Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2015, 12, 717 -726
© 2015 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Butryn (mlb34@drexel.edu), Kerrigan, and Forman are with the Dept of
Psychology, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Arigo is with the Dept
of Psychology, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA. Raggio is with the
VA Boston Healthcare System, Behavioral Medicine Program. Kaufman is
with the Dept of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Measuring the Ability to Tolerate Activity-Related Discomfort: Initial
Validation of the Physical Activity Acceptance Questionnaire (PAAQ)
Meghan L. Butryn, Danielle Arigo, Greer A. Raggio, Alison Infield Kaufman,
Stephanie G. Kerrigan, and Evan M. Forman
Background: Physical activity (PA) is essential for health, but many adults nd PA adherence challenging. Acceptance of discomfort related
to PA may inuence an individual’s ability to begin and sustain a program of exercise. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric
properties of the Physical Activity Acceptance Questionnaire (PAAQ). Methods: The PAAQ was administered to 3 distinct samples (N =
418). Each sample completed additional self-report measures; 1 sample also wore accelerometers for 7 days (at baseline and 6 months later).
Results: The PAAQ demonstrated high internal validity for its total score (α = .89) and 2 subscales (Cognitive Acceptance α = .86, Behavioral
Commitment α = .85). The PAAQ also showed convergent validity with measures of mindfulness, self-reported physical activity levels, and
accelerometer-veried levels of moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA; P-values < .05). The Cognitive Acceptance subscale showed predictive valid-
ity for objectively-veried PA levels among individuals attempting to increase PA over 6 months (P = .05). Test-retest reliability for a subset
of participants (n = 46) demonstrated high consistency over 1 week (P < .0001). Conclusions: The PAAQ demonstrates sound psychometric
properties, and shows promise for improving the current understanding of PA facilitators and barriers among adults.
Keywords: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), exercise, assessment, adherence
experiential avoidance has been associated with greater difculty
maintaining important behavior changes (eg, those that maintain
weight loss).
Behavioral commitment, which is the willingness to
tolerate discomfort or forego pleasure in the service of higher order
goals and values, also is known to inuence health behavior.
As individuals differ in their ability to accept discomfort and
engage in difcult behaviors despite discomfort,
differences in experiential acceptance and behavioral commitment
may inuence engagement in PA. PA results in physiological sen-
sations that many nd unpleasant, such as fatigue, sweating, and
increased heart rate, as well as boredom or urges to slow down or
stop moving. Furthermore, physical and emotional discomfort and
other barriers related to PA may be magnied by the presence of
physical disability
or chronic disease, including obesity,
cardiac conditions,
and osteoarthritis.
Importantly, individuals
vary in the extent to which they tolerate or “accept” unpleasant
experiences versus feel driven to diminish them psychologically (eg,
via suppression or distraction) or behaviorally (eg, by performing
an action likely to produce change in the experience).
A series of
studies has demonstrated links between activity intensity, perceived
aversiveness, and choices made in regard to PA.
This evidence
indicates that improving individuals’ ability to tolerate discomfort
associated with PA could alleviate 1 challenge to PA adherence.
Sustaining high levels of PA likely requires a high level of
motivation that is internalized and connected to important values,
especially for those who nd PA inherently unenjoyable. Consistent
with this notion, the extent to which motivation is intrinsic predicts
adherence to a PA regimen.
PA interventions that have targeted moti-
vational processes also appear to show improved outcomes.
and Ryan’s self-determination theory
suggests that lasting behavior
change is facilitated by internalizing values for change and accepting
responsibility for autonomous regulation of behaviors. These ideas
align with newer behavioral theories that emphasize the necessity of
establishing clarity of life values to justify uncomfortable choices.
Although scant research has explored the role of experiential
acceptance and commitment in PA promotion, preliminary data and
Regular and adequate levels of physical activity (PA) provide a
myriad of health benets for adults, including reduced risk of heart
disease, stroke, and diabetes, as well as improved weight control and
better overall health.
Yet adopting and maintaining PA appears dif-
cult, as only 25% of adults in the U.S. engage in the recommended
amount of PA.
Many environmental factors limit PA, including the
increase in television and computer use; labor-saving devices in the
ofce and home; an increase in sedentary jobs; land use patterns and
transportation systems outside of urban areas that maximize reliance
on automobiles; and the general ability to obtain food and shelter
with minimal energy expenditure.
The literature on barriers to
achieving adequate PA is limited, but suggests that low motivation,
low self-efcacy, lack of social support, time constraints, and access
are common problems.
Interventions based on addressing these
conventional barriers have demonstrated limited effectiveness.
To promote greater PA, it may be necessary to make policy and
environmental changes that increase lifestyle activity, while also
developing a greater understanding of the individual differences
that are related to PA behaviors.
