Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
Sociological Condition of Conan Doyle and Its Relation to the Setting of a Study in
Scarlet Novel
Cicih Nuraeni
, Eva Kristina Sagala
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika
STIBA Nusa Mandiri
Literature and society is relating each other. A literary work, such as novel, emerges from society and
social condition. A Study in Scarlet is a famous novel about detective story. Its author’s life, surely has
an important role to this novel. The objective of this research is to analyze socialogical condition of
Conan Doyle. This analysis takes the data from novel A Study in Scarlet written by Conan Doyle. The
supported theories collected through library and internet research. The researchers uses descriptive
qualitative method in analyzing this novel. Result of this analysis are, first, sociological background of
Conan Doyle are; a 28 years old man, live in London, study of medicine, live good in the middle class
of economic and work as a surgeon and researchers. Second, Conan Doyle’s reason in writing this
novel are for beauty, foraging and imitate other’s behavior. Third, Conan Doyle’s social condition
relates to the setting of this novel. Setting of place mostly in London, setting of time commonly in war
time and setting of social concerns with war condition.
Keywords: Character, Novel, Sociological Background
Sastra dan kehidupan bermasyarakat berkaitan satu sama lain. Sebuah karya sastra, seperti baru,
muncul dari masyarakat dan kondisi sosial. A Study in Scarlet adalah sebuah novel terkenal tentang
cerita detektif. Kisah nyata penulis pasti memiliki peran penting untuk novel ini. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah untuk menganalisis kondisi socialogical dari Conan Doyle. Analisis ini mengambil data
dari novel A Study in Scarlet ditulis oleh Conan Doyle. teori yang didukung dikumpulkan melalui
perpustakaan dan penelitian internet. Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam
menganalisis novel ini. Hasil analisis ini adalah pertama, latar belakang sosiologis Conan Doyle
adalah; 28 tahun pria tua, tinggal di London, studi kedokteran, hidup baik di kelas menengah ekonomi
dan bekerja sebagai dokter bedah dan penulis. Kedua, alasan Conan Doyle dalam menulis novel ini
adalah untuk kecantikan, mencari makan, dan meniru perilaku lain. Ketiga, kondisi sosial Conan
Doyle berkaitan dengan pengaturan novel ini. Pengaturan tempat sebagian besar di London,
pengaturan waktu yang biasa dalam waktu perang dan pengaturan dari kepedulian sosial dengan
kondisi perang.
Kata Kunci: Karakter, Novel, Latar Belakang Sosial.
Literature is a media to express self. Literature can be a written text like prose and poetry. It also
can be an act or a role play. It depends on opinion of audience or author about literature. Eagleton
(1996) stated that literature is just what people whimsically choose. It is whimsically, so there is no any
rule that can gummed up opinion about literature.
Two main genre of literature are fiction and nonfiction. Nonfiction deals with a real subject. This
genre of literature expresses opinion about facts. Nonfiction are divided into some types. They are
narrative nonfiction, essay, biography, autobiography and speech. In otherwise, fiction deals with
imagination. All things that appear in fiction work are unreal. Types of fiction are drama, poetry and
short story.
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
Novel is one of fiction literary work. Although a written story was not being favorite than film
nowadays, novel still exist. Film delivers the story through audio visual media. Audience enjoy the
story by watching the character’s act and listening to the sound at the same time. Novel uses visual
media in delivering story. Reader need to felt like live in the book in order to keep abrest of the story.
It was challenging and interesting for people who love to read. Its need imagination to draw the
character, act and setting of the story on novel. The reader could interpret story in whatever way they
Sherlock Holmes was known as a detective character that created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Since the first novel of the great series of Sherlock Holmes published, this story was loved by many
people. Even many researchers being inspired to make a detective story. Conan Doyle was successfull
in made a strong character of Sherlock Holmes and an interesting story of detective.
Character and story inside this novel are seldom have similarities with Conan Doyle’s profile. It
was likely Conan Doyle put some of his own life’s story into the novel. This was interesting to know
what are similarities between novel and its author. And more interesting to know the reason why
Conan Doyle did it.
There are some similarities could be found in this story. A Study in Scarlet novel was the one
who had more similarity between Conan Doyle and his novel. This analysis focused to analyze
similarities by sociological approach. Besides, analyze relation Conan Doyle and his novel, the setting
in this novel was also analyzed.
