Counselor Education Programs
Practicum and Internship Handbook
Altamonte Springs, Augusta, Dothan,
Ft. Walton Beach, Montgomery,
Panama City, Pensacola, Phenix City,
Tampa, and Troy
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 2
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICUM AND INTERNSHIP ......................................................... 4
Practicum ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Internship ...................................................................................................................................... 6
PRACTICUM AND INTERNSHIP POLICIES ............................................................................ 7
Approval for Practicum and/or Internships................................................................................... 7
Required Hours for Practicum/Internship Registration ................................................................ 8
Contractual Requirements for Practicum and Internships ............................................................ 8
Practicum/Internships for Non-Degree Seeking Students ............................................................ 8
Dual Relationships in Practicum/Internship Sites between students and Troy University
Practicum/Internship Instructors ................................................................................................... 9
Practicum/Internship at Student’s Work Site ................................................................................ 9
Concurrent Enrollments in Multiple Practicum and/or Internships ............................................ 10
Hours Accrued Outside of Practicum and Internship courses .................................................... 10
Direct Service.............................................................................................................................. 11
Acquisition of Hours in Practicum/Internships........................................................................... 11
On-Site Recordings and Duty to Report ..................................................................................... 11
Additional Alabama Department of Education information regarding the School Counselor
Certification ................................................................................................................................ 12
SELECTING A PRACTICUM AND INTERNSHIP SITE ......................................................... 13
PRACTICUM AND INTERNSHIP SITE REQUIREMENTS .................................................... 16
SITE SUPERVISOR REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 17
PROFESSIONAL ISSUES ........................................................................................................... 17
Informed Consent........................................................................................................................ 18
Emergency Procedure ................................................................................................................. 18
Ethical Guidelines ....................................................................................................................... 18
Confidentiality and Personally Identifying Information ............................................................. 18
Professional Liability Insurance ................................................................................................. 18
Discrimination............................................................................................................................. 19
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The Supervisory Relationship ..................................................................................................... 19
PRACTICUM ............................................................................................................................... 19
INTERNSHIP ............................................................................................................................... 21
PROGRAM FORMS .................................................................................................................... 24
Common Counseling Programs Practicum and Internship Forms .............................................. 24
Clinical Mental Health Counseling ............................................................................................. 24
Rehabilitation Counseling ........................................................................................................... 25
School Counseling ...................................................................................................................... 25
General Counseling ..................................................................................................................... 26
Student Affairs Counseling ......................................................................................................... 26
Substance Abuse Counseling ...................................................................................................... 27
Graduate Certificate in Addictions Counseling .......................................................................... 27
Post-Master’s Certificate in Clinical Mental Health Counseling ............................................... 28
Post-Master’s Certificate in Counseling Military Populations ................................................... 28
Ed.S. Counseling Programs ........................................................................................................ 29
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 4
All counseling programs within the Division of Counseling, Rehabilitation and Interpreter
Training (CRIT) at Troy University incorporate professional practice, which includes Practicum
and Internship. Counseling programs include: Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Rehabilitation
Counseling, School Counseling, Student Affairs Counseling, and Substance Abuse Counseling.
Each program of study requires a minimum of a 100-hour Practicum and most require 2 300-
hour Internships. General Counseling is a non-certification and non-licensure program requiring
a 100-hour Practicum only.
Professional practice provides for the application of theory and the development of counseling
skills under supervision. These experiences provide opportunities for students to counsel clients
who represent the ethnic and demographic diversity of their community.
The first clinical experience is Practicum, in which the student must complete 100 hours of
supervised Practicum experience in a school or community site, with 40 hours of direct client
contact, over a minimum of a 10-week academic term. Practicum includes individual and group
After successful completion of the Practicum students can begin Internship. Each Internship
course includes 300 hours of comprehensive work experience of a professional counselor in the
student’s designated program area, with 120 hours of direct client contact. Students complete a
minimum of two (2) Internships for the CMH, Rehabilitation, School, Substance and Student
Affairs Counseling programs. The General Counseling program does not require an Internship
and is considered a non-licensure/non-certification degree.
Each student’s Practicum includes all of the following:
1. A Practicum site that provides a counseling environment conducive to modeling,
demonstration, supervision, and training, including:
a. Settings for individual counseling, with assured privacy and sufficient space for
appropriate equipment.
b. Settings for small-group work, with assured privacy and sufficient space for
appropriate equipment.
c. Necessary and appropriate technologies and other observational capabilities that
assist learning.
d. Procedures that ensure that the client’s confidentiality and legal rights are
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 5
2. A site supervisor with the following qualifications:
a. A minimum of a Master’s degree in counseling or a related profession with
equivalent qualifications, including appropriate certifications and/or licenses.
On-site Supervisors for school counselors must be a certified school counselor
with a minimum of two-year’s experience.
b. A minimum of two-years of pertinent professional experience in the program area
in which the student is enrolled.
c. Knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures
for students.
d. Relevant training in counseling supervision (see CRIT CE Programs Supervision
e. Approval by the Clinical Director of the Division of Counseling, Rehabilitation,
and Interpreter Training at Troy University to act as a site supervisor for Practicum
and/or Internship students.
