Association of
American Medical Colleges
Anatomy of
an Applicant
Premedical Competency Resources and Self-Assessment Guide
for Medical School Applicants
© 2023 AAMC. May be reproduced and distributed with
attribution for educational or noncommercial purposes only.
Introduction 3
What the Parts of Your Application
Tell Medical School Admissions Officers 5
The Premed Competencies and What They Mean 11
Professional Competencies 11
Thinking and Reasoning Competencies 13
Science Competencies 13
Developmental Planning
and Experience Worksheets 14
Content Experts and Thanks 24
This guide supplements the Anatomy of an Applicant student profiles
featured on the AAMC website that are based on the 17 Premed
Competencies for Entering Medical Students. Many medical schools
have identified the premed competencies as important for entering
medical students. The guide was created in direct response to inquiries
from applicants, prehealth advisors, and admissions officers who
asked the AAMC for help in better understanding how to demonstrate
aptitude in the premed competencies. It provides guidance on how the
premed competencies could be developed and demonstrated through
an applicant’s experiences in preparation for medical school. The guide
contains sections that:
Describe the individual components of a medical school
Define the individual premed competencies.
Demonstrate how an applicant’s responses inform admissions
officers about their proficiency level in different competencies.
Help generate ideas about how to show experience and develop
proficiency in the various competencies.
Use this guide to:
Get organized. This guide will help you organize and think
strategically about your coursework and experiences before you
begin completing and submitting medical school applications.
If you have a prehealth advisor, we suggest that you consult
with your advisor either before using the guide or after you have
completed the self-assessment at the end.
Become a more competitive applicant. The premed
competencies included in this guide reflect the knowledge,
skills, attitudes, and behaviors valued by medical schools. This
guide will help you better understand areas where you’re strong
and where you want to develop greater understanding and
competency as you prepare to apply to medical schools. (For
school-specific requirements, be sure to review the Medical
School Admission Requirements™ (MSAR
), visit medical
schools’ websites, and consult with your prehealth advisor.)
Help you get started. Use the worksheets in this guide to
begin identifying where and how your current coursework and
experiences offered opportunities to develop or demonstrate
the premed competencies and how this can inform your
future plans. Share your completed worksheets with your
prehealth advisor or mentor, and update the worksheets
regularly as you gain experience or develop understanding or
strength in a competency. (These worksheets will be a helpful
reference if you’re planning to apply to the Summer Health
Professions Education Program (SHPEP), medical school,
or postbaccalaureate programs. They will also be helpful as
you’re preparing for interviews.) Remember, no applicant will
be proficient in every area — that’s not realistic or expected by
medical schools.
Just a friendly reminder: When you submit your medical school
applications, you will need to affirm that the information you have
submitted is your own work. All written passages, such as the personal
statement, essays required from MD-PhD applicants, and descriptions
of work and activities, should be your own; they should not have been
written, in part or in whole, by another author and should not be the
product of artificial intelligence. Although you may be inspired by the
students featured in the Anatomy of an Applicant profiles, you need
to be sure that you are telling your story in your words. Anatomy of an
Applicant was created at the request of and with the guidance of the
medical school admissions community.
Admissions officers are already familiar with the stories that appear in
Anatomy of an Applicant — your application is a chance to tell yours!
What the Parts of Your Application
Tell Medical School Admissions Officers
You may have learned about the American Medical College Application
) and the Medical College Admission Test
and you probably know that there are many components that go
into a complete application. This section will help demystify all the
components of a standard medical school application. You will learn
why medical schools ask to see all this documentation and what it tells
them about your qualifications as an applicant.
Primary Application
What it is: The primary application, AMCAS or the Texas Medical and
Dental School Application Service (TMDSAS), is a verified record of most
of the elements listed below compiled into a centralized application. This
application is distributed to each medical school that you designate.
What it communicates: Why you’ve chosen medicine as a career, how
you prepared for medical school, your experiences, and how people
perceive you as a student and future physician.
Learn more about applying with the AMCAS application.
Secondary Application
What it is: An additional school-specic application that
supplements your primary application. It helps explain why
you’re interested in a particular institution; how your goals,
experiences, and plans align with the school’s mission and
goals; and how and what you would contribute as a learner
at that institution. In other words, it’s an opportunity to
answer the question, “Why this school?”
