Version 2.03
August 2021
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Bureau of Health Workforce
Division of Practitioner Data Bank
Parklawn Building, Room 11SWH03
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
August 2021 i
The table below identifies changes that have been incorporated into each baseline of this document.
Date Version # Change Description
Initial Release.
Below is a summary of changes to the Querying and Reporting XML
Service (QRXS) Web Service User Guide version 1.01. Effective January
24, 2011, this document, version 1.01 replaces version 1.0. The changes in
this version are indicated below:
Updated Section 3.5, Status Codes. Code C02 was modified.
Updated Section 4, Example Submissions and Responses. Removed
the escape character ‘\’ before ‘=’ from the password element in the
Updated Section 5.2.3, PDS. Corrected the Data Bank Subject ID to be
Below is a summary of changes to the Querying and Reporting XML
Service (QRXS) Web Service User Guide version 1.02. Effective August
22, 2011, this document, version 1.02 replaces version 1.01. The changes
in this version are indicated below:
Changed Proactive Disclosure Service (PDS) references to Continuous
Changed NPDB-HIPDB references in Status Code Descriptions to Data
Bank. See Table 1.
Below is a summary of changes to the Querying and Reporting XML
Service (QRXS) Web Service User Guide version 1.04. Effective August
22, 2011, this document, version 1.04 replaces version 1.02. The changes
in this version are indicated below:
Updated Section 1.2.2, User Account Password Policies to state that
password restrictions and guidelines can be found at
Removed Section 1.2.4, Password Restrictions.
Updated Section 3.3 Encode Password to state that password
restrictions and guidelines can be found at
Updated the passwords. See sections 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5
Below is a summary of changes to the Querying and Reporting XML
Service (QRXS) Web Service User Guide version 1.05. Effective January
23, 2012, this document, version 1.05 replaces version 1.04. The changes
in this version are indicated below:
Updated Section 5.2.3, Continuous Query.
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
August 2021 ii
Date Version # Change Description
Below is a summary of changes to the Querying and Reporting XML
Service (QRXS) Web Service User Guide version 1.06. Effective April 2,
2012, this document, version 1.06 replaces version 1.05. The changes in
this version are indicated below:
Added status codes C68 and C69. See Section 3.5.
Below is a summary of changes to the Querying and Reporting XML
Service (QRXS) Web Service User Guide version 2.00. Effective June 13,
2013, this document, version 2.00 replaces version 1.06. The changes in
this version are indicated below:
Updated URLs to the Data Bank’s Informational Website:
Updated the e-mail address for the NPDB Customer Service Center to
Removed references to the HIPDB to reflect the merge of the two
separate Data Banks into the NPDB.
Updated Section 1.2.3, Resetting Passwords to state that users may
reset their own passwords from the Data Bank Sign In page.
Below is a summary of changes to the Querying and Reporting XML
Service (QRXS) Web Service User Guide version 2.01. Effective early
2014, this document, version 2.01 will replace version 2.00. The changes
in this version are indicated below:
In Section 3, the URL for the wsdl was updated to
In Section 3, the URL for the wsdl XML schema was updated to
The HTTP request address was updated to throughout.
The schema location in Section 4.1 was changed to
xsi:schemaLocation= npdb-
Below is a summary of changes to the Querying and Reporting XML
Service (QRXS) Web Service User Guide version 2.01. Effective
September 12, 2016, this document, version 2.02 replaces version 2.01.
The changes in this version are indicated below:
Updated URLs to the Data Bank’s Informational Website:
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
August 2021 iii
Date Version # Change Description
8/20/2021 2.03
Below is a summary of changes to the Querying and Reporting XML
Service (QRXS) User Guide version 2.03. Effective August 20, 2021,
this document, version 2.03 will replace version 2.02. The changes in
this version are indicated below:
Updated the example passwords to be in compliance with the
new password length and complexity requirements.