Emerging research indicates that acceptance and commitment,
which are key skills outlined in third-wave behavior therapies,
ence health-related behavior change. Third-wave behavioral theory
places less emphasis on controlling internal experience than traditional
behavioral theory, and greater emphasis on experiential acceptance.
Experiential acceptance, a psychological process by which internal
experiences are confronted (rather than avoided), has been associated
with improvements in binge eating,
alcohol abuse,
and a range of other maladaptive health behaviors.
718 Butryn et al
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prevailing theory indicate that these processes may be important in
understanding barriers to (and facilitators of) PA. Increased knowl-
edge about the role of experiential acceptance in PA engagement
may thus improve interventions that promote PA. For example,
Tapper and colleagues
demonstrated that participants randomly
assigned to an acceptance-based weight loss workshop demon-
strated greater increases in PA compared with controls (ie, +2.2 vs.
–.6 bouts/week). Another pilot study revealed that female college
students who received a brief acceptance- and commitment-focused
intervention for weight gain prevention achieved early increases in
PA (relative to baseline levels).
Conversely, negative evaluations
of the emotional experience of exercise have been associated with
fewer PA minutes per week.
As further research is necessary to
explicate these relationships, there is need for a PA-related expe-
riential acceptance measure that could facilitate such research. Of
note, greater acceptance of pain on the Chronic Pain Acceptance
Questionnaire (CPAQ) has been associated with higher levels of
moderate-intensity PA.
Aims and Hypotheses of the Current Study
At present, there is no validated measure of PA-related experiential
acceptance and commitment for use in research or clinical interven-
tion. The current study focused on the development and validation of
the Physical Activity Acceptance Questionnaire (PAAQ), a measure
of experiential acceptance and behavioral commitment to PA. This
study was designed to assess the factor structure of the PAAQ (using
Exploratory Factor Analysis [EFA]), and to evaluate the measure’s
validity and test-retest reliability. Construct validity was examined
using data from 3 independent samples, which were chosen to
represent populations and topic areas for which this measure may
be used in clinical research (ie, weight loss, health psychology,
and general promotion of physical activity). Concurrent validity
was assessed with objective PA measurement and additional self-
report measures. A range of self-report measures were included to
test both convergent and divergent validity. Individuals undergoing
weight loss treatment also provided data on predictive validity and
1-week test-retest reliability.
Hypotheses were 3-fold:
1. the PAAQ would demonstrate adequate internal consistency
and test-retest reliability
2. scores on the PAAQ would positively correlate with acceler-
ometer-measured PA and self-reported mindfulness, as well
as negatively correlate with reported depression and overall
experiential avoidance (among other constructs associated with
low PA engagement). PAAQ scores were expected to show no
signicant relationships with measures of marital satisfaction
and sexual functioning
3. higher PAAQ scores would predict higher levels of PA follow-
ing a PA intervention program. Such ndings would support
the PAAQ as a validated measure of PA-related experiential
acceptance and commitment, and could be useful in theoretical
and experimental research on PA and PA promotion.
Participants and Procedures
Participants included adults from 3 distinct samples. All 3 respec-
tive studies were approved by the Institutional Review Board at a
large, urban university. Demographic information for each sample
can be found in Table 1. Sample 1 comprised overweight and obese
adults recruited for weight loss treatment (n = 282). Mean age was
50.04 years (SD = 10.05), and mean BMI was 37.52 kg/m
= 6.04). A subset of this sample provided 1-week test-retest reli-
ability (n = 46). For the purpose of examining construct validity of
the PAAQ, another subset of participants in this sample (n = 174)
was administered self-report measures (described below) and had
physical activity measured with accelerometers. Participants in
this sample completed the PAAQ and other self-report measures
(described below); they also completed objective assessment of PA
before beginning treatment and repeated objective PA assessment
6 months later (midtreatment).
Sample 2 enrolled adult women with a history of breast cancer
(n = 83; mean age = 56.20 years, SD = 8.78). Participants had previ-
ously received breast cancer treatment at a local hospital and were
contacted by telephone to determine their interest in a larger study of
long-term breast cancer survivorship; those who expressed interest
completed the self-report battery described below. All women were
in remission or had stable disease at the time of the study and were
otherwise healthy. Sample 3 included community-dwelling, healthy
adults (n = 53) who were recruited to participate in an intervention
designed to promote PA. All self-report measures were completed at
the start of treatment. The sample’s mean age at baseline was 26.81
years (SD = 4.73) and mean BMI was 25.05 kg/m
(SD = 3.43).
Please refer to Table 1 for additional demographic information.
