X nity Home
Quick Start Guide
Learn how to set up your system, customize features
and create a safer home that  ts your life.
X nity Home Quick Start Guide 3
4 Five ways to manage your system
at home and on the go
6 Arm and disarm your system
8 How your alarm works
8 Important Keypad Codes and Passcodes
10 Updating your emergency contacts
10 Customize your system by setting rules
11 How to prevent false alarms
12 Get to know your equipment
14 FAQs
Get the most from
your services
Browse the resources below to get the full
bene ts of your X nity Home system.
Need more info? For helpful product information,
FAQs and more: x nity.com/support/home-security
Set up your online account by signing into the subscriber
portal: x nity.com/X nityHomeLogin
Questions about your bill? Go to My Account for information
on your service plan, features and billing:
x nity.com/MyAccount
Purchase additional equipment:
Visit x nity.com/Home-Security/Devices or
call 1-800-XFINITY
IMPORTANT: Check with your municipality to see if you are required to obtain
an Alarm Permit for your home security system. If your home requires one,
please update your account with the permit number and expiration date in
the Subscriber Portal (x nity.com/X nityHomeLogin). Under settings,
click Security and scroll to Alarm ordinance and permit registration.
For more information, visit x nity.com/support/home-security.
Table of contents
Save on Home Insurance
X nity is teaming up with Hippo to help protect your home and its
essentials with smarter home insurance. Plus, X nity customers can
save with special discounts for 24/7 professional monitoring and Internet-
enabled smart devices. Visit http://MyHippo.com/XHWelcome.
Ask your technician to  ll out the enclosed
Certi cate of Alarm System to see if you can save.
X nity Home Quick Start Guide 54 X nity Home Quick Start Guide
With X nity Home, you can access your system from anywhere, on any device.
Use any of the methods on this page to arm/disarm your system, monitor system
status, review the latest activity and view live video.
1. X nity Home app
Download the X nity Home app to
access your system on your mobile
device and customize rules.
The app will ask for permission to add
the X nity Home SMS and Professional
Monitoring Station phone numbers
as contacts to your device. This allows
your device to quickly identify text
messages from X nity Home if your
security alarm goes o or there is an
important message. Tap OK.
Once the app is installed, sign in using
your X nity username and password
and set up Touch ID, Fingerprint ID, or
Face ID, if applicable.
4. Online Subscriber Portal
Log in to the Subscriber Portal to manage your system and account settings in
greater detail from your computer:
Update emergency contacts
Personalize Keypad Codes for
family, friends and anyone who
needs access to your home
Update your alarm permit
number (if applicable)
Log in now at
x nity.com/X nityHomeLogin
3. Touchscreen Controller
This hub is a critical part of your security
service. It communicates directly with
your devices and with the Professional
Monitoring Station, and it allows you to:
• Manage your system settings
• Personalize Keypad Codes for family,
friends and anyone who
needs access to your home
• View the weather
• Send an emergency alarm
5. Wireless Keypad
Your system may include a wireless keypad.
This device can live anywhere in your home
and allows you to arm/disarm your system.
2. X nity X1
If you subscribe to X1, you can use the
X nity Home app on your TV to control
your system from the comfort of your
couch. The X1 Voice Remote allows you
to access your system using your voice!
Five ways to manage your system
at home and on the go
Just say "X nity Home
Arm Stay" or "X nity
Home Cameras" and
so much more!
IMPORTANT: Do not unplug or
move your Touchscreen Controller
from its install location. Doing
so may interrupt Professional
Monitoring connectivity and service.
"X nity Home
"X nity
Home Cameras"
so much more!
6 Xnity Home Quick Start Guide Xnity Home Quick Start Guide 7
Arm and disarm your system
Your system responds dierently depending on which arm setting you choose. Learn
the meaning of the three arm settings and when to use each one:
Important arm/disarm information
The Professional Monitoring Station is immediately notied of any sensor trip. Entry/Exit delay refers to the time allowed
to disarm the system before the alarm is processed by the Professional Monitoring Station for the possible dispatch of
authorities. Entry delays occur when a door is opened while the system is armed and Exit delays occur immediately after
arming the system. Entry/Exit delay is congurable by a technician.
In Night mode, motion sensors are not activated by default, but your technician can recongure these settings at installation
upon request.