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
August 2021 iv
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 User Account Security ................................................................................................................. 5
1.2.1 User Accounts ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 User Account Password Policies ............................................................................................. 5
1.2.3 Resetting Passwords ................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Contact Information ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Conventions ................................................................................................................................. 6
2. Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Software Requirements................................................................................................................ 7
3. Sending and Receiving Transactions .................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Send ............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Receive ...................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 EncodePassword ........................................................................................................................ 11
3.4 Password Changes ..................................................................................................................... 12
3.4.1 Types of Password Change Transactions .............................................................................. 12
3.4.2 ChangePassword ................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.3 ResetPassword ....................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.4 File-Based Password Transactions ........................................................................................ 13
3.5 Status Codes .............................................................................................................................. 14
4. Example Submissions and Responses .............................................................................................. 16
4.1 Send ........................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 R
eceive ...................................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 EncodePassword ........................................................................................................................ 22
4.4 ChangePassword ........................................................................................................................ 24
4.5 ResetPassword ........................................................................................................................... 25
5. QRXS Test Environment .................................................................................................................. 27
5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Submitting Test Files ................................................................................................................. 27
5.2.1 Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 27
5.2.2 Payment ................................................................................................................................. 28
5.2.3 Continuous Query ................................................................................................................. 28
5.2.4 Reports .................................................................................................................................. 29
5.3 Receiving Test Files .................................................................................................................. 29 Requesting Multiple Response Files ................................................................................. 29 Requesting Response File Versions .................................................................................. 30
5.3.2 Continuous Query ................................................................................................................. 30
List of Tables
Table 1: Status Codes Returned ......................................................................................................... 14
Table 2: Report DCNs for Testing ..................................................................................................... 29
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August 2021 5
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope
The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) provides the Querying and Reporting XML Service (QRXS) to users
who wish to send and receive machine-readable responses. The NPDB provides a Java-based QRXS client
program for sending and receiving transaction files. The web service interface described in this document is
provided as an alternative to the Java-based client program. Web services are appropriate for users who are already
familiar with web services, or would prefer to write their own web services client using a non-Java solution.
The transactions files that are sent to and received from the QRXS Web Service are identical to those used by the
Java-based client program. File formats for QRXS submissions and responses are defined in the Interface Control
Documents (ICDs) published by the NPDB, available on-line at
.When using the
QRXS, you are accessing a U.S. Government information system. System usage may be monitored, recorded, and
subject to audit. Unauthorized use of this system is prohibited and subject to criminal and civil penalties. Use of
this system indicates consent to monitoring and recording. Should you have questions concerning your
responsibilities, please contact the NPDB Customer Service Center immediately as specified in Section 1.3, Contact
1.2 User Account Security
1.2.1 User Accounts
Each entity has two types of accounts to access the NPDB, the Entity Data Bank Administrator account and user
accounts. The Entity Data Bank Administrator account is used to create and manage the user accounts. User
accounts are used to submit transactions and retrieve responses from the NPDB. The NPDB has established
security policies in order to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to user accounts and protect the confidentiality
of practitioner reports.
The NPDB ensures that QRXS transactions are verified as originating with your organization. This process involves a
system that stores IP addresses for computers that have been "whitelisted" as belonging to your organization. Entity
Data Bank Administrators are responsible for maintaining this list through the IQRS.
1.2.2 User Account Password Policies
A user must provide their organization’s DBID, their User ID, and user account password each time they access the
IQRS or the QRXS. If a valid password is not provided after three consecutive attempts, the user account is locked
and the user must contact the Entity Data Bank Administrator to submit a user account password reset request.
s are required to change their passwords periodically. A password change request can be submitted at any time
to change an account’s password. Password restrictions and guidelines can be found at
o ensure the security and privacy of user account passwords when using the QRXS, the response to a file-
based password change request transaction can only be downloaded by the same user account that
submitted the transaction.
1.2.3 Resetting Passwords
When a user or administrator forgets his or her password, or is locked out of the IQRS, he or she may reset it from
the NPDB Sign In page. From the Reset Password page, the user will answer pre-established Challenge
Question(s) and enter a new password. An email confirming the password reset will be sent to the user with a link
to the NPDB Sign In page. This link is valid for one hour.
