VMCAS 2015
Table of Contents
About VMCAS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1
Instructions __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2
Applying As a Re-Applicant _____________________________________________________________________________________________________3
Address Information ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________4
Background information ________________________________________________________________________________________________________4
Personal Data ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6
Personal Statement _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________8
Parent/Guardian ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9
High School ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9
Institutions Attended ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________9
How to Enter Institutions _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10
Adding Degree Information __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10
Transcripts_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12
Coursework ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16
Special Coursework Types ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20
Other/Previous Applications _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21
Tests ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22
Experiences ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23
Letters of evaluations _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27
Explanation Statement ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30
Designations ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31
E-Submitting the Application _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 33
Application Payment __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 34
VMCAS Application Fees ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 35
Final Reminders _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 36
VMCAS Glossary ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 38
Appendix ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 42
VMCAS 2015 Course Subject Classifications ________________________________________________________________________________ 42
Contact Information _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 44
The Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) is a centralized application service sponsored
by the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC). Applicants use VMCAS to apply to
most of the AVMA/COE accredited colleges in the United States and abroad.
VMCAS collects, processes, and delivers application materials to veterinary colleges designated by the
applicant, and responds to applicant inquiries about the application service. This service is the data
collection, processing, and distribution component of the veterinary admissions process for colleges
participating in VMCAS. VMCAS, however, does not take part in the admissions selection or advising
Twenty-seven (27) of the thirty (30) U.S. veterinary institutions participate in VMCAS, along with two (2)
Canadian, two (2) Scottish, one (1) English, one (1) Irish, and one (1) New Zealand veterinary institutions.
Application material deadlines, prerequisite courses, and other aspects of the admissions process differ
from school to school. Applicants are responsible for being informed of all instructions provided by VMCAS
and the associated member colleges. Questions about using VMCAS should be directed to the VMCAS
Student and Advisor Hotline via phone (617) 612-2884 or e-mail (vmcasin[email protected]
VMCAS goes live: June 5, 2014 at 1:00pm Eastern Time
Get S.E.T. for Verification Date: September 2
, 2014
VMCAS Application Deadline: Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 1:00pm Eastern Time
AAVMC Acceptance Deadline: April 15
, 2015
VMCAS Main Website:
AAVMC Main Website:
Transcript Verification:
Fee Reimbursement:
Online Instructions:
Page 1
The Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) makes every attempt to provide you with
pertinent information about how to complete the VMCAS application. Rarely, schools will make changes to
requirements throughout the application cycle. Please be sure to watch the VMCAS website
) and Look into the College Descriptor Pages
Specifications.aspx) for important information throughout the admissions cycle.
Every year, VMCAS comes across applicants who wait until the last minute to submit their application.
Statistics show that most applicants last year applied within the final two weeks of the cycle.
NOTE: You should allow 10-15 minutes after hitting the e-
submit button to complete the payment portion of the
VMCAS and the Veterinary schools recommend that you
submit your application to VMCAS EARLY!! Applying before
the last two weeks leading up to the deadline will help you
avoid any unforeseen circumstances that may cause delays
when completing the Web application. This may include: web
congestion, internet service provider problems, or credit card
challenges. Waiting until the final weeks of the cycle increases
the risk of these issues and may prevent you from successfully
submitting your application on time. This could cause you to
have to wait another year to apply to veterinary school.
VMCAS rarely approves deadline extensions and the appeal
process through the Admissions Committee can be quite
lengthy. Please note that you can submit your completed
application, including your three registered evaluators, to
VMCAS prior to your evaluators submitting their electronic
letters of reference (ELOR). VMCAS and the Veterinary schools
strongly recommend that you take this warning seriously. All
time is Eastern Daylight Time and is determined by the clock
on the application server. Server time is set by the official
atomic clock at (
.) It is your responsibility to meet the application deadline.
VMCAS recommends that you complete your online application using the current version of Mozilla Firefox
as your web browser. You can also use MS Internet Explorer (IE) 9.0, Apple Safari 5.1 and above or the
current version of Google Chrome. JavaScript and cookies must be enabled. Pop-up windows are also used,
therefore, pop-up blockers must be disabled.
that you get S.E.T. for verification
by September 2nd!
S.E.T. stands for
Submission Have your application E-
submitted and paid for
EvaluationsHave at least one of your
required three completed evaluations
TranscriptsHave all (U.S. and English
Speaking Canadian) transcripts posted
to your application
Because verification can take as many as
four weeks, if you are S.E.T. by September
2nd your application has the best chance
of being verified before the October 2nd
Page 2
Who is Eligible?
All applicants who began an application during our previous application cycle are eligible to have their
application information imported to the new cycle. If you wish to do so, please click the large blue
“Reapplying to VMCAS?” button on the login page to proceed with creating a re-applicant account. DO NOT
Once you click the “Reapplying to VMCAS?” button on the login page, you will be asked to provide your login
information from last cycle. If you do not remember your login information, you will be asked to provide the
e-mail address which you used to create last year’s account to have an access code e-mailed to you. Once you
have logged in, you will be prompted to enter new “create account” information, including your name, e-
mail, and login information. When you click “create account” you will be taken to your NEW account, with all
importable data from your prior account already in place.
Information Which IS Carried Over:
Applicant Information, Academic History (Institutions Attended and Coursework), and Additional
Information (w/ exception of Experience hours)
Most of the information you entered in your previous application has been automatically carried over to
your new account. When you first arrive at the home page of your application, however, none of the sections
will appear as completed. To see your imported information and complete these sections, please review
each section of the application and be sure to update or correct the information as necessary. Once you are
satisfied with the information as entered, you must then press the “Save button at the bottom of the page to
confirm the entry. Until you have done so for all required sections of the application, they will not be marked
as completed and you will therefore not be able to submit your application. It is an applicant’s responsibility
to review all imported information and ensure it is complete and accurate.
Information Which Is NOT Carried Over:
Letters of recommendation, payments, and transcripts.
In addition, there are fields on the VMCAS application which may have changed or been added since last
cycle which will NOT be filled in by the import. You will have to go over ALL sections of the application and
ensure new sections are filled in, as it will not necessarily be readily apparent from your application
checklist that something is missing if the field is not required.
Please note: Experience hours will not carry over this cycle. This information must be re-entered.
Page 3
Helpful Hints:
DO NOT complete the other name section if you have not used alternate names on academic
Current Mailing address should be the address where you would like to be contacted throughout
the application cycle.
Changes in contact information after application submission must be sent directly to schools.
List any nicknames or maiden names you may have used on previous academic records
Complete this item only if you know you have used an alternate name on previous academic records. If any
part of your alternate name is different from the name you entered in the ‘Account Information’ section,
enter all parts of your alternate name.
Current mailing address
Please provide the address and phone number(s) where you can reliably receive mail and messages. If you
are unsure of a “Current Until” date, please provide an estimate of how long you foresee being at that
address. If your day and evening phone numbers are the same, enter that number in both boxes. Be sure to
keep VMCAS colleges informed of all changes in your address and phone numbers.
Permanent address
If your permanent address is the same as your current address, remember to check the box at the end of the
“Current Address” section. Your data will automatically be transferred to this section.
If your address information changes before you submit, you can update this information on the application.
You will only be able to make these changes up until you submit your application. If you need to change your
contact information after you have submitted your application, send this information directly to your
designated colleges.
Helpful Hints:
Report your primary school’s GPA in the Student Reported GPA
For these text boxes, we recommend using a word processing program and then copying and
Remember character counts include spaces
Summer break from school should not be included in “interval longer than 3 months”
Current Student Status
Select only one choice from the drop-down menu. Put your current student status as of your most recently
completed semester prior to starting your VMCAS application.
Page 4
Student Reported GPA
If you have attended multiple colleges, list the GPA for
your primary college. “Primary” indicates whether the
selected institution is the primary institution from
which you earned your undergraduate or bachelor’s
degree, or the most credits, or completed the majority
of your prerequisites.
Has there been any interval longer than 3 months
during which you were not either enrolled as a
student or employed? (Mandatory)
360 characters have been allotted for your response.