What it communicates: From the school’s perspective, the
secondary application provides an opportunity to probe
for more institution-specific information by, for example,
evaluating your fit with their mission, assessing your
reasons for applying to that particular school, and posing
other school-specific questions.
Learn more about secondary application policies with
MSAR Reports.
Official Transcripts and Coursework
What they are: The official record or records from each
college or university you attended, the courses you took,
and the grades or credit you received.
What they communicate: These components tell part
of the story about how you academically prepared for
medical school. For example:
Did you take upper-level science courses?
What were your grade trends and coursework
Do you have experience with writing-intensive
Did you challenge yourself with higher-level
coursework in and outside your major?
Did you formally study another language or take
coursework in another language?
Do you have a broad liberal arts background?
Did you take community college courses or
complete coursework at other institutions?
Did you take postbaccalaureate or graduate
Did you have to overcome academic challenges?
What it is: The Medical College Admission Test is a standardized
multiple-choice test designed to assess your problem solving, critical
thinking, and knowledge of natural, behavioral, and social science
concepts and principles.
What it communicates: The MCAT exam tests the skills and knowledge
that medical educators, physicians, medical students, and residents have
identied as key prerequisites for success in medical school and beyond.
The MCAT exam is one tool that medical school admissions officers use
in combination with application materials (e.g., transcripts and personal
statements) and interviews to select future medical students.
Learn more about the MCAT exam.
Professional Readiness Exam Score
What it is: The AAMC PREview
professional readiness exam is a
standardized exam that presents a series of hypothetical scenarios
students may encounter in medical school and asks examinees to
evaluate the effectiveness of a series of behavioral responses to each
What it communicates: The PREview exam is designed to assess
examinees’ understanding of effective and ineffective behavior across
professional competencies identified as important for success for
entering medical students. The PREview exam is one tool that medical
school admissions officers may use in combination with other
application materials (e.g., experiences, letters of recommendation) and
interviews to enhance holistic review of applicants.
Personal Statements From Primary
Application and Essay Questions on
Secondary Applications
What they are: The personal statement on
the AMCAS application is your opportunity to
communicate your motivation for a career in
medicine and distinguish yourself from other
applicants. The essay questions on your secondary
applications will provide context for the other
components of your application and further inform
an admissions committee about how you may be a
good fit for their institution.
What they communicate: This is your best
opportunity to tell the medical school admissions
officers something about yourself that they wouldn’t
necessarily learn by looking at the other parts of
your application. You may focus on, for example,
meaningful experiences, your development in
particular competencies, how your interests align
with a school’s mission, your desire to serve in a
particular community or to work with a particular
patient population, or any challenges or obstacles
you’ve faced, including distance traveled. Distance
traveled is how admissions officers and prehealth
advisors refer to those life challenges you’ve faced
and conquered.
Experiences, Publications,
or Poster Presentations
What they are: An opportunity to highlight your
extracurricular activities, including medically related
experiences and exposure, employment, volunteer
work, internships, and research.
What they communicate: The impact you made
while engaging in the activity and the personal
growth and transformation you experienced as a
result of your participation, particularly around the
premed competencies.
Letters of Evaluation or Recommendation, Committee Letter
What they are: Condential letters sent directly to the application service (or medical school)
by individuals (or your undergraduate institutions committee) on your behalf. You can send
the AAMC’s Letters of Evaluation guide to your letter writers to help them create your letter.
What they communicate: Your personal qualities, characteristics, competencies, and
capabilities as a future physician from the perspective of someone who knows you.
Biographical Information
What it is: Your family structure, parent or guardian education and career information,
citizenship, language proficiency, legal residence, and criminal convictions.
What it communicates: Your biographical information gives admissions committees more
context about your background, access to resources and services, and family structure. For
example, you may include the education level of your parents or whether you are the first in
your family to attend college.
Possible Review of Social Media and Internet Search
What it is: This is the public commentary, discourse, and images you post on social media
sites, message boards, and blogs.
What it communicates: Increasingly, admissions officers may view these sites to learn more
about your opinions, biases, social behaviors, and judgments. This can be both positive and
negative. Note: Be sure you know what’s available about yourself (or about someone else with
your name or a similar name).
Read more about how social media can affect your application.
What it is: A virtual, in-person, or hybrid meeting between you and one
or more individuals representing a medical school. Some schools use
multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) or more structured interviews to focus
on particular competencies.
