed bids
Is solicitation an
PA receives three
quotes from three
Agency prepares
Requisition created
Agency on I/3
approved within
Is cost
< $5,000?
Define Need
Can need be met
by existing MA
contract or TSB?
Agency can
purchase goods
through TSB (if
< $10,000) or existing
MA contract
Agency has
Requisition is sent to
DAS CPB to create
Received IDOM
approval, if required?
Received OCIO
approval, if
Agency has
Is cost
> $50,000
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48 | Page DAS-CP Policy & Procedures Manual Revd. 4.27.22
created by
Agency on I/3
approved within
Is purchase
< $5,000?
Agency may
purchase without
Agency has
Agency sends
requisition to
Is the service
unique to the
Need Defined
Can need be
provided through
existing MA contract
or TSB?
through TSB (if
or existing MA
Agency has
Department of Administrative Services - Central Procurement
DAS CP Policy & Procedures Manual. 04.27.22 49 | Page
Solicitation posted
on TSB
Solicitation posted
to VSS and Bid
website after 48
hours (opt. for
Agency issues
Notice of Intent
to Award
negotiates and
creates contract
after appeal
period expires
Agency issues a
PO or term
Vendor accepts
contract terms &
bids or
Is solicitation
formal or
receives three
quotes from
three vendors
or receives
Agency prepares
formal, sealed
Is purchase
< $50,000?
Agency creates
an informal
receives bids
or proposals
quotes or
Is solicitation
Is solicitation
evaluates the
RFP and
recommends a
vendor for award
based on highest
score and price
evaluates the
responses and
recommends a
vendor for award
based on price
Agency sends
solicitation back
for additional
Agency has
Agency sends
requisition to
Agency has
Received IDOM
approval, if
Received OCIO
approval, if
Received IDOM
approval, if
Purchase is
Received OCIO
approval, if
Agency issues
Notice of Intent
to Award
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Agency prepares
requisition and
receives required
Agency submits
requisition to
DAS CPB reviews
requisition and
feedback to
Agency and
Agency revises
DAS CPB posts
solicitation to
TSB (48 hour
posting to Bid
receives and
opens bids
evaluates the
bids and
recommends a
vendor for
award based on
issues Notice
of Intent
to Award
negotiates with
vendor after
appeal period
issues PO or
Term Contract
Vendor accepts
contract terms and
Site Visit
creates RFQ
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Agency prepares
requisition and
receives required
Agency submits
requisition to
DAS CPB reviews
requisition and
feedback to
Agency and
Agency revises
DAS CPB posts
solicitation to
TSB (48 hour
period) and then
posts to VSS and
receives and
opens bids
evaluates the
bids and
recommends a
vendor for
award based
on lowest
DAS CPB issues
Notice of Intent
to Award
negotiates with
vendor after
appeal period
DAS CPB issues
PO or Term
Vendor accepts
contract terms and
Site Visit
creates RFB
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52 | Page DAS-CP Policy & Procedures Manual Revd. 4.27.22
Agency prepares
requisition and
receives required
Agency submits
requisition to
DAS CPB reviews
requisition and
feedback to
Agency and
DAS CPB posts
solicitation to TSB
(48 hour period) and
then posts to VSS
and Bid
receives and
proposals and
recommends a
vendor for
DAS CPB issues
Notice of Intent
to Award
DAS CPB/Agency
negotiates with
vendor and
creates award
document after
appeal period
DAS CPB issues
an award
document: PO or
Vendor accepts
contract terms
and conditions?
Site Visit
creates RFP
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DAS CP Policy & Procedures Manual. 04.27.22 53 | Page
Vendor files a timely
Vendor is
aggrieved by the
award of the
DAS CPB reviews
requisition and
DAS Counsel
obtains formal
withdrawal of
Issuing Agent
sends Notice of
Appeal to DAS
DAS Counsel,
DIA, and AG’s
Hearing Officer
determines if
agency followed
it’s own
processes and
possible scoring
Appeal is sent to
Attorney General’s
Office for
Agency can
negotiations and
create a contract
for the Original
Notice of Intent
to Award
Agency will rebid
Did agency
lose the
Hearing held
within 60 days of
the Notice of
Appeal filing
Issuing Agent
ends contact with
Vendor unless
directed by DAS
DAS Counsel
reviews Notice of
Documents any
discussions with
Appeal Ends
Attorney General
creates Discovery
Required 30 days
before hearing
DAS CPB reviews
requisition and
This flowchart is
intended as a
guide and not a
representation of
every step to be
performed in the
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54 | Page DAS-CP Policy & Procedures Manual Revd. 4.27.22
Is the Award
Document a PO,
CT, or SC?