Administrative Actions (Mandatory)
You must answer yes to this question if you ever received any administrative action resulting from
unacceptable academic performance or a conduct violation. If your response is yes, you must provide a full
explanation in the designated box. You have 2100 characters for your response.
Have you ever pled nolo contendere (no contest) or been convicted of either a felony or a
misdemeanor, other than a minor traf�ic violation? (Mandatory)
You must answer yes to this question if you ever pled nolo contendere (no contest) or have ever been
convicted of either a felony or a misdemeanor, other than a minor traffic violation. If your response is yes,
you must provide a full explanation in the designated box. You have 360 characters for your response.
It is important to note that answering yes to the two previous questions will not automatically disqualify
you from admission to veterinary school. As with most professional schools, veterinary schools understand
that many individuals learn from the past and emerge stronger as a result. If, however, you fail to provide
accurate information when answering this question, schools to which you have applied may reject your
Regional Application (MANDATORY)
You are a WICHE (Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education) applicant if you are a resident of
Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, or Wyoming AND if you have applied
for and/or received notice from the certifying office in your state that you are a duly certified applicant for
the Professional Student Exchange Program. For further information, contact your WICHE State Certifying
Office whose contact information is listed at (
). Additional information
about WICHE’s “cooperative admissions procedure” for veterinary medicine is located at
NOTE: VMCAS suggests completing large
text fields in a word processing program
and then copying and pasting your
responses from your word processing
program into the web application. As the
word count can vary depending on your
word processing program, please refer to
the character count on the application.
Page 5
Helpful Hints:
If you have or are applying for a visa be sure to enter that information on this section.
VMCAS cannot advise students on legal residency issues.
Place of Birth
Enter information about your place of birth here.
Ethnic and Race Identity (Optional)
You may indicate your ethnic and race identity by checking one or more of the boxes that apply to you. Your
response(s) to this item is optional and will be treated confidentially.
U.S. Citizen Status
If you are a U.S. citizen you must check this box.
Canadian Citizen Status
If you are a Canadian citizen you must check this box.
Note to Reapplicant: This question was not on last cycle’s application. You must choose one of the options.
Immigrant Type
If you are a non-immigrant, select from the following the type of visa you hold, for which you have applied,
or for which you plan to apply:
Visa Description
Other foreign government official or employee and members of immediate family
Visitor or Pleasure/prospective student
Treaty trader or family
Treaty investor or family
Page 6
Family of Student
Temporary worker of distinguished merit and ability
Temporary worker performing services otherwise unavailable in the United States
Family of H visa holder
Representative of foreign information media or family
Exchange visitor
Family of exchange visitor
Intercompany transferee
Family of alien who is classified L1
Vocational school student
Family of vocational school student
Amnesty recipient defined by INS
Political/religious asylum defined by INS
Page 7
State of Legal Residence (Mandatory)
Enter only one state of residency. The state listed in this section should be the state of legal residence at the
time of application, not at the time of expected enrollment in a veterinary medical institution. Enter the
number of years and months you have lived in this state. If you are unsure of years and months, please
estimate. If you believe you can claim legal residency or domicile in more than one state, or your residency
will change prior to enrollment, please contact the schools to discuss this matter. Contact your selected
schools to obtain residency requirement information. VMCAS cannot advise applicants on legal
residency issues.
Military Service
Enter information on any military service here.
Helpful Hints:
You have 5000 characters (including spaces) to answer the prompt.
For your personal statement, we recommend using a word
processing program and then copying and pasting your statement
into the text box.
Prompt: Discuss briefly the development of your interest in
veterinary medicine. Discuss those activities and unique
experiences that have contributed to your preparation for a
professional program. Discuss your understanding of the veterinary
medical profession, and discuss your career goals and objectives.
As the character count can vary depending on your Word Processing
program, please refer to the character count provided on the
Your personal statement should be written clearly and succinctly 5000
characters (including spaces) have been allotted for your statement.
Discuss briefly the development of your interest in veterinary medicine.
Discuss those activities and unique experiences that have contributed to
your preparation for a professional program. Discuss your understanding of
the veterinary medical profession, and discuss your career goals and objectives.
NOTE: The print button on this screen of the application will not print your entire personal statement! Only
what is currently on screen in the textbox will be part of the print-out. Please also note that the printed
version of your personal statement may not display paragraph indentations or carriage returns. However,
the copy received by your selected colleges will display proper formatting such as paragraph indents and
carriage returns.
The VMCAS text box
standardizes text formatting.
Special characters such as
bullets, bold text, italics,
underlining, spacing, and
indenting will NOT be retained
from programs such as
Microsoft Word. VMCAS highly
recommends using a simple text
editor (such a Notepad or
TextEdit) to adjust the spacing
in your personal essay.
Page 8
Helpful Hints:
Parent/Guardian questions are required for ALL applicants.
Please note that you can use the explanation statement for any responses in this section that
require more information.
VMCAS institutions MAY use this information to determine residency.
Responses to these questions are mandatory. If a parent is deceased, select that option; no further
information is required. If unknown, select that option. If needed, please make any notes in the field
provided or indicate that information will be provided in the explanation statement. Some VMCAS
institutions may use this information to determine residency. If you do not have contact information for
your parent or legal guardian, then please enter the following place holders for these fields:
Telephone 999-999-9999
State of Legal Residence: Select “not listed/not applicable if unknown”;
Since: enter “01/01/1900” if unknown
In this section, enter information about the high school from which you graduated or whether or not you
received a GED.
Helpful Hints:
List each institution only ONCE on your application, even if you received multiple degrees at that
institution or there are gaps in your dates of attendance.
You must report all US and foreign institutions, even if your courses there:
o were taken several years ago
o transferred to another institution
o are not required for admission to your DVM programs
o were taken in a non-degree program
Your primary institution is the school from which you earned your undergraduate or bachelor’s
degree. If you have not obtained your bachelor’s degree, it is the school from which you have
received the most credits or at which you have taken the most prerequisites.
In order to complete this section, you will need to have degree information listed for every
Page 9
To enter a new school on your VMCAS application, click on
Of�icial Name of School
Click on box to select the location of the first college or university you have attended. Once you have selected
the appropriate state or province, you will be able to click on the name of the school.
Do NOT select “Not Listed US Institution” or “Not Listed Canadian Institution” unless you have been
instructed to do so by VMCAS staff.
If you entered a Not Listed Canadian Institution, Not Listed US Institution, or a Non US/Canadian (Foreign)
Institution, please list the name of your school.
Is this your primary school?
Indicate whether this is your Primary school. This should be the school where you were awarded your most
recent degree or are currently working to earn your first degree.
Is this your current school?
Indicate whether this is your current school or not.
Dates of Attendance
Enter the beginning and end date (or anticipated end date) of study at
the institution, regardless of any gaps in between those two dates when
you did not attend that school. Your designated programs will be able to
see which terms you were an active student at this institution by the
sessions entered in the coursework section.
When first entering a college, you will be automatically guided through to the page where you will enter
degree information for each school. If you received two degrees at the same institution, enter your first
degree, select “save”. You will then be able to click on “Add Degree” to enter the information for your second
Select the appropriate degree from the dropdown menu.
Degree, if Other:
If you selected “Other Other”, please enter the name of your degree on this line.
Don’t forget to have
your official
transcripts sent to
VMCAS from every U.S.
and English-speaking
Canadian institution
you have attended!
Page 10
Degree Status:
Select “Degree Awarded”, “Degree Expected”, or “No Degree Planned” depending on the status of your degree
for this institution at the time you submit your application to VMCAS.
Date Degree earned or anticipated:
Enter the month and year in which you earned or expect to earn the degree. If you will not earn a degree
from this institution, leave this field blank.
Major for Degree:
Enter in your official major course of study at the institution. Select “No Major” if you did not have a major.
Select “Other” if you have a major which is not on the dropdown menu.
1st Major, if Other:
Type in the name of your major if you selected “Other” for the previous question.
Second Major for Degree:
Enter your second official major for this degree, if applicable.
2nd Major, if Other:
Type in the name of your major if you selected “Other” for the previous question.
