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March 2002
Quantifying Quality: What Can the U.S. News and World Report Quantifying Quality: What Can the U.S. News and World Report
Rankings Tell Us about the Quality of Higher Education? Rankings Tell Us about the Quality of Higher Education?
Marguerite Clarke
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Clarke, Marguerite, "Quantifying Quality: What Can the U.S. News and World Report Rankings Tell Us about
the Quality of Higher Education?" (2002).
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Education Policy Analysis Archives
Volume 10 Number 16 March 20, 2002 ISSN 1068-2341
A peer-reviewed scholarly journal
Editor: Gene V Glass
College of Education
Arizona State University
Copyright 2001, the
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Quantifying Quality: What Can the U.S. News and World Report
Rankings Tell us About the Quality of Higher Education?
Marguerite Clarke
Boston College
Citation: Clarke, M. (2002, March 20). Quantifying Quality: What can the U.S. News and World
Report rankings tell us about the quality of higher education? Education Policy Analysis Archives,
10(16). Retrieved [date] from
Since their first appearance in 1983, the U.S. News and World Report
rankings of colleges and graduate schools have generated much
discussion and debate, from some declaring them among the best
rankings ever published to others describing them as shallow, inaccurate,
and even dangerous. The research presented here addresses two of the
most common criticisms of the methodology used to produce these
rankings. In particular, this study answers the following questions: What
is the extent of change in U.S. News' ranking formulas across years and
what are the implications for interpreting shifts in a school's rank over
time? How precise is the overall score that U.S. News uses to rank
schools and what are the implications for assigning schools to discrete
ranks? Findings confirm critic's concerns in each of these areas,
particularly in relation to the ranking of graduate schools of education.
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Based on these results, five recommendations are made for improving
the interpretability and usefulness of the rankings.
Every year, U.S. News and World Report's (U.S. News) rankings of the academic quality of colleges
and graduate schools hit the newsstands (Note 1). Their arrival brings delight to some and dismay
to others, depending on whether their institution rose or fell in the quality ratings. An improved
ranking can lead to increased donations from proud alumni and more and better qualified students
in next year's applicant pool (Monks and Enhrenberg, 1999). A fall can lead to tighter alignment of
institutional benchmarks and goals with ranking criteria and pressure on admissions staff to bring in
"better" applicants (Mufson, 1999). All the while, a question goes unanswered: What do these
rankings really tell us about the quality of higher education?
As a step toward answering this question, I examine two common criticisms of the methodology
that U.S. News uses to rank colleges and graduate schools. These are: (1) constant changes to the
formula make it impossible to interpret yearly shifts in a school's rank in terms of change in its
relative academic quality (Levin, 1999; Pellegrini, 1999), and (2) the score used to assign schools to
ranks is overly precise, creating a vertical column where a group might more properly exist
(Machung, 1998; Smetanka, 1998). The first section of this article gives a brief introduction to the
U.S. News rankings as well as the questions addressed by this study. The next section outlines the
methodology used to answer these questions and the results of the analyses. The final section
presents conclusions and recommendations.
Before proceeding, a caveat is in order. While many have questioned the overall concept of
academic quality rankings as well as the validity of the different indicators and weights used, I
suspend judgment on these issues to focus on the extent to which methodological problems may
impact the interpretation of the U.S. News rankings.
Background on the U.S. News Rankings
U.S. News published its first rankings of the academic quality of colleges in 1983, the same year
that the National Commission on Excellence in Education released A Nation at Risk, its influential
report blasting the quality of education in America. Based on a survey of college presidents, the
magazine listed Stanford, Harvard, and Yale as the top three national universities and Amherst,
Swarthmore, and Williams as the top three national liberal arts colleges. By 1987, U.S. News had
moved to a multidimensional approach, weighting and combining information on faculty
accomplishments, student achievements, and institutional academic resources to produce an overall
score on which to rank colleges. Rankings of graduate schools of business, engineering, law, and
medicine/primary-care also appeared in this year and used a similar weight-and-sum approach
(rankings of graduate schools of education did not appear until 1994).
The most recent rankings still use this basic approach. At the undergraduate level, schools are
categorized by mission and region (e.g., national universities, national liberal arts colleges, regional
universities, and regional liberal arts colleges). Up to sixteen pieces of information are collected on
schools in each category, including academic reputation; freshmen retention and graduation rates;
average test scores for entering students; per-student spending; and alumni-giving rate. These
indicators are standardized, weighted, and summed to produce an overall score on which to rank
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schools in each category against their peers.