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If using the QRXS, only the administrator can submit and download transactions to reset user passwords. The
administrator cannot reset his or her own password. A password change transaction should be submitted instead of
a password reset transaction.
1.3 Contact Information
The QRXS is updated periodically by the NPDB. It is strongly recommended that users join the QRXS Mailing
List at
to receive notice of updates.
he NPDB makes an effort to notify users at least 1 month in advance of an update to code lists. Users should
expect code lists to be updated quarterly. Additional updates to the QRXS specifications are required periodically.
Users will be notified 6 months in advance of updates to the QRXS specifications that are not backward
compatible. If you are already registered for the QRXS Mailing List and would like to be removed, contact the
NPDB Customer Service Center.
r additional information, visit the NPDB Web site at
. If
you need assistance, contact the NPDB Customer Service Center by email at [email protected] or by phone at
1-800-767-6732 (TDD 703-802-9395). Information Specialists are available to speak with you weekdays from
8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (5:30 p.m. on Fridays) Eastern Time. The NPDB Customer Service Center is closed on all
Federal holidays.
1.4 Conventions
Names of files, URLs, parameters, example Data Bank Identification Numbers (DBIDs), example passwords, or
documents are presented in italics.
Data that must be entered into the computer, commands you must enter, contents of files, and contents of
directories are presented in a different font (
wsimport -p qrxs
here the explicit use of upper or lower case letters are necessary due to the system interpreting upper and lower
case letters as distinct characters, the text will clearly identify the command as “case sensitive.”
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2. Requirements
2.1 Software Requirements
Frameworks exist for most development platforms, including Java and .NET, to simplify the creation of a web
service client. You may use any software you wish to develop your client and to communicate with the QRXS Web
Service. However, the software must adhere to the following web service standards:
AP 1.2
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1
SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM)
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3. Sending and Receiving Transactions
he NPDB uses the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) to describe the interface to the QRXS web
service. Download the latest version of the WSDL for QRXS at:
he XML schema used by the WSDL is available at:
he WSDL provides all the details for how to connect to the NPDB and what format to use for submitting and
receiving transactions. This section defines the content of the data records. Refer to the WSDL and schema for the
exact data type specifications for each element.
Below is a guide to the format diagrams:
A box with a solid line surrounds required elements.
he little box on the right side of the element displaying a “+” or “” indicates that the element is a
complex type. The “+”means that the simple elements in the complex type are not displayed in the same
figure where as the “” indicates that the simple elements are displayed.
A box with a dashed line surrounds elements that may be optional (depending on the type of
he cardinality of an element is indicated with a range if more than one instance may be allowed.
The symbol denotes a schema sequence; elements in the sequence must appear in the order
The symbol denotes a schema choice; only one of the elements shown may appear in the record.
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3.1 Send
Use the send method to submit transactions to the NPDB. The send method requires your entity and user
identification information as well as one or more SubmissionFiles.
ure 1 – Send
ure 2 – SubmissionFiles
1. A su
bmission file may be a report, a one-time query, a Continuous Query transaction, or a password change
transaction. No more than one password change transaction can be included at any time.
2. The format of the XmlFileData in a submission file depends on the transaction being submitted. Submission
formats for QRXS are defined in the Interface Control Documents (ICDs) published by the NPDB, available
on-line at
3. T
he XmlFileData in a submission file can be submitted as a MTOM attachment that comes after the soap
envelope or as base64 encoded data within the soap envelope.
4. S
ubmissions must not exceed 3 MB.
5. Continuous Query and one-time query submissions must not include more than 1,000 subjects.
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The QRXS Web Service returns data from the send method inside of a XmlTransactionResponse.
ure 3 - Send Response
ure 4 - FileErrors
ure 5 - Errors
ure 6 - ResponseFiles
1. Some submissions will have confirmations or rejections returned immediately from the NPDB. These
confirmations or rejections will be returned as MTOM attachments.