Here is how your system responds to each arm setting:
Stay Away
Door/Window Sensors Armed
Motion Sensors Armed
Entry Delay
2 minutes 1 minute NO DELAY
Exit Delay
2 minutes 1 minute 2 minutes
Home app
1. Open Xnity Home app
2. On the Home screen, tap Disarmed
3. Tap Stay, Away or Night
4. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code or use your
Touch ID, Fingerprint ID or Face ID
Xnity X1
1. Press the Xnity button on your remote
2. Open Xnity Home in Apps
3. Select Security status and press OK
4. Select Stay, Away or Night and press OK
5. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
1. Tap Ready on the Home screen
2. On the Security screen, tap Press to Arm
3. Tap Stay, Away or Night
4. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
1. Log in to the Subscriber Portal at xnity.com/XnityHomeLogin
using your Xnity username and password
2. Click Arm System
3. Click Stay, Away or Night
4. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
5. Click Arm System
1. Select Stay, Away or Night
2. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
3. The selected arm-state button will turn red when activated
Home app
1. Open Xnity Home app
2. On the Home screen, tap Armed
3. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code or use your
Touch ID, Fingerprint ID or Face ID
Xnity X1
1. Press the Xnity button on your remote
2. Open Xnity Home in Apps
3. Select Security status and press OK
4. Select Disarm and press OK
5. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
1. Tap Disarm on the Home screen
2. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
1. Log in to the Subscriber Portal at xnity.com/XnityHomeLogin
using your Xnity username and password
2. Click Disarm System
3. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code
4. Click Disarm System
1. Enter your 4-digit Master Keypad Code within the
Entry/Exit delay timeframe
Arm your system: Disarm your system:
Or use your X1 Voice Remote. Just press the
Microphone button and say "Xnity Home Disarm."
Or use your X1 Voice Remote. Just press the
Microphone button and say "Xnity Home Arm."
When relaxing
at home
When away at work,
school or vacation
When everyone is
in for the night
X nity Home Quick Start Guide 98 X nity Home Quick Start Guide
How your alarm works
Important Keypad Codes
and Passcodes
Alarm triggered. Based on your
settings, you'll receive a text, email
and/or app noti cation. If you know
this is a false alarm, cancel via the
mobile app using your Master
or Secondary Keypad Code. If
canceled, you will not receive a call.
If the alarm is not canceled, our
Professional Monitoring Station
will attempt to call you. If they
can't reach you, they'll try your
emergency veri cation contacts
before contacting the authorities.
You let the Professional Monitoring Station know it's a
false alarm and provide your passcodes
We notify the authorities and your emergency
dispatch contacts:
• If we cannot reach you
• If we reach you and you con rm it's an emergency
In the event that your alarm is triggered, this is the chain of events
you can expect.
These are the codes you and your family need to know in order to control your
security system. Go to page 15 of this guide to write in codes for future reference.
Master Keypad Code
Your X nity Home system can have only one Master Keypad Code; this code
allows users to:
Arm and disarm the system.
Cancel an alarm from the Touchscreen Controller, Subscriber Portal and
any device with the X nity Home app.
Add, change and delete Secondary Keypad Codes.
View and change all Touchscreen Controller settings.
Secondary Keypad Codes
You can add Secondary Keypad Codes for family members or friends who only
need limited access to your system. Secondary Keypad Codes cannot be used to
add, change or delete other codes.
Central Station Passcode
This security feature allows you to identify yourself or someone you trust to the
Professional Monitoring Station in the event of an alarm. In addition to your Keypad
Codes, you must choose your verbal password during your initial system setup, but
you can easily change it whenever you’d like.
Make sure your emergency contacts know your Keypad Codes and Central
Station Passcode to ensure they can respond to any triggered alarm.
Quick Tip: If you are in a duress state during a triggered alarm
situation and provide the wrong Central Station Passcode to the
Professional Monitoring Station, they will notify the authorities.
If you live where visual veri cation of an alarm is required by law, our Professional Monitoring Station
must  rst dispatch private patrol personnel to verify any alarm that is not canceled or con rmed before
they can notify the authorities. The patrol personnel doesn't prevent criminal activity or o er protection,
they just provide veri cation of a security breach.
X nity Home Quick Start Guide 1110 X nity Home Quick Start Guide
Updating your emergency contacts
Your Emergency Veri cation Contacts will be called if the alarm is triggered. Your
Emergency Dispatch Contacts will be noti ed when an emergency has been
veri ed and authorities are on their way. It is critical to keep both updated. It’s easy
to set up or change your emergency contacts:
1. Log in on the X nity Home mobile app.
2. Under Settings, click Security and scroll to Emergency Dispatch Setup or
Emergency Veri cation Setup.