At the graduate level, schools are categorized by type—business, education, engineering, law, and
medicine/primary-care. Depending on the type of school, data on up to fourteen
indicators—including test scores, research expenditures, graduate employment rates, and
reputation—are collected. Similar to the undergraduate rankings, the indicators are standardized,
weighted, and summed to produce an overall score on which to rank schools in each category
against their peers. Detailed information on the indicators and methodology that U.S. News uses to
rank colleges and graduate schools is found in Appendix A. (Note 2)
Criticisms of the U.S. News Rankings
Almost two decades after their first publication, the college and graduate school rankings are
among U.S. News' top issues in terms of sales generated (K. Crocker, personal communication,
March 19, 1999). This demand has made them the focus of much criticism and debate, especially
among the institutions that are the subject of the rankings. In addition to questioning the overall
concept of ranking higher education institutions, much criticism has focused on the methodology
used to produce the rankings. Gerhard Casper, then President of Stanford University, focused on
some of these methodological concerns in a letter of protest he wrote to the editor of U.S. News in
Could there not, though, at least be a move toward greater honesty with, and service to,
your readers by moving away from the false precision? Could you not do away with
rank ordering and overall scores, thus admitting that the method is not nearly that
precise and that the difference between #1 and #2 - indeed, between #1 and #10 - may
be statistically insignificant? Could you not, instead of tinkering to "perfect" the
weightings and formulas, question the basic premise? Could you not admit that quality
may not be truly quantifiable, and that some of the data you use are not even truly
available (e.g., many high schools do not report whether their graduates are in the top
10% of their class)? Parents are confused and looking for guidance on the best choice
for their particular child and the best investment of their hard-earned money. Your
demonstrated record gives me hope that you can begin to lead the way away from
football-ranking mentality and toward helping to inform, rather than mislead, your
readers. (Note 3)
Casper's questions about the "football ranking mentality" employed by U.S. News go to the heart of
the debate over college and graduate school rankings. If, as Casper states, "the difference between
#1 and #2 - indeed, between #1 and #10 - may be statistically insignificant," what are the
implications for the way in which the overall scores for schools are used to put them in rank order?
In addition, if the weights and formula are constantly being "tinkered" with, how should one then
interpret change in a school's rank from year to year?
Others have voiced these methodological concerns. In particular, critics have noted that yearly
formula changes make it almost impossible to interpret shifts in a school's rank in terms of change
in its relative academic quality: a college that is ranked 4
one year and 7th the next may have had
no change in its performance relative to other schools, yet still have moved because of changes in
the ranking methodology (Levin, 1999; Machung, 1998; Pellegrini, 1999). U.S. News' response to
this issue has been that they prefer to make incremental changes every year to produce the "best
possible rankings" than to use the same indicators every year to facilitate precise year-to-year
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Critics have also pointed out that the use of overall scores to rank schools magnifies small—and
often insignificant—differences among schools, and that small changes by the school or the
magazine can move a college half a dozen places up or down the ranking list (Crenshaw, 1999).
U.S. News acknowledged this issue in 1998 when it began rounding overall scores to the nearest
whole number in recognition, the editors noted, of the fact that small differences after the decimal
point may reflect non-significant differences between schools (Thompson and Morse, 1998).
Subsequently, the number of schools tied for overall score (and thus rank) increased dramatically.
While much criticism and debate has focused on the methodology used to produce the rankings, the
majority of research has focused on the extent to which the rankings are used by students and
parents (e.g., Art and Science Group, 1995; McDonough, Antonio, Walpole, and Perez, 1998) or
their effect on institutions (e.g., Monks and Ehrenberg, 1999). The research presented here
addresses the two methodological concerns outlined above. In particular, this study answers the
following questions:
What is the extent of change in U.S. News' ranking formulas across years and what are the
implications for interpreting shifts in a school's rank over time?
How precise is the overall score that U.S. News uses to rank schools and what are the
implications for assigning schools to discrete ranks?
Methods and Results
Tracking Changes in Ranking Formulas across Years
In order to gauge the extent of change in the U.S. News ranking formulas over time, year-to-year
changes to the indicators used in each formula were tracked across rankings published between
1995 and 2000 inclusive. Four types of changes were identified and tracked over this six-year
period: changes in the weight assigned to an indicator; the removal of an indicator from a formula;
the addition of an indicator to a formula; and, changes in an indicator's definition or methodology.
Rankings examined included business, education, engineering, law, and medicine/primary-care at
the graduate level and national university and national liberal arts college at the undergraduate.
Changes in weights, methodology, and the addition or removal of indicators were generally easy to
track, although it was not possible to fully track changes in weights at the undergraduate level as
this information was not included until the 1998 edition of the guidebook. Changes in indicator
definition were harder to identify as the wording for a definition could differ from one year to the
next, while the underlying meaning might not. The following rule was used to identify an indicator
definition change:
The new wording must contain additional detail such as a date, money amount, percent, or
other precise information not previously stated or implied.
