Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers Arriving in New York
State Following Out of State Travel
July 2, 2020
Was a travel advisory was issued for NYS?
Yes. Effective 12:01am on Thursday, June 25, 2020, Governor Cuomo issued Executive Order 205 that
requires individuals to quarantine for 14 days after traveling for 24 hours or longer within designated
states that have significant rates of transmission of COVID-19. Guidance
was also issued by the New York
State Department of Health. Since New York has successfully reduced COVID-19 transmission, vigilance
must be maintained to ensure that New York does not see a surge in new cases from states with
increasing community transmission of COVID-19.
What states meet the criteria for required quarantine?
Individuals are subject to the travel advisory if they have visited states identified as having a seven-day
rolling average of over 10% of all COVID-19 tests producing a positive result, or the number of positive
cases exceeding 10 per 100,000 residents. This list will be continually evaluated based on cases in each
state over time. Please refer to the following website for updates regarding impacted states:
If I arrive in NY from a state that has been added to the designated state list before the date it was
added, but before 14 days have elapsed, do I have to quarantine?
The travel advisory is not retroactive. However, travelers from those states are advised to self-monitor
and get tested if they start to develop any symptoms, within the 14 day timeframe.
What does the travel advisory mean?
New York has joined with New Jersey and Connecticut in jointly issuing a travel advisory for anyone
returning from travel to states that have a significant degree of community-wide spread of COVID-19.
The travel advisory requires all such travelers to quarantine when they enter New York for 14 days from
the last day of travel in a designated state(s). The travel advisory requires all New Yorkers, as well as
those visiting from out of state, to take personal responsibility for complying with the advisory in the
best interest of public health and safety.
What does quarantine mean?
If you are returning from travel to a designated state, and if such travel was for longer than the limited
duration outlined above, you are required to quarantine when you enter New York for 14 days from the
last day you were in a designated state(s), unless you are an essential worker or fall under another
exception as determined by the Commissioner. The requirements to safely quarantine include:
The individual must not be in public or otherwise leave the quarters that they have identified as
The individual must be situated in separate quarters with a separate bathroom facility for each
individual or family group. Access to a sink with soap, water, and paper towels is necessary.
Cleaning supplies (e.g. household cleaning wipes, bleach) must be provided in any shared
The individual must have a way to self-quarantine from household members as soon as fever or
other symptoms develop, in a separate room(s) with a separate door. Given that an exposed
person might become ill while sleeping, the exposed person must sleep in a separate bedroom
from household members.
Food must be delivered to the person’s quarters.
Quarters must have a supply of face masks for individuals to put on if they become
Garbage must be bagged and left outside for routine pick up. Special handling is not required.
A system for temperature and symptom monitoring must be implemented to provide
assessment in-place for the quarantined persons in their separate quarters.
Nearby medical facilities must be notified, if the individual begins to experience more than mild
symptoms and may require medical assistance.
The quarters must be secure against unauthorized access.
What does the travel advisory mean for first responders and essential workers?
As stated above, there are specific protocols
for essential workers related to the travel advisory, to allow
such workers to work upon their return to New York while also taking steps to mitigate any risk of
transmission of COVID-19.
In addition, all essential workers must continue to adhere to existing guidance, including guidance
regarding return to work after a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 or after the employee had
close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19.
Further, for all essential workers who have been in a designated state in the 14 days prior to arrival in
New York State shall abide by the following requirements. These conditions may change over time.
Quarantine and monitoring requirements of traveling essential workers apply for the following
Short Termfor essential workers traveling to New York State for a period of less than 12 hours.
This includes instances such as an essential worker passing through New York, delivering goods,
awaiting flight layovers, and other short duration activities.
Essential workers should stay in their vehicle and/or limit personal exposure by avoiding public
spaces as much as possible.
Essential workers should monitor temperature and signs of symptoms, wear a face covering
when in public, maintain social distance, and clean and disinfect workspaces.
Essential workers are required, unless required for such essential work, to avoid extended
periods in public, contact with strangers, and large congregate settings, for 14 days.
Medium Termfor essential workers traveling to New York State for a period of less than 36 hours,
requiring them to stay overnight.
This includes instances such as an essential worker delivering multiple goods in New York,
awaiting longer flight layover, and other medium duration activities.
Essential workers should monitor temperature and signs of symptoms, wear a face covering
when in public, maintain social distance, and clean and disinfect workspaces.
Essential workers are required, to the extent possible unless required for such essential work, to
avoid extended periods in public, contact with strangers, and large congregate settings for a
period of at least 14 days.
Long Termfor essential workers traveling to New York State for any period of greater than 36 hours,
requiring them to stay at least several days.
This includes instances such as an essential worker working on longer projects, fulfilling
extended employment obligations, and other longer duration activities.
Essential workers should seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 as soon as possible upon arrival
(within 24 hours) to ensure they are not positive.
Essential workers should monitor temperature and signs of symptoms, wear a face covering
when in public, maintain social distancing, clean and disinfect workspaces for a minimum of 14
Essential workers, to the extent possible unless required for such essential work, are required to
avoid extended periods in public, contact with strangers, and large congregate settings for a
period of at least 14 days.
Who is an essential worker?
An “essential worker” is (1) any individual employed by an entity included on the Empire State
Development (ESD) Essential Business list; or (2) any individual who is employed as a health care worker,
first responder, or in any position within a nursing home, long-term care facility, or other congregate
care setting, or an individual who is employed as an essential employee who directly interacts with the
public while working, or (3) any other worker or person deemed such by the Commissioner of Health.