This analysis was undertaken to analyze sociological background of Conan Doyle and its relation
to the setting A Study in Scarlet novel. By used sociological perspective, the researchers limited the
analysis into sociology of the author. The researchers analyzed three things. First is sociological
background of Conan Doyle. Second is author’s reason in writing the novel. And third is relation
between Conan Doyle’s social condition and setting of A Study in Scarlet novel.
The research data in this analysis was taken from A Study in Scarlet novel. To support the
analysis, some theories were searched using library and internet research. This anlaysis used
descriptive qualitative method as a method in analyzing the novel.
This analysis analyzed Conan Doyle and his novel, A Study in Scalet. The first step, the
researchers read the novel. When read the novel, the researchers could be more know the story and also
important point that can be used in analyzing the novel.
A Study in Scarlet is a novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Genre of this novel is mystery.
Sherlock Holmes is the main character and he is a detective. Dr John H. Watson is the major character
and also a narrator in this novel. This novel has two parts. Part one is The Reminiscences of Watson
and part two, The Country of the Saints, Conan Doyle written story of the suspect in the part one.
After read the novel, the researchers searched biography of Conan Doyle. It was quite hard to
get personal information of him. Commonly, the researchers got information from internet resources.
The researchers gets informations from and Actually there was a biography book of Conan Doyle but it is not sold in
Indonesia. But fortunetly, the researchers got an application that contain of information of Conan
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle is the full name author of Sherlock Holmes stories. He was
born in May, 22 1859 at 11 Picardy Place, Edinburgh, Scotland. He graduated in medicine major at
University of Edinburgh. Conan Doyle ever opened a medical practice in Southsea, in the south side
beach of England. His life was very hard after opened that medical practice. It because, he had very
little patient. He married to Louisa Hawkins in 1885. Then he moved to London to keep working as a
doctor.Conan Doyle was interested in his lecture in Edinburgh. His lecture, Joseph Bel, was being an
inspiration for Conan in making Sherlock Holmes character. A Study in Scarlet was the first book of
Sherlock written by Conan Doyle. This novel first published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual in 1887
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
The researchers had known points between Conan Doyle and A Study in Scarlet novel that will
be anlayzed. Then the researchers searched theories that will help in anlayzing. Theories were
undertaken by library research and internet research. Those theories were taken to support the anlaysis.
The theories are related with sociological condition, reason in making a novel and setting. Three of
those theories were written by Nani, Junus and Koentjaraningrat.
Nani’s (2000) wrote “Pada prinsipnya sosiologi sastra ingin mengaitkan penciptaan karya
sastra, keberadaan karya sastra, serta peranan karya sastra dengan realitas sosial”
(On principle, the sociology of literature want to emphasizes the creation of literary work and it’s
existance, also it’s role with the real society).
Based on this theory, this analysis concerned to dig sociological background of Conan Doyle.
Supported by Junus theory, this analysis anlyzed six factors of sociological background from Conan
Doyle and his novel, A Study in Scarlet.
Junus in Siswanto , described sociological background in six factors. Those factors were
explained as follow:
1. Asal sosial (social origin)
2. Kelas sosial (social class)
3. Jenis kelamin (gender)
4. Umur (age)
5. Pendidikan (education)
6. Pekerjaan (job)
The Junus’s classification of sociological background was very directed. Sociological
background of someone is so broad. But those factors were classified well. Therefore, the anlysis took
those factors as a guide in analysing sociological background of Conan Doyle and A Study in Scarlet
To analyze Conan Doyle’s reason in making A Study in Scarlet novel, Koentjaraningrat theory
was adopted.
Koentjaraningrat in Siswanto mentioned seven propulsions to be an author. They are:
1. Untuk mempertahankan hidup (todefence life)
2. Seksual (gender)
3. Untuk mencari makan (foraging)
4. Untuk bergaul atau berinteraksi dengan sesama manusia (interacting with others people)
5. Untuk meniru tingkah laku sesamanya (imitate other’s behavior)
6. Untuk berbakti (to devoted)
7. Untuk keindahan (for beauty)
In analyzing setting, this analysis took supported theory from Nurgiyantoro. Nurgiyantoro
classified setting into place, time and social.
The next step, the researchers analyzed Conan Doyle and his novel, A Study in Scarlet. First, the
researchers analyzed biography of Conan Doyle. Then the researchers wrote sociological background
of Conan Doyle that found in his biography.
