Unified English Braille:
Training Manual
Revised January 2022
edited by
Josie Howse, Kathy Riessen
and Leona Holloway
Round Table on Information
Access for People with
Print Disabilities Inc.
Australian Braille
Unified English Braille: Australian Training Manual
Edited by:
Josie Howse: Consultant: vision impairment
Kathy Riessen: ABA Executive, ICEB Code Maintenance Officer
Leona Holloway: Monash University
Copyright © 2013 Round Table on Information Access for People with Print
Disabilities Inc.
Revised April 2014
Revised September 2016
Revised January 2022
Based on
Unified English Braille Primer, Australian Braille Authority,
(Updated 2008).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this
licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ or send a
letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco,
California 94105, USA.
Published by Round Table on Information Access for People with Print
Disabilities Inc.
13 Myee Crescent,
Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153
Web address: http://www.printdisability.org
National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry
Title: Unified English Braille: Australian Training Manual / Round Table on
Information Access for People with Print Disabilities Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-9807064-5-1 (paperback)
Subjects: Braille – Australia. Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Blind – Printing and writing systems.
Dewey Number: 411
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ........................................................................... 7
Foreword ........................................................................................... 8
Introductory Remarks ..................................................................... 10
Braille .............................................................................................. 10
Unified English Braille (UEB) .............................................................. 10
References ....................................................................................... 11
Definitions ........................................................................................ 11
About this Manual ............................................................................. 11
Completing the Exercises .................................................................. 12
Layout of Practice Exercises .............................................................. 13
General Advice ................................................................................. 14
Letters of the Alphabet
Numerals, Alphabetic Wordsigns
Lesson 1. Letters aj, Numerals, Capital Indicator, Full Stop.......... 15
Lesson 2. Letters kt, Comma ......................................................... 18
Lesson 3. Letters u–z ....................................................................... 20
Lesson 4. Alphabetic Wordsigns ...................................................... 23
Strong Contractions, and, for, of, the, with
Lesson 5. Strong Wordsigns, and, for, of, the, with, Semicolon ...... 26
Lesson 6. Strong Groupsigns, and, for, of, the, with, Exclamation
Mark, Question Mark ....................................................... 29
Strong Groupsigns and Wordsigns
Lesson 7. ch, gh, sh, th, wh, Wordsigns, Apostrophe ...................... 32
Lesson 8. ed, er, ou, ow, Wordsign, Colon, Quotation Marks .......... 37
Lesson 9. st, ar, ing, Wordsign, Hyphen, Compound Words ............ 42
Lower Contractions
Lower Groupsigns
Lesson 10. be, con, dis, Dash, Shortforms ....................................... 47
Lesson 11. ea, bb, cc, ff, gg, Round Bracket or Parentheses ........... 52
Lesson 12. en, in, Lower Sign Rule .................................................. 56
Lower Wordsigns
Lesson 13. Lower Wordsigns, Shortforms ....................................... 60
Lower Wordsigns: be, his, was, were ................................................. 60
Wordsigns: enough, in, Shortforms .................................................... 62
Lesson 14. Summary of Lower Signs, Shortforms ........................... 68
Two-cell Contractions
Initial-letter Contractions with Dot 5
Lesson 15. Dot 5 and DM, Shortforms ........................................... 74
Lesson 16. Dot 5 and NU, Shortforms ............................................ 81
Lesson 17. Initial-letter Contractions with Dot 5, Shortforms ........ 89
Initial-letter Contractions with Dots 4 5
Lesson 18. upon, word, these, those, whose ................................... 95
Initial-letter Contractions with Dots 4 5 6
Lesson 19. cannot, had, many, spirit, world, their .......................... 97
Final-letter Groupsigns
Lesson 20. ance, ence, sion, tion, less, ness .................................. 102
Lesson 21. ound, ong, ount, ment ................................................. 106
Lesson 22. ful, ity........................................................................... 108
New Arrangement of Exercises ..................................................... 110
Lesson 23. More Punctuation ........................................................ 112
Dash and Long Dash ....................................................................... 112
Quotation Marks ............................................................................. 114
Ellipsis ............................................................................................ 115
Square Brackets.............................................................................. 116
Braces or Curly Brackets ................................................................. 116
Transcriber's Note Indicators ........................................................... 116
Summary of the Rules of Punctuation .............................................. 117
Lesson 24. Numbers and Print Symbols ........................................ 121
Fractions ........................................................................................ 125
Dates and Time .............................................................................. 127
Mathematical Signs ......................................................................... 128
Print Symbols ................................................................................. 130
Electronic Addresses ....................................................................... 133
Braille Mode Indicators
Order of Braille Indicators and Other Signs .................................. 136
Lesson 25. Capitalisation and Grade 1 Mode ................................. 137
Capitals Mode Indicators ................................................................. 137
Grade 1 Mode Indicators ................................................................. 138
Lesson 26. Typeform Indicators .................................................... 146
Lesson 27. Use of Capitals Indicators ............................................ 152
Lesson 28. Proper Names and Abbreviations ................................ 157
Proper Names and Places ................................................................ 157
Print Abbreviations .......................................................................... 159
Lesson 29. Unit Abbreviations ....................................................... 163
Lesson 30. Accented Letters and Foreign Words ........................... 169
Lesson 31. Formatting ................................................................... 174
Additional Symbols ........................................................................ 193
Braille Reference
General Rules for the Use of Contractions ..................................... 195
Word Division ................................................................................ 200
Contractions in Word Division ....................................................... 201
Wordsigns and Shortforms ............................................................ 205
Lower Sign Rule ............................................................................. 206
Braille Tables ................................................................................. 207
Alphabetic Contractions ................................................................... 207
Strong Contractions ........................................................................ 208
Strong Groupsigns/Wordsigns .......................................................... 208
Lower Contractions ......................................................................... 209
Prefixes .......................................................................................... 209
Shortforms ..................................................................................... 210
Shortform Extension List ............................................................... 211
Glossary of Braille Signs ................................................................ 221
Index ............................................................................................. 228
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I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the collegial
input from Kathy Riessen from the South Australian School for Vision
Impaired and Leona Holloway from Vision Australia in the finalisation of the
Unified English Braille: Australian Training Manual
I would further like to extend my thanks and appreciation to Colleen
Flood from Vision Australia for her analytical and prescriptive proofreading
comments, which have been gratefully received by the editorial team.
As a small and dedicated team, we have tackled this major piece of work
with rigour and commitment and examined and compared every element of
the relevant documents, encompassing content, presentation and
functionality. It has been a rewarding experience working with colleagues
who are both knowledgeable and skilled in the Unified English Braille code.
Kathy's expertise in “volunteering” to manage the file and relevant
input/output has been unsurpassed and without such energy and dedication
it is unlikely that we would be in a position to publish at this time.
I would like to extend my gratitude to the relevant organisations, NSW
Department of Education and Communities, the South Australian School for
Vision Impaired and Vision Australia for enabling their staff the time to
commit to the finalisation of the project.
Finally I would also like to extend my thanks to the Australian Braille
Authority (ABA) and the Round Table on Information Access for People with a
Print Disability Inc. for their support and financial assistance with the
teleconferences held by the editorial team, essential in ensuring the project
remained on target.
I am convinced that as a result of the publication of the
Unified English
Braille: Australian Training Manual
2013, Australia has a rich and exciting
professional learning tool that should enhance the knowledge and skills for
new and established learners to braille.
Josie Howse
May 2013
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Unified English Braille:
Australian Training Manual
Unified English Braille (UEB) was adopted for use by the Australian
Braille Authority (ABA) in May 2005; with an envisaged five year transition
period. Since 2010, it has been Australia's only braille code in use.
Following the adoption of UEB, our major braille producers commenced
implementing the code almost immediately and an urgent need for teaching
materials in the new, but still developing, braille code was created. Thus, the
Unified English Braille Primer: Australian Edition
followed shortly afterwards,
with the Preliminary Edition in 2006 and an update in 2008.
As time passed, the UEB code has been refined and the UEB rules are
now articulated in
The Rules of Unified English Braille: Second Edition
(“The Rulebookas it is commonly known).
Some Rulebook language was different! New terminology was now in
use! It became apparent that the recently released Braille Primer (Australian
Edition) in its current form was no longer the best way of meeting the needs
of braille learners.
Therefore, following release and careful study of this new Rulebook
publication, what had started as a further update of the
Unified English
Braille Primer: Australian Edition
, has now resulted in a completely new
document – the
Unified English Braille: Australian Training Manual
Those familiar with the
RNIB Braille Primer
and the
Unified English
Braille Primer: Australian Edition
will recognise the lesson structure and
exercises from these. However, it became apparent that it was necessary to
rewrite the lesson content in accordance with
The Rules of Unified English
Braille: Second Edition
Two main concepts which required a considerable rewrite were the rules
for Lower Signs and Shortforms. The later lessons needed considerable
alteration to both the order in which concepts are introduced, as well as the
Revised January 2022 - 9 - UEB Training Manual
A new lesson on the basics of formatting according to the Australian
Braille Authority's formatting guidelines has also been included with the
addition of some longer passages which may be used as final test pieces.
Changes to the choices of font and layout have also been made. These
are deliberate, as they better meet clear print requirements.
Josie Howse manages Australia's largest education related braille
production unit and she had the lead role in introducing UEB into Australia's
education system. As Editor of the now very popular and sought after
English Braille Primer: Australian Edition
, the Australian Braille Authority
invited Josie to consider undertaking yet another update of the publication.
Such updating has been a most time-consuming project, one which has
taken many months and extreme attention to detail. Great care was required
to ensure that even the smallest of changes to our braille code has been
captured and documented within this new publication.
In the latter stages of the editing process, Josie was joined by Kathy
Riessen and Leona Holloway. Both Kathy and Leona brought detailed UEB
knowledge, experience and skills of their own, further enhancing the content
and presentation of this training manual.
Release of the
Unified English Braille: Australian Training Manual
is the
culmination of much hard work contributed by Josie, Kathy and Leona. They
are without a doubt three of Australia's most UEB informed and experienced
code experts and with great pleasure, I share their deliberations with you.
Christine Simpson
Chair Australian Braille Authority
May 2013
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Introductory Remarks
Braille is a systematic arrangement of raised dots. Each unit, known as a
braille cell, consists of six dots arranged in two columns and numbered from
1 to 6, as shown.
Braille is written using a handframe and stylus, a braille writing machine,
such as a Perkins Brailler, or an embosser connected to a computer.
Most signs, for example the signs for alphabetic letters, occupy one cell.
Some signs can occupy two and occasionally three cells.
A single blank space is left between words and between the end of one
sentence and the beginning of the next.
Unified English Braille (UEB)
The code for Unified English Braille (UEB) was developed by the
International Council on English Braille to harmonise braille across codes and
between English-speaking countries. UEB can be used for all documents
regardless of whether their content is literary or technical. Australia was one
of the first countries to adopt UEB in 2005, replacing a hybrid of codes with a
single code, UEB.
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The information in this Manual is based on two main references:
The Rules of Unified English Braille: Second Edition
2013, and related
updates, which are available for download from http://www.iceb.org.
Australian Braille Authority Rules and Guidelines for Formatting Braille
, 2016.
These references should be considered the primary authority on UEB and
formatting in Australia and have priority over this Manual where any
differences arise.
Contraction: The generic term for a braille sign that represents a group of
letters or a whole word. Contractions can occupy one or more
Groupsign: A contraction that represents a group of letters within a
Wordsign: A contraction that represents a whole word.
Shortform: A contraction where a word has been specially abbreviated in
Upper sign: A sign that contains a dot 1 or a dot 4.
Lower sign: A sign that contains neither dot 1 nor 4.
Strong sign: A sign that has dots in the top AND bottom rows, PLUS dots
in the left AND right sides of the cell.
About this Manual
This Manual introduces the rules of UEB using a systematic approach.
Each lesson is accompanied with Practice exercises. The Manual covers all
the contractions and symbols that appear in a literary context and gives an
introduction to braille formatting. A reference section at the end gives a
summary of all the UEB contractions and major rules.
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As each new sign is introduced, it is shown using a simulated braille font.
The dot numbers of the cell or cells of the sign are also given, using
1 2 3 and 4 5 6, to denote the left and right sides of the cell,
NOTES usually refer to the example immediately above. These notes
give additional information or explanations of how rules are applied.
Underline is used in the examples to indicate whole words or sequences
of letters that are brailled using wordsigns or groupsigns. There is a
break in the underline to separate consecutive groupsigns.
Completing the Exercises
have been carefully chosen to ensure that they can be correctly brailled
according to the rules already learnt. A word already learnt may be different
in a different context, for example, “like”, “likes” and “liked”.
Each exercise should be completed using a manual method, such as a
Perkins Brailler, as this will encourage precision and concentration.
Electronic or computerised 6-key entry, such as using a Mountbatten
brailler or Perky Duck software, may be considered if a Perkins Brailler
cannot be obtained.
NextSense offers an online course at uebonline.org which follows the
same structure and exercises in this manual. This course may be used in
conjunction with this manual and it is recommended that each exercise is
also completed manually to consolidate the lessons learnt.
Keep a copy of this manual and add your own notes. This allows quick
reference and revision of the rules.
Read the information for each lesson carefully and then braille the
exercises, following the layout described below.
Proofread each exercise carefully and correct ALL errors, even if this
means redoing the whole exercise. This is important in developing
accuracy and consolidating knowledge. Aim for zero errors.
Regularly submit exercises for marking to a tutor skilled in braille to ensure
prompt feedback on errors before proceeding further.
After marking, redo exercises with errors and resubmit.
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Layout of Practice Exercises
All the exercises in this Manual are designed to be produced on a
standard Perkins Brailler. Use regular sized (11½ by 11 inch) braille paper in
landscape profile. Each page can hold 25 lines of braille, each line being 42
cells wide. The lines are numbered 1 to 25 and the cells 1 to 42.
Each line of Practice exercises 1-22 is exactly 40 cells wide if transcribed
correctly. The Extra Practice exercises, provided for additional practice, are of
varying line lengths.
The navigation line is the first line of each braille page. It is referred to as
line 1 on the page.
The print page number is positioned on the far left of the navigation line.
Use the print page number shown at the bottom of the relevant page in
this Manual.
The braille page number is positioned on the far right of the navigation
line. Treat each exercise as a new document, beginning at braille page 1.
Centre your name on the navigation line for Practice exercises 1-22. Check
with your tutor how your name is brailled using the correct contractions.
Centre the name and number of the exercise as a major heading on the
next line.
Begin transcription of the exercise in cell 1 of the next line (line 3).
This example shows the beginning of the exercise Practice 1 for Jane
#g ,jane ,smi? #a
,practice #a
abide acid adage bad beef bide cadge cab
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How to Centre on a Perkins Brailler
Count the number of cells to be brailled in the word or words to be
centred, taking into account any capitals, contractions and spaces.
Method 1
Move the embossing head of the brailler to the centre of the line. This
position may be marked with tape or a felt-tip pen for future reference.
Move to the centre by pressing the spacebar 21 times from the left
margin, as a line is 42 cells across.
Divide the number of cells to be centred by two. Round the number up if
Backspace this number of cells and begin brailling.
Method 2
Subtract the number of cells to be centred from 42 (the maximum number
of cells) and divide by two, rounding down if odd.
Start at the left margin and press the spacebar the calculated number of
times and begin brailling.
General Advice
A sighted person reads braille by sight rather than by touch. However,
good braille feels right rather than looks right. There are two essentials:
STRONG dots and ACCURATE dots, with no erasures. Your work may be
marked incorrect if it cannot be "felt" correct, even if it "looks" correct.
Establish the habit of always using the spacebar immediately after brailling
a word or punctuation. Consider the space an extension of the word to
avoid inadvertently joining two words together.
Keep your eyes on the print copy and not on your fingers.
Position the print copy so it can be read without strain. Mark the line you
are brailling in such a way as to ensure that you do not miss a line or lose
your place.
Ensure the completed work for marking is well protected so the dots are
not flattened in transit.
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Letters of the Alphabet, Numerals,
Alphabetic Wordsigns
Letters aj, Numerals
a dot 1 b b dots 1 2
c dots 1 and 4 d d dots 1 and 4 5
e dots 1 and 5 f f dots 1 2 and 4
g dots 1 2 and 4 5 h h dots 1 2 and 5
i dots 2 and 4 j j dots 2 and 4 5
Capital Letter Indicator
Capital letter indicator , dot 6
A capital letter is preceded immediately by a capital letter indicator.
Dad ,dad
Big Cage
,big ,cage
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Full Stop
Full stop (.) 4 dots 2 and 5 6 (lower d).
NOTE: Braille signs positioned in the lower part of the cell with the same
dot pattern as a letter are often referred to as a lower letter.
A full stop immediately follows a word. One space only is left between
the full stop and the beginning of the next sentence.
Numeric prefix # dots 3 and 4 5 6
Numerals (1-9 and 0) are represented in braille by the numeric prefix
followed by the letters ai and j.
1 #a 10 #aj 206 #bjf
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Transcribe Practice 1 below, referring to the instructions on page 13.
One space is left between each word, or between each sentence following a
full stop. When brailled correctly, each line of this exercise is exactly 40 cells
wide. The line lengths of the Extra Practice exercises vary.
Practice 1
abide acid adage bad beef bide cadge cab
cage decide deface die egg fade fife fee
fig gab gibe hide idea ice jade jig jag.
I hid a badge. I add. I beg Dad dig.
A big gaff. I bid Dad hide. Bad ice.
I deface a big badge. Haji did decide.
He hid a dice face. Dad did beg a cab.
He did decide. He did a jig. Bad bid.
If Di did cadge beef. A big bad idea.
Extra Practice 1
acid acacia beige bid cicada cab
deface dice egad ebb fee fief gibe
gaff hie hag ice idea jibe jig jag
fade egg Ida ace bid face age bee.
He hid. Ada did cadge big beef. Big
gage. A bad idea. A big gaff. I gag
a hag. I hide ice. I add. I hide a
bad face. A bad adage. He bade Ida
abide. Cadge a fig. I deface a jade
cab. Add a decade. Dad did hide a
bag. A beige badge. I bid Ada
decide. Cage a cicada.
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Letters k–t
These ten letters are formed by adding dot 3 to the letters a-j.
k dots 1 3 l l dots 1 2 3
m dots 1 3 and 4 n n dots 1 3 and 4 5
o o dots 1 3 and 5 p p dots 1 2 3 and 4
q dots 1 2 3 and 4 5 r r dots 1 2 3 and 5
s dots 2 3 and 4 t t dots 2 3 and 4 5
Comma (,) 1 dot 2 (middle a).
Transcribe Practice 2, as for Practice 1.
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Practice 2
kettle kill kilt kiss knock knot kit kid
lock lodge look loop loose loss lots lob
miss mask mate mock moan magpie mess mid
moon moor mortal moss motor mop moat mob
nod notes neglect nettles nitra neck nit
objects oats oranges orphan omit old oil
poor prisons proposes pockets police pip
room report receipt rector rocks rod ram
snort socks solemn sort sport second sag
tool tomato topple total traitor top tie
Jim has apples, oranges, bananas, figs.
At bottom Hank feels he has no object.
An old plate glass mirror hangs on to a
cornice at home. An Empire design gilt
clock on a gold bracket Jo is afraid is
too ornate. Toni has an Italian title.
Hal describes gas attacks on a Belgian
battlefield. Come to see an old bridge.
Extra Practice 2
kneel kimono kaleidoscope kidnap
llama lair lattice legislates lop
manor melon massacre mimic mobile
noon noise notice necklace nip nod
opposite okra oak obligate omega
package possessor phantom padlock
rattlesnake rascal rapport ridge
simile spoon scissors solicit slit
tragic trio tangle trap transcript
Transit camp, top hole, get tools.
Jodie has an ornate gold bracelet.
Mike took a big package home. I lose
big metal spoons. Take note. Philip
looks at a tragic orphan.
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Letters u v x y z and w
u, v, x, y and z are formed by adding dot 6 to the letters ko.
w W is out of place because braille is of French origin and there is
no letter w in the basic French alphabet.
u dots 1 3 and 6 v v dots 1 2 3 and 6
w dots 2 and 4 5 6 x x dots 1 3 and 4 6
y y dots 1 3 and 4 5 6 z z dots 1 3 and 5 6
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Practice 3
quake qualify quiet quit quote quilt quo
undo union unite unpack up upset use ups
values van velvet vexes vice victory vie
view village virtue visit voice vote vs.
wait wake walk walls wants wave ways wax
weeps well wits wide wild wise wives wet
woman wood wool worry wrap writes wildly
yawn yes yet yield yoke zigzag razor zoo
lovely valley lazy pretty ugly yells yak
widely loosely poorly fairly wisely sly.
I may visit my nephew on my way home to
Sydney if I return soon. Victor walks
five miles or a mile, if he is too lazy.
Uncle gave me a safety razor. Di wants
two velvet dresses. William has sold an
ornate bronze vase. We saw a weird play
two weeks ago at Drury Lane. I made a
Victory sign on my return. I dote on a
wide view. Mummy says come home by six.
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Extra Practice 3
Tom executes quixotic exploits. A
robot has brass knuckles. Janet uses
dull adjectives yet has a wry wit.
Quizzes puzzle me. Icicles drip, a
brook murmurs, fireflies flit.
Philip buys an attractive grey tie.
Julia rides a fidgety black filly.
Paul plays jazz tunes, yet at
Yuletide he plays jubilant
hallelujahs. Kate bridles a beige
pony. Olivia picks a pretty rosebud.
Luke prays daily. An orange poodle
is a weird spectacle. Patricia
cracks a rude joke. James draws
vivid pictures. Lovely blue velvet
is unbelievably nice. Lucy uses six
textbooks at college. Two angry
gangs queue up. A mad man eats only
black olives or raw onions. He hugs
a gigantic gorilla, he builds a
wigwam, he hums a lovely lullaby,
yet he has wise philosophy.
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Letters as Alphabetic Wordsigns
Letters of the alphabet are used in braille to represent whole words
where they are standing alone and NOT part of a longer word. Usually it is
the first letter of the word that is used. Single letters used in this way to
represent words are called alphabetic wordsigns.
Using Wordsigns
The use of wordsigns is governed by the Standing Alone Rule which is
one of the most important rules in UEB. The complete rule can be found in
The Rules of Unified English Braille: Second Edition
2013. Aspects of this rule
will be expanded as each relevant concept is introduced.
Key concepts:
A wordsign may not be used as part of a longer word.
Wordsigns may be used with punctuation.
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I quite like. ,I q l4
Go away Will ,g away ,w
NOTE: The capital letter indicator before a wordsign, or any other
contraction, means that the first letter of the contraction is capitalised.
He likes ,He likes
No buts
,No buts
William ,William
Practice 4
I can write. I do like every pocket that will hold quite a
lot, that is a luxury. Do go away. He will not do
it yet or on impulses but only as I may see
fit or as he may deem wise. It is as you all
say, more like two miles from my cave. You can truly
have as exquisite a dress as you like, Mike will buy
it gladly so that you may put it on at will. Hiram
says that he will expressly write legibly next
week, but I am rather afraid he is just too lazy.
People like me, do not so easily assume that a man can quite
surely acquire knowledge on all subjects. You may
see that it is very likely that battles on a broad
front will take place soon. I am quite sure he
will pass if he likes, but not quite as well, he has
told us, as he knew that John did five weeks
ago. Give us a very nice pork pie. Go away.
If I am very hot from races or games I like to
eat every juicy orange, as it makes me quite cool.
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Extra Practice 4
You may eat ravioli if you desire, but you will
not like it. Every boy can play football if he
tries. Do not set that empty can on my
bookcase. Do not go away from home just yet.
I have as big a muscle as you have. He is a just
man, but not very humane. My knowledge on that subject
is rather vague. People will visit us next week.
He is not quite as brilliant as my uncle. So
few people like that petty politician that he will
surely lose. A milk can blocks every exit.
If you make a will, I hope that you will not give
John that cosy cottage on Willmot Road.
He snubs me, but I will not do likewise, as I
feel no ill will. He has wide knowledge, but he
does not use it. All I can say is you will have
fun if you go. That box is very ornate but quite
attractive. He rather likes people, but I do not.
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Strong Contractions:
and for of the with
These five contractions are considered strongas they have dots in the
top AND bottom rows, PLUS dots in the left AND right sides of the cell.
These are the only five strong contractions where the wordsigns and
groupsigns represent the same letters. They have preference in most
circumstances, unless fewer cells can be used.
Strong Wordsigns:
and for of the with
The following strong wordsigns express these five very common words.