3. Completion of a Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract prior to beginning the
course. This supervision contract defines the roles and responsibilities of the faculty
supervisor, site supervisor, and student during Practicum.
4. Documentation of professional liability insurance prior to beginning Practicum and
throughout the Practicum experience.
5. At least 40 clock-hours of direct service (of 100 total) with actual clients that
contributes to the development of counseling skills.
6. Weekly interaction that averages one-hour per week of individual and/or triadic (an
instructor and two counseling students) supervision throughout the Practicum,
performed by the on-site supervisor. The student must document the supervision on the
Individual Supervision Summaries form.
7. Weekly interaction that averages one-hour per week of individual and/or triadic (an
instructor and two counseling students) supervision throughout the Practicum by a Troy
University counseling program faculty member. The student must document the
supervision on the Individual Supervision Summaries form.
8. An average of one and one-half (1-1/2) hours per week of group supervision that is
provided on a regular schedule throughout the Practicum by a Troy University
counseling program faculty member. The student must document the supervision on the
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision form.
9. Documentation of all Practicum experiences on the appropriate forms submitted to the
faculty supervisor at the end of the Practicum course.
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10. The development of program-appropriate audio/video recordings for use in supervision
or live supervision of the student’s interactions with clients.
11. Evaluation of the student’s counseling performance throughout the Practicum, including
documentation of a formal evaluation after the student completes the Practicum.
Each student’s Internship includes all of the following:
1. An Internship site that provides a counseling environment conducive to modeling,
demonstration, supervision, and training, including:
a. Settings for individual counseling, with assured privacy and sufficient space for
appropriate equipment.
b. Settings for small-group work, with assured privacy and sufficient space for
appropriate equipment.
c. Necessary and appropriate technologies and other observational capabilities that
assist learning.
d. Procedures that ensure that the client’s confidentiality and legal rights are
2. A site supervisor with the following qualifications:
a. A minimum of a Master’s degree in counseling or a related profession with
equivalent qualifications, including appropriate certifications and/or licenses.
On-site Supervisors for school counselors must be a certified school counselor
with a minimum of two-year’s experience.
b. A minimum of two-years of pertinent professional experience in the program area
in which the student is enrolled.
c. Knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures
for students.
d. Relevant training in counseling supervision (see CRIT CE Programs Supervision
e. Approval by the Clinical Director of the Division of Counseling, Rehabilitation,
and Interpreter Training at Troy University to act as a site supervisor for Practicum
and/or Internship students.
3. Completion of a Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract prior to beginning the
course. This supervision contract defines the roles and responsibilities of the faculty
supervisor, site supervisor, and student during Internship.
4. Documentation of professional liability insurance prior to beginning Internship and
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throughout the Internship experience.
5. At least 120 clock-hours of direct service (of 300 total) for each Internship, including
experience leading groups, with actual clients that contributes to the development of
counseling skills.
6. Weekly interaction that averages one-hour per week of individual and/or triadic (an
instructor and two counseling students) supervision throughout the Internship,
performed by the on-site supervisor. The student must document the supervision on the
Individual Supervision Summaries form.
7. An average of one and one-half (1-1/2) hours per week of group supervision that is
provided on a regular schedule throughout the Internship by a Troy University
counseling program faculty member. The student must document the supervision on the
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision form.
8. The opportunity for the student to become familiar with a variety of professional
activities and resources in addition to direct service (e.g., record keeping, assessment
instruments, supervision, information and referral, in-service and staff meetings).
9. Documentation of all Internship experiences on the appropriate forms submitted to the
faculty supervisor at the end of the Internship course.
10. The development of program-appropriate audio/video recordings for use in supervision
or live supervision of the student’s interactions with clients.
11. Evaluation of the student’s counseling performance throughout the Internship, including
documentation of a formal evaluation after the student completes the Internship by a
program faculty member in consultation with the site supervisor.
Approval for Practicum and/or Internships
Admission to any of the Counselor Education programs is not a guarantee that a student will be
approved for Practicum or Internship. Approval for Practicum and/or Internship will only occur
after the student has completed the required academic courses, has submitted the appropriate
Practicum/Internship application properly and fully completed with signatures, and obtained the
approval of the Practicum/Internship instructor and the CRIT Clinical Coordinator for that
Students are expected to register for Practicum/Internships on their home campus. Student
wishing to take a Practicum/Internship at another Troy campus must secure the approval of the
Clinical Coordinator at that campus prior to registering for Practicum/Internship.
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Required Hours for Practicum/Internship Registration
To be allowed to register for Practicum or Internship a student must:
As a degree-seeking student in a Troy University Counseling program -
Completed the prerequisite coursework per their program requirements (see the Selecting a
Practicum and Internship Site section in this handbook) for Practicum/Internship, or will
have completed by the end of the Practicum
Completed, or will have completed by the end of the Practicum, a minimum of 60% of the
required non-clinical coursework for their program (for the 60-hour program this is ten (10)
courses; for 48-hour programs it is eight (8) courses; for 36-hour programs it is seven (7)
Submitted appropriate Practicum/Internship Applications to their Advisor and/or Program
Clinical Coordinator
As a non-degree-seeking (NDS) student at Troy University -
Be a graduate from the Troy University CRIT CMHC or School Counseling program within
the last five years
Submitted appropriate Practicum/Internship Applications to their CRIT program advisor
and/or Program Clinical Coordinator
Contractual Requirements for Practicum and Internships
The duration of a student’s supervised practicum experience is to extend across a full academic
term to allow for the development of basic counseling skills and the integration of knowledge.
