Release 1.17.0
Daniel Townsend
Aug 20, 2024
1 Getting Started 3
2 Query Types 11
3 Query Clauses 43
4 Functions 63
5 Schema 73
6 Projects and Apps 103
7 Engines 115
8 Migrations 123
9 Authentication 131
10 ASGI 137
11 Serialization 139
12 Testing 145
13 Features 151
14 Playground 153
15 Ecosystem 155
16 Tutorials 157
17 Contributing 167
18 Changes 169
19 Help 243
20 API reference 245
21 About Piccolo v1 263
22 TLDR 265
23 Videos 267
Index 269
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Note: These are the docs for Piccolo v1. Read more here.
For v0.x docs go here.
Piccolo is a modern, async query builder and ORM for Python, with lots of batteries included.
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
1.1 What is Piccolo?
Piccolo is a fast, easy to learn ORM and query builder.
Some of it’s stand out features are:
Support for sync and async.
A builtin playground, which makes learning a breeze.
Fully type annotated, with great tab completion support - it works great with iPython and VSCode.
Batteries included - a User model and authentication, migrations, an admin, and more.
Templates for creating your own ASGI web app.
1.1.1 History
Piccolo was created while working at a design agency, where almost all projects being undertaken were API driven (of-
ten with high traffic), and required web sockets. The author was naturally interested in the possibilities of asyncio. Pic-
colo is built from the ground up with asyncio in mind. Likewise, Piccolo makes extensive use of type annotations,
another innovation in Python around the time Piccolo was started.
A really important thing when working at a design agency is having a great admin interface. A huge amount of effort
has gone into Piccolo Admin to make something youd be proud to give to a client.
A lot of batteries are included because Piccolo is a pragmatic framework focused on delivering quality, functional apps
to customers. This is why we have templating tools like piccolo asgi new for getting a web app started quickly,
automatic database migrations for making iteration fast, and lots of authentication middleware and endpoints for rapidly
building APIs out of the box.
Piccolo has been used extensively by the author on professional projects, for a range of corporate and startup clients.
1.2 Database Support
Postgres is the primary database which Piccolo was designed for. Its robust, feature rich, and a great choice for most
CockroachDB is also supported. It’s designed to be scalable and fault tolerant, and is mostly compatible with Postgres.
There may be some minor features not supported, but its OK to use.
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
SQLite support was originally added to enable tooling like the playground, but over time weve added more and more
support. Many people successfully use SQLite and Piccolo together in production. The main missing feature is support
for automatic database migrations due to SQLites limited support for ALTER TABLE DDL statements.
1.2.1 What about other databases?
Our focus is on providing great support for a limited number of databases (especially Postgres), however it’s likely that
we’ll support more databases in the future.
1.3 Installing Piccolo
1.3.1 Python
You need Python 3.7 or above installed on your system.
1.3.2 Pip
Now install Piccolo, ideally inside a virtualenv:
# Optional - creating a virtualenv on Unix:
python3 -m venv my_project
cd my_project
source bin/activate
# The important bit:
pip install piccolo
# Install Piccolo with PostgreSQL or CockroachDB driver:
pip install 'piccolo[postgres]'
# Install Piccolo with SQLite driver:
pip install 'piccolo[sqlite]'
# Optional: orjson for improved JSON serialisation performance
pip install 'piccolo[orjson]'
# Optional: uvloop as the default event loop instead of asyncio
# If using Piccolo with Uvicorn, Uvicorn will set uvloop as the default
# event loop if installed
pip install 'piccolo[uvloop]'
# If you just want Piccolo with all of it's functionality, you might prefer
# to use this:
pip install 'piccolo[all]'
Hint: On Windows, you may need to use double quotes instead. For example pip install "piccolo[all]".
4 Chapter 1. Getting Started
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
1.4 Playground
Piccolo ships with a handy command called playground, which is a great way to learn the basics.
piccolo playground run
It will create an example schema for you, populates it with data, and launches an iPython shell.
You can follow along with the tutorials without first learning advanced concepts like migrations.
Its a nice place to experiment with querying / inserting / deleting data using Piccolo, no matter how experienced you
Warning: Each time you launch the playground it flushes out the existing tables and rebuilds them, so don’t use it
for anything permanent!
1.4.1 SQLite
SQLite is used by default, which provides a zero config way of getting started.
A piccolo.sqlite file will get created in the current directory.
1.4.2 Advanced usage
To see how to use the playground with Postgres, and other advanced usage, see Advanced Playground Usage.
1.4.3 Test queries
The schema generated in the playground represents fictional bands and their concerts.
When the playground is started it prints out the available tables.
Give these queries a go:
await Band.select()
await Band.objects()
await Band.select(Band.name)
await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.name)
1.4. Playground 5
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1.4.4 Tab completion is your friend
Piccolo was designed to make tab completion available in as many situations as possible. Use it to find the column
names for a table (e.g. Band.name), and the different query types (e.g. Band.select).
Using tab completion will help avoid errors, and speed up your coding.
1.5 Setup Postgres
1.5.1 Installation
The quickest way to get Postgres up and running on the Mac is using Postgres.app.
On Ubuntu you can use apt.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install postgresql
1.5.2 Creating a database
Postgres.app should make psql available for the user who installed it.
Enter the following:
CREATE DATABASE "my_database_name";
If you prefer a GUI, pgAdmin has an installer available.
6 Chapter 1. Getting Started
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Using psql:
sudo su postgres -c psql
Enter the following:
CREATE DATABASE "my_database_name";
DEB packages are available for Ubuntu.
1.5.3 Postgres version
Piccolo is tested on most major Postgres versions (see the GitHub Actions file).
1.6 Setup Cockroach
1.6.1 Installation
Follow the instructions for your OS.
We support the latest stable version.
Note: Features using format() will be available in v22.2 or higher, but we recommend using the stable version so
you can upgrade automatically when it becomes generally available.
Cockroach is designed to be a “rolling database”: Upgrades are as simple as switching out to the next version of a binary
(or changing a number in a docker-compose.yml). This has one caveat: You cannot upgrade an “alpha” release. It
is best to stay on the latest stable.
1.6. Setup Cockroach 7
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
1.6.2 Creating a database
cockroach sql
CockroachDB comes with its own management tooling.
cd ~/wherever/you/installed/cockroachdb
cockroach sql --insecure
Enter the following:
create database piccolo;
use piccolo;
Management GUI
CockroachDB comes with its own web-based management GUI available on localhost:
Beekeeper Studio
If you prefer a GUI, Beekeeper Studio is recommended and has an installer available.
1.6.3 Column Types
As of this writing, CockroachDB will always convert JSON to JSONB and will always report INTEGER as BIGINT.
Piccolo will automatically handle these special cases for you, but we recommend being explicit about this to prevent
complications in future versions of Piccolo.
Use JSONB() instead of JSON()
Use BigInt() instead of Integer()
1.7 Setup SQLite
1.7.1 Installation
The good news is SQLite is good to go out of the box with Python.
Some Piccolo features are only available with newer SQLite versions.
8 Chapter 1. Getting Started
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1.7.2 Check version
To check which SQLite version you’re using, simply open a Python terminal, and do the following:
>>> import sqlite3
>>> sqlite3.sqlite_version
The easiest way to upgrade your SQLite version is to install the latest version of Python.
1.8 Example Schema
This is the schema used by the example queries throughout the docs, and also in the playground.
Manager and Band are most commonly used:
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns import ForeignKey, Integer, Varchar
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar(length=100)
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(length=100)
manager = ForeignKey(references=Manager)
popularity = Integer()
We sometimes use these other tables in the examples too:
class Venue(Table):
name = Varchar()
capacity = Integer()
class Concert(Table):
band_1 = ForeignKey(references=Band)
band_2 = ForeignKey(references=Band)
venue = ForeignKey(references=Venue)
starts = Timestamp()
duration = Interval()
class Ticket(Table):
concert = ForeignKey(references=Concert)
price = Numeric()
class RecordingStudio(Table):
name = Varchar()
facilities = JSONB()
To understand more about defining your own schemas, see Defining a Schema.
1.8. Example Schema 9
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1.9 Sync and Async
One of the motivations for making Piccolo was the lack of ORMs and query builders which support asyncio.
Piccolo is designed to be async first. However, you can use Piccolo in synchronous apps as well, whether that be a
WSGI web app, or a data science script.
1.9.1 Async example
You can await a query to run it:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name)
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
Alternatively, you can await a query’s run method:
# This makes it extra explicit that a database query is being made:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name).run()
# It also gives you more control over how the query is run.
# For example, if we wanted to bypass the connection pool for some reason:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name).run(in_pool=False)
Using the async version is useful for applications which require high throughput. Piccolo makes building an ASGI web
app really simple - see ASGI.
1.9.2 Sync example
This lets you execute a query in an application which isnt using asyncio:
>>> Band.select(Band.name).run_sync()
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
1.9.3 Explicit
By using await and run_sync, it makes it very explicit when a query is actually being executed.
Until you execute await or run_sync, you can chain as many methods onto your query as you like, safe in the knowl-
edge that no database queries are being made.
10 Chapter 1. Getting Started
There are many different queries you can perform using Piccolo.
The main ways to query data are with Select, which returns data as dictionaries, and Objects, which returns data as
class instances, like a typical ORM.
2.1 Select
Hint: Follow along by installing Piccolo and running piccolo playground run - see Playground.
To get all rows:
>>> await Band.select()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': 1, 'popularity': 1000},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'Rustaceans', 'manager': 2, 'popularity': 500}]
To get certain columns:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name)
[{'name': 'Rustaceans'}, {'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
Or use an alias to make it shorter:
>>> b = Band
>>> await b.select(b.name)
[{'name': 'Rustaceans'}, {'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
Hint: All of these examples also work synchronously using run_sync - see Sync and Async.
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
2.1.1 as_alias
By using as_alias, the name of the row can be overriden in the response.
>>> await Band.select(Band.name.as_alias('title'))
[{'title': 'Rustaceans'}, {'title': 'Pythonistas'}]
This is equivalent to SELECT name AS title FROM band in SQL.
2.1.2 Joins
One of the most powerful things about select is it’s support for joins.
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.name)
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager.name': 'Guido'},
{'name': 'Rustaceans', 'manager.name': 'Graydon'}
The joins can go several layers deep.
>>> await Concert.select(Concert.id, Concert.band_1.manager.name)
[{'id': 1, 'band_1.manager.name': 'Guido'}]
If you want all of the columns from a related table you can use all_columns, which is a useful shortcut which saves
you from typing them all out:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.all_columns())
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager.id': 1, 'manager.name': 'Guido'},
{'name': 'Rustaceans', 'manager.id': 2, 'manager.name': 'Graydon'}
In Piccolo < 0.41.0 you had to explicitly unpack all_columns. This is equivalent to the code above:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, *Band.manager.all_columns())
You can exclude some columns if you like:
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... Band.manager.all_columns(exclude=[Band.manager.id])
... )
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager.name': 'Guido'},
{'name': 'Rustaceans', 'manager.name': 'Graydon'}
Strings are supported too if you prefer:
12 Chapter 2. Query Types
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>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... Band.manager.all_columns(exclude=['id'])
... )
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager.name': 'Guido'},
{'name': 'Rustaceans', 'manager.name': 'Graydon'}
You can also use all_columns on the root table, which saves you time if you have lots of columns. It works identically
to related tables:
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.all_columns(exclude=[Band.id]),
... Band.manager.all_columns(exclude=[Band.manager.id])
... )
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'popularity': 1000, 'manager.name': 'Guido'},
{'name': 'Rustaceans', 'popularity': 500, 'manager.name': 'Graydon'}
You can also get the response as nested dictionaries, which can be very useful:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.all_columns()).output(nested=True)
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Guido'}},
{'name': 'Rustaceans', 'manager': {'id': 2, 'manager.name': 'Graydon'}}
2.1.3 String syntax
You can specify the column names using a string if you prefer. The disadvantage is you wont have tab completion, but
sometimes it’s more convenient.
await Band.select('name')
# For joins:
await Band.select('manager.name')
2.1. Select 13
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2.1.4 String functions
Piccolo has lots of string functions built-in. See piccolo/query/functions/string.py. Here’s an example using
Upper, to convert values to uppercase:
from piccolo.query.functions.string import Upper
>> await Band.select(Upper(Band.name, alias='name'))
[{'name': 'PYTHONISTAS'}, ...]
You can also use these within where clauses:
from piccolo.query.functions.string import Upper
>> await Band.select(Band.name).where(Upper(Band.manager.name) == 'GUIDO')
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
2.1.5 Aggregate functions
Note: These can all be used in conjunction with the group_by clause.
Hint: You can use the count query as a quick way of getting the number of rows in a table.
Returns the number of matching rows.
from piccolo.query.functions.aggregate import Count
>> await Band.select(Count()).where(Band.popularity > 100)
[{'count': 3}]
To find out more about the options available, see Count.
Returns the average for a given column:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions.aggregate import Avg
>>> response = await Band.select(Avg(Band.popularity)).first()
>>> response["avg"]
14 Chapter 2. Query Types
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Returns the sum for a given column:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions.aggregate import Sum
>>> response = await Band.select(Sum(Band.popularity)).first()
>>> response["sum"]
Returns the maximum for a given column:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions.aggregate import Max
>>> response = await Band.select(Max(Band.popularity)).first()
>>> response["max"]
Returns the minimum for a given column:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions.aggregate import Min
>>> response = await Band.select(Min(Band.popularity)).first()
>>> response["min"]
Additional features
You also can have multiple different aggregate functions in one query:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions.aggregate import Avg, Sum
>>> response = await Band.select(
... Avg(Band.popularity),
... Sum(Band.popularity)
... ).first()
>>> response
{"avg": 750.0, "sum": 1500}
And can use aliases for aggregate functions like this:
# Alternatively, you can use the `as_alias` method.
>>> response = await Band.select(
... Avg(Band.popularity).as_alias("popularity_avg")
... ).first()
>>> response["popularity_avg"]
2.1. Select 15
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
2.1.6 SelectRaw
In certain situations you may want to have raw SQL in your select query.
For example, if there’s a Postgres function which you want to access, which isnt supported by Piccolo:
from piccolo.query import SelectRaw
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... SelectRaw("log(popularity) AS log_popularity")
... )
[{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'log_popularity': 3.0}]
Warning: Only use SQL that you trust.
2.1.7 Query clauses
See batch.
See callback.
By default all columns are returned from the queried table.
# Equivalent to SELECT * from band
await Band.select()
To restrict the returned columns, either pass in the columns into the select method, or use the columns method.
# Equivalent to SELECT name from band
await Band.select(Band.name)
# Or alternatively:
await Band.select().columns(Band.name)
The columns method is additive, meaning you can chain it to add additional columns.
await Band.select().columns(Band.name).columns(Band.manager)
# Or just define it one go:
await Band.select().columns(Band.name, Band.manager)
16 Chapter 2. Query Types
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
See distinct.
See first.
See group_by.
See limit.
See offset.
See order_by.
See output.
See where.
2.2 Objects
When doing Select queries, you get data back in the form of a list of dictionaries (where each dictionary represents a
row). This is useful in a lot of situations, but it’s sometimes preferable to get objects back instead, as we can manipulate
them, and save the changes back to the database.
In Piccolo, an instance of a Table class represents a row. Lets do some examples.
2.2. Objects 17
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
2.2.1 Fetching objects
To get all objects:
>>> await Band.objects()
[<Band: 1>, <Band: 2>]
To get certain rows:
>>> await Band.objects().where(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
[<Band: 1>]
To get a single row (or None if it doesnt exist):
>>> await Band.objects().get(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
<Band: 1>
To get the first row:
>>> await Band.objects().first()
<Band: 1>
You’ll notice that the API is similar to Select - except it returns all columns.
2.2.2 Creating objects
You can pass the column values using kwargs:
>>> band = Band(name="C-Sharps", popularity=100)
>>> await band.save()
Alternatively, you can pass in a dictionary, which is friendlier to static analysis tools like Mypy (it can easily detect
typos in the column names):
>>> band = Band({Band.name: "C-Sharps", Band.popularity: 100})
>>> await band.save()
We also have this shortcut which combines the above into a single line:
>>> band = await Band.objects().create(name="C-Sharps", popularity=100)
2.2.3 Updating objects
Objects have a save method, which is convenient for updating values:
band = await Band.objects().where(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
(continues on next page)
18 Chapter 2. Query Types
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(continued from previous page)
band.popularity = 100000
# This saves all values back to the database.
await band.save()
# Or specify specific columns to save:
await band.save([Band.popularity])
2.2.4 Deleting objects
Similarly, we can delete objects, using the remove method.
band = await Band.objects().where(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
await band.remove()
2.2.5 Fetching related objects
If you have an object from a table with a ForeignKey column, and you want to fetch the related row as an object, you
can do so using get_related.
band = await Band.objects().where(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
manager = await band.get_related(Band.manager)
>>> manager
<Manager: 1>
>>> manager.name
Prefetching related objects
You can also prefetch the rows from related tables, and store them as child objects. To do this, pass ForeignKey
columns into objects, which refer to the related rows you want to load.
band = await Band.objects(Band.manager).where(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
>>> band.manager
(continues on next page)
2.2. Objects 19
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(continued from previous page)
<Manager: 1>
>>> band.manager.name
If you have a table containing lots of ForeignKey columns, and want to prefetch them all you can do so using
ticket = await Ticket.objects(
# Any intermediate objects will also be loaded:
>>> ticket.concert
<Concert: 1>
>>> ticket.concert.band_1
<Band: 1>
>>> ticket.concert.band_2
<Band: 2>
You can manipulate these nested objects, and save the values back to the database, just as you would expect:
ticket.concert.band_1.name = 'Pythonistas 2'
await ticket.concert.band_1.save()
Instead of passing the ForeignKey columns into the objects method, you can use the prefetch clause if you prefer.
# These are equivalent:
ticket = await Ticket.objects(
ticket = await Ticket.objects().prefetch(
2.2.6 get_or_create
With get_or_create you can get an existing record matching the criteria, or create a new one with the defaults
band = await Band.objects().get_or_create(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas', defaults={Band.popularity: 100}
# Or using string column names
band = await Band.objects().get_or_create(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas', defaults={'popularity': 100}
You can find out if an existing row was found, or if a new row was created:
20 Chapter 2. Query Types
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band = await Band.objects.get_or_create(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
band._was_created # True if it was created, otherwise False if it was already in the db
Complex where clauses are supported, but only within reason. For example:
# This works OK:
band = await Band.objects().get_or_create(
(Band.name == 'Pythonistas') & (Band.popularity == 1000),
# This is problematic, as it's unclear what the name should be if we
# need to create the row:
band = await Band.objects().get_or_create(
(Band.name == 'Pythonistas') | (Band.name == 'Rustaceans'),
defaults={'popularity': 100}
2.2.7 to_dict
If you need to convert an object into a dictionary, you can do so using the to_dict method.
band = await Band.objects().first()
>>> band.to_dict()
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': 1, 'popularity': 1000}
If you only want a subset of the columns, or want to use aliases for some of the columns:
band = await Band.objects().first()
>>> band.to_dict(Band.id, Band.name.as_alias('title'))
{'id': 1, 'title': 'Pythonistas'}
2.2.8 refresh
If you have an object which has gotten stale, and want to refresh it, so it has the latest data from the database, you can
use the refresh method.
# If we have an instance:
band = await Band.objects().first()
# And it has gotten stale, we can refresh it:
await band.refresh()
# Or just refresh certain columns:
await band.refresh([Band.name])
2.2. Objects 21
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It works with prefetch too:
# If we have an instance with a child object:
band = await Band.objects(Band.manager).first()
# And it has gotten stale, we can refresh it:
await band.refresh()
# The nested object will also be updated if it was stale:
>>> band.manager.name
"New value"
refresh is very useful in unit tests:
# If we have an instance:
band = await Band.objects().where(Band.name == "Pythonistas").first()
# Call an API endpoint which updates the object (e.g. with httpx):
await client.patch(f"/band/{band.id}/", json={"popularity": 5000})
# Make sure the instance was updated:
await band.refresh()
assert band.popularity == 5000
2.2.9 Query clauses
See batch.
See callback.
See first.
See limit.
22 Chapter 2. Query Types
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See offset.
See order_by.
See output.
See where .
2.3 Count
The count query makes it really easy to retrieve the number of rows in a table:
>>> await Band.count()
Its equivalent to this select query:
from piccolo.query.functions.aggregate import Count
>>> response = await Band.select(Count())
>>> response[0]['count']
As you can see, the count query is more convenient.
2.3.1 Non-null columns
If you want to retrieve the number of rows where a given column isnt null, we can do so as follows:
await Band.count(column=Band.name)
# Or simply:
await Band.count(Band.name)
Note, this is equivalent to:
await Band.count().where(Band.name.is_not_null())
2.3. Count 23
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If we have the following database table:
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
popularity = Integer(null=True)
With the following data:
name popularity
Pythonistas 1000
Rustaceans 800
C-Sharps null
Then we get the following results:
>>> await Band.count()
>>> await Band.count(Band.popularity)
2.3.2 distinct
We can count the number of distinct (i.e. unique) rows.
await Band.count(distinct=[Band.name])
# This also works - use whichever you prefer:
await Band.count().distinct([Band.name])
With the following data:
name popularity
Pythonistas 1000
Pythonistas 1000
Pythonistas 800
Rustaceans 800
Note how we have duplicate band names.
Hint: This is bad database design as we should add a unique constraint to prevent this, but go with it for this example!
Lets compare queries with and without distinct:
>>> await Band.count()
(continues on next page)
24 Chapter 2. Query Types
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(continued from previous page)
>>> await Band.count(distinct=[Band.name])
We can specify multiple columns:
>>> await Band.count(distinct=[Band.name, Band.popularity])
In the above example, this means we count rows where the combination of name and popularity is unique.
So ('Pythonistas', 1000) is a distinct value from ('Pythonistas', 800), because even though the name is the
same, the popularity is different.
2.3.3 Clauses
See where.
2.4 Alter
This is used to modify an existing table.
Hint: You can use migrations instead of manually altering the schema - see Migrations.
2.4.1 add_column
Used to add a column to an existing table.
await Band.alter().add_column('members', Integer())
2.4.2 drop_column
Used to drop an existing column.
await Band.alter().drop_column('popularity')
2.4. Alter 25
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2.4.3 drop_table
Used to drop the table - use with caution!
await Band.alter().drop_table()
drop_db_tables / drop_db_tables_sync
If you have several tables which you want to drop, you can use drop_db_tables or drop_db_tables_sync. The
tables will be dropped in the correct order based on their foreign keys.
# async version
>>> from piccolo.table import drop_db_tables
>>> await drop_db_tables(Band, Manager)
# sync version
>>> from piccolo.table import drop_db_tables_sync
>>> drop_db_tables_sync(Band, Manager)
2.4.4 rename_column
Used to rename an existing column.
await Band.alter().rename_column(Band.popularity, 'rating')
2.4.5 set_null
Set whether a column is nullable or not.
# To make a row nullable:
await Band.alter().set_null(Band.name, True)
# To stop a row being nullable:
await Band.alter().set_null(Band.name, False)
2.4.6 set_schema
Used to change the schema which a table belongs to.
await Band.alter().set_schema('schema_1')
Schemas are a way of organising the tables within a database. Only Postgres and Cockroach support schemas. Learn
more here.
After changing a table’s schema, you need to update your Table accordingly, otherwise subsequent queries will fail,
as they’ll be trying to find the table in the old schema.
26 Chapter 2. Query Types
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Band._meta.schema = 'schema_1'
2.4.7 set_unique
Used to change whether a column is unique or not.
# To make a row unique:
await Band.alter().set_unique(Band.name, True)
# To stop a row being unique:
await Band.alter().set_unique(Band.name, False)
2.5 Create Table
This creates the table and columns in the database.
Hint: You can use migrations instead of manually altering the schema - see Migrations.
>>> await Band.create_table()
To prevent an error from being raised if the table already exists:
>>> await Band.create_table(if_not_exists=True)
2.5.1 create_db_tables / create_db_tables_sync
You can create multiple tables at once.
This function will automatically sort tables based on their foreign keys so they’re created in the right order:
# async version
>>> from piccolo.table import create_db_tables
>>> await create_db_tables(Band, Manager, if_not_exists=True)
# sync version
>>> from piccolo.table import create_db_tables_sync
>>> create_db_tables_sync(Band, Manager, if_not_exists=True)
2.5. Create Table 27
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2.6 Delete
This deletes any matching rows from the table.
>>> await Band.delete().where(Band.name == 'Rustaceans')
2.6.1 force
Piccolo wont let you run a delete query without a where clause, unless you explicitly tell it to do so. This is to help
prevent accidentally deleting all the data from a table.
>>> await Band.delete()
Raises: DeletionError
# Works fine:
>>> await Band.delete(force=True)
2.6.2 Query clauses
See returning.
See where
2.7 Exists
This checks whether any rows exist which match the criteria.
>>> await Band.exists().where(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
28 Chapter 2. Query Types
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2.7.1 Query clauses
See where.
2.8 Insert
This is used to bulk insert rows into the table:
await Band.insert(
2.8.1 add
If we later decide to insert additional rows, we can use the add method:
query = Band.insert(Band(name="Pythonistas"))
if other_bands:
query = query.add(
await query
2.8.2 Query clauses
See on_conflict.
See returning.
2.8. Insert 29
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2.9 Raw
Should you need to, you can execute raw SQL.
>>> await Band.raw('select name from band')
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
Its recommended that you parameterise any values. Use curly braces {} as placeholders:
>>> await Band.raw('select * from band where name = {}', 'Pythonistas')
[{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': 1, 'popularity': 1000, 'id': 1}]
Warning: Be careful to avoid SQL injection attacks. Dont add any user submitted data into your SQL strings,
unless it’s parameterised.
2.10 Update
This is used to update any rows in the table which match the criteria.
>>> await Band.update({
... Band.name: 'Pythonistas 2'
... }).where(
... Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
... )
2.10.1 force
Piccolo wont let you run an update query without a where clause, unless you explicitly tell it to do so. This is to prevent
accidentally overwriting the data in a table.
>>> await Band.update()
Raises: UpdateError
# Works fine:
>>> await Band.update({Band.popularity: 0}, force=True)
# Or just add a where clause:
>>> await Band.update({Band.popularity: 0}).where(Band.popularity < 50)
30 Chapter 2. Query Types
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2.10.2 Modifying values
As well as replacing values with new ones, you can also modify existing values, for instance by adding an integer.
You can currently only combine two values together at a time.
Integer columns
You can add / subtract / multiply / divide values:
# Add 100 to the popularity of each band:
await Band.update(
Band.popularity: Band.popularity + 100
# Decrease the popularity of each band by 100.
await Band.update(
Band.popularity: Band.popularity - 100
# Multiply the popularity of each band by 10.
await Band.update(
Band.popularity: Band.popularity * 10
# Divide the popularity of each band by 10.
await Band.update(
Band.popularity: Band.popularity / 10
# You can also use the operators in reverse:
await Band.update(
Band.popularity: 2000 - Band.popularity
2.10. Update 31
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Varchar / Text columns
You can concatenate values:
# Append "!!!" to each band name.
await Band.update(
Band.name: Band.name + "!!!"
# Concatenate the values in each column:
await Band.update(
Band.name: Band.name + Band.name
# Prepend "!!!" to each band name.
await Band.update(
Band.popularity: "!!!" + Band.popularity
Date / Timestamp / Timestamptz / Interval columns
You can add or substract a timedelta to any of these columns.
For example, if we have a Concert table, and we want each concert to start one day later, we can simply do this:
await Concert.update(
Concert.starts: Concert.starts + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
Likewise, we can decrease the values by 1 day:
await Concert.update(
Concert.starts: Concert.starts - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
32 Chapter 2. Query Types
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Array columns
You can append values to an array (Postgres only). See cat.
What about null values?
If we have a table with a nullable column:
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(null=True)
Any rows with a value of null arent modified by an update:
>>> await Band.insert(Band(name="Pythonistas"), Band(name=None))
>>> await Band.update(
... {
... Band.name: Band.name + '!!!'
... },
... force=True
... )
>>> await Band.select()
# Note how the second row's name value is still `None`:
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas!!!'}, {'id': 2, 'name': None}]
Its more efficient to exclude any rows with a value of null using a where clause:
await Band.update(
Band.name + '!!!'
2.10.3 Kwarg values
Rather than passing in a dictionary of values, you can use kwargs instead if you prefer:
await Band.update(
name='Pythonistas 2'
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
2.10. Update 33
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2.10.4 Query clauses
See returning.
See where.
2.11 Features
2.11.1 Transactions
Transactions allow multiple queries to be committed only once successful.
This is useful for things like migrations, where you can’t have it fail in an inbetween state.
Accessing the Engine
In the examples below we need to access the database Engine.
Each Table contains a reference to its Engine, which is the easiest way to access it. For example, with our Band table:
DB = Band._meta.db
This is useful when you want to programmatically add some queries to the transaction before running it.
transaction = DB.atomic()
await transaction.run()
# You're also able to run this synchronously:
34 Chapter 2. Query Types
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This is the preferred way to run transactions - it currently only works with async.
async with DB.transaction():
await Manager.create_table()
await Concert.create_table()
The transaction is automatically committed when you exit the context manager.
async with DB.transaction():
await query_1
await query_2
# Automatically committed if the code reaches here.
You can manually commit it if you prefer:
async with DB.transaction() as transaction:
await query_1
await query_2
await transaction.commit()
print('transaction committed!')
If an exception is raised within the body of the context manager, then the transaction is automatically rolled back. The
exception is still propagated though.
Rather than raising an exception, if you want to rollback a transaction manually you can do so as follows:
async with DB.transaction() as transaction:
await Manager.create_table()
await Band.create_table()
await transaction.rollback()
Nested transactions
Nested transactions aren’t supported in Postgres, but we can achieve something similar using savepoints.
2.11. Features 35
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Nested context managers
If you have nested context managers, for example:
async with DB.transaction():
async with DB.transaction():
By default, the inner context manager does nothing, as were already inside a transaction.
You can change this behaviour using allow_nested=False, in which case a TransactionError is raised if you try
creating a transaction when one already exists.
async with DB.transaction():
async with DB.transaction(allow_nested=False):
# TransactionError('A transaction is already active.')
You can check whether your code is currently inside a transaction using the following:
>>> DB.transaction_exists()
Postgres supports savepoints, which is a way of partially rolling back a transaction.
async with DB.transaction() as transaction:
await Band.insert(Band(name='Pythonistas'))
savepoint_1 = await transaction.savepoint()
await Band.insert(Band(name='Terrible band'))
# Oops, I made a mistake!
await savepoint_1.rollback_to()
In the above example, the first query will be committed, but not the second.
Named savepoints
By default, we assign a name to the savepoint for you. But you can explicitly give it a name:
await transaction.savepoint('my_savepoint')
This means you can rollback to this savepoint at any point just using the name:
await transaction.rollback_to('my_savepoint')
36 Chapter 2. Query Types
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Transaction types
For SQLite you may want to specify the transaction type, as it can have an effect on how well the database handles
concurrent requests.
2.11.2 Joins
Joins are handled automatically by Piccolo. They work everywhere youd expect (select queries, where clauses, etc.).
A fluent interface is used, which lets you traverse foreign keys.
Heres an example of a select query which uses joins (using the example schema):
# This gets the band's name, and the manager's name by joining to the
# manager table:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.name)
And a where clause which uses joins:
# This automatically joins with the manager table to perform the where
# clause. It only returns the columns from the band table though by default.
>>> await Band.select().where(Band.manager.name == 'Guido')
Left joins are used.
Improved static typing
You can optionally modify the above queries slightly for powerful static typing support from tools like Mypy and
await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager._.name)
Notice how we use ._. instead of . after each foreign key. An easy way to remember this is ._. looks a bit like a
connector in a diagram.
Static type checkers now know that were referencing the name column on the Manager table, which has many advan-
Autocompletion of column names.
Easier code navigation (command + click on column names to navigate to the column definition).
Most importantly, the detection of typos in column names.