If the new wording does not include such detail, it should be recognized as changed by U.S.
News in the guidebook text.
Analyses focused on the types of changes that were made to the formula for each ranking, the total
number of these changes across time, the proportion of non-change in each ranking formula, and
the extent to which the amount of change in a ranking formula was related to the amount of
movement in the relative ranks for schools in that ranking across the same time period.
Table 1 summarizes changes in the indicators used for each ranking from 1995 to 2000. The
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number of changes for each ranking, by type and overall, is shown in columns two through eight.
The national university and national liberal arts college changes are shown in one column as they
use the same formula. The final column in Table 1 reflects the total number of changes across all
seven rankings (i.e., business, education, engineering, law, medical, national university/liberal arts,
and primary care), again broken down by type.
Table 1
Changes in U.S. News Ranking Indicators, 1995-2000
Business Education Engineering Law Medical National
4 (50)* 4 (67) 3 (37.5) 10
4 (100) 4 (50) 3 (60) 32
3 (37.5) 2 (33) 3 (37.5) 1 (7) 0 2 (25) 2 (40) 13
0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (12.5) 1 (7) 0 1 (12.5) 0 3 (6)
1 (12.5) 0 (0) 1 (12.5) 2
0 1 (12.5) 0 5 (9)
8 (100) 6 (100) 8 (100) 14
4 (100) 8 (100) 5 (100) 53
*Column percentages are in parentheses.
Most changes were weight or definition/methodology changes, comprising 85 percent of all
changes occurring over the six editions. Very few indicators were added to or removed from the
ranking formulas, suggesting that U.S. News generally retained the same set of indicators for each
ranking, but consistently refined and redefined these indicators over the years. (Of course, this
redefining process can also change an indicator substantially).
The rate of change varied widely across rankings. While most rankings averaged between 6 and 8
formula changes over the six editions, the law rankings experienced 14 and the medical rankings
only 4 changes over the same period. Several reasons account for the larger number of changes in
the law ranking's indicators, including U.S. News' responses to the complaints of law schools (who
tend to complain more than other schools) and the release of new types of quality-related
information by the American Bar Association.
While a ranking (e.g., the law rankings) may have experienced a large number of changes relative
to other rankings, these changes may be concentrated in a small group of indicators that are
constantly being refined. Different rankings of schools also use different numbers of indicators to
compute their overall score, and thus two rankings that experience the same types and number of
changes may differ in the number of indicators left unchanged overall. Figure 1 shows the
proportion of unchanged indicators for each ranking between 1995 and 2000 inclusive.
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Figure 1. Proportion of Indicators Remaining Unchanged in Each US News Ranking,
The undergraduate rankings (both national university and national liberal arts college) have the
largest proportion (.73 approximately) of unchanged indicators. In contrast, only about one third of
the law school indicators remained unchanged. For most rankings, about half to two thirds of the
indicators remained unchanged over the six editions. This suggests that while it may not be always
possible to interpret changes in a school's overall rank across years, it is possible to track
performance on individual indicators that have remained unchanged across the years. Most of the
unchanged indicators are related to selectivity (e.g., test scores and the proportion of applicants
accepted into the program) and institutional resources (e.g., student-faculty ratios).
In Table 2, an X indicates when it is possible to make cross-year comparisons for a ranking. The
criteria used to make this determination include the four types of indicator changes discussed above
as well as more general formula changes. The latter occurred twice over the six editions examined
here: In 1998 when overall scores were rounded to the nearest whole number, and in 1999 when a
school's performance on each indicator was standardized before obtaining the overall rank score.
While it was not possible to make cross-year comparisons for most rankings over the six years, the
last column in Table 2 suggests that the ranking formulas may be stabilizing. Between 1999 and
2000, there were no changes in the formulas used to rank schools of education, engineering, law,
and medicine, suggesting that change in a school's rank between 1999 and 2000 could be
interpreted in terms of change in its relative academic quality.
Table 2
Ability to Make Comparisons Across Years for a Ranking, 1995-2000
Ranking 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000
Business X
Medical X X
National Liberal Arts
National University
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Primary Care X
It is important to remember that even when a formula appears to remain stable across years, there
can still be difficulties with cross-year interpretation of ranks. This is due to problems with the
accuracy of the information obtained and critics have pointed out several errors that have arisen due
to mistakes (both accidental and deliberate) in reporting by institutions, and due to the differing
ways in which schools compute figures for certain indicators (Machung, 1998, Smetanka, 1998,
Stecklow, 1995, Wright, 1990-91). U.S. News has tried to reduce the error introduced by these
practices by cross-checking data sent in by schools with data collected by debt-rating agencies,
investors and national organizations such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association, and
tightening up their survey questions, but issues still remain.