Is the Award
Document a term
agreement for Goods/
Services not received
Create a DO to
order goods/
Create a PO, CT
or SC in I/3 for a
one time purchase
of goods/services
Receive goods or
services from
Vendor with
Create a PRC in I/
3 to pay the
vendor invoice
Receive a check to
send to the vendor
or vendor has
direct deposit in
File PRC, warrant
registry and
with PO for audit
Send PO,
CT or SC to
Send check
or direct
receipt to
Were all goods/
Receive goods or
services from
vendor with
Create a PRC in I/
3 to pay the
vendor invoice
Receive a check to
send to the vendor
or vendor has
direct deposit in
File PRC, warrant
registry and
with DO for audit
Send DO
Send check
or direct
receipt to
Were all goods/
Create a PRC
in I/3 to pay the
vendor invoice
Receive a check to
send to the vendor
or vendor has
direct deposit in
File PRC, warrant
registry and
with DO for audit
Send check
or direct
receipt to
Were all the
Is the Award
Document a term
agreement for
Services already
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Non-Competitive Within Specified Limits
Agency - Level A Training Certification
Purchase from MA, TSB, or IPI or < $5,000
Agency - Level A Training Certification
Purchase from MA, TSB, or IPI or < $5,000
Competitive Informal
< $15,000
< $15,000
Agency - Level 1 Training Certification
No Competitive Quotes Required
TSB Posting Optional
Agency - Level 1 Training Certification
No Competitive Quotes Required
TSB Posting Optional
Competitive Informal or Formal
> $15,000 and < $50,000 DAS-CP or Agency
TSB Posting Required
Bid Opportunities Opt. for informal
Solicitation system posting
Agency - Level 2 Training Certification
3 Phone/Fax Informal Quotes or RFP
TSB Posting Optional Bid Opportunities Opt. for
Solicitation system Posting
TSB Posting Required
Bid Opportunities Opt. for informal
Solicitation system Posting
Agency - Level 2 Training Certification
3 Phone/Fax Informal Quotes or RFP
TSB Posting Optional Bid Opportunities Opt. for
Solicitation system Posting
Competitive Formal Bid or Proposal
$50,000 or greater - DAS-CP or Agency
TSB Posting Required
Bid Opportunities Required
Solicitation system posting
Sealed Bids/Proposals
RFB - Price Only Consideration
RFP - Price NOT Sole Consideration
Cannot bid on goods > $50,000
TSB Posting Required
Bid Opportunities Required
Solicitation system Posting
Sealed Bids/Proposals
RFB - Price Only Consideration
RFP - Price NOT Sole Consideration
Agency Level 2 Training Certification
Sealed Bids/Proposals
RFB - Price Only Consideration
RFP - Price NOT Sole Consideration
OCIO must approve all Information Technology RFPs and RFBs over $25,000; All Information Technology
procurements must meet operational standards prescribed by OCIO.
Approval from IDOM may be required in accordance with their policies.
Master Agreements may only be established through DAS-CP
Agencies should purchase from Master Agreements without further competition
Specific goods & services being purchased must match with the goods & services offered in the MA
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Design and Construction/Public Improvement Procurement Overview
* Design and Construction is exempt from IDOM approval
Construction is defined as:
The process of building, altering, repairing, improving, or
demolishing any public structure or building, or other
public improvement of any kind to any public real
property; does not include routine repair, operation, or
maintenance of existing real property.
Design (Architecture/Engineering)
(can only be contracted by DCRB)
< $15,000
No solicitation required
No TSB posting required
> $15,000
Informal RFP or RFP
TSB Posting Required
Public posting required
Written signed contract with appropriate T&Cs
Proof of Insurance required
State Design and Construction Resource Bureau
The duties of DAS as it relates to the physical resources
of state government shall include but not necessarily be
limited to “Providing architectural services, contracting
for construction and construction oversight for state
agencies except for the state board of regents, state
department of transportation, national guard, natural
resource commission, and the Iowa public employees’
retirement system.”
Agencies must contact DAS’ State Design and
Construction Resource Bureau (DCRB) which will
determine if a project meets the above definition of
“construction.” If the project is a construction project,
SDCRB will assign a project manager and the following
process will be completed. If the project is not
considered a construction project by SDCRB, the
standard procurement processes for goods and services
< $15,000
No solicitation required
No TSB posting required
$15,000 - Competitive Bid Threshold
Informal Quotes or RFB
TSB posting required
Public posting optional
> $25,000 Bid Bond required
Awarded Contractor provides subcontractor
list within 48 hours after award
> $25,000 Performance and Materials Bond required
Proof of Insurance required
Written signed contract with appropriate T&Cs
Retain Bid Security until contract is executed
> Competitive Bid Threshold
Formal, sealed, competitive RFB required
TSB posting required
Public posting required
Bid bond required of all bidders
Public Opening required
Awarded Contractor provides subcontractor
list within 48 hours after award
Performance and Materials Bond required
Proof of Insurance required
Written signed contract with appropriate T&Cs
Retain Bid Security until contract is executed
Construction Project Management
Agencies must contact the DCRB for all "construction"
projects greater than $5,000.
The DCRB may manage construction projects between
$5,000 and the competitive quote threshold (Iowa Code
For projects not managed by the DCRB, the DCRB will
work with the Agency to contract with a design firm. The
Agency will manage the construction process using the
procurement processes outlined in this chart.
DCRB must manage all projects greater than the
competitive quote threshold (Iowa Code 314.1B(2)).
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IDOM Approval
Currently, the Iowa Department of Management (IDOM) has implemented a restriction on agencies entering
into goods contracts, service contracts or purchases over $100,000 without receiving prior approval from
IDOM. This prohibition includes contracts and purchases using general, federal, and other funding sources,
but excludes Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and Regents.
Contact your agency’s fiscal & policy analyst at the Iowa Department of Management (IDOM) to complete
the necessary forms for the request. IDOM will notify you upon the approval of your requested equipment
or service contract.
OCIO Approval
All procurement of information technology (IT) devices and services must meet operational standards
prescribed by OCIO per Iowa Code 8B.1(12). IT purchases $25,000 and more or if there is an impact on
information security, compatibility, connectivity, or interoperability need to be sent to OCIO for review.
Approval must be received in accordance to Iowa Code 8B.1(12) from the State Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
An approved copy of the IDOM Approval document (when required by IDOM rules) must be
provided to DAS CP and made a part of the retained documentation attached to I/3.