This works, no matter how many joins are performed. For example:
await Concert.select(
2.11. Features 37
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Note: You may wonder why this syntax is required. We’re operating within the limits of Pythons typing support,
which is still fairly young. In the future we will hopefully be able to offer identical static typing support for Band.
manager.name and Band.manager._.name. But even then, the ._. syntax will still be supported.
Joins are usually performed using ForeignKey columns, though there may be situations where you want to join using
a column which isn’t a ForeignKey.
You can do this using join_on.
Its generally best to join on unique columns.
2.12 Comparisons
If youre familiar with other ORMs, here are some guides which show the Piccolo equivalents of common queries.
2.12.1 Django Comparison
Here are some common queries, showing how they’re done in Django vs Piccolo. All of the Piccolo examples can also
be run asynchronously.
They are very similar, except Django raises an ObjectDoesNotExist exception if no match is found, whilst Piccolo
returns None.
# Django
>>> Band.objects.get(name="Pythonistas")
<Band: 1>
>>> Band.objects.get(name="DOESN'T EXIST") # ObjectDoesNotExist!
# Piccolo
>>> Band.objects().get(Band.name == 'Pythonistas').run_sync()
<Band: 1>
>>> Band.objects().get(Band.name == "DOESN'T EXIST").run_sync()
38 Chapter 2. Query Types
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# Django
band, created = Band.objects.get_or_create(name="Pythonistas")
>>> band
<Band: 1>
>>> created
# Piccolo
>>> band = Band.objects().get_or_create(Band.name == 'Pythonistas').run_sync()
>>> band
<Band: 1>
>>> band._was_created
# Django
>>> band = Band(name="Pythonistas")
>>> band.save()
>>> band
<Band: 1>
# Piccolo
>>> band = Band(name="Pythonistas")
>>> band.save().run_sync()
>>> band
<Band: 1>
# Django
>>> band = Band.objects.get(name="Pythonistas")
>>> band
<Band: 1>
>>> band.name = "Amazing Band"
>>> band.save()
# Piccolo
>>> band = Band.objects().get(Band.name == 'Pythonistas').run_sync()
>>> band
<Band: 1>
>>> band.name = "Amazing Band"
>>> band.save().run_sync()
2.12. Comparisons 39
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Individual rows:
# Django
>>> band = Band.objects.get(name="Pythonistas")
>>> band.delete()
# Piccolo
>>> band = Band.objects().get(Band.name == 'Pythonistas').run_sync()
>>> band.remove().run_sync()
In bulk:
# Django
>>> Band.objects.filter(popularity__lt=1000).delete()
# Piccolo
>>> Band.delete().where(Band.popularity < 1000).run_sync()
# Django
>>> Band.objects.filter(name="Pythonistas")
[<Band: 1>]
# Piccolo
>>> Band.objects().where(Band.name == "Pythonistas").run_sync()
[<Band: 1>]
# Django
>>> Band.objects.values_list('name')
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}, {'name': 'Rustaceans'}]
# Piccolo
>>> Band.select(Band.name).run_sync()
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}, {'name': 'Rustaceans'}]
With flat=True:
# Django
>>> Band.objects.values_list('name', flat=True)
['Pythonistas', 'Rustaceans']
# Piccolo
>>> Band.select(Band.name).output(as_list=True).run_sync()
['Pythonistas', 'Rustaceans']
40 Chapter 2. Query Types
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Django has an optimisation called select_related which reduces the number of SQL queries required when access-
ing related objects.
# Django
band = Band.objects.get(name='Pythonistas')
>>> band.manager # This triggers another db query
<Manager: 1>
# Django, with select_related
band = Band.objects.select_related('manager').get(name='Pythonistas')
>>> band.manager # Manager is pre-cached, so there's no extra db query
<Manager: 1>
Piccolo has something similar:
# Piccolo
band = Band.objects(Band.manager).get(Band.name == 'Pythonistas').run_sync()
>>> band.manager
<Manager: 1>
To do this in Piccolo, use a ForeignKey with a unique constraint - see One to One.
Database settings
In Django you configure your database in settings.py. With Piccolo, you define an Engine in piccolo_conf.py.
See Engines.
Creating a new project
With Django you use django-admin startproject mysite.
In Piccolo you use piccolo asgi new (see ASGI).
2.12. Comparisons 41
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42 Chapter 2. Query Types
Query clauses are used to modify a query by making it more specific, or by modifying the return values.
3.1 first
You can use first clauses with the following queries:
Rather than returning a list of results, just the first result is returned.
>>> await Band.select().first()
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': 1, 'popularity': 1000, 'id': 1}
Likewise, with objects:
>>> await Band.objects().first()
<Band: 1>
If no match is found, then None is returned instead.
3.2 limit
You can use limit clauses with the following queries:
Rather than returning all of the matching results, it will only return the number you ask for.
await Band.select().limit(2)
Likewise, with objects:
await Band.objects().limit(2)
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
3.3 order_by
You can use order_by clauses with the following queries:
To order the results by a certain column (ascending):
await Band.select().order_by(
To order by descending:
await Band.select().order_by(
You can specify the column name as a string if you prefer:
await Band.select().order_by(
You can order by multiple columns, and even use joins:
await Band.select().order_by(
3.3.1 Advanced
Ascending and descending
If you want to order by multiple columns, with some ascending, and some descending, then you can do so using multiple
order_by statements:
await Band.select().order_by(
44 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
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SQLs ORDER BY clause is surprisingly rich in functionality, and there may be situations where you want to specify the
ORDER BY explicitly using SQL. To do this use OrderByRaw.
In the example below, we are ordering the results randomly:
from piccolo.query import OrderByRaw
await Band.select(Band.name).order_by(
The above is equivalent to the following SQL:
SELECT "band"."name" FROM band ORDER BY random() ASC
3.4 where
You can use where clauses with the following queries:
It allows powerful filtering of your data.
3.4.1 Equal / Not Equal
await Band.select().where(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
await Band.select().where(
Band.name != 'Rustaceans'
Hint: With Boolean columns, some linters will complain if you write SomeTable.some_column == True (because
its more Pythonic to do is True). To work around this, you can do SomeTable.some_column.eq(True). Likewise,
with != you can use SomeTable.some_column.ne(True)
3.4. where 45
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3.4.2 Greater than / less than
You can use the <, >, <=, >= operators, which work as you expect.
await Band.select().where(
Band.popularity >= 100
3.4.3 like / ilike
The percentage operator is required to designate where the match should occur.
await Band.select().where(
Band.name.like('Py%') # Matches the start of the string
await Band.select().where(
Band.name.like('%istas') # Matches the end of the string
await Band.select().where(
Band.name.like('%is%') # Matches anywhere in the string
await Band.select().where(
Band.name.like('Pythonistas') # Matches the entire string
ilike is identical, except its Postgres specific and case insensitive.
3.4.4 not_like
Usage is the same as like excepts it excludes matching rows.
await Band.select().where(
3.4.5 is_in / not_in
You can get all rows with a value contained in the list:
await Band.select().where(
Band.name.is_in(['Pythonistas', 'Rustaceans'])
46 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
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And all rows with a value not contained in the list:
await Band.select().where(
Band.name.not_in(['Terrible Band', 'Awful Band'])
3.4.6 is_null / is_not_null
These queries work, but some linters will complain about doing a comparison with None:
# Fetch all bands with a manager
await Band.select().where(
Band.manager != None
# Fetch all bands without a manager
await Band.select().where(
Band.manager == None
To avoid the linter errors, you can use is_null and is_not_null instead.
# Fetch all bands with a manager
await Band.select().where(
# Fetch all bands without a manager
await Band.select().where(
3.4.7 Complex queries - and / or
You can make complex where queries using & for AND, and | for OR.
await Band.select().where(
(Band.popularity >= 100) & (Band.popularity < 1000)
await Band.select().where(
(Band.popularity >= 100) | (Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
You can make really complex where clauses if you so choose - just be careful to include brackets in the correct place.
((b.popularity >= 100) & (b.manager.name == 'Guido')) | (b.popularity > 1000)
3.4. where 47
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Multiple where clauses
Using multiple where clauses is equivalent to an AND.
# These are equivalent:
await Band.select().where(
(Band.popularity >= 100) & (Band.popularity < 1000)
await Band.select().where(
Band.popularity >= 100
Band.popularity < 1000
Also, multiple arguments inside where clause is equivalent to an AND.
# These are equivalent:
await Band.select().where(
(Band.popularity >= 100) & (Band.popularity < 1000)
await Band.select().where(
Band.popularity >= 100, Band.popularity < 1000
Using And / Or directly
Rather than using the | and & characters, you can use the And and Or classes, which are what’s used under the hood.
from piccolo.columns.combination import And, Or
await Band.select().where(
And(Band.popularity >= 100, Band.popularity < 1000),
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
3.4.8 WhereRaw
In certain situations you may want to have raw SQL in your where clause.
from piccolo.columns.combination import WhereRaw
await Band.select().where(
WhereRaw("name = 'Pythonistas'")
Its important to parameterise your SQL statements if the values come from an untrusted source, otherwise it could
lead to a SQL injection attack.
48 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
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from piccolo.columns.combination import WhereRaw
value = "Could be dangerous"
await Band.select().where(
WhereRaw("name = {}", value)
WhereRaw can be combined into complex queries, just as youd expect:
from piccolo.columns.combination import WhereRaw
await Band.select().where(
WhereRaw("name = 'Pythonistas'") | (Band.popularity > 1000)
3.4.9 Joins
The where clause has full support for joins. For example:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name).where(Band.manager.name == 'Guido')
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
3.5 batch
You can use batch clauses with the following queries:
3.5.1 Example
By default, a query will return as many rows as you ask it for. The problem is when you have a table containing millions
of rows - you might not want to load them all into memory at once. To get around this, you can batch the responses.
# Returns 100 rows at a time:
async with await Manager.select().batch(batch_size=100) as batch:
async for _batch in batch:
3.5. batch 49
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3.5.2 Node
If youre using extra_nodes with PostgresEngine, you can specify which node to query:
# Returns 100 rows at a time from read_replica_db
async with await Manager.select().batch(
) as batch:
async for _batch in batch:
3.5.3 Synchronous version
Theres currently no synchronous version. However, it’s easy enough to achieve:
async def get_batch():
async with await Manager.select().batch(batch_size=100) as batch:
async for _batch in batch:
from piccolo.utils.sync import run_sync
3.6 callback
You can use callback clauses with the following queries:
Callbacks are used to run arbitrary code after a query completes.
3.6.1 Callback handlers
A callback handler is a function or coroutine that takes query results as its only parameter.
For example, you can automatically print the result of a select query using print as a callback handler:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name).callback(print)
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
Likewise for an objects query:
>>> await Band.objects().callback(print)
[<Band: 1>]
50 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
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3.6.2 Transforming results
Callback handlers are able to modify the results of a query by returning a value. Note that in the previous examples,
the queries returned None since print itself returns None.
To modify query results with a custom callback handler:
>>> def uppercase_name(band):
return band.name.upper()
>>> await Band.objects().first().callback(uppercase_name)
3.6.3 Multiple callbacks
You can add as many callbacks to a query as you like. This can be done in two ways.
Passing a list of callbacks:
Band.select(Band.name).callback([handler_a, handler_b])
Chaining callback clauses:
3.7 distinct
You can use distinct clauses with the following queries:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name).distinct()
[{'title': 'Pythonistas'}]
This is equivalent to SELECT DISTINCT name FROM band in SQL.
3.7.1 on
Using the on parameter we can create DISTINCT ON queries.
Note: Postgres and CockroachDB only. For more info, see the Postgres docs.
If we have the following table:
class Album(Table):
band = Varchar()
title = Varchar()
release_date = Date()
3.7. distinct 51
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
With this data in the database:
Table 1: Albums
id band title release_date
1 Pythonistas Py album 2021 2021-12-01
2 Pythonistas Py album 2022 2022-12-01
3 Rustaceans Rusty album 2021 2021-12-01
4 Rustaceans Rusty album 2022 2022-12-01
To get the latest album for each band, we can do so with a query like this:
>>> await Album.select().distinct(
... on=[Album.band]
... ).order_by(
... Album.band
... ).order_by(
... Album.release_date,
... ascending=False
... )
'id': 2,
'band': 'Pythonistas',
'title': 'Py album 2022',
'release_date': '2022-12-01'
'id': 4,
'band': 'Rustaceans',
'title': 'Rusty album 2022',
'release_date': '2022-12-01'
The first column specified in on must match the first column specified in order_by, otherwise a DistinctOnError
will be raised.
52 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
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class piccolo.query.mixins.DistinctOnError
Raised when DISTINCT ON queries are malformed.
3.8 freeze
You can use the freeze clause with any query type.
3.8.1 Source
Query.freeze() FrozenQuery
This is a performance optimisation when the same query is run repeatedly. For example:
TOP_BANDS = Band.select(
# In the corresponding view/endpoint of whichever web framework
# you're using:
async def top_bands(self, request):
return await TOP_BANDS
It means that Piccolo doesn’t have to work as hard each time the query is run to generate the corresponding SQL
- some of it is cached. If the query is defined within the view/endpoint, it has to generate the SQL from scratch
each time.
Once a query is frozen, you cant apply any more clauses to it (where, limit, output etc).
Even though freeze helps with performance, there are limits to how much it can help, as most of the time is
still spent waiting for a response from the database. However, for high throughput apps and data science scripts,
its a worthwhile optimisation.
3.9 group_by
You can use group_by clauses with the following queries:
It is used in combination with the aggregate functions - for example, Count.
3.8. freeze 53
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3.9.1 Count
In the following query, we get a count of the number of bands per manager:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions.aggregate import Count
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.manager.name.as_alias('manager_name'),
... Count(alias='band_count')
... ).group_by(
... Band.manager.name
... )
{"manager_name": "Graydon", "band_count": 1},
{"manager_name": "Guido", "band_count": 1}
3.9.2 Other aggregate functions
These work the same as Count. See aggregate functions.
3.10 offset
You can use offset clauses with the following queries:
This will omit the first X rows from the response.
Its highly recommended to use it along with an order_by clause, otherwise the results returned could be different each
>>> await Band.select(Band.name).offset(1).order_by(Band.name)
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}, {'name': 'Rustaceans'}]
Likewise, with objects:
>>> await Band.objects().offset(1).order_by(Band.name)
[Band2, Band3]
54 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
3.11 on_conflict
Hint: This is an advanced topic, and first time learners of Piccolo can skip if they want.
You can use the on_conflict clause with the following queries:
3.11.1 Introduction
When inserting rows into a table, if a unique constraint fails on one or more of the rows, then the insertion fails.
Using the on_conflict clause, we can instead tell the database to ignore the error (using DO NOTHING), or to update
the row (using DO UPDATE).
This is sometimes called an upsert (update if it already exists else insert).
3.11.2 Example data
If we have the following table:
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(unique=True)
popularity = Integer()
With this data:
id name popularity
1 Pythonistas 1000
Lets try inserting another row with the same name, and we’ll get an error:
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... )
Unique constraint error!
To ignore the error:
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO NOTHING"
... )
If we fetch the data from the database, we’ll see that it hasn’t changed:
3.11. on_conflict 55
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
>>> await Band.select().where(Band.name == "Pythonistas").first()
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'popularity': 1000}
3.11.4 DO UPDATE
Instead, if we want to update the popularity:
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO UPDATE",
... values=[Band.popularity]
... )
If we fetch the data from the database, we’ll see that it was updated:
>>> await Band.select().where(Band.name == "Pythonistas").first()
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'popularity': 1200}
3.11.5 target
Using the target argument, we can specify which constraint were concerned with. By specifying target=Band.
name were only concerned with the unique constraint for the band column. If you omit the target argument, then it
works for all constraints on the table.
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO NOTHING",
... target=Band.name
... )
If you want to target a composite unique constraint, you can do so by passing in a tuple of columns:
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO NOTHING",
... target=(Band.name, Band.popularity)
... )
You can also specify the name of a constraint using a string:
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO NOTHING",
... target='some_constraint'
... )
56 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
3.11.6 values
This lets us specify which values to update when a conflict occurs.
By specifying a Column, this means that the new value for that column will be used:
# The new popularity will be 1200.
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO UPDATE",
... values=[Band.popularity]
... )
Instead, we can specify a custom value using a tuple:
# The new popularity will be 1111.
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO UPDATE",
... values=[(Band.popularity, 1111)]
... )
If we want to update all of the values, we can use all_columns.
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(id=1, name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO UPDATE",
... values=Band.all_columns()
... )
3.11.7 where
This can be used with DO UPDATE. It gives us more control over whether the update should be made:
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(id=1, name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO UPDATE",
... values=[Band.popularity],
... where=Band.popularity < 1000
... )
3.11. on_conflict 57
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
3.11.8 Multiple on_conflict clauses
SQLite allows you to specify multiple ON CONFLICT clauses, but Postgres and Cockroach dont.
>>> await Band.insert(
... Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=1200)
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO UPDATE",
... ...
... ).on_conflict(
... action="DO NOTHING",
... ...
... )
3.11.9 Learn more
Postgres docs
Cockroach docs
SQLite docs
3.11.10 Source
Insert.on_conflict(target: t.Optional[t.Union[str, Column, t.Tuple[Column, ...]]] = None, action:
t.Union[OnConflictAction, t.Literal['DO NOTHING', 'DO UPDATE']] =
OnConflictAction.do_nothing, values: t.Optional[t.Sequence[t.Union[Column,
t.Tuple[Column, t.Any]]]] = None, where: t.Optional[Combinable] = None) Self
class piccolo.query.methods.insert.OnConflictAction(value, names=None, *, module=None,
qualname=None, type=None, start=1,
Specify which action to take on conflict.
do_nothing = 'DO NOTHING'
do_update = 'DO UPDATE'
3.12 output
You can use output clauses with the following queries:
58 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
3.12.1 Select queries only
To return the data as a JSON string:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name).output(as_json=True)
Piccolo can use orjson for JSON serialisation, which is blazing fast, and can handle most Python types, including dates,
datetimes, and UUIDs. To install Piccolo with orjson support use pip install 'piccolo[orjson]'.
If you’re just querying a single column from a database table, you can use as_list to flatten the results into a single
>>> await Band.select(Band.id).output(as_list=True)
[1, 2]
Output any data from related tables in nested dictionaries.
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.name).first().output(nested=True)
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': {'name': 'Guido'}}
3.12.2 Select and Objects queries
If querying JSON or JSONB columns, you can tell Piccolo to deserialise the JSON values automatically.
>>> await RecordingStudio.select().output(load_json=True)
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Abbey Road', 'facilities': {'restaurant': True, 'mixing_desk': True}}
>>> studio = await RecordingStudio.objects().first().output(load_json=True)
>>> studio.facilities
{'restaurant': True, 'mixing_desk': True}
3.12. output 59
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
3.13 returning
You can use the returning clause with the following queries:
By default, an update query returns an empty list, but using the returning clause you can retrieve values from the
updated rows.
>>> await Band.update({
... Band.name: 'Pythonistas Tribute Band'
... }).where(
... Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
... ).returning(Band.id, Band.name)
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas Tribute Band'}]
Similarly, for an insert query - we can retrieve some of the values from the inserted rows:
>>> await Manager.insert(
... Manager(name="Maz"),
... Manager(name="Graydon")
... ).returning(Manager.id, Manager.name)
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Maz'}, {'id': 1, 'name': 'Graydon'}]
As another example, let’s use delete and return the full row(s):
>>> await Band.delete().where(
... Band.name == "Pythonistas"
... ).returning(*Band.all_columns())
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': 1, 'popularity': 1000}]
By counting the number of elements of the returned list, you can find out how many rows were affected or processed
by the operation.
Warning: This works for all versions of Postgres, but only SQLite 3.35.0 and above support the returning clause.
See the docs on how to check your SQLite version.
3.14 as_of
Note: Cockroach only.
You can use as_of clause with the following queries:
60 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
To retrieve historical data from 5 minutes ago:
await Band.select().where(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
This generates an AS OF SYSTEM TIME clause. See documentation.
This clause accepts a wide variety of time and interval string formats.
This is very useful for performance, as it will reduce transaction contention across a cluster.
3.14. as_of 61
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
62 Chapter 3. Query Clauses
Functions can be used to modify how queries are run, and what is returned.
4.1 Basic Usage
4.1.1 Select queries
Functions can be used in select queries - here’s an example, where we convert the values to uppercase:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Upper
>>> await Band.select(
... Upper(Band.name, alias="name")
... )
[{"name": "PYTHONISTAS"}]
4.1.2 Where clauses
Functions can also be used in where clauses.
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Length
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name
... ).where(
... Length(Band.name) > 10
... )
[{"name": "Pythonistas"}]
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
4.1.3 Update queries
And even in update queries:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Upper
>>> await Band.update(
... {Band.name: Upper(Band.name)},
... force=True
... ).returning(Band.name)
[{"name": "PYTHONISTAS"}, {"name": "RUSTACEANS"}, {"name": "C-SHARPS"}]
Pretty much everywhere.
4.2 String functions
4.2.1 Concat
class piccolo.query.functions.string.Concat(*args: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
Concatenate multiple values into a single string.
Note: Null values are ignored, so null + '!!!' returns !!!, not null.
Warning: For SQLite, this is only available in version 3.44.0 and above.
4.2.2 Length
class piccolo.query.functions.string.Length(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
Returns the number of characters in the string.
4.2.3 Lower
class piccolo.query.functions.string.Lower(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
Converts the string to all lower case, according to the rules of the databases locale.
64 Chapter 4. Functions
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
4.2.4 Ltrim
class piccolo.query.functions.string.Ltrim(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
Removes the longest string containing only characters in characters (a space by default) from the start of string.
4.2.5 Reverse
class piccolo.query.functions.string.Reverse(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
Return reversed string.
Not supported in SQLite.
4.2.6 Rtrim
class piccolo.query.functions.string.Rtrim(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
Removes the longest string containing only characters in characters (a space by default) from the end of string.
4.2.7 Upper
class piccolo.query.functions.string.Upper(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
Converts the string to all upper case, according to the rules of the databases locale.
4.3 Math functions
4.3.1 Abs
class piccolo.query.functions.math.Abs(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None = None)
Absolute value.
4.3.2 Ceil
class piccolo.query.functions.math.Ceil(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None = None)
Nearest integer greater than or equal to argument.
4.3. Math functions 65
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
4.3.3 Floor
class piccolo.query.functions.math.Floor(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
Nearest integer less than or equal to argument.
4.3.4 Round
class piccolo.query.functions.math.Round(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
Rounds to nearest integer.
4.4 Datetime functions
4.4.1 Postgres / Cockroach
class piccolo.query.functions.datetime.Extract(identifier: Date | Time | Timestamp | Timestamptz |
QueryString, datetime_component: Literal['century',
'day', 'decade', 'dow', 'doy', 'epoch', 'hour', 'isodow',
'isoyear', 'julian', 'microseconds', 'millennium',
'milliseconds', 'minute', 'month', 'quarter', 'second',
'timezone', 'timezone_hour', 'timezone_minute', 'week',
'year'], alias: str | None = None)
Note: This is for Postgres / Cockroach only.
Extract a date or time component from a Date / Time / Timestamp / Timestamptz column. For example,
getting the month from a timestamp:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Extract
>>> await Concert.select(
... Extract(Concert.starts, "month", alias="start_month")
... )
[{"start_month": 12}]
identifier Identifies the column.
datetime_component The date or time component to extract from the column.
66 Chapter 4. Functions
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4.4.2 SQLite
class piccolo.query.functions.datetime.Strftime(identifier: Date | Time | Timestamp | Timestamptz |
QueryString, datetime_format: str, alias: str | None =
Note: This is for SQLite only.
Format a datetime value. For example:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Strftime
>>> await Concert.select(
... Strftime(Concert.starts, "%Y", alias="start_year")
... )
[{"start_month": "2024"}]
identifier Identifies the column.
datetime_format A string describing the output format (see SQLite’s documentation for
more info).
4.4.3 Database agnostic
These convenience functions work consistently across database engines.
They all work very similarly, for example:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Year
>>> await Concert.select(
... Year(Concert.starts, alias="start_year")
... )
[{"start_year": 2024}]
piccolo.query.functions.datetime.Year(identifier: Date | Timestamp | Timestamptz | QueryString, alias:
str | None = None) QueryString
Extract the year as an integer.
4.4. Datetime functions 67
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
piccolo.query.functions.datetime.Month(identifier: Date | Timestamp | Timestamptz | QueryString, alias:
str | None = None) QueryString
Extract the month as an integer.
piccolo.query.functions.datetime.Day(identifier: Date | Timestamp | Timestamptz | QueryString, alias: str
| None = None) QueryString
Extract the day as an integer.
piccolo.query.functions.datetime.Hour(identifier: Time | Timestamp | Timestamptz | QueryString, alias:
str | None = None) QueryString
Extract the hour as an integer.
piccolo.query.functions.datetime.Minute(identifier: Time | Timestamp | Timestamptz | QueryString, alias:
str | None = None) QueryString
Extract the minute as an integer.
piccolo.query.functions.datetime.Second(identifier: Time | Timestamp | Timestamptz | QueryString, alias:
str | None = None) QueryString
Extract the second as an integer.
4.5 Type conversion functions
4.5.1 Cast
class piccolo.query.functions.type_conversion.Cast(identifier: Column | QueryString, as_type:
Column, alias: str | None = None)
Cast a value to a different type. For example:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Cast
>>> await Concert.select(
... Cast(Concert.starts, Time(), "start_time")
... )
[{"start_time": datetime.time(19, 0)}]
68 Chapter 4. Functions
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
identifier Identifies what is being converted (e.g. a column).
as_type The type to be converted to.
4.5.2 Notes on databases
Postgres and CockroachDB have very rich type systems, and you can convert between most types. SQLite is more
The following query will work in Postgres / Cockroach, but you might get unexpected results in SQLite, because it
doesnt have a native TIME column type:
>>> from piccolo.columns import Time
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Cast
>>> await Concert.select(Cast(Concert.starts, Time()))
4.6 Aggregate functions
4.6.1 Avg
class piccolo.query.functions.aggregate.Avg(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
AVG() SQL function. Column type must be numeric to run the query.
await Band.select(Avg(Band.popularity))
# We can use an alias. These two are equivalent:
await Band.select(
Avg(Band.popularity, alias="popularity_avg")
await Band.select(
4.6.2 Count
class piccolo.query.functions.aggregate.Count(column: Column | None = None, distinct:
Sequence[Column] | None = None, alias: str = 'count')
Used in Select queries, usually in conjunction with the group_by clause:
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.manager.name.as_alias('manager_name'),
... Count(alias='band_count')
... ).group_by(Band.manager)
[{'manager_name': 'Guido', 'count': 1}, ...]
It can also be used without the group_by clause (though you may prefer to the Table.count method instead,
as it’s more convenient):
4.6. Aggregate functions 69
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
>>> await Band.select(Count())
[{'count': 3}]
4.6.3 Min
class piccolo.query.functions.aggregate.Min(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
MIN() SQL function.
await Band.select(Min(Band.popularity))
# We can use an alias. These two are equivalent:
await Band.select(
Min(Band.popularity, alias="popularity_min")
await Band.select(
4.6.4 Max
class piccolo.query.functions.aggregate.Max(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
MAX() SQL function.
await Band.select(
# We can use an alias. These two are equivalent:
await Band.select(
Max(Band.popularity, alias="popularity_max")
await Band.select(
70 Chapter 4. Functions
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
4.6.5 Sum
class piccolo.query.functions.aggregate.Sum(identifier: Column | QueryString | str, alias: str | None =
SUM() SQL function. Column type must be numeric to run the query.
await Band.select(
# We can use an alias. These two are equivalent:
await Band.select(
Sum(Band.popularity, alias="popularity_sum")
await Band.select(
4.6. Aggregate functions 71
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
72 Chapter 4. Functions
The schema is how you define your database tables, columns and relationships.
5.1 Defining a Schema
The schema is usually defined within the tables.py file of your Piccolo app.
This reflects the tables in your database. Each table consists of several columns. Here’s a very simple schema:
# tables.py
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns import Varchar
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(length=100)
For a full list of columns, see column types.
Hint: If youre using an existing database, see Piccolos auto schema generation command, which will save you some
5.1.1 Primary Key
Piccolo tables are automatically given a primary key column called id, which is an auto incrementing integer.
There is currently experimental support for specifying a custom primary key column. For example:
# tables.py
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns import UUID, Varchar
class Band(Table):
id = UUID(primary_key=True)
name = Varchar(length=100)
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
5.1.2 Tablename
By default, the name of the table in the database is the Python class name, converted to snakecase. For example Band
-> band, and MusicAward -> music_award.
You can specify a custom tablename to use instead.
class Band(Table, tablename="music_band"):
name = Varchar(length=100)
5.1.3 Connecting to the database
In order to create the table and query the database, you need to provide Piccolo with your connection details. See
5.2 Column Types
Hint: You’ll notice that the column names tend to match their SQL equivalents.
5.2.1 Column
class piccolo.columns.base.Column(null: bool = False, primary_key: bool = False, unique: bool = False,
index: bool = False, index_method: IndexMethod = IndexMethod.btree,
required: bool = False, help_text: str | None = None, choices:
Type[Enum] | None = None, db_column_name: str | None = None,
secret: bool = False, auto_update: Any = Ellipsis, **kwargs)
All other columns inherit from Column. Dont use it directly.
The following arguments apply to all column types:
null Whether the column is nullable.
primary_key If set, the column is used as a primary key.
default The column value to use if not specified by the user.
unique If set, a unique constraint will be added to the column.
index Whether an index is created for the column, which can improve the speed of selects,
but can slow down inserts.
index_method If index is set to True, this specifies what type of index is created.
required This isn’t used by the database - it’s to indicate to other tools that the user must
provide this value. Example uses are in serialisers for API endpoints, and form fields.
help_text This provides some context about what the column is being used for. For
example, for a Decimal column called value, it could say 'The units are millions
of dollars'. The database doesnt use this value, but tools such as Piccolo Admin use it
to show a tooltip in the GUI.
74 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
choices An optional Enum - when specified, other tools such as Piccolo Admin will render
the available options in the GUI.
db_column_name If specified, you can override the name used for the column in the
database. The main reason for this is when using a legacy database, with a problematic
column name (for example 'class', which is a reserved Python keyword). Here’s an ex-
class MyTable(Table):
class_ = Varchar(db_column_name="class")
>>> await MyTable.select(MyTable.class_)
[{'id': 1, 'class': 'test'}]
This is an advanced feature which you should only need in niche situations.
secret If secret=True is specified, it allows a user to automatically omit any fields when
doing a select query, to help prevent inadvertent leakage of sensitive data.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
net_worth = Integer(secret=True)
>>> await Band.select(exclude_secrets=True)
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
auto_update Allows you to specify a value to set this column to each time it is updated
(via MyTable.update, or MyTable.save on an existing row). A common use case is having
a modified_on column.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
popularity = Integer()
# The value can be a function or static value:
modified_on = Timestamp(auto_update=datetime.datetime.now)
# This will automatically set the `modified_on` column to the
# current timestamp, without having to explicitly set it:
>>> await Band.update({
... Band.popularity: Band.popularity + 100
... }).where(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
Note - this feature is implemented purely within the ORM. If you want similar functionality
on the database level (i.e. if you plan on using raw SQL to perform updates), then you may
be better off creating SQL triggers instead.
5.2. Column Types 75
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
5.2.2 Bytea
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Bytea(default: bytes | bytearray | Enum | Callable[[], bytes] |
Callable[[], bytearray] | None = b'', **kwargs)
Used for storing bytes.
class Token(Table):
token = Bytea(default=b'token123')
# Create
>>> await Token(token=b'my-token').save()
# Query
>>> await Token.select(Token.token)
{'token': b'my-token'}
Hint: There is also a Blob column type, which is an alias for Bytea.
