Most users do not need a license to operate a wireless microphone system. Nevertheless, operat-
ing a microphone system without a license is subject to certain restrictions: the system may not
cause harmful interference; it must operate at a low power level (not in excess of 50 milliwatts);
and it has no protection from interference received from any other device. Purchasers should also
be aware that the FCC is currently evaluating use of wireless microphone systems, and these rules
are subject to change. For more information, call the FCC at 1-888-CALL-FCC (TTY: 1-888-TELL-FCC)
or visit the FCC’s wireless microphone website at:
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................4
The Parts of a Wireless System .............................5
The Transmitter ..........................................................6
The Receiver ............................................................... 8
The Antenna ............................................................. 10
Wireless Monitor Systems ................................... 10
Accessorizing a Wireless System ....................... 11
Component Requirements ................................... 11
Frequency Concerns ............................................... 12
Frequency Charts .................................................... 14
Multi-Channel Wireless Mic System Hookup .. 20
Antenna Splitter and Mounting Packages ...... 20
Putting Together a System .................................. 21
Frequently Asked Questions ............................... 24
Conclusion ................................................................. 26
Wireless microphone and instrument systems have rapidly become standard equipment for musicians,
Sennheiser’s evolution wireless systems are the standard for musicians, broadcasters, theatre produc-
tions, reality television shows, and sound contractors alike. Sennheiser is the leading pioneer of wireless
systems and over the years created Emmy Award-winning advances in the field of RF wireless technol-
ogy. Sennheiser is proud to apply that same technology to the evolution wireless range of products
which fit comfortably into virtually any budget. Traditionally, most wireless systems have offered the
user a choice of fixed frequencies within a range of available VHF or UHF frequencies. While this ap-
proach makes for easy frequency selection, it offers little or no flexibility in circumventing interference
or designing complex systems. Sennheiser evolution wireless G3 systems avoid the problems associ-
ated with RF (radio frequency) interference by being capable of tuning to a wide range of available UHF
frequencies (up to 1,680 tunable frequencies). In addition, evolution wireless G3 systems offer easy
and reliable system setup with the “Easy Setup” function.Easy Setup” allows a receiver to scan the
built-in frequency presets, choose a free one, and then program the transmitter over a wireless infrared
link. These presets are specifically calculated not to interfere with each other, an undesirable effect
which is known by the technical term “intermodulation.” Because of their frequency agility, Sennheiser
wireless systems give the user great flexibility to select available frequencies, even in the most com-
plex multi-channel setups. This is ever important now and in the future as we see our RF environment
populated by digital television stations as well as the likely possibility of other devices utilizing the UHF
RF spectrum.
In addition, Sennheiser wireless systems feature a variety of versatile components and accessories
which allow the user to adapt a system to nearly any imaginable need. From small-venue clubs and
boardrooms to Broadway stages and stadium-sized concert halls, Sennheiser wireless is used with con-
fidence every day by users the world over.
About UHF Wireless Systems
UHF (Ultra High Frequency) transmission, the most popular format today, op-
erates in the 470–698 MHz range. Because of its higher frequency range, UHF is
not as susceptible to the interference typical of the VHF range, and is therefore
a more stable format. Additionally, UHF systems are more convenient as they
have shorter antennas than VHF systems.
TV Channel:
14 51
470 MHz 698 MHz
The Parts of a Wireless System
Every wireless system consists of at least three parts:
2) Receiver
A receiver, which receives the RF signal from the transmitter, converts
it back into an audio signal which is linked to the output for mixing and amplification.
3) Antennas
Antennas are the transmission path for the transmitter to send the signal to the receiver and also
for the receiver to pick up the transmitted RF signal. These may be either active or passive antennas,
determined by the system configuration.
G3 SKP Plug-On Transmitter
G3 SK Bodypack Transmitter
G3 SKM Handheld Transmitter
Passive Omnidirectional
UHF Antenna
1) Transmitter
A transmitter which accepts the source input signal (mic or line), converts it
into an RF (radio frequency) signal, and transmits it to the receiver.
G3 EM Rack-Mount Receiver
G3 EK Camera-Mount Receiver
The Transmitter
The transmitter has a fairly straightforward job: to take the source input signal from a microphone or
line-level input (a guitar, for example), convert it into an RF signal, and transmit it. It sounds easy, but
there are a number of variables involved in producing accurate and dependable transmissions.
While many other wireless systems use transmitters that may have enough power to work well on a
small stage, they lack the operating range and performance for a professional event. With this in mind,
Sennheiser transmitters are intentionally engineered to provide more than enough output power for
virtually any application. Sennheiser equips the evolution wireless G3 series of transmitters with 30
mW of output power for at least 300 feet of range (line of sight). As a result, the user gets increased
range and strong, stable transmission regardless of the conditions. Additionally, all of our transmitters
feature metal housings, making them capable of enduring life on the road.
Most importantly, a transmitter must be able to convert the audio signal into an RF signal without los-
ing sound quality or accuracy. Any time a signal is converted from one type (analog audio) to another
(RF, for example) there is a danger of losing some aspect of the original sound or adding unwanted
noise in the transition. To guard against this, Sennheiser employs a proprietary noise-reduction system
called HDX™. HDX™ circuitry allows the transmitter to produce an RF signal that maximizes the micro-
phone’s signal-to noise ratio while avoiding the RF noise inherent in most systems. Once the transmit-
ted RF signal reaches the receiver, it is re-converted into analog audio (using reciprocal receiver-side
HDX™ technology) with stunning accuracy and quality. This results in audio that sounds as good as
that of a wired microphone. As a result, Sennheiser G3 systems have an amazing frequency response of
25 Hz to 18 KHz (line).
Types of Transmitters
There are four basic types of wireless transmitters:
1) Bodypack transmitter
A bodypack transmitter is a versatile transmitter
platform that can be used with a wide variety of input
options. Sennheiser evolution bodypack transmitters
(SK100G3, SK300G3, and SK500G3) all offer adjustable
input sensitivity controls and can be used with both mic-
level sources, such as lavalier or headset microphones,
and also high-impedance line sources, such as electric or
acoustic guitars. Because of their compact and rugged
design, bodypack transmitters are widely used with
lavalier microphones (ME2 Omni, ME4 Cardioid), and
headsets (ME3-ew). Applications range from musical
and theatrical stages everywhere to use on film and
television sets.
G3 SK Bodypack Transmitter
ME4 Lavalier Mic
ME3 Headset Mic
2) Handheld transmitters
Handhelds are the most recognizable of transmit-
ters since they most closely resemble traditional
wired microphones. evolution wireless handheld
transmitters (SKM100G3, SKM300G3, and SK-
M500G3) are specially designed to stand up to the
rigors of live performance and offer exceptional
sound. Sennheiser evolution wireless G3 handheld
transmitters contain user-swappable dynamic
and condenser elements, so one can easily adapt
or upgrade the type of microphone capsule to a
different type.
3) Plug-on transmitters
Plug-on transmitters are unique in that they convert a traditional
wired microphone or line level signal into a wireless device. The
plug-on transmitter in the evolution G3 line is the SKP100G3.
This works for most plug-on applications, but does not provide
48v phantom power to those microphones which require it (see
SKP2000 in the 2000 series for this). Plug-on transmitters are
widely used for on-location newscasts, reality TV, movie sets, and
also for sending outputs from mixing consoles to other Sennheiser
receivers. For example, many wedding videographers ask the DJ or
band if they can plug in their SKP100G3 and as a result send the
sound directly to their camera or audio recording device.
Since portable wireless transmitters are meant to roam around, they require battery power in order
to work. Users should always use quality alkaline batteries for full power and longevity. Sennheiser’s
battery technology in evolution wireless products maintains a constant system voltage; therefore there
is zero performance degradation as the batteries run down from use. If the device is on, the sound and
range are still 100% as you would expect from new batteries regardless of battery level. All evolution
wireless G3 portable transmitters and portable receivers also have charging contacts for use with the
optional BA2015G2 battery and L2015G2 charger (except SKP100G3). For convenience, evolution wire-
less G3 transmitters feature convenient built-in battery gauges that allow the user to see the current
battery level at a glance, so he or she can avoid running out of power. New for G3 is a standard feature
called “battery telemetry” which simply means one can also see how much power is left in the transmit-
ter by looking at an indicator from the receiver. This is extremely valuable for sound engineers who are
curious how fresh the batteries are in a transmitter which may be already in use and not easily acces-
4) In-ear monitor transmitters (rack mount)
In-ear monitor transmitters accept an audio signal, typically from a mixing console, and send it
wirelessly to a portable receiver which a performer typically wears on their hip. The SR300IEMG3
is the half-rack spaced size transmitter in the evolution wireless G3 series.
G3 SKP Plug-On Transmitter
G3 SKM Handheld Transmitter
G3 SR300IEMG3 Rack-Mount Transmitter
The Receiver
The brain of every wireless system, the receiver, is designed to receive the RF signal from the transmit-
ter, convert it back into an audio signal, and output it to a PA system or audio device for mixing, record-
ing, and amplification.