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Iowa Code 8A.362(4)(a) provides for the purchase of motor vehicles for all branches of the state government,
except the state Department of Transportation, institutions under the control of the state Board of Regents,
the Department for the Blind, and any other state agency exempted by law, which are not rented or leased
pursuant to Iowa Code section 8A.367. New vehicle purchases shall be in accordance with competitive
solicitation procedures for goods or services as provided in the Iowa Code.
Before beginning an acquisition for a vehicle, the agency must contact CPFSE Fleet Administration to
coordinate the required paperwork for state vehicles.
The vehicle solicitation usually contains the following components:
Section 1: Bid Overview, Rules, and Response
This section explains the bidder’s conference, equipment and accessories, code requirements for fuel
economy, warranties, and pricing. The preparation of the proposals and submission guidelines are also
described in this section.
Section 2: Evaluation and Award
This section describes how the evaluation and contract award will occur as well as listing the individuals who
will be responsible for evaluating the proposals. Also included is an explanation of determining the Life Cycle
Costing of a motor vehicle.
Section 3: Order, Delivery, Inspection, Acceptance, and Title
This section provides a description of the payment type, catalogs that may be required, the colors, order
acknowledgement procedures, and delivery details.
Section 4: Payment and Vendor Performance
This last section includes the payment terms and requirements, dispute resolution, contractor reporting
requirements, and purchases by political subdivisions.
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Iowas Reciprocal Preference Law
A reciprocal preference statute states that the governmental entity will apply whatever preference statute
the bidder or respondent would receive in their home state.
Iowa Code 8A.311 “Preference shall be given to purchasing Iowa products and purchases from Iowa-based
businesses if the Iowa-based business bids submitted are comparable in price to bids submitted by out-of-
state businesses and otherwise meet the required specifications. If the laws of another state mandate a
percentage preference for businesses or products from that state, and the effect of the preference is that
bids of Iowa businesses or products that are otherwise low and responsive are not selected in the other
state, the same percentage preference shall be applied to Iowa businesses and products when businesses
or products from that other state are bid to supply Iowa requirements.”
Tied Responses and Veterans Preference 11 IAC 117.13(4)
Whenever a tie involves an Iowa vendor and a vendor outside the state of Iowa, the Iowa vendor will receive
preference. Whenever a tie involves one or more Iowa vendors and one or more vendors outside the state
of Iowa, the drawing includes the Iowa vendors only. Tied responses involving Iowa-produced or Iowa-
manufactured products and items produced or manufactured outside the state of Iowa will be resolved in
favor of the Iowa product.
In the event of tied responses between Iowa vendors, the department shall contact the Iowa Employer
Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) committee for confirmation and verification as to whether the
vendors have complied with ESGR standards. Preference, in the case of a tied solicitation, shall go to Iowa
vendors complying with ESGR standards. An award shall be determined by a drawing when responses are
equal in all respects and tied in price. Whenever it is practical to do so, the drawing occurs in the presence
of the vendors tied in price. Otherwise, the drawing occurs in front of at least three non-interested parties;
all drawings shall be documented.
American Made Products Iowa Code 8A.311
Preference shall go to purchasing American-made products and purchases from American-based businesses
if the life cycle costs are comparable to those products of foreign businesses and which most adequately
fulfill the department's need.
Be sure to verify the accuracy and currency of the information regarding another state’s preference
law before applying.
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Vendor Registration
DAS-CP invites vendors to view solicitations posted in our solicitation system. Vendors should visit where they can view
all response opportunities and submit a response to a solicitation. They can click on Vendor Registration to
register before submitting a response and select the commodities they provide. There is no fee for
Targeted Small Business (TSB) Certification Web Site
The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) certifies businesses owned, operated, and actively
managed by women, minority group members, or persons with disabilities as targeted small businesses.
Certified TSBs are eligible to apply for low-interest loans and equity grants through the Iowa Economic
Development Authority (IEDA). State purchasing officers also consider TSBs when seeking responses for
state-purchased goods and services. In order to become a certified TSB, the individual's business must meet
the following minimum requirements:
Be located in the state of Iowa
Be operated for a profit
Have a gross income of less than $4.0 million computed as an average of the preceding three fiscal
years, and
Be owned, operated, and actively managed by a female, a minority group member, a person with a
disability, or a service-disabled veteran
All applicants for certification must complete the general application form. Applicants must mail
applications for initial certification or recertification to the IEDA.
Vendor Complaints
Agencies should report complaints relating to vendor performance in to DAS-CP. Complete this form as soon
as possible after observing the problem. Reporting is necessary in order to monitor and evaluate vendor
performance, and if required, to take appropriate and timely action.
Vendor Compliance
The Department of Administrative Services (DAS), CP Administrator, or designee shall have the authority to
suspend or debar a vendor for cause from consideration of award of contracts for goods and services as
provided under the purchasing authority granted DAS-CP pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 8A.
Cause for Suspension or Debarment 11 IAC 117.18(2)
Cause for suspension or debarment shall include, but is not limited to, any or all of the following:
1. Failure to deliver within the specified delivery dates without agreement of the department or the
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2. Failure to deliver in accordance with the specifications.
3. Attempts to influence the decision of any state employee involved in the procurement process.
4. Evidence of agreements by vendors to restrain trade or impede competitive bidding; DAS-CP will
report such activities to the attorney general for appropriate action.
5. Determination by the civil rights commission that a vendor conducts discriminatory employment
practices in violation of civil rights legislation and executive order.
6. Evidence a vendor has willfully certified a false submission with the department.
7. Debarment by the federal government.
Suspension or Debarment Procedure Affected Entity Initial Step
The affected entity i.e. department, agency, institution, division or bureau shall consult with the DAS-CP COO
or designee regarding the cause for suspension or debarment of the contractor or prospective contractor.