& dots 1 2 3 and 4 6
for = dots 1 2 3 and 4 5 6 (all six)
of ( dots 1 2 3 and 5 6
the ! dots 2 3 and 4 6
with ) dots 2 3 and 4 5 6
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With the knowledge of the people and for the ...
,) ! K ( ! P & = ! 444
He came and, with the help ...
,he came &1 ) ! help 444
Semicolon (;) 2 dots 2 3 (lower b)
Practice 5
I am fond of a cup of tea with a bun; and, with the
bun you can give me two pieces of cake. Busy
as usual, I see, with the pots and the pans; and if
I may add, with the spoons and knives and the bold
bronzes on the mantelpiece and the walls; for if
you see a very pretty bit of brass for sale, you go
and buy it and hang it up for the joy that it will give and
the rapture it evokes. At home he has wood
boxes and baskets full of all sorts of fruit
as for example oranges and lemons and bananas and
apples and plums and figs, and nuts of the sort that
you like, as well as lots of the lovely prunes of the
sort I got from abroad a few weeks ago. I
have a lot of worry with the dogs and the horses; and the
pigs and the goats and the cats. He looks up on
all the damage made from the fire with the habitual,
placid calm of a man that feels deeply but will not
let anybody else see it. Eat at the table.
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Extra Practice 5
The man that lives next door took Luke and
me for a ride on the bus. He spoke the
phrase with emphasis. You will soon see the
value of travel abroad. It helps you
relax and it gives you an idea of the way people
live. John told Neil that juicy bit of
gossip, but did not tell Lynn. I will live
with and provide for the old man. I will give the
girl I am fond of a new hat. The tree is
so tall that he can just see the big limb if he
is on the very top of a wide, flat rock.
Talk with us and, if we can, we will help a just
cause of and for the people.
Revised January 2022 - 29 - UEB Training Manual
Strong Groupsigns:
and for of the with
The five contractions learnt as wordsigns in the last lesson may,
regardless of meaning, be used as groupsigns where they form part of a
longer word. Where there is a choice of contractions, these five contractions
have preference, unless fewer cells can be used.
android &roid band B&
demand dem& force =CE
effort ef=t office (Fice
coffee c(fee proof pro(
then !n further fur!r
bathe ba! withdraw )DRAW
Exclamation and Question Marks
Exclamation Mark (!) 6 dots 2 3 and 5 (lower f)
Question Mark (?) 8 dots 2 3 and 6 (lower h)
Exclamation and question marks are written immediately after a word
and are followed by a single space before the next word.
Revised January 2022 - 30 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 6
Did you buy the packet of candles for me to use?
Yes, I have put them on the top of the desk at the
office so that you can use them as you want them; but if you
do not want them all will you hand half of them back to
me as they will prove handy for us at home? I like my
coffee black, but other people do not! I have proof that they
can very well ill afford the loss of forty acres of that
agricultural land just on the other side to the sandy
track that runs off on the left of my grass land.
The gateway is only just on the left hand side of
the cathedral close; and it is so very grand and lofty and
is forty feet or so wide! A panda is very cute.
Can they deploy a big force of cavalry for the new
battle? They say, and others agree with them, that they
can; and that the force that is opposite them will withdraw, and
then abandon the forts. Off with you! And get me a few
spoons and forks! Just make an effort and get off that
soft sand! Demand a big profit on that bit of land?
I forbid it! Go and make toffees for me to eat.
Revised January 2022 - 31 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 6
You will profit from the lecture on mathematical
theory. Grandma and Grandpa have an old sofa.
Does Jack have a brand new Ford? Do not go for the
theatre tickets until I tell you. Do you have
my official code book with the package and the
box all on the platform? Thelma, do not kick
the dog! Take off that silly hat! Did Sandy
have a safe trip? That language is very crude
and likewise profane, and, for a fact, I
hope you will reform. Memorise all the
important formulae! I will have ample funds
for the trip if I withdraw that small sum from my
safety deposit box at the bank. The
Netherlands is a land of dykes and canals. As
the fairy waves the magic wand, the mice
assume the form of horses.
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Strong Groupsigns and Wordsigns
The strong groupsigns and wordsigns will be introduced in Lessons 7-9.
A groupsign is a contraction representing two or more letters that form part
of a word; a wordsign is a contraction that represents a whole word. These
new contractions are considered to be strong as they have dots in the top
AND bottom rows, PLUS dots in the left AND right sides of the cell.
Five Strong Groupsigns (with h)
* < % ? :
These five groupsigns are formed by adding dot 6 to the signs for
a, b, c, d and e.
* dots 1 and 6 (a and dot 6)
gh < dots 1 2 and 6 (b and dot 6)
sh % dots 1 and 4 6 (c and dot 6)
th ? dots 1 and 4 5 6 (d and dot 6)
wh : dots 1 and 5 6 (e and dot 6)
These groupsigns may be used in any part of a word for the letters they
represent unless the “h” is clearly aspirated.
Revised January 2022 - 33 - UEB Training Manual
chap *AP school s*ool
fetch fet* ghetto <etto
night ni<t high hi<
she %E fishes fi%es
cash ca% thief ?ief
author au?or wrath wra?
whole :Ole awhile a:ile
mishap mishap
Choice of Contractions
the is used in preference to the th groupsign as it uses fewer cells and is
a priority contraction.
them !m clothes clo!s
anthem an!m blithely bli!ly
Revised January 2022 - 34 - UEB Training Manual
Strong Wordsigns
ch, sh, th and wh are also used as wordsigns:
ch * child sh % shall
th ? this wh : which
These strong wordsigns follow the same rules of use as the alphabetic
wordsigns introduced in Lesson 4.
He is like a child. ,HE IS L A *4
He is childlike. ,HE IS *ILDLIKE4
Apostrophe (') ' dot 3
The apostrophe is used as in print.
The cat's tail ,! CAT'S TAIL
Don't ,DON'T
Revised January 2022 - 35 - UEB Training Manual
An alphabetic or strong wordsign may be used with an apostrophe where
followed by the letters d, ll, re, s, t, ve.
The child's doll ,! *'s DOLL
it'll x'll
can't C'T
A wordsign should not be used where it follows an apostrophe in the
middle of a word. For example, in d'you, the wordsign you is not used.
Using Wordsigns
The key concepts are now:
A wordsign may not be used as part of a longer word.
Alphabetic and strong wordsigns may be used where followed by 'd, 'll, 're,
's, 't or 've.
Wordsigns may be used with punctuation.
Revised January 2022 - 36 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 7
church achieve check cheque cheek childhood chop
scheme porch watch coach switches mischief ache
knight fight flight light sight height sigh high
shire push rash brush fresh sham shock shell wash
shoot shame splash short shrill dishes hush shush
third smith three months thirty faith tooth path
thigh forth bath both thank smooth thrash throat myth
whisky what wholesale wheel whirl whim whip wham
Which child is it who is just eight months old? Why, the
truth of it is I am not sure which of them it is. Shall
I see what brand of fish he has caught by hand?
Thanks! And so you might as well ask, what do they
weigh. As this shop's not shut, I'll just go to it and
buy a box of matches for my husband, and just a few
chocolates for Hugh's small child. Oh, why do they
wash all my sheets and white shirts so very badly?
I don't purchase my clothes at a high price
for this, and I can't have it; but I shall just choose to use
another laundry and my oath on it! That's the way.
Extra Practice 7
Thomas's shrill shriek annoys me. The old
man chases the naughty boys away from the
road. Uncle Jonathan has a new shoe
shop. Did Joe Whitney catch any fish? Which
book does the child want? Uncle Josh keeps
this whisky on the top shelf. The child's new
dress is blue. This'll surely meet with my
big brother's approval! I will wash the
floors and polish the furniture while you
play. We wait at the threshold of further
space travel. He is so childish! Both of the
candidates expect victory. Will you publish
the essay which I wrote? That's a very bad idea!
Shall I fetch lunch? It's a shame that we can't
provide this child with a home.
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Four Strong Groupsigns
Two with e and Two with o
$ ] \ [
These four groupsigns are formed by adding dot 6 to the signs for
f, g, h and i.
$ dots 1 2 and 4 6 (f and dot 6)
] dots 1 2 and 4 5 6 (g and dot 6)
\ dots 1 2 and 5 6 (h and dot 6)
[ dots 2 and 4 6 (i and dot 6)
These signs may be used in any part of a word for the letters they
editor $itor fed F$
weeded we$$ erupt ]upt
clergy cl]gy fighter fi<t]
outer \t] loud L\D
miaou mia\ though ?\<
perilous p]il\s owl [l
drown dr[n row R[
Revised January 2022 - 38 - UEB Training Manual
Choice of Contractions
As stated in Lesson 7, the has preference over th and is used in words
that contain the sequence of letters thedand ther”.
cathedral ca!dral
lather la!r
Strong Wordsign: out
ou \ out
This wordsign follows the same rules as the strong wordsigns introduced
in Lesson 7.
He is out. ,HE IS \4
He is outside. ,HE IS \TSIDE4
Colon (:) 3 dots 2 and 5 (the middle c).
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Quotation Marks
Opening double quotation marks
8 dots 2 3 and 6 (the lower h)
Closing double quotation marks
dots 3 and 5 6 (the lower j)
He cried: I will!”
,HE CRI$3 8,I W60
NOTE: The order of punctuation in the print copy must always be strictly
observed in transcription. Quotation marks should not be separated from the
word/s they enclose even if there is a space in the print.
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Practice 8
red speed talked choked smashed tethered chopped edit
chafed shaded ached bothered whetted agitated led reed
wandered matter murder ordered queer whimper her perch
herded cherished peril berthed merely terse baker mere
scout route Southern mouse fourth curious sour our
mouth flour ploughed hour council touch rough mourners
yellow lower sorrow grower furrow flowered bowl snow
dower dowager downpour shadow towel glow slower clown
Come and show me the town on the map!he cried;
they assured me that the river, which flows outside it,
is crowded with boats, and that scores of people have caught
perch, and trout too.I laughed. Of course I
will,” I replied, now so thoroughly amused. “Though
I have serious doubts whether you will catch any number
of trout.” “It's a wicked shame!he shouted out.
With her powers as a highbrow performer she might have just
as easily overthrown all her big rivals; and now
they pour scorn onto her, deride her very loudly and
shout her down.Come with us and have tea on the ship.
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Extra Practice 8
He came from Missouri only two months
ago. Our grandchild loves the out of doors.
Without doubt the British make valiant
allies. He derived a huge profit from the
sale of the house. Our new neighbours have moved
from Exeter. The gale blew all the flower pots
off the front porch. The child's nosebleed
excited all the grown ups. Frederick loathed
the bitter northern climate: that is why he
soon moved south. The seductive perfume of
flowers filled the night air. Let's see,
pondered Herbert, “it's four more weeks till
school is out.Any adverse criticism of
America's foreign policy makes Philip
angry. The town sorely needed civic
progress: for example, a change of
politicians. They wander over the hill. My
old radio has an outside aerial.
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The Last Three Strong Groupsigns
/ > +
st / dots 3 and 4
ar > dots 3 and 4 5
ing + dots 3 and 4 6
st and ar may be used in any part of a word.
ing may be used anywhere EXCEPT at the beginning of a word.
st and /& asters a/]s
quest que/ are >e
quarrel qu>rel angular angul>
winged w+$ singer s+]
bring br+ ring ing R++
Revised January 2022 - 43 - UEB Training Manual
Strong Wordsign: still
st / still
This wordsign follows the same rules as the strong wordsigns introduced
in Lesson 7.
still life / life
stilled /ill$
Hyphen (-) - dots 3 and 6
The hyphen is used as in print.
arc-lamp >C-LAMP
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Compound Words
There are two kinds of compound words:
(1) Where a hyphen exists in the print, for example, arc-lamp. The word on
each side of the hyphen is considered to be standing aloneor distinct.
Alphabetic or strong wordsigns may be used.
child-like *-l
(2) Where there is no hyphen in the print, for example, aircraft. Wordsigns
may NOT be used as the compound word is regarded as a single word.
childlike *ildlike
Using Wordsigns
All wordsigns, until now, have had a space on each side. A wordsign may
also be used if it has a hyphen on either side. The dash will be introduced in
the next lesson and has been included in the rules below.
The key concepts are now:
A wordsign may be used if it is preceded AND followed by a space, hyphen
or dash.
A wordsign may not be used as part of a longer word.
Alphabetic and strong wordsigns may be used where followed by 'd, 'll, 're,
's, 't or 've.
Wordsigns may be used with punctuation.
NOTE: When using wordsigns with punctuation, the punctuation must
be in its standard grammatical position. For more information, refer to page
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Practice 9
haste stated priest stretch story striking fast string
staff earnest ghost destroyer still-life stop sty stars
career narrow quarterly go-cart care-taker earth arrow
starch sparrow singular farthing charitable cards carving-
fork thing fringe jingle starling stringing arousing bring kingdom
outstanding fingering shingle jeering starving snowing burning outing
On my early ramble the other morning I stood still
just admiring a lark start singing with a joyous outburst,
and soaring higher and higher towards the red, rising sun,
warbling and carolling, carried upwards out of sight on
the wings of the morning. With both of my hands holding the
steering wheel, and still gripping it with all of my might,
and though trembling, I steered straight as possible
toward the car-park and with care parked the car. I asked
Are you bringing us the things needed for knitting stockings
for the new clothing stalls at this month's Bazaar?
Extra Practice 9
Our corner shop is having a big sale of
toothbrushes, cigars, bath-powder, liquid
soap, dishes, thimbles and needles. Carol
arose early this morning and studied for the
arithmetic test. The Tempestis full of
striking imagery. He plans on making a
career of aerodynamics. Gingerale will quiet
an upset stomach now and then. Her hair is
slightly tinged with grey, but her eyes have the
sparkle of youth. She gave Butch a withering
look and exclaimed, I wish you'd bathe every
now and then!It is amazing how few people are
thoroughly free of vexing problems. Charles
is a five-trip-a-week pilot. The next
film is Two-gun Jim rides on.” The
sedate Duchess hired a sedan-chair for her
three-hour tour of Peking.
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Lower Contractions
The next group of signs are the lower contractions. They have no dots in
the top of the cell, that is, no dot 1 or dot 4. The lower signs learnt so far are
Lower contractions will be introduced separately as groupsigns and
wordsigns. Groupsigns are contractions of two or more letters that form part
of a word. Wordsigns are contractions that represent whole words.
Lower Groupsigns
The ten lower groupsigns are grouped under three headings:
Lower groupsigns at the beginning of a word
Lower groupsigns in the middle of a word
Lower groupsigns in any part of a word
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Lower Groupsigns at the
Beginning of a Word
2 3 4
be 2 dots 2 3 (lower b)
con 3 dots 2 and 5 (middle c)
dis 4 dots 2 and 5 6 (lower d)
These three groupsigns are used ONLY where they form the FIRST
SYLLABLE of a word.
being 2+ beta 2ta
began 2GAN concern 3C]N
contrast 3tra/ contract 3tract
disable 4Able disturb 4turb
bell BELL better bett]
conk CONK unconcern unconc]n
disc DISC undismayed undismay$
Revised January 2022 - 48 - UEB Training Manual
Two of These Syllables in Sequence
Where any two of the syllables be, conor “dis” occur in sequence,
the groupsign may only be used for the syllable at the beginning of the word.
disbelief 4belief disconnect 4connect
Choice of Contractions
The lower groupsigns be, con and dis have preference over upper
groupsigns, but only where they form the first distinct syllable of a word.
distrust 4tru/
dishes di%es
Dash (–) ,- dot 6, dots 3 and 6.
According to Australian formatting conventions, a dash that joins two
phrases or concepts is brailled unspaced from the words that precede and
Don't waitcome at once.
The dash may be positioned at either end of a braille line but, as a two-
cell sign, may not be split across two braille lines.
Revised January 2022 - 49 - UEB Training Manual
be, con, dis with a hyphen or dash
These three groupsigns may be used following a dash or a hyphen that
EXISTS IN THE PRINT, but only if they form the first syllable of the word.
self-belief self-2lief
go awaydispel! g away,-4pel6
Shortforms are words that are specially abbreviated in braille. There are
75 shortforms covered over a number of lessons.
Shortforms may also be used within longer words, according to the
Shortform Extension List beginning on page 211.
Shortforms Beginning with the beSyllable
because bec 2c before bef 2f
behind beh 2h below bel 2l
beneath ben 2n beside bes 2s
between bet 2t beyond bey 2y
NOTE: The Shortform Extension List includes only words where be
occurs at the start of the longer word. The be groupsign may only be used
where the letters represent the first syllable of a word.
Revised January 2022 - 50 - UEB Training Manual
beforehand 2fh&
besides 2ss
furbelow furbel[
Guidelines for the Use of Shortforms
These guidelines apply to all shortforms and longer words containing
shortforms, including those introduced in later lessons.
A shortform may be used:
Regardless of pronunciation or meaning, or whether it is an ordinary word
or proper name.
In any longer word (including any affix with an apostrophe) that appears
on the Shortform Extension List beginning on page 211.
Where an “s” or apostrophe “s” is added to any shortform or word on the
Shortform Extension List. Three exceptions to this rule are explained when
the relevant shortform is introduced.
Shortforms and longer words containing shortforms:
Must be preceded AND followed by a space, hyphen or dash.
May be used with punctuation.
More detailed guidelines for the use of shortforms are on page 205.
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Practice 10
behold believe besiege behindhand beset beguiled beings
belated betweenwhiles bee better beyond beloved beneath beet
consulted constantly contrary contemptuous convoy conch
consists confused unconscious constables constructive
discharged disconcerted discuss disorder dispel disc disco
disgraced disasters disapprove dismal disputes disturbing
I can disagree utterly, because I do not consider that he
disobeyed the orders or that the commanding officer became
very dissatisfied and disgusted with the behaviour of the whole
company with the quite terrible conflicts between our forces
and the considerable army that bestrides and controls all
the conquered territory. I confirm what I have told
you before, that Ted is not guilty of a conspiracy, or
of betraying the comrades; beware of condemning Ted's
conduct or belittling my efforts, or dismissing all
our motives and charging me with dishonourable conduct.
Extra Practice 10
He did look rather bewildered, I confess.
Disposing of this problem will require the whole
effort of all of us. A handy, considerate child will
help if dishes need washing. The new
chairman of the sub-committee lost complete
self-control because the members became
disorderly. Betty behaved unbecomingly at
school for a child of her age. Jack Ford is my
choice for the jobcome what may. Before we
go, tell the milkmanmake sure you are
very clearthat we are not coming home for two
weeks. I believe that this chair is very
uncomfortable. Fiona saw her ring beside the clock
on her bedside table. Shall I look beneath the
cushion? The pupils became unruly;
complete disorder prevailed. Behave well!
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Lower Groupsigns
in the Middle of a Word
ea 1 dot 2 (middle a)
bb 2 dots 2 3 (lower b)
cc 3 dots 2 and 5 (middle c)
ff 6 dots 2 3 and 5 (lower f)
gg 7 dots 2 3 and 5 6 (lower g)
These groupsigns may only be used in the MIDDLE of a word. They must
be preceded AND followed by a letter or groupsign.
The above groupsigns may not be used before a hyphen or an
lead l1d Seattle ,s1ttle
teacup t1cup rabbit ra2it
babbled ba2l$ accept a3ept
accurate a3urate tobacco toba3o
cliffs cli6s affected a6ect$
ragged ra7$ aggrieved a7riev$
Revised January 2022 - 53 - UEB Training Manual
eat eat plea plea
tea-cup skiff's skiff's
riff-raff riff-raff
Choice of Contractions
A strong groupsign has preference over a lower groupsign, with the
exception of the be, con and dis groupsigns introduced in the last lesson.
In words containing the letters ear, the groupsign ar is used in
preference to ea. However, the ar groupsign should not be used where it
bridges the components of a compound word, as in tearoom. Refer to
General Rules for the Use of Contractions on page 195.
effort ef=t offer (f]
fear fe> learn le>n
beard be>d heart he>t
tearoom t1room
flearidden fl1ridd5
Revised January 2022 - 54 - UEB Training Manual
Round Brackets or Parentheses
Opening round bracket or parenthesis
"< dot 5, dots 1 2 and 6
Closing round bracket or parenthesis
) "> dot 5, dots 3 and 4 5
(if I may add),
"<if ,i MAY add">1
(if you prefer it!)
"<if Y PREF] X6">
No space is left following an opening bracket or before a closing bracket,
unless the space has special significance.
The type and order of punctuation marks in the print must be followed in
Revised January 2022 - 55 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 11
heavy cheap bread meal weak swear steady hear beard
thread create speak eases deaf ready yearly earn
stabbed rubbery pebbles lobbies jobbery webbing shabby
occupies accelerated tobacco access accosting cuffs
coffee stuffing effect afflicted differs sheriffs iffy
egg baggy aggravating luggage suggested ragged eggs
I have heard they are at loggerheads over the affair:
they all accuse the beggar of robbing them and bagging all
the stuff concealed beneath a muddled heap of rubbish; how
the robber learnt this fact and then cleared out the stuff,
bag and baggage, and effaced every trace quite baffled us.
The so very weary watchman heard nothing alarming during
the night (at least, so he affirms), and only with
difficulty realised towards morning that a very serious
breach of the peace occurred as he slept so cosily
huddled up all of a tight heap, with muffled ears.
Extra Practice 11
You may consider it odd, but I will not eat
cabbage. The sufferers from the disaster did not give
up the struggle. Being a stiff-necked old
aristocrat she did not mingle with the common rabble,
but they wearied of being treated like riffraff. The
leader of the plot, being accused, cried I am not
guilty!”; all the same, the judges
condemned that man. They served meatloaf, fried
eggplant, carrots and peas, crusty bread,
peaches and cream and cake topped with fluffy
marshmallow frosting. The story (which we will soon
complete) is filled with horror. Do you
consider that old peddler odd?It is not so
easy for me! He feared the man with the gun; but with
effort he disarmed the brute. He can afford this
property because he is a man of means—lucky
Revised January 2022 - 56 - UEB Training Manual
Lower Groupsigns
in Any Part of a Word
en 5 dots 2 and 6 (lower e)
in 9 dots 3 and 5 (lower i)
These two lower groupsigns may be used in ANY part of a word. They
are the only lower groupsigns that may be used at the END of a word.
end 5D deny D5Y
den D5 been be5
inn 9N into 9to
dined D9$ din D9
NOTE: The be groupsign is not used at the beginning of the word
been, as it does not form a definite syllable.
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Choice of Contractions
The strong groupsigns the and ing are used in preference to en and in,
in accordance with the rule that an upper groupsign has preference over a
lower groupsign, as stated in Lesson 11 on page 53.
The in contraction is used for words beginning with “ing”, as the ing
groupsign may not be used at the beginning of a word, as stated in Lesson 9.
then !n lengthen l5g!n
spring spr+ nightingale ni<t+ale
ingot 9got ingredients 9gr$i5ts
Lower Sign Rule
Use any number of lower groupsigns and lower punctuation signs
together, provided the sequence includes an upper sign.
The final lower contraction is not used where the sequence would
otherwise consist wholly of lower signs.
“linen 8L950
bein' 2in'
NOTE: “in” is not contracted in the second example to ensure there is
an upper sign in the sequence.
Revised January 2022 - 58 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 12
entreat greens general gardening gentlemen heaven ending
different entertained enforced encouraging French disengaged
incendiary finished inclined ingredients indispensable
window “disinterestinwardly maintaining minions coffin
ingeniously insurgent insensible fingering strengthen win
skin-tight. He has just been seen!China endowed
disinherit lining instinct indistinguishable inland diminish
incomparable since Apennines Dobbin! thing chains.
Instead of enduring standing on the rain-soddened steps,
discontentedly waiting for the income tax inspector,
go inside and insist on an interview.The advice
seemed eminently sensible, the rain so unending. Very
innocently I went indoors. Enquiries Within.
This showed plainly on an inner door and quite suddenly
I heard men's and women's voices raised loudly
behind the door. Hasn't he yet been?asked an
indiscreet, loud voice from within. I hope I'm
not intruding?I ventured out loud as I entered within.
Revised January 2022 - 59 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 12
When they finished the interview, the clock
outside struck seven. Hurry or we'll not
get any dinner! If you haven't anything we can
afford, we aren't interested. Henry's headache
inflicts an intolerable pain, and he's
inconsolable. An enormous hand grasped mine
and a voice exclaimed “Welcome!”. Pinner's
daughter is president of the benevolent
society. Karen arrived with the pillows and then
Caroline came with the remainder of the bed linen.
