2024 Committee for Children | SecondStep.org | Second Step® Middle School
Second Step® Middle School
Grade 6
Unit 1: Mindsets & Goals
Program Themes: Academic Success, Belonging, Growth Mindset, Helping Others, Planning Ahead, Perspective-Taking,
Resilience, Starting Right
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 1A
Starting Middle School
Describe challenges they might face as they start middle school and identify
resources where they can get help
Lesson 1B
Helping New Students
Use empathy skills to identify ways they can help new students feel welcome and
comfortable at school
Lesson 2
How to Grow Your Brain
Describe what happens in their brains when they try something new and how their
brains change with experience and practice
Lesson 3
Trying New Strategies
Name new strategies they can try when they’re having trouble learning something new
Lesson 4
Making Goals Specific
Write a specific goal
Lesson 5
Breaking Down Your Goals
Break a big, long-term goal down into smaller, short-term goals
2024 Committee for Children | SecondStep.org | Second Step® Middle School
Grade 6
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 6
Monitoring Your Progress
Set progress markers for their goal, determine when their goal has been achieved,
and determine if they need to try a new strategy to reach their goal
Lesson 7–Performance Task
Bringing It All Together
Create an action plan for achieving a goal
Unit 2: Developing a Positive Sense of Self
Program Themes: Decision-Making, Guiding Principles, Relationships
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 8
What Are Guiding Principles?
Identify what guiding principles are and where they come from
Lesson 9
Your Guiding Principles
Use a process to identify at least one of their own guiding principles
Lesson 10
Making Decisions
Describe how they can use their guiding principles to make decisions
Lesson 11
Multiple Guiding Principles
Apply more than one guiding principle before making a decision
Lesson 12
Thinking Short-Term and Long-Term
Evaluate how they would feel after making a decision using their guiding principles
Lesson 13–Performance Task
Using Your Guiding Principles
Apply their guiding principle to make a decision in a given situation
2024 Committee for Children | SecondStep.org | Second Step® Middle School
Grade 6
Unit 3: Thoughts, Emotions & Decisions
Program Themes: Conflicts, Resilience, Staying Calm, Thoughts and Emotions
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills,
Responsible Decision-Making
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 14
What Emotions Tell You
Describe why emotions matter in their lives
Lesson 15
Emotions and Your Brain
Describe what happens in their brains when they feel a strong emotion
Lesson 16
How Emotions Affect Your Decisions
Describe how strong emotions can influence the decisions they make
Lesson 17
Managing Your Emotions
Demonstrate and evaluate strategies for managing their emotions
Lesson 18
What Works Best for You?
Determine the emotion-management strategies that work best for them and choose
the best strategy to use in a situation, given the context
Lesson 19–Performance Task
Raising Awareness About Managing
Apply their knowledge from the unit to promote awareness about emotion-
management strategies at school
Unit 4: Managing Relationships & Social Conflict
Program Themes: Conflicts, Growth Mindset, Perspective-Taking, Relationships
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills,
Responsible Decision-Making
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 20
You’re Changing
Describe the changes they’ve gone through in the past, the change(s) they’re
currently going through, and how those changes affect their relationships
Lesson 21
Why Conflicts Escalate
Identify actions that escalate conflicts and determine ways to prevent conflicts
from becoming more serious
Lesson 22
Considering Multiple Perspectives
Examine a social conflict from multiple perspectives so they can resolve minor
Lesson 23
Respectful Communication
Demonstrate how to use respectful language to prevent conflicts from getting worse