The cause for suspension shall be stated in writing and provide specific and complete information relating
to the circumstance(s). The DAS-CP COO or designee may request additional information from the affected
entity to provide more complete information. The DAS-CP COO or designee may consult with legal counsel
regarding the request.
Corrective Performance Cure Notification
The DAS-CP COO or designee shall notify in writing any contractor or prospective contractor considered for
suspension or debarment and provide the contractor an opportunity to cure the alleged situation. This
notice shall set forth the specific failure(s) of the contractor or prospective contractor, a timeline for cure
completion, and notice that failure to satisfy within timeline may lead to suspension from eligibility to submit
on contracts for up to one year or debarment from doing any future business with the state, depending on
the severity of the contractor’s actions.
If the contractor or prospective contractor successfully satisfies the cure requirements in accordance with
the required timeline, DAS-CP will provide a notice of satisfaction of cure to the contractor or prospective
contractor and place a copy in the project and/or contractor performance file.
Suspension or Debarment Notification Requirement
If the contractor or prospective contractor fails to cure the alleged situation, the DAS-CP COO or designee
may proceed with the issuance of formal written notice that the contractor has failed to cure and is therefore
suspended/debarred. For suspensions, the notice shall also provide the effective period of the suspension.
The notice should reference the contractor’s right to appeal the decision pursuant to 11 IAC 117.20 Vendor
Appeal. DAS-CP shall mail this notice via certified mail with acknowledgement of receipt.
If the contractor or prospective contractor appeals the suspension or debarment to the DAS Director, is shall
be a contested case proceeding and conducted in accordance with the provision of the department’s
Administrative Codes governing contested case proceedings. The Department of Inspections and Appeals
shall appoint an administrative law judge to hear the case.
Suspended contractors or prospective contractors will be removed from the solicitation list and any
bids/proposals submitted will not receive consideration for the period of suspension. Debarred contractors
will be barred from submitting bids/proposals.
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Upon the completion of the suspension period, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to request
Procedures for Completing a P.O. or Term Contract in I/3
The following steps are required to create an MA, MAC or ASC in the I/3 system:
For steps on how to create a PO or any other documents in I/3 please follow the I/3 manual:
I/3 Financial
The vendor must agree to comply with the terms and conditions noted on the following attachments
which are incorporated into the Agreement by specific reference in the Agreement.
Following are the attachment requirements before completing a PO or term contract document:
1. Attachment 1: General Terms and Conditions for service/goods contracts posted at:
a) Goods Terms & Conditions
b) Services Terms & Conditions
2. Attachment 2: Competitive Solicitation (insert solicitation number)
3. Attachment 3: Response to Competitive Solicitation (except for any objection or amendment to the
Competitive Solicitation Document requirements the state has not explicitly agreed to in writing)
4. Attachment 4: Cost (final pricing documentation) response to Competitive Solicitation Document
5. Attachment 5: Special Terms (exclusions/changes) (if any)
6. Other documents that may be required:
a) FOB Performance Bond (if required)
b) Amount of Insurance (if required)
c) Payment Terms (if any)
d) Minimum Order Amount (if any)
e) Maximum Order amount (if any)
f) Not to Exceed Amount (if any)
Using Change Orders to Amend Contracts
Generally, the level of authority for approval of a Change Order Request is the same level of authority
required to approve the original purchase requisition.
Do NOT use Vendor’s Terms & Conditions on contracts.
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I/3 Manual & Payment Processes
For systematic instructions on the payment process in I/3, please refer to the I/3 manuals at:
I/3 Application Links
DAS SAE-Internal Services - PRC
DAS SAE-Internal Services - GAX
Special Characters and I/3
Except when searching with the wildcard (*), please do not use special characters in I/3 Financial. Please do
not use any special characters in document numbering. Certain special characters are not allowed in the
I/3 Financial application. Additionally, Adobe does not allow special characters for printing. To avoid
problems that occur when special characters are used, please do not use them in the I/3 financial application.
To avoid problems downloading information from the data warehouse, please avoid using a double-quote
in fields, particularly text fields such as line descriptions. At a minimum, never use a double-quote next to a
comma in a description field. This combination of characters creates problems when downloading data from
the data warehouse.
I/3 Tables
VCUST: Maintains primary information about vendors and customers
VENDCOMM: Contains all vendors who have registered for commodities
COMM: Contains valid commodity codes
VTH: Provides a history of transactions processed for a specific vendor
Data Warehouse Reports
FR039: Displays the amount paid to a vendor by department and/or FY. This amount will not include
Pcard payments
FR047: Displays all payments to a Headquarters account and all locations
FR053: Displays all vendor codes for a TIN number
Agency Buyers: For service contracts, you must attach to the PRC the Services Pre-
Contract Questionnaire (PCQ). Complete the PCQ when total purchases from the
service vendor exceeds $1,000 (one-time or in aggregate).
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DAS Central Procurement TIPSHEET: expired Master Agreement Payments
All payments against Master Agreements (MAs) must be paid on a Payment Request Commodity (PRC)
document and reference the MA. (See exception below.)
The normal payment process is to utilize the Master Agreement Search page (URSRCHMA) to
create the Delivery Order (DO) or PRC.
If an outstanding invoice needs to be paid against an expired MA and a DO was not created,
the following additional steps are needed:
Line Type = Item
When the Create Payment link ( ) is selected, the user will receive a pop-up stating
the following: ‘You have selected at least one expired line. Do you still want to continue?’
Select OK.