The identical twins are indistinguishable. Radio
has presented us with the best outstanding talent with
all kinds of programmesshort amusing
sketches and elaborate plays, as well as
symphonies and other kinds of music, and an
unlimited variety of entertaining shows.
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Lower Wordsigns
Lower wordsigns may be grouped under two headings:
Lower wordsigns that may not be in contact with lower punctuation.
Lower wordsigns that may, in some cases, be in contact with lower
Lower Wordsigns
That May Not Be in Contact With
Lower Punctuation
2 8 0 7
be 2 dots 2 3 (lower b, the same as the groupsign be)
his 8 dots 2 3 and 6 (lower h)
was 0 dots 3 and 5 6 (lower j)
were 7 dots 2 3 and 5 6 (lower g)
These four lower wordsigns may NOT touch LOWER punctuation.
Unlike the alphabetic and strong wordsigns already learnt, these lower
wordsigns may NOT be used if they touch the hyphen or dash.
The only punctuation learnt so far that these wordsigns may touch are
round brackets (parentheses), as these have dots in the upper part of the
Lower wordsigns may be used with capitals indicators.
Lower wordsigns may not be part of a longer word.
Revised January 2022 - 61 - UEB Training Manual
Be glad! ,2 GLAD6
His idea ,8 idea
(his) "<8">
It was fine. ,x 0 f9e4
You were glad ,Y 7 GLAD
(as you were) "<z y 7">
—(was that it?) ,-"<0 t x8">
NOTE: In the above example, wasis touching the bracket and not the
dash, so the wordsign may be used.
Be glad! 8,BE GLAD60
was that it?
,-was t x8
wasn't wasn't
As you were!
,Z Y w]E6
weren't w]5't
Revised January 2022 - 62 - UEB Training Manual
Lower Wordsigns
That May in Some Cases Be
in Contact With Lower Punctuation
5 9
enough 5 dots 2 and 6 (lower e)
in 9 dots 3 and 5 (lower i)
enough must meet the same wordsign criteria as the alphabetic and
strong wordsigns. Refer to Using Wordsigns on page 44. However, the Lower
Sign Rule must also be considered as stated below.
in represents the same letters as the groupsign and may be used
wherever it occurs.
enough and in as wordsigns may be used with capitals indicators.
It was enough for me. ,x 0 5 = me4
In that case! ,9 t case6
Have you enough in that box?
,h y 5 9 t box8
Lower Sign Rule
Use the lower wordsigns enough and in with any number of lower
punctuation signs, provided the sequence includes an upper sign.
Do NOT use the final lower contraction where the sequence would
otherwise consist wholly of lower signs.
Revised January 2022 - 63 - UEB Training Manual
(It was enough) "<,x 0 5">
“Teach-in 8,T1*-90
They are list ening-in this morning.
,!y >e li/5+-9 ? morn+4
Have you enough? ,h y 5\<8
I went in ,I w5t in,-
Mixed Examples:
“enough's enou gh.” 85'S 5\<40
I have enough—more than enough!
,I h 5,-m ?an 5\<6
Have you enough—enough for me?
,h y 5,-5\< = me8
Have you enough—in that box?
,h y 5,-in t box8
NOTE: A wordsign is NOT used following the dash in the last two
examples to ensure there is an upper sign in the sequence.
Revised January 2022 - 64 - UEB Training Manual
The following examples illustrate the use and non-use of the wordsigns
enough and in where a dash is positioned either end of a braille line.
I went in
,I w5t in,-
at lea st
at l1/ 444
We have enou gh
,we h 5\<,-
let us stop now.
let u /op n[4
Sure you have enough
,sure y h 5
—in that box?
,-in t box8
Revised January 2022 - 65 - UEB Training Manual
Shortforms beginning with “a” plus said
about ab ab above abv abv
according ac ac across acr acr
after af
af afternoon afn afn
afterward afw
afw afterwards afws afws
again ag ag against agst ag/
almost alm alm already alr alr
also al al although alth al?
altogether alt alt always alw alw
said sd
Refer to the Guidelines for the Use of Shortforms on page 50.
The Shortform Extension List on page 211 lists the longer words where
shortforms may be used.
The letter “s” may not be added to the shortforms “about” or almost,
as use of the shortforms would create words that are in common use, for
example,abs(short for abdominals) and “alms”.
afterglow afgl[ against ag/
Port Said ,port ,sd
acrosses acrosses rafter raft]
Revised January 2022 - 66 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 13
I can't imagine what you were doing then,he said after
coming in. Why,I replied, I was just about my
own affairs again, and that is enough!I was almost tired
of his interfering ways: he was always asking indiscreet
things about me of that kind, although he already knew more than
enough about me as it was. We were all, standing in a group
on the platform, waiting for the in-coming train; before it
came init was very latewe saw his brother-in-law
with hiswhat did he always call it?his lucky
mascot. Then the diesel train came in: it was
almost twenty-seven minutes behind in schedule. “Enough
standing about, for me at the very least,I said. Quite enough for
us also!my companions agreed. But be fast about
it,I said, the train will be starting again in a minute
and we shall have been waiting in vain.We all got in
although it was about full already. My brother-in-law, who
joined us and jumped in after us with his pet monkey in his
arms, was almost too late; so we were away at last.
Revised January 2022 - 67 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 13
After it lost the way, the plane strayed beyond the
Soviet border and was shot down behind the Iron
Curtain. His home town is according the general an
almost royal welcome because of his heroic stand
against overwhelming odds. We don't have enough food
in the new house for the entire weekend. When my
in-laws invaded our domain I was in a state of
frenzy. If you insist that I be frank, I will
be. How few they were, yet how well they
defended the homeland! “Enough's enough!cried the
infuriated parent. The headmaster wasn't in,
but his secretary greeted us warmly. Dickens
and Thackeray were important British
novelists of the nineteenth century. He
movingly recited Tennyson's In
Memoriam” in floods of tears. Maybe
he'll change his mind!
Revised January 2022 - 68 - UEB Training Manual
Summary of Lower Signs
Lower Sign Rule
Use any number of lower groupsigns and lower punctuation signs
together, provided the sequence includes an upper sign.
Use the lower wordsigns enough and in with any number of lower
punctuation signs, provided the sequence includes an upper sign.
The final contraction is NOT used where the sequence would otherwise
consist wholly of lower signs.
bein' 2in'
(bein') "<29'">
(enoughin all) "<5,-9 all">
NOTE: A sequence is an unbroken string of letters or letters and
symbols between spaces.
Lower Groupsigns and Wordsigns
Groupsigns be, con, dis
1. May only be used where they form the first syllable.
2. Have preference over strong groupsigns, for example, distort.
3. May be used following a hyphen or dash only if they form the first
syllable of a word.
4. Must meet the Lower Sign Rule.
Revised January 2022 - 69 - UEB Training Manual
Groupsigns ea, bb, cc, ff, gg
1. May only be used in the middle of a word.
2. Strong groupsigns have preference over these lower groupsigns, for
example, effort, coffee, heart.
3. May not be used before or after a hyphen or apostrophe.
Groupsigns en, in
1. May be used in any part of a word.
2. Strong groupsigns have preference, however, ing may not be used
at the beginning of a word.
3. Must meet the Lower Sign Rule.
Wordsigns be, his, was, were
1. May not be part of a longer word.
2. May not touch lower punctuation.
Wordsigns enough, in
1. enough must meet the same criteria as the alphabetic and strong
wordsigns. Refer to Using Wordsigns on page 44.
2. Must meet the Lower Sign Rule.
Hyphen and Dash
A hyphen may be used at the end of a braille line to divide a long word.
The hyphen is never positioned at the beginning of a new braille line.
The dash is a two-cell sign that must never be split. It may occur at
either end of a braille line.
The Lower Sign Rule must be considered wherever a hyphen or dash
The lower wordsigns be, his, was and were may not touch the hyphen
or dash to avoid confusion with lower punctuation.
Revised January 2022 - 70 - UEB Training Manual
today td td tomorrow tm tm
tonight tn
tn friend fr fr
herself herf h]f myself myf myf
him hm hm himself hmf hmf
your yr
yr yourself yrf yrf
could cd
cd should shd %d
would wd wd
Refer to the Guidelines for the Use of Shortforms on page 50.
The Shortform Extension List on page 211 lists the longer words where
shortforms may be used.
wouldn't wdn't shouldst %d/
Himalayas ,himalayas
The letter “s” may not be added to the shortform for “him”, as use of the
shortform would create a word in common use, that is,HMS(Her Majesty's
Revised January 2022 - 71 - UEB Training Manual
If a longer word containing “friend” is not on the Shortform Extension
List, the shortform may be used, provided it is at the beginning of the word
and not followed by a vowel or y”.
NOTE: It is always important to check the Shortform Extension List for
allowable words which do not follow the above rule.
boyfriend boyfr
unfriendly unfrly
friendfinder frf9d]
befriended 2fri5d$
befriending 2fri5d+
friendy fri5dy
Revised January 2022 - 72 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 14
If I could be in your place,I said to a friend,
I should try to go by an earlier train tomorrow.” I
stood by him to help him into his coat and I then
offered to put his luggage into the bus for him. “I
hope to get back tonight early enough to see to all
the things that we have to arrangeanyhow at the very least
by tomorrow night,he said, as he stepped on the bus.
We were to go to Edinburgh to attend a meeting and
I was planning to go by car to various places that
we wished to see on the way. I did not like to go
by myself: it was really quite a shame not to use the car
to the full. After dinner we were ready to discuss the
plans—which of the cities on the route to the North
to pass by and which of the by-ways we would take to
endeavour to combine our duty with pleasure to our
utmost. “That's quite plain enough,I said; enough to
begin with at any rate. And now into our beds, as you
should try and catch the very earliest train tomorrow morning.
Extra Practice 14
They are behindhand with the rent, and accordingly have asked
to move. It is difficult today to imagine the
fears of Columbus' sailors as they sailed
across the ocean. Do not delude yourself about just how
serious this could be if you do not make him your friend
by tomorrow at the very latest. Will you be able to drop
by tonight, Lucy?, she asked her friend. He went
to London by way of Bristol. His book,
in my opinion, is very poorly writtento be
perfectly frank. When will you permit me to
enter your office? When he went into the room he
was taken back by surprise. By and by we
arrived at a small inn and went in to inquire
whether any rooms were available. Bernard kept
his tools in a lean-to near the greenhouse. Shall
we go to The Bell” tonight?
Revised January 2022 - 73 - UEB Training Manual
Two-Cell Contractions
All contractions learnt so far, other than shortforms, occupy a single cell.
The two-cell contractions are now introduced. They are divided into two main
Initial-letter contractions
Final-letter groupsigns
Initial-letter contractions are formed from the FIRST letter or groupsign
of a word with a braille prefix consisting of dot 5, dots 4 5 or dots 4 5 6.
Final-letter groupsigns are formed from the LAST letter of a contracted
syllable with a braille prefix consisting of dots 4 6 or dots 5 6.
father "F dot 5 and f (Initial-letter Contraction)
-sion .N dots 4 6 and n (Final-letter Groupsign)
Choice of Contractions
Choose the contraction that results in the least number of cells. Single-
cell contractions have preference where the space occupied is equivalent,
with the exception of -ence, which is introduced in Lesson 19.
Initial-Letter Contractions with Dot 5
The dot 5 is the most common prefix for initial-letter contractions. There
are 22 such contractions and they will be covered alphabetically in the next
three lessons.
Revised January 2022 - 74 - UEB Training Manual
Dot 5 and D–M
Initial-letter Contraction
Simple Wordsign
day "D dot 5 and d
do d d
ever "E dot 5 and e
every e e
father "F dot 5 and f
from f f
here "H dot 5 and h
have h h
know "K dot 5 and k
knowledge k k
lord "L dot 5 and l
like l l
mother "M dot 5 and m
more m m
day, father, know, lord, mother
day, father, know, lord and mother may generally be used as initial-
letter contractions wherever the letters they represent occur, even if they do
not retain their original meaning.
A contraction may not be used if it seriously distorts pronunciation. For
example, do not use mother in chemotherapy.
days "ds Monday ,mon"d
daybreak "dbr1k Faraday ,f>a"d
day-to-day "d-to-"d
fatherhood "fhood unfatherly un"fly
Revised January 2022 - 75 - UEB Training Manual
knowing "k+ unknown un"kn
overlord ov]"l lording "l+
motherly "mly smother s"m
mother-in-law "m-9-law
acknowledge ac"kl$ge
NOTE: In the word acknowledge, the alphabetic wordsign knowledge
may not be used as it is part of a longer word.
today td Sanday ,s&ay
chemotherapy *emo!rapy
ever may only be used as an initial-letter contraction where the stress is
on the first “eand whereeveris not preceded by “e” or “i”.
sever s"e fever f"e
reverent r"e5t
severe sev]e reverberate rev]b]ate
revere rev]e believer 2liev]
Revised January 2022 - 76 - UEB Training Manual
NOTE: Compound words containing everyare written with the
contraction ever and the addition of “y”, as the alphabetic wordsign every
may not be part of a longer word.
everybody "eybody
everything "ey?+
here may only be used as an initial-letter contraction where the letters it
represents are pronounced as one syllable.
If hereis followed by the letters “d”, “n” or “r”, the groupsigns ed, en
or er must be used. Strong and lower wordsigns have preference over initial-
letter contractions, unless fewer cells can be used.
adhere ad"h here with "h)
hereto "hto sphere sp"h
Hereford ,h]e=d adher ed adh]$
inherent 9h]5t coher er coh]]
Revised January 2022 - 77 - UEB Training Manual
conceive concv 3cv conceiving concvg 3cvg
deceive dcv dcv deceiving dcvg dcvg
declare dcl
dcl declaring dclg dclg
children chn
*n either ei ei
good gd gd great grt grt
much mch
m* such sch s*
Refer to the Guidelines for the Use of Shortforms on page 50.
The Shortform Extension List on page 211 lists the longer words where
shortforms may be used.
Shortforms ending with ing
There are six shortforms ending in “e” where the present participles are
also shortforms in their own right. The letter “g” is added for these, rather
than ing. Three of the six have been introduced in this lesson and three will
be introduced in Lesson 17.
conceive 3cv conceiving 3cvg
deceive dcv deceiving dcvg
declare dcl declaring dclg
Revised January 2022 - 78 - UEB Training Manual
If a longer word containing “children” is not on the Shortform Extension
List, the shortform may be used, provided it is not followed by a vowel or y”.
fost erchildren fo/]*n
childrenbooks *nbooks
childrenite *ildr5ite
If a longer word containing goodis not on the Shortform Extension
List, the shortform may be used, provided it is at the beginning of the word
and not followed by a vowel or y”.
NOTE: It is always important to check the Shortform Extension List for
allowable words which do not follow the above rule.
Goodhumour man ,gdhum\r man
scattergood scatt]gd
goodie gdie
Hapgood ,hapgood
Jane Goodall
,jane goodall
Revised January 2022 - 79 - UEB Training Manual
The shortform for greatmay be used wherever it occurs, even if the
longer word does not appear on the Shortform Extension List.
greataunt grtaunt
Practice 15
I can never conceive how my sister-in-law manages to
do the cleaning, the cooking and the shopping and everything for the
children—day in, day outtoo much altogether to my very mind!
For however good they may be in a general way, children are
ever such a very, very great charge on the father and mothergreater
moreover, on the mother. Well I just don't know,
she declared yesterday, when I demanded that I know just how
she could fit it all into the seven days; every day I
have to do certain things, whatever else has to go by
the by; here's a list if you would like to know: Monday
is the washing-dayas everybody knowsby good luck,
Father likes taking the children to the school on that day
Tuesdays and Wednesdays I go into the town to do
shopping—would you believe people could stand in queues, never
knowing whether they will ever get anything much they want after
all? Such a very great waste of good effort! Still, it's
either that or nothing!Here she broke off quite suddenly
with: “Why here they are and I'm just not ready with tea!
Revised January 2022 - 80 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 15
Beverly comforted her small, serious brother
by saying, Mother promised that she and father will take
us fishing the day after tomorrow. He has declared himself
in favour of resuming talks between the unions
and the company. You know that you are not allowed to
remain here forever. Do not deceive them into thinking
we will find it. The landlord acknowledged that the
tenants needed a few more days to find another
house. “Everton are by far the greatest team ever!
he declared with much enthusiasm. He continued
to adhere to his beliefs even though he was
condemned as a heretic. She was unable to smother a
yawn as he continued to recite the boring
details of his journey. You have such good children!”,
her father-in-law declared. According to the plans made
yesterday, the union is declaring a strike tomorrow,
either in the morning or the afternoon; however, if we
conceive an alternative plan, we may be able
to prevent this from happening.
Revised January 2022 - 81 - UEB Training Manual
Dot 5 and N–U
Initial-letter Contraction
Simple Wordsign
name "n dot 5 and n
not n n
one "o dot 5 and o
part "p dot 5 and p
people p p
question "q dot 5 and q
quite q q
right "r dot 5 and r
rather r r
some "s dot 5 and s
so s s
time "t dot 5 and t
that t t
under "u dot 5 and u
us u u
name may be used where the letters it represents are pronounced as
one syllable.
namely "nly filename file"n
renamed re"nd
NOTE: name is used in renamed rather than the strong groupsign ed,
as fewer cells are occupied.
enamel 5amel
Vietnamese ,vietnamese
Revised January 2022 - 82 - UEB Training Manual
one is used as an initial-letter contraction where the letters it represents
are pronounced as a single syllable.
one may also be used in words ending with the letters “oney”, the words
“honestor “monetary” and their derivatives such as dishone st.
one may NOT be used if preceded by the letter “o”.
The initial-letter contraction one may NOT be used where “one” is
followed by “d”, “n” or “r”. Strong and lower groupsigns have preference
where the number of braille cells occupied is equivalent.
st ones /"os lonely l"oly
telephone teleph"o coney c"oy
money m"oy hone stly h"o/ly
anemone anemone baronet b>onet
colonel colonel Boone ,boone
phon$ prisoner prison]
Revised January 2022 - 83 - UEB Training Manual
part may be used as an initial-letter contraction where the letters it
represents occur, except where followed by the letter “h” in words where the
letters thmake a single sound.
partly "ply impartial im"pial
imparted im"p$ participle "piciple
partridge "pridge apartheid a"pheid
Parthe non ,p>!non
question, right
question and right may generally be used wherever the letters they
represent occur.
questioning "q+ unquestionable un"qable
righteous "re\s Bright on ,b"ron
frighten ed f"r5$ alright al"r
Revised January 2022 - 84 - UEB Training Manual
some should be used as an initial-letter contraction wherever the letters
it represents form a syllable of the basic word, regardless of pronunciation.
handsome h&"s handsomer h&"sr
meddlesome m$dle"s noisome noi"s
somebody "sbody chromosome *romo"s
Somerset ,som]set (not a definite syllable)
ransomed ransom$ (not a syllable of ransom”)
time may be used where the letters it represents are pronounced the
same as the word time”.
timely "tly sometimes "s"ts
mistimed mis"td timer "tr
Mortimer ,mortim]
NOTE: time is used in mistimed and timer rather than the strong
groupsigns ed and er, as fewer cells are occupied.
Revised January 2022 - 85 - UEB Training Manual
under may be used as an initial-letter contraction, unless the letters it
represents are preceded by the vowels “a” or “o” or where the letters “un”
form a prefix.
blunder bl"u thundered ?"u$
underst and "u/&
launder laund] underived und]iv$
first fst f/ immediate imm imm
its xs xs itself xf xf
little ll
ll letter lr lr
must mst
m/ necessary nec nec
neither nei nei oneself onef "of
ourselves ourvs \rvs
Refer to the Guidelines for the Use of Shortforms on page 50.
The Shortform Extension List on page 211 lists the longer words where
shortforms may be used.
Revised January 2022 - 86 - UEB Training Manual
immediately immly unnecessary unnec
mustn't m/n't musty m/y
necessarily necess>ily
mustang mu/ang muster mu/]
mustache mu/a*e
first, letter, little
If a longer word containing first, letteror littleis not on the
Shortform Extension List, the shortform may be used, provided it is at the
beginning of the word and not followed by a vowel or “y”.
NOTE: It is always important to check the Shortform Extension List for
allowable words which do not follow the above rule.
firstborn f/born tailfirst tailf/
lettered lr$ newsletter newslr
littlest ll/ belittled 2lld
belittling 2littl+
NOTE: A shortform may only be used if the spelling is not changed. The
shortform may NOT be used in “belittling” as the “e” on the end of “little” is
Revised January 2022 - 87 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 16
begone commoner money throne shone prone scones one
partake apart parting participle partial partisans party
righteous fright right-minded wheelwright playwright abandoned
someone's wearisome troublesome somewhat loathsome winsome
in the meantime, Times, time-table, summer-time, timer
Sunderland underwriter undertone undergo under-carriage thunder
A party of constables came here to discover his name and
still something a little more definite about him, in particular as
to his honesty and upright dealing at the time when he was the
time keeper in the old, very well-known and time-honoured
firm of shipwrights in which my father was a senior partner.
Little enough did we ourselves know about him, however; for us who
were little more than children at that time past, he was but a name
neither more nor lessyet we undertook to make an
immediate search in my father's letters, tiresome as this can always
be to anyone knowing but little enough of such things, and inform them
as to his real name, if we could just get to know it, and
on any other points that should come to light hereafter.
Revised January 2022 - 88 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 16
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
but in ourselves, that we are underlings.Although she
wrote the story herself, it was her friend, Stephen
Littleton, who conceived the plot. His father must have his
first driving lesson tonight. It will not be necessary
to give your idea our immediate scrutiny, as you can
present it yourself at the three o'clock meeting this
afternoon. Into each life a little rain must fall. I
was unable to answer your letter immediately. We were rather
surprised to learn that some of our boys took
part in the riots; they were named as instigators and
taken for questioning. We hope that the party will be a
big surprise for Grandfather. He was kidnapped
but ransomed by his father, who was forced to pay a
good deal of money. His feverish state lasted
only a short time and he was soon able to understand
his parents' questions and respond coherently. Though
lonesome and frightened, the child was none the worse for
his night out in the thunder, the lightning and the rain.
Revised January 2022 - 89 - UEB Training Manual
Last Group of Initial-Letter
Contractions with Dot 5
Initial-letter Contractions
Alphabetic or Strong
work "w dot 5 and w
will w w
young "y dot 5 and y
you y y
there "! dot 5 and the
the !
character "* dot 5 and ch
child * ch
through "? dot 5 and th
this ? th
where ": dot 5 and wh
which : wh
ought "| dot 5 and ou
out \ ou
workman "wman homework home"w
work ing "w+ youngish "yi%
characteristic "*i/ic characterised "*is$
throughout "?\t whereas ":as
wherever :]"e
NOTE: Using the groupsign ever rather than where better reflects the
pronunciation and form of the word.
Revised January 2022 - 90 - UEB Training Manual
there must retain its meaning where used as an initial-letter contraction.
there fore "!=e there with "!)
lathered la!r$ wither ed )]$
ought may be used as an initial-letter contraction wherever the letters it
represents occur, regardless of pronunciation.
bought b"\ thought ?"\
drought dr"\ doughty d"\y
Revised January 2022 - 91 - UEB Training Manual
blind bl bl braille brl brl
paid pd
pd perhaps perh p]h
perceive percv p]cv perceiving percvg p]cvg
receive rcv rcv receiving rcvg rcvg
rejoice rjc
rjc rejoicing rjcg rjcg
quick qk
qk themselves themvs !mvs
thyself thyf ?yf together tgr tgr
yourselves yrvs yrvs
Refer to the Guidelines for the Use of Shortforms on page 50.
The Shortform Extension List on page 211 lists the longer words where
shortforms may be used.
prepaid prepd rejoiceful rjc;l
nonpaid nonpaid
blind, quick
If a longer word containing “blind” or “quick” is not on the Shortform
Extension List, the shortform may be used, provided it is at the beginning of
the word and not followed by a vowel or “y”.
Revised January 2022 - 92 - UEB Training Manual
NOTE: It is always important to check the Shortform Extension List for
allowable words which do not follow the above rule.
blindly blly colourblind col\rbl
quickly qkly quicksticks qk/icks
blinded bl9d$ blinding bl9d+
NOTE: The words “blinded” and “blinding” are not included on the
Shortforms Extension List. The use of the shortform in these words would
lead to confusion with the words “bled” and “bling”.
The shortform for “braille” may be used wherever it occurs.
brailler brlr rebraille rebrl
simbraille simbrl
brailling braill+ braillist brailli/
NOTE: A shortform may only be used if the spelling is not changed. The
shortform may not be used in “brailling” and “braillist” as the “e” on the end
of “braille” has been dropped.