PAAQ Measure
The Physical Activity Acceptance Questionnaire is a 10-item self-
report measure designed to assess the extent to which an individual
is able to accept or tolerate physical or psychological discomfort that
often is associated with moderate or vigorous exercise. The initial
version of the PAAQ contained 8 items, which focused primarily
on reactions to psychological discomfort (ie, negative thoughts or
expectations about PA; eg, “I avoid exercising if it is going to make
me feel physically uncomfortable, bored, or pressed for time”). The
content for these initial 8 items was developed from 2 sources: 1)
the clinical impressions of the authors, based on work with indi-
viduals who had varying degrees of success initiating and main-
taining PA regimens, and 2) acceptance and commitment theory.
The structure of the PAAQ was modeled after other measures of
acceptance, particularly the CPAQ, which measures acceptance of
physical pain.
Evaluation of item content was sought from several
clinical psychologists who had clinical and research expertise in
health-related behavior change. They indicated that additional items
should be developed to assess the construct of interest as compre-
hensively as possible. Seven additional items were developed; these
items directly assessed acceptance or tolerance of uncomfortable
physical sensations, such as, “When I start to feel out of breath or
tired during exercise I nd a way to keep going.” Three of these
items were deleted due to low item-total correlations (ie, r < .35)
and were included in an EFA. Two additional items were removed
due to cross-loading, described below. The nal, 10-item scale
was administered to the 3 samples described above (N = 418).
Additional measures were administered to each sample to assess
reliability and validity.
Convergent Validity Measures
Accelerometers (Sample 1 Only). ActiGraph GT3x triaxial,
solid state accelerometers were used to measure physical activity
in Sample 1. Accelerometers, and in particular models made by
have been found to be a valid and reliable means of
Physical Activity Acceptance Questionnaire 719
JPAH Vol. 12, No. 5, 2015
measuring PA.
Triaxial accelerometers measure movements
in multiple planes and assess activity intensity, thus providing a
more accurate and comprehensive measurement of PA and more
accurate estimates of energy expenditure than do less sophisticated
methods such as pedometers or self-report questionnaires.
Activity parameters used in the present analyses included number
of moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) bouts per week, average time
per MVPA bout, MET rate (MET = Metabolic Equivalent of Task,
or the energy used by the body at rest), and percent of time spent in
All parameters were derived using the intensity cut-points
suggested by Matthews.
Parameters were used to test both conver-
gent validity (concurrent) and predictive validity (6 months later).
Reported Physical Activity. The long form of the International
Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)
consists of 27 items
quantifying PA in the last 7 days across 5 domains: work; transpor-
tation; housework, house maintenance, and caring for family; rec-
reation, sport, and leisure-time; and time spent sitting. Participants
report the number of days on which the activity was performed (if
any), followed by average minutes per day. Total physical activity
is expressed in units of MET-minutes per week. Meta-analytic tech-
niques demonstrate convergent validity across PA domains assessed
by the IPAQ (eg, vigorous activity, moderate-intensity activity).
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II. The Acceptance and
Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II)
is a 7-item self-report measure
of the extent to which an individual demonstrates an accepting
attitude toward negative feelings and experiences and the ability to
take action even when feeling dysphoric or uncertain. Items are rated
on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = never true to 7 = always true), with
higher scores indicating greater levels of psychological exibility.
The AAQ-II has previously demonstrated high internal consistency
(Cronbach’s α = .84) and test-retest reliability, both at 3 months
(.81) and 12 months (.79).
Barriers to Physical Activity. The Barriers to Being Active scale
identies types of physical activity barriers that undermine one’s
ability to incorporate regular physical activity into his or her life. Of
the 7 categories, 3 categories were examined in the current study:
lack of time, lack of energy, and lack of willpower. Nine items assess
these barriers to physical activity using a 4-point Likert scale (0 =
very unlikely to 3 = very likely). Higher scores in each category
indicate signicant barriers to engaging in physical activity. Internal
consistency has been estimated at α = .87.