5.2.3 Boolean
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Boolean(default: bool | Enum | Callable[[], bool] | None = False,
Used for storing True / False values. Uses the bool type for values.
class Band(Table):
has_drummer = Boolean()
# Create
>>> await Band(has_drummer=True).save()
# Query
>>> await Band.select(Band.has_drummer)
{'has_drummer': True}
5.2.4 ForeignKey
class piccolo.columns.column_types.ForeignKey(references: Type[ReferencedTable], default: Any =
None, null: bool = True, on_delete: OnDelete =
OnDelete.cascade, on_update: OnUpdate =
OnUpdate.cascade, target_column: str | Column | None
= None, **kwargs)
76 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
class piccolo.columns.column_types.ForeignKey(references: LazyTableReference, default: Any = None,
null: bool = True, on_delete: OnDelete =
OnDelete.cascade, on_update: OnUpdate =
OnUpdate.cascade, target_column: str | Column | None
= None, **kwargs)
class piccolo.columns.column_types.ForeignKey(references: str, default: Any = None, null: bool = True,
on_delete: OnDelete = OnDelete.cascade, on_update:
OnUpdate = OnUpdate.cascade, target_column: str |
Column | None = None, **kwargs)
Used to reference another table. Uses the same type as the primary key column on the table it references.
class Band(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(references=Manager)
# Create
>>> await Band(manager=1).save()
# Query
>>> await Band.select(Band.manager)
{'manager': 1}
# Query object
>>> band = await Band.objects().first()
>>> band.manager
You also use it to perform joins:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.name).first()
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager.name': 'Guido'}
To retrieve all of the columns in the related table:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, *Band.manager.all_columns()).first()
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager.id': 1, 'manager.name': 'Guido'}
To get a referenced row as an object:
manager = await Manager.objects().where(
Manager.id == some_band.manager
Or use either of the following, which are just a proxy to the above:
manager = await band.get_related('manager')
manager = await band.get_related(Band.manager)
To change the manager:
band.manager = some_manager_id
await band.save()
5.2. Column Types 77
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
references The Table being referenced.
class Band(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(references=Manager)
A table can have a reference to itself, if you pass a references argument of 'self'.
class Musician(Table):
name = Varchar(length=100)
instructor = ForeignKey(references='self')
In certain situations, you may be unable to reference a Table class if it causes a circular
dependency. Try and avoid these by refactoring your code. If unavoidable, you can specify
a lazy reference. If the Table is defined in the same file:
class Band(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(references='Manager')
If the Table is defined in a Piccolo app:
from piccolo.columns.reference import LazyTableReference
class Band(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(
table_class_name="Manager", app_name="my_app",
If you arent using Piccolo apps, you can specify a Table in any Python module:
from piccolo.columns.reference import LazyTableReference
class Band(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(
# Alternatively, Piccolo will interpret this string as
# the same as above:
# references="some_module.tables.Manager"
on_delete Determines what the database should do when a row is deleted with foreign
keys referencing it. If set to OnDelete.cascade, any rows referencing the deleted row are
also deleted.
OnDelete.cascade (default)
78 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
To learn more about the different options, see the Postgres docs.
from piccolo.columns import OnDelete
class Band(Table):
name = ForeignKey(
on_update Determines what the database should do when a row has its primary key
updated. If set to OnUpdate.cascade, any rows referencing the updated row will have their
references updated to point to the new primary key.
OnUpdate.cascade (default)
To learn more about the different options, see the Postgres docs.
from piccolo.columns import OnUpdate
class Band(Table):
name = ForeignKey(
target_column By default the ForeignKey references the primary key column on the
related table. You can specify an alternative column (it must have a unique constraint on it
though). For example:
# Passing in a column reference:
ForeignKey(references=Manager, target_column=Manager.passport_number)
# Or just the column name:
ForeignKey(references=Manager, target_column='passport_number')
5.2. Column Types 79
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
5.2.5 Number
class piccolo.columns.column_types.BigInt(default: int | Enum | Callable[[], int] | None = 0, **kwargs)
In Postgres, this column supports large integers. In SQLite, it’s an alias to an Integer column, which already
supports large integers. Uses the int type for values.
class Band(Table):
value = BigInt()
# Create
>>> await Band(popularity=1000000).save()
# Query
>>> await Band.select(Band.popularity)
{'popularity': 1000000}
class piccolo.columns.column_types.BigSerial(null: bool = False, primary_key: bool = False, unique:
bool = False, index: bool = False, index_method:
IndexMethod = IndexMethod.btree, required: bool =
False, help_text: str | None = None, choices: Type[Enum]
| None = None, db_column_name: str | None = None,
secret: bool = False, auto_update: Any = Ellipsis,
An alias to a large autoincrementing integer column in Postgres.
Double Precision
class piccolo.columns.column_types.DoublePrecision(default: float | Enum | Callable[[], float] | None =
0.0, **kwargs)
The same as Real, except the numbers are stored with greater precision.
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Integer(default: int | Enum | Callable[[], int] | None = 0, **kwargs)
Used for storing whole numbers. Uses the int type for values.
class Band(Table):
popularity = Integer()
# Create
>>> await Band(popularity=1000).save()
# Query
(continues on next page)
80 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
>>> await Band.select(Band.popularity)
{'popularity': 1000}
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Numeric(digits: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, default: Decimal |
Enum | Callable[[], Decimal] | None = Decimal('0'),
Used for storing decimal numbers, when precision is important. An example use case is storing financial data.
The value is returned as a Decimal.
from decimal import Decimal
class Ticket(Table):
price = Numeric(digits=(5,2))
# Create
>>> await Ticket(price=Decimal('50.0')).save()
# Query
>>> await Ticket.select(Ticket.price)
{'price': Decimal('50.0')}
digits When creating the column, you specify how many digits are allowed using a tuple.
The first value is the precision, which is the total number of digits allowed. The second value
is the range, which specifies how many of those digits are after the decimal point. For example,
to store monetary values up to £999.99, the digits argument is (5,2).
Hint: There is also a Decimal column type, which is an alias for Numeric.
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Real(default: float | Enum | Callable[[], float] | None = 0.0,
Can be used instead of Numeric for storing numbers, when precision isn’t as important. The float type is used
for values.
class Concert(Table):
rating = Real()
# Create
>>> await Concert(rating=7.8).save()
(continues on next page)
5.2. Column Types 81
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
# Query
>>> await Concert.select(Concert.rating)
{'rating': 7.8}
Hint: There is also a Float column type, which is an alias for Real.
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Serial(null: bool = False, primary_key: bool = False, unique: bool
= False, index: bool = False, index_method: IndexMethod =
IndexMethod.btree, required: bool = False, help_text: str |
None = None, choices: Type[Enum] | None = None,
db_column_name: str | None = None, secret: bool = False,
auto_update: Any = Ellipsis, **kwargs)
An alias to an autoincrementing integer column in Postgres.
class piccolo.columns.column_types.SmallInt(default: int | Enum | Callable[[], int] | None = 0,
In Postgres, this column supports small integers. In SQLite, it’s an alias to an Integer column. Uses the int type
for values.
class Band(Table):
value = SmallInt()
# Create
>>> await Band(popularity=1000).save()
# Query
>>> await Band.select(Band.popularity)
{'popularity': 1000}
5.2.6 UUID
class piccolo.columns.column_types.UUID(default: UUID4 | UUID | str | Enum | None | Callable[[],
UUID] = UUID4(), **kwargs)
Used for storing UUIDs - in Postgres a UUID column type is used, and in SQLite it’s just a Varchar. Uses the
uuid.UUID type for values.
82 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
import uuid
class Band(Table):
uuid = UUID()
# Create
>>> await DiscountCode(code=uuid.uuid4()).save()
# Query
>>> await DiscountCode.select(DiscountCode.code)
{'code': UUID('09c4c17d-af68-4ce7-9955-73dcd892e462')}
5.2.7 Text
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Secret(*args, **kwargs)
This is just an alias to Varchar(secret=True). It’s here for backwards compatibility.
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Text(default: str | Enum | None | Callable[[], str] = '', **kwargs)
Use when you want to store large strings, and don’t want to limit the string size. Uses the str type for values.
class Band(Table):
name = Text()
# Create
>>> await Band(name='Pythonistas').save()
# Query
>>> await Band.select(Band.name)
{'name': 'Pythonistas'}
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Varchar(length: int = 255, default: str | Enum | Callable[[], str] |
None = '', **kwargs)
Used for storing text when you want to enforce character length limits. Uses the str type for values.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(length=100)
# Create
(continues on next page)
5.2. Column Types 83
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
>>> await Band(name='Pythonistas').save()
# Query
>>> await Band.select(Band.name)
{'name': 'Pythonistas'}
length The maximum number of characters allowed.
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Email(length: int = 255, default: str | Enum | Callable[[], str] | None
= '', **kwargs)
Used for storing email addresses. Its identical to Varchar, except when using create_pydantic_model - we
add email validation to the Pydantic model. This means that Piccolo Admin also validates email addresses.
5.2.8 Time
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Date(default: DateOffset | DateCustom | DateNow | Enum | None |
date | Callable[[], date] = DateNow(), **kwargs)
Used for storing dates. Uses the date type for values.
import datetime
class Concert(Table):
starts = Date()
# Create
>>> await Concert(
... starts=datetime.date(year=2020, month=1, day=1)
... ).save()
# Query
>>> await Concert.select(Concert.starts)
{'starts': datetime.date(2020, 1, 1)}
84 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Interval(default: IntervalCustom | Enum | None | timedelta |
Callable[[], timedelta] = IntervalCustom(weeks=0,
days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0,
microseconds=0), **kwargs)
Used for storing timedeltas. Uses the timedelta type for values.
from datetime import timedelta
class Concert(Table):
duration = Interval()
# Create
>>> await Concert(
... duration=timedelta(hours=2)
... ).save()
# Query
>>> await Concert.select(Concert.duration)
{'duration': datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200)}
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Time(default: TimeCustom | TimeNow | TimeOffset | Enum | None |
time | Callable[[], time] = TimeNow(), **kwargs)
Used for storing times. Uses the time type for values.
import datetime
class Concert(Table):
starts = Time()
# Create
>>> await Concert(
... starts=datetime.time(hour=20, minute=0, second=0)
... ).save()
# Query
>>> await Concert.select(Concert.starts)
{'starts': datetime.time(20, 0, 0)}
5.2. Column Types 85
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Timestamp(default: TimestampCustom | TimestampNow |
TimestampOffset | Enum | None | datetime |
DatetimeDefault | Callable[[], datetime] =
TimestampNow(), **kwargs)
Used for storing datetimes. Uses the datetime type for values.
import datetime
class Concert(Table):
starts = Timestamp()
# Create
>>> await Concert(
... starts=datetime.datetime(year=2050, month=1, day=1)
... ).save()
# Query
>>> await Concert.select(Concert.starts)
{'starts': datetime.datetime(2050, 1, 1, 0, 0)}
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Timestamptz(default: TimestamptzCustom | TimestamptzNow |
TimestamptzOffset | Enum | None | datetime =
TimestamptzNow(), **kwargs)
Used for storing timezone aware datetimes. Uses the datetime type for values. The values are converted to
UTC in the database, and are also returned as UTC.
import datetime
class Concert(Table):
starts = Timestamptz()
# Create
>>> await Concert(
... starts=datetime.datetime(
... year=2050, month=1, day=1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.tz
... )
... ).save()
# Query
>>> await Concert.select(Concert.starts)
'starts': datetime.datetime(
2050, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
86 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
5.2.9 JSON
Storing JSON can be useful in certain situations, for example - raw API responses, data from a Javascript app, and for
storing data with an unknown or changing schema.
class piccolo.columns.column_types.JSON(default: str | List | Dict | Callable[[], str | List | Dict] | None =
'{}', **kwargs)
Used for storing JSON strings. The data is stored as text. This can be preferable to JSONB if you just want to
store and retrieve JSON without querying it directly. It works with SQLite and Postgres.
default Either a JSON string can be provided, or a Python dict or list which is then
converted to a JSON string.
class piccolo.columns.column_types.JSONB(default: str | List | Dict | Callable[[], str | List | Dict] | None =
'{}', **kwargs)
Used for storing JSON strings - Postgres only. The data is stored in a binary format, and can be queried. Insertion
can be slower (as it needs to be converted to the binary format). The benefits of JSONB generally outweigh the
default Either a JSON string can be provided, or a Python dict or list which is then
converted to a JSON string.
Piccolo automatically converts Python values into JSON strings:
studio = RecordingStudio(
name="Abbey Road",
facilities={"restaurant": True, "mixing_desk": True} # Automatically serialised
await studio.save()
You can also pass in a JSON string if you prefer:
studio = RecordingStudio(
name="Abbey Road",
facilities='{"restaurant": true, "mixing_desk": true}'
await studio.save()
5.2. Column Types 87
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
The contents of a JSON / JSONB column are returned as a string by default:
>>> await RecordingStudio.select(RecordingStudio.facilities)
[{facilities: '{"restaurant": true, "mixing_desk": true}'}]
However, we can ask Piccolo to deserialise the JSON automatically (see load_json):
>>> await RecordingStudio.select(
... RecordingStudio.facilities
... ).output(
... load_json=True
... )
[facilities: {"restaurant": True, "mixing_desk": True}}]
With objects queries, we can modify the returned JSON, and then save it:
studio = await RecordingStudio.objects().get(
RecordingStudio.name == 'Abbey Road'
studio['facilities']['restaurant'] = False
await studio.save()
JSONB columns have an arrow function, which is useful for retrieving a subset of the JSON data:
>>> await RecordingStudio.select(
... RecordingStudio.name,
... RecordingStudio.facilities.arrow('mixing_desk').as_alias('mixing_desk')
... ).output(load_json=True)
[{'name': 'Abbey Road', 'mixing_desk': True}]
It can also be used for filtering in a where clause:
>>> await RecordingStudio.select(RecordingStudio.name).where(
... RecordingStudio.facilities.arrow('mixing_desk') == True
... )
[{'name': 'Abbey Road'}]
Handling null
When assigning a value of None to a JSON or JSONB column, this is treated as null in the database.
await RecordingStudio(name="ABC Studios", facilities=None).save()
>>> await RecordingStudio.select(
... RecordingStudio.facilities
... ).where(
(continues on next page)
88 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
... RecordingStudio.name == "ABC Studios"
... )
[{'facilities': None}]
If instead you want to store JSON null in the database, assign a value of 'null' instead.
await RecordingStudio(name="ABC Studios", facilities='null').save()
>>> await RecordingStudio.select(
... RecordingStudio.facilities
... ).where(
... RecordingStudio.name == "ABC Studios"
... )
[{'facilities': 'null'}]
5.2.10 Array
Arrays of data can be stored, which can be useful when you want to store lots of values without using foreign keys.
class piccolo.columns.column_types.Array(base_column: Column, default: List | Enum | Callable[[], List]
| None = list, **kwargs)
Used for storing lists of data.
class Ticket(Table):
seat_numbers = Array(base_column=Integer())
# Create
>>> await Ticket(seat_numbers=[34, 35, 36]).save()
# Query
>>> await Ticket.select(Ticket.seat_numbers)
{'seat_numbers': [34, 35, 36]}
Accessing individual elements
Array.__getitem__(value: int) Array
Allows queries which retrieve an item from the array. The index starts with 0 for the first value. If you were to
write the SQL by hand, the first index would be 1 instead (see Postgres array docs).
However, we keep the first index as 0 to fit better with Python.
For example:
>>> await Ticket.select(Ticket.seat_numbers[0]).first()
{'seat_numbers': 325}
5.2. Column Types 89
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Array.any(value: Any) Where
Check if any of the items in the array match the given value.
>>> await Ticket.select().where(Ticket.seat_numbers.any(510))
Array.not_any(value: Any) Where
Check if the given value isn’t in the array.
>>> await Ticket.select().where(Ticket.seat_numbers.not_any(510))
Array.all(value: Any) Where
Check if all of the items in the array match the given value.
>>> await Ticket.select().where(Ticket.seat_numbers.all(510))
Array.cat(value: Any | List[Any]) QueryString
Used in an update query to append items to an array.
>>> await Ticket.update({
... Ticket.seat_numbers: Ticket.seat_numbers.cat([1000])
... }).where(Ticket.id == 1)
You can also use the + symbol if you prefer:
>>> await Ticket.update({
... Ticket.seat_numbers: Ticket.seat_numbers + [1000]
... }).where(Ticket.id == 1)
5.3 M2M
Note: There is a video tutorial on YouTube.
Sometimes in database design you need many-to-many (M2M) relationships.
For example, we might have our Band table, and want to describe which genres of music each band belongs to (e.g.
rock and electronic). As each band can have multiple genres, a ForeignKey on the Band table wont suffice. Our
options are using an Array / JSON / JSONB column, or using an M2M relationship.
Postgres and SQLite dont natively support M2M relationships - we create them using a joining table which has foreign
keys to each of the related tables (in our example, Genre and Band).
90 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
We create it in Piccolo like this:
from piccolo.columns.column_types import (
from piccolo.columns.m2m import M2M
from piccolo.table import Table
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
genres = M2M(LazyTableReference("GenreToBand", module_path=__name__))
class Genre(Table):
name = Varchar()
bands = M2M(LazyTableReference("GenreToBand", module_path=__name__))
# This is our joining table:
class GenreToBand(Table):
band = ForeignKey(Band)
genre = ForeignKey(Genre)
Note: We use LazyTableReference because when Python evaluates Band and Genre, the GenreToBand class
5.3. M2M 91
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
doesnt exist yet.
By using M2M it unlocks some powerful and convenient features.
5.3.1 Select queries
If we want to select each band, along with a list of genres that they belong to, we can do this:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.genres(Genre.name, as_list=True))
{"name": "Pythonistas", "genres": ["Rock", "Folk"]},
{"name": "Rustaceans", "genres": ["Folk"]},
{"name": "C-Sharps", "genres": ["Rock", "Classical"]},
You can request whichever column you like from the related table:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.genres(Genre.id, as_list=True))
{"name": "Pythonistas", "genres": [1, 2]},
{"name": "Rustaceans", "genres": [2]},
{"name": "C-Sharps", "genres": [1, 3]},
You can also request multiple columns from the related table:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.genres(Genre.id, Genre.name))
'name': 'Pythonistas',
'genres': [
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Rock'},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'Folk'}
If you omit the columns argument, then all of the columns are returned.
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.genres())
'name': 'Pythonistas',
'genres': [
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Rock'},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'Folk'}
92 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
As we defined M2M on the Genre table too, we can get each band in a given genre:
>>> await Genre.select(Genre.name, Genre.bands(Band.name, as_list=True))
{"name": "Rock", "bands": ["Pythonistas", "C-Sharps"]},
{"name": "Folk", "bands": ["Pythonistas", "Rustaceans"]},
{"name": "Classical", "bands": ["C-Sharps"]},
5.3.2 Objects queries
Piccolo makes it easy working with objects and M2M relationship.
Table.add_m2m(*rows: Table, m2m: M2M, extra_column_values: Dict[Column | str, Any] = {})
Save the row if it doesnt already exist in the database, and insert an entry into the joining table.
>>> band = await Band.objects().get(Band.name == "Pythonistas")
>>> await band.add_m2m(
... Genre(name="Punk rock"),
... m2m=Band.genres
... )
[{'id': 1}]
extra_column_values If the joining table has additional columns besides the two required
foreign keys, you can specify the values for those additional columns. For example, if this is our
joining table:
class GenreToBand(Table):
band = ForeignKey(Band)
genre = ForeignKey(Genre)
reason = Text()
We can provide the reason value:
await band.add_m2m(
Genre(name="Punk rock"),
"reason": "Their second album was very punk."
5.3. M2M 93
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Table.get_m2m(m2m: M2M) M2MGetRelated
Get all matching rows via the join table.
>>> band = await Band.objects().get(Band.name == "Pythonistas")
>>> await band.get_m2m(Band.genres)
[<Genre: 1>, <Genre: 2>]
Table.remove_m2m(*rows: Table, m2m: M2M) M2MRemoveRelated
Remove the rows from the joining table.
>>> band = await Band.objects().get(Band.name == "Pythonistas")
>>> genre = await Genre.objects().get(Genre.name == "Rock")
>>> await band.remove_m2m(
... genre,
... m2m=Band.genres
... )
Hint: All of these methods can be run synchronously as well - for example, band.get_m2m(Band.genres).
5.4 One to One
5.4.1 Schema
A one to one relationship is basically just a foreign key with a unique constraint. In Piccolo, you can do it like this:
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns import ForeignKey, Varchar, Text
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
class FanClub(Table):
band = ForeignKey(Band, unique=True) # <- Note the unique constraint
address = Text()
94 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
5.4.2 Queries
Getting a related object
If we have a Band object:
band = await Band.objects().where(Band.name == "Pythonistas").first()
To get the associated FanClub object, you could do this:
fan_club = await FanClub.objects().where(FanClub.band == band).first()
Or alternatively, using get_related:
fan_club = await band.get_related(Band.id.join_on(FanClub.band))
Instead of using join_on, you can use reverse to traverse the foreign key backwards if you prefer:
fan_club = await band.get_related(FanClub.band.reverse())
If doing a select query, and you want data from the related table:
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... Band.id.join_on(FanClub.band).address.as_alias("address")
... )
[{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'address': '1 Flying Circus, UK'}, ...]
If you want to filter by related tables in the where clause:
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... ).where(Band.id.join_on(FanClub.band).address.like("%Flying%"))
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
5.4.3 Source
ForeignKey.reverse() ForeignKey
If there’s a unique foreign key, this function reverses it.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
class FanClub(Table):
band = ForeignKey(Band, unique=True)
address = Text()
(continues on next page)
5.4. One to One 95
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
class Treasurer(Table):
fan_club = ForeignKey(FanClub, unique=True)
name = Varchar()
Its helpful with get_related, for example:
>>> band = await Band.objects().first()
>>> await band.get_related(FanClub.band.reverse())
<Fan Club: 1>
It works multiple levels deep:
>>> await band.get_related(Treasurer.fan_club._.band.reverse())
<Treasurer: 1>
5.5 Advanced
5.5.1 Schemas
Postgres and CoackroachDB have a concept called schemas.
Its a way of grouping the tables in a database. To learn more:
Postgres docs
CockroachDB docs
To specify a tables schema, do the following:
class Band(Table, schema="music"):
# The table will be created in the `music` schema.
# The music schema will also be created if it doesn't already exist.
>>> await Band.create_table()
If the schema argument isn’t specified, then the table is created in the public schema.
Migration support
Schemas are fully supported in database migrations. For example, if we change the schema argument:
class Band(Table, schema="music_2"):
Then create an automatic migration and run it, then the table will be moved to the new schema:
>>> piccolo migrations new my_app --auto
>>> piccolo migrations forwards my_app
96 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
The SchemaManager class is used internally by Piccolo to interact with schemas. You may find it useful if you want
to write a script to interact with schemas (create / delete / list etc).
5.5.2 Readable
Sometimes Piccolo needs a succinct representation of a row - for example, when displaying a link in the Piccolo Admin.
Rather than just displaying the row ID, we can specify something more user friendly using Readable.
# tables.py
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns import Varchar
from piccolo.columns.readable import Readable
class Band(Table, tablename="music_band"):
name = Varchar(length=100)
def get_readable(cls):
return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.name])
Specifying the get_readable classmethod isnt just beneficial for Piccolo tooling - you can also use it your own
await Band.select(Band.get_readable())
Here is an example of a more complex Readable.
class Band(Table, tablename="music_band"):
name = Varchar(length=100)
def get_readable(cls):
return Readable(template="Band %s - %s", columns=[cls.id, cls.name])
As you can see, the template can include multiple columns, and can contain your own text.
5.5.3 Table Tags
Table subclasses can be given tags. The tags can be used for filtering, for example with table_finder.
class Band(Table, tags=["music"]):
name = Varchar(length=100)
5.5. Advanced 97
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
5.5.4 Mixins
If youre frequently defining the same columns over and over again, you can use mixins to reduce the amount of
from piccolo.columns import Varchar, Boolean
from piccolo.table import Table
class FavouriteMixin:
favourite = Boolean(default=False)
class Manager(FavouriteMixin, Table):
name = Varchar()
5.5.5 Choices
You can specify choices for a column, using Pythons Enum support.
from enum import Enum
from piccolo.columns import Varchar
from piccolo.table import Table
class Shirt(Table):
class Size(str, Enum):
small = 's'
medium = 'm'
large = 'l'
size = Varchar(length=1, choices=Size)
We can then use the Enum in our queries.
>>> await Shirt(size=Shirt.Size.large).save()
>>> await Shirt.select()
[{'id': 1, 'size': 'l'}]
Note how the value stored in the database is the Enum value (in this case 'l').
You can also use the Enum in where clauses, and in most other situations where a query requires a value.
>>> await Shirt.insert(
... Shirt(size=Shirt.Size.small),
... Shirt(size=Shirt.Size.medium)
... )
>>> await Shirt.select().where(Shirt.size == Shirt.Size.small)
[{'id': 1, 'size': 's'}]
98 Chapter 5. Schema
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
By using choices, you get the following benefits:
Signalling to other programmers what values are acceptable for the column.
Improved storage efficiency (we can store 'l' instead of 'large').
Piccolo Admin support
Array columns
You can also use choices with Array columns.
class Ticket(Table):
class Extras(str, enum.Enum):
drink = "drink"
snack = "snack"
program = "program"
extras = Array(Varchar(), choices=Extras)
Note how you pass choices to Array, and not the base_column:
Array(Varchar(), choices=Extras)
We can then use the Enum in our queries:
>>> await Ticket.insert(
... Ticket(extras=[Extras.drink, Extras.snack]),
... Ticket(extras=[Extras.program]),
... )
5.5.6 Reflection
This is a very advanced feature, which is only required for specialist use cases. Currently, just Postgres is supported.
Instead of writing your Table definitions in a tables.py file, Piccolo can dynamically create them at run time, by in-
specting the database. These Table classes are then stored in memory, using a singleton object called TableStorage.
Some example use cases:
You have a very dynamic database, where new tables are being created constantly, so updating a tables.py is
You use Piccolo on the command line to explore databases.
5.5. Advanced 99
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Full reflection
Heres an example, where we reflect the entire schema:
from piccolo.table_reflection import TableStorage
storage = TableStorage()
await storage.reflect(schema_name="music")
Table objects are accessible from TableStorage.tables:
>>> storage.tables
{"music.Band": <class 'Band'>, ... }
>>> Band = storage.tables["music.Band"]
Then you can use them like your normal Table classes:
>>> await Band.select()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': 1}, ...]
Partial reflection
Full schema reflection can be a heavy process based on the size of your schema. You can use include, exclude and
keep_existing parameters of the reflect method to limit the overhead dramatically.
Only reflect the needed table(s):
from piccolo.table_reflection import TableStorage
storage = TableStorage()
await storage.reflect(schema_name="music", include=['band', ...])
Exclude table(s):
await storage.reflect(schema_name="music", exclude=['band', ...])
If you set keep_existing=True, only new tables on the database will be reflected and the existing tables in
TableStorage will be left intact.
await storage.reflect(schema_name="music", keep_existing=True)
TableStorage has a helper method named get_table. If the table is already present in the TableStorage, this will
return it and if the table is not present, it will be reflected and returned.
Band = storage.get_table(tablename='band')
Hint: Reflection will automatically create Table classes for referenced tables too. For example, if Table1 references
Table2, then Table2 will automatically be added to TableStorage.
100 Chapter 5. Schema
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5.5.7 How to create custom column types
Sometimes, the column types shipped with Piccolo dont meet your requirements, and you will need to define your own
column types.
Generally there are two ways to define your own column types:
Create a subclass of an existing column type; or
Directly subclass the Column class.
Try to use the first method whenever possible because it is more straightforward and can often save you some work.
Otherwise, subclass Column.
In this example, we create a column type called MyColumn, which is fundamentally an Integer type but has a custom
attribute custom_attr:
from piccolo.columns import Integer
class MyColumn(Integer):
def __init__(self, *args, custom_attr: str = '', **kwargs):
self.custom_attr = custom_attr
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def column_type(self):
return 'INTEGER'
Hint: It is important to specify the column_type property, which tells the database engine the actual storage type
of the custom column.
Now we can use MyColumn in our table:
from piccolo.table import Table
class MyTable(Table):
my_col = MyColumn(custom_attr='foo')
And later we can retrieve the value of the attribute:
>>> MyTable.my_col.custom_attr
5.5. Advanced 101
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102 Chapter 5. Schema
By using Piccolo projects and apps, you can build a larger, more modular, application.
6.1 Piccolo Projects
A Piccolo project is a collection of apps.
6.1.1 piccolo_conf.py
A project requires a piccolo_conf.py file. To create this, use the following command:
piccolo project new
The file serves two important purposes:
Contains your database settings.
Is used for registering Piccolo Apps.
By convention, the piccolo_conf.py file should be at the root of your project:
This means that when you use the piccolo CLI from the my_project folder it can import piccolo_conf.py.
If you prefer to keep piccolo_conf.py in a different location, or to give it a different name, you can do so using the
PICCOLO_CONF environment variable (see PICCOLO_CONF). For example:
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
export PICCOLO_CONF=conf.piccolo_conf_local
6.1.2 Example
Heres an example:
from piccolo.engine.postgres import PostgresEngine
from piccolo.conf.apps import AppRegistry
DB = PostgresEngine(
"database": "piccolo_project",
"user": "postgres",
"password": "",
"host": "localhost",
"port": 5432,
APP_REGISTRY = AppRegistry(
apps=["home.piccolo_app", "piccolo_admin.piccolo_app"]
6.1.3 DB
The DB setting is an Engine instance (see the Engine docs).
The APP_REGISTRY setting is an AppRegistry instance.
class piccolo.conf.apps.AppRegistry(apps: List[str] | None = None)
Records all of the Piccolo apps in your project. Kept in piccolo_conf.py.
apps A list of paths to Piccolo apps, e.g. ['blog.piccolo_app'].
104 Chapter 6. Projects and Apps
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
6.2 Piccolo Apps
By leveraging Piccolo apps you can:
Modularise your code.
Share your apps with other Piccolo users.
Unlock some useful functionality like auto migrations.
6.2.1 Creating an app
Run the following command within your project:
piccolo app new my_app
Where my_app is your new app’s name. This will create a folder like this:
Its important to register your new app with the APP_REGISTRY in piccolo_conf.py.
# piccolo_conf.py
APP_REGISTRY = AppRegistry(apps=['my_app.piccolo_app'])
Anytime you invoke the piccolo command, you will now be able to perform operations on your app, such as Migra-
6.2.2 AppConfig
Inside your app’s piccolo_app.py file is an AppConfig instance. This is how you customise your app’s settings.
# piccolo_app.py
import os
from piccolo.conf.apps import AppConfig
from .tables import (
CURRENT_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
(continues on next page)
6.2. Piccolo Apps 105
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
APP_CONFIG = AppConfig(
table_classes=[Author, Post, Category, CategoryToPost],
This is used to identify your app, when using the piccolo CLI, for example:
piccolo migrations forwards blog
Specifies where your app’s migrations are stored. By default, a folder called piccolo_migrations is used.
Use this to register your app’s Table subclasses. This is important for auto migrations.
You can register them manually (see the example above), or can use table_finder.
Used to specify other Piccolo apps whose migrations need to be run before the current app’s migrations.
You can register functions and coroutines, which are automatically added to the piccolo CLI.
The targ library is used under the hood. It makes it really easy to write command lines tools - just use type annotations
and docstrings. Heres an example:
def say_hello(name: str):
Say hello.
:param name:
The person to greet.
print("hello,", name)
106 Chapter 6. Projects and Apps
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
We then register it with the AppConfig.
# piccolo_app.py
APP_CONFIG = AppConfig(
# ...
And from the command line:
>>> piccolo my_app say_hello bob
hello, bob
If the code contains an error to see more details in the output add a --trace flag to the command line.
>>> piccolo my_app say_hello bob --trace
By convention, store the command definitions in a commands folder in your app.
Piccolo itself is bundled with several apps - have a look at the source code for inspiration.
6.2.3 table_finder
Instead of manually registering Table subclasses, you can use table_finder to automatically import any Table
subclasses from a given list of modules.
from piccolo.conf.apps import table_finder
APP_CONFIG = AppConfig(
The module path should be from the root of the project (the same directory as your piccolo_conf.py file, rather than
a relative path).
You can filter the Table subclasses returned using tags.