Minor for Degree:
Enter your minor for your degree, if applicable.
Minor, if Other:
Type in the name of your major if you selected “Other” for the previous question.
NOTE: But I didn’t earn a degree at this school!
How do I complete this section?
If you don’t plan to earn a degree at any given
school, you will need to let your designations
know that you do not intend to earn a degree from
this institution. To do so, simply click on “Add
Degree” next to the name of the school, and select
“No Degree Planned” from the dropdown menu,
then click on “Save”.
Page 11
Arrange for VMCAS to receive one official transcript from every U.S. and English-speaking Canadian college
and university you attended. VMCAS will not verify or forward your application until it has been E-
Submitted, all official transcripts have been received, at least one of the
required three references has been completed, and a correct fee has been
Transcript Rules
Transcripts must be sent directly from the registrar’s office
to VMCAS, NOT your veterinary programs. Issued to Student
transcripts cannot be posted to your application.
Send transcripts for all postsecondary institutions you have
attended, regardless of whether course credit transferred to
another college or university and appears on that transcript.
Arrange for your official transcripts to be sent to VMCAS
early! Your designated Colleges of Veterinary Medicine may not
consider your application for admission if your transcripts are
When ordering your transcript to be sent to VMCAS, request a
second copy for your own records. Do NOT use your course
record, course schedule, or memory to complete the
Coursework section because they may differ from your official
transcripts. If a significant number of discrepancies are found,
your processing will be delayed.
All transcripts sent to VMCAS must be in English.
All foreign transcripts sent to VMCAS must be evaluated for U.S.
equivalency. Please do NOT send us your original foreign (non-
study abroad) transcript.
Keep in mind, it can take as many as ten business days from the
day your transcript is sent by the registrar for it to be posted to
your application!
Fall and Spring transcripts should be sent directly to your designated schools since they will be
generated AFTER you’ve submitted your application.
Transcript Request Form
Including the Transcript Request Form with your official transcript allows VMCAS to more efficiently match
your transcript to your application. It is not, however, required, particularly if the system for requesting your
transcripts will not accept attachments.
Please follow these steps to print your VMCAS Transcript Request Form
1. Login to your VMCAS application, and select the Institutions Attended link from the Application
2. Enter your institutional information (see instructions above).
that you get S.E.T. for verification by
September 2nd!
The T in S.E.T. stands for:
TranscriptsHave all (U.S. and English
Speaking Canadian) transcripts posted to
your application by September 2
Keep in mind it can take as many as ten
business days from the day your transcript
is sent by the registrar for it to be posted to
your application!
Because verification can take as many as
four weeks, if you are S.E.T. by September
2nd your application has the best chance of
being verified before the October 2nd
Page 12
3. To the left side of your school’s name, in the “Transcript Request Form” column, locate the
Transcript Request Form icon.
4. Click on the Transcript Request form. This will start the PDF download of your Transcript
Request Form. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader
to view and print this file.
5. Print out and then complete the form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office of your institution. If
you are no longer in the same location as your institution, you may want to see if there is an e-mail
address you can send the form to as an attachment.
6 .Be sure to advise the Registrar’s Office to enclose the Transcript Request Form with your official
sealed transcript and mail it directly to the VMCAS Transcript Processing Center at:
VMCAS Transcripts
P. O. Box #9126
Watertown, MA 02471
Official transcripts that are not accompanied by the
Transcript Request Form when they arrive at VMCAS
may take longer to post to your application.
7. Be sure to print and complete the Transcript
Request Form for each institution you have attended.
The barcode generated for each institution is unique.
Be sure that you send the correct Transcript Request
Form to each of your institutions.
As part of the application process, you
will need to contact each US and
English-speaking Canadian Institution
you have attended to request that they
send your transcript to VMCAS. It is the
applicant’s responsibility to contact the
registrar’s office, and to monitor the
status section for receipt of transcripts.
Page 13
U.S. Military Transcripts
For transcripts from U.S. military institutions not listed in the “List of Colleges” in the Institutions attended
section, forward transcripts that contain military credits or are official military transcripts to your
designated Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, if required by your institutions. CVM policies vary. Please
contact the institutions directly if you have any questions.
No Transcript Available
VMCAS does not waive transcript requirements due to an applicant’s financial obligations to a college or
university. Applicants who are unable to obtain an official transcript from a college or university due to
extenuating circumstances must submit a signed letter of explanation on official letterhead from the
appropriate institution or state department of education. VMCAS will evaluate transcript waiver requests on
a case-by-case basis.
Study Abroad Transcripts
Please refer to the instructions listed under coursework.
Overseas U.S. Institutions
VMCAS recognizes “overseas U.S. institutions” that:
are located outside U.S. borders,
are regionally accredited, and
use English as the primary language of instruction and documentation.
If you attended an overseas U.S. institution, report it to VMCAS in the same manner as your U.S. institutions
by sending an official transcript to VMCAS and listing all coursework on your VMCAS application.
English-speaking Canadian Institutions
English-speaking Canadian institutions are treated the same way as U.S. colleges and universities. You must
list these schools on your application, and must send transcripts to VMCAS.
French-speaking Canadian Institutions
If your French-speaking Canadian institution issues an English language transcript, select your
school’s name from the search tool next to “Official Name of School. Send your school’s English language
transcript to VMCAS.
If your French-speaking Canadian institution does NOT issue an English language transcript, do NOT
select the name of the college from your institutions list. Select the “Non-US/Canadian (Foreign) Institution”
option and type in the name of your school. Follow the instructions below for sending transcripts from
international institutions.
***Please note that VMCAS does not determine which Canadian schools issue English language transcripts.
Please consult your school’s Registrar’s office to determine if a transcript can be issued in English.
Page 14
International Transcripts
VMCAS will not accept non-U.S. transcripts, with the exception of Canadian transcripts in English.
VMCAS will NOT hold your file in processing for missing foreign transcript evaluations.
Enter all of your Canadian/foreign institutions attended
VMCAS will NOT verify your foreign courses.
Review the program-specific admission requirements to determine if foreign transcript evaluations for
foreign coursework must be submitted directly to the college or to VMCAS.
Foreign Transcript Evaluation Services
Your College of Veterinary Medicine may specify which agency you must use. VMCAS does not verify that
you have used the correct agency for a particular college. Arrange for the course-by-course report to be sent
from the agency to VMCAS and/or your designated programs, if required. VMCAS only accepts foreign
transcript evaluations from the five agencies listed below:
P.O. BOX 5087
NEW YORK, NY 10274-5087
(212) 966-6311
7101 SW 102 AVENUE
MIAMI, FL 33173
(305) 273-1616
Educational Credential Evaluators, INC
P.O. Box 514070
Milwaukee, WI 53203-3470
(414) 289-3400
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and
Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
Foreign Education Credential Services
One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 520
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 296-3359
International Education Research Foundation (IERF)
Post Office Box 3665
Culver City, CA 90231
(310) 258-9451
Page 15
Helpful Hints:
You must fill in your Institutions Attended section before
completing the Coursework section.
Enter ALL of your courses, even if they do not fulfill a
prerequisite, or you repeated or withdrew from them.
Get a personal copy of your official transcript from your
registrar’s office to help you enter your coursework section.
Sometimes course titles and prefixes on the official
transcript don’t match those on unofficial transcripts or
online student records.
Enter courses chronologically, beginning with the oldest and
ending with the most recent.
Use the transcript from the school where the course was
originally taken, even if the credits transferred to another
institution. You must also have a transcript from the original
school sent to VMCAS.
Report ALL coursework taken at U.S. and English-speaking Canadian
Step-by-Step Coursework Entry
1. Add your first term
Your coursework section is organized by term. Each semester, quarter, trimester and unit is
considered a separate session. Before you can add any courses, you will add your first term by
clicking on the “Add New Session” button. You will click on this button before entering EVERY
semester, quarter, trimester or unit you attended college.