Depression. The Iowa short form of the Center for Epidemio-
logical Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D)
was used in Sample
2. This measure includes 20 items rating depressive symptoms on a
4-point scale (0 = rarely or none of the time to 3 = most or all of the
time). Total scores range from 0 to 60, with higher scores indicat-
ing more severe depressive symptoms, and a score of 16 or greater
indicating clinically signicant depression. Sample 3 completed
the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II),
a 21-item measure
that assesses current mood. Participants are asked to endorse the
Table 1 Demographic Information
Weight loss treatment sample
Breast cancer remission sample
Physical activity promotion
sample (healthy adults)
Age, Mean (SD) 52.98 (11.56) Age, Mean (SD) 56.20 (8.78) Age, Mean (SD) 26.81 (4.73)
BMI, Mean (SD) 34.44 (4.93) Race, N (%) BMI, Mean (SD) 25.05 (3.43)
Gender, N (%) White 67 (84%) Gender, N (%)
Male 28 (26%) Black 5 (7%) Male 21 (40%)
Female 80 (74%) Hispanic/Latina 2 (3%) Female 32 (60%)
Race, N (%) American Indian/Alaskan
2 (3%) Race, N (%)
White 75 (70%) Other 4 (5%) White 32 (60%)
Black 29 (27%) Marital status, N (%) Black 7 (13%)
Hawaiian or Pacic Islander 1 (1%) Single 11 (13%) Asian 12 (23%)
Mixed 2 (2%) Married 53 (65%) Mixed 2 (4%)
Marital status, N (%) In a relationship (not married) 2 (3%) Marital status, N (%)
Single 23 (21%) Divorced 10 (12%) Single 46 (87%)
Married 60 (55%) Widowed 6 (7%) Married 7 (13%)
Separated 3 (3%) Education, N (%)
Divorced 20 (19%) Some undergraduate work
(or less)
22 (27%)
Widowed 2 (2%) Undergraduate degree/some
graduate work
27 (33%)
Education, N (%) Graduate degree 33 (40%)
High school graduate/GED 6 (6%)
Associate’s degree/some college 15 (14%)
Bachelor’s degree 38 (35%)
Graduate/professional degree 49 (45%)
720 Butryn et al
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severity of their symptoms on a 4-point scale (0–3); higher scores
indicate greater frequency of depressive symptoms. Both the CES-D
and the BDI-II consistently have shown high internal consistency
(α = .80–.90 across samples and α = .91, respectively) and strong
relationships with other measures of depression (eg, the Hamilton
Clinician Rating Scale).
Mindfulness. The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
is 39-item measure of dispositional mindfulness. The
FFMQ is scored on a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = never true to 5 =
always true). The 5 facets of mindfulness reect 1’s tendency/ability
to: observe, describe, act with awareness, nonjudge, and nonreact.
Reliability across subscales is reported as moderate to high (α =
.69 for observe to .90 for describe). Initial validation also showed
adequate convergent validity (with self-report measures of person-
ality) and divergent validity (with measures of physical health).
Discomfort Intolerance. The Discomfort Intolerance Scale
assesses a person’s self-reported ability to withstand physical dis-
comfort. Participants rate the degree to which they identify with
statements regarding pain tolerance on a 7-point Likert scale (1 =
not at all like me to 7 = extremely like me), with higher scores indi-
cating greater intolerance (ie, less tolerance). Published reports on
the Discomfort Intolerance Scale have shown internal consistency
alphas of .72 to .91 and 3-month test-retest reliability of .66.
Defusion. The Drexel Defusion Scale
assesses a person’s
ability to “defuse” (or psychologically separate) from a variety
of feelings (eg, anger, cravings, and pain). Participants rate their
ability to defuse on a 6-point Likert scale (0 = not at all to 5 = very
much). Higher scores denote greater ability to defuse. The Drexel
Defusion Scale has good internal consistency (α = .83), as well as
adequate convergent and divergent validity across a range of self-
report measures.
Divergent Validity Measures
Sexual Function. The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI)
is a 19-item measure scored on 5- and 6-point Likert-like scales.
The FSFI organizes sexual function data across 6 subscales: desire,
arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain. Total scores
range from 2–36, with higher scores reecting better sexual func-
tion. A total score of 26.5 effectively differentiates between women
with and without sexual dysfunction as dened by DSM-IV criteria.
This measure shows good psychometric properties, including high
internal consistency (α .82) and test-retest reliability (.79 to .76
across subscales), and the ability to differentiate between women
with and without female sexual arousal disorder.
Marital Satisfaction. Items drawn from the Perceived Social
Support/Conict scale
assessed survivors’ perceived support from
and interaction with their spouse or partner. The resulting marital
satisfaction scale consists of 11 items scored on a 4-point Likert
scale (1 = not at all to 4 = a lot). Previous estimates of internal
consistency showed alphas of .76 to .84; convergent and divergent
validity with self-report measures of psychosocial functioning was
shown to be adequate.
Factor Structure of the PAAQ
An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) employed an oblique rotation
to allow for correlated factors.
Examination of the resulting scree
plot and eigenvalues showed that 2 factors met established criteria
(ie, factors at or above the “elbow” of a scree plot, with eigenvalues
greater than 1.0). These factors were associated with eigenvalues
of 4.12 and 1.13, and were correlated at .53. As noted in Table 2,
items that loaded on Factor 1 were related to a willingness to engage
in physical activity even while having amotivating thoughts and
expectations about exercise (eg, “If I have the thought ‘exercising
today won’t be enjoyable,’ it derails me from my exercise plan”).
This factor is hereafter referred to as PAAQ-Cognitive Acceptance.
