Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.
Tansley review
The control of stomata by water balance
Thomas N. Buckley
Environmental Biology Group & Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Accounting, Research
School of Biological Sciences, The Australian National University, GPO Box 475, Canberra City,
ACT 2601, Australia; Present address: Biology Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT
84322–5305, USA
Summary 275
I. Introduction 276
II. Background: stomatal hydromechanics 276
III. The parsimony of hydro-active local feedback 278
IV. Feedforward, or feedback plus? Emergent properties
of marginally stable feedback control 282
V. Conclusions 288
Acknowledgements 288
References 288
Appendix 291
It is clear that stomata play a critical role in regulating water loss from terrestrial
vegetation. What is not clear is how this regulation is achieved. Stomata appear to
respond to perturbations of many aspects of the soil–plant–atmosphere hydraulic
continuum, but there is little agreement regarding the mechanism (or mechanisms)
by which stomata sense such perturbations. This review discusses feedback
and feedforward mechanisms by which hydraulic perturbations are putatively trans-
duced into stomatal movements, in relation to generic empirical features of those
responses. It is argued that a metabolically mediated feedback response of stomatal
guard cells to the water status in their immediate vicinity (‘hydro-active local feed-
back’) remains the best explanation for many well-known features of hydraulically
related stomatal behaviour, such as transient ‘wrong-way’ responses and the
equivalence of hydraulic supply and demand as stomatal effectors. Furthermore,
many curious phenomena that appear inconsistent with feedback, such as ‘apparent
feedforward’ humidity responses and ‘isohydric’ behaviour (water potential home-
ostasis), are in fact expected to emerge from the juxtaposition of hydro-active local
feedback and the well-known hysteretic and threshold-like effect of water potential
on xylem hydraulic resistance.
New Phytologist
: 275–292
New Phytologist
: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2005.01543.x
Author for correspondence:
Tom Buckley
Tel: +1 435 797 3567
Fax: +1 435 797 1575
6 June 2005
7 July 2005
Key words:
cavitation, feedback,
feedforward, stomatal conductance,
transpiration, water potential.
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I. Introduction
Stomata regulate leaf diffusive conductance, and thereby influence
water loss and carbon gain. Most stomatal responses counteract,
at least partially, imposed changes in the balance between water
supply and evaporative demand. For example, reducing atmos-
pheric humidity shifts hydraulic balance towards demand, which
reduces leaf water status; however, stomata respond by reducing
their apertures, which restricts water loss and mitigates the
potential decline in water status. The same tendency to reverse
shifts in supply and demand is evident in the stomatal responses
to changes in other hydraulically related variables, including
xylem hydraulic resistance and water status elsewhere in the
soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. These generic tendencies,
as well as a great deal of concrete empirical evidence, suggest that
stomatal guard cells respond by negative feedback to a local
measure of leaf water potential,
Consensus remains elusive, however, regarding the mechanism
by which stomatal conductance (
) and water balance are coord-
inated: is it passive feedback, active feedback, feedforward, or
some combination of these? Is the core effector actually
or a close proxy thereof, or do guard cells directly sense other
properties such as plant resistance or the threshold water
potential inducing xylem cavitation? My aims in this review
are (1) to evaluate the major alternative hypotheses that have
been used to explain short-term stomatal responses to hydrau-
lic perturbations, by detailing explicitly what is required for
them to explain common features of hydraulically related
stomatal behaviour, and (2) to show how the ‘hydro-active
negative feedback’ hypothesis – that guard cell osmotic pressure
is actively regulated in response to the water status of the
epidermal evaporating site – may easily be reconciled with
several phenomena that appear inconsistent with feedback, by
considering the amplifying effect of other known processes.
II. Background: stomatal hydromechanics
In 1898, Charles Darwins son Francis, an early pioneer in
stomatal research, commented that ‘the problem of the stoma
is still in the mechanical rather than the physiological stage of
development’ (Darwin, 1898). A century later, it is still possible
to write with greater confidence about the mechanical and
hydraulic context that translates guard cell osmotic pressure
into stomatal conductance than about the physiological control
of guard cell osmotic pressure itself. This section reviews the
hydro-mechanical basis for stomatal movements, in order to
provide a generic model to assist discussion in later sections.
1. Aperture, turgor and the mechanical advantage
Stomatal aperture (
) is positively related to the turgor pressure
of the guard cells that form the pore (
), but negatively
related to the pressure of adjacent subsidiary or epidermal cells
) (Figs 1a, 2a). Experiments in which these two opposing
pressures were measured and/or manipulated directly with a
cell pressure probe (Meidner & Edwards, 1975; Edwards
et al
1976; Franks
et al
., 1995, 1998) have shown conclusively that,
at least in those species that have been studied, the backpressure
of epidermal cells is more effective in regulating aperture. This
observation is consistent with theoretical analyses (DeMichele
& Sharpe, 1973; Cooke
et al
., 1976; Cowan, 1977), which
termed the effect a ‘mechanical advantage of the epidermis.’
et al
. (1998) performed a thorough experimental study
of aperture vs pressure relationships, and found that
in saturating fashion at low
, but in sigmoidal fashion
at high
(Fig. 2a). A useful approximation is:
Eqn 1
is a parameter, the
mechanical advantage,
which is positive. (The simple ‘mechanical advantage’,
, is
1.) Equation (1) is illustrated in Fig. 2(b).
are uniquely related to water potential and
osmotic pressure (
), by the standard expression of plant–
water relations:
, and
(taking the
convention that osmotic pressure is positive). In turn, these
water potentials are determined by factors that influence
liquid-phase water supply and evaporative demand (discussed
in the next subsection). Epidermal osmotic pressure (
) may
be fairly constant on the timescale of typical diurnal stomatal
responses (Frensch & Schulze, 1988; Nonami
et al
., 1990).
The simplest and most direct way for the plant to control
stomatal aperture, however, is through actively mediated changes
in guard cell osmotic pressure (
). By definition,
, where
are guard cell osmotic content (mol) and
volume, respectively. (
are the gas constant and absolute
temperature, respectively.) A complex web of signal transduction
pathways controls
by modulating the activity of electrogenic
proton pumps, which drive active ion uptake; by regulating ion
channels and pores in the plasmalemma and tonoplast, which
regulate the cell’s permeability to osmolytes; and by intracellular
production of osmolytes such as malate and sucrose. Those
processes are beyond the scope of this article; the reader is directed
to numerous recent reviews on the topic (Assmann, 1999;
et al
., 2000; Assmann & Wang, 2001; Hetherington,
2001; Schroeder
et al
., 2001; Zeiger
et al
., 2002; Dodd, 2003;
Hetherington & Woodward, 2003; Vavasseur & Raghavendra,
2005). These variations in
and hence
, causing
water to move into or out of guard cells. The resulting volume
changes are translated by the guard cell walls’ elastic properties
into variations in turgor pressure. Water flow stops when
has changed enough to bring
) back into hydraulic
steady state between the guard cells and their surroundings.
2. Generic model for steady-state stomatal hydraulics
It is possible to form an expression for
in terms of reduced
water relations parameters by combining the effect of water
sge e
∝( ) −−
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Fig. 1 Diagram of structures, flows and influences associated with stomatal hydraulics, to assist the reader in following the discussion in the text.
