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377/Zool ( 2 )
377/Zool SKBU/UG/3rd Sem/Zool/HC301/21
U.G. 3rd Semester Examination - 2021
Course Code : BZOOCCHC301
Course Title : Diversity of Chordata
Full Marks : 30 Time : 2 Hours
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as far as practicable.
1. Answer any ten questions from the following:
a) In which Zoogeographical region is India
b) Do Darwin finches show convergent evolution?
c) What is the most diverse group of living
d) Which organ filters food in Urochordates?
e) Why is a shark a Chondrichthyes?
f) What is the order of kangaroo?
g) What are the push factors of migration?
h) What is Tunicata?
i) Why cephalochordates are so named?
j) What is retrogressive metamorphosis with
k) What do you mean by filoplumes?
l) What is synsacrum?
m) Distinguish between Ratitae and Carinatae.
n) What is Jacobson Organ?
o) What is ductus pneumaticus?
2. Answer any five questions from the following:
a) What sense do bats share with cetaceans?
b) What are three skin derivatives?
c) Mention any four main characteristics of
d) What do you mean by Prototheria?
e) Mention two main characters of Order
f) Mention two locomotory adaptation of bats
living in caves.
g) Mention two differences between poisonous
and non-poisonous snakes.
h) Distinguish between protostomes and
3. Answer any two questions from the following:
a) Write a short note on account of adaptive
radiation based on locomotion with suitable
examples. 5
b) What do you mean by Parental Care? Discuss
this phenomenon in Anura. 1+4
c) State the different structural modifications
related to echolocation in Cetaceans with
proper illustration.
1 1
2 2
3 1
377/Zool ( 3 )