All Sennheiser wireless EM rack-mountable receivers employ True Diversity technology to ensure stable,
uninterrupted wireless reception free from signal dropouts. In a True Diversity setup, a receiver features
two independent receiver sections, each with its own antenna (rather than a single receiver module
with a single antenna). By means of a comparison circuit, the receiver simultaneously checks both
receiver sections many times a second and seamlessly selects the section with the strongest signal.
This helps maintain a stable, high-quality signal, significantly reducing the possibility of dropouts. A
True Diversity receiver typically costs more to design and manufacture than other “antenna switching”
diversity systems, however Sennheiser has always been committed to bringing you the very best.
Another quality which distinguishes evolution wireless G3 receivers is their robust metal construction. In
order to protect the sophisticated electronics inside and to provide professional road worthiness, evolu-
tion receivers are housed in metal, rather than in the plastic shells used in many other wireless systems.
The benefits are obvious: exceptional durability and dependability, even in the roughest conditions.
Fixed receivers
There are three basic types of wireless receivers:
1) The fixed (rack-mount) receiver
The most common version, evolution fixed receivers (EM100G3, EM300G3, and EM500G3) are com-
pact, half-rack sized units which can be mounted, along with optional AM2 front-mounted antennas,
into a standard 19” equipment rack using the optional GA3 rack adapter.
2) Portable (camera-mount) receivers
Portable receivers are used specifically for film, television, and video applica-
tions in which a performer or newscaster is using a wireless transmitter and
there is a need to send this back to a video camera or recording device. The
EK100G3 is an example of a portable receiver. Portable camera-mount receiv-
ers are compact, lightweight, battery powered, and can be mounted directly
onto a wide variety of motion-picture or video cameras which have a stan-
dard shoe mount for accessories.
G3 EM Receiver front view
G3 EK Camera Mount Receiver
3) In-ear monitor receivers (performer worn)
In-ear monitor receivers are worn by musicians to hear themselves and other
instruments while performing. This concept allows the performer to hear their
performance clearly while simultaneously keeping the stage volume down which
reduces the risk of feedback. Many enjoy the fact they can hear clearly without
straining to hear as you would when using conventional monitor wedge speak-
ers. The EK300IEMG3 is the in-ear monitor receiver featured in the evolution
wireless G3 series. This receiver is battery-powered and can receive a stereo,
mono, or dual mono signal from a rack mounted transmitter (SR300IEMG3).
These receivers have a large, easy-to-use knob to adjust volume during perfor-
mance – robust and simple.
An exciting new feature for both the Sennheiser EK100G3 portable (battery
powered) camera receiver and the EK300IEMG3 in-ear monitor receiver is called
Adaptive Diversity. Adaptive Diversity means the receiver utilizes the output
cable as a secondary antenna to ensure stable and uninterrupted wireless recep-
Perhaps the most distinctive feature of evolution wireless systems is their proprietary HDX™ compander
circuitry. Engineered to our exacting sound specifications, HDX™ is a sophisticated noise-reduction sys-
tem that maximizes the microphone’s dynamic range while minimizing undesirable sound artifacts and
transmission noise. By compressing the audio in a 2:1 ratio (related to dB), an HDX™ compressed signal
is transmitted above the level of noise inherent in the RF link. The result is remarkably clear, full sound
with a better signal-to-noise ratio than a CD. The evolution wireless G3 series utilizes HDX™ technology
to achieve an amazing 25 Hz – 18 KHz frequency response (line). With its HDX™-enabled components,
evolution wireless G3 offers the freedom and ease of wireless without any compromise in sound quality.
While digital wireless systems do not contain a compander circuit, they are subject to limited channels
of operation due to the larger required bandwidth of the transmission link. Sennheiser HDX™ offers
near-perfect audio reproduction while remaining flexible to have numerous channels operating simulta-
Once a receiver has translated the transmitter’s signal back into an audio signal, it needs to provide
adequate output options for mixing and amplification of the signal. evolution receivers feature a com-
plete set of 1/4” unbalanced and XLR outputs on all systems, which allow easy interfacing with any PA
Sennheiser integrates many powerful new features into the G3 series of receivers. The EM100G3 and
EM500G3 both feature an onboard guitar tuner for convenience. A convenient front-panel headphone
monitor output with volume knob is standard on the EM300G3 and EM500G3 receivers. This head-
phone output is handy for an engineer to check the quality and level of the audio from its transmitter
before it is even routed to a mixing console or other device.
G3 systems also now introduce infrared syncing of transmitters which makes setup very easy. Once a
receiver is set to an open channel, a push of the “Sync” button allows it to send the frequency and other
parameters over to the transmitter in a flash. This simplifies setup time and takes the hassle out of
programming transmitters. One push and a few seconds is all it takes.
The EM300G3 and EM500G3 receivers feature a unique Soundcheck Mode, which allows a user to
conduct an accurate, quick on-stage RF and AF level check with a single microphone—without any
assistance. The EM500G2 also offers a convenient front-panel Headphone Monitor Output, for easily
checking the quality and level of the signal received from its complementary transmitter. The 300 and
500 series’ Channel Naming function provides a convenient way to identify channels at the receiver. In
addition, a Peak-hold Display provides quick and accurate level monitoring.
G3 EK In-Ear Monitor Receiver
The Antenna
For most basic wireless applications, the
antenna supplied with a system’s re-
ceiver is more than adequate. As your
wireless system grows, however, you
may find you require one or more remote
antennas to accommodate the increased
number of channels. Receivers in large
setups are most often rack-mounted. If
the antennas are left inside the rack, per-
formance can be degraded due to the
rack and metal housings in the transmis-
sion path. Remote antennas allow the
receiver antennas to be placed in a loca-
tion which provides better reliability and
In order to manage additional antennas, Sennheiser offers a variety of useful tools. Antenna splitters,
such as the ASA1, allow a single pair of antennas to “feed” multiple receivers. The new active ASA1
allows wideband splitting of antennas and can be daisy chained for use with multiple channel setups.
Because the ASA1 is active, boosters are typically not required unless the antenna cable runs are in
excess of about 90 feet.
Antenna combiners, such as the AC3, are similar to splitters but are used only with wireless monitoring
systems to combine up to four transmission signals onto a single transmit antenna.
Both the ASA1 and AC3 power the G3 receivers/transmitters they are connected to right
through the antenna cable – a cool concept!
Passive, omni directional UHF antenna which can be mounted on a stand. Receives/trans-
mits signals in a Taurus or “donut” shaped pattern.
1:4 active antenna splitter. Allows up to four receivers to operate off a pair of antennas.
Wireless Monitor Systems
Another revolution in the world of live sound is the widespread use of wireless monitor systems. Since
such systems offer better signal-to-noise ratios without feedback, they provide the user with great
freedom of movement and control. In addition, wireless monitor systems provide excellent hearing
conservation since they do not need to be loud in order to “cut through the mix.” Add in great cost-ef-
ficiency, space-savings, and portability when compared to hauling ordinary monitors, and you can easily
see why wireless monitoring is so popular.
The evolution wireless G3 monitor system is engineered with the same principles of high quality and
durability as all other evolution wireless G2 systems. The SR300G3 transmitter features 1/4” and XLR
balanced inputs for easy compatibility, and robust output power (30 mW) for extended range and
signal stability. With preset UHF frequencies (from the user-selectable 1,680 available) and multiple
channel operation, the system can provide wireless monitoring for every performer on stage. Engineers
will love the built-in Ethernet port for computer control with Sennheiser WSM software for both PC and
Mac computers. The unique Focus feature allows you to switch between standard stereo (2-channel)
monitoring and Focus Mode, which provides limited mixing capabilities (the ability for performers to
pan between their vocals and the instrumentation, for instance). Frequency number and channel num-
ber display functions provide clear indication, and the system’s channel Naming function allows you to
add a custom name to each preset. In addition, convenient front-panel headphone monitoring allows
for quick and easy monitoring of each channel’s signal.
RF Cable
Diagram illustrating the ASA1's ability to feed multiple modules.
The compact EK300IEMG3 bodypack
receiver provides each performer with
clear, interference-resistant monitor-
ing. Like the transmitter, it features
frequency number and channel num-
ber display and a Focus control, which
allows the user to adjust the balance
of the system’s two channels to create
a custom monitor mix. The receiver
also features an adjustable Audio Limiter, which restricts volume to protect against
hearing loss. The evolution Wireless Monitor System comes supplied with high
quality IE4 stereo ear phones, which provide lightweight comfortable listening, but
can also be used with custom ear molds (ordered separately) for the ultimate in
wireless comfort, fit and performance.
Accessorizing a System
Sennheiser offers many useful accessories for the evolution wireless G3 series.
GA3 Rack Adapter
For convenient side-by-side mounting of up to two fixed EM receivers, SR
transmitters, ASA1 splitters or AC3 combiners in a standard 19” rack.