(a) Anatomical situation of structures referred to in the text, and indicating the opposing effects of guard and epidermal cell turgor pressures on
stomatal aperture. (b) Water-exchanging compartments associated with the stomatal complex, and possible flows among them. (c) Primary water
flows (solid lines) and physiological or physical influences (thick shaded lines, referenced to equations in the text) that are mathematically
embedded in Eqn 6, which is based on the hydro-active local feedback hypothesis. ψ
, ψ
, ψ
: source, epidermis, and guard cell water potentials,
respectively; π
, π
: epidermal and guard cell osmotic presures; P
, P
: epidermal and guard cell turgor pressures; R, effective resistance from source
to epidermis; r
, resistance from epidermis to guard cell; g
, stomatal conductance; E, transpiration rate.
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balance on stomatal aperture (Eqn 1) with the effect of aperture
on water balance via transpiration rate (
). However, this
requires that we relate
, and E to water balance. The first
presents a dilemma because g
is defined only in relation to
boundary layer conductance (g
), and vice versa. Total conductance
to water vapour, g
, is well defined as the ratio of trans-
piration rate (E) to H
O mole fraction difference (D) between
the leaf interior and ambient air, and g
and g
are defined as
parallel complements in , so g
= E/
(D (E/g
)). As a result, the dependence of g
and g
on reduced
quantities such as windspeed or stomatal aperture is difficult
to work out in theory (see Nobel, 1991; Jones, 1992; Lushnikov
et al., 1994). For simplicity, I will use E = g
, where D
is the
leaf boundary layer evaporative gradient, and I will assume
that g
is linearly and homogeneously proportional to a
The effect of E on water balance at steady state can be
modeled with a gradient/resistance approach. If epidermal
and guard cells sustain fractions, f
and f
, respectively, of
noncuticular transpiration rate E, and fractions f
and f
cuticular transpiration rate E
, then epidermal and guard cell
water potentials (ψ
and ψ
, respectively) may be written as:
Eqn 2
Eqn 3
where ψ
is the water potential of the soil or other source, and
and r
are resistances from source to epidermis, and epidermis
to guard cells, respectively. Figure 1(b) illustrates these com-
partments and flows diagrammatically. Then, assuming g
it is easily shown that Eqns (1–3), together with the definition
of water potential and the diffusion constraint, E = g
imply that
Eqn 4
where R = f
and χ is a proportionality constant. Equation
(4) assumes nothing about the metabolic control of π
– it is
merely an expression of the (simplified) physical constraints
relating g
to parameters of water relations and stomatal
mechanics. It is also not a dynamical model, because Eqns (2)
and (3) assume hydraulic steady state. With the exception of
, most terms in Eqn (4) have not traditionally been thought
to be actively regulated on short timescales, although they
may vary passively. For example, the data of Franks (1998)
suggest that M is not constant, but that it varies somewhat
with both P
and P
. Some evidence suggests that epidermal
osmotic pressure, π
, is fairly conservative during short-term
variations in stomatal conductance (Frensch & Schulze,
1988; Nonami et al., 1990), although π
may shift in parallel
with long-term regulation of bulk leaf osmotic pressure
(Morgan, 1984). Plant hydraulic resistance, R, can also vary
passively on short timescales as a result of xylem embolism,
but recent evidence also shows that it can be endogenously
regulated (McCully et al., 1998; Zwieniecki & Holbrook,
1998; Tyree et al., 1999; Zwieniecki et al., 2001).
III. The parsimony of hydro-active local feedback
The simplest explanation for hydraulic feedback control of
stomatal conductance would be that guard cell water status,
and hence turgor pressure, responds directly to variations in
hydraulic supply and demand. Unfortunately, this hydro-
passive effect can not explain most aspects of hydraulically
related stomatal responses. The crux of the problem is the
mechanical advantage of the epidermis. In this section, I
review the phenomenology of stomatal responses to short-term
(minutes to hours) perturbations of the soil–plant–atmosphere
hydraulic continuum, highlighting the apparent fundamental
need for an active (i.e. biochemically mediated) feedback response
of π
to changes in water status in or near the epidermis.
Fig. 2 Diagram showing the effects of epidermal turgor pressure
) and guard cell turgor pressure (P
) on stomatal aperture (a
(a) Empirical model developed by Franks et al. (1998) from
pressure-probe data, with parameters estimated for Vicia faba
as described by Buckley & Mott (2002a). (b) A floored plane (a
max{0, c(P
(M + 1)P
)}, where c is an empirical proportionality factor)
fitted to the surface in (a), with c = 3.7 and M = 1.0. (Reproduced
from Buckley et al., 2003, copyright Blackwell Publishing.)
gg g g
ww s b
: ( )=+
esese ecsec
=− fr E f r E
gegeg gcegc
=− fr E f r E
mM frfrE
MR f r D
ge secsegcegc
geg s
( )
( )
−− +
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1. Short-term responses are fundamentally similar
The most easily observed (and perhaps the most familiar)
stomatal response to perturbation of leaf water balance is
the response to humidity. When the humidity around a leaf is
reduced, g
typically increases for 5–15 min and then declines
for another 20–75 min, ultimately approaching a steady state
that is lower than the initial value (Cowan & Farquhar,
1977; Kappen et al., 1987; Grantz, 1990; Mott & Parkhurst,
1991; Monteith, 1995; Oren et al., 1999). However, other
perturbations of the hydraulic continuum induce the same
archetypal two-phase response. Comstock & Mencuccini (1998)
imposed stepwise changes in atmospheric pressure around the
roots of a desert shrub, Hymenoclea salsola, and found wrong-
way responses 5–10 min in duration followed by steady-state
responses around 3060 min long (Fig. 3). The effects were
reversible, consistent with feedback. Raschke (1970) found
similar responses to pressure changes in the water supply to
detached maize leaves. Likewise, Rufelt (1963) reduced the
water potential of the solution bathing roots of a wheat plant
by adding sodium chloride, and observed a transient opening
and subsequent closing response. Fuchs & Livingston (1996)
reported similar results for seedlings of Douglas-fir and alder,
although without any significant transients.
Leaf excision also induces a similar response pattern: stomata
first open, then close, except that in the case of leaf excision, they
usually close completely. The excision response was first reported
by Darwin (1898) but is often called the ‘Iwanoff effect’, after
a paper by Iwanoff (1928), who attributed the response to the
release of xylem tension and a reduction in xylem resistance
caused by air influx. In an elegant study involving manipula-
tion of ψ
and distinct components of R in potted walnut trees
( Juglans regia × nigra) by soil drought, soil chilling and shoot
embolism, Cochard et al. (2002) concluded that stomata
did not respond directly to these perturbations, but to some
measure of local water status (either ψ
or xylem tension in the
leaf rachis).
Changes in transpiration rate in other parts of the plant can
also affect g
in this manner. Numerous studies have shown
that epidermal turgor declines in response to increased vapour
pressure difference (VPD) (Shackel & Brinkmann, 1985;
Frensch & Schulze, 1988; Nonami et al., 1990), and Mott
et al. (1997) and Mott & Franks (2001) demonstrated that
these changes can be propagated to neighbouring stomata,
causing them to respond despite no change in local VPD.
Similar responses, propagated over a greater distance, were
observed when transpiration rate was adjusted by changing
irradiance over only one half of a wheat leaf (Buckley & Mott,
2000): stomata in the unperturbed region responded by clos-
ing, then opening, when g
and E fell to zero in the darkened
region. The reverse was observed upon re-illumination of the
latter region, and transient wrong-way responses were also
evident in most cases. Comparable effects were observed at an
even larger scale by Whitehead et al. (1996), who found rapid
and reversible stomatal responses in one part of a Pinus radiata
canopy when another part of the same canopy was shaded or
In summary, all of these results suggest that stomata respond
similarly to any perturbation in the hydraulic continuum. This
implies that the core effector is affected by both supply and
demand in similar fashion, an obvious candidate being water
potential somewhere in the transpiration stream. The fact that
stomata respond similarly to local variations in epidermal turgor
that are too small to change bulk leaf water potential suggests
that the sensor is close to guard cells, perhaps in the epidermis.