The final stage of the comparability analysis examined the extent to which the amount of change in
a ranking formula is related to the amount of movement in schools' ranks for that ranking across
years. Table 3 shows the correlation (r) between the 1995 and 2000 ranks for the top-fifty schools in
each ranking in 1995.
Table 3
Correlation between 1995 and 2000 Ranks for the
Top-Fifty Schools in 1995, By Ranking
Ranking Correlation (r)
Business .89
Education .72
Engineering .88
Law .92
Medicine .88
National Universities .95
National Liberal Arts College .94
Primary Care .08
There is no definite relationship between the amount of change in the indicators for a ranking and
the correlation between the 1995 and 2000 ranks for the top-fifty ranked schools in 1995. For
example, while law schools experienced the most change in their indicators over the six editions of
U.S. News, there was not much difference (r = .92) in the rank ordering of the top-fifty law schools
in 1995 and their ordering in 2000. While varying amounts of change was experienced in the
indicators used for the other rankings, they still show a high degree of similarity (with r's between
.88 and .95) in the rank ordering of their top 50 schools in 1995 and 2000. The main exceptions to
this are the education (r = .72) and primary-care (r = .08) rankings. The low correlation between the
primary-care rankings in 1995 and 2000 can be explained by changes in the population of schools
that U.S. News included in these rankings during this time period. In contrast, the low (relative to
the other rankings) correlation between the 1995 and 2000 ranks of the top-fifty schools of
education in 1995 is linked to the fact that 16 of the top 50 schools in 1995 had experienced large
changes in rank–of ten or more–by the 2000 edition. Table 4 shows the 16 schools of education.
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The first six schools all experienced a decline in rank, ranging from a drop of 10 places for the
University of Southern California and the University of Iowa to a drop of 22 places for Syracuse
University. The remaining schools all improved their rank since 1995. Improvement ranged from an
increase of 10 places for the Rutgers University to a jump of 30 places for Arizona State University.
Table 4
Schools of Education with the Biggest Differences in
U.S. News Rank between 1995 and 2000
School Rank Change in Rank
Between 1995 and
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
University of Iowa 20 22 14 15 27 30 -10
University of Southern
23 27 26 30 31 33 -10
University of Georgia 15 10 15 19 18 26 -11
SUNY-Buffalo 39 45 43 47 46 Not
At least -12
Boston University 31 37 32 43 Not
46 -15
Syracuse University 28 41 46 45 46 50 -22
Rutgers State
49 33 29 30 33 39 +10
University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities
25 7 9 11 10 14 +11
University of Pittsburgh,
Main Campus
44 Not
43 34 37 33 +11
Temple University 33 30 34 28 20 20 +13
George Washington
45 39 37 30 34 30 +15
University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor
22 9 8 6 8 7 +15
University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill
32 32 31 28 22 17 +15
University of
27 19 12 13 11 12 +15
New York University 40 28 23 19 16 12 +28
Arizona State
University-Main Campus
47 29 39 27 24 17 +30
This table does not include schools that were not ranked in 1995 but appeared in the top 50 in the
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2000 edition.
Cross-year data for the top-fifty schools in 1995 in other rankings were also examined to assess the
extent to which similar movements in rank occurred (only data for the top 25 schools of
medicine/primary-care and the top 40 national liberal arts colleges were available). Only nine
business schools, one engineering school, eight law schools, no medical or primary-care schools,
three national liberal arts colleges and two national universities differed by ten or more places in
their 1995 and 2000 ranks.
It is not clear why there was more movement among schools of education compared to other types
of schools. If changes in indicators (i.e., weight, definition, or other changes) are not responsible,
movement could be due to changes in schools' performance on the indicators or errors or
inconsistencies in the information reported by schools. Unfortunately, it is difficult to identify the
real reasons for these movement patterns among schools of education over time, as well as why
these differ from other rankings, as U.S. News did not print much information on schools'
performance on the individual indicators until 1999.
Estimating Error or Uncertainty around the Overall Score
There is no universally agreed-upon set of information for creating academic quality rankings.