After got Conan Doyle’s sociological background, the researchers analyzed his reason in writing
this novel based on social condition. The last was analyzesd relation between Conan Doyle’s social
condition and setting of this novel.
After analyzed Conan Doyle and A Study in Scarlet novel, the researchers got result. The result
were related with sociological perspective.
1. Sociological Background of the Author
According to Junus, the researchers analyzed Conan Doyle’s sociological background in six
factors based on his biography
a. Social Origin
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
Social origin references to environment of someone grows up and someone lives. In this opening
the researchers found Conan Doyle was born in Scotland, he is Scottish, and grew up there with his
family. Then he school and worked in London. He spent rest of his life in London with his new family.
His social origin is Scottish.
b. Social Class
Conan Doyle’s lives in his chilhood was not really good. The researchers got a point that Conan
Doyle lives poor and even his parents can not pay his tuition by themselves. He could keep school by a
help of his relatives. His social class at that time was prole people. But then he got his Doctor degree
and work, he even worked as an army doctor in South Africa and got many benefits for it. He become a
succes people and can enjoys his life. His social class is in the middle class.
c. Gender
The researchers found Conan Doyle is a man. It can be seen in his name, Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle. ‘Sir’ is given by England government to someone deserving or doing benefit things to England
and its people. The ‘Sir’ title is given for a man. He got this title because of his dedication as an army
doctor in South Africa. It is a strong reason that showed Conan Doyle is a man.
d. Age
Conan Doyle born in May, 22 1859 and died in July, 7 1930. Conan Doyle was passed away. He
just left his works, one of it is Sherlock Holmes stories. The researchers could not writes his age. But
for this analysis, where talking about condition when Conan Doyle was made Sherlock Holmes stories,
the researchers analyzed he was 28 years old. He was born in 1859 and A Study in Scarlet published in
1887. Conan Doyle was about 28 years old when this novel pubished.
e. Education
When a kid, Conan Doyle spent his time school like another kids. Then he grew up and
continued his school. Education of Conan Doyle concerned in medicine. He studied at University of
Edinburgh in medicine major
f. Job
The researchers analyzed and found Conan Doyle is doctor and also a researchers. He had a
clinic and ever worked as an army doctor. He also wrote some stories along of his carier as a doctor.
His works was still exist until now. One of it was Sherlock Holmes stories, this story had made into a
film and became famous.
Along analyzed sociological background of him, the researchers realized there are some
similirates between Conan Doyle and character in this novel.
Conan Doyle and Watson have similarities in six factor; social origin, social class, gender,
education and job. The researchers inserted this information because it interesting and important to
know. In A Study in Scarlet novel, and almost in all Sherlock series, Conan Doyle used I, first person
point of view. The ‘I here is Watson, friend of Sherlock. The researchers just wanted to know if
Conan think of himself when he write this story and replace himself as Watson character. As proofen
in those similiraties, the researchers had a conclusion that Conan reflect himself into Watson. Or, it can
also be said that Watson is ‘Conan’ in this novel.
2. Author’s Reason in Making A Study in Scarlet Novel
The story behind a great story is an interesting thing that have known. The researchers had
analyzed sociological background of Conan Doyle above. The researchers had know the life of Conan
Doyle and become know him more. As mentioned in biography of Conan Doyle, there some of things
that could be a reason for him to make Sherlock Holmes story. Therefore, the researchers wanted to
know more Conan Doyle reason in making this novel.
Reason is a huge and complicated thing. We perhap could not mentioned reasns of someone
doing something. Especially for the author of novel. An author may had inspired of something when he
made a novel. Or there something happen unforeseenly and make an author be force to make a novel.
To be more directed and easier, the researchers took a theory from Koentjaraningrat. Koentjaraningrat
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
mentioned seven propulsions or reasons to be an author. They are; to defence life, gender, foraging,
interacting with others people, imitate other’s behavior, to devoted and for beauty.
In broad outline, Koentjaningrat was covering reasons of author want to be an author. The
researchers used this theory as a reference to analyze Conan Doyle reason in making A Study in Scarlet
novel. Biography of Conan Doyle will be a source in this analysis.
Conan Doyle likes to write. That is his hobby. He used his time to write and toldstory. He
covered that ability from his uncle Richard. Conan. Eventhough he loves to write he had a job as a
doctor. Perhaps this job is not related with his hobby. But he is good in his job. He ever rendered his
time as an army doctor in South Africa. And he got award for that.