2. Three criteria: decoupling, transients, and
supply–demand symmetry
To explain the archetypal stomatal responses to D
, ψ
and R
described above, any mechanism must satisfy three criteria:
(a) it must decouple guard and epidermal turgor in the steady
state; (b) it must produce transient wrong-way, then steady-
state ‘right-way’ responses; and (c) it must satisfy these criteria
when either hydraulic supply or demand is perturbed. The
second and third criteria are self-evident from the phenomen-
ology of short-term responses. The first criterion is demanded
by the mechanical advantage of the epidermis (Eqn 1), which
ensures that g
will increase if guard and epidermal turgors
decline by equal amounts. There are two generic hypotheses
to explain decoupling. According to one hypothesis, reduced
water status causes turgor to decline in both cells by similar
amounts, so aperture increases; subsequently, active adjust-
ment of guard cell osmotic pressure reduces guard cell turgor
enough to produce the right-way response. Another hypothesis
holds that guard cells are separated from epidermal cells by a
large water potential gradient – caused either by a large hydraulic
resistance or by the accumulation of osmolytes in the guard
cell apoplast – so an increase in evaporation rate reduces guard
Fig. 3 Response of stomatal conductance (symbols, lower half of
figure) to step changes in soil water status by soil pressurisation
(horizontal line segments, upper half of figure), showing transient
‘wrong-way’ and steady-state ‘right-way’ responses to both
increases and decreases in soil water status. (Reproduced from
Comstock & Mencuccini, 1998, copyright Blackwell Publishing.)
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New Phytologist (2005) 168: 275–292 www.newphytologist.org © New Phytologist (2005)
cell turgor more than epidermal turgor, and aperture declines.
These hypotheses are discussed in the following subsections.
3. Mechanism 1: metabolic response to local water
It is difficult to identify the primary source for this hypothesis;
Darwin (1898) clearly had the idea, and it has re-appeared
many times since then (Darwin & Pertz, 1911; Stalfelt, 1929;
Meidner, 1986). There is little direct evidence either for or
against the idea, but much circumstantial evidence in support
of it. One point is that guard cell osmoregulatory responses
(e.g. to light) typically follow saturation kinetics preceded by
a lag period. For example, Grantz & Zeiger (1986) reported
similar kinetics for the stomatal responses to VPD and light,
the latter being known to involve active guard cell osmore-
gulation. Buckley & Mott (2002a) used a model to infer π
from stomatal aperture during a humidity response, conclud-
ing that guard cell osmoregulation in response to VPD was
monotonic and exponential in time – similar to the kinetics
of ion flux observed for guard cell responses to light (Grantz,
1990). Numerous dynamic models of g
based on this idea
exhibit the archetypal two-phase response (Cowan, 1972;
Delwiche & Cooke, 1977; Haefner et al., 1997). These features,
when combined with the fact that epidermal turgor responds
almost immediately to hydraulic perturbations (Mott & Franks,
2001), fulfil criterion (b). Criteria (a) and (c) are satisfied
directly by the hypothesis statement: decoupling is produced
by metabolic adjustment of π
, and symmetry is conferred by
choosing the evaporating site as the sensor, and hence situating
the sensor in the transpiration stream.
Buckley et al. (2003) derived a closed-form model for g
on the osmoregulation hypothesis. Specifically, they combined
two hypotheses: that π
is regulated in direct proportion to
epidermal turgor pressure (P
), and that π
is proportional to
the concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in guard
cells (τ), which was assumed to vary with CO
and light in
the manner predicted for mesophyll [ATP] by the model of
Farquhar & Wong (1984). The formal expression of these
hypotheses is: π
= βτP
, where β is an empirical constant.
This may be generalised to:
Eqn 5
where B is a proportionality factor that incorporates the effects
of light and CO
, but does not necessarily depend on the ATP
hypothesis. When this expression is applied to Eqn (4) and when
cuticular water loss is assumed to be negligible, the following
equation results after some rearrangement:
Eqn 6
Figure 1(c) illustrates the flows and influences that are incor-
porated into this expression. Equation (6) contains a new term,
α, the guard cell advantage, which is defined as B M. The
guard cell advantage is determined by the balance of two
opposing effects: B captures the positive effect of hydro-active
control of π
, and M captures the negative effect of epidermal
backpressure and its mechanical advantage. α > 0 when light
levels are adequate to promote stomatal opening. Equation
(6) predicts similar steady-state responses to ψ
, R and D
consistent with the observations outlined above.
Grantz & Schwartz (1988) found no evidence of guard cell
osmoregulation in response to changes in mannitol concen-
tration in the solution bathing epidermal peels of Commelina
communis L., which seems to contradict the osmoregulation
hypothesis. It is possible that guard cells normally sense varia-
tions in ion or hormone concentrations in the apoplastic
evaporating site, and hence respond not to water potential
per se, but to local apoplastic water content, the two being
decoupled by immersion. Additionally, the authors found an
immediate decline in stomatal aperture following mannitol
addition, without any wrong-way response. This may indicate
an absence of epidermal backpressure in the peels under study
(epidermal peeling usually ruptures most epidermal cells in
Vicia faba, regardless of peeling contact angle; Joe Shope,
Utah State University, pers. comm.).
4. Mechanism 2: water potential drawdown to guard
Alternatively, guard and epidermal turgor pressures could be
decoupled by a water potential difference, if guard cells support
enough direct evaporation. This gradient could be produced
either by flow through a large resistance (Farquhar, 1978; Maier-
Maercker, 1983; Dewar, 1995, 2002) or by accumulation of
an osmolyte such as sucrose in the guard cell apoplast (Outlaw
& De Vlieghere-He, 2001). One interpretation of these hypo-
theses attributes humidity sensing to cuticular water loss from
guard cells; another, to water loss from the inner (substomatal)
surface of guard cells. Confusingly, both are labelled ‘peristomatal
transpiration’ by some authors.
To produce the transient wrong-way humidity response,
epidermal turgor must respond more quickly than guard cell
turgor to a change in humidity. This directly contradicts the
hypothesis that humidity is sensed primarily and proximally
via cuticular transpiration from guard cells (other difficulties
face the cuticular drawdown hypothesis as well; see Section IV.1),
so that hypothesis does not satisfy criterion (b). Humidity
sensing via water loss from the inner surfaces of guard cells could
produce a two-phase response, subject to the following two
additional assumptions. (i) The epidermis must be strongly
hydraulically coupled to the evaporating site – either via direct
water loss from an evaporating site that is hydraulically sepa-
rated from the guard cell evaporating site, or via dependence
on a shared apoplastic evaporating pool whose water status
is quasi-static with respect to VPD. The latter alternative is
incompatible with a drawdown in apoplastic water potential,
= BP
se e
geg s
( )
( )
αψ π π
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whether caused by osmotic accumulation or by hydraulic resistance;
it is compatible with a symplastic water potential gradient, but
such a gradient could occur only transiently if there were a lower-
resistance, quasi-steady apoplastic pathway for water delivery
to guard cells. (ii) The halftime for relaxation of water potential
gradients across guard cell membranes must be of the same order
as the wrong way response, i.e. over 30 min in some cases (Mott
& Franks, 2001; Buckley & Mott, 2002a). This is much
slower than halftimes commonly observed for plant cell mem-
branes, which tend to be well under one minute (Steudle,
1994). Recent experiments on epidermal peels of Vicia faba
(K. Mott & J. Shope, unpublished) found that guard cell
volume responded to step changes in water potential of the
surrounding medium with halftimes on the order of 3060 s.