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2. The format of the response data depends on the transaction being submitted. Response formats for QRXS are
defined in the Interface Control Documents (ICDs) published by the NPDB, which is available on-line at
3.2 Receive
Use the receive method to download responses to transactions you have previously submitted. The receive method
requires your entity and user identification information.
ure 7 - Receive
The QRXS Web Service returns data from the receive method in an XmlTransactionResponse.
1. T
he downloaded response files will have unique names.
2. R
esponse files will not exceed 1MB. Responses that are larger than 1MB are separated into multiple response
files. Responses for a file-based password change request will always be returned in a single response file.
Users should read response files in numerical order.
3. The maximum number of responses that will be returned from the NPDB in one connection is 1,000. You may
download more than 1,000 responses by calling the Receive method multiple times. The number returned in
FilesRemaining will indicate if there are additional responses to download.
4. Responses to report, one-time query, and Continuous Query submissions are available for download within an
average of 2 to 4 hours after submission. Under certain circumstances, additional processing time may be
required. Please do not re-submit your report, one-time query, or Continuous Query transaction on the subject
in question as this will result in duplicate transactions and duplicate fees. If your submission file is not
formatted properly, the NPDB may not be able to process the file. If you do not receive your response within 2
to 3 business days of submission, please call the NPDB Customer Service Center.
5. Continuous Query Report Disclosures will be available within one day of a report being received.
6. Responses to file-based password change request submissions are generally available for download within
several minutes.
3.3 EncodePassword
In order to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the NPDB information, using the QRXS Web Service
requires a valid encrypted NPDB password. A valid password and UserID is required for the successful execution
of all upload and download transactions. The password is associated with a registered NPDB user, and will expire
periodically. Password restrictions and guidelines can be found at
. To
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encrypt your password you may use the EncodePassword method prior to the first upload or download transaction,
and each time the NPDB user updates their password.
ure 8 - EncodePassword
The QRXS Web Service returns data from the EncodePassword method inside a PasswordTranasctionResponse.
The response contains the unencoded password and the encoded password, the status of the encoding request and
any encode password errors.
Figure 9 - PasswordTransactionResponse
3.4 Password Changes
As explained in Section 1.2.2, User Account Password Policies, a valid password is required to submit transactions
to and download responses from the NPDB.
here are three methods for QRXS Web Service users to change user account passwords within the NPDB:
1. Interactively via the Internet using the Integrated Querying and Reporting Service (IQRS).
2. Through a QRXS Web Service method.
3. Through a QRXS Web Service transaction file submission, with data provided in the format specified in the
Password Change XML ICD.
3.4.1 Types of Password Change Transactions
assword changes can be one of two types:
hange: Used by an entity user or Entity Data Bank Administrator to change their own account password. For
file-based password change transactions, the response file can only be downloaded by the same user account that
submitted the transaction.
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Reset: Used by the Entity Data Bank Administrator to reset a user’s password when the account is locked or the
password is unknown. Only the Entity Data Bank Administrator is permitted to reset a user’s password. For file-
based password reset transactions, only the Entity Data Bank Administrator may download the response file. An
Entity Data Bank Administrator may not reset their own password, but may change their password. The reset
transaction returns a system-generated temporary password. The user must perform a password “change”
transaction before submitting any other transaction.
3.4.2 ChangePassword
The change password method requires your entity and user identification information, as well as the new password
you want for your user account.
ure 10 - ChangePassword
The QRXS Web Service returns data from the change password method inside a PasswordTranasctionResponse.
The response contains the unencoded password and the encoded password, the status of the change password
request and any password change errors.
3.4.3 ResetPassword
The reset password method format requires your entity and user identification information, and the new user ID of
the user you want to reset.
ure 11 - ResetPassword
The QRXS Web Service returns data from the reset password method inside a PasswordTranasctionResponse. The
response contains the new encoded password, the status of the reset password request and any password reset
3.4.4 File-Based Password Transactions
File-based password change transactions are submitted as XML files through the QRXS web service. The
Password Change XML ICD details the necessary file-format specifications.