6.2. Piccolo Apps 107
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
piccolo.conf.apps.table_finder(modules: Sequence[str], include_tags: Sequence[str] | None = None,
exclude_tags: Sequence[str] | None = None, exclude_imported: bool =
False) List[Type[Table]]
Rather than explicitly importing and registering table classes with the AppConfig, table_finder can be used
instead. It imports any Table subclasses in the given modules. Tags can be used to limit which Table subclasses
are imported.
modules The module paths to check for Table subclasses. For example, ['blog.
tables']. The path should be from the root of your project, not a relative path.
include_tags If the Table subclass has one of these tags, it will be imported. The special
tag '__all__' will import all Table subclasses found.
exclude_tags – If the Table subclass has any of these tags, it wont be imported.
exclude_tags overrides include_tags.
exclude_imported If True, only Table subclasses defined within the module are used.
Any Table subclasses imported by that module from other modules are ignored. For exam-
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.column import Varchar, ForeignKey
from piccolo.apps.user.tables import BaseUser # excluded
class Task(Table): # included
title = Varchar()
creator = ForeignKey(BaseUser)
6.2.4 Sharing Apps
By breaking up your project into apps, the project becomes more maintainable. You can also share these apps between
projects, and they can even be installed using pip.
6.3 Included Apps
Just as you can modularise your own code using apps, Piccolo itself ships with several builtin apps, which provide a
lot of its functionality.
108 Chapter 6. Projects and Apps
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
6.3.1 Auto includes
The following are registered with your AppRegistry automatically.
Hint: To find out more about each of these commands you can use the --help flag on the command line. For example
piccolo app new --help.
Lets you create new Piccolo apps. See Piccolo Apps.
piccolo app new
Lets you scaffold an ASGI web app. See ASGI.
piccolo asgi new
Fixtures are used when you want to seed your database with essential data (for example, country names).
Once you have created a fixture, it can be used by your colleagues when setting up an application on their local machines,
or when deploying to a new environment.
Databases such as Postgres have built-in ways of dumping and restoring data (via pg_dump and pg_restore). Some
reasons to use the fixtures app instead:
When you want the data to be loadable in a range of database types and versions.
Fixtures are stored in JSON, which are a bit friendlier for source control.
To dump the data into a new fixture file:
piccolo fixtures dump > fixtures.json
By default, the fixture contains data from all apps and tables. You can specify a subset of apps and tables instead, for
piccolo fixtures dump --apps=blog --tables=Post > fixtures.json
Or for multiple apps / tables:
6.3. Included Apps 109
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
piccolo fixtures dump --apps=blog,shop --tables=Post,Product > fixtures.json
To load the fixture:
piccolo fixtures load fixtures.json
If you load the fixture again, you will get primary key errors because the rows already exist in the database. But what
if we need to run it again, because we had a typo in our fixture, or were missing some data? We can upsert the data
using --on_conflict.
There are two options:
1. DO NOTHING - if any of the rows already exist in the database, just leave them as they are, and dont raise an
2. DO UPDATE - if any of the rows already exist in the database, override them with the latest data in the fixture file.
piccolo fixtures load fixtures.json --on_conflict='DO NOTHING'
piccolo fixtures load fixtures.json --on_conflict='DO UPDATE'
And finally, if youre loading a really large fixture, you can specify the chunk_size. By default, Piccolo inserts up
to 1,000 rows at a time, as the database adapter will complain if a single insert query is too large. So if your fixture
containts 10,000 rows, this will mean 10 insert queries.
You can tune this number higher or lower if you want (lower if the table has a lot of columns, or higher if the table has
few columns).
piccolo fixtures load fixtures.json --chunk_size=500
Tells you which version of Piccolo is installed.
piccolo meta version
Lets you create and run migrations. See Migrations.
110 Chapter 6. Projects and Apps
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Lets you learn the Piccolo query syntax, using an example schema. See Playground.
piccolo playground run
Lets you create a new piccolo_conf.py file. See Piccolo Projects.
piccolo project new
Lets you auto generate Piccolo Table classes from an existing database. Make sure the credentials in piccolo_conf.
py are for the database you’re interested in, then run the following:
piccolo schema generate > tables.py
Warning: This feature is still a work in progress. However, even in it’s current form it will save you a lot of time.
Make sure you check the generated code to make sure its correct.
A basic schema visualisation tool. It prints out the contents of a GraphViz dot file representing your schema.
piccolo schema graph
You can pipe the output to your clipboard (piccolo schema graph | pbcopy on a Mac), then paste it into a website
like this to turn it into an image file.
Or if you have Graphviz installed on your machine, you can do this to create an image file:
piccolo schema graph | dot -Tpdf -o graph.pdf
Heres an example of a generated image:
Note: There is a video tutorial on YouTube.
6.3. Included Apps 111
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Launches an iPython shell, and automatically imports all of your registered Table classes. It’s great for running adhoc
database queries using Piccolo.
piccolo shell run
Note: There is a video tutorial on YouTube.
Launches a SQL shell (psql or sqlite3 depending on the engine), using the connection settings defined in
piccolo_conf.py. It’s convenient if you need to run raw SQL queries on your database.
piccolo sql_shell run
For it to work, the underlying command needs to be on the path (i.e. psql or sqlite3 depending on which youre
Note: There is a video tutorial on YouTube.
Launches pytest , which runs your unit test suite. The advantage of using this rather than running pytest directly, is
the PICCOLO_CONF environment variable will automatically be set before the testing starts, and will be restored to its
initial value once the tests finish.
piccolo tester run
Setting the PICCOLO_CONF environment variable means your code will use the database engine specified in that file
for the duration of the testing.
By default piccolo tester run sets PICCOLO_CONF to 'piccolo_conf_test', meaning that a file called
piccolo_conf_test.py will be imported.
Within the piccolo_conf_test.py file, override the database settings, so it uses a test database:
from piccolo_conf import *
DB = PostgresEngine(
"database": "my_app_test"
If you prefer, you can set a custom PICCOLO_CONF value:
112 Chapter 6. Projects and Apps
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
piccolo tester run --piccolo_conf=my_custom_piccolo_conf
You can also pass arguments to pytest:
piccolo tester run --pytest_args="-s foo"
6.3.2 Optional includes
These need to be explicitly registered with your AppRegistry.
Provides a user table, and commands for creating / managing users. See Authentication.
Note: There is a video tutorial on YouTube.
6.3. Included Apps 113
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
114 Chapter 6. Projects and Apps
Engines are what execute the SQL queries. Each supported backend has its own engine.
Its important that each Table class knows which engine to use. There are two ways of doing this - setting it explicitly
via the db argument, or letting Piccolo find it using engine_finder.
7.1 Explicit
This can be useful when writing a simple script which needs to use Piccolo to connect to a database.
from piccolo.engine.sqlite import SQLiteEngine
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns import Varchar
DB = SQLiteEngine(path='my_db.sqlite')
# Here we explicitly reference an engine:
class MyTable(Table, db=DB):
name = Varchar()
7.2 engine_finder
By default Piccolo uses engine_finder. Piccolo will look for a file called piccolo_conf.py on the path, and will
try and import a DB variable, which defines the engine.
You can ask Piccolo to create the piccolo_conf.py file for you, using the following command:
piccolo project new
Heres an example piccolo_conf.py file:
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
# piccolo_conf.py
from piccolo.engine.sqlite import SQLiteEngine
DB = SQLiteEngine(path='my_db.sqlite')
Hint: A good place for your piccolo_conf.py file is at the root of your project, where the Python interpreter will
be launched.
7.2.1 PICCOLO_CONF environment variable
You can modify the configuration file location by using the PICCOLO_CONF environment variable.
In your terminal:
export PICCOLO_CONF=piccolo_conf_test
Or at the entrypoint of your app, before any other imports:
import os
os.environ['PICCOLO_CONF'] = 'piccolo_conf_test'
This is helpful during tests - you can specify a different configuration file which contains the connection details for a
test database.
Hint: Piccolo has a builtin command which will do this for you - automatically setting PICCOLO_CONF for the duration
of your tests. See tester.
# An example piccolo_conf_test.py
from piccolo.engine.sqlite import SQLiteEngine
DB = SQLiteEngine(path='my_test_db.sqlite')
Its also useful if youre deploying your code to different environments (e.g. staging and production). Have two con-
figuration files, and set the environment variable accordingly.
If the piccolo_conf.py file is located in a sub-module (rather than the root of your project) you can specify the path
like this:
export PICCOLO_CONF=sub_module.piccolo_conf
116 Chapter 7. Engines
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7.3 Engine types
Hint: Postgres is the preferred database to use, especially in production. It is the most feature complete.
7.3.1 SQLiteEngine
The SQLiteEngine is very simple - just specify a file path. The database file will be created automatically if it doesnt
# piccolo_conf.py
from piccolo.engine.sqlite import SQLiteEngine
DB = SQLiteEngine(path='my_app.sqlite')
class piccolo.engine.sqlite.SQLiteEngine(path: str = 'piccolo.sqlite', log_queries: bool = False,
log_responses: bool = False, **connection_kwargs)
path A relative or absolute path to the the SQLite database file (it will be created if it
doesnt already exist).
log_queries If True, all SQL and DDL statements are printed out before being run.
Useful for debugging.
log_responses If True, the raw response from each query is printed out. Useful for
connection_kwargs These are passed directly to the database adapter. We recommend
setting timeout if you expect your application to process a large number of concurrent
writes, to prevent queries timing out. See Pythons sqlite3 docs for more info.
Production tips
If you’re planning on using SQLite in production with Piccolo, with lots of concurrent queries, then here are some
useful tips.
7.3. Engine types 117
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
7.3.2 PostgresEngine
# piccolo_conf.py
from piccolo.engine.postgres import PostgresEngine
DB = PostgresEngine(config={
'host': 'localhost',
'database': 'my_app',
'user': 'postgres',
'password': ''
The config dictionary is passed directly to the underlying database adapter, asyncpg. See the asyncpg docs to learn
Connection pool
To use a connection pool, you need to first initialise it. The best place to do this is in the startup event handler of
whichever web framework you are using.
Heres an example using Starlette. Notice that we also close the connection pool in the shutdown event handler.
from piccolo.engine import engine_finder
from starlette.applications import Starlette
app = Starlette()
async def open_database_connection_pool():
engine = engine_finder()
await engine.start_connection_pool()
async def close_database_connection_pool():
engine = engine_finder()
await engine.close_connection_pool()
Hint: Using a connection pool helps with performance, since connections are reused instead of being created for each
Once a connection pool has been started, the engine will use it for making queries.
118 Chapter 7. Engines
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Hint: If youre running several instances of an app on the same server, you may prefer an external connection pooler
- like pgbouncer.
The connection pool uses the same configuration as your engine. You can also pass in additional parameters, which
are passed to the underlying database adapter. Heres an example:
# To increase the number of connections available:
await engine.start_connection_pool(max_size=20)
class piccolo.engine.postgres.PostgresEngine(config: Dict[str, Any], extensions: Sequence[str] =
('uuid-ossp',), log_queries: bool = False, log_responses:
bool = False, extra_nodes: Mapping[str, PostgresEngine]
| None = None)
Used to connect to PostgreSQL.
config The config dictionary is passed to the underlying database adapter, asyncpg. Com-
mon arguments youre likely to need are:
For example, {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 5432}.
See the asyncpg docs for all available options.
extensions When the engine starts, it will try and create these extensions in Postgres. If
you’re using a read only database, set this value to an empty tuple ().
log_queries If True, all SQL and DDL statements are printed out before being run.
Useful for debugging.
log_responses If True, the raw response from each query is printed out. Useful for
extra_nodes If you have additional database nodes (e.g. read replicas) for the server, you
can specify them here. It’s a mapping of a memorable name to a PostgresEngine instance.
For example:
7.3. Engine types 119
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
DB = PostgresEngine(
config={'database': 'main_db'},
'read_replica_1': PostgresEngine(
'database': 'main_db',
host: 'read_replicate.my_db.com'
Note how we set extensions=(), because it’s a read only database.
When executing a query, you can specify one of these nodes instead of the main database.
For example:
>>> await MyTable.select().run(node="read_replica_1")
7.3.3 CockroachEngine
# piccolo_conf.py
from piccolo.engine.cockroach import CockroachEngine
DB = CockroachEngine(config={
'host': 'localhost',
'database': 'piccolo',
'user': 'root',
'password': '',
'port': '26257',
The config dictionary is passed directly to the underlying database adapter, asyncpg. See the asyncpg docs to learn
120 Chapter 7. Engines
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Connection pool
To use a connection pool, you need to first initialise it. The best place to do this is in the startup event handler of
whichever web framework you are using.
Heres an example using Starlette. Notice that we also close the connection pool in the shutdown event handler.
from piccolo.engine import engine_finder
from starlette.applications import Starlette
app = Starlette()
async def open_database_connection_pool():
engine = engine_finder()
await engine.start_connection_pool()
async def close_database_connection_pool():
engine = engine_finder()
await engine.close_connection_pool()
Hint: Using a connection pool helps with performance, since connections are reused instead of being created for each
Once a connection pool has been started, the engine will use it for making queries.
Hint: If youre running several instances of an app on the same server, you may prefer an external connection pooler
- like pgbouncer.
The connection pool uses the same configuration as your engine. You can also pass in additional parameters, which
are passed to the underlying database adapter. Heres an example:
# To increase the number of connections available:
await engine.start_connection_pool(max_size=20)
7.3. Engine types 121
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
class piccolo.engine.cockroach.CockroachEngine(config: Dict[str, Any], extensions: Sequence[str] = (),
log_queries: bool = False, log_responses: bool =
False, extra_nodes: Dict[str, CockroachEngine] | None
= None)
An extension of PostgresEngine.
122 Chapter 7. Engines
8.1 Creating migrations
Migrations are Python files which are used to modify the database schema in a controlled way. Each migration belongs
to a Piccolo app.
You can either manually populate migrations, or allow Piccolo to do it for you automatically.
We recommend using auto migrations where possible, as it saves you time.
8.1.1 Manual migrations
First, let’s create an empty migration:
piccolo migrations new my_app
This creates a new migration file in the migrations folder of the app. By default, the migration filename is the name of
the app, followed by a timestamp, but you can rename it to anything you want:
Note: We changed the naming convention for migration files in version 0.102.0 (previously they were like
2022-12-06T13-58-23-024723.py). As mentioned, the name isnt important - change it to anything you want.
The new format was chosen because a Python file should start with a letter by convention.
The contents of an empty migration file looks like this:
from piccolo.apps.migrations.auto.migration_manager import MigrationManager
ID = "2022-02-26T17:38:44:758593"
VERSION = "0.69.2" # The version of Piccolo used to create it
DESCRIPTION = "Optional description"
async def forwards():
manager = MigrationManager(
(continues on next page)
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
def run():
# Replace this with something useful:
print(f"running {ID}")
return manager
The ID is very important - it uniquely identifies the migration, and shouldnt be changed.
Replace the run function with whatever you want the migration to do - typically running some SQL. It can be a function
or a coroutine.
Running raw SQL
If you want to run raw SQL within your migration, you can do so as follows:
from piccolo.apps.migrations.auto.migration_manager import MigrationManager
from piccolo.table import Table
ID = "2022-02-26T17:38:44:758593"
VERSION = "0.69.2"
DESCRIPTION = "Updating each band's popularity"
# This is just a dummy table we use to execute raw SQL with:
class RawTable(Table):
async def forwards():
manager = MigrationManager(
# This will get run when using `piccolo migrations forwards`:
async def run():
await RawTable.raw('UPDATE band SET popularity={}', 1000)
# If we want to run some code when reversing the migration,
(continues on next page)
124 Chapter 8. Migrations
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
# using `piccolo migrations backwards`:
async def run_backwards():
await RawTable.raw('UPDATE band SET popularity={}', 0)
# We must always return the MigrationManager:
return manager
Hint: You can learn more about raw queries here.
Using your Table classes
In the above example, we executed raw SQL, but what if we wanted to use the Table classes from our project instead?
We have to be quite careful with this. Here’s an example:
from piccolo.apps.migrations.auto.migration_manager import MigrationManager
# We're importing a table from our project:
from music.tables import Band
ID = "2022-02-26T17:38:44:758593"
VERSION = "0.69.2"
DESCRIPTION = "Updating each band's popularity"
async def forwards():
manager = MigrationManager(
async def run():
await Band.update({Band.popularity: 1000})
return manager
We want our migrations to be repeatable - so if someone runs them a year from now, they will get the same results.
By directly importing our tables, we have the following risks:
If the Band class is deleted from the codebase, it could break old migrations.
If we modify the Band class, perhaps by removing columns, this could also break old migrations.
8.1. Creating migrations 125
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Try and make your migration files independent of other application code, so they’re self contained and repeatable. Even
though it goes against DRY, it’s better to copy the relevant tables into your migration file:
from piccolo.apps.migrations.auto.migration_manager import MigrationManager
from piccolo.columns.column_types import Integer
from piccolo.table import Table
ID = "2022-02-26T17:38:44:758593"
VERSION = "0.69.2"
DESCRIPTION = "Updating each band's popularity"
# We defined the table within the file, rather than importing it.
class Band(Table):
popularity = Integer()
async def forwards():
manager = MigrationManager(
async def run():
await Band.update({Band.popularity: 1000})
return manager
8.1.2 Auto migrations
Manually writing your migrations gives you a good level of control, but Piccolo supports auto migrations which can
save a great deal of time.
Piccolo will work out which tables to add by comparing previous auto migrations, and your current tables. In order for
this to work, you have to register your app’s tables with the AppConfig in the piccolo_app.py file at the root of your
app (see Piccolo Apps).
Creating an auto migration:
piccolo migrations new my_app --auto
Hint: Auto migrations are the preferred way to create migrations with Piccolo. We recommend using empty migrations
for special circumstances which arent supported by auto migrations, or to modify the data held in tables, as opposed
to changing the tables themselves.
126 Chapter 8. Migrations
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Warning: Auto migrations arent supported in SQLite, because of SQLite’s extremely limited support for SQL
Alter statements. This might change in the future.
Auto migrations can accommodate most schema changes. There may be some rare edge cases where a single migration
is trying to do too much in one go, and fails. To avoid these situations, create auto migrations frequently, and keep
them fairly small.
8.1.3 Migration descriptions
To make the migrations more memorable, you can give them a description. Inside the migration file, you can set a
DESCRIPTION global variable manually, or can specify it when creating the migration:
piccolo migrations new my_app --auto --desc="Adding name column"
The Piccolo CLI will then use this description when listing migrations, to make them easier to identify.
8.2 Running migrations
Hint: To see all available options for these commands, use the --help flag, for example piccolo migrations
forwards --help.
8.2.1 Forwards
When the migration is run, the forwards function is executed. To do this:
piccolo migrations forwards my_app
Multiple apps
If you have multiple apps you can run them all using:
piccolo migrations forwards all
8.2. Running migrations 127
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We can ‘fake running a migration - we record that it ran in the database without actually running it.
There are two ways to do this - by passing in the --fake flag on the command line:
piccolo migrations forwards my_app 2022-09-04T19:44:09 --fake
Or by setting fake=True on the MigrationManager within the migration file.
async def forwards():
manager = MigrationManager(
This is useful if we started from an existing database using piccolo schema generate, and the initial migration we
generated is for tables which already exist, hence we fake run it.
8.2.2 Reversing migrations
To reverse the migration, run the following command, specifying the ID of a migration:
piccolo migrations backwards my_app 2022-09-04T19:44:09
Piccolo will then reverse the migrations for the given app, starting with the most recent migration, up to and including
the migration with the specified ID.
You can try going forwards and backwards a few times to make sure it works as expected.
8.2.3 Preview
To see the SQL queries of a migration without actually running them, use the --preview flag.
This works when running migrations forwards:
piccolo migrations forwards my_app --preview
Or backwards:
piccolo migrations backwards 2022-09-04T19:44:09 --preview
128 Chapter 8. Migrations
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8.2.4 Checking migrations
You can easily check which migrations have and havent ran using the following:
piccolo migrations check
8.2.5 Source
These are the underlying Python functions which are called, so you can see all available options. These functions are
convered into a CI using targ.
async piccolo.apps.migrations.commands.forwards.forwards(app_name: str, migration_id: str = 'all',
fake: bool = False, preview: bool =
Runs any migrations which havent been run yet.
app_name The name of the app to migrate. Specify a value of ‘all’ to run migrations for
all apps.
migration_id Migrations will be ran up to and including this migration_id. Specify a
value of ‘all’ to run all of the migrations. Specify a value of ‘1’ to just run the next migration.
fake If set, will record the migrations as being run without actually running them.
preview If true, dont actually run the migration, just print the SQL queries
async piccolo.apps.migrations.commands.backwards.backwards(app_name: str, migration_id: str = '1',
auto_agree: bool = False, clean: bool
= False, preview: bool = False)
Undo migrations up to a specific migration.
app_name The app to reverse migrations for. Specify a value of ‘all’ to reverse migrations
for all apps.
migration_id Migrations will be reversed up to and including this migration_id. Specify
a value of ‘all’ to undo all of the migrations. Specify a value of ‘1’ to undo the most recent
auto_agree If true, automatically agree to any input prompts.
clean If true, the migration files which have been run backwards are deleted from the disk
after completing.
preview If true, dont actually run the migration, just print the SQL queries.
async piccolo.apps.migrations.commands.check.check(app_name: str = 'all')
Lists all migrations which have and haven’t ran.
app_name The name of the app to check. Specify a value of ‘all’ to check the migrations for
all apps.
8.2. Running migrations 129
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
130 Chapter 8. Migrations
Piccolo ships with authentication support out of the box.
9.1 Registering the app
Make sure 'piccolo.apps.user.piccolo_app' is in your AppRegistry (see Piccolo Projects).
9.2 Tables
9.2.1 BaseUser
BaseUser is a Table you can use to store and authenticate your users.
Creating the Table
Run the migrations:
piccolo migrations forwards user
The app comes with some useful commands.
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Creates a new user. It presents an interactive prompt, asking for the username, password etc.
piccolo user create
If youd prefer to create a user without the interactive prompt (perhaps in a script), you can pass all of the arguments in
as follows:
piccolo user create --username=bob --password=bob123 --email=[email protected] --is_admin=t --
˓is_superuser=t --is_active=t
Warning: If you choose this approach then be careful, as the password will be in the shell’s history.
List existing users.
Change a users password.
piccolo user change_password
Change a user’s permissions. The options are --admin, --superuser and --active, which change the corresponding
attributes on BaseUser.
For example:
piccolo user change_permissions some_user --active=true
The Piccolo Admin uses these attributes to control who can login and what they can do.
active and admin - must be true for a user to be able to login.
superuser - must be true for a user to be able to change other user’s passwords.
132 Chapter 9. Authentication
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Within your code
create_user / create_user_sync
To create a new user:
# From within a coroutine:
await BaseUser.create_user(username="bob", password="abc123", active=True)
# When not in an event loop:
BaseUser.create_user_sync(username="bob", password="abc123", active=True)
It saves the user in the database, and returns the created BaseUser instance.
Note: It is preferable to use this rather than instantiating and saving BaseUser directly, as we add additional validation.
login / login_sync
To check a users credentials, do the following:
from piccolo.apps.user.tables import BaseUser
# From within a coroutine:
>>> await BaseUser.login(username="bob", password="abc123")
# When not in an event loop:
>>> BaseUser.login_sync(username="bob", password="abc123")
If the login is successful, the user’s id is returned, otherwise None is returned.
update_password / update_password_sync
To change a users password:
# From within a coroutine:
await BaseUser.update_password(user="bob", password="abc123")
# When not in an event loop:
BaseUser.update_password_sync(user="bob", password="abc123")
Warning: Dont use bulk updates for passwords - use update_password / update_password_sync, and they’ll
correctly hash the password.
9.2. Tables 133
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The maximum password length allowed is 128 characters. This should be sufficiently long for most use cases.
The minimum password length allowed is 6 characters.
Extending BaseUser
If you want to extend BaseUser with additional fields, we recommend creating a Profile table with a ForeignKey
to BaseUser, which can include any custom fields.
from piccolo.apps.user.tables import BaseUser
from piccolo.columns import ForeignKey, Text, Varchar
from piccolo.table import Table
class Profile(Table):
custom_user = ForeignKey(BaseUser)
phone_number = Varchar()
bio = Text()
Alternatively, you can copy the entire user app into your project, and customise it to fit your needs.
class piccolo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser(**kwargs)
Provides a basic user, with authentication support.
async classmethod create_user(username: str, password: str, **extra_params) BaseUser
Creates a new user, and saves it in the database. It is recommended to use this rather than instantiating and
saving BaseUser directly, as we add extra validation.
ValueError If the username or password is invalid.
The created BaseUser instance.
classmethod create_user_sync(username: str, password: str, **extra_params) BaseUser
A sync equivalent of create_user().
async classmethod login(username: str, password: str) int | None
Make sure the user exists and the password is valid. If so, the last_login value is updated in the database.
The id of the user if a match is found, otherwise None.
classmethod login_sync(username: str, password: str) int | None
A sync equivalent of login().
async classmethod update_password(user: str | int, password: str)
The password is the raw password string e.g. 'password123'. The user can be a user ID, or a username.
134 Chapter 9. Authentication
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classmethod update_password_sync(user: str | int, password: str)
A sync equivalent of update_password().
9.3 Web app integration
Our sister project, Piccolo API, contains powerful endpoints and middleware for integrating session auth and token
auth into your ASGI web application, using BaseUser.
9.3. Web app integration 135
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136 Chapter 9. Authentication
Using Piccolo standalone is fine if you want to build a data science script, but often you’ll want to build a web application
around it.
ASGI is a standardised way for async Python libraries to interoperate. It’s the equivalent of WSGI in the synchronous
By using the piccolo asgi new command, Piccolo will scaffold an ASGI web app for you, which includes everything
you need to get started. The command will ask for your preferences on which libraries to use.
10.1 Routing frameworks
Currently, Starlette, FastAPI, BlackSheep, Litestar, Esmerald and Lilya are supported.
Other great ASGI routing frameworks exist, and may be supported in the future (Quart , Sanic , Django etc).
10.1.1 Which to use?
All are great choices. FastAPI is built on top of Starlette and Esmerald is built on top of Lilya, so they’re very similar.
FastAPI, BlackSheep and Esmerald are great if you want to document a REST API, as they have built-in OpenAPI
10.2 Web servers
Hypercorn and Uvicorn are available as ASGI servers. Daphne can’t be used programatically so was omitted at this
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
138 Chapter 10. ASGI
Piccolo uses Pydantic internally to serialize and deserialize data.
Using create_pydantic_model you can easily create Pydantic models for your application.
11.1 create_pydantic_model
Using create_pydantic_model we can easily create a Pydantic model from a Piccolo Table.
Using this example schema:
from piccolo.columns import ForeignKey, Integer, Varchar
from piccolo.table import Table
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(length=100)
manager = ForeignKey(Manager)
popularity = Integer()
Creating a Pydantic model is as simple as:
from piccolo.utils.pydantic import create_pydantic_model
BandModel = create_pydantic_model(Band)
We can then create model instances from data we fetch from the database:
# If using objects:
band = await Band.objects().get(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
model = BandModel(**band.to_dict())
# If using select:
band = await Band.select().where(Band.name == 'Pythonistas').first()
model = BandModel(**band)
>>> model.name
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
You have several options for configuring the model, as shown below.
11.1.1 include_columns / exclude_columns
If we want to exclude the popularity column from the Band table:
BandModel = create_pydantic_model(Band, exclude_columns=(Band.popularity,))
Conversely, if you only wanted the popularity column:
BandModel = create_pydantic_model(Band, include_columns=(Band.popularity,))
11.1.2 nested
Another great feature is nested=True. For each ForeignKey in the Piccolo Table, the Pydantic model will contain
a sub model for the related table.
For example:
BandModel = create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=True)
If we were to write BandModel by hand instead, it would look like this:
from pydantic import BaseModel
class ManagerModel(BaseModel):
name: str
class BandModel(BaseModel):
name: str
manager: ManagerModel
popularity: int
But with nested=True we can achieve this with one line of code.
To populate a nested Pydantic model with data from the database:
# If using objects:
band = await Band.objects(Band.manager).get(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
model = BandModel(**band.to_dict())
# If using select:
band = await Band.select(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
model = BandModel(**band)
(continues on next page)
140 Chapter 11. Serialization
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(continued from previous page)
>>> model.manager.name
Note: There is a video tutorial on YouTube.
11.1.3 include_default_columns
Sometimes you’ll want to include the Piccolo Tables primary key column in the generated Pydantic model. For
example, in a GET endpoint, we usually want to include the id in the response:
// GET /api/bands/1/
// Response:
{"id": 1, "name": "Pythonistas", "popularity": 1000}
Other times, you wont want the Pydantic model to include the primary key column. For example, in a POST endpoint,
when using a Pydantic model to serialise the payload, we don’t expect the user to pass in an id value:
// POST /api/bands/
// Payload:
{"name": "Pythonistas", "popularity": 1000}
By default the primary key column isn’t included - you can add it using:
BandModel = create_pydantic_model(Band, include_default_columns=True)
11.1.4 pydantic_config
Hint: We used to have a pydantic_config_class argument in Piccolo prior to v1, but it has been replaced with
pydantic_config due to changes in Pydantic v2.
You can specify a Pydantic ConfigDict to use as the base for the Pydantic model’s config (see docs).
For example, lets set the extra parameter to tell pydantic how to treat extra fields (that is, fields that would not
otherwise be in the generated model). The allowed values are:
'ignore' (default): silently ignore extra fields
'allow': accept the extra fields and assigns them to the model
'forbid': fail validation if extra fields are present
So if we want to disallow extra fields, we can do:
from pydatic.config import ConfigDict
config: ConfigDict = {
"extra": "forbid"
(continues on next page)
11.1. create_pydantic_model 141
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
model = create_pydantic_model(
11.1.5 Required fields
You can specify which fields are required using the required argument of Column. For example:
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(required=True)
BandModel = create_pydantic_model(Band)
# Omitting the field raises an error:
>>> BandModel()
ValidationError - name field required
You can override this behaviour using the all_optional argument. An example use case is when you have a model
which is used for filtering, then you’ll want all fields to be optional.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(required=True)
BandFilterModel = create_pydantic_model(
# This no longer raises an exception:
>>> BandModel()
11.1.6 Subclassing the model
If the generated model doesnt perfectly fit your needs, you can subclass it to add additional fields, and to override
existing fields.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(required=True)
BandModel = create_pydantic_model(Band)
class CustomBandModel(BandModel):
genre: str
>>> CustomBandModel(name="Pythonistas", genre="Rock")
Or even simpler still:
142 Chapter 11. Serialization
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class BandModel(create_pydantic_model(Band)):
genre: str
11.1.7 Avoiding type warnings
Some linters will complain if you use variables in type annotations:
BandModel = create_pydantic_model(Band)
def my_function(band: BandModel): # Variable not allowed in type expression!
The fix is really simple:
# We now have a class instead of a variable:
class BandModel(create_pydantic_model(Band)):
def my_function(band: BandModel):
11.1.8 Source
piccolo.utils.pydantic.create_pydantic_model(table: Type[Table], nested: bool | Tuple[ForeignKey, ...]