However, exogenous membrane trafficking inhibitors
increased the halftime dramatically, suggesting that guard
cells can down-regulate membrane hydraulic permeability to
slow down water flow when cell membrane surface area
is unable to ‘keep up’ for some reason. These and other data
(Huang et al., 2002) suggest that guard cells possess regulata-
ble aquaporins. The possibility remains, therefore, that the
hydraulic resistance from epidermal to guard cells (r
) is
dynamically and actively regulated in such a way as to produce
a wrong-way and subsequent steady-state response (Buckley
& Mott, 2002b). However, it is difficult to see the adaptive
benefit of such a kinetically complex response, particularly when
its only effect is to delay establishment of the new target state.
Regardless, the drawdown hypothesis predicts the wrong
steady-state responses to R and ψ
, as seen by inspection of
Eqn (4), and hence violates criterion (c). The reason is simply
that the epidermis–guard cell water potential gradient, how-
ever large or small it may be, is insensitive to any properties of
the flow continuum proximal to the epidermis. This is the case
regardless of whether the relevant water loss occurs through
stomata or through the cuticle. In a recent model (Dewar, 2002),
the resistance-based version of the drawdown hypothesis is
used to predict the steady-state response to humidity, but the
R and ψ
responses are captured by calculating epidermal
water potential, ψ
, with an external model, and then positing
an interaction between ψ
and absciscic acid (ABA) in the
metabolic control of guard cell osmotic pressure. However,
a ψ
-sensitive ABA response is also an ABA-sensitive ψ
phenomenologically – in other words, Dewars model is also
based, in part, on the hypothesis that guard cells respond
metabolically to variations in epidermal water status.
5. Summary and extension
Several lines of argument suggest that stomata respond to short-
term perturbations of humidity, xylem resistance, soil water
potential, and anything that directly influences leaf water status,
by a mechanism involving active guard cell osmoregulation
in response to the water status of cells near the evaporating
site (hydro-active local feedback). The next section discusses
several features of stomatal control that appear difficult, at first
glance, to explain solely by hydro-active local feedback.
However, there are three other important features of stomatal
control that have not been discussed yet, but which are predicted,
at least qualitatively, by a feedback response to local water status.
The first involves the effect of osmoregulatory responses to
soil drought, and is discussed in Section IV.3. The second
feature is the tendency, evidenced by a growing body of data,
for g
to ‘track’ plant hydraulic conductance, analogous to the
tracking of photosynthetic capacity by stomata (Meinzer &
Grantz, 1990; Meinzer et al., 1995; Saliendra et al., 1995;
Hubbard et al., 2001; Franks, 2004; for a review, see Meinzer,
2002). The direct effect of whole-plant hydraulic resistance on
stomatal conductance under hydro-active local feedback (Eqn 6)
predicts this correlation without recourse to any additional
regulatory mechanism. It does not, however, specify the slope
of the correlation, which is probably influenced by the converse
effect (i.e. the effect of g
on R by way of xylem cavitation). This
is discussed in detail by Sperry (2000); I will touch on it later in
the context of ‘apparent feedforward’ humidity responses (Section
IV.1) and stomatal optimisation of water use (Section IV.4).
The third feature is the height-related increase in the relative
stomatal limitation to photosynthetic carbon gain. It is well
known that stomatal conductance tends to track photosyn-
thetic capacity (A
) among leaves, such that the prevailing
ratio of intercellular to ambient CO
mole fraction (c
) is
highly conserved (e.g. Wong et al., 1979, 1985). It is also often
observed that leaf-specific hydraulic conductance decreases,
and hence R increases, with height (Saliendra et al., 1995;
Mencuccini & Grace, 1996; McDowell et al., 2002; Barnard
& Ryan, 2003; Mokany et al., 2003; Delzon et al., 2004). On
the other hand, c
is often found to be lower in leaves of
taller trees, or in leaves at greater elevation within an individual
tree (Yoder et al., 1994; McDowell et al., 2002; Barnard &
Ryan, 2003; Delzon et al., 2004; Koch et al., 2004), which
suggests the coordination of stomatal conductance and
photosynthetic capacity is sensitive to height, perhaps via R. One
explanation for this trend is that it is not g
per se, but rather
the hydraulic maximum stomatal conductance, g
– the limiting
value as transpiration rate and hydraulic resistance approach
zero, and hence as leaf water potential approaches soil water
potential – that tracks photosynthetic capacity. Monteith
(1995) used the symbol g
to represent the value approached
by g
in the absence of hydraulic demand (E 0). Extending
the definition of g
to include negligible supply constraints
(R 0), g
is the limit of Eqn (4) as R and D
approach zero:
= αχ(ψ
+ π
) – χπ
. (Note that this ‘g
’ differs from the
use of the same symbol by Buckley et al. (2003), but is analo-
gous to Monteiths use of the symbol.) Comparing this with
Eqn (4) and dividing by A
, we see that:
Eqn 7
( )
1 χα
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New Phytologist (2005) 168: 275–292 www.newphytologist.org © New Phytologist (2005)
Thus, if g
is conserved, then Eqn (7) predicts the observed
height-related decline in g
as a necessary and passive
consequence of the observed height-related increase in R.
IV. Feedforward, or feedback plus? Emergent
properties of marginally stable feedback control
Section III argued that the best explanation of archetypal
hydraulic responses is an active feedback response of guard
cells to local water status. However, hydro-active local feedback
may appear to contradict several other curious aspects of
hydraulic regulation. These include the occasional report of
transpiration rate declining as leaf-to-air evaporative gradient
increases, often called ‘direct’ or ‘feedforward’ humidity responses
(discussed in Section IV.1); the more common finding that
bulk leaf water potential (ψ
) often remains nearly constant
despite large changes in hydraulic driving variables (Section
IV.2); the frequent observation that stomatal closure in
drought precedes any decline in ψ
(Section IV.3); and the
prediction that optimal stomatal control sometimes requires
feedforward phenomenology (Section IV.4).
Do these phenomena truly contradict hydro-active local
feedback, or can they be accommodated by modifying or
complementing local feedback? I will argue that these features
are not only consistent with, but are in fact expected to
emerge from, the combination of hydro-active negative feed-
back with three other well known processes: the hydro-passive
effect of ψ
on stomatal aperture, captured by Eqn (1); the
hysteretic, threshold behaviour of plant hydraulic resistance in
response to ψ
; and the effect of exogenous ABA on g
. The
section concludes by briefly discussing stomatal oscillations
and patchiness, two other phenomena that appear to emerge
from the spatiotemporal instability caused by this fusion of
processes (Section IV.5).
1. Apparent feedforward responses to humidity
A feedback response must involve a monotonic relationship
between two variables. In other words, if the two variables are
plotted against one another, the slope of the relationship can
never be zero or infinite, because that would either permit one
variable to change independently of the other, or create an
ambiguity in the predicted effect of a change in one variable.
The stomatal response to variations in E caused by changing
usually satisfies these criteria: as D
increases, E rises but
falls (Monteith, 1995). Occasionally, however, a further
increase in D
results in a decline in both E and g
in the steady
state (Schulze et al., 1972; Franks et al., 1997). Because this
can not be explained solely by negative feedback between g
and E, it has been termed ‘feedforward’ (e.g. Farquhar, 1978).
Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain this
phenomenon. Many involve the direct loss of water through the
outer surface of guard cells (Farquhar, 1978; Maier-Maercker,
1983; Dewar, 1995, 2002). The plausibility of this idea rests
upon the assumption that cuticular water loss makes guard
cell turgor more sensitive than epidermal turgor to humidity,
even when stomata are wide open (otherwise, reduced humid-
ity would still passively open stomata). However, this seems
unlikely, given that epidermal turgor is quite sensitive to
stomatal transpiration (Frensch & Schulze, 1988; Nonami
et al., 1990; Mott et al., 1997; Mott & Franks, 2001; see
Section III.1), which, in turn, is usually many times larger
than cuticular transpiration under typical mid-day conditions
(Boyer et al., 1997). Cowan (1994) also pointed out that a
mechanism requiring perpetual, uncontrolled water loss is a
strange way to effect water conservation. As discussed in
Section III.4, it is also difficult to reconcile humidity sensing
by cuticular water loss from guard cells with the transient
‘wrong-way response’ to humidity. Furthermore, Mott &
Parkhurst (1991) demonstrated that stomata are insensitive to
ambient humidity per se.
There is another difficulty with the hypothesis that stomata
sense humidity by any feedforward mechanism: although the
variables linked by feedforward need not be monotonically
related, they must still be uniquely related – that is, only one
value of the dependent variable (g
, in this case) can corre-
spond to any given value of the core independent variable
(humidity or D
). In other words, the current humidity
should be the only information needed to predict g
, if other
stomatal effectors are controlled. In contrast, Franks et al.
(1997) found that in the few cases where E declined at high
, the effect was hysteretic (i.e. irreversible in the short term),
and hence would more accurately be termed ‘apparent feed-
forward.’ These authors noted that if the effect of ABA on
stomata is also hysteretic, apparent feedforward might be
explained by increased production or redistribution of ABA
within the leaf at high E. More generally, hysteresis can result
when the dependent variable in question (e.g. g
) is influenced
not only by the independent variable being measured (e.g.
), but also by any other factor that happens to be covarying
with the independent variable. For example, Meinzer et al.
(1997) found diurnal hysteresis in g
vs E coincident with
diurnal variation in irradiance, temperature and other varia-
bles that typically vary in situ, and they attributed the effect to
feedforward via cuticular transpiration. Similarly, diurnal
hysteresis in g
vs D
concurrent with observed nonstomatal
depression of photosynthesis was described as apparent
feedforward by Macfarlane et al. (2004).
The hysteretic nature of the apparent feedforward response
to humidity is reminiscent of another feature of plant–water
relations: the effect of xylem water status on hydraulic
conductivity (Tyree & Sperry, 1989). Large negative pressures
induce the formation of embolisms in xylem conductive
elements; however, because highly tensile water is metastable
before cavitating, the phase change associated with embolism
formation – and hence the response of xylem hydraulic resist-
ance to tension – is hysteretic. This suggests a mechanism for
apparent feedforward humidity responses: hydro-active local
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feedback is hysteretically amplified by increases in xylem
resistance when E, and hence xylem tension, becomes large
enough to induce cavitation (Oren et al., 1999; Buckley &
Mott, 2002b). Figure 4 illustrates how this mechanism would
produce hysteretic apparent feedforward: when VPD is
increased beyond a certain point, water potential crosses the
cavitation threshold, increasing R and hence reducing E at any
given VPD. If, following a subsequent reduction in VPD,
embolism repair lags behind the recovery of water status, then
E vs D
would follow a different trajectory for declining VPD.
The extent to which the effect is truly hysteretic should
depend on the time constant for cavitation repair, a subject of
considerable controversy, which arises again in the context of
stomatal oscillations (Section IV.5).
2. Homeostatic control of bulk leaf water potential
In some species, g
appears to regulate hydraulic supply and
demand so tightly that ψ
does not vary significantly (Jones,
1990; Tardieu, 1993; Saliendra et al., 1995). At first glance, such
‘isohydric’ behaviour seems to preclude a feedback response of
to ψ
, which would require both variables to change at least
slightly. Isohydric behaviour would in fact demand a feedforward
mechanism if ψ
were truly independent of the putative water
status sensor. However, such independence would also require
the sensor to be decoupled from the transpiration stream, thus
requiring a separate mechanism for the ψ
and R responses. It
would also beg the question of how evaporation from an
hydraulically isolated humidity sensor might be replenished –
lacking a water source, the sensor would have to be in equilibrium
with the atmosphere, requiring relative water contents approxi-
mately equal to relative humidity and thus often low enough
to preclude metabolic functioning altogether. Furthermore,
as the guard cells are known to be hydraulically connected to
the rest of the plant (Frensch & Schulze, 1988; Nonami et al.,
1990; Mott et al., 1997; Mott & Franks, 2001), yet another
unknown transduction mechanism would be required to relay
information from the isolated sensor to guard cells.
If the sensor comprised relatively few cells, separated but
not isolated from the bulk of leaf water by a large resistance,
then a feedback response to this sensor could produce near-
homeostasis in water potential (Sperry, 2000) (perhaps better
termed ‘pseudo-isohydric’ behaviour). This would not be a
feedforward response to ψ
, but rather negative feedback
amplified by driving part of the transpiration stream through
a large resistor and locating the sensor downstream from that
resistor. It is unclear where this resistor would have to be.
However, two points suggest it is not located between epidermal
and guard cells. The first reason, as discussed earlier (Section
III.4), is that this would produce opposite transient responses
to perturbations of water balance by supply and demand. The
second reason, which is more abstract and difficult to explain,
is that an active feedback response of guard cell osmotic pres-
sure to guard cell water potential would contradict the unique
relationship implied by physical constraints between those
two variables. By definition, guard cell water potential (ψ
) is
a function of osmotic content and cell volume (n
and V
respectively): ψ
= P
= P
) n
, where P
represents the guard cell pressure–volume curve, R
is the gas
constant and T is the absolute temperature. However, ψ
depends on V
via the latter’s effect on g
via P
: say, ψ
= ψ
)) (Eqn 3). Thus the system comprising the
states of guard cell water relations (ψ
, π
and P
) contains two
independent variables (n
and V
) and two constraints, and
has no internal freedom. Reversible effects of humidity, resist-
ance, or any other driving variable on the constraint functions
themselves (e.g. D
influences the dependence of ψ
on V
would not decouple π
from ψ
within the domain of that
driving variable; the only way to decouple π
from ψ
in the
steady state is to make one of the constraints nonunique with
respect to ψ
, π
or P
. Cowan (1994) elaborated this idea by
postulating that the guard cell pressure–volume curve is
hysteretic, but Peter Franks and colleagues disproved it by
measuring guard cell pressure–aperture and pressure–volume
relations directly and finding only very minimal hysteresis
(Franks et al., 1995, 1998, 2001).
Fig. 4 Diagram illustrating hypothetical sequence of steady states
(numbered symbols connected by arrows) giving rise to a hysteretic
‘apparent feedforward’ relationship between transpiration rate (E) and
evaporative demand (D). Solid and dashed lines in (a) and (b) are steady-
state curves predicted by the model of Buckley et al. (2003) using
parameter values therein, except for effective source–epidermis
resistance, R, which was set at either 0.12 (solid lines) or 0.15
MPa/[mmol m
] (dashed lines). (c) Heuristic representation of
a vulnerability curve in which the threshold leaf water potential (ψ
causing significant loss of xylem conductivity is slightly more negative
than the ψ
value corresponding to steady-state point 2. Increasing D
beyond that point induces cavitation that results in a 20% loss in
conductivity (25% increase in R), shifting the leaf to a new steady-state
curve (dashed lines and open symbols) and creating the appearance
of a feedforward relationship between E and D. Hysteresis results
because the embolisms can not be repaired instantaneously, so an
immediate reduction in D leads to steady-state point 4, not 2.