2024 Committee for Children | SecondStep.org | Second Step® Middle School
Grade 6
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 24
Resolving Challenging Conflicts
Identify and evaluate various solutions to a conflict in order to find the best solution
Lesson 25
Making Amends
Demonstrate how to make amends in meaningful and restorative ways
Lesson 26–Performance Task
Conflict Solvers
Demonstrate resolving a social conflict
Grade 7
Unit 1: Mindsets & Goals
Program Themes: Academic Success, Belonging, Growth Mindset, Helping Others, Perspective-Taking,
Planning Ahead, Resilience, Starting Right
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills,
Responsible Decision-Making
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 1A
Starting Middle School
Describe challenges they might face as they start middle school and identify
resources where they can get help
Lesson 1B
Helping New Students
Use empathy skills to identify why some students feel nervous when they’re
starting middle school and ways they can help new students feel welcome and
comfortable at school
Lesson 2
Creating New Pathways in Your Brain
Explain how practicing something difficult helps the brain grow new neural pathways
Lesson 3
Learning from Mistakes and Failure
Analyze simple and complex scenarios to determine what they can learn from
making mistakes
Lesson 4
Identifying Roadblocks
Distinguish between internal and external roadblocks
Lesson 5
Overcoming Roadblocks 1
Think of and select appropriate strategies as part of If–Then Plans for overcoming
2024 Committee for Children | SecondStep.org | Second Step® Middle School
Grade 7
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 6
Overcoming Roadblocks 2
Create an If–Then Plan to anticipate and get past a roadblock that could prevent them
from achieving a goal
Lesson 7–Performance Task
Advice on Roadblocks
Give advice to a sixth-grade student who’s trying to learn something new and feels
like giving up
Unit 2: Developing a Positive Sense of Self
Program Themes: Growth Mindset, Planning Ahead, Self-Concept
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 8
What is Self-Concept?
Explain what self-concept is and why it’s important
Lesson 9
Your Self-Concept
Describe two or more parts of their current self-concept
Lesson 10
Influences on Self-Concept
Name at least one factor that influences their self-concept
Lesson 11
Changes in Self-Concept
Describe how their self-concept has changed over time
Lesson 12
Your Future Self-Concept
Describe the self-concept they want to have in the future
Lesson 13–Performance Task
Who Will You Become?
Describe something they can do now to connect their self-concept to who they want
to be in the future
2024 Committee for Children | SecondStep.org | Second Step® Middle School
Grade 7
Unit 3: Thoughts, Emotions & Decisions
Program Themes: Conflicts, Resilience, Staying Calm, Thoughts and Emotions
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills,
Responsible Decision-Making
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 14
Emotions Matter
Explain the importance of emotions and describe how emotions can affect their
thoughts and decisions
Lesson 15
Feel, Think, Do
Explain how thoughts and emotions are connected and can affect their decisions
Lesson 16
Unhelpful Thoughts
Distinguish helpful thoughts from unhelpful thoughts and analyze how unhelpful
thoughts can negatively affect the decisions they make
Lesson 17
Reframe the Situation
Explain how to interrupt unhelpful thoughts and reframe a challenging situation
Lesson 18
Practicing Positive Self-Talk
Practice using positive self-talk to reframe a challenging situation
Lesson 19–Performance Task
Making Better Decisions
Demonstrate how strong emotions can prompt unhelpful thoughts
Model strategies for managing their emotions
Unit 4: Managing Relationships & Social Conflict
Program Themes: Conflicts, Perspective-Taking, Planning Ahead, Relationships
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible Decision-Making
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 20
What Makes a Conflict Escalate?