2. Fill in information about your first term at this school.
Academic Status
This refers to your status when you took the courses, NOT your status NOW. So, for example, all of
your freshman courses are listed as “freshman,” sophomore courses “sophomore,” and so on. Please
see the status definitions below:
Freshman-Senior: All college level courses taken prior to your first bachelor’s degree.
VMCAS does not monitor credit levels in regards to freshman-senior designations. In
general, four year students list one year per designation and five-year students list their
Do not enter your
coursework from memory.
If the information you enter in
your coursework section does
not match your official
transcript, your application
will be returned to you for
corrections. In order to avoid
additional processing time,
please obtain official
transcripts to assist you in
entering your courses.
Page 16
last two years as senior. Non-traditional students label their terms as evenly as possible,
but should remain in chronological order (i.e. do not report yourself as a junior in 1999 and
as a freshman in 2000).
Post-Baccalaureate: Undergraduate level courses taken after your first bachelor’s degree is
earned. If you earned a second bachelor’s degree, your entire second degree would be
considered “post-baccalaureate.
Graduate: Graduate level courses taken toward a graduate degree. (Examples: Ph.D. Master
of Science Master of Art)
Professional: Courses taken toward a professional degree. (Examples: M.D., D.V.M.)
Vocational/Trade: Certification: Courses providing job-focused training for specific
roles/careers. (Examples: fashion, cosmetology, computer technology, farrier)
The season this term took place, usually written on your transcript.
Type of Term
VMCAS term type does not refer to the length of the term or how many terms a year your school
offered, but instead what type of hours your credits are worth. ALL TERMS SHOULD BE LABELED
“SEMESTER,” “QUARTER,” or “TRIMESTER” depending on the system your school uses. Do NOT
label any term as “UNIT. Check the back of your transcript to ensure you are labeling your terms
properly. If you are still unsure, check with your school’s registrar.
Year the Course Began
The year this term began. Please note that the VMCAS system considers “winter” terms to begin in
January, even though many winter terms begin in December. Therefore, when selecting “Winter
2009,” the computer reads this as January 2009, not December 2009. If you took a December 2009
winter term, you should list this on your application as “Winter 2010” to ensure your coursework
remains in chronological order.
Session Status
Any term you have finished should be marked as “completed. Only your current or future terms
should be marked as “planned/in-progress. If you have finished some of your courses, but not all
for a particular term, the entire term must be listed as “in-progress.” You may not “split” terms
between in-progress and completed.
Once you have filled out all of the information above, click “Save” to save the term information. You
will then automatically be prompted to enter a course.
Page 17
3. Enter the following information for the first course which appears in this term on your official
Course Title: Copy the exact course title that appears on your official transcripts. If your official
transcripts read “Introduction to Biology”, do NOT report your course title as “Microbiology.”
If you’re not able to fit your course title within the 40 character limit, you can abbreviate your
course titles, as long as your abbreviation reflects the correct course title, e.g. “Introduction to
Biology” could be abbreviated to “Intro to Bio” but not “General Biology”
Course Prefix and Number: Report the prefix and number (e.g. CHEM 101) which appears on your
official transcript. Please be careful to match the course prefix exactly. If your transcript reports
CHEM 101, you must enter CHEM 101 and not CHE 101.
Course Level Description: Refer to the back of your transcript to help you select the appropriate
course level. Generally lower division classes are 100 and 200 level, and upper division are 300 and
above. The answer to this section may be different from your academic status at the time.
Course Subject: Select the most appropriate course subject from the VMCAS course subject list.
(Provided in the Appendix of these instructions p.42) Usually the title of a course will provide you
with the best guidance for selecting a course subject. If that is unclear, look to the departmental
prefix to guide your selection. Selecting a course subject in this section does not guarantee that your
school will accept your course as fulfilling any particular prerequisite.
Grade as it appears on the transcript: Enter the grade which appears on your official transcript.
Page 18
Grade using VMCAS conversion table:
If you entered a letter grade in the previous field, this section will automatically fill
in. Do NOT change this field if it filled in automatically.
If you entered a numeric grade in the previous field, please use the conversion
table listed on your official transcript to find the appropriate conversion. Note that
this conversion table may be on the back of your transcript. If there’s nothing
listed on your transcript, use the VMCAS conversion table.
Number of Credit Hours: Credit hours refer to the number of semester or quarter hours your
course was worthtypically 3 or 4. If your institution uses a different system, please refer to the
back of your transcript or contact the registrar’s office for conversion to semester or quarter hours.
Classification Description: Select the most appropriate classification from the dropdown menu.
The majority of your classes should be labelled as “Not Applicable”.
4. Click onAdd Course”, and enter the second course for your first term. Repeat this step for every
course you took during your first term.
5. Click onAdd New Session”, and enter your second term. Repeat for as many terms as are on your
official transcript.
Page 19
Study Abroad
1. If your study abroad experience DOES NOT fit into any of the categories BELOW and your
FULL CREDITS AND GRADES for these courses APPEAR on your undergraduate transcript,
then you should list these courses normally with the rest of your undergraduate work. For
course type, you would select “Study Abroad.” No additional documentation is necessary.
Do NOT report your study abroad school as a foreign institution.
2. If your study abroad experience DOES NOT fit into any of the categories BELOW and your
FULL CREDITS AND GRADES for these courses DO NOT APPEAR on your undergraduate
transcript, you should report that you attended a foreign institution. List your courses
under the foreign school with the classification description “Study Abroad.” DO NOT SEND
VETERINARY MEDICINE. Please check with your CVM to determine if they will require a
foreign evaluation.
Did you study at any of the schools on our Overseas U.S. Institutions List? If so, report the school
from the list and list your coursework under the overseas school with the course type “Study
Abroad.” You are required to have a transcript sent to VMCAS directly from the Overseas U.S.
Institution. COMMON SCHOOLS which fall under this category include RICHMOND
Did you use another U.S. school’s program to study abroad? If so, report the U.S. school whose
program you used, and list your coursework under this U.S. school with the course type “Study
Abroad.” You are required to have a transcript sent to VMCAS from the U.S. school. COMMON
SCHOOLS which students study through include ARCADIA UNIVERSITY, BUTLER UNIVERSITY, and
SIT (School for International Training) which is on our school list under Vermont.
Did you study abroad via IES (International Education of Students), CIEE (Council on International
Educational Exchange), CCCS (Center for Cross-Cultural Study), API (Academic Programs
International), DIS (Danish Institute for Study Abroad), or SFS (School for Field Studies)? If so, list
your coursework under your undergraduate institution with the course type “Study Abroad.” You
are required to have the company send VMCAS a company transcript, which is NOT a copy of your
foreign transcript. This company transcript will be uploaded under your undergraduate school and
is considered an addendum to your regular transcript. Do NOT list the company as an institution
attended. If you did not use any of the companies listed above, please proceed to question #4 below:
Did you study abroad via ISA (International Studies Abroad) or ASA (Academic Studies Abroad)? If
so, you should report that you attended a foreign institution and list your study abroad courses
under the foreign school with the classification “Study Abroad.” You should send VMCAS your ISA or
ASA transcript (NOT your foreign transcript), which will be uploaded under the foreign school and
is considered the equivalent of a foreign evaluation.
Page 20
Advanced Placement Credits
If you received college credit for your AP exam scores, you will list these credits as courses under the
institution which first awarded you that credit. You should enter them under the first term of your freshman
year as they appear on your transcript. For your grade, you should select “Credit” and for the classification
description, you should select “Advanced Placement.” If no course prefix or number is issued, you may put
“N/A” for “Not Applicable”
NOTE: Your Test Score is NOT considered a numeric grade and shouldn’t be entered as a grade.
Foreign Coursework
Have your foreign transcript evaluated for U.S. equivalency and sent to VMCAS. You are not required to list
courses from foreign institutions in your coursework section, nor will these be incorporated into your
VMCAS GPA See list of evaluation services earlier in this instruction manual.
U.S. Military Coursework
Do NOT list any military courses completed or credits received unless they come from the U.S. military
institutions listed in the “List of Colleges” in the Institutions attended section.