Practicum is completed prior to internship. Therefore, CACREP standards do not allow for extra
hours obtained during the practicum to be counted toward the 600 clock hour internship
Students must supply a single and independent Application and Contract for each course
(Practicum or Internship). The Application and Contract for each course (e.g., CP 6659) must
pertain only to the course and no other, no matter what the student is also doing in that semester.
That course contract must also only be directed at a single site, which may mean that if the
student is accruing hours at multiple sites, they would need to submit multiple contracts (one
contract for each site used).
Practicum/Internships for Non-Degree Seeking Students
The Division of CRIT cannot provide Practicum or Internship courses, experiences or
supervision for students from other Troy University programs, students from other universities,
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 9
persons seeking to complete licensure requirements, or persons seeking professional
development through clinical coursework (Practicum and/or Internships). The Division of CRIT
welcomes all of these persons if they wish to register for non-clinical coursework.
The Division of CRIT can provide Practicum or Internship courses, experiences or supervision
for previous CRIT graduates that have graduated from the Troy University CRIT CMHC or
School Counseling program within the last five years. These students should contact the CRIT
office for program application and course registration information.
Dual Relationships in Practicum/Internship Sites between students and Troy University
Practicum/Internship Instructors
A student is not allowed to work at a site as a Practicum/Internship student that requires or has
their Troy University academic advisor or their Practicum/Internship course instructor also
acting as their on-site clinical supervisor. This constitutes a dual relationship and is an ethical
and legal concern that must be avoided at all times.
It is permissible to work at a site that also employees the student’s academic advisor,
Practicum/Internship course instructor, or other CRIT instructor or adjunct as long as that person
exercises no administrative or clinical authority over the student’s Practicum or Internship work
and duties in any form.
Practicum/Internship at Student’s Work Site
Students are allowed to complete their Practicum or Internship at their employment worksite on
the following conditions:
That the student provides with their Practicum/Internship Application a letter from the site
director indicating expressly that they will release the student from their regular work
obligations to complete Practicum/Internship duties and hours. The Practicum or Internship
cannot simply be a continuation of the student’s regular work duties and should place the
student under the supervision of a different clinical supervisor than their regular worksite
The student must show to the satisfaction of their campus Clinical Coordinator and practicum
or internship instructor that the duties they perform, or can perform, at their place of
employment are of sufficient clinical nature to meet all of the requirements of the
Practicum/Internship. The decision to allow the student to use their place of employment as
their practicum/internship is at the discretion of the campus Clinical Coordinator and the
instructor of the practicum or internship in question, and may require the student to
specifically document how their employment duties match the requirements of the
practicum/internship. Students seeking to do this should contact their campus Clinical
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Coordinator for details and requirements.
Concurrent Enrollments in Multiple Practicum and/or Internships
A student must successfully complete a counseling Practicum to be eligible to enroll in a
counseling Internship. Therefore, students may not enroll in Practicum and Internship courses
Students may enroll in two (2) of their required Internships concurrently only with the approvals
of their advisor, the Clinical Coordinator(s) of the campus program(s) where the Internship
courses are located, and the CRIT Clinical Director.
Students who are approved to concurrently enroll in two Internship courses must register for two
separate Internship courses and complete all requirements for each course including; all
documentation with appropriate site applications and contracts, on-site and class hours, and on-
site and on-campus supervision for each course. Students wishing to do this should contact their
advisor and campus Clinical Coordinator to potentially begin the approval process.
Hours Accrued Outside of Practicum and Internship courses
It is the Counselor Education program’s obligation to ensure that each student in its Practicum
and Internship courses meets the standards and required learning experiences set for it by state
requirements, accreditation guidelines, and professional standards. To do this the counseling
programs are not able to accept:
Any clinical Practicum or Internship courses completed at other educational institutions
Any direct/indirect service hours earned in Practicum or Internship courses taken at other
educational institutions
Any direct/indirect service hours earned at counseling sites except those specifically
designated in the Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract for each Practicum or
Internship course and approved by the appropriate CRIT personnel
Any direct/indirect service hours accrued outside (between semesters or terms) of the
university published timeframe of the specific Practicum or Internship course the student
has enrolled in. These hours are not earned under the supervision of a Troy University
counseling program faculty and cannot be used to satisfy the required direct/indirect service
hours for any Practicum or Internship unless that faculty specifically grants such permission
to the student and documents such in this Practicum or Internship records
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Direct Service
For the purposes of accruing Practicum and Internship service hours “Direct Service” shall be
defined as follows: The supervised use of counseling, consultation, or related professional skills
with actual clients (can be individuals, couples, families, or groups) for the purpose of fostering
social, cognitive, behavioral, and/or affective change. These activities must involve interaction
with others and may include: (1) assessment, (2) counseling, (3) psycho-educational activities,
and (4) consultation. The following would not be considered direct service: (1) observing others
providing counseling or related services, (2) record keeping, (3) administrative duties, (4)
clinical and/or administrative supervision.