Items that loaded on Factor 2 were related to a willingness to engage
in physical activity even despite difcult feelings and sensations
(eg, “Even if I have the desire to stop while I am exercising, I can
still follow my exercise plan”). This factor is hereafter referred to
Table 2 Factor Loadings and Item-Total Correlations for Final PAAQ Items
I need to concentrate on getting rid of my urges to stop exercising or put off exercise. .49 .71 –.07
My thoughts and feelings about physical activity must change before I can make changes in my
exercise. .61 .71 .06
If I have the thought “exercising today won’t be enjoyable,” it derails me from my exercise plan. .60 .66 .08
I will have better control over my exercise routine if I can control my negative thoughts about
exercise. .65 .57 .22
I avoid exercising if it is going to make me feel physically uncomfortable, bored, or pressed for
time. .49 .77 –.013
Even if I have the desire to stop while I am exercising, I can still follow my exercise plan. .61 .12 .66
I am committing to being physically active no matter what feels uncomfortable or challenging
about that. .61 –.03 .78
It is okay to experience discomfort (eg, fatigue, boredom, sweating) while I am exercising. .41 –.11 .63
I can keep my commitment to physical activity even when I get busy with other responsibilities
(eg, school, work, family). .71 .13 .74
When I start to feel out of breath or tired during exercise I nd a way to keep going. .63 .01 .77
Note. Loadings in bold were associated with the factor labeled in the corresponding column.
Physical Activity Acceptance Questionnaire 721
JPAH Vol. 12, No. 5, 2015
as PAAQ-Behavioral Commitment. These 2 factors accounted for
63% of the total variance in item responses.
The 2 factors that emerged from the EFA showed PA acceptance
that is focused on thoughts and PA acceptance demonstrated through
behavior. Of note, unlike other items on the PAAQ, 2 items explicitly
connect thoughts to behavior: “I continue to exercise, even when
I have the desire to stay home or do something else” and “Despite
the thoughts I have about exercise, I am now sticking to my exercise
plan.” These items cross-loaded on both factors and were removed.
Internal Consistency and Test-Retest Reliability
The PAAQ demonstrated high internal consistency (Cronbach’s α
= .87) and item-total correlations at or above .40 (see Table 2). As
the deletion of items below .70 did not improve the overall alpha, all
10 remaining items were retained in further analyses. Each subscale
also showed high internal consistency (Cognitive Acceptance α =
.83; Behavioral Commitment α = .85). A subset of individuals (n =
46) recruited from Sample 1 (adults seeking weight loss treatment)
completed the PAAQ at 2 time points before treatment initiation.
Average retest interval was 1 week (mean time from initial to
repeated test = 6.9 days).
Correlations between administrations
were .83 (P < .0001) for total score, .78 (P < .0001) for the Cogni-
tive Acceptance subscale, and .78 (P < .0001) for the Behavioral
Commitment subscale. Intraclass correlation coefcients (ICCs)
also indicated that very little of the variability between initial and
repeated administrations was due to within-person change over the
1-week interval. ICCs were .82 for total score (95% CI = .54–.91),
.78 for Cognitive Acceptance (95% CI = .54–.89), and .78 for
Behavioral Commitment (95% CI = .54–.90).
Sample 1: Construct Validity
Average total PAAQ scores for overweight and obese adults seeking
weight loss treatment was 30.64 (SD = 16.37) out of 70 (highest
possible score). Average subscale scores were 14.16 (SD = 4.59)
out of 35 for Cognitive Acceptance, and 16.48 (SD = 10.02) out
of 35 for Behavioral Commitment. PAAQ descriptive statistics
for total and subscale scores are provided in Table 3. Cronbach’s
α for PAAQ scores were .85 (total), .82 (Cognitive Acceptance),
and.84 (Behavioral Commitment) within this sample, showing good
internal consistency.
PAAQ total and Cognitive Acceptance subscale scores were
signicantly negatively correlated with overall tendency toward
experiential avoidance (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire—
II [AAQ-II] score; P-values < .05). Correlation coefcients for
these relationships can be found in Table 4. PAAQ total and
subscale scores also were inversely associated with reported
barriers to physical activity related to energy, willpower, and
time (P < .05). Individuals who reported less PA acceptance
perceived more barriers to PA, with willpower demonstrating a
particularly strong relationship (r = –.46). PAAQ scores also were
examined in relation to objectively-measured physical activity
levels. As predicted, baseline PAAQ total and subscale scores
were positively correlated with MET rate and total number of
bouts of MVPA (P < .05) measured at baseline. In a simultane-
ous regression model, PAAQ total score remained a signicant
predictor of percent of time spent in MVPA when controlling
for the effects of both BMI and overall experiential voidance (β
= .22, P = .004).