= False, exclude_columns: Tuple[Column, ...] = (),
include_columns: Tuple[Column, ...] = (),
include_default_columns: bool = False,
include_readable: bool = False, all_optional: bool =
False, model_name: str | None = None, deserialize_json:
bool = False, recursion_depth: int = 0,
max_recursion_depth: int = 5, pydantic_config:
ConfigDict | None = None, json_schema_extra: Dict[str,
Any] | None = None) Type[BaseModel]
Create a Pydantic model representing a table.
table The Piccolo Table you want to create a Pydantic serialiser model for.
nested Whether ForeignKey columns are converted to nested Pydantic models. If
False, none are converted. If True, they all are converted. If a tuple of ForeignKey
columns is passed in, then only those are converted.
exclude_columns A tuple of Column instances that should be excluded from the Pydantic
model. Only specify include_columns or exclude_columns.
include_columns A tuple of Column instances that should be included in the Pydantic
model. Only specify include_columns or exclude_columns.
include_default_columns Whether to include columns like id in the serialiser. You
will typically include these columns in GET requests, but don’t require them in POST re-
11.1. create_pydantic_model 143
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
include_readable Whether to include ‘readable’ columns, which give a string repre-
sentation of a foreign key.
all_optional If True, all fields are optional. Useful for filters etc.
model_name By default, the classname of the Piccolo Table will be used, but you can
override it if you want multiple Pydantic models based off the same Piccolo table.
deserialize_json By default, the values of any Piccolo JSON or JSONB columns are
returned as strings. By setting this parameter to True, they will be returned as objects.
recursion_depth Not to be set by the user - used internally to track recursion.
max_recursion_depth If using nested models, this specifies the max amount of recur-
pydantic_config Allows you to configure some of Pydantic’s behaviour. See the Py-
dantic docs for more info.
json_schema_extra This can be used to add additional fields to the schema. This is very
useful when using Pydantic’s JSON Schema features. For example:
>>> my_model = create_pydantic_model(Band, my_extra_field="Hello")
>>> my_model.model_json_schema()
{..., "my_extra_field": "Hello"}
A Pydantic model.
Hint: A good place to see create_pydantic_model in action is PiccoloCRUD, as it uses create_pydantic_model
extensively to create Pydantic models from Piccolo tables.
11.2 FastAPI template
Piccolos FastAPI template uses create_pydantic_model to create serializers.
To create a new FastAPI app using Piccolo, simply use:
piccolo asgi new
See the ASGI docs for more details.
144 Chapter 11. Serialization
Piccolo provides a few tools to make testing easier.
12.1 Test runner
Piccolo ships with a handy command for running your unit tests using pytest. See the tester app.
You can put your test files anywhere you like, but a good place is in a tests folder within your Piccolo app. The test
files should be named like test_*. py or *_test.py for pytest to recognise them.
12.2 Model Builder
When writing unit tests, it’s usually required to have some data seeded into the database. You can build and save the
records manually or use ModelBuilder to generate random records for you.
This way you can randomize the fields you dont care about and specify important fields explicitly and reduce the
amount of manual work required. ModelBuilder currently supports all Piccolo column types and features.
Lets say we have the following schema:
from piccolo.columns import ForeignKey, Varchar
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar(length=50)
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar(length=50)
manager = ForeignKey(Manager, null=True)
You can build a random Band which will also build and save a random Manager:
from piccolo.testing.model_builder import ModelBuilder
# Band instance with random values persisted:
band = await ModelBuilder.build(Band)
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Note: ModelBuilder.build(Band) persists the record into the database by default.
You can also run it synchronously if you prefer:
manager = ModelBuilder.build_sync(Manager)
To specify any attribute, pass the defaults dictionary to the build method:
manager = ModelBuilder.build(Manager)
# Using table columns:
band = await ModelBuilder.build(
defaults={Band.name: "Guido", Band.manager: manager}
# Or using strings as keys:
band = await ModelBuilder.build(
defaults={"name": "Guido", "manager": manager}
To build objects without persisting them into the database:
band = await ModelBuilder.build(Band, persist=False)
To build objects with minimal attributes, leaving nullable fields empty:
# Leaves manager empty:
band = await ModelBuilder.build(Band, minimal=True)
12.3 Creating the test schema
When running your unit tests, you usually start with a blank test database, create the tables, and then install test data.
To create the tables, there are a few different approaches you can take.
12.3.1 create_db_tables / drop_db_tables
Here we use create_db_tables and drop_db_tables to create and drop the tables.
Note: The sync equivalents are create_db_tables_sync and drop_db_tables_sync, if you need your tests to be
synchronous for some reason.
from unittest import IsolatedAsyncioTestCase
from piccolo.table import create_db_tables, drop_db_tables
(continues on next page)
146 Chapter 12. Testing
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
from piccolo.conf.apps import Finder
TABLES = Finder().get_table_classes()
class TestApp(IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
async def setUp(self):
await create_db_tables(*TABLES)
async def tearDown(self):
await drop_db_tables(*TABLES)
async def test_app(self):
# Do some testing ...
You can remove this boiler plate by using AsyncTransactionTest, which does this for you.
12.3.2 Run migrations
Alternatively, you can run the migrations to setup the schema if you prefer:
from unittest import IsolatedAsyncioTestCase
from piccolo.apps.migrations.commands.backwards import run_backwards
from piccolo.apps.migrations.commands.forwards import run_forwards
class TestApp(IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
async def setUp(self):
await run_forwards("all")
async def tearDown(self):
await run_backwards("all", auto_agree=True)
async def test_app(self):
# Do some testing ...
12.3. Creating the test schema 147
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
12.4 Testing async code
There are a few options for testing async code using pytest.
12.4.1 run_sync
You can call any async code using Piccolos run_sync utility:
from piccolo.utils.sync import run_sync
async def get_data():
def test_get_data():
rows = run_sync(get_data())
assert len(rows) == 1
Its preferable to make your tests natively async though.
12.4.2 pytest-asyncio
If you prefer using pytest’s function based tests, then take a look at pytest-asyncio. Simply install it using pip install
pytest-asyncio, then you can then write tests like this:
async def test_select():
rows = await MyTable.select()
assert len(rows) == 1
12.4.3 IsolatedAsyncioTestCase
If you prefer class based tests, and are using Python 3.8 or above, then have a look at IsolatedAsyncioTestCase
from Pythons standard library. You can then write tests like this:
from unittest import IsolatedAsyncioTestCase
class MyTest(IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
async def test_select(self):
rows = await MyTable.select()
assert len(rows) == 1
Also look at the IsolatedAsyncioTestCase subclasses which Piccolo provides (see AsyncTransactionTest and
AsyncTableTest below).
148 Chapter 12. Testing
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
12.5 TestCase subclasses
Piccolo ships with some unittest.TestCase subclasses which remove boilerplate code from tests.
class piccolo.testing.test_case.AsyncTransactionTest(methodName='runTest')
Wraps each test in a transaction, which is automatically rolled back when the test finishes.
Warning: Python 3.11 and above only.
If your test suite just contains AsyncTransactionTest tests, then you can setup your database tables once
before your test suite runs. Any changes made to your tables by the tests will be rolled back automatically.
Heres an example:
from piccolo.testing.test_case import AsyncTransactionTest
class TestBandEndpoint(AsyncTransactionTest):
async def test_band_response(self):
Make sure the endpoint returns a 200.
band = Band({Band.name: "Pythonistas"})
await band.save()
# Using an API testing client, like httpx:
response = await client.get(f"/bands/{band.id}/")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
We add a Band to the database, but any subsequent tests wont see it, as the changes are rolled back automatically.
class piccolo.testing.test_case.AsyncTableTest(methodName='runTest')
Used for tests where we need to create Piccolo tables - they will automatically be created and dropped.
For example:
class TestBand(AsyncTableTest):
tables = [Band]
async def test_band(self):
class piccolo.testing.test_case.TableTest(methodName='runTest')
Identical to AsyncTableTest, except it only work for sync tests. Only use this if you can’t make your tests async
(perhaps youre on Python 3.7 where IsolatedAsyncioTestCase isnt available).
For example:
class TestBand(TableTest):
tables = [Band]
def test_band(self):
12.5. TestCase subclasses 149
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
150 Chapter 12. Testing
13.1 Types and Tab Completion
13.1.1 Type annotations
The Piccolo codebase uses type annotations extensively. This means it has great tab completion support in tools like
iPython and VSCode.
It also means it works well with type checkers like Mypy.
To learn more about how Piccolo achieves this, read this article about type annotations, and this article about descriptors.
13.1.2 Troubleshooting
Here are some issues you may encounter when using Mypy, or another type checker.
id column doesn’t exist
If you don’t explicitly declare a column on your table with primary_key=True, Piccolo creates a Serial column for
you called id.
In the following situation, the type checker might complains that id doesnt exist:
await Band.select(Band.id)
You can fix this as follows:
# tables.py
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns.column_types import Serial, Varchar
class Band(Table):
id: Serial # Add an annotation
name = Varchar()
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
13.2 Security
13.2.1 SQL Injection protection
If you look under the hood, Piccolo uses a custom class called QueryString for composing queries. It keeps query
parameters separate from the query string, so we can pass parameterised queries to the engine. This helps prevent SQL
Injection attacks.
13.3 Syntax
13.3.1 As close as possible to SQL
The classes / methods / functions in Piccolo mirror their SQL counterparts as closely as possible.
For example:
In other ORMs, you define models - in Piccolo you define tables.
Rather than using a filter method, you use a where method like in SQL.
13.3.2 Get the SQL at any time
At any time you can access the __str__ method of a query, to see the underlying SQL - making the ORM feel less
>>> query = Band.select(Band.name).where(Band.popularity >= 100)
>>> print(query)
'SELECT name from band where popularity > 100'
152 Chapter 13. Features
Piccolo ships with a handy command to help learn the different queries. For simple usage see Playground.
14.1 Advanced Playground Usage
14.1.1 Postgres
If you want to use Postgres instead of SQLite, you need to create a database first.
Install Postgres
See the docs on settings up Postgres.
Create database
By default the playground expects a local database to exist with the following credentials:
user: "piccolo"
password: "piccolo"
host: "localhost" # or
database: "piccolo_playground"
port: 5432
You can create a database using pgAdmin.
If you want to use different credentials, you can pass them into the playground command (use piccolo playground
run --help for details).
When you have the database setup, you can connect to it as follows:
piccolo playground run --engine=postgres
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
14.1.2 iPython
The playground is built on top of iPython. We provide sensible defaults out of the box for syntax highlighting etc.
However, to use your own custom iPython profile (located in ~/.ipython), do the following:
piccolo playground run --ipython_profile
See the iPython docs for more information.
154 Chapter 14. Playground
15.1 Piccolo API
Provides some handy utilities for creating an API around your Piccolo tables. Examples include:
Easily creating CRUD endpoints for ASGI apps, based on Piccolo tables.
Automatically creating Pydantic models from your Piccolo tables.
Great FastAPI integration.
Authentication and rate limiting.
See the docs for more information.
15.2 Piccolo Admin
Lets you create a powerful web GUI for your tables in two minutes. View the project on Github, and the docs for more
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Its a modern UI built with Vue JS, which supports powerful data filtering, and CSV exports. Its the crown jewel in
the Piccolo ecosystem!
15.3 Piccolo Examples
A repository containing example projects built with Piccolo, as well as links to community projects.
156 Chapter 15. Ecosystem
These tutorials bring together information from across the documentation, to help you solve common problems:
16.1 Migrate an existing project to Piccolo
16.1.1 Introduction
If you have an existing project and Postgres database, and you want to use Piccolo with it, these are the steps you need
to take.
16.1.2 Option 1 - piccolo asgi new
This is the recommended way of creating brand new projects. If this is your first experience with Piccolo, then it’s a
good idea to create a test project:
mkdir test_project
cd test_project
piccolo asgi new
You’ll learn a lot about how Piccolo works by looking at the generated code. You can then copy over the relevant files
to your existing project if you like.
Alternatively, doing it from scratch, you’ll need to do the following:
16.1.3 Option 2 - from scratch
Create a Piccolo project file
Create a new piccolo_conf.py file in the root of your project:
piccolo project new
This contains your database details, and is used to register Piccolo apps.
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Create a new Piccolo app
The app contains your Table classes and migrations. Run this command at the root of your project:
# Replace 'my_app' with whatever you want to call your app
piccolo app new my_app
Register the new Piccolo app
Register this new app in piccolo_conf.py. For example:
APP_REGISTRY = AppRegistry(
While youre at it, make sure the database credentials are correct in piccolo_conf.py.
Make Table classes for your current database
Now, if you run:
piccolo schema generate
It will output Piccolo Table classes for your current database. Copy the output into my_app/tables.py. Double
check that everything looks correct.
In my_app/piccolo_app.py make sure it’s tracking these tables for migration purposes.
from piccolo.conf.apps import AppConfig, table_finder
APP_CONFIG = AppConfig(
table_classes=table_finder(["my_app.tables"], exclude_imported=True),
Create an initial migration
This will create a new file in my_app/piccolo_migrations:
piccolo migrations new my_app --auto
These tables already exist in the database, as it’s an existing project, so you need to fake apply this initial migration:
piccolo migrations forwards my_app --fake
158 Chapter 16. Tutorials
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Making queries
Now youre basically setup - to make database queries:
from my_app.tables import MyTable
async def my_endpoint():
data = await MyTable.select()
return data
Making new migrations
Just modify the files in tables.py, and then run:
piccolo migrations new my_app --auto
piccolo migrations forwards my_app
16.2 Using SQLite and asyncio effectively
When using Piccolo with SQLite, there are some best practices to follow.
16.2.1 asyncio => lots of connections
With asyncio, we can potentially open lots of database connections, and attempt to perform concurrent database writes.
SQLite doesnt support such concurrent behavior as effectively as Postgres, so we need to be careful.
One write at a time
SQLite can easily support lots of transactions concurrently if they are reading, but only one write can be performed at
a time.
16.2.2 Transactions
SQLite has several transaction types, as specified by Piccolo’s TransactionType enum:
class piccolo.engine.sqlite.TransactionType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None,
type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
See the SQLite docs for more info.
deferred = 'DEFERRED'
exclusive = 'EXCLUSIVE'
immediate = 'IMMEDIATE'
16.2. Using SQLite and asyncio effectively 159
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Which to use?
When creating a transaction, Piccolo uses DEFERRED by default (to be consistent with SQLite).
This means that the first SQL query executed within the transaction determines whether its a READ or WRITE:
READ - if the first query is a SELECT
WRITE - if the first query is something like an INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE
If a transaction starts off with a SELECT, but then tries to perform an INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE, SQLite tries to
‘promote the transaction so it can write.
The problem is, if multiple concurrent connections try doing this at the same time, SQLite will return a database locked
So if youre creating a transaction which you know will perform writes, then create an IMMEDIATE transaction:
from piccolo.engine.sqlite import TransactionType
async with Band._meta.db.transaction(
# We perform a SELECT first, but as it's an IMMEDIATE transaction,
# we can later perform writes without getting a database locked
# error.
if not await Band.exists().where(Band.name == 'Pythonistas'):
await Band.objects().create(name="Pythonistas")
Multiple IMMEDIATE transactions can exist concurrently - SQLite uses a lock to make sure only one of them writes at
a time.
If your transaction will just be performing SELECT queries, then just use the default DEFERRED transactions - you will
get improved performance, as no locking is involved:
async with Band._meta.db.transaction():
bands = await Band.select()
managers = await Manager.select()
16.2.3 timeout
Its recommended to specify the timeout argument in SQLiteEngine.
DB = SQLiteEngine(timeout=60)
Imagine you have a web app, and each endpoint creates a transaction which runs multiple queries. With SQLite, only
a single write operation can happen at a time, so if several connections are open, they may be queued for a while.
By increasing timeout it means that queries are less likely to timeout.
To find out more about timeout see the Python sqlite3 docs.
160 Chapter 16. Tutorials
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
16.3 Deploying using Docker
16.3.1 Docker
Docker is a very popular way of deploying applications, using containers.
Base image
Piccolo has several dependencies which are compiled (e.g. asyncpg, orjson), which is great for performance, but
you may run into difficulties when using Alpine Linux as your base Docker image. Alpine uses a different compiler
toolchain to most Linux distros.
Its highly recommended to use Debian as your base Docker image. Many Python packages have prebuilt versions for
Debian, meaning you dont have to compile them at all during install. The result is a much faster build process, and
potentially even a smaller overall Docker image size (the size of Alpine quickly balloons after youve added all of the
compilation dependencies).
Environment variables
By using environment variables, we can inject the database credentials for Piccolo.
Example Dockerfile
This is a very simple Dockerfile, and illustrates the basics:
# Specify the base image:
FROM python:3.12-bookworm
# Install the pip requirements:
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
ADD app/requirements.txt /
RUN pip install -r /requirements.txt
# Add the application code:
ADD app /app
# Environment variables:
ENV PG_HOST=localhost
ENV PG_USER=my_database_user
ENV PG_DATABASE=my_database
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/python", "/app/main.py"]
We can then modify our piccolo_conf.py file to use these environment variables:
# piccolo_conf.py
import os
(continues on next page)
16.3. Deploying using Docker 161
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
DB = PostgresEngine(
"port": int(os.environ.get("PG_PORT", "5432")),
"user": os.environ.get("PG_USER", "my_database_user"),
"password": os.environ.get("PG_PASSWORD", ""),
"database": os.environ.get("PG_DATABASE", "my_database"),
"host": os.environ.get("PG_HOST", "localhost"),
When we run the container (usually via Kubernetes, Docker Compose, or similar), we can specify the database creden-
tials using environment variables, which will be used by our application.
Accessing a local Postgres database
Bear in mind that if you have Postgres running locally on the server (i.e. on localhost), your Docker container won’t
automatically be able to access it. You can try Docker’s host based networking, or just run Postgres within a Docker
16.4 FastAPI
FastAPI is a popular ASGI web framework. The purpose of this tutorial is to give some hints on how to get started with
Piccolo and FastAPI.
Piccolo and FastAPI are a great match, and are commonly used together.
16.4.1 Creating a new project
Using the piccolo asgi new command, Piccolo will scaffold a new FastAPI app for you - simple!
16.4.2 Pydantic models
FastAPI uses Pydantic for serialising and deserialising data.
Piccolo provides create_pydantic_model which creates Pydantic models for you based on your Piccolo tables.
Of course, you can also just define your Pydantic models by hand.
16.4.3 Transactions
Using FastAPI’s dependency injection system, we can easily wrap each endpoint in a transaction.
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
from piccolo.columns.column_types import Varchar
from piccolo.engine.sqlite import SQLiteEngine
from piccolo.table import Table
(continues on next page)
162 Chapter 16. Tutorials
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
DB = SQLiteEngine()
class Band(Table, db=DB):
You would usually import this from tables.py
name = Varchar()
async def transaction():
async with DB.transaction() as transaction:
yield transaction
app = FastAPI()
@app.get("/bands/", dependencies=[Depends(transaction)])
async def get_bands():
return await Band.select()
class CreateBandModel(BaseModel):
name: str
@app.post("/bands/", dependencies=[Depends(transaction)])
async def create_band(model: CreateBandModel):
await Band({Band.name: model.name}).save()
# If an exception is raised then the transaction is rolled back.
raise Exception("Oops")
async def main():
await Band.create_table(if_not_exists=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import asyncio
import uvicorn
FastAPI dependencies can be declared at the endpoint, APIRouter, or even app level.
16.4. FastAPI 163
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
16.4.4 FastAPIWrapper
Piccolo API has a powerful utility called FastAPIWrapper which generates REST endpoints based on your Piccolo
tables, and adds them to FastAPI’s Swagger docs. It’s a very productive way of building an API.
16.4.5 Authentication
Piccolo API ships with authentication middleware which is compatible with FastAPI middleware.
16.5 Avoiding circular imports
16.5.1 How Python imports work
When Python imports a file, it evaluates it from top to bottom.
With ForeignKey columns we sometimes have to reference tables lower down in the file (which haven’t been evaluated
The solutions are:
Try and move the referenced table to a different Python file.
Use LazyTableReference
16.5.2 Import Table definitions as early as possible
In the entrypoint to your app, at the top of the file, it’s recommended to import your tables.
# main.py
from my_app.tables import Manager, Band
This ensures that the tables are imported, and setup correctly.
16.5.3 Keep table files focused
You should try and keep your tables.py files pretty focused (i.e. just contain your Table definitions).
If you have lots of logic alongside your Table definitions, it might cause your LazyTableReference references to
evaluate too soon (causing circular import errors). An example of this is with create_pydantic_model:
# tables.py
from piccolo.columns import ForeignKey, Varchar
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.utils.pydantic import create_pydantic_model
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
# This automatically gets converted into a LazyTableReference, because a
# string is passed in:
(continues on next page)
164 Chapter 16. Tutorials
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
manager = ForeignKey("Manager")
# This is not recommended, as it will cause the LazyTableReference to be
# evaluated before Manager has imported.
# Instead, move this to a separate file, or below Manager.
BandModel = create_pydantic_model(Band)
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
16.5.4 Simplify your schema if possible
Even with LazyTableReference, you may run into some problems if your schema is really complicated.
An example is when you have two tables, and they have foreign keys to each other.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
manager = ForeignKey("Manager")
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
favourite_band = ForeignKey(Band)
Piccolo should be able to create these tables, and query them. However, some Piccolo tooling may struggle - for
example when loading fixtures.
A joining table can help in these situations:
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
manager = ForeignKey("Manager")
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
class ManagerFavouriteBand(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(Manager, unique=True)
band = ForeignKey(Band)
16.5. Avoiding circular imports 165
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
166 Chapter 16. Tutorials
If you want to dig deeper into the Piccolo internals, follow these instructions.
17.1 Running Cockroach
To get a local Cockroach instance running, you can use:
cockroach start-single-node --insecure --store=type=mem,size=2GiB
Make sure the test database exists:
cockroach sql --insecure
>>> create database piccolo
>>> use piccolo
17.2 Get the tests running
Create a new virtualenv
Clone the Git repo
cd piccolo
Install default dependencies: pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
Install development dependencies: pip install -r requirements/dev-requirements.txt
Install test dependencies: pip install -r requirements/test-requirements.txt
Install database drivers: pip install -r requirements/extras/postgres.txt -r requirements/
Setup Postgres, and make sure a database called piccolo exists (see tests/postgres_conf.py).
Run the automated code linting/formatting tools: ./scripts/lint.sh
Run the test suite with Postgres: ./scripts/test-postgres.sh
Run the test suite with Cockroach: ./scripts/test-cockroach.sh
Run the test suite with Sqlite: ./scripts/test-sqlite.sh
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
17.3 Contributing to the docs
The docs are written using Sphinx. To get them running locally:
Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements/doc-requirements.txt
cd docs
Do an initial build of the docs: make html
Serve the docs: ./scripts/run-docs.sh
The docs will auto rebuild as you make changes.
17.4 Code style
Piccolo uses Black for formatting, preferably with a max line length of 79, to keep it consistent with PEP8 .
You can configure VSCode by modifying settings.json as follows:
"python.linting.enabled": true,
"python.linting.mypyEnabled": true,
"python.formatting.provider": "black",
"python.formatting.blackArgs": [
"editor.formatOnSave": true
Type hints are used throughout the project.
17.5 Profiling
This isnt required to contribute to Piccolo, but is useful when investigating performance problems.
Install the dependencies: pip install requirements/profile-requirements.txt
Make sure a Postgres database called piccolo_profile exists.
Run ./scripts/profile.sh to get performance data.
168 Chapter 17. Contributing
18.1 1.17.0
Each migration is automatically wrapped in a transaction - this can now be disabled using the wrap_in_transaction
manager = MigrationManager(
This is useful when writing a manual migration, and you want to manage all of the transaction logic yourself (or want
multiple transactions).
granian is now a supported server in the ASGI templates. Thanks to @sinisaos for this.
18.2 1.16.0
Added custom async TestCase subclasses, to help with testing.
For example AsyncTransactionTest, which wraps each test in a transaction automatically:
class TestBandEndpoint(AsyncTransactionTest):
async def test_band_response(self):
Make sure the endpoint returns a 200.
# This data automatically gets removed from the database when the
# test finishes:
band = Band({Band.name: "Pythonistas"})
await band.save()
# Using an API testing client, like httpx:
response = await client.get(f"/bands/{band.id}/")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
And AsyncTableTest, which automatically creates and drops tables:
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
class TestBand(AsyncTableTest):
# These tables automatically get created and dropped:
tables = [Band]
async def test_band(self):
18.3 1.15.0
Improved refresh - it now works with prefetched objects. For example:
>>> band = await Band.objects(Band.manager).first()
>>> band.manager.name
# If the manager has changed in the database, when we refresh the band, the
# manager object will also be updated:
>>> await band.refresh()
>>> band.manager.name
"New name"
Also, improved the error messages when creating a BaseUser - thanks to @haaavk for this.
18.4 1.14.0
Laying the foundations for alterative Postgres database drivers (e.g. psqlpy). Thanks to @insani7y and @chandr-andr
for their help with this.
Warning: The SQL generated by Piccolo changed slightly in this release. Aliases used to be like "manager$name"
but now they are like "manager.name" (note $ changed to .). If you are using SelectRaw in your queries to refer
to these columns, then they will need updating. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
18.5 1.13.1
In Piccolo 1.6.0 we moved some aggregate functions to a new file. We now re-export them from their original location
to keep backwards compatibility. Thanks to @sarvesh-deserve for reporting this issue.
170 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.6 1.13.0
Improved LazyTableReference, to help prevent circular import errors.
18.7 1.12.0
Added documentation for one to one fields.
Upgraded ASGI templates (thanks to @sinisaos for this).
Migrations can now be hardcoded as fake.
Refactored tests to reduce boilerplate code.
Updated documentation dependencies.
18.8 1.11.0
Added datetime functions, for example Year:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Year
>>> await Concert.select(Year(Concert.starts, alias="starts_year"))
[{'starts_year': 2024}]
Added the Concat function, for concatenating strings:
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Concat
>>> await Band.select(
... Concat(
... Band.name,
... '-',
... Band.manager._.name,
... alias="name_and_manager"
... )
... )
[{"name_and_manager": "Pythonistas-Guido"}]
18.9 1.10.0
Added not_any method for Array columns. This will return rows where an array doesn’t contain the given value. For
18.6. 1.13.0 171
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
class MyTable(Table):
array_column = Array(Integer())
>>> await MyTable.select(
... MyTable.array_column
... ).where(
... MyTable.array_column.not_any(1)
... )
[{"array_column": [4, 5, 6]}]
Also fixed a bunch of Pylance linter warnings across the codebase.
18.10 1.9.0
Added some math functions, for example Abs, Ceil, Floor and Round.
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Round
>>> await Ticket.select(Round(Ticket.price, alias="price"))
[{'price': 50.0}]
Added more operators to QueryString (multiply, divide, modulus, power), so we can do things like:
>>> await Ticket.select(Round(Ticket.price) * 2)
[{'price': 100.0}]
Fixed some edge cases around defaults for Array columns.
def get_default():
# This used to fail:
return [datetime.time(hour=8, minute=0)]
class MyTable(Table):
times = Array(Time(), default=get_default)
Fixed some deprecation warnings, and improved CockroachDB array tests.
18.11 1.8.0
Added the Cast function, for performing type conversion.
Heres an example, where we convert a timestamp to time:
>>> from piccolo.columns import Time
>>> from piccolo.query.functions import Cast
>>> await Concert.select(Cast(Concert.starts, Time()))
[{'starts': datetime.time(19, 0)}]
172 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
A new section was also added to the docs describing functions in more detail.
18.12 1.7.0
Arrays of Date / Time / Timestamp / Timestamptz now work in SQLite.
For example:
class MyTable(Table):
times = Array(Time())
dates = Array(Date())
timestamps = Array(Timestamp())
timestamps_tz = Array(Timestamptz())
18.13 1.6.0
Added support for a bunch of Postgres functions, like Upper, Lower, Length, and Ltrim. They can be used in select
from piccolo.query.functions.string import Upper
>>> await Band.select(Upper(Band.name, alias="name"))
[{"name": "PYTHONISTAS"}]
And also in where clauses:
>>> await Band.select().where(Upper(Band.manager.name) == 'GUIDO')
[{"name": "Pythonistas"}]
18.14 1.5.2
Added an Album table to the playground, along with some other improvements.
Fixed a bug with the output(load_json=True) clause, when used on joined tables.
18.15 1.5.1
Fixed a bug with the CLI when reversing migrations (thanks to @metakot for reporting this).
Updated the ASGI templates (thanks to @tarsil for adding Lilya).
18.12. 1.7.0 173
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.16 1.5.0
Lots of internal improvements, mostly to support new functionality in Piccolo Admin.
18.17 1.4.2
Improved how ModelBuilder handles recursive foreign keys.
18.18 1.4.1
Fixed an edge case with auto migrations.
If starting from a table like this, with a custom primary key column:
class MyTable(Table):
id = UUID(primary_key=True)
When a foreign key is added to the table which references itself:
class MyTable(Table):
id = UUID(primary_key=True)
fk = ForeignKey("self")
The auto migrations could fail in some situations.
18.19 1.4.0
Improved how create_pydantic_model handles Array columns:
Multidimensional arrays (e.g. Array(Array(Integer))) have more accurate types.
Array(Email()) now validates that each item in the list is an email address.
Array(Varchar(length=10)) now validates that each item is the correct length (i.e. 10 in this example).
18.19.1 Other changes
Some Pylance errors were fixed in the codebase.
174 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.20 1.3.2
Fixed a bug with nested array columns containing BigInt. For example:
class MyTable(Table):
my_column = Array(Array(BigInt))
Thanks to @AmazingAkai for reporting this issue.
18.21 1.3.1
Fixed a bug with foreign keys which reference BigSerial primary keys. Thanks to @Abdelhadi92 for reporting this
18.22 1.3.0
Added the piccolo user list command - a quick and convenient way of listing Piccolo Admin users from the
command line.
ModelBuilder now creates timezone aware datetime objects for Timestamptz columns.
Updated the ASGI templates.
SQLite auto migrations are now allowed. We used to raise an exception, but now we output a warning instead. While
SQLite auto migrations arent as feature rich as Postgres, they work fine for simple use cases.
18.23 1.2.0
Theres now an alternative syntax for joins, which works really well with static type checkers like Mypy and Pylance.
The traditional syntax (which continues to work as before):
# Get the band name, and the manager's name from a related table
await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.name)
The alternative syntax is as follows:
await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager._.name)
Note how we use ._. instead of . after a ForeignKey.
This offers a considerably better static typing experience. In the above example, type checkers know that Band.
manager._.name refers to the name column on the Manager table. This means typos can be detected, and code
navigation is easier.
18.20. 1.3.2 175
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.23.1 Other changes
Improve static typing for get_related.
Added support for the esmerald ASGI framework.
18.24 1.1.1
Piccolo allows the user to specify savepoint names which are used in transactions. For example:
async with DB.transaction() as transaction:
await Band.insert(Band(name='Pythonistas'))
# Passing in a savepoint name is optional:
savepoint_1 = await transaction.savepoint('savepoint_1')
await Band.insert(Band(name='Terrible band'))
# Oops, I made a mistake!
await savepoint_1.rollback_to()
Postgres doesn’t allow us to parameterise savepoint names, which means there’s a small chance of SQL injection, if
for some reason the savepoint names were generated from end-user input. Even though the likelihood is very low, its
best to be safe. We now validate the savepoint name, to make sure it can only contain certain safe characters. Thanks
to @Skelmis for making this change.
18.25 1.1.0
Added support for Python 3.12.
Modified create_pydantic_model, so additional information is returned in the JSON schema to distinguish between
Timestamp and Timestamptz columns. This will be used for future Piccolo Admin enhancements.
18.26 1.0.0
Piccolo v1 is now available!
We migrated to Pydantic v2, and also migrated Piccolo Admin to Vue 3, which puts the project in a good place moving
We don’t anticipate any major issues for people who are upgrading. If you encounter any bugs let us know.
Make sure you have v1 of Piccolo, Piccolo API, and Piccolo Admin.
176 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.27 1.0a3
Namespaced all custom values we added to Pydantic’s JSON schema for easier maintenance.
18.28 1.0a2
All of the changes from 0.120.0 merged into the v1 branch.
18.29 0.121.0
Modified the BaseUser.login logic so all code paths take the same time. Thanks to @Skelmis for this.
18.30 0.120.0
Improved how ModelBuilder generates JSON data.
The number of password hash iterations used in BaseUser has been increased to keep pace with the latest guidance
from OWASP - thanks to @Skelmis for this.
Fixed a bug with auto migrations when the table is in a schema.
18.31 1.0a1
Initial alpha release of Piccolo v1, with Pydantic v2 support.
18.32 0.119.0
ModelBuilder now works with LazyTableReference (which is used when we have circular references caused by a
With this table:
class Band(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(
18.27. 1.0a3 177
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
We can now create a dynamic test fixture:
my_model = await ModelBuilder.build(Band)
18.33 0.118.0
If you have lots of Piccolo apps, you can now create auto migrations for them all in one go:
piccolo migrations new all --auto
Thanks to @hoosnick for suggesting this new feature.