Once the document has been completed and validate is selected, the following error will
appear: ‘Referenced Master Agreement has already expired. This transaction will require an
override action (A6980).’
o Double check that you are using the correct MA. If so, contact your pre-auditor to apply
the override. (See Note below for how to apply the override.)
o Once the override has been applied, continue processing the document.
Line Type = Service
When the Create Payment link ( ) is selected, the user will receive a pop-up stating
the following: ‘You have selected at least one expired line. Do you still want to continue?’
Select OK.
As part of completing the document, you must enter the Received Service From Date and
Received Service To Date in the Commodity section General Information tab in the
document. The dates must be within the effective dates of the contract. This information is
required for each commodity line created.
Once the document has been completed and validate is selected, the following error will appear:
‘Referenced Master Agreement has already expired. This transaction will require an override
action (A6980).’
o Double check that you are using the correct MA. If so, contact your pre-auditor to apply
the override. (See Note below for how to apply the override.)
o Once the override has been applied, continue processing the document.
If the Received Service From Date and Received Service To Date fields are not populated with
dates that fall within the effective date of the contract, in addition to the error mentioned in
the previous section (Line Type = Item), the user will also receive the following error: ‘Received
Service To Date is not within the referenced Dates of Service.’
o Enter the appropriate dates of service, have your pre-auditor apply the override and
continue processing the document.
Exception to referencing the MA
If an invoice is paid after the end of the budget fiscal year in which the goods were received,
and the MA contains Discount periods that have expired, contact DAS Central Procurement for
approval to pay.
If you are unable to reference the MA on the PRC, you must add an explanation to the
Document Description field and attach an email approval from DAS Central Procurement.
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NOTE: Overriding message A6980- Referenced Master Agreement has already expired
Navigate to the bottom right of the screen and click the Workflow ( ) button.
Click Override ( ).
You will receive the following Information message: ‘Applied override level [5] to document.’
Assuming all other errors have been resolved, the document should validate successfully.
Additional Information
For purchasing questions, contact:
Karl Wendt, Procurement Manager
Payment processing: Contact DAS-CP CFO at (515) 321-9529.
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DAS-CP will purchase goods and services on behalf of agencies in accordance with the policies and
procedures contained within this manual.
DAS-CP Responsibilities:
1. Become acquainted with the needs of all agencies.
2. Provide guidance and training on how to prepare specifications.
3. Review specifications provided by agencies to assure they are not proprietary in nature and allow for
open competition.
4. Provide guidance on the best methods of proposal evaluation.
5. Process requisitions and bids/proposals in a timely manner.
6. Create term contracts such as master agreements for general use by all agencies.
7. Perform agency surveys, spend analyses, vendor evaluations, contract analysis, and market research
to evaluate the renewal of term contracts.
8. Grant purchasing authority based on training and procurement compliance.
Agency Responsibilities:
Provide DAS-CP a report (pursuant to 2010 Iowa Acts, Chapter 1031(SF2088) Division VII section 76)
on an annual basis regarding planned purchases and steps taken to standardize products and services.
Review master agreements for similar goods or services before beginning a new procurement.
Write clear and accurate descriptions of materials and equipment to be purchased, excluding brand
Prepare technical specifications for goods and services requiring formal solicitation.
Provide the technical evaluation of proposals.
Advise DAS-CP of special projects or requirements for procurements in advance in order to avoid
delays and to allow adequate time for the procurement process.
Provide DAS-CP written documentation of any pertinent delivery and/or vendor problems or
complaints using the Vendor Performance Form.
Expedite the delivery of purchases as needed; work with the vendor in resolving problems with
defective merchandise, the return of goods, or unsatisfactory service per Terms and Conditions of the
Comply with DAS-CP’s procurement policies, procedures and training.
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Iowa Administrative Code requires DAS-CP to procure goods and services of general use for all state
with the exceptions of those agencies exempted by law, which include the following:
Board of Regents Department of Transportation
Lottery Department of the Blind
State Fair Authority Department of Human Services
Pursuant to 11 IAC 117.7(2), DAS-CP shall assist agencies in developing purchasing procedures consistent with
central purchasing policy and procedures and recommended governmental procurement standards. DAS-CP
currently creates master agreements to purchase goods and services on behalf of the state agencies. These
master agreements, established by competitive solicitation, allow agencies to purchase directly from the
vendor using these contracts without further competition. Moreover, political subdivisions (cities, counties,
and schools) may utilize many of these contracts.
Other Exemptions:
ICN is exempt for telecommunications purchases per Iowa Code 8D.3.
The National Guard is exempt for real estate purchases per Iowa Code 29A.57.2 and construction contracts
per Iowa Code 8A.302(4).
The Natural Resource Commission and Iowa Public Employee’s Retirement System are exempt for
construction contracts per Iowa Code 8A.302(4).
The office of the governor or an elective official, the general assembly and the judicial branches are not state agencies. See
11 IAC 117.2 under “Agency”.
The Department of Human Services has limited independent procurement/contracting authority that is set forth in various
provisions of law, including, but not limited to Iowa Code, appropriation bills, and session law. The following provisions are
provided for illustrative purposes only and are not an all-inclusive listing of all applicable provisions:
Iowa Code Sections: 217.33, 218.5, 218.52, 225C.4(u), 234.6(5), 237.13, 237.14, 249A.4, 252B.5, 252B.7(3)
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Iowa Code and Iowa Administrative Code Links
Iowa Code Chapter 8A.311, 8A.311A and 8A.312 (primary source, see other links throughout the manual)
Iowa Administrative Code Chapters 117, 118 and 119
DAS CP website:
IT Contracts
IT Standards:
Targeted Small Business (TSB)
Information on the TSB Program:
List of certified TSB vendors:
Bid Opportunities:
DAS Design and Construction Resource Bureau
DAS Fleet Services
State Accounting Enterprises Payment Process Manual
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The words defined in this section, derived from Iowa Code, Iowa Administrative Code and the National
Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP), shall have the meanings set forth below whenever they appear
in this Policies and Procedures Manual. Unless the context in which they are used clearly requires a different
meaning or a different definition is necessary for a particular section or provision.