Although men and women did not differ in age, BMI, or
psychological characteristics at baseline, there were signicant
gender differences in baseline levels of physical activity (eg, MET
rate [P < .001] and percent of time in MVPA [P = .006]), with men
engaging in greater PA. Consequently, correlations were conducted
separately for men and women. In men, baseline PAAQ scores were
not associated with objective measures of PA at baseline. Among
women, baseline PAAQ scores were correlated with MET rate,
number of moderate-to-vigorous bouts of activity, length of time
in a bout of MVPA, total calories expended per day, and percent of
time overall in MVPA (P < .05).
Predictive validity also was examined. Baseline PAAQ Cogni-
tive Acceptance subscale score signicantly predicted MVPA after
6 months of behavioral weight loss treatment, (F[1,132] = 3.89, P =
.05), such that higher Cognitive Acceptance score at baseline were
related to greater MVPA at 6 months.
Sample 2: Construct Validity
On average, total PAAQ score for women in remission from breast
cancer was 44.15 (SD = 14.97) out of 70 (highest possible score).
Average subscale scores were 21.51 (SD = 8.39) out of 35 for Cog-
nitive Acceptance, and 22.64 (SD = 8.16) out of 35 for Behavioral
Commitment. Thus, women in this sample endorsed scores above
the midpoints of all scales, indicating higher acceptance with respect
to PA. The PAAQ again demonstrated high internal consistency,
both for total score (Cronbach’s α = .91) and subscales (Cognitive
Acceptance α = .87, Behavioral Commitment α = .89).
As noted, participants completed several self-report measures
as part of a larger study on breast cancer survivorship. These mea-
sures included reported PA levels, body satisfaction, depression,
mindfulness, sexual functioning, and marital satisfaction (see
Table 4). As expected, the PAAQ total and subscale scores were
strongly associated with overall tendency toward mindfulness (r
= .36–.49, P < .001). Examination of mindfulness subscale scores
revealed that acting with awareness, description, nonjudgmental
stance, and nonaction were related to PAAQ scores (r = .23–.45,
P < .04), whereas observation was not (r = .11, P = .33). Descrip-
tion was signicantly related to PAAQ total score and Behavioral
Commitment subscale score (r = .26 and .37, respectively; P <
.02), but was not related to Cognitive Acceptance subscale score
(r = .10, P = .34).
A simultaneous regression model showed that, controlling
for all other mindfulness subscales, only nonjudgment remained
a signicant predictor of PAAQ total score (β = .31, P = .008).
Table 3 Descriptive Statistics for PAAQ Total
and Subscale Scores
Mean SD
Weight loss treatment sample
PAAQ total score 35.87 16.32
PAAQ thoughts about PA 16.89 8.23
PAAQ overcoming barriers to PA 18.98 9.34
Breast cancer remission sample
PAAQ total score 44.15 19.97
PAAQ thoughts about PA 21.51 8.39
PAAQ overcoming barriers to PA 22.64 8.16
Physical activity promotion sample (healthy adults)
PAAQ total score 40.84 9.58
PAAQ thoughts about PA 19.25 5.63
PAAQ overcoming barriers to PA 21.59 5.87
722 Butryn et al
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Table 4 Construct Validation (Concurrent; Correlation Coefficients)
PAAQ total score
PAAQ cognitive
PAAQ behavioral
Weight loss treatment sample
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II) –.14* –.17* –.11
Barriers to PA
Time –.24** –.29** –.19*
Energy –.20** –.24** –.15*
Willpower –.33** –.46** –.19*
Physical activity (accelerometer readings)
Number of MVPA bouts .23* .25** .18*
Average time per MVPA bout .12 .11 .12
MET rate .25* .29** .20*
Percent of time spent in MVPA overall .26** .29** .21*
Total calories expended per day .24** .27** .18*
Breast cancer remission sample
Five-Factor Mindfulness Questionnaire (total) .47*** .36** .50***
Observe subscale .10 .07 .13
Describe subscale .26* .11 .37**
Act with awareness subscale .36** .29** .35**
Nonjudgment subscale .45*** .45*** .37**
Nonreactivity subscale .36** .23** .41**
Body satisfaction –.38** –.40** –.28*
Depressive symptoms (CESD) –.42** –.43*** –.33**
Physical activity level (self-report) .56*** .58*** .45***
Female sexual functioning (total) .27* .30** .18
Arousal .30** .33** .22
Lubrication .20 .25* .11
Orgasm .24* .28* .16
Satisfaction .33** .34** .27*
Pain .23* .23* .18
Marital satisfaction .18 .19 .13
Physical activity promotion sample (healthy adults)
Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II) –.21 –.28* –.15
Discomfort intolerance –.33 –.27 –.31
Defusion from thoughts .32* .11 .52***
Depressive symptoms (BDI-II) –.44** –.47** –.28*
* P < .05; ** P < .01; *** P < .001.
Abbreviations: PA, physical activity; MVPA, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity.