Identify common reasons why social conflicts escalate from minor to major
Lesson 21
Keeping Your Cool in a Conflict
Describe how using emotion-management strategies can prevent the escalation of
a conflict
Lesson 22
Conflicts and Perspectives
Explain how to listen to and consider someone else’s perspective during a conflict
Lesson 23
Resolving Conflict Part 1
Describe the perspectives of everyone involved in a conflict in a nonjudgmental way
2024 Committee for Children | SecondStep.org | Second Step® Middle School
Grade 7
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 24
Resolving Conflict Part 2
Consider possible solutions and their consequences in order to find the best solution
for resolving a conflict
Lesson 25
Taking Responsibility for Your Actions
Explain what to do to take responsibility for their actions and make things as right
as possible
Lesson 26–Performance Task
Tips for Resolving Conflicts
Identify the key elements of resolving conflicts successfully
Grade 8
Unit 1: Mindsets & Goals
Program Themes: Academic Success, Belonging, Growth Mindset, Planning Ahead, Relationships, Resilience,
Starting Right, Values
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Responsible Decision-Making
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 1
Describe how the Second Step program can help them navigate physical, social,
and emotional changes in adolescence
Lesson 2
Who Am I? My Identity
Name unique and important aspects of their identities
Lesson 3
My Interests and Strengths
Describe how they used their personal strengths to develop an interest, skill, or ability
Lesson 4
Harnessing My Strengths
Explain how to use their strengths to get better at something new
Lesson 5
Pursuing My Interests
Describe ways to make the most of positive factors and decrease the effects of
negative factors while pursuing an interest or goal
Lesson 6
My Future Self
Describe important aspects of their future identities
Lesson 7–Performance Task
My Path Forward
Identify strengths and skills they already have and explain how they can use them to
develop their interests
2024 Committee for Children | SecondStep.org | Second Step® Middle School
Grade 8
Unit 2: Developing a Positive Sense of Self
Program Themes: Agency, Confidence, Growth Mindset, Planning Ahead
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 8
Explain what agency is by describing how it appears in their lives
Lesson 9
Sources of Confidence
Name a specific source of confidence that led to a personal success
Lesson 10
How to Build Confidence 1
Name a time when they built confidence by preparing their physical and emotional
states or by observing others
Lesson 11
How to Build Confidence 2
Name a time when they built confidence using encouragement from others or
past experience
Lesson 12
Agency and Confidence
Make a plan to build confidence in a given area
Lesson 13–Performance Task
Your Confidence-Building Plan
Make a plan to build confidence in an area of their choice
Unit 3: Thoughts, Emotions & Decisions
Program Themes: Resilience, Staying Calm, Thoughts and Emotions
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Responsible Decision-Making
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 14
Understanding Stress and Anxiety
Recognize how stress and anxiety affect their emotions, thoughts, and bodies
Lesson 15
Where Does Stress Come From?
Categorize common sources of stress and explain the difference between controllable
and uncontrollable stressors
Lesson 16
Can Stress Help You Grow?
Reframe certain types of stress as opportunities for growth
Lesson 17
Strategies for Managing Stress
Demonstrate how to choose strategies for managing stress
2024 Committee for Children | SecondStep.org | Second Step® Middle School
Grade 8
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 18
Changing Strategies and
Getting Help
Analyze stressful situations, decide if they need to change strategies or get outside
help to manage their stress, and identify people who can help them when they feel
their stress is unmanageable
Lesson 19–Performance Task
My Stress-Management Plan
Create an individual plan for managing their stress
Unit 4: Managing Relationships & Social Conflict
Program Themes: Academic Success, Belonging, Conflicts, Growth Mindset, Perspective-Taking, Planning Ahead,
Relationships, Resilience, Starting Right, Values
CASEL Core Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible
Lesson Title Objectives
Students will be able to:
Lesson 20
My Values
Identify their core values and how their behaviors demonstrate these values
Lesson 21
Values and Relationships
Describe the connection between their values and healthy behaviors in relationships
Lesson 22
Recognizing Others’ Perspectives
Analyze conflicts from multiple perspectives to help prevent them from escalating
Lesson 23
Finding the Best Solution
Generate and evaluate solutions to conflicts that are mutually acceptable to
everyone affected
Lesson 24
Making Things Right
Identify a variety of ways for making amends to restore a relationship that’s
been damaged
Lesson 25
Unhealthy Relationships
Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy relationships
Lesson 26–Performance Task
Guide to Healthy Relationships
Describe the importance of choosing healthy relationships, tell if a relationship is
healthy, and recognize and manage unhealthy relationships
Lesson 27
High School Challenges
Identify challenges many students face starting high school and people they can go to
for help with these challenges