In the June of 1882, Conan Doyle come to Portsmouth, Edinburgh. At that time he still not
marry. He lived alone and has no job or place to live. He relied on his life to his ability as a doctor.
Conan Doyle was live in Victorian era, when that time a doctor get paid from their patients. That so, he
used his power in medicine and open a medical practice. He got place in Bush Villas, near the junction
of Elm Grove and King’s Road in Southsea. His work was not working good for the first. It because he
was not known yet by the people there. By the time he got more patients and well-knowned by people
The first few months Conan Doyle opens his medical practice. He had a little patients. Therefore
he spent his time to write, doing his hobby. He not only did his hobby but also he began his writing
career. He wrote short stories and historical novel, such us Micah Clarke. And of course, he wrote a
greatest story of Sherlock Holmes. He made two novel of it, A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four.
From that explanation, the researchers got a point that Conan Doyle loves to write. Writing was
his talent. Eventhough he graduated as a doctor, he still loves to write. He writed when he was in
university and even when he had work as a doctor. Writing perhaps had been his passion in life.
According to the theory number seven from Koentjaraningrat, for the beauty (untuk keindahan), the
researchers analyzed Conan Doyle is writing as an art. His great work in fiction showed how creative
he is. For example in A Study in Scarlet novel. They way this consulting detective, Sherlock Holmes,
solving a case so brilliant. Of course a detective must be briliant when handle a problem. But, the way
Conan Doyle tells it so beautiful. The most popular thing from Sherlock Holmes is his way in guessing
and deducing something. Without asking or knowing information from his companion, he can guess
who is that person. For example, when Sherlock Holmes met Watson for the first time.
“How are you?” he said cordially, gripping my hand with a strength for which I should hardly
have given him credit. “You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive.” (Chapter 1, page 13, paragraph 3)
Sherlock just met Watson but he knew Watson was from Afghanistan. Whereas at that time
happened a war in Afghanistan. A detective could be able to guessing like that. But then Conan Doyle
describing the process Sherlock knowing that facts without asking first, deducating.
“Nothing of the sort. I knew you came from Afghanistan. From long habit the train of thoughts
ran so swiftly through my mind, that I arrived at the conclusion without being conscious of
intermediate steps. There were such steps, however. The train of reasoning ran, ‘Here is a gentleman of
a medical type, but with the air of a military man. Clearly an army doctor, then. He has just come from
the tropics, for his face is dark, and that is not the natural tint of his skin, for his wrists are fair. He has
undergone hardship and sickness, as his haggard face says clearly. His left arm has been injured. He
holds it in a stiff and unnatural manner. Where in the tropics could an English army doctor have seen
much hardship and got his arm wounded? Clearly in Afghanistan.’ The whole train of thought did not
occupy a second. I then remarked that you came from Afghanistan, and you were astonished.” (Chapter
1, page 37, paragraph 2)
Conan Doyle tells this way so beautiful and make the reader thinking when read it. Conan Doyle
have no background as a detective or something like that. Perhaps his experience as doctor, which
often analyze patient’s condition, makes him able to deducing as above. But his imagination brings
idea and creativity for the story. And the truth of his deducing was true as the fact it is.
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
Besides that, Conan Doyle writes and publishes the first two books of Sherlock Holmes is
because he need money. He must survives from his wretchedness. With no job, no living place and a
little money, he need money for live. It has mentioned above, Conan Doyle open medical service but it
is not working well at first. In that moment, he has much time writing. His work then can make a living
for him. Eventhough for the first time A Study in Scarlet is not popular in the beginning. This novel
first published in 1887 and popular in 1891. It takes long time for Conan Doyle get advantage from his
work. But the other fiction he made can help him walking through his life. Then, he work again as
doctor. It because he had more known and many more patients than the first time come to his place.
Because of his hobby he can survive. Based on the third theory, foraging (mencari makan), the
researchers concludes that Conan Doyle writing and became an author because he need money for
living. He need money to eat, rent a home and other.
The last reason why Conan Doyle writes Sherlock story is because he inspires by his lecture.
When he studied in Edinburgh, Conan became a friend with Dr. Joseph Bell. That man is his lecture.
Dr. Joseph Bell populer or known from his method in deducting information about people. He can
know someone live by only a simple observation and then make a deduction. Conan Doyle amazes
with Joseph Bell and his strengthness. Joseph Bell brings idea for Conan Doyle in creating detective
story. Then Conan Doyle write a detective novel which the main character is Sherlock Holmes.