PAAQ total and subscale scores also showed the predicted asso-
ciations with reported PA, indicating that women with greater PA
acceptance skills tend to engage in more PA. These women also
reported less depression (P < .0003), relative to women with poorer
PA acceptance skills. Unexpectedly, PAAQ scores were associated
with specic domains of sexual functioning. These correlations were
noticeably weaker (r = .04–.33), however, and most were signicant
only for PAAQ total score and thoughts about PA subscale. As
hypothesized, PAAQ scores were not associated with sexual desire
or marital satisfaction (r < .12, P > .11).
Sample 3: Construct Validity
Healthy adults recruited for a physical activity intervention also
endorsed frequent use of acceptance skills with respect to PA.
Mean total PAAQ score was 40.84 (SD = 9.58) out of 70. Mean
subscale scores were 19.25 (SD = 5.63) out of 49 for Cognitive
Acceptance, and 21.59 (SD = 5.87) out of 35 for Behavioral Com-
mitment. Within this sample, Cronbach’s alpha for PAAQ scores
were .81 (total), .72 (Cognitive Acceptance), and .79 (Behavioral
Physical Activity Acceptance Questionnaire 723
JPAH Vol. 12, No. 5, 2015
PAAQ total score and Behavioral Commitment subscale
score were related to ability to defuse from thoughts (Drexel
Defusion Scale [DDS]; r = .32 and .52; P < .03). PAAQ Cogni-
tive Acceptance subscale score was not related to DDS score,
however (r = .02, P = .90). Thus, participants who endorsed high
overall mindfulness and defusion tendencies also endorsed more
frequent use of acceptance with respect to PA. As predicted, PAAQ
total and subscale scores also showed inverse relationships with
depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI]; P <
.05), such that participants with less severe depressive symptoms
endorsed more frequent use of acceptance with respect to PA.
PAAQ Cognitive Acceptance subscale score was associated with
experiential avoidance (AAQ-II; r = –.28, P = .04), though total
score and Behavioral Commitment subscale score were not (r =
–.14 and –.25, respectively; P > .07). None of the PAAQ scales
were related to ability to tolerate discomfort (Discomfort Intoler-
ance Scale [DIS]; r = –.27 to –.33, P > .13).
Most research on self-reported predictors of PA has centered on
self-efcacy for PA,
motivation to exercise,
or perceived physical
barriers to PA (eg, arthritic pain).
Despite these efforts, success-
ful long-term maintenance of high PA levels remains difcult to
forecast. The current study extends this research by incorporating
perceived physical and emotional states relevant to the general
population, such as general discomfort and boredom during PA.
To the authors’ knowledge, no existing measure has specically
applied the constructs of cognitive acceptance and behavioral
commitment to PA.
Thus, the current study is the rst to develop and test a mea-
sure of acceptance of psychological or physical discomfort related
to PA. Results conrm that the PAAQ can meaningfully measure
psychological factors that may promote (or obstruct) PA. The nal
product consists of 10 items and 2 subscales, PAAQ-Cognitive
Acceptance and PAAQ-Behavioral Commitment. These subscales
accounted for 63% of the variance across items and demonstrated
high internal consistency and test-retest reliability when adminis-
tered 1 week apart. The PAAQ also showed high concurrent validity
in the expected directions, including several measures of acceptance,
experiential avoidance, mindfulness, and physical activity (self-
reported and objectively-veried) across 3 independent participant
samples with varied demographics. Furthermore, higher scores on
the PAAQ-Cognitive Acceptance factor effectively predicted greater
accelerometer-measured MVPA after 6 months of enrollment in a
behavioral weight loss program. Existing measures of beliefs and
expectations about PA have shown concurrent or predictive asso-
ciations with self-reported PA,
but rarely have demonstrated
relationships with objectively-veried PA. The PAAQ thus shows
added benet for clinical research and intervention.
These ndings indicate that the cognitive experience of
PA, as well as expectations for how PA will be affectively and
physiologically experienced, may have a lasting impact on an
individual’s actual engagement in PA. These psychological aspects
of exercise appear to be critical for facilitating PA and may be
useful intervention targets in PA promotion studies. The PAAQ
total score and subscales demonstrated expected correlations
with measures of mindfulness, body satisfaction, and depression
across all 3 participant samples. Specically, higher scores on the
PAAQ were associated with fewer perceived barriers to PA, greater
mindfulness on the FFMQ, and fewer depressive symptoms on
the BDI-II and CES-D.
Acceptance and Commitment in Physical Activity
Understanding what psychological processes are related to engage-
ment in PA is critical for effective PA promotion. Despite efforts to
increase PA in the general population, only 25%
of all adults, and
2% to 3% of overweight or obese adults, engage in recommended
amounts of PA (ie, 30 min/day).
When individuals are prescribed
high levels of PA as part of an intervention (eg, for weight loss), few
do so during treatment, and most are unable to sustain high activity
levels posttreatment.