The documentation for running migrations has also been improved, as well as improvements to the sorting of migrations
based on their dependencies.
Support for Python 3.7 was dropped in this release as it’s now end of life.
18.34 0.117.0
Version pinning Pydantic to v1, as v2 has breaking changes.
We will add support for Pydantic v2 in a future release.
Thanks to @sinisaos for helping with this.
18.35 0.116.0
18.35.1 Fixture formatting
When creating a fixture:
piccolo fixtures dump
The JSON output is now nicely formatted, which is useful because we can pipe it straight to a file, and commit it to Git
without having to manually run a formatter on it.
piccolo fixtures dump > my_fixture.json
Thanks to @sinisaos for this.
178 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.35.2 Protected table names
We used to raise a ValueError if a table was called user.
class User(Table): # ValueError!
Its because user is already used by Postgres (e.g. try SELECT user or SELECT * FROM user).
We now emit a warning instead for these reasons:
Piccolo wraps table names in quotes to avoid clashes with reserved keywords.
Sometimes you’re stuck with a table name from a pre-existing schema, and cant easily rename it.
18.35.3 Re-export WhereRaw
If you want to write raw SQL in your where queries you use WhereRaw:
>>> Band.select().where(WhereRaw('TRIM(name) = {}', 'Pythonistas'))
You can now import it from piccolo.query to be consistent with SelectRaw and OrderByRaw.
from piccolo.query import WhereRaw
18.36 0.115.0
18.36.1 Fixture upserting
Fixtures can now be upserted. For example:
piccolo fixtures load my_fixture.json --on_conflict='DO UPDATE'
The options are:
DO NOTHING, meaning any rows with a matching primary key will be left alone.
DO UPDATE, meaning any rows with a matching primary key will be updated.
This is really useful, as you can now edit fixtures and load them multiple times without getting foreign key constraint
18.36.2 Schema fixes
We recently added support for schemas, for example:
class Band(Table, schema='music'):
This release contains:
A fix for migrations when changing a tables schema back to ‘public’ (thanks to @sinisaos for discovering this).
18.36. 0.115.0 179
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
A fix for M2M queries, when the tables are in a schema other than ‘public’ (thanks to @quinnalfaro for reporting
18.36.3 Added distinct method to count queries
We recently added support for COUNT DISTINCT queries. The syntax is:
await Concert.count(distinct=[Concert.start_date])
The following alternative syntax now also works (just to be consistent with other queries like select):
await Concert.count().distinct([Concert.start_date])
18.37 0.114.0
count queries can now return the number of distinct rows. For example, if we have this table:
class Concert(Table):
band = Varchar()
start_date = Date()
With this data:
band start_date
Pythonistas 2023-01-01
Pythonistas 2023-02-03
Rustaceans 2023-01-01
We can easily get the number of unique concert dates:
>>> await Concert.count(distinct=[Concert.start_date])
We could have just done this instead:
len(await Concert.select(Concert.start_date).distinct())
But it’s far less efficient when you have lots of rows, because all of the distinct rows need to be returned from the
Also, the docs for the count query, aggregate functions, and group_by clause were significantly improved.
Many thanks to @lqmanh and @sinisaos for their help with this.
180 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.38 0.113.0
If Piccolo detects a renamed table in an auto migration, it asks the user for confirmation. When lots of tables have
been renamed, Piccolo is now more intelligent about when to ask for confirmation. Thanks to @sumitsharansatsangi
for suggesting this change, and @sinisaos for reviewing.
Also, fixed the type annotations for MigrationManager.add_table.
18.39 0.112.1
Fixed a bug with serialising table classes in migrations.
18.40 0.112.0
Added support for schemas in Postgres and CockroachDB.
For example:
class Band(Table, schema="music"):
When creating the table, the schema will be created automatically if it doesn’t already exist.
await Band.create_table()
It also works with migrations. If we change the schema value for the table, Piccolo will detect this, and create a
migration for moving it to the new schema.
class Band(Table, schema="music_2"):
# Piccolo will detect that the table needs to be moved to a new schema.
>>> piccolo migrations new my_app --auto
18.41 0.111.1
Fixing a bug with ModelBuilder and Decimal / Numeric columns.
18.38. 0.113.0 181
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.42 0.111.0
Added the on_conflict clause for insert queries. This enables upserts.
For example, here we insert some bands, and if they already exist then do nothing:
await Band.insert(
).on_conflict(action='DO NOTHING')
Here we insert some albums, and if they already exist then we update the price:
await Album.insert(
Album(title='OK Computer', price=10.49),
Album(title='Kid A', price=9.99),
Album(title='The Bends', price=9.49),
action='DO UPDATE',
Thanks to @sinisaos for helping with this.
18.43 0.110.0
18.43.1 ASGI frameworks
The ASGI frameworks in piccolo asgi new have been updated. starlite has been renamed to litestar. Thanks
to @sinisaos for this.
18.43.2 ModelBuilder
Generic types are now used in ModelBuilder.
# mypy knows this is a `Band` instance:
band = await ModelBuilder.build(Band)
182 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Added support for DISTINCT ON queries. For example, here we fetch the most recent album for each band:
>>> await Album.select().distinct(
... on=[Album.band]
... ).order_by(
... Album.band
... ).order_by(
... Album.release_date,
... ascending=False
... )
Thanks to @sinisaos and @williamflaherty for their help with this.
18.44 0.109.0
Joins are now possible without foreign keys using join_on.
For example:
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar(unique=True)
email = Varchar()
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
manager_name = Varchar()
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... Band.manager_name.join_on(Manager.name).email
... )
18.45 0.108.0
Added support for savepoints within transactions.
async with DB.transaction() as transaction:
await Manager.objects().create(name="Great manager")
savepoint = await transaction.savepoint()
await Manager.objects().create(name="Great manager")
await savepoint.rollback_to()
# Only the first manager will be inserted.
The behaviour of nested context managers has also been changed slightly.
18.44. 0.109.0 183
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
async with DB.transaction():
async with DB.transaction():
# This used to raise an exception
We no longer raise an exception if there are nested transaction context managers, instead the inner ones do nothing.
If you want the existing behaviour:
async with DB.transaction():
async with DB.transactiona(allow_nested=False):
# TransactionError!
18.46 0.107.0
Added the log_responses option to the database engines. This makes the engine print out the raw response from the
database for each query, which is useful during debugging.
# piccolo_conf.py
DB = PostgresEngine(
config={'database': 'my_database'},
We also updated the Starlite ASGI template - it now uses the new import paths (thanks to @sinisaos for this).
18.47 0.106.0
Joins now work within update queries. For example:
await Band.update({
Band.name: 'Amazing Band'
Band.manager.name == 'Guido'
Other changes:
Improved the template used by piccolo app new when creating a new Piccolo app (it now uses
184 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.48 0.105.0
Improved the performance of select queries with complex joins. Many thanks to @powellnorma and @sinisaos for
their help with this.
18.49 0.104.0
Major improvements to Piccolo’s typing / auto completion support.
For example:
>>> bands = await Band.objects() # List[Band]
>>> band = await Band.objects().first() # Optional[Band]
>>> bands = await Band.select().output(as_json=True) # str
18.50 0.103.0
18.50.1 SelectRaw
This allows you to access features in the database which aren’t exposed directly by Piccolo. For example, Postgres
from piccolo.query import SelectRaw
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... SelectRaw("log(popularity) AS log_popularity")
... )
[{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'log_popularity': 3.0}]
18.50.2 Large fixtures
Piccolo can now load large fixtures using piccolo fixtures load. The rows are inserted in batches, so the database
adapter doesnt raise any errors.
18.48. 0.105.0 185
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.51 0.102.0
18.51.1 Migration file names
The naming convention for migrations has changed slightly. It used to be just a timestamp - for example:
By convention Python files should start with a letter, and only contain a-z, 0-9 and _, so the new format is:
Note: You can name a migration file anything you want (it’s the ID value inside it which is important), so this change
doesnt break anything.
18.51.2 Enhanced Pydantic configuration
We now expose all of Pydantic’s configuration options to create_pydantic_model:
class MyPydanticConfig(pydantic.BaseConfig):
extra = 'forbid'
model = create_pydantic_model(
Thanks to @waldner for this.
18.51.3 Other changes
Fixed a bug with get_or_create and null columns (thanks to @powellnorma for reporting this issue).
Updated the Starlite ASGI template, so it uses the latest syntax for mounting Piccolo Admin (thanks to @sinisaos
for this, and the Starlite team).
18.52 0.101.0
piccolo fixtures load is now more intelligent about how it loads data, to avoid foreign key constraint errors.
186 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.53 0.100.0
Array columns now support choices.
class Ticket(Table):
class Extras(str, enum.Enum):
drink = "drink"
snack = "snack"
program = "program"
extras = Array(Varchar(), choices=Extras)
We can then use the Enum in our queries:
>>> await Ticket.insert(
... Ticket(extras=[Extras.drink, Extras.snack]),
... Ticket(extras=[Extras.program]),
... )
This will also be supported in Piccolo Admin in the next release.
18.54 0.99.0
You can now use the returning clause with delete queries.
For example:
>>> await Band.delete().where(Band.popularity < 100).returning(Band.name)
[{'name': 'Terrible Band'}, {'name': 'Awful Band'}]
This also means you can count the number of deleted rows:
>>> len(await Band.delete().where(Band.popularity < 100).returning(Band.id))
Thanks to @waldner for adding this feature.
18.55 0.98.0
18.55.1 SQLite TransactionType
You can now specify the transaction type for SQLite.
This is useful when using SQLite in production, as it’s possible to get database locked errors if youre running lots
of transactions concurrently, and dont use the correct transaction type.
In this example we use an IMMEDIATE transaction:
18.53. 0.100.0 187
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
from piccolo.engine.sqlite import TransactionType
async with Band._meta.db.transaction(
band = await Band.objects().get_or_create(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
We’ve added a new tutorial which explains this in more detail, as well as other tips for using asyncio and SQLite together
Thanks to @powellnorma and @sinisaos for their help with this.
18.55.2 Other changes
Fixed a bug with camelCase column names (we recommend using snake_case, but sometimes it’s unavoidable
when using Piccolo with an existing schema). Thanks to @sinisaos for this.
Fixed a typo in the docs with raw queries - thanks to @StitiFatah for this.
18.56 0.97.0
Some big improvements to order_by clauses.
Its now possible to combine ascending and descending:
await Band.select(
You can also order by anything you want using OrderByRaw:
from piccolo.query import OrderByRaw
await Band.select(
188 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.57 0.96.0
Added the auto_update argument to Column. Its main use case is columns like modified_on where we want the
value to be updated automatically each time the row is saved.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
popularity = Integer()
modified_on = Timestamp(
# The `modified_on` column will automatically be updated to the current
# timestamp:
>>> await Band.update({
... Band.popularity: Band.popularity + 100
... }).where(
... Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
... )
It works with MyTable.update and also when using the save method on an existing row.
18.58 0.95.0
Made improvements to the Piccolo playground.
Syntax highlighting is now enabled.
The example queries are now async (iPython supports top level await, so this works fine).
You can optionally use your own iPython configuration piccolo playground run --ipython_profile (for
example if you want a specific colour scheme, rather than the one we use by default).
Thanks to @haffi96 for this. See PR 656.
18.59 0.94.0
Fixed a bug with MyTable.objects().create() and columns which are not nullable. Thanks to @metakot for
reporting this issue.
We used to use logging.getLogger(__file__), but as @Drapersniper pointed out, the Python docs recommend
logging.getLogger(__name__), so it has been changed.
18.57. 0.96.0 189
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.60 0.93.0
Fixed a bug with nullable JSON / JSONB columns and create_pydantic_model - thanks to @eneacosta for
this fix.
Made the Time column type importable from piccolo.columns.
Python 3.11 is now supported.
Postgres 9.6 is no longer officially supported, as it’s end of life, but Piccolo should continue to work with it just
fine for now.
Improved docs for transactions, added docs for the as_of clause in CockroachDB (thanks to @gnat for this),
and added docs for add_raw_backwards.
18.61 0.92.0
Added initial support for Cockroachdb (thanks to @gnat for this massive contribution).
Fixed Pylance warnings (thanks to @MiguelGuthridge for this).
18.62 0.91.0
Added support for Starlite. If you use piccolo asgi new you’ll see it as an option for a router.
Thanks to @sinisaos for adding this, and @peterschutt for helping debug ASGI mounting.
18.63 0.90.0
Fixed an edge case, where a migration could fail if:
5 or more tables were being created at once.
They all contained foreign keys to each other, as shown below.
class TableA(Table):
class TableB(Table):
fk = ForeignKey(TableA)
class TableC(Table):
fk = ForeignKey(TableB)
class TableD(Table):
fk = ForeignKey(TableC)
class TableE(Table):
fk = ForeignKey(TableD)
190 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Thanks to @sumitsharansatsangi for reporting this issue.
18.64 0.89.0
Made it easier to access the Email columns on a table.
>>> MyTable._meta.email_columns
[MyTable.email_column_1, MyTable.email_column_2]
This was added for Piccolo Admin.
18.65 0.88.0
Fixed a bug with migrations - when using db_column_name it wasnt being used in some alter statements. Thanks to
@theelderbeever for reporting this issue.
class Concert(Table):
# We use `db_column_name` when the column name is problematic - e.g. if
# it clashes with a Python keyword.
in_ = Varchar(db_column_name='in')
18.66 0.87.0
When using get_or_create with prefetch the behaviour was inconsistent - it worked as expected when the row
already existed, but prefetch wasnt working if the row was being created. This now works as expected:
>>> band = Band.objects(Band.manager).get_or_create(
... (Band.name == "New Band 2") & (Band.manager == 1)
... )
>>> band.manager
<Manager: 1>
>>> band.manager.name
"Mr Manager"
Thanks to @backwardspy for reporting this issue.
18.64. 0.89.0 191
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.67 0.86.0
Added the Email column type. Its basically identical to Varchar, except that when we use create_pydantic_model
we add email validation to the generated Pydantic model.
from piccolo.columns.column_types import Email
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.utils.pydantic import create_pydantic_model
class MyTable(Table):
email = Email()
model = create_pydantic_model(MyTable)
model(email="not a valid email")
# ValidationError!
Thanks to @sinisaos for implementing this feature.
18.68 0.85.1
Fixed a bug with migrations - when run backwards, raw was being called instead of raw_backwards. Thanks to
@translunar for the fix.
18.69 0.85.0
You can now append items to an array in an update query:
await Ticket.update({
Ticket.seat_numbers: Ticket.seat_numbers + [1000]
}).where(Ticket.id == 1)
Currently Postgres only. Thanks to @sumitsharansatsangi for suggesting this feature.
18.70 0.84.0
You can now preview the DDL statements which will be run by Piccolo migrations.
piccolo migrations forwards my_app --preview
Thanks to @AliSayyah for adding this feature.
192 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.71 0.83.0
We added support for Postgres read-slaves a few releases ago, but the batch clause didnt support it until now. Thanks
to @guruvignesh01 for reporting this issue, and @sinisaos for help implementing it.
# Returns 100 rows at a time from read_replica_db
async with await Manager.select().batch(
) as batch:
async for _batch in batch:
18.72 0.82.0
Traditionally, when instantiating a Table, you passed in column values using kwargs:
>>> await Manager(name='Guido').save()
You can now pass in a dictionary instead, which makes it easier for static typing analysis tools like Mypy to detect
>>> await Manager({Manager.name: 'Guido'}).save()
See PR 565 for more info.
18.73 0.81.0
Added the returning clause to insert and update queries.
This can be used to retrieve data from the inserted / modified rows.
Heres an example, where we update the unpopular bands, and retrieve their names, in a single query:
>>> await Band.update({
... Band.popularity: Band.popularity + 5
... }).where(
... Band.popularity < 10
... ).returning(
... Band.name
... )
[{'name': 'Bad sound band'}, {'name': 'Tone deaf band'}]
See PR 564 and PR 563 for more info.
18.71. 0.83.0 193
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.74 0.80.2
Fixed a bug with Combination.__str__, which meant that when printing out a query for debugging purposes it was
wasnt showing correctly (courtesy @destos).
18.75 0.80.1
Fixed a bug with Piccolo Admin and _get_related_readable, which is used to show a human friendly identifier for
a row, rather than just the ID.
Thanks to @ethagnawl and @sinisaos for their help with this.
18.76 0.80.0
There was a bug when doing joins with a JSONB column with as_alias.
class User(Table, tablename="my_user"):
name = Varchar(length=120)
config = JSONB(default={})
class Subscriber(Table, tablename="subscriber"):
name = Varchar(length=120)
user = ForeignKey(references=User)
async def main():
# This was failing:
await Subscriber.select(
Thanks to @Anton-Karpenko for reporting this issue.
Even though this is a bug fix, the minor version number has been bumped because the fix resulted in some refactoring
of Piccolo’s internals, so is a fairly big change.
194 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.77 0.79.0
Added a custom __repr__ method to Tables metaclass. It’s needed to improve the appearance of our Sphinx docs.
See issue 549 for more details.
18.78 0.78.0
Added the callback clause to select and objects queries (courtesy @backwardspy). For example:
>>> await Band.select().callback(my_callback)
The callback can be a normal function or async function, which is called when the query is successful. The callback
can be used to modify the query’s output.
It allows for some interesting and powerful code. Here’s a very simple example where we modify the query’s output:
>>> def get_uppercase_names() -> Select:
... def make_uppercase(response):
... return [{'name': i['name'].upper()} for i in response]
... return Band.select(Band.name).callback(make_uppercase)
>>> await get_uppercase_names().where(Band.manager.name == 'Guido')
[{'name': 'PYTHONISTAS'}]
Heres another example, where we perform validation on the query’s output:
>>> def get_concerts() -> Select:
... def check_length(response):
... if len(response) == 0:
... raise ValueError('No concerts!')
... return response
... return Concert.select().callback(check_length)
>>> await get_concerts().where(Concert.band_1.name == 'Terrible Band')
ValueError: No concerts!
At the moment, callbacks are just triggered when a query is successful, but in the future other callbacks will be added,
to hook into more of Piccolo’s internals.
18.77. 0.79.0 195
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.79 0.77.0
Added the refresh method. If you have an object which has gotten stale, and want to refresh it, so it has the latest
data from the database, you can now do this:
# If we have an instance:
band = await Band.objects().first()
# And it has gotten stale, we can refresh it:
await band.refresh()
Thanks to @trondhindenes for suggesting this feature.
18.80 0.76.1
Fixed a bug with atomic when run async with a connection pool.
For example:
atomic = Band._meta.db.atomic()
atomic.add(query_1, query_1)
# This was failing:
await atomic.run()
Thanks to @Anton-Karpenko for reporting this issue.
18.81 0.76.0
18.81.1 create_db_tables / drop_db_tables
Added create_db_tables and create_db_tables_sync to replace create_tables. The problem was
create_tables was sync only, and was inconsistent with the rest of Piccolos API, which is async first.
create_tables will continue to work for now, but is deprecated, and will be removed in version 1.0.
Likewise, drop_db_tables and drop_db_tables_sync have replaced drop_tables.
When calling create_tables / drop_tables within other async libraries (such as ward) it was sometimes unreliable
- the best solution was just to make async versions of these functions. Thanks to @backwardspy for reporting this issue.
196 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.81.2 BaseUser password validation
We centralised the password validation logic in BaseUser into a method called _validate_password. This is needed
by Piccolo API, but also makes it easier for users to override this logic if subclassing BaseUser.
18.81.3 More run_sync refinements
run_sync, which is the main utility function which Piccolo uses to run async code, has been further simplified for
Python > v3.10 compatibility.
18.82 0.75.0
Changed how piccolo.utils.sync.run_sync works, to prevent a warning on Python 3.10. Thanks to @Draper-
sniper for reporting this issue.
Lots of documentation improvements - particularly around testing, and Docker deployment.
18.83 0.74.4
piccolo schema generate now outputs a warning when it can’t detect the ON DELETE and ON UPDATE for a
ForeignKey, rather than raising an exception. Thanks to @theelderbeever for reporting this issue.
run_sync doesnt use the connection pool by default anymore. It was causing issues when an app contained sync and
async code. Thanks to @WintonLi for reporting this issue.
Added a tutorial to the docs for using Piccolo with an existing project and database. Thanks to @virajkanwade for
reporting this issue.
18.84 0.74.3
If you had a table containing an array of BigInt, then migrations could fail:
from piccolo.table import Table
from piccolo.columns.column_types import Array, BigInt
class MyTable(Table):
my_column = Array(base_column=BigInt())
Its because the BigInt base column needs access to the parent table to know if it’s targeting Postgres or SQLite. See
PR 501.
Thanks to @cheesycod for reporting this issue.
18.82. 0.75.0 197
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.85 0.74.2
If a user created a custom Column subclass, then migrations would fail. For example:
class CustomColumn(Varchar):
def __init__(self, custom_arg: str = '', *args, **kwargs):
self.custom_arg = custom_arg
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def column_type(self):
return 'VARCHAR'
See PR 497. Thanks to @WintonLi for reporting this issue.
18.86 0.74.1
When using pip install piccolo[all] on Windows it would fail because uvloop isn’t supported. Thanks to
@jack1142 for reporting this issue.
18.87 0.74.0
We’ve had the ability to bulk modify rows for a while. Here we append '!!!' to each band’s name:
>>> await Band.update({Band.name: Band.name + '!!!'}, force=True)
It only worked for some columns - Varchar, Text, Integer etc.
We now allow Date, Timestamp, Timestamptz and Interval columns to be bulk modified using a timedelta.
Here we modify each concert’s start date, so its one day later:
>>> await Concert.update(
... {Concert.starts: Concert.starts + timedelta(days=1)},
... force=True
... )
Thanks to @theelderbeever for suggesting this feature.
198 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.88 0.73.0
You can now specify extra nodes for a database. For example, if you have a read replica.
DB = PostgresEngine(
config={'database': 'main_db'},
'read_replica_1': PostgresEngine(
'database': 'main_db',
'host': 'read_replica_1.my_db.com'
And can then run queries on these other nodes:
>>> await MyTable.select().run(node="read_replica_1")
See PR 481. Thanks to @dashsatish for suggesting this feature.
Also, the targ library has been updated so it tells users about the --trace argument which can be used to get a full
traceback when a CLI command fails.
18.89 0.72.0
Fixed typos with drop_constraints. Courtesy @smythp.
Lots of documentation improvements, such as fixing Sphinx’s autodoc for the Array column.
AppConfig now accepts a pathlib.Path instance. For example:
# piccolo_app.py
import pathlib
APP_CONFIG = AppConfig(
migrations_folder_path=pathlib.Path(__file__) / "piccolo_migrations"
Thanks to @theelderbeever for recommending this feature.
18.88. 0.73.0 199
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.90 0.71.1
Fixed a bug with ModelBuilder and nullable columns (see PR 462). Thanks to @fiolet069 for reporting this issue.
18.91 0.71.0
The ModelBuilder class, which is used to generate mock data in tests, now supports Array columns. Courtesy
Lots of internal code optimisations and clean up. Courtesy @yezz123.
Added docs for troubleshooting common MyPy errors.
Also thanks to @adriangb for helping us with our dependency issues.
18.92 0.70.1
Fixed a bug with auto migrations. If renaming multiple columns at once, it could get confused. Thanks to @theelder-
beever for reporting this issue, and @sinisaos for helping to replicate it. See PR 457.
18.93 0.70.0
We ran a profiler on the Piccolo codebase and identified some optimisations. For example, we were calling self.
querystring multiple times in a method, rather than assigning it to a local variable.
We also ran a linter which identified when list / set / dict comprehensions could be more efficient.
The performance is now slightly improved (especially when fetching large numbers of rows from the database).
Example query times on a MacBook, when fetching 1000 rows from a local Postgres database (using await
8 ms without a connection pool
2 ms with a connection pool
As you can see, having a connection pool is the main thing you can do to improve performance.
Thanks to @AliSayyah for all his work on this.
200 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.94 0.69.5
Made improvements to piccolo schema generate, which automatically generates Piccolo Table classes from an
existing database.
There were situations where it would fail ungracefully when it couldn’t parse an index definition. It no longer crashes,
and we print out the problematic index definitions. See PR 449. Thanks to @gmos for originally reporting this issue.
We also improved the error messages if schema generation fails for some reason by letting the user know which table
caused the error. Courtesy @AliSayyah.
18.95 0.69.4
We used to raise a ValueError if a column was both null=False and default=None. This has now been removed,
as there are situations where it’s valid for columns to be configured that way. Thanks to @gmos for suggesting this
18.96 0.69.3
The where clause now raises a ValueError if a boolean value is passed in by accident. This was possible in the
following situation:
await Band.select().where(Band.has_drummer is None)
Piccolo cant override the is operator because Python doesnt allow it, so Band.has_drummer is None will always
equal False. Thanks to @trondhindenes for reporting this issue.
We’ve also put a lot of effort into improving documentation throughout the project.
18.97 0.69.2
Lots of documentation improvements, including how to customise BaseUser (courtesy @sinisaos).
Fixed a bug with creating indexes when the column name clashes with a SQL keyword (e.g. 'order'). See Pr
433. Thanks to @wmshort for reporting this issue.
Fixed an issue where some slots were incorrectly configured (courtesy @ariebovenberg). See PR 426.
18.94. 0.69.5 201
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.98 0.69.1
Fixed a bug with auto migrations which rename columns - see PR 423. Thanks to @theelderbeever for reporting this,
and @sinisaos for help investigating.
18.99 0.69.0
Added Xpresso as a supported ASGI framework when using piccolo asgi new to generate a web app.
Thanks to @sinisaos for adding this template, and @adriangb for reviewing.
We also took this opportunity to update our FastAPI and BlackSheep ASGI templates.
18.100 0.68.0
18.100.1 Update queries without a where clause
If you try and perform an update query without a where clause you will now get an error:
>>> await Band.update({Band.name: 'New Band'})
If you want to update all rows in the table, you can still do so, but you must pass force=True.
>>> await Band.update({Band.name: 'New Band'}, force=True)
This is a similar to delete queries, which require a where clause or force=True.
It was pointed out by @theelderbeever that an accidental mass update is almost as bad as a mass deletion, which is why
this safety measure has been added.
See PR 412.
Warning: This is a breaking change. It you’re doing update queries without a where clause, you will need to add
18.100.2 JSONB improvements
Fixed some bugs with nullable JSONB columns. A value of None is now stored as null in the database, instead of the
JSON string 'null'. Thanks to @theelderbeever for reporting this.
See PR 413.
202 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.101 0.67.0
18.101.1 create_user
BaseUser now has a create_user method, which adds some extra password validation vs just instantiating and saving
BaseUser directly.
>>> await BaseUser.create_user(username='bob', password='abc123XYZ')
<BaseUser: 1>
We check that passwords are a reasonable length, and arent already hashed. See PR 402.
18.101.2 async first
All of the docs have been updated to show the async version of queries.
For example:
# Previous:
# Now:
await Band.select()
Most people use Piccolo in async apps, and the playground supports top level await, so you can just paste in await
Band.select() and it will still work. See PR 407.
We decided to use await Band.select() instead of await Band.select().run(). Both work, and have their
merits, but the simpler version is probably easier for newcomers.
18.102 0.66.1
In Piccolo you can print out any query to see the SQL which will be generated:
>>> print(Band.select())
SELECT "band"."id", "band"."name", "band"."manager", "band"."popularity" FROM band
It didnt represent UUID and datetime values correctly, which is now fixed (courtesy @theelderbeever). See PR 405.
18.103 0.66.0
Using descriptors to improve MyPy support (PR 399).
MyPy is now able to correctly infer the type in lots of different scenarios:
18.101. 0.67.0 203
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
# MyPy knows this is a Varchar
band = Band()
band.name = "Pythonistas" # MyPy knows we can assign strings when it's a class instance
band.name # MyPy knows we will get a string back
band.name = 1 # MyPy knows this is an error, as we should only be allowed to assign
18.104 0.65.1
Fixed bug with BaseUser and Piccolo API.
18.105 0.65.0
The BaseUser table hashes passwords before storing them in the database.
When we create a fixture from the BaseUser table (using piccolo fixtures dump), it looks something like:
"id": 11,
"username": "bob",
"password": "pbkdf2_sha256$10000$abc123",
When we load the fixture (using piccolo fixtures load) we need to be careful in case BaseUser tries to hash the
password again (it would then be a hash of a hash, and hence incorrect). We now have additional checks in place to
prevent this.
Thanks to @mrbazzan for implementing this, and @sinisaos for help reviewing.
18.106 0.64.0
Added initial support for ForeignKey columns referencing non-primary key columns. For example:
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
email = Varchar(unique=True)
class Band(Table):
manager = ForeignKey(Manager, target_column=Manager.email)
204 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Thanks to @theelderbeever for suggesting this feature, and with help testing.
18.107 0.63.1
Fixed an issue with the value_type of ForeignKey columns when referencing a table with a custom primary key
column (such as a UUID).
18.108 0.63.0
Added an exclude_imported option to table_finder.
APP_CONFIG = AppConfig(
table_classes=table_finder(['music.tables'], exclude_imported=True)
Its useful when we want to import Table subclasses defined within a module itself, but not imported ones:
# tables.py
from piccolo.apps.user.tables import BaseUser # excluded
from piccolo.columns.column_types import ForeignKey, Varchar
from piccolo.table import Table
class Musician(Table): # included
name = Varchar()
user = ForeignKey(BaseUser)
This was also possible using tags, but was less convenient. Thanks to @sinisaos for reporting this issue.
18.109 0.62.3
Fixed the error message in LazyTableReference.
Fixed a bug with create_pydantic_model with nested models. For example:
create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,))
Sometimes Pydantic couldnt uniquely identify the nested models. Thanks to @wmshort and @sinisaos for their help
with this.
18.107. 0.63.1 205
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.110 0.62.2
Added a max password length to the BaseUser table. By default its set to 128 characters.
18.111 0.62.1
Fixed a bug with Readable when it contains lots of joins.
Readable is used to create a user friendly representation of a row in Piccolo Admin.
18.112 0.62.0
Added Many-To-Many support.
from piccolo.columns.column_types import (
from piccolo.columns.m2m import M2M
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
genres = M2M(LazyTableReference("GenreToBand", module_path=__name__))
class Genre(Table):
name = Varchar()
bands = M2M(LazyTableReference("GenreToBand", module_path=__name__))
# This is our joining table:
class GenreToBand(Table):
band = ForeignKey(Band)
genre = ForeignKey(Genre)
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.genres(Genre.name, as_list=True))
"name": "Pythonistas",
"genres": ["Rock", "Folk"]
206 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
See the docs for more details.
Many thanks to @sinisaos and @yezz123 for all the input.
18.113 0.61.2
Fixed some edge cases where migrations would fail if a column name clashed with a reserved Postgres keyword (for
example order or select).
We now have more robust tests for piccolo asgi new - as part of our CI we actually run the generated ASGI app to
make sure it works (thanks to @AliSayyah and @yezz123 for their help with this).
We also improved docstrings across the project.
18.114 0.61.1
18.114.1 Nicer ASGI template
When using piccolo asgi new to generate a web app, it now has a nicer home page template, with improved styles.
18.114.2 Improved schema generation
Fixed a bug with piccolo schema generate where it would crash if the column type was unrecognised, due to
failing to parse the columns default value. Thanks to @gmos for reporting this issue, and figuring out the fix.
18.114.3 Fix Pylance error
Added start_connection_pool and close_connection_pool methods to the base Engine class (courtesy
18.115 0.61.0
The save method now supports a columns argument, so when updating a row you can specify which values to sync
back. For example:
band = await Band.objects().get(Band.name == "Pythonistas")
band.name = "Super Pythonistas"
await band.save([Band.name])
# Alternatively, strings are also supported:
await band.save(['name'])
Thanks to @trondhindenes for suggesting this feature.
18.113. 0.61.2 207
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18.116 0.60.2
Fixed a bug with asyncio.gather not working with some query types. It was due to them being dataclasses, and they
couldnt be hashed properly. Thanks to @brnosouza for reporting this issue.