Planned/In Progress Courses
The process for entering planned/in progress courses is similar to the process for entering completed
courses. When adding a Planned/In Progress session, select “Planned/In Progress” in the Session Status
When this has been done correctly, you will be presented with a course entry screen that does not
ask you to specify your grade information.
Helpful Hints:
If you are applying to Colleges of Veterinary Medicine outside of VMCAS, you MUST report that in
this section of your application.
Other Applications
This section is where you list the other Colleges of Veterinary Medicine that you are applying to
outside of VMCAS.
If you are applying to a veterinary medical college other than those you checked in the College
Designations section, please select the college using theApplication” drop-down boxes provided.
Leave this section blank only if you are applying to Colleges of Veterinary Medicine through VMCAS
only, and click the link for the next section in the application.
Any information entered in the “Other Applications” section will not be sent to your designated
Page 21
Previous Applications
If you have previously applied to one or more Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, list the all years for
which you submitted applications.
For each application submitted, please select the entering year of the fall semester.
Report only applications submitted BEFORE the current VMCAS application cycle in this section.
Please do not report the entering year for the current application cycle (2015) or the entering year
for any future application cycles.
Helpful Hints:
Send ALL official test scores directly to the colleges you are applying for. Do NOT send your official
scores to VMCAS.
The following webpage can be used to determine what tests are required for your schools, and to
determine the latest date you should take your tests (
In this section, you are to enter information concerning all tests you have taken. Add one entry for each time
you’ve taken each specific test.
To add a test, first select one of the following test types from the dropdown list and then click
GRE: General Test (V, Q, W) is the test given between April 2002 and July 2011. The Revised General
Test (V, Q, W) is the test offered as of August 2011.
OTHER (select this option if you need to enter a test which is not listed)
Important Information for VMCAS 2015 Applicants: GRE®
Make sure you check with your chosen CVMs to determine their GRE® deadline date!!
Please visit the Educational Testing Service (ETS) for more information about the new Graduate Record
Exam and test dates and scoring system at (
You will then be presented with appropriate fields for that test. If you plan to take a test in the future, add
that entry as “Planned”.
Note to reapplicants: You must go into EACH test entry and SAVE it for these entries to appear in your
application and complete the Tests section of the application.
Page 22
Helpful Hints:
You must have at least one entry listed for every category.
If you do not have an experience to report in any category, you will need to select the category, and
select “I DO NOT HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE” in order to complete this section.
Please select one category which best describes each of your experiences. Do not list experiences
more than once in this section.
In this section, enter any of the following experiences:
Research (Click on the experience for instructions)
Honors and Awards
Community Activities
Use this chart to understand how you should classify your experiences:
Note: Veterinary and Animal Experiences can appear very similar!
To h elp distinguish the differences between Veterinary and Animal use the following examples as well:
Giving a dog a shot in an animal clinic is an example of Veterinary.
Milking a cow on a farm is an example of Animal.
Page 23
To Add an Experience:
1. Select the type of experience you wish to enter from the
dropdown menu and then click the button.
2. Enter all information related to your experience.
3. If you do not have any of that type of experience, select the “I DO
4. Click the button at the bottom of the page.
To Edit an Entry:
1. Click the button next to the experience you wish to change.
2. Once you have completed your changes, click the button at the bottom of the page to
save the change.
Not to Reapplicants: You must go into EACH experience entry which has been imported, check it, and
SAVE it for that experience to appear as part of your application and complete the Experiences
Veterinary Experience
Helpful Hints:
Veterinary Experiences are experiences which are related to animals AND were supervised by a
Do NOT list any veterinary research experiences in this section. ALL research opportunities should
be listed in the Research section.
The experiences you report in this section should be different from those entered for Animal and
Employment experience. Veterinary experiences should relate to any veterinary clinical, agribusiness, or
health science experiences that you have had with veterinarians.
Include all relevant experiences, whether they are voluntary, paid, or academic experiences, beginning with
the most recent. If you are unsure of the dates or number of hours worked, please estimate. If your current
experience will continue beyond when you submit your application, list the expected ending date.
However, the total hours should reflect completed hours (total hours-to-date), and should NOT include
future hours.
If your experience was over broken periods of time (for example, summer break), enter the average number
of weekly hours and note the periods worked in your description of duties. List average weekly hours and
total hours for each experience. You are allowed 480 characters in the Description of Duties section. If you
need additional space, use the Explanation Statement.
If you have NO relevant experience to report, check the box “I DO NOT HAVE ANY VETERINARY
Page 24
Animal Experience
The experiences you report in this section should be different from those entered for Veterinary and
Employment experience. They should include farm and ranch experiences, 4-H membership, animal
training, or other similar activities, and should not have occurred under the supervision of a
Include all relevant experiences, whether they are voluntary, paid, or academic experiences, beginning with
the most recent. If you are unsure of the dates or number of hours worked, please estimate. If your current
experience will continue beyond when you submit your application, list the expected ending date. However,
the total hours should reflect completed hours (total hours-to-date), and should NOT include future hours.
If your experience was over broken periods of time (for example, summer break), enter the average number
of weekly hours and note the periods worked in your description of duties. List average weekly hours and
total hours for each experience. You are allowed 480 characters in the Description of Duties section. If you
need additional space, use the Explanation Statement.
If you have NO relevant experience to report, check the box “I DO NOT HAVE ANY ANIMAL
Research Experience
Research should include any experience in a research environment. Please research experiences in this
section, even if they were also veterinary experiences. Be very specific about your work/involvement in the
research experiences entered in this section. Veterinary schools can weigh your level of involvement
according to their school’s standards.
If you have NO relevant experience to report, check the box “I DO NOT HAVE ANY RESEARCH
Community Activities
List and describe extracurricular and/or community activities in which you were engaged, including those
during high school beginning with the most recent first. You may include sports and hobbies.
You have approximately 480 characters per activity to provide a brief description. If you are unsure of dates,
please estimate.
If you have NO relevant experience to report, check the box “I DO NOT HAVE ANY EXTRACURRICULAR
Page 25
Honors and Awards
List and describe honors or awards you have received, including those in High School. For honors or awards
received in multiple years or semesters, you may either enter them as multiple entries with the same name,
or, if the honor or award was received consecutively, as one entry spanning multiple years.
You have approximately 480 characters per award to provide a brief description. If you are unsure of the
date you received the award, please estimate.
If you have NO relevant experience to report, check the box “I HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANY
Do not include any experience listed in Veterinary, Animal, or Research experience.
If you are unsure of the dates or number of hours worked, please estimate and provide details in the
description. If your current experience will continue beyond the date you submit your application, list the
expected ending date. However, the total hours should reflect completed hours (total hours-to-date), and
should NOT include future hours.
If your experience was over broken periods of time (for example, summer break), enter the average number
of weekly hours and note the periods worked in your description of duties. List average weekly hours and
total hours for each experience. You are allowed 480 characters in the Description of Duties section. If you
need additional space, use the Explanation Statement.
If you have NO relevant experience to report, check the box “I DO NOT HAVE ANY EMPLOYMENT
Page 26
Helpful Hints:
List a minimum of three evaluators on your
VMCAS application. If you do not list three
evaluators, this section will not become
complete and you will not be able to submit
your application.
You can list up to 6 evaluators on your VMCAS
All references on the VMCAS application system
must be submitted via the electronic reference
portal. If you have questions about this policy,
please contact VMCAS at 617-612-2884.
All evaluations submitted to VMCAS are sent to
ALL of your designated Colleges of Veterinary
Medicine. Thus, they should not make
references to specific programs.
You can only add evaluators in the Evaluators
section of your application. The Evaluations
section of the status sidebar will enable you to
see the status of your electronic letters, but you
will NOT be able to add new evaluators or delete
unresponsive ones in the status section.
If you choose not to waive your right of access to the evaluation, you still won’t be able to see the
evaluation until you are admitted and enrolled into a College of Veterinary Medicine.
Any reference which is listed as “New” or “In Progress” can be deleted and replaced.
Responsible Applicant Actions
Before You Add an Evaluator on Your VMCAS Application:
Confirm the individual is willing to provide a letter of reference on your behalf.