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If status code "C00" is indicated after submitting a file-based password change request transaction, the password for
the specified DBID/User ID was changed successfully. The new password must be used to submit additional
transactions, and download responses. For that process, follow the instructions specified in Section 3.3,
If status code "C00" is not indicated after submitting a password change request transaction, the password change
request for the specified DBID/User ID was unsuccessful. The password rejection file will be returned
immediately. Refer to the Code Lists document at
for a list of rejection codes.
It is recommended when submitting a file-based password change transaction that you do not submit any other
transactions until the password change has been successfully processed and the response file downloaded. No more
than one password change transaction can submitted at any time.
3.5 Status Codes
The QRXS Web Service methods always return a status code and status message. A status code of “C00” indicates
that the transaction was successful, and any other status code indicates that the transaction failed.
Table 1: Status Codes Returned
he following status codes and messages are returned:
Success, no errors.
Error on Data Bank server, reattempt transfer.
Authentication failed; DBID, UserID, or Password are invalid, or the user account is
Password expired for DBID and UserID.*
Error sending files to server, reattempt transfer.
Client sent an invalid request.
Inactive DBID.
Maximum upload file size exceeded; reduce file size and reattempt transfer.
All uploaded files are invalid.
Unable to communicate with Data Bank server, reattempt transfer.
Database error on Data Bank server, reattempt transfer.
Not all of the files were processed successfully.
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The DBID for your organization must be renewed before you can access the Data Bank
services. The NPDB requires all registered entities to periodically renew their registration
information. Re-registration enables the NPDB to maintain accurate entity contact
information and provides the entity with the opportunity to review the legal requirements and
verify their compliance for participation with NPDB. The certifying official for your
organization must review the NPDB statutory authorities, available at, as part of the renewal process.
Once the statutory authorities have been reviewed, complete the on-line registration renewal
form by logging in to the IQRS and selecting Renew Registration on the registration
confirmation screen. The completed form must be signed and mailed to the NPDB for
processing. If your organization has already mailed the registration renewal to the NPDB, it
will be processed within 1 business day of its receipt by the NPDB. Data Bank
Correspondence will be sent once the NPDB has successfully processed your registration
renewal form. If necessary, you may complete a new form by selecting Renew Registration
below. If you need further assistance, please contact the NPDB Customer Service Center at 1-
The DBID for your organization must be renewed before you can access the NPDB services.
The NPDB requires all registered entities to periodically renew their registration information.
Re-registration enables the NPDB to maintain accurate entity contact information and
provides the entity with the opportunity to review the legal requirements and verify their
compliance for participation with NPDB. The certifying official for your organization must
review the NPDB statutory authorities, available at, as part of the renewal process.
Contact the Entity Data Bank Administrator of your organization so they can renew the
registration. If you need further assistance, please contact the NPDB Customer Service
Center at 1-800-767-6732.
Error opening connection to NPDB server, check Internet connection and reattempt transfer.
Error downloading response files, reattempt transfer.
Your password has expired. You may login to the IQRS to reset your password or contact
your Entity Data Bank Administrator or the NPDB Customer Service Center.***
Your account has been locked out. Contact your Entity Data Bank Administrator to reset the
password. If you are using an Entity Data Bank Administrator account, contact the NPDB
Customer Service Center to reset the password.
Your account has been locked out. The number of invalid login attempts has exceeded the
allowable login limit. Contact your Entity Data Bank Administrator to reset the password. If
you are using an Entity Data Bank Administrator account, contact the NPDB Customer
Service Center to reset the password.
Your password must be changed before other transactions can be submitted.
Error changing the password.
Error resetting the password.
No more than one password change transaction can be submitted at one time. Reduce the
number of password change transactions to one, reattempt transfer.
To ensure account security, the account holder must sign in at
to verify their identity.