18.117 0.60.1
Modified the import path for MigrationManager in migration files. It was confusing Pylance (VSCodes type
checker). Thanks to @gmos for reporting and investigating this issue.
18.118 0.60.0
18.118.1 Secret columns
All column types can now be secret, rather than being limited to the Secret column type which is a Varchar under
the hood (courtesy @sinisaos).
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
net_worth = Integer(secret=True)
The reason this is useful is you can do queries such as:
>>> Manager.select(exclude_secrets=True).run_sync()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Guido'}]
In the Piccolo API project we have PiccoloCRUD which is an incredibly powerful way of building an API with very
little code. PiccoloCRUD has an exclude_secrets option which lets you safely expose your data without leaking
sensitive information.
18.118.2 Pydantic improvements
create_pydantic_model now has a max_recursion_depth argument, which is useful when using nested=True
on large database schemas.
>>> create_pydantic_model(MyTable, nested=True, max_recursion_depth=3)
208 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
Nested tuple
You can now pass a tuple of columns as the argument to nested:
>>> create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,))
This gives you more control than just using nested=True.
include_columns / exclude_columns
You can now include / exclude columns from related tables. For example:
>>> create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,), exclude_columns=(Band.manager.
>>> create_pydantic_model(Band, nested=(Band.manager,), include_columns=(Band.name, Band.
18.119 0.59.0
When using piccolo asgi new to generate a FastAPI app, the generated code is now cleaner. It also contains
a conftest.py file, which encourages people to use piccolo tester run rather than using pytest directly.
Tidied up docs, and added logo.
Clarified the use of the PICCOLO_CONF environment variable in the docs (courtesy @theelderbeever).
create_pydantic_model now accepts an include_columns argument, in case you only want a few columns
in your model, it’s faster than using exclude_columns (courtesy @sinisaos).
Updated linters, and fixed new errors.
18.120 0.58.0
18.120.1 Improved Pydantic docs
The Pydantic docs used to be in the Piccolo API repo, but have been moved over to this repo. We took this opportunity
to improve them significantly with additional examples. Courtesy @sinisaos.
18.119. 0.59.0 209
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.120.2 Internal code refactoring
Some of the code has been optimised and cleaned up. Courtesy @yezz123.
18.120.3 Schema generation for recursive foreign keys
When using piccolo schema generate, it would get stuck in a loop if a table had a foreign key column which
referenced itself. Thanks to @knguyen5 for reporting this issue, and @wmshort for implementing the fix. The output
will now look like:
class Employee(Table):
name = Varchar()
manager = ForeignKey("self")
18.120.4 Fixing a bug with Alter.add_column
When using the Alter.add_column API directly (not via migrations), it would fail with foreign key columns. For
This has now been fixed. Thanks to @wmshort for discovering this issue.
18.120.5 create_pydantic_model improvements
Additional fields can now be added to the Pydantic schema. This is useful when using Pydantic’s JSON schema
my_model = create_pydantic_model(Band, my_extra_field="Hello")
>>> my_model.schema()
{..., "my_extra_field": "Hello"}
This feature was added to support new features in Piccolo Admin.
18.120.6 Fixing a bug with import clashes in migrations
In certain situations it was possible to create a migration file with clashing imports. For example:
from uuid import UUID
from piccolo.columns.column_types import UUID
Piccolo now tries to detect these clashes, and prevent them. If they cant be prevented automatically, a warning is shown
to the user. Courtesy @0scarB.
210 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.121 0.57.0
Added Python 3.10 support (courtesy @kennethcheo).
18.122 0.56.0
18.122.1 Fixed schema generation bug
When using piccolo schema generate to auto generate Piccolo Table classes from an existing database, it would
fail in this situation:
A table has a column with an index.
The column name clashed with a Postgres type.
For example, we couldn’t auto generate this Table class:
class MyTable(Table):
time = Timestamp(index=True)
This is because time is a builtin Postgres type, and the CREATE INDEX statement being inspected in the database
wrapped the column name in quotes, which broke our regex.
Thanks to @knguyen5 for fixing this.
18.122.2 Improved testing docs
A convenience method called get_table_classes was added to Finder.
Finder is the main class in Piccolo for dynamically importing projects / apps / tables / migrations etc.
get_table_classes lets us easily get the Table classes for a project. This makes writing unit tests easier, when we
need to setup a schema.
from unittest import TestCase
from piccolo.table import create_tables, drop_tables
from piccolo.conf.apps import Finder
TABLES = Finder().get_table_classes()
class TestApp(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def test_app(self):
# Do some testing ...
18.121. 0.57.0 211
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
The docs were updated to reflect this.
When dropping tables in a unit test, remember to use piccolo tester run, to make sure the test database is used.
18.122.3 get_output_schema
get_output_schema is the main entrypoint for database reflection in Piccolo. It has been modified to accept an
optional Engine argument, which makes it more flexible.
18.123 0.55.0
18.123.1 Table._meta.refresh_db
Added the ability to refresh the database engine.
This causes the Table to fetch the Engine again from your piccolo_conf.py file. The reason this is useful, is you
might change the PICCOLO_CONF environment variable, and some Table classes have already imported an engine.
This is now used by the piccolo tester run command to ensure all Table classes have the correct engine.
18.123.2 ColumnMeta edge cases
Fixed an edge case where ColumnMeta couldn’t be copied if it had extra attributes added to it.
18.123.3 Improved column type conversion
When running migrations which change column types, Piccolo now provides the USING clause to the ALTER COLUMN
DDL statement, which makes it more likely that type conversion will be successful.
For example, if there is an Integer column, and it’s converted to a Varchar column, the migration will run fine. In
the past, running this in reverse would fail. Now Postgres will try and cast the values back to integers, which makes
reversing migrations more likely to succeed.
18.123.4 Added drop_tables
There is now a convenience function for dropping several tables in one go. If the database doesn’t support CASCADE,
then the tables are sorted based on their ForeignKey columns, so they’re dropped in the correct order. It all runs inside
a transaction.
from piccolo.table import drop_tables
drop_tables(Band, Manager)
This is a useful tool in unit tests.
212 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.123.5 Index support in schema generation
When using piccolo schema generate, Piccolo will now reflect the indexes from the database into the generated
Table classes. Thanks to @wmshort for this.
18.124 0.54.0
Added the db_column_name option to columns. This is for edge cases where a legacy database is being used, with
problematic column names. For example, if a column is called class, this clashes with a Python builtin, so the
following isnt possible:
class MyTable(Table):
class = Varchar() # Syntax error!
You can now do the following:
class MyTable(Table):
class_ = Varchar(db_column_name='class')
Here are some example queries using it:
# Create - both work as expected
# Objects
row = MyTable.objects().first().where(MyTable.class_ == 'Test').run_sync()
>>> row.class_
# Select
>>> MyTable.select().first().where(MyTable.class_ == 'Test').run_sync()
{'id': 1, 'class': 'Test'}
18.125 0.53.0
An internal code clean up (courtesy @yezz123).
Dramatically improved CLI appearance when running migrations (courtesy @wmshort).
Added a runtime reflection feature, where Table classes can be generated on the fly from existing database tables
(courtesy @AliSayyah). This is useful when dealing with very dynamic databases, where tables are frequently being
added / modified, so hard coding them in a tables.py is impractical. Also, for exploring databases on the command
line. It currently just supports Postgres.
Heres an example:
18.124. 0.54.0 213
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
from piccolo.table_reflection import TableStorage
storage = TableStorage()
Band = await storage.get_table('band')
>>> await Band.select().run()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': 1}, ...]
18.126 0.52.0
Lots of improvements to piccolo schema generate:
Dramatically improved performance, by executing more queries in parallel (courtesy @AliSayyah).
If a table in the database has a foreign key to a table in another schema, this will now work (courtesy @AliSayyah).
The column defaults are now extracted from the database (courtesy @wmshort).
The scale and precision values for Numeric / Decimal column types are extracted from the database (cour-
tesy @wmshort).
The ON DELETE and ON UPDATE values for ForeignKey columns are now extracted from the database (courtesy
Added BigSerial column type (courtesy @aliereno).
Added GitHub issue templates (courtesy @AbhijithGanesh).
18.127 0.51.1
Fixing a bug with on_delete and on_update not being set correctly. Thanks to @wmshort for discovering this.
18.128 0.51.0
Modified create_pydantic_model, so JSON and JSONB columns have a format attribute of 'json'. This will be
used by Piccolo Admin for improved JSON support. Courtesy @sinisaos.
Fixing a bug where the piccolo fixtures load command wasnt registered with the Piccolo CLI.
214 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.129 0.50.0
The where clause can now accept multiple arguments (courtesy @AliSayyah):
Concert.venue.name == 'Royal Albert Hall',
Concert.band_1.name == 'Pythonistas'
Its another way of expressing AND. It’s equivalent to both of these:
Concert.venue.name == 'Royal Albert Hall'
Concert.band_1.name == 'Pythonistas'
(Concert.venue.name == 'Royal Albert Hall') & (Concert.band_1.name == 'Pythonistas')
Added a create method, which is an easier way of creating objects (courtesy @AliSayyah).
# This still works:
band = Band(name="C-Sharps", popularity=100)
# But now we can do it in a single line using `create`:
band = Band.objects().create(name="C-Sharps", popularity=100).run_sync()
Fixed a bug with piccolo schema generate where columns with unrecognised column types were omitted from
the output (courtesy @AliSayyah).
Added docs for the --trace argument, which can be used with Piccolo commands to get a traceback if the command
fails (courtesy @hipertracker).
Added DoublePrecision column type, which is similar to Real in that it stores float values. However, those values
are stored at greater precision (courtesy @AliSayyah).
Improved AppRegistry, so if a user only adds the app name (e.g. blog), instead of blog.piccolo_app, it will now
emit a warning, and will try to import blog.piccolo_app (courtesy @aliereno).
18.130 0.49.0
Fixed a bug with create_pydantic_model when used with a Decimal / Numeric column when no digits argu-
ments was set (courtesy @AliSayyah).
Added the create_tables function, which accepts a sequence of Table subclasses, then sorts them based on their
ForeignKey columns, and creates them. This is really useful for people who aren’t using migrations (for example,
when using Piccolo in a simple data science script). Courtesy @AliSayyah.
18.129. 0.50.0 215
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
from piccolo.tables import create_tables
create_tables(Band, Manager, if_not_exists=True)
# Equivalent to:
Fixed typos with the new fixtures app - sometimes it was referred to as fixture and other times fixtures. It’s now
standardised as fixtures (courtesy @hipertracker).
18.131 0.48.0
The piccolo user create command can now be used by passing in command line arguments, instead of using the
interactive prompt (courtesy @AliSayyah).
For example piccolo user create --username=bob ....
This is useful when you want to create users in a script.
18.132 0.47.0
You can now use pip install piccolo[all], which will install all optional requirements.
18.133 0.46.0
Added the fixtures app. This is used to dump data from a database to a JSON file, and then reload it again. It’s useful
for seeding a database with essential data, whether that’s a colleague setting up their local environment, or deploying
to production.
To create a fixture:
piccolo fixtures dump --apps=blog > fixture.json
To load a fixture:
piccolo fixtures load fixture.json
As part of this change, Piccolo’s Pydantic support was brought into this library (prior to this it only existed within the
piccolo_api library). At a later date, the piccolo_api library will be updated, so its Pydantic code just proxies to
whats within the main piccolo library.
216 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.134 0.45.1
Improvements to piccolo schema generate. It’s now smarter about which imports to include. Also, the Table
classes output will now be sorted based on their ForeignKey columns. Internally the sorting algorithm has been
changed to use the graphlib module, which was added in Python 3.9.
18.135 0.45.0
Added the piccolo schema graph command for visualising your database structure, which outputs a Graphviz file.
It can then be turned into an image, for example:
piccolo schema map | dot -Tpdf -o graph.pdf
Also made some minor changes to the ASGI templates, to reduce MyPy errors.
18.136 0.44.1
Updated to_dict so it works with nested objects, as introduced by the prefetch functionality.
For example:
band = Band.objects(Band.manager).first().run_sync()
>>> band.to_dict()
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Guido'}}
It also works with filtering:
>>> band.to_dict(Band.name, Band.manager.name)
{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': {'name': 'Guido'}}
18.137 0.44.0
Added the ability to prefetch related objects. Here’s an example:
band = await Band.objects(Band.manager).run()
>>> band.manager
<Manager: 1>
If a table has a lot of ForeignKey columns, there’s a useful shortcut, which will return all of the related rows as objects.
18.134. 0.45.1 217
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
concert = await Concert.objects(Concert.all_related()).run()
>>> concert.band_1
<Band: 1>
>>> concert.band_2
<Band: 2>
>>> concert.venue
<Venue: 1>
Thanks to @wmshort for all the input.
18.138 0.43.0
Migrations containing Array, JSON and JSONB columns should be more reliable now. More unit tests were added to
cover edge cases.
18.139 0.42.0
You can now use all_columns at the root. For example:
await Band.select(
You can also exclude certain columns if you like:
await Band.select(
18.140 0.41.1
Fix a regression where if multiple tables are created in a single migration file, it could potentially fail by applying them
in the wrong order.
218 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.141 0.41.0
Fixed a bug where if all_columns was used two or more levels deep, it would fail. Thanks to @wmshort for reporting
this issue.
Heres an example:
Also, the ColumnsDelegate has now been tweaked, so unpacking of all_columns is optional.
# This now works the same as the code above (we have omitted the *)
18.142 0.40.1
Loosen the typing-extensions requirement, as it was causing issues when installing asyncpg.
18.143 0.40.0
Added nested output option, which makes the response from a select query use nested dictionaries:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, *Band.manager.all_columns()).output(nested=True).run()
[{'name': 'Pythonistas', 'manager': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Guido'}}]
Thanks to @wmshort for the idea.
18.144 0.39.0
Added to_dict method to Table.
If you just use __dict__ on a Table instance, you get some non-column values. By using to_dict it’s just the column
values. Here’s an example:
class MyTable(Table):
name = Varchar()
instance = MyTable.objects().first().run_sync()
(continues on next page)
18.141. 0.41.0 219
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
>>> instance.__dict__
{'_exists_in_db': True, 'id': 1, 'name': 'foo'}
>>> instance.to_dict()
{'id': 1, 'name': 'foo'}
Thanks to @wmshort for the idea, and @aminalaee and @sinisaos for investigating edge cases.
18.145 0.38.2
Removed problematic type hint which assumed pytest was installed.
18.146 0.38.1
Minor changes to get_or_create to make sure it handles joins correctly.
instance = (
(Band.name == "My new band")
& (Band.manager.name == "Excellent manager")
In this situation, there are two columns called name - we need to make sure the correct value is applied if the row
doesnt exist.
18.147 0.38.0
get_or_create now supports more complex where clauses. For example:
row = await Band.objects().get_or_create(
(Band.name == 'Pythonistas') & (Band.popularity == 1000)
And you can find out whether the row was created or not using row._was_created.
Thanks to @wmshort for reporting this issue.
220 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.148 0.37.0
Added ModelBuilder, which can be used to generate data for tests (courtesy @aminalaee).
18.149 0.36.0
Fixed an issue where like and ilike clauses required a wildcard. For example:
await Manager.select().where(Manager.name.ilike('Guido%')).run()
You can now omit wildcards if you like:
await Manager.select().where(Manager.name.ilike('Guido')).run()
Which would match on 'guido' and 'Guido', but not 'Guidoxyz'.
Thanks to @wmshort for reporting this issue.
18.150 0.35.0
Improved PrimaryKey deprecation warning (courtesy @tonybaloney).
Added piccolo schema generate which creates a Piccolo schema from an existing database.
Added piccolo tester run which is a wrapper around pytest, and temporarily sets PICCOLO_CONF, so a test
database is used.
Added the get convenience method (courtesy @aminalaee). It returns the first matching record, or None if
theres no match. For example:
manager = await Manager.objects().get(Manager.name == 'Guido').run()
# This is equivalent to:
manager = await Manager.objects().where(Manager.name == 'Guido').first().run()
18.151 0.34.0
Added the get_or_create convenience method (courtesy @aminalaee). Example usage:
manager = await Manager.objects().get_or_create(
Manager.name == 'Guido'
18.148. 0.37.0 221
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.152 0.33.1
Bug fix, where compare_dicts was failing in migrations if any Column had an unhashable type as an argument.
For example: Array(default=[]). Thanks to @hipertracker for reporting this problem.
Increased the minimum version of orjson, so binaries are available for Macs running on Apple silicon (courtesy
18.153 0.33.0
Fix for auto migrations when using custom primary keys (thanks to @adriangb and @aminalaee for investigating this
18.154 0.32.0
Migrations can now have a description, which is shown when using piccolo migrations check. This makes mi-
grations easier to identify (thanks to @davidolrik for the idea).
18.155 0.31.0
Added an all_columns method, to make it easier to retrieve all related columns when doing a join. For example:
await Band.select(Band.name, *Band.manager.all_columns()).first().run()
Changed the instructions for installing additional dependencies, so they’re wrapped in quotes, to make sure it works on
ZSH (i.e. pip install 'piccolo[postgres]' instead of pip install piccolo[postgres]).
18.156 0.30.0
The database drivers are now installed separately. For example: pip install piccolo[postgres] (courtesy @am-
For some users this might be a breaking change - please make sure that for existing Piccolo projects, you have either
asyncpg, or piccolo[postgres] in your requirements.txt file.
222 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.157 0.29.0
The user can now specify the primary key column (courtesy @aminalaee). For example:
class RecordingStudio(Table):
pk = UUID(primary_key=True)
The BlackSheep template generated by piccolo asgi new now supports mounting of the Piccolo Admin (courtesy
18.158 0.28.0
Added aggregations functions, such as Sum, Min, Max and Avg, for use in select queries (courtesy @sinisaos).
18.159 0.27.0
Added uvloop as an optional dependency, installed via pip install piccolo[uvloop] (courtesy @aminalaee). uvloop is a
faster implementation of the asyncio event loop found in Pythons standard library. When uvloop is installed, Piccolo
will use it to increase the performance of the Piccolo CLI, and web servers such as Uvicorn will use it to increase the
performance of your ASGI app.
18.160 0.26.0
Added eq and ne methods to the Boolean column, which can be used if linters complain about using SomeTable.
some_column == True.
18.161 0.25.0
Changed the migration IDs, so the timestamp now includes microseconds. This is to make clashing migration
IDs much less likely.
Added a lot of end-to-end tests for migrations, which revealed some bugs in Column defaults.
18.157. 0.29.0 223
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.162 0.24.1
A bug fix for migrations. See issue 123 for more information.
18.163 0.24.0
Lots of improvements to JSON and JSONB columns. Piccolo will now automatically convert between Python types and
JSON strings. For example, with this schema:
class RecordingStudio(Table):
name = Varchar()
facilities = JSON()
We can now do the following:
name="Abbey Road",
facilities={'mixing_desk': True} # Will automatically be converted to a JSON string
Similarly, when fetching data from a JSON column, Piccolo can now automatically deserialise it.
>>> RecordingStudio.select().output(load_json=True).run_sync()
[{'id': 1, 'name': 'Abbey Road', 'facilities': {'mixing_desk': True}]
>>> studio = RecordingStudio.objects().first().output(load_json=True).run_sync()
>>> studio.facilities
{'mixing_desk': True}
18.164 0.23.0
Added the create_table_class function, which can be used to create Table subclasses at runtime. This was re-
quired to fix an existing bug, which was effecting migrations (see issue 111 for more details).
18.165 0.22.0
An error is now raised if a user tries to create a Piccolo app using piccolo app new with the same name as a
builtin Python module, as it will cause strange bugs.
Fixing a strange bug where using an expression such as Concert.band_1.manager.id in a query would cause
an error. It only happened if multiple joins were involved, and the last column in the chain was id.
where clauses can now accept Table instances. For example: await Band.select().where(Band.manager
== some_manager).run(), instead of having to explicity reference the id.
224 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.166 0.21.2
Fixing a bug with serialising Enum instances in migrations. For example: Varchar(default=Colour.red).
18.167 0.21.1
Fix missing imports in FastAPI and Starlette app templates.
18.168 0.21.0
Added a freeze method to Query.
Added BlackSheep as an option to piccolo asgi new.
18.169 0.20.0
Added choices option to Column.
18.170 0.19.1
Added piccolo user change_permissions command.
Added aliases for CLI commands.
18.171 0.19.0
Changes to the BaseUser table - added a superuser, and last_login column. These are required for upgrades to
Piccolo Admin.
If youre using migrations, then running piccolo migrations forwards all should add these new columns for
If not using migrations, the BaseUser table can be upgraded using the following DDL statements:
ALTER TABLE piccolo_user ADD COLUMN "last_login" TIMESTAMP DEFAULT null
18.166. 0.21.2 225
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.172 0.18.4
Fixed a bug when multiple tables inherit from the same mixin (thanks to @brnosouza).
Added a log_queries option to PostgresEngine, which is useful during debugging.
Added the inflection library for converting Table class names to database table names. Previously, a class called
TableA would wrongly have a table called table instead of table_a.
Fixed a bug with SerialisedBuiltin.__hash__ not returning a number, which could break migrations
(thanks to @sinisaos).
18.173 0.18.3
Improved Array column serialisation - needed to fix auto migrations.
18.174 0.18.2
Added support for filtering Array columns.
18.175 0.18.1
Add the Array column type as a top level import in piccolo.columns.
18.176 0.18.0
Refactored forwards and backwards commands for migrations, to make them easier to run programatically.
Added a simple Array column type.
table_finder now works if just a string is passed in, instead of having to pass in an array of strings.
18.177 0.17.5
Catching database connection exceptions when starting the default ASGI app created with piccolo asgi new - these
errors exist if the Postgres database hasn’t been created yet.
226 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.178 0.17.4
Added a help_text option to the Table metaclass. This is used in Piccolo Admin to show tooltips.
18.179 0.17.3
Added a help_text option to the Column constructor. This is used in Piccolo Admin to show tooltips.
18.180 0.17.2
Exposing index_type in the Column constructor.
Fixing a typo with start_connection_pool` and ``close_connection_pool - thanks to paolodina for
finding this.
Fixing a typo in the PostgresEngine docs - courtesy of paolodina.
18.181 0.17.1
Fixing a bug with SchemaSnapshot if column types were changed in migrations - the snapshot didnt reflect the
18.182 0.17.0
Migrations now directly import Column classes - this allows users to create custom Column subclasses. Migra-
tions previously only worked with the builtin column types.
Migrations now detect if the column type has changed, and will try and convert it automatically.
18.183 0.16.5
The Postgres extensions that PostgresEngine tries to enable at startup can now be configured.
18.178. 0.17.4 227
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.184 0.16.4
Fixed a bug with MyTable.column != None
Added is_null and is_not_null methods, to avoid linting issues when comparing with None.
18.185 0.16.3
Added WhereRaw, so raw SQL can be used in where clauses.
piccolo shell run now uses syntax highlighting - courtesy of Fingel.
18.186 0.16.2
Reordering the dependencies in requirements.txt when using piccolo asgi new as the latest FastAPI and Starlette
versions are incompatible.
18.187 0.16.1
Added Timestamptz column type, for storing datetimes which are timezone aware.
18.188 0.16.0
Fixed a bug with creating a ForeignKey column with references="self" in auto migrations.
Changed migration file naming, so there are no characters in there which are unsupported on Windows.
18.189 0.15.1
Changing the status code when creating a migration, and no changes were detected. It now returns a status code of 0,
so it doesn’t fail build scripts.
228 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.190 0.15.0
Added Bytea / Blob column type.
18.191 0.14.13
Fixing a bug with migrations which drop column defaults.
18.192 0.14.12
Fixing a bug where re-running Table.create(if_not_exists=True) would fail if it contained columns with
Raising a ValueError if a relative path is provided to ForeignKey references. For example, .tables.
Manager. The paths must be absolute for now.
18.193 0.14.11
Fixing a bug with Boolean column defaults, caused by the Table metaclass not being explicit enough when checking
falsy values.
18.194 0.14.10
The ForeignKey references argument can now be specified using a string, or a LazyTableReference in-
stance, rather than just a Table subclass. This allows a Table to be specified which is in a Piccolo app, or Python
module. The Table is only loaded after imports have completed, which prevents circular import issues.
Faster column copying, which is important when specifying joins, e.g. await Band.select(Band.manager.
Fixed a bug with migrations and foreign key contraints.
18.190. 0.15.0 229
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.195 0.14.9
Modified the exit codes for the forwards and backwards commands when no migrations are left to run / reverse.
Otherwise build scripts may fail.
18.196 0.14.8
Improved the method signature of the output query clause (explicitly added args, instead of using **kwargs).
Fixed a bug where output(as_list=True) would fail if no rows were found.
Made piccolo migrations forwards command output more legible.
Improved renamed table detection in migrations.
Added the piccolo migrations clean command for removing orphaned rows from the migrations table.
Fixed a bug where get_migration_managers wasn’t inclusive.
Raising a ValueError if is_in or not_in query clauses are passed an empty list.
Changed the migration commands to be top level async.
Combined print and sys.exit statements.
18.197 0.14.7
Added missing type annotation for run_sync.
Updating type annotations for column default values - allowing callables.
Replaced instances of asyncio.run with run_sync.
Tidied up aiosqlite imports.
18.198 0.14.6
Added JSON and JSONB column types, and the arrow function for JSONB.
Fixed a bug with the distinct clause.
Added as_alias, so select queries can override column names in the response (i.e. SELECT foo AS bar from
Refactored JSON encoding into a separate utils file.
230 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.199 0.14.5
Removed old iPython version recommendation in the piccolo shell run and piccolo playground run,
and enabled top level await.
Fixing outstanding mypy warnings.
Added optional requirements for the playground to setup.py
18.200 0.14.4
Added piccolo sql_shell run command, which launches the psql or sqlite3 shell, using the connection
parameters defined in piccolo_conf.py. This is convenient when you want to run raw SQL on your database.
run_sync now handles more edge cases, for example if there’s already an event loop in the current thread.
Removed asgiref dependency.
18.201 0.14.3
Queries can be directly awaited - await MyTable.select(), as an alternative to using the run method await
The piccolo asgi new command now accepts a name argument, which is used to populate the default database
name within the template.
18.202 0.14.2
Centralised code for importing Piccolo apps and tables - laying the foundation for fixtures.
Made orjson an optional dependency, installable using pip install piccolo[orjson].
Improved version number parsing in Postgres.
18.203 0.14.1
Fixing a bug with dropping tables in auto migrations.
18.199. 0.14.5 231
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.204 0.14.0
Added Interval column type.
18.205 0.13.5
Added allowed_hosts to create_admin in ASGI template.
Fixing bug with default root argument in some piccolo commands.
18.206 0.13.4
Fixed bug with SchemaSnapshot when dropping columns.
Added custom __repr__ method to Table.
18.207 0.13.3
Added piccolo shell run command for running adhoc queries using Piccolo.
18.208 0.13.2
Fixing bug with auto migrations when dropping columns.
Added a root argument to piccolo asgi new, piccolo app new and piccolo project new commands,
to override where the files are placed.
18.209 0.13.1
Added support for group_by and Count for aggregate queries.
232 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.210 0.13.0
Added required argument to Column. This allows the user to indicate which fields must be provided by the user. Other
tools can use this value when generating forms and serialisers.
18.211 0.12.6
Fixing a typo in TimestampCustom arguments.
Fixing bug in TimestampCustom SQL representation.
Added more extensive deserialisation for migrations.
18.212 0.12.5
Improved PostgresEngine docstring.
Resolving rename migrations before adding columns.
Fixed bug serialising TimestampCustom.
Fixed bug with altering column defaults to be non-static values.
Removed response_handler from Alter query.
18.213 0.12.4
Using orjson for JSON serialisation when using the output(as_json=True) clause. It supports more Python types
than ujson.
18.214 0.12.3
Improved piccolo user create command - defaults the username to the current system user.
18.210. 0.13.0 233
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.215 0.12.2
Fixing bug when sorting extra_definitions in auto migrations.
18.216 0.12.1
Fixed typos.
Bumped requirements.
18.217 0.12.0
Added Date and Time columns.
Improved support for column default values.
Auto migrations can now serialise more Python types.
Added Table.indexes method for listing table indexes.
Auto migrations can handle adding / removing indexes.
Improved ASGI template for FastAPI.
18.218 0.11.8
ASGI template fix.
18.219 0.11.7
Improved UUID columns in SQLite - prepending ‘uuid:’ to the stored value to make the type more explicit for
the engine.
Removed SQLite as an option for piccolo asgi new until auto migrations are supported.
234 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.220 0.11.6
Added support for FastAPI to piccolo asgi new.
18.221 0.11.5
Fixed bug in BaseMigrationManager.get_migration_modules - wasnt excluding non-Python files well enough.
18.222 0.11.4
Stopped piccolo migrations new from creating a config.py file - was legacy.
Added a README file to the piccolo_migrations folder in the ASGI template.
18.223 0.11.3
Fixed __pycache__ bug when using piccolo asgi new.
18.224 0.11.2
Showing a warning if trying auto migrations with SQLite.
Added a command for creating a new ASGI app - piccolo asgi new.
Added a meta app for printing out the Piccolo version - piccolo meta version.
Added example queries to the playground.
18.225 0.11.1
Added table_finder, for use in AppConfig.
Added support for concatenating strings using an update query.
Added more tables to the playground, with more column types.
Improved consistency between SQLite and Postgres with UUID columns, Integer columns, and exists queries.
18.220. 0.11.6 235
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.226 0.11.0
Added Numeric and Real column types.
18.227 0.10.8
Fixing a bug where Postgres versions without a patch number couldnt be parsed.
18.228 0.10.7
Improving release script.
18.229 0.10.6
Sorting out packaging issue - old files were appearing in release.
18.230 0.10.5
Auto migrations can now run backwards.
18.231 0.10.4
Fixing some typos with Table imports. Showing a traceback when piccolo_conf can’t be found by engine_finder.
18.232 0.10.3
Adding missing jinja templates to setup.py.
236 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.233 0.10.2
Fixing a bug when using piccolo project new in a new project.
18.234 0.10.1
Fixing bug with enum default values.
18.235 0.10.0
Using targ for the CLI. Refactored some core code into apps.
18.236 0.9.3
Suppressing exceptions when trying to find the Postgres version, to avoid an ImportError when importing pic-
18.237 0.9.2
.first() bug fix.
18.238 0.9.1
Auto migration fixes, and .first() method now returns None if no match is found.
18.239 0.9.0
Added support for auto migrations.
18.233. 0.10.2 237
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.240 0.8.3
Can use operators in update queries, and fixing ‘new’ migration command.
18.241 0.8.2
Fixing release issue.
18.242 0.8.1
Improved transaction support - can now use a context manager. Added Secret, BigInt and SmallInt column types.
Foreign keys can now reference the parent table.
18.243 0.8.0
Fixing bug when joining across several tables. Can pass values directly into the Table.update method. Added
if_not_exists option when creating a table.
18.244 0.7.7
Column sequencing matches the definition order.
18.245 0.7.6
Supporting ON DELETE and ON UPDATE for foreign keys. Recording reverse foreign key relationships.
18.246 0.7.5
Made response_handler async. Made it easier to rename columns.
238 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.247 0.7.4
Bug fixes and dependency updates.
18.248 0.7.3
Adding missing __int__.py file.
18.249 0.7.2
Changed migration import paths.
18.250 0.7.1
Added remove_db_file method to SQLiteEngine - makes testing easier.
18.251 0.7.0
Renamed create to create_table, and can register commands via piccolo_conf.
18.252 0.6.1
Adding missing __init__.py files.
18.253 0.6.0
Moved BaseUser. Migration refactor.
18.247. 0.7.4 239
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.254 0.5.2
Moved drop table under Alter - to help prevent accidental drops.
18.255 0.5.1
Added batch support.
18.256 0.5.0
Refactored the Table Metaclass - much simpler now. Scoped more of the attributes on Column to avoid name clashes.
Added engine_finder to make database configuration easier.
18.257 0.4.1
SQLite is now returning datetime objects for timestamp fields.
18.258 0.4.0
Refactored to improve code completion, along with bug fixes.