Revised January 2022 - 93 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 17
At an afternoon-tea house-party at Lord Broughton's
there were quite a considerable number of younger people; some of the
very young ones not knowing what to do with themselves all day through
and eager to try something new while they were all together
there, suggested they ought to make up a play. And this
plan was very quickly put into effect. By good luck
one member of the party was discovered to be some sort of
a playwright. Before the day was out, the play was chosen and
most of the characters in it were allocated. Everyone was set
to work to learn his part by heart immediately; someone was
sent to help the youngest of the party to learn his part:
he was a promising youngster with lots of character who was thought
eminently suitable to get the part of the young handsome
hero. The next thing to decide on was where the play
ought to be staged. Someone immediately perceived that there was a
large room with a door behind leading to a little lobby,
through which the actors could pass in and out at will. The great
day was fixed; and the young people went to work with right good will.
Revised January 2022 - 94 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 17
They met on a blind date and afterwards struck up
a very good friendship. Toiling, rejoicing, sorrowing,
onward through life he goes. He took on
himself the unpaid debts of his stepchildren. He
perceived that this project would entail the
expenditure of funds above and beyond his means.
Young as he is, perhaps he will be able to command enough
strength of character, knowledge and will, to shoulder his new
responsibilities at work. The characteristics of the
adult are inherent in the chromosomes of the
embryo. The untimely death of the doughty master
quickly plunged the ship into an atmosphere of
gloom. Everyone ought to take some time each day for
reading. He thought that since he owned plenty of
money he would be treated like a king wherever he
went. Here and there the sun peeped through the clouds.
They remained at the gates to the prison where they
fought all through the night.
Revised January 2022 - 95 - UEB Training Manual
Initial-Letter Contractions
with Dots 4 5
There are five initial-letter contractions that use the braille prefix dots 4 5.
Initial-letter Contractions
Alphabetic or Strong
upon ^u dots 4 5 and u
us u u
word ^w dots 4 5 and w
will w w
these ^! dots 4 5 and the
the !
those ^? dots 4 5 and th
this ? th
whose ^: dots 4 5 and wh
which : wh
word should be used wherever the letters it represents occur.
upon, these, those and whose should only be used where the meaning
of the word is retained.
wordy ^wy sword s^w
there upon "!^u whosesoever ^:so"e
coupon c\pon theses !ses
NOTE: These five initial-letter contractions can be remembered by the
sentence, “Upon my word, whose are these and those?”
Revised January 2022 - 96 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 18
The young people, intent upon the great job of learning the words
which fell under the parts assigned to them, worked very hard
during the time remaining to them, before the great day fixed
by the playwright, being also the producer. He insisted
upon the immediate need for everyone to be word-perfect and to
know his or her own part in the play off by heart, before
they could even begin to rehearse. This is so necessary,
he said, for those, whose parts represent the chief characters
in the play; these should study the characters that they are called
upon to act, try to understand them and not only get the
words by heart but spend as much time upon them as they are
able.And so hard did these enthusiastic young people work
throughout those few days that remained, that even those very high
standards that were set by the playwright seemed within easy
reach. In the meantime the older ones of the party set out
to work upon all the necessary accessories as were considered
by the playwright to be essential. Several demanding
rehearsals a day were insisted upon by those taking part.
Extra Practice 18
Those whose houses are made of glass ought not
to throw stones. Several fairy tales start with
these words: Once upon a time. Those of us whose
lives are spent in the Western hemisphere know
scarcely anything of life in the Orient. She
bought a letter-opener in the shape of a miniature
sword. The old professor announced to his
students Most of these theses were splendid and
all but one of you have passed! Well done!”.
Whereupon the young chemists began rejoicing except for the
one woebegone boy who quickly perceived that he was
the single failure.
Revised January 2022 - 97 - UEB Training Manual
Initial-Letter Contractions
with Dots 4 5 6
There are six initial-letter contractions that use the braille prefix
dots 4 5 6.
Initial-letter Contractions
Alphabetic or Strong
cannot _c dots 4 5 6 and c
can c c
had _h dots 4 5 6 and h
have h h
many _m dots 4 5 6 and m
more m m
spirit _s dots 4 5 6 and s
so s s
world _w dots 4 5 6 and w
will w w
their _! dots 4 5 6 and the
the !
Apart from had, these initial-letter contractions may generally be used
wherever the letters they represent occur.
spirit ed _s$ dispirit ed di_s$
worldly _wly unworldly un_wly
theirs _!s theirselves _!selves
Germany ,g]_m Romany ,ro_m
Tammany ,tam_m
NOTE: The initial-letter contraction spirit is used in preference to the
groupsign dis in the word dispirited, as fewer cells are occupied.
Revised January 2022 - 98 - UEB Training Manual
Use the initial-letter contraction for had where the “a” is short.
hadn't _hn't hadst _h/
Hadley ,_hley haddock _hdock
Hadrian ,hadrian shadow %ad[
NOTE: In the word “shadow”, sh is used rather than had because strong
groupsigns have preference over initial-letter contractions.
These six initial-letter contractions may be remembered by the sentence,
Many in this world cannot have had their spirit”.
Revised January 2022 - 99 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 19
The party of youngsters had very many exciting times over their
recitals. Some days nothing went quite right. Put more
spirit into those words!one of them would be chastened. Why
in the world you cannot speak out!or there's a great world of
thought behind those lines of yours and so you ought to enter into
their spirit, so those who will be hearing them cannot fail understanding
these underlying ideas.The youngster, whose part was to play
the young hero, had worked very hard to get his words quite right
and say them clearly in a spirited manner: many and many a
time he had been heard declaiming them out to himself and
anyone else who had enough time to listen to him. Here
and there, where some particular lines had to be said in some
more characteristic tone of voice, those who had to say them
had to spend more time upon perfecting themselves. And so at
last the great day finally arrived, when they would have to
face all those who had come to look onall the
world and his wife were there, and so their hearts sank. Their
spirits rallied however, and they brought down the house”.
Revised January 2022 - 100 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 19
In these days of supersonic speed one can
travel to any part of the world in no time at all.
To those who have character and a spirit of adventure the Navy
is very appealing. You cannot go on forever spending more
money than you earn. I don't know whether or not
I will go to Germany, as I don't understand a word
of the language. How many guests will there be at
their party?asked the spirited young man. Mrs
Hadley was impressed with the beauty of the Parthenon.
Some people believe in Spiritualism; many others cannot
altogether accept these ideas. Upon hearing that her sister
had scarlet fever, she became extremely
dispirited. Those people whose spiritual lives mean everything
to them do not lead worldly lives. They had the party
here in the garden, with the babbling stream and the cool
shade of the trees making it a very pleasant
Revised January 2022 - 101 - UEB Training Manual
Final-Letter Groupsigns
Final-letter groupsigns represent certain syllables in words. They consist
of the LAST letter of the contracted syllable, preceded by a braille prefix of
dots 4 6 or dots 5 6.
Final-letter groupsigns may only be used to represent PART of a word,
never as a wordsign to represent a whole word.
Final-letter groupsigns must immediately follow a letter or other
contraction. They may not be used at the beginning of a word or immediately
after a hyphen, apostrophe or any other punctuation.
carelessness c>e.s;s
other-ness o!r-ness (not a frequent case).
lesson lesson
There are 12 final-letter groupsigns divided into three groups.
Revised January 2022 - 102 - UEB Training Manual
First Group of Final-Letter Groupsigns
In this group there are three pairs. Each pair is based on the same letter
(or root, as it is officially known), but the braille prefix is different.
dots 4 6 and e ence
dots 5 6 and e
dots 4 6 and n tion
dots 5 6 and n
dots 4 6 and s ness
dots 5 6 and s
lanced l.ed advance adv.e
evidence evid;e commences comm;es
mansion man.n sessions ses.ns
national na;nal rationing ra;n+
actions ac;ns contraction 3trac;n
useless use.s blessing b.s+
fairness fair;s carelessness c>e.s;s
ancestor ance/or less less
lessened less5$
Revised January 2022 - 103 - UEB Training Manual
Use the final-letter groupsign ence where it is followed by “a”, “d” or “r”.
influenceable 9flu;eable
experienced exp]I;ed
silencer sil;er
essis sometimes added to a noun to make it feminine. If the original
noun ends in enor “in”, DO NOT use the final-letter groupsign for ness.
Use the groupsigns “inor en” instead.
lioness lio;s
baroness b>o;s
chieftainess *iefta9ess
citizeness citiz5ess
Revised January 2022 - 104 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 20
France distance henceforward sentences chance innocence fence
whence penitence glance pence ignorance dance thence prance
conclusion discussion occasions affectionate tension station
conviction intentionally invasion decisions fractionated
painless meekness likenesses greatness unless fearlessness
senseless kindnesses heartlessness weakness motherliness bless
actionable recklessness remission exceptional station
patience contentions satisfaction instances stainless hence
spiritless fatherless vocations lordliness nameless timeless powerless
workless fusion worldliness openmindedness aloneness relation
mean-spiritedness maintenance motion concoction blessedness lance
licence righthandedness lawless insertion liveliness elation
trance confusion conditional visionary perfection friction
gentleness pranced forgiveness allowance appreciation.
A world of difference; Works of fiction; in succession;
without distinction. Attention! Lessons in elocution;
A sin of omission rather than that of commission; By his
compulsion. Provision both for offence and for defence.
Revised January 2022 - 105 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 20
Fortunately he had the presence of mind to
call an ambulance when he realised she was
completely senseless. There is a chance that her
chosen profession will be a blessing to her. When they
had balanced their finances, they perceived that it was
useless to retain their ancestral possessions
if their bills were to be paid and they were to remain
solvent. She learned to dance in only a few
lessons. Patience and confidence are necessary for those
who wish to become teachers. He studied the question
with a thoroughness that defies description. She
has applied for the position of governess
advertised in the Sunday edition of The Times. The
twelve prisoners were sentenced to hard labour
for eight years. Those days were filled with happiness
for both of them. Our flight was cancelled because
of bad weather and deteriorating conditions.
Revised January 2022 - 106 - UEB Training Manual
Second Group of
Final-Letter Groupsigns
dots 4 6 and d
dots 4 6 and t
dots 5 6 and g
dots 5 6 and t
flounder fl.d] wound w.d
mountain m.ta9 recount rec.t
longer l;g] tongue t;gue
dugong dug;g dementia de;tia
battlement battle;t
temperamental temp]a;tal
mental m5tal
above-men tion ed abv-m5;n$
grey'ound grey'\nd
Revised January 2022 - 107 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 21
Astounding compounds profoundness dumbfounded surroundings
spongecake alongside strong-mindedness thronged song
countenance counterbalances countrified discount mound bounty
complimentary commencement advancement demented sentiment
government employment argumentative measurement around
comments commandment counterpart disappointment departmental
To the detriment of the movement for improvement of the
country-side. An arrangement for much quicker payment.
With references to the agreement for conveyance of the two
tenements above-mentioned, our main impression remains
that among the documents that he found in the possession of
the Estate Management some supplementary statements
had been discovered of great importance to all of our
tenants. If we are right in our conclusion, then it will
be very strong evidence that a wrong date was fixed for the
ejectment of our clients. And now so in accordance with
this contention we shall maintain that you are bound to countermand
the ejectment order in acknowledgment of all their rights.
Extra Practice 21
From the top of the mountain the view of the country for
miles around is just an endless stretch of in-
describable beauty. There are countless instances
during the year when the rainfall is far less
than the amount needed. The advertisement brought
more business to the town, and the existence of a strong,
important company came to public attention.
She cancelled her appointment and mounted the stairs
in silence. The Snake Pitdepicts the
horrible, shocking conditions in some of our mental
institutions, north and south. I can cite count-
less instances in which capital punishment has
resulted in the execution of the wrong man,
declared the defence lawyer.
Revised January 2022 - 108 - UEB Training Manual
Third Group of Final-Letter Groupsigns
dots 5 6 and l
dots 5 6 and y
Do not use the final-letter groupsign ityin the words biscuity, fruity,
hoity-toity and rabbity, as it impedes correct pronunciation.
useful use;l delightful deli<t;l
beautifully b1uti;lly
city c;y quantity quant;y
cityscape c;yscape
full full fulfil fulfil
fruity biscuity biscuity
Revised January 2022 - 109 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 22
Frightfully doubtful restfulness handfuls disgracefully
conversationally internationally preparations pitiful
city mentality university regularity sincerity pity
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
temperamentally fearful of consequences; naturally
resentful of such indignity; a real possibility of
their confirmation of the majority vote for revocation.
After consultation and long deliberation the delegations
finally made several strong recommendations, which for
the most part sought to increase co-operation amongst the
world's nations without the necessity for legislation by
the national governments concerned. As such, the education
authority aimed at the equality of opportunity for
all. Janet handled the sails both gracefully and
skilfully—a really quite wonderful demonstration of
splendid dexterity, especially in someone so young.
Extra Practice 22
With the appearance of the soloist the audience waited
in silence for his first beautiful song. The existence
of a white man among the native population was
given full publicity. There is an unusually
cordial relationship among the workers in the
department. The youngest child automatically assumed
responsibility for the care of the motherless lamb. The
delegation was thankful for the opportunity to hear
the comments of a professionally trained lawyer.
Finally he recognized the mournful sound in the
distance and gasped: O Lord! the blood'ounds are
on my trail!Britain was a faithful ally
of the United States during two world wars. He
parried the blow with the skilful agility of an
experienced fencer. He discharged his marital
obligations more or less faithfully. Usually the
Baroness served a fruity beverage.
Revised January 2022 - 110 - UEB Training Manual
New Arrangement of
Practice Exercises
Lesson 22 completes the learning of contractions. Lessons 23-30
introduce other UEB signs required in braille transcription and their rules of
use. Lesson 31 provides an opportunity to transcribe longer passages with
reference to the
Australian Braille Authority Rules and Guidelines for
Formatting Braille,
2016. These may differ to the rules set by other braille
A braille reference section summarising many of the rules that have been
introduced is included at the back of this Manual. It gives guidance for word
division and includes Braille Tables and the Shortform Extension List.
Page Layout
Practice and Extra Practice exercises 1-22 were brailled line for line,
following the print. Practice and Extra Practice exercises 23-30 should be
brailled using paragraph formatting. Begin each new braille line as necessary,
regardless of where the text falls on the print line.
The navigation line at the top of the first page remains unchanged and
the Practice exercise heading is still to be centred on line 2.
Begin the exercise on line 3.
A new paragraph in braille is ALWAYS indented 2 cells, regardless of the
method of showing a new paragraph in print. Begin the paragraph in cell 3 of
the line. Second and subsequent lines begin at the margin in cell 1.
Paragraphs are NEVER separated with a blank line, even if one appears in
A centred line (dot 5 followed by 11 dots 2 and 5) is used to indicate the
completion of each Practice exercise. This line is used to indicate the
completion of a major section of a document. It is not required if the section
or document finishes on line 25 (the last line of the page).
Word division should be avoided. Divide words only if necessary,
following the guidelines given in the section on Word Division on page 200.
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Second Braille Page
Some of the Practice exercises may occupy more than a single sheet of
braille paper.
The navigation line is positioned at the top of the second and
subsequent braille pages, as for Practice exercises 1-22.
The print page number on the left has a prefix “a” placed immediately
before the numeric prefix to show continuation. Subsequent pages increment
to “b”, “c” and so on, if required.
a#abd (Continuation of print page 124.)
The braille page number on the right increments to 2.
A running title is centred on the navigation line. This should be the name
and number of the Practice exercise. This is repeated on subsequent pages.
Resume the exercise on line 2.
This example shows the beginning of a second braille page. The first
braille page ended in the middle of a paragraph. The two-cell indent on line 4
shows the beginning of the next paragraph.
a#abf ,lesson #bc #b
n requir$ if ! brl f9i%es on l9e #be "<!
la/ l9e ( ! page">4
,^w divi;n %d 2 avoid$4 ,divide ^ws
only if nec1 foll[+ ! guidel9es 444
Revised January 2022 - 112 - UEB Training Manual
More Punctuation
This lesson completes all the punctuation signs.
The new punctuation signs introduced in this lesson may be used with
wordsigns and shortforms.
Dash and Long Dash
Dash ,- dot 6, dots 3 and 6
Long dash ",- dot 5, dot 6, dots 3 and 6
The dash was introduced in Lesson 10. UEB also has a sign for a long
The dash and long dash can define the beginning or end of a word for
the purpose of the Standing Alone Rule that governs the use of wordsigns
and shortforms.
A variety of dash lengths is used in print. Follow the guidelines below for
the use of the dash and long dash when brailling the Practice exercises.
(1) According to Australian formatting conventions, a dash joining two
phrases or concepts is brailled unspaced from the words that precede and
follow it. Refer to Lesson 10 on page 48. If the sequence needs to be broken
across two braille lines, the braille dash may be positioned either at the end
or beginning of the braille line. The Lower Sign Rule needs to be considered
with lower contractions.
Modern electronically-produced texts often show a small space on each
side of the dash. It is recommended in Australia that dashes are transcribed
unspaced where the print format of the dash is not significant.
Revised January 2022 - 113 - UEB Training Manual
(2) A dash may be used to represent a break in conversation or thought,
or the beginning of a thought. Dashes may be used at the beginning or end
of poetry lines. A braille dash is used, unless the print uses a longer dash, to
show omission of a word or part of a word as shown in (3) and (4) below.
“I'll go when—” 8,I'll g :5,-0
It's in black ,-,x's 9 black
screech ing flocks scree*+ flocks,-
(3) A longer dash may be used in print to represent the omission of a
whole word. Use the braille long dash and space it as any other word.
It happened in . ,x happ5$ 9 ",-4
Go now! ,g ",- n[6
(4) A longer dash may be used in print to represent the omission of part
of a word. Use the braille long dash, unspaced from the remainder of the
word. The whole sequence must stay together and not be broken across two
lines of braille. Do NOT use wordsigns or groupsigns before or after the long
dash where they may be misread. Refer to the lesson on the grade 1 symbol
indicator on page 139.
I th!” 8,I th",-60
NOTE: The groupsign th is NOT used here as it would read as the
wordsign this.
Print sometimes uses four hyphens to show a missing word. Follow the
print and use four hyphens in the braille.
Revised January 2022 - 114 - UEB Training Manual
Quotation Marks
Double quotation marks were introduced in Lesson 8 on page 39.
Single quotation marks are a two-cell sign.
Opening double
8 dots 2 3 and 6
Closing double
0 dots 3 and 5 6
Opening single
,8 dot 6, dots 2 3 and 6
Closing single
,0 dot 6, dots 3 and 5 6
“Say after me, I will.’
8,say af me1 ,8,I w4,00
Australian texts often use the single quotation mark in print as the main
or outer quote, and the double quotation marks for inner quotes. It is
permissible and recommended to swap the use of double and single
quotation marks throughout a whole document to ensure the single cell sign
is used predominantly. This may be explained to the reader in a transcriber's
‘Say after me, “I will.”
8,say af me1 ,8,I w4,00
Follow the print pattern where there is a quote within an inner quote.
“Did you say he saidRepeat after me, I will.”?
8,Did y say he sd ,8,Rep1t
af me1 8,I w40,080
Revised January 2022 - 115 - UEB Training Manual
Where a double quotation mark is in a position where it could be
misread as a question mark or wordsign, use the two-cell double quotation
mark for both the opening and closing quotation marks.
Two-cell opening double
^8 dots 4 5, dots 2 3 and 6
Two-cell closing double
^0 dots 4 5, dots 3 and 5 6
The quotation marks “ and ”
,! quota;n m>ks ^8 & ^0 ",-
More information on the use of quotation marks may be found in the
update to Section 7.6 dated October 8, 2019 of
The Rules of Unified English
Braille: Second Edition
2013, which is available for download from
Ellipsis ...
444 dots 2 and 5 6 (full stop) in successive cells
The ellipsis is a succession of dots in print (usually three) and is
generally used to denote omitted words or a break. It is represented in braille
by dots 2 and 5 6 (full stop) in consecutive cells.
The number of dots and print spacing should be followed. However,
where there is doubt, the ellipsis and any punctuation attached to it should
be spaced as a separate word.
I wish .... He ...
8,I wi% 4444 ,He 4440
Revised January 2022 - 116 - UEB Training Manual
Square Brackets [ ]
Opening bracket .< dots 4 6, dots 1 2 and 6
Closing bracket
.> dots 4 6, dots 3 and 4 5
[Aside] .<,aside.>
Braces or Curly Bracket Signs { }
Opening brace _< dots 4 5 6, dots 1 2 and 6
Closing brace
_> dots 4 5 6, dots 3 and 4 5
Transcriber's Note Indicators
Opening Transcriber's Note Indicator
@.< dot 4, dots 4 6, dots 1 2 and 6
Closing Transcriber's Note Indicator
@.> dot 4, dots 4 6, dots 3 and 4 5
Transcriber's notes have no actual print representation. They are
messages added by a transcriber to give additional information not found in
the original print.
These indicators are included here as they have a similar form to
brackets. Wordsigns and shortforms may be used with Transcriber's Note
[tni]The original text is unreadable at this point.[tni]
@.<,! orig9al text is
unr1dable at ? po9t4@.>
Revised January 2022 - 117 - UEB Training Manual
Summary of the Rules of Punctuation
The following rules relate to the use of punctuation in standard literary
These do not relate to computer programming and similar material
where the relative spacing of punctuation signs is vitally important to the
reader. Refer to
Unified English Braille, Guidelines for Technical Material
October 2008 and
The Rules of Unified English Braille: Second Edition
(1) The order in which punctuation marks occur in print should be followed
in braille.
(2) Punctuation signs that are connected with a word (including all quote
signs, whether simple or compound and all forms of brackets) should be
brailled unspaced from that word, no matter how the symbols are
spaced in the print.
(3) Two or more punctuation signs in sequence are written unspaced from
one another.
(4) The components of two-cell signs must NOT be divided.
(5) It is permissible to have a string of lower punctuation signs without an
upper sign. The Lower Sign Rule summarised in Lesson 14 applies only
where lower contractions form part of the sequence.
…! 4446
…” 4440
Revised January 2022 - 118 - UEB Training Manual
(6) Use a grade 1 symbol indicator before a punctuation sign that could be
misread as a contraction or another symbol.
grade 1 symbol indicator
; dots 5 6 (refer to page 139)
b!d b;6d .com ;4com
“?” 8;80 (? this) "<;8 ?">
? France ;8 ,fr.e
?uestion ;8ues;n
cr?te cr8te
lesson.doc lesson4doc
who?/what? :o8_/:at8
Revised January 2022 - 119 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 23
I don't really understand,he said, how they came to hit upon The
Pines’. It's an out-of-the-way sort of place that one would think a gentleman
couldn't rightly take a fancy to.
The Pinessuited this party right enough,rejoined the little man. “All
that he was after was a house close to the water. He wasn't particular about
anything else, so long as he had that.
“Well,” replied the landlord in a tone of some superiority, I suppose,
being a ‘foreigner’, he can't be used to much comfort, and there was enough
for him and his niece to ...He stopped, to my intense annoyance, to serve a
customer who had just come in. Hoping, however, for still more information
about the young lady, I continued to listen to the conversation at the other
end of the bar, while pretending to glance at a paper in front of mea
weekly ragwhich seemed to consist principally of advertisements.
That ‘foreigner’,” the landlord continued, will find The Pinesa little
damp though, I'm thinking.
“That's his look-out,replied the other. Anyhow, he's paid us six
months' rent in advance ....
Revised January 2022 - 120 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 23
Cat was quite glad when lessons started againhe was sick of changing
places with Janet, and Julia's handkerchief must have been worn to rags with
the number of knots tied in it.
After lessons, he and Janet collected the two magic books and took them
up to Cat's room. Janet looked round it with admiration.
I like this room much better than mine, it's cheerful. Mine makes me
feel like Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, and they were both such sickeningly
sweet girls ... Now let's get down to work. What's a really simple spell?
They knelt on the floor, leafing through a book each. I wish I could find
how to turn buttons into sovereigns,said Cat. “Don't talk about it,said
Janet. “I'm at my wits' end. How about this? Simple flotation exercise. Take
a small mirror and lay it so that your face is visible in it. Keeping face visible,
move around widdershins three times, twice silently willing, the third time
saying: Rise little mirror, rise in air, rise to my head and then stay there.
Mirror should then rise’—I think you ought to be able to manage that, Cat.
“I'll have a go,Cat said dubiously.
[Adapted from Charmed Lifeby Diana Wynne Jones.]