AM2 Front Antenna Mount
For use with the GA3 for use with fixed receivers or transmitters in a stan-
dard19” rack-mounting arrangement, the AM2 is used to mount anten-
nas in the front. This enhances performance over having the antennas
“buried” inside the rack.
ASA1 Antenna Splitter/DC Power Distributor
Active antenna splitter that feeds RF signal and DC power through the RG58 cable to up to four fixed
receivers simultaneously. This reduces the number of antennas required and makes for a very “clean
installation. Two ASA1 units can be coupled to feed up to eight receivers from a single pair of anten-
nas. More than eight receivers can be fed from a single pair of antennas when feeding the output of an
ASA1 into two or more ASA1 units.
Component Requirements
Generally speaking, wireless systems are sold as sets which contain one transmitter and one receiver.
If you require more than a single transmitter or receiver, there are several important points you must
consider. First, a transmitter and receiver must be able to tune to the same frequency in order to work
together. For example, a VHF transmitter cannot work with a UHF receiver. Secondly, transmitters and
receivers must both use the same compander circuitry in order to work together. Since the transmit-
ter’s compander circuit dictates the way the audio is “compressed” into an RF signal, the receiver on
the other end must have compatible circuitry to “uncompress” the RF signal into a high-quality audio
signal. evolution wireless systems employ Sennheiser’s proprietary HDX™ compander circuitry for
superior signal-to-noise ratios and quiet operation. evolution components can only be used with other
HDX™-enabled Sennheiser components. Because of the flexibility of HDX™, all evolution components are
compatible with one another regardless of generation (G1/G2/G3) as long as you can tune to the same
frequency. In addition, evolution components are compatible with the 2000 series. As a result, evolu-
tion wireless G3 offers a high degree of frequency agility in each range (1680 frequencies). This allows
you to easily configure everything from a basic setup to large multichannel systems, depending on the
surrounding RF environment.
SR300IEMG3 Transmitter
Bodypack Receiver
Frequency Concerns
The successful operation of an RF wireless system depends greatly on two things:
1) The frequencies to be used must be free of inteference from other signals in the air. Frequency agile
wireless systems (those offering a high number of user-selectable operating frequencies) provide the
most effective means of avoiding such interference.
2) The frequencies to be used must be calculated exactly to avoid interfering with each other. Not
only do these frequencies need to be spaced apart far enough, they must also be carefully calculated
to avoid creating harmonics which can cause other frequencies to have problems such as dropouts
and static “hits.” These undesirable effects are known as “intermodulation.” G3 makes this simple by
offering preset frequencies called “CHANNELS” which reside in a frequency “BANK.” When operating
multiple systems in the same frequency range (i.e. range “A” 518-558 MHz), you should always run
these systems in the same BANK.
Although evolution wireless G3 is one of most frequency agile products on the market, care must be
taken in selecting your systems’ operating range and frequencies to insure that interference-free opera-
tion is achieved.
Geographic location plays a major role in the effective performance of your wireless microphone and/or
monitoring system. The primary source of airwave competition is from television broadcast transmis-
sion towers. It is very likely that most locations where a wireless system is to be used will be within the
effective transmission range of at least one, if not more, of these television broadcasting stations. In
planning your systems’ frequency requirements, one should determine what frequencies are in use by
local television stations.
Local television stations are not the only transmissions that may cause interference. Nearby wirelesss
communication devices and other wireless microphone systems may also introduce obstacles when
planning an effective wireless system. Having a complete knowledge of your RF environment (the pos-
sible sources of RF interference including their frequencies), as well as a functional frequency coordina-
tion scheme (using the BANK system) are very important when planning a wireless microphone system.
Sennheiser’s website ( HYPERLINK “” has an
interactive frequency finder which can assist you in finding which local TV stations are broadcasting in
your area.
Effective frequency coordination is a means of scientifically determining the compatibility of multiple
RF systems operating simultaneously. It is recommended that you follow our frequency coordination
schemes when planning a multi-channel wireless system within your RF environment.
DTV (Digital Television
Now that the FCC has mandated that all television broadcasts are digital, it is more important than ever
to ensure you are on a clear frequency. Additionally, portions of the UHF spectrum are now reallocated
by auction and/or emergency operation. As of June 12th, 2010, the FCC has made it illegal to operate
wireless devices in the 698-806 MHz range.
It’s important to remember when incorporating evolution wireless G3 into a wireless system, that each
evolution wireless G3 system is manufactured to operate within a particular frequency range (A, B, G
etc.) Each range is broken down into 1,680 user-selectable frequencies.
Remember, we always want to run multiple systems in the same range (e.g. A, B, G) in the same BANK.
You would use the same BANK but different channels under that bank. The number of preset chan-
nels per BANK depends on what series of evolution G3 you have. For example, the “LE” series has up
to 6 channels per BANK while the 500 series has up to 32 channels per BANK. The following evolution
wireless G3 frequency combination charts which also may aid in determining frequency compatibility if
you are using evolution wireless G3 with wireless products made by other manufacturers. When using
multiple evolution wireless G3 systems, it is important to make certain that all channels in your system
follow this compatibility scheme to guarantee that your system will operate interference free.
Steps for Auto Tuning evolution wireless G3 Systems
1. On the receiver, press SET to enter menu. Press up/down buttons to select “Easy Setup”. Press SET
and choose “Scan New List.” Press SET to start scan.
2. After the scan is completed the receiver will suggest a BANK to choose with the most free channels.
Press SET. Now select a channel using the up/down arrows and press SET to confirm. The receiver will
say “STORED.”
3. Tap the POWER button to exit the menu. The frequency chosen will be displayed. You should see zero
RF activity on the meter (meaning you are on a free channel).
4. Power up the transmitter you wish to pair with the receiver. Become familiar where the infrared (IR)
window is located. On a G3 handheld transmitter, the window is located on the display. On a body-
pack transmitter, it is located under the flap just to the right of the ON/OFF button.
5. Press the “SYNC” button on the front of the receiver and the receiver will enter SYNC mode. Simply
hold the handheld or bodypack IR window facing the left side of the receiver display about 1” to 2
6. If the SYNC is successful, you should see a check mark on the receiver screen. If you see an “X”, it
indicates the sync failed and you should repeat step 5.
7. After a successful SYNC, you should see the frequency match on both the receiver and transmitter.
8. If setting up another system in the same frequency range (A/B/G), you can repeat the process from
Step 1. Just be sure to choose the same BANK number as you did in step 2 to ensure compatible
operation, and a different channel number.
How To Use the Following Charts
These charts represent the tuning scheme of each range and are for reference in determining the suit-
ability of a particular range for your geographic location.