Thus, various ranking efforts use indicators that differ in whole or in part from those used by others
even when attempting to rank the same schools. It is not difficult to imagine that slight changes in
the set of indicators used–such as the addition or removal of a single indicator–may move a school
up or down a ranking, depending on how it performs on the indicator relative to other schools. To
gauge the effect of slight changes in the set of indicators on the stability of the overall score and
subsequent ranking for a school, a technique called jackknifing (Efron and Tibshirani, 1993) was
applied to the data for the top-50 schools in each of the 2000 business, education, law, national
liberal arts college, and national university rankings. (Note 4)
First, a baseline regression model was created for each of the rankings, with schools' overall scores
as the dependent or outcome variable and the indicators used for each ranking as the independent or
predictor variables. The overall fit of the model to the data was assessed in terms of the adjusted R
Squared. Values of .9 and above were considered a good fit, meaning that the overall score
predicted by the model for a school was highly correlated with the score produced by U.S. News'
ranking formula, and that the regression model was an effective substitute for the weights-and-sum
formula used by U.S. News. All models met this criterion, with adjusted Rs Squared varying
between .99 for the national liberal arts college and national university models, .98 for the business
school and law school models, and .95 for the education school model. (Note 5)
An approximation to a standard error for each school's overall score was obtained using the
following formula (Efron and Tibshirani, 1993): (Note 6)
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The removal of one indicator at a time for the jackknife regression models did not seem to affect
substantially the overall adjusted R Squared in most instances. For example, for each of the 9
models estimated using the law school data, the adjusted R Squared never varied by more than .01
from the adjusted R Squared for the overall model (i.e., .98), suggesting that the indicators are
contributing fairly similar information to the estimation of the overall score. As a result, the
jackknife standard errors are quite small, varying, in the case of law schools, from a low of .74 for
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor to a high of 3.06 for Harvard University. A similar range of
standard error values was obtained for all rankings except for schools of education. The regression
model for schools of education was not as robust to changes in indicators and the adjusted R
Squared dropped considerably (by .13) when one indicator in particular—Research
Expenditure—was removed. The resultant jackknife standard errors for schools of education are
therefore quite large, varying from a low of 1.78 for Stanford University to a high of 11.98 for the
University of Southern California.
Differences in the standard errors for individual schools are due to differences in how the removal
of different indicators from the equation affects the prediction of their overall score. For schools
that have large standard errors, the removal of certain indicators makes it much harder to predict the
overall score they received from U.S. News. For school with smaller standard errors, the removal of
indicators does not appreciably reduce the precision of estimation of their overall score. This
suggests that schools are differentially affected by the presence or absence of certain indicators in
terms of their overall score and subsequent rank.
This error estimate was then used in a t-test to assess the extent to which one school's overall score
was significantly different from that of another. The t-test formula employed was: (Note 7)
The results of these comparisons are summarized in Tables 5 through 9 which are in the form of
Excell spreadsheets. In each table, schools are ordered by their overall ranking score across the
heading and down the rows. Read across the row for a school in order to compare its performance
with the schools listed in the heading of the chart. The symbols indicate whether the overall score
of the school in the row is significantly lower than that of the comparison school in the heading
(arrow pointing down), significantly higher than that of the comparison school (arrow pointing up),
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or if there is no statistically significant difference between the two schools (circle). The blank
diagonal represents where a school is compared against itself.
If there were no error around the overall scores for schools, Tables 5 through 9 would only consist
of arrows pointing up and down, except for instances where two schools have the same overall
score and are tied for rank. This is not the case. For example, in the business school rankings
comparison table (Table 5) Harvard is listed first in the row and heading as it has the highest overall
score among business schools. However, reading across the row, it appears that Harvard's overall
score of 100 is not significantly different from that of nine other schools that are ranked beneath it.
These include Stanford, which is tied for first rank with Harvard with an overall score of 100, and
University of California, Berkeley, ranked tenth with a score of 90. Only schools ranked below
tenth have scores that are significantly lower than Harvard's.
Tables 5 - 9
Statistical Significance of Comparisons of Overall Scores
in Five Areas (Data in the Form of Excell Spreadsheets)
Table 5: Business
Table 6: Education
Table 7: Law
Table 8: Liberal Arts
Table 9: National Universities
In general, when the overall score for a school is compared to that of every other school in its
ranking (top-fifty schools only), three groups emerge: schools that score significantly higher,
schools that score significantly lower, and schools with scores that are not significantly different.
This pattern is consistent across all the comparison tables. For example, among the business
schools in Table 5, three distinct groupings emerge. The first group comprises 10 schools at the top
of the rankings, extending from first-ranked Harvard to tenth-ranked University of California,
Berkeley. These schools have scores that are not significantly different from each other but that are
significantly higher than all other schools' scores. The second grouping extends from
eleventh-ranked Dartmouth, University of California Los Angeles, and the University of Virginia to
nineteenth-ranked Carnegie Mellon. These schools have scores that are not significantly different
from each other but that are significantly lower than the top-ranked schools in the first group and
significantly higher than the lower-ranked schools in the third grouping. The third group is the
largest. It comprises 31 schools, extending from twentieth-ranked Indiana University to
forty-eighth-ranked University of Georgia, University of Illinois-Urbana Champagne, and the
University of Notre Dame. These schools all have scores that are not significantly different from
each other but that are significantly lower than the scores of schools in the first two groups.