Pursuant to Executive Order 202.45, any essential employee who travels to a designated state as part of
the person’s employment, or at the direction of the employee’s employer, will remain eligible for
benefits under New York’s COVID-19 paid sick leave law.
Resources for essential worker lists:
ESD Essential Business list: https://esd.ny.gov/guidance-executive-order-2026
DOH Protocol for COVID-19 Testing (5/13/20):
DOH Interim Guidance for Professional Sports Teams Traveling Between States with Significant
Community Spread of Covid-19 and New York State (7/1/20):
How does this travel restriction affect healthcare personnel?
Anyone who has traveled to a designated state will be required to quarantine when entering New York
State for 14 days from the last day in a designated state. However, entities may allow healthcare
personnel (HCP) who have traveled to a designated state to work as essential workers if all the following
conditions are met:
1. Furloughing such HCP would result in staff shortages that would adversely impact operation of
the healthcare entity, and all other staffing options have been exhausted.
2. HCPs are asymptomatic.
3. HCP received diagnostic testing for COVID-19 within 24 hours of arrival in New York.
4. HCP is self-monitoring twice a day (i.e. temperature, symptoms), and receiving temperature
monitoring and symptom checks at the beginning of each shift, and at least every 12 hours
during a shift.
5. HCP is wearing a facemask while working.
6. To the extent possible, HCP working under these conditions should preferentially be assigned to
patients at lower risk for severe complications, as opposed to higher-risk patients (e.g. severely
immunocompromised, elderly).
7. HCP allowed to return to work under these conditions should maintain self-quarantine when not
at work.
8. At any time, if the HCP working under these conditions develop symptoms consistent with
COVID-19, they should immediately stop work and isolate at home. All staff with symptoms
consistent with COVID-19 should be immediately referred for diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2.
What if I have a medical appointment or procedure?
If you have a health care procedure or appointment scheduled in New York that cannot be postponed,
you (and your support person/companion) may travel to the extent necessary to maintain that
appointment, but must otherwise remain quarantined. For further information, see the Department’s
on this topic.
Are students enrolled in NYS health care education programs who reside out of state required to
quarantine upon their return to New York for classes?
Students who have traveled in or to any of the designated states requiring quarantine, and are currently
enrolled in a NYS health care education program, are required to adhere to the essential worker
upon their arrival in New York.
Additional Questions:
If I am not an essential worker, can I travel to one of the designated states for vacation or to see
Yes. However, upon your return you will be required to quarantine when you enter New York for 14
days from the last day you were in a designated state(s). In addition, pursuant to Executive Order
202.45, any New York State resident who voluntarily travels to a designated state for travel that was not
taken as part of the person’s employment or at the direction of the person’s employer, will not be
eligible benefits under New York’s COVID-19 paid sick leave law.
I am only passing through designated states for less than 24 hours through my course of travel. Do I
need to quarantine?
No. Individuals passing through a designated state for less than 24 hours, such as stopping at rest stops
for vehicles, buses, and/or trains; or lay-overs for air travel, bus travel, or train travel, are not required
to quarantine.
I am a resident of a designated state and will be visiting family in NYS for less than 14 days. Will I have
to quarantine in NYS for the full 14 days?
While in New York State, you will need to maintain quarantine for 14 days from the last day you were in
a designated state(s). If you are in New York State for less than 14 days, you will need to quarantine for
the entire time you are in New York and, to protect the public wherever you are, you should complete
the remainder of the 14-day period quarantine period in your home upon return to a designated state.
I am traveling from a designated state to New York State am visiting for less than 14 days. If I am
required to quarantine for 14 days, who will pay for my accommodations, meals, and lost wages?
Travelers from designated states may leave the state prior to the expiration of the 14-day quarantine
period. However, to protect the public wherever you are, you should still maintain quarantine for the
remainder of the 14-day period. Travelers are responsible for their own expenses during quarantine.
If I am a New York State resident arriving from a designated state, will I be given a quarantine order?
Do I have to report myself to the local health department?
The NYS Department of Health expects all travelers to comply and protect public health by adhering to
the quarantine without receipt of an individual order. However, the NYS Department of Health and the
local health departments reserve the right to issue a mandatory quarantine order, if needed. If you
would like an order for purposes of applying for a sick leave benefit, please contact the local health
department where you are staying or where you reside. However, as mentioned above, pursuant to
Executive Order 202.45, any New York State resident who voluntarily travels to a designated state for
travel that was not taken as part of the person’s employment or at the direction of the person’s
employer, will not be eligible benefits under New York’s COVID-19 paid sick leave law.
Clinical Testing
If I have a negative COVID-19 diagnostic test, does that mean I can come out of quarantine?
No. Symptoms of COVID-19 can appear as late as 14 days after exposure. Therefore, a negative test
cannot guarantee that you will not become sick. The full 14 days of quarantine are required.
How will my quarantine be enforced?
The NYS Department of Health expects all travelers to comply and protect public health by adhering to
the quarantine. However, the NYS Department of Health and the local health departments reserve the
right to issue a mandatory quarantine order, if needed. Pursuant to Executive Order 205, anyone who
violates a quarantine order may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to 15
days per PHL 229.
If I am driving from a designated state to New York State. Will law enforcement stop me because I
have an out-of-state license plate?
The Executive Order does not direct law enforcement to stop people solely due to an out-of-state
license plate.