The student should be aware that state counseling licensing boards may have more specific
requirements for direct hours and may demand or limit specific allotments of time in regards to
these hours. It is strenuously recommended that the student review the licensing codes and
guidelines of the state where they intend to apply for licensure to ensure that the hours acquired
in Practicum/Internship meet their needs.
Acquisition of Hours in Practicum/Internships
Acquisition of hours and site placement may begin only after the clinical coordinator has signed
the application. Total hours must be completed before the semester ends in which you registered
for the course. Hours attained before and after the beginning of the semester can only be used
with the express written permission of the instructor.
Excess or lacking hours acquired in any Practicum or Internship cannot be transferred or debited
from another Practicum or Internship. Rolling excess hours over to another Practicum/Internship,
or using hours from one internship to satisfy the hour requirement of another
Practicum/Internship is expressly forbidden by CRIT policy and may result in the student being
removed from the Practicum/Internship placement and being required to start acquiring hours at
another site placement.
On-Site Recordings and Duty to Report
As reflected on the Consent to Record Counseling Sessions form required for each
Practicum/Internship experience the Practicum/Internship student understands that:
Any recordings made in Practicum/Internship may be reviewed with the graduate student’s site
supervisor, university supervisor, and peers in a group supervision session to assess the
counseling students’ skills.
The contents of these recordings will be held confidential based on the American Counseling
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 12
Association Code of Ethics by the student and the course instructor and will be destroyed by the
student after review or when the purpose for keeping it no longer exists, such as the end of the
The student-counselor in training is required to report situations where there is possible evidence
of (a) harm to the client or others, (b) child abuse or neglect, (c) abuse of individuals with
disability, (d) the information is ordered by a court, or (e) a medical emergency.
Additional Alabama Department of Education information regarding the School Counselor
If an individual is unconditionally admitted to an Alabama Class A program based on a valid
bachelor’s- or valid master’s-level professional educator certificate in another state, completes a
Class A program, and subsequently applies for Alabama certification at the Class A level, then
the individual must hold at least a valid Class B Professional Educator Certificate before
applying for Class A certification.
At least a valid Class B Professional Educator Certificate in a teaching field, a valid Class A
Professional Leadership Certificate, or a valid Class A Professional Educator Certificate in a
teaching field or in another area of instructional support.
For candidates admitted prior to August 1, 2010, a practicum that includes a minimum of 30
clock hours of supervised, direct service work in individual and group counseling with early
childhood/elementary and secondary school students.
For candidates admitted on or after August 1, 2010, a practicum of at least 100 clock hours in a
school-based setting, including a minimum of 40 clock hours of supervised, direct service work
in individual and group counseling with early childhood/elementary and secondary school
students, effective for candidates admitted on or after August 1, 2010.
For candidates admitted prior to August 1, 2010, competence to perform all activities that a
school counselor is expected to perform as demonstrated in a supervised elementary and
secondary school-based internship of at least 300 clock hours, begun subsequent to completion
of the practicum.
For candidates admitted on or after August 1, 2010, competence to perform all the activities that
a school counselor is expected to perform as demonstrated in a supervised elementary and
secondary school-based internship of at least 600 clock hours in a school-based setting, begun
subsequent to the completion of the practicum, including a minimum of 240 clock hours in direct
service work with early childhood/elementary and secondary school students.
Internships in P-12 schools must be supervised by individuals who hold a valid master’s level
professional educator certificate in school counseling and who are employed as counselor.
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A passing score on a comprehensive assessment documenting mastery of the curriculum of the
school counseling program, which may include, but may not be limited to, an oral examination.
The following steps should be followed by students in selecting Practicum and Internship sites:
1. Consult your Graduate Degree Plan/Admission to Candidacy
When you began your graduate studies in counseling, you met with your advisor to
complete a Graduate Degree Plan/Admission to Candidacy form. The form indicates
the semester/term that you are eligible to begin your Practicum or Internship. Apply for
Practicum and Internship two terms or one semester prior to eligibility.
2. Complete Mid-Point Evaluation with your advisor.
3. Pre-Practicum Assessment
a. A Mid-Point Evaluation must be completed.
b. A Practicum Application must be completed (available in LiveText).