To ensure account security, the account holder must contact the NPDB Customer Service
Center at 1-800-767-6732 to access the system.
* For detailed information on maintaining User IDs and passwords refer to
*** Under specific circumstances the IQRS password reset service is available to obtain a new password. Log in to
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
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the IQRS with your expired password to begin. You must have an e-mail address stored in your user account to use
this service. You may also contact your Entity Data Bank Administrator to reset the password. If you are using an
Entity Data Bank Administrator account, you may also use the IQRS password reset service or contact the NPDB
Customer Service Center to reset the password.
4. Example Submissions and Responses
4.1 Send
In this example, the submission files are submitted as MTOM attachments, therefore the data follows the soap
envelope. For this submission we show the entire HTTP request; other examples show only the SOAP envelope.
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Content-Type: multipart/related; type="application/xop+xml"; start="<rootpart>"; start-
info="application/soap+xml"; action=""; boundary="----=_Part_1_6507439.1276874041758"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Length: 3006
Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="application/soap+xml; action=\"Send\""
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-ID: <rootpart>
<inc:Include href="cid:query"
xlmns:inc="" />
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-ID: <query>
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation=" npdb-hipdb-query.xsd">
<cardholderName>BOB JONES</cardholderName>
<address>222 MAPLE DRIVE</address>
<name>BOB JONES</name>
<organizationName>ACME ORGANIZATION</organizationName>
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
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<description>THIS IS A SPECIAL ORGANIZATION</description>
<address>123 MAIN STREET</address>
<address2>SUITE 400</address2>
<address>1ST AVENUE</address>
<address2>APT # 123</address2>
<school>ACME UNIVERSITY</school>
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HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: multipart/related;start="<rootpart*ad059c2d-4e60-44f9-935a->";type="application/xop+xml";boundary="uuid:ad059c2d-
Transfer-encoding: chunked
Content-Id: <rootpart*ad059c2d-4e60-44f9-935a-[email protected]>
Content-Type: application/xop+xml;charset=utf-8;type="application/soap+xml"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:SendResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<xop:Include xmlns:xop=""
Content-Id: <56651a60-d121-4684-a1b0-[email protected]>
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<queryConfirmation xmlns="">
<submitter xmlns="">
<submissionFilename xmlns="">f2</submissionFilename>
<certification xmlns="">
<name>BOB JONES</name>
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
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<batchStatus xmlns="">
<subjectConfirmation xmlns="">
<organizationName>ACME ORGANIZATION</organizationName>
<description>THIS IS A SPECIAL ORGANIZATION</description>
<address>123 MAIN STREET</address>
<address2>SUITE 400</address2>
<address>1ST AVENUE</address>
<address2>APT # 123</address2>
<school>ACME UNIVERSITY</school>
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4.2 Receive
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
4.3 EncodePassword
The encrypted password is then returned from the QRXS Web Service:
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4.4 Change Password
f the status code "C00" is indicated after submitting a ChangePassword method, the password change was
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
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If the password change transaction fails, the reasons for failure will be returned:
<ErrorDescription>The new password did not contain enough different
<StatusMessage>Error changing the password</StatusMessage>
4.5 ResetPassword
f the status code "C00" is indicated after submitting a ResetPassword method, the password reset was successful.
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A sy
stem-generated password is displayed. This password must be changed by the user (using the
ChangePassword method). The user may then use the password to submit QRXS files.
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5. QRXS Test Environment
The following sections guide you through testing using the QRXS Web Service test environment. The
QRXS Web Service test environment enables you to test network connectivity to the NPDB system,
validate your submission files are well-formed and meet the mandatory data requirements, and download
sample response files.
5.1 Overview
Submissions that are well-formed and meet the data requirements will receive an immediate
status of success.
Rejected submissions will result in an immediate rejection response file.