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New Phytologist (2005) 168: 275–292 www.newphytologist.org © New Phytologist (2005)
These points suggest that, if the sensor’s responsiveness
to humidity is amplified by a resistor, the resistor is probably
located upstream of epidermal cells, at least those immediately
adjacent to the guard cells. However, sequestering sensory
cells downstream of any resistor would not enhance respon-
siveness to hydraulic perturbations upstream of the resistor, so
it could promote isohydric behaviour under varying D
, but
not under varying ψ
or R. In contrast, Hubbard et al. (2001)
found homeostatic ψ
control in ponderosa pine seedlings
subjected to increases in xylem hydraulic resistance by air
injection. This argues against a central role for active
regulation of liquid-phase hydraulic resistance within the
leaf (by aquaporins, for example) in producing isohydric
At any rate, the feedback vs homeostasis paradox may be a
red herring, for two reasons. First, simple negative feedback
between g
and ψ
need not require ψ
to vary beyond the
range of measurement uncertainty. Figure 5 illustrates this by
superimposing the data of Hubbard et al. (2001), which
clearly show near-homeostasis in ψ
, on predictions from the
hydro-active feedback model of Buckley et al. (2003) (see
Appendix for details). Neither the observed nor the predicted
range of ψ
variation shown in Fig. 5 would be easily distin-
guishable from true homeostasis by experiment. More gener-
ally, it can be shown (see Appendix) that, according to the
hydro-active feedback hypothesis, the relative drop in ψ
(expressed as the relative increase in soil–leaf ψ gradient)
induced by a given relative increase in D
, is:
Eqn 8
If the quantity on the right-hand side is very small, then ψ
nearly homeostatic under varying D
. This suggests that quasi-
isohydric behaviour is promoted by large χ, R or α. To
interpret this more intuitively, first compare Eqns (7) and (8)
to see that the quantity on the right-hand side of Eqn (8)
equals g
/g. Comparison with Monteiths (1995) expression,
/g = 1 E/E
, suggests that the degree of water potential
homeostasis under varying D
(one minus Eqn 8, say H
), is:
Eqn 9
Thus, hydro-active negative feedback regulation of stomatal
conductance produces near-homeostasis in ψ
when the
plant’s hydraulic system is operating close to capacity
(E E
). This occurs when ψ
is in the vicinity of the
cavitation threshold. Cavitation, in turn, can provide the
amplification necessary to create true homeostasis. In other
words, pseudo-isohydric and truly isohydric behaviour are
not only consistent with but are in fact predicted by simple
feedback regulation of g
in response to ψ
, given the known
positive feedback between ψ
and R and the tendency of many
species to operate near the cavitation threshold. It is not necessary
to suppose that guard cells sense an amplified proxy of ψ
One final point regarding the interpretation of isohydric
behaviour in situ relates to the interpretation of apparent
feedforward behaviour, as discussed in Section IV.1. Diurnal
invariance of ψ
does not say anything unambiguous about
stomatal control unless all other stomatal effectors were held
constant. In practice, few published experiments showing
isohydric behaviour have satisfied these criteria, so, although
the widespread occurrence of the phenomenon is certain, a
better understanding of the underlying mechanism awaits
experiments designed for that purpose.
3. Pre-emptive responses to soil drought
Changes in soil water status can affect stomata in at least three
ways. The initial effect, as described in Section III.1, is the typical
two-phase stomatal response, which, in the steady state, reverses
part or most of the change in ψ
that would otherwise result
passively. This is consistent with a negative feedback response
of g
to ψ
. However, when soil water status declines more
slowly, over several days or more, g
often declines without any
change in ψ
(Zhang & Davies, 1990; Gollan et al., 1992).
This is known to be initiated by a drought-sensing mechanism
located in the roots, which produce ABA and export it to leaves
in the transpiration stream. ABA affects guard cells directly by
inducing osmotic efflux and hence turgor loss and reduced
stomatal aperture (Zhang & Davies, 1990; Assmann &
Shimazaki, 1999; Blatt, 2000; Ng et al., 2001). Soil drying
Fig. 5 Circles: observations by Hubbard et al. (2001) of bulk-leaf
water potential (ψ
) in ponderosa pine seedlings subjected to a
progressive loss in hydraulic conductivity by injecting air into the stem
xylem. (Reproduced from Hubbard et al., 2001, copyright Blackwell
Publishing.) Solid line: the model of Buckley et al. (2003), with
parameters adjusted where possible to represent the plants studied
by Hubbard et al. (2001) (see Appendix for parameter estimation
details), showing the response of ψ
predicted by hydro-active
local feedback. Dashed line: a perfectly horizontal line, representing
perfect homeostasis, shown for reference.
( )
≡− 1
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can also lead to up-regulation of leaf osmotic pressure, which
permits the maintenance of turgor at lower water potentials.
To the extent that ‘osmoregulation’ promotes greater g
moderate soil drought (Morgan, 1984; Jones, 1992), it opposes
any ABA effect. This subsection discusses the relationship
between these drought responses and the putative hydro-active
local feedback control of stomata. Specifically, I ask two questions:
where do the effects of root-derived ABA and osmoregulation
fit into the mathematical structure outlined above (Eqns 4
and 6), and are these effects feedforward responses or not?
The answer to the first question is straightforward for
ABA, in one sense: ABA is directly sensed by guard cells, where
it causes a reduction in osmotic content (for reviews, see
Assmann & Shimazaki, 1999; Dodd, 2003; PospíSilová, 2003).
The expression of hydro-active local feedback underlying
Eqn (6) is that, at steady state, π
= BP
, suggesting that the
ABA response is embedded in the parameter B, which
would decline as [ABA] increases (Dewar, 2002; Buckley et al.,
2003). However, Assmann et al. (2000) found normal steady-
state humidity responses in ABA-insensitive and ABA-
deficient mutants, suggesting that ABA may not be a necessary
component of hydro-active local feedback. On the other
hand, Zhang & Outlaw (2001) found that guard cell apoplas-
tic [ABA] responded to short-term variations in transpiration
rate, apparently due to passive changes in apoplastic water
content, as needed to produce the correct steady-state
stomatal response. Other evidence also suggests interaction,
though not necessarily convergence, between the mechanisms
of local water status sensing and ABA responses: the CO
ABA response pathways are closely intertwined (Webb &
Hetherington, 1997; Leymarie et al., 1998; Assmann, 1999),
and stomatal sensitivity to CO
is enhanced by elevated
humidity during growth (Talbott et al., 2003). It is not clear
how these results may be reconciled with the ABA mutant
behaviour, except to speculate that the mutants possess alter-
native, compensatory mechanisms to sense local water status.
Indeed, the tremendous plasticity and redundancy of environ-
mental sensing by guard cells (Zeiger et al., 2002) complicates
the interpretation of mutant behaviour.