Revised January 2022 - 121 - UEB Training Manual
Numbers and Print Symbols
Numeric prefix # dots 3 and 4 5 6
Arabic digits (1-9 and 0) are represented in braille by the letters ai and
j where they are immediately preceded by the numeric prefix. Numbers were
introduced in Lesson 1 and the Practice exercises have provided opportunity
to practise their use with page numbers.
#a 10 #aj 206 #bjf
Numeric Mode
Numeric mode is set by the numeric prefix immediately followed by the
letters a-j, decimal point, or comma. Numeric mode continues over any given
group of:
Full stop or decimal point
Numeric space
Simple fraction line
Continuation indicator
Numeric mode is terminated by a space or any symbol that is not in the
above list.
Revised January 2022 - 122 - UEB Training Manual
Large Numbers
Thousands in large numbers are often separated in print by a comma, a
space or half-space to make them easier to read. The braille follows the print
in use of separation symbols and spaces.
The comma has already been introduced in Lesson 2.
Spaces within large numbers should be represented in braille by the
numeric space.
1 dot 2
Numeric space " dot 5
4500000 #dejjjjj
4,500,000 #d1ejj1jjj
4 500 000 #d"ejj"jjj
Continuation Indicator
Continuation indicator " dot 5
It may be necessary to divide an EXTREMELY long numeral at the end of
a braille line. This is done after the comma or numeric space.
The continuation indicator may only be used at the end of a braille line.
Its use indicates that the numeral continues to the next line and the
numeric prefix is NOT restated at the beginning of the new line.
The continuation indicator is also used to break long mathematical
expressions and electronic addresses. Refer to page 133.
Revised January 2022 - 123 - UEB Training Manual
The sun is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 degrees.
,! sun is #ajj1jjj1jjj1jjj1"
The sun is 100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 degrees.
,! sun is #ajj"jjj"jjj"jjj""
NOTE: The continuation indicator with a space is used where the
numeric space occurs at the end of a braille line. The numeric space and the
continuation indicator are both brailled, giving two dot 5s in succession.
Hyphenated Numbers
The influence of numeric mode does not extend past a hyphen or dash.
The numeric prefix must be restated following the hyphen or dash where two
groups of figures are joined in the print copy, for example, 10-12 or 1012.
A numeric sequence following a hyphen or a dash may be broken and
continued on the next line.
1796-9 #agif-#i
Revised January 2022 - 124 - UEB Training Manual
Grade 1 Mode with Numbers
Grade 1 mode and the grade 1 indicator, ; dots 5 6, are explained in
more detail in Lesson 25.
Grade 1 mode means that no contractions may be used or read.
Numeric mode also sets grade 1 mode until the next space, hyphen or
ready4work r1dy#dwork
4-more #d-m
NOTE: Grade 1 mode is terminated by the hyphen.
Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal numbers should be brailled without space between the number
and its suffix. Contractions are NOT used, as numeric mode also sets grade 1
mode. The superscript position is generally ignored if shown in print.
#ast #bnd #crd #dth
Revised January 2022 - 125 - UEB Training Manual
Simple Numeric Fractions
Simple numeric fraction line / dots 3 and 4
A simple numeric fraction contains only numbers, decimal points,
commas or the numeric space. The print shows the numerator and
denominator aligned vertically or near-vertically, separated by a fraction line.
Refer to
Unified English Braille, Guidelines for Technical Material
2008, for complex fractions that have other symbols or alphabetic letters.
The numeric fraction line symbol is placed between the numerator and
denominator. The numeric prefix is not restated, as the simple fraction line
does not terminate numeric mode.
000 10
Linear Fractions
The forward slash may be used where a fraction is shown in a linear
form. The forward slash is introduced on page 132. The slash terminates
numeric mode and the numeric prefix is restated after the slash.
3/4 #c_/#d
Revised January 2022 - 126 - UEB Training Manual
Mixed Numbers
Mixed numbers are treated as two unspaced numeric items. The whole
number and fraction each retain their numeric prefix.
#b#a/b #c#c/d #d#e/af
A hyphen or dash terminates numeric mode. The numeric prefix is
repeated where two mixed numbers are connected by a hyphen or dash.
Decimal sign 4 dots 2 and 5 6 (same as full stop)
This sign represents the decimal point in print and does not terminate
numeric mode.
Braille the numeric prefix before the decimal in numbers that commence
with a decimal.
0.7 #j4g 7.95 #g4ie
.7 #4g
Revised January 2022 - 127 - UEB Training Manual
Dates and Time
Print punctuation and spacing should be followed.
Feb. 1, 1906 ,feb4 #a1 #aijf
1st February 1906 #ast ,Febru>y #aijf
Rules for the use of hyphens, oblique strokes, colons or full stops should
be followed where dates and times are abbreviated. The numeric prefix
needs to be restated after a hyphen, colon or slash, as these symbols
terminate numeric mode.
1.2.06 #a4b4jf
1-2-06 #a-#b-#jf
1/2/06 #a_/#b_/#jf
10.30 a.m.
#aj4cj a4m4
10.30 am #aj4cj am
12:15 p.m. #ab3#ae p4m4
1800 hours #ahjj h\rs
18.00 #ah4jj
18:00 #ah3#jj
Revised January 2022 - 128 - UEB Training Manual
The apostrophe is brailled before the numeric prefix where an
apostrophe precedes a number.
'14 '#ad
Follow the print for the use of an apostrophe before an “s”.
1920's #aibj's 1920s #aibjs
Mathematical Signs
Operation Signs
Operation signs are generally brailled unspaced from their surrounding
plus +
"6 dot 5, dots 2 3 and 5
3 + 4 #c"6#d
minus −
"- dot 5, dots 3 and 6
4 3 #d"-#c
multiply ×
"8 dot 5, dots 2 3 and 6
3 × 4 #c"8#d
Revised January 2022 - 129 - UEB Training Manual
divide ÷ "/ dot 5, dots 3 and 4
4 ÷ 2 #d"/#b
ratio :
3 dots 2 and 5 (same as colon)
2 : 4 #b3#d
Comparison Signs
Comparison signs are generally brailled spaced from their surrounding
equals =
"7 dot 5, dots 2 3 and 5 6
5 + 2 = 7 #e"6#b "7 #g
NOTE: The operation signs shown above are unspaced from the
preceding and following terms. However, as a teaching strategy and for a
short period of time, the use of extra space may be helpful for the younger
#c "6 #e "7 #h
Revised January 2022 - 130 - UEB Training Manual
Other Symbols
The following are symbols and NOT punctuation. Wordsigns and
shortforms may NOT be used if print symbols are included within the
continuous string of characters between spaces, hyphens or dashes.
An additional list of symbols can be found on page 193.
The following symbols are spaced as in print.
Ampersand &
@& dot 4, dots 1 2 3 and 4 6 (dot 4, and)
Cobb & Co. ,cobb @& ,co4
O&M ,o@&,m
Asterisk *
"9 dot 5, dots 3 and 5
The asterisk is normally used as a general reference symbol.
A centred line of three spaced asterisks is often used to represent a
break in the text.
Revised January 2022 - 131 - UEB Training Manual
AtSign @
@a dot 4, dot 1 (dot 4, a)
@ 50 cents each @a #ej c5ts ea*
_4 dots 4 5 6, dots 2 and 5 6
The bullet is often used to mark the beginning of each item in a list. Like
print, a space is normally left between a bullet and the following word.
Percent %
.0 dots 4 6, dots 3 and 5 6 (dots 4 6, lower j or zero)
The percent sign is generally unspaced from a preceding number.
5% #e.0
Slash: Backslash \
_* dots 4 5 6, dots 1 and 6
c:\data c3_*data
Revised January 2022 - 132 - UEB Training Manual
Slash: Forward Slash /
_/ dots 4 5 6, dots 3 and 4
The forward slash is spaced or unspaced depending on print usage. It
may start or end a braille line.
The forward slash terminates numeric mode. The numeric prefix is
required for a numeral following a slash.
Wordsigns and shortforms may NOT be used with the forward slash.
and/or &_/or
17/3/06 #ag_/#c_/#jf
more/less more_/less
Tilde ~
@9 dot 4, dots 3 and 5
Underscore (low line) _
.- dots 4 6, dots 3 and 6
NOTE: No contractions are used following the number in the email
address as numeric mode also sets grade 1 mode.
Revised January 2022 - 133 - UEB Training Manual
Electronic Addresses
Electronic addresses follow the standard rules of contraction, as shown
in previous examples as well the examples below. Underlining of electronic
addresses in print is generally ignored.
Numeric mode also sets grade 1 mode, therefore no contractions are
used following a number until the next hyphen, dash or space.
Contractions may not be used to bridge two unspaced words or the
components of a compound word within electronic addresses.
roundtableadm[email protected]
Electronic addresses usually contain symbols, as well as punctuation
signs such as the dot separator, that are NOT in their standard grammatical
position. Wordsigns and shortforms are generally NOT used in electronic
www.braille.org www4braille4org
The continuation indicator introduced on page 122 is also used where an
electronic address needs to be broken at the end of a braille line. A break
should occur at a logical point, for example, after a dividing symbol, such as
a slash, “at”, underscore or dot.
Revised January 2022 - 134 - UEB Training Manual
The following exercise uses bullet points. Each bullet point begins in cell
1. Treat each line of the arithmetic as a new paragraph to begin in cell 3.
Practice 24
25 times 100 comes to 2,500.
5% of 1,000 is 50.
Divide 15¾ by 3 and you get 5¼.
1 + 2 = 3. 4 + 5 = 9.
6 + 7 = 13. 8 + 9 = 17.
5 5 = 0. 25 10½ = 14½.
3 × 2 = 6. 5 × 7 = 35.
85 ÷ 5 = 17. 969 ÷ 3 = 323.
The 4 Quarter Days are on the 25th day of the 3rd month, the 24th day
of the 6th month, the 29th day of the 9th month, and the 25th day of the
12th month.
Smith & Jones, the local grocers, sell all kinds of fruit and vegetables,
etc. This week they have a 12.5% discount on apples (@ 56 pence per
pound) & oranges, if you buy more than 2.5 pounds of either.
Flight no. 235/71 was due to leave Gatwick airport at 23:45 but severe
fog delayed departure by 55 minutes. The plane eventually took off at 00:40
and landed at 02:35, which was only 45 minutes behind schedule.
A Unified English Braille chart can be downloaded from
Send an email to harry[email protected]g.
Revised January 2022 - 135 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 24
10 + 11 = 21
9,762 4,601 = 5,161
½ × 6
= 3
12¾ ÷ 3 = 4¼
On Friday June the 26th, from 2.30 p.m.5.30 p.m. (that is 14.3017.30
according to the 24-hour clock) they will be interviewing people for the new
job; the successful applicant will start work on Wednesday July the 22nd.
The ballistics expert determined that death had been caused by a .32
In 1931-2 the principal causes of accidents were: vehicles40%; at
home—22.5%; sports and recreation15.4%; pedestrians8.3%; travel
Thursday, 8/3/84 was the date on the letter, and it was posted at 10.30
a.m. at the General Post Office; but he did not receive it till Saturday, March
10th, whereas he ought to have received it by the second post on the 9th; so
he did not get home till 6.30 p.m. on the 11th, and the races were to begin
at 3.15, 4.20 and 5.30 respectively.
The Unified English Braille Rulebook can be downloaded from
Revised January 2022 - 136 - UEB Training Manual
Braille Mode Indicators
Braille mode indicators change the meaning of the following braille signs
or indicate an aspect of the following text. They have no direct print
equivalents. The following lessons introduce the most commonly used
Lesson 25: Capitals Indicators
Grade 1 Indicators
Lesson 26: Typeform Indicators: Italic, Bold, Underline, Script
Lesson 27: Use of Capitals Indicators
Transcriber's Note Indicators were introduced with additional
punctuation on page 116.
Accented letters are not introduced until Lesson 30, but are referred to
Order of Braille Indicators and Other Signs
Indicators, accents, punctuation and other signs that are brailled before
a word are placed in the following order from left to right:
1. typeform indicator
2. grade 1 indicator
3. apostrophe
4. numeric prefix
5. capitals indicator or decimal sign
6. accent sign
Terminators brailled after a word are placed in the reverse order of their
respective opening indicators. This is known as nesting.
Revised January 2022 - 137 - UEB Training Manual
Capitalisation and Grade 1 Mode
Capitals Mode Indicators
For further explanation, refer to Section 8 of
The Rules of Unified English
Braille: Second Edition
The capitals mode indicators are briefly presented here. Further
explanation is given in Lesson 27.
Capital letter indicator , dot 6
Capitalised word indicator
,, dot 6, dot 6
Capitalised passage indicator
,,, dot 6, dot 6, dot 6
Capitals terminator
,' dot 6, dot 3
Capital Letter Indicator
A SINGLE dot 6 indicates a single capital letter.
Capitalised Word Indicator
The capitalised word indicator sets capitals mode for the rest of the
word, including contractions, accented letters and ligatured letters. It
terminates at a space, any non-alphabetic symbol, or a capital letter
Revised January 2022 - 138 - UEB Training Manual
Capitalised Passage Indicator/
Capitals Terminator
The capitalised passage indicator sets capitals mode for three or more
fully capitalised words in sequence. The passage must end with a capitals
,,,G TO B$66,'
Non-alphabetic symbols may be included within a capitalised passage.
The capitals terminator is also used where capitalisation ceases in the
middle of a word.
GPs ,,gp,'s
Grade 1 Mode Indicators
For further explanation, refer to Section 5 of
The Rules of Unified English
Braille: Second Edition
Grade 1 symbol indicator
; dots 5 6
Grade 1 word indicator
;; dots 5 6, dots 5 6
Grade 1 passage indicator
;;; dots 5 6, dots 5 6, dots 5 6
Grade 1 terminator
;' dots 5 6, dot 3
Revised January 2022 - 139 - UEB Training Manual
Contracted braille is known as grade 2 braille. Uncontracted braille is
known as grade 1 braille.
A braille symbol may have different meanings depending on the mode.
For example, dots 1 and 4 represent the letter “c” in grade 1 mode;
represent the word canwhen standing alone in grade 2 mode; and
represent the digit “3” in numeric mode.
Grade 1 indicators are used to set grade 1 mode when a symbol could
otherwise be misread as a contraction or a numeral.
The type of grade 1 indicator used determines the extent of the grade 1
Grade 1 Symbol Indicator
A grade 1 symbol indicator is required in front of a single letter that
could be misread as a wordsign, or a letters-sequence that could be misread
as a shortform, or a shortform at the beginning of a longer word.
U-boat ;,u-boat (not “us-boat”)
al dente ;al d5te (not “also dente”)
I l ,i ;l",- (not “I like”)
Gdansk ,Gdansk
Revised January 2022 - 140 - UEB Training Manual
The letters “a”, “i” and “o” do not require a grade 1 symbol indicator, as
they do not have an equivalent alphabetic wordsign and cannot be misread.
The vowels a, e, i, o and u
,! v[els a1 ;e1 i1 o & ;u
A grade 1 symbol indicator is required before a punctuation symbol that
could be misread as a lower wordsign or groupsign.
? many ;8 _m
girls:boys girls;3boys
The grade 1 symbol indicator terminates numeric mode. A grade 1
symbol indicator is required before a lower case letter, a-j, where it
immediately follows a number or decimal point. An indicator is not required
for any other letter of the alphabet or the uppercase letters, A-J, as these
have no numeric meaning.
row 22b r[ #bb;b
prac24.doc prac#bd4;doc
row 22B r[#bb,b
Revised January 2022 - 141 - UEB Training Manual
Grade 1 Word Indicator
A space terminates grade 1 word mode.
The grade 1 word indicator is used for spelled out words to minimise the
number of indicators required and improve the ease of reading.
c-h-e-e-s-e ;;c-h-e-e-s-e
Rather than:
c-h-e-e-s-e ;c-;h-;e-;e-;s-;e
The grade 1 word indicator is required if a word could be misread as a
word on the Shortform Extension List and the shortform is not at the
beginning of the word.
ozbrl ;;ozbrl
Grade 1 Passage Indicator/Grade 1 Terminator
Grade 1 passage mode is used for three words or more. A grade 1
passage must be terminated by the grade 1 terminator.
s-t-o-p r-i-g-h-t n-o-w
;;;s-t-o-p r-i-g-h-t n-o-w;'
Revised January 2022 - 142 - UEB Training Manual
Further Examples
Single letters used as designations for persons, points or objects follow
the above rules.
From p to q.
,f ;p to ;q4
A and B met at Z.
,a & ;,b met at ;,z4
Single initials, except A, I and O, must be preceded by the grade 1
symbol indicator, regardless of whether full stops are used.
J S Bach ;,j ;,s ,ba*
J. S. Bach ;,j4 ;,s4 ,ba*
The grade 1 indicator is not required where capital letters are written as
a group, unless the letter group could be misread as a contraction or
The angle ABC ,! angle ,,abc
The line CD. ,! l9e ;,,cd4
Revised January 2022 - 143 - UEB Training Manual
Alphabetic wordsigns may be used where a word is followed by 'd, 'll, 're,
's, 't or 've, as stated in Lesson 7. A grade 1 symbol is required before a
single letter followed by any of these endings to distinguish it from an
alphabetic wordsign.
Mind your p's and q's
,m9d yr ;p's & ;q's
Miss J's pupils
,miss ;,j's pupils
Miss Just's pupils
,miss ,j's pupils
Roman Numerals
Roman numerals follow the rules for capitals and the grade 1 indicator.
Follow the print in the use of a full stop.
v ;v iii iii
X ;,x XI ,,xi
X. ;,x4 VI.'s ,,vi4's
A grade 1 indicator is required following a hyphen or dash where a
subsequent Roman numeral could be misread as a wordsign.
The hyphen or dash terminates capitals mode. Capitals indicators may
need to be restated.
v-x ;v-;x X–XX ;,x,-,,xx
Revised January 2022 - 144 - UEB Training Manual
Ordinal Roman Numerals
Roman numerals are not in numeric mode, so contractions may be used
for ordinal numbers.
Ist ,i/ Vth ,v?
Ordinal Roman numerals using the capitalised word indicator should be
separated from their suffixes by the capitals terminator.
IIIrd ,,iii,'rd
XXXIst ,,xxxi,'/
Sections and Sub-divisions
Letters used for sections or sub-divisions are sometimes enclosed in
brackets. The grade 1 indicator, if required, immediately follows the opening
bracket. The whole group is spaced as a word.
(b) "<;b"> (B) "<;,b">
(a) "<a"> (A) "<,a">
NOTE: A grade 1 indicator is NOT required before a, i and o.
Revised January 2022 - 145 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 25
Here are some dates for you to remember: Edward I. 1272-1307;
Edward II. 1307-1327; and Edward III. 1327-1377. Edward III.'s grandson
Richard II. reigned from 1377 to 1399; after him came Henry IV. 1399-1413.
For tomorrow I should like you to read Gardiner's History of England,
Vol. II., Chapters XXIV-XXVI, on Henry VIII.'s reign.
He gave to A goldto B silverto C tinto D copper.
We could pay Mr B then.”
Her duties are: (a) to open the post; (b) to answer the phone; (c) to
receive visitors; and (d) to take dictation.
J E Randall, G R Allen, and R C Steene wrote Fishes of the Great Barrier
Reef and Coral Sea”.
On February 13 of 1931 the RVS signed an order to accept for Red Army
service the Vickers Elight tank under the new designation of T-26 and
recommended to start its mass production.
Save your work using the following filename: Practice25.docx.
Extra Practice 25
Little J. has learned to write his ABC's but he sometimes forgets to cross
his t's and dot his i's.
The patient was given a large T-bone steak to eat before the second set
of X-rays were taken.
Next year he will be in class 6A.
Pope John XXIIIrd did much to promote the ecumenical movement.
Charles I. (1600-1649) was beheaded by the Parliamentary faction in
Vol. VI. of the collected works of Shakespeare contains my favourite
play, As You Like It, whilst vols XII-XIII contain the sonnets.
Revised January 2022 - 146 - UEB Training Manual
Typeform Indicators
For further explanation, refer to Section 9 of
The Rules of Unified English
Braille: Second Edition
UEB uses typeform indicators to represent four different print typefaces:
Script (may be used for handwriting)
Although UEB provides the facility to indicate typefaces, a balance needs
to be met between conveying information to the reader and adding clutter to
the braille. For example, headings are not normally shown as bold in braille,
even though a print copy may use bold. The formatting of the braille is
usually sufficient indication of a heading.
Typeform indicators are two-cell symbols where the first cell (prefix)
determines the typeform style and the second cell (root) determines the
extent of the typeform.
Bold Underline
.2 ^2 _2 @2
.1 ^1 _1 @1
.7 ^7 _7 @7
.' ^' _' @'
Typeform Symbol Indicator
The typeform symbol indicator applies to a single letter or symbol.
Revised January 2022 - 147 - UEB Training Manual
A typeform symbol indicator before a contraction applies only to the first
letter of the contraction. A contraction is not used if any letter other than the
first letter of the contraction requires a typeform indicator.
right .2b"r
colour colo_2ur
have ^ 2h
NOTE: In this lesson, contractions are not underlined to avoid confusion
with underline print font.
Typeform Word Indicator
The influence of the typeform word indicator extends until the next
space is reached.
Use the typeform word indicator for one or two consecutive words or
unbroken strings of braille symbols. For three or more consecutive words, use
the passage indicator and terminator.
The Times
.1,! .1,"ts
We were glad ,we _17 glad
R.S.V.P. ^1,r4,s4,v4,p4
.1\ -(-!-way
NOTE: The above example is an unbroken string of letters and symbols,
so only one italic word indicator is required.
Revised January 2022 - 148 - UEB Training Manual
Typeform Passage Indicator/
Typeform Terminator
The typeform passage indicator is used where a typeform applies to
three or more words. This MUST be terminated by the typeform terminator.
The influence of a typeform passage indicator extends to all words,
letters or symbols that follow it, until the typeform terminator sign is reached.
This may extend past a print page turnover (refer to page 182) or a new
braille page.
Three or more words.
.7,?ree or m ^ws4.'
Multiple Paragraphs/Text Elements
A typeform may extend over more than one paragraph or text element,
for example, a stanza of poetry. An example where this may occur is a letter
written in italics within a novel.
The typeform passage indicator is stated at the beginning of each new
paragraph or text element. The terminator is only required once at the point
where the typeform ends.
Lower Wordsigns/Groupsigns
When applying the Lower Sign Rule, typeform indicators and terminators
are considered upper signs.
bein' 2in'
Revised January 2022 - 149 - UEB Training Manual
The lower wordsigns be, were , his and was may be used with typeform
indicators and terminators, providing the lower wordsign is not in contact
with lower punctuation.
glad! ,we .17 glad6
As you were! ^7,z y w]e6^'
Multiple Typeform Indicators
The order of typeform indicators is not prescribed. Typeform indicators
and terminators are nested where two or more different typeforms are
shown. The first typeform to be opened is the last typeform to be closed.
Anne of Green Gables
.7_7,anne ( ,gre5 ,gables_'.'
A typeform terminator usually follows punctuation, except for paired
punctuation such as quotation marks and brackets.
It will be sunny tomorrow!!
^7,x w 2 sunny tm66^'
Revised January 2022 - 150 - UEB Training Manual
A terminator is NOT required where a typeform word indicator is used
for a word followed by punctuation.
Did you watch
,did y wat* .1,titanic8
A typeform indicator follows opening punctuation where there is paired
punctuation, for example, quotation marks and brackets. The typeform
terminator, if required, is stated before the closing punctuation, observing the
principles of nesting.
Romeo and Juliet
"<.7,romeo & ,Juliet.'">
A series of items, such as book titles printed in italics, bold or underline,
is treated as a continuous typeform passage, ignoring any separating
punctuation. The typeform passage indicator is placed before the first item
and the typeform terminator follows the last item.
The Soul of War
Back to Life
, etc., are some of the titles.
.7,! ,s\l ( ,w>1 ,back to
,life1.' etc41 >e "s ( !
Revised January 2022 - 151 - UEB Training Manual
Show all typeforms in the following Practice exercises, except bold in the
exercise heading.
Practice 26
I have a long list of things to see to this morning: call at the High Street,
to return
On the Edge of the Sea;
buy a copy of
Complete Guide to
from the newsagent; and choose a book from among the
following on my library list:
The Way of a Countryman
The Sea Eagle
Fought Them in Gunboats
, and
No Nightingales
, all of which have been
advertised in
The Times
as new successes”.
This was a never-to-be-forgotten day.