Frequency Range A 516–558 MHz
Ch. 21 (512–518 MHz) Ch. 25 (536–542 MHz)
US TV Channel Ch. 22 (518–524 MHz) Ch. 26 (542–548 MHz)
Ch. 23 (524–530 MHz) Ch. 27 (548–554 MHz)
Ch. 24 (530–536 MHz) Ch. 28 (554–560 MHz)
Channel Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 Bank 5 Bank 6 Bank 7 Bank 8 Bank 9 Bank 10
1 518.200 524.250 530.100 536.350 542.900 548.850 554.100 518.125 516.000 516.000
2 518.700 524.800 530.800 537.700 543.600 549.800 554.550 518.500 516.875 516.400
3 519.650 525.550 531.650 538.650 544.450 550.250 555.200 519.000 517.500 517.000
4 520.450 526.550 532.050 539.300 545.050 551.100 555.700 519.625 520.175 517.800
5 520.900 527.700 533.050 540.100 545.450 551.500 556.450 520.375 522.625 519.000
6 521.600 528.100 533.550 540.700 546.200 552.150 557.050 521.375 524.800 520.600
7 522.000 529.050 534.850 541.100 546.750 552.950 557.450 523.375 529.625 522.800
8 522.900 529.500 535.750 541.800 547.700 553.500 558.000 525.875 530.825 526.000
9 528.800 516.950 517.300 518.900 516.900 524.050 516.300 534.125 540.525 528.400
10 535.100 535.250 523.300 519.800 524.750 533.500 524.750 535.375 553.625 533.200
11 552.350 536.750 547.200 550.100 551.250 537.700 533.550 537.500 516.375 537.200
12 531.600 554.900 551.050 555.050 553.200 556.900 538.250 540.125 518.425 541.600
13 539.900 519.200 520.150 516.150 518.100 518.950 517.200 541.750 520.975 549.000
14 540.500 540.400 520.800 516.900 521.900 522.300 526.800 521.000 521.525 552.400
15 542.900 541.850 521.250 524.600 522.800 523.450 529.550 522.125 523.350 519.475
16 543.950 542.650 521.850 525.500 523.850 527.250 532.700 522.500 526.375 521.300
17 546.050 545.150 523.900 526.550 528.450 528.400 538.950 524.125 531.400 523.850
18 546.600 546.050 525.000 545.300 528.950 529.000 544.800 524.500 532.250 527.625
19 550.850 547.250 553.150 546.500 531.900 532.600 547.200 525.125 533.975 530.150
20 552.950 548.150 555.700 549.350 553.650 534.100 550.350 534.500 534.725 531.175
21 553.700 550.400 556.900 556.250 555.000 538.300 530.250 535.000 536.200 539.950
22 556.100 557.900 557.550 520.550 519.500 545.100 531.350 536.125 543.875 544.975
23 524.750 527.000 528.900 523.100 521.300 521.350 534.900 536.750 545.050 547.675
24 529.500 519.650 539.250 531.800 525.500 529.750 537.750 537.875 533.375
25 533.900 521.100 541.900 535.850 527.750 531.850 542.550 538.750
26 543.350 530.250 549.250 551.600 533.300 539.500 549.350 539.125
27 545.150 534.500 550.050 552.500 540.600 543.400 539.750
28 547.550 546.750 550.450 553.250 555.900 544.500 540.625
29 548.900 551.450 557.950 557.400 541.000
30 552.200
Transmitters and receivers are available in a 42 MHz UHF frequency range with a total of 1,680 transmis-
sion/receiving frequencies. Transmitters and receivers have 20 frequency banks respectively. Each of the
channels in the frequency banks has been factory-preset to a frequency. The frequency presets within one
nfrequency bank are intermodulation-free. These frequencies cannot be changed. The frequency banks
“U” (ew 100: bank “U”, ew 300/ew 500: banks “U1”–“U6”) allow the user to store individual frequencies
which are freely selectable in 25-kHz steps. It might be that nthese frequencies are not intermodulation-
free. The following table lists the frequency presets in the frequency banks “1” to “20”:
Frequency Range A 516–558 MHz
Ch. 21 (512–518 MHz) Ch. 25 (536–542 MHz)
US TV Channel Ch. 22 (518–524 MHz) Ch. 26 (542–548 MHz)
Ch. 23 (524–530 MHz) Ch. 27 (548–554 MHz)
Ch. 24 (530–536 MHz) Ch. 28 (554–560 MHz)
Channel Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 Bank 5 Bank 6 Bank 7 Bank 8 Bank 9 Bank 10
1 518.200 524.250 530.100 536.350 542.900 548.850 554.100 518.125 516.000 516.000
2 518.700 524.800 530.800 537.700 543.600 549.800 554.550 518.500 516.875 516.400
3 519.650 525.550 531.650 538.650 544.450 550.250 555.200 519.000 517.500 517.000
4 520.450 526.550 532.050 539.300 545.050 551.100 555.700 519.625 520.175 517.800
5 520.900 527.700 533.050 540.100 545.450 551.500 556.450 520.375 522.625 519.000
6 521.600 528.100 533.550 540.700 546.200 552.150 557.050 521.375 524.800 520.600
7 522.000 529.050 534.850 541.100 546.750 552.950 557.450 523.375 529.625 522.800
8 522.900 529.500 535.750 541.800 547.700 553.500 558.000 525.875 530.825 526.000
9 528.800 516.950 517.300 518.900 516.900 524.050 516.300 534.125 540.525 528.400
10 535.100 535.250 523.300 519.800 524.750 533.500 524.750 535.375 553.625 533.200
11 552.350 536.750 547.200 550.100 551.250 537.700 533.550 537.500 516.375 537.200
12 531.600 554.900 551.050 555.050 553.200 556.900 538.250 540.125 518.425 541.600
13 539.900 519.200 520.150 516.150 518.100 518.950 517.200 541.750 520.975 549.000
14 540.500 540.400 520.800 516.900 521.900 522.300 526.800 521.000 521.525 552.400
15 542.900 541.850 521.250 524.600 522.800 523.450 529.550 522.125 523.350 519.475
16 543.950 542.650 521.850 525.500 523.850 527.250 532.700 522.500 526.375 521.300
17 546.050 545.150 523.900 526.550 528.450 528.400 538.950 524.125 531.400 523.850
18 546.600 546.050 525.000 545.300 528.950 529.000 544.800 524.500 532.250 527.625
19 550.850 547.250 553.150 546.500 531.900 532.600 547.200 525.125 533.975 530.150
20 552.950 548.150 555.700 549.350 553.650 534.100 550.350 534.500 534.725 531.175
21 553.700 550.400 556.900 556.250 555.000 538.300 530.250 535.000 536.200 539.950
22 556.100 557.900 557.550 520.550 519.500 545.100 531.350 536.125 543.875 544.975
23 524.750 527.000 528.900 523.100 521.300 521.350 534.900 536.750 545.050 547.675
24 529.500 519.650 539.250 531.800 525.500 529.750 537.750 537.875 533.375
25 533.900 521.100 541.900 535.850 527.750 531.850 542.550 538.750
26 543.350 530.250 549.250 551.600 533.300 539.500 549.350 539.125
27 545.150 534.500 550.050 552.500 540.600 543.400 539.750
28 547.550 546.750 550.450 553.250 555.900 544.500 540.625
29 548.900 551.450 557.950 557.400 541.000
30 552.200
Frequency Range A 516–558 MHz continued
Ch. 21 (512–518 MHz) Ch. 25 (536–542 MHz)
US TV Channel Ch. 22 (518–524 MHz) Ch. 26 (542–548 MHz)
Ch. 23 (524–530 MHz) Ch. 27 (548–554 MHz)
Ch. 24 (530–536 MHz) Ch. 28 (554–560 MHz)
Channel Bank 11 Bank 12 Bank 13 Bank 14 Bank 15 Bank 16 Bank 17 Bank 18 Bank 19 Bank 20
1 516.100 516.200 516.000 516.150 516.275 516.375 516.100 516.000 518.100 517.500
2 516.500 516.600 516.400 516.550 516.675 516.775 516.975 516.400 518.475 517.875
3 517.100 517.200 516.900 517.050 517.175 517.275 517.600 517.000 518.975 518.375
4 517.900 518.000 517.500 517.650 517.775 517.875 520.275 517.800 519.600 519.000
5 519.100 519.200 517.950 518.100 518.225 518.325 522.725 519.000 520.350 519.750
6 520.700 520.800 518.500 518.650 518.775 518.875 524.900 520.600 521.350 520.750
7 522.900 523.000 519.150 519.300 519.425 519.525 529.725 522.800 522.975 522.375
8 526.100 526.200 520.500 520.650 520.775 520.875 530.925 526.000 524.975 524.375
9 528.500 528.600 521.200 521.350 521.475 521.575 540.625 528.400 527.100 526.500
10 533.300 533.400 522.650 522.800 522.925 523.025 553.725 533.200 530.100 529.500
11 537.300 537.400 523.400 523.550 523.675 523.775 516.475 537.200 531.350 530.750
12 541.700 541.800 525.100 525.250 525.375 525.475 518.525 541.600 534.475 533.875
13 549.100 549.200 526.500 526.650 526.775 526.875 521.075 549.000 537.975 537.375
14 519.575 557.800 529.100 529.250 529.375 529.475 521.625 552.400 542.725 540.125
15 521.400 519.675 530.900 531.050 531.175 531.275 523.450 519.475 548.350 548.125
16 523.950 521.500 532.050 532.200 532.325 532.425 526.475 521.300 553.350 552.000
17 527.725 524.050 533.950 534.100 534.225 534.325 531.500 523.850 521.850 521.875
18 530.250 527.825 538.600 538.750 538.875 538.975 532.350 527.625 522.475 523.750
19 531.275 530.350 543.150 543.300 543.425 543.525 534.075 530.150 523.850 525.500
20 540.050 531.375 543.950 544.100 544.225 544.325 534.825 531.175 524.350 527.000