Tate et al
found that only 11.9% of over-
weight or obese participants assigned to an intervention promoting
a high level of PA (2500 kcal/wk) were actually doing so at 12-, 18-,
and 30-month follow-up assessments. Although some individuals
describe PA as pleasurable, individuals frequently describe more
sedentary leisure activities, such as watching television, as prefer-
able to PA, and negative evaluations about the experience of PA
consistently are associated with less engagement in PA.
example, among previously sedentary adults participating in a
moderate-intensity PA promotion intervention, affective response to
PA at baseline was strongly predictive of amount of PA at 12 months
(eg, a difference of 1 unit in rating of positive affect predicted 41
fewer minutes per week of PA at 12 months).
The PAAQ may inform the development and testing of many
types of interventions that promote PA, including those that focus on
experiential acceptance and behavioral commitment. Acceptance-
based interventions foster the ability to tolerate unpleasant internal
experiences or forego an activity that is perceived as more pleasur-
able or requires less effort to engage in one that is more consistent
with one’s values (eg, going out to walk after dinner rather than
sitting on the couch to read a magazine). Environmental, biological,
and psychological processes make it challenging for most individu-
als to consistently engage in a high level of PA. Over the long-term,
many individuals may nd that making choices to engage in PA is
not likely to feel “easy.
Thus, adaptive behavior (ie, engaging in high levels of PA)
may depend on the ability to tolerate unpleasant internal experi-
ences (eg, fatigue, boredom, an urge to remain sedentary rather
than begin a bout of PA). Willingness to engage in PA even when
it is not a preferred activity at that moment may also be important
(eg, when one would prefer to remain at work to reduce anxiety
about an approaching project deadline, or sleep an additional 30
minutes in the morning). In those moments of decision-making,
participants who can tolerate the “distress” that is experienced when
one is choosing an activity that is relatively less appealing may be
better able to enact PA. Indeed, existing research shows that an
intervention focused on acceptance and commitment principles can
increase PA engagement among college students.
Testing such an
intervention among adults, and including the PAAQ to measure the
potential mediating effect of PA acceptance, is a logical next step
for this line of research.
Strengths, Limitations, and Future Directions
A major strength of the current study is the use of 3 independent and
diverse participant samples, suggesting that the present ndings may
generalize to the broader adult population. An additional strength
was the incorporation of a variety of acceptance-oriented measures
and both self-reported and accelerometer-measured PA. The overall
sample size was large enough to have sufcient statistical power
for initial evaluation of psychometric properties; however, conr-
matory factor analyses should be performed in larger participant
samples. Similarly, an important next step will be to conrm these
724 Butryn et al
JPAH Vol. 12, No. 5, 2015
ndings in a general community sample, as each participant sample
in the current study was health-conscious (and 2 were deliberately
increasing their PA over time). Examining reliability and validity
across the lifespan, including with adolescents and older adults,
also will be important.
Tailoring of the PAAQ measure may be necessary to recognize
unique development factors, such as physical ability, that can impact
PA. Future research will benet from including additional measures
of divergent validity, as well as testing the moderating effects of
other factors that might inuence the adoption and maintenance of
PA (eg, the extent to which an individual inherently enjoys PA) on
the prospective relationship between PAAQ score and PA change.
Further investigation of relationships between PAAQ subscales and
specic aspects of mindfulness (eg, awareness vs. description) may
identify specic skills that can bolster PA acceptance and com-
mitment (and thereby, increase PA). Finally, this study examined
predictive validity of the PAAQ during the rst half of weight loss
treatment, and its predictive value over the entire course of treat-
ment (and posttreatment) remains unknown. Future longitudinal
research should assess change in PAAQ scores over the duration
of treatment and into follow-up.
Most adults fall far short of recommended levels of physical activ-
ity despite the negative impact that a sedentary lifestyle has on
health, weight, and well-being. Emerging evidence suggests that
an ability to accept uncomfortable cognitive, affective, and physi-
ological experiences that are associated with PA is an important
factor that may explain the difculty of many individuals to attain
higher levels of physical activity. Better understanding the role of
such a construct would be aided by the development and validation
of a valid measure, which was the focus of this study. The newly
developed measure, the Physical Activity Acceptance Question-
naire (PAAQ), demonstrated excellent convergent, divergent, and
predictive validity, as well as internal reliability. The total scale, as
well as its 2 factors (Cognitive Acceptance and Behavioral Com-
mitment), should prove a useful addition to investigations seeking
to understand PA behavior, as well as the mechanisms of action of
PA promotion interventions.
This work was supported by 2 grants from the National Institute for Dia-
betes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health
(DK092374, DK095069). These studies are registered at www.clinicaltrials.
gov (numbers NCT01858714 and NCT01854320, respectively).
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