The effect of bulk leaf osmoregulation on stomatal hydro-
mechanics is entirely a matter of speculation, because the
hydromechanical framework (Eqn 4) only accounts directly
for epidermal water relations. If epidermal cells osmoregulate
in concert with the bulk of leaf tissue, then the positive effect
of osmoregulation on g
is captured by variations in epidermal
osmotic pressure, π
, given the hydro-active feedback hypoth-
esis that π
= BP
. It is worthwhile noting, however, that
osmoregulation would have the opposite effect – pre-emptive
stomatal closure and drought avoidance, instead of sustained
opening and drought tolerance – if the sensor were epidermal
water potential (ψ
) rather than turgor per se. (To see this,
apply π
= Bψ
to Eqn 4 instead of π
= BP
, to give αψ
in the numerator instead of α(ψ
+ π
) π
; the former
responds negatively to π
The second question (are stomatal responses to ABA and
osmoregulation feedforward?) is semantical, but also substan-
tive. First, it is clear that neither response necessarily repre-
sents feedback control, because neither necessarily influences
the effector, which is soil drying. On the other hand, from the
perspective of stomatal physiology, ABA and osmoregulation
can be described as independent controls on the gain of the
feedback loop between g
and water status: ABA amplifies the
feedback, whereas osmoregulation diminishes it. Furthermore,
because the effect of ABA is often hysteretic, it may linger
even after soil water status recovers, creating the impression
that stomatal conductance is declining while ψ
is increasing.
The distinction is important as a reminder that feedforward
phenomenology does not necessarily contradict the hypothesis
of an underlying, and ongoing, negative feedback.
4. Optimal stomatal control
This review is concerned primarily with the mechanisms of
stomatal control, but there are other ways to interpret and
generalise stomatal function. Perhaps the most promising of
these is the hypothesis that stomatal behaviour has been shaped
by selection such that the underlying control mechanisms
achieve, or at least tend to approach, some quantifiable goal.
In this subsection, I ask what one would expect from stomatal
control mechanisms, in terms of feedback and feedforward
phenomenology, if they were, in some sense, optimal.
The first step is to identify the goal of stomatal control.
Here we immediately face a dilemma, because there are two
obvious but different goals to choose from. One is to maxim-
ise the amount of carbon gained per unit of water lost.
Because instantaneous water-use efficiency (A/E) is usually
greatest at g
= 0, the question is posed on an integrated times-
cale: what pattern of stomatal behaviour maximises daily
total carbon gain ( A dt = A
) for a given daily total water use
( E dt = E
)? The solution is that the diurnal conductance
timecourse, g
(t), maximises A
for a given E
if the ratio of the
sensitivities of E and A to g
is constant over time: (E/g
) = E/A(t) = λ (where λ is a constant implicitly
defined by E
and other imposed parameters) (Cowan &
Farquhar, 1977; Cowan, 1977, 1982). The alternative goal is
to prevent runaway xylem cavitation by preventing E and ψ
from crossing thresholds, say E
and ψ
. These two goals
are most easily resolved by recognising that, whereas con-
ductance is a continuously varying quantity, daily maximum
E (say E
) is a property of the diurnal course of gas exchange
viewed in its entirety. Thus, ensuring that E
< E
is more
akin to ensuring that g
dt = E
, than to ensuring that E/
A(t) = λ; in other words, cavitation avoidance is an aspect of
the resource constraint needed to frame the problem, rather
than a competing goal.
This point is best illustrated by an example. If the value of
λchosen’ by the plant is high enough that, for some part of
the day, E would exceed E
, then the cavitation-avoidance
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New Phytologist (2005) 168: 275–292 www.newphytologist.org © New Phytologist (2005)
goal would force E to deviate below the optimal trace – causing
E/A to vary over time (solid lines in Fig. 6) and violating the
first goal. If instead λ were low enough to ensure E << E
day, then gas exchange could remain optimal, but clearly more
water could have been used without undue risk. Choosing λ
such that E just reaches but does not exceed E
satisfies both
goals while using as much water and gaining as much carbon
as is safely possible. The analysis changes if the water supply
is known only stochastically, in which case it may be wise to
use soil water even more slowly than required to prevent
cavitation (Cowan, 1982; Jones & Sutherland, 1991; Bond &
Kavanagh, 1999).
Under some conditions, however, optimal gas exchange
requires E to decline with increasing D at mid-day, despite
increasing irradiance (Fig. 7). In fact, under all three of the
scenarios outlined above, the associated relationship between
and ψ
is nonunique and thus feedforward-like (Fig. 7c).
Although the effects of VPD and light are confounded in
these simulations, they are easily disentangled by holding irra-
diance constant, and this still yields feedforward-like relation-
ships in some cases (Fig. 7b,d). This can not be produced
solely by local hydraulic feedback. However, it can result from
the amplification of feedback by a limited degree of xylem
cavitation, suggesting that total cavitation avoidance may in
fact be suboptimal in some conditions. Recent data showing
that embolised vessels can be re-filled quickly and under ten-
sion (McCully et al., 1998; Tyree et al., 1999; Melcher et al.,
2001; Bucci et al., 2003; Brodribb & Holbrook, 2004) sug-
gest that mid-day cavitation need not irreversibly reduce g
the afternoon. The plausibility of this mechanism is supported
by data of Bucci et al. (2003), who reported mid-day depres-
sion of petiole hydraulic conductivity in two tropical savanna
tree species, following a mid-morning maximum in E and
coincident with a decline in E. Active regulation of liquid-phase
hydraulic resistance by aquaporins or other means
(McCully et al., 1998; Zwieniecki & Holbrook, 1998; Tyree
et al., 1999; Johansson et al., 2000; Zwieniecki et al., 2001;
Tyerman et al., 2002; Hill et al., 2004) may provide alternative
mechanisms for plants to achieve the required feedforward-
like phenomenology, without the risks and hysteresis
associated with cavitation. Taken together, these considera-
tions may help to explain further why stomatal behaviour
tends to operate so close to the edge of water-supply catastro-
phe (Tyree & Sperry, 1988; Sperry et al., 2002; Brodribb &
Holbrook, 2003).
5. Oscillations and patchiness
The idea that short-term stomatal responses to water balance
involve the juxtaposition of positive and negative feedback
loops is also useful for explaining two other interesting
features of stomatal behaviour. As discussed above (Section
III.1), these responses usually include a transient ‘wrong-way
response that reinforces the perturbation, followed by an
exponential approach to a new steady-state conductance that
partially counteracts the perturbation. Sometimes, however,
this two-phase pattern repeats itself, producing oscillations
that may persist for a while before damping out, or may even
persist indefinitely. The simplest explanation for both the
two-phase response pattern and oscillations is the existence of
Fig. 6 Diurnal traces of (a) the marginal water
cost of carbon gain (E/A, upper half of figure)
and (b) the transpiration rate (E, lower half of
figure). The three dashed trajectories represent
optimal stomatal regulation at three different
values of λ, as evidenced by the invariance of
E/A in (a). The solid lines represent suboptimal
regulation demanded by the need to reduce E
during mid-day to prevent runaway cavitation
when the cavitation threshold is well below
the diurnal peak of the theoretical optimum E
trace. See the text for further discussion, and
the Appendix for a description of how optimal
gas exchange traces were calculated.
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two opposed feedback loops with finite natural frequencies of
similar order (Cowan, 1972; Jarvis et al., 1999). If this idea is
correct, then the tendency for oscillations to occur should be
highly sensitive to the gain of either loop – consistent with the
observation that high VPD strongly promotes oscillations
(Cowan, 1972; Farquhar & Cowan, 1974; Rand et al., 1981;
Haefner et al., 1997; Jarvis et al., 1999; Wang et al., 2001).