21 545.075 540.150 547.900 548.050 548.175 548.275 536.300 539.950 527.725 527.375
22 547.775 545.175 543.975 544.975 528.975 528.375
23 547.875 545.150 547.675 529.475 528.750
24 533.475 541.975 532.225 531.375
25 543.725 532.725 531.875
26 546.550 538.475 533.375
27 539.100 538.125
28 539.600 538.625
29 540.975 540.500
30 542.225 542.625
31 543.850
• ew 100 G3 series: the first 12 channels in a frequency bank
• ew 300 G3 series: the first 24 channels in a frequency bank
• ew 500 G3 series: max. 32 channels in a frequency bank
The following factory-preset default settings can be recalled any time via the Reset menu item: Auto Lock
inactive, Sensitivity SK –30 dB - SKM18 dB, RF Power standard (ew 300, ew 500), Mute Mode AF On/Off
(SK: all, SKM: 300), Squelch low/5 dBμV, AF Out EM +18 dB, EK 0 dB, Equalizer flat, Guitar Tuner inactive
(ew 100, ew 500), Name name of the series, Pilot Tone will not be reset, User banks “U” will not be reset,
Sync Settings inactive (ew 300, ew 500), Warnings active (ew 300, ew 500), IP Address auto-IP (ew 300,
ew 500)
Frequency Range B 626–668 MHz
Ch. 40 (626–632 MHz) Ch. 44 (650–656 MHz))
US TV Channel Ch. 41 (632–638 MHz) Ch. 45 (656–662 MHz)
Ch. 42 (638–644 MHz) Ch. 46 (662–668 MHz)
Ch. 43 (644–650 MHz)
Channel Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 Bank 5 Bank 6 Bank 7 Bank 8 Bank 9 Bank 10
1 626.300 632.350 638.450 644.550 650.200 656.350 662.750 632.925 626.000 626.000
2 626.750 632.800 639.050 645.450 650.750 656.800 663.150 635.425 626.875 626.400
3 627.450 633.750 639.450 646.650 651.600 657.450 663.950 639.350 627.500 627.000
4 628.450 634.350 640.200 647.200 652.800 657.850 664.500 640.050 630.175 627.800
5 628.900 635.700 640.750 648.050 653.250 659.050 665.650 648.500 632.625 629.000
6 629.700 636.200 641.550 648.500 654.300 659.900 666.100 653.950 634.800 630.600
7 630.800 636.900 642.600 649.150 654.700 660.900 667.050 655.350 639.625 632.800
8 631.750 637.300 643.450 649.650 655.600 661.600 667.550 656.250 640.825 636.000
9 640.550 628.850 628.550 630.500 630.500 626.250 627.550 659.025 650.525 638.400
10 646.100 641.600 649.700 636.050 641.750 637.000 629.750 665.175 661.700 643.200
11 653.300 647.150 655.700 659.600 665.300 640.900 642.450 665.675 663.625 647.200
12 659.150 665.300 663.050 666.800 665.900 652.150 649.700 667.275 668.000 651.600
13 635.450 643.100 629.000 627.950 626.150 627.050 626.250 631.200 626.375 659.000
14 636.500 643.850 630.200 632.300 627.500 628.000 630.750 633.750 627.900 662.400
15 642.650 648.200 634.100 632.900 628.100 631.350 632.950 636.025 628.425 667.600
16 651.200 652.250 648.050 635.450 629.900 631.900 634.450 638.500 629.125 628.175
17 655.100 653.000 650.600 638.300 631.250 632.700 637.300 640.450 629.575 629.475
18 658.100 656.450 657.350 651.950 633.050 638.750 638.950 643.650 630.975 631.300
19 659.900 658.250 661.400 653.300 633.800 643.700 640.450 653.000 631.525 633.850
20 661.550 661.250 662.600 660.200 636.050 647.300 644.250 655.875 633.350 637.625
21 662.300 662.300 664.250 661.850 636.800 653.100 647.450 660.050 636.375 640.150
22 665.750 663.050 666.050 662.450 646.550 666.100 653.850 661.200 641.400 641.175
23 666.650 664.550 666.500 665.150 658.850 667.050 656.100 662.500 642.250 649.950
24 667.700 666.950 667.700 666.200 660.200 667.850 661.200 667.700 643.975 654.975
25 632.900 626.150 626.450 626.150 626.600 629.400 626.800 636.750 644.725 657.675
26 638.150 626.900 627.650 633.950 635.450 630.450 630.150 641.425 646.200 660.975
27 646.850 628.100 632.000 640.850 639.350 636.250 636.450 651.150 653.875 661.900
28 650.150 641.150 633.200 642.200 649.400 639.500 637.800 655.050 664.625
29 651.800 653.600 656.450 643.250 658.250 643.250 639.800 660.625 665.250
30 656.150 655.700 659.450 659.150 661.250 650.650 640.850 661.275 664.125
31 663.500 660.350 660.650 663.650 662.450 663.700 651.350 667.050 663.375
32 664.550 665.900 667.250 667.550 664.100 664.500 659.100 643.375
Frequency Range B 626–668 MHz
Ch. 40 (626–632 MHz) Ch. 44 (650–656 MHz))
US TV Channel Ch. 41 (632–638 MHz) Ch. 45 (656–662 MHz)
Ch. 42 (638–644 MHz) Ch. 46 (662–668 MHz)
Ch. 43 (644–650 MHz)
Channel Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 Bank 5 Bank 6 Bank 7 Bank 8 Bank 9 Bank 10
1 626.300 632.350 638.450 644.550 650.200 656.350 662.750 632.925 626.000 626.000
2 626.750 632.800 639.050 645.450 650.750 656.800 663.150 635.425 626.875 626.400
3 627.450 633.750 639.450 646.650 651.600 657.450 663.950 639.350 627.500 627.000
4 628.450 634.350 640.200 647.200 652.800 657.850 664.500 640.050 630.175 627.800
5 628.900 635.700 640.750 648.050 653.250 659.050 665.650 648.500 632.625 629.000
6 629.700 636.200 641.550 648.500 654.300 659.900 666.100 653.950 634.800 630.600
7 630.800 636.900 642.600 649.150 654.700 660.900 667.050 655.350 639.625 632.800
8 631.750 637.300 643.450 649.650 655.600 661.600 667.550 656.250 640.825 636.000
9 640.550 628.850 628.550 630.500 630.500 626.250 627.550 659.025 650.525 638.400
10 646.100 641.600 649.700 636.050 641.750 637.000 629.750 665.175 661.700 643.200
11 653.300 647.150 655.700 659.600 665.300 640.900 642.450 665.675 663.625 647.200
12 659.150 665.300 663.050 666.800 665.900 652.150 649.700 667.275 668.000 651.600
13 635.450 643.100 629.000 627.950 626.150 627.050 626.250 631.200 626.375 659.000
14 636.500 643.850 630.200 632.300 627.500 628.000 630.750 633.750 627.900 662.400
15 642.650 648.200 634.100 632.900 628.100 631.350 632.950 636.025 628.425 667.600
16 651.200 652.250 648.050 635.450 629.900 631.900 634.450 638.500 629.125 628.175
17 655.100 653.000 650.600 638.300 631.250 632.700 637.300 640.450 629.575 629.475
18 658.100 656.450 657.350 651.950 633.050 638.750 638.950 643.650 630.975 631.300
19 659.900 658.250 661.400 653.300 633.800 643.700 640.450 653.000 631.525 633.850
20 661.550 661.250 662.600 660.200 636.050 647.300 644.250 655.875 633.350 637.625
21 662.300 662.300 664.250 661.850 636.800 653.100 647.450 660.050 636.375 640.150
22 665.750 663.050 666.050 662.450 646.550 666.100 653.850 661.200 641.400 641.175
23 666.650 664.550 666.500 665.150 658.850 667.050 656.100 662.500 642.250 649.950
24 667.700 666.950 667.700 666.200 660.200 667.850 661.200 667.700 643.975 654.975
25 632.900 626.150 626.450 626.150 626.600 629.400 626.800 636.750 644.725 657.675
26 638.150 626.900 627.650 633.950 635.450 630.450 630.150 641.425 646.200 660.975
27 646.850 628.100 632.000 640.850 639.350 636.250 636.450 651.150 653.875 661.900
28 650.150 641.150 633.200 642.200 649.400 639.500 637.800 655.050 664.625
29 651.800 653.600 656.450 643.250 658.250 643.250 639.800 660.625 665.250
30 656.150 655.700 659.450 659.150 661.250 650.650 640.850 661.275 664.125
31 663.500 660.350 660.650 663.650 662.450 663.700 651.350 667.050 663.375
32 664.550 665.900 667.250 667.550 664.100 664.500 659.100 643.375
Frequency Range B 626–668 MHz continued
Ch. 40 (626–632 MHz) Ch. 44 (650–656 MHz))
US TV Channel Ch. 41 (632–638 MHz) Ch. 45 (656–662 MHz)
Ch. 42 (638–644 MHz) Ch. 46 (662–668 MHz)
Ch. 43 (644–650 MHz)
Channel Bank 11 Bank 12 Bank 13 Bank 14 Bank 15 Bank 16 Bank 17 Bank 18 Bank 19 Bank 20
1 626.100 626.200 626.050 626.175 626.300 626.375 626.150 667.850 626.100 628.100
2 626.500 626.600 626.450 626.575 626.700 626.775 626.525 667.475 626.975 628.475
3 627.100 627.200 626.950 627.075 627.200 627.275 626.975 667.025 627.600 628.975
4 627.900 628.000 627.550 627.675 627.800 627.875 627.500 666.500 630.275 629.600
5 629.100 629.200 628.000 628.125 628.250 628.325 628.100 665.900 632.725 630.350
6 630.700 630.800 628.550 628.675 628.800 628.875 628.775 665.225 634.900 631.350
7 632.900 633.000 629.200 629.325 629.450 629.525 629.525 664.475 639.725 632.975
8 636.100 636.200 630.550 630.675 630.800 630.875 630.425 663.575 640.925 634.975