What it communicates: If you are invited to interview, it means that the
school is interested in learning more about you and whether you would
be a good fit there. It is an opportunity for the school to learn more
about your personal qualities, competencies, experiences and interests,
how you communicate, and how you engage with other current and
future members of the school’s community. It is also your opportunity to
assess how you feel about the medical school and its environment and
to ask additional questions.
Read more about the AAMC’s interview resources.
Financial Information
What it is: This is a snapshot of your ability to finance or pay for your
Note: Your ability to afford medical school will not factor into the
admissions decision.
What it communicates: Medical schools use financial information
differently. Some may use it either to help distribute need-based aid and
scholarship funds or to develop a financial package to help you finance
your education.
Criminal History Search
What it is: A search and report of your criminal history. The report is
used to ascertain the ability of conditionally accepted applicants to
become licensed physicians, to enhance the safety and well-being
of patients, and to ensure the public’s continuing trust in the medical
profession. The AAMC recommends that all U.S. medical schools obtain
a national background check on applicants upon their conditional
acceptance to medical school.
Read more about the criminal background check service.
What it communicates: This confirms your integrity and whether you
have been forthcoming and truthful about your criminal history on your
application and during your interviews. It also communicates to medical
schools your potential ability to become a licensed physician. Some
medical schools may require an additional form asking you to disclose
other information.
The Premed Competencies and What They Mean
The 17 Premed Competencies for Entering Medical Students help communicate the standards expected of
all applicants accepted to medical school. These competencies were identified as essential for success in
medical school and in the field of medicine. They were developed with extensive input from representatives in
admissions, student and diversity affairs, faculty, students, and prehealth advisors.
Professional Competencies
Commitment to Learning and Growth: Practices continuous personal and professional growth
for improvement, including setting and communicating goals for learning and development;
reects on successes, challenges, and mistakes; pursues opportunities to improve knowledge
and understanding; and asks for and incorporates feedback to learn and grow.
Cultural Awareness: Appreciates how historical, sociocultural, political, and economic factors
affect others’ interactions, behaviors, and well-being; values diversity; and demonstrates a
desire to learn about different cultures, beliefs, and values.
Cultural Humility: Seeks out and engages diverse and divergent perspectives with a desire
to understand and willingness to adjust ones mindset; understands a situation or idea from
alternative viewpoints; reflects on ones values, beliefs, and identities and how they may
affect others; reflects on and addresses bias in oneself and others; and fosters a supportive
environment that values inclusivity.
Empathy and Compassion: Recognizes, understands, and acknowledges others’ experiences,
feelings, perspectives, and reactions to situations; is sensitive to others’ needs and feelings;
and demonstrates a desire to help others and alleviate others’ distress.
Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others: Behaves with honesty and integrity; considers
multiple and/or conflicting principles and values to inform decisions; adheres to ethical
principles when carrying out professional obligations; resists pressure to engage in unethical
behavior; and encourages others to behave honestly and ethically.
Interpersonal Skills: Demonstrates an awareness of how social and behavioral cues affect
peoples interactions and behaviors; adjusts behaviors appropriately in response to these
cues; recognizes and manages ones emotions and understands how emotions impact others
or a situation; and treats others with dignity, courtesy, and respect.
Oral Communication: Effectively conveys information to others using spoken words and
sentences; actively listens to understand the meaning and intent behind what others say;
and recognizes potential communication barriers and adjusts approach or clarifies
information as needed.
Reliability and Dependability: Demonstrates accountability for performance and
responsibilities to self and others; prioritizes and fulfills obligations in a timely and
satisfactory manner; and understands consequences of not fulfilling ones responsibilities
to self and others.
Resilience and Adaptability: Perseveres in challenging, stressful, or ambiguous environments
or situations by adjusting behavior or approach in response to new information, changing
conditions, or unexpected obstacles, and recognizes and seeks help and support when needed;
recovers from and reects on setbacks; and balances personal well-being with responsibilities.
Service Orientation: Shows a commitment to something larger than oneself; demonstrates
dedication to service and a commitment to making meaningful contributions that meet the
needs of communities.
Teamwork and Collaboration: Collaborates with others to achieve shared goals and
prioritizes shared goals; adjusts role between team member and leader based on ones own
and others’ expertise and experience; shares information with team members and encourages
this behavior in others; and gives and accepts feedback to improve team performance.
Thinking and Reasoning Competencies
Critical Thinking. Uses logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems.