Another feature that may be explained by the dual-feedback
model is ‘patchy’ stomatal conductance, a phenomenon
in which stomatal apertures are coordinated within but not
among local regions of a leaf (for reviews, see Terashima,
1992; PospíSilová & Santrucek, 1994; Weyers & Lawson,
1997; Mott & Buckley, 1998; Mott & Buckley, 2000). Patch-
iness is most often induced experimentally by a step change in
VPD, and is usually dynamic, in that the conductance of each
patch’ changes over time, often oscillating (Cardon et al.,
1994; Siebke & Weis, 1995). However, other perturbations
can induce patchiness, including large changes in irradiance
(Eckstein et al., 1996), and patches are sometimes static, not
dynamic. The mechanism of patchiness is unknown. How-
ever, a growing body of evidence suggests that it is an emer-
gent property of the spatiotemporal instability caused by two
features: the oscillation-promoting combination of positive
and negative feedback loops, and hydraulic connectivity,
which can coordinate stomatal behaviour locally (Haefner
et al., 1997; Mott et al., 1997). The idea is that ‘hydraulic
coercion’ of the sort reported by Mott et al. (1997) and
simulated by Haefner et al. (1997) might also allow stomata in one
patch to destabilise stomata in another patch by disturbing
the latter’s local hydraulic steady state.
One recent discovery is directly relevant to the study of
both oscillations and patchiness. Classically, the positive feed-
back involved in oscillations has been identified solely with
the effect of the epidermal mechanical advantage on passive
stomatal hydromechanics (Eqn 1). However, positive feed-
back can also emerge from xylem cavitation in response to
increased tension. The transient drop in water status induced
by a step increase in VPD, for example, could induce cavita-
tion, perhaps within the leaf or petiole, further reducing water
status and amplifying the wrong-way response. Because this
effect is often irreversible in the short term, it seems more
likely to lead to sustained stomatal closure than oscillations.
However, as discussed in Section IV.4, recent evidence sug-
gests that cavitation can be reversed on timescales of similar
order as those for guard cell osmotic adjustment, and without
significant hysteresis (Brodribb & Holbrook, 2004). Any
transient spatial variability in water status within a leaf lamina
is also likely to produce spatially heterogeneous patterns
of intralaminar cavitation, which could help to entrench and
propagate transient stomatal patchiness arising from hetero-
geneous response kinetics. Whether cavitation plays any
role in oscillations or patchiness remains a matter of pure
speculation at this point, but it does seem to warrant further
Fig. 7 Relationships between (a,b) evaporative
gradient, D, and transpiration rate, E, and
(c,d) between bulk leaf water potential, ψ
, and
stomatal conductance, g
is calculated as ψ
RE, and is shown on a nondimensional linear
scale to indicate fixed but arbitrary ψ
and R). The
traces in (a) and (c) correspond to the simulations
shown in Fig. 5; the traces in (b) and (d) are
from simulations in which irradiance was fixed
at 1000 µE m
to isolate the effect of D,
with conditions otherwise the same as for the
traces in (a) and (c). When both light and D
vary, E vs D is nonunique (i.e. feedforward-like)
under the low-λ scenario (dotted line in (a)),
whereas g
vs ψ
is nonunique in all three cases
(c). When only D varies, the two lower-λ scenarios
require nonunique relationships for both E vs D
(b) and g
vs ψ
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V. Conclusions
Most aspects of short-term stomatal behaviour in response to
changing leaf water balance are consistent with, and are most
easily explained by, the hypothesis of ‘hydro-active local
feedback’: a metabolically mediated response of guard cells to
local water status. In contrast, two hallmarks of hydraulically
related stomatal behaviour – wrong-way responses and
equivalence of hydraulic supply and demand as stomatal
effectors – are very difficult to explain with the alternative
hypothesis, involving water potential gradients between
epidermal and guard cells. Furthermore, features of stomatal
control that appear inconsistent with hydraulic feedback are
in fact easily reconciled with it when other known processes
are taken into account, most notably the hysteretic response
of xylem resistance to tension and the tendency for leaves to
operate near the cavitation threshold.
Many lines of experiment could improve our understanding
of this topic, but several strike me as particularly intriguing:
(a) testing the hypothesis that hysteretic apparent feedforward
responses to humidity involve xylem cavitation; (b) clarifying
whether the degree of water potential homeostasis is sensitive
to physiological and environmental factors as predicted by
Eqns (8–9), or if instead the property is more or less invariant
within a taxon; (c) looking for evidence of embolism and its
rapid reversal during stomatal oscillations; and, perhaps most
significantly, (d) seeking the water status sensor and the mech-
anism that relays its output to guard cells.
I am gratefully indebted to Keith Mott and Graham Farquhar
for their generous mentorship and friendship. This work was
supported by funding from the Cooperative Research Centre
for Greenhouse Accounting at the Research School of Biological
Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra.
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1. Estimation of parameters for Fig. 5
To simulate the experiment shown in fig. 4 of Hubbard et al.
(2001), in which near homeostasis in ψ
was observed during
a progressive reduction in hydraulic conductivity due to air
injection into the stem xylem of ponderosa pine seedlings, I
used the model of Buckley et al. (2003) with several parameters
modified to mimic the Hubbard experiment (R = 1/K
= 1/2.8
mmol m
= 0.36 MPa mmol
; ψ
) = 0.4 MPa; D
(air saturation deficit) = 28.5 mmol mol
but using other parameter values given by Buckley et al.
(2003) for Vicia faba. I adjusted π
by trial and error until
the g
value predicted by the model for zero conductivity loss
was equal to the observed value (0.1 mol m
), using the
values of ψ
, R, χ and D
calculated as described above; this
yielded π
= 1.6 MPa.
2. Derivation of Eqn (8)
The soil–epidermis water potential gradient is simply ER, or
R; applying Eqn (6) to this yields:
Eqn A1
where a and b are shorthand for R(χ(ψ
+ π
) χπ
) and
χ(αR + f
), respectively. The sensitivity of ∆ψ to D
Eqn A2
Dividing both sides by ∆ψ/D
and replacing b with χ(αR +
) gives Eqn (8).
3. Calculation of optimal gas exchange traces for Fig. 6
When boundary layer resistances to heat and gas transfer
are small, then the optimal value of stomatal conductance (to
water vapour) is implicitly defined by the following equation
(Buckley et al., 2002):
Eqn A3
where values are specified for λ (the invariant marginal water
cost of carbon, E/A), c
(ambient CO
concentration) and
, and for a biochemical CO
demand function A
) with
specified photosynthetic parameters, including maximum
carboxylation velocity (V
), maximum potential electron
transport rate (J
), photosynthetic irradiance (I ) and leaf
temperature (T
). The constraint is implicit, not explicit,
because c
depends on g
, and A
in turn depends on
. I assumed that c
= 365 ppm, V
= 100 µmol m
= 210 µmol e
, convexity = 0.9, leaf PAR
absorbance = 80%, I = (1000 µE m
) sin(t
π), where t
is relative time of day (0 at sunrise and 1 at sunset),
= T
= 15°C + 15 sin(t
π)°C, where T
is the air
temperature, and D = e
) e
, where e
is the saturation
water vapour mole fraction at T
and e
is the ambient vapour
mole fraction (= 10 mmol mol
For each of a series of ‘candidate’ values of g
, I calculated
, and c
from the intersection of the model of Farquhar
et al. (1980) (with temperature dependencies given by de
Pury & Farquhar, 1997) and a diffusion model (A =
)/1.6), and calculated A
using expressions
given by Buckley et al. (2002). Candidate g
values were
adjusted until a value was found that was within 5 × 10
of the value given by Eqn (12). This procedure was
repeated at each of 200 time points evenly spaced between
= 0 and 1.
χψ π χπ
(( ) )
( )
se es
geg s
() ()
( )
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