c. Completion of the prerequisite courses for your program:
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3)
CP 6610 Facilitation Skills and Counseling Techniques (3)
CP 6642 Group Dynamics and Counseling (3)
CP 6649 Theories of Counseling (3)
PSY 6669 Behavior Pathology (3)
PSY 6670 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (3)
Rehabilitation Counseling
CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3)
CP 6610 Facilitation Skills and Counseling Techniques (3)
CP 6642 Group Dynamics and Counseling (3)
CP 6649 Theories of Counseling (3)
CP 6652 Rehabilitation Delivery and Process (3)
School Counseling
CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3)
CP 6610 Facilitation Skills and Counseling Techniques (3)
CP 6642 Group Dynamics and Counseling (3)
CP 6649 Theories of Counseling (3)
CP 6641 School Counseling and Program Management (3)
General Counseling
CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3)
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 14
CP 6610 Facilitation Skills and Counseling Techniques (3)
CP 6642 Group Dynamics and Counseling (3)
CP 6649 Theories of Counseling (3)
Student Affairs Counseling
CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3)
CP 6610 Facilitation Skills and Counseling Techniques (3)
CP 6642 Group Dynamics and Counseling (3)
CP 6649 Theories of Counseling (3)
Substance Abuse Counseling
CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3)
CP 6610 Facilitation Skills and Counseling Techniques (3)
CP 6642 Group Dynamics and Counseling (3)
CP 6649 Theories of Counseling (3)
PSY 6669 Behavior Pathology (3)
PSY 6670 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (3)
Graduate Certificate in Addictions Counseling
CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3)
CP 6610 Facilitation Skills and Counseling Techniques (3)
CP 6642 Group Dynamics and Counseling (3)
CP 6649 Theories of Counseling (3)
PSY 6669 Behavior Pathology (3)
PSY 6670 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (3)
Post-Master’s Certificate in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
PSY 6670 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (3)
CP 6649 Theories of Counseling (3)
The following courses, or their equivalents, must have been completed by the
student at the graduate level and documented with their current Troy
University advisor, or must be taken prior to enrolling for Clinical Practicum
and/or Internship.
CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3)
CP 6610 Facilitation Skills and Counseling Techniques (3)
CP 6642 Group Dynamics and Counseling (3)
PSY 6669 Behavior Pathology (3)
Post-Master’s Certificate in Counseling Military Populations
CP 6618 Counseling Military Service Personnel and their Families (3)
CP 6619 Assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Community
Reintegration for Military Service Populations (3)
The following courses, or their equivalents, must have been completed by the
student at the graduate level and documented with their current Troy
University advisor, or must be taken prior to enrolling for Clinical Practicum
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 15
and/or Internship.
CP 6600 Professional Orientation and Ethics (3)
CP 6610 Facilitation Skills and Counseling Techniques (3)
CP 6642 Group Dynamics and Counseling (3)
PSY 6669 Behavior Pathology (3)
d. A Counseling Practicum/Internship Application must be completed and approved by
the Clinical Coordinator at your home campus
e. A Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract must be completed
f. Proof of liability insurance
Students will not be able to register for Practicum until the Practicum/Internship
Application is completed and the student has the approval of both the Clinical
4. Meet with your advisor
Your faculty advisor will help you identify Practicum and Internship sites appropriate
for your degree program, interests, and professional goals. A variety of school,
community mental health, and rehabilitation counseling sites are available. Discuss
possible sites with your faculty advisor.
5. Contact prospective sites
Students make an appointment with the site contact person to interview for a placement.
Students should have a current resume ready to take to the site. When a site is selected,
the student should have the site supervisor sign the completed Pre-Practicum
Application, the Counseling Practicum/Internship Application, and the Counseling
Practicum/Internship Contract.
6. Finalize Site Selection
When the site has been selected, the Pre-Practicum Application, the Counseling
Practicum/Internship Application, and the Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
and the student’s malpractice insurance coverage information are returned to the Clinical
Coordinator so that communication can take place between site personnel and university
faculty. This should happen no later than one full semester (two terms) prior to
Practicum or Internship placement. If the site has not been previously approved and
listed in the directory, the Clinical Coordinator and the Clinical Director will have to
determine whether the site is appropriate before placement. Students may not begin
either Practicum or Internship until the site placement has been approved and the
application and contract are signed by all parties. Students must check with the clinical
coordinator to ensure approval has been granted. When the site has been approved, the
student will give a copy of the CRIT CE Programs Supervision Handbook to the site
7. Obtain Liability Insurance
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Students are required to obtain and provide proof of liability insurance coverage before
they begin Practicum or Internship and maintain coverage throughout their professional
Practicum and Internship sites must provide students with the opportunity for the comprehensive
work experience of a professional counselor in the student’s designated program area. The sites
will provide the opportunity for the student to apply theory and to develop individual and group
counseling skills under supervision. The sites give students the opportunity to become familiar
with a variety of professional activities and resources in addition to direct service (e.g., record
keeping, assessment instruments, supervision, information and referral, in-service and staff
meetings).The sites provides one-hour individual supervision weekly and evaluation of the
student at the midterm and the end of the course.
The Practicum and Internship sites will provide a counseling environment conducive to
modeling, demonstration, supervision, and training. The counseling environment includes all of
the following (CACREP I H):
1. Settings for individual counseling, with assured privacy and sufficient space for
appropriate equipment.
2. Settings for small-group work, with assured privacy and sufficient space for appropriate
3. Necessary and appropriate technologies and other observational capabilities that assist
4. Procedures that ensure that the client’s confidentiality and legal rights are protected.
The Practicum and Internship sites will also provide:
1. 100 hours of counseling experience, with 40 hours of direct client contact, for Practicum
2. 300 hours of counseling experience, with 120 hours of direct client contact for
Internship students.