Quantitative Reasoning. Applies quantitative reasoning and appropriate mathematics to
describe or explain phenomena in the natural world.
Scientific Inquiry. Applies knowledge of the scientific process to integrate and synthesize
information, solve problems, and formulate research questions and hypotheses; is facile in
the language of the sciences and uses it to participate in the discourse of science and explain
how scientific knowledge is discovered and validated.
Written Communication. Effectively conveys information to others by using written words
and sentences.
Science Competencies
Human Behavior. Applies knowledge of the self, others, and social systems to solve problems
related to the psychological, sociocultural, and biological factors that influence health and
Living Systems. Applies knowledge and skill in the natural sciences to solve problems related
to molecular and macro systems, including biomolecules, molecules, cells, and organs.
Developmental Planning
and Experience Worksheets
The developmental planning worksheets are designed to help you
gauge your development and understanding in each of the premed
competency areas. Remember, medical schools do not expect that you
will have fully mastered each competency or mastered each one to the
same extent. The worksheets will help you gauge where you are now,
identify opportunities for growth, and help you articulate how you have
developed and demonstrated the competency areas. Be sure to save
and revisit these worksheets, reflecting on your growth and experiences.
These sheets may become resources for you when preparing to write
your personal statement, answer questions on secondary applications,
and ready you for interviews.
Premed Competency Experience Worksheets
In the AMCAS application, you’re able to list up to 15 significant experiences (three of which should be listed as
your most meaningful), including extracurricular activities, awards, honors, and publications that you would like
to highlight for medical schools. This worksheet provides a structured way to keep track of your experiences
by reflecting on how the experience was transformative for you, your impact while engaging in the activity, and
the personal growth you experienced because of your participation.
Use the sheet below to think about which competencies you gained experience in and how you developed or
demonstrated these competencies through the experience. Keep in mind that medical schools will not expect
any one experience to relate to all competencies. You will likely demonstrate numerous competencies through
several experiences. You should complete this worksheet either at the end of an experience or periodically
update it over the course of a long-term experience.
Name of experience:
Type of experience (check all that apply):
Start date: End date: Hours/time spent in experience:
Supervisor or contact information:
Meaningful or important parts of this experience: Reflect on your experience and for each relevant
competency, describe:
What you learned about the competency by observing others.
How you developed or improved in the competency.
How you demonstrated the competency.
Note: Remember to write about only relevant competencies, not all competencies. No one experience is likely to
reflect all competencies.
Professional Competencies
Describe what you learned about this competency and how you developed or demonstrated this competency
during this experience. (Complete for all that apply.)
Commitment to Learning and Growth. Practices continuous personal and professional growth for
improvement, including setting and communicating goals for learning and development; reflects on successes,
challenges, and mistakes; pursues opportunities to improve knowledge and understanding; and asks for and
incorporates feedback to learn and grow.
Cultural Awareness. Appreciates how historical, sociocultural, political, and economic factors affect others’
interactions, behaviors, and well-being; values diversity; and demonstrates a desire to learn about different
cultures, beliefs, and values.
Cultural Humility. Seeks out and engages diverse and divergent perspectives with a desire to understand and
willingness to adjust ones mindset; understands a situation or idea from alternative viewpoints; reflects on
ones values, beliefs, and identities and how they may affect others; reflects on and addresses bias in oneself
and others; and fosters a supportive environment that values inclusivity.
Empathy and Compassion. Recognizes, understands, and acknowledges others’ experiences, feelings,
perspectives, and reactions to situations; is sensitive to others’ needs and feelings; and demonstrates a desire
to help others and alleviate others’ distress.
Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others. Behaves with honesty and integrity; considers multiple and/or
conicting principles and values to inform decisions; adheres to ethical principles when carrying out
professional obligations; resists pressure to engage in unethical behavior; and encourages others to behave
honestly and ethically.
Interpersonal Skills. Demonstrates an awareness of how social and behavioral cues affect peoples
interactions and behaviors; adjusts behaviors appropriately in response to these cues; recognizes and
manages ones emotions and understands how emotions impact others or a situation; and treats others with
dignity, courtesy, and respect.
Oral Communication. Effectively conveys information to others using spoken words and sentences; actively
listens to understand the meaning and intent behind what others say; and recognizes potential communication
barriers and adjusts approach or clarifies information as needed.