The name of Sherlock Holmes also inspired by someone. Sherlock name is taken from an
England cricket athlete. As knew before, Conan Doyle was play in cricket team as a goolkepper. He
should be know infrmations about cricket. He must be like that athelete. While Holmes name is taken
from Oliver Wendell Holmes. That man is a person that Conan amazed of. The selection of ‘Sherlock
Holmes’ depends on person that Conan amazed. And that name was bring so much lucky for Conan
Doyle. Nowadays, whenever ‘Sherlock Holmes’ called or mentioned we can know what is that.
For this reason, the researchers knew another reason from Conan Doyle in making this novel.
The reason mentioned in the fifth reason, imitate other’s behavior (Untuk meniru tingkah laku
sesamanya). Conan Doyle imitates Joseph Bell behavior and represents it in Sherlock Holmes
From the six reasons mentioned by Koentjaningrat, Conan Doyle has three of that. Sometimes an
author only has one reason or main reason. But some athor have more than one reason. A Study in
Scarlet novel written by Conan Doyle has a background of creating behind it. Conan Doyle need
money to eat and survive. He remember his lecture and get inspire to make a detective story. His hobby
and talent brings him in imaginating Sherlock Holmes character and publishes A Study in Scarlet novel
and others series.
3. Influence of Author’s Social Condition into Setting of the Novel
In point III.1, the researchers has insert a fact about Conan Doyle and Watson, character in A
Study in Scarlet novel. They are both have similarities in some of things. It shows Conan related with
his work, in this case A Study in Scarlet novel. To know which are the similarities or relation between
Conan and this novel, intrinsic elements of the novel can be analyzed. The elements are plot, point of
view, setting, character, tema and style. But in this paper, the researchers only analyzed setting of this
novel. the researchers discovers more about setting inside this novel. Then the researchers analyzed the
relation between setting in this novel with Conan Doyle’s social condition. Therefore, in the first the
researchers has spell out social condition of Conan Doyle. Later those information will help the
researchers in analyzing setting of this novel.
Nurgiyantoro had classified setting into three. There are setting of place, setting of time and
setting social. These three settings uses as a guide in analyzing setting of this novel. First, the
researchers analyzes setting in this novel then analyzes it to Conans social condition. Settings below
are founded in A Study in Scarlet novel. Not all of the setting inserted here. The researchers only
inserts setting that has a relation with Conan Doyle sociological condition.
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
a. Setting of place
Based on Nurgiyantoro, there are also three kinds of setting of place. First is a certain name of
place, second is an acronym of place and third is uncertain location.
1) London
Conan Doyle, the researchers of A Study in Scarlet, was born in Scotland. He moves to London
after got merried. He spent rest of hislife in London with his family. Even in tells uncle of Conan Doyle, Richard, taking him to see plays or
dramas in London. The researchers then find London in A Study in Scarlet novel. In the beginning tells
Watson moves to London after he join the war. We can see the text as follow.
“Under such circumstances, I naturally gravitated to London,”. (Part 1, Chapter 1, page 6,
paragraph 1)
In the novel, Watson has been injured at war in Afghanistan. With pain and has not much
money, Watson comes to London. In this city he met with Sherlock Holmes. Then they are both share
a room in Baker Street No. 221 B.
London has a relation with Conan Doyle’s social condition. Conan Doyle is Irish and he lives
around England or now called United Kingdom. He born, study and live in London. London is a
certain name of place. This name of place had been known until know. And perhaps London becomes
popular after Sherlock Holmes story known by people around the world.This city is known well by
Conan Doyle. The researchers assures many places in London was visited by Conan Doyle. That so,
Conan Doyle takes London as one of dominant setting of place in his novel, especially in A Study in
Scarlet novel.
Actually many setting of place in this novel located in London. But not of all are have a name
resemble with a real place in Conan Doyle’s life. Some of them has a same location but different name.
For example setting of place where Watson studies medicine and get degree of Doctor. It is in
University of London. This campus does exist. It estblished in 1836 and Conan Doyle writes Watson
graduated from that school in 1878. It located in England.
“In the year 1878 I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London”. (Part
1, Chapter 1, page 4, paragraph 1)
While Conan Doyle studies University of Edinburgh. This university still exist until now. It is
located in Scotland. England and Scotland are part of United Kingdom.
And the most famous place in this novel is Baker Street No. 221 B. The place where the two of
Sherlock Holmes and Watson live.