3. A site supervisor to provide one hour of individual and/or triadic (an instructor and two
counseling students) supervision weekly.
4. The opportunity for the student to become familiar with a variety of professional
activities and resources in addition to direct service (e.g., record keeping, assessment
instruments, supervision, information and referral, in-service and staff meetings).
5. The development of program-appropriate audio/video recordings for use in supervision
or live supervision of the student’s interactions with clients.
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 17
The Practicum and Internship site will provide a site supervisor with the following qualifications
1. A minimum of a Master’s degree in counseling or a related profession with equivalent
qualifications, including appropriate certifications and/or licenses.
On-site Supervisors for school counselors must be a certified school counselor
with a minimum of two-years’ experience.
2. A minimum of two-years of pertinent professional experience in the program area in
which the student is enrolled.
3. Knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures for
4. Relevant training in counseling supervision (see CRIT CE Programs Supervision
5. Approval by the Clinical Director of the Division of Counseling, Rehabilitation, and
Interpreter Training at Troy University to act as a site supervisor for Practicum and/or
Internship students.
The Practicum and Internship site supervisor will provide:
1. Weekly interaction that averages one-hour per week of individual and/or triadic (an
instructor and two counseling students) supervision throughout the Practicum by on-site
2. Evaluation by on-site supervisor of the student’s counseling performance throughout the
Practicum and Internship, including documentation of a formal evaluation after the
student completes the Practicum or Internship.
3. Live supervision of the student’s interactions with clients if there is not an opportunity
for the development of program-appropriate audio/video recordings for use in
The purpose of the Practicum and Internship experiences are to assist students with the
application of theory and the development of counseling skills under supervision. These clinical
experiences will provide opportunities for students to counsel clients who represent the ethnic
and demographic diversity of their community. The student is expected to demonstrate
professional and ethical behavior at the Practicum and Internship placement.
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Informed Consent
Before initiating a counseling relationship, inform client of any limits to confidentiality, your
status as a counselorintraining, and any site specific information which your site supervisor has
provided. Students must also secure the client’s permission to tape the counseling sessions. A
consent form is provided for CRIT students.
Emergency Procedure
Students must know the Practicum and Internship site’s emergency procedures and follow them.
Students must notify their supervisor immediately with any emergencies.
Ethical Guidelines
When a student enters into a counseling relationship, he/she is entering into an agreement with
the client to keep her or his welfare foremost. In addition, students are agreeing to provide the
counseling most appropriate to address the client’s concern, to treat the client with respect, to
refer when appropriate, and not to exceed their level of competence. The student must follow the
ACA Ethical Guidelines, ASCA Ethical Guidelines or other relevant codes of ethics and use it as
a guide for behaving in a professional, ethical manner.
Confidentiality and Personally Identifying Information
Students must become familiar and comply with all procedures and guidelines at their Practicum
and Internship sites regarding client and student confidentiality, personally identifying
information and social media contact with client populations.
Practicum and Internship students will be in violation of this standard if they provide written or
verbal statements about persons they have not met, or about whom they do not have
documentation from another professional from whom such statements have originated, in any
communications with any third parties excluding the Practicum/Internship Instructor, Site
Supervisor, campus program Clinical Coordinator or CRIT Clinical Director.
Professional Liability Insurance
Professional liability insurance is required throughout the student’s Practicum and Internship
experiences. Insurance may be obtained through professional associations (i.e. American
Counseling Association (ACA), American School Counseling Association (ASCA), American
Mental Health Counselor Association (AMHCA)) or private insurance agents. Sites may also
provide insurance coverage for student counselors. This should be documented on agency
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 19
Counselors, as either employers, employees or student counselors-in-training, do not engage in
or condone practices that are inhumane, illegal, or unjustifiable (such as considerations based on
age, culture, disability, ethnic group, gender, gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation,
marital/partnership status, immigration, socioeconomic status, or any other form of
discrimination) in hiring, promotion, or training.
The Supervisory Relationship
Clinical supervision helps the counselor-in-training apply counseling theories and develop
counseling skills. Students present their clinical experiences in supervision to increase their self-
awareness, case conceptualization, and self-evaluation. You are expected to be prepared for
supervision. You will need to listen to your tapes, identify your strengths, weaknesses, and be
prepared to request specific help from your supervisor. The clinical supervisor’s roles include
teaching, consulting, and mentoring. The clinical supervisor is ultimately responsible for
ensuring the client’s welfare.
For both the Practicum and the Internship, all students have a faculty supervisor as well as an on-
site supervisor who collaborate to evaluate the student’s work. Evaluation is based on the quality
of the student’s work (i.e., meeting competencies listed in syllabus), and quantity of the student’s
work (i.e., completion of appropriate number of hours of direct/indirect client contact hours).
Practicum is a tutorial form of instruction that provides students the opportunity to apply theory
and develop counseling skills under supervision. Practicum includes individual and small group
counseling with clients who represent the ethnic and demographic diversity of the community
The student must complete the Practicum at a site that provides a counseling environment
conducive to modeling, demonstration, supervision, and training. The counseling environment
includes all of the following (CACREP I H):
1. Settings for individual counseling, with assured privacy and sufficient space for
appropriate equipment.