Reliability and Dependability. Demonstrates accountability for performance and responsibilities to self and
others; prioritizes and fulfills obligations in a timely and satisfactory manner; and understands consequences
of not fulfilling ones responsibilities to self and others.
Resilience and Adaptability. Perseveres in challenging, stressful, or ambiguous environments or situations by
adjusting behavior or approach in response to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles,
and recognizes and seeks help and support when needed; recovers from and reflects on setbacks; and
balances personal well-being with responsibilities.
Service Orientation. Shows a commitment to something larger than oneself; demonstrates dedication to
service and a commitment to making meaningful contributions that meet the needs of communities.
Teamwork and Collaboration. Collaborates with others to achieve shared goals and prioritizes shared goals;
adjusts role between team member and leader based on ones own and others’ expertise and experience;
shares information with team members and encourages this behavior in others; and gives and accepts
feedback to improve team performance.
Thinking and Reasoning Competencies
Describe what you learned about this competency and how you developed or demonstrated this competency
during this experience. (Complete for all that apply.)
Critical Thinking. Uses logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions,
conclusions, or approaches to problems.
Quantitative Reasoning. Applies quantitative reasoning and appropriate mathematics to describe or explain
phenomena in the natural world.
Scientific Inquiry. Applies knowledge of the scientific process to integrate and synthesize information, solve
problems and formulate research questions and hypotheses; is facile in the language of the sciences and uses
it to participate in the discourse of science and explain how scientific knowledge is discovered and validated.
Written Communication. Effectively conveys information to others using written words and sentences.
Science Competencies
Describe what you learned about this competency and how you developed or demonstrated this competency
during this experience.
Human Behavior. Applies knowledge of the self, others, and social systems to solve problems related to the
psychological, sociocultural, and biological factors that influence health and well-being.
Living Systems. Applies knowledge and skill in the natural sciences to solve problems related to molecular and
macro systems including biomolecules, molecules, cells, and organs.
Premed Competencies: Self-Assessment
When evaluating your readiness for medical school, schools assess your development, understanding, and
proficiency in the premed competencies through your experiences as described in the AMCAS application,
personal statement, interview, letters of recommendation, and performance on other assessments (e.g., MCAT
exam, PREview exam).
You should periodically assess or reassess your learning and development in these competencies to determine
where you may need additional experiences to better prepare for medical school.
Using the sheet below, reect on each competency area and what experiences have given you an opportunity to learn
and develop in the competency. (You can view all competencies and their denitions at the end of this document.)
Date of Self-Assessment:
Commitment to Learning and Growth
Cultural Awareness
Cultural Humility
Empathy and Compassion
Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others
Interpersonal Skills
Oral Communication
Reliability and Dependability
Resilience and Adaptability
Service Orientation
Teamwork and Collaboration
Thinking and Reasoning
Critical Thinking
Quantitative Reasoning
Scientific Inquiry
Written Communication
Human Behavior
Living Systems
Level of Competency Development:  Planning
How I demonstrated this competency across experiences:
How developing this competency helps prepare me to be a successful medical student or future physician:
What I learned or how I grew in this competency:
How I hope to further learn and grow in this competency:
My Plan to Develop This Competency
Next steps:
Professional Competencies
Commitment to Learning and Growth: Practices continuous personal and professional growth
for improvement, including setting and communicating goals for learning and development;
reects on successes, challenges, and mistakes; pursues opportunities to improve knowledge
and understanding; and asks for and incorporates feedback to learn and grow.
Cultural Awareness: Appreciates how historical, sociocultural, political, and economic factors
affect others’ interactions, behaviors, and well-being; values diversity; and demonstrates a
desire to learn about different cultures, beliefs, and values.
Cultural Humility: Seeks out and engages diverse and divergent perspectives with a desire
to understand and willingness to adjust ones mindset; understands a situation or idea from
alternative viewpoints; reflects on ones values, beliefs, and identities and how they may
affect others; reflects on and addresses bias in oneself and others; and fosters a supportive
environment that values inclusivity.
Empathy and Compassion: Recognizes, understands, and acknowledges others’ experiences,
feelings, perspectives, and reactions to situations; is sensitive to others’ needs and feelings;
and demonstrates a desire to help others and alleviate others’ distress.