9 638.500 638.600 631.250 631.375 631.500 631.575 631.625 662.375 650.625 637.100
10 643.300 643.400 632.700 632.825 632.950 633.025 633.125 660.875 661.800 640.100
11 647.300 647.400 633.450 633.575 633.700 633.775 634.850 659.150 663.725 641.350
12 651.700 651.800 635.150 635.275 635.400 635.475 637.325 656.675 626.475 644.475
13 659.100 659.200 636.550 636.675 636.800 636.875 640.400 653.600 628.000 647.975
14 662.500 662.600 639.150 639.275 639.400 639.475 642.575 651.425 628.525 652.725
15 667.700 667.800 640.950 641.075 641.200 641.275 645.350 648.650 629.225 658.350
16 628.275 628.375 642.100 642.225 642.350 642.425 649.025 644.975 629.675 663.350
17 629.575 629.675 644.000 644.125 644.250 644.325 652.175 641.825 631.075 666.100
18 631.400 631.500 648.650 648.775 648.900 648.975 656.675 637.325 631.625 631.850
19 633.950 634.050 653.200 653.325 653.450 653.525 658.550 635.450 633.450 632.475
20 637.725 637.825 654.000 654.125 654.250 654.325 661.850 632.150 636.475 633.850
21 640.250 640.350 657.950 658.075 658.200 658.275 665.675 628.325 641.500 634.350
22 641.275 641.375 660.300 660.425 660.550 660.625 666.725 627.275 642.350 637.725
23 650.050 650.150 661.250 661.375 661.500 661.575 629.925 626.100 644.075 638.975
24 655.075 655.175 666.350 666.475 666.600 666.675 635.275 626.725 644.825 639.475
25 657.775 657.875 667.600 667.725 667.850 667.925 639.000 630.700 646.300 642.225
26 661.075 661.175 644.575 631.500 653.975 642.725
27 662.000 662.100 649.725 638.275 655.150 648.475
28 664.725 664.825 655.725 644.275 660.725 649.100
29 665.350 665.450 662.500 649.425 661.375 649.600
30 664.225 664.325 663.300 655.000 667.150 650.975
31 663.475 663.575 667.275 658.725 643.475 652.225
32 667.900 664.075 653.850
Frequency Range G 566–608 MHz
Ch. 30 (566–572 MHz) Ch. 34 (590–596 MHz)
US TV Channel Ch. 31 (572–578 MHz) Ch. 35 (596–602 MHz)
Ch. 32 (578–584 MHz) Ch. 36 (602–608 MHz)
Ch. 33 (584–590 MHz)
Channel Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 Bank 5 Bank 6 Bank 7 Bank 8 Bank 9 Bank 10
1 566.450 572.400 578.400 584.400 590.700 596.400 602.250 566.000 566.000 566.100
2 566.950 573.100 579.300 584.900 591.550 596.800 602.800 566.875 566.400 566.500
3 567.900 574.100 579.700 585.550 592.600 597.500 603.200 567.500 567.000 567.100
4 568.350 574.950 580.750 586.000 593.400 598.000 604.300 570.175 567.800 567.900
5 569.500 576.150 581.200 586.850 593.950 599.400 605.100 572.625 569.000 569.100
6 570.050 576.550 582.400 587.400 594.700 600.050 605.550 574.800 570.600 570.700
7 570.850 577.200 583.250 588.600 595.100 601.050 606.550 579.625 572.800 572.900
8 571.250 577.650 583.800 589.500 595.700 601.600 607.700 580.825 576.000 576.100
9 584.300 567.900 568.100 567.250 571.100 570.200 568.250 590.525 578.400 578.500
10 591.550 581.850 568.700 574.450 578.450 575.900 574.850 601.700 583.200 583.300
11 604.250 597.000 592.250 598.000 584.450 581.750 580.700 603.625 587.200 587.300
12 606.450 607.750 603.500 601.150 605.600 585.050 587.900 608.000 591.600 591.700
13 572.800 566.150 573.800 567.850 566.450 566.450 566.300 566.375 599.000 599.100
14 577.900 566.950 575.150 568.900 567.650 567.800 567.350 567.900 602.400 602.500
15 580.150 580.900 587.450 571.600 568.100 568.250 571.700 568.425 607.600 607.700
16 586.550 586.700 597.200 572.200 569.900 569.600 572.450 569.125 568.175 568.275
17 589.750 590.300 597.950 573.850 571.550 571.700 574.100 569.575 569.475 569.575
18 593.550 593.100 600.200 580.750 572.750 573.500 575.900 570.975 571.300 571.400
19 595.050 595.250 600.950 582.100 576.800 577.850 578.900 571.525 573.850 573.950
20 596.700 601.300 602.750 595.750 583.550 578.600 582.800 573.350 577.625 577.725
21 599.550 602.100 604.100 598.600 586.100 589.550 591.350 576.375 580.150 580.250
22 601.050 602.650 605.900 601.750 600.050 594.650 593.450 581.400 581.175 581.275
23 603.250 606.000 606.500 603.550 603.950 605.000 597.500 582.250 589.950 590.050
24 607.750 606.950 607.850 606.100 605.150 606.050 598.550 583.975 594.975 595.075
25 574.900 569.350 569.900 566.500 566.900 572.900 568.850 584.725 597.675 597.775
26 582.650 570.250 571.550 570.400 573.500 574.250 570.500 586.200 600.975 601.075
27 593.150 583.350 572.750 574.900 574.700 576.500 571.250 593.875 601.900 602.000
28 594.200 583.900 575.750 590.800 577.700 580.400 576.800 595.050 604.625 604.725
29 596.200 590.800 584.600 591.850 600.950 580.850 582.200 600.625 605.250 605.350
30 597.550 594.500 594.650 593.200 602.150 590.300 583.850 601.275 604.125 604.225
31 603.850 603.550 598.550 600.100 606.500 602.900 596.300 607.050 603.375 603.475
32 607.200 604.600 607.400 607.900 607.700 607.250 601.100 583.375
Frequency Range G 566–608 MHz
Ch. 30 (566–572 MHz) Ch. 34 (590–596 MHz)
US TV Channel Ch. 31 (572–578 MHz) Ch. 35 (596–602 MHz)
Ch. 32 (578–584 MHz) Ch. 36 (602–608 MHz)
Ch. 33 (584–590 MHz)
Channel Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 Bank 5 Bank 6 Bank 7 Bank 8 Bank 9 Bank 10
1 566.450 572.400 578.400 584.400 590.700 596.400 602.250 566.000 566.000 566.100
2 566.950 573.100 579.300 584.900 591.550 596.800 602.800 566.875 566.400 566.500
3 567.900 574.100 579.700 585.550 592.600 597.500 603.200 567.500 567.000 567.100
4 568.350 574.950 580.750 586.000 593.400 598.000 604.300 570.175 567.800 567.900
5 569.500 576.150 581.200 586.850 593.950 599.400 605.100 572.625 569.000 569.100
6 570.050 576.550 582.400 587.400 594.700 600.050 605.550 574.800 570.600 570.700
7 570.850 577.200 583.250 588.600 595.100 601.050 606.550 579.625 572.800 572.900
8 571.250 577.650 583.800 589.500 595.700 601.600 607.700 580.825 576.000 576.100
9 584.300 567.900 568.100 567.250 571.100 570.200 568.250 590.525 578.400 578.500
10 591.550 581.850 568.700 574.450 578.450 575.900 574.850 601.700 583.200 583.300
11 604.250 597.000 592.250 598.000 584.450 581.750 580.700 603.625 587.200 587.300
12 606.450 607.750 603.500 601.150 605.600 585.050 587.900 608.000 591.600 591.700
13 572.800 566.150 573.800 567.850 566.450 566.450 566.300 566.375 599.000 599.100
14 577.900 566.950 575.150 568.900 567.650 567.800 567.350 567.900 602.400 602.500
15 580.150 580.900 587.450 571.600 568.100 568.250 571.700 568.425 607.600 607.700
16 586.550 586.700 597.200 572.200 569.900 569.600 572.450 569.125 568.175 568.275
17 589.750 590.300 597.950 573.850 571.550 571.700 574.100 569.575 569.475 569.575
18 593.550 593.100 600.200 580.750 572.750 573.500 575.900 570.975 571.300 571.400
19 595.050 595.250 600.950 582.100 576.800 577.850 578.900 571.525 573.850 573.950
20 596.700 601.300 602.750 595.750 583.550 578.600 582.800 573.350 577.625 577.725
21 599.550 602.100 604.100 598.600 586.100 589.550 591.350 576.375 580.150 580.250
22 601.050 602.650 605.900 601.750 600.050 594.650 593.450 581.400 581.175 581.275
23 603.250 606.000 606.500 603.550 603.950 605.000 597.500 582.250 589.950 590.050
24 607.750 606.950 607.850 606.100 605.150 606.050 598.550 583.975 594.975 595.075
25 574.900 569.350 569.900 566.500 566.900 572.900 568.850 584.725 597.675 597.775
26 582.650 570.250 571.550 570.400 573.500 574.250 570.500 586.200 600.975 601.075
27 593.150 583.350 572.750 574.900 574.700 576.500 571.250 593.875 601.900 602.000
28 594.200 583.900 575.750 590.800 577.700 580.400 576.800 595.050 604.625 604.725
29 596.200 590.800 584.600 591.850 600.950 580.850 582.200 600.625 605.250 605.350
30 597.550 594.500 594.650 593.200 602.150 590.300 583.850 601.275 604.125 604.225
31 603.850 603.550 598.550 600.100 606.500 602.900 596.300 607.050 603.375 603.475
32 607.200 604.600 607.400 607.900 607.700 607.250 601.100 583.375
Frequency Range G 566–608 MHz continued
Ch. 30 (566–572 MHz) Ch. 34 (590–596 MHz)
US TV Channel Ch. 31 (572–578 MHz) Ch. 35 (596–602 MHz)
Ch. 32 (578–584 MHz) Ch. 36 (602–608 MHz)
Ch. 33 (584–590 MHz)
