Bluebook Review 1 Cases
Experiential Legal Writing I Fall 2016
Case Citation - Format
Rule B10.1 (pages 10 17)
A full case citation includes
1. Case Name (Italicize or Underline) B10.1.1
2. Location (volume, reporter, page) B10.1.2
3. A pinpoint page number B10.1.2
4. A parenthetical indicating Court and Year of Decision B10.1.3
(may also include subsequent history and other parenthetical
Must use a full citation if you cite the case for the first time!!!
Case Citation 1. Case Name
Steps for Case Name
1. Use only the first party listed for each side
2. For individuals, use only last names
3. Omit words indicating multiple parties and alternative names
No “et al., “a.k.a, d/b/a”
4. Omit “The” when it is the first word in a party name.
5. Use T6 & T10 for abbreviation. Rule 10.2 provides more guidance
on abbreviation.
Do not abbreviate “United States” when it is a named party
Case Citation 1. Case Name
Travelers Insurance Company et al. v. Tom Jones and Tim Jones
Step 1 Use only the first party on each side
Drop “Tim Jones”
Step 2 For individuals, use only last names
Drop “Tom”
Step 3 Omit words indicating multiple parties and alternative names
Drop “et al.
Case Citation 1. Case Name
Travelers Insurance Company et al. v. Tom Jones and Tim Jones
Step 4 - Omit “The” when it is the first word in a party name.
(not applicable to this example)
Step 5 Use T6 & T10 for abbreviation
T6 says
Insurance = Ins.
Company = Co.
Travelers Ins. Co. v. Jones
Case Citation 2. Location
Volume, Reporter abbreviation, First Page
To determine which reporter to cite, find your jurisdiction and court
in BlueBook Table T1.
Your electronic research platform (Westlaw, Lexis Advance, etc.) also
provides the case’s reporter citation
Case Citation 3. Pinpoint Page Number
If you are citing a specific page, you must include a pinpoint citation
(aka “pincite”)
Place a comma after the page on which the case begins. Then place
your pinpoint citation (space btw the comma & your pincite)
See Rule 3.2 if you pincite multiple pages
Lets say you want to cite page 840 of the Longhi case (screenshot
from the previous slide). Its reporter citation is 914 N.E.2d 834
Thomas Longhi v. Loius Mazzoni and Lorraine Mazzoni
Longhi v. Mazzoni, 914 N.E.2d 834, 840
Case Citation 4. Court & Year
Must provide the court and the year of decision in a parenthetical
Use T1 to see how your court is abbreviated
Indiana page 263
Longhi was decided in 2009 by the Court of Appeals of Indiana
T1 says Court of Appeals of Indiana = Ind. Ct. App.
Longhi v. Mazzoni, 914 N.E.2d 834, 840 (Ind. Ct. App. 2009)
Case Citation Example
Lydia Escobedo, et al., Appellants (Plaintiffs below),
BHM Health Associates, Inc., AAA Home Care LLC/Rocky Mountain
Home Care, AAA Home Care LLC/Rocky Mountain Home Care, D/B/A
BHM Health Associates, Inc., Leona Bonczek, Donna Huddleston, And
Lee Huddleston, Appellees (Defendants Below)
818 N.E.2d 930. Cite to pages 933 - 935
Supreme Court of Indiana / 2004
Case Citation Example
1. Case Name
Everyone except the first person/entity on each side
First names and middle names of individuals
Multiple parties and alternative names
The” if it is the first word in a partys name
Case Citation Example
Lydia Escobedo, et al., Appellants (Plaintiffs below),
BHM Health Associates, Inc., AAA Home Care LLC/Rocky Mountain
Home Care, AAA Home Care LLC/Rocky Mountain Home Care, D/B/A
BHM Health Associates, Inc., Leona Bonczek, Donna Huddleston, And
Lee Huddleston, Appellees (Defendants Below)
T6 says Associate = Assoc.
T6 also tells us to add the letter “s” for plurals
Assoc. + s = Assocs.
Escobedo v. BMH Health Assocs.
Case Citation Example
2. Location
818 N.E.2d 930
3. Pincite
You would like to cite pages 933 935
Rule 3.2(a) says use a dash or hyphen to cite materials spanning
multiple pages. Retain the last two digits.
818 N.E.2d 930, 933-35
Escobedo v. BMH Health Assocs., 818 N.E.2d 930, 933-35
Case Citation Example
Escobedo v. BMH Health Assocs., 818 N.E.2d 930, 933-35
4. Court & Year
T1 (page 263) says Indiana Supreme Court = Ind.
Year = 2004
(Ind. 2004)
Escobedo v. BMH Health Assocs., 818 N.E.2d 930, 933-35 (Ind. 2004)
Case Citation
Contact Youngwoo Ban, Reference Librarian
Office 169 (1
floor of the law library. Next to the
reference desk)