Ethical Responsibility to Self and Others: Behaves with honesty and integrity; considers
multiple and/or conflicting principles and values to inform decisions; adheres to ethical
principles when carrying out professional obligations; resists pressure to engage in unethical
behavior; and encourages others to behave honestly and ethically.
Interpersonal Skills: Demonstrates an awareness of how social and behavioral cues affect
peoples interactions and behaviors; adjusts behaviors appropriately in response to these
cues; recognizes and manages ones emotions and understands how emotions impact others
or a situation; and treats others with dignity, courtesy, and respect.
Oral Communication: Effectively conveys information to others using spoken words and
sentences; actively listens to understand the meaning and intent behind what others say;
and recognizes potential communication barriers and adjusts approach or clarifies
information as needed.
Reliability and Dependability: Demonstrates accountability for performance and
responsibilities to self and others; prioritizes and fulfills obligations in a timely and
satisfactory manner; and understands consequences of not fulfilling ones responsibilities to
self and others.
Resilience and Adaptability: Perseveres in challenging, stressful, or ambiguous environments
or situations by adjusting behavior or approach in response to new information, changing
conditions, or unexpected obstacles, and recognizes and seeks help and support when needed;
recovers from and reects on setbacks; and balances personal well-being with responsibilities.
Service Orientation: Shows a commitment to something larger than oneself; demonstrates
dedication to service and a commitment to making meaningful contributions that meet the
needs of communities.
Teamwork and Collaboration: Collaborates with others to achieve shared goals and
prioritizes shared goals; adjusts role between team member and leader based on ones own
and others’ expertise and experience; shares information with team members and encourages
this behavior in others; and gives and accepts feedback to improve team performance.
Thinking and Reasoning Competencies
Critical Thinking. Uses logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems.
Quantitative Reasoning. Applies quantitative reasoning and appropriate mathematics to
describe or explain phenomena in the natural world.
Scientific Inquiry. Applies knowledge of the scientific process to integrate and synthesize
information, solve problems, and formulate research questions and hypotheses; is facile in
the language of the sciences and uses it to participate in the discourse of science and explain
how scientific knowledge is discovered and validated.
Written Communication. Effectively conveys information to others by using written words
and sentences.
Science Competencies
Human Behavior. Applies knowledge of the self, others, and social systems to solve problems
related to the psychological, sociocultural, and biological factors that influence health and
Living Systems. Applies knowledge and skill in the natural sciences to solve problems related
to molecular and macro systems, including biomolecules, molecules, cells, and organs.
Content Experts and Thanks
We are thankful to the Group on Student Affairs (GSA) Committee on Admissions (COA) for their review and
guidance in developing this guide, as well as others who contributed to the document. Special thanks goes to
the following individuals:
Amy Addams, Director, Student Affairs Alignment and Holistic Review, AAMC
Samantha Contreras, Premedical and Applicant Resources Specialist, AAMC
Laura Fletcher, PhD, Senior Specialist, Admissions and Selection Research and Development, AAMC
Rebecca Fraser, PhD, Director, Admissions and Selection Research and Development, AAMC
Lori Haxton, MA, Vice President for Student Affairs, A.T. Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic
Antwione Maurice Haywood, MED, PhD, Associate Director of DEI, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs,
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, Indiana University School of Medicine
Jonathan Kibble, PhD, Professor of Physiology, Assistant Dean for Students, University of Central Florida
College of Medicine
Bobbi Knickerbocker, RN, MA, Director, Pre-Health Postbac Program, University of Florida
Tami Levin, MA, Director, Premed and Applicant Resources, AAMC
Alisa Lopez, MIM, Executive Director of Admissions, Financial Aid, Outreach & Pathway Programs, University
of California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine
Molly Moeller, Senior Director of Admissions and Recruitment, Des Moines University Medicine & Health
Tahnee Prokopow, MPH, Director, Health Professions Advising, University of Michigan, Dearborn
Kathryn Robinett, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Assistant Dean for Admissions, Associate Program
Director for the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Laura Siegel, Lead Specialist, Aspiring Docs and Virtual Fair, AAMC
Raechel Timbers, MEd, Manager, Holistic Initiatives and Learning, AAMC
Jason Adam Wasserman, PhD, Professor in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies and Department
of Pediatrics, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, and Founding Director, Center for
Moral Values in Health and Medicine, Oakland University
Questions, Comments, or Suggestions?
Send your questions, comments, or suggestions for future applicant and premed resources to
23-120 (10/23)