He wanted to insist that it was his; but Brian countered
by insisting
that it was
Then comes
We have taken the twenty-first hall to dwell in. There by
I cannot read what. The next line I cannot read. A shaft is mentioned.
Extra Practice 26
The local Shakespeare society is planning to produce one of the
following plays this season:
Much Ado About Nothing
King Richard III
He took down a heavy book entitled,
The Full Works of Dr. Boom 1816-
. He thumbed through the thick yellow pages.
By disability (as used in the
Social Security Act
) is meant inability to
engage in substantial gainful activity ...
The Athenians not only had government of the people and for the
people, but also government by the people.
Revised January 2022 - 152 - UEB Training Manual
Use of Capitals Indicators
Capital Letter Indicator
, dot 6
The capital letter indicator is placed immediately before a letter or
contraction to indicate that the next letter is a capital.
O ,o D ;,d
,b]l9 Sharon ,%>on
Every ,e Some ,"s
In ,9
R.S.V.P. ,r4 ,s4,v4 ,p4
Capitalised Word Indicator
,, dot 6, dot 6
The capitalised word indicator applies capitalisation to all following
letters, including contractions, accented letters (Lesson 30) and ligatured
letters. The effect of the capitalised word indicator is terminated by a space
or any other non-alphabetic symbol, such as punctuation. It is also
terminated by another capitals indicator or capitals terminator.
Revised January 2022 - 153 - UEB Training Manual
EDWARD ,,$w>d
DipTP ,dip,,tp
MERRY-GO-ROUND ,,m]ry-,,g-,,r.d
Grade 1 indicators precede capitals indicators.
CD-ROM ;,,cD-,,ROM
A termination sign should be inserted before a lower case “s” that
immediately follows an abbreviation or word consisting of two or more capital
letters. An apostrophe before the lower case “s” terminates the capitalisation.
GPs ,,gp,'s
Ps and Qs ,ps & ,qs
Revised January 2022 - 154 - UEB Training Manual
When using capitals indicators and terminators within a word, ensure
that the readability of the word is retained.
NatWest ,nat,we/ BEd ,b,$
DBEngine ,,DB,5g9e
NOTE: To retain “Engine” in a recognisable form, place a single capital
letter before the “E”. The capital letter indicator terminates capitals word
Capitalised Passage Indicator/
Capitals Terminator
Capitalised passage indicator ,,, dot 6, dot 6, dot 6
Capitals terminator ,' dot 6, dot 3
A passage is three or more consecutive words. The capitalised passage
indicator is used before the first word of the passage. The capitals terminator
immediately follows the last affected word.
,,,keep (f ! grass4,'
Revised January 2022 - 155 - UEB Training Manual
Multiple Paragraphs/Text Elements
A capitalised passage may extend over more than one text element, for
example, a series of paragraphs, stanzas of poetry, or list items.
The capitalised passage indicator must be restated at the beginning of
each new paragraph or text element. The capitals terminator is only required
once at the point where capitalisation ends.
A heading that extends over two or more lines is considered a single text
Text elements do not always constitute a continuous passage, for
example, a series of headings or a capitalised heading followed by a
capitalised paragraph. In this case, each text element is capitalised
,,*Apt] ,,"O
,,,! F/ ^w,'
Revised January 2022 - 156 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 27
He opened his mouth to reply but a huge BANG! from the cannon behind
him exploded into the air.
Henry VII, his son Henry VIII and his three children Edward VI, Mary I
and Elizabeth I ruled for 118 eventful years.
Buy a copy of
Complete Guide to LEAs
from the newsagent.
Helmut Lusser DipTP, MRTPI, MIEnvSc was Assistant Director of
Environmental Services at the London Borough of Sutton.
The first Mk I Spitfire was delivered to the RAF in 1938 and the Spitfire
XIX reconnaissance version became the fastest of all the World War II
Spitfires with a speed of nearly 460 mph.
Extra Practice 27
BOOM!The test tubes exploded. Never, NEVER, meddle with magic.
After his usurpation of Richard II, Henry IV found it difficult to enforce
his rule. His son, Henry V, fared better.
153 IAP was the first regiment to be re-equipped with the Bell Airacobra
(The Mk. I produced for the RAF but shipped to the USSR instead). They
fought against the Bf109 from II/JG 77.
In WW2 Douglas Bader (KBE DSO DFC) flew a Hurricane Mk I from
Canadian 242 Sq, LE-D V7467, during BoB, September 1940.
Revised January 2022 - 157 - UEB Training Manual
Proper Names and
Print Abbreviations
The following lessons show how the rules already learnt may be applied
in specific situations.
Proper Names and Places
Proper names and places are brailled according to the standard rules for
Will More ,w ,m
Robert Child ,rob}t ,*
Stafford ,/af=d
Matthews ,mat!ws
Mr Day ,mr ,"d
Ms Young ,ms ,"y
Mr Halliday ,mr ,halli"d
Mr Younghusband ,mr ,"yhusb&
Revised January 2022 - 158 - UEB Training Manual
Shortforms may be used in proper names, regardless of pronunciation,
following the rules for shortforms and longer words on the Shortform
Extension List.
Miss Good ,miss ,gd
Mr Goodbody ,mr ,gdbody
Mrs Littlejohn ,mrs ,lljohn
Port Said ,port ,sd
Mr Hapgood ,mr ,hapgood
Ms Linkletter
,ms ,l9klett]
Himalayas ,himalayas
Personal Initials
Personal initials follow the print with regards to spacing and the use of
abbreviation points.
A grade 1 symbol indicator is required where letters may be misread as
alphabetic wordsigns, or where there may be confusion with shortforms.
Contractions may not be used within initials.
Revised January 2022 - 159 - UEB Training Manual
Mr. A. B. Smith ,mr4 ,a4 ;,b4 ,smi?
Mr A B Smith ,mr ,a ;,b ,smi?
Mr AB Smith ,mr ;,,ab ,smi?
Mrs OW Jones ,mrs4 ,,ow ,j"os
Mrs. O.W. Jones ,mrs4 ,o4,w4 ,j"os
Print Abbreviations
Transcribe abbreviations with the same capitalisation and spacing as
shown in the print.
Rd (Road) ,rd Mr (Mister) ,mr
,,ma AAA ,,aaa
Use a grade 1 symbol indicator where an abbreviation could be misread
as an alphabetic wordsign or shortform.
c. 1980 ;c4 #aihj
CD ;,,cd
Revised January 2022 - 160 - UEB Training Manual
A grade 1 symbol indicator is generally not required where an
abbreviation has internal full stops. Letters cannot be misread as wordsigns
where punctuation occurs in the middle of the sequence. Refer to page 139.
a.m. a4m4 V.C. ,v4,c4
,b4,sc4 Ph.D. ,ph4,d4
Contractions may be used in abbreviations.
med. m$4 edn. $n4
Use the lower groupsign be, con or dis in an abbreviation where it would
normally be used in the unabbreviated form, provided it is followed by at
least one other letter.
contd. 3td4 conj. 3j4
dis. dis4
A contraction is not used where it could be misread as a non-alphabetic
St. John's St. ,st4 ,john's ,st4
Revised January 2022 - 161 - UEB Training Manual
Contractions may be used if an acronym is pronounced as a word.
qwerty qw]ty
ASEAN ,,as1n
INXS ,,9xs
Contractions may not be used where the letters making up an acronym
are pronounced separately.
US ,,US (United States)
,,it (Information Technology)
,,who (World Health Organisation)
In the following Practice exercise, Hawksheadis a compound word, so
the shis not contracted. Esthwaiteuses the th rather than the st
contraction, as this follows the pronunciation of the word more closely. Refer
item (7) of Choice of Contractions on page 199.
Revised January 2022 - 162 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 28
William Wordsworth was born at Cockermouth on 7th April 1770: at
eight he was sent to school at Hawkshead on Esthwaite, and in 1787-91 he
was at St. John's, Cambridge. In 1795, Calvert, a young friend, left him 900
pounds, and Wordsworth resolved to devote himself to poetry as his life-
work. Among his friends were Walter Scott, S. T. Coleridge, Charles Lamb,
Robert Southey, S. Rogers and Lord Lonsdale; and in 1845 he met Tennyson,
whom he named the first of our living poets. In 1843, after Southey's
death, Wordsworth became Poet-Laureate. He died at Rydal Mount (his home
since 1813), April 23, 1850, and was buried at Grasmere.
I believe Mrs. Matthews orders her goods from Messrs. Day, Younger,
Childers & Co. of King William St., Strand, W.C.2.
Obituary notices of distinguished people contain a variety of Degrees and
Orders. Here are a few of the more common ones. A.B. may have a simple
BA or MA degree or a more specific one of B.Sc., B.Mus., M.Ch., D.Litt., &c.
Or he may have the right to put K.C.M.G., or K.C.B. after his name; or he
may be a Member, Fellow or President of some Society, such as: A.R.A.,
F.R.C.S., or P.R.S.
This is a letter from the Rt. Hon. G. H. Reid, printed in Senator Pulsford's
Our Country
, Sydney, Aug. 25, 1903.
Extra Practice 28
Among the members of the Ingleford W.I. are some very well educated
and well qualified women, e.g. the local G.P. Dr. Sandra Young MD; an ex-
university don, Miss Beverley Child MA Ph.D.; an architect, Mrs Vanessa
O'Connor F.R.I.B.A. and an eminent pianist, Mrs Francesca Hapgood F.R.C.M.
If you wish to join these women in their worthy efforts towards raising
money for charities such as the RNLI and the RSPCA etc, you should contact
the Hon. Sec. Mrs P. A. Boone at 42a Beech Rd., Ingleford, IG2 7JS, tel.
5762 89721. They meet regularly in St. Andrew's Church Hall on Wednesdays
at 2:30 p.m.
Revised January 2022 - 163 - UEB Training Manual
Unit Abbreviations
Follow the print for unit abbreviations.
Capitalisation, position and print spacing of units are strictly followed.
The grade 1 symbol is required to terminate numeric mode, where
lowercase letters a-j immediately follow a number without a space. Refer to
page 140.
3 ft. #c ft4 8 l #h ;l
#h;g 8 g #h ;g
2 m
#b ;m 89p #hip
5 s
#e ;s 5 sec #e sec
#af;cm 16 cm #af cm
80 kg
#hj kg 60 mph #fj mph
20L #bj,l 20 L #bj ;,l
9 to 10 kg
#i to #aj kg
6 m 25 cm
#f ;m #be cm
£6 3s. 4d.
`l#f #cs4 #d;d4
Revised January 2022 - 164 - UEB Training Manual
The equivalent braille sign for symbols should always be used when
NOTE: A complete list of symbols can be found in Sections 3 and 11 of
The Rules of Unified English Braille: Second Edition
2013, and related
updates, which are available for download from http://www.iceb.org.
Degree sign °
^j dots 4 5, dots 2 and 4 5
45° #de^j4 21°C #ba^j,c
Answer in °F
,answ] 9 ~j,f
dollar $ @s dot 4, dots 2 3 and 4 (dot 4, s)
cent ¢ @c dot 4, dots 1 and 4 (dot 4, c)
pound £ @l dot 4, dots 1 2 3 (dot 4, l)
euro € @e dot 4, dots 1 and 5 (dot 4, e)
Revised January 2022 - 165 - UEB Training Manual
Currency units are brailled as they are shown in print.
£600 `l#fjj $2 `s#b
@e#ab 65¢ #fe@c
$3 bn
@s#c bn £5m @l#em
$US34 @s,,us#cd
the £ rose ! @l rose
the $ fell ! @s fell
65c #fe;c
The use of capitals indicators in abbreviations follows the guidelines
given in Lesson 27.
3 V #c ;,v 5 mA #e m,a
8 Hz
#h ,hz 13 MW #ac ,,mw
90 MHz
#ij ,m,hz
30 M.P.G.
#cj ,m4,p4,g4
60 MPH
#fj ,,mph
Revised January 2022 - 166 - UEB Training Manual
Contractions may be used in unit abbreviations unless the letters that
make up the abbreviation are pronounced separately.
8 ins #h 9s 5 mins #e m9s
kwh kwh kWh k,wh
Reference Symbols and abbreviations
Section § ^s dots 4 5, dots 2 3 and 4
Paragraph ¶
^p dots 4 5, dots 1 2 3 and 4
Braille should follow the print in the use of symbols or abbreviations for
§12 ~s#ab ¶4 ~p#d
,vol4#e Vol. 5 ,vol4 #e
Vol 5
,vol #e ch.16 *4#af
par 15 p> #ae ss.6-8 ss4#f-#h
p.6 p4#f p6 p#f
Revised January 2022 - 167 - UEB Training Manual
Practice 29
Temperatures soared to 34°C, or around 100°F, and with only 4 cm
rainfall in 3 months the drought continued all summer. This caused the water
levels in reservoirs to drop 20 ft or more. As conditions worsened, hosepipe
bans and other inhibitory measures were introduced. Any people ignoring
these restrictions faced fines of £1000.
Inflation is at 11%, causing the cost of 250 g of sugar to increase by
25p. The average weekly shopping will now cost at least £9.50 more than
one month ago.
If you look at P.5 of vol.3 you will see that §17 of chap. 8 is missing. In
addition, the previous section is incorrectly referred to in L.23 of that page.
10 sec later and I would have drowned, gasped the rescued man. The
lifeboatmen noticed the package which the struggling man had refused to let
go. What did it contain? 7 kg of gold, or perhaps 13 lb of cocaine? Was this
man a smuggler? Would there be a $500 reward for his capture? The mystery
was solved when he started to unravel the package to reveal a ½ lb box of
Dairy Milk chocolates. Next time she's getting flowers,he chuckled.
Revised January 2022 - 168 - UEB Training Manual
Extra Practice 29
Edmund Blackadder, a tall and slim 6 ft 5 ins, was followed at a safe
distance of 4 yd by Baldrick, a short and squat 4 feet 7 inches. The former
purchased a whole week's supply of pies from Mrs. Miggins' shop, totalling £3
5s 4d (or £3 and 26½p in new money). Baldrick spent all he had, which was
only 2½d, on 4¾ lb of turnips.
Then Edmund walked 2 m to the wig-makers to pick up a new hair-do
for his master, mad Prince George. It was an electric blue colour and stood
on end, an effect achieved by letting 600 V run through it. The wig was
wrapped in 1 m of brown paper, tied up with 25 cm of string.
On their return to the palace, a highwayman sped towards them at
20 mph. Screeching to a halt only 2 cm from Blackadder's nose, the baddy
shouted “Your money or your life!. Upon their refusal to his demands, the
robber threatened to drop them into water heated to 95°C. However, the
wind suddenly changed direction, wafting Baldrick's distinctive odour towards
the highwayman. This stunning effect, which also flattened all flora within a
12 m radius of the area, allowed our two heroes to escape.
[This is taken from ch.2 of my new book. Chapter 3, p23-36, is even
Revised January 2022 - 169 - UEB Training Manual
Accented Letters
and Foreign Words
For further explanation on accents and foreign words, refer to Section
4.2 (Modifiers) and Section 13 (Foreign Language) of
The Rules of Unified
English Braille: Second Edition
Accented Letters
acute ~/ dots 4 5, dots 3 and 4 é ^/e
~* dots 4 5, dots 1 and 6 è ^*e
~& dots 4 5, dots 1 2 3 and 4 6 ç ^&c
~% dots 4 5, dots 1 and 4 6 ê ^%e
~3 dots 4 5, dots 2 and 5 ö ^3o
~} dots 4 5, dots 1 2 and 4 5 6 ñ ^]n
The accent sign is positioned immediately before the affected letter and
forms part of the letter.
rôle r^%ole
naïve na~3ive
Typeform and capitals letter indicators, where required, precede the
accent. Refer to the Order of Braille Indicators on page 136.
Revised January 2022 - 170 - UEB Training Manual
The presence of accented letters does not affect the use of the
capitalised word indicator.
An accented letter may not form part of a contraction.
The groupsigns for ea, bb, cc, ff, gg may be used immediately before
an accented letter.
blesséd b.s~/ed señor se^]nor
Gérard ,g~/er>d abbé a2^/e
Foreign Words
The accent symbols introduced above are only used within UEB. Other
braille codes have different conventions for showing accents, that are not
discussed in this manual. For more information refer to the
ABA Guidelines
for Foreign Language Material,
2019 which can be found at
Words, phrases and passages that are distinctly foreign are brailled
uncontracted in UEB. Grade 1 indicators are not required, unless there is
ambiguity with wordsigns or shortforms.
télévision t^/el^/evision
le chien
le chien
Revised January 2022 - 171 - UEB Training Manual
“L'Angleterre est une nation de boutiquiers.” This remark is
attributed to Napoleon.
8,l',angleterre est une
nation de boutiquiers40 ,?
rem>k is attribut$ to
Contractions may be used in words and phrases of foreign origin that
have been anglicised and are now commonly used in English.
Some texts use italics to indicate foreign words. In such texts, non-
italicised words are considered anglicised and may be contracted.
Latin scientific names written in italics are not considered foreign and
may be contracted.
Care should be taken when using contractions in words of a foreign
origin to ensure that the pronunciation and structure of the word are not
distorted. Refer to item (7) in General Rules for the Use of Contractions on
page 199.
carte blanche c>te blan*e
ex parte ex "pe
Avicennia marina
.1,avic5nia .1m>9a
NOTE: Panettone (an Italian sweet bread) is a word in common use and
is pronounced pan-e-ton-ay. “one” is uncontracted as it is not a syllable.
Revised January 2022 - 172 - UEB Training Manual
Contractions may be used for proper names, personal titles (e.g. Senor)
and place names.
Senor Juarez ,s5or ,ju>ez
Bundestag ,bundestag
NOTE: stshould not be contracted in this proper noun since it bridges
the two elements “Bundes” and tagof this compound word.
Mixed Example:
Ménard, Marc.
Élements pour une économie des industries culturelles.
,m^/en>d1 ,m>c4
.7,^/elements pour une
^/economie des industries
Revised January 2022 - 173 - UEB Training Manual
The name “Silone” in the exercise below is pronounced “Si-lon-ay”.
Practice 30
Jean-Paul was looking forward to spending three years at the University
of Bordeaux, which was his belovéd home town. He was to study the
language and literature of France and Italy, although he had carte blanche to
study any other subject in addition to these.
One of his favourite novels was Le Père Goriotby Balzac, although he
also enjoyed Les Misérablesby Victor Hugo. On his reading list from the
Italian lecturer, Sr. Maretti, were “Fontamara” by Ignazio Silone and Cristo si
è fermato a Eboliby Carlo Levi.
On his arrival at the university there was a huge banner with the words
“bienvenus—benvenuti—bienvenidos—wilkommen—welcome” hanging on the
façade of the renaissance-style building. He made his way through the
endless corridors to the Italian department where he had arranged a
rendezvous with his sister's English fiancé, Will. They were to go and have a
drink in the café.
Extra Practice 30
Germany is a federal republic consisting of 16 states (called
or shortened to
in German). Germany is equally
admired by visitors for its old-world charm and
The major rivers of Brazil include the Amazon (the world's second-
longest river and the largest in terms of volume of water), the Paraná and its
major tributary the Iguaçu (which includes the Iguazu Falls), the Negro, São
Francisco, Xingu, Madeira and Tapajós rivers.
French or
la langue française
is a Romance language spoken as a first
language in a number of countries. A number of diplomatic words have been
borrowed from French: attaché, envoy, embassy, chancery, chargé d'affaires,
diplomacy, alliance, passport, protocol.
Why did Monsieur Lumière go where he did? Who did Benoît want to
Revised January 2022 - 174 - UEB Training Manual
This is the final lesson in this Manual. Unlike Lessons 1-30, it does NOT
have Practice exercises. This lesson has a series of longer passages for
transcription. Each passage demonstrates a different principle of formatting.
A brief outline of formatting is given below. More information can be
found in the
Australian Braille Authority Rules and Guidelines for Formatting
2016. This may differ to the rules and guidelines set by other braille
Headings are formatted according to their hierarchy or level, rather than
according to how they appear in print.
Block capitals are the only print enhancement for headings that are
shown in braille. Bold, italics or underline should not be used in a heading
unless they serve a specific purpose.
No blank line is left following a heading.
At least one line of braille must follow a heading on the same page,
otherwise move the heading to the top of the next page.
Major Headings
Major headings, or first level headings, always have a blank line before
them and are centred on a braille line. There should be at least six blank cells
on each side of the heading. Where the heading is too long to fit on one line,
split the heading across two or more lines, balancing the line lengths as is
Revised January 2022 - 175 - UEB Training Manual
Minor Headings
A second level heading has a blank line before it, unless it immediately
follows a major heading.
The heading begins in cell 5 of the line, leaving four blank spaces. A
subsequent line also begins in cell 5 for headings that do not fit on a single
Examples of minor headings are the headings “Ingredients” and
“Methods” in a recipe.
Lower Headings
When a third level of heading is required, this has a blank line before it,
unless it immediately follows a major or minor heading.
The heading begins in cell 3 of the line, leaving two blank spaces. A
subsequent line also begins in cell 3 for headings that do not fit on a single
[blank line]
,major ,h1d+ [major heading]
,! ma9 h1d+ abv is c5tr$4 ,"! is a blank
l9e abv x4
[blank line]
,m9or ,h1d+ [minor heading]
,? h1d+ al has a blank l9e abv4 ,x 2g9s
9 cell #e ( ! l9e4
[blank line]
,l[] ,h1d+ [lower heading]
_4 ,l1ve a blank l9e 2f ! h1d+4
_4 ,x 2g9s 9 cell #c ( ! l9e4
Revised January 2022 - 176 - UEB Training Manual
A new paragraph in braille always begins in cell 3, with an indent of two
cells, regardless of print layout. Second and subsequent lines begin at the
margin. Paragraphs are never separated with a blank line, even if one
appears in print.
Practice exercises 23-30 were all in paragraph format.
List formatting should be used for a variety of material, such as
numbered items or questions, bulleted items, indexes and glossaries.
Numbered lists and questions ALWAYS need a separation between the
number or count letter and the text following. A full stop should be added if
there is no separator in the print.
Each line of a list begins at the margin. If the line runs over to a second
line in braille, this is indented to cell 3. Alternatively, the second line may be
further indented to directly below the point where the text begins above. A
consistent approach should be maintained.
Information on more complex lists is found in
Australian Braille Authority
Rules and Guidelines for Formatting Braille,
Read the information then answer the questions that follow.
Unified English Braille, UEB, was recognised as an official code in
April 2004.
The Australian Braille Authority voted and agreed to adopt UEB in
May 2005.
1. In what year was UEB adopted as an official code?
2. Which was the first country in the world to adopt UEB?
Revised January 2022 - 177 - UEB Training Manual
The first line is a paragraph. The second line begins the bulleted list.
Three centred asterisks are used to separate the information from the
Option 1: Second line of list indented 2 cells.
,r1d ! 9=ma;n !n answ] ! "qs t foll[4
_4 ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl1 ,,ueb1 0
recognis$ z an (ficial code 9 ,april
_4 ,! ,au/ralian ,brl ,au?or;y vot$ &
agre$ to adopt ,,ueb 9 ,may #bjje4
"9 "9 "9
#a4 ,9 :at ye> 0 ,,ueb adopt$ z an
(ficial code8
#b4 ,: 0 ! f/ c.try 9 ! _w to adopt
Option 2: Second line of list indented to line up with the text in the line
,r1d ! 9=ma;n !n answ] ! "qs t foll[4
_4 ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl1 ,,ueb1 0
recognis$ z an (ficial code 9 ,april
_4 ,! ,au/ralian ,brl ,au?or;y vot$ &
agre$ to adopt ,,ueb 9 ,may #bjje4
"9 "9 "9
#a4 ,9 :at ye> 0 ,,ueb adopt$ z an
(ficial code8
#b4 ,: 0 ! f/ c.try 9 ! _w to adopt
Revised January 2022 - 178 - UEB Training Manual
Poetry follows a similar layout to lists.
Some poems have each line begin at the margin. Each line of the poem
begins in cell 1. If a line of the poem does not fit on a single braille line, the
run-over is indented to cell 3.
Some poems have lines that are indented. An indented line of the poem
begins in cell 3 and ALL run-overs in the stanza begin in cell 5. Information
on more complex indentation and other poetry layouts is found in
Braille Authority Rules and Guidelines for Formatting Braille,
A blank line is left between each verse or stanza. This blank line may
appear at the top of a braille page if a new stanza begins the page.
A verse or stanza should not begin on the last line of a page of braille. A
short stanza should be kept together on the same braille page.