Submission files will not be processed through the system. Sample QRXS response files will be
returned via QRXS Receive. See the Querying And Reporting XML Service (QRXS) Response
File Test Mappings document for a full listing of available sample files that may be received. If
no particular response file is specified (see Section 5.3 Receiving Test Files below), a sample
Continuous Query Enrollment and Continuous Query Report Disclosure will be returned. In
addition, sample response files may be found in the QRXS File Format Specifications zip file.
QRXS test environment submissions will NOT be billed.
Transactions can be submitted either as an entity or as an agent on behalf of an entity.
In order to access the QRXS Web Service test environment you must obtain a “vendor ID” from
. Use your Vendor ID as your User ID to
submit transactions.
5.2 Submitting Test Files
The entityDBID and agentDBID inside each XML submission file should be modified to match the test
Entity DBID:
Agent DBID: 800000000000001
5.2.1 Configuration
The format of the messages used by the QRXS Web Service test environment do not differ from those of
the normal QRXS Web Service. The only difference is that web service messages should be sent to the
endpoint address specified in the QrxsWebServiceTestPort section of the QrxsWebService.wsdl file.
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5.2.2 Payment
s submitting one-time queries, or Continuous Query enrollments or renewals may use either:
A pre-configured EFT account.
The credit card number 4111111111111111. The credit card expiration date may be any future
<cardholderName>JOE SMITH</cardholderName>
<address>123 TEST ST</address>
<city>TEST CITY</city>
5.2.3 Continuous Query
ontinuous Query enrollments, renewals, updates, cancellations, and status requests can be tested by
sending Continuous Query submission files to the QRXS test environment. On submission there will be
an immediate confirmation file returned.
NPDB Subject IDs 888000000000111 and 888000000000222 may be used to test renewals, updates,
cancellations, and status requests. databankSubjectID 888000000000111 should be used for transactions
submitted by the entity, and databankSubjectID 888000000000222 should be used for transactions
submitted by the agent on behalf of the entity.
Updates may be validated against the following subject data (which will match the sample report).
<address>123 MAIN STREET</address>
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
August 2021 29
5.2.4 Reports
s may validate Correction Reports and Revision-to-Action Reports against test reports in our system.
Use the DCNs below to test Correction and Revision-to-Action Report submissions.
Table 2: Report DCNs for Testing
Type of Report
Individual State Licensure Initial Report
Individual State Licensure Revision to Action
Organization State Licensure Initial Report
Organization State Licensure Revision to Action
5.3 Receiving Test Files
Users may specify the type of response file they wish to receive by referring to the Querying And
Reporting XML Service (QRXS) Response File Test Mappings. The Response Type column lists the
exact <Response Type> to place in the UserID field. If no particular response file is specified, a sample
Continuous Query Enrollment and Continuous Query Report Disclosure will be returned. The sample
response files returned are identical to the response files found in the QRXS File Format Specifications
zip file. Please note, the vendor ID returned within the sample files is invalid and should be ignored. Requesting Multiple Response Files
s may request multiple response files with a QRXS receive by indicating multiple <Response Type>
names in the User ID field. The names must be separated by a “|” character.
or example:
UserID=<your vendor ID>|SL_Ind_Initial|SL_Ind_Void|SL_Ind_Appeal
Will r
eturn the following three response files:
QRXS Web Service User Guide Version 2.03
August 2021 30
.3.1.2 Requesting Response File Versions
Occasionally, multiple versions of a response file may exist. This may be due to an anticipated system
change, where a response file will show a future file specification. Users may specify a particular file
version by indicating the <Response Version> after the <Response Type>. They must be separated by a
“:” character. If a version is not specified, the most current version will be provided. The version
number for a particular sample file is found in the Read Me text of the sample response files.
or example:
UserID=<your vendor ID>|SL_Ind_Initial:1.05|Query_Ind_Single
ill return the following three response files:
5.3.2 Continuous Query
Sample Continuous Query Report Disclosure and sample Continuous Query Enrollment Responses will
be returned with report information that matches the Sample Report with DCN 2000000000000001,
specified in Section 5.2.3.