“We met next day as he had arranged, and inspected the rooms at No. 221b, Baker Street, of
which he had spoken at our meeting. They consisted of a couple of comfortable bedrooms and a single
large airy sitting-room, cheerfully furnished, and illuminated by two broad windows”. (Part 1, Chapter
2, page 21, paragraph 1)
Conan Doyle describes the place just a few. This is an apartment with two bedrooms and a living
room. The lighting and furniture are good. Conan Doyle does not describe the location of this
apartment much. The researchers searches and gets information that Baker Street was a high class
residential. Conan Doyle also said by Sherlock’s dialog as follow.
“I have my eye on a suite in Baker Street,” he said. (Part 1, Chapter 1, page 18, paragraph 1)
Through Sherlock, Conan Doyle tells Baker Street was an expensive residential. Baker Street is
located in London. Once more, Conan Doyle adds location around London. He makes London as a
dominant setting of place.
2) Portsmouth
In the beginning of this novel, Conan Doyle writes setting of place in Portsmouth. This is one of
many cities in England.
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
I was dispatched, accordingly, in the troopship Orontes, and landed a month later on
Portsmouth jetty, with my health irretrievably ruined”. (Part 1, Chapter 1, page 6, paragraph 1)
Watson told get injured in Afghanistan. He treated in hospital but then repatriated to England.
Then he arrives in Portsmouth. He lives in difficult at that place. So it is with Conan Doyle. He comes
to Portsmouth in 1882. He also has no job or money when comes to that place. Conan Doyle opens a
medical practice armed by his degree at Portsmouth.
Conan Doyle uses this setting of place according to the real name. This is a certain name with
out any change of name. Bad condition that happen in this place leave a mark in Conan Doyle. He
seems to tells the reader about his crisis time in Portsmouth by insert this place in A Study in Scarlet
novel. Beside that, in this place Conan Doyle has much time to spent with writing. The pioneer of
Sherlock Holmes story may be wrote in this place. He even met his wife in this place. Portsmouth has
many important memory for Conan Doyle.
3) War area
A Study in Scarlet novel consists of two parts. Part one tells about Sherlock Holmes solves a
case accompany by Watson. Part two tells about story behind the crime. In the part one, setting of
place mostly takes in war are. It is Afghanistan war. The location around Afghanistan is written. All of
that location related with Watson.
Bombay, India
“On landing at Bombay, I learned that my corps had advanced through the passes, and was
already deep in the enemy’s country”. (Part 1, Chapter 1, page 4, paragraph 1)
I followed, however, with many other officers who were in the same situation as myself, and
succeeded in reaching Candahar in safety”. (Part 1, Chapter 1, page 4, paragraph 1)
“I was removed from my brigade and attached to the Berkshires”. (Part 1, Chapter 1, page 4,
paragraph 2)
Those setting of place is a certain name of place. That places related to the war area. Watson join
Afghanistan war. He becomes an army doctor in Afghanistan war. Watson passes all that places until
he get in London.
Conan Doyle join as an army doctor in South Africa. It is a Boer war. The name of setting of
place hereis not same. But war area in Conan Doyle’s mind is succesfully shows in A Study in Scarlet
novel. The certain name of setting of place in this novel is exist.
4) Laboratory
Conan Doyle and Watson have similarities in their job. As mentioned above, the researchers
thinks Conan Doyle pretend himself tells the story. The similarity in job makes Conan Doyle able to
describe place about medicine well. One place that related to medicine is laboratory. In this novel told.
“Near the further end a low arched passage branched away from it and led to the chemical
laboratory”. (Part 1, Chapter 1, page 12, paragraph 6)
Conan Doyle school in medicine and then get degree on Doctor of medicine. He should be well
known with laboratory. How the place, structure of the furniture and so on. That is all have known by
Conan Doyle. He also inserts laboratory as a setting of place in Sherlock Holmes story.
There are many more setting of place inside this novel. As the researchers said at first, setting of
place that related with Conan Doyle’s sociological condition only analyzed above. Another setting of
place are still important for this novel. It because, when we read a novel there is a huge and long story.