Addendum (pl. Addenda) is a written change, addition, alteration, correction, or revision to a solicitation,
proposal, or contract document. Issuance of Addendum/Addenda to a solicitation may occur following a pre-
bid/pre-proposal conference or because of a specification or work scope change to the solicitation. NIGP
Agency means a unit of state government, which is an authority, board, commission, committee, council,
department, examining board, or independent agency. 11 IAC 117.2
Agency Specific Contract (ASC) for the purpose of this manual is a contract developed for one agency’s unique
needs for goods or services.
Authorized Purchaser for the purpose of this manual is any state employee with the required level of training
certification to purchase goods or services for specified purchasing thresholds.
Award means the selection of a vendor to receive a master agreement or order of a good or service. 11 IAC 117.2
Best and Final Offer (BAFO) in a competitive negotiation, is a negotiating option in which the Authorized
Purchaser requests one or more respondents to submit a final offer with the most favorable terms for price,
service, and delivery. The department may enter into negotiations with the highest ranked respondent or conduct
simultaneous negotiations with a number of the most highly ranked respondents whose scores are relatively
close. 11 IAC 117.8 (5) (paraphrased).
Bid (noun) is the response submitted by a bidder to a request for bids. NIGP
Bid Security for the purpose of this manual means a sum of money or certified/cashier’s check deposited by a
bidder to guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract within a specified time and furnish any required
performance bond.
is one who submits a response to an invitation to bid. NIGP
Bidders' Conference is a meeting to discuss with potential bidders, technical, operational and performance
specifications before the bid closes. NIGP
Bid Opening is the official process in which sealed bids are opened, usually in the presence of one or more
witnesses, at the time and place specified in the invitation for bid. The amount of each bid is documented,
evaluated, tabulated, and available for public inspection. NIGP (modified to conform to Iowa law)
Bid Preferences are based on procurement laws mandating that bid prices for a preferred class of bidders be
given special consideration when comparing their bid prices with those of other bidders not in the preferred class,
i.e., local vendors may be given a bid preference over out-of-state vendors. NIGP
Bid Specification means the standards or qualities which must be met before a contract to purchase will be
awarded and any terms which the director has set as a condition precedent to the awarding of a contract. 11 IAC
Business means any corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture,
or any other private legal entity. NIGP
Buyer for the purpose of this manual is any state employee having authorization, by their agency director or
department manager, to make purchases from an established MA, TSB, IPI, etc. These individuals purchase from
sources that do not require further competition and include Pcard holders. (See Purchaser for NIGP definition)
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Change Order (CO) A written alteration that is issued to modify or amend a contract or Purchase Order. In
reference to construction contracts, it relates primarily to changes caused by unanticipated conditions
encountered during construction not covered by the drawings, plans, or specifications of the project. NIGP
Code of Ethics for the purpose of this manual is a guide to acceptable and ethical behavior as defined by an
organization or public body. It is a standard of behavior adopted by an organization with written policies or
guidelines, which apply to the ethical behavior of members of an organization, business, or public entity.
Competitive Selection means a formal or informal process engaged in by a state agency to compare provider
qualifications, terms, conditions, and prices of equal or similar goods or services in order to meet the objective of
purchasing goods or services based on quality, performance, price, or any combination thereof. During a
competitive selection process, a state agency may weigh the relevant selection criteria in whatever fashion it
believes will enable it to select the service provider that submits the best proposal. The lowest priced proposal is
not necessarily the best proposal. 11 IAC 118.3; (11 IAC 120.2)
Confidential Information is material submitted in response to a solicitation identified by the respondent as
proprietary or confidential. In accordance with Iowa Code section 22.7, all submissions by a vendor are public
information. 11 IAC 120.2
Construction means the process of utilizing labor to erect, build, alter, repair, improve, or demolish any structure,
building or public improvement; generally does not apply to routine maintenance, repair, or operation of existing
real property. NIGP
Contract Modification is any written alteration in specifications, delivery point, delivery frequency, period of
performance, price, quantity, or other provisions of the contract, accomplished by mutual agreement of the
parties to the contract. NIGP
Contractor is any individual or business having a contract with a governmental body to furnish goods, services, or
construction. NIGP
Debarment for the purpose of this manual means to exclude or shut out of future solicitations and contracting
Designee means a duly authorized representative. NIGP
Director means the director of the department of administrative services or the director’s designee. 11 IAC 117.2
Emergency Procurement means an acquisition resulting from an emergency need. 11 IAC 120.2
Estimated total cost of a public improvement or estimated total cost means the estimated total cost to the
governmental entity to construct a public improvement, including cost of labor, materials, equipment, and
supplies, but excluding the cost of architectural, landscape architectural, or engineering design services and
inspection. Iowa Code 26.2
Evaluation Criteria are generally part of the Request for Proposal (RFP) method. Qualitative factors that an
evaluation committee will use to evaluate/score a proposal and select the most qualified proposer. Criteria may
include such factors as past performance, references, management and technical capability, price, quality and
performance requirements. NIGP
Evaluation of Responses is the examination of responses after opening to determine the respondent’s
responsibility, responsiveness to requirements, including costs, and other aspects of the solicitation to determine
the successful respondent. NIGP
Fiscal and Policy Analyst (FPA) for the purpose of this manual is an individual who is employed by the Department