There was a wild colonial boy, Jack Doolan was his name,
Of poor but honest parents he was born in Castlemaine.
He was his father's only son, his mother's pride and joy,
And dearly did his parents love this Wild Colonial Boy.
Come, all my hearties, we'll roam the mountainside,
Together we will plunder, together we will ride,
We'll scour along the valleys and we'll gallop o'er the plains,
And we'll scorn to live in slavery, bound down with iron chains.
Revised January 2022 - 179 - UEB Training Manual
,"! 0 a wild colonial boy1 ,jack ,doolan
0 8 "n1
,( poor b h"o/ p>5ts he 0 born 9
,he 0 8 "f's only son1 8 "m's pride &
,& de>ly did 8 p>5ts love ? ,wild
,colonial ,boy4
,come1 all my he>ties1 we'll roam !
,tgr we w pl"u1 tgr we w ride1
,we'll sc\r al;g ! valleys & we'll gallop
o'] ! pla9s1
,& we'll scorn to live 9 slav]y1 b.d
d[n ) iron *a9s4
The dialogue of a play follows a similar layout to lists. The name of each
speaker begins at the margin. Second and subsequent lines begin in cell 3.
Clear distinction is ALWAYS required between the speaker's name and
the dialogue. A colon should be added if there is no other means of
distinction between the speaker's name and the dialogue.
Stage directions that appear on their own line within the dialogue are
formatted as an indented paragraph in braille. The paragraph begins in cell 7
and subsequent lines run over to cell 5.
Revised January 2022 - 180 - UEB Training Manual
Major Barbara
, by George Bernard Shaw.
Undershaft: [submissively] Yes, my dear: I daresay that will be best.
[Making himself comfortable] Well, here I am. Now what can I
do for you all?
Lady Britomart: You need not do anything, Andrew. You are one of
the family. You can sit with us and enjoy yourself.
's too long suppressed mirth explodes in agonized
Lady Britomart: [outraged] Charles Lomax, if you can behave
yourself, behave yourself. If not, leave the room.
,"u%aft3 .<submissively.> ,yes1 my de>3
,i d>esay t w 2 be/4 .<,mak+ hmf
com=table.> ,well1 "h ,i am4 ,n[ :at c
,i d = y all8
,lady ,britom>t3 ,y ne$ n d any?+1 ,&rew4
,y >e "o ( ! family4 ,y c sit ) u &
5joy yrf4
.<,.1lomax.''s too l;g suppress$
mir? explodes 9 agoniz$ nei<+s4.>
,lady ,britom>t3 .<\trag$.> ,*>les ,lomax1
if y c 2have yrf1 2have yrf4 ,if n1 l1ve
! room4
Revised January 2022 - 181 - UEB Training Manual
Navigation Line
The navigation line is the top line of every page of braille. On the far left
is the print page number; on the far right is the braille page number. Centred
on the second and subsequent pages is a running title with information about
the document.
Print Page Number
The print page number from the original document is positioned on the
far left of the navigation line on each page of braille.
On the first page, or where a new print page coincides with a new braille
page, the number is shown with no prefix.
Every subsequent braille page relating to the same print page has an
alphabetic prefix before the print page number. The second braille page will
have “a” before the print page number, the third page “b” and so on.
Braille Page Number
The braille page number is positioned on the far right of the navigation
line. This starts at 1 and increments for each page of braille.
Running Title
The first page of a document does not usually have a running title on the
navigation line. The document title is positioned as a major heading on the
second line. The blank space in the navigation line is the blank line above this
The running title is shown on the second and subsequent pages of a
document. The running title enables quick identification of the content and is
centred on the navigation line, between the print and braille page numbers.
The title of the passage should be used for the running title in this
lesson. Shorten the title, if necessary, so the running title will fit between the
print and braille page numbers, with a space on each side. The running title
only occurs on the navigation line and NEVER runs over to a second line.
Revised January 2022 - 182 - UEB Training Manual
Print Page Turnovers
Practice passages in this lesson extend over two or more print pages.
The print page turnover is used to inform the reader of the exact point where
a new print page begins.
End the braille line after brailling the last word on the print page.
On the next line, begin at the margin and braille a continuous line of
hyphens across the page, leaving just enough room to braille the new
print page number. No space is left between the hyphens and the page
Move to the next line and continue brailling, maintaining the print format.
This example shows a print page turnover from print page 48 to 49 in
the middle of a paragraph.
b#dh ,lion1 ,wit* & ! ,w>drobe #ej
o!r h&1 ,i don't ?9k _m girls ( h] age wd
9v5t t idea = !mvs4 ,if %e _h be5 pret5d+1
%e wd h hidd5 = a
r1sonable "t 2f com+ \ & tell+ h] /ory40
At least one line of braille should follow a page turnover on the braille
page. Otherwise, begin the new print page on the next braille page.
No print page turnover is required where a new braille page coincides
with a new print page. The print page number at the top of the braille page
has no prefix, indicating the beginning of the new print page.
The influence of typeform, capitalised or grade 1 passage indicators
extends beyond a print page turnover.
Revised January 2022 - 183 - UEB Training Manual
Passages for Transcription
There are four sample passages for transcription. Each passage
illustrates a different aspect of formatting.
Treat each passage as a separate document.
Passage 1: A sample of prose. The Latin names of birds and animals should
be contracted. This is an extract from
An Australian Bird Book,
Leach, 1870-1920.
Passage 2: A recipe: a traditional lamington recipe.
Passage 3: A poem:
by C.J. Dennis.
Passage 4: A play: an extract from
The Importance of Being Earnest
, by
Oscar Wilde, 1895.
Getting started
On the first page of each passage, braille only the print and braille page
numbers on the navigation line. Use the Manual page numbers for the print
pages numbers and begin each passage with braille page 1.
On the second line, braille the title as a major heading. Sometimes this
consists of two separate titles. For example, the first passage has the title
An Australian Bird Bookand a subtitle A LECTURE. Braille these centred
one under the other, with no blank line between.
Begin brailling the passage on the next line.
The running title on subsequent braille pages reflects the title of the
passage. For example, Australian Bird Book”.
At the end of each passage, braille a centred line as instructed for
Practice exercises 23 onwards. Refer to page 110.
Revised January 2022 - 184 - UEB Training Manual
Passage 1
An Australian Bird Book
Australia is the wonderland of the scientist and of the Nature-lover. It is
a great living “museum”, stocked with marvels of many kinds, including so-
called “living fossils, the sole survivors of otherwise extinct groups of
Competent authorities have proposed to divide the world, biologically,
into two partsAustralia and the rest of the world, and they have considered
Australia the more important part.
This division was based mainly on the study of mammalsanimals which
suckle their youngfor Australia is the home of the two surviving members
of the lowest group of mammalsMonotremata, the egg-laying Platypus
), and the Spiny Ant-eater (
). Further, marsupials,
except for two kinds found in America, are confined to this long-isolated
southern land.
Here, shut off from the severe competition experienced by the animals
of northern lands, marsupials were modified so that they were adapted for
life in almost every realm utilized by the higher mammals of other countries.
Thus there are herbivorous, carnivorous, and insectivorous marsupials.
Owing, probably, to the advent of Batstrue flying mammalsat, possibly, a
comparatively early time, the marsupial was beaten in the air, and so a true
flying form was not evolved, though the so-called “Flying Phalangeris some
distance on the way.
As regards the other group of flying animalsbirdsAustralia is even of
greater interest, for here are found unique archaic forms of life, such as the
Emu, Cassowary, Mound-Builders, and Lyre-Birds, and every widely-spread
family of birds but two is represented; the only widely-spread families of
birds totally absent from Australia are Woodpeckers and Vultures.
Revised January 2022 - 185 - UEB Training Manual
Woodpeckers, however, have crossed Wallace's line into Celebes and
adjacent islands, and may yet reach Australia naturally.
Further, many well-known birds, such as Pigeons, Parrots, and
Kingfishers, reach their highest development in the Australian region, and,
more important still, the whole bird world seems to reach its culminating
point in this wonderland. It is a factor adding to the interest of Australia's
fauna that three of the four families placed at the head of the bird world in
the natural system of classification adopted by ornithologists, and used by Dr.
Sharpe in his just recently completed
Hand-List of Birds
, should be absolutely
confined to the Australian Continent and adjacent islands. Thus Australia can
justly claim to be the most highly developed of regions, so far as birds are
concerned, for Bower-Birds, Birds of Paradise, and Bell-Magpies (
are peculiar, while the penultimate familythe Crow familyis shared with
the other regions of the world.
Thus, with regard to birds, the term fossil continentapplied to Australia
is not appropriate, as it is but partly true.
Since the birds native to Australia are so interesting in themselves, and
are so varied in kind, Australians should know, love, and jealously protect
these beautiful creatures. Strict regulations should be framed to prevent the
exploitation of Nature's gifts by those who destroy useful or precious and rare
birds for the sake of gain. Even collectors, who, under the guise of scientific
work, collect eggs, and kill birds to trade in their skins, should be supervised.
Let us now consider the different groups of birds. Living birds were
formerly divided into two sub-classes(1)
, a raft), and
, a keel). The first is the small group of flightless,
running birds, made up of five living birds, all inhabiting southern lands.
These are the Emu and Cassowary of Australia, the Ostrich of South Africa,
the Rhea or South American Ostrich, and the Kiwi or Apteryx of New Zealand.
Taken together with other evidence, all pointing in the same way, these birds
have led scientists to think of a great southern land mass connecting the
southern lands, for the Emu did not fly here, nor did the Rhea fly to South
America, but they must have reached their present home by a land-bridge
not necessarily complete at any one time.
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Passage 2
Sponge Cake
125g butter, softened
1 cup caster sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
3 eggs
1¾ cups SR flour, sifted
½ cup milk
2 cups desiccated coconut
3½ cups icing sugar mixture
¼ cup cocoa powder
1 tbsp butter, softened
½ cup boiling water
1. Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan-forced. Grease a 3cm-deep, 20cm ×
30cm (base) lamington pan. Line with baking paper, leaving a 2cm
overhang on all sides.
2. Using an electric mixer, beat butter, sugar and vanilla until light and
fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition (mixture
may curdle).
3. Sift half the flour over butter mixture. Stir to combine. Add half the milk.
Stir to combine. Repeat with remaining flour and milk.
4. Spoon into prepared pan. Smooth top. Bake for 30 minutes or until a
skewer inserted in centre comes out clean. Stand in pan for 10 minutes.
Turn out onto a wire rack. Cover with a clean tea towel. Set aside
Revised January 2022 - 187 - UEB Training Manual
5. Make icing: Sift icing sugar and cocoa into a bowl. Add butter and boiling
water. Stir until smooth.
6. Cut cake into 15 pieces. Place coconut in a dish. Using a fork, dip 1 piece
of cake in icing. Shake off excess. Toss in coconut. Place on a wire rack
over a baking tray. Repeat with remaining cake, icing and coconut.
Stand for 2 hours or until set. Serve.
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Passage 3
by C.J. Dennis
Rover, rover, cattle-drover, where go you to-day?
I go to Cuppacumalonga, fifty miles away;
Over plains where Summer rains have sung a song of glee,
Over hills where laughing rills go seeking for the sea,
I go to Cuppacumalonga, to my brother Bill.
Then come along, ah, come along!
Ah, come to Cuppacumalonga!
Come to Cuppacumalonga Hill!
Rover, rover, cattle-drover, how do you get there?
For twenty miles I amble on upon my pony mare,
Then walk awhile and talk awhile to country men I know,
Then up to ride a mile beside a team that travels slow,
And last to Cuppacumalonga, riding with a will.
Then come along, ah, come along!
Ah, come to Cuppacumalonga!
Come to Cuppacumalonga Hill!
Rover, rover, cattle-drover, what do you do then?
I camp beneath a kurrajong with three good cattle-men;
Then off away at break of day, with strong hands on the reins,
To laugh and sing while mustering the cattle on the plains
For up to Cuppacumalonga life is jolly still.
Then come along, ah, come along!
Ah, come to Cuppacumalonga!
Come to Cuppacumalonga Hill!
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Rover, rover, cattle-drover, how may I go too?
I'll saddle up my creamy colt and he shall carry you
My creamy colt who will not bolt, who does not shy nor kick
We'll pack the load and take the road and travel very quick.
And if the day brings work or play we'll meet it with a will.
So Hi for Cuppacumalonga!
Come Along, ah, come along!
Ah, come to Cuppacumalonga Hill!
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Passage 4
The Importance of Being Earnest
Morning-room in Algernon's flat in Half-Moon Street. The room is
luxuriously and artistically furnished. The sound of a piano is heard in the
adjoining room.
[Lane is arranging afternoon tea on the table, and after the
music has ceased, Algernon enters.]
Algernon: Did you hear what I was playing, Lane?
Lane: I didn't think it polite to listen, sir.
Algernon: I'm sorry for that, for your sake. I don't play accuratelyany one
can play accuratelybut I play with wonderful expression. As far as the
piano is concerned, sentiment is my forté. I keep science for Life.
Lane: Yes, sir.
Algernon: And, speaking of the science of Life, have you got the cucumber
sandwiches cut for Lady Bracknell?
Lane: Yes, sir. [Hands them on a salver.]
Algernon: [Inspects them, takes two, and sits down on the sofa.] Oh! ... by
the way, Lane, I see from your book that on Thursday night, when Lord
Shoreman and Mr. Worthing were dining with me, eight bottles of
champagne are entered as having been consumed.
Lane: Yes, sir; eight bottles and a pint.
Algernon: Why is it that at a bachelor's establishment the servants invariably
drink the champagne? I ask merely for information.
Lane: I attribute it to the superior quality of the wine, sir. I have often
observed that in married households the champagne is rarely of a first-
rate brand.
Algernon: Good heavens! Is marriage so demoralising as that?
Lane: I believe it is a very pleasant state, sir. I have had very little experience
of it myself up to the present. I have only been married once. That was
Revised January 2022 - 191 - UEB Training Manual
in consequence of a misunderstanding between myself and a young
Algernon: [Languidly.] I don't know that I am much interested in your family
life, Lane.
Lane: No, sir; it is not a very interesting subject. I never think of it myself.
Algernon: Very natural, I am sure. That will do, Lane, thank you.
Lane: Thank you, sir. [Lane goes out.]
Algernon: Lane's views on marriage seem somewhat lax. Really, if the lower
orders don't set us a good example, what on earth is the use of them?
They seem, as a class, to have absolutely no sense of moral
[Enter Lane.]
Lane: Mr. Ernest Worthing.
[Enter Jack.]
[Lane goes out.]
Algernon: How are you, my dear Ernest? What brings you up to town?
Jack: Oh, pleasure, pleasure! What else should bring one anywhere? Eating
as usual, I see, Algy!
Algernon: [Stiffly.] I believe it is customary in good society to take some
slight refreshment at five o'clock. Where have you been since last
Jack: [Sitting down on the sofa.] In the country.
Algernon: What on earth do you do there?
Jack: [Pulling off his gloves.] When one is in town one amuses oneself. When
one is in the country one amuses other people. It is excessively boring.
Algernon: And who are the people you amuse?
Jack: [Airily.] Oh, neighbours, neighbours.
Algernon: Got nice neighbours in your part of Shropshire?
Jack: Perfectly horrid! Never speak to one of them.
Algernon: How immensely you must amuse them! [Goes over and takes
sandwich.] By the way, Shropshire is your county, is it not?
Jack: Eh? Shropshire? Yes, of course. Hallo! Why all these cups? Why
cucumber sandwiches? Why such reckless extravagance in one so
young? Who is coming to tea?
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Algernon: Oh! merely Aunt Augusta and Gwendolen.
Jack: How perfectly delightful!
Algernon: Yes, that is all very well; but I am afraid Aunt Augusta won't quite
approve of your being here.
Jack: May I ask why?
Algernon: My dear fellow, the way you flirt with Gwendolen is perfectly
disgraceful. It is almost as bad as the way Gwendolen flirts with you.
Jack: I am in love with Gwendolen. I have come up to town expressly to
propose to her.
Algernon: I thought you had come up for pleasure? ... I call that business.
Jack: How utterly unromantic you are!
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Additional Symbols
The following print symbols, whilst not included in the lessons and
Practice exercises, occur in literary text. Print symbols are spaced in braille as
shown in print.
NOTE: The presence of a symbol in a sequence prohibits the use of
wordsigns, shortforms and shortform extension words.
Copyright ©
~c dots 4 5, dots 1 and 4 (dots 4 5, c)
@,? dot 4, dot 6, dots 1 and 4 5 6
The dagger is sometimes used as a reference mark, or as the Latin or
Christian cross to signify a member of clergy or death. Follow print in its
Double Dagger
@,] dot 4, dot 6, dots 1 2 and 4 5 6
The double dagger follows print usage.
Musical Accidentals
Flat #< dots 3 and 4 5 6, dots 1 2 and 6
Sharp #% dots 3 and 4 5 6, dots 1 and 4 6
Natural #* dots 3 and 4 5 6, dots 1 and 6
Revised January 2022 - 194 - UEB Training Manual
These symbols are similar to their counterparts in Braille Music Notation
and are to be used wherever they appear in a literary context.
B trumpet ,b#< trumpet
chord of C major
*ord ( ,c#% major
The sign
,! #* sign
Registered Trademark ®
^r dots 4 5, dots 1 2 3 and 5 (dots 4 5, r)
Trademark ™
~t dots 4 5, dots 2 3 and 4 5 (dots 4 5, t)
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General Rules for the
Use of Contractions
All the contractions have now been learnt. Following are some general
rules for their use.
For detailed rules and more examples, refer to
The Rules of Unified
English Braille: Second Edition
2013, and related updates, which are
available for download from http://www.iceb.org.
(1) Contractions may NOT be used to bridge the components of an
unhyphenated compound word.
carthorse c>thorse (th groupsign not used)
flearidden fl1ridd5 (ar groupsign not used)
(2) In general, contractions are permissible between a prefix and the
remainder of a word, in particular the groupsigns ed, en, er, of, st.
reduce r$uce den ounce d5\nce
derail d]ail profile pr(ile
mistake mi/ake
Revised January 2022 - 196 - UEB Training Manual
(3) The lower groupsign for eamay NOT be used to bridge a prefix and
the remainder of the word.
readmit readmit
(4) Contractions may NOT be used if they would seriously distort the
pronunciation or hinder the recognition of a word.
fruity fruity
whaddaya :addaya
(5) The contractions ch, gh, sh, th, wh or the may NOT be used where the
“h” is clearly aspirated.
mishap mishap
Coghill's Creek ,coghill's ,creek
Ingham ,9<am
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Choice of Contractions
Sometimes there is more than one choice of how to contract a word.
Some of the rules that determine the choice have been introduced already.
Following is a summary of the rules by which these choices should be
made, unless other rules apply.
(1) Use the contraction that results in the use of the least number of cells.
coherence coh];e
NOTE: The contraction for here is not used, as this results in seven
cells overall instead of six.
(2) The strong contractions and for of the with have preference, unless
fewer cells can be used.
coffee c(fee (do not use ff groupsign)
thence ?;e
NOTE: The contraction for the is not used, as this results in four
cells overall instead of three.
Revised January 2022 - 198 - UEB Training Manual
(3) be, conand “dis” have preference where they are the first syllable of
a word.
congenial 3g5ial (do not use ong groupsign)
benzene b5z5e (beis not a syllable)
(4) Other than (3) above, strong groupsigns have preference to lower
groupsigns. Strong groupsigns have dots in the top AND bottom rows
PLUS dots in the left AND right sides of the cell.
nearly ne>ly (do not use ea groupsign)
bacchanal bac*anal (do not use cc groupsign)
(5) Use the final-letter groupsign ence where it is followed by “a”, “d” or “r”.
influenceable 9flu;eable
commenced comm;ed
Spencer ,Sp;er
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(6) Other than (5) above, ONE-CELL strong and lower groupsigns have
preference over TWO-CELL initial-letter contractions and final-letter
groupsigns, unless fewer cells can be used.
adher ed adh]$ (do not use here contraction)
stoned /on$ (do not use one contraction)
(7) Choose the contraction that best matches the pronunciation and form of
the word.
isthmus is?mus (do not use st groupsign)
asthma as?ma (do not use st groupsign)
apartheid a"pheid (do not use the contraction)
wherever :]"e (use ever rather than where)
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Word Division
It is preferable not to divide words at the end of a braille line. The
following guidelines should only be used for extremely long words or when
brailling using a manual method.
Hyphenated Words
Words with an existing hyphen may be divided with the hyphen at the
end of a braille line.
well-behaved self-indulgent ill-disguised
Compound Words
Compound words are usually kept on a single braille line. If splitting is
necessary, a compound word is best divided into its component parts.
thereabouts there-abouts
notwithstanding not-withstanding or notwith-standing
Divide between syllables
Words of one syllable must NEVER be divided.
Non-compound words should be divided between syllables.
Dictionaries and online resources can assist in splitting words into
appropriate syllables to enable word division at the end of a braille line.
circumlocution circum-locution
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Contractions in Word Division
Where the Hyphen Exists in Print
Where a hyphen exists in the print copy, and there is sufficient space still
remaining on the line, the word sequence may be broken AFTER the hyphen
at the end of a braille line, using the same contractions as if it were
The Lower Sign Rule must be met and some lower contractions may
need to be spelt out, if used with punctuation.
child-like *-l
child- like
*- l
air-condition er
air- condition er
air- 3di;n]
tea ch-in
tea ch- in
t1*- 9
is- was
is- was
NOTE: The wordsign was may not touch a hyphen. As wasis spelt out
in the unbroken sequence, it must also be spelt out in the broken sequence.
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Examples: (Lower Sign Rule)
tea ch-in. t1*-94
tea ch- in.
t1*- in4
in- laws
in- laws
Where the Hyphen is Added by a Transcriber
The ing groupsign may not begin a line. Use the in contraction where
“ing” begins a new line.
nightingale ni<t+ale
night- ingale
ni<t- 9gale
be, con, dis groupsigns
The groupsigns be, con and dis may not begin a new line following an
added hyphen.
Avoid dividing a word immediately after be, conor “dis” as lower
contractions may not be used before a hyphen and no space is saved.
Revised January 2022 - 203 - UEB Training Manual
anticonvulsive anticonvulsive
anti- convulsive
anti- convulsive
overdiscount ov]disc.t
over- discount
ov]- disc.t
in, en groupsigns
These groupsigns may be used with any hyphen but only if the Lower
Sign Rule is met.
maidenhair fern maid5hair f]n
maiden- hair fern
maid5- hair f]n
disinterest edly 49t]e/$ly
disin- terest edly
4in- t]e/$ly
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Final-Letter Groupsigns
Final-letter groupsigns may not be used at the beginning of a new line
following an added hyphen.
section sec;n
sec- tion
sec- tion
faith ful ness fai?;l;s
faith- fulness
fai?- ful;s
A shortform should never be divided. Longer words on the Shortform
Extension List may be divided but the internal shortforms may not.
goodafternoon gdafn
good- afternoon
gd- afn
unrejoiceful ness unrjc;l;s
unrejoice- fulness
unrjc- ful;s
Revised January 2022 - 205 - UEB Training Manual
Wordsigns and Shortforms
The use of wordsigns and shortforms is determined by the Standing
Alone Rule, as found in
The Rules of Unified English Braille: Second Edition
2013, and related updates, which are available for download from
A wordsign should NOT be used as part of a longer word.
A shortform may only be used in a longer word that is found on the
Shortform Extension List, or if it meets the specific requirements stated in
the list.
The letter “s” or apostrophe “s” may be added to any shortform or word
on the Shortform Extension List, with the exception of “about”, “almost”
and “him”.
Wordsigns and shortforms may be used regardless of pronunciation or
meaning and whether or not they are used as proper names.
Alphabetic and strong wordsigns, shortforms and shortforms in
shortform extension words MAY BE USED:
Where the word is preceded AND followed by a space, hyphen or dash
(including a long dash)
With punctuation in its standard grammatical position, i.e.:
* Apostrophe, opening quotation marks (of any type), opening brackets
(round, square or braces) at the beginning of a word
* Closing quotation marks, closing brackets, apostrophe, full stop,
comma, colon, semicolon, exclamation mark, question mark or ellipsis
at the end of a word
With typeform, capitals, and opening transcriber's note indicators at the
beginning of the word
With typeform and capitals terminators and closing transcriber's note
indicators at the end of a word
Alphabetic and strong wordsigns MAY BE USED:
Where the word is followed by 'd, 'll, 're, 's, 't or 've
Revised January 2022 - 206 - UEB Training Manual
Wordsigns, shortforms and shortforms in shortform extension words
MAY NOT BE USED where the word between spaces, hyphens or dashes:
Includes any numeral or print symbol. Some common print symbols are
forward and backward slash or the asterisk.