This three-groupings pattern is evident for all rankings except schools of education. There are only
two groupings evident in Table 6. The first group comprises the top-three-ranked schools of
education—Harvard University, Stanford University, and Teacher's College/Columbia University.
These schools have scores that are not significantly different from each other but that are
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significantly higher than the scores for almost all other schools in the top fifty. The second group of
schools extends from fourth-ranked University of California-Berkeley to the four schools tied for
fiftieth rank. These schools all have scores that are not significantly different from each other but
that are significantly lower than the scores of most schools in the top group. This two-grouping
effect occurs because schools of education are more sensitive to changes in the indicators used than
other types of schools. This results in larger standards errors around their overall score and fewer
significant differences between the scores of neighboring schools.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The results of these analyses show that, given the number and annual nature of changes to each
ranking formula, it is generally not possible to interpret year-to-year shifts in a school's rank in
terms of change in its relative academic quality. Depending on the ranking, it is possible to make
cross-year comparisons of a school's relative performance on between a third to three-quarters of
the individual indicators used. While not experiencing much change to their ranking formula over
time, schools of education have experienced markedly more movement in their ranks than other
schools. It is not evident why this has occurred or what it says about the U.S. News rankings as a
measure of the relative quality of these schools. The overall rate of change in the ranking formulas
appears to be slowing and it was possible to make cross-year comparisons of schools' ranks for
almost all rankings between 1999 and 2000.
The results of the error analyses call into question the use of overall scores to assign schools to
individual ranks. The analyses show that when interpreting scores for school with the aid of their
standard errors, precision blurs and schools start to group in bands rather than discrete ranks. The
results confirm the critics' sense of unease at the precision of a single score, particularly in the case
of the education rankings.
At least five recommendations can be made for improving the interpretability and usefulness of the
U.S. News rankings.
First, U.S. News needs to stabilize their ranking methodology. This is particularly important
since the rankings are annual in nature and imply some kind of comparability. A related issue
to consider is whether the rankings need to be annual in nature. While there is an obvious
commercial value to annual rankings, particularly one that keeps changing the winners, it is
doubtful whether there is an educational or consumer value.
Second, U.S. News needs to recognize the uncertainty around schools' overall scores. The
results of this analysis suggest that it would be more accurate to group schools in bands than
to assign them discrete ranks. This approach would avoid the misleading effect that small
changes in a school's rank from year to year produces in terms of the public perception's of its
academic quality.
Third, the schools of education rankings need to be reassessed since they do not seem to
"hold together." Better comparisons might emerge if they were divided into two more
conceptually coherent groups (e.g., those that are primarily research oriented and those that
are primarily teacher-training oriented.) U.S. News already does this for schools of
medicine—i.e., there is an overall ranking of medical schools as well as a ranking of schools
that focus on the training of primary-care physicians.
Fourth, in order to be accountable to consumers, U.S. News needs to make available all data
used to create the rankings. Currently, US News only publishes information for the
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top-ranked schools and less or no information on lower-ranked schools. While space
constraints may make it difficult to publish this information in the magazine, no such
restrictions apply on the US News website.
A final general recommendation is that U.S. News should adopt a model similar to that used
by Consumer Reports for reporting its quality ratings. Consumer Reports rates products, but
does not allow the product manufacturers to use these ratings in their advertising. Similarly,
U.S. News should not allow schools to use their ratings in their promotional materials or other
advertising. This approach might relieve some of the tension and debate that currently
surrounds the rankings and make their annual arrival on newsstands a less stressful event for
the higher education community.
The term "rankings," as used in this artcles, refers to a list of schools or universities that are
ordered according to their overall score on a formula created by U.S. News. Thus, the business
rankings are a list of business schools ordered according to their overall score on a formula that
U.S. News uses to rank graduate schools of business, and the national university rankings are a list
of schools ordered according to their overall score on a formula that U.S. News uses to rank
national universities. The year appended to a ranking is the calendar year in which it was released,
i.e., the 2000 education rankings were published in the year 2000.
It is worth noting that several of these indicators—such as test scores, reputation, research
expenditure, and faculty awards—have been used traditionally to measure quality (Hattendorf,
1993: Webster, 1986). The U.S. News rankings differ from most other rankings in that they assign
weights to these indicators in order to combine them and produce a composite score.
The full text of this letter is available at:
No data was available for schools below the top-50 for most of the rankings.