3. Click Add Contact.
4. Enter the contact information and press Save.
Make sure your emergency contacts know your Keypad Codes and Central Station
Passcode so they can respond to any triggered alarm.
How to prevent false alarms
False alarms can pull  rst responders away from real emergencies, and
sometimes result in  nes from local authorities.
1. Assess the activity in your home
If you expect activity inside your home, set your system to Stay to deactivate
your motion sensors. If you are away, set your system to Away and be sure to
keep your motion sensors away from large fans, heaters, curtains and plants.
2. Download the X nity Home app
You can use the app when you’re away from home to quickly verify an alarm,
and if needed, cancel an emergency dispatch.
3. Know how to cancel an alarm
If an alarm is unintentionally tripped, you can cancel the alarm by disarming
the system with the X nity Home app, the Touchscreen Controller or the
Wireless Keypad. If the Professional Monitoring Station calls, you can also
cancel using your Central Station Passcode.
4. Keep emergency contacts updated and informed
In the event of an alarm, if your primary contact does not answer, we will
try to reach your emergency veri cation contacts. Contacts must know the
Central Station Passcode to cancel the alarm.
5. Monitor and change sensor batteries
The Touchscreen Controller will alert you when sensor batteries are low.
Visit x nity.com/X nityHomeBatteryReplacement to learn how to
replace a low battery.
6. Test your system
Testing your alarm every month ensures that your system is working
properly and is ready to respond to any issues. Use the alarm-test mode
when testing the system or changing batteries in your devices to avoid
setting o a false alarm.
X nity Home X nity Home8 9
Rules are personalized commands designed to control your home’s devices. You can
create rules based on your lifestyle for simpler, more e cient home management.
Create a rule:
1. To get started, log in to the X nity Home mobile app.
2. From the toolbar, select Automation.
3. Select Create a Rule.
4. Follow the on-screen prompts to create your customized rules.
Rule examples:
Scenario 1: Want to know when the kids made it home after school? Add a
rule to receive a text when the front door opens in the afternoon.
Scenario 2: Add a rule to receive a text message about your system status.
Scenario 3: Add a rule for the front-door camera to take a video when the door
is opened after midnight.
Customize your system by
setting rules
Quick Tip: Be sure to add the Professional Monitoring Station phone
number – 844-382-9363 – to your contacts to recognize our call in
case of emergency.
X nity Home Quick Start Guide 1312 X nity Home Quick Start Guide
X nity Home makes it easy to look after your family, your home and your
valuables from anywhere. Take a closer look at the components and equipment
that keep your system running smoothly.
Available Equipment:
Door/Window Sensors
Sensors detect when a door or window is opened. Set
rules to receive real-time text and email alerts when
this happens.
Motion Sensor
Detect any unexpected motion in the home while
you’re away. Set rules to get real-time alerts of activity
or trigger an action in other connected devices, like
turning on lighting or recording video clips.
Wireless Keypad
This device allows you to arm/disarm your system.
Touchscreen Controller
This is your central hub that connects all of your X nity
Home devices and connects to the Professional
Monitoring Station.
Yard Sign and Window Decals
Display your X nity Home yard sign and window decals
in prominent locations so others know your home is
Indoor/Outdoor Camera
View live video feeds from anywhere or receive video
clips to check in on what's happening at home. By
purchasing 24/7 video recording, you can rewind,
review and share footage saved in the cloud.
Smart Thermostat
Adjust your thermostat remotely. It includes EcoSaver
– a thermostat solution that learns your home and
makes adjustments based on your preferences and
the weather.
Smoke Detector
When an alarm is triggered, your Smoke Detectors alert
the Professional Monitoring Station, which will notify
emergency personnel for you, even if you aren’t home.
Outlet Controller
This device allows you to control lights and small
appliances remotely, or set rules to connect it to
other devices.
Other Partner Devices
X nity Home works with other popular smart devices
like door locks, lighting, thermostats and more
that seamlessly integrate into your system for one
personalized platform using your X nity Home app.
Get to know your equipment
14 Xnity Home Quick Start Guide
How do I replace batteries in my door/
window sensors?
1. Make sure your system is in disarm mode
and test mode before replacing batteries.