2. Settings for small-group work, with assured privacy and sufficient space for appropriate
3. Necessary and appropriate technologies and other observational capabilities that assist
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 20
4. Procedures that ensure that the client’s confidentiality and legal rights are protected.
Program faculty provide individual or triadic (an instructor and two counseling students)
supervision that averages one-hour weekly. Program faculty provide group supervision for up to
12 students for one and one half (one and one-half (1-1/2)) hours during weekly classes during
the term. For program faculty who provide individual and/or triadic supervision, the ratio is six
students to one faculty member. The program faculty providing supervision have the following
qualifications (CACREP III A):
1. A doctoral degree and/or appropriate counseling preparation, preferably from a
CACREP-accredited counselor education program.
2. Relevant experience and appropriate credentials/licensure and/or demonstrated
competence in counseling.
3. Relevant training in counseling supervision (see CRIT CE Programs Supervision
The student must provide the Site Supervisor with the CRIT CE Programs Supervision
Handbook. The Site Supervisor must have the following qualifications (CACREP III C):
1. A minimum of a Master’s degree in counseling or a related profession with equivalent
qualifications, including appropriate certifications and/or licenses.
2. A minimum of two-years of pertinent professional experience in the program area in
which the student is enrolled.
On-site Supervisors for school counselors must be a certified school counselor with
a minimum of two-year’s experience.
3. Knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures for
4. Relevant training in counseling supervision (see CRIT CE Programs Supervision
5. Approval by the Clinical Director of the Division of Counseling, Rehabilitation, and
Interpreter Training at Troy University to act as a site supervisor for Practicum and/or
Internship students.
Students must complete supervised Practicum experiences that total a minimum of 100 clock-
hours over a minimum 10-week academic term or semester. Each student’s Practicum includes
all of the following (CACREP III F):
1. Completion of a Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract prior to beginning the course.
This contract defines the roles and responsibilities of the faculty supervisor, site supervisor,
and student during Practicum and Internship (CACREP III E).
2. Documentation that students have professional liability insurance prior to beginning
Practicum and throughout the Practicum experience (CACREP I S).
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 21
3. At least 40 clock-hours of direct service with actual clients that contributes to the
development of counseling skills.
4. Weekly interaction that averages one-hour per week of individual and/or triadic (an
instructor and two counseling students) supervision throughout the Practicum by a Troy
University counseling program faculty member.
5. An average of one and one-half (1-1/2) hours per week of group supervision that is
provided on a regular schedule throughout the Practicum by a Troy University counseling
program faculty member. Documentation of supervision on the Practicum/Internship
Group Supervision form.
6. Documentation of all Practicum experiences on the appropriate form submitted to the
faculty supervisor at the end of the Practicum course.
7. The development of program-appropriate audio/video recordings for use in supervision or
live supervision of the student’s interactions with clients.
8. Evaluation of the student’s counseling performance throughout the Practicum, including
documentation of a formal evaluation after the student completes the Practicum.
Internship is a tutorial form of instruction that provides students the opportunity to apply theory
and develop counseling skills under supervision. Internship includes individual and small group
counseling with clients who represent the ethnic and demographic diversity of the community
The student must complete the Internship at a site that provides a counseling environment
conducive to modeling, demonstration, supervision, and training. The counseling environment
includes all of the following (CACREP I H):
1. Settings for individual counseling, with assured privacy and sufficient space for
appropriate equipment.
2. Settings for small-group work, with assured privacy and sufficient space for appropriate
3. Necessary and appropriate technologies and other observational capabilities that assist
4. Procedures that ensure that the client’s confidentiality and legal rights are protected.
Program faculty provide group supervision for one and one half one and one-half (1-1/2) hours
during weekly classes during the term. The program faculty providing supervision have the
following qualifications (CACREP III A):
1. A doctoral degree and/or appropriate counseling preparation, preferably from a
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 22
CACREP-accredited counselor education program.
2. Relevant experience and appropriate credentials/licensure and/or demonstrated
competence in counseling.
3. Relevant training in counseling supervision (see CRIT CE Programs Supervision
The student must provide the Site Supervisor with the CRIT CE Programs Supervision
Handbook. The Site Supervisor must have the following qualifications (CACREP III C):
1. A minimum of a Master’s degree in counseling or a related profession with equivalent
qualifications, including appropriate certifications and/or licenses.
On-site Supervisors for school counselors must be a certified school counselor with
a minimum of two-year’s experience.
2. A minimum of two years of pertinent professional experience in the program area in
which the student is enrolled.
3. Knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures for
4. Relevant training in counseling supervision (see CRIT CE Programs Supervision
5. Approval by the Clinical Director of the Division of Counseling, Rehabilitation, and
Interpreter Training at Troy University to act as a site supervisor for Practicum and/or
Internship students.
The program requires completion of two (2) supervised Internships (three (3) in Florida) in the
student’s designated program area of 300 clock-hours begun after successful completion of the
Practicum. The student must have the comprehensive work experience of a professional
counselor appropriate to the designated program area (CACREP IIIG).