Channel Bank 11 Bank 12 Bank 13 Bank 14 Bank 15 Bank 16 Bank 17 Bank 18 Bank 19 Bank 20
1 566.200 566.000 566.125 566.275 566.375 566.150 607.850 566.100 568.100 567.500
2 566.600 566.400 566.525 566.675 566.775 566.525 607.475 566.975 568.475 567.875
3 567.200 566.900 567.025 567.175 567.275 566.975 607.025 567.600 568.975 568.375
4 568.000 567.500 567.625 567.775 567.875 567.500 606.500 570.275 569.600 569.000
5 569.200 567.950 568.075 568.225 568.325 568.100 605.900 572.725 570.350 569.750
6 570.800 568.500 568.625 568.775 568.875 568.775 605.225 574.900 571.350 570.750
7 573.000 569.150 569.275 569.425 569.525 569.525 604.475 579.725 572.975 572.375
8 576.200 570.500 570.625 570.775 570.875 570.425 603.575 580.925 574.975 574.375
9 578.600 571.200 571.325 571.475 571.575 571.625 602.375 590.625 577.100 576.500
10 583.400 572.650 572.775 572.925 573.025 573.125 600.875 601.800 580.100 579.500
11 587.400 573.400 573.525 573.675 573.775 574.850 599.150 603.725 581.350 580.750
12 591.800 575.100 575.225 575.375 575.475 577.325 596.675 566.475 584.475 583.875
13 599.200 576.500 576.625 576.775 576.875 580.400 593.600 568.000 587.975 587.375
14 602.600 579.100 579.225 579.375 579.475 582.575 591.425 568.525 592.725 590.125
15 607.800 580.900 581.025 581.175 581.275 585.350 588.650 569.225 598.350 598.125
16 568.375 582.050 582.175 582.325 582.425 589.025 584.975 569.675 603.350 602.000
17 569.675 583.950 584.075 584.225 584.325 592.175 581.825 571.075 606.100 607.000
18 571.500 588.600 588.725 588.875 588.975 596.675 577.325 571.625 571.850 571.250
19 574.050 593.150 593.275 593.425 593.525 598.550 575.450 573.450 572.475 571.875
20 577.825 593.950 594.075 594.225 594.325 601.850 572.150 576.475 573.850 573.750
21 580.350 597.900 598.025 598.175 598.275 605.675 568.325 581.500 574.350 575.500
22 581.375 600.250 600.375 600.525 600.625 606.725 567.275 582.350 577.725 577.000
23 590.150 601.200 601.325 601.475 601.575 607.900 566.100 584.075 578.975 577.375
24 595.175 606.300 606.425 606.575 606.675 607.275 566.725 584.825 579.475 578.375
25 597.875 607.550 607.675 607.825 607.925 603.300 570.700 586.300 582.225 578.750
26 601.175 602.500 571.500 593.975 582.725 581.375
27 602.100 595.725 578.275 595.150 588.475 581.875
28 604.825 589.725 584.275 600.725 589.100 583.375
29 605.450 584.575 589.425 601.375 589.600 588.125
30 604.325 579.000 595.000 607.150 590.975 588.625
31 603.575 575.275 598.725 583.475 592.225 590.500
32 569.925 604.075 593.850 592.625
Multi-channel Wireless Mic System Hookup
1. Rack mount your gear. The GA3 rack adapter can accommodate two half-rack sized units, such as
a receiver, a splitter, or an AM2 kit (which includes two front mounts for antennas). Consider how
many channels you will need, and select the appropriate number of GA3 units (see the sample draw-
ings on the following pages to get an idea of how this works).
2. Determine whether you will need an antenna splitter(s) based upon the number of channels you
require. A rule of thumb is that you will need a splitter for every four channels. If doing more than 8
channels, you will need to group them in groups of 4, or 8 units with another “master” ASA1 which
takes the feed from the antennas. Another great advantage which splitters offer is that they will
provide DC power to the receivers right through the connection cable. A single splitter will power up
to four receivers.
3. Determine where you wish to place your antennas. If you wish to keep them at your rack, you will
need an AM2 kit for every splitter you have, unless you optimize the cascading feature of the splitter,
which allows the operation of eight receivers of the same frequency range from one pair of antennas.
An AM2 it front-mounts two antennas, and takes a total of 1/2 a rack – keep this in mind when con-
figuring your system. If, instead, you wish to remote-mount your antennas to increase the coverage
area, you will need to utilize A 1031-U antennas, which are typically mounted to mic stands or WM1
wall mounts. Since the antennas will be used away from the rack, it is not necessary to use AM2 kits.
Antenna Splitter and Mounting Packages
Considering the number of individual items required to rig an evolution wireless G3 receiving antenna
splitter system, we have put together seven packages to make ordering these items simpler. These
packages address seven common scenarios.
NOTE: The antennas supplied with all ew rack-mountable receivers are to be used only in chassis-mounted
(rear jacks), or in conjunction with the AM2 front-mounting kit. These are ground plane devices and are never
to be used as a remote antenna solution on the end of a cable.
Due to the variables in one installation to another, the following items are not included with Sennheiser
splitter/combiner kits. It is suggested you check and see if you may require any of the following:
• GA3 rack mounts (which are not included with 100 series)
• RG58 cable to run to your antennas
• Mounting brackets for remote antennas
• Rack screws
The following is a list of splitter and antenna kits that Sennheiser currently offers for G3 units:
Active splitter kit for four receiver
system using omni-directional
remote paddle antennas, includes
ASA1/NT, two A1031-U, GA3
Active splitter kit for eight receiver
system using omni-directional
remote paddle antennas, includes
two ASA1/NT, two A1031-U, GA3,
two BB1
Active splitter kit for four receiver
system using directional remote
paddle antennas, includes ASA1/NT,
two A2003-UHF, GA3
Active splitter kit for eight receiver
system using directional remote
paddle antennas, includes two
ASA1/NT, two A2003-UHF, GA3, two
Active splitter kit for four receiver
system using front-mount anten-
nas, includes ASA1/NT, GA3, AM2
Active splitter kit for eight receiver
system using front-mount anten-
nas, includes two ASA1/NT, two
GA3, AM2, two BB1
Active antenna splitter with DC
power distribution for G3 receivers,
includes required NT1-1 US power
supply and eight 20" BNC cables
Active antenna combiner with DC
power distribution for IEM transmit-
ters, includes required NT3-1-US
power supply and four 20" BNC
Active combiner kit for four IEM
transmitters with DC power dis-
tribution, includes AC3/NT, GA3,
Putting Together a System
Following are diagrams of several typical wireless microphone and wireless monitor systems.
NOTE: For systems larger than 8 channels, we recommend using Sennheiser's
2000 Series wireless:
RF Cable
Four Channel Wireless System
(4 Handheld Systems)
Qty Model Description
4 ew335G3 Handheld Systems w/MMD 835-1 capsules
1 G3FrontKit4 Active splitter kit for four receiver system using front-mount antennas,
includes ASA1/NT, GA3, AM2
Single Channel Wireless Monitor System
(1 ew300IEMG3 system, for a single stage mix.
NOTE: additional EK300 receivers may be added as needed to monitor the same mix.)
Qty Model Description
1 ew300IEMG3 Wireless monitor system with rack mountable transmitter,
GA3 rack mount kit, bodypack receiver and IE4 earbuds
Four Channel Wireless Monitor System
(4 ew300IEMG3 systems)
Qty Model Description
4 ew300IEMG3 Wireless monitor system with rack mountable transmitter, GA3 rack mount
kit, bodypack receiver and IE4 earbuds
1 G3IEMDirKit4 Active combiner kit for four IEM transmitters with DC power distribution,
includes AC3/NT, GA3, A2003-UHF
Note: Various Lengths of RF cable available for antenna run (sold separately)
Loop Out
+22dBu MAX
FREQ Range-D 780-822 MHz
Stereo Transmitter SR 300 IEM
Loop Out
+22dBu MAX
FREQ Range-D 780-822 MHz
Stereo Transmitter SR 300 IEM
Loop Out
+22dBu MAX
FREQ Range-D 780-822 MHz
Stereo Transmitter SR 300 IEM
Loop Out
+22dBu MAX
FREQ Range-D 780-822 MHz
Stereo Transmitter SR 300 IEM
Pro Tip:
The AC3 has four (4) status LEDs on the front panel to indicate
that power is being distributed to the connected SR300G3.