Let him/her know to look for an e-mail from
with the subject line “VMCAS
Evaluation Request”.
Discuss the VMCAS deadline date with your evaluator, and be sure that he/she understands that
evaluations MUST be received by Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 at 1pm Eastern Time. VMCAS
recommends that references submit their letters well in advance of this deadline.
If your evaluator is not located in the Eastern Time zone, use the Deadline Time Zone
Chart (
) to help them determine when the deadline is in their local
that you get S.E.T. for verification
by September 2nd!
The E in S . E . T. stands for:
EvaluationsHave at least one of your
three required evaluations Complete”
by September 2
Because verification can take as many as
four weeks, if you are S.E.T. by September
2nd your application has the best chance
of being verified before the October 2
Page 27
When Entering Your References on Your VMCAS Application:
Enter each evaluator with a unique e-mail address, and make sure it is typed in accurately.
Once you register an evaluator, you cannot make any additional changes to the evaluator
information. Be sure your titles (Dr., Ms., Mr., etc.) and e-mail addresses are correct.
Insert the evaluator’s contact information that will be best to reach him/her at.
Enter at least three evaluations to enable you to submit your VMCAS application.
After You Add an Evaluator on Your VMCAS Application:
Follow up with your evaluator to make sure he/she has received the e-mail containing their login
information. Tell the evaluator to check their e-mail’s spam/bulk/junk folders if they do not see the
request e-mail in their inbox.
Monitor the evaluations section of your VMCAS application. It is your responsibility to follow up
with your evaluators and be sure your evaluations are submitted before the deadline date.
What Happens After You Add a Reference to Your Application:
Your evaluator is sent an e-mail request containing a username, password, and a link to the online
VMCAS evaluator portal.
Your evaluator will log in, and begin filling out information on your reference. As soon as this
happens, the status for that evaluator will change to “In Progress.”
Once this evaluator completes your evaluation, he or she will click on “Submit”. This will make the
status for that evaluator change from “In Progress” to “Complete.Only completed references can be
sent to your CVMs.
VMCAS recommends that references submit their letters well in advance of this deadline.
Note: Applications can be submitted prior to having completed evaluations. You may e-submit at
any time once you complete your application.
Adding an evaluator to my VMCAS application:
Click on the button to list your evaluator’s information.
The first question you will need to respond to is the waiver selection:
Page 28
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) gives applicants the right to access letters of
reference written unless they choose to waive their right of inspection and review. Prior to requesting a
reference from an evaluator, you are required to indicate whether you wish to waive your rights. VMCAS will
release your decision to waive or not waive access to this reference to your evaluator and your designated
Colleges of Veterinary Medicine. Schools may interpret references as more honest and candid if you waive
your right to see the letters. If you retain access, you may be asked to explain your reasons for your choice
during interview(s).
Your waiver decision on the VMCAS application serves the same purpose as a legal signature, and is binding.
If you decide to change your waiver decision, you must login to your VMCAS application to edit your
selection online. Once your reference’s status has changed to “In Progress”, you cannot make changes to
your waiver decision.
Evaluator Information
In this section, you will need to report your Evaluator’s Name, Occupation and Institution, Practice or Place
of Business.
Evaluator Contact Information
Enter your evaluator’s address and daytime telephone number. Input the contact information where your
veterinary school will be best able to contact your reference.
Page 29
Evaluator e-mail address
Enter your evaluator’s e-mail address here. Be sure this address is accurate and active. This is the
address to which your request for evaluation will be sent.
As soon as you click on the “Save” button, the request e-mail will be automatically sent to your reference.
Please confirm with each individual that they are willing to write a letter of reference for you before adding
them on your application.
If your evaluator is having trouble receiving or finding the email, please encourage them to check in their
email’s junk/spam folders.
Committee Letters
If you wish to submit a committee letter as part of your VMCAS application.
1. Enter the committee chair or their alternate as an evaluator.
2. The evaluator can then complete the assessment section of the evaluation.
3. The committee letter must be combined into a single document which can then be uploaded using
the upload option in the evaluation.
4. A committee letter only counts as one reference for the purposes of fulfilling the minimum three
references required.
While this section is NOT required, you can use it to record information that could not be listed anywhere
else within the web application, such as missing parental information, and disciplinary action(s) which
require detailed explanation. This section can also be used to provide the admissions committee(s)
additional information that you consider vital to your application. Your explanation statement should be
clearly and succinctly written 2000 characters (including spaces) have been allotted for this purpose.
Examples of pertinent information might include explanations about interruptions in your studies or
experiences, unique circumstances you have faced, or reasons for decisions you have made.
DO NOT use this section for spillover for a personal statement which exceeds the character limit.
Page 30
In this section you can select the Colleges of Veterinary
Medicine to which you wish to apply. You can only
select from those CVMs which are currently
participating in VMCAS. You can add up to
37designations on your application. If you are applying
to a CVM other than those you check in this section,
please list that college in the “Other Applications”
Before completing this section, VMCAS strongly
recommends that you review the requirements of
each college to which you are applying and make
sure that you meet all of their criteria. Review the page
of each school you wish to apply to on the College
Descriptor Pages: (
To Add a College of Veterinary Medicine to Your
1. Click the button.
2. Designate the school(s) you want your application
sent to by checking the box next to the name of the
3. Click on the button.
4. The designations you selected will display, along with the corresponding fee. Review and confirm your
designations to be sure they are accurate. To remove a designation, click the delete button.
VMCAS will not delete college selections after a designation had been saved and your application has been
submitted with that designation. You can only ADD designations up until the October 2nd, 2014 1:00 PM
Eastern Time application deadline.
Supplemental Applications and Fees
Individual colleges may require supplemental applications and/or fees. Send these directly to the college.
Visit the college descriptor pages for information regarding supplemental applications and fees.
Please see the supplemental requirements chart (
) to see if your
school requires a supplemental application.
Important: It your responsibility as
a VMCAS applicant to ensure that
you have met the criteria of the
schools to which you are applying.
While the VMCAS application
deadline for all VMCAS Colleges is
October 2
1:00 PM Eastern Time.
Be sure to check your designated
colleges for specific deadlines for
other application materials
VMCAS will NOT hold your
applications if you do not meet a
school’s requirements or deadlines,
and refunds will NOT be given if you
submit to a school you are not
qualified for.
Page 31
The following schools require a VMCAS application from U.S. applicants. Canadian applicants must contact
the school directly to obtain an application.
University of GuelphOntario Veterinary
College (Canada)
University of Prince Edward IslandAtlantic
Veterinary College (Canada)
U.S. and Canadian citizens must use the VMCAS application to apply to the following schools. International
students must contact the school directly to obtain an application.
Royal Veterinary College (England)
University of Glasgow (Scotland)
University of Edinburgh (Scotland)
University College Dublin (Ireland)
U.S. and Canadian citizens may use either VMCAS or may contact the school directly to apply to the following
school. International students must contact the school directly to obtain an application.
Massey University (New Zealand)
Page 32
Once you have filled out your entire online VMCAS application and
selected which CVMs you would like to apply to, you mustE-Submit” to
officially turn your application in to VMCAS. E-submitting does NOT
mean your application is being reviewed by your CVMs.
Please be Aware of the Following Before E-Submitting Your
No Changes Allowed After You E-submit
Once you e-submit your application, your VMCAS application is locked
and you may NOT make changes to it for the rest of the application
cycle. The only sections you may change after submitting are: your
contact information, your password and security information,
references which have a status of “new” or “in-progress, and you may
add additional school designations. All other sections will be read-only.
Make sure you check over your application information closely before
E-Submitting to avoid any errors as these cannot be corrected later.
Transcripts and References Not Required to E-Submit
You may e-submit your application at any time once the required information has been filled out on the
online application, whether or not your transcripts and letters of reference have been received by VMCAS.
Please note, however, that VMCAS will NOT begin to verify your application until all of your transcripts,
payments, and one of your three letters of reference have also been received.