Includes punctuation not in its standard grammatical position, for
example, the dot in an electronic address or the colon used as a ratio
between two words.
Includes any typeform and capitals indicators or terminators not at the
beginning or end of the word, unless specifically allowed for in
The Rules
of Unified English Braille: Second Edition 2013,
and related updates, which
are available for download from http://www.iceb.org. Refer to the update
to Section 10.9 for specific instances where medial capitals indictors or
terminators are allowed.
Lower Sign Rule
The lower wordsigns be, his, was and were are not affected by this rule,
as they may not be used with lower punctuation.
For the purpose of this rule, a sequence is any continuous string of
characters between spaces.
Use any number of lower groupsigns and lower punctuation signs
together, provided the sequence includes an upper sign.
Use the lower wordsigns enough and in with any number of lower
punctuation signs, provided the sequence includes an upper sign.
The upper sign may be a letter, contraction, typeform indicator,
typeform terminator, symbol or punctuation that includes an upper dot.
NOTE: When applying this rule, the two-cell quotation signs are not
considered to be upper signs.
If the sequence would not otherwise have an upper sign, the final
contraction is not used.
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Braille Tables
Alphabetic Contractions
Initial Contractions
Final Groupsigns
Dot 5
Dots 4 5
Dots 4 5 6
Dots 4 6
Dots 5 6
Revised January 2022 - 208 - UEB Training Manual
Strong Contractions
Initial Contractions
Dot 5
Dots 4 5
Dots 4 5 6
the there these their
Strong Groupsigns/Wordsigns
Initial Contractions/Brackets
Dot 5
Dots 4 5
Dots 4 5 6
Dots 4 6
With Dot 4,
Dots 4 6
ch child character
gh ( { [ open tni
sh shall
th this through those
wh which where whose
ou out ought
ar ) } ] close tni
NOTE: tni is a Transcriber's Note Indicator as introduced on page 116.
Revised January 2022 - 209 - UEB Training Manual
Lower Contractions
Start of Word
Middle of Word
End of Word
-ea- , (comma)
; (semicolon)
con- -cc- : (colon)
dis- . (dot) . (full stop)
-ff- ! (exclamation)
were -gg-
his “ (open) ? (question) ? (question)
in in in in
” (close)
” (close)
- (hyphen) - (hyphen) - (hyphen)
' (apostrophe)
' (apostrophe) ' (apostrophe)
Numeric mode
Script; currency
Bold; symbol; initial-letter contraction
Italic; Greek letter; final-letter contraction
Underline; initial-letter contraction
Maths operation sign; initial-letter contraction
Grade 1 mode; final-letter contraction
Capitals mode
Revised January 2022 - 210 - UEB Training Manual
Refer to page 205, Wordsigns and Shortforms, for the rules of use.
about ab above abv according ac
across acr after af afternoon afn
afterward afw again ag against agst
almost alm already alr also al
although alth altogether alt always alw
because bec before bef behind beh
below bel beneath ben beside bes
between bet beyond bey blind bl
braille brl children chn conceive concv
conceiving concvg could cd deceive dcv
deceiving dcvg declare dcl declaring dclg
either ei first fst friend fr
good gd great grt herself herf
him hm himself hmf immediate imm
its xs itself xf letter lr
little ll much mch must mst
myself myf necessary nec neither nei
oneself onef ourselves ourvs paid pd
perceive percv perceiving percvg perhaps perh
quick qk receive rcv receiving rcvg
rejoice rjc rejoicing rjcg said sd
should shd such sch themselves themvs
thyself thyf today td together tgr
tomorrow tm tonight tn would wd
your yr yourself yrf yourselves yrvs
Revised January 2022 - 211 - UEB Training Manual
Shortform Extension List
The words on this list are taken from
The Rules of Unified English Braille:
Second Edition 2013,
and related updates, which are available for download
from http://www.iceb.org. Refer to the updated rules of Section 10.9 and
Appendix 1 for the latest information on the use of shortforms.
The letter “s” or apostrophe “s” may be added to the end of any word
described on this list.
Specific words where shortforms may not be used are shown as
aboutface aboutfaced aboutfacer
aboutfacing aboutturn aboutturned
eastabout gadabout here about
knockabout layabout north about
rightabout round about roust about
runabout south about stirabout
there about turnabout walkabout
westabout where about
above abv
aboveboard aboveground abovementioned
here inabove
according ac
accordingly unaccording unaccordingly
across acr
Revised January 2022 - 212 - UEB Training Manual
after af
afterbattle afterbirth afterbreakfast
afterburn afterburned afterburner
afterburning aftercare afterclap
aftercoffee afterdamp afterdark
afterdeck afterdinner afterflow
aftergame afterglow afterguard
afterhatch afterhatches afterhour
afterlife afterlight afterlives
afterlunch afterlunches aftermarket
aftermatch aftermatches aftermath
aftermeeting aftermen tion ed aftermidday
aftermidnight aftermost afterpain
after parties after party afterpiece
afterplay aftersale afterschool
aftersensation after shave after shock
after show aftershow er aftersupper
aftertaste aftertax aftertaxes
aftertea after the ater after theatre
after th ought after time aftertreatment
after word after work after world
here after here in after morning after
there after there in after whereafter
where inafter
afternoon afn
afternoontea goodafternoon midafternoon
afterward afw
here again here inagain there again
there in again where again wherein again
Revised January 2022 - 213 - UEB Training Manual
against ag/
here against there against where against
almost alm
already alr
also al
although al?
altogether alt
always alw
because 2c
before 2f
beforehand beforemen tioned
behind 2h
below 2l
belowdeck belowground belowmention ed
beneath 2n
beneathdeck beneathground
Revised January 2022 - 214 - UEB Training Manual
beside 2s
between 2t
betweendeck betweentime betweenwhile
beyond 2y
blind bl
[Use the shortform for “blind” if it begins a word and is not followed
by a vowel or “y”.]
Other words in which “blind” may be used.
colorblind colorblindness colorblindnesses
colourblind colourblindness colourblindnesses
deafblind DeafBlind deafblindness
deafblindnesses purblind purblindly
purblindness purblindnesses snow blind
snowblind ness snow blind nesses unblindfold
unblindfolded unblindfolding
braille brl
[Use the shortform for braille wherever it occurs.]
children *n
[Use the shortform for “children” wherever it occurs provided it is not
followed by a vowel or “y”.]
Other word in which “children” may be used.
conceive 3cv
conceived conceiver
conceiving 3cvg
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could cd
coulda couldest couldn't
couldn't've couldst could've
deceive dcv
arch deceiver deceived deceiver
undeceive undeceived undeceiver
deceiving dcvg
declare dcl
declared declarer undeclare
declaring dclg
either ei
first f/
[Use the shortform for “first” if it begins a word and is not followed by
a vowel or “y”.]
Other words in which “first” may be used.
feetfirst firstaid firstaider
headfirst tailfirst
Revised January 2022 - 216 - UEB Training Manual
friend fr
[Use the shortform for “friend” if it begins a word and is not followed
by a vowel or “y”.]
Other words in which “friend” may be used.
befriend boyfriend defriend
galfriend gentlemanfriend gentlemenfriends
girlfriend guyfriend ladyfriend
manfriend men friends penfriend
schoolfriend unfriend unfriendlier
unfriendliest unfriendliness unfriendlinesses
unfriendly womanfriend women friends
good gd
[Use the shortform for “good” if it begins a word and is not followed
by a vowel or “y”.]
Other words in which “good” may be used:
feelgood goodafternoon gooder
goodest goodeven ing goodie
goodish goodun goody
goodyear scattergood super good
great grt
[Use the shortform for “great” wherever it occurs.]
herself h]f
him hm
himbo himboes
himself hmf
Revised January 2022 - 217 - UEB Training Manual
immediate imm
immediately immediateness
its xs
itself xf
letter lr
[Use the shortform for “letter” if it begins a word and is not followed
by a vowel or “y”.]
Other words in which “letter” may be used.
bloodletter chain letter hateletter
letter ed letter er letter ing
letteropener loveletter newsletter
reletter reletter ed relettering
unletter ed
little ll
[Use the shortform for “little” if it begins a word and is not followed by
a vowel or “y”.]
Other words in which “little” may be used.
belittle belittled belittlement
much m*
forasmuch inasmuch insomuch
muchly much ness overmuch
must m/
musta mustard mustardy
mustier mustiest mustily
mustiness mustn't mustn't've
must've musty
myself myf
Revised January 2022 - 218 - UEB Training Manual
necessary nec
neither nei
oneself "of
ourselves \rvs
paid pd
highlypaid illpaid lowlypaid
overpaid poorlypaid post paid
prepaid repaid underpaid
unpaid unrepaid wellpaid
perceive p]cv
apperceive apperceived apperceiver
misperceive misperceived misperceiver
perceived perceiver unperceive
perceiving p]cvg
apperceiving misperceiving unperceiving
perhaps p]h
Revised January 2022 - 219 - UEB Training Manual
quick qk
[Use the shortform for “quick” if it begins a word and is not followed
by a vowel or “y”.]
Other words in which “quick” may be used.
doublequick quick en quickened
quicken er quicken ing quicker
quickest quickie quickish
quickishly quicky superquick
receive rcv
preceive preceiver received
receiver receivership unreceived
receiving rcvg
rejoice rjc
rejoiced rejoiceful rejoicefully
rejoiceful ness rejoicer unrejoice
unrejoiced unrejoicer unrejoice ful
unrejoicefully unrejoice fulness
rejoicing rjcg
rejoicingly unrejoicing unrejoicingly
said sd
aforesaid foresaid gainsaid
missaid saidest said st
should %d
shoulda shouldest shouldn't
shouldn't've shouldst should've
Revised January 2022 - 220 - UEB Training Manual
such s*
nonesuch nonsuch some such
themselves !mvs
thyself ?yf
today td
together tgr
together ness
tomorrow tm
tonight tn
would wd
'twould 'twoulda 'twouldn't
'twouldn't've 'twould've woulda
wouldest wouldn't wouldn't've
wouldst would've
your yr
yourself yrf
yourselves yrvs
Revised January 2022 - 221 - UEB Training Manual
Glossary of Braille Signs
Shortforms have not been included in this list. A complete alphabetical
list of shortforms can be found on page 210.
a A
Acute Accent
Ampersand &
and &
Apostrophe ' '
as z
Asterisk * "9
“At” Sign @
b b
Backward slash \
be 2
be 2
Brace/Curly Brackets { }
_< _>
Round Brackets ( )
"< ">
Square Brackets [ ]
.< .>
Revised January 2022 - 222 - UEB Training Manual
c c
cannot _c
Cedilla ^&
Cent ¢
character "*
child *
Circumflex ^%
Colon, ratio :
Comma ,
Continuation Indicator "
Copyright ©
d d
Decimal 4
Degree °
Divide ÷ "/
Dollar $ @s
Double Dagger
e e
ed $
Ellipsis … 444
ence ;e
enough 5
Revised January 2022 - 223 - UEB Training Manual
Equals = "7
Euro € @e
every e
Exclamation ! 6
f f
ff 6
Flat #<
Forward Slash / _/
Fraction line (simple)
ful ;l
Full stop . 4
g g
gh <
go g
Grade 1
Grave Accent
h h
have h
here "h
his 8
Hyphen - -
i i
ing +
it x
Revised January 2022 - 224 - UEB Training Manual
j j
k k
knowledge k
l l
like l
Long Dash ",-
m m
ment ;t
Minus − "-
mother "m
Multiply × "8
n n
Natural #*
not n
Numeric Prefix #
Numeric Space
o o
one "o
Revised January 2022 - 225 - UEB Training Manual
ong ;g
ou \
ought "\
ound .d
ount .t
out \
ow {
p p
Paragraph Symbol ¶
people p
Percent % .0
Plus +
Pound £
q q
Question Mark ? 8
Quotation Marks
8 0
Single ,8 ,0
Two-cell double ^8 ^0
r r
Ratio 3
Registered Trademark ®
s s
Section Symbol §
Semicolon ;
shall %
Revised January 2022 - 226 - UEB Training Manual
Sharp #%
Backward \
Forward /
some "s
spirit _s
st /
still /
t t
that t
the !
their _!
there "!
these ^!
this ?
those ^?
through "?
Tilde Accent ^]
Tilde Symbol ~
tion ;n
Trademark ™ ^t
Transcriber's Note Indicators
@.< @.>
u u
Underscore (low line)
us U
v V
Revised January 2022 - 227 - UEB Training Manual
w W
were 7
wh :
where ":
which :
whose ^:
will W
with )
word ^W
work "W
world _W
x X
y Y
young "Y
z Z
Revised January 2022 - 228 - UEB Training Manual
Print 159
Reference 166
Unit 163
Acute 169
Cedilla 169
Circumflex 169
Dieresis/Umlaut 169
Grave 169
Tilde 169
Acronyms 161
Acute Accent 169
Alphabet 15, 18, 20
Alphabetic Wordsigns 23
Ampersand & 130
ance, Final-letter Groupsign 102
and, Strong Contraction
Groupsign 29
Wordsign 26
Apostrophe 34, 143
ar, Strong Groupsign 42
as, Alphabetic Wordsign 23
Asterisk * 130
At Sign @ 131
b Alphabetic Wordsign, but 23
Backslash \ 131
bb, Lower Groupsign 52, 69
be, Lower Groupsign 47, 68
With Hyphen or Dash 49
be, Lower Wordsign 60, 69
Bold Typeform Indicators 146
Braces or Curly 116
Round or Parentheses 54
Square 116
Braille 10
Braille Page Number 13, 111, 181
Brailler, Perkins 10
Bullet 131
c Alphabetic Wordsign, can 23
cannot, Initial-letter Contraction 97
Capitals Mode Indicators
Letter 15, 24, 137, 152
Multiple Paragraphs 155
Passage 137, 154
Terminator 137, 154
Word 137, 152
cc, Lower Groupsign 52, 69
Cedilla 169
Cent ¢ 164
Centre a line 14
ch, Strong Groupsign 32
Strong Wordsign, child 34
character, Initial-letter Contraction 89
Circumflex 169
Colon 38
Comma 18
con, Lower Groupsign 47, 68
With Hyphen or Dash 49
Continuation Indicator 122, 133
Contraction, Definition 11
Contractions, Choice of 33, 38, 48, 53,
57, 73
Summary 197
Copyright Symbol © 193
Curly Brackets or Braces 116
Currency 164
Cent ¢ 164
Dollar $ 164
Euro € 164
Pound £ 164
Revised January 2022 - 229 - UEB Training Manual
d Alphabetic Wordsign, do 23
Dagger † 193
Dash 48, 69, 112
Long Dash 112
With be, con or dis 49
With Shortforms 50
With Wordsigns 44
Dates 127
day, Initial-letter Contraction 74
Decimals 126
Definitions 11
Degree ° 164
Dieresis 169
dis, Lower Groupsign 47, 68
With Hyphen or Dash 49
Division Sign 129
Dollar $ 164
Double Dagger 193
Double Quotation Marks 39, 114
Two-cell 115
e Alphabetic Wordsign, every 23
ea, Lower Groupsign 52, 69
ed, Strong Groupsign 37
Electronic Addresses 133
Ellipsis … 115
Email Addresses 133
en, Lower Groupsign 56, 69
Lower Wordsign, enough 62, 69
ence, Final-letter Groupsign 102
Equals Sign 129
er, Strong Groupsign 37
Euro € 164
ever, Initial-letter Contraction 74
Exclamation Mark 29
f Alphabetic Wordsign, from 23
father, Initial-letter Contraction 74
ff, Lower Groupsign 52, 69
Final-letter Groupsigns 101
ance, ence, sion, tion, less,
ness 102
ful, ity 108
ound, ong, ount, –ment 106
Flat (musical accidental) 193
for, Strong Contraction
Groupsign 29
Wordsign 26
Foreign Words 170
Braille Page Number 13, 111, 181
Centre a line 14
Drama 179
Headings 174
Lists 176
Navigation Line 13, 111, 181
Paragraphs 110, 176
Poetry 178
Print Page Number 13, 111, 181
Print Page Turnover 182
Running Title 181
Formatting of Practice Exercises 13, 110
Forward Slash / 132
Fractions 125
Linear Fractions 125
Mixed Numbers 126
Simple Numeric Fraction Line 125
ful, Final-letter Groupsign 108
Full Stop 16
g Alphabetic Wordsign, go 23
gg, Lower Groupsign 52, 69
gh, Strong Groupsign 32
Grade 1 Mode Indicators 138
Grade 1 Passage 141
Grade 1 Symbol 118, 139, 140
Grade 1 Terminator 141
Grade 1 Word 141
Grade 1 Mode, With Numeric Mode 124
Grave Accent 169
Groupsign, Definition 11
Revised January 2022 - 230 - UEB Training Manual
h Alphabetic Wordsign, have 23
had, Initial-letter Contraction 97
Headings 174
here, Initial-letter Contraction 74
his, Lower Wordsign 60, 69
Hyphen 43, 69
In Compound Words 44
With be, con or dis 49
With Lower Wordsigns 60
With Numbers 123
With Shortforms 50
With Wordsigns 44
Word Division 200
in, Lower Groupsign 56, 69
Lower Wordsign, in 62, 69
Bold 146
Capitals Mode 137
Grade 1 Mode 138
Italic 146
Script 146
Transcriber's Note 116
Typeform 146
Underline 146
ing, Strong Groupsign 42
Not at beginning of a word 42, 57
Initial-letter Contractions
With Dot 5
day, ever, father, here, know, lord,
mother 74
name, one, part, question, right,
some, time, under 81
work, young, there, character,
through, where, ought 89
With Dots 4 5
upon, word, these, those, whose
With Dots 4 5 6
cannot, had, many, spirit, world,
their 97
Initials 158
Internet Addresses 133
it, Alphabetic Wordsign 23
Italic Typeform Indicators 146
ity, Final-letter Groupsign 108
j Alphabetic Wordsign, just 23
k Alphabetic Wordsign, knowledge 23
know, Initial-letter Contraction 74
l Alphabetic Wordsign, like 23
Layout of Practice Exercises 13, 110
less, Final-letter Groupsign 102
Long Dash 112
lord, Initial-letter Contraction 74
Lower Groupsigns
be, con, dis 47, 68
ea, bb, cc, ff, gg 52, 69
en, in 56, 69
Summary 68
Lower Sign Rule 57, 62, 68
Summary 206
Lower Sign, Definition 11
Lower Wordsigns
be, his, was, were 60, 69
enough, in 62, 69
Summary 69
m Alphabetic Wordsign, more 23
many, Initial-letter Contraction 97
Mathematical Comparison Sign, equals
Mathematical Operation Signs, plus,
minus, multiply, divide, ratio 128
ment, Final-letter Groupsign 106
Minus Sign 128
Mixed Numbers 126
mother, Initial-letter Contraction 74
Multiplication sign 128
Revised January 2022 - 231 - UEB Training Manual
Musical Accidentals, Flat , Sharp ,
Natural 193
n Alphabetic Wordsign, not 23
name, Initial-letter Contraction 81
Natural (musical accidental) 193
Navigation Line 13, 111, 181
ness, Final-letter Groupsign 102
Nesting 136, 149
Numbers 16, 121
Continuation Indicator 122
Decimals 126
Fractions 125
Large Numbers 122
Ordinal Numbers 124
Roman 143
With Hyphen 123
Numeric Fraction Line 125
Numeric Mode 121
Also Sets Grade 1 Mode 124
Numeric Prefix 16, 121
Numeric Space 122
Oblique Stroke 132
of, Strong Contraction
Groupsign 29
Wordsign 26
one, Initial-letter Contraction 81
ong, Final-letter Groupsign 106
Order of Indicators and Other Signs 136
Ordinal Numbers 124
Roman 144
ou, Strong Groupsign 37
Strong Wordsign, out 38
ought, Initial-letter Contraction 89
ound, Final-letter Groupsign 106
ount, Final-letter Groupsign 106
ow, Strong Groupsign 37
p Alphabetic Wordsign, people 23
Paragraph Sign 166
Paragraphs 110, 176
Parentheses or Round brackets 54
part, Initial-letter Contraction 81
Percent Sign % 131
Perkins Brailler 10
Plus Sign 128
Pound £ 164
Prefixes 209
Print Abbreviations 159
Print Page Number 13, 111, 181
Print Page Turnover 182
Proper Names 157
Apostrophe 34
Braces or Curly 116
Round or Parentheses 54
Square 116
Colon 38
Comma 18
Dash 48, 112
Long Dash 112
Ellipsis … 115
Exclamation Mark 29
Full Stop 16
Hyphen 43
Question Mark 29
Quotation Marks 39, 114
Semicolon 27
Punctuation, Rules of 117
Punctuation, with Typeforms 149
q Alphabetic Wordsign, quite 23
Question Mark 29
question, Initial-letter Contraction 81
Quotation Marks
Double 39, 114
Single 114
Two-cell double 115
Revised January 2022 - 232 - UEB Training Manual
r Alphabetic Wordsign, rather 23
Registered Trademark ® 194
right, Initial-letter Contraction 81
Roman Numerals 143
Round Brackets or Parentheses 54
Running Title 181
s Alphabetic Wordsign, so 23
Script Typeform Indicators 146
Section Sign § 166
Semicolon 27
sh, Strong Groupsign 32
Strong Wordsign, shall 34
Sharp (musical accidental) 193
Shortforms 49, 65, 70, 77, 85, 91, 210
Definition 11
Rules of Use 50, 205
Shortform Extension List 211
Shortform Table 210
Single Quotation Marks 114
sion, Final-letter Groupsign 102
Backslash \ 131
Forward Slash / 132
some, Initial-letter Contraction 81
spirit, Initial-letter Contraction 97
Square Brackets 116
st, Strong Groupsign 42
Strong Wordsign, still 43
Strong Contractions, and, of, for, the,
with 26
Strong Groupsigns
and, of, for, the, with 29
ch, gh, sh, th, wh 32
ed, er, ou, ow 37
st, ar, ing 42
Strong Sign, Definition 11
Strong Wordsigns
and, of, for, the, with 26
child, shall, this, which 34
out 38
still 43
Ampersand & 130
Asterisk * 130
At Sign @ 131
Backslash \ 131
Bullet 131
Copyright © 193
Currency 164
Cent ¢ 164
Dollar $ 164
Euro € 164
Pound £ 164
Dagger † 193
Degree ° 164
Double Dagger 193
Forward Slash / 132
Musical Accidentals
Flat , Sharp , Natural 193
Percent Sign % 131
Registered Trademark ® 194
Tilde ~ 132
Trademark ™ 194
Underscore _ 132
t Alphabetic Wordsign, that 23
th, Strong Groupsign 32
Strong Wordsign, this 34
the, Strong Contraction
Groupsign 29
Wordsign 26
their, Initial-letter Contraction 97
there, Initial-letter Contraction 89
these, Initial-letter Contraction 95
those, Initial-letter Contraction 95
through, Initial-letter Contraction 89
Tilde ~ 132
Tilde Accent 169
Time 127
time, Initial-letter Contraction 81
tion, Final-letter Groupsign 102
Trademark ™ 194
Transcriber's Note Indicators 116
Revised January 2022 - 233 - UEB Training Manual
Typeform Indicators
Multiple Indicators 149
Multiple paragraphs 148
Passage 148
Symbol 147
Terminator 148
With Punctuation 149
Word 147
u Alphabetic Wordsign, us 23
Umlaut 169
under, Initial-letter Contraction 81
Underline Typeform Indicators 146
Underscore _ 132
Unified English Braille 10
Unit Abbreviations 163
upon, Initial-letter Contraction 95
Upper Sign, Definition 11
v Alphabetic Wordsign, very 23
w Alphabetic Wordsign, will 23
was, Lower Wordsign 60, 69
were, Lower Wordsign 60, 69
wh, Strong Groupsign 32
Strong Wordsign, which 34
where, Initial-letter Contraction 89
whose, Initial-letter Contraction 95
with, Strong Contraction
Groupsign 29
Wordsign 26
Word Division 200
Contractions In 201
Hyphen added by transcriber 202
Hyphen exists in print 201
word, Initial-letter Contraction 95
Definition 11
Rules of Use 44, 205
work, Initial-letter Contraction 89
world, Initial-letter Contraction 97
x Alphabetic Wordsign, it 23
y Alphabetic Wordsign, you 23
young, Initial-letter Contraction 89
z Alphabetic Wordsign, as 23