of Administrative Services for the purpose of analyzing and researching procurement activities and testing of
Fiscal Year for the purpose of this manual is a 12-month period for accounting purposes; in Iowa, it is the period
beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
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Formal Competition means a competitive selection process for the procurement of any good or service or group
of goods or services of general use costing $50,000 or more. 11 IAC 117.3(2)
Formal Bid is a bid submitted in a sealed envelope and in conformance with a prescribed format to be opened in
public at a specified date and time. NIGP
Good or goods means products or personal property other than money that is tangible or movable at the time of
purchase, including specially manufactured goods. A contract for goods is a contract in which the predominant
factor, thrust, and purpose of the contract as reasonably stated is for the acquisition of goods. When there is a
contract for both goods and services and the predominant factor, thrust, and purpose of the contract as
reasonably stated is for the acquisition of goods, a contract for goods exists. 11 IAC 117.2
Governmental Entity means any unit of government in the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of
government; an agency or political subdivision; any unit of another state government; any unit of the United
States government; or any association or other organization whose membership consists primarily of one or more
of any of the foregoing. 11 IAC 117.2
Informal Competition
means a streamlined competitive selection process in which a department or agency makes
an effort to contact at least three prospective vendors identified by the department or purchasing agency as
qualified to perform the work described in the scope of work to request that they provide bids or proposals for
the delivery of the goods or services the department or agency is seeking. 11 IAC 117.2
Information Technology Procurement means a procurement for goods or services in which the predominant
factor, thrust, and purpose of the procurement as reasonably stated is for the purchase of information technology
devices or information technology services. Information technology procurements do not include procurements
for goods or services in which the purchase of information technology devices or information technology services
is an incidental, minor or limited part of the contract. NIGP
Information Technology Services means services designed to provide functions, maintenance, and support of
information technology devices, or services including but not limited to computer systems application
development and maintenance; systems integration and interoperability; operating systems maintenance and
design; computer systems programming; computer systems software support; planning and security relating to
information technology devices; data management consultation; information technology education and
consulting; information technology planning and standards; and establishment of local area network and
workstation management standards. 11 IAC 117.2
Intergovernmental Agreement means an agreement for services between a state agency and any other
governmental entity whether federal, state, or local and any department, division, unit or subdivision thereof. 11
IAC 118.3
Iowa-based business means an entity that has its principal place of business in Iowa. 11 IAC 117.2
Lowest Responsible Respondent means the respondent that is compliant with the requirements and terms of the
competitive selection document and that submits the lowest price(s) or cost(s). 11 IAC 117.2
Master Agreement means a contract arrived at competitively which establishes prices, terms, and conditions for
the purchase of goods and services in common use. Agencies may purchase from a master agreement without
further competition. These contracts may involve the needs of one or more state agencies. Master agreements
for a particular item or class of items may be awarded to a single vendor or multiple vendors. 11 IAC 117.2
Material Modification relating to an approved IT procurement means a change in the procurement of 10 percent
or $50,000 whichever is less, or a change of sufficient importance or relevance to have possible significant
influence on the outcome. 11 IAC 117.2
Notice of Intent to Award for the purpose of this manual is a notification to all respondents to a solicitation that
an award of contract will be made to a vendor pending negotiations.
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Performance Bond is an instrument executed, subsequent to award, by a successful respondent that protects the
public entity from loss due to the respondent’s inability to complete the contract as agreed. The bond is a risk
mechanism that secures the fulfillment of all contract requirements. NIGP
Pre-Qualification (of respondents) for the purpose of this manual is the screening of potential
vendors/contractors in which such factors as financial capability and questionnaire responses are considered in
order to develop a list of qualified businesses who may then be allowed to submit bids/offers.
Procurement Card for the purpose of this manual is a state credit card used as a method of procurement payment
for defined approved purchases of goods and services.
Public Improvement means a building or construction work which is constructed under the control of a
governmental entity and is paid for in whole or in part with funds of the governmental entity, including a building
or improvement constructed or operated jointly with any other public or private agency, but excluding urban
renewal demolition and low-rent housing projects, industrial aid projects authorized under Iowa Code chapter
419, emergency work or repair or maintenance work performed by employees of a governmental entity, and
excluding a highway, bridge, or culvert project, and excluding construction or repair or maintenance work
performed for a city utility under Iowa Code chapter 388 by its employees or performed for a rural water district
under Iowa Code chapter 357A by its employees. 761180.3 (314)
Purchase Order is a purchaser’s written document to a vendor formalizing all the terms and conditions of a
proposed transaction, such as a description of the requested items, delivery schedule, terms of payment, and
transportation. NIGP
Purchaser or procurer of products and services are titles that refer to an individual who is responsible for the
procurement activities of an entity. A job title within a procurement organization also commonly referred to as a
Purchasing or Procurement Agent. NIGP (see Buyer for manual definition)
Purchasing Agent (PA) for the purpose of this manual means all authorized purchasing personnel who are
employed by DAS Central Procurement.