U.S. News does not make available in its magazine or on its website all the data it uses to rank
schools, nor is this information available on request. On average, each ranking is missing
information on two or three indicators. This was not a problem for this analysis, since the available
indicators, as indicated by the adjusted R Squared values, almost perfectly replicated the overall
scores produced by U.S. News. Thus, very little information was lost.
While the "error estimate" obtained is not strictly a standard error, since the indicators are not
randomly sampled, it may still be viewed as a general indication of the uncertainty around an
overall score due to changes in the indicators used to compute that score. In addition, it is probably
a conservative estimate of the uncertainty around scores as the indicators chosen by U.S. News tend
to be highly correlated. A random sample from the population of indicators would probably be less
highly correlated, which would result in larger standard errors around schools' overall scores.
Since there are, on average, 50 schools in each ranking, around 49 t-test comparisons were made
for each school in the rankings. In order to control for the increased probability of a significant
finding due to chance alone, a Bonferroni adjustment was applied.
14 of 20
For more information see
U.S. News uses a modification of the classification system developed by the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching in order to classify colleges and universities. The Carnegie
system is a generally accepted classification system for higher education.
Art and Science Group, (1995). Influence of U.S. News rankings on college choice, StudentPOLL:
Market Intelligence for Higher Education, 1(1).
Crenshaw, A. B. (1999). Colleges by the numbers. Washington Post, August 29, p. H01.
Efron, B., and Tibshirani, R. J. (1993). An introduction to the bootstrap. New York: Chapman and
Hattendorf, L. C. (ed.) (1993). Educational rankings annual. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Inc.
Levin, S. (1999). Ignore college ranking—become an educated consumer. Washington Parent
Magazine. Available at:
Machung, A. (1998). What's at stake: College rankings and the new media. Change, July/August,
pp. 13-16.
McDonough, P. M., Antonio, A. L., Walpole, M., and Perez, L. X. (1998). College rankings:
Democratized knowledge for whom? Research in Higher Education, 39(5), pp. 513-37.
Monks, J., and Ehrenberg, R. G. (1999). The impact of U.S. News and World Report college
rankings on admissions outcomes and pricing policies at selective private institutions. Cambridge,
MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Mufson, S. (1999). Rankings all-important to GWU. Washington Post, Sunday, March 14, P.A01.
Pellegrini, F. (1999). Those bouncing college rankings—a 101. Time, August 31.
Smetanka, M. J. (1998). Magazine's new ratings on colleges don't rank high at "U." Star Tribune,
February 20, p. 7B.
Stecklow, S. (1995). Cheat sheets: Colleges inflate SATs and graduation rates in popular
guidebooks: Schools say they must fib to US News and others to compete effectively: Moody's
requires the truth. The Wall Street Journal, Wednesday, April 5, pp. 1, A8.
Thompson, J. J., and Morse, R. J. (1998). An explanation of the U.S. News rankings: Putting the
numbers into context. U.S. News and World Report America's Best Colleges 1998, p. 66-68.
Webster, D. S. (1986). Academic quality rankings of American colleges and universities.
Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
Wright, B. A. (1990-91). The rating game: How the media affect college admission. The College
Board Review, No. 158, Winter, pp. 12-17, 31.
15 of 20
About the Author
Marguerite Clarke
Boston College
Phone: 617-552-0665
Fax: 617-552-8419
Marguerite Clarke is an Assistant Professor of Research at Boston College. She has a Ph.D. in
educational research, measurement, and evaluation as well as degrees in bilingual/multicultural and
elementary education. Her research interests include policy and technical issues surrounding
large-scale testing and accountability programs; the impact of testing on teaching and learning; and
the relationship between test use and educational opportunity and access for different student
Appendix A
Current U.S. News College and Graduate School Ranking Methodology
The current method that U.S. News uses to produce college rankings has three basic steps. (Note 8)
First, colleges in the U.S. are placed into categories based on mission and region. (Note 9) Colleges
within each category are ranked separately. Second, U.S. News collects data from each school on up
to 16 separate indicators of what it believes reflects academic quality. As Table 10 indicates, each
indicator is assigned a weight in the ranking formula that reflects the judgement of U.S. News about
which measures of quality matter most. Column 4 of Table 10 shows the weight that each indicator
(shown in column 3 of Table 10) receives within its category and column 2 shows the weight this
category receives in the overall ranking formula. For example, a school's acceptance rate is 15
percent of its Student Selectivity category score or rank, and the Student Selectivity category
contributes 15 percent to a school's overall score and rank.
Indicators are standardized and then combined (using weights) to produce an overall score for each
school. These scores are re-scaled. The top school is assigned a value of 100, and the other schools'
weighted scores are calculated as a proportion of that top score. Final scores for each ranked school
are rounded to the nearest whole number and ranked in descending order. U.S. News publishes the
individual ranks of only the top schools; the remainder is grouped into tiers.