2. Remove cover from the sensor to expose
the battery. The battery is in the larger
compartment of the sensor attached to
the window or door frame.
3. Note the position of positive and negative
on the existing battery.
4. Remove and replace battery with the
new one.
5. Replace the cover on the sensor.
When you open a door/window sensor
to replace the battery, your Xnity home
system will alert you that the sensor
is being tampered with. Don’t worry!
The tamper alert will clear when you
re-assemble the sensor to the base or
replace the battery cover.
If the sensor comes o the door or
window, it can be re-attached with
double-sided tape.
My system has lost network connectivity.
How do I restore it?
1. Make sure the Touchscreen Controller is
plugged into a working outlet that isn’t
controlled by a light switch.
2. Check that the power cable is plugged
securely into the back of the Touchscreen
3. Make sure the Touchscreen Controller is
in its originally installed location. Never
move the Touchscreen Controller from its
original location.
4. Reboot the Touchscreen Controller. Tap
the More icon (three dots at the upper-
right corner). Then tap Settings.
5. Enter your Master Keypad Code to access
your system’s settings menu. Tap the
Advanced Settings option, followed by the
Reboot Touchscreen option.
6. Follow the onscreen prompts. The
Touchscreen Controller will take
approximately one to three minutes to
7. Once restarted, if the Touchscreen
Controller is still displaying the lost
network connection alert, you may need
to reboot your wireless gateway.
How do I test my system?
NOTICE: Be sure to contact the Professional
Monitoring Station (1-800-455-1207) to
let them know you are testing your alarm.
Make sure all doors/windows with sensors
are closed and that Motion Sensors haven’t
been triggered for about two minutes.
1. Go to your Settings and enter your Master
Keypad Code.
2. On the categories screen, tap Security
and then tap Alarm Test.
3. Tap Disabled to enable messaging,
then tap Next. Or just tap Next to leave
messaging disabled.
4. Tap Arm. You’ll hear an alert beep and the
Arm button will change to System Armed.
The system is now armed in Test Mode.
5. Tap Next. Test each security zone by
tripping the sensors. You’ll be able to see
which zones you’ve tripped.
6. When you’ve tested every zone, tap Disarm.
7. Contact the Professional Monitoring
Station to be sure they’ve received the
alarms. If all alarms have been received,
let them know that testing is complete.
Your system will automatically exit the
Alarm test after 30 minutes.
For more troubleshooting help, visit
Don't have a username and password?
Go to: x nity.com/GetStarted
Restrictions apply. Features may vary depending on level of service. Camera required to view
video. Thermostat required for thermostat control. Standard data charges apply to app download
and usage. Check with your carrier. AL: 001484, 001504; AR: 12-030; AZ: ROC 280515,
BTR 18287-0; CA: CSLB 974291, ACO 7118; CT: ELC 0189754-C5; DE: FAL-0299, FAC-0293,
SSPS 11-123; FL: EF0000921, EF20001002, EF0001095; GA: LVU406303, LVU406264,
LVU406190; LVU406354; IL: PACA 127-001503; LA: F1691; MA: SS-001968; MD: 107-1776;
ME: LM50017039; MI: 3601206217; MN: TS674412; MS: 15018010; NC: 2335-CSA,
29443-SP-FA/LV; NJ: Burglar and Fire Alarm Business Lic. # 34BF00047700; NM: 373379;
NY: licensed by the N.Y.S. Department of State 12000305421; OH: LIC# 53-89-1732;
OR: CCB 192945; SC: BAC-13497, FAC-13440; TN: ACL 1597, ACL 1604; TX: ACR-1672104,
-1818, B16922, B02571; UT: 8226921-6501; VA: 2705145289, DCJS 11-7361; VT: ES-02366;
WA: COMCABS892DS; WASHINGTON, DC: ECS 902687, BBL 602512000005; WV: WV049211.
Valid 1/1/2019. See x nity.com/support/home-security for current list.
Please keep this information in a safe place.
Learn more about your codes
and emergency contacts on pages 8 - 10.
X nity Account Username: __________________________
X nity Account Password:  __________________________
Master Keypad Code: ______________________________
Secondary Keypad Code:  ___________________________
Central Station Passcode: ___________________________
Emergency Veri cation Contact 1: _____________________
Emergency Veri cation Contact 2: _____________________
Emergency Dispatch Contact 1: _______________________
Emergency Dispatch Contact 2: ______________________