Do NOT Wait Until the Last Minute (Literally)
You are permitted to submit your application up until 1:00 PM EASTERN STANDARD TIME on October 2
Please note your submission is NOT recorded when you click the E-SUBMIT button. There are several
pages of checklists which must first be completed, and the submission is only recorded at the end of
this process. If you press e-submit at 1:00 and get through the final screen at 1:01, the submission will not
go through. In addition, times close to 1:00 PM on October 2
will have a high volume of applicants
submitting which can cause delays. VMCAS CAN NOT GRANT YOU A DEADLINE EXTENSION OR HELP
Once you are ready to e-submit, you can do this by clicking the orange “E-SUBMIT” button at the bottom of
your application. Once you have completed the submission checklists, you will be brought to the payment
that you get S.E.T. for verification
by September 2nd!
The S in S.E.T. stands for:
Submission Have your application E-
Submitted and Paid For by September 2
Because verification can take as many as
four weeks, if you are S.E.T. by September
2nd your application has the best chance
of being verified before the October 2
Page 33
Your VMCAS Application fee is paid to VMCAS directly through the application. The VMCAS application fee
pays for the VMCAS System Hosting, Student and Advisor Hotline, and application processing. This fee
does NOT include any additional fees due to your designated school(s). All supplemental and/or other fees
are paid directly to your designated schools.
AAVMC Application Fee Reimbursement Program:
A limited number of VMCAS fee reimbursements are available through this program. Reimbursements are
granted to financially disadvantaged applicants on a first-come, first-serve basis, and the program will close
once the allotted funds are exhausted.
AAVMC will decide if you qualify for a reimbursement based on your income, or your parent’s income (if you
are claimed as a dependent) as reported on the 2013 Federal Income Tax Return.
To be considered for a VMCAS reimbursement, you must:
Be a U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident, or have refugee/asylum status.
You must have submitted your VMCAS 2015 application prior to submitting a request.
You must upload your (or your parent’s if you are a claimed as a dependent) 2013 Federal Income
Tax Return.
The VMCAS 2015 Reimbursement Request form must be submitted to AAVMC after you submit your VMCAS
application, and can be found HERE
, or by copying the link below:
Application Fee: Credit Card Payments
VMCAS only accepts credit cards as payment. If you have questions, please contact VMCAS. Resubmitting
credit card information can result in multiple charges. Credit card information should NOT be emailed to
VMCAS. If you are unable to pay your application fee by credit card, you must contact VMCAS at: 617-
deadline time are at risk of taking longer that you expect. You may possibly miss the deadline because of it.
If you click the “Pay by Credit Card” button and receive an error message. You are most likely encountering
an issue with your internet browser. Please log out of your application and log back in using the current
version of Mozilla Firefox as your web browser. You can also use MS Internet Explorer (IE) 9.0, Apple Safari
5.1 and above or the current version of Google Chrome. JavaScript and cookies must be enabled. Pop-up
windows are also used, therefore, pop-up blockers must be disabled.
Remember to PRINT YOUR RECEIPT. That is your proof of payment.
Page 34
VMCAS 2015 Fees
# of
2015 Fee
# of
2015 Fee
Page 35
Make sure you have sent official transcripts from every U.S. and English-speaking Canadian
Institution to VMCAS.
Review the AAVMC Privacy Policy at:
o Make sure you have registered at least three evaluators in the Evaluators section.
You can register a maximum of six evaluators in this section.
o Make sure you have verified that the evaluator’s computer system accepts emails from
and that the email request, once sent, has been received by your
o If there are extenuating circumstances as to why an evaluator cannot complete an
electronic evaluation, contact VMCAS.
Do not send test scores, supplemental applications and supplemental fees (if applicable) to
VMCAS. Send these materials to your designated colleges prior to the deadline.
VMCAS does not provide refunds under any circumstances, including when an applicant
accidentally chooses the wrong school or if an applicant pays but never “Meets VMCAS
Requirements”. Sending payment to VMCAS signals your intent for VMCAS to process your
materials, regardless of whether they are completed or not.
Changes cannot be made to the application once it has been submitted. Proofread your
application before submitting.
Review college specific requirements
o College Descriptor Pages
o Supplemental Applications
o Veterinary School Websites
Print a copy of your completed application and confirmation page for your records.
o To print your submitted application, go to the College Designations section at the bottom of
the Application Checklist and click the “Application Preview” button on the right next to
whichever School you choose. This will bring up a PDF of your entire application. Save and
print this PDF for your records. The application preview is not available until after you E-
Submit your application.
Page 36
You will not be able to access your application once the VMCAS application closes for the
season. Your confirmation page is proof that your application was submitted and received
successfully by VMCAS.
Record and file your VMCAS ID, user name and password.
Application Certi�ication
I certify that all the information and statements I have provided in this application are correct and complete,
including any statement regarding my state of residence. I certify that, as required in the application, I have
read all application instructions, identified all sources of information related to my college attendance and
credits, all actions by a university or other institution, and all information of any criminal record in any
jurisdiction. I have read and understand all notices contained with the application and the VMCAS Web page
informing me of my obligation to provide true and complete answers to all questions. I understand that
withholding pertinent information requested on this application, or giving false information, may be
grounds to deny me admission to a veterinary college participating in VMCAS or may be grounds to expel
me from such college after I have been admitted. I have read and understand the VMCAS Application
Deadline Policy and the VMCAS Refund Policy.
I give my permission to officials at all institutions that I have attended to release information requested by
any college of veterinary medicine to which I have applied.
Page 37
VMCAS Glossary
These definitions are specific to the VMCAS application.
Terms related to application status are in red.
Application cycle: The VMCAS application cycle refers to the time during which the application for a
particular entering class is active. The VMCAS 2014-2015 application will open on June 5th, 2014 and will
officially close in March 2015*. Unless otherwise noted, you are applying to begin courses in Fall 2015.
*Note: While the application cycle will officially close in March 2015 the VMCAS deadline is 1:00 PM Eastern
Timer October 2
, 2014.
Application status: Your application status tells you how far along you are in the application process. You
can see if your application is “In Progress”, “Submitted”, “Meeting VMCAS Requirements”, Ve r i f i ed”, o r
College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM): the schools to which you submit your application using the VMCAS
Committee letter: A committee letter is defined by VMCAS as a single evaluation letter signed by multiple
Composite letter: Defined in VMCAS as multiple letters individually signed and grouped together. These
should be submitted electronically by the individual evaluators.
Credit hour: Credit hours generally refer to the number of hours per week spent in the classroomtypically
3 or 4. Usually this number can be reported on your application as it appears on your official transcripts. If
your official transcripts lists .5 or 1, please refer to the back of your transcripts or contact your registrar’s
office for instructions on how to convert these to semester or quarter hours.
Coursework: The coursework section of your VMCAS application is where you will enter every course you
have taken at a U.S. or English-speaking Canadian institution.
Designation: Another term for the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine which you will select on the VMCAS
application and to which you will submit your application.
Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM): The degree which you will obtain once you have successfully
completed a course of study at a College of Veterinary Medicine.
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E-Submit: The button at the bottom of your Application Checklist which starts the submission of your
application to the CVMs listed in the College Designations section. E-submitting your application tells
VMCAS and your designated CVMs that you have completed all sections of your application to the best of
your ability, and that you’re ready to enter the verification process pending receipt of all required
documents and payments.
You can e-submit your application as soon as all sections of your application are complete, even if your
transcripts haven’t arrived at VMCAS yet or your evaluations aren’t yet complete.
Evaluation deadline: The deadline for submitting electronic evaluations to VMCAS is October 2nd, 2014 at
1PM Eastern Time.
Evaluator portal: The site where your evaluators will log in to fill out and submit your electronic letters of
reference. They are given the URL together with their login information in the request e-mail which is sent
when you add them in the Evaluator section.
Final deadline: The final deadline for the VMCAS application is October 2nd, 2014 at 1pm Eastern Time.
After that time, you will not be able to submit your application in the 2014-2015 application cycle. VMCAS
strongly recommends you submit your application and arrange for your documents to have arrived at
VMCAS by the September 2
Graduate: This academic status indicates a session which contains graduate level courses taken toward a
graduate degree (examples: Ph.D. Master of Science, Master of Art)
In-Progress: This application status indicates that you have created your application, but you have not yet
E-Submitted it.