Table 10
U.S. News Indicators and Weights for the 2000 College Rankings
Ranking Category Category
Indicator Indicator
Academic Reputation
25% Academic Reputation Survey 100%
Student Selectivity
15% Acceptance Rate
High School Standing— Top
SAT/ACT Scores
16 of 20
Faculty Resources
20% Faculty Compensation
Faculty With Top Terminal
Percent Full-time Faculty
Student/Faculty Ratio
Class Size, 1-19 Students
Class Size, 50+ Students
Retention Rate
20% Average Graduation Rate
Average Freshmen Retention
Financial Resources
10% Educational Expenditures Per
Alumni Giving
5% Alumni Giving Rate 100%
Graduation Rate
5% Graduation Rate Performance 100%
These indicators and weights are for the national liberal arts and national university rankings only.
A similar methodology is employed for the graduate school rankings. U.S. News collects data from
each program on indicators of what it believes reflect academic quality. Each indicator is assigned a
weight based on U.S. News' judgment about which measures matter most. Data are standardized,
and standardized scores are weighted, totaled, and re-scaled so that the top school receives 100;
other schools receive a percentage of the top score. Schools are then ranked based on the score they
The five major disciplines examined yearly are business, education, engineering, law, and medicine.
Master's and doctoral programs in areas such as the arts, sciences, social sciences, humanities,
library science, public affairs, and various health fields are ranked only by reputation and are
generally evaluated every third year. The specific indicators and weights used for rankings within
each of the five major disciplines are outlined in Tables 11 through 15.
Table 11
U.S. News Indicators and Weights for the 2000 Business Rankings
Indicator Indicator
Reputation 40%
Academic Survey
Non-academic Survey
Mean Starting Salary and Bonus
Employment at Graduation and Three
Months Later
20% and 40%
Mean Graduate Management Admission
Test Scores
Mean Undergraduate Grade Point Average
Proportion of Applicants Accepted
17 of 20
Table 12
U.S. News Indicators and Weights for the 2000 Education Rankings
Indicator Indicator
Reputation 40%
Academic Survey
Non-academic Survey
Average Verbal, Analytical and Quantitative
Proportion of Applicants Accepted
30% each
Ratio of Full-time Doctoral and Master's Degree
Candidates to Full-time Faculty
Percent of Faculty Given Awards
Number of Doctoral and Master's Degrees
Granted in the past school year
Proportion of Graduate Students Who Are
Doctoral Candidates
25% and 20%
15% and10%
Total Research Expenditures
Research Expenditures Per Faculty Member
Table 13. U.S. News Indicators and Weights for the 2000 Engineering Rankings
Indicator Indicator
Reputation 40%
Academic Survey
Non-academic Survey
Average Quantitative and Analytical GREs
Proportion of Applicants Accepted
45% each
Ratio of Full-time Doctoral and Master's Degree
Candidates to Full-time Faculty
Proportion of Faculty Members of NAE
Number of Ph.D Degrees Granted in the last
school year
Proportion of Faculty Holding Doctoral Degrees
25% and 10%
Total Research Expenditures
Research Expenditures Per Faculty Member
Table 14
U.S. News Indicators and Weights for the 2000 Law Rankings
Indicator Indicator
18 of 20
40% Academic Survey
Non-academic Survey
25% Median LSAT Scores
Median Undergraduate GPA
Proportion of Applicants Accepted
20% Employment Rates at Graduation and Nine
Months Later
Bar Passage Rate
30% and 60%
15% Average Expenditures Per Student For
Instruction etc.
Student to Teacher Ratio
Average Expenditures Per Student For
Financial Aid etc.
Total Number of Volumes in Law Library
Table 15
U.S. News Indicators and Weights for the 2000 Medicine and Primary-Care (in
parentheses where different) Rankings
Indicator Indicator
Reputation 40%
Academic Survey
Non-academic Survey
50% (60%)
50% (40%)
Mean MCAT Scores
Mean Undergraduate Grade Point Average
Proportion of Applicants Accepted
Ratio of Full-time Science and Clinical Faculty to
Full-time Students
Primary Care
Care Only)
The Percentage of MDs From a School Entering
Primary-care Residencies, Averaged Over 1997, 1998,
and 1999
Total Dollar Amount of National Institutes of Health
Research Grants Awarded to the Medical School and
its Affiliated Hospitals, Averaged for 1998 and 1999
Copyright 2002 by the Education Policy Analysis Archives
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addressed to the Editor, Gene V Glass, [email protected] or reach him at College
19 of 20
of Education, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-2411. The
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