Connect the included BNC cables as shown above to quickly
diagnosis any potential power issues with your equipment and
immediately identify the problematic rack position.
Eight Channel Wireless System
(4 Handheld Systems and 4 Lavalier Systems)
Qty Model Description
4 ew365 G3 Handheld Systems w/MME865-1 capsules
4 ew312 G3 Lavalier Systems w/ME2 capsules
1 G3OmniKit8 Active splitter kit for eight receiver system using omni-directional remote
paddle antennas, includes two (2) ASA1/NT, two (2) A1031-U, GA3, two (2)
Note: Various Lengths of RF cable available for antenna run (sold separately)
NT1-1-US NT1-1-US
RF Cable
AB3 (optional*)
AB3 (optional*)
* AB3 boosters may be used to compensate for RF loss associated
with long cable runs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where’s the mute switch on the handheld?
100 and 500 Series (as well as 2000 Series) SKM handheld transmitters do not have a “Mute” button
due to the fact that true professional microphones (wired and wireless) usually do not have a mute
button. Nonetheless, if you press the power button quickly, you will have the option to enable RF Mute
on the hand held. This is a two-button operation (press the Power Button momentarily, then use the
jog wheel to confirm the RF Mute).
The G3 300 Series SKM Handheld transmitter has a programmable button – this is labeled “Mic” but-
ton instead of a “Mute” button because it can serve multiple functions (see below). You can program
this model to have the mute latch on/off, or be momentary such as “push to talk” or “push to cough.
In addition, you can disable it entirely.
Can I use regular “AA” rechargeable batteries?
Yes. Regular rechargeable batteries (NiMH) will function just fine in your G3 system. The only caveat is
that the battery meter may show a low battery status more quickly due to the lower voltage that re-
chargeable batteries produce. Keep in mind that most G3 portable components have charging contacts
for use with the Sennheiser BA2015G2 battery pack and L2015G2/NT charger. It should be known that
these contacts will not function with any other battery pack except the BA2015G2.
My wireless system is on and functioning, however I am experiencing feedback
and poor sound quality through my PA system. What is the issue?
From the factory, G3 rack mount receivers come with the output level set at +18dB. This is a very
strong signal and can result in feedback and poor sound quality with certain mixing consoles and
amps. To remedy this, you can adjust the “AF OUT” menu on the receiver to a lower number. It is rec-
ommended to start at around “00 dB” and perhaps “+3 dB or +6 dB” depending on your application.
These are guidelines, so feel free to experiment to get the best sound possible from your particular
Why does my PA system or camera emit a horrible loud static noise when I power
off my transmitter?
This simply means you are on a frequency which is already in use, most likely by a television station.
When the transmitter is on, everything is working just fine because of the close proximity of the trans-
mitter and receiver. When the transmitter is powered off, the receiver no longer hears the transmitter
and tries to latch onto any signal it can find on that same frequency.
If you see RF activity on the display meter with the transmitter powered off, it means that there is
another signal on the same frequency interfering with your system (most likely from a TV station).
You can use the “Easy Setup” to “Scan New List” and find a new free frequency. Once you select a
free frequency, this loud static noise will no longer come through your system when the transmitter
is powered off. If you use your system in various locations, it is always a good idea to redo the “Easy
Setup” to find a free frequency as the RF environment will change depending on geographical location.
Another temporary solution which works sometimes would be to raise the “Squelch” setting from the
default “Low” setting to either “Med” or “High.” Raising the Squelch level means that the receiver will
expect more RF signal before it unmutes. This is a temporary solution, and should only be used as a
last resort as raising the squelch also reduces your operating range. It is always better to find a free
frequency instead.
Why doesn’t my right angle Ci1-R cable work with my new G3 system?
The Ci1-R cable which was sold for G2 was manufactured for Sennheiser by a 3rd party and it was re-
cently discovered that the cable did not meet our exact wiring specification. While this worked fine for
G2, it will not work satisfactorily for G3. There is a new model Ci1-R which has the model number “Ci1-
R EW.” The Ci1-R EW will work on all generations of evolution wireless systems and it can be identified
by a gray piece of shrink tubing located at one of the connectors.
AF and RF Mute – what’s the difference?
One of the great new features with G3 transmitter body packs is the option for the user to select either
an AF Mute (audio frequency) or an RF Mute (radio frequency) option. An AF Mute is the traditional
way to mute your audio signal, this is what G2 offered. The RF Mute is different in that it will not only
mute the audio to the receiver, but it will take the transmitter carrier off air (remember: you can never
have two transmitters on the same carrier frequency at the same time!). This is particularly important
for back-up transmitters and guitarists/bassists that have multiple guitars and only one receiver. You
can outfit all of your guitars with transmitters on the same frequency and leave them powered on.
With RF mute activated, you can simply slide the “Mute” switch on or off and switch guitars quickly.
No more powering on or powering off packs.
What are the advantages of Low Power mode on 300/500/2000 Series (& SK 5212)?
In many instances, users think more power is better but, with respect to wireless systems, “just
enough” power is best. The stronger your RF output power is, the greater chance your systems may
have issues with interfering with other wireless systems. Higher output power also makes it more
difficult to deploy large multi-channel systems. It will be possible to achieve higher channel counts in
a 42 MHz switching bandwidth by decreasing your RF output power and utilizing properly designed
antenna systems.
What is cable emulation?
Cable emulation is a feature which is available on the SK 100 G3, SK 500 G3 and SK 2000 bodypack
transmitters– this function allows you to virtually adjust the cable length which the guitar pickups see.
It is common knowledge that the longer a corded guitar cable is, the more high frequency loss will oc-
cur due to capacitance inherent in the cable. Capacitance can also “load” your pickups and cause them
to react differently. When guitarists move from traditional cables to a wireless system, sometimes the
wireless system can sound almost “too clean” due to the fact the Sennheiser wireless audio transmis-
sion matches or exceeds the Compact Disc quality. Cable emulation allows you to “dial” back in the
familiar capacitance and treble roll-off which a performer may consider to be a part of their overall
Why can’t I front-mount my antennas on the GA3 rack ears? The rack rails seem to
get in the way of the two holes.
To rack-mount the antennas on a full 19” rack unit, you will need the GA3030-AM accessory. This
accessory includes two rack handle mounting pieces that will enable you to attach the female BNC
bulkhead to the rack, right where there are already drilled and tapped threads. The antenna cable will
pass through the rack mount, via the holes, to the back of the receiver where it will connect. More com-
mon is the use of the GA3 with the AM2. This allows one to rack mount a single system and place the
antennas in the same rack space on the included blank panel.
Frequently Asked Questions (Continued)
How do I use the built-in guitar tuner on my 100 or 500 series G3 receiver?
Simply bring up the menu by pressing the “SET” button. Find the “Advanced” section and press “SET
once more. In this menu you will find the guitar tuner option. Select it by using the “SET” button and
change it from the “Inactive” setting to either “Active” or “Audio Mute.Once this is done, you can
tap the power button to exit to the main operating screen. By pressing up/down on the arrows (100
series), or by moving the jog wheel (500 series), you can see the tuner on the screen. If you have the
tuner setting to “Active,” this means the tuner will always pass through the audio. If you set the tuner
to “Audio Mute,” this means that when you are on the Tuner screen the receiver will mute it’s audio
output. This is handy if you wish to tune in silence.
As we progress into the 21st century, it is a given; wireless systems are everywhere. Each time we turn
on a television, see a performance, watch the news, go to the theatre, or enjoy a concert, we are sur-
rounded by wireless technology. We almost take it for granted. Sennheiser is proud to embrace this
movement and place this technology in reach for those who want a high-performance product which is
also easy to use. We understand that wireless systems allow you to express yourself to your audience
without being constrained by wires.
Sennheiser evolution wireless G3 systems not only showcase breakthrough features, but they are also
easily adaptable as your needs change. As long as you can tune each component to the same frequency,
you can mix and match previous generations of evolution wireless with current G3 models.
While there will always be certain sophisticated applications which require assistance from the manufac-
turer, evolution wireless G3 systems are ready to perform right out of the box. With exceptional clarity,
extended range, and proven durability, they are truly the best choice for affordable, professional wire-
less performance.
For additional information about evolution wireless G3 or other Sennheiser products, please con-
tact Sennheiser at 860-434-9190, or log onto our Website at:
Sennheiser Electronic Corporation
One Enterprise Drive, Old Lyme, CT 06371
Tel: (860) 434-9190 • Fax: (860) 434-1759
Latin America: Tel: 52-55-5639-0956 • Fax: 52-55-5639-9482
Canada: Tel: (514) 426-3013 Fax: (514) 426-3953
02/10 Working With Evolution Wireless G3 - Printed in USA - Sennheiser is a registered trademark of Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG - Subject to alterations and modifications.