Each student’s Internship includes all of the following (CACREP III G):
1. Completion of a Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract prior to beginning the
course. This supervision contract defines the roles and responsibilities of the faculty
supervisor, site supervisor, and student during Practicum and Internship (CACREP III
2. Documentation that students have professional liability insurance prior to beginning
Internship and throughout the Internship experience (CACREP I S).
3. At least 120 clock-hours of direct service (300 hours total) for each Internship,
including experience leading groups.
4. Weekly interaction that averages one hour per week of individual and/or triadic (an
instructor and two counseling students) supervision throughout the Internship, usually
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 23
performed by the on-site supervisor. Documentation of supervision on the Individual
Supervision Summaries form.
5. An average of one and one-half (1-1/2) hours per week of group supervision provided
on a regular schedule throughout the Internship and performed by a Troy University
counseling program faculty member. Documentation of supervision on the
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision form.
6. The opportunity for the student to become familiar with a variety of professional
activities and resources in addition to direct service (e.g., record keeping, assessment
instruments, supervision, information and referral, in-service and staff meetings).
7. Documentation of all Internship experiences on the appropriate form submitted to the
faculty supervisor at the end of the Internship course.
8. The development of program-appropriate audio/video recordings for use in supervision
or to receive live supervision of his or her interactions with clients.
9. Evaluation of the student’s counseling performance throughout the Internship, including
documentation of a formal evaluation after the student completes the Internship by a
program faculty member in consultation with the site supervisor.
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 24
The following is a list of the forms used by the Counselor Education programs. The Common
Counseling Programs Practicum and Internship Forms are the basic forms used by several of
the programs in their Practicum and Internships, however some of the programs use specialized
forms and are identified in this list by italics. Each program’s required forms for each of their
Practicum and Internships are listed. All of the forms are available in Canvas.
Common Counseling Programs Practicum and Internship Forms
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
Parental Consent
Consent to Record Counseling Sessions
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
Individual Supervision Summaries
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
Parental Consent
Consent to Record Counseling Sessions
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
Individual Supervision Summaries
Counseling Practicum/Internship On-site Service Hours Final Summary
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site Supervision
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 25
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation by Supervisor
Rehabilitation Counseling
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
Parental Consent
Consent to Record Counseling Sessions
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
Individual Supervision Summaries
Counseling Practicum/Internship On-site Service Hours Final Summary
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site Supervision
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation by Supervisor
Rehabilitation Practicum/Internship Evaluation Form
School Counseling
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Summary of School Counseling Internship Requirements
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
Parental Consent
Consent to Record Counseling Sessions
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
School Counseling Internships Summary Log
School Counseling Internships Direct Service Notes
School Counseling Internships Indirect Service Notes
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 26
School Counseling Internships Group Summary Form
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
Individual Supervision Summaries
School Counseling Session Rating Form Instructor Evaluation
School Counseling Site Supervisor Evaluation / Instructor Evaluation
Counseling Practicum/Internship On-site Service Hours Final Summary
School Counseling Student Site and Supervisor’s Evaluation – Elementary
School Counseling Student Evaluation of Site-Supervisor – Elementary Site
School Counseling Student Site and Supervisor’s Evaluation – Secondary
School Counseling Student Evaluation of Site-Supervisor – Secondary Site
General Counseling
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
Parental Consent
Consent to Record Counseling Sessions
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
Individual Supervision Summaries
Counseling Practicum/Internship On-site Service Hours Final Summary
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site Supervision
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation by Supervisor
Student Affairs Counseling
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 27
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
Individual Supervision Summaries
Student Affairs Counseling Site Supervisor Evaluation Form
Substance Abuse Counseling
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
Parental Consent
Consent to Record Counseling Sessions
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
Individual Supervision Summaries
Counseling Practicum/Internship On-site Service Hours Final Summary
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site Supervision
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation by Supervisor
Graduate Certificate in Addictions Counseling
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
Parental Consent
Consent to Record Counseling Sessions
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 28
Individual Supervision Summaries
Counseling Practicum/Internship On-site Service Hours Final Summary
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site Supervision
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation by Supervisor
Post-Master’s Certificate in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
Parental Consent
Consent to Record Counseling Sessions
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
Individual Supervision Summaries
Counseling Practicum/Internship On-site Service Hours Final Summary
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site Supervision
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation by Supervisor
Post-Master’s Certificate in Counseling Military Populations
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Application
Master’s Counseling Practicum/Internship Contract
Information, Client Consent and Confidentiality
Parental Consent
Consent to Record Counseling Sessions
Group Confidentiality and Release of Liability
Direct and Indirect Service Hours Log
Practicum/Internship Group Supervision Experience
CRIT CE Programs Practicum/Internship Handbook Fall 2018 Page | 29
Individual Supervision Summaries
Counseling Practicum/Internship On-site Service Hours Final Summary
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site Supervision
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation of Site
Clinical Practicum/Internship Student Evaluation by Supervisor
Ed.S. Counseling Programs
Ed.S. Counseling Internship Application
Ed.S. Counseling Internship Contract
Ed.S. Internship Student Evaluation of Site Supervision
Ed.S. Internship Student Evaluation by Supervisor