Requisition is an internal document by which a using agency sends details of supplies, services, or materials
required to the purchasing department. NIGP
Request for Bid (RFB) is the document used to solicit bids from potential providers for goods and services of
general use on the basis of price. 11 IAC 117.9(3)
Request for Information (RFI) is a non-binding method whereby a governmental entity requests its need for
information and input from interested parties for an upcoming solicitation. A procurement practice used to obtain
comments, feedback, or reactions from potential vendors (contractors) prior to the issuing of a solicitation. With
an RFI, generally price or cost is not required. Feedback may include best practices, industry standards, technology
issues, etc. NIGP
Request for Proposal (RFP) is the document used to solicit proposals from potential providers for goods and
services where cost is not the sole evaluation criterion for selection. 11 IAC 117.9(4)(a)
Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a small order amount purchasing method. An RFQ is generally used for small
orders under a certain dollar threshold. A request is sent to vendors along with a description of the commodity
or services needed and the vendor is asked to respond with price and other information by a pre-determined
date. NIGP
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Responsible Respondent means a vendor that has the capability in all respects to perform the contract
requirements. In determining whether a vendor is a responsible bidder, the department may consider various
factors including, but not limited to, the vendor’s competence and qualification for the type of services required,
the vendor’s integrity and reliability, the past performance of the vendor relative to the quality of the good or
service, the past experience of the department in relation to the good or service, the relative quality of the good
or service, the proposed terms of delivery, and the best interest of the state. 11 IAC 117.2
Sealed means the submission of responses to a solicitation in a form that prevents disclosure of the contents prior
to a date and time established by the department for opening the responses. Sealed responses may be received
electronically. 11 IAC 117.2
Service or services means work performed for an agency or its clients by a service provider. A contract for services
is a procurement where the predominant factor, thrust, and purpose of the contract as reasonably stated is for
services. When there is a mixed contract for goods and services, if the predominant factor, thrust, and purpose
of the contract as reasonably stated is for service, with goods incidentally involved, a contract for services exists.
11 IAC 117.2
Service Contract for the purpose of this manual means a contract for a service or services when the predominant
factor, thrust, and purpose of the contract as reasonably stated is for the provision or rendering of services. When
there is a contract for both goods and services and the predominant factor, thrust, and purpose of the contract
as reasonably stated is for the provision or rendering of services with goods incidentally involved, a service
contract exists.
Service Provider means a vendor that enters into a service contract with a state agency. 11 IAC 118.3
Services of General Use means services that are not unique to an agency’s program or that are needed by more
than one agency. 11 IAC 117.2
Software means an ordered set of instructions or statements that causes information technology devices to
process data and includes any program or set of programs, procedures, or routines used to employ and control
capabilities of computer hardware. “Software” also includes, but is not limited to, an operating system; compiler;
assembler; utility; library resource; maintenance routine; application; or a computer networking program’s non-
mechanized and nonphysical components; arrangements; algorithms; procedures; programs; services; sequences
and routines utilized to support, guide, control, direct, or monitor information technology equipment or
applications; and “data processing software” as defined in Iowa Code section 22.3A(1)e.” 11 IAC 117.2
Sole Source Procurement means a purchase of a good or service in which the department or agency selects a
vendor without engaging in a competitive selection process. 11 IAC 117.2
Specification is a precise description of the physical or functional characteristics of a product, good or construction
item. A description of what the purchaser seeks to buy and what a respondent must be responsive to in order to
be considered for award of a contract. NIGP
Spend Analysis is the process of collecting, classifying, and analyzing expenditure data from all sources within the
organization (i.e. purchasing card, eProcurement systems, etc.). The process analyzes the current, past and
forecasted expenditures to allow visibility of data, within the organization at various levels, e.g. by vendor,
commodity, service, or by department. Spend analysis can be used to make management decisions by providing
answers to such questions as: what was bought; when was it bought; where was it purchased; how many vendors
were used, how much was spent with each vendor; and how much was paid for the item. NIGP
Supplies are all tangible items purchased or consumed by an organization. NIGP
Targeted Small Business (TSB) means a targeted small business as defined in Iowa Code section 15.102 that is
certified by the Iowa Economic Development Authority pursuant to Iowa Code section 10A.104 and as authorized
by Iowa Code chapter 73. 11 IAC 117.2
Terms and Conditions for the purpose of this manual means standard boilerplate language that includes standard
clauses and rules, which apply to RFBs and RFPs that are incorporated into the final contract.
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Upgrade means additional hardware or software enhancements, extensions, features, options, or devices to
support, enhance, or extend the life or increase the usefulness of previously procured information technology
devices. 11 IAC 117.2
Vendor means a person, firm, corporation, partnership, business, or other commercial entity that provides
services or offers goods for sale or lease. 11 IAC 117.2
Vendor On-line System means a state computer system that enables vendors to conduct business electronically
with the state through an Internet location on the World Wide Web. 11 IAC 117.2
Vendor Suspension or Debarment is when prior performance on a state contract may cause a vendor to be
disqualified or prevent the vendor from being considered a qualified respondent. 11 IAC 117.18(2)
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Agency Authorized Purchaser
Master Agreement
Agency Specific Contract
Multiple Award Contract
Best and Final Offer
National Association of State Procurement
Chief Information Officer
National Institute of Governmental
Change Order
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Commodity Table
Purchase Order
Central Procurement
Commodity Based Payment Request
Contract for Technical
Request for Bid
Department of Administrative
Request for Information
Design and Construction Resource
Request for Proposal
Department of Inspection and
Request for Quote
Delivery Order
Requisition for Master Agreements
Department of Transportation
Requisition with no pre-encumbered funds
Iowa Employer Support of the Guard
and Reserve
Requisition with pre-encumbered funds
Free on Board
Service Contract
Fiscal & Policy Analyst
Technology Coordinating Committee
Fiscal Year
Targeted Small Business
General Accounting Expenditure
Vendor Commodity Table
General Services Enterprise
Vendor Customer Table
Iowa Administrative Code
Vendor Transaction History
Iowa Department of Management
Iowa Prison Industries
Information Technology