Meeting VMCAS Requirements: The Meeting VMCAS Requirements status tells you that VMCAS has
received all required elements to begin the verification process. From the time your application is marked as
Meeting VMCAS Requirements, it can take up to 4 weeks for your application to be verified. Your
application is given the statusMeeting VMCAS Requirements when:
You have E-submitted your VMCAS application
The following are marked as “Received” on your application:
o Your Payment
o One (1) transcript from every U.S. and English-speaking Canadian institution you have
At least one (1) of your three (3) required letter of evaluations is marked asCompleted
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The VMCAS “Meeting VMCAS Requirements” status does not guarantee that you have met the requirements
of your Colleges of Veterinary Medicine. It is your responsibility to make sure you have met ALL of your
school’s requirements including the remaining two (2) letters of reference.
Post Baccalaureate: This academic status indicates a session which contains undergraduate level courses
taken after your first bachelor’s degree is earned. If you earned a second bachelor’s degree, your entire
second degree would be considered “post-baccalaureate.
Primary institution: The school from which you have received or intend to receive your undergraduate
degree. If you do not intend to receive an undergraduate degree, please select the school from which you
have earned the most credits.
Professional: This academic status indicates a session which contains courses taken toward a professional
degree (examples: M.D., D.V.M.)
Program: Often used interchangeably with “Designation”, this is a term used to refer to the Colleges of
Veterinary Medicine you can select in your “College Designations” section.
Reapplication: The process of applying through VMCAS working from information imported from last
cycle’s application.
Submitted: This status indicates that you have E-Submitted your application to VMCAS, but VMCAS has not
yet received all the elements required to begin verification.
Supplemental Application: An additional application required by a CVM which is not a part of the VMCAS
application. There may be additional fees associated with a supplemental application. These fees are paid
directly to the appropriate CVM.
Transcript request form: The form available in the Institutions Attended section of your application with a
barcode in the upper left hand corner. You are strongly encouraged to provide the appropriate form to the
registrar’s office of each institution you have attended and request that it be included when your transcript
is sent to VMCAS. Including this form allows VMCAS to more easily and quickly attach the transcript to your
application, as the unique barcode identifies the school and applicant information.
Undelivered: This status tells you that in the process of verifying your application, VMCAS staff has
identified a number of discrepancies between the official transcripts on your application and the self-
reported coursework section. If your application status is undelivered, please check your “My Messages”
Page 40
section as well as the e-mail listed on your application for detailed instructions on how to correct your
Once your application has been undelivered, you MUST resubmit it once you have made the necessary
corrections. If you do not, your application cannot be process and cannot be mailed to your schools.
Verified: This status tells you that your application has been verified and your VMCAS GPA has been
calculated. Once your application has been verified it is immediately available to your designations for
Verification: VMCAS will check over your self-reported coursework line by line against your official
transcript to ensure you have correctly entered your courses. Because VMCAS verifies every course on every
application, the process can take up to four weeks from the date your application status becomes “Verified”.
VMCAS ID number: A unique 11 digit ID number that identifies your application. Please provide this
number in all communication with VMCAS customer service
Vocational/Trade: This academic status indicates a session which contains courses providing job-focused
training for specific roles/careers (examples: fashion, cosmetology, computer technology, farrier)
Page 41
Physiological Chemistry
Bio Metabolism w/ BIO prefix
Bio-Molecules w/ BIO prefix
Animal Science
(ANY course with Animal Science or Vet Med
Advanced Evaluation-Animal Products
Animal Behavior
Animal Breeding and Genetics
Animal Nutrition
Animal Practices
Animal Science
Beef and Sheep Production
Dairy Heifer Management
Equine Science
Equine Facility Development/Management
Horse/Livestock/Poultry Evaluation
Intro to Companion Animals
Veterinary Medicine
AIDS Courses (w/ BIO prefix)
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Cellular Physiology
Toxicology (BIO prefix)
Other Life Science
Anatomy (Human/Comparative)
Anatomy and Physiology
Earth Science (BIO prefix)
Economic Botany (BIO prefix)
Exercise Physiology
Horticulture (BIO prefix)
Natural Science
Oceanography (BIO prefix)
Bacterial Pathogenesis
Infectious Diseases
Medical Microbiology
Microbial Genetics
Inorganic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry, General
Environmental Chemistry (CHEM prefix)
Molecular Chemistry
Medical Chemistry
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
Qualitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis
Readings in Chemistry
Research in Chemistry
Special Topics in Chemistry
Structures & Bonds
Organic Chemistry
Bio-Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Readings in Organic Chemistry
Structures and Reactions
Special Topics in Organic Chemistry
Other Science
Agricultural Science / Agriculture
Bio-Medical Engineering
Bio-Psychology (BIO prefix)
Biology Safety (BIO prefix)
Bio-Technology (BIO prefix)
Chemistry Safety (CHEM Prefix)
Cognitive Science (with COG prefix)
Communication Disorders (SPE prefix)
Earth Science (Geology prefix)
Emergency Med-Tech
Environmental Science
Epidemiology (w/ BIO prefix, etc.)
Forensic Science
Forestry (Environmental prefix)
Geology (Physical Geology, etc.)
Health Science (w/ PE prefix, ACT prefix, etc.)
Horticulture (Environmental prefix)
Human Ecology (Geology prefix)
Human Sexuality (BIO prefix)
Intro to Vine (VIT EN prefix)
Kinesiology (Non PE)
Medical Technology
Molecular Pharmacology (w/ BIO prefix)
Molecular Pharmacology (w/ MicroBIO prefix)
Occupational Therapy
Pharmacy Calculations
Physical Anthropology (w/ ANTHRO prefix)
Physical Geography (w/ GEOG prefix)
Physical Geology
Physical Science
Physical Therapy
Physician Assistant
Public Health
Respiratory Therapy
Speech Pathology
Teaching Science
Toxicology (Non BIO prefix)
Wildlife (WIS prefix)
Page 42
Electricity & Light
Mechanical Heat
Behavioral Statistics
Chemical Math
General Business
Organizational Behavior (Management or Business
Principles of Banking (Finance prefix)
Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Social/Behavioral Science
Bio-Psychology (Psych prefix)
Child Development
Community Health
Criminal Justice
Educational Psychology
Ethnic Studies
Forensic Anthropology
Health Education (Health prefix)
Health Psychology
Human Anthropology
Human Development (HD prefix)
Human Sexuality
Linguistics (w/o English prefix)
Personal Health
Social Science/Sociology
Social Work
Urban Studies
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Animation
Graphic Design
Operating Systems
Programming Languages
Software Engineering
Bible Literature
Develop Reading
Linguistics (with English Prefix)
Medical Terminology
Reading Skills (Not ESL)
Scientific Writing
Technical Writing
Theater Literature
General Non-Science
Archeology (w or w/o Anthropology prefix)
Art History
Automotive Repair
Aviation Flight Studies with
Bioethics (w/ or w/o BIO prefix)
Classics (w/out Literature titles; e.g. Mythology,
Cooking Classes
Cultural Geography
Environmental Ethics (with BIO prefix)
ESL English and Public Speaking All ESL
classes (EAP) foreign student courses
Ethics in Health Care
Fire Aid
Folklore/Storytelling (even w/ Anthropology
Foreign Language
Health/Personal Hygiene/Wellness
Health Care Ethics
Health Education
Home Economics
Honors Colloquium (Honors prefix)
Human Geography
Intellectual Heritage
International Relations
Kinesiology that are Gym Classes (not Other
Library Science
Medical Ethics
Military Science
Non Verbal Communication (Communication
Physical Education
Physiological ethics
Political Science
Refrigerator Repair
Sign Language
Social Ethics
Textile/Textile Science
Western Civilization
Women’s Studies
Word Processing
Page 43
Contact Information
TEL 202-371-9195
FAX 202-842-0773
PO BOX 9126 | WATERTOWN, MA | 02471
TEL 617-612-2884
FAX 617-612-2051
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