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
And it is need much setting of place. That so, the story will build up well and enjoyable. In A Study in
Scarlet novel there are much setting of place inserted. For example Private hotel in Strand (Part 1,
Chapter 1, page 6, paragraph 1), Holborn (Part 1, Chapter 1, page 7, paragraph 1), Salt Lake Valley
(Part 2, Chapter 2, page 159, paragraph 1) and many more.
b. Setting of time
Setting of time in a novel is as important as setting of place and setting of social. The general
time that taken in the novel will bring the reader in a point of view. For example the setting of time
taken in night. Reader will imagine situation and condition in night life. It is quite, dark and can be
mistis. In the oppisite when the story uses setting of time in the morning. Or the setting of time taken in
colonize time. The reader will thinking about fight and struggle with enemy country.
1) War time
A Study in Scarlet is a fictional novel. The story and elements inside are created by Conan
Doyle’s mind, cretivity and imgination. But Conan Doyle’s experience has a role in those
imaginations. In this case, Conan Doyle uses war time or period as a dominant setting of time of this
“The regiment was stationed in India at that time, and before I could join it, the second Afghan
war had broken out”.
This war named Second Anglo-Afghan war. This war does happen in 1878. Then it is ended in
1880. In this novel writes that in 1878 Watson just get his degree of Doctor of Medicine. He asked to
work as assistant surgeon in Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers. But he can make it and instead he gets
into Afghan war. Wastson even get injured in that war. He shot on his shoulder by a Jezail bullet.
Conan Doyle also has experience in war. He ever join in army as a surgeon. He join in Boer war
and get a place in South Africa. This war happened from 1899 until 1902. It is exactly happened from
October, 11 1899 until May, 31 1902. Because of his dedication on that war, government gives him
‘SIR’ title. He awarded that title on July, 7 1930.
Setting of time in this novel taken in war time. It is in Second Anglo-Afghan war. Then Conan
Doyle join in Boer war. Time around war time is a known setting of time by Conan Doyle. There
should be much great experince at that time. And Conan Doyle wan t to share it. That so, he insertd
time around war in A Study in Scarlet novel. This setting of time here is not same, even it is different
between Conan’s war and Watson’s war. But the time when war happen should bring a condition of
place and situation almost the same each other.
The year when Conan Doyle makes and publishes thie novel is in 1887. This year shows
Victorian era. Victorian era reigns from 20 June 1837 until her death, on 22 January 1901. In Victorian
era emerges many great researcherss. There are Charles Dicken with his novel Pickwick Papers in
1812-1270, George Elliot with his novel in 1819-1880 and of course Sir Arthur Conan Doyle with
Sherlock Holmes story in 1859-1930. There are many more researchers that create an awesome story in
this era.
The researchers gets a point that Conan Doyle should be a part in Victorian era with others great
researchers. He may influence by those great researchers. By his hobby and talent in writing, Conan
Doyle should has a willing to publish a great story.
Another setting of time in this novel shows a particular time in a day or in a week. For exmple in
the evening (Part 1, Chapter 2, page 21, paragraph 1), night (Part 1, Chapter 3, page 44, paragraph 4)
and so on.
c. Setting of social
Setiting of social shows social condition of a novel. The researchers can reflects his social
condition in his work or make another social condition. Social condition in this setting means tradition,
way of life, local custom or belief. These kinds of things lead to the condition of novel, character and
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
plot, in social area. Setting of social in A Study in Scarlet novel leads to social condition of Conan
Doyle. While it is not show in written word, but it is shows implicit in this novel.
1) Setting of social in war
It written above that Conan Doyle has an experience in war then he made Watson character
experiencing war condition. In the year around 1878, war is still happen commonly. Everyone who
want to help is allowed to donate their time and power as a volunteers.
Conan Doyle gives his life in South Africe. He uses his ability in medicine in Boer war. He helps
people in the war as doctor. Conan Doyle was thaksfull for the degree he had. He dedicated his
gratitude in Boer war. He even publishes a book about that war. The book is a non-fiction work which
titled The Great Boer War. This book publishes by the end of the war in 1902.
Watson also told join in a war. It is written that he supposed to be an assistant surgeon of an
regiment of the British army. The place of this regiment is in India. Watson can make it into that place.
He stranded in Bombay when Afghanistan war broke out.
Social condition along war should be hard and comes up so much pain. Atson even written get
injured during Afghanistan war.
“There I was struck on the shoulder by a Jezail bullet, whch shattered the bone and grazed the
subclavian artery”. (Part 1, Chapter 1, page 5,paragraph 1)
Watson get injured in Berkshires. He was moved to that place and unfortunetly enter to the battle
of Maiwand. This sentence shows how war make a pain to the people around the war place. The way of
thinking of people in the war place should be full of worries. They must alerts that war could happen
anytime and anywhere. They perhaps had ready with war and prepare all the things that needed if the
war happen in their place.