18.259 0.3.7
Allowing Update queries in SQLite.
18.260 0.3.6
Falling back to LIKE instead of ILIKE for SQLite.
240 Chapter 18. Changes
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.261 0.3.5
Renamed User to BaseUser.
18.262 0.3.4
Added ilike.
18.263 0.3.3
Added value types to columns.
18.264 0.3.2
Default values infer the engine type.
18.265 0.3.1
Update click version.
18.266 0.3
Tweaked API to support more auto completion. Join support in where clause. Basic SQLite support - mostly for
18.267 0.2
Using QueryString internally to represent queries, instead of raw strings, to harden against SQL injection.
18.261. 0.3.5 241
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
18.268 0.1.2
Allowing joins across multiple tables.
18.269 0.1.1
Added playground.
242 Chapter 18. Changes
If you have any questions then the best place to ask them is the discussions section on our GitHub page.
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
244 Chapter 19. Help
20.1 Table
class piccolo.table.Table(_data: Dict[Column, Any] | None = None, _ignore_missing: bool = False,
_exists_in_db: bool = False, **kwargs)
The class represents a database table. An instance represents a row.
The constructor can be used to assign column values.
Note: The _data, _ignore_missing, and _exists_in_db arguments are prefixed with an underscore to help
prevent a clash with a column name which might be passed in via kwargs.
_data There’s two ways of passing in the data for each column. Firstly, you can use kwargs:
Secondly, you can pass in a dictionary which maps column classes to values:
Band({Band.name: 'Pythonistas'})
The advantage of this second approach is it’s more strongly typed, and linters such as flake8
or MyPy will more easily detect typos.
_ignore_missing If False a ValueError will be raised if any column values haven’t
been provided.
_exists_in_db Used internally to track whether this row exists in the database.
add_m2m(*rows: Table, m2m: M2M, extra_column_values: Dict[Column | str, Any] = {})
Save the row if it doesnt already exist in the database, and insert an entry into the joining table.
>>> band = await Band.objects().get(Band.name == "Pythonistas")
>>> await band.add_m2m(
... Genre(name="Punk rock"),
... m2m=Band.genres
... )
[{'id': 1}]
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
extra_column_values If the joining table has additional columns besides the two required
foreign keys, you can specify the values for those additional columns. For example, if this is
our joining table:
class GenreToBand(Table):
band = ForeignKey(Band)
genre = ForeignKey(Genre)
reason = Text()
We can provide the reason value:
await band.add_m2m(
Genre(name="Punk rock"),
"reason": "Their second album was very punk."
classmethod all_columns(exclude: Sequence[str | Column] | None = None) List[Column]
Used in conjunction with select queries. Just as we can use all_columns to retrieve all of the columns
from a related table, we can also use it at the root of our query to get all of the columns for the root table.
For example:
await Band.select(
This is mostly useful when the table has a lot of columns, and typing them out by hand would be tedious.
exclude You can request all columns, except these.
classmethod all_related(exclude: List[str | ForeignKey] | None = None) List[ForeignKey]
Used in conjunction with objects queries. Just as we can use all_related on a ForeignKey, you can
also use it for the table at the root of the query, which will return each related row as a nested object. For
concert = await Concert.objects(
>>> concert.band_1
<Band: 1>
>>> concert.band_2
<Band: 2>
>>> concert.venue
<Venue: 1>
This is mostly useful when the table has a lot of foreign keys, and typing them out by hand would be tedious.
Its equivalent to:
246 Chapter 20. API reference
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
concert = await Concert.objects(
exclude You can request all columns, except these.
classmethod alter() Alter
Used to modify existing tables and columns.
await Band.alter().rename_column(Band.popularity, 'rating')
classmethod count(column: Column | None = None, distinct: Sequence[Column] | None = None)
Count the number of matching rows:
await Band.count().where(Band.popularity > 1000)
column If specified, just count rows where this column isn’t null.
distinct Counts the number of distinct values for these columns. For example, if we
have a concerts table:
class Concert(Table):
band = Varchar()
start_date = Date()
With this data:
band start_date
Pythonistas 2023-01-01
Pythonistas 2023-02-03
Rustaceans 2023-01-01
Without the distinct argument, we get the count of all rows:
>>> await Concert.count()
To get the number of unique concert dates:
>>> await Concert.count(distinct=[Concert.start_date])
classmethod create_index(columns: List[Column] | List[str], method: IndexMethod =
IndexMethod.btree, if_not_exists: bool = False) CreateIndex
Create a table index. If multiple columns are specified, this refers to a multicolumn index, rather than
multiple single column indexes.
20.1. Table 247
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
await Band.create_index([Band.name])
classmethod create_table(if_not_exists=False, only_default_columns=False, auto_create_schema: bool
= True) Create
Create table, along with all columns.
await Band.create_table()
classmethod delete(force=False) Delete
Delete rows from the table.
await Band.delete().where(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
force Unless set to True, deletions arent allowed without a where clause, to prevent
accidental mass deletions.
classmethod drop_index(columns: List[Column] | List[str], if_exists: bool = True) DropIndex
Drop a table index. If multiple columns are specified, this refers to a multicolumn index, rather than multiple
single column indexes.
await Band.drop_index([Band.name])
classmethod exists() Exists
Use it to check if a row exists, not if the table exists.
await Band.exists().where(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
classmethod from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any]) TableInstance
Used when loading fixtures. It can be overriden by subclasses in case they have specific logic / validation
which needs running when loading fixtures.
get_m2m(m2m: M2M) M2MGetRelated
Get all matching rows via the join table.
>>> band = await Band.objects().get(Band.name == "Pythonistas")
>>> await band.get_m2m(Band.genres)
[<Genre: 1>, <Genre: 2>]
classmethod get_readable() Readable
Creates a readable representation of the row.
get_related(foreign_key: ForeignKey[ReferencedTable]) First[ReferencedTable]
get_related(foreign_key: str) First[Table]
Used to fetch a Table instance, for the target of a foreign key.
band = await Band.objects().first()
manager = await band.get_related(Band.manager)
>>> print(manager.name)
It can only follow foreign keys one level currently. i.e. Band.manager, but not Band.manager.x.y.z.
248 Chapter 20. API reference
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
classmethod indexes() Indexes
Returns a list of the indexes for this tables.
await Band.indexes()
classmethod insert(*rows: TableInstance) Insert[TableInstance]
Insert rows into the database.
await Band.insert(
Band(name="Pythonistas", popularity=500, manager=1)
classmethod objects(*prefetch: ForeignKey | List[ForeignKey]) Objects[TableInstance]
Returns a list of table instances (each representing a row), which you can modify and then call ‘save on,
or can delete by calling ‘remove’.
pythonistas = await Band.objects().where(
Band.name == 'Pythonistas'
pythonistas.name = 'Pythonistas Reborn'
await pythonistas.save()
# Or to remove it from the database:
await pythonistas.remove()
prefetch Rather than returning the primary key value of this related table, a nested object
will be returned for the row on the related table.
# Without nested
band = await Band.objects().first()
>>> band.manager
# With nested
band = await Band.objects(Band.manager).first()
>>> band.manager
<Band 1>
property querystring: QueryString
Used when inserting rows.
classmethod raw(sql: str, *args: Any) Raw
Execute raw SQL queries on the underlying engine - use with caution!
await Band.raw('select * from band')
Or passing in parameters:
await Band.raw("SELECT * FROM band WHERE name = {}", 'Pythonistas')
20.1. Table 249
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
classmethod ref(column_name: str) Column
Used to get a copy of a column from a table referenced by a ForeignKey column. It’s unlikely an end user
of this library will ever need to do this, but other libraries built on top of Piccolo may need this functionality.
refresh(columns: Sequence[Column] | None = None, load_json: bool = False) Refresh
Used to fetch the latest data for this instance from the database. Modifies the instance in place, but also
returns it as a convenience.
columns If you only want to refresh certain columns, specify them here. Otherwise all
columns are refreshed.
load_json Whether to load JSON / JSONB columns as objects, instead of just a string.
Example usage:
# Get an instance from the database.
instance = await Band.objects.first()
# Later on we can refresh this instance with the latest data
# from the database, in case it has gotten stale.
await instance.refresh()
# Alternatively, running it synchronously:
remove() Delete
A proxy to a delete query.
remove_m2m(*rows: Table, m2m: M2M) M2MRemoveRelated
Remove the rows from the joining table.
>>> band = await Band.objects().get(Band.name == "Pythonistas")
>>> genre = await Genre.objects().get(Genre.name == "Rock")
>>> await band.remove_m2m(
... genre,
... m2m=Band.genres
... )
save(columns: Sequence[str | Column] | None = None) Insert | Update
A proxy to an insert or update query.
columns Only the specified columns will be synced back to the database when doing an
update. For example:
band = await Band.objects().first()
band.popularity = 2000
await band.save(columns=[Band.popularity])
If columns=None (the default) then all columns will be synced back to the database.
250 Chapter 20. API reference
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
classmethod select(*columns: t.Union[Selectable, str], exclude_secrets=False) Select
Get data in the form of a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary representing a row.
These are all equivalent:
await Band.select().columns(Band.name)
await Band.select(Band.name)
await Band.select('name')
exclude_secrets If True, any columns with secret=True are omitted from the re-
sponse. For example, we use this for the password column of BaseUser. Even though the
passwords are hashed, you still don’t want them being passed over the network if avoidable.
classmethod table_exists() TableExists
Check if the table exists in the database.
await Band.table_exists()
to_dict(*columns: Column) Dict[str, Any]
A convenience method which returns a dictionary, mapping column names to values for this table instance.
instance = await Manager.objects().get(
Manager.name == 'Guido'
>>> instance.to_dict()
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Guido'}
If the columns argument is provided, only those columns are included in the output. It also works with
column aliases.
>>> instance.to_dict(Manager.id, Manager.name.as_alias('title'))
{'id': 1, 'title': 'Guido'}
classmethod update(values: Dict[Column | str, Any] | None = None, force: bool = False,
use_auto_update: bool = True, **kwargs) Update
Update rows.
All of the following work, though the first is preferable:
await Band.update(
{Band.name: "Spamalot"}
Band.name == "Pythonistas"
await Band.update(
{"name": "Spamalot"}
Band.name == "Pythonistas"
await Band.update(
(continues on next page)
20.1. Table 251
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
Band.name == "Pythonistas"
force Unless set to True, updates arent allowed without a where clause, to prevent
accidental mass overriding of data.
use_auto_update Whether to use the auto_update values on any columns. See the
auto_update argument on Column for more information.
20.2 SchemaManager
class piccolo.schema.SchemaManager(db: Engine | None = None)
A useful utility class for interacting with schemas.
db – Used to execute the database queries. If not specified, we try and import it from
create_schema(schema_name: str, *, if_not_exists: bool = True) CreateSchema
Creates the specified schema:
>>> await SchemaManager().create_schema(schema_name="music")
schema_name The name of the schema to create.
if_not_exists No error will be raised if the schema already exists.
drop_schema(schema_name: str, *, if_exists: bool = True, cascade: bool = False) DropSchema
Drops the specified schema:
>>> await SchemaManager().drop_schema(schema_name="music")
schema_name The name of the schema to drop.
if_exists No error will be raised if the schema doesn’t exist.
cascade If True then it will automatically drop the tables within the schema.
list_schemas() ListSchemas
Returns the name of each schema in the database:
>>> await SchemaManager().list_schemas()
['public', 'schema_1']
252 Chapter 20. API reference
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
list_tables(schema_name: str) ListTables
Returns the name of each table in the given schema:
>>> await SchemaManager().list_tables(schema_name="music")
['band', 'manager']
schema_name List the tables in this schema.
move_table(table_name: str, new_schema: str, current_schema: str | None = None) MoveTable
Moves a table to a different schema:
>>> await SchemaManager().move_schema(
... table_name='my_table',
... new_schema='schema_1'
... )
table_name The name of the table to move.
new_schema The name of the scheam you want to move the table too.
If not specified, 'public' is assumed.
rename_schema(schema_name: str, new_schema_name: str) RenameSchema
Rename the schema:
>>> await SchemaManager().rename_schema(
... schema_name="music",
... new_schema_name="music_info"
... )
schema_name The current name of the schema.
new_schema_name What to rename the schema to.
20.3 Column
class piccolo.columns.base.Column(null: bool = False, primary_key: bool = False, unique: bool = False,
index: bool = False, index_method: IndexMethod = IndexMethod.btree,
required: bool = False, help_text: str | None = None, choices:
Type[Enum] | None = None, db_column_name: str | None = None,
secret: bool = False, auto_update: Any = Ellipsis, **kwargs)
All other columns inherit from Column. Dont use it directly.
The following arguments apply to all column types:
20.3. Column 253
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
null Whether the column is nullable.
primary_key If set, the column is used as a primary key.
default The column value to use if not specified by the user.
unique If set, a unique constraint will be added to the column.
index Whether an index is created for the column, which can improve the speed of selects,
but can slow down inserts.
index_method If index is set to True, this specifies what type of index is created.
required This isn’t used by the database - it’s to indicate to other tools that the user must
provide this value. Example uses are in serialisers for API endpoints, and form fields.
help_text This provides some context about what the column is being used for. For
example, for a Decimal column called value, it could say 'The units are millions
of dollars'. The database doesnt use this value, but tools such as Piccolo Admin use it
to show a tooltip in the GUI.
choices An optional Enum - when specified, other tools such as Piccolo Admin will render
the available options in the GUI.
db_column_name If specified, you can override the name used for the column in the
database. The main reason for this is when using a legacy database, with a problematic
column name (for example 'class', which is a reserved Python keyword). Here’s an ex-
class MyTable(Table):
class_ = Varchar(db_column_name="class")
>>> await MyTable.select(MyTable.class_)
[{'id': 1, 'class': 'test'}]
This is an advanced feature which you should only need in niche situations.
secret If secret=True is specified, it allows a user to automatically omit any fields when
doing a select query, to help prevent inadvertent leakage of sensitive data.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
net_worth = Integer(secret=True)
>>> await Band.select(exclude_secrets=True)
[{'name': 'Pythonistas'}]
auto_update Allows you to specify a value to set this column to each time it is updated
(via MyTable.update, or MyTable.save on an existing row). A common use case is having
a modified_on column.
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
popularity = Integer()
# The value can be a function or static value:
modified_on = Timestamp(auto_update=datetime.datetime.now)
# This will automatically set the `modified_on` column to the
# current timestamp, without having to explicitly set it:
(continues on next page)
254 Chapter 20. API reference
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
>>> await Band.update({
... Band.popularity: Band.popularity + 100
... }).where(Band.name == 'Pythonistas')
Note - this feature is implemented purely within the ORM. If you want similar functionality
on the database level (i.e. if you plan on using raw SQL to perform updates), then you may
be better off creating SQL triggers instead.
as_alias(name: str) Column
Allows column names to be changed in the result of a select.
For example:
>>> await Band.select(Band.name.as_alias('title')).run()
{'title': 'Pythonistas'}
property ddl: str
Used when creating tables.
get_default_value() Any
If the column has a default attribute, return it. If it’s callable, return the response instead.
get_select_string(engine_type: str, with_alias: bool = True) QueryString
How to refer to this column in a SQL query, taking account of any joins and aliases.
get_sql_value(value: Any, delimiter: str = "'") str
When using DDL statements, we can’t parameterise the values. An example is when setting the default for
a column. So we have to convert from the Python type to a string representation which we can include in
our DDL statements.
value The Python value to convert to a string usable in a DDL statement e.g. 1.
delimiter The string returned by this function is wrapped in delimiters, ready to be
added to a DDL statement. For example: 'hello world'.
The string usable in the DDL statement e.g. '1'.
ilike(value: str) Where
Only Postgres supports ILIKE. Its used for case insensitive matching.
For SQLite, its just proxied to a LIKE query instead.
is_not_null() Where
Can be used instead of MyTable.column != None, because some linters dont like a comparison to None.
is_null() Where
Can be used instead of MyTable.column == None, because some linters dont like a comparison to None.
join_on(column: Column) ForeignKey
Joins are typically performed via foreign key columns. For example, here we get the band’s name and the
manager’s name:
20.3. Column 255
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar()
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
manager = ForeignKey(Manager)
>>> await Band.select(Band.name, Band.manager.name)
The join_on method lets you join tables even when foreign keys dont exist, by joining on a column in
another table.
For example, here we want to get the managers email, but no foreign key exists:
class Manager(Table):
name = Varchar(unique=True)
email = Varchar()
class Band(Table):
name = Varchar()
manager_name = Varchar()
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.name,
... Band.manager_name.join_on(Manager.name).email
... )
like(value: str) Where
Both SQLite and Postgres support LIKE, but they mean different things.
In Postgres, LIKE is case sensitive (i.e. ‘foo equals ‘foo, but ‘foo’ doesn’t equal ‘Foo’).
In SQLite, LIKE is case insensitive for ASCII characters (i.e. ‘foo equals ‘Foo’). But not for non-ASCII
characters. To learn more, see the docs:
alias of int
20.4 Aggregate functions
20.4.1 Count
class piccolo.query.methods.select.Count(column: Column | None = None, distinct: Sequence[Column] |
None = None, alias: str = 'count')
Used in Select queries, usually in conjunction with the group_by clause:
>>> await Band.select(
... Band.manager.name.as_alias('manager_name'),
... Count(alias='band_count')
(continues on next page)
256 Chapter 20. API reference
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
(continued from previous page)
... ).group_by(Band.manager)
[{'manager_name': 'Guido', 'count': 1}, ...]
It can also be used without the group_by clause (though you may prefer to the Table.count method instead,
as it’s more convenient):
>>> await Band.select(Count())
[{'count': 3}]
column If specified, the count is for non-null values in that column.
distinct If specified, the count is for distinct values in those columns.
alias The name of the value in the response:
# These two are equivalent:
await Band.select(
Band.name, Count(alias="total")
await Band.select(
20.5 Refresh
class piccolo.query.methods.refresh.Refresh(instance: Table, columns: t.Optional[t.Sequence[Column]]
= None, load_json: bool = False)
Used to refresh Table instances with the latest data data from the database. Accessible via refresh.
instance The instance to refresh.
columns Which columns to refresh - it not specified, then all columns are refreshed.
load_json Whether to load JSON / JSONB columns as objects, instead of just a string.
async run(in_pool: bool = True, node: t.Optional[str] = None) Table
Run it asynchronously. For example:
await my_instance.refresh().run()
# or for convenience:
await my_instance.refresh()
Modifies the instance in place, but also returns it as a convenience.
20.5. Refresh 257
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
run_sync(*args, **kwargs) Table
Run it synchronously. For example:
20.6 LazyTableReference
class piccolo.columns.LazyTableReference(table_class_name: str, app_name: str | None = None,
module_path: str | None = None)
Holds a reference to a Table subclass. Used to avoid circular dependencies in the references argument of
ForeignKey columns.
table_class_name The name of the Table subclass. For example, 'Manager'.
app_name If specified, the Table subclass is imported from a Piccolo app with the given
module_path If specified, the Table subclass is imported from this path. For example,
Hint: If the table is in the same file, you can pass in __name__.
20.7 Enums
20.7.1 Foreign Keys
class piccolo.columns.OnDelete(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None,
start=1, boundary=None)
Used by ForeignKey to specify the behaviour when a related row is deleted.
cascade = 'CASCADE'
no_action = 'NO ACTION'
restrict = 'RESTRICT'
set_default = 'SET DEFAULT'
set_null = 'SET NULL'
class piccolo.columns.OnUpdate(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None,
start=1, boundary=None)
Used by ForeignKey to specify the behaviour when a related row is updated.
cascade = 'CASCADE'
258 Chapter 20. API reference
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
no_action = 'NO ACTION'
restrict = 'RESTRICT'
set_default = 'SET DEFAULT'
set_null = 'SET NULL'
20.7.2 Indexes
class piccolo.columns.indexes.IndexMethod(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None,
type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
Used to specify the index method for a Column.
btree = 'btree'
gin = 'gin'
gist = 'gist'
hash = 'hash'
20.8 Column defaults
20.8.1 Date
class piccolo.columns.defaults.DateOffset(days: int)
This makes the default value for a Date column the current date, but offset by a number of days.
For example, if you wanted the default to be tomorrow, you can specify DateOffset(days=1):
class DiscountCode(Table):
expires = Date(default=DateOffset(days=1))
days The number of days to offset.
20.9 Testing
20.9.1 ModelBuilder
class piccolo.testing.model_builder.ModelBuilder
20.8. Column defaults 259
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
async classmethod build(table_class: Type[TableInstance], defaults: Dict[Column | str, Any] | None =
None, persist: bool = True, minimal: bool = False) TableInstance
Build a Table instance with random data and save async. If the Table has any foreign keys, then the related
rows are also created automatically.
table_class Table class to randomize.
defaults Any values specified here will be used instead of random values.
persist Whether to save the new instance in the database.
minimal If True then any columns with null=True are assigned a value of None.
# Create a new instance with all random values:
manager = await ModelBuilder.build(Manager)
# Create a new instance, with certain defaults:
manager = await ModelBuilder.build(
{Manager.name: 'Guido'}
# Create a new instance, but don't save it in the database:
manager = await ModelBuilder.build(Manager, persist=False)
# Create a new instance, with all null values set to None:
manager = await ModelBuilder.build(Manager, minimal=True)
# We can pass other table instances in as default values:
band = await ModelBuilder.build(Band, {Band.manager: manager})
classmethod build_sync(table_class: Type[TableInstance], defaults: Dict[Column | str, Any] | None =
None, persist: bool = True, minimal: bool = False) TableInstance
A sync wrapper around build().
20.9.2 create_db_tables / drop_db_tables
async piccolo.table.create_db_tables(*tables: Type[Table], if_not_exists: bool = False) None
Creates the database table for each Table class passed in. The tables are created in the correct order, based on
their foreign keys.
tables The tables to create in the database.
if_not_exists No errors will be raised if any of the tables already exist in the database.
piccolo.table.create_db_tables_sync(*tables: Type[Table], if_not_exists: bool = False) None
A sync wrapper around create_db_tables().
async piccolo.table.drop_db_tables(*tables: Type[Table]) None
Drops the database table for each Table class passed in. The tables are dropped in the correct order, based on
their foreign keys.
260 Chapter 20. API reference
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
tables The tables to delete from the database.
piccolo.table.drop_db_tables_sync(*tables: Type[Table]) None
A sync wrapper around drop_db_tables().
20.9. Testing 261
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
262 Chapter 20. API reference
20th October
Piccolo v1 is now available!
We migrated to Pydantic v2, and also migrated Piccolo Admin to Vue 3, which puts the project in a good place moving
We don’t anticipate any major issues for people who are upgrading. If you encounter any bugs let us know.
Make sure you have v1 of Piccolo, Piccolo API, and Piccolo Admin.
2nd August 2023
Piccolo started in August 2018, and as of this writing is close to 5 years old.
During that time we’ve had very few, if any, breaking changes. Stability has always been very important, as we rely on
it for our production apps.
So why release v1 now? We probably should have released v1 several years ago, but such are things. We now have
some unavoidable breaking changes due to one of our main dependencies (Pydantic) releasing v2.
In v2, the core of Pydantic has been rewritten in Rust, and has impressive improvements in performance. Likewise,
other libraries in the ecosystem (such as FastAPI) have moved to Pydantic v2. It only makes sense that Piccolo does it
In terms of your own code, you shouldnt see much difference. We removed the pydantic_config_class from
create_pydantic_model, and replaced it with pydantic_config, but that’s about it.
However, quite a bit of internal code in Piccolo and its sister libraries Piccolo API and Piccolo Admin had to be changed
to support Pydantic v2. Supporting both Pydantic v1 and Pydantic v2 would be quite burdensome.
So Piccolo v1 will just use Pydantic v2 and above.
If you can’t upgrade to Pydantic v2, then pin your Piccolo version to 0.118.0. You can find the docs here for 0.118.0.
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
264 Chapter 21. About Piccolo v1
Install Piccolo:
pip install piccolo
Experiment with queries:
piccolo playground run
Give me an ASGI web app!
piccolo asgi new
FastAPI, Starlette, BlackSheep, Litestar, Esmerald and Lilya are currently supported, with more coming soon.
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
266 Chapter 22. TLDR
Piccolo has some tutorial videos on YouTube, which are a great companion to the docs.
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
268 Chapter 23. Videos
__getitem__() (piccolo.columns.column_types.Array
method), 89
Abs (class in piccolo.query.functions.math), 65
add_m2m() (piccolo.table.Table method), 245
all() (piccolo.columns.column_types.Array method), 90
all_columns() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 246
all_related() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 246
alter() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 247
any() (piccolo.columns.column_types.Array method), 90
AppRegistry (class in piccolo.conf.apps), 104
Array (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 89
as_alias() (piccolo.columns.base.Column method),
AsyncTableTest (class in piccolo.testing.test_case), 149
AsyncTransactionTest (class in pic-
colo.testing.test_case), 149
Avg (class in piccolo.query.functions.aggregate), 69
backwards() (in module pic-
BaseUser (class in piccolo.apps.user.tables), 134
BigInt (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 80
BigSerial (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 80
Boolean (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 76
btree (piccolo.columns.indexes.IndexMethod attribute),
build() (piccolo.testing.model_builder.ModelBuilder
class method), 259
build_sync() (piccolo.testing.model_builder.ModelBuilder
class method), 260
Bytea (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 76
cascade (piccolo.columns.OnDelete attribute), 258
cascade (piccolo.columns.OnUpdate attribute), 258
Cast (class in piccolo.query.functions.type_conversion),
cat() (piccolo.columns.column_types.Array method), 90
Ceil (class in piccolo.query.functions.math), 65
check() (in module pic-
CockroachEngine (class in piccolo.engine.cockroach),
Column (class in piccolo.columns.base), 253
Concat (class in piccolo.query.functions.string), 64
Count (class in piccolo.query.functions.aggregate), 69
Count (class in piccolo.query.methods.select), 256
count() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 247
create_db_tables() (in module piccolo.table), 260
create_db_tables_sync() (in module piccolo.table),
create_index() (piccolo.table.Table class method),
create_pydantic_model() (in module pic-
colo.utils.pydantic), 143
create_schema() (piccolo.schema.SchemaManager
method), 252
create_table() (piccolo.table.Table class method),
create_user() (piccolo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser
class method), 134
create_user_sync() (pic-
colo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser class method),
Date (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 84
DateOffset (class in piccolo.columns.defaults), 259
Day() (in module piccolo.query.functions.datetime), 68
ddl (piccolo.columns.base.Column property), 255
deferred (piccolo.engine.sqlite.TransactionType at-
tribute), 159
delete() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 248
DistinctOnError (class in piccolo.query.mixins), 53
do_nothing (piccolo.query.methods.insert.OnConflictAction
attribute), 58
do_update (piccolo.query.methods.insert.OnConflictAction
attribute), 58
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
DoublePrecision (class in pic-
colo.columns.column_types), 80
drop_db_tables() (in module piccolo.table), 260
drop_db_tables_sync() (in module piccolo.table),
drop_index() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 248
drop_schema() (piccolo.schema.SchemaManager
method), 252
Email (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 84
exclusive (piccolo.engine.sqlite.TransactionType
attribute), 159
exists() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 248
Extract (class in piccolo.query.functions.datetime), 66
Floor (class in piccolo.query.functions.math), 66
ForeignKey (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 76
forwards() (in module pic-
freeze() (piccolo.query.base.Query method), 53
from_dict() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 248
get_default_value() (piccolo.columns.base.Column
method), 255
get_m2m() (piccolo.table.Table method), 248
get_readable() (piccolo.table.Table class method),
get_related() (piccolo.table.Table method), 248
get_select_string() (piccolo.columns.base.Column
method), 255
get_sql_value() (piccolo.columns.base.Column
method), 255
gin (piccolo.columns.indexes.IndexMethod attribute),
gist (piccolo.columns.indexes.IndexMethod attribute),
hash (piccolo.columns.indexes.IndexMethod attribute),
Hour() (in module piccolo.query.functions.datetime), 68
ilike() (piccolo.columns.base.Column method), 255
immediate (piccolo.engine.sqlite.TransactionType
attribute), 159
indexes() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 248
IndexMethod (class in piccolo.columns.indexes), 259
insert() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 249
Integer (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 80
Interval (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 85
is_not_null() (piccolo.columns.base.Column
method), 255
is_null() (piccolo.columns.base.Column method), 255
join_on() (piccolo.columns.base.Column method), 255
JSON (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 87
JSONB (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 87
LazyTableReference (class in piccolo.columns), 258
Length (class in piccolo.query.functions.string), 64
like() (piccolo.columns.base.Column method), 256
list_schemas() (piccolo.schema.SchemaManager
method), 252
list_tables() (piccolo.schema.SchemaManager
method), 252
login() (piccolo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser class
method), 134
login_sync() (piccolo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser class
method), 134
Lower (class in piccolo.query.functions.string), 64
Ltrim (class in piccolo.query.functions.string), 65
Max (class in piccolo.query.functions.aggregate), 70
Min (class in piccolo.query.functions.aggregate), 70
Minute() (in module piccolo.query.functions.datetime),
ModelBuilder (class in piccolo.testing.model_builder),
Month() (in module piccolo.query.functions.datetime),
move_table() (piccolo.schema.SchemaManager
method), 253
no_action (piccolo.columns.OnDelete attribute), 258
no_action (piccolo.columns.OnUpdate attribute), 258
not_any() (piccolo.columns.column_types.Array
method), 90
Numeric (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 81
objects() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 249
on_conflict() (piccolo.query.methods.insert.Insert
method), 58
OnConflictAction (class in pic-
colo.query.methods.insert), 58
OnDelete (class in piccolo.columns), 258
OnUpdate (class in piccolo.columns), 258
270 Index
Piccolo, Release 1.17.0
PostgresEngine (class in piccolo.engine.postgres), 119
querystring (piccolo.table.Table property), 249
raw() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 249
Real (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 81
ref() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 249
Refresh (class in piccolo.query.methods.refresh), 257
refresh() (piccolo.table.Table method), 250
remove() (piccolo.table.Table method), 250
remove_m2m() (piccolo.table.Table method), 250
rename_schema() (piccolo.schema.SchemaManager
method), 253
restrict (piccolo.columns.OnDelete attribute), 258
restrict (piccolo.columns.OnUpdate attribute), 259
Reverse (class in piccolo.query.functions.string), 65
reverse() (piccolo.columns.column_types.ForeignKey
method), 95
Round (class in piccolo.query.functions.math), 66
Rtrim (class in piccolo.query.functions.string), 65
run() (piccolo.query.methods.refresh.Refresh method),
run_sync() (piccolo.query.methods.refresh.Refresh
method), 257
save() (piccolo.table.Table method), 250
SchemaManager (class in piccolo.schema), 252
Second() (in module piccolo.query.functions.datetime),
Secret (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 83
select() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 250
Serial (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 82
set_default (piccolo.columns.OnDelete attribute), 258
set_default (piccolo.columns.OnUpdate attribute),
set_null (piccolo.columns.OnDelete attribute), 258
set_null (piccolo.columns.OnUpdate attribute), 259
SmallInt (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 82
SQLiteEngine (class in piccolo.engine.sqlite), 117
Strftime (class in piccolo.query.functions.datetime), 67
Sum (class in piccolo.query.functions.aggregate), 71
Table (class in piccolo.table), 245
table_exists() (piccolo.table.Table class method),
table_finder() (in module piccolo.conf.apps), 108
TableTest (class in piccolo.testing.test_case), 149
Text (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 83
Time (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 85
Timestamp (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 86
Timestamptz (class in piccolo.columns.column_types),
to_dict() (piccolo.table.Table method), 251
TransactionType (class in piccolo.engine.sqlite), 159
update() (piccolo.table.Table class method), 251
update_password() (pic-
colo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser class method),
update_password_sync() (pic-
colo.apps.user.tables.BaseUser class method),
Upper (class in piccolo.query.functions.string), 65
UUID (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 82
value_type (piccolo.columns.base.Column attribute),
Varchar (class in piccolo.columns.column_types), 83
Year() (in module piccolo.query.functions.datetime), 67
Index 271