Beside that, it might be a tradition for people along war period to be a volunteer. People gives
their power, mind and talent in war. They want to give a help. Conan Doyle also doing that. He
dedicates his ability in medicine to be an army doctor in South Africa. Then he writes Watson spent his
time as surgeon in Afghanistan war.
2) Setting of social of a Doctor
Conan Doyle graduated as a doctor from University of Edinburgh. He had worked as a doctor on
the Greenland whaler ship. He join a war as a doctor. He also opens a medical practice in Portsmouth.
While Watson written takes a medicine in University of London.
“In the year 1878 I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London and
proceeded to Netley to go through the course prescribed for surgeon in the army”. (Part 1, Chapter 1,
page 4, paragraph 1)
Watson gets his degree in doctor then continues his education in a course for surgeon. Watson
written that he concerns with medicine and want to have more knowledge and ability in the medicine.
They are both intersted with medicine and work as a doctor. They are life should be reflect
doctor behavior. As a doctor, they should be able in analyzing patient. This ability used by Conan
Doyle when writing Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes and his deduction are influence by Conan
Doyle’s ability while deducating his patient.
“He has just come from the tropics, for his face is dark, and that is not the natural tint of his skin,
for his wrists are fair. He has undergone hardship and sickness, as his haggard face says clearly. His
left arm has been injured. He holds it in a stiff and unnatural manner”. (Chapter 1, page 37, paragraph
Sherlock Holmes deducates Watson through medical observation. Sherlock pays attention to the
skin of Watson. Watson is an English man and supposed to have a white color of skin. But his face and
hands colored darker. Then Sherlock has an eye on Watson’s face. Watson looks so tired and likely has
much pain. It proofs that he had injured in his shoulders.
Copyright@2019 Volume-1, No.1
ISSN cetak 2656-6478
This observation commonly uses by a doctor. Where doctor able to observes patient by their
appearence from the outside. In the next story of Sherlock Holmes, Conan Doyle describing this ability
through Watson character.
The way of thinking of a doctor is showing up in this novel. Not only Watson as a doctor but also
Sherlock Holmes as a consultant detective uses the way of thinking of a doctor.
After doing the analysis, the researchers got result that related to the social condition of Conan
Doyle and his novel. The researchers concludes the the result into three conclussions.
First, sociological background of Conan Doyle described in six factors. Social origin of Conan
Doyle is Scottish. His social class is in the middle class. Conan Doyle is a man. He is 28 years old
when wrote Sherlock Holmes story. His education concerned on medicine. The last, his job are doctor
and researchers. Those informations show edsocial condition of Conan Doyle along of his life.
Second, Conan Doyle has three reasons in making this novel. First reason is for beauty. He
talented in writing and he loves writing. He did writing as an art. Second, his reason is foraging. Conan
Doyle has no money. He did writing to get money for a living. The last reason is Conan Doyle imitates
other’s behavior. Conan Doyle inspired by his lecture. His lecturer is able to make a deduction with
someone he just met. Then he reflects his lecture behavior into Sherlock Holmes character.
The third result is sociological condition of Conan Doyle has a relation to the setting of A Study
in Scarlet novel. The setting of place is mostly in London. Conan Doyle grows up in Scotland but spent
rest of his life in London. It is same with story in this novel which has dominant setting of place in
London. This novel writes located around London such us University of London, Baker Street and
Portsmouth. Besides that, the war area also mentioned in this novel. The setting of time commonly
takes in war period. And the setting of social is concerns with social condition, in and along of war,
and social condition of a doctor. Conan Doyle and Watson have a same job, interest and experience in
war. That so setting in this novel same with it’s author. The social condition of Conan Doyle relates to
the setting of this novel.
After all, the researchers gets a point. Social condition of Conan Doyle has an important role to A
Study in Scarlet novel.
Hopefully this analysis can gives advantage for everyone who read this. This thesis can be used
as a reference in analyzing relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic element. The information about
Conan Doyle’s biography, theory of sociological perspective and theory of setting can also be used as
an additional source information for analyzing.
A Study in Scarlet novel has many mysterious and interesting things inside. This novel can be
analyzed in many ways. For example, the character of Sherlock Holmes. This character has a
mysterious identity. That should be